byeclownguy · 1 year
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Drawing I did on “Passportout (The Starving Artist)” on a long dive home
(No I wasn’t the one driving lol)
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
I was daydreaming while walking towards work and my mind went "brrrr Stiles doing the fancy jump through time Five does that gets him stuck in an Apocalyptic Future" and yk my mind went straight to Teen Wolf but is TUA. And obvious Stiles is Five because yk
× Too defiant to listen to adults
× No one listens to his shits and/or blames him for everything when all he wants is to fix shit
× Could see him become some serial killer to protect his loved ones so yk it does check.
And after that my mind went like… what next? Scott. 100% Scott. I don't know what number is he, but he's dating the handler daughter at some point aka Allison (and the handler is Kate because fuck that bitch. Rip the rest of the Argents tho). And Lydia. And yeah number 3 Lydia? Heard a Rumor Lydia? Yeah, yeah, I can see it. BUT number 7 Lydia???? A work of art. Wonderful. Splendid. But she doesn't use her violin, she screams- because she's an opera singer. I could also see her trashing everyone in a book cuz she's that petty. But also Number 5 & Viktor friendship 🤝🏻 Stiles & Lydia friendship
AND KIRA. She's number 2, but likes using that katana of hers God knows why. Or she finds that katana in the 60'. I don't know. But that makes Scott number 1, which also checks out.
While thinking of number 3, I came to the conclusion that it would be Jackson only because his character is rich coded enough to make it work. Also he totally says "I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face" during an argument with someone, then proceeds to laugh his ass off. He's a jerk.
With no question my mind assigned Danny as number 6, because if they can kill the Asian guy then I can kill the Hawaiian guy and not get canceled. But that leaves me with no number 4. Who's number 4?
It can't be the Hales, because I'm making them all members of season 3 Sparrow team. Yeah, that's right bitches. Laura and Cora and Derek and Peter (because he's their brother here ups.) and Malia. Peter is number 1, only because he gives the vibes & I wanna see him get threatened by Lydia then find the thingy in the basement and go poof. No hate on the guy tho. But it would be funny.
At first I wanted Liam to be number 4, team him up with Cora (number 6) but, like, keep his power the wolf shift cuz I don't like Alphonso's power in the show (is not even about how he looks, I just find it stupid) BUT that would make Derek the floating cube with anger issues- and while it would work, I came to the conclusion that Liam should be the floating cube and hit people in the head when he's angry. Which is a lot. We love a King with Anger Issues. So Derek's number 4, his power is the wolf shift, and he's besties with Cora aka number 6. Wonderful. 
Laura is number 5 because she deserves nice things. Malia is number 3 because she's a badass and can kick your ass without seeing. Which is cool. But also if anyone wanna keep the whole Sparrow/Umbrella ship going on, they can do it with Stiles and any other goddamn Hale. You're welcome.
So, conclusion : Number 1 Scott / Peter
Number 2 Kira / Danny
Number 3 Jackson / Malia
Number 4 ?? / Derek
Number 5 Stiles / Laura
Number 6 Danny / Cora
Number 7 Lydia / Liam
And while writing this my mind remembered Issac existed SO. My boy is number 4 by the process of elimination (but it works, so #strughs)
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intriga-hounds · 1 year
brief update on work:
-met with a focus group of parents. they were WONDERFUL.
-arranged an approved day off next week to work on our school’s antidiscrimination program, meet with student leaders, etc.
-arranged for paid (but sadly optional for now) staff training by the ADL in inclusive practices and what to do when we witness discrimination
-came up with a staff slogan to help make changes visible to students
-got the ok for staff t-shirts with the year’s slogan
-arranged for making two videos, one with students, one with staff
-developed a smaller scale staff training on how to support queer students
-put together slideshow for first GSA meeting tomorrow!!!!!
-will present accomplishments and action plan to PTSA next month
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aloysiavirgata · 1 year
Autumnal word prompt: fodder shock, maple, chill
They’re at a market that claims to be Amish but is run by a Methodist couple from outside Gettysburg.
“Fraud,” Mulder says darkly, looking at whoopie pies and jams. “Coercion.”
Scully passes William a shining apple. His hands are fat pink starfish, and he drops it into the red wagon. He wails in dismay, then stops. He licks the apple, contemplative.
“Oh stop,” Scully says to them both, weary of complaints. She wants maple syrup and sugar pumpkins and autumnal trash of the least inspired kind. She wants all the trappings of an ordinary, predictable life. She wants to join the PTSA.
Fodder shocks on display. Candy apples, dappled ponies, Jersey cows. Milk so rich it’s yellow in the golden October light. Pine wreaths and velvet ribbon.
Mulder inspects an arrangement of honey. Buckwheat, clover, orange blossom. “Now how many Amish have orange orchards?” he asks smugly, as though he’s before the Supreme Court.
William bites at his apple with his four teeth. He is wearing a cable knit sweater, now covered with a thin rime of black dirt. “Na,” the baby observes. “Babababababa!”
Scully sucks air in through her nose, breathes in damp russet leaves, the chill of early twilight. She imagines the scrape of Mulder’s Saturday jaw, the steam of beef stew and boozy cider and lazy morning sex. The baby sleeps through the night, takes two naps. She and Mulder have begun to relearn her body.
Her nails are the color of mulled wine, her coat like burnt caramel.
She buys a loaf of rosemary bread, buys a wedge of caraway cheese. The sugar pumpkin.
Her phone rings and it’s Skinner, her other life, and she holds it out for Mulder to answer while she cleans the baby’s sticky, dimpled hands.
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lilyqueenoffrogs · 1 year
Hometown AU I have kinda gone off the deep end with this one besties....
Okay so, this AU has been rattling around my brain for a long long time and I just recently put it into motion. I want for there to be a series of shorts within this AU but that means I have to actually write and we all know how that goes.
But I digress, HERE is things to know about the Hometown AU:
No Justice League (members are still in story but not as heroes)
No powers
Bruce’s parents are ALIVE (What!?, crazy I know)
There will be no Taila bashing→ Following note: Ra’s is long dead like dead dead (I hit him with my car dead)
Bruce is a doctor and works with Harley and Leslie Thompkins at her practice
Tim’s parents are divorced and he lives with his mom his dad is in California with Dana
Martha, Thomas and Alfred live together….(need I say more)
Dick still does acrobats, Jason plays Baseball and Hockey, Cass Dances, and Damian doesn’t do anything cause he’s a baby
Tim has a weak immune system 
Janet and Talia met at a PTSA meeting and have been friends ever since
The Town is some how close to Kansas and the ocean at the same time (don’t ask questions cause I won't answer)→ I just don’t want to take Clark’s Farm boy life away from him cause he visits his parents like all the time and I won’t take that away from the poor man.
Daina works as a museum historian and also gives tours to local schools she likes to teach them new stuff.
Much Like Clark, Bruce also visits his parents all the time and it may be hard when he’s a doctor but he’s trying his darn best
Dick says he doesn’t have a lot of siblings when his parents and siblings are literally adopting everyone the meet
Dick’s friends are family by association
Thomas and Martha were still shot but they made a full recovery, the shooter was not caught though.→ they know Bruce is still scared about that night.
Bruce is papa bear to the max
Bruce, Oliver, and Harvey are all childhood friends
Duke’s parents aren’t sick 
Duke met the family through dance classes he takes with Cass
The Core Four are all in the same class at school (bless those teachers)
holy shit that’s a lot, but I am far from done. 
okay bye
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misanthropemom · 1 year
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I figure there's a significant population of folks currently being educated 'round here. If y'all would pass this to your local PTA/PTSA, I'd be very thankful. I can be reached on email at: macha @ dancingbones . org (spaces removed, of course)
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
It Could Always Be Worse, Ch. 2: It Was a Bright, Cold Day in April
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Butterfly universe version of Happily Ever After, Ch. 2: It Was a Bright, Cold Day in April
Prev - It Was a Bright, Cold Day in April - Next - All - [ AO3 ]
WC: 1404 - Rating: T - CW: swearing, self-deprecation, divorce, dogs
"It was a bright, cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." -George Orwell, 1984 (1949)
Logan drove slowly down the winding road, fingers still a little cold while he waited for the heater to finally start in the old minivan. As he passed each mailbox or curbside label, his eyes quickly flicked over, searching for the right house number. He got the end of the street, peering out at the sign on the intersection. He shook his head, muttering to himself in the empty minivan. "No, that's already East 67th. Fuck. I must have passed it."
Sucking in a breath, fighting against that all-too-familiar burning tightness in his chest, Logan carefully made a K-turn at the intersection, biting his lip and wincing as he came close the the curb on the opposite street. Finally, he got his old minivan turned around so he could drive back up the street he'd just come from. Logan put the van in park and pulled up the email from the PTSA treasurer for the fourth time that morning. 5923. He needed 5923. He huffed out a little puff of air, swallowing against the growing lump in his throat. There isn't a 5923.
Logan ripped his glasses off his face, tossing the frames onto the passenger side seat next to him and buried his face in his hands. He let out a long, muffled scream into his palms. He screamed and screamed and screamed. He screamed he felt his eyes might burst. He screamed until he felt glass scraping his throat. He screamed until he was completely empty.
He took another breath and muttered to himself again. "C'mon, you dumb fuck, get yourself together. Google Maps says the house exists. The Treasurer says the house exists. You're just not seeing it. Try. Again." Logan lowered his hands and replaced the frames on his face, taking a couple of deep breaths and ignoring the burning in his eyes and the fire in his throat. He licked his lips, tilted his head from one side to the other, feeling one side crack. He shifted out of park, checked his mirrors and his blind spot, and pulled back onto the road, searching again for the proper house.
After another half-hour, Logan finally spotted tiny white numerals painted on the edge of the curb. "See, it's right fucking there," he muttered to himself. "You must have driven past the place ten times." He carefully parked on the street, turning his steering wheel against the incline of the hill, and engaged the parking break. He gathered his laptop, pen case, phone, and keys, and locked the car, racing up the walkway to the house. The front door was open, the other PTSA parents in the audit sub-committee already sitting around a tastefully decorated dining room table. The hostess waved him in and he carefully toed off his shoes, leaving them just outside the door.
The moment his foot crossed the threshold, two large dogs lunged against a gate covering the hallway next to the front door, barking and snarling at him. Logan jumped backwards then froze, breath caught in his throat. Oh my god, Logan, if you have a fucking panic attack in front of the PTSA moms...
"Oh, sorry, about that, they get so excited when people come over," the hostess called out to him.
Logan nodded, pressing a smile onto his face. He forced his feet to move forward toward the table, keeping a steely grip on his computer, refusing to look toward the dogs. He pushed up the corners of his mouth, trying to brighten his smile. "Hi, Liz, Grace. Bridgett, thank you for hosting this year." He sucked in a breath, "Sorry to be so late."
"Oh, hun, it's fine. We're just glad you're here. Now we can get started."
Grace handed Logan a large, thick three-ring binder filled with paper copies of every check and cash deposit transaction for the PTSA that year. "We had a lot of small teacher grants this year, plus the graduation yard sign sale was a big success. We've got a lot of ground to cover. Bridget and Liz will reconcile the minutes and budget updates. Will you validate that each check for reimbursements and grants matches the requisition form and documentation?"
Logan nodded, "Certainly." Opening the binder, Logan pulled out the four checkbooks-worth of check duplicates and began the audit list.
Grace looked around the table and waved, "I'm not supposed to stay for the audit but you all can call me if you have questions! See y'all later!" She skipped away from the table, petting the dogs as she left.
The three worked in relative silence for a few minutes as Bridgette and Liz finalized the short report for August. Finally, Bridgette cleared her throat, "Oh, did you hear about the Petersons?," asked Liz as they compared reports for September.
"Do you mean that they're moving or that—" Logan could feel Liz' eyes on him. He kept his eyes trained down on the documents in front of him.
Bridgette hummed, leaning closer to Liz, whispering low enough that Logan couldn't make out most of the words and the few that he could hear were easy to tune out. He turned to the next page in the notebook, confirming that the check number, date, signature, and payee all appropriately matched the requisition form.
The audit sub-committee worked this way for a few hours before, finally, Bridgette and Liz had completed their notebooks, signing off on their portions of the audit list. Logan had a few more forms to check and then he could sign off, as well. Bridgette refilled their water glasses, then turned to Logan. "So, Logan, how has Kelly been doing? We haven't seen her around much lately and it's been forever since Pete and I have had the two of you over."
Logan bit down hard on the inside of his cheek to try and stop his jaw from trembling. "Kelly is doing fine, thank you." He nodded absently, eyes fixed on the forms in front of him. He turned to the next check in the book and the next form to validate.
Bridgette sounded surprised. "Oh, well, that's good to hear." He didn't look up, but could hear the little popping sounds of one of the two mouthing something to the other.
"Are you sure she's okay?" Liz pushed. "You know, we had heard that you two had gotten a divorce."
Logan sucked in a breath, staring down at the form in front of him. "Yes, yes that would be accurate."
"Oh, that's such a shame. You had such a beautiful family," Bridgette murmured, taking a sip of her water glass. "You know, Brad and I have definitely been through some rough spots, let me tell you!"
Logan quietly nodded, trying to complete the last few pages in his book without breaking. He could feel the lump in the back of his throat growing, but he was confident that if he could just concentrate on the numbers in front of him, he could get this done and get back in his car before his control slipped completely.
Liz reached out, patting his hand. "So how often do you get to visit the kids?"
Logan grit his teeth, pressing his lips together for a moment before forcibly relaxing his jaw and answering quietly, "We have a shared custody agreement. The boys spend half their time home with me and half their time at Kelly's."
"Oh," Liz said, pulling her hand back. "I'd heard, well, I'm—"
Logan finally turned the last page in the book and snapped it closed. "Well, I believe our work here is done. With the exception of the one reimbursement for more than the request amount on check 7294, everything is perfectly in order here." Logan reached for the audit report sheet and quickly signed it. He looked up at Liz and Bridgette, "It has been a pleasure, as always." He drank the last of the water in his glass, thanked Bridgette for her hospitality and left, flinching as the dogs barked at him in his retreat.
Rushing to get in his car before they could see his face, Logan started the car, carefully backing out and driving home in the waning light. When he had gotten a few blocks away, he pulled over, leaned over the steering wheel and sobbed.
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three-drink-amy · 2 years
Hi, I love your Tarlos WIP and can’t wait to read more about teacher Carlos 💕. Thanks for sharing!
I have a question about the PTO abbreviation though. What does it stand for here, lol?
I live in the states and have commonly heard PTA (Parent Teacher Association) or PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) for the school meeting abbreviations and PTO used for Paid Time Off (i.e. vacation from work).
Thank you so much! It’s been fun to start writing and sharing!
The PTO is the same thing as the PTA. It was just what it was called in my experience: the Parent Teacher Organization! Now I’m wondering how it varies state to state, etc. Huh.
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
Top 5 Nick Cave tracks?
Like I’m not even sure you understand how impossible this is. Nick Cave has steadily been one of the most important musicians of my life since I found him in middle school, and different albums and songs have spoken to me during and become unofficial soundtracks to various eras of my life. Listing 20 would be far more reasonable. Worth noting that this list would probably look different depending on what day I filled it out. I decided to go with a lifetime and a recent list.
5. Push The Sky Away
4. The Weeping Song
3. From Her To Eternity
2. Higgs Boson Blues
1. Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere?
5. Magneto
4. Spell
3. Do You Love Me? (Part 2)
2. Your Funeral, My Trial
Honorable mentions: all of PTSA; all of Skeleton Tree; O Children; a bunch of TBMC, LLI, good son, and Murder Ballads; Mercy Seat, Deanna, Stranger Than Kindness and more off that album idk aaaaah aaaaaaa this was so hard. Push the sky away and skeleton tree are sooooo important aaaaaaaaa
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memoriesmadebyson1a · 1 month
I have been photographing my kids since they were born and once my oldest started school I started taking photos for our school PTSA. Soon enough, one of the mom’s insisted I start a business so I reluctantly did! Who knew it would have taken off and I would have come so far in just 8 years. I am blessed to absolutely love what I do. I love everything from meeting my clients, to photographing them to editing their galleries. I especially love capturing my clients in “that” special moment so they can cherish it and keep it forever. https://memoriesmadebysonja.com/
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PTSA au (parent teacher student association) -- You can't spell PTSD without PTSA -- been having fun on the server 🤣
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