#pyrite says shit
pushing-pyrite · 5 months
Episode 6 ate, no notes. Okay yeah actually some notes.
I only have one criticism. The episode should have been longer. Well, okay two criticisms. This should have been the last episode, IF, and this is an if, they know they’re getting a second season. If not, if they’ve only been green lit for one, then I think it’s justified this was episode 6 since they don’t know if they’ll get any more episodes to tell their story.
But yeah, the narrative was tight. I love that the A and B plots were so interwoven and that this changed the status quo. It answered the questions the episode posed beautifully; 1) what does it take to get into heaven, and 2) can a sinner meet those expectations.
And I adore that the answers we got were 1) nobody knows, and 2) yes, absolutely. I love that it wasn’t a Hell = Good and Heaven = Bad narrative, but that the message was, “nobody knows what the rules are so of course they’re going to be unfair”. And then the follow up question was, well then what will it take to make it fair, and are you willing to do what it takes to make it so? And the answer Heaven seemed to give to both was a resounding no.
Except for some members of heaven, that is Serenity. I love her character. She’s only been in the one episode, but I adore her. She and Charlie are very much cut from the same cloth. Serenity is dedicated to her people, to her morals, and the ideals heaven puts forth. She is committed to goodness over convenience, and it’s depressing that that is a rarity. I did notice that many of the angel faces in the courtroom seemed moved by Angel Dust’s story and Charlie’s case, so I’m excited to see how this new unrest manifests in Heaven.
But I do wonder what this uprising Sera was talking about was. There was unrest in Hell, yes, but no mention of a growing rebellion up to this point. So I do wonder if that is an intentional writing choice, or another case of Viv forgetting to write part of the conflict into her story.
Overall, I remain optimistic.
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doodlboy · 1 year
Local man finally resumes progress on his project after fucking off for a week
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ellestrix · 1 year
I truly don’t think anything can compare to the saga of the guy from Tulsa who spent around $17,500 on gourd futures and ended up having to take possession of about six cargo containers worth of gourds who then tried to emigrate to Uruguay to raise bees then fled the country to Seattle to avoid being charged with causing untold ecological damage then he stole a bunch of mochi pancake mix from Trader Joe’s in Seattle and decided he wanted to smuggle ants across state lines into Oklahoma and now he’s homeless in the Netherlands because he ignored all the people on Reddit telling him that there was no way he could realistically start a business selling Turkish ice cream in the Netherlands but he went there anyways
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Personally I think headcanoning a character with a disorder is fine so long as you do the required research into it and avoid harmful stereotypes, like don't slap a dragon like Scarlet with borderline or some shit just because she's Like That, so research!! or even base it off your own experiences.
Like, I personally hc Hailstorm with depersonalization disorder ever since the whole thing with Pyrite (and by extension the SandWing Succession War). More so saying on the basis that I have DP/DR and reading about Hailstorm (and maybe looking a wee bit too closely and connection imaginary dots) it just made sense to me personally,
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20 Questions for Fic Writers ‼️
HI @callipraxia the bond continues to endure. i love questions!!!! let us go...
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 29, though i've orphaned a few in my day.
2. What's your total word count? ao3 claims 268,182, but oh boy do i have wips waiting in the tank. probably something like 300k adding all those up
3. What fandoms do you write for? i used to write exclusively gravity falls (20 including orphaned works) but now i've started doing good omens (11) as well. i try to balance them ☝️also one fic from nimona that is surprisingly my most popular fic?? mannn
4. Top 5 fics by kudos: Pyrite and Sunrise (230), Midnight's Call (126), Twin (s Up In) Flames (109), Loose Ties & Ends (107), and The Wonders of the Twin Paradox Theory (106).
5. Do you respond to comments? i always try to respond as quickly as i can and to everyone because i must let them know i appreciate them. they give me so much life
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? HMMMM there's many choices... not for good omens considering i physically can't give them an unhappy ending at the moment (final fifteen) but gravity falls is ALWAYS game. its between Unfortunate Ends and Burn Fast, Burn Bright, which both have ford ending up truly dead in a gruesome way. i love it sm
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? fics where crowley and aziraphale end up at the south downs are SUCH strong contenders. so its between (again) would you lie with me and just forget the world and to hold you like a bouquet. those are fr bangers
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of!! (knock on wood)
9. Do you write smut? i've never been for that life, nor do i think i have the talent lmao
10. Craziest crossover? i don't write much crossover so there's not much to say, but my god that one gravity falls x miracukous ladybug fic had so much potential. might go back to it one day to give it the skill, lesbians, and coheisive narrative it rightfully deserved ☝️‼️
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? also not that i know of!! KNOCK ON WOOD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? ALSO also not that i know of!!! i would deff like to see some of my fics translated in spanish (my first language but you'd have never known that) however, because that would kill my ass. i'd love to see how my metaphors and prose would translate into that language bc i already have some ideas but i'd never be able to sit my ass down and actually do it 💀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? too scared to do that bc how would that even work?? but i'd love to give it a try!!
14. All-time favorite ship? BROOO its between fiddauthor and the ineffable husbands im sorry. they may not be equal narratively but they'll always have my hearts
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? godddddd i wish i could pick but all of my truly abandoned babies i WISH i could finish so BADLY. so i wont name them, just know anything i condeded defeat on im SO SORRY. i plan to never do it again NO MATTER WHAT!!! ☝️
16. What are your writing strengths? writing humorously. i think i've nailed the focusing on not necessarily important details and describing things in an aloof and humorous manner that fits just right in both the gravity falls and good omens worlds. if that makes sense. also drama!! i love drama
17. What are your writing weaknesses? dialogue and action scenes, ironically enough. i never know how those fuckers would say that
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? ONE THOUSAND PERCENT (if it makes sense naratively). if one of the characters is a bilingual, i would love to see their 2nd language in action. i live for that shit in fiction and real life too
19. First fandom you ever wrote in? gravity falls baybeeee!!! i wrote about it long before i came on ao3, and the first work i ever wrote has been orphaned (but i HAVE rewrote it in the form of dimension 18'\ lmao) but it is my BABY!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you ever wrote? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE. weeeeell....either do you remember hanging up the stars or midnight's call. longest fics i've ever written (or plan to write ig) and they have PLOT and DEVELOPMENT and LIFE and SO MANY COOL MOMENTS i need them injected in my brain. oifjfh. forever proud 🗣🗣
OKAY im gon a tag the writer mutuals because i need to tag SOMEONE in these posts... @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @unearthlyfromage @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @fellshish @zephrunsimperium @oriocookie @jacky-rubou alright i need sleep now. thanks for playing i had alot of fun :)
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gladosluver · 18 days
music and artists i think you'd enjoy based on your favorite danganronpa character
- for characters with less songs, expect them to be edited in the future - if there's a song that's instrumental doesn't really fit the vibe of the character, then look at the lyrics. a lot of these are in japanese so i recommend looking them up if you're curious or confused. short explanations are provided for more confusing songs (original titles are provided, as some songs/lyrics only show up under those names) - don't like? don't look. if you don't like what i have to say you don't have to say anything about it. just smile and scroll
Chiaki Nanami binaria - not just recommending them because they wrote the DR3: Despair Arc opening, but because their music is legitimately super good and it somewhat reminds me of her laid-back sweet personality song(s) to try - 火星のアーカイブ (Mars Archive), 双糸 (Twin Threads) other assorted songs - きゅうくらりん (kyukurarin), パレットには君がいっぱい (My Palette is Full of You) (rest easy, siinamota), 幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい (There's Supposed to Be a Cheat Code for Happiness), うに (Uni)
Nagito Komaeda Megumi Ogata - i know she's his CV... her music is just so, so good and fitting. no matter how hard i try i CANNOT unhear nagito.  song(s) to try - 再生-rebuild-, 残桜-zanka-, poison -劇薬- The Hoosiers - no comment i cant explain this one. wanted to put this for hajime too song(s) to try - Who Said Anything (About Falling In Love)?, Runs In The Family other assorted songs - Under My Skin, ヒトガワリ (Substitute)
Hajime Hinata Foster the People - this is definitely more of a "music i feel like they'd listen to." but to each their own. song(s) to try - Ask Yourself, Nobody's Favourite (Foster The People rework) (i should just link the entire Supermodel album here lol) other assorted songs - Friend's Apartment, A Sadness Runs Through Him
Ryota Mitarai 実験台モルモット (jikkendaimarmot) - although their songs don't have english translations (its difficult to even find the original lyrics) the overall vibe of their music makes me think of him song(s) to try - 100万回死んだぼく (I've Died 100 Times), リストカッター (Wrist Cutter) (shockingly, the latter is not about s/h. lyrics here, but i believe it's about coming to terms with living in hopes of a better future even if you truly want to die.) 全てあなたの所為です(It's All Your Fault/subeteanatanoseidesu) - their music is very vague and ambiguous. it's mostly just the vibes for this one song(s) to try - エヌ (N), . (it's just a dot) (i believe . about experiencing unexpected events in life, and whenever you try to see the good in them, they end up causing you more pain [ie. getting water from a usually empty container, only for it to taste too sweet]) other assorted songs - 輪廻転生 (Reincarnation), ドーピングダンス (Doping Dance), The Saddest Story Ever Told
Celestia Ludenberg Lana Del Rey -  BEFORE YOU BEAT ME TO DEATH hear me out… some of her songs really have that "femme fatale who pulls evil shit to get what she wants" vibe song(s) to try - National Anthem (Demo 1), Lolita (Demo) other assorted songs - Pyrite Girl, Girl Anachronism, Candle Queen
Kyoko Kirigiri x0o0x_ - whatever genre they make I WANT IT. their music is calming and makes you want to cry at the same time, yet some songs make you wanna scream the lyrics and stand ominously in the wind… it's just so unique song(s) to try - '''''', ====== (most songs have no titles, so i'm using the ones from their spotify) other assorted songs - The Downfall of a Well Known Actress
Junko Enoshima MARETU - the theme of his music is so… despair-inducing. you can imagine an edit of her with any one of his songs song(s) to try - マエガミスト (Maegamist), うまれるまえは (Born before) (maegamist is about turning a blind eye to other people's/society's problems, isolating yourself and leaving them to struggle alone. but this is just my interpretation) 和田たけあき (WadatakeakiP/KurageP) - cant explain this one… trust me song(s) to try - チュルリラ・チュルリラ・ダッダッダ!(Chururira Chururira Daddadda!), トラッシュ・アンド・トラッシュ!(Trash and Trash!) (chururira is about using other people's "bad" actions against them (no matter how small) to spread harmful rumors/snitch on them until you're the only "good" one) other assorted songs - Breaking Things Into Pieces, 食事 (EAT) (my interpretation of EAT is consuming everything you can, but never being satisfied)
hope yall can hear me out on some of these have fun happy listening
if i get any reblogs "correcting" me saying a fictional 4-person rhythm game group wrote and produced any of these songs im deleting my fucking account (iykyk)
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victorythenightwing · 4 months
Scarlet vs. Seawings
okay okay okay, so Scarlet had ZERO respect for seawings. HEAR ME OUT.
Exhibit A: Tsunami. Alright. So royal seawings can be identified with their wing markings. Maaaybbbe this is not well known, but other royals would probably know about this. And YET, Scarlet just does not care??? It's straight to the arena for you. Now okay, maybe its because she prioritizes killing off the dragonets of destiny more than she does having good bargaining chips BUT:
Exhibit B: Gill.
So Scarlet captures Gill, tortures him till he looses his mind and then puts him in the arena to die. Mind you, this man is a KING. But her majesty does not give a shit. Now, maybe you'd give the argument that if she doesn't care about this despite having a PRINCESS [more valuable], why would she care about just a king? Well, we've seen how much Queen Coral does care about this man. He would have been one hell of a bargaining chip. Still, even if Scarlet didn't know that:
Exhibit C: Hailstorm. So when Scarlet captures Hailstorm, which is still before she gets the dragonets of destiny or Gill so you can't say 'that wasn't an option available to her', she considers him so downright valuable that she goes through the entire effort of getting Soar to craft an enchantment to keep him as a PoW. This is despite the fact that Hailstorm is a relatively minor prince [if we're just going off titles]. He's still first circle yada yada but still, all that effort just for this guy, just on the off chance that he may be useful for negotiations. If I remember correctly, they even HAVE negotiations, which amount to nothing, but Hailstorm's still just chilling a Pyrite. Not just that, but Scarlet also sets her own 'animus dragon' to keep an eye on this valuable prisoner. Proving that she does care about tactical bargaining chips, just not Seawings.
Bottom line? Scarlet does not give a shit about Seawings. She has no respect for Seawings. She doesn't- she just doesn't care. Doesn't even consider them even slightly valuable enough, even as bargaining chips. . .and it is fucking hilarious to me.
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ROTTMNT Headcanons: I finally finished moving so y’all get me back
Here’s how I think the family would react to moving (cause I have no imagination) 
April: would try to hide how much the move affects her 
She would move all her stuff out of her old apartment the second she got the keys 
And she would unpack the second she gets into the new place 
She would also throw a housewarming party/multiple sleepovers so she doesn’t feel so alone 
The boys have moved a lot but some handle it better than others 
Raph: would try to stay strong for his siblings 
He would try to stay optimistic and help his siblings plan out their rooms 
But he is a very emotional and sentimental person 
So the second they get to the new place he’s bawling like a baby 
And it takes him a long time to get adjusted to the new place 
Leo: would handle the move the best 
Even though he’s a sentimental person he’s also a firm believer that home is not a place it’s the people he surrounds himself with 
He also thrives under pressure and craves change 
He makes an internal schedule so the moving process is swift and efficient 
But he also gives his siblings just enough time to grieve 
Donnie: handles change the absolute worst 
At first, he would refuse to move and he would make a whole PowerPoint presentation about how their home is just fine the way it is
And when he realizes it doesn't matter what he says they’re still going to move so he shuts down 
His siblings pester him to help 
He’ll try to pack and unpack but he kind of gets in the way cause he’s stuck in his head 
Casey: is right alongside Donnie 
He fucking hates moving it reminds him of the future 
The family tries to give him some stability but they also know they can’t stay stagnant forever 
Unlike Donnie, Casey is really helpful during the moving process but he does mope during the entire process 
Mikey: it really depends 
Like Leo, he loves change and hates staying in one place for too long 
But the second he notices how it’s affecting his siblings he starts getting sad too 
April Leo and Mikey try to cheer the group up and sometimes it works and sometimes they let their siblings go through the cycle of grieving the past 
So Leo has a lucky rock in “air turtle” and has enough rocks on him to replace his siblings in “flushed but never forgotten” 
He definitely has a rock and crystal collection 
He gave them all black tourmaline, and amethyst after season 2 for protection and to help with grief 
He gave April citrine for good luck 
Raph got a Rose Quartz to help with his anxiety (and to improve his self-love) 
Donnie gets a Pyrite to help cleans him of all the bad juju technology brings 
Casey gets Hematite to help ground him
Mikey gets Carnelian to boost his creativity 
And there are times when Leo will force the whole group to stop because he saw a sick ass rock on the sidewalk 
Donnie has gotten into serious arguments that go something along the lines of “no Leo I won't stop the tank so you can go get a dirty disgusting rock off the side of the road I’ve already done that three times today”
So it’s pretty obvious that Leo will say random shit in Spanish every once and a while 
And I was thinking “the boys definitely copy that right?” 
Like every once in a while you just hear Raph go “dónde está my wallet?”
And sometimes Mikey will say shit like “he’s a little… cómo se dice insane in the membrane” 
Donnie also has a terrible habit of yelling “WHAT?” When he can’t hear someone 
And it annoys the shit out of Splinter 
He always tells him “don’t yell ‘what’ that’s rude” 
So he yells “QUÉ?” Instead (cause he’s technically not saying what)
Leo also has a tough time saying “I love you” 
And for some reason saying it in Spanish is easier (probably cause he was under the assumption that his siblings didn’t know what it meant)
So he always ends the conversation with “te amo” no matter how pissed he is 
And it wasn’t until his siblings responded with “te amo más” that he realized they knew what he meant this whole time 
And he’s weirdly okay with that
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timetravelerpyrite · 8 months
Uh, hi.
My name is Pyrite, I go by he/him mainly… don't mind she/her though. Newly found out I like Pup/Pupself pronouns too.
I'm 30. (B-day is November 16th, if that matters to anyone.)
//Current Arc: None rn!
//Finished Arcs: Fool's Faller, ABSOLute Panic!
Anyway, not too important, I just kinda found this site and realized 'Oh, there's some people like me here!' so here I am I guess?
Don't expect me to be friendly.
I don't bite! I'm trying to make more friends, but don't shove too much at me at once please.
I don't like staying in one place, it makes me anxious, no I won't tell you why. I was running a lot because of my Ex, she and my bio fam wants me to come back, but I won't, I'm actually tying to get use to staying in one place now.
Most important thing, I'm a Time Traveler and Dimension hopper, how the hell am I both?
I caught a Celebi (He/She/They) by COMPLETE ACCIDENT so now I'm kinda stuck with them, and I kinda got adopted by a Dimension hopping Iron called Iron Eclipse (It/Its)… no, I do not expect you to know what that is.
Call me a fake if you want, I don't care, just try not to hold me down in one spot, got it? Wow I don't like this part the most, why was I such a jerk in my intro??
Anyway, I might visit ya if I feel like, I have two adopted (not legally but who gives a shit) sisters @queen-of-the-phantoms and @pokedexcamp! I'm dating @silveredfeathers and living with him and his wife (and now my Girlfriend-??) @trainerlynda.
Adding an addendum: Sometimes we, his Irons, connect to his phone to be able to post. We are;
🐉: Iron Rage. (She/Her)
🕊️: Iron Serenity! (He/They/Fae)
🌋: Iron Eruption. (He/Him)
🌑🌈: Iron Eclipse.
⌛: And sometimes I steal the phone, I'm Chronos his Celebi.
🍞: Thanatos types sometimes too, she has rather broken English so it will likely be autocorrected to hell and back, please tell her if it gets a word wrong, from what I can tell she wants to understand (She/It)
//Open ask games!
Pelipper mail and malice.
Ask an invasive question.
//Magnifying glass ask game!
See his dreams and nightmares.
//A post for you to give me permission for him to hop to your character's dimension! (Either on purpose or by accident.)
//Ooc info under the cut!
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own (Or made for me)! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! This blog is not settled in one dimension at the moment, so expect conflicting area info. Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. This boi does n o t stay in one place, if he goes to visit someone he will get there himself/he fell into that universe by accident.
//Magic anons are allowed! But I am picky.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//This guy is very much centered around Future Paradox pokemon! He's not gonna know all the Pokemon's names and will call them 'Irons'. The Iron names are VERY much headcannons unless talking about a cannon Iron.
//When he's on the move things he says aloud will be under
[Voice to text active!] where as when he's actully writing it will be under [Pyrite is typing...]
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
//Pyrite info: Self-Explanatory. For both IC and OOC.
Little Hops: His post/response tag.
Warping Reality: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Where am I today?: When Pyrite is mainly talking to himself.
The Pokemon tags: They are for each respective Pokemon/Iron
Magic Anon Things.: Stuff with magic anons.
Triangle Terror: Pyrite dealing with the truth triangles. He can't turn them off, so hehehe.
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silveredfeathers · 5 months
💖: i have a romantic crush on you!
💜: i want to make sure you’re happy
💛: i just think you’re cute!
💗: i want to give you a hug!
💋: i want to kiss you!
💪: id fight someone if they talked shit about you
🔊: im really glad i started following you!
💬: we should talk more!
💭: i think about you a lot
👏: everything you say is great wtf…
🎧: you have excellent music taste!
👑: your blog aesthetic is lovely!
🚨: you intimidate me (in a good way)
Pyrite, is this you?
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 5 months
[fics: ynyd, wicked love, pyrite] so............. what would all of the different versions have to say to each other??? (if that's not too much to ask lol)
YNYD!Peter/WL!Tony Peter: Hey… I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I know it wasn't me, but-- I don't know, I just feel bad that I guess in another universe I could've hurt you like that.
Tony: Don't apologize. I think we can blame nurture on that one, huh?
Peter: Don't-- don't do that. It's not your fault. It's really not. Okay?
Tony: Yeah, all right, if you say so.
Peter: It's not. He hurt you, and… and you keep sacrificing for him, even now. I think… I think he'll be able to see that, someday.
Tony: …You're a sweet kid.
Pyrite!Peter/YNYD!Tony Peter: --and I don't know, it's just so much trying to live up to his expectations, you know? He's not hard on me the same way he is with my brother, but I'm so scared of messing up all the time.
Tony: I get it, kid. I'd tell you when I stopped trying to live up to him, but it would be a lie.
Don't do what I did, okay? Doing stuff just to piss him off won't make you feel any better. Dad said a lot of shit that wasn't fair, but he's right that me and your brother made a lot of bad choices.
Peter: Well-- I don't know, Tony seems pretty happy…
Tony: Yeah, about that. Let's talk about him, huh?
WL!Peter/Pyrite!Tony Tony: And here I thought I had daddy issues.
Peter: Hey--
Tony: C'mon, kid, it is what it is. So do you call him 'Daddy' in bed, or--
Peter: That's-- no!
Tony: You should try it; you'd like it. No, a cute little thing like you, not quite ready to leave the nest, I bet you'd just love it.
Peter: I-- wh-- look, you're--
Tony: You know, since he's not here, I wouldn't mind filling in.
Peter, flustered: O-oh my god, cut it out.
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pushing-pyrite · 5 months
Just finished episode 5. I have some… thoughts and some criticisms.
I think this episode suffered from a lack of focus. The B-plot with Alistor and Mimzey was entirely unnecessary, and never once until this point has Alistor showed a parental bond with Charlie. That came out of left field, so I can only assume he was attempting to upset Lucifer and that was it.
Husk’s comment about him also being on a leash makes me think Alistor is only involved because Lilith made him get involved, which would leave him to essentially be forced to fill the role of a parental figure in her place. It would also explain him antagonizing Lucifer, as Lucifer and Lilith seem to be divorced to some capacity. Still, this plot point needed developing. Even just one comment from Alistor earlier in the season about his disdain for Lucifer or his appreciation of Charlie would have made it make more sense. We need more showing and less telling.
Charlie’s plotline was written much tighter than that. Her relationship with her father is clearly a lot more fleshed out than her relationship with Alistor, which seems to unfortunately be a trend with Viv’s writing. That is, a lack of exploration between character dynamics. Still, it’s better than Helluva Boss in that regard.
Overall, I enjoyed the main focus of the episode, but the B-plot dragged and had me wanting to skip those scenes. You could skip those scenes almost entirely and it have no bearing on the plot. Almost, because Alistor makes a choice at the end that… had no real lead up in his character arc. He seems to be jumping from point to point without actually transitioning or changing at all. Another common flaw in Viv’s writing, but he seems to be the only character with writing like that so far.
So, over all, I remain optimistic.
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seeminglyseph · 3 months
Dragged my party through the mud of the swamp to out Kahga as a dark Druid and convince her she was being a dumb bitch while I was fucking around and trying out a Durge playthrough to see what that was like. Now the grove is chill significantly earlier than like everything else. I feel like I should redo it a bunch though because I missed out having Astarion be present for me lying and manipulating my way through a bunch of shit and he potentially could be very inspired. Also he could potentially be there for some murder and I think he might be really pleased to be present for that.
Also because I’m going all different angles at things I ended up finding Karlach by myself way earlier than I usually do, because there’s the ladder in Zevlar’s room and with feather fall you can jump down and go talk to her, but then the rest of my party didn’t follow. The fuckers. So I had a chat with her alone and then went and got the waypoint so I could fast travel to the paladins. Then it’s honestly not hard to take out that crew when you come back with a full party. Double especially if you like. Just play dirty and sneak in the top way and ambush them. Already agreed to murder them anyway and all. That might be combining two playthroughs but now I’m wondering what madness Dark Urge Pyrite would bring. That man is already chaotic neutral at best.
Given the little hints of stuff in Durge I’ve seen now I’m just fully desperate to shift my Durge playthrough to Dark Timeline Pyrite and also make him full Drow for the stat boost to potentially get through the goblin levels faster. I’m feeling so sick and overwhelmed right now, part of me is really vibing with the idea of popping in easy mode full Wizard Hubris Durge Pyrite playthrough. I won’t say I’m committed to like. An *evil* playthrough. Just a *manipulative* playthrough. And the concept that sometimes selfishness can involve being convinced to care about something and being like “this thing is mine and when that thing becomes mine I won’t let any harm come to it because I don’t like harm coming to my things. I will protect my things jealously and make sure that they are the happiest and healthiest they can be. Do not become an enemy of my things, it is to become an enemy of me and I will come at you with all of my wrath.” That sort of idea of a “Hero Villain” type of character…
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mangoposts · 3 months
bro where the fuck are the unreleased frank ocean songs at or the mixtape ones?!
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paper-pixies · 6 months
Me when I reblog an ask game hoping you’ll reblog it >:D I have questions about your guys for you <3
Let’s do 31 for Asylum/Bloodlust, 23 and/or 12 for Shilan, and 98 for Adriite to start :)
Oh nooo don't trick me into reblogging an ask game by putting it on your blog first....how awful.....anyway....
31. How would they describe one another? [Asylum/Bloodlust]
“Bloodlust is… well, he’s incredibly loyal to me. He may not be a complete buffoon but he certainly isn’t the brightest, and he does what I tell him with exceptional efficiency, so what more could I really ask for? He does my dirty work and cleans up the messes so that I rarely have to engage with the less savory parts of this lifestyle, knowing that I will reward him when the task is done. And yes, he may be something of an uneducated brute, but that’s exactly what I keep him for and, well, no one else is so absolutely devout as he is. He’s like my loyal hound, always obedient and eager to please, and I do love him for that. I mean, is there really any other sort of relationship worth having with a man?”
“Describe Asylum? I mean she’s a goddess, what more do you want? She does whatever she wants and gets whatever she wants and doesn’t give a shit about what anyone else tries to tell her to do. She’s fuckin’, crazy smart too, just always twenty steps ahead of everyone else, like she’s already got everyone in her spiderweb even if they don’t know it yet. She’s just in control of everything and if she’s not in control of something then it’s because it’s not important enough for her to waste her time on. She’s powerful as hell and damn scary, too. She put up with a lotta fucked up shit from people in the past and now she makes sure everyone knows they should be afraid of her. If she’s pissed at you? You’re already a dead man, doesn’t matter what you try— if you’re lucky maybe she’ll beat the shit out of you herself. She’s beautiful, just the most fucking beautiful woman to ever live, puts every topside and Midcrest bitch to shame without even trying. I swear she’s a gift from the spirits and we’re all just lucky enough to get to be alive at the same time she is.”
23. Who said "I love you" first? [Shilan]
As the one who takes most of the big steps in their relationship, Taylan said it first. And pretty soon into their relationship, too. Now that that door has been opened though, Shiloh absolutely says it more.
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered? [Shilan]
Taylan doesn’t get flustered that much but despite his pacifism it does get him when Shiloh does/offers violence. Obviously, he would never want his partner to kill people ever if possible, but maybe sometimes when Shiloh says they would kill anyone who got in the way of their being together, maybe that makes Taylan a little flustered. And don’t get him started on the times Shiloh has jumped in to fight off some Forest monster or other to keep him safe.
Shiloh is easy to fluster purely because they just think Taylan is so incredibly attractive, so him showing any extent of skin will pretty much do it. Which is completely just a Shiloh thing, their clan isn’t stressed about covering up and it isn’t a thing with anyone else besides Taylan, they truly just think this man is so stunning that it’s likely to instantly get them even if Tay isn’t intentionally trying to fluster them in the slightest. It took them a while to get used to seeing him without a shirt lol
98. Who would burn the world down for who? [Adriite]
Ace, easily. Pyrite has too strict of a moral code to ever allow herself to do something like that for any one person, whereas Ace has been on the brink of snapping more than once and has always been more willing to prioritize those close to him above anything and everything else. Of course, it would take quite a bit for Ace to take that path if Pyre was actually with them. Just having her around is often enough to help Ace keep himself in check, but he’s also well aware of the fact that she would absolutely despise him if he ever did anything like that for her sake.
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falsegold · 1 year
how’s phenac city doing (assuming you’re still in orre) because DAMN unova is NOT DOIN IT FOR ME. i miss being able to see the stars and not trip on a million pokemon on my way to work but it’s better than being in jail for my dads dumb shit >:(
i'll come out straight with it and say i haven't been in Phenac for a hot minute for probably predictably guessable reasons bc it's fucking Orre. literally anything you guess is probably half the reason or more for why i don't hang out there much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but last time i was there it was pretty same-old same-old, i ended up showing up too late for getting into a stadium tournament which sucked, but aside from that it's calmer than what i'm used to back at Pyrite (if you ignore people watching me like i'm some rabid linoone on their property. ffs. i can't even breathe there i guess!) but yeah, only really visited for dropping off some work-related stuff though so i didn't spend the day.
how IS Unova anyways though? aside from the light pollution and having actual forested routes and having a tighter lid on keeping people in check, is it anything crazy different or just kinda eh?
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