readtilyoudie · 4 months
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blushingguy · 1 year
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Shimanami Tasogare- Our dreams at dusk
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
Day Nineteen - "Psychological.”
Sorry, for the short chapter :((
Trigger warnings: mentions of mental illness, nightmares, and implied/referenced kidnapping and murder.
Takes place in the FNAF movie universe.
It’s hard to remember when it started. Maybe after the fourth or fifth time of waking his parents up by screaming bloody murder? He isn’t sure. 
All Mike knows is that, one day, four or five months after Garrett was kidnapped, some doctor prescribed him meds. At the time, he had been out of it. Half-awake due to the nightmares (flashes of memories he can’t quite place, disembodied voices that talk to Mike while he’s awake, shadows that seem to follow him) and constant stress. So, when the doctor explained how it would help and what the side-effects would be, Mike didn’t listen. 
His mom was there anyway. 
The medication-a small bottle of pills, that he was to take twice daily-did wonders for his nightmares. His stress was another story, but it felt manageable with the pills. 
The one and only downside is that it causes Mike to fall asleep (very) easily. And the longer he’s on it, the worst it gets. 
Most of the time, it’s harmless. 
Like the time he fell asleep while folding laundry. Or the time he fell asleep at the dinner table. 
Others, though….
Mike could never get his parents to tell him why-six months after starting the medication-he woke up, soaking wet in muddy pajamas, in the middle of the living room, to his parents freaking out. 
Eventually, he stopped asking. 
Some things, his mom would say, are better left unanswered. 
Mike yawns. He took his last dose for the day….
He checks his watch. An hour ago. Which means he’s due for an involuntary nap anytime now. Mike relaxes in the chair, resting his head on the desk in front of him. He isn’t that worried about the animatronics. As far as he’s concerned, they can take care of themselves. 
His eyes close. 
He dreams. 
Unbeknownst to him, a hand swipes up the pill bottle, tucking it into their jacket. They lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to Mike’s forehead.
“Sweet dreams, Mikey,” they say, voice barely above a whisper.
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anotherbluesunday · 2 years
Fic Teaser: What’s In Your Head? (Tyler)
“I’m a hostage in my own head wrestling for control. There isn’t time to worry about what’s on the other side waiting for me. The terror and destruction my hyde has caused—I’ll worry about that later. Right now I have to prioritize. The only way I can take control of me again and break its hold on my body is to get the jump on my hyde and stun it.”
“I’m being hunted and I’m running out of shelters.”
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Don’t Worry Darling
“Don’t Worry Darling” was a movie I was initially excited about, but then the drama and bad reviews ruined my excitement, and I ended up putting off this movie for months.
Alice Chambers is a housewife who is in an extremely loving relationship with her husband, Jack. Everything seems to be perfect until one day, one of the neighborhood wives, Margret, starts going down the deep end. She becomes an outcast for going out into the desert they were forbidden to go to with her son, resulting in her losing her son. Now Alice is starting to see the cracks in her reality and thinks Jack’s boss, Frank, has something to do with it.
When I first saw this trailer, I instantly wanted to watch it. Florence Pugh is great in everything she’s in. Harry Style was surprisingly good in “Dunkirk” and I was looking forward to seeing his potentially budding career in Hollywood. Gemma Chan and Chris Pine are also actors who I know from high-quality works, so this was shaping up to be a movie filled with powerful performances. I also love the idea of an idyllic 1950s suburbia hiding something sinister under the surface. After watching the trailer for the first time, my mind was racing about all the different reasons why the strange happenings were going on in the movie. Maybe the husbands were working on some Manhattan Project-level machine that was changing the fabric of reality. During the lead-up to the movie, I couldn’t escape the behind-the-scenes drama of this movie. I was scared that it would negatively impact this movie. Then the reviews started pouring in and it was clear that this movie was a flop. This was enough for me to lose interest in it entirely and catch it if it was ever convenient for me. After watching the movie, I can say that the reviews were right. The majority of the movie had nothing for me to latch onto. I knew something was off about the world, but a majority of this movie kept reiterating that something was off about the world. It doesn’t do what other great mystery movies do and slowly peel back the layers for an eventual answer. Instead, the movie seemed content with just leaving the layers alone and then unenthusiastically ripping off all the layers at once. What was left was uninspired, to say the least. The big twist is contrived and also not thought out at all. It left me with more questions than answers, and definitely not in a good way. The questions are more about how the ending wouldn’t make sense for a myriad of reasons within the context that was given. Then, all the aspects that were never given any context just seem to be planted to make the movie more enigmatic. It sucks too since I was loving the 1950s aesthetics and the score. They would’ve been iconic supplementary parts of the film if the story was actually good. It also sucks because Florence Pugh was giving it her all with her performance. She’s carrying the movie on her back and if it weren’t for her, this movie would easily be two stars from me. After watching the movie, I found out that Olivia Wilde made “Booksmart” which was a movie I enjoyed quite a lot. Maybe she’s better off sticking to comedy for the time being because mystery thrillers are definitely not her strong suit.
Watched on January 1st, 2023
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krampusmad · 1 year
Old zootopia sketches for a comic idea i had when i was younger, july 2020, after watching Neytirix's Zootopia Story. I was super inspired by it and I knew exactly what the story would look like, but I didn't have the confidence or capacity to make the story into such a long-term project as a comic and i wanted my skills to be better, as well as i had other projects at the time, and i didn't really care about it that much, anyway. Fast forward 3 years and i'm fufuling the dreams of past me, i've made so much progress that i didn't even think i would be capable of, and i'm really proud of how far i come.
Sorry for the weird soft-mushy jargan, i like tumblr so i'm gonna use it as such. I hope you like the comic i'm bringing into the world. ;D
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laserstoneclinic · 24 days
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Final Prologue (True Ending 1/7)
*This is the true ending to making it as the Best Ending where it leads, so here we go!*
Me : Okay, everyone places are set! It's time for the True Ending of this here branch! Give it up for the True Ending path aka the Best Ending Path!
(Audience applauses)
*Seto whsitling*
Seto : Hey, Kid. You feeling okay?
Maka Albarn : ....
Seto : Hey, what's the matter? Were you just hitting the sauce or something?
Maka Albarn : (snickers+Chuckles)
Seto : Hmm? What's so funny?
Maka Albarn : Oh it's truly despicable, did you really think that I should've know that you would be fooled by that easily did you?
Seto : What do you mean fooled by that easily? Hey, what's the big deal?
Maka Albarn : The only reason for you to be a Shinigami is your truly purpose of helping me on defeating a God, but there was no God neither was Asura. But I did found light itself, I wanted to become greater than before. I wanted to achieve everything to destroy the family members of the Kusakabe, that was my purpose how Demon Vibe was able to not letting me seek into the truth. The Ohkuboverse, it's heroes and villains, all part of it's game, there is no wonder that you would be the one that will seek into truth! I ought to esitmated myself. (laughs)
Seto : What? Hey, Maka dear. Please, just what are you planning on ending Soul Eater's world by the year 2013? Oo who's gonna end it for you?
Maka Albarn : Me? Why? To think that this Soul Resonance thing was Shinra Kusakabe's idea of form three entities into one God, a true God that true created the World of Soul Eater and Shinra was Soul Eater's true creator! I knew about him all along! And you and everyone else didn't knew about that!
Seto : What are you even saying?
Maka Albarn : Since Shinra has became the only God that is the Bansho-man who gave birth to Death and the world of Soul Eater, I, Maka Albarn shall become a God too, this is what I have been waiting for! This was the true purpose of killing the Gods that are false!
Seto : What!?! Hey, whatever happens to showing the world with courage and stuff!? What's gotten into you, Maka Albarn!? Why are you acting like this!?
(Chaos Emeralds appears circling around her)
Seto : (gasps) The Chaos Emeralds. Wait a sec...Maka! You didn't steal them from the Special Stages, did you!? The purple one was stored within a chamber, what are you planning on killing the Gods that are false in the Ohkuboverse!?
Maka Albarn : With these, I'm going to put an end to Demon Vibe and his dream of conquering the Galaxy shall be out of his place! But just to remind you one thing, Reaper Girl who is Needless. But needless to say that Maka Albarn, Soul World's chosen hero, is no more.
Seto : You what!?
Maka Albarrn : That's right. For you see that I am the Angel of Death and a God of Destruction that is Chaos, I will definitely show the world my courage as becoming...ANGEL CHAOS 0, GOD OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!
Seto : No! Maka! Don't you dare do it!
Maka Albarn : Now then, now that I have these in the part of my plan, I won't be needing anyone, anymore, especially for the devil they call him Shinra Kusakabe!
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
[The Last Palace by Hideaki Kobayashi plays]
Solva : Seto! What's going on!? (gasps) W-What the--!?
Maka Albarn : (laughs+laughs evilly)
*DBZ SFX : Big Aura+Powering up*
Maka Albarn : [Roaring with a distorted voice]
Solva : That power! It couldn't be!
Angel Chaos (Maka) : I am Angel Chaos, God of Death and Destruction. I am the new God of the Ohkuboverse! I shall make humanity and Real World AU itself to become my own image!
Seto : Maka! You've gone insane with Shinra's influence and power, you’ve turned yourself into a fearsome beast! This must've been the negative powers of the emeralds that fulfills darkness within one's heart!
Solva : So I was right, there was something fishy from the Ohkuboverse! This was definitely Shinra's fault!
Seto : Can't believe that everyone from the Ohkuboverse is a fool! Who would've known that Maka would able to use that power to take over this world!? The Real World!
Angel Chaos (Maka) : Now that you all wil excuse me, I got some unfinished business to take care of.
*Chaos Control*
Seto : Hey! She escape!
Solva : Wonder what the big rush is all about? No sudden clue that this would be all a major let down. I gotta tell the others about this!
(scene changes)
Solva : Emergency Roll Call! Emergency Roll Call!
Solva : Everyone listen up! This is an emergency Roll Call! Give us your attention!
Egg Pawns : Front and Center, ma'am!
Seto : Alright, boys! Listen up! The thirteen-year old middle school student that we captured Maka Albarn, has escaped from this palace we were at and is going to wreak havoc on the public order. I want you to find and locate the missing girl who gathered powers from the emeralds, the one that Master Grim has kept stored within our storage facility from the special stages! Now do I make myself clear?
Egg Pawns : Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!
Seto : Perfect. Now let's get this show on the road!
[Scenario : Courage by Fumie Kumatani plays]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Listen, up! Maka Albarn, the girl who was chosen as Soul World's Hero, is about to unleash Chaos over this planet and it is our sworn duty to protect Real World AU at all costs! All units prepare to be engaged! Egg Pawns, Knight Pawns, Sorcerers! Hammers! Tonight, we fight for honor as Death chosen by the Gods! This is our battle to face the enemy and make them as our own! We chosen to make ourselves strong!
(Egg Pawns uproars)
[Imminent Battle by Kenichi Tokoi plays]
Seto : Now this is more like it!
Solva : You can count on me!
Seto : Okay, everyone! March! Hang Castle Security Force is a Go!
*The Group starts marching*
Seto : (in mind) I don't believe it. That Soul Evans fella and the other Soul Eater heroes were idiots. Why didn't I noticed them before now?
Solva : (in mind) Can it be true, can Maka Albarn unlock a dangerous potential of becoming a fully-fledged by using the power of the Emeralds? I won't let her do that.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : (In mind) Now...I finally know what's going on. Maka hiding this plan to steal the emeralds in order of becoming another God, what the hell is going on with Soul World? Why in the world would Soul World's chosen hero hiding a decisive plan to end all villains that live in Japan, America, and the rest of the world?
Rupika : Hey, Mr. Grim. I finally figured of how Maka Albarn was able to unlock her true full potential. I discovered that the Grigori Soul she obtained wasn't really a Grigori at all. It was the soul of a Hero Chao that died when players weren't there to take care of it. Maka must've inherited from the Chao World when she was visits Chao World everyday to meet her world's true creator, Shinra Kusakabe. To neutralize Maka's negative energy from the Hero Chao's soul, one person has a heart filled with light and positive energy, but the other has a heart and filled with the power of darkness and it could be the Negative energy. That's how Light and Darkness combine together as a force to neutralize all the negative energy to swept away and light shall be restored a person's heart with love.
*flashback end*
Grim (Metal Sonic) : So that's what a Grigori soul is. a Hero Chao soul which those and Maka Albarn makes her in the result of becoming the Angel Chao 0. There is one counterpart that could outmatch the Angel Chaos. And I know who it is.
(Scene changes to the Chao Garden)
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : "ZZZZ..."
Iris' Voice : Shinra-Kun, onegai tatsukete kudasai.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : !? Iris?
Iris' voice : Please, Shinra. I beg of you for me, please let them give me a chance to make everyone happy!
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : !? (roars as he converts into his Devil Chaos form)
*DBZ SFX : Big Aura+Powering up*
[Throw it All Away by Fumie Kumatani plays]
Colors Announcer : Devil Chaos!
(scene cuts to Shinra (Devil Chaos form) leaving Chao World)
Shinra the Devil Chaos : I'm gonna make you regret for ever of protecting, I cannot believe that you inherited the powers of an angel coming from that Chao. You won't be hero any longer once you were in that form. I got one special order for you, It's Angel vs Devil! I will beat you Maka Albarn, no matter what I do. I'm still the hero that I was ever cherished, Shinra Kusakabe!
"Don't Worry, Maka. I'll make sure that you'll be taught a lesson by me!"
"And don't even get me started on ruining your livelyhood."
"I'm just trying to save the planet from destruction."
"You're lucky that I will make you regret for what you've did."
~ Continues to the next part ~
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autumn-tide · 1 year
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Rating: 8/10 Recommended for: 20th century French classic literature A study on psychology of crime through fiction Literature heavy on philosophy and social study Summary : Through the story of an ordinary man unwittingly drawn into a senseless murder on an Algerian beach, Camus explored what he termed “the nakedness of man faced with the absurd.” Thoughts : The Stranger is hard to pin…
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mlleshopping · 2 years
Why am I always tired? Causes (psychological) and solutions — Archyworldys
Do you always feel tired and don’t know how to fix it? We explain to you what causes chronic fatigue and how to deal with it I’m always tired. Or also: why am I always sleepy? You wake up in the morning feeling like you haven’t slept enough or well enough, your eyelids droop during… Why am I always tired? Causes (psychological) and solutions — Archyworldys
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atamaiut · 8 years
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The purge part 1 page 2
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torigoetz · 2 years
I’ve finished my rough edit of the second book in my series, Myths of the Immortals, and a piece of me has died.  Now I will begin the arduous journey of planning the funerial, purchasing a headstone, and remembering to place flowers on it’s grave.  Wish me luck
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bestjeanistmonster · 4 months
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Dc au- another day chilling in Arkham
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heartshapelocket · 10 months
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thecalminside · 11 months
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
-Carl Jung
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when misha finally realises he is actually bisexual in like a year and he gets so distressed that he is once again living a lie anad needs to right this wrong in the world he comes out going guys!!!! i am bisexual fr now!!!!!!! and no one believes him because he's said this for funsies a million times before. cursed with the funniest boy who cries wolf disease to exist
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