#quirky short stories
sibelin · 1 month
why do all the edgy content about cancer is being thrown at me tonight LOL i need a breaaaak
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theantoniomabs · 7 months
REVIEW: Santos Sisters #4
Before today, I had never heard of the Santos Sisters. After today, I would love to hear more about the Santos Sisters. This ragtag team of superhero sisters battles the low-key, funny, and cute villains of Las Brisas. From organized crime pros specializing in stealing cars to scammed and honey-covered horny men, and even quirky supervillains, the Santos Sisters are a hoot and a holler. This is…
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dronningnure · 2 months
Wanted to play a bit of Project Diva X when it did this and now the game doesn't start anymore LOL
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 7 months
do you ever find yourself desperately longing for a friendship you used to have that you KNOW was super toxic, hence why you aren't friends anymore...
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friesian · 2 years
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when they come to your house i'll turn the TV on and you'll be there on channel 9 then you take the remote i'll get kicked out the house 'cause you said this movie's just for guys
(short story for the images under the cut)
They were both staring at what little information they had about the situation with Kralkatorrik. The lands were hostile, the bare minimum of data was scraped from their allies. Marwyd and Canach realized they were working with straws here, but there was an unspoken, unwavering strength in that notion. Silence was the proverbial duct tape holding them together as they wracked their mind on handling the situation.
Eventually, duct tape frays. Gives way. Friction, the weight of everything, time... Marwyd was the first to break this silence.
"Hey," he turned his entire body, the larger sylvari looking down at Canach who was still deeply analyzing the data in front of them.
"Commander?" he replied.
"Just wanna say-- er," Marwyd stumbled on his words. "Ya'know."
"I don't know."
"I think'ya do."
Canach raised one of his spiked brows, looking up at him fully, attention fully diverted. "If I knew, I wouldn't be yanking your chain at a time like this. Speak up. Is this about the dragon or--?"
"I mean-- sorta? I guess, it's about all the dragons..." he paused, rolling his tongue between his teeth. "And you,"
"Yeah," he took a deep breath. "Thanks." Another pause, Canach's head lifting ever-so-slightly more. "Fer everythin'."
A look of confusion passed Canach. Purple eyes were analyzing the cowboy in front of him as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, the sound of taught leather gloves pushing against his rubbery skin. There was a tight silence again-- and not the kind that held them together anymore. It was a flaming silence. A screaming silence. Violent. Thrashing. It's claws were ripping into the two of them. It was gnawing at their bones. It was right there, staring them both in the eyes, and it was rolling its jaw in preparation for a fatal kill.
Canach backed down from this. Not now. Not like this. The smaller sylvari turning his head back to the data. "Wait until this is over before you start throwing around thanks. Don't curse this whole operation for us, Commander."
Marwyd held his mouth open for a moment as if to protest, but took the hint. That damned silence was staring at him, and he could feel his spikes practically standing on end. With a shake of his head, he managed to throw it off, turning his body. "Right," he agreed. "Guess I'll get out there,"
Spurs clinking on the ground signaled his departure.
"Commander, don't get killed. Not again."
The silence bore its teeth.
Marwyd looked back, eyes wide.
Yet he said nothing.
They both left that pavilion, near fatally wounded.
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empyrealchange · 8 months
The beginning
First of all, I want to send out a warm hello to everyone around here.
I do not want to make this blog about good-written articles. I want to write raw, cute, aggressively frank and easy-to-read stories for anyone who is looking for a bit of inspiration or maybe you will recognise yourself in what I will write.
I do not have a specific purpose. I just want to write and create a parallel universe where I can talk about everyday wins and failures. I just want to be human.
To summarise in a few words what made me start this micro-blog is that I got to a point where I decided that I wanted and choose to change my life: have a better job, do the things that I have always wanted to do, start a blog, learn new skills and many many others.
And man!!! This is hard! Especially when you fail without any notable results. especially when you look around and ask yourself if you have done anything wrong. ESPECIALLY when I got this feeling that I am surrounded by superhumans who are writing every day in their little cute journals and do yoga every day at 6 am.
Well, I would totally say that my experience is different. I stumble a lot and I do it gracefully, ladies and gentlemen. I am learning new things, I dream a lot.
Lately, my focus has been on getting a new job and salary growth. However, the only thing that has grown is my bootie ;)
Cheers. 🙂
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
komaeda anon: im singlehandedly fueling babysitter komaeda in this au /j the shenanigans are just so funny to me
He is the silliest disaster babysitter this is the best thing to happen to his mental health in a while
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pickled-flowers · 2 years
Forgot what real cats are like uh
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A Book Review by Kajori: "Cheeky, Bloody Articles: Tales for Well-Dressed Cynics and Optimistic Ragamuffins" by Cathleen Davies
A Book Review by Kajori: "Cheeky, Bloody Articles: Tales for Well-Dressed Cynics and Optimistic Ragamuffins" by Cathleen Davies #TheChrysalisBREWProject #BookTwitter #writerslift
Cheeky, Bloody Articles: Tales for Well-Dressed Cynics and Optimistic Ragamuffins by Cathleen Davies is an amazing collection of twenty-six thought-provoking short stories.  Review Cheeky, Bloody Articles: Tales for Well-Dressed Cynics and Optimistic Ragamuffins is an eclectic anthology of short stories penned by Cathleen Davies. The book consists of twenty-six tales that are bound to strike a…
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chaosandmarigolds · 22 days
What I think is funny is that if Mechanic!reader was just a little quirky, like Johnny level quirky- now Simon Riley?
He can handle Johnny
He cannot handle his girlfriend
It was two in the morning, you were currently texting on your phone while Simon attempted to sleep (failing)
“Wanna hear a joke”
“Knock knock.”
“Who’s ‘tere.”
“Oh one of my exes name-“
Your face falls, “Simon fucking Riley-“
He sleepily smiles and presses a kiss to the top of your head, “Sorry- Tara who?”
“No I don’t wanna now.”
“Daw baby- tellme tha’ joke.”
You shake your head, turning to lay on your side, “You ruined it.”
“Tara McCloseoff:”
Again on the distraction
“Si, honey, anyway as I was saying the HUMVEE’s-“ it was currently minute forty two of your ramble, following him as he did his morning routine throughout the hangar. And he loves you, truly, but he was growing tired. So-
“Luvie, what’s that?” He pointed to some obscure piece of metal that laid on the ground, and it caught your attention. It was awful, using the already somewhat short attention span against you. But he had to finish his reports.
about two hours later you come back to find him the piece of metal in your hand.
“Did you figure it out?”
You frown and walk over to his desk, “No. At first I thought it was a carburetor part thingy but I can’t figure- so then I thought it was a transmission - and then-“ you take a breath, “long story short, no.”
Ultimately his plan backfired because you then spent the next forty hours talking about what the piece of metal could be.
Just as it was currently two in the morning, and you were hunched over your laptop, while he had an arm draped over your lap- he was attempting to sleep (failing, once again)
The sudden scream caused him to jolt awake from the half asleep state he was in, the arm that was loose now pulling you towards him. When you catch on to your error your frown, dropping your voice. “oh sorry, honey. The part? It’s from a Ford Thunder bird, ‘75. Weird right?”
With a grumble he collapses back on the bed, “Super.”
(Self indulgent? Yes. Because I have the attention span of a bird but also very good at hyper focusing on things. Annnnyway, comments, feedback, and all that jazz really means a lot to me! That’s all! <3)
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bangshri75 · 2 years
The Quick and the Quirky
After writing Teaching in the Spirit, i decided to do something new. I gathered together some of my short stories, gave them some monumental renos and finally gather them together and publish a new book called "The Quick and the Quirky". The offerings there vary from sci-fi, to horror, to dark humour and a couple of genres i have not name for. If you like a read that's a bit out of the box, off the beaten path, and other cliches for quirky, i hope you'll give it a go. It's on Amazon, naturally.
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
Hm. I'm rereading something I wrote, and I can't decide if it's going to be infuriating for some readers, or if there will be more going "OH, same!"
Given that my readership is largely in the Autistic 🤝ADHD vampire fan club (Vlad), I'm hoping it'll be the latter, but it's still making me hesitate because it's not how people expect sex scenes to read.
Everything's usually boiled down to a laser-focused precision of sensations and evocative, heated language -- and that does eventually happen with this. You just have to get past Vlad's brain wandering around for a bit because while Nathan's doing a good job of getting his attention in the moment, he's not being consistent, and it's giving Vlad's brain time to wander. Like noticing that Nathan squints a bit when he reads. ("(Hyperopia, Vlad’s brain supplied helpfully before he could smother it.)") Or just generally having full-on conversations in his head in the downtimes between stimulation -- and by downtime, I mean the split second it takes for Nathan to grab something from the nightstand.
Another part of me worries people will think I'm playing to stereotypes or I'm hamming it up to be "quirky," but given my brain is the epitome of the "hyper 8-year-old boy who can't sit still shiny disorder" despite being a 36yo cis woman, I've pretty much resigned myself to some people calling Vlad a stereotype anyway.
A larger part of me just... kind of really wants to see this kind of thing in a sex scene. I want to see my own thought patterns and acknowledge that even when you're getting hot and heavy with someone -- arguably an act that should consume all of your attention -- you'll still find your mind wandering. You'll notice something out the corner of your eye and go, "fucking shit, laundry, do not forget, do not forget" (and then you'll forget), or you'll be about to go down on someone, and the dick joke your friend told you three months ago will pop into your head and suddenly you're snickering with no tactful way to explain it.
(This is another thing that I always think is sorely lacking in sex scenes. No one's messy. No one's laughing like an idiot because they just thumped their head into the headboard, or a joke just popped into their head. Or someone's body made a fart sound because there's lube in places and things are thrusting. Like, maybe it's me, maybe I'm weird, but I think those are the moments you can build real romance out of. Not necessarily erotica, because those things (supposedly) aren't sexy, but there's so much emotion you can show with partners who are able to laugh with each other in those moments. You can show so much love and reverence through the mundane it hurts.)
It'd just be nice, for once, to have the character be absolved of the guilt that often happens in those moments because you're supposed to be focusing on what is happening, and your idiot brain just won't shut up.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter too much. It's a short story I'm hoping to fling out at some point (as soon as my idiot brain shuts up and lets me finish it). But it feels more important than it actually is because it feels like I'm exposing a major part of my psyche. Like pinning down all the ugly parts of my brain that can't ever actually be pinned down, no matter how much I try.
idk. Words. Things. Stuff. I'm going to try and finish this and then see what I want to do with it.
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bodhrancomedy · 6 months
I’d love to do a series of these short Spindlewynd Mysteries so a continuing narrator might be fun.
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pradabambie · 5 months
the roommate. rafe cameron x reader x felix catton. pt. 2
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rafe's impending arrival had you on your toes. excitement to see your boyfriend was intertwined with worry about the whole felix situation – you knew all too well how protective rafe could get. 
"and... this is my room! nice and cozy, isn't it?" you said, opening the door for rafe. as he entered, he glanced around, noting the neatly organized chaos of college life. 
“oh," he remarked after noticing the extra bed, "i didn't know you had a roommate." his brow furrowed in surprise. 
before you could respond, the door swung open, and felix walked in, absorbed in a phone conversation. 
“no, ollie, i swear to god, her friend is hot, i swear-" felix gushed, turning around to close the door, finally facing the room and noticing the strange boy's presence.  
"ollie, i'll call you back. hey mate, felix catton, pleasure to meet you. i assume you’re the boyfriend, yeah?” felix greeted him with a wide smile, while you shot him a look, silently urging him to say the right thing. 
“rafe cameron” he simply said, extending his right hand. felix ignored it and went in for a hug. 
however, rafe quickly shot a glance at you, then back at felix, and finally at the two beds. the realization hit him, and a flicker of annoyance and anger crossed his face. 
“wait, you’re the roommate?” rafe looked straight at you, his face now red, and his jaw tight. 
you tried to lighten the mood with a light laugh, but it only seemed to fuel rafe's anger.  
“look, babe, long story short, felix's room flooded, and my assigned roommate never showed, so here we are.” 
you took rafe’s hand, praying a little physical touch would calm him down. 
“i swear, it’s no big deal” 
felix stood quietly, a goofy smile on his face that almost made it seem like he was enjoying the entire thing. his carefree attitude clashed with the undercurrent of tension you felt.  
“right lex?” with pleading eyes, you looked at felix, begging him to say something, anything. 
"yeah don't worry, mate. no funny business here—cross my heart." 
felix's attempt at reassurance didn't seem to appease rafe's growing displeasure. the air thickened with tension, but felix, seemingly unfazed, broke the silence. 
"so, rafe, what brings you to our humble abode?" felix's tone was lighthearted, though his eyes held a mischievous glint. 
rafe, still visibly perturbed, replied, "just missed my girlfriend you know." as he spoke, he sidled closer to you, placing his hand on the small of your back, as if subtly marking his territory.  
felix raised an eyebrow, catching the shift in rafe's demeanor. 
"hey, why don't we spice things up a bit? there's a party tonight. what do you say, the three of us? get to know each other a bit better?"  
you shot felix a warning look, implicitly asking him to tread carefully.  
the boy, however, continued with his flirty charm, directing his next words toward you. 
"come on, love, it'll be a blast. your boyfriend here can get to know me outside this mess," felix winked, his tone playful, referring to the disorganized room the three of you stood in. 
rafe with a reluctant nod, he agreed to the plan. "fine, we'll go to your damn party." 
felix's grin widened, sensing a victory of sorts. "brilliant! it's a date, then. i'll meet you both after dinner, see ya!" 
felix sauntered out of the room, leaving you alone with rafe. sensing his frustration, you approached him, offering a reassuring smile. 
"hey, don't let it bother you. felix is harmless, he’s just a bit quirky," you reassured, planting a quick kiss on your boyfriend's lips, relishing the sensation of his presence that you had missed so much. 
rafe sighed, his tension melting away. "i missed you, you know." 
you grinned, "i missed you too." 
as the two of you settled on the bed, rafe's smile began to appear on his lips. simultaneously, his hands started exploring your body, the touch turning you more and more needy of him. 
“so, how much time do you think we have until the party?” 
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mysticcrownwolf · 15 days
So your girl finally had a autistic meltdown and finally asked her mum about her childhood and got some mixed results but long story short I am finally getting an official autism and adhd diagnosis because in my mums words “Everyone deserves things that make their life easier to live”. Not gonna lie guys I did cried about this but it also came up that they did tried to get me diagnosed before (I don’t remember this at all) but were told I just had very high levels of hyperactivity so to make sure this type of bullshit doesn’t happen again I am making a list of all my weird or quirky traits and having the neurodivergents of Tumblr peer review them so I can finally get a diagnosis after 19 years of struggling.
1) I didn’t ever in my life made or had friends that stick around.
2) I was actually alienated a lot by most people in my life for being the umbrella term they all coined as ‘weird’ what this weird means varies from person to person.
3) I have actually been told by other girls that they gave me a chance to keep them company even after many people told them I was too weird and they should stay away from me. These same people later called me slurs, were self absorbed or just plain abusive towards me.
4) Through out my whole life I have sat alone on a double bench because no one wanted to sit with me in class.
5) I have a problem with properly spelling certain words like I write weird as ‘wierd’ or video as ‘vedio’.
6) People constantly doubt I have any sense of knowledge and act like any good idea I give is a surprise even when I was on the top of the class the phrases like “ That’s the first good idea you ever had” weren’t uncommon.
7) I walk a lot and I mean a lot enough that hyperactivity has still been a part of my diagnostic because I walked so much they had no choice but to put that in. I actually come to the school 30 minutes early then walked the whole time, I would just up and leave classes to walk in corridors because I couldn’t sit still long enough, my walking is such a huge part of me my old teachers still tell their classes about me as the girl that walked too much.
8) People in my college nicknamed me the headphone girl because I walked around our whole campus( I would pace a lot around the parameters) with my only noticeable feature being my headphones.
9) I was the only kid in my school not scared of bugs which lead to some notable incidents
I once picked a small green caterpillar and showed it off to my class of 10 year olds they started crying and teacher made me throw the bug even though I wanted to keep it as a pet
Our teacher once asked us to bring butterflies to class so I captured around 30 butterflies put them in a breathable Tupperware and took those to class me being the only person who did this freaked out all the other children with my butterflies , we later released them all in recess it was very pretty
I not only volunteered but gleefully presented live earthworms on my palm to various groups of parents in our school science fare much to the horrified looks of many parents and children about how a little girl like me wasn’t screaming from handling earthworms.
I scared our class mean girl by capturing a butterfly and then turning my hand holding the butterfly in her direction she and a few other girls screamed when I tried to tell them that the little critter was harmless and even offered to let them hold her (I was very confused why they didn’t like this).
10) I was friends with a lot of my teachers as well as higher class teachers especially the Science, Social studies and English teachers. I would often spend my recess in the biology lab chatting with the biology teacher about the different specimens in the lab and how much I enjoyed biology in general. I am half sure I would have loved to study biology/medicine if not for the fact it was a minimum investment of 7 years though I am still an avid reader of new biological discoveries and follow many niche youtube channels that focus on flora and fauna.
11) I was actually friends with all 3 principles in my school and would go to them after my last class to chat about my school day. This was so bizarre to others but I actually enjoyed how much these adults would listen to my info dump even if my own peers won’t.
12) Every single time my report card came I would usually top the class in most subjects except maths in which I usually underperformed ( don’t worry guys I figured out later I just need to know every basic concept to get the deep understanding of mathematical principles which my teachers were very bad at build but I later learned how to do it myself) but it would always have in big bold letters that “I talked to much and have weird questions and am disruptive in class ” which my bad I thought I could get details about what your are teaching and develop great interest but nah we just need to complete the syllabus as fast as we can. Salt on the wound I would only ask questions and discuss topics in class with the teacher since I don’t have friends I could talk to in class. They deadass never ever punished a single student from disrupting in class except me the girl who asked silly questions about what we were studying maybe they thought my questions were weird so I was asking them to disrupt they flow of the class rather than genuine curiosity who knows
13) I had very bad anger issues stemming from how the system as well as authority figures treated me ( I have since been to therapy and gotten help for it ) but a lot of time I verbally and physically attacked an authority figures usually when they punished me for something I didn’t do or when they tried to empty out their frustration on me or tried to bully me in anyway. I never took bullying face down from anybody be it younger or older than me my flight or fight response was always on fight
14) People did tried to bully me physically or verbally but I always returned it in kind with interest so it never really stuck like the isolation did. My most memorable experience with bullying was when I bitch slapped our school mean girl so hard the whole ground heard it , I don’t think I ever got any punishment for it and she later burned every friendship she had by throwing her whole group under the bus for some vandalism they did.
15) I unfortunately never had friends so when they school told me telling an authority figure I am being teased, harassed or even that someone is breaking the rules is what’s morally right I ran with the rules set for me rather than knowing the social norms that this would mark me as the school snitch without the teachers ever doing anything about the issues. Unfortunately I learned the hard way through trial and error that once you are labelled as a snitch their is nothing you can do to get that tag off and it comes with the added benefit of making people never talk to each other near me or even just leave the places I visit alone so yay more loneliness for me
16) I actively volunteered for every single activity and program my school office this sounds great but I picked and got selected for all 7 different fairs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social science, Music, Art) but rather than pick out one or two I helped out with all 7 of them. They later added a 3 groups per person limit.
17) I am actually trained in both classical instrumental and singing but couldn’t complete my singing degree before the program closed down and it’s been 6 years since I played a Casio that I don’t think that even matters anymore. Anyway I added this because at first I did both of these at the same time along with volunteering for all the other activities before they added a 1 course per year limit which is a shame since it cost me my vocal degree.
18) I love reading that just the fact I found reading in my school library when I was 8 haven’t let it go since by my librarian’s estimate I read almost 3000 books (mostly children books) from my school library. I also have a mini collection of about 300 books that I have passed down to both of siblings. These days I read mostly on ao3 or the occasional paperback I bought at the airport but reading is still something I do almost daily.
19) See one thing about me is I was one of the first student at my school so much so my identification number was 35 so me being such an old student my school has actually legends about my quirky ( neurodivergent ) behaviour which has made me understand where most legends actually come from
I walked out of classes so many times teachers to this day still tell stories of the weird girl that likes to walk
My whole school knew who I was mostly because I would be the first and only person that likes to answer philosophical questions asked by our principal in the assembly, I was also great with improvising assembly conductions, thought of the days, assembly quizzes, full speeches on topics told to me 2 minutes ago, even improvised song recitations (can you guys pick up I have social anxiety now).
As I told you my lovelies I love reading so if I was immersed in a book and the class started I would just hide the book to read in class once I got caught so I got termed the girl who like to read books in class( is it stupid yes did it still happened certainly). I later learned to zone out to the stories in my mind during class which was very helpful.
As I told you guys I was actually on pretty friendly terms with my principal and teachers so guess who became the teachers pet for the next 8 years even though most teachers care jack shit about my interest and was further alienated because of this me ofcourse.
I actually once locked myself in the school bathroom for like 4 hours because I hadn’t completed the homework a teacher had given me and she was quite physically abusive towards me. I got suspended for a week because of this funnily enough nobody in my school actually remember this and most are really surprised to know I was suspended.
I am actually really famous or infamous by the way you look at it for physically assaulting a teacher funnily enough the name of the teacher, why I am attacked them and even how I hit them changes from person to person I have actually heard 10-15 different variations from different people( I am not even sure if I actually ever hit a teacher most I remember is I lunged at one teacher but she stepped back so I didn’t even touch her).
20) I was depressed from age 14 to 17 which caused me to chronic pain which later caused me to meet my current psychologist who helped me a lot but is vehemently against me getting any sort of neurodivergent diagnosis most she say is I have borderline adhd tendencies and that I think to much and should focus on calming down my mind which honestly is quite invalidating.
21) I can’t wear any sort of itchy or frilly materials when I was younger ( the texture was soo bad) but my sister could which made my mother think I was being a drama queen.
22) When I was younger I use toilet paper after using a bidet because the feeling of wet pants would over stem me so bad it’s not a problem for me anymore except from sometimes during winters.
23) I didn’t know Chewelry existed when I was younger so I chewed on my nails/skin,my lips, squishy parts of remotes, plastic toys, legos, scarfs, hoody strings, hot glue gun glue, chalk, cement, sand, mud etc. (Yes I know about the microplastics now no I don’t care).
24) I am highly sensitive to sounds so if my fan have a weird creak sound I won’t be able too sleep I also can’t sleep if I hear a clock ticking or any other repetitive sounds ( my mum still doesn’t understand why I can’t just force myself to sleep).
25) I also can’t sleep in continuous silence I need background noise to fall asleep.
26) It took me a whole year of forcing myself to wear bra and panties for my body to finally get used to me wearing them. It was a stimulation nightmare but I think it was worth it I enjoy wearing bras and panties now.
27) I can’t eat apples like I physically cringe even thinking of the sensation of biting into an apple. I have tried cutting an apple into every single why I could I still can’t swallow or even properly chew an apple the texture is such a sensory nightmare for me. Cabbage used to be the same for me but though constant reintroduction I can usually for myself to eat it with a glass of water
28) I have had many foods be absolutely sensory nightmare for me throughout my childhood. I was a very picky eater think bread, soup, lentils and noodles(packet noodles without vegetables). I couldn’t eat any kinds of fruits(except banana), vegetables, pizza , burgers (still don’t eat this), dumplings, wraps, pasta,etc. Heck I was a vegetarian for majority of my life before I learned chicken is actually a great textured food for me though I still don’t eat any form of red meat or sea foods and my food list is still very limited I have constantly reintroduced many foods for myself over the years which I can now usually bear to eat. I also learned that I can usually consume fruit and vegetables better if they are liquids so fruits juices, smoothies and soups were also great help.
29) I was and still am an absolutely clean freak and organiser. Like my bag use to have books organised in this specific order English, Hindi, Maths, Science and then Social studies and it needs to been in this order or I would get anxious. Fortunately no one else in my house ever wanted to organise anything so I would organise everything with way I would want it to be while also being neat.
30) One of my biggest sources of stress came from how dirty my siblings made our room. I would deep clean everything and then organise our books , toys and clothes and then clean and organise our bed they would just bulldozers through and ruin all my hard work in a day or two. Unfortunately I had this sense of cleanliness and order since I was a child and my siblings who were even younger then me weren’t slobs(ok maybe my brother was but anyway) they just weren’t wired to like cleanliness and order like I did and being children anything I told them about how we can keep our room clean went over their heads because I was always their to do it for them.
31) I actually had many special interests growing up though I didn’t have trains as an interest except for the cool toy train set I got as a gift or the maglev trains who are objectively very cool. My biggest special interest were rocks, space and animals especially all the books Nat geography and scholastic puts out on animals. I actually had a rock collection mostly made up of sedimentary rock and a piece of lime stone which my mother later kept in the shed where it got lost during home construction. I also have a modest collection of books and another collection of small childhood trinkets that I still have (I recently bought a clay bird that mimics actual bird call when filled with a little water to add to my collection).
32) I forget I need to eat and drink it’s always been like this I don’t have that internal clock that says you are thirsty go drink water or you are hungry go eat food . I need to remind myself it’s been 12 hrs I probably need water it’s been 32 hrs you should probably get some food or at least have a protein shake it’s like my body has no sense of hunger or thirst but I am getting better at eating and drinking at least the drinking water part anyway.
33) I am tired it’s not recent but in the last few years since I became an adult I feel so tired I use to be the topper of my class the gifted children that participated in everything now I am in college and just getting an 80% feels draining everyone has so much hope for me that I could and should do better but I am just tired. I walk and trekk sometimes but I don’t participate in any events and I see others I see my roommate who participates in like 5 different events and still gets a 95% if she can do it why can’t I. I use to be able to do so much and now I don’t have the drive to do much of anything anymore it’s so painful to realise that I should do better but what does better looks like for someone who is as tired as I am.
I did took some online test as well just to see if I even had a chance and the results were mostly the same I have many Adhd/Autistic tendencies and should probably get a professional diagnosis. I would be very thankful if my fellow autistic and adhd people would help me add more targeted experiences so I can finally get a diagnosis
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@my-autism-adhd-blog you inspired me write all of this down and it would be very helpful if you could guide me to get a better diagnosis because of your experience. Also I greatly enjoy the contents of your blog so thank you for that
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javier-pena · 3 months
in plain sight, chapter i
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader | Joel Miller x Tess Servopoulos
Word Count: 6.2k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You’re back home in Austin for the summer and you start dating Tommy Miller, a boy you know from high school, a boy you had a crush on when you were a teenager. All you’re looking for is an uncomplicated summer fling, just some fun, until you have to go back to college in the fall. What you didn’t know is that Tommy has an older brother. And that older brother can’t keep his eyes off you right from the start …
Warnings: mentions of food and alcohol | smoking | reader has hair that can be grabbed | car sex | semi-public sex | a little bit of dirty talk | reader is a tiny bit bratty (in a blink and you’ll miss it kind of way) | two (2) pussy slaps | a tiny, tiny bit of degradation | oral (m and f receiving) | p in v sex | voyeurism | exhibitionism
Notes: The story of how I came up with the idea for this fic is actually very silly, so I'll spare you the details, but I will say it had something to do with a certain movie from 1978. Anyway, I'm so so excited to finally be able to share the first chapter of this!! I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a story, so that's a good sign I'll manage some semi-regular updates. I want to thank Angela @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for answering some of my questions about Austin, and, of course, Dani @alexturner who said it'll be good for me to write a story like that 🤭
[Masterlist] [Chapter 2]
“Back for the summer, eh?” was the first thing Tommy said to you after the both of you hadn’t spoken in seven years.
You were standing in line at the ice cream truck, holding your niece’s hand who was jumping up and down, giddy with excitement. Tommy was driving past in his red pick-up truck, a car you’d seen around the neighborhood, unaware it was his. Hell, there wasn’t a lot of awareness where it came to Tommy Miller in the first place. You almost didn’t recognize him that early June day leaning out of the window of his truck, elbow propped up against the door, a bright smile on his face. The boy you remembered from high school, the boy you had a crush on all those years ago, looked so different. Scrawny, lanky, greasy hair, a face full of spots. Sometimes you scrolled through old photos, laughed at yourself because you had lain awake for nights, imagining how he would confess his love for you, ask you to run away with him. The man in the truck that sunny afternoon was just that … a man. His tight, stained shirt was clinging to his arms and chest, grown big with muscles over the years. His hair that used to fall into his eyes, obscuring half his face, had been cut short. His tight curls were hidden underneath a baseball cap that had the logo of a local brewery on it. His face was tan, a dark golden color; it made you do a double take, made your palm grow sweaty against your niece’s hand, embarrassed by his attention. Because surely, he had mistaken you for someone.
“Tommy?” you asked, stumbling forward a few steps when your niece yanked on your arm. “Tommy Miller?”
He laughed so hard his chest heaved. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Then he ran a hand across his sweaty brow, his dirty cheeks. “Don’t tell me I’ve aged that badly.”
Of course he asked you for your number that afternoon, and of course you gave it to him while your niece was busy with her ice cream. You scribbled it onto the palm of his hand, thinking it was a quirky, romantic gesture. It had nothing to do with the fact that you wanted to touch him. The heat of a Texan June afternoon smudged the pen so badly before he got home that evening he couldn’t decipher your number. Luckily, he knew where you lived and came by the next day with a bouquet of flowers to ask you out on a date – officially.
That date went well – more than well. He took you to the movies, to a steakhouse, to a new bar in town. He was so different from the boys you met at college; he had been to war, he had his own company that he was running with his brother, he wanted to know about you and didn’t use your time together to talk about himself and his grand plans for his professional future. You hadn’t laughed that much in a long time, hadn’t enjoyed a guy’s company that much in … well, if you were honest with yourself, you couldn’t remember ever having had that much fun with anyone. You didn’t want the night to end, and when Tommy dropped you off back home afterwards, he kissed you in his truck, then said, “Tomorrow’s my day off. Let me take you somewhere.”
You had skipped up the stairs to your parents’ porch while his truck had idled at the side of the road until you were safely inside.
What followed the next day left you hungry for more. Tommy took you hiking, then he took you to a small ranch outside Austin because you had mentioned you’d never been on a horse before, but would like to try. You stayed there until the sun had sunk beneath the horizon and a bonfire was blazing next to the barn. You drank beers and watched the stars come out. Then someone pulled out a guitar and Tommy asked you to dance. That night, you got home well past midnight, feeling like you’d been somewhere very far away.
You didn’t see Tommy for a week after that. He was busy at work. You were busy telling your friends from college about him. “Just a bit of fun for the summer,” you said. They either cheered you on, asking for the saucy details, or reacted with, “That’s so typical. Anywhere you go, men fall for you.” You didn’t let that bother you because it wasn’t true. Besides, if anyone was turning heads it was Tommy.
The next Friday, he picked you up later than usual and a broad grin spread across your face when you saw him. He had decided to grow a mustache after you’d admitted to him that you used to have a crush on this handsome teacher in college who happened to have a mustache. Tommy handled your laughter well, said, “Get in the truck, college girl,” and sped off toward an unknown destination. You felt excitement wash over you whenever you glanced over at him. Because you hadn’t been idle that week either. You were wearing a matching set of underwear, a deep red color, delicate, hiding only what was necessary. Because Tommy had admitted to you that he had a thing for women wearing nothing but high heels and lingerie. You hoped just one of those would do the trick too.
That night he took you to a small concert, just a guy with his guitar and a cream-colored cowboy hat up on a brightly lit stage. He sang about the open plains, proposing to his wife, about how women don’t want a man in a suit, they all want a cowboy. And he had a point, you thought, after Tommy dragged you off into a dark corner during a brief break and kissed you until you could hardly breathe. None of the boys at college had ever kissed you like that. For the rest of the night, Tommy was hovering by your side, finding excuses to touch you. And when the concert was over, he led you back to his truck, opened the door for you and said, “Listen, my brother is out of town this weekend. Would you like to come back to my place?”
You didn’t even make it to the bedroom. You made it to the couch in the living room where you sat pretending to be interested in polite conversation while your heart hammered against your ribcage and Tommy kept shifting, trying to hide a growing bulge in his pants. Your friends had warned you, “Don’t sleep with him before the 4th of July. The summer is still so long and he’ll lose interest.” Yeah, there was no way you’d be waiting for almost another month for this.
Tommy made the first move but only because you waited for him to make it. His hand was high up on your thigh when he leaned over you to kiss your neck, and you quickly pushed him back against the couch, straddling him, taking off your shirt. His appreciative gaze told you you had gotten it right. That he later took your panties off with his teeth was just the cherry on top.
He made you come four times that night, twice on the couch (first with his tongue, then with his cock buried deep inside of you), one time in his bed (you rode him until he pushed you off and took you from behind), and one time very softly (with his finger, just before you fell asleep). It was obvious the next morning – he wouldn’t lose interest in you and you would have the best summer of your life.
A week later, you’re putting the finishing touches on your makeup when you hear the doorbell ring. This is only your third weekend going out with Tommy, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t recognized the sound of his pick-up pulling up in front of your house. The memories from last weekend are still fresh on your mind and it makes you giddy with excitement to wonder about what he might have planned for tonight.
When you come downstairs, Tommy is sitting on the living room floor, cross-legged, while your niece is introducing him to all her toy horses. Your sister is leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, shooting you a knowing look. You ignore her. Because no matter how much fun you’re having, you’re lightyears away from thinking about Tommy as anything more than a summer fling.
“Ready?” you ask, and when he looks up at you there’s that hunger in his gaze. Self-consciously, you tug at the hem of your very short dress.
“You’re really going out in that?” your sister asks you, and you can hear the thinly veiled jealousy in her voice.
Tommy gets up, slings his arm around your waist, and places a soft kiss on your cheek. “I know I’m supposed to call you beautiful,” he mumbles into your hair, “but you look so fuckin’ hot, darlin’.”
Your face heats up at hearing that pet name. To hide how flustered you are, you tousle your niece’s hair and say, “Don’t wait up for me,” to your sister without looking at her.
The smell of Tommy’s truck engulfs you when you climb inside, and you relax against the seat. It’s funny, really, how a scent you were unfamiliar with just two weeks ago can make you feel so much at ease now. In the driver’s seat, Tommy rolls down the window and lights a cigarette before he looks back toward your house.
“Your sister, is she divorced?” he asks, fidgeting with the lighter.
“Why? You interested?” you tease.
He pulls a face. “She needs to loosen up. Maybe a good fuck would help with that.”
You playfully slap his arm. “You’re impossible,” you laugh. “My brother-in-law takes good care of her.”
He shoots you a doubtful glance, then starts the truck.
The suburbs of Austin are quiet this evening. People are staying inside to escape the lingering heat of the day or they are already in town. You hardly see anyone, hardly pass any other cars as Tommy drives slowly, an old country song playing on the radio.
“You were on my mind all week,” he finally admits, pretending to keep his eyes on the road, but you notice how he glances at you.
You touch your neck, surprised by how hot your skin feels. “Nothing bad I hope.”
He chuckles. “Depends on your definition of bad.”
You briefly close your eyes and let your memory take you back to last Friday, to the image of him kneeling before you while he spread you open on the couch, tongue buried deep inside of you.
“Well.” You clear your throat. “I’m not usually like …” You trail off, suddenly worried you gave him the wrong impression, your head buzzing with your friends’ advice on how to keep him interested in you.
“You don’t usually sleep with a guy after the third date?” Tommy inquires.
“I don’t usually come more than twice in one night.” You whisper the offensive word.
“That’s hardly your fault,” Tommy replies with a shrug. “Those college boys are dull.”
“Who says I’m sleeping with college boys?” you ask.
He glances at you, the words, “oh come on,” written all over his face. “You don’t seem like the type of girl who would go after their dads.”
That comment sparks something in you. “Who says I’m not going after their moms?”
He laughs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Now that’s a sight I’d love to see.”
“Do you think those college boys taught me all those things we did last week?”
Tommy clears his throat. “I think there’s a couple of things I’d like to teach you. Just as long as you promise not to use them on any college boys.”
A brief silence settles over you. Then, “Who taught you how to do all that, by the way?” you ask.
“All what?” Tommy teases.
“You know …” You shrug, but shift excitedly when he puts his warm hand on your naked thigh. His fingers are rough from his daily work, but his touch his so gentle that something melts inside of you.
“I’m afraid I don’t know.”
You sigh and glance up at the roof of the cabin. “Now don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re … what we did last week was the best sex of my life.”
Tommy squeezes your thigh. “There’s a wrong way to take this?”
“Don’t let it go to your head is what I’m saying.”
“It’s too late for that.” He pulls a grimace, brings the car to a stop in front of a red light. “Tell me more.”
“I’m not telling you anything until you tell me where you learned all that.”
“What? Eating pussy?”
“Oh my God.” Your face heats up because of him for the second time that evening. “Yes, that, but also … I’ve never been with a man who was so concerned about my … my pleasure.”
“I was in the Army,” Tommy answers.
“And they teach you that there?” You can’t quite tell if he’s being serious.
“If you’re on leave in some Godforsaken place, and there’s fifty other strappin’ young men you’ll learn fast enough how to please women. Or you’ll spend every night alone.”
You nod slowly. “Where are we going?”
“Oh no, missy, you’re not changing the subject.” Tommy’s hand climbs higher on your thigh; he’s almost touching the hem of your dress now.
You shrug. “You’re right; those college boys are boring. You’re … you know what you’re doing.”
“You’re just sayin’ that because you have no one to compare me to.”
Now it’s your turn to laugh. “No, I’m saying that because it’s the truth.”
Tommy glances at you again. “I don’t like that laughter.”
“A bit, yeah,” he admits.
“Don’t be,” you tell him, your voice suddenly soft. “There’s no reason to.”
Tommy pulls off the main road then and onto a dark parking lot. You’re about to make a teasing remark when he turns the car and suddenly the glistening Austin skyline is sitting right there in front of you, like a mirage in the desert.
“Wow,” you breathe and sit up straight.
“Did I promise too much?” Tommy wants to know.
“You didn’t promise me anything,” you remind him.
Your gaze wanders to take in everything, the dark trees shielding you from the road, the city that sits right there as if it wants to tempt you to reach out and touch it, the nearby bridge where a car passes in your direction.
“Wait a minute,” you say slowly. “I know exactly where we are.”
“And where’s that?” Tommy asks, a barely concealed smile on his face.
“I’ve heard stories about you and this place.”
“What kind of stories?” Tommy grabs a can of beer from a cooler on the backseat and opens it with a sharp hiss. “Only good ones, I should hope.” He hands you the can and you take it, but pull a grimace at him at the same time.
“What?” he asks.
“You used to take girls here when we were in high school,” you answer after taking a sip from the beer. “Lots of girls.”
“A handful, at most,” Tommy corrects you.
“More like a handful at the same time,” you mumble.
Now it is Tommy’s turn to ask, “Jealous?”
You take another sip before you answer. “I was back then. I had the biggest crush on you.”
“I’m flattered.” It sounds as if he’s mocking you but the flush on his cheeks tells a different tale.
“You never noticed me, of course,” you go on.
“You were a bit young,” Tommy points out.
“And now I’m not?”
“Now you’re a well-traveled woman who’s back in her little town for summer.” You open your mouth but he goes on. “Now you can tell when a man is takin’ you for a ride and when he’s serious about you. Do you still have a crush on me then?”
You shrug. “A different kind, maybe. I definitely don’t fantasize about you confessing your love for me anymore. Or about us running away together.”
“Why not?” Tommy takes a big swig from the can. “I think you should start doin’ that again.”
“Or I could fantasize about other things, less innocent things.”
Tommy shifts and clears his throat. You can’t help but smile at how little it takes to shift the mood.
“Like what?” he asks, and the beer can cracks in his grip.
“Like how you held me down last week,” you answer, fighting to keep your voice steady. “Or how softly you touched me afterwards.”
“You don’t have to fantasize about those things. Give me somethin’ new.” The slightly commanding edge to his voice sends a shiver down your spine.
“Well … when we were in high school, I used to wonder what it would be like to be taken here by you. What did you do with the girls you drove out here?”
In the distance, you can hear the sound of another car gliding across the bridge.
“Can’t you guess?”
“I was very innocent back then,” you remind him. “My thoughts never went past a small kiss on the lips.”
Tommy licks his. “Yeah, but now? What would you like me to do with a woman I take here?”
The tension has become unbearable and you giggle, searching to relieve it. It doesn’t work. Tommy’s hungry gaze wanders down to where your dress has ridden up your thighs and you inhale sharply.
“I still think a kiss would be nice,” you answer finally, your voice no longer steady at all. “But it doesn’t have to be all that innocent.”
Tommy puts one of his warm hands on your naked thigh, then leans in closer until he can hear your breath hitch. “Where would you like that kiss, darlin’?”
“How about you figure that out for yourself?” you tease him.
His lips are firm against yours, the pressure insistent until you open up for him. He tastes like the beer he just downed, the cigarette he just smoked. He also tastes like Tommy, and you relish how familiar you are with it after just two weeks. You sigh into the kiss, feeling all the tension leave your body. His teasing remarks and slight bravado are backed up by his skills, and you shudder remembering what else he can do with that tongue. You bite his lip to draw it out of him, but he only huffs and pulls back.
“Careful, darlin’,” he warns, his voice deeper now.
“What? Too wild for you?” you ask with a small laugh.
“Don’t get into somethin’ you can’t handle.” The tips of his fingers are under the hem of your dress now and you squirm, but he digs his nails into the soft skin. “See? I haven’t even touched you yet and it’s already too much for you.”
You raise your chin. “It’s not.”
“Have you ever fucked someone in a car?” Tommy asks, his hungry gaze fixed onto your face.
“No,” you reply slowly.
It’s not as if you didn’t know this was where the evening was going. It’s not as if you didn’t want it to go there. But now you’re here, you’re very aware of how exposed you are, even inside Tommy’s truck, and how many laws you would be breaking if you took this any further.
“Relax,” Tommy chuckles. His dark eyes are glistening in the lights of Austin. “You said it yourself: This isn’t my first time doin’ this. I’ve never been caught.”
“Oh, so I’m just another one of your conquests.”
“You can be anythin’ you want to be.” With that, he pushes his hand between your legs and places the tips of two of his fingers straight against your clit.
It’s as if your legs follow their own will when they spread open to give Tommy more room. He doesn’t need it, moving his fingers in a small circle, not breaking eye contact once. When he increases the pressure, one of your hands flies up to grab his shoulder, the other finds purchase against your seat.
“You like that, huh?” Tommy teases.
You nod, pushing your hips forward into his touch.
“Is it worth the risk?” His touch is lighter again, his fingers move slower.
Now it’s your turn to warn him with a, “Careful, Tommy.”
“Why?” His touch is feather-light now.
You move your hand that’s on his shoulder up to his jaw, cupping it. “You don’t want to turn me into a bad girl, do you?” You feel silly when you say it out loud like this, but his eyes light up.
“As I said, you can be anythin’ you want.” The tremor in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“How about we start by turning me into someone who gets fucked in a car?”
Suddenly, he turns his head, biting into the heel of your palm, making you squeal. When your laughter dies down, you notice how his fingers are moving faster again, accompanied by a wet sound.
“God,” Tommy groans. “Look at you. I’ve barely touched you.”
Something tells you that you should be embarrassed by how little it took for him to turn you on, but then he increases the pressure on your clit, and your eyes flutter shut with a moan.
“I can see you overthinkin’ this,” Tommy whispers, so close you can feel his warm breath on your neck and ear. “Don’t. You’re fuckin’ perfect.”
“Tommy …,” you groan, and you don’t quite know why. Do you want him to go faster? Slower? Do you want him to make you come?”
He doesn’t allow you a single second to find answers to those questions. “I love it when you say my name like that.”
You roll your hips into his touch, and his other hand grabs your thigh with a firm grasp. “Don’t. Tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you.”
You open your eyes to find his gaze fixed on your face, eagerly licking his lips. In that moment, you don’t remember ever wanting anyone as much as you want him. Out of curiosity, you try to roll your hips again, and he lands a soft slap against your pussy in retribution, one that makes you groan with pleasure.
“Do that again,” you pant.
He hesitates for the briefest of moments, then does as you ask, a little harder this time. You fold, your upper body bending toward your knees, your head fuzzy with pleasure.
“I need you … inside of … of me, Tommy, please,” you stammer. You feel yourself clench around nothing at the thought of him filling you up. He only rolls your clit between his fingers, making your hips jerk involuntarily. “Please, Tommy, please.”
“Shhh,” he makes, and kisses your temple. “Later, darlin’. I want to see you come in your panties first.”
You grab his shoulder, feeling yourself tumble toward the edge. His fingers are moving fast enough to drive you insane with pleasure but it’s not quite enough to get you there. And he must know that, judging by the smug look on his face.
“Please,” you whimper.
“What do you need?” he asks, his voice thick with arousal.
You risk a glance down between his legs, the obvious bulge in his jeans making you clench again. Then you press your hand against his moving between your legs, just so the pressure becomes a bit more …
Tommy slaps your hand away. “Harder, Tommy,” he says in a voice mocking yours. “Come on, say it.”
“Harder, Tommy,” you moan immediately.
And you’re rewarded with an orgasm so intense you see stars dance in front of your eyes. Your moans make your ears ring, and when Tommy doesn’t stop, they turn into desperate whimpers. It’s only when you grab his wrist that he stops and you try to catch your breath with a shuddering sob.
“Fuck,” you groan and close your eyes.
“Yeah,” Tommy agrees. “Can’t believe you really just came in your panties for me.”
You laugh, your voice breaking when you can’t get enough air into your lungs.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful right after an orgasm, you know that?” Tommy goes on, and you want him to keep talking like that more than anything.
“Why?” you ask, then gasp, when he presses his fingers against your clit before removing his hand.
“You’re so perfect,” he answers without hesitation. “I guess I like seein’ you come undone.”
You straighten your dress and look at the glistening Austin skyline in front of you. “You bring out the worst in me, Tommy Miller.”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s almost impossible to take the good out of the girl.”
You glance down at his bulge again, lick your lips at the thought that it’s just sitting there, waiting for you. “It’s much easier than you think,” you reply, then begin to unbuckle his belt.
His hips jerk in response. “Careful, darlin’.”
“What? Can’t handle it when the tables are turned?” you tease.
He shoots you a crooked smile. “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
“Oh, I intend to.” You grip his hard cock and pull it out of his jeans, relishing how his hips jerk again. Your mouth waters when you run your thumb over the glistening tip and hear Tommy inhale sharply. Your short, tight dress makes it hard for you to climb up onto the seat while still preserving some of your dignity, but one glance at Tommy tells you he couldn’t care less. His pupils are dilated and his mouth hangs slightly open while his chest rises and falls rapidly. All that just because you’re holding his cock in your hand. You stroke across the tip again, then move your hand down toward the base and lock your lips to his, capturing a deep groan. Tommy’s eyes flutter shut and you lower your head, closing your lips around his cock.
“Fuck,” he groans, one hand immediately tangling in your hair.
You shift, trying to find a more comfortable position, but it’s hard, even if the bench of the pick-up is bigger than most car seats you’re used to. Tommy doesn’t care. He pushes himself deeper into your mouth and you swallow around him, his sharp taste overwhelming. It’s hot in the truck, and you can smell his sweat, smell your own arousal on his hand resting on his thigh. You pull off him until only his tip is still between your lips, then move down again, while he pushes, almost impatiently. Your neck strains uncomfortably, but you want to make this work. For him.
“Stop,” he says after his tip hits the back of your throat and you gag. “I want to be inside of you.”
You straighten your back and smile at him. Your lips feel swollen. “You are, Tommy.”
With his thumb, he swipes away saliva and pre-cum from your bottom lip. “Not like that.”
The way he looks at you, heated, yes, but also with an unguarded softness in his eyes, makes something flutter inside your chest. “What did you have in mind?” you ask.
He leans forward, his mouth so close to your ear his breath tickles your skin. The presumed forbiddenness of what he’s about to tell you makes you hold your breath. “I want you on top of me,” he whispers in your ear, voice low. “Use me however you want.”
A pleasant shiver runs down your spine and you nod, cheeks burning up. What have you done to deserve a man like him in your life?
You move to climb on top of him, but he stops you, his hand spread across your chest. “I think we’d be more comfortable on the backseat. Don’t you?”
You glance over the front seats at the dark space beyond and nod again. It’s also harder to spot you back there should someone decide to drive into the parking lot.
With practiced movements, Tommy tilts his seat, then climbs over it, briefly struggling with his loose jeans. You grin and follow him, body humming with pleasant anticipation. Tommy pulls his shirt over his head and kicks off his shoes and jeans, but when you start to take off your dress, he stops you.
“No. Just your panties.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh?”
You can’t really tell in the dim light but he looks flushed when he searches his trouser pockets for a condom.
When you finally lower yourself onto him, you can feel his chest vibrate with a deep groan under your palms. He jerks and shifts trying to adjust himself, but you hold him down and roll your hips from side to side until he nods. For a while, you both just sit there and look at each other, his hands stroking your sides, your fingers playing with the coarse hairs on his chest. To you, this is the definition of paradise.
You roll your hips in small, slow circles at first, so imperceptible it takes him a while to notice. But when he does, he jerks his hips upwards, urging you to go faster, so you press your knees into his sides.
“No,” you tell him, and when he opens his mouth to protest, you put a raised finger against his lips. “Let me take care of you.” For a second, you think he’ll reject you; but then he nods. “Good,” you say, brushing your thumb across his bottom lip before pulling your hand back. His chest and neck are a deep red now.
It’s not like you’re planning on torturing him forever. You roll your hips a little faster, and with every deliciously lewd sound he makes for you, a little faster still. Soon, your resolve crumbles, and you allow him to stroke your naked thighs, to squeeze your clothed breasts, even to play with your clit. The humid air in the truck clings to your skin, and to Tommy’s, and you’re transfixed by a bead of sweat making its way down his cheek. You capture it with a kiss, then throw back your head with a moan when he rolls your clit under his thumb just so.
That’s when you notice it – the other truck parked next to yours. Was it already there when Tommy pulled into the parking lot? Did it pull up afterwards and you just didn’t notice because you were occupied with other things at the time? Whatever the answer might be, it’s not important right now, not when you notice the other truck isn’t empty.
A man is staring at you with an intensity that makes your breath catch in your throat. He looks older than Tommy, but not by much, maybe a few years. His face is framed by dark hair and a dark beard, very prominent on his upper lip, less so on his cheeks and chin. His eyes are dark too, hidden in the shadows of the driver’s cabin, but you can feel them on you, watching every twitch of your hips with intent. And he definitely isn’t alone.
You can’t see the person he’s with; she’s kneeling in front of him, hands and knees on the backseat, and he’s holding down her head with his outstretched arm. All you can see is that she has dark auburn hair that the man uses to hold her in place. The back of your own scalp prickles at that sight and you wish someone would hold onto you like that.
You should stop and tell Tommy about the stranger in the car next to yours who is fucking a woman you can’t see while watching you fuck a man he can’t see. Or you should move to the other side of the car where he won’t be able to see you. The least you should do is look away. But you don’t do any of these things. Later, when you’re alone, you’ll ask yourself why, but there is no answer other than not wanting to break the connection you feel to that stranger at this very moment. You’ll think it a weak excuse then, but right here, in Tommy’s truck, it feels like the most sensual experience of your life. You’re both fucking other people and yet it feels like you’re fucking each other.
Beneath you, Tommy groans deeply, and he twitches inside of you. “Keep goin’, darlin’,” he mumbles.
You don’t know if Tommy is watching you or if his eyes are closed, you don’t know if his mouth hangs open, you couldn’t name the shade of red coating his neck. Instead, you watch as the stranger bites his lip, watch as his eyes flutter shut after a particularly deep thrust, watch how he presses the woman’s head down further. You can almost hear his pants and growls, and in turn your breath comes in short bursts. Why doesn’t he look away? And why don’t you?
His thrusts come faster now, and it’s not as if you’re consciously changing your pace too, but suddenly you catch yourself matching the roll of your hips to his. You groan when you see the smirk on his face, and your upper body falls forward, forcing you to brace yourself against Tommy’s chest. Why did that stranger’s smirk set the base of your spine on fire and why did your small moment of weakness make his face darken with resolve?
When you look up again, he has his eyes closed, so you close yours too, and for an instant, just one brief moment, you imagine it’s him thrusting up into you. That vision is so powerful you half expect it to be him below you when you open your eyes again, but it’s Tommy, and he’s watching you.
“Feel so good,” he mumbles. “So, so good.”
A twinge of guilt gets mixed in with that already explosive cocktail of feelings brewing inside of you, and you’re not sure what to do about it. Are you crossing a line with this? You don’t know; you’ve never heard about anyone in a situation like this. All you know is that when you lift your head, the stranger’s gaze hits you like a bolt of lightning. You feel it tingle in your fingers, up and down your legs, on the tip of your nose, and at the back of your neck. But most importantly, you feel it deep in your core that clenches with desperation. He lifts his chin and rolls his shoulders, pushing his chest forward, like he’s showing off to you, and you can’t help it – you dig your nails into Tommy’s skin and he groans with pleasure.
The air in the truck is so heavy it is becoming hard to breathe. You only realize that when you would need it most desperately. Over there, in the other car, the man’s hips suddenly still and you watch as he throws back his head, as a deep, dark flush climbs up his chest and neck. You can almost feel it, how he empties himself into that woman he’s fucking, how he empties himself into you. And before you can fully grasp what is happening, you’re clenching around Tommy hard and fast, making him snap his hips up into you.
“Fuck, fuck! Fuck!” he swears, holding you in place with two hot hands on your sides.
Your orgasm is still making your entire body shake, but it also feels like it doesn’t belong to you at all. You’re praying for the stranger to look at you again, one final time, but he has disappeared. All you can see is his back from time to time, and the woman’s knees that look like they’re trembling, as he goes down on her. You can’t help the jealousy that is clawing at the inside of your stomach.
Tommy pulls you down and gives you a searing kiss. “You’re fuckin’ amazin’, you know that?” You giggle and bury your face against his neck, trying to shake off that strange feeling of desire and yearning. “I’m very sorry I doubted you,” Tommy goes on. “No college boy could’ve taught you that.”
“That good, huh?” you ask, running your hand through his curls.
“Good’s an understatement,” he mumbles.
Carefully, he lifts you off him and takes off the condom. You’re on the other side of the truck now and can barely see the top of the other one. That loss is strangely irritating.
“Take off your dress,” Tommy orders.
You look at him, at his flushed cheeks, at the drunk desire in his gaze. “Ready for round two already?” you tease.
He shakes his head. “No, but I won’t make you wait for me.”
His mouth is hot against your sensitive clit, and you roll your hips up against his tongue eagerly. Above you, the roof of the truck is cast in shadows. You stare up at the boring gray, eyes wide open, because as soon as you close them, you see the stranger, as clear as if he was still right in front of you. And you refuse to give him that kind of power over you.
joel miller taglist: @almodovarispunk | @chippedowlmug | @daimyosprincess | @giggly-otter | @girlbossnancy | @hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsstuff | @jennaispunk | @lexloon | @mandalaur | @mandinlore | @n7cje | @sin-djarin | @swimmjacket
in plain sight taglist: @shellshocklove
permanent taglist: @alexturner | @amneris21 | @din-jarhead | @harriedandharassed | @martellthemandalor | nyfeeer | @nobodys-baby-now | @od-ends | @pedrorascal | @pedrostories | @radiowallet-writes | @xoxabs88xox
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