#quite hard work to sit for 2 hours while excited actually
gtzgoblin · 5 months
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I watched a sunset til it went down last night for the first time ever and honestly, that was cool enough, NEVER MIND THIS
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badnoahmens · 10 months
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 3
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 4.8k
A/N: I’m sorry this took as long as it did. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out which direction I wanted to take this in. Still not 100% sure. Hope you enjoy it though!
Part 1
Part 2
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As soon as you arrive home, you rack your brain for any existing plans that may have been scheduled for the next day.
Work? … Nope.
And… that was about it. You weren’t exactly the social butterfly you used to be. The anxiety around it and the pressure you would put on yourself ruined that. Luckily, the friends you had understood you and knew you well enough that they stuck around. You were forever thankful for that.
The thought crossed your mind, should you tell them about this date? You hadn’t even told them that you had met up with Noah again. You decide that it is best to not tell them, keep it to yourself for the meantime. Just so the information doesn’t get into the wrong hands.
By the time you finally crawled into bed, you had an outfit planned (you know the one, looks effortless but took forever to put together?), items packed in a bag, and an excited but nervous fluttering in your stomach. It may have been hard, but eventually, you were able to drift off into a sleep.
Anticipation woke you before your alarm rang, but you couldn’t quite bring yourself to get out of bed yet, almost as though Noah would think you’re too excited for this date - even though he can’t even see you right now.
Your mind keeps going over and over the details of the day just past. The conversations, the eye-contact, the subtle gestures and body language shared between you two, just… everything. You reminisce on the words you shared, memories both old and new, of family and friends from over the years. When he showed you his vulnerable side, talking about some of the personal details of his life, and when he would glance at you to see if you were listening, which you always were. Even right down to the details, like when he walked, he walked quickly, so you had to pick up your own pace just to keep up. That was, until he noticed this, so he started to consciously make the effort to walk a bit slower while with you.
When you rise from the warm cocoon of your bed, you start to fix yourself some breakfast and coffee, making sure to properly prepare yourself for the day. With that out of the way, it left you with nothing but just to wait. Wait until it was time to leave for a date.
A date.
With Noah.
Noah Sebastian.
Butterflies started to form in your stomach again, coming to the realization that today was actually happening. It wasn’t some dream or movie you had entered into. No. This was real life. This was your life.
The next hour was spent getting ready, changing outfits multiple times (again), and then nervously bouncing your leg as you sat and watched the time tick by, second by second.
It was agonizingly slow to sit there and just watch, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be entertained in any other way. Your mind was hyper focused on one thing, and you really didn't want to be late for that.
It got to a time that you were satisfied with, and stood to leave, brushing off your clothes, and turning to walk out, closing the door behind you. As you near your car, one hand outstretched and on the car door handle, you felt something fall onto your shoulder, and then could feel the sickening warmth as the bird dropping started to settle into the fabric of your shirt.
“Are you KIDDING me!” you yell up at the sky, a bird flying away from you, taunting with its swoops up and down as it dances around the sky.
With a huff and a frustrated brisk walk back inside, you storm into your bedroom, frantically trying to find a new shirt to go with the outfit you had meticulously put together, but nothing seemed to be working. It was either too short, too long, too colorful, too wrong. Giving up, you yank on a plain shirt that was tossed in the corner earlier, and admitting defeat. You were already late, flustered, and now stressed beyond hell.
The door slams shut behind you as you rush to your car and finally slip into the driver's seat, angrily glaring at the sky again as you pull out and start to follow the directions to Noah’s accommodation.
When you arrive, parking spaces are harder to come by at this time of day. There were more people around now, and there was a traffic jam of cars all waiting and fighting to find a place to park. Almost as though it was sent from the heavens, a car pulls out right in front of you, which you gladly drive into, turning the car off with a sigh of relief.
The stress that had suddenly fallen upon you this morning acted as a distraction from your mind starting to wander again. It was almost peaceful until you remembered why you were here in the first place.
Before you get yourself thinking about it any more, you quickly get out of the car, shoving your phone and keys into your pockets, and start walking towards where you were meeting Noah for your date.
That word again. Date. It played on your mind a lot. Did he really mean a date, in the traditional sense? What did that even mean? It was really just two people meeting up, maybe to eat some food, or to go somewhere cool. You continued to downplay the events of what was happening or about to happen, that you hadn't realized that your feet had carried you right up to the location. You were busy admiring the space around you, a song of “it’’s aaallll good, this is just two people hanging out! Theres no need to get all worked up about this” that was interrupted when you hear your name being called out.
You hadn’t even seen Noah, sitting there against the small retaining wall that bordered the garden. One hand was in his pocket nonchalantly, the other waving gingerly in your direction. You couldn’t help but notice a toothy grin on his face. His black t-shirt fit him perfectly so it hugged his shoulders, but fell carelessly around his waist, which then met the top of his beige shorts. His ankles were crossed, with white crew socks peeking above the white sneakers he adorned. With his arms bare, the tattoos that decorated him were vibrant in the dappled sunlight, small shadows dancing as the tree that hung above him shifted slightly in the wind. The tattoos continued up his neck, framing his jaw with colors and illustrations that you haven't paid too close attention to before, contrasted with the block color of his outfit.
How did he look so effortlessly good? Like he just rolled into a pile of laundry and managed to pull this off?
His eyes gathered slightly at the side when his smile widened when you waved back, and he stood from his sitting position to walk towards you. To your surprise, he held his arms out, bringing you into an embrace when you finally neared him.
His hug was so warm, like he was radiating from the inside, his arms so long they could wrap around you twice over if he wanted. He gave a light squeeze, and you raised your bent arms to place your palms on his back, smiling into him as you did.
He pulls away, combing back his hair with his fingertips, grinning at you.
“Glad you’re here!” He sang, “now, if you’ll just follow me…” he trailed off, motioning his hand in the opposite direction in which you arrived. You started walking next to him, making small talk about the drive over and the fiasco with a bird dropping their shit on your shoulder. Noah had to hold onto himself, arms twisted around his torso just so that he didn’t split open from laughing too hard.
“They say that it’s a good omen right? Like, it’s a lucky thing to get shit on by a bird” Noah remarked after he composed himself, finally.
“Better buy a lottery ticket then” you scoff, grinning when Noah laughs again.
You walk for bit longer, noticing how Noah would gingerly point in certain directions when you had to turn a corner. Every now and then he would pause, look around, and then glance back over his shoulder.
“You know, if you told me where we were going, I could help with directions” you comment.
Noah’s eyebrows knit together slightly, pulling out his phone and checking the maps again.
“Or are you leading me to my death, and this is part of the plan?” Noah looks at you after you say this, slightly worried, but relaxes when he sees you’re joking. “You know, in case I get away. You need to make sure I don’t know where I am, right?” You continue.
Noah just smiles his big grin, showing off his teeth as he chuckles at the remark. “It’s not far, I promise”
“Ah. Another secretive response. So this IS my demise…” you retort. Noah simply looks at you and winks.
When you arrive at a building, the only decorations are the painted red walls, torn posters, and an open door with a staircase leading to another floor.
“This looks awfully murder-y” you comment. Noah laughs again, but starts walking up the stairs.
Despite what you have been taught your whole life, you follow him into the mysterious building. There was a strange sense of security around him, that he would protect you.
The higher up the stairs you go, the more you could hear a murmur of a crowd. It was a dark room that you entered into, a crowd was seated in pairs with small tables between them, all facing a stage with red curtains tied to either side. Noah spoke to a server, flashing his phone which was scanned, and then he continued into the room. You followed him, taking a seat in the chair next to him. A cheap battery-powered candle flickered on the small table between you two, emitting the glow that quietly danced on Noah and your arms.
“So you haven’t brought me here to murder me, but to witness one?” You tease.
He looks at you quizzically, “have you never been to a comedy show before?”
You mouthed an “Ohhhhh” to Noah, the realization of the setting finally kicking in. The lights dimmed just as you were looking around, the whole scene making a lot more sense now. A voice chartered through the speakers asking for the crowd to find their seats as the show is about to begin.
It starts with a man, dressed as casual as can be with a hoodie and black jeans, strolling onto the stage with a handheld microphone.
“Hello everyone, and thank you for coming today! We have a special time planned ahead for you, so I ask that you do your best to enjoy the show.” The host introduced the first comedian, who when he walked on stage, looked no more than 18 years old. Their content was good, targeting the stereotypical teenager and the tropes of being introduced to adulthood. He told a story of how he moved out of home… and then back in… and then back out…. And then back in again. He spoke about his family, who seemed like characters themselves, recounting an embarrassing birthday story and performing a reenactment of the encounter when a bat showed but uninvited. He finished his set with a heartwarming yet entertaining story, of his family and how they actually ended up being a friends family, how he wasn’t related to them at all, and that they were the ones who took him in over and over again.
Noah seemed to enjoy this comedian, he laughed at his jokes, mumbled under his breath in agreeable to a few comments, and watched the man pour out his heart when talking about his experience.
It was distracting, how engaged Noah looked. You found it hard to take your eyes off him. You noticed the smallest details, just like how his front teeth were ever so slightly crooked. You could see the freckles that dotted his cheek, tangled with the short stubble that had started to poke through under his nose and down his jawline. His jawline and how it twitched when he would smile and laugh.
He picked up on it, seeming like a small wave of self-consciousness creeped in.
He shifted in his seat, readjusting his position and glanced your way. “Is there something wrong? Are you not enjoying the show?” He asked as the next comedian took the stage.
“This was a great idea” you whisper back through a smile. Your eyes move back to the lit stage as the next comedian spoke.
“I had this whole skit about coming on here today, and just having a normal-ass conversation with you all, but then I realized that’s literally why you came here, to get away from that” he chuckled to himself. “So instead, I’m just going to make fun of some of you.”
Oh no.
The comedian's eyes bounced between the seats,the audience echoing a nervous laugh. Without even muttering a word, the comedian makes the most intense eye contact you have ever seen with an elderly couple sitting front and center. His arm raises, slowly, as he points directly at them.
“You” he states clearly. The room erupts in laughter. “You will be my sacrifice tonight”.
The couple are doubled over, cupping their face in their hands and shaking their heads, a smile spread wide across their face.
“Yep. It’s happening.” The comedian nodded his head, still with a finger pointed at them.
He started by asking for their names, what they do for a living, about their family, and even squeezed in a joke about stealing their identity. It was pleasant and joyful, and then he asked a question in a more serious tone.
“What advice would you give to the couple at the back who look like they’re on their first date?” his hand was on his hip, fingers drumming a rhythmic pattern in the microphone he held in his other hand. His eyes then darted right to you, body not moving an inch but you knew he was starting to drag you into his act.
The elderly couple laughed again, and then linked their hands. Although it was dark, the silhouette of them looked like they gave each other a look of fondness and love.
“I mean, come on. How does anyone else get a love like this!” The comedian threw his hands up in surrender. “But really, what should these fresh-to-their-relationship-and-came-to-a-stand-up-show-so-they-didn’t-need-to-make-actual-conversation kids know?”
Another roar of cackles from the room. All you could muster is an embarrassed giggle, feeling the heat rise to your face as you tried your hardest not to look over at Noah. The energy he was giving off felt a lot more calm than you, and you wished you could just take that on. Your knee started to bounce lightly, the nerves from being in the spotlight were starting to make you feel on edge.
“I should stop picking in people, really. There will come a time in your life…” the comedian started, now turning and facing you and Noah. He took three careful steps towards you. “Where you will meet someone you think is very pretty.” He paused, letting the chatter of chuckles radiate throughout the room. You were now the one with your face in your hands, trying desperately to sink away into your chair and escape. What they could see, though, was the smile behind your fingers. Despite the torturous attention, you couldn’t deny it was still a laugh.
“I should really stop. That guy with the tattoos, yeah he looks like he could beat me up pretty easily.”
You glanced at Noah through tangled fingers. He
rubbed at his chin and narrowed his eyes, feinting a thoughtful look with a slow nod, before cracking the facade with a big grin. He waved his hand towards the comedian as if to shoo him away.
And it was with that, that the comedian thanked the crowd and left the stage.
There was only one more to grace the stage before the crowd, and although they were still funny, you couldn’t help but still feel the residual embarrassment from the previous act. It actually took you a moment to realize that the show was over when the lights started to gradually light the room.
You jumped ever so slightly from the pat you felt on your left. Two soft, open hand taps on your thigh from Noah.
“Shows over. Let’s go get some food.”
You nod in response, standing from your seat and following Noah back out of the room, down the stairs, and into the bright light of the day.
Your eyes took their time to adjust to the sunshine, completely forgetting that it was still well and truly the middle of the day. There was a place nearby that you were both heading towards, sitting down at a picnic table curbside under a bright yellow umbrella. Noah sat opposite you, eyebrows starting to knit together as he frowned at the large menu he held in his hands. After some musing, he settled on a burger. The idea of making a mess of yourself while trying to eat a burger embarrassed you, so you went with a wrap instead.
Using the online menu, your food was ordered in no time. You started up a new conversation with Noah, trying to avoid an awkward silence from creeping up.
“Do you see stand-up comics often?” you ask.
He thought for a moment. “I used to. Not much spare time now. I’d like to do it more often though.” You hummed in agreement. Noah looked like he was dwelling on a thought.
“I know this might seem like a bit much. But are you free tonight?”
“Tonight?” Is he serious? Not that you’re complaining…
“There’s a band playing at a nearby bar tonight. We’re out of here and onto the next town tomorrow morning. There’s a few of us going, but I would really like it if you joined us.”
“A few of you are going? You don’t need an extra third wheel.” You joke, only to have the words play on your mind. Why couldn’t you be smooth with words? Like Noah? Sound all suave and effortless.
“It’s all the people you have met before. Plus, you won’t be third wheeling.” He paused. “I’d rather spend the time with you, honestly”. He glanced over his shoulder as though he was on the lookout and didn’t want to get caught, then leaned in closer to you. “I have spent way too long on a small bus with too many guys. They have become too comfortable around each other.” He paused. “It will be nice to have someone there that doesn’t think it’s normal to fart on each other.”
“Oh, but whatever do you mean?” You teased, placing a hand in your chest and raising your eyebrows feigning a surprised reaction, causing Noah to laugh with that wide grin, the kind that says the crinkles by his eyes.
“Are you sure, though?” You ask once the laughing subsides, a genuine tone to your voice. cautious, even.
Noah nods, looking into your eyes. There’s kindness there, sincerity behind them. “I’m absolutely sure”, he pauses. “I’d love to spend more time with you, seeing as we leave town tomorrow.”
Noah reached for the glass of water in front of him, sipping it slowly while you process his words.
He wants to spend more time with me? Is he crazy?
Despite the voice in your head, which always seemed to have a vendetta against you, you agree. What did you have to lose?
“I’d love to come. It sounds like it’ll be a great night”.
Noah’s face lights up. “Great! We’ll meet you there at 7.”
Noah continues on, telling you details about the plan for tonight, who is going, and where it’s at. You can feel a warmth radiating from him, his excitement and passion for music distracting you from any feelings of doubt.
You both continue to carry a light conversation and you start to pick up on the small mannerisms Noah does without even noticing. He likes to play with his hair; running his fingers through it, tugging at the strands on the back of his head when he is focusing, even ruffling it up and then smoothing it back down every once in a while.
You also notice his smile, and how he has many. There’s a lopsided one when he is trying to be patient and not speak out of turn. There’s also a goofy, toothy smile that shows when a laugh from his belly comes out. Then there’s a small, slight grin, turning up just in the corners. It’s this one that graces his features when he listens to you speak. He watches the way your mouth moves sometimes too fast to get the words out right, how you also play with your hair absentmindedly, and use your hands to gesture probably too much when retelling a story.
It’s this smile that almost looks like he is fawning over you. Like it didn’t matter what you were saying, he would listen. He would watch your eyes light up when talking about your passions. He would notice how your leg would stop bouncing when speaking about your closest family members. He saw the way you saw him watching you, and would immediately flush with the lightest shade of pink and you try to change the subject.
You had never felt this comfortable with anyone before, where you could be vulnerable without hesitation, and he would accept it wholeheartedly. Even after only knowing this man for mere weeks, it felt like decades.
There was an odd sensation that he felt the same, that he could also be himself around you. That after that first night you met, he saw something different in you. What that was exactly, you had no idea. But Noah knew something, and he was doing his damned best to find out more about you.
As the time ticked by, Noah and you had finished your food, and were walking back to where you had met hours before. Your car was still faithfully parked where you had left it. You neared it, slowly walking closer, but without realizing also slowing your pace. There was a twinge of sadness inside you, knowing that you were about to say goodbye to Noah.
“Thank you, again, for today” you say, kicking a rock with the toe of your boot. It skids off to the side, falling into a soft blanket of grass.
“Thank you for agreeing to come along,” Noah responds. When you look up at him, he is smiling sweetly at you. His hands were dug deep into his pockets as his long legs swung in front of the other, meandering along next to you.
“Tell me more about tonight. Who is the band you want to see?” you ask.
Noah looks off into the distance, squinting a little as he recalls the information. HIs hair jostles slightly. “They’re a band that I’ve listened to a bit. They’re funky, got a great groove, something maybe a little bit more chill than what I’ve been surrounded with lately,” he chuckles.
“They sound like a lot of fun,” you prompt Noah to continue.
“I hope so. We’re so close to the tour ending, it will be nice to let off some steam, watch someone else do all the hard work”.
“Is it hard?” you ask, pausing for a moment. “Doing what you do, I mean, it looks incredible. But there's just so much work behind the scenes, right?”
Noah smiles to himself again, almost like he was keeping a secret.
“There is so much work behind the scenes. The shows are just what people see.” Noah holds out one of his hands, counting on his fingers. “There's song writing, song production, crew management, performance management, lights and sound engineering, travel, merch designs and sales, graphic designs… and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head…” Noah trails off, surely with a thousand thoughts running through his mind.
You look at him in awe, finally starting to appreciate the work ethic of this man. The drive that he had, the passion for what he does, and yet, not a single moment of hesitation or apathy about any of it.
Noah shared some more details about the night, and by the time he is finished listing off the people that you will meet there, you reach your car.
As you half from your pacing, Noah takes one extra, careful step, before turning and looking at you. His entire demeanour shifts, hands hiding in his pockets, shoulders slouched over slightly, as his eyes bounce between yours and your car behind you.
Did he seem nervous?
It was the first time he ever seemed shy, like he was doubting something he wanted to say.
“So I guess… goodbye is in order?”
“I guess so”. You lean back in your car, showing him that you’re not exactly running away from this conversation.
He shifts closer to you, taking an arm and wrapping it over your shoulder, pulling you into a tight hug.
Your arms instinctually wrap around his, feeling the soft cotton of his shirt and the way that it falls over the muscles in his back. You absentmindedly trace your fingers up and down his spine, and you could have sworn you heard a low hum come from Noah.
After what felt like longer than a standard hug should last for, your grip around him loosens, and so does his. Saying goodbye to him felt worse than it actually was, despite knowing you would see him again in mere hours.
“I’ll see you real soon” he says, with a subtle wink. It wasn’t until you shifted to face your car, unlocking the door and sliding into the seat, that he began to turn and walk away.
You watched in the mirror as he gradually made his way back to his accommodation, frame growing smaller and smaller with each step he took.
When he finally rounded the corner and through the doors, you let out the breath you didn’t realise you were holding. There was a warmth inside you that you hadn’t felt before, something that made you smile a big stupid grin.
As you pull your car out from your parking spot, you are oblivious to the world around you, living in your own slice of paradise after the day that had been. So oblivious, that you didn’t see the car driving right into the side of you, deafened by the sound of metal crashing into metal.
Part 4
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Wibta if I told my friend, upfront, I do not want his toxic partners in my campaign party without specifying why?
Everyone in this is 22+
So I (22NB) have been working on a campaign for at least 3 years now. I used dnd as a base and built off it to make my own world, races, mechanics, massive maps, religions, languages etc. This will be a massive campaign with highlights on religion and dealing with gods as a mortal etc and I've put so many hours into it it isn't even funny. I mean shit, I picked music for different areas depending on if it's day or night.
I made a discord server to house most of the basic info my players would need from table rules to the races and beyond. I mainly had the idea that the party would consist of my dmnpc guide (he doesn't fight or break the game, his only action during fighting is the help action and guide the party. Im not an asshole dm who makes my guide the protagonist. If its important, death doesn't really exist in my campaign due to demi-god race stuff, the party just gets sent back to its last save point with my grumpy man guide saying I told you so.), my partner's character (24f)(she dosent get preferential treatment. We've been together for 8 yrs) and my best bud's character (22tm. Been friends for 8 yrs). I never said I specifically only wanted my partner and friend to be party members but it was implied due to the fact I never invited my friends partners to the discord. I just don't really have many friends and this is the first time I've ever dm-ed period, let alone dming my own homebrew. We're all pretty novice newbie players and I think it'll be fun for us to stumble through the game together in a much less complicated form of DND without seasoned players "um actually-"ing us the whole time.
My partner is excited to try and my friend is ecstatic and about 2 years into development (last November) he asked if I could let his partners join the campaign. There're a few issues with this beyond me not really knowing them and not wanting to run a large party (it's hard for seasoned dms to run a 4+ party, let alone I, a fresh infant of a dm). My friend has 3 partners of his (he has 4 total) he wants to introduce to my campaign, this includes (fake names): Mel(24nb), Sandy (mid 20s f) and Rue (23 tw). I have issues with each individual present and it all stems from me sitting in on a different campaign for a single session. See, my friend has his own campaign (much smaller, follows one story in one town on an island instead of my entire continent) and he tried to run it by those three partners (and 2 friends. Names and genders unnecessary, they were our age) while I quietly sat in the session (it was over a discord call, were all in differnet states except for me and my partner) and watched it run just to see how my friend dmed and how the groups chemistry was. They had a 3 hour session.
It was the most socially awkward, intense and passive aggressive 3 hours of my life. Mel barely paid attention and as a result, had to have things explained to them when they weren't listening. They would then would talk over the person explaining things, pick apart their language and get irritated to the point of telling them (mostly rue) to shut up. Mel was quite litterally looking for a fight constantly. Sandy was relatively quiet but also not paying attention and talking over other players actions. She also would come up with random "icks " and one minute was telling everyone to keep all sexual jokes and comments to themselves because it made her uncomfortable then the next said her character was literally blowing a guy in the back of tavern.(btw this is not a fetish campaign or anything, it was out of left field for everyone and my friend shut it down because of that) Rue was the "uhm actually" type who pointed out inaccuracies, broken rules and lack of realism (it's a pirate fantasy magic campaign. There isn't much to focus on realism). Rue was clearly the most seasoned player but the nicest all things considered. She was mostly just condescending and treated my friend like he was stupid for not having every single detail mapped out. The party also had 2 of his friends but they were just as quiet as me and also either not paying attention or listening to the shit show. The session litterally ended with Sandy and Mel having the tiniest argument, mel pulling a crying running away anime protagonist "I'm sorry for being just a fucking terrible person! Ill leave so you all can have fun!!" Then hanging up all dramatically. Safe to say, their party was literally every red flag I was warned about by dm guide content.
My friend then came to me and said they broke up with Sandy that night but were still friends and I was still in shock from the sheer toxicity. Did I mention I had only met Sandy and the two other friends that night? And had only spoken over the phone to Mel once in a group call and met rue in person 2 times? Safe to say, I do not want litterally any of his partners in my party for various reasons and I feel as if just one of them at my table would make my patience end on sight. I consider myself to be very flexible and want to do my very best to be a fair but strong dm who doesn't get their story absolutely trampled by players intentionally trying to ruin my story and watch me scramble (mel and sandy openly did that). These players would disrespect my table rules for fun. Even my friend said they never respect him and his story as a DM and he won't run a game with them again and he thinks they'll respect my rule? As a baby dm? Nah fam.
He wants to bring rue and Mel into my campaign and I haven't answered him yet. I've mostly dodged the question with "I'm not sure how big of a party I feel comfortable dming for, I'll know later down the line." And he's asked again, still curious. I don't wanna judge my friends relationships because he and Mel have been together for 5 years and rue has been with him for 2 (they were together previously before rue came out and rue tried to control and physically abuse him. Thats another reason I don't want her in my campaign. Fuck abusers) but the toxicity they would bring would probably poison me. If I bring these things up, idk how my friend would react and he can be a bit... Extreme when he gets defensive. Cutting people off permanently at a moments notice then coming back crying or confused. He has BPD which explains it but I don't obviously wanna say " your partners are low-key toxic and abit abusive and I don't want them at my table or in my life for the most part and although I love you bro(/platonic) I do not want living blowfish at my table that you might not even speak to tomorrow.".
Obviously I wouldn't word it like that but mainly I just plan on saying "Ive never dmed before and I'm nervous about the functionality of my campaign so I want to keep my party nice, small and intimate and only between you, me and my partner for now. Maybe we can incorporate them later." Without mentioning all the... Other stuff and side stepping if he's like "but what if just mel/rue?". Me, my partner and him have been friends awhile so it's not like he'll feel like he's third wheeling or anything and I get he wants his partners to take in his interest, I just do not want them at my table and I wanna know if I'm a dick if I dont specify why and avoid the question. I dont wanna rock the boat and hurt my friends feelings but I'm not gonna ruin the first full run of my pet project so a passive aggressive asshole and a know it all almost abuser can participate. He deserves to know why his partners can't join and I'm not technically lieing, even if they were cool, I don't know if I'd want them there. But they definitely aren't cool and that just seals the coffin for me.
(obviously I'm wording this in a comedic way but everything here actually happened and I mostly just wanna focus on supporting my friend despite his choices. I do not have to like his partners to tolerate them but it's my table and my years of work, if i dont want them there, they dont get to be there. I'm just wondering if I'm a dick for kinda lieing kinda not if I don't give the actual reasons for why I don't want them at my table and never plan on allowing them there. I would happily accommodate 1 or 2 more people at my table in this case if they were close to me like my sister or older brother but I dont know his partners well at all and even though they are passive to me, I dont feel safe around people like that. Wibta?)
What are these acronyms?
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alliddewrites · 1 year
Chapter 1:
Revenant x Legend!Reader
Content disclaimer:
Not completely canon compliant,
Takes place a bit after season 9,
Mention of murder,
Mention of guns,
Gender neutral reader
Summary: You join the Apex Games, but before you can actually begin, you have to go through all the extravaganza.
Word count: 2218
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The Apex Games…
Out of dozens and dozens of competitors, you came out on top.
It was honestly unbelievable.
The sheer anxiety and excitement throughout the match. Except this time, the stakes were even higher. It was the last competition you needed to win to qualify to be a Legend.
To be a Legend... Your biggest dream. You have been working towards this goal for quite awhile now.
Of course, the road was rocky. It had its ups and downs, but you're finally at your destination.
You can have it all now! The fame! The money! The recognition you've always wanted!
The recognition…
The recognition!!
How could you forget about the upcoming interview?? Every winner gets interviewed after their matches!
All that adrenaline must've blocked out some important information in your brain…
The match only finished a couple of hours ago, and now you've already got to go somewhere else.
Man, this is going to be extremely tiring…
What are they even going to ask?
How personal are they going to get?
Do you have to wear your competing outfit? Or can you just wear anything?
Why didn't anyone inform you about these things??
'You're going to get interviewed.' Yeah? And what else? They said where and when, but not much else.
God… Guess you'll have to improvise!
Forge wore a suit in his interview. The one that went wrong…
You'll have to dress fancy too then!
Make it elegant, but not too over the top.
You got this!
You got this.
Okay, maybe you don't got this.
All the cameras and the lights in this relatively empty room are extremely anxiety inducing.
The banners of you in your fighting outfit are pretty flattering, but being in the spotlight right in front of them is not the most calming thing you could be doing right now.
At least the photographers notified you to stay in your armor for the photoshoot…
They also cleaned you up after the match.
Wouldn't want a competitor in a blood sport to be bloody in the advertisements now, would we?
"Starting in 5 minutes! I repeat, we're starting in 5 minutes! Everyone to their places, check your equipment again to make sure everything works properly!" yelled the director. Every single staff member hurried to their places.
Huh, he commands the room well.
As you stand on the side awkwardly, the interviewer walks up to you and asks to go and sit down in the chairs located on the stage.
"Very nice to meet you, I'm Lisa Stone.
Some staff members are going to come up here in a second to put a microphone on you, so relax and get comfortable . You don't have anything to worry about"
Well, Forge didn't have anything to worry about in the beginning either… You wonder how Ms. Stone got over that incident. Probably required a whole lot of therapy. Poor woman.
"O-Oh thank you! Nice to meet you too." you replied, trying to look as relaxed as possible. It wasn't very convincing…
You both took your respective seats.
While 2 members of staff started putting hidden microphones on you and Ms. Stone, she picked up a stack of papers and looked through them.
The interview questions.
"One minute left! Everyone better be ready, no mistakes, this is going to be live!"
No mistakes. Don't mess up.
Be as level headed and polite as possible. Can't mess this up, if you do, no one will take you seriously.
It can't go worse than Forge's interview though, right…? I mean, it was a literal assassination… by the coolest robot to ever exist!
Okay maybe phrasing it like that is wrong, but it's true-!
"Are you ready to get started?" Mr. Stone inquired, interrupting your inner rambling.
"Oh! Y-Yes, I am." came your hesitant reply.
This is going to go great…
"Good. I know this can be hard on some people but there's no need to worry." she smiled reassuringly.
At least she's not actively working towards making your situation worse, you can appreciate that.
"Starting! In 5!"
The lights dimmed.
Well, this is really happening.
Ms. Stone faced the main camera, you followed.
Goodbye last shred of confidence!
"1! ACTION!"
The lights slowly came back on.
"We're sitting here tonight with our latest Legend to join the Apex Games; (Y/N) (L/N). It's great to have you here." Ms. Stone began, turning towards you during the last part.
"Thank you! The pleasure is all mine." you answered, trying your best to seem less nervous.
"So, now that you're finally here, how does it feel to have accomplished such a big feat?" she questioned.
"To be honest with you, tiring, extremely tiring."
you exclaimed, Ms. Stone giving a short giggle to your response.
"But it feels great. Surreal even! Accomplishing one of my greatest dreams, one I've been working towards for so long, is still pretty hard to believe." you chuckled lightly.
"I can imagine. It must've been pretty hard having have had to train every day for multiple competitions.
Was it nerve-racking to have your very last match be a solo match?" she responded.
"It did amp up the anxiety for that match, yes. But I'm glad the last qualifier is played without teammates. I, and many others, will then know whether I'm actually good enough to proceed or not." you say, gaining a bit of confidence back. Maybe this whole interview thing isn't going to be so bad after all.
Mr. Stone looked at you, surprised.
"I haven't heard anyone say they preferred the solo matches for the finals before. Interesting." she noted. There was a short pause while she looked down to check her papers.
"Next question… 'Why did you decide to join the games'?" came her scripted inquiry.
"I don't like getting too personal on TV, but one of the reasons was that I like guns a lot. I love to go to firing ranges to try out various kinds of firearms. I don't own any personally, but I'm very much interested in them." you answered.
You really didn't want to get into your private life and past too much…
"Another reason is that I like strategy games and working in small teams. Something like the Apex Games seemed like the perfect combination of both!" you added right after.
Ms. Stone looked at you quizzically. She probably didn't expect an answer like that.
"What an interesting motive. So the reason is 'just for fun'? No deeper meaning there?" she tried to dig deeper, genuine curiosity appearing on her face.
"Nope! Just wanted something big I can achieve that I'll also enjoy."
You know that one is a lie.
"Curious… Let's do something more fun then:
'If you were to pick a favorite, out of the current roster of Legends, who would it be'?" she looked at you, once again, very interested.
You heard somewhere that this was one of her favorite questions to ask, but even then, somehow you didn't think this far…
"Well, this will sound very weird, because most people wouldn't choose him as a favorite… but um-" you take a long pause, palms becoming slightly sweaty.
You look away from her, not wanting to see her reaction to that answer.
It was indeed a very unique choice to have as one's most liked Legend.
"It's… um… Revenant…"
You swallowed, your mouth and throat feeling dry.
You've never heard a quieter silence before. Not a single person was making a sound, even the director was staring in shock.
Some people were looking around awkwardly, some were staring right at Ms. Stone and you. Eyes darting back and forth.
Ms. Stone stared at you, absolutely appalled, mouth slightly open. Her reaction was perfectly understandable.
Having seen that same simulacrum murder a Legend right in front of her…
You cannot blame her.
"P-Pardon?" she gives a nervous laugh. "Did I hear that right? Re-Revenant? The simulacrum?" she asks to confirm, tone uncertain.
You nod your head slightly, still not looking at her. Well you made this situation indescribably awkward.
You should've lied about this one thing; could've said Mirage or Pathfinder, or even Loba! But no! You had to tell the truth!
Ms. Stone cleared her throat. "We-Well, that's certainly… an… i-interesting choice. Um… May I ask why… him…?" her voice was shaky, having been reminded of what she has witnessed before, right in front of her.
You take a deep breath. You really need to think about this, you can't just compliment him all you want, he's still a murderer.
Be smart. Be empathetic, she got traumatized by him, you need to choose your words right.
"Umm… I'll be honest-" everyone takes a deep breath, "-it's, um… mostly because he… uh… h-he's cool…?" you say, drawing out the last two words.
The sentence sounded just as uncertain as you.
The staff kept staring at you, now solely focused on you.
"Ahaaa… and there's no other reason, at all?" she kept prying, suspicions still clearly present.
"Yeeaah… He just… does things so efficiently, e-even if they're horrible. He was designed so well…" you say back, trying to calm her down, if even just a little. You really do not want her, and all of the Outlands by extension, to hate you.
Ms. Stone kept staring at her pages, not reading any of the sentences written there. "Mhmm… He's efficient alright…" came a quiet murmur from her.
She finally turned back towards me.
"Now, people can have their preferences, within the law of course.
I'm relieved you don't agree with what he does, even though he's your favorite." she pipes up after a brief silence, still not sounding 100% sure about this.
Ms. Stone turned towards the main camera.
"Well that's all for today's interview. Thank you so much (Y/N), once again, for coming. We're happy to have another Legend join the games." she briefly takes a glance at you.
"We'll be back with the next championship's winners real soon. Stay tuned." she finishes up, completely professional.
As the live stream ends, everyone seems to sigh at the same time. This must've been one of the worst interviews they've witnessed throughout their careers. Oops.
Note to self: don't get into weird and awkward situations next time by choosing the worst option. You really don't need to ruin your reputation before even starting in the Apex Games…
If it isn't already too late for that…
After the whole debacle, you had to meet with your new manager. He was a kind dude, avoided the topic of your recent mess up so he doesn't embarrass you further with it.
He explained everything that needed to be known before your first game; where you'll be staying from now on, training routines, schedules, gear, sponsors, how the seasons work, etc.
You also had to sort out some more paperwork before everything became completely official. You wrote your name so many times, it was unbelievable. You're pretty sure you haven't written it this many times while you were learning to write when you were just a kid!
This whole day has been extremely tiring… By the time you got home it had been late at night and you were ready to pass out and never see the world ever again.
Your new apartment welcomed you with open arms. The bed looked oh so enticing in the bedroom, but before you could get in it to finally be sent to the dream world, you had to unpack your things.
You got the biggest walk-in closet you've ever seen, to load your clothes into. The shiniest bathroom you've been in, to set your hygiene products up in.
It really does pay to be a Legend, huh? And you haven't even had your first match as one yet!
After you finished putting everything away, you went back to the bathroom to get ready for a shower.
It's astounding how high up the apartment is, the large floor to ceiling windows give a great view of the world below. The gorgeous starry sky mixed with the beautiful lights below, made for a sight to behold.
After you finished admiring the new perspective you got thanks to your new living space, you got into the shower to wash off all the dirt and stress you've acquired today. Finishing your shower, you got out of the steam filled cabin, dried yourself off with a nice fluffy towel and got dressed in your nightwear. Before going to bed however, you didn't forget to wash your teeth.
Throughout your nightly routine, you started to feel more and more relaxed, becoming less and less aware of your surroundings. All you were focused on was finally getting to sleep.
At last, you got into bed, covered yourself in the enormous blankets that laid on the mattress beforehand.
Looking around your room, you thought about how you were going to decorate the place in the future. In its current state, it all looked very generic, something straight out of a display in a furniture store.
It didn't take long for you to enter dreamland after a couple of ideas that slowly made their way through your head.
What you didn't notice before that, however, were the pair of seemingly floating, glowing eyes watching through your windows with clear interest…
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toomuchracket · 1 year
okayyyy hear me out. d word matty sick fic either before or in the early days of them getting together officially. matty spotting u at work Clearly unwell and having to physically drag you out, insisting all the while ur fine despite yacking in the work toilet like 5 minutes prior. confiscating your laptop so you cant try go answer emails. dodging ur attempts at work chat for the next couple days as ur getting better
oh yes ok so you're like right on the cusp of dating matty - you've hung out a couple of times and it's been sweet but platonic and quite frankly you're both desperate to see each other more often and more seriously. which makes it all the more awkward when you take ill at work and he clocks it - he rocks up like 2 hours after you start to find you sitting at your desk, skin greying a little bit, wearing your cardigan and denim jacket indoors yet still shivering, despite it being literally early june. and he's immediately side-eyeing like "you alright, sweetheart?", to which you're like "mhmm just chilly", and matty's like "hmm ok"; it's a tuesday and it's really quiet in the office, so he sets up his laptop at another desk nearby and keeps an eye on you while he responds to emails and whatnot, unconvinced that you're actually alright. and he's right to think that and be concerned - you're visibly shaky walking over to file something, and then at one point without warning you clap your hand over your mouth and run to the bathroom. when you come back, looking horrid, matty's like "you're not alright, darlin', i think you should just go home", and you're shaking your head like "nope it's fine i'm fine i'll stay. i think i just ate something weird a couple of days ago. no big deal", but literally three seconds later a wave of nausea hits you so hard that you have to grab the bin from under your desk in case you throw up again; you don't, but it's enough for matty to put his foot down and say "nope, i'm giving you a lift home right now". and you're like "no really it's fine. if i have to go i'll just get the tube" and matty's aghast like "you're going to get the tube when you feel like shit? do you want to fucking die? come on, babe". he's got a point - the thought of puking on the tube is a horrible one - but you're still like "i just don't want to inconvenience you, matty. and also, like, what if i yosh in your car? that would be awful", and matty says "you're never an inconvenience to me, sweetheart, really. just want to make sure you're ok". you swear his eyes soften when he says that, and your heart flutters as the two of you smile sweetly at each other - the moment ends quickly, though, as you double over with a stomach cramp and matty's like "actually, maybe bring that bin with you to the car, just in case", before he helps you gather up your shit and ushers you out to his car. you tell him your address (you're quite excited and a bit relieved to hear him say "oh, that's not too far from me! this is the way i'd drive home anyway, babe. and we're on the same train line"), and thus begins the journey; it takes slightly longer than expected because of roadworks and traffic, which matty repeatedly apologises for, but you're both secretly grateful for the extra time spent together, listening to one of matty's insane playlists and chatting, so much so that you actually feel sad when he turns onto your street.
he parks outside your house and carries your bag to the door for you sweetly; less sweetly, though, he does make you forfeit your laptop "so you can't sneak on and work while you're meant to be getting better. don't you try to argue, sweetheart, i know what you're like". you blush at that, which makes matty giggle - after that, he hugs you and kisses your head, running back to his car before you can even react to the affection and promising to check in with you later. and he does; he calls you after dinner that night to see how you're feeling, and you can hear him rolling his eyes when you say "good. haven't eaten, but i've stopped puking, at least. should be fine to come to work tomorrow". matty's like "oh my god please just focus on feeling better, babe, work can wait. in fact, i'm putting a moratorium on work chat. tell me what you thought of my playlist in the car instead", which makes you laugh, and the conversation is just unprofessional after that. he even pops round with flowers on his way home from work the next day - you berate him for going out of his way just to see you, but you're very touched that he would (and lowkey mortified that this is how he's seeing the flat for the first time, you being an invalid). when you tell matty as much (not the bit about the flat), he blushes and shrugs like "like i said, sweetheart, you're on my route home. and i like seeing you, and talking to you" - he takes a nervous drink of his tea and then says "maybe we should start commuting to work together, once you're feeling better. makes sense, if we live near each other. and i know my mornings would be better if you were the first person i saw after i woke up". you smile back just as shyly like "i'd like that. get you on the half 8 train tomorrow?", and matty's like "it's a date" <3
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hannahssimblr · 11 months
Chapter Ten (Part 2)
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I smile and shake my head, because I’m sure that I won’t be. Jude shuffles on the bed to readjust himself, and when he settles, his leg is resting against mine. It’s warm, mine feels cold. I notice it and wait for him to move but he doesn’t, so I just let our skin touch, and I get a shiver from my toes to the top of my head.
“When you go to Berlin,” I start. “Will you know anybody else there?”
He shakes his head. “No, I’m going on my own, which I’m kind of excited about.”
“Scared though?”
“Yeah, a little bit I suppose. More excited.”
“I think I’d be scared to leave and be away from everybody I know.”
“Yeah, I get that, but I wasn’t really thinking that way when I applied for university there, it was honestly more about the experience I’d have and what I’d learn from doing my degree there.” He shrugs “Plus when I applied I didn’t actually think I’d be going on my own.” 
“My girlfriend at the time and I applied together, actually, but she didn’t get in. It was brutal, we got our letters on the same day. Art schools work like that sometimes, they send their offers out earlier than other courses because your Leaving Cert points aren’t important. I got accepted and she didn’t, so it was a bad day.”
“So you decided to go alone anyway?”
“Yeah it felt like the best choice for me, I just didn’t see myself being in Ireland anymore, I don’t want to waste my early twenties in this horrible recession, and I don’t want to graduate into it with no job prospects. I just need to get away from it.”
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“and your girlfriend?”
“We broke up. We called it quits before our exams. I didn’t want to put her through the long distance thing, like, honestly I didn’t want to put myself through it, because I knew I couldn't handle that. I really just… I don't want any attachments when I go, like, no responsibilities towards anybody else. Having a relationship while trying to navigate the changes that are ahead of me,” He shakes his head. “It would be too hard.”
“Wow. How long were you together?”
“Almost a year.”
That seems like forever to me. Nobody I know has been in a relationship for that long. “It must have been a hard decision.”
“It was, she’s a great person.”
“Well you can always get back together at some point in the future, you know, like maybe someday when you graduate…” I don’t continue because he’s already shaking his head no. 
“I don’t think so – It’s just over, I can’t really see us picking up where we left off, like, nothing to do with her or the relationship per se. It’s just that I feel like I can’t ever go backwards, once it’s done, it’s done for me. I just don’t really hang on to other people in that way.”
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I think about how I do. I’m a clinger and I always have been, so his philosophy on life is totally foreign to me, just like the idea of jetting off to some unknown city all on my own without speaking the language or knowing how a single thing in its society operates. I think that he’s much braver than I am for doing it, but I’m a little sad that he’s going. Maybe in a parallel universe he and I would have attended the same art college and been friends who hung around in Dublin together after our respective classes, sitting outside coffee shops in the city and talking about art and sculpture and our silly assignments, but none of that will happen. In a few weeks he’ll be gone forever and I will likely never get to see him again. 
I look down at our legs and move mine away from his. Perhaps it’s not a good idea for us to be touching after all. 
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“You look a little sleepy.” He says to me gently, and I am. I’m more than sleepy. It’s so late now that I must be awake for almost forty hours straight, running purely on the last shreds of adrenaline from being with him, but as soon as he mentions sleep my eyelids feel so heavy, and even the hard, flat wall that my back rests against feels cosy. I’m certain I could doze off in this exact position. I admit it, “I am.”
“Then sleep. I’ll leave.”
He makes a tiny movement towards me and then hesitates and begins to get up. “Okay Evie, I’ll see you again soon.” 
I reach out my weary arms for a hug goodbye and when he leans in to embrace me my face grazes his neck, and he’s warm and his arms are strong and I wonder what the consequences would be if I let myself fall asleep on him right there and then. Maybe he’d be forced to stay here with me all night.
“I’ll text you when I’m free to hang out again.” He says, letting me go.
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I lay down to sleep on the bed. The blankets are so warm from where he was sitting. 
Before my eyes drift closed and I surrender to my exhaustion I glimpse him climbing nimbly out the window and hopping down onto the grass outside, disappearing into the darkness and leaving the gauzy curtains fluttering behind him. It’s like he was never even here. 
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lovelychoso · 10 months
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There Are Whispers Behind My Smile
(Geto x Reader)
Chapter 2
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49898215/chapters/125969605
Look down, listen, look up, look away. Look down, listen, look up, look away. Look down, listen, look upㅡ
... He was looking this way.
Look away.
That was your cycle for almost every lunch period. An articulate pattern you acted upon to listen and observe Geto and his wretched friends. Though honestly, you felt a little bad for thinking about them like that. Especially Shoko, she wasn’t so bad. You two would talk every month or so in passing and she was quite friendly. And every time you saw her, it revamped your curiosity as to how she, Gojo, and your Geto became a tight-knit circle of friends. There were a few others that came around every now and then ㅡ particularly the girl who wore a bow in her hair, the sweetheart with big eyes (you sat beside him in third period), and the blonde boy with structured features ㅡ but those three were a solid defined trio.
Where you currently sat was in the main, central hall of the building. Because high schools were on the larger side, it was big enough for everyone to have their own hangout spot they would customarily spend the lunch hour in. So even though the main hall was big, it was only occupied by the same batch of 100 or so students. Geto and his friends were always part of this number and… so were you. He typically hung out at the tables next to the floor-to-ceiling windows and you would sit off to the side of the room a good 15 meters away. This made you close enough to watch him but far enough to never be caught. But honestly, the few rowdy tables that stood in between you both would’ve made it hard for him to notice your watchful eyes anyways. After Geto had been gazing in your direction of the hall, you didn’t feel like resuming your attentive cycle. Instead, you pulled out your phone when a notation made it buzz. It was from your dad:
Dad <3: Oh yeah? What made
you change your mind
You couldn’t stop the huff from leaving your lips. He had every right to ask, honestly. Because the day before you were quite adamant that the blasted trip was something that would take years off your lifespan. Too many things had to be thought about and it was hard to come up with something to say. Unable to fight off the overwhelm you were feeling, you stared at your phone blankly while your mind ran a train.
The camp trip,
what to pack,
his hair looks good today,
what should I wear,
does he actually have a girlfriend…
it’s gotta be a fling,
what does he sleep inㅡ
Your rampaging thoughts put you in such a daze that you didn’t even see them coming in your direction. You froze and suspended your thoughts when a particular trio walked past your lonesome spot in the boisterous hall. A familiar warmth spread through your body when the expanse of Geto’s sensuous legs crossed your vision and after a short moment, you could smell the warm blend of expensive perfumes that wafted after them. A deep breath had to be taken through your nose to settle the overwhelming clash of excitement and agitation brewing in your body… you let your eyes trail after him until he turned the corner, sadly exiting your vision. When they were gone, you looked back down at your lap and started typing on your phone:
You: I just had a change of heart.
Someone convinced me to go
with them.
After hitting send, you felt like you had enough of being in the main hall (jeeze, you wonder why?) and grabbed your bag to leave. You left the area and decided to go to your third period class early. The walk to class enabled an endless stream of chatter, laughter, mischief, bickering, and more to come from all sides of your surrounding radius. You couldn’t understand how people had the energy to be so enthusiastic in such a daft place like this. School in itself wasn’t necessarily a bother for you; there were particular classes you enjoyed and you were of the few who understood that in the long run, education had its importance. What inconvenienced you was the environment. Ever since you started high school three years ago, nothing brought you more distaste than the atmosphere of your surroundings.
The students here were as fake as they could get. Girls showed affection to one another while they simultaneously talked shit behind the backs of their friends, they were unbearably two-faced. You found it concerning how they would throw anybody ㅡ including their closest friends ㅡ under the bus if they thought it would validate their own selves. It was sickening really, the way flaws and insecurities were pointed out without a care because laughs would be received from those they wanted to impress.
The boys were no better. Were they ever aware that the brains in their heads could actually be used for something useful? Perhaps they thought brains were a mere accessory, a conclusion that was just as shameful. Not only did they have the mindset of incels, but they simultaneously believed they were prizes that women had to prove they were good enough for. News flash: they were lucky if a girl allowed herself to breathe around them. Boys would rather pursue girls to impress their loser friends than out of genuine affection for her. It was an agonizing thing to witness because those girls would never know better until it was too late. Furthermore, boys were like sheep; they all had sheep mentality and would only allow themselves to be influenced by the majority of men who behaved boorishly.
Of course, your Geto was extremely beyond compare to the fools that took up the space here. You were convinced that god sent him down as an apology for the imbeciles you were surrounded by.
Your introspection was put to a close when you got to third period. There was still about 30 minutes to go until the end of lunch break and with nothing else to do, you took out your headphones to pass the remainder of time. Your assigned seat in this class was closer to the front. You didn’t mind because unlike the classes you previously shared with Geto, he wasn’t here for you to keep an eye on him so in the end there was nothing to brood over. As you sat waiting, your phone buzzed again.
Dad <3: That’s completely fine.
Did you let your mom know?
Dad <3: Megumi might miss you
And you were definitely going to miss him too. It was disappointing that you had to sacrifice a weekend with your family for something this stupid but at the end of the day, you didn’t have a choice. If you let Geto go on this trip without you around to watch him, he would surely do something stupid. And if he were to have the company of his friends, especially that halfwit Gojo, there was no telling what was going to happen. And if what Gojo said this morning was true, about Geto having the company of some girl ㅡ whose identity was never revealed during that time ㅡ then you were in for a ride. Why did everything have to be made so difficult for you?
You: I’ll miss him too :’)
And no I didn’t, I’ll
tell her at home
You released a tired sigh after hitting send. You started to contemplate if there was anything even remotely good about this idea. Perhaps you should just skip… because when it actually came down to thinking about the grand scheme of things, you found yourself stuck in a block. What were you even going to do there…?
For starters, the school and the camp officials would create schedules for everyone to follow accordingly. And according to the information seminar that was carried out weeks ago to discuss the details of the camping trip, students would be put into groups for portions of the outing. What if you and Geto were put in separate groups? An instant pain was sent to your chest at the mere thought of the possibility. You couldn’t ignore the obstacles this would immediately pose for you; not only would you be kept away from him for hours at a time, but much of your time would be wasted if you weren’t around to keep an eye on him. And that was the main goal, to make sure he wasn’t up to anything that would hurt you.
Oh gosh, who were you kidding?
… that would hurt him.
Whoever the girl is, surely she can’t be any better than you. She was obviously a student here and if the reputation of the girls at this school was anything to go by, it puzzled you as to why Geto would waste his time like this. Your worth was unreachable in comparison to the wenches here and you had much to offer when given the right chances. You knew that if Geto would just open his damn eyes he would not be disappointed in the slightest.
In a multitude of ways, you felt bad for him. It was hard to explain actually…
For starters, Geto was smart. Not just in academics, but you could tell he applied logic to his life in a variety of ways. You fully felt that he wasn’t one to let societal pressures get the better of him, despite his status in and outside of school. Oh, right. Was it mentioned that Geto was an all exclusive package?
He came from money. Not that you cared for things like that, but inevitably it added to his value as a societal member. From what you knew ㅡ after stalking him and his family online ㅡ his parents were both well known in the field of politics. His mother was a renowned lawyer who was seemingly really good at what she did and won case after case in her field of criminal law and defense. Geto’s father was even higher on the political scale for he worked as a provincial (state) judge. So… yeah. Geto came from money money and had a form of status that kids like you dreamed of.
On a normal basis, you never would have cared this much about a rich person because you felt like they all had a personal spot in hell.
So then what made Geto a heaven’s boy? For starters, he was an attendee at a public school. It was one of the few things about him you weren’t sure you understood. If his parents had that type of money, then surely they could have afforded to send him off somewhere fancy and private, so why exactly was he here? You ultimately decided that Geto ㅡ and maybe his parents too ㅡ were modest and humble people despite their status and wealth. It made sense after all. For almost three years you’ve done nothing but watch him with your full attention and not once have you seen him act spoiled or unclassy. He’s only ever been smiles and elegantly charmful to everyone…
Which was another thing that attracted you to him; he was a very pleasant person. When you attend high school, the first thing you notice that people talk about are, in fact, other people. You’ve heard your peers talk crap about others and you’ve also heard the odd praising here and there. Yes, “the odd praising” ㅡ it was high school, why would students be kind when they could just be mean, you know? During your time here, you have never once heard Geto be a victim of anybody’s ill feelings. And it might sound far-fetched considering this was a big building filled with just over a thousand people; everyone is always talking even when you’re not around to hear them. But you’ve heard people talk about Gojo many times, not always nice things of course ㅡ someone even went as far as to wish death upon him once, not that you could blame them for thinking that. Shoko had been the topic of discussion a couple of times (it was safe to say that she had way more pleasant things to be said about her than Gojo). So when it was Geto that people found time to discuss, negative remarks were never spoken.
You’ve heard girls praise his charm and kindness. You’ve heard boys compliment his academic skills. One time somebody was gushing over the fact he spared them a bandaid straight out of his bag (your cheeks tinted pink upon hearing this, that was your Geto after all, so selfless). He really did deserve every praise he got from those who knew of him.
He was certainly a heaven’s boy.
So how did this contribute to the sympathy you held for Geto? The boy had the looks of divinity. You often pondered what deal was made with the devil for him to look so beautiful. His modesty, courtesy, and benevolence showed he had the charisma of a saint. He was smart and logical in and outside of the classroom. And finally, he had the wealth that any father would want for their daughter. So what was there to be displeased about? It was simple. All these blessings and he didn’t have the crown jewel.
Geto may be living a satisfactory life, yes, but what was the point of him living if he didn't have you around?
When you live in a city where the surrounding 10 hour radius is dense in trees and forests, wildfires happen a few times a year. When the coarse smoke finally reaches the city, it's hard to see the beauties of the night sky. Normal stars are concealed and the brightest ones are just barely visible. But what always shines through? The moon. Still big and bold amidst the smoke. Sometimes, the toxins in the air give it a red hue, but that only adds to the beauty of its perseverance.
A blood moon.
You were Geto's blood moon.
People like Gojo and Shoko were stars that were barely visible through normal pollution. And the fucking sleaze they joked about Geto spending time with on the trip? She was lucky to be considered as space dust (of course, you still had to figure out just who it was they were talking about). And you felt terrible because despite him being as smart as he was, he was obviously failing to realize that he was missing something so crucial. Without you, his life was nowhere near perfect. It was simply moderate with a few blessings.
And you would be the last blessing he'd ever fucking need—
You flinched when the bell rang because you were so lost in your thoughts… the remaining 30 minutes of the lunch hour had unknowingly slipped away and you were left with the aftermath of your intrusive introspection. Despite your firm beliefs about everything having to do with Geto, deep down, you knew this wasn't exactly normal.
Were you going crazy? Probably. You put away your headphones and waited for class to begin, sitting silently as the students slowly poured into the classroom. You took this time to clear your head of the mass intrusive thoughts that just took over. Even going as far as to harshly push a couple fingers into the side of your head to… to what? To relieve whatever demon is forcing you to think this way?
It was laughable, really. A demon, an angel, God himself.. whatever was making you have these twisted feelings was honestly welcomed to stay. It might even give you the answers to make Geto yours once and for all. The more you thought about your goal and the reasons for going on the wretched trip, the more you realized how amusing the whole situation was. Who knows? You just might actually have a little bit of fun. After all, you were quite smart. Surely you would think of something to make Geto yours...
Eventually, the students of third period had gathered and class started after the arrival of your teacher. You had managed to suppress the crazy enough to focus on the lesson. Math was an easy-ish subject for you, all that had to be done was follow the given formula and boom, there's your answer. Logic was important too, not everything could be solved by a step a)b)c)d) formula. Sometimes you had to work backwards from d) or even from the middle of the equation. As long as you understood the process in its entirety, what was stopping you from getting the right answer?
An hour or so had passed and your teacher finished completing the lesson. Now, there was 15 minutes until the end of the period and your class was given their usual free-time to work on practice equations assigned by your teacher. You were nearing completion of your questions when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Ah, excuse me.."
You maneuvered your attention to "the sweetheart" ㅡ which is what you called him in your head. His name however, was Haibara. He was a part of the selected few you tolerated here at school. But not only did you just tolerate him, you were happy to admit that you actually liked him. He reminded you of rainbows and sunshines, seeing as he was always happy about something. Genuinely happy that is. He had a good heart and you knew it.
He was a mixture of nervous and sheepish before gaining the courage to speak up.
"Could you help me with this one, please? If you don't mind." You could see him struggling to maintain eye contact with you, opting to keep his gaze down on his worksheet instead.
You nodded, leaning in to help him out.
"You kind of have to work backwards here. Notice how you have the numbers of the mass and the height? So what you gotta is… "
You spent the next couple of minutes explaining the procedure to Haibara. You couldn't help but take pride in the switch up of his demeanor. He was shy and timid when he first requested your help, but he was quickly coming out of his shell the more you explained the process of the math question to him. By the end of your little session, he had answered the problem confidently.
He stated joyfully. Unable to restrain yourself, you gave him a few small claps to feed his excitement.
"Yes! Good job."
You congratulated him with a smile, a genuine smile at that – something you almost never did here at school. Haibara was still writing down the answer and when the thought crossed your mind, you couldn't help but ask.
"Random question, sorry, are you going on that camping trip?" Haibara nodded his head while turning to look at you.
"I want to. That's actually why I asked for help; my parents won't let me go unless I do well on the upcoming test.." he laughed awkwardly before sighing with a tense smile. "All my friends are going so I really don't wanna miss out." He slouched in his seat.
You gave him a nod of understanding. You couldn't help but recall the numerous times you've seen Haibara interact with Geto, maybe he's one of the friends he has in mind?..
And it was like a flip had been switched in your head
... Haibara could be used to your advantage.
"I see.. and how are you doing with that?" You asked, casually feeding into the conversation for potential leverage.
"It's going alright." Haibara said with a shrug before continuing. "My performance in math is average at best but my parents think I can do better. This is how they decided to push that theory.." he sighed with a tired smile before looking at you again.
"Are you going?" He asked you. You made a gesture with your hand that signaled you were still contemplating, all the while recognizing that it was crucial that you played your cards right.
"I'm still undecided. I feel like it'll be a fun getaway but I don't really have anyone to go with." You replied with a shrug and Haibara nodded his head.
"I see… things like this are best with friends so I can see why you'd be hesitant to commit to a whole weekend of it." He paused before continuing, "but don't let it stop you! It'll be a good experience and you'll be given the chance to make memories for yourself. That's actually why I'm gonna force my friend Nanami – you might know of him – to come too…"
You watched Haibara smile to himself at the mention of his friend.
"He'd rather not come on the trip because he thinks it'll be a waste of our time. But how can you be so sure if you haven't taken the opportunity to see for yourself?" Haibara finishes and looks at you thoughtfully.
You were a little speechless to say. When you wanted to bait Haibara into giving you leverage and information, you wanted to lure him into talking about Geto or something having to do with him. You never expected to be given a motivational lecture on why you should take chances for yourself. You smiled a bit shyly because you couldn't help but feel a little bad. Your main intentions for feeding into the conversation were for absolute, selfish reasons and it felt like you were slapped in the face when Haibara hit you with his selfless nature in return. Did this make you a cruel person? You surely felt like it.
He must've noticed the change in your demeanor because he tried to diffuse the tension he felt he unintentionally created.
"B-but do what you want..! Taking chances… that's just what I think people should do from time to time. I know it's easier said than done and…" he trailed off slightly.
"... and I know things are harder when you don't have someone to lean on. You could maybe use the trip as a chance to connect with someone? I know I'll try my best to go so if you ever need somebody, you can come to me. And not just on the camping trip, but in general! I've already noticed that you're usually alone… I'm not sure if that's by choice or if there's any particular reasoning for that, but seriously, I'll always be around if you ever feel like you could use company."
For a number of moments you could only look at him with a hint of disbelief. It didn't help that he was no longer panicking but instead, his face was calm. He was noticeably relaxed in his chair and your eyes couldn't help but focus on his smile. It was no longer beaming but instead soft and genuine. You found yourself in need of looking away…
Gosh, he really was such a sweetheart. If you weren't so obsessed with Geto you'd probably fall for Haibara instead. As you kept your gaze off to the side, you sighed and nodded your head. It was like you were in defeat. But why? It felt like he was trying to break down a wall that you unknowingly built around yourself. You couldn't take this feeling anymore. The tension, the exposure. You forced yourself to chuckle and look back at him with a reluctant smile.
"I thought I was supposed to be the teacher here." You gestured to the math problem you helped him solve. It felt like a dumb thing to say but you didn't know how else to respond. If anything, you were just desperate to ease the tension. He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry… it just slips out sometimes. I guess I got a bit carried away there. I really shouldn't have dumped that all on you huh?" His words were genuine and you knew it.
"It's alright, you only meant well." You said in your best attempt to reassure him but you couldn't ignore the strange feelings that overtook your body. The bell eventually rang and everyone simultaneously packed up their belongings so they could leave for their last class. Still unsure of how to feel, you decided not to give in to the rush and took your time.
... you immediately noticed that Haibara was doing the same.
When you didn't say anything else, he took it upon himself to end things on a better note.
"Thanks again for the help. And... sorry again." he smiled awkwardly and got up from his seat. You followed him out of your own chair.
"It's okay, really. I appreciate you trying to make better of my situation ㅡ and I'm honest when I say that" You said with a genuine look on your face, hoping it'll stop him from stressing out. You were happy to see that in a way, it worked, because Haibara looked relieved.
"So I didn't make you uncomfortable?" He asked and laughed in relief. You found that laughing along with him came naturally...
"You didn't." At this point, you were both exiting the room and it was a surprise to find that you and Haibara continued to walk in the same direction. He didn't necessarily stray away from you either… hm. When you were going to ask him what class he had next, there was a sudden drop in your stomach when a familiar, sultry voice came from behind.
It couldn't possibly be…
"Ah Haibara, a new friend?"
But it was…
The blood was quick to drain from your face at the realization that Suguru Geto, your Suguru Geto, was referring to you.
Then when you and Haibara turned around to look at him, the air was fast to leave your lungs at the sight of a girl hugging his arm.
Even though your Geto was standing right in front of you, your eyes couldn't leave those of the girl. They were rich in hazel and almond in shape. Her face was slim and defined which made her features prominent. Her skin was light and her cheeks bones were dusted with rose. Long, dark hair delicately framed her face and the ends pooled over her chest. You couldn't stop your eyes from trailing to her lips… they were plump and toasted with a sheer auburn.
With a familiar pain in your chest, you couldn't deny she was pretty.
Her beauty put you in a trance and for a short moment, you weren't necessarily mad. In fact, she had a form of beauty that was able to take your attention away from what exactly it was you were looking at. It didn't help that her lips formed a smile that signified there was a gentleness in her grace. And what was that smell? It smelt like their were flowers all around you. But the haze you were in was short lived, however, because you couldn't stop your eyes from trailing down to where her manicured fingers rested around Geto's arm. Immediately, anything neutral you felt about her beauty was diminished and replaced with an ill-feeling chill.
Who exactly does she think she is?
The girl was familiar to you of course. You recalled her transferring to this school about two months ago ㅡ which was odd considering that less than half of the year was left until you all were set to graduate. You didn’t think about it much at the time because you didn’t really care. The girl and her family must’ve had their reasons.
Oh how you wish you cared now. You probably could’ve stopped the arrangement between her and Geto before it had the chance to even start. You were unable to proceed with your inner dilemma because Haibara started to speak up.
"Ah, Geto!" He said with excitement. He momentarily looked down at you before looking at Geto again.
"We're in math together, we were talking about the camping trip. Are you still attending that?” Haibara asked him and, to your relief, Geto nodded in confirmation.
“I am. So you better do well on that exam because I’m expecting to see you there, Haibara.” He replied with that familiar hint of amusement laced in his tone and it was possible you were floating at the sound of his voice so up close. Haibara ducked his head down a bit in embarrassment before grinning back up at him.
“Yeah yeah, that’s why she’s gonna help me.” He nudged his head in your direction and in a sudden instant, Geto’s eyes were on you.
You felt if it were possible, your stomach would have definitely dropped out of your ass because when you woke up this morning, you never would’ve guessed that after so long, you would be in the grasp of Geto’s vision. Even though the words ‘keep it together’ replayed in your head like a mantra, you felt like it was hard to breathe. Geto was standing right there and he was looking at you.
Despite the nerves and the odd sense of dread forming in your gut, your face remained casual and you turned your head to give Haibara a look that countered his statement. He only laughed at you.
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.” You said with humor. And to your complete surprise, Geto laughed. You made Geto… laugh? An odd feeling overtook you and you suddenly felt warm all over. The feeling only worsened when Geto began addressing you directly.
"Careful with Haibara, math was never his strong suit.” In the back, Haibara made a sound like he was offended. You shook your head in rebuttal.
Play your cards right.
“He wasn’t bad, actually. You did perfectly fine back there.” You finished by addressing Haibara directly, making sure to smile up at him. You felt this was the best way to reply; Haibara wouldn’t feel bad for himself and Geto would take notice of your… kindness? If that was even the right term considering the situation you were in.
“Just a nudge in the right direction and the rest he does by himself.”
You felt good, actually. Haibara was looking confident at your words of reassurance and even Geto was smiling along. It felt like you were making a good impression on everyone here ㅡ including the wench. But enough was enough and soon you would all have to part ways because the beginning of last class was about to start and you all needed to move along soon. You decided this was a good time to address the bitch who thought she could take what was yours.
“What about you? The camping trip I mean.” You asked her with calculating eyes, unsure of what to make of someone you have never spoken to before. You were oddly pleased when she met your watchful eyes with her own, she also had the gall to smile like something was oh so delightful.
“Yes I am, Geto invited me.”
Oh yeah. You were definitely going on that trip now.
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atxxzist · 2 years
Hi. I just wanted to drop this here after binge reading Broken. I'm in shambles. Literally.. The more I read on the more I was drawn in. It's really been quite a while since I got to read some good Ateez [series] fics. Often times there aren't many series/long fics... I'm also unfortunately a sorta, picky reader so that makes it harder for me to just read anything. But still I applaud all Authors for putting in the effort and writing regardless!! It's not easy, but do what u love 🤍 As for yours, I'm convinced. Writing was on point as well. I absolutely love it so far. There are also a few things that truly spoke to me with ur writing! But I'll share those another time. Looks like I'm gona be sticking around for a while 🫡. I've completely fallen for the characterization of Yeosang!! Just so u know. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT. BUT I WENT SEARCHING; AND READ FOR SAN, but ended up falling for Yeosang. Like what's even up with that. I'm just so exited to see what's up next. Again thank you for sharing ur work 🤍 I will be browsing through Tumblr with giddiness and restlessness for the next few hours. Sleep can certainly wait. & classes can certainly be skipped XD. BUT SERIOUSLY, Broken is gona be replaying in my head so much that there's even a chance I fall asleep and dream about it. 😭😭😭😭
crying 😭 first of all, ty 4 taking the time to send in such a long and thoughtful message. i honest 2 god have not been having the greatest time when it comes 2 writing 😭 i was rlly excited 4 the upcoming chapter but its proving to be a lot more difficult than i thought lol, and am just v swamped with life in general that even finding the time to actually sit down and write is hard. but enuff of that, i am glad you gave the story a chance bc y/n's pain has always been one ive been wanting to write 4 a very long time lmao and i hope 2 b able to convey it the way i have in my head.
more under the cut
and yeosang, omg. was honestly kind of worried abt his characterization at first bc he rlly isnt a bad person, but with how he acted initially, it is fair some would write him off as an ahole. im just relieved i was able to get that across, that he is a lot more than what he shows around y/n and what she thinks of him. and next chapter kind of breaks down his character more so i am also excited 4 his backstory. but by the time im answering this, i hope u got 2 sleep and attended your classes lmaoo. again, ty 💕 u made my day.
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firstdegreefangirl · 2 years
January 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
I'm trying something new this year, where I make little mini-reviews for the books I read and share them at the end of the month. There might be a few spoilers, but I'm not dissecting plots here, and it's all for good fun and games. Summaries will be up here, breakdowns by book will be under the drop.
Let me know if there's anything that caught your eye/that you enjoyed too/that made your TBR!
Here we go!
Total books read: 10 
Total pages read: 3,103 
Days read: 29/31 
Average star rating: 3.93 
Challenge Prompts Filled: 5 total. Popsugar: 2/40. Romanceopoly: 2/36. CRAD: 1/12. 
How to Keep House While Drowning by K.C. Davis  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I don’t want to be the person who’s all “this self-help book changed my life,” but … this self-help book changed my life. For the first time since I moved out, I wouldn’t be mortified if someone dropped by unannounced, and it feels like keeping my house functional is actually something I can achieve. This book helped me break down tasks and changed the rhetoric I use for household upkeep to break the shame cycles that people have around disorganization. It wasn’t really the plan to make this the first book I read, but I knocked it out in like three hours on New Year’s Day, and it’s left me convinced that this is the year I might finally be able to make my space something that works for me. Biggest takeaway: My space should work for me, I should not work for my space. 
Built to Last by Erin Hahn  ⭐⭐⭐(¾)  This was cute! I picked it up from the new additions shelf at my local library because the cover was cute (sue me, I judge books by their covers, blame the Legally Blonde Musical, but I digress). It’s second-chance friends to lovers, but I loved learning how Shelby and Cameron find their ways back to each other. The only reason I didn’t rate it higher is because I don’t think I’d read it again. It was fun, I liked it a lot, but it’s not something that’s going to stick with me forever and ever, y’know? 
Challenge Prompt: Romanceopoly Amour Avenue (read a contemporary romance with an illustrated cover) 
Playing the Palace by Paul Rudnick  ⭐⭐⭐(¼)  I found this at my favorite Salvation Army store while I was Christmas shopping last month (and no, the irony of finding a gay romance novel at SA is not lost on me) and left it at a Little Free Library after I finished reading. The writing was good, the story checked out, but it didn’t hook me quite as well as some of the other books I’ve read in a similar vein. Prince Edgar was delightful, the Queen was by FAR my favorite part of the book, but Carter grated on my nerves in a few places. Overall, glad to have knocked it off my TBR, and I hope that whoever picks it up next loves it more than I did.  
 The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I’m so glad that I finally got through to reading this book! Given that I pre-ordered for release day last year, it’s been a hot minute, but here we are. I read and adored the prequel (The Worst Best Man) and was excited to hear there’d be another book in the series, but I kept putting it off because I was afraid it wouldn’t live up to the hype I’d created for myself. I was wrong; it absolutely did. This was laugh-out-loud funny in places, and sure made a few night shifts go by faster. I read close to half of it in the first sitting, right after I finished PtP, and surprised both my trainee and my GM by the fact that I can actually read overnight without falling asleep, especially for hours at a time. I dunno, it’s hard to fall asleep when the books are this riveting.  
Challenge Prompt: Chantel Reads All Day January (a book with ‘a’ or ‘the’ in the title) 
Straightforward by Martin Parnell  ⭐⭐(¾)  Honestly I’m still not sure if I liked this one or not, so I know I didn’t like it well enough to be any more than three stars. I got the eBook for free, because I was intrigued by the overarching question: Can a straight country cowboy and an effervescent gay man be friends? The first third-ish dragged on, then I read the last 2/3 in a single sitting, finishing at 5 a.m. curled up in bed because all of a sudden I was dying to know how it ended. I … didn’t love the ending, at least at first (unrequited love isn’t usually my thing, but the ending wasn’t inherently unhappy), but I keep thinking about if I liked it or not, so maybe I do? I don’t know. It wasn’t what I expected, and the writing style wasn't remarkable. It felt like the story might have been building toward a plot twist that never came, but the ending did feel tied down and well rounded. I loved that Cowboy Ty’s first sentence was “Goddammit! Shit piss motherfucker hell goddammit!” if only because that feels so relatable for many days in my own life.  
Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade  ⭐⭐(½)  I didn’t enjoy this. You might, but it wasn’t for me. I wanted to like it, but I didn’t. The writing style is fine, the story was … alright, I suppose, but I didn’t like the characters. Again, to each their own, but I was irritated with both MC’s by the middle of the story, and almost DNF’d 60 pages from the end.  
The Line Becomes a River by Francisco Cantu  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  I wanted a break from contemp romance after the last two books, so I turned to the nonfic section on my shelf, and I’ve been meaning to read this for literally over a year. It was one of the books I put in my “$5 for anything that fits in this bag” library sale bag in fall of 2021, and sounded like an interesting take on immigration policies. This book made me cry, openly, at work, in front of my trainee, at 5 a.m.. It’s that good, that moving. There were definitely some parts that changed my perspective on policy issues, and I’m wholeheartedly recommending it to anyone looking for firsthand accounts of the government side of border policies. Even if it’s a little outdated, it definitely gave me some things to think about. 
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  23 ½ hour read time. I was hooked by the first page, and spent most of the first sitting trying to decide if I should keep reading to find out what happens next or slow down so I could savor it all. Ended up reading over half of it the first time, and finishing it on my shift the next night. This was the first I’ve read by Christina Lauren, but if it’s all this good, I’ll definitely be back for more. Hands down the funniest book I’ve read all year. Toward the end, we brushed up a little bit against one of the tropes I generally don’t much care for, but CL handled it beautifully and it ended up making a beautiful, heartfelt wrap-up. This year, the goal is to unshelf books I own if I don’t see myself reading them a second time, but I’d made up my mind on keeping this one before I finished the prologue. There’s no WAY I won’t be rereading!  
Challenge Prompt: Popsugar – A book that you think your best friend would like 
The Boardwalk Bookshop by Susan Mallery  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  Honestly, I’m not even sure why I picked this one up when I did. I ordered it from BookDepository AGES ago (the UK cover is prettier than the US one, and I’ll die on this hill), but then it got put on my shelf and left to ferment. But like a fine wine (a theme in the book), it was fantastic when I finally cracked it open. I wasn’t sure how I’d like a story balancing three romances across one plot, but everyone’s story was riveting in its own way and they fit together so well! 40 pages from the end, I said out loud “there’s no way they’ll be able to resolve everything,” but I was so wrong. Three for three on the HAE, which is exactly how I take my romance novels, with a hearty dose of friendship and family dynamics along the way. Susan Mallery has long been one of my favorite authors, and this was a friendly reminder of exactly why.  
No Mercy (A Valerie Law FBI Suspense Thriller - Book One) by Blake Pierce  ⭐⭐⭐  Thrillers aren’t usually so much my thing, but I like reading outside of my usual taste, and I was looking for something short to round out the month. This is under 200 pages, and the FBI element sparked my fancy, since I am a huge fan of crime dramas. It was … alright? Not painful to read, by any means, but it fell a little flat for me in places. Maybe the rest of the series will pick up, but I don’t think I’m curious enough to find out. That said, there are worse things I could have spent three days reading. 
Challenge Prompts: Popsugar – The shorted book (by pages) on your TBR); Romanceopoly Slueth Street (read a thriller or mystery where one of the main characters are a detective or private investigator) 
DNF: Our First Puck by Kat Obie 
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A Grim in Devildom ch12
Chapter 1. Chapter 6. Chapter 11
Chapter 2. Chapter 7
Chapter 3. Chapter 8
Chapter 4. Chapter 9
Chapter 5. Chapter 10
When they got back to the Devildom, Cassandra ended up going back to her room. Mammon had invited her to go to one of his photo shoots but she declined, saying she wanted to catch up on homework.
She opened the door to her room and was surprised to see Kieran on her desk looking over some magic seals from her homework.
He perked up when he saw her come in. "You're back! Must've been quite the shopping trip."
"Yeah about that. We ended up in London." She let out a laugh and told him about the train ride.
"So you ended up working huh? Figures." He shook his head. She sat down next to him and got to work. He helped her with some of the more complex magic circles she was working on and before she knew it they'd been at it for a couple of hours.
"I think that's enough for today." She said stretching and getting up to lay down in her bed. Tomorrow was the speech Lucifer had been fretting about, and she wondered what they'd say about her.
Kieran eyed her curiously for a moment. "Ya know... I couldn't help but notice... That the bedsheets smelled like Mammon."
She sat bolt upright in the bed. "Wh-! NO! It wasn't like that! He was just comforting me after a nightmare that's all!" She said hastily feeling the blood rush to her cheeks.
"What? All night?" Kieran continued to tease her, waving his tail back and forth. "You like him don't you?"
She gasped, it felt like her stomach was doing flips. "What? N-no I couldn't. Me? Fall in love? Pfft as if." She crossed her arms glaring at him.
"I never said anything about love but ok if you insist." Kieran laughed at her and she thwacked him with a pillow. "Oof- hey watch it!" He grumbled swatting the cushion away.
The next day Lord Diavolo invited them all out to dinner at Ristorante Six to celebrate Lucifer and Satan returning to their bodies. He even made sure Kieran could come. Kieran tried to hide his excitement, but he was ecstatic to be able to eat out for the first time in twenty years.
"Alright does everyone have a glass now?" Lucifer asked holding up his glass of demonus.
"YOU KNOW IT! LET'S DO THIS!" Mammon shouted enthusiastically.
"Wait a second... Beel's already eating! Shouldn't someone stop him?" Asmo said as Beel scarfed down some bread.
Diavolo laughed good-naturedly. "Well, that's alright. Why don't we go ahead with our toast."
Satan smiled and raised his glass. "Alright then... Here's to lifting the curse!"
"CHEERS!" They all said clinking their glasses together.
They all started eating their meals and after a moment Lucifer looked up with a slight frown. "You know... I just noticed that Levi isn't here."
"Apparently, a new game showed up for him today, so he's going to stay holed up in his room for a while." Satan responded while cutting up his food.
Throughout their meal, Mammon and Satan told the story of the murder on the train. Lucifer kept having to correct Mammon, who was trying to twist the story.
"And then the guy has the nerve to call Cassandra a mongrel!" Mammon growled still looking angry.
"HE CALLED HER A WHAT?!" Asmo gasped dramatically and Beel choked on his food.
"Oh not THAT again... The guy was one of those huh? They've always given those of us with mixed blood problems." Kieran growled, flattening his ears in disgust.
"Really? Has that happened to you before?" Satan asked looking at her and Kieran, and she nodded.
"As a matter of fact, I actually met Gerald and Rosabelle in a bar fight that one of those purists started." Kieran said wistfully.
"You met my mother in a bar fight?" Cassandra said unable to suppress a small laugh.
"Yeah, that Grim father-daughter duo was unstoppable." He chuckled.
"How interesting! You will have to tell me more stories about your family." Diavolo laughed, he was sitting on her other side and she was trying very hard not to be overly self-conscious in his presence.
"Regardless, Lucifer tells me you were a big help these past few days. Clearly, we made the right choice selecting you to come to the Devildom as our exchange student." He smiled at her warmly as she felt a twinge of unease.
She honestly was on the fence about the whole exchange program and had not yet talked to Diavolo about her concerns involving everyday humans in the supernatural.
"How did you end up choosing me?" She asked, eyeing him wearily. She already knew it wasn't because she was a Grim, since they'd all been surprised to find out her heritage.
"To be honest, I wasn't actually the one who chose you. Lucifer picked you. I simply gave my approval, that's all." Diavolo said with a somewhat shy smile.
He must have sensed her unease because he stopped and gave her a serious look. "You see, Cassandra, I believe that all of us here have a mission in life. Mine is to bring progress and stability to the Devildom, the Celestial realm, and the human world. It's possible that your mission in life is to influence Lucifer and his brothers in some way."
"You have a very admirable goal." She said, looking away. This wasn't the time or the place to have the discussion she wanted to have with him and frankly she didn't even know if he'd listen to her.
After a while, they finally left the restaurant, much to the relief of the wait staff who were struggling to keep up with Beel's appetite.
On the way home Cassandra fell into step with Lucifer while the others bickered ahead of them. Lucifer smiled at her "So Cassandra... what were you and Diavolo talking about in the restaurant?"
"I asked him how I was chosen to be an exchange student." She replied.
"So that's what you were discussing... there wasn't actually any deep or meaningful reason for your selection. I was fed up with going through the stack of papers. That's when a breeze blew through the window scattering the papers into the air. One of them just happened to land at my feet -the one with your name on it." Lucifer said.
"So it really was just a random twist of fate." She let out a slightly nervous chuckle. She had really hoped there'd been more thought behind her selection, as this would have put her mind at ease. She couldn't help but wonder how she'd gotten on the list of candidates or who the others were.
"I suppose so." He laughed with her. Suddenly his phone rang and he pulled it out to look at it. "It's Levi."
He didn't answer it right away, instead looking at her with an oddly fond expression. "... Before I forget there is one thing I'd like you to know while we're on the subject. Though you weren't selected to come to the Devildom due to any special abilities... You are somewhat special to me on a personal level."
She blinked in surprise when he said that. She notice that he had attached his chocolate lizard keychain to his D.D.D. as he answered Levi's call.
However, he frowned, looking concerned. "...Levi is something wrong? Hey, are you there?" The call ended and he looked over at her and then his brothers ahead of them.
They quickened their pace to catch up with them. "I just got a call from Levi but all I heard was him screaming and the line went dead." He said with a frown.
"I guess we'd better hurry back then." She said growing concerned as well.
When they got back they split up and searched the entire house for Levi but he was nowhere to be found. They regrouped in Levi's room hoping to find more clues.
"Are you certain it was Levi who called you?" Satan said to Lucifer with a worried frown.
"Yes, it was definitely him. The call came from his D.D.D and it was his voice." Lucifer said holding Levi's phone that they had found on the floor.
"Could he have gone out? I mean it seems unlikely but..." Kieran trailed off looking uncertain.
"Yeah, I bet he went out to some store to stand in line for some new game or something." Mammon chimed in seeming hopeful.
"It's kinda weird that he would leave without his phone. I mean he had it with him when he called Lucifer." Cassandra was not convinced, something was definitely off.
"Yeah, I don't think he'd just leave his phone here." Satan agreed with her eyeing Levi's phone.
"Wait a minute where's Beel?" Lucifer said looking around the room.
"Did he ever come back from the search?!" Cassandra said growing more alarmed.
"I don't think so..." Asmo said looking around.
"I don't know about Levi but Beel has to be somewhere in the house. Well split up again and search for him. Cassandra and Satan you're with me." Lucifer said in an authoritative tone.
They started searching the house again, focusing on the ground floor. She noticed that Satan kept glancing her way as if he wanted to ask her something. After about ten minutes, he turned to her with a serious look.
"I know this isn't the best time to ask this but... Cassandra, will you make a pact with me?" He asked.
She gave him a stunned look, completely taken off guard. She hadn't expected him to want to after everything that had happened.
"I don't see why you're so surprised." He said, raising an eyebrow before turning to Lucifer.
"Lucifer, just to be clear, I'm not doing this out of some desire to spite you. It's not about that."
Lucifer narrowed his eyes for a moment before smiling. "I know, that much I can tell from the look on your face." He nodded at Satan approvingly.
"Cassandra a lot has happened these past few days and..." Satan stopped looking embarrassed. His cheeks turned red and he frowned looking over at Lucifer.
"I can't do this with you standing right there, Lucifer. Give us a little privacy. I don't want you hearing this."
Lucifer looked taken aback for a moment before letting out a laugh. "Cassandra... It's not often that I see Satan in a state like this... Actually, I don't think I've ever seen him like this!"
"Lucifer!" Satan hissed, looking even more embarrassed.
"Alright, Alright. I'll be over here if you need me." Lucifer chuckled walking into another room.
Satan let out a relieved sigh before turning back to her. "... Um, where was I? A lot has happened these past few days, and after everything we went through, I made a decision. I decided I won't let who Lucifer is and what he does bother me anymore. I can't change the circumstances of my birth but how I choose to live my own life has nothing to do with Lucifer. The entire reason I was able to face my issues is because of you, Cassandra. You helped me be honest with Lucifer... And myself as well." He smiled at her warmly. It was a genuine smile, not one of the ones he used to charm people.
"You still want to make a pact with me right? Because I don't like owing people favors. So if it ends up helping you like you helped me, I'd like to make a pact with you." He looked at her expectantly.
She smiled back at him with a nod. "Thank you, Satan. I'd appreciate it."
He smiled and took her hand. "Alright time to take the oath... I am Satan. Avatar of wraith. I pledge myself to you, Cassandra Grimm... That we may be bound by an unbreakable pact." A golden glow engulfed them. After it receded she noticed that his pact mark had appeared right on her right forearm.
Satan grinned when he saw it. "Looks like everyone will see we have a pact now." He said tapping on the mark. "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel embarrassed -" He was cut off by a series of screams and yowls from upstairs.
Lucifer came running back out to them. "What was that?!" He said alarmed.
"It sounded like Mammon, Asmo, and Kieran..." Satan said with a worried look as they rushed to where the screams had come from.
They ran into the portrait hall where it sounded like the screams had come from but found it empty.
"That was definitely them we heard just now wasn't it?" Lucifer said looking around.
"I-Is that Kieran's fur?" Cassandra said bending down and picking up a black tuft of fur on the floor.
She gave Satan and Lucifer a frightened look. There wasn't any blood but it had to be serious if something had taken Kieran by surprise.
"... Let's head upstairs I'll take the lead." Lucifer said moving in front of her.
"Cassandra follow behind Lucifer. I'll take the rear." Satan said falling into step behind her.
"... Something's not right. First Levi, then Beel, and now Mammon, Asmo, and Kieran have all vanished. Could they be hiding somewhere, or could it be that-" Satan abruptly stopped talking and she turned around to see why only to find he was no longer there.
"Wha! Satan!?" She cried out getting Lucifer's attention.
"He's gone!" She said looking at Lucifer with wide eyes.
"Everyone's gone except you and me. What do you think is happening?" Lucifer said giving her a worried look.
"I haven't the faintest idea..." She said shaking her head.
"Yes I thought so... Levi was the first to disappear. Let's go back to his room." Lucifer said leading the way.
They walked back into Levi's room. It was still empty, however this time she noticed that his computer was running.
"Hey, Lucifer, what's running on his computer?" She asked walking over to look at the screen.
Lucifer joined her by the computer. "Come to think of it, he mentioned something about a new game didn't he...?" Lucifer picked up an empty case laying next to the computer.
"The Demon House... Definitely sounds like a horror game. 'A cursed house with an ominous past. It is said that an entire family was once murdered inside. Now suddenly, one by one, the people you live with are starting to disappear...'" He finished reading the back of the case with a sigh.
"That sounds an awful lot like what's happening now..." She said inspecting the case.
"Levi's got a bad habit of going out and buying these strange games... It seems that somehow this game is creating the scenario we've found ourselves in... What do you think we should do?" He turned to her with an exasperated look.
"We should try and beat the game. That worked last time." She said remembering the last time they'd played one of Levi's games.
"It does look like that's our only option at this point. Alright, let's see if there's a guide online." He pulled out his phone and started searching and after a few seconds he pulled something up.
"It says to complete the game you must defeat the demon that is the final boss. It says the final boss's name is Lucifer... How ridiculous. They must think they're very funny doing that. So that means I'm the final boss and you're the player character." Lucifer looked down at her.
"How exactly am I supposed to beat you? Aren't you like immortal or something?" Cassandra said with a frown.
"... Hold on. There's a page here about how to get the true ending to the game... Several conditions must be satisfied but if you manage to do it you'll be treated to a romantic ending where you and Lucifer fall in love." Lucifer stopped reading with a scowl on his face.
"Excuse me? WHAT?! What kind of game is this?!" Cassandra nearly shouted.
Lucifer groaned in frustration. "Come on, let's talk this over in the library."
They made their way to the library and sat down in a couple of chairs that faced one another. Lucifer let out a heavy sigh.
"If we hope to get everyone back we have to finish this ridiculous game. You either have to defeat me or we have to fall in love with each other." He grimaced.
"Could I pretend to defeat you?" Cassandra asked desperate to avoid the love option.
"Though it should be technically possible for you to defeat me, I can't say with confidence that I wouldn't retaliate out of reflex. If I caused your death over something like that I'd never be able to face Diavolo again... So our only choice is to fall in love with each other." Lucifer said with a worried look.
She couldn't really see herself in love with Lucifer, or anybody for that matter. Surely they could fake it? After all, how could the game even tell?
"What does the game want us to do exactly?" She said mirroring his concerned look.
Lucifer shook his head. "... The game has only just been released. So apparently there still aren't any strategies posted on how to achieve that ending. So why don't we start with the fundamentals of love and go from there."
"T-the fundamentals?" She stammered hoping she did sound as clueless as she actually was.
"If you want to develop feelings for someone you both need to start by getting to know each other right?" He said with a smile and she nodded.
"I'll ask you some questions. How do you feel about what's going on now?" He asked his crimson eyes glittering.
"Well I'm worried about everyone, but aside from that I suppose I don't have much of a choice but to go along with this plan." She said honestly.
Lucifer nodded. "I'm sure everyone is alright. The feeling is very much mutual."
"Alright next question: which one of us brothers are you interested in?" He asked completely blindsiding her.
She felt the color drain from her face and then come rushing back all at once. "W-what?" She choked out, gripping the chair for dear life.
"That question certainly seems to have flustered you. So you are interested in one of us." He leaned forward slightly with a sly smile.
"N-NO! Impossible! I can't be..." She trailed off, images of Mammon smiling at her flashing through her mind. I'm just an object to him, a pet, a toy, he'd never see me that way. She thought to herself feeling her chest tighten.
"Alright. Calm down. You don't have to answer if it upsets you so much." Lucifer sighed seeing her distress.
She took a deep breath and regained her composure. "I'm fine!" She said a little hastily.
"Ask me a question. You may never get another chance to do this you know. So choose wisely." He said with a smirk.
"Is it even possible for a demon to love a human?" She asked voicing her own thoughts about Mammon.
Lucifer seemed taken aback. "It's extremely unlikely but not impossible. Humans have such short life spans compared to demons so it's not a common thing."
Cassandra pondered this for a moment. So demons could fall in love. She hadn't really thought it was possible up until now.
"Anything else you'd like to ask?" Lucifer's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
She glanced up at him warily. "What do you think of humans?" Did they think of humans as anything other than animals? Did he see her that way? Part of her wished she could ask Mammon this question even though she knew he would never answer honestly.
Lucifer let out a hearty laugh. "What do I think of humans? Oh no, what you really mean is 'what do you think of me?' right? Good question..." He trailed off his expression turning serious.
While that wasn't exactly what she meant she had to admit she was curious. She leaned forward slightly waiting for his next words.
"When you first arrived I thought all I had to do was make sure that you survived the whole year. However, you made it difficult. Not only did you bring along a companion, you constantly got into trouble. You were fearless and headstrong. You also hid the fact that you had a magic background. Then you started making pacts with my brothers one by one. Why did you do that by the way?" Lucifer fixed her with an intense gaze and she felt herself start to sweat nervously, she reached up and started to twirl her golden brown hair in her fingers.
"You said you wanted me to respect you but was that your real purpose? What is your long-term goal?" He let out a sigh and her mind flashed to Belphegor locked in the attic.
"You've been a pain to deal with. But you're also very special... More special than you are difficult. You're changing me and my brothers as well. Cassandra, the truth is that I..." He stopped noticing how nervous she had become.
She was starting to feel guilty, which was bad if she was to keep lying to him. She hadn't minded so much before since she had seen him as a common enemy that she shared with Belphegor, but that now felt like it was changing. Internal panic was starting to set in as she felt herself slipping under his intense crimson gaze.
"... Is there something else you'd like to ask me?" He said frowning.
She bit her lip and took a deep breath. She couldn't keep deceiving Lucifer and his brothers anymore. She looked him in the eye. "I think you should talk to Belphegor." It was all she could manage to get out but it was enough.
Lucifer went rigid his eyes going wide. "W-what did you say? Wait don't tell me... That you actually met with him... That you went to that room... And MET Belphegor?!" He shot up from his seat erupting into his demon form. She quickly jumped up and went behind the chair she had been sitting in as he stalked towards her.
"You went up those stairs, didn't you?! You knew you weren't allowed to yet you did it anyway! You went up there and... And you met Belphegor?! Do you REALLY find it so amusing to poke your nose into our business at every opportunity? Do you really enjoy stirring up trouble that much?" He was shaking with rage as he grabbed the chair and hurled it across the room with a crash.
She stumbled backward as the door flew open and everyone rushed inside.
"STOP...!" Mammon yelled throwing himself between her and Lucifer. Kieran quickly darted to her side looking up at her in alarm.
"Why did you tell him?!" Kieran hissed, his fur standing on end.
"Hey, whoa, hey! Wait a minute!" Mammon put his arms up to hold back Lucifer.
Asmo looked panicked. "Is it just me or does this situation look genuinely serious?!" He and Levi went to her side as Lucifer glared at her.
"All of you out of the way...! I'm going to tear her limb from limb!" Lucifer roared but Mammon held his ground.
"Whoa! We're not about to let you do somethin' like that!"
Beel walked slowly into the room, looking tense. "That stuff about Belphie... What's going on?"
He moved closer to Lucifer his amethyst eyes boring into him. "Are you saying that Belphie isn't up in the human world? That he's actually upstairs... In the attic?! That you locked him in there?! ANSWER ME LUCIFER! NOW! " Beel roared transforming into his demon form.
Beel charged Lucifer but Lucifer easily tossed him aside. Sending him crashing into a bookshelf.
"Wh... Lucifer?! What do you think you're doing?! How could you hurt Beel...?!" Asmo cried out in horror as Beel struggled to his feet, with a large gash on his arm.
"QUIET!" Lucifer snarled and Asmo shrank back. " All of you get out of here right- " He stopped as someone else walked into the room and everyone turned to look in shock.
" Well hello there brothers... I can't tell you how much I missed you... " Belphegor said walking into the room with a large smile.
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australiablog · 2 months
Today was a ridiculous early wake up call, when my alarm went off it felt like I had hardly slept at all. Sleeping in a swag is not so bad, for most of my nights. Last night however I slept really bad, not sure why. Maybe I was worried for missing my alarm. My back is not happy, I could barely get my shoes on this morning. It definitely takes a couple of minutes to loosen up. Morgan was sleeping next to me and she asked me what the alarm was last night. I just gave her a confused look because I don’t remember any alarm. Apparently somehow my phone had an alarm at 21:30 that I snoozed and woke her up the second time. And when she asked me what it was I said it was my phone and an alarm that was going off. I don’t remember a single thing about this. I think the alcohol combined with the pills last night were not a good idea. So let’s not do that again. The drive to watarrka was about half an hour, but it was still dark when we started the 7k rim walk, the first part was heart attack hill, I knew it would be hard but I had forgotten how hard. Not everyone had a head lamp so the ones who had were placed between the ones who hadn’t. It is a 500m climb of stairs that are made out of rock with 2 platforms in between. When we finally reached the second platform and I nearly had a heart attack for real my stupid lamp died, it’s usb chargeable and I only did it at home so it kind of lasted a long time. Luckily the last part of the climb wasn’t as hard as the first part. Because I stumbled quite a bit and was worried I would stub my feet and fall, so I was really happy it didn’t die on the hard part. When we all reached the top you could see a faint glow across the horizon from the sun starting to rise. We all stopped for loads of pictures and it was absolutely gorgeous seeing the canyon in all kinds of red when the sun came up. About ⅓ to the walk there was the garden of eden, there you could walk to the bottom of the canyon to see a waterhole. When I was there last time with Bieke there were people swimming, since a couple of years they have made the rules stricter and you can no longer swim, nor touch the water. It’s a good thing, because we all know some tourists ruin everything for the aboriginals still using it as a water source. The climb back up was once again brutal. I am happy however to note that even though my face was as red as a tomato, I was within the first 5 people of our group. My legs were jelly however, it was like a serious stairs master workout. From there out on, it was over the actual rim of the canyon and slowly back down. The sights were so absolutely beautiful! On the sign at the beginning of the walk it said it would take 3 hours, and I got back to the bus at 2hours and 55min. And this is with multiple stops along the way, so I say we did pretty good. When we all got back to the bus we headed back to camp so we could break it up and roll our swags. Tonight we sleep in a sort of underground hotel, so we don’t need them. Before we helped break up camp, everyone got into comfortable clothes and definitely other shoes. My feet are boiling in my walking boots, I am so happy I have my water shoes to change into. While everyone was helping, G made pancakes for breakfast. They were so delicious and everyone was hungry as hell from that massive work out we had this morning. There was a gas powered cocking plate that had a huntsman spider on it. When people pointed it out I went to have a look, having understood it was dead because it got burned. I took a few pictures and went to sit with the others. Suddenly they all got excited when it started to move, I was seriously weirded out since I thought it was dead, apparently not! There were a few rocks next to the cooking area where it crawled too. Everyone was like ‘aww look at this little fella’ me being behind them thinking they all lost their marbles. I walked around that stupid rock with a wide berth. I did take another picture from afar to prove I at least saw it.
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yogeshblogs · 1 year
Know all about Sam sand dunes
Jaisalmer is India's best desert vacation spot, where alongside a touring visit through Jaisalmer city, voyagers loves to visit the desert area of "Sam Sand Rises"
There are a sum of 3 famous sand hill region in Jaisalmer which are:
Sam sand rises
Khuri sand rises
Lodhruva sand rises
Here Sam Sand Rises is very well known among explorers, as this area of 3-5 km has unadulterated sand without any plants, alongside desert camps, camels and jeeps for Jaisalmer desert safari visits and a spot which is presently called as Sam nightfall point.
Here on Jaisalmer sand ridges, we have beneath shared all subtleties on Sam Sand Hills and other 2 rise region alongside what movements of every kind you can design here and most ideal choices to arrive at here from Jaisalmer city.
Sam Sand Ridges
Sam or Sam sand ridges is by a wide margin Rajasthan number 1 desert hill district, which is visited by in excess of 1,000,000 voyagers consistently.
The complete region of these rises is in a span of 3 to 5 km, with a hill level reaches between 30 to 60 meter, which continues to change consistently as sands continually give new shape to this staggering desert scene.
To stroll on these hills and roll down on them gives a colossal joy, and watching the nightfalls here is very much like seeing the extraordinary work of god.
moving at sam sand rises jaisalmer
In the event that you simply check the hashtag #samsanddunes on Twitter and Instagram, you will get day to day new pictures of Sam regular, which is an undeniable evidence of the point we have shared above on Sam sand rises.
Exercises in Sam Sand Ridges:
So whenever you have arrived at Sam sand ridges, you can partake in different exciting and social exercises, whose subtleties we have referenced underneath.
The majority of these exercises are paid, however you can continuously sit on the sands for quite a while, watching the sands stream with the breeze, and witness the mysterious nightfalls which projects an orange tint to the whole district at night, free of charge.
What's more, the exercises in Sam sand rises that are paid:
1. Camel Safari at Sam Jaisalmer
There are like 1000's of camels in entire Sam region and riding on a camel's back is the most thrilling action to do here.
It's a particularly exciting thing, that each traveler needs to go on a camel safari, profound into the hills. It's a unique encounter and a must-do action at Sam sand hills.
Best time for camel safari:
Over 80% of explorers favor evening camel safari which is best appreciated between 5 to 7 pm. However a few visitors favor morning camel safari at Sam, which is around 4:30 to 6 am, or as we local people say "The Dawn camel safari"
Besides you can likewise design a 2-3 hour Rajasthani dance and melodic program after camel ridge ride at one of many desert camps in Sam sand hills. We have share more subtleties on this point underneath.
2. Jeep Safari at Sam sand hill Jaisalmer
A Jeep safari gives you a rush, as here you ride in a jeep that goes up the highest point of the hills and moves down the box of the moving sand rises at fast.
The speed is sufficient to cause you to feel the surge of energy go through your body as you climb and drop the wave-like sand ridges.
You should snatch your seats genuinely hard, and the breeze right in front of you, as you drive quick on the sand hills is a thing to be delighted in just in Sam Sand Ridges.
Look at our Jeep safari in Jaisalmer visits for additional subtleties.
3, Sam Dusk Point at Sam sand ridge Jaisalmer
However you can partake in the dusks from wherever in Sam Sand Ridges, yet the Sam Nightfall Point is the best spot uniquely made for watching dusks.
Arm yourself with a DSLR, and you will actually want to catch the sorcery of dusks in the entirety of its sublime subtleties.
The scene around is sufficient to cause you to contemplate on the marvels of nature, and you can stay here for quite a long time.
It's the best spot for selfies as well, and your cell phone will offer you your best chances with a dazzling sun setting behind the scenes.
4. Desert Setting up camp at Sam sand hill Jaisalmer
In Sam Sand Hills, there are extravagance camps, where you can remain for the time being and partake in the desert significantly more.
These camps or extravagance tents are outfitted with appended washrooms and latrines, agreeable beds, wooden furnishings, verandahs and are completely cooled.
In the nights, these camps put together melodic dance by Rajasthan ancestral craftsmen. There is buffet supper around an open air fire and breakfast in the mornings.
Each vacationer who visits Jaisalmer should design a visit to Sam Sand Hills and appreciate Rajasthani cordiality at its generally preeminent.
A portion of the renowned desert camps in Sam Sand Hills are Rajputana Desert Camp, Dangri Desert Camp, Winds Desert Camp and numerous others. If you are looking to visit these places, I recommend a great company that provides a great taxi service in Jodhpur. Its name is Jaisalmer Taxi Service Cab. Jaisalmer Taxi Service Cab is one of India's most dependable, cost-effective, and high-quality taxi services. We offer low-cost, high-quality cab services that guarantee a pleasant journey.
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trustsmash · 2 years
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#Pupperazzi upgrade#
#Pupperazzi Pc#
And while I think $19.99 is fair for any game that provides gloriously carefree respite from a stressful world, it would have been nice if there was just a little more to do. The quests were perhaps a bit too easy, the money and followers flowed far too freely to the point where they were rendered useless, and just when some interesting lore started building up, it ended. Don’t get me wrong, I love shorter games because it means I have a chance at actually completing them, but Pupperazzi didn’t feel quite finished. My 100% achievement completion time shows 11.2 hours, which is probably 2 – 4 hours more than necessary. In all honesty, I didn’t know the puppypedia existed until after I finished every single objective and then watched a YouTuber pull hers up! The fact that it’s a largely disconnected mechanic from the active parts of gameplay is frankly bizarre.Īdditionally, Pupperazzi does feel a bit on the short and simple side. It would be far more convenient to have the puppypedia tab available during the levels so I could ascertain at a glance what photos I want before leaving an area instead, I have to look at the puppypedia, choose a couple photos I want to snap/replace, head to a level, try it out, head back to see if it works, etc. Unfortunately, not all is perfect with Pupperazzi  for one, the UI doesn’t feel quite done, and one of the major mechanics - the puppypedia - is only found if you curiously click on the home location on the map. My personal favorite was the ability to change the dogs’ outfits, making them don top hats, heart sunglasses, and cute lil booties. Additionally, there are purchasable items that will allow you to get certain shots you want, such as a music box to encourage naps or a scary vacuum that will induce dizzy spells. There are little things to discover here and there that are so doggone charming, like a pack of dogs running across the roofs practicing their barkour or a dog sticking its head (and tongue) out of the passenger seat of a car. Running around the different locations in Pupperazzi is a lot like bouncing around in a playground. Who knew dog photography would break such a sweat? Although some objectives require little more than walking up to a dog and snapping a photo, others will force you to traipse around the scene with specialized gear to take a pic at just the right moment. Objectives are easy enough to manage at first but will increase in complexity over time as players gain new camera lenses and film (purchasable with cold hard bonks). Think you have what it takes? Of course you do, you’re a literal camera - you were born to do this job!Īlthough there are only five locations to snap dog photos, four of those settings have different times of day which will generate different objectives. Each completed objective will yield some bonks - the golden bone-shaped currency round these here parts - and a number of followers for your social media channels. Some requests are super simple, such as taking a photo of a dog wearing a hat, while others are a little more out there, like taking a “spooky photo” of the woods at night. Pupperazzi has players taking on the role of a sentient bipedal camera who has been tasked with taking photos of good dogs everywhere.
#Pupperazzi upgrade#
Can you “photograph and catalogue the finest (and derpiest) dogs to build your career, upgrade your camera, and discover new canines” like its Steam page asks, or will you wear the cone of shame and sit this one out?
#Pupperazzi Pc#
Available on PC for $19.99 and free this month with XBox Game Pass, Pupperazzi is the ultimate dog photog game that’ll even excite cat people (like me). That’s what developer Sundae Month and publisher Kitfox Games ( Boyfriend Dungeon, Lucifer Within Us) figured when they released Pupperazzi. Photography games have historically been great, and who doesn’t love dogs? Why not just smoosh the two things together and have a barking good time? They don’t need an intense setting or a convoluted story, they just need a good premise and fun mechanics. There are some games that just… make sense. Pupperazzi Review: They’re good photos, Brent
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rae-writes · 2 years
casually nsfw
poly!mc + brothers
word count : 2.k
warnings : nsfw (obviously)
synopsis : having to be in the confines of your room(s) for every little thing doesn’t apply if you’re being shared between all 7 of them
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Lucifer works. A lot. And while he does enjoy his rare breaks, if he sits for too long or goes without something to busy his hands with (even if it’s just a cup of tea) he’ll go insane. So he uses you instead. His hands will start to wander from their original place, trailing all over you until he finds his desired destination of the moment. You keep his hands and mind busy as he works you to and through orgasms, enjoying the way you whisper his name. Will (and has) looked one (and all) of his brothers in the eye while he did this because they were trying to interrupt with their shenanigans
Mammon, first and foremost, is embarrassed at how spread out his brother has you. Secondly, he’s pissed because Lucifer does this in front of him a lot while he’s strung up from the ceiling and, damnit, he wants to be the one touching you! (it makes him struggle in his restraints harder when you whisper his name as Lucifer makes you cum)
Levi is also embarrassed at Lucifer’s lack of shame when it comes to having you spread out (usually in or across his lap). Levi’s more prone to walk in on it by accident, though, so he’s extra flustered at the display (he fainted the first time)
Satan has two moods with this : One, he’ll smirk and audibly tease you while he makes himself comfortable sitting across from you (and maybe join in on really good days). Two, he’ll get agitated and either leave the room or stiffly sit across from you with a scowl, not wanting Lucifer to have anymore alone time with you
Asmo is shameless to a fault- he loves the boldness! Will stay in the room for a bit, fawning and cooing at you, before he leaves, throwing out a teasing whistle. He’s always excited to see if Lucifer will ever take his little displays outside of his study, bedroom, or the music room
Beel is usually focused on the fact that he’s hungry, since he really only ever sees you like this when he’s/they’re all getting scolded. But some days, he’ll admit to loving a good show with his food and his eyes will watch you writhe in Lucifer’s lap like a hawk
Belphie, like Satan, will get agitated since Lucifer’s probably doing this in front of him/them while lecturing. He’s obviously not listening to what his older brother is saying when you’re looking at him like that, and he’s certainly gonna try and steal you away after the “meeting”
Mammon is a baby. He may be the second eldest, but his love for being babied (specifically by you) is unrivaled. That being said, he’s always down to suck on your nipples— no matter the gender. If you have ‘em, he’s locking on. He’ll stuff his cute little head up your shirt, removing tighter articles of clothing if he has to (and if your shirt itself is too tight, he’ll put his jacket around you after taking it off), and he’ll just lazily suck for hours. It’s soft suckling, too, so it won’t ache unless he’s been doing it literally all day. It brings him a sense of comfort— he’s not ashamed or embarrassed by it. Mammon will even desperately paw at you in front of everyone and whine if you don’t let him get his fill for the day.
Lucifer finds his little habit adorable. He finds it hard not to start smiling whenever Mammon comes up to you and starting pawing at your chest area; it makes him all fuzzy seeing you coddle his little brother like that
Levi transforms into a tomato anytime he sees it. (“i-it’s t-t-totally like r-right out of a-a-a hentai video!”) even so, he doesn’t mind it since you’re always covered in something at least, but damn…he really wants to try too
Satan gets reminded of a kitten drinking milk, so he finds it quite cute (if he disregards the fact that it’s mammon). He’d actually be the first to join Mammon out of all his brothers- it looks relaxing
Asmo always coos upon seeing it. He thinks it’s nice seeing his older brother act vulnerable every now and then, plus he thinks you’re simply the cutest thing ever when you’re sitting there, running your hands through Mammon’s hair while you relax together so intimately 
Beel finds it interesting. Does Mc taste good? Is there a taste? Does Mammon nibble or does he just suck? Is there some sort of end goal other than just sitting and relaxing? …Beel would like to try, though he couldn’t promise he wouldn’t try and bite down a bit
Belphie is on board- he wants to try it, but he doesn’t like having to share at the same time, so he’ll huff a little whenever he sees Mammon doing it. Belphie does commend his older brother on not falling asleep while he does it though
Levi has a fixation on your oral fixation for his tail. You put it in your mouth once and he was hooked. It’s almost like second nature to be sitting beside you somewhere- anywhere- and just bringing his tail out to let you innocently suck on the end; even if the results aren’t always innocent. He doesn’t even get embarrassed by it. In fact, he even boldly announced it was his thing when Satan walked in on it one day and his own tail started to flicker about
Lucifer doesn’t mind it. It keeps you from causing trouble with the others (see : Mammon, Satan, Belphie, Diavolo), plus it’s not as visually…distracting as some of the others. It keeps you and Levi both quiet and occupied which is a win for him
Mammon’s first response was to pout because it was something he couldn’t do with you too. But overall, he doesn’t mind it either- as long as Levi doesn’t interrupt his Mc time for it
Satan gets so irritated by it because he has a structurally similar tail and wants you to do that to him. But Levi so rudely declared that you could only suck on his tail, it was a you and him thing only. Satan scowls every time he sees it
Asmo loves the innocent lewdness to it; it sends shivers up his spine every time. He’s actually taken a sneaky picture of you with Levi’s tail in your mouth (it only got sent to the HoL gc, don’t worry) and he squealed for days at how good you looked
Beel actually never picked up on this habit until months after it started- when he did notice it for the first time, he asked if Levi’s tail tasted good. He doesn’t mind it, he just wonders how you keep it in your mouth for so long without being tempted to have a lil’ nibble
Belphie is also irritated at this, but his reason is because you actually can’t do that to him because of his tail type. Anytime he’s coming to get you for something and Levi’s tail is in between your lips, he swats at it before snatching you away with a huff
Satan adores having you cockwarm him while he’s reading or doing schoolwork- anything that requires sitting, really. He’s slick with it too. While it mostly happens in the school library, the HoL’s library, or his room, he’s been known to do it in the middle of class when he’s extra stressed (no one ever suspects a single thing). He’s even done it at a student council meeting and made sure no one but Lucifer suspected a thing. (The elder male’s face could kill if it were possible)
Lucifer has very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, there’s no harm to it normally and it’s a discrete, quiet action. However he detests when Satan does this anywhere that isn’t the HoL and especially if it’s in the proximity of Diavolo. Satan is a ruler of hell and Lucifer thinks he should conduct himself as such in public 
Get it Satan! Mammon thinks this is hilarious cause it irritates Lucifer so bad outside of the house. Though, sometimes he gets grumpy because he wants Mc time but he can’t do that when you’re literally on his brothers dick
Levi didn’t know anything about it for a few months until he caught Satan slipping in during one of his more ‘I don’t care’ moods. Levi screamed in his pillow for hours (from embarrassment or jealousy, it's hard to say)
Asmo, naturally, loves to see it- he thinks of it as a game. Can you keep a straight face? For how long? Will you try to disobey Satan’s orders and start moving? How exciting! 
Beel also didn’t notice for months. He actually figured it out the day Levi did (seeing his big brother run away screaming with a red face raised questions) he doesn't mind it since he doesn’t really notice when it’s happening most of the time
Get it Satan! 2.0. Belphie is thrilled this annoys Lucifer but as the resident youngest, he gets pouty and jealous when he can’t lay his head on your lap and will throw a fit if it goes on for too long
Asmo loves sitting in your lap. Grinding down on you, whining for you to grab ahold of his hips and move him yourself makes him feel small- like he’s not a ruler of hell- and he gets off on that. Don’t get him wrong, he’s the original switch, but there’s just something about crawling onto your lap anywhere and anytime to whine for attention and potentially get scolded while you make him get off on your thigh that appeals to him.
Lucifer detests this and will make Asmo get off if he does it anywhere outside of his room or yours. He knows his little brother is loud and shameless and he knows you’ll take on any challenge presented to you so he shuts that shit down so fast
Mammon is so down, but not for the reason you think. He gets goosebumps from watching you scold and degrade Asmo if his younger brother does it in front of someone; it makes him think about asking you to take control of him (but it’ll take him months to confess those thoughts)
Levi is so so jealous. He wishes he had Asmo’s confidence, even if Asmo’s just doing it in the confines of their home. He wants to be in your lap being the one degraded and he wants to feel your soft hands guiding his hips. “It’s not fair!” (if he gets desperate enough, he might shove Asmo off so he gets a turn)
Satan wouldn’t mind it if it weren’t for Asmo’s loud ass mouth. He’s absolutely chill when you’re on Belphie’s lap, but the second Asmo swings his legs over your lap, he’s walking out of the room or yelling at Asmo to keep it in his pants; “Quiet the fuck down or get off!”
Beel just doesn’t care; he’s usually too preoccupied with something else to even register Asmo’s words/sounds. If he does take notice, he just shrugs and minds his own business (though he does wonder what it would be like to sit on your lap…he’s too heavy though. not to you, you’d beg for him to sit on your lap happily)
Belphie gets extremely irritated because 1) that’s his fucking spot, how dare you be on Mc’s lap and 2) again, Asmo’s mouth is loud, and he doesn’t know how to shut up. Belphie has swatted at Asmo with his tail, throwing him off your lap as a warning before (Satan cackled for hours)
Beel will come up to you anywhere and anytime when you’re at home and give you oral. It happens a lot in the confines of his room and in the kitchen, but when he’s hungry for something other than food, it could be anywhere. He’s had you sit on his face while he bench presses or laid out in front of him while doing pushups; hell, he’s even gotten on the floor in front of your chair during breakfast and had you before school.
Lucifer isn’t fond of Beel’s habit- especially not at the dining table. He thinks Beel could act with a little more…class if he has to have you out in the open like that; and devil forbid Diavolo walk in on it, Lucifer would die. 
Mammon would rather Beel do this where he won’t accidentally walk in on it. Your expressions make him malfunction like Levi, but he gets more embarrassed than shy about it; it’s the suddenness from it that makes Mammon freak
Levi is on board with Mammon- Beel should do this in a more private space because Levi absolutely cannot handle the expressions you make. He wouldn't mind it if you didn’t make such lewd faces- it makes him malfunction (he almost summoned Lotan accidentally the first time he saw it)
Satan doesn’t mind it as long as Beel eats quietly. Sometimes he’ll even let you lay your head in his lap while you’re being…”feasted” on; he gets a slight thrill whenever you bury your face against his stomach to quiet yourself as to not disturb him
Asmo is delighted by Beel’s habit- he loves seeing your expression shift and your moans ring through the air, even when you try and hide them. There’s a specific shade of blush that coats your cheeks everytime Beel indulges himself and Asmo simply can’t get enough of it
Belphie’s quite used to it by now, he’ll even approach the two of you and lay your head in his lap if you’re laying down or pet your hair if you’re not. He likes the fact that Lucifer doesn’t like it, so he’ll always encourage you to be a bit louder for Beel
Belphie likes to have you straddle him and lazily grind down on him literally anywhere he can (anywhere he can’t get in trouble for it, anyway. He’s too lazy to deal with all that). He doesn’t care who walks in or is currently in the room, if he wants to feel your body on his, he will. If he’s feeling more motivated- or wants to piss off a certain someone- he’ll grab your hips and move you along faster, press you down harder. He loves the looks you give him
Lucifer also has very mixed feelings on this. It’s a rather harmless thing, and you always try to stay quiet so as to not disturb anyone in the house, but his youngest brother is such a little shit that it pisses him off. (Belphie once did this while Diavolo had his back turned to him, conversing with Lucifer, and the eldest thought he’d actually ascend back to the heavens that day)
Mammon vibes with this- in fact, he’s actually the first one to encourage Belphie to do it in more public places to piss Lucifer off (and the first one to tease you about the position you’re in). Plus, you make the best expressions, especially when embarrassed, and Mammon loves it
Levi is : embarrassed. Belphie is up there with Lucifer and Asmo in terms of having no shame, and Levi simply cannot function around that. If he has to be in the room after Belphie’s pulled you on top of him, he refuses to look you in the face. (one time, you actually begged him to muffle your sounds with his tail and he almost passed away on the spot)
Satan is the second one to start encouraging Belphie and doesn’t mind this little habit at all. Belphie doesn’t make it obnoxious or distracting, so Satan is free to continue what he was doing before his younger brother started in peace. (also, like Mammon, he enjoys your expressions immensely)
Asmo, first and foremost, adores that you can switch between having one of them on your lap and being the one on one of their laps in an instant. After that, he’s commending Belphie on his boldness and always lets out a few chuckles when he sees it
Beel’s used to it. It doesn’t bother him in the slightest (he’s actually quite pleased his twin is so open around him). He’ll still offer you food and drink while you’re on Belphie’s lap and sometimes when Belphie’s extra tired, Beel will grab your hips and move you for him
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marcnutz · 3 years
Pillow Prince
Since hearts1ck is dedicating his sapnap thigh kink bits to me it's only right for me to dedicate this fic to him <3
Tags: Sapnap x M!Reader, 3.5k words, SoftDom!Sap, Dom!Reader for like 2 seconds, fluff, thigh kink, thigh riding, thigh fucking, soft sex, slight choking, long and horny build-up to the actual smut, chubby Sap cause he's always been pretty yall are just fatphobic
Sapnap was a chubby boy, and you loved him for that.
You loved Sapnap's body. Every inch of it. When your relationship first bloomed you would spend hours mapping every inch with your hands. Memorizing the feel of every bump and curve to your mind.
He was perfect. You loved your boyfriend's body, and you loved him.
He was soft and warm. His nose was that of a Greek god's, and his hair that curled ever so slightly at the ends matched the look.
You would be more than content to spend the rest of your life resting your head on his chest or stomach. Feeling his arms around you, safe and warm and comfy.
However, if you were to say you loved every part of him equally, you would be lying.
His thighs were immaculate. Every time he changed in front of you your eyes were drawn to that oh so special place on his body. Anytime you lay down together your head is drawn to their promise of a soft resting place.
No matter what he wore they were accented perfectly. They would press against the seams of his jeans and sweats. They would be so free yet still so hidden when he wore shorts. They would ever so slightly spill over the edges of his thighs boxers that he knew you loved.
His thighs were beautiful. They were perfect. He was perfect.
It was not uncommon for you to find yourself staring at them at any given point of the day. Watching as they moved when he walked. As they spread out as he sat. Staring at the hair that got darker the farther up you looked. The way the water would drip down them after he exited the shower.
You thought you were slick, eyeballing him all the time. However, Sapnap wasn’t dumb. He saw every glance at his lower body. Noticed the way you squeeze his thighs ever so slightly when you got the chance.
Sapnap loved to please you, and knowing your love for his thighs, he decided to do some research. (Often times his "research" included watching porn, but who were you to judge.) When Sapnap read about a 'thigh kink' he figured that's something you probably had. He was never one to say no to trying something new in the bedroom. When he read about all the fun things you two could do in the bedroom together that involved his thighs, he knew he had to get you involved.
The plan was easy, he was going to spend a few days working you up, but not directly saying he had anything planned for you. Then, he would spring himself upon you at just the right time.
Hopefully, if all went well, he would end up with your cocks pushed together and inside one another.
In all honesty, all he had to do was ask. But he liked to play around with you. The wait made the pleasure oh so much better.
"Hey, baby? Do you like these new shorts I got?" You heard your boyfriend call from the bedroom. Shorts? Of course you were going to like them.
You got up and walked into your shared bedroom and stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him. The shorts he was wearing were definitely... short.
"So? What do you think? They're those new five-inch inseam shorts that are popular now. They're a little tight, but I think I like them."
While saying this, Sapnap turned around to examine himself better in the mirror, and you got a perfect view of his ass in the light blue shorts. If they were any smaller then you would be able to see it stick out the bottom.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Sapnap calling you. You looked up at him, a blush forming across your face.
"I- uh, I think they're really great! They look really good on you, I like the, uh, color."
Sapnap beamed at you, "I'm glad! I know you like lighter colors on me, that's why I chose these."
You soon found out that these were not the only pair of short-shorts your boyfriend purchased, as he spent the next few days flaunting about in different pairs. Every time he'd come out of the shower after breakfast and get dressed for the day he would plop down next to you on the couch in another pair of thigh shorts that left very little to the imagination.
Today he had chosen a black pair that made his fair skin seem to glow beautifully.
"Darling, I want to do something today," He said, snapping you out of your staring.
"Oh, ok. Did you have anything in mind?"
Sapnap thought for a moment. "Let's go to the beach! I got a new bathing suit I want to show you."
Oh dear lord, were these going to be as revealing as his new day shorts? You have no idea if you should allow him to be walking around in something like that when it's wet and sticking to his skin even more than they already do.
Despite your slight pang of jealousy of the thought of strangers ogling at your boyfriend, your want to see him half-naked and wet took over your brain, and the next thing you knew you were lounging on a towel as your lovely boyfriend cooled off in the water.
Your assumptions about the bathing suit were correct, they were just as short as the others, however looser.
This changed, however, when Sapnap stepped out of the water to come cool off. The suit stuck to his skin and even showed off the slight print of his dick in the front. It was taking every ounce of your focus to not get a boner right then and there. It became even harder when he sat down on the towel next to you, thighs spreading out and resting against your own. His soft, wet skin cooling your own legs and sending shivers down your spine.
"You ok?" He asked, offering you his shirt. "Put this on, looks like your shoulders are getting a little burnt, let me dry off and then we can head home, looks like it's about to rain soon anyways."
You took his shirt and put it on, his smell enveloping you in the best way.
Before long, you were headed home. Sapnap wanted to hop in the shower again to get all the sand and salt off his body, and you decided to rest in bed for a bit.
You had begun to doze off when you barely registered the shower turn off. After a few minutes, you noticed your boyfriend still hadn't come out of the bathroom. What was he doing? Oh no matter, you're getting sleepy from the sun...
"Sweetheart!" Sapnap called from the bathroom door, his call rousing you from your half-asleep state.
The image in front of you woke you up even more, in more ways than one.
Your lovely boyfriend stood in front of you, top half bare, legs covered in long socks that went up to just above his knees and were much too tight, causing the plush fat on his thighs to spill over the sides.
On top of this, he had on garter belts that were also very snug, a belt connecting them to the socks.
"I got these for you... And those shorts and bathing suits... I had noticed you always staring at my thighs and touching them and- well, I wanted to do something special for you so I got this."
You tried to say something, but all the blood from your brain rushed down to your dick, so you just sat there with your mouth slightly open.
"Baby? Do- Do you like it?" Sapnap asked quietly, he was nervous, and you could tell.
"I- YES! You look, really, really, good."
Sapnap smiled and walked over to you, sitting down on the edge of the bed, you had just now noticed his own cock was out, and he was about as hard as you were.
He reached out for you, and pulled you onto his lap, latching his lips onto your own. It started gentle, but quickly morphed into a deep kiss, tounges tangling together in each other's mouths. He tasted sweet, and it was divine. You would be happy to just sit here and make out on his lap for hours, but Sapnap had other plans.
His hands began to go up his shirt that you were still wearing, going up your chest and over your nipples before pulling it over your head, only breaking the kiss for a moment. He then moved his hands down to take off your trunks, leaving you in just your boxers that were growing much too tight for your liking.
Sapnap moved his hands to your chest, thumbs rubbing over your nipples, which began to harden under his fingers. He pulled on one, causing you to moan into his mouth and grind down into his thigh a bit. He smiled in your mouth, pulling away, causing you to moan at the loss of contact.
"Aw baby, do you like it when I play with your nipples?" He asked. He already knew the answer, this was something he did to you quite often. You were so sensitive here, and he knew it. "What about if I did this..."
Before you could even register that he has said something, Sapnap had reached his head down and began to suck on one of your pink nipples. You arched your back into him, hips once again rutting against his thighs.
Sapnap reached the hand that was not abusing your other nipple down to your waist, and he repositioned you so that one of his thighs was in between your legs.
He pulled off your nipple for a moment, resting his cheek on your chest before gazing up into your eyes. "I'm going to have so much fun with you tonight..." He moved his hand from your chest and began to rub circles on your back.
You looked down at your boyfriend, his green eyes staring into your own. "Are you gonna fuck me?" You asked nicely.
Sapnap giggled a little bit, "No dear, you're going to fuck me, but not in the way you're thinking. But first, I get to have some fun. Just be a good boy and do what I say, ok?"
You nodded as Sapnap's words, nervous, curious, and excited at what was to come.
Sapnap lifted his head up and placed a kiss on your forehead, then your cheek, then a small one directly on your lips.
He had both hands on your hips now, and he hooked one of his thumbs into the band of your boxers before snapping them into your waist. You jumped at the slight sting of them, cock rubbing against his thigh at the action. You moaned at the sensation of feeling your clothed cock push against his soft skin and began to rock your hips onto his thigh slightly.
Sapnap laughed before stilling your hips. "You're a fast learner. These boxers aren't coming off until you cum just like this, riding my thigh. Got it?"
You nodded quickly as Sapnap placed another soft kiss on your shoulder. He released the tight grip he had on your hips, but his hands remain in their place, ready to move you down onto himself as he pleased.
You began to rock your hips back and forth on Sapnap's mostly bare thigh. Every few thrusts of your hips, your own leg would bump into Sapnap's cock, and his leg would jump, thigh pressing into your cock even more.
It didn't take long for you to begin to pant, the inevitable soon approaching.
Sapnap reached his hands around, and dipped his hands into your boxers, grabbing fist fulls of your ass before using them as leverage to grind you even more onto his thigh.
In doing so, he managed to pull you even closer to his body. You were now chest to chest, and your leg rubbed up against his dick with every thrust. Sapnap began to moan quietly in your ear, but you could barely hear him over your own whines and pants.
"I know you're close baby, you're doing so good, you don't have to ask."
You hadn't realized it, but you had been begging your boyfriend for release. He moved his head to press his tongue into your mouth once more, beginning to bounce his leg up and down.
All it took was for Sapnap to moan into your mouth once more before you were spilling into your boxers. Your eyes rolled back into your head as your hands reached down to grab at Sapnap's soft love handles for dear life.
You quite literally rode out your orgasm, hips continuing to roll into Sapnap's thighs. You eventually parted your mouth from his, your hips stilling, but his hands continued to push you down onto his thigh. You shook and bit his shoulder at the overstimulation, moaning as small tears began to roll down your cheeks. You weren't sure if you wanted to stop or have Sapnap continue to manhandle your hips into his thigh.
Eventually, Sapnap took pity on you and allowed your hips to still. He removed your hands from your ass, one coming to rub gentle circles on your back. The other came up to your cheek, pulling your face towards his to gently kiss your tears away.
"You did so well for me baby, such a good boy." Sapnap praised as he gave small pecks to your cheeks. "Take deep breathes, you still have your prize for doing so well."
Oh yeah, you were going to fuck him. That was always nice, but he said not in the way you were thinking. What did he mean by that? You didn't care, honestly, as your cock was starting to harden once more and all you wanted was some part of him wrapped around it.
You heard Sapnap laugh, "Wow, ready again already? Good boy, you deserve it. Let's get these off of you."
Your cum had left a large wet spot on the front of your boxers, sticking to Sapnap's legs slightly. You lifted yourself off of him slightly so he could pull the soiled boxers off of you. Your hard cock springing out of them, glistening with your cum.
"Wow, you that was a lot, makes sense, I've been keeping myself from you so you'd be all worked up for me today."
Oh, so he was planning this. For whatever reason, this nudged the small part of your brain that wanted to dominate him oh so badly, and you let out a small growl before wrapping your hand around his throat and thrusting your tongue in and out of his throat.
Sapnap let his back fall down onto the bed and allowed you to have this moment of control over him. He knew it was hard for you to be patient and obedient when you were as built up as you were, and he was feeling nice enough to let you let it out for a moment.
Your hand tightened around his throat as you continued to fuck his face with your tongue, wishing it was your cock instead. However, you knew your boyfriend had plans, and you didn't want to ruin those.
You pulled off of him, Sapnap moving his head up slightly to try and chase your mouth. He gasped when you removed your hand from his throat, blood rushing back to his head and back down to his cock.
"So, what's my prize?" You asked, hand running up and down his side before coming to rest on his chest that formed into soft breasts that you squeezed gently.
Sapnap moaned softly at your touch, "I-I'm going to lay down, and you're going to fuck my thighs."
All of your movements stopped as your eyes snapped up to his, wide in excitement.
You had thought about this moment so often. Taking his thighs in your hands and fucking into the soft pillow-like flesh, and now the time had finally come. You felt your cock jump slightly at the thought that was a soon-to-be reality, and you pushed Sapnap over so that his legs were no longer dangling over the edge of the bed. You manhandled his legs so that his calves were on either side of your shoulders, and his knees were pushed as to create a perfect place for your dick.
Your hands rested just above his knees, where his socks ended. You felt the skin fall over the sides, and you were never more horny than you were at that moment.
You couldn't wait another second before you took your cock in one hand, rubbing your tip between Sapnap's two thighs. You gently rubbed the length of your cock on them, not yet pushing in between.
"Come on now, don't be shy. Fuck me already." Sapnap said, his hands thrown above his head, clutching the pillow above him.
You were quick to follow directions, throwing your head back as you pressed your tip in between his thighs. You threw your head back and let out a loud moan as you felt his large, soft thighs take every inch of your cock. You sat there for a moment, savoring the soft warmth that surrounded you, staring down at your lovely boyfriend who was happily staring back at you, a small lopsided smile on his face.
It didn't take long for your needs to overwhelm your mind, and you started to softly thrust your cock into Sapnap's thighs. He was so soft and so warm, and your cum that had coated your cock from your previous orgasm was leaving delicious wet spots on his thighs, allowing for easier movement between them.
You were in pure bliss. Mouth open as you watched your cock slowly disappear and reappear between Sap's thighs.
Sapnap didn't have a bad view himself, he got to stare at your lust-clouded face, the tip of your cock poking out at him whenever you would bottom out.
"Go on, baby, fuck me for real. Be rough. I know you want to. You deserve it."
Sapnap's soft encouragement was all it took for something to snap in your head. You began to smack your hips against Sapnap, your balls hitting against him with every thrust. A small amount of precum began to leak from you as you began to grow close again. Every so often it would come out as your tip was out the front of Sapnap's thighs, leading to a small amount that only he could see to drip down his thigh.
Of course, Sapnap was not getting nothing out of this arrangement, his thighs were sensitive to the point that just your thrusting felt so good to him. Slowly, he moved one of his hands down to gently grasp his own cock that had been steadily leaking precum onto his stomach the entire time.
It took you a moment to notice that your boyfriend was touching himself, and you quickly swatted your hand away and replaced it with your own, hand moving with the force of your own thrusts.
"Oh fuuuuck, baby. Just like that, fuck yes." Sapnap was babbling his praises at you as his hips began to gently move with your thrusts. "I'm so close, baby. Can we cum together? Please..."
He didn't have to ask twice, and you quickly nodded to let him know you had heard him and were close yourself.
Your back began to arch just as Sapnap's moans turned into the high-pitched whines he let out whenever he was about to cum. It took only two more hard thrusts before you were both spilling all over Sapnap.
You watched as some of your cum mixed with his on his tummy, however, most of yours painted the insides of his thighs and dirtied his socks and garters.
After your highs, you sat there for a moment, still nestled between his thighs. You only moved when you realized you wanted to see how your cum had painted his thighs.
You gently moved his calves from off his shoulder and spread them on the bed gently, knowing he would be slightly sore from the stretch.
Your view was amazing. Seeing your perfect prince spread out all for you, covered in sweat and cum, was beautiful. You were so grateful to be able to see him like this, and you fell back onto your heels to stare at your amazing boyfriend.
You were broken out of your trance by Sapnap's whine and outstretched hands. You took him into a hug, not caring that you were getting cum all over you.
"I guess you liked my surprise, huh?"
You giggled and pressed a gentle kiss to Sapnaps forehead. "Yeah, I liked it a lot. Come on, let's go get cleaned up."
With that, you both showered together, before falling asleep in each other's arms, Sapnap's perfect, nude body pressed against your own.
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Another phase I had a long time ago. I recently replayed Portal 2 and felt I should give him some attention. This mostly talks about Wheatley being in charge, btw. Core or android doesn't really matter, but I thought of him as a Core.
I miss when there was Yandere Portal fics...there was a really good one on Quotev about Wheatley that got deleted years ago. Good times, really. I wish I could reread it but sometimes you don't like your work anymore, so I get that.
Yandere! Wheatley Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Possessive behavior, Trapping, Kidnapping, Isolation, Forced relationship, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation.
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- Wheatley originally didn't think much of you when he enacted his plan of escape.
- You're a raggedy looking human, tired and dragged out of stasis to obey his orders.
- You're quite good at a portal gun so he's happy you didn't just die trying to get to it.
- While he watched you test, admittedly, he did get a bit attached.
- Okay, a LOT attached.
- "Great! You're pretty good at this whole escaping thing... for better or for worse."
- Every time you're close to death he feels himself physically flinch.
- You should be careful!
- How're you both supposed to leave if you die?
- Although that's not all he's worried about.
- While you both traversed the facility, you spoke with him whenever you saw him.
- He grew addicted to the attention you gave him.
- "Hey! Nice to speak again~ Admittedly, it's felt like forever!"
- His obsession starts tame until you both overthrow Glad0s.
- He tests his newfound power before sending you to the lift.
- But...maybe not yet.
- Why should you leave?
- He's grown so attached to being near you, what if you leave him here?
- You couldn't, no...
- You wouldn't
- "Actually...let's not go just yet. After what we've been through I can't just risk you running, right?"
- Your struggle is pitiful when he uses one of those large robotic arms to tear you out the lift.
- His laugh is excited but bordering on maniacal.
- The lift is then broken, the potato battery Glad0s once was thrown into the depths with it.
- You're dropped to the ground, crawling away from him.
- His gaze narrows.
- "Why so frightened, dear? I've got all the power in this facility! I could make you happy if you listen to me~"
- It doesn't take long before Wheatley gets the so called 'itch'.
- Then he gets the 'brilliant' idea to use you for testing.
- Even if you don't solve it, he can still keep an eye on you!
- Your only comfort being his face on a screen as he watches your every move.
- "Look at this! We're bonding aren't we? You get to test, I get to watch, and we grow closer! God, I could watch you for hours...!"
- If you escape Wheatley, he's going to panic.
- He leaves your chamber alone for a second and comes back to find you gone.
- The AI is anxious, frantically scouring the facility in search of his beloved...
- Friend? Test Subject? Lover...? He's working it out.
- The place is falling apart while he looks for you.
- He checks every camera, wall, chamber...
- Soon he's going to find you if you're not dead.
- He doesn't even want to consider the last option.
- "Look, bear with me here! Come out and we can take a little break from testing, okay!? You can sit with me, in my lair, and we can talk. You seem rather frustrated and I know you're mad but we can work this out. Now PLEASE just SHOW YOURSELF!"
- Soon he'll drag you out kicking and screaming and bring you to his 'lair'.
- You're barely even allowed to move without triggering Wheatley after that.
- You make him so anxious.
- He's solved the itch problem for now by finding two robots, but now he needs to watch you.
- You never have time alone without a blue gaze staring you down.
- "You're so petty! If you give me a chance to connect with you we'll both be happy!"
- His attempted affection is hard as he could easily squish you.
- But he tries to nudge you towards his main body to speak or touch him.
- He does miss it when you held him... yet now he can hold you!
- Much to your displeasure, struggling in his grip while he coos at you.
- "You're so small compared to me! Cute, even...."
- He can't get enough of you....
- The facility may be crumbling down, but he could care less.
- As long as he had you, the whole world could end for all he cared.
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