#race-neutral reader insert
The Escape
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This grew out of an unhinged convo that @deadhumourist and I had over DMs ages ago. Now that it’s wintertime and very cold where I am, I decided to write it up for her. Hope the rest of you enjoy it as well!
Word count: 1400
Rating: Mature, 18+ only (no minors)
Outline: Old West AU? Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x You (race-neutral, blank slate female reader insert; no racial description, no physical description, no name, no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: Yearning and anticipation on both sides; mentions of Jack rescuing you and helping you to escape from some kind of vague danger; Jack affectionately nicknames you “Bluebonnet”; mutual lusty pining; both characters imagining “what if”; mentions and imaginings of sex acts; cranking up the heat on this wintry day
The mustang’s hooves clop slowly across the hard ground as Jack guides you to safety through the barren forest. The dry, frozen air of mid-winter makes the sound seem louder than it is, echoing off nearby trees and bouncing back to your ears.
Your focus shifts as your heart rate slows. The adrenaline from Jack scooping you up onto his horse has dribbled out of your veins, bleeding into a numb calmness as he puts distance between you and your hard circumstances.
Your hand aches, clutching at the rough, wool saddle blanket that Jack had wrapped around you both, ordering you to keep it closed for warmth as his rough breath warmed your ear. The sharp, direct order had cut through your fear and you had followed his directions to the letter. You kept the blanket closed over your sternum tightly. An hour into the journey and your fingers were aching, but you refused to let go. You wanted Jack to be proud of you for following his order, for keeping his arms warm and his hands free so that he could steer properly. You wanted to be smart and useful to him.
You tried to ignore the gentle rocking of his thighs against yours where they cupped you, holding you steady on his mount. After everything, you are shocked that your mind is wandering to such lusty images, and you attempt to chastise yourself out of thinking about such things…but the rough denim of his pants conceals a bulge that rocks gently against your ass with every step the horse takes.
For his part, Jack is fighting lusty thoughts of his own. As his breath slows and the horse’s gallop changes to a saunter, Jack tries to ignore the soft curves of your hips under your long winter skirts, and the summery scent of your perfume… delectable notes of lily of the valley and rose that waft up from the heat of your body and tickle his nose. 
It makes him want to find a safe haven, some little culvert or cabin where he can build a fire and put the thick, warm blanket to better use, perhaps as a bed where he can take you gently and show you what good love is supposed to be… if you’ll have him. Maybe after what you’ve been through, he shouldn’t be thinking such things, but the rage that flared in his gut at seeing you in need of rescue has boiled down to a simmer, and he needs to let off steam one way or another. 
He clears his throat and reassures you, “Won’t be much longer now, Bluebonnet.”
“Why do you call me that?” 
“Your scarf,” he brings his left hand gently up to your face and tugs affectionately on the fabric that you’ve wrapped over your head and knotted under your chin, hoping to keep some warmth around your ears. 
“You were wearing this the first day I saw you. Same color as a field full of Texas bluebonnets.” Then, as if that’s all that needs to be said, he trails off into silence. 
You reach back in your mind and try to remember that day, but the time and distance from that moment make things fuzzy. You remember cradling your hard-won harvest of berries in your scarf, tied around your waist like an apron as you emerged from the edge of the forest. And on the road were Jack and another man riding toward town, the sun beating down on the brims of their hats, shadows obscuring their faces. 
If you had been prescient of everything that would transpire between that moment and now, you’re not sure if you would have done things any differently. 
It all ended up with you here, feeling the warmth of Jack’s body against your back, the muscles of his thighs as they tense and squeeze against yours. He’s more relaxed than when the first lengths of galloping put distance between you and that terrible town, but his breath still comes in heavy sighs, and you can tell he’s holding something back. 
“S’that all it was? The color?” You chide yourself internally for sounding hard, ungrateful for the compliment in how he compared you to a pretty sight from his home state. 
You hear Jack’s breath hitch, and then his voice comes deeper, tickling down your neck in warm puffs and up your spine in electric zig zags. “And your strength.”
You think that’s all he’s going to say, but then Jack surprises you, adding, “They go to seed, dig themselves into the dirt in th’ autumn… they grow best in hard soil, rocky places… they bide their time, gettin’ strong all winter, an’ in springtime they bloom blue and pretty and soft… whole waves of ‘em, far as the eye can see.” 
He ends it there, and your mind reels. 
This man sees you… you wonder at that, and your normally quick tongue is stunned into silence as your brain picks over all the golden threads he’s just revealed. You follow the words with your mind, chasing them around in your brain as the horse slows, then stops. 
There’s a clearing just ahead, and Jack turns the mustang slightly sideways, assessing whether it’s safe or dangerous before he approaches any further. His breath comes hot and hard against your ear through the thin material of your scarf, and you fight a whine when his left arm grips you tight around your middle. 
His hand drifts down to your left hip, and he squeezes you hard: a silent message to keep still as he shifts, perhaps making moves to dismount. You want to squirm and rub yourself against the saddle, give yourself friction and action to combat the heavy silence and the frozen air. Your heart is beating so hard you want to faint. 
You breathe in a slow drag through your nose, and that makes it worse. You can smell frost and leather and the living animal underneath you, and layered in with everything is him… smoky, manly soap and fresh sweat and his morning coffee. You turn your face away from the clearing and tuck your ear against his shoulder, and lean into the comforting warmth of Jack as he guards you and protects you. 
Jack watches the clearing and sees a slight movement and he freezes, his massive hand grips your hip harder, and you forget yourself long enough that a small, “Mmh,” escapes your lips before you stuff it back down. 
Your bitten-off moan coincides with Jack’s realization that the movement is a deer, seeking leaves where none have been for weeks, and he relaxes with a chuckle. His laugh vibrates through his chest, pressed against your back, and you exhale a sigh of relief. 
Jack’s distraction subsides and a puzzle piece falls into place. Your noise, that mewl when he gripped your hip through your skirts, and the slight shift of your hips… Jack knows what desire looks like and sounds like from a woman, and he’s happy he hasn’t been nursing a one-sided infatuation. The minute he gets you to safety he’s finding the softest bed and the warmest fire, and he’s going to make sure you don’t have to muffle those noises. He wants them all, just for himself, and he’s damned if he’ll let you hide them from him again. 
You turn as far around as you can and lift your eyes to look at Jack, and when your eyes meet you can’t breathe all over again. 
Jack’s deep brown eyes are boring into you intently, and you wonder if he’s thinking about the same things you are… how all you want to do is nuzzle the tip of your nose into the little hollow just under his earlobe and trail it up to his sideburns, because you know that that's where a man smells the most like himself. You want to brush your lips over the stubble that's dusted over the curve of his jaw, feel the contrast of it against your soft lips… press a kiss into the skin of his throat and feel his heartbeat as it moves blood through his jugular before you flick the tip of your tongue out to taste the salt of his skin… but you can’t, because you're still fleeing everything that he's rescued you from. 
You’re grateful for that, but you're so desperately aroused and so tired from running that all you want to do is turn and sit sideways across his lap, snuggle into him for warmth and safety and let him hold you and fuck you until you fall asleep. 
The moment passes, and Jack flicks his eyes toward the clearing before prompting the horse with his heels. 
“Won’t be far now, Bluebonnet, I promise.”
You turn your face toward the future, and let Jack guide you there. 
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 5 months
First 'date'
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N Sorry for not being active I've just been spending time with friends and family but I'm back now! Also, this is going to be a series but idk how often I will update it.
Summary You and Bucky go on a first 'date'
Warnings Fluff
You couldn't remember the last time you felt so nervous. You were getting ready for a date with James (or Bucky as he tells you to call him.) You met him on a dating app and were texting for two weeks before you decided to go on this date. 
As well as feeling nervous, you also felt excited to meet Bucky. He seemed so sweet over text and judging by his profile picture, he was the hottest guy you had ever seen. 
You could only hope he was like this in real life. 
“Can I come in now?” your friend, Ella, shouted from the other side of your bedroom door. 
“Yeah,” you shouted back. 
Your so-called ‘date’ was more of a meeting at a coffee shop so you were wearing a slightly oversized shirt, your favourite jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. You had minimal makeup on and your hair was styled in a way that made you feel confident. 
You and Bucky are anxious people and agreed that a coffee shop would be a much more calming environment when meeting each other for the first time. 
“Do I look ok?” you asked Ella. 
“You look amazing y/n!”
“Really?” you questioned. 
“You're going to a coffee shop, not a Michelin-star restaurant,” Ella told you. 
“Ok,” you took a deep breath, “I’m ready.”
You grabbed your bag off your bed and made sure you had everything you needed. 
“I'll see you later,” you told Ella. 
“I'll see you later if you don't end up getting laid.” 
You rolled your eyes and left the apartment you shared with Ella. 
The coffee shop was a five-minute walk away so you weren't in a hurry to get there. 
Once you got there you scanned the shop and your eyes landed on the man sitting at the table in the corner. You could only see the back of his head but he was dressed in all black and that's what Bucky told you he wore. 
You cautiously approached him so as not to scare him.
“A-are you Bucky?” you asked. 
The man turned around and smiled at you, “I am.” he replied.
“Thank God, if you said no I was gonna be so embarrassed,” you walked over to the chair across from him and sat down. 
“How are you today?” he asked, cringing at the question. 
“I was a little nervous earlier but I feel better since you seem to be in a similar state,” you responded with a chuckle. 
“Is it that obvious?” he asked, rubbing the back of his head.
“Just a little bit, but you don’t have to feel bad about it,” you assured him.
You looked at the table where his hands were resting. You noticed the black gloves but didn’t say anything, you knew who he was but weren’t sure if he knew that and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. You didn’t see him as a bad person or a villain. You did your research on him a while back and you could’ve never blamed him for his actions, he didn’t have control of himself at the time. 
He seemed so genuine and kind, nothing like the monster the government made him out to be. You started to speak about how your week had been so far and you thought it was funny how Bucky spoke about his friend Sam who he seemed to love and hate at the same time.
“Do you want to order now?” he asked you.
You just nodded in response.
“If you want I can order for us,” Bucky offered.
You told him your order and thanked him for ordering for you. He got up from his seat and walked over to the counter to order. He told the barista the drinks he wanted and paid. As he was waiting for the drinks he looked over to you and smiled. 
You returned his smile and butterflies erupted in your stomach. You tried to calm your nerves by looking at your lap. 
A few minutes later, Bucky returned with the drinks and sat back down.
“Thanks,” you told him, “you didn’t have to buy my drink for me.” 
“It’s the least I could do doll,” he told you with a smile.
You both continued to get to know eachother even more until the barista came over to tell you that closing time was in 5 minutes.
“So I guess that’s the end of our date,” Bucky chuckled, “ I hope I wasn’t too boring.” 
“Hey, don’t put your self down, I had a good time,” you gave him a small smile.
You said your goodbyes and went your separate ways. 
As you walked through the door of your apartment, you were bombarded by Ella.
“So how did it go with Bucky?” he wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“It was really good, I hope we can go on another date, maybe to a restaurant next time,” you told her with a smile on your face.
Ella squealed and pulled you further into your apartment. 
You were about to go into the livingroom when you heard the notification sound on your phone go off. 
“Who is it?” Ella inquired.
“It’s Bucky,” you replied, clicking on the notification, “He wants to go on another date!” you almost shouted with excitement.
“Fuck yeah, my bestie is finally gonna get that D.” 
“Calm down, you’re more excited about me having sex with Bucky then I am,” you laughed.
The rest of the night was spen watching movies whilst eating snacks and telling Ella everything about your ‘date’ with Bucky.
If you want to be tagged whenever I post a fic then click on the link
If you want to see what I repost, my other account is @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
@nicoline1998enilocin @buckys-wintersoldier @kenzs-world @booscherripop @hisredheadedgoddess28 @kandis-mom @cutedisneygrl
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Welcome to the Inclusive Pedro & Oscar Library!
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ID also in alt txt.
[ID: The banner for our blog! On top of a peach pink cloud background with sparkling stars are two rows of six circles, filled with characters played by actor Pedro Pascal. In the top row from left-to-right, are characters: Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Javier Peña, Javier Gutierrez, Oberyn Martell. In the fifth circle there is cursive text reading: “The Inclusive Pedro Library.” In the sixth and last circle of the row there is a photo of Joel Miller. In the bottom row from left-to-right, are characters: Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey, Dieter Bravo, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Pero Tovar, and Frankie Morales. In the bottom right corner there is text reading: “Tumblr: @inclusivepedrolibrary​.” End ID]
We recognized a need for an inclusive space for Pedro and Oscar fans on Tumblr, so we decided to start a curated list of fanfics and fan art.
We carefully screen all reader-insert fic recs to avoid white-coded language (such as flushing/blushing, red marks on skin, white-coded hair, etc).
We also want to build a library of POC and other underrepresented authors and artists, and curate fics and fan art featuring Pedro characters with queer and/or POC OCs. (We do not read or reblog RPF, we only accept fics about fictional characters.)
This blog is for 18+ friends only. Minors DNI. Thank you.
Please read the submissions guidelines before sending anything in!
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Note- Everything without a link is coming soon! Thanks for your patience as we get things up and running!
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kitsune-oji · 7 months
Mission Accomplished
Another fic I had in my notes and thought I'd repost! Can't remember what I called it the first time around so it got a new title
Mephisto & Regressed!Mc (they/you)
Word count: 1'699
Warnings/Tags: positive Age Regression, regressor Mc, involuntary regression in public spaces, fluff, Mephisto is a bit tsundere?, Diavolo & co know about Mc's regression
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You yawned, trying to be discreet about it while you continued watching your teacher talk. Really, you should be paying attention but you found that to be harder with every moment passing.
If only you weren't so tired and so incredibly comfortable at RAD. By now, the school, no, academy had basically become a second home to you. But it was also filled with so many stressors.
Of course, the at the House of Lamentation you had to fight for time alone as well and the constant attention and fights from the brothers stressed you out but at least you knew them and got comfortable with them. Here, there were so many people you didn't really know, a good portion being demons who didn't particularly like you either, just for being human.
Then there was the need to cram information into your head lesson after lesson, group projects, tests, presentations-
It was really no wonder you sometimes couldn't keep yourself from regressing on campus. Fortunately, the brothers knew about your age regression and always kept an eye out for you. If you did end up going tiny, there was usually always someone there to take care of you, to excuse you from the lesson and take you elsewhere. Somewhere you could stay and play until you slipped out of your headspace again.
It was sort of embarrassing that there was a corner for you to play in Diavolo's Office but oh well, it was nice having them all support and care for you so much.
That was, usually. Right now, there was nobody around you for once. A rare occurrence but possible nonetheless.
It wasn't like you couldn't navigate and survive the RAD hallways on your own but when you felt yourself gently slipping into your headspace, a low simmering panic gripped you. Desperately, you tried to stay big, blinking rapidly and shaking your head but it was of no help.
It was one of those times when you couldn't control it at all. Had something triggered it? You didn't notice anything that could have but sometimes you don't understand why your brain reacts the way it does.
Anyway, you had to figure out what to do. There were lots of other students in the halls, you were undercover now, they couldn't know you're actually tiny. Your mission was to get somewhere safe without anyone finding out you're not big right now.
Alright, you nodded your head sharply only once, determined to succeed.
It was strange walking like this, so tall, your limbs feeling kind of lanky and clumsy in their movements. You tried to take control of them as best you could but a part of you was worried you looked weird in the way you walked. Did you look like a robot? Maybe, maybe not.
Your lips pursed but then you noticed and quickly tried to stop, pressing them together instead. Subtly, you looked around, seeing a door that wasn't like the others. It looked kind of similar to the one heading into Dia's office and with a spring in your step, you quickly walked over to it, happy to find it opening easily.
In one swift movement, you walked in confidently and closed the door, stopping in your tracks while looking at it. Mission accomplished!
Your facade fell like a heavy cloak from your shoulders, a big grin stretching your lips and a giggle as clear as the sound of bells ringing out. You did it! You really did it!
Euphoric, you turned around, just to see another wall in front of you. No, not a wall, a chest.
Slowly, your gaze wandered up to the face of the person standing in front of you. Tan skin, purple hair, looking a bit haughty... You've seen him a few times before. Mephio-hm mephispophe- no, whatever, Mephi.
He looked a bit scary standing so close and looking down at you in what you guessed was disapproval? Sometimes you guessed expressions wrong but you thought you were probably right this time.
Your hands clasped behind your back, you rocked on the palms of your feet, pressing them together just like your lips again. Should you say something?
"What are you doing in here? Do you know how rude it is to just barge in without even knocking?"
Ah, right. You didn't think anyone was in here but Lucifer did say knocking is important.
"'m sorry..", you mumbled, trying to rub your feet together. It proved a bit difficult with your shoes in the way.
Since you were looking to the side, you couldn't see the frown on Mephisto's face deepen. He was sure you were behaving strangely, the few times he had seen or even interacted with you, you hadn't behaved like a child but now..
"Never mind that now, what are you doing here?"
Mephisto sighed and relaxed slightly. There was no reason to stay mad at something he couldn't change right now. Rather, there were much more pressing matters, such as your behavior and sudden appearance in the RAD newspaper office. You should be glad he was the only one here right now.
"A mission!", you exclaimed much to the demon's surprise, "Gotta get away from people outside cuz they can't know I'm-"
Gasping, you clasped your hands in front of your mouth as your eyes widened. You had almost just told on yourself! The mission wasn't successful at all! He had seen you when you weren't acting big!
But why was that bad again? Mephisto didn't seem dangerous or angry or put off by you, so it should be ok, right?
While you were thinking, he watched your facial expressions change with your thoughts. You really had no filter when you were regressed, it seemed.
Yet Mephisto didn't know the reason for your strange behavior and only watched on in curiosity. The more he saw, the more he was sure that you acted like a child.
Unrestrained, honest, pure. The demon had to admit it was kind of cute, no matter how strange the situation was.
"Can't know what?", he asked after a while, eyes following your hands as they lowered and you fiddled with your fingers, unconsciously pulling at your skin.
Without thinking about it, Mephisto took your hands in his and stopped you from further pulling on your skin, his tone reprimanding when he told you to stop it before you accidently hurt yourself. But apparently he sounded too mean because the next thing he knew, your bottom lips started wobbling and tears gathered in your eyes as your shoulders started to shake.
Eyes wide, the demon let go of your hands and apologised, ushering you further into the room and to one of the couches, asking if he could touch you to soothe you. He had meant to maybe rub your back but instead you sobbed and threw your arms around him in response.
A bit overwhelmed, Mephisto shushed you and rubbed your back until you calmed down, handing you a tissue when you finally let go of him. Though it was surprising, he couldn't really say that he minded.
Was that how he found himself walking with you towards Lord Diavolo's office? You held his hand and walked funnily, making strange sounds the whole way there.
He had asked you if you wanted to go somewhere else, since he had no idea what to do with you right now and thought he heard wrongly at first.
"T' Dia!", you had said, throwing Mephisto off completely.
"You mean Lord Diavolo?"
"Yea, Dia!"
Your open palms flew through the air in your excitement. Since going to him meant play time, of course you wanted to go there, surely Mephi must know that, right?
But of course he didn't know, how could he? Still, Mephisto agreed to accompany you to the prince's office on school grounds.
Part of him was glad that class was currently in session and nobody but the two of them roamed the halls. Hell forbid someone saw him with the human exchange student, while they were acting strangely at that.
Though no matter what Mephisto thought, he started treating you as you were acting. Like a child.
There wasn't much thought behind it, it was almost instinctual in the way he made sure you didn't trip and held your hand without complaint. Perhaps this was the the effects of a curse? That was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with.
Until you arrived at Diavolo's office and you let go of his hand to run up to the future demon King with no warning. Instead of confusion however, Diavolo responded with laughter as he quickly stood up to catch you in his arms and spin you around to lessen the impact of your tackle hug.
To him, it was clear that you were regressed. After the many times he had looked after you, it was no surprise. But Mephisto only seemed more confused than before.
For now, Diavolo ignored his questions and set up the play mat and toys with a flick of his wrist. They flew from the cabinets and found their places neatly, only to be disturbed by your hands the moments Diavolo gently set you down.
Normally, he would have let you explain it yourself but Mephisto wouldn't leave until he understood what was happening and since he had already seen you like this anyway..
After the short but precise explanation Diavolo gave him, Mephisto looked back at you.
He watched the way you looked entertained by stacking smooth wooden blocks on top of each other, trying to make the tallest tower but failing again and again. Sometimes, you even destroyed it yourself, sounds of delight leaving you as you clapped your hands.
Not a curse then, just the wonders of the human brain.
Thinking about it, he wouldn't mind taking care of you again, though vehemently denied it when Diavolo asked. Judging by his laugh however, Mephisto hadn't fooled him at all.
Still, if you came to the Rad newspaper club again while in this state of mind, Mephisto would be sure to help you out.
Just because Diavolo would want him to, of course- !
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reptisoil · 1 year
Romance is Science. || RTTE!Heather x GN! reader ||
Summary: On her travels, Heather encounters someone who wishes to study dragons from a scientific perspective and she decides they're worth her time. After a while, things change between the two for the better.
Warnings: Happy ending?
Notes: D/n = dragon's name, D/s = dragon's spieces, D/P/c = dragon's primary color, and
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Y/n would admit, they'd been really happy to study with Heather. She was really nice to them and her razorwhip, Windshear, had been more than happy to work with them, even let them study her!
After the whole thing about working with the Hunters and joining the Dragon Riders, Y/n had so many more dragons to study! They even got their own dragon, named D/n, the two built a bond very quickly, and having their own dragon made them that much more interested in studying every other kind of dragon they would come across in their time with the other riders.
After a month on the Edge, Y/n decided it would be best to explore the Archepelligo on their own with D/n. Heather was hit the hardest with something akin to grief. She and Y/n were really close and Heather realized she even had some feelings for the scientist...
As the sun was rising, the D/P/c and D/A/c colored D/s and Y/n said their goodbyes. Flishlegs was getting emotional and had to leave before Y/n did and the others soon followed after, leaving Y/n and D/n with Heather and Windshear. Heather looked at them, arms crossed as they were packing their last saddlebag.
"Do you really have to leave, Y/n? We're going to see and find so many dragons you can study, Windshear and I can even camp out with you whenever you need or want!" Heather begged, not ready to say goodbye to them. Y/n sighed and looked at Heather, petting D/n absentmindedly. "I think I have to, Heather, it's just... I don't know, Im not really helpful to the team, I can't really fight. Im just a scientist, Heather, not a warrior. My place is behind a desk or in a camp hidden from everything around me to study what's there. Not a battlefield or war."
"I can help you, train you even! Just, please... Don't go, I need you. I love you." Heather's hand flew to her mouth when she realized what she just said but she couldn't take it back so why not just roll with it. Y/n had a surprised look on their face that turned to one of relief.
"I love you too, Heather... Are you sure you can train me?" She nodded. "Alright... Maybe just for a little longer, I can stay."
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janedoeremi · 1 year
Tumblr Memes of 2023
January: Polls, Bug Race, Tumblr Sexyman Round 2, No Fly List Leak
February: Vanilla Extract, Tumblr Sexywoman Polls, Homestuck Fandom Commiting Voter Fraud, Miette decimating Todoroki in Blorbo Polls, Just so many polls
March: Dean Winchester and his Time Traveling Impala in The Winchesters, Celebrating Ides of March a week early, March 14th: The Day Krabs Fries, Ides of March, Autism Swag Poll, Ultimate Cat Girl (Gender Neutral) Poll, Putin having a warrent for his arrest, The Bots returned with a vengance
April: April Fools Day, Sonic the Hedgehog died, Trumps arrest, Barbie Arresting Trump, Everyone getting a Barbie description, Poll with Nina Tucker and Alexander needs them to tie to move on together, hyperspecific polls, Misha Collins assigned Bisexual by the WB, Elon Musk being the victim of Murphy's Law, It's gonna be May
May: Dracula Daily cast is stuck in a time loop, Trigun stan causes book: This Is How You Lose the Time War to become a bestseller, whatever the fuck happened with Eurovision, TOTK releases and gave us our feral Link back, Barbie and Ken arrested template.
June: Pride month, Across the Spiderverse... just all of it, trump getting arrested...again, The Great Reddit Migration & r/196, Horse Race, Meows Morales, The week long Titanic Oceangate Iron Lung Clusterfuck, Destial 'i love you' news meme trends at least 4 different times for different reasons, Papyrus says fuck day
July: Twitter post rationing causing Tumblr Migration 2: Electric Boogaloo, ao3 went down for 2 days, ao3 readers debating on going back to wattpad/ff.net, Barbieheimer double feature, Tree Law invoked, Elon renamed Twitter to X
August: Tiktok trying and failing to make their own Goncharov: Zepotha, Destiel confirmed canon again by not-so-rouge translator, Riverdale polycule finale, Trump mugshot, One Piece Live Action Pirate-Clown annoys Tumblr users
September: Mole Interest, Ice King became a Tumblr Sexyman again, 21st of September.
October: Spooky month, Merlin Twitter updates for first time in years to show streaming options confusing fans, The Amazing Digital Circus and Nerdy Prudes Must Die both trend for a week straight, trying to insert Markipler into the FNAF Movie
November: Nov. 5th 3rd year anniversary, Zach and Cody get their dinner reservation after 15 years. Goncharovs 1st 50th anniversary.
December: Gavle Goat being devoured by Jackdaws, Hbomberguy lives up to his name and nukes James Somerton's plagerism ridden channel, Its Dec 10th, We're gonna have to kill this guy template, almost Christmas, one more sleep til Christmas (screams internally), Halloween trends on Christmas Eve
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formula-nyoom · 2 months
Rookie Reflections | LS2
Platonic! Logan Sargent x Rookie!Reader
Summary: Being the only new addition to the grid, it may seem intimidating to try and introduce yourself to the other drivers. Logan remembers exactly what it's like to be the new rookie and doesn't want a repeat of what happened to him to happen to anyone else.
A/N: Pronouns weren’t specified so I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. I still haven’t decided if I want to write in 2nd or 3rd person, it really depends on the fic/request. Previous reader inserts I have written have been done in 2nd person so I defaulted to that with this fic, but do let me know which one you prefer. Logan, my favorite driver, I’m glad my first request is for him. Also I have no hate towards Daniel, it just made a lot more sense to me for the reader to take his seat. 
Silly season didn’t come with a lot of shake ups like people expected it to. The only team to switch up their driver line up for the upcoming season was RB, with Daniel being replaced by the newest Formula 2 champion after not delivering the results Red Bull had wanted from him.
You had met Yuki for the first time during the car launch before pre-season testing, but with all the cameras, interviews, and excitement surrounding the new car launch, you were unable to find the time to properly get to know each other. You had hoped to get a chance to maybe sit down with Yuki and get to know your new teammate, but now in Bahrain with all the drivers in one place it seemed that all of them had already split off into their pre-established friend groups that had been built up over years of racing alongside each other, Yuki included. 
That’s the thing with being the only new driver for the season: All the other drivers already knew each other well enough that you felt too intimidated to approach any of them. Going to Formula 2 where you knew almost all the drivers to Formula 1 where you knew no one, it was like being the new kid at school. And that seemed even more evident during the pre-season photoshoot. 
Yuki still had some last bits of data to go over with his engineer so you arrived at the photoshoot without your teammate. While you did arrive early, most of the drivers were already there, either talking with each other or members of their team. A few gave you curious glances, maybe an awkward smile or two, but none felt the need to approach. Not wanting to risk bothering anyone, you decided to find a spot secluded from the various groups of people while you waited for either Yuki to show up or for the photoshoot to start. Maybe when the photographer started to position people for the photos, you could possibly strike up a conversation with whoever was placed near you. But for now, you felt content standing off to the side where no one would really approach you. Or so you thought.
Logan had forgotten something in the Williams garage, making him arrive at the photoshoot after Alex. And while he could have walked over to his teammate, who was currently chatting with George, he noticed you standing off to the side. You were away from everyone to where you wouldn’t get in the way as you scrolled through your phone.
Logan knows that move. He did it many times during his rookie season because of how out of place he felt. But he also wasn’t the only rookie during his season, unlike you who was the only new person to the grid. He can probably guess how nervous or out of place you may seem. Logan knows that feeling. He hates that feeling and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 
Maybe that’s why he had decided to approach you. Or maybe it was because he didn’t have anyone else to talk to since Alex was busy talking to George, and Oscar was busy talking to Lando. Either way, he thought it was a good idea to introduce himself.
 “Hey,” Logan said, getting your attention. “You’re the new RB driver, right?”
Logan already knew the answer to that question, but he thought that was a better question to ask than pointing out the fact that you’re the new rookie. 
 “Yea, I am.” You said. Guess you were wrong about people not approaching you as you looked at the man standing before you.  
“I’m Logan.” He said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You already knew his name before he introduced himself. Hell, you knew all drivers names on the grid but that was another intimidating reason why you hadn’t tried to approach anyone. 
 “I’m (Y/N).” You said, shaking Logan’s hand. 
“So, are you excited for the upcoming season?” Logan asked. 
 “Yea. The car seems to be a good contender with the testing we’ve done so far. Hopefully I’ll be able to score some points by the end of the season.”
 “What makes you think you won’t get points at the beginning?” Logan asked.
“Well I am the rookie this season. I’m still getting used to the car, it’s a huge difference from the F2 car I was driving last year. Plus everyone else has been racing longer than I have. It's gonna take me a while to catch up.” You explained.
 “Oh come on, don’t doubt yourself this early. Trust me, it doesn’t help.” Logan said. You shrugged.
“I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m gonna try my best no matter what, but the highest I can see myself getting for the first race is P15.” You told him.
 “That’s a good start. “ Logan said. He smiled and you couldn’t help but smile as well. The two of you ended up talking about what you both did over the winter break and your expectations for the season until the photographer called for the photoshoot to start. You hadn’t even realized Yuki had arrived until the photographer positioned you two next to each other.
 “I saw you and Logan talking earlier. I hope it was a good conversation.” He whispered as you waited for the photographer to take a picture.
“He was just introducing himself. We talked about our expectations for the season.” You told him. Yuki smiled a bit.
 “Logan’s always been nice. I’m glad you’re getting to know some of the other drivers.”
“Come on Yuki, pick up!” You mumbled as the call went to voicemail again. After pre-season testing had wrapped up, you had finally managed to get to know Yuki by going out to get dinner together with the rest of the team. He had promised that the two of you would walk together through the paddock on the first day of the season, but after arriving at the entrance you saw no sign of your teammate. And the fact that he wasn’t answering his phone didn’t help either. But looking around towards all the cars pulling in towards the entrance, you did however see Logan arriving.
 “Logan!” You quickly walked over to him as he got closer to the entrance.
“Hey. What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be with your team?” He asked, noticing the lack of anyone from RB with you.
 “Well me and Yuki were supposed to walk in together, but I can’t find him anywhere and he’s not answering my calls.” You said. You looked past the turnstiles at the entrance to the paddock. “I don’t really want to walk in by myself.”
 “Do you want me to walk in with you?” Logan asked. You looked back at him.
“If it’s not too much to ask.” You said. Logan just shook his head and smiled.
 “It’s no bother.” He said. He gently ushered you towards the entrance and the two of you walked through. It was an understatement to say that you were nervous to greet the cheering fans that stood by the barriers with things to sign. But knowing that Logan was right next you signing things as well and taking pictures with fans made you less nervous. You even got to take some pictures with him and fans as well. 
 “If I wore all these friendship bracelets in the car, I think I would add an extra pound.” You joked as the two of you walked past the various team garages.
“Soon you’re gonna end up having a full storage closet at your house just full of stuff that fans have given you.” Logan said. You smiled at that idea.
 “Hopefully I won’t develop carpal tunnel from all the stuff I’m gonna have to sign over the year.” Good thing being a Formula 1 driver consists more of driving cars than signing things.” 
 “You say that now, but just wait until the RB merchandise team sits you down in a room filled with driver cards you have to sign. Your wrist is going to be so sore afterwards.” Logan said. You let out a chuckle. 
 “(Y/N)!” You turned to see Yuki, coming from the RB hospitality, running over to the two of you. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. They put me in the press conference at the last minute. I had to come early.” Yuki explained.
 “It’s ok Yuki. Logan walked in with me.” You said. You turned back to Logan. “Thank you, by the way. I should probably go see my team.”
“Like I said, it was no bother. I’d be happy to walk the paddock with you anytime.” He said. “I’ll see you two on the track.”
He waved goodbye and then headed to the William’s garage as you headed with Yuki back to the RB hospitality to get ready for the upcoming practice sessions. 
“Ok (Y/N). We’ve been knocked out of Q1. You are P17.” Your race engineer said through the radio as the qualifying session ended and you slowed your car down for a cool down lap. 
 “Not the result I had hoped for, but it’s something I can improve upon. Did Yuki make it to Q2?” You asked, making your way into the pit lane.
 “Yes, Yuki did make it into Q2.” Your engineer said. 
“That’s good. Hope he can make it into Q3.” You pulled into your designated pitlane and flipped up your visor to let some air into your helmet as the pit crew pulled your car into the garage. 
After changing out of your race suit and fireproofs, you put on a pair of headphones and joined the crew in watching Q2. You were happy to see that Logan made it into Q2 as well, and was secretly hoping he would make it into Q3 along with Yuki. Both of them did good laps during Q2 but Yuki unfortunately was only able to place P11. Logan barely managed to get by into Q3, but couldn’t place any higher and ended up in front of your teammate, placing P10 for tomorrow’s race. After congratulating Yuki on his placement, you left the RB garage to go look for Logan to do the same thing. You didn’t have to look far, as the American driver was exiting the William’s garage as you approached.
“Hey, nice driving today!” You said, giving Logan’s shoulder a congratulatory pat. 
 “Thanks. I’m shocked I was able to make it into Q3. I thought I was going to get knocked out in Q2, I didn’t expect Lance to get his lap time deleted.” Logan said. “Where’d you place?”
 “P17. I wasn’t able to gain enough speed on my last lap to get myself to a higher placement.” You said. “But that’s ok. I just need to overtake the 7 cars in front of me to get to P10 and get into the points. How hard can that be?”
You laughed, your last sentence meaning to be a joke. Logan let out a small chuckle, but he was taking what you said seriously.
 “I think you can do it. But only do it after I’ve overtaken a couple cars myself. I’d also like to get some points during the race.” He said.
It was officially race day and your nerves seemed to be bouncing as fast as the cars that would be on track soon. You had felt confident throughout the week, being on the track and going over data with the team. But with the race starting in a couple hours, the fact that you were about to debut in your first Formula One race was starting to become very real. 
 “You squeeze that water bottle any tighter, it’s gonna explode.” You were brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Logan as he approached you from the side. Looking down, you did see that the water bottle you were holding was almost ready to burst from the steel grip you had on it.
 “Sorry, I’m just thinking about the race today.” You said, loosening your grip on the bottle.
 In a similar scenario to pre-season testing, the two of you were waiting to start the drivers parade.
 “It’s ok to be nervous about your first race. Every driver is.” He said.
“What if I crash the car?” You asked. Logan shook his head.
 “You won’t.”
“What if I can’t overtake any cars and finish last?”
 “You won’t finish last.”
“What if-”
 “Hey.” Logan placed his hands on your shoulders and made you look at him. “You’re going to be fine. You drove well during testing and practice. You can overtake the cars in front of you. And even if you finish last, so what? It’s your first race. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s ok.” Logan said. His hands on your shoulder and the speech he just gave you seemed to steel your nervous a bit as you took in what he said. 
 “Just try to have fun. Can you promise me that?” Logan asked. He held up his pinkie and you almost laughed at the childlike implications. But the serious look on Logan’s face stopped you.  You linked your pinkie with his and nodded.
 “I promise.”
The two of you ended up staying next to each other during the drivers parade, waving to fans as the truck drove by. Interviews were also happening during the parade, and with you being the new rookie, you had to be interviewed.
“So (Y/N), you're about to make your Formula 1 debut in your first Formula 1 race. How are you feeling?” The interviewer asked.
 “I’m both very nervous and very excited. I’m starting at the back of the grid, but I’m gonna try to do my best.” You said.
“I know, with being the newest addition to the grid, you may feel like you stand out. Besides your teammate Yuki, have there been any other drivers that you’ve gotten to know during pre-season testing or this weekend?”.
 “Logan actually introduced himself to me during pre-season testing and we’ve gotten to know each other a bit.” You told the interviewer. “It feels a bit intimidating being surrounded by these great drivers that I’ve always hoped to have a chance to drive alongside, so I’m really grateful to Logan for being someone on the grid that I can talk to and get to know, besides Yuki of course.”
 “Have you guys talked about anything in particular? Any expectations for your first race?”
“Logan actually gave me a really good pep talk before the drivers parade. It really helped calm my nerves down a bit. I’m gonna take Logan’s advice and try to have fun.” You said with a smile. The interviewer thanked you for your time and moved on to interview a different driver as you made your way back over to Logan. After waving to a bunch of fans, the parade concluded and you and the rest of the drivers got off the truck.
“What are you going to do during this race?” Logan asked you before the two of you departed to get ready for the race.
 “Have fun!” You said. 
“That’s right.” He gave your shoulder a reassuring pat and left for the William’s garage while you headed back to RB, your nerves seemingly having lessened. 
Logan’s pep talk seemed to be exactly what you needed. You ended up finishing the race in P11, just out of the points but only two spots behind Yuki. 
 “(Y/N) that was a fantastic first race! Well done!” Your engineer's voice came through the radio as you waved while driving around the track.
 “Oh my god! Thank you so much! That was so much fun! I couldn’t have done it without you or the team!” You said enthusiastically as you pulled into parc ferme. You sat in the car for a couple seconds, taking in the feeling of making it through your first Formula One race. Then, you took the wheel out and stepped out of the car.
Some of the pit crew workers gave you pats on the back or the shoulder, congratulating you on making it through your first race. As your eyes scanned the pit lane, looking for your team, they landed on the familiar America-decorated helmet of Logan.
 “Logan!” You called as you jogged over to him. His eyes lit up at your approach and met you halfway.
 “Nice one champ! P11 on debut!” He said, raising his hand for a high five before bringing you in for a brief congratulatory hug. 
 “I was so close to getting into points but I couldn’t catch up. You drove amazingly though! Congrats on P5!” You told him.
 “Hey, don’t put yourself down for being “just” out of the points. Next race, you and I are going to be in the top 10.” He said. “Did you have fun?”
 “Yea!” You exclaimed. Both your smiles seemed to grow.
“I told you! Come on, let’s go get weighed and you can tell me everything about the race.” Logan slung his arm over your shoulder as he led you over to the weigh stations. 
The two of you spent the rest of the night recounting each of your guys' events of the race, every overtake and every mistake either of you made. Eventually exhaustion started to hit both of you and the two of you decided to head back to your hotel rooms.
“Thank you.” You said to Logan as you stood infront of your room after Logan offered to walk you back.
 “For what?” He asked. 
“For introducing yourself to me during pre-season testing. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to get to know anyone on the grid this season. All the other drivers seem to know each other really well or are just really intimidating.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers for a bit before looking back up at him “But I’m really glad to say that you're the first friend I’ve made on the grid.”
Logan’s smile seemed to lower and you grew concerned. But he noticed this and quickly change his expression to reassurance.
 “I know how hard it is to make friends in this sport and I also know how isolating it can be. I didn’t want what happened in my rookie season to happen to you.” He told you. “I’m glad that you’re my friend too.”
You smiled, touched by what he said and happy that he considered you a friend as well. You held up your pinkie towards him.
 “Promise that we’ll both be in the points next race?”
He linked your pinkie with his and matched your smile.
 “I promise.”
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flightlessangelwings · 9 months
While we’re in Latino Heritage Month, let’s stop assuming your reader doesn’t know/speak Spanish in your reader insert fics. Especially if you’re writing for Pedro’s, Oscar’s or other Latino characters please.
EDIT: After some criticism of how this was originally phrased, let me change it into a question/request instead- Can we as writers please try to be more inclusive with our reader insert fics so poc and others can feel represented and see themselves too? Including taking out a quick throwaway line about reader not understanding Spanish. (Keeping the original phrasing above so anyone who missed the post to begin with can still see how I originally phrased it)
If you have a throwaway line of “he said in Spanish that you didn’t understand” or something similar, just take it out. Have something like “you didn’t hear” instead and let the reader interpret how they want. Or use italics to indicate Spanish. Or have the translation right there without mention of anyone translating for them. Simple. Or if you don’t want to/feel you cannot change it, then please have something in with your warnings so Latinos/poc can skip it if they choose.
And let me tell you why this is so frustrating (even for me as someone who is not a fluent speaker). It’s because Latinos look to these characters and actors for representation. We see ourselves in them. And when you clearly do not have a Latino person in mind when writing, you’re saying we don’t belong here. In a space where we should feel welcomed and celebrated. Representation matters. Inclusivity matters. Please try to be more inclusive with reader fics so we can all enjoy and immerse ourselves in your writing.
This is nothing new, poc have been asking for years now to be inclusive in fics and yet it’s still a battle. We’re not asking for a lot, and certainly not asking anyone to change their style or creativity or anything like that. Literally simple edits: take out the word “blush” don’t mention hair, don’t mention not understanding Spanish, not making reader blood related to a white character, etc. Literally tiny things that would not change the story at all but make a world of difference.
Here’s an example too: a few years ago it was not common for writers to label the gender of their reader as it was usually assumed the reader would be a woman. But, people advocated to label readers as f/m/gn/whatever to be more inclusive and asked writers to strive for gender neutral readers when possible so that more readers felt seen and welcome. Now it’s a common thing to do. Why is making the readers race ambiguous any different?
Yes sometimes posts like this come across harsh, but know that they’re not meant to be. Poc aren’t trying to demand anything, we just ask to broaden your langauge when writing reader insert so more can see themselves in your work. It’s incredibly frustrating to ask for inclusivity and be met with hostility and rudeness in return and a refusal to think about poc so yes sometimes the wording gets harsh out of that frustration. But I encourage y’all to focus on the message more and maybe think about why poc in fandom get snippy like this. We do need to have an open conversation, yes. Just look in the comments at the Latinos and poc who are upset by the exclusion and feel hurt by it. How you you white fans feel if roles were reversed and none of the fics included you? Not fun, right?
And to those who say write it yourself: I do. I’ve been a x reader writer for years now and I do strive for inclusivity in my work. But I’m only one person and this is bigger than any one person. This isn’t about what I personally find acceptable or what I personally what. It should be a collective effort among writers as a whole to strive to include as many as possible in their works and not white code your readers. It’s not about demanding writers write it a certain way, it’s about asking writers to consider others who don’t look like them who also want the immersion and the escape that your fic brings.
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hi i really really really liked your mean dom solomon post. can you do one for mean dom satan? thank you!!
Bro I love you so much rn because I was already working on a mean dom Satan thing <3
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NSFW, 18+, MDNI, AFAB gender neutral reader, racially ambiguous, Mean dom Satan, use of fleshlight, fleshlight insertion, orgasm denial, brat taming, dirty talk, slut shaming and degradation, spanking, cum drinking, fingering
It was a tough fit at first. The cylindrical shape of the fleshlight with its outer ridges and coarseness for grip stretched and pushed your poor pussy to its limits. You felt filled to the brim when the faux cunt was proudly displayed outside of your hole. The lube Satan had covered the toy with drooled out of your stuffed hole. The stretch left a burning need in the pit of your stomach that could only be quenched by the feeling of Satan’s cock pounding you stupid.
“What am I going to do with you?” Satan tsked while making sure your wrists were firmly tied to his bed frame. His nude cock bounced with his movements as it stood at full attention. His head seeped precum at the thought of what he was going to do. Finally, he found a punishment for your bratty behavior that you won’t enjoy. Satan dragged his fingers down your body until he suddenly grabbed your ankles and jerked your legs back. Your pussy made a squelching noise as the faux cunt began to be pushed out. But before you could feel any real difference from the escaping fleshlight, Satan rammed his cock into the lubricated toy. You gasped feeling the toy jerk but not feeling enough movement to satisfy your aching core.
Satan hissed at the feeling of the toy grabbing his cock then pulled back dragging some of it with him. You could feel only the slightest drag of the toy inside you making you wiggle your hips in frustration. Satan then slapped the back of your thigh in frustration. "Stop moving," he growled shoving his cock back into the toy he had lodged into you. "Such a fucking brat you can't even listen to instructions right." You whimpered at his anger a mixture between fear and arousal. You pulled on your restraints as your toes curled in frustration from the lack of stimulation. Your pussy felt full and heavy but nothing came from that. Instead, you had to watch Satan pleasure himself with a fake pussy while you lay under him frustrated. Satan jammed his cock into the toy and slid it out with ease. His eyebrows furrowed in both frustration and pleasure. The toy didn't grip him as lovingly as your pussy did but the sight before him made up for it. You looked so desperate to be fucked as the toy bobbed out of your stretched hole. Your juices and the lube dripping around it made Satan groan in pleasure. This would finally teach you to hang off of Lucifer like that.
Images of you clinging to Lucifer at the galla raced through his mind. At first, he felt hurt then when you saw your smug look in his direction he knew exactly what you were trying to do. Bratty sluts like you want to get used by every cock in the room. Satan had half the mind to let you get used until you couldn't cum anymore just for him to spear you open and ruin your body all over again. He might have let that happen if you weren't hanging off the arm of Lucifer. Instead, he let you have your fun the whole night, clinging to his accursed brother while he paid no mind to your shenanigans. The frustration on your face was adorable when he didn't seem too bothered by your flirtations with Lucifer.
However, when you got home and confronted him that's when all of his self control abandoned him. Something so small and insignificant as a human shouldn't have this much control over one of the lords of Hell but you somehow managed to seduce him.
Satan concentrated on thrusting into the toy. You could only lay back in frustration as the bobbing of the cylindrical cage the silicone was in wasn't enough to do anything for your poor cunt. "Satan!" you whined lifting your chest and then collapsing against the bed, "please!" Satan only shoved a hand against your mouth, smushing your lips into his palm, "shut up." You shivered at his assertiveness and felt another wave of wetness roll through your pussy. "You're lucky I'm even letting you lay in my bed," Satan growled. "Who knows what other cum could have leaked from a used pussy like yours." You squirmed under his insults making him deliver another smack to your thigh.
Tears began to pool in your eyes at the unfairness of it all. Apparently, this grabbed Satan's attention since the cruel hand that was holding onto your hip went ahead on grabbed your cheeks making your lips pucker. His eyes bore into yours with an intenseness you've only seen in his demon form. "Poor baby," Satan growled, "are you frustrated? Hurts to not get what you want, huh?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you pouted. Satan only seemed amused by your attitude. His cock continued pumping into the toy while it stood inside you only barely stimulating you. "Poor thing can't even get off when their pussy is stuffed," Satan grumbled with his eyes trained on where your cunt swallowed the toy.
The whole situation was making his head spin. You looked so lovely being degraded and disrespected under him. He barely had to do anything to get you all worked up and desperate. “Poor little slut can’t even get off without my cock,” Satan grunted between thrusts. He was close and you knew it by how his fingers dug into your skin. His breath coming out in huffs with mumbling a of your name here and there. A whimper played off his lips when he finally let his seed loose into the toy. Further frustration ran through you at the thought of Satan’s cum going to waist inside of the fake pussy instead of you. You were just about to air your frustrations when the slide of Satan removing the toy made you shiver. Your hole releases the fake cunt from its grip only leaving behind your own juices mixed with lube as evidence of it ever being inside you. A devilish look on Satan’s face made you curl into yourself the best you could with your hands bound to his bed.
“You’ve been so good taking your punishment,” Satan purred with the fleshlightin hand. “I think you deserve a reward.”
Satan leaned over you to better control how he tipped the hole of the toy against your lips. “Say ahh and I’ll let you cum.” So desperate to finally reach your own high, you opened your mouth. “Eat up,” Satan smirked. You did as you were told and began moving your tongue into the toy. Satan’s cum and the taste of silicone hit your tongue. You kept sifting your tongue thorough the toy, your lips pressed firm against the faux labia of the toy. Satan reached his other hand down to your neglected pussy and ran his finger over the very tip of your clit. You almost choked on your own spit with how sensitive the lack of stimulation made you.
“What a good slut,” Satan hummed taking your clit between two of his fingers and giving it a tug. His middle and ring finger then pressed down firmly against your sensitive bud before he began rubbing gentle circles into your cunt. All the while you messily ate out the fleshlight trying to drink up all of Satan’s semen in hopes of finally being allowed to reach your orgasm. With one hand, Satan kept the toy steady against your mouth while the other rubbed at your clit. You could feel your hole clenching around nothing where you wished Satan's cock was buried. That tight band in your stomach stretched further with every rub and tug to your clit that Satan's fingers worked. All the while you scooped out every drop of cum you could from the toy. Satan's delectable seed dribbled down your throat as you ate out the silicone pussy.
Then you finally felt the band in your stomach snap. Your orgasm hit you like a freight train making you pull up your knees and wail out Satan's name. All the while Satan looked down on you with adoring eyes. His beautiful pet finally reached their high brought on by his fingers. "Good, good slut," he mumbled guiding you through your orgasm with his fingers. Satan pulled the toy away from your eager mouth and tossed it unceremoniously aside. Still, his fingers continued at your clit making you squirm and writhe in overstimulation.
"Now, are you ready for round 2?"
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ihearthes · 1 year
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Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (2nd person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 2627
“Okay, so Mum will be the guard, right?” Gemma nudges you, nodding towards Anne. “You and I will go after the boys’ flag.” 
“Why do I have to be the guard?” Anne pouts. 
“Duh,” Gemma laughs, “Harry and Michal wouldn’t dare hurt you, and Darren can be bribed.” 
“True,” you concur, ready to get on with the game. “I vote we hide our flag in the painted mailbox.” 
“Oh, good plan!” Anne claps her hands excitedly. While the boys wait inside with Gemma as a watchperson, you and Anne place the green flag in one of Anne’s art creations – an old mailbox she’s painted in multiple bright colours and set out for the birds to build nests in spring. 
As the boys, their flag already hidden, swoop from the house, Harry grabs you around the waist, pressing a light-hearted kiss to your nose. “You’re going down, darling!” 
“Not a chance!” You laugh, pushing him away. Moving to neutral ground, the teams square up. Anne, considered the most fair, blows a whistle to start the game, and everyone moves in seemingly random directions. Catching a glimpse of the purple flag under one of Anne’s sculptures, you race towards that side of the garden, but in a zigzag pattern so Michal and Darren might not know where you’re going. Harry is clearly hanging back as the guard. Behind you, you can hear Anne and Gemma trying to keep their respective boyfriends from the flag, using whatever means necessary. 
You know that’s the case for you too. Winning this competition is everything, so as you approach and get close to the flag, you get blocked by Harry who moves side to side, waving you away from the hiding place. 
“Love! It’s not this way. It’s over there,” Harry calls to you while pointing in a different section of the garden. “Look near the gnome.”
But you are well aware of his falsehood, knowing exactly where the flag is, but he continues to block you. 
“Come on, H. I’m just trying to take a little stroll over by Dotty.” You point to the cat lounging nearby. “She looks thirsty, and I want to make sure she knows where her water dish is.” 
Meanwhile, the yelling behind you continues. 
“They’re getting closer!” Gemma yells at you. “Do something!” 
Oh well. Nothing to lose but the game, right? It’s all about winning. Without warning, you grab the hem of your shirt and flash your covered tits at Harry. He freezes, mouth dropping open, which gives you just enough time to dart past him and grab the flag, holding it over your head. 
“WINNER!” You scream. Anne and Gemma squeal, and you meet them in the neutral ground as the three of you celebrate your victory with an enthusiastic hug. 
Tesco. Your least favourite chore, especially on an evening when you simply want to cuddle up with your guy after a long day at work. In the car, your pout is apparent as you sit in the passenger seat with your arms crossed. 
“Don’t wanna shop,” you scowl. “Just wanna watch the ‘Succession’ finale with you.” 
“We don’t have any food,” Harry points out logically, making you want to punch him. So you do. “Ouch!” Pulling into the parking lot, Harry playfully pokes you. “How about a little competition?” 
Intrigued but not willing to give in just yet, you twist to him. He holds up the shopping list from the magnetic refrigerator pad, ripping it in half before handing one side to you. 
“First person back to the car with all of the items on the list wins.” 
Narrowing your eyes, you examine your list. “What if something is out of stock?” 
“You must replace it with a suitable substitute.” 
Mulling over the idea, you reach for the door handle. “Competition starts when we open the car doors or when we get to the store door?”
“Store,” he grins, and you both exit the car. 
Warily, you keep an eye on him to ensure he doesn’t run to the door to get there before you. Instead, he maintains that silly grin that doesn’t show his teeth, but keeps his dimple on display. At your feet jointly cross the threshold, you grab a basket and race to the dairy, picking up milk and butter at the top of your list. Recognizing that you’ve got to cross to the other side of the store for fish while most of Harry’s items are in the produce area, you smile at a teen girl with her friend as they look over the magazines. Passing them quickly, you mutter loudly enough for them to hear, “I cannot believe Harry Styles is in the produce section at my Tesco.” 
Giggling, you hear the girls gasp before their footsteps rapidly move in Harry’s direction. It’s not long before you’ve grabbed the last items on your list and raced to check out. A few minutes later when your dishevelled boyfriend approaches, he finds you leaning on the bumper. 
“WINNER!” You laugh, twirling in your victory, and he swats you on the arse as you get into the car. 
“Come on, H,” Brad encourages, watching his client carefully, “one more wind sprint.” 
“Lighten up, mate,” Harry complains, having surpassed his usual workout time, his chest heaving with exertion. 
“Hmmm…” you pop your hip and put your finger on your chin, “I bet I can beat you this time around.” 
“Baby…” Harry starts, “No offence, but there’s no way you could keep up with me.” 
“Really? Put your money where your mouth is, pretty boy.” You glance at the trainer. “Will you start us?” 
“Absolutely,” Brad grins, and you’re confident he thinks you have zero chance. “Ready…”
You line up next to Harry, toes on the same line. 
“Steady…” Brad’s voice floats across to you.
“Did I tell you I bought new lingerie?” You whisper just as Brad shouts the final word, and you take off in a sprint, knowing Harry hasn’t even left the starting spot as his mind churns with thoughts of you in whatever you might have bought. 
At the finish line, you turn around just in time to spy him crossing the line behind you. 
“WINNER!” You jump up and down. “I beat you again, H! Sorry. Didn’t know I was dating such a loser.” 
Hands on his knees, Harry flashes his toothiest smile. “You sure you want to go there, love?”
In reply, you smile and walk away, shaking your hips more than usual. 
Turning off the telly, Harry twists to face you in bed. “Up for a friendly battle?” He asks, and you don’t even hesitate. 
“Yes!” Bouncing to a seated position, you excitedly settle your legs underneath you. “What will it be? Chess? Scrabble? Cribbage?” 
“Oh, I was thinking of something a little more…interesting.” His eyebrow quirks as his dimple appears alongside his smirk. 
It never occurs to you that you’ll lose. After all, you’ve always found a way to beat him whatever the game. This will be no different. “Bring it!” You grin. 
“Okay. The rules are simple. We create challenges for each other. But they can only be challenges that can be done here in bed with what’s available within arms’ reach. First person who can’t complete the challenge loses.” 
Shit. You glance around the room where you had done a pretty damn good job of cleaning up earlier in the day. Nothing to be found. The nightstands include a glass of ice left over, some toys, lubricant, and little else. 
“Deal,” you declare. 
“Cool. I’ll give the first challenge. Ready?” 
Your body is already tingling in anticipation. What will he choose? There’s no doubt in your brain that it will be sexy as hell. Whatever it is. 
“Whistle with your fingers.” 
Hmmm…not at all sexy, but whatever. You can do that easily, and you prove it, sticking two fingers in your mouth and releasing a shrill whistle just like your father had taught you to do at footie games. 
Covering his ears, Harry nods. “Your turn.” 
“Fart with your armpit,” you challenge.
“Easy peasy,” he laughs, sliding his hand under his shirt and producing a pathetic slapping sound. 
“Lame!” you call. 
“Close enough.” 
Deciding to let it slide, you await his next challenge. 
“Take off your bra without taking off your shirt.” 
You scoff. “Really? That’s no challenge. I do that all the time.” Reaching behind your back, you release the bra hooks before reaching in each armhole and pulling out a strap. Within seconds, you feel your nipples brushing on the material of your shirt. Oh. Why does that feel so sexy suddenly when you’ve done it hundreds of times before, always feeling perfunctory? But you know it’s because Harry has watched the manoeuvre. 
Fuck. Be careful, you remind yourself. 
He tilts his head, indicating that it’s your turn to propose a challenge, and you try to think of something that will be deceptively sexy and still challenging. Your eyes roam the space, finally landing on the glass of ice. 
“Put a piece of ice into my mouth without touching the ice with your hands.” 
That damn eyebrow raises again, and he reaches for the glass. “My hands can touch the glass, right?” 
“Yes,” you agree, “Just not the ice itself.” 
“Easy,” he mocks, tipping a single piece of ice into his mouth. Leaning towards you, he kisses you, and you maintain a tight seal on your lips to prevent him from sliding the frozen water onto your tongue. This is where he’s going to lose, and then you’ll have your wicked way with him right here in the same bed where he’s lost the game. 
The sneak slides his hand under the hem of your shirt, wrapping his chilled hand around your breast which naturally causes you to gasp. Taking advantage, he slides his tongue inside and passes off the ice. 
Shit. He’s playing dirty. Bamboozling is your tactic! How dare he? 
But now the wheels are turning in your head. The cold from the ice juxtaposed with the heat of your mouth had created a zing in other parts of your body. How might that feel elsewhere? You keep the ice in your mouth, swirling it around. 
At your prompting, Harry scans you. “Strip without changing positions.” 
“How am I supposed to do that?” But as you ask the question aloud, you picture the best way in your mind. Removing your shirt is the easy part so you do that first, leaving your breasts unfettered. Still kneeling, you unbutton your shorts. Bouncing on the bed, you finagle the material, including your knickers, down your thighs and over your knees where it takes a few more bounces to get completely naked. Your inner workings are as wet as your knees are sore, and you’re slightly out of breath, but you’ve done it. You smile at him proudly, continuing to shift the ice around on your tongue, knowing that he’s just watched your breasts bounce as you performed the tricky act of undressing.
“Lie down and close your eyes.” 
Your challenge is simple, and he complies without question. Making short work of his zipper, you withdraw his cock from its hiding place, stroking it a few times before bending over him and applying your icy cold mouth to his most prized body part. 
“HOLY FUCK!” Harry cries. “FOUL! FOUL!” 
As your mouth slides on him, you notice that he’s enjoying the treatment despite his words of protest. Popping off him, you smile at where he’s looking at you. 
“Foul? Okay, I’ll stop. But when did you open your eyes?” 
“No fair! You didn’t say to keep them closed.” He looks decidedly unhappy, and you wonder if it’s because he thinks he lost or because your mouth is no longer enticing him.
Rolling your eyes, you respond, “Sorry I wasn’t specific. Won’t happen again.” 
Lying on his back still, Harry lifts his shirt. “Mhm. I think I’ve got the winning challenge. Nose on the butterfly and tongue on my belly button.” 
“Are you sure you want my tongue there? It’s still cold.” 
Harry slings his arm over his face. “Oh my god! You’re going to kill me!” 
“Probably one day,” you giggle. 
“Fine,” he acquiesces, “How about you ride me without lube?” 
“That’s your challenge?” Does he have any idea how wet you are? If you used lube now, you’d ricochet right off him and hurt your head in the process. 
As you prepare to straddle him by yanking his bottoms over his feet, he groans. 
“Who started this game?” He grumbles.
“I believe that was you.” 
“Stupid me. Okay. Here’s my final challenge. Ride me for five minutes and don’t come.” 
Tilting your head, you gaze at him from your perch astride his thighs. “I see,” you murmur. “So if I come first, you win.” 
“Exactly.” His eyes twinkle, and you process the challenge. 
You can do this. You’ll have to stop on occasion to control the build-up, but it’s possible. Biting your lip, you nod. 
“Deal. Siri, set a timer for 5 minutes.” 
The voice on your phone responds, “Five minutes. Counting down.” 
With that, you slide onto Harry, placing your hands on his ferns to get traction. Slowly, you raise yourself off his cock before taking your time inching back down, spreading your legs as wide as you can manage. 
Harry sucks in air through his teeth, which sets you wondering if he’ll come first. Will that make you the winner? Pleased at the thought that you could win that way, you renew your efforts, gliding up and down like you’re riding a – well, a Harry. Watching his face, you spy the lip bite that reveals he’s affected by the movement. Shifting your pace to be a little faster, you watch his hands clutch the duvet on either side of him. Hmmm… could you make him come first? 
It’s an academic question, and you tackle it like a scientist. If you adjust your pace, moving quickly and then slower, what effect does that have? Oh! Nice! If you rise to the tip of his cock and then slam back down onto him, does his jaw twitch? 
“Siri, how much time is left on the timer?” Harry inquires, clearly fighting his impending orgasm. 
“There is one minute and 42 seconds left on your five minute timer.” 
Whew. You’ve almost made – What? Wait. No!
Harry has grasped your hips, holding you still while he drives into you from below. It suddenly occurs to you that he’s been playing the game well all along. When his thumb shifts to your clit, you grit your teeth, determined to make it through the final minute. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you pant. 
“Exactly,” Harry replies just before he stops completely. 
Your insides are dripping and quivering, and you’re grateful that he’s stopped before the timer has gone off, but then he withdraws almost completely before slamming upwards into you. 
That’s your move! What the fuck?
He repeats the gesture, moving slowly and deliberately each time while his thumb continues to wreak havoc on your clit. Holy – 
Every muscle in your body clenches, starting from your vagina and moving outwards as your orgasm overtakes you. Your eyes roll back into your head, and as you tilt your chin to the heavens, you faintly hear the sound of Siri’s alarm ringing again and again. 
Just when the convulsions within you are starting to ease, Harry resumes his motions, and you’re back on a high within seconds, screaming his name just before you feel him shooting inside you, coating your walls. 
Collapsing on him, your sweaty chest pressed to his, you struggle to catch your breath just as Harry whispers, “Winner,” and you can hear his smile in the single word. 
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are love. 
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JHFTM Fic Recs - blank slate Reader Insert fic recs - The Joel Miller Edition
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February 18, 2023 fic recs
Blank Slate Reader Insert Fics - These are fics I've really enjoyed and where I did not find any racial descriptors of the Reader Insert character. No blushing, no red marks, no visible bruising, no white-coded hair or skin descriptors that I could see! 🌟🌟🌟
My own notes are added here, but please heed all author warnings. My blog and all fics that I recommend are for 18+ friends only. Minors do not interact.
Joel Miller
One Bed by @frannyzooey - Joel Miller x f!reader (blank slate, no physical description, no age description) - The clasic "there was only one bed" trope and goddamn it is HOT!
Construction Corner by @katareyoudrilling- AU/no outbreak Joel Miller x divorced f!reader (blank slate, no physical description, no age description) - An AU where Joel hosts his own construction makeover show and it is SO CUTE!!!! KAT!!! I LOVED THIS!!!
Mine by @toomanystoriessolittletime - Joel Miller x f!reader (blank slate, no physical description, no age description, one mention of her having her tubes tied pre-outbreak) - Joel REALLY likes it when you wear his denim shirt... Steph!! THIS WAS SO HOT!!!
Always Thought I'd See You Again by @ezrasbirdie - Joel Miller x bartender f!reader (no physical description) - You catch up with Joel and Tommy Miller 20 years after you went to high school together, and Joel is polite and sweet. Flirty!! LOVED IT!
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prettykittycastle · 9 months
He Could Never Understand
Summary: Louis would never understand, Lestat thought. He would not get how addictive you are.
(The reader is gender-neutral. The ethnicity/race is preferably of color.)
(Content Warning: missionary, some French talk, P in V)
French Translation:
Mon Amour - My love
Tu m'appartiens. Et seulement à moi - You belong to me. And only me.
Ange - Angel
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Louis could never know, Lestat reminded himself as he lowered his head between your legs, his light eyes glued to your growing wetness. He had barely touched you and you were already beginning to drip onto your bedsheets. All day he had been thinking about tasting your sweetness again, and finally he was going to.
Louis mustn't know, he told himself, leaning forward and slowly running his tongue up your center, savoring the juice that was flowing from you. Groaning at the taste, he closed eyes before closing his lips around your clit, already swollen from just being looked at, and lightly sucked on the pleasure bud.
"Lestat," you moaned lightly, gripping the bedsheets.
Opening his eyes, he brought a finger to your entrance, inserting it in with no trouble and quickly curled it, knowing it would make you moan louder.
"Oh," you let out, before letting go of the bedsheet and placing your hand over your mouth.
Pushing another finger in, he sucked harder on your bud, moaning at the feel of your juices beginning to run down his hand.
Louis would never understand, he told himself, curling his fingers harder inside you, rubbing against that spongy spot that he knew would have you rolling your eyes and crying out in need.
"Lestat," you whispered, your voice sounding weak behind your hand, hoping to not wake anyone in your home. "Please."
"I want it," he told you as he's told you every night before this one and will tell you every night after.
"Okay," you said, as you have said every night before this one and will say every night after. You opened your legs wider for him, eager to feel him inside you again.
At your agreeance, he placed a soft loving kiss on your clit, like he'd done every other night, and slowly pulled his fingers from inside you, a small rumble going through him at the sight of your slick on his fingers. He quickly brought them to his mouth to suck on then undid his pants, sliding them down to the floor, before crawling onto the bed, over your body till you and him were eye to eye.
"Will it always be mine," Lestat asked you, lowering his head closer to yours, your lips almost touching each other. You could feel him positioning his member at your entrance, the head lightly teasing you.
He asked you this every time he came to visit you, and like every other time, your answer was the same: "Always yours and only yours." And with that, he entered you, your cunt welcoming him in with little resistance. As usual, he didn't care whether or not your family came into the room and moaned loudly at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, while you tried to keep your hardest to keep your voice down. Even though it had only been a few days, since last time he was in you, it felt like it had been ages since he last felt the sweet warmth of your inner walls squeezing his cock. Louis would never get it, he told himself, sinking himself deeper into you, until he finally bottomed out.
"Mon amour," He moaned, closing his eyes, enjoying the way you clenched around him at the endearment, more wetness flooding around him. You both knew he didn't mean it and that his actual 'amour' was between your legs.
As usual he waited a second, making sure you were comfortable before he slowly pulled out, then thrust back in, forcing a loud moan to escape your mouth.
You both knew this was wrong and you knew it shouldn't go on any longer (shouldn't have even begun in the first place), but there was something that kept pulling yourselves to one another. Louis and Claudia thought that Antoinette was his only mistress, but he also had you. He didn't consider you a mistress though, more like a secret love of his that unlike Antoinette, he would never get tired of.
To you, Lestat was the toxic evil thing that your family had warned you to stay away from. The type of company that they feared would corrupt you, and they had been right. They had arranged many suitors for you, ready to marry you off, but each one, you turned down. They didn't know that at night, the real suitor, the one who eagerly came through your bedroom window to talk and regularly rearrange your guts, was the reason for your refusals. You tried to explain to him that at some point you will have to accept an offer, but Lestat had told you that if you did, you would still belong to him, and you would not be allowed to have sex with whoever you chose.
I'm not fond of sharing, he had told you.
Even as he fucks you into the bed, his cock plunging deep within you over and over, you could see a certain type of fondness mixed with possessiveness in his eyes. He even fucked you like he was staking some claim on you. With every gasp and squeak he fucked out of you, his cock grazed that same spongy spot inside you, making the already burning fire inside you get hotter and hotter.
"Tu m'appartiens. Et seulement à moi." He repeated that same phrase with every thrust the closer he got. You've asked him before what it meant, but he told you that it wasn't important.
"Oh God, Lestat," You whimpered, spreading your legs wider and raising them higher till they sat on his shoulders so he could fuck you harder, which he quickly did. You didn't have to look down to know that you were beginning to make more of a mess on the sheets, even with your human ears, you could hear it clearly. Looking up at him, you saw one side of his mouth curl up in a type of snarl and you knew that he could hear it too, probably even smell it.
"Let go for me, ange," he demanded of you, lowering his head to place a kiss between your eyes, the action being a deep contrast with how roughly he was fucking you. "Let go for me."
Closing your eyes, you felt his cock hit your spot one more time, triggering a wave of euphoria going through your body so strong that you couldn't help the loud cry that you let out. So loud was your cry that even Lestat had to place his hand over yours help to muffle you. You knew that he didn't care about being too loud, but he only did it for your sake.
"Good, ange, good," he told you, still continuing to fuck you through your orgasm, his eyes almost closing at the wonderful fluttering of your walls around his cock, your juices flooding him.
It was something about you, he thought, speeding up his thrusts, your wetness and tightness finally bringing him to his orgasm. Something about you was so incredibly addictive that he couldn't let go of it, of you. At least not until he made you cum at least three more times and he came inside you a couple of more times as well.
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Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) fic recs
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ID also in alt txt.
[ID: On top of a peach pink cloud background with sparkling stars are four circles, three of which are filled with images of Din Djarin, from The Mandalorian. The third circle is filled with cursive text reading "Din Djarin." In the bottom right corner there is text reading: “Tumblr: @inclusivepedrolibrary​.” End ID]
This blog and our fic recs are for 18+ friends only. Minors DNI.
Fic Recs Main Menu
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch - Din x fem!black!reader. The only description of Reader is that her curls are long and loose enough to blow in the breeze. This fic is sweet and lovely and fluffy and warm 💖
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vhstown · 9 months
writing neutral readers; a guide
(neutral = unspecified gender, race, appearance, etc.)
hi hi here's vee, the one of (hopefully) many neutral fic writers for atsv, showing YOU how to write a neutral reader for your character x reader fic!!!!
this is mainly about romantic x reader fics!!
lil disclaimer: you don't have to write neutral readers if you don't want to! this is just for people who do and might want some advice :) all of these are what works for me — there are plenty of ways to write a neutral reader!
contents page for your sanity:
avoiding white-coding
being gender-neutral
re-direction / re-phrasing
my general thoughts and opinions
before we get started: why are neutral readers great?
inclusivity! a lot of the times it can be hard to find a fic right for you especially if they tend to be for a certain demographic
forces you to think outside of the box — you can't rely on describing the reader, so you have to describe character interactions more creatively (as you'll see me try to do a lot in this post 😭)
helps with immersion! a lot of the time overly-descriptive reader inserts can make it hard to... actually insert yourself into them
your fics can reach a lot more people if they're neutral (though this is just an added bonus lol)
some colour-coding for your wellbeing: blue = general advice + examples, pink = my personal input
1. avoiding white-coding
this is a big point i'd like to address first because it doesn't get talked about enough! and all of this is in reference to a post i saw like a week ago lmao
i haven't seen this term being used a lot but the general idea is when a piece of writing is catered towards a white reader (usually implied through description)
this is usually done unintentionally but avoiding white coding is an important part of writing totally neutrally!
general things to avoid
describing physical attributes such as hair + skin tone
for example describing hair as silky/smooth implies that it is straight + excludes the majority of other hair types / styles etc
also things like running your fingers through your hair can be impractical w certain hairstyles
i tend to just avoid hair in general ? if you want you can focus on other gestures (hand holding, cupping readers face or sumn)
or just reverse the roles entirely and have reader do the comforting gestures to the canon character
skin tone is definitely more subtle however it can be implied especially through things like blushing
people with darker skin tones DO blush, but it generally tends to be less visible or not at all
instead i tend to describe the feeling rather than the outward changes (face getting warm, getting flustered, heart rate increasing, sweating, stuttering etc)
2. being gender-neutral
okay this admittedly can be difficult to write sometimes
the general rule for a gender neutral reader is to avoid referring to the reader as male or female AND any physical description specific to a certain sex
gendered terms
some people like to use they/them when reader is referred to by other characters
instead of boyfriend/girlfriend you can use partner
i personally don't do these things as you'll see in my next point about re-direction!
there are PLENTY of gender neutral pet names in english
for languages like spanish which have masc and fem versions of words i tend to use nouns (usually non-living or abstract) which have a set gender (such as my heart, my love, etc — one of my favourites is cariño (darling) because it doesn't change based on gender)
though again i rarely write terms of endearment in other languages so i suggest you do your research!
physical terms (sfw only)
also for body inclusivity
again this mainly to try and avoid implying fem!reader but also body types just a tiny little bit
i tend to avoid mentioning body shape but if i do then i use something vague like "shape of your body" rather than "curves" or anything specific
you can just write down the body part without describing it physically (chest, waist thighs, etc)
eyelashes are ... unisex! no way!
you might want to avoid makeup but this is just a *general* suggestion
i tend to NOT describing clothing choices unless it's relevant to the premise of the fic — usually vague references like your school uniform, pajamas, shoes, favourite shirt, etc
you can also cheat this if reader is wearing the other character's clothes 😭 next point re-direction WOOO
3. re-direction / re-phrasing
(a personal choice of mine + totally optional)
re-direction is when you change the focus of a sentence in order to get rid of any words descriptions that may take away from the neutrality of the reader (as you see me talking about in the little pink text everywhere or in the little suggestions in blue)
Re-direction can be used for anything! I think there's a book that exists that uses no words with the letter e and a book that uses no pronouns at all (but don't ask me what they are because I have no clue)
It's not particularly easy or straightforward all the time and you might have to change more than one sentence but re-phrasing your writing can be a good challenge! (if you choose to do so)
for me i tend to re-direct to avoid using any sort of third person pronouns (he/she/they etc) or gendered terms and to avoid using insert tags like y/n
example on pronouns & gendered terms
for pronouns i usually change "he/she/they" to "you" or a noun
"She's not welcome here" could become "Your friend isn't welcome here"
Or the sentence may change entirely to convey the same meaning. The woman turned to you, speaking one simple command: "Get out."
I also tend to use more masc / neutral terms in casual settings like "dude" or "bro"
I also avoid the use of "partner" (though this is just nit-picky) ex. "Is this your partner?" might become "Oh, [character] talks about you all the time!" (entirely dependent on context and if you care enough lol — one of the less clear-cut redirections)
while you could obviously use they in this scenario i personally don't out of preference (to me they/them is an nb set of pronouns if the gender isn't ambiguous and blah blah blah) but it doesn't really matter
example on insert tags
"(Y/N), wait!" can become "Hey, wait!"
Or you could use "your name" rather than a placeholder. He called your name, running behind you. "Wait!"
like i mentioned before things like clothes and favourite foods all tend to revolve around the character rather than the reader. in a lot of cases writing about the foods the character likes or wearing the clothes the character owns can actually be more immersive than inserting your personal preferences into a pair of brackets (in my experience at least)
4. general thoughts and opinions
one big thing i wanted to point out is that it's actually good for your writing to "ban" yourself from using certain terms and descriptions. i find that i focus a lot more on describing events, emotions and character interactions rather than being caught up on the reader.
fem!reader and masc!reader are GREAT too! amazing beautiful wonderful keep writing those — but i think gender neutral readers help to avoid a lot of biases that might (albeit unintentionally) come with a specific gender
and being inclusive for all kinds of readers when you're writing a neutral reader is so important!
to conclude
if you exclusively write one type of reader that is absolutely fine :) write what you want and be happy doing it
neutral readers are GREAT but so difficult to write so pls don't worry if u mess up sometimes 👍
i am still figuring out ways to make my writing more inclusive and i wouldn't know without other people's input! so please feel free to drop ur personal gripes or advice
this post is subject to edits (cuz i always forget to add something and it is very ranty spammy random lol)
this post can be found in the "favourite posts" section of my navigation (pinned)!
reblogs r appreciated if u found it useful <3
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cupidsanne · 8 months
Mike Faist Masterlist ✦ Imagines, Headcanons, Ect.!
Actor, Mike Faist x Female! Reader
NOTICE! ✦ I mostly write female inserts but I’m also fine with gender neutral as well! As for now though, all selections are female unless stated otherwise. Reader’s appearance will be as vague as possible unless stated otherwise. I want readers of all races and body types to feel included. <3
Please do NOT repost or translate my work on other platforms without my permission!! I’m only writing this content on here! If you wish to translate, ASK ME first!
I also do not write for his characters! Just for the actor.
Requests are OPEN! Be warned, I’m not a quick writer sometimes. 😭 <3
Last Edited 4/27/24
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Headcanons . . . !
— Mike Faist As Your Husband ( fluff, sfw )
— Mike Faist And You As Parents ( requested, fluff, sfw )
— Mike Faist Fluff Alphabet ( fluff DUH, sfw )
Imagines . . . !
Wake Me Up ( fluff,sfw )
synopsis: he plays the guitar for you on your wedding night.
Series . . . !
Blurb . . . !
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mixed race (japanese + native american) fiancé hcs ; 16+
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requested by ; anonymous (14/04/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | main characters | main villains | anime only
character(s) ; alois trancy, our!ciel phantomhive, real!ciel phantomhive, sebastian michaelis
outline ; “hey! i hope youre doing well. if/when youreable to, would you mind writing some headcanons for o!ciel, sebastian, r!ciel, and alois (if thats too many, just the first 2 💜) with a gender neutral fiance who is partially both japanese and native american please? thank you very much in advance.”
warning(s) ; references to period typical racism, references to canon-typical violence, generalisations made as to not link the reader to any specific native tribe, author craps on british food in a few places (author is british, it comes from a place of love)
note ; this took ages to look up and research in order to try and not lock the insert into any specific tribe or tribal family for their native side — given how broad and diverse they are. hopefully this came across and wasn’t too disappointing to the requester or anyone else who might have been looking for a very specific type of representation.
Alois Trancy
this man isn’t the most sensitive or understanding in general — so he wouldn’t necessarily ‘get’ or question your religious practises
like if you’re spiritual and perform smudging in the manor then you’re only really going to irritate his demonic staff and prevent them from entering certain rooms for a while
on the other end of the spectrum, smudging is an excellent way of keeping claude and the triplets out of your rooms if you’re annoyed
this would amuse alois for sure — but his interests would be focused exclusively on the aesthetic and story based aspects of your culture
he loves listening to you as you explain the folklores and mythologies of your two heritages — wide eyed and quiet for once as he takes in everything you have to say
he has a particular preference for creatures and deities that explore the gorier aspects of life, and he’ll ask you to retell them often, but he’ll listen to any story you have to tell
and if you participate in cultural crafts like beadwork or shodo or anything along those lines, then he’ll gladly fund your work and might even pay you to make things for his person, his peers or just to display about the estate
he’ll also ensure that you’re never without clothing from your cultures and would prefer you wear it over things from england — be that a selection of richly dyed kimonos for you to wear during galas, or importing regalia from your tribe for you to wear during traditional dances and such if that’s something you partake in
if your tribe partakes in the tradition of getting facial tattoos, then he’ll be incredibly interested in their history and meaning for you
will celebrate and observe holidays that aren’t on the british calendar with you — whether that’s national foundation day, or something that requires travel abroad like a powwow
and in the same vein, he’s not afraid to send his servants after anyone who disrespects you whilst at his manor
Our!Ciel Phantomhive
ciel has a particular interest in the culinary/confectionary side of your dual cultures and would be very invested in trying and recreating the dishes you grew up eating
that, of course, includes sweet things like candies and desserts
(his favourites are dango and saututhig)
but it also applies to meals — especially those associated with specific holidays
so, for example, he would have sebastian recreate the seasonal flavours of namagashi if you opt to take part in any tea ceremonies
or he might recreate some festival foods like okonomiyaki or yakitori when it’s the right season
or if you’re craving something from a powwow, he’ll ensure you have access to things like corn soup, fry bread and so on
he never wants you to be without the comfort foods you grew up with, nor the things you crave
so he has the staff modify the manor’s menu and meal rotation to incorporate more foods from japan and from your tribe
(which is a relief as british food isn’t the most flavourful in the world)
he also insists on trying to learn whichever language (or languages) you’re comfortable with so he’s able to connect and understand more of his future spouse’s culture and world views
he struggles immensely with japanese, specifically with forming his kanji for some reason, but his pronunciation is pretty spot on
but he manages to pick up the language of your tribe pretty quickly
so he’d probably prefer to speak to you using that tongue if he wished to mention something privately
he’s also keenly aware of the history of conflicts faced by native americans — as well as the bigotry faced by immigrants in the uk
he did his fair share of studying at the beginning of your relationship and, well, he has eyes and the situational awareness to recognise how you were being treated
this makes him incredibly protective of you — he trusts you to take care of yourself (you are engaged to the queen’s watchdog, after all), but that doesn’t mean that he expects you to put up with outright horrific treatment by his peers or his people
in other words: sebastian and the rest of the phantomhive staff get some free target practise courtesy of people that insult the lord of the house’s fiancé
Real!Ciel Phantomhive
this man is the sort to spoil his partner however he can at every opportunity — and you are far from the exception
any food that you’re craving, he’ll have the ingredients imported and will hire a specialty chef (or train one) to make it for you
any clothing you desire, he’ll have hand made and imported
if you miss your family or wish to go home to celebrate a holiday, he’ll arrange a trip to the americas or to japan and send you there with supplies and gifts to spare
he’ll usually try to go with you, but there are times where his schedule just doesn’t allow it so you’ll be travelling alone (with dozens of personal attendants)
he’ll study every language you speak independently, learning them whilst you’re away in order to surprise you when you get home
he’ll decorate the manor with pieces of art that represent both of the cultures you come from — or pieces that were made by yourself/your relatives
if there are any local sports or games that you enjoy, he’ll arrange for them to happen at the estate
he’s an excellent partner in that regard
but he puts his business and reputation above a lot of the things he should be doing for you
like yes he’ll spoil and indulge and learn for you
but if one of his most important investors says something offensive then he won’t do anything to stop it
at most he’ll encourage them to keep that talk to his office, but usually he’ll just laugh along and encourage you to grin and bear it
he wants to defend you, really, but he can’t risk plummeting his business because of it
he doesn’t have the means to get rid of someone without it looking suspect — which would tank his reputation and out both of you at risk
if he can punish someone for being cruel, he will — like a staff member of his or someone on the streets
but most of the time he really can’t — so the most he can do is try to keep you away from it all
as his father taught him, his duties to his country and his business come first — only then can he be a husband and lover
Sebastian Michaelis
he spends most of his time with you switching between japanese and the language of your tribe — mainly because he doesn’t like the idea of anyone (or anything) listening in on your combinations and seeing him in such a vulnerable state
he has an incredibly low tolerance for any mistreatment of you (actual or perceived) and, unless instructed otherwise by his master, will just eliminate them immediately after their transgression
a lot of the time you don’t even realise what happened — only that someone is now missing
but you’re usually able to put the pieces together
if you have an argument, he’s usually able to gather how mad you are based on how many rooms have been cleansed and he’s no longer able to enter
the worst argument you had, to date, ended with you cleansing the entire manor and locking him to the outside and the basement for a whole week
(ciel found it hilarious)
if you’re ever feeling homesick, it’s a cakewalk for sebastian to get you back to your family — you can be there one day and back in england the next
but good luck explaining to either side of your family that you’re courting a demon
if you’re artsy and like creating things to honour your heritage then he’ll indulge you, fetching you the necessary materials and displaying the final result proudly
he has met both sides of your family and has scared the crap out of a few relatives when they accidentally almost cleansed him out of a room
(not a fun conversation to have)
he’s an excellent cook (naturally) and is more than happy to indulge any cravings you have for foods that aren’t a commonly sold thing in england
of course he’ll encourage you to eat full, hearty meals because he wants you to be as taken care of as possible, but he can’t say no to his mate and will usually give in if you’re particularly desperate for sweet things or street foods
he gives you a number of nicknames based on new or traditional pet names from your cultures
for example, some japanese pet names he might use are ‘ダーリン’ (daarin), ‘ハニー’ (hanii) (these are mainly used in notes sent to each other) — or, when speaking, he might something more traditional like calling you your given name or an a version with the appropriate suffix (depending on your preference)
and, of course, any other pet names depends on the tribe you’re from
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