chicken-beast3800 · 1 year
I got a random story okay I was going to use the bathroom at my school and what happens is a man comes out and says the bathroom is closed off a few hours later after that incident I'm in a different bathroom with a friend and that friend says that they and other people clogged the toilet in the bathroom I tried using a few hours earlier they claim that they stuck sticks apples and toilet paper all down the toilet they clogged it so bad that they had to remove the whole toilet. LAMO WHAT WOULD YOU DO 😂
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A little #storytime
Nothing creepy (or unusual for some people-- it is for me though).
I got up to pee. Went back to bed. Grabbed my phone to check the time. Then I noticed the battery power... Lol. The abundance of 44444's.
And then my brain went like, "Oh. What are the chances? That's cute."
I'm not really the type of person who is keen on numerology stuff, but for some odd reason, I felt like I had to look it up despite my lingering sleepyness... So I opened the browser to check what consecutive 4's might mean...
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And then I noticed, I was searching for the meaning of multiple 4's... In the 4th tab O__o
So there's that. Waking up, just to get back to bed at 4:44, to notice battery at 44%, to search the meaning of 4's... In the 4th tab.
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rihu3456 · 1 year
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My friend Stalkers - Getting to know each other and telling a lie. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1253895674-my-friend-stalkers-getting-to-know-each-other-and?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Gloden_girl&wp_originator=NPeNqB7yc1qXC2kQJzmYxQl06KIsBiUCdpx%2FU5RrZAtGiso8Zu9hJfqr71K99s%2FJI%2BKouSY4xUzdUpDPwes48Ai9nKlZexF6wD5KyS5wWMLZGRYr8xq3TPw96dhbk%2B8Q what will happen when you will find out about your friend stalkers. and what will you do if they try befriend you just to harm you but you didn't know that they will love you very much later on.You never know what type of friend you have so think before you make friends
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dummysaurus · 2 years
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THE CONFESSION BOX (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/335833036-the-confession-box?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=dino64XP&wp_originator=yR%2B9yUsCZ%2FKqvO%2BYdiY5HdcICSszjv%2BTcheV4lXo8FI%2FNB4zuuKPxepzfstY%2BPVcdEDVcF79QJ%2BBlxxNhqzKc4PTklt5T1ZH7zXLhtQ4AJWbRsMSGiz7Mj9yZU6qrrW9 
a compilation of confessions I've collected from my google form. the link to the form itself is here https://forms.gle/5bRYTnJvZWNeyTLA6
bro why is the wattpad url so long
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#stories #storytelling #storytime #storyteller #poetsofinstagram #poemsoflove #self #me #heart #fear #afraid #authors #authorsofinstagram #writerscommunity #writersnetwork #shewrites #lost #thepoetrybooth #heal #randomstories #piecesofme #read #books #icouldnthelpbutwonder #icouldnthelpbutremember https://www.instagram.com/p/CXryme-Msnd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meowthmaze · 2 years
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o-agassy · 2 years
Ada yang bilang bahwa sembilan puluh persen dari pernikahan adalah tentang komitmen, selebihnya adalah usaha untuk menjaga cinta.
Meskipun demikian, bukan berarti kita baru akan “memulai” berkomitmen ketika sudah ijab sah. Melainkan semenjak fase sebelum pernikahan, dimana kita sedang masa persiapan dan penentuan calon, itu juga sudah butuh komitmen yang cukup besar.
Komitmen itu dimulai ketika kita sudah yakin terhadap diri ini bahwa kita siap untuk melanjutkan perjalanan menuju pernikahan. Meskipun belum ada calonnya, tapi paling tidak kita sudah mampu untuk memutuskan untuk mengambil komitmen ini atau tidak.
Utamanya untuk laki-laki, nanti akan banyak tuntutan-tuntutan dan tanggung jawab di pundak, ketika sudah sah menjadi seorang pemimpin keluarga. Ya meskipun di model keluarga modern ini, banyak masalah yang diselesaikan dengan cara musyawarah suami-istri, namun tetaplah suami menjadi punggawa keluarga.
Memutuskan berkomitmen saat pra nikah dapat dimanifestasikan melalui tindakan komunikasi aktif dengan calon pasangan, tidak ghosting, atau tidak semi-ghosting hilang timbul tenggelam kemudian.
Menyadari bahwa ini merupakan fase terpenting sebelum menikah juga merupakan bentuk komitmen itu sendiri sebenarnya. Kita tau bahwa pernikahan adalah medan juang yang luar biasa. Ketika sudah menyadari tantangannya, tentunya kita ngga akan main-main dalam fase persiapan ini.
Tidak akan ada cerita orang mau winter-hiking tidak persiapan padding tebal, makanan proper, dan segala sesuatunya yang proper dan terencana.
Jikapun ada dari sebagian teman kita yang pada fase persiapan ini tak sungguh-sungguh, mungkin bisa jadi ia belum mengambil penuh komitmen tersebut, bahkan untuk dirinya sendiri.
Hati-hati, nanti netizen indo akan bertanya lo, “lha kalo sama diri sendiri aja belum bisa komit, lalu gimana buat keluarga nanti?”
Ah semoga tidak.
Tapi bisa jadi ada pendekatan lainnya juga. Memang ada orang-orang yang tidak bisa memutuskan sesuatu bahkan untuk dirinya sendiri. Mereka butuh faktor eksternal atau pendapat orang lain yang mereka percaya. Barulah, mereka dapat memutuskan sebuah persoalan. Memang unik sebenarnya. Seperti kehidupan kita tergantung kepada orang lain. Tapi untuk studi kasus ini, bisa jadi “orang lain” itu ya calon pasangan kita sendiri. Jadi saling menguatkan.
So, pilih yang mana? Medan juang sudah jelas. Tinggal sudah siapkah mengambil komitmen itu?
Yang terpenting, jangan ghosting!
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fuddugyan · 2 years
"Get Expert Advice On How To Live A Healthier & Happier Life. Read random story Informative Blogs Now! Unclog Drains. Find The Best Bookkeeper. Get The Information You Need Right Away. Expert Advice For You. Good Information. Get Started Now!"
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jessiemayk · 2 years
Duet with @outtpig #pov #thefriend #thatfriend #randomstories #horrible #senarios #randomsenarios #sadistic #humour #adhd #adhdhumor #crackingup #noreason #tiktok
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ablogofrandomnesss · 4 years
First Post
Hello! Welcome to a blog of unpredictiblity.
Hi I am Jane and I will like to be your friend.To be very honest, first i want to make a confession blog but there is something about them that didn’t set right with me.But I am not here to talk about them,I am here to be a friend or a letter box where you can share your confession,stories,secrets or anything you want and you know the drill right,I will post them....XD If this is what you are thinking no I am not going to do it, because I believe we need a friend who listen not an announcer to tell the world what we want to hide and if you want me to post it, I will do it too and for those of you who don't not want it, I will ask you the hardest question in the world *evil laugh* Just joking I will only going to ask about what you like and together we can make a post about it.Sounds good right? Hope to hear from you soon :)
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maxthelittleshit420 · 4 years
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Read my weirdness if you want.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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murkystar7 · 4 years
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Murky's NEW Random stories - From Pop to Jolly(Swap AU) Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/6gMoPHZCzab 
S-so cold... but at least i wrote something on my Swap AU In Wattpad, this drawing is just me being bit cold while trying to type for story... i need something to warm it up... so, have fun reading that random story i made for now
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It's Kinda weird ~ - character info (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/v8vpIe9at9 Kai you know I love you right? Yes professor... I don't want to hurt you professor!! I promise you, kid I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt sorry description sucks but I hope you like the story. Plot is mine, characters are mine art is not mine
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thedndgoocat-blog · 5 years
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I just published "review" of my story "random things I might turn into books from school". https://my.w.tt/Lz6s8N3M30
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Some Nights Of Slumber Deprived Despiritness (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/soKF5dNkp2 ANOSDD/SNOSDD is a compilation of short stories, poetry, songs, ect. written by yours truly to cope with my degrading mental state. SNOSDD is a Wattpad version of my original project: A Night Of Slumber Deprived Despiritness, which you can find on my Quotev. Link in bio. Enjoy
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o-agassy · 1 year
Mengapresiasi diri dengan menuliskannya adalah salah satu bentuk stress-release yang manjur untuk sebagian orang.
Masih banyak dari kita yang sebenernya butuh word of affirmation dari lingkungan tempat ia sehari-hari beraktifitas. Namun, kita juga menyadari bahwa faktor tersebut adalah faktor eksternal yang tidak bisa kita kontrol.
Ada kalanya orang suka terhadap perilaku kita hari itu, lain hari bisa jadi kebalikannya. Serta, ngga semua orang harus suka dengan apa yang kita lakukan. Kita punya preferensi sendiri-sendiri.
Balik lagi, untuk sebagian dari diri kita yang sedang mencari jati diri, termasuk yang setiap hari belajar untuk berkompromi dengan diri sendiri, jangan lelah berjuang tanpa henti!
Apapun progressnya, apapun hasilnya, wajib kita syukuri dan kita apresiasi. Karena itu adalah hasil dari kita versi terbaik di hari itu. Masih ada besok yang wajib diusahakan lebih baik lagi. Don’t worry! You did your best!
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