#rant about other people's parents not mine
nubs-mbee · 2 days
Hasan rant because this has been getting on my nerves and I gotta type out my thoughts
It bothers me so much when he clowns on people who call him ableist, yet he constantly makes jokes about people being autistic or mentally deficient or whatever else. And how he finds the “cancellation” of the r-word overblown and annoying. Today I saw a clip of him insulting an adult incel by saying he must be so autistic that no woman would ever have sex with him because he’s mentally still a child. Like he just does not fucking get it. It’s so apparent he doesnt have someone close to him with major learning disabilities or mental disabilities. He uses the fact that he has adhd to say it’s not that big of a deal, but that’s because he doesn’t see HIS adhd as a big deal. He just assumes that must be the case for everyone else too. Actually a lot of people online do this, because most of the people they meet who have adhd or are autistic don’t have it impact their life as much as other conditions might. But that’s not the case for everyone. I wish more people acknowledged this. I wish more people cared, and were more empathetic to those with severe adhd or any other condition.
I know I have to be a bit lenient, because I was raised with an older brother with adhd and learning disabilities that have greatly impacted him throughout his life, so I always knew to be understanding of people who’s brains work differently than mine My parents made sure to instill in me that I should never judge or make fun someone for that. But I also think it’s common fucking sense to be KIND to people and I would have thought hasan would know that by now. The mans in his thirties. I don’t think he realizes how dehumanizing the r-word is. I don’t think he cares who he hurts when he uses neurodivergency as an insult. Sorry to word vomit all this lol, it just makes me so so angry.
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initforthecache · 2 years
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crazy how that happens.
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jjkamochoso · 19 days
Wedding Guest Plus One
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
When you get invited to a wedding, you're reluctant to show up by yourself. Luckily, you have a friend that would never leave you hanging...
Warnings: cussing, small mentions of background characters drinking alcohol
A/n: I hope the end isn't too ooc because I couldn't resist the opportunity to write that lol I hope you all enjoy reading this much as I did writing it!! <3
The strikingly opulent invitation was weighing down your hands like it was made of lead. The painstakingly crafted calligraphy was openly mocking you: "To our beloved Y/N and Guest..."
You sighed.
It wasn't like you didn't want to go to your friend's wedding, that wasn't it at all. The event sounded like it was going to be a wonderful time, filled with good food and fun moments as love was being celebrated. It was just that this would be another wedding you'd gone to without a boyfriend or husband. Your friends were mostly nonjudgemental but you knew your continuous bout of singularity over the years was rare enough to garner speculation and gossip from anyone in attendance at those types of gatherings, especially when everyone knew each other.
You hauled yourself out of your office, leaving the frilly paper discarded on your desk to be taunted by at a later time. You quickly made your way down the hall of the Survey Corps base, knocking on the familiar wood door in front of you.
"Come in," said a voice from the opposite side and you wasted no time entering, eager to begin your venting session.
"I see you got your invite as well," you said, spying the same white rectangle upon your best friend's desk.
"I did," Levi replied, his eyes not leaving the paperwork he was currently working on.
You picked it up, inspecting it, and you frowned. "Hey, yours doesn't say Levi and guest! Mine did."
"It said Levi and guest?"
"I hate you," you whined, Levi smirking a bit at his joke. "Mine said 'Y/n and guest' and I want to know why you got spared the embarrassment of being allowed a plus one but never having one."
"That's because everyone knows by now that if I'm showing up, I'm coming alone. They still have hope for you."
"Well, I don't like it," you mumbled, putting the invitation back down.
A few seconds of silence passed.
"Aren't you going to complain to me until my ears feel like they're going to bleed or are you actually going to be a grown up about this and leave me alone to do work?" Levi asked with an eyebrow raised at you.
You scoffed. "I thought friends were supposed to listen to each other rant about stupid shit."
"They are. But this is beyond stupid shit. Who cares if you don't have a partner? We're in the Scouts. Most people's partners are dead. Just lie about having a boyfriend who vanished at the mouth of a titan and people will leave you alone."
"But people at weddings are brutal! Someone's parents will just try to set me up with someone else while I'm there. You would understand if you bothered to go to one once in awhile."
"Weddings are stupid. A public proclamation of love is completely unnecessary." Levi brought his point home with an extra loud huff. "It's pompous and egotistical. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than go to another one."
"I should've gone to Hange for advice," you said, rolling your eyes, "but they would probably just suggest bringing Bean or Sonny. Or Mike, who'd sniff everyone and get me blacklisted from any other event ever."
That got Levi to let out a small grunt of laughter.
"I really don't know what to do, Levi. It's stupid, I know, but I can't take going to another one alone. I want to be there to support our comrade but I don't want to look like a total loser."
“I’ll go with you,” he suggested as he continued signing papers, the words leaving his mouth like it was the most glaringly obvious idea in the entire world.
"What?" you exclaimed, your mouth hanging open in shock.
He finally looked up to meet your gaze. "Tch, close your mouth, you're going to catch flies. Don't look so shocked, either. Erwin was just telling me I have to go to more shitty events to boost morale amongst the soldiers and brass and you need someone to go with so you don't look lonely. We can hang out, bitch about how lame everything is, and go home. It's a win-win. Unless...?"
"No! That would be amazing," you replied quickly, not wanting to lose this opportunity, "thank you. I'm just taken aback, that's all, since a second ago you used a very crass saying to express your unwillingness to go. Are you sure you'd want to show up with me? People talk, you know. They might think we're dating."
"So? Let them."
Levi was right. You were going to get judged no matter if you brought a random guy, attended by yourself, or went with Levi. At least this way you'd have someone to talk with all night.
"Does this mean we get to coordinate outfits?"
Levi balled up a discarded piece of paper from his trash bin and threw it at you. "Don't make me regret this, brat. Now get back to work."
You left his office chuckling and feeling a newfound sense of relief wash over you.
When the day of the wedding finally arrived, you felt butterflies in your stomach, nervous for what was to come. You tried to keep your mind off the stress you were feeling as you got ready after work. It was a rare occasion to dress up in your civilian clothes as you were always in your formal military wear for galas or other professional events. You had second guessed your outfit all day but it was too late to buy something else so you got dressed and fixed up your hair. As you put the finishing touches on your look, you heard a knock at your door. When you opened it, you were definitely not expecting the sight you were greeted with.
"You're out of uniform."
You both spoke the same sentence at the same time.
"You really know how to keep people on their toes, don't you?" you asked, moving out of the way so he could come in.
"I was tired of wearing that damn thing all the time. This suit hasn't seen the light of day in a long time so I figured this would do instead."
The suit he had on made him look absolutely dashing, even more so than usual (which you didn't know was possible). He wore a gray collared buttoned shirt underneath a dark blue jacket with matching blue slacks and a brown belt. His cravat topped it all off, its stark white a nice contrast to the other colors.
"You look really nice," you complimented, your heart picking up speed as he raked his eyes over you.
"As do you," he replied, sincerity coating every syllable. He certainly wasn't wrong; your outfit hugged you in all the right places, accentuating your best assets. You opted for a silky black color for tonight since the wedding dress code asked for elegance. All of your previous fears about not looking okay were out of your head with the confirmation from Levi that you presented yourself nicely. You hadn't realized that you were lost in space, still enthralled in how handsome your best friend was until he finally cleared his throat, knocking you from your daydream.
"Huh? Oh sorry," you said sheepishly, "let me grab my shoes and we can get going."
The first shoe cooperated wholeheartedly but the second one was not wanting to work with you. You kept trying to buckle it but you were at a bit of an odd angle trying to balance yourself standing up while fiddling with the metal piece.
"May I?" Levi gestured to your foot. Frustrated, you nodded, grateful for his help. His nimble fingers made quick work of the buckle and you were ready to leave in no time. You two walked down to where carriages were lined up to take the wedding guests from the Survey Corps base to a town a few miles away. Once you got inside the palatial venue, you were welcomed with the sight of decorations everywhere. The whole building was grandiose but the paper swans, crystal beads, and plush seating arrangements did much to elevate the overall luxuriant atmosphere. You had never seen such a splendid display at any of the other weddings you had been to, but you were at the wedding of two high ranking military officials, after all.
"All this and our soldiers can barely get fresh fruit half the damn time," grumbled Levi, clearly not impressed. You were inclined to agree with him. The whole scene was gorgeous, but in the grand scheme of things, it left a bad taste in your mouth that so much money was spent on this when it could've gone to something more... tangible.
"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it. Let's just try to ignore it and hopefully charm our way into securing more money in our budget from some other mucky-mucks in attendance."
"Here I was thinking I could convince you to leave after the vows were done," Levi said, earning a glare from you.
"In your dreams. There's no way I'm leaving without dinner and dessert. I should've brought extra handkerchiefs to sneak out food like Sasha."
While you two were chatting it up, waiting for the bride to make her appearance, you were quickly garnering much interest from the other guests. People were totally caught off guard seeing you arrive with someone, much less a man, much less the actual Captain Levi. It shouldn't have been as big a deal as it was since you were also a well known captain and you and Levi normally stood by each other at military events you were forced to be at, but the casual air about the both of you at such a romantic occurrence was turning heads. You and Levi paid no mind, continuing talking like you were the only people in the room. Finally, you were saved from the incessant ogling by the music signaling the bride had arrived.
The vows were done, the lips were kissed, the couple was married. Now came the worst time of the night--the social part of the event had started. You and Levi, of course, sat next to each other for dinner but you were dismayed at the fact he was the only one you knew at the table. Hange and your other friends were seated elsewhere and you made a mental note to say hi before the end of the night, even if you were going to see them all tomorrow anyway. Everything was going smoothly, no one bothering you or your date. The food was as yummy as you expected and Levi was satisfied with the tea they offered with dessert. The night had almost ended and there weren't any weird instances you had to deal with.
Until now.
"Oh my goodness! Y/n! It's so good to see you!"
You were startled by the voice practically screeching in your ear as you were eating a large piece of cake. An old acquaintance of yours greeted you loudly, grabbing you into an awkward hug since you were seated and she was standing. She took a seat in the open chair next to you while you prayed Levi would come back from the bathroom soon.
"How are you?" she asked, a huge smile on her face. You knew she'd definitely been drinking heavily throughout the night, though she was normally this giddy all the time.
"I'm doing alright. You know, the same old, same old. Nothing crazy going on at work or anything, thankfully. How about you?"
She completely ignored everything you said. "So I came over to see what was up between you and Captain Levi."
Here we go, you thought to yourself, resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
"What do you mean?"
Playing dumb was always a good idea in these types of interactions.
"You know," she pressed, taking another long sip of whatever was in her cup, "you and him. I thought it was odd that you usually come to these things alone and all of a sudden you show up with a hot guy like him as your date. How'd you manage that? Did you pay him?"
"We've been best friends for many years and decided to be each others' dates," you said, trying your hardest to remain civil.
"Right." She slumped back in her seat. "That makes a lot of sense. We all figured there was no way you were dating. You two are in completely different leagues."
That was your breaking point.
"Nice seeing you," you said, your chair screeching as you slid it back and walked away from her. You wanted to scream. Why was it so difficult for people to be decent? And who did she mean by "we all" ? Did everyone find your situation that much more interesting than the beautiful wedding taking place? Was it really so strange a notion that you and Levi could've been dating?
Why did it bother you that no one would believe it if you were?
You were practically tripping over your feet to get outside, away from the prying eyes and invasive questions. You made your way over to a secluded bench where you felt tears threaten to spill out of your eyes. A few finally fell, leaving dark splotches on the light stone beneath you. The longer you sat out there, by yourself with no one to bother you or make you question your worth, the more you felt at ease. The brisk night air enveloped you like a blanket and the darkness did wonders to calm your racing thoughts. However, there was just one thought that wouldn't quit nagging you. You and Levi had been best friends for countless years and you had been content with the state of your friendship for all that time. Ever since he offered to be your date for this wedding, though, you'd started viewing him in a more romantic lens. Taking note of his appearance, feeling your heart speed up when he was close to you, getting lost in his eyes a little too long. You'd developed a crush on him but were much too nervous to mention such a silly, trivial thing to him, especially in fear of ruining the bond you shared. Now that someone pointed out the obvious, that you and him don't belong together, your harmless daydreams of him being your lover came crashing down and brought you back to reality. The reality was that Levi could never be yours, no matter how much you so desperately wanted him. It was a sad realization to have on a day that was supposed to be all about celebrating everlasting love, but such is life. You were torn out of your personal pity party when you heard the crunch of leaves underfoot.
"Here," Levi said, handing you your plate with your half eaten cake on it. "It worried me when I saw you abandoned dessert."
He wore an unreadable expression as you took it gratefully, patting the spot next to you as an invitation for him to sit with you.
"I'm sorry for bailing on you," you apologized, nibbling on your fork, "but there was this lady in there that I just-"
"I know," he said, keeping his eyes trained on the sky. "I heard the whole thing."
The void of silence left between you was a gap you were both unsure how to fill, so you didn't. The only thing heard for a few minutes was the faraway sound of laughter and the clinking of your silverware against the porcelain plate.
"She's wrong, you know. They all are," Levi said suddenly, making you jump a bit. You didn't say anything, discarding your empty plate on the ground next to you.
"There's some truly shitty people in this world."
"You got that right," you replied, your eyes moistening again as your mind replayed the mean words you were subjected to earlier.
Levi turned to you. "Don't do that. I know you, y/n, don't sit here and think about what she said over and over. It doesn't matter. She doesn't matter."
"Easy for you to say. You didn't just get your self esteem ripped to shreds." You sniffed and angrily wiped away a tear that streamed down your face as you kept your eyes anywhere but on Levi.
"Look at me."
He spoke with such conviction that you felt compelled to do as he said. Without hesitation, he reached out and wiped away the wet that was accumulating on your cheeks with his thumb. You knew Levi wasn't a fan of physical affection, so why was he being so loving toward you all of a sudden?
"I would go to a hundred of these shitty weddings if you were there by my side because you make them less shitty. You make everything less shitty. I just... fuck, I'm not good with words, but what I mean is that I would do things I hate doing if it meant we could do them together."
You had known Levi long enough to be certain that he was currently expressing his feelings for you in his own roundabout way. Though the confession was a huge surprise, it certainly wasn't unwelcome.
You finally cracked a small smile. "You make my life a lot less shitty too, Levi. I'd even suffer through the entirety of those horrendous galas the MPs throw all too often if I had you next to me."
You reached out your hand to find his and gave it a small squeeze. "Let's get out of here. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than hang around these people any longer."
Levi was proud that his saying had already made it into your lexicon. You stood up, ready to make your exit. Before you went too far out of earshot, he stopped you.
"Want to give them one last thing to talk about?"
You didn't understand what he meant until you followed his gaze, landing on the group of guests that were currently not-so-secretly spying on you.
"Sure, I guess-"
Levi expertly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a passionate kiss, leaving you breathless. If he didn't have such a steady grip on your body, you would've immediately melted onto the ground in a state of stupor. You heard startled gasps as people clamored about, anxious to spread the news of the two captains kissing.
"Should we flash them the ol' royal salute for being creeps?" Levi muttered against your lips.
"We'll save that for next time," you said, enveloping his lips in yours once more.
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babiebom · 2 months
Hi :3 Can I request???? Sabation (sdv) x pregnant fem wife reader headcanons
A/N: this is actually really cute and especially because I posted the how many kids I think they’ll have thing I can kinda go into detail for each kid. AHHHHHH one thing about me is that I’m a family oriented sim(person) and I LOVE kids. I know it’s a thing right now to hate kids but I don’t and a lot of my fics involve this and I’m ranting so I’ll end this note here lmao.
Tw:pregnancy, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy complications, cursing, lmk if I should tag anything else!!
Bc:probably at least 10
Stardew Valley Masterlist
So in my other post I said that he would have either one or how many his partner wants
So I’m gonna say three because I think that’s like the average amount of kids people have
The very first pregnancy Sebastian is absolutely out of his mine
“Don’t touch my wife” “be careful she’s pregnant” “she can’t have that it’s not good for her or the baby”
To be honest I think you being pregnant would cause him to be more outspoken
Like usually he doesn’t say anything unless he has to speak up because he’s sorta antisocial(I don’t think he’s shy, he’s quiet because he wants to be)
But now he’s always saying something to someone.
He is literally just out of his mind with worry and he has to keep you and the baby safe
If it’s a particularly hard pregnancy he’s even more protective
Like if your doctor says bedrest Sebastian is taking that SERIOUSLY
You are not getting out of that bed unless you have to piss or shit nothing else.
He is so lucky to have a stay at home job, and even if you take time off because of the pregnancy he can take care of the animals.
At the birth he probably passes out while seeing your child being born
But it’s not out of disgust, it’s because his emotions are out of control.
Cries at the hospital, probably more than you do are you have to be like….Seb please calm down I get you love the baby but you’re crying all over them…….
Second child he’s more calm but is still VERY strict with you
Also since you already have a kid, the dynamic has changed.
He completely takes over anything that you were in charge of parenting wise.
Won’t let you cook for anyone
And the only thing you would be allowed to do is stuff you can do in bed
The second birth goes more smoothly, and he actually stays awake through it and is able to watch your child be born
Third pregnancy he would probably be ramped up in worry especially if you have had complications before and this being your last child
Since this would be your third time going through this I think he would be sick with worry but confident that you could take care of yourself.
During the third birth he actually has the confidence to cut the umbilical cord and would probably be excited to do so
Would probably be hesitant to have sex while you’re pregnant
Like all three pregnancies he would be like ummmmmm I don’t know about that what if I hurt you?
Will have sex if you reassure him bc I do think he might have a bit of a breeding kink and would want to.
I think first and second labors were progressed by y’all fucking
Third you both didn’t need to because your body was like yup let’s get it over with
Overall a very helpful and anxious daddy
Actually tries to make sure your kids get along
And tries to make sure that his relationship with them is good.
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reallyromealone · 9 months
Eddie Munson x male reader
That was the best way to describe (name).
Having been through the works in life, he pushed through.
"Goodnight baby" (name) tucked little (sons name) in, the boy content in the queen sized bed and hugged his little teddy bear.
His third birthday was near, something (name) thought about deeply.
He had put aside money for a gift and gathered his god parents, the only ones (name) trusted after all this time.
Opening up his laptop he hesitantly opened his email and typed.
This was the last time he was contacting Eddie Munson.
Not for money, not for anything.
This was the last olive branch he was giving him about their son, having sent countless letters to Wayne's home though he doubts Wayne told him after... the incident.
"Nancy wheeler... you can go to hell" he whispered to himself and sent the email.
"A son... fucking gold digger" Eddie hissed as he glanced at his phone while at a party with his friends, Dustin glancing at him "how dare he... probably not even mine."
"Dear Eddie,
I know you hate me, but I just want you to know, you have a son.
You don't have to meet him, but you should know he exists.
He read this out loud and the party seethed, the band seethed as Eddie sent an email, not noticing others doing the same, Dustin, Mikey, Garreth and Eddie sending horrible messages.
'gold digger '
'shameless whore'
'Come crawling back now that he's worth something? Pathetic'
'why not crawl back to the guy who knocked you up you cheap bitch'
These were things sent to him in multiple emails by people he once considered his pack, the Omega breaking down once his son went with his grandfather Hopp for the day, the cop wanting to take his duckling fishing for the day.
"I-I didn't cheat-- I-I swear!" He gasped out as Steve and Robin held him close, the two knew the truth of what happened and wanted to throttle Eddie Munson for how blind he was.
(Name)... wasn't a cheater.
He was a victim.
(Name) never let anyone get close to him like that since high school ended, his focus on his pup.
That boy was (name)s world, sacrificing everything so he had a good life.
And he would never let another alpha hurt him again.
"And then my ex, you remember (name)? Fucking messages me and like 'this is your kid'" Eddie ranted to his friend, an outcast who also attended Hawkins high "fucking slut cheats then has the Gaul to say that kids mine? Guess the baby daddy ditched him"
"...you didn't hear?"
"Hear what?" Eddie was hesitant as he looked at his friend "(name) didn't cheat..." he said softly "he was raped, there was a whole rape kit and everything, Nancy made lies about him because she thought he was too close to Steve because she didn't know you two were dating" the friend explained and eddie felt his world stop.
Holy shit.
Eddie felt his world stop as he thought about everything.
Oh god...
He... he was so cruel to his boyfriend at such a traumatic moment.
Eddie shot up and left, driving back to his house.
Rushing to his laptop he went back to that email, clicking the photo attached to it and stared. That was his son, he was a spitting image of Eddie with (name)s eyes and skin tone, wild hair and the smile... oh god the smile.
He didn't know what to do.
"He was raped... oh god my mate was raped..."
By who?
Who did that to him?
Eddie thought back to that day.
The day he dumped (name).
"Oh my god..."
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, Reader breaks up Eddie bc her mom forced her too, she didn't want her daughter, captain of there cheer squad to be with Eddie Munson, both of them are having a bad time without each other, reader can't sleep bc she feels guilty, and she ends up going with her best friends: Robin and Steve, she explains to them what happened and all about her mom, Steve and Rob make a plan, at the end Robin tells reader that she needs to go to the drama room, where Eddie is, and she locks them in there , and Eds says he doesn't want to lose her and that he loves herand they start dating again, despite Reader's mom being pissed off
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
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The second Y/N set her eyes on Eddie Munson it would cause nothing but trouble for herself. He looked like a boy she shouldn't bring home to mom. But that didn't stop her from falling in love.
She spent months sneaking out of her window, Eddie waiting for her in his van. They'd sneak off to anywhere they wanted. She was smitten with him and she couldn't believe he felt the same for her. She knew her mom wouldn't approve, Eddie lived too much of a different lifestyle. He wasn't born rich, wasn't at the top of his classes, and he did things her mother would never support. But she loved him and she wanted to make it work.
She knew she couldn't sneak past her mom for too long, she'd get caught. But she wasn't prepared to lose Eddie.
"Who do you keep sneaking off with?" Y/N froze as she climbed into her bedroom. Her mom was waiting for her on the bed.
"Chrissy is having boyfriend troubles, and I know you wouldn't let me see her but she needed me." Y/N lied, taking off her shoes
"Funny enough, I called Chrissy's mom, and Chrissy was sleeping. So who were you with?" Her mom pushed. Y/N panicked as she was caught in her lie. Chrissy always lied for her but she didn't think about Chrissy's mom ratting her out.
"No one! I needed a walk to clear my head. All this perfect daughter shit is draining me. I wanted fresh air and I know you'd refuse to let me be alone so I said I was with Chrissy." She lied again. But her mother didn't look convinced.
"Clearing your head with Eddie Munson?" Y/N froze as the name left her mother's lips.
"I'm not stupid, young lady. You are out there meeting up with Eddie Munson. Doing god knows what kind of drugs. No daughter of mine will be mixed in with a kid like him." Her mother ranted, standing up as she got in Y/N's face.
"A kid like him? What is that supposed to mean!" Y/N scoffed.
"He lives in the trailer park! Who knows what disease he's carrying. I've heard bad things about him, drugs and devil shit. You are NOT seeing him ever again, do you hear me?" Y/N watched in horror as her mom unplugged her phone, snatching the cords with her.
"You will not call him, talk to him, and you will not leave this house for anything other than school and cheer!"
"MOM! That's not fair! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME A PRISONER HERE! I love him and we want to be together. He's not a bad guy! If you met him, you'd see he isn't at all what people describe him to be!" Y/N screamed, but everything she said went on deaf ears.
Eddie tried to be understanding of the break up. He knew it tore her apart just as much as it did him. He wanted to make it easier for her, hold her and tell her it's alright. He knew he wasn't the type that parents liked. And he knew he wasn't good enough for her.
It killed him to see her walking around the halls, knowing he couldn't walk up and kiss her anymore. The reality that they are broken up and she wasn't his anymore.
Her mom kept her a prisoner. The second cheer ended, her mom was outside the school waiting. Her mom never gave back her phone, she couldn't call Eddie if she wanted to.
The more time passed, and the more they were apart, she realized he was more important than whatever her mom wanted from her. She could barely sleep, the guilt ate her alive. She hated that she picked her mom over Eddie. She knew Eddie tried his best to make it easier, but she didn't deserve that. She could have fought. She should have shown Eddie he was more important and she'd do anything to make their relationship work. But she didn't, she just let her mom win.
Y/N talked to Robin about everything, her guilt, hatred towards her mom, and disappointment within herself. Robin knew that Eddie was hurting through it all, and no separation would heal either. Robin asked Y/N to trust her, so she did.
Now she stood in the drama room with Eddie across from her. His swollen eyes and red nose. His hair was a mess, but that was normal. She felt nervous to speak first, almost like he'd snap the second she opened her mouth.
"I miss you," he whispered, as he opened his arms. An invitation to throw herself in his arms, which she accepted. She dashed into his arms, gripping it tightly as she breathed in his scent.
"I miss you so much." She felt his arms wrap tighter around her, a hand in her hair as he tried to be as close as possible to her.
"I'm so sorry for not fighting. I let her win and I didn't even try for us." She cried, she knew her mom would tear them apart and she still didn't fight against it. "I was prepared for it to happen, and I froze. Our relationship deserves to be fought for and I'm ready to do it."
Eddie pulled back a little to see her face, their bodies still embraced. "You don't need to apologize. I didn't fight either, I just let you do it alone. But now I'm not. We will fight for us together, okay? I'm not going to lose you. I don't care what she throws at us, I'll take care of you." Eddie promised, his forehead pressed against hers. She sniffled and nodded.
A smile on her face as she connected her lips with his.
"I love you." Eddie's heart raced at the words, a full teeth smile on his face as he said the words back.
Y/N would graduate one day, she'd move out and her mom wouldn't have the control. All Y/N needed was Eddie's hand in hers.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 10 months
hii i love ur writing <3! can u do general dating nat hc? pre crash? thank you! 🫶
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General dating pre-crash Nat headcanons <3
She loves you so much
I mean LOVES YOU, obsessed
She loves sharing her passions with you, music, soccer, and is enamoured with anything you decide to share too.
She was a little toxic at the start, abusing substances and being a little distant I just think pookie didn’t know how to be open to anyone esp after the abuse the endured at home and how people always judge her for being ‘promiscuous’ (let’s be real she isn’t at all, people just suck) 
She doesn’t want you to get involved in any drinking or smoking, she won’t force you to stop but defently would stop you after a drink or 2, expect her to hover at parties just incase you run into iffy people
Not into pda, will hold your hand when your walking down halls and kiss you on the cheek before having to split ways. But she clings onto you behind closed doors, will walk up behind you rest her chin on your shoulder and wrap her arms around you. Will lift you up on counters and smooch you, will be the first person to pull you onto a couch or bed to cuddle and I think she prefers to be the little spoon but she always wants to hold you in her arms
I think gets jealous easily, will not be scared to tell anyone to fuck off if they’re flirting with you and will makeout with you infront of them if they don’t get the memo. 
Gets emotional when you support her, her parents never cared about what she did and no one showed up for her. So she’s all sunshine when you attend all her practices or a game, she’s grateful that she has you always. 
That said she will always support your endevors, any extra circular activities you’re in, you bet she will be there front and center, need any help with projects she will get anything you need to succeed, will stay up all night making sure you get everything sorted 
Will try to help with home work but is a mess lol, especially if it’s a subject you both suck at. you’re better off asking Tai for help.
You both are very anxious people, Nat has the tendency to close herself off if she’s overwhelmed and will get annoyed if you hover so you learn to give her space until she decides to come to you herself. She also respects your space but will hold when you have panic attacks, she’s a good listener too she will let you rant as long as you need until you feel better. I think is the one person that can make you laugh when you’re upset.
She was at your door the day her dad died, tears streaming down her face barely being able to breathe. You held her that entire afternoon into the night, I think that’s the first time she told you she loved you. 
She will get you to listen to her favorite bands. Nirvana, pearl jam, the cranberries, radiohead ect. You have music dates where you chill in her room smoke a bit and just enjoy each others company. Of course that happens when her parents aren’t around and won’t barge in. 
You both share clothes, I think she steals yours and has the tendency to not give it back lmao, you’re trying to find your favorite top or jacket and see her walking around in it at school the next day. “Nat is that mine?” “yep” pecks you on the lips and skips away. You let it slide because you do the same tbh.
You spend so much time on the stands watching nat practice, coach ben suggests you join the team, one day you walk on the field with a jersey on and the rest of the girl and nat are like ???
The other girls treat you like family too, you were a little nervous the first time you met the team but you fit right in, you will go to sleepovers together, shopping at the mall and they even invite you to go on the trip to nationals…
Nat was shitting herself when you suggested she meet your parents, most adult figures never took her seriously or didn’t look past the bad girl/goth exterior. She’d be a sweaty mess asking you what your moms favorite flowers were and what your dads favorite hobbies were so she’d able to make some conversation
I see her walking in your house super pale one hand gripping yours it feels like it’s going to break and your rents are super chill “come on in honey what snacks would you like?” or “y/n has told us so much about you, she apparently said you’re the best player on the team. The closer yall get the more nat see’s your parents as her own, your parents are so open to her sleeping over if things aren’t alright at home. 
She gets hot and bothered when you wear her jersey, and loves how it smells like you when you give it back. 
I think she prefers private sex but quickies are nice especially in the locker rooms. You got away with it a few times until Jackie walked in on you guys doing something nasty, you’ve been banned since then lol.
She does get more touchy when shes drunk or high, will walk over and straddle your lap kissing your neck, or pushes you against a wall and starts kissing you with no shame and you’re not complaining tbh
I think she’s a switch but will 100% be a dom especially if she’s had a bad day, is into nice degradation (if the the word for it?) “my pretty little slut is so good for me” while shes fingers deep in you ;).  Will be subby if she needs comfort to relax a while, not really think. Just feel good. 
Sleepovers at your place are so fun, shotgunning a blunt together till you end up hovering over her, hands down her pants, just spirals into hours of sex on and off till you both pass out.
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tonixe · 8 months
"Oh Micheal..."
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notes: I'm back and for real this time, school kicked my ass and I'll going to try to answer all the requests and publish all of them, sorry guys for not uploading xx.
warning: smut, p in the v, creampie, readers a virgin, non-con to semi-con, penetration, and BJ.
pairing: micheal myers x fem!reader
word counter: 2.2k
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The old rusty clock, the arms of the clock moving to what you think is taking its sweet time. Laying down your head on your desk, looking at your friend who was sitting to the right of you, Laurie Strode. You guys knew it each other since middle school, and your moms are parents too which put some relations between you guys.
Finally, the bell rang as you got up took your books, and walked to Laurie who was just packing up like you, "Laurie, what are you doing on Halloween night?" I asked, putting my back on the side of my shoulder, and leaning down on her desk. "Im going to babysit Tommy today, he's my neighboorhood' kid, and they're going to be busy this Halloween," Laurie muttered before you guys started walking out of the classroom to the the hallway. It was usually loud during between periods, but it was the end of the day. -And it was Halloween, "So, what are you going to do this Halloween?" I heard Laurie mention, turning my head towards her realizing I virtually didn't have any plans this year, I was too old for trick or treating and I wasn't going to some dumb Halloween party being hosted.
"Hm, never thought about it before.." I said, looking down the hallway, it was pretty packed with people getting their stuff out of their locker. "Maybe I'll just hang out with you while you babysit, don't wanna be alone on Halloween" I exclaimed, "So.. you're just going to watch some Halloween movie with the kid and give him snacks and shit like that," I asked.
"Probably" She giggled, "maybe some jack o' lanterns if he's lucky," she said, we walked out of the school building, hearing Lynda screaming out names, as she got to us. She was heaving, leaning back, "Where the hell were you guys going?" She exclaimed, "Home" I looked at Laurie and we laughed together, "Come on guys" She groaned, and we walked down the pavement, to the street crossing to our high school.
Haddonfield was a quiet place until 1963, with a kid named Micheal who murdered his own sister, i heard of it everywhere. Different stories and various, it was cruel. I learned from it with my dad's old newspapers, with the letter bold of what the young elementary kid did. "HEY," We heard some yelling again, before Lynda lit her cigarette, smoking it. She turned her head, "It's Annie" She said, "You guys didn't wait for me at all" She yelled, "We did, like 15 minutes and you totally did show" Before we started walking again, Lynda and Annie sharing a cigarettes, as she shared what happen.
"Paul really dragged you to the locker room" I giggled, "Yeah, and he got grounded so he won't be coming over to mine tonight" She blew out the smoke from her lips. "Laurie whatcha thinking about?" I asked, "I forgot my chemistry book!" she groaned, rubbing her head. "So what! I forgot all my books, like my math book, chemistry, English, and more" Lynda started ranting, "Even my French book" She giggled. Before a car started driving across the road, grabbing Laurie's attention, I noticed looking at the direction she was looking at, "Isn't that Van Grahm?" Lynda said, "I don't think so.." Laurie whispered.
"I think he's cute" She smiled out, as we all watched the car drive before Annie said something, "Hey jerk! Speed kills!" She yelled before we noticed the car stopping in its tracks. My heart was beating fast against my chest, waiting for something to happen before it started driving.
"Phew" I muttered, "Sometimes Annie you're going to get us in some deep trouble," Laurie said.
"Totally," Lynda said. Before we all started walking down the pavement.
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I was at Laurie's house sitting down on the couch, she was babysitting a kid named Tommy Doyle, and he was glued to the TV screen watching some kid Halloween movie, i was bored so I watched some of it.
I heard the doorbell ringing as I got up from the couch walking to the door, "I'll get it, Laurie!" Looking into the peephole, it was Annie and her little sister. I opened the door, "It's Annie and her sister" I yelled out, "I didn't know you were going to be here Annie" I said, "Yeah, just need my sister to be here, so I can go to Paul's place" She said, "I thought he was grounded?" I questioned, "he is but his parents are going to be out" She gave me a sneaky smile.
I and Annie were in the middle of a conversation after that Annie left to go back to her house, I put on some different Halloween movies as I walked to the kitchen with Laurie preparing the jack o' lanterns, "Those are so good jack o' later" I pointed at the pumpkins, "Thanks" she said, "Could you make some popcorn for Tommy and Lindsay?" She asked, "Sure" I took some of the microwave popcorn popping it into the microwave setting the timer, before leaning back on the counter.
"So this is how you're going to spend your whole Halloween" I asked, "Yeah, but it's a little fun" She confessed, "How is taking care of two brats fun?"
"I don't know maybe because I have something to do" She shrugged
We spoke until we heard yelling from Tommy, Me and Laurie ran to the living room, "Boogeyman!" He screamed before he grabbed our attention, I rushed to him, "Where?" I said, looking at the window he was pointing to, "Y/N, did you add anything?" she asked, as she held Lindsay, "Nope, nothing there Tommy" I said, "Oh, stop Tommy stop that, there no one there" Laurie said,
"Nobody believes me" Tommy muttered, "I do Tommy," Lindsay said, as they sat down on the couch. Some part of me believed what Tommy said, especially with all the mysterious things that were happening around Haddonfield, "Is there a boogeyman" I whispered looking through the blinds, before I stepped back and sat down on the sofa. A few minutes passed and I got stuck watching some random movie with the kids. The phone started ringing and Laurie got up to answer it, "Are you fooling around again?" she put her hand on her hips before her eye faltered, "I'll kill if this is a joke" I turned my head, "Annie" she repeated to the phone before she quickly put the phone back on the charge.
"Who called?" I asked, "Annie" she said, looking at the window before trying to call her again. "Hold on, could you watch them for me?"
"Sure," I said. A few minutes passed before I looked at the time, "Okay, guys it's time to go to bed" I said, "But it's so early" Tommy groaned, "Well, you guys should be up to date, now bed, now" I watched them as they got up the stairs going to a room, "Now, where the hell is Laurie" I whispered.
I watched some TV, waiting for her, almost falling asleep, I heard banging from the door, and Laurie screaming from behind, I quickly opened it as she shut the door behind her locking it and turning off the lights. Running the phone, putting in the policy number. Her clothes were ripped and she was scared, "Laurie, what happened?" I asked worriedly. She put down the phone, becoming more frantic. "Where's Tommy and Lindsay?"
"There sleeping, right now" I said, stretching my arms, "Laurie what the hell to you?" I pointed to her clothing. "Tommy was right, something is outside" she heaved pushing me down as she was down hiding behind the couch, before she saw a figure. There were armed with a bloody knife, I screamed, backing up before Laurie stabbed the intruder with a large crochet needle. "What the fuck" my eye widen, my heart pounding.
"Come" Laurie grabbed my hand, and we ran some else to the house, hiding from the intruder, "W-what is going on.." I whispered, "Be quiet" she whispered back. Hearing footsteps creeping, the hit didn't affect him. "I'll going to be right back," she said, quietly getting away from where you were, I was scared my heart to my chest.
I held my breath as he got closer, before I saw his knife beside me, I screamed before running up the stairs, my legs had never gone that fast before, I ran upstairs locking the door behind me, before I leaned back, a knife was inserted. As I screamed, crawling back further down. The shadow broke the door as I saw up and personal, he had a white mask with hair and was in a coverall.
"Please," I said, feeling tears on my cheeks, as I crawled back, "please, I won't tell anyone," I said, as he got closer to me his knife in hand, before stopping. I looked up at him, I couldn't see anything but the window did something showing his big shadow.
I felt my body trembling, as I breathed in. I didn't know what to do, looking at him. "What do you want.." I yelled, he didn't respond to me, blankly staring at me.
An idea came into my head and made me feel shameful for doing it but I crawled towards him and looked at him, he didn't lower his knife it seemed like he was frozen in the same position he had before.
My hands were on the waist part of his pants before I felt his hand grabbing mine, I was scared but he released them. Maybe what I had in my head was right, pulling his pants fully down. There was an evident bulge poking out. I held my breath, my thighs rubbing against each other, it was huge.
I had second thoughts of doing it but it looked like he wanted it.
Taking off his boxer revealing his cock sprang out, and the tip was red. I bit my lip, looking up at him, there wasn't a response just silence. Licked the pre-cum oozing out, looking up, he was just staring at me. I started taking him into my mouth, my jaw got tired, felt it hitting the back of my mouth, and it wasn't fully in. Tears on my waterline, before I felt some hands on the back of my head, shoving his dick into my mouth.
Some saliva dripped out of my mouth, breathing through my mouth. I heard his groans, as he kept face fucking me. I put my hands on his thighs, trying to stabilize before I felt hot loads going down my throat before he released his hands over me. I gasped, breathing. My salvia connects to the pink tip of his dick.
Rubbing my legs, feeling my cunt getting wetter, looking up at the intruder. It felt shameless that I was getting horny off of this, rubbing myself. Feeling his hands on me, he forcefully took off my panties underneath my skirt, flipping my skirt up and revealing my cunt. The cold air hitting it made me feel tense. I propped my elbows on the floor, "Wait, please!" I cried out, feeling a sharp pain inside of me, making my body jolt up.
I whimpered out in pain, feeling his large hands on my hips. Thrusting up into my g-stop, making me moan, turning my head. My walls spasming around his cock, his hips smacking into my pelvis, making my moans tremor. "F-fuck" I groaned.
My body jolted with every rhythmic smack to my pelvis. I didn't know why I enjoyed it, I should be in fear by now, but I'm just savoring every moment. Feeling a hot sensation in my lower core, feeling his cock hitting my stop, making me bend my back.
Before I saw a white flash in my eyes, a loud moan ripped out of my throat, I gripped the sheets beneath me. "P-please" I whispered, my eyes feeling heavy. He didn't stop, thrusting into me, making me bend in a sort of way. My skin felt sticky with sweat on my body, I breathed out and in. His rhythm getting sloppier, feeling his hand on my legs.
Lifting them, as he plunges into me, his groans getting louder. feeling him inside of me in parts I didn't know existed. Bending over in ecstasy. Before I felt hot loads inside of me, making me hot.
My chest rose slowly, my eyes looking at him lazily. "Please.." I whispered, his grip still on me. I felt his dick soften inside of me.
Feeling his grasp coming off me, I put my head down. My body feeling tired, and before I felt myself closing my eyes. The last thing I saw was the intruder leaving, I tried to get him but he disappeared.
the only thing I saw when I woke up was Laurie, she had a towel wrapped around my body, the police checking the house and a doctor, I think his name was Mr. Loomis was with us.
"What did he do to you" I heard Laurie whisper to me, I didn't say anything just look at the house, which soon filled with police officers. I felt something dripping down my leg, squeezing my leg. I remember the shameful thing I did with him, biting my lip.
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leounderthemoon · 4 months
A rant and theory
It’s really long, but I think I make some valid points.
Supernatural was on for 15 years. There have been interactions with the cast, some crew, some producers, directors, writers, etc. due to the ongoing conventions and the existence of social media. Writers will talk about changes to scripts, actors will talk about filming, directors will talk about why they chose a certain angle.
Given that most of the fans/stans do not personally know any of the people involved or personally know anything about the things that are/aren’t going on, it’s weird the way some fans/stans speak so confidently about what happened with SPN behind-the-scenes, production, writing, casting, you name it! 
Especially when it comes to PrequelGate. People will state with their whole chest, that their version of events is absolutely correct. One J is an asshole, and one J is an innocent baby. Which J is which depends on who is talking. It can be either or both. The only thing that all fans who have theories have in common is that there is a definite good guy and a bad guy.
But the Js are still friends. They say they got over it and forgave. Since no one has given any details, I thought I’d join the bandwagon and come up with a theory of my own. One where there is no good guy/bad guy. So here goes.
I fully believe that the story of The Winchesters was not meant to be an AU. It was supposed to take place between 15.19 and 15.20, with Dean and Sam finding out about their parents.  They had to switch it to the AU version because of the leak, a new timetable, and the fact that Jared was no longer available. There is also a recent podcast (I don't have a link) where a writer from The Winchesters said that Robbie Thompson, the writer and show runner for The Winchesters, kind of knew that they were only going to get 1 season because of all the mergers/sales of the networks and studios.
Robbie Thompson said in an interview (https://tvline.com/news/the-winchesters-recap-season-1-finale-dean-heaven-multiverse-jensen-ackles-1234942742/)  “There was the spot that takes place in between Episodes 19 and 20, when what happens to Dean happens to Dean… So there was an opportunity to tell stories there, but that just didn’t work for me because we wouldn’t have access to Sam in that way, in a way that we could easily explain or at least emotionally explain, and that just didn’t feel like it was a story that certainly I wanted to tell and none of us did.” (Underlining mine) They wouldn’t have access to Sam because Jared could not be involved. Not because no one wanted him, but because he just couldn’t.
The reason I believe this is because of the following.
It starts with Virtual Con (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADYwrZ787a0) held in March 2021. In the video, the question about Chaos Machine projects starts at around 23 minutes. Watch Jared’s face throughout Jensen’s whole answer. He’s nodding along, looking at his screen, and not even showing the slightest surprise in what Jensen is saying. He doesn’t because he already knows. To me, that is the face of someone who already knows what the other person is talking about. Jared already knows which projects Jensen is working on. He knows which alum he is talking about. So he just sits there and lets Jensen answer.  His quip at the end that he will also be acting in it is just that, a quip for the fans.  Because (supposedly) he is bound by a 5-year contract to CBS. He can not legally get involved in Jensen’s project with WB. He can acknowledge that he knows about it, but he has to show that he is absolutely not involved. 
Next is the announcement of The Winchesters in June 2021 by Deadline. There were tweets by Jared that said he was upset that he didn’t know about it and that he wasn’t involved. There was also a tweet directed at Robbie Thompson calling him a back stabber that was later deleted. And, silence from Jensen, because he was unable to come online and address anything because he was on set in Canada. 
Things were set in motion that were not meant to be put in motion for a while. I don’t think Chaos Machine was ready to start casting/filming yet. I think Jensen and Jared were trying to make it work with CBS so that Jared could be involved in the prequel. But those talks weren’t finished, or possibly even started yet. But the leak by Deadline, the WB/Discovery merger, and Mark Pedowitz leaving, combined to put pressure to do the show sooner, while Pedowitz was still in charge. If they waited, then nothing might come of Chaos Machine’s deal with WB once the new owners came in. Maybe they were waiting for Jensen to finish shooting The Boys to get together and talk about all this, but they still hadn't.
And this is what Jared was upset about. He thought there was time before the show would start, so was surprised that it was announced without him knowing. It also explains why he thought Robbie Thompson back-stabbed him. Because he was going to be a part of this show, and now he couldn’t. He couldn’t even say he had been part of the development from the beginning because it would be against his contract with CBS. He can’t even say wants to be a part of it now, because again, it would be against his contract with CBS. He’s upset, because he hasn’t had any communication from Jensen about this going through, and Jensen was also unreachable. So he vented online a little.
Once this narrative that Jared was never involved, and would not appear in it, spread, all of them had to run with it. Jensen apologized for not telling Jared. He said he was superstitious. He wanted to tell Jared, but he didn’t have his phone. That he was on set. That Jared couldn’t participate because he was busy. Etc. etc.
But, when Jared spoke with Jensen, and was (possibly) made aware that the news came out because it was leaked, and that they didn’t have time to clue Jared in, and (possibly) they were thinking of doing the show sooner because of WB, Pedowitz, Zaslav, etc., and that they were still in a holding phase, Jared forgave Jensen.
All of the above explains the inconsistencies and “lies” and “tantrums” and finally the forgiveness, and moving on. 
I choose to believe that neither Jared nor Jensen are entitled assholes. They do not owe the fans any BTS details.
I’m sure people can tear this apart, but their theories don’t hold up either. 
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leggalese · 4 months
how do you imagine Edgeworth and Phoenix parenting Trucy?
Thing is... I usually don't imagine them parenting anyone really... I mostly focus on humor and tension between the two. Closest thing would probably be Maya and Pearl but I see them more as surrogate family members akin to siblings and nieces or some third option. I guess you could say it would be two guys and their dog? As far as I am concerned two men and a dog are a family.
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Reason for that being is that Trucy didn't "grasp" me as much character wise so it's a bit difficult to flesh and figure her out...aaand I'm not actually that fond of Apollo Justice (the game that is), atleast narrative wise, I just really really prefer the goofier tone of the OG trilogy and its characters. That is to say there are characters i legitimately enjoy in AJ, Klavier is flamboyant and fun, Ema Skye is wonderfully re-imagined as grumpy and a little bitter (which brings more personality to her than she had in Ashes), Kristoph is a wonderfully unhinged Regina George-esque prissbitch and Apollo is a high strung little chicken nugget. Not really a fan of the disbarment either, and while "Beanix" is an interesting idea and I certainly understand why people enjoy him it's just ehh.... it sorta makes sense for his personality to change but I personally didn't like that it changed that much. Then again I generally don't like change and am very stubborn about certain things. This to say Anon I'd hate to see you sad and empty handed so i give you this:
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My best guess would be that Wright would be good at consoling, telling stories, being creative and imaginative and such, also surprisingly, house cleaning. Edgeworth would be good with homework, general organizing of things such as paperwork, finanical organizing maybe? I think he would also give great advice and nuggets of wisdom. As far as I am concerned they can both cook, just different things.
Anon and future anons please don't let my opinions discourage you from asking further questions or drawings connected to AJ. There are things I do like about it, I love having conversations about it and seeing other people's perspectives just because they are so different from mine. But most importantly I like making people laugh and feel good so don't hold back, yea? I apologize for the rant, a lot of things are interconnected and i wanted to give a good explanation on how and why I see things.
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kaluxsims · 1 year
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If things were better, I could be all "Happy Pride!" here, but Pride Month is tough this year. I'm not happy. I'm sad, scared, and angry. Right-wing American politicians are doing everything they can to endanger trans people. The main focus of their attacks is trans kids. There are all kinds of lies being spread about what it means for children to be transgender and what gender affirming care for them looks like. Like all children, trans kids are figuring themselves out. Supportive, compassionate parents understand this and let them dress how they want. That's what's at the heart of my first Pride Month post this year.
Today's download lets ALL children wear ALL EAxis children's clothes. I did this to go along with all of my child CC being CU from now on. (Well, from a month or two ago on.) I have more to say about real life trans kids, so please read on after the download.
It's very simple. All EAxis kids clothes are now unisex. Many of them should have been from the start. What's masculine about a dark red Western shirt? And why can't a boy wear pink if he likes it? All kids should be allowed to express themselves how they like.
There's no swatch here, so have some Body Shop previews:
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There are similar mods out there, but mine doesn't require any special installation (just put it in Downloads) and there's an All-In-One option if you have UC or all EP's and SP's. I got so much help from @goingsimcrazy and @potentialfate-sims while I was working on this. Thanks again, both of you!!
Note: DO NOT USE THIS IF YOU USE DEFAULT REPLACEMENTS THAT CHANGE THE MESH. It works fine with replacements that only change the texture.
'Nother note: Several EP's don't add any children's clothes, so there isn't a package for those EP's in the pick-n-choose version. Nothing's missing except for the xmas elf costumes, because...I hate them. Sorry. They're mostly unisex already, I think. I have hiders for them in my game.
UC/All-In-One: SFS or MediaFire
Pick & Choose: SFS or MediaFire
So back to my rant about trans kids...
Anti-trans propaganda will try to tell you that evil queers are out to convert your kids. That's a lie. We don't want to make cis kids trans. We want trans kids to live to be trans adults. You can't make a cis kid trans any more than you can make a trans kid cis. Kids are who they are. I was once a femmy little boy in an AFAB body, roughhousing in a princess dress and happier playing with boys than girls most of the time. My parents, and everyone else, saw it and called me a tomboy...despite the princess dress. I'm very lucky to have had parents who let me express myself and didn't care if I ran around in the woods, as long as I took my tights off first. Trying to suppress or change kids just makes them miserable, and sometimes miserable kids die. It breaks my heart that there are parents who would rather have a dead child than a trans child.
If I could get one message to everyone this month, and have it sink in, it would be that NO ONE is doing gender confirming surgery on children. (Unless they're intersex and get mutilated without consent, in the name of conformity.) Even teens, who may be on puberty blockers or other hormones, don't have access to gender affirming surgeries. In America, it takes years and lots of money to have these surgeries. It's not something that's done lightly or on a whim.
That's an aspect of anti-trans rhetoric that bugs me deeply, "What if it's just a phase?" It almost never is. Gender affirming surgeries have some of the highest patient satisfaction ratings of any surgery. Higher than hip replacement and many other completely accepted surgeries.
Surgery is, again, beside the point when we're talking about trans kids. Say a nine year old realizes they're trans. All that changes is their clothes and hairstyle, and maybe their name. As they get a little older, they might be put on puberty blockers. Puberty blockers were developed for cisgender children who start puberty too soon. All these medications do is delay it. Once they're stopped, puberty starts back up. If the child changes their mind, it's as simple as not taking the blockers anymore.
A related truth is that trans people aren't the only ones who get gender affirming care. A cis woman who gets breast implants and a cis man taking testosterone for "low T" are both receiving gender affirming care. They don't face the stigma or roadblocks that a trans woman getting breast implants or a trans man taking testosterone face. I don't hear about American politicians trying to outlaw Viagra or Brazilian butt lifts or any of the other things cis people are allowed to do to feel "more like a woman" or "more like a man". Why should it be different for trans people?
I'll try not to go off on a tangent about how transitioning while young leads to "passing" (looking cisgender) more easily, but it does. And that can mean safety and acceptance. Passing shouldn't matter, but it often does. Forcing a young person, especially a trans girl, to go through puberty twice is cruel and potentially dangerous.
Going back to my personal experience for a moment, the idea of female puberty and "becoming a woman" horrified me as a kid. If I'd been offered the option of puberty blockers, I'd probably have taken them. I started developing breasts when I was nine and was forced to wear bras when I was ten. My adolescent and teen years were pretty horrible overall, and gender issues were part of that. I had the "not like the other girls" feeling, but knew by then that I wasn't 100% boy either. Maybe that would have been different if I hadn't gone through puberty with estrogen. I think sometimes about the man I might have been if I was younger and grew up in a world with more trans awareness. I had no idea about genders beyond the binary back then, but I recognized that there was something boy-ish about me. My friends, family, and other people saw it too. I was who I was, who I am. I'm so very lucky that my parents didn't try to force me to be girlier. Those years were hard enough.
Childhood is hard, and repressive, oppressive adults make it so much harder. I hope all the trans kids out there either have support at home or find it where they can. I wish we lived in a world where we could all just accept each other and live our lives. I want everyone to be safe and feel loved.
I could go on and on about various trans issues, but I think I've made my points about trans kids. Respect and protect them. They're valid and they deserve to grow up to be who they know they are.
[I have zero tolerance for transphobia. I will block and report anyone who replies to this with anything anti-trans.]
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intellectual6666 · 1 month
I have some things to talk about, which I felt and saw after I got my CBSE 10th results.
Everyone takes credit. Like relatives who for the whole year kept saying, "our children also gave boards, why are they (my parents) acting like it's such a big thing?", "they are showing as if only they have work and they are busy, we are useless na", came to say, "she is our daughter/granddaughter, that's why she excelled in her exams." I do have a lot of respect for them and yes, I love them a lot too and also you can take credits of it, due to their ashirvad I was able to excel in the exams but why act like they are "only" reason I got good marks in it ? I would like to give 50% credits to my parents and the rest to me and my God. There was also a time when my father was not able to give the monthly fees of my school for 3 months, but he managed to keep me in a English medium private school by working his ass off. My mother left her social life, didn't even go to ISKCON (her favourite place) so that she can keep her full attention on me. We went through so much financial issues in 2022 and 2023 (first half) but my parents didn't let my education sacrifice. I, didn't take any tuitions so that I do not put extra burden on them (another reason I didn't take tuition coz I prefer self study more than tuitions). Me, who got so stressed because of my class 10 boards that by the time my exams were near my mental health worsened. I was getting suicidal thoughts and got introduced to new health problems which still haunt me, hypertension and palpitation. But still, I worked hard, my closest friends helped me, my parents helped me and most importantly Krishna ji, Ganesh ji, Radharani ji and Mahadev helped me. My struggle was totally mine and no one fought the war inside me other than me. So before taking the whole credit, atleast for once one should think about the people who really worked hard.
Second, this comparison shit kills one inside. No, I didn't compare myself to anyone as my parents never taught me that nor they ever compared me to anyone. Basically me and my maternal uncle's daughter are really close. And she is quite average in her studies. But trust me she is an amazing dancer, singer and artist. I envy her because of the great acting skills she have. But according to that typical thoughts, her parents always compare her with me and try to demean her, on the thing that she is not much good in studies and I'm comparatively good in it. Her results came out some days ago, as she used to study in an ICSE school and to be honest, she did amazing. Getting such marks is not so easy in ICSE board. Yesterday her mother kept comparing her with me and made her feel insecure and bad. Like why ? What do you get by hurting a child ? Why the actual fuck can't you ever be satisfied with whatever she got ? Praise her, tell her she is amazing, bring some confidence in her instead of making her feel so insecure that she starts to kill her feelings for everyone. Please freaking stop that. My mother, as usual a boss lady, replied her so sassily that my sissy ran to her and hugged her for 15 minutes straight. All of my closest friends got above 90% and I got below it, but God my parents didn't think about that for even once. They kept praising me.
So this was a rant post and you can totally ignore it if you want. Sorry for writing such a long ass thing, I had a lot to burst out.
And also sorry if there's any spelling mistake.
Congratulations to all the 10thies and 12thies for acing your exams. Everyone did amazing. I'm proud of you.
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blueapplesiren · 7 months
I’m about to go on a rant about infantilization and growing up in the modern world, so if you don’t feel like reading it, feel free to scroll on.
I refuse to accept the narrative that gen Z has “Peter Pan syndrome” or that we “can’t seem to grow up.” I refuse. I KNOW it’s wrong, because I AM growing up, and so are my friends and peers. I’ve participated in elections. I have worked several jobs at this point; when I messed up at those jobs, I faced the consequences and made them right to the best of my ability. I’ve made good decisions that helped me grow as a person. I’ve made BAD decisions that helped me grow as a person. I’m learning to care for my body and mind. I’ve cared for the young, the sick, and the elderly. I am actively integrating myself into my community and society as a force for good.
Yes, I still live at my parents house, but so do many functioning adults of modern day, and people have continued living with their families as adults for CENTURIES. Moving out is not the end-all-be-all of adulthood that many Boomers and Gen X’ers think it is.
Yes, I read fiction, play video games, watch animated movies and cartoons. SO DO MILLIONS OF FUNCTIONING ADULTS. Can you imagine what it would be like if as soon as you turned 18 you were only allowed to indulge in media deemed “mature enough” for you by other people? That would SUCK, and that would be STUPID.
I’m just so sick of being infantilized from so many angles by people who don’t even know me, and I’m sick of my peers being treated the same way. I reject the attempts to belittle and infantilize me because of circumstances outside of my control. I reject the narrative that I am doomed to be helpless and childish forever. I am growing up. I am getting stronger and smarter every day. That is my right and my destiny, and I claim it as mine.
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tyxoxo · 1 year
Ylang Ylang - teaser.
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teaser, find full fic here.
| pairing: fairyhunter!jeno x fairy!reader (afab) au w/ fairy!xiaojun x fairy!reader (if you squint)
| genre: suspense, angst, fantasy, multiple nct/wayv + aespa character inserts, jeno and hendery are brothers
| summary: while being close to you and your family’s extinction, a promise needs to be broken to save the lives of your people
| words: loading…
| (future) warnings: murder, blood, torture, cnc smut + suggestive scenes, blackmail, kidnapping, exhibitionism, caging/imprisonment, degrading, spitting, unprotected sex
(this is purely fiction, warnings in bold mean potentially triggering content)
a/n: @jenomov and i came up with this concept out of nowhere and we decided to start writing our own versions. BUT i did make a header for us to share while she typed up the summary (which is awesome cuz i suck at them). just thought i’d clarify so no one would think we’re stealing/plagiarizing each other's work. just think of this as a collab! :’)) also, jeno’s look in the header is essentially how i envisioned him to look for this story but imagine him however you want (can’t help that haechan takes great pictures ㅠㅠ) 
livv? - ylang ylang
weatherby - fleeting frozen heart 
alex sloane - mine
datfootdive - stars
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“C’mon Xiaojun, spit it out already!!” 
You teased at your loving best friend, shoving him playfully with a single finger as you watched him struggle to speak lucid sentences.
The two of you were in your favorite and most “private” hang out spot—in the trees on the outskirts of your shared village. Far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the community, but close enough for comfort. Though you tried your best not to drift into the terminology of “safety”, “danger”, or “warnings.” 
It was a sure way to initiate ill omens.
Both of your parents were aware of your shared infinity for exploring; venturing past the municipality limits. But as long as the two of you shrunk to “the size of a quail” outside of the village, they allowed you to bask in the wonders of blaring curiosity, to your heart’s content. Your species could never truly bring your guard down…
“Sorry…I just can’t form my words today.” He scratched the back of his head as peered down at his lap, rustling the Crane's-bill flower crown perched atop his mauve hair in the process. 
“Since when do you ever really form your words?” 
This time you gave a subtle laugh to pair with your smile, hoping to ease his obvious discombobulation. 
“You’re right. I don’t.” 
His eyes met yours, his wings even twitching, which always signified when your kind was flustered.
He continued again, pulling at his own thumb as he drifted his eyes up to the newly blossomed tree leaves; an obvious attempt to avoid eye contact.
You could try to deny it for as long as you lived, but there was something within you that adored him more than he probably ever knew.
It was his tenderness, his soothing voice, his patience, whether it was those nights you stormed out of your house in search of him, as a form of solace from the constant nightmares of your genocide, or the days that you wanted to rant about your parent’s overprotectiveness (though they’ve eased up in recent years).
Anything you needed, he was there. And you always tried your best to do the same, despite having the feeling that he bottled up some of his troubles to keep from feeling like a burden himself.
“Well…I w-wanted to tell you, that I really appreciate you.” 
He gave up on his own finger trap, to tug at the bottom of his white flounce shirt, finally meeting your eyes again with another twitch of his translucent wings.  
“I appreciate you too Xiaojun, always.” 
You leaned forward, so light that you barely caused the branch underneath you to stir. He froze upon witnessing your close contact, only his brown irises lowering to watch as you took both of his hands into your own.
“Is everything okay?” 
You didn’t mean for your voice to come out in a whisper, but his stuttering had become more frequent, and this only made your thoughts whirl just as loudly as his.
If only you knew that he was on his way to confess his true feelings to you, if only he could get his mouth to work as fast as his brain, maybe then he could finally pull the weight off his shoulders.
But you made all of this difficult without even trying. His love for everything that was you, was infinite. 
Even your constant teasing.
And the glimmer in your eyes was no match for his composure, let alone the way you held his hands. 
You scanned his face in search of an answer, that definitely took too long for him to spill.
“Yeah don’t worry, everything's fine.” 
You tilted your head in confusion, wondering where this could possibly be going, knowing he was aware of your ever-so-obvious “what’s the deal” persona. 
He cleared his throat, and geared himself up for the revelation of a lifetime,
“I’ve been m-meaning to tell you that I really like you…that I’ve always dreamed of what it would be like to have this moment with you.”
You felt your wings twitch, more noticeable than his own. And the warmth that flooded your entire body could’ve lit the entire forest in a swarming blaze. 
“W-would it be crazy if I asked you to be mine—”
His lips seemed to come at a rest in slow motion, eyelashes fluttering in stark contrast as he heard your breath hitch in your throat.
Not even the sun’s rays that flashed through the white pine tree could’ve taken you out of your shock. 
You used what seconds you had left, to replay his confession in your head,
“…I’ve always dreamed of what it would be like to have this moment with you”
Xiaojun, your best friend since childhood, had always dreamed of this.
But the thoughts of responding were ripped away, as blood-curdling screams roared from the direction of your home. They weren’t light hearted nor playful by any means, and with the ability to hear great distances, the agony that bestowed upon your ears caused you both to wince in fear. 
Xiaojun turned his head to look through the leaves, skin turning pale upon hearing further destruction. 
Most of the branches obscured your vision, but it didn’t take much longer for the despair to continue. 
“They found us!” 
That voice, sounded like Karina.
And her frenzied words gave the answer—after 10 years of hiding, the hunters were back. 
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, the ability to breathe becoming a distant memory.  
You squeezed Xiaojun’s hand as you crawled through the thick pine, your best friend eventually grabbing your waist to stop you from venturing out too far.
“Stay back!” His hushed tone was never this turbulent, bringing all the more truth to the chaos brewing just a mile away. 
“This can’t be! We have to go help!”
“It’s too dangerous, I can’t risk you getting hurt!” 
Your adrenaline was too much for Xiaojun, as you managed to fight through his tight embrace or rather his hold on your longing to see your family and friends for what could be the last time. 
“Let me go! We can’t just sit here and do nothing!”
You attempted to gear your wings for flight as you broke through his hold, hands raking through the leaves to get a clear view through the sea of green.
As you hovered past the pine tree, a familiar being appeared to be flying this way, the telltale sign being the blush colored wings that matched the embroidered dress swaying through the win at high speeds.
It was Giselle. And upon her getting a closer distance, you saw the blood spatter that painted her arms in fresh crimson. 
She was her natural size, like what your kind all chose to be while in the comfort of your home, and the only guess as to why she didn’t choose to shrink was the amount of energy it took to do so. She seemed to grip at her side as the blood continued to stain her silk dress, not once looking up at which direction to fly. Her Dahlia flower crown was nowhere to be found, something that she cherished more than anything in the world.
You had to help her, get her to safety within the trees, whatever you could to secure a better fate. But the constant screams kept you too terrified to react, and being out in the open like this was indeed risky. 
Before you could muster the strength to call her name, Xiaojun was behind you, the vibration of his wings filling your senses. He leaped at you once again, this time pulling you back towards the trees with labored breaths.
He couldn’t just do this to you…prevent you from saving a life, from saving not only your friend, but his friend too.
You managed a measly call of her name, knowing her advanced hearing would be enough. And successfully, she glanced up for the first time since her escape, to watch as you motioned for her to join together in the same tree.
Her face, lit up with hope, was the last sanguine expression to ever grace her face, as the all too familiar sound of a crossbow arrow being loosed from its quarrel sped towards her injured frame.
Your scream, one just as gut-wrenching as those that continued from your home, was muffled against Xiaojun’s palm as he pulled you back within the tree. You were forced away from any further intervention, forced away from burying your guilt.  
Giselle flung forward from the sheer impact of the arrow as it shot through her heart, her umber strands flying through the air in the same intensity; entire body falling face forward onto the red speckled Bermuda grass.
You couldn’t look away, not while you witnessed her final moments—eyes drifting up to meet yours within her last breath, wings falling lifeless against her spine, and a faint smile from knowing you would be the last person she would ever see, instead of the hunters that were walking towards her. 
Your entire body shook against Xiaojun, trembling in fear that her killers would surely discover the two of you here.
“Fuck! Hendery I had her!” 
An unfamiliar voice, but one you would never forget, roared through the clearing that led to your dead friend. 
You never felt so much anger from a person before, someone that you could only imagine was seething at the teeth.
Xiaojun finally took his hands away from your mouth, allowing you to inhale as much as you could before they got too close. But he still kept his arms wrapped around you, fighting through his own sobs that hit against the back of your neck.
“No Jeno! I’m not letting you fuck this up anymore! Remember what Johnny said?”
Yet another unfamiliar voice, but you were able to put the faces with the names right as the two humans approached just meters away, barely appearing disheveled despite the chaos they just unleashed. Thankfully their lack of enhanced senses worked in your favor, as you and Xiaojun remained undetected during their inspection of the area.
The one holding the crossbow was Hendery: he had to have been the one to take the kill. And the one to speak first was Jeno. 
These had to have been the hunters your family warned about. For years since relocating to this new area, all of the last surviving elders made it their mission to describe these two, for if the day came that they scoured the land again, you would instantly know it was them. 
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!!
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morgansplace · 6 months
favorite lasko headcanon? 🩷
I wasn't expecting this ask, but thank you so much for it, anon. ♡
My favorite Lasko headcanon is definitely my ethnicity headcanon for him!
Little rant under the cut! I also want to point out that I don't mean to offend anyone with this headcanon. I don't know anything about the culture or the country, I just know little things about the language and how certain things work.
Lasko means "love" in Czech. The direct translation means honey, but overall, it's used to refer to love or as a word for endearment.
Czech is located in central Europe. The last name "Moore" originated in European countries such as Ireland, France, Scotland, and so on.
Doing research to strengthen this headcanon, I noticed that Czech is a really cool language, and I can see him speaking it when he's tired, mad, or frustrated. The people I've seen speaking Czech, I noticed that have an accent really soft and warm.
Now, for it to make sense, he was born in the US, but both his parents are from the Czech Republic. Growing up, Lasko learned how to speak English, and both his parents spoke to him in Czech, which led to him learning it and earning a Czech accent, just like theirs.
In middle school, his classmates used to mock him because of his accent, specially when it mixed up with his stuttering, which was constantly, so he started to force himself to earn an "American accent" to avoid being bullied by it.
Now, as an adult, it's really hard to tell he has an accent because he learned how to hide it with almost every word. Still, when he's tired or really mad, it slips up a bit. I still think that with certain words, it shows up, especially when he's stuttering.
His brain also switches to Czech when he's really fucking tired and most of the time he doesn't realize he's not speaking English until someone points it out.
This headcanon started because I wanted to see if the word Lasko had a meaning because looking for meanings of other names from other characters, I wanted to find one for Lasko's. When I found out that Lasko meant love, and I heard the language for the first time, I fell in love with the idea.
This is definitely not for everyone, but it's mine, and I'm happy with it. Thank you so much again for asking this. I'd love to share more headcanons, but this one is really long on its own, so maybe in another post, another time.
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muldyfi · 1 year
I don’t often do this, I am very team ‘Yay TV is the best and I’m either going to enjoy it or I’m not going to watch it...’ but I need to rant a little bit about the Mandalorian season finale. 
I work in TV, I know stuff goes wrong. And a lot about this season of Mando felt like production issues. Obviously they didn’t have Pedro much (if at all?) and obviously Katee Sackhoff was contracted to appear in every episode which made for some weird story choices in the first two episodes (going from Nevarro to Kalevala to Tatooine to Mandalore instead of Nevarro, Tatooine, Kalevala, Mandalore which makes a lot more sense). And also rumours of stuff being cut from the finale (which it really did feel like happened).
But there were so many story things in this season that weren’t paid off. 
1. The Mythosaur. I’m not saying I needed anyone to ride the Mythosaur or use it in battle or whatever, but to start with Bo-Katan saw it in the Mines of Mandalore and then got it on her shoulder pauldron and then NEVER MENTIONED IT TO DIN. That is such a weird story choice that I thought it was going to be a point of conflict between the characters but it just...wasn’t mentioned. Like if she was meant to have told him offscreen why didn’t she just tell him in Ep 3 when he woke up after she rescued him? And then to have all these random monsters attacking everyone all season EXCEPT the Mythosaur is....also very weird. 
I actually didn’t want anyone to kill it or hurt it but it would have been nice for Bo-Katan or Din or the Armorer to have a moment being like ‘The Mythosaur is one of us, it’s part of Mandalore and we should respect it.’ Perhaps let the Mythosaur help them defeat their enemy. Basically a reason for it’s existence. Because right now the *only* reason it needed to exist is so the Armorer could be all ‘Bo-Katan saw the Mythosaur so she can lead our people.’ Which was also echoed in ‘Bo-Katan has the Darksaber so she can lead our people.’ Like we get it. She can lead the people. 
But the Mythosaur just felt like it wasn’t paid off at all.
2. DinBo. I’m not talking about it as a shipper (I am one, don’t worry, but I didn’t expect anything to actually happen this season. No one in Star Wars gets together unless they’re dying). But why on Earth (or Mandalore) would you build this relationship so well all season, to the point of Din pledging his allegiance to her and then having Bo be all ‘Mandalorians are stronger together’ and then he leaves. What? 
This was one of the best built relationships I have seen on TV in a long time. The way that they went from completely not understanding each other to strongly respecting and trusting each other. Where she became Grogu’s other parent. It’s so nice to see a healthy relationship like that. But then it had no pay off.
There needed to be a scene where she thanked him for everything. Where he told her he was leaving. Where Grogu and Bo got to say goodbye because she’s basically is mother now. Anything. Even just a ‘If you ever need me, you know where to find me’ moment. At the very least a scene of them waving at each other. Lizzo and Grogu got a better goodbye than Bo and Grogu did. This genuinely makes me (and I believe everyone else) angry.
3. The Darksaber. Okay so I’m not even going to be upset about the fact that apparently Gideon can crush a Darksaber with his hands when I couldn’t even bend the handle of my plastic one if I tried. But to me the idea of destroying the Darksaber is to prove to Bo-Katan that she can rule Mandalore without it. 
It’s not the Darksaber that made her a good leader, but instead the lessons she learnt about uniting her people and trusting and relying on those around her, things she’s never been very good at. There needed to be a moment where she had a meltdown of some sort along the lines of ‘It’s gone, how am I meant to rule now?’ And Din (or the Armorer or Axe and Koska or all the above) tells her that her strength to lead comes from within and isn’t about the Darksaber at all. If this isn’t used to show character growth within Bo-Katan then what is even the point of destroying it? 
Honestly this is the thing that annoyed me the most.
4. The Covert and the Armorer. All season I haven’t really been able to tell where they were going with her character or Din’s attitude towards the Covert. But in the pledging to Bo-Katan scene, when Din mentions he was told lies about the other Mandalorians I felt like that was him realising that maybe the Armorer wasn’t so all knowing, that maybe there was another way and that Bo-Katan represented that way to him. 
Maybe it was just me being hopeful that he’d change his mind about his religion and take his helmet off so I could see Pedro’s pretty face more often, but if that line wasn’t about him learning that he’d been lied to his whole life I’m not sure why it existed. Honestly this point is probably more about personal taste but I still find it weird.
5. Coruscant. Why the hell did we spend 38 minutes in Coruscant? Why did we have to listen to Imperial officers chatting about Thrawn? Is this all set up for Ahsoka? Because in a season where most of the episodes were shorter than they should be what we really could have used was more time with our main characters having quiet character moments, understanding their wants and needs...which leads me to... 
6. Din. Honestly this has never bugged me prior to this season, but suddenly I got really annoyed at him wearing his helmet because I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. If we’re not going to see his face, we need to have scenes where he expresses his feelings to someone in words. Otherwise we have a lead character who shows no emotions about anything and doesn’t have an opinion on anything. The most emotion we saw him have all season was when he showed his hatred of battle droids. 
I’m sure the reason Bo-Katan ended up being the focus of the season was a lot to do with the fact her helmet was off a lot of the time and we could actually see her emotions. For us to feel like Din is the lead we need to understand what he’s feeling.
The appeal of the Mandalorian to me has always been that it’s simple, straightforward and fun. It’s about the love between a Mandalorian bounty hunter and his adopted son (yay!). And there was a lot of that great stuff in the finale. But it felt twenty minutes too short. 
Jon Favreau needs a TV writers’ room. It is literally the job of a writers’ room to be like ‘What if we did this in this more interesting way?’ instead of just one man’s fan fiction. A group of people are always going to come up with something more interesting than one person, it’s why writers’ rooms exist.
Twitter and Tumblr were all very good at coming up with fantastic season finale plots - mind flaying Din, him being tortured and his helmet removed, Thrawn showing up, the Armorer being evil, Axe being a traitor, Bo-Katan dying and Grogu having to bring her back with the Force. All of these things that could have added a heightened emotion and stakes in the finale. 
I’m not saying that creators should listen to the internet, this rarely makes for good television, but I am saying Jon Favreau as a solo writer has run his course on this story. He’s not a TV writer either and it was really obvious this season where Dave Filoni seemed less involved because he was focusing on Ahsoka.
Anyway I love this show and I will absolutely look forward to and watch any future seasons, but I was left super disappointed after the finale, despite really loving a lot of it, because it just felt too easy and too emotionally disconnected. 
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