#rather than just two random snippets
thetrashywritingwitch · 4 months
Random midnight "Need and Want" snippet...
Figuring things out was hard. This whole 'dating each other and there's three of us' thing, plus adding his daughter into it... But they could do it.
And rather than wing it or tough it out with zero experience, you actually did some research and found some books and articles that came highly recommended.
"A book? Is this some self help shit?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes as he pulled the book out of the bag you handed him.
"I think we all should read it," you retorted while holding your own copy. Eijirou stood between you and flipped through the pages looking skeptical. "It's highly recommended from the forums and stuff I looked at for poly and nonmonogamous relationships."
It was still weird to hear what they were referred to with proper terms, like it was too formal for just saying dating each other. An unfamiliar, scientific name for a new favorite dish with conventional ingredients.
Eijirou grunted. "I mean, do we really need to read a book on it though? We've been doing ok so far, right? And it's not like we're unfamiliar with relationships in general."
"Did you already forget about when you got jealous and upset last month?" He immediately looked bashful as his thumb paused in the middle of a random page.
Katsuki still wasn't convinced. "What does a random author know about us and what we might need? One bit of advice doesn't fit every scenario." He didn't want to read about things that didn't apply to them or problems they could fix on their own. Yeah, he was far from perfect in regards to communication, but like everything else, he was working on it.
"So you think we can't learn a single thing from someone else?" You figured Katsuki would get defensive about this, but it seemed worth it to at least try.
"That ain't what I said-"
Eijirou sliced the air between the two of you with his book trying to literally cut the tension. "I don't wanna argue about this stuff... I think we can all agree that none of us are perfect and... " He sighed. "Maybe we've got weak spots that aren't easy to see. And I mean, we wanna set good examples for Hatsuki, right?"
At the mention of Katsuki's daughter, the chill left the room. Yeah, of course he did. She was his everything. Setting a bad example for her wasn't something he ever wanted to do. If he could read books on parenting, then maybe doing the same for their new relationship was the right step. He'd always set his pride aside for Hatsuki, and you and Eijirou now, too.
A week later, Katsuki sat up in bed with the damn book and his reading glasses while Hatsuki was asleep. Two chapters in and he hated how much he thought he knew, but details slowly became obvious the more he read. It also sucked feeling vulnerable, but that was also something he was working on.
His bedroom door creaked opened, light spilling in as a sleepy Hatsuki stumbled and rubbed her eyes before climbing into his bed.
"You're supposed to be asleep, firecracker," he said, shutting the book to rub at her hair.
Ignoring his implied question, she mumbled, "what are you reading?"
"A book," he answered flatly. Now was not the time for this conversation at all.
"Can you read me some?" She held her stuffed bunny and snuggled under the covers like she belonged there.
"No. This ain't a book for you. It's for grown ups."
Yawn. "Oh." A beat of silence. "So it's about taxes?"
"Yep. It's about taxes."
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brights-place · 30 days
Can you do (Separate) Prince D, Cooper, and King trollex experiencing love at first sight with their future S/O
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Love at First sight
Pairings: Prince D X Reader, Cooper X Reader, Trollex X Reader, Synth X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: I haven't written in so long I'm sorry times have been TOUGH but I also forgot about the account but if you don't mind I also added Synth because THESE ARE MY TOP 4 TROLLS CHARACTERS THAT I LOVEEE!! but I think I'm pulling away from Trolls abit and I'm being dragged into my old hyperfixations WHICH IS WILD!! because I loved trolls since well it came out
Prince D
- You met Prince D with Cooper since you saw him escaping and told him you would come along since he was your best friend and you wanted to take care of him cause you also knew he was... different - So imagine getting abducted with him to see a male who looked EXACTLY like Cooper but he had a more chilled, laid-back face yet his eyes were staring at yours. - Love at first sight as your eyes shined at eachother like a zing as you both couldn't help but feel warm inside (HOTLE TRANSALVANYA HINT YA KNOW!! ZING!) - The male has gold tinsel-like fur on his neck. He has shorter and thicker dreadlocks than Cooper, which appear to have rings of gold on them and also wears an earring on his left ear, which matches the one worn by the older looking male troll beside him. - Your eyes shifted back to coopers who stood out beside you as you whispered to cooper to be careful you learnt everything about them from there genre to who they were - You stood beside cooper the whole time who heard his whole past and how they were looking for him the whole time while your jaw dropped eyes wide when glancing at cooper before your hands played with your fingers - You seemed to smile when you noticed he considers himself to be Hip hop rather than just Funk, and accepted Cooper considering himself both Pop and Funk after Cooper said that one doesn't have to be just one thing.
- When they were sent off you made sure to stay beside cooper you wanted to help your best friend and his family
- You and Prince D were dancing together vibing with the music smiling as you glanced towards Prince D who was singing with his mother before singing with you making you laugh - You and Prince D soon gotten closer after awhile - when you two hangout you lay against him when your both just sitting down playing with his hair out of boredom and sometimes adding some colorful beads beside the golden rings on his dreads - You like hearing the random beats he makes or snippets of some songs of hiphop and enjoy staring at him - After awhile you two were developing feelings for eachother which was very hard for Cooper to deal with cause well he tried so hard not to burst out the secret of you two liking eachother even though it was very difficult for him cause he finds it confusing how oblivious you were
- When you started to get too close almost seeing around each other with you smiling around him and clinging to his side as you blabbered away as he listened nodding his head - when someone gets the Cool laid back prince D jealous you giggle because he likes to look away with a slight blush with a pout on his lip if you point out - You love to make up some little dances that follow along to Prince D's beats just to get him to snort-laugh and smile at your shenanigans. - You and Darnell went on dates pretty often you already hung out constantly but you two had actual dates 2-3 times a week! - even if your diffrent trolls he cares for you ALOT your his partner after all Pop, Rock, Country, etc etc! he doesn't care he loves you for you - You would do stuff beside him if he is busy and would show off your works to him if you were an artist or did something cool. He enjoys how you explain how your day went. - Cuddles are amazing as he smiles at you evertime - If he finds any cool stickers that you would like he would get them and hand them to you as a gift or would find little thing slike pins or keychains and hand them to you as a way of him showing he remembered you - You end up visiting eachother alot and when you went to visit prince D he asked you out on date as you stared at him turning around screaming and turning back to him nodding "I would like that!" "Cool its a date"
- You met cooper when poppy introduced you two too eachother since you were a baker and needed some help - so when poppy motioned for cooper to come in but he tripped and started laughing you couldn't help but star at him with wide eyes as your hand quietly grasped where your heart was for a slight moment feeling warmth grow on your cheeks. - Your eyes shined when meeting his as a Zing was felt a love at first sight when poppy left you showed him around - He helped you out with baking but he just daid to scare him and you failed cause he expected it but when you accidentally shut out the lights he screamed and pooped out cupcakes causing you to stare at him like an wild animal - Cooper's style of comedy is non-sequitur, meaning that he's silly often for the sake of being silly which you love about him - When you get tired though he lets you rest on him as he continues talking and laughing like always - He can't help but continue to laugh everytime when you make a little stupid thing but when you look sad he makes sure he does something stupidly sweet in return - You end up being around each other a lot and when you went to visit cooper he asked you out on date as you stared at him turning around screaming and turning back to him nodding "I would like that!" "Cool its a date" he laughed happily stomping his feet as you giggled cupping his face in your hands
- You met king trollex at a rave - Trollex and Techno Beat Drop Button are best friends so it's obvious he's gonna talk to him about how he feels about you and how amazing you are when you start dating and when you weren't - You met at one of his raves you were dancing near the front with other techno trolls cheering - He loved your smile and how you danced around literally grinned wider when you two made eye contact as your heart swelled beating at the same time of the techno music - He told Synth to take over and wanted to get to know you... Literally swam towards you and welcomed you happily ( If your an different genre he would ask questions and if your an fellow techno troll he'd ask why he hasn't seen you around ) - when he stared at your eyes properly he couldn't help but stare with wide eyes as he felt his heart beat glow brighter when seeing you smile as you couldn't help but giggled staring at the heart on his chest that was beating faster - he likes to be around you he gets to be himself but you make sure he doesn't get out of hand and he loves it he's laid back and likes to vibe with you - You both get closer and vibe alot - As soon as you both hangout a month later he ends up rambling and trollex he ends up well he asked you out on date as you stared at him turning around screaming and turning back to him nodding "I would like that!" he spun you around and twirled you around as he grinned happily peppering your face with kisses
- Synth and You when you met? it was on a pier - You were listening to music and blasting the beat tapping your finger against the pier to a beat unaware of synth below who was trying to figure a beat out - When you played a beat he paused and pressed a button and when you continued to tap or stomp when listening to music he perks up and it becomes a good beat and he can't wait to show it off - You know when you listen to a tyoe of music so you go into your room and secretly dance or walk around thinking of a plot line or hyperfixating on an imaginary scene yeah that was you (I DO THAT PELASE DON'T TELL ME IM THE ONLY ONE) - Once he made the beat he jumped up from the water and spoke loudly causing you to scream but he apologized but it was super happy to get out of his music block - you soon got to know eachother for hours and end up always meeting at the pier - After a week He invites you to the rave where he was gonna preform the song he got the idea from you and you were like fuck it - Tell him what you really like and he will take his time he never starts an fight at all and would take it step by step but when your close to fighting he'll walk over slowly and whispering affirming words to make you calm down which works if you can't handle loud noises
- Synth wasn’t the most emotionally aware troll so he finds it hard to understand your emotions sometimes
- It takes him awhile but he gets there just for you and just to see you smile again cause if your not smiling he wouldn’t know what to do. - You were incredibly attracted to Synth's carefree, upbeat attitude and sense of humor. You love that Synth is always ready to brighten your day and make you laugh. - Synth took you to a rave and smiled as he cupped your face and kissed you on the spot before panicking and he starts asking you out and you both end up being flustered and nodding when he asked you to go on a date "I would like that!" he cheered placing a glow stick necklace around you to pull you into a kiss.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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maddgical-boy · 4 months
maladaptive/immersive daydreaming ask game! (*¯︶¯*).。o○O☁️
send in a number (or multiple) and if you feel like it, an accompanying paracosm/para!
(apologies for how wordy these are. i am not a man known for my brevity)
reblog and have fun with these! (and if you reblog this or send me an ask, i'll send you one too)
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
do you have any paracosms that aren't huge, but that you fall back on when The Time Is Right™️?
WOULD YOU RATHER: have your daydreams projected onto a screen attached to your head at all times OR be entirely unable to daydream ever again for the rest of your life?
what para of yours is most like you? self inserts and paraselves don't count!
how did you come up with your paras' names? did they come to you randomly or did you spend hours researching name websites?
imagine your paras have at least a basic knowledge of driving (or even just like, cars). can they parallel park? (bonus points if you explain it like in this post)
do you do extensive worldbuilding for your paracosms? if you do, what are some of your favorite elements?
if your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
if you have a self insert/paraself, how similar are they to you?
is there any time of the day where you can't/don't daydream?
are your daydreams linear and structured, or do you jump all over the place?
what's a song you've been daydreaming to lately, and what's your favorite moment in said daydream?
do your paras age with you, or are their ages static? does it feel weird to be older than a para you were previously the same age as?
if you had the opportunity to leave this world and live in your paracosm forever, would you? why or why not?
(if you have multiple) which paracosm of yours is most grounded in reality? which is most fantastical?
make one of those "[blank] spoilers without context" memes for your paracosms. then explain it (or don't :))
who is your second favorite para, and why aren't they your favorite?
what would your paras' typing styles be like? do they use lots of emojis? sign off each text like a letter? type with lots of weird spaces and ellipses?
do you move a lot when daydreaming, and if so, in what ways?
have you ever wanted to make a piece of media of your paracosm (comic, animation, visual novel, novel, tv show, etc.)? what are elements that would be apart of it?
when you actively want to start daydreaming, what is your mind's process? do you tune back in like it's a tv show? flip through imaginary files? let it come naturally?
do you ever daydream about yourself (not a self insert, just you)?
do you have any two paras that are polar opposites to one another? (they don't even have to exist in the same universe, just in general)
what para would you absolutely hate in real life?
FREEBIE! drop some long-winded lore or some memes or whatever you want ^▽^
when you experience a daydream block or crash, what are things you do to try and fix it? (or ways you cope. lmao i get it)
for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
if you ever write down things about your daydreams (truly anything at all — notes, dialogues, descriptions, etc), share a random snippet with no context.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
for any pairings (romantic, platonic, familial, whatever), what is the dynamic between your paras like?
if you could make a bingo of common elements of your daydreams (paracosm-specific or not), what would be on some of the squares?
if you have tried to make your paras in character makers (picrew, meiker, etc), what is an aspect of your para that these makers never/rarely have?
are your daydreams clear in your mind's eye?
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
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maidenofporcelain · 1 year
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aaaa new hyper fixation hooray!! ;;7;; this project is literally so cool I couldn't help myself but to make a sona/oc for it!! xDD
I can't wait to see what's next in store for the story!! Much excite!!
Welcome Home belongs to @partycoffin and its such a wonderful project, please check it out!!
(and character template by @fetusmeme !!)
more info about Sweetie under the cut!!: I hope everyone likes her! ;;7;;
According to small snippets of old scripts and pages from old children's books, Taylor Sweetie was a ice cream truck driver who, while not actually living in the neighborhood, would often visit the residents of Home, giving ice cream to all the neighbors free of charge. 
She seems to have the closest relationship to Howdy, the two often trading recipe cards. However Sweetie is friendly with all of the neighbors, so they are as happy to see her as she is them!
So much so that the neighbors often called her ‘Sweetie’ rather than her name ‘Taylor.’ Because to them, she’s the sweetest!
As noted from some blueprints that are still in the middle of being recreated, it seems like Sweetie used a variety of wacky gadgets and tools in order to make ‘the perfect ice cream’ for each of the residents of Home. 
Sweetie would specially craft each frosty treat to the neighbors tastes and even feelings. In some notes it was listed that Sweetie would twirl in a ballerina-like fashion while making her ice cream, and always finished each creation with a special catchphrase.
“With a sprinkle of happiness and a cherry on top, this sweet treat’s sure to make you smile!” 
In small recovered pieces of scripts it seems Sweetie also made more than just ice cream, bringing special hot chocolate drinks in winter episodes. It seems all of her food creations were sweet in nature. 
Old scripts reveal that Sweetie did in fact ‘not’ drive her ice cream truck, but that someone she called ‘Mr. Frosty' would instead be driving it. It is unclear if she means the truck itself can drive on its own or if there is another worker driving the truck, as the windows of the truck are not see through, so  its unknown if anyone is sitting in the front seat.
Many of her segments had her appear to give advice to troubled characters, and while her advice would sound random they seemed to spark resolve in many of the characters who were dealing with the problem of the episode. 
It seems like she was a popular enough side character that she was featured in many children's books, had her own recipes in a ‘Welcome Home’ themed cookbook, and had a series of real life ice cream bars labeled “Welcome Home: Sweetie’s Sweet Bars”, featuring the likeness of several characters from the series. 
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jq37 · 8 months
Ok, I'm a little horrified that Kristens neglect killed Yes!. That's a downer. And I guess poor Cassandra needs more than two worshippers to exist properly. Hopefully, crisis mode will help Kristen focus up and be NICER TO THEM. It's possible Kristen's crap attitude might be insecurity or guilt. She hasn't been doing the best job spreading Cassandra's gospel and just feels like she's failing them so she's lashing out. And Gorgug and Zelda breaking up bummed me out.
I think D&D is an…interesting but flawed avenue to look at religious trauma. In the same way that X-Men for instance can be used to make some interesting and engaging points about real life prejudice but the metaphor is imperfect because civillians in the marvel universe kinda have a point to be scared of the fact that a random teen with bad self regulation could suddenly manifest the power to blow up people he doesn't like with his mind (even if he doesn't mean to) whereas, irl, Black people or Jewish people or gay people are just people and if you're scared of them then that's a you problem.
Similarly, the religious trauma metaphor goes a little weird in a world where your god is just a person who 100% exists and gives you concrete superpowers every day. I've always felt this way about Kristen's various arcs and it's especially noticible to me right now because I get where she is on her arc, but it hits different when what she's running from is a girl who is emotionally her age and who counts on her for her existence rather than like…the IRL Catholic Church, you know?
She's being very callous in a way that feels very harsh, even though I know she def needs to go to therapy and there probably hasn't been a lot of time for that. And the fact that Cass looks just like her from a year ago really makes it seem like there's some internal, self-hatred or something she needs to work out. Likely some guilt there too--maybe from doing a bad job or for wanting to quit the religion thing alltogether or something else or a combination.
Because of the snippets of interviews I saw, I'm trusting that Brennan and Ally have a plan here, and I see how this could be the setup for something interesting. But yeah, I don't really find it fun to watch Cass get treated so poorly.
And yeah, RIP to Zelda/Gorgug but that's pretty typical for a high school relationship and at least that seems to have ended on good terms.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
So I couldn't get Break Me out of my mind and had to read it again and I have a request for a first date or a snippet of what happens after the end...? If it's possible obviously 💜
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You should technically know what you got yourself into when you agreed to 'trying it out' with Jungkook that night you both finally broke. You've seen that man naked more often than you could ever count, and god only knows all the acts that had transpired in your respective bedrooms together. In a way, you should know him, right?
Wrong. It feels like you know absolutely nothing more about him than the size of his dick and the fact that he loves grabbing your tits while you ride him. It's a little sad, really.
Because he's so much more than that, and you're only now just realizing that on the little weekend trip you joined him on.
He's currently humming to the tune of music from his phone, playfully moving his hips, such a light sense of relaxed happiness in his entire being ever since starting the trip, and it infects you like a virus, making you giggle while you watch him dance all silly to the random spotify track that's filling the hotel room. He laughs back, smiles so bright that the outside of his eyes wrinkle a little, dimples showing.
He holds out his hands. You roll your eyes.
"Come on now babe, dance with me!" He laughs. You're not sure where that almost childish happiness comes from with him. He's not even remotely drunk, only a single can of beer currently flowing in his veins from the dinner you both had earlier.
You eventually take his hands, and they're a lot larger than yours, though not threatening. They hold yours with a certain confidence you've never noticed outside any bedroom activities- and even the close proximity to him still dressed and in no way entangled in the sheets makes you feel a little uneasy. He smells nice. His body is warm. His voice sounds a lot deeper than you ever really noticed.
Suddenly you realize what that awkwardness is that's constantly interrupting your thoughts.
It's guilt.
"What're you thinking about, huh?" He asks, moving your hands to lay over his shoulder around his neck, his own holding your waist, before he instead wraps his arms around you to hold you close.
"You." You tell him, and he grins again, has to lean his head back probably so you don't notice how ridiculously shy it makes him when you say that. "I feel bad."
That makes him look at you again, eyes worried and all round.
"Why?" He wonders, clearly confused. One of your hands find his face, thumb running over the two piercings on his bottom lip.
"I guess.. I mean, I pretty much just used you-" You start, and he tilts his head before he sighs, a small growling sound accompanying it.
"Aish, I told you we're good." He says, looking at you with reassurance. arms continuing to hold you close. "Just let me try and make you happy." He chuckles, and you stare at him for a moment, before your eyes tear up, a hand of his gently pushing your head against his chest. "You worry so much."
"I do." You admit. "I don't wanna fuck this up." You tell him, and he laughs.
"Then let me handle it." He offers. "That way it'll be my fault if we screw up." He jokes.
"I don't want that." You shake your head, when he suddenly leans down and picks you up, catching you off guard as he rather clumsily lets you fall onto the hotel bed, before he crawls over your body, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby~" He sings fairly well towards you as he leans down to peck your lips. "As long as you're with me you'll be just fine~" He laughs towards the end of the sentence, clearly a bit embarrassed-
but the fact that he made you smile again makes it all worth it.
And maybe the song's title could be more than just that, you think, as you decide that maybe trusting him isn't such a bad idea after all. If he loves you to such a degree that he can forgive you all the hurt you caused-
then the least you can do, is let yourself love him back just as much.
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kartoffelstern · 1 year
dofuwani snippet
a little snippet of some random thoughts on Croc, Doffy and their differences in character - just wanted to jot down a few ramblings while I'm trying to finish up a proper fic
--- 🦩🐊 ---
Crocodile doesn’t like surprises. Never has. He has back-up plans for his back-up plans. Meticulous planning has gotten him up the social ladder where he now comfortably resides among the elites of the world with more money in his pockets than he could ever spend in a lifetime. The climb was long and grueling, but he fought tooth and nail for a space on the golden throne of the rich and famous.
Doflamingo on the other hand has never had to struggle much for acceptance among the nobles. Maybe that’s why he seems so confident at every garish business party with his feet propped onto dessert laden marble tables like a savage and yet he doesn’t receive a single complaint from the snobbish old folks around him. No, they wouldn’t ever think of chastising him, not because he could and would rip them in two if he so pleases, but much rather because the people buzzing around him are too busy worshiping the very ground beneath his feet. No matter how rude Doflamingo acts and how lewd he dresses, there’s a certain kind of grace to his comportment, a je-ne-sais-quois in each of his actions that has the capacity to render most of those around him captivated, obsessed even.
He has natural charisma in heaps. The very same kind of charisma that Crocodile has struggled so hard to secure for himself over years. It hadn’t come to him easily, that power to gather people around you, make them wanna die for you, and he blames his misanthropic nature for that.
Crocodile avoids the spotlight as much as he can. He much rather prefers dwelling in the shadows, submerged in proverbial deep waters not unlike his namesake and rest in waiting until careless prey edges close enough for him to slam his merciless fangs into.
Doflamingo’s lust for attention fills him with disdain instead. That man is too colorful, too loud, too flamboyant, too much. How someone can bask in the watchful eyes of people instead of feeling caged, parade around like a paradise bird with his attention-whorish feathers on display for the entire world to drool and gloat as if the world is his stage and his stage only, will always be a mystery to Crocodile. It’s trashy. Doflamingo’s trashy. And yet…
For some reason, the bird seeks him out at every occasion. Maybe he simply can’t wrap his mind around the fact that there are people on this planet who don’t fall head first into his charm’s gravitation field. People like Crocodile. Now he’s trying anything to pull Crocodile into this pink void of brainless adoration for a fallen god like him and the constant rejections are only acting as fuel for Doflamingo to be even more persistent, more obnoxious, more obsessed.
“Hey, why don’t we team up? We’d make such a splendid pair, let’s raise a little hell together!”
Never would Crocodile let that pink avian pest put a collar and leash on him. No matter how sickly honeyed he makes his offers of power over vast lands and lavish kingdoms, no matter how tempting the prospect of having someone extroverted by his side to deal with that grating job of handling people is.
No, Crocodile’s pride is a bonafide safety lock for the door to his shriveled heart and no bird could ever hope to pick it no matter how strong that beak may be.
Doflamingo may try to open it. Over and over. The lock may get scratches and notches over time, but Crocodile is certain that it won’t budge, no, not if he can help it. So for now he will begrudgingly play a part in this game of tug and war, will stomp down every playful invitation of Doflamingo’s into the sand and hope that one day, the bird will fy away from his den and leave the gator in peace.
Let’s see how far it will take him.
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annaskareninas · 2 months
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A Study In Starlight -- Chapter One
Summary: When Feyre Archeron is forced to accompany her elder sister Nesta to town, come out in society, and find a husband, she expects misery, drudgery, and too-tight corsets. She does not expect the attentions of dashing ex-army captain Tamlin Thorn. But Tamlin's designs are not all pure, and lurking in the shadows is Rhysand, Duke of Velaris, who catches her at an inopportune moment -- and has a proposition for her. Torn between duty and passion, love and hate, Feyre finds herself thrust into a glittering world of secrets, lies and desire.
Rating E, inspired by Pride and Prejudice and Bridgerton. Updates weekly (I think??) every Tuesday! P.S Yes, this is the long-awaited regency Feysand; I finally decided to just post it. Snippet of chapter one below cut!
“Feyre,” she said. “Gentlemen like their brides to be accomplished. Your French is barely passable and your Italian and German nonexistent. You play the piano like a drunken fool, and God help the man who hears you sing. Your accomplishment is your art. So present it nicely. No more of these two-penny caricatures that could hang in a Bloomsbury window.”
I looked out at the passing scenery again. Still no closer to London. I wanted nothing more than to be free of this carriage, and yet with that freedom came my doom, in the form of the bon ton and the marriage mart. Stuck between a rock and a hard place indeed. “Yes, Nesta,” I said with a sigh. Sometimes it was easier not to fight.
“Perhaps you can read some of Fordyce’s Sermons to pass the time,” she suggested. 
“I would rather gouge my own eyes out with my pencil,” I muttered.
“What was that?”
“I said, yes, sister. That would be most lovely.”
She smiled at me. “See? You’re learning. Now just keep that up for the next three months and all will be well.”
She passed me the Sermons, which I opened to a random page, but set it down before reading any. “I cannot believe that in three months I might be married.”
“God be willing,” she agreed. 
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grizzersmamma · 1 year
Uncle Tiger | König x F!Reader | Part 1.
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Summary: You've come down with a frightful illness and König is left to fend for himself with the children. Luckily for him, Horangi comes to the rescue. Will the two be able to manage without you?
Notes: A continuation of One Surprise, Two Surprise & Negotiations and Defeats. There will be a second part to this fic, I just didn't want it to get too long. Would people actually be interested in a proper series rather than just random snippets?
Pairing:  König x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Illness.
Series Masterlist: Here
CoD Masterlist: Here
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König had been planning for today to be a fun day for you. A comfortable morning of nothing but sleeping in, cuddled up with him and not needing to worry about getting up to feed the twins. He had already defrosted some bottles of your manually expressed milk in advance, so he could feed them without disturbing you. 
Later in the day, you would head out into the city to meet up with your friends for lunch, introducing them to Lukas and Anna for the first time while König would remain at home to catch up on some of the housework that the both of you had begun to fall behind on. Afterwards, while you enjoy an afternoon of retail therapy, he would spend it catching up with Horangi.  
Unfortunately, life has recently decided that it doesn’t care what König has planned.  
You had woken up with the worst sore throat you can remember, struggling to so much as breathe without it feeling like sandpaper is being scraped down your throat. Every cough that tears through you has your body shaking violently, causing you to curl in on yourself with weak whimpers. A fierce fever has left you delirious, refusing to do anything but curl into König’s side, leeching the heat from his massive body.  
It had physically pained him to pry your arms off of him so he could get up and feed the little ones, abandoning you to a rapidly cooling bed. He does his best to be quick so he can return with some water, medicine and a mug of warm tea.  
After ensuring that you’ve downed both the painkillers and a full glass of water, König offers you another blanket, tucking you in tightly. There’s nothing he would prefer to do then climb back into bed with you and let you bury your snotty face into the crook of his neck, drooling all over him like you had been doing earlier. But he can’t risk catching whatever illness you have, not with the potential of passing it on to Lukas or Anna.  
“Is there anything else I can grab for you, liebling?” König asks quietly, half out of the door.  
You simply groan at him, burying further into the pillow under you with a huff.  
König gives a tiny laugh at the dramatics but decides to allow you to rest. He’ll check in on you again routinely, but for now he needs to focus on the two babies starting to whine from their nursery. The two little ones are laying in their shared bassinet again, grumbling at one another due to the lack of attention from their parents.  
Anna lights up when she sees her father, squealing in excitement. Her little arms flail and her legs kick out, cooing up at him and trying to reach out with grabby fingers. “Hallo, Anna,” König hums, offering one of his hands to the little girl. She grabs onto it, pulling it close to her chest so she can nuzzle her soft face against the rough calluses.  
Her brother just blinks at the two of them, accepting the hand König offers to him but barely paying it any mind. He’s always been much more interested in watching what his sister is doing than attempting to do things himself, entirely enthralled with the way Anna giggles while inspecting their father’s fingers.  
Lukas reaches out one of his own hands to try and grab the hand Anna is currently playing with, uninterested in König’s other hand. He wants the hand Anna has, not a different one. He starts to whine when he’s unable to steal it from her, kicking out in annoyance while his eyes start to fill with tears at this terribly cruel treatment.  
Anna stares her brother in the eyes, before shoving König’s hand in her mouth, gumming at one of his fingers.  
König attempts to calm Lukas by gently tickling the boy’s stomach, desperate to draw his attention before the child can start screaming. “Look, you have a hand right here,” he tries, waving it in the boy’s face. In a last-ditch effort to stop this from devolving into tears, he pulls his hand from Anna and offers it to Lukas.  
The relief he gets from seeing his son’s face light up is short lived as almost immediately Anna shrieks. Her chubby little hands start grasping for the hand unfairly stolen from her clutches, fat tears already rolling down her cheeks. “No no no, you can have this hand here, liebe,” he sighs, watching as the tiny girl swats at his hand, only wanting the one Lukas now has.  
Hostage negotiation was easier than keeping these two content.  
He eventually settles on moving both children from their crib and into the living room so that he can hopefully get some housework done while keeping them somewhat entertained. The two baby rockers you had invested in have been nothing short of a godsent, providing somewhere safe and comfortable for them to rest while you and König run around the house.  
Lukas enjoys sitting in the rocker, more than happy to relax and simply watch the world around him, waiting patiently for one of his parents to provide him with some attention. Anna, on the other hand, would quickly grow bored, whining and wriggling about to try and catch someone’s gaze. More often than not, Lukas will be playing with the brightly coloured toys attached to the rocker, while Anna excitedly squeals at her mother and father.  
Unfortunately, both babies seem to be able to sense something is amiss and are determined to make it impossible for König to get anything done. The moment he tries to step away one of them will burst into tears, screaming and sobbing and flailing about until he comes back again.  
Anna was particularly bad – always being the more social of the two – shrieking until her face was bright red and her little voice had grown hoarse. In the end, only three dishes are washed and two of them dried, before König has to give in and scoop the little girl up again. She immediately calms upon seeing her dad again, offering him her signature gummy smile when she’s lifted up and pressed against his chest.  
With a sigh, König sits down on the carpet, letting Anna rest her back against him as she sits in his lap. She’s having her own little conversation in baby-talk, one of her tiny fists gripping at the soft material of his pants. Occasionally, she will squeal at her brother, trying to draw him into her very important discussion.  
The morning is otherwise quiet, with only the soft sound of birds chattering just outside the window and König is hopeful that you’re getting some peaceful rest now that the little ones are somewhat content. The temperature has recently been much warmer in the past few weeks and the countryside seems to have sprung back to life, filling the world with newborn animals and vibrant flowers.  
It is the perfect weather for spending time outside on the grass. The outdoors is a favourite of Lukas, the little boy obsessed with the beautiful bulbs that have recently bloomed in the backyard. He grows most upset whenever König stops him from shoving any of the various plants into his mouth, staring at him like he’s just been insulted.  
Sadly, it seems that getting some fresh air recently hadn’t done you much good, judging by how ill you are.  
After a few hours have passed and they’ve had some playtime on the carpet, König sets the two babies back down again for a nap. He has the chance to check in on you again, making you down some more medication and another glass of water to ensure you’re still hydrated. You had barely touched the tea and it had long since grown cold.  
He brings you a fresh one, gently encouraging you up into a sitting position after stacking several pillows behind you to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.  
“How are the babies?” You weakly choke out, voice scratchy and raw. You’re forced to take a sip of your tea to stop yourself from coughing too much when the irritation at the back of your throat continues to get worse.  
König perches himself on the end of the bed, wishing he could crawl closer to you, but settling for gently resting a hand on your leg. “They’re having a nap right now, but they’ll be due for feeding soon.”  
You nod, unable to really respond and instead sipping at your tea in silence. Despite the pain you’re in, it’s a comfortable silence that follows, you simply resting, battling against the urge to fall asleep while König simply offers silent support.  
A knock on the door breaks the moment and König gently pets your knee, “ah, that will probably be Horangi,” he hums, visibly cringing. In all honesty he’d completely forgotten to tell his friend that their fun day together would have to be put on hold. “Will you be okay, mein Vögelchen?” he asks softly, reaching out to gently take the mug from your hands as it was beginning to droop dangerously in your sleepy state.  
He hears you mumble something, but you’re clearly about to drift off. After placing your mug down on the bedside table, he moves your body so that you’re laying down buried under the covers.  
König closes the bedroom door as quietly as possible, before rushing toward the front door, just as another knock rings out. The sound is particularly loud in the quiet house and König holds his breath, praying that the children haven’t been disturbed. It’s all silent for several long seconds, only for the inevitable sound of sobbing to come from the nursery down the hall. 
With a sigh, König deflates a little, reaching to unlatch the chain keeping the front door closed and pulling the door open.  
“Hey König,” Horangi offers him a relaxed grin – or at least König assumes it’s a grin, it’s difficult to tell for sure with the mask covering the lower half of his face – sliding off his sunglasses, Horangi is about to step inside, when he pauses, eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Is that your kids? I thought they were going to be out with the missus?” 
“She isn’t my wife... yet,” König mumbles, knowing the tips of his ears are probably bright red. He knows he always gets so flustered whenever the discussion turns to his relationship with you, blushing like a teenager talking about his first crush.  
Horangi just snickers at him as he’s led closer to the sound of crying, “König. Buddy. That woman adores you, lives in your house, looks after your grandmother while you’re away and has had your children.” 
“Ja, I know, I know,” König huffs, picking at his fingernails. He would love to marry you, but the thought of actually having to propose? That’s enough to set every single one of his nerves alight. He doesn’t doubt you would agree to it, not with how many times you’ve proven how dedicated you are to your relationship with him, but anxiety is a cruel beast.  
He forces himself to shake off the thoughts, finally answering his friend’s question. “Unfortunately, she is quite sick at the moment, so we will be watching the children while she rests. If... If that’s alright with you, of course, I know you came here so we could game, bu-” 
Horangi quickly cuts his nervous rambling short by waving his hand, unbothered. “Relax, I’m sure we can play another time. I was far more interested in meeting my niece and nephew anyway,” he grins, shoving his hands in his pockets.  
“Your niece and nephew?” König asks, chuckling.  
“We are brothers in all but blood, no?” the man hums, “that makes your family my family.” 
When they reach the nursery, König can clearly see that Anna is the one creating all the racket, little arms flailing about to ensure her displeasure is known. He picks up Lukas first, handing him off to Horangi before gently shushing the girl when he leans over the cradle again, scooping her up and automatically starting to bounce her up and down.  
Horangi accepts the small boy from him, leaning Lukas back so he can rest comfortably against his arm, staring up at him. “Annyeong, Lukas,” Horangi coos, lowering his mask so he can offer the young child a smile, “I’m your keunappa.” The baby is entirely unperturbed by the large gash on the side of the man’s face, blinking up at him with a curious coo.  
König can’t help smiling slightly when Lukas starts chattering away to Horangi, tiny hands playing with the mask hanging in front of him. “Lukas isn’t usually so talkative, especially with strangers,” he admits, happy that the boy is comfortable with being held by Horangi.  
“That’s because I’m his favourite samchon,” the other man offers König a toothy grin, clearly very pleased with himself.  
König snorts, rolling his eyes, “Hong-jin, you’re his only uncle.”  
Horangi simply sniffs, indignant. “Good, then there will be no doubt that I am clearly the best.”  
He laughs a little harder at that, genuinely touched that Horangi seems to be so invested in his honourary niece and nephew. “Well, I’m glad you like them both already,” he grins, brushing a kiss over the top of Anna’s head, “I’m sure we’ll be just fine looking after them on our own.” 
And just like that, König manages to jinx everything.  
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
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Updated 08/29/2024
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It's Only Forever
Teaser & snippet
"Helping Hands" Promo
Coming October 2nd
Labyrinth AU | 45K | Mature
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Midsummer Nights
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This summer they were eighteen, part of the graduating class of 1999, on the brink of college, and finally old enough to be hired as full fledged counselors with paychecks and days off and everything. Not that it paid much, but Steve wasn’t in it for the money. He was in it for the love of the place. Sunset Lake Camp had become a second home to him over the last decade of his life, his real home, and the people there like family. Robin was mainly in it for Steve, excited at the prospect of getting to spend the entire Summer with him for once instead of the single session, two short weeks, she was used to—all her folks had been able to afford each year growing up. It was poised to be the best summer of Steve’s life. Then he met Eddie.
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Caught in the Undertow
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Against all odds, Steve Harrington saved Eddie Munson from certain death. And Eddie doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to forgive him for it.
Canon divergence - Eddie lives, suicidal ideation, sad with a happy ending, angst with happy ending, POV alternating, good uncle Wayne Munson
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No Vacancy
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When Eddie Munson arrived at the Buckingham Beach Motel to spend the summer with his best friend Chrissy and her business partner Robin, the absolute last person he expected to see hanging around in the lobby was former King of Hawkins High and renowned jock asshole, Steve fucking Harrington. To make matters worse, Eddie found that Steve's presence was just the tip of the iceberg—long story short? Mistakes were made and it turned out the motel was a little overbooked...
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Who even goes on blind dates anymore?
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After several failed long-term relationships with fuckboys that weren’t worth his time and heartache, who ran the second things got real, he joined the apps—quickly realizing that most of the guys he found on there were only looking for sex. Which was fun and all, but Eddie wanted more. He was looking for romance, a spark, someone he could see spending his life with, who was also looking for a partner. Someone who wasn’t allergic to commitment. So, he’d quit the apps. And when Chrissy told him she had a guy she wanted him to meet he figured, fuck it, he’d tried everything else.
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Times Like These
Anniversary Post
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When Eddie finds himself back in his living room, staring down a very alive Chrissy Cunningham, after just having bled to death himself in the middle of a nightmare world, he was rightfully very, very fucking confused. -Or- What happens when the new guy, who only just got inducted into the fucked up world of monsters and mayhem, gets stuck in a time loop and finds himself responsible for saving everyone?
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I Don't Think We're In Hawkins Anymore, Big Boy
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After being run off the road in a freak accident during a terrible storm, Steve and Eddie find that not only have they committed vehicular manslaughter, but they’ve also somehow been whisked away to a strange land. The journey is rough and they are being hunted for revenge, but through it all Steve and Eddie grow closer than ever as they try and find their way home with the help of some new friends with familiar faces. -Or- Steddie Wizard of Oz
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Hellfire Ink
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Written for the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024
Not for the first time, Eddie was really regretting his decision to book a client on a Friday night, a new client at that. It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do, exactly. There were no dates on his calendar, and going out to random bars and clubs on the weekends to look for quick hook-ups had begun losing its appeal lately. But it’d been a long week, and he’d much rather be getting ready to plop down on the couch with Chrissy to split a bottle of red wine while they watched Drag Race, than preparing to do a cover up for some idiot who’d gotten their girlfriend’s name tattooed on his body, only to fall victim to—The Curse. Ask any tattoo artist and they’d be the first to tell you, there was no surer way to guarantee a breakup than to ink your significant other’s name on your body forever.
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Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
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For years Eddie has been playing D&D with his cousin Dustin and his friends. It’s a crazy home brew campaign of his own design that plays fast and loose with the lore, weaving in heavily embellished events from their real lives. They play themselves, filling out a full cast of NPC’s with the likenesses of friends, family, and strangers. It’s been a wild ride. The game is set in Hawkins, but not quite their Hawkins. This manifestation of their hometown is full of dark secrets, including a shady government agency, evil scientists, and another dimension full of dangerous creatures hiding on the other side of reality. They’ve just wrapped their most recent session before spring break 1986. It was a bittersweet end to an epic part of the story. A blast to play through, but they didn’t beat the bad guy, and the party has been left in ruins. Eddie’s character is dead, one of their favorite NPC’s is in a coma, and the world has literally split apart at the seams. Honestly, Eddie’s not sure how they come back from this. - In 1983 Steve Harrington joined the search for a missing boy and found something he never bargained for. In 1984 Steve Harrington disappeared.
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Honey, You're Familiar
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Written for the Stranger Things Writer's Guild Hozier Project, a collection of one-shots inspired by songs from Hozier's self titled album. The word count limit was 3,000 and I chose the song From Eden
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🖤The Crawl
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Inspired by the VERY little information we have about the Stranger Things writer's plans for season 5 Time travel stories love to play with the idea that one small act can have an incredible impact on the future. What if, in a crazy twist of fate, Will Byers was rescued from the Upside Down a day early and with just a little knowledge of what was to come. Would it be enough to change everything?
POV Will Byers, POV Eddie Munson, POV Steve Harrington, time shenanigans, fix-it of sorts, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, falling in love, confessions, first kiss, character death, HAPPY ENDING
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Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
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Steve Harrington is an animator. It’s a job that involves raising the dead; sometimes as a service for mourning relatives looking for closure, often as a tool for the courts to settle disputes. He is also a licensed vampire hunter. Two years ago, vampirism became legal in the United States, granting its undead population citizenship. With this new legal status comes a complication for Steve, as he finds himself tasked with helping the very creatures he is accustomed to killing. Speaking of complications, Steve struggles in more ways than one when he finds himself working closely with none other than Eddie Munson, an undeniably sexy several-hundred-years old master vampire. Or, The Anita Blake/Steddie mashup that nobody asked for but I’m having far too much fun with.
Modern AU, Vampire AU (Anita Blake AU/mashup),  aged up characters, enemies to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut, dream sex, vampires, wereanimals, zombies, other supernatural things eventually
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Shelter In Place
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Written for Lex’s Spicy Six Summer Challenge! My prompt was : Hurricane
When a major Hurricane is projected to hit Hawkins (technically it’s more like the remnants of a hurricane, but the residents of Hawkins don’t really know the difference or care), Dustin is worried about his new friend and DM, Eddie Munson, who lives in a trailer, a structure not known for its resilience against severe weather. He invites the older boy to ride the storm out with him and his mom at home, unaware that she has made arrangements for them to stay with family that live far away from the storm's trajectory. Dustin doesn’t want to leave his friend high and dry, enter everyone’s favorite babysitter: Steve Harrington.
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halfbit · 4 months
mini snippet dump (project revive)
i've been consistently hitting my daily goal +some but i don't really have the energy for a lot of tag game responses right now so </3 just gonna share a few things at random.
Sichen smiled, "I was in the area." He held up his satchel, the plain bag bulging with whatever mysteries it contained, "Shopping for my niece." "Aww, what'd you get her?" He peered at the bag, grinning, "I promise I won't tell!" A careful hand shifted position to thoroughly cover a blood stain on the bag as Sichen pulled it away, "I know you two talk. Not working on me."
Aelyn Calling was not very alike his father, their eyes were the same color, clear and grey, but his strawberry red hair was bright, and fanned out awkwardly with a mix of ringlets and loose waves making up its shape. His skin was warm, pink in his cheeks, which contrasted oddly with the puffy bags under his eyes even at this age. He shifted his feet, and took a quick breath before bowing, "Nice to meet you." He said— his voice rang clear unlike his awkward presentation, and he glanced over at his father nervously.
There he was again, that nervous kid, the skin of his hands went white as he squeezed till his nerves tingled, but he nodded, and his voice didn't shake. "I understand." He stared at the stranger— his brother, now. "…I missed you, Idris."
"He's a stingy bitch, yeah? Pay's shit, dog shit, but he brings you back if he likes ya." "If he likes you, he's got a bad eye." Cadal had smirked, pouring until Bekley's glass was full. "You treat me better than my wife, sometimes, Cadal." "You wouldn't be here if you had one, now would you?" Cadal polished off the counter, shaking his head.
The black cat stared at the marks, doing nothing more than breathing. Its tail twitched, and it turned its head to look at the small nightstand by the head of Idris's bed. It housed four small drawers, each one with a round copper knob, rather unfriendly design to a clawed paw. It crept closer, nose just about touching the knob of the lowest drawer, staring at the distorted reflection of a black cat on the surface.
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o-uncle-newt · 9 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 22: Vaduz
In which everyone pronounces Liechtenstein differently. Including, sometimes, the same actors from sentence to sentence...
So I love Vaduz because of course I do- I've said before that I love the show's turn toward the heartwarming side, and Vaduz is a symbol that we are somewhere that we could never have been in the S1 headspace. There are two HIGHLY specific ways that that happens, one of which I greatly prefer to the other (though overall I enjoy both).
The Carolyn and Herc plotline is, obviously, catnip for me. You've seen my long screeds about vulnerability as a running theme in Cabin Pressure (as recently as yesterday!) and Carolyn has always had an issue with people seeing her for who she is rather than for the image she portrays. It's easier to be feared due to leverage and a loud bark than loved because of something intangible that you can't actually control... and that's even before one hits the hurdle of discussing one's own feelings! Because there's also the element of considering a partner's needs- Carolyn's very much been in the habit of steamrollering over people, and now she's in a relationship (loath as she is to admit it) with another person who needs something from her, whether reassurance or an outright commitment, and she needs to decide whether it is worth giving those things to him and, in the process, acknowledging what that means to her.
And the way it's done is great- and credits to the two EXCELLENT actors playing the scenes, who really manage to give that final bit a real sense of drama that has the scene end on a silent, emotive and suspenseful note that I shiver at every time. It's a sitcom, but it's also a little snippet of human drama. And arguments from people who love to argue and are sharp-witted are always so fun to listen to! The bit where Carolyn reuses Herc's "overreacting" joke, Herc calls it out, and she says "it's funnier because the stakes are higher" is both entertainingly meta and very true to the two of them as people- and the fact that it ends in medias res, and we know that this won't get resolved for a while, just makes the whole thing feel even more resonant.
Now for everyone else- so obviously this is a hilarious plot line (and very, VERY well plotted) and I DO like Teresa. I do. I love the reversal of the "slaying the dragon" thing and think the plotting here was great. For me, though, the major flaws were Maxi and Martin's plotline with him. Maxi's scenes with Arthur are fantastic, but I feel like he's a bit over the line from "cartoon villain" to "cartoon fantasy villain" in a way that kind of brings the episode a bit over the line into actual absurdity, especially given how relatively grounded Carolyn's plot line is. All of the royal stuff just feels very random, and while it matters less for Teresa, it's a bit more over the top for Maxi. And Martin's plot line with him... I don't know, it just felt a bit clunky in a way that I feel like late-season Cabin Pressure is usually better than. Sort of forced and with odd dialogue. I don't know, it's just a feeling I have, and it's not overwhelming enough to keep me from enjoying the episode.
But anyway, I am very glad that Martin got someone to go to Duxford Air Museum with him!
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fancyfade · 3 months
lazarus planet really seems like... a non-event so far? The comics in the main plotline on DCunvierse infinite are all one-shots showing random snippets of the universe, which I normally love reading with events... but do they have like? Enough plot to justify making a big deal about it? Will it be handled in just two comics?
like i'd rather it be in 2 comic than stretched out over like 6 with no justification. but still i wonder why they did this event at all
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nerdyspeechy · 3 months
Please share about your Shepard's origin story!
Of course! It's definitely a work in progress, mainly comprised of random drabbles at this point. Maeve Shepard was born in Los Angeles but her parents relocated to San Francisco because it had become unhabitable. Soon after they relocated, they died. Maeve was about 8-9 years old when this happened (I wanted the angst of her actually knowing and remembering her parents rather than being abandoned at a younger age). She didn't have any other family to take her in, so she was made a ward of the state and placed in a group home that is run by a corporation that profits off of them - it's pretty much a money laundering scheme where they are given funding to run these homes, but they pocket most of it. Which is why Maeve turns to petty crime and joining a gang to survive. I've always imagined the 10th Street Reds being more of a Robinhood sort of gang at first, stealing from corrupt politicians and such to make ends meet, which is how I reconcile Maeve joining. She's a good kid in a tough spot just trying to get by. But something happens and they start taking more sketchy jobs, with the last one landing Maeve in some major trouble and is the catalyst for her joining the Alliance. The rest of her background is being the sole survivor on Akuze. I'll get into this as well, but I honestly haven't thought that far ahead. Here's a snippet:
Maeve startles awake to the sound of a shrill alarm piercing through her dream, wrenching her away from the last remnants of a memory she never quite manages to hold onto: her parents paused in time on a sunlit beach, hands outstretched as they walk along the shoreline, the tide dancing at their feet, smiles radiant as she rushes to join them. 
Her heart pounds in sync with the insistent beeping. For a fleeting moment, she grasps desperately at the fading visage of her parents' faces, but like wisps of smoke, they slip away into the haze of her waking mind. “Fuck,” she groans, slamming the alarm clock into silence. The gray light of early morning filters through the narrow window of the small, bare room she shares with two other girls. Glancing around, she's thankful they're already downstairs, relieved her fitful waking went unnoticed.
Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she gets up with a resigned sigh as her feet meet the cold, worn floorboards. She makes her way to the bathroom to assess the damage another restless night has wrought on her appearance. Her hair is a tangled mess, and her eyes, still red with sleep, stare back at her from the cracked mirror. Dark circles hang beneath them, souvenirs of the hours lost to tossing and turning. She splashes water on her face, hoping to wash away the grogginess and the lingering fragments of her dream.
Water dripping from her chin, she leans closer to the mirror, intently studying her reflection. In the dim light of dawn, she sees not just her own face, but echoes of the parents she lost too soon—a bittersweet reminder of the legacy she carries within her.
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 5 months
Random Snippet ~ #?
I can't remember what number this is, so we'll just continue on.
With as long as the nations have been around, it should be no shock that most have experienced one thing. Rabies. Many nations got it from the feral dogs that wandered around villages or wildlife while traveling along their lands. Once bit, the lucky ones were ‘reset’ before the disease could influence them to pass it on to someone else, while the unlucky ones had ‘died’ from the infection. Occasionally, infecting others with them.
Once in a while, someone would attempt to treat them for rabies. Usually, one of the odd homeopathic remedies at the time was used, but that would more often than not fail. Resulting in said nation being ‘killed’ when symptoms worsened.
 Regardless, nations were usually disoriented for a few days after when they returned to a more normal state of self. Often experiencing the lingering effects of paralysis, paranoia, increased aggression, and hydrophobia. And this is factoring in their superior healing abilities.
Thus, in the modern day, nations like both the Canadas and 2p Finland are required to get the human rabies vaccine yearly due to their high likelihood of encountering it.
Matylda (Czech Republic) isn’t one that many would peg for sports. That’s correct with how she snubs soccer, basketball, and most other games. But, there is one exception and that is hockey. Just like a lot of her citizens, ice has always had a call to her, and there is something about the game itself that makes her smile. Though for Matylda, its more of a watching pleasure rather than a desire to compete. After all, she wouldn't want to break a nail.
Both 2p and 1p Micronations are often locked into the same room during the large, once-a-year all-player meetings that the official nations go to. The tension between the two groups usually leaves the room damaged due to their unofficial competitions to prove who is better (think of The Office Olympics but more dangerous). Funny enough, the groups are often watched by both Prussias due to their semi-retired status. Both of which just sit there and watch them go about it. 
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swearingcactus · 1 year
RULES: BOLD what applies to your OC I was tagged by @elvenbeard tysm! here's some little v lore before i hide in the bushes again 🏃‍♀️💨 and him being so touched people want to know MORE about him
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⭕❌⭕ PERSONAL ⭕❌⭕
Little V grew up dirt poor as a Heywood kid who never joined the Valentinos. But he was smart enough to get himself by (even if he cuts it close sometimes!) Technically he's pretty well off after becoming the go-to merc guy that fixers call, but old habits die hard and he often forgets he could afford the bigger treats. He was also sickly when he was a kid due to his ganic lungs being bad and Night City's air being dogshit. But then he got himself synth lungs and was fit as a fiddle all the way until Johnny happened and now he's back in square 1. I once wrote a fic about his history with his cybernetics that doubles as a little snippet of him throughout the years !
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed >> was arrested multiple times and actually went to prison for a bit for some crimes he couldn't wiggle out of and had to pull in party favors and bribe the guards to hotfix the system and get himself out faster than he's supposed to serve. the minor crimes record stuck though.
⭕❌⭕ FAMILY ⭕❌⭕
His nice "everyone helped each other in the streets" story he told River was code for leeching off the soft-hearted joytoys and two-bit thieves who plays hot potato with children just like him. He was either abandoned in the hospital once he was born, or his parents were dumb teens who got themselves killed, or he was dropped off in the middle of a crowded street--the detail's kinda fuzzy and he doesn't bother to try and clear it up. His birth certificate most likely just listed some random generated name the hospital got before handing him to the nearest person willing to have him, so he never bothered to identify himself with his surname.
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
Little V loves friendly quips, sometimes borderline into being a quick-tongued smartass (especially more so if he wants to annoy someone to death). he's always eager to listen to people's experiences and expand his horizons! that said, at the end of the day if it comes down to it, he'll always put himself first. he believes it's better off that he does things alone because of that, especially to minimize the chance of hurting others in the process.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual >> he tends to have a hard time sitting still but is otherwise calm in demeanor. ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual >> he tries to see other's POV and keeps his head down and mouth shut just to avoid prolonging time spent with people he disagree with. he won't sit still and take shit if it gets personal though. ♦ leader / follower / in-between >>he's not too happy that being the top dog means taking over the afterlife in the don't fear the reaper ending and would rather give the role back to Rogue, both because he knows she loves the place and treats it right; and because he can admit he sucks on making choices when they involve other people. ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown >> i headcanon that the whole dating both kerry and panam thing is consensual from all parties in a "this is my boyfriend v, and this is v's boyfriend kerry" thing; but he knows it isn't the real exclusive experience.
⭕❌⭕ BELIEFS ⭕❌⭕
I actually wrote a fic about his 'faith' so yes this works as ANOTHER fic plug. tl;dr-- he believes there's a higher power, somewhat, but just chalks it up to Death incarnate... and death's pretty fucking final. He also thinks ghost/spirits only exist in a manner of living on as memories/legacies. He loves aliens and thinks werewolves are totally real though, just to balance it out. Also used to like T-Bug's fun shakespeare-esque philosophies, makes for good convo starters.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
little v's relationship with sex is pretty grim. He used to think he'll have more time to find actual love and something more than quick fucks when he's made it to the big leagues... but then the whole relic business started and now he can't waste time to fuck much less to properly find love. still, if presented with the chance, he's never going to say no. AND he likes to think he managed a little slice of real romance here and there, with his big feelings with Panam and his mutual crush with Kerry... even if both won't last and he eventually broke it off. his actual one true love is Night City, which really, nobody can compete with :/
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
he quickly learned that his smaller stature gets him in tight places and if he could hack cameras and klep things without alerting any system in said places, people would pay him, and pay him well. sometimes his MO doesn't work out in his favor and he has to fight his way out; which sucks since he's HORRIBLE at aiming with a gun and would have to resort to close-ranged stabs with a knife or his mantis blades... but more often than not his stealth and quickhacks saves the day. he can read but he's not a reader. and he has no idea what could be considered art, much to Johnny's chagrin.
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
⭕❌⭕ HABITS ⭕❌⭕
it's not that he doesn't like drinking or partying, it's just that he thinks you should do a job sober, and you never know when the next job's gonna pop out. getting a snack doesn't count though. actually it should be encouraged. he needs the energy and all, right? and besides, quickhacks make him hungry! two fishball sticks please.
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober >> he'll always order a drink at a bar, but he likes the taste of ice cold NiCola after a hard day at work more than he does a beer, sue him. Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker >> only smokes for Johnny. he had a bad experience with his ganic lungs to ever condone smoking Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess >> uses stims and other combat drugs if shit hits the fan; and is generous with his use of Bounce Back and MaxDoc instead of visiting the nearest ripper. he tries not to think about the possibility he might be too reliant on them Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater >> street food enthusiast ganggg Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic >> he hustles to buy the pricy things he want/needs and then it's "why do I need more stuff, I like the things I have now." Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
PHEW that was a long one. thank you for reading about him if you managed to get all the way here! no pressure tagging @bunwithantlers @killyourrdarlingss @glitchinginthegarden @mail-me-a-snail and anyone who'd like to!
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