#raven gushes
swampstew · 7 months
Saw a Jurassic Park/World make up collaboration so I obviously had to buy it.
The eyeshadow palette has a pop up dino/door entrance and it plays the theme song
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pandaspwnz · 1 year
I saw D20's Misfits & Magic, ExU: Calamity, D20's The Seven, and I liked Aabria but that was kinda it, I just liked her yknow?
And then I saw D20's ACOFAF, saw her on Critical Role as Deanna and started going like 👀 okay hold on
And then I just finished D20's The Ravening War, and I finally started ExU: Prime and I also began listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and then quickly stopped I think mid ep 3 because you're apparently supposed to listen to the Children's Adventure first!) and I just. Love her 😭 she has so much friggin heart and puts so much thought into her characters and I love how open she is as a DM and how she describes things and man, listening to her in WBN as little Suvi is just 😭😭 made me fucking cry in her INTRODUCTION and several times since! Ma'am I am suing for damages!!!
This is an Aabria Iyengar appreciation post. I hope to see her in so. many. more things!!
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 months
Questions about powers in your Raven Poetry AU because there is a voice in my brain that is screaming at me to learn everything possible about this world’s magic system. (Sorry if any of these were answered in an earlier chapter and I forgot about it) (and I’ve only read up to chapter 30 so if any of these are answered in a later chapter… yeah.) (also feel free to not reply at all, idc)
So, in this AU, everyone has a power, right? And they manifest/become strong enough to be noticeable during childhood. (how does that part work?) Are there any cases of people who don’t develop powers? Or whose abilities don’t develop until adulthood? Are there any really useless powers/powers with no practical applications like… idk, always switching radio stations at the right time to catch the beginning of a song? Being able to fold paper perfectly? Being able to lower the IQ of anyone within a metre radius of you by exactly 3 points? Does everyone have a completely unique power? Are some powers more common than others?
Functionally, Roman has multiple powers. But technically (and I would assume legally), he only has one. Are there people who technically do have multiple powers? Like, could someone have super strength and X ray vision with absolutely zero connection between the two?
Focusing on Roman, do his different gimmicks have some kind of time limit on them? Would they ever time out at an inconvenient moment like mid-flight? Or do they magically fade away when Roman wants them to, or when it’s safe for the power to disappear? There is an image in my head of Roman frantically trying to come up with a poem for flight while falling through the air, but (based entirely on vibes) it doesn’t seem like such a scenario would be possible. I know you’ve mentioned that he doesn’t tend to do more than two, maybe three powers at once, but that he probably could if he had to… and what would the repercussions of that be? Does conjuring powers wear him out?
Really curious about what’s going to happen with the Fortunas Trinitae (hope I spelled that right) plotline, but if any of the answers to these next questions would spoil that, probably don’t answer? Ultimately it’s up to you if you want to do spoilers though. (Might not even be spoilers, like I said I still have 20+ chapters to catch up on)
Theoretically, could Roman summon powers of wealth creation, fortune telling, and luck manipulation? Or is there a plot device that keeps that from happening? Can Roman only summon physical abilities like the angel wings and fire monster? No, right? Cause he had that study boost thing. Are there any powers that he’s unable to conjure? Can he copy powers? Can he steal powers? (Is there anyone whose power is stealing/suppressing other’s powers?)
Virgil… definitely something is up with his spidey sense. Pretty sure that it has to do with Professor Daniel’s experiment thing, and also that I’ll probably find out once I actually read the rest of the fic.
uh. yeah. I think that’s all the questions I have? If there’s anything else you feel like sharing about the magic system, PLEASE DO. No worries if you haven’t thought super far into it, I just think it’s really interesting! Sorry for the long ask, and again, no pressure to answer. Have a great day!
Hi! No worries. I got so excited when I saw all these fun questions. It means so much to me that the world is of interest to you. So let's get started: (warning long ramblings under the cut)
Yes, everyone is born with some kind of power. Some cause physical changes in the body (like Logan's tail) and those will be noticable at birth. Other powers will present themselves sooner or later. Virgil's by example is a very intuitive power so he'd be using it from very young even if he didn't understand it yet. Roman's power wouldn't show up until he developed a certain way with words and found his passion for the performing and literary arts. In my head the power can change slightly with the personality of the person. The baseline is established at birth. But by example, Logan's curious nature made him understand all the animals. Someone else with the same 'baseline' power might have just developed 'animal instincts' or develop better senses.
There is always a power. Sometimes you don't realize it is a power until later. But developing a power is as much a given as having a heart or a brain. They might not all be equal but they are all there. There are always late bloomers but that's more a late teens situation. There might have been one or two cases of adults discovering their abilities. But that's more not realizing what it was. Like how do you know your power is attracting luck? Or maybe you have healing powers but every time you just figure you didn't hurt yourself as bad as you thought until you are seriously bleeding one moment and then perfectly fine the next.
There are plenty 'useless' powers. One of Virgil's teachers always knows when it's going to rain. There'll be a character who can change the flavor of food. Mundane stuff. We didn't give the main cast any of those cuz we were having too much fun comming up with them.
There are more common powers, you'll find that telekinesis is one of the comon ones. It manifests slightly different in every user though. But Ro's dad does a good job explaining that in a later chapter so that's all I'll say on the matter for now.
There is always a connection. Wether it is obvious or not. You get one power. That power can give you multiple benefits or be used creatively (Like using telekinesis to fly). But there is always a same point of origin. Being able to use multiple powers like Roman does is Extremely rare. So no Superman's in this universe except for in the comics where the artists can take liberty with the established rules behind powers if they really want to. Superman is an alien there cuz it gives a canonical reason to why he has multiple powers that have nothing to do with each other.
About Roman's powers. I'm pretty sure we elaborated on that before, but a refresher never hurts. Roman's powers run on his emotions. That's why he got so powerful when he was upset about Virgil being kidnapped the first time. So falling out of the sky likely wouldn't happen. It would mean he went form high emotional state to perfectly calm in a second. He always knows he's running out in time. He's practiced enough to be able to tell. Speaking of practice, the more practice he has with a power the easier it is for him to summon it. His charm barely requires any energy anymore as he's used it so much to keep his secret identity. Using a lot of powers or fighting for a long time, is emotionally draining of course. He'd get exhausted if he did too much for too long.
Trinitas Fortuna: He could defenitely do that. But they'd all only work temporarily. Maybe that's good enough for TF maybe not. We'll have to wait and see. If Roman can dream it he can do it. It does help if he is familiar with the power in question though. The study boost one was improvised and gets better with time. I'd say his limits aren't in his power but in his own disposition. If he's scared or grossed out by one it likely won't manifest. So stealing someone's power would only happen if it was the only way. And it would likely not be permanent as none of his powers are permanent. We don't have an All For One in this universe and I'm inclined to keep it that way. But there might be a few who can turn other people's powers off for a bit Erasure Head style.
Virgil. You should defenitely read on for that one yeah.
Something we'd like to add... Well not sure how obvious it is in the story. But in this universe, powers have been part of the human experience since forever. Every belief system has their own spin on where they come from. Scientifically it is just accepted as fact with no difinitive answer on the how and why of it. Of course there is an attempt at categorizing cuz we're humans and our love for boxes is only outdone by cats. So there are active powers (not always happening, only when you choose too. Roman for example) Passive (Can't turn it off. Ever. Like Logan). And within those you have a sub category of Body modifications. A power that changes the body of the individual from the standard humanoid form. Those can also be active or passive. There are still powers that lie in murky waters probably with this one, but it's the best they could come up with.
@skeletinmoss anything to add?
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shirogane-oushirou · 7 months
😳and 🤪 for the Self-Ship Photo Scavenger Hunt!!
>:3c -bobasthrone
HI JO HIEEEEE, i hope you're doing well friend ^_^ i hope you don't mind if i use this as an excuse to talk about raven, who i almost never get the chance to gush about. he was an early Taste Maker for me and i wuv him forever kjsndfkjn.
😳 Post a screenshot of your f/o that flusters you.
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look. he's just sooooo sillayyyyyyyy teehee silly old man lalala 🎶🍭-- until shit gets serious and then he's as quiet and stealthy as can be. and he has an intense gaze when he's like this which is 😳💕 (and then.... when he's stretching out his neck like that and the muscles in his neck stand out.... hhehheheh.....)
🤪 Post a screenshot of your f/o making a silly face.
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the first one is so "oh... he's so pathetic and tired" KJSNFKJNKJF. poor guy. the second one is like... he makes dopey faces when drunk (for very very sad reasons... but he is VERY pathetic-looking when drunk. very wet dog core. honestly not so much 'silly' as 'sadly cute' but.... i'm not taking it out bc i like it too much ;;;;). as for something that isn't teeechnically a screenshot but is Actually Silly:
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OLD MAN GOES 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Bonus bc i need everybody (incl myself) to see... how far back My Taste goes...:
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like..... ofc ren would show up in my dreams and i'd be like Mine. Mine. Mine. give me a guy with eye bags, scruff, and a labcoat and i'm gucci <3
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blorbologist · 1 year
Two for joy: Chapter 27
[Posting this week's chapter early - I just attended a wedding and am off to smores! Will likely head to bed early due to the drive tomorrow, so figured I'd get this out of the way. This is one of my favorite chapters, so I dearly hope you enjoy!]
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“Oh, thank goodness you’re back!” Tary has Percy by the lapels and is shaking him as soon as the rest of the party steps foot in Whitestone. “Thank goodness - I was almost kidnapped! Stolen away!”
“You were what?!”
(Kidnappings become a touch difficult in a city hosting a sizable number of mages for a special occasion.)
(It is perhaps shoddy luck that led it to be Kima who uncovered the deception.)
(Given what happened to one of her own last time a traitor was among their midst, she was not in the most merciful of moods. Kr’yyn’s corpse provided all the insight needed.)
“I don’t want you to delay your wedding again,” Tary laments, head in his hands. Doty pats him on the back a few times, bleating “Tary, Tary, Tary ” as gently as a construct can.
Vex also rubs soothing circles over his back, mindful of Doty’s ministrations. “Oh, Goldie, it’s alright -”
“You couldn’t possibly have it without me! I’m your best friend - your man of honor!”
“Yes, that’s true,” she agrees with a little laugh. 
“Could we, maybe, visit my family? Once you’re both back from the honeymoon?” Tary asks. “There has to be a reason father hired her, and I - I need to know.”
“Of course, dear.”
“And if more thugs come to Whitestone to take me home?”
Vex smirks. “It’s Whitestone, darling. I’d like to see them try - especially now that we know they’re coming.”
[One for sorrow] [Ch1] [Keep reading on AO3] 
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
🖊 + Shiri'ah! (Gush about your oc)
Want me to gush about my OCs?
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Shiri'ah is naturally physically affectionate with people she cares about, even those she's known for a relatively short time. Needless to say, she's hugged everyone in her crew at least a few times, albeit she did start giving Doc some space after she hugged the medic and he responded by groping her ass. (Rude. She almost shoved him out the airlock.) As a child growing up on Ryloth, her mother, Yvana, discovered she was Force-sensitive one day. Fearing her daughter would be preyed upon by slavers, Yvana sent her off-world to the Jedi Order. Above all else, Shiri'ah fears being enslaved. Shiri'ah consumes a HUGE caloric intake every day, and Kira frequently teases her about how much she eats. Despite this, she maintains an extremely agile build.
Thanks for the asks!
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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❝  Hades....  ❞
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❝  ....pretty...  ❞
He's about to melt into a little puddle on the floor thinking about him.
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howbrite · 5 hours
asdfghjkl well now I'm embarrassed to have been Seen lmao
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anonmothgod · 1 month
go ahead, ask me a question. Any question. I can give a awnser to most questions. I'm bored and my fic writing is taking time.
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luna0713hunter · 3 months
Sukuna shows his love in the most aggressive,mean and honestly,awful way.
"oh! who's this cutie pie?!"
Your boyfriend lets out an annoyed groan,looking over to see you looking at a not so greatly taken picture in his phone.
"that'll be my annoying ass nephew,Yuji."
Your eyes sparkle when you look up at him from where you're currently cuddling in his embrace.
"he's adorable!looks just like you!!!"
"he's annoying. Brat cant do anything but roll on the ground and fucking giggle all the time."
"Ryo," your lips twitch, "he's like,what,two?"
"one and eleven months. Gonna be two this Sunday."
You roll your eyes and swip to the next picture, immediately letting out a soft coo at the way baby Yuji is grinning up at the camera in a raven haired man's embrace.
"and who's that?"
"his weird ass half brother,Choso." He starts to change the channels on the tv; seemingly not interested in your gushing over his nephews.
But you know your boyfriend way better than that.
You know Sukuna has a soft spot for both of his nephews,or he would've never kept their pictures. You know he cares enough to know how old Yuji will turn the upcoming Sunday. You also know he has his gifts ready already;a soccer ball and an adorable little hat with tiger ears on top of it.
You know your boyfriend just loves to act all tough,when in reality he has a mushy heart inside.
So when you tilt your head up and press a lingering kiss to his smooth skin,he frowns and pretends to look annoyed. But you know he secretly craves your attention 24/7.
"so,am i invited to this little guy's birthday party or not?"
"we're not going. Im not wasting my time on that brat."
When you give him the look,he sighs and raises the volume higher.
"... I'll pick you up. Better not be late."
And you both know even if you are late,he wont even care.
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swampstew · 1 year
Thank you @thus-spoke-lo for the tag in this fun self-recommendation game! I always feel a bit awkward posting reminders and announcements when chapters are ready for reading, but I'll take a moment to hype myself and the words of my labor up. Here are my 5 favorite things I've written so far!
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What's the Magic Word? - So I love how One Piece is this giant fantastical world where pirates are a real threat and mermaids, dragons, and magic quite literally exist. I thought it was odd that there wasn't a witch character at all, especially with how well it would fit into the universe, and what type of role/responsibility power like that would look like. Rowena my baby was born. It's everything I've ever learned while practicing the craft, enjoyed seeing in pop culture media, and inspired by cultural lores that I participate in or have great respect for. I wanted to create a character that could believably exist in the One Piece world and then have her do a bunch of fun and cathartic things (that may or may not be a reflection of real life). Falling in love with Eustass Kid was not on my radar (is falling in love ever?) - in fact the first draft of the story didn't have the Kid Pirates at all. Nope, just my witchy girl and the Straw Hats having adventures. Then I got to the Sabaody Archipelago and I saw him. I thought it would be fun to put these characters in a situation where they weren't friends or enemies but rather temporary witness protection body guards with a powerful ass witch as their protectee. Plus the smut. Love the smut and romance always. Its my first writng project I've done since college and I'm so happy to be back in the writing sphere. This book will have a sequel :)
Turn Back Time - This was a random dream that turned into a 20+ multichapter fic and I'm not even mad about it. In this one I took a fun approach to the story by centering it not just on the OCs but the Kid Pirates themselves. My first fic didn't really acknowledge many of them until the editing stage but this fic is entirely about the Kid Pirates and what it's like being in their crew. Especially as the love interests of some of the scariest, beefiest dudes that end up just being touch-starved men who are fully capable of vulnerability and love. It's been fun and I am excited for the upcoming themes and trials they'll go through! There will only be the one book but it will follow the journey of the Kid Pirates up until the very recent events in the manga.
At First Sight - this was a one shot that turned into a mini-series and I surprised myself with how much I packed into it. I didn't want to or expect to make it into a series but after giving it maybe a whole day's worth of thought and effort, I feel like I pulled a pretty good fic out of what was originally a stand-alone porn trope collab story!! This one is also on the Kid Pirates cause they're my comfort characters and again its been a fun way to put a spin on these murderous pirates when they're engaging with someone who's neither foe nor friend. Not a frenemy but a familiar with benefits! I lowkey based Y/N's badassery on Beidou from Genshin Impact.
KillerCook - I saw a hot dude make brownies on Instagram and thought 'what if Killer.' That's it. I wasn't sure how I was going to present it so I settled for creating a social media experience and I'm pretty sure I delivered. I'm a Kid Pirates loyalist, if you want something else you can check my Swampstew Bedtime Stories but my bread and butter are these anarchist psychos. Now comes with accessories such as: baker's hat and apron, and also a set of gold body piercings! The response has been supportive and excitable, and it's inspired me to do another modern social media influencer monetization fic, coming soon 😏 on Friday actually!
Oh Yandere! series - I wanted to give myself an opportunity to play around with some dark content and found myself really enjoying it. Especially in the noncon/dubcon vein. I've been too meek to do anything more than head canons but I have recently been inspired to explore some truly deplorable characters if I pick this series up again. If not, I might do a short series on Yandere Eustass Kid that has some...inspiration from another popular fandom that may or may not piss some people off. ANYWAYS! Live Laugh DarkContent
Tagging for funsies but def no pressure - I just think every author should get a chance to fluff themselves up and talk about their works that make them proud!
@abysscronica @cebwrites @goldenandhappy @zoros-sheath @kenruu @creamsickle-writes
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Songbird Sway and Other Photographs
By Jordyn-Elizabeth Songbird Sway Halfway to the Peak Northern Mockingbird Wave Gush Garden Bunny Raven Trail Jordyn-Elizabeth is an honors college student studying Environmental Science in coastal Massachusetts. When she is not listening to the nearby Atlantic while paddleboarding or crafting stories while writing it is almost a guarantee she is taking pictures of birds in the forest.…
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skidqrow · 4 months
🐦‍⬛My headcanons are updated!!
I have to say, I am now fully in love with Qrow. (At least with the way I like to write him,) Qrow's undergone such growth in his life as a person to get to where he would be in Volume 10. He's finally learned to be happy with the hand luck has dealt him and has begun to mend the shredded bonds he has with his family.
I'm so eager to explore a post-Volume 9 Qrow now!! Anybody who wants a random starter or wants to give me one, please let me know! I'm hyped as heck!!
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2-dsimp · 5 months
(Female reader!)
Cw: Overstimulation, excessive creampies, overstimulation, dacryphillia, degradation, praise, begging,
The Dramatic Beggars
“Baby please lemme in there! I promise I’ll make you feel so good! Haah you teasing me? Are you really even asleep right now? Fucking having your slutty pussy suckle on the tip my cock but not letting me in any deeper—Ahn! Darling please make some room for me in that delicious cunt of yours. I’ll die if I can’t cum inside you”
He whimpered pathetically into the crook of your neck deeply inhaling your lovely scent as he rutted desperately against the crease of your ass. Trying to dig his cock deeper inside you whilst you lay there slumbering on peacefully. Unaware that you’re pushing your lover to the brink of insanity as your snatch clamped down harshly on the sensitive mushroom tip of his throbbing cock. Denying him of any further entry inside your welcoming wet heat due to how tight your walls constricted his movements.
The greedy opportunists
“Damn Doll you look so gorgeous when you’re stuffed so full of me. Awe look at you squirming n moaning in your sleep like a whore. Are you having a wet dream about me molding the shape of my dick inside your gummy walls or is my fat cock too much for you? If that’s the case… Don’t worry sweetheart I’ll make sure you get well acquainted with my size. By stretching you out every god damn night with every chance I get my precious little fucktoy”
He chuckled deviously delivering deep long strokes inside your squelching cunt. Making sure to pound his shaft roughly inside of your gooey plump walls hitting that spongey sweet spot that made you cream endlessly on his invading thick dick. That repeatedly ravaged your guts in an effort to make your cunt mold itself in his cocks image. As his fat tip kept kissing the tip of your cervix with every mean pelvic thrust.
The stress fuckers
“Oh fuck yeah that’s the good stuff! You always manage to brighten up my day with your pretty pussy babe. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to take out all my frustrations and stress from work inside your tight cunt. Fuck! you really know how to treat a man right my sweet baby girl.”
He gushed lovingly as he continued to rub the tip of his cock up and down your puffy pussylips. Licking his lips with a happy go lucky grin as he gently but firmly wrapped his hands around your neck as you slept while he proceeded to ease his long pulsating dick inside your puckered slicked hole. Moaning in satisfaction as he began rocking his hips against your ass. Making sure to bury his long shaft deep inside your sweltering dripping snatch. Using you as he pleased as he fucked away all his earlier frustration and stress from work, abusing your pussy in the most ravenous ways.
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ilsanslut · 8 months
proneboning—it’s HIS favorite position. there’s just something so very tantalizing about pinning you flush to whatever surface he can manage and completely ravishing you beneath him. and you? you love it just as much.
your pretty face pressed deeply into the sheets, leaving you to helplessly writhe and moan beneath the weight of your lover. your tiny fists fisting the sheets, bracing for every powerful, mind-numbing thrust as you feel his thick, heavy cock pounding the deepest depths within you. your shrill moans and pleasured wails becoming muffled by the duvet beneath you as you’re smothered beneath his hardy, masculine frame. you can feel his heavy weight and muscled chest boring down on your back, crushing and pinning you firmly into a mattress in such a delightful way as every one of his powerful, carnal thrusts, aided by gravity and his heft, pounds you further and further into submission—as if every singular one is bellowing MINE, MINE, MINE, from the lewd echos of your bedroom walls.
you can’t catch your breath, you can’t speak, you can’t even think. you’re reduced to a babbling mess, your weeps of sheer ecstasy matching that of your glistening, weeping cunt as it gushes around his thick shaft with every obscene clap of his pelvis PLAP, PLAP, PLAPPING against your bubbly ass.
“yeaah, that’s it.” you can barely make out his gruff voice as his lips press to the shell of your ear, his heavy pants mixing with near-feral growls as he struggles to maintain his own composure.
amidst his unforgiving pace, you feel his muscled forearm snaking around your waist, his meaty palm, and equally thick digits pressing against the fatty part of your lower belly to feel that prominent bulge that forms every time he bottoms out within you. “y’feel me in here too, princess? bullying that pretty womb of yours? haah, fuck. thaaat’s it. sing for me, angel. let me hear that pretty voice of yours.”
so you do. you cry, you shriek, you mewl—“singing” praises of his name, how big his cock is and how good his cock feels inside of you, how you can’t take it because it’s “too much," as well as contradictory pleas of him to slow down followed by depraved cries of “please, please, fuck me harder!”
that’s not good enough for him, though. c’mon, princess. use your dumb little brain. you think he can hear you when you're nose-deep in the sheets? don’t worry, he has a solution for that.
nothing could have prepared you for the sensation of a broad, bulging bicep snaking around your neck, the crease of its forearm and elbow resting tautly against your windpipe as he wrenched your head up from the sheets and began to squeeze. he balled the fist of his other hand and used his strength to pull back the latter, effectively locking you into an unforgiving headlock that made your toes curl and your heightened moans catch in your throat.
“say it again for me, pretty. y’like my fat cock fuckin’ you up? like me using you like the pretty pocket pussy you are? yeah? ngh, shit. c’mon, lighten up, princess, you’re chokin’ my dick here.”
“y-yes! yes, yes, yes! oh, f-fuck yess! m’gonna cum, hah, mpfh! m’gonna cum!!”
he raises himself onto his knees, caging your petite frame in between both of his muscular thighs as he pounds into you with more ferocity than before, like a ravenous predator claiming every ounce of his darling little prey. he was always so, so generous, most of the time. who was he to deny his little angel her precious orgasm?
“do it. c’mon, make a fuckin’ mess on my cock, you dumb slut.” he would snarl against you, his teeth and sharp canines grazing the shell of your ear.
you did so graciously; your moans mixed with babbles of useless speech along the lines of “thank you” and incoherent swears. your glassy eyes spilling with fat globs of tears that rolled down your cheeks could not register their surroundings, nor could your brain register him slamming his cock's head firmly against your squishy insides, pumping you to the brim with his virile seed that threatened to bloat your lil’ tummy.
he let you go in an instant, allowing your exhausted body to fall slack on the sheets before you, your head resting soundly on the crevice of his elbow between his bicep and forearm. he had yet to pull out of you, even after you had come down from your high, and his cock had long since ceased languidly pumping the ropes of his creamy, heavy seed deep inside of you.
“shh, i got you, angel.” he eased your twitchy frame and panting mewls with an affectionate, breathless kiss to your forehead.
“always such a good girl, f’me.”
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blue lock: KAISER MICHAEL. SHOEI BAROU. nagi seishiro. KUNIGAMI RENSUKE. itoshi sae. itoshi rin. KARASU TABITO. EGO JINPACHI. otoyo eita. OLIVER AIKU. isagi yoichi. BACHIRA MEGURU. RAICHI JINGO. LORENZO DON. SHIDOU RYUSEI. jujutsu kaisen: nanami kento. GETO SUGURU. kamo choso. FUSHIGURO TOJI. OH MY FUCKING GOD TOJI. SUKUNA. SUKUNA. SUKUNA PLEASE GOD SUKUNA. GOJO SATORU. mahito. HAKARI KINJI. todo aoi. zenin naoya. genshin impact: WRIOTHESLEY. CHILDE. ALHAITHAM. kamisato ayato. ragnvindr diluc. ARATAKI ITTO. tighnari. SCARAMOUCHE/WANDERER. HEIZOU. IL DOTTORE. PANTALONE. kimetsu no yaiba: SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI. UZUI TENGEN. rengoku kyojuro. RENGOKU SHINJUROOOO. IGURO OBANAI. KIBUTSUJI MUZAN. akaza. kokoshibo. DOUMA. HANTENGU CLONES. GYUTARO, tokyo revengers: mitsuya takashi. KAWATA NAHOYAAAA. SHIBA TAIJU. BAJI KEISUKE. HANEMIYA KAZUTORA. haitani rindou. HAITANI RAN. RYUGUJI KEN. sano manjiro. SANZU HARUCHIYO. akashi takeomi. imaushi wakasa. TERANO SOUTH. sano sinichiro. HANMA SHUUJI.
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ⓒ vampiie 2024 — all rights reserved. please do not repost my work outside of tumblr, modify, or translate my work in any form/means. please do not share my work to tiktok or any other site.
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hmusunoo · 12 days
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▏pairings. sunghoon x fem!reader
▏desc. Sunghoon makes you squirt...a lot.
▏ warnings. SMUT. MDNI, squirting, head; female receiving, drabble
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"oh!" You squeaked out, arching your entire body off the bed as Sunghoon kept your hips firmly in place. His head was between your legs tongue lapping at your core like a starving man. He had come home from practice acting like a starved man falling to his knees almost instantly upon arriving.
He gave you nearly no time to adjust before he was between your legs ripping your panties down and devouring your pussy like a Sunday morning brunch. You weren't complaining though. Not one bit.
"Fuck" You wheezed gripping Sunghoon's hair in your hands, tugging at him to bring his head up just bit. He looked at you with eyes dark with lust. Breathing heavily you said "I appreciate this and all but what's the sudden rush?"
"I needed you" Sunghoon said nonchalantly with all but a shrug he reattached himself to your dripping wet core. "My god" You muttered out when Sunghoon added pressure sucking on the nub oof your clit.
"That feel good baby?" He asked when he came up for a second of air. He gave you no chance to respond before he was back to his meal. You had never seen Sunghoon so feral before. Sure he had horny but never had he got this ravenous. You seriously wondered what had happened to get him this wanting for you.
You made a mental note to ask him again after this because certainly there was nothing you could do that would get him away from your pussy right now. It was seriously so hot. Your body was heating up at the pressure of his tongue sucking and lapping at you.
"Yes" You finally responded to him, hands still gripping his hair tightly. "Feels so good hoonie" You moaned aloud. Your legs shook and attempted to close as the pleasure became even more all consuming. Sunghoon reached his arms around spreading your legs apart roughly an animalistic growl leaving following suit.
"Don't you dare close these legs" He growled out, your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the sound of his growls becoming even more wet if that were even possible at this point.
Sunghoon lifted his head once again replacing his tongue with his fingers to rub at your clit. "Holy-" Your body jerked at the stimulation to your clit.
"Fuck you're so fucking sexy" Sunghoon said his eyes drinking in your entire body. His other hand that wasn't working on your clit roughly attached itself to the top of your thin tank top, yanking it down to reveal your breasts to his hungry eyes.
"Your tits are fucking amazing sweetheart" Sunghoon purred attaching his lips to your nipples as his fingers continued their assault on your clit. The arousal from his fingers and now his tongue on your sensitive nipples were close to becoming too much for you. Your hand gripped onto your other breast trying to ground yourself as the pleasure over took your entire body.
The trembling of your body had Sunghoon quickening the pace of his fingers, sticking one inside your heat with no warning at all.
"It's too...much" You gasped body once again arching up into sunghoon.
"I know sweetheart.." Sunghoon cooed at you "but you're doing so good baby girl just a little more for me yeah?" He asked kissing your nipple lightly. "You can do a little more for me right baby? for me?"
"Yes" You cried "for you!"
"That's it" Sunghoon encouraged as you continued to tremble your mouth opening in a silent scream, your eyes rolling to the very back of your head. Your end was here and it was quite literally one of the most intense orgasms you had ever had.
The shake of your body and the gushing from your core had Sunghoon dazed. His eyes glazed over as he watched you squirt all over him and the bed beneath you two.
"Holy shit" Sunghoon wheezed looking at you with wide eyes as you tried your best to regulate your breathing.
Your cheeks heating up at the embarrassment of what just happened. "I made a mess..."You whispered out. Your eyes adverted looking everywhere but at Sunghoon.
"That was so fucking hot" Sunghoon laughed jumping up from the bed. "I can't believe you did that baby" He finally looked at your noticing your cringing expression.
"What's wrong?" He asked rushing to your side quickly "Are you hurt baby?" He asked you shook your head looking down at the blankets playing with the corner of it in attempt to not look him in the eye.
"That was a little embarrassing.." You trailed off. Sunghoon shook his head quickly a smile on his face "No baby, that was the hottest thing i've ever seen trust me"
"Really?" You asked looking for the extra validation.
"Yes" Sunghoon nodded "In fact I want to do it again..." His smirk was all you needed to see before he pounced back on you seeing if he could make you squirt again, and again, and again.
taglist - @st1llm0nster , @belovedhoon , @blossommi
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