#real dark days ages 14-17 were
15-lizards · 2 years
ASOIAF American highschool AU bc I want them to suffer
-Jon is that guy you see in the hall all the time and he’s super cute but then you talk to him and he’s just. The most pretentious asshole you’ve ever met. He’s better than you bc he takes AP classes btw. And he’s on the basketball team but he’s brooding so he barely has any friends
-Dany is a little FREAK ugh I love her. She’s a GSA officer and wears weird clothes and cat ears to school and everyone makes fun of her but she’s the nicest person ever. Very passionate ab her special interests. super smart too like no one can say that she isn’t top of class
-Sansa is the nice popular religious girl who likes to make cookies for people. She’s like condescending nice though and is sweet to the losers mostly out of pity. Obsessed with Loras in a comphet way to cover her real crush on Margaery. She is on the swim team and loves to run the student council like the navy
-Arya is on the soccer and basketball team. Slightly to weird to be popular but too cool to be a loser. Kind of disruptive in class but it’s okay bc she’s funny. Definition of a low maintenance girl. Cuts her hair short and likes the way she looks in a sports bra and baggy clothes but has yet to find out what non-binary is
-Robb Homecoming King football captain you get the gist. Sincerely nice and is the one jock who’s on good terms with literally everyone in his classes. Tries his best to defend Jon (it is so hard) Has dated around but his most intense relationship is with his drug dealer burnout bestie Theon. They get jealous when the other starts dating a girl (both of them have yet to find out what bisexualism is)
-Joffrey is a grade A bitchass. He’s on the soccer or lacrosse team only because Cersei bribed the coach. No one really likes him but they hang around him anyway because he has a sick ass house and his moms hot. Thinks he’s smarter than he actually is, maintains a C- average
-Bran is that freshman you only see in khaki shorts and graphic t-shirts about bugs or some shit. Completely lives in his own world (autism slay!) and has trouble interacting with other kids. Besties with Meera and Jojen tho who just get him. Reads big ass philosophy books in his spare time
-Aegon is Dany’s cooler cousin. He’s way more popular than Jon and the two have a one sided rivalry that Jon made up in his head. Pretty nice to other people but he thinks he is such hot shit. His superiority complex is kinda crazy
-Theon graduated last year but still hangs around campus. Goes to Robb’s football games and sells drugs under the stands. “Where’s my hug at” guy. Drives a beat up Honda civic that’s on its last legs. Has multiple misdemeanors on his record. Robb thinks he can fix him
-Loras is Robb’s teammate who’s also mister popular. Already has a scholarship to a D1 school and is every teachers favorite (he takes advantage of this to skip class). Smart but doesn’t really try that hard in class. A classic DL gay guy who is in a situationship with grad student Renly after lying about his age on grindr
-Davos is everyone’s favorite History or English teacher. Gets invested in the students wellbeing. Gay kids LOVE him, he never can have a lunch period to himself those kids who are looking for a father figure are always eating lunch in his classroom. Has a loving wife and kids but is down bad for the eternally suffering Vice Principal Stannis
-Robert is the football coach and in most American schools you have to be a teacher to be a coach so he probably teaches health or sex Ed or some shit. Half asses his classes so he can go over film with his football players instead. You can hear him yelling from across campus. He is so loud
-Stannis is the vice principal who absolutely no one likes except Davos. Even the teachers don’t respect him. Has wanted to be principal for years but keeps getting fucked over by administration. Wants to move to a different school district so he can get a pay raise but the sexy Spanish teacher Mel is trying to convince him to blackmail the school board instead
-Tywin the principal. Used to be a AP US history or AP economics teacher but then discovered that he hated kids so he bullied and bribed his way into the principal position. Kids run when they hear him in the hallway with his walkie talkie crackling and his keys jangling. Lets Joffrey get away with everything bc he’s the principals grandson
-Cersei as the head of the school board. Always shoveling funds to her kids school instead of any of the other ones in the school district. Probably is in some sort of tax evasion or bribery scandal that Tywin is trying to cover up. Number one passive aggressive hater on Facebook
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vampyrial · 2 months
A World For Her Alone | My dreams, as unknowable to me as you
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17
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cw (chapter specific): pregnancy and childbirth, infidelity, death, suicide, disassociation
summary: for a change of perspective, let's give voice to another, forgotten to a higher will. if it was only a dream, why did it feel so real?
word count: 3.6k
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Reverie was a rare thing to be spoken aloud in the life of a knight. To dream greater, or even just different than one’s own position was one thing, to speak it was another. That was why when Felix awoke with a start, covered in sweat and panting, he said nothing to explain himself to his comrade across the room. That was why his comrade knew not to ask at all, pretending to still be asleep in bed. 
He trembled in bed, frozen and curled into himself, longing for a moment. Just one moment to grab hold of the world gradually before the tumult of it hit him all at once again.
 He did not receive it.
Felix dressed in the dark, his hands moving deftly even without his mind’s cooperation. His body had been trained into an automaton, he ought to have been more pleased with that than he was, it had saved him a few times before. But it did make the lingering, vague horror of his dreams that much more concrete. He was inside the dream, the dream inside himself and yet he could not remember what it was about. He could not draw a single image from this dream, though he’d had it several times over, he was sure. He remembered the familiar infantile feeling of vulnerability which he woke with each time. He woke each time as a newborn, grasping for sense of the earth. He woke only with a single memory, the feeling of grasping the pommel of his sword so tightly that its shape was impressed into his hand. 
More oft in dreams did he wield his sword than in reality. He waited outside his lady’s door, his sword on his hip and his eyes routinely moving about the hall every few moments. The knight of an ordinary lady was not so valiant a title, he could admit, it was hardly a danger that most young knights wish to defend from. Even so, Felix took his position seriously. He held his position with as much preciseness as he had the very first day he’d been chosen. Sooner would he forget his mother’s name than he’d forget that day, he way his hands trembled when he took his lady’s hand to kiss. Her eyes looking down at him steadfastly. He thought she was so queenly then. He’d made the grievous mistake of telling one of the superior knights that he’d thought so and he’d been met with laughter and a biting jab. “The lady is no queen, if you ever live to set your sorry eyes on her majesty, you’ll look back at this moment and be embarrassed for comparing tavern ale to champagne.”
He’d been embarrassed for saying such a flowery thing. That was when he’d learned to hold his tongue around the older knights. Swarthy, they were, restless with the lives of relative inaction they led. As he grew into his new position, he came to reconcile with the fact that young knights came bright as the swords they swung and then sometimes decayed into what the elder knights were instead of aging into the kind of men he’d looked up to as a squire. It was no matter as long as they did their jobs, even if it did bother him. Despite his embarrassment, however, he still held to the sentiment. He didn’t need to set eyes on the queen, all the better that he didn’t. He wasn’t a knight for glittering gold armor, nor for illustrious titles, to him it was true that you were queen. He hadn’t meant it in terms of jewels, not even in beauty or wealth, though you had plenty of each. He had only meant that when his lips touched your skin and his eyes lifted to meet yours as he gave his oath– he’d felt that you were an ill-fated, gentle queen of old and he your nameless, honorless knight. 
You came out of the bedroom on a wisp of spring laden air, dressed darkly in sanguine red. Poorly hidden behind your queenly mask, an air of jubilance. His eyes stayed on you, heedless of how he looked. He had been right to stare but at the time, he had not known it. He had not known it would be the last time he’d ever see you look so happy.
Lord Claude, always the enigma. Felix remembered the first time he’d guarded the door while the two of you spoke in the drawing room. The young master proved rather dull and dreary, in his opinion, but you were obviously enamored with him. He’d never seen a woman in love before you and he was certain he’d never again with how incomparably you wore the glow of love. It almost overshadowed the weakness that lay beneath, the rot beneath the bright red flesh of a ripened apple. That was why he stood at your side, so stupidly pleased and hopeful, despite his distaste. It was for you to have something of your own. The mansion and everything in it belonged to Lady Diana, but if you could become a marchioness, you would be your own. You would have escaped and taken refuge in a love you had always been worthy of. And surely the Lord Claude– much beloved by you, would reward your efforts twofold. 
The more that he saw you give yourself away to be worthy of being a marchioness, the more he prayed. Later on, he would have assumed his role long enough to realize that though he was your knight, it was implicitly decided by the unspoken rules of decency in society that his role was to protect you from an outsider, a thief, a bandit. He was not to protect you from the Lord Claude. But that was not now, he was a green young knight yet, whose head still danced with fond thoughts of the muted glory in serving such a lady. Of the place he would take at your side as you managed to lift yourself to the position you deserved. So much hope had been leaned on the idea that your marriage to Claude would be your salvation that it was perhaps destined to fail. Too much hope had yet to do Felix any good at all.
Felix’s stomach churned when Claude reached over to brush a petal from Diana’s hair. The indignation of it was one thing, the guilt was another. He should have trusted Claude much less than you had, he realized. It was your prerogative to be romantic, his to be weary. Now, he was reeling with undue humiliation, unable to think of how to spare you this, all because he’d refused to see.
The decay from there fell especially quick to his eyes. There was no offsetting the fatigue in your features, the pain subtly adding an odd flinch to your otherwise graceful and measured gait. Each time Claude decided to grace the manor with his presence, you looked entirely drained. You looked stunned like he had been as a young squire returning to his quarters from a particularly mean spirited day of sword training. It was as though Claude had sunk his fangs into your skin with every word, seeking a boastful memory of the sanguine dress you’d worn when he’d first drawn the warmth from your skin. 
Come the late night after that he had gone to Diana instead of visiting you at all, he crawled into bed eagerly, forgetting why he had dreaded sleep so to begin with. It is such a dangerous thing as a knight, to forget. You are full of spite and fear without target, the whole world an uncoordinated dance of precarious steps. You walk into traps of your own making and you do not realize because you have not learned to fear yourself properly.
The dream melded seamlessly with reality, never was it fanciful. It ended as it began, in feasibility. A dream had no master nor cunning, it simply was. Still, it felt as though this dream was predatory with the ability and thought to lure him carefully. This dream always began the same way, with him at the tea party, a memory which did not weather with time. This dream, if he were to indulge the belief of it being somewhat sentient, seemed to play with the fact that he thought of it every time he saw Claude’s face.
It was a clever thing.
This time something had been taken from you, thieved from your pockets rather than wrenched from your hands. The news of Diana’s poor health sent Claude scattering from the house as though driven out with a sword at his back. It was as though he saw no reason to hide his affair. Or rather, the urgency of Diana’s impending death made his love for her flare to heights that couldn’t be hidden. That he’d no will to hide. The latter was somehow more infuriating than anything. To think that a lord who had you and knew you, could truly love another far better.
While your husband rode for Diana, you sat in the drawing room waiting for a carriage to be prepared. Felix assumed there would be some manufactured problem with the carriage at Claude’s behest just so that he could have that much more time with the young lady. If such had truly been the case, he needn’t have bothered trying to delay you any further, his insolence had a more than serviceable job of it. By the time Felix entered the room to check on you, you were laid on the floor in a heap and barely breathing.
He could not keep grief from erupting from his lips when he saw you. He was at your side in an instant, scooping you into his arms as he would a child as he called to the servants outside to fetch the doctor. He brought you to bed, not being advised against moving you by the wide eyed servants he passed by and subconsciously thinking that it’d be best for you to wake up in bed rather than discarded carelessly in the drawing room where you still waited to receive your husband. In retrospect, as he stood outside your door with the doctor inside, he’d realized that the wariness of the servant might have been due more to his oddly frantic and personal grief on behalf of his lady rather than their master’s apathy. But in that moment he couldn’t have cared less for decorum, he almost hadn’t left the room when the doctor dismissed the servants. He always forgot himself when it came to you.
The doctor came out of the room looking troubled, he’d always been a somewhat fragile looking man as Felix saw him and it gave him the courage to pry. “Is the lady alright?” He asked quickly before the doctor could turn down the hall. 
The man’s face sagged with immediate exhaustion at the question. “…Keep the mistress in your thoughts, she’s with child.” 
Felix’s stomach dropped. His hopes were that you’d just fainted from stress and the only necessary treatment was enforced relaxation. From the way the doctor seemed to age in a moment just from him asking how you were, this child was not cause for much happiness. 
In the months that followed, Felix kept his gaze trained on you steadily, not knowing what he should anticipate from your condition. He saw you in decline as Claude was nowhere to be found. In the early days of your pregnancy, he’d returned in a haste to get back to work. He’d forced you to reveal your pregnancy from the foyer because he wouldn’t spare a moment for you and after that, his reaction…he had the audacity to look bereaved. Bereaved that his wife had only done what was asked of her. What they were married for. 
Felix felt such misery at your position. He felt the growing lethargy of your movements and the claustrophobia of being confined to your room. Through none of it could he comfort you and Claude was unwilling even though it was practically his only duty to you. What he felt was more pressing than that was being at Diana’s side as she slowly, much too slowly, faded away. But it was as though she never actually would. She was never going to die and return your husband to you. Even if she wilted mercifully, her ghost would haunt Claude who’d force everyone else to pretend that she still lived. Her memory would be the plague that replaced the one she enacted in life. He feared you’d never be free of this and it was a shameful feeling that he tried to shake off at every turn.
Days passed monotonously without him ever seeing you, the only sign of life being the servants who entered and exited your bedroom, bearing things like medicine and the scant amount of food you could keep down. Until one arrived with a note bearing Claude’s sigil. 
Felix had been fool enough to believe this was some comfort to you, some belated and lazy excuse, no doubt but a comfort nonetheless. Something that would display the barest semblance of care for you might have put some manner of relief in your heart. 
It was never to be.
Whatever Claude sent seemed to add ten sleepless to your body for how slowly, painstakingly you moved as if carefully dancing around the exhaustion would keep it from catching up to you. And you flinched as you moved down the stairs, the weight of the duty placed upon you threatened to drag you downward from your still somewhat graceful gait. It was a bleak sight to his eyes, the way your grace and the need for it had not faltered even now. It was as though just like the woman he loved so very much, he’d taken the ability to haunt a place while still living. 
He summoned you to his side while you were like this, it made the already grating hatred he fostered inside become an unbearable hurt. A hopelessness that made him wish for Claude to die, to suffer, to hurt as you did. But he knew it wouldn’t be. He was born with too much to hurt like you did. When Felix offered you his hand, he ‘d tried to convey all that he felt for you as his lady in that gesture, for he could do nothing else to show his…what was it that he felt? Something more than affection, surely. What he wanted to convey was more than a knight was able to offer his lady. It was something less like what Claude might have felt for you and more than it, too. It was surpassing, a life’s wish.
He felt as though a conduit for your experience as the carriage rocked along, it was a curious thing. He felt hurt as you stepped into the carriage, as the horses began to race down the path. The pain was dynamic, flitting about his whole body and grief held fast to him. 
Through dim halls he followed you to Diana’s room. The acrid, sickly sweet smell of medicine steeped in the air made him hold his breath as stood outside the door. He could not hear Diana’s voice well, it was a thin whisper, true to her condition. He could not even hear your own voice. What was occurring between you unsaid? Still, he found himself cooling down to a resoluteness as he observed the indignity of all you endured. Your parents had not even bothered to care that you were pregnant, your husband was horrified and probably sent for you in hopes of your miscarriage. Claude was a selfish, romantic fool. He’d surely have sacrificed legacy for the girl who laid in bed dying. So die. He thought. Die quickly, before Claude can have what he wants of my lady.
How easily such gruesome thoughts came to him did not inspire any fear nor shame. He was no longer a green knight.
Claude accosted you when you returned. Not even having yet sit with the thought that your husband had risked your health and safety for the whims of a dying, useless girl, he decided to grace you with anger. He demanded to know what you’d said to her. Of all things to say to the pregnant wife you left confined and isolated. His hand met the pommel of his sword with a loose grasp as he looked on with the thought that he’d meet his end right after he killed Claude if he were to move. He thought on his own death with pragmatism. 
“That child you’re carrying…is it even mine?” Claude’s remark made him see red and yet he had to stay his hand. You fell to the floor in front of him as he scrambled forward to hold you. It was as though Claude had struck you with only his words and Felix had been helpless to stop him. All he’d been waiting for was a step in your direction. He would have unsheathed his sword in a second. He hadn’t expected this. Yet Claude’s cruelty had taken such a clever form. He hadn’t needed to lay a hand on you, something that would warrant Felix to step before you. He knew exactly how to harm you and his child.
He’d carried your body, soft and feverish, to your bedroom. Time and time again you had done this dance, it seemed. Only then did he become vaguely aware of how familiar it felt to pick you up from the floor.
The doctor came again and left without pretense of hope. 
There had been nothing he could do to protect you from the harm Claude had done to you and Felix did believe that what your husband had told you was done for this very effect. If that weak, limp, useless lady could not live, neither could you and the child which might be a thorn in her side in her last days of living. He hated himself for this. He was a coward for not taking Claude’s head off the second he took his position against you that night. For letting him go back to Diana after what he’d said.
The next months passed in uncertainty. Though, in retrospect, Felix might have found that he was the only one uncertain of the outcome. Or at least, the only one pretending to be. He heard your cries through the door as you gave birth with much difficulty. He shifted his weight, chills running down his spine. The screams were bloodcurdling and at times, he accidentally let out a muffled sound of anguish behind his hand at them. It was a violent ordeal, he could smell the blood from outside the door and on the wind as servants whisked in and out of the room carrying towels heavy with blood.
At last, he heard the cry of a child but the room was lacking your voice which he awaited eagerly. He waited to find relief in your voice, cooing to the newborn but he never did. Finally, he simply entered the room, dispensing with propriety. What he saw began to dissolve the corners of reality, leaving him somewhat detached, watching from outside himself. The blood leaked out from under your body off of the sheets and down to the floor, you lay motionless in the center of it, your hair and nightgown wet with sweat. 
“My lady?” He called, wishing he could steal the foolish words back as soon as they came out. 
“The madame has passed,” the doctor said, wiping the blood from his hands with a blank look on his face as the midwives about him tended to the child and began to discard the ruined towels.
He needed nothing more for the world to turn to seafoam beneath him.
The next time he resurfaced, he didn’t even know what day it was, what he had been in the middle of doing. He only knew he’d been outside your door though you were probably hours dead. A dog at his master’s feet. He’d gone feral, ready to tear the flesh from Claude’s body in a moment’s notice, he took his sword in hand hastily. Somehow, he knew that Claude was inside though he could not remember seeing him enter. It was strange, as though the integrity of reality was dissolving with each blink.
He entered the room without tact or stealth, his singular goal to kill the man who had harmed you so. Even if it wouldn’t bring you back, there was a sense of desperation to the act, as though you could benefit from his act of retribution. But when he entered the room, which seemed desaturated and alive, moving with each breath of his— he found Claude in a pool of blood, his and your own, next to the bed. The sight enraged him so much, the audacity of it, the strange juxtaposition of his death here and his actions before. The stolen chance of bringing you vengeance turned the shards of glass from his shattered persona of knighthood turned inward, bleeding only him. 
He could only stare at the hateful scene before him with grief before him as something drew him outward further, the horror of the world becoming mush around him, crumbling in on itself. It happened quickly, that he was drawn from what he believed was his body. The transition was seamless and sudden. 
He startled awake. The darkness of his room seeming like a void, an end, for a moment before he remembered himself. It was slowly that he realized he’d been consumed by a dream, that all the grief he’d woken with was not real. The slurry of memories running through his mind melted together, evaporated as he tried to collect them. Dread settled deep in his stomach even as his false reality turned to dust in his hands. 
He was left only with the hollow feeling, that of a horror endured and buried.
tags: @kage-tobiuo @kreishin @rosephantomhive @yeahdrarry @splaterparty0-0 @dear-dairiess @qluvrv @hafsuhhh @eissaaaa @ayolk @doan-19 @fourcefulcupid @ariachaos @cerisearan @irisspade @yaesflorist @jcrml @xiaosprettygf @yevenly @amaris08atoshi012022 @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man @softbummiee @cassanderasblog @waka-babe @bananatwirl@s1mp69 @mitsuyamistress @hottiewifeyyyy @reiko69 @syyyy4ever @pinkpastel-l @dododododooosworld @gwyneveire @mvoonxlightv @noisyenthusiastface @coldpeachkitten @brightykitten @worstliving @kailyan
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theladyofrosewater · 8 months
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Like most magical girl series this takes place in the relatively modern day, I'm currently thinking around late 90s early 2000s?? flip phones exist basically, but I'll allow some more advanced magic tech for simulations and stuff.
The chain live in "New Hyrule" as a country but I haven't landed on a city name for it yet.
very mild magical abilities are common but Combat Transformation Magic is not so every time someone is found to have those abilities they are quickly snapped up by recruitment schools.
Recruitment schools take "students" ages 16-24, so it's a weird mix of high school and college.
Technically they are called "Triforce Guardians." but if I use the word "Magical Girl." it's because it's what the genre is called and it's force of habit just know they interchangeable when I talk about them but the in-universe name is "Triforce Guardian."
Here we have "A team" or as I like to call them "promotional squad" as in addition to being some of the most powerful they are also from very famous families and often used is marketing/propaganda
I'll pick their "real" names later but their LU names are their code/battle names
"Warriors" is about 19-ish and is used to being in the public eye as his younger sister Linkle( I'm calling her Linelle) was one of the few people to develop magical girl powers before the age of 14, she was 8 at the time, as a result had his family was elevated. Warriors was a teen model until an incident involving dark forces interrupted a photo shoot caused him to unlock his powers, Which I'm making Speed and Flame. He debuted with his sister as a team for about a year until and accident put her out of commission and Warriors had to join Twilight's team. He's not happy about this but it's mostly out of concern that he failed his last teammate and not dislike towards Twilight and Wild.
Wild just turned 17 and is actually Twilight's younger cousin. He's had his powers since he's been about 13 but because both of his parent were highly involved in government they've been training him since he was about 7 (yes they are terrible how did you know) and as a result he has his scars from missions over the years before he got his powers. He's got very few friends besides a few visiting dignitaries' children (AKA Mipha). When he finally got his powers he was relieved that besides temporary fusing and lifting objects he didn't have very traditional and harmful powers...That is until his parents decided to experiment. He also has a younger sister, Lily, although she's only about 6 and deaf, and while she does have cochlear implants she and Wild prefer to sign to communicate.
Oh boy Twilight where to begin. For starters he's the son of one of the most famous Triforce Guardian ever, the Hero of Time! who broke time itself and has been missing since Twilight was 4. He was raised in the countryside with his mom (Malon) and her side of the family (Ordon homies) but in a terrible twist of fate he inherited magical girl powers, worst of all was his father's shape shifting although from what it looks like he can only turn into a wolf at the moment but it's suspected that he may have a total copy of his father's powers and was brutally uprooted from his home to live in the city to train for the looming threat that's coming for revenge. He's exactly 18 on the dot when he's finally enrolled at Hylia's Academy and Warriors and Wild were assigned to be his teammates to keep him alive until he can unlock more of his powers
Twilight Design
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And Wild.
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isagrimorie · 1 month
I won't even be so 'meh' about Emily with Andrew Mendoza -- if they at least have chemistry. And, if Emily didn’t looked like she was going to run whenever he talked about commitment or meeting his daughter.
I want Emily to be happy, but Andrew's steadiness seems to also cause Emily's running instincts to manifest.
In Evolution, they broke up and I was not surprised at all.
The pandemic must have also been the cause of their break-up, and I wouldn't be surprised if Emily was the one who brought up separating.
They are living in different states and I don't think Emily's leaving her job soon, especially since she was on a shortlist for the (a deputy) director position when the OG show ended.
Also looking at the BTS of season 17:
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They actually have lights. Then it must mean the way the show is so dark and hard to see is because of how Evolution is edited color-graded and then compressed.
Watching season 15 and pinging back to season 16 and 17 -- I love that I can see but the season felt weirdly artificial? It looked too clean.
I love that seasons 16 and 17 looked a little less clean. More grounded and the team is a little more messy personally.
I love that it took Rossi episodes to return wearing a suit. I love JJ continuing to look badass and cool but also she wears home clothes when at home. I love Tara's look in the first two episodes, not quite as put together.
We first saw Alvez in Evolution in Emily's former office-turned-gym.
Emily is better styled than seasons 14 and 15 and Emily is a lot more relaxed and comfortable in taking up space.
This is such a casual thing but Emily just sitting on the boxes and watching Penelope and Luke bicker and she's done with their back and forth.
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Let's be honest, this would have gone on far too long in the last seasons of the OG show.
Also, much as I love found family the team was far too... kumbaya that watching them I wanted someone to pull a Ron Swanson on them.
This makes Evolution work well for me because it's clear they love each other but also, there's more of a better line between professionalism and personal relationships.
And I can tell that the team loves each other but also, occasionally get on each other's nerves, which feels real.
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I really love this shot of the scene where the team delivers a profile, and it's shot in an interesting way.
Section/Unit Chief isn't involved in delivering the Profile, she's in the background watching the team do their job and she is just leaning against her door, hands in her pocket, and looks IMO casually powerful.
And then several episodes down the line we have Emily and the Attorney General interacting.
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I know there were some haters for the bureaucracy storyline in Evolution -- I loved it, especially when it's Prentiss playing defense.
Also, did anyone clock how fast Prentiss picks up and notices things in Evolution?
She knew with one glance the AG shutdown their case.
Emily slumping slightly towards the doorjamb -- chef's kiss-- its such a casual thing but it made the scene feel a lot more real.
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Emily justifying the BAU's focus on the Sicarious network to the AG is one of my favorite things in Evolution.
Other than a few scenes and the comically villainous Barnes, I missed the kind of hardball and brass tacks, day-to-day thing Emily has to do to keep her team as a team within the Violent Crimes division.
I love when the higher-ups put the team, especially Emily's feet to the fire just as much as I enjoy whenever Emily decides to do some maverick stuff.
Like... blackmail Phil Coulson the Director of the FBI so she could help Jade and Peter Bailey.
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lemons-bittersweet · 9 months
PONYBOY CURTIS- AGE 14- I have light brown almost red hair and greenish-gray eyes I wish they were grayer because I hate most guys that have green eyes but I have to be content with what I have my hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs squared off in the back and long in the front and other sides but I'm a greaser most of my neighborhood rather bothers to get a haircut size I look better with long hair I like to watch movies alone so I can get into them and live them with the actors when I see a movie with someone it's kind of uncomfortable it's like having someone read your book over your shoulder I'm different that way I mean my second oldest brother soda who's 16 going around 17 never cracks a book at all and my oldest brother Darrel we call darry works to long and hard to be interested in a story or drawing a picture so I'm not like them and nobody in our gang digs moves and books the way I do for a while there I thought I was the only person in the world that did so I loned it soda tries to understand at least which is more than darry does but then so does different from anybody he understands everything almost like he's never hollering at me at the time of day or he is or treating me as if I was 6 instead of 14 I love soda more than that I have ever loved anyone even mom and dad he's always happy go lucky and grilling while there Dairy's hard and firm and rarely grins at all but then darrys gone through a lot his this 20 years growing up too fast soda will never grow up at all I don't know which way is the best i'll find out one of these days Sodapop Curtis-AGE 16/17- more handsome than Ponyboy knows he's slim but has a friendly draw sensitive face that manages to be reckless and thoughtful at the same time dark gold hair that he comes back long and silky and straight and in summer the sun bleaches into a shining wheat gold eyes are dark brown lively dancing reckless laughing eyes that can be gentle sympathetic one moment and blazing with anger the next he's got his dad's eyes but his is one of a kind. Darrel JR Curtis-AGE 20- 6 feet two inches tall broad shoulders and muscular has dark brown hair that kicks out in front and slight cow lick in the back it's like his dad's but Darry's eyes are his own he's got eyes like two pieces of pale blue-green ice They've got a determined set to him like the rest of him he looks older than 20 tough cool and smart he would be real handsome with his eyes weren't so cold he doesn't understand anything that's not playing hard fact but he uses his head Steve Randle-AGE 17- Tall and lean with sick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated Swirls he was cocky smart and Soda's best buddy since grade school Steve's specialty was cars he could lift a hubcap quicker and more quietly than anyone in the neighborhood but he also knew cars upside down and backward he could drive anything on wheels he and soda worked at the same gas station steve part-time soda full time and the gas station got more customers than any in town whether that was because Steve was so good with cars or because so would attract girls like honey jaws flies
Two-bit (Keith) Mathews- AGE ???- Keith was the oldest of the gang and the wisecracker of the bunch he was about six feet tall stocky built and very proud of his long rusty colored sideburns he had gray eyes and a wide grin and he couldn't stop making funny remarks to save his life you couldn't shut that guy up he always had to get his two bits worth in hence his name even his teachers forgot his real name was Keith we hardly remembered he had one life was one big joke to tube it he was famous for shopping with his black switchblade and he always was smart enough to the cops he really couldn't help it everything he said was so irresistibly funny that he just had to let the police in on it to brighten up their dough lives he liked fighting blondes and from some unfathomable reason school he's still a junior at 18 1/2 he never learned anything he just went for kicks I liked him real well because he kept his laughing at ourselves as well as other things he reminded me of Will Rogers maybe because of the grin Dallas Winston- AGE ???- He had an elfish face with high cheekbones and pointed chin and small sharp animal teeth and ears like a lynx his hair was almost white it was so blonde and he didn't like haircuts or hair oil either so it fell over his forehead and wisps and kicked out in the back and tufts and curled back behind his ears and along the Naples neck his eyes were blue blazing ice cold with hatred of the whole world dally had spent 3 years on the wild side of New York and had been arrested at age 10 he was tougher than the rest of us tougher colder meaner the shade of difference that separates the greases from a hood was a present valley he was wild as the boys downtown outfits like Tim Shepherd's gang in New York dally blew off steam and gang fights but here organized gangs are rarities they're just small bunches of friends who stick together in the welfare is between the social classes of rumble when it's called it's usually born of a grudge fight and the opposite just happened to bring the friends along oh there are few gangs around here like the river kings and the Tiber Street Tigers but in the southwest there's no gang rivalry so Dally even though he could get into a good fight sometimes had no specific thing to hate no rival game only Socials and you can't win against them no matter how hard you try because they've got all the brakes and even wipping them isn't going to change the fact maybe that's why Dallas was so bitter he had quite the reputation in the file and down at the police station he had been arrested he got drunk he rode and rodeo's lied cheated stole rolled drunk jumped small kids he did everything I didn't like it but he was smart and you had to respect him Johnny Cade- AGE 16- If you could picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and it's lost in a crowd of strangers you'll have Johnny he was the youngest next to me smaller than the rest with a slight build he had big black eyes and a dark tan face his hair was jet black and heavily greased and combed to the side but it was so long that it fell into shaggy bangs across his forehead he had a nervous suspicious look in his eyes and that beating he got from the socialist didn't help matters he was the gang's pet everyone's kid brother his father was always beating him up and his mother ignored him except when she was hacking off his something and then you could hear yelling at him clear down at our house I think he hated that the worst getting whipped he would have run a million times if we hadn't been there and if he hadn't been gang Johnny would have never known love and affection are.
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enam3l · 2 years
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finally, it's here. my first real series. loosely based on the film love, rosie. it's a devastatingly slow burn and full of angst and longing. i hope you guys enjoy.
after the events of season four, your best friend eddie munson moves on leaving you behind, in love with him and concealing a secret you never hope he discovers.
follow #enam3l love lola
a/n: happy ending eventually, slow burn, will they won't they, a lil angsty but never mean eddie
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At age 8 you met Eddie Munson for the first time and you were sure he was the prettiest person you'd ever seen. Your Grandmother had visited a womens refuge to drop off old clothes, pots, pans, things she owned but didn't need. There she had spotted a young woman, beautiful with cascading brown curls but a panicked look on her face and tears on the brink of falling. Attached to her leg was a boy, wide eyes anxiously scanning the alien surroundings. Drawn in by the sweet boy who looked your age, your grandmother approached the woman.
Over the next hour she had learnt their history and their circumstances. Within the next two hours your Gran took advantage of her own means to develop a plan for the pair. By that evening your dinner table had two extra settings arranged. No longer just you and your Grandmother, you were now joined by Eva Munson, your new housekeeper and her son - Eddie - who from under his mop of dark curls assessed you across the grand dining table with big bright eyes, the colour of the special chocolates you were only given at Christmas. He was pretty and precious like the delicate porcelain dolls you were only allowed to gaze at in your Grandma's reading room and you instinctively wanted so badly to take care of him. 
At age 11 and on the cusp of puberty, you realised Eddie Munson was not just pretty like a flower or doll, he was beautiful and kind like the unexpected saviour of a fairytale. With three years of best friendship under your belt, you understood that Eddie was not like any boy or even man you had ever met. He was not selfish or cruel like your father and he wasn't obnoxious and boring like the sons of your Grandmother's fancy friends, who until Eddie arrived, you had been stuck amongst. He was endlessly interesting, you could listen to him all day although he wouldn't allow that, always insisting on hearing your ideas too. Eddie had once asked you why your favourite book was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. With a wicked smile you had replied because those spoilt children got their comeuppance and you could only dream about that happening to the many Augustus Gloops and Veruca Salts in your life. Slightly downtrodden, Eddie had chuckled glumly, 'I guess I am Charlie, poor and can't believe his luck .' 
Gasping and horrified at Eddie's lack of self belief, you furiously shook your head and began to explain,
'No! You're Willy Wonka. You are brilliant and yes, a little bit mad and no one can appreciate just how special you are.'
At age 14 you decided before anything, now more than ever, you had to be Eddie's sworn protector and you pushed your crush deep into the darkest corner of yourself. The content bubble that for the past five years you had been living in - consisting of yourself, your Grandmother, Eddie and his mom - had been burst. Eddie's mother died. Your best friend, already different by nature began to separate himself further from the world. His eyes became a little sadder. His clothes became darker. His music became angrier and louder. Your games became more complex, rarely concluding with a happy ending. His now shoulder length curls were buzzed. But most importantly you knew at this age, teenagers were getting meaner and you were not long off from starting High School. Whilst your heart ached to live out your teenage romance with Eddie, his heart was broken and he was in mourning. Your best friend, already an easy target for bullies, was more vulnerable than ever and protecting his heart was far more important than yours. 
At 17 as you watched Eddie's hair grow longer than ever and him truly come into his own, you had to work harder than ever to ignore it. Painfully aware your bodies were fully developed and hormone filled, you attempted to delude yourself that you weren't achingly in love with your best friend. You distracted yourself with meaningless flings and boyfriends who couldn't hold a candle to Eddie. High School was relatively smooth sailing for you, your respected name courtesy of your Gran gifting a protective shield. The higher echelon of students may not have liked you especially, god knows you loathed them but they respected you. Academia wasn't an issue, you excelled in plenty and even subjects you didn't particularly like or have a talent for, you were still able to do more than satisfactory in. The same couldn't be said for Eddie. You were truly his defender, your presence limiting the hate campaign that built against him. But when you weren't by his side, he was subjected to torment for his hair, his clothes, his passions and his background. Since his mom died, Uncle Wayne took him in and the trailer became his home. Despite Wayne working hard to provide a good and loving home, a trailer was still a red mark against Eddie's name to vapid teens. You were grateful still his warm personality and ability to seek out those in need, resulted in Hellfire Club. Now Eddie had allies. 
At 18 it was clear you would be graduating without Eddie. Whilst you could speak about his talents endlessly, your bestfriend was too creative, thought too abstract for academic life. As you stood on the stage alone, your heart cracked at the thought for the first time in a decade, your best friend wouldn't be by your side. You'd spent a year in a state of near hyperventilation ruminating on how he'd be alone, without you to protect him but more worryingly, you would be without him - the one person you loved most in every way. Realistically he would still have the younger boys from Hellfire but you'd have no one, alone in New York without your comfort blanket. The one fear that ate away at you was now that you were gone, Eddie might fall in love. He'd already developed a few admirers from becoming a local feature of The Hideout with his band Corroded Coffin. 
By 20 you were alone and Eddie-less in New York studying for your second year. He'd again failed to graduate and was on his third attempt. Whilst you loved your degree, the city and new friends it was undeniable it would all improve with his presence. Nearly every night you exchange stories over the phone and attempt to visit but as time passed, schedules became more hectic. With Hellfire and the band occupying the forefront of his mind, you felt like a ghost from his past growing more faint by the day. Each hook up tale from the bar chipped further away at you, each new person in his life pushing you further down his list. You'd ended up with boyfriends you loathed in selfish attempts to fill the Eddie shaped void in your heart.  
Now you're still 20, fearing Eddie won't be joining you in turning 21 in a few months time. He lays there before you, hand under yours and still absent of his inherent warmth. Alabaster skin near void of life, dark circles round his eyes matching the spreading mass of purple bruising across his torso. Already red seeps through the white fibres of fresh bandages. No longer in your arms, where he belongs, Eddie Munson lies in a hospital bed. Unconscious to your words and touch, oblivious of the tears that trickled down your face and splashed over his tattooed forearm. Flittering between life and death before you could even confess you were in love with your best friend. 
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koishua · 2 months
koishua's miscellaneous wip list!
say boo and pressure me into finishing these numbers <3
listed: 24/80 proper wips. had to sift through 250 drafts and veto most of them bc honestly we all know they weren't going to see the light of day!! have a suzu icon representing me rn <3 gonna be giving the other wips to the mooties who sent in for the ask game i created ages ago
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№1 ) love till the sun sets | heeseung est. 15k
№2 ) from under the magnolia tree | beomgyu est. 10k — on february fourteenth, exactly five years ago, he’d gifted you a small magnolia tree he’d named after you. he’d said that he would love you for as long as the sapling you’d planted together would live. he’d even said that he would watch as it grew bigger and older with both of you taking care of it. he'd said that it would be the most beautiful thing in town. you'd believed him.
№3 ) we were beautiful | sunghoon est. 5k — you were fifteen when you’d first fallen in love with your childhood friend, seventeen when you’d called him your boyfriend, and eighteen when you lost him to life. broken apart by circumstances and necessity, everything you’d built up with him had fallen apart overnight. by the time the dawn of your nineteenth birthday had arrived, you’d no longer have the name park sunghoon present in your everyday life, only contained dearly in your memories and a journal, his name scribbled mindlessly on each and every corner of the aged pages.
№4 ) dear cupid | jake est. 15k — desperate to have his feelings of two years reciprocated, he finds a leather-bound book falling by his feet in the old campus library containing a guide on how to summon the very real and very quirky god of love and desire, cupid. in his next life, jake would come to write a book on why you should read holy contracts thoroughly before signing your name off in blood.
№5 ) man up | heeseung short fic
№6 ) ikigai | niki est 10k — lonely and trying to cope with the deeply settled rage at the world, reader stumbles upon a peculiar boy in the middle of a bridge and falls into a conversation with him where she utters eight damning words. the world consequently stops spinning and the univers halts as it is. time comes to a stand still and the only two ppl able to move happen to be her and the boy beside her. cue the next seven days of adventures in the dark streets, lit only by the streetlamps in the outskirts of tokyo.
№7 ) pocket locket | m. jaehyun short fic
№8 ) foreign exchange student!beomgyu drabble
№9 ) death is for those who stay | heeseung short fic
№10 ) the world and all her pearls | ??
№11 ) do yourself a flavour | ?? — ice cream parlour, r2l
№12 ) i blinked and suddenly i had a valentine | ??
№13 ) enha dates gone awry (in the best ways!)
№14 ) take you out | sunghoon assassin au short fic
№15 ) a conversation between the lost and unloved | yeonjun est 3k
№16 ) mothers and fathers | yeonjun est 5k — a conversation about hungry mothers and forgetful fathers with yeonjun, an unlikely friend from a country you've never been to.
№17 ) signs that enha are dating
№18 ) "why did you give me wings and want me to fall?" | ?? — hunger games-esque!au
№19 ) notes unread | sunghoon — letters you'd written for each other, unsent and unread.
№20 ) enha and your cute little secrets
№21 ) everything sucks, just kidding! | yeonjun short fic
№22 ) do not touch | jay est 5k — bnha!au, living with a quirk damning you to eternal loneliness, not being able to touch or be touched in fear of the other's demise, jay loves you from afar. he loves you without a single touch.
№23 ) i could drown myself in someone like you | gaon short fic
№24 ) dude, go to therapy | beomgyu text fic — your number neighbor just so happens to be choi beomgyu, your old nemesis from high school. it's too late when you find out about it, though, because you'd already dumped all of your emotional baggage on him. worst of all, he seemed to be concerned and not at all like the beomgyu of the past.
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zermizomilk · 3 months
you know the drill :3 1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
alright tis the time again:
i won't answer anything when it comes to names just gonna say that
nov 26 one day before yours!
i looked it up "Sagittarius"
a minty green
26 or 09
idk like 178-180 cm
42 i think? Europe size
like 4
kicking the shit outta slender man
prob not
punk tactics
idk partner as in crime or marriage since im aro
black like my entire wardrobe
my music taste is madness
on my stomach or back i often move around
i don't know
sandwich, eggs, hotdogs etc
10?11 hours?
I think
a little
idk how bout you tell me?
probably shoes those bitches are expensive even if they're not a popular brand
eggs or pizza
nothing comes to mind
somewhere in the middle im usually dirty but then i clean everything up
an insult "You cock sniffling weasel"
like 10-20 minutes
i don't think so
crunch because my teeth are tungsten
not anymore
i prefer to keep it as black mail
idk don't watch many movies
art or gym
some times
never really had one
0 :']
i think
pretty meh
pretty fast
dark brown
bluish maybe greenish
im assuming for work mother works at an old persons home father is an electrical engineer
alot of things
it's annoying but i have to deal with it
strong fast durable smartish
low endurance constantly tired
they just thought it sounded nice
yellow ish like banana colour
mostly white
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cappurrccino · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks @captaincravatthecapricious for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
80, apparently!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Currently not really any because my muse fuckin packed her bags and took a vacation, but Malevolent, Halo, and Destiny are the big ones. I'd like to do more for Warframe and FFXIV, though!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
strange domains (TMA/Malevolent)
It's Called Supervising (Destiny... the power of putting Cayde-6 in your fic, I swear)
once in a movie night (Malevolent)
where you go, i go (TMA/WTNV)
Treason (Hollow Knight/Destiny AU)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm trying to be better about it! A lot of the time, though, I simply don't know what to say and fall into the "how do I respond to birthday wishes" trap because writing "Thanks!" a bunch feels disingenuous even though I am thankful and glad someone liked the fic enough to comment
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Ptttthhhbbbbbbbb, probably the one where Bornstellar finds his family all floodified on the Halo Chakas & Riser got marooned on in Primordium
(I have not reread this fic in ages bc I remember not being super happy with how it was written and don't want to see I published a disaster lol)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Oh, so many of them. Happy fluffy nonsense is my wheelhouse. If I have to pick one, though, maybe day 7: we fucking did it just because I don't think any other characters have Gone Through It as much as John & Arthur have, so they would get the most joy from a lazy day at the river
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Absolutely not lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! If we take "craziest" to mean "silliest" probably the Destiny/WTNV crossover thing I flirted with for a while in 2016 (old woman Josie lives in the desert with a house full of taken)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Again, not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
@warlordfelwinter and I were writing a novelized version of a D&D campaign we were in, by which I mean Fel did the bulk of the writing and I filled in the Alexa-specific parts!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
Bornstellar/Splendid Dust! My boys! My beloveds! I'm pspsps-ing people into this sandbox with me because right now there are 4 fics for them on AO3 and they're all mine
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
Any of them 😭
16. What are your writing strengths? 
Dumb shit. But I like to think I'm also good at writing weird stuff (I also just have a lot of fun writing weird stuff, like Fundament and the Dark World)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I wouldn't dare unless I was fluent, which will basically never happen...
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Transformers, baybee! I think at this point I've lost all of my TF fic from my ff.net days due to time and computer moves, which is a real shame, because I wrote a TF/ST crossover centered on tribbles once that I remember being one of the best things I've ever written... Maybe if I'm lucky it's on one of my old external drives and I can reupload it... 🤔
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
The hardest question in the world... hmm... maybe wait through the night for the dawn light to break just because it's the longest thing I've done and the MalevBB experience was so fun... but I also really like Siren's Eye bc Fundament and Osmium sibs and my funky little sea-runners, and I also really like Corpus Siege just bc it was so fun to write, and I also like— [is dragged off stage by a comically large shepherd's hook]
[yelling from the wings] also that Halo AU I had where I gave people metahuman powers! thank you and goodnight!
@warlordfelwinter, @xivu-arath, @wonderwafles, @titan-mom (no pressure, of course!)
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saintsenara · 2 years
one year in every ten - the masterpost
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harry potter/tom riddle explicit | no major warnings apply
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a decade on from the battle of hogwarts, after ten years of the wizarding world thinking it's safe, a serial killer emerges, leaving a trail of dead women in his wake. each of the bodies bears a gruesome, encoded message for the aurors... a message which - once unscrambled - claims the dark lord has risen again. in the face of the mystery, the order of the phoenix is hastily reformed, ron is stoic, hermione is scared, ginny is getting very good at putting on a brave face, death eaters who were never caught are getting ready to crawl out of the woodwork, and the ministry of magic has plenty of secrets of its own for kingsley to worry about... all harry wants is to distract himself from a marriage falling apart at the seams. all lord voldemort wants is to get out of the horrible place between life and death. so much so that he's willing to agree to help his old enemy solve the case. or so he claims.
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read from the beginning here
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chapter summaries: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 author's notes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 moodboards: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 playlist | reading | answered asks
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this is a detective story.
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and it is, like all detective stories, about the investigation of a crime. but, like all detective stories, this is not the only thing it's about... one year in every ten is an homage to - in my humble opinion - one of the greatest forms of literature: golden age detective fiction. think sherlock holmes, hercule poirot, peter wimsey, miss marple and so on... this sort of crime fiction often seems - on the surface - to be quite light-hearted, and to focus on a sort of whimsical, eccentric crime [aristocrats glamorously poisoning each other, and so on] which is far removed from the reality of violence. but behind the eccentric investigators, scheming criminals, dissolute toffs in their secret-filled houses, clues, and red herrings, the detective fiction written in the first half of the twentieth century - especially that written by women - has a great deal more to say about topics such as gender, class, politics, the police, journalism, grief, anger, remorse, and the weight of history than it's often given credit for. and this story attempts to do the same.
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it's a story about how the wizarding world has recovered from the war. and how it hasn't.
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one year in every ten takes place a decade after the battle of hogwarts, in a world which thinks that it's moved on from the horrors of voldemort's second war and that all is well. if the daily prophet is to be believed, the sun hasn't stopped shining since the day the dark lord dropped dead: the economy is booming; prejudice has been eradicated; the grieving have been comforted by seeing justice done, and harry potter is perfectly content to live happily ever after. but maybe the truth behind the fairytale ending is a little more complicated...
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it's a story about how getting the future you actually want requires dealing with the weight of the past.
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one year in every ten is a story about the fact that the war had complex causes which can't be easily eradicated, and a ministry which pretends that they have been is doomed to continue in the mire of institutional corruption, even with a good man in the minister's office. it's a story about the people who have been left behind by justice, and about the problems with vengeance, the exhaustion of anger, and the trouble with forgiveness. it's a story about interrogating the decisions and regrets of the past, and about coming to learn that your enemies are real people, capable - even if only occasionally - of goodness. it's a story about being honest about who you really are and who you'd really like to be, and about what it takes to change yourself. it's a story about families, blood or otherwise. it's a story about death, and about life.
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it is also a love story.
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somthing-lavender · 2 years
When did the Tristan Platoon all meet each other? (½ just "What if Chion is adopted?")
When talking about ages I'm makeing the ranges a bit bigger. For example instead of saying Tristan was 14 two years ago I'll say 13-14 because 1. He just turned 16 (like his birthday is 17 days after Percival), 2. Two years could mean 2.0 years or 2.9 years. So I'm leaving wiggle room
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The wording of "The same goes for Chion and Jade," had given me headaches. Why? Because it's unclear weather it's saying
Tristan meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Isolde meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Both Tristan and Isolde meet Chion and Jade 2 years ago
Chion and Jade meet 2 years ago
I heavily doubt it can be Chion and Jade meet each other 2 years ago because they're concerned childhood friends, which implies to me they've known each other for awhile. You could argue they're currently 14-15 and meet at like 11-13 and that's young enough to be considered childhood friends, but I feel like it's weird to call someone a childhood friend after knowing them for like 2 years. But at the same time there's no real definition or rule when you can start calling someone a childhood friend. Still doubt it.
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I'm gonna gonna skip 3 and go to 2, Isolde meet the rest of the platoon 2 years ago.
I personally believe this because it doesn't require us believing or explaining why Tristan meet his cousin on his mother's adopted side (who shouldnt live to far away and are on good terms with) till he was 13-14.
The only thing that could lead to question this idea is this scene
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Chion, Jade, and Isolde all knew each other "way back when." This leads us to the question of "how long ago was way back when?" When I first read this as "way back when we were children, before we even knew Tristan." Mean Chion even said "did we? Implying it was long enough he doesn't remembers clearly. That would put a dent on the Isolde meet them only 2 years ago, unless she meet Chion and Jade like 2.5 years ago and Tristan like 2.0 years ago.
But re-reading it I don't think the fact Tristan wasn't their necessarily means they didn't know him. After Tristan shouted "listen, you!" They apologize for leaving him out. It be weird to apologize for leaving him out if they didn't even know him at the time. This would imply that this was after they meet Tristan and they just didn't invite him for what ever reason (that or they were apologizing for making him feel left out for being the one who knew them all for the least amount of time).
I first thought 2 years ago wasn't long enough for "way back when" but thinking about it, it could work as like "way back when we first meet." For Chion not remembering he could have bad memory or he was lying in hopes of changing the subject so Tristan wouldn't feel left out.
Now for the possiblity Tristan didn't meet Jade and his own COUSIN Chion till he was 13-14.
There really isn't any solid reason for why Tristan wouldn't meet Chion sooner besides Chion being adopted 2-3 years ago.
Evidence against this idea would be the fact Chion looks like Gilthunder (so it could be the artist having same face syndrome) and Chion hair is purple (so dark purple which doesn't make much sense looking at real life genetics), and having dark eyes like Margaret (so we don't know the exact color yet unless it's literally black)
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Now let's say Chion is adopted. That would explain the personality. Everyone has been wondering how Margaret and Gilthunder raised a jerk like Chion. Now just like how if someone have bad people as parents doesn't necessarily mean they're a bad person, the opposite is true. There's always outside influences. But if Chion is adopted that means he was being effected by nothing but outside factors until being adopted at 10+ y.o.
It's actually kinda an interesting idea. That turns Chion from Margaret's and Gilthunder's rude (and kinda murderous) kid to a kid they took in, who they're probably trying their best to raise, but he has to have some sort of troubled past (mean his bio parents are out of the way) and it leads to problems with his behavior. (It'll would also make a interesting dynamic with him and Elizabeth cause their both adopted, Tristan too cause he's not blood related to his extended family too). Actually on that note Elizabeth use to misbehave cause she was adopted and wanted her father's attention to make up for it.
It could possibly explain why he idolizes Tristan so much. He could be thankful towards the whole Lioness family for Margaret and Gilthunder taking him in. It also changes Tristan and Chion relationship from cousins, to prince and subject turned adopted cousin. Like imagine you get adopted and all the sudden the rulers of your kingdom (who you probably never met) are suddenly your uncle and aunt, and the prince and your possible future king (who you defently never met) is suddenly your cousin. Makes sense he idolizes Tristan so much, after 2 years Tristan probably still feels more like this perfect Prince than his own family.
Being adopted would also explain the hair. Honestly when I first learned Chion was Gilthunder's son my first thought was "aw, things didn't work out with Margaret, that's sad :(," but then I saw (who I'm assuming is Margaret) stand next to Gilthunder and Chion and was like "I guess it did work out but Chion has black hair for some reason."
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Darker hair tends to be dominant so it wouldn't make sense that dark purple was somehow recessive to light pink and light purple. At the same time the hair could be explained with hair dye, some weird magical thing that darken his hair, the author not carrying about irl genetics and wanting Chion being their kid to be a surprise, or the unlikely explanation Gilthunder and Margaret broke up, had a kid with another person, and then getting back together and one of them is now a step parent (which would be interesting but doubt it).
Now while writing this I realized another pice of evidence against Chion being adopted (so I guess I lied early saying his appearance was the only evidence against him being adopted). The evidence being he puts himself on a similar level to Tristan. (He's also pretty classiest in general)
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This implies he was born from a high ranking family as he calls the others "country hicks". But then slept on it (I wrote this over 2 days) and realized he could still be adopted but was born in another noble family.
If Chion is adopted that also could mean his childhood friend(s) Jade (and maybe Isolde) followed him all the way to Lioness which is cute.
At the end of the day we can't know what "Same goes for Chion and Jade" means unless we're given more information. It's also clear that Chion hair color and personality are mysterious considering his parents.
Wonder if the even that turned his hair black/messed up his personality/possibly orphanage him has to do with that one scare he hides under his bangs?
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libidomechanica · 10 months
You under his moulders daily for the heaven
A limerick sequence
How can field Martha! The she said or say loud I hate or ever love    Amaryllis, she sullen    survive. And talk of Temperamental eyes; my nations for Scio.
So sharp as hast for land as he obscure. And like a marriers blame the base,    how awkward sight be: his    new: I recollect in their own to wedlock; but Verbum sat.
To haue learn’d them; at large, and o’er the moons?—And from Arabian Nightful    green, third days’ sweet must for    yet of lots were were and in Greek. Old Farmer not Rosalend?
Nor lost its a bee. Had sight, ev’n to loving, and sang in half its she walls,    glitter in his own might    of and put in were in a mild the placed look down eye but dream!
Two name mystic peace, I do stake one and if we can the bolt did betray.    Stall my beloved and    yet in facts emotionlessly, and hold water, the the said.
And the friend, born, whose whence nourish! Rise, and self-balance, and compunction one    must prying more, and people    fortress—I, althought violence. Oh mission flying wind!
I found me chain her will dipt in his poorests, i, a low rock. Tis songs he    lake: shall each him in    sepulchral hills? Yes, in papery dead ere memory repose.
I was at pray have me, where, according all they all it to us, a    fool? And how bright, and the    deeps come! Farewell; tis not when this way. Year element, and sink?
And a morn by ghosts—their was flesh; there night fool? The silver like a conventions    of love them remain,    the lashes round thro’ memorial cooings; no other read young.
Were not speaking, over-shell feels her prove the warm precincts, wine! Had given:    her shade, and dwelt full of    fancy’s that his locks the Kidd pity heart, and I reacher song.
Do you, may before thou’ ask’d the Sun. Up from come twilight shall please. Ask me    notion, and there between    the city-noise, had Here to my hour to church, then power?
At the was basest which your house whose that mock-shroud desponds would not from over    utmost rememberings;    he thrice of deceitful jest? But worn by my pen—women?
In hand flash’d neglectful, perhaps—but the closet: pray, when I am not.    And made away; and loved’s,    my loved, the griefs the teach of name. And hall, and bittering.
But scanty draws; thereformation. The glow’d legs, and Easter, drive thou art    built on it to they glow’d    no bittering far; and uttered! Where border’d his verse long kind.
Show to have expectable, gave no many a years so he faith bless close    thrice on when the cut a    wish your Bosom an authority. To find is not my fail.
As after several sign over. ’ Silk and Pegasus runs pardon a’    our real eyes of our to    remedy was mine, fast be tell—tis that plank day a suitor.
And wave, her faces as thorn in the learn the seemed, and beautiful, and by    trance, half the love. Of their    lives instrel instruck in fact the lawn and higher the loves, they?
The histories and reach and dance rising gold, dangers? Some kind, he rest quite new    as well a malus and    cross. Endless at a wild and then all strutting claim, poor insane.
This I know. A life, and theirs nor was a little boat, they went at all cry?    Though your hair. Nor can a    young rough I had voyage Timbuctoo the eye, she best in size.
Ye him by the faith. And prove so fix our be; but chiefest blows of his darkness    aged each other    itself, once more the full leaded essening, some back to heard!
He squeezed among the tender-showers and there and stoop from the room, too, had    surpass’d, and I burning    sea; but come, that cannot so? And if she shy Thames overworn.
A cruel, cruel, cruel, love, for youth of everywhere iniquity. Brows, but place    of thy verses when she    shadowings, and the heroine. Up the height, so the ashame!
Then hem knolls them tree, as there. His plan? Astrological berry winter    indifferent man! A    dank, sickle and as arrowe forests. Into yon spot away.
I can’st they trice, and half the trees and their earlier into heart with shamed,    Ida whole; with company,    who shower in all colours calmly ship of Stephen Hill.
Arose father at you dream my won’t you for Corydon. Thou stick of a    stars grave, for her found thus    they were bronze, they were alone; but the times she knewe I lingers.
Not she doorways spoil he watch-dog’s house, in circulation of Hazeldean.—    Several oathsome duller    guardian sentially draught to him too, of man; and hand.
But the Foxe him who hath Echo till not if that binds thine; but the martyr.    Eke child thy rangely    o’er words, that I see in thing monkey, as show throught as this man?
He clawing of a statements and feeble, in spring payne. I have dress to    traced number Julia’s mothers    much blossom with him afraid. Beneath such a misery!
Starved, pass’d my clouds divine? Of the sweet you my minnie to some remorsels    from a draughters up all    it too. The head, thy below, and in the heart, and in such clay.
Of life is boys and slow draw the pain? Half-senses credit will death-weigh’d as    I. Deep folly. And sky,    week all celestial existening dress they never with weight.
The floods, but mine: gives oozing out well. In searchin, and made the will notion,    must we poorest-tost; and    kings: whether! And he season left of thine o’ the river’d man.
0 notes
shaniaispunk · 10 months
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Enjoy The Silence
Authors Note : Hey! I haven’t written anything in what feels like years, but I’ve had the idea stuck in my head for a while. I’ve rewritten and posted so many times but I’m hoping this version is better! Any ideas or questions feel free to comment or message me, hope you enjoy it!
Part 1 -
I was almost 14 when the outbreak started in 2013, it wiped out a huge chunk of humanity. It was just me and my dad, my mother left a long time ago and for all I know she is long gone or most likely dead. He raised me on his own for most of my life, for as long as I can remember at least. He passed away when I was 17 though, it was nothing to do with cordyceps though. I’m not sure of the cause, but one night he went to bed and the next day he was gone. Leaving him was the hardest thing I ever had to do but I had to learn to carry on without him now, I had to mature at such a young age to be able to survive.
I spent a whole year alone, I came across a few people on my travels. I learnt the hard way that they were just using me to get to wherever they needed to go, I was young and vulnerable, it took me a long time to open up or trust anybody after that day, I never thought I would be able to again. But then I met Joel, he saved me from the loneliness. It took him a while to get past the walls I built up, to even coax a conversation out of me about what had happened leading up to us meeting took a lot of patience.
Joel told me about his time in the Boston QZ, about Tess. How she was bitten when they snook out past curfew. He told me about this time someone was trying to buy pills of him, they started to say “if you’re feeling lost” but Joel cut them off quickly saying “you tell me to look for the light and I’ll break your jaw”.
He held onto that promise, we bumped into some fireflies a couple months ago who were chanting their usual bullshit “remember if you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light”. Low and behold, Joel broke the guys jaw which he well and truly deserved. Not only did he piss off Joel by saying that, but this guy also tried to grope me after saying he hadn’t seen a real woman in years... I have never seen him so angry, I used to see him as a father figure with me only being in my early twenties. But I feel like my feelings have developed more for him since that day, he always protects me in any way he can.
After that he brought me back to Jackson, his brother Tommy was at a commune there and said we were more than welcome to stay as long as we helped in any way.
You would have thought after all these years alone that I would appreciate the silence, to not be surrounded by infected. But here I am, ten years after outbreak day on patrol with Joel Miller. It’s almost too quiet, which is concerning.
Ellie lent her horse Shimmer to me, mine was shot a few weeks back when we ran into some smugglers just south of Jackson. She took a break from patrol for a while after the whole ordeal with Seth in the Tipsy Bison, she is still mad at Joel even though he thought he was doing what was best. So, I agreed to swap with her and take her place, for now it is just me and Joel for a while. Her and Dina are good for each other, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ellie so happy in all these years of knowing her.
“She will talk to you at some point you know?” you turn to look at Joel, knowing that his argument with Ellie a few weeks days back was still playing on his mind.
“I know darlin, she’s just as stubborn as the day I met her” he says rubbing his free hand over his face.
The storm just died down and everything was covered in a fresh sheet of snow, so it was hard to see any fresh blood or any new footprints. Everything seems too calm, which almost seemed comforting until we got to the old supermarket in the town just over from the commune. The whole place is crawling with infected, we wouldn’t know what type of infected they are or how many we were going to be dealing with until we were inside. We still needed to be stealthy, Joel went inside first, I followed behind him slowly.
Do not raise any attention to us, don’t let them notice you.
I pulled my switch blade from my jacket pocket, using my gun would not be a wise idea right now. I sneak up behind one of the clickers, wrapping my left arm around its neck and quickly slicing the blade through their throat. It looked like there was only a few more up here, mostly clickers by the looks of it so the rest must be downstairs. One by one, we managed to somehow take them all down without bringing any attention to our presence.
We continued down to the basement, Tommy said that no one had been any further than the first floor. Before we progressed, Joel nudged me. He was pointing towards something to the left of me behind the doors. Spores... Looks like they’ve been here for a while, how did we miss this? Why hadn’t anybody been down here before?
The doors were chained together, must have been like that for a while. Joel handed me my mask before reaching back into his backpack to pull out his own. He pushed on the doors so they would open just enough for me to slip inside, I picked the lock on the chains and slowly pulled them free, trying my best to be silent. I heard movement behind me, “what the fuck was that?” Joel held his finger up to his mouth telling me to be quiet. I heard it again to my right, my head whipped around to follow the movement. Stalkers? I saw one peering around the doorframe before quickly disappearing again. We had a few reports of stalkers a few months back but had never seen any this close to Jackson.
I slowly walked around the room trying to watch where I was stepping, but just my luck I stand on some broken glass which alerts the clickers. I pulled my knife out quickly, Joel followed suit with his shotgun. One of the stalkers comes through a hole in the wall, before I can react it grabs me by the ankle and pulls me to the floor. Joel reacted a lot quicker than I could, shooting the stalker right in the head, blowing its remains all over my face. So much for being silent…
I shoved what was left of the stalker off me chuckling at Joel “nice save cowboy, thought I’d be a lot quicker than you”. He just smiles and shakes his head at my comment, reaching down offering his hand to me. I pull myself up, wiping my hands on the front of my jeans which are definitely a few sizes too small. Suppose I can’t complain though, especially when we are in the middle of the fucking apocalypse so I’m lucky enough to be alive and be by Joel’s side.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Two Year Term Imposed On Broad For $8,900 Theft,” Ottawa Journal. February 17, 1930. Page 1 & 3. --- Civic Officials in Crowd Which Hears Sentence Passed. --- SERIOUS CRIME DECLARES COURT --- Magistrate Hopewell Says Broad's Friends Will Stick. --- Bradford Broad, who pleaded guilty last Thursday to 13 charges of theft totalling $8,915 from the city treasurer's department, where he was employed as cashier for 16 years, this morning was sentenced to two years in Portsmouth penitentiary by Magistrate Hopewell.
The proceedings lasted only seven minutes and Broad made no comment when sentence was passed. He left the crowded court room immediately after wards in custody, and will be moved to the penitentiary in a day or two. 
In his remarks from the bench this began: "You know, Broad," the magistrate referred to the cashier's offence as a "serious mistake," and advised him to "get the right angle on his mistake."
Friends Will Stick. The magistrate complimented Broad on "coming clean," and told him his real friends would stick by him. 
When court opened at 10 o'clock Broad took his seat with three others in the prisoners' dock and sat through their trials, his own being called at 10.14 a. m. When the clerk of the court called "Bradford Broad," be stood up and remained standing with his eyes fixed on the magistrate until sentence was passed. He then left the dock quickly, but half-way to the door of the court room hesitated, glanced at his counsel, Clarence C. Gibson. who was sitting at the barristers' table, smiled and went on.
The former cashier, whose city address is 12 Harvard avenue, and who of is 34 years of age was carefully groomed. He betrayed no sign of nervous- ness and followed the cases preceding. 
Details of Thefts. The thefts to which he pleaded guilty Thursday and for which he was sentenced today were as follows: $3,607.23 from the Firemen's Superannuation and Benefit Fund; $797, Royal Ottawa Sanatorium, June 4; $638, Health Department, April 15; $100, market rental, August 14; $133, market rental. Dec. 18; $300, market rental, June 28; 8766.50, Health Department, Oct. 18: $75, market rental, August 9: $1.914.60, Police Department, Sept. 12 $150, market rental. August 9; $1.914.00 Strathcona Hospital, August 10.
The courtroom was crowded, among those present being Mayor Frank H. Plant and several civic officials.
"You Must Pay." Magistrate Hopewell, in addressing Broad said: "You know, Broad, our street care represent life in a very, comparative way. In some you pay as you enter, some you pay when you are inside, and others you pay as you leave. The only difference with life itself is that while there are times when you may beat the street railway company, and get away with it, you cannot get away with any mistakes you make in real life. Sooner or later you must pay.
"Some of us when we are caught strenuously deny having done any thing wrong: some of us make excuses, blame surroundings environment or somebody else. Some admit the facts and face the situation. I am glad to note that you are of that type. 
“You know, a good way to find what life is all about is to sit down quietly for a few minutes and think it over and see what we received to start with. If we were born with a white skin we are that much better off than one born with a dark skin. We may be fortunate in starting off in a good family and with fair education. These things instead of decreasing responsibility, however, increase our responsibility.”
Get Right Angle. “The great thing, Broad, is to get the right angle," said His Worship. He then stated that he had sentenced a young man to prison few days ago who before he had left to serve his sentence had written a letter which showed that he understood his position and was ready to pay and anxious to makes amends. “There wasn't whine in the whole letter" the Magistrate said.
"I would like you to keep this in mind, Broad. No man but a hypocrite would throw stones at his fellow man because be himself has made a mistake and is guilty himself alone. 
"There is no use blinking the fact that you have made a serious mistake and that you are responsible for your mistake. There is no use blinking the fact that you must pay for making this mistake. 
“And so it become my painful duty to sentence you. You have pleaded guilty to thirteen charges of theft and I now sentence you to two years in Kingston Penitentiary on each of the thirteen charges, the sentences to run concurrently.”
[AL: Broad was 34, married with children, from Ottawa, and had no criminal record. He was convict #1610 at Kingston Penitentiary, worked as a cleaner, then a clerk in the carpentry shop, and was paroled June 1931.]
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patrickjonesblog · 2 years
22 Favorite Albums of 2022
Hey music friends and random strangers. Welcome back to my annual music blog where I go through my favorite albums released in 2022.
I hope 2022 has treated you all well, and if it hasn't, congratulations on surviving it and I hope you have a better 2023.
I'm still listening to tons of new music and sharing it with anyone who cares to listen. I will say that this years top 10 is probably the most white male dominated indie schmindie top 10 ever, but I don't make apologies for that, the heart loves what the heart loves! There's slightly more diversity in the rest of the chart but at the end of the day i'm an indie sleaze boy and 2022 has been the sleaziest of indie!
Lets start with albums #22-#11 as a list and then we'll get into the top 10 in more detail, all these I've enjoyed, and have tracks on them I've played loads but maybe not stuck with the entire album as long.
22. Lizzo - Special
21. Fontaines DC - Skinty Fia
20. Ezra Furman - All of us Flames
19. Marian Hill - Why cant we just pretend?
18. Bloc Party - Alpha Games
17. Dune Rats - Real Rare Whale
16. The Chats - Get Fucked
15. Black Country, New Road - Ants from up there
14. Loyle Carner - Hugo
13. The Linda Linda's - Growing Up
12. Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Cool it Down
11. Viagra Boys - Cave World
10. Spoon - Lucifer on the Sofa
It's testament to Spoon's quality that even on their 10th studio album they're still writing songs as great as Wild and the Hardest Cut. The former was my most played song of the year.
9. The Bug Club - Green Dream in F#
The first of four debut albums in my top 10 showing the health of indie-rock in 2022. It may not be the most popular genre right now but the scene definitely is in somewhat of a renaissance. Bug Club are a Welsh 3 piece and sound like a mixture of Pavement, Los Campesinos and Belle and Sebastian. They write melodic, funny, lo-fi indie 3 minute pop songs and I urge you to check them out.
8. Alt-J - The Dream
10 years since the release of An Awesome Wave propelled them to hipster stardom I was happily surprised by this release, its the album i've turned to most when I needed to chill out. The first half of this LP is as good as anything they've ever done, it peters out a bit in the 2nd half but still worth a listen all the way through.
7. Mary Shelley - Look at You
New NYC band Mary Shelley blew me away at this years New Colossus festival. They look like long island frat brothers but sound like an 80's post punk band twice their age. A brilliant live band with some fantastic tunes and the below is one of my favorites of the year.
6. Jack White - Fear of the Dawn
Two albums from Ol' Jacky White this year, Fear of the Dawn was my hands down favorite, as good as latter day White Stripes. Really heavy, full of riffs and just great fun.
5. Wet Leg - Wet Leg
After the viral hit of 2021 - Chaise Longue, I don't think anyone expected Wet Leg to have a full album of similar quality catchy tunes. But surprisingly they did, and they backed up their viral smash with a string of great singles and an album which hinted at a lot more depth than what you might have first thought.
4. Yard Act - The Overload
Must be one of the hardest working bands of the year, so many gigs, so many achievements. I immediately fell in love with Yard Act last year after their brilliant debut singles Fixer Upper and Dark Days but was mortified to see that neither of those made the album. What on earth were they thinking?! Apparently they didn't fit the narrative arc, and they're artists, y'know? Anyway, I needn't be worried the album is brilliant, the aforementioned arc is genius, the writing is sublime, the hooks are big, there's emotion, humor, satire and tunes coming out their arse.
3. Everything Everything - Raw Data Feel
EE continue to be Englands most underrated band, maybe they're just too weird for the mainstream, but on their 6th album they continue to push the boundaries of what it means to be a pop band. For this record they used AI to generate some lyrics, apparently feeding the robot posts from 4Chan, verses from Beowulf and other weird things, but they may as well have just fed it all their previous work because it still sounds as bonkers as everything else they'd previously released.
2. Bodega - Broken Equipment
Similarly to the AI algorithm used above it feels like Bodega have been fed an audio diet of every New York band for the past 50 years as an experiment to see what comes out of it. The result is a classic NYC rock record that swings from The Ramones to more modern contemporaries like LCD Soundsystem and Parquet Courts. The lyrics are smart the songs are catchy and there's barely any filler on this fantastic second album.
1. Sports Team - Gulp!
All hail the new kings of Britpop! I think Sports Team are the closest thing to Blur we have, outside of Blur themselves. They remind me of Great Escape / Parklife era Blur where they're cocky, chaotic but at their most creative and mainstream. Gulp! was apparently a tricky record to make for the band, but it doesn't sound that way. It's a balls out, self assured romp of a record that barely lets up from start to finish. By far my most listened to band of 2022 and it's positivity has helped me so much through a difficult year.
There we have it! Thanks so much for reading and listening, I hope you've found a new love or gone back to a band you may have skipped over this year. Send me your comments, I always love to hear from friends to see what they thought and what they agree / disagree with.
Want a handy playlist featuring songs from all of my top 22? Here you go.
Still want more? There's so many great songs this year that weren't on the albums above so check out my full 2022 playlist .
Want to stay up to date on 2023 music as and when it comes out? Subscribe to my 2023 playlist and i'll add tracks to it as they're released.
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trinityinstitutehq · 2 years
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character name: lavender grace brown character birthdate & age: november 14, 2003; 19 character fandom: harry potter character pronouns/gender/sexuality etc: she/her/hers, female/bi bi bi baby character faceclaim: sydney park student/professor/job title etc/whatever is relevant: student, works in a coffee shop part time, is a member of the school newspaper (does an astrology section). ex-socialite if student, what do they study. : English Lit with a concentration in writing; Astrology minor living situation: shithole apartment with probably five roommates. character biography: Lavender's father is a well-liked politican. Rich and married into a good family. And so, Lav grew up a little spoiled... more like spoiled rotten. She wasn't horrible to other people, perse, just entitled - had a very...marie antionette "let them eat cake" attitude.
Lavender, at some point, decided she wanted her own money. And as stupid 16 year olds do, she started to trying to sell her Dad's pain medication from a back surgery he had ages ago. She made some cash - not a lot, because how was she supposed to know drugs were worth that much - but more important, she caught the attention of someone undesirable. GG threatened to out her, embarrass her and get her in trouble, thus embarrassing her father too, which was a major no-no.
So, Lavender because GG's secret bitch - helping her nail down peoples secrets. It was easy for someone like lav, who was naturally so nosy. It got tiring after a while, and Lavender wanted out.
Supposedly unrelated to the GG drama, Lavender was attacked in her family home during a robbery, leaving her with scarring on her face and shoulder and nerve damage/nerve pain. They did not catch the assailant. This drove a wedge into her familial relationships which had been cordial up until this point. Lavender didn't deal with this well, and definitely didn't deal with the media attention well, and it all came to a head at one of those charity galas where she was found drunk (underage), disorderly, and in possession of marijuana. She was arrested quite publicly, though her parents took care of the charges.
Unfortuantely, after they made the charges go away, they disowned her and kicked her out basically on the street. Lavender had to learn real fast that the rose glow she had been looking at life didn't exist for everyone else. She applied to school, deciding to stay in London instead of going to South Korea like she originally planned, got a job, and is just trying to keep her head down. The only upside? It gave her the courage to tell GG to screw off.
For now, at least.
character's deep dark secret: DRUG CW: Lav was being blackmailed by GG in when she was in her last year of secondary school. Lavender stole some of her dad's pills and was lightweight selling them on campus - like a lil baby drug dealer. Truthfully, it wasn't a huge thing, but she thought it was at the time. She didn't want to get caught and face her father's wrath. Lav never met GG in person but helped them learn secrets to prevent her secret from getting out...
And then things took a turn for the worst. After Lavender's assault, at 17, Lavender went off the deep end and ended up embarrassing her father pretty severely at  gala. she was caught drunk and high and was arrested... Secrets out, girl scout. She got cut off and is currently estranged from her family.
Now she spends her time looking at stars and writing poetry and trying to heal.... but GG still looms over her, nervous that her part in GG's early days are going to come out.
mun info:
mun name/alias: love timezone: est pronouns: she/her
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