#really though I'll miss you guys when the inevitable happens
I made a post like this a while back but I feel it's worth saying again
I absolutely love these books and this tv show has been a long time coming. I hope the show does well (I am quite certain it will) and I am so incredibly excited for new people to be introduced to this incredible world.
But on the other hand, I don't want this little community we have to be gone. Like I have grown way too attached to seeing all of the regular L&C creators and fandom members on here and quite soon I think we will be totally flooded. I never want to gatekeep something so precious to me, and I know that we will gain so many more cool creations but a part of me is a little sad (and almost nostalgic?) over it all.
But then on the whole other hand, I am absolutely terrified of what the new fans will be like. If they are anything like the Stranger Things and Wednesday fans (Just the toxic ones of course) I am going to cry. I have this gut feeling that the show will take off and then we will have TikTok trends and stuff (how weird is that lol) and that honestly freaks me out so much. I just really don't want people to ruin what we have going right now, you know? Like yall just KNOW that there will be people simping for the skull.
Like I'll miss seeing you guys so much :,)
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girlgenius1111 · 4 months
Just Let Go
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Alexia and Jenni know precisely how to rid you of your stress and frustration. You're hoping they'll be able to help Misa out, too. If she's willing to give up control.
not really smut yet but still, 18+
You and Misa had hooked up before; normally, after el clásico, you'd meet up at the other's house Madrid or Barcelona. You would be celebrating, and Misa would, inevitably, be taking out her frustration on you. It had happened a few times.
You'd had an idea, though. You'd gone off at the 73rd minute, after getting 2 goals past Misa. You'd watched the rest of the game from the bench, sitting next to Jenni, who didn't miss the way your eyes kept straying to the opposing goalkeeper.
The game was one to celebrate for Barca, especially for you. You'd been going through a frustrating dry spell in regards to scoring, and today you'd broken through. Your team was ecstatic, planning to go out. You had... other plans. Evidently, as did Jenni and Alexia.
You were in the empty hall, smiling to yourself at the sounds of celebration emanating from the locker room, having just got off the phone with your sister, who was congratulating you on a game well done. As you were about to hang up, Alexia and Jenni slipped out of the locker room. Alexia wrapped an arm around your abdomen, resting her chin on your shoulder. Jenni took the phone out of your hand the minute you'd hung up, looking around before lightly pressing a kiss to your neck. Your head dropped back, giving her more access.
"No, no, not here," Jenni scolded lightly, as if she hadn't just initiated the contact.
"We have much to celebrate, hmm?" Alexia murmured. Both of them were close enough to you that it bordered on the edge of too friendly.
"Come back to ours? We can make sure you get a proper reward for those goals," Jenni's words were hot against your ear.
"I had an idea," you mentioned casually. You were normally content to let Alexia and Jenni do what they wanted to you, so they perked up at this. "You know how Misa and I..." you trailed off.
Both of them nodded. If there was any hint of jealousy on their faces, you couldn't detect it. They knew Misa from the national team, were friends with her, and they knew you two had an arrangement, not dissimilar to the one you had with the couple.
"It was a rough game for her," you started.
"Partly because of you," Alexia smirked.
"It was a rough game for her," you said, continuing as if you hadn't been interrupted. "I was thinking we could help her out. In the way you guys have been helping me out?"
They exchanged a long look, seemingly communicating without words, as they often did.
"What do you mean, help her out?" Jenni asked, pretending she didn't know very well what you meant.
You rolled your eyes, and Alexia pinched your arm lightly in warning. "She's frustrated. The two of you are... very good at getting rid of my frustration."
"So you want to bring her back with us, and have us fuck her? Watching doesn't seem like much of a reward," the blonde said bluntly.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll find something to do." You smiled.
"Will she be interested?" Jenni questioned, and you felt your stomach leap with excitement, taking her question as an agreement.
"Who wouldn't be?" You said, running a hand up and down Jenni's side.
She chuckled at you. "Alright, if that's what you want your reward to be. You're in charge of getting her there, though."
You looked to Alexia, who you knew held the real final say. She nodded. "If that's what you want, bonita."
You all returned to the locker room, as you began to figure out how, exactly, you were going to get Misa on board with this. She was stubborn, and probably in a horrible mood. You knew it would be good for her, Alexia and Jenni providing her with the release they'd given you so many times. Misa had always been a little weak when it came to doing what you wanted though, so you're sure you can find a way.
You waited outside the visitors exit, near the bus that would take the Real players back to their hotel. Players streamed past you, and you felt their glares, but ignored them. You were much to preoccupied thinking about what was to come, not really caring, even a little, about the opposing team.
Misa stormed out of the locker room, alone, after you'd been waiting for only a couple minutes, the winter air barely chilly enough for you to be shivering slightly in your sweatshirt. You saw her before she saw you, and you grabbed her wrist. She turned with a scowl on her face, which didn't really lessen when she realized who had grabbed her. She let you pull her back into the building, though, until you were standing out of the way, somewhat obscured from view.
"Hi," you said, trying to get a read on just how upset she was.
"Hi." She replied flatly. You decided to just jump into it.
"Come back with me?" You asked, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. She nodded slowly, a contemplative look across her sharp features. "To Alexia and Jenni's?" You finished, watching as her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"You seem upset," she scoffed at the obviousness of your statement. "You know I get upset to,"
It wasn't a secret, you could be hot headed just like Misa could, although you'd gotten better over the past few months. The reason it had gotten better, though, was because Alexia and Jenni had grown tired of your moodiness after you didn't play perfectly. You'd snapped at Jenni in the locker room one day, when she'd only been trying to make you feel better. Her and Alexia had brought you into an empty conference room, going back and forth as they told you that your behavior was bratty and not acceptable.
To this day, you didn't remember who made the first move, but suddenly, Jenni's lips were insistent on yours. When she broke the kiss, you'd looked, terrified at Alexia, who squashed your fears by pulling you in for an equally searing kiss. They told you to come over that night, and you had.
Since then, whenever the girls had noticed that you were a bit too frustrated, they'd instruct you to come back to their apartment, and they'd push every thought from your head.
"Alexia and Jenni have been helping me. I want them to help you to." You tell the keeper, and you know you don't imagine the spark of interest in her eyes.
"Help you how?" She asks, echoing Jenni's earlier question. Just like Jenni, she knew the answer, but she wasn't teasing you. She was trying to figure out if she was possibly right.
"How do you think?"
"I'm not sure," Misa said. She looked uncertain, and you knew she was conflicted on whether or not this was a good idea. You knew Misa; pushing her too hard would only result in her pulling away. Instead, you did what you knew would work. Getting her intrigued, and leaving.
"You know where I park, no? I'm leaving in probably 20 minutes for their place. If you want to come, you can. Otherwise, we'll just have fun without you." You turn without another word, heading back to the home side of the stadium, not a doubt in your mind that Misa would follow.
Sure enough, when you exited the stadium a bit later, you spotted Misa leaned up against your car. You bit back a smile, heading towards her.
"Knew you'd come." You teased. Misa shook her head at you, before pulling you tightly against her, ghosting a kiss over your lips, before pulling away, smirking when you tried to chase the kiss.
"Do not tease. It doesn't work for you." She said seriously. You laughed, unbothered by the threatening undertone. Misa was dominant, for sure, more so when she was in such a bad mood. She would be no match for Jenni and Alexia, though, that you were sure of. You let her have her fun, thinking she was in charge of the situation, knowing things would change quickly once you arrived at your destination.
You drove, Misa's hand possessively removing your hand from the center console, and lacing it with her larger one. The older couple didn't live far from the stadium, so you arrived rather quickly, pulling into the familiar parking lot.
You were excited to say the least, and you unbuckled, moving to climb out of the car as soon as it was off. Misa didn't move, though.
"You okay?" You asked, getting her attention.
"What if they don't want me here?" She questioned. Her face was hard, defensive, but you knew that underneath, she was hurting after the day she'd had, and probably couldn't stand the idea of being rejected.
"They do. Trust me." You spoke with so much confidence, that Misa nodded once, climbing out of the car.
She kept her hands on you all the way up to their floor, and as you knocked on the front door. She was tense, but you knew it wouldn't last very long.
Jenni answered, oozing confidence as she leaned against the door frame. She was only in a sports bra and shorts, rippling muscles on display. Her hair was damp, and loose around her shoulders. A cool smile adorned her face, eyes moving back and forth between you and the taller girl behind you.
"I didn't think you'd get her here." Jenni said to you. "Come in, Alexia's waiting for you both."
You took Misa's hand in yours, pulling her in the apartment behind you. You'd barely made it a step past Jenni before she was moving in between you and Misa, shutting the front door with a soft slam.
"Go to Alexia," Jenni said over her shoulder, eyes fixed on the brunette in front of her, and you obeyed, squeezing Misa's hand before dropping it and walking down the hall to where you knew your captain would be.
Jenni moved in, keeping her movements slow and cautious, until her body was pressed up against Misa's rather stiff one, one hand carefully cupping the goalkeeper's jaw.
"You're tense." The striker commented.
"You just put 7 past me." Misa scowled back.
"You need to relax for us," Jenni insisted, leaning in closer until Misa could feel the other woman's breath on her lips. Misa's eyes flicked down, and then back up to Jenni's eyes, before she leaned in. Misa had every intention to take control of the kiss; that was what she was expecting. To take her frustration out on you in the way she normally did, in the way you thoroughly enjoyed, while Alexia and Jenni watched, or perhaps helped.
Instead, Jenni's hand gripped the back of her neck tightly, pushing her lips against the other woman's hard. Misa suprised even herself when she melted into the kiss after a minute, allowing Jenni to grip Misa's face tightly in her hands, tongue pushing into her mouth.
Jenni smirked against the other woman's mouth, realizing that Misa had given up control, even if it was only a bit, even if it was only for a minute.
Jenni walked Misa back into the bedroom, breaking the kiss with a huff when they made it through the door. Alexia had you straddling her, sitting on the edge of the bed, lips working steadily against your mouth. Alexia was dressed similarly to Jenni, and Misa had to pry her eyes away from the blonde's arms, holding you tightly against her. The two of you also broke apart at the sound of the other woman's entrance.
You looked blissed out already, lips slightly swollen, eyes bright as you turned to Misa. She moved forward without another thought, intending to pull you off of Alexia and into her own arms.
Jenni caught her, though, wrapping both arms around Misa's muscled stomach. "No, no. That's not how this is going to go." Misa let out a noise of frustration that turned into a small exhale of air when Jenni's lips found her ear, nibbling on it lightly.
"I want-" Misa started, eyes still on you, watching as Alexia's hands moved up to your chest, kneading you gently through your shirt. The blonde kept her eyes on Misa as she did so, an almost teasing look in her eyes.
"I'm more concerned with what you need." Jenni murmured. "You're gonna be good for us, do what we tell you. And if you are, you can have her any way you want. After we've had our turns." She continued, nodding in your direction. Misa still looked unsure, and Jenni wasn't really sure how far to push her. So she looked to you, and you got the unspoken instructions. You climbed off Alexia's lap, ignoring the grunt of frustration that left her mouth, and moved to stand in front of Misa.
She settled slightly, leaning just a bit back into Jenni's body. The striker began to moved her hands, teasing over Misa's lower stomach.
You looked up at Misa's dark eyes, taking in the combination of her furrowed brows, and the unmistakable flush in her cheeks. You knew she wanted this by the way she leaned into Jenni's touch, almost begging for someone else to take charge, even if she wouldn't ever actually admit it.
"Come on, Misa. Just let go." You pressed your lips to her pulse point, before pulling back. "It'll feel so good, baby. Just trust us."
She looked between you and Alexia, who was watching her from the bed, an intrigued look on her face, and finally turning to look at Jenni. Both of the other woman obviously wanted her. And then there was you. You'd asked her to trust you, and she did.
"Okay." She said finally, feeling a flutter in her stomach at the smirk that tugged at Jenni's lips.
Wordlessly, Jenni nudged her toward Alexia. Misa moved as she was directed, standing in between Alexia's legs, feeling the Catalan woman wrap her arms tight around Misa's muscular body. Jenni turned to you, whispering instructions into your ear as she began to slowly, slowly, strip you of your clothes.
"Hey." Alexia said in her friends ear, the close contact between the two not feeling weird, somehow.
"Hey." Misa replied, her voice slightly shaky.
"You want this?" Alexia checked. "We won't go easy on you."
"If she can take it, I can." Misa scoffed. She prided herself on being strong, willful. She could take what they gave her, she was sure.
"Hmm. She can take more than she looks like she can." Alexia said, watching as her girlfriend pulling your shorts down your legs. "You're overdressed."
"You should do something about it then." Misa replied. Alexia was so close to her, hands rubbing soft circles on her back, it was impossible to deny the arousal that was filling her body.
"I will when I feel like it. First, you're going to watch." Alexia ordered, pulling Misa to lay between her legs on the bed, back to the blonde woman's front. They were facing you and Jenni, who had begun to bend you over the end of the bed, hands gripping your ass tightly.
Misa shuddered at the sight of your completely naked form, attempting to cross her legs, and relieve some of the pressure growing in her core. Alexia hooked her legs around Misa's spreading them back out. Her hands held tight to the other girl's wrists, leaving her completely unable to do anything but watch.
It was going to be a long night for her, she could tell.
a quick setup chapter before we get to the more fun stuff :)
also... ps. me?? making an actual graphic for something i wrote instead of using one [1] picture i found on pinterest? unheard of.
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juiceicicles · 11 months
Mean and Scary | Chapter 1: King of Hawkins High
AO3 Link:
Pts: 1, 2, 3
As he traipses through the woods, Eddie tries to get a bearing on what is about to happen and what his plan is for when it inevitably goes sideways.
Dealing pot to Hawkins Royalty like King Steve isn’t entirely out of the ordinary, but doing it alone at a picnic table in the middle of the isolated woods? Yeah, not Eddie’s smartest decision for a meeting place.
In his defense, he’s only a hop skip and a jump away from the high school, and he couldn’t be assed to drive any further for what’s likely going to be a one time payment of $20. $25, if he overcharges Steve (which, he absolutely plans to do.)
Eddie finally gets to the clearing and Steve jumps when he notices him, finally looking away from a tree he was seemingly having a very intense staring match with.
“Whoa, hey, hey, hey! Sorry,” Eddie chuckles a bit awkwardly, trying his best to subconsciously communicate that he is not a threat, because he really doesn’t wanna get his lights punched out right now “Didn't mean to scare you.”
Eddie sits down and his metal lunchbox clatters onto the table —Steve flinches again. Boy, Harrington is jumpy— and sits across from him. He opens up his Pail-o’-Drugs and watches as Steve drums his fingers on the table.
“There's, uh... There's nothing to worry about. Okay? No one ever comes out here. We're safe. I promise.” Eddie honestly didn’t expect Steve Harrington to be worried about being caught, considering that Steve apparently used to hold daily house parties.
He still can’t believe it. King Steve goddamn Harrington sitting there, in all his douchey glory. Or at least, that’s what Eddie expected. Instead he sort looks exhausted. His eyes keep flitting around, and he looks like he just saw a ghost.
You see, Harrington was never a dick to Eddie, specifically. However, he sure as hell didn’t treat the freaks of Hawkins High with any sort of sympathy. Hence Eddie’s original plan to act like the biggest asshole he possibly could without scaring off a rich customer. But something about Harrington’s eyes, a sort of dull terror etched into the hazel brown, is making Eddie reconsider that decision.
“So, how does this work, exactly?” Steve sort of mutters. This is so utterly different from everything Eddie heard about him. Steve always roamed the halls with a sick sort of ironclad confidence, with his two jackals Tommy and Carol following his every beck and call. The boy across from Eddie though? He seems so haunted. Like a flickering projection of someone. A puppet with its strings cut.
“Uhh just like any other old sale, except cash only, and for obvious reasons, no receipts,” he gives Harrington what he hopes is a reassuring smile, “I'll do you a half ounce for, uh... 20. What do you say? Plenty of bang for your buck. Should last a while.”
A squirrel skitters up a tree in the background, and Harrington gasps quietly and whips around to track it. And then, finally, it clicks for Eddie.
Steve’s worried about being seen with Eddie the Freak Munson. Figures. He shouldn’t have expected anything less from King Steve.
“Hey, we don’t need to do this. Just give me the word, and I’ll walk away.”
“It’s not that, I don’t want you to go.” Steve starts, tentatively. He’s still looking around, like somethings about to pop out of the woods. “It’s just…Do you ever feel like you’re loosing your mind?”
And, of course Eddie feels like he’s lost his marbles. He’s a super senior with the nickname the Freak. Obviously he sometimes feels a little crazy. He’s a little surprised that notorious cool guy Steve Harrington feels that way, though.
He makes the decision right then and there to see this out, because even if Harrington’s afraid of being caught, there’s something here that Eddie’s missing.
“You know on a daily basis. I feel like I’m loosing my mind right now,” screw it, might as well be honest, go big or go home right? “doing a drug deal with Steve Harrington, former king of Hawkins High.”
“Ah, well, I haven’t been king for a while…” Steve trails off.
Eddie remembers Billy Hargrove. Remembers how he made him want to beg every god there was for Steve to steal back the crown. Billy Hargrove was mean to Eddie. He was mean to everyone. And he wasn’t highschool-mean either, he was Larry Munson mean. He was a jackass who wasn’t afraid of anyone and wanted you to know it.
Unprompted, Eddie remembers the first time he met Steve. Before he was Hawkins Royalty, before he was a jock and a bully, before Eddie was the freak and not just a freak. Eddie had just gotten to Hawkins, his old man had been put away and the US government dropped lil’ Eddie on Wayne’s doorstep. He’d met some friends and formed a shitty garage band. They’d played at the middle school talent show, and Eddie had lost his guitar pick. A boy about his age had given it back, told him his name was Steve and he had found it underneath his chair in the seats.
“You know, this isn't the first time that we've, um... Hung out.”
Eddie lets out a little chuckle. Of course Steve wouldn’t remember. “It’s alright.”
He clutches at his heart like he’s been shot with an arrow and flings himself off the bench and into a pile of leaves behind him. He hears Steve let out a little gasp before he hops back up.
“I wouldn’t remember me either, Harrington!”
Steve looks a little amused, and Eddie catches a light brown blob in his peripheral vision. He combs his fingers through his hair and dislodges a dead leaf.
“Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?”
Steve lets out a little chuckle as Eddie starts to gets into his story. If there’s one thing Eddie Munson is good at, it’s story telling.
“Middle school, talent show. Carol I think did this cheer thing? You know the thing the,” Eddie mimed some pom poms. Steve was smiling a little bit, so Eddie continued his spiel, “and I- I was with my band.”
Suddenly Steve pipes up “Corroded Coffin! Oh my god!”
Eddie’s bewildered that Steve apparently remembered their weird prepubescent metal show. He claps his hands excitedly and points to Steve. “You do remember!”
“Yes, of course! With a name like that, how could I forget?”
“I dunno. You’re a freak.” Eddie’s pretty pleased with himself when his lack of brain-to-mouth filer apparently doesn’t offend Steve. In fact, Steve breaks out a smile. It’s less Harrington Charm then Eddie expected, more of a dorky toothy grin.
“No you just- you looked so-“
“Different? Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet.”
“You played guitar right?”
“Uh-huh. Still do. Still do.” And since Eddie is an impulsive mess and isn’t totally hating this interaction, he does something that totally spits in the face of the tried and true Munson doctrine and invites a preppy jock to a metal concert, “You should come see us. Uh, we play at the Hideout on Tuesdays. It’s pretty cool. We- we actually get a crowd of about five…drunks.”
Steve laughs a bit and clamps a hand over his mouth, like he’s a bit startled by the noise. Eddie doesn’t blame him, he’s a bit caught off guard too.
“It’s not exactly the Garden, but, you gotta start somewhere, right?”
Steve looks at Eddie with a considering gaze for a moment, like he’s trying to figure Eddie out.
“You know, you’re not what I thought you’d be.”
“What, a total freak?”
“No, no. Honestly? I thought you’d be mean. And scary.”
“Me? Steve Harrington thought I’d be scary?”
“Yeah! You’ve got this whole, I dunno, chains and leather vibe. Thought you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”
“Yeah, well, I thought you’d be mean and scary too.”
“Terrifying.” Eddie’s hit with the sudden realization that he’s completely forgot about the drug deal he came here for and plops himself back down at the picnic table. “Uh, so, in other good news, flattery works with me, so... Twenty-five percent discount for the half. Fifteen bucks. You're robbing me blind here, you know.”
“…do you have anything maybe stronger?”
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 4 months
Made incorrect quotes for Temporal Transcendence(WIP). Why am I so obsessed with incorrect quotes.
Wilbur: You love me, right, Tommy?
Tommy: Normally, I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it.
Tommy: This is such a bad idea.
Wilbur: Then why are you coming along?
Tommy: One of us needs to be able to talk the other Mages out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Techno: Here's some advice.
Dave the Blood God: I didn't ask for any.
Techno(been a statue for a whole century now): Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who can hear me.
Young Tommy: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Techno: No thanks. I've seen it and I'm not very impressed.
Techno: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
Wilbur: You need to stop.
Tommy: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
The Time Mages: Wasn't Supreme Time Mage Jacobs with you?
Karl: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Phil, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Wilbur: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Tommy: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Wilbur: Yes!
Techno: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Tommy: *Screams*
Sapnap: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Wilbur: Should we do something?
Karl: No, I want to see who wins.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Phil: Shit.
Techno: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Quackity, a Time Mage, about Tommy: Apparently we're getting someone new in the group.
Sapnap: Are we stealing them?
Karl: New or used?
Quackity: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Techno: Bianca, I'm sad.
Bianca Nihachu: *Holds out arms for a hug* It's going to be okay.
Tommy: Bo, I'm sad.
Bo Underscore, nodding: mood.
Karl: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Tommy: You and me!!!
Karl, tearing up: Okay.
Wilbur: I turned out perfectly fine!
Tommy: Wilbur, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast.
Phil: Hey, you want some leftovers?
Techno: What's that?
Phil: You've never had leftovers???
Techno(grew up poor): No, because I'm not a quitter.
Tubbo: On a scale from "damn Daniel" to "fre sha vaca do", how are you feeling?
Ranboo: In between "it's an avocado, thanks" and "how did you defeat Captain America", but as a solid answer I would say "I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger". How about you, Tommy?
Tommy: Probably "road work ahead".
Techno: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
(These are for the sequel if I ever get around to it)
Wilbur, pretending to be General Soot of L'Manburg: What's up guys? I'm back.
Nemesis Nihachu: What the- you can't be here. You're dead. I literally saw you die.
Wilbur, sweating: Death is a social construct.
Tommy: You have to apologize to General Soot.
Wilbur: Fine.
Wilbur: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
General Soot: I really like this whole 'good guy, bad guy' thing you guys have going on.
Wilbur: It's not an act, it's just that I'm mean and Tommy isn't.
Wilbur: I think we're missing something.
Tommy: Teamwork?
Techno: Cohesion?
Nemesis: A general sense of what we're doing?
Tommy: Have you seen a person named 'Technoblade' around here?
Antarctic Empire Citizen: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Tommy: It looks fine to me?
General Soot: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Tommy: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Tobias: I got distracted about halfway through.
Nemesis: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Techno: Why is Wilbur so sad?
Tommy: He took one of those "Which L'Manburg-Era Historical Figure Are You?" quizzes.
Techno: And...?
Tommy: He got General Soot.
Tommy: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor.
General Soot: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
General Soot, in a meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something.
Tobias: I saw a squirrel in a tree today!
Soot, with the tone of someone who is used to Tobias: Outstanding.
Soot: This is what I’m talking about people.
Wilbur: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you.
General Soot: 10 times 0 is still 0 though.
Wilbur: Joke's on you, I can't do math.
Tommy: Just be yourself.
Wilbur: 'Be myself'? Tommy, I have one day to win the L'Manburg soldiers over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Tommy: Couple weeks.
Phil: Six months.
Techno: Jury's still out.
Wilbur: See, Tommy?
Wilbur: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
General Soot: I'm an idiot.
Wilbur: If you're waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
Nemesis: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
Tommy: *sighing* "General Soot".
Wilbur, trying(and failing) to talk like Soot: Fuck shit up out there, but don't die.
Tobias: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
Battle Of The Knights Pt. 4: And The Winner Is...
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: nothin- you're safe
Genre: fluff- still just fluff lol
Summary: "So let me get this straight, you all like me, so you each want to take me on a date and let me decide what to do after?" You can't believe the words you're hearing even as you repeat them back.
What happens when the relationships you've built with Marc and his two alters are turned on their heads by a proposition that is anything but simple? How can they expect you to risk blowing up the carefully crafted dynamic you've worked so hard to create? And why do you agree to such an insane suggestion?
A/N: is anyone actually interested in reading the alt endings for this story 🤣 cuz ik nobody actually wants to pick
You took a week to mull it over. To really consider your options and what the best approach to this conversation with them would be. Eventually, when you've given yourself headaches from trying to predict the future, you cave in and text the trio knowing you can't continue to delay the inevitable.
Hey guys. I've made a decision. Meet me at our usual cafe for lunch tomorrow. How's 3?
You're not sure who responds to you. It's short and whoever it is doesn't sign off like they usually do.
sounds great. see you then
Maybe Marc or Jake. When the trio is anxious Jake usually has to deal with things but it's possible Marc is taking the wheel since he's known you the longest. You're almost certain the text isn't from Steven, he always uses full sentences with proper punctuation and capitalization when he texts. He's also pretty fond of exclamation marks and emoticons. A text from Steven would probably look more like 'Sounds great! See you then! :)'
Jake seems the most likely sender of the text, but it really doesn't matter either way. They'll be there and you need to address all three of them anyway. When you walk into the cafe, they're already there and they stand up when you walk over to them.
"Y/n! Hey!" It's Marc who greets you and gives you a hug.
"Hi, Marc. Thanks for coming." You say taking a seat across from him.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world. We're happy to see you. Steven was starting to get super worried." Marc says.
"Oh was he?" You chuckle.
"Yeah, you know how he gets." Marc shrugs.
"How I get?! I wasn't the one checking our phone every ten minutes. He was way more anxious about this than I-"
"Steven. I know." You cut off his rambling with a chuckle even though the sudden switch caught you by surprise.
"You know?" Steven blinks at you.
"Of course I do. Marc isn't as subtle as he thinks he is." You muse.
"Oh- okay." He says.
"Would you like to stick around for this or do you want Marc or Jake to come out before I get into the details?" You ask.
"I- I take it I'm not going to like how this conversation goes? If you're offering me an out?" He frowns.
"I'm not sure actually."
"You're not sure? I thought you called us here because you made a decision?" He tilts his head.
"I did. Kind of. Actually, I have some questions to ask first. I'm only offering you an out because I know you don't like dealing with unfamiliar territory and I don't think this will be a very comfortable conversation." You say.
"Questions for who?" Steven asks.
"Well, technically all of you."
"I'll stick around then." He says hesitantly.
"Okay then. Well, I guess my main question is, out of curiosity- what was the plan? Like- long term, for the three of you?" You ask.
"What do you mean?" He shakes his head.
"If I choose one of you, even if best case scenario it doesn't alter my friendships with the other two- what about their romantic lives? Did you all plan to just have three completely separate dating lives for the rest of forever?" You ask. There's a moment of silence as Steven registers your question. You can tell from the look on his face he's never even thought about it before.
"Do you have a mirror?" Steven asks. You reach into your bag and pull out the compact you usually carry.
"Here." You hand it to him and he opens it and puts it on the table in front of him. You know it's so Marc and Jake can easier communicate with him.
"We- never really thought about it. I guess so." Steven says.
"See that's the thing. I was thinking about it and logistically how would that even work? I mean you guys are of course individuals but you do share a body. It's a strange situation to put someone in, sharing their boyfriend with one or two other people even if it's just physically because it's not like you can tell every first date you go on that you have a personality disorder and one of your alters already has a girlfriend but if you hide that information for too long it would totally screw up your chances with that person." You explain.
"So- instead of focusing on the decision you were supposed to make you've been worrying about what your choice could mean for the others?"
"Well, yeah. I care about all of you was that not obvious?"
"It's always been obvious but-"
"What are you suggesting muñequita?" Jake interrupts whatever Steven was going to say with his question.
"Jake." You say as a way of acknowledging the switch. 
"Before you ask, Steven didn't run off, I took over because he's gonna beat around the bush and I want to get to the point already."
"Well it wasn't nice of you to cut him off like that Jake." You frown.
"He'll be fine. Y/n, what are you suggesting?"
"I'm suggesting that you learn how to share. All three of you."
"Share?" Jake raises an eyebrow at you.
"The best chance for all of you to have a happy, healthy, fulfilling, long-term relationship is to date one person. That or you- take turns for the rest of your life for who will be able to pursue romance. This separate but equal life y'all have been trying to maintain will not work here. You date one person, who knows all of you and loves all of you or only one of you gets that happy ending because you can't expect three women to date three minds in one body. In that scenario, nobody is getting it all and you are spread entirely too thin." You sigh.
"So, what does that mean? For you." Jake crosses his arms.
"For me? Nothing. It doesn't have to be me that you choose. I just think it would be better for you all to find one person that you're willing to go through that kind of experience with. I mean clearly, despite having very different personalities there are interests that you share in a partner evidently. So I think you should look for- for somebody that could love all of you because you are a system- you work best together even if you don't think so. I've seen it."
"So you will not make a choice? Is that what I'm understanding here?" He asks and you shake your head.
"I won't choose one of you. I can't do that because it creates a very complex situation for everyone involved. Have you even thought about dating the same person before?"
"This is as intertwined as our dating lives have ever gotten. I mean- you know I don't date for a myriad of reasons and Steven can hardly start a conversation with a woman and Marc- he's equally as hopeless in a very different way. We haven't talked about dating really because we don't think about it. Too much else is going on." He shrugs.
"Are you against it?" You ask.
"Sharing a partner? We- we have never thought about that until just now when you brought it up." Jake says. You watch his eyes flick down to the mirror and he makes a face at something Marc or Steven said.
"What if we wanted to do it- with you?" It's Marc that asks you this question. You're surprised they switched out, since Marc was really only around to say hello you almost thought he'd stay inside for the whole conversation.
"What?" You blink.
"What if we wanted to date you? All of us. I mean- you've already been on dates with each of us, you've always cared for all of us- do you think, do you think you could be that person we choose to try that experience with? You said you won't choose one of us over the others so- what if we didn't want you to choose?"
"Just to be clear I didn't bring this idea to you as a loophole for me. You don't have to date me. I want you all to be happy and this just seemed like the most reasonable way to ensure that." You say.
"I know. We know. But we also don't want to look for someone else. We- our hearts, heart? Our feelings are for you. We have no interest in suppressing them or trying to replicate them with someone else. We think- we, us and you, work well together. Plus I honestly don't think Jake would consider dating anyone else anyway." Marc says and you can't help but chuckle at the last bit.
"And you're sure? This is what you want? All of you?"
"Do you want to hear each of us say yes?" Marc asks. You pause for a second trying to decide if his suggestion is serious.
"That would help honestly." You nod.
"Okay. I dunno if you wanna hear me say it since I'm the one suggesting it to you but I want this." Marc says.
"Yeah, I gathered." You giggle.
"I hate to admit it but he's right I have no interest in dating anyone else. It's you or no one. At least for me." Jake says albeit a bit grumbly.
"Just so we're clear, you understand I'd be not only your girlfriend but Steven and Marc's too, right?" You ask.
"It was me you brought up the sharing a partner thing to in the first place muñequita, I get it. I think you're right, but I'm only in if it's you. We are best with you." Jake says.
"I don't think you need me to be your best, but I appreciate the sentiment."
"Do not start with me." Jake warns but before he can say anything else, Steven nudges his way to front.
"I'm in as well. I'm not- assertive the way Jake is or smooth like Marc, but- if you'll have me-"
"Steven I have never thought of you as less than Jake or Marc. I care for you the same as I do them and you don't need to be like them. I want you to be you. I don't need two Jakes and I certainly don't need two Marcs. I do need one Steven though. Okay?" You look at him and hope your eyes show the sincerity of your words.
"I can definitely work with that."
"I hope so- I've already hand-picked you for it." You smile which Steven returns.
"So, will you be our girlfriend? Mine and Jake's and Marc's? Now that it's clear we're all on the same page about being with you."
"I would love to be your girlfriend." You giggle.
"We should take you on a date. As a unit this time as opposed to what we did before." Steven says.
"Sounds good." You nod. "This time I'm planning it." You add after a moment.
"Now wait a damn minute-" Marc scoffs.
"Nope! You each got to plan a date for me. It's my turn now that is only fair." You say.
"We asked you though." He says.
"We're dating now who cares? We'll take turns planning dates." You shrug and stand from the table. You walk over and kiss his cheek. "I have to get back to mine. I have work to finish. Since you're no longer in competition, you can discuss your dates with each other. I'll text you when I've figured out our plans for the next one." You tell them.
"We can see you before then, right?" Marc asks.
"Of course, you can. Come over later if you like." You say grabbing your bag and your mirror.
"We'll call!" Steven shouts after you as you leave. You blow him a kiss over your shoulder and then you're gone. As nervous as you were about it, this is the only outcome you were hoping for when you texted them last night. You can't imagine another way this ended that would have you as happy as you are right now.
Taglist: @queerponcho @avengersinitiative2012 @stressed-cherry @animechick555
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inkedobsidian · 2 years
~ I don't guess pt.2 - S.R ~
summary: After the lecture, Y/N runs into Spencer in a coffee shop and questions about specifying in profiling and potentially finishing her FBI training at the BAU
pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (criminal mindsxteenwolf)
warnings: none
word count: 2,061
a/n: This is actually my favourite fic that I've wrote in a long time. I made it sickingly sweet because Spencer deserves it honeslty. Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas!
Master-List - Prompts
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Almost immediately after the lecture ended, Y/N abandoned Stiles to go to their local coffee shop. She would've gone with him but she wanted to avoid the inevitable teasing that was about to occur after what happened with the surprise lecturer, DR. Spencer Reid. She couldn't get too far though because as she reached the door her phone started to buzz, of course, it was Lydia. With a preparing sigh, Y/N answered the phone and opened the door to the coffee shop getting in line.
"So… you going to tell me or do I have to pry it out of you?" Lydia asked over the phone with a laugh in her voice. It was times like this that Y/N really missed having Lydia and the girls around, of course, Stiles is your best friend but he could be so clueless sometimes, it was a wonder how he ended up with Lydia in the first place.
"Nothing actually happened, he was just super cute!" Y/N said trying to avoid the conversation knowing that Lydia would pry, not in a malicious way. She was telling the truth, nothing DID happen Y/N just tried to show off to the attractive man in front of her.
"Okay yeah, showing off, eyes changing, blood pressure rising enough to shift slightly. A totally normal reaction to seeing a cute guy." Lydia knew that Y/N hadn't even attempted to date since she left Beacon Hills, they were like sisters and all Lydia wanted was for Y/N to find love as she had.
"Okay, so it's been a while. There was just something different about him, but with my 'condition' it would never go anywhere. I just miss how easy dating was when people around me were also 'different'" Y/N knew when Derek turned her that she would probably never be able to have a normal life, a normal relationship, but when it was both Lydia and Stiles' head on the chopping block and she was only human… she had to do something.
"I'm not saying this guy has to put a ring on it, but you deserve someone to care for you the way Kira did okay. Even if it's temporary you need to see that you can have a life, that's why you joined the FBI Academy with Stiles in the first place." Lydia had to admit that it was easier to love and feel safe when you didn't have to hide who you were.
"I hear you, darling… I needed to hear that thank you, Lyd. I'll call you back later I'm getting to the coffee counter."
"Okay babe, I love you," Lydia replied before hanging up. Y/N did need some reassurance that she wasn't a monster and deserved happiness. She did what she did for her family and she doesn't regret it a single day.
Y/N put in her coffee order and stood at the end of the counter and just waited letting her mind wander, that was until she felt a slight tap on her shoulder and she swung around coming face to face with the guest lecturer from earlier, Spencer Reid. Her heart momentarily skipped and she could already feel her pulse rising, so she just tried to think about the time Stiles fell out of the Jeep drunk and landed face first, it helped her keep a funny level head. Spencer just smiled and raised his hand not wanting to shake her hand.
"Oh, hi! Dr. Reid, correct?" Y/N questioned as if she could ever forget.
"That's right, good memory, Your name is Y/N L/N correct?" Spencer acted as if he could forget too.
"Lovely to meet you! The case file was super interesting, I hope you guys catch the guy." Y/N didn't know how to make small talk. Was it inappropriate to try and flirt with the guest lecturer? She didn't know, Lydia would tell her it wasn't but Lydia just wanted her to flirt with anyone.
"Your answer was incredible, I called it through to my team and our Technical Analyst is running it through now. I'll let your professor know if you're correct so he can relay the information to you if you would like?" Spencer was trying to talk to more people that weren't on his team, hence why he decided to be a guest lecturer for the academy sometimes, it did help that Y/N seemed genuinely interested in him and the subject.
"That sounds amazing Dr. Reid thank you, I actually had some questions about your team if you don't mind?" Y/N asked gesturing to an empty table in the coffee shop. Spencer knew she might have just been interested in the team but it was nice of her to offer to spend some time with him, he didn't really get that much with people outside his family.
"Of course I have time." He said smiling back at her. They weren't too dissimilar in age maybe 3-4 years between them so it felt nice for him to spend some time with people close to his age, and considering she was here at the academy they definitely had something in common.
"Now I must warn you, I tend to ramble a bit so if I go off just tell me to stop," Y/N said breaking into a smile that would make the sun jealous. Spencer knew what it was like to be cut off when being invested in someone so he wouldn't dare to imagine cutting her off but he nodded his head in agreement to please her anyway and to hopefully make her more comfortable.
The pair must have been sat there for a good 30 minutes by now just talking, at first all of Y/N's questioned was about Spencer and the BAU team. She seemed very interested in how Spencer described Penelope saying 'That definitely sounds like a woman that I would love to meet one day.' Spencer even offered to take Y/N to look around the BAU and meet the team after their case was done, he said it so quickly it shocked him. He was never this comfortable or even this forward with someone, let alone a pretty girl he was having coffee with. There was a good 15-minute section where Spencer hadn't stopped talking about each member of his team in detail. Y/N hadn't stopped him once either, she was just looking at him with such a deep interest in what he was saying he never wanted to stop talking. Neither of them had noticed that the coffee shop had almost completely emptied they'd just been focused on each other. They'd subconsciously gotten closer, both of them leaning further over the table as the conversation deepened.
"So is there any option of me finishing my time at the academy with the BAU team? Even if it's just doing the paperwork?" Y/N couldn't think of anything better than joining this team after Spencer had talked about the job and the team with such love. Spencer knew that Ashley Sever had done some of her academy training with the BAU team before moving to the sex crimes unit to Spencer didn't see any reason that wasn't her grades as to why Y/N couldn't
"There was a girl who did before, so if you're grades and physical are up to par I think my unit chief would consider it. You would have to show skill in profiling and take the class too though." Spencer was almost getting excited at the idea of Y/N being on the team so he could see her more.
"Physical will be no problem I was always a sporty child and well I'd say I can read people very well, it's like I've got a sense for it." Y/N laughed at the end of her sentence and Spencer had no clue as to why but he didn't mind, her laugh had such a musical tune to it he was happy to hear it on repeat.
"Okay give it a shot, profile someone," Spencer said smiling. He knew he'd talked non-stop for a while and after hearing her in class he couldn't wait to hear what she had to say this time. Now Y/N knew it was unfair to go off pheromones and pulse considering her 'sense' for people but she couldn't deny that this time she really just wanted to impress Spencer.
"Okay… Take Ellie for example. She's the barista taking orders. Her face with uplifting with a smile because she's the face you first see, but if you keep watching when she doesn't have a customer there's a micro-expression of contentment, her lip corner tightens and raises on only one side. We can't control micro-expressions but no one would notice it behind her happy and mostly faked macro-expression. This tells me it's near the end of her shift because the more time she's here the less her happiness is genuine from exhaustion, also her eyes keep darting to the top of the register then the door signaling she's near the end of her shift." Y/N said while pointing at different places and also waving at Ellie as she getting to the end of her explanation. Spencer was genuinely surprised that Y/N already knew micro and macro expressions and how to accurately point them out. He knew without a doubt that she'd do well it was just a matter of convincing Hotch to get a new and even younger team member.
After that big explanation Y/N just beamed a smile at Spencer and hoped she got it right, she tried to do it without her senses because she knew she had actual intelligence to back up the fact she'd be good at this, that's how she got into the academy in the first place. Spencer immediately texted Hotch to meet with him once he was back and he found himself praying that Hotch would play ball and consider it.
Just like that, they went straight back into a comfortable conversation that had Spencer regretting that he had to leave and go back to the BAU soon, he tried to use the time to ask Y/N questioned about her childhood and schooling instead. They both got so enamored with each other that another 10 minutes slipped by like no time at all. Y/N hadn't even noticed that Stiles had walked in, she was even oblivious to the fact that Stiles and his phone camera facing them and Lydia was definitely on the other end of it.
"Well in all honesty this has been the most fun 45 minutes of my life, unfortunately, my unit chief wants me back to discuss something. This has been great that someone took interest in what my lecture was about," Spencer hoped she was also interested in him, even though it felt selfish.
"It wasn't just the lecture, Doctor," Spencer nearly melted when she called him doctor. She said it in a way that made it sound almost mythical and he'd give anything to hear it again. "Here's my number, in case you ever decide to hold up that promise of taking me around the BAU." Y/N just smiled. Spencer started to forget what the ground felt like underneath him, almost as if he was falling.
"I'll definitely keep the promise." He said almost as a whisper as he nodded to her. He raised his hand knowing he didn't have any clue on how to actually say goodbye to her.
"Goodbye Doctor." There that was again, Doctor. Spencer had never loved being called Doctor so much as he did right now. She raised her hand to say goodbye as Spencer took his bag and walked out the door. Y/N didn't even look around she just sat straight down staring at the empty seat. That was until it was quickly taken by none other than Stiles who had his phone screen pointed at her to show Lydia on the other end of face time. Lydia didn't even know what to say she was just beaming and Stiles had a smile on his face that she hadn't seen unless he was looking at Lydia. They both started to talk at the same time, sometimes it was like having a pair of golden retrievers as friends, funny coming from the actual werewolf. Y/N just held up her finger stopping them from talking and tries to suppress a smile.
"Not. A. Word."
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howlingday · 2 months
The Scare
"You awake in there?" Emerald knocked again on Oscar's door. Usually, he was up before just about everyone else., except for maybe Ruby. He was definitely awake before she was, which was why it was so weird that when she came down for breakfast, he wasn't cleaning his plate or sitting close by with a book. "Oscar?"
She'd knocked enough times. She turned the knob and opened his door, slowly creaking it open just in case he was indecent. But no, he was still in bed, laying flat on his back with his hands folded over his trunk. She snickered at how 'proper' he slept with his hands over the covers.
"Hey, you up?" No response. She gave him a nudge. "Oscar?" She nudged him again, getting a deep inhale and a slow exhale as Oscar rose to a seated position. "You good, Oscar?"
The younger man looked to Emerald, slowly blinking his bleary eyes free from last night's slumber. She took a step back to give him his space. After rubbing his eyes, he stretched his body and let out a loud yawn.
"Good morning, Miss Sustrai."
That wasn't Oscar. To him, it was either 'Em' or 'Emerald'. He'd never called her 'Miss Sustrai' once since they met, or that she knows of since she switched to the 'good guys'. The older girl gave a small gasp, feeling something tight grip her chest. She swallowed before daring to ask.
"No, it's me, Miss Sustrai." Her chest grew even tighter. "I'm allowing Oscar to get some extra rest." She let out a sigh. "Is something the matter?"
"No, no, I just..." Emerald thought for a moment. Why was she so freaked out? She and everyone else knew his body wasn't just one person, though it would eventually be that way in the near future. Still, she was freaked out at the idea that, as it would inevitably happen, Oscar was gone and replaced by the thousands of years old spirit of that Ozma guy. "I thought that Oscar was, y'know..."
"Melded into my subconscious until he existed only in body?"
"I was going to say gone."
"Excuse me." Ozpin swung Oscar's legs from under the sheets. "Unfortunately, tact is something I still have trouble utilizing."
"Yeah, it's not like you had a thousand years to learn, right?"
"Funny." He scowled. "Is there a reason you came to wake up Oscar?"
"He wasn't up before me." Emerald shrugged. "Kinda weird that he'd suddenly decided to be the last one up."
"I guess it would be strange, wouldn't it?" He placed a hand under his chin. "But since we're alone, relatively speaking, I'd like to ask you to do something for me."
"Like what?"
"I'm sure you're as aware as I am as to Oscar's feelings towards you."
"What? Really? This is news to me." He flat tone pretty much gave away that she knew, though there was the possibility that it was still too subtle for him.
"Oscar is still sleeping." Ozpin clarified. "And judging by your sarcastic tone, I'd say you are just as painful aware of his intentions as I am."
"Hard to say, since you guys literally share the same headspace." Ozpin narrowed Oscar's eyes. "Far as I can tell, he's got some kind of puppy love crush on me."
"And what are your feelings on this?"
"It's cute, but kinda naive." Emerald shrugged. "He'll grow out of it eventually."
"And are your feelings the same?"
"That's none of your business."
"I'll remind you that Oscar is still asleep."
"And I'll remind you that you're a shitty liar." Emerald narrowed her eyes. "If there's something Oscar wants to ask me, then he can ask me himself."
With a shake of his head, Oscar's body slumped a bit, shifting from a confident gentleman's seat to the more familiar blushing face and innocent eyes she'd grown used to.
"Emerald?!" He leaned back in shock. "What are you doing in my room?"
"You weren't at breakfast, so I came to check on ya." She leaned forward a bit. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah, I'm fine. I guess I stayed up late last night."
"Yeah? Doing what?"
"Just some reading." He scooted to the side and stood up. "Uh, is everyone else awake?"
"Yup." Emerald walked to the door. "I managed to save you a plate, but it's probably cold by now. That, or Pinkie ate your share."
"She said she wouldn't." He sighed. "I'll be down in a sec."
"Alright." Emerald stepped out, holding the doorknob in her hand. "Don't take too long. Hate to waste a day like this." She smiled, and she watched as his face lit up. As she shut the door and left, she could make out the faintest cheer.
"She smiled at me~!" Emerald chuckled. He'd grow out of his puppy love soon enough, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy how happy she seemed to make him.
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Fanfic Writer Ask Game: 😅 🤡 🛒 🍦🤗🧠🤲✅🤯 sorry if this is a lot lol
No worries I love asks and talking about my writing, so the more the merrier!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
The only one I really feel weird about is Tonight I Wanna See It In Your Eyes. Just cause it's so short and doesn't go into enough detail on what I was trying to portray. I did it for writers month and tried to write it in a day, which I can't do. I love the idea though and I fully intend to expand it more one day.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Driving On Down The Road and reason why Butt Fuck Nowhere is called that, and the whole of 100.000 Years, it's just so silly, but I really can picture them having that whole interaction.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Always angst, I can't help it. Paul's sensitivity and vulnerability, Gene's tough but caring.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Hold Me. No smut, just Paul in a dark place and Gene not knowing how to help, but still being there for him.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Don't feel like you need to start from the beginning. Write whatever it is that has inspired you, whether it be a scene or phrase. If you get to a bit where you want a particular thing to happen but don't know how to write it just type insert smut here or insert fight here or whatever and go on to the next bit. After you've written the stuff you're confident with it's much easier to fill in the gaps.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Here's a bittersweet head cannon about Paul and Ace for you. Neither of them will admit it, but they were close, and after Peter left they became closer. Paul didn't want Ace to leave and tried to keep him happy, even drinking with him on occasion. But he didn't want to get blackout drunk like Ace did, so it wasn't very successful. The pictures from The Elder/Creatures period, where they are holding onto each other - that's Paul silently saying don't go. But it was inevitable. And everything they have said since then comes from a place of hurt.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Because you liked Let Me Know so much, this is a follow up to it, called Far From The House And The Family Fights in which teenage Paul has a fight with his parents and runs away to Gene.
“We received a letter from school today, Stanley.”
Stanley.  That meant he was in trouble.  Even so, Paul rolled his eyes and headed towards his room.
“You are not going anywhere, young man!”
Stanley and young man.  He was in a shitload of trouble!
 “You are going to stay here and explain yourself!  You are on the verge of failing.  You haven’t done any homework and have been missing classes.  You’ve been drawing . . . penises in your schoolbooks.  And you told your teacher you didn’t need school because you are going to be a . . . rock star?”
Oops.  He hadn’t mentioned that particular ambition to his parents yet.
“What happened to you?” asked his father.  “You had so much potential.”
“God gave you this wonderful brain and you’re not using it,” said his mother.
Paul had heard this so many times before, and this time he lost it.
“Did he give me this stupid fucking ear too?  Because I’ll happily trade my brain for a real one!”
“Stanley Eisen!  Mind your language!”
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Angst! Even when I try to write something happy or funny the angst creeps in. I don't want Paul to be unhappy all the time.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Fight scenes. Arguments I can do, but when it comes to the physical stuff I struggle. While I believe these guys probably did get into punch ups occasionally, I can't really visualise them, I've only seen fights on tv and we know how realistic those are lol
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ultfreakme · 1 year
What makes me more angry about the whole "Jon needs to be a child again" is that it doesn't really make any sense to do that now, like?????? how would that even work? he is almost 18 now, he has a boyfriend, that would be super creepy, and the most annoying part is that this is more about Damian than it is about Jon as a character, I'm so fed up with Damian fans, I'm sorry guys, but DC is not going to make Damian queer and make him date Jon, it's not happening, and I would love if DC stopped making this one shots stories of them in the past, it only fuels this people, It's time to make stories of them in the present, My dream story is to have a double date of JonJay and Damian and his girlfriend, I think it would be super fun.
Yessss say it!! This is all so true. Jon being aged down is more about Damian than Jon. Jon gets nothing out of being younger, all of his plots as a 10 year old was dependent on Damian or Clois. He never had a solo story like Damian back then, there was never enough investment in him alone, and frankly he wasn't bringing anything new to the table despite being the kid of a superhero like Superman, his backstory and motivation were just Clark's and his interest in journalism was all Lois(Which btw, never got utilized well so what was the point?). Now though, he's carrying two solos and has a character arc and supporting cast that is specific to Jon. His goals for being Superman are more complicated than "dad's doing it so I'll do it".
Controversial; I don't think people who want Jon aged down are fans of Jon as an individual character. When they do talk about him, they never mention the conflicts he has on his own(Goldie the cat dying, Eradicator & General Zod outright calling him and abomination, being seen as a future threat and weapon) He wasn't some chipper sweet sunshine baby all the time who 'helped heal' Damian amd is the light of his life or whatever. He was just as argumentative as Damian and they were bickering kids. I think the only part people miss is his dialogue with Damian. Jon genuinely loves Jay and they're compatible, Jay's literally made for Jon and they work well.
I wish they'd stop with the kid Jon stories too, the only one that I enjoyed was the Belle Reve one, because it showed exploration of his queerness a little and his introduction to it. Otherwise, the rest are pointless and are reiterating things we already know. Chances of Damian being queer are next to nothing, he's never had any queer coding intentions by his writers(unlike the other Robins, maybe not Duke, I don't think he's been written with queer coding either). On top of that, you can't have Superman dating a middle schooler.
And yeah Damian and Jon are still friends. This time, I think they're better, proper friends. Back then all they did was argue, now they're having deeper, meaningful conversations and helping each other's missions. We see them have conflicting views; Damian saying Jon being Superman is inevitable when Jon had talked about his hesitance as a Super, Damian and Jon disagreeing on how to approach facing the dark army in dark crisis).
I think right now, Jon's the most interesting he's ever been. I would really love a double date issue too! Sorta like a homage to batcat and clois's double date issue would be cute.
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ilikereadingactually · 3 months
The Book of Love
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The Book of Love by Kelly Link
all i knew going into this book was that i adore Kelly Link's work, particularly for its absorbing quality. her stories are dreamlike, and stay with me in the same way the memory of a dream does--everything in the memory seems both impossible and completely sensible and correct. this book really captures that same feeling! surreal, a little creepy and a little funny, intriguing, and written in what I think of as Link's typical style: a sort of syncopated rhythm of straightforward sentences in surprising patterns, straightforward words in surprising combinations, and little gems of imagery that pop out sparkling. there's a cyclical fairy tale quality to her work that appears here also, a real sense that these events have happened before and will happen again and i should be paying attention in case i'm involved next time.
and it IS a book about love as the title proclaims, but messy, muddy, difficult love. love in this book is smashed guitars and ill-fated gifts and spontaneous hookup choices and centuries-old vengeance, about embracing power or resisting it and how it changes you either way, about working around obstacles (there are so many obstacles). as Schmendrick says, there are no happy endings, because nothing ends.
it is a LOOOOONG book though. there was never a time when i wasn't eager to read more or wasn't enjoying the experience, but my personal preference is for things to be a little bit tighter. it's a sensation a bit like old movie musicals that have a ballet or some other extended wordless dance sequence in the middle--it's very beautiful to watch, it has that lovely dreamy quality, and it's related to what's happening in the plot but it's not necessary to what's happening in the plot. there are parts of this book that felt like watching the ballet Kelly Link's beautiful writing unfold--i would never fast forward through it, because it's beautiful, but i woudn't miss it if it wasn't there.
that said, i really loved this book--it was surprising, it was intriguing, it felt deeply archetypical and at the same time delightfully specific and real. the four main characters' voices and perspectives were so distinct, as was each new voice that cropped up to take over a piece of the story--a whole ensemble of imperfect people making imperfect choices and loving imperfectly.
the deets
how i read it: an e-galley from NetGalley! and i gotta say, i'm pretty excited to see this chonker in person! that red color on the cover is gonna look so nice on a thick spine. i'll definitely be buying this one when it's out.
try this if you: dig lyrical prose and stories that feel like mythology, enjoy memory fuckery, inevitably root for star-crossed weird ancient beings to finally be together, or were ever in a band in high school.
some bits i really liked: hard to pic faves in a book this long!
A girl wakes up in her sister's bed. "Laura?" she says. No one answers. Oh, she shouldn't be here. The one who should be here isn't. The girl's name is Susannah. She is too tall, lamentably tall, and she has bad dreams. Shouldn't her dreams be comforting? Restorative? Shouldn't she see the ones she longs with all her heart to see? But in dreams, too, they are inexplicably missing.
Like Mo, Mr. Anabin was brown in the way that made white people feel they should ask you where you were really from. Although at the moment Mo really did want to know where Mr. Anabin was from, because surely there weren't a lot of people living in Lovesend who could raise the dead. Right? Mr. Anabin: supernaturally ambiguous. Maybe Mo would ask. Or maybe he wouldn't. Mo: smarter than a lot of white people.
Kids brought their notebooks, because there were no plugs for laptops, and wrote poetry or Korrasami AU fan fiction or very sad and secret thoughts in their most beautiful penmanship.
"You guys are the three-time Olympic champions of poor decision-making in relationships. Like a figure skating pair who does the same routine every time: one Ina Bauer, one curve lift, spread eagle, two make-outs, one breakup, one makeup, followed by a messy-ass dismount." "Dismounts are gymnasts, not figure skaters," Susannah said.
pub date: February 13, 2024!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Taiji: Did Sarah leave?
Ryu: Yeah, finally.
Taiji: Time for a game, then.
Ryu: A game... of what?
Taiji: Beer pong.
Ryu: It's too early in the day for beer pong. And aren't you still too young for beer anyway?
Taiji: I'm twenty, remember? I just became legal this year. Now I can have beer whenever I want.
Ryu: Not whenever you want.
Taiji: You know what I mean. Anyway... beer pong?
Ryu: No, thanks.
Taiji: Why? Afraid you won't win?
Ryu: I'm afraid I will, and then I'll have to console you.
Taiji: *laughing* Dude, I'm the illegal beer pong champion. You know as soon as Haru and Senjirō were old enough to drink, they let me play too. They’d never leave me out.
Ryu: Senjirō and Haru let you drink? Why didn’t I know about this?
Taiji: Because we weren’t dumb enough to do it when you were around. You know all those long hours you put in every evening, helping the sound guys and learning how to edit and produce, when we were recording Love in Living Colour? Beer pong.
Ryu: Wasn’t Keigo supposed to be watching you?
Taiji: He was there. You can’t play team beer pong if you don’t have an even number on each team.
Ryu: You— No, actually… never mind. We’ve had enough drama in this house for one day, and it’d be pointless to tell you off for something that happened like, two years ago.
Taiji: So, you’re not mad?
Ryu: *shaking his head* I don’t know if I’m even capable of getting mad at you, baby brother.
Taiji: Hey, you know something? I’ve missed hearing you call me that.
Ryu: You have?
Taiji: Why’d you stop?
Ryu: Because you were growing up, and I thought you wouldn’t like it. I didn’t want to embarrass you.
Taiji: I do like it, so feel free to call me that whenever. Well, except maybe not in front of Haru, ‘cause he’d make fun of me.
Ryu: Only because he thinks of you as a brother too.
Taiji: I guess it’s that whole ‘he only teases people he loves’ thing, right?
Ryu: Apparently that’s how it is with real siblings.
Taiji: I wouldn’t know.
Ryu: Neither would I, but I still feel like you’re the little brother I always wanted. I might not be the best at showing it all the time, but just so you know, I care about you.
Taiji: Same, honestly. I was so freakin’ scared when I came here. You basically just adopted me, and like, I don’t even know if I’d be here now if it weren’t for you taking care of me. I really needed a big brother to look after me. I probably still do.
Ryu: And look at me, letting you do irresponsible shit like playing beer pong.
Taiji: With supervision though, because you’re gonna play.
Ryu: I never said that.
Taiji: But, what about my challenge?
Ryu: What challenge?
Taiji: The beer pong challenge. I officially challenge you to a beer pong battle. The loser buys pizza for everyone tonight.
Ryu: I don’t think—
Taiji: Come on! Think of the prize.
Ryu: Okay, fine. Challenge accepted. I just hope you're prepared for your wallet to be a lot lighter tonight.
Taiji: We'll see.
Ryu: And the inevitable hangover.
Taiji: Like I said, we’ll see.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Happy Ending Romance Eps 7 & 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Unfortunately, I lost the first version of this post after episode 7 ended. I'll do a quick scroll through that episode and rebuild some of my thoughts, but it's a loss.
Episode 7
I was really looking forward to this quartet working together, but Wu Ju has been turned.
This seating arrangement with the two sofas and armchair shows up a lot in Kdrama. Can someone explain why they're always arranged this way in offices?
We had two different "please take good care of me" exchanges, and only one of them felt genuine.
Han Tae Young is remarkably earnest, and I liked the spit it out scene.
Editor Yeong Seon is honestly fantastic. Telling someone you want them to be miserable takes a level of offense I respect.
All successful writers do is attend meetings. Jung Hyun's never writing.
I really like this first kiss. I like that Han Tae Young asked to kiss him after weeks of professing his love. They haven't beaten the TMS guys, but it was nice.
Another goddamn meeting.
I expected the reveal that Jung Woo was ghostwriting, but the reveal that it's what he outed that other writer for makes me wonder what the point was of going public in the first place.
I think Jung Hyun means it when he says he wants to protect Jung Woo, bit I think it inevitably infantilizes Jung Woo. He's never required to face anything, and still they both suffer.
I like the use of a bridge for a sad moment for Jung Woo. He can't go back now that everything is in the open.
Love that Han Tae Young was only worried that Jung Woo had left him again. We even get a pretty decent second kiss.
Episode 8
I really like the arty bed scene. There's been a lot of angst and long-term pining hanging over this, so this works. I also like it because this doesn't feel like a first-time-with-another-man experience for either of them.
For all that Kim Jung Hyun irritates me, Leo has done a great job embodying this character.
I can't believe a writer left his computer unsecured.
I feel for Yeong Seon. She keeps getting caught in all this drama.
I have enjoyed how when Korea does a love triangle, it's complicated by the different ways people love the same person and whether that might be best for the parties involved.
I'm wondering now if the professor figured out they were ghostwriting and blackmailed Jung Hyun.
It's a unique feeling of relief to see Kim Jung Hyun let go and team up with Han Tae Young. Now we've got a full party.
Oh, the professor didn't know.
There's a lot happening in this spiral just for Cha Jung Woo to end up back at Literature Square again.
The smash cut from the dour party to Jung Woo yelling was well done.
Hey, this non-fight is really good. Karam has done a solid job with a rather subdued character in Jung Woo. He's stepped up his expressiveness at this point and it works so well.
I loved this framing with the bus stop to place Jung Hyun on the outside.
Of course Jung Woo isn't going to let someone else sacrifice himself at this point.
Leo is good. I felt sympathy for Jung Hyun's relief that something he wrote on his own strength was good. I'm even glad he reconciled with Yeong Seon.
Man, I like that they let us know that the book worked out, and I like seeing Jung Hyun agreeing to work with Tae Young. This joke flirting between all of them at the end is a lovely touch.
Final Verdict: 8, Recommended. I think there are some shaky bits early on; I wasn't sure what I wanted to care about. Still, I like the ideas in this about the need to face pain and fear, and how trying to protect people from any disappointment can sometimes make things worse. I also enjoyed a lot of the dynamics, though I felt some emotional hand offs were missing. I will say I found a lot of the cross-cutting between scenes to be a bit distracting, and sometimes made it hard to focus.
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dear-demon · 1 year
Greetings, mun here! I wanted to make a pinned post as i don't have access to an about as i mainly use mobile!
This is a blog for Audrey, a lil demon kid with a big heart!
I'll put this post under a readmore as it's kinda long! ^_^
I don't have many rules as of rn but more will be added if I see the need arise!
First of all I want to say that I will always always go out of my way if I can to read and abide by your rules if you have an about, please do the same for me! :]
The main universal rules as always do apply such as no godmodding, please be literate (no one sentence replies), and please be respectful while interacting with me!
If you do so it's likely I'll get along with you great! :D Mun has about 20 years of rp experience and will try to write similar to how you do, though usually I tend to go long & descriptive!
There will likely be heavy and/or dark themes present! I apologize in advance but I do love me some good ole drama! Ha! It will all be properly tagged though, I promise. (ex: blood, gore, angst, trauma)
Also please be aware that Audrey is a minor so I will not be doing any shipping with him aside from childlike crushes!
I will likely include other characters to the blog eventually, such as Audrey's mom or others who may eventually be created. I will add their info as they appear and I can get to it. If these characters are of age I'd be open to shipping, though! I prefer it to occur naturally of course, as forcing ships is not my cup of tea.
(Please note this doesn't mean I'm immune to saying things like 'awww they could be such a cute pair!' in dms, that this won't be an invitation to force a ship.)
I am open to having multiple verses on this blog! :] If something drastic happens that warrants a new verse then so be it.
I will try to tag my posts as best I can but if i miss something please feel free to tell me!
Also feel free to send an ask whenever!
Oh yeah, PLEASE do not like or reblog spam here! I am perfectly fine with it on my main blog but on an rp blog it clogs things up and gets annoying really fast! Please be respectful of that here!
I don't really have the ability to make icons or anything for formatting purposes (nor am i really sure how...) so I'm sorry if my replies are a bit visually boring... ha...
I hope you come to enjoy my lil guy and I hope to make some awesome pals here! :D
Some info about the lil guy!
Full name is Audrey Deere (heheh)
He is 4'7 feet tall!
He's truly a sweetheart! Though being a half-demon sometimes less than savory intentions or urges crop up.
He's a faun! Top half boy bottom half little deer! :]
He lives with his mom in the woods near a small village.
His timeline is set in midevil times! So there will definitely be talks of witchhunting & audrey being scared of christian persecution.
Magic IS a thing aside from Audrey in his timeline but it is seen as very taboo and rare. It is often vilified and persecuted.
Please be aware though that not everything will be 100% accurate. I try to do my research but inevitably I will just decide that things happen there which didn't exist in the real world.
The way he pops into blogs is with a little power of his, he can create little uncontrolled portals when he wishes to explore! Uncontrolled meaning they don't always lead to where he wanted or expected them to!
As i can't really get nice colored pictures atm I'll put it here; Audrey has fluffy long brownish red hair, same as his fur! His eyes are a bright golden orange with a hint of blue when the light hits it right. & His skin is a darkish tan with a slight reddish hue (mostly in his cheeks and the blushing of his arms and torso!)
He's covered in freckles all over and his fur has tan speckles! 🤎
Here's a small reference for his fullbody;
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 day
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@cxnsolatio asked: "They did it. They really did it!" He shakes in controlled anger, each jitter from his shoulders arriving at clockwork intervals like a performance. He needs a little perspective; he needs someone who can see reason. A sound like a shudder resonates in the air as the bow strikes a chord of his violin by accident. Even the poor instrument is in pain. "They ruined my sonata! I prepared a setlist of Bach and you know what they asked me?!" Law is angry and embarrassed, and even in this cloud of negative energy he's capable of squeezing out a lonely tear to cover his eyes with cinematic sadness. He covered his eyes. His mouth. A crime most foul had taken place, indeed! Too grim to voice in the presence of a lady! "They asked me if I could play Wonderwall." :(
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It was unfortunate that Ikkaku had been forced to miss the recital her captain had arranged for himself. She knew he had been working hard on his music, having occasionally heard faint strains of the violin drifting through the halls late at night. But unfortunately, the engine had required an emergency repair. It wasn't severe enough to warrant the rest of the crew's concern, but it was important enough for her to fix in case something happened, like an attack. So, she'd made Uni promise to record it for her.
Based on Law's fury, she had the feeling it was better to destroy all evidence of whatever disaster had occurred in the rec room.
So Ikkaku listened, ready to hear Law vent about how the crew didn't know the difference between Bach and Beethoven, or mistook his violin for a viola, or some other petty complaint that was really inevitable because many of the Hearts simply weren't as sophisticated as their captain. Even Ikkaku could not recognize the nuance of Law's interests, though she could at least appreciate pretty music when she heard it.
The truth, however, was far more horrible, and Ikkaku's jaw dropped in shock. Even she knew just how horrible of a crime had just been committed.
"They...they fucking WHAT?!" she screeched, voice echoing throughout the engine room. Oh, by the Creator Turtle, the boys had fucked up hard. Wonderwall? Of all things to ask! She wouldn't be surprised if they planned to request Freebird next! Shit, no wonder Law was pissed. They'd not only ignored the sonata he'd prepared for them, but they had intentionally trolled him with their request.
Fuck, no wonder he was so mad. She was pissed on his behalf. But she'd give the boys an earful later. Assuming Law had let them keep their ears. Really, it would serve them right for Law to take those away for a bit.
Letting out a deep breath to control her anger, Ikkaku reached out and took his hand. "The guys are idiots. They love you, but man, they are uncultured swine of the highest order, aren't they, Boss? I'll give 'em a talking to later, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of punishment to dole out in the morning." A warm smile touched her lips, reassuring and full of adoration for the man before her. She gently tugged the hand, indicating that he should follow her out of the engine room. "Come on. My work is done, and I'd be more than happy to attend a private concert. Let's go to my room or something - the acoustics in here suck, and a Bach sonata deserves to be heard loud and clear."
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megbonney · 11 months
✃ 07/01/23
don't you drift away / no, i won't mind
i haven't sat down and properly written on here, mainly because i've been logged into my other tumblr and doing it through my phone is a pain. but, hi anyways. in terms of events, my life has been essentially the same; i got a job (finally, thank god), picked my classes for next year. finally got some work done & my shit together. i'm fine, i guess. i've come to terms with the fact that not many people like me. and that's okay, i mean, who am i to make you? i'm not entitled to anyone's kindness, nor is anyone mine. i think i've been a lot better since i properly took that in. i feel like it's easier to exist without fear of judgement. i've become better at speaking my mind (at times), taking my space when i need it. all of this work without a therapist, go figure. i don't really hate anyone. i'm just existing in my life, not begging to be in anyone else's. however, i did kind of realise something; i've always had to be the person to initiate any romantic step in a relationship. it makes me wonder if the other person has, and i just didn't notice, or if people simply don't have feelings for me until i mention that i do. either or is okay, i mean, i'm sure i've missed out on some opportunities because a hint or a move made has gone fully over my head. i suppose i'd just like that fairytale moment. where the guy asks me out on a date, asks me to be his partner, or something. it sucks when it's always the other way around, when i'm always chasing. i'm sure with the right person, it'll happen, but right now it's just kinda blehh. we're moving sometime this year or early next year. mum keeps promising a fulfilling romance, but i think she's trying to make me feel better about leaving my life here. it feels like no one in my family is recognising that i'll be finishing my last years in highschool elsewhere, starting all over, alone. it feels like it doesn't matter to them, despite the pressure on me to be the only one in my house who graduates. at this point i know it's inevitable though, and maybe He will be there? in qld? i doubt it. it sucks but i just need something to keep me hopeful. i've noticed that the people who aren't in my life anymore couldn't handle me putting myself first; that despite them telling me to defend myself, the minute i did against them, it was suddenly wrong. humans are hypocritical that way, i s'pose. i can be hypocritical, but nothing's grosser than someone who can't admit it. i'm chillin. still staying away from substance and in school like a smart fella (smart fella or fart smella?) steam sale rahh. money money money, kaching. toodles
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resident-mercie · 2 years
Leon S. Kennedy + Carlos Oliveira Smut One-Shot - Three's a Crowd. (NSFW.)
It's been a whole since you had a chance to meet up with your co-workers, so what better than a reunion party? But a meal at a restaurant with Leon S. Kennedy and Carlos Oliveira takes quite a turn.
notices: threesome, creampie, spitroasting, hairpulling, oral (giving + receiving), gn!reader.
"Should I book the reservation for about 5 o' clock?"
"Kennedy, are you kidding? No one eats dinner at that time! Book it for six at least, man."
"Alright, alright! You've never changed in the slightest, have you, Carlos?"
"No need to change when everyone already loves me." I could imagine Carlos' smug grin as I sat with my phone pressed to my ear, as Leon and Carlos bickered over dinner reservations.
"Is that alright with you as well?"
A question finally directed at myself finally made me snap back into focus. I didn't even know where we were going or what we were going to eat, but I figured their bickering would be reignited entirely if I had to ask.
"Uh, yeah. Sounds good. Just send me the address later. Is there a dress code at all?"
"Not really. Sorta uhhh, smart-casual, I guess. Oliveira, turn up in cargo pants and I swear—" Leon's voice cut in and out, Carlos' laugh bellowing over him entirely.
"I've got it, Kennedy!" Carlos was still laughing. "I'll see you both over there next week. Don't disappoint me, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah." Leon sighed, and I could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Carlos and Leon were good friends, but their rivalry always seemed to get the better of them. All in good humor, of course, meaning their phone call shenanigans like this made for a good source of impromptu entertainment.
"See you guys next week then, I guess." I took my phone, pressing the end call button, and reclining in my chair. It'd been a while since I'd seen either Oliveira or Kennedy. They were both great guys who I had the pleasure of working with for the duration of my time at the agency the three of us used to work at. We happened to do just a little more than 'work' together though.
Oliveira was the first of the two guys I'd met. Purely by coincidence – we'd both found ourselves caught up in the Raccoon City disaster. Myself as a survivor, and Carlos as a member of the U.B.C.S. I had decent weapon proficiency, yet I relied on Carlos to do most of the core offense and defense as we tried to escape with our lives. And the payment for that? Quickies scattered everywhere, be it in the train carriage we were trying to get moving, or the shabby motel we chose to recuperate in after everything was over. The memories of Carlos bending me over the control panel of the train, relentlessly pounding into me with his calloused hands gripping my waist in a vice hold, or the way he'd hold me in the motel bed we shared, massaging my sex until I came on his fingers, were enough to make me bite my lip.
Since then, Carlos decided to train me in weaponry, and general combat, the two of us joining the government agency in order to prevent disasters like Raccoon ever happening again. And that's how I got paired up with Kennedy.
Leon Kennedy was a different case to Carlos. He seemed a little cold and distant at first, a distance that gradually lessened between us over time. He had my back, and I had his. We were a competent duo, and during our smaller missions together, it'd be safe to call him a close friend. Until we got assigned to Spain, on the search for the president's missing daughter.
Forbidden kisses. Tender touches. And the flirting. Oh, so much flirting.
It came to a peak during some of our later missions together, and as we'd rejoice the completion with a drink or two, it would inevitably turn into needy, drunken sex in some luxury hotel room or another. It felt like he craved me, every inch of my body. Like he knew everything about me, and knew where just the right places were to strike gold. Then we'd wake up the next morning, hungover, showering together, massaging every part of my body, relaxing with relief as I loosened under his delicate touch. Ready to repeat the night's events all over again after our shower, Leon greeting me with a coy wink after every assignment together when we'd get back to the agency.
To be honest, it was borderline impossible to choose between just Leon or Carlos as a sexual partner. There was a level of intimacy that came with having sex with Kennedy, but the secrecy that came alongside the quickies Oliveira provided were just as equally as hot. Both scenarios were satisfying, often replaying in my head as I brought myself to my own orgasms with my fingers or sex toys.
Yet neither of them knew I had sex with BOTH of them, a secret I was determined to carry to the grave. Oliviera's ego and Leon's lack of patience for him would cause a never ending conflict, something I didn't want to bear witness to. After all, their arguments over restaurants were heated enough, never mind one about banging your coworker.
Despite our sexual histories, it would be nice to see the guys again, as I found myself wondering if anything about them would've changed aside from their personalities. Carlos was muscular, Hispanic, and had a mass of curly, chocolate coloured hair to boot, while Leon was more slender, with piercing blue eyes, often covered by his slightly long mousy blonde hair. Despite their differences, they were both extremely attractive, but it had been some time since we'd all been together. I really did wonder if anything about them had changed.
A Week Later.
"Sheesh, Rookie! You look incredible."
"You still haven't cut it out with the 'Rookie' stuff, Kennedy? Look at 'em now! They're a professional."
I stood before them both in just a plain white shirt and black trousers, a small silver pendant dangling from my neck.
"Geez, thanks guys." I laughed, making eye contact with the two of them to drink in their image.
Carlos' hair was slicked back, wearing a slightly unbuttoned shirt, which was adorned in different patterns in hues of brown. His choice of trousers were a deeper shade of brown, and were accompanied by a pair of recently polished jet shoes. Leon, on the other hand, wore a completely buttoned jet shirt, navy blue trousers, and a pair of shoes relatively similar to Carlos' shoes. His hair was a little darker now, almost ash brown in colour, but had maintained it's parted bowl cut style.
"For real though, you look great." Leon was breathless, delicately licking his lips.
"Hey! What's all that for Kennedy? You got a crush or something?" Carlos laughed, throwing his arm around Leon, a jealous tinge to his voice.
"...No— not at all." Leon brushed off his comment, all the while maintaining eye contact so intense that it completely said otherwise.
"Well, should we get started?" I gave a nervous laugh, desperate to break up the impending conflict before it even began. "I've heard that some of the seafood platters here are to die for."
The meal was delicious, as expected, the three of us laughing over wine and an assortment of dishes from all over the world. All was going well until Leon politely excused himself to the restroom, leaving myself and Carlos alone at the table, amongst the assortment of empty plates and wine glasses.
"Sooooo..." Carlos cooed, gently nudging my leg with his shoe underneath the table. "Kennedy, huh? He calls you Rookie."
"What about it, Carlos?" I gave him a playful nudge back. "He's always called me that. It's just a pet name."
"Yeah, right." Carlos rolled his eyes with a scoff. "You into him or something?"
"Carlos, don't do this now." I sighed, toying with a napkin on the table in the hopes of alleviating my anxiety.
"You totally like him!" He bellowed, making intimate eye contact with me. "Well, I suppose he and I could arrange a little— treat, for you."
"What are you even talking about, Carlos?"
Carlos leaned closer to my ear, whispering a delicious secret.
"Why don't you share both of us?"
It was a tantalizing thought, and admittedly one that I'd thought about before.
"Carlos, you've had too much to drink—"
"Nope." Carlos gave you a smirk. "Kennedy and I have been discussing this for a while now. You've been pretty naughty, banging the two of us, haven't you?"
Carlos' dominant side was something I couldn't argue against. It was something I loved about our time we spent together.
"I guess I have." I shot him a grin, my attitude changing completely as Leon returned to the table.
"Did they agree, Oliveira?" Kennedy shot me a raunchy glance. "This will be a lot of fun."
"I'm just waiting on that, Leon." Carlos gave me a similar look, and I could feel myself heating up. This was a dream come true.
"Alright, I'm in." I stood up from my seat with a grin. "Where will we be going?"
"Already covered. I got us all a hotel room nearby." Leon gave me a smirk. "Well, shall we?"
It all began after check-in, as soon as the hotel door shut behind us with a click.
Carlos and Leon showered me in kisses, lapping at my jawline, my neck, gradually drawing closer to my collarbone. Their hands caressed me in the most sensitive areas, and I could already feel that I was willing to submit entirely to their control.
"You're so good." Leon whispered in my ear, as Carlos hungrily unbuttoned my shirt, placing love bites and kisses across the length of my body.
"They really are." Carlos looked to him with a grin, allowing Leon some time to enjoy my body. He swirled his tongue across my nipples, a sensation that made my body quiver and release a pant from my mouth.
"Aww, your Rookie liked that, Kennedy." Carlos cooed, kissing me while Leon still continued to lick at my chest, sometimes giving my nipples a gentle nibble which made me quiver even more so. Carlos' breath tasted like sweet wine, as I couldn't help but melt under their touches.
Leon's hands moved down to my trousers, his palms moving with every curve and dip of my body, almost as if I was being worshipped by him, Kennedy toying with the waistband of my trousers and pulling them down to my ankles.
"You're so beautiful." Leon rose to his feet and cooed in my ear, slightly needy, as if he needed me right then and there. Carlos knelt down in front of me, massaging my sex through my underwear, chuckling to himself as he realised I was already aroused.
"Someone's needy, huh?" Carlos shot me a smirk, and I couldn't help but nod and whimper in response. "I think we should get properly started now."
Carlos deftly picked me up in his muscular arms, carrying me over to the hotel room's sofa, gently laying me there, before standing back alongside Leon.
"You should kneel. Ass in the air." Leon smiled, and as I knelt, he met me with a shower of kisses, his breath tasting slightly bitter, like the cigarettes he tended to smoke these days. Leon stood up, unbuckling his trousers, and taking his semi-hard cock from his pants, massaging it a little in front of me. Carlos' trousers also hit the floor with a light thud, as he came up behind me, gripping my hips in the vice hold that I knew all too well, his calloused hands making me quiver just from their touch alone.
I gently grasped for Leon's cock with my hand, placing it in my mouth, my head bobbing up and down the length of his member, gradually becoming harder as I continued licking along his length. Carlos untucked his own cock from his boxers, carefully nudging the head of his cock against my hole, and began to thrust, making me gag against Leon's cock in my mouth.
"You look so good like this." Carlos growled with a swat to my ass, his thrusts gradually growing faster, causing my sucking on Leon's cock to grow more erratic. Carlos pulled my hair back gently as I quivered with every thrust, my mouth leaving Leon's cock with a string of pearly white cum, and spit.
"Leon!" I moaned out, Carlos hammering into me faster and harder, his grip around my hips tightening, digging into my flesh. "Cum on my face. Cum all over me!"
"You'll look so hot like that." Carlos gave a grunt, swatting my wetness, forcing another moan out of me. "Go on, Leon."
Leon smiled, massaging his cock in his hands, becoming breathless as he throbbed in his own hands. A string of his thick seed shot onto my face, dribbling from his forehead to my lips, which I licked up with a mischievous smirk. He came again, this time splattering against my chest, the sensation of his warm cum against my nipples triggering my own orgasm, clenching involuntarily around Carlos' cock.
"Oh— fuck!" Carlos grunted out, my eyes rolling back as I felt Carlos' warm seed fill me up from the inside, his calloused hands clenching to my hips even tighter now. His cum inside of me made me even more aroused, as if I could take another load entirely. I craved them both. I needed them both.
"Is it my turn to play now, Oliveira?" Kennedy asked, placing a kiss against my lips, his tongue tasting his own seed that remained on my lips.
"It's only fair." Carlos panted, walking over to my face, my body still quivering from my first orgasm. "You can have your turn, and then we can... clean up."
Carlos stood over me, and as I tried to reach for his cock, he tilted my head up to meet his gaze.
"Let's switch it up a bit now. Lay on your back. Spread your legs so Kennedy can see that pretty hole of yours."
I gladly obliged, gently rolling onto my back, and spreading my legs ready for Kennedy's turn.
Kennedy didn't start the relentless pounding right away, however, but instead traced his tongue down the length of my torso, down to my inner thighs, making me pant and quiver a little. Kennedy's delicate touches would forever and always be my weakness.
Carlos began to massage his cock above me, but from watching my body and the way Kennedy lapped at my figure, it didn't take him long to cum, his seed dribbling across my neck and chest.
Leon began to gently thrust into me, making my back arch as he traced his free hand across my body, gently caressing where Carlos' hands had held me tightly. His thrusts grew faster and more erratic, his stamina reduced now after already having came twice. Leon began to massage my sex with his free hand now, making me shake and quiver in arousal, my eyes rolling back as I couldn't help but moan. Carlos ran his fingers across my nipples, occasionally lapping at them to make my body shake, breathy moans escaping my body without restraint.
Leon shuddered, his thrusts becoming erratic as he ejaculated another load into me, my hole leaking with his and Carlos' cum as he finished. It still wasn't over – Leon knelt down towards my sex, hungrily licking and lapping, while Carlos pinched my nipples, garnering another moan from me, sometimes placing sloppy kisses against my neck. The mixture of their touches brought me to my second orgasm, their cum dripping from between my legs as I shook and quivered, my moans reverberating against the walls of the hotel room.
That was so damn good.
But it wasn't over.
Because as I knelt on my knees, Carlos and Leon stood infront of my, their half-hard cocks in hand.
"We're not done yet, Rookie. Remember, we said we had cleaning up to do."
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