#really... from the bottom of my heart... thank u for enjoying my blog
i've been thinking abt this for the last 10 seconds and i need to share this LMFAOO but how but either jack or kappa with "i would never let anyone or anything hurt you. i've never felt that way about anyone." AAAAAAAA imma pass out oki lob u lots and i love the way you write i like hang on to every word ITS SO GOOD EVERYTIME
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS! Let's celebrate that with this little something something here 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm very much left speechless by the sheere amount of people that apparently enjoy my deranged writings enough to follow this flaming dumpster fire of a Tumblr blog. I love and appreciate all of you so incedibly much! 🖤 Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!
Going To California
Summary: Kappa displaying insane amounts of husband material.
Pairing: hippie!Kappa x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.6k
Content Warnings: Romantic Van Life Smut 18+!, Unprotected P In V, L-Bombs, Very Fluffy And Domestic, Kappa Being A Heartthrob, Kappa Talking You Through It, Sprinkles Of Actual Plot, Dad!Kappa 👀
A/N: To the wonderful nonnie, I have to confess that I thought much longer than 10 seconds about this 🤭🥴
I put together a hippie!Kappa playlist!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai
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Spent my days with a woman unkind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
Made up my mind to make a new start
Going to California with an aching in my heart
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
- Going To California By Led Zeppelin
With his plush, soft lips Kappa left a trail of slightly sloppy kisses all the way from your forehead down to the tip of your nose that he eventually nudged playfully with the tip of his own.
"And here I thought you'd let me sleep.." You giggled, your tone a little drowsy as your senses had already been on the best way to slip towards warm and comforting dreams for tonight.
" 'M sorry, sugar, didn't wanna wake you up again." He nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his left cheek soft against your jawline.
"Are you though?" You pushed somewhat teasingly, arching your brows in the dark of the van while a smile tugged your lips.
"Well, yeah…but also not really." Kappa admitted, his curly, black hair ghosting over your collarbone whilst his hands searched for your waist further down underneath the woolen blanket that the two of you shared.
In gingerly soft touches, his fingertips caressed over the bare skin of your hips, tracing your curves slowly to savor every inch of you next to him.
"Go on.." You inquired, feeling how he sent little waves of gentle goosebumps all over your body.
"I'm just..y'know…I've never been just that happy and I can't help myself here, really. I hardly get enough of you, babe." His slightly raspy voice hummed into the crook of your neck which had you leaning your head back just a little yet enough for him to take note of the invitation.
"Hardly enough, yeah?", It rolled over your tongue in a tender laugh as you recognised his lips softly nipping right underneath your earlobe, "I'm with you all day everyday. How are you not tired of that yet, honey?"
"How could I ever, hm?", To underline his point, Kappa suckled your sensitive skin right between his teeth, effectively leaving a hickey just like a love-sick teenager, "None of this would just be remotely as heavenly as it is right now without you. Living in a van this, being free to go wherever that…but I wouldn't wanna go anywhere without you anymore. I love you."
"Good god, you're so sweet, Kappa.", You felt your entire chest swelling with a very distinct kind of fulfilling warmth as you led your fingertips to sneak under the hem of his linen shirt and caress his soft skin all the way up to his shoulders, "I love you, too. So incedibly much."
Turning your face to the side just a notch, you pressed a long kiss to the crown of his head, holding him close in your embrace, your senses following closely how his body heat quickly engulfed your statue, seeping through the layers of fabric.
'Hmhmm…right there, sugar." Kappa quietly groaned into your neck, pressing his front further against yours.
You very well knew how much of a slave he was to being touched around his shoulders and you eagerly followed his plea for more of your tender strokes. Planting another kiss to his hair, you started drawing random shapes and forms, curly waves and loops all over his shoulder blades and along his spine, pulling little moans and whines oozing with enjoyment from his mouth.
"S-so good to me, love." He hummed in a low voice, his own hands fastening their hold on your hips.
"Always." You returned softly while it didn't go unnoticed how both of your bodies reacted to one another.
You could feel Kappa's growing hard on pressing through his pants against your thighs just as much as you acknowledged your perked up nipples brushing against his collarbones whilst your own arousal throbbed between your legs.
"So much for just falling asleep, huh?" You joked amicably, pressing both of your palms against his back before pulling him on top of you as you turned to lay on your back.
"Oh, that's all you now!" Kappa reciprocated with a hearty laugh right before lowering his lips onto yours, nipping and nibbling at them teasingly.
"Is that so?" It left your mouth in a chuckle, your hands busy with pulling his trousers off of him.
"I might just be a tad bit involved in this.." He groaned, feeling his cock prodding against your cunt without anything left in between.
"A tad bit, yeah?" You inhaled sharply at the sensation, noticing how your body turned gradually more greedy.
"Probably severely very interested, s'that what you wanna hear, sugar?" Kappa sighed against your mouth before thrusting into you in one languid, careful stroke.
"Fuck…", It rushed over your tongue as you felt his girth stretching you out, "Feels so good, damn."
"Still mad about being awake?" Your lover huffed against your jawline as he rolled his hips into your lap, having your eyes flutter shut at the sensation.
"Hmhmmm…" You moaned out whilst allowing your head loll back into one of the plenty tie-dye patterned cushions.
"Fuck, I love you so much.", Kappa groaned, raising his forehead to rest right against yours as he thrusted into you anew, "I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you, sugar. You know that, right?"
Kappa's words reverberated, echoed right through you, making you feel as one with him.
"I've never felt that way about anyone before." His voice filled your mind as the tip of his cock nudged against that especially sensitive spot on your inside.
"My one and only…", You moaned softly against his warm, slightly sweaty cheek, your lips brushing over his upper lip and pressing soft pecks to the corner of his mouth, "Wouldn't trade the world for you. Ugh, god, hear that? You turned me all soft, damn hippie."
Both of you chuckled for a moment, the vibrations of his chest against yours making your heart feel like it was about to explode right into his aura that smelled like lavender and freshly cut grass to you. The warmth of his character, the carelessness in the most inappropriate of moments and just simply being with Kappa had done things to you…good things for once in your life.
"You were soft way before me, love, the world just didn't appreciate you showing it, but be certain that I do." You couldn't quite decipher if it was the way Kappa spoke to you or the way he cradled the curves of your waist in his grip, making you feels safe and protected with him right on top you, between your legs, that eventually pushed your body over the threshold of a rapidly building orgasm and quite frankly you didn't care.
Soft moans, repeated chants of his name cascaded from your lips as you arched your back to shove your hips into his lap, needing to feel him inside of you as deep as you possibly could, your pulsing and contacting cunt clenching down around his cock.
"There, there…let it all just go, 'm here, sugar." He cooed into your flushed cheek in a low groan, his own body turning rigid as he felt your walls pulling him in deeper.
The tide of your orgasm, the push and pull of your release was enough for Kappa to come undone himself, spilling his load as deep as possible, shoving it and pushing it deep inside of you.
"I gotchu…" Kappa hummed, enjoying the bliss of his own release rippling through his muscles, allowing himself to get lost in that instant of being ultimately close to you.
Only very reluctantly he pulled out of you eventually, the load of his seed trickling out and pooling all over the inside of your thigh.
"Uh, I gotta tell you something, actually…" You started awkwardly, immediately drawing Kappa's attention towards you.
"Huh? Are you trying to give a panic attack right after cumming now?" His hand fumbled around the headboard above the mattress, fingertips eagerly trying to find the light switch for the fairy lights dangling from all over the ceiling.
"No, sorry, oh god, sorry. It's just… come here.", Right after he flipped the switch, illuminating the inside of your van in a warm, almost orangy tint, you reached for his hand and gently pressed it against your lower abdomen, "I have a strong feeling that we are at least 3 now."
"What?" It blurted out of him, brows knit together in confusion as he stared at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"I'm way past my period, Kappa.", You hinted further, "Sore breasts and, good god, the nausea lately?"
"What I'm hearing you say right now is that you are… pregnant?" His forehead crinkled in soft creases.
"Ah, there we go. That took you a hot second, no?" You chuckled out softly, planting a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
" 'M gonna be a dad?!", Confusion was swept aside by unbridled joy and excitement, "And you're gonna be a momma?!"
"Looks like it an awful lot now, babe." You couldn't hold back the wide grin spreading on your face before Kappa practically jumped you, attacking you with a wave of kisses, pecks and smooches all over.
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taintedtort · 2 years
Hi love
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFCI
was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont hsndle it well)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
prompt ✧ confess
character ✧ scaramouche
warnings ✧ gn!reader, a SLIGHT argument in the beginning, but none!
a/n ✧ ahh hi!! i decided to combine both prompts a bit?? so enjoy and thank you for the request !
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you heard your office door slam, causing you to whip your head around. you were met with an annoyed scaramouche pacing right towards you. a small sigh left your lips, what was he mad about this time? scaramouche often came to rant to you about whatever incompetent subordinate pissed him off, so you simply took a seat and waited for him to start talking.
“can you believe how pathetic some people are? not being able to follow simple instructions.” he dramatically plopped down in the seat next to you with a grunt. you stayed quiet and eyed him, waiting for him to continue. he didn’t, much to your surprise, and just glared right back at you.
“at least you’re slightly less idiotic than the rest,” he mumbled, mostly to himself, but you heard him anyway. your brows furrowed, “slightly?” you questioned. he looked at you expectedly, “yes, slightly,” came his reply.
“is that supposed to be a compliment?” you argued, a slight edge in your voice. he looked taken aback at your response before his lips came up in a scowl. he opened his mouth to deny— or confirm— you couldn’t tell. and apparently neither could he, because he closed his mouth back with a look of doubt in his eyes. “archons, scaramouche.” you sighed, looking back at the work you needed to finish soon— that was assigned by him.
“hey! i’m not done talking yet,” he snapped, putting his elbow up on your desk to fully turn towards you. “well i’m done listening, go away.” these types of random arguments were normal between the two of you, thanks to scaramouche’s smart mouth.
“it’s part of your job to listen to me,” he retorted, causing you to roll your eyes. “no it’s my job to get this paperwork done… for you.” this caused him to scoff and cross his arms. “i don’t need you to get it done, i’ll make someone else do it.”
“then what am i even getting paid for?” you couldn’t help but crack a small smile at his childishness, finally leaning away from your desk and looking him in the eye. “to talk to me.” he reasoned, staring you right back in the eyes with full seriousness. “why is that my job?” you teased, wanting to annoy him further.
“because i like—“ you watched as he clamped his mouth shut and his eyes widen a fraction. your eyebrows instantly raised in curiosity and you sat up straight in your seat. “like what? like talking to me?” you pressed, trying to get him to finish his statement.
he was quiet for a moment, clearly racking through his brain for an excuse. after a few beats, he averted your gaze, “you’re tolerable,” he stated. his reply made you smile. you could read in between the lines, but you wanted him to say it to your face.
“is that how you really feel?” you quipped. a curt nod came from him, and he still wouldn’t look at you. his heart was racing but he would not allow a blush rise to his cheeks. he knew what you were doing, he knew you knew, but he refused to stoop so low as to confess, right now.
“just drop it, you’re ruining my bad mood,” he argued. you quietly stared at him, waiting for him to finally look at you. once he heard your silence, he gathered enough courage to steal a glance.
when he saw you staring with such a soft look in your eyes, he couldn’t help the loving feelings that engulfed him. he had to bite his bottom lip from spilling his guts right there and then. your lips opened at the silent declaration of love he just poured out to you in a single look.
“it’s okay, scaramouche, you don’t have to say it. i love you too.”
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everseethisinfo · 10 months
Heya bud! Recently reread eptg with my partner (it was their first time reading it) and i cannot thank u enough for this blog :D it was a huge help for supplimental stuff + gave the feel of seeing the arg aspect even after its not really arg-ing anymore. Anyways, idk if u get many messages like this but i wanted to give a super duper genuine from the bottom of my heart type thank u for making a place to gather up all the info!
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aaaaa!!!! thank you so much for this message im really glad this blog helped someone enjoy and experience eptg as i really put a lot of work into it way back when it was first coming out! sorry if it's been eons since you sent this,,, i really dont expect this blog to get notes or anything so i dont see asks sent here on mobile and i get on desktop except like twice a year maybe riiip
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irrcdeemable · 3 months
It’s not easy to navigate a character like Billy outside of the material source, but I think you have a pretty good grasp on it. More than pretty good, there’s a lot of work, time, and energy poured into your portrayal and that’s something to be admired. I know you think you came into the fandom pretty late, but there’s no wrong or right time. There are those who barely started and it feels like they have been writing the character for years and that’s what I get from your portrayal. Own it, embrace it, and most importantly? Have all the fun with it! TL;DR — basically, I really love your Billy!
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[[Thank you so much for this. I am gonna cry [happy tears of course]. This means more to me than you know. I've been terrified people would not enjoy the ways I have taken Billy and what my vision for him is but I just felt this connection and I wanted him to get more time. He's the first ever muse I've attempted who acts like this so I've really tried to put time and effort into understanding him and capturing him to the best of my ability ;u; I honestly wasn't even expecting anyone to send anything in either. So thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 I've admired your blog from afar for awhile now and have just been too shy to approach ]]
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rocksinmuffin · 1 year
a thank you that was supposed to be anonymous
so I wanted to submit on anon but I didn’t want to spam your inbox so I’m sending it here. this blog is literally from high school so ignore the questionable content + username + bandom + the fact that it doesn’t follow you. i promise my og blog was an avid follower (I’m just reminiscing now) it’s the only tumblr login I remember + tumblr sniped my actual transformers hell account back in 2020 for hoarding usernames and won’t give it back fuck them 🫠
but anyway.
hi muffin! I know you aren’t too crazy abt pda esp anon pda but I’m a little shy. I wanted to say I started following you my freshman year of college deep in my transformers phase + I’m finally graduating. I don’t rly keep up w tf anymore (that may change when the new movie comes out lmao) but during the time you were definitely a source of happiness of mine. I always looked forward to checking your blog everyday + seeing the updates. I just wanna say thank u for getting me through that transitional period in my life. your writing would always uplift me when I had a bad day of class or I got a bad grade or I misinterpreted a social cue.
I’m going to be a middle grades ELA teacher and a lot o( my philosophy of teaching revolves around reminding my students that their writing has capacity to change lives + that it should be meaningful even if it seems silly to them… so I’m making it an effort to genuinely thank all of the writing blogs that changed my life and helped get me through my early college years.
thank you for everything you do. it’s hard to put your work out into the world and I genuinely appreciate that you do + want you to know that your writing (yes even if it was nsfw) really made an impact on me + gave me a reason to get up everyday.
Submitted by @donnie–the–catcher
hey uhhhhhh this legitimately made me tear up. Like, this is just a silly little blog of writing that I do for fun and so it always blows me away when people tell me that it meant something to them or that it helped them get though tough times even if it was just a way to distract them from bigger problems happening in their lives and I’m just so touched.
Like, I see a lot of really petty infighting stuff in fandoms where people callout others for literally just not getting along with each other and trying to make it out like the other person is toxic for it and that’s a big part of why I don’t actually interact with a lot of people or join any discords or anything. But I don’t need to either because, like, this is the reason I post all my goofy and nasty fandom shit online for other people to see. Because what’s cringe or dumb for one person is gonna make another person smile or laugh. And that’s kind of what fanfiction is about. It’s to put your work out there and hope someone else has as fun reading it as you had writing it.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for telling me this and thank you for enjoying this silly little blog. It means so much to me. And I think it’s so awesome that you are going to try and inspire kids to write. I know I was around that age when I started writing and sometimes the push you need is just having someone encouraging you and telling you that you can.
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el-im · 2 years
whenever i see u on my dash i go on your blog and click the "captain's log" tag to see what youve been up to since last i saw you, i always hope you're doing alright because you seem like such a sweet and genuine person, i'm certain you make people in your life very happy by being their friend, you're also beautiful which is irrelevant but i wanted you to know, hope you're having a good day. do you have any movie recommendations?
my gosh. thank you. i was so surprised to hear this, and so touched. it's hard for me to imagine--doing the tedious business of slogging through it every day--that anything in my life could possibly be of interest, but this is... sweetness beyond sweetness. it's hard for me to picture someone taking the time to see what i've been up to, and this is ! so kind--beyond my imagination of what kind is. thank you, again, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.
unfortunately, i haven't been watching half as many movies as i'd like (and even less than i ought). part of the reason i took some time to answer this was because i was hoping i could finish one i'm partway through and possibly suggest it, but it's nearing one in the morning here and i've just finished all my homework, and finishing a movie now seems... improbable. that said! though i haven't finished it yet, i'm maybe an hour into being there (1979) dir. hal ashby, starring peter sellers and shirley maclaine, and, though it is making me quite sad, i'm enjoying it thus far, and think it's well done. i'm reading a biography of sellers right now and was intrigued by the strangeness of their relationship on set, just the small things i've read so far about what they talked about/the impressions they had of each other
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just for the sake of saying so, i am also partway through gaslight with ingrid bergman, hedda gabler with ingrid bergman (i just saw the play, then read she was in a televised production and--loving her--felt compelled to watch it), and videodrome, none of which i am particularly enjoying, and have been thinking of nothing lately but some like it hot and blue velvet, which are favorites of mine, and that i hope to carve out time to re-watch soon.
in terms of new recommendations (well--movies i haven't seen before, not necessarily contemporary recommendations), i recently saw the man with the golden arm (1955) dir. otto preminger which i thought was magnificent. if you'll pardon the pun, frankly, i don't know a lot about sinatra, but he always rubbed me the wrong way. what little i did hear of was seldom positive, and he tended to behave rather aggressively in the live show recordings i'd listened to of him with the rat pack, which i wasn't endeared by, and i'd never seen him in a movie i really enjoyed, or thought he was noteworthy in... and this completely changed my opinion of him. i, though i admittedly haven't seen him in much, have never seen him so well suited to a role, or believed he ever carried a character so well into reality. the movie was intelligent, and complex, and the story is strong, and intricate. i was beyond impressed by it, not having gone into it expecting much, and was blown away.
i also really enjoyed rivers and tides (2001) dir. thomas riedelsheimer which is a documentary exploration of the work of andy goldsworthy, who is one of my favorite artists (speaking both as an illustrator and as someone studying biology and thus--to some extent--naturalism and the earth). since discovering it, i have found all his work magnificent and the film itself is beautiful!
other than that, i recently saw warsha (2022) dir. dania bdeir and lakana (2022) dir. teppo airaksinen at the manhattan shorts film festival (that is--a crowd of just me + the local senior center in the lecture hall at my college's library) and thought they were both stunningly beautiful and poignant.
i bought a ticket for another film festival taking place on thursday (though i really shouldn't have--I have an exam that day, in the morning, and another the following morning, but they're only showing them for one night...), so hopefully will come out of it with at least one further recommendation!
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astroluvr · 2 years
(this is a lot so the tl;dr is at the v bottom lol)
ik my blog has been dry lately, but y'all can expect a pretty hefty blurb dump soon (i won't even give a time frame bc we know how i am)! i am putting a lot of the pregnant!reader stuff on the back burner bc of all the absolutely devasting shit that's going on and it just makes me personally more aware of the luxury i've had to write a lot of that- regardless of the circumstances it's written in! (idk if that makes sense but) outside of that though, i think that i have some pretty different, (much) longer fics that i really hope y'all enjoy. my motivation and creativity has been janked honestly and i just wanted to let y'all know that i haven't forgotten about u! thanks for being patient and understanding!
im also really grateful for all the birthday wishes!! it's not an easy day for me, so to have so many of y'all flood my inbox really made me feel special today and i am truly, truly from the very BOTTOM of my heart so thankful!
ANYWAYS, that's really long-winded, but i wanted to get it all out in one go lol. again, thank u so much for the love and support that i feel all the time again, i'm not the MOST interactive, but ily 🫶🏽
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ohcaptains · 1 year
I just finished reading the Abby fic you wrote about her being sorry
god i wish i could remember the name of it, im sure it was something beautiful but i don't feel like going back now because im in the middle writing this ask
I have no words.
(and despite not having any words, i continued to write blabbering paragraphs after paragraph about this)
I think that fic genuinely broke me.
I had a a cathartic experience I swear to you, on everything hshsh
I had to stop at one point just to compose myself because several times I just started sobbing?? I promise it was the best kind of sob I've experienced
Although this has got to at least one of the first times that I've cried from fluttering, blossoming overwhelming feelings while reading and taking it all in
i was so immersed, like being submerged into the ocean that is Abby.
i want to let this work consume me whole.
it's so utterly beautiful and breathtaking, it's dizzying and it feels like all the air being knocked out of your lungs, reads like the loveliest fucking thing.
all the descriptions??
halfway through i realized it was you, after noticing the ohcaptains blog name at the top and i lost my mind even further, if that was even possible.
it all made sense, why it was such a damn elysian piece of fiction, why it was able to extract and pull such intense feelings and emotions from me
i remembered the eddie series you had written a while back, in the summer, in the height of my stranger things hyperfixation and it all connected and tied in.
thank you thank you thank you.
that's all.
i love your writing and i hope you keep writing like this, never loose your spark and your passion for it :)
i hope this didn't come across as weird 😭 i swear i surprised myself with the sheer ability of that fic to get such reactions from me
ill see you around
who knows what else sort of masterpieces you can make ;)
i actually don’t know what to say to this lmaoooooo the way i stared and re read it over and over again to make sure u were actually saying what i thought u said 🥹🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 stop it. from the bottom of my heart, thank u sm<3 thank u for taking the time to tell me this !!!! & i really hope u enjoy the other writing i put out<3 thank u thank u thank u
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considerablecolors · 1 year
Hiii! I recently started one of your fics (the anderperry Tumblr au) and I was so sad to see it wasn't finished! I was wondering if you were going to write anymore, I guess. Have a nice day!
this ended up being kind of long lol- so im putting it under a read more, and i have a tl;dr at the end for anyone who wants the broad strokes without the whole backstory :)
hi! first of all, thank u so much for reading, i hope you've been enjoying it! tbh, this is probably something i should have addressed ages ago, so genuinely thank u for reaching out and motivating me to finally talk about this lol. so to be 100% honest, this question is kind of a hard one for me to answer?
dead poets society is a piece of media that means a lot to me and will always be a key piece of me, but it also sort of represents a part of my life that i don't like dwelling on if that makes sense. tbh it's probably obvious that i was going thru a rough patch just by reading some of my earlier dps stuff (neil perry is not okay is... yeah... lol). additionally, dps is something that i associate heavily with someone that's not really a big part of my life anymore, so sometimes it honestly feels wrong to write certain characters without thinking about that. it's also prolly obvious that dps is not really my main special interest anymore and hasn't been for a little while now.
ALL THAT BEING SAID- dead poets society will never not mean the world to me. despite all the mixed feelings i've come to associate with it, i keep rewatching with the film and engaging with content in small ways specifically because i don't want to let my past struggles ruin something i love. even if it's not the main interest of this blog or ao3 account, i'm definitely still fond of it.
but what does all this mean in terms of content? i'm not really sure. one thing is certain- i intend to write for dps again. i actively have been, in fact. ive been working for a while on a long dps fic and am probably around 1/3 done with it, but im holding off on uploading it until it's completely done specifically to avoid leaving people hanging with a WIP. i have absolutely no idea when it'll actually be finished, but i am really excited for u all to read it.
as for the current dps WIPs i have? unfortunately, i don't think i can say they're getting finished :(. we'll kick it when i hit the ground (anderperry tumblr au) and the whole "being dead" thing (ghost neil au) are both still in the very early stages of their stories and sadly i just don't think i have the energy to finish them. i'd be more than happy to talk a bit and summarize what i had originally planned for the stories if anyone would like that, but i think the stories themselves are probably done for now. as for the neil perry is not okay series, another long, full-length fic like there will be light is definitely a no, but i'd say there's a good chance of me writing a one-shot or two at some point.
in general, i'd say other than the big dps fic im working on, expect any future dps fics from me to be short one-shots that are much lighter in tone. probably still some hurt/comfort cause that's my jam, but less of the heavy angst i typically wrote lol.
lastly, i do want to just take a minute to say thank you to everyone who's still reading my dps fics. like i said, a lot of them represent a pretty bad time in my life, but i can never bring myself to hate them or resent them sheerly because of the outpour of love and appreciation they've received from the fandom. even if im slow to reply to comments sometimes, i promise i read every single one and they mean the world to me. while it's hard to think about some of the things i was going thru while writing things like there will be light, those fics provided a safe place and a source of comfort for me to work out my feelings and find solace, and nothing in the world makes me happier than seeing my writing create the same space for other people. from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone that's even clicked on and glanced at a fic of mine. it means the world to me <3.
while it does make me really sad to say that i likely won't return to some of the writings i put so much love into, im really proud of some of the things ive been working on lately, and i hope you all will enjoy it as well! if not, that's ok too, im eternally grateful to anyone who's gotten something out of any of my past work too.
unfortunately, any WIPs i had for dps are probably going to remain unfinished. if people would like to hear a summary of what id had planned for the remainder of any of these, id be happy to provide that. while i am taking a break from the dps fandom, i still love dps and would be happy to chat about it with anyone that wants to, and i do intend to return to creating dps content- i just don't know when exactly that will be. thank you from the bottom of my heart to anyone who's enjoyed my content in the past, and im wishing you all the absolute best. carpe diem <3
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inkykeiji · 2 years
hii lovely clari!!! I don’t know if you remember but this is bunny anon!! long time no see, I missed you so much <3 sorry that I’m not around too often, uni life/adulting(lol) has been hectic but I’m always thinking of u and your blog!! I’ve been having so much free time since summer break started tho! hopefully I’ll be able to interact w u way more <3
Today was v nice but at the moment I was feeling a bit chaotic and lost hahah then I thought your blog would be perfect at comforting me and stop me from spiraling, and I was so right!! as soon as I read through your blog I instantly felt comforted, happy, inspired and grounded. I hope you know you have an amazing talent of capturing life in such a beautiful, poetic way! you describe and view the little things in life that may seem mundane to many in a mesmerizing way. that is why I enjoy reading anything you write, from your sharing of glimpses of your life to your creative work! it has helped me to romanticize my life, find happiness and be grateful for the little things, and inspired me to appreciate my life and the world more. I think your ability to view and express life beautifully has also affected your amazing writing because your writing is always extremely vivid and descriptive! your writing style is my absolute favorite among everything I���ve ever read hehe. you inspire me as a person and an artist everyday, and I wanted to thank you for it!! you are such an inspiring, beautiful soul and you’ve helped me so much. <3
anyways I hope you are doing amazing clari!! I’ll be back soon to babble about keigo, touya, and shiggy ehehe. also if you ever want to rant or talk about anything, I’m always here to listen to you and support you! mwah mwah
hi bunny!!! oh my gosh of course i remember you!!
i’m so sorry it took me five days to respond to this!! i missed you too!!! how is school going? are you enjoying what you’re studying? last time we spoke i remember you were having some issues, are you feeling better now? i hope you are <33 awww hehehe that’s so sweet & i really hope you can, too!! i love to have you here c:
aaaaaah oh gosh bunny, this is such a special message to receive, thank you so much for sharing this with me <333 from the very bottom of my heart, i cannot tell you how unbelievably happy it makes me to hear that my blog can be a source of comfort for you, that is such a significant and incredible compliment to receive <3 i really, really appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me as well as sharing with me how my work (and personal posts hehe) has helped you!!! that is literally so meaningful to me <3
i’m also just super happy that it comes across in that way, because that is exactly what i try to do!! to me, and in my own life, it is the little things that matter so much more—the little things that are the most important. it’s going out for a delicious meal with someone you love, or watching a film with someone you care about. it’s going for a walk and just chatting with your best friend. it’s making cookies with a family member. it’s cozying up in bed during a rainstorm, with a pet, or a stuffed animal, and a good film or novel. in my opinion, these things matter so much more than anything else; these are the things that mean the world to me. these are the things that go hand-in-hand with living day to day and appreciating all of the good and the positives in your life, even if they’re tiny.
oh sweet bunny, i am beyond overjoyed to hear such sweet words!! i don’t know how else to express how warm and special hearing about how i/my work has helped you makes me feel; it’s indescribable. i’d like to share a little something for you, something that helps me continue to see the beauty in life and appreciate it all (even the bad! for there is no good without the bad!): there is very, very little we can actually control in life, but one of the things we can control is who we are and what we do (and how we react to what happens to us!). i like to think of each and every person’s life on this earth as a masterpiece. it’s this masterpiece we are constantly working on from the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last, and it is by far the most important masterpiece we will create. make your masterpiece something you love, something you think is beautiful, something you are proud of. remember that when life comes and throws paint all over it, or scratches something off, or when you make a mistake, you can always paint over it, or repaint it, and learn from the experience. you can always change it into something beautiful. you have that power. i’m not sure if this will help you, but for me, thinking of myself and my life as a piece of art has really helped me continue to make meaningful choices and do meaningful things <3
i am still gushing over such a beautiful message and all i want to do is thank you over and over again for sending it ahaha <33 my main goal in life is to help others through my work—it doesn’t have to be in some big, profound way, and it doesn’t have to be a lot of people either; but if i can provide comfort, or escape, or entertainment to someone and make them smile or feel better, then that is more than enough for me <3
ehehehe i look forward to it!!! until then, stay safe, i am sending you much love and health!!
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Writing Bakugou is 100% a quicker way to build a following for sure, so when you write outside of it then naturally it may not get the same activity based on what someone may have followed for and what people are searching for. It depends though I personally have never seen jjk but I follow like 5 people a couple which have started venturing out into jjk (originally bhna writers) because it's their current obsession. And I like how they write them (my view will be so skewed when I finally watch lmao)! That's the fun part of having a blog I feel lol. My love will always be for my fav but I will go feral for other characters and fandoms. If people don't like they don't have to be here lol. Your blog is so fun to me though even your non-writing stuff. Your blog is "good soup" or whatever people say.
asjfdasldk gonna cry @ this🥺🥺🥺
i think you definitely have a point about writing bakugo... but also, as someone who's been here (and maybe you have too, idk) since oct. 2020... i do think interaction dynamics + desire for content has shifted some. Sure, bakugo has always been a favorite, but writing for other characters was never NOT a way to gain followers, too... if i'm properly expressing what i mean?
(like, 6+ months ago you could post a deku thing that would get a lot of traction... now you post something deku and it's regarded as a normal post... VERSUS, posting bakugo 6+ months ago would get you traction and it still gets traction now.)
like we both have mentioned tho, interests are switching and thats okay! just feels weird since... idk. i think genuine audiences (like u) are sparser in general now which makes things a lot more different now, too.
that being said, however, you make a great point and remind me of something important... which is that the people who truly value and enjoy this site (and the content on it regardless of whether it meets ur needs 100% of the time)... are gonna stick thru it no matter what.
i really (and im sure im speaking on behalf of the other ppl u follow, too) appreciate the kindness and consideration u have for us when it comes to posting abt what just tickles our fancy lol... and i'd love to hear abt ur thoughts on jjk when u get around to it, too (bc i definitely read it before watching and ended up a bit shocked also asjkdfkadshk).
but all things considered... im probably not saying anything u don't already know, just that its hard to come to terms with feeling like the community u truly fell in love with (content aside) a year+ ago is berry different now, not just with content but also through function.
change isn't necessarily bad tho... just gotta get used to it and it really helps that ur so kind. im probably wasting ur time at this point LMFAOO but u make me weep with ur nice words and the "whatever people call it" sflafjsdk.
💓i love u💓
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jenoptimist · 4 years
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Can u write a soulmate yangyang Drabble 🥺💓
✮ Pairing: yangyang x reader (gender netural)
✮ Genre: angst (just a light sprinkle!) | fantasy (soulmate!au) | fluff
✮ Word count: 3.2k
♡ Yakult says: ask and u shall receive nonie !! uuhh this kinda just...did it’s own thing so idk if it can even be called a drabble bUt i do hope u like it 💙
There was the distinct sound of sniffling when you passed by the corner store that was a block away from your house. You would have ignored it but you knew when you cried, you always felt better when your older brother was with you. While you didn’t have his comforting nature, maybe you could offer some tissues–Kun always packed them for you.
Puffing out your chest, you marched over to where you thought the sound came from. Your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly walked over to the alley to the left of the store. It was your classmate, the one who was moving away tomorrow–to Germany or something.
“Yangyang?” You called out hesitantly. Suddenly you felt awkward. The two of you weren’t exactly friends or anything; he was pretty popular among the class while you remained with your close-knit circle. You were only a little bit above acquaintances because of your mutual friend, Dejun. It was likely he wouldn’t want you to see him like this, what with barely being friends. But, still, you couldn’t leave without checking on him, just in case. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
Yangyang’s arms went up to harshly rub away the tears with the palms of hands. “‘m fine, y/n.” His voice sounded off because of the stuffiness of his nose.
Your mouth twisted as you slung your bag over your shoulder, unzipped it and grabbed the unopened packet of tissues where Kun neatly placed it. He didn’t take it when you offered and you would have left it at that if you hadn’t noticed the fresh tears that pooled in his eyes. Without much thought, you grabbed his hand and placed the packet on it.
Feeling as though you overstepped somehow, you released his hand and made your way back to the main pavement. You stopped just as you reached where the alley met the pavement and spun around. Your heart thudded wildly against your chest as you clenched your fists around the cuff of your jacket sleeves, reminding yourself that this was Yangyang and he was really lovely, so the following words shouldn’t be so hard to say.
“Please stop crying,” he looked at you, unhappiness wearing him like a well fitting glove. It was a far cry from the boy who always smiled and kept the mood up in school. The boy who was always vibrant no matter what. Something in your ten year old soul felt really sad to see him that way. “You look–” You paused, wishing the ground would swallow you whole but it was too late to back out now. “You look better when you smile.” With a wave - that, truthfully, was more of a flail of your hand than anything else - you spun back around and practically sprinted all the way to your house.
You completely forgot about the whole thing soon thereafter. It had been ten years since then and you had other things to prioritize; namely college and the incessant feeling of dread whenever someone brought up soulmates. More often than not - there were always outliers, of course - the stories were enchanting to hear about. How people’s soulmarks burst into a beautiful technicolor when their soulmate touched them.
You didn’t have a soulmark.
When you were younger, your parents used to do weekly checks. They it left up to you once you were old enough to do it by yourself but there was still nothing. At fourteen you were taken to a specialist but she had told your parents not to worry, that it would turn up eventually. There was endless hope in you when you were younger–that one day you would wake up and it would just be there. As you grew older, the hope diminished into nothing and you came to terms with the fact that you were in the eight percent of the population that didn’t have a soulmark. Mostly.
You completely forgot about Yangyang until Dejun mentioned him in passing during one of your recent conversations. You hadn’t even been aware that they continued their friendship although it did make sense since they had been self-proclaimed best friends. They had what they called a, ‘Best Friends Forever And Ever Wedding’ during recess–there had been matching bracelets (Dejun still wore his), reaction cue cards for the audience - the rest of the class - and everything. They were reprimanded for their antics but their toothy grins showed no signs of remorse. It was the highlight of the school year.
The week after that particular conversation, you found yourself on the way to Yangyang’s apartment armed with a bag full of takeout and a two litre bottle of soda. Dejun had collected him from the airport that morning and if you didn’t have the morning shift at the coffee shop you worked at, you would have joined him.
When the door to his apartment opened, you didn’t expect Yangyang to freeze at your appearance. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as silence loomed over the both of you. Hadn’t Dejun told him that you were coming over? Maybe you shouldn’t have come. Instead of allowing your thoughts to spiral, you chose to note the change in his appearance. Along with the obvious growth spurt, he had lost the baby fat on his cheeks and grew into his face. He still had the same warm eyes, though.
Yangyang, who had been scanning you in return, opened his mouth but promptly shut it. You would have chuckled if not for the crushing awkwardness you felt. His hand twitched at his side as if he was going to reach out to touch you and a tiny, tiny, part of you suspected that he might have had Dejun not suddenly appeared from behind him, grinning widely.
“About time you got here y/n!” Yangyang stepped back robotically to allow you in. Dejun was quick to whisk you to the living room, telling you to make yourself comfortable as if he were the host of this mini gathering. 
“I brought takeout.” You stated obviously, raising the bag that you held as if they hadn’t noticed. When Yangyang joined the two of you, it seemed that he had come back to himself. A large smile was plastered on his face as Dejun took the bag from you and started laying out its contents on the coffee table. 
“It’s nice to see you again, y/n.” Yangyang said amiably as he gestured for you to take a seat on the couch before sitting a handful of inches away from you. You returned his smile. “It’s been a while.”
“Ten years.” You said while nodding, not knowing what else to say although you did want to cringe at yourself. “You grew out your hair.” Which, how did saying that make anything less cringey. Great.
Yangyang did nothing but release a small, pleased laugh, the index finger, middle finger and thumb of his right hand coming up to twirl a few strands of it. You liked how his laugh lit up his entire face, it was the same when he was younger, too. “Yeah,” he gave you another assessing once over after dropping his hand. “You’ve changed some yourself.”
Dejun groaned from where he had seated himself on the ground in front of the table. “Can you two please flirt later? I’m starving!”
You snapped your head snapped towards him in an instant, eyes wide. You caught the movement of Yangyang’s own head through your peripheral vision as he shot his best friend a look of his own.
It was surprisingly easy with Yangyang - after all, he wasn’t popular in school for nothing - and the times that the conversation dropped, Dejun was right there to pick it up. You had enjoyed his stories of his time in Germany and he had humored you when you asked him to speak a few phrases. He didn’t tell you what they meant, telling you that it was a secret with mischief sparkling in his eyes.
“It sounds like you had a lot of fun there.”
“Yeah, Germany was amazing.”
It was when the three of you were cleaning up after yourselves that you noticed it; his soulmark. How you didn’t notice before was beyond you–actually, that was a lie, you knew that it was because you were too focused on his face and the expressions that he made. The multicolored mark covered most of his left hand, large and proud.
“You’ve met your soulmate?” The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them, tone full of curiosity. Some didn’t like to be asked and others preferred to keep the story of how they met their soulmate to themselves. You hoped that he would be open about his story.
Yangyang glanced at his left hand, stretching out his fingers. “Yeah,” he answered lowly, the corners of his mouth curling upwards, eyes flickering to meet yours, “I did.” There was an unreadable, calculating look in his eyes and you shot Dejun a quick glance–as if he would be able to figure out what you wanted to say. Dejun shrugged minutely, his expression not giving anything away but he definitely knew who it was. How could he not as Yangyang’s best friend?
“Oh,” he was still looking at you intensely, eyes sliding between the two of yours as if he were trying to find something in them. “That’s amazing! Congratulations!”
“Thanks.” He replied, so you figured that that was the end of the conversation. You didn’t want to pry when he obviously wasn’t willing to offer it up freely.
After swapping numbers with Yangyang and saying lengthy goodbyes, you and Dejun left his apartment. It was a comfortable silence as you walked to the bus stop. It wasn’t as cold as you thought it would be, considering that it was nearing the start of November, but you were still glad that you chose to wear a few layers.
“You know who it is, don’t you?” You asked Dejun as you stood at the bus stop.
He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, huffed out a laugh and said, “of course.” He confirmed and that was that.
Many weeks had passed from that day and there was still no sign of Yangyang’s soulmate. You wanted to meet them, include them in your little circle, but you didn’t want to ask. For all you knew, something terrible had happened between them - a deceased soulmate meant that the colors of your mark were less vibrant, taking in a vintage-like faded look, so that was definitely out of the question - and you’d rather remain curious for the rest of your life than reopen any wounds.
Surprisingly, it was Kunhang - Yangyang’s room-mate and the newest addition to your circle of friends - that cracked first. You had half expected it to be Yangyang because of the way he kept looking at you; like you had all the answers but were unwilling to share them.
“I don’t have a soulmark.” You took a sip of your tea afterwards, lowering your eyes in favor of not looking at the stricken expression that Kunhang wore. “I’m just”–you placed your cup back on the table and waved your hand, as if it would dispel your feelings on the matter–“part of the eight percent.”
The conversation died down after your admission. They had to know at some point - bar Dejun, who had known for years at this point - so it was better that it was out in the open now. You glanced at Yangyang’s colorful mark and Kunhang’s uncolored mark on his knuckles, told yourself you didn’t feel anything and tried to lift the mood of the room.
You suggested to watch a Disney movie which had somewhat helped alleviate the atmosphere. The boys were up in an instant, bickering about who was going to choose the movie.
“You really don’t have a mark?” Yangyang whispered lowly, trying not to alert Dejun and Kunhang who were both immersed in Big Hero 6.
“No,” you smoothed your top before twisting your fingers together, “I don’t. I checked everyday for my mark and stopped when I knew it wouldn’t show up.”
From the corner of your eye, you noticed your friend frown at the ground, hand twitching like it did when you were reunited a few months ago. Knowing him better now made you feel somewhat regretful that you hadn’t been close in school because maybe then you would have kept in contact and had more inside jokes. Maybe you could have met his soulmate and insist they stayed because he deserved the world and more.
Before you could rethink you decision, you laid your head on his shoulder. “Can you please drop it?” He shrugged you off gently so that he could place his arm on the top of the couch. You ignored how your heart fluttered and the look that Dejun gave you as you leaned into Yangyang a tiny bit more.
Gentle fingers lightly combed through your hair. “Alright.”
For the remainder of the movie, you tried not to fall asleep. Yangyang hadn’t stopped playing with your hair and the way his nails felt against your scalp had your eyes feeling heavy. Somehow, you managed and when the movie ended, you stood up to turn on the lights and grab a glass of water to feel more awake.
When you returned to your place on the couch, glass in your hand. It was only when you placed it on the coffee table and looked up that you noticed how the three of them were staring at you. You hummed in question, your brain not fully online yet.
Kunhang stuttered out your name. “Your hair.” He finally said, awe and disbelief painted on his face.
Shrugging, you ran your hand through it. “What about it?” You asked, stifling a yawn. You couldn’t wait to get into bed.
Dejun handed you his phone to use as a makeshift mirror, grinning madly, and you almost dropped it in shock when you saw your appearance. Your hair—!
“This– I–” You could barely make out a sentence as you continued to stare at yourself. You reached a hand where there was a wonderful burst of color against the rest of your strands, slowly as if it would disappear when you touched it. “Yangyang.” When you glanced at him, you found him adorning the most breathtaking smile you have seen. “You’re my– we’re–”
“We’re soulmates.” Your soulmate(!) completed for you, his smile rivaling the sun. You had a soulmate! You weren’t part of the eight percent at all.
“You knew the entire time?” It was a rhetorical question because of course he knew. Not just him, however, Dejun too. “But I’ve never touched you.”
“I’m pretty sure you have, you know, considering.” Yangyang said good-naturedly as he allowed you to take his left hand so that you could inspect his mark up close. Carefully, you slotted your right hand where the mark was and although it was larger, it felt as if you were ten years old again in the alley, handing a crying Yangyang the packet of tissue that Kun always made sure you had in your backpack.
A squeal of delight made it’s way out of your throat as you placed Dejun’s phone on the table before all but launching yourself at Yangyang (your soulmate!), who caught you with ease. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, sure that the smile on your face was as goofy as ever.
When you resurfaced, you leaned back to stare at him because you could do it openly now since he was your soulmate. His smile mirrored your own and you wanted to do nothing but stay in this moment forever, loved the way warmth and butterflies spread throughout your system. Slowly, the two of you inched closer until you were a couple of centimetres apart.
“You’re my soulmate.” You whispered softly, in awe. If someone had told you back then that Yangyang was your soulmate, that you even had a soulmate at all, you would have thought that they were pulling your leg.
“I’m your soulmate.” Yangyang confirmed, leaning in to give you a short, sweet kiss on the lips. When he pulled back his smile was shy, hid his face in your neck and groaned when Kunhang and Dejun began cheering from where they were standing.
“That was like watching a movie.” Kunhang commented.
“Right? I definitely would have paid to see it if it was.” Dejun shot back, the laughter clear in his voice.
The rest of the night passed by with the two doing a dramatic re-enactment of the entire thing. Dejun even told Kunhang of the past–how he was the middle man between the two of you and when Yangyang called him telling him that he’d found his soulmate.
“The worst part was,” Dejun said animatedly, really invested in his storytelling, “that I couldn’t even say a thing! So when y/n was being super angsty about apparently not having a soulmate, I couldn’t do anything because I promised not to say!” He sighed dramatically. “Even when they were making lovey-dovey eyes at each other!”
Kunhang laughed while you felt yourself flush. Judging by the way Yangyang had tried to bury himself into your side even further and clutched your hand, he felt the same way.
“I’m happy you’re my soulmate, Yang.” You whispered as Dejun kept up his antics, Kunhang clutching his stomach as he laughed.
Yangyang raised your joined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss on your hand. “I’m happy you’re mine, too.”
1. “‘M FINE, Y/N.”
Yangyang stared at the packet of tissues he had been given, sniffling uncontrollably as the tears poured out of his eyes. Instead of using them to dry his eyes, he crushed it as his squeezed his hands into fists and wiped his face with his sleeve. How embarrassing! He couldn’t believe that you had caught him crying. Out of all people! You were probably going to tell Dejun how much of a loser you thought he was.
After calming himself down, reminding himself that at least he and Dejun promised to stay in touch, he left the alley. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, packet of tissue and all, and made his way back home. It was when he went to press the button for the traffic light man did he noticed the colors on his hand.
It was fairly obvious that you were still thinking about what he had said to you. It was the way you pursed your mouth, head tilted to the side as you eyed him consideringly. Thankfully, Dejun grabbed your attention while simultaneously breaking the silence–he would have easily caved if you asked once more.
Yangyang would have been defeated with one of your smiles and he would have admitted that he said; ‘It’s been a long time. All I’ve done is think about you while we were apart and it’s so great to see you. I’ll be yours forever if you’ll have me.’
It felt surreal, having you in his arms. You’ve been in his arms before, but not like this. Not when you have established yourselves as soulmates. The ten years he spent apart from you, daydreaming and trying to convince himself that the was satisfied with the stories that Dejun told him about you, was definitely worth it.
(Especially when you peeked at him through your lashes and gave him a shy smile before pressing a quick kiss on his neck.)
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moemoemammon · 3 years
I just found ur blog and read thru some of ur stuff and im in love !! Ur writing is nice to read, and always gives a nice picture of the situation
If its aight, could u do some headcannons for the demon bros Finding out mc goes real hard on housekeeping ? Im talking fast and good cleaning, does chores without problems, propably even cleans after them (totally doesnt mother them in anyway), all without complaint, mc just cares
Housekeeper MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The fact that he didn't have to shove a mop and bucket into your hands like the evil stepmother has him like 👀👀
Out of every person he's met, you and Barb are the only ones that actually enjoy cleaning? And now he's wondering if you've been influenced by him in some way because got damn are those floors sparkling-
Ever since you've arrived, the house has been immaculate. But as much as he enjoys that, he worries that you aren't leaving enough chores for his brothers to do.
They're gonna be lazy at this rate, especially if you keep cleaning up after them like that. He's planning to sit you down and have a good talk about how you should rest a bit, and- D...did you polish his desk????
"MC... as grateful as I am to you, I thought I asked you to rest? You don't have to clean every little thing in this house. You're here as our guest, and more, so I won't have you behaving like a maid. But if you're that interested in keeping your hands busy, you may feel free to maintain my desktop. It looks as good as new, thanks to you."
Oh, so you're one of THOSE types, huh? The goody goodies that like to make everything clean and sparkly, huh?? Well don't expect him to help ya!
Was an asshole at first. Made messes to see if you'd clean them, tried to dump his chores on you, etc. But now that you've stolen his heart? Yeah, he wants you to sit down.
You're messing up your hands with all that time spent scrubbing crevices and dusting ugly old paintings, when you could be spending time with him!
Tch, that's it! If it's chores that're keeping you from looking his way, he'll just finish them before you can do anything! Checkmate!
"You're always scrubbin' somethin'! Let my brothers take care of the messes, while YOU sit down and watch this movie with me! Ain't no point in watchin' it by myself, so I ain't takin' no for an answer!" "Huh?? Waddya mean 'when was the last time I vacuumed'??"
Oi oi oi...! What do you think you're doing with that feather duster?! You don't think you've got the right to approach his figures with it, do you?! WRONG!
But you quickly discover how ticklish Levi is, and he squirms out of your way while watching in horror as you... delicately handle every figure? And dust them from top to bottom, without so much as an accessory out of place..?
Wait... are you seriously okay with picking up all that trash?? S-some of it's sticky from all the junk food, and- Gah! Don't go messing around in his closet!!!
Yeahhh Levi doesn't let you clean his room lmao. It's way too stimulating to watch you carefully touch every surface in his room... I-it's like you're heaven everything with your presence, and...
"S-so yeah! The only things you're allowed to clean are the figures and the outside of Henry's tank! Nothing else, got it?! Anything more and I seriously won't be able to handle it...I won't even be able to sit still in my own room......." 👉👈
Satan found it funny how willing you were to take up every little chore there was to be done in the house and he's got to admit, reading is much more enjoyable in a tidy environment.
But what he REALLY wants to know is how you managed to dust off every single book in the house, his room included, without him?? Knowing?? And you've done every shelf as well, cleaned out the cobwebs behind it, and even repaired that little tear in the upholstery of his favorite arm chair????
Has also deduced that you're probably the maid character in the books that knows everything. Actually, you're a lot like Barbatos. What secrets are you hiding human 🔫
Just kidding. But yeah, when you insist on dusting his room, he follows you around the room and watches you. You know, just in case you fall or something falls on you! No other reason.
"As much as I like having you here all to myself, it makes me feel bad watching you do that by yourself. Why don't you we clean together? We'll get it done twice as fast, and when we're finished, I'd like to read a book to you. You remind me of a certain character from a murder mystery novel I've started."
Eeehhh?!?!? You've seriously managed to organize both his endless skin care product collection, and his ENTIRE wardrobe?!? You're amazing...!
And you don't stop there. You were more than happy to clean his tub for him and everything, and you know how hard it is to get oil off the side of a tub, right? You're a lifesaver!
Asmo casually pawns off his chores too you. Oh, he just did his nails! Can you do the dishes? Ah, he just bought this outfit. Can you take out the trash? He's about to go out with his friends to a party, so be a dear and take care of the common bathroom for him?
Lucifer scolds the shit out of him every time he catches him doing that. You're welcome. But don't think Asmo won't repay you! He'll give you so much love, you'll be drowning in it! Figuratively or literally, depending on your preferences-
"Fufufu... if you wanted my attention, you should've just told me! You didn't have to go tidying up my shoe collection, but I'm happy you did~! If you keep spoiling me like this, I might not be able to keep my hands off of you! Unless... that's what you wanted?"
Things tend to get pretty messy with Beel around, with the trail of crumbs he always leaves in his wake, and how he manages to get every surface he touches sticky. But you must be a miracle worker...
You're like a living roomba, and his ravenous appetite is no match against your cleaning skills! You seem to predict when the food bits will fall, and it's thanks to you that he can eat without a care in the world!
It's actually kind of scary, though. He'll drop a bite of his sandwich and move down to retrieve it to eat, and... it's gone. Poof. Into the ether of the garbage can...
You can still rest once in a while though, you know? Beel offers to help you with the cleaning, and he's more than happy to let you climb up his shoulders to reach those high places. It makes him happy to know he can lend a hand.
"MC, I already cleaned over here so you don't have to do it. I cleaned there, too. That means you don't have anything else to do, so why don't you have a lunch break with me? It's not good to work so hard all the time."
Belphie's one for the more observant brothers, so your clean freak habits didn't go unnoticed. He didn't know if you were obsessed with cleaning, or if you genuinely enjoyed it, but at least you were doing it without a fuss?
And man did you do a good job. Everywhere you cleaned was left with the lingering smell of vanilla and lavender, and... you know, the smell is making him sleepy.
Every pillow his head touches seems especially fluffy, too! When he found out you made a regular habit of washing and fluffing them, and they smell amazing... He feels like he's laying on a cloud...
He won't admit it genuinely, but he really does love what you're doing with the place. It makes him feel a little fuzzy inside when he finds his pillow on his bed, freshly laundered and soft to the touch. He clings to it extra tight those nights.
"You know if you keep this up, I might prefer the pillows to your lap. Ah, but don't worry, I don't really mean it. There's no way a pillow could replace you, no matter how good it smells. I think."
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mayaflowerxs · 3 years
Hi! How are u? I recently found your blog and omg I love it so much. You do amazing things. So can you do nsfw a-z for Xiaojun? love u ♥
Warning: SMUTTY
Hello! I’m doing good and thank u sm♡︎ Hope you enjoy the request! :) and sorry for waiting forever I’m really trying to finish these imagines.
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Oh yeah he’s all about aftercare. He always attends to you and makes sure you’re okay until he can focus on himself. He’ll definitely ask you lots of questions afterwards of your well being or if you enjoyed it. I can see him going to fetch a glass of water with a snack for you, scolding you when you try to get up when he strictly told you not to especially when you’re having a bit of a hard time getting up ;)
Body Part:
He just loves kissing your temple. It’s usually the spot he goes to for comfort, reassurance, pda everything really. He might huff when he constantly has to brush your hair back just to kiss the spot. When in bed, he’ll use his hand to make your hair in a makeshift ponytail just so that your temple is completely exposed to him. Kissing it softly when he goes harder and deeper as he’s close to climaxing.
Alright this man is either or. Either he likes to keep it clean or everything’s just too much for him he really doesn’t care where it goes. He definitely likes cumming in you but of course with a condom on because boy is responsible. He also likes it when it’s in your mouth. Blowjobs? Hell yeah he lives for them.
Dirty secret:
He will never reveal this but once he got sooo horny while at the dorms. Thing is you were too far away for him to come over and by then you were asleep so he jerked off in his room the same one he shared with Hendery. Hendery never woke up but even then he still feels a bit guilty but it all soon went away when morning came and on your front steps stood a sulking Xiaojun demanding for your love.
I feel like he would be experienced to the extent of what he has seen. Like girlfriend yeah he’s had them but like he’ll really know what he’s doing because he’s been given advice and has watched films that when the time comes it almost seems as if the boy has been going around town.
Favorite position:
Okay here me out! I see him as a sub but with an inner dom ego. I feel like he would much prefer you to ride him or in other words him being a bottom. But when the time comes when he just becomes this sassy boy he won’t hesitant to take charge. And when that happens I see him pulling you in a cat position, face down on the pillow as he drills behind you. Probably whispering dirty things in your ear because of how frustrated he is.
I don’t see him as one to crack jokes before or during. But I do see him as one who gets pouty when you play hard to get, it isn’t until you drag it on for too long that he’ll probably grip your neck and demand for you to get on with riding him (like I said his inner dom ego). Afterwards I feel like he’ll be really giggly afterwards. Conversing with you and saying jokes as if you two didn’t just fuck each other’s brains out a few minutes ago.
I feel like he’s mostly trimmed but will keep a small bush there you know? He might even have a line that drags down to his pelvis oh my-
I see him as one who’s all about intimacy, for showing you all the love he has for you. I see him more as the lovable type when having sex with you rather than it being in the heat of the moment. Like maybe he’ll brush a strand of hair away from your eyes as he places a kiss on your forehead while he’s in the middle of hitting your g-spot. Heart melting when he sees you completely losing yourself because of him.
Jerk off:
Loves it when you give him a handjob. Soft whines escape his mouth as he begs for you to finish him off. He’s not one to jerk off unless he’s really needing you to the point where he can’t move forward with his day. One day he got major blue balls it was painful to even jerk himself off but once you went down on him he was an absolute goner. Prefers you to jerk him off.
Mommy kink. Come on it’s written all over his face. And I also feel like he’s really into foreplay, so I can see him being into using toys maybe some bondage. Honestly I just see him being a bit more submissive so he’ll be into anything that he’s willing to try. Edging!! I feel like he’s all about it, heck he might beg you to tease him just because of how fucked out he’ll be later.
I feel like Xiaojun would like to be in a more secluded area to really be in the moment with you. Not worry about anyone walking in, or no staff telling him he’s on stage in 5. So really the location isn’t much of an issue just it’s got to be private enough for you two. So if behind a deserted Wendy’s parking lot is private enough for both of you then best better be ready to ride that man with all your might because he will not quit until both of you are a crying mess.
Small pecks. Most people will find soft kisses from their significant other cute and endearing. A way to show their love and affection to them but with him, his dick just gets a whole other message. Especially when those pecks are being his ear OH- gripping your waist to keep you put when he feels his boner start to poke through you. Eyes shut as he whispers to give him a minute😫
Xiaojun isn’t into threesomes. He just hates to imagine the idea of someone he has to share you with. During sex it’s when he can get really intimidate and when doesn’t want that moment to be compromised with anyone. That also means vouyerism. Even if they’re not in the act, he still wants it to be a you and him type moment. Just you two and no one or nothing coming between your intimate hour(s).
He’s all for your blowjobs. He’s not the best at eating you out but he does try and when it’s his turn you can’t complain the boy does his job. He just prefers for you to take the lead and him following for two reasons, he wants you to set the pace for your comfort and because the mf is just a straight up sub I don’t care how he acts in public and in his vlive’s.
Okay for Dejun I think sex with him would have like a more softer/medium type pace? Not so slow where it gets boring or too fast where it’s over quickly. But enough to grin proudly when you’re slowly losing yourself on him. It isn’t until both of you guys are so close to climaxing that he goes faster and more sloppier. By this point whether you were on top or not it’s the inner dom in him that shines. Taking over and just relentlessly pounding into you until both of you guys are breathing heavily.
Usually he would prefer to take your guys time but on days where his schedule is so tight he won’t care how tired he is or how late the day is getting for him to get going he won’t budge until you to let off some steam. There was once a time where even when you two were able to squeeze two rounds he came home at around 2 in the morning and you two went at it again. You too would prefer to take your time with him but you don’t complain because quickies are more often when you see sweaty Dejun underneath you looking so spaced out and panting heavily :(
Not that into risk. Like I said he wants privacy and wouldn’t want anyone to walk in not even for a split second. Just the idea of being risky paranoids him which kinda frustrates you because he takes so long to actually pick a place to fuck you. But if he really needs you like now than the paranoia just suddenly vanishes.
Honestly I feel like it’s either he can only last one round but that round will take almost an hour because he’s all about edging or up to 2-3 rounds but they’re quick and needy. It’s really up to how he’s feeling because if this boy really is in the mood promise you now he won’t let go of you until you’re an absolute mess underneath or above him.
He probably wouldn’t be into the idea of toys at first but it isn’t until you use a cock ring on him that he’s absolutely in love. He wouldn’t admit this but he much rather have these toys be used on him than you in all honesty. All at your mercy and all he can do is beg for you to take him oh yeah he’s in heaven.
Dejun can be an absolute tease if he wanted to. Usually when he’s in his goofy mood that he might want to become wicked and give you a hard time. The little shit might even ask you what’s wrong in front of everyone when you become all hot and bothered. But don’t get it twisted, he isn’t the only one who does this to you, oh yeah he too gets to feel that when it’s your turn. Definitely do this while having sex during foreplay.
At first he’ll become very breathy? Like all you can hear him is pant heavily as he concentrates in pleasuring the both of you, and it isn’t until he hits the sweet spot that he loses it when you squeeze him. He’s so used to keeping his moans on the down low that when you start pleading him to let you hear him that’s when he no longer holds himself back. For the rest of the night the poor unfortunate neighbors got to hear not only you but Xiaojun moaning and whining as you two get closer and closer to climax. He gets louder when you tug at his hair, eyes rolled back and tight hold on your hips ugh!
One time you and the rest of the Wayv guys were at the mall, while you guys were walking around in a store that had dimmed lights and loud music, you and Dejun randomly got too turned on to wait until you guys got home. While the guys looked around, you and him walked off to a corner and gave Dejun a hand job. Yeah after that Xiaojun vowed to never do something so reckless again and continue walking around all paranoid that someone saw, couldn’t even look you in the eyes. Thinking if he did the boys would catch on to what you two did.
Okay I feel like Xiaojun is more long than thick. But it’s not like it’s skinny as hell too u get me?
He tends to yearn for you the most during late at night. Like he doesn’t know why it just happens. Maybe it’s because all day he has something to do, busy schedule, errands, personal appointments etc. it isn’t until night where he can finally rest that’s when the neglect of his needs are finally resurfacing that’s when he needs you the most. And what makes matter worse is when he sees you come in with those short shorts, tank top and hair all messily done yeah inside he’s screaming to absolutely wreck you right then and there.
Absolutely falls asleep as soon as you two are done. But that’s if he’s so fucked out just the thought of keeping himself up is using too much energy. But most times he tries to force himself up and do aftercare because you always come first before him. You might even see him rocking himself back and forth slowly while trying to get you that glass of water, trying to fight off sleep. Bringing him back to bed as you cuddle him, softly telling him to sleep and so he does.
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seita · 4 years
— good girl | tetsurō kuroo (m.)
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pairing: kuroo/reader
genre: smut
wordcount: 𝟷𝟺𝟺𝟼
cw: pure pwp, established relationship
tags: dom!kuroo, sadistic!kuroo, sir!kuroo, strong dom/sub dynamtic, subspace, dirty talk, blowjob, deepthroating, facefucking, pet  names, degradation/humiliation, praise kink,  dacryphilia, some aftercare
note: this is an kuroo au i like to call ‘sadistic sir kuroo’. he’s rlly mean lmao. thank you to my friend @atsushimi​ for her help in cultivating this kuroo!
— you’re determined to prove to your dom, kuroo, you’re a good girl who can suck his cock well.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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Kuroo looked down at where you were kneeling on the floor between his spread thighs. His jeans were unbuttoned with his cock out, his large hand wrapped around the thick length as he leisurely stroked himself. 
Precum dripped from the tip, down the shaft to meet his hand and he hummed. Your eyes followed it, subconsciously licking your lips at the phantom taste of him on your tongue. 
“What is it, kitten?” he purred, cocky smirk on his lips as he gave himself a generous squeeze, “You want something?”
“Wanna suck your cock,” you whimpered submissively, resting your cheek against his knee. 
He chuckled, brushing his hand through your hair, angling the tip of his cock towards you, “Go ahead then. Better make it good.”
You grinned joyously, taking the head of him into your mouth with a sigh. Your eyes fluttered back into your skull as you finally tasted him. You set a pace you knew he enjoyed, making sure to keep your hands away lest you be punished. 
He was being kind enough to let you suck his cock, giving you the privilege of sucking him off. You didn’t want to sully it by being bad.
You took as much as you could, a little more than half of his length. He sighed, head tipping back in pleasure as the head of his cock reached the back of your throat. You pulled away quickly to avoid gagging and suctioned your mouth around him, bobbing your head in a rhythm you knew he would appreciate. 
“Hm,” he looked down at you, one eye concealed by the mess of hair, a brow quirked, “I don’t think you’re doing good enough, kitty.”
You whined, the idea of him being left unsatisfied making your heart plummet. You worked even harder but his face didn’t change, in fact he began to look more and more disinterested. Suddenly you pulled off, licking your lips to chase the taste of him.
“U-Use my mouth how you want to, Sir,” you whispered. 
His eyes flashed, “Are you sure? Do you think you can take it, kitten? You know I like to get rough with that pretty throat of yours.”
“I-I can take it, I promise Sir!” you reassured, sealing your lips around his cock once more.
His hands weaved into your hair, fisting the soft locks for leverage. Instead of fucking into your mouth like you expected, he jerked your head forward, forcing the entirety of his length into your throat.
You choked, gagging around him in surprise. Your first instinct was to pull off but you forced yourself to relax. He wasn’t pulling his cock out, simply leaving your throat clenching and spasming around him. 
“Breathe through your nose,” he ordered, not letting up even as tears welled up in your eyes. He grinned, sadistic and dark, “You’re the one who said you could take it, kitty. You didn’t lie to me did you?”
You whimpered, unable to offer any other response. Finally, he pulled back so his cock was free of your throat. You didn’t get a second to recover, only managed to inhale properly before he was surging forward to repeat the action. 
“Fuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, head tossed back in pleasure. His length was throbbing, his thighs trembling in pleasure at the feeling of your throat. He was soaked with your spit, dripping down his length to his jeans, “You might even make me cum. What a good girl. I’m so proud of my little kitty, taking my cock like this.”
You keened under the praise despite the uncomfortable feeling of choking around him. He slowly began to move your head, fucking your face as if you were a toy for his cock. 
He pushed past your gag reflex roughly, taking you by surprise. Instinctively, you pulled away, dislodging his cock from your lips and effectively loosening his grip on your hair. You fell back onto the floor, panting and wiping your mouth of the copious amounts of drool you had spilt out. 
“I figured,” Kuroo scoffed, leaning back in his chair to wrap his hand around himself, “I should have known you couldn’t take my cock properly. You were just lying about being a good girl, isn’t that right?”
“N-no!” you cried, scrambling forward, placing your hands on his knees to steady yourself. Your knees ached but you ignored it in favor of looking up at him, eyes begging for mercy, “Y-You just surprised me, Sir! That’s all, I can take it!” you begged, growing desperate.
He sighed, a disappointed, put on sound that made your stomach tie up in knots. He wasn’t pleased, he was disappointed in you. You weren’t able to make him feel good properly. 
“I don’t think so, kitten,” he grumbled, stroking himself, using your spit as lube, “I might as well cum in my hand tonight since your mouth just isn’t good enough. What kind of good girl pulls away from Sir’s cock, hm?”
“Please let me try again!” you cried, tears pricking your eyes as your bottom lip wobbled. 
Kuroo held back a groan at the sight of your tears, his cock throbbing, “I don’t know, babygirl...you already disappointed me once. Maybe I should find a new little kitten who can swallow my cock properly.”
“No!” you cried, growing distressed as you wrapped your arms around his leg, nuzzling into his thigh, “You can’t! You’re mine! Please let me suck your cock again, I can do it!”
He hummed, still stroking his cock as you cried, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. You were so pretty like this, begging him for his love and attention. The fear in your voice at the thought of him finding someone else to service his cock. The possessiveness within you. 
You were so sweet. So perfect. 
He shook his head, “Since you seem so confident, I’ll let you try again. It’s your last chance though. If you fuck up again I’ll be cumming in my fist and you’ll get nothing.”
You whined at the threat of not tasting his cum. Sniffling, you sat up properly and opened your mouth, ready for him to sink his cock into you. 
He took the invitation eagerly, eagerly pulling your head back down on his cock. He sighed in pleasure at the hot, tightness of your throat wrapping around him again. Your throat was almost as good as your cunt. 
He controlled the pace, watching with sick satisfaction as you choked and gagged around him, tears falling down your cheeks pathetically. But you still powered through, letting him abuse your throat how he pleased. 
“There’s my good girl,” he groaned, hips twitching upwards as he grew closer to my release, “I knew you could do it, babygirl. Taking my cock like you’re supposed it. Choking and gagging on me like a little whore but still so desperate for more,” he licked his lips, grunting as you eagerly began to suction your mouth on him, sensing how close he was to his release, “Fuck, take it, bitch. Take my fat fucking cock in that slutty throat.”
He held your head still, head falling back with a loud groan as he came. His cock pulsed in his mouth in time to his orgasm, shooting his hot cum down your throat. You eagerly and dutifully swallowed, not daring to close your eyes as you took in the sight of him falling apart. His body trembled as he emptied his balls in your mouth. 
Finally, he came to and pulled you off of him. He gave you a lazy grin, watching you wipe your mouth and swallow a few times to make your throat feel better. Tucking himself back into his jeans, he watched you lean against his leg, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“My sweet girl,” he cooed, plucking you up from the floor to bring you into his arms. Pressing a kiss against your temple, he let you release your pent up tears on his shoulder, the whole scene an intense experience. He was there to stroke your back and shush your whimpers, “You’re such a good girl. Took it so well, I’m so proud of you.”
“You’re mine, right?” you whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
He cooed, pressing your forehead as he cupped your cheeks to look into your eyes, “I promise I don’t want anyone else but you. You’re my pretty little kitten, you’re all mine, yeah?”
“All yours,” you promise, leaning forward to tuck your head beneath his chin. He hummed, stroking your back and pressing little kisses every once in a while as you settled down. 
You really were such a good girl.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
hii i just discovered ur blog and whew wow- tumblr is severely lacking some daddy hemsworth fics so tyyy
idk if your taking requests rn but could i please request something with thor or chris where he’s had a rough day at work or something and is very angry so he’s really rough in bed with you that evening and you love it! also could it include lots of dom!thor/chris and dirty talk bc that’s my weakness
tyyy if u do this sorry if it was too detailed idk ive never sent a request lol but ty hunny <3
So first of all thank you @mysticbonkoperavoid , I'm so glad you like my fics ❤️
And secondly thank you so much for your amazing request, I literally got lost in this filth 🥵🥵 I hope you like it 😘
A/N- This is just pure filth, so consider yourself warned 😂🥵🥵 strictly 18+ only. Dom!Thor literally had me ✨ clenching ✨
Summary- Thor's had a tough day and nothing you do is helping until you let him take out his frustration on you and become his little slut.
Word count- 3,243 of pure filth
Pairing- Thor x reader
Warnings- Smut, filth, dirty talk, rough sex, swearing
18+ only!!!
Taglist-: @innerpaperexpertcloud
Posted: 22nd Feb 2021
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⚡A Push Too Far ⚡
Thor had come home from a mission in a foul mood, you'd tried everything to cheer him up. You'd made him his favourite snack, put on his favourite show and even massaged his big, worn out feet. Nothing was working and you were exhausted with the effort. You selfishly couldn't stand the negative atmosphere and just wanted to know how to make him feel better. If he wouldn't tell you what was wrong how could you help? You were so used to him being overly enthusiastic about everything and hated when he was in one of these moods. Something pretty bad must've happened to dampen his mood this much.
"Just tell me what's wrong and I can help" You huff.
"Will you please just forget it? I don't want to talk about it" Thor said, pushing you off gently when you try to touch him. 
"I want to know what's happened to put you in such a sulky mood." You said teasing him, trying to get his attention. If you couldn't get him to talk to you then you would just have to help him take his frustration out in the best way he knows how.
"Please Y/N, stop talking about it" He says exasperated, you're pushing the last of his nerves and you know it. It's exactly what you want, you know what he's capable of when he's angry.
"Make me." You say, seeing the switch in his eyes as his jaw clenched tightly, the muscles in his neck straining against the skin. You backed away from him slowly, knowing all too well what was coming.
The ground shook around you as bolts of lightning flew from Thor and his eyes glowed brightly making you shield your own eyes from the sudden glare. Immediately knowing you'd pushed him too far. You were frightened but more than that you were massively turned on, your pussy clenching with ferocity. You knew he'd never hurt you, well never more than you could handle but still, angry Thor was a feast for the eyes. Delicious.
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"You better shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I put it to work" He bellowed, his eyes still glowing and his jaw clenched together tightly.
"Is that a promise?" You say under your breath, watching Thor through your eyelashes as he towered over you.
"On your knees" He commanded, with the power of a God, making you weak as his voice rebounded from the walls of the large, almost empty room with a dramatically high ceiling. 
"But..." You start before he cuts you off.
"Did I stutter? do as you're told" He urged, looking down at your petite frame before him. His powerful demeanor making you do exactly as you were told. Looking up at him with innocent eyes as you knelt on the hard, wooden floor.
He circled around you, like a wolf and his prey, taking in the sight of you kneeling like a victim. Purposefully not touching you, the anticipation of when he would strike making you hold your breath. Your panties are already soaking wet and the buldge in his pants is straining against his trousers.
Thor moves to stand in front of you, his legs planted a foot width apart while he gazes down at you, a slow, wicked smile appearing on his lips. Tortuously, slowly unzipping his trousers and pulling out his lofty length, gripping it firmly with his two hands.
"I think that pretty little face deserves to be fucked" oh fuck, Thor, now you're talking. Now was your turn to smile devishly at Thor, ready and waiting for him to feed your slutty little mouth with his fat cock.
He disappears behind you, you try to turn around to follow him with your eyes but he grabs your hair, pulling you back. It made you ache but not your head, it made your pussy ache. 
"Don't move" He whispers into your ear, still pulling your hair back so you're looking up at him. Pulling a hair tie from his wrist and wrapping it around your hair at the nape of your neck. Wait a minute, where did he get that from? It dawns on you that he's had this planned since the minute he'd got home, the only way he knows how to take his frustration out. Probably knowing you wouldn't be able to take his silent treatment and push him too far in the end anyway. Oh you sneaky man, Thor. 
It feels like a painstakingly long time before he's finally back in front of you, his trousers and boxers now discarded on the floor behind you. Taking in the sight of his thick, muscly thighs and his long, thick cock have you licking your pouty lips. You want to reach up and pull his t-shirt off too but he grabs hold of your wrists as they snake their way up his torso. 
"Ah ah ah, are you going to be good? or am I going to have to tie you up?” He asks in a gruff tone making you put out your bottom lip as you sit back on to your ankles. Your knees beginning to ache from the hard floorboards.
"Does it hurt?" He asks, watching you whince with a satisfied look on his face "Do you want a cushion?" He says in a teasing voice while you nod your head with pleading eyes.
"What do you say?" Bending to pick up the cushion from the couch and holding it out of arms reach, smiling sinfully.
"Please" You say sweetly, more than happy to play his game. Your whole body aching with need. At last he pulls his t-shirt over his head, his biceps flexing as he does, your heart racing at the sight of his ravishing nakedness. That perfect body is all yours.
"Strip" he says seductively looking you up and down, throwing the cushion on the floor by your knees and pulling you up and against his rock hard cock. A squeel emits from your mouth, his hands gripping your cheeks firmly.
You look at him for a second, dumbfounded. You're used to him taking the lead and ripping your clothes off in a heated frenzy, this is new.
Elated with the fact he's allowing you to give him a show for once, you drape the straps of your dress over your shoulder, pushing him down on the couch with a hard shove to the chest. Watching that slow smile spread on his lips and his cock bounce, satisfyingly, with the impact.
Pulling the dress down to your feet and stepping out of it, standing proudly in your lacey underwear. Cocking your eyebrow at him as you hook your thumbs into the side of your panties, pulling them down a fraction. You stop to move closer to him, reaching your hands out to touch his bare skin.
"No touching or I swear I'll tie your hands" He says nonchalantly, his eyes hungry with lust, you pout at him, disappointed you can't touch him.
He watches you intensely as you finish taking off your panties and bra, holding in a giggle when you throw them at him and they hit him square in the face.
"You smell, delicious" He surprises you when he licks his lips, no hint of a smile on his face just that deep intense glare of a predator. The word 'delicious' rolls of his tongue, delectably. The way he stares into your soul, taking in every inch of your nude body, makes your stomach clench, your pussy dripping with arousal.
"Now back on your knees" He says, standing back Infront of you, his cock eye level.
Grabbing your ponytail with one hand and guiding his cock to your mouth with his other. You open your mouth instinctively, widely, like the good little slut you are.
Thor takes no prisoners and rams his cock deep into your mouth, making you gag instantly. Your lips wrap around his cock, the length and thickness filling you up. He yanks your hair backwards so your looking into his eyes while he slams his cock in and out of your mouth.
"Look me in the eyes while you take my cock" oh for the love of God... and Thunder. your pussy is dripping, aching for it. "Good girl" 
He pushes your head down on his cock, as far as you can go. You can feel the tip hitting your tonsils and the shaft throbbing in your mouth. You're gagging, spit dribbling down your chin in a disgusting manner. Your eyes brimming with tears as he rams his cock to the back of your throat. 
"Choke on it" he groans, his head hanging back. You feel the confidence to reach out and cup his balls, knowing he wouldn't chastise you when he's too consumed in the ecstasy of your lips and tongue wrapping around his cock.
"Is that better? Are you satisfied now you've got my full attention?" He looks down at you, a deep hunger in his eyes. You were nowhere near satisfied yet, not until you felt his cock stretching your walls but you couldn't tell him that, he'd just tease you for even longer.
"Mmm" you mumble around the length of his dick.
"Don't talk with your mouth full" he scolds huskily, his voice filled with lust.
You hold onto his firm cheeks while you suck his dick, letting your tongue do the work, running over the full length and teasing the tip. Sucking on the tip, hard, while you grip the base with your hand. You can feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, amazed with how hard he is. You know he's struggling with restraining himself, just as much as you, he'll just never admit it. 
Thor lets out a deep growl, thrusting his dick into your mouth one last time before sharply pulling out with a pop. You were actually upset he'd stopped you, you were enjoying sucking his fat dick. He pulls you up to stand before grabbing your cheeks in his hands and lifting you up, wrapping your legs around him.
You want to kiss him so bad. You hang on to him as he pushes you back against the wall, hard enough to leave a bruise. The feel of his cock thrusting against you has you mewling as he bites hard on your neck. Shivers travel through your entire body, finally feeling his lips against your skin and the thrill of his teeth biting against your neck. The fine line between pain and pleasure being well and truly explored.
You're lost in the feel of his teeth against your skin and muscle, moaning loudly, you barely notice when he sets your feet back onto the ground. Sucking loudly on your neck, your head hanging to the side giving yourself to him freely.
"Im gunna leave marks all over your skin so everybody knows you're mine." He says breathlessly against your skin, his breathe tickling your neck making your hair stand on end, your pussy clenching, agonisingly.
Thor pushes his forearm against your throat so you're locked in between him and the wall, no where to go. Staring into your eyes, making you blush as he pushes two fingers into your mouth without warning.
"Suck" he commands, his voice gruff and deep, oozing authority. You know his fingers are going to delve into you and you can't wait, sucking eagerly on his legthy, stocky fingers.
Before you have time to draw breath, he thrusts his fingers into your opening. Immediately curling them around to find your G-spot. Satisfaction plastered on his face when he hears your moaning, knowing he's got you right where he wants you. 
"You love this, don’t you? Let me hear how much you love it.” He whispers into your ear, his arm still pushing against your throat. You can barely take anymore, his sultry words and his thick fingers making your head spin. Nothing else in the world matters right at this moment, he fills you with narcotic desire. Like a drug to you, you can't get enough, always wondering when you'll get your next fix. If you could get away with making him lose his temper on a daily basis, just so could feel this amount of pleasure, you would.
You moan for him obscenely, you're eyes pooling with desire and hunger. His fingers repeatedly hitting your spot, harshly, bringing you over the edge. Your mouth hangs open, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your pussy clenches around his fingers.
"Does that feel good" he asks captivatingly, holding is arm against your throat and fucking you with his fingers.
"Amazing" You say breathless, the huskiness of your voice surprising you. His face is so close to yours and your senses so hightened that his masculine scent hits your nostrils. His otherworldly fragrance. The smell you long for on those long nights he's away. It hits you and you're consumed by it, your legs starting to shake as your mind loses control. The orgasm rushing from your core.
Then it's gone, just like that. You open your eyes, noticing they're about to burst with tears. You were so close!
"I don't care how good it feels, don't you dare come yet" he says venomously, you honestly feel like your about to start crying. The build up was so intense and then it was just gone and you still feel that deep need. Thor is looking pleased with himself and if you weren't so turned on by the look on his face, you would've slapped him straight across it. Cocky shit! 
You were about to protest, but he saved you from the punishment when he stuck his fingers into your mouth again. Your slickness coated all over them.
"Now see how good you taste, how wet I make you" you looked him in the eyes resentfully and for just a moment you saw his eyes soften. Only a moment before they're filled with fire once more and he's pulling you to the bedroom across the room. Still fighting the urge to finally have his way with you, taking his precious time to tease you beyond your limits. To show you who's the boss around here. As if you ever had any doubts.
Throwing you onto the bed and pushing your knees open with force. You can feel your pussy throbbing with anticipation knowing it's not long until he finally gives you what you've been craving from the start.
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Thor effortlessly clamps both of your wrists above your head in a vice like grip with his big, manly hands, leaving you writhing, like his prey, on the bed below him. You breathe a sigh of relief when he finally reaches down to kiss your lips, biting on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
"Keep your hands here" Emphasising 'here' with a squeeze of your wrists. You try to stay perfectly still while he moves down your body, straining your neck to watch what he does next.
“What a perfect sight, you, all spread out for me to do whatever I want to” he says, positioning himself in-between your legs. Seeing you in all your glory, your pussy dripping wet making him lick his lips.
You gasp when his lips latch on to your inner thigh, so sensitive to his touch. Biting and sucking all the way down each thigh, your going to be covered in hickies come tomorrow morning. You know that's his plan, he loves to see the remnants of the night befores dirty sessions. Even if no one else can see them, he knows they're there, a reminder that you're his.
"Just marking my territory" he reminds you, confirming your suspicions.
"I know exactly what you're doing" you say through gritted teeth, the pain and pleasure unbearable.
"Let’s find out how much you can take before you're begging me for my cock.”
All you can do is nod your head while you bite down on your bottom lip, afraid how shaky your voice will be if you try to speak. 
The sudden slap to your pussy makes you shout out, completely unexpected but hot as fuck all the same, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body.
"You like that?" He slaps you again, hitting your clit with his fingertips and making you convulse uncontrollably. You can see the restraint on Thor's face, the vein protruding from his neck and the tightness in his jaw are the tell tale signs. You know he's about to burst.
"I love to see you squirm now I want to hear you moan" he grabs onto your hips and turns you over, pulling you on to your knees. His movements getting sloppy and desperate now, the lust taking over him.
You inhale as Thor presses the tip of his cock to your opening, brushing it up and down and gathering your wetness. Your legs threaten to give way as he teases you with his cock, you can't stop yourself from pushing yourself back onto him.
"Do you think you deserve my cock?" his voice was heavy with desire. 
"Yes, Thor... Please" you plead, more than worthy after the torture he's put you through.
Thor eases himself in gradually, while you push yourself backwards, no more patience left in you. Holding on to your hips and exhaling, the satisfaction of finally feeling your walls clamping around him. You whince as he slams himself into you with full force, his balls slapping against you. The sounds of sex filling your ears in a glorious way.
"You won't... be able... to walk... after I'm done... with you" he says between every thrust, knocking you forward with every slam. Your orgasm is building already, you can feel your walls tightening, trying to push him out as he holds on to your hips relentlessly.
He grips hold of your ponytail, yanking it backwards, so your head is as far back as it can go, your neck straining. He squats above you, dipping his dick into you, so deep you can feel it in your stomach. This position is fucking everything, he knows you're about to come and sends a slight electrical charge straight through your core just as you release around him. It feels fucking amazing! 
Thor reaches forward and hooks his finger into your mouth, pulling your cheek back as he continually pounds into you. Orgasm after orgasm gushing all over his cock, dribbling out of your aching pussy until you're kneeling in a puddle of your arousal. Your screaming his name, your pussy throbbing, squeezing against his cock. You know he's struggling to restrain when he inhales sharply.
"Dirty fucking slut" he says venomously.
"You fucking love it don't you?" His voice is breathless and deep, you can't take much more. The power of your come is pushing him out, making you ridiculously tight. You can feel his cock twinging as his powerful come shoots into you, he roars so loudly the bed shakes around you. You finally collapse into the bed head first, your knees giving way as he rests against you with his cock still inside of you, twitching and convulsing.
"Are you ok, baby?" Thor asks sweetly, his frustration finally dissipated, rubbing your ass cheeks tenderly.
"More than ok" you say breathless and tired, rolling over onto your back underneath him and pulling him down on to you.
Finally his lips are on yours, passionately, forcing your mouth open and stroking your tongue with his. Kissing you like his life depended on it, making up for the hours spent without the feel of your lips on his. A deep feeling of satisfaction washed over you, he's yours and you're his and you can fuck like animals but still collapse into each other arms lovingly afterwards.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" You tease, making him laugh a great big belly laugh as he pulls you over on top of him.
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