#refreshing question
wejustvibing · 5 months
ML: How celebrity impacts your your day-to-day life? Does it make you lose your spontaneity?
LH: No, I'm pretty...spontaneous! I think it's an interesting journey. It's definitely not what you thought it would be. As a kid, when you see people on TV and you're like 'oh, it must be cool! this must happen, having money' all these different things but it's not all great! I think over time you just learn how to handle it. Ultimately, at some stage you realize that it's not really about you. It's a platform to do good. So, if you just have the right intentions, you can actually have a real positive impact. I think that's probably what it's mostly for.
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tamagoneko · 7 months
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they make me ill
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indelicateink · 4 months
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Dialogue: Questions (pt. 3)
Begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.
We use them to ask for information.
The answer cannot be yes or no:
A: When do you finish college? B: Next year.
A: Who is your favourite author? B: Sylvia Plath.
Yes-no Questions
These are questions that need either a yes or a no answer.
Do you like vanilla ice cream?
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Short Questions
In informal situations, especially in speaking, we can reduce questions rather than using complete clauses.
Short questions can be clauses, phrases or even single words:
Full form: Are you hungry? Short form: You hungry? or Hungry?
Follow-up Questions
Spoken English: In conversation, we often ask short questions about something that somebody else has just said.
There are a number of types:
Reduced wh-questions
Spoken English: We often reduce wh-questions in conversation because the speaker and the listener know the context.
In the following examples, the short form of the question is more correct, because the full form would sound artificial:
A: I need to go to the shop. B: What for? (full form: What are you going to the shop for?) A: We need bread and milk.
A: I’m going out tonight. B: Who with? (full form: Who are you going out with?) A: Oh, just some friends.
Follow-up questions to show interest or surprise
Spoken English: We often use follow-up questions when we are listening, to show that we are interested or surprised.
They often do not need a response.
They are like response tokens such as really, okay, yeah.
Follow-up questions are sometimes called reply questions.
Follow-up questions are formed using the auxiliary verb or modal verb contained in the statement that the question is responding to.
If there is no auxiliary verb or modal verb in the statement, we use do in the present and did in the past:
A: I left school when I was 14. B: Did you? Really? A: It was in the 1950s. Many kids left school early then.
A: Carla’s decided to move to Spain. B: Has she? Good for her.
A: I can’t watch horror movies. B: Can’t you? A: I just can’t. They frighten me too much.
Echo & Checking Questions
Spoken English: We use echo questions to repeat part of what we have just heard when we don’t fully understand or when we want to confirm what we have heard.
We use rising or fall-rising intonation:
A: Did you hear Pete’s giving up his job. B: Pete’s giving up his job?
Echo questions are often statements (declaratives) with a wh-word at the end:
A: His name is Thokosani. B: His name is what?
In speaking, we sometimes ask questions of ourselves as we speak.
We do this when we are trying to remember specific information or to show that we are not sure or when we want our listener to confirm something:
[trying to remember/showing uncertainty]:
"There’s a great new restaurant on that street, what was it called, Marco’s, I think."
[looking for confirmation]:
A: Fiona is coming to stay in June, when is it, the last weekend in June? B: Yeah, I think that’s right.
pt. 1 pt. 2
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sirazaroff · 11 months
I have an idea that involves Velvet and i wanted to ask you what you thought of it! :3
A few days after RWBY and Jaune return from the Ever After, Velvet notices that Jaune is keeping his distance from her, and she has no idea why. She asks all of Team RWBY and even Nora, Ren, and Oscar, but they don’t know why he’s doing it either.
She tells Coco about it and she immediately wants to figure it out and the two basically corner Jaune to get him to talk. He relents pretty quickly and says he’s doing it to make sure he doesn’t make Velvet uncomfortable.
Velvet has no idea why he’d make her feel that way, he’s her friend after all, so Jaune explains that soon after returning from Ever After he caught himself reaching to touch her ears out of Habit because he did it with Juniper whenever he was stressed or needed something to ground himself, but he knows that touching a Faunus Trait is a very serious and intimate thing and felt horrible for nearly intruding on her personal space.
Velvet is touched by his thoughtfulness and says she appreciates it immensely, but he doesn’t have to distance himself from his friends, all he had to do was explain from the start and she would understand, and now she does :3
Coco’s still hung up on the fact that Jaune was friends with an honest-to-gods Jackalope LANSKXSBJS
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And after Coco and Vel confront him
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Sorry I just! I love this scene you’ve set up so much that I wanted to see come to life. Jaune’s always treated so strangely in this fandom. He’s really not that bad if you just focus for a sec.
I totally see this scenario being believable. All that trauma from his time in the Everafter. And Juniper was his only stability for so so so long…you don’t forget someone like that. See their ghost in familiar places, in familiar people.
I think it’ll do him good to start being made to process his issues. I haven’t made it to V9 yet but my take on Jaune is he’s just having a bad day constantly. Underdog healer. Being around new company will do him good. Help him process. I think when the trio are alone together they’ll make a lot of progress with that. Unload a lot of that baggage he’s been carrying.
Anyways, boy’s gonna be fine. He’s in good hands and even better company~
Thank you for sending the ask! Here have this for me taking so long.
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Now. Time to play catch up with my inbox.
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
I've been reading a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories lately, by a lot of different authors, and I've noticed an interesting trend. Not something that happens all the time by any means, but something that's more likely to happen in one over the other.
Magic fixes problems while science causes problems.
And it makes sense that it would be that way, because magic is something that we don't really have, and we can only imagine what we would do with it if we did. Magic is just altering reality in ways that logically shouldn't happen, given our current understanding of physics. If we could change reality with a snap of our fingers, oh man we would do so much good with it.
But science. We've seen what science can do. And before it can achieve the lofty goals that it sets out to do, it goes through any number of failures and setbacks. We've seen the mistakes. We've suffered through them. Then in fiction, we extrapolate what could happen with advancements that we haven't quite reached yet.
With science fiction, we tell cautionary tales of a that future could be. With fantasy, we tell fairy tales of a past that never was.
Not every time. But often enough to notice.
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ecle-c-tic · 1 year
Middle Earth Asks
🥔 po-tay-toes: one of the hobbits invited you for a meal; who are dining with? Which of the seven meals are you enjoying?
🍞 lembas bread: what's the best road trip snack?
🌾farmer maggot's field: what is your favourite plant? Do you enjoying gardening?
🌼 simbelmynë: You've got the opportunity to bring one character back to life, who is it?
🍃 leaves of lórien: what gift would you most like to receive?
📽 action!: rank all six of the films (or three if you're a hater)
🚲 bicycle basket: what is your favourite middle earth meme?
🌟starlight: you're allowed to live in one of the Elf Kingdoms of Middle Earth, which one are you picking?
💀 Hey, did you know-: What is your favourite piece of behind the scenes trivia?
🌙 moon runes: which of Tolkien's languages would you most like to speak?
🧂 best salt in all the shire: which small joys do you most look forward to? (particular tea, using a perfume, rereading a book, etc.)
✂ cutting room floor: of all of the things that didn't quite make it into the movies, what would you have most liked to see?
☕ may I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?: What is your favourite hot beverage?
🐎 bill the pony: who is the best mount in all of middle earth?
🌳 fangorn forest: Which of Tolkien's creechurs is your favourite?
🔮 palantír: you've found a palantir! Who are you hitting up in middle earth? What are you telling them?
⏳ time and age: which poorly aged scene from LOTR is your favourite?
✨ evenstar: Who is your favourite middle earth couple?
🎆 fireworks: you're invited to Bilbo's 111th, what present do you think you'd receive?
🕷 creepy crawlies: which of tolkien's creatures do you think is the most frightening?
💍 my precious: what role do you think you'd play in the fate of the ring?
📜the company of Throin II Oakenshield: who is your favourite dwarf from the company?
🕶 i care not: what common complaint about the movies or novels doesn't bother you?
📢 motivational speech: which film speech do you find most invigorating?
🔥 barbecue: who is the worst antagonist?
🍿 popcorn: list your top 5 supporting characters
🎇 firefly: which (known) deleted scene would you most like to see?
⛏ expedition to Moria: which side character's adventures would you watch a spin-off movie about?
🎞 extra film: is there an extended scene that should have absolutely made it into the theatrical cut? which one and why?
🎵 can you sing, master hobbit?: Which song (from books or movies) is your favourite?
🖋 quill and ink: which of tolkien's themes resonates most strongly with you?
🗝 lost heirloom: which heirloom/object in the films or novels would you like to learn more about?
💿 leitmotifs and orchestras: which of the films songs (Howard Shore or singer) is your favourite?
🍲eowyn's home cooking: which other way could the ring be destroyed? (funny answers only)
🧙‍♂️precisely when he means to: what is your favourite gandalf moment?
⚔ you have my sword: what is your favourite aragorn moment?
🏹 and my bow: what is your favourite legolas moment?
🪓and my axe: what is your favourite gimli moment?
🍄 MUSHROOMS!: what is your favourite moment from the hobbits?
💎 the arkenstone: favourite Thorin and/or company moment?
🧵 spool: list your top five favourite costumes from any of the films.
📕 the red book of westmarch : what is your favourite quote(s)?
💛 family: what is your favourite family moment throughout the novels/films?
👀 the eye of sauron: who are you looking at disrespectfully?
🗺 arda: if you could travel anywhere in middle earth, where would you go?
👑the silver crown: the war is won, the world is saved, the king has been crowned. Who are you partying with at the coronation?
✏ rewrites: here's a pencil, which ONE thing in the novels/films are you changing?
🐺 GROND GROND GROND: which of the battles is your favourite to watch? is there a combat scene in particular that you enjoy?
⚠ fucking buckleberry ferry: from the clip of Dom and Billy discussing the one swear word they could theoretically get by censors, which line would you change?
📚 boxset: how were you first introduced to Middle Earth?
🏔 the misty mountains: the pass is treacherous, which two characters are you taking with you to make it over the mountains?
🌄 the rolling hills of the shire: what is your favourite outdoor activity?
🌋 mount doom: what middle earth take are you throwing into the fire?
⚙ technology: everything is exactly the same but you can give one character a modern invention. Who is it and what are you giving them?
⛵valinor: we're approaching the end of this game, is there a take/opinion you absolutely want to share?
🦅 the eagles: What thing or thought saves the day when it's not going so well?
🦗 weta: you're allowed to take one prop (or the canon useful version) home with you from the set, what are you taking?
☀ when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer: either share a piece of good news or something you're looking forward to.
📖 final chapter: what unanswered questions do you have middle earth?
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herssian · 1 year
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nothing ominous about this tiefling أ‿أ
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mayasdeluca · 6 days
Danielle and Stefania discussing their scenes in 7x04
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
I'm not the first person to say this, but there really is something groundbreaking about the lack of romantic plotlines in Wolf 359.
Wolf 359 is a story aimed at and about adults. It's partly about what it means to be human. It's partly about how we exist in relation to other people. It's partly about interpersonal connection and understanding. It has character relationships at its heart. It features so many moments of love and care between characters. It takes place across just over two years of the characters' lives, with 61 episodes and a main cast that grows to a decent size.
And despite all this, the show doesn't feature a single canonical 'on-screen' romantic (or sexual) relationship. Perhaps that shouldn't be as rare as it is, but it's one of the many things that makes Wolf 359 special to me.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
i was gonna ask if there was a dragon design in the show that is everyone’s favorite but then i remembered we’re getting tessarion and maybe dreamfyre so i’ll hold off. tbh i really love arrax even tho he’s only there for 2 seconds before he gets chomped, i liked his color. i hope we get a better look at silverwing bc i think she could take it, i love that she doesn’t have that old dragon gullet thing, i think it’s kinda funny. i wish we had more sunfyre i don’t think we really got a proper look at him. i think i liked sunfyre’s noises the best tho. special shout out caraxes for a cute ass noodle boy tho
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inchidentalmeowmeow · 6 months
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Always knew i could count on you Fred 🫶🏻
May your head of hair get more bountiful with each passing season 😌✨
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as-kind-as-summer · 1 month
I finally have a minute to sit down so I'm going to yell about the Lord of the Rings musical for a bit! I'll put everything under a cut so people can avoid spoilers! Pic of me in my cute hobbit-ish outfit first 😊
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So disclaimer first, hopefully I'm remembering everything correctly but I recently started a new job and can't take any days off in my first 90 days but desperately wanted to see this show. So I worked a night shift, drove 6 hours, and by the time everything was over I'd been awake for ~21 hours. And also everyone who knows anything about this show is long. Like we were sitting in act 2 and I couldn't remember if they'd sang The Road Goes On in act 1 because it had been two hours ago by that point 😂All this to say, if I misremember please forgive me and feel free to correct me!
My friend and I had the most amazing seats for this show! I'd been debating whether or not I wanted to go through the trouble of going to see it with work and all but then I got an email because apparently I'd signed up for the Shakespeare Theatre's 30 under 30 program and that made everything worth it. I'll post a picture below but we sat second row in the center section on the end of the stage right side. In the picture you can see the stairs literally came down about six inches in front of my feet. I'm not usually a fan of sitting so close but with how immersive the show was it was perfect.
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(Obligatory photo with the playbill because I will always be a theatre nerd at heart)
Starting at ~15 til, the actors all started coming out and wandering the audience, just talking to people and having a good ol' time. Again I'm such a sucker for immersive performances and despite being terribly awkward this was still very exciting.
With everyone wandering around and then the show just sort of starting with no big to-do, it really felt like you're a part of the story. Like 'oh I really am here at Bilbo's birthday party.' Again just a really good time, I think it added another really great layer to the show.
I know I just keep saying how fun this show looked but honestly it looks like such a great time and like every single actor on stage is having the best time. The choreography isn't anything terribly complicated but it just looks fun. Also we saw this on a Wednesday at the evening performance which means there would've been a matinee earlier and you never would've been able to tell. I've seen shows where you can tell the actors are going through it during their second show of the day(and rightfully so) but I wouldn't have had a clue if I hadn't known the schedule. Really just such an amazing cast.
The puppetry was phenomenal! I'm not typically freaked out by puppetry but I had a visceral reaction to those Nazgul puppets. Don't know what it was about them but I was legitimately unnerved. One came up next to me and I did not care for it at all. Pretty sure the people behind me were chuckling every time I cringed but like honestly so fair 😂
So I only found out about the existence of this musical in June and it was absolutely my accident. After seeing the trilogy in theaters, I fell back in hard and was just like 'huh I wonder if there's a stage version of this if not there should be' and googled it on a whim. Pretty much been listening to the London soundtrack on repeat since then but there were a lot of songs that I felt very eh about on the soundtrack that are loads better within the context of the show. Like a lot of the Elvish acapella songs being actually just background to the action that happened onstage felt a lot more natural than listening to them on their own.
Speaking of songs I liked more, Lament for Moria was absolutely beautiful. I hate to compare casts because I think every actor brings their own unique take to the role but that was just a song that I wasn't terribly fond of on the London soundtrack. But the actor that played Gimli in this version had an absolutely gorgeous voice. I was telling someone I always assume actors in a show will be able to sing because obviously they've been cast but there are still times where someone opens their mouth and I'm stunned and this was one of them.
I really enjoyed the set design a lot. I love the current trend of having a simple versatile set with smaller pieces that are wheeled on from time to time. Also, such a sucker for turntables and platforms. I don't know what it is but I think it's A+. Also the climbing wall grips in the back so Gollum could climb up and down were fantastic! Such a simple solution but I think it worked so well. I could see them since we were so close but the way they were painted, I'm guessing they blended in really well further back and the effect would've been amazing.
Obviously even at nearly 3 hours long this is still a wildly condensed version of these stories but I was still disappointed that almost all of Two Towers was cut out other than Treebeard. This of course isn't unique to this production, just the way it's written. I don't think it necessarily detracted from the story since most of the action and important bits do take place in Fellowship and Return of the King but Two Towers is still my favorite so this is a personal gripe mostly haha.
The costumes were all great, a lot of it felt sort of generic fantasy-ish but I love generic fantasy-ish costumes so I was happy. However, I thought the orcs costumes were so cool! Especially with the new(? I'll be honest with y'all I have not read the books(yet) and I feel like I heard about this being the ending somewhere. Not sure if they changed it for the movies and the ending of the musical is the actual ending? anyway) ending they were very neat!
I'm also such a sucker for instruments being played onstage especially when it's the actors doing it and especially when a lot of them are playing multiple different instruments. I just will never get over the talent.
I think I've said most of what I wanted to say so I have to talk about Now and For Always. Since my first listen, Now and For Always was my absolute favorite song. Like hyperfixated listening for hours on end kind of favorite song. I just think it's so beautiful, the harmonies are gorgeous, and it really embodies what these stories were about. I saw the snippet Chicago Shakespeare posted before I went and I was iffy about if I'd like it. I could not have been more wrong. The way it was so slowed down, having the rest of the cast standing around Sam and Frodo, the delivery of the last verse from Frodo to a sleeping Sam? I'm tearing up just thinking about it again. Like that's what it's all about, you know? The tenderness and kindness in the midst of horrors. The true power that friendship has to carry you through the absolute worst of things. I don't even have more words, it was just such a beautiful and touching presentation and it's going to stay with me for a very long time.
Oh no wait I did have one more thing to say, they tried to make me like Denethor and no one will ever make me like Denethor! Denethor hater for life, all my homies hate Denethor. I'm sorry, I know they used the explanation of 'he's too close too Mordor it's poisoning his mind' nope don't care. The best thing Denethor did was set himself on fire, change my mind.
All this to say, I had the most amazing time and I am forever grateful I found this production when I did and had the chance to go see it. I don't think it's for everyone, as like 'duh obviously' as it sounds I think you really have to enjoy both LotR and theatre. The people behind us were snickering from time to time because there were some things that were kind of goofy. Most of it was at the weapons, they're definitely on the cheaper side but it's a regional theatre and I'm sure they only had so much budget. You have to be able to suspend your disbelief when seeing any show but especially this one. Forget what you know from the books and the movies and just go in with an open mind. It's a spectacle, it's goofy, it's serious, it will absolutely wrench your heartstrings if you just let yourself be open to it. Everyone is obviously so passionate about what they're doing and it made for such an amazing show, highly recommend to go see it if you get the chance 💜
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thedevilscarnival · 5 months
like i can't even call johannes a villain protagonist or even an antihero really because he's just fucking miserable but doesn't realize that he's miserable. yes i understand, by definition he is an antihero, especially in book 1, but. hear me out here. he's just doing his own thing and is so focused on doing that thing he has ignored every single emotional need he's had in like 10 years.
the cabal books are watching someone at the tail end of their Karmic Tragedy being dragged kicking and screaming into realizing "damn that kinda sucked, actually. unfortunately friends can be nice" and then sitting and fuming about it. yes he is a borderline eugenics advocate but he's also someone who got stuck in the denial stage of grief for so long he's been cauterized.
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autisticjoshrusso · 4 months
man that access hollywood interview was hard to watch... lou was clearly so nervous and the fact that the interviewers couldn't even stay on topic with the show itself and yknow, the whole entire other actor sitting right there, was just... yikes! yikes all around!
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poorlydrawnjoey · 1 year
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as someone who has a history with denying their gender identity and trying to be "normal" despite VERY clearly knowing what they want, seeing a character who is actually repressive and in denial about their sexuality means the world to me. I love you girl I hope you get through this.
[Joey Claire sitting grumpily with a ripped up lesbian flag behind her]
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