i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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smallsafespace · 2 months
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Stars I made for the farmers market 🥹⭐️
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rlaehrwk21 · 3 months
they are canceling me for the way i deal with grief. also, for the infinite number of destroyed universes
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eebychala · 2 months
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crying this is so me T^T
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plusie · 9 months
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"We need more mental health acceptance and awareness!" Y'all still call ppl with cluster b disorders evil 💀
"We need more weird people!" Y'all COMBUST when someone is xenic 💀
"Healthy coping mechanisms are important!" When someone age regresses, you call them creepy 😭
"More people need to be proud of who they are!" When you see a furry, you cry 😭
(U should totes follow me if ur a supporter of these so I can b on the good side of tumblr XD /nf!)
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strawberrymilk123 · 10 months
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Short Stories: Too Late For Remorse
Yandere Ex Husband x Countess Fem Reader
TW: time regression, cheating (mentioned), yandere, delusional behavior, etc.
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“No!” (Your name) shot up from her bed, body covered in a cold sheen of sweat. Her lungs were on fire while her breathing was labored. Her hands fumbled at her neck as her heart pounded in her chest harder than a hammer against wood. She was alive… but how? She had been poisoned by her husband’s mistress…
(Your name) clambered from her silken sheets. The young lady nearly tripped on the fabric from her haste, but she had to scramble to the mirror… she had to make sure.
(Your name) gasped at her reflection in shock. She was twenty again… no longer was she the sullen, neglected thirty year old wife of Duke Blackburn. She was once again the young Countess (Last name)! She had the means to start over again.
(Your name) sunk to her knees as she smiled at her ceiling. A few tears fell down her cheeks as she sucked in a shaky breath. She wouldn’t waste this second chance, no. She’d get her engagement annulled and live a peaceful life this time… no matter who she had to eliminate. (Your name) would pay her fiancé and his mistress back ten fold for their betrayal.
(Your name) cut up her breakfast with the smallest of smiles on her lips. A week had passed since her time regression and her personality has done a complete one eighty.
No longer was Countess (your name) naive and meek, she was a brighter existence with a determination to learn more knowledge. A change that startled the people around her… especially her father.
Her father, the count, seemed quite curious on the sudden change in his only daughter. (Your name) had always been a young woman interested in romance and fairytales, yet that girl was no longer sat in front of him… she was a stranger now.
“My dear, are you not interested in any sweets?” Count (last name) softly asked his daughter who hadn’t touched any of the desserts presented before her. “These have always been your favorite…”
“I’m sorry, I’m just not interested in sweets anymore.” (Your name) gave her father a soft smile. It wasn’t a lie, she lost her love of sweets in her past life when her husband had made constant comments on her body over the years.
Count (last name) frowned before he sighed. “You also haven’t sent Trishan any letters recently… is everything okay between you two?”
Ah yes… Trishan was his name. (Your name) had called him Duke Blackburn for so long that she had forgotten his name…
“I don’t think he liked me that much is all, father.” (Your name) replied softly. “Plus he’s been awfully close to Lady Serpico’s daughter, Lady Gia.”
Count (last name)’s expression quickly darkened at the mention of Lady Serpico. That nightmare of a woman had damaged the reputation of his wife many years ago before they had gotten married… could she have sent her daughter to try to do the same to his darling (your name)? Was this why she had been acting so strange? Had Duke Blackburn made his daughter feel inferior to a snake?
“I will look into it, my dear daughter.” Her father rose from the table to pat his daughter’s head in an affectionate manner. “I love you so much dear… don’t you ever forget that.”
Of course (your name) hadn’t forgotten that, that’s why she used her father’s love to her advantage. Perhaps he could free her from this fate if he annulled the engagement once he found out about the affair?
(Your name) calmly slipped her tea as a ghost of a smile crawled on her lips. She’s moved her first chest piece, she wondered if her dear fiancé would enjoy the shame?
Trishan shoved all the papers off his desk, his hands clutched at his chest while he struggled to breathe. Where was his fiancée? His darling fiancée?
Trishan’s blue eyes scanned the papers in hopes to spot a letter from her, the ones she used to always send him during this time.
He’s returned to the past before he was blinded by greed… before his long affair with Gia Sherpico… before (your name)’s murder. He could make it all right now since he had the chance to be the husband his beautiful, loyal wife deserved!
Trishan frowned when he hadn’t found any new letters. Was (your name) in good health? She was always such a frail woman… perhaps he should go visit her? Yes! She’d probably be so happy, she always had such a beautiful smile.
Trishan began to gather up all of the papers with a smile on his face. He had already ended things with lady Gia the moment he returned to the past, that snakelike woman wouldn’t pull the rug under him this time! He would not let her sweet lies fill his head and turn him against his darling wife. His innocent wife who had done nothing but love him…
Trishan couldn’t bear to find (your name)’s cold body again… he couldn’t live with himself if she died again. If her lips were blue and she laid in a pile of her own blood like some grotesque halo. No, he would protect her this time!
Trishan sighed dreamily at the thought of this second chance. He’d visit her this weekend with her favorite flowers, baby’s breath! They do mean every lasting love, after all!
A shame Trishan failed to realize was that a large bundle of baby’s breath smelled like feet…
“I’m sorry, but my daughter doesn’t wish to see you.” Trishan felt his blood run cold when he was denied entry into the Count’s home. (Your name) didn’t want to see him? This had to be some sort of sick joke! Yes… that was it.
“Very funny, Count (last name).” Trishan waved off the count as he tried to enter the estate anyways. His large bouquet of baby’s breath caused Count (Last name) even more ire.“(Your name) will be thrilled I’m here-“
“My daughter doesn’t deserve a man who can’t keep it in his pants and someone who’s gift her a bouquet that smells like feet.” The count shoved Duke Blackburn back a few steps, the baby’s breath now laid in a puddle of petals at his feet. “Good day to you!”
Trishan could only stand there in shock, his hands clutched at his chest while his breathing was ragged. It wasn’t supposed to be like this… they were supposed to start over. They were meant to be.
Trishan tried to gather up the flowers in haste but they were already too trampled to fix… he’d have to get her a new bouquet. Perhaps a better scented one at that?
Trishan glanced up at the door, hopeful that this was all a big misunderstanding. (Your name) could never hate him… her father must be keeping her away from him.
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elleindiapers324 · 1 month
Little Elle moaned as she tried to squeeze into her ‘big girl’ skirt.
“If you want to be a big girl and we’re a skirt then here is your favourite denim one”
I was excited, daddy hadn’t let me wear any of my ‘big girl’ clothes since he forced me back into diapers and has been treating me like a baby, making me wear onesies and shortalls usually.
“Mph…Uhh” I struggled to get it over the diaper
“What’s wrong sweetie, is your diaper too big” daddy said in amusement
“Hehe” I squealed when I got it over my diapered bottom and buttoned up. Though I turned around in horror as my diaper was bulging out the bottom.
“You can keep trying to pull it down princess but there’ll be no hiding the baby you truly are once you wet your diapers. Now stop tugging and go put your shoes on. It’s a lovely day to go to the park”
“Daddy I..I don’t want to wear my old clothes anymore” I said after realising there’s no way of hiding my diapered behind
“Well it’s too late for that little girl, everyone in the park will see your soggy little bottom because you argued about wanting to wear your old clothes. Stop complaining or I’ll take that skirt off and you can walk out in that diaper alone”
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octal-codes · 9 months
Shout out to autistics who:
Don't know much about their special interests
Likes food commonly disliked by other autistics
Dislikes food commonly liked by other autistics
Enjoy social settings
Use sign language as their primary form of communication
Use diapers or have troubles with toileting
Like childish things or age regress
Are unable to work
Are unable to figure out their gender
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owlssin · 5 months
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smallsafespace · 5 months
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Oddish! 🫐🌱
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girliestkiddo · 5 months
I need carrying around a stuffed animal friend to be normalized
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shhtickerbook · 6 months
“ ugly ” regression
☆ it’s not talked enough in regression about the hard big angry feelings. It’s not always relaxing and playing
☆ I want to yell and cry
☆ Throw my toys and push you away
☆ I don’t understand how to process these big feelings
☆ I can’t verbalise what I want
☆ All I want to do is scream and tantrum
☆ Things aren’t going my way and I’m not spoiled for feeling that
☆ I wanna scribble all over my pretty drawing in a black crayon
☆ It’s okay to feel this way
☆ It’s okay to get those feelings out
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eebychala · 2 months
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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plusie · 9 months
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