#regular clown activities
pybun · 4 months
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🩸Life Support 🩸
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spkyscry · 1 month
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You don't understand, this is going to be my personality for at least a week.
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itsillumi · 1 year
9K BABY! it’s been two years, but i’ll be posting chapter 12 tomorrow. let’s fucking go ❤️‍🔥
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starkey · 2 years
Tagged by @artemisinfurs! thank u!!
Favourite colour: controversially, in spite of my entirely blue living room and completely black wardrobe, I don't think I really have a Favourite Colour? I like jewel toned red/green/blue, gold/silver and black tho
Currently reading: Just finished I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy last night (yikes), currently reading Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by Dr Julie Smith, and about to start reading Robert Fagles' translation of The Iliad <3
Last song: I've been obsessed with The Tumbler by Robert Hallow and the Holy Men all month
Last series: Stranger Things season 4 (my beloved), I'm gonna watch the new neil gaiman thing soon tho.
Last movie: Ehhh it might genuinely still be Everything Everywhere All At Once, haha, I'm so shite at watching TV :')
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Savoury every time
Currently working on: Aw my life has been so productive recently! I'm at day 21 of my duolingo streak, been cooking dinner most nights and batch cooking soup (a big deal for me, the queen of pesto pasta). I've been going to gym three times a week, and working through the couch25k challenge and a wee beginners weights routine. Been walking to work most days and keeping up my 10k steps streak. I've been going to writing workshops to motivate me to write my new original fiction urban fantasy thing, and I'm about to start a short story class, snowboarding lessons, and fiddle lessons! I'm working towards an exam in January, meditating daily, and trying to journal at least once every few days. And I've been working at making more pals outside my immediate circle of besties and being a bit more sociable, cause I like hanging out and vibing and whatnot. The euphoria of the work life balance is real, friends
I tag anyone who wants to play! 🥰
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seenthisepisode · 7 months
ok not to clown but i looked at cw_supernatural instagram and the activity really does look suspicious as hell. after they stopped advertising the finale 3 years ago they made 29 posts, most of which were promoting the winchesters (14), some about gotham knights, two about walker, 3 happy birthday posts to jensen ackles (it's hilarious because. he is the only one being wished happy birthday on the official insta acc and between happy birthday jensen ackles in 2021 and happy birthday jensen ackles in 2022 there was NOT A SINGLE OTHER POST on that account. i'm crying) then whoever is running this thing posts on may 25th 2023 about the official supernatural cocktail book. and then radio silence until september 22nd, and since then an almost regular once a week post. the first one is the brothers of course but the next one is dean and crowley captioned "We could really use more of this duo.🍹" like girl yes but what is going on. also the actors' strike is happening so what are you doing why are you promoting a dead show like that? why "And the story continues.. #Supernatural" ????? why "A taste of normalcy for Dean."??????? and then 3 hours ago "No one smack talks like Castiel." ?????? why are you casbaiting me 3 years after that godforsaken finale what are you cooking up what is going on i demand answers and my tinfoil hat stays ON
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trash-knight · 1 year
*sighs* I know I know "your social media experience is entirely what you make of it" but seriously sometimes the crap that you see on here makes you ready to log right back off
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whipped-cheese · 3 months
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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marlinspirkhall · 8 months
Streaming platforms ranked by subtitles:
Dropout: The undisputed champion. Will subtitle sound effects in a fun and engaging way. Subtitle tracks load and close out seamlessly. Being spoiled by the subtitling crew like the pretty little prince that I am. 10/10
Channel 4 iPlayer: If I didn't know there was better out there, you'd be my favourite. 8/10
BBC iPlayer: Not the worst, not the best. Sometimes there is different coloured text when different characters are speaking, but there is no way to turn this on and off and I have trouble reading certain subtitle colors. Occasionally lags, takes a second for the subtitle track to load. 7/10
ITVX: No major complaints. 7/10
Netflix: These feel like they've become better recently, but it really seems to depend on the media in question. 5/10
Disney Plus: What are you even doing, you absolute clowns? Paraphrasing the dialogue, zero attempt to translate foreign languages, especially when it's pivotal to the plot that the audience know it, and zero attempt to subtitle sound effects. Bonus gripe: a lot of their movies have uncompressed audio so the sound mixing is all over the place and I need subtitles to hear it but the subtitles are fucking trash. 1/10
YouTube Plus/YouTube Red: Certain shows are captioned, others have automatic captions, overall disappointing: 1/10
Amazon Prime: Actively censors swear words. Not the worst thing Jeff Bezos is going to hell for, but certainly on the list. 0/10
Google Play/YouTube Movies: There are no subtitles at all <3 loses by default (No subtitles tracks provided with purchased or rented films, and for some reason there's no ability to turn on the piss-poor automatic closed captioning available with regular YouTube videos. A fucking mess) -1/10
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my-own-walker · 1 year
hii can you do a james smut where he and the reader are a couple and during the devil's night the reader talks a lot with one of the guests and james gets jealous?
If You Were A Blood-Letter
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note: yes indeedy anon, i can give it a stab for ya
warnings: sm*t duh, fem!reader, murder mentions and stuff, violence mentions, dom JPM, low-key degradation maybe??, choking, James being rough, etc
It was the night we had been looking forward to for the whole year.
Before James, it was just Halloween to me. A night of children knocking on doors in cheap costumes begging for candy from strangers. It was drinking too much at some party in a slutty costume to impress some guy. It was carving pumpkins and corny movies and the doorbell ringing all night.
But with James, it wasn’t ‘Halloween.’ It was Devil’s Night. It was our special day. All of our heroes came to celebrate in a night of utterly disturbing splendor. We reveled in the chaos and the indecent.
We were an infamous duo known around the Cortez. Our murder sprees were revered by many. James didn't expect me to be so ruthless when we met. I truly appreciated regular nights of the old 'ultra-violence.' It made James crazy for me.
The first time I killed someone was under the careful supervision of my dear James. It was exhilarating. An immediate addiction. As he drank in the flash of sinful delight that flashed across my eyes when I plunged the knife into the repairman's chest, he knew he had found a soulmate in me.
We, as partners in crime, took great pride in our Devil's Night celebration. I adopted James' tradition. Took to it like a duck to water. I was awe-struck meeting the likes of Richard Ramirez and Aileen Wuornos.
This particular year, we were more than excited to welcome the Zodiac Killer for the first time. The actual Zodiac, maskless. He had attended the soiree some years prior, but James implored him not to return unless he would shed his cowardice. Hiding behind a mask was a sign of weakness in James' eyes.
The Zodiac's RSVP to the event was a welcome arrival at our door. And when he showed up the night of, we were more than elated to see the man behind the murder. We, arm-in-arm, greeted him at the door with bright smiles. We fashioned ourselves to be a bit like Morticia and Gomez Addams, in a way. In short, I'll admit, we were slightly corny. A caricature of murderers in love.
I was entranced by our new guest, though. As the night roared on, I couldn't help but gravitate toward The Zodiac Killer. His tales of murder and woe were of much interest to me. Gacy droned on about the same clown costume story he did every year. I had heard Ramirez's cool-guy act before. I wanted to know all about the new guest. What made him tick.
James shot me a glance across the room as I took up a seat right next to our guest of honor for the fifth time that night. I couldn't quite make out his expression. I assumed it was one of pride and admiration. After minutes of listening to another one of The Zodiac's stories, James approached the table.
'My, you two are fast friends, now, aren't you?' he cooed, a slight edge to his voice. His eyes screwed shut ever so slightly at the word 'fast.'
'He is quite an interesting man, James,' I replied.
'Interesting, you say. Interesting....' he weighed the word aloud as if he didn't quite understand what I meant by it.
'I- I wouldn't say interesting, just new,' The Zodiac clamored shyly. He was being all too modest.
'Y/N, my dear, may I speak with you in the bedroom? At once?' James gritted, extending a hand to help me up. I took it and followed him through the suite, weaving around the sick and twisted activities of the night.
'Ohhhhh! They're gonna fuck!' Ramirez shouted childishly after us. Wuornos cackled obnoxiously.
James held the bedroom door opened and gestured for me to enter. He slammed the door behind him and rounded on me.
'Whatever do you think you're doing?' he whispered harshly, standing so close to me I could hardly breathe. I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
'What do you mean?' I asked, baffled.
'Dallying and toying with our guest of honor,' he spat. 'Like some sort of floozy. Are you trying to embarrass me?'
'No, James, it wasn't like that. At all,' I declared, keeping as level a head as I could. 'I admire him, is all.'
'Admire, you say?' James challenged.
'Oh, stop being a pest!' I cried. 'You're taking everything I'm saying the wrong way on purpose, like a petulant child.'
'I am not being petulant. I am simply protecting what is mine,' he asserted lowly.
'I can handle myself perfectly well, James.'
'You do know you're mine, yes?' he breathed. 'All mine.'
I was cut off by him hungrily putting his lips on mine. He grabbed the neckline of my off-the-shoulder gown and tore it brutishly, forgoing the readily available zipper. The fabric fell heavily, pooling at my ankles. He whisked me off my feet and threw me down onto the bed. I sank into the top of the plush duvet, which felt extra soft against my naked skin. Goosebumps covered my whole body.
James stood at the edge of the bed, drinking me in as he briskly took his own clothing off. I panted, awaiting my fate. He joined me, poised just atop me, supporting his weight on his hands. I grabbed his bare shoulders and pulled him in, resuming our kissing.
He lined himself up with my entrance and thrust into me impatiently. I gasped sharply at the sudden contact. His massive cock penetrated me powerfully. He ran his finger over my lips, then dragged it down my body, continuing to drive into me. The other found its place rigidly around my throat. I choked quietly, reveling in the moment. My eyes rolled back in my head as I felt myself start to lose consciousness.
But that wasn't enough.
He pulled out of me and flipped me over harshly, positioning me on my hands and knees.
'Who owns you? Say my name, dearest,' he purred.
'James,' I breathed. He tutted disapprovingly.
'Now now, I won't give you what you want until you say it how I like you to say it,' he scolded. He ran his hand through my hair and tugged tightly, pulling my head back just enough that I could cast my gaze up at him. It was a grip so tight I couldn't help but whimper.
'James,' I pleaded, whining slightly.
'Nuh-uh,' he taunted, 'not quite.' His other hand gripped my ass. His fingers dug into me greedily.
'James!' I cried loudly. It was exactly what he wanted. His hard dick re-entered me from behind, sending shockwaves throughout my middle. He ravaged me, making me squeal and squirm with every pump. The waves of orgasm overtook me, making my vision go blurry and my limbs feel weak, but James wasn't quite finished.
I whimpered loudly as he continued to plunge into me. With a few final thrusts, he came with a stifled groan. He, as a man of class, never came too loudly. After all, we did have guests.
I collapsed onto my stomach much like a ragdoll as James pulled out of me. I felt the pressure on the bed change as James got up to retrieve his undergarments. the man of class also never lounged in the nude. He returned to me and gently coaxed me to turn over. I looked at him through the strands of hair that had fallen into my face.
'My angel,' he sighed. 'All mine.' He grabbed me by my chin and kissed me, softer this time.
I hummed in contentment.
'Are we clear? You are mine,' he asked, pulling away.
'You're my one and only, and I am yours,' I assured with a soft smile.
'Now, shall we return and show them what a united front we are?' he suggested.
'Fuck 'em,' I growled, having regained enough strength to mount him and go for a second round.
I really had a tough time writing this week. Hope I can get back into the swing VERY soon!!
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
The Joker Isn't Dead- But Where The Hell Is He????
Jason ground his teeth in frustration. He had been searching Gotham for two weeks now, two! And he still hadn't heard a single word about the stupid clown. Joker. Of course now he disappeared off the face of the earth. Just Jason's luck. He gritted his teeth, hunkering down further against the chimney he was leaning against. “Come on you idiots.” he muttered. He was camped out in front of a common Goonian lair, and was waiting for the two goons that he remembered had once been on the clowns payroll. It wasn't their fault, necessarily, the goons were dished out their jobs and didn't have too much say, but he wasn't going to go easy on them either. They were goons after all. (but, he had made sure these were not the goons that had helped restrain and kill him, because he wanted information and not for the pit to take over and kill them before he got that) Finally, the door creaked open and the two henchmen walked out, chatting and laughing. “Not for long.” Jason thought grimly, following them a distance behind on the rooftops. There was a rule, an agreement between the people of Gotham, the Goons, and the Vigilantes, that no goons were to be harmed off duty- unless of course outside of goon aimed attacks and just regular Gotham activity attacks, and they were not allowed to be attacked within a few miles radius of their headquarters. Jason hated the rule, but he did obey by it. But he didn't wait long. Two steps off of the threshold and he swung from above, knocking the two goons into an alley. “Joker. Start talking.” he growled, pointing the gun at them. “Woah!” One goon startled in surprise, both lifting their hands on impulse. “Easy there Red Hood. Theres rules.” “fuck the rules.” Jason snarled back, lifting the pistol higher. “I aint hurting you yet am i? Start talking.” “bout what exactly?” The second goon asked, and Jason begrudgingly had to admit that he knew this goon. “Hey Bill.” Bill dipped his head. “Whats up Red.” Jason tapped his foot impatiently. “I need info on Joker.” The two goons exchanged looks, but kept their hands raised. “Shi man, Joker? Haven't heard that name in a while.” He laughed, ribbing Bill. Bill chuckled. Jason waved the gun threateningly and they obediently put their hands back up. “We haven't been on Joker’s payroll in a while Hood. No goons have. He ain't hiring.” “what?” Jason asked, caught off guard. “But hes not dead!” he exclaimed, waving the gun in confusion. Neither goon flinched, which just showed how long they had lived in Gotham. “Naw but he probably wishes he were.” Bill joked, nudging his partner. The two howled with laughter. “The fuck does that mean?” Jason demanded. Bill looked at him oddly. “Dintcha hear Hood? Batman beat the Joker half to death after he lost his Robin. Joker’s been a permanent residence at Arkam Hospital since.”
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bengiyo · 1 year
Quick question: Is the level of regular engagement/posting/meta for BL series right now (particularly Step By Step and La Pluie, but others as well) a typical amount of engagement for a show in this little Tumblr corner? or above average? (or below average??)
Is it increasing because (from what I understand) things are changing and there's more to talk about nowadays?
As a newbie, I am having a FABULOUS time with reading and seeing everyone's different thoughts and perspectives and insights and learning new things. 'tis excellent. I don't think I've ever enjoyed watching TV more.
However, from what I understand the amount of BL coming out right now is actually in a bit of a lul? and so if this level of engagement is typical for the majority of shows (or only good shows idk) I'm going to have to put some time management stuff in place.
I just want to be prepared! Because this is Awesome!
Oh, this is a complicated one. I'm going to tag @absolutebl, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @lurkingshan, @ginnymoonbeam, @liyazaki, @negrowhat, @respectthepetty, and any other old fans reading this to also weigh in.
I think we are a shell of what we once were. At the height of 2gether, Bad Buddy, I Told Sunset About You, and a few other big shows you were getting banger after banger in the tags. I feel like I've been writing more lately because I miss that era and feel like I have to directly contribute to fostering it with new fans entering the space.
On the real, in 2020 @asianmade organized fans to submit letters and other content and assembled books to thank Bright and Win for the work they did on 2gether. We even got confirmation from Bright that they got the books.
I think good storytelling begets good reactions. The more invested we are, the more we're going to talk about it. I think fandom really only works when we're all actively contributing to it in some way. Reblogging and leaving fun comments in the tags. Writing crack posts. Sharing clown theories about what might be happening. Making gifs. Making fan vids. I genuinely think that the experience of watching the show improves when fans come together to share their ideas and build each other up.
Still, there used to be a lot more of us on tumblr. I hope that we continue to be this invested in the shows that follow. I feel like we're about to turn a lot more of our attention to Be My Favorite.
So, if you're enjoying the experience of having so much to read, please add to the stream! Write your thoughts down! Love the shows loudly! Tag us if you write something! Message us if you have questions!
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ash-arts-a-thing · 2 months
Chapter 6 event notes are finally here.
Sorry this took so long, it seems this was the chapter people were most excited for, but it’s finally finished. I didn’t have a beta reader this time so I hope they’re still okay.
[Character Notes] [Chapters 1-3] [Chapters 4&5]
Specter Carlo AU Chapter 6
• Upon entering Rosa Isabella Street in a lie playthrough Gemini will still have his regular dialogue, but there will also now be new dialogue with Carlo.
Carlo: “The Opera House, huh? My… friend, loved the Opera House. He was big into theatre.”
Gemini: “He was? Did you two ever go there together? What were the shows like?!”
Carlo: “We… We never got the chance to go.”
Gemini: “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Carlo: “Don’t worry about it. Please.”
• The White Lady will not be aware of Carlo.
• Upon the White Lady’s death Carlo will comment: “What a waste. She had such a beautiful voice when she was still able to sing.”
• Julien will not be aware of Carlo.
• Carlo will have different dialogue depending on whether Julien was lied to or not:
Truth: “Would it have killed you to show the guy a little compassion? Puppet or not, he seemed to really love his wife.”
Lie: “Do you think a human and a puppet can really have a relationship like that? Hmm… whatever makes them happy.”
• Carlo will be unable to comment while Pinocchio travels up the road toward the Opera House due to the over abundance of fire.
• Upon entering the Opera House, Carlo will be as active as he was at Krat Grand Central Station in the floors reflections, though the inconsistencies from Chapter 1 will be far more obvious rather than subtle
• The first thing Carlo will say, when he gets the chance to, is about the Mad Clown that Pinocchio had just defeated, “I don’t know what was going through their heads when they designed that because that is NOT child friendly.”
• Once Pinocchio is first inflicted with disrupt Carlo will comment: “Be more cautious with the puppets around here, a lot of them have ergo disrupting attacks. Getting hit with those feels… bad, to say the least.”
• After defeating the first opera spider Carlo will comment: “I think this might be my least favourite puppet design.” If it’s a truth playthrough he will add: “Hmmm… maybe my second least favourite.”
• Adelina is not aware of Carlo, her dialogue remains unchanged, thought he will comment on her both after talking to her the first time and if she is given the apple.
• After the first conversation Carlo will say “Isn’t… this who the White Lady was talking about? She thought Adelina…”
• If Adelina was given the apple Carlo will say, “Hope she enjoys that. I don’t think there’s another apple left in all of Krat at this point.”
• If Adelina is not given the apple Carlo will say, “I’m pretty sure you don’t eat so what on earth are you saving that for. Just give her the damn fruit.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options before fighting Romeo
These dialogue options are:
“Would you ever go to a show here?”
Carlo: “If that’s what my friend wanted, and we had the money to, I would’ve gone with him without hesitation.”
“How can disruption hurt so much?”
Carlo: “Something to do with you ergo, I’m not the best when it comes to explaining this stuff. I just know that whatever was disrupting you could disrupt me too and it did not feel good.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. [Truth] “Not sure what you expect me to tell you that you don’t already know because I don’t know jack about this thing.”
2. [Lies] “Your guess is as good as mine, so keep your guard up.”
3. [Truth] “It’s bigger than you, I’m sure.”
4. [Lies] “it’s probably going to try to throw you around like that giant cop puppet. Make sure your healed up before we go in.”
5. [Lies] “I wish this wasn’t the reason I was able to visit here for the first time.”
Battle dialogue for phase 1: King of Puppets:
1. “I didn’t like the look of that play. [Lies] It felt like a threat… or a warning.”
2. “That voice…”
3. “Wait- No I have to be hearing things.”
4. “No it can’t be him-!”
Battle dialogue for phase 2: Romeo:
• Note that Carlo will refuse to fight during phase 2, if Romeo targets him Carlo will only block.
1. “Romeo!”
2. “Please, you have to stop this- we’re not the enemy!”
3. “Don’t hurt him!” (Whether he’s talking to Romeo or P can be taken either way depending on the playthrough)
4. “Romeo you can’t keep this up, please I can’t lose you again!”
• Upon defeating Romeo a short in game cutscene will play, Romeo will drop to his knees and Carlo will rush to his side. They will then have the following dialogue:
Romeo: “You’re just as strong as I remember you being, my heart. A truly unstoppable force, you and your new puppet friend. I’m sorry it took me this long to come to my senses.”
Carlo: “Did you see yourself? You were quite literally on fire. (Carlo forces a laugh) Now let’s just… let’s get you back to the hotel. We can get you fixed up there.”
Romeo: “Oh Carlo, I don’t know if I can make it that far, you might have to- ugh- put me out of my misery.”
Carlo: “Don’t talk like that! As long as he helps us we’ll make it! He has to help us- I- please. He’s all I have left.”
• Pinocchio will now have the option to either spare or kill Romeo.
• This choice will have the most drastic consequences of the playthrough as it will cement the way Carlo views Pinocchio for the rest of the game.
• Depending on the choice a different cutscene will play out for both scenarios.
Pinocchio will approach the duo, blade at the ready to strike Romeo down. The tip of Pinocchio’s blade will be raised to rest upon the center of his chest, the light ‘tink’ of metal against metal could be heard for miles in the quiet of the room. Carlo will exclaim, “No! What’re you doing?! We can make it back to the Hotel, just help me get him there, please! Please!!!”
Carlo will then attempt to push Pinocchio’s blade away, but since he is the Specter his hand will harmlessly pass through the blade.
Romeo will place his hand on Carlo’s shoulder before calmly saying, “My heart, it’s okay, it’s better this way. I’ve already hurt both you and your friend, I don’t know what I’d do if I some how… killed you again.”
Carlo will then spit back, “Screw this puppet! If he kills you he’ll never be considered my ‘friend’! In fact, I’d go as far to call him a dead man!”
Romeo will get serious, his face stern as he firmly replies, “Do not hold it against him. You and I both know this is for the best.”
Carlo won’t reply, instead choosing to firmly press his lips to his boyfriends one last time. The kiss will hold for a few seconds before Romeo gasps, Pinocchio’s blade sinking into his chest far enough to pierce through his back.
Romeo will quickly go slack, sliding lifelessly off the blade before hitting the floor with a loud metallic thunk. Carlo will stare in stunned silence for a few seconds before a scream of ‘no’ will be ripped from him. If he were human, the scream would’ve caused enough strain on his vocals to draw blood. Rather than throwing himself on Romeo’s body before he vanishes, Carlo will snap to look up at Pinocchio, eyes red and waves of energy flaring off his body as he stands.
Carlo’s hands will be shaking at his sides as he hisses through clenched teeth, “You. I’ll KILL you!!”
As he lunges for Pinocchio, hands raised and aiming for the puppets neck, Carlo will vanish just as the tips of his fingers would make an attempt at contact at fair skin.
Pinocchio is then left alone as the scream of fury rings through theatre.
Pinocchio will approach the duo, blade at his side as he kneels in front of Romeo. His gaze will snap to Carlo as the Specter speaks, “Please. I don’t know if it will even mean anything to you, but I-,” Carlo will look to Romeo briefly before looking back, face certain and voice confident, “I love him more than life itself.”
At that Pinocchio will blink and tilt his head slightly before his gaze once again lands on Romeo. A beat will pass before he repositions his weapon in his hand, holding the majority of its handle out to Carlo. Carlo will look between him and blade before hesitantly taking it from Pinocchio’s hand.
Pinocchio will then position himself to help the other puppet up, using his legion arm to throw Romeo’s arm over his shoulders and positioning his human arm around the others waist to steady him.
Clenching his teeth and grunting in pain, Romeo will finally speak up, “Are you sure you can do this? I don’t want to slow you two down.”
Pinocchio will remain unfazed, having more than enough strength to flat out just carry Romeo. In response to the question he will nod.
Another hiss of pain, “Alright. Thank you.”
Carlo will release a shaky exhale, taking the lead in front of the two in order to fend off anything that might get in their way. Romeo will strain a laugh, saying, “I know he’ll say it later, but he’s very grateful, trust me. That’s the most emotion I’ve seen from in… quite some time.”
The scene will fade as they make their way out of the theatre doors.
From here notes will be more heavily separated between lie and truth playthroughs as the dialogue differences and interactions between Pinocchio and Carlo will be much more numerous.
• If Pinocchio has chosen to kill Romeo, the rest of the chapter will play out as normal. Carlo will not comment again until returning to the hotel.
• Dialogue from Gepetto, as well as everyone else in the Hotel, will remain unchanged.
• Carlo will have new, and much more hostile dialogue, when spoken to at the mirror.
These dialogue options are:
“Are you okay?“
Carlo: “Don’t you dare ask me if I’m okay. You’re lucky I can’t get my hands on you because if I could I would rip that heart right out of your chest and watch as the light leaves those glass eyes of yours.”
“I’m sorry.”
Carlo: “No. You arent. You’re programmed to think you are and even if you were actually sorry… it isn’t going to bring back the one thing that made my life worth living.”
“What are you thinking about?”
1. “Im thinking about how great it would be if you got the hell away from me.”
2. “Why do you care? Why don’t you go suck up to that bag of dust you call a ‘father’ instead of pestering me.”
3. “You’re going to get what’s coming to you. Just you wait.”
4. “I wanted it to rain again but… whatever. Leave me alone.”
•There is an optional moment where the player will play as Carlo, he will help lead Pinocchio and Romeo through Krat to reach the hotel.
• Pinocchio and Romeo will act as followers in this scenario and will have seperate walking animations depending on speed.
Walking: Romeo will walk while leaning against Pinocchio.
Jogging: Pinocchio will be stabilizing Romeo as he leans more heavily against P.
Sprinting: Pinocchio will have no choice but to just pick Romeo up and carry him to keep up.
• Since Carlo does not have a legion arm himself using the legion button will cause Pinocchio to use whatever arm he has equipped to help if needed.
• There will not be any mini bosses, but there will be more minor enemies than when passed through with Pinocchio
• Upong returning to the hotel, with Carlo and Romeo in Pinocchio’s company, the next time he talks to Gepetto will be more of a confrontation between him and Carlo
• The father and son will bicker back and forth while Romeo and Pinocchio watch
Gepetto: “Ah, my son, you’ve returned. I trust that… you…”
Carlo: “Hello, ‘father’.
Gepetto: “Carlo? How can you-“
Carlo: “The better question is: how can YOU? How can you go around calling that puppet your son? How can you suddenly act like you care even the SLIGHTEST bit about me OR him?!
Gepetto: “Just let me-“
Carlo: “No! I don’t want to hear it! All you’ve done is use him to do your dirty work and what’s worse, you tried to have him kill Romeo! You knew how much he meant to me and you STILL tried to have him killed and on top of that you… Look at what you did to him.”
Gepetto: “Destroying him would have been for the greater good-“
Carlo: “The greater good? My ass for the greater good! You only chose killing him over any other option because you knew how close we were.”
Gepetto: “You don’t know-“
Carlo: “I know enough. I’m out of here.”
Carlo will then storm off, the sound of him stomping down the hall and finishing with the sound of Pinoccchio’s bedroom door slamming shut.
• Carlo can be found in Pinocchio’s room until the next time P leaves Hotel Krat.
• Romeo will be taken to Eugénie where he will recieve repairs throughout the rest of game.
Talking to Carlo again before leaving will yield more dialogue options:
“Are you okay?”
Carlo: “… I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get over it. Shrugging off my father has become second nature to me at this point.”
“Gepetto is your father?”
Carlo: “I should’ve told you sooner, but can you blame me? You were pretty much made to be my replacement or something. All those years I was left to rot in that hole… at least two good things came from it though. Something about Sophia is… off though.”
“Will Romeo be okay?”
Carlo: “Romeo is stronger than he looks. I bet by this time tomorrow he’ll be walking around like nothing happened, heheh… At least, I hope he is.”
“What are you thinking about?”
1. “It’s… really good to have Romeo back. I wasn’t expecting to ever see him again.”
2. “Sophia is going to be surprised to see Romeo and I again, it’ll be nice to talk to her.”
3. “I wonder if can play the piano with this body, maybe I can finally give you that show I promised.”
4. “I my favourite book is still downstairs. I never get tired of reading the story of Pinocchio, you should read it sometime.”
Most of the Hotel residents will also have something to say about Romeo and Carlo:
Antonia: “It’s been so long since I’ve seen those boys. It’s good to be able to see them again, even in the states they’re currently in.”
Eugénie: “Don’t worry, Romeo is in good hands with me and Venigni, we’ll make sure he gets patched up. His friend is welcome to come oversee his repairs anytime. Carlo was his name, right?”
Gepetto: “Please, leave me be, son. You have much more work to do in Krat.”
Venigni: “Ah, so good to see young Carlo and his ‘friend’ again. He deserved so much better than what happened to him, it’s good to see he’ll have a second chance.”
Polendena: “Master Carlo has changed in many ways since we’ve last met and yet, he’s stayed the same in some ways as well. I’m sure he and Romeo will fit in nicely at the Hotel.”
Sophia: “They’ve both changed so much, but I suppose I have too. It will be nice to have a chance to talk to them again, thank you for bringing them both back.”
• Even if Carlo isn’t spoken to before P leaves he can be recruited as a follower, a prompt will ask if P wants to bring him along.
• Carlo will head back to the hotel before his health can hit zero, once he heads back he’ll have to be recruited again.
• He will act pretty much the same as he does in boss fights, but he will only attack something that is actively trying to harm P rather than running off to fight whatever he sees.
• If P doesn’t see an item Carlo has a chance to point it out to him or he will ask to get it himself to which he will either stay with P or run off the grab it.
• Carlo will have his own weapon that will change every chapter like with regular boss fights, but if he is acting as a follower it’s possible to change it through P’s inventory.
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canonsinthehead · 1 year
What car would RGG/Yakuza/Judgement characters drive?
Kiryu (Your Grandfather’s Minivan):
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pic: 1999 Dodge Caravan/ other ex: 1992 Toyota Previa, 1st generation Mazda MPV Even haruka is pleading with him to get rid of it since it almost exploded on the last orphanage trip. Regardless of what anyone says, Kiryu doesn’t want to get rid since he keep saying it’s a good format for the orphans (when they were younger maybe but not anymore) and how this dinosaur was the property of Kazama-San and we’re of good use when kashiwagi and him were watching over younger Kiryu and Nishiki. As always, another thing Kiryu remains hard headed on which doesn’t surprised his sworn brother since he see it as an extension of his lack of fashion sense. Majima keeps clowning him since seeing Kiryu walking out of this atrocity in burning anger is the most hilarious thing ever.
Akiyama (A Older model of a regular sedan):
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pic: 1989 Honda Civic/ other ex: 2000 Toyota Corolla Regardless his pocket being stacked, he decided to get a regular car that common people get. Partly out of pure laziness, having to deal with expensive cars and their issues but he got it from a client who wanted to get rid of their old vehicle so he jump on the occasion. Hana doesn’t like it since it’s uncomfortable for her (for being so small and barely functioning right). She thinks he could’ve afford wayyyyyyy better than a (probably) discontinued second hand car with inexistent resale value.
  Haruka (A Regular Civilan Family Car):
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pic: Red 2012 Toyota Corolla   Even if her uncles wanted to go all in and splurge for a ‘’luxury’’ or expensive a car for her , she refused and decided to go with something more simple. Also the simplicity of her also shows her current life as civilian and desiring a normal life like everybody else. While Kiryu is understanding of her choice, Nagumo and the crew (lowkey) expected her to take a larger (for more kids to come) but Kiryu shut down that idea and how its not happening before Mr.Yuta officially marries Haruka. BY THE WAY HER CAR IS RED just sayin…
80s Nishiki (Retro & Flashy):
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pic: 1988 Mercedes 560SL/ other ex: 1988 Ford Mustang GT Convertible, 1988 Jaguar XJsAlong with the other car he had in Y0, he had another red convertible car he keeps for special occasions like showing off to his bosses, impress cabaret girls (remember image is everything) or for laid back road trip with his kyoudai. Slick Back Nishikiyama (Expensive & Conservative): ex: white porche or mercedes Changing his mentality, goals and outlook on life also affected his vehicle choice. Nishiki sold his all retro flashy car to separate vfrom his old image of being easy going and a (bitch) weak boss. By doing that he wants people to take him more seriously so he can climb the Yakuza ladder, so he goes for safe and conservative in many things including his fashion style. Yumi: doesn’t know how to drive.
Saejima (Thick car):
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pic: 2005 Ford F-150/ other ex: 2005 Jeep Cherokee, 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser A big Heavy duty weather resistant car to fit his build (since he hates being uncomfortable). Also a big car to transport various things easily from camping equipment, drive well on dirt roads and snow and to carry Majima’s drunk body.
Daigo (what the chairman deserves)
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pic: Rolls Royce Phantom VIII In all his Tojo-related activities, he usually get around by his driver in a limousine. He has a Black Rolls Royce that he almost never uses. Even though Mine and many of his subordinates encourage him to use it to match his boss/ex-boss status (or stature as man Mine would say). He doesn’t like too much the negative attention on him especially when he’s visiting Kiryu or doing personal things. All this goes with him being a shit driver (sorry daigo-chan) regardless owning a valid driving license. The brat side of his younger self remained since he prefers having a driver than doing it himself even after the disbandment of the Tojo Clan (which Mine and all his ‘’uncles’’ are glad to do so).
Majima: there are things he is actually cheap and lazy about. Taking after daigo, he doesn’t presently owns a valid driving licence, the one he previously owned (to destroy Shangri-La) got revoked and suspended ever since. He doesn’t want all the trouble and the paper work to get it back. since Saejima can’t drive his kyoudai around town on demand; he elected Minami and Nishida to be his personal drivers. Regardless he still sometimes takes some driving strolls by himself, we he does he takes Daigo’s Rolls Royce, which he himself gave to the fourth chairman as a birthday present. So that’s why he always tells him he has the right to use the car as he pleases. Daigo doesn’t mind and actually thinks his car finds Majima’s style better.
Ryuji (Ryuji being Ryuji):
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car: HUMMER H2
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motorcycle: Kawasaki VN2000 Class/ other ex: 2022 Indian scout bobberAt some he did own a HUMMER (before when it was still poppin) but Kaoru convince him to sell it because it was wayyyyy too big, waste of (gas) money and in all honestly looked RICICULOUS. He later converted to a motorcycle which he uses all the time.
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pic: Trap car Couldn’t wait to climb up the rank and earns enough funds to get rid of his trap to replace to his dream car to represent his status.
Nishitani (Wanna ride Majima-kun?)
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pic: 1984 Cadillac Eldorado/ other ex: 1965 Pontiac GTO Mine (Bad and Boujee)
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pic: 2021 Mercedes Mayback Class/ other ex: 2021 Porche 911Especially got a foreign model to make a statement as an accomplished Japanese businessman, that his pocket are stacked and he is not to be messed with. After surviving a suicide attempt (this is a headcanon remember mate). Now he volunteer to drive Daigo around to Kiryu’s opposition since he believes Daigo should drive for himself. He consider selling his fancy car (he already sold those he doesn’t use) because of Daigo’s desire of being discreet since the Tojo Clan’s collapse.
Tachibana (that car in Y0)
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pic: 2021 Chevy Express Van CargoWhite Creppy Van. Period. (and that’s canon)
Shimano & Sagawa (Work harder Majima-chan!):
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pic: Japanese RickshawAlways used the cars provided by the clan and its drivers, if not he would make long hair Majima take him from point A to point B in a Traditinal Japanese rickshaw.
Kashiwagi (Fancy Refined)
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pic: 1991 Lincoln ContinentalAt some point owned a expensive recent car model (Audi A4 2020), but after getting rid of it he dig out a older car who was sleeping in his garage (Lincoln Continental 1991). It is the car he owned while in the Tojo Clan, it would be natural for him to get rid of it but he seems to be satisfied with the older car (he can’t find another one who could as charming as this one). He does most of his travels by foot so its not like he can be seen in his car anyway. 
Yakuza 7/Like A Dragon Ichiban & The Crew:
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pic: Redesigned Volkswagen The VW Van Type 2 It’s the first car Ichiban and Nanba got coming out of homelessness as soon as Ichi got his driving license from the vocational school. They got it from a scrap (a place where they stock old car they think are no good anymore) in almost perfect condition from one of Nanba’s homeless plugs. They got it fixed and upgraded by Sumire Sawa (the repairs chick). While Adachi was not the type to roll around in such flashy car, it officially became the LAD Crew’s official car. Saeko did some touchs up and decoration (with Seonghui funds) and VOILAAA! It’s now a place where they can both drive long distance and sleep (not all 7 but at least a few). Ichiban and Nanba like it the most since it’s reminiscent of their upgrade from the homeless life and can always be an option instead of bothering Kashiwagi at the bar (at least when Adachi does, he pissed him off so many times).
Zhao is less hyped about it. He keeps emphasizing on how he prefers hotels and a warm bed. He keeps repeating how he never been in a vehicle ‘’this cheap’’. He always find excuses to not go in it, deep down he’s just covering the fact that he is very uncomfortable sharing small spaces with many other people. Those scenarios brings up his uneasiness with everything outside the realm of lavishness or the comfort of the Liumang Headquarters. As for Joon-gi, while he constantly complains about not having enough space to breathe or the car being unconventionally ‘’tacky’’ and has never seen anyone in neither Japan or Korea driving a car like this. He low key likes it since it reinforces the family-like bond all the members of the party have. It also feeds into one of the deepest fantasies he had during his younger years which was to have siblings to quench his childhood loneliness.
They use this car especially for road trip and doing camping which ichiban succeeded to being everyone on their last camping trip.
Eri (Common Japanese Box Car)
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pic: 2018 Nissan Dayz/ other ex: 2018 Honda n Box It’s the cheapest car, her and her grandmother could afford keeping their whole situation with the business. Since the success of Ichiban Confections, her grandmother moved on to better transportations method, she got a small (but expensive) car for herself, she even offers herself boat rides. On her side, Eri is satisfied with their old car and kept it.   Zhao
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pic: Pink Lamborgini Aventador it's not that i needed it or even use it, it’s because I wanted it. AND I COULD AFFORD IT. Matter of fact i use the Liumang's limousine and its drivers for transportation.
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pic: Fiat 500 She loves the car she shares with all her friends but for some reason would like to have a small cute car for herself.
Judgement/Lost Judgement/Judge Eyes Yagami (That Skateboard…):
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pic: interior of 2019 Subaru ForesterI don’t know the model, but the insides are brown.
Tsukumo (Does he even go out?): mmhhh… just the few times he had to take public transportation since he started college (when he was attending, he then switched to do literally everything remotely, #Unaffected-by-Quarantine), it told him all he had to know about any forms of transportation. If it has to be necessary, then Sugiura will drive him around and is glad to do so.
Tesso (The Finest Electric Bike you can find):
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pic: VanMoof X3 Intelligent Electric Bike/ other ex: Cowboy 4He prefers bikes because he thinks they are faster and more versatile.
Akutsu Daimu (I Made It):
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pic: Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 / other ex: Orange 2015 Ford Mustang GT Finally realized one of his dreams by buying foreign sports cars to establish his image as a “feared” & accomplished gang leader. As flashy as it comes, Akutsu mostly use them to show off and imitates the rich and famous of the world (fake it till you make it). While his unique extravagance is showcased trough his vehicle choices, they are mostly reserved for a spectacular entry at parties and for the grams. It helps Akutsu since he always fantasized about being a rapper *play Zico’s VENI VEDI VICI* (especially the American ones he sees on TV/online) at least living the hip hop lifestyle (money, power & bitches) and being the face of RK helps him accomplish that goal.
Soma thinks all of this is completely foolish since his cars spend most of their time biting the dust in his garage and most of them are OBVIOUSLY too small for his 6’ 5’’ gigantic frame. WHAT ELSE TO EXPECT FROM A FLASHY IGNORANT FOOL ANYWAY?
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hey again! :D A similar request as the last one, but this time the child is smaller (10-11), and Fyodor and Nikolai raise them together! I just wanna see how good they would be at parenting together TvT (i love your writing!!)
Thaaaank yoooouuuuuu :))))))
Thanks for your request!!!!!
'•.¸♡ parenting ♡¸.•'
Gn!reader (platonic)
Fyodor x Nikolai ig, weather you see it as platonic or not is up to you.
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Again, who the fuck knows where Nikolai found a random child but he found you and now he's rasing you with Fyodor.
Tbh they are shit at parenting, like a clown and a manipulative bitch as parents? That child is growing up to be fucked up for real.
Okay, I've calmed down a bit, let's continue.
In this scenario Nikolai and Fyodor live together.
The first time Fyodor met you was when he came home to you sleeping on the sofa and Nikolai making something to drink in the kitchen.
'Why is there a child in out living room?' Fyodor asked, confession lingering in his voice.
'Their name is y/n and they are our new child!' Nikolai explained with a smile while preparing a cup of tea for Fyodor.
'Why?' Fyodor's tone was more of an annoyed one this time.
'Why not?' Nikolai placed a tea bag in a cup before pouring the water in.
Fyodor just sighed and accepted the fact that you were going to live with them now.
Fyodor isn't around that much naturally so you were closer to Nikolai but whenever Fyodor was around he didn't seem as scary as people made him out to be.
Fyodor did try to take care of you properly, educating you if he had the time and when he didn't he told you what to learn and gave you a plan until your next lesson, Fyodor wasn't the best teacher and had a hard time comprehending the fact that you were 10 and 10 year olds (including most of the population) aren't as smart as him.
Does Nikolai try to teach you anything? Nope, maybe some magic tricks here and there but other than that not much. Education is restricting in some ways and doesn't let the mind be creative and learn on its own so they way to be as free as one could get is to not learn stuff which will restrict the person and their imagination, now one should still attend school because you need to learn and stuff.
Since Fyodor is out at work most of the time you are left alone with Nikolai, you're too young to be left alone so Nikolai has to take care of you but he also has work and who else would be a great Babysitter than everyone's favourite: Sigma!
Nikolai said he had to go to work and you couldn't go with him so he took you to a good friend by the name of Sigma.
Without a knock Nikolai burst in through the door and startled a man sitting by a desk doing some paper work. 'Quiz time! Why am I here?' Nikolai announced while you awkwardly stood slightly behind him. Sigma didn't answer and only stared in disbelief at you for a few seconds before practically shouting at Nikolai 'Why on earth do you have a child with you?!'
Nikolai only laughed him off and started to walk up to him. By the time you two were in front of the desk Sigma calmed down and spoke in softer and more calmer tone to you trying to be as nice as he could while not being irritated by Nikolai. 'Is everything okay? Do you need help?'
Nikolai laughed at his questions and asked him to look after you for a while before leaving you there.
Sigma became a regular Babysitter to you and the longer you spend there the more activities became available to you. Sigma get some board games or something so the two of you could play while being there.
But what if Sigma cannot take care of you? Well the only option is bring-your-child-to-work day for Fyodor. He told you to just kinda chill there and stay quiet as he typed away but you cannot expect a child to sit I'm silence for hours and hours on end.
'Fyodor... I'm sorry but I'm hungry.' You were sitting on the floor surrounded by cables and what not. Fyodor stopped his typing and look at you, at the time and back to you, it was (whatever time you eat dinner) so he decided to take you somewhere to eat something.
The most likely scenario is the two of you going back to his house so he can make something for you to eat but if he's in a rush he'll get take out or something.
Since today was more of a busy day for him he told you to get up and the two of you left for town to get something, he wasn't going to call for take out, that would risk people knowing where he lives and that is bad, very bad.
You had a great time out, you did mostly walk in silence to the restaurant and turn back but it was still nice. On your way there you spotted a cat and wanted to pet it but Fyodor was moving quickly ahead and didn't bother to stop for a simple cat.
Once going back the cat was still in its and you ran up to the cat carefully as to not scare it away and started petting it. The cat was woke up but didn't move still enjoying the sun. Fyodor caught up to you rather quickly but instead of moving along not paying attention he stopped and let you pet the cat for a little before telling you that you two have to leave.
You two got back and ate your food making light conversation
I don't believe Fyodor has any other chairs beside his own in his office so you have to sit on the floor or stand.
Overall Nikolai and Fyodor aren't the best parents a child could ask for but not the worst, they care for their child and their wellbeing.
Also Nikolai insists on calling him тато (tato: dad) or pa or something like that.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Тато is Ukrainian btw
His is longer than expected and honestly I could keep going.
Have a wonderful day/night and do something you enjoy.
-love, Az
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fetish4juggalos · 1 year
Please I desperately need jerome and jeremiah with s/o's who are juggalos (preferably post scary jeremiah he just so scrumptious) I think about this so often it's not even funny...lol<3
Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska with a juggalo/juggalette s/o
omggg yes yes yes this idea has me foaming at the mouth bro it’s so perfect :3 thank u thank u thank u also by post Jeremiah i didn’t know whether you met post laughing gas or post acid so i did post laughing gas but i can do a separate post for both pre laughing gas and post acid :>
I apologize in advance for spelling and grammatical errors
Jerome Valeska
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This idea is so perfect for both pre-death and post-death jerome it’s not even funny
He’s in love with you especially since his entire following is made up of mostly people in the scene (people who are into alternative fashion and music) so you fit the bill perfectly
Jerome isn’t an active music listener but introducing him to icp will open up an entire new world for him
Icp’s music consists of a lot of carnival-esque and violent themes which he can resonate with a lot
It also helps if you’re in the business of crime seeing as juggalo makeup cannot be accurately read by a lot of face recognition technologies so it makes things convenient for the both of you
A lot of the time he’ll stay just to watch you apply your makeup as it interests him a lot
He’s not much of a makeup or face paint wearer on the regular but i could see him asking you to do his just to see what it would look like and to spend time with you
Favorite flavor of faygo is definitely cotton candy or cream soda :)
If you have any tattoos relating to icp i can see him sitting with you for hours asking about them and asking how you chose your makeup and the colors if you don’t rock the classic black and white
Dresses you up in clown clothes and carnival attire with him whenever he does his public acts of chaos. I can also imagine him dawning the makeup once or twice to match you
Honestly i can see him becoming a juggalo himself even if he has less of a moral standing
Jeremiah Valeska
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Though i feel like jerome would be more into his s/o being a juggalo/juggalette i really like this idea for jeremiah bc hear me out….juggalo/jugglette harley!!
He sees this more as an adorable act of how loyal and committed you are to a following
Jeremiah is an active make up wearer so watching you dawn your makeup while he does his is a show of affection in his eyes
He’s more of a classical music listener so he’s not a big fan of the scene or the music that comes with it but this is just another adorable quirk about you that he admires
In a way you remind him of jerome in the sense that the music you listen to and the way you carry yourself mirror him but in a good way
His following also consists of a lot of people in the scene even though he himself is not involved in it but i can see him showing up to some of these gatherings so you can enjoy the music
He may ask the off question here and there about your interest in the group and makeup, interested to learn more about their standing and what being a juggalo/juggalette entails
He finds your independence and individuality a huge refreshment since his following and his team are only slaves or pawns to a bigger picture and you don’t fall into that mindset
When he’s gone for long periods of time i can see him buying you records and cds to listen to as a form of apology and as a gift
Not a big fan of soda and the first time he tried faygo it gave him a migraine :b
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pool-of-gwens · 3 months
polywar dating hcs
- I mentioned before that I think Izzy is the one who thinks everything is a date, her preferred love language is quality time so for dates Duke always likes to walk home with her or just sit in a park together
- more often than not they will lose track of time and talk for hours. they never seem to run out of things to talk about either, from that movie Duke watched last night to the dumb meme Izzy scrolled past this morning or even a surprisingly heated debate over the objectively best pokemon (eelektross vs lucario)
- they'll always end up talking in the weirdest places too (like the middle of a roundabout or the elevator to a fancy hotel neither of them have heard of) but they don't really mind or notices when Izzy's hour 2 of her 'why all her partners need to binge watch cowboy bebop on their next movie night' rant or Duke ranking all his fictional crushes (Storm is number one followed closely by Ben 10)
- Duke and Dax have the most similar music taste of any of the group, most of their dates are looking around music store (cuz when your in a poly relationship of five at least one of you collects records) or going to live gigs together. Duke has consistently been to every single frown clown gig (except a few that he missed due to missions). Dax usually invites any of his partners in the audience onto the stage during the last song of every show and at this point any frown clown fans or regulars in the gotham hardcore scene recognise at least one or two members of the polycule.
- even tho Duke and Dax have the most similar music tastes Duke still prefers metal while Dax prefers punk music.
- Duke and Dax's first kiss was definitely at a batman's @#$& concert
- Dre and Duke butt heads most out of all the polycule, they don't really connect in the same way as the rest of the partners, and didn't really consider themselves dating until the polycule had been around for about a year.
- despite this they did work hard to improve their relationship and ended up falling for each other just as they fell for their other partners.
- Duke and Dre's dates are usually in the gym or doing some kind of physical activity, it started with Dre teaching Duke boxing when they were both robins and later Duke showed him fighting combos he practiced with Cass, eventually they started some different sports like rock climbing and trampolining (idk if those are considered sports tho) they always have this level of competition between them that they don't really have with any of their other partners. but it's sorta Duke and Dre's weird brand of love
- i think it was in my last post i mentioned that Duke has the weirdest date ideas, well Riko isn't far behind.
- a lot of the time their dates start out normal. they just rarely stay that way.
- like the time when they planned on having just a regular lunch date and ended up with them in metropolis, head to toe in superman merch and getting storage looks on the bus back to gotham. or that time they tried to recreate iconic kisses from movies and they ended up stuck on the roof of the wayne enterprises building with Harley Quinn and a box set of Powerpuff girls.
- people outside the polycule never believe them when they explain their dates to them but Izzy, Dax and Dre have gotten used to the special brand of chaos that comes with Riko and Dukes dates
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