#regulus represses emotions
charlie-and-mushrooms · 5 months
It is 1 am and I'm reading a fic where Regulus is a ghost, and I just figured out why I relate to him.
Because he doesn't ask for help, instead he thinks he has to deal with it all on his own. He internalizes his emotions and doesn't let anyone see him upset. He pushes people away and deals with problems on his own. He doesn't know when or how to ask for help, or who to ask.
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marvelomadness06 · 1 year
James: Regulus, I love-
Regulus: no.
James: what do you mean no?
Regulus: If you say that you love me, I will have to face the very complex, stupidly emotional feelings I have for you and it is far too early in the week for me to stop repressing and have an epiphany.
Remus: *nodding* makes sense.
Barty: yeah, he’s not due for an emotional breakdown over his feelings till at least Friday
Sirius: it’s just what mother always said: Yes Repress, No Stress
James: …what?
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sleeplesssmoll · 30 days
do you have any headcanons on how vertin's emotions manifest?
like how she experiences certain things and how that looks on the outside to the people around her
i've been thinking about angry vertin lately and how she'd react if something REALLY upset her
to me she strikes me as someone who would not yell or exhibit her anger very clearly (unless the receiving party is someone she hates, say, arcana, like how she snapped at her in chapter 5), but she doesn't repress it too much around those she cares about, just sorta indirectly saying "i do not wish to talk right now" in a slightly snappy way
The Trails (in Atlas) throughout Reverse 1999 paint a picture of an emotional person who has perfected hiding her feelings. With that said, I do HC Vertin as someone who perceives her own emotions differently from others.
For example, while many of us get "caught up in the moment", Vertin is the type to always take a step back and think "Is this worth getting angry about?"
As the only known person (so far) with guaranteed Storm Immunity, this changes the way she sees things. In her mind, she can lose her allies and friends at any time. It's why she is is generous as well as flexible with their demands. She tried to get Regulus A SHIP and her dialogue/Wilderness interactions show she'd rather go with the flow than argue. Oliver Fog even says she has a "conciliatory" nature.
Vertin is a big picture thinker. Regardless of her current anger, she loves her friends. Anger is temporary but relationships are long lasting if nurtured. Therefore acting on her anger isn't worth it because it's unproductive and she could hurt them. Instead, she focuses on working things out.
Going off of that, She considers hurtful words and shouting go against what she she wants to be: a safe haven for her friends. Her anger manifests more as disappointment or as regret for having to go through these painful feelings with whoever she is arguing with. I think in the worst case scenario, she'll excuse herself before she reaches her boiling point because she doesn't want to snap.
However, if you turn your back to storm off in a huff, she'll call after you and this is where the masks slips. It's not anger you'll hear, it's fear. Fear that you'll leave before you two can fix what's broken between you. She won't chase you because she'll assume you need time to cool off but she'll be on edge until you return.
Sometimes, people mistake this as her not taking them seriously because she doesn't get "passionate" (super angry) about things, but she's seeing things from a different point of view. With that said, she is stern when she has to be and won't back down from doing what she deems as the appropriate course of action. She will always hear others voices on the matter though (and her friends seem to trust so that makes things easier).
On the other hand, if Vertin does something she's quick to try and make amends.
And if we really think about, hasn't Vertin always asked people how they feel, how they're doing, and so on? By being proactive, she can eliminate a lot of tension before it blooms into conflict by addressing it. On the receiving end, Vertin would feel very hurt if she couldn't make things up to you.
1. She failed to make things right.
2. She is causing pain (negative emotions in general) in someone.
3. She isn't sure what to do and might back off (or shut down) completely out of fear of making things worse. It's the lesser of two evils to let you go as a happier person than to stick around you and make you angrier. If it gets to that point, good luck trying to approach her. She'll be one step ahead of you, always gone before you can speak to her. Stealth is one of her specialties and it'll be like trying to catch a cat who wants to be as far from you as possible.
So what about pure, raw, rage? It's interesting you bring up Arcana! When they first put on the friendship-bracelets (?), it was Vertin who triggered them with her anger/killing intent.
Arcana only triggered the bracelet when she sent her followers to attack Vertin's crew.
Arcana's attitude toward Vertin is not a front, but a genuine fascination. She doesn't "hate" Vertin while Vertin is ready to pull a Green Oranges on her. Sure Vertin raised her voice and whatever at Arcana, but that's the type of things we expect from a normal argument.
Vertin was ready to kill this woman. If Vertin starts displaying "normal" signs of anger, that is not normal.
She's that meme that goes "looks like a cinnamon roll but can kill you".
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sophsicle · 3 months
do you think Reg would like Heartstopper?🥹
i mean, depends on which regulus you are referring to but, in general, heartstopper is far too sincere and sweet for him, he'd just be sat there the whole time like "no one is this nice, nick must have an ulterior motive" and James would be like "im that nice" and Regulus would be all "yeah, and don't think i'm not suspicious about it"
James would love it tho, in every universe, would blubber like a baby, probably watch it with his parents (because tbh i think Sirius and Remus would also be like, i am too repressed for all these soft emotions)
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foursaints · 5 months
I NEEEEEEEDDDD your Regulus Black hcs. What is he like in your head??? Is he a perfectionist???? Is he downright insane?????? Which Sturniolo brother is he????? I need details on EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
omg to start im not really a Regulus Blogger... i love him ofc but hes usually only in the background to my rosekiller. and i love all the regulus characterizations i read (more than my own sometimes tbh)
my controversial take is that my reggie is tall 😔..... he's small growing up but now he's the same height as James. who has a sort of furious, lustful conniption every time he wants to make a snide comment and remembers that The Baby Black is now a perfectly grown 20-something with unimpressed eyes and the world's unfairest aristocratic jawline
he and sirius both have that ethereal, feylike house-black thing going on, except sirius is prettier and more striking and softer and more girlish. like snow white. regulus looks every part the conventional pureblood heir: dark and austerely handsome and fine-boned and patrician. the thickest eyelashes.
undisputed leader of his friend group but not on purpose. reggie sees himself as this unappealing boring loser (the opposite of sirius) but he just has this? ineffable main-character thrall? once he's in your life you just want to die for him
he didnt mean to have the skittles but reggie can't help collecting outcasts & freaks like hes putting easter eggs in a basket. they really love each other but sometimes i see the slytherins as being a far more exaggerated version of the marauders perceived "roles": regulus as james (undisputed leader), barty as sirius (sexy ride-or-die), rosier twins as remus & peter ("nerds" 1 & 2)
very very tender and sensitive. perhaps more so than sirius
my reg is fastidious and organized and ALLEGEDLY an insane compulsive control freak like evan rosier. he has repressed every emotion he's felt for the last two decades under a cooly unbothered facade. except the difference is evan never slips up and regulus is having hysterical meltdowns into $5 chili's bottomless margaritas at least a couple times a month.
like he's eating a pint of ice cream alone in his car scream-sobbing to Since U Been Gone after he broke up with barty for the 800th time. #evanwouldnever
much love and respect to grumpy emo regulus but that is not my reggie... my reg is an posh antisocial City Gay drinking an extra dry martini at a gallery opening on the upper east side and scowling. wearing a fuzzy cream sweater and $800 loafers with no socks. his back hurts and he wants to go home
i fully believe he could survive being dropped in the alaskan wilderness with 0 supplies he just seems like he'd do whatever it takes to Survive etc. just like crafting a spear with the most "it is what it is" look in his eyes. wouldn't even faze him.
my modern au regulus works running one of those little stuffed animal hospitals repairing teddy bears and thats really important to me, personally,
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saintsenara · 2 months
Thoughts on Sirius/Harry and Regulus/Harry?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
sirius black/harry potter
i've never really vibed with sirry. this is not, i think, because of the aspects of it which are transgressive and/or taboo [i think these can be interesting for authors to explore and, even if i didn't, i am neither a cop nor a priest], but because it often seems to focus on things which aren't what i'd consider interesting to examine within the premise.
i never like the idea - influenced by the films - that sirius struggles with separating harry from james, and that any relationship between them would feature sirius acting out his unrequited love for his best friend, repressing his grief by thinking of james as still living, or trying to relive his youthful relationship with james through harry.
i do think sirius would be uncomplicatedly horrified to find himself attracted to harry - whether or not that attraction was reciprocated, and for him to regard it as a major betrayal of the paternal relationship james wanted them to have when he made sirius his son's godfather.
but does this mean he'd never give into temptation? no.
but i think that one aspect of sirius and harry's canon relationship which would really come into play - but which is often overlooked even when writing them platonically - is that there is a reversal of this parent-child dynamic in order of the phoenix, as sirius finds himself lacking the emotional capacity to look after harry because he's trapped and depressed and regressing while stuck in his childhood home and harry takes on the adult role in their dynamic, going out of his way to protect sirius, not wanting to burden him with his problems, and not expecting him to offer him the emotional guidance a child should expect from a parent.
this would enable - in a sexual and/or romantic relationship between them - a really quite interesting power balance, in which sirius would have the power inherent in him being the older of the two [although, obviously he doesn't actually have much more life experience than harry] and the person who is most obviously transgressing the boundaries which are supposed to exist between them [because he's harry's legal guardian and because, as the adult, he's supposed to reiterate that boundary if harry attempt to cross it], but harry would feel a responsibility for sirius' welfare which made those boundaries feel less tangible to him.
i think you can do some really thorny stuff with that.
regulus black/harry potter
harry canonically suggests he thinks regulus is mid - and nobody wants to date a man who's constantly thinking about how they're less attractive that their own brother.
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carniferous · 6 months
barty will accuse regulus of being too repressed and he is being a hypocrite bc he's a four time repression olympics champion but the thing is that barty externalizes while regulus internalizes so barty sees regulus dissociating himself into a catatonic state and is like LAME. why do that when you could lash out? when you could get shit done? when you could plot and scheme? <- guy who has not let himself feel a single emotion in 15 years
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artemisia-black · 4 months
Beautiful chapter as always ♥️. I really don’t know why but seeing Orion all wound up and repressed like that cracks me up 😂. Reminds me a bit of Regulus. It doesn’t occur to him that Walburga (I’m guessing), would find a more passionate, upfront approach to be really hot.
I always wondered what Wizarding society’s reaction to the two of them getting married was. I’m going to guess the Blacks have married second cousins in the past, but I’m betting the bride or the groom’s surname wasn’t Black. With Orion and Walburga, the incest is front and center since they shared the Black name from the outset. Was there a scandal? Did people write it off as “pureblood stuff,” or both?
Thank you for reading :D
Yes, Regulus and Orion are very emotionally similar, whereas Sirius takes after Walburga. She would definitely find it hot, but he has a lot of emotional repression to work through, and he's scared of her .
Re: the incest thing, as a society that perhaps doesn't have the best grasp of genetics- would it be as taboo as it is to muggles? Also, for millennia, marriages have been a means to keep traditions/religions/wealth in the family, so perhaps it was viewed as that and people wrote it off as pureblood stuff? I enjoy writing the idea that Walburga and Orion do love each other they are both just emotionally stunted from their own upbringings to show it. So perhaps they insisted on it?
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lexithwrites · 5 months
Regulus needs James because he helps him realise how special, important, loved and smart he is. That he isn’t just a ball of repressed emotions, that he has a beautiful laugh and big heart, that he’s more giving and caring than he ever thought he could be.
And James needs Regulus because he shows him that just because he’s the therapy friend, just because he’s this big ball of sunshine and confidence and charisma that it doesn’t always have to be that way. That it’s okay to get angry and sad and scared and it doesn’t make him a failure or broken to feel any of those things.
They just need each other.
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sstarmoon · 2 months
I just read your headcanons for Walburga and I love it. The “She hated when Sirius cried. Because she had gone through the same suffering as him, but she had not shed a single tear. And seeing her son be so different from her, so weak in her eyes, made her so angry.”
It was heartbreaking but also amazing. It’s explains exactly how she carried on her generational trauma. And I love the way the fandom creates these complex layered characters. 
It’s so great to be able to explain why the characters are how they are, even if it doesn’t excuse them of their actions.
I’ve always loved the headcanon that Sirius looks and acts very similar to his mother. The same hair, same posture, same insults. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
I would love to hear more headcanons if you want to write them :) Especially how Walburga would’ve felt had she found out Regulus betrayed them. And how she felt about Regulus and Kreachers friendship.
It’s interesting that Regulus betrayed them for Kreacher. I think it really shows how alone he was. That he valued the house elf over his family, in a way. 
I’ve always headcanonned that Sirius craved his mothers love, though he’d never admit it to himself. Since he felt so similar to her, as a person, he wished she changed, not that he’d forgive if she even did. 
But cause of his rebellion, Walburga ordered her pureblood ways into Regulus. Making sure he wouldn’t become a failure. 
And when she taught Regulus the piano, she probably viewed it as a nice moment, maybe one similar to what she had with her terrifying mother. But I reckon Regulus found it chilling. Having repressed her emotions so long, even if she did feel love, there’s no way either of her children could see or feel it. 
Anyway, I loved your headcanons so if you want to, write more. I am invested :) 
msndnsknndnksknwndn THANK YOU 😭❤️❤️❤️
Of course I'll continue writing about her and the Black family! I enjoy it a lot, plus there's almost not headcanons about her so here is my little contribution.
Walburga, and the Blacks in general, are very complex characters and have a lot to offer.
I'll keep writing about them, longer stuff and maybe also micro fics or something.
- And of course Sirius would never have forgiven her. Sirius is a better person than Walburga, of course, but at the end of the day they are mother and son. Sirius is a Black too, and also suffers from the Black pride. They are very similar, even though they are on opposite sides of the street.
- Sirius had never noticed it until he started arguing with Remus. And you know how Sirius is, a bitch, looking for people's weak points. And don't get me wrong, Remus is also a motherfucker. Especially in his youth. And when Sirius touched a sensitive nerve for him, he didn't hold back in his response.
- Sirius was horrified but that helped him learn and mature. See things from a different point of view. Noticing the damage and the influence that his mother had had on him.
I also have to write more headcanons for Reggie boy yes yes
Thanks for the support 🤭❤️❤️❤️
☛ Read here.
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birlwrites · 4 months
How are each of the Gryffindors and Slytherins when they are drunk?
i have a very elaborate answer to this that took shape over possibly months of conversation w a friend of mine JWLGKHWEKGJWE. i'll try to present these in the order that we thought of them
barty: when he's 1-2 drinks in, he gets very impulsive and loud and dramatic, which everyone expects. what people DON'T expect is that when barty gets past 'tipsy' to 'drunk,' he starts becoming very emotional and weepy over the tiniest things. like how if you have a pair of socks, one sock might get a hole in it, and then you can't wear it, and then the other sock is LONELY and ABANDONED😭
evan: evan generally has a darker sense of humor than people tend to assume, and when he gets drunk, that side of him pops out, along with him getting VERY giggly. drunk evan and drunk barty are a horrible combination. barty is in tears and evan is laughing so hard he's incoherent
regulus: stops repressing all of his emotions. very weird experience for the people around him. can and will spend 10 minutes straight talking to barty about how great barty is because barty nEEDS TO KNOW
lily: joins evan in the dark humor and will outright cackle if something is funny enough, you're like 'how did that sound come from a human being'
maeve: awed by everything. someone ties their shoes a different way from how she does it and she's like 🤯SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME
sirius: suddenly believes he can sing
emma: is always having Brilliant Ideas that. completely suck. the only reason they don't result in food poisoning is because she often doesn't have access to a kitchen
heather: rambling about everything that comes to mind, you can make her day by going 'wow i didn't know that!', there are a lot of long chains of 'and then A told B about C talking to D and X told *me* that--' and nobody knows what she's talking about but she's happy as long as they're nodding along. actually she also loves if they ask questions for clarification. anything that gives heather an excuse to talk really
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sugarsnappeases · 4 months
hi!! i see your thoughts on bartylily and i am eating them uppp. but i ask any thoughts on regubartylily? do we think they could work out?
hi hi darling!!!
i'm intrigued by this bc ofc i love bartylily, and i love bartylus and i'm occasionally partial to a bit of regulily as well but i don't think i've ever actually thought of them as a trio before….. am pondering it now tho and i feel like i could kinda get behind it??
bc in my mind regulus is the poshest, most pretentious person to ever walk the earth, he’s whipping out the most absurdly formal vocabulary at all times so it sounds like he’s gone and looked up synonyms in a thesaurus w every single word, he’s literally wearing a custom silk suit to bed and rising in the morning like a vampire from a coffin and there’s not a single crease in the fabric, and then he’s being confronted w barty and lily who’re just. they’re just sooooo
i think regulus, my fave repressed loser weirdo, would be just slightly fucking terrified by the two of them, especially if they’re together to start w which for some reason is the way i’m viewing them rn. like bartylily being this insane, incredibly intense couple who commit a lot of recreational arson and never miss a chance to cause a scene and regulus, who would rather die than be perceived while in public but also desperately craves the kinda all-consuming attention that the two of them have for each other, is just So overwhelmed by them
like reg hasn't expressed a single emotion in at least a decade, he's the embodiment of unflappability but in quite possibly the worst way ever, he hasn't had a day off since the dawn of time, he hasn't let himself relax since even before that, he doesn't have a single friend in the world and he's convinced himself he doesn't need them bc he's on his mindset grindset (my poor sad baby is debilitatingly lonely actually) but then somehow he's coming face to face w lily evans and bartemius crouch jr.
lily evans who's highly competent and driven but also messy and outspoken and often rude, who thinks that everything should happen exactly as she wants it to and if it doesn't then she'll make it, who's a force of nature and who has probably killed a man and who is inexplicably in love with barty. barty who's as sharp as a fucking knife and as dangerous as one too, who's wrapping himself up in so many layers of irony that it's impossible to tell what he really means at any given time, who has had a criminal record since the ripe old age of six and who took one look at lily and threw himself down at her feet. and the two of them are angry at the world and taking what they want from it without asking and overly obsessed with each other to the point that it’s uncomfortable to watch but reg can’t seem to look away
maybe this is just typical to me in all of barty's relationships bc in my mind (my mind which has been obsessing over barty/michelangelo parallels for the last month lol) he’s just brimming with undying devotion, he’s putting his entire self into a relationship in this almost masochistic, de-subjectivising translation of the self into the body of the object of his desire or whatever, and lily to me has that sort of intensity as well, kinda selfish in the sense that she's taking and taking and he's giving himself up entirely but it's okay bc she's doing the same for him so in the end they're balanced in that they've both entirely relinquished themselves to each other and merged into one ridiculously feverish entity, they're constantly together, they're a fucking tornado sweeping into regulus' life and uprooting everything that he had so carefully laid into place
and like, in the aftermath of this complete kinda excavation, they're lounging around and getting high together and reg’s having epiphanies like ‘is this relaxation?’ (picture that meme w the butterfly) and he's like. expressing his desires for the first time in his entire life, he doing things bc he wants to do them and not bc someone told him to or bc he thinks he should. and he's swept up in the tornado and just as obsessive and intense and devoted to the two of them as they are to him and he's flourishing like a pot plant being put in the sun and watered, his little sickly victorian child complexion actually gets some colour to it bc he's blushing all the time at the things they're saying to him
and anyway in conclusion, i think i can get behind any bartylily + someone else ship as long as everyone involved worships the ground that lily evans walks on and is also slightly scared of her. but also yes regubartylily has my stamp of approval, we do indeed think they could work out <333
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aeliuscas · 5 months
masterlist — ao3 fics
Remember Me, Love (When I’m Reborn) — jegulus centric, background wolfstar, partyvan, dorlene, and pandamarylily, wip [8/?] next update: apr. 12
a multiversal fic featuring regulus, after his death in 1979, going on a journey through universes to find his beloved. korean/french black family, desi/latino potters, welsh remus & lily
i will always be yours (cause we survived the great war) — moonwater, oneshot
set during war of hogwarts/deathly hallows pt 2. regulus makes his appearance after faking his death in 1979. korean black family.
i lost my faith (but i still believe there’s something) — starchaser & wolfstar centric, wip [2/?]
modern & muggle au. takes place in florida. regulus and sirius are taken in by the potters and join a car club. features marypandalily, partyvan, and dorlene. french/korean black family, polynesian mary, black & vitiligo rosier twins, trans mary & evan, desi/latino james, latino barty, indigenous remus, filipino marlene, twink black brothers.
you’re the main attraction — starchaser & wolfstar centric, oneshot
modern & muggle au. remus and james are set up on a blind double date by lily. features black brothers with autism, james with adhd, and remus with anxiety. figure skater regulus, dancer & tattoo artist sirius. crack-ish.
i’m creeping in your heart babe — starchaser centric & background wolfstar, oneshot
muggle & modern au. sequel to you’re the main attraction. the second date of regulus and james. james gets to see regulus on the ice. fluff. crack-ish.
o captain, my captain — remus centric, friendship focused with background wolfstar, oneshot
remus is coaxed by a professor to start a secret poetry society at hogwarts. he and the society become a safe place for emotional expression from repressed students. the professor later bases ‘dead poets society’ on remus and the secret society.
the view between villages — jegulily centric, background wolfstar & dorlene, wip [18/?]
following the war and voldemort’s murder by regulus, the marauders grapple with loss and trauma. regulus slowly finds himself falling in love with the potters via their three year old harry and his brother sirius. undiagnosed autistic regulus, undiagnosed adhd james & sirius. desi/latino james and harry. lots of triggering subjects (i.e ptsd, torture curses, self harm, grief, etc)
other parts —
darling won’t you take me home? — sirius centric, brotherly bonding, angst & fluff
i was born sick (but i love it) — harry pov, starchaser, drarry, pansmione, & wolfstar, oneshot
modern & muggle au. james and regulus’ relationship through harry’s eyes. inspired by the addams family. regulus is morticia, james is gomez. the black family is the addams family. lots of sexual themes and some violence. desi/latino potter family, french/korean black family.
Don’t Forget Me — marylily, mary centric, background starchaser, wolfstar, & dorlene, oneshot
mary copes poorly, and decided a memory charm is her only option. years later, after her death, she is reunited with her family.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Further Into My Destiny
Years after their secret relationship at Hogwarts, years after Regulus left James to follow in his family's footsteps, James and Regulus run into each other at the ministry. It's hard on both of them, even after all this time. (Here it is on AO3)
James stopped in his tracks.
He and Sirius had just finished their meeting at the Ministry. They’d been on their way out. They weren’t far at all from the fireplaces from which they would floo back home.
And yet he had stopped.
And yet he couldn’t move.
Because here, clear across the room, standing alone, was Regulus.
And he was staring straight back at James.
They hadn’t seen each other since James had left Hogwarts, not once. They’d barely seen each other at all in James’ final year.
The two years that they’d spent together, all of those secret, blessed moments, had been hidden away in James’ memory. Never gone entirely, but repressed as much as possible, to dull the pain.
But he was here.
He’d seen the moment Regulus saw him. Saw him do the double take and stop short.
Sirius hadn’t noticed and had kept walking, but James hadn’t had the bandwidth to stop him.
He only had eyes for Regulus.
James couldn’t break the spell Regulus had over him.
Not magical, no. And not cruel either.
It was the same ache he’d always had, ever since their break up. Ever since Regulus had chosen the Dark Lord over James.
That wasn’t how Regulus had phrased it of course. It wasn’t even how he’d intended it. But it was how it had felt.
James had given him every chance to get out, had offered help to him at every turn, but he had never wanted to listen.
Sirius noticed eventually.
“James. James.”
But James still couldn’t force himself to look away.
“James, we have to get out of here.”
From the tone of his voice, James could tell that Sirius knew exactly who he was looking at, knew why he had stopped.
“He’s a fucking Death Eater.”
James finally turned away. “I know that, don’t you think I know that?”
Sirius punched his shoulder. “Then fucking act like it.”
Sirius put a hand on James’ back and forcefully pushed him forward.
James knew he would have to go, knew he couldn’t stay. The years and distance between them were too great to breach now.
But he couldn’t resist one more glance back.
And Regulus was still looking at him, still staring like he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Regulus stayed stock still for a long time after James left.
He hadn’t thought he’d ever see him again.
Hadn’t thought he’d have to face him in person.
They hadn’t spoken a word, but he’d felt like all of his sins were on display, all of his crimes laid out for James to know, and to judge.
He’d known it would hurt, the moment he saw him again.
And he knew that it would hurt for a long time, now that the wound had been reopened.
Regulus steeled himself.
He had to meet with Lucius Malfoy and Rodolphus Lestrange, and they could sense weakness from a mile away and would pounce like sharks if they got the sense that there was blood to be devoured.
He hid his ghosts away in the back of his mind, saving this memory of James to dream of later.
The dream that Regulus could have been the one with him, the one escaping by Floo.
It was never his lot.
Once Sirius had escaped his birthright, there was never a world in which Regulus could too.
But he could dream.
He could dream of James, and of the seaside, like they used to imagine together.
Not now, but later.
Now, he closed off his emotions, schooled his features, and walked further into the ministry, further into his destiny.
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sammyunhinged · 3 months
Wolfstar & the Enneagram
All of my analyses are based primary on fanon, any widely acceptable characterization present in atyd, and canon characterization in the hp series.
Remus Lupin- 9w8 sx/so, 9-5-3 tritype
Mildly unhealthy teenager and adult
at his best- highly responsive and communicative, good mediator, unpretentious, patient, and genuinely kind
at his worst- numb, depersonalized, and disconnected from the world and people around him, neglectful of himself, believing nothing can be done to resolve issues
Childhood trauma- likely conflict between his parents post-bite, caused him to try and maintain the peace by remaining quiet, not expressing his needs, and becoming reclusive
During school Remus was a 9w8, with angry outbursts and conflict between his anger and his need for peace resulting in inner turmoil
At some point between the war and PoA, Remus likely experienced a wing flip (common in adulthood) becoming a 9w1. His anger became quiet and he disconnected with the world after losing everyone in his life.
social nine (Remus in atyd)- the most expressive and angry nine with a tendency toward workaholism, addiction, and mistrust of power; these nines are the “counter-type” and look the most dissimilar to others of their number
sexual nine (Remus in most media)- deals with a deep sense of loneliness and abandonment through deep connection with others; struggles with body image and self-acceptance, but if welcoming, patient, and kind with others
9-5-3 tritype- a cerebral and image conscious 9, highly emotionally repressed to protect himself, likely to enter a reclusive and dissociative state, naturally ambitious and image conscious, while unable to be traditionally ambitious because of being a werewolf, worked hard in school and became a natural teacher and leader
Sirius Black- 8w7 sx/so, 8-7-4 tritype
very unhealthy teenager and adult
at his best- courageous and willing to sacrifice himself to do the right thing, confident and protective
at his worst- ruthless, violent, argumentative and unwilling to back down from a fight, rebellious and impulsive
childhood trauma- horrible relationship with the authoritative figure in his household, his mother, due to verbal, physical, and emotional abuse, lead him to reject authority and become highly individualistic to protect himself; would have likely become Regulus’ protector after feeling abandoned by his father when he aligned with their mother
never experienced a wing-flip and so remained a 8w7. His time in Azkaban prevented any emotional growth or development so he stayed in a relatively similar state to his younger self, except more traumatized and driven slightly insane by grief and isolation
sexual eight- the most rebellious and emotional version of an 8; highly concerned with his individual relationships with little regard for the group or his own safety; they may have violent tendencies and possessive but they can be highly charismatic and outspoken about things they view as unjust or wrong
8-7-4 tritype- a individualistic and enthusiastic 8, May appear even more outwardly emotional than other eights, likely to push against social standards, rules, and “the norm” in order to be themselves, pleasure seeking with a tendencies to ignore what hurts them, they can be very outgoing, charismatic, and creative
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averydeadshootingstar · 5 months
regulus black is a genious, he represses any kind of strong emotion. i will purchase
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