#remus was such a gossip and you cannot change my mind
that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
remus, looking for gossip: hey i’m here if you need to talk
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
I love young Peter Pettigrew, don't get me wrong, love the guy, but he is so oblivious to everything around him and you cannot make me change my mind, Sirius and Remus kiss and he's just like "Yeah, they're just practicing for their girlfriends!" A girl confesses to Peter that she has a crush on him and he sighs and goes "I would want to crush me too :("
He's not stupid, he gets good grades and is a Herbology king, hell, he's even a charming little flirt, but he needs to be explicitly explained what the gossip is
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bellshells · 3 years
Do Me No Wrong Part One
Part one of Do Me No Wrong, this is just entirely too big and too self serving to be one post. I guess we could call this a slow-burn now? I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this, and cannot wait to share part two with you! Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem!Reader x Remus Lupin Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smut (Masturbation, Penetrative sex), Angst(?), Suggested Polyamorous Themes Word Count: 10.7k+
  It appeared to be at first glance quite an innocent and innocuous start to the spring term. The castle had been abuzz from October to Christmas after Sirius Black had encroached the defences and found his way to Gryffindor Tower. Luckily, The Fat Lady had performed her duty and not allowed him entry; but that did nothing to quell the whispers of fear and excitement that reverberated off the ancient stone walls. You had found it difficult to look Remus in the eye. When he was present for meals that is. You had known him whilst you were a student- albeit Remus and his friends (Sirius included) had been four years older and far more important than to ever cast even a cursory glance in your direction. But still the fact remained that the four of them along with Potter and Pettigrew had been more like brothers than friends, everyone knew that. It must be immensely difficult to know that your best friend; your supposed brother in arms had escaped from the most secure facility this side of the wizarding world and had successfully broken in to the second most secure facility to murder one of your students. Not only that, the son of your other best friend who also died because of this man.
  You supposed that’s why, that first night that Remus appeared in the Great Hall, sandy hair limp around his face and dark circles under his eyes, you cleared your throat and offered him a smile. Remus returned it tightly, his eyes tired and glassy as he took his seat next to you. He smelled terrible, you turned your head to the side as inconspicuously as you could and muttered a spell under your breath, in an instant the smell was gone and although you assumed Remus would be none the wiser, you noticed as he gave a small glance in your direction. It was only when Severus appeared at the far end of the table that you noticed any change in Remus’ posture. He seemed to stiffen slightly, his chin raising in silent defiance as his hand reached greedily toward his goblet. The few interactions you had shared with Severus since you joined the Hogwarts teaching staff had done nothing to change your opinion of him. He was cold and distant when you were children and he remained unchanged these years later. It had been more than a surprise when he appeared as the new potion’s professor for your seventh year, it had only felt like five minutes since he had been a student himself, yet there he was; not so much fresh-faced as stony. He had remained as he always had; moody and unapproachable. Although, you had imagined that a man in his mid-thirties would have accumulated some conversational skills, it appeared that that had either passed Severus by, or he had deigned it unworthy of his time. In any case, you found it easier to keep out of his way, and in turn, Severus returned the favour. It almost seemed a shame. He had always come across as someone with a brilliant mind and therefore would have interesting and insightful opinions, but it had become clear very early on that if he did, he chose not to share them. Instead, you sought information or rather, gossip about him from the usual sources of Pomona and Minerva. Minerva, not readily able to forget your time as her student had refused to participate at first, but you learned swiftly that a bottle of mead and a muggle vinyl just might do the trick. Severus, a perpetual bachelor, still guarded even though the war had long since ended, nonetheless had piqued your interest almost immediately. It became apparent though, that you were indeed barking up the wrong tree.
  Remus seemed more comfortable after a while. He exchanged a few pleasantries with Hagrid as the bearded man made a clumsy attempt to request help in warding his hippogriff’s new lodging outside of his hut. Remus conceded to take a look, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes confirmation to Hagrid, and the games-keeper seemed content with that. You settled comfortably into the silence that fell over your side of the table. You often chose to sit on the very end, it made it easier to make a swift escape back to your chamber if needs be. You weren’t a head of house, neither did you teach a core subject, you had few Arithmancy students and so you found your evening often free. Not tonight though. You kept one eye on the headmaster and one eye on your muggle watch affixed to your left wrist. The ticking by of the seconds seemed arduously slow as your empty plate sat mockingly in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye, Pomona leaned forward in her chair and waved a hand in your direction. Glancing at the stout woman, she wore an excited grin. She was almost giddy as she tapped her wrist impatiently, an idiosyncrasy she had acquired from you. You bit your lip to stop the laugh that built in your chest and returned your gaze to your empty plate.   “Big plans?” A soft voice asked. Remus looked almost cheerful as he turned his attention to you from Pomona who was now practically tugging at Minerva’s sleeve like a child would do with their mother. You noticed how he seemed more like himself, the dark circles still prevalent under his green eyes, but his cheeks were flushed with pink.   “Oh yes. There’s a bottle of firewhisky with my name on it.” You replied, “I hear the Broomstick’s calling my name, if only this meal would just bloody end.” Remus sniggered and leaned toward you conspiratorially.   “I should have known alcohol would be involved. Nobody looks this happy on a Thursday…unless they have a date.” Remus whispered, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and you placed a hand on his shoulder.   “Ah, someone has clearly never been for a drink with the two biggest gossips this castle has ever seen.” You gesture to where Minerva is subtly swatting Pomona away with an affectionately stern look. “It’s amazing the things you find out.” Bringing your goblet to your lips, the tartness of the wine brought a tingling from your tongue to the tips of your toes as Remus watched you. You considered the man before you, handsome and rugged. It was impossible to ignore the dramatic scars that littered his face and hands, but with the evocation of sympathy they withdrew, was an air of mystery that was almost intoxicating. Was he dangerous, or just very unlucky? Remus seemed to take note of your appraisal of him, whether he was amused or intrigued, his face didn’t betray him. Only the slight narrowing of his eyes told of a deeper thought held within.   “And what might one learn from two inscrutable gossips?” He said, his voice low. You felt an all too familiar feeling in the base of your chest, the feeling of boisterousness as you began to gently flirt with Remus. The dishevelled man from earlier almost entirely forgotten.   “That would be telling, Professor.”
  Remus looked slowly from your eyes to your lips and back, you had danced this dance before and knew how it would end; sweaty and sated more than likely. You smirked at the thought and reclined slightly in your chair, allowing Remus’ gaze to travel with you. You had barely noticed the students rise along the stretched pews as Albus stepped down from the High Table and moved languidly towards the now open doors. You stood too, now conscious of the hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at their teachers for permission to leave. Minerva nodded curtly to the crowd and the students began to noisily disperse to their respective common rooms. You took advantage of the distraction to slip away from the hall, there is after all, the most fun in the chase. You pondered silently to yourself as you dressed and made your way to the courtyard; if the flirtatious nature of your conversation with Remus had been by design a distraction technique of his own. He had seemed in a sorry state when he had arrived that evening, having been absent for the best part of a week. Alongside that, he had never much taken an interest in you beyond the professional up until that point and whilst you enjoyed the interaction, you weren’t convinced.
  Minerva was the first to join you, her emerald cloak snatched tightly to her chest in the brisk evening. She rolled her eyes as she approached you, a grimace settling on her face as she boldly lifted your wrist to her face and checked the time under the moonlight.   “She’s hounded me all evening to get out of the castle, its typical that she would be late.” Minerva sniffed as she folded her arms across her chest. You laughed once in agreement and enquired of her day, this earned another eye roll from the older witch confirming your suspicions that a stiff drink would be in order. Pomona came bounding out of the darkness, her hat slightly skewwhiff in her hurry and her breathless apology as she approached was all that was said before the three of you began towards Hogsmeade. The Three Broomstick’s was busy, busier than you had anticipated it to be on a Thursday in the middle of January. You craned your neck to see an available table, Pomona doing the same.   “Well, this simply won’t do.” Minerva muttered as she strode towards the bar. Madame Rosmerta gave a wry smile as she saw the three of you approach, she gestured over into the far corner where a single man sat nursing a tumbler of a russet looking liquid. You quirked an eyebrow as the man cheerfully lifted his glass to the three witches in welcome, Pomona nearly squealed with excitement as she bounced over to him. Minerva, who remained in her spot groaned. “Is there to be no reprieve?”
  Remus gestured to the three empty seats at his table with a wide smile. You shook your head in disbelief as you slowly sank into the waiting chair opposite him. He looked far better than he had done earlier that evening, he seemed to have bathed and shaved and appeared rather pleasant looking as he waved to Rosmerta and mimed a bottle and four glasses.   “Ladies, what a most welcome surprise!” Remus grinned wolfishly, his face seemed perfectly amiable, but his eyes glistened with something else, a glee that betrayed a thought that maybe their flirtation wasn’t as innocent as you previously had thought.   “If I’d have known you were coming Remus, I would have worn my good hat!” Pomona said with a smile, her cheeks rosy from the chill outside.   “You look positively radiant, Pomona.” Remus crooned; the plump witch’s face alight with the warmth of the compliment. She pat Remus’ hand affectionately and readily accepted the glass that was placed in front of her. “Allow me.” Remus poured two fingers of firewhisky into the three empty glasses and raised his own in a toast. “To unexpected meetings.” The sound of the clinking of glass reverberated through your body, his fingers electric against yours as they touched in a fleeting moment. Your breath hitched in your throat, it shocked you how your cheeks began to warm, and your stomach began to do small flips. Remus’ eyes, now more golden than green never left your face as if in silent appraisal of his effect on you. He seemed satisfied with the reaction as he smirked into his glass and allowed his attention to be captured by Minerva as she asked about his leave of absence.
  It wasn’t until your return journey to the castle that Remus initiated any further physical contact with you. The evening had passed how they usually do, the three friends exchanging stories and conspiring, laughing lots and drinking more. Now, feeling like your body was filled more with whisky than blood did Remus offer his arm to you. You took it gratefully, the two older women huddled together further ahead on the road as the snow began to fall upon the already picturesque village. With your hand in the crook of his elbow, Remus guided you over the unsteady cobbles only laughing lightly when you nearly lost your footing. His fingers found yours and although this could be perceived as a perfectly practical way in ensuring your safety, his touch seemed to burn your skin; it sent heat right the way through you. You were sure your heartbeat was audible to him, as it pounded aggressively in your ears as you moved closer into him, his torso flush with yours. You snuck a glance under your eyelashes up into the face of Remus Lupin, famed friend of two dead men and a mass murderer. His scars were silver in the moonlight, his face calm he weathered the terrain. You wanted to say something, anything to him; but nothing came. Instead, you continued to allow him to guide you while you peered up at this enigma of a man.
  Minerva searched over her shoulder when you approached the school grounds, satisfied that she could see you safely behind her, she waved goodbye. The snow was falling heavily now, thick spirals of white stuck in your hair, landing on your lips and freezing you to the core. You removed your hand from Remus’ grasp and waved back, Pomona beckoning Minerva inside to the warmth, no doubt to have a nightcap in the Gryffindor mistress’ office. Alone for the first time, Remus ushered you along the path of the courtyard to the covered corridor overlooking the lake which had this week begun to thaw, although with the sudden frost this night, it seemed unlikely now.   “You were right,” Remus stated after a while, his hands wound their way to his pockets, and he lifted himself onto the balls of his feet in an attempt to gain warmth in movement. When you didn’t answer, he licked his lips. “About how informative those two are. I’ve got enough dirt on people to have my lessons covered for weeks.” He grinned again, this time you noticed, it reached his eyes. You wondered whether Remus needed this as much as you did. It’s easy to let yourself get caught up in teenage drama when you’re drowning in it, but you suspected for him it must be something more. It wasn’t your place to pry of course, and Remus didn’t offer to divulge but you felt content in having potentially done a good deed.   “I’m sure your formal invitation to join us next week will be on your desk in the morning, if Pomona has anything to do with it.” You laughed and turned your back to the lake, it seemed far easier to keep your head held up straight if you leaned against the stone wall. Remus seemed to notice this and immediately reached his arms out to steady you.   “Never mind that, looks like someone will be dropping in to see Poppy in the morning.” He retorted as he attempted to stop your swaying. You had thought that the cold might sober you up, but that mixed in with a sudden overwhelming tiredness has left you almost dead on your feet.   “That’s the beauty of teaching an elective course,” you managed to get out as Remus near pulled you along the corridors, “My timetable is pretty sparse on Fridays. No lessons until after lunch.” You said smugly. Your eyes were fully closed now, if you were able and alone, you probably could have just set up camp here on the floor and been perfectly comfortable. But alas, Remus pushed onwards.
  A distant miaow stopped you dead in your tracks, Remus fumbled with his footing and slammed into the wall. He cursed and rubbed his arm absently as he peered at your stricken face, he attempted to talk but you held up a finger to stop him.   “Mrs. Norris.” You whispered gravely. Remus looked bemused as he looked both ways along the corridor.   “I think the coast is clear,” he whispered equally as seriously, he took your hand and squeezed it tightly urging you onwards.   “Filch once made me clean every toilet in every girl’s bathroom in my sixth year.” You shuddered at the memory, no wand just a pair of pink rubber gloves and a mouldy toilet brush.   “Blimey, what did you do?” You pondered whether to tell him the truth, that Filch had caught you on the edge of the Forbidden Forest after curfew with Gilderoy Lockheart. You would never forget the look of abject horror on the boy’s face as Filch emerged from the trees waving a lantern wildly whilst Lockheart’s hand was quite firmly in your knickers.   “Got caught with a boy.” You mumbled instead not meeting his eyes, Lockheart had been a numpty in school and even bigger one when he left by all accounts, but it was nasty business that led to Remus filling the position at Hogwarts. You had tried hard to suppress the fleeting dalliance you had shared with Lockheart, teenagers and their bloody hormones you had chalked it up to.   “Happens to the best of us,” Remus said brightly, “Your chamber is down here, isn’t it?” You hadn’t noticed that Remus had managed to escort you nearly to your door, you smiled at him gratefully.   “Yes, thank you,” You broke away from him and held on to the wall for support, your legs nearly giving way. “Woah-”   “Let me just-” Remus mumbled, more to himself than to you, you imagined. He placed an arm on the small of your back and guided you down the dimly lit corridor. Your fingers felt the cold stone give way to the wood of your chamber door and you fumbled for the handle, suddenly anxious of the man stood very close to you. That; turned out to be a very sobering thought. Was Remus expecting to be invited inside? It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to come inside, you had spent the last however long quietly being affected by every small touch, every slightly lingering look- but surely you were far too drunk to be engaging in anything other than sleep, surely, he would understand that. That wasn’t to say there wasn’t a part of you that wanted nothing more than to invite Remus inside and take him into your bed. He was a large man, tall and well built. Your eyes raked down his body and returned to his face. You felt a familiar throbbing between your legs in want, as you squeezed your thighs together.   “I would…I would normally-” You began, it was Remus’ turn to hold a hand up to stop you. He brushed his fingers across your bottom lip, this small gesture elicited a soft moan from you. His green-golden eyes now dark as he brought his face impossibly close to yours.   “Just a kiss…may I?” He breathed, you nodded slowly, utterly entranced by this intriguing man. Remus dropped his head down and gently pressed his lips to yours. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, it wasn’t a kiss filled with longing, but it felt completely natural and comforting that in that moment this particular man would be kissing you.
  “I would say I’m surprised, but I would of course, be lying.” A snide voice in the distance shattered this perfect moment in an instant. You turned your head in the direction of the voice and saw Severus stood, wand raised in Lumos and a small bottle covered in hemp cloth in his free hand.   “Severus.” Remus breathed; it wasn’t a greeting. There was an edge to his voice that made you think that it was a warning. You looked between the two men slightly confused, but on the whole far too tired to distinguish what on earth was happening. “Can I help you with something?” Severus merely shrugged and then held out his hand allowing you to get a good look at the cloth covered bottle. It was fairly large but must have been quite delicate to be wrapped so securely.   “For you.” Severus said disinterestedly. He waited; his arm still outstretched for Remus to move away from you. The chill of the wind that wound its way throughout the castle walls hit you immediately in the absence of Remus’ body heat. You shrunk as far as you could into the door, suddenly embarrassed to have been caught. Severus continued to stare at Remus until you cleared your throat to break the silence. It felt like hours, although it can’t have been more than a few seconds. Remus pocketed the bottle carefully and turned his back to the potions master, he looked at you earnestly.   “I had a really good time tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked, he looked hopeful and yet there was something else in his expression. Like he was annoyed to have been interrupted, or perhaps he was annoyed that he had kissed you in the first place.   “Yeah,” you replied, your voice slightly strained. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
  Remus nodded at you and began to walk back the way you had come, his short cloak flowing behind him until he entered the darkness, and you couldn’t see him anymore. You turned toward your chamber door and noticed Severus was still there, his wand raised to the same level of your face. His brow furrowed in an expression you would take as concern in anybody else, but with Severus you couldn’t be sure.   “Do you require any assistance?” He said curtly, his voice was low, but you could almost imagine it was soft.   “No thank you, Severus. I think I’ll manage from here.” Your fingers once again found the handle and you turned it with ease, the door opened to reveal your dark chamber. Severus waved his wand once into the blackness, and every candle within your rooms flickered into life. You turned to him with a wry smile and thanked him. Before you could close the door on this bizarre exchange with Severus Snape, he placed a hand on your arm. You looked down at where his body made contact with yours curiously, his long fingers seemed to wrap around your wrist perfectly and a small thrill fluttered down your back as he squeezed.   “Be careful around Lupin,” Severus whispered, “He’s never been one for controlling his…urges.” You arched an eyebrow and looked up into the onyx eyes that peered thoughtfully into your own.   “And you?” You had no idea what made you say that. Instant repulsion at yourself slithered over your skin as you mentally kicked yourself. Interestingly though, Severus licked his lips as he considered his answer. Your heartbeat quickened in anticipation of what he would say, his face drawn close enough to yours to feel his breath on your face. It was impossible to not stare at the man’s lips, they were so close to yours after all. Another jolt of need spread between your legs, you stifled the moan that threatened to escape as Severus backed you against the cold stone wall.   “I have no issues with control. I expect nothing less than…total control in every aspect of my life.” With that, Severus turned on his heel and with three quick strides, you were alone.
You undressed quickly climbed hastily into bed. Your heart pounded quickly in your chest, as the knot of arousal that you had felt as soon as you had arrived at your chamber door became too difficult to ignore. Usually, if you would pleasure yourself, it would be an entire affair. An act of self-love, a hot bath, envisioning the perfect scenario but now, as you plunged your hand into your sopping underwear, none of that mattered. It was impossible not to think about the taste of Remus still on your lips as you rubbed frantic circles on your clitoris, your back arched, your mouth fell open as you moaned. As quick as the image of Remus had entered your mind, it was replaced with the memory of Severus’ firm grasp of you, the way he had manhandled you into submission. You balled the sheets in your fingers as you inserted one, then two fingers into your aching centre. Reaching up to your breasts, you rolled a stiffened nipple around your nimble fingers, squeezing it as you filled your cunt to the knuckle. You moaned with abandon, which presumably was the effect from the alcohol, but nevertheless, you fucked yourself thoroughly with your fingers. When you came, you cried out incoherently, a sound you had never heard yourself make before. You couldn’t picture one mans face over the other, imagining spilling their seed over your breasts, or deep inside you- you imagined both of them at once. It was sublime.
  The next seven days passed without incident. Remus wasn’t so much distant as perhaps guarded; there was no mention of the kiss you had shared, nor the strange pseudo-altercation between he and Severus. You pondered long hours in your warm chamber, the fire roared contentedly casting shadows that danced across the high walls. The mug of tea in your hand a reminder of home, your muggle parents had sent you a box of teabags for Christmas as part as a larger ‘care package’. Your mother had laughed when she handed you a largeish box filled with things like tea and crisps, you had even found some alcoholic miniatures and sweets from your youth tucked away at the very bottom. She had given you a smirk and said, ‘Sometimes magic can be found in the ordinary,’. You eyed the box carefully; it was incredibly thoughtful, and you relished it fervently. There was nothing you enjoyed more than curling up on your hardbacked armchair in front of the fire and rummaging through to be delighted in the muggle comforts from home.
  You had taken a Curly Wurly into the staff room that afternoon and nibbled on it idly as you mulled over a few student essays. Severus had entered with his usual flurry of dark robes and general unpleasantness and settled quietly into a corner. You hadn’t so much as looked in his direction since that night outside of your chamber, and he hadn’t looked at you either. That was, until you lifted your eyes to check the sizable grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging ominously on the second and found he was openly staring at you. His jaw was firmly set, and his brow furrowed once more. After a second, he blinked, like he had surprised himself by something akin to mild vulnerability. You followed his gaze, it wasn’t on you specifically, but on the long chocolate bar in your hand. You looked from your grasp to Severus’ face, he too seemed to shift his expression to meet your eyes, a fleeting sheepishness danced across his face as he swallowed with difficultly.   “I haven’t seen one of those in years,” Severus stated, his hands were clasped tightly in his lap. You brought the chocolate to your lips and took a bite, the caramel of the intricately woven design pulled away in long strands. You licked at the excess that settled on your lips, you watched with amusement as veins protruded in Severus’ neck. It was quite easy to forget that Severus himself was a half-blood, dragged rather than brought up in the muggle world.   “You’ve been missing out.” You replied quietly as you crossed your legs. Severus shifted in his seat, his robes flowed fluidly around him, a vision in black and white. The back of your neck seemed to warm as Severus’ dark eyes scoured your frame, his angular face could be dismissed as unappealing, but he had the stoicism of an innate marble statue, a roman god or some other. The closer you looked, and really looked, it was impossible to see him as anything other than he was, captivating. Severus seemed to notice the shift in your stature, the way your fingers tightened around the papers you still clung on to, the way the parchment bent and swayed under your gentle trembling.   “Perhaps I have.” He said darkly.
  That night, before you made your way to meet with Minerva and Pomona for your weekly outing you made a diversion toward the dungeons. Tucked neatly under your arm, was a brown padded envelope, usually suited for sending packages on long journeys. Instead, it was full to the brim of chocolate from your care package, all the things you knew you loved as a child that you imagined Severus would have enjoyed too. Your hand shook slightly as you knocked on the door to his office, it wasn’t particularly late, but you noted that he hadn’t made an appearance at dinner. When no sound came from the office, you gently pushed the door open. The room was as to be expected, dark and filled almost to bursting of various tomes and artefacts. You crossed the room hurriedly, anxious to not get caught out of bounds. You tried explicitly hard not to pry as you crossed over to Severus’ desk, it was surprisingly neat and left everything to the imagination. You placed the envelope on the desk, ensuring that the little note was safe inside before quickly turning and leaving it behind you.
  Remus hadn’t joined you that Friday, it was just the usual suspects. You had found it increasingly difficult to focus on the conversation that flowed freely between the two women. Your mind wandered back to two main thoughts; where was Remus and what was actually going on? And why Severus had suddenly deigned you worthy of his attention? It all seemed so impossibly twee; the idea that you found yourself rattled by the slightest attention of two men that you were almost angry at yourself. Besides, how many times had you crawled out of a stranger’s bed at the first wisps of daybreak? One little kiss shouldn’t be any different. Severus on the other hand hadn’t offered you anything more than a few long looks since that afternoon in the staff room, yet you were plagued with thoughts of the two men. Neither like any man you had encountered before, and yet so remarkably different in every way. Minerva, having noticed your long silence offered you a quizzical look.   “What’s troubling you?” She said pointedly, Pomona ceased talking immediately, and turned to face you with a look one could only describe as hunger. You shrugged and took a sip of your wine; you were desperate to not be as hungover this Friday. Your seventh years had proven to be quite difficult last week, and if you could do anything to not have a repeat of Jenkinson’s smart mouth affecting you so; you would. “Don’t presume to think I was born yesterday,” Minerva continued, her shoulders squared which made her look that inch more terrifying, “I can smell a rat a mile off.”    “I wouldn’t dare jump to any such conclusions. I am simply lamenting over my love-life, or lack thereof.” You replied, your expression sickly sweet which earned a maternal huff from the older woman. Pomona seemed to miss the small tete-a-tete and instead clapped her hands together with glee.   “I demand you tell us everything at once!”
  There was something of a comfort to be found in relaying the past week’s events to the witches, Minerva’s usually stern expression shifted into something softer as you told them everything except for the strange bottle Severus had delivered to Remus.   “Well, that is definitely something different,” she said after small silence, “Especially coming from Severus. I was beginning to think he didn’t have any manly urges.”   “Nonsense, Severus is a strapping young lad, nobody knows what he gets up to outside of the castle. I imagine two old biddies like us would certainly be the last to find out, in any case!” Pomona countered, she rested her chin against her palm, her face dreamlike as if imagining the brooding man’s sex life.   “And quite rightly so!” Minerva said, her tone was laced with embarrassed threat as she stood from the table and marched toward the door. And so, nothing more was said on the matter that night.
  The Saturday morning after your thankfully not-so-disastrous Friday lessons with your seventh years passed idly. You kept much to yourself, the weather was again near freezing, although most of the students had travelled into Hogsmeade. The castle was quiet, undisturbed, and as the next thick sheet of snow settled onto the grounds, you huddled close to your window to watch as in quick flurries the snowflakes settled onto a blanket of pure white. It wasn’t until the third knock at your door did you decide to stop pretending you weren’t in, whoever was on the other side was obviously very insistent and you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if there was an emergency. On the other side of the door stood a cheerful Remus, his hair was damp from the snow and his cheeks painted with pink from the chill. He looked every inch the dashing English countryman as he brushed stray snowflakes from his shoulders. You couldn’t explain the quickness of your heart as you invited him inside, the same thunderous heartbeat you had experienced that night in Hogsmeade returned in full force, and you cursed yourself for feeling so foolish.   “To what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked as calmly as you could as you summoned a teapot and a pair of mugs. Remus accepted the tea readily and wasted no time in settling close to the fire.   “I was on my way for a walk to the lake, and I wondered whether you wanted to join me?” It was hard to imagine that he held any ulterior motives as he reclined in your armchair, all red nosed and grins. It was alarming how quickly you agreed, despite taking no real pleasure from walking in the cold. Yet, you soon found yourself wrapped up warmly and struggling to keep pace with the tall man as he dodged expertly over the terrain. He was largely silent as you continued along the path to the lake, he offered a few beige commentaries on the weather and you responded with as much enthusiasm as you could muster. It was difficult, you found, to keep pace with the tall man. Remus’ long legs set his pace at twice the speed of yours, and after a while of trying to conceal your breathlessness, did he slow and offer his arm to you. You huddled close to him, it seemed as though his body radiated a warmth like an oasis in the desert. Remus untangled his arm from yours, instead deciding to hold your gloved hand instead; his fingers squeezed tightly around yours as the lake came into view. A few students littered the area in small groups, the sound of their merriment was enough to bring a smile to your face. It seemed like yesterday that you yourself were a student at Hogwarts; thirty was an ever-approaching nightmare that plagued your dreams daily, had it really been nearly thirteen years since you left the hallowed halls of Hogwarts and joined Gringotts as an apprentice Curse-Breaker?   “Penny for your thoughts?” Remus said, you glanced up at him, he wore a bemused look as you pushed the settled snow from a bench and delicately sat. Foolish as it was, seeing as now you were piss-wet through, the realisation that you were getting old had knocked you for six. Remus patted the seat next to you tentatively before he ultimately decided to join you.   “Do you ever feel like your life just runs away from you? Like one minute, you’re positively frazzled over Transfiguration homework and the next you’re stressed about how you’re going to afford so many weddings this year because suddenly, you’ve reached an age where everyone’s settling down and shitting out kids!” You bit hard on the inside of your cheek, you hadn’t meant to be so forward, certainly not with Remus, but he let out a great big laugh before turning to you animatedly.   “Exactly! It feels like I was just handed my Prefect badge and now-” He faltered; his gaze lifted to the heavens. A flash of pain danced across Remus’ face as he shook his head and swallowed whatever he was going to say. “I don’t remember you much from school.” You were surprised by that; you didn’t expect him to remember you at all; but you expected him to want to save face as you were colleagues.   “I’m not surprised, you had long left before I did anything interesting.” You said as you playfully bumped into his shoulder with your own.   “Ah yes, you mentioned the other night that Filch had caught you with a boy?” Remus’ raised the pitch of his voice as he tormented you, it was his turn to bump you. You covered your eyes with your hands and let out a great groan.   “Merlin, I’d hoped you would have forgotten that.”   “Not on your life. Now, I’m going to need you to tell me all the sordid details.”   “There’s nothing sordid…well, not that sordid, really,” You protested, you couldn’t stop the grin that formed on your lips, it was matched well with the smile that Remus wore. He gazed at you intently as you considered the best way to explain. “Filch caught me in the Forbidden Forest after curfew-”   “With a boy.”   “Yes, Remus, with a boy.” You sighed with faux exasperation; Remus looked near giddy as he clapped his hands.   “Fantastic, who were they? Do I know them? What were you doing?” He asked, each question filled you with feeling of stupidity, it was the single most mortifying moment of your life and you were willingly discussing it.   “Yes, you know them, and we were having an…intimate moment.” You hoped that would be enough to quell his questioning, but it appeared to only spur Remus on he appeared to be bouncing in his seat now.   “Please don’t make me go through a list of people from your year at school, what were you- three years younger than us?”   “Four.” You corrected. Remus seemed to consider this for a moment before his green eyes seemed to darken, and he smirked devilishly.   “I’ll tell you what. If I can guess who the lucky bloke was, you have to come for a drink with me. Tonight.   “And if you can’t?”   “I’m sure you’ll think of an appropriate forfeit.” Remus had brought his face extremely close to yours, you could feel his breath tickle your face. It would be so easy to close the distance, to press your lips to his, but a chorus of whooping from behind where the pair of you sat, shattered any illusions of intimacy. Remus turned toward the students sheepishly, he produced his wand and cast a spell that shook the trees which surrounded the lake, causing a cascade of snow to fall on the students. He stood and offered you his hand.   “Let me escort you back to your rooms, while I think. What house was he in?” He said, and you thought back to the wavy-haired blonde boy who tried to desperately hard to impress.   “Ravenclaw.”   “Hm. That slims the pickings down a bit.”
    Remus still hadn’t been able to guess correctly and when he was confident that he would need more time, he proposed a 24-hour extension. You had pushed him along the corridor with a laugh and a wave, fairly certain that he would ultimately find out about Lockheart, but the look of mischief on his face as he waved in return was such a far cry from the man that shuffled into dinner a week ago, you couldn’t help but be content. With almost a wistful air, you watched as he disappeared behind the corner until you turned to your chamber door. If it hadn’t been for your wet boots squelching heavily onto the stone floor, you would have entirely missed the folded parchment that lay slightly soggy having been thrust under the door in an apparent hurry. You took time to remove your outer layers, kicking your boots off and discarding them where you stood before you retrieved the parchment. You felt a heat rise from the base of your neck all the way up to your ears as instantly, you recognised the fluid handwriting etched across the page.
    I humbly thank you for your thoughtful offering. In return, I request your presence of a nightcap in my quarters this evening after dinner. The password is ‘tradite’, I shall expect you before nine o’clock.
    Keeping your head down during dinner was proving to be more difficult than you had initially imagined. You didn’t know what had possessed you, but underneath a billowy cloak was a figure-hugging-in-all-the-right-places muggle dress, it showed off your best assets yet left enough to the imagination. It was something you wouldn’t think twice about wearing if you were to go out with your muggle friends from your hometown, but here, amongst these wizards whose fashion choices were questionable at best, you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb. You wondered if anyone would notice how closely you tugged the fabric of your cloak around your torso, desperate to hide what lay beneath. Remus certainly noticed there was something off with you, he had made an obvious beeline to the empty seat next to you and had tried to engage you in conversation many times, but the truth was plain as day; you felt guilty.
  Not even twelve hours ago had you been sat by the lake with Remus, and now with one invitation from Severus you were jittering like a schoolgirl who’d been asked to meet behind the quidditch stands. It wasn’t clear what it was about Severus exactly that returned you to a puddle of hormones, but you felt it as soon as you had been reintroduced as colleagues all those years later. Yet, hadn’t you felt that with Remus too? After replying to the sandy-haired man for the fourth time that you were fine, just tired, you grimaced into your bread-and-butter pudding. There was something about Severus’ invitation that triggered an excited itch along your skin, and only he would know how to scratch it. There was of course, the obvious question of what on earth constituted at a nightcap? Was he going to give you another warning about Remus? What about Remus? You hadn’t even considered what Severus had meant by his warning, you certainly hadn’t heard any stories about him being a womanizer, or ever having a partner for that matter. You pondered his scars as you tried, as deftly as you could, to get a good look at him from the corner of your eye. Remus was littered with them, whilst the scars across his face were quite pronounced, there weren’t many. But- the scars on his hands and forearms were numerous, there didn’t seem to be an inch of skin without a purple-silver line looking back at you. Maybe he was a fighter? He had played his part in the war, like you all had, but maybe his was a part that was especially dangerous? Perhaps, that’s what Severus meant after all. War changes people, Severus of all people should remember that.
  That didn’t stop you feeling guilty though. It ravaged away at your insides as you continued to push your spoon around your bowl, you had thought that perhaps after this morning, there was an avenue worth exploring with Remus. Now, as you watched Severus rise from the High Table and move stealthily along the lines of teachers, your stomach flipped, and your pulse quickened.   “Lupin.” Severus nodded as he passed, he didn’t say anything in acknowledgement to you, but you noticed the glance in your direction, the slight quirk at the side of his mouth. Soon, Severus had disappeared, and Remus scoffed.   “Boils my piss, he does,” he said as he took a hearty sip of his mead, the veins in his temple protruding slightly. “Lording over us like that, dickhead.” You were quite taken aback by Remus’ outburst; you had never known animosity between them before or since that night outside of your rooms. Nothing had been said, and you had put it down to you having had one to many and misconstruing the situation.   “He literally said your name.” You countered, not completely comfortable with Remus’ tone.   “Aye, and I want my name kept from his mouth, the greasy git.” You opened your mouth to respond yet thought better of it. Whatever it was that had transpired between the pair of them had nothing to do with you, and you couldn’t think of anything worse than having to pick sides. Especially since Severus had now taken an interest in you, something you had tried to make happen when you first started teaching but failed miserably. It was happening now, and Remus could be damned if you weren’t at least going to get to the bottom of this invitation.
  You didn’t bother to wait for the headmaster to call an end to dinner, instead you mumbled an excuse and moved quickly toward the dungeons. Despite having been a teacher for a number of years, there was something about the dungeons that filled you with dread. Whether it was the memories of your sheer mediocrity at potions, or consistently failing to be noticed by Professor Slughorn, there was something that set your teeth on edge. You passed your old potions classroom without looking in, it was almost like you could forget that that class existed, and pretend that of course, you were excellent at everything whilst you were at school. Severus’ rooms were hidden to anyone who wasn’t looking for them, a dark wooden door appeared out of the near blackness of the unlight stone and remained closed. Did you really want to do this? You had wrestled with the fact that you were potentially pissing any chance of anything happening with Remus while you pursued Severus. There was just something very hard to ignore about the potions master, something electrifying.   “Tradite.” You said clearly into the darkness, the click of a lock being turned was the only sound other than the distant almost muffled sound of the groaning lake. The door opened steadily, Severus’ chamber was warm, although, you weren’t quite sure if you were expecting the opposite. He stood with his back to the door, his head bowed and seemingly unaware of your arrival. You wondered whether he would appreciate a polite greeting; if he would want you to wait until he noticed you. After all, he had mentioned that he liked to have control in everything. That was a statement you had never questioned, it just seemed so perfectly fitting that you just took it at face value. It was the thoughts that were conjured alongside that, that you had to suppress.
  You weren’t entirely sure how long you waited, realistically, it couldn’t have been that long. But the steady stream of student’s footsteps returning to their common room was an indicator that it had probably been around five minutes.   “Why haven’t you said anything?” Severus asked after a while. It shocked you, you had completely glazed over, it hadn’t occurred to you that you were still just stood in the doorway. You cleared your throat.   “Didn’t want to disturb you.”   “How thoughtful.” He sneered, but you didn’t detect any malice behind it. Severus Snape was the undisputed king of dry humour and you willed that to be the case here. “Come in. Take off your cloak.” You did as you were bid, slipping the dark cloak from your shoulders, you allowed Severus to take it from you. You were acutely aware of his eyes on your body as he moved with a deft quietness and gestured for you to sit. His rooms, not so dissimilar to yours in layout were far larger and by comparison, full wall to wall with things. It wasn’t untidy, but a sort of organised chaos that endeared Severus to you. His interests and objects of his taste scattered almost peacefully, as if inviting you to take a look. You settled into the armchair by the fire, the fabric a worn Slytherin green leather which matched the sofa which sat opposite. The fire, which was still quite small spat embers behind the wrought hearth and sizzled contentedly to itself.   “Would you like some wine?” He asked from somewhere behind, “I have a lovely Pinot Noir.”   “That would be lovely, thank you.” You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being scrutinised, it wasn’t unlike the feeling of an interview; like he was somehow sizing you up. Although you couldn’t see him from where you were situated, the intense feel of eyes burning into the back of your head was unmistakable. Perhaps it was your intuition as a woman that allowed you to know that as you crossed one leg over the other and placed your hands elegantly on the armrests of the chair, that he noticed. But not only that, that he appreciated it.
  Severus made you wait for it. You heard him as he opened and closed cupboard doors, the clink of glass and the sound of a bottle being corked; it was all for the theatre of anticipation. You knew this, you had done this very thing time and time again in preparation but for what, with him- you couldn’t quite say. The same thrill that you had felt that night he had grasped your wrist returned fervently and your mouth salivated with need. Finally, he appeared within your line of sight. He too, had removed his outer layer, dressed smartly in his frock coat he lowered a glass half full of the ruby liquid, tapping his glass on the side of yours with cheers. Severus made his way painfully slowly to the sofa, he sat on the edge furthest from you and mirrored your position, one leg crossed neatly over the other. You hoped your proximity to the fire would account for the flush on your cheeks as you regarded this man, this studious and distant man as he considered your frame just as openly.   “Thank you for the invitation, Severus. I must admit, it was most unexpected.” Your voice was calm and unbroke, and you were thankful for it. Your heart thundered in your chest and you hoped upon hope that he couldn’t notice the slight tremble of your hand as you brought your wine glass to your lips. Upon reflection, talking with Remus was much easier than with Severus. There was just something so typically wholesome about him, which, when you remembered what he had been like as a young man in school seemed to make sense. But with Severus, there was something akin to danger, you didn’t necessarily feel like he would harm you, no- not at all; but there was always an edge to his words, a double meaning behind his looks. Like there was a joke that perhaps you didn’t understand, perhaps another meaning entirely.   “You’re very welcome. I wanted to thank you personally for your kindness.” He said, his dark baritone seemed most fitting within the confines of his personal space. Like suddenly all the pieces fit together and of course Severus would look and sound the way he did, wasn’t it obvious? “May I ask what you are thinking about? You wear a look of great consideration.” You smiled as demurely as you could muster at his questioning, why were you there if not to talk?   “I was thinking about you.” You said as plainly as you could, you were conscious not to give anything away in terms of exactly how you were thinking of the potions master. But in truth, it had been impossible not to think about him. Remus too. It appeared to be in the space of only a few days that any time you found your mind wandering, it wandered to these two men. Who they were exactly under the sturdy mask of professionalism, what they liked; did they like you?   “Me? Why?”   “I was thinking how nice it was to see you so relaxed, Severus.” You replied softly, you meant it too. A silence settled between the pair of you, and you wondered if you had overstepped the mark, whether that was too informal for his liking. Severus carefully wet his lips and pressed them together into a line. His usual measured look replaced with something else.   “If I may so bold-”   “I like bold.” He smirked as you interrupted him, you wished for him to say whatever it was that was on his mind. You longed to know whether you had consumed his thoughts as much as he had consumed yours.   “If I may be so bold,” Severus began again, his fingers tapping lightly on his thigh, drawing your attention briefly away from his angular face. You noticed for the first time how well structured his body was, his thighs were well proportioned to the width of his torso and seemed to fill his trousers pleasantly. “There’s nothing like a nice glass of wine and the view of a pretty girl to relax you.” He sipped his wine, his eyes never leaving your face. You hoped your expression didn’t betray how startled you felt. It was like your mind was blank, you had forgotten how to blink, how to breathe, just for a moment; you were malfunctioning.   “You think I’m pretty?” Severus smirked at you.   “I think you’re beautiful.”
  You sat in silence after that. Every fibre of your being was screaming at you to say something, to thank him for his compliment, to comment on the wine- anything. Instead, you stared uneasily into the fire, annoyed with yourself.   “Have I made you uncomfortable?” Severus asked breaking the silence, your head whipped in his direction. His expression seemed passive, but you noticed the slight downwards tilt of his mouth, as if he were to frown.   “Not in the slightest!” You said hastily, you set your wine onto the floor and clasped your hands in your lap. “I suppose I wasn’t expecting you to say something like that. It just caught me off-guard.” Severus barked a laugh in response and patted the sofa next to him, you rose quickly and moved across to him. You cursed yourself for appearing needy, eager to please, but the look of satisfaction on Severus’ face spoke volumes. He was pleased with you, and that made your insides flutter with warmth. He placed a hand tentatively on your knee as you sat down, you gasped at the contact, but his hand was warm and soft against your bare skin.   “You look radiant, this evening.” Severus hummed over the rim of his wine glass. There was something hypnotic about his movements, you watched with a desperate intensity as he did the most mundane things, like swill his glass or flick a piece of fluff from his jacket. This wizard had well and truly put a spell on you, and you were at his mercy.   “Thank you,” you answered after a while of staring at Severus. His bemused expression signalled that he knew exactly what was racing through your thoughts. “Did you enjoy your Curly Wurlys?” Severus really laughed at that, he placed the hand that had previously been held on your knee over his eyes and smiled. A rare and beautiful thing indeed, Severus’ Snape’s smile.   “I was most impressed by the assortment, things I had forgotten long about. It was very kind of you,” He stopped as if he needed to be careful with what he said next, “I wanted to repay you.”   “Your company is payment enough, Severus.”
It wasn’t until his hand reappeared this time on your thigh, that you noticed that you had turned your body toward him. Your leg slightly bent at the knee tucked under the other, your hips fully locked on the target.   “I had hoped you would say that.” Severus whispered, “I apologise if I’ve ever appeared standoffish toward you, I find it difficult to engage in small talk. I just don’t see the necessity.” You weren’t sure if he was allowing you to see some vulnerability, or whether he was just stating a fact, but you nodded your head all the same. “The truth is,” He continued, “I had always thought you were quite interesting. Even whilst we were students, you were fiercely kind and dare I say it, popular.”   “You remember me? I didn’t think that anybody would have ever taken any notice of me- back then at least. I was just a nobody.” You said softly as you offered Severus a smile. You were touched that he remembered you, or at least professed to. Its more than Remus could say for himself.   “So was I.” Severus statement stopped you in your tracks. It was no secret that he was mercilessly bullied in school, everybody knew of Snivellus. But, he was right, did anybody actually know him? You nodded in agreement, and he offered you a small smile, his hand giving your thigh a small squeeze.   “Does this mean we’re friends now?” You asked in a small voice, it was meant as a joke but the sentiment remained.   “I don’t have friends. Only allies and enemies.” Severus answered with another sip of wine. You swept your gaze over his face, finally settling on his onyx eyes, the way they bore into yours made you feel as if you were aflame.   “Which am I?”   “Neither. You are you. One couldn’t ask for anything better.”
  Severus slowly brought his lips to yours; his lips were soft and gentle as you shifted to gain a better purchase of his frame. Your hands travelled from his chest to his head, your fingers winding round the raven tresses of hair and he gasped into your mouth. He pulled you closer and as skilfully as you could, you straddled him- Severus hands firmly planted on your backside. He rubbed confident circles against the soft fabric, and you rolled your hips against his lap. It was delicious; the feeling of friction on your cunt was entirely welcome. It had been quite a while before it had seen any attention from anyone other than your own hand, the resigned feeling you had regarding the hold Severus had on you changed in to one of complete and utter want. He brought a hand up and cupped your breast through your dress, you hissed at the contact and Severus took advantage of the loss of your lips and began to kiss deeply along the side of your throat, taking sections of skin between his teeth and sucking hard. You were quite insistent in your actions, unabashedly grinding against Severus’ hardened cock. You could feel it, the way it strained against the fabric of his trousers. You couldn’t help the pathetic mewl that escaped your lips as Severus began to guide your hips, his lips turned into a snarl as with heavy lids he watched as you brought yourself to orgasm.   “Beautiful.” He whispered, lifting a lock of your hair and placing it behind your shoulder where he liberally placed kisses.
  Panting, you brought his lips to yours. Your hands fumbled down to where the clasp of his trousers was easily undone despite your trembling hands. He lifted his hips whilst you momentarily dismounted him to pull his trousers and underwear to his knees. His cock, thick and pink bobbed angrily against his pubic bone, almost as if it demanded your attention. You pressed forward again, your lips finding his with ease as he positioned you back over his lap, his cock pressed against your wetness. With a gruff murmur, your underwear was vanished and you groaned with anticipation. It was impossible to say where your moan began and his finished, but as Severus guided himself into you. You heard an unmistakable “Fuck,” against your shoulder, his grip was vice-like as with a great amount of effort you lifted your hips and began to ride him. It was probably naïve of you to assume that Severus would let you set the pace, after a few seconds of a disjointed rhythm, Severus held you in place; his hips pistoning up into your sopping sex like it was the last thing he’d ever do. You held tight to the back of the sofa, the pleasure was immeasurable, though your eyes were closed, a searing white light seemed to envelop you.   “So fucking tight. I knew you would be.”
  You had never been fucked like this before, this sort of desperate rutting was something you assumed only happened in films where the lovers would be separated by war or ruin. Not, as you found out, by the loner potions professor. It was exhilarating, the feeling of his member pounding into you, the way the slight curve of his cock seemed to grace every spot inside you, it didn’t seem possible to reach any deeper within you; but as he pushed you backwards away from his chest, he burrowed himself further in still.   “Oh god, you’re going to make me come.” You managed to say, his thrusts were short and sharp and quite unrelenting. His brow was furrowed and a sheen of sweat glistened on his skin in the candlelight. He snarled at you then and tossed you to the side, your back landing onto the sofa with a thud. Your cry of shock came out strangled as no sooner had he withdrawn from you, he delved right back into your aching cunt.   “If I’m going to make you come,” Severus grunted, his hand around your throat, “Then you’re going to look me in the eye while I do it. I want to see your face as you come all over my cock.” You shivered under the weight of the sheer eroticism of his words. The feeling of his hand on your pressure point was blissful, being so utterly at another’s mercy wasn’t like anything you had experienced before. It was freeing, purifying…you loved it.
   The tight coil in the pit of your stomach began to unfurl, as with raspy moans, you came hard. Your orgasm seemed to last an eternity, your body rocking with the motion of Severus’ thrusting but also with the throbbing and twitching your used cunt. Severus’ hand squeezed tightly around your throat as he came, his movements becoming shallower and slower. He collapsed onto you in a heap, his head on your chest and your arms around him unquestioningly. You stayed like that for a while, your eyes closed as you blissfully travelled from alert to sleep and back, tracing lazy circles on Severus’ back. It was Severus who moved first in the end, he grappled for his jacket and produced his wand, he pointed it at you and muttered a spell you didn’t understand. But the sudden feeling of dryness and warmth that flooded between your thighs, you safely assumed he had cleaned you. You pushed up from your spot warily, sheepishly almost. Severus was across the room from you now, rebuttoning his clothes and smoothing down his hair. You watched him for a while, your head cocked to the side. Severus seemed to move in such a graceful yet detached way, his movements were precise, but it was clear that he was thinking about anything but the action. You wondered what he was thinking about now.   “Can I help clear up?” Severus’ head shot in your direction, he offered you a strained smile as you waited for his reply. He gathered your cloak and held it out for you to slip on. Did that mean he wanted you to go? After everything that just happened? Wordlessly, you slid your arms into the waiting holes and stood. For what exactly, you couldn’t be sure.
   “I have a prior engagement,” he said flatly, you tried not to look shocked, but you suspected you failed. “I’m sorry, are you well?”   “Quite. Thank you, Severus.” Was all that you said, as with cheeks flaming with embarrassment you willed your legs to push onwards toward the door. If he called after you, you didn’t notice as with laborious steps you made your way back to your chamber. The castle was deathly quiet now, even the ghosts had disappeared to their various dark corners for the night. This was why, when you rounded the corridor to your rooms, the lone figure waiting outside gave you a fright. Your face was still hot from the exertion of the sex and the embarrassment as Severus all but threw you out on your ear. Hot tears threatened to brim over, Merlin, why had this affected you so?
  “Remus?” You whispered into the darkness; the figure moved toward the sound of your voice. One step, and then another into the candlelight and his face was visible. He looked sallow, much like he had that night in the Great Hall.   “I’ve been knocking for ages. I was worried about you during dinner. You were acting really weird.” It was then that Remus noticed your dishevelled appearance, the marks on your neck but not least, the look of pain on your face. “Are you alright?” You nodded solemnly and made toward the door to your chamber, the guilt that had dissipated whilst you were in Severus’ presence now resurfaced as you regarded Remus’ concerned face. With your hand on the doorknob, you turned to him, all green eyed and sandy-haired Remus and smiled sadly.   “Do you want a cup of tea? I need to tell you something.”
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saigonharrington · 4 years
nervous // g.w
Hi babes!
I’m finally posting the George fic that I was talking about and I am so excited for you to read it!
please, reblog if you like it, it helps me grow
disclaimer: my knowledge of werewolves is based only on a little internet research and the tv series named teen wolf, the episode named Anchors inspired me to write this
pairing: george weasley x werewolf!fem!reader
word count: 6k
Y/N - your name; L/N - last name; Y/F/N - your friend’s name
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, (kind of) panicking
summary: y/n is afraid of who she became, thinking that now she’s unlikable, but her new abilities prove her wrong, making her hear the boy’s talking and... the beating of his heart
“Hey, he’s staring again.” Your friend noticed the boy, who was standing across the hall with his brother and their friends.
Who was she talking about? George Weasley, of course, the person whose heart you could hear from miles away.
You met him a while ago, wandering through the halls at night, trying to sort some things out while he and his brother were bringing their another prank to life. Of all people attending Hogwarts, you bumped into them. 
You never thought that someone, besides Prefects, would be seen in the corridors so you didn’t pay attention, focusing only on your thoughts.  No wonder you got quite overwhelmed when you hit your head with something, and it definitely wasn’t a wall.
“Are you okay?” The redheaded boy asked you, worried about your well-being. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t take my eyes off that Zonko’s new item. Are you sure you are fine? I can walk you to madam Pomfrey.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about me.” You said, looking at the moon. “I’m heading to my dormitory, don’t want to bother you and your brother.” You nodded at him, so he told you his name.
“I’m Fred. The more handsome one. Also, the funnier one, because I’ve just made out an amazing plan. Care to join us? I swear you will not regret it. ” He encouraged you, and you didn’t want to be rude, finally agreeing to go with them. A couple of minutes more outside the dorm can’t hurt you, right?
The thing is, you spent almost the whole night preparing pranks with them and idly talking, joking about Snape and Filch. 
The problem is, you haven't talked with them since that accident. Sometimes you exchanged a few words in classes you had together but nothing more.
So then why did George have a crush on you?
You asked yourself that question many times since you first heard him confessing his feelings to Fred. Every time this boy got closer to you or touched you accidentally, his heart was beating so fast like a drum. Your heart has been just as fast as his, but he couldn’t know that. You didn’t even know if it was because you shared his feelings, or did just knowing what he feels towards you, made you that anxious. 
“I know. I’m still not able to control these new super senses. I saw him a while ago. Not to mention that his heart makes my ears hurt. ” You admitted, holding your head because all these sounds were giving you a headache.
“Well, maybe if you’d finally talk to him, your senses wouldn’t be a big problem. Perhaps if you can’t manage to control them, you should ask someone who might help you. Go to professor Lupin.”
“But he doesn’t know that I’m a werewolf. I’m still not comfortable when someone mentions that. ” You said, scared of what you’d become. You knew that sooner or later you were supposed to reach for help, but you felt insecure and didn’t want to recall that night when you were bitten.
“He’s coming over here.” Your friend interrupted your thought, reminding you of George. 
“No way, we have to run.” You started packing your bag, standing up from sitting on the bench. 
“Too late.” She added, making you turn around.
“Hello girls, how’s your day?” He asked nicely, staring at you constantly. 
“Bad.” You whispered.
“Getting better.” Your friend interrupted you, because she knew how much you wanted to walk away, and she couldn’t let you, knowing that you have to confront him anyway. 
“Great, I wanted to ask you a question.” He pointed at you, smiling widely. “Would you go on a date with me?” He scratched his back, getting stressed. You heard his heart pounding, which made you even angrier. The sound was so loud that you weren’t able to hear anything other than that, feeling like you could pass out at any moment. 
“She would love to.” Your friend took the lead, which made the boy wonder why you weren’t responding. “She’s just as stressed as you are. Sorry for speaking in her name, but she talked about you for so long. I hope you understand.”
“Oh, no worries. Meet me after the lessons on Friday. I’ll be waiting near to the great hall. ” He explained, addressing it to you, adding a short “see you later” after his brother called after him.
“You should thank me.” Your friend addressed you, asking you to sit down.
“Gosh, his heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t focus.” You told her, relaxing a bit. “And no, I will not thank you. Can’t you understand why I’m avoiding him? I thought I told you.”
“No, I can. I just think that you’re wrong. ” She told you, winking at you.
“Think about it. If he’ll find out who I am, he won’t talk to me again. I’d rather stare at him, being miles away and aware that he likes me too than admitting who I am and getting rejected, him not being able to look at me again.” You admitted, hearing your voice cracking slowly. 
“You idiot. You really think that werewolves are some type of creature that cannot function normally? You’re here for centuries, managing everything somehow, I bet that there were werewolves married to Muggles, to wizards, and many more. Don’t think of yourself as a beast, some kind of unlovable creature. That’s not what you are. You’re perfectly normal. By the way, bold of you to assume that he’s the first one to judge and won’t accept you.” She gave you a speech, trying to cheer you up.
“That’s exactly what I think. Can you blame me? I’m still not used to this, I never really talked with any other werewolves.”
“Then stop! See, you’re also prejudging him. There’s only one way to find out what he’s thinking about you. You’ll tell him the truth. But for now, we have to find Lupin.”
You were not ready yesterday, so after your friend spotted Lupin, you decided to hide. You wanted to be prepared for every topic that he will discuss with you, deciding that you’ll ask him to stay for a little talk when the DADA lesson finishes. 
“Can I speak with you for a moment, professor?” You asked, trying to sound quiet. 
“Yes, you may. What’s the problem, miss L/N?” 
“If you’re going to ask questions, then I might stay here for a little longer than ‘ a moment ’.” You joked, secretly being scared of admitting the truth.
“Anyway. As you may know, I am a werewolf. Before you ask, I prefer not to tell you how it happened. I’m still learning, and you’re the only one that came to mind. I thought that you might help me.”
“You should’ve come earlier. Weren’t you curious earlier about your abilities and how to control them?”
“I was. But I was also too afraid to say something. Werewolves aren’t considered as the nicest creatures, I wanted to avoid gossip. I still want to. ” You started a monologue, watching closely if Lupin is paying attention to you. “The main reason for me coming to have a little chat with you is not only to ask about my abilities. I’m invested in hearing. Because I cannot understand why some sounds are clearer and come to my mind often? What makes them so?”
“Do you have something specific in your mind?” He asked, being eager to help you.
“Someone’s heart beating. I mean, I hear a lot of sounds, but this one is haunting me, even if that person is completely in a different place. Am I losing my mind? Or did this happen to you as well?”
“This person is your anchor, then. The one who can calm you down, who can help you control all of your new skills. But it might change through the years, you don’t have one anchor for eternity. Everything is based on your feelings. ” Remus explained calmly.
“Who was your anchor? You don’t have to tell me if you’re not feeling comfortable with it, after all, I’m just another Hogwarts student. ” You asked out of curiosity, wishing that he will open up to you.
“It used to be someone who was my friend. I don’t think I have an anchor anymore. ” He answered, being rather peaceful and not bothered by it, however, you wanted to comfort him, asking for permission to hug him.
“You’ll find another anchor. You said that we can have it more than once, right? I bet that somewhere there is someone special, whose ability is to calm you down. ” You smiled shyly.
“Um, eh, we’re not here to be upset. Let’s focus on your issue.” He said, wanting to change the topic. “What you need to control your abilities is physical contact with that special someone. I can’t assure you that it will work after the first attempt, but it certainly might help.
 “But that takes time, I think I was able to control most parts of it after months. Still, some things are not under my control. Anyway, don’t worry about that, everything has its flaws. If you’ll excuse me, I have an important meeting soon, I don't want to be late. If you want, we can meet again after one of my lessons.” Lupin bid you goodbye, making you leave his classroom.
As you were left alone, you started thinking about the conversation that happened seconds ago. It did not make sense to you.
How could George be your anchor? 
Sure, you had a crush on him for a while, but nothing ever happened between you two. That one night, which you spent preparing pranks with twins was fun, nothing else. You decided to not make any more friends, because you remembered how Y/F/N reacted when you said that you’re a werewolf. So you drifted away not only for your own good, but also for his. 
Why him? Why isn’t it your friend, or even someone from your family who is  your anchor? And how are you going to explain it to him? “Hey, I’m a werewolf, and you’re the only one that keeps me sane? You have to stay with me forever, otherwise I might go crazy?” 
No way. You couldn’t  see it.
At the same time, George was calmly waiting for you next to the Defence Against the Dark Arts  classroom. He noticed that you stayed for a little talk with Remus, but he also was eager to talk to you. 
Your date was supposed to happen tomorrow, and he wanted to make sure that you’re comfortable with him, and that you have something to talk about. He was afraid that maybe somehow tomorrow you guys will be stressed, so chatting the day before, no strings attached and just getting to know each other might lighten the mood. 
“Hey.” He started the conversation without thinking about it. ‘Hey’? Couldn’t you think about anything better? Something more creative? Now she will think that you were stalking her, you dumbass, he thought, standing in front of you.
Never was he that close to you, or maybe just didn’t pay attention when you were around, but now he noticed the height difference between the both of you. He found it really hard not to kneel down, so he could see your eyes gleaming. Although he considered it cute and funny, he decided not to mock it. Well, not right now, since he had other reasons to talk to you and was so fixated about it.
“Hello George, what could have  brought you here?” You asked, not bothering to look at him, because you would have to keep your head up.
“We just had the same lesson.  I sit in front of you. ” He explained, thinking that you didn’t notice that detail. If the tall, ginger boy can be considered as a detail.
“Oh, I know. But the lesson ended 20 minutes ago. ” You said, wondering if he will say what he has in mind or will just play pretend.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you. Nothing deep, only to diffuse the tension before our meeting tomorrow. ” He scratched his head, walking slowly by your side.
“Meeting you say, and what’s that?” You teased him a little, finding it funny and adorable that he was afraid to use the word ‘date’.
“You know, when a group of people, two and above, meets somewhere. God, I was scared that I’m going to be the dumb one. Now I can relax. But I have to admit, I expected more from you. ” He joked, coping with his fear.
“Okay, so what’s the pre-meeting topic that made you come to me?”
“Actually…” He began, but you interfered.
“Shit. My friend is there.” You pointed at the end of the corridor, where she was talking with a Ravenclaw from your year. “We have to hide, I’ll explain.” You pushed him to the next door that appeared in front of you, finding yourself in Filch’s office. Great.
“Can you explain now? I thought that you like her. ” He asked out of curiosity.
“I do, but I don’t want her to interject in our conversation. Shh, I think someone’s coming. We should hide. ” You advised, being pretty sure that it’s Filch. Who else would  come to his office? You made George hide behind the huge bookshelf, noticing how little space there was.
“You know, we could also say a spell to make us invisible.” He laughed at you, trying to find a comfortable position.
“Too late. Shut your mouth. ” You both tried to stay silent, hearing the sound of someone opening the door. George was almost sitting, because if he would stand normally, his head could be seen above the bookshelf. 
His eyes were focused on you and your face in general, which made you hold your laughs way harder than you thought it would. If either  of you made a sound, you’d end up in detention, and Filch would make sure that you get the worst punishment. 
Fortunately, he only came to get one thing from his desk, so as soon as you heard the door shut, George suddenly moved, hitting his head on the shelf. 
“Shh.” You said, listening closely to the steps that were getting closer.
“Ah, Mr. Norris, I forgot about you! But you didn’t have to hit the door so hard. I hope you forgive me. ” He said to the cat that stayed in his office, but this time he took it with him.
While they were going out of the office, you had to silence the boy, who was struggling because of pain. It was not your intention to show your werewolf abilities, however, he looked as it really hurt him, wanting to scream. 
“Show me the back of your head.” You demanded, when the two of you went out of the hideaway. You slowly took his head with one hand, the other one intertwining with his fingers. He had no idea what you were doing. It was clever of you to take his hand, making it look like you were comforting him, while you took some of his pain away. Fortunately, you were wearing your long robes, so your veins were not visible. Otherwise, the boy would’ve seen how you were taking the sore, making the veins look blackish.
If it weren’t for your location and the cause of his headache, both of you would be on the way to the hospital wing. But how could you explain that George hit the bookshelf in Filch’s office? Well, you couldn’t. Good for you that the boy did not question your methods, he probably didn’t even notice the thing that you had done. 
“That was weird. But also hilarious.” George admitted, laughing way too loud, when you carefully opened the door to check what’s going on outside the office. After you made sure that no one was staring, you took his hand again, making him go after you.
While wandering through corridors, you noticed it is almost empty.
“Why is no one here?” You asked, not expecting the ginger boy to answer.
“You know, I think everyone is having classes. We’re going to be late.” 
“Oh no, we’re not going at all.” You replied quickly. “Not in the mood to get all the attention today, apparently the world is against me. We gotta be smarter, let’s play truant.” You tried to encourage George, but he already seemed to be in.
“That sounds great! Now I really do feel like we’re soulmates.”
“You doubted it? Wait, you never even mentioned that to me. ” You craved for an explanation, while George wasn’t so fond of telling you more.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a silly word. I intended to ask you something. Why didn’t you say anything when I asked for a date? Is it because you didn’t want to, or find me too intimidating?”
“Do you want the answer that will make you look bad, or do I have to take all the blame?”
“Depends which is the correct one.” He replied teasingly.
“I mean, I did think it was a little weird that you asked me, because after the pranks that night we talked only occasionally… how could I possibly be your soulmate? How could you grow to like me when you don’t know me at all? ” Yeah, you might regret that later, but you had to be honest.
“Merlin, I’m going to sound like a weirdo, but I do know you. At least I think so. You showed the real yourself that night, being careless and funny, besides in most of my classes I’m focusing on you, not the topic. I’m definitely sounding like a psycho, but you always sit in front of me or behind me, joking with your friend and I cannot help but hear more than a little and laugh quietly. I’ve liked you since that damn night and got to know you, in an unusual way, but still felt like we’re similar. That’s why I had to shoot my shot. Please don’t leave. ” He said, grabbing my hand, afraid of the vision that I might freak out.
“Can you shut up?” You replied in a harsh way, later realizing what you had done. “Shit, I didn’t mean… I just… you can speak. I’m just… Can you calm down? It sounds like your heart is going to run away from your body.” 
“Am I sweating or what?” He asked, curious how did you notice that his heart was fluttering.
“Oh no I actually… I can hear your heart beating. Very, very fast. And that you’re swallowing now the gulp of saliva, because you’re scared. I even hear professor Flitwick explaining the cheering charm to the 3rd years. And that Hagrid is coming, I think he’ll appear in this corridor in two minutes.”
“Your eyes have just changed from their natural  color. What is going on? Is something wrong? I am worried, I want to help you darling. ” He tried to comfort you, so you didn’t even notice the nickname. “Are you an Animagus? Metamorphmagus?”
“I’m a werewolf. I’m a werewolf, George. I’m so sorry, I know, I should’ve told you earlier. ” You admitted the truth, now being the one who’s afraid.
“No way! That’s so cool! I’m glad that I know! How many people know? Is this why you talked with Lupin? Can you show me your claws? And your transformation? ” The ginger got way too excited, so your job was to tone him down. 
“Shh, remember that we’re in corridors, when  we should be in classes. No one can know that we’re here. I’m so sorry for saying this, but I can’t show you. Not only is it irresponsible, but.. I can’t control anything since I was bitten. It might be because I’m that creature for the short term. I haven’t  learned to control it yet, no one was kind enough to show me. Oh wait, the only werewolf that I know and trust is Remus and I told him the news just today.”
“But you told me that you hear my heart beating...  It’s one of your abilities, right? ” He asked curiously.
“Yeah, it is. See, I either don’t know how to do things or they’re out of my control. I can smell like everything in this corridor right now, and trust me, when it’s mixed, it’s awful. I told you, I hear not only you, but even what’s happening in the charms classroom that is in front of us,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather your wits,
 “I also see the flying lessons from that window and I can recall every face of the students that are now attending that lesson. The problem is, that I don’t want to. This information is totally not needed by me, but I can’t control it.”
 “I can’t decide yet what I want to smell or hear… it’s really hard. That’s why I couldn’t answer you when you asked me on a date. I heard your heart, and it caused my headache, that’s why my friend took the lead and talked with you that day.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it! Now that I know what was happening, I can relax. Should I say sorry for the sound of my heart? I didn’t want to…”
“It’s okay.” You interjected, comforting him, while it’s you who needed the comfort. “It’s not that bad, since you consider us soulmates, me, remembering how your heart beat sounds, it’s quite romantic.” You smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact.
“Can I?” George started, but took a break, wishing that you know what he has in his mind. You didn’t, so you stared at him with interest. “Can I listen to your heart? I wish I could remember yours too.”
You nodded at him, but the boy was too awkward to start this. You took his hand, leading it slowly to your chest, getting out of your comfort zone. 
“You know, maybe you should rest your head on me. It won’t look as weird as you're almost touching my breasts. ” You started laughing, wondering if you’re  taking this too far.
“Alright then.” He got a little more confident, doing as you told him so. “And I was hoping that we were going to have sex.”
“And you’re my soulmate?? Man, I would never do it in public. In front of the charms' classroom? What if Flitwick or students… I can’t even say it. You’re something else, Weasley.” You patted him on his head, which was still resting on your arm.
“I was going to tell you something really important. But since you got too cocky, you’re gonna have to wait ‘til  our date. ” You started, feeling ready to explain to him about  the anchor. You didn’t change your mind, because you will tell him anyway. Since the two of you got way too comfortable around each other, you decided to tease him a little. 
“Oh please, don’t leave me hanging on. I can give you… something. ” He tried to convince you, taking some sweets from his pocket.
“No way, I know what you’re giving me. It’s Zonko’s hiccough sweet. Won’t happen. ” You replied, declining his offer. The bell ringing made you realize that the lesson has ended and the two of you should hide or at least make an excuse why didn’t you show up to your classes. Not only for the teachers, but for the friends' curiosity. What were you going to say? It seemed easier to just disappear than explain everything. 
“I’m sorry, but Fred is watching us and I think we have something to talk about.” George got up, waving to his brother. “See you tomorrow then? Please, don’t be late” He added, lending you a hand in case you wanted to stand up, but you kindly declined it, deciding to sit for a little longer.
“Where were you? I was freaking out until I noticed that George was also absent. Good for you that it’s the transfiguration you had missed, not potions. Snape would kill you, or make you clean his class. Now, tell me what happened. In detail, please. ” She begged you, making you sigh at that statement, knowing that you two will probably miss another lesson, talking about your new friend, or, more like, soulmate?
The date was about to begin in 30 minutes, you were sitting calmly in your dorm, listening to your friend’s rambling.
“What do you mean by saying that you have ‘a lot of time’? Is thirty minutes a lot? You aren’t ready at all! At least change your shirt.”
“Well, I wanted to dress up. Then I started thinking if I should wear something casual, since it’s just Friday night, and we’re staying in school, or should I wear something elegant, to make this date more serious. Next I had a little panic attack for the same reason. Finally, I decided that I’m not gonna dress up. Too much pressure.”
“So you’re going in the same clothes that you were wearing for the whole day?” She asked you, wishing you’ll decide to change.
“Yeah, I don’t want to make it official. We’ll see what is going to happen.”
“At least brush your teeth for Merlin’s sake! I bet this boy is ready for something more than listening to your heart. ” She joked, making you terrified.
“Damn, what if he really does? What If I won’t be able to control myself and change into a werewolf? That would be so humiliating.”
“No! I’m sorry, don’t panic. I think he’ll be excited to see you in that way. You mentioned that he was very cool about that. ” She tried to calm you.
“No, you don’t understand. I can’t control myself. What If I harm him? I don’t want to... If something like that happens, then for sure he won’t keep in touch with me. ” You said, pacing  around the dorm to not freak out.
“Oh trust me, this boy is weird. And he likes taking risks. I bet that he will laugh about it and get excited. ” She summed it up, wishing that it might cheer me up.
Because of her, you  finally decided to get up and change clothes. You still wanted to be comfortable, hoping that casual clothes would fit in that situation, whatever it may be that George has planned. 
After saying goodbye to your  friend, you found yourself in the corridors, walking slowly, focusing on breathing slowly. There’s no need to worry, right?
A couple of minutes later you noticed George, standing in front of the Great Hall, just as he said to you  earlier, leaning against the wall. He was looking down at the floor, bouncing his head, probably to the song that he couldn’t get rid of. You did not want to interrupt, enjoying the view from afar, but you knew you had no choice.
“Stressed?” You asked him, watching as his eyes slowly looked  upon you. “Not any longer. You came. ” He smirked, asking for permission to take my hand. “Why wouldn’t I? Yesterday was fun. ” You admitted, being curious where the two of you are heading to. 
Before you realized you were outside of  Hogwarts, George led you to the location where everything was prepared. You couldn’t help but wonder what he has in his mind. Is he worried that you may not like that? Is he excited to show you? Is it still a date or just a friendly meeting? 
Seconds later the view was starting to get familiar  the Black Lake was for sure mesmerizing, but what amazed you more was a huge, colorful blanket  with so much food on it. 
“Did you make it?” You asked, noticing that a flower crown was also laying on the blanket. “Which charm did you use?” The boy flushed at this question, feeling embarrassed.
“Oh, I didn’t use any charm. I got anxious after everything was prepared, so I had to get my hands busy. We were making flower crowns when Ginny was little, so I was worried that I might not do it properly, because it was long ago, but I’m actually proud of that one. ” George explained everything to you, starting to gain his confidence back, seeing that you liked what he had done. He helped you put it on your head, and then you sat down, looking at swans swimming in the lake.
“Do you think that we will eat everything? It looks like a feast for the whole school, or at least for one of the houses. ” The food in front of you was disappearing very, very slowly. Although George was eating all the time, the blanket was still full of all kinds of food. At first, you weren’t eager to try this food, knowing that George might have done something with it, but when he reached for the snacks, you followed his actions. 
Talking with him was really pleasant, you felt weirdly comfortable around him, but still the anchor thing was haunting you. Sometimes you couldn’t focus, thinking how are you going to explain it to him. It wasn’t that hard to make words come out of your mouth. What worried you was the commitment. Do you have to be his girlfriend immediately after that confession? Does that strengthen the bond between you two? Or will it mean nothing to him?
You could admit that you liked him. A lot. But those words sounded like you expected him to be more than your friend, and you did not want to rush things. Maybe you’ll consider telling it to him after the date? Depends on if it’s going to be good or end awkwardly? 
You decided to brush it off, asking out of nowhere.
“George, what’s like to prank people? Do you feel excited or embarrassed while making them?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve never pranked someone.” He said seriously, but seeing your face made him realize that you weren’t joking as well.
 “No way. We have to prank someone together. Get up. Plans are changed.” He ordered, making sure that you do what he told you to, and then throwing the spell that made the blanket disappear.
“Did someone get under your skin lately?” Weasley said, probably having the plan already made in his head.
“Filch is yelling at me every day. Apparently Mr. Norris is not fond of my Kneazle.”
“And you’re letting him treat you like that? We gotta do something.” 
Going back to Hogwarts was quick and exciting. You never pranked anyone but you heard a lot of stories about the twins doing it, and having a chance to make it with one of them next to you, made you hope that it’s going to be fun. George decided that you’re gonna make a potion that will make Filch speak nonsense, it is Babbling Beverage. 
To do this, you had to sneak into the potions classroom, which wasn’t the easiest task, but definitely the interesting one. 
Joking with Weasley was really easy, this boy was a comedian. Spending time with him opened your eyes, that not everything has to be taken seriously in life. He could make fun of anything, yet you felt comfortable with him, because he knew when he should stop. 
Collecting all the things needed to brew this potion  created a silence between you two,  because you focused on the responsibility to make it perfect. Considering the fact that neither of you were good in potions, doing all of this was a challenge. But you knew it was worth it. For all the things Filch said to you, offending you every day, you waited for the sweet, sweet revenge. 
Finally, feeling ready, you broke the silence. 
“George, I have to say something. Please don’t make fun of me.”
 “No worries darling. I literally came to you and asked you out even though we didn’t talk much. If you didn’t make fun of me, then I won’t do it to you.” He admitted, taking the ladle out of your hands.
“How much do you know about werewolves?” You started slowly, not wanting to get to the point so quickly.
“Not much. Just that you and Remus are the ones. And that something happens when there’s a full moon. Do you want to say that I should learn more? Because I could do that for you. ” He replied, like it wasn’t a big thing, but it made you smile wide.
“Oh, you don’t have to.” You said, not wanting to put the pressure on him. “You know, there’s a thing called  an Anchor.” You started, taking a deep breath to think what you should say.
“And what’s that?” He asked out of curiosity, wishing that you could explain everything now, because he hated living with the unawareness. “You can trust me.” He added, taking your palm in his and rubbing it slowly with his thumb.
“I don’t know how to say this. I’m nervous. It... it’s a thing, or a person... actually, it is a person, who can calm the werewolf. They don’t have to be next to the creature, just the thought of them makes the werewolf control everything, making them able to not transform into the beast... you know. ” You started messing up the words, feeling incredibly stressed, and the fact that George was staring deep in your eyes, didn’t help you at all.
“Sorry to bother you, but we have to wait one hour for this ingredient to get warmer. We can sit in the storeroom then.”   He took off his jacket, putting it on the floor to make the place a bit more cozy.
You sat next to him, staying silent, knowing that when he interrupted you, it could mean that he’s not interested in the werewolf things. “What you said about the anchor... I think it’s pretty romantic. But why did you mention it to me?” 
“Don’t make me say it Weasley. I really don’t want to. I don’t even think I can. ” You tried to make it obvious that it’s him, but he clearly wanted you to admit it out loud.
“No way, is it Snape? That’s why we’re sitting here? Or is it Filch? And you want to show him the affection through the pranks? You're a weirdo, Y/N.” He laughed.
 “And you clearly don’t know what I have in mind.” You said, getting the confidence you gained lately.
“Do you mean you’re going to change tonight? Should I run? Or try to keep you calm? ” He was asking.
“If someone’s going to be that dumb, I might harm him. Just in case. ” You tried to tease him back, not wanting to say those words.
“Can I kiss you? These threats sound so hot when it comes out of your mouth. ” He asked, so you nodded quietly, watching as he was leaning closer. “Just don’t bite me, or do it. I would be the best werewolf, and the most handsome one. ” He whispered between the kisses.
“Your heart is so freaking loud. Maybe we should stop, we don’t want you to die or have a heart attack. ” You replied, showing that you care.
“We don’t? I didn’t know that. Also, I thought that you can’t hear it anymore. Since I am your anchor, and all you do right now is think of me...” he said confidently, admitting the things you were scared to say.
“Glad you finally understood. But it doesn’t work like that...” You were eager to explain everything once more, yet George had the courage to interrupt you again.
“Shh, we will have the time for talking. I’m now stuck with you forever, to be your Prince Charming and hero when you won’t be able to control yourself. But you are able now, and the night is long…”
“Don’t be so sure.” You interjected, moving closer and deciding to sit on him.
As George said, the night was long. The two of you forgot about the potion you were making, focusing on something else.
 The worst thing was how easy the two of you fell asleep.
 Snape seeing you that morning, sleeping, covered with your robes, was quite surprised. And furious. He yelled at you, making you wake up, not knowing where you are and what you were doing last night.
 It was obvious that he’s going to serve detention for you.
 But what could possibly go wrong, now that you have your anchor beside you?
tagging some people: @weasleysandwheezes @nerdyblogger06 @georgeweasley-whore @georgeweasleysbabe @asimpfortheweasleys
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Sirius is Disowned, Part 2. Check out Part 1.
London, July 26th of July, 2012. Content Warning: Toxic Masculinity, Homophobia, Violence, Physical Abuse. Sirius had been wearing the ring that Alphard gave him with pride. Actually, it looked pretty cool on him. Sirius saw his Uncle in a family dinner the day before he left for Rome. He had told everyone that he had business there. He didn't explain any further. Nobody questioned Alphard. Well except one person: Orion. Sirius couldn't pinpoint why his father hated Alphard so much. "I don't blame him, Sirius" Alphard had once answered, "We were horrible to him, me and Cygnus, when we were children. We never liked him" And Orion always repeated that Alphard was a bad influence on Sirius. That made Sirius like Alphard even more. But after his departure, Orion still didn't shut up about it. Sirius had been counting the days for the summer to be over and go back to Hogwarts. Regulus had recommended staying low, and trying to be nice. Sirius was following his brother's advice. But only because he wanted to ask permission to spend the rest of the summer at The Potters'. Perhaps if his parents were in a good mood, he might have a chance. So he was silent at dinner. Sirius was trying to ignore what his parents said. "I'm am so proud of you Reggie, darling" Walburga was saying "Being prefect is an honor" Of course Regulus, the good and perfect son, had gotten the perfect badge a few days ago. Sirius' exams results weren't bad. But nobody noticed that. "Thank you, mother" Regulus answered embarrassed. "Were you prefect, mother?" Sirius asked without thinking. He indeed needed magic to shut his mouth. Walburga's smile disappeared. Orion dropped his fork on the table, making Sirius' jump. Orion had the ability of losing patience easily. "I was just simply asking" Sirius said looking down. "No" Walburga answered, taking a sip of her wine "I wasn't a prefect. Neither do you, so..." Sometimes Walburga acted like a child. Sirius felt like she was constantly provoking him. Making him explode. They fought, Sirius said something stupid. And that's when Orion intervene. One punch or slap made Sirius finally shut up. Always the same. "I was..." Orion interrupted "I used to follow you everywhere, just to make sure you didn't get into trouble" he took a bite of his food "Remember that, darling?" Walburga seemed uncomfortable. She gave her husband a little smile. Sirius tried so hard not to roll his eyes. "Well, today we are talking about Regulus" She said "Samantha more wine" she raised her glass. As Samantha brought the bottle quickly, Sirius noticed Orion was getting furious. He detested it when Walburga drank. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting her husband. Sometimes Walburga liked contradicting everyone. "Amm... Actually is not a big deal" Regulus said "I don't know what the fuzz is about..." Reggie was shy and nervous when Orion was around. He was afraid of him. Sirius feared him too, but unlike Regulus, he couldn't control what he said. "Of course is a big deal, darling" Walburga stroked Reggie's hair. She'd never done that with Sirius. Sirius tried to ignore that. Everything was fine. Perhaps they would let him go to The Potters' if he was nice. He was cutting his meat, when Orion spoke again, and he jumped. "What is that?" Sirius took a while to learn, Orion was talking to him. His father pointed to his new ring. "Oh... am just a ring..." Sirius murmured, putting the hand under the table. "What was that?" Orion spoke louder. One time, Orion had told Sirius that men never spoke between teeth. Always loud and clear. "A ring, sir" Sirius spoke up, wondering why the hell Orion never bothered Regulus. Just him. Orion laughed "Why does it look familiar?" Sirius saw Walburga's expressionless face, and Regulus' concerned one. Looking at him. Sirius swolled. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. "It was my Uncle Alphard's" Sirius expected some yelling. But Orion simply snorted. He didn't say anything to Sirius. Which was a relief. But Orion turned to Walburga. "Speaking of Alphard, Wally. What do you think he is
doing in Rome? Suspicious isn't it?" Orion continued the conversation as if they were two old ladies, gossiping. Walburga smiled "How the hell should I know, darling" she spat "I don't control what my brother does" "Well you know my theory, darling..." "What theory?" Fuck, Sirius didn't learn, did he? But what else could he do if they were talking about Alphard. When Orion turned to look at him, he added "Sir?" "It's stupid..." Walburga began. But Orion raised his hand and she was interrupted. "It's okay, Wally" Orion said "I think it is rightful to tell our children what their uncle is really like..." "You have no proof, Orion" Walburga clenched her teeth. "Anyway, I think Sirius deserves to know Alphard is not the person he thinks" Orion smiled evilly "What are you talking about?" At this point, Sirius couldn't shut his mouth. "Orion..." "Alphard uses drugs, parties, drinks and has sex with random people and hookers" Walburga rolled her eyes as if she didn't believe it. "With men" Orion added. Regulus almost choked with his food. A million thoughts ran through Sirius' mind. Especially all that Alphard said the day he said goodbye. How he regretted his choices. How he tried to convince Sirius to be himself no matter who he felt attracted to. Did this mean that Orion was right? "That's not true!" Sirius spatted angrily. Sirius had been raised following strictly what The Bible said. Sirius still remembered what his nanny Mrs. Syre used to said about gay people. "Those bloody homosexuals. We need to pray that they end up in hell, where they belong". But it was 2012. Sirius had learned to be respectful. Albus Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts was gay. Edgar Bones, his classmate was gay. Sirius knew what gays were like. Feminine and all. Alphard wasn't like that. "It is, son" "You have no proof" Orion laughed "Why the hell do you think Alphard hasn't married?" "He is a free spirit!" "Is that what he told you?" Orion laughed "How innocent..." "Mother say something!" Sirius protested Walburga continued to drink her wine. Sirius sighed. "Reggie?" Regulus blinked. "You like Uncle Alphard, don't you?" "Uncle Alphard is nice" Regulus muttered "Your bloody uncle is corrupting your minds...." Orion pointed at them with his fork, angrily "He is a fucking faggot, And if you spend a lot of time with him, he will turn you into that..." "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! THAT'S HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!" Sirius was losing his bloody temper. He stood up. "SIRIUS SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN" Walburga warned. Eyes full of hate. "How can you be so calm, Walburga?" Sirius pointed to his father "He is insulting your brother" "THAT'S IT EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Walburga yelled, she turned to Sirius "And you have no right to treat me like that, young man" "Apologize to your mother!" Orion yelled "Apologize for what you said about my Uncle!" Sirius yelled back. Orion stared at Sirius with eyes full of venom. "All you have to do is behave like a proper man. Like a proper Black" "Maybe I don't want to!" "ORION, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Walburga roared "You just hate that your ego is hurt" "This is what I been telling you, Wally!" Orion protested "Sirius had spent too much time with Alphard. He had changed. He is becoming rebel and responding... Look at that hair, is too long..." "What the hell does that mean?" "Maybe he's turning you into a puff..." Sirius was trembling with rage. Orion was saying lies about Alphard. And now about himself. Sirius thought about what Alphard told him. How he shouldn't let them mold him the way they want. How Alphard admired him for speaking up for the things he didn't like. Sirius thought about Remus. How he was different. He was special. And there was nothing wrong with him. Perhaps Alphard was different as well. Perhaps he was different too. "Maybe I am a puff" At that moment, he mostly said it to provoke Orion. And he reacted, because he threw his glass against the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. Everyone jumped. Walburga yelled. "What did you say?" Everyone
in their right mind would say sorry, and not speak again. Regulus was asking him exactly that with his pleading eyes. But Sirius was out of his mind. Or he just didn't care anymore. Or he was an idiot. "I said that maybe I am a puff" he repeated more clearly "Sir..." Sirius felt Orion's fist on his face before anything. He was on the floor. Nose and lip bleeding. He wanted to cry so badly but the tears didn't come out. Orion grabbed him by his shirt. His face was red with fury. "You were supposed to come out right!" Orion said desperately "You were supposed to be the heir!! You cannot be a faggot. Tell me you are not one!!" Sirius was definitely an idiot. "I am a faggot" his voice was hoarse and he coughed blood. But Orion was hitting him again. All that Sirius could see between punches, was Regulus crying and begging. "PLEASE FATHER STOP! PLEASE STOP!" And Walburga. Walburga was next to Regulus. Her face didn't flick or show emotion. She just stood there supporting Regulus and watching all. I give up. Sirius thought. Now I know there's no sign of love. They don't love me. Never did.
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deadanddeactivated · 5 years
A Human Life
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairing: Roman & Remus, Roman & Virgil Characters: Roman, Virgil, Remus, Logan (mentioned), Patton (mentioned) Notes: Inspired by a conversation I had with @magpiemorality about this awesome thing they wrote Summary: Roman isn’t normal.  None of his family is.  Except Remus.
Okay so maybe ‘normal’ isn’t the right word.
Roman isn’t normal.  None of his family is.  Except Remus.
Okay so maybe ‘normal’ isn’t the right word.
Human.  Human is what Roman’s going for.  Remus is human.
Roman is not.
Which is why Roman lives in a mansion in the middle of the woods, a good day’s ride from the nearest town.  Far away from any humans who might deem him dangerous, or worse.  Safe in lands that Virgil has long since claimed as his own, safe where even other fae cannot touch him.
The only time he leaves the protection of his home is when they need supplies, usually once a month occasionally more often.  Taking one of the horses, he’ll ride to that nearby town and purchase what they need.  The townsfolk overcharge him and look at him with suspicion but they deal with it because Logan is a powerful witch who would stop helping their sick and their crops and their weather should they harm him.  Still, they do not like it and they make that well-known.  And Roman puts up with it because he’s not human, it’s only right they wouldn’t trust him.
But Remus?
Remus is human.  And still he lives far from his own kind, still he is treated like an outsider and a threat.
And it’s Roman’s fault.
Virgil disagrees, as does Remus.  They say Roman didn’t ask to be created anymore than Remus asked to be born.  And yet guilt so often swirls in Roman’s gut.  Especially when they visit the town and Roman spies children having fun, friends gossiping, lovers going for a midmorning stroll.  All that joy dies when Roman and Remus arrives and it’s just not fair.
Remus should have had that.  This should have been his life.  A little village with people that will grow old with him.  A meaningful life where he could do anything, be anything.
Instead Remus is doomed to the isolated fate of an immortal, all the while he will age and grow around people who have no sense of time.  Who understand that life is short only in theory.  
All because Roman is a changeling, created so the fae could steal Remus away.  All because something went wrong.  They’ll never know what, not unless they track down the fae that created him.  Which he’d rather not do, considering they’ll be less than happy to see him.  A failed changeling raised by a vampire.  The horror of it all.
Virgil’s always said the fae must have been interrupted.  For some reason they were forced to leave Roman without taking Remus.  Unable to tell changeling from child, the humans chose to abandon them both rather than risk raising the wrong one.  Lucky for them, Logan had been passing through town at the time.  It was him who brought them to Virgil, and Virgil who raised them afterwards.
Thinking about it, Roman acknowledges that it all worked out in his favour.  Life here sounded much better than life in a human town would have been.
For him anyway.
For Remus it’s like he was stolen away anyway.  He could have had a normal human life, like he should have, now he never can.
“I thought I heard you thinking somewhere.”  Roman doesn’t move at the voice despite Virgil’s silent entrance.  His eyes stay firmly on the window, from which he’s watching Remus and Patton.  His mind stays on thoughts of what Remus’ life could have been.
Would he have siblings?  A partner?  Friends to grow old with?  A career to fill his days?
“Roman.”  This time Virgil’s voice is firm enough to draw the changeling’s attention.  Looking up, Roman finds Virgil by the window sill he’s claimed.  The vampire gestures to Roman’s legs expectantly and Roman moves them, letting Virgil take a seat.  “What’s wrong?”  He asks once he’s settled.
“I’m fine.”  Roman claims, wanting to look away but not wanting to look back to Remus least that give him away.
“That’s not what I asked.”  Virgil says and then he waits.  He’s learnt a great deal of patience throughout his centuries?  Millenia?  Roman’s never really known how old Virgil is, just that he’s old enough to have more patience than Roman.
“I think I’ve stopped aging.”  Roman finally admits.
“Ah.”  Virgil says, like he’s not at all surprised.  He probably isn’t.  He probably already noticed.  “You’re worried about Remus, then?”
“He’s going to grow old.”  Roman mumbles.  He’s going to die.
“Maybe.”  Virgil shrugs.  “Or maybe not.”
“You’re thinking of turning him?”  Roman frowns, confused.  Back when they were kids, when immortality and morality were fun terms they didn’t actually understand, they’d asked Virgil to turn Remus often.  He’s always refused, rather firmly at that.
“I’d think about it if he asked.”  Virgil admits.  “And even if I said no, Patton’s a bleeding heart.  He’d give Remus immortality for a hug.”
“I guess…”  Roman mumbles.  He thinks the thought should fill him relief, knowing he might not watch his brother wither and decay.  It doesn’t.
“You don’t want him to be immortal?”  Virgil asks, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s not that.”  Roman says, pausing to try and figure it out himself.  “It’s just… isn’t that still stealing his life?”  
“Maybe.”  Virgil admits.  “Except I’ve already made Patton swear he won’t grant Remus any immortality until he’s travelled.”
“Lived a human life.”  Roman rephrases.  That should cheer him up, shouldn’t it?  The knowledge that Remus could leave at any time and live that human life he was meant to have.  Except it’s not really the human life he was meant to have, is it?  
Oh but that’s not why Roman’s insides are twisting all the worse.  No, it’s the thought of Remus leaving that makes Roman want to throw up.
Is that what it’s been the whole time, Roman wonders.  The reason for his guilt.
Because he knows his mere existence changed Remus’ life, probably for the worse, and yet he selfishly wants to keep Remus here.  In a world he doesn’t belong, because then at least they’re together.
God, he really is horrible, isn’t he?
“You too, you know.”  Virgil says, frowning slightly as he watches Roman’s face twist.  
“Huh?”  Roman frowns, momentarily confused out of his negative spiral.
“I want you to travel too.”  Virgil clarifies.  It just confused Roman further.
“Me?”  He repeats.  “But I’m not human.  I’m like you, shouldn’t I just stay here?”
“Just because you aren’t human doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore the world Roman.”  Virgil says.
“But why?”  Roman frowns.
“Because it’s good for you.  Because this way you’ll learn what you want in life.  All the same reasons Remus should go travelling.”  Virgil sighs.  “You get so caught up in thinking you stole Remus’ life, you forget yours was stolen too.”
“No it wasn’t.  I was never human.”  Roman argues.
“But you wouldn’t’ve noticed that.”  Virgil points out.  “You would’ve just been some happy go kid in some village, living that life you think Remus would have gotten.”
“But it would have been Remus’ life.”  Roman claims.
“No, it would have been your life.”  Virgil stresses.  “You lost the same thing, you and Remus.  And I can’t give that back to you.  I did my best raising you but I’m a vampire with a lot of territory to control, I couldn’t manage a normal life.”
“You did a great job.”  Roman quickly assures.
“No, I didn’t.”  Virgil says, although there’s a slight smile to his lips.  “I did want I could but raising kids is a lot different to mentoring some new immortal.  There was no way I was going to give you two the perfect childhood I wanted to.”
“But-”  Roman tries to protest but Virgil raises a hand.
“I’m not saying that because I feel guilty.”  He assures.  “Sometimes I do, but I know I did the best I could.  And I know what was my fault and what wasn’t.  You two ending up here?  That wasn’t my fault.  And it’s not yours.”
“But if I-” Roman tries again and again he’s interrupted.
 “No ifs or buts about it Roman.”  Virgil says.  “It’s not your fault.  But if you’re really so keen on blaming yourself, then fix it.”
“How?”  Roman huffs.  “I can’t change the past.”
“You don’t have to.”  Virgil claims.  “You can go drag Remus around the world and make sure he has that human life you think he deserves.  And if he says he wants to come home and he wants to live forever, you can support him on that.”
“Won’t I just ruin his human life if I’m there?”  Roman asks, even though the idea of going with Remus is a lot better than watching Remus go.
“Well I don’t think he’ll go without you.”  Virgil shrugs.  “So really going with him is the only way.”  With that the vampire stands back up and leaves.  Roman turns back to the window and to staring at his brother.  But instead of thinking of the what ifs, he thinks of tomorrow.  Obviously they can’t live a human life in the nearest town, but there are other towns.  Towns that don’t know about them.  Towns that’ll just think they’re some human travellers stopping by.  That’ll work, won’t it?
It won’t be until years later that Roman realizes he was played.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Pure Blood 7 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
A/N: I’m just gonna say that i get distracted by Timothée Chalamet’s perfection. that’s it.
Words: 2,144
Warnings: Pure gossip and drama, drama, drama.
Series’ Masterlist
Chapter 6 // Chapter 8
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Chapter 7: Surprise 
Fifth year
· No one should know about the plan. If at any time it is discovered, we must say some excuse or lie.
· Remus can leave the plan whenever he wants.
"Oh, come on," I complain, looking up at the boy sitting in front of me.
“What? You can't force me,” He teases. I roll my eyes.
"Then if at some point, you get mad at me for another reason that has nothing to do with the contract, will you abandon everything?"
“Of course not, I am not that impulsive.”
"I won’t take the risk" I take the pen and the scroll.
· Remus can leave the plan whenever he wants.
· Remus may leave the plan if he has a real reason (If he thinks he or someone else will get hurt)
“Now’s better,” He reads and nods.
“I know…”
· Persephone cannot be rude with any other person (can’t call them “mudbloods”)
"Technically, it's not my fault, that's how my parents raised me, but-“ He observes me, annoyed, "I'll try".
· Remus and Persephone cannot hurt each other.
· Remus cannot cancel any meeting
Lupin looks at me confused.
“You can't choose a prank or something with your friends instead of our classes. We must set the day and place and if they plan something last minute, in our schedule, you can not go with them.”
"That's very... controlling" I bite my lower lip.
Maybe it is, but…
"I guess that's how your friend Black started.”
“I want to know that too.”
"What?" I look up.
“What happened with you and Sirius? I know a version” He’s silent for a few seconds, “I never thought that-“
“That I could have another version?” I lean on the chair and cross my arms "I didn't think you were gossipy, Lupin."
He blushes.
"Normally I’m not," He says with a small smile, "I have another rule…”
· Persephone and Remus should always be honest
I add:
· They must answer all the questions that are asked, when they are ready.
Then I sign the paper and Remus does the same. He rolls up the scroll and hand it to him. We decide that he should hide it.
“I have a special place to hide things. They don't know what personal space is…”
"When do we start?” I ask.
"I do not know"
“Tomorrow night? We could go to the astronomy tower while we find another place.”
"No! Not the tower,” He replies with a grimace, “that’s Sirius' favorite place to take girls.”
Of course. I roll my eyes.
"I have the perfect place,” He says smiling
"Which one?”
“Just meet me outside your common room, I will look for you.”
“But it must be a private place, Remus-“
“Trust me"
"All right.”
· Remus and Persephone must trust each other
“Are you going to keep avoiding me?" I jump in my place when I hear that manly voice.
I turn a little and Regulus watches me, waiting for an answer.
"H-hello, Reg," He walks around the chair and then sits next to me. I move to observe it better.
“That’s all?" I don't know if he's upset or not, his face seems relaxed.
“I-I…” I sigh, "I haven't been evading you" I say uncertainly my AWFUL LIE. He laughs sarcastically.
I cover the bottom of my face with the book I’m reading.
"Yeah right. I think that up to this moment, today is the most you have lasted near me. You won’t run now?”
I don't like this Regulus, but I deserve this. I drop the book.
"Sorry. You are right, I regret how I’ve treated you,” I play with my fingers, “I have been distracted and I have too many things in my head-”
"And I am just a problem that you prefer to avoid" I observe his gray eyes. He's hurt, I hurt him.
"What happened with your family?" His question takes me by surprise.
"What are you talking about?" I ask nervously.
He puts his arm on the back of the chair and gets closer.
"Everything changed when we returned from vacation. Juno no longer speaks to you like before,” I look towards the fireplace, “Persephone…”
His fingers touch my chin and forces me to see him again. I feel the tears, but I don't let them fall, Regulus watches me worried.
"It's nothing, nothing happened," I say, pulling away from his grip, "It's just the exams, they pressure me to be the best, the usual," he sighs.
"Let's say I believe you,” He takes my hand gently, ”Will you still ignore me?"
"Sorry, Regulus," I stroke his hand, “I… I'm really sorry. I am a terrible friend. Jenna is mad at me too, ”I grimace.
"She told me,” I look at him in surprise, “Is Lupin bothering you or something? Is it about Sirius?”
I can't help laughing before his questions.
“How is it possible that you are like this after what I did to you? You worry about me and I just said I'm sorry and that's it?” He shrugs.
"I can't get mad at you," He says, bowing a little. I laugh again.
"I don't deserve it, Reg," I realize how close he is and panic, "you're very close."
I lean on the chair.
Hearing me, Regulus goes back to his place, totally flushed.
“It’s okay," We both fall into a little awkward silence.
Is what Jenna says true?
Do you feel something for me?
"I'm really sorry.”
“Just don't do it again. It’s quite difficult to be in a school full of idiots, you are the only reason why it is worth continuing here,” He says complaining.
My heart races.
Since when do you say things like that?
"I won’t do it again,” I say ignoring my thoughts.
He smiles.
"Well, let me tell you what happened with Rosier while we weren't together," He laughs. He always keeps the best stories for me.
While he tells me how Evan Rosier was humiliated by a Ravenclaw girl, I observe him carefully. I had never stopped to analyze my friend and think... Why this handsome boy has not dated anyone?
His black hair always neat, his gray eyes, his fine features, his perfect smile, his well-groomed body… Regulus has the ability to look like an angel. Anyone would die for him.
The more I observe, my mind travels to the childhood memories we had.
I remember him always asking if his hair was okay, especially after playing.
His eyes looked at everything with curiosity, that innocent smile when his brother and I pranked the adults, his little body chasing us, the soft laughs of a little kid.
But that child is gone. He is not the one who’s telling me the gossip of Slytherin. I can’t help thinking that he’s the constant memory of how I was once happy and complete.
"Can you believe it?" He asks, forcing me to return to reality.
"What a loser.”
"I know,” He chuckles, "She would never be with someone like him, the girl’s smart.”
“Reg," He observes me, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
My question surprises him and he blushes.
"W-why do you ask?" I shrug, "Well, no. I've dated some girls, but I've never had a girlfriend.”
"And you don't want to have one?" Okay, that sounded like a proposal.
"I mean," I clear my throat, ”There are many pureblood girls, surely your parents wait for you to get someone like that," I say awkwardly.
Is this progress? I will tell Lupin.
"I like someone," Now I’m surprised.
"Really?" He nods, "Who is it?"
"I won't tell you"
I frown.
"Come on, Reg. I could help you, maybe if we also tell Jenna, well, I must first apologize to her, but she’ll help us."
"I'm sorry, Persephone, but I won't tell you." He stays silent for a few seconds, ”I don't need your help, I know I can't be with her."
"What? Why?"
"She must be with someone else…”
“That's absurd, why? Does she have a boyfriend?” He shakes his head, “Then you can go get her, my friend. But you must tell me who it is.”
"I already told you no.”
I kneel on the couch and approach him.
"Come on, tell me who it is!”
"If you keep insisting, I'll get mad again." I shut my mouth and pout.
“That’s not fair," I say, crossing my arms.
“I'll be fine, Persephone. Don't worry,” He sighs, “Do you want to go for something to eat?”
"All right."
We leave the common room and head towards the Great Hall, tos of students already having dinner, anxious for all the food that the castle offers. Reg sits in front of me and takes a piece of pie, while I finally -after several weeks- put several things on my plate.
"Surely I should not ask you if you feel nervous about the OWLS, right?" He raises his eyebrows and I laugh a little.
“You know that's nothing, Reggie. At least not for me.”
"Come on, keep boasting, brainy," He says, throwing me a seed, we both laugh. “Before I found you, I could hear a couple panic saying they didn’t understand some stuff about Defense against the dark arts. I don't know what the lesson was, but they seemed worried. ”
"It can be difficult for some people,” He looks at me confused.
“How difficult can it be to read a book or pay attention in class? It’s true that D.A.D.A teachers change as if they were socks, but they know how to read. Surely they are mudbloods,” Now I’m confused.
"What does that have to do with it?"
He laughs.
“My mother says that they lose certain abilities that we pureblood, have naturally. In this case, intelligence.”
I analyze his words, I remember that my parents also said something similar. Will it be true? I must ask Remus.
"I guess everyone has their weaknesses,” He shrugs.
"So? What is yours?” I bite my lower lip.
"I don’t know,” He looks at me carefully, I know he wants to ask more questions.
"Anyway, will you go to the mansion for Christmas?" I tense, “We could go to your favorite store, where they sell chocolates-”
"I don't think it's a good idea,” My house, or the Black mansion.
"Why?" I look at his gray eyes.
“Just… I won’t go this year for the winter holidays. I've never been in the castle for the Holidays”
“What's so special? You’re here all the time, your family is waiting for you at home,” He says defensively.
"My family is not waiting for me,” At least not happily. Now that I think about it, I may not receive Christmas gifts from any of them.
Regulus sighs and finishes his meal.
"Will you tell me what happened or I will find out from someone else?” He’s serious now. I feel my hands sweat. I push the almost empty plate to the side.
"Reg, I... I can't tell you... it's something..."
"Can't or won't?" He says roughly.
"I can’t," I say firm, "If you really want the gossip, go with Juno, she will be happy to tell you what happened.”
“Are you angry now? You’ve been ignoring me all week.”
"Hey! I thought you had forgiven me!”
"Don't you understand that I care about you?" He says ignoring my comment, “Suddenly you’re so quiet, you fight with Jenna, you don't want to go back with your family… What happened, Persephone?"
The words get stuck in my throat. And no sound can come out. Reg looks at me waiting for something.
"Reg-" Before I can say it, the owls enter through the windows and start dropping the mail. A letter falls between thusem, but it is I who takes it.
It says my name, but the strange thing is the Black house badge as a stamp. Reg also seems confused. I open the envelope and take out the letter.
I carefully read the elegant writing.
"It's from your mom," I inform him.
I try to remember some important date, a reason why Walburga Black could have sent me a letter.
‘Dear Persephone:
We are glad and pleased to know the news of your agreement to belong to our family. We have talked to your parents and everything is fixed, dear. We have planned that the union ceremony will be done when both finish your studies. We are on time to develop all the preparations that come with being part of a large and old family like ours.
However, we believe a talk is necessary soon, after all, you have to be aware of our traditions.
We cannot wait for the future union between the Blacks and the Singh.
 You and Sirius will keep the family traditions alive.
                                                  Walburga and Orion Black.’
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107 @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight  
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stylesluxx · 5 years
breakups – s.black
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[warnings: you could say angst but eh]
summary: in which sirius is going through more than one breakup and y/n just wants to protect her brother | potter!reader | part two
word count: 1,947
When you and Sirius broke up, James and Sirius broke up. You knew what would happen if you and Sirius ever broke up and that's why you kept rejecting him. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt your brother or drag him into whatever mess you and Sirius were bound to create.
"Y/N, just give the poor kid a chance," James was begging.
"Okay and when it all goes to shit, then what, James?" You questioned. "You're willing to risk your relationship with either me or Sirius? Because I know I'm not willing to risk my relationship with you."
"It won't come down to that. And if it does, you're my twin; I'll have your back regardless of the circumstances, you know that."
"See, but I don't even want to put you in a position to choose."
"Okay, but I'm willing to do that if it means you two idiots will be happy. Just think about it, Y/N."
And you and Sirius were good for a long time. You were good for two years; from fifth year up to seventh year. He was your best friend and two were nearly inseparable. His face was the first thing you saw in the morning and the last thing you saw before falling asleep in his arms. He walked with you to the classes you had together, sat with you at all meals, made sure you ate and made sure all your schoolwork was done. Being with him was easy until it wasn't.
Any relationship was hard to maintain with the threat of war lingering in everyone's minds. He and the other three boys spent so much time game planning their first year out of school that your boyfriend had forgotten about you.
The first and last face you saw every day was Lily's. The only arms wrapped around you were your own and you were also the only person looking out for yourself. The thing is, for a while this didn't even bother you. You knew how serious everything was and you knew Sirius wasn't doing anything stupid. You were beyond understanding and gave Sirius all the space he needed. But since you and Sirius' relationship was so public, of course, people would attempt to plant seeds of doubt in your head. For a while, you ignored them and focused on yourself and your studies but it eventually got too much, forcing you to confront Sirius.
You were walking by a few Ravenclaw girls in the hallway who immediately snickered when they caught sight of you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but kept walking, trying not to think too much of it. But when Lily walked up behind you and took your arm, tugging you along, you figured something was up.
"What could it possibly be now?" You huffed. Lily never came to you with gossip unless she knew there was at least an 85% chance of it being true. She kept quiet and dragged you through the halls until you two were back in your dorm.
"Talk to Sirius, like ASAP," She told you seriously, looking you directly in your eyes.
"He and Marlene have been spending a lot of time together–"
"Well aren't you guys in that little Order thing? That's probably why," You shrugged.
"No, Y/N something's up. James is the one that pointed this out to me and you know James–"
"Yep, nothing but an empty barrel," You nodded.
"Now, I'm not saying he cheated but they're a little too close for comfort. Talk to him."
You huffed as you left the room, deciding not to avoid this conversation. You spotted Remus and James in the living room which was all too convenient.
"Have you two seen Sirius?" You asked, putting your hand on your hip already beginning to get aggravated.
"I have not," James shook his head and shut his book so that he could look at you.
"I think him and Marlene stayed behind after the meeting," Remus answered, giving you a small and unknowing smile. But James gave him a weird look before looking over at you and giving you a small nod.
You quickly left and went to the room of requirement, ready to confront your boyfriend. Although you weren't confrontational at all, you were always very gentle and calm which was one of the things that Sirius claimed he loved about you.
The door was there when you arrived and you could hear the giggling and fits of laughter from outside the door. Without knocking you barged in and quickly took note of the two sitting on the couch and Marlene's hand on Sirius' lap. Your unannounced arrival caused the laughter to cease and their heads quickly turned to look at you.
"Oh hi, Y/N. What're you doing here?" Sirius questioned, almost as if nothing was wrong.
"I could ask you the same. The meeting ended almost 30 minutes ago and yet here you are. And with Marlene McKinnon," You spoke stoically.
"Hi Y/N," She spoke up shyly.
"Hi, McKinnon. I heard you were struggling with potions, maybe you should, well, I don't know, go study or something," You suggested with a forced small smile.
She nodded and grabbed her bag before looking back at Sirius, "see you later?"
"I'm doubtful," You quickly cut in.
When she left, you went and leaned on the wall as you waited for Sirius' explanation.
"I'm not cheating on you," He started, making you roll your eyes.
"Mhm and was you starting with that supposed to make me feel confident about that?" You titled your head and furrowed your eyebrows.
"Seriously, Y/N, I'm not."
"So what's with all the rumors and girls laughing at me when I walk by them? Oh, and where have you been lately? You ditch me at meals, you don't ask me to sleep with you anymore, you've completely changed," You asked, feeling yourself start to get vulnerable.
"I've just been really tired and busy, Y/N, honestly," He huffed, thinking that explanation would excuse his behavior.
"Too tired and busy for your girlfriend, but you can spend time with Marlene McKinnon?" You questioned, starting to get loud. You couldn't believe he tried to play the exhaustion card, it blew your mind. You pushed yourself off the wall and began pacing as you ran a hand through your hair, clearly getting frustrated. "Sirius, it was never like this before. I used to be your security blanket; you would literally beg for me when you felt this way. I'm so lost."
He sighed, "Y/N, I know. But don't you think we kinda... outgrew each other?"
"Absolutely not!" You shook your head and stopped pacing, looking at him.
"I just- I'm not feeling this, us, anymore. I-I–" He tried to get out and put his head in his hands.
"You love her?" You whispered, making Sirius' body freeze.
He quickly relaxed and nodded before looking up to meet your eyes. You nodded, trying to take everything in. You didn't want to show him that he hurt you even though you knew he would know.
"I'll see you around, Sirius," You cut him off and quickly walked out the room and went straight toward the common room.
"Hey, did you find him?" James inquired once he saw you.
You wanted to tell James everything. Sirius was your best friend, but James was your rock and vice versa. This meant that you were supposed to protect him at all costs and you figured that you were better off crying in Lily's arms tonight.
"Yeah he was helping Marlene with potions," You nodded and tapped your foot, anxious to go to your room and let it all out.
"Sirius isn't even good at potions," Remus made a face.
"Yeah, I think Marlene figured that out pretty quickly," You chuckled.
"So, where is he now?" James questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Ummm, I think he said something about getting some food. But hey, I'm a bit tired so we'll talk later," You spoke, trying to hide the irritation in your voice.
Before they could say anything, you ran up the stairs and to your dorm. You sighed when you opened the door and let your shoulders slump. Lily looked away from her book to look at you and you gave her a defeated smile.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be just fine," She said softly and rushed over to hold you in her arms.
"Yeah, I know. But James," You squeaked out and let the tears fall.
"Babe, this is not about James. This is about you. James will figure it out, let him," She said, putting you at arm's length and rubbing your shoulders.
"That's his best friend. I don't want him to choose between me and Sirius, but I know he will," You shook your head.
She shook her head and brought you over to lay on her bed. "Dorcas and Alice went to Hogsmeade, so you have plenty of time to get it all out," She assured you.
"He didn't cheat on me," You told her, trying to wipe your eyes but the tears kept coming. "But he loves her."
Lily gasped quietly and had you lay your head on her chest as she rubbed your back. "Y/N, babe–"
"It's okay. I'll be okay. James doesn't know yet."
"Enough of James, Y/N! This is your heart and your heartbreak here, not his."
"This is his heartbreak, too, Lily. You know their relationship," You kept trying to explain but just shook your head. "Forget it."
The next morning you found yourself on the couch in the common room waiting for James to come down, which was taking forever. James liked to look presentable, but he was never a diva about his appearance.
"What's taking my brother so long?" You asked Remus as he came downstairs with Peter right behind him.
"Those two are still expressing their differences," Remus huffed, keeping the answer short and simple. He looked at you with pity in his eyes and you suddenly weren't so confused.
"Sirius told James?" You questioned, but you already knew the answer.
"They argued all night. They woke up arguing," Peter groaned.
"Well, it's mostly James. Sirius is sorta just... taking it," Remus corrected Peter
"James!" You yelled as you stormed up the stairs and to their room. You could hear him down the hall, which only annoyed you even more.
"I cannot believe you, Black!" You heard James, which turned your annoyance to sadness very quickly. James had never called Sirius by his last name and it almost made you flinch when you heard it.
You sighed, not wanting to face Sirius so soon but you needed to stop your brother from being so irrational. You opened the door but that didn't stop James' rant.
"James, please stop," You spoke gently but you were loud enough for James to hear.
"James, look at him," You said and looked over at Sirius who was uncomfortable and saddened by his friend's words. "He's had enough of your mouth. I could hear you yelling at him from down the hall. Let's go, please."
James quickly looked at Sirius before turning back to you and nodding. He grabbed his backpack and slipped on his shoes and walked over to the door, but turned back.
"Her eyes are puffy because she's been crying. Over you. That's why we can't be friends anymore," James calmly said before leaving the room.
You turned back to Sirius and sighed, feeling your eyes well up. "I'm sorry," You hiccuped and wiped your tears. You quickly turned and followed your brother out of the room, taking his hand for comfort.
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[AN: hi so this is the longest piece of work I’ve written on here and wow. ummm I really like this piece and I left it open for a part two if it’s requested so let me know what you guys think]
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lifeisntafantasy · 5 years
Do you have any Sanders Sides headcanons?
yessss. (im just copying and pasting most of these from my wattpad thing i posted)
Roman started to learn Spanish because he used to watch Dora the Explorer. You cannot change my mind. (Yes i thought of this because Dora was on TV. Don't judge me.)
Virgil secretly listens to musicals but doesn't tell anyone because Roman will try to make him sing with him.
Patton and Virgil have weekly gossip sessions and they gather in one of their rooms (usually Patton's) with snacks, movies, blankets, drinks, and they gossip.
Ever since Logan found out that Roman could speak Spanish he learned to speak Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Chinese to be better than Roman.
Virgil is smol boyo (like 5'3 or something) and can't reach certain things (like a peanut butter jar on the top shelf of a cabinet.) Roman is taller than him (like 5'9) and he teases Virgil whenever he can (by grabbing the remote or something and holding it over his head.) But that has gotten him kicked multiple times.
Remus is a smart boi™, he and knows all about space. He also knows about physics because he needs to know the smart stuff when he slingshots stuff at the other sides.
Deceit has a lisp but he plays it off as a hiss to keep up his intimidating snake image.
Patton can literally only make cookies. If he tries to make something else, he'll somehow set the whole kitchen on fire. 
Virgil has heterochromia (two different colored eyes) and Unsympathetic!Patton makes his constantly wear contacts because his different colored eyes makes him a "freak".
Roman will not let anyone see what's in his closet. (Remus thinks he has some kinky shit, but it's just because Roman has a a life size, cardboard cutout of Tom Holland.)
Virgil has a necklace with silicone charm things on it so he can chew them without breaking them, and Virgil doesn't let anyone know about this because he doesn't want them judging or teasing him.
Logan knows how to cook food really well, but can't bake for shit. Patton is the opposite. Remus isn't allowed in the kitchen after what happened last time. Roman just doesn't like to cook or bake. Deceit and Virgil used to bake and cook together, but since Virgil left the dark sides both of them stopped.
That's all I have rn.
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souberbielle · 6 years
Lily Evans is Not a Bad Friend: A Closer Look at the Courtyard Scene
The courtyard conversation in The Prince’s Tale is not a scene I like. I hate the decision to set the Highly Amusing Murder Prank before the Snape’s Worst Memory incident, in my opinion shafting almost every participant’s character arc. I still hate that. That has not changed. But I also, and I am far from alone in this, hated what seemed to be Lily’s atrocious treatment of the boy she called her best friend, taking his bully’s word over his, and blowing off news that he nearly died. Except I’ve just examined it again, prompted by reading several essays and fanfictions based on that same interpretation, written by some of the snazziest people in the fandom – and I think we’re all wrong.
To come to that, from what I’ve seen, nearly universally-accepted conclusion, you have to assume that Lily and Severus have not previously spoken about the Prank, and that the version of events Lily heard came from James Potter. But neither assumption is warranted. 
I had previously assumed, as a lot of people do, that this conversation was the first one the friends had had about the Prank since it happened. That doesn’t really hold up, though. It’s been at least a day or two – Lily says it took place “the other night,” not “last night.” Still, it’s possible they haven’t gotten a chance to talk since then. However, if what Lily heard about “what happened the other night” is the first clue she’s gotten that anything happened that night, you’d think she would open the conversation by asking him about it. Instead, she only brings it up when Snape himself mentions the Marauders. It’s not unreasonable that she doesn’t ask if he’s okay or for his side of the story; she already knows he wasn’t hurt, and he’s had his chance to explain. Her reproachful “I heard what happened the other night” is more likely to mean “I found out about that thing you refused to tell me about” than “I just learned something awful happened to you.” 
Why wouldn’t Snape give her his own account? I don’t think he could.
In PoA, Lupin’s account of the Prank tells us that, following the incident, Snape was “forbidden by Dumbledore to tell anybody” about Lupin’s lycanthropy – and possibly about the Prank itself. This could mean that Snape simply made a promise and was expected to keep it or face punishment. Or it could refer to a magical gag order, perhaps something like the Tongue-Tying Curse put on Grimmauld Place by Moody to keep Snape from revealing its location. His incoherence later in the courtyard scene, attributed by the narration to his “bitterness and dislike” could potentially also be related to such a restriction.
If the only thing keeping Snape from telling anybody were his own honor, he would tell Lily. We know this because he is trying to tell Lily. Dropping heavy-handed hints about his werewolf theory is a clear violation of the spirit of Dumbledore’s injunction. If he could say, “Remus Lupin is a werewolf and he nearly killed me,” he would do it, so it seems he cannot. 
Now, about that theory…
Lily responds to Snape’s leading questions about Remus as though they’ve been down this road before and she’s sick of it. “I know your theory,” she says. Which is odd. If this established, well-known Werewolf Theory of Snape’s predates the Prank, why would he knowingly go down a tunnel to follow a werewolf who is about to transform? The whole point of the incident was that Sirius knew the danger he was sending Snape into, but Snape didn’t. So, either the theory Lily is talking about is something other than lycanthropy (unlikely) or it’s a very recent development. The Prank happened just “the other night,” but Lily is already weary enough of the topic to call Severus “obsessed.” It seems like Snape has been desperately trying to get around his gag order. He’s probably been answering all questions about “what happened the other night” with werewolf hints. In his mind, he’s trying to explain in the only way he can, but Lily would see it as an attempt to deflect and avoid her questions, the way he really is deflecting and avoiding her concerns about Avery and Mulciber.
 So, she gets the story from another source, one she apparently considers reliable enough that she presents their version to Severus as hard fact. Most people assume this story came from James Potter or his friends, either directly or through the gossip mill, and therefore criticize Lily for taking the word of the boy she calls “an arrogant toerag” over that of her best friend. But, again, that assumption doesn’t bear out.
 For one thing, are the Marauders really likely to circulate a version of events that includes the fact that there’s a “tunnel by the Whomping Willow” and something “down there” that could kill someone on a full moon night? Sure, Snape’s Worst Memory shows they can be cavalier about discussing secrets where they might be overheard, but they have just been reminded of the dangers of a breach of secrecy. Are they really going to spread around the existence of the Willow tunnel, when that’s exactly the information that nearly got Snape killed? Do they really want people to pay close attention to who and what goes in and out of that tunnel? And do they want to be caught by teachers sharing this secret after what just happened with Sirius?
  Additionally, Lily presents the information like it came from a trustworthy source. Considering her view of James Potter, she’s likely to give his accounts of his own accomplishments about the same credence as, say, Gilderoy Lockhart’s. If the tale came directly from him, she wouldn’t state it as unbiased fact. The same thing applies if she heard it through the grapevine. She would begin, “People are saying...” instead of “I heard what happened.”
 Even if she were gullible enough to just accept gossip as gospel, her actions suggest the story isn’t common knowledge. She “drop[s] her voice” before introducing this new subject. Why doesn’t she want to be overheard? It can’t be that she doesn’t want people to hear her upbraid Severus, because she’s been doing that the whole conversation. It must be the content she’s worried about, which means it isn’t a story that’s already circulating.
My guess is that she heard it from the faculty, most likely by eavesdropping on teachers’ private conversation, but possibly by asking Slughorn, who has been known to share behind-the-scenes Hogwarts info with his favorite students. Information from a teacher wouldn’t be inherently suspect the way student gossip or Potter’s boasting would, and the story fits with her interpretation of Severus’ behavior. Since she has no reason to think the Werewolf Theory has anything to do with the Tunnel Incident (because why wouldn’t Severus just say so?) it does look ungrateful of him to hide the fact that James saved his life by making up nasty rumors about his sickly friend. She didn’t mention it until Snape forced the issue himself by harping on Lupin, in the same way that she didn’t bring up Petunia’s letter to Dumbledore until Petunia insulted the world she’d been so eager to join. (The similarity of these incidents – she even lowers her voice both times – may be another indication that Lily found out both secrets by snooping.)
So, contrary to popular belief, Lily Evans is not being a bad best friend to Snape in this scene. She’s just fed up with him distracting her with Scooby-Doo mysteries when she’s trying to hold an intervention.
((It’s possible this is old news to the fandom. Apologies if that’s the case. But I’ve literally never once seen this interpretation anywhere, and I’ve read a lot of Snape and Lily fic and meta. People have varying views on whether Lily’s behavior is justified and whether it’s intentional on Rowling’s part, but I’ve always seen it presented as a given that she is condemning her best friend on the word of James Potter, without giving Severus a chance to defend himself. Until one hour ago, I believed that too. So, I’m sharing my revelation.))
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vrenaewrites · 5 years
My Favorite Books Ever (2019).
In June 2018, I did a video about my all time favorite books. I included 13 books and only a couple were young adult, which is the genre I write in.
Boy how things change in a year. I’ve read probably 20 books since then which isn’t a lot compared to other people, but you’d be surprised how many of those were absolute knockouts for me, quickly moving into my hall of fame favorites. So let’s revisit my top 10 list.
10. TIE: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee and MATILDA by Roald Dahl.
[previously #5 and #10, respectively]
These books have to be included on the basis of how much they meant to me as a child and young teen who was bookish, compassionate, and open-minded in my rural (read: often racist) southern community. Scout Finch and Matilda Wormwood were little girls I needed as a little girl, and while I may not reach for these “favorites” too often anymore, they’ll be some of the first books I share with my kids of reading age. They made me who I am.
9. THE MERCILESS by Danielle Vega Rollins.
[new addition]
Boy, oh, boy. If you didn’t catch the pop culture influences on my new WIP, you don’t even know what kind of impact this book had on me. If The Exorcist and Mean Girls had a baby written by Stephen King, this would be it. Sofia Flores is welcomed by the popular, virtuous girls at the expense of outcast Brooklyn, and the price for inclusion is higher than anyone could have known. This is a brutal, BRUTAL book. Full of intrigue, pulpy dirty laundry, and tons of gore, it’s not for the faint of heart. But it is right up my alley.
8. SHARP OBJECTS by Gillian Flynn.
[previously #8]
This book messed me up so bad I had to let my little sister borrow it so I had someone to talk about it with. It worked. Journalist Camille Preaker returns to her small Midwest town to investigate the disappearance of little girls, she has to reconnect with her toxic, dysfunctional family I’ve mentioned it before: a fucked up family and a strong sister dynamic - good or bad - are two of my favorite elements to read about. SHARP OBJECTS comes through with that in spades, along with questionable allies, mental illness in the protagonist, twist after twist, and the classic Gillian Flynn style of stylistic, highly personal writing.
7. THE EXORCIST by William Peter Blatty.
[previously #6]
I am totally and utterly obsessed with this story. I did see the movie before I read the book because I’m a horror movie junkie and I saw this movie at like, ten years old. Twelve year old Regan MacNeil makes an imaginary friend through a ouija board and things...get...weird from there. But of course, the story isn’t really about Regan. It’s about Father Karras, the titular exorcist who wrestles with the imaginary friend within Regan - the demon Pazuzu - and his own personal demons. The vulgar violence Regan is subjected to during her possession will burn into your brain forever, and the exploration of the relationship between god and man and devil feeds my dogmatic interests like few things really can.
6. THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE by Shirley Jackson.
[previously #7]
I can’t overstate how much I love this book. From the queer coding of Theo and Nellie to the unsteady narration, Hill House has been ridiculously impactful on me since I read it almost two years ago. A parapsychologist invites people with paranormal experiences to spend time with him in the titular home, where he plans to prove the existence of paranormal activity. That’s right, this is the start of the ghost hunting trope, guys. Basically, these people get real fuckin’ haunted. As the sanity of each guest of Hill House is threatened and questioned, we as the reader start to wonder what the truth really is.
5. A HEAD FULL OF GHOSTS by Paul Tremblay.
[previously #4]
Paul Tremblay is a contemporary to Stephen King. I said what I said. The Barrett family is torn apart by the change in Marjorie, the oldest of their two daughters. As signs of acute schizophrenia become more prevalent, the father turns to religion and the mother turns to mental health professionals. As their resources deplete, they are forced to allow a reality tv show to document Marjorie’s affliction for the paycheck, where the reality and sanity of all involved comes unraveled. The narrators. The twists upon twists. The unrelenting tension as you become invested in finding out what is really wrong with Marjorie. It’s a book I wish I wrote.
4. THE FORBIDDEN GAME trilogy by LJ Smith.
[previously #3]
I just don’t know how to explain what this book did for me creatively. It’s 90s pulp horror and it made me realize that I kinda want to write 90s pulp horror...in 2019. It’s engaging, well written, interesting, unique, diverse, and quick. LJ Smith can do no wrong in my book.
[previously #2]
Do I have to get into this? The introduction of Remus Lupin, my literal father. The introduction of Sirius Black, my literal son. The introduction of not so annoying Hermione, literally me. The Draco punch. Buckbeak. Big baddies on the horizon. The first YA entry in the series. Chef’s kiss. Also the best film, I said what I said.
2. CARRIE by Stephen King.
[previously #1]
I know, I’m shook. Carrie has been dethroned. Don’t tell her though - we don’t want a prom repeat. Stephen King’s debut is ridiculously good - gritty, scary, brutal, sad, and believable despite being about a telekinetic teen who’s abused into massacring most of a town. Spoilers? The book is like 40 years old. Too bad.
Alice Hoffman’s PRACTICAL MAGIC [previously #9]
Grady Hendrix’s MY BEST FRIEND’S EXORCISM [new]
Dhonielle Clayton’s THE BELLES [new]
[new addition]
Oh my God, y’all. I read this book in one day while I was in upstate NY last month. I read it on a dock, on a lake, in 80 degree weather, and I had goosebumps by the end. Mary Katherine Blackwood and her sister Constance live alone in the Blackwood mansion, hated by the villagers, jeered at in the grocery store, and gossiped about - for good reason. Six years prior, their entire family was poisoned and the prime suspect, Constance, was acquitted to the disdain of the public. But when a long lost cousin hungry for the Blackwood fortune comes to visit, secret after secret is unearthed along with little Merricat’s various treasures of protection. Talk about twists. Jackson has a KNACK for the vicious town opinion - The Lottery, anyone? - and how it can ruin a family, a person, and how there can be no sole responsibility for mob mentality. I just cannot overstate how much I love this book.
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
<3 urwarriorangel’s writing challenge <3
hello my darling angels! i have started a writing challenge because i want to read more of what you write. i’m calling this a challenge because that’s what i’ve read others call it? rules are listed below! all submissions will be read by yours truly and (if they follow the p basic rules) i will post them all on a masterlist! i will reblog them and give you feedback because that’s what should happen regardless and also i love you guys! (gif not mine!)
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*no rape/incest/underage sex/etc.
*if you choose to write smut, you must be 18+!!! the characters you’re writing for must be 18+!!
*must be character x reader! you can write for multiple characters, but it still must be a reader insert!
*it’s first come first serve for characters, meaning there are character limits. multiple people can write for the same character, but they are capped. so please message me as soon as you see a character you want to write for!
*only one prompt per fic! (bonus points if you use any of my original prompts lol!) (also prompts can only be used once)
*triggers must be tagged. if there are any triggers in your fic, you must have a trigger warning. i cannot emphasize this enough.
*fic should be at least 500 words, if it’s longer (which please make it as long as you’d like!) you have to add a ‘read more’
*must tag me in the fic and use # urwarriorangelwritingchallenge <3
*fic should be a new original, not an old piece being resubmitted or a part of an already existing series. (you can write a series for this challenge if you’d like!)
*bonus points if you’re a poc!writer with a poc!reader <3 <3 <3
*you must respect the sexuality of the character! if you would like for an lgbtq+ character, their sexuality should not change in the fic. thank you!
*please send me a message with the character(s) you’d like to write for and the prompt!
example: damon salvatore + “i don’t know how much longer i can go on”
~the masterlist will be posted on august 13th! (if this goes well aka if people participate i would love to do this more often!)~
categories allowed:
anything your heart desires. if you’re going to write fluff please keep it compelling! add a few different styles together! give me some angst, some smut. make it a mystery! i mean absolutely no disrespect to those who write/read only fluff, but personally i find fluff a little more fun when it’s got multiple components! (if you write only fluff, please go ahead and write fluff! i will read it and i’m sure i’ll love it! these are just my personal preferences!)
i love aus very much, so please don’t shy away from them!
characters & prompts under the cut!
characters (five slots for each character)
agents of shield
al mackenzie antoine “trip” triplett daisy “skye” johnson grant ward jemma simmons lance hunter leopold fitz lincoln campbell
brooklyn 99
amy santiago charles boyle gina linetti jake peralta raymond holt rosa diaz terrence jeffords
buffy the vampire slayer
angel buffy summers cordelia chase rupert giles william the bloody aka spike
criminal minds
aaron hotchner david rossi derek morgan elle greenaway emily prentiss jennifer jareau luke alvez penelope garcia spencer reid
billy russo frank castle jessica jones luke cage matt murdock
chandler bing joey tribbiani monica geller phoebe buffay rachel green ross geller
game of thrones
arya stark benjen stark daenerys targaryen eddard stark jaime lannister jon snow khal drogo robb stark samwell tarly sansa stark tyrion lannister
gossip girl
blair waldorf carter baizen chuck bass dan humphrey nate archibald serena van der woodsen vanessa abrams
harry potter
draco malfoy fred weasley george weasley harry potter hermione granger remus lupin ronald weasley sirius black (young) tom riddle
hawaii five-0
adam noshimuri chin ho kelly daniel williams kono kalakaua michael noshimuri steve mcgarrett
jane the virgin
adam alvaro jane gloriana villanueva petra solano rafael solano
lucky number slevin
slevin kelevra
bruce banner aka hulk brunnhilde aka my valkyrie queen bucky barnes aka winter soldier clint barton aka hawkeye drax aka the destroyer erik stevens aka killmonger gamora aka um need we say more? janet van dyne aka wasp loki aka loki m’baku aka you already know mantis aka mantis aka a fucking cutie may parker aka ailf nakia aka loml okoye aka incredible badass peggy carter aka kickass peter parker aka spider-man peter quill aka star-lord pietro maximoff aka quicksilver sam wilson aka falcon scott lang aka antman shuri aka an angel stephen strange aka dr. strange steve rogers aka captain america t’challa aka black panther thor aka thor tony stark aka iron-man wanda maximoff aka scarlet witch
new girl
coach nick miller
pretty little liars
aria montgomery caleb rivers emily fields ezra fitz hanna marin jason dilaurentis mona vanderwaal noel kahn spencer hastings wren kingston
francis mary stuart nostradamus sebastian
archie andrews betty cooper cheryl blossom fangs fogarty fp jones fred andrews jason blossom josie mccoy jughead jones kevin keller malachai charles!reggie mantle ross!reggie mantle sweet pea toni topaz valerie brown veronica lodge
alec lightwood clary fray isabelle lightwood jace herondale lucian grey magnus bane simon lewis
teen wolf
allison argent chris argent cora hale derek hale isaac lahey jackson whittermore jordan parrish kira yukimura liam dunbar lydia martin malia tate peter hale scott mccall stiles stilinski theo raeken
the 100
bellamy blake clarke griffin echo finn collins jasper jordan john murphy king roan lexa lincoln monty green nathan miller octavia blake ontari raven reyes wells jaha
the originals
davina claire elijah mikaelson freya mikaelson hayley marshall kol mikaelson lucian castle niklaus mikaelson marcel gerard rebekah mikaelson
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett caroline forbes damon salvatore elena gilbert jeremy gilbert katherine pierce malachi parker mary louise matt donovan nora hildegard olivia parker tyler lockwood stefan salvatore sybil
alex summers aka havok charles xavier aka young!professor x erik lehnsherr aka magneto hank mccoy aka beast jean grey aka phoenix logan aka wolverine peter maximoff aka quiksilver ororo monroe aka storm raven darkholme aka mystique
prompts (once someone requests a prompt, i will update the list! list will be updated once a day, if multiple people ask for a prompt in between updates, i will give it to the first person who sent me an ask. i realize that there are more character options than there are prompts, i did this because i don’t think too many people will participate. if we ever run out, i will add more prompts! example of request: klaus mikaelson + “give me a chance”)
1: “ give me a chance. ”
2: “ not you again.. ”
3: “ leave me alone. ”
4: “ i don’t love you anymore. ”
5: “ why do you hate me? ”
6: “ i lost the baby. ”
7: “ i thought you loved me. ”
8: “ i don’t need you anymore. ”
9:“ i can’t believe you! ”
10: “ we can't keep this up forever. ”
11: “ you’re a monster. ”
12: “ i hate you. ”
13: “ don’t leave me… ”
14: “ you’re a disappointment. ”
15: “ don’t die on me– please. ”
16: “ i never meant to hurt you. ”
17: “ are you upset with me? ”
18: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
19: “ i’m going to kill you! ”
20: “ please don’t hurt me like this. ”
21: “ thanks for nothing. ”
22: “ dont call this number again. “
23: “ why did you spare me? ”
24: “ you need to leave. ”
25: “ i’m sick. ”
26: “ i’m dying. ”
27: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
28: “ i thought we were family!”
29: “ there was never an us. ”
30: “ so that’s it? it’s over? ”
31: “ i fucked up. ”
32: “ i came to say goodbye. ”
33:“ he’s dead because of you. ”
34: “ i don’t deserve to be loved. ”
35: “ about the baby… its yours. ”
36: “ i’m so in love with you. ”
37: “ dance with me! ”
38: “ isn’t this amazing? ”
39: “ i wish we could stay like this forever. ”
40: “ will you marry me? ”
41: “ i’m pregnant. ”
42: “ i need a hug. ”
43: “ you’re special to me. ”
44: “ i’m going to keep you safe. ”
45: “ do you trust me? ”
46: “ can i kiss you right now? ”
47: “ you’re cute when you’re angry. ”
48: “ i’ve liked you for awhile now. ”
49: “ let’s have a baby. ”
50: “ we’d make such a cute couple. ”
51: “ i want to take care of you. ”
52: “ can we cuddle? ”
53: “ it’s lonely here without you. ”
54: “ i can’t stand the thought of losing you. ”
55: “ shut up and kiss me already. ”
56: “ are you flirting with me? ”
57: “ is that my shirt? ”
58: “ how did we get here? ”
59: “ you own my heart. ”
60: “ you’d be a great dad. ”
61: “ you’d be a great mom. ”
62: “ i want to protect you. ”
63: “ what's the matter? ”
64: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
65: “ did you do something different with your hair? ”
66: “ is that a new perfume? ”
67: “ stop being so cute. ”
68: “ you’re making me blush! ”
69: “ you’re teasing me again… ”
70: “ this is why i fell in love with you. ”
71: “ you’re the best! ”
72: “ they’re going to love you, don’t worry! ”
73: “ oh, are you ticklish? ”
74: “ of course i remembered! ”
75: “ you’re one hell of a girl. ”
76: “ you’re one hell of a guy. ”
77: “ are you jealous? ”
78: “ hold me and never let me go. ”
79: “ stop hogging all the blankets! ”
80: “ lets run away together. ”
90: “ catch me if you can! ”
91: “ i’m fine. ”
92: “ are you drunk? ”
93: “ are you high? ”
94: “ we can't go in there… ”
95: “ give it back! ”
96: “ well this is just great. ”
97: “ don’t touch me. ”
98: “ not sure if you could tell, but i’m not exactly a people person. ”
99: “ this was fun— let's do it again sometime!”
100: “ i didn’t do it! ”
101: “ i did it… ”
102: “ i don’t remember that! ”
103: “ well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ”
104: “ get that thing away from me! ”
105: “ you owe me. ”
106: “ do you believe in aliens? ”
107: “ do you believe in ghosts? ”
108: “ are you hitting on me? ”
109: “ why are you naked? ”
110: “ you did what?! ”
111: “ you have… superpowers? ”
112: “ why are you bleeding? ”
113: “ where did all these puppies come from?”
114: “ don’t make me come over there myself! ”
115: “ that wasn’t funny. ”
116: “ this tastes horrible. ”
117: “ this is delicious! ”
118: “ are you mad at me? ”
119: “ stop ignoring me… ”
120: “ i love that show too! ”
121: “ can i borrow that book of yours?”
122: “ let's blow this joint. ”
123: “ let me help you with that. ”
124: “ take that back! ”
125: “ wanna go see a movie with me? ”
126: “ no way, that’s so lame. ”
127: “ what are you listening to? ”
128: “ i brought you your coffee. ”
129: “ don’t fuck this up. ”
130: “ run! ”
131: “ lets run away together. ”
132: “ i haven’t slept in four days… ”
133: “ your turn to do the dishes. ”
134: “ was i really that drunk? ”
135: “ was i really that stoned? ”
136: “give me back my phone! ”
137: “ you’re an asshole. ”
138: “ are you cold? ”
139: “ this place gives me the creeps. ”
140: “ i swear my house is haunted. ”
141: “ did you hear that? ”
142: “ it’s just your imagination. ”
143: “ just how stupid do you think i am? ”
144: “ stop being such a baby. ”
145: “ go back to bed. ”
146: “ are you okay? ”
147: “ i can take care of myself just fine.”
148: “ thanks for helping me back there. ”
149: “ since when have we ever been friends? ”
150: “ what on earth are you wearing? ”
151: “ i can’t feel my legs! ”
152: “ stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
153: “ put me down! ”
154: “ there’s only one bed… ”
155: “ it isn’t what it looks like! okay.. maybe it is… ”
156: “ how did i lose it? ”
157: “ i read your diary. ”
158: “ this is awkward. ”
159: “ didn’t you read the sign? ”
160: “ do you think you can teach me that? ”
161: “ bite me. ”
162: “ make me. ”
163: “ fuck me. ”
164: “ stop teasing me so much… ”
165: “ do you like it when i touch you like that?”
166: “ okay.. this is new. ”
167: “ want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
168: “ you’re in trouble now. ”
169: “ what a pretty sight. ”
170: “ bend over. ”
171: “ on your knees. ”
172: “ the food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ”
173: “ lay back. ”
174: “ take off your clothes. ”
175: “ well, fine; just this once. ”
176: “ i’m waiting. ”
177: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
178:“ as you wish. ”
179: “ first one to make a noise loses.”
180: “ you have no idea what you do to me. ”
181: “ if you’re bored; wanna have sex? ”
182: “ i've wanted this for so long. ”
183: “ car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ”
184: “ can i touch you? ”
185: “ open up. ”
186: “ no strings attached. ”
187: “ already? do i really have that much of an effect on you? ”
188: “ mine. ”
189: “ the nights still young. ”
190: “ we can't do that here! ”
191: “ behave. ”
192:“ what did you just say? ”
193: “ good girl. ”
194: “ good boy. ”
195: “ come here. ”
continued nsfw from misc sources
196: “are you going to come here, or are you going to make me come get you myself?”
197: “don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself.”
198: “stay still, squirming will make it worse.”
199: “keep count. if you lose it, we’re starting over. understand?”
200: “go get me the cane.”
201: “take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
202: “open your mouth. i’m putting the gag in so your screaming won’t alarm someone.”
203: “did you disobey my orders?”
204: “i thought i told you not to touch that?”
205: “have you finished everything i told you to do?”
206: “if you don’t stop acting like this, i’ll be forced to use different tactics.”
207: “your skin turns so red under my palm.”
208: “bend over the back of the couch.”
209: “you might want to bite something, the whip has a bite to it.”
210: “come here and bend over my lap.”
211: “i’m tired of your smart mouth.”
212: “you’re really hot.”
213: “oh, don’t mind me. just enjoying the view.”
214: “you know, those/that ______ of yours are/is pretty distracting.”
215: “hot damn.”
216: “so, you come here often?”
217: “well, well. my night just got better.”
218: “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
219: “you have got a great ass.”
220: “hey, i’m open minded.”
221: “you enjoying the view over there?”
222: “keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
223: “don’t be bashful. you know you want to.”
224: “you can have me any way you’d like, baby.”
225: “you wanna move this conversation someplace more private?”
226: “i’m off in a few minutes, you know.”
227:“it’s been a long day. why don’t we help each other unwind?”
228: “i think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
229: “i’m gonna be honest with you. i’m really horny, and you’re really hot. can we fuck? like, now?”
230: “i wanna see you get naked.”
231: “you like how i bend over for you, huh?”
232: “you’re getting me all worked up.”
233: “what do we have here?”
234: "i see someone’s happy to see me.”
235: “play your cards right, and i just might have to put you on speed dial.”
236: “you like that, don’t you?”
237: “how do you want me?”
238: “i’m sure we can put those lips to better use.”
239: “i want you. right here. right now.”
240: “god, you’re perfect.”
241: “i really like a man who’s good with his hands.”
242: “i’d be more than happy to show you a good time, if you’re looking for one.”
243: “i saw that. you just checked me out.”
244: “you look real good in that suit/dress/skirt/outfit.”
245: “you wanna help me out of this ___?” (insert article clothing here.)
246: “can i keep you?”
247: “you’re such a tease.”
248: “oh my, looks like i/you dropped something.”
249: “i love it when you talk dirty.”
250: “i can’t stop thinking about your hands on me.”
251: “i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear.”
252: “i really want to take you home and get you out of all those clothes.”
253: “it’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
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