#so would lily tbh
that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
remus, looking for gossip: hey i’m here if you need to talk
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number1abbasupporter · 4 months
James: you two aren’t that sneaky you know
Lily: yeah, half the school knows you’re dating
Remus: you two have no room to talk
Remus: it’s so obvious you’re dating Regulus, James
Sirius: WHAT?!
Lily: *giggling*
Remus: you and pandora aren’t any better either. trust i noticed Lily
Peter: he knows everything
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ghoulgeists · 2 months
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WOAH..!! new oc? Her name is piper :)
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apotelesmaa · 2 years
Norma is objectively one of the funniest psychonauts characters though. she immediately assumes this 10 year old is the mole taking down the psychonauts from the inside and decides the best way to gather information is to stalk his dad. Ruins ford and raz’s plan to defeat maligula by being a snitch. Helped save the day by fixing the problem she caused. Is now in hell because she was wrong and all the other kids make her fortnite dance and shout go snitch girl go. Her sister got all the cool genes and now she’s stuck being an insufferable nerd. Probably says “well actually” at least ten times a day. Beefing with a 10 year old. Let’s give it up for pathetic & annoying female characters (fond).
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favourite twdg villain?
I'm a fond enjoyer of the St. John's as villains. I don't know if they're my favorite just because they're only in one episode, but I love the concept of this family almost immediately jumping into cannibalism toward the start of the outbreak, dealing in human flesh to bandits, and casually feeding this group their friend's legs.
Like... what the hell was this family like before the outbreak that all three of them were like, "Hey now listen... nothing should go to waste, the dead are eating people so why shouldn't we? We gotta survive and in our defense, we only target those who were gonna die anyway... like y'all."
Dude, Mark was shot in this shoulder with an arrow. He wasn't going to die from that injury. It's so fucked that these seemingly friendly people took the group into their home and then fed them Mark's legs.
If we take the idea that everyone is infected and have the capacity within themselves to become walkers, to become monsters, then the St. John's were infected long before the outbreak, y'know? Not literally, but something was wrong with them and the outbreak just further spread that infection and changed them.
But again, are they my favorite? I dunno if I can say that since I have a lot more appreciation for Lily now. Yeah, some of her writing gets a little wonky in ep3 of TFS when she goes on her monologues and shit, but y'know what? I'm into it.
You have to remember who we're talking about and the fact that she's the antagonist; Lily isn't some anti-hero in TFS who secretly has a heart of gold that's brought to light because she reunited with Clementine... she's a fucked up woman who did fucked up things in the name of survival. She's full of rot now. She sees kidnapping children and turning them into soldiers to protect her home as a means to an end, but she doesn't actually give a shit about the people she's taking. They aren't people to her, they're as the episode title suggests, toys in her game. The only one she sees as a person is Clementine, and while that makes her hesitate at first, she sees Clementine's a prize to bring back.
She remembers what happened in S1; her father had a heart attack and as she tried to save him, Kenny smashed his face in with a saltlick and then expected Lily to just stand up and help him get back to his family because "he did what he had to, he made the hard choice." Yes, Larry was a piece of shit. No one liked him, and you can even question Lily on him and she'll tell you that he has a lot of pain. Yes, it makes him an asshole, but he's still her dad and he's all she has. I mean... the simplification is daddy issues, but in all seriousness, I don't doubt for a second that many of Lily's issues stem from Larry being a shitty father to her.
Then everyone thought she was losing it when she insisted there was a traitor in the group, which she was right about, but she was unstable. She was unwell, but how do you help someone like that when you don't have training to go about it? Then Lily ends up killing either Carley or Doug and the group turns on her, and either she's left behind or she steals the van and runs away.
Then we don't know what the hell happened to her until we see her again in TFS, but like... a lone woman with decay festering inside of her joining the delta? Exposing her to their methods? I mean, what else did she have to lose? She had nothing, she lost everything, and she has a lot of issues. Survival is easy when you're numb, when you don't care about the individual; they're all just cogs churning to make the system run, and if a piece doesn't cooperate, you get rid of it and find a new one.
Plus I think there's something to say about Lily not wanting to be perceived as weak again. That whole display she put on in the cells? Telling the story of what happened to Minerva and Sophie? I get the criticism that it feels like Lily did a 180 between episodes but like... yeah dude, because it's a performance. It's not just her and Clementine anymore. It's a display of power and authority. She's playing the part and thriving in it as she ensures everyone else is terrified of her.
But then when Clementine and AJ get the upper hand? Again, she's not afraid to play up the pleading to earn enough sympathy to spare her- hell, just to let their guard down enough to strike and get the upper hand again. I mean, she's got nothing else to lose, right? If she doesn't go for it, she'll be killed and sure, you can kill her anyway but at least she tried.
Honestly, I look at Lily in TFS and still see that scared little girl playing the tough bitch, just like Carley said in S1. It's just now escalated from "tough bitch" to a downright vile person. She's so... lost? I suppose? Lost within herself and the monstrous means she's taken to survive.
I get the criticisms of how she was used in TFS, but for me, it's like when people complain about Minerva not getting the redemption arc she supposedly should've gotten, y'know? There's no saving her. Lily was never on our side, and there was no getting her on our side. She wasn't ever going to redeem herself. Even if you spare her and she drifts away on her raft, can someone like her actually find redemption? Or will she just find another group that'll feed into her rot?
Truly, I say let her be horrid. Let her be the piece of shit villain with a few fleeting moments of humanity. Let her drown in the blood she's spilled.
#asks#twdg lily#twdg andy st john#twdg danny st john#twdg brenda st john#twdg clementine#twdg minerva#twdg mark#twdg larry#twdg kenny#i know i used to complain about lily in tfs a lot years ago but past cj complained about everything tbh sksksks#now i'm just like babe lily's interesting as shit like not every villain needs a redemption arc just because you think they're hot#and don't wanna feel bad or because you want her to be like she was in s1 when she was sympathetic like... it's been years#that's like being mad that clementine isn't the same person as she was in s1... the difference is we got to see clementine grow#but what happened to lily is a mystery... but that doesn't mean she didn't change especially for the worst#i dunno sometimes i look at lady antagonists in media and then look at people's reactions and i'm like.......... hmmmm#c'mon now- if kenny came back in tfs the same exact way then y'all would be foaming at the mouth insisting he's complex#and morally grey and he's just really sad about his family dying and really he's a sad widdle meow meow but also the best villain#who should be spared because he always cared about clementine and aj and he's just traumatized and sad and amazing unlike OTHERS#like.................... okay sure mmhmmmm#side note but the worst thing about kenny is the fact that he IS a brilliantly written character but his stans tend to just be the worst#anyway i like lily she's a great tfs antagonist like i recognize there are some weak spots and i wish she has more of a presence in ep4#if she lived but y'know... gotta make room for minerva being the final bridge boss so... yeah
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starratzz · 9 months
Mary Macdonald
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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big bob and lily w/ bob in my fanfic 😭😭
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vynegar · 1 year
luke empyrean’s touch MR messages
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disclaimer: this is a fan translation and i am not fluent in chinese, so keep in mind that there will be mistakes. feel free to let me know if you have questions, concerns, or comments.
do not repost without explicit permission. if you want to quote this or reference parts of the translation, credit and link back to me.
check my masterlist for more translations.
listen to the messages in S-CHN here and T-CHN here.
Title: Embrace (拥怀)
Private Message 1: With My Name
My dear Watson. It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve used that name.
Do you still remember the day we reunited, when you stood on the street corner calling my name?
The weather that day was just like today – the sun shining, a warm breeze.
The way you called out to me with some surprise and hesitation in your voice, reminded me of the first time you called me when we were kids.
Like a newly-discovered continent, it constantly surrounded me, continuing to call my name.
Luke, Luke, Luke…
As if you would never tire out, even sleep-talking during your afternoon nap.
When the grown-ups weren’t paying attention, I snuck out of my blankets over to your bed to respond to your call.
I never imagined that over time, it’d become a conditioned reflex.
Later at school, if you just mentioned my name when talking with classmates, I would think that you were calling me…
I’d always look at you instinctively, then realize that most of the time it was my mistake.
Fortunately, after all these years I still have that alertness, to be able to respond when you call me.
Now that I think about it, maybe my name was destined to belong to you.
It’s a spell meant only for you. No matter how far apart we are or how long we’ve been separated…
As long as you call out that name, I will arrive at your side.
Private Message 2: Nightmare
A few days ago when I was cleaning my room, I found some old things.
Do you remember? For a while, it was really popular in Stellis to popularize legal knowledge through mythology stories.
The girls at school loved dressing up as the goddess Themis to participate in cultural activities.
That time, your mom bought you a goddess costume too. A white toga, a gold crown… it was exquisite.
Oh right! You even made me make a longsword for you to go along with it.
It was too big for you to carry though, so I kept it for you the whole time. Our classmates joked that I was “the goddess’s loyal knight”.
Maybe I thought about it so much that it showed up in my dreams, too. I dreamed that you were dressed up as Themis.
You were standing at the end of a pathway surrounded by lilies in bloom, tightly gripping that longsword.
For some reason, I felt uneasy in that moment…
I subconsciously wanted to run to your side, but the lilies were trampled under my footsteps.
The fallen petals blocked my path forward… You stared at me mournfully.
I shouted your name, but… you were completely unable to hear me.
And like that, you gradually disappeared right in front of me. All that was left in the field… was a sculpture of Themis.
I frantically picked up the sword you had dropped, like a humble knight that had lost whom he was loyal to.
I kept watch there, silently, for so long… Until finally, the soil once again bloomed with pure white lilies…
Then, I suddenly woke up. Why did I have that kind of a dream?
Most people would comfort themselves by saying, “Dream are the opposite of reality.”
But I can’t help but wonder, what would be the opposite of this dream?
Is it yearning for the past, being troubled by the present, or… foreshadowing the fu ture?
Regardless of which one it is, though, the only thing I’m sure of right now is…
My fate is to know you, and be at your side.
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Of all the parts of the novel that never appeared in the manhwa, which one would you have liked to see?
Well, the lucathy kiss scene is a given. Not only it is super romantic and cute, but we get to see Athy reach 18 years old and achieve her original goal of surviving until then.
Other than that, in no particular order:
- Lucas and Athy walking on air à la Howl's Moving Castle at their market date. One of the vendors calling Athy Lucas' girlfriend, Lucas wanting to deny it but Athy shutting him up so they got free food.
- Athy asking Lily if she wanted to get married and have a child, but Lily answering she loved Athy as a daughter and that she just wanted to stay by her side forever. Athy then replying Lily was like her mom to her.
- Lucas gifting Athy Nox. It's cute, but it also addresses how Athy felt incredibly lonely without Lucas and after Blackie's death (she didn't get over it as easily as in the manhwa), and having something truly of her own, not of the "character Athanasia". She also called Nox "the child you gave me" in front of Lucas which is so funny.
- Felix freaking out about getting old and offending Claude in the process because he is older than Felix. Claude forcing Felix to drink gross soup to "stay healthy" (torturing him) but Felix not catching on and being moved because Claude "worried so much for him".
- Athy inviting Lucas to see the stars while laying in bed.
- Every Single Cabel Scene. His duel with Lucas was especially hilarious. Him gifting Athy flowers from her own garden and Athy being offended parallels manhwa! Athy being charmed when Lucas did the same. Double standards much, Athy?
- Lucathy's second market date when Lucas doesn't deny being Athy's boyfriend.
- Lucathy's tea party over the lake. It wasn't anything special from a narrative point of view, but it was super sweet and fun.
- Athy insulting the men that harassed her and Jennette when they visited the market (using very colorful slang) and kicking them in the nuts with a candy powered by her mana.
- All of LP!Lucas' scenes. This was always impossible because Spoon wouldn't (and didn't) include the LP extras in the manhwa (I understand, it would make the fandom hate like 75% of the characters), but LP!Lucas was so great OTL.
- Athy defending Lucas in front of Claude and Claude saying he must have cursed/bewitched Athy lmfao.
- Athy shutting Roger and the foreign nobles up (who called her a weak and fragile princess and tried to choose a husband for her) by bending a silver spoon in two.
- Ijekiel rejecting Jennette. It was much more compelling in the novel, expanding on their relationship in a way the manhwa didn't at all, making it a lot less interesting. I wish the manhwa would have kept it as it was, I think both of their characters changed for the worse without that added depth.
- Jennette actually getting upset over literally everyone lying to her. Her reaction in the manhwa is just so unrealistic. Jennette showing her ugly emotions in general, Spoon really didn't let her and it made her character flatter.
- Duchess Alpheus making a small appearance. Ijekiel, are you an orphan in the manhwa?
- Aety being his own character separated from Ana. He was way funnier like that and his motives made more sense, even if he was a clown. Everyone recognizing he was just a fucked up dude.
- CHIEF GRANDPA ASKING FOR ATHY'S HAIR AND BLOOD. Claude exploding half of the tower in retaliation, and then Lucas exploding the other half when he found out.
- Lucas' whole relationship with the royal wizards (who were all ikemen, including Chief Grandpa, by the way). Lucas torturing them, the wizards hating his guts, them not believing Lucas could be in love, Chief Grandpa trying to sell Lucas as a groom to Athy.
-Lucas stabbing Claude AND Athy with the World Tree's branch. Yeah, I know it would have clashed with the more dramatic tone of the manhwa, but it was so good. Athy calling him a murderer was hilarious.
- Athy hiding Claude's identity with magic when they visited the city making him look super ugly and the local men making fun of him. Claude then teaching Athy how to gamble and crushing said men at their own game. Poor Athy thought he was trying to teach her a moral lesson lmao.
- Athy's 18th birthday party, her dance with Lucas and Helena's POV of the whole thing. Yes, it was as hysterical as it sounds.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
i bet you think about me is so regulily fr
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cerealbishh · 1 month
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"I feel like God's having a good laugh because I thought I was gonna get out of Wabang."
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number1abbasupporter · 10 months
Lily, after explaining something: okay any questions?
James and Mary: *shooting their hands up and waving them around*
Lily, sighing: James?
James, grinning: will you marry me?
Lily: no. Mary?
Mary: will you marry me?
Lily, groaning: no. are there any real questions?
Mary and James: *looking at each other and then raising their hands again*
Lily: i’m scared to ask. what?
James and Mary: will you marry both of us?
Lily: alright i’m done
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siriuslygay1981 · 9 months
Quick oneshot idea? Scenario?
Mary who kisses her friends on the forehead, cheek or nose. She is the type to kiss you as a welcome and as a goodbye. Once she has a crush though she gives all her affection to them, or at least most of it. Her crushing on lily but thinking 'oh lily is straight and I'm not very LGBT passing'
Right, now imagine her leaning down to kiss Lily's nose/forehead before heading out and lily who has her nose stuck in a book ends up looking up at Mary because she assumes she had something to say only to accidentally make them kiss. There's a small pause before Mary kinda just walks out of the common room, lily is sitting there stunned her book falls to the floor with a thud.
Like this could either be Lily's gay awakening or it could just be a gay panic because 'oh my god! my crush just kissed me!.' to 'Oh my god I accidentally made her kiss me!'
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doctorweebmd · 1 month
awww someone linked me the thread 🥺🥺🥺 it’s super sweet but also….. those are the four most popular fics in the fandom. and zero sum game. Lmao. It does not belong in there
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
remus folklore lupin and his reputation boyfriend sirius black
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fxllensouls · 1 year
Lily in emerald? 💚
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It she 💚
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