#ren's point of view
luvdeathrobots · 11 months
POV: Monstro.
*tw: agressão, tentativa de homicídio. Clique aqui para ler a versão no Google Docs.
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   Era a última apresentação da noite de eventos das Indústrias Yamamoto. Hana Yamamoto, atual industrial, subia ao palco em meio ao eco de palmas, ao brilho das luzes e ao incentivo dos milhares de sorrisos comprados vindos do palco. Esbanjava em suas expressões nada mais nem menos que o orgulho sólido. 
— Obrigada, obrigada! — Apesar da calmaria na voz, seu sorriso era sádico, era esperto. Não havia vitória maior nos olhos de Hana que não fosse a atenção de seu público. — E é com extremo prazer que nós, das Indústrias Yamamoto, apresentamos a vocês a nossa mais nova invenção: ABR-005! É maior! É melhor! É o soldado perfeito! — Quão mais intensos eram seus adjetivos, mais alta era a voz que a líder trazia. — Conheçam, então, o futuro de titânio! 
   Havia silêncio até Hana sair do palco, as cortinas se abrirem e Ren Yamamoto ser revelado pelas luzes amarelas, vermelhas e azuis. Depois, muito pouco se podia ouvir das vozes presentes na plateia quando ABR-005 surgiu no centro de tudo. A máquina era grande, robusta, de quase dois metros e forma humanóide. Em seu corpo, era destacável a armadura de titânio e detalhes feitos a ouro, assim como o Cinábrio que brilhava em seu centro. Estava preparada para a guerra, aquilo era óbvio; o vermelho misturado ao preto em sua pintura não denunciava outra coisa senão a obsessão pela violência. 
   De início, Ren sabia muito bem com o que lidaria. Conhecia aquele dispositivo desde os esboços duplicados, rasgados e rabiscados de anos atrás. Era, finalmente, o dia que veria o esforço de alguns dos muitos funcionários tomando vida — e futuramente, sabia ele, tomando a vida. Ren não tinha o que temer. Conhecia cada movimento, cada surpresa que aquela máquina tinha a oferecer. Sabia seus limites. Era somente uma brincadeira planejada que futuramente traria a toda sua família não só o nome no topo como a pilha de dinheiro que ele sabia que sua mãe, Hana, gostava. Pelo menos ele achava que era só isso.
   Sua apresentação começou como qualquer outra: um resumo quase inútil sobre ABR-005 e para o que servia. Logo, a luta. Ren era ágil, era preciso. Suas mãos se alternavam em tiros disparados por uma pistola e então pelo arranhão de uma espada, tudo certeiro e totalmente calculado no titânio. Certamente, nada daquilo era suficiente para parar ou ao menos impedir avanços do robô; era apenas uma forma de demonstrar a resistência daquela besta. Do mesmo jeito que aquilo sabia se defender, sabia atacar, e assim foi: golpes precisos, eficientes para apagar qualquer um, mas totalmente ensaiados pelo garoto de magia artificial que simulava uma luta no momento. De maneira bruta e ligeira, ABR-005 apresentava a conversão de uma mão mecânica para uma lâmina totalmente afiada, extensa e de forma similar a uma foice; afinal, não havia nada que simulasse a morte tão bem quanto uma foice. Era esse seu diferencial de todas as máquinas criadas anteriormente: não teria piedade. Aquela força, aquele peso, aquela resistência e aquele gume, tudo era feito para ser preenchido pelo sangue. 
   Ren e ABR-005 ficaram em zigue-zague por certo tempo, tempo o suficiente para o apresentador imaginar que estava no fim. Não estava. O artífice podia jurar já ter visto tudo ensaiado nos dias anteriores, desviado ou acertado, mas havia algo de errado com ABR-005. A máquina brilhava mais. Brilhava o roxo do Cinábrio, brilhava o vermelho de seu corpo. Diferentemente dos padrões ensaiados, a besta começava a tomar tom mais agressivo e desregulado. A lâmina de sua foice outra vez foi vista e nada resumia mais Ren que o susto escancarado em seus olhos. Não conhecia aquilo. Não era aquilo que havia combinado com sua mãe. 
   ABR-005 impacientemente abandonava suas configurações iniciais. Em passos frenéticos, passava a derrubar seu rival com uma rasteira. A foice era cravada em seu rosto e todas as luzes do ambiente se apagavam. Era o preto, o vermelho da máquina e o reflexo das cores em Ren. Se alguém olhasse única e exclusivamente para aquele rapaz, seja a olhos nus ou pela câmera de seus celulares, sentiria nele o desespero de uma enrascada. Estava imobilizado. Não havia disparo de arma, acerto de lâmina ou golpe algum que invertesse sua situação. Então, de repente sentiu a força dos punhos de aço em sua barriga. Nunca em sua vida um golpe o doera tanto quanto aquele; afinal, era misturada a dor física da dor da humilhação pública. 
   Ren só foi capaz de ver outra vez a plateia quando seu corpo foi erguido e carregado pela máquina. Seus amigos, seus irmãos, sua namorada e diversas outras pessoas que ele talvez nunca fosse saber seus nomes gravavam aquele momento tanto em suas memórias quanto em seus celulares. Ele fechou seus olhos em esperança que aquilo acabasse, mas era só o início de seu pesadelo. A voz de sua mãe e industrial Hana roubou dele míseros segundos de atenção — e raiva.
— E é com extremo prazer que nós, das Indústrias Yamamoto — Era sufocante, era duradouro, era mortal. A besta mecânica refletia nos olhos de Ren o desespero eterno de sua alma, assim como sua mãe o fazia pela nada empática voz. —, apresentamos a vocês ABR–005! 
   O barulho dos aplausos invadiram os ouvidos do artífice como um incômodo ruído. Preso ao frio das mãos robóticas de ABR-005, ele não sentia nada mais que a angústia da morte — ou pelo menos do gosto azedo dela. A besta mecânica sorria. De algum jeito, aquele monte de peças sorria dentro do vidro preto e as luzes brancas. Era cruel, era persistente, era programado para aquilo. Os simulados dígitos gélidos apertavam sua garganta de maneira lenta, torturante e psicótica. Aquilo sabia a hora exata de largar seu ponto vital, deixar o corpo cair e então se curvar em total sucesso de sua criação. 
   Nas memórias de Ren Yamamoto, os Eventos de Lançamento sempre foram bons — no passado, no exato passado; agora, jogado ao chão como um nada, eram meras ilusões de respeito, de progresso e de orgulho. Sua visão diminuía aos poucos como a cortina do palco se fechava. Era primeiro o amarelo das luzes, o azulado da besta em seu caminho e o cinza de sua mãe. O ar era rarefeito. Um borrão, um sussurro e um riso; era tudo que conseguia identificar nos curtos segundos consciente, mesmo que não estivesse morto.
 E então tudo era breu.
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springgonyoyos · 9 months
Link Click x ORV
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Drew this cuz I need to feed myself…
After s2 confirmed Lu Guang going back in time to save Cheng Xiaoshi, I have never been same it has rewired something in my
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k-asternix · 10 months
Mumbo on his red life is terrifying. He's a little bit like Joel in that he could do so, so much more if he were just slightly better at the survival aspect of the game.
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akallabeth-joie · 1 year
For Science History:
If you were at a Ren Faire and encountered a group of mercenaries, what activities would you expect them to be doing?
[Not a poll, because the point of the exercise is free response.]
[No really, this is a step in a legitimate interpretative planning exercise. Please put your answer in a response, comment, and or tag. Send an anonymous ask if you want. Any of these will be very helpful.]
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butchdykekondraki · 11 months
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say what u will lucifer can really spin a yarn
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
aight peace out y'all I have no energy left and I'm done the movie. So much for a restful experience after a long day. All I wanted was something fun to watch while folding laundry but apparently this was not the movie to watch for that. I should've just stuck with Rebels
#i kept going out of sheer rage and it is now half past two so i DO need to hit the hay xD#tomorrow i shall wake up and regret losing my temper so many times#but i take comfort i knowing that the level of vitriol expressed in these posts comes nowhere near kylo ren's level of RAAAAAAGE#i get scared quite easily irl even by sudden noises and movements but i think my body's stress reactions and impulses have adapted#to kylo ren's screams of fury. to the point where if a grown man were to kick up such a fuss in my face now i'd be as cool as a cucumber#contemptuous even#i was TERRIFIED of kylo for half the film and spent the other half so angry and indignant on behalf of the people he yelled at#i don't know if i can handle the last movie this one was unlike any viewing experience i've had in a while#i have been spoiled for many things so yes i know that there is Redemption yes i know there is Good Stuff i know there is Good in kylo#yes i know there's as much fluff pointless meandering and terrible lines in the next one as there was in this one#but life is short and this movie just took 2.5 hours out of my life so i Think Not#and i Know that y'all who watched tros and loved it (at least loved the ben/rey parts of it) love ben too#however i haven't the energy to endure another 2.5+ hour star wars movie without any of the original stuff's magic and wonder and fun#and the tlj kylo ren literally ticks all the boxes on my Men You Ought To Avoid At All Costs list#ticks 'em twice crosses out the lines and scribbles all over it in a sudden wild frenzy of fear apprehension and reproach#characterization is all over the place the plot is like riding a dollar store plastic toboggan down mt olympus backwards blindfolded#and handcuffed to a rabid horse's hind leg#tlj liveblog
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longroadstonowhere · 2 years
so did you guys know that in firefox you can just turn off css sheets for any webpage you visit? and that doing so makes it infinitely easier to copy and paste from ff.net?
cuz i sure as hell didn’t and am absolutely ecstatic at knowing now
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lemonlover1110 · 9 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 19] Late Night Shenanigans
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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“Satoru…” You look at him, and he looks back at you with the same confusion. Sayo takes the seat that’s next to Ren’s, leaving Satoru to take a seat next to you on the plane. He could sit literally anywhere else, but he won’t. There’s a lot to talk about anyway.
“Who are you?” Ren asks, his blue eyes wide as he looks at the pretty woman that sits next to him. Sayo smiles at him, unsure of how to introduce herself. She puts out her hand for Ren to shake.
“I’m Sayo. What’s your name, buddy?” She introduces herself, and you’re extremely confused with everything. Her reaction, or rather, lack thereof. Satoru never told you that she knew, but based on his reaction, he didn’t know that she knew either.
“I’m Ren.” He responds with a big smile on his face. He still doesn’t have an idea who Sayo is and why she’s here, but you two seem fine with it, so he’s fine with it. Perhaps she’s like Shoko, a friend of his mom’s.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Ren. I’m your dad’s friend.” Sayo answers, making you even more disoriented. Perhaps she doesn’t want Ren to ask too many questions about who she is, making Satoru’s job easier. Sayo’s eyes then fall on you, “Your son is so cute. He looks just like Satoru.”
“Uhm… Thank you.” You respond. How are you supposed to answer that? That’s Satoru’s wife, a woman who just found out that her husband has a son. Well apparently she didn’t just find out but anyway. There’s a lot of questions that you have to ask, but not in front of Ren.
“You know this is a business trip, right? You can’t–” Satoru begins, making Sayo roll her eyes. She knows this isn’t a business trip, she isn’t a dumbass.
“I’ll stay away, just want to enjoy the beach and relax. Away from everyone.” She says. She gets comfortable in her seat since it’s going to be a long flight.
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Ren’s first flight goes smoothly, so much so that he swears he wants to grow up and be a pilot. You wonder how long it’ll last though since last week he wanted to be a firefighter. You managed to nap on the plane so you’re thankfully not too tired when you get to your destination– Plus you avoid the awkward situation that you were put in thanks to Sayo joining your trip.
“Woah!” Ren looks around amazed at the beach house when he steps inside. He’s been inside his grandma’s home many times but for some reason, the much smaller beach house impresses him more. Of course, it’s still pretty big, but nothing compared to Satoru’s childhood home. Satoru chuckles, holding Ren’s hand as Ren begins to look around the place. 
“The bedroom is over there, if you want to unpack and whatnot.” Sayo points to the door. “It’s the master bedroom though. I’m not sure of the arrangement you have with Satoru, but I’m sure he wants you to have the master bedroom.”
“Thank you.” Your voice is weak when you speak, embarrassed and awkward because of this situation. She begins to walk to the stairs but you call out her name before she can get too far, making her stop in her tracks. “Did he tell you?”
“He didn’t. But I have my ways of knowing.” She answers, and you begin to chew on the inside of your cheek since another question lingers in your mind. 
“Aren’t you upset?” You ask her, and a laugh escapes her lips. 
“I don’t care for Satoru as much as you think, honey. I’m surprised he hasn’t talked to you about our arrangement.” She says, which leaves you dumbfounded. You’re speechless, and after standing awkwardly for a minute or so, she decides to go upstairs. 
“Arrangement? What arrangement?” You whisper, walking over to the bedroom that’s on the first floor to unpack. You come to a stop when Ren calls out to you.
“Mommy! Did you see the view!” He yells, and you chuckle as he runs up to you. He’s dragging his father along with him. Ren grabs your hand, and leads the two of you to the big windows that give you a view of the beautiful beach. “Can we go now?”
“The sun is beginning to set, Ren. We can go really early tomorrow.” You say, watching as the sky turns a pinkish color. Ren doesn’t just want to walk along the shoreline, he wants to swim in the water and play in the sand, and it’s too late for that now. It doesn’t help that you’re tired. You know that tonight he’ll be so excited that he won’t be able to sleep, but that’ll make your job all that easier because at the end of the day, he’ll be falling asleep in your arms.
You watch as Satoru pouts as well, but he isn’t going to argue with your decision. Ren looks up at his dad, hopeful that Satoru will do something. But Satoru just ruffles Ren’s hair. Satoru then proceeds to ask, “What do you want for dinner, bud? We can eat whatever you want.”
“Is Sayo going to join us?” You ask, and Satoru shakes his head. His next words just confirm to you that their dynamic is… Weird enough for a husband and wife. Perhaps it should’ve come to your mind when you saw the man making sex eyes to his old secretary, and after he kissed you.
“I don’t want her to.”
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Ren was given his own room to sleep in, yet, he chooses to sleep in your bed. You never knew that someone so small could take up so much space, but Ren always has you on the edge of the bed, about to fall off. It’s something that makes Satoru cracks up when he walks into the bedroom to find you nearly on the floor because Ren takes up so much space. He wonders how you’ve managed to fall asleep. Satoru picks up Ren from the bed, carrying him out.
“Daddy?” Ren slowly opens his eyes, feeling how he’s being carried out of bed. Ren wonders what’s happening since he sees it’s still dark out. He feels Satoru kiss his temple, as they walk outside.
“We’re going to the beach, baby.” Satoru answers. It’s very late so they won’t be able to do much, but Satoru wants to let Ren at least play in the sand a bit. He’s been thinking about Ren’s pouty face, disappointed that he had to wait the whole entire day. He doesn’t know why he’s been just thinking about how disappointed Ren was, and it was keeping him awake. “Just for a bit, okay? We’re spending the whole entire day tomorrow here, so I don’t want you to get tired of the beach.”
“I won’t get tired.” Ren reassures his father, making Satoru chuckle. They’re still not staying for too long, he doesn’t want you to wake up and find out that Satoru has taken Ren out. Satoru realizes he forgot to grab a pair of shoes for Ren before walking out but he’s not too worried. It’s just sand, the only worry about it is that it gets everywhere. Satoru crouches down, rolling up Ren’s long pajama pants before the little boy runs to the shore. 
“How’s the water? Is it cold?” Satoru asks as he takes off his own shoes to join his son. 
“It’s warm.” Ren answers, and Satoru quickly verifies it as his feet touch the water. He grabs Ren’s hand before he goes in too deep into the water. Ren ends up taking a seat on the water, and Satoru bites down his lip, running a hand through his hair. He did not expect the child to take a seat in the water and ruin his pajamas. There’s absolutely no way that they won’t get caught now.
Ren begins to splash the water, and Satoru isn’t as stressed. It’s worth it to see Ren happy like this. Plus, he can do just about anything with Ren, after all, Satoru is his father. Satoru smiles, sitting down on the water as well, joining his son. His pajama pants gets completely soaked but he doesn’t mind. Satoru smiles, seeing how much fun Ren is having, “Are you having fun, Ren?”
“Yeah!” He exclaims. And for some reason, as Satoru stares at Ren, it dawns on him that this is something he has longed for– Sure, he’s thought about it, but reality really sets in. This is what he has really wanted for so long, and he finally has it. From you nonetheless. 
A sudden happiness consumes him. He has been happy, he was the happiest he could be when he found out about his son but it just hits him how lucky he is. His little baby boy from the woman he’s loved the most. Satoru picks up Ren from the water, kissing his son’s cheeks then proceeding to kiss all over his face, holding him high as Satoru lays down, completely getting wet.
“Daddy!” Ren squeals, followed by a giggle. It’s the best sound in the world. He’s missed so many years of this but he tries not to think about it, he has time to make it up. Ren is not even five yet, he has a whole life ahead of him. A whole life where Satoru gets to love him.
Satoru puts him down on his chest, hugging him tightly. Satoru appreciates the moment, lifting his head a bit to look at his son’s white hair, and laying back down to look at the stars in the sky. He has the biggest grin on his face. When was the last time he was this happy?
“I love you, Ren.” Satoru says.
“I love you too.” Ren answers. Satoru relaxes with the sound of the waves as they hit the shore, his eyes slowly getting heavier and heavier. He guesses he should let Ren go because he isn’t doing anything while in Satoru’s arms, but Satoru notices that Ren has fallen asleep. 
A sheepish smile comes to his lips, kissing the top of Ren’s head before muttering, “My baby boy.”
Satoru stands up, and just as he turns to walk back to the house, he hears your voice. You’re still in your pajamas, a hand on your hip, shaking your head in disappointment. Satoru feels his face get hot as he walks over to you.
“Sorry, I–” He begins, but you cut him off. 
“There’s no need to apologize, Satoru. He’s your son too, you’ve allowed to do stuff with him.” You say, taking a seat on the sand. Satoru doesn’t know exactly what you’re doing, but he follows your lead. “I would’ve appreciated if you would’ve told me. I woke up a little scared when Ren wasn’t next to me.”
“I’m sorry.” Satoru chuckles. You look over at Ren, who sleeps soundly in his fathers arms. You see he’s wet, and you know he had the time of life. Satoru bites down on his lip before asking, “So… What are we doing now?”
“The sun is going to rise soon. It’s late– Or really early. Depends on how you look at it.” You answer. Satoru didn’t really look at the time when he got Ren, and he certainly lost track of time with Ren. “You can go back inside.”
“No, it’s fine. I want to watch the sunrise with you.” Satoru responds. You both sit in silence, watching the horizon for the first bit of sunlight to appear, but time seems to slow down. Both of your hearts beat fast, as if they were going to beat out of your chest.
“So… Sayo told me that you have an arrangement. Do you want to talk about it?” You speak up, the question bugging your mind. You’re not sure when you’ll have a moment where you’re semi-alone again.
“Not right now, really.” Satoru says, not wanting to ruin the moment now. He misses when the first bit of light graces the sky, his eyes focused on you. He knows he shouldn’t… But he leans in to press a kiss on your cheek, which catches you off guard since your eyes are elsewhere.
“What was that for?” You ask. You’re a little too happy about it, but you shouldn’t let it happen
“For our son.” 
“You have a wife, and even if you didn’t, our relationship has been long gone, Satoru.” You remind him.
“Just a thank you kiss, nothing else.”
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
This Angel has another question! \o
What's it like taking a bath with RENACTED?
✦゜ANSWERED: Hell on earth T_T he takes up soooo much room and won't give you a moment to yourself dshjgjds /silly
cw: It gets NSFW towards the end!! MDNI!
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"Think we need more bubbles?"
When you're met with nothing but silence, you look up from your bubble sculpture to see your partner sporting an all too familiar pout on their face. His tattooed arms were crossed over his bare chest like he wanted to prove a point — and as if to fully emphasize their current disdain; Ren turns his head away the moment you make eye contact.
You couldn't help but let out a puff of laughter at the silliness of it all.
"Why are you pouting?" You nudge their leg with your own. "What's wrong?"
"...Why are you all th'way over there?"
'Over there', being on the opposite side of the tub from your beloved boyfriend. Which... didn't make much sense now that you thought about it, seeing as he was the one who (silently) volunteered to take the side with the faucet and drain, which left you with all the space and legroom your heart could desire. Though... it wasn't much, given how massive of a mountain your partner was. Ren was all long, lanky limbs and thick muscle; but it wasn't exactly evident with all the baggy clothing they often chose to wear.
In an attempt to make your beloved hacker feel better about the (albeit childish) situation, you carefully scoot over so that you were resting against one of their legs instead of the tub. But apparently, Ren still wanted more, as a familiar tattooed arm emerges from the water the moment you draw closer and silently beckons you to join him at his side. When you accept — in what world would you ever say no to him and that trademark frown? — Ren pulls you flush against his chest with a content sigh.
They were acting like the cat who got the cream, no doubt.
You barely have a moment to adjust to your new position before you feel Ren's arms wrap around your waist, and his chin finds its place atop your shoulder. Now, your hacker has the perfect view of you rebuilding your bubble castle once more — only this time, you were right where he wanted you.
"There." Your tone is laced with something mirthful and lively as you lean into his embrace. "Is this better?
"Just make sure you don't fall asleep. Elanor told me that it's not safe to do that." You purposefully ignore how their arms tense up at the mention of your coworker. However, you don't miss how they dip further under the water to run along the inside of your thighs instead.
Ren's real name slips from your lips in warning. You knew exactly what he was trying to do right now. Their hands were ghosting dangerously close to your—
"...'M not doing anything."
"Liar, I can feel you— Ah!"
His fingers casually brush past your most sensitive part, and it has you flinging your head back and clutching onto his forearm. From that reaction alone, you can hear Ren let out a curious hum from behind as their hand moves back to your sex once more.
"Just making sure you're all nice 'n clean down there."
"I-I somehow doubt that..."
"Isn't that the point of baths? T'get clean?" He muses, voice ghosting along the shell of your ear. "...Why were you talking to your coworker about taking baths in the first place, anyway?"
One of the rubber frogs you added ('for ambience!' you recall telling your boyfriend) innocently floats past, and you had half a mind to reach out and turn its gaze away from the intimate scene. Ren still had one hand firmly placed around your stomach to keep you steady while the other was shamelessly running up and down your—
"...Think I'm gonna need to do a thorough inspection. Bend over the tub f'me?"
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11rosebunny · 5 months
Their favourite body part (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
With how cautious he is around practically everyone, he doesn't really think about specific body parts he is attracted to. He has never been close to anyone as an adolescent, never used his phone for any social media platforms, and he sure as hell has never found someone he's liked in his life till he met you.
It took him awhile to even think that it was okay to physically be attracted to someone rather than their personality when his group of friends were talking about it on a random day. He didn't exactly say anything in that moment but when he heard the other guys talking about what they liked on a girl, he starting wondering what he even liked.
If he's being real, he never really pinpointed any body parts that he really liked, aside from your height but that is purely because he wants to make sure he's at least just a little bit taller than you.
No matter the way you looked, he still couldn't find a specific part on your body. He never really thought much into your looks, not to say he didn't find you pretty but he didn't come to a point where a singular look drove him insane. Insane?
Now he remembers. It's your eyes.
His mind came to halt when he started to vision the way your eyes would trail all over his face made him feel all jittery just by thinking about it. As much as he acts like he hates it whenever you stare at him, yelling out profanities and asking if there's something on his face in a panic, that day, he came to a conclusion that he likes your eyes the best.
Hajime Umemiya
Your waist.
He's not sure how he's even come to like this interest on your body, but here he is!
In his point of view, he thinks the reason why he likes your waist so much stems from the way he would protect. It's not like he's protecting your waist from God knows what, but it's more of a social cue of his to grasp you by your torso in the most nicest way possible to drag you away from anything he believes to be dangerous. But, at the same time, he can't deny he digs the way you feel in his hands, sometimes he may even give your waist a little squeeze, making you jump and ask what his problem is.
It's more of a sensory touch he likes more than the way it looks.
Toma Hiragi
Generally speaking, Hiragi isn't much of a person to focus on looks, aside from liking accessories, mainly glasses. Other than his belief that bad boys belong with good girls (wow what an opinion of his), he oddly likes it if you have an overly sensitive neck. It doesn't click to him for a while that it's his favourite part of your body till he blew cold breaths on the back of your neck and watched you quickly stumble from the ticklish feeling.
After seeing you jump nervously and gasp, he is immediately intrigued in the way you reacted and wanted to see more of it.
Ren Kaji
Even after having a wonky relationship with him, he can't deny he doesn't at least find you a little attractive, but he must keep up his reputation with you. He can't exactly eye you up and down otherwise you'd catch him in an instant, on the down side he can't even look at you without it seeming like he's picking for a fight.
So when you two are talking (arguing), something he notices on your face that he may have a small interest is, are your eyelashes. He's not very fond of those fake eyelashes but if you so happen to use mascara on one of those days, he finds it annoyingly pretty the way you bat your eyelashes at him, roll them ever so slowly and blink away. It's even worse if you look at him beneath your lashes, he may just crumble right then and there and grab you by the face to squish your cheeks because of the way you made him feel.
Taiga Tsugeura
Tsugeura has a very odd habit when talking to people. Whenever he's speaking to nearly anyone, his eye contact is off the roof in a good way. He always makes sure to look at the person he's talking to, to make them feel engaged and know that he's indeed listening, his odd habit of his only began to form when he started to talk to you.
That's when he found himself looking at your lips rather than your eyes. The first few times it was because of how much you squabbled around him, he had a hard time keeping up with the way you brought up 4 different topics in one conversation, so he began to focus on the movement of your lips whenever you spoke. But even so, it came to a point where he just began to stare at them by accident, even when your finished speaking.
Sometimes he forgets he's staring there and slowly lifts his eyes back up to your eyes. You had noticed him doing that once and caught him in the middle of it. He was wondering why you went quiet all of a sudden.
Mitsuki Kiryu
His favourite body part pretty much equals to his type of girls due to how oddly specific his favourite body part is.
Surprise surprise, it's your nose.
Typically speaking, he is more into longer noses rather than those button, or hooks noses, not to say anything bad about them, he finds them unique and interesting, but his number one all time favourite are long noses. He used to have an idol crush which he preferably chooses not to distinguish who it is... but because of where it stemmed from, he absolutely digs the shape of your nose. He likes flicking it or lightly tapping it with the tip of his finger.
Hayato Suo
He's not exactly sure why he's come to find this feature of yours the most attractive but he often finds himself staring at your hair. He's not even sure if that even counts as a body part.
He's not so hardcore when searching for something on to critique you on the way you look, generally speaking he thinks it comes from your early childhood days when you'd be so fussy whenever your Mom did your hair in braids and you would take them out the second you got into school.
He always used to laugh watching you struggle to get your hair undone, the way your hair flows in the air and during free time when you'd drag him to random places in the playground, your hair would always run wild against the wind. He's grown accustomed of watching you from behind, and whenever he was, he'd always look at your hair.
Jo Togame
This kind, respectable man loves your hips.
What a gentleman.
Jokes aside, he is still attracted to your face and the way you portray yourself through your personality, but he can not hide the fact that he more than enjoys it whenever he gets to touch your hips. It could be resting his hands against your skin in the area, moving you from side to side, or simply just touching it for no apparent reason.
Tomiyama Choji
He's not much of a person to go for any curves, he's more into the petite and shorter girls, because of that, he oddly really likes your collarbone or neck, leaning more towards your collarbone.
He's not a fan of a snatched waist, dewy hips, and a large chest, what he does like is a simple, smooth collarbone where he could see your bone stick out. He is aware it's a bit off putting for anyone, but to him he finds it extremely attractive, running his hands against the smooth skin and might even want to plaster kisses on to it, who knows!
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cactusringed · 2 years
Something I'm obsessed about is.. How some hermits come off in other people's videos vs their own videos
Scar can feel infinitely more threatening in others' videos whilst in his own pov he seems so fun and cheery. One of my favorite example is his audience with Ren. From his POV he comes off as just messing around, not really listening and just doing his own thing because he doesn't really respect Ren, not really
From ren's pov he comes off as terrifying - you watch Ren have his audience and assert his authority with the rest of his court, and then Scar walks in, and he takes complete control of the scene. Where others listened, nodded, and kneeled - Scar strolls to the throne at his side, sits, and smiles condescendingly as Ren demands scar sell his gigapies.
Whereas from Scar's point of view it's one of his endless swindling moments, when he tries to negotiate the whole thing, from ren's pov he just comes off as... So... Terrifying? Its hard to put into words. He won't budge. Faced with a monarch he supposedly swore his fealty for, for whom he's killed and brought the head of resistance members... He continues to stand tall, chin up, and refuse his frivolities.
It's just... So interesting to me.
Similarly, Joel in the life series - particularly last life - almost always comes off as so unhinged, unpredictable and violent. He's scary in a different way than scar, like an rabid dog.
But if you watch Joel's povs he's so soggy and pathetic. Even in last life. Especially in last life. Rather than a rabid dog he's suddenly a shaking chihuahua, barking and growling at everything that comes his way but obviously helpless.
There's many more examples. How aloof grian comes off from other people's point of view is a good one. It's just... Interesting to me.
I myself struggle a lot with understanding the way I come off to other people. Coworkers and friends will describe me in ways that will genuinely surprise me. When watching the hermits/lifers, you can see this phenomenon from both angles, in a way. It's a nice little case study. How someone comes off when you have an intimate knowledge of their intentions and thought processes vs how they come off from an outside perspective.
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blorbocedes · 2 months
williams!era nico gets a massage by dr.dot for RTL in a video that looks like a casting couch bad porn intro. 1/2/2009
below i explain the lengths i went to find this 👇 its v long
so our story starts a few months ago when i began frantically dming my oldest nicologist friend @colors-of-feeling if she remembered this video. I had only half remembered recollections at this point, and i really only remembered the video because it looks so much like a casting couch porn intro. I know I screenshot it but I went through my gallery and couldn't find it. i knew I had seen it a very long time ago and care is one of my first mutuals, so anything nico I've seen she's seen. she doesn't rmbr 😓
now im like holy shit did i make it up. still i plead care to turn her archive public so i can go through it. no luck. i went through my own archive, even though i know I didn't reblog it because it had been a youtube link instead of the video. and i regretted it so bad, because i know that low quality few hundred or thousand views videos from 2000s is basically lost footage because youtubes search is basically incomprehensible. I also went through the archives of other blogs that nico posted back in 2021 for any sign that I didn't just project and Imagine it. no luck.
feeling defeated i go to my final hope, the nicologist of all nicologists @distantlaughter... with only half baked and increasingly hysterical descriptors "umm its like a casting couch video! a boat! but the boat is parked 🤔 maybe the masseuse had pigtails" i rambled, normally like a normal person.
ren the absolute darling immediately pops up with a video of shirtless nico get massaged. its not.
and another one. not that either 😓 we underestimated just how much nico posted getting a shirtless massage.
finally. FINALLY. ren dms me like 10 seconds of this video hidden in a nico rosberg compilation fan video that is even in worse quality. but it's this video!!!!!! it EXISTS!!! im not crazy....... but that 3 pixel collage was proof that it was real, but alas not post worthy. There was an RTL logo in the corner so in one final futile search, we searched RTL archives which unfortunately did not go far enough. We were doing literal detective work like from the 10 seconds of the fanvid we concluded it was like, probably an RTL monaco promo video hence the coastline and the boat, and given nico's hair length it must be williams (or 2010 merc). but nothing further than that. still ren is the absolute goat nicologist who figured it out from just my descriptions alone 🙏🙏🙏
with that I ended my search, knowing it was real at least, even if it wasn't the full video.
today i got a storage full notification. so I started frantically deleting random videos I had on my phone from years. and buried in august 9, 2022 almost exactly TWO years ago . was 5 seconds of this video and the when the screen recording closed you could see it was from a video called Dr. Dot.
this time im posting the video, im also going to ask @argentinagp to gif it so this buried, almost lost footage less than 1k youtube video can get a second life again, and so we can all enjoy weird late 2000s whoring drivers out. ❤️
all of this could be avoided if simply 2 years ago I had reblogged and tagged the original link. archival work is often thankless and pointless but wow, sometimes it can feel so rewarding. so enjoy!
which brings me to the most important part. doesn't he totally look like a twink in a bad porno here?
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
Traffic/Life series roster as dinosaurs
A lot of these don't make for very good hybrids unless you wanna get into freaky territory or full on centaur but... Hope it's a fun scroll nonetheless!
Grian - Novialoidea
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A small birdie... The name also means "New wings" which I find fun. New lives and death games to be part of, new wings to accompany him... (Honorable mention to "Shuvuuia" the "desert bird" who unfortunately is not a pterosaur (doesn't fly)) (Yes we're including pterosaurs! Just using "dinosaur" as a conveient blanket term)
Tango - Aratasaurus / Pyroraptor
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Fire raptor! Either works just fine and Tango as a skittery little raptor is perfect for a creature like him
Scar - Apatosaurus
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"Deceptive Lizard" harkening back to Scar's scamming tendencies. Though I've always liked the idea of him being some larger gentler animal in any hybrid scenario and a long-neck fits the bill well. He can poke his nose into people's conversations easily to start marketing something useless to them and swishes his tail to ward off anyone who's about to stop him
Impulse - Nasutoceratops
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Ren - Regaliceratops
Horns. COOL horns. I don't know what else you want from me ceratopses are just way too awesome. Nasutoceratops is a wicked cool dinosaur for having its horns point so forward much like a bull and I for one can jive with some Impulse bull symbolism. Bulls are often viewed as strong, sturdy and loyal, traits also assigned to Impulse a LOT of the time. But though he IS intensely loyal in many cases (+ Ceratopses are also known for how they defend their own!), and he's not very outward about the following traits, he can get quite petty and bitchy and hold grudges. Still, you don't think of that when you look at him and he seems to agree! Eg him feeling like he should be accepted into Cleo's alliance in 3rd life without actually proving himself when Cleo was rightfully hesitant, at which Impulse more or less rolled his eyes. And him proclaiming "betrayal!" when killed by Bdubs when their alliance was as firm as a rat's tail
(And I feel the need to point this out too just in case: "bulls are also known for their temper" yeah but they're not like that! Bulls like many animals become defensive when exposed to aggravating behavior or movement! Which you could work into Impulse's grudge holding and intense loyalty...? I don't know enough about him sorry but do with that what you will)
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Regaliceratops! Regal!! Crown shaped frill!!! Need I say more?
Gem - Therizinosaurus
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Theris are so bad bitch coated to me and I would love to have one as my wife I mean um I couldn't decide on a less generic specimen so Gem can just be a Theri! A herbivore - often associated with the belief that herbivores are gentle passive creatures, but far from it, especially with Gem! She bares her claws like it's no one's business
Martyn - Stygmoloch
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A Pachy with a tough head and a tendency to bonk people - I think it fits Martyn's tendency to perpetuate drama haha. The Stygmoloch's name though more or less translates to "demon of the styx river", the river of the underworld representing loathing of death. To me this makes sense with all the watcher lore (that I have a hard time understanding but whatever!!) especially with how Martyn became in LL. The watchers themselves don't loathe death (??) of course. They're death games. But someone within the game trying to stay alive and win? Probably loathes the idea of themselves dying. I have no clue what Im saying
Pearl - Carnotaurus
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Ok maybe a hot take not to make her into a pteradon or even a raptor with wing-like features but those just didn't fit that well in my opinion. Rather I wanted her to have some kind of horn motif in place of her wings as visual symbolism for her character. I'd like to imagine her having fine horns, to then have them damaged (one broken off) and simultaneously the other more grown out. Think of how domesticated goats for example have their horns trimmed. I think human hybrids with horns would do the same to keep them from becoming a bother but Pearl would neglect to after her heartbreak in DL. I was heavily considering the Diabloceratops for this, especially because of the name (Devil horned face - good ostracizing material) but Pearl strikes me a lot more as a carnivore and there are only two horned carnivores out there so... Carnotaurus it is haha. And even now I'm making her horns unrealistically big but.... We can suspend some belief
BigB - Oryctodromeus
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"Digging Runner"! I've already talked plenty of why BigB is very rabbit behavior to me and my reasons for assigning this burrowing dinosaur to him are similar. Tldr he is fidgety and cautious yet clever and constantly buries himself underground
Lizzie - Anurognathidae
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I don't even fucking know man it made me think of Lizzie and then I wasn't able to assign anything else to her. Lizzie often claims to be confused and if any dinosaur looks to be in a perpetual state of confusion then its this one. I know a lot of people like to portray Lizzie as a butterfly also so there you go, wings!!! And it's quite cat-like too for those who like to draw her as a cat
Mumbo - Leinkupal
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I really struggled with Mumbo... So many different dinos fit him imo but I figured it should be at least something moderately large (so "Technosaurus" was out of the question lol). Then I rediscovered this dinosaur whose name translates to "vanishing family" and then I thought about LL and SL and how Mumbo went out quickly after the initial death/s and left a very felt absence in someone's alliance and then I became really emotional and forgot what I was doing
Joel - Nodocephalosaurus
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Bdubs - Psittacosaurus
"Knob Headed Lizard"
Joel as an Ankylosaur has been stuck in my head from day one of assigning dinosaurs to the Lifers and I'm frustrated that I can't truly explain why. You'd view an Ankylosaur as a slow and docile creature, even compared to other herbivores, but...
1. Maybe not so much nowadays, I don't know what non-dino nerds think, but I feel like ankylosaurs were largely believed to be HUGE back in the day, much like velociraptors, when in reality they're not that big. The Nodocephalosaurus is especially small even among other ankylosaurs. But, well, we all know what Joel loves to say about himself
2. Joel is or likes to make himself look well in control, just as ankylosaurs have little to worry about as far as predators go. Especially in earlier series where he was content basing mostly by himself. It's always when things get dire and he enters his red life that he becomes very impulsive and erratic like an ankylosaur flipped on its back
3. I know there's a distinction between Traffic Joel and Empires Joel and whatever other Joel but... Even in death games his more charitable traits shine through here and there. He really becomes a dangerous rascal for a large majority of the time and he's very good at it, he's not putting on a mask or anything, but I like to remember that underneath that tough spiky armor is gentleness and caring. His care towards Lizzie and Pearl and Etho etc etc
4. The image of Joel as a hell of a spiky creature is just really fun to me. Yet heavy and blunt ones! And someone once proposed the idea of him having a club tail but having chiselled it to be sharp to mirror him being a menace. (Added benefit also that it's lighter that way haha) To me he's always been an obvious heavy hitter rather than stealthy or particularly creative etc. Him as a carnivore just doesn't work as well for me
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The name bares no fitting meaning but when I look at Bdubs I think of Psittaco. All other species close to it in looks are already ceratopsians and we have like... 3 of those already lol. Im sorry Bdubs you look so stupid
Cleo - Lythronax
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There's so few predators in this roster lol oops, but Cleo deserves to be an apex one! The name translates to "Gore King" because you know, zombies... and you know, Cleo is very king so true. If any of the Lifers should be able to boast rows of razor sharp teeth to gore others it should be ZombieCleo
Scott - Theiophytalia
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I've been really struggling with Scott but how about the dinosaur whose name translates to "Belonging to the garden of Gods". There's only one known specimen of this species and it's an Iguanadon looking dinosaur which I think a lot of people would regard as the most basic, possibly boring type of dinosaur (if it weren't for the Allosaurus which already takes the title of "basic straight white guy") but that further fits Scott imo. It's always been a strong point of appeal to me how MUCH there is to his character that so often goes under the radar or unexplored, and how he's very often portrayed as just some handsome looking guy as opposed to a hybrid etc. He's not at all extravagant yet has mastered his craft of bending fate in his favor, he so often has things perfectly under his control just as he wants them, etc... reflective of the name "Theiophytalia" even if you wouldn't think such a dinosaur to sport one of the most prolific names a dinosaur can have. Also garden something something flower husbans. Basically whatever Bree's take on Scott is lol. I don't wanna blab for 5 paragraphs about that blue mf here but. I hope this makes sense
Jimmy - Yinlong
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I struggled with this mf the most because he's another very hashtag deep character. I felt really bad to remove his bird motifs completely because the canary is so essential to him, but a raptor nor a pteradon fit my image of him at all. I spent so much time looking into various species but it just aint it, but Yinlong was possibly quilled and we can still cover him in feathers, even if he has nothing close to wings haha... BUT ANYWAY. Yinlong is a small kind of pathetic looking dinosaur, and Jimmy definitely isn't small but he'd sure be made to feel that way. Yinlong translates to "Hidden Dragon" however, a rather thought-provoking name for such a dinosaur. Given his character, it sure does feel like there's a soul of a dragon laying dormant somewhere in him, buried by all the self deprecation and curse labels. Honorable mention to Tianyulong, a very similar dinosaur who was named after a museum, but "Tianyu" also translates to peace and content. Something that Jimmy can't yet but deserves to be
Etho - undefined raptor
Already made a loong post about raptor Etho haha which I assume yall have seen since the support towards that post is the only reason I'm even making this post
Skizz - Olorotitan
"Titanic Swan" close enough to an angel right. I feel the whole angel thing is a bit overdone when Skizz can become a malicious little creature every now and then, but swans much like angels do get viewed as beautiful and taken as symbolism of love. Much like Skizz is largely viewed as an angel and often as someone who can do no wrong. But mostly I wanted Skizz to be a hadrosaur/duck-billed dinosaur, because those are dinosaurs known for their speculated vocalizations. And what is Skizz good at? Talking and voicing his love and appreciation? Yeah? Yeah... I'm so sorry Skizz btw this hybrid idea does not work out
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Again, a lot of these don't work so well as hybrids... Some like the long-neck ones I cant imagine to have more than a spiky spine back and a tail, but! These picks aren't based on hybrid potential but rather what I think genuinely fits. I did really work on this all day looking through a bunch of dinosaurs and research haha, but I do love dinosaurs a lot... If you disagree with any hey thats cool! Feel free to give me your opinions if you've any and I hope this was fun to scroll through regardless
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cutieeva · 2 months
Love of immortal
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Female reader
Warnings : Kidnap. Minor injuries. Molestation. Mention of rape.
Mermaids, sirens and more mystic creatures belongs to myth but more importantly came from ocean adding another layer of mystery to the ocean than it was already to (Y/N) who dislike oceans for petty reasons but it was the creature lurking under the ocean who consume her in the end.
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Ocean. For some it's the peace of water that calms and erase their hard version of reality while for others a symbol of nightmare where tragic acts occur to horror them however (Y/N) somehow falls on the between of category. She neither has love or horror nor despise rather she merely dislike the ocean. Why ? Any actions or tragedy ? None rather she doesn't perceive ocean safe only because it is a mystery itself. She often find herself comparing abyss and ocean because neither of it has any predict of dept and once stare too much it can consume you. She pretty much fears the mystery lurking underneath the picturesque waters when bleamed by the golden rays from above the skies.
However who would ever predict that (Y/N) one day will be sitting on a cabin cruiser boat along side her older brother's family.
"Aunty ! Aunty ! Look at the gold fishes !" Her adorable five aged nephew cheerfully point at the little fishes swimming their ways.
"Yea, Yea". Her shoulders shrug glancing at the pretty ocean creatures yet a unknown shivers tense her spine just staring at the dept of water. An alarm inkling creep within her stomach making her (E/C) eyes avert to the lovey dovey couple.
"They pretty much brought me because they wanted a free babysitter. I am sure". Irritated she scoff earning her brother's attention.
"What ? Stop being so bitter just because you had to come in place of dad and mom". She rolled her eyes remembering how heartlessly they are traveling around the earth together leading them to turn down their son's invitation to the cabin cruiser boat he was offered by the company due to his excellence performance however they are family of three and they wanted no outsider to invade their holiday where they are free to be themselves and enjoy the blessed time choosing (Y/N) who is single, on her holiday and have nothing better to do. She was a substitute to her parent's place and abducted from the safety of her four wall she calls home by her brother only to watch their public affection and monitor their child.
"Shut up before I fucking cut your throat". Not holding back she cursed after placing her hands over the innocent boy's ears. Her brother, Anton click his tongue in annoyance while his wife, Maria who (Y/N) very much have connection alike an sister chuckles.
"You know I married you for your sister's company ?" She teased making her husband's mouth agap and catch her waist only for her to slip through his hands and playfully step back.
"What the ?" He tried to catch again only to lose turning it into a cat and mouse catching game where the couple laughed heartily.
"Ren want to ! Ren wants to play too ! Ren wants to play too !" Her nephew adressed himself as third person join to play the game too chasing his father. The scene evolving in front of (Y/N) won a laughter over her lips. The adorable family stare at her melody like laugh unable to seal their happiness too. Transformating the distant air to mellow unaware that caught the eyes of an mystic.
"How about I also catch aunty ?" In playful tone her brother presented went towards her to catch which ended him with a punch on his face.
"Don't". She snort watching his face twist into deep frown.
"How cruel". He commented
"Look who's talking". She remarked.
"Wifey, I am wounded. Please help me". Faux a sad tone he layed on his wife's embrace curling himself small when in (Y/N)'s view he looked like an bear trying to fit on top of an human.
"Yikes ! What a rubbish".
"Ouch ! Wound me again".
"Eww". Regret lace her voice on how on earth this grown man is her brother instead of an cool gentleman she saw others have. She side eyed the man getting coaxed by her sister-in-law who looks glad.
"What a teriffying thing love is". She shake her head to which her open (H/C) hair flow at the rhythm of cold breeze sparing a certain someone her entire view.
"Oh look !" (Y/N) eyes follow Maria's finger pointing to the ocean.
"An dolphin". Excitement sparkle Ren's eyes making (Y/N)'s eyes wide knowing exactly what this little trouble about to do.
"Ren stop". Despite her warning the oblivious child race to the railing tempt to touch the creature he finds fascinating, his little hands raise to cross the railing before (Y/N) caught his wrist. "Ren don't !" She yelled hugging the boy closely noticing how not one but tons of dolphin are either side of their ship.
"What in the world....?" A dread fill her stomach counting at least twenty or more dolphins surround their ship. "Anton, Maria stay away from the railing for now—MARIA !" She turn her head to find the woman reach her hand to pet the aquatic mammal.
Still cradling the boy she hastily slap her sister-in-law's wrist away. An inch. An inch was their gap she realized calming her pumping heart.
"(Y/N) ! What's your deal ? Why did you overreact ? Maria simply wanted to touch the dolphins also isn't it safe to pet them if they approach you first ?" Anton glare at his sister rubbing his wife's skin lightly.
"You are blind. Can't you see how many dolphins have surround us ? It's an alarming rate to ignore. Also as much as it's fine to pet. You can only do if you are a professional because only they know how to react to their behaviors not us !" (Y/N) glare back, guarding her sister-in-law as she watched in disfavor to the dolphins that tilted it's head. "And their sensitive parts are usually melon means forehead, eyes and blowhold and if petted could result to serious injury". She added noting how the group of dolphins are swimming in circle manner within themselves.
"Something is wrong. Very wrong". She narrowed her eyes at the dolphins she isn't much fond due to their another less known pet name 'the gangster of the ocean' since their behaviors doesn't match their innocence alike appearance where they forcefully rape other female dolphins, use pufferfish as their play toy resulting their deaths, mess with sharks for amusement and such. As much as they are intelligent enough to save a human as well as to drown one too.
"What are they doing ? Only dolphins are surrounding us not other fishes". Unease followed trying to find an answer for their pattern that might be normal yet something, something brewing inside her says otherwise.
"Just calm down and rest, we must not provoke them then they will go in their merry way". Maria tested to cheer up yet failed seeing her frown deepen so she nudged her husband.
"What ?" He whispered leaning near her.
"Do something !"
"What can I do when she is a grumpy cat". He groan when she hit him on his ribs.
"It was a command, mister". She smirked.
"(Y/N) it's alright, there is nothing to worry sometimes dolphins tend to circle around the ships, boats as a sign of protection or curiosity". The (H/C) haired woman nod remembering indeed she read that in an article at her brother's word.
"Okay. Also forgive me for suddenly slapping your wrist and yelling". Guilty weight on her voice as she apologized.
"It's alright. You were doing for our own sakes". Maria smiled revealing her side dimple.
"Still stop being a worrywart". Anton not forget to comment loving his sister's muttering curses. (Y/N) sighing stretch her head putting her nephew down to stretch her arms as well to finally focus on the rare opportunity.
"So empty". No other ships or boats seen yet "So beautiful". The ocean's vast expanse gleamed like a canvas of molten gold, as the sun's radiant beam danced across its waves. The water's surface shimmered and sparkled, a dazzling display of light and color, as if a thousand diamonds had been scattered across its surface. Above, the sky was a brilliant blue, with just a few wispy clouds scattered across it, like cotton tufts carried on the breeze.
In the distance, a line of birds flew in perfect formation, their silhouettes etched against the sky like a delicate pen and ink drawing. They moved in unison, their wings beating in a slow, hypnotic rhythm, as if choreographed to the ocean's gentle swell. The sun's golden rays caught their wings, casting a shimmering glow around each bird, like a halo of light.
As the birds flew overhead, their soft cries echoed through the air, blending with the soothing melody of the waves. The ocean's gleam seemed to intensify, as if reflecting the joy and freedom of the birds in flight. The scene was one of perfect harmony, a symphony of light, sound, and motion, where the ocean, sky, and birds blended in a glorious celebration of life and beauty she ever seen at one sight is truly to behold. An living art is what deity has bestowed humans in form of nature. For a moment truly did all of her tension, clouded thoughts wash away lifting her mood.
Eyes too captured to blink as if the sight would lose from her grasp when her breath hitched and eyes wide in rejection because a huge dark patch of figure in between the dolphins is swimming at her side. "What is that ?" She whisper in utter confusion.
Immediately did (Y/N) search her bag to find her binoculars and squint to look clearly yet to no avail did she success in figuring the creature out. "What is this ? Another sea animal ?" Curiosity ate her as she sat near the railing waiting to understand. "Are the dolphins protecting the thing ?" Because the figure only move in between the dolphins that circle around it, also if it were enemies the fight would had broken out already.
SPLASH ! Disbelief paint her expression witnessing an tail flared out of the water, its vibrant green scales glistening in the sunlight. The tail's surface rippled and flexed, revealing a mesmerizing pattern of lighter and darker shades of green, like the swirling hues of a tropical lagoon. For a fleeting moment, the tail's full majesty was on display, its sleek, streamlined shape slicing through the air. Then, with a swift motion, it vanished beneath the waves once more, leaving behind only a hint of its presence—a whispered promise of secrets hidden beneath the surface.
"It's impossible ! That was almost like an mermaid !" She screamed standing up from her seat startling the family who had been engrossed by the fishes on other side, their heads jerking up in unison like puppets on a string. Silence spread except for (Y/N)'s heavy breathing, as if the very air had been sucked out of it. Anton's family exchanged bewildered glances, unsure how to react to her outbrust of something unbelievable. The tension was palpable until finally, Anton burst out laughing, breaking the spell, and the air erupted into chuckles.
"What are you talking about ?" Anton questioned.
"Aunty ! Mermaids are only myths don't you learn ?" Ren's eyes winkled in mischief and grining ear to ear.
"I think you should rest". Suppressing her bubbling smile Maria suggested making her enraged.
"I am not lying ! I truly saw it ! I-I-" She spoke with a hesitant cadence, her stutter punctuating each sentences as if the words sounds distant to herself. "Believe me—" An abrupt end her sentences as the boat shuddered violently, its hull creaking in protest, before jolting to a sudden, eerie stillness.
"What happen ?" (Y/N) was quick to question, her heart sank in her stomach.
"It's alright let me check !" Anton wave his hands controlling the situation by walking to the back of the boat while Maria hold her child and gave a comforting pat behind (Y/N)'s back who's eyes glance up to meet the softly glowing sinking sun low, warm hues fading to pinkish blues, slowly extinguishing its light, about to surrender to darkness.
"We have to hurry". Suddenly a gentle noise turn her attention to the ocean where her fearful eyes locked onto the twenty dolphins, their fins slicing through the water, swimming away from the ship, as if luring her into the dark, mysterious depths, escalating her anxiety. Confusion of their sudden departure crawl into her mind raising a unbelievable question.
"Did the dolphins did—"
"Sorry honey and (Y/N) but there seem to be some kind of problem I can't figure out". He click his tongue in annoyance looking at the water. "Maybe I should dive in to che—".
"No ! Not at all". Her voice broke in denying in beat. "It's not safe to dive without having the knowledge of what animals are underneath". She finished elaborating her honest worry.
"Then what should we do ?" Her sister-in-law rest her chin on her palm.
"Maybe stay at the ship !" Ren glee voice yell loud, smiling non-stop.
"What ? But aunty doesn't—". Anton's voice once again cut.
"Aunty is okay with it as long as we are safe". Straining a smile she bent to hug his small body. Unaware the words were far from the reality bound to happen.
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Darkness shrouds the boat, stars twinkling above. The woman presses against the window, gazing out at the black ocean, boat's lights casting a golden glow on the waves and little view for her to guard around. Yawns slip past her lips she can't conceal unlike her sleep all because of her growing fear of what might happen if she fell asleep peacefully.
"Did I imagine the tail ?" She pondered on how much her dislike for water grew to the point she hallucinate something belonged on fiction tales and stories to amuse children. She saw her wrist watch : 11:00 pm as drowsiness crept over her, heavy eyelids drooping, until a faint splash echoed through the air, jolting her awake with a start.
"What was that ?" Instantly she sprint outside her room to outside only be finding nothing not even water drops on the wooden floor. Her head tilted pluzzed questioning whether she herself heard right or perhaps it was the noise within the water. Relieving a sigh she walk back to her room noticing how in hurry her door opened a little offering her to spot wet wooden floor.
She halted. Knowing very well the ship isn't crash to be filled with water nor did she spill any water yet how come it's wet ? Unless "It was a trap. A trap for me to go outside and someone—" Fear gripped her throat to let out any voices knowing someone is inside her safe room. Slowly stepping backwards she wince at the creaking noises and walk to find her brother's room only to encounter group of dolphins gather at the boat's railing, clicking and whistling softly as they try to squeeze through, their bodies undulating and scraping against the metal in a gentle yet persistent bid for entry.
This time the scream was unrestricted freezing the sea creatures as she run back to her room forgetting about an intruder inside her room, quickly her fingers barricade the door with any possible object. Her chest constricts, air trapped in her lungs as fear paralyzes her. Her heart races, mind frozen in terror, unable to process the surreal horror unfolding before her. When a cruel realization wash her now she is alone with an intruder.
Ever slowly she turn around facing the certain someone she confirmed got a glimpse earlier, eyes wide with dread, she's petrified, her breath caught in a silent scream gazing the mythical creature.
A merman.
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She shrink back in fear and fascination entwined like the tendrils of a vine. Her breath hitches, heart racing, as she stares into his shimmering scales and piercing gaze. Transfixed, she's unable to look away, her terror tempered by a hypnotic allure, as if drawn into the depths of his oceanic eyes. The merman's mystique holds her captive, a siren's call that beckons her closer, even as her mind screams to flee.
"It's not real". She whispered refuse to acknowledge his existence in front her. How could she if he had the power to crush her in his palm only ? Options limited for her to choose from, flee ? How when outside soldiers of dolphins are scattered. Fight ? Unbeatable his strength are comparing to hers just merely stare at those muscular flesh. Pled ? Perhaps yes.
"P-Please. P-Please don't kill me and my family". Her (E/C) eyes swell up with tears. His on the other hand curve in satisfaction. Silence was all given answer before his lips parted and his voice unfurls like a dark bloom, petals of sound that envelop (Y/N) in an unsettling embrace. His song is a low, thrumming whisper, a vibration that resonates deep within her chest, making her heart quiver. Fear's icy fingers crawl up her spine as his melody conjures visions of shadowy depths and forgotten nightmares. A voice masterful of manipulation, weaving a tapestry of dread that ensnares (Y/N)'s mind, each note a delicate thread of terror that binds her closer to his will.
"He is not a merman instead a siren". Her hands clap into her ears protest against the enchantment no matter what. She even dug her fingers deep into her ear buds yet the voice still sweep. Blood bled yet his voice stayed. No. No. No. No. No. She won't lose without a tough fight she decided retrieving her fingers staggering her feet she broke the wooden table holding a piece of wood further entertaining the male siren who sat comfortably on the soft bed, singing his lure.
He is confident. Even arrogant she won't able to resist longer after all he is a siren, the very creation of creature made to spellbound humans by his mesmerizing voice awakening the deepest desires of foolish humans who deem themselves intelligent and courageous. In reality they are very insignificance to mythically sea species as plankton. However it falter his view a little when her hands grasp the wooden plank crashes against the siren's tail, the impact sending a shudder through the air along his melody stutter like skipping beats allowing her a chance to attack again this time on the same spot intend a injury however he was faster, smarter shifting his tail and slapping her entire being to the floor.
Ha. An enigmatic smile cast upon his ruby lips as his eyes studied the fragile being refusing him, his voice drop to a low, husky whisper like the gentle lapping of waves on a moonlit shore. An unfamiliar interest spark because the entire reason he even attacked the ship was for his boredom. Weeks had passed with no signs of any new human toy leading him to hunt trivial creatures with his species rejecting any seduction from his female species because they were dull, boring until today a joyful laugh captured his eyes with curiousity. A boat with humans. Mischief control his mind to hunt them right away yet a strange feeling to observe came over so he watched. Their teasing remarks, pretending fights that he realize too late his compatriot dolphins has appeared too to guard him even though in sea world all knew the most dangrous predator is sirens themselves yet the dolphins befriend their species like moth to flame.
First he was angered for the dolphins to do as they pleased yet he was curious to see how would those humans react especially that female (H/C) head and certainly did not fail to surprise him by showing disfavored towards the creatures humans oh so adore. Giving him more reason to hunt the boat and to see more unfolding layers of emotions on the certain female he gifted peek of his existence biting back laugh to destroy their weirdly metals called engine he heard them talking.
The trap was set now the prey has to walk into it for him to tear, dices the warm flesh like he always did leading to their current time.
But he come with the terms to enjoy his little toy longer. Yes, he will show generousity by sparing her alive and label her his pet. The delicious thought impatient him greatly he slams his tail on the boat's floor, echoing like thunder, His eyes not tearing from her figure, With each strike, the winds howl and waves churn, the siren's song weaving a tempest of delightnent. The boat shudders, wooden planks creaking beneath the force of his call. Floor shakes unable for (Y/N) to hold her balance.
"What is happening ?" She cried out falling on the hard floor again and again. Her barely lidded eyes stare at the window to see dark clouds converge, unleashing a torrent of rain that lashes down on the boat. Winds shriek, whipping waves into a frenzy as the vessel creaks and groans. Water pours in, flooding the decks as the boat's timbers shudder and crack. The siren's song reaches a fever pitch, his tail thrashing the sea into a chaotic tumult. The boat's hull splinters, planks bursting apart as the waves surge in, threatening to engulf all in their path. Rain pounds down, stinging skin and blinding her eyes, as the tempest rages on, merciless and unrelenting eventually drowning into the ocean she fears.
"Brother. Sister-in-law.." Her thoughts tailed off. "Ren". Inhaling water, paralyzing her body that is useless against the water as she not learnt to swim. Mind spinning and finally she freed her conscious to be under the song spell closing her eyes wondering if it's forever. Missing the way a tail carry her waist upwards.
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Her eyes slowly open, a grogginess clouding her mind and a sense of disorientation washes over her. As she tries to sit up, she felt touches of unwanted hands and caress on her bare parts. Fingers trace her arms, sending shivers down her spine. Her gaze falls upon the siren, his eyes fixed intently on her, his hands roaming shamelessly on her skin with a gentle yet firm touch. His calloused palms graze her shoulders, sending a spark of electricity through her veins. (Y/N)'s heart races, her mind foggy, as she tries to process what's happening. The siren's hands continue their exploration, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, as (Y/N) struggles to find her voice, to protest and move away.
"Aww, is the little human can't move ?" A sarcastic laugh fell on her, his first words to her is a mock comparing their gap of strength angering her rather than fear.
She glared after all she is bound to die if sooner what's the point ? wiggle from his disgusting touches she tried her best to control her moments in which the male creature snicker leaning closer to her face.
"I saved you not to free you. You little delusional human. You are mine rightfully and let me use you as I please". A sinister smile curve finding fear mix anger on those beautiful eyes he before not paid attention. His fingers cup her cotton soft skin careful to not gaze her with his sharp nails. He press the skin more, feeling bones underneath and a flinch from the human.
His eyes wide in delightment. His another hand caress her cheek intensely watching her every twitch to blink.
Pearlix's finger pads rub (Y/N)'s lips. She narrowed her eyes.
His finger continue to trace path down to her chin. Her lips twist in scowl still under spellbound under him.
He paused at the delicate curve of neck and her pulse flutter under him.
His nails dance across the collarbone and her breath caught at her throat.
He is curious while she is in denial.
The contrast between them utterly fascinated Pearlix, that he toyed more around her body she so obsessed to cover with irrelevant clothes. Tearing bluntly he was baffled to find another layer of cloth so he tore again this time a pleasant hum vibrate from his chest staring the assets of female he never interest on his species yet this woman's are captivating inviting him to bite, touch so he comply to his desire.
One breast been fondling, another one biten harshly earning a wince from her. He smirked coating her bud with his saliva, sucking more and more with hunger that border on desperation. (Y/N) sucked a chunk of breath, tears itself steaming from her tail of eyes as she layed helpless until her body stirred, limbs twitching and sensation returned. Her face contorted, mouth opening in a ragged cry, as her sobs grew louder. Her voice cracked with emotion, cries echoing through the air. She wept uncontrollably stopping the siren entirely.
However not for the reasons she hoped for because he licked her salty tears savouring her sorrow and finally pounce on her attractive lips, grasping her air in form of claiming his possession, dwelling under her tongue, twisting and sucking altogether like an mad beast ignoring her whimpers, pushes against his chest.
Raged she bite down his slit tongue causing him to glare at her and dragging out his wounded tongue bleeding the sliver rivulets both surprising and scaring her.
"You know now I understand this fraction between us. I understand why I wanted you, kissed you, possessed you because". An errie smile stretch across his ruby lips while vivid green irises shone like beacons hinting his deadly obsession. "I love you". His icy heart pound warm against his flesh, heating his cheeks yet the razor sharp smile stayed.
"Be my wife". He announced not focusing her terror and he slashed his own palm, opening a deep gash that welled with silver blood. (Y/N) struggled to free herself, but the siren's hold was merciless.
He forced her lips to his palm, pressing her lips to the wound. (Y/N) tried to turn away, but he held her fast, his fingers wrapped around her jaw like a vice.
The first drop of his blood touched her tongue, and a searing pain, like liquid fire coursed through her veins. She gagged, trying to spit it out, yet the siren's grip was unrelenting. He forced her to swallow, his eyes blazing with an unnatural hunger.
As the silver blood burned its way down her throat, (Y/N) felt her vision blur, her senses reel. "Now you will be immortal like me. Mine for eternal". He sing song knowing no force of nature, not his merfolk, not even her dead familiar humans separate them.
"Our". He pressed a sadistic kiss. "Love of immortal".
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makochi-furin · 2 months
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A/N: these are what my hcs look like
WARNING(s): n/a
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—So, every relationship starts with actually getting into said relationship. As Kaji goes to an all boys school and doesn't seem particularly sociable, I feel like you two probably met at a concert, or maybe a party (it's said he likes crowded places), or even through a friend. If you work at some sort of shop or restaurant, then maybe there
—At first, he probably intimidated you a little bit. He seems kind of rude with the headphones blaring loud enough for those around him to hear, and he speaks rather harshly, but let's just say you saw/heard about how he protected the townsfolk, so you knew he was good people
—In fact, maybe you gave him a few extra candies/dessert for free (if you work at a shop/restaurant), and that's how you landed on each other's radars. You were taken by 1) how cute he is, and 2) you admired that he, along with the rest of Bofurin, cared so much about your city and spent so much time cleaning it up and keeping it safe
—I feel like the main thing this guy admires in others is honesty, strength of character, and optimism. With honesty, it's because he's not the "beat around the bush" kind of person. He likes to be straightforward, and likes other straightforward people, because he always knows where he stands with them. With strength of character, it's because he really values always striving to be your best for both yourself and the people around you. Optimism is pretty simple—he's a pessimistic guy who sees a lot of unpleasant things, and it's nice for him to spend his time around someone who views the world through brighter eyes. Not necessarily naïveté, but optimism
—Kaji is probably really cute in the beginning of a relationship, or the crush era. It's not really obvious to you, per se, because he's quiet and isn't really the blushy sort most of the time. It's more like he just always makes an effort to see you. He'll text you seldom, because I imagine he's a SUPER dry texter, but he'll come visit you when he gets done with his rounds, or just whenever he can. If he visits you at work, he's the kind of person who will help you despite not getting paid for it (will clean up other people's messes so you don't have to), and will just kind of hang around at the register/wherever you are
—Please work up the courage to ask him to go do something with you, because it's gonna take him a WHILE. He doesn't even really talk, just stands there and hangs. He'll take his headphones off, though, and listen to you go on about your day
—I feel like a first date with Kaji would be pretty simple, but nice. He's not rolling in money, you know, and in this economy, you're probably not, either. Preferably, you two would go somewhere that prompts speaking, so not a movie theatre, because you don't want to go a whole date without saying anything to each other (and he probably would, lmao). Go to a park, or to lunch one weekend, and accept that you'll spend most of the date talking about yourself. He will chip in, but he honestly just prefers to listen to you. Don't take it as he's ignoring you/uninterested, he just honest to god isn't used to talking much anymore
—In the bulk of a relationship, Kaji is a very good boyfriend, but all your friends and your parents probably think he's rude. He can't help it, okay? He's just a rough speaker when he does talk. Please, try to teach him manners before taking him home. Your parents HATE this mf, yall💀💀
—People have probably convinced you that he just ignores you all the time, but put it to the test. I dare you. Go on and on about your day, and then ask him to recall everything you just said. He will. With the straightest face, he will tell you all of it back, even if you tell him to stop, you get the point, and that you're sorry for doubting him. He will be petty about it. Of course, he listens to you! He's salty you think he just stands there and watches grass grow, or something
—He gives the best gifts. Because he spends so much of his time listening to you, he knows exactly what you want. Kaji is very observational, and he has a great memory, so you better expect that if you mention something you want, you're getting it. As soon as he has the money, at least
—He brings you things that reminded him of you throughout the day, especially wildflowers. Most of the time, he just sort of hands the things to you with a, "It reminded me of you." Sometimes, if he's feeling playful, though, he'll give you a rock and just be like, "It looks like you."
—You're like, "Thanks for thinking of me, but what???"
—He's so unserious, but no one would ever know because he looks so serious. Kaji has jokes, okay, and they're MEAN. His sense of humor is very sarcastic, but he sounds so for real. Please, do not ever ask him if you look good in something. This mf will look at you with the straightest face like 🗿
—He's the jealous type, okay? He isn't proud of it, but he is. Here he is, taking his headphones off and all for you, and you have the audacity to be paying more attention to other people? Nope. Kaji will be petty about it. I know it's just hc, but I see him as a petty mf, y'all
—You get pretty much whatever you want. Like, he'll roll his eyes and call you needy/dramatic, but you'll still get whatever it is. Literally is so whipped, even if it isn't obvious to everyone else. Kaji tries to be his best for you, just as he tries to be his best for Furin, and he takes that very seriously. He knows you could go find a guy that wasn't a delinquent, had more money, had better manners, and was talkative, so he really tries to show you how much he values you
—Is the kind of bf where, if you ask him to tie your shoe on the street, he says something like, "You have two hands," but he says it as he's crouching down, so... Not sure what your point it, Kaji, honestly
—Overall, I think he's the kind of bf who genuinely knows you better than you know yourself, and it shows. He knows your little habits, knows what you always forget (so he, of course, grabs it for you before you leave your house), knows what your worst subject is (and tries to help), and can speak to you through his eyes. ALWAYS knows what you're thinking
—Btw, you two definitely talk hella shit all the time. He's such a gossip in secret, I'm telling you. He'll pretend not to be interested in your friend group drama, but he is so invested. Don't let the stoic expression fool you
—Imma be so real, I have no clue how you met this mf. Maybe you work at a liquor store, or a high end wine place? Or, maybe you waitress at a super fancy restaurant he conducts business in. I genuinely don't know, but these are my guesses
—My interpretation of Chuuya is... different from most of the fandom’s. I think he's generally a very chill, easy-going guy, and it's just that Dazai brings out the worst in him💀 Like, Chuuya is always so cool and collected, and then does the most when Dazai is around. Keep that in mind as you read these, lol
—So, I think if Chuuya thought you were pretty and nice, enough to develop a crush, he'd probably frequent the place you work more often (and for brevity's sake, I'll just say you work at a fancy restaurant). He'll take more clients there, but don't get it twisted that having a pretty face is all you need for him to have a crush. You probably need to be kind, honestly, and maybe even sweet. I really see him with someone who is gentle, but has plenty of agency and isn't afraid to stand up for themselves, so if he sees these traits, he'll probably have an eye for you
—He tips really well, but you'll notice he tips you better than your coworkers. Also, he talks to you, whereas he keeps his conversations with your coworkers to only polite, "Thank you"s and "Please"s. If he's waiting for whoever he's meeting for dinner with to show up, he might say hey to you, ask about your day so far, etc...
—All you know about him right now is that he's pretty, kind to you, and rich, so if you don't leave your number on one of his receipts, what are you even doing?? But, if you don't, he'll probably write his on whatever the Japanese equivalent of a hundred dollar bill is and leave it on the table before he goes
—He texts you first, but after that the ball is in your court. He really doesn't want to come off as creepy/annoying, and he also doesn't have much free time being a mafia executive (not that you know that yet, lmao). Keep the conversations going, please; it will so pay off for you
—After you've been talking for a while, you notice you mostly talk about yourself. He's very vague about his life, especially his career, and it's a little bit sus, but he sends you "good morning :)" and "goodnight :)" texts, so honestly suck it up
—When he finally asks you on a date, it's going to be at the grandest restaurant Japan has to offer. I'm being so serious. A private room, live music, a menu without the prices on it. You probably get shit scared, knowing you can't pay for it, so you're like, "I think I'll just have water."
"Why?" He's blinking at you like a cat. "This place has the best filets you'll ever taste."
"It's too expensive for me."
—When I say he gives you 👁️👄👁️ this look, I mean it. Then, he hits you with:
"I thought it was obvious that I'm paying, doll."
—Try very hard not to pass out on the spot while heaving a dreamy sigh
—Everything goes well. You talk mostly about yourself, and he listens with a little smile, obviously engrossed in whatever story you're telling. Still, he doesn't talk much about himself
—Chuuya can't exactly just spit out that he's an executive in the Port Mafia, and he knows that, but he also hates the feeling of lying to you. The minute he feels like things are getting serious between the two of you, he brings you to his Pent House, sits you down with a glass of red, and spills it
—If you take it well, wonderful! Relationship continues. If not, he'll be down about it, and he'll apologize for wasting your time. He understands most people aren't willing to be with notorious criminals, and he doesn't blame you for it. Chuuya will call a car to come pick you up, and probably never come to your work place again
—In a relationship, I think Chuuya is a very chill boyfriend. He doesn't have much time, but it's definitely quality over quantity with him. When he can spend time with you, he usually has everything all planned out: your favorite spot, your favorite music, your favorite activity. He'll take you on shopping sprees (all on him, of course. Homie knows he's way richer than you could ever hope to be, lucky for you). He buys you gifts, obviously
—You mention you like that car? It’s in your driveway the next morning. Oh, that dress is pretty. He's already taking out his black card and handing it to you. If you don't like gift giving, please don't ever make an Amazon wish list. He will buy everything off it. He just loves to make you happy
—He's a very affectionate bf, and PDA comes naturally to him. He's not full on making out with you on the street, but he has an arm around you, or a hand pressed to the curve of your back to lead you. When you're sitting down together, you're touching knees, thighs, or shoulders. He doesn't see the issue with it. Chuuya loves you and you love him, so why not love on each other in public? He doesn't get the stigma around it, and frankly doesn't care
—He is SO good with your family. Your mother loves him. Your father loves him. Your great aunt loves him. If you have little siblings, he's amazing with them. Big siblings? Guess who's gonna make sure they get promoted in their careers. Christmas is your whole family's favorite holiday now, because this man is such a giver. He's also incredibly polite and well-mannered, not to mention charismatic. Everyone just loves him, hands down
(Just don't let it slip he's a gangster, lmao)
—Overall, Chuuya is a boyfriend who makes it clear just how much he values you and you being a part of his life. I spoke a lot about money, and I'm not trying to say he throws dollars at all his issues, but as a child, Chuuya was with the Sheep and was very poor. Now that he has money, I hc that he loves to share it with those he cares about
—Just please treat this man well. He's been through too much, smh. Give him your all, and he'll give it back tenfold
—Suo is an odd one, for sure
—I feel like we really don't know much about him, so I'm going by what his personality is in the show/the portions of the manga I've read
—You probably met Suo the same way you met Kaji, but I feel like Suo isn't really the relationship type. He probably doesn't think about it much, and he probably doesn't really ever think about people's appearances, either. I think you're better off being friends with him first, or having some sort of meet cute
—I imagine a person with any general personality (loud, or quiet; outgoing, or shy) could catch Suo's eye, as long as they work hard towards their goals (doesn't matter what the goal is), act kindly to those around them, and I can kind of see him with someone more innocent
—I feel like Suo is definitely self-aware enough to realize he has a crush, or has caught feelings, and is perceptive enough to realize that you have, too. He probably goes about it in a very mature manner, where he asks you to hang out, maybe go for a walk, and mentions that he really enjoys spending time with you. If you agree, wonderful. He can tell just by looking into your eyes how you feel about what he's saying. If he can see you feel the same, he'll probably just come out with it and confess by asking you out:
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
—He's probably very low key about the date. I doubt he takes you anywhere crowded. Maybe, instead of a rigidly planned out date, you two simply spend the day together. He follows you around to do whatever you want
—Suo moves slowly, I feel like. He wants to be sure of both his feelings and your's before it gets too serious. He knows you both are young and your emotions change like a switch being flipped, but if they don't, great! He's your bf now. Good luck ever getting rid of this stubborn mf
—He's a very private person, so he's not into PDA. Most people, probably even your friends, don't realize that you're dating unless you tell them
—Suo is oddly proud of you?? If that makes sense. Not in a condescending way, but he genuinely is so happy for you every time you accomplish something. He's goal-oriented and a hard worker, and he notices how hard you work towards your goals, too, even if you think he doesn't. These may be some of the only times he's cool with PDA, because how can he not hug you/kiss you after you just did that?
—The living embodiment of "That's my girl" is this guy
—He's so thoughtful. Acts of service are big for him. Because he's so perceptive, he can see when you're overwhelmed/tired/whatever it may be, and he can also tell what you need to get done/dislike doing the most, and he'll just do it for you without mentioning it. For example, say one of your at home chores are dishes, but you hate doing the dishes. If Suo is over and noticed the plates piling up in the sink, he'll excuse himself from your room for a minute, do them, and return like nothing happened. He carries around an extra jacket with him during the colder months if you're forgetful, or think you can deal with it (we all know you’re cold, don't lie)
—He's another one who is pretty busy, but he always checks up on you during the day. He has your schedule memorized, so you probably get a "How's it going?" text after school and after work
—He can read your mood so well. He knows when you need him to back off because you need alone time, and knows when you need him close. Suo also knows just how to make you feel better. If you're an anxious person, he can tell when you're starting to get overwhelmed. Even if y'all are with friends and you'd think it would be embarrassing, he makes the best excuses as to why you need to step out/leave without offending anyone, or hurting their feelings
—All three of these men are protective of you, but where as Kaji and Chuuya are very much "I'll break your fucking jaw," Suo is willing to let you handle it right up until he knows you can't. When you can't, then he'll step in. He recognizes your agency and that you can handle yourself, and that you probably take pride in handling yourself
—He's such a jokester. He's so unserious. He does it with that little smile, though, so it's just kind of hard to tell. Do not EVER prank him. Suo will see it coming from a mile away, and he'll turn it on you SO fast. Just, don't even try... This mf will embarrass you SO bad
—Overall, Suo is a very calm, thoughtful presence in your life. He's always willing to help you think of ways to fix your problems, or just to listen to you vent (if that's what you want). He knows and respects your boundaries, and he's incredibly perceptive
—I forgot to add it up there, but obviously your parents/siblings love him. He doesn't come off as rough as Kaji, and he's incredibly polite to them. Suo can play your mom and dad like a violin, which comes in especially handy when he convinces them to let you do something they normally would yell at you for even suggesting
—Silver tongued bastard. I love him, y'all. I can't—💀💀
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tbgblr2 · 4 months
The Ren Faire Situation 
A birth story written in conjunction with @allkindsofpreg
“Are you 100% sure?” I asked, not hiding the concern in my voice.
You just smiled “I’ve made up my mind, I’m going.”
We had planned for the last few weeks to go to the local ren faire, where you were looking to get dressed up and enjoy the event, whilst taking what was likely to be the last chance to show off your pregnancy enhanced curves in public before the baby comes.
The problem was, the baby was coming… contractions had started this morning, and 3 hours on, they didn’t seem to want to stop.
So here you were, dressed up in your best pirate/wench outfit, pregnancy fuelled bosom looking magnificent, enhanced by the dress, cleavage spilling out of the top and leaving very little to the imagination, your bump – oddly smaller since your belly dropped a few days ago – still prominent behind the flowy fabric. A tie caught between the two, bright and causing the eye to immediately look at the area it highlights.
I’d always known you were a bit of an exhibitionist… hell, our baby was likely conceived when I was railing you on the balcony of a hotel with a crowd cheering you on from below – but I will admit, I kind of wanted you to myself when you gave birth.
But you wanted to make a spectacle of it. Have all those eyes looking at you. You know you could make it look like it was an accident – you could even make the news - “lady gives birth in public” has always been something that got your juices flowing. And here we are – contractions noticeable but not debilitating, and we’re about to walk out the house to walk half a mile down the road to the fair – and who knows what will happen from there.
“Are you ready, my lord?” you ask in a fake old world accent, pulling the skirt of your dress to the side with one hand and holding your stomach with the other, lowering into a polite curtsy. I take a moment to enjoy the birds eye view down your low lacy neckline before offering my arm and helping you to a standing position. In one fluid motion You’re upright and pressed against me, leaning down for a quick kiss.
“My god, you’re sexy,” I murmur against my lips, hands exploring your body beneath the elaborate folds of your gown.
“Mm, just wait ‘til you see me with a head crowning between my legs.” Even the thought makes you shudder with desire as you hike up the fabric to give me better access there.
I chuckle and slide my hand up your thigh, brushing over the fabric of your panties. “We may not make it to the fair if you keep this up,” I say, applying a bit more stimulation and causing you to gasp. “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to stay.”
You know I’m wary about your intentions—and honestly, I make a compelling case—but you’re only going to have one first birthing experience and this is how you want to do it. “Don’t worry, baby, it’ll be fun.” I look doubtful as you display your best pout. “It’ll at least keep me distracted.” As if on cue, your stomach tightens, and in turn you make a point of keeping your stance and expression neutral, the only indication that anything’s happening a slight change in your breathing. “See? I can do this.”
“You can do anything,” I agree, removing my hand so that the hem of your dress falls back to the floor. “Guess we should get going then.”
You hook your arm around mine and, perhaps a bit too eagerly, glide out the door.
The walk to the event was a bit slow going, considering your size, but you make the most of it with seeing various turned heads, and the occasional honk and cheer from passing cars as they see your gravid form walking down the street. You had been doing curb walking for the last few weeks to try and get things moving, and automatically fell into that rhythm, up and down, up and down as one foot landed on the curb and another on the road next to it. The added jiggle factor of your breasts bouncing up and down helped with getting you noticed of course. Let’s just say that as we turned the corner into the site of the faire, you were very flustered – and it wasn’t just due to the exercise. We stopped twice on the way for a breather and to let a contraction build and pass, but thankfully we arrived without incident.
You feel another contraction build up while we’re waiting in line for tickets, but it’s easy to ignore amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Everyone is in costume, many with even more on display than you, and, not to be outdone, You loosen your own tie a bit. I notice and cock an eyebrow at you as you give me a wink—perhaps later I’ll tie you up tighter or perhaps take it off altogether; the possibilities are endless and equally thrilling. We can’t keep our hands off each other and the booth attendant has to toss a piece of popcorn at us after a few gruff coughs to get our attention. She seems equal parts amused and irritated when you request two and a half tickets as you press your hands into the curves of your belly, showing it off.
Once inside, you make a beeline straight for the giant turkey legs, dashing off before I realise, surprisingly spritely for someone in your advanced state of pregnancy considering how much walking you had done already. I soon catch up to you as you join the back of the queue - the turkey legs being one of the most popular things in the area meaning the line was always big.
You were panting a little out of breath, but smiled back at me "You're too slow."
I circle my arms around you and pull you back into an embrace, kissing the top of your head as I feel your chest raising and falling in line with your heavy breathing. We both burst into a giggle as the line slowly starts to work its way down.
As we get to the front, the lady serving the food has a wide grin on her face as you approach.
"Hey there, what can I get you and the bump?"
Entirely straight faced, you respond "Bump? Oh this? I just REALLY like the turkey legs." You emphasised the size of your belly by rubbing your hands up and down it tracing the shape under your dress.
Her face was a picture, completely unsure what to do with herself. She was stammering and clueless what to do next, in worry that she was going to offend you, but the onset of another contraction soon put paid to your charade.
You couldn't do much else than wince and rub your belly, but used it as a convenient excuse to apologise to the lady behind the counter and explain that yes, you were indeed pregnant, and you would really like 2 turkey legs. And no… one was for me - you weren’t going to just pig out on them. The baby obviously didn't like you making fun of the poor lady and gave you a kick in punishment.
I was smirking through this entire exchange but we soon got our food serving, a couple of drinks and headed off to watch a band play. As we got to the showground area, one of the local attendants brought over a chair for you to sit down on, whilst I climbed onto the ground between your legs. We sat down and had a few minutes of relaxation until you started to huff and puff a little, hand rubbing your belly.
"Starting to get noticeable I presume?" I asked. You nodded, leaned forward as much as your belly would let you so you could speak in a whisper close to me and said that when we were in the queue for food it was the first contraction which had taken your breath away. You thought it was because you had just rushed to the queue, and the strenuous activity had been an influence… but right now you're sitting down, doing nothing… and yeah, it’s now very noticeable.
"We can always back out?" I asked… already knowing your answer.
"Not a chance. Did you see how much people are looking at me, looking at the bump? This is going to be EPIC!"
We stay listening to the band longer than expected—they’re quite good, and the baby seems to like it. There are little kicks and twists that seem to coincide with the beat and our amusement begins to attract attention. You’re more than happy to let the other people in the audience touch your belly to feel it too, and pretty soon we’ve got the whole crowd dancing along. With a firm grasp of your hand and waist, I twirl and dip you through several more contractions. Another one starts up just as a song ends and I pull you into me, managing to hide the grimace on your face.
Someone comes up when the upbeat tempo begins again and asks if the little one is still boogieing in there, and you turn to her with what you hope is a smile. Clearly something about your face is off, or maybe it’s my laboured breathing or the way you’re holding your stomach, but she asks if you’re okay as you wave her off.
“Just overdid it, I think. My back and feet are killing me!”
She hums in sympathy and recalls how difficult those last few weeks always are, how you just wish the baby would get here already.
You’re smiling in earnest as you say to her, “It definitely won’t be long now.”
We go to the sword fighting demonstration next, and the people in the front graciously offer us their seats when they see your bump hovering beside them at eye level. You give them a small curtsy that turns into a very ungraceful plop down onto the beach seat. “I’m just never going to get used to balancing with this thing,” you say by way of apology to the people on either side of you, pressing in the fabric of your dress around your stomach to emphasize its impressive size. “Won’t be a problem much longer, though,” you say, giving it an affectionate pat.
I’m chosen from the audience to participate—our entrance made a bit of a scene and did not go unnoticed by the actors—you whoop and holler as they pull me on the stage. They teach me a few moves and then “challenge” me for my affections, seeming to imply that the baby you’re carrying may or may not be mine, as you somehow wind up on the small platform right along with me. I do surprisingly well mimicking the moves showed to me earlier until finally I’m at a standoff. A contraction hits hard and fast and you double over with a surprised yelp and both of us on the stage turn to look at you—to cover up the slip, you make it part of the performance, like you had feigned a labour pain to fluster him, and shout, “Quick, my love, strike while he is distracted!” The actor takes the cue and allows me to land the final blow while the two of us share a passionate kiss (which earns us a fair few whistles and applause from the crowd) before taking a bow (admittedly, you didn’t bend too low) and running off before anyone can question whether you’re really that good of an actor.
The public escapades up until this point and - after that last contraction - knowing it won’t be long until the big finale has you all hot and bothered as you pull me into what you hope is a vacant tent. You wrap a leg around me waist, your hands toying with the ties of my costume. “Got time for a little more swordplay?”
As we slip into the tent we’re giddy, giggling happily, but after a few furtive glances around to make sure we’re alone, we’re quickly getting serious and down to business. Kissing across your cleavage and up your neck has you shuddering in delight as I take a moment to lift your top over your head and expose your underwear clad body to the world. My hands explore your body as I strip you of the bra you were wearing along with tugging down your panties and leaving them in a crumpled heap on the floor. You’re standing there naked in front of me, glorious in your bountiful pregnant form, as you pull me close and tug down my trousers, bunching them at my feet.
My “sword” is well and truly on display as you’re licking your lips in delight as you manage to find a position you can support your body whilst leaning back against a table, opening your legs in accommodation.
My first thrust was strong, and made you yelp with the unexpected force. One of my hands grasped your hair and pulled your head back exposing your neck further to my kisses as you moaned in delight with my thrusts now slowing to a much more relaxed tempo.
You couldn’t hold that position long with the weight of the baby positioned as it was so you eventually turned and braced yourself against the table with your hands, presenting your ass to me. My knees slid between your legs and pressed lightly to the side, parting your own legs, you bobbed down into a bit of a squat to give even more access.
We scrabbled around in this position for a few thrusts into your waiting pussy but because you were quite low down it was a strain for me to keep thrusting up whilst getting the angle I needed to.
With a quick slap on your behind - resulting in the most magical squeal I’d ever heard - I pulled up a chair and sat on it as you finally lowered yourself on me - giving me free reign to enjoy your breasts and belly as you bounced.
Our groans joined each other as your approaching climax caused you to speed up your actions, my own cum releasing deep into you in a flood as I couldn’t hold back any longer. The resulting sensations tipped you over the edge as your orgasm caused you to yell out with pleasure, lost in the moment of bliss.
The sound you made must have alerted someone passing by as we heard footsteps approaching rapidly. Jumping we both looked at each other as you scampered off with an amazing high speed waddle out of the back door of the tent, as naked as the day you were born - completely oblivious to if there was anyone waiting on the other side.
I grabbed your dress and bra, pulling up my trousers but not fastening them to at least allow me to walk without tripping up. I join you outside to see that thankfully there’s no one there so I hand you over your dress and bra whilst fastening my trousers.
“I’ll need my panties too” you say “you’re dripping out of me down my leg” and that’s when we both realised that in the rush to leave I’d left them in a crumpled heap on the floor.
You shrugged “oh well guess someone will have a nice surprise… and I’ve got to deal with the leak” as you pull the top over your head - not bothering with the bra either, stuffing it tight down and pushing it into my pocket - and glance around the side of the tent in order to get back to the main show area.
We walked around and found somewhere opposite the tent we were at to check on what was happening but no one came out. They’d either dashed out before we got dressed and we missed them, they hadn’t spotted the thing we had left, or were left enjoying them - either way you seemed to be getting a thrill out of what had happened.
The next contraction took you by surprise through as you grasped onto me. I turned my head to see you visibly biting your lip to avoid letting out a scream. Suddenly there was a splash and a puddle formed between your legs. We both knew what that puddle was.
Without the cushion of an amniotic sac, the baby suddenly felt much lower, the contractions much more insistent, and the need to push much more urgent. The groan that emerged from your throat was guttural, instinctual, and you crouched down where you stood, clutching onto my forearms for support.
“Are you pushing?” I asked, slightly whiplashed between the thrills of having sex, nearly getting caught, and now this. “Already?”
You just gave me a squeeze in response, putting all your focus into breathing and controlling you volume until the contraction was over. With my help you stood back up and wrapped your arms around me, both of us still a little shaken.
Even though it came rapidly you were a little more prepared for the next one, able to maintain your standing position while your body worked to bring the baby down. You buried your head into my chest as we swayed together through the worst of it. We were hidden away, tucked in the narrow alley between tents, and any passersby would mistake it for a tender embrace. But we’d have to come out of here eventually if we wanted an audience.
There was a major show going on at the moment—something with jousting and fire and circus performers—and we made our way toward the back of the crowd. The skirt of your dress was large enough that it obscured the worst of your awkward, bow-legged waddle, but it was still a slow process. Your hand never left your belly, as if supporting it from the base would somehow relieve some of the force of the pressure bearing down within it.
Most people’s attention was on the performers, but we did garner a few nervous glances as those closest to us saw your restless shifting form and heard your grunts.
“Are you alright?” asked one of them, who was wearing a ridiculous feathered cap and carrying some sort of wooden instrument, eventually whispered when you were bent over and gasping after a particularly brutal contraction.
You gave him a tight-lipped smile and a strained, “Fine.” They glanced to me for confirmation; I shrugged, but couldn’t quite hide my growing anxiety.
The concerned bard remained undecided, but kept an eye on you, and when you dropped to your knees a few contractions later, determined that it warranted a trip to the medical tent. The bard tried to help you back to your feet, but you had decided that you weren’t going anywhere. You screamed when they tried to lift you, loud enough to stop the production mid-charge, and all eyes in the large stadium turned to gape at you. “I’m- I’m having a baby!” you yell, for the sake of anyone not close enough to see what was happening.
The elaborate ties of your dress were already loosened and askew from our previous activities, so it was easy enough to subtly work the laces and slide the fabric from your upper body. It looked like an accident when the heavy textiles fell dramatically around your kneeling form, exposing your full, heavy breasts and huge belly. I knelt beside you, as if making moves to preserve your modesty, but you lurched forward suddenly onto your hands, the dress falling down your thighs and exposing the rest of you.
The restricting fabric prevented your knees from widening as they needed to, and you begged me to get it the rest of the way off you. I helped you crawl forward a step and as a result your legs were blissfully free, but this position hid the spectacle from your audience.
You grabbed for me and held as you got your feet under you, lowering into a deep squat with your breasts, belly, and pussy facing out toward the crowd. You moved my hands to your inner thighs, forcing them open wider and pulling open your dilated folds, and pushed.
The realisation of what just happened seemed to ripple through the crowd - the immediate people around us either recoiling in shock, or many grabbing their phones and hitting record.
As much as you were incredibly turned on by the attention you were getting, the force of the contraction making you to push out our baby was a significantly more pressing concern. You bellow out, completely uncaring who hears it “this hurts more than anything I’ve ever done… labouring all day… it’s just…” your voice was cut short as you simply howled in pain as your eyes closed and you bore down, desperate to move the blockage between your legs.
As the contraction began to fade and you started to regain your senses your head turned towards me, you had tears in your eyes. “Help me” you managed pitifully.
I managed to lean in close to you so my whispering voice could only be heard by you “how are you feeling? Is this just an act or does it hurt?”
“It fucking hurts…” your reply had tones of desperation in it. The next contraction was quick to pick up and you were soon pushing again, a bulge visible between your wide splayed legs suggesting the head was going to be very big.
“Here here now you poor baby, let’s see if we can help you” came a voice. I looked up, and you managed the same to see an older woman - 60s or older - pushing her way through the crowds and trying to force - unsuccessfully - to make those recording the spectacle on their phones stop and give you a little dignity.
She grunted with exertion as she kneeled down between your legs, her hands reaching down to the bulge, surprisingly chilly against your hot, distended skin. You shivered - I was trying to work out if it was through the ministrations of the lady who walked up touching your sensitive areas, or you had just orgasmed from the attention you were getting.
“I’ve pushed out 8 babies myself and caught 5 grand babies from my daughters” she offered “so these hands are good hands and know what to do.”
“What do I do?” you asked, echoing her words back to her.
She chuckled and gave me a wry smile. “In my experience—and from the looks of it, yours too—whatever your body tells you.”
“Oh god,” you groaned, the pressure bearing down between your hips insisting that you bear down with it. “I need to- I need—“
“Baby’s head’s right there, I think you’re safe to push whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m not ready! It wasn’t supposed to be like this; there’s so many—hnghhh, fuck—people!” Your words dissolved into moans as you yanked desperately against my flared knees, but all that did was pull taut your skin and emphasize just how small your opening was in comparison to the large head bulging behind it.
“That’s it, let it stretch,” the woman soothed, running her fingers along the edges of the modest crown. You pressed yourself into her touch and she hummed in recognition. “Nothing to be self-conscious of here, dear. Do whatever feels good for you; it’s all natural.”
You brought your fingers to your clit and rubbed a few quick circles before the stimulation became too much. You cradled your belly as you pushed, but your hands soon wandered to your breasts, your nipples, and the resulting whines were a mix of pleasure and pain.
“It’s too big!” You wailed between pushes, looking to me in desperation. “It hurts. It’s burning, please, do something.”
I looked to the woman and she shrugged. “She’s the boss.”
I looked warily around at the many pairs of eyes fixed on us, but they faded into the background as soon as I wrapped my body around yours. You took one of my hands in yours and guided the other one between your legs as another shot of pain jolted out from your stomach, up your spine and through your hips. I thumbed gently at your sensitive nub and explored the changes in the folds that I knew so well.
“Help me stretch.” came your plea.
I dipped a finger under your stretched skin, gently tracing the cap of our baby’s head. Another contraction started and you pushed, my fingertips spreading you open even wider than the head. I pulled away quickly at your pained yelp, but it had helped—the head was staying put now, even between pushes.
“It’s stuck, it’s- I’m going to tear!”
“Oh no you don’t,” the woman said, getting her hands in the way between us, taking back up their work with the emerging head. She placed her palm flat against the exposed crown, applying a fairly firm pressure to keep it from coming out even as I continued to stretch painfully around it—prolonging the torture. “Pant. Pant, now,” she instructed.
“Please, I need to push, let me push!” you whined, unable to resist your body’s urges. You bore down again, but she just pressed in harder as you cried out as the two impossible pressures clashed right at the peak of your pain.
I had managed to get myself out of her way and resulted in getting directly behind you. You shoved your hips back, desperate to retreat from her iron grip, and your ass rubbed against my hard cock. You hear me whisper a string of curses and ground harder against my hips—if you had to suffer on the precipice of release, so would I.
You shuddered and relaxed a bit as the contraction waned, and the woman likewise relaxed her grip against you. There were a few gasps as she pulled her hand away and the crowd got an unobstructed view of the massive crowning head.
The view of a couple of flashes from people’s cameras were ingrained in your mind as you sit there, panting, the few moments of respite between contractions giving you little time to pant through and get some energy back before you needed to push again.
You leaned back against me, rubbing my engorged cock between your body and the fabric of my jeans. I let out a little groan as I felt myself approach my own little precipice.
The next contraction ramped up though and more of the same happened again - the desperate need to do nothing else but push, and this random stranger lady pressing back against all your effort.
You lost it as the frustration toppled you, all focus on the pain radiating between your belly and your legs, and this woman who was actively trying to make it harder for you.
“Let me push!” You screamed between gasps of the contraction as she just tutted at you.
“Don’t be a baby dearie” she took it in her stride. “I’ll let you stretch nice and slow so you don’t tear. You have a big one here.”
“Please!” You gasped, “Please… I’ll tear, I just need it out and you’re stopping me.” The last word was a chilling wail.
Despite your obvious discomfort my own sordid desires were being tweaked simply by the amount of effort you were putting in. Your body pressed back into me as you undertook push after push, my cock getting rubbed more and more.
I felt myself release as you wailed out. My cock pulsing and throbbing as each squirt filled my underwear. I felt it run down my leg. I pulled you in close grabbing your hands and crossing them over your chest pulling you tight against me as I hoped that there was no evidence of the leak on my trousers with all the cameras trained on us right now.
My shiver wasn’t missed by you as you look up in my eyes, meeting me with a weary but loving grin, for a few moments you smiled until the smile was replaced by a scowl as once more it was time to push.
Your body twisted and trembled as the war against instinct continued. Your hands grasped at nothing as you sought an outlet for the pent up energy you couldn’t focus into your core—your fingers clawed at my hair, the grass, the fabric of your discarded dress, the tight skin of your stomach.
“Fuck this hurts,” you huffed, more for me than for the onlookers. Then, louder, “Another contraction, already?”
You reached a shaking, tentative hand between your legs, brushing the woman’s aside and winced as your fingers grazed the tender flesh. It bowed and flexed with the force of the contraction alone and you whimpered as your lips peeled slowly back around the widest part of the head.
“Alright, now we’ve got ‘em right where we want ‘em. Give it all you’ve got, honey!” I almost hissed the words trying to keep it quiet enough that only you could hear.
In your opinion, sweeter words had never been spoken and wasted no time putting your chin to your chest and giving a hard shove. In a cruel twist of fate, the baby now seemed content to stay right where it was. You tried again, pushing harder this time, and howled in frustration when it didn’t budge.
“Come on now, girl, push!” came the woman, I had echoed something similar.
“I’m trying, it’s- fuck, it’s really stuck!”
After another two contractions of stalled progress, she finally believed me. “How about we get you on your feet,” she suggested. “Come on now, help her up,” she prompted, but I froze, keeping you tight against me.
“My- I can’t,” I whispered frantically in your ear, and you nodded— you understood.
You waited for the next contraction, took a deep breath, and leaned forward putting everything into the push, making an effort to make sure that the lady’s hands wouldn’t get in the way of this push. Your hips lifted just enough so they were hovering on top of my crotch and you screamed, all the anxious and excited attention fuelling another mighty push as the head shot out the rest of the way with an impressive gush of fluids… which sprayed across the entire front of my trousers, concealing and blending with any other stains that might have been present.
“Fuck,” you gasped, both in surprise and relief, as you got the rest of the way to your feet. Then an agonized, “Fuck!” as the baby spun and the shoulders settled quickly and violently into place against your tortured hole. You bent my knees and braced your palms against your thighs as you started to push again.
The lady beckoned me forward and I dashed around from behind you to kneel in front, hands poised in place just under the dangling head of our baby.
Now at eye level with your pussy, I watched as the shoulders bulged and gravity threatened to pull the heavy child the rest of the way out. “What should I do?” I asked the old woman, though my eyes never left you.
“Catch!” she said with a laugh, and I raised your hands just in time for the baby to slide into my grasp.
Your yell of triumph was magical as the vernix-covered baby slid into my hands, the lady, unexpectedly diving forward to catch you under the arms as you sagged, threatening to collapse with the effort. You were gasping, panting for air, you were shell shocked, but one thing was clear – you had realised you had done it. My god you were grinning.
The lady helped lower you to the ground as I held on for dear life to our baby – a daughter – my eyes weirdly focused on the umbilical cord connecting the small bundle in my hands to your gaped opening.
“Shit” was all I could mutter.
“Shit, indeed” you echoed.
You realised a blanket was suddenly placed over your shoulders as paramedics arrived, covering you up from the gawping onlookers. You’d done it. You had your dream. You’d given birth in front of a crowd. No doubt Youtube and who knows what other sites will be flooded with footage of this tomorrow. At least we know we will have a record of our birth.
The baby was taken from me as her umbilical cord was cut, and she was checked over. I sat next to you in a daze as paramedics helped check you over.
You leaned in close to me as you kissed me and then got very close to my ear, whispering so no one else could hear. “We need to go one better next time. We live stream to the entire internet !”
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