#reposting some of my other stuff to my main blog now
ghastlybirdie · 5 months
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x gn!reader
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Warnings: None really, Gaz being a playful menace maybe, incorrect military titles/workings, not proofread
2.7k words
Despite it being the end of a workday you and your little office department are left with a cruel trick on Halloween in the form of a massive load of paperwork from one of your superiors. Someone comes along and throws a wrench into your evening.
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“One, two, someone’s coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door! Five, six get a crucifix! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten-”
“Shut it, ya nitwits! Ya don’t even have the bloody song right!”
The door to your office did little to muffle the drunken cacophony of off-key singing of the Halloween party going on outside your tiny little office. Despite your best efforts and warnings, someone had been able to sneak a bottle of liquor into the party and dump its contents into some of the fruit punch; something about the ‘blood’ needing a bit ‘something extra’. It was a good thing you carried extra bottles of water or else you’d be forced to quench your thirst with something less than savory.
It wasn’t a large party, just mainly your department seeing as the small bunch of you were all left behind to finish some loose ends left by some overly lax superiors. Most of the department consisted of civilians with normal office worker who saw nothing more than a faulty fax machine and angry office managers every few weeks; nothing compared to the combat ready sergeants and corporals that used the small communications department as a respite from their training or running away from someone’s ire. Lacking any authoritative power, you never did much to stop any of the soldiers, seeing as you’d do the same if you ever heard some of the instructors yell the way they do at their men and women.
A staff sergeant, one you’ve seen a hundred times yet never were introduced a name to, came to you and your co-worker with an arm’s full of files and flash drives; something about last minute contracts coming in and a PMC group finishing a mission only hours before. It’s Friday, and they wanted it all done before the weekend but seeing as they had a… ‘very important meeting’, the staff sergeant volunteered the department to get it done. By that point, most were already packing in their lunch packs and bags, so the added work was anything but appreciated.
You had been staring at the spreadsheet on your monitor screen for possibly five minutes, eyes only blinking when they were near painfully dry, before you straightened out each limb in a stretch and drawn out groan.
You’re tired. You were tired before you even entered the office. Usually you could muster a structured smile if you brought along a cup of coffee or perhaps ate a meal gentle enough on your stomach, but you missed both alarms despite you being awake far before the first set off. Perhaps it was a bad idea to keep scrolling through videos in the warmth of your blankets.
The chatter outside only grew louder as the hours went on, most coworkers stopping their data entry only an hour into it, the rest shortly following suit. Many have given you partially completed files, one of them even giving you a single cell entered into his spreadsheet before unceremoniously giving up. So, here you are. Picking up the pieces of half-assed work that was never yours while the others brought in takeout and booze to ease their tired bones and fill their empty stomachs. Must be nice.
In your lax state you easily slipped into a dreamlike state, eyes ever so slowly closing while your body slumped further into the worn out office chair, the most comfort you’ve had all day. You were so relaxed your brain couldn’t focus back in fast enough when the door to your office carefully swung open, the bright yellow lights outside of your dimly lit office shadowing the face that peered in, a gentle voice calling out to you, jolting your whole body in a fright.
“Pardon me-” The voice spoke just loud enough to rise over the Halloween music and hollering, an embarrassed chuckle following your fright. “My bad, I didn’t know if I got the right room.”
“No, no… Come in.” You straightened yourself up again, smoothing out your shirt and fixing the leaning tower of manila files that flooded your desk.
A man stepped through your door, a blue cap on and visibly dirt dusted tactical gear still on his well built body stepped into your lamplight, a folder in hand. If you were being honest with yourself, you couldn’t deny how ethereal he looked with how his built framed was lit from behind you, the yellow light from your lamp giving only his torso a golden cast. His face was mostly obscured by his cap but his nervous smile of clear to you.
“Apologies. I was told to drop these off here.” The gentleman approached your desk in few, even steps, the folder stretched out to you.
It could have been the late hours of the evening or exhaustion reaching into your consciousness, but by the way your mouth hung open and your gaze lingered a little too long, you were nonetheless captivated by the gentle nature of this man’s smile. Your hand had instinctively reached for the manila folder, your eyes tiredly lingering on your guest’s features. He had scars, scratches and indentations that formed memories on his skin, though none of them hindered the soft lines of his jaw or cheekbones, the scruff of his beard lending maturity to his youthful skin, all to help frame his eyes that looked into yours. He was quite handsome, to say the least.
“Ah… Are you well?”
You felt a dial up noise in the hind parts of your brain, thoughts beginning to whirl again when he broke the silence. You snapped the gripped folder away, using it to partially cover your face in reflex, embarrassment burning on your cheeks. “Sorry! Sorry... I’m- a bit of a ways away from here, I think…”
He offered a snicker, smile only growing wider towards you. “It’s alright! Just making sure you’re still ticking in there. Seems like you’re working a bit of that overtime. Was scared I lost ya there.”
You could only offer a pained smirk, a sigh unconsciously leaving you. It seems he understood everything wrong in that one emote, shifting feet and letting out a sigh himself, almost as if to help relieve the tension that was building both in the room and with the party outside. “You have a lot to finish, then?”
You glanced over at the files that rested suspiciously on the edge of your desk, space being minimal on your work area even before you were handed the tall stack. “Yeah… I should be done by-” you flipped through them haphazardly, a few off the top sliding off and to the floor. You just sighed and left them there. “Christmas, perhaps.”
The gentleman chewed his lip, humming a note before picking up the spilled files. “With breaks I hope?” He questioned, which left you only with a half-hearted chuckle, your head lulling to the side in exhaustion just thinking about the work.
Thumbing the recent file open you glance over it in passing as your guest straightened out the pile of folders. “Sergeant Garrick?” You asked, glancing up at the gentleman. He nodded and offered a proper introduction to himself. Sergeant Kyle Garrick, a member of task force 141 with Captain Price.
“Most just call me Gaz, though. Much more friendly that way.” He shined his teeth in his grin, arms beginning to fill with an overabundance of files as he shifted the weight.
“What are you doing, Sergeant Garrick?” Piquing your attention and sitting straight up now, you watched as Gaz hiked the files as far up in his arms as he could manage while also peeking around the tower itself.
“Tidying up! Can’t get on with the merry and gay if you’re buried in paperwork.” He called out to you, already making his way to your office door with caution.
You stood from your chair and barely cleared your hips from the desks when you went to grab a part of the stack of files, the spontaneity of Gaz’s actions waking up your mind, finally. “No, no, no! These stay in here, I haven’t finished any of these yet!” He pushed the door open with his foot and knee, huffing at the struggle of nudging you away with his hip and propping the door open. “Sergeant Garrick!”
“Ah ah ah! Sorry love but these aren’t yours anyhow. Just returning them to their rightful owner.” He pushed past you with force, though only enough to knock you off of your path and stumbling you back. It shocked you just how unabashedly he changed demeanor and took the lead to whatever plan he had mustered.
“Sergeant Garrick!” You couldn’t help but raise your voice to him, calling out.
“Gaz!” He simply called back playfully.
You blinked after him, stunned, gawking at the way he hurried past the bodies of drunk partying coworkers. Seeing the sergeant the workers cheered out in praise, clapping as Gaz shuffled out of the department room. “Shred ‘em!” “Toss ‘em in the bin!” “Get those bloody things out of here!” Amongst other profanities towards the files Gaz carried.
Hearing the demise of all your hard work and the looming threat of your superiors shouting down at you, you picked up your pace to chase Gaz down, attempting to save yourself from the dread of being reprimanded for other’s actions. “Sergeant Garrick!” No response. “Sergeant! Sergeant Gar- Gaz!” You shouted again.
He slowed down, already making it to the elevator that was at the end of the hall. “Yes~” He elongated his words, a smug smirk on his lips.
“Could you please set those files down? I’m not entirely privy to the idea of being yelled at for your… Mishandling.” You did your best to glare at him, but your eyes were too tired and your shoulders slumped in defeat hours ago, making you look more like a pleading beggar. “Please?”
Gaz thought for a short moment, the mischief still in his eyes when the elevator doors slid open. “Hm… No.” And he stepped in, pressing a button inside. Your feet were moving to join him in that same second.
“What do you mean ‘no’? What are you even doing?”
“Taking these back. I see no reason for you to do all this work. It’s Friday! It’s Halloween, aren’t we meant to go knockin’ on doors and getting’ some sweets?” He grinned at you, waiting for the elevator to stop moving and open its doors, wide steps leaving you behind when you hesitated to follow.
“That’s for children, you know! I am not that! I have a job to do, sergeant Garrick, and you’re hindering it with your… Whatever this is- shenanigans!” You huffed at him, trying to widen your stride to keep up. “I have to get this finished, I don’t have all night.”
Gaz stopped all too suddenly, a grunt leaving you when you knocked into his back, stammering back when he snapped himself around. He gave you a moment to regain your composure, and wasted not a second more. “Gaz. And no. You don’t have all night and a night like tonight is much more suited for bars or costume parties. Besides, you also don’t look like-” he picked up a file from the sack, flipping it open and scanning it over. “Staff Sergeant Nicolas Wilkers.” He smiled at you and slapped the file back at the top of the pile.
You tried to explain, correct even, and speak up for yourself when he went back to his full speed as if he’s rushing to catch something. You hardly had a chance to form a sentence before he continued. “If that isn’t you, which it isn’t since you’re not even enlisted, then it’s not your problem. I don’t see why you should have to sort all these out on your own- Especially when everyone else has gone and jumped ship. Quite a crude lot, aren’t they?”
Gaz stopped in front of a door, vinyl lettering spelling ‘Nicolas Wilkers – Staff Sergeant’ on the frosted glass. Gaz wiggled the door knob when it didn’t turn, a curse slipping out under his breath when it wouldn’t budge. Wordlessly he crouched to the floor, dropping the stacks of folders onto the ground and unceremoniously shoved the folders underneath the door two or even three at a time, the sound of flapping pages and folders colliding being muffled on the other side.
“Gaz!” You watched in horror as he quickly shoved the large tower of folders shamelessly underneath the door, Gaz looking unbothered and even amused. To be honest, in the back of your exhausted mind and aching bum, you could care less about those folders once he started, the trek down sapping the last of your energy.
It only took a handful of minutes for Gaz to successfully push all the folders through the small crack underneath, standing up, dusting off his hands and pushing his fists to his hips in a triumphant huff. “There. Out of sight, out of mind, yeah?” He turned to you, where you just starred at him with a fatigued gaze. “What? I already told you, it’s not your work to worry about. We’re just returning to sender, hm?” His smile returned, two firm pats landing on your shoulder as he returned to the elevator.
“And where are you going now?” You exhaled the words, heavy with defeat.
“Going back up to Communications. We can’t forget your stuff, now can we?” He smirked, pressing a button. The doors started to close as the fried wires in your brain connected, a startled yelp escaping you when you realized what he said.
“No! You did enough already, I don’t need you messing with my stuff, too!” You shoved your hand in the way of the closing doors, though Gaz already had a propped hand up and in the way when you finally moved.
“I’m not messing with anything, love, I’m just getting your stuff. We’re going off to a bar; there’s one that has a little costume party goings on ‘bout a short distance away from base. Shouldn’t be too bad.”
Gaz looked content as you gawked at his idea, looking around the moving elevator as if searching for a hidden camera or other. Unfortunately for you and your exhaustion, there were none and you were left with the reality of Gaz speeding off the elevator and making a bee line to your office door.
You halfheartedly jogged after him, giving up when you saw the Communications staff were gathering their coats and belongings, tossing out their mess of bottles and crumbled papers into the bin. Some passed you saying good tidings, others patting your back in congratulations and ‘Good riddance of those blasted papers.”
Gaz had your coat and bag in arms when you weaved past your coworkers, closing your door and smiling at you when you stood face to face with him, partially shocked by your body’s automation to meeting with the sergeant.
There was a bubbling of something in your gut, something that left you a bit breathless and irate, something akin to anger.
But then Gaz smiled his gentle smile, looking right into your eyes with a level of sureness and ease that left that bubbling turn into butterflies for just a brief moment, your train of scrambled thoughts hitting a wall with a single word brimming with confidence.
You blinked, one then twice then thrice, before exhaling fully. You didn’t know you were holding so much weight in your shoulders just then, the festering feeling leading to a moment of just breathing in the air. It smelled like a soft, powdery scent that one might get with a day’s long wear of cologne. It was lovely, how you missed it this whole time confused you more than Gaz’s insistent need to wedge himself into your workday.
Thanks to him, though, it seems that your work day has ended. Someone shut off half the lights to the department just then, nudging your focus back to the man in front of you. Turning around you saw someone wave to you both, calling you two to hurry up before disappearing into the hall. Leaving you with little else to fight for, you shrugged and relaxed your body with a sigh, reaching for your coat in Gaz arms.
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Count On Mom ~Batfamily Imagine~
Summary: The kids try to get Bruce to get away from the computer. Luckily, there is always one person who can take his mind out of anything including Batman duties. You.
Author’s Note: Haven't posted much in a while and I kept seeing a lot of Batfamily stuff at the last convention I went to so here we go!
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: boob flashing, hint to smut
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Three of the batkids stared at their adoptive father as he had been stuck in front of the screen in the Batcave. None of the moved as they watched Bruce in some kind of trance.
“How long since he moved?” Dick asked Cassandra and Jason.
“A day,” Cassandra monotonous answered.
“I think he blinked a minute ago, does that count?” Jason asked.
“It’s official. Alfred called it. He said he’ll bake cookies if we can get Bruce to stop working,” Duke said as he walked into the batcave.
"Step aside," Jason said as he cracked his knuckles. "This will be over in no time."
As the kids began to try to get Bruce to move away, no effort was made to moving Bruce.
"I got an idea," Dick said as he took out his phone.
You felt your phone ring, making you put the groceries down onto the kitchen island so you could answer your phone. You had just gone to the store to grab some ingredients to make dinner for tomorrow's dinner.
“Hey mom! Are you and Damien almost done with grocery shopping yet?”
“We just got home. Why?”
“We’re trying to pry Bruce off of the computer in the Batcave and Alfred said he’d make us cookies if we get him away from the screen.”
“I’m on my way,” you say with a chuckle at the end.
"Already began to bake the cookies. I know you'll be able to get him away," Alfred told you.
"Of course I can. That's my superpower in this family," you joked.
When you got to the Batcave, you saw your husband tiredly staring at the screen in front of him. The dark bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep made you upset but you knew there was one thing you could do that would always get his attention.
"Aw my poor husband," you say.
"You got this mom?" Jason asked you.
“Step aside kids and close your eyes,” you tell them as you walked over to your husband.
“What are you going to do mom?” Dick as as he covered his eyes. The rest of the kids quickly covered their eyes to avoid to see what you were going to do.
You climbed onto Bruce’s lap before lifting both your shirt and bra in front of him. Bruce quickly snapped out of his daze before looking up at you with a smile.
“Tempting me my love?”
“Maybe,” you smile as you pulled your shirt and bra down.
“Let me have my cookies and you can have me,” you whispered into his ears as you stood up.
“Okay kids. Enjoy Alfred’s cookies,” you say as you headed out.
The moment the kids uncovered their eyes, they watched in shock as Bruce already began to make his way towards you.
“Leave it to mom for getting Bruce to do anything other than his Batman duties,” Jason said.
"I wonder how she does it," Duke says out loud.
"Because dad's got it bad for mom," Dick tells him.
By the time Bruce got to you, you were eating your chocolate chip cookies that Alfred had made with Damien. You winked at your husband as you kissed Damien’s head.
“Alfred, why don’t you and the kids go out for a bit? It’s lovely outside,” you tell him.
“Of course,” Alfred said before walking over to get the rest of the kids. You began to head upstairs to your room, knowing that you had stirred something in Bruce.
“You coming Bruce?” You called out. You smirked as you heard Bruce’s fastened footsteps.
You let out a laugh as you felt him pick you up. You held onto him as he rushed over to the bedroom.
“I owe you some alone time don’t I?” Bruce asked you with a smile.
“Yes you do. Now, while everyone is out of the house, why don’t you make it up to me?” You asked him.
“I plan to," Bruce said before kissing you passionately.
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otomiyaa · 7 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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sjw-publishings · 25 days
Hey Everyone,
I don’t tend to write these kinds of posts on my tumblr page, however I feel this is necessary.
In the event you are not aware, Dumb and Jocked, the main person I do collabs with, and also who is someone who most people might consider to be one of the backbones of the Tumblr TF community, has deactivated his account and left us last week.
Most of the people and I do not know exactly why or how this happened, but it's the reality of the situation unless he somehow does return in the future.
Some tumblrs might still have some of his stories reblogged, including mine, however some of which cannot be accessed as they are stuck at the ‘read more’ page. Notably his longer stories ‘Branded’ and both parts of the major collaboration we did together in ‘Narrow residences’.
If anyone has any of these stories saved somewhere, it would be great if you could either link it to me or post it on Tumblr.
Below will be my farewell to him, in the event he ever does somehow read it. This probably is not the best farewell letter, but it's the best I could do in such short notice and also posting it publicly. —————————————————————
Hey Dumb and Jocked,
Thanks for reading this, and I'm sad to see you go.
We’ve worked on various collabs together and it was fun throughout the years discussing various ideas here and there with you.
Unfortunately, after you left, it just feels really upsetting looking at the stuff you wrote. Even those that were saved from reblogs and reposts from other blogs. While I do want to keep them for memories and also because I did collaborate on some of them, it just feels much sadder trying to indulge in your stories or continue in sequels of it.
I was shocked that you would leave us out of the blue, however a part of me anticipated this.
I'm mostly speculating, but this is a hobby that can be rather controversial and you contributed a massive ton, likely without any compensation. You were quite private in general and talked about stories and bounced off my ideas now and then.
You sort of have a clean gateway if you decide to ever leave for good, as you probably are not really close to anyone here other than writing TF stories.
Some of us hoped that you might return, and speculated maybe it's tumblr accidentally banning you and you would get your account back, but as the days went by, it only reaffirmed that my anticipation was likely correct.
I myself mostly continued on tumblr for you, and I'm not sure if I would continue now that the main reason and person I stuck around for has left without letting any of us know. It is something I will have to decide for myself in the future.
If you ever do return to Tumblr or decide to message me privately to talk about things, that would be great. I do hope you return, even if you don’t write stories that frequently or even at all, so we could talk for a bit.
However I know that I won’t wait forever.
That’s all I will write in this letter. It was fun writing and discussing TF stories with you while it lasted.
-Sjw Publishings
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
So in one post you’re ranting about people on Twitter stealing jokes and in another you’re reposting other people’s art….
I think you have a deep misunderstanding of the problem.
There is content creation... Someone makes a thing.
There is content curation... Someone shares a thing someone else made.
There is attribution... Someone credits the creator of the content.
There is theft... Someone takes credit for content they did not make.
I love content creation. Artists are great.
I love content curation. There is way too much content on the internet and without people sorting through it and finding the best stuff, we would all go nuts looking at all the bad stuff just to find a few hidden gems. When I was doing this as a job and when I wasn't creating content, I used to go through about a thousand images per day just to find 5 to post on my blog. It's actually a lot of work.
I love attribution. One of the main ways I grew my following was by content curators sharing my work and crediting me.
People like the thing. They see who made it. They follow that creator.
I do not like theft. Sometimes you can't find a source for something. I understand that happens and I struggle with that sometimes myself. But people sharing something they did not create and taking credit for its creation is super scummy. Especially if they are erasing watermarks and adding their own. This will give people the impression they made the thing, so they won't even try to find the creator of that content. The original content creator will never get the benefit of more followers.
So, whenever I curate content, I always try to find the source. Especially if it is a creative work that took a lot of time and effort to make. I also try to give people multiple ways to consume that creator's content.
If you look at the art you mentioned, you can see links to several places to follow the artist.
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And if I cannot find a source, what I will absolutely not do, is give people the impression I am responsible for creating the content. And oftentimes someone will recognize the creator and I am able to add attribution after the fact.
As both a content creator and a content curator, these are the best practices I have developed over years of doing this. Some people accuse curators of being just "reposters" and being lazy for not creating their own content, but they are an extremely valuable asset to artists. We need ethical curators to share our work and attribute it properly so we can build audiences.
What we don't want are content thieves and those assholes who say, "credit goes to the artist who made this."
Hopefully you have a better understanding of the issue now.
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bogkeep · 12 days
grousing about ai art stuff
every time i open twitter (my mistake) there's a new thread on how to spot ai art or ai photos by finding all the mistakes in it, and like obviously this is useful and it's good to watch out because they kEEP SHOWING UP EVERYWHERE AHHH HELL WORLD HELL WORLD, but it's also a little depressing that we're training ourselves to nitpick all kinds of details within a piece of art.
like even before the artifically generated image boom randos on twitter would reply to fully finished illustrations with the most asinine unsolicited advice possible. art's gonna be flawed sometimes! i'll draw someone in a weird pose because of vibes! i'll wing a hand! i don't fucking know what a house actually looks like!!! like yes of course the way a human artist creates flawed art is different from the way an algorithm doesn't actually know what anything looks like because it has no mind. it doesn't know shit. so it's not that it's UNRELIABLE but it's like. it's like... i've been telling myself and others every time i'm struggling to make something look Just Right that actually nobody i going to be staring as hard at my art as i am while making it. if i don't point it out people aren't likely to notice unless they are going through it with a fine toothed comb BUT NOW WE ARE DOING THAT APPARENTLY. WHICH IS ANYONE'S PEROGATIVE AND FAIR ENOUGH! PEOPLE CAN LOOK AT MY ART HOWEVER THEY WANT IT'S FINE
but it's ALSO so depressing to consider having to analyse every single piece of art you come across like that my goddddddd i just wanna enjoy it!! i wanna enjoy art!!!! i mean the main reason i finally stopped going on twitter regularly was during the NFT boom and i got so tired of having to vet every single artist i came across to make sure i wasnt retweeting nft stuff. like that really ruined my previously enjoyable experience of LOOKING AT NICE ART ON MY FEED WITHOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.
god another thing that happened during the dark nft times was how certain art styles tended to be nfts. and i don't mean the ugly apes and stuff, like of course there's those, but there were a lot of artists who sold their souls to crypto and there was just a certain Vibe to a lot of those styles. like i got a sixth sense for it, i would see a piece of art by an unknown artists and when i checked - yep, that was a crypto guy now. and you know what!!!! i hated that!!!! i hate that it ruined entire art styles for me!! AND NOW ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED IMAGES ARE DOING THE SAME!!!!! like what tends to tip me off is less because i spotted some wonky hand or a weird flap but because the style is a popular one for the ai bros to imitate. you know what i mean right!!!!!! it's kind of how the ai photos look a bit too clean and crisp and smooth in an unsettling way. it just pings the brain a bit.
ULTIMATELY the absolute main method i have for filtering away ai images isn't so much looking for mistakes, but by checking sources. it's the same way i check that i'm not reblogging from reposting accounts Because That's A Thing I Care About Too - if there's no description or the description seems off and i don't recognise the OP, i check the original post/blog to see what's up. if the image gives me a weird vibe, i check where it comes from and who posted it. oftentimes the comments on posts with ai images will point it out - they're not always accurate and there's definitely been times where people are a little too trigger happy to accuse art of being AI... but it can be a good lead or confirm suspicions. on one hand, i don't want to do detective work while im having chill scrolling time, but on the other hand - i already had this habit for other reasons, so it's less disruptive to me than the alternative. it also helps that it's very rare for ai shit to turn up in my tumblr feed. i don't want to keep looking over my shoulder!!
(also for anyone who wants a little bit of optimism in the middle of all this, here's an episode of Better Offline podcast that outlines how it's very unlikely for generative ai to actually get much better. here's the part two also.)
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
i have been trying to find this video for MONTHS. i’m almost certain it was a repost from tiktok. it was a split screen with the “main” video playing on one side, and a guy reacting to it on the other.
the “main” video was a bunch of guys in someone’s yard pretending they were playing a game with completely ridiculous, arbitrary rules. they’d each pull out a random item, do something to one or both items, each side would react as though they won or lost the round, and they’d rotate out. some rounds included a minnie mouse shaped rotary phone, opening a cd case and signing the paper inside, and whacking everything off the table with a pool noodle.
the guy reacting was narrating the whole thing like an esports commentator (“oh, i haven’t seen this opening before, that’s weird” “oh, he’s going for x strat, nice” etc.)
i’m pretty sure i reblogged it a while ago, but i don’t remember if it was tagged with anything. i’ve looked through my blog’s archive and even old discord messages to see if ive sent it to friends. if you manage to find this extremely weird video then god bless
a client walked into my office lookin' for a video of a tiktok showin' off a classic sport. now, i'm no expert on trackin' down videos. without keywords to search, this would be hard. that is, if i wasn't given the perfect lead. see, my client happened to casually mention that they reblogged it a while back. and while most detectives would get a warrant first, i took the liberty of snoopin' around the archive while my client wasn't lookin'. by filterin' for videos, i managed to track it down with ease.
thanks for givin' me that lead! thanks to your archive, it was easy to find! i gave it a watch too, i haven't seen a game that intense since the 1947 Backyard Item World Championship. some really good plays for sure. either way, enjoy relivin' this intense game! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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umbraticstickerz · 25 days
Content warning for talking about nsfw topics and mention of suibaiting
I use the term 'schizo' here as a shortening of 'schizophrenia' this is just for ease of writing as I'm mentally exaughsted. I do not condone people using the term 'schizo' if they're not schizophrenic.
Okay I'm far calmer now but I feel this needs to be stated because I genuinely can't believe so many are tolerating this behavior.
Minors SHOULD NOT be posting kink art, at all. Especially they shouldn't be showing it to other minors regardless of if the work is 'sfw'.
The fact I've seen several people tolerating a minor making inflation and weight gain content and calling those against it fatphobic genuinely disgusts me. A person is not fat phobic for criticizing a kid making kink content.
The excuse that it was just comfort stuff doesn't work either because not only were hastags for the kinks themselves used, but an art piece reposted on that account was actual genuine fat fetish artwork. Terms like Vore, and talking about wanting to make a vore piece were also mentioned. Vore is inherently a kink and exclusively a kink for being eaten alive. Kinks themselves can be coping mechanisms so trying to claim it is such doesn't change that it was kink content. Regardless you would've been actively putting yourself in harms way for creeps who did view it sexually to interact with you.
Lilith you, and your friends, actively were harassing Haz for criticizing(justifiably) vaguely what you were doing. I especially do not like how you actively tried to paint an anonymous person sending asks that can be literally anyone, hell can literally be you because you can send anon asks to yourself, as if the Anon was Haz with literally 0 proof. I'm genuinely pissed that you only apologized to me, which you did after I made it clear to you I DO NOT WANT an apology from you as I WOULD NOT forgive you. I especially won't forgive you after you attempted to suibaited me to attempt to guilt me into forgiving you. The timing of that post being MINUTES after I told you explicitly to leave me alone for like the 5th time and that I just calmed down from a panic attack makes me come to that conclusion that was what you were actively doing.
I could genuinely be misinterpreting but this is still how that came off.
I am schizophrenic, I'm public about this fact, you knew this fact. For those who don't know, Schizo is not just seeing things. Its a disorder that severe paranoia, delusions, etc. Stress induced episodes are possible.
Your actions already triggered my paranoia really badly. Especially after the suibaiting, Suicide is already a massive trigger for me.
I genuinely cannot believe some of you are supporting a person who actively already harassed one person and spread a blatant lie about them, that posting fetish content knowing it will be seen as such, but also actively was triggering a person's mental disorder ignoring the person's pleads to be left alone.
Also DO NOT blame Haz for me finding your kink account for fucks sake. Haz was not why or how I found it, I found it because YOU reblogged it onto your OWN MAIN BLOG. Stop blaming Haz for literally everything. Quit acting like you're some victim in this situation. And get my god damn name out of your mouth. I'm not speaking about this any further and will go back to regularly posting after this. I only made this because this seriously needs to be addressed and y'all need to quit condoning this behavior especially since I know at least some of you are my same age or close to it. Deer Ragdoll you are not exempt either which is why this is being posted on twitter too, I know you're still on your accounts just because you deleted your tumblr doesn't mean I don't know you have a Twitter and can't see that you're still retweeting things. You both need to be held accountable for this genuinely disgusting behavior.
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retrobr · 3 months
Finally decided to remake my intro post since the previous one was quite outdated!!
Greetings everyone!! This is my blog which I've been running since September 2022; it's kinda a safe space for all the buddies (except the creeps ofc). I reblog things that I like sometimes and post my artwork, headcannons and thoughts – pretty much random stuff
👤 A little about me: my name is Nia, I'm 17 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I really love to draw fanart and my ocs sometimes, so I can say that drawing is my main hobby! I speak Russian and English, but since English isn't my first language I might make some misspellings sometimes...
✏️ I really like getting asks; if you want to ask me something, share your interests or just tell how your day was, then my askbox is open!
✏️ I really love to make new friends as well, so I'll always be glad to talk! I promise I'm not an intimidating person and am always open to new people :3
✍️ I also write fics! If someone is interested, here are two of my Jedtavius fics (not finished at the moment):
I Wish I Had Blue Eyes (Just Like Yours);
Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can.
✨ Media I'm currently interested in:
Night at the Museum
Guardians of the Galaxy
🧩 Some tags for stuff that I post/reblog here:
My stuff:
#my art; #my sketches; #my ramblings; #my ocs; #my fics; #asks.
Fandom stuff:
#natm; #night at the museum; #lazytown; #gotg; #guardians of the galaxy.
Others' Stuff:
#not my art; #others ocs.
Tags for my buddies and moot "games":
#friends; #moots; #tag game; #reblog game; #picrew; #ask game.
Additional tags that I use quite often:
#reblogs; #random; #shitpost; #memes.
🌍 Where else you can find me:
Discord – retrobrrrrr
Instagram – retrobr__
AO3 – retrobr
🔊 In case you want to repost my artwork or set it as a pfp, please ask my permission first!
*There used to be a self-portrait here, but now it's gone :3*
I guess that's all I needed to mention. Thanks for yall's attention if you read it till the end and have a good day 🫂
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Hot Summers Day | Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Request: No
Warnings: Implied friends with benefits relationship, swearing, swearing, smoking, mentions of drug use, mentions of alcoholism, underage drinking, stealing a paddling pool.
Word Count: 1,906
Tag List: Open - acewritesfics taglist sign up
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Summer 1985 
Today is unquestionably the hottest day of the year. Y/N’s trailer’s air conditioning unit has broken again, and the local handyman is unavailable to repair it due to the numerous other air conditioning units in the trailer park that need to be repaired. She exits her trailer in search of some form of relief from the heat wave after deciding she can no longer endure it anymore. She finds the Ashburn children’s paddling pool to be empty and begging it to be used. 
Since the children’s mother is too inebriated to even notice where her kids are right now, Y/N is confident that she won’t even notice that the pool is missing. Sonny, the oldest of the three children, frequently takes her younger sisters out for the day, not wanting them to witness their mother’s utter stupidity in choosing the drink over them. She also knows Sonny wouldn’t mind if she “borrowed” the pool because they never use it since they are gone most of the time. 
She drags the paddling pool to where she wants it and grabs the hose, rinsing it out before leaving the hose in it to fill it up with water. She returns to her trailer and changes into the peach-colored bikini top she borrowed (but never returned) from her sister and a pair of light blue Daisy Duke denim shorts she cut up from her favorite pair of jeans to wear during the summer. She slathers on sunscreen, not wanting to deal with a painful sunburn that she could have easily avoided and gathers everything she needs to go outside. On her way back from her bedroom, she grabs her two deck chairs and a can of coke from the fridge and heads back outside. 
Y/N arranges the chairs, one of which serves as a table for her cigarettes, the book she’s currently reading, her Walkman, and sunscreen. She walks over to the outdoor tap and turns off the water before returning to the paddling pool and sitting on the empty chair as she dips her feet in the cool water. She takes a cigarette from her pack and puts it between her lips before lighting it. She picks up her Walkman and puts the headphones over her ears before pressing the play button. 
She closes her eyes, a cigarette in one hand and her can of coke in the other, as she loses herself in the soothing raspy sound of Ozzy Osbourne’s voice. 
Y/N loses track of time until she is startled by someone flicking water in her face. When she looks up, she sees Eddie Munson standing in front of her. The young man has a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his handsome face as he looks back at her. 
“What the hell, Munson?” She glares at him and removes her headphones. 
Smirking, he shrugs his shoulders, and holds out a can of beer to her. “Can you forgive me?” 
“You know, it’ll take more than a beer,” she quips as she takes the beer from him. “But please join me,” she says, shifting her belongings from the chair she’s using as a table. 
“I have some more stuff if you want to come over later,” he says. He’s referring to the weed he gets from his supplier, Reefer Rick. 
“Can we hang out at my trailer tonight?” she inquires. 
When she last stayed with him, they nearly got caught the following morning when Wayne arrived home early from work. They had just finished having sex, when they heard Wayne’s truck pull up outside the trailer. It had been a mad dash to gather their clothing and rush into Eddie’s room before Wayne walked inside. After almost being caught by Eddie’s only father figure, Y/N thought she’d die of embarrassment. Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie’s room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer. 
Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie’s room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer. 
“Are you worried we’ll almost get caught again?” he teases, picking up her sunscreen and puts some on himself after taking off his shirt. 
“No, I need you to fix my air conditioning unit again,” she responds, her gaze darting to the tattoos adorning his chest and arms. 
From the moment she met Eddie, she knew she was fucked. She was attracted to every part of him, from his tattoos, long wavy hair, brown eyes ripped jeans, and the hellfire club shirt he wore religiously. His big brown eyes revealed that he isn’t a complete asshole like most of the guys she knew that had his same style. Deep beneath that tough exterior is a sweet man with a kind heart who always makes her feel comfortable and safe, who can always make her laugh and smile, that gave the best hugs and makes her feel wanted and special. He isn’t overly confident, or obnoxious and arrogant. He knew how to read the room and could figure someone just by observing them. There is so much more to him than just being some freak with tattoos, that plays guitar in a band, and loves metal music and Dungeons and Dragons, with a family who was well known to the local police. If people took the time to get to know him, she knows they would like him. 
Eddie takes a seat in the empty chair, kicking off his shoes before dipping his feet into the water too. “Does Ashburn realize you stole her kids' pool?” 
“As if she’d be sober enough to notice it missing,” she scoffs, taking a drag from her cigarette and handing it to Eddie before opening her beer can. 
A silence falls over the two friends as Y/N considers the possibilities for tonight. They will undoubtedly get high, eat whatever snacks she has in her pantry, and possibly even cook something. They’ll watch a movie or listen to one of the many vinyl's she kept from her father’s collection.  
One of them will make the first move and they'll end up fucking on the nearest surface. There will be no foreplay in this first round, just rough, hard, and fast sex. Before the next round, they’ll move to the bed and share a cigarette. 
Eddie will put her needs ahead of his own in their next round, which will be a little gentler but still rough, and will last longer. When they first slept together, he paid close attention to all her reactions, learning about what she loves and hates. No matter what the situation or how he does it, he always makes sure she gets off before he does. 
He always makes her come more than once the second time, hoping to delay his own orgasm for as long as possible. Following that, he will take care of her, being as gentle as possible, cleaning her up before himself, being mindful of her sensitive areas, and ensuring she is comfortable, especially after a rough round. 
The third round will occur after they’ve slept or napped, whether for a few hours or all night. Their morning routine is always slower, and lazy with their bodies entwined and sleepy kisses exchanged in between soft gasps of pleasure. Eddie is at his most gentle during this time. 
What began as a bit of fun has evolved into something more for her. She wants to believe that she is the only one who sees the intimate side of Eddie. In their relationship, there was no commitment to each other and thinking of him with another woman hurt her. They both agreed at the start that they weren’t looking for anything serious, but as she got to know Eddie more intimately, not just physically, she found herself completely in love with him. She knows deep down that she needs to end it, and that tonight wouldn’t be a good idea if she’s going to try and distance herself from him. Eddie is her drug. She knows she’ll succumb to him as soon as he touches her. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t hang out tonight,” she says, her chest tight and her heart hurting hearing those words coming out of her mouth. “We shouldn’t do this anymore.” 
“What are you on about?” She feels his gaze on her, his beautiful brown orbs filled with confusion. 
“Forget it,” she says as she rises from her chair. She steps out of the pool and into the trailer, shutting the door behind her. 
Eddie, perplexed, worried, and irritated, throws away the finished cigarette before standing up and following her into the trailer, allowing the door to slam behind him. He finds her in the kitchen, with her hands braced on the counter and her head bowed.  
“What the fuck is going on?” 
She looks up at him, her eyes sad. “Nothing! Just-” 
“Don’t give me that bullshit!” he exclaims. 
“What do you want me to say?” she asks, her own voice rising. “That I think we should stop screwing around because it’s getting a little too serious for me?” 
“What are you trying to say?” he asks, puzzled by her words. 
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and out, then opens them again and locks her eyes on him. She notices the concern and frustration in his eyes. Her heart begins to pound against her chest once more. “Eddie Munson, you have completely captured my heart and I’ve fallen madly in love with you.  I can’t do this friend with benefits bullshit with you because it means so much more to me. Just save me the heartache and just leave.” 
Y/N turns away from him, so she doesn’t have to watch him walk out the door. 
She doesn’t hear the front door open and close; instead, she is surrounded by Eddie’s distinctive scent of old spice, cigarettes with a hint of weed and the spearmint toothpaste that he uses. She bites her bottom lip to keep from gasping as she feels Eddie’s warm chest against her mostly bare back. His rough hands grip her hips as his soft lips kiss her neck before whispering in her ear. 
“I’m not leaving, baby, because I’ve fallen madly in love with you as well.” 
She turns her head to the side, coming face to face with him, his lips barely an inch from hers. Her gaze shifts from his lips to his eyes, searching for any hint of trickery in his eyes, but all she finds is relief and so much love that her heart soars. She twists her body in his arms as she presses her lips ferociously against his. He kisses her back with just as much love and passion as his hands move to her thighs. He slightly bends his knees and lifts her onto the kitchen counter. 
“I am fucking in love with you,” he says, pulling back enough to look her in the eyes. 
“I’m in love with you, too,” she says as she pulls him back into the kiss. 
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TAGGED: @rainydayteacups - @alexxavicry
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Naps in the Quinjet ~Peter Parker Imagine~
Requested by @manyfandomsfanvergent:
Peter Parker x female!Stark!reader
Reader and Peter getting back from a mission, on the quinjet, and the other avengers can't get over how adorable they are
Bc they are all cuddled, and how about Peter got a mild concussion so he's just snuggling int reader
Summary: After a rough mission, both you and Peter crash together in the quinjet.
Author’s Note: I got physically sick last night from being in charge of a family trip because no one understands a certain amusement park like I do.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: fluff, mentions of blood, mentions of concussions, injuries, reader gives out some Alex Russo vibes
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Your father was never fond of the idea of you joining the Avengers team. However, it was bound to happen since your father was non other than Tony Stark. So you were a target to most enemies.
When your father took in Peter Parker after the civil war fiasco, you two have been together like glue. You both were the same age, liked the same stuff, and you two had fought many enemies together side by side.
However, this mission was harsher than any one that you and Peter have faced. Your father had to carry you back to the quinjet before setting you down on a bench.
"You should've been more careful," your father scolded you.
"I was careful," you tell him.
"No you weren't. Because if you were careful, you wouldn't have a wound on the side of your body," your father tells you.
"It's technically a minor wound," you tell him.
"Minor or not, I'm still upset you got hurt," your father tells you. "And that goes for you to."
You looked over at Peter who sat next to you. Peter had a cut on his head that was making him bleed a little. You frowned a little as you stared at his cut. Natasha walked over to the two of you before fixing Peter up a little until you guys got back.
"You okay, Peter?" You asked him.
"I'll be alright."
"You two can be reckless, you know that?" Tony tells you two, looking at you both with a stern look.
"But we survived," you pointed out. Tony gave you a look, making you quiet.
"Let's head out already so the two can be checked out," Tony tells Clint and Steve.
"On our way," Clint told Tony as he began the quinjet.
"Peter?" You asked.
"Wanna take a nap?"
Natasha noticed you both first. She smiled softly as you leaned your head onto Peter's shoulder with his arm wrapped around you. His head was leaned back against the wall, making him look up at the ceiling as he slept.
"Steve," Natasha said quietly.
"Look," Natasha pointed over. He looked over and smiled at the two of you.
"Tony's gonna have a blast when he sees that," Steve chuckled.
"Hold on. Before you tell him or before he finds out," Natasha said before taking out her phone. She snapped a photo of the two of you before smirking at the photo.
"Okay, now he can see the two," Natasha joked.
"Hey, Tony," Steve called out to get his attention.
"How do you feel about y/n dating?" Steve asked him.
"I'm not ready for her to date," Tony said.
"Well you might need to get ready soon," Natasha said as she looked over at the two of you.
Tony followed her gaze to see you comfortably sleeping on Peter. Both Steve and Natasha smiled at Tony's small look of disapproval.
"He's a good kid. Plus they always hang out. What will be the difference?" Steve asked Tony.
"Because I would need to see him as a potential threat to her," Tony pointed out.
"How is Peter a potential threat to y/n?" Natasha asked.
"Because she is my little girl and if anyone hurts her, I will throw them up in space without any oxygen," Tony told her.
"Oh please. For anything, it would be Peter to get hurt from y/n," Natasha told him.
"Let them sleep. They need it," Steve told the two.
Once you all made it back to the base, you woke up to feeling Peter's arm around you. You felt your cheeks heat up as you looked up at Peter.
"Peter. Wake up," you whispered as you gently woke him up.
"Hmm?" Peter asked as his eyes opened up a little.
"We're back. Let's go get fixed up. And then maybe later, we can watch a movie?" You asked.
"I would need to check in with my aunt first," Peter told her.
"Of course. But whenever you're available, we can have a movie night?" You asked.
"I'd like that," Peter said as he helped you over to the infirmary.
"I bet you ten bucks those two will get together within the week," Natasha tells Steve.
"Ten bucks says Tony is going to have a small fit over her dating," Steve added.
"You're on," Natasha smirked at Steve as the two shook on it.
"You two are dating?!" Tony asked in shock.
"Yes. And I am old enough to date. Don't make me remind you of your dating history," you pointed out.
"At least it's with Peter," Pepper pointed out.
"Thank you," you tell her.
"Just no kissing in front of me okay?" Tony said.
"No promises."
While you and your father argued about your dating life, Peter looked at Natasha and Steve confused on why Natasha gave Steve ten dollars. The three were sitting together while they watched you defend your relationship with Peter.
"Why did you give Cap ten dollars?" Peter asked Natasha.
"Don't worry about it kid."
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Hi! Welcome to Project SEKAI facts!
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This account posts daily facts and trivia about Project SEKAI! I occasionally do longer analysis/content overview posts as well as some event speculation.
This account is currently operated by one mod and is scheduled to post daily at 4pm UTC. Bonus facts may be posted if I find something interesting in newly released content.
Please ask before reposting my stuff.
Hope you enjoy your visit!
↓ Submissions & Asks info + more below cut ↓
Submissions are welcome!
Must be canon or otherwise official - Content from any server of the game (including cards, stories and songs etc), music videos, Petit SEKAI, official artwork or 4komas is OK! I will also accept content from the anthology mangas, magazine articles, and seiyuu content (including unofficial stuff so long as it is relevant to the game, like something they said on a personal livestream). In other words everything is fine except fandom stuff/unofficial fanworks.
If the fact is related to Vocaloid/Virtual Singers, it must be relevant to Project SEKAI in some way.
No leaks - Leaked content is usally low quality and I will not be able to post the fact until the content has been released officially, so I'd rather you didn't submit it at all.
Please submit a source for your fact - a screenshot, image, video or link is OK! If you don't have any then that's fine, but please at least tell me what story/card/article/stream/etc is the source so I can get the screenshot/image/link myself.
If the source is not available on the EN or JP server, or is not available online, please attach an image/video! - I only play on the EN and JP servers, and will only be able to get screenshots and recordings of content available on those servers. If your fact relates to content exclusive to any other server or is from a physically published source and you do not provide an image/video, I will not accept the submission.
Asks are also open if you have any questions about a fact or if you have any general questions for me. Due to the incredibly overwhelming amount of asks I get nowadays, it is impossible for me to answer everything. Sincerest apologies for that. I still try to answer as many as possible but it could take a while for your ask to get a response. Also please do not ask me about shipping.
Characters are tagged Firstname Lastname (excluding Vocaloids). For example, facts about Ichika will be tagged as Ichika Hoshino.
Events will be tagged using the fan translations from the Project SEKAI wiki, rather than the official English names. This is just for consistency so I don't have to go back and redo tags whenever EN changes a title.
The media will also be tagged (e.g: Hatsune Miku: COLORFUL STAGE or Petit SEKAI)
Full tag list linked in blog description
Send me an ask/comment if you need anything trigger tagged. Triggers will be tagged "trigger tw". Flashing lights is the only thing I actively tag atm.
Repost policy
I literally just post trivia I’m not gatekeeping that from you. You can post stuff you learnt from my blog anywhere
Copypasting my posts is OK with credit. People plagiarise my stuff every so often and I'm not fond of it. Like teachers always tell you just write it in your own words.
Don’t repost my essays/chatacter analysis at all but that should be a given
Sharing a link the original tumblr post is always fine
About mod
This is a sideblog. Thanks to recent tumblr updates I can now respond to replies directly
EN player since launch, got the game for the Sonic costume, stayed for potato ni natte iku
I am learning Japanese and am also entirely self taught. If I make any mistakes with my translations I apologise + please correct me!
i'm a VBS main. no i will still not tell you who my oshis are or my opinions on ships. i like the vbs side characters and asahi and sakurako. i will tell you that much because i doubt how much people care about them.
I wrote the TVTropes entry in the header before the one other person who uses that site accuses me of stealing it
Feel free to send asks about my opinions on the game idm talking
I have most notifications for this blog turned off so if I ever miss something I apologise
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^ best ask i've ever gotten now framed in my pinned post
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reposted from my personal blog @mee-op
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meeting again, mistletoe and some other stuff
neige x gn!reader
you have to wonder how in the world ambrose the 63rd managed to convince dire crowley of all people to agree to a joint christmas party between rsa and nrc. ambrose must've provoked crowley in some way. it's the only explanation you can think of.
and now, after several hours of everyone "trying" to get along with one another, you're stuck wandering through the deserted halls of rsa— lost because you were too nervous to ask anyone where the restroom was.
as you quietly marvel at the interior of the castle-like school and how ethereal it looks reflecting the night sky, you hear a pair of footsteps walking towards you.
your first instinct is to hide. you've been alone in the walls of nrc before and it has never ended well— whether it be ghosts, a group of students wanting to gang up on the only person with no magical ability or something else.
but before you could search for somewhere to lay low until said person disappears, their gentle voice calls out to you.
''umm... hello?''
....you'd recognise that voice anywhere, especially after what happened at vdc. so you turn around and sure enough, it's the one and only neige leblanche.
you figure it'd be way too awkward to just- walk away after he saw you, so you take several steps forward and close the distance.
''err- hey...?'' you say, nervously scratching the back of your head.
luckily, the person in front of you seems better at social interaction than you are and gives you a soft smile, ''are you lost? the main hall is a bit far from here.''
''yeah, actually..'' you chuckle, slightly embarrassed. ''i was looking for the restroom.''
''oh! well, i can walk you there if you want,'' he says, hands behind his back as he looks up at you with the warmest brown eyes you've ever seen.
''thanks. that'd be really helpful,'' you're grateful that it was neige who found you and not someone from your school. you've grown a pretty tough skin since coming to twisted wonderland but you don't think you can handle any sarcastic comments tonight.
he gives you another one of his charming grins—one that you're sure some of his fans would go crazy for— and starts leading the way.
''soo... what were you doing before you saw me?'' you ask in a desperate attempt to start small talk.
''i just wanted to get some fresh air. your name's yuu, right? you were vil's manager during vdc,''.
''yep,'' kind of surprised he remembers.
''you know, i was really shocked when headmage ambrose announced that we would be having a joint christmas party with night raven college. i don't think our schools have gotten together other than to compete,''
...the rest of the walk is filled with neige's voice. you don't particularly mind. it's not like you have anything interesting to say anyway.
before you know it, you're in front of the restroom... which was only a couple ways down from the main hall. before you could give your thanks, you're interrupted.
''i'm sorry! this whole time i've been rambling and i didn't give you a chance to talk!'' a look of disappointment washes over his face and eyes drooping in sadness. he looked like a kicked puppy— it's no wonder he's so popular.
''it's fine, really. i don't mind— i'm pretty used to it,'' you say in hopes of cheering him up a little.
you don't think you made much of a difference, but he smiles anyway.
''well.. you're really easy to talk to,'' you can tell he's still giving himself some sort of scolding and you try to look for a way to take his mind off of it. it's not like you aren't used to not getting your word in. besides, he's one of the nicer ones.
''look, mistletoe,'' you say before you think of the repercussions.
''o-oh! erm...'' all traces of disappointment is completely gone, instead replaced with flushed cheeks and a look of shock and embarrassment. ''would you like to...?''
''we don't have to if you're uncomfortable,'' you silently chastise yourself in your head. you could've talked about anything and you chose mistletoe?? at least he doesn't look like he's wallowing in his own self-hate anymore.
there're a few seconds of awkward silence— neige looking embarrassed (and very cute, you think) as you wonder what you should do.
then suddenly, the bashful look turns into one of determination (with cheeks still red) and before anything else could register in your shrimp brain— you feel neige's soft lips on your cheek.
you stand there looking dumbfounded as neige quickly retreats.
''umm.. ihavetogonow, ihopeyouhaveanicenightgoodbye!''
it's only been a week or so since the party, but neige feels like it's been months. ever since he kissed you under the mistletoe, you haven't left his mind.
and great seven, it's so incredibly cliche— you meet a stranger at a party, you talk like you've known each other for years (though it wasn't much of a conversation) and then the two of you share a kiss under the mistletoe. sparks are flying, the stars are twinkling ever so brightly just for you and him and everything feels just right.
and he's always loved cliche. he's always loved cheesy and romantic, the type that would make some gag and others swoon.
and you must've felt it too, right? like every choice led up to you meeting him? like both of you were puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.
but he was so stupid. he ran away before even knowing your name or asking you out.
but it doesn't matter. he did a bit of digging texting vil and found out you were the prefect of ramshackle dorm! so now he's on your doorstep with the loveliest flowers he could find and some chocolate (he prays you aren't allergic).
he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, rings the doorbell and patiently waits for you to answer. even though he prepared for this, he can't help but be nervous. and it only worsens when he sees you again.
...he really hopes you know how pretty you are. just the sight of you makes his heart skip a beat.
''neige?'' his thoughts are interrupted and he has to scramble to think of what to say.
''h-hi, yuu! how are you?''
''i'm doing good, is... everything alright?''
''everything's great!'' he gulps before he continues— fear welling up inside him. he has to do this now before he even thinks about backing out.
''well, i actually wanted to ask you something...'' holding the bouquet tighter than necessary, he asks. ''would you.. like to go on a date? with me?''
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james | he/him | 20 | main: james-isqueer
see notes on that stuff below the cut
Hi, welcome to my blog! I mostly post about Fall Out Boy, but I'm also a fan of MCR, iDKHOW, Green Day, Olivia Rodrigo, and some others that I don't really follow fandom stuff for.
Trying to listen to more of: Linkin Park, Paramore, Kendrick Lamar now I guess LMAO
Current favorite FOB song: Bishops Knife Trick
Sometimes I make original memes (reposting to other platforms is fine as long as you reblog and don't claim credit).
I don't really post nsfw — maybe the occasional meme type stuff but never anything graphic. I'm also not into anything that is generally viewed as "scary" tbh lol, so if you can handle The Youngblood Chronicles you'll be just fine here.
I love plenty of other things besides 2000s music, so if you want to see any of that check out my main/other side blogs! Including but not limited to: ATLA, LOK, Percy Jackson, Nerdfighteria, Dan & Phil, Queen, Billy Joel, and Supernatural.
Shows Tourdust: Somerset, July 13th, 2023 ⛈️ 2ourdust: Minneapolis, April 6th, 2024 🎱
🌊💜MANIA is a good fucking album💜🌊
tourdust lyric shirts for each tour date
tourdust lyric shirts color coded by song
Summary & Explanation of Tourdust Surprises
My Tourdust Surprise Wishlist
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tag stuff and notes under the cut
yes, you can call me james, it's not some secret inside joke or a prank. you got this I believe in you (I am equally scared of using names on tumblr dot com)
my pronouns are he/him, and I only use masculine honorifics (Mr, sir, etc) and masculine titles (prince, king, etc) for that kind of thing. gender neutral stuff is of course fine but please don't call me "girl" directly or indirectly (in the notes of my posts) or "girl*" because what is gender neutral to you is not gender neutral to everyone, regardless of your intentions.
As of right now I don't tag many things very strictly. If there's something I should be tagging for safety reasons, please let me know!
flashing visuals -> "flashing tw"
Other tags
"tourdust spoilers"
"miss missing queue"
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smalltimidbean · 5 months
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Hi! I'm Ruben, and this is my art blog! I mostly post silly OCs and original stuff, or whatever I happen to be hyperfixated on at the time! Read on to find out more!
I am Ruben, but most people call me Bean, and I also go by Ben - so feel free to use any of those names, I'll respond to them all!
I'm 27, Non-Binary, and I use They/Them pronouns. I've been doing art pretty much all my life, and I do it somewhat professionally. I enjoy all types of art, but my mains are drawing and animation - but don't be surprised if there are some crafts or other medias here and there too!
I am autistic, and have severe social anxiety (among other disabilities), so please be patient with me if I take a while to respond, have an under/overreaction to something, or do not understand something right away! I also tend to forget things a lot, so you can always give me a reminder, if it has been a while - just please do not spam me!
I love getting asks about my characters, and AUs, even if I cannot answer them all - I have many askblogs for more specific characters/settings, which are linked below if you wanna check them out!
Please keep in mind that some of my characters are villainous, aggressive or just plain mean, and any actions or responses may be rude, violent or upsetting! When I respond in character, I am just playing a character, and their actions do not reflect me, and should not be taken personally!
DMs I am more hesitant about bc of the mentioned anxiety, so if you wish to DM me, please have a reason to be doing so - I don't tend to respond to just 'hi', and asking for free art will probably end up in a block. I also do not RP at all, so please do not ask.
I tend to vent a lot! I use art as a form of catharsis and to avoid hurting myself irl, so there might randomly be some upsetting content posted, but I do tag these with 'vent tag', and the appropriate CW tags - please see below for them
My art (and characters) is not for free use! So please do not repost, edit, trace my art, and please do not use it in videos/games, or for AI bots/databases. If you see my art somewhere, that I did not approve of, and regardless if it is credited or not, please let me know!
That being said, if you really want to use my art somewhere, please ask first! Usually the use as an icon, or in a silly meme, is fine - just ask first!
I don't do requests for things I am not interested in, and I probably will not draw your OC for free. I do take suggestions for things I am interested in, and might do the occasional art trade with mutuals/friends. I do also take commissions (but my sheet needs a big update, so prices may change soon).
I switch sonas around a lot! Bean is my main one (in a semi-realistic style and a more cartoonish one), but do not be surprised if I am sometimes depicted as a furry or a monster now and then.
These sonas are also both a representation of me, and characters in my stories. I try to define when I am 'in-character' and 'out-of-character', so please keep this in mind when commenting/asking.
Fanart of my characters and AUs is okay, and always appreciated! Please try to represent the characters(s) the best you can, and ask before doing making significant design changes (such as a 'Genderbend' or 'Species Swap' etc). Again, I am forgetful, so if I do not acknowledge it within a week or so, please give me a nudge!
I don't mind minors following, as most of my stuff is SFW, but please keep in mind that I am an adult, and may upload an occasional suggestive post or joke. These are also tagged as needed.
Good golly this is so long, but I think that's it for this part
I am currently mainly into Pizza Tower, and the OCs I have created for it, so that is mostly what you will see at the moment! - I have currently two AUs I am focused on, mainly the one where it's just my interpretation of the game (no name for this one yet), and then my secondary called 'Cheeseshop AU', with Brick the Rat as the protag, and species are swapped! (So Brick is human, Peppino and Gustavo are rats etc)
I also have a lot of original stories, characters and concepts, and will post those too! I tend to jump from idea to idea and back again, so do not mind if I am talking about one genre in one post, and then it completely changes the next post. (Although most are just slice-o-life with fantasy elements)
Other interests are: FNAF (previous hyperfixation, kinda comes and goes and may have occasional posts here), Bugsnax (also a previous hyperfixation, mainly when the game came out but not so much any more), Pokemon (not a hyperfixation, I just think they're neat), and... That's pretty much it, that I can think of! I don't tend to get into fandoms much, and I just focus on one thing for years haha
I am also not really looking for other things to be interested in, so please do not take it personally if I do not look at or get into anything suggested to me.
Content Warnings
As mentioned before, I vent a lot, but I also enjoy drawing some body horror or gore for fun, if the mood strikes! These are tagged simply as '[thing]' for blocking purposes, but please let me know if there are tags I have missed!
Common, will not be tagged: Mild Body Horror (things like extra eyes or limbs, or slightly melty people etc), Scars, Foul Language, Depictions of Panic Attacks/Meltdowns, Use of Caps and Glitched/Zalgo text
Uncommon, will be tagged: Eye Strain, Alcohol Use, Smoking (mostly regular cigarettes, but maybe weed too), Partial Nudity (bare chests mostly), Mildly Suggestive Jokes or Imagery, Emetophobia/Vomit, Blood, Violence, Moderate to Severe Body Horror (like excessive amounts of extra eyes or teeth, beings fused together etc), Guns, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Gore, Implied Cannibalism, Implied Death
Rare, will be tagged, and under a read-more cut: Very Suggestive Jokes or Imagery, On Screen Cannibalism, On Screen Death
Tags and Other Blogs/Links
My text post/ask tag is 'bean talks too much' and OC tags are 'OC: [OC's name]'. Other tags are for organisation, or just me talking to myself - and I do that a lot.
I am SmallTimidBean pretty much everywhere, although I mainly only post here, my characters to my Toyhou.se or ARPG stuff on my DeviantArt - and I have a Kofi, if you want to send a tip my way! (Not necessary, but very much appreciated if you do!)
I do have a Discord, but I am not comfortable giving it out unless we have interacted at least a few times! If you do find it by chance, please do not just send a friend request, I am unlikely to accept it for my own comfort.
My main blog, and the one that I follow from, is @smalltimidbean-reblogs - mainly just reblogs of art I like, animals or funny posts.
My currently active askblog is @ask-the-totally-real-peppino - an ask blog for Pep (my version of Fake Peppino from Pizza Tower)
I have several other askblogs, and just blogs in general, but I will put them under cut, as most are inactive or plain dead (I just keep them for archival sake, or the rare chance I may return to them)
@ask-the-music-man - Inactive FNAF askblog for Music Man, DJ Music Man and other FNAF characters, might return to it at some point but not right now
@we-bear-wicked-smiles - Inactive FNAF askblog for Nightmare and the other Nightmare animatronics, might also return to it but also not right now
@ask-lionel-ottaviani - Inactive askblog for a monster security guard named Lionel, will probably never return to it bc the group it was a part of disbanded, and I have bad memories with it - however Lionel and his friends show up here and an AU version where he is human feature on the Music Man blog
@bensnax - Inactive Bugsnax blog, was mostly reblogs, but I did intend to post my Grumpus characters there too (I think there's like one post of some of them) - probably will not return any time soon, as Bugsnax is not a major interest right now
@ask-a-genectric - Inactive Pokemon askblog for a Gengar/Manectric hybrid called Lexus, would like to return to it but unlikely
@the-bashful-skuntank - Inactive Pokemon askblog for a Skuntank named Fleur, would also like to return to it but unlikely
@thedailyzangoose - Previously a daily blog for the Pokemon Zangoose, but was revamped into an askblog for a troop of Zangoose characters, inactive and unlikely to return to it
@little-beast-bakery - A suggestion based blog to create little characters for people to adopt, never got off the ground and probably never will
I have a few other blogs that were OC specific askblogs, but I never posted to them, so no reason to link them. I did also have two NSFW blogs that are still technically up, but were nuked after the NSFW ban of 2018 - I am not going to link them for obvious reasons, but if you do somehow find them, keep it to yourself please!
Okay, this is very long, but I think that is it! Thank you for reading if you are down here!
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sarahsmi13s · 6 months
|| multiverse of masterlists | sarahsmi13s ||
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hello my darlings and welcome to my multiverse! here you can find all of my main masterlists! from fanfics to moodboards -- it's all here! and i hope you enjoy your stay!
pssst you can also find me on wattpad
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have fun!!
everything is under the cut 💜
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hello my little cassettes!
as most of you know or don't know, i'm vinny! or sarah! whichever you're familiar with is fine!
here are some guidelines!
-> ageless and blank blogs will be blocked! this is for my safety and yours!
-> my requests are currently closed - details are here
-> my requests are open! if you like my writing enough and trust me with your idea please send it to me and i will do my best to bring it to life! (also! i encourage you to give it a go at writing it yourself! you never know unless you try! 💜)
-> i am currently unsure of my boundaries on writing certain topics, but as i discover those i will update my request guidlines and boundaries!
-> you can request moodboards as well if you would like!
-> my work (headers, line-breaks, my fics) belongs to me. do not repost my work. i am the only one with the permission to repost on other sites. if you have questions about anything, please dm me and we can talk about it
-> and please just be kind! if you come in my inbox acting like a bitch, i will match your energy, if i feel like the situation needs to be addressed. otherwise, i may just delete the rudeness because it's not worth my energy. but know -- if you act like a cunt, expect to get fucked.
alright, now onto the fun stuff!
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here you can find moodboards -> vinny's moodboard multiverse
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here you can find stories about our lovely aviators -> top gun masterlist
-> general taglist
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here you can find stories about cowboys -> outer range masterlist
-> general taglist
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here you will be able to find some of your favorite heroes -> there will be a masterlist here soon
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here you can find random characters and events!
-> whumptober 2023
-> walt 'finn' finnegan
-> taglist
-> charlie young -- coming soon
-> taglist
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in progress…
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