#researcher geeky
climbing-starrs · 2 years
irisona doodle page hours..... ive loved seeing everyones designs so far and i really wanna draw more of these silly little guys in the future brjkegfd !!
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tagging their owners under the cut!! these were super fun to do
first belongs to @the-pastel-kitsune // second & sixth belongs to @geekyfox2 // third belongs to @florenceisfalling // fifth belongs to @bondedostae // sixth belongs to @glass-trash-bab // and seventh belongs to @sleepeys !! i love them all so very you guys are awesome <33
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k-martins · 10 months
What does each jjk spirit animal symbolize (Part 1)
Or also "I'm bored so I'll look up random things about Japanese animals"
Yuji Itadori - White Bengal Tiger
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This one is a bit obvious, as the kanji in the name "Yuji Itadori" also mean "bengal tiger" according to jjk's wiki. Furthermore, the name "Yuji" means "brave and heroic", which fits with his personality and importance in the plot. These two meanings are also attributed to tigers in Japanese culture, which are seen as symbols of "great power, courage and strength". I'm probably wrong, but this could link Yuji with Byakko, the guardian of the west cardinal point in Japanese mythology. According to legend, the principle of the Heavenly White Tiger is to protect and preserve. Therefore, it was common to find Japanese shoguns, generals and people of power and influence using a coat of arms with a tiger.
(I'm having some thoughts about Yuji and tigers right now, but I'll post that later)
Megumi Fushiguro - Bunnies
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This one took me by surprise, but come on. Rabbits symbolize many things in Japanese culture, some of them being longevity, luck, patience, creativity, elegance, calmness, cleverness and BLESSING among children. And we can see that many of these words can also be associated with Megumi. The rabbit is also part of the Japanese calendar, (in fact, 2023 is the year of the rabbit), and one of the interesting things I found was that one of the defects of people born in that year is that they lack self-confidence and avoid confrontations. There are several myths involving rabbits in Japanese mythology and it would be a lot of work to bring them all here, but I want to quote the myth of the Rabbit in the moon (I discovered this thanks to a wonderful fanfic on AO3) which talks about a rabbit taken to the celestial realms by the Old Man Moon Sage after being chosen as the most generous animal. (The rabbits' colors probably symbolize Megumi's dogs)
Nobara Kugisaki - Flamingo
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This one was also a surprise, as flamingos are the last thing I would have thought of as a Nobara spirit animal, but which I now fully understand in research. Flamingos symbolize perseverance and strength, elegance and grace. They teach us to be resilient through adversity, always maintaining balance in our actions. Much like Nobara who represented a balance in the trio, being as excited and fun as Itadori, but also smart and calm as Fushiguro. She is also shown to be very persevering in her desires to find Saori and get out of her village life. In Japan, flamingos also symbolize good luck because of the red color of their wings, which are associated with happiness.
Satoru Gojo - Snowy Owl
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Ha!!! Satoru Gojo needed to have a majestic animal for him. A snowy owl fit right in, as it is a symbol of wisdom and the ability to see beyond appearances ("my six eyes tell me you are Suguru Geto, but my soul knows otherwise"). The white color, in addition to further accentuating the symbol of knowledge, is also linked to purity and ILLUMINATION (something Sukuna said he lacked in chapter 230). In Japan, owls are used as amulets and talismans to attract good luck, fortune, health and love (Satusugu canon, as Geto/Kenny also has an owl as a spirit animal, but that's for another post).
This started out as a shitty post that I just made for fun (and something to do while there's nothing interesting on twitter), but I ended up enjoying researching them. It is interesting to see that each of the animals was not chosen at random, that there is something in their symbology that links them to jjk. I really liked the symbology of Gojo's owl and Nobara's Flamingo (I kind of expected Megumi to have one of her shikigami, but the rabbits surprised me…)
I have a few thoughts about Itadori's tiger, but I think I've said too much.
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steakout-05 · 9 months
alao did you know that the Legitimate Research laboratory in Jetpack Joyride was originally going to be called "Maxtreme Industries"!? fucking!! Maxtreme Industries!! what a name!!! i literally just found this out today and it is the CHEESIEST THING EVER I LOVE IT
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this is the page it's from by the way. it's the early announcement page when Jetpack Joyride was still known as "Machine Gun Jetpack" in its prototype stages. it's got a few other slight changes, such as calling the motorbike the "Badass Hog" instead of the 'Bad As Hog' as it was likely originally intended before it was toned down. and there's a mention of a "double shield" type of item too, which is probably something like the upgradable shield power up that wouldn't be introduced until many years later. it's like looking into a parallel dimension finding early stuff like this! imagine if they actually took this more "Maxtreme" direction and JJ ended up having a teen rating or something. i just cannot get over that name though. Maxtreme Industries. wow, that is something XD
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madegeeky · 7 months
31 Days of Horror Movies (?/31)
Maybe my love for horror movies with aliens was cemented by the fact that I saw Alien so young that I can't even remember seeing it. As much as I love the whole "the call is coming from inside the house", there's also something terrifying about a monster coming from a place where nothing was supposed to be, where nothing should have been able to survive.
Europa Report: A crew of astronauts are sent on a mission to explore Jupiter's fourth moon. ... This is basically found footage, which I already have a really huge soft spot for. They get the tension just right and they never give too much away, which I feel is too a rare thing in creature features. It does a good job of conveying that sense of nowhere being safe because where else can they go.
Attack the Block: A group of teens in a London housing estate much team up with other residents to fight an alien invasion. ... First off, fucking amazing monster design. Just absolutely *chef's kiss*. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a monster design that I was so immediately taken with. The rest of the story is great too; nice and tight with great acting. That monster design, though, takes it above and beyond a lot of other monster movies.
The Thing (1982): A group of researchers in Antarctica are attacked by something found under the ice. ... I'm sure there are some people out there that haven't seen and/or heard of this movie and, honestly, I'm genuinely jealous you get to watch it for the first time. There's a reason why this is considered one of THE creature features with aliens. The pacing in this and the slow rise of paranoia and the slow escalation are just done so brilliantly. Not to mention some of the creepiest and best special effects you've seen. This covers so many different aspects of horror and it does all of them so well. Highly recommended.
Alien & Aliens: A spaceship crew discovers a building on a distant planet full of giant eggs; when one of them hatches and the creature inside attacks one of the crew, things quickly go from bad to worse. ... THE alien movie of all alien movies and with very good reason. You can see it's inspiration in so many movies dealing with space and/or monsters and/or aliens. The overwhelming fear and tension is beautifully done and the alien design is iconic for a damn good reason.
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
I am really dumb for asking this but what’s Netflix Geeked ? and why it’s the only account that posts things related to Fate than Netflix Or NetflixUK accounts when they have more followers than the other one.
Honestly nonny, Idk if my answer will be very satisfactory. Netflix Geeked is the account for the Netflix Geeked Week, where they do previews and an immersive experience of their fantasy shows and movies.
Basically a smaller branch of netflix, specially targeted at more geeky people, only marketing their fantasy and sci-fi stuff, none of the serious dramas, for example. It seems like geeked grew beyond the week and now it posts all year long. That explains why they post Fate...
But does not explain why doesn't Netflix or Netflix UK.
My guess is because Netflix has simultaneous releases, this was their option to have more targeted marketing. As in yes, Netflix Geeked has less followers, but MOST of those followers are likely to be interested in Fate. While Netflix UK/Netflix has more followers, but lets say only 10% of it would actually care and marketing Fate there could be taking up the space of a serious movie, like idk Blondie (this is an example).
More followers doesn't mean anything if those followers don't actually care about your product.
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beekeeperspicnic · 1 month
Visiting Fulworth
Today @jeremys-come-to-bed-eyes and I went on something that I might have been classified as a "research trip" for The Beekeepers Picnic, if it had happened a few years ago! As it is, there's no hiding that it was just a geeky fan trip.
I didn't invent the idea of Holmes retiring to keep bees in a village called Fulworth - it gets alluded to a few times in the stories, and there is one story set there, 'The Lion's Mane'.
We know Holmes' retirement home is either a 'cottage' or a 'villa', it's a few miles out of Eastbourne, and it's clearly somewhere where it's possible to walk to the sea for a swim. Sherlockian tradition is that the real-life place fitting this description is the village of East Dean.
So, that's where we went - walking from Eastbourne.
This area is famous for it's white chalk cliffs, which are eroding away very quickly. Here is a path to nowhere!
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These cliffs are known as the Seven Sisters. They all have names but the only two I remember are Short Bottom and Rough Bottom.
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The beach there is all pebbles - I knew that when creating my game, but I felt like a pebble beach just wouldn't look right all in pixels, so I made it sandy instead.
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East Dean is absolutely gorgeous, basically everything I could have hoped for.
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Here is the village green - flying a Ukrainian flag in solidarity!
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And here is Mr Holmes' official cottage. As far as we could tell its now an office of the local estate rather than someone's house, so we didn't feel too weird taking lots of pictures! The Lions Mane implies his cottage is a little way out of the village, but I'll forgive them for putting it in the centre instead.
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(I think that the dates are obviously the dates he lived there as recorded by his biographer - our last information on Holmes is from 1917. I think they made the right call not to try to invent a date for his death.)
A lot of the cottages in the area have this really distinctive mixture of pebbles and brick which I think must be a hallmark of the local area, but I was pleased to see a few whitewashed buildings like the ones I put in the game:
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Thank you for reading, please enjoy this adorable foal.
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i-yap · 5 days
omg you are also south indian!!!! i find it really hard to find south indians on here, could you do the batboys reacting to reader wearing traditionally indian clothing for a wedding they are attending???
Im north Indian with a little spanish in me shifting to NY actually but yea the indian dc fanfic community is smaller. I love the idea of a traditional indian s/o with Jason particularly. Dick with someone spanish , tim with an African American, Damian with caucasion and bruce with someone asian. Idk why Thats just How I imagine it. Its in no way a canon to their character or a generalization of people from a culture but the cultures ,and norms and values of these cultures really suit the batboys. Hope this isn't offensive. So Im just going to do batboys x reader in a family event .
Batboys(tim, dick, jason , bruce)x y/n - At a family event
Dick Grayson
is also dressed in your cultural's traditional clothes. Dick has traveled all over the world and he likes seeing you in your traditional clothes. Being comfortable in your traditional wear, being in "your element" . He charms up all your family members, no-one even calls him the white boyfriend anymore . The women also hit on him( of all age groups srsly) He is part of the family by the end( or within 5 mins) of the night . Dont be surprised when you find him and your family laughing about what jokes your parents are going to make at your wedding. He isn't even nervous before going. He is a real charmer and you couldn't be prouder.
Jason todd
doesnt want to go. Really thinks your family wont like him and they probably wont the first time they meet him. Will still wear his leather jacket but at least he wore a white shirt and clean jeans? He even agreed to take the car rather then the bike. Will stop complaining the moment he sees you in your element. Like goddess pro max what even , so ethereal ,the world is shaking . Staring dialed up to 100/10 . plus his complaining was never serious to start with. He wants you to have a family, be connected to your background,. Its just one of the things that make you you and he wont change a single hair on you. Will probably get insecure ( I get set up or marriage proposal talks when I go to family functions - just indian girl things I hate it tbh. And I've noticed its a thing in a lot of cultures) because he'll think that you deserve that traditional life with people who 'get you" but no one will ever get you the way he does and you just need to remind him of that. He is a bit broody , tall and just kind of sticks by you . The men and boys of the group are probably fascinated by him so as the night goes he starts getting more comfortable around them. The kids lowkey like him a lot so its cute and you may get baby fever. And the older women of the group are poking at him( why the jacket? whats with that scar) and you'll have to rescue him. He'll do it all over for you though.
Tim drake-
time to put on that practiced facade. He is used to putting on a fake winning smile at those galas so imagine his surprise when his old tricks don't work at your family function. Personal space? privacy?? fake formalities?? don't exist. Bonus points if it isn't a fake rich family. But he gets to see you In a pretty clothes and he is simping, teasing you on how you look like a real girl now(but he lowkey prefers you in the geeky shirts you guys share) . he did research so like ask him the They are still very impressed by your respectful young man ( who is super rich and smart). He gets by tbh, a bit shy because he is just so not used to all this. But keep him near you, show him how to dance properly and get a few drinks in him and its a party. He loves it, your family loves him and your cousins are now his besties (don't ask when that happened). He loves having a family and it just leaves him with wonder. He is in awe of this and so grateful that you let him into your life.
Bruce wayne
does a lot of research . He knows exactly how to act, what to say and what to do. A bit cold and aloof . Still surprised by the whole chaos . But unlike tim he keeps his cool. your family is impressed by you "bagging" the rich billionaire boyfriend. If this is batman with robins ver then they are worried about the huge amount of kids he adopted and what that means for you. So uh..just mention the billion again? They ask really personal questions but bruce prepared and is so ready for it. He loves seeing you in your traditional clothes, probably encourages you to wear them casually too. As if anyone can stop you, go to galas in traditional clothes or just wear home traditional in the mansion. Over all he loves getting a peak into your life and what experiences shaped you to be the woman he loves so dearly now.
If there's anything offensive about this let me know and I will change the content or even delete the whole thing. Ive based it a little of the four different cultured families I have and the common stuff I've noticed in all of them. But I've tried keeping it as general as possible tbh. So I'm sorry if this is offending anyone.
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blueratgrmln · 4 months
🌟OPEN DISCUSSION about the 2020's era of shipping culture, Sonadow in the Sonic Fandom, and how well-intended activism can circle back to the language and violence of oppressors 🌟
(Link to chapter PARTS >>>HERE<<<)
I gotta get something off my chest in regards to shipping. I wasn't super invested in the shipping part of the Sonic Fandom community when I was growing up. There were a few ships I liked and I enjoyed the fanart people made of those ships. And then I forgot about it for a number of years. Now in adulthood I am getting back into shipping Sonic characters a bit more, because it's fun to look back at the things I liked as a kid and seeing how my opinions have changed since gaining more life experience. Plus I've become much more active on the internet, in Fandom spaces, and more aware of social justice issues during adulthood. So here is a long-ish essay where I gather my thoughts about Sonadow shipping, fandoms, and activism together💙
It's odd being a Middle Child of the Sonic Fandom "family" that grew up during the age of "cringe culture" cyberbullying and shipping wars. I was aware of the stereotypes and disdain people had both on and off the internet toward the Sonic Fanbase and the notoriety it had. It influenced me to tone-down my external Sonic geekiness around my peers. While some of the stereotypes had some truth to it (when they weren't used as cyberbullying put-downs), I noticed that there was a very prominent difference how the Sonic Franchise/Fandom was viewed by the pop culture savvy public and how the fandom acted amongst/within itself as a creative and meaning-making community, despite the in-fighting that occasionally happened. On the internet, I oddly didn't experience or witness much discourse about ethics, specifically about shipping, when I was a kid cruising the internet for the fanart I liked. The spaces I visited were usually very supportive of people creating meaning, joy, and comfort with these ships. These shipping spaces loved Sonic × Amy, Shadow × Amy, Knuckles × Rouge, Sonic × Sally, Silver × Blaze and also any ship between Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. While there were specific ships that I enjoyed, I was happy to see other people enjoying other ships and hearing them geek about it. Yes, there was sometimes shipping discourse pitting pairings against each other, but I did not notice intense targeting or harassment in the name of "ethics" to the same degree as I am witnessing nowadays.
Fast forward to the 2020's age of the internet and fandom culture. I had no idea what the evolved discussion about "ethical vs unethical" shipping was beyond just "this ship is the best" mentalities until about a year ago. After reading about the various viewpoints, I started out not really caring about the ethics of fictional shipping and not fully caring on which "side" I would fit, even though my views in adulthood realistically lean towards anti-censorship sentiments. However, it's important to note that if I'd discovered this specific "ethical vs unethical" debate when I was younger, I would have leaned pro-censorship, a view directly influenced by the small-town evangelical church indoctrination that kept my mind closed-off from the nuances of sociology, psychology, and humanity. I was the type of person that got emotional and reactionary about the idea of people being sex workers, about the idea of kink and BDSM being a normal thing between consenting adults, and about other socially charged topics. Then as I learned from other people's experiences and researched those topics, my mindset changed to be more supportive and more aware of all the nuances that go beyond black vs white thinking. I learned to not demonize people and instead find out the reasons WHY something happens or WHY people do something, and actually LISTEN to the person and BELIEVE them when they give their answer. Similar mindset changes have happened in adulthood since I've done research about both the generational divides and social justice intersectionality of this cultural shift in today's internet Fandom spaces. I am noticing this divide and these debates happening more and more in the Sonic Fandom.
For some context, when I was a kid moderately involved with shipping content, I did not ship Sonic × Shadow. I somewhat avoided anything to do with gay ships or gay content due to my small-town church upbringing teaching me to not support anything LGBTQ+. So now as an adult having interest in shipping again, having discarded homophobia, embracing my own queerness, and having new understandings of the Sonic characters' personalities/backstories/dynamics, I am opening myself up to considering ships I hadn't been interested in before and ships that I actively avoided due to internalized homophobia. Watching Sonic Prime and the wonderful joy it sparked across the Fandom (in both shippers and non-shippers alike) was the marker when I finally started enjoying the Sonadow ship. It was after reading people's interpretations of Sonic and Shadow and understanding the ship more when I realized why Sonadow is such a beloved and timeless ship. In response to the new wave of Sonadow popularity, it's getting lots of heated criticism. People are having arguments everyday about both Shadow and Sonic's true ages, whether Shadow is 15 or 18 or 50, whether it makes any difference that SEGA quietly removed the characters' official ages. The debate creates these polarized "sides", with some people on one side claiming that it's an inherently unethical ship and claiming that you are a bad person, or at least suspicious in some way, for supporting it.
One prominent feeling I have about the common criticisms toward Sonadow and about other shipping discourse is feeling alarmed that a lot of Queer people end up getting harassed because of these debates, sometimes by fellow Queer people. From my Middle Child perspective in the Sonic Fandom, the reasons WHY many people embraced LGBTQ+ Sonic ships was to create and celebrate representation in a franchise that doesn't outright confirm or have much on-screen representation. Even though Sega has a general "no official confirmed couples" mandate, the company has consistently supported and encouraged the fans' shipping headcanons including LGBTQ+ ships, and the company has showed real, tangible, and financial support for the LGBTQ+ community (to my knowledge). Tangle and Whisper in the IDW comics are written with specific chemistry that leads most people to view them as a lesbian couple with the writers' and company's encouragement, even if they're not verbally stated as "officially canon." Sonic × Shadow, although not canon, has been a noteworthy ship acknowledged by the writers, company, and voice actors as being one of the most beloved and celebrated gay Sonic ships. It has given Queer people a sense of joy, hope, comfort, and visibility ever since 2001 when Sonic Adventure 2 released and Shadow debuted as a character. The reasons people immediately shipped these characters together was never about being creepy or encouraging "unethical" dynamics. It was simply Queer Sonic fans, both closeted and uncloseted, creating meaning via representation as an act of queer resistance and radical acceptance. This has been a constant throughout the present day, Sonadow being one of the most recognizable and longstanding ships that inspires widespread Queer Joy that even breaks the boundaries of the internet microcosm.
Now is where I will delve into the connection between Sonadow shipping (and overall shipping) debates and how well-intentioned activism loops back into mimicking oppressors. Thinking about how Sonadow is historically important to the Sonic Franchise, the Sonic Fandom, LGBTQ+ Sonic Fans, and maybe even video game history as a whole, I feel major discomfort and even dread when I see so many people (particularly those that are young) throwing around very serious accusations at (fellow) Sonic Fans and (fellow) Sonic shippers. Accusations supporting pedophilia or pedophilia itself is one of the most egregious. I've seen it thrown at Sonadow shippers, Vector x Espio shippers because Vector is 20 and Espio is 16 (despite it being another extremely popular LGBTQ+ headcanon-ed ship due to lack of representation), and even Knuckles x Rouge because Rouge is 18 and Knuckles is 16. It strikes me as counterintuitive and unnecessary at least, and actively dangerous at most/worst, seeing fellow Queer people utilizing the morality-policing, fear tactics, surveillance methods, censorship mindset, and rhetoric/language of our oppressors and using those things against the people in their own communities. Realizing that long-time Sonadow fans who felt inspired to come out and be unapologetically Queer because of that specific ship have been facing harassment and slander from fellow Queer people (who are likely younger than them), getting called "pedos" or "dangerous" or "suspicious" or "unethical" over the mere act of creating representation and Queer Joy with fictional characters and seeking some sense of comfort while surviving homophobic environments...bluntly, my stomach is churned and my blood is boiled. The last thing we need in this rapidly backwards-turning world is more in-fighting within the broader LGBTQ+ community that distracts our thoughts, emotions, time, energy, organizing, education, community-building, and activism away from the oppressors who are causing us real-world tangible harm, suffering, and death.
A random teenager on the internet drawing fanart of Sonic and Shadow holding hands, or even random adults on the internet drawing suggestive art or outright porn of these characters, is NOT going to be the catalyst that rapidly or gradually normalizes pedophilia or inspires worldwide support for unethical relationships. And yes, this includes content about the "weirdo/unethical/dark" ships that are found in the shadowy fringes of the internet and Fandom spaces. I am uncomfortable with a lot of it myself. But those ships and the people that engage with them ALSO DO NOT have the same level of impact and reach (key words: Same Level) that real life oppressive systems have to cause widespread suffering. The key difference that makes widespread abuse possible is that the real life oppressive systems are disguised as wholesome safe environments that develop trust and closeness with community members. Those oppressive systems and the harmful people that support them are usually NOT on the freaky/dark/weird fringes of society, they don't outwardly appear that way, and they demonize the "degenerates", not associate with any such label. The Catholic church institution is a big example, the institution covering up uncountable cases of their clergy members abusing minors while those clergy members are positioned as a pure, trusted facet of society that people actively look to for guidance, safety, and belonging.
At NO point am I ever going to say that everyone online is perfectly pure and that we should ignore everyone's behavior online. When we do encounter legitimate creeps causing harm to real people (not watered-down definitions of what being a creep means) we absolutely need to call them out and keep each other safe. HOWEVER, by pitting fellow Sonic Fans, fellow Queer people, fellow shippers against each other with this blanket "us vs them" mentality that overshadows the real life patterns and signs of how widespread oppression and real life harm happens, we end up accomplishing a lot of what our oppressors want anyway: divisions, distractions, and outright mimicking the violent language and behaviors that they display toward us at ourselves. This is the point where well-intentioned activism goes wrong and circles back around to oppression without meaning to.
Many people are super-duper-sure that they have dismantled all of their -isms and -phobias and now identify with labels and movements that are on the right side of history. But all of us STILL need to be aware of the fact that our thought patterns, behaviors, logic, and emotional responses can be tied to previously held beliefs and mindsets, and they can sometimes carry over and linger in our minds even after significant "character development". This is true even if we don't immediately realize it and think that we are a "safe person" within our own marginalized communities and for other marginalized communities. It can be really hard to identify if/when that is happening sometimes, but it is pertinent that we are actively checking in with ourselves, listening to constructive criticism, and cross-analyzing whether we are unintentionally mimicking the language, behaviors, and violence of our oppressors, and what effects that can have on the people in our shared communities and the people we care about.
Most of the fandom will continue arguing about Shadow's "true age" for the rest of time and how that "should" influence people's shipping headcanons. In my opinion, it is a very unnecessary thing to argue about simply because of the uniqueness and the fantastical nature of Shadow's existence within the Sonic Universe. Very specifically, he is a test tube science project super soldier who is immortal with an unclarified "birth date."
It's most likely that Professor Gerald Robotnik started the process of creating Shadow AFTER Maria was born and they discovered her incurable disease; Project Shadow could have taken a significant amount of time to complete considering all of the scientific processes, research, and intergalactic communication needed. It is also important to remember that Maria died when she was only 12 years old. If we are just talking about the amount of time that Shadow was physically and mentally conscious, communicating, and learning (excluding the 50 years he spent in cryo-stasis), this would mean that Shadow's age could be anything up to Maria's exact age at her time of death. Realistically his youngest possible age would be much greater than 1 day, since it probably took a noteworthy amount of time for Shadow and Maria to develop their trusting best friend and/or sibling bond.
Otherwise, in the less likely scenario, Professor Gerald could've had foresight and somehow gotten confirmation about Maria's condition before she was born with the scientifically and medically advanced technology aboard the Space Colony ARK, and then completed Project Shadow before she was born. But in EITHER possible chronology, Shadow could be around the same age or a handful of years younger than 15 (one of the possible ages in this debate), if we are to consider his game manual or Wiki-page biographies for his true age. This could put the Sonadow ship in the same boat of age-gap and maturity-difference criticism that the Sonic x Amy ship gets because Sonic is 15 and Amy is 12.
Even though Shadow is one of the most complex characters within the broad Sonic Lore, at the same time he's one of the most mysterious characters, especially since we don't have any official content that shows the complete scientific/medical/technological details of his creation process from start to finish. Everyone has a different opinion whether the game manual and Wiki-page age(s) indicates Shadow's number of conscious years lived, his current physical age, or both. People also debate whether his current physical age matters in terms of shipping ethics. Considering that Shadow is an immortal science experiment with the DNA/blood of an alien species and he could have grown up in a test tube, I like to think that any of the "teen" ages used in this debate could simply describe what his physical vessel looks like (compared to 100% Mobian hedgehogs) at the point Project Shadow was deemed successfully completed. It's possible that his early development deviated from that of a human baby, a Mobian hedgehog baby, and a normal hedgehog baby. Maybe he grew generally faster or went through the same developmental stages of his Black Arms alien siblings. Deciphering what it would mean for Shadow to become "fully mature", or even what "age" in general means for him, would require solving the complex puzzle of his circumstances: the science of genetic engineering that splices Black Arms DNA with Mobian hedgehog DNA to design a being that is artificial and specifically exceptional in every way. We DO know that Shadow's Black Arms DNA gives his mind and body a connection to the species' Hive Mind (which is explored in the Archie comic books) and that Black Doom's DNA was one of the necessary ingredients to give Shadow immortality and disease immunity. But that's the extent of what we know about Shadow's Black Arms biology, its overall effects, its benefits, and its downsides. In addition to this, the "immortal artificial super soldier with alien DNA" context brings up questions regarding Shadow's mental processes, intelligence, and learning capabilities. He could have gone through rapid psychological development, or can learn and gain skills at an enhanced rate, have increased intelligence, or have alien mental capacities beyond his connection to the Black Arms' Hive Mind.
The limitless SCOPE of possibilities for Shadow's physical and mental reality is why I completely avoid any attempts at shoving this complex character into the same quantifiable boxes of human OR Mobian OR normal hedgehog maturity, development, intelligence, socialization, emotions, learning, and age. Which is why I do not judge people for their shipping preferences and don't assume the worst of the people that ship him with other characters. An integral part of the tragedy and isolation of Shadow the Hedgehog as a character surrounds him being the Ultimate Lifeform, a being that is so unique, advanced, artificial, medicalized, scientific, revolutionary, mystical and powerful that he cannot relate to most of the other Sonic characters and vice versa. TRYING to force Shadow to be 100% understandable, relatable, and quantifiable both by our real-life human standards and by the standards of the other Sonic characters can diminish his uniqueness and essence, and it hinders the broad Sonic Fandom from creatively exploring the magnitude of possibilities (both shipping and non-shipping) that his mysteriousness inspires.
(Thank you for reading and sticking with my train of thought! :) I expect constructive conversation in the comments if any are made at all, whether it's criticism or agreement.)
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rxt-attack · 6 months
In light of ..... recent events, I thought it best to remake that recommendations post I did quite a while back. This is a playlist put together by Hbomberguy and it has quite a number of excellent queer video essayists + some people James Somerton plagiarized. I wanted to add a few people to the list.
Jessie Gender - I cannot recommend her enough. She covers issues facing women as well as trans, nonbinary, and autistic people. She also discusses other marginalized communities (Got this info from her YouTube bio). She analyzes media through these lenses while remaining empathetic and often delivering a nuanced take. HOWEVER, that's not all. Jessie does insanely well researched videos about Sci-fi (shout out Star Trek) and other "geeky" topics. She's working on a short film right now so the channel has kinda flatlined. Go give her some views!
Yhara Zayd - I haven't watched them in a bit but Zayd does videos analyzing media, often through the lens of race. Special shout-out to their "The Day Rue 'Became' Black" vid! Their work is eloquent, well researched, and you can find their sources listed in the bio of vids.
Philosophy Tube - Do I even need to say anything??? Go check out the play she wrote, "The Prince." You can find a recording of it on Nebula. I haven't watched it yet but I plan to.
Anyway these creators (and the ones of the playlist) are only a few of the great people analyzing media, talking about queer history, and more. These lists don't even include the numerous writers from whom James stole from. They all deserve support and I hope they get it. If you have any more reccs (including articles), list them below!
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climbing-starrs · 2 years
did some irisona doodles during class today !!
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@glass-trash-bab @bondedostae @intothebutterflyburrow @geekyfox2 @phoenixiza @flower-zombie-rob @the-pastel-kitsune blorbo hours :]
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kbspangler · 2 months
ISSUES - Coping Strategies
Remembered this old story of mine that I had posted on my Patreon in 2017. In April of 2016, I donated an AGAHF story to Geeky Giving, an organization raising funds " to help advance research on Parkinson’s, ALS, traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, Alzheimer’s and more. " At the time of writing, Geeky Giving was working with the  Barrow Neurological Institute to determine the causes and progression of these conditions. 
Alzheimer's took my grandmother; it took my husband's grandmother. Both of us watch our parents like hawks: both of us wonder what's going to happen to us in 50 years.  So I approached Geeky Giving and offered to donate a story to them. They said sure, and yes, it could be an in-universe AGAHF story as long as it touched on the importance of neurological research. 
I have a series of short stories called "Issues," mainly for topics which don't get a lot of on-panel discovery. This is the story of the brilliant oncologist who had to shift her specialty to cyborg research, and the damaged forensic artist who is slowly putting himself back together. AKA: How Jenny and Shawn fell in love.
Please be kind: this was written in 2015-16 and language changes.
The man on the other side of the bed was sweet and kind and completely insane.
She didn’t know how to feel about that. This uncertainty bothered her more than the act of sleeping with a crazed man. Five years ago, she would have been mortified with herself, with the idea of intimacy with someone such as Shawn. Even if he wasn’t her patient. Even if he was more than a friend. Today, he was just…Shawn.
She didn’t let herself think about it—she’d find fear down there, and maybe something else, something that could chase the fear away but leave them both forever changed.
Instead, she stared at the ceiling and pretended she couldn’t hear her machines call to her.
Shawn’s mental voice was strong, and ran as crisp as a winter river through her mind. “Go,” he said.
 “I thought you were asleep,” she whispered aloud.
“You’re too noisy. You should go. Go be with them.”
She rolled over to face him. He had cut his hair himself last week and had done an awkward job of it. Someone had given him a buzz cut to tidy him up, but aggressive neurosurgery and skull-shorn hair paired poorly. She traced his scars with her fingertips, feeling the bumps and twists of the ridges of his scar tissue, and beneath that, his drowsy tangle of emotions.
“They miss you,” he said in her mind. He reached out and traced her own scars, hidden beneath her short brown hair. “I’ll miss you, too, but I want to sleep.”
“All right.” She kissed him on his shoulder, and felt him drop out of her senses as his implant went into passive mode. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Take your time,” he muttered into his pillow, his voice cut down to nothing from lack of use. “I remember having more energy after sex.”
“You remember sex when you were twenty,” she said. Their clothes were a single knot on the floor; she yanked on loose ends until she had reclaimed her pants. “We’re getting old.”
Gentle snoring.
The other members of the collective slept around them, rooms and buildings and miles away. She felt them around her, off-line but still present in the back of her head, four hundred souls who shared their thoughts with her during the day but kept their dreams to themselves.
She opened the door to the crash room and stepped into her lab. It was a medical suite in name only, stuck beneath a crumbling mansion in what once had been a wine cellar. Federal funding only went so far: the government could front the costs for the cutting-edge technology that had gone into their heads, but resources for infrastructure and development? Please.
She didn’t mind. She had built her own diagnostic laboratory by scavenging equipment from storage, or buying what she couldn’t borrow. The room served double-duty as an emergency ward, but the worst injuries she saw tended to be exercise-induced, and not too many of those.
It left her plenty of time for her own projects.
Her computers whirred to life around her. There was no need for clunky access codes; they recognized her and welcomed her home.
Theirs was a woman’s voice, false and mechanical. Most days, she told herself that they couldn’t feel, that she was projecting her own eagerness to get back to work on her machines.
On nights like this, when the rest of the collective was sleeping and she was nearly alone in her own head, Jenny wasn’t so sure.
“Hello, ladies,” she said. “Ready to play?”
A human brain sprung up around her in reply.
It was lovingly rendered in greens, and enlarged ten times life-size for clarity; if she looked closely, she could see the bright flashes of synapses.
(Which was something of a comfort—it was her own brain, scanned and digitized, and independent confirmation that your own brain is active is always welcome.)
 The implant rested against her parietal lobe, a small metallic sliver smaller than the head of a nail. At this resolution, she could make out the microscopic filaments connected to it; these ran throughout her brain, the majority twining into her brain stem. Heat regulation had been front and center on the developers’ own minds; without it, the cyborgs would have cooked themselves within their own skulls.
She ran her fingers through the hologram. The silvery filaments covered her holographic brain like cobwebs, shining brightly against the green.
“Ladies, overlay image JED-1 over master.”
A second brain appeared, the same general size and shape as the first but made from blues instead of greens. The opacity of the green brain diminished as the blue brain was positioned over it.
“File: Jenny Davis, late night ramblings,” she said aloud. Talking helped. Speaking directly to her computers through her implant was good for clinical analysis, but it was late, and she was tired, and it was time to purge her thoughts so she could, maybe, get some sleep.
“Thank you, ladies. Subfile: Background, general.” She began to pace around and through the hologram, checking for oddities. The blue brain was hers, too—had been hers, once, nearly seven years and an entire lifetime ago. Before the surgery, and the collective, and the alien oddness of hiveminds had all had their way with it. “Image JED-1, brain of a healthy 22-year-old Caucasian female. Ladies, highlight parietal lobe.”
 A section of the hologram began to glow.
“Side by side, magnify, compare and contrast.”
The hologram divided itself again, blue and green enlarging to fill the room. She wandered through the colors, talking to her machines as she went, tracing lines and shapes and twisting flashes of—
“What’s this?”
Jenny swore aloud as her concentration shattered. Shawn flinched away from her sudden frustration and dropped to his knees.
“Oh, honey!” She knelt beside him and reached out through the link. His consciousness scurried away from hers, looking for an escape but unable to find it. “I didn’t know you were there. I’m so sorry.”
She pressed her bare hands against his bare shoulders: she pushed positive emotions—calm, peace, belonging—across the bridge of their skin until he believed it.
He uncurled, looking up at her like a lost lamb.
“I thought you were asleep,” she explained. “You scared me.”
 Shawn laughed at that.
She managed to coax him off of the ground, one arm around him to keep him steady. “Here,” she said aloud. “Look. Want to see something amazing?
“This is me,” she continued, pointing to the blue hologram. “You know those tests you hate so much?”
“The brain scans?” He shuddered, and the sensation of being trapped in a tight white chamber crushed against her. Of lying as still as death, of knowing the person on the other end of the monitor was looking for what was wrong about what the core of you…
“Easy,” she whispered. “Please.”
His fear let her go, slowly. It had managed to find the cracks in her own psyche and had set itself deep—What if these brain implants stimulate tumorigenesis? Or neurodegeneration, or arteriovenous malformation, or… An almost endless list of what could go wrong…
 But there was the green hologram, brand-new and still perfect, and she told herself to put those fears aside.
“Well…” she began, “you remember during orientation, when we all had full medical diagnostics done? This is a composite image from my first MRI and CT scans.”
He stretched out a hand; it passed through the hologram, layering him in a blue the color of a summer sky.
“And this is me, too,” she said, pulling the green parietal lobe towards them. “From last week. Notice the differences?”
“This,” he said, as he pointed to the bright sliver of light on the green lobe. “Obviously.”
“What else?”
He grinned at her. A sense of pleasure at the challenge came back to her over their link, and she turned away on the pretense of gathering up some fallen papers. Too easy to forget that Shawn had once been in the FBI, that he had once been a brilliant up-and-coming forensic artist.
That experimenting with the human mind could have consequences.
Shawn didn’t seem to notice. He moved between the holograms, sorting and poking. His own digital renders began to appear as he worked; the holograms he created were more stylized than her own, freehand sketches hanging in the air beside her still images.
“Here,” he said, once done.
She wrapped her arms around him and stood on her toes so she could rest her chin on his shoulder. His sketches were playful, with arcs of white light moving across the lobes in quick streams. In some places, they caught what she hadn’t: Shawn’s sketches moved across regions that seemed no different than the others, with—
Jenny squinted, hard. “Are those bunnies?”
She stepped away from Shawn and moved into the holograms. A tiny cartoon rabbit popped out of a fold in her green parietal lobe and scampered across her brain. That first rabbit was followed by a second, then a third…more rabbits, an infinite number of rabbits, each scurrying with purpose towards different destinations.
Not just arcs of light, then.
“There are cheetahs somewhere,” he said. “And horses, too. They don’t show up as often. I used rabbits to show the most frequent movement.”
Sure enough, a streak of light emerged across the green expanse before her. A herd of wild mustangs, manes and tails flowing together as they ran, moved in a single stream.
“Damn,” she said softly. “Baby, this is really beautiful.”
She felt his cheeks flush. “It’s just a clip from a YouTube video,” he replied. “I didn’t have time to render each horse.”
“But you drew the bunnies?”
“One of them. The rest are a copy-paste job.”
“These are neural networks,” she said, reaching out to touch the mustangs with her mind. They blurred beneath her thoughts: she hastily moved her mind away, scared she had damaged them. The herd reformed and continued its journey. “Your bunnies are action potentials. The horses—” Out of the corner of her eye, a tiny feline body bunched and shot across the hologram at an incredible speed. “—and the cheetahs are electrochemical neurotransmissions.”
He laughed aloud, a wild, coughing sound. “I can’t remember freshman biology,” he said. “All I know is that the green brain has more wildlife than the blue one. A lot more wildlife.”
“That’s because the implant’s been changing us.”
White light in her head, so bright and sudden it took her a moment to realize her words had stunned him. Shawn stood, motionless, before he turned and fled to the comfortable darkness of the crash room.
“Oh, no, no, Shawn honey…” Jenny hurried after him. If he managed to make it under the bed, he’d be there for the rest of the week. She reached him in time to lay both hands flat on his back and pushed calm, belonging, peace across their joined skin.
He let her pull him away from the bed, but no further. They huddled on the floor in a sad, uncomfortable pile, and she felt a spot on the knee of her jeans grow damp.
Shawn was crying.
“There’s always some good that comes with change,” she said gently.
He looked up at her, eyes wide and desperate, before curling in on himself again.
“You didn’t break. You got a little bent, but… Here,” she said. “Come back to the lab. I want to show you something.”
Bad days turned him mulish, but this was a good day: she was able to coax him off the floor and as far as the doorway. They stood in the void between rooms, cold tile beneath their toes and warm carpet under their heels, as the holograms spun before them.
Jenny pointed. “You said you noticed how there was more wildlife in the green brain?”
“That’s because our brains—this part of our brains, anyhow—is more active than it was before we got the implant. No, not just active—it’s thriving! Want to guess why?”
His attention was fixed on the holograms, but the easy scorn of an eyeroll passed between them.
“Humor me,” she said. “I’m going to have to explain this to people who aren’t in the collective at some point. Help me find the right words for this.”
“Because we’re using our brains in new ways,” Shawn replied, his mood pulling itself a little higher. “Talking via a link, or this—” he said, and pushed sensations at her.
Unseen fur, coarse but soft, surrounded her hands. Beneath that was the heat from a living body. With these came the memory of a beloved family dog, long dead but not forgotten.
“Exactly,” she said, blinking back her own tears at the loss of a pet she had never met. “We’re the first humans to have been augmented in this way. It’s causing us to think and act differently. We’ve got these new skills that we’re just beginning to put to use. We’re barely seven years into this experiment, and there’s already observable growth in the parietal lobe. Can you imagine what we’ll be able to do after—”
 “Wait, Jenny, wait. Brains grow? Don’t we… I thought we started shedding brain mass once we turned eighteen.”
“That’s Hollywood science,” she said. “Outdated and chock full of errors, but it still fits the script. The reality is…”
—rabbits, horses, and giant cats, speeding over an expanse of green in endless knots of light—
“The reality is, we’re miracles,” she said to him. “Human beings weren’t meant to be networked together. We shouldn’t have the ability to survive as part of a collective, but we do. We change—we grow. We’ve barely begun to understand how we can do any of this, but the more we learn, the more we can use that to grow.”
Shawn broke away from her and stepped into the lab. Greens and blues moved around him, coloring him in a digital sea. He was still naked; the scars across his wrists were nearly as white as the glowing animals.
“What about me?”
“I’m not…” Shawn’s hands clenched uselessly. “I’m not who I used to be. Does this mean I can go back to how I was, or will I…”
He opened his hands and let his mind pour into hers.
Memories. All of them, from the moment that his own mind broke under the weight of a new reality to living in the fear of staying as he was, unable to change, unable to grow, a roller coaster of emotions that threatened to tip off of the rails—
Too much: she cried out. Shawn lost focus: the memories faded.
Her world rebuilt itself in pieces. The floor came first: she had fallen to her knees. She concentrated on the patterns in the tile until she found the walls. Where there was a floor and walls, there was a ceiling…
She stood.
Shawn hadn’t noticed. “Is this me?” he asked. “This?! From now on?”
She closed her eyes and thought about impossible conversations. Then: “Ladies?”
The holograms stopped spinning.
“Replace current images with new holographic display. Show SEF-1 and SEF-46, parietal lobes only. Side-by-side comparisons.”
Blues and greens vanished; blues and greens returned. To the untrained eye, nothing had changed; the wildlife was gone, but the silvery rectangle was still there on the green brain, and the same flashes of light chased itself in purposeful patterns across both.
“Here,” she said, as she joined Shawn in the center of the room. “This is you. Your earliest scans are blue, and the most recent scans are green.”
He stared up at the twisting holograms. She felt his attention dart across the details, focusing like a laser on anything distinctive or different…
“They look just like yours,” he finally admitted.
“That’s the problem, baby.” Jenny pulled him close. “If you had typical neurological damage, it’d show up on the scans. Whatever happened to you, it’s…harder to find.”
“Why?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she replied. “Mental illness can be caused by emotional, psychological, or physiological events, or a combination of these. We’re just beginning to scratch the surface of the causes of known disorders. Since your condition is almost unique, we’re flying blind.”
Sorrow. Loss. Anger—You’re a doctor! Why can’t you fix what’s wrong with me?!—and fear.
So much fear.
“We’ll get there,” she promised, as she pushed her own fear down below where she could feel it. “You’re responding well to medication and therapy. It’ll take time, and trial-and-error, and…and more tests, I’m sorry. None of this is easy, but we’ll make it work.
“You might never get back to who you used to be,” she admitted, as his heart hammered in her head. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t get to where you want to be, now.”
“I can do more tests,” he said quietly, even as the white chamber rose up again in his mind.
Together, they held their fears away.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
The Masked Medicine Woman (Revised)
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A/N: Told you, I would make some adjustments for this. Let me know if you prefer this over the last one
"You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need..."
-Meant To be Yours (Ryan McCartan)
Hailing from Outworld's hinterlands, Y/N is known as one of the best medicine women, if not the best. Having first been spotted by Sindel for helping to cure a plague in her teenage years, Y/N was invited by the Queen herself to study at her palace. Eventually, she became the royal Medicine woman. She is not only a good friend of Sindel but also aided the Queen with the birth of healthy twins. Y/N is particularly close with the eldest twin, Mileena.
Eventually, Y/N would cross paths with an up-and-coming sorcerer named Shang Tsung, whom she partnered with to further the goal of finding a cure for Tarkat. Their partnership would come to an end after a freak accident; an accident that is said to have left Y/N's face so scarred she started to wear a mask to cover the marks it left. Baraka, leader of the Tarkatan colony, is the only one who knows what's behind the mask. Now, she currently resides in the Tarkatan camp to continue her research while treating all the afflicted within the colony to the best of her abilities. She still blames Shang Tsung for causing her accident.
Y/N: You cursed me to be this monssster!
Shang Tsung: "My dear, are you really so insistent on blaming me for what was essentially an accident?
Taglist: @slowlyfriedkingdom, @blackbunnymayw, @waryvoid, @redviper321, @lesbian-bambi, @evelud, @solareclipse166, @otako5811, @painimpact, @small-tophat-man, @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni, @the-strange-unknown, @gname4, @aliceangel200981, @yaboicayde, @dumbhxeredrose, @tmoney-gay, @snowwhiteabyss, @geeky-trash01, @0000-lover-girl, @helixatomiclaws1799, @livia25leelover, @sarapaprikas-blog, @he-burnt-my-shake, @possibly-gleeful, @pikachupepito2, @miasubzero14, @keenduckzombie, @blackrose-2019, @nobod987, @antichristsbaby, @ariel2897, @iivenussleeping, @bloody546, @amara555555, @ya-sillydilly, @calviyv, @momoko-world, @ihatebitterthings, @sillypissyfroggy, @kpopobsessedellie-blog, @wickedspeak, @helloweebsofgenshin, @technonecromancerderaxus, @undertale-anomaly20, @khaotic-kris, @lonelycupcakelol, @duchessdaisybat, @generousrunawaystranger, @hufflepuff-ef, @ciphershadow, @night-stitch, @eclipsybunnyblogs, @ashleyinky, @corpse-nymph, @a-tiny-frog-with-a-hat, @porfiriea, @greciacat, @bobawitch13
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hylianengineer · 19 days
I'm researching geeky t-shirts for fic writing reasons (if you have any recommendations please drop them in the comments) and I found this ridiculousness:
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Have these people ever even MET a scientist?! It's literally a field that's about being wrong! And then learning how we were wrong so we can be less wrong! That's the scientific process! We're wrong so so frequently and that's the POINT!
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gumnut-logic · 3 months
Along the Way (Part 7 and The End)
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
It's finished! ::runs around the room like a loon:: Though I have to say that I doubt this will be the last we see of Mr Sweetapple as there are several threads that need a good neat tie up :D
All the wonderful thanks to @onereyofstarlight for staying up extra late and answering my poke across the Tasman Sea for a last minute read. I hope Alex gives you some nice sleep ::hugs tight::
Also, special thanks to all of you for supporting my geeky fanboy Alex :D There will be more as someone sent me some OC asks about Alex and I've realised that the only way I can answer them is by writing fic. (some other OCs of mine might pop up in fic at some point,too, for that exact same reason) ::so many hugs to all of you for being so kind to me::
But anyway, I will stop my excited rambling and present you with the last chapter of this fic....which has taken so long to write - so many apologies. Though I am excited that I'm writing again :D
I hope you enjoy this :D
Alexander Sweetapple’s head was spinning.
Not so much from the concussion he had no doubt he had, thank you, Mr Holographic Scott Tracy, but more from the fact that Virgil had just kissed him.
Not Mr Virgil Tracy, Head of Research and Development at Tracy Industries, no….more ‘ohmigod, I finally found you and you’re alive, I want to hug and kiss your brains out’ Virgil Tracy.
The man was covered in concrete dust and grime, there was more grey than blue on his uniform bar the scratched patches where his now discarded exosuit had sat.
Alex had proof Virgil had hugged him via all the dusty patches on his damp clothes, on his arms, and in his hair.
Virgil Tracy had hugged and kissed him.
For real.
Alex stood beside his mum while Virgil assessed the condition of her ankle and she went about embarrassing her son every way possible.
To be honest, it had been such a day that she was welcome to show Virgil Alex’s naked baby pictures for all he cared. She was safe and that was all important.
A glance over at the remains of the museum building prompted his heart to add a few extra beats per minute to its routine.
Alex let his jaw drop as he watched the roof float away.
Oh god.
Virgil’s voice was so rich and deep.
“Alex?” And then Virgil grabbed him. Was he trying to hug him again. That would be nice. “Whoa! I think you need to sit down.”
He folded himself smoothly down onto the pavement beside his mum.
“Hey, honey, look at me.” Her fingers were suddenly in his hair. “Allie, how the hell did you do all that with a head injury?” She peered closely at him. “Virgil, what do your scanners say?”
And yes, Virgil was waving a yellow light over Alex. “Concussion, bruising…” He frowned. “You’re both wet. You’ve been in the river?”
“Nearly drowned. My foot got stuck and Allie pulled me out. Some water, possibly sewage, may have been inhaled. My recommendation is to watch for symptoms of infection. In both of us.” Dr Sweetapple was in the house.
He turned to Virgil only to find his friend’s eyebrows fully deployed.
They were very nice eyebrows.
Virgil caught his stare. “Thunderbird One, I need to leave the danger zone. Ten minutes there and back for patient transport.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Two. Make it quick, we need your help in the industrial sector.” A pause. “How’s Alex?”
“Concussion, but well enough…and safe.” Virgil still had his eyes.
“Good to hear. Thunderbird One out.”
“What are you doing, Virgil?” The words slipped out without thought.
Virgil looked down at his wrist control poking it. “You both need medical supervision. I’m providing it for you.”
A good hundred metres away, Thunderbird Two rose up on her struts and her module door slid smoothly open. Two hoverstretchers darted out across the road, gliding around obstacles until they reached Virgil’s side. He pulled out a control surface and reconfigured them into hoverchairs. “Sorry to rush this, but time is short. Alex, stay put while I help your mother.” He held up a gloved hand and Alex was forced to settle back and obey.
Besides, the world was spinning again, and after all, Virgil was technically his boss.
He let his head fall into his hand and closed his eyes, suddenly ever so tired.
So this was what an adrenalin drop felt like.
“Alex?” Virgil’s voice was soft and his gloved hand gentle on his arm. That was really nice. “Alex? You with me?”
He blinked. Oh. “Yeah.”
“Let’s get you up.” Virgil nudged him, both hands holding his arms to steady him.
The world wobbled, but a few steps and Virgil had him snug and safe, strapped into the hover stretcher…chair…whatever the hell it was.
Virgil was running, Alex and his mother beside him, until they were all swallowed by the green of Thunderbird Two.
At some point, Virgil must has triggered the chair back into a bed because Alex was lying down and Virgil hovering over him, once again with a scanner flickering yellow light. “You can go to sleep, Alex. You’re okay and you’re safe.” A gloved hand gently brushed away the hair from Alex’s forehead. He knew this should mean something, but he was so tired.
Thunderbird green danced as his eyelids drifted closed.
Somewhere something was roaring just like a Thunderbird launching, but he had no energy to care.
Jeff stepped into the elevator only to almost collide with his mother. “Mom?”
“I’m meeting Thunderbird Two.”
“Why?” Was Virgil hurt? Why hadn’t John told him?
A hand on his arm quelled the sudden panic. “Virgil is fine. We have visitors.”
“Who?” Did he have to draw the information out bit by bit?
“Do you remember Alexander Sweetapple?”
“Of course, I do. Gordon thinks Virgil might be…interested.”
“He is.” She held up a finger so close to Jeff’s face, his eyes crossed. “And you are not going to say a thing. Yes, he’s breaking protocol, but he has good reason.” She looked away and let her finger drop. “The poor boy has been terrified all day. Thank god, they finally found Alex. And I don’t blame him for not wanting to let him out of his sight.” His mother stared up at Jeff with all the fire he knew she possessed. “Your son is bringing home his first romantic interest ever and you are not going to spout security blather all over him. This is our house and we can have guests. Especially important guests.”
Jeff took a step back. “I wasn’t going to say anything!” Virgil was bringing home Alex? As a love interest? “What the hell happened?” He really needed to speak to John about keeping him updated. He knew his orbiting son was selective, but this was ridiculous.
The elevator doors opened and his mother glared at him. “Something good. Don’t ruin it.” She stomped off into Two’s hangar, detouring into the medical supply cupboard on the way, just as the hangar doors started their opening sequence.
Jeff stepped cautiously out of the elevator. He had no idea what warranted his mother’s ire. Okay, maybe he had had some words with his eldest at one point, but that was nearly a decade ago.
His priorities were a little different these days.
Two roared in, a little faster than the norm. Virgil was obviously in a hurry. She spun on her turntable and the moment she settled, her forward hatch was lowered, Virgil standing between two hoverchairs.
Jeff hurried after his mother, cursing his cane, as Virgil strode with the two chairs towards them.
“Grandma, this is Doctor Lolly Sweetapple. Doctor Sweetapple, this is my grandmother, Doctor Sally Tracy, she and my father will be taking over your care.”
The two doctors exchanged greetings and slipped into medical babble two seconds later.
“Dad?” Virgil gestured him over. “You remember Alex?” Why was there so much hesitation in his son’s voice?
“Certainly, the creator of Siliwrap.” The man was obviously asleep. “How is he?”
“Concussion, bruising, he and his mother need monitoring for possible lung infection. They were caught in contaminated water.” His son swallowed; his expression hesitant. “I wanted them here, Dad. Grandma has the skills and the tools.” He looked away. “I just couldn’t leave them to the system.” His eyes fell on Alex and Jeff’s heart clenched.
“We will look after them.” He dropped a consoling hand to his son’s shoulder.
Vulnerable eyes looked up at him. “Thanks, Dad.” His hand was squeezed and Virgil was again moving. This time running back to his ‘bird.
His mother immediately took over and bustled them all into the elevator before they could acquire new coiffures a’la rocket engine.
As the doors closed, Thunderbird Two accelerated out on to her runway and the elevator shaft roared as she took to the sky.
Alex rolled over in bed and sighed into his pillow. He was extremely comfortable. Temperature was perfect. Pillow was soft. “Mmmmm….”
“About time you woke up, Allie. You were starting to worry me.” His mother’s voice was always reassuring.
“He’s fine, Lolly. Concussion is healing and there is no sign of any lung infection. See, look at the scans.”
Alex frowned. That was a female voice he didn’t recognise. Also, why was his mum in his bedroom?
“You’re giving me equipment envy, Sally. My god, the science behind this is amazing.”
“Virgil has them in development, don’t you worry. A good percentage of our breakthroughs do get filtered down into the market. Unfortunately, there is a difference between the ability to make a device for International Rescue and making devices in efficient, ecological and economic mass production. Our teams do their best.” A snort. “And your boy is part of that team. His devotion to Siliwrap is all to his credit. Alex is saving lives as much, if not more, as any at Tracy industries. You should be proud.”
“Oh, that’s a given. He’s always been a little obsessive, especially regarding the Thunderbirds.”
Alex flung his eyes open to find his mother lying on a bed beside him, smiling. She had her ankle wrapped and raised and was obviously talking to the owner of the other voice, an older lady dressed in a purple jumpsuit.
Both were smiling at him.
“Where am I?”
Yes, that’s the first question out of any alien abductee’s mouth, no doubt about it.
“You’re on Tracy Island, Alex. You and your mother are safe and our guests.” When Alex didn’t respond as his brain automatically overloaded. “I’m Mrs Tracy, Virgil’s grandmother.”
“Watch it, Sally, he may combust on the spot.”
Thanks, mum.
His mother was grinning at him. “I swear he’s been looking for the location of this island since he discovered his first Thunderbird.”
“Shhh! You’ll wake him up.” His mum was pointing behind him.
“Lolly, don’t worry, Virgil sleeps like the dead. Especially after a rescue like that.”
Virgil? What?
He twisted around and found a third bed behind him. Virgil lay sprawled face down on it, snoring softly into his pillow.
“Don’t worry, honey. He’s just tired. Our boys exhaust themselves and then wonder why their bodies shut down.”
It was only then all the events leading up to his current situation fully loaded into his brain.
Virgil had kissed him. His chocolate eyes held such relief and joy…
The scene played back in his head over and over, declaring that it had happened. That something Alex may have dreamed about but never really considered actually possible, had happened.
He stared at Virgil.
Gone was the uniform and in its place a simple black t-shirt outlining a lax bicep hanging off the edge of the bed. Alex’s eyes tracked down the length of Virgil’s arm to his hand.
Such strong hands.
The emergency responder had a blanket draped over him, obviously placed there after the advent of slumber, likely by his purple grandmother.
“Why is he here?”
Mrs Tracy walked around Alex’s bed so she could face him. “Now, don’t you start worrying your head off, young man. He is fine. He’s in the bed because otherwise he’d be asleep in a chair and that is not acceptable self-care. He wanted to stay here with you and it was the bed or out. Exhaustion did the rest.”
He stared at her a moment, his thoughts spinning.
“How are you feeling, Allie?”
Huh? He turned back to his mother. “Mum, your ankle…”
She waved him off. “Hon, I’ve done worse tripping over kids in the waiting room. Nothing to worry about.” She frowned at him. “How’s your head?”
How was his head? How was he in general?
There were aches, yes, now that attention had been drawn to them, but generally, considering that he’d just been through a major disaster, he felt okay. “I’m okay.”
His eyes drifted back to Virgil.
“Don’t you think of getting out of bed just so you can sit at his bedside, Alex. I know how you boys think, so don’t think you can pull one over on me.” Virgil’s grandmother was proving to be as bad as Alex’s mother.
“Don’t worry, Sally, he’s been very well trained from birth.”
“How did you manage that? I’ve been trying for nearly thirty years with the grandkids. Their father is just as bad.”
Alex’s eyes widened. Their father? Jeff Tracy. The Jeff Tracy who gave his name to Tracy Island. That Tracy Island that was ever so secret and Alex was currently resting his butt on. Well, the bed his was resting his butt on was on the Island. It was simple transference of molecular ownership.
Perhaps this was not the best moment to realise that he was wearing a black t-shirt very similar to Virgil’s and that it was not one he owned, nor was it one he was wearing the last time he was aware and conscious.
He pulled up the blanket and found black shorts. “Where are my clothes?” Perhaps the step up in octave was a little ridiculous on his part, but it had been a very stressful day.
“Your clothes were ruined, Allie. Jeff and Mrs Tracy were kind enough to supply and dress you in some replacements.” His mother was ever so matter-of-fact, as usual.
“Jeff Tracy saw me naked?!”
Okay, he had to admit, that was supposed to be inner voice and not shouted at the top of his lungs. In any case, it proved that it was possible to wake up Virgil Tracy, no matter what his grandmother said.
“Alex? What?”
He turned to find Virgil pushing himself up off the bed, hair sticking in all directions, obviously still half asleep.
“Honey, the man brought up five boys. One more is nothing new.” Mrs Tracy was as matter-of-fact as his mother.
Great. A team up.
“Virgil, go back to sleep.” Mrs Tracy bustled over to her grandson and attempted to get him to lie down.
But Virgil had caught sight of Alex. “Alex! You’re awake!”
Mrs Tracy actually rolled her eyes as Virgil threw off his covers and climbed out of bed. He closed the distance between them on bare feet. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
Alex couldn’t help it. “You look adorable.” Because he did. Big tough rescue operative with puffy eyes and hair sticking up all over the place, not to mention the black t-shirt and shorts that hid absolutely zero anatomical detail. And above all, he was smiling, as if ever so happy to see Alex…which was some kind of miracle and honestly how hard had he hit is head?
“You’re not bad yourself.” That smile turned to one of appreciation.
His mother did mention a concussion…
“Okay, it’s obvious Virgil is not going to listen to his doctor’s advice, so Lolly and I will leave you two boys alone.” Mrs Tracy poked at his mum’s bed and it detached from the wall, hovering quite happily and easily nudged out of the room.
“Allie, take it easy, love. You are recovering from a concussion, after all.”
Yeah, yeah, mum, whatever. Virgil’s eyes were such a beautiful shade of brown.
Both women muttered to each other as they left the room, closing the door behind them.
Virgil was poking Alex’s bed controls with his fingers. “Good. You’ve rested.” His eyes were tracking over medical readouts. Alex’s medical readouts.
“I’m okay, Virgil.”
The man looked up at him again. “Good.”
Alex frowned as Virgil lifted a hand up and gently brushed Alex’s hair clear of his left temple and the abrasion there. “Grandma’s treated you well.”
Alex wanted to fall into that gentle touch. His eyes may have at least partially closed.
“Are we okay?”
Alex’s eyes snapped open.
“I mean…” Those eyes looked down and away. No, come back! “…we haven’t talked about-“
Alex was suddenly kissing Virgil. There had been space between them, but now it was gone, Alex had his arms around those truly magnificent biceps, and startled lips were pressed up against his, ever so warm, and god, Virgil was kissing him back…
There was a brain whiteout for a moment as Virgil’s arms returned Alex’s eager embrace…and then Virgil’s tongue was in his mouth and…
“Whoa! My bad.”
Alex pulled back.
“No! No, you two just keep doin’ what you were doin’ and I’ll just put this coffee down and-“
“Gordon, what do you want?” Virgil hadn’t let go of Alex, but his head did turn towards his brother.
Alex was busy dying on the spot. Why did he do that? Kiss Virgil? Him?
“I brought you coffee! You know, life blood and all that.” Coffee? “Uh, you might want to get back to that tonsil hockey you were playing. Alex looks like he’s might dump you for the coffee.”
“Go away, Gordon.”
“Going away, leaving, like a tree. Happy for both of you. ‘Bout time, Virg.”
“I’m gone!” And he was, the door sliding shut behind him.
Virgil turned back to Alex. “Sorry about that.” A slight shrug. “I have brothers.”
Alex blinked. “I have sisters.”
Virgil’s smile was a sight to behold. “So, we’re okay?”
Alex had had a very hard day, his head was a bit of a mess and there were several truths he was ignoring to keep his sanity. But right now?
He tugged Virgil closer. “More than okay.”
“You want some coffee?”
But Virgil’s lips were brushing his and… “No, I’m good.”
The coffee went cold.
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restesdelune · 1 month
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I've been cooking, I've been cooking...
Let me share the cover art and a few stills from the next installment of my Richonne videos.
How Richonne Was Born #2 - Dandy On Set and Off
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I've also been writing my first fanfic (Richonne of course)! I'll share it here before venturing to ff or ao3 because I'm brand new to this and that is a lot. I've put 7000 words down in two days but as usual, the rewrite hurts like a *****.
We'll see...
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Finally, I'm still researching my bigger (essay/podcast) project #TheOnesWhoLoveLiveOn inspired by Danai Gurira, Michonne Grimes and bell hooks' work about belonging & the labor of love. This is my biggest endeavour to date and will hopefully include political and cultural commentary, from TWD/TOWL to tv/movie/genres from a Black feminist /Afrofem perspective.
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You can find me on youtube, twitter or here as moonsoul or restes de lune. I had forgotten that tumblr was so much more pleasant and appropriate to follow up on and share projects. I really hope they all make it to the end, I feel empowered and motivated but my fellow adhders know that consistency and hyperfocus rarely go along hand in hand.
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to feel less alone. I wouldn't be making any of this if it weren't for the inspired (and yes, sometimes unhinged and worse) fandoms. I hadn't written or edited anything in forever and it's the screeners, the richonners, fanfics writers, and the overwhelming enthusiasm that brought me back to the fold and to my geeky antics.
Keep an eye out on my youtube for the next edit
How Richonne Was Born #2 - Dandy On Set and Off
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Happy shipping
ps: sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language.
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
Heyyyyy lovely I have an idea!
I was wondering if you could do an Egon x Reader x Ray during the scene where Ray and Egon show the others the slime (yknow the one where they make the toaster dance but like the whole scene 😉). Maybe the reader has been away for a long while, and the guys thought they needed to do this for 'research'. I'd love to know how you think they'd try and hide their embarrassment, let alone the fact that they even thought about it from reader
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“You hound”
Ray x Egon x reader
Warnings: none
You and Winston were stood at egons desk as Ray, Egon and Peter were gathered at the microwave. “We have been experimenting with the plasma we found in the subway” Ray spoke as Egon brought the Tupperware container over. Peter looked at him confused and made a comment “Should I get spoons?” You rolled your eyes at his stupidity and looked at Ray and Egon. Egon warned everyone not to bother the slime and to watch, which naturally being curious you did. He nodded at Ray “Go ahead Ray” you rose a brow confused until Ray started yelling at the slime, making you jump back in surprise as it began to bubble. Egon joined in on the yelling and it bubbled more. When it reached the top, Egon stopped Ray half yell and you looked impressed, Venkman in the other hand not so much “This is what you do with your spare time?”
Ray looked wounded “Peter this is an incredible breakthrough, I mean what a discovery a psycho reactive substance. Whatever this stuff is, it response to human emotional states.” You smiled gently at him and his geekiness. This is why you loved Ray and Egon. They were so…them. They didn’t listen to the teasing. Of course Venkman brought the whole thing down by simply calling it “Mood Slime” before leaning in and acting all stupidly flirty. You gagged at him and laughed when the slime bubbled at him. You rested a hand on Egons shoulder as you pulled out your cigarettes and lit one up. Winston chimed in “You mean this stuff actually feeds on bad vibes?” Ray nodded his head “like a cop in a donut factory” you chuckled as you took a drag of your cigarette and breathed out the Vapor.
Egon looked at the three of you then Ray “We have been running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction.” Peter looked at Egon with a raised brow and asked about what tests they were running. Ray sighed “Well we sing to it, and uh we talk to it and well, we say supportive nurturing things to it” a smirk grew on Venkmans face as he looked at the slime and then to Ray “your not sleeping with it are you Ray?” You looked at Peter gone out, as if Ray would- but the silence that came afterwords spoke for itself. You looked between Ray and Egon, both refusing to make eye contact. The slime bubbled and Peters, Winston’s and your eyes widened looking between the two. Peter looked at Egon and groaned, wincing at the thought “oh you…” Winston chuckled and shook his head “it’s always the quiet ones”
You couldn’t believe they would do that but the slime itself had confirmed by reading the emotions in the room. Peter laughed and looked between the two “You hound” Egon cleared his throat and tried to divert from the subject, asking Ray directly about a kinetic test. There was no urging or prompting needing from Egon to get Ray from his embarrassment. Egon placed a toaster on the desk as Ray scooped up some of the plasm on a spoon and put it into the toaster. Egon carried it over to the pool table as Ray told them it responds not music, strange but you were a ghostbuster. You’d seen stranger. Egon put the tape in and instantly you knew it was yours, your Jackie Wilson tape. You grinned as egon looked over “Loves Jackie Wilson”
“Do you guys do this at night when I’m not here” Peter huffed sceptical about what the slime would do. He mocked them “oh I get it it sings, sounds just like Jackie, that’s fantastic” egon rolled his eyes as you stood beside him still smoking your cigarette , you knew that Egon loved any music you listened to so that explained where your Jackie Wilson tape had gone. “Just watch” Egon snapped back as the toaster began jumping around the pool table. You all watched in awe, you yourself impressed theyd found this out. “Oh it dances to” Peter exclaimed and you chuckled and watched it. Toast popped out as egon caught them and put them to the side. You chuckled as egon stopped the music and Venkman hugged the toaster “oh baby, oh your my number one Christmas boutique gift item” you rolled your eyes at his stupidity “yeah and the moment someone gets angry that toaster could eat their hand” you answered back he shook his head in disbelief and turned it around looking all over “no no well put a sticker on it freeing us from any liability” just as he said that he screamed and put his fingers in the bread holes. He laughed as the others panicked and snorted “how did you ever fall for the old hand in the haunted toaster trick.” You all groaned and tackled him dragging him off to the ECTO 1 laughing.
Later you were sat in the lab with egon and Ray reading a book on the occult. You looked up and tilted your head “Boys? You didn’t actually sleep with the ectoplasm did you? I mean..please say you didn’t” both Ray and Egon looked at each other than back out you guilt all over their faces. You groaned and slammed your head into your book. You looked up bright red and shook your head “You absolutely hounds, you could have just come to me”
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