#resilient cities
worldhabitatday · 1 year
High-Level Opening Ceremony of the Global Observance of the World Habitat Day 2023.
UN-Habitat, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, believes that these models can be localised and scaled up through the Global Partnership for Local Investment, where experiences are shared to build a local finance framework for cities and communities, to help distribute existing funding and finance to where it can deliver the greatest impact.
The local finance framework integrates three key solutions to facilitate this access:
Cities Investment Facility (CIF)
UN-Habitat/UNCDF Guarantee Facility for Sustainable Cities
Rapid Own Source Revenue Analysis (ROSRA)
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Get the World Health Day 2023 Programme.
Watch the High-Level Opening Ceremony of the Global Observance of the World Habitat Day 2023.
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worldcitiesday · 11 months
How green, how resilient, and how inclusive are cities?
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Making Cities Green,Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate.
Cities in high- and upper-middle-income countries are major contributors to climate change, whereas the contribution of cities in lower-income countries is modest. Globally, about 70 percent of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the bulk of which are fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, emanate from cities. Cities in lower-income countries, however, accounted for only about 14 percent of all global urban CO2 emissions in 2015, and cities in low-income cities contributed less than 0.20 percent. The mitigation challenge for cities in lower-income countries is to develop without following the historic CO2 emissions trajectories of cities in higher-income countries.
Cities in low- and lower-middle-income countries face the highest exposure to projected climate change–related hazards. Projected exposure for 2030–40 for these cities—based on a composite index that combines projections for six key hazards (floods, heat stress, tropical cyclones, sea-level rise, water stress, and wildfires)—is considerably higher than for cities in higher-income countries.
Cities in low- and lower-middle-income countries are less resilient to increasingly frequent climate change–related shocks and stresses. These cities suffer larger negative impacts to their local levels of economic activity from extreme hot, dry, and wet weather events, as well as from tropical cyclones, than do cities in higher-income countries. The impacts of extreme weather for cities in lower-income countries are particularly pronounced when they reinforce a city’s baseline climatic conditions.
Cities suffer indirect impacts of climate change, especially in low- and lower-middle-income countries. These indirect impacts occur through a variety of channels. For example, when extreme weather events hit, people in the countryside often seek safe harbor in cities. Extended droughts in rural areas result in faster expansion of urban areas. The resulting new settlements are often informal and established on the outskirts of cities, in urban floodplains with limited access to services.
Construction in countries is gravitating toward cities that will be most affected by climate change. Since the 1960s, construction in countries has increasingly gravitated toward cities projected to become unbearably hot because of climate change—the opposite of what would be expected in the face of intensifying changes in climate.
Lack of inclusiveness contributes to the lack of resilience of cities in low- and lower-middle-income countries. This lack of resilience can be explained, in part, by these cities’ higher rates of poverty and lower levels of access to basic services such as health care and education; water, electricity, and other utilities; solid waste management; digital and financial services; and emergency rescue services.
Cities in low- and middle-income countries are less green in terms of air pollution, and air pollution from key urban sectors presents a greater challenge for larger cities in countries at all income levels. On average, concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less in diameter) in both 2000 and 2015 were lower in cities in high-income countries than in cities in lowerincome countries. And a city’s PM2.5 emissions in its residential and transportation sectors—sectors that urban planning and policies can most directly influence—tend to increase with its population.
Policies that improve air quality can help cities both mitigate and adapt to climate change. Many of the activities that contribute to poor urban air quality, such as industrial activities and driving internal combustion engine vehicles, also contribute to global climate change. Consistent with this finding, across cities globally, for the residential and transportation sectors, a strong positive correlation exists between CO2 and PM2.5 emissions.
Cities that develop vertically consume less land, accommodate more people, and are more prosperous. Across cities globally, a doubling of a city’s total height leads to a roughly 16 percent long-run increase in its population and a 19 percent long-run reduction in its land area relative to other cities. These results are accompanied by a 4 percent long-run increase in the intensity of the city’s nighttime lights per capita, which suggests increased prosperity.
Lack of vegetation, especially evident in large cities and cities in upper-middle-income countries, can exacerbate the impacts of extreme heat events in cities. It does so because a lack of vegetation exacerbates the urban heat island effect, which can lead to urban land surface temperatures that are more than 10°C higher than the equivalent rural land surface temperatures.
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reportsofagrandfuture · 11 months
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"A study released by researchers for Rebuild by Design and Ramboll, an architectural engineering firm, suggests that every dollar invested in green infrastructure ultimately yields $2 in “avoided losses” (office closures, waterlogged inventories, flooded basements) and other benefits (improved home values and public health) [...] Just days before the September storm, New York’s mayor, Eric Adams, slashed $75 million that had been slated for the city’s Parks Department to deal with a budget crunch. Disinvestment in parks is going to cost the city in the long run because parks are a first line of defense against climate change."
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literally no one was doing it like natsuno yuuki. he was genre savvy but he was also fucking gay so he still died. after his death he started dressing like the google search results for gay vampire. his only friends were his homoerotic bestie, an adult medical professional speed running his descent into madness, and two random kids he dug up his stalker’s grave with. he became a vampire and was immediately better at it than all of the other vampires but he thought they were bitches so he didn’t even tell them he turned. his last words was that he was never going to make it out of that town alive but if anyone could have it was him and that’s what makes him so tragic. he died trying to save someone who was never ever going to save him back. he wasn’t afraid to die because he was already dead. he burned the entire town to the ground mourning his own death and he didn’t do it to save a single goddamn person, he did it because they murdered him and he was going to fucking hurt them back for it. I’m obsessed with him
#natsuno yuuki#shiki anime#god this was such a good horror show#Ozaki was a force of his own but the actual thing that led to the downfall of the Shiki was Yuuki#Yuuki was the one who kept ozaki’s will his own which led to the ultimate reveal of the Shiki to the town#he was the first one to realize that it was vampires out of everyone#he was the one at the heart of every major turning point in the fight against the Shiki#and the sheer grief he has for himself is fascinating#he’s the one who fights the hardest to live initially#he wanted to get out of the town and go back to the city#he’s genre savvy and resilient and he kept trying and trying to find a way out for himself and the people he cared about#that ended up being his downfall#he tried to find a way out for someone already turned and that’s what ended up killing him in the end#but what’s fascinating is that he accepts his own death and that completely shifts his approach#he’s not trying to save his friend anymore#he doesn’t even tell him he was turned#he’s not trying to find a way out anymore either#he accepts himself as dead#he doesn’t want to escape#he doesn’t want to save the town#he wants to revenge himself#his own parents didn’t even fight to save him but he mourns his own death so violently he makes a pyre out of the town for it#Tatsumi asks him why he sided with the humans and he says he didn’t. he just didn’t like the shiki all that much.#he didn’t do it to save the town. he /didnt/ save the town. the town burned to the ground. he did it to revenge himself#he’s not afraid of dying because he’s already dead but he’s jinrou. he’s one of the few vampires who COULD pretend to be normal#he chooses to die fully instead of play at being alive#I’m just so obsessed with him
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Repost from @sim_bookstagrams_badly:
HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD!!! Liberals, suspend your disbelief for just a mo, challenge.
Support the Refaat Alareer camp organized by @thesameerproject, more info in bio
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
🐑💗 #summer vacation #strangers to lovers #insomnia #bittersweet ending
🐑 send me a fake set of fic tags, and i’ll try to come up with a summary for it!
There’s music playing down the beach. Oscar doesn’t usually make it this far, has always turned back earlier in the desperate hope of falling asleep before the glaring red lines of his clock display 4:00. He’s kind of annoyed, honestly. Can’t even have a crisis in peace, he thinks, immediately irritated at his own dramatics. Oscar keeps walking. It’s not often his walks are interrupted by anything other than drunk teenagers, though that’s probably still the case here. Hey kids, got any career advice? Oscar snorts, shaking himself out of his thoughts, and stops.
The source of the music is clear. A beachside bar, full of flashing lights and not much else. There’s a man wiping down tables, warbling along enthusiastically to a song Oscar doesn’t recognize. Something too sad for the tiki bar themed plastic surrounding him.
Oscar raps his knuckles on the railing marking the edge of the bar. “Still open, or?”
The man startles, turning to look at Oscar. He runs a hand through his hair, somehow getting glitter in his wilting curls.
Oscar stifles a laugh.
“Can’t serve alcohol at this hour, but you can sit for a bit,” he says, clearly eyeing the bags under Oscar’s eyes. He goes back to his table, scrubbing at a sticky spot. “Not really the usual crowd, are you?”
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princealberich · 2 months
Actually no I need to talk about it. Nagasaki disinviting Israel and inviting Palestine specifically means so much. Not just on a political front- But for the belief in a free Palestine.
When the bombs dropped, nothing was left. It was hell. Two entire cities just... Gone, completely wiped off the map. It was believed then, too, that nothing would ever grow again due to the radiation- At the very least, with nothing left, the survivors surely wouldn't be able to remain.
But they did.
And flowers grew. And trees. And buildings were rebuilt, and people kept living, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki came back. They didn't just survive, they thrived, and now both cities are booming centers of life built upon scarred land that grew back.
This is, to me- One people that came back telling another that you will live, too. You will grow. And you will be free.
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olowan-waphiya · 7 months
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wachinyeya · 1 year
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lunar-years · 1 year
what are your headcanons about tartt sr’s abuse? did it start when jamie was a teenager? was he always physically violent with jamie and maybe georgie too?
the s3 the finale is so disrespectful to georgie now that i think about it
Hi! This ones not super easy to answer because i think the show leaves the specifics largely up for interruption. My own thoughts on it are all over the map (and often change). I can basically see a lot of different avenues to getting to what we see play out in Man City, and I've seen a lot of differing thoughts on this topic; to be honest I find myself nodding along to most all of them even though all of them could definitely not coexist in the same universe, lol. So this is far from set in stone in my mind but here are my (once again quite long oops) general thoughts on how it might have gone (obviously TW for discussion of abuse below the cut):
the abuse canonically did start when Jamie was a teenager, because we know the Amsterdam trip happened when he was 14; whether the abuse also took the form of physical violence at that age I'm less certain, but I lean towards the bulk of that coming later. At this stage James was still in his "Stand Up Father" routine
I think the early relationship when James Tartt Sr. first came back into Jamie's life would've been a lot of false promises and the "Fun Dad" shtick Jamie describes when talking about Amsterdam. We also know James tried to get Georgie back at least once, and the way I interpreted the tone in which that was said was that the trip was neither the first nor the last time that happened. I kind of headcanon that James was in and out of rehab during that time, swearing to do better, making the same mistakes, rinse and repeat
Jamie's thoughts on James were a jumble of juxtapositions. James could always sweet-talk getting them an extra scoop of ice cream for free at the shop, he took Jamie to City matches and showed up all the time with cool or expensive gifts his mum could never afford - official kits and the like. He taught Jamie "life skills" like picking locks and petty crime tricks that, to a 12 year old were fucking cool! On the other hand he was also taking Jamie to pubs and making him try beer when he was like, 12 or 13. He made Jamie hang out with him and his friends - who were crude and brash and kind of scary. He arranged for Jamie to lose his virginity in Amsterdam because it was "past time for him to grow up and be a man."
All of those latter things made Jamie at best uncomfortable, but they were always balanced by the fun stuff. The good stuff. The problem was he never knew which version of his dad he was going to get on any given day, so he could never prepare for it.
I think the physical violence started off "small" - shaking his shoulder aggressively, keeping an ironclad grip on the back of Jamie's neck, etc. When he hit Jamie the first time he showed up the next day with a grand apology. He always used "getting too drunk" as his excuse and said "it won't happen again" and Jamie always believed him until the next time, because it really didn't happen that often, and anyway the bruises were never anything he couldn't keep hidden from Mummy and the teachers at school.
there were maybe one or two "Bad Times" when James "lost control" (in his own later words) and got Very Violent with Jamie whilst he was still a teenager. These are the times when Jamie learned how to hide substantial injuries and bruises from his team, his coaches, etc. and stared at his Roy Kent hoping by some miracle for the man to come out of it and save him.
I also think this is an instance where a young Jamie might have ~fought back~ and/or purposely said things to provoke his father, only to then have the resulting beat-down framed as a "punishment" by James, which scared him shitless (because canon Jamie does not seem afraid of most anything, but he is definitely terrified of his dad and that came from somewhere) and effectively prevented him fighting back in future. These occasions very much stand out as formative in his memory because the violence was so not constant at that time; the biggest thing to me is that James was incredibly inconsistent and that was part of his manipulation. Jamie started wondering if he was somehow at fault for the abuse, if it was his failure to be good that caused his dad to hurt him.
"say goodnight son..." when he goes to kill Beard with a lead pipe sure says a lot. I think that level of beating on Jamie and physically abusing him really began when Jamie was an adult playing for Man City. Both before he comes to Richmond and after he is sent back to Manchester in s1. He "restrained" himself during the season, to keep Jamie fit enough to play. But the off season has been a historically bad time for Jamie.
this is the timeframe where I think Jamie has a very tense relationship with his mother and isn't really talking to her about anything, let alone James. The distance between them started when he was teenager keeping secrets, worsened when she began things with Simon, and are by this point at an all time low, and he's fallen back on his father, spending more time with him than ever. He's essentially isolated himself from any support system and this is when things are really very Bad.
As for Georgie -
yes, i do imagine she also suffered from James abuse, though I don't think the abuse would have looked exactly the same for her as for Jamie
I think the bulk of it was emotional/verbal abuse. I can very much see James yammering on about he'd "never hit a woman." meanwhile he's spewing constant vitriol about her, calling her a bad mother, calling her slurs, and of course beating on their kid. But (in his warped brain) slapping Jamie around isn't the same as slapping Georgie around, because Jamie should be "able to take it" and "be a man." Just all kinds of ickiness exuding from that man.
"your father is never, ever going to change" is definitely the consensus (to me) of a woman who has been deeply manipulated by James in past and let down herself by his false promises. i would not be surprised if she HAD gotten back together with James once when Jamie was a teenager and he was on a longer sobriety stint from rehab.
I do think Georgie knew on some level that Jamie was being abused but I also really believe she did not realize the full extent. Jamie kept secrets from her (Amsterdam included). Georgie sensed there were secrets, but didn't poke into them, in part because of her own james-related trauma and in part for paralyzing fear of what she'd find if she looked deeper. It was easier to believe Jamie was still telling her only truths. So she comforted him the best ways she knew how, and she did her best to limit the time Jamie spent with James, but Jamie adamantly always wanted to see his dad, and she had to work so often and couldn't always be around to monitor him, and what was she to do, in the end?
Jamie does tell Georgie all of it after they repair their relationship circa/post s2/s3, and the resulting bond is stronger than ever.
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worldhabitatday · 1 year
Closing Ceremony of the Global Observance of World Habitat Day 2023.
Cities all over the world have already embarked on this journey through implementing various models.
Closing Ceremony of the Global Observance of World Habitat Day 2023
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Febuwhump Day 25: Assumed Dead
When all the darkness fades away We had to steal him from his fate So he could see another day
(AKA Trimax AU where Wolfwood got infused with Plant energy when Vash used so much of his power next to his dead body. Took a couple days but he wakes up very confused and very small, because the healing was a bit too potent. Something something giving you the childhood you were robbed of, etc. but being traumatic about it. Good luck getting out of the grave bro.)
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mammonprotectionsquad · 4 months
I've been growing strawberries on my balcony for years now and a couple weeks ago I repotted them into a bigger planter. Now I already had two really good batches and they taste amazing! This makes me so happy 😭💕
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I started biking to work. It has quickly become my favorite part of the day! I wish American towns were more bikable and pedestrian-friendly so I could have done this more often sooner.
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genderfluidloki · 8 months
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So I'm writing post-BG3 fanfic about Resilience and Astarion, and Yenna who they've adopted.
I am slowly chipping away at editing the first chapter, but I have uh... been focusing a lot more on making them and their house in the Sims...
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bansuvs · 2 months
a mobile green space - could be handy to block a few parking spaces ...
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