#retsuko x reader
Gonna be stuck at school tmrw while other ppl test send me art, hc requests please ♡
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
how they’d be as parents ; haida & retsuko
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requested by ; anonymous (21/07/23)
fandom(s) ; aggretsuko
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; haida, retsuko
outline ; “Idk if this counts at UCS since this is the first request for Aggretsuko, but could you do parenting headcanons for Haida and Retsuko?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
these two are incredibly loving parents — the type who are unconditionally accepting, supportive and understanding no matter what because they aim to be the parents they needed growing up — but they can be a bit much some times (they are only people after all and nobody is perfect)
your mum insists on you finding a healthy outlet for your frustrations early on, teaching you the death metal scream and helping you find other methods to calm you down (whether that’s knitting/sewing, sports, music or something else)
your father, meanwhile, takes every opportunity to help you branch out creatively from you being young — pushing you to pursue any interests/hobbies and even teaching you to play the guitar if you want to learn
they’re generous with gifts and pocket money, but they’re sure not to spoil you; making sure early on that you understand that sometimes you won’t get what you want and sometimes you need to work to get the things you really desire in life — they teach the latter by giving you small jobs to do around the apartment (fetch some food, do some dusting/mopping, help mum/dad out with cooking, etc.)
haida has so many pictures of you in his wallet it’s frankly ridiculous — like he has one of the three of you when you were a baby and loads of you smiling and having fun
they’re always there to lend a helping hand with homework and to give you some aid with extracurriculars — even reaching out to friends and colleagues to give you a well rounded life and education from being extremely young
retsuko calls you ‘sweetheart’ and haida calls you ‘tiny’ — and yes you will always be ‘tiny’, yes even if you grow taller than him
they instil a very strict set of values in you growing up: be kind and respectful but don’t let others walk over you, give everything your all but don’t exhaust yourself to do it, it’s okay to try something and decide it’s not for you, it’s okay to fail and get things wrong, don’t let others shame you for the things you love, etc. etc.
things that took them years to learn and incorporate into their lives that they make sure you understand because they want you to learn from their mistakes — and, in turn, be able to make some new mistakes that you can learn from
you have plenty of loving aunts and uncles so having no contact with your father’s family doesn’t really impact you all that much — you’re surrounded by love and support and fun all of the time anyway so why bother
your first word was ‘mama’ and they both cried so much when you said it and, later on, you took your first steps to chase after your dad (which made him cry like a baby) — so your parents have no issues with arguing over who is the ‘favourite’
much like what her dad did for her, retsuko takes pictures for every major milestone of yours and keeps them safe (only putting copies up around the house): first steps, first day at school at every level, first partner, first holiday abroad, first sleepover and on and on it goes
you get perpetually spoiled by your parents’ friend tadano who is always happy to step in and help you pursue your interests and hobbies in ways that your parents might not quite be able to do
gori and ashimi are constantly fawning over you and asking your mother how you’re going — they call themselves your favourite aunties whenever they visit and they’re the first ones to volunteer their help with babysitting when your parents go out on a date
they’re eternally getting advice from ton — especially when you start to become a teenager, which actually ends up being incredibly useful so they get him a gift basket as their ‘thanks’
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sleepybbie · 1 year
#TRENDING ! | nagi x reader
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summary: your and nagi’s name seemed to be in the main headline of hashtags on twitter when you woke up one day…
proplayer!nagi x idol!fem!reader
warning! mentions of threats and hate comments,
a/n: this fic is based on episode 9 of season 2 of aggretsuko on netflix when they found out retsuko and tadano were dating TwT
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it really wasn’t tensional.
you were feeling lonely, and so did he. nagi followed what you told him. he thought if he were to hide through his identity with a cap, mask, and some glasses, then he wouldn’t be easily recognized by the public, and then he would be able to meet up with you in secret with no one to disturb you two. go at his place, exchange kisses and words of affirmation, cuddle and have your time together.
the pro football player, going out with one of the most beautiful known idols in japan. basically you. it was a death sentence at just that.
ever since your manager, sara, allowed you to date someone after the success of your first solo album to be released, you had never been more happy to tell nagi the news, in which he too was delighted, kissing the temple of your head after. finally, you don’t have to hide your phone every time she checks.
your manager says that if this information were ever to be turned in public, there’s a chance that your career would have a turn for the worse, and that you have to keep it private.
fans are crazy, she says. and she wasn’t wrong.
you received a couple of threats from letters you thought were fan letters, and even some during your concerts, in which they were gladly taken away by security and were banned from ever attending to your concerts. being famous is scary, but nagi had became your comfort after all of that. that’s why you dated him. surprisingly, you two have already been dating for 3 years, in secret from your manager even. only his best friend reo knows about your relationship and so as your two closest friends. they were amazing at keeping secrets.
you promised your manager that you would try your best to keep a low profile when going out, using the same method every famous people do when walking outside in public—which is wearing a disguise.
since the two of you were famous, you told nagi that the best disguise is just a simple cap, mask, sunglasses and an attire that would look plain. nagi took these suggestions in mind, and used them one day during a rest day. you were used to wearing disguises, so you had a usual waiting for you in your hotel room. you had finished doing a song rehearsal, and nagi messaged to you if you wanted to go out on a date for your free day.
without thinking, you said ‘yes.’
maybe you should always take your manager’s words in your head all the time. and the thing is, she had no idea you were dating him.
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wednesday, 11:02am
sara sat down on the computer chair as she slammed the finished documents over her desk, stretching her arms up in the air along with a tired sigh escaping her lips. she just finished her paperwork for your album, talking to various producers who’ll help you out and such, making schedules and plans afterwards.
thank goodness it was a rest day, you were probably busy anyways and she doesn’t want to do anymore work for she only messaged to you about the upcoming rehearsal you were having on friday and to prepare. and that was that. the stress she was having at the moment irked her.
“it’s like seeing my old self…ugh, my back hurts..”
without saying anything more, she opened her computer, google, then checked out the latest news. maybe a little drama could spice up her boring day..
“new trial; kiinomori, says not guilty,” boring.
“a car crash happening after a cos event, yesterday,” do car crashes always happen now?
“japan’s new technology shocks the tokyo community,” eh, not interested
“wanted: extra line artist,” why are you even looking for help here on the news website??!
‘even the news are starting to become uninteresting…well at least the crime rates aren’t going up any sooner..’ she thoughts to herself, clicking on the mouse to see if there were any particular headlines that might catch her interest. maybe about you would be nice.
however, something stopped her from scrolling.
“photo of japan’s football genius and japan’s most beloved idol’s lovey-dovey date.”
her eyes widen a little. no, that was impossible. you wouldn’t find a boyfriend that soon, right? and a football player? no, far too impossible..it just might be another idol, yeah. maybe even a colleague? yeah, that must be it.
steadily, her mouse clicked on the news page, and in an instant it opened.
“are the two going out as friends? or something more?” was what the article stated in the first sentence. sara took a good look on the photos, and all she could see was what she recognized to be the genius nagi seishiro’s back, his white hair flowing out of the cap on his head, holding a lemon tea drink in his hand, and the other in his pockets. nagi seishiro, the proclaimed genius football player who participated in the blue lock project? dating? sara barely knew anything about him, but woah.
beside nagi, was a girl smaller than him. sara couldn’t see her face, so she went forward to scroll down for more pictures.
that moment when she continues to scroll down on her computer, eyes intensely trying to take a good look on the photos took by the secret paparazzi, they kept only taking shots of nagi’s face, not even bothering to let the viewer look at who he’s with. her patience was almost running out…
that was until…she finally identified who the footballer was with.
time pauses, the tranquil silence was eerie, and sara felt her heart stop at the moment. jaw dropped, eyes wide, and the cup of coffee she bought at starbucks almost fell to the ground, a drip of the coffee falling on her desk.
then the whole public went on fire.
“FOR REAL?????”
the article, with now over 2 million views, ended the statement with, “will the two get married soon??”
“a-aha..ahaha..they’re joking right?? y/n with t-that guy..? ahaha..ahaha..” one was on the verge of insanity from astonishment.
the number one trending hashtag on twitter, over 400 brand new tweets not long after the news broke out in public. your closest friends, saw the article. and not long after they tried their best to contact you to no avail.
“you’ve seen the article?”
“yes, i have. have you seen the way y/n’s instagram has been popping up after?” one of your friends showed the other on her phone screen, your verified instagram page. it seems your followers had multiplied after the article was posted online. from 30k to now 70k followers. your friends were able to read the newly added comments from your last post. the other comments are mostly from the good fans, showing their support for you and nagi’s relationship, and some were mostly from those nagi fangirls in which they despise the most..
‘found her lol.’
‘nagi could do better lmao.’
‘she’s not even that good looking.’
‘she’s just attention seeking lol.’
yeah, they definitely despise them. since not long, the two were preparing their bot accounts, about to fight them back.
even the team blue lock members’ were able to read the article, jaws dropped on the floor in surprise. how did the lazy genius managed to pull a famous idol like you?
“wha…what is…what’s this..?”
“holy crap, so this is why they’re trending?”
“i…i’m shocked.”
“woah! nagichi is actually dating y/n? how lucky, aha! they’re trending!”
“is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“so this is what that guy’s keeping away from us, huh?!”
“i didn’t even know he was dating someone. better yet, someone famous.”
“is this also why he’s late for practice?”
“it’s almost 3 million views now, they really are taking over the headlines.”
“wait, since they’re dating can i ask nagi if i can get an autograph from her??”
“shut up, igaguri.”
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your friends were almost screaming at the end of the line when you answered their call, curled up over your bed and a little shaking, covering your naked body in the blankets with a sleepy nagi next to you. this wasn’t intentional, it really wasn’t. you didn’t know, you didn’t know that there was a secret paparazzi nearby. now you’re scared of what your manager might say to you after this. will she force you two to break up? or never see each other again? make you say you’re just friends with him? no, no, anything but that.
you thought the morning routine for this day would be blissful, with yesterday’s love making was comforting and full of passion, and now you’re awoken with news about you and nagi’s relationship now being in public.
“y-yeah, i know..” your voice was hush, like a whisper. you felt afraid of what might happen.
“y/n, are you alright over there? we can come over if you want. is nagi there with you right now?”
“n-no, you guys don’t have to..and yeah, he’s with me right now...’s just asleep..” you replied.
“it’s insane. it hasn’t even been hours and you two are—
your other friend’s voice has been cut off quick, “you don’t have to remind that to her..! listen, y/n, don’t be scared ok? i know it’s scary, but stay strong. trust me, that’ll get over soon.”
their voices are a little muffled on the end of the line, probably fighting over the phone.
the moment you felt movement beside you, you were quick to turn your head to see nagi already waking up from his sleep. great, now how are you going to tell him?
“guys, i’ll call you back later. i have to talk to sei about it. bye now.” then the call dropped. when you looked back over to nagi, his eyes were half lidded, white locks covering his right eye as he rubbed them awake.
“ah…morning, sei…uh..” you nervously avoided eye contact, fingers padding through your phone to look for the article about you and your now public boyfriend that went viral online. nagi tried to pull your figure close to him, arms wrapping over your stomach with a mumble, “it’s so early…hey y/n…go back to sleep with me..”
“it’s 11am now, sei..don’t you have practice today..?”
“ah, you’re right…what a bother..too tired from last night..” fuck, how are you supposed to tell him now? it’s now or never.
“hey, sei…i think you should see this..”
passing your phone over to your boyfriend, you anxiously played with your fingers as you can spot his pupils reading the article displayed over the screen, lazily. it took him some time to finish, his thumb scrolling down to continue reading before nagi lays the phone down between the both of you and groans. “ahh…what a pain. how did they even manage to recognize us? ‘thought my disguise was good..”
“paparazzis are terrifying..” was what you replied. in a few moments, you sighed, covering your face with both of your palms, letting go of the blanket that was covering your upper chest. “what should we do? this is bad…if sara sees this then we’re done for…how did this happen?? oh please, i don’t wanna leave you, sei..”
“didn’t she say you’re allowed to be in a relationship?”
“yeah, as long as i keep it private..!” you say, almost yelling at him. nagi stares at you, hugging the pillow he’s laying underneath. realization hits you, then you covered your mouth, embarrassed. “ah, sorry…i didn’t mean to yell at you..”
“ts fine…” he responds. you hid your face beneath your palms again, expression filled with nothing but worry and little fear. your insta’s been popping up, more followers were added and even more comments popping at your last post. and when you looked over to twitter to see your name trending over the hashtags, the whole world fell down over your shoulders.
“hey, y/n…look at me.”
you couldn’t.
“y/n. hey, let me see you..” nagi who was now sitting up, grabbed both of your hands off of your face to make you look at him.
pretty, you were so pretty. so pretty for him. “it’s gonna be alright..”
“no, no—easy for you to say but…my..my manager..she’ll..” then you looked down over the blanket again, breath hitching as you struggled to breathe a little. nagi had to hold you close to him in order to calm you down, hands brushing your hair, voice hushing your small whimpers. “shh, hey, hey..take deep breaths…c’mon…calm down..”
he always did that when you had panic attacks. most of the time after your concerts or handshakes with your fans. nagi holds you close, then stays quiet. maybe you’re overreacting a little bit…yet at the same time, it’s going to be scary facing the public afterwards.
nagi stayed with you for a while until you could face him calmly, with steady breaths and a peaceful heart. he could see the notifs popping up on his phone.
99+ new messages.
38 missed calls from reo
17 missed calls from isagi and the rest ongoing. his phone too was exploding this morning. but first he has to make sure you’re ok.
when you finally managed to calm down, nagi continues to brush your hair back, looking straight to your eyes. “feel a little better?”
you nodded. “just…just still a bit scared of sara..”
“yeah? well i’ll make sure to apologize. i was the one who dragged you out after all.”
“n-no, sei! you don’t have to i—that’ll make it more worse i’ll be the one to talk to her.” nagi shakes his head, not approving of your idea. “it would be a hassle if you had to go through that alone…at least let me talk to her too..” your boyfriend caressingly rubs your hand together with his, he could still spot the small bruises he left on your neck..a loving gaze pictured over his face.
“it wouldn’t be so much work unlike practice. i’ll come with you…wherever you are. sometimes i wish we were cats so we can spend 9 lives together, y’know?”
you couldn’t say anything much for this dork, except pull nagi for another hug. you prayed to whatever existed that you don’t ever get pulled away from him, your beloved. you sometimes wished things don’t turn out to be in a bad way, after all, you’re an idol of love and kindness. however sometimes, maybe the entertainment industry should be less strict on their idols, including you. nagi was the only one that made you feel alive from them. from all the negativity you’ve been feeling because of what you do.
you love nagi seishiro. and nagi seishiro loves you. that’s there to it.
in the end, you and nagi managed to talk to sara about the whole relationship situation going on, and the only thing she was mad about was that fact you didn’t tell her you were dating, better yet a pro player. she just gave you a warning and then head straight to ask permission to your company about your relationship.
then not long after too, the situation calmly fainted down, and everything went back to normal. maybe except about some of your fans who are quite upset that you’re in a relationship.
still, you were glad the company was kind enough to let you two stay together. maybe it’s because you’re with someone famous, too, but it didn’t really matter.
yeah, maybe you were overreacting.
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overworkedblorbobattle · 10 months
The full list of characters in the Bracket!
The full list of characters who made it into the tournament are listed under the readmore.
Ada Paige- Rhythm Doctor
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Adora- She-Ra
Aki Hayakawa- Chainsaw man
Alfred Pennyworth- Batman
Almond Cookie - Cookie Run
Angela- Lobotomy Corporation
Anthy Himemiya- Revolutionary Girl Utena
Arthur Lester- Malevolent
Aymeric De Borel- Final Fantasy
Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce- MASH
Bucky Barnes- Marvel
Buffy Summers- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Burgerpants- Undertale
Carmen Sandiego- Carmen Sandiego
Carol Hathaway- ER
Charlie Magne Morningstar- Hazbin hotel
Chip Revvington- Toontown: Corporate Clash
Cliopher "Kip" Mdang- The Hands of the Emperor
Commander Peepers- Wander Over Yonder
Dana Scully- The X Files
Danny Fenton- Danny Phantom
David Jacobs- Newsies
DC/GOV- Welcome to the table
Dean Winchester- Supernatural
Dick Gumshoe- Ace attorney
Doppo Kannonzaka- Hypnosis Mic
Dot Campbell- The Wilds
Dr Charlotte Dubois- Falsettos
Emma Perkins- The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Five Pebbles- Rain World
Ford Pines- Gravity Falls
Fu Hua- Honkai Impact 3rd
George Karim/Cubbins - Lockwood and Co
Gilgamesh "Gil" Wulfenbach- Girl Genius
Gordon Michael Schwinn- A New Brain
Gregor Samsa- The Metamorphosis
Guillermo de la Cruz- What We Do In The Shadows
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb
Hera- Wolf 359
Homura Akemi- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Hunter- The Owl House
Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Izzy Hands- Our Flag Means Death
Jaehee Kang- Mystic Messenger
Jafar- Twisted
Jamil Viper- Twisted Wonderland
Jean Gunnhildr - Genshin Impact
Jeremie Belpois- Code Lyoko
Jess Jordan- Succession
Jonathan Harker- Dracula
Jonathan Sims- The Magnus Archives
Jotaro Kujo- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Keito Hasumi- Ensemble Stars!
Kento Nanami- Jujutsu Kaisen
Kevin Kandy- Spooky Month
Kim Dokja- Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Kitsuragi- Disco Elysium
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Danganronpa
Kunikida Doppo- Bungo Stray Dogs
Kurapika- Hunter x Hunter
Kusuo Saiki - The disastrous life of saiki k
Laerryn Coramar Seelie- Critical Role
Lamplighter/plight- OneShot
Larry- Pokemon
Larry Needlemeyer - The Amazing World of Gumball
Ling Wen- Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
Link- The Legend of Zelda
Lisa Cuddy- House M.D
Lisa Wilbourn- Worm
Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre- The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Loid Forger/Twilight- Spy x Family
Lucifer- Obey Me!
Lucretia- The Adventure Zone
Luisa Madrigal- Encanto
Maedhros Feanorian- The Silmarillion
Mafuyu Asahina- Project Sekai/Colorful Stage
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug
Marsh- Mistborn
Matthew Venn- The Long Call
Merlin- BBC Merlin
Miles O’Brien- Star Trek
Miss Pauling- Team Fortress 2
MK- Lego Monkie Kid
Molly Blyndeff- Epithet Erased
Mrs Doyle- Father ted
Munkustrap- Cats 1998
Nicholas Benedict- The Mysterious Benedict Society
Nishida- Yakuza
Obi-Wan Kenobi- Star Wars
Olruggio- Witch Hat Atelier
Pandemonica- Helltaker
Parsley Botch- Smile for Me
Peppino Spaghetti- Pizza Tower
Percy Jackson- Percy Jackson
Peregrine Mendicant- Homestuck
Ponder Stibbons- Discworld
Raphael Walt/Sirius Dieke- My Next Life as a Villainess
Ratchet- Transformers
Reagan Ridley- Inside Job
Reim Lunettes- Pandora Hearts
Retsuko- Aggretsuko
Riza Hawkeye- Fullmetal Alchemist
Robin- Smash Legends
Rory Williams- Doctor Who
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona
Sara Chidouin- Your Turn To Die
SecUnit- The Murderbot Diaries
Shang Qinghua - Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Shota Aizawa- My Hero Academia
Sips- Fool’s Gold
Squidward Tentacles- Spongebob Squarepants
Stanley- The Stanley Parable
Steven Alen Starphase- Blood Blockade Battlefront/Kekkai Sensen
Steven Universe- Steven Universe
Super Mario Bros.- Mario Series
Susan Taxpayer- Susan Taxpayer
The Cabbage Merchant- Avatar the Last Airbender
The Captain- BBC Ghosts
The Elsen- Off
The Manager- The Hotel Podcast
Touta Matsuda- Death Note
Trafalgar Law- One Piece
Twilight Sparkle- My Little Pony
Vera Oberlin- Monster Prom
Walter Pensive- Hello from the Hallowoods
Will Graham- Hannibal
William T Spears- Black Butler
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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appledazes · 2 years
Haida Relationship Headcanons
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He likes to play the guitar for you after work once in a while , he tries to impress you with his skills and because he wants you to think he’s cool.
Since both of you work in the same building , he would help you out with some of your work so you don’t get stressed out at all.
He gets more enthusiastic and happy go lucky at work and he gets more ambitious than usual , he works more and more harder because you motivate him.
He likes to bother and tease Anai more about his love life , he basically rants on and on about you to him.
He gets a bit jealous easily so he worries whenever you hang out with some other guy because it makes him feel like your losing interest.
Likes your smile A LOT , whenever your sweet to him he blushes tremendously.
He isn’t the most bold guy so he would ask you out on dates and give you gifts like flowers , roses , chocolates because he is too awkward and shy with his words.
A lot of awkward smiles and chuckles from him.
Has huge day dreams of you on the daily , stuff like the two of you getting married and doing lovey dovey stuff.
He gets teased by Fenneko a lot whenever he’s around you or he’s blushing , he gets all defensive but its very obvious that he’s nervous.
Likes PDA , he tries to initiate a little bit , likes to hold your hand in public once in a while and likes to hug and give you some kisses , but as said he isn’t the most bold so he wouldn’t be doing this all of the time but if you initiate it he would get really nervous and embarrassed about it but he still likes it.
Gets love advice from Tsunoda and worries whenever he thinks he did something wrong and when he does he gets scolded by Fenneko.
Likes to stare at the pictures he have of you on his phone when he feels all insecure or when he’s tired , it makes him feel better.
Likes watching Netflix and cuddling up next to you while watching stuff.
Whenever he’s at the bar and he’s drunk he likes to talk about you to whoever he’s with.
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misaverawrites · 2 years
Gimme More (Haida x Reader)
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summary: You and Haida decide to make it official
tags: first kiss, hand-holding, cherry blossoms, Retsuko and Haida aren't slow-burning lol.
a/n: no one look at me lol
You and your co-worker step outside into the dark night, the stars twinkle above you both as the cherry-blossoms fall lazily off the trees and onto the sidewalk around you.
"Hey, thanks a ton for staying and working overtime with me!" You beam at Haida, holding onto the strap of the small bag on your shoulder.
Haida smiles back towards you, offering you a hand, "Do you need any help with your bag?"
You only shake your head, readjusting it on your shoulder. "Not really but," You start walking slowly, he follows behind you, "Since you helped me out with all those numbers, do you maybe wanna get some dinner together?"
Haida nods, you had both been going on casual dates for a few months now and you had started feeling this fluttery feeling in your stomach when you'd see Haida... You wanted to ask him to consider making it exclusive.
At least consider it...
You smile holding out your hand for Haida to take to which he accepts quickly, you walk through the business district, you're both careful to not run into co-workers as you get closer to more restaurants and karaoke bars.
You both step into a small restaurant, one of your favorites.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" The hostess says, grinning smugly and staring at Haida. "You brought a boy?"
You grimace and sigh, "Yes, Hanako... Please don't make a big deal out of this?"
She rolls her eyes as she leads you both to a secluded seat in the back of the restaurant.
"So..." You awkwardly play with your thumbs.
"So..." Haida repeats back. "You know the girl out front?"
You laugh a bit. You knew more than just her, her parents owned the restaurant and you'd worked here in college, "There's all of that, and then... I just basically became a part of the family. They always said if I ever wanted to go back to school, I could work here and they'd support me..."
Haida nods, "You ever think about goin' back to school?"
You shrug a bit and look at Haida, "I feel like it'd be nice, make some extra money."
You both sit in silence for a bit until Haida clears his throat, "I could... I could support you..."
You look up at Haida and stand up, setting money on the table and walk out with him in tow.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asks while you shake your head.
"No just, there aren't prying eyes out here." You laugh.
He laughs back a bit and you clear your throat.
"I'd like to support you too, Haida. I think you and I could support one another in life... but definitely at least for now?"
He blushes a bit. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I'd like to be exclusive, Haida. You and I."
He begins to get flustered, he's sweating and stuttering now as you take a step closer to him, he looks nervous. "Haida, do you trust me?"
Haida can only nod as you step on the tip of your toes and kiss him, you hear mildly distant cheers from the restaurant behind you as the wind continues and the cherry blossoms flutter all around you as you both separate from the kiss and stare at each other for a moment.
"I want to be exclusive too." Is all Haida can say before you kiss him once again.
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milkyseiun · 6 years
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What I’ve been posting on my insta:
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okchijt · 2 years
Whenever I click the link I can't see the mastermind of the rules it just shows me the homepage D:
That's strange. It works for me and for other people I know^^' I'll put everything here for you :)
- Please specify whether you want a Romantic or Platonic and Yandere or Non-Yandere character in your request.
- Be sure to always specify the gender of the reader and sexuality. If not, I will write a gender-neutral reader and decide on the sexuality myself based on the request.
- If you want multiple characters being with the reader, please use these words to describe better what you mean in the request: Polyamory, if you want the characters sharing to also be romantic with each other. And use the word: Sharing, if you want the characters participating in the relationship to only be romantic with the reader and not also with each other. (If you don’t understand my explanation, type below or message me and I’ll use an example to explain it better for you :))
- This also applies to platonic relationships. You’ll only have to tell me it’s platonic and use either the word: Polyamory, to indicate that the 2 characters are together but not including the reader. Or use the word: Sharing if the whole relationship is strictly platonic and no one is romantic with each other. (If you don’t understand my explanation, type below or message me and I’ll use an example to explain it better for you :))
- I don’t mind writing NSFW/Smut.
- No incest. Relationship’s between family members whether related or not will always be platonic when it comes to the reader or ships.
- I’m okay with writing ships, but only if I agree with them. I don’t think I would be able to write for a ship I don’t like or care for. Sorry^^’
- Character limit is 4 (But if you want to for example request a group of characters like the Ninjago gang in one, then I'll make an exception to those).
- I do not write for oc's, so when requesting please make sure you don't accidenlty end up requesting for an oc. It's fine if you add some backstory or characteristics to the reader if it's for the sake of a request. But if your request looks something like this: "I'd like to request x with reader who's name is Megan, has long blonde hair and blue eyes and hates the color pink and horse rides etc." Then I'm sorry but at this point you're describing an oc and I won't do the request for you if that's the case, sorry.
Yandere Alphabet (Link to original)
Fluff Alphabet (Link to original)
NSFW Alphabet (Link to original)
🩷My Current Brainrot Fandoms🩷:
Batman -The Telltale Series
Amnesia Memories
Hazbin Hotel
Dead By Daylight
- Attack On Titan
- Assassination Classroom
- Angels Of Dead
- Amnesia Memories
- A Silent Voice
- Aggressive Retsuko
- A.I.C.O.: Incarnation
- American Dad
- Avatar: Way Of Water
- Beastars
- Best Bugs Forever
- Blood Lad
- Be More Chill
- Batman Arkham Trilogy Games
- Big Mouth
- Beneath (2013)
- Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki
- Brothers Conflict
- Batman - The Telltale Series
- Code: Breaker
- Chainsaw Man
- Code Geass
- Chucky (Show)
- Diabolik Lovers
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Dead By Daylight
- DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
- Dogs In Space
- Encanto
- Eddsworld
- Family Guy
- FNAF Security Breanch
- Fire Force
- Ghostbusters (1984)
- Gleipnir
- Harley Quinn (Show)
- Hazbin Hotel
- Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
- Helluva Boss
- Human Resources
- Heathers
- Highschool Of The Dead
- Inside Job
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
- Kiss Him Not Me
- Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War
- Kung Fu Panda (1 & 2)
- Love&DeepSpace
- Lego Ninjago
- Ladies Versus Butlers!
- My Hero Academia
- Miraculous Ladybug
- Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
- Metal Family
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
- Maid Sama
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- Noragami
- Osomatsu-san
- Rent A Girlfriend
- Romantic Killer
- Steven Universe/Steven Universe Future
- South Park
- Speed Dating For Ghosts
- Sonic
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Smurfs (1981)
- Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse/Across The Spiderverse
- The Maze Runner
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
- Teen Titans (2003)
- The Office
- Transformers Rescue Bots
- Ted Lasso
- Tsurezure Children
- The Amazing World Of Gumball
- Turning Red
- The Cuphead Show
- The Batman
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Toy Story
- The Hangover
- Tinkerbell
- The Bad Guys
- Total Drama (All Seasons)
- Unicorn Wars
- Violet Evergarden
- Welcome Home
- Yandere Simulator
Lastly, English isn’t my first language so don’t be surprised if there are any grammar mistakes ^^ ’But this isn’t my first rodeo with writing so I should be fine. So go ahead and send me a request! If you have any more ideas or suggestions, be sure to type them below or just message me about them and we’ll see what happens from there ^^
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aks3raao1 · 2 years
Y'all, I finished watching Aggretsuko season 4 and I must say-
Haida corruption/redemption arc was smth I never knew I needed...
Also, I have this desperate urge to make Haida x Himuro fanart and to redraw the scenes of them together but make it gayer- BUT I SUCK AT DRAWING MALE CHARACTERS-
Eh, I'll try anyway some time next week maybe- THEN I'LL POST IT HERE!!! But ima make them more human than animal bc that seems easier than drawing dog and wolf faces- (and I just rlly like drawing hair)
Also, yes, I am aware that Haida x Himuro is a toxic ship. But so is soukoku. You can't come at me otherwise y'all r just hypocrites (no hate on soukoku tho, I love that ship snebdhejjde)
I'm kinda disappointed that there's no Haida x Himuro (Shipname(?): Haimuro) works but there's a bunch of Anai x readers on wattpad- SOMEONE GIVE MY SHIP SOME LOVE!!
Me realizing how many toxic ships I have: ...ok, I might have a problem but at least I hate the idea of abusive seme x way-too-forgiving uke
It's a bit slow but I see that as the show taking its time to run the course which is smth most shows lack. It does a good job of spacing everything out and I think each character has their own season if I'm not mistaken (it's been a while since I binged this anime, give me a break) and the relationship dynamics are very realistic, albeit certain moments that are mostly there for comedy reasons. And I love how this anime doesn't make characters monologue in every episode, we get to see more on how they feel and draw the conclusions ourselves. It's also very relatable imo
Also, the characters are all very unique and I absolutely adore how some vibes are first "oml I hate them" and then, once we go through their arc, it becomes "wow, I actually like them". And then the relationships with the character gradually change as well! It sometimes feels like I'm watching Izuku and Katsuki's character development in motion but they start becoming friends a bit quicker
The only real complaints I have is how most of the story was centred around romance and that would be most of the conversation up till season 4. Season 4 and 3 had a decent amount of that but the other seasons felt loaded with it- But I must say, I'm kinda glad that it wasn't the average high school talk thing that usually happens amongst female characters (do some creators REALLY think that's all teenaged girls talk about?). I find it nice how it would sometimes be backed up with reasons (albeit pretty stupid ones).
I would complain abt how I wish some characters were more like Haida in terms of writing (like yk, hinting at their insecurities) but it's not much of a big deal considering the time they took to organise a bunch of these characters- I just think the side characters needed more emotional attention if that makes sense...
And yeah, that's my opinion on this anime-
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misaverawrites · 3 years
how we doin' today haida simps?
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