#reverse birthday present time
squishmallow36 · 2 years
You're My Aurora Borealis
@purplesoup-lad-le You were my Secret Santa! I tried to add as much Dizznee and Fedex as I possibly could in this thing. I don't think there was much more that could've been added. This fic takes place within the Keeper of the Lost Prepositions Universe, but it isn't necessary and the spoilers are very very light if you haven't finished it.
And @song-tam you suffered through my ramblings because I couldn't talk about my ideas with everybody!
Word Count: 5.4k
Tw: food, light swearing, Alden mentions, the end is probably really cheesy
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-preposterously @poppinspop @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @theseasonismerrybutimnot @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @ahyesitsshmeegus @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @hi-imgrapes @callum-hunt-is-bisexual @xanadaus @callas-pancake-tree @hi-my-name-is-awesome @katniss-elizabeth-chase @cherryys-stuff @arson-anarchy-death
On Ao3 or below the cut!
    Fitz shivers. 
    It might be the cold, it might be the gnawing pit of dread in his stomach, or it might be Dex’s hand clasped around his own. 
    A gust of wind rushes past, chilling Fitz’s already frozen fingers clasped around too many tubs of plastic containers filled with mallowmelt and other sugary goods. 
    Yeah, it’s probably the weather. 
   Rimeshire is pretty much always freezing--a byproduct of the latitude of the Gloaming Valley--despite Elvin thermoregulators. There’s even several centimeters of snow on the ground, filthy from the months the majority of it has spent there. 
    The last time the grass could be seen, Fitz was still speaking to his father. 
    His eyes flicker to the horizon, just beginning to turn orangish with a sunset, small stratus clouds reflecting the warm tones, making him want to sit here on the porch and watch it. 
    Instead, his stomach growls, making the fear he’s trying to ignore that much more apparent. And studying the fine silver details around Rimshire’s door is quickly becoming insufficient. 
    Fitz feels a soft squeeze on his hand, dragging him back to reality. And by reality he means Dex’s dimples. 
    That’s certainly one way to simultaneously calm him down and cause his chest to tighten at the same time. 
    “Hey,” Dex whispers, barely audible beneath the blood rushing through Fitz’s ears. 
    “Don’t give me that look,” Fitz snaps. 
    “I’m not giving you a look.” Dex closes xor eyes and faces the opposite direction just to prove his point. 
    Fitz rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure.”
    “Just--just think of it like a normal family dinner. You’ve suffered through several of those before.”
    Fitz forces himself to exhale. “Dex, I know you mean well, but don’t. You know as well as I do that trying to reason either of us off the edge doesn’t work.” 
    “That’s just because I’m good at arguing against you when I don’t want to do something.” 
    “Well, I graduated with Honors from the Keefe Hesledge University of Being a Tosser.”
    “You say that but then you don’t seem to use your degree.”
    Fitz absent-mindedly rolls his ankle. “That’s because I don’t enjoy using it, not because I failed most of my classes.”
    “You know, every time you bring this up I tell you to remind me to see the curriculum the next time we see Keefe, and yet that hasn’t happened yet. I need to see how it let you out.”
    Fitz stops. “...Are you trying to make me mad to distract me from the fact that I am currently standing outside my boyfriend’s house with a copious amount of stress-baked, questionably edible things?”
    Dex blushes. “Yes,” xe lies. At least he’s consistent. 
    “And how well did that plan work out for you?”
    “It was going pretty well, then someone had to figure out my master plan. That was very inconsiderate of you.”  
    Fitz takes a breath. “I apologize in advance for messing up your Gloamhenge. Whatever I inevitably do, I’m sorry.” 
    Fitz watches Dex as xe processes this, trying to find the best way to tell him to shut up without leaving himself open for counterarguments. “You’re gonna have to bring your A game, Fitzy. I have a feeling the Triplets will make it their personal mission to screw everything up the fastest.”
    Fitz decides to give him that. “Yeah, that sounds on brand.”
    “Okay. So we’re good? We’re fine? We’re mildly okayish enough to continue functioning for one evening?”
    Fitz has to hold back a smile. It’s the exact thing they’ve said to each other too many times to be healthy but now it’s lost most of its actual meaning because of semantic satiation--oh, Exile, is he actually learning things from Dex? This is terrifying. 
    “I’m not sure I’d go that far, but sure. It can’t go much worse than a certain dinner with someone.” 
    Dex looks just a little murderous at the reference to Alden. “Is it really necessary to bring that up every single time?”
    “Yes, because it was glorious and you should regret not being there.”
    “Oh, trust me, honey, it would’ve had the same outcome, just way faster.” Dex smiles. 
    Fitz’s heart still flutters a bit, even after however many months it’s been. “And there’s scary!Dex. Lovely. I always love being mildly afraid of you.” 
    “That’s exactly what I’m here for.”
    Fitz fakes a gasp. “Preposition.”
    “Oh, great. Don’t mind me as I pull a Henry David Thoreau.”
    Hey, I told xem about that. I do exist somewhere in his brain. I didn’t expect that. 
    Thoreau basically got angry at society--honestly, mood--so he went and lived in a cabin in the woods for like two years and wrote an infuriatingly dense book. And now he’s like human famous or something because of it. 
    “No, don’t do that! Don’t leave me alone with these people!” Fitz jokes. 
    Dex laughs, knocking on the door. 
    Juline opens it much too quickly to honestly believe she wasn’t eavesdropping, but at least it wasn’t Bex. And if that’s the bar, you know you’re in for a wild ride. 
    Oh, who am I kidding? These are the Dizznees. We knew that coming into this. 
    “Aw, Fitz, you didn’t have to bring anything. Come in, come in.” Juline exclaims, stealing his baked goods from him, probably never to be seen again. It won’t be the first time the Triplets have chewed their way through a plastic container. 
    Wait, no. That was the squirrels getting into the Everglen garbage can. 
    “I tried to stop him, trust me,” Dex says, deadpan. “Also trust me when I say he would be living in a cave on the coast of Lumenaria Island if he didn’t bake.” 
    “I am not as bad as Keefe,” Fitz argues, voice cracking embarrassingly, stripping him of any credibility he could’ve had. 
    “Aren’t you living at Candleshade in an attempt to avoid your father?” 
    “We do not acknowledge that wanker as being biologically related to me unless it’s for comedic purposes,” Fitz snaps.
    Before Dex can come up with a coherent response, the Triplets have seemingly sensed Fitz’s presence as they swarm him, nearly knocking him over. 
    His knee wails in protest at the attack of his ankles and--ow!
    “Did one of you just bite me?”
    The only response is unintelligible screaming. But wait--is Bex laughing harder than before? That little--.
    “I’m here to eat dinner, not to be dinner!”
    Dex turns away to hide the fact that xe’s laughing, but it doesn’t work when his shoulders shake that much, and Juline even has a hard smile. 
    “Speaking of dinner, it’s almost ready, so make yourself comfortable until then. I will be making sure Kesler hasn’t, in my absence, blown up the kitchen.” 
    “Hey, it’s been two whole weeks since then!” Kesler yells from the kitchen over the sound of the vent hood. 
    Juline turns and walks towards the kitchen, yelling, “You haven’t had many opportunities in those two weeks. I don’t trust you!” 
    Fitz smiles. “Hey, that kind of sounds like you after you found out about my relationship--or, more accurately, lack thereof--with recipes.” 
    Dex begins explaining, talking more with his hands than actually talking, “Baking is a chemical reaction, so that means it’s alchemy you can eat, and while you really shouldn’t eat anything in the lab because it all tastes bad anyway--don’t worry, I checked--it’s still a science and that means it needs exactness! Not just, oh, a little baking soda here and, yeah, a little flour there! No! You need order! And structure! Not this absolute madness!”
    “Don’t hurt yourself, love.” 
    The Triplets laugh. 
    “I’ll hurt myself if I want to hurt myself. You can’t tell me what to do,” pouts Dex.
    “You’re not smacking yourself in the eye again, Dex.”
    “That wasn’t my fault. You got me started on the types of Supernovae.” 
    “That was for my Universe final. What else was I supposed to do?”
    “I don’t know--Bex, why are you looking at me like that?”
    She only responds with indecipherable giggling, burying her face in Fitz’s jerkin instead of confronting reality. 
    “Exile, you’re insufferable,” Dex complains. 
    “That’s what I’m here for, Dear Brother,” replies a voice that’d probably be Bex if she wasn’t hiding. 
    Dex and Fitz lock eyes, simultaneously mouthing ‘preposition’ and collapsing into a fit of silent giggles. 
    “Can you maybe not sound like Biana?” Fitz asks the tumor that’s now permanently attached to his leg. 
    “No,” comes her muffled response. 
    “Is your stubbornness by chance genetic?” Fitz asks Dex.
    “Not to my knowledge. What on Earth would make you think that?” Dex asks, trying and failing to hold back a smile. 
    That adorable smile. How the Exile am I supposed to function with those dimples? It’s not fair. 
    Fitz shakes his head, shuffling over to the couch. It takes the same amount to get comfortable as for Juline to call, “Dinner’s ready!” causing a Triplet stampede as they rush to their seats. 
    There’s a lot of yelling, and several alleged thrown elbows. One would think they would have assigned seats by now, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. 
    “Don’t you, I don’t know, want to go reserve your seat?” Fitz asks, still trying to get off the couch. It’s like a black hole. Except it’s dark blue. 
    “I think I threatened them sufficiently this afternoon. It should be fine,” Dex replies.
    I don’t want to know what that means. 
    Fitz’s knee groans as he stands, finding two seats actually next to each other for once. Dex’s threats might have actually worked. That’s scarier than it should be.
    He plops himself down in the right seat so he doesn’t get elbowed by Dex and his left-handedness. 
    Looking around the table, Fitz sees a combination of normal foods and, for lack of a better word, Dizznee foods. 
    The glasses of Lushberry juice are standard enough, as are the mashed carnissa root and umber leaves. 
    But then there’s a solid, opaque pink dish that jiggles when it’s moved and tastes sweet, like fraiseberries, and doesn’t seem to belong on a dinner table. It seems more like a dessert, but then Fitz remembers his baked goods he brought. 
    Yeah, Juline was probably planning on that. 
    The Triplets inhale it like there’s no tomorrow, using butter knives as weapons to keep the others away from it. 
    Then there’s a casserole dish with grated breadfruit, covered in a creamy, stringy, delicious yellow substance that got slightly crunchy on the edges. 
    “Cloudberry?” Juline offers, holding out a bowl of golden-yellow berries. 
    Fitz takes one, ripping off a single drupelet and popping it into his mouth. It bursts with a light pressure, exploding sweet and sour flavours across his taste buds. 
    He’s going to be kidnapping that bowl later. Might eat the glass itself. 
    Fitz glances over to Dex to find xem watching him and smiling. For someone who isn’t a telepath, xe’s very good at knowing what he’s thinking. Annoyingly good. 
    Bex leans over her mountain of food, butter knife grasped in her hand. “So, Fitzy…”
    “Congratulations, I am already afraid.”
    “Is Biana by any chance of mercy single?”
    This is the third time you’ve asked this week. Do you think I wouldn’t keep you updated?
    “Before I answer that, you have to be aware of the fact that Bi doesn’t tell me anything. So, to my knowledge, yes. But my knowledge is pretty much zero.”
    Bex swears, stabbing her knife into the container of butter. “Any update on Amy?”
    “If there was, I would have held a whole press conference the millisecond I heard anything at all,” Dex answers tiredly. 
    “Nanosecond,” Bex corrects. 
    “Planck time,” counters Dex. 
    Bex considers that. “No physics allowed in this house.” 
    “Then have fun as all your atoms explode because the strong force isn’t holding your atomic nuclei together anymore.”
    “I will.” Bex crosses her arms, but only long enough to realise that prevents her from shoveling food in at light speed. 
    “No talk of exploding anyone at the dinner table!” Juline reprimands. “Not after last year!”
    Fitz leans over to Dex, whispering, “What happened last year?”
    “Just put that on the list of things I say I’ll explain and then never end up doing.”
    Fitz nods. “Gotcha.” 
    The room is oddly silent for a moment--the longest possible length of time in the Dizznee household it seems--before Kesler asks, “So, Fitz, are you ready for the Gloamhenge quiz tonight?”
    “There’s a quiz? Oh, what am I saying? Of course there’s a quiz. Where else would Dex get it from? Oh, great, preposition. But my point still stands.” 
    “At best, it sits,” Dex mumbles, and Fitz glares at xem. 
    Kesler laughs. “Relax, I’m just messing with you.”
    “...I should make that a thing next year though.” Fitz holds his head in his hands as Dex writes that down. 
    “Do you see what you’ve done? You’ve given him ideas. There’s nothing more dangerous,” Fitz grumbles. 
    “No, Dex. You would make all the questions incredibly specific and then you would cackle the entire time we were struggling to answer them,” Kesler predicts very accurately. 
    “No, I wouldn’t,” Dex argues. Some might even say whines. 
    “Yes, you would,” Rex states. “You’ve given me like ten programming pop quizzes and that’s exactly what you do.”
    Dex puts xor hands on xor hips. “Fine then. How about you make me a quiz. Show me how it’s done.”
    Fitz places a hand on Dex’s, gently tugging it away, quietly promising, “I’ll make you a quiz. I know you have a very unhealthy relationship with Kahoot and I will very much enable it to the best of my abilities.”
    “Thank you,” Dex says softly, smiling just enough to show a single dimple and laces their fingers together. 
    Fitz melts into a puddle of Fitz-goo. This is incredibly unfair and it should not be allowed. 
    “Hey, Dex! Did you tell him about the cinnamon competition?” One of the Triplets--probably Lex because they’re the one that hasn’t caused a catastrophe yet today--asks. 
    “I told you, I’m not adding that to the official Google Doc of festivities. It was a one time thing, and I’d like to keep it that way. Let it live in our memories in its true glory. Don’t spoil it with a sequel. You know those are never as good as the original.”
    “Except for Shrek,” Lex inconveniently points out. 
    “Shrek is an outlier and should not have been counted.” Dex looks at Fitz. “And, no. You don’t get to hear about it. I don’t want to think about it ever again.”
    “What’s so bad?” Lex asks. “I thought sugar and spice makes everything nice.”
    “So does crack though,” Rex chimes in, and Fitz gets the feeling that isn’t the first time that exact exchange of phrase has occurred. 
    “That’s why we host the cinnamon competition. Double the nice. Duh.”
    “Oh. That makes a lot of sense now.” Rex’s attention turns back to the mashed carnissa root on his plate. 
    “And that is why we have a lock on the spice cabinet.”
    “Come on, do you really think a little metal’s going to stop us?” Bex asks. 
    “No. You’d chew through the wood first,” Dex replies like xe’s thought about it at length. Which he probably has. 
    Lex argues, “I’d at least try to pick it.”
    Fitz expects Dex to pull out the good old Yoda quote, but instead xe says, “It’s not a Masterlock. It has to be at least marginally better than absolutely useless.”
    “I can handle it. I’m cool like that.” The moment Lex says that is also the moment that they take a sip of Lushberry juice and cough on it. 
    “Remind me to add that to the very long list of reasons why I’m never getting them a lockpicking kit,” Dex says, taking a bite of an umber leaf. 
    “Does that mean you’ve neglected to get me one for the,” Lex counts on their fingers, “twenty-seventh Gloamhenge in a row?”
    Dex nods as Fitz asks, “Wait, how do those maths work?”
    “Okay, first of all, getting things for other people isn’t even a part of the Gloamhenge tradition. You just want things so you try to add it every time. But, to answer your question, Fitz, there are two a year, one on the spring equinox, and one on the fall equinox. Am I really that bad of a teacher or were you not listening yesterday?”
     “...the latter,” Fitz admits begrudgingly. 
    It’s not my fault, it’s your dimples. I am a very weak man. 
    Dex sighs. “What am I going to do with you?” 
    “Tell me to take notes.” Fitz suggests. “Maybe I’ll be too busy doodling in the margins or maybe I’ll actually listen.” 
    “Or I could threaten a quiz at the end.”
    “Why are we back to this? I’m already under constant threat of pop quiz at any time you’re bored enough to make a Kahoot. Which is at all times!”
    “At least you’re aware of the danger. Not all are so lucky.”
    “You mean Sophie, don’t you?” Fitz guesses. 
    “Mmhmm, yes, exactly, correct, very good. One point of extra credit to be redeemed during the next pop quiz you inevitably fail.”
    “That’s not terrifying at all.” Fitz turns to Dex’s parents. “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with him for so long.”
    Kesler is laughing, enjoying this almost as much as Bex is, which is saying something. 
    Juline, on the other hand, says, “Xe gets it from his father,” looking pointedly at Kesler. He stops laughing abruptly with a painful sound. 
    “I’m full,” Lex complains, leaning back in their chair. 
    At the same time, Dex and Kesler say, “Hi full, I’m Dad.” They look at each other for a moment before collapsing into a fit of giggles. 
    Juline takes that as an opportunity to start cleaning up the carnage that used to be dinner. And there weren’t any major injuries, so this was a wild success. 
    Fitz tries to stand to help, but gets pushed back down into his seat by Juline. 
    What the--how dare you not let me help? I want to be helpful. Let me be helpful. Anger. 
    Dex manages to pull him away back onto the couch with a disproportionate amount of groaning.
    They sit next to each other with the minimum amount of space between them to avoid Triplet teasing. 
    An alarm goes off, and Fitz checks behind the pillow he’s currently crushing to see if he caused it, but no. It was Dex. 
    “It’s 9:52, officially Nautical twilight. Got until 11:18 until astronomical twilight when we might be able to see something. Even with the new moon and forecast for tonight.”
    “What are you going on about with all these different twilights?” Bex asks from somewhere Fitz can’t see. “We collectively decided to block those.”
    “You’re thinking of the book and movie series with Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. Why do I know that? Scientific twilight definitions are civil twilight, which is still bright and immediately after sunset, nautical twilight, which is the pretty one with a dark sky and a bright orange ring near the horizon, and astronomical twilight, which is only slightly brighter than night,” Dex explains. 
    “Of course you know those. Was it on a Universe exam or does it just live in your brain for no good reason?”
    Dex smiles. “Take a wild guess.”
    Fitz sighs. “Why do I even ask anymore?”
    “I really don’t know, you should know better by now,” answers a mysterious voice Fitz is about seventy percent sure belongs to Lex.
    “Rude!” Fitz calls to the empty air. He doesn’t know where the Triplets have gone, and he’s not over excited to find out. 
    Juline comes back from the kitchen after loading all the dishes into the dishwasher, one of the few gadgets in the house that wasn’t built by Dex, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. 
    “How’s the sun’s activity doing? I know last fall wasn't a great show.” 
    “It’s doing its thing, exploding all over the place. As it does. Throwing particles everywhere. Looking pretty good.”
    What? It’s literally nighttime. Why do we need to monitor the sun?
    “Fitz, would you like an explanation?” Dex asks softly. 
    “Well, considering that you enjoy explaining things to me like I’m a five year old--which I am, more often than not-- so I’ll go with yes.”
    “You better take notes this time. I’m not going through my presentation again for at least six months. I will find other lecture topics if you need a condescending explanation before then.”
    Fitz pulls out the notes app on his Imparter without having to ask for a tutorial, a major accomplishment. 
    Dex begins, “Okay, so. Around the equinoxes, one of which is today if you weren’t aware, the Northern Lights are really bright. Do we know what those are?”
    “Are you going to go into extreme levels of detail regardless of my actual answer?” Fitz guesses. 
    “You betcha. How’d you know? Basically, the sun is a mass of incandescent gas that is just, like, constantly throwing a fit. Sometimes that fit is directed at the Earth--it’s actually really similar to pulsars and neutron stars now that I think about it--anyway, because the ionized particles are, well, ionized, they’re deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field into the atmosphere at the poles. Sometimes the sun throws a really big tantrum called a Coronal Mass Ejection, or CME, and then the humans have to deal with things like the Carrington Event.”
    “Hang on a second, I can only type so fast. I’m not good at typing like you.”
    “I’m not good at typing, just pretending that I am.” Dex pauses, waiting for Fitz’s thumbs to stop moving. “The Carrington Event is the name for this really strong CME like a hundred and fiftyish years ago and it messed up pretty much all much tech that existed at the time. There wasn’t much, but telegram lines weren’t pleased. And auroras were seen all the way to the Equator. That’s when you’re going to want to draw a giant arrow from aurora to the definition.”
    Fitz nods. 
    “In the northern hemisphere, it’s called the Aurora Borealis and in the southern hemisphere, it’s called the Aurora Australis because Latin is like that.”
    “Hang on, let me write that down. Spelling is difficult.”
    Especially when the keyboard switches to Latin letters like Human English uses instead of Elvin Runes in the middle of a sentence. But it’s not like I can ask for help. I’ll figure it out later. 
    “They translate to ‘north dawn’ and ‘south dawn’ but that’s not really important.”
    “And yet you still felt the need to tell me.”
    “What else did you expect from me, eh? Anyway, like I said, auroras tend to be most visible near the Equinoxes. You’d think they’d like the winter solstice, but I digress.”
    “Maybe the sun particles don’t like travelling the extra distance because the Earth goes like this,” Fitz holds his arm up at an angle that is most certainly not the angle of the Earth’s axial tilt, but it’s a good enough approximation.
    Dex points to xemself. “I don’t know, I’m not an astrophysicist.”
    “Why not? You should get to work on that.”
    “Go get your doctorate in Elvin History, and then we can talk…Are you literally writing that down?”
    “Yeah. Otherwise I’m going to forget.”
    Dex sighs, mooshing into Fitz’s shoulder. “From the Universe, you have a vague memory of the ecliptic, right? The imaginary line in the sky where the sun and moon and planets and human astrology constellations all fall?” 
    “I would have said no, but you just defined it for me, so it all worked out.”
    “On the Equinoxes, the ecliptic is perfectly East-West because it weeble-wobbles with the seasons. That fact is very helpful if one wants to make a calendar but one doesn’t have access to the internets. So you put up some giant rocks in a circle marking where the sun is and when it lines up again six months later, you know it’s an equinox and you can plan for the upcoming winter if you live in a temperate climate.”
    “I thought time was relative.”
    “Leave Einstein out of this conversation. We don’t talk about him.”
    “Did you just write down 'stop with the Einstein erasure’?”
    “I--I don’t even know how to react to that. Moving on--”
    Fitz laughs. 
    “--If that circle rock thing I just described sounds familiar, that’s because there’s a big old monument in England that humans don’t entirely understand called Stonehenge and it’s like that. My bet is that it was an elf messing with them, but that’s just my opinion.”
      “Yeah that tracks.”
    “Your spelling is atrocious. Also, why are you in the Latin alphabet? I specifically disabled it. How did you manage to get it back?”
    Fitz shrugs, and Dex chooses to finish xor lecture before fixing the technology for whatever reason. 
    So close yet so far. I should figure out how to fix it myself…which is more likely to result in breaking the whole thing, but I’ll just buy a new one if I get desperate. 
    “Okay, we’re in the home stretch.” Dex promises, but Fitz doesn’t trust him that much. “The human city of Chicago--have you ever been there? Super mega tall building with a name nobody can agree upon, green river both literally and the carbonated beverage, says gym shoes instead of sneakers or whatever, putting ketchup on hotdogs is a punishable offence?”
    “If you think I could tell the difference between the human cities I visited, you’d be mistaken. Maybe pictures could feel vaguely familiar, but there were so many.”
    “Well, Chicago is on a grid system and a consequence of that is that on the equinoxes,  the sun can line up with the tall buildings and it’s called Chicagohenge and it’s supposed to be really pretty. Don’t ask me why I know that. If I knew, I would tell you. It just lives in my brain like that.”
    “Just like so many other things.” Fitz smiles softly, his boyfriend’s seemingly endless well of random knowledge always a source of happiness even when he’s tired. 
    It is decidedly past Fitz’s bedtime, and it’s still another who-knows-how-long before he’ll get to go to bed. Is this what he gets for being a morning person?
    “I know. I have a problem. You’re aware of this fact. I’ve given you many opportunities to run away. It’s not my fault you haven’t taken advantage of any of them.” 
    Fitz puts an arm around Dex, squeezing xem closer. “Stop trying to get rid of me. It hasn’t worked yet and I am progressively getting more stubborn every time you try.”
    “Oh, wow, I did not know that was even possible. Any more Gloamhenge questions before I go into a food coma or are we good?”
    Fitz yawns. “So you eat food then go watch the Northern Lights?”
    “You could have just said that and I would have been fine.”
    “Fitz, how long have you known me? Have I ever explained anything in two sentences or less?”
    “Well, you have told me ‘just go google it, dumbass’ before. Which should still count as one sentence.” 
    “Yeah, that’s fair,” Dex concedes. 
    With that, Dex snuggles deeper into Fitz’s shoulder and Fitz opens up a crossword puzzle to keep xem entertained. 
    Three puzzles and about an hour later, Dex’s alarm goes off once again. 
    “Astronomical twilight! Time to migrate outside!”
    By ‘migrate outside,’ Dex means ‘take folding chairs into the cold outdoors and sit in them for hours on end until something interesting happens in the sky.’ 
    Even with temperature regulation and a blanket graciously donated by Juline, it’s kind of torturous. 
    “And now we wait,” Dex says, breath condensing in the freezing air and fogging up Fitz’s glasses. 
    “Now, one would think that if one was a telepath who lives in a very northern latitude, one would have invented seat warmers,” Fitz mumbles. 
    Dex instead scoots his chair closer to Fitz, lying xor head on his shoulder and twining their fingers together. “This close enough to a space heater for you?”
    Fitz smiles. “Yes, thank you. I am weak and pathetic in cold temperatures.”
    Dex’s brow furrows. “Then how did you go visit Fintan in his ice prison?”
    “Don’t try to logic your way out of this--”
    Dex laughs, a sound that never ceases to make Fitz’s heart flutter. 
    I am also weak and pathetic in the presence of Dex. This is unfair and I do not appreciate it. 
    “Do you have a gadget that’s going to tell me when the sky’s going to do the thing or am I just going to lose my toes?”
    “No, that’s why we all have to sit out here.”
    “You don’t have, like, a sunroom that would work?”
    “No, that’s why we all have to sit out here,” Dex repeats, more slowly this time.
    Fitz sighs, the giant cloud of water vapor obstructing his vision for a good five seconds. “I thought this was just for tradition reasons. Why must I suffer?”
    “That too. But I am lazy and I don’t want to wake you up at three in the morning to tell you there’s going to be a two second aurora.”
    Before Fitz can respond, he gets hit in the back of the head with the regrettably familiar coldness of a snowball.
    “Alright. Which one of you do I need to Exile?”
    Fitx glances back just long enough to find Bex pointing at Lex while Lex and Rex are pointing to Bex. As many disadvantages as there are to there being three of them, at least they’re all very willing to rat out the culprit at the slightest notice. 
    “Oh, come on, Rex, they’re a froster!” Bex complains. 
    Lex just gestures to the snow-covered ground to prove their point, and it’s a very valid point. 
    Fitz rolls his eyes, turning back to Dex. “I’m surprised you still have snow on the ground. Everglen only gets a little sprinkling once a year, if that, and it more often than not doesn’t even stick.”
    “Exile, that sounds nice. Most of the year, it’s actually too cold to snow but October hits that perfect sweet spot of complete nightmare. It’s like living in a snowglobe. At least March is drier so spring Gloamhenge doesn’t tend to snow. But the stuff on the ground,” Dex kicks a plume of it into the air, “is still leftover from snow season. We like to joke that we have two seasons: construction and snow.” 
    “Everglen has two similar seasons: construction and mosquito. Although those more often than not overlap.”
    Fitz yawns, letting his head rest on Dex’s. 
    “Wake me up if anything interesting happens.”
    “Promise you won’t bite me?” Dex asks. 
    “It’s not my fault I was arguing about something I don’t even remember in my sleep and you had to test whether or not I would bite your hand off and, not to mention, that was one time.”
    Sound really does travel farther in cold air, because Fitz can hear Kesler and Juline laughing from the spot where they decided to set up camp. 
    “Fine. I won’t bite you. I’m going to bed now.”
    “Did you know that sleeping makes you more susceptible to hypothermia?”
    “Well, I’ve got a personal space heater on my arm, so I should be fine.”
    Fitz doesn’t wait for Dex to reply before he lets his tired eyes close as he drifts off to sleep. 
    It’s some sort of magic how whenever he passes out--intentionally or accidentally--at Rimeshire, he doesn’t dream. Other than that one time. But that was an outlier so that doesn’t get to count. 
    A jostling on his shoulder brings an unwilling, groaning Fitz back to reality. 
    What century is it? 
    “Look up,” Dex whispers. 
    It takes a solid three seconds to process what that means, and when Fitz tilts his head up, he’s greeted by beautiful ribbons of greenish light dancing against the night sky. 
    It’s so much greener than he thought it would be. The sky isn’t usually green because of something, something, Rayleigh scattering. 
    A tickle of lavender occasionally flicks through, mostly on the edges. 
    It’s absolutely stunning. 
    Maybe not worth losing his toes, but stunning nonetheless. 
    Fitz’s lips pull into an involuntary smile. 
    This is exactly what a family should be. A group of people freezing to death while the Triplets are screaming in the background--how do they have so much energy?--together not just because it’s tradition but because they genuinely adore one another.  
    The green fades from the sky, and Fitz’s exhaustion returns. His brain probably just realised he’s awake in the middle of the night, and that’s not allowed. 
    “Okay, that was pretty. I’m going back to bed now.”
    Dex laughs, dimples showing. 
    And all Fitz’s sleep-added brain can think is, xe’s more stunning than the aurora. 
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blissfali · 2 years
Birthday in 2 hours But i will be a sleepy boy. s inc. unfortauntely
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folkookie97 · 1 year
❝ birthday gift ❞ — jjk
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— SUMMARY: ❝ An argument with Jungkook on his 26th birthday has rough sexual consequences. Now you need to give him the best birthday gift ever. ❞
— PAIRING: boyfriend!jungkook x female!reader
— TYPE: smut | slight dark
— WARNINGS: rough sex, thigh riding, degradation, choking, punishment, use of pet name, curses, argument, slight dumbification, slight orgasm denial, mention of squirting, established relationship, Jungkook is a mean boyfriend, dom!Jungkook x sub!reader, Jungkook is wearing Calvin Klein
— NOTES: In the Korean time zone it's already Jungkook's birthday, so happy birthday to our bunny!
— RELEASE DATE: August 31, 2023
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"You're really a pathetic little slut."
How'd you end up in that situation? When the roles reverse and an intense argument like the one you two were having half an hour ago turned into that kind of humiliation?
How'd you find yourself on top of Jungkook, with your legs painfully spread apart and your pussy rubbing against the soft skin of his thighs?
"Just look at you..." He laughed but not with the sweet and gentle laughter that used to brighten up your days. It was a laughter filled with sarcasm, a pure reaction to how dirty you must appear in his eyes. "You called me vulgar and a people pleaser 'cause you were jealous not long ago. And now you're rubbing your filthy pussy against me like a dumb bitch."
When he chuckled for the second time, a whimper escaped from your throat and you strived to move your hips more forcefully. The slightest motion turned Jungkook's thick thighs into a pool of your cum.
The liquid's sheen could be seen from a distance. You noticed it as you quickly glanced at Jungkook delighted in the sight, biting his own lips and holding back the moans he wished to release. He was too haughty to admit you were hot as fuck.
"Dumb bitch." Jungkook mocked after the silence settled in the living room, replacing the faint wet sounds of your pussy and your moans with three consecutive slaps on your right buttock. "It's the best you can? You can't even pleasure yourself properly and yet you think you're worthy of wanting my cock?"
Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes with every word uttered by Jungkook as you increased the speed of your grinding.
Your crying could have several reasons: the pleasant but bitter friction that Jungkook's thigh hairs caused on your painful clit, the extreme degradations that was uttered by him at all times, the argument that continued Jungkook's birthday party and preceded the present situation.
You never imagined that you'd be spending your boyfriend's 26th birthday in such a sinful and humiliating way. Will Jungkook have imagined that the celebration at the beginning of the evening would leave him like this: shirtless, his torso covered only by a denim jacket, wearing white Calvin Klein underwear and watching you riding his leg?
Maybe Jungkook never considered this experience before, but he'd to admit; it was a glimpse of paradise. No matter how hard he tried to mask it, the touch of your swollen button against his bare skin turned him into a complete mess. He needed to cum just as much as he needed to see you cum too.
Before you could protest, a hand gripped your neck while his other one grabbed your waist and switched positions. As your back hit the sofa seat without any caution, you opened your eyes in pure shock to see Jungkook on top of your body.
"You're nothing but a needy slut. You couldn't cum even while rubbing against me like a bitch in heat."
You opened your mouth to defend your honor, shift the blame to the previous argument and express how unpredictable was his suggested resolution for the conflict. Did Jungkook really believe that watching you rubbing in search of pleasure would soothe the tensions between the two of you?
Or maybe not. Maybe Jungkook knew you'd be nervous and unable to cum. Maybe he simply wanted to humiliate you and reminds that you looked much more hot while being fucked than when you were shouting offensive words.
With his right hand still squeezing your throat and making it difficult for you to breathe, Jungkook used his fingers without tattoos to reach the waistband of his underwear and lowered it a few inches, freeing his cock that was dripping pre-cum and stubbornly stained the white cloth.
Unexpectedly Jungkook's left palm hit on your cheek in a stinging slap. The shock was prolonged as your boyfriend collected enough spittle on his lips to spit roughly in your face.
"I'm gonna fuck you until you squirt around my cock and fainting like a dumb little doll." He growled, five fingers grabbing around your neck and another five grabbing the flesh of one of your breasts. "Be the best birthday gift I could ever get."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i'm very grateful for you.
you're very important to me.
you make me want to be a better person.
you're doing a good job, you know.
i can tell you're trying your hardest.
you constantly impress me.
what's going on? tell me everything.
i'm here to listen to you.
i love you so much.
you know you matter to me, right?
i don't know what i'd do without you.
you were right about everything.
if it matters to you, it matters to me.
i believe in you.
[ caress ] sender soothes a nervous receiver by stroking their hands up and down receiver's arms
[ absentminded ] sender casually takes receiver's hand in public, laces their fingers, and doesn't let go
[ shoulder ] sender listens to receiver speak and sets a hand on their shoulder while doing so, offering comfort
[ behind ] sender comes up to receiver from behind and wraps their arms around them, hugging them close
[ smack ] sender gives receiver's butt an affectionate smack as they walk past them
[ dinner ] at dinner, sender reaches across the table and takes receiver's hand
[ check ] sender reaches out to touch receiver, expressing concern for them
[ cuddle ] sender and receiver snuggle
i saw this yesterday, and i had to get it for you.
this reminded me of you.
you said you didn't have one... so i figured i'd get it for you.
i hope you like it. i picked it out just for you.
i loved making this for you.
i know you had a rough week, so i hope this makes you feel better.
it's all for you!
[ birthday ] sender brings receiver a present on their birthday
[ just because ] sender surprises receiver with a gift
[ grateful ] sender gets a present from receiver and expresses their utmost gratitude
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of their favorite flowers
[ candy ] sender gifts receiver with their favorite candy
i'm not going anywhere. i want to stay here with you.
why don't we spend some time together?
i'd rather be alone with you.
let's plan a vacation.
feel like taking a walk? the weather's nice.
i just want to be with you.
this weekend is all about us.
can we plan for some alone time?
[ walk ] sender and receiver go for a comfortable evening stroll
[ bake ] sender and receiver bake something together
[ decorate ] sender and receiver attend a painting class together
[ relax ] sender and receiver relax on the beach
[ craft ] sender helps receiver with a project they've been working on
let me get that for you.
i'll take care of it! i've got it!
you go and sit down. i've got this covered.
i've planned our entire trip. you don't have to lift a finger.
everything's all taken care of!
sit back down! i'll clean up!
i know it was stressing you out. that's why i took care of it.
i'll help you with that.
i watered your plants.
[ breakfast ] sender brings receiver breakfast in bed
[ blanket ] sender notices receiver is cold, so they bring them a blanket and drape it over their shoulders
[ jacket ] sender offers receiver their coat
[ soup ] knowing receiver is sick, sender brings them a bowl of hot soup
[ coffee ] sender brings receiver their favorite coffee order
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captainkirkk · 5 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
something else to pretend by beeclaws
Bakugou apologies. Somehow, this makes things worse.
Retrograde by redrobin1989
Retrograde /ˈretrəˌɡrād/ adjective: directed or moving backwards noun: a degenerate person. verb: go back in position or time.
Seasoned pro heroes Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki are mentally transported back to their younger bodies due to a quirk. All they have to do is wait for the quirk to wear off for everything to return to normal. But sometimes the journey is worse than the destination.
dick move by konan_konan
Part 1 of batfam twitter shenanigans
dim trake ☑ @timdrakeceo・52min guys what if dick grayson IS batman. that’s why he thought he was getting cancelled. it all makes sense. 784K Views | 142 Retweets | 52 Quote Tweets | 63.9K Likes
tason jodd ☑ @jsntdd・49min ↳ replying to @timdrakeceo asshole last week you said i was batman 461K Views | 88 Retweets | 16 Quote Tweets | 18.3K Likes
or: a civilian overhears a conversation between batman and nightwing. twitter does what it always does: makes things worse
the rules of playing make believe by hoebiwan
“We can’t squat in some dead guy’s mansion, Damian,” Tim says. Damian, in the midst of packing all their meager belongings into grocery sacks, ignores him.
“Why not?” Jason demands. “It’s not like he’s using it. Finders keepers, losers weepers.”
Or: Homeless!Reverse Robins squat in Wayne Manor.
Nine Worlds
with a winged heart by celebros
"Cliopher. Cliopher. Cliopher." I blink. It's Conju, standing with his hands on my shoulders, and I go to answer him and realize that I am already speaking, babbling, and Franzel is behind him, wringing his hands and looking near tears. I try to focus on what I'm saying, but it's like a stream, light and splashing past me, too quick to hold, not enough to catch, somehow, somehow – A few weeks before the start of the viceroyship ceremonies, Kip finds himself the unwitting recipient of a truth serum.
Original Work
That Frightful Nest Inside the Throat by whereveryouroam
Part 1 of That Dreadful Clockwork Beats Below
Living horses were in vogue among the high and mighty of the great families, but Peter’s new owners had sent proud motorhorses, clicking over in a blur of cogs and wheels, to draw the carriage. It was a very nice carriage - plush and cushioned. He couldn’t help but think this was sinister. Masters didn’t transport slaves in finery. At least, not slaves like him.
Peter’s spent years under the cruelty of masters who want the Monster inside him to become their weapon. He is quite sure that Lord and Lady Arken will be no different.
Percy Jackson
Through rose-colored glasses (the past is perfect) by Mo13
Part 1 of Rose-colored glasses verse
Luke/Percy were in a non-consensual 'relationship' when Percy was twelve. Percy deals with the aftermath, while constantly convincing himself that his relationship with Luke was fine (IT WAS NOT). Mostly cooperates with canon up to the end of Heroes of Olympus.
The Goblin Emperor
A Complete Education by bomberqueen17
Preparing for the Emperor's wedding, everyone has some things they need to learn about.
Emperor's Best Friend by imaginary_golux
Ino and Mireän decide their cousin Maia needs a special present for his twentieth birthday.
a burning coal of kindness by egelantier for Morgan (duckwhatduck)
When Maia is kidnapped by a faction hoping to halt the construction of Wisdom Bridge, Beshelar, gravely injured, is by his side. It might just be their undoing.
The Stairs Beneath the Heart by hermitknut
Part 1 of Keystone
The reign of Varenechibal IV is over; the reign of Edrehasivar VII has begun. The transition, however, is anything but smooth, as the Alcethmeret household navigates grief and worry as well as adapting to the new emperor.
A series of missing scenes and unseen moments centering around the Alcethmeret household over the course of the first few months of Maia's reign.
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Warnings: 18+ mdni. established relationship. fem!reader. aged up kat. anal.
a/n: i finally gave in and wrote this filth, ok. it's been on my mind for a while, please forgive me lol.
THE moan Katsuki lets out is guttural.
He’s sweating like crazy on top of the navy blue sheets as he pants, the lust-driven look in his eyes purely male. Releasing a small sigh, the freshly-turned twenty-six-year-old smirks at the feverish warmth to surround him by the time his heavy cock sinks fully inside you.
Being balls deep inside your tight ass is pure bliss. All lubed up and twitching in delight to really relish the lewd birthday gift you give him every 365 days, and which he's so very impatient to receive, Katsuki doesn't mind at all that he's one year closer to thirty as he chuckles and shoves himself even deeper carefully.
The short "Hah... Fuck yeah, baby." is purely derisive by the time his entire length experiences the pleasant tightness of the tiny hole you don't allow him to fuck all that often. You're all stretched out as you accept him. He's so lucky.
You squeak when he pushes further inside you slowly; sweat-coated body trembling in the firm reverse cowgirl position he holds you in. Your legs are squeezed together and bent at the knees. He's pushing them further against your chest with the help of his rough hands resting on the back of your thighs, just so that he can actually impale you on his fucking cock. You feel like you're going to explode from how badly he wants in, in, in.
He's relentless.
"Ki," you whisper, brow furrowing at the pang of hot ache to sear through you when he angles himself better and pushes even further. "Easy, baby. I-I know you're excited, but... We gotta take it sl-... Oh, my fucking god, s-slow...! Go slow, baby. Please."
"Mhmmm, goin' slow and easy, pretty... Anythin' y'want," he replies dazedly. His words have nearly become an incoherent slur and twist of tongue from how good you're making him feel, but all the bitter liquor he's drank at the small get-together you've surprised him with - and which he pretended he hated - might be one to blame as well.
After all, the vanilla cake you got him for his 26th birthday was sickeningly cute on purpose; entirely covered in rich buttercream icing and drizzled with colourful sprinkles, which he swears gave him a headache whenever he looked at them for too long.
You've even went as far as to make him blow out the candles that had been propped up in the middle of the giant scribble of icing, spelling out a dramatic: ‘Happy birthday, Katsuki!’ in bright red colouring.
All of it is clearly a symbol of your loving, albeit taunting relationship - he knows it is. You buy the stupid cake for him just to be a menace every year, but he still ate every last bite of the giant piece you handed him at his super secret surprise party - the one that isn't even that much of a surprise, after the third annual time it's happened - even though the bridge of his nose wrinkled in annoyance during the entirety of him chewing the silly thing.
The presents he received from his friends were okay. The texts that kept making his cell phone beep were annoying. The long phone call he had to endure from his mother and father so that they could congratulate their son on turning one year older in his outrageously busy life was outright pesky. Truth be told, Katsuki felt low-key thankful by the time his birthday at long last came to an end and he was able to drop his tired body into bed.
But he feels good now - getting to do anal with you. So good, in fact, that he'd even consider enduring all of the birthday antics you tend to pull on him as some twisted form of a sick joke. Actually, he'd let you watch him suffer in his little party hat, and would let you take photos of him blowing out the shitty candles, if it meant that he would be spoiled rotten like this at least once every few days, every week, every month, every year; not just on April goddamn 20th.
He's just that greedy. That horny for that tight peach of yours.
"Ah, fuck... Ki!" You whine now; this desperate, prolonged sort of sob that yanks him right out of his thoughts as you say, "You feel s'big inside me... So, so big."
"It's 'cause you feel so damn good, babe," he compliments in reply, the tone of his voice so utterly strained. "You've got me s'hard that it makes my fuckin' dick hurt." It's true. He's ready to bust a nut so embarrassingly quick from how good it feels. It's a lucky thing that he's as stubborn as he is to resist it.
There's a wildfire in your eyes that he knows is there, despite that he can't see it when you grit out, "Well, your dick hurts me!" It hurts me so good.
"Yeah?" he says, unable to wipe the crooked, lazy grin from his face now. His hands grab a better hold of your thighs, calloused fingers digging deep into the plush flesh so that he can keep you still when you start to squirm. "Well, it ain't my fault you've got such a fuckable ass, huh? I wish I could see how pretty you look like this... With my dick up that tight hole of yours."
You're about to bite back a snarky remark, though nothing comes out except for a slutty moan the moment his thick fingers find your clit. A waterfall of filthy curses he rarely hears you voice leaves your pouty lips and sticks to ceiling of your shared bedroom at the divine friction he gives you now. It seems that he isn't the only one that gets to be spoiled this year.
He starts to rub lazy circles on the cute, sensitive button - all languid and precise, until the hole that's empty of him starts to flutter in response, and you begin to beg him to start pounding into you so that you can be filled up to the brim with his warm seed as soon as possible. The anticipation makes your legs literally shake. You're barely able to keep it together - and this fast, too.
Katsuki listens to your high-pitched pleas that grow both in fervour and necessity as more and more time passes. He's mindful as his hips begin to rut into you, keenly listening to the lewd squelching noises the lube produces with that heavy pat, pat, pat, and your heavy breathing when he gets an even better angle and strikes home. The clench you give him in response is so potent that he's about ready to lose his fucking mind.
The entire room smells like caramel from how much he's sweating. Salt is literally dribbling down both of his temples, but he still keeps going. He just can't stop. Not when you're about to cum from having his big, fat cock inside your ass.
"Gonna-... Gonna cum soon! Fuck, fuck, fuck - I-I'm so close, Kat."
"Yeah? I gotcha, baby... I gotcha. Imma take care of you. Gonna make you cum, promise."
Your curves jiggle against his abdomen as you take his dick like a fucking champ and keep on bouncing; nearly squealing in a pitch so high it makes his ears hurt when he pinches your puffy clit and turns you so overstimulated that you're nearly ready to squirt and gush all over him. As you squeeze your eyes shut and tip over the edge only minutes later, plunging into an orgasm of a different kind, that you only dare to experience once a year as a treat for your brute of a boyfriend.
He follows not a moment after you've floated up into the heavens and turned brain-dead. Everything feels fuzzy inside your mind as he fills you up with his cum and lets out another broken moan and a grunt of an especially nasty curse, but the warm ropes of white are pleasant as they coat your walls. You can tell he's been barely withholding his own climax; the entirety of his body feels so stiff and hot underneath you. Even his jaw is clenched so tightly that it clicks when he snaps it shut. It's just a different kind of experience, after all. Everything is more intense, hence why his eyes are rolling back and his head is sent tipping into the mattress.
"Maybe-... Fuck, oh my..." You suck in a sharp breath to recollect your buzzing thoughts as the words fade away into silence and you stick to his heaving chest until you're practically glued together. He's cummed so much that his cum leaks out of you even if he's still inside you, dick slowly going soft and tender. The milky release is drooling right down to his balls by the time you finally manage to finish your sentence, "Maybe we should take a picture next year, mm? Since you wanna see me so bad."
"I'd like that," he whispers quietly, pulling you closer and kissing your naked shoulder gently. "I'd like that a whole fuckin' lot, baby."
It's true. Katsuki may not like being the birthday boy and the attention it brings, but it’s different when he gets to spend it with you. The presents you give him on his birthday are always the best, after all.
To say that he can barely wait for the one he'll get for his 27th would be an understatement.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Luke’s Birthday Edition
22-23 Season/Summer Masterlist
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 12,436 others
yourusername my baby brother isn’t so baby anymore 😭 happy 20th birthday, lukey moosey! you’ve accomplished so much in your 20 years on this floating rock we call home (your biggest accomplishment is naming me sissy obviously… definitely not your career…) and i can’t wait to see what life brings you next <3 you’re gonna pop off so hard this season! pls don’t get many penalties because my job is hard enough with tweedle dumbass and tweedle bumblefuck!
p.s. the first photo is of me at 6 and lukey moosey (or apparently “rusty” now) (but not to me) at 3 during the few months that he’s 3 years younger than jack and i! he instantly grew and became taller than me 0.2 seconds after this was taken, so i cherish it deeply🫶
happy birthday, baby boy precious pants❤️ i love you!
tagged lhughes_06
view all 173 comments
lhughes_06 thank you, little miss shorty sissy boo boo! i love you, too!
yourusername break your back so i can give you a forehead kiss!!
lhughes_06 i have a career i’d rather not ruin
yourusername i leave the love of my life to see you yet it’s like you don’t even love me anymore… somebody got grouchy in their 20s… i’m selling you on the black market
jackhughes @/yourusername they’ll just ship him back
yourusername @/jackhughes i’ll get a no return policy
jackhughes @/yourusername what if they just set him loose????
yourusername @/jackhughes that sounds like a future luke problem
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes if sissy sells me on the black market will you buy me?
yourusername @_quinnhughes BEST FRIEND CONTRACT
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 learn boy scout tricks and pray
user7 don’t talk to me i’m so emo over luke turning 20😭 happy birthday!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes dibs on tweedle bumblefuck (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKEY BOY!! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW OWNERS!! @/lhughes_06)
lhughes_06 thank you! as a present can you convince your fiancée to not sell me?
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 she’ll give me a penalty and stand guard outside the bathroom until it’s over
lhughes_06 that sounds like a future trevor problem
yourusername @/lhughes_06 maybe lindy will buy you
_quinnhughes i’m not so sure bumblefuck was meant for you
trevorzegras @/yourusername say it ain’t so
yourusername @/trevorzegras i will not go
_quinnhughes “suck it” -sissy about 8k times a day
njdevils happy birthday to our favorite hughes of the day!!
yourusername it’s normally me, right?
njdevils yes of course!
lhughes_06 thank you?
user21 i hope luke gets a good ass cake for his birthday
user14 what did you get him???
yourusername i painted a digital photo frame and uploaded pictures of us, the family, him and his friends, him and his various teams, etc and then as a joke i made a hockey card of myself!
lhughes_06 her stats: height: 5’1 / weight: none of your business / position: best hughes / hugs: not enough / love for me: way past the edge of the universe
user89 SOBS
jackhughes dear sissy, you’re not my favorite sister today, it’s @/lhughes_06
lhughes_06 i feel like bullying shouldn’t be allowed on my birthday
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 happy birthday!!! love you bro!
yourusername ig i’ll accept this
lhughes_06 maybe the black market isn’t a terrible idea…
yourusername @/lhughes_06 well now i don’t wanna
lhughes_06 @/yourusername and that’s what we call “reverse psychology”
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 wow! did you learn that in college before you dropped out?
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes i learned it from johnny
yourusername @/lhughes_06 fucking harvard…
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 need another $200 pool stick for your birthday?
lhughes_06 yeah maybe i’ll start winning again
yourusername @/lhughes_06 against who? cuz it will not be against me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername we get it you’re good at one thing
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes give her some credit! she’s good at a lot of things!
yourusername @/trevorzegras this is why i love you
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes like falling!
yourusername @/trevorzegras 10 minute misconduct. get in the bathtub.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername your clumsy percentage should’ve been on the hockey card
yourusername @/lhughes_06 istg i’ll take you out before you can make it to 21
umichhockey happy birthday @/lhughes_06! we miss you!
_alexturcotte they grow up so fast😭 happy birthday @/lhughes_06!
lhughes_06 thanks turc!!
yourusername damn right they grow up fast! i said he grew in 0.2 seconds!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 FREAK
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte @/yourusername THAT’S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 have you ever heard of a hyperbole? or a joke?
dylanduke25 hyperbole: noun. “exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.”
dylanduke25 joke: noun. “a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.”
yourusername @/dylanduke25 college is paying off for you, son! so proud of you!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 this is what you get for being a dropout! things go right over your head!
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte YOU’RE ALSO A COLLEGE DROPOUT AND @/yourusername YOU DIDN’T EVEN GO TO COLLEGE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i am business woman whom’s business THREW YOU A BIRTHDAY PARTY
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 fix it.
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 fix it.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i love you and i’m proud of you and thank you for my party
yourusername @/lhughes_06 ……. i love you, too
user2 i need to be a fly on the wall at this birthday party😭
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 lookin’ like a snack in that last picture 🥵 wyd later?
lhughes_06 probably taking care of drunk sissy
yourusername @/lhughes_06 uno reverse and you KNOW IT
dylanduke25 @/yourusername are you implying that you, an adult, are encouraging the act of underage drinking?
yourusername @/dylanduke25 new jersey statute 2c:33-17 subsection a allows a person under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol inside a private property (a home) when a parent or guardian is present and gives said alcohol to said minor
dylanduke25 @/yourusername you don’t classify as a parent or guardian???
yourusername @/dylanduke25 i am your MOTHER and you will treat me with RESPECT
lhughes_06 @/dylanduke25 i’m getting white girl wasted tonight
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 MY BOYYYY
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
FYI: I don't have a taglist. Please follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the "Get notifications" button to know when I post new chapters/stories.
If you wanna know about my wip's, follow @unreliablesnakewip.
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Forbidden Love
Untitled drabble #1
Smutty request #1
Hold it together when the world's on fire
Animals (smut)
Animals - part 2
Animals - part 3
Animals - part 4 (smut)
Animals - bonus chapter
Animals - bonus chapter 2
Abortion request
The bet
The bet – part 2
The bet – part 3
All of the girls you loved before
Movie night
Jealous Ghost request
Shy!reader request
Bitten - zombie!Ghost
I want you, but...
Bliss (smut) - I want you, but... part 2
Simon says (smut)
Lost and found
Smut drabble #1
It would've been nice (zombie!Ghost)
Jealous!Simon drabble
"Mare" series
Not on my watch
Is it too soon?
High (smut)
Dirty little secrets
"Osprey" series:
The only exception
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
It's time to have fun (smut)
Jealousy (smut)
John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
Smut drabble #1
Phillip Graves x reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
Sharing is caring
Sharing is caring – part 2
John Price x reader
Scenes from a relationship: the fight
Punishment (smut)
Am I old?
Give me a reason not to love you
König x reader
Can you handle it? (smut)
Your memory
One-night stand (smut)
Tall reader request
Jealous König request
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x reader
The first proper date (Mare series)
Race day
The Boogeyman
Joel Miller x reader
Wounded animals
Someone like you
Early birthday present (smut)
Good girl (smut)
The plan
Workaholic!reader request
Dirty little secrets (smut)
You must be new here
I shouldn't love you, yet here we are
part 1
part 2
Phillip Graves x reader
The trip
Is it in your DNA?
Help me out
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x reader
Gf limited series
Proposal (smutish)
Dress-up game (smutish)
Territorial (smut)
Vincent takes a liking to you series
Vincent takes a liking to you HC's
Home is where your heart is
Hold on tight
The dress
Miguel O'Hara x reader
Keep your distance
Keep your distance - part 1
Keep your distance - part 1.5
My place
Villain!reader snippet
Harrison Wells & Eobard Thawne x OFC
Of reverse love and stuff
How he met his lightning rod
The parents
Good news, bad news
Harry Wells x reader
Somebody like you
Part 1
Part 2
141 x reader (barracks bunny)
You're reading what? (Ghost)
Punishment (Price. Smut.)
A special kind of therapy (Alex. Smut.)
The unlucky one (Ghost)
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 month
trans kid reader who's stanford gleeful child that he just found out about
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Words: 403
I hope I did this request justice (Just found out about the reverse au and I'm in love!!)
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Ford wasn’t one for having longlast - romantic - relationships, especially if they have him no benefits, so that meant he didn’t stick around your mother for long. Not that you knew until now, starting with a dumb birthday present from your cousin. A DNA test by the way, with the sentence written in the card, “Hopefully one of the men we’ve met will match.”
“Yeah, ha ha, very funny.” Throwing the card next to you while placing the test onto your pile of presents, already reaching for the next one. For most of the night you managed to forget about it, but later, when you saw it again, the thought never left your mind once. Just maybe doing it wouldn’t hurt, right?
There really wasn’t anyone special in this town, much less in the Tent of Telepathy, well there was the time Gideon and Pacifica watched a show, but what was kind of expected from them. But you, you were something that Ford couldn’t figure out. Not wanting this chance to be ruined or delayed, he had the swings guide you aside after the show. Overhearing other patrons grumble about it.
“Y/N, hello.” Watching your face change from confusion to surprise. “What brings you here?” Letting you squirm under his gaze, managing to gather some confidence only to crumble once more.
A cold hand said on your shoulder, giving you a squeeze that was a tad too hard and uncomfortable. “Just breathe… that's it. Now, what’s on your mind?” Shouldn’t he know, being telepathic and all? But he wasn’t giving anything away.
“A while ago I got a present, and–” “The point?” That was quite rude, but you weren’t really focusing on the main thing. “Look I did a DNA test and it showed that you were the father but I’m not su–” His hand raised to silence you, continuing once you were quiet.
“You’re right, but the kids name was, god what was it?” Pacing around the area until he remembered. [Deadname], and you’re Y/N s–” Suddenly pausing before looking back at you. “[Mother]?” Nodding.
“How’s she doing?” His hand laid on your back, giving you a small nudge as he also walked. “That’s nice, but now that we’ve cleared up the air, how about you meet some more family?” “Uh, sure? But I have to be home soon.” “You’re family, I’ll make sure you get home safe in no time.”
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: the left most number, your mask / public energy
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wyrd (pronounced weird) is a germanic word that is associated with fate - so this is is not just "wyrd" - it's also uncannily your fate or destiny. this seems to be the new thing, so i too want to step in because the numbers are associated to the major arcana of tarot and i do read tarot sooooo - if the shoe fits wear it!
we are going to go number by number together - we are going to learn together!
click here to calculate yours!
today i want to address the left most number.
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this is my wyrd web. so it is based on my birthdate (27.10.2000 - october 27th, 2000).
the number we are focusing on today is based on the DAY you were born.
if you were born july 4th - it would be 4. if you were born april 22nd - it was be 22. but any date after the 22nd (i.e. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, etc) needs to be summed together (my birthday for example: 27 -> 2 + 7 = 9 (the number in my left most bubble))!
but what does this number mean?
this number represents how others see you. not necessarily how you see you, but how the public perceives you. this is your face (or mask - aka persona) that you intentionally or unintentionally present to the world! there at evolved (higher vibrations of the major arcana card or the upright) and un-evolved (lower vibrations of the major arcana card or the reversal) numbers.
so let's talk about some examples:
9 - the hermit
rider waite smith illustrated the hermit (the card that symbolizes virgo) as a wise, old man dressed in gray. he holds his walking stick (possibly alluding to the suit of wands (the symbol of fire / fire signs, passion, creativity, ambition, and action)) to his head (if it is the suit of wands than this indicates an individual with a creative, passionate mind who has used their ambition to discover more about themselves). he holds a lit lantern towards the left side of the card (the past) and faces that direction as well (indicating that knows himself well as the lantern is shining a light on his past).
evolved 9s explore / learn from their inner realm and work through their past instead of dwelling in it. these people appear as wise and self-knowing. they set boundaries with those around them in a mindful manner. they know when to take a break and recharge in a social setting as most tend to be introverts. they do a lot of soul searching as to what they are and are not comfortable with and express these things to those around them - they do the inner work or "shadow work" necessary to living a full and happy life.
un-evolved 9s may not recognize the difference between alone and lonely or even solitude and alone. they often fear being alone (they may not wish to learn who they are as an individual) and don't know how to take a moment when they need it. they snap or become to critical of those around them in these circumstances - ironically they are critical of everyone around them but haven't taken the time to critically examine themselves. they may conversely isolate from those around them despite longing for support and connections with others. they may fear getting to know who they themselves are.
20 - judgement
rider waite smith illustrated judgement (the card associated with pluto) as an angel facing the viewer (this is a confrontational, present-oriented card) from a clouded sky blowing (air motif) a trumpet as people emerge from their caskets to face the angel (their backs face the viewer meaning to show vulnerability). these nude people (natural and comfortably exposed) are freeing themselves from a previously uncomfortable, cramped situation in order to see and hear the heralding angel. these people are reaching arms open wide ready to receive the angel - this is a card associated with a spiritual awakening.
evolved 20s no longer judge themselves too severely; they are comfortable with their bodies and accepting of their previous actions, choices, and experiences. they too are ready to leave the previous confines of their past (as the nude people do in the card imagery). they welcome new experiences and the future with excitement and glee. they are on a high frequency as they recognize their higher calling. they receive frequent communication and confirm from the universe / their spirit team. they let go of the past to embrace the future.
un-evolved 20s experience the same things over and over again. they struggle to get out of loops/patterns as they struggle to learn the important lessons that life wishes them to. they judge themselves harshly and are extremely critical of the work they do. they cling to what they know though they feel trapped/oppressed in their present circumstances. they don't notice the signs they are receiving from the world around them. they fear change and growth.
22 - the fool
there is no 0 card in the wyrd web as there is in tarot, so the fool takes on the 22nd number manifestation in the web even though it is the 1st card of the major arcana. rider waite smith illustrated the fool (the card associated with uranus) as a young man wearing a boldly patterned outfit. the young man parallels the hermit as the mountain range featured in the hermit card appears in the background of the fool card and the fool carries a stick (read the description of the walking stick in the "9 - the hermit" section above). on his stick is a small bundle likely filled with his essentials to life so he is prepared to start a journey... right off the edge of the cliff. also present in the card is the sun (enthusiasm and clarity) on the right (the future), a white rose (innocence and free) held off to the right along with his bundle, and a small white dog (the dog is prancing meaning to signal him of the cliff edge thus is a symbol of intuition) at his feet. the fool faces the left thus he has to first explore what is in his past (hermit energy), before leaping into his future, where all the fortunate elements lie (the bundle (worldly possessions), the flower (innocence and freedom), the dog (intuition), and the sun (positivity and clarity).
evolved 22s are always ready to explore the world around them - be it via their physical, spiritual, mental, and/or emotional realm. they trust they are on the right path and trust in the universe to not steer them wrong as they explore. they enjoy taking risks and taking big leaps - they do not fear "obstacles" or "setbacks". these are mere lessons to learn and experiences to gain. they are in tune with their guides and listen to those with messages as they consciously make their own path and explore it mindfully.
un-evolved 22s haphazardly take risks or are too afraid to take any - without risk they gain no reward, they feel stagnant in their journey. they fear change and hesitate when step even toeing the line out of their comfort zone. they make plans but never execute them. obstacles are treated as life inconveniences. they are often too afraid to experience life or explore the world around them - they often stick to what they know and remained tied to their past.
that's all for today! the next number we will be looking at is that top most number, your higher self.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
click here for the masterlist
click here for more web of wyrd related posts
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - First Birthday
I am back at it again! :D The no chill train continues and I want to enjoy the thing that I like so here we go! @spotaus get in here friend :D
First Drabble/Prompt Prev Drabble Next Drabble
We are here to win and winning is having fun! :D
Cross nods his thanks to Ellie as he takes the box with a very nice looking cake over "You two really didn't need to."
Dani snorts "Are you crazy? Of course we do! Also don't forget his presents." and she rises three boxes.
Cross takes them with care and puts them under in the bag before putting the cake carefully on top.
Cross still feels bad "You really didn't need to. I am sorry we didn't invite you two and stuff but we are just worried it gets too much for him and-"
Eliie giggles and waves it off "We get it! First birthdays are a big deal especially with you guys getting him back not even a year ago!"
Cross nods before frowning and shooting the two a look "What... do you mean?"
Ellie looks shocked before smiling guilty and looking away. Dani smiles "We don't know know... mostly because you guys don't relaly tell anyone details and we aren't going to search for answers that could mean trouble... but well... how you guys act and how Nightmare acts tell a lot about the story you guys are not sharing... you know?"
Cross looks away and tries to push down the annoyance. This is good. Their backstory is being believed and people are coming to the conclusions they want. Yet Cross is still was immediantly afraid they figured out more for some reason even if that isn't possible...
Cross is getting lost in his own skull again.
Ellie looks sad as she rubs her hands together "Sorry... we didn't mean to make you feel bad or unsure or anything... We just wanted to reassure you that we get it and understand why you guys are private about stuff! And that we aren't hurt about not getting invited!"
Cross gives aslow nod and mutters "It is fine just... worried... about what people know and talk about and stuff... in case the wrong people hear the right things you know?" that is the best way he can explain.
Dani nods and looks determined "We know. and know that if you ever need a place to hide, either you guys or just a place to hide Nightmare, you can always come to us. We have a large place and can easily find somewhere to tug you guys away untill stuff blows over."
Ellie nods and grins widely "You can count on us!" then she nudges him, whihc really does nothing to make him move but it doesn't seem to bother ellie "Now do to your boyfriends and kid and have fun with your party!"
Cross sputters as he knows he is blushing "We aren't! No wait we are but it is new and-" both girls giggle and cross glares at them "Stop it!"
Dani grins "Sorry sorry. and relax cross. You guys will be fine."
Ellie nods and gives him the thumbs up "Exactly! Relax and enjoy your time together!"
Cross mutters and mumbles his goodbye and quickly makes his escape. He rushes back to their car and gets in before lying his skull on the wheel. trying to will the blush away.
After his moment he puts the car into reverse and gets back to the road. It is easy enough to ride to town and pick up the last few groceries.
Cross takes a moment to mentally check his list before checking it on his phone as well. Then he starts their truck again and goes home.
They only one they hadn't told that today was Ngihtmare's birthday and party was Error. But that is on Error. If that guy wants to learn stuff he can ask them instead of creeping on them like the antisocial outcode he is.
He returns home to see Killer and Horror moving around the living room as Cross carries the last few things in. He checks around before speaking "Dust and Nightmare?"
Killer grins "Garden! They are checking the grapes as we speak. Nightmare knows we are setting up so he doesn't have to be nervous or stressed."
Cross nods and relaxes "That is good." he places the cake the Danielle's made on their table and smiles. It is little skull decorations in bright pink and cherries all along the top.
Killer whistles as he leans on his shoudlers "cake looks good." then Killer grins widely at him "Not as good as you though" and he winks.
Cross blushes and rubs his cheek. fighting the need to hide at the compliment and obvious flirt. Ever since they admitted their feelings for each other and they started dating Killer had cranked up his flirting and compliments to eleven. Cross didn't even think Killer could flirt more yet he was proven wrong.
Horror leaves the kitchen and snorts at Killer "Back to decorating." then he places more snacks on the table.
Cross smiles and waits "What can I help with?"
Horror thinks for a while as he looks around "Can you get the presents?"
Cross nods as he leaves the food wiht nightmare and rushes up to their attic. quickly finding the presents and he carries them down carefully.
By the time he returns Killer had finished with the decorations and putting books and things away. Horror has food in the oven and put six candles on the birthday cake.
Right with Ngihtmare not ageing they just decided to keep calling him six until he recovered enough to truly start growing. Just to make sure that Nightmare didn't feel worse about the fact he hadn't grown yet. Their baby had had enough stress abotu not being good enough or being wrong. They will not add more to it!
That is another thing that changed since the kidnaping. Cross just gets to call Ngihtmare their baby now! Obviously before they also did it but it also felt dishonest in some way. Not anymore luckily as Nightmare also called them dads!
Cross snorts to himself. if his past self could only see him now. Cross remembers how unsure he was about even taking care of NIghtmare. Look at him now!
Killer rushes off to change as Horror quickly cleans himself up for the party. Cross looks around the living room and smiles. All ready! Cross goes to the door and shouts for Dust that everything is ready.
They wait with excitement as Dust brings Nightmare inside. nightmare glances around at all the decorations and the small pile of presents and the snack table. sockets wide and eye lights so so bright.
Killer grins as he opens his arms wide "Happy Birthday!"
Cross quickly joins in "Happy birthday nighty."
horror nuzzles their babybones and mutters "Happy birthday."
Nightmare looks between them all and looks down with a tiny blush. Shyly he mutters "didn't need to be big and stuff."
Killer grins and waves it off "pppfffft of course we make it a party! How could we not for our little baby~" Killer taps his teeth against the tiny skull in a kiss before skipping over to the cake "come! lets start with the cake before it becomes a fire hazard! Dani and Ellie made it for you and they both wished you a great day as well!"
Cross watches as Dsut brings nightmare over to the cake and nuzzles his skull. Cross listens clsoely as Dust mutters "make a wish Nightmare." and he helps him stay stable to enable him to blow out the candles.
Nightmare glances around befor elooking at the cake. He leans closer, trusting Dust to keep him steady, and blows out the six candles.
they go out together and Killer cheers loudly which Cross joins. Dust just nuzzles Nightmare as horror gives a few claps. It is great and amazing and-
he is crying.
Cross feels terrible and is by Dust and Ngihtmare right away as he gently cleans the small face "It is oaky nighty. deep rbeaths. what is wrong?" did they go too far? trauma response?Bad flashback? Cross tries to think of more reasons but Nightmare sniffles again and shakes his tiny skull.
Dust frowns but it is Killer who knows what to say as he leans close "Hey it is okay. what is wrong? Too much noise? Too many scents? Too bright or something?" They are doing this in the middle of the day but maybe the combination of the bright fire of the candles and the natural sunlight was too much for his sensitive sockets.
Another shakes of the skull.
Cross and Killer share a look as they both clearly try to think of more posible problems.
Dust however watches Nightmare and pulls him closer "big feelings?"
a moment of silence before a tiny nod.
Dust nods himself as if that makes sense and he mutters again "Sad feelings?"
Nightmare clearly thinks for a moment before shaking his skull.
Dust hums and nuzzles him "very big happy feelins then?"
another nod.
Cross isn't sure how any of that makes sense and looks helplessly at Dust for an explanation.
Dust see sthe obvious confusion as he speaks "It is... hard to explain..." he looks at Ngihtmare and Ngihtmare clearly has the same issue.
horror however steps closer and gentle rubs the tiny skull. Horror is always so careful with Nightmare and even when is is so big and strong clearly always knows how to move to never harm Ngihtmare. Cross respects him so much for that.
Horror speaks softly "It is new. and the happy feelings you are feeling are very strong aren't they?"
Ngihtamre glances at him and nods.
Horror smiles as he continues rubbing the tiny skull "and before... before it was easy. You had powers to help you filter emotions and feel it all. Now it is you and all yours."
Ngihtmare relaxes a bit and sniffles before speaking "no... no one really..." he rubs his socket with a sniff "No one was ever... happy i was there... Well dream was but dream was happy anyway... i doubt it would have mattered if i was there... but now.. instead of it being for him... it is for me and i never... no one ever..." another sniff as he looks helpless at them.
horror smiles and rubs his skull "You are happy and relieved but it is a lot and you aren't used to it. it is okay. a birthday can be overwhelming."
Ngihtmare nods again adn relaxes. Cross smiles at him and rubs the tiny cheek "Hey it is okay. the first time these guys threw a party for me I also dind't know what to do or say or how to act. Just relax okay? This is to show we are happy you are with us." and that he exists and is with them and that they love their tiny grumpy child.
Ngihtmare relaxes more into the hold and nods.
Killer grins and cheers "There we go! Ready to try the cake Dani and Ellie made?"
Nightmare gives another nod adn they give him a tiny piece. just to make sure his magic handles it alright but from the looks of it they had nothing to worry about. Cross tastes it and gets why immediantly. the cake is light and fluffy and while sweet it isn't overpowering so. Clearly the ladies tried their best to make something that wouldn't be too heavy or powerful for the babybones.
After the cake they sit in the nest and let Ngihtmare open his presents. The first on he opens is the sets of Dani and Ellie and it are lego sets.
The next present is from Crop and Straw and after opening it they find some art supplies. the present also holds a note that says that while they know Ink is a sensitive spot they both believe that this should not stop Nightmare from the ability to get to draw and play with these type of things.
Cross needed a moment to think about it but he found himself agreeing. Yes Ink is a very sensitive matter but they are right. There are so many things that you can do with art and drawing and just ahving fun and to not have nightmare explore these things as a child just because one asshole they knew was an artist seemed stupid. No pressure of course but the options is there now.
Then it is time for their presents and Cross is a bit more nervous. Nightmare looks curiously at the presents and Dust mutters that these are from all of them combined. Ngihtmare opens the first one and it is a new book set of a very popular book series for thise universe. Nightmare looks excited at the nice cover and Cross relaxes. it took them ages to hunt down the limited edition art cover boxset but it was clearly worth it.
Next present is opened and it is an empty journal and a pack full of colourful pens, with bats on them obviously. Dust nuzzles Nightmare and explains that it would maybe be nice for Nightmare to be able to keep a journal. Just to help himself wiht his thoughts and feelings and what he learns. To be able to write down the thoughts or memories haunting him. To get i tout of his system and mind.
Killer reassures him that while they are all nosy they all already agreed they would not read his journal. that is his for his private thoughts and secrets. That they will obviously listen to whatever worries him but Nightmare gets to decide what to share.
Cross had found Dust's idea perfect. With how close they all where it gave Nightmare very little privacy. This was a way to give Nightmare some privacy and to give him his own personal space to do with whatever he wanted. To reteach him that it is okay to have private thoughts and things that were only for him.
The nest present is another book. a large history book of the country they live in now. As expected Nightmare immediantly opens it and scans a few of the pages before smiling brightly. Clearly it was a hit!
Their last present is a movie. a documentary on bats and Nightmare looks shocked at it. Killer grins and winks "I figured that after the presents we can get comfy and watch this movie together?" Nightmare nods and looks excited at the movie.
And as they said it they got comfortable in their nest and put on the movie. Nightmare hugs his bat plushie close as he watches the movie.
They watch for quite a while until Horror tells them it is time to have a breka and eat a bit before they continue. They stretch out and roll their shoulders. only to turn around and find another present and a card on top.
Ngihtmare blinks and takes the card before grinning widely. Cross looks over his shoulder and rolls his eyes. Error writes how he is annoyed they didn't leave him a message about the party but that he wishes Nightmare a happy and healthy first birthday and that the present is for him.
Nightmare opens the present and grins at the giant knitted blanket with a cave motive and bats in there. He nuzzles the blanket and purrs up a storm.
Cross grins and wraps their baby up in the blanket before carrying him towards the table to eat a brithday dinner.
First Drabble/Prompt Prev Drabble Next Drabble
#utmv#realageau#nightmare sans#deaged nightmare#killer sans#cross sans#dust sans#horror sans#It is the baby's first brithday party and everyone is here!#That is a lie. it is just the new family but that is okay because they are cute and are enjoying their first brithday together!#Everyone is excited but understanding about the baby having his first birthday with his his parents. clearly they need a calm party to star#Error is salty he wasn't invited but also not as salty as he could be because no one was there except for nightmare and his four dads.#So Error can accept he didn't get a VIP invite to his bestie's birthday as it was clearly a family only event.#Maybe he will actually learn to just knock on the door and be invited in over watching them through his tv screen.#Who am i kidding error did not learn anything.#But yes! The baby had his first party and got a bit overwhelmed because this was for him! all of it! For only him!#Because people love him and care for him and want him happy and nightmare was so used to that never being the case.#Also nightmare is convinced that Dream would have been fine without him. been happy wihtout him.#Night's poor self esteme mixing up with bad memories caused this believe.#after all. Everyone loved dream and dream was happy with the villagers. clearly he didn't need him. Nm just held him back.#Not the truth but it is what nightmare believes.#but yeah that was going through nightmare's little skull at the time <3#That is it for now! Have a good one and remember! Have fun and be nice!
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i have been getting a tad bit too obsessed with reverse 1999 lately and compiled some stuff around might edit it if i find more
this yapping session will be abt sonetto
her name is deprived from a fourteen line poetry called the Sonnet while also having the meaning of “little song or sound’
her udimo is a dog called Cirneco Dell’Etna a breed that originated from italy as stated in her storyboard
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she doesn't know her date of birth and uses the date of when she was adopted by the foundation as her birthday (January 10th)
she's 16 yrs old
she's speculated to be 5'3 ft or 160 cm
her compliments are so sincere that people are often too shy to face her (the rizzler)
back in SPDM she was worried about vertin's arcane skill exams and tutored her privately
a helper in the SPDM once found a challenge letter with pink heart patterns in the trash bin (might imply that the letter was from matilda to sonetto)
sonetto is an artist as stated in her 80% bond story and glassfeder's description
sonetto likes collecting newspapers and treasures them
every year she gets a present from vertin on her birthday which is mostly a collection of poems
it’s implied (this is really obvious) that she has a crush on the timekeeper/Vertin and has also been implied sonetto's va during the reddit Q&A
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on her medal she has an embroidered dog on it (i just thought this was cute)
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since she doesn't know much about the outside world or her culture she doesn't see anything wrong with pineapple pizza or gelato pizza for that matter (april fools and pizza hut collab comic)
she keeps a frog in a jar in her room
time for voiceline analysis
"Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle.”
this quote is derived from the poem L’Infinito by Giacomo Leopardi in the autumn of 1819 the poem is meant to show how he yearns to travel beyond his restrictive hometown of Recanati and experience more of the world that he studied.
this can also show the way sonetto might have wished to see the outside world just as she studied on the textbooks
"Regna sereno intenso ed infinito.”
a line from the poem Mezzogiorno Alpino written after a short stay in Courmayeur, Giosuè Carducci reflects on the clear Alpine landscape, with the aim of highlighting the power of nature.
the trees stood as if to enjoy the pleasure of the sunlight penetrating their branches, absolute silence dominates, broken only by the rustling of the river water.
this might show how much interest and adoration sonetto shows towards things outside of the foundation
“So long lives this and this gives power to thee.”
a line from the famous poem Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, where he used this poem to praise the beauty of his beloved where their beauty is more preferable than a hot summer day. theres a bit of a change in the lines "So long lives this and this gives life to thee." the original line used life instead of power, it wouldn't really make sense if they used life for a buffer it would've been more of a healing skill so i get it
(i actually don't know what link this has towards sonetto soo fun fact sonnet 18 was about a man)
"I know the moon and this is an alien city”
the line is derived from the poem A London Thoroughfare 2 A.M by Amy Lowell the meaning of this poem is the feeling of being lost in a busy city, expressing emotions such as loneliness and being overwhelmed and how the only thing familiar to the writer was the moon. (aight im sorry idk how to word this one again another fun fact Amy Lowell is a sapphic and likes to call her muse or lover Lady of the moon)
“Each moment, now night.”
One of the lines from the poem Night by Max Weber (not the sociologist, also not sure on what to write since i dont actually know what the poem actually means i like to think that its about the silence and darkness of the night to show loneliness)
so basically most of these references loneliness and adoration towards the things the writer wrote about which might link to how sonetto might feel adoration and curiosity for the outside world and how she might've felt lonely in the foundation after being closed off from the outside world
(sorry if some words might not make sense and for how many things i've kept blank i failed literature so feel free to correct me im always up for discussion, its funny the way i found out most poets are queer are because of this)
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (Part 3)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
—An incident that happened after I left to make tea at Clavis’ request.
The sounds of swords clashing rang in a corner of the large garden.
The two had been going through paperwork in the office only a short while ago, so how did they end up fighting each other with their swords drawn?
(Clavis aside, it’s rare to see King Chevalier entertain anyone)
Clavis caught King Chevalier’s swing at the right moment.
To the untrained eye, the two would look evenly matched.
Clavis: Haha, you’re stubborn. Just drop dead already.
Chevalier: I thought I’d settle this quickly, but it looks like you have some fight in you today.
(I really should stop them, but…)
I was reluctant to when I saw how Clavis was enjoying himself.
(Now that I think about it, every year on King Chevalier’s birthday, Clavis would celebrate by swinging his sword)
Chevalier doesn’t see any value in birthdays and doesn’t accept any well wishes or celebrations.
So Clavis swinging his sword every year to celebrate(?) acts as a reminder.
(Perhaps it’s reversed this time)
(Even though King Chevalier says he doesn’t celebrate…)
If their official business was actually something important, I doubt King Chevalier would drop it and draw his sword.
It’s likely that the pile of paperwork acted as a an opening to this unique present.
(I don’t know what caused this change of heart, but…Clavis must be happy)
Watching the two exchange blows didn’t feel right
(I wanted to make Clavis happier than anyone else did…and now I feel like I’m losing to King Chevalier)
(It’s a little frustrating…)
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Clavis: Chevalier, I don’t have time to casually beat you up. My lovely fiancee looks like she’s jealous.
Clavis, who had been engaged in a fast-paced sword fight, took a step back and reached into his pocket.
What was quickly thrown to the ground exploded, creating a plume of smoke.
(Woah, the smoke’s coming this way!)
As I held my breath, I suddenly found myself lifted out of the smoke that clouded my vision— 
Clavis: Let’s run.
Emma: Woah, huh…why?!
Clavis carried me with ease and ran through the garden.
Before I could even process what was happening, we arrived at a guest room decorated just like the ones in the castle.
Clavis set me down like a gentleman and peeked down the hall.
Clavis: Haha, so he didn’t chase after me in the end. Looks like I won today.
Emma: King Clavis…what was that fight just then?
Clavis: Rebellion of course. There was no way I was going to let him take up more of my precious time on my birthday, regardless of circumstances.
Emma: Is it okay to rebel against official business?
Clavis: I verified that it could all be done tomorrow…That man took advantage of me. Ah, just thinking about it makes me angry.
(...That sour look. I wonder what they talked about while I was gone)
Clavis: You forget about that treacherous man too. In the time left, our new maid will be celebrating with me.
Emma: …
Clavis: What’s wrong?
Emma: …King Clavis, didn’t you call me your “lovely fiancee” earlier?
Clavis: Hmm…Did I?
(I’d like to think I was imagining it, but there’s no question about his demeanor)
(My surprise operation…)
I resisted the urge to collapse and removed my glasses.
Emma: How long have you known?
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
As if to console me, Clavis hugged me around the shoulders and kissed my forehead.
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Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed? I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
(Now that I think about it, he even recognized me while I was dressed as a man some birthdays ago)
(He knew from the very beginning but pretend he didn’t to not let me down)
(My heart’s a mess from both happiness and frustration)
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right. But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
When I looked up, Clavis’ smile melted my heart.
(That’s the face I wanted to see)
It was one different from the joy he expressed while with King Chevalier.
Only I got to see Clavis look this relaxed.
(...My surprise failed, but getting to see this kind of happiness on your face made it all worth it)
My frustration vanished instantly, leaving only happiness in my heart.
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
Those alluring golden eyes made my heart skip a beat as he held my gaze.
I couldn’t help but kiss him when I saw the look of love on his face.
When I stole a kiss, fingers curled around the back of my neck, fanning the flames.
(...I was thinking about getting the cake I prepared for him…)
Clavis sealed my lips with his and slowly shed the gentlemanly facade.
Every touch sent heat down to my core, snatching away any confidence I had to leave this room.
(Rather than cake right now…)
I also placed my hand on the back of his neck and desperately tried to take in all the love given to me.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course. But I have one complaint…
He gently pushed me down on the bed and lifted the hem of my maid skirt.
Clavis: This skirt’s a bit too long for my birthday, don’t you think?
Emma: ……You pervert.
(Wait, no. It’s his birthday today. It’s his birthday)
When I shook my head and lifted my skirt, Clavis smiled as if he was about to burst into laughter—
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
—Eventually I was able to leave the room just as the morning sun began to light up the world.
I prepared the tea and birthday cake while savoring the happiness from the sensation of my body still feeling flushed.
But Clavis, with an elbow propped on a pillow and dreamy expression on his face, didn’t even try to get up.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today. Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love. Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
(I have no choice but to respond when he’s looking at me expectantly)
(But I can’t bring myself to look at Clavis when he looks so charming after just waking up)
He’s normally fully dressed by the time I’ve woken up, so it’s rare to see him with just his shirt.
I turned away from Clavis, who still had the traces of last night surrounding him, and carefully placed the tray with the birthday set on the bed.
While I sliced the rainbow cake with the fork and brought a piece to his mouth, eyes down, I felt a strange sensation on my leg. 
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail? Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
Sensing a hint of pleasure, I shoved the cake against his lips, but his hand didn’t leave my leg. Instead, he began to tickle the back of my knee in a lewd way.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made. Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
(Ah, that’s why he’s playing a prank…)
Determined to overcome his sex charm, I met his gaze.
I had to steel myself so my hands wouldn’t shake when met with such overwhelming charm, but Clavis looked satisfied.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That… Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
I felt so embarrassed that I unconsciously tried to look elsewhere, but a finger on my knee started acting mischievous again, as if to reprimand me.
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Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice. After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it? Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
(“Accomplice” instead of “fiancee”...There was something implied there)
(Why accomplice all of a sudden…)
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(I see…those pranks weren’t for King Chevalier)
(Maybe they were evil deeds done out of love so that he could watch me flounder about)
(Which means I was unknowingly an accomplice to Clavis’ evil)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
(No one loves Clavis more than I do)
Feeling more embarrassed, I shoved the cake in his mouth and kissed his cheek.
I’m sure my face was bright red while Clavis smiled at me in delight.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds. Can you love me even more, Emma?
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PAC: What are you right about?
What are you right about?
Giving you your “I knew it” moment. You’re welcome.
Please choose a number between 1 to 4. You can use your intuition, or pick one of these charms from left to right.
1 is the letter z, 2 is the plant, 3 is the Christmas stamp, 4 is the cup
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Five of wands, King of wands, Queen of chalices
If you’ve been thinking someone is competitive with you, you’re right. This could be a male in your life, or someone who gives familial/sibling rivalry vibes. Could literally be someone's brother here (which can be common).. 
I’m seeing different settings, for some it’s school, for some, it’s in the online community you hang around. Not exclusively, but those are what I’m seeing especially.
Those 2 court cards are such different characters, this person might be so different to you and maybe you’ve never gelled. You might have the perspective that this person is a bit full of themselves. Someone in this situation may have a birthday during winter time. Someone here could be a water sign or fire sign particularly. I feel like from the 5 of wands, you may have always bumped heads and other people tend to notice that too. Even if you agree on something, anything - even that isn’t the most harmonious interaction.
I feel the need to let you know that actually, deep down this person can be very loving and warm. Maybe not to you lol, but they’re capable of it. Maybe you’re the more empathetic, social or kind character here and you wonder why they can’t be tactful or more humble.
I’m seeing traits of organization and creativity that there may be a bit of jealousy over. I would say in this competitive situation, take care not to take too much to heart because I think the other person is just competitive in nature anyway. So to them, I don’t think it’s super deep. They can just be a bit smug. I think there may be some jealousy or competitiveness over the way you are able to present yourself too. Whether that’s the way you talk to people or the way you look. They are probably not able to carry that off themselves.
That’s what I see, hope it made sense.
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The greenman in reverse, 2 of wands, 7 of swords
So a project or new start maybe didn’t give you a good feeling that it would hit off, and you’re right, the 2 of wands talks about a new career/business venture.7 of swords shows a need to adapt and change the scheme. There is just something that is unfeasible in the current plan, or about the current idea/product.
If there is a business partnership then one of the 2 doesn’t share the same intentions, whether that’s through miscommunication or taking advantage. If you are in a partnership like that, then please ensure you get full truthful communication out of the other person and ensure you have a clear business plan. If this is a new potential job or placement, this is an employer who may be looking to get more out of the agreement than the employee. This could even be practical issues making a situation unfeasible, such as being unable to travel to a workplace each day.
I see frustration about this situation and a real need to have a new start. Maybe currently there is a situation of unemployment or really needing another kind of income. This isn’t to say it isn’t possible, just that you’re right that the current idea, venture or opportunity isn’t going to really take off like someone would of course hope. This may not be yours, it may be a loved one and you’re thinking hmm, maybe not.
Whoever this is, there’s a level of idealism and a new plan needs to be made. I also feel like maybe there were a couple of people who encouraged this person and told them to go for it even though they had no experience in the subject themselves. 
Hope that made sense for ya, if it’s you wanting to take on something new I wish you luck with any revised plans
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Four of wands, five of wands, Nature
There are a few meanings for this one.
If you’ve been thinking you have some kind of pest in your house but you’ve not been 100% this might be confirmation.
If you have been thinking a family member or roommate has been doing something not entirely moral or kind, you’re right. Something is definitely going on. I’m seeing specifically as well if you think someone is playing around with more than one person.
If someone you live with has been really strange or angry or different lately, you’re right that there is more going on for them in their inner lives. They may need help.
Something that was once harmonious is no longer. It seems to have turned argumentative and then even more negative. I’m sorry to see this. You’re right that this isn’t normal. Someone isn’t themselves.
If you have been feeling like something is off at work, it is because people are having more disagreements and issues with one another.
I’m seeing someone here who is creative. No matter how competitive it seems out there, please do continue with your art or creative projects - you have talent. I think deep down you know you have something.
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Nine of wands, The horned God, Seven of swords
You’re right to be wary or on defense right now. Someone might have warned you or you might have overheard something. You might have just simply had an intuitive whisper.
If you have a suspicion what’s wrong with an item as well, you’re on the right track. (for anyone trying to fix furniture or tech).
If you have been on the defense or feel off about someone who is a leader, employer, boss, teacher, father figure etc you’re right. Even your perspective of a local politician - if you feel something isn’t going to help you as a resident, that’s valid.
There is someone who might be trying to appear like they’re on your side, or if you vote/help them or stand with them that they will help you or you will get some kind of benefit. They are only thinking about themselves.
For a few, this could be a love interest that might be acting like they are more mature, paternal or protective than they actually are and you have been right to hold off and wait to see who they are. 
You have definitely been skeptical of someone here and you are completely right. I really strongly get the idea they act like they can offer you so much, but you’re remembering you’re good. You’re independent and you have things that you have earned for yourself. Never let someone trick you into thinking you need them. I’m sorry, this person stinks lol.
For a small number, this person you’re skeptical of can honestly be leading a double life, they are going off to someone/something else behind the scenes. They are so vague as well, you can never be sure what they’ve been doing. I don’t like this person. I'm sorry.
You seem wise to it anyway so I’m not worried, you’ve got this.
Hope it made sense to you see yaaaa
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The goat story
As they settle into domestic life in the cave, Peeta prompts Katniss for a story, which she likens to singing, an activity she views as superfluous but connected to her father, and, as of recently, Rue. Peeta, the artist, and Katniss, the utilitarian.
The goat story provides important insight into Katniss’ background and their world on multiple counts:
The relationship between Katniss, Gale, and District 12
Dynamics of the Hob, town, and officials
Katniss’ personality
Peeta’s prompt is specifically for the happiest day she can remember, so her mind turns to Gale, which she intuitively understands would not go over well, and Prim. I find it interesting that she doesn’t even consider memories of her father, say, teaching her to swim or singing to the mockingjays. Lady the goat was introduced back in chapter one with her cheese and milk featured in the reaping festivities and here we get her backstory as a 10th birthday present for Prim. The story opens with Prim giving a gift of goat cheese to Katniss, and this story reverses the situation with Katniss giving Prim a gift of goat, the gift that keeps on giving between the sisters. Timeline wise, Prim’s 10th birthday places the events around two years before THG, and Katniss at around 14.
The first half of the entire story is an internal monologue, not spoken out loud, to protect Greasy Sae, Rooba the butcher, and even the peacekeepers from punishment for breaking the laws by engaging in the black market. Katniss’ awareness that the audience will have already figured she was illegally hunting but her refusal to implicate anyone demonstrates her nature as a protector and the need for mutual silence within District 12. I doubt anyone from District 12, regardless if they are from the Seam, town, or a peacekeeper, would say any of the first half of the story out loud. It is their mutual silence, their mutual dependence, their mutual aid that protects them all. The black market is an integral part of their economy and way of life. 
Gale and Katniss shoot down a young buck and Katniss describes him in detail, remarking on his youth, beauty, unfamiliarity with humans, and innocence. Her description calls to mind the tributes themselves, innocent children. We learn it is Greasy Sae, a trader at the Hob, who seems to be well-respected within their community, that refers them to a butcher in town. Greasy Sae could certainly use the buck for her stews, but she clearly has Katniss’ and Gale’s best interests in mind and wants them to get the highest price for their kill. The Hob operates on goodwill and trust between the traders with Katniss and Gale being established and well-regarded members of their ranks.
They take the buck to Rooba, the butcher in town. Katniss and Gale have crossed the threshold of the Hob, where haggling is the way of commerce, and into town with Rooba where the merchant class controls trade. The pair receive the most money they have ever had at one time and head for the market square.
From here, Katniss narrates the story out loud directly to Peeta and indirectly to Panem, claiming she traded her mother’s old locket in for money. She is drawn to the Goat Man’s injured goat, noting how owning a goat can change your life in 12. I find it a bit amusing how nonchalant Katniss and Gale try to be while sizing up the goat, even buying a cup of milk, but the Goat Man insists she is for the butcher. When Rooba shows up, she complains of the goat’s worsened state, then leaves with a wink to Katniss. The crowd joins in the haggling between the Goat Man and Katniss. 
Rooba’s shenanigans and the involvement of the crowd show how invested the communities of 12 are in Katniss from even before the reaping. We see over and over her suspicious nature blinds her to the perceptions of others. She is taken aback by the salute she receives at the reaping, but as we learn over the course of the books, District 12 respects and admires her. We hear this explicitly from Delly, in Mockingjay, but more subtly in this story. Katniss denies that Madge is her friend, denies that she would get generous trades on her own merit instead of her father’s or Prim’s reputations, denies that the people of District 12 care for her. Her years of trading across the lines that divide 12, interacting with the people of the Seam, the town, and the peacekeepers and officials means she is one of the few that would be known to almost everyone. Almost everyone in 12, besides Haymitch, is aware of her dedication to providing for her family. Katniss interprets the “effect she can have” that Peeta refers to as pity and an insult, but really, it is anything but. I’ll bet NO ONE from 12 was surprised when Katniss volunteered. Katniss’ inner dialogue throughout the games show how profoundly the watchers of 12 influence her decisions and how it is distinctive from the influence of the watchers of the Capitol. She knows she would be ostracized in 12 if she didn’t ally with Peeta after the rule change, and she knows she would never accept anyone back into 12 if they didn’t do the same.
Gale carries the goat back, because, according to Katniss, ‘he wanted to see the look on Prim’s face as much as I did’. This line tears me up knowing what is coming in Mockingjay. 
Katniss has a very rare show of sentimentality here by buying a ribbon for the goat to present to Prim. The conversation between Katniss and Peeta after she tells this story never fails to crack me up. Peeta KNOWS this story is the happiest in Katniss’ life because of the ‘lasting joy you gave the sister you love so much you took her place in the reaping’ but she insists that the goat was a ‘little gold mine’. Their banter here is why we are all Everlark shippers.
Thanks for reading! Please share your thoughts on the goat story
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
i want mingyu to tie my hands and blindfold me with the ribbons from his chanel purchases
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“how’s that, babygirl? too tight?”
you shake your head in the direction you think your boyfriend is standing and tug at the makeshift restraints to test them out. “feels good. can you touch me now?”
“patience, love,” mingyu chides. you can hear the amusement in his voice. “i’m not done yet. sit still.”
you’re confused by that— you’re already tied up and blindfolded, you don’t know what else is left to do. then you hear the shutter of a camera lens and it all makes sense. you set your lips in a pout.
“can’t that wait?” you whine. “wanna feel you.”
mingyu scoffs. “don’t be a brat. whose birthday is it?”
you slump back into the pillows. “yours. sorry.”
“pretty baby’s so worked up already, huh?” you nod. “don’t worry, just a few more. wanna capture the before and after.”
you let him take as many pictures as he wants— not that you have any other option, sitting quietly on the bed as he works.
you’d been the one to get him a new film camera for his birthday. rookie mistake.
every time the flash goes off, for just a fraction of a second, you can make out his silhouette behind the thin fabric of your blindfold. it’s torture, seeing him but not seeing him.
already, you feel desperate. you’ve never been deprived of touch and sight at the same time before and it has you reeling.
“fuck, you’re so wet,” mingyu breathes. “completely ruined your panties, baby.”
you jolt at the feeling of his fingers running over the soaked material. you hadn’t heard him set down the camera, hadn’t heard the footsteps of him approaching the bed or felt his presence next to you. just how far gone were you?
the sound of him sucking the same fingers into his mouth makes you whimper. mingyu just laughs.
“let’s get these off of you, yeah?”
the mattress dips with mingyu’s weight as he climbs onto it. you hold your breath in anticipation but still let out a little yelp when you feel his canines brush against your hip instead of his fingers.
“gotta keep you on your toes,” he whispers, proceeding to pull your underwear off with his teeth.
“you’re insufferable.”
“is that any way to talk to the birthday boy?” mingyu asks, muffled by your thong in his mouth.
“kim mingyu, love of my life…” he hums pleasantly, expectantly. “you’re insufferable.”
the jab earns you a slap on your pussy but it’s worth it, and you smile victoriously for all of a second before mingyu’s shoving the underwear in your mouth. you moan around his fingers and the fabric, gagging a bit as he pushes in deeper.
he had been right, you are soaked. the taste of your own arousal on your tongue makes you want to press your thighs together to get some relief but your boyfriend is sitting right in between them, stopping you from doing just that.
“as much as i can tell you’re enjoying that, i need you to be able to talk so you can communicate with me while i fuck you. but you have to be good for me. are you going to be good?” you nod obediently. when he takes the panties back out of your mouth, you’re silent. “that’s better.”
he rewards you with a kiss, short but sweet. just enough for you to both be able to taste you on each other’s lips.
when he pulls away, you try and chase him, stopped short by the ribbons tied around your wrists. mingyu chuckles fondly at you and swoops down for another kiss. just because.
“ready, baby?”
“so ready.”
“what’s your color?”
“that’s my girl.”
you’re picturing the face he’s making as he pushes into you. eyebrows furrowed in concentration, bottom lip trapped between his teeth, eyes trained on where your bodies connect… it’s almost enough to make you beg him to rip the blindfold off. almost.
instead, you focus on the feeling.
you’re doing things in reverse tonight, birthday boy’s wishes. he wanted to fuck you first and then eat you out while you’re still dripping with his cum. it feels like more of a present for you than for him but you’re not one look a gift horse in the mouth— or however the saying goes. you’re not going to argue with a good thing.
it takes him longer than usual to bottom out, even with how wet you are, because he hasn’t made you cum beforehand like he usually does. the stretch has pain and pleasure bleeding together, neither more powerful than the other. the sensations are heightened by your lack of sight and ability to use your hands. it’s all a little overwhelming but it feels way too fucking good to even think about stopping.
“color, baby?”
“green,” you gasp. “i’m green. just give me an extra second.”
“of course. take all the time you need.”
mingyu cradles you as you wait it out together, taking deep breaths to steel himself every time your cunt spasms around him unintentionally.
you’re not sure how much time passes before he shifts up onto his elbows, mumbling something to himself. “here, let me…” he trails off and you don’t totally get what he means until you feel his thumb circling your clit.
the pressure is feather light, just enough to have you getting even wetter so that the glide is easier and feels good for both of you.
“fuck, gyu,” you moan, arching your back until your chest is pressed to his. “move now, please.”
“already lost the ability to form full sentences, pretty baby?”
“your fault,” you choke out, “big stupid dick.”
he laughs at that and threads his fingers through yours, giving you something to squeeze, something to anchor yourself to.
“we should do this more often,” mingyu says as he starts to rock his hips into yours.
“what, tie me up?” you ask.
“no, celebrate my birthday.”
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