#reverse omegaverse
aikonajm5 · 5 months
[2]-Глава: Взаимно, побег отличная идея.
А/Н: «Дисклеймер; Я не несу ответственност чтобы у вас там ни было! Помните что по большой части, сюжет не такой как в каноне, то есть не все как в фильме. Приятного чтение, не забудьте оставить свой комментарий=>»
Pov: !•?
[Т/и]: «Интересно конечно, но… ты сейчас шутишь? Это как? В смысле у тебя аллергия практически от всего? У тебя анафилактический шок что-ли?»
Джоэл: «Нет! Но, это правда что у меня аллергия от всего, я могу умереть в любой момент. И это не смешно, это серьезно!»
[Т/и]: «Больно уж ты живучий. Ты преувеличиваешь, я ни разу не видела твоей аллергической реакции Джо-Джо. Может тебе резиновый костюм принести? Ведь у тебя Алллергия Практически от всего.»
Пагсли: «Я ему то же самое говорил.»
Джоэл: «Это правда! И это не смешно, прекращайте меня дразнить, и прекращай называть меня по этим дурацким прозвищем!»
[Т/и]: «Прости, прости… Джо-Джо.»
Джоэл аж покраснел от раздражения, пока [Т/и] просто забавлялась его реакцией, и тихо смеясь. Это уже не в первый раз как она дразнить аллергического мальчика, а Пагсли просто наблюдал за этим зрелищем.Можно сказать что [Т/и] и Пагсли нашли общий язык друг с другом, в последнее время они начали часто тусоваться. Они разыгрывали всех безобидно как считал юный Аддамс, ведь это не так весело пока [Т/и] смеётся от души от их праделок. Пагсли немного начал привыкать к этому и присоединятся к ней к этим безобидным поступкам.Пока они до сих пор дразнили Джоэля, Уэсндей закатила глаза отчего даже закрыла свою книгу обращая на них жёсткий взгляд.
Уэсндей: «Пагсли, [Т/ф] я думаю с него уже достаточно ваших глупых поступках.»
Пагсли упал на кровать от досады, а [Т/и] просто фыркнула пока мальчик Альфа смотрел на неё с улыбкой, Уэсндей ничего не ответила, она посмотрела на [Т/и] последний раз пока она снова не вернулась к своему чтению.
??? : «Извините детки что прерываю ваше веселье, но тут к вам пришла почта!»
Гарри: «Так что не спешите ребят! Сейчас мы дадим всем вам письма!»
Дети сразу поспешили к ним и ждали свои письма. Бекки привлекли две очень необычные письма. Чёрный и Ц/п(цвет письма).
Бекки: «Оу… Уэсндей Аддамс и [Т/и] [Т/ф], вам тут заветные письма!»
Уэнсдей без колебания выпрыгнула со своей кровати и сразу же забрала письмо с рук вожатой пока [Т/и] без проблем просто спокойно взяла свое. Омега рассматривала своё письмо, что её глаза распахнулись, а [Т/и] смотря на свою просто была спокойна, к её счастью это было письмо от её младшей сестрёнки.
[Т/и]: «[От: Лилии; Приветик сестрёнка! Как дела? Я уже по тебе соскучилась как и сестра Джес♡! Не представляешь что я сейчас чувствую! Хоть прошло три дня с того как ты ушла, и я уверена, что ЭТО ПИСЬМО ПРИШЛО ТЕБЕ ТОЛЬКО ЧЕРЕЗ 1 С ПОЛОВИНОЙ НЕДЕЛИ ИЗ ЗА МЕДЛЕННЫХ ПОЧТАЛЬЕНОВ! ААААГХ! А я бы могла просто использовать магию чтоб письмо пришла прямо к тебе в руки, без всяких проблем и грязных рук жалких смертных людей. Хотя братишка Антон считает что это глупо скучать по тебе, и в целом будет хорошо если ты будешь вдали от нас. НО Я НЕ СОГЛАСНА! Родители, как обычно, ведут себя как зануды! Они начали искать жениха для Джес и меня. Но сестренка, я этого не хочу! Я ХОЧУ ЖЕНИТЬСЯ НА ТЕБЕ! НА ТЕБЕ И ТОЛЬКО НА ТЕБЕ! Надеюсь что и сестра Джес тоже. Ведь ты самая лучшая из всех кого я знаю. Если этот так называемый жених придет к нам домой я ему лицо зацарапаю, что он больше не вернётся! Сестра [Т/и], если ты это уже читаешь, то, пожалуйста, напиши мне сразу. Ведь я же знаю, что ты не будешь использовать человеческие методы♡ жду от тебя письмо в своей комнате. Я уже поставила твой артефакт в нужное место чтобы родители не узнали, уверена, что после того как ты прочтёшь моё письмо, я получу свое заветное письмо от тебя через час! С любовью: Лилия♡♡♡]»
После того как [Т/и] закончила читать, она сразу же уничтожила письмо, смеясь про себя. Её младшая такая же девочка, как и раньше, бывало много случай когда та не раз говорила что хочет на ней женится. Ну бывает, маленькая ещё, глупа. Да и если было бы возможно вряд-ли родители бы были согласны, как и она сама. После того как она позабавилась, она обратила своё внимание девочке готке у которой не было даже лица, была намного бледные чем обычно.
Уэнсдей: «О нет… это невозможно. Это самая худшая новость!»
[Т/и]: «Дай угадаю. Намного хуже розовых пони, ярких улыбок и вожатых?»
Гарри с Бекки переглянулись от замешательство.
Уэсндей: «Намного хуже. Это самое худшее что было в истории человечества!»
Уэнсдей прямо посмотрела на Пагсли и слегка дрожащими губами наконец-то выдала новость.
Уэсндей: «Дядя Фестер женится…»
У Пагсли расширились глаза настолько что чуть ли не из орбит вылезли, пока остальные были в замешательстве. [Т/и] аж несколько 10 раз заморгала.
Гарри: «Свадьба! Это же ведь чудесно!»
Бекки: «Это скорее прекрасная новость!»
Аманда: «И на ком же он жениться?»
Уэсндей: «На няне.»
У [Т/и] чуть ли не отвисла челюсть, это было похоже на драму которую она много раз видела в телевизоре, пока Пагсли начал выходить из себя от состояния шока. Джоэл же просто был в замешательстве и хотел обработать эту удивительную новость.После ответа Уэсндей, Аманда сразу скривилась показывая свое отвращение.
Аманда: «Уходи отсюда иначе я покончу с собой! Полегчало?»
[Т/и]: «Вау~…»
Альфа удивилась от слов девочки которая преследовала её, она даже не знала что она способна сказать что-то подобное, чтобы попытаться успокоить юного Аддамса, и да, на удивление Уэсндей смогла кое чудом вернуть себе лицо после её слов. Вожатые не знали что делать пока Бекки прервала неловкую минутную тишину.
Бекки: «Я уверена что, она очень хорошая женщина!»
Аманда: «Цыц. Я считаю это отвратительным! Мне кажется что их сеймейка, это какой-то фантастический медецинский эксперимент! Мне кажется они как циркачи!»
Пагсли: «Что ты сказала? Не хочешь повторить эти слова прямо мне в глаза?»
Пагсли наконец-то вышел из транса, и начал приближаться к Аманде, постепенно хмуря лицо. Бекки сразу хлопнула в ладоши встав между девочкой и мальчиком.
Бекки: «Так! Ребята! Групповое обьятия!»
После этого объявление, почтальон, Джоэл и [Т/и] потихоньку начали сваливать от этого дурдома, и как только [Т/и] сделала шаг к выходу, её сразу схватила девочка готка. [Т/и] сразу начала на неё шипеть.
[Т/и]: «*О~ нет подруга! На этот раз ты сама страдай этой фигнёй, потому что я в этом не участвую! *»
Уэнсдей: «*Я знаю. И поэтому ты остаёшься с нами. И к тому же Пагсли с тобой спокойнее.*»
[Т/и]: «*Просто признай что тебе нравится меня мучить.*»
Уэсндей: «*Не отрицаю.*»
Джоэл уже давно ушёл с почтальёном а Уэсндей крепко держала за руку [Т/и] а Пагсли аккуратно начал прятаться за спиной своего друга. Все присутвующие повернулись к ним ярко улыбаясь и приглашая их, пока Аманда холодно посмотрела на их руки отчего Уэсндей лишь издала слабый и тихий смешок. Бекки с Гарри до сих пор смотрели на троих ожидая их в обьятие, но вот только трое отступили на несколько шагов назад. Гарри же выдохнул, он начал злится но не показывала этого и дальше улыбался приближаясь к ним, как и Бекки за ним.
Гарри: «Уэсндей, Пагсли и [Т/и]… Повредить ли нам обьятие?»
Пагсли: «Мы не обнимаемся.»Бекки: «О~ они просто стесняются!»
Пагсли: «Мы не стесняемся.»Уэнсдей/[Т/и]: «Мы заразны.»
Гарри начал аккуратно убирать свою руку от плеча мальчика Аддамса и неловко их почистил об штаны, будто избавляется от несуществующего пятна.
Гарри: «Я чуствую тут какие-то трение… это не в духе Чипуа.»
Все тоже согласились с ними, кто-то сказал «Согласен/Согласна» а другие кивали издавая звук одобрение.
Гарри: «Но! Это не проблема. Все что им нужно, это хорошие друзья! Немного веселье… и немного побыть в Хижине Гармонии!»
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Через некоторое время, Аддамсы с [Т/ф] уже находились в маленькой цветочной хижине, которая находилась в лесу и намного дальше от лагеря. Уэсндей и Пагсли сели друг с другом на диване, а вот [Т/и] села напротив Уэсндей в кресле. [Т/и] воспользовалась этой возможностью как быстро написать письмо своей сестрёнке.
Пагсли: «И как долго нам здесь находиться?»
Уэнсдей: «Пока не чокнемся.»
[Т/и] чуть ли не задохнулась от приступа смеха, эта ситуация была настолько забавной что она решила тоже участвовать в этом.
[Т/и]: «Ага. Пока мы еще не полюбим розовых, звездночных единорогов.»
Пагсли сразу пришёл в ужас и не в хорошем смысле, Уэсндей же резко посмотрела на [Т/и], если бы взгляды могли убивать, то возможно у Альфы были бы несколько дыр в голове.
Уэсндей: «Самая нелепая шутка который мог придумать твой мозг.»
[Т/и]: «Хех. Но я же знаю насколько тебе нравится эта сторона моей натуры Аддамс. Не считая твое личико когда ты смотрела на письмо присланный вам обоим, я даже сфотографировала тебя в этот момент.»
[Т/и] как всегда одарила её своей фирменной ухмылкой и смотрела ей прямо в глаза, Пагсли в свою очередь просто закатил глаза на двух девочек. Он уже привык к их ежедневным вызовом в гляделки, и всегда либо побеждала [Т/и] или Уэсндей или вообще никто, и была ничья. Победа для них обоих было редкостью. Пока они смотрели друг другу в глаза, ручка которая писала письмо подлетела к своей хозяйке, давая знак что он закончил. [Т/и] прервала игру и сразу взяла письмо которая уже находилась в конверте с печатью, после из руки она сгорела на мгновение и исчезла с рук девочки, оставляя за собой несколько золотой пыльцы. За этими движениями наблюдали Аддамсы, это начало завораживать.
Уэсндей: «(Впечетляет…)»
Пагсли: «Ух ты. Это круто. Только слишком ярко.»
[Т/и]: «Знаю. Зато как удобно! Ручка будет писать за тебя, а письмо придет за час чем почтальёны привезут их через несколько дней.»
Уэнсдей: «Надеюсь что твой интелект не упадёт от того что ты сама не развиваешь свою граммоту.»
[Т/и]: «Хехехе. Нельзя судить книжки по обложке, пока я с то��ой играла Аддамс, я управляля этой ручкой, а значит это я сама писала. Как говорится двух зайцев одним выстрелом. Плюс сэкономила свое время чем ты за свой за день.»
Уэнсдей строго на неё посмотрела пока Альфа перед ней просто ухмылялась, ей нравилась поведение девочки но и одновременно раздражало. Она начала много думать, и придумала разные способы её смерти. Она конечно много раз ей угрожала, но ей всегда казалось что она лишь игралась с ней что раздражало её больше обычного.Наступила горькое тишина. [Т/и] с Пагсли играли в карты, Уэнсдей просто наблюдала.
[Т/и]: «Хех. Джекпот! Короли, друг мой.»
Пагли: «Проклятье! Ты жулничала!»[Т/и]: «А разве суть этой игры не жульничество?»
*Бам! *
Дверь внезапно резко котрылась и на той сторону уже открытой двери стоял Гарри а также…
[Т/и]: «Джо-Джо! Привет!»
Джоэл: «Сколько раз повторять! Прекращай так меня называть!»
Гарри сразу толкнул Джоэла внутрь и он с трудом улыбался. «Веселись!»– Он резко захлопнул дверью и ушёл пока мальчик Альфа начал осматривать местность.
[Т/и]: «Нравится то что видишь?»
Джоэл был в ужасе от комнаты. Везде были плакаты про хорошее настроение, мягкие мишки на мебели, розовые стулья и стол, куклы на полках, весёлые часы с румяном. Это было кошмаром для его мозга.
Джоэл: «О, нет…»
[Т/и]: «Скажи, за что тебя сюда привели?»
Джоэл: «Не скажу.»
Уэсндей: «За что тебя сюда привели?»
Джоэл: «Я не пошел на верховую езду.»
[Т/и]: «(Ах ты, маленький говнюк. Я тебе это припомню!)»
Уэсндей сузила на него глаза, будто значило что он не договаривает.
Уэсндей: «И?»
Джоэл: «И не сделал скворечник…»
[Т/и]: «Почему же?»
Джоэл цокнул и закатил глаза, опустив голову.
Джоэл: «Я-я, просто хотел почитать.»
Внезапно из двери снова появился Гарри и забрал книгу.
Гарри: «Не в моё дежурство очкарик! А теперь точно веселись! Хыхэхе.»
Гарри странно посмеялся будто чуть не задохнулся и точно сразу вышел за дверью, и судя по быстрому топоту он точно ушел.
[Т/и]: «Мерлиновое борода… ну и смех у него.»
Внезапно Джоэл закричал от ужаса того что он увидел, [Т/и] аж вздрогнула от внезапности и перемен атмосферы в комнате. Она тут же посмотрела на ту сторону где смотрел мальчик пока Аддамсы закатили глаза, будто ожидали такого исхода. Когда взгляд [Т/и] упала прямо на плакат с Майколом Джексоном в стиле гота, который отвел взгляд от соседнего плакат, там были детские руки который держал планету с надписью «МАЙКЛ ДЖЕКСОН/ИЗЛЕЧИМ МИР»
[Т/и]: «Кричишь как мандрагора без горшка. Тц.»
[Т/и] даже тяжело закатила глаза и покачала головой в стороны в сторону. Испугаться этого маленького места? Серьезно? Она и хуже видала. Разве что кроме срань Мерлина уж точно. Все трое на неё посмотрели будто та сошла с ума, или наоборот.
[Т/и]: «Не смотрите на меня как последний василиск в подземелье!»
Они все ещё на неё смотрели, а Джоэл все ещё тяжело дышал, чуть ли не падая в обморок.
[Т/и]: «Что?»
[Т/и]: «*Разорви меня горгулья… Да ладно Винни! Я же как обычно играла с ним. Я конечно понимаю что он твоя игрушка, но я не собираюсь забрать его душу! Развяжи меня, у меня уже начинается кружится голова! *»
Уэнсдей: «В отличии от тебя, даже птица может продержатся.»
Джоэл ухмылялся позади Альфы девочки, к его счастью Аддамсы не заметили его выражение лица кроме ведьмы которая пронзала его кинжалами, к её сожалению взгляд не может убивать человека.
[Т/и]: «(Не понимаю, чем ей так понравился этот мальчик. Я конечно понимаю что он стал её игрушкой в её игре. Хотя мне его не особо жаль. Не друг не враг. Статус: Знакомые. Больше ничего… погоди… А Уэнс тогда для меня кто? Знакомые? Партнеры? Друзья? Или просто знакомые по интересам? Тц, теперь я начинаю раздражаться.)»
Пагсли устал от этого зрелище что решил наконец-то отпустит её из плена. Он взял свой кинжал из секретного кармана на ноге, и сразу кинул его прямо на веревку которая держала вас от падение, но к вашему несчастью вы чуть ли не упали на голову, можно сказать чуть шею себе не сломали, если бы вас не поймала старшая Аддамс.
[Т/и]: «Спасибо Аддамс. Я бесконечно в долгу. (Змея ты ползучая. Надеюсь что однажды у тебя появится такой яркий друг что ты захочешь умереть на месте!)»Уэнсдей: «Чтож, тогда нам пора выбираться отсюда.»
[Т/и]: «Класс… побег это самое лучшая идея. Ты уверена что нас не поймают?»
Уэнсдей: «Глупые вопросы. Пагсли, быстрее!»
На улице была ночь, и Аддамсы оделись во все чёрное, они выглядели так будто ограбили кого-то и собирались убежать от место преступлении. [Т/и] тоже была одежа во все чёрное, только вот маска у неё отсутвовала, и когда Пагсли с [Т/и] помогали Уэнсдей забраться за забором, появился Джоэл и откликнул их… точнее он откликнул Уэнсдей. Он предупредил что у неё будет столбняк от колючей проволки, и вытащил ножницы для резни арматурой сетки, как только он начал резать металлическую сетку, сразу заиграла сирена тревоги.
[Т/и]: «Спасибо Джо-Джо, нас поймали.»
С далека начали появляться группы людей, в их состав были две недовольные вожатые, и люди которые делили домик с ними четырьмя, а также двое охранников с собаками из породы Добермана. Двое мальчишек подошли к Аддамсом и сняли с них маску пока Аманда рассказывала как она заметила их, и увидела как они убегают. Соседка [Т/и] которая спала на второй койке строго смотрела на неё, впрочем как и остальные смотрели на всех четверых.
Гарри: «Дети! Что это вы задумали?»
Уэнсдей: «Нам надо поведаться с семьёй, это очень важно.»
Бекки была в замешательстве, у неё было невозмутимое выражение лица пока она не начала возмущённо спрашивать.
Бекки: «Это важнее лето и веселье?.. Важнее знакомство с новыми друзьями?! Важнее делиться радостью?!»
Пока она возмущалась, Аманда улыбалась с гордостью, будто она сделала редкое достижение в своей жизни, и также с этим гордым лицом смотрела прямо на [Т/и], которая не особо обращала внимание на окружающих. Аманда снова замечталась, думая про себя, какая же её будущая Альфа крутая, бестрашная и красивая. После вопросов Бекки, Гарри решил перебить её и решил обратить внимание на мальчика рядом с Аддамсом.
Гарри: «И Джоэл Гликер? Я удивлён тобой!»
Джоэл: «Я-я должен выбраться отсюда! У меня аллергия!»
Все дети позади вожатых начали смеяться над ним, пока [Т/и] просто похлопала ему по плечу чтобы немного успокоить его панику.
Бекки: «И [Т/и] [Т/ф], я знала какая вы бываете бунтаркой, но я ожидала от вас большего уму разума. Но видимо я ошиблась.»
[Т/и]: «Чего?»
[Т/и] была не в до умении от заявление старшей. Судя по всему Бекки больше напоминала ей её маму, особенно в их схожести заключалась в их характерах.
Бекки: «И Джоэл! У тебя аллергия? На солнце, стрельбу из лука, и ремесло?»
Говорила Бекки в шуточном интонации, она начала немного шутить и издеваться над мальчиком, пока остальные снова не посмеялись. А Джоэл подтвердил на эти заявлении, и кивнул несколько раз. Аманда же привлекла всеобщее внимание заявив.
Аманда: «Я думаю их надо наказать! Наказать! Наказать!»
Все тоже начали поддерживать девочку и тоже с такой же интонации начали слегка кричать «НАКАЗАТЬ! НАКАЗАТЬ! НАКАЗАТЬ!» потом они все вместе пытались сделать несколько шагов ближе к ним, пока их не остановила Бекки с Гарри. (А охранники просто курят в сторонке: Колян, а зачем мы здесь?)
Бекки: «Нет, нет, нет! Мы здесь не для того чтобы наказывать. Мы здесь чтобы вдохновлять.»
Аманада до сих пор улыбалась и аккуратно посмотрела в сторону Уэнсдей, Бекки же приобнимала Аманжу за её плечо. Уэнсдей в свою очередь тоже смотрела на сторону Аманды, она сузила глаза будто хотела дать ей какой-то сигнал или послание.
Гарри: «Ребята, а вы знаете что нужно этим маленьким ниндзя? Вы знаете что может перевернуть их печаль или безполезные жизни?»
Джоэл вздрогнул и сглотнул слюны который начал застревать в его горле, и он с трудом спросил.
Джоэл: «Что?»
Гарри откуда-то вытащил гитару и он начал играть и петь, и остальные тоже присоединились кроме четверых.
[Т/и]: «(Песня? Серьезно?!)»
Все: «Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya.»
Аддамсы посмотрели друг на друга, Джоэл снова начал тяжело дышать пока остальные продолжали петь.
Все: «Kumbaya my Lord, kumbayaKumbaya my Lord, kumbayaOh Lord, kumbaya…»
Уэнсдей начала пятится назад, её глаза так расспахнулись что она хотела слится с сеточным забором позади неё.
[Т/и]: «(Не завидую тебе Уэнс, отличных мучений тебе. И мальчикам тоже.)»
[Т/и]: «Хей Пагсли, а куда твоя сестра пропала в такую рань?»
Пагсли: «Хм, ну… Она… вроде пошла с Джоэлем на сторону озера.»
[Т/и]: «О… понятно…»
[Т/и] понизила свой тон как и голос, к её счастью Пагсли даже не заметил перемену лица Альфы. Она посмотрела в окно на сторону озера, что-то внутри у неё скребела, но просто тяжело выдохнув она снова вернулась на свою кровать. Да, к их счастью им не пришлось спать всем вместе в доме Гармонии как любили называть их вожатые и другие дети.
[Т/и]: «(Угх… и чего это я растроилась из-за жалкого мальчика Альфы? Из-за девочки Аддамса? Эх… забудь об этом [Т/и], просто забудь. Не нужно думать об этом, это глупо. Очень и очень глупо…)»
Пагсли: «Кстати [Т/и]! В письме было написано что мы с Уэнсдей можем приглашать своих друзей. Ты не против пойти на свадьбу нашего дяди?»
===Продолжение следует ———》•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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fightme365 · 8 days
Why them? (Omega! Legal Guardians! BNHA x Alpha! All Might Daughter! Reader, Dead All Might) Part 1
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Deku: '...Deku.', thinks Y/n. "Nope. I'm not going with that dip shit. I hate him.", says Y/n not realizing that she said it aloud until they all turned to look at her. Deku was frowning at her and everyone else had raised eyebrows besides the lawyer who just rolled their eyes and sighed.
"You have to go with him, Miss Yagi. Your father named him your guardian. Your an alpha so your required to have one for life so you have no choice in the matter.", says the lawyer.
"Fine but when I murder him in his sleep remember you could have prevented it.", says Y/n. She was not going to actually murder him but no one else needed to know that. She just wanted them to think she would so she wouldn't have to go with Izuku.
Everyone else gasps and glares at her but the lawyer is not phased at all. "Miss Yagi, my quirk let's me read minds. Pretending you want to kill him will not get you out of going. I understand you hate and why but you aren't willing to murder anyone.", says lawyer.
"Damn it.", curses Y/n with a scowl while everyone else looked relieved. "Ha. Your just an angry little alpha with Daddy issues.", says Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku's best friend and fellow pro hero. "Fuck you.", says Y/n with such disdain in her voice that everyone looked at with fear she would attack someone, except the lawyer who was just annoyed.
"Stop pretending to be menacing, Miss Yagi. Your not going to actually hurt anyone even If you do actually hate them. The will reading is over now so just sigh for your stuff now .", says lawyer. Y/n rolls her eyes as everyone goes up and takes different documents to sign except for her.
Y/n takes that moment to try and sneak out the door but a hand lands on her shoulder. She freezes and then looks up. Deku is looming over her.
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Bakugou: '...Bakugou. What the hell was my father even thinking?', thinks Y/n to herself. Out loud the alpha female unknowingly said, "There's not a shot in hell of me going with him. The scowling maniac and I would kill each other." She didn't realize she had said it out loud until everyone but Bakugou turned to stare at her.
Bakugou snorted and without looking said, "Oh, please, brat. I'm the number two pro hero. You wouldn't get a scratch on me."
"Still not going with you dick head. I'd rather to prison or an alpha shelter.", says Y/n in such a flat tone that no one there doubted it. "Oh, come on, brat. I'm not that bad.", says red eyed pro hero.
Y/n's eye twitched and she made a fist. "Shut up. I am not a brat.", says Y/n with a hiss. "Yeah, you are. Every other alpha would love to live with me. Your just a spoiled brat.", Katsuki.
Y/n growls menacingly. She bares her fangs. "Fuck you, bastard.", says Y/n. The blonde growls back and starts to stand. Y/n glares. The lawyer interrupts them.
"The uhh, will reading is over. I just need everyone to sign some paper work I have ready each of you and you can leave. Please don't fight in my office.", says the lawyer.
Everyone starts to go up to sign paperwork but Y/n tries to slip away out the door. She doesn't make it far. A hand lands on her shoulder and she looks up to see Bakugou hovering over her.
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Shoto: '...Todoroki Shoto. The hell? Was my father stupid?', thinks Y/n as she glares at Shoto. "No.", she says interrupting the will reading. "I'm not going with him. I'd rather go to prison or an alpha shelter permenantly.", says Y/n.
Everyone stares at her including Shoto though he looks bored. "That's not an option. You have to go with Mister Todoroki. The will stipulates he will be you guardian and that he has agreed to it prior to your father's death. It is his wish that you go with Mister Todoroki.", says the lawyer with a sigh.
"I don't care about the wishes of a man who didn't even bother to spend time with me beyond saying hello or goodbye. Even when he was dying he preferred to spend time with anyone but me. So in return I really don't give a fucking crap about his wishes.", says Y/n.
Bakugou Katsuki, one of the best friends of Todoroki Shoto snorts. "No one gives a shit. Your just a bratty little alpha with Daddy issues. Big whoop. You need a guardian and the one one who wants your ass is half n half so deal with it.", says the blonde.
Y/n clenched her fists and glares at him. "Shut the fuck up. You know nothing.", says Y/n with a glare. Bakugou stands up and gets in her face.
The lawyer yells, "No, fighting in my office. The will reading is over. You can all come up and sign for your stuff.", says the lawyer.
Everyone goes up to sign paperwork but Y/n tries to slip out the door and away from everyone. Y/n only makes it two steps out the door when a hand lands on her shoulder. She looks up to see Shoto standing over her.
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Kirishima: '...Kirishima Eijirou. Why? Could he have picked anyone worse? I bet that fucker listens to you are my sunshine on repeat.', thinks Y/n to herself. "Nope. I'll run away first before I go with him.", says Y/n not realizing she said it aloud instead of in her head until everyone turns to stare at her.
"What are you fuckers looking at?", says Y/n with a scowl and narrowed eyes. A few people look away but most continue starring. "You not going to run away. You are going with Mister Kirishima whether or not you like it. It was your father's wish.", says the lawyer with a glare.
"I don't give a fuck. He couldn't even bother to spend time with me so his last wishes mean nothing to me. I will run away if I damned well want to do so.", says the alpha female.
Kirishima speaks up. "It won't be so bad. We can watch movies and cuddle at night.", says the red head. "Hell no.", says Y/n. The red head sighs.
"Look. I'm trying to make the best out of this situation.", says Kirishima. Y/n snorts.
Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima's best friend speaks up. "Stop being a entitled brat. There are worse people then Kirishima. He's a good guy.", says the red eyed blonde.
Y/n stands up and balls her fists. Bakugou gets in her face. The lawyer speaks up. "No fighting in my office. The will reading is over. Everyone come up and sign for your things.", says the lawyer.
Everyone but Y/n goes up. She tries to walk out the door. A hand lands on her shoulder. Behind her stood Kirishima when she looked back.
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allpiesforourown · 2 days
Guys is this a safe space because lately I've been thinking about nothing but omegaverse role reversal au . Can you imagine it. Possessive jealous alpha binghe and his omega disciple shen yuan who doesn't notice anything odd about his shizuns behaviour because he transmigrated from a world where everyone is a beta
Binghe would constantly insist on "showing shen yuan a sword move" or "fixing his robe" and shen yuan would think nothing of it because surely he needs to learn these things! He has no idea his shizun is touching him everywhere to cover him in his scent when shen yuan mentions he's going to talk to Liu qingge or Yue Qingyuan ..
Oughhhh Binghe would be so normal. He would be So Normal. He definitely doesn't have dreams about shen yuan going into heat every night. (Unfortunately shen yuan uses suppressants because he hates airplane for writing this omegaverse shit)
Also just throwing it out there I think Luo binghe and Liu qingge would fight over who is shen yuan's "provider" like
Liu qingge: shen yuan I caught and killed a wild animal for you. *side eyes Binghe* like an alpha SHOULD
Shen Yuan: oh um thanks...
Binghe: a-yuan, I cooked dinner :) perfectly toasted and spiced
Shen Yuan: oh I can't wait to eat it :D
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didilovesdick · 2 months
Jaydick // Reverse Robins comic
Maybe one day I’ll color this, enjoy this two beans <3
DAY ONE: RR - Omega Dick Week
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midosune · 2 months
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Day 1 of ODW
A young omega's first heat is always taxing, good thing Dick has Jason to hold him through it ❤️💙
RR ~ First Heat
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atinycafe · 1 year
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LIME SORBET — masterlist
PROMPT; reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too.
FEAT; alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader
GENRE; fluff, smut (in later chapters)
AU; omegaverse + poly (as in ot8 ateez end up w reader)
NOTES; first time writing it's gonna b interesting, i don't really know what im doing, im just vibin honestly + also ik it's a self-insert but reader is gonna b fem + she might b described in a way that doesn't fit u (like 4 exemple; long hair, a bit on the tanner side, etc...)
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— ch 01. [jetlag]
— ch 02. [g-wagon]
— ch 03. [studio.log]*
— ch 04. [dance practice!] coming soon
— coming soon
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— special 01. [hatchan live!]
[x] : fluff [x]* : suggestive [x]° : smut
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queens-of-spirits · 2 years
Some Scum Villain Fanfic Ideas I’ve Got Stewing:
(These are all Bingqiu and Moshang becuase with maybe background Qijiu because those are my ships)
In no particular order:
Binghe’s mother(s) are/is given the chance to see how her son grew up via time travel system shenanigans and SQQ being given a “meet the mother-in-law” quest
A moshang version of the questionnaire extra
My take on the Bingmei vs Bingge extra, where they each have a system and have to stay in each other’s worlds for a week (this believe it or not came about before I knew this extra existed)
Hades and Persephone au with LBH as Hades and SQQ as Persephone
An au where everything is the same, but SQQ is a vampire
An mpreg fic where the demons are the ones pregnant for once (I have scenes for this already written). Contains a sequel idea where Bingqiu’s daughter ends up meeting Bingge
It turns out that all of the Shen siblings are anime-esque protagonists and the three left in his old world realize SY transmigrated and use magic to track him down and reunite
SY gets sent back to his old world and LBH comes to get him, hilarity and angst ensue.
Og!MBJ swaps places with the svsss version and is very confused. Leads into a sequel where pre-transmigration versions of SQQ and SQH are kidnapped and effectively seduced by the PIDW boys
My take on an A/B/O au
LBH tries to become Bingpup to get closer to SQQ post abyss, becomes a giant wolf instead. He still gets adopted and an identity reveal ensues
An intense harem selection au where SQQ wins before it even starts
Probably like 80 more, I love this series
Let me know if you have a favourite I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 6 months
Ok but what if Omega Jing Yuan? :V
Enjoying his status as an omega because it means he gets to "borrow" clothes from his oblivious future mate. All he has to do is bat his eyes and say it comforts him and soon he has whatever clothes he wants from them.
He does feel a little bad taking advantage of this privilege of his and their obliviousness but he doesn't care too much when he's fingering himself to the scent of them while in heat. When he comes for the third time that night he notices the mess he's made yet again.
Sigh another shirt he can't return...oh well at least he can always ask for more.
He wonders how long it'll take for it to click in his future mates head that an omega never returning items is a sign of claim.
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yeonsols-garden · 2 months
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Through Turning Pages (Along careful Brush strokes)
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He was broken. Nothing more than a ruined mess never able to connect with those around him when he couldn't do something as simple as a customary greeting. Then he met her. Someone whose scent he liked. Someone whose scent he craved. And it terrified him. or Librarian Yeonwoo X Artist Haesol and make it omegaverse!
Pairing: Yeonwoo / Haesol
Tags: A/B/O, Library AU, Slow burn, Long Fic, Librarian Yeonwoo, Artist Haesol,
Word Count: 9.2k
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Chapter 1: Prologue
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A groan clawed up his throat and scratched at his insides, almost sputtering past dry lips as he swallowed it, refusing to let out a sound to prevent losing focus.
Currently, Yeowoo was doing one of the more dull tasks required of him. Habitually swiping book after book under the propped-up scanner. Mind wandering to anything other than the necessary but incredibly mundane task at hand. His shoulders slump while fingers absentmindedly tap away at the keyboard every so often, adding new information to the database without much thought.
The library was nearly empty, save for a few people reading quietly in the further corners, so Yeonwoo resigned himself to sorting through the endless stacks of recently acquired books. Carefully aligning their spines on the cart to be shelved later.
As he scanned each bar code, the piercing ping from the scanner grew cyclically deadening, long nails faintly clacking against the keyboard with every other word he typed. He made a mental note to trim them once he returned home.
The tediousness of his work was mind-numbing, yes. But the small silver lining in the form of crisp, fresh pine blanketing him he had grown accustomed to, and the slightly chemical, yet mellow aroma of inked parchment provided a welcome distraction, even if just marginally so, as he stole glances at the digital clock towards the bottom right corner of his computer screen. His impatience building.
The library was on the cusp of closing for the evening —sun dipping below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of purple and hints of blue. Therefore he wasn’t the least bit surprised that most of the usual patrons were now gone. Leaving him alone save for the occasional rustle of pages as he flipped through newly purchased books and the chime of each one he scanned.
Yeonwoo swung his legs out in front of him. One after the other, letting them dangle in the air in an attempt to stimulate muscles he knew he would have to stretch out later. He raised his head from where it rested on his collarbone, fighting against the pull of sleep to turn honey eyes towards the open scene sprawled out before him.
Neatly organized rows of tables stretched out. Little pieces of paper, and knick-knacks from the patrons who’d forgotten to clean after themselves, resting on top. Carefully cataloged books to his right that yawned past as they patiently sat on pine shelves, waiting to be read. The sight brought a warmth flooding into his chest, helping clear some of the fog in his tired mind.
It was a small but positive testament to how his painstaking work showed some results.
The patrons had been surprisingly obedient when he’d informed them of the library rules. He didn’t know whether it was his designation that allowed for such a smooth transition, but they had made sure to heed his warning, so he couldn't complain.
Previously, the shelves would have been cluttered with all sorts of objects. Snack trays and leftover food wrappers, to random knick-knacks. Don’t even get him started on the tables.
Unlike most libraries, Yeonwoo allowed the patrons to eat there. They just had to clean up after themselves —that was his first order of business when he began working here. Now, there was minimal clutter for him to clean up. The people had done well to organize their things and leave the places they worked in relatively clean, save for a scrap of paper or a wrapper here and there. He could fix that later.
Two more hours and I’m done , he thought.
His mouth widened into a poorly suppressed yawn, an unoccupied hand instinctively rising to cover it. Yeonwoo wiped a tear nearly falling off long lashes and hurried to glide the last book under the scanner. Letting out a triumphant huff, his fingers twitched, as a yet-to-bloom grin tugged at chapped lips. He stepped back.
He always enjoyed a good stretch after a long day of work. Relishing in the momentary illusion of calm it brought, even if just for a few moments.
He brought his hands above his head, arching his back, then letting out an exhale of pure relief. Yeonwoo allowed himself to feel the pull on his muscles, letting it grow uncomfortable before releasing it. The long-awaited euphoria blissfully cascaded deep into tired bones. Slowly, he brought stretched-out hands back down to his sides once the relief subsided. The after tingle had him shuddering.
He was in desperate need of a taller chair to avoid standing for hours on end. Despite finishing his work and feeling restless, he couldn’t leave his desk without making sure everything was done in totality. Yeonwoo longed to get up and take a stroll, but the perfectionist in him wouldn’t allow it until he was sure he had done good.
He silently cursed himself along the way, begrudgingly beginning his final review. In times like this, he wanted to rush and get things over with, but much like with everything he did, he couldn’t finish unless he was sure he hadn't made any mistakes. He already had enough of those. 
Meticulously, he double-checked every detail, painstakingly skimming through stacks of books on his left. Making sure everything was spelled and organized in proper order. The process seemed endless.
A relieved sigh from the back of his throat released when prompted with a green screen with white letters displaying ‘done’ in dramatic cursive.
A tired smile formed at the thoughtful gesture from his shift lead. Eunchae had always been kind to him, finding small ways to alleviate the more strenuous aspects of his work. He crouched to grab his stainless steel water bottle resting under the desk next to the stack of printer papers to be used later and steadied himself before unscrewing the cap to take continuous sips of his still-warm drink.
The hot tea flowed down his throat, going along its passage to warm his core. Yeonwoo mentally thanked Junhyuk for the millionth time. Now, the unusual Christmas gift made sense as he parted from the straw with a pop to lick moist lips, satisfied.
After placing the bottle back down where he’d plucked it from, and cleaning up the clutter that accumulated throughout the long day. Yeonwoo turned to follow the sharp angle of his desk. Reaching behind the entryway he opened the gated barrier. One of the newer additions to the place since he’d begun working here. 
He did a little hop past the gateway, momentarily running his hand along the carvings. Yeonwoo always found the designs that Ha Yejin ordered to be quite endearing. 
Surveying the space in front, he made his way to and halfway through the row of tables while admiring marble columns, and the shelves made of birch attached to them. Those same shelves lined with so many books that the thought of what was in their pages excited him.
Passing the tables and curling left, Yeonwoo began his exploration of the many aisles to the right and now left of him, wandered further in. Despite working in the library for several months now, he still struggled to navigate the spacious area. No amount of Eunchae’s detailed tours and guides were of any help when it came to the further reaches of the library, especially the second floor.
Eunchae, despite being a beta, had a bold and outgoing energy that was not characteristic of her dynamic. Most betas tended to keep to themselves, avoiding contact with Omegas due to the large gap between them. Never entertaining or even thinking of interacting with the other two dynamics. Especially omegas, whom they had the most complicated relationship with. Eunchae seemed unfazed by these norms. 
So when the beta came to him with eagerness and excitement with an undercut of nerves permeating through every word she spoke to him, Yeonwoo couldn’t help but agree to her request. He could also be of some use to Junhyuk, so how could he say no?
With a quick flick of his gaze side to side, his eyes finally landed on what he had been searching for; a towering marble column that was the front-most part of the sought-after bookshelf. Its smooth surface had a large ebony plaque reading fantasy, contrasting nicely with the Corinthian-style marble column it was nailed to. Fingers traced along the column for a few seconds, running his hands along them, before stepping into the fantasy section.
As he browsed through the shelves, his steps took him to different sections of the aisle. Now and then, pausing when a book cover caught his eye, and stayed when the blurb on the back or first page required more concentrated focus.
While he was easily impressed, Yeonwoo had higher standards when it came to finding something that truly captured his attention. The pads of his fingers ran along smooth pine shelves. Painting damp patterns as he browsed shelf after shelf at a leisurely pace. 
Somewhere far off, he heard the faint sound of a bell signaling that one of the few patrons in the library had left or someone new had come in.
His ears perked at the sound, briefly interrupting his focus on the book he held in his hands, before picking up where he left off. As someone who never quit a book halfway, he had to make sure it would be interesting enough for him to read all the way through. Sitting on a conveniently placed stool after brushing it off, he read the first chapter. Just as an introduction to know whether he would continue.
Interesting would be a severe understatement when describing how captivating the writing style of this author was and how grand the world they had thrown him into was. It was so engaging as if he really was in this world. He couldn’t wait to sink into it.
Thankfully this time, Yeonwoo remembered where he had come from and didn’t get lost in the maze of shelves. He was well aware that he shouldn’t stray too far, but as he passed the mystery section his steps stuttered and ultimately stopped. 
Refusing to allow him go any further. 
The books called out to him, telling him to come and take just a few more peeks.
Well, what was one more?
He slipped into the walkway after much (zero) deliberation, starting another browsing session. In his second favorite section of the library. Perhaps it was because this was where the scent of pine was the strongest, or perhaps it was because this was where he found his favorite books and authors. Maybe it was because this aisle happened to be the calmest place in the library despite its location. Making it quiet and peaceful even when the bustle of the place was at its peak. Regardless, Yeonwoo couldn’t resist, always frequenting the aisle at least twice a day, three if he was lucky. 
(Except on days when things had become too much. The thoughts in his head needing immediate silencing. Only to find that he’d spend hours in between the shelves. A pile of already read books to his right and too much time having passed.)
His finger caught on a particularly interesting one. Its spine, the color of aged parchment and rough fabric, sandwiched between two other books hugging it. With a gentle tug, he pulled it out. Yeonwoo looked over the cover to reveal it had a cloth barrier with a small tear in it. It took several moments to realize there was a woman behind it. The cloth ripping right where her lips would be and dulled eyes looking back at him.
Normally, Yeonwoo would have read the blurb or at least the first page of a book before deciding whether he was interested, but this one was different. Not only was it written by one of his favorite authors, but with such a chillingly simple yet captivating cover?! He knew the mystery in this must have been good.
Carefully balancing both books in his arms, bringing them toward his chest he began making his way back to his desk. The mystery aisle wasn’t one of his favorite aisles only because it was his favorite genre, no. Yeonwoo could easily find his way back to his desk when he was done with his relatively short browsing.
Only a little more and he could rest for the weekend. He may have loved his job. However, he would never say no to the calm of his dorms and the accompanying scent of leather.
His desk came into view, and he could feel the familiar pull to get settled and sink into that awaiting chair, contentment almost overflowing into excitement.
Suddenly, the chime of the door opening rang throughout the near-empty space. Yeonwoo stopped in his tracks.
Standing at the entrance of the library, yards away from him, stood a woman. She, having not seen him just yet, paused for a moment. Letting out what seemed to be a breath before sliding the bag on her shoulder down the length of her arm. Catching the handle with her hand. She began shrugging off her black trench coat to reveal a well-fitted navy turtleneck.
The library wasn’t closed. They close at the same time, 9 pm sharp. On the dot every day. The closer the clock hands inched towards that time, however, the fewer people were in the library with him. 
She tucked her coat under the arm that she held her bag with and lifted her gaze. Yeonwoo stiffened and could feel eyes on him. If not for the thick glasses and cap she wore that obscured most of her features, he knew he wouldn’t have been as composed, as he bowed his head in greeting before taking a few steps toward his desk.
He saw her pause, eyes lingering on him before bowing her head in return. A shiver crawled up his back, although he couldn’t see it, Yeonwoo could feel her gaze following him as he carefully arranged his books on the desk. He was used to being alone at this time. Being alone with someone else in this large library was uncommon.
Yeonwoo’s hands trembled as he placed them on top of the pile of books, slowly running them along the smooth covers. He could still sense her eyes on him. For some reason, it didn’t make him feel as uneasy as it usually did when people looked at him for what he felt was too long.
The atmosphere seemed to have shifted when he saw her. Something about the way she carried herself didn’t set off any of his honed alarms. Yeonwoo couldn’t figure out why, despite the fact she was the more domineering type.
Following the angle of the desk back to the gate, his fingers just grazed the surface of the dark wood. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the stranger approach a step and enter further in. She made her way towards the further back tables, followed by setting her things down.
His eyes lingered on her a moment longer before he tore them away, reaching for the key to the gate nestled in the pocket of his baggy pants. His fingers fumbled with the keys before catching himself. He pushed it open once he turned the key albeit with a little more force than intended. Once inside, his mind still buzzed as he tried to regain his grasp on his barring.
He turned the corner after a few steps, and pushed open the door, revealing the quaint space that was the break room. The simple yet inviting setup had a small wooden table adorned with a sleek kettle and an array of teas in various tins closer to the back of the room. A comfortable lounge to the farther left of that, decorated with plush pillows of all shapes and sizes scattered along the sofa, along with blankets so soft Yeonwoo could spend all day laying in the cushions bundled up in them.
His favorite piece of furniture in the room, however, was the extremely comfortable, unfairly soft chair, tucked in the corner of the room Ha Yejin had gotten him. Yeonwoo didn’t know where she’d gotten such an expensive item, but he was grateful. 
He still needed to find a way to show his appreciation for the gift, however. 
Yeonwoo furrowed his brow, shame bubbling to pour down his back as he grabbed the wings of the chair. He carefully maneuvered it out of the room to line up perfectly with his desk. It was a unique mix of a rocking chair, with curved rockers, plus a wing-back chair, with soft plush cushions. Just looking at it was enough to release all the strain on sore muscles. 
He picked up his books from where they rested on the walnut counter, placing them on the rocker before hooking his foot under the footrest to drag it closer to his desk. Lastly, spinning to tumble into his chair.
He sunk into the plush armchair, resting there for a while, letting himself enjoy the softness caressing his cheek. Almost hugging him. After a little more nestling into the soft cushions, he separated himself a little to kick off his shoes. Curling up into the soft cotton that cradled and dissolved all the tension of the day away.
Yeonwoo couldn’t resist rubbing his cheek against the plush cushions once more, releasing a pent-up sigh. He needed to thank Ha Yejin for this. It had been a month since she’d gotten it yet he hadn’t said a word to her about it since.
Yeonwoo appreciated the offerings people would gift him on account of his Omega status. He’d gotten lucky, for once, in winning the immediate favor of a kind shift lead and an even kinder director, the Alpha and Beta taking a liking to him over the months he had worked here.
They were endlessly kind and patient with him, never berating him for messing up. It confused him at first, and he knew this was the typical treatment of omegas. Yeonwoo, though, hadn’t been an omega for that long.
His lashes fluttered, and he forced them open before reluctantly uncurling himself and pulling his face from the soft cotton furnishing to pick up the book he’d placed by his side. As he settled himself into a comfortable position and swung his legs over the arm to sink further into the soft covering, Yeonwoo flipped to the first page and began.
The first line was what initially hooked him on his first read, even upon rereading the prologue.
The apocalyptic setting was a nice and intriguing contrast to his usual reads. Sky heavy with ash yet to fall, the depressing setting of farmers having to work in those conditions. While two Alphas overlooked them as they talked about a topic as if the farmers weren’t there. His eyes devoured the page and stopped only whenever something piqued his interest enough to reach for the sticky notes and pencil stored in the cupboard to write them down. 
The soft rustling of pages turning, the occasional crinkling and ripping of sticky notes he would place in between pages steadily increased. Pages marked with colorful notes, each one donning a scribbled word or two as a reminder of an important passage to be revisited later. By the time he reached the end of the prologue, his intrigue had escalated to a fever pitch, and the need to keep reading.
Before he would delve back into that story, however, he cautiously poked his head out from behind his desk to find the woman from earlier was no longer seated where he’d last seen her. The only trace of her presence was her neatly draped trench coat over the back of a chair and her leather bag resting on the table.
She must have gone to find a book in the library.
He sucked in a breath before settling back into the plush cushioning, furrowing his brows in concentration. One finger carefully holding his place in the pages, though now he sat up straighter.
The gentle creaking as he rocked back and forth helped his focus, debating whether or not he should get up from the unfairly comfortable chair and help. Or leave her to find what she was looking for. 
Since he’d started working here, Yeonwoo prided himself on his growing patience and time management. People could spend hours searching for books and he wouldn’t bat an eye. Offering to help in some cases when he saw someone too nervous to do so themselves.
Now, however, having such little time meant they were on a time crunch. The book he was reading may have been good, sure, but he was willing to set it aside for the next few minutes or so if it meant helping someone in need.
He gently smoothed out the sticky notes in between the pages, taking a larger one to place where he left off. Reluctantly, Yeownoo began to separate himself from the comfortable position in which he lay, but before he could fully stand, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the quiet library and had him pause.
He looked up and saw her emerging from a pathway that led to the further reaches of the library, behind the dozens of tables and just in front of the lounge parallel to him. She made her way back to the desk she was currently occupying, strides long and reaching her desk in no time, two books in hand to place them atop the table.
He watched her maneuver some things before sinking back into his chair, relieved as he shifted to curl up once more, but conflicted. She had thankfully found what she needed, so logically there shouldn’t have been any reason for him to feel the creeping sensation of disappointment. Yet, it nipped at his toes like a stubborn shadow, refusing to leave him be and enjoy the rest of his time that would be over in. He glanced at the clock, one hour.
Yeonwoo observed as she settled herself, there was nothing all that unusual about how she sat down, opened her book, and started reading. Something, however, something left him unable to look away as she sat there, something tugging at him. It took him a while, but he realized, her cap was off. Her hair concealed most if not all her features but, he could subtly make out the sharp outline of her jaw and pointedly attractive nose.
What heightened his confusion about whatever this was, however, was when she held her book in one hand. Finger stuck in the pages of her latest read, to roll up the sleeves of her turtle neck and reveal pale, strikingly toned arms.
He wondered if it was just him or had the library had suddenly become stuffy. He swore he could feel his sweater sticking uncomfortably on his skin. Maybe that’s why he was being so unusual, even by his standards.
The library heater had been running all day. It must have been the heat getting to him. With the number of people that had been roaming around a few hours prior and others studying, it was no wonder even the larger-than-average library had gotten a little toasty.
Yeonwoo sprung to his feet, the chair behind him scraping against the wooden floor an inch in the process. Hastily fumbled his shoes back on, he strode his way towards the gate.
Once he opened and closed it behind him, he walked straight ahead towards the tables, only now realizing he would pass this stranger on his way to his destination. Maybe he could just wait it out? A little more heat wouldn’t hurt anyone, especially when the moment you stepped outside, the thick cloud that formed as you exhaled was instantaneous. 
He didn’t have time to regret his decision. Sadly, he was already nearing the halfway mark, and he couldn’t simply turn tail now simply because of cold feet.
Yeonwoo couldn’t help but fiddle with the chain attached just below his collar. It had been a new habit of his to fiddle with it. Ever since his mother had gotten it for him now that he’d entered society as an omega.
His steps, which were previously slow and contemplative, turned quick when he reached the halfway point, eager to pass by. As his luck would have it, however, he wouldn’t be allowed to pass without interaction of sorts because then he saw her. Or at least, part of her behind thick glasses.
A shiver ran down his spine as what looked to be dark eyes behind circular lenses slowly, lazily looking him over briefly met surprised honey ones before she lowered her gaze back to her book. Then he stumbled.
Yeonwoo could barely see her eyes under the hazy lenses of thick glasses concealing half her face. But despite only catching a partial glimpse, he’d reacted like a teenager. To make matters worse, his feet caught on absolutely nothing and he stumbled. 
Face heating as the embarrassment came not long after. He hurried his steps, ears tinged a tad rosy. To think he wasn’t even halfway to his destination, yet he’d embarrassed himself so much already. Racing past the halfway point, each step seemed to echo embarrassingly loud. Yeonwoo regretted his decision that morning to don boots.
He was two tables and closing in, ready to make the sharpest turn left and he would be in the clear; when he stupidly looked up from where he’d made sure to keep his gaze, to find what he assumed were her eyes on him.
By whatever force of nature he managed to keep his steps even and didn’t falter once to fall flat on his face. As he closed in, Yeonwoo had calmed down, or as much as he could if his lip catching on teeth was anything to go by. He’d reached her table and kept walking when he’d caught her bowing her head.
He paused, surprised at the action, and stood there stupidly in shock before returning the gesture.
Then scampering away from eyes he knew were watching his retreat. He couldn’t believe how much effort it took just to pass by one person, especially when the library was barren save for them.
After what felt like the longest walk of his life, face flushed and hands shaking, he turned left. Just in time to catch a whiff of something woody, and the slightest bit of sweet. He didn’t care to think about it too hard, as the moment he turned he was scurrying if not running to get away from his embarrassment.
The thermostat let out pleasant beeps as he finished readjusting it, his reward being a little tune at the end that elicited a fond smile. Spinning around, his eyes scanned the small pocket of space he had been occupying.
The ‘room’ was hardly a room at all, and more a hole tucked into the side of the library. Nothing more than a tiny hideaway barely the size of a powder room that wasn’t of any use. He came here specifically when the temperature needed adjusting. Now that was done with, there was no reason for him to stay any longer. The air in the cramped space felt stale and devoid of any lingering scents, reminding him of things he would like to forget.
He veered towards and out of the exit, conveniently there was no door. The columns of the shelves gave him what seemed to be a warm welcome back as the amber glow of the lights shone above.
The lights.
He pulled out his phone for a quick peak of the time, humming as he turned back around to shut off the lights in the tiny space. He headed westward to start his regular cleanup.
Flicking off the computers he took some of the wipes on the front table to wipe off the desks, then did a brief sweep of the rooms before switching the lights, and locking the doors behind him. Making his way to do the same to the rooms waiting on the opposite side of the library.
Shelf after shelf passed by in quick succession as he walked, his steps bouncing along the unknown tune that was currently stuck in his head and refusing to leave him be.
He would be sure to bother Junhyuk about it once he’d gotten home. His roommate had the habit of blasting his unclothed taste in music around their shared rooms, and Yeonwoo was positive one of his horrible songs had wormed its way into his head and was currently wreaking havoc. He would have fun with that later.
The door creaked as he pulled it ajar, his hand releasing the knob to re-roll up the sleeves of his two sizes too big sweater that had decided to hang past and over the tips of his fingers. He kept the door open as he worked. Picking up wrappers and tiny objects from the most unorthodox places, one of which included the inside of one of the computers.
Yeonwoo wouldn’t ask how that happened.
With a brief flick of his wrist, he ran the sleeve of his sweater to soak up the accumulating sweat on his forehead, satisfied with his work. The room was spotless, a 180 from the mess it was minutes ago. Dusty, messy, and reeking of pheromones to be rid of once he’d sprayed a little air freshener that helped air out most of it. It used to be worse. So much worse, and he was beginning to understand why Eunchae was so desperate to have him work here. Why him though, out of every other omega, Yeonwoo still had yet to figure out.
He turned off the light and shut the door, kicking his leg into a skip, before making his way towards the stairs leading to the upper floor of the library. As the lingering feeling of sluggishness began to creep in, he reached for his phone and plugged in yellow earbuds, waiting for the Bluetooth to connect.
He’d already played one of the songs on his favorite playlist beforehand so he could dive straight into the music. He’d reached the base of the stairwell, taking his first step up, when the thoughts he’d labored to push down after that embarrassing incident regretfully came rushing back. With all their exaggerated specificity. 
He still couldn’t get over it. Something as simple as a nod and a brief look of what seemed to be a dark eye left him an embarrassing wreck. Not to mention a glimpse of a strong, well-defined, forearm. Yeonwoo chalked it up to the new influx of Omega hormones coursing through his system unrestrained… somewhat.
Halfway up the steps, the gods must have pitied him, (or cursed him) because music boomed in his ears, prompting a full-body flinch. He lost footing. Felt his world tilt. Almost fell backward but grabbed the railing with a vice grip. Catching himself last minute. Lashes fluttered rapidly. One foot on a higher step than the other. Yeonwoo quickly corrected himself. Hurriedly shoving his hand in his pocket to grab his phone and viciously mashing the side buttons. 
Yeonwoo let out a relieved sigh from the pits of his core when he reached the highest point of the flight of stairs. After that assault on his senses, it’s a wonder his ears weren’t ruined. Passing 3 shelves, and making his way to the small closet hidden behind the last bookshelf, he turned the doorknob to snatch up a broom. It was time to get to work.
With the music now at a comfortable volume, hoping to add a little more fun to his mundane task, he chose to play a little game with himself. The sweeps of the broom against the hardwood floors soon turned rhythmic and went along the beat of whichever song played in his ears. Quick and rushed when a fast song played, movements putting more strain on his arm muscles while being manageable. Or slow and more listless when a song with a softer melody played —giving himself some respite before it picked up again with an upbeat tune.
He found the monotonous task all the more enjoyable now. Cooled him and the thoughts waiting to burst to the forefront of his mind at the thinnest opening.
Thoughts Yeonwoo couldn't for the life of him, determine whether he liked or disliked. He wouldn’t think about it.
Sweeping had gone by in record time, and he didn’t know if it was the time crunch that prompted such a performance or the music in his ears. His eyes wandered around where he stood in between two shelves on the opposite side of where he previously remembered being. This spot seemed cleaner than the rest, and he attributed it to the fact that this area was the most closed-off space in the library. Despite being open for anyone to use.
The books here were barely touched by the usual patrons.
Yeonwoo would know since he was rigorous with inventory. One book, however, two actually, were gone. Reaching out to read the covers of the books around the two missing ones, he quickly understood that the topics of the books were based on alpha and omega studies. 
He placed the books back in their respective places. Double-checking that the authors were aligned properly, then picked up the long handle of the bucket like pale, before turning to make his way back to the broom closet and back downstairs. Now that he had, he lifted his head towards one of the clocks hanging on the wall, 30 minutes.
Yeonwoo nearly jumped, making haste as he ran to the stairwell, dread crawling along his skin. Despite the urgency of the situation, Yeonwoo didn't know why, but a few shelves along his way, he paused; sniffed the air, and turned.
The scent of rich, warm sandalwood: Faint, and mixed with an undertone he couldn’t quite name captured him as he went into one of the aisles. The one he hadn’t bothered to clean earlier, given it had appeared spotless. If he had known about this, though. He would have likely stayed here for the remainder of the time he had. 
Yeonwoo had never found other scents all that interesting, aside from using them to gouge emotions. Moreover, he never found anyone’s scent so overwhelming. So intoxicating. He inhaled, deeply, seeking out more sandalwood and notes of something just as captivating. Just a little sweeter. It pulled at him as he followed, reaching corners of the library even he hadn’t visited.
Sometimes when it was stronger, it enveloped and soothed him, lulling his brain and leaving him in a daze of sorts. Other times it would turn faint, almost disappearing.
It was one of those moments, the wave of disappointment that came with the loss of that intoxicating aroma that filled him with sudden clarity. The candle of warmth he followed snuffed out.
Leaving him just standing there. Cold. His eyes snapped open, only then realizing he’d closed them somewhere along the way in his impromptu game of chase.
Yeonwoo was stunned into silence.
Never before had he done such a thing. Many patrons came and went as he worked. Many with their scents starting to linger in certain areas of the library they frequented. None of them, however, made him follow their trail. Made him mourn the loss of something he had no concept of.
It must have been the new influx of omega pheromones.
A full-body shiver wrecked him, his hands quickly coming up to cover half his face in mortification. Cheeks flushed with color at the growing realization of what he’d just done.
Never before had he been more embarrassed of himself. For him to follow a scent this far into the reaches of the library? He'd heard of omega's getting scent drunk. He just never thought he'd be one of them. Yeonwoo had never been happier there was no one there to witness such an improper display.
What made it worse was he didn’t hate it. How shameful.
Turning he scolded himself before exiting the aisle. So imagine to his surprise, not long after that embarrassing incident he would take to his grave, maybe roll in it at his mortifying stunt. His eyes scanned the rows of seemingly endless shelves around him and to Yeonwoo’s horror, he was lost.
He was rendered speechless a second time, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he could almost taste the metallic liquid threatening to ooze out if he bit any harder. With how embarrassed and infuriated he was with himself, he might just do it.
Fingers brushed against soft denim, reaching into his pocket with a heaving sigh. He pulled out his phone and aggressively punched in the code before going to his messages and tapping one of the pined texts he’d made sure to keep.
Sadly, getting lost in the library for him wasn’t new. It wasn’t his fault the place was so unnecessarily big. 
So, to mediate the time it would take for him to find his way back to his desk. Ha Yejin and Eunchae both came together to make a customized map just for him so he could get back to his desk.
It took a while, but eventually, he was able to pinpoint where he was in the library and began to find his way back. Soft music played in his ears, he stopped to double-check he was making the right turns before picking up pace again.
Eventually, he was able to make it to the broom closet to place said broom inside, meaning the staircase was not far off.
Just as he thought the stairs were up ahead and as he took the first step down, a fast-paced rhythm played in his ears while he bounced on the tips of his toes down the stairs, a smile on his face. It was one of his favorites.
Yeonwoo was much more familiar with the first floor than the second, so he wasn’t as glued to his phone trying to find his way back to his desk. Reluctantly pausing the music he took out his earbuds, and looked around. He needed to get back to the chair that now called his name as he longed to rest, even if just for 15 min.
He checked the time displayed on his now locked screen, scratch that, 10 minutes. He wouldn’t be able to rest even just for a moment, would he?
Yeonwoo wouldn't mourn it too long because he’d finally gotten to his destination. The now-donning realization he would have to talk to that stranger to inform them he would be closing up soon was nearing. His hands suddenly clammy.
She sat, now having crossed one leg over the other, sleeves still rolled up and hands periodically turning the pages of her current read.
Air filled his lungs, chest expanding as he let the breath in then out. Trying to gather up as much courage he could muster now that he was all but one shelf away from the study area.
Courage gathered and ready, he was about to take a step forward, but something from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He took steps towards it. The bookshelf to his right pressed against the wall had something peeking out of one of the books on the middle shelf.
A glossy black screen reflects the light that hits it from above. He moved to pluck it out. Quickly realizing halfway through it was a phone, he hurried and snatched it up to bring it close. 
Yeonwoo inspected the object to promptly find it was dead, a pout forming on his lips. Pulling out his phone, he opened the calendar to remind himself that come Tuesday he should put up a sign of sorts to alert the patrons about the missing phone.
Lost and confused about how exactly to go about finding the owner, Yeonwoo was pulled out of his trance when that all-encompassing scent of sandalwood and an undertone he just couldn’t pinpoint took hold and overwhelmed his senses.
He didn’t have time to turn around and lay eyes on the person who’d had him running around the upper floor of the library like some foolish omega pup. He had never smelt someone that intrigued him before. And a large hand gripped his shoulder before he could turn to do so.
Yeonwoo froze.
“Excuse me?”
An Alpha.
The buzzing in his ears and immediate numbness that consumed his senses was all he could process. Increasing terror nipped at his toes to grab and plunge him into that bottomless well of hopelessness, he had not felt it in so long, but it came back with just as much familiarity and force. As if it never left.
Hey, Yeon Nyeon you miss me ~
He could not hear the voice calling out to him, the hand on his shoulder shaking him, shifting. They had moved a step towards him. 
He smacked the hand away, moving away and finding his back pressed against the wall. Somewhere, a voice similar to his told him he was cornering himself.
You ready for some fun?~
There was no reason for him to be scared. No one was here with him. He wasn’t here with him. It was just him… him, and a stranger.
I have a lot planned for you today, Yeon Nyeon~
The same stranger who now stood in front of him, as he clutched the phone, eyes fixed on the floor. Yeonwoo tried to breathe, but he couldn’t. Something clogged his airways. Wouldn’t let him get a lick of air and the place said stranger touched burned.
He barely registered them stepping closer. Bringing up his hand, palm forward, signaling for them to stop where they stood.
He tried to calm himself, though muffled as he could barely hear himself through the fog. What did Yeseul say to do when in times of distress? What did she say— Scents.
Yeseul told him to release comforting notes of his own to help calm himself.
He couldn’t.
He’d blocked them off.
S uch a pretty face like that, too bad you’re nothing but a beta tester~
Everything was fine seconds ago. He was fine seconds ago, and all it took was one brief touch to send it all crashing down. He could feel the tears threatening to fall as he closed in on himself and everything around him turned static.
Everything was shaking.
I can fix that though. What’d ya say, Yeon Nyeon?~
Could feel himself detaching.
Why not be my bitch~
He couldn’t breathe.
Who would have thought the class knot-hole is an omega after all!~
Breathe. Breathe. You idiot. BREATHE . Just breathe.
Something. He didn't know, but something was reaching him through the fog. Calling him through the haze. 
So he answered, desperate for something other than the cold.
It came to him in slow, deliberate soft waves. Smooth and velvety as it lingered a while. Getting him used to its presence before enveloping him whole in a warmth he vaguely remembered as he slipped back into himself. 
Sensation reawakened as his toes twitched. Legs came next as the numbing, cold tingle that locked them in place dissipated, and he stumbled. Feeling had not yet traveled to his upper body. Resulting in a tip in balance and Yeonwoo prepared to be met face-first with the cold hardwood.
Warmth surrounded him. The warmth of a person.
All his senses came rushing back, crashing into him all at once. Sight. Smell. Sound as the blood rushed to his ears. Touch. Touch came the moment he felt warm, large, secure arms holding him, making sure he didn’t fall.
Teary-ridden eyes looked up to meet stunningly dark ones. Almost black, deep purple, looking down at him, face blank, but eyes shone with what, if he looked close enough, would realize worry. That is if he wasn’t so mesmerized by how they pulled him in, dark as a starless sky, yet calming, warm.
Yeonwoo didn’t have time to monologue about this woman who’d saved him amid an embarrassing display of weakness. Simply because, as if he was hit by a 10-ton truck, he heaved in breath after breath, coughs sputtering between every other inhale. All he could smell was rich and warm sandalwood, along with that undertone he finally deduced.
She smelled of sandalwood, of rose, and she reeked of Alpha.
Yeonwoo remembered what sent him into his panic in the first place, and pushed himself away from her hold. Tears falling from renewed honeydew eyes. Shame crashed down on him as he struggled to catch his breath. Only increasing 10-fold when the alpha released more of that scent to calm him. Silently telling him to calm down.
And Yeonwoo listened. Let himself breathe with slow, steady intakes of air. Inhaling more of that ever-growing intoxicating scent that had his knees weak and goosebumps take form.
A deep female voice surrounded him. Slow, careful instruction the alpha gave, making his head spin. She ran her hands up and down his back, fingers feather-like in their touch. Trying to comfort. Yeonwoo tried to steadily calm himself. The smooth voice telling him to breathe, though good in intention, did little to help. 
He was hot.
Knowing this wouldn't help, he shifted away from them. The warm touch was now gone, and he mourned it a little, before bringing his hands to his chest to feel the rhythmic beating of his heart.
His breathing soon stabilized as he pressed his head against the cool wall. Rise and fall of his chest more fluid and less aching as air mixed with soft notes of sandalwood and tints of rose providing all-encompassing warmth. Though that touch was gone.
After what felt like forever and no time at all, Yeonwoo breathed. Really breathed and wiped now-dried tear stains from red cheeks.
It was slow, but eventually he turned around. Facing the person he now deemed his savior. Yeonwoo knew he shouldn’t, but he was regretful he’d chosen today to start using scent blockers again. Junhyuk was right.
He opened his mouth to apologize for his display, “I-I’m Sorr-”
“Are you okay?”
The voice was deep yet warm and sultry, just as rich as her scent that still refused to leave him. Still supplying comforting notes of sandalwood. Yeonwoo honestly didn’t know if he hated it as much as he usually did or if he liked it, and wanted more. That alone terrified him.
She took a step forward, and Yeonwoo flinched, head still hung low. He couldn’t look at her. Not after that shameful display. He didn’t sense any movement from her after that. Yeonwoo didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified of that.
“Are you okay?” She asked again, having taken a step back. Her tone changed from a request to a demand, her voice hinting she was concerned.
Seconds, minutes passed, he fiddled with his thumbs before he began the process of gathering his energy to respond. He was tired. More so than before. Slowly lifting his gaze to meet hers, those deep eyes bored into him. As if she could see through him, and his back felt hot.
He briefly saw a flicker of concern, only for it to shift when she looked down at his hands. Yeonwoo looked down himself to realize he’d been picking at his nails, a habit of his, and brought them to his sides to hopefully ease the concern of this alpha whose name he didn’t even know. The sullen silence stretched between them, thread-thin and fragile.
“I– I’m fine,” He managed to stutter after who knows how long. Fingers twitching to pick at his nails once more but stopped when he could have sworn her eyes narrowed at him. The only sound he could discern was the erratic drumming of his heartbeat. He wished he could be devoured by it.
The alpha looked at him expression neutral but clearly unconvinced by the blatant lie.
“You couldn’t breathe for almost 5 minutes, you’re not fine.” She told him, and Yeonwoo cringed.
He bowed his head, “I’m really fine. Sorr-sorry for the trouble.”
When he’d raised his head to look at her, he saw nothing once more. Honey eyes found his shoes more interesting.
“You were clearly not ok, so I helped…. it was my fault for scaring—”
“No, no” He shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault I’m just…” Stupid.
She looked him up and down and Yeonwoo could feel his cheeks warm, “You apologize a lot, don’t you.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a fact, and he didn’t know what to say because it was true. Junhyuk always told him to stop, but he never could, so he didn’t say anything at all.
The alpha turned to bend down and pick up the phone Yeonwoo only now realized he dropped and took slow, very slow, steps towards him to present it to him.
He looked down at the phone and took it from her, plastering on his best smile, “Did you need something?”
She eyed him, before answering, “I want to check out before closing hours.”
Yeonwoo looked around, to distract from his rising blush, and snatched his phone off one of the gaps on the shelves to look at the time. They were past closing time. 
Gasping, the familiar shame crept into him once more, only for him to regain his composure when that scent enveloped him again. He looked up, hands close to his chest, to find she’d taken a step closer.
“Is that a yes… or.”
Yeonwoo flushed, “Yes! Plea– Please follow me.” He spun around and walked, ears aflame.
The walk back was quick. The alpha, followed him, three steps behind him the whole time. Though Yeonwoo could feel her… observant gaze trailing every part of him on the way. It burned. Such treatment, Yeonwoo had read, was typical of alphas.
Alphas must keep their distance at all times from an unmated omega, lest there is a situation that needs intervention. He’d never gotten such treatment, given he hadn’t been an omega for that long, but it was much appreciated after that embarrassing and unbecoming display he showed. 
Yeonwoo told her to wait at the front of the desk while he went around and opened the gate in a hurry. Not even bothering to close it, and sped to the desk. Once he got behind the desk, some nerves from earlier dissipated a little. He looked up. Now that he could get a better look at her. He couldn't keep from pausing for a second. Really looking at her.
Glasses were long gone, leaving nothing but chocolate brown hair to frame her features, it was the first time Yeonwoo realized… she was beautiful.
His panic had rendered him unable to process it, but now that he had calmed significantly. 
She was stunning. 
A sharp jawline that accentuated high cheekbones, 80 parts handsome 20 parts beautiful. A pointed chin that added to her already striking features, fit for a noble. Perfectly symmetrical, straight nose so well-placed and proportioned along her face, Yeonwoo couldn’t help but follow the trail it left, up to meet eyes that he found were overlooking him, finally meeting.
Those eyes. Deep, bordering black, purple that reminded him of starless nights and the darkest of purple hydrangeas. They pulled him in, not letting him go as her musky, warm scent encompassed him, pulling him in further. The epitome of an Alpha.
She places the books on the table, snapping him out of his daze. He fought back another blush, thankfully succeeding as he woke up the computer for it to display the screen he was last on. It didn’t take long for him as he clicked around and typed a few things in for the application to load and show him the screen that would allow him to do his work.
Clearing his throat, Yeonwoo reached out a hand, “Your —Your library card please?”
His voice trembled as she took one last sweep of her eyes over him to reach into her pocket.
She placed it into his palm seconds later, her finger brushing against the bottom of his palm. Dangerously close to the scent gland just underneath the protective covering on his wrist. Yeonwoo sucked in a breath.
He quickly swiped the card, the machine letting out a beep that did little to help wake him from the alpha scent-induced haze she caused. Her scent still lingered around him. It was worst that he didn’t hate it. A shuddered breath escaped him when she reached over to retrieve the card, holding his gaze as she flicked her wrist to graze the top of that very covering.
Yeonwoo had never been more aware of another person, much less an alpha. He didn't know whether he wanted to slap the hand away or urge it to give him more.
He could feel her eyes watching, observing every movement as he passed her books under the scanner with trembling hands, though all he felt was warm. All-encompassing, all surrounding warmth as his cheeks flamed, and his chest rose and fell. Trying to breathe but now for an entirely different reason.
Yeonwoo would have normally been in tears by now. So how was this alpha different?
He quickly grabbed a bag from the half-empty dispenser under the computer, bagging her books and offering it to her with both hands.
He looked her in the eyes, only to find she was doing the same, piercing gaze of starless midnight sending shivers down his spine.
“I- I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I hope- I hope you'll give the library another chance… I'll do better next time.”
The phrases Eunchae hammered into him to say whenever a customer left was the farthest from his mind as the sandalwood scent mixed with more rose, turning the slightest ting of sweet that Yeonwoo almost didn’t catch it.
Reaching over, the alpha carefully took the books from him, smooth, large hands engulfing his as they moved to take the bag. Lingered, and only increased his blush.
How indecent.
Bag at her side, Yeonwoo’s hands moved to rest behind his back in an attempt to hide the warmth he was sure had traveled from his neck to the tips of his fingers.
Her eyes met his. Making sure to trail his every feature before she spoke, that voice just as if not more intoxicating than her scent, sent his goose bumps alight, “I’ll be sure to.”
She held his gaze for a moment longer. Tension that hung in the air between them, strung tight like a fragile thread, ready to snap at any moment. He broke that thread when dipping his head in thanks for her patronage. Just as he raised it to look up again, she turned.
The slightest, blink and you’ll miss it smile donned her face before she fully turned away from him, and walked out the door. The chime of the door closing clearing his foggy mind.
He blinked, sandalwood still surrounded and sending his thoughts into a frenzy, her earlier words replaying in his mind, 'I'll be sure too.' 
Yeonwoo flushed as he sank into his chair, the intoxicating scent and softness surrounding him making it worse. Warm hands that caressed his back, engulfing his hands in their own, leaving her scent on them. He didn't know whether her coming back excited or terrified him.
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Hope you enjoyed that first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Comments are always appreciated and I love getting them so don't be shy about sharing your thoughts. As long as there respectful I don't mind at all.
This is an ongoing work and I will be updating it. I already have the outline for the story ready to go writing it is the next part.
I hope you'll all enjoy the journey of Yeonsol falling in love again that I've crafted and go insane over them as much as I do.
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->->->Chapter 2<-<-<-
9 notes · View notes
terroroforest · 1 month
if jane and seth were in omegaverse jane will be alpha and seth omega idk sorry
10 notes · View notes
aikonajm5 · 8 months
[0] Омега!Уэнсдей Аддамс × Альфа!fem!читатель × ???(скоро)
А/Н: «Ну привет ребят. И добро пожаловать. Дисклеймер: Возможно ошибки в текстах, а также много всего я и сама без понятии. Приятного чтения=>»
□Предупреждения■> В этом фанфике/книги/рассказ, ну вы поняли. Омега здесь главные. Да это Омегаверс, но наоборот. У них те же самые правила, но вот только Омега и Альфа поменялись ролями. Альфа тут для них низкий уровень, ранг. А вот Омега считаются главными, можно сказать высший уровень/ранг. Ну надеюсь я все понятно обьянила.
—А ещё! Данные сцены происходить в "Ценности семейка Аддамс (1993)".
Спойлер:> В будущем мы перейдём к Уэнсдэй 2022 года однажды)))
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Этот мир был разделён на 3 классов.
1. Омега
Самый высший и главный роль этого мира. Они рождают плоды чтоб продолжать свой род а также работать, чтобы кормить семью. Если ты не рождён Омегой, то тебе придётся опасаться их если ты Альфа. Иначе будут неприятности.
2. Альфа.
Низкий класс. Они доноры которые помогают Омегам обрести детей. Они имеют малую значимость, кроме как отметить и дать семя, они больше не имеют значение для Омег и возможности Бетам.
3. Бета
Самый нейтральный класс. Они почти не могут размножаться. Но имеют главный роль. У них не бывают течки или в потребности каких нибудь препаратов. Малость из них могут родить ребёнка. Но это бывает редко. В большинство случае тебе может вести что ты им родился. Они вроде поддержки 2 классов выше. Они половину из них решают проблемы двух классов. Они как судья которые помогают им в проблемах и смотреть со стороны.
Конечно суть в том что некоторые правила стали прошлом.
Омеги и Альфы стало значительно больше, а вот Беты тоже не отставали.
Много произошло в мире, Альфы всегда требовали равенство так называемых аристократов как любили называть себя Омеги.
Хоть Альфы и добились соглашение равенства, все равно почти ничего не изменилось. Омеги до сих пор, и по сей день могут издеваться над ними или же изнасиловать для своего удовольствия. Главное правила Альф этого мира, постараться не оставлять укус или точнее отметить Омег, иначе пиши пропало.
Pov: ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Читая этот абсурд, Уэнсдэй Аддамс фыркнула над этим. И выдохнула от разочарование. Она надеялась на то что она родиться Бетой как и её дядя Фестер, чтобы быть в одиночестве. Но увы, ей не повезло и она родилась Омегой так же как и её надменная мать как она считала. В семье Аддамс в большинство случаев всегда рождались Беты, Омеги тоже рождались а вот Альфы были редкими случаи. И эта редкость сейчас сидят прямо перед её носом а также справа от неё. Да. Её отец был Альфой, но далеко не слабым, и вот почему Мортиша выбрала его а он её. Они до безумие любили друг друга. Гомес был готов убить кого угодно ради своей Омеги, и эти чувства, мысли были взаимны. А вот её брат тоже родился Альфой только вот менее слабым как считает Уэндей. А вот самый младший который недавно родился был Бетой. Что от одной мысли раздражало старшую девочку.
Что ещё больше раздражало то, это был лагерь в котором они поехали. Уэнсдэй чувствовала это неприятное чувство, от одного вида на детей которые были на лужайке и рядом с озером, ей хотелось облить себя чем нибудь лишь бы не думать об этом дурном месте.
А вот её родители будто не замечали это яркое место, что Уэнсдэй усмехнулась. А вот действие Пагсли её не удивило, мальчик был будто счастлив, и она надеется что её брат просто хочет взорвать это место.
Мортиша: «Какое безумное и шумное место.»
Гомес: «Я согласен с этим Mi amor. Это место просто безумное! Конечно... есть над чем им поработать хахаха.»
Все в семье начали смеяться кроме самого старшего ребёнка. Уэндей не обращала ни на кого внимание, она лишь наблюдала за своим окружением и думала чем ��й придётся столкнуться в будущем, пока её взгляд не упала на одну очень интересную особу. Это была девочка и возможно её ровесник, она стояла со взрослыми, от��асти она была похожа на них и так что было легко догадаться что они были родителями этой девочки. И судя по выражение их лиц, они жарко о чем-то спорили, но не настолько громко чтобы привлечь чье-то внимание пока мужчина не дал леща своему ребёнку, мгновение Уэнсдей вздрогнула и что-то внутри начало покалыват, будто иглы которые вот вот пронзет её. Но она крепко держалась, она лишь холодно наблюдала за этим, ей это не нравилось. Не нравилось эта сцена, не нравилось это чувство которая постепенно начала подавлять.
К её счастью никто не заметил как она реагировала глядя в одну сторону, пока из транса не вывел её брат.
Пагсли: «Может позже пойдем на рыбалку?»
Эх, её брат был милым, слишком что кто-то легко мог попасть в его сети. Жаль что её брат этого не осознает. Уэнсдей ответила ему простым и холодным "Да" и её внимание снова обратилась на ту самую девочку её возраста или возможно старше судя по росту.
На этот раз девочка просто сидела, рядом с ней уже не было её родителей. Она начала оглядываться, будто изучая это место и взгляд был прикован прямо на лес и озеро. И наконец их взгляды встретились, Уэнсдей смотрела ей прямо в глаза, та даже на удивление не вздрогнула и она будто принимала тихий вызов который у них возник. Обычно дети не терпят её взгляда даже и 5 секунд, а вот эта девочка смотрела на неё до самого конца. Уэнсдей сначала понравилось это, пока она не начала раздражаться что та девочка не отступила. И в ответственный момент к её большому раздражение появились 2 других взрослых. Уэнсдей с раздражением посмотрела на них что она моргнула один раз, это были вожатыми этого лагеря и их звали Грейнджерами, оо~ она их запомнить за то что ей испортилу приятную игру.
Вожатые были Бетами и начали общаться с её родителями. Когда Уэндей снова обратила внимание на то место где вы сидели, вас уже не было на месте. От удивление она моргнула 2 раза, она начала оглядываться ищя вас, но увы так и не нашла. Она даже незаметно цокнула от разочарование, но вот от одной мысли того что она как охотник найдёт вас снова прос о заинтриговала. Она очень любить охоту на свою жертву.
Pov: You:>ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Меня зовут [Т/и] [Т/ф], и я Альфа в своей семье Омег. Конечно там есть и Беты, но в отличии таких как я, не особо ценятся. Ну да ладно, мне же лучше. Самое главное лишь то что у меня почти мало забот а вот пощёчина от отца не настолько сильная чтобы я могла жаловаться или плакать. Мы лишь спорили о том почему я здесь? А почему остальные мои братья и сёстры здесь не присутвуют? А вот родители построили из этого в мухи в слона. Мы не богаты но и не бедны, родители конечно думают о моём женитбе на какой-нибудь Омеге из серьезной семьи, но к счастью такого ещё нету, а если будет я им легко помешаю.
После того как родители ушли в спешке, я просто сидела на небольшом холмике и начала оглядываться. Здесь и в правду красиво, но из за людей, эта природа начинает терять свою красоту. Где-то слишком много мусора, а где-то валяется пустые бутылки, я была раздражена этим. Пока я оглядвалась моё внимание привлекла девочка в чёрном детском платье с белыми горошинами. У неё были 2 идеальные косички, и скажу я вам что они были идеально сплетены в петли. Конечно немножко мило выглядить, наверное она кого-то задушить их перед сном что меня немного забавляет. А после этого я встретилась с ней глазами, я не знаю что происходит, но кажись она бросает мне вызов в гляделки. Я естественно принимаю этот вызов и смотрю на неё до тех пор пока её не прервали вожатые Грейнджеры. Я лишь усмехнулась, зная что я победила и просто решила исчезнуть с поля зрение и просто спряталась за деревьями и решила занять себя чем нибудь пока вожатые сами не позовут нас.
Я снова огляделась и просто увидела куча мусора, от раздражение я просто сожгла его так что огонь не повлияет на сухие листья. И как вы понимаете, судя по моей магии, я волшебница, или как называют в наших краях, просто ведьма. Даже не смотря на то что я Альфа, я могу использовать свою магию, я бы даже сказала что могу лучше использовать его чем мои братья и сёстры, как думаете я рассказывала об этом своим родителям? К счастью нет, иначе у меня будут неприятности, лучше уж так чем снова сидеть в подвале из за того что я лучше чем мои братья и сестры Омеги и Беты.
Я начала немного понемногу практиковать свою силу пока я не услышала горн, я сразу убрала все что я создала и все что сотворила, чтобы убрать доказательство моего присутвие и сразу побежала обратно в лагерь. К моему удивлению я к счастью успела и была среди других детей. Грейджеры начали объяснять нам правила лагеря, а также правила безопасности. Чувство будто это было вечностьюкогда их болтовня закончиться. От скуки решила прислушаться о том о чём говорят другие дети.
???: «Посмотри на эту девочку Альфу. Она так мило выглядит.»
???: «Была бы возможность я бы начала баловать её.»
???: «Мне скучно~»
???: «Хочу есть.»
???: «Псс, смотри какой милый мальчик. Разве он не прелесть? Хочу с ним подружиться.»
Я просто закатила глаза, ничего интересного так и не услышала. Я начала внимательно слушать Грейнджеров пока не почувствовала рядом с собой присутвие, запах был необычным. И кажись она Омега. Железо, старые книги и че��нила, я сразу повернула голову и снова встретилась с этой девочкой в чёрном, она снова смотрела мне прямо в глаза но на этот раз это было по другому. Хех, наверное она была расстроена тем что проиграла мне, и я просто слабо ухмыльнулась на что она усилила свой взгляд на мне, что я начала чувствовать себя не очень комфортно. Но я все же приняла её вызов и снова смотрела прямо ей в глаза так же как и она на меня. Ну по крайней мере старалась так смотреть. Хоть я и Альфа но не слабая, меня не так легко сломать. Когда ты с рождение живёшь с психами в доме, то ты уже привыкаешь и если повезёт становится сильнее, и я одна из этих счастливчиком.
Я ни за что не стану проигрывать этой Омеге перед собой. Ни за что, по крайней мере сейчас.
Pov: Wednesday;>ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Я была раздражена тем что, тем над которым я проиграла была Альфой. Я незаметно стиснула зубы когда она мне ухмыльнулась, было конечно интересно, она не такая как тот мальчик с которым я встретилась недавно. Тот лишь говорил что он умрёт в любой момент, это сильно раздражало, но я очень сильно хотела увидеть как он умрёт и лишь поэтому я подружилась с этим мальчиком. Но вот эта Альфа была другой, могу лишь сказать странной, на сегодня я встретила много разных Альф, и все они были одинаковыми, но не такими как она. Мне стало любопытно, кто же она такая? И точно ли она Альфа? Я аккуратно принюхала её, и могу лишь сказать, запах у неё тоже странный. Она не такая противная но и не такая сладкая.
Это была для меня загадкой которую предстоит решить, а пока я собираюсь выиграть эту игру которую мы оба устроили. Я начинаю замечать что её глаза вот вот закроются, но увы, внезапный громкий звук прервал нас обоих от игры. Я уже была разочарована трижды, и это меня сильно бесило. Однажды это место сгорит под моим руководством.
Мне уже не терпится устроить здесь пожар... от одной мысли это вызывает у меня слабую улыбку. Я снова посмотрела на девочку Альфу, и она снова исчезла с моего поля зрение. Чёрт... она снова ускользнула, и как у неё это получается вот так незаметно убежать? Мне начинает это нравится...
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆°•✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽•*,☆.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
А/Н: Привет, привет дорогие читатели! С вами Автор данного произведение! Надеюсь вам понравилось этот фанфик!) Если что не забудьте нажать на сердечко♡>♥︎ а после написать в комментариях о чём вы думаете!
-Увидимся с вами на следующей главе!^^
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fightme365 · 8 days
Why them? (Omega! Legal Guardians! BNHA x Alpha! All Might Daughter! Reader, Dead! All Might) Intro
Long long ago, centuries before quirks there were as many alphas as there were omegas. Then a plague hit world killing off most alphas, leaving mostly infertile and angry alphas behind. It was decided then that alphas needed to be protected but also controlled. So alphas became property of omegas who took over the world.
As time passed though they changed from calling omegas alphas owners to legal guardians. Some came to protest even that was wrong and that alphas should be free to do what they wanted once they were adults. It gave hope to many young alphas who wished to free from oppression. However the government and most people stood firm in their decision that alphas could not live on their own.
When quirks came about it was further cemented that alphas could not take care of themselves as they didn't get quirks. They stayed the same without the special powers at 80% of the population gained. By 200 years post the first quirk alphas made up only a mere 3% of the population of the world and they had all pretty much lost hope of being free.
Y/n Yagi was one such alpha with no hope. She was born the daughter of the number 1 pro hero, All Might who was really named Yagi Toshinori. He used to be a great father to her, very loving and doting. Then when she was 12 he meet his successor, Midoriya Izuku who went by the nick name Deku, and things quickly went down hill.
For the next two years he spent all his time with Izuku. Then when Deku started at UA he got a teaching job there and once he had students it was like his alpha daughter completely didn't exist him beyond a quick hello or goodbye. Y/n grew to resent all her father's students that he had, especially Izuku. She had thought it would get better once Deku and his friends graduated from UA and became pro heroes. It did not.
Once they were graduated he began to visit all of them on a regular basis when he wasn't at the hospital. If he wasn't trying to prolong his life he was with a former student. This caused Y/n to resent them further and start to hate her father. Knowing that even though he was dying he didn't want to spend time with her was an eye opener.
Two years after Deku graduated and when Y/n was 18 All Might passed away. Y/n was numb all through the funeral and afterwards. She had known it was coming and while she was sad she had no tears for the father who treated her like she didn't exist for 6 years.
She expected to be taken to a alpha shelter or something by the government until they could find a 'guardian' for her but that had not happened. Instead she was taken to her father's will reading. She wasn't surprised he left almost everything to Deku. She was surprised when the lawyer got to the end started talking about her and custody. Her father had apparently decided who her guardian or guardians would be before hand for when he died. When the lawyer finally said the name(s) Y/n's first thought was, 'Why them? Anyone else is preferable. I don't want to go with...'
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING!!! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE PLEASE LEAVE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO BE REPORTED . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.( Mentions of suicide, bullying, blood/torture ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️( This book is going to have more matured themes  compared to my others, from smut scenes to non-con, lactation, drugging, hypnosis, abuse of power and over obsessiveness. 
The  crowd cheered as the head of a tall blond haired alpha rolled off the execution stand on to the dirty cobblestone streets, leaving a trail of blood pooling around it as it kept rolling. Their green souless eyes focused on the stands as their vision faded into darkness and the pain that had enveloped their being was beginning to go numb.
One thought going Their mind as the last thing they striking a flood wave of anger to their dying core and then silence filled the air once it stopped.
Then a loud cheer broke through the crowd.
The evil villain had been slain.
Their hands raised in the air as their voices roared in joy, anger, anguish and a thirst for revenge, some of them spitting on the head, while others dragged away their body to dump it of in the ' Evil Forest ' . A place befitting for someone who was so cruel and vile during their time alive. What was left of the crowd held their breaths as they waited for the second monster to be dealt with.
A small  man was led through streets as knights surrounded his form, providing a small shield from the people who wanted to get their hands on him as he made his way through the center of the crowd, though it didn't stop the stones and rotten fruit and animal guys they threw at him from missing their target. Not like the Knights did anything to stop it.
His skin a sickly pale colour, his body, shriveled and showing bones, he was dressed in a torn and tattered grey sack that did little to protect him from the coldness of the chilly morning air. His feet were red and bleeding, leaving bloody footsteps behind him and it looked like every step he took would lead to him collapsing on the cold cobblestone ground.
Good. It was what such an evil person deserved.
The screaming of the crowd got louder and some tried to rush to him,but we're held back by the guards and that seemed to anger the people even more.
But the h/c omega couldn't hear them well or see the hate in their eyes, his ears were buzzing and his vision was blurry, he was blaming that on his malnourished body, even though he couldn't hear well, he knew  they were asking for blood to be shed.
                              His blood
Why though. He hadn't done anything wrong, unlike the villians in the stories he read, who would kill the person that their love interest had fallen in love with.
He hadn't made a scene when he found out his husband was secretly seeing someone behind his back.
He hadn't voiced out his complains when he was being ignored but the man he loved as he watched him show love to another person that wasn't him.
He had acted like the good husband he had been taught to be and had taken it all with a smile.
He cried to himself behind their backs so they wouldn't accuse him of trying to gain sympathy.
He kept his mouth tight and shut when he found out his husband's lover was none other than a man who had sworn an oath to the god their Empire serve to keep himself pure yet he was sleeping with a married man.
Hadn't once commented on the abuse, gaslighting and truma he had been forced to bury inside himself, from the very first moment he became betrothed to the man he thought he would have his happily ever after with.
   Yet immediately an assassination attempt was carried out, he was blamed. No investigation had been conducted, despite the obvious trails the culprit had left behind. No one listened to his pleas as he was  just thrown in prison.
Left to be beaten, tortured, violated and pushed to the edge of his sanity.
Even his famiy, the only people he thought he could trust, turned their backs on him.
After all a child born inheriting the devil's curse could only do evil, such a person didn't belong to the L/N  according to them. The only believing his innocence, being his aging Grandmother, but even she could only do so much.
As he moved closer to the execution stand he could make out their hazy figures in the crowd, his parents, looking at him, their eyes holding no sympathy what's so ever, only filled with distaste, his siblings all throwing jeering looks his way as he walked past them. He wasn't really too hurt by their actions, he knew they never really liked him and had just tolerated him, because the former Emperor had chosen him the be the his first son's fiancee, still  not giving him a hand or vouching for his innocence still hurt a bit. But the one that hurt most was the betrayal Basil.
He spotted the pink haired male as he was made to climb up the wooden stairs of the execution stand and. Their he was standing next to the Emperor and his new fiancee, was his so called personal knight , the one who had sworn his loyalty to him when he was seven, only to turn his back on him when he truly needed his protection and sided with the same omega that had taken away the love of his life. The pink  alpha glared coldly at him, his blue eyes brimming with disgust, but M/N just gave him a blank stare, to tired to express any form of emotion as he walked away from the small protection the knights provided, now being pelted down , by the stones and trash they all throw at him as he walked closer to the to his Executioner.
A black gloved hand reached for his matted h/c hair and tugged on it harshly, drawing blood from his sensitive scalp and making the omega whine out in pain, his voice  scratchy from the lack off water. His gaze moved to look at who was holding him and felt his body stiffen as unfamiliar gold eyes stared into his soul, not being able to make out the male's appearance because he was dressed in all black. The traditional colour for the Executioner to wear, before he was made to face the direction of the stands where the imperial family sat comfortably,azy e/c orbs looked up at the figures seated,and he felt his heart break even more when he saw the piercing silver eyes he had fallen in love with ever since he was a child stare at him with such an intense look hatred, his already weak body slumped forward and if it wasn't for the painful grip on his scalp, he probably would have hit the wooden surface face floor and earn some more bruises to his already battered body.
How could he do this to him?.
After all he had done for him. All those years of doing everything thing the man desired , even getting hurt to foil assassination attempts against him.
Changing his diet, his style, his appearance just so he could be pleased with him. But  immediately he found someone he thought was pretty and interested in he pushed the h/c male aside and took him in.
For the first time in all the fourteen years M/N had loved the tall black haired alpha, the feeling in his head became replaced with hate and deep resentment. His eyes moved over to look at the light blue haired omega male in his arms, who had buried his head in the Emperor's chest, his eyes widened in fear and shoulders trembling, when their eyes looked, for a split second that scared look changed to a mocking one, the shorter male's purple eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure and his lips curling up to a shit eating grin, before reverting back to it's former facade.
M/N felt the pit of his stomach boil with unfiltered rage. He had being set up.
They we're going to kill for no other reason than to satisfy that blue bitch's wants. His eyes narrowed and he growled darkly at him, making the blue haired male let out a small squeak of fear and bury his face further into his lovers chest.
The h/c omega had his head slammed multiple times to the ground, each hit harder than the last and the executioner only stopped when the omegas forehead began to drip blood down his face and his eyes seemed more dazed than before, his neck was then pressed on a wooden stump and he choked and spurted at the lack of air to his lungs.
Maarav  hugged​  Leon  closer, releasing his scent of pinewood and peppermint to calm the omega down, his sliver eyes glowing red, his fangs peaking out of his mouth as he growled at the h/c omega veins popping by the said of his face. The next words he said sent the crowd into a frenzy and the prisoner's stomach drop
      "Kill him"
The man clad in black's grip on the omega's neck tightened and he reached for the sword strapped to his waist, that the h/c omega noticed for the first time and unsheathed it,  raising the silver blade high into the air, before bringing it down.
M/N could see his life flash before his eyes, sadly they weren't happy, memories. They were just records of him constantly trying to please Maarav and his family. Trying to prove that the mark placed on him since birth did not define who he was as a person.
Never having time to do the things he wanted.
This wasn't fair, he never got to experience his life. He was just following the expectation  that had being laid out for him.
If there really was a god out there or whatever entity controlled the universe,he pleaded for them to give him a second chance. He wouldn't mess this up. He promised.
Tears had started rolling down his cheeks as he  realized that this was it. This was were he would meet his end. And he would only be remembered on as the jealous villain.
The devil omega who tried to kill their pure and innocent saint and tarnish the love between him and their beloved Emperor  Blurry e/c eyes saw something shimmering in front of him , but before he could make out what they were..
The horrific sound of metal cutting through flesh and bone then the thumping of a body on the ground and the sound of something rolling across wood and hitting the ground filled the air. It was silent for a few moments until the crowd broke out into excited cheers, people dancing and hugging one another.
The evil monster had being killed and now their Emperor and his lover could have their happily ever afters.
Admist the cheering and celebration, no one seemed to notice the unusual sparkling lights and how brightly they glower around the decapitated head of the h/c male.
this omegaverse au divides the alphas and omegas into classes
*Dominant Alphas: are the highest of the whole tier and can control the others. They have very large body frames and can stand to 8- 8feet at times. Their  pheromones are so strong  that even Betas can smell them and they attract omegas very easily. Usually come from higher noble back grounds,but can be found in middle class as well, but their usually illegitimate children of royal background
*Recessive Alphas: They are more common than Dominant Alphas, but their  body frame is not as daunting as Their Dominant counter parts( 6 - 7 (  and their scents are not as strong, but they can still attract omegas and recessive alphas also have the ability to get pregnant, but by dominant alphas only , they go through heat,but it is very weak and only causes them slight discomfort and some don't even g the highest it will last is a day and a half
*Betas: they are very common in this world making at least 51% of the total population. They have scents but theirs are very weak compared to the Alphas and omegas. They also cannot smell pheromones so they usually use body build to determine what the second gender of a person is or they ask. Female betas also experience heat , but theirs is not as painful as an omega,so they can go through it without the help of a mate, but their fertility levels are not that high. They also find it hard to mate with the other classes since Alpha tend to prefer omegas and vice versa for omegas.betas are only for the commoners and peasants unless they've had a history of other classes in their family tree it  will remain that way
Dominant omegas: Are the most sought out of Omegas since they are very beautiful traits and have very alluring scents. Their fertility level is also very high and in some rare cases they can carry 3 to 5 pups at a time.  they are not treated very well since most people only see them as tools for bearing pups. They were even black markets that sold them as sex slaves, but the current Emperor abolished those markets. Though very few still exist. The six Empires have created a protection group for them and have given them equal rights as the alpha's and betas but it is still very limited for now, but they are no longer treated as toys.
Like Dominant Alphas, Dominant omegas are mostly found in higher noble families, but can be found in middle class or poorer noble backgrounds as well. A dominant omegas heat can last  up a week or week an a half due to stress or over working 
*Recessive omegas: they are also very pretty and their scents are not as strong as their dominant counter parts, they don't have high fertility rates and can only have one or two pups throughout their life time. Their heats usually last a two to five days. Their class can get pregnant and make their dominant counter part pregnant as well, so marriages between them happen, although very rarely since majority of the time both classes prefer alpha partners
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wildflowersintherain · 2 months
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I was not ready for the ending of this book! I had no idea it was a cliffhanger but thankfully the second duet it already out!
Vale, the FMC is pregnant from a one night stand and doing her best to make ends meet. She ends up having a stalker. Eventually she reaches out to Bishop for help.
I loved how caring and tender these alphas were with Vale. They were so attentive and caring for her in this book and it was amazing! It was a change of pace for me as it was a slow burn and still left a lot of loose ends but hey that’s what the second book is for!
It barely scratched the surface of nesting. If you’re looking for a good nesting book this probably isn’t the best choice, it mentions it but doesn’t go into a lot of detail. It more focuses on Vales pregnancy. Which is nice! The men are obsessed with making sure she is taken care of in all ways!
There was a good level of spice here! I enjoyed it! It also has a nice little age gap which isn’t mentioned a lot but it is there!
Overall I’m excited for the second book! I pushed back reading another book so I could finish the second one!
Not Ready
Jillian West
Assurance Security Duet Part One
Read on August 3, 2024
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atinycafe · 1 year
LIME SORBET — ch 03 [studio.log]*
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PROMPT; reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too.
FEAT; alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader
IN THIS CHAPTER; reader spends her night in the studio, only to wake up 2 a room filled w alphas who r intrigued by her.
WARNINGS; suggestive!! the gang is horny, visualization of what they want to do to reader, but it's not really explicit
NOTES; reader is so cute when she's sleepi + mingi princess fans arise + we see her in a bra like okay girl.. + san is so delulu he got me cryin + woo is an ass man in case u don't get it; the boys get HORNY, like embarrassingly so + absolutely no second proofreading cuz im lazy
TAGLIST; @marievllr-abg @cookiechristie @sugarrush-blush; lmk if you want 2 b added 2!
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In the depths of Maddox's abode, nestled within his personal studio, the girl found herself immersed in the world of musical creation. The clock struck 3am, yet time seemed to lose its grasp as she surrendered to her insatiable passion. Six hours had effortlessly slipped by, as if fueled by an unstoppable force of excitement that refused to be tamed.
Within the dimly lit space, her senses were heightened, every fiber of her being attuned to the melody that flowed from her lips and echoed through the soundproof walls. The room hummed with energy, a symphony of musical notes and the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee and vibrant cans of Red Bull. The fusion of caffeine and adrenaline created a swirling concoction, at times threatening to overwhelm her, yet she reveled in the exhilarating rush it provided. It was as if the very essence of her anticipation had taken flight, dancing on the precipice of euphoria.
With each take, her voice soared, effortlessly embracing the emotions etched within the lyrics. Fatigue attempted to wrap its heavy arms around her, but she stubbornly resisted, fueled by an unwavering determination and an unwavering belief in the music she was creating. Sleep became an inconsequential concept, a distant memory overshadowed by the sheer thrill of her craft.
The studio walls bore witness to her transformation, adorned with discarded drafts and crumpled sheets of paper, testaments to the countless iterations and refining of her art. She was a vessel of creativity, pouring her heart and soul into every syllable, weaving a tapestry of sound and emotion that would soon captivate the world.
As the hours slipped away, her mind swirled with a variety of emotions. Excitement coursed through her veins like a surging electric current, occasionally flirting with the edges of nausea. The very thought of her forthcoming album ascending to new heights sent a rush of adrenaline to her head, causing her heart to beat in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the music. It was a heady mixture, a blend of exhaustion and exhilaration that mingled in the depths of her being.
In the stillness of the night, surrounded by the symphony of her own creation, she became a conduit of artistic expression. The merging of sleep-deprived delirium and boundless passion resulted in a raw, untamed energy that propelled her forward. With each passing moment, she grew more resolute, refusing to surrender to fatigue or doubt. This was her moment, her chance to etch her mark upon the annals of music history.
As the night wore on, and the world outside slumbered, the intimacy of Maddox's modest abode revealed itself. The walls, though not grandiose, seemed to hold secrets within their confines. The space was small, cozy even, and the proximity to Maddox's sleeping quarters made every sound he produced perceptible. Amidst the melodies she crafted, she found solace in the faint symphony of his snores. His rhythmic breaths became a comforting backdrop, grounding her in the reality of their shared creative sanctuary.
'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining
As she poured her heart into the lyrics, a cascade of thoughts and emotions tumbled through her mind. The words she penned held a deep longing, an unspoken desire for a connection that had eluded her. In the depths of her creative sanctuary, she allowed her imagination to roam freely, conjuring up visions of what it might feel like to be truly loved.
Stars fall, and the world goes blind
Memories of past relationships flickered briefly in her mind, wisps of summer love that had faded like distant echoes. They were fleeting encounters, mere glimpses of what could have been. But now, with the pen in her hand and the music in her soul, she yearned for something more profound, something that would transcend the boundaries of time.
Boy, you know I'll be savin' my love for you, for you
Closing her eyes, she surrendered to the ethereal realm of her imagination, letting her thoughts drift towards the three alphas she had met just a week ago. Her mind painted vivid portraits of their potential, each one possessing unique qualities that stirred her curiosity. In this realm of boundless possibilities, she allowed herself to explore the untrodden paths of affection and romance.
'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made
But as the melodies swirled around her, her shyness began to creep in, shattering the enchantment she had conjured. Her mind swiftly delving into vivid and provocative imagery. In a sudden rush of self-awareness, she tossed her pen aside and removed her headphones, as if needing a physical break from the whirlwind of emotions. Her face, now cupped in her hands, she rubbed away the traces of her daydreams, attempting to chase away the lingering images that had captivated her.
But we hold on, mm, hold on
She knew that these reveries were a temporary escape, a fleeting moment of vulnerability and exploration. Yet, they fueled her artistic expression, infusing her lyrics with a yearning that seemed almost tangible. The lyrics became a mirror of her deepest desires, a plea for honesty and authenticity in love. With each word she crafted, she hoped to find someone who could treat her with tenderness, touch her with intention, and unlock the door to her heart.
There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase
In that very moment, as she sat there, her mind whirled with a blend of anticipation, hesitation, and a hint of excitement. She couldn't help but wonder if her words held the power to beckon the love she craved. Her song became an invitation, an open door to a future that existed solely in her dreams.
But we hold on, mm, hold on
With a sigh, she took a deep breath and let the thoughts dissipate, like morning mist evaporating beneath the sun's warm rays. She knew that her journey toward love was just beginning, and these words were her declaration, her manifesto of hope and vulnerability. The pen may have been discarded for now, but the fire within her burned brighter than ever, ready to ignite the flame of love when the time was right.
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In the hushed confines of their dorm, bathed in the soft glow of dawn's gentle light, the boys stirred, their sleep interrupted at an unusually early hour. It was all thanks to San, the charismatic force among them, who had roused them from their slumber with unwavering determination.
The previous day, as they lounged together in the comforts of their shared abode, their big-eyed alpha, adorned with a magnetic charm, had caught sight of a story posted by his cherished omega (he claimed her as his omega, unyielding in his conviction, regardless of their limited interaction. Though their connection remained one-sided, he refused to falter in acknowledging her as his own!!). In her endearing shyness, she had requested their social media accounts, an invitation for simple communication that sent a wave of adoration rippling through the alphas. Overwhelmed by her captivating allure, they had almost instinctively wished to whisk her away, to shield her from prying eyes within the sanctuary of their dorm, for fear that others might glimpse the untamed beauty that resided within her.
With their own private accounts, meticulously curated to shield their true identities from all but their trusted inner circle, the three boys ventured into her digital realm. Concealing his true identity, Wooyoung ingeniously employed one of his selcas as his profile picture. Under the pretense of running a Wooyoung fan account, he skillfully masked his own involvement, ensuring that only a select few would recognize his true affiliation. San, donning the visage of Kai from EXO, his own idol, and Hongjoong, his profile pic a simple yet enigmatic all-black image. Each detail meticulously planned to ensure that their presence remained concealed from the wider world.
As San chanced upon her story—a selfie snapped within the familiar confines of Maddox's studio, she accompanied it with a concise caption: "pullin' an all nighter, fighting, 1st album coming soon bb!!!", a cluster of petite emoticons adorned her visage, adding a touch of whimsy to the frame— he sprang to his feet in a whirlwind of excitement, his head narrowly missing a collision with Mingi's chin as he propelled himself forward. The image of her pretty face filled the screen, delicate locks cascading around her visage, while her glasses, whether a fashion statement or an aid to her vision, delicately perched upon her nose, lending her an air of innocence that stirred something profound within San. Unable to resist, he discreetly captured a screenshot, already having crafted a dedicated folder solely for her in his photo app.
Summoning Wooyoung from his place in the living room, San began to passionately recount their newfound opportunity to meet her in person. The trio of alphas, who had previously crossed paths with this captivating omega, yearned for the chance to be in her presence once more. The distance separating them felt like an unbearable chasm, their hearts aching with longing, yet they understood the necessity of patience. Having learned of her recent settlement in South Korea and her contract with KQent, they recognized that she needed time to unwind and find solace after a demanding week.
The remaining members found themselves irresistibly drawn to their uncharacteristically high-pitched squeals, converging in the living room. Some opted to nestle on the floor, forsaking the available seating options. In the midst of the excited pair's animated discussion, Yeosang's dulcet voice, with its unmistakable baritone undertones, gently broke the fervor.
"What's all the excitement about?" he interjected, his words carrying a blend of curiosity and soothing melody.
"Our omega," San exclaimed, unable to contain his glee. His smile widened to such an extent that his eyes involuntarily closed, plunging him momentarily into darkness. Within the fleeting blackout, a vivid image materialized—a radiant smile from her—only to dissipate as he opened his eyes, leaving San flushed with a warm blush. He was obsessed. He blinked, he saw her.
Jongho, ever the skeptic, rolled his eyes at San's exuberance. "Oh my God, not again. Spare me for just a minute, my head is already throbbing," he lamented. The youngest alpha had already glimpsed at her pictures from San's instagram account, having surreptitiously explored the depths of his brother's phone. He sought to put a face to the enigmatic individual captivating San's attention. Even though the pictures were candid, their unpolished charm revealed glimpses of her unadorned life. Jongho couldn't deny her beauty, but his weariness was palpable. San's infatuation was understandable, and Wooyoung's as well, but Hongjoong? It felt like an overwhelming influx of emotions for him. It was just too much. And they never shut up about her!
"Guys, I truly couldn't care less right now. We're waking up at 5am, and we must be at Maddox's place in less than ten minutes. It's an urgency, I feel like I'm gonna die," Wooyoung declared, his arms crossing defiantly over his well-defined chest. The gravity of his words was evident, as he foresaw the reaction of the other alphas who hadn't yet encountered his beloved.
"NAHHHHHH, YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU THIN—" Yunho's outburst was abruptly quelled by the eldest alpha's measured intervention.
"Yeah, exactly. Seonghwa, tell him—" Yunho turned to him, an air of bewilderment etched across his face, "What?"
Seonghwa, the composed and sage-like oldest of their pack, emitted a weary sigh as his fingers delicately threaded through his tousled locks. "Okay first, let's all acknowledge that a mate bond is quite intricate when it happens to an already formed pact," he began, his words carrying a profound weight that resonated within each individual present. Hongjoong's all sat them down, as soon as they got home that day, talking about how she could be their destined mate, having spurred the need for this crucial conversation, a topic that demanded their collective attention. San and Wooyoung, their faces alight with uncontainable joy, illuminated the room as they reveled in the tantalizing prospect of the ethereal girl potentially becoming their soulmate.
"Are you not even slightly curious about what she's like? After all, she could be our soulmate—that's a connection far from trivial," Seonghwa concluded, his voice carrying the wisdom of countless ages.
A deep and contemplative silence blanketed the room, as each alpha weighed the implications of his words, even those who had already crossed paths with her. It was clear that surface-level attraction alone would not suffice; a deeper understanding was essential. And so, with resolute determination, they reached a unanimous decision—on the morrow, they would convene to embark on an unforgettable rendezvous with this captivating omega, unmasking the layers that shrouded her essence.
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"Hurry up, bro! If you don't open that door, I swear I'll kick it down myself," Woo exclaimed, frustrated by the tremor in his leader's hands preventing the key from entering Kyungmoon's door. Joong was stressed okay?? It had been a week since he met his lovely girl, he needed to take some time to breathe and Wooyoung's high pitched voice wasn't making it easier for him.
Jongho swiftly delivered a sharp slap to the back of Woo's head, reprimanding him for his lack of proper and polite language.
At last, the door swung open. Surprisingly, Yeosang was the first to step inside, forcefully making his way through. He paused in the hallway, taking a deep inhale.
"H-holy shit," he whispered, his voice barely audible. The alluring scent of the omega permeated the apartment. His eyes rolled back momentarily as he dropped to one knee. Being exceptionally sensitive to smell, the euphoric sensation coursing through him was beyond imagination.
"It seems she's asleep," Hongjoong murmured, savoring the tranquil but sharp pheromones that floated gracefully above him. It was a scent he could easily grow accustomed to.
Omega scents differed from those of other biological "genera" such as alphas and betas. Their fragrances were more potent, designed to attract as many potential partners as possible. In the past, it had been one alpha per omega, a long-established tradition. However, the mistreatment and endangerment of the omega species had altered the dynamics. Now, it was an omega for an entire pack, comprising alphas and betas. As time passed, scientists discovered that omega scents grew more concentrated, and their pheromones had a stronger effect on individuals than their predecessors.
Upon presenting, omegas began wearing specialized collars to mitigate the strength of their scent. However, the collars merely served as a display, indicating whether an omega was unmated or not. Mated omegas proudly discarded their collars, showcasing the mark left by their partners.
To address the issue of scent control, omegas learned to subdue and manipulate their pheromones as if it were second nature. Alphas possessed a similar ability, using their own pheromones to demonstrate dominance or provide comfort to a distressed omega. This control was entirely conscious and deliberate, except in moments of extreme emotions or, as one might guess, during sleep.
Yeosang's delicate nose began to bleed, a trickle of crimson staining his upper lip. His eyes dilated to such an extent that the coffee brown hues vanished, replaced by a captivating abyss. Sensing his distress, Seonghwa swiftly positioned himself in front of Yeosang, retrieving a tissue from his pocket. Placing it firmly into Yeosang's trembling hand, he offered a comforting pat on the back before moving past him.
Leaving Yeosang to catch his breath at the entrance, the others knew he would eventually regain composure. They recalled moments when he would become overwhelmed at fan meetings and concerts, the amalgamation of scents triggering debilitating headaches that rendered him unable to function once the events concluded. However, with time, he had grown in both self-control and the utilization of a specialized gel that he carried with him—a tube always at the ready.
After carefully wiping his nose with the tissue provided by his hyung, Yeosang uncapped the tube. Squeezing a generous amount onto his index finger, he proceeded to apply the gel beneath his nose. Settling amidst the abundance of sneakers, he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, allowing the lingering essence of her scent to envelop his senses. Though not as potent as before, it still lingered, a tantalizing presence that left a trace on his tongue, reminiscent of a refreshing concoction of freshly squeezed lime and sweet condensed milk on a scorching summer day. And he hadn't even laid eyes on her yet, but the yearning to feel her beneath his fingertips, to taste her lips, was already fervently alive within him.
Leaning his head against the adjacent wall, Yeosang attempted to suppress the torrent of thoughts cascading through his mind. How was this even possible? Was this the sensation of having a mate? His cheeks flushed a rosy hue, a thin layer of perspiration forming upon his brow as he fought the overpowering urge to rise, rush to her side, and whisk her away to a world of eternal seclusion.
The vulnerable alpha dreaded the impending moment when his eyes would finally gaze upon her, aware that his self-control would crumble in an instant. He needed to regain his composure swiftly. Clasping his head in his hands, he tightened his grip on his hair, silently growling at himself for the inevitable embarrassment he believed awaited him in her presence. Awkwardness plagued him when meeting new people, an innate characteristic he couldn't help but succumb to. Now, envisioning the sweet, enchanting omega who had captivated his senses with her unbeknownst allure, he found himself on his knees for her even before her awakening.
Unable to bear the weight of her presence, he rose to his feet and deliberately veered left, contrary to the path his pack brothers took. He made his way towards Kyungmoon's location, deciding that focusing on the task of rousing his slumbering friend was a far more productive pursuit than wallowing in overthinking within the confines of the bathroom. The mere thought of clawing at the door for even a second of her attention seemed inconsequential in comparison.
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"Wait Joong-ah don't wake her up yet, I wanna take a pic," Wooyoung whispered sharply, his words resonating within the intimate connection of their pack's shared mind.
"What the fuck Woo that's so weird," San grumbled, feeling an undeniable urge to retrieve his phone and do the exact same thing as his brother. Sure, he had taken a screenshot of her story, but she had posted it willingly, and she even requested his Instagram account! It was as if she knew he would come across her story and find her utterly adorable. Perhaps she had intended to send him the picture privately but hesitated out of shyness. In the grand scheme of things, taking a screenshot of her story didn't seem like such a significant transgression.
"San in his delulu era," Yunho chuckled, his laughter reverberating through the backchannels of their shared connection. San blushed, realizing that he hadn't closed the pack link before indulging in his overthinking. He whined and pouted at his older brother, grumbling about how he knew nothing and that he shared a profound connection with the slumbering omega in the room that none of them could possibly comprehend.
Approaching her with utmost gentleness, San took in the sight of her petite figure draped in an oversized black ESSENTIALS hoodie. The soft fabric of the hood cradled her bangs delicately, accentuating her endearing presence.
San's eyes lingered on the ethereal beauty that graced his sight. Her delicate features, bathed in the soft glow of morning light, seemed to possess an otherworldly radiance. Her flawless complexion was akin to the finest piece of glass, adorned with a natural flush of warmth that accentuated her captivating charm.
A cascade of silken tresses framed her face, tumbling in gentle waves that danced with each breath she took. The strands, so dark, like a moonless night, glimmered softly. They caressed her cheeks in a tender embrace, further enhancing the angelic grace that she embodied.
But it was her smile, that tender curve of her lips, that bewitched San the most. It was a smile that spoke of innocence, of genuine happiness found in the simplest of moments, such as the dream she must have been in at the moment. A smile so small yet so impactful.
As San's gaze intensified, he became acutely aware of her scent, a delicate and intoxicating fragrance that filled the air around her. It was a scent that captivated the senses, a symphony of citrus notes intertwined with a hint of warmth and sweetness. The gentle waft of her pheromones mingled with the morning breeze, leaving a trail of enchantment that lingered in the room.
The other alphas present in the room found themselves in a state of awe and disbelief. They were stunned by the sheer beauty before them, unable to comprehend how someone could possess such breathtaking allure. The collective breaths in the room seemed to catch, as if the air itself was held captive by her presence.
They couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort as they observed her slumbering form, tightly wedged in front of the studio equipment. A wave of concern washed over their hearts, causing a sense of unease to settle within them. How had she ended up sleeping in such an uncomfortable position? It was evident that she had been working tirelessly, pushing herself beyond her limits. Their poor little omega, not even a day in, and she was already overworking herself.
The sight of her cramped posture tugged at their heartstrings, fueling a deep sense of protectiveness within the alphas. They exchanged worried glances, their brows furrowed with genuine care. This was not how they had envisioned her first day, and they couldn't bear the thought of her sacrificing her well-being for the sake of her goals.
Gently, they tiptoed closer, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. Soft whispers filled the air as they debated on the best course of action. Should they wake her and offer her a more comfortable place to rest? Or should they let her sleep, knowing that she needed the rest?
San gently shook her shoulder, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through his body. The sensation coursed from the point where their skin made contact, making his knees weaken momentarily. "Bunny, wake up," he whispered, his voice filled with affection and longing. Crouching down before her, he softly nudged her crossed arms on her chest with his nose, yearning to rouse her from her slumber but careful not to be rough with her delicate form.
As his nose brushed against the black fabric of her hoodie, a low growl rumbled deep within San's chest. The others turned to him, their confusion evident in their faces, their bodies poised to react if they sensed any danger or harm befalling their omega. The only fear that gripped their hearts was the possibility of her being injured.
"What is it?" the leader asked impatiently, his gaze fixed on San, trying to comprehend the sudden shift in the usually gentle alpha's demeanor.
"Her scent is so overwhelming, I didn't notice the other man's scent on her," San snarled, his voice laced with possessiveness and anger. The room grew heavy with tension, and a nauseating feeling settled upon the others. Their little omega, in the embrace of another? It was unfathomable, a concept they refused to entertain, for it threatened to shatter the fragile equilibrium within their pack. The surge of jealousy and anger fueled their pheromones, causing the air to be saturated with an intense energy, growls echoing throughout the room.
"Oh calm down, I gave her my hoodie, after all those years, I'd think you'd recognize my scent," a familiar voice chimed in lazily. Maddox entered the studio, his presence diffusing the mounting tension. He yawned and stretched, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
The room breathed a collective sigh of relief as the tension dissipated, making way for a blush to color the alphas' cheeks. Their omega remained blissfully unaware, still peacefully asleep. "You guys imprint on her already or what" Maddox yawned again, this time covering his mouth with his hand, his gaze drifting to the MacBook resting next to San on the table.
San, feeling thoroughly embarrassed by his earlier outburst, turned his attention back to his omega, determined to wake her gently without further disturbing the delicate balance within the pack. However, Maddox interjected, his focus still fixed on the files the omega had been working on the night before. "That won't work," he muttered, his eyes scanning the digital pages. "She sleeps like she's in a damn coma. You need to use that big alpha voice to wake her up. I remember only her father's voice could actually rouse her for school." A nostalgic smile played upon Maddox's lips as he recalled the image of the formidable alpha attempting to wake his soft daughter with the utmost care, eventually resigning himself to growls and stern commands.
The rest of the pack chose to overlook Maddox's uncanny knowledge about her, realizing they had already embarrassed themselves enough. Yunho spoke up, his voice gentle yet firm. "We can't do that. It's disrespectful to her if we use that voice without her consent." He understood the power alphas possessed, the ability to command any omega with a certain tone of their voice. Some alphas saw it as natural and didn't hesitate to employ it for various purposes, but the younger generation recognized the discomfort it could cause an omega and refrained from using it without their agreement.
Maddox grumbled in frustration, closing the multitude of pages she had opened. "Cute, but I really need her to wake the fuck up. I have so many questions about what she did," he grumbled, a tinge of exasperation in his voice. "How many songs did she record yesterday? What the fuck..."
Realizing that none of the alphas had budged from their positions, Maddox turned to them, his expression deadpan. "It's either that, or I throw her off the damn chair," he stated flatly. A low snarl inadvertently escaped the youngest alphas' mouth, resulting in a swift slap from the elder pack members. Kyungmoon, being older than them all, demanded their respect, and they were quick to comply.
Rolling his eyes, Kyungmoon approached her chair. As soon as San caught sight of his movement, he instinctively tightened his embrace around his beloved omega, enveloping her baggy jeans-clad thighs with his massive arms, as if shielding her from any harm. With a frustrated huff, Mingi stepped forward, gently nudging Maddox aside.
Bending down to be at eye level with her, Mingi hesitated for a moment before parting his lips, a firm yet tender command slipping from his mouth. "'Mega, wake up."
At the sound of his voice, tinged with a hint of authority, the adorable omega finally blinked her eyes open, still groggy from her meager three hours of sleep. Mingi's face was so close to hers that she could feel his minty breath against her skin. She locked eyes with him, her own still halfway closed, and with a radiant smile, she murmured, "Princess," before drifting back into slumber, soft snores escaping her lips.
Mingi found himself overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, his heart pounding so fiercely that it felt as if it might burst from his chest. Every fiber of his being trembled, and his cheeks burned with an intense blush that seemed to consume him entirely. He stumbled out of the room, his mind in a haze, unable to form coherent words. In the pack link, his thoughts raced, replaying the precious moment when she had gazed at him with such tenderness, her doe-like eyes filled with affection, as she whispered his nickname. The intensity of his feelings was so potent that it felt as if he could spontaneously combust from the sheer weight of his emotions. Mingi now understood the profound infatuation his pack brothers harbored for her. She had an undeniable power over them, and he realized with both joy and trepidation that she would undoubtedly be the cause of his eventual downfall.
As Mingi stumbled out of the room, his face flushed with embarrassment and his heart in disarray, Maddox turned to the other alphas, only to notice that they were all equally affected by the endearing moment they had just witnessed. Yunho and Seonghwa had their hands pressed against their faces, their fingers trembling with the sheer adorableness that had unfolded before them. San buried his face in the omega's thighs, his ears and the back of his neck turning a vibrant shade of pink, betraying his own overwhelmed emotions. Wooyoung and Jongho averted their gazes to the ceiling, trying to distract themselves from replaying the scene repeatedly in their minds, though a small, subtle smile played on the youngest alphas' lips. Hongjoong sat on the couch, seemingly unfazed as he lazily scratched the nail polish on his pinky, but Kyungmoon, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the growing bulge in the leader's pants. Maddox, taken aback by the sight, accidentally spit out the water he had been drinking, managing to turn away just in time to avoid drenching the electronic devices, but unfortunately showering the poor omega in the process.
The room erupted with the omega's whines, her voice piercing through the previously silent atmosphere as the cold water splashed against her skin, instantly capturing the attention of every alpha present. Their hearts ached at the sound of her distress, their protective instincts urging them to offer comfort and reassurance. Their alpha instincts compelling them to provide solace and make things right.
"What the fuck, Maddox?" she wailed, her frustration evident. "Can't even sleep properly in this damn house."
Standing up and shaking off San, she didn't his lingering grip on her sleeping form, her focus solely fixed on Kyungmoon, her expression a mix of annoyance and desperation. She swiftly removed her hoodie, leaving her clad only in her bra and jeans, oblivious to the way every pair of eyes followed her every move, their gazes locked on her with a mix of surprise and raw need.
The emotional rollercoaster they just went through had been like no other. First the jealousy, then how she was adorable, and lastly pure horniness.
The curve of her stomach, gliding effortlessly from under the confines of her bra, ensnared the attention of Hongjoong, the esteemed leading alpha of the room. His experienced eyes, like a connoisseur of beauty, were drawn to the elegant contour that beckoned his gaze. The delicate lace of her undergarment, while intended to provide a sense of allure and sophistication, unintentionally exacerbated his already heightened state of arousal.
A twinge of discomfort gnawed at Hongjoong as he struggled to find a more suitable position, seeking respite from the undeniable physical reaction that her captivating form had stirred within him. With meticulous care, he shifted his weight, his eyes never straying from her mesmerizing figure. Yet, try as he might, the discreet adjustments failed to provide the relief he so desperately sought.
In a valiant effort to compose himself, Hongjoong focused on the intricate details of the room, mentally recounting the soothing hues of the decor and the subtle patterns etched into the furniture. However, the tantalizing presence of the omega before him proved too formidable a distraction, commanding his attention with an unwavering grip. He found himself caught in a precarious balancing act, yearning to sate his desires while mindful of the propriety demanded by the situation.
The enchanting sight of small moles adorning her soft skin captivated Seonghwa's discerning gaze, weaving a spell that rendered him momentarily breathless. Each tiny mark seemed to possess its own unique story, an intimate secret shared only by her and the heavens above. His yearning to explore those delicate spots with tender kisses overwhelmed him, imagining the intoxicating sensation of his lips brushing against the canvas of her skin.
In his mind's eye, Seonghwa envisioned a gentle dance of affection, as he traced the path of those enticing moles, leaving a trail of feather-light pecks in their wake. He could almost taste the sweetness that lingered on her flesh, relishing the imagined flavor that would be unveiled with each loving touch. Imagining the soft strokes of his omega's fingers gently caressing his hair, he reveled in the anticipation of the tingling sensations that would ripple through his scalp, a testament to the depth of their connection.
Yunho's attention was drawn to the striking contrast between his own veiny and robust hands and the delicate frame of the omega standing before him. In that moment, he couldn't help but imagine the possibilities of their union, envisioning the way his substantial hands would envelope her waist with a possessive grip, his fingers seamlessly finding their place in the contours of her perfect love handles.
His mind became a canvas of fantasies as he pictured himself leaving trails of electrifying sensations in his wake, exploring the territory of her body with a blend of strength and tenderness. Yunho recognized the power he held, knowing that his size and stature were capable of delivering overwhelming pleasure, yet he remained acutely aware of the need for care and respect in his actions.
In his musings, Yunho marveled at the way her petite form seemed to fit flawlessly against his own, as if their bodies were destined to intertwine in a passionate embrace. The thought of their connection, of his hands guiding her and igniting a symphony of pleasure, stirred a fire within him that burned with both intensity and reverence.
In a moment that transcended the boundaries of mere perception, San was struck by an electrifying realization that sent shivers cascading right through his very dick. The delicate tapestry of her soft and innocent aura, an ethereal essence that had captivated him since their first encounter, now bore a captivating mark of temptation—a seductive black lace bra that adorned her form with a beguiling allure. It was a revelation that set his heart ablaze, igniting a torrent of desire that coursed through his veins with an irresistible intensity.
As his gaze lingered upon the intricate details of her lingerie, a mix of sensations and emotions unraveled within San's psyche. The contrast between her angelic visage and the provocative undergarment created a mesmerizing dichotomy, a collision of purity and seduction that stirred a primal yearning within him. The soft caress of lace against her supple skin seemed to beckon him closer, inviting him to uncover the secrets concealed beneath those delicate layers.
With each passing second, San's fascination deepened, propelling him into a realm of uncharted desires. He yearned not only to explore the physical contours of her body, but to embark upon an intimate odyssey, delving into the recesses of her mind to unearth the forbidden thoughts that lay dormant. Like a moth drawn inexorably to the flame, he longed to unravel the enigma she embodied, to partake in a journey of discovery that would leave no hidden desire unexplored.
Wooyoung was spellbound, unable to tear his eyes away as the oversized hoodie slipped off her slender frame, unveiling a breathtaking sight. The subtle arch of her back, accentuated by the fabric that clung to her every curve, left him in a state of awe. It was as though her very presence commanded attention, demanding admiration for the sheer elegance she exuded.
The allure of her figure, embraced by the snug embrace of her jeans, stirred a deep desire within Wooyoung. The contours of her backside, a tantalizing glimpse of sensuality, held an irresistible appeal that he couldn't resist. With each movement, she seemed to glide effortlessly, casting a hypnotic spell on anyone who had the privilege of witnessing her graceful presence. Wooyoung found himself rendered speechless, his eyes fixated on her, as he yearned to explore the depths of her enigmatic allure.
In that suspended moment, the world faded into insignificance for Wooyoung. He was completely consumed by her magnetic charm, unable to resist the pull she exerted over him. The urge to reach out, to trace his fingers along the contours that beckoned him, surged through him with an undeniable intensity. It was a silent plea, a longing to unravel the mysteries hidden within her captivating form.
Jongho stood in the corner, his eyes transfixed on her collarbones, captivated by their delicate prominence. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he imagined marking her skin with tender love bites, leaving an indelible imprint of their passionate connection. Her collarbones, a testament to vulnerability and strength, held an irresistible allure for Jongho, who yearned to leave his mark on her like an artist etching his masterpiece.
As he observed her, his mind painted vivid images of their intertwined bodies, fueled by a primal desire to possess and protect. Jongho's fingers twitched with an unconscious longing to explore every inch of her, to trace the contours of her skin and map the pathways that would lead them both to untold heights of ecstasy. He imagined the intoxicating scent of their mingled sweat, the rhythm of their breaths syncing in a symphony of desire.
Jongho's gaze, intense and unwavering, revealed his unspoken intentions. The fire within him burned bright, threatening to consume everything in its path. He yearned to be her sanctuary, the one who could unlock the depths of her desires, and together they would traverse a journey of untamed passion. In his mind, he had already claimed her, and with each beat of his heart, the intensity of his longing grew stronger, leaving him unable to resist the primal call that reverberated through his veins.
Their momentary thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she turned towards Maddox, her expression filled with annoyance, and flung his damp hoodie at him. "You're such a cunt!" she pouted, her dissatisfaction with her own attire apparent. "Give me one of your t-shirts. I don't want to wear my corset. It's uncomfortable, and I still want to sleep," she declared, her eyes fluttering open and closed, evidence that she hadn't completely shaken off her sleepiness. The boys, momentarily distracted from their wandering thoughts, found themselves savoring the sweetness of the moment, allowing themselves to imagine a scenario where she would come to them, begging for a shirt.
Just as Maddox was about to suggest that she take one of his own, his gaze met Hongjoong's, positioned just behind her. Maddox, being older than Hongjoong, knew it and held him in high regard, respecting him as a perfect colleague. Yet, he couldn't deny the effect of the rapper's lingering stare, which left him feeling somewhat uneasy. Recognizing the biological underpinnings of such a reaction, given his alpha nature, Maddox tried to brush it off with a sigh. "Stop taking my clothes, they reek of your scent. Go ask someone else," he lied, offering an exaggerated eye-roll, assuring the omega standing before him that he wasn't entirely serious but allowing her to believe there was a kernel of truth to his words.
She tilted her head and stared at him, her confusion evident. "Who else?" she inquired. Just as she finished her question, Yunho gently touched her shoulder, stepping forward to retrieve his hoodie from the lower front of his chest, revealing a black t-shirt that made his milky collarbones shimmer against the silver chain adorning them. If the omega had been well-rested, she would have blushed uncontrollably, her heart racing within her chest. However, exhaustion had claimed her, and she simply accepted the hoodie from his outstretched hands, her fingertips grazing his longer ones, causing a faint shiver to run through him. She offered a soft bow before turning towards the door. Just as she was about to depart, she glanced back at the room and inquired about the time. "It's 7:36 am," San cheerfully chimed in. She nodded and directed her gaze to Maddox. "Wake me up in 30 minutes. I'll be in your bed."
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With the tall alpha's hoodie in her grasp, she made her way down the hallway, heading towards his room. Along the way, a thought crossed her mind to stop by the kitchen, which was conveniently adjacent to the room. As she ventured forward, the soft glow of daylight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm radiance throughout the space. Eager to don the borrowed garment, she began pulling it over her head, only to find it stubbornly clinging to her neck, momentarily obscuring her vision. Undeterred, she continued to tug at the fabric, inadvertently veering off course.
In her haste to envelop herself in the hoodie's comforting embrace, she struggled momentarily, the fabric refusing to yield, momentarily obscuring her vision. Undeterred by this minor setback, she persisted, unaware of the subtle shift in her surroundings. Lost in a drowsy haze, she collided unexpectedly with an unfamiliar obstacle—a solid wall that seemed out of place in her mental map of the house. Confusion clouded her fatigued mind as she fumbled for an exit, desperate to find her bearings.
But before she could make further progress, her hands were gently seized by another, guiding her with practiced ease. Startled, she raised her gaze and found herself locked in the enigmatic eyes of Mingi, his expression unreadable. Intimidated by his presence, she hurriedly offered her apologies, expressing gratitude with a respectful bow, and swiftly made her way to Maddox's inviting bed. As she glanced down at her petite frame swallowed by the oversized hoodie, she realized it cascaded down to her knees, enveloping her like a protective cocoon. Anticipating the comforting solace that awaited her beneath the covers, she resolved to shed her confining jeans, unaware of the two sharp intakes of breath behind her. With a haphazard pull of the zipper and a deft maneuver of her legs, she discarded the denim, allowing it to fall away as she gracefully slipped into the plush sanctuary of the bed. And there, in the soft embrace of warmth and dreams, she succumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber.
She stirred from her peaceful slumber, roused by the melodious strains of music that filled the air. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself in a state of half-consciousness, still tethered to the realm of dreams. The melodic notes wafted through the room, their gentle vibrations resonating within her soul, beckoning her to awaken fully.
As she gradually shook off the remnants of sleep, her senses heightened, and she recognized the familiar tunes that now danced around her. It was the unmistakable sound of the last song she recorded the day before. Each note and lyric seemed to caress her being, whispering promises of inspiration.
Eager to immerse herself in the enchantment of the music, she cast off the drowsiness that clung to her like a fleeting memory. With a sense of renewed vitality coursing through her veins, she reached for her phone, hoping to catch a glimpse of the time that had conspired against her precious sleep. The digits illuminated the screen with a damning truth—9:04 am—an unwelcome reminder of the hour she had been robbed of.
Oh this fucker.
Indignant at the intrusion of her slumber, she snatched the pillow she had rested upon and sat up, her gaze scanning the room for her unwitting accomplice in this temporal crime. To her right, amidst the symphony of sizzling pans and culinary artistry, she spied Wooyoung and Seonghwa, their culinary passions interwoven with a graceful dance. Further down, Jongho and Yeosang engaged in a hushed exchange, their words cloaked in mystery. Oblivious to her presence, they sat at a regal marble table, absorbed in their discourse. San and Yunho, on the other hand, found solace in the digital realm, their camaraderie evident as they maneuvered through virtual landscapes, softly nudging each other, wishing the other to lose. Meanwhile, Hongjoong and Mingi, tethered by the ethereal notes streaming through their AirPods, bobbed their heads in perfect synchrony, their attention fixated on the music that enveloped their senses, coming out of the familiar MacBook Pro.
Behind the rappers, Maddox remained captivated by the luminous glow emanating from the computer screen. With both hands planted firmly on the armrests of the couch, his gaze traced an enigmatic pattern, his thoughts ensnared by the digital world unfolding before him. The flickering images danced across his vision, weaving a tapestry of intrigue and inspiration.
A feral growl rumbled deep within her chest, a primal instinct urging her to unleash her frustration. Gripping the pillow tightly in her hand, she channeled her pent-up energy into a swift and powerful motion, hurling it with all her might toward Kyungmoon. The cushioned projectile soared through the air, guided by a vengeful determination, until it found its mark with unerring precision.
The impact was swift and resounding—a perfect headshot. Kyungmoon's eyes widened in surprise as the pillow collided with his unsuspecting form. Feathered wisps danced in the air, suspended for a brief moment, before gracefully floating downward like ethereal confetti. The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of the strike reverberating in the space.
A chorus of laughter erupted, a melodic symphony of amusement and camaraderie. The men turned their attention to the impulsive assailant, their eyes gleaming with mischief and mirth. The omega, a glint in her eyes, relished in the spontaneous act of rebellion, savoring the taste of victory. Her lips curled into a playful smile, her spirit emboldened by the cathartic release.
A melodious chirp of delight escaped the young singer's lips, an innocent and joyous sound that pierced through the air, captivating the attention of all the men in the room. Their eyes turned towards her, their senses heightened, as if drawn to the magnetic pull of her presence. Unbeknownst to her, a heady cocktail of pheromones began to waft from her, subtly stirring the primal instincts of the alphas in the room.
In response to her joyful exclamation, a deep rumble resonated in the space, a contented sound that slipped from the alpha's throats. It went unnoticed by the omega, its significance lost in the flurry of activity. Yet, it held a primal meaning, an unspoken declaration of satisfaction and possessiveness.
Within that moment, a delicate dance of instinct and desire unfolded, unseen and unspoken. The room became an arena of subtle exchanges, a microcosm where primal connections and magnetic forces intertwined. Their gazes lingered a moment longer, their hearts quickening ever so slightly, attuned to the unspoken language that pulsed beneath the surface.
Maddox rose from the floor, his hand gingerly massaging the spot on his head where the pillow had made contact. His disheveled hair stood as a testament to the force of the blow, yet a mischievous glimmer danced in his eyes, undeterred by the playful aggression. "What the fuck was that for, you bitch?" he exclaimed, his tone laced with mock indignation.
Unfazed by his theatrical response, she met his challenge head-on, a defiant smirk playing on her lips. "That's for not waking me up, you dick," she retorted, her voice laced with a playful edge. Her tongue darted out in a teasing gesture, a playful taunt that showcased her feisty spirit. "I need to finish what I was working on," she added, her determination shining through her words.
Maddox, still rubbing the sore spot on his head, protested in defense of his failed wake-up attempt. "I tried waking you up, he—" he pointed accusingly at the leader with a mix of exasperation and amusement. Hongjoong, his smile soft and eyes brimming with adoration, watched the playful exchange unfold. His intervention had allowed her precious sleep to continue undisturbed, a decision that Maddox now found himself at odds with. "He forced me to let you sleep more," Maddox explained, his voice tinged with alarm.
The omega's gaze shifted toward Hongjoong, her eyes narrowing playfully at the leader who had orchestrated her extended slumber. His expression betrayed the depth of his affection, the love that radiated from his being. The mischievous spark in her eyes intensified, and she playfully tilted her head. "If you need to throw a fucking pillow, don't hit me," Maddox urged, his voice filled with a mix of jest and mock seriousness. "Aim the weapon at him!" he added, gesturing towards Hongjoong.
As the playful banter continued to unfold, Hongjoong found himself captivated by the sight before him. His gaze lingered on his beloved omega, devoid of makeup, with faint traces of fatigue evident in her puffy eyes and disheveled lips. Strands of hair cascaded around her, reaching toward the ceiling as if attempting to touch the heavens themselves. In that moment, the world around him faded into a blur, and he became lost in the depths of her soulful gaze.
His heart quickened its pace, the rhythm echoing in his ears as if keeping time with his racing thoughts. The intensity of his emotions threatened to overwhelm him, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Her radiant smile, a beacon of warmth and affection, sent a jolt through his being. It was a single moment, a fleeting exchange of unspoken devotion, yet it held the power to still his very breath.
The words of the moody beta went unheard, his attention solely fixated on the enchanting presence of his precious girl.
Her laughter filled the room, a melodic symphony that danced through the air. "Well, if it's the leader, I can't complain, can I?" she playfully remarked, her voice laced with affection and mirth. With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she let herself fall back onto the soft bed, the impact causing a satisfying thud.
Hongjoong, caught in the rapture of her infectious laughter, felt his heart swell with adoration. The intensity of his emotions threatened to consume him, and he needed an outlet to release the overwhelming surge of feelings that coursed through his veins. Excusing himself with a faint smile, he retreated to the sanctuary of the soundproof studio.
Inside the secluded confines of the studio, Hongjoong closed the door behind him and took a deep breath.
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rosiesbookmark · 4 months
Review: Lola & the Millionaires duet (4.5 ⭐️)
I’ve just finished reading ‘Lola & the Millionaires’ by Kathryn Moon and now I officially don’t know what to do with my life.
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Full review below:
I know these books get a LOT of love in the book community; however, Part I was such a slow burn that I didn’t quite understand what all the hype was all about.
It was also because I didn’t know much, if anything at all, about the omegaverse. So, having Lola label each person she meets as ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, or ‘omega’ was confusing AF for me (at times I kept wondering, okay, Lola, but wtf is a ‘knot’?!).
This was really my fault, as in hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have gone into Part I completely blind. Perhaps this would have made the experience more enjoyable. That said, the end of Part I linked back to the main plot and by then, I was absolutely hooked.
Suddenly, everything had purpose and it wasn’t just about Lola getting it on with the guys (not that I really minded that part), but Part II really added the depth I was missing throughout Part I.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed reading about her blossoming relationships with Leo and Rake in Part I but maybe it was because these weren’t my favourite guys that I just wasn’t that interested for a while. I enjoyed her relationships with Matthieu, Wes, Caleb, and Cyrus much more. So, Part II was an utter gem for me.
Let’s talk about that sexy pack:
What I really appreciated about the bonds? Not every guy was bisexual.
For the sake of consistency, I’ve noticed that authors sometimes just make all the guys in the reverse harem genre equal. So, feelings like jealousy and wanting to be appreciated just as much as someone else etc aren’t readily explored or even problematic (at least in the books I’ve read).
So, I really loved the fact that the millionaires weren’t all into each other as much as they were into Lola. It made me appreciate and sympathise with each of the guys more, particularly in their individual feelings for her.
Even Leo (who wasn’t my favourite because he just seemed way too dreamy to be real at all) became super special to me by the end of Part II because of the fact that he wasn’t perfect; he struggled with the concept wanting her to bound to his alpha (because it would indirectly bind her to himself).
Heck, even Rake’s OTT attitude became loveable to me by the end. Had the author brought some of this into Part I, I think the duet would have gotten a 5/5 from me, without a doubt.
Who were my favourites?
In order of preference:
Matthieu and Wes
Literally everyone else
Leo, Caleb, Cyrus, and Rake
I don’t know why I tried to rank these magnificent men because my brain doesn’t work this way. I really loved all the guys, I just had special places in my heart for Matthieu and Wes. Everyone else was there too (these two just have their own special corner, let’s say).
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********* SPOILER ALERT **********
And given that they were my ‘favourites’, I can’t begin to describe how much I gushed over the fact that these two got to officially bond with Lola first. My heart was overflowing with feels.
The description of the bond itself was the most romantic and beautiful thing ever, too. The way that Matthieu would silently comfort or encourage her through their bond mark — like hello, I need him to bite me as well.
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Overall, I understand now why these books are so loved.
I’m sad that it’s over and will probably struggle with this book hangover for the next week or so.
4.5 🌟 out of 5.
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