#review that lol
dazzlerdrawer · 1 year
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🍒  @iyote​ ‘s Kakyoin kitty design!  🍒
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itsclydebitches · 4 months
Love it when the kinda half-formed observations you make about an episode finally come to the forefront.
Watching the start of "Dot and Bubble": Hmm, everyone in this episode is very... white.
Halfway through: The Doctor certainly continues to stand out, especially in that bright red sweater amongst all the pastels
Lindy freaking out about the Doctor and Ruby being in the same room together: I suppose that could be due to some cultural taboo about interacting in-person when everyone is supposed to communicate via bubble, but that doesn't track with what we've seen of her work day...
The "twist" that the chronically online, all white, super rich, entitled to the point of satire, willing to sacrifice others without hesitation, oh so eager to colonize people living in a literal bubble (TWO bubbles) are *gasp!* actually, devastatingly racist...
Yeah, that's not a twist. That's all deliberately interconnected. The episode didn't suddenly move from an argument about social media use to an argument about racism; the two historically go hand-in-hand.
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8pxl · 9 months
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my favorite art pieces i've made in 2023 buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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tinartss · 7 months
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daily struggles of professor kaveh
+ i like to imagine that he was reading whatever the architectural version of the perchance essay is
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the-books-we-travel · 8 months
So, apparently Home Depot has a sword you can purchase on their website. And the reviews? Well….
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I honestly can’t stop laughing.
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cowboycannibalism · 7 months
one of the things that annoys me so bad right now is seeing letterboxd reviews about Lisa Frankenstein being like "she's such a horrible character", "those people didn't deserve to be killed" blah blah blah
it's a horror romance!! a girl keeps a reanimated dead guy in her closet and falls in love with him! what did you think was going to happen? it's SUPPOSED to be fucked up and weird and that's part of its charm. quit being boring, let female characters (esp in horror) be messy and chaotic and morally gray.
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tropicalcryptid · 7 months
Absolutely based Etsy review
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orobeori · 7 months
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Just started watching the Netflix ATLA live action (currently on the third ep!) and I especially love the lil hat Iroh got to wear, decided to draw them with the og art designs :]]
Also really loved the scene with the woman who defends Aang by scolding Zuko mid-fight 😭 She’s the realest auntie
I just try to imagine the whole live action as a super high budget ATLA au. My sister does a better job at it though lmao. BUT it is entertaining! The dialogue is so funny sometimes with how odd it sounds, and Aang’s actor is so adorable.
My thoughts are blasting at random so do bear with me. While watching I was telling my sister that it’s a fun live action but as much as I try not to compare it too much to the og show, I just don’t enjoy live actions very much in general. I will admit that “real gritty dark” live actions do tend to attract more people, so if anything I’m glad that at least it will invite people to the wonderful story that is ATLA, and maybe even get them to watch the original :]
Would love to hear your thoughts though because from what I’m seeing its a very defined 50-50 split between people who loved and it people who absolutely despise it 💀
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slingbats · 2 months
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"GIVE ME MY CHICKEN SANDWICH OR SO HELP ME" "Oswald it's just a chicken sandwich you're not ordering it special-" "I DON'T CARE THEY GOT IT WRONG LAST TIME AND THEY WON'T GET IT WRONG AGAIN"
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raisedbythetv89 · 11 months
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The most important Venn Diagram I’ve ever made
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inkskinned · 1 year
we heard that you were very disappointed in us both as a generation and specifically as a generation of women (emphasis yours), how we had let ourselves go and now we were slutty and ill-tempered and holding onto notions of feminism like "having a savings account" and "equality."
we were very sorry about it, we didn't realize. it is very hard for you, in your life, because your entire definition was centered around the word providing, and that's a really vague and undulating word. it is hard to be a provider. for your purposes, the word provider here can be defined as "having a job", although it sometimes also extends to "doing yard work", "grilling on occasion," and "knowing basic car anatomy."
we had to do some reading but we divided it out. do not worry. high-value women will fill in the rest of the gaps of your life - all those silly feminine things like doing the dishes. we didn't realize we had asked too much when we asked you to pick up after yourself. we did not realize you were rendered small and scared and crying about the possibility of doing the laundry. here is a joke to lighten the sentiment: a man that listens when you talk to him.
we heard about how we had fallen from glory and it sickened us and made us very, very sad. lindsey had to cut all her hair off and tara threw up. we lit one million candles and we are going to have a vigil about it tonight. all of the people in this world that you do not approve of are going to be there and we will all be in mourning colors because we have lost your respect which is of course the only thing that any of us were looking for.
we searched around our bedrooms and our closets and for some of us it took a while but we all found the pricetag that we were originally born with, the one that gave our listing offer, the one that smells like rot and pine needles. we were horrified because many of us had taken deductions and hadn't realized it. i had scraped my knees and decided to be a lesbian so they had to take my voicebox out so i could never call home again. janice had been with too many people overall so we had to put her into the big squisher that will hopefully collapse her walls so that when you're with her, you'll feel so big and powerful. it will be like you're conquering something instead of being close with someone.
we are all going to the funeral of feminism and we will tear at our bodies and fall over ourselves. we will invite you onstage for a live recording of your podcast about the occasional minor inconvenience of self-reflection. you will talk about how we have targeted you and made you feel the sweat slick down your back, and we will teach you basic self-defense out of solidarity.
do not worry, we are seeing to all the outliers. taylor asked to be taken seriously so we have shipped her off to prison. laura asked you to accept her femininity regardless of her presentation. you will be happy to hear all women are now and forever going to have to be small and thin and pretty and white and ablebodied and quiet and unassuming and ladylike, which is different than how society has previously told us to act.
i am going to have to shave off my jawline, which is a little masculine, and they are going to have to reshape my hands, which are very square and thick - all the work i've done with them has made their veins stand out, so we're just going to have to exsanguinate me. i am horrified to have been out in public like this.
we are going to sit around the campfire and we will talk about being weird little girls that made potions in pink teacups. we will talk about the first time we made a difference. we will talk about the private lives of crickets, and then, at the stroke of three in the morning (the witching hour, obviously) - we will all promptly shut up.
and this will be your beautiful world. this silence that spans every corner of every street and every zoom meeting and every alley. i do not think you'll notice at first - it will be the same as every television show and movie and book. we will all just simply sit there in our doll dresses and smile blithely at your advances and none of us will do you the dishonor of answering and none of us will appear to be in distress and none of us will nag you or make a fuss or get hysterical about it. it will just be quiet, and you will say finally, some peace for once! and we will smell of smoke and our teeth will be white and the next day will come.
tonight we are going to bury the last little bits of our humanity. you are not invited. it is going to be ugly.
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starslide · 4 months
I just want to be happy :[
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teathattast · 2 years
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katnissandpeetamellark · 10 months
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Funny/Good Reviews of TBOSAS pt 2
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serious-goose · 11 months
"ofmd s2 sucks because it's fan service" reviewer do you also go to mcdonalds and complain when they serve you a big mac? its a silly queer pirate show. it does what it says on the tin
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slushy-sash · 6 months
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Grrrr mr gallagher... 😳
This drawing was made in collaboration with VEIKK Tablet who have kindly sent me to review their Creator VK1060 Pro. If you're interested, pls click this link for 21% OFF your purchase!
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