#right now i'm just thinking of anime but i am aware this extends to others forms of media too
Looking back on how the One Piece Live Action series is perceived at the moment - especially in regards to how well the actors seems to get along with each other -, I could not help but think once again how EASY it is to fall in love with the idea of shipping main characters with various other characters.
Look, it’s no surprise that I’ve been feeling that way about Digimon for a long time, but it goes for so many franchises out there, anime or not.
And I feel like that can have several factors, depending on how the main character is portrayed. If you asked me about Luffy for example, my personal impression of him is - he is absolutely asexual and I may even go that far as to call him aromantic as well. What makes that interesting to me is that he is still such a great example of a person who attracts people, who also is (somewhat) possessive of others and also devoted, passionate to a degree that is just very... Main character-esque.
Because that is what you usually have - a character who attracts others just by being the way they are: Being caring, being devoted, being self-sacrificing, finding the right words in the right moment. Because they DO have a big heart, they usually embrace other characters the way they are - which doesn’t mean that they don’t clash or don’t have disagreements or fights, nope, not at all.
I feel that way about Luffy, but obviously also about Taichi (OG and reboot) and characters like Usagi. I often joke about how these series should all probably just end in a big polycule, because the devotion, the chemistry, the attraction is definitely THERE. Of course some bonds are stronger than others (and everyone has their preferences in terms of dynamics), but you can tell in all of these cases that the (majority of the) other characters adore the main character. (Including minor/side characters as well.)
To some degree, you may argue that main characters are also written to be kind of self-inserts. They are often idealistic, but they do have their flaws, their faults that make them relatable. But they’re still being loved for how they are. That is also something viewers/readers may crave for in their lives - in addition to the general power fantasy that you witness in these series. In sum: You are a hero, you are powerful, you have strong companions by your side - and you are also loved and adored. What more could you even want?
There are so many more examples out there and I am sure you know a lot of characters where that category of “main character syndrome” applies too.
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eyesthatroll · 11 months
my love, mine all mine | quinn hughes
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pairing: qh43 x fem!reader
warning(s): kissing, established relationship, nothing else i think. barely edited
summary: a lil somethin’ i wrote while listening to my love mine all mine by mitski
word count: 1.5k
author’s note: i am the most tired i have ever been right now and i have to get up in an hour or two for a ten hour shift 😔 but i hope you enjoy this lil number, it’s my first time writing for quinn n i hope i did alright. as usual, sending my love. go canucks! —mari
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Yawning softly, you nestled yourself deeper into Quinn's warm embrace, allowing your eyelids to gently shut as you turned your back to the crackling fire. The animated conversation among the boys continued, the sound providing a soothing backdrop to the peaceful moment. Quinn's right hand moved in soothing circles on your back, while his other hand held onto a half-finished beer, the cool glass a stark contrast to the warmth you found in his arms.
During the sporadic lulls in the conversation, the mellowness of country music, Jack's choice, enveloped the space. The soulful chords of "Tennessee Whiskey" by Chris Stapleton, dominating the atmosphere. As you rested against Quinn's comforting presence, he quietly hummed along with the song, his voice adding a subtle layer to the music just low enough for only you to hear. Your fingers aimlessly toyed with the drawstring of his gray sweatpants, a futile effort to battle the creeping fatigue that had been amplified by the day's events. You were determined not to squander the night by retiring early, as the impending end of summer loomed overhead, casting a bittersweet shadow as it heralded the departure of everyone you loved, including your boyfriend of nine months.
Lowering his head, Quinn tenderly places a kiss on your forehead, his affectionate gesture infused with fondness and adoration. His hushed voice carries a gentle suggestion as he speaks to you, "Why don't you go up to bed, Baby-Doll?"
In response, you lightly shake your head, brushing aside his words. "I'm okay."
He doesn't press further, recognizing that your decision to head to bed will likely come only when he joins you. Nevertheless, he doesn't mind this compromise. Every moment in your embrace is precious to him, particularly with the imminent knowledge that in a week, he'll be heading back to Vancouver while you remain here. He keeps his inner turmoil hidden, unwilling to burden you with his feelings, but the strain of a long-distance relationship is slowly taking a toll. With your final year of university on the horizon, he hopes that you might consider moving to Vancouver with him, yet he's well aware of the magnitude of that request and the challenge it poses to both of you, so he's yet to bring it up.
Quinn spends the next twenty minutes or so caught in his head, his thoughts consumed by you and the possible future you might share. He absentmindedly nods at whatever topics the boys are discussing, their voices blending into a background hum as he drifts through his contemplations. In his mind, he envisions the two of you sharing a home, the two of you building a family together, and he can't help but smile at the idea, even if it remains unsaid in the midst of the casual banter.
"What do you think, Q?" Trevor asks, raising a beer to Quinn from across the flickering fire pit, where the warm glow dances in the darkness.
Quinn blinks, momentarily drawn from his reverie. "Huh?"
The group shares a collective chuckle, their laughter adding to the background melody of the evening. "Another beer, you want one?" Josh offers, extending a cold bottle towards Quinn.
A sudden hush fell over the group as they waited for his answer, emphasizing the gentle, rhythmic snores that escaped your lips. You looked utterly enchanting, cocooned in an old, oversized Michigan sweater of his, your delicate features half-hidden beneath your tousled curls. The dancing firelight painted your silhouette with warm, flickering hues, casting a soft, otherworldly glow around you.
In that poignant moment, as he looked down at you, all Quinn yearned for was to steal you away to your shared room. Just the two of you, wrapped in the comforting embrace of the warm duvet. He offered a tired smile. "No, actually, gonna call it for the night." The murmured words sounded like a gentle promise to both himself and the alluring vision before him.
You had always been a notoriously light sleeper, a trait Quinn found endearing. It was, therefore, a genuine surprise to him that you didn't stir the moment he scooped you into his arms and began carrying you into the house. However, as he carefully closed the screen door behind him, its echo resonated through the stillness of the house, and you stirred to consciousness. Blinking your eyes open, an expression of confusion graced your features as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Your voice, soft and laden with sleep, slipped through your lips. "Quinn?"
"Goin' to bed, Baby-Doll," Quinn replies simply, his gaze momentarily fixated on you before he turns his attention to the path ahead, ensuring a safe ascent up the stairs with you in his arms.
He gently sets you down on the bed, and you flop back dramatically, savoring the comforting embrace of the sheets against your back, releasing a contented moan. Quinn chuckles at your playful display, beginning to shed his day clothes. And as much as you admired his physique, you spring out of bed, heading towards the en-suite bathroom, your intention to quickly wash your face and brush your teeth.
Soft footsteps echo through the bathroom as Quinn follows you inside, his tall and muscular frame comfortably settled in nothing but his boxers. The intimate setting feels soothing, and he joins you at the sink, standing side by side as you begin to brush your teeth.
You sneak a peek at him from the corner of your eye, and a playful glint in your eyes prompts you to initiate a playful toothpaste battle. Quinn's eyes widen as you start flicking tiny drops of toothpaste toward him, and he quickly retaliates, with laughter filling the room. Soon, both of you are playfully dueling with your toothbrushes, smirking and giggling like teenagers.
After the impromptu skirmish, Quinn doesn't put up any resistance when you give him your best puppy-dog eyes and plead for the privilege of conducting your nighttime skincare routine on him.
A comfortable silence envelops you both, the bathroom's soft lighting casting a warm, intimate glow. Perched on the bathroom counter, you have Quinn standing between your legs, your feet just barely wrapped around him. With gentle motions, you apply moisturizer to his flushed skin, your fingers caressing his cheeks with care.
Quinn's gaze is fixed on you, his eyes locked onto your face with an intensity that doesn't go unnoticed. As you work the moisturizer into his skin, you can't help but sense a subtle tension in his furrowed brows, a hint that something might be bothering him. You break the tranquil silence, your teeth grazing over your bottom lip, a nervous habit surfacing. "Are you okay?" You ask, your voice tender with concern, your eyes searching his for answers.
His response comes swiftly, as if he's been waiting for the right moment to share his thoughts. "You graduate this year," Quinn replies, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and a touch of uncertainty.
Your smile beams at him, and you gently place your hands on his strong shoulders, a gesture of reassurance. "I do," you affirm with a nod.
Quinn lets out a deep, contemplative breath, his hand instinctively moving up to run through his unruly, dark brown hair. His lips part and close a couple of times, as if he's grappling with the words he wants to convey, caught in a moment of indecision.
Your sudden, sweet kiss catches him off guard, his initial surprise giving way to a warm, affectionate response. Before he can fully process the gesture, you've already withdrawn, leaving a subtle, bashful grin dancing on your lips. "What's on your mind, My Love?"
He exhales another sigh, his tongue moistening his lower lip in contemplation before he voices his admittance. "I can't stand this long-distance thing."
Your lips contort into a pained frown, and an instinctive retreat pushes you further away from him, your back connecting with the mirror's cool surface. "Are you breaking up with me?" Your voice quivers at the fear of Quinn ending things so suddenly.
His eyes widen in alarm, a rapid motion closing the gap between you as he firmly grasps your waist, pulling you back into his comforting proximity. "No, no, baby, I'm not saying that at all." He emphasizes with a reassuring tone.
Relief floods your entire being, a soothing balm to your anxieties as the erratic thud of your heart settles back into its regular rhythm.
"What would you think about moving in with me, in Vancouver after you graduate?" His head tilts to the side, a distressed look on his face as tries to gage your reaction.
You crush your lips against his once more, the fervor of your kiss matching the intensity of your emotions. A delighted grin creeps across his face as your hands weave their way into his hair. Your mouths mold together in a harmonious dance, each movement executed in perfect synchronization. A subtle exploration ensues as you lightly trace your tongue across his bottom lip, coaxing it between your teeth, which elicits a throaty moan from him. With his defenses down, he grants you access, and your tongues engage in a sensual tango, his fingers pressing into your side involuntarily.
Breathlessly, you break apart from him. "I thought you'd never ask."
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sirenium · 14 days
Warning: some parts of this may come off as insensitive, dark, and/or concerning on my end. I do not give a fuck about that; I've read through this multiple times, made sure to tweak things, but I'm not going to walk on eggshells anymore for the comfort of someone else right now I am so fucking tired. So if you're offended by something cold or brass that I said, leave me alone about it. Go do your self care routine and take care of yourself, but don't make it my problem. I'm autistic. I likely have ASPD and almost certainly NPD. I am going to say things sometimes that are way more mask off than what you'd expect, because neurotypicals love playing games and hiding what they fucking mean or are too scared to say what they mean in fear of harming someone's feelings. I've developed this, to an extent, because it is necessary to survive. But no, this is my blog, my feelings and thoughts, and I deserve a space to be honest for fuck's sake! Don't like that I'm not playing games? I'd suggest clicking off or scrolling by now. That said:
neurotypicals are so annoying about empathy and compassion. No Sarah, my ability to not be scarred and shaking from a gore video or a distressing audio does not make me an edgelord or a sociopath. I think it's dramatic and theatrical to put so much effort into caring about strangers, it's a weakness. But you know what I don't do? I don't go 'lol you're just soft haha' to their faces (which I've seen other people do) because that's fucking cringe. I know people react to certain things differently even if it seems fake and overemotional to me. But these people go out of their way to whine about an insensitive joke on the INTERNET or someone not being phased by something. Also, you don't know if the people making jokes are really unphased or just coping with humor, you can't just fucking psychoanalyze and armchair diagnose a random person on the internet!
(school shooting, human and animal death mention under the cut):
You don't need to piss your pants every time someone dies in order to register that the death shouldn't have happened. It's like with the latest school shooting, I don't react all that much to school shootings because wow, another one? how many useless deaths happened this time (note: useless as in it could have been easily prevented)? You know how I feel about lack of gun control? I think it's dumb! I think children shouldn't have to go to school with the fear of not coming home due to some fucker with a gun! If that makes me a sociopath to *checks notes* react logically and not emotionally to tragedies, then so be it.
The truth is that I'm just autistic. It's true that I have antisocial traits, but I'm not a 'sociopath' in the sense that people mean it. People think I'm manipulating them when it couldn't be farther from the fuckin truth, and I grew out of hurting living things so I'm not going to kick your dog to death or dismember someone's grandma. By the way, can we stop equating that word with cold blooded killer? I've been told I behave like a serial killer by a counselor for things such as separation anxiety, even compared to JEFFREY DAHMER as a teenager by a stranger online for viewing gore as a beautiful thing (I'm now painfully aware how bizarre that view is to 'normal' people, but it doesn't make me a serial killer to be fascinated by gore in such a way). Joke's on both of those people, I haven't killed anyone yet like they clearly thought I would.
I'm used to 'sociopath' being used as a word to dehumanize and demonize me and people like me. But hell is it annoying for pop psychology girlies to think everyone is sociopathic for not extending their emotions to yet another death. Death happens every day, how are you not used to it? You'd think everyone would be used to it by now, and this does not mean to lack the drive to want to change the world. But of course, the 'empath' phenomenon has done massive damage to the collective human psyche. You know the type of person I'm talking about: the 'narc/antisocial/borderline/histrionic abuse' pedaling, 'hyper empathetic' girlie who makes it their whole personality to be so kind! So caring! So empathetic and compassionate!
I hate these people. They're so all of the above until someone has a cluster B disorder or general lack of empathy. Then suddenly they aren't very caring and kind, nor compassionate with an abundance of empathy! But yes, the autist who doesn't distinguish between a human being and a Gmod NPC unless given reason is the problem, not somebody shitting on an entire group of people with personality disorders (sarcasm).
It's just irritating, and I felt like talking about it.
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ginger-grimm · 27 days
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Another year around the sun has passed for me, almost. I did a poll, and the results were overwhelmingly a big yes. I've had a very attentive follower who's been asking me to post the form, so here we go. Please note that you can take your time with the gifts, my birthday is not until the near end of September. Whether you post the gifts now or a bit later is up to you, just remember please that I won't post your gifts until mine have been posted, I've been burned one too many times.
Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to this, I remember last year's exchange turned out great and I always appreciate doing these things. So, as always, come one come all, and have fun with this, I know I will be!
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until September 25th, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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ach-sss-no · 4 months
2 and 24 for the fic writer asks?
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
I am going to count the comic I'm working on for the purposes of these asks because that's what's current. so the answer is boromir! i've written him before but mostly from the POV of other characters so i'm still learning him
i recently went through and kind of speed-re-read his whole involvement in LOTR (I probably missed things but it was just meant to be a refresher)
Boromir Thing I Forgot: he accidentally summoned the cthulu monster in front of moria because he threw a rock in the water (he was mad because he asked gandalf 'you know how to open the riddle gate right' and gandalf straight up says 'No!' and boromir is like why are we even here and he throws a rock). this is probably, in retrospect, one reason reason why gandalf gets so angry when pippin throws a rock down a well for no reason later on. we already had an end boss spawn in from someone doing that once already
anyway a really interesting thing about boromir is that he gets a pretty big chunk of posthumous characterization indirectly, via other people talking about him after he leaves the narrative. and it's all given from the perspective of other characters, so it's interesting, especially when there is some disagreement between characters
there's also a big POV shift from frodo's narrated segment in FOTR, which feels much more detached (boromir is big. and strong. and big. and strong. he's big. he honked his horn when elrond told him not to. he's big. and strong. yeah he told me he could snap me in half and take the ring and i wasn't into that, but i am too classy to say anything) to pippin's narration reflecting on boromir later (boromir just died in front of me trying to save me from orcs and i don't know about the ring thing yet, so yeah he's great i love him)
anyway, comics writing doesn't have the kind of deep internal POV you can get from prose (unless you do a ton of monologuing which is something i don't do currently), and i don't lock into one character for an extended time the same way, and it's often in omniscient viewpoint. but i need to know what the character is thinking in order to frame what they should say and do, of course
and i also find that how i frame the artwork does sometimes alter based on which character's viewpoint is being portrayed. especially in places where what the audience knows is directed by what the character knows/can see (or vice versa- the audience is directly shown something the character cannot see and i'm relying on them to be aware the character doesn't have the same information they do). so POV is still something i think about
24) how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
i think i said said 'taking in other stories' earlier but i can elaborate on that, usually what's needed is a story that includes whatever thing was the inspiration for the story i'm trying to work on, which could be a basic plot, character dynamic, etc. and it usually does not have to be in the same medium that i'm working in, but the exception to that is animation, only animation makes me want to animate*
*i dont do it often
...i also listen to music and play video games. maybe too many video games. and i work on craft projects like knitting or embroidery (i bought a discounted scooby doo-themed perler beads kit a while ago and now i have 14 scooby doo perler bead creations sitting on my desk)
anyway. thank you for asking!
(if anyone didn't see the meme this is from, it is here)
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moonprojects · 1 year
starting off with once again credit to dividers ( @cafekitsune )
BUT OKAY big messy opening here but let me introduce you to my nanowrimo project ( that might extend past it ) while there is no name and the plot is still being built up, it is trigun related! the idea was inspired by the fact that both vash and wolfwood's jpn vas from the 98 version made small cameos as the radio speakers in the 23 version and it just went from there! the idea is that in some way, all three versions of trigun exist in the same universe stuck in this strange sort of like reincarnation loop, honestly just dont think suuuupper hard about it because i myself am not thinking super hard about it LMAO
but the idea is that the current pair is stampede's version, but '98 vash and wolfwood still live, with vash in hiding, and wolfwood having been revived for the purpose of being used by the eye of micheal ( yeah ... ) meryl, millie, and livio ( i know he didnt get added in the 98 anime but hes making an appearance anyways ) have all died and passed on
trimax vash and wolfwood, along with everyone else except nai, have long died as well, although trimax vash and wolfwood still remain as ghosts with the ability to reach out, namely vash towards any other independent/plant, or plant-like creature while wolfwood has managed to reach out to the separate versions of himself a few times, namely 98 wolfwood
UHMMMM there's a lot more but i cannot figure out the brain right now so i leave you with the next part, the naming area! because i know having this many characters who have the same name is hell to get through
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TriMax Vash ; Referred to as Tongari, dead but able to communicate with other plants / independents, or plant-like creatures
TriMax Wolfwood ; Referred to as Wolfwood, dead, lives as a ghost alongside vash
TriMax Nai ; Referred to as Nai, found a way to basically keep himself alive for a very long time, and serves as a 'guardian' to 98 vash
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98 Vash ; Referred to as Eriks, has basically been living in hiding and communicating with Tongari
98 Wolfwood ; Referred to as Nicholas, but also as 'Cain' and 'Priest' as he had been revived and basically had his memory wiped clean with the eye of micheal giving him a new personality under the name 'Cain'
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Stampede Vash ; Referred to as Vash this time around, follows similarly close to how he is within the show
Stampede Wolfwood ; Referred to as Nico, actually was partially trained under Nicholas, but never cared to think about how similar the two had been as he was often too focused on other things
Stampede Livio ; Referred to as Livio, trained under Nicholas and has become something of a brother/son to him, as Nicholas sees a lot of his own Livio in this Livio, but also knows they're not the same person either
Stampede Nai ; Referred to as Knives / Millions Knives, is aware of this entire strange cycle of multiple versions of themselves, and was actually responsible for the push to recover Nicholas's body to 'repurpose him'
Stampede Eye of Micheal ; Because I can't fit everyone into this bit I will say the eye of micheal in this story is strongly connected to stampede's version of them with hints of trimax influences and vibes !!!
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that's all for this big ass post LMAAAO i'm planning on doing individual posts that delve into each character so you get a better vibe for them!
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mechazushi · 3 months
Nothing serious, just a me thing. (I'm just stressing over bullshit, don't read too hard into this)
Hey, sooo, um... I don't really know how to go about this so I'm just gonna say it.
Bluevelvetea has extended an invite to the Kn8 Discord server and Iceclew keeps saying that me and Her? should do a shared canvas thing? together and there's also someone on Ao3 that offered to make fanart for me and wanted to hit them up on Discord or somewhere else and....
I am very well aware that I haven't said anything about it, about saying that I'd love to or putting forth an effort to make that happen because...
I've... never had people to do that with. I've only had one irl friend so far and ever since i've graduated early and she went off to college, she's been ridiculously hard to get a hold of. She has shitty connection, she has a history of being broke so she has to sacrifice things on occasion, and she lets text pile up. I send her several texts over months and then when I DO finally catch her at a time where she can text me back, she'll drop at a random point in the conversation without telling me she left and I can't get a hold of her for another month. It doesn't help that she lets me do all the talking so I hardly know anything about her at this point.
My parents are next door neighbors and they come over often. I can't talk to my mom about things i'm into because she calls them "Irrational" and "Not useful" sometimes. I love talking about White and Nerdy things with my dad, but we can't really talk about the things we like in front of mom because she has this weird thing about hating listening to others talking and can't take it when me and dad talk about anime or a new reddit alien story he found. He can't catch up on things we both like because Mom gets on us for being on our phones too much and since he's around her more often than me, he just kinda stuck between gaming, helping mom around the house, or on his phone (He's out of a job right now because he's been in recovery from his second knee surgery, but mom wants the both of them to get jobs soon and for me to get a different one)
We love her, Its just she's a really big, "Gotta keep doing useful and important things" Kinda person? Not into sitting on asses and watching shows for too long. Really likes home improvement projects, does that make any sense? I can talk to her about things, but the only subject I feel like I can talk to her about are medical oddities or advancements, something her Scabble Go partners did, or how shitty it is that we're stuck in this town that we're in and can't do anything she considers fun, which is leaving state boarders and going ANYWHERE ELSE. She constantly wants greener pastures and the only thing that gets her to stop focusing on how monotonous her life feels is projects. Anything fanatical or imaginary she deems not worth the time and I feel like she judges others who enjoy that. I think the reason why her favorite genre of movies/shows is sci-fi is because it's escapeism crossing with potential realism. At the point in time where average citizens can escape their problems thanks to science and head to the stars, is where she would be happiest and that's the only thing she can get out of shows.
Anyway. the point is, I've never met people that wanted to talk to me about things I liked and gave me more options to express myself and my thoughts to others who might feel the same way. Being able to meet others who can do things I can't and being the person who inspired others to make something I can only literally dream of has been a kind of a bucket list item for me. I never thought I'd get to meet people who felt friendly enough with me on the internet to go out of their way to make art about something I've thought about without me having to pay for it or have chances to talk to others about something I've thought about and get responses about it back.
I definitely thought I would be on here for, like, another year or something before people would talk to me, let alone just... make something I spoke about into existence. Which is great, but it's also kinda scaring me a little. I'm one of those people that's afraid of change and I have a horrible habit of backpedaling to my comfort zone, even though it's supposed to be something that could be beneficial.
I'm probably blowing this way out of proportion than I should be, but not telling you guys about whether or not I want to join makes me feel like I'm unintentionally ghosting you on the subject and it's been eating me alive slightly. I feel like I've just been casually handed something I thought I had to earn and now that I have it, i'm chewing off my own hands over my own fear of the responsibility I think it comes with. I seek power only to cower from it once I have it. (anxiety sucks, doesn't it)
Another big thing is that I despise giving out my email. I hate dealing with it, I hate acknowledging that I have one, why does everything need to have my email just let me at the thing I want- *ahem* and apparently Discord falls under that. I've always wanted to have discord friends, it's was another shitty bucket list thing, I just never thought that I could be given the opportunity to do so and well.... you just read how I felt about that.
I've might have also given myself decision fatigue over "If I DID have Discord, where should I keep it?" I have a phone, I almost had to install the app anyway because I've been recently visiting a D&D group at a time where our Dm is having to telecommute at this point in time (We settled on a different solution and used someone else's appliance) But Mom is already on my ass about "Being on my phone too much" and "Its old, I should get it replaced" and "When are you going to do something different with you're life". And I don't know where or how to use this "Communal Live Canvas" Thing Iceclew's been asking me to try, but if it involves art, I draw better on my phone.
But If I put it on my laptop, where I keep my Tumblr access in, I can regulate how often I'm on the site. Mom doesn't know about my account (I think? She's seen the password for it but hasn't commented on why I have it? I'M NOT GOING TO TELL HER ABOUT IT. last thing I want to ever hear about is a lecture) But the decision cycles back around to "If I put it here, do I want to bite the bullet and sacrifice potential quality over how I could express my thoughts even though I have next to no artistic talent."
I guess I should go about this like a rational person and ask questions, but at this point I don't know If I'm just hunting for excuses to procrastinate.
I know this is hella long but I just thought I'd let you guys in on why haven't said anything on the subject and my head-space on why I'm like this, even thought this is probably just stupid and I'm overreacting and I don't want this to seem like a cry for help or anything. It's just that I'm so super thankful for meeting you two and how both of you really like listening to what I say and I'm just kinda overwhelmed at how easy this was. I honestly thought it would be harder to make friends online and I'm just reeling a little and in a kinda "Deer in headlights" mentality right now.
Blue, I'm very much aware that you said "No pressure" on the discord thing and I appreciate that, this is just how I am. I treat every minor decision like I'm the government, Taken six months too long with a shit ton of paperwork that could have just been settled as a gentleman's hand shake.
Ice, I really like the idea of working with you on something, but you might have to elaborate on how that works before I can feel okay enough to make a decision. I have a lot of irrational fears over things and exposing myself to new mechanics on the internet is one of them. I'm working on them, I just need Time and the universe hates it when I ask for it, that's all.
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Hazbin Hotel season 1 review
Last night, I finally watched the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel's season 1. And this is going to be a non-spoiler review. Even though I feel like I should spoil some stuff towards the end of the review. A heads up before you read this.
Anyway, in 2019, I was one of the many who watched and really liked the pilot of Hazbin Hotel on YouTube. I along with many people waited for four to almost five years for the official show to premiere. I was also happy that the show was picked up.
This is all going to be my opinion and I want to talk about some other things too. So, expect this to be long. Because it's going to be a lengthy read possibly. Including I am trying to get better because I've been sick for a few days. Which has been really bothering me. But I'll be okay, I've slowly been getting better.
Also, I had wondered if I should rewatch the last two episodes. But I want to write this review anyway.
Anyway, yes, I like Hazbin Hotel. I also like Helluva Boss, which I'm glad we had that before Hazbin premiered. I've waited years for this show to officially air on a streaming service. And what do I think about it. In a nutshell, I genuinely liked it.
In all seriousness when I think about it. The waiting for this show feels like it was worth it. The animation is top notch, especially as the episodes go on. The animators do such a fantastic job with the visuals. All the voice actors do a splendid job. And the musical parts, the performances in those songs. Those are truly the highlights of the show. There's a lot of good songs throughout this season. Some really stand out. Some of my favorites were honestly "Loser, Baby", "More Than Anything", and seriously, all of them are good in their own right.
And the humor was fine at times too. I do feel like maybe it's my sickness really affecting my mindset with how I feel. Or I just wanted to laugh out loud more at some moments. But I sadly didn't do that. Yet the humor is fine. Some of it is hit and miss and it turns out I'm not the only one who thinks this.
I also want to talk about something concerning the show. And what I feel like is a problem for me personally. Because in all seriousness, the show is fine. In fact, I wouldn't mind it being 8 episodes...if the episodes were 30 minutes long instead of 24 minutes.
Before the finale premiered. I didn't want to talk about this. But when the finale was closing in. To me personally at first, this show felt more like a possible limited series instead of a first season. Because I legit felt like the idea that Charlie is already dealing with Heaven now this quick seems...kind of insane. Including the finale, we have the final battle with the exorcists? It felt like we were already at the series finale. Like, we were speed running things. Especially the fact instead of 13 episodes something like Hilda would do with its first two seasons. But instead, we have 8 episodes with 24 minutes. Like...that's 192 minutes and that's 3.2 hours. That's essentially the length of an extended cut for a movie. And as I've grown older, I've realized with the more time you have for a show or a movie, you can properly use to develop characters and other things.
I genuinely question if the 8 episodes were Amazon's decision or anything else. Because I'm aware showrunners aren't in control of how many episodes they are given. I'm hoping that for season 2, they are given more episodes. Because 8 episodes felt very short with that time frame. Granted, I liked the episodes and what we were given. But there's also another thing.
I think I expected a bit much from season 1. Considering Vivziepop or Vivienne as I should call her has said Hazbin is darker than Helluva Boss. Which...says a lot to me. But again, I expected a lot more out of season 1 because it felt like they were speed running some things.. Yet season 1 was essentially setting up more of the world.
I'm wondering what else to say. Like, I'm going to reveal some major spoilers in the next paragraph. The finale does end with some things that legit made me REALLY want a season 2 right away. Because holy crap, there are things that they need to follow up on.
The whole thing with Pentious getting into Heaven, that's game changing when you realize Charlie's hotel actually worked. But what about Adam? Is he going to go through a similar thing instead he's stuck in Hell? Who the Hell has Alastor on a leash? Because they did not reveal that yet. And why the Hell has Lilith been in Heaven for the past seven years? Which also likely destroys that theory that Lilith was the having Alastor on a leash.
Also, there are other little details I've wondered about because it while the pilot is canon. There have been little changes. Like, I legit question is Charlie still 200 years old? Or did they change because I legit question how she ages when everyone considers her young. And is Angel still Italian or is he Bronx now considering how he spoke at times. I'm remembering the details Vivienne confirmed before Hazbin was picked up for an official series. Because some details may have changed. Including Vaggie's "Date of death in 2014" not being a thing possibly...because of the twist that she's an angel.
Anyway, despite my complaints. The show isn't bad. The characters are entertaining and there are some arcs going on. The thing with Husk and Angel is going to be a slow building one which I like. And I always did love Charlie and Vaggie. I honestly wished we had more of Charlie's raw reaction when she found out Vaggie is an angel. And it's rather strange how I wanted Charlie to go full on ape shit in the last two episodes. Because that girl was in her darkest moment during that time. But while I loved her, "FUCK YOU, YOU OLD BITCH!" which is honestly haha. Honestly, I'm talking about more what I wanted or expected the show to do. And I feel like an angrier Charlie wouldn't have helped during episode 8. Also...I'm not saying Charlie is weak but despite being the Princess of Hell...Adam really kicked her ass before Lucifer came along, like damn. She's still strong though.
I think I've said enough. But I want to say something else too. You know, with all the controversies this show gets and there are things I agree with. I'm going to sound like a fucking douchebag. If some or a lot of these folks focused all their anger and energy into the kind of shit I have been trying to help with. Or maybe simply ignore the show...I don't wanna talk about it. But it's something that's been eating at my mind.
Anyway, yeah, I enjoyed the show. Maybe I should watch it all in one go considering how short the season is. And despite its flaws, it's an enjoyable show and I'm really intrigued with what they will do with season 2. I'm hoping they have more episodes next time though.
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Seraphic Daily Journal
(I decided to do this for self awareness and improvement. Also to clear my head. And hey maybe I'll say something profound or someone could relate.)
As a Sagittarius Mercury in the 12th (plus Libra mars), I leave a lot of stuff unsaid to spare the feelings of others or myself even though it's the truth and I know they should hear it. I let connections fizzle out just because I don't want to scare people away with my truth, so I ghost first or easily let people ghost. (Aquarius Venus) I have a detachment issue because of the hurt I've been through by being attached (Scorpio moon.)
It's interesting, that I am self aware of all of this. I can be a coward. And I have to be honest with myself. I can't foster or nurture connections (Cancer 7th house) if I just detach when things get awkward or tough. However, I know people can't be trusted. Especially this year, things have been really scary in my love life. Learning lots of lessons and information involving dating, relationships, friendships, and connections in general.
It's hard to show my authentic self too. Usually mirroring the person (Neptune in 1st, sun in 12th) because it's easier to fake a connection than form a real one. Which sucks. I don't like that about myself. But I do it subconsciously, as if I am always on the defense and protecting myself. I act like a wounded animal ong. So there's my issues right?
So how do I fix this? Obviously time heals all wounds. And I need to be patient with myself. Another thing I am learning to have. Patience. I have to realize the saying "life is short" is bullshit. Life is long. Very long. Especially when I have so much to learn, so much to witness. I can't rush life. Life isn't a McDonald's drive through. But I can't help it. The fear of missing out, the fear that I am behind in life- it's daunting. But, I think that every person entering their twenties right now feels the same way I feel in that regard.
Obviously, I'm not alone. The majority of the population has attachment issues, traumas, hardships, flaws, issues, etc. No one is perfect. That's why I love astrology, it showcases what you need to work on. Even if it's brutally honest. I love it for that very reason. It doesn't sugar coat anything.
One day I'll be able to find people where I can truly be myself around, I just have to be patient. But, I also need to give people chances. I never extend my hand, expecting others to extend theirs instead. Which is like? Hypocritical? And creates an imbalance in the connection. I can't tell whether I'm overthinking, assuming, or actually listening to my intuition in most cases. Sometimes, I think I'm overthinking and then my suspicions are confirmed.
It's the uncertainty of people. Unpredictable. Although, it would be boring if people were always predictable. I believe it really comes down to being afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt from it. If I live my life in fear of these pains, how will I ever learn or grow? You'd think the traumas I went through in childhood would prepare me for these things, but it really caused the opposite reaction. Hence the wounded animal comment.
This year's motto while I struggle with these inner conflicts has been "it is what it is." Really adding fuel to my detachment issues. If anyone actually reads this and relates, I hope you heal. I hope you experience what it's like to truly trust someone that has the integrity to keep that trust. I hope you realize that life is not the rat race society wants you to think it is. And I believe in you, as I do believe in myself. I know I will overcome these trials because I was born for it.
Seraphic out.
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
Hullo! Came across your valentine event while scrolling the genshin tag and thought I'd drop by! Matchup events are always fun :)
I prefer guys and masculine leaning non binary folks. My pronouns are she/aer/xem, and am an Aries.
I'm not the best at social interaction, at least not conventionally (like small talk). I have social anxiety, but it's been little to none lately! When I'm comfortable, I'm pretty sociable. If I'm in a goofy mood, I can get chaotic and mischievous instead of my usual chill self. Speaking of chill, I'm known as the 'chill one' by most people. Which I'd say is true, I'm chill with pretty much everything. My interests vary widely, I can find most things interesting! I'm as curious as a cat, hehe. I love cats so much btw, and seafood. I enjoy exploring alot too. I think I'm pretty perceptive, taking my time when analysing things. Mix that with a bit of perfectionism and I take forever to do some tasks 🥲.
I was on a roll describing myself but got distracted by my cat, now my brain is blank...
Hmm, I try to be aware of others feelings as best I can. I try to be understanding aswell. My memory can be pretty bad too, occasionally forgetting something I just said. I also feel strongly on living beings being treated with at least basic decency. I could go on a big rant on how animals have their own version of thoughts and feelings, which also extends to non-human sapient creatures (like possible future ai). I really hate feeling angry, makes me feel sick and in pain physically. When I do get angry, which is rare, I'm either overwhelmed/stimulated, or upset about something like what I mentioned prior. And I'm atheist, I kinda want to punch a god, but one that deserves it. Like Ei, maybe even Zhongli... definitely Celestia, I'll fist fight them whether I could win/survive or not. I definitely would have tried punching god!scara in the mech.
Hope that wasn't too much... Have a nice day/night and thank you for this event!
hello and welcome in! you're so right btw i would love to fistfight ei or zhongli.... problem is they're both my babygirls. 😤 in any case, here's your matchup.
i match you up with kaeya!
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♡ oh, good, you're like a cat! so is he. when he's with you, kaeya is even somewhat clingy - demanding of affection when you're in the middle of doing something. and when you're done, suddenly he's not in the mood anymore... well, okay. maybe for a few kisses. kaeya isn't someone who has a reliable routine outside of his work, though. he likes to go exploring with you, finding puzzles out in the wilderness of mondstadt to solve with you. and when you bend down to pet a stray animal laying around the city, he doesn't even mind... much! he'll gaze at you with a slightly bemused sort of smile. ♡ he's also the same way when it comes to negative emotions: he doesn't like them. before you, he would drown them out in alcohol or just plain sleep, or by burying himself in projects he would start but never finish. nowadays though. if he's feeling down, he'll come over to you and give you a gentle poke, choosing instead to drown his sadness in soft arms and kisses. ♡ kaeya is also good at the flip side - anything you forget he'll kindly remind you of, and if you get overwhelmed, you can always count on him for a shoulder to lean on or a gentle hand to lead you away from whatever is bothering you.
♡ kaeya isn't a huge believer in valentine's day. he doesn't dislike it necessarily - he's just never had a real reason to celebrate it. his mood toward the holiday depends entirely on yours. if you want to lay low and just hang out for the day, he'll do that. if you want to spoil him, he'll let you! and if you want to be spoiled, you can bet your ass he's buying the two of you some of the best wine the angel's share has to offer.
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blackvahana · 6 months
“Lift up an ocean,” he said, and he starts me off with a bite-size task of lifting a puddle.
Done. Easily. “Watch me pull it to you”, I slither into his ears, holding a puddle in my claws summoned to me before I even leave the room to do the request. I have to go outside immediately after, though, to the garden, to process and really get a grip on the situation. I need to understand it. I need to know if I can do this or I'm borderline-hallucinating any of my attempts.
I find a puddle, I play with it raising it up and down. I evaporate it in a split second… I think to myself: “Did I actually do that?” But the answer lies above as it always does in the herd of clouds above. I can change the weather here in the Astral with ease, and those are bodies of water evaporating and condensing on far larger scales than a puddle.
“Still,” I say, “Am I really doing anything?” I have to observe. I observe. In a single moment, my eyes are peeled open and I fall into myself.
Flashes of memories, instrinsic bonds and sung songs, the blood inside me bending. I’m so frustrated as I attempt to write this section because it’s not right. Words are not water. The Ocean is at the forefront of my mind not as a lover but as a second body now, above me, hands on my throat, forcing me to the ground. This double's third eye is open, burning, all eyes wide and fierce and alight with the coldest, most watery fire. She says to me in her rabid-animal violence to shut the fuck up and pay attention. And I do, and I ache. My entire body aches from being left still for so long.
Ugh, God. I’m dragged out of the Astral into my own mind. Its machine workings tick above me as stars, the cold metallic ground underneath me just a very, very still lake with impenetrable cohesion in its surface tension. Tension, yes. The stars are barely a metre above me, I am being pressed between myself and myself, my own near-infinite size and the inability to give in and drown in myself are about to start crushing me. The Ocean as me, my own aspect as the Ocean, is tearing at the glass I wall myself in with, and that Ocean… When I connect with it, I feel my body having extended miles and miles beyond this human one, I feel shifting movement to far away; I am extensive, I am huge, I am The Big Bitch.
This is exactly what I began to feel when I stopped and looked at what I did to the puddle, when I told myself to examine it like I examine other people’s work in the Astral. Suddenly, I felt the sensations of my old body of water itself, and I was inside everything water. Every molecule of water in the air, the nearby bodies, the clouds above, the precipitation falling around. Like a static shock from a car door, I was suddenly awake and aware for a split second of my bodies, forced to pull away by instinct. It wasn't even an awareness in logic but in sensation, I felt for a split second when I touched it with my eyes, I moved, and the body that moved was huge. I felt the sensation of water as my body miles away.
I can’t even focus on the rest of what I felt, to the point I don’t even remember and it was barely ten minutes ago. Water. Water. Water. I’m being wrangled, wrung, and pulled deep by my own starving, cannibalistic tendrils, the Ocean itself as me is eating me alive. I’ve been throwing love at myself so long in such a territorial way, pushing the tides back, and now they return with the force I pushed them. Obsessive-possessive, starving, loved. Oh, I told Black I wanted to be the Loved, not the Lover. Now I feel it. Good. Let the Abyss itself claim me, for I am it and it is me.
L: Then you know how to do this. You understand yourself.
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falmdxyear3 · 2 years
500 words Pre-production reflective statement
This project proved to be a lot more challenging than I initially believed it to be. I am not satisfied with my indecisiveness about this project. I changed my plot idea so many times. I changed my background ideas and my structure. I changed a lot of things a lot of times. I must confess that I have never been so uncertain about a piece of art that I have created. Maybe the fact that is the final film done under MDX tutoring has caused me a lot of stress and high expectations, thus, really affecting my performance. At this point in time, I believe I have reasonably good ideas and design concepts. My plot structure is much more defined than when I first started writing it. My character designs are a bit complicated, but I feel like they have the minimal amount of detail to evoke the feeling that I am going for. I am well aware that because I had such a hard time deciding on a plot and then trying to make it good, I lost precious and important time. My presentation at the crit was half-ish done. I didn't have a production bible to show as I focused on my animatic, and my animatic was unfinished as I struggled with the plot. Therefore, I didn't do so well. I managed to finish the production bible before Monday, so I wouldn't fail me… but I was quite close to that. I am ashamed of my whole process of the think-work structure. I should have been more precise and decisive. At least now I have a film that matched my vision. The one thing that I could say I did right is the research. As I am doing an adaptation of a Romanian myth, I tried to keep my animation as close to the "truth" as possible. I research the myth thoughtfully. I researched the clothing style, the environment, the overall aesthetic of the film and a lot of dances. I attended the Man in Motion ballet theatre and I watched countless dance styles on Youtube. I also what to extend my dance motion research to dance students and other dance organizations. I also researched phycological elements such as dissociation disorder and egocentrism. I wanted to have a very good understanding of my film's aspects. The reason that I think I only did good regarding the animation and design is that I don't have any motion tests. Again, because I spent to much time thinking about the plot. Overall, despite my stress and overthinking, I'm proud of myself for finally having something concise. I worked so much on this idea that at times felt like it was the worst possible thing created, and now… it feels right. I just hope that it will eventually turn into something great.
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authorred · 2 years
To Bitch a God
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An absolute shameless self-indulgent fic. I am not sorry for what will come out of this
The reader and the Moon Boys are in an established relationship. All three of them are mentioned, Khonshu is a bitch.
The reader's past/origin is pretty much ambiguous in this, but if you're a certain discord friend I talk to, you'll probably know where I was planning to go with this (you know who you are 👁️👁️)
Warnings: Cursing mostly, sexual innuendo(s), British slander because fuck the British, a few plot discrepancies, but I am way too lazy to fix em, annnnnnnnddd idk I'll add shit as I write--there's none that I can think of past that
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (coming eventually)
You would normally like to say you knew Marc well. More than well, actually. All of his quirks, his passions, the things that make him tick; everything that could possibly make up a human person, you know. That extends to his alters, Steven and Jake. Though, if you're being honest, you like Steven far better than Jake.
However, out of everything you swore you knew about Steven, Marc, and Jake, this was not one of them.
"Why is a giant, mummified bird following me to the store?" You bit out, turning the corner to hopefully lose the shaved chicken.
"You could say it was curiosity. Marc blabbered on about you so much I figured I'd check you out."
"I'm taken."
"Not like that."
You stopped and turned to face him. He easily towered over you, but you were fearless in leveling his gaze. You looked around the street to see others ignoring him--some walking right past him without batting an eye. "So, can normal people not see you?"
"I'm a giant humanoid figure with a bird-skull for a face. If they could, I'd have cleared this entire street within a matter of seconds."
". . . well, aren't you just loaded with sarcasm?"
"I wanted to see if the distraction was worth all of the. . . ugh, gushing."
"Okay, well if you came to a conclusion, can you like, fuck off." There was a pause in the conversation. As if Khonshu just came to a cold realization. He made it apparent when he bent down to go eye-level with you.
"How can you see me? You're a human not connected to any gods."
"Trust me, if I could rid myself the privilege, I would. You're hideous." You turned after that and sauntered off with a dismissive wave.
"What a charming human you are."
"Fuck off, Khonshit!"
~ Slinging the grocery bag over your shoulder, you felt at peace since the talking artifact wasn't squawking over your shoulder. Now, you were enjoying some freshly made fries from a street vendor (or as they say in Britian, cHiPs🤓)
"Tell me."
Peace ruined.
"How did you come to meet our precious Marc?"
"'Our'?" You raised a brow. "He's mine, the last time I checked. All of them are. And for your information, we met while he was camping out. Back when he was a mercenary."
“What was someone like you doing out in mercenary territory?”
“Do you have a cloaca?”
“. . . do I have a. . . what?”
“A cloaca. You know, since you’re a bird and everything.”
“What is a. . . cloaca?”
A grin crawled up your face. “Wanna find out?”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m just asking!” You shrug. “I imagine gods or. . . whatever you are, don’t have genitals, but if they take on or represent certain animals, they should possess some of the biological physiology.”
“I would rather not discuss the state of my. . . nether regions with you.”
“Hey, YOU wanted to talk with me—so that includes whatever topics I present.”
Khonshu awkwardly cleared the throat he didn't physically possess “. . . yes, anyway.”
You rolled your eyes when he dismissed the conversation.
"You were aware of the worm and Jake from the beginning, then."
". . . ‘the worm’?"
Without hesitation, you took a fry (or cHiP🤓) from the basket and threw it to your side. Khonshu's giant ass head turned to watch it land on the side of the road. He didn't have eyeballs or eyelids, but you could tell that if he did, he would be blinking owlishly at it.
"What was the purpose of that?"
"I figured since you're a bird, you'd leave me alone if I threw a fry like you’re a starving seagull."
"I'm a god, not a bird."
"That pigeon skull would beg to differ."
"It’s not a pigeon skull, and I was created like this.”
"That's your first issue." You brushed past his body and walked down the sidewalk.
"Do you plan to tell Marc that you can see me?"
"I don't plan to. He'd probably think you're trying to feel me up as your next avatar or something."
"Well, aren't you a wonderful partner. If you’re so afraid, I’ll tell him for you."
"Shut your bippity boppity basic bottom bitch ass up! And keep it shut, Khonshit!
Khonshu looked around at nothing--as if the buildings or the people who can't see him would share his The Office stare. "Well," he mused to himself, watching your figure grow smaller and smaller in the distance. "Isn't that an interesting ‘human’."
~ This was impulsive. This is also an attempt to resurrect my Tumblr account since college has been chipping away at my sanity.
Honestly, this'll probably turn into a series. Next part(s) would be you bitching the hell out of Marc Spector, Steven Grant (bless his soft heart I love him so much), and Jake Lockley
I'll link all of the parts in each section--though they won't be that connected (unless yk. . . I add plot👁️👁️)
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Alright I know, another unrelated post but humor me here, I need to get this off my chest.
I know this won't seem like a huge deal, but knowing this is a show for little girls it just feels so frickin' wrong for so many reasons. Hopefully this can be a warning for other parents/guardians/older siblings as well. Keep in mind I've never ever been a "cancel culture" type person just because something minescule bugs me, nor have I ever been some cliche Karen-style parent bitching to a company about "this is inappropriate so its your fault my kid was watching this!" Rather than take responsibility. I am the parent first and foremost, and yes, once I recognized the inappropriate nature of this I changed it immediately. At first I even thought maybe I was overreacting, I kept watching to see if maybe I was misreading the situation and I found it only got more uncomfortable. So yes, I did turn this off. However, it doesn't excuse that this show is still made for and marketed to little children, particularly little girls (I'm talking between 2 and 13). The purpose of this post is just a warning to other parents or people with younger siblings who may come across this show.
So today, I decided to put on a show called "Flowering Heart" on Netflix for my 3 year old daughter.
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Keep in mind when I found this, it wasn't in the teens or adult section, it was on Netflix Kids. Specially the Netflix Kids page. I grew up on anime since I was little, so naturally I wanted to find some cute magical girl shows to introduce to my daughter (pass down the nerd torch).
Granted it appeared harmless enough. A cute magical girl anime from Korea about 3 best friends who meet a magical Prince from a different world, and together through the power of magical makeup compacts and friendship they work together to give people hope and fight the "hopeless energy". Seems cute enough, and I really wanted to introduce my daughter to magical girl shows, a lot of them are great for little girls. So it started off pretty good, even I was warming up to it at first.
To give you a little clarity about why I grew to dislike it rather quickly, first of all, the main character is a 5th grade little girl. A 12 year old. Now in some other animes they do have younger children as their leads. Magical Do Rei Mi, Glitter Force, Little Witch Academia, even Ghibli films like Kiki's Delivery Service or Ponyo, that's really nothing too unusual. But here is where I had a huuuge problem:
Her romantic interests? They are two teenage boys.
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Yeah. I'm not talking a grade above or something. Supposedly the two male leads are 14 and 16. Even her rival? Also a 12 year old little girl, Shuela, who just so happens to be engaged to one of the magical princes (literally named Prince Trump) and is in love with him. The main character, Ari, joins her two best friends Suah and Min fight the unseen meddling of Shuela trying to create "hopeless energy".
By transforming into fully grown women.
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Yes, you heard right. These twelve year old little girls are able to transform into fully grown, adult women who take the power of whatever makeup disguise they use (ie police officer, stewardess, life guard, pop idol, etc.) that varies based on the emergency of the episode (mostly situations like a figure skater who lost her motivation, or her friend is having a hard time babysitting).
This also includes several romantic interactions with our lead Ari, and her object of affections, Prince Trump.
Prince Trump, mind you, is completely aware that Ari is secretly this "adult". He knows she's a 12 year old, and actively flirts with her.
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At first I thought it was a little weird the boys appeared older than the girls. I thought maybe it was just a style choice, that they were closer in age than I thought- nope. Teenage boys. I mean they don't even try to hide the age difference by making them shorter or making the girls look older like Sailor Moon (who was 14 at the start). No.
These girls look and act like 6 year olds, including their very childish outfits to make them appear even younger- despite being 12. Meanwhile these boys act, sound, and appear to be in their twenties.
Maybe I could just ignore it, suppress the utter nasty of it all and just enjoy them kicking butt as magical girls if the romance itself was an after thought. Oh no no no! You see, this is the main focus of the anime!
A love triangle (er, square) between two ALMOST ADULT MEN and two 5th grade girls (and yes, they do clarify these girls are in 5th grade and that these boys are 17).
This extends to the other male love interest, Prince Chess, who jumps from being a chubby blue hamster dubbed "Tubby" who lives in the main leader's bedroom, and a very attractive teen boy. Now he is no better, including blushing when he holds hands with Ari, and being jealous of his brother Trump when Ari goes on the ferris wheel with him. Even commenting his cotton candy didn't taste sweet anymore because she had a crush on his brother. This wasn't "he met her in her magical girl form and fell in love but doesn't realize she's a child". Both boys met her while a child, and both boys are aware even in this magically made adult body, she is actually an underage girl.
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Its just-EUGH! The more I watched it the more the situation dawned on me how nasty it was. They don't play it like a cute crush or just a fling (like how in Kodocha, Sana thought her bodyguard was in love with her, but he made it very clear he's an adult and that's not appropriate). Again wrong. This is portrayed as a serious romance.
I seriously don't get why they didn't make them late middle school or high school age?! Why a bunch of elementary students are being romantically shipped with high schoolers?! It really is a shame, because the art is very cute and pretty, hell most of the characters are pretty likeable with decently done voice acting. (Granted the plot drags on for a while) But I seriously cannot get past these underage children being romanticized with teenage guys. I'm amazed that's even on Netflix and Amazon Prime! So yeah, take it with a grain of salt if you'd like, I know there's gonna be some who disagree with me because the reviews have been very split down the middle (some adore this show, others say it's obviously inappropriate), I myself am still very mixed about it as it was a good show up until this main issue (I didn't even get to the love rival almost letting a child DROWN so she could collect the "hopeless energy"). If you disagree and enjoy this show, more power to you I guess(?), this is really just to give a heads up if you or someone you know have kids and were thinking about putting this on. My advice? Just opt for Magical Doremi or Hamtaro instead.
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ginger-grimm · 4 months
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Another year has passed and though most of us live out our Pride all year round, it's officially our month to celebrate (almost). I've attempted this once before and unfortunately became too busy to finish it. This time things will be different. I've had an awful two months and it's time to turn stuff around. So please, join me in making some gifts for each other's OCs once again and make this month even more fun than it already is!
As a disclaimer, because I don't want to get too anxious about it again. I will only post your gift once you've posted one for me! It's happened a few too many times that people sent in either forms that aren't filled out properly or never posted a gift and I let it slide because I'm historically too nice (aka no backbone disease). I don't mean to sound like a nag and if you don't feel like editing you don't have to sign up or anything, that's why I do the polls. Anyways, your gift then you get mine.
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until July 1st, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
Obviously, since this is a Pride exchange, please only send in LGBTQ+ OCs. Gay, lesbian, bi, pan, trans, etc. anything from the LGBTQ community - this excludes kinks and whatnot, obviously.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @forchrissy @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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ziracona · 4 years
Sorry if this has been asked before but, I'm really curious about how you would have written Max in the story if he were to be there? He's one of my personal favorite characters and finding redemption stories about him is kinda hard (You have no idea how happy I was when I read Claudette threw him a scarf to stay warm, like yes please; he's a feral child in a killer's body, but please stay warm)
I don’t think I have been, and no problem!
If Max had had a larger role in ILM, I am not 100% sure how I’d have written his perosnality, since I haven’t had to do it yet in-depth, but I know he’d be very angry and both defensive and aggressive towards everything, warry, skittish, hostile. Not bad necessarily, but humans will raise hackles and be ready to lash out and bite if they’ve all they’ve ever known is abuse the same way a mistreated cat or dog would, or like, most any living thing. I think he’s very lonely and unloved, and it’s hard for humans to survive without positive contact and affirmation and physical affection. I mean, if we’re left alone totally, we literally just die. But since his only experience with humans—and his parents/the people who should have loved him most no less—was nothing but danger and abuse and isolation and imprisonment, I think it’d be very hard for him to be approached. Not at all impossible, but man, it is really, really hard to convince someone who’s been through torrential rains of abuse that there’s something else to be given.
I do have ideas on how you could get through, but let me think about personality first. Well, aside from aggressive, defensive, skittish, warry, and hostile, like inborn traits to go along with learned, I think he is a very volatile person. He must be enduring and strong to survive what he did and live, and so determined and tenacious. —Oh! Hang on, big one before I forget. So, I am not a forefront authority in Disability as it relates to narrative, but I know quite a bit and was lucky enough to have a professor whose central areas were Disability, Horror, and Disability in Horror. I don’t know who exactly popularized the idea of Max as having basically a child’s mind in an adult’s killer body, though I think I’ve been told it was one person or story? Maybe it was just a big fandom take. But that’s one of the most prevailing and harmful disability stereotypes, especially for mental disabilities, and horror is a massive offender in general with both disabilities and disorders, and we need to do better & listen to the communities themselves more. I don’t mean this in a harsh way at all—I don’t even know if you meant ‘feral child in a killer’s body’ that way, or meant like, ‘this feral man in a killer’s body is my child TuT’—which is a totally different statement—and even with the former, I know people have had that idea of Max super popularized and are inundated with it, and most people I think just don’t know it’s a very harmful and prevalent stereotype period—I didn’t until I was in my 20s. But I think it’s important to bring attention to it when it’s brought up. Many of the bad things done to people with disabilities come from treating them as not fully actualized humans (I guess I should say ‘us’), and some of those ways are easy to spot, because they’re cruel, and some are harder, because they seem positive. The ‘child mind in an adult body’ is a huge one for disabilities that doesn’t seem awful at first glance, but actually is a huge problem. Unfortunately, human children also get treated by and large as not fully realized humans (as in autonomous & worthy of respect and self-determination—obvs there are some differences that are important, but a child is still an entire ass human & should be respected as such). The painting a physically and mentally disabled character as childlike or mentally trapped as a child is used to control and take autonomy and gravity from our opinions and lives. It’s also just like, not accurate. But the biggest thing is that it takes agency from individuals and paints them as less intelligent, less capable of wanting or pursing more ‘adult’ things [such as jobs or sex or protesting for their rights or having informed opinions on current events and doing something about it], and tries to paint that permanent, life-long dehumanization as a positive thing by making it cute or innofenssive at first glance. While still discounting disabled as kids, passing off autonomy and decisions to their caregivers, and ignoring our status as equal and actualized individuals. Stunted learning or growth or different ways of speaking, moving, and limitations understanding certain things don’t actually make disabled people like children. They’re just adults who sometimes have some very different ways of speaking or thinking or seeming or being. But it’s super important that we’re still adults and like, have the actualized self of adults, even if our speech patterns seem weird. There’s a huge and extremely important difference between an adult with social hangups around sensitive areas and social norms, and being a child. If you didn’t know any of that, don’t feel too bad, again like, people who aren’t disabled almost never talk about disability theory or issues, and I didn’t know this till I was in my 20s. But I feel really bad for Max and bad about how he is usually characterized, so it is important to bring this up.
Okay! That all said, I think personality wise, Max would be really fun to write. Because you have two levels—you have the taught things—fear, aggression, etc, and his inborn perosnality. There is very little canon about Max, but we know he never left home after freeing himself, he steals clothes from scarecrows or whatever he can find, and he’s probably in his early 20s or maybe to his mid 20s now. Since he never left home, I’d think he’s probably a little more cautious and anctious by nature, even with all that rage. I think he’d be sentimental if he ever was given something to love. He must have attachment to things pretty easily, and would I think have liked people a lot because of that, if life had been different. Would have been a shy but friendly and hopeful farm boy. Now, he’s kind of a broken mess, sadly. He’s had it super pounded in by family he is worthless and horrific and disgusting and a monster and an abomination, so I think he expects all humans to take one look and violently feel the same towards him. Taught humans are cruel, and he isn’t safe with them, and the only thing that will stop them and protect himself is unchecked aggression.
So, when it comes to like, getting close enough to him to redeem him, it’s rough, because again, he’d be very very aggressive. I mean, even after killing his parents, he mutilated the animals on the farm in rage, and continued to viciously hurt and then kill anything living he could find on the farm, so he’s got a lot of danger, and he really leaned into violence to protect himself. It’s what he knows now. I think he’s still lonely — like, so lonely he’s sick with it — but unlike Anna and Michael, he’s never known love, so I don’t think he’s even aware of that, and it’s on a pretty subconscious level. Plus, he has even less understanding of human communication and rules and gestures than the other feral killers, so it’d be really hard to get through to him. I think about the only plausible way is really, really, really fuckin slowly, through repeated gifts and kindnesses for no reason (like Claude with the scarf but every day for three years)—the same way you’d try to get through to a feral cat, since like other living things, humans also are wary and mistrustful when hurt, but can be socialized into new situations and do have a pretty set list of gifts and actions we appreciate. I mean, if I was feral, I would start to soften if repeatedly left chocolates and big warm coats and picture books to look at, pretty rocks. I have a crow heart.... >.> Or, the much more likely option, you’d have to catch him or find him captured and helpless, and then be kind instead of doing anything bad at all, and help him for a somewhat extended period of time, nurse him back to health or such, so he’d be forced to actually realize this person isn’t trying to hurt him—they’re trying to help.
I think Max would get less hostile slowly and cautiously because like, if you’ve ever been horribly abused you know you’re afraid to be hurt again. But also, if you’re alone, there’s a battle between wanting some kind of constact and love, and the fear of trying to trust someone only to be brutally torn up again and cast aside. It’s a painful place to be. But I think once he made it over that initial trust hurdle, and could bring himself to stop shuddering at a touch and to believe the person helping him was just trying to give him food, not poison or something to choke on, he’d be absolutely overcome, becuase if you’ve never been shown kindness and then are, overwhelmingly, it’s really hard to process. There’s a lot of psychology stuff about how we form our understandings and processing of each other and the world that I’m not gonna go into much bc convoluted, but it’d be like the opposite weirdly of a Just World break. The realization some things are less awful than your cemented life understanding structure. It would feel wrong and be hard to process (and rewireing a brain takes some time), but he’s been so alone for so long, I think the longing for people would get through, and he would cautiously start to trust and be just bowled over and kind of intimidated by the strength of like, the love and affection and gratitude and belonging he’d start to feel. I think he’d be afraid, becuase it’s not how life is meant to go, and jumpy, but he’d also just be lost to the happiness of actually having some kind of positive human connection, and become fiercely protective of whoever (or whichever people) was/were helping him. Got something he doesn’t want to lose now.
He’s young, so he’s going to still be figuring stuff out, and he had an awful upbringing, so lots of confusion and anger and un-learning too, but I’m really glad you liked that scene!! 😭 and that you like Max too, because he needs more love. I like him a lot too, that’s why he ends up with an undetermined fate instead of, like, dead in ILM. I’d like to give him a fully story role sometime, when there’s more space for it. He’s such a complex and unfortunate guy, he deserves a chance to grow more right and find people who are different and have a better future. TuT. It ain’t fair how his life was.
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