#right when i entered highschool tho
silentgrim · 2 years
your art has been so cute and it's so sweet of you to do too! i keep looking forward to seeing whoever you end up drawing next :)
aaa thank you!!! 😭 i’ve been really insecure about it,,, tho i’m glad you like it! you just gave me a confidence boost so thank u! 🤍
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isak-dot-gov · 4 months
I'm gon' make you feel it
A/n: Uh hey. This is the first time I'm posting on here so I hope you like it. Kinda nervous btw. Also not proofread.
Word count: 2226
Summary: Months after you and Rhea break up, your best friends decide to take you out for a night in the city after not seeing you for a while. while there, you run into Rhea and the rest of the Judgement Day.
Warnings: Suggestive(nothing actually done tho)
My masterlist :)
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“Y/n, come on. We haven’t gone out in so long,” I heard Jasmine say.
“She’s right, y/n/n, you’ve been MIA for so long now. Please come out with us,” Eve says.
Jasmine and Eve have been my best friends since the three of us were in the first grade. We were placed at the same table in the classroom’s seating chart on the first day and we’ve been friends ever since. They have been with me through all my highs, lows, and everything in between. From celebrating birthdays and acing tests to comforting each other through heartbreaks and family troubles, our bond has only grown stronger. We've shared countless sleepovers, road trips, and late-night talks that have made us inseparable.
Tonight they were trying to get me to join them on one of our ‘late night adventures’. Basically what would happen is that we would get ready to go out and hit the city with zero plans or expectations on what we would be doing or what the outcome of the night would be. Sometimes it would be going from one club to the other and sleeping over at one of our houses. Other times it would end with us getting matching tattoos. The most recent one of these nights was about six months ago, a month after I broke up with Rhea. We got tipsy, went to a trampoline park and I ended up getting a brand new set of nipple piercings. To say these nights were some of the most fun I’ve ever had would definitely be an understatement.
“Girls, I don’t think I’m up to it tonight. I’ve been so busy with work lately,” I said with a tired sigh. Ever since Rhea and I broke up, I’ve thrown myself into my work as a way of avoiding the feelings I not only had for our situation but for her as well. Rhea and I broke up seven months ago after a huge argument. She felt that I shouldn’t be having so many female friends and that I could potentially be cheating on her with one of them, which was completely untrue. The reason I had so many female friends was because I was in an all-girls school for my whole primary and highschool, because of this women have always taken up the majority of my social life. Unfortunately for me, Rhea had always been the jealous type and no amount of reassurance that I gave her ever seemed to calm the green monster that tended to take over whenever I hung out with people she didn’t like. Getting to the point where I was willing to let her go was hard, but I was able to do it after Jasmine and Eve showed me exactly how unhealthy we were together.
I was a wreck for a few weeks after the breakup. Rhea would constantly call, so much so that I had to turn my phone off and only have it on during the hours that she spent working because I knew she tended to stay far away from her phone during those hours. I never wanted to leave the house and I barely got any sleep in. Thankfully, my best friends got sick of it quite quickly and made me start coming out of my shell again.
“Girl, that’s exactly why we should be going out tonight,” Eve says.
“Let loose a little. Give us 30 minutes of your time. We promise if you really feel uncomfortable after that time we’ll go to my place and watch a movie or something,” Jasmine says.
“Promise,” my best friends say in unison. 
“Ok ok, I’ll do it,” I say with a smile.
“Fuck yeah!”
Two hours later and I’m sitting on a bar stool with my friends on either side of me and my third drink of the night in my hand. We reminisce on our primary and highschool years when four people enter the bar and completely shift the atmosphere in the room. I notice the bartender slightly shift her posture and briefly check herself in the reflective wall that stood behind her, facing those sitting in the bar. After she does so I hear a familiar voice next to me say and my high spirit for the night is immediately crushed.
“Uh can I get two whiskeys on the rocks, a gin and tonic, and a martini?” Damian, Rhea’s friend and fellow Judgement Day member, says next to me. I freeze and shut my eyes tightly, while doing so, I hear Jasmine and Eve fall silent and keep their eyes on me. Once I open my eyes, I notice their eyes on me as they carry sympathy for my current state.
“Oh hey, y/n. I haven’t seen you since…” he trails off and I can hear the cautious tone in his voice as he stops himself from saying anything that would make me uncomfortable. I always preferred Damian over the rest of Rhea’s friends, he always felt the need to make sure I was ok and in moments like these, I really appreciated him for it.
“Hey, Dami. How have you been? What brings you out here?” I saw with a strained smile. I have no idea why I feel this way or why I’m acting this way towards him. He never did anything to me, in fact, all he’s ever done was look out for me.
“I’ve been doing alright. Judgement Day’s going to Wrestlemania, so we decided to go out for drinks as a way of celebrating,” he says with a soft smile. Soon after, the bartender brings the drinks he ordered for him and his friends with a flirty smile and a wink. Uh, ok I guess.
“Anyways, I’ll hopefully see you around. I’ll tell the rest you say hi,” he says.
“Oh you don’t need to…” I start but he walks away before I get to the end of my sentence.
“Well that went better than I thought it would,” Jasmine says obliviously. Eve and I shoot her side-eyes as she gives the two of us a genuine smile, the Essence blush she’s wearing showing on her cheeks a little more due to the lighting in the bar.
“Do you want to leave, y/n. We don’t mind if you do,” Eve says compassionately.
“No no. We were having fun. I don’t want to leave yet,” I say and genuinely mean. I haven’t felt this free in so long and I would be damned if I let Rhea’s presence in this bar ruin that freedom for me.
My friends both give me light nods and we continue with our conversation. As the night continues, one of our favourite songs from our highschool years, ‘No Hands’ by Waka Flocka Flame, starts playing. The three of us immediately get hyped and start making our way to the dance floor to dance. The start of that song marks a streak of throwback songs from the DJ and we continue dancing for a while. As we do so I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, when I look up I notice Rhea and the rest of her friends watching me. I make eye contact with each of them one by one before my eyes focus on the girl whose whole being makes my heart dizzy. She has an attentive look with a hint of longing in her eyes as she undresses me with them. With the new found confidence in my system brought by the many drinks I've had tonight, I find it in me to wink and decide to give her a show.
‘Feel It’ by Jacquees starts blaring through the speakers and my friends and I huddle up onto each other by our fronts and backs. I’m in front with Jasmine right behind me, her left hand on my left hip and her right hand on Eve’s right hip and Eve’s hands on both of Jasmine’s hips. We start swaying together to the beat of the song and sing along. At the position I’m standing at, I have a clear view of Rhea’s booth on the upper level of the bar. She’s sitting forward with her elbows on her knees and a drink in her hand as she watches me intensely. The chorus of the song starts and I start swaying my hips in circles as Jasmine and Eve take it as a sign to follow my lead. The three of us move in sync as the song continues. I get a little too into the song as a few minutes later I feel Jasmine’s hand remove itself from my hips and two, much larger, hands replace hers on either side of my hands.
“You two wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your friend for the night, would you?” 
My girls take a moment to look at me for reassurance in the response they’re going to give and I nod lightly as a sign of telling them I’ll be ok with her.
“Oh sure, Rhea. Take her home in the morning and don’t do any weird shit,” Jasmine says as she turns her attention to Eve.
“Call us if she starts acting up,” Eve says, sending a glare with her blue eyes to Rhea. I nod and feel Rhea pull me by my waist to the exit of the bar. We walk to her car slowly and in silence as the heels I chose to wear tonight start proving to be harder to walk in. Rhea quickly got impatient with my instability and swiftly lifted me up bridal style before making the rest of the walk to her car. She opens the door to her passenger seat and softly places me in the seat before closing the door and climbing in at the driver’s side.
“You’ve never done that before,” I say as she pulls out of her parking spot and makes her way to her house.
She looks at me briefly with confusion and says, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“You’ve never opened the car door for me. That’s a first.”
“Huh. I guess it is,” she says.
As I look around in her car I notice a bright pink hair tie on her wrist. Without thinking I point at it and say, “Where’d you get that? I like it. Might just get one.”
“Sweetness, this is yours. You left it at mine after you know what happened,” she says.
“Yeah. Oh,” a moment of silence passes before she says, “How have you been, sweetness. We haven’t spoken in a while.”
Fuck. There’s that Australian accent that I’ve never had the self-control to resist.
“Uh, um, I’ve been good. I mean, as good as a person can be after a break up. You know, I don’t think you should be calling me that,” I say.
“Calling you what, sweetness?” she asks.
“Sweetness. It does things to me.”
She chuckles lightly before she says, “It does things to you? Whatever could you be talking about, my love?”
I tilt my head back into the headrest of the car as I exhale deeply. “Don’t play dumb with me, Rhea. We both know you’re way smarter than that. Don’t act like you have no idea all the things you do to my body by simply being this close to me. This isn’t a good idea and  we know it isn’t.”
“But I’ve missed you,” was her only response.
“I know, Rhea. And I’ve missed you too. You know that,” I say.
As she parks in her driveway she turns to me and asks, “Then why did you leave me?”
I turn towards her and respond, “We weren’t good for each other. You know that. I know that. We were only pulling each other down by being together.”
She gives me a tight lipped smile before saying, “What do I need to do? I can be better, I promise I can. I know I wasn’t a good girlfriend in the past. I was a dick. We both know that, and even when you tried to make me feel secure in our relationship I still pushed you away and blamed you for all my insecurities. I just need the chance to prove that to you. I don’t think I can hand any more time away from you, baby. Take me back. Please?”
This is a side of Rhea I’ve never seen before, and I chose to proceed cautiously because of that. She has always had the ability to use her words to get what she wants from people. However, something in the way she was looking at me made me feel like she was being sincere and my heart couldn’t help but fall for her all over again.
“Fuck I missed you,” I say as I capture her lips with mine. The kiss started out softly but turned hard and passionate really quickly. Rhea held onto me extremely tightly as if she was afraid I’d vanish at any moment. Her hands travelled to my waist and squeezed tightly, earning a breathy whimper from my lips.
“Rhea,” I said in a moan as her lips found their way on my neck.
“Mhm, baby? Tell me what you need,” she said.
“Please take me your house and fuck me.”
“That I can definitely do for you, sweetness.”
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noxx-33i · 6 months
Hello I have come to word vomit RGB trio thoughts and headcanons. Beware some of these will probably be nonsensical and not in order.
I think skate has the worst fashion taste out of the three. I can't say much on this though cause I also have an atrocious sense of fashion/lh
Boombox and to an extent Skate talk in 80's slang. Like radical, bodacious, hella, etc. 80's coded boombox just lives in my head rent free and i can't kick him out/silly
Their alcohol tolerance from lowest to highest goes: Skate, BB, Sling
BB and Skate crash at Slingshot's place ALL the time. At this point even Shuri and Vine are used to them just random showing up
^^continuing this I think they like to enter through anywhere but the window. Most especially Skate. BB at the very least is willing to act like a Normal person and use the door SOMETIMES. Skate however if he uses the door you'll bet that he's going in on his board. Whether or not he immediately crashes and breaks something inside is another thing/lh
Sometimes they'll just have Katy Perry Sessions with Shuriken. Like literally just listening to Katy Parry. Don't. Don't ask why I don't know either/lh
^^they have California Gurlz memorized.
If one of them does a crime none of them are snitching. If one goes down they all go down if one admits to it the other two will admit to it too. No bro left behind/silly
Sling is the smartest academically in their group and is probably the best at math. Not saying he's a prodigy im just saying BB and Skate are probably dumb as shit with math /lh+aaff
Sometimes Skate likes to record his Sick Moves™ and sometimes it would Also be in a place he proooobably shouldnt be in so Sling and BB take turns being on either camera duty or watch duty. Whether either of them are good at it is a different discussion/silly
Skate was caught stealing by the police once but BB was there and somehow he managed to trick them into believing he was Skate's lawyer and that he did not steal anything. Sling watched from the distant absolutely flabbergasted
Sling prices his menu very high and whenever someone asks he's just like "Oh yk, inflation!" and somehow it always works
they like setting fireworks off at night. Sometimes BB can't come cause he's too tired from work or something tho so
Despite Slingshot being the most academically smart in the group Boombox is the one who would hesitate when given a big shiny red button that could nuke Crossroads. Sling and Skate would see a shiny red button and go "ooo shiny" then BOOM!!!! /silly
idk if you want this but I have an au with my friend using the skins ingame (and some we made up for it hehe) where Snowboard and Rainbox were highschool best friends and they would get into shenanigans together like light theft (Rain is the distraction), parties maybe, etc andddd I love them very much
Snow in the au has canonically tried to rizz up a girl (in High School) only to bag her boyfriend AND her brother
^^The au takes place years later when Snowboard is in college (in Blackrock college cause there's no faction wars in this au) and when he comes back he finally meets Cozyshot who is Rain's roommate and erm my friend likes skateshot so I think you can tell what happens next (GAY PEOPLE) /silly
Okay im gonna stop rmabling now have a good day silly muah/p
IM GONNA RAMBLE TOO AND Oh my god ur so right on the first one.
SKATE HAS TERRIBLE FASHION SENse. I can smell it. Hes so sweaty he doesnt care ab his looks too much but bb would say "youre not going out like that
YES I AGREE. Boombox is stuck in the 80s and he doesnt want to leave. Im actually picking up these habits i wanna say rad so bad.
Skate being the lowest is the funniest shit wver bc i love bullying his ass. Did you tell i put NO EFFORT in his stupid hc reveal HEELP
I FEEL LIKE ONE DAY THEY MIGHT GET A SECRET HANGOUT PLACE… like fully furinisjed and with ac and all that fancy shit. How? Idk illegally? They probably have board games and dnd sessions with trusted friends who keep the place a hush
Bro theyre not normal they will never be normal… "GUYS HOW DID YOU GET IN" // "We lock picked your door" // "WHAT THE FUCK"
> lowkey skate would learn lock picking for fun and hed get so good at it he would be tempted to steal more stuff
>> that being said.. rob the bank?/ref
LOWKEY i feel like bb was a nerd in his younger years but grew out of it… he would probably like science facts and everyone thinks hes smart but hes not.. AND YES sling being math smart is so real teehee. Hes the expenses guy but also cant stop himself from spending more than he needs to
Skate n BB would get into so much trouble but no one can ever find them guilty in some fucking way and it makes the authorities so mad
Ironically id like to think Zuka easily catches them doing dumb shit but he doesnt care enough to report it
Sling has probably done tax evasion one or two times.. or more….
Ok cute hcs to vomit out… with ur mention of tired boombox i feel like sling and skate would immediately go to bbs place and crash not in a chaotic way but like ogghd.. ÖIKE THEY MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER BY GIVING SNACKS OR MASSAGES TO HELP HIM LOSE STRESS
Literally any time one of the RGB members get their vibes off its instantly to care land bc bcbc bc 😞😞🙁🙁😞😞😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *sobbing crying throwing up* theyr besties 😭😭 this xan be both platonic or romantic i legit do not care i love BOTH
With that in mind i feel like whenever skate and bb crash over sling would have a few of their favorite pastries from his cafe saved in his fridge… like dog treats LMAOO
This is likge.. dog-cat-dog relationship… but all are chaotic as fuck /silly
that au makes me think of sling with glasses for some reason… i need to draw so bad….!!!!;!2!
And they were roommates /ref+j
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Having thoughts about an ask you recently posted about teen Tim falling in love with his teacher Bruce who is 25 years older than him. You mentioned in the ask that Tim is sad about the love not being reciprocated but that's okay, bc they still fuck, and once Bruce knocks him up, they'll have to get married and then they can be together!
What if this was a little different? Bc tbh when you say teen Tim I imagine him 16 at the MOST. So he gets pregnant freshman year of high school and realizes they can't get married bc he's still too young. So he has Bruce's baby and raises them and everything, but when she's only three months old, Tim finds out he's pregnant again. This sparks an idea in him that the more babies he pops out before Bruce can legally marry him, the more urgent their marriage will be, meaning it will happen that much sooner! So Tim has a plan to be as pregnant as many times as possible until he and Bruce can get married (this leads to him being pregnant with his fifth baby on his 18th birthday)
However, on the flip side, Bruce never intends on marrying Tim. His wife doesn't want any kids herself which breaks Bruce's heart, not just bc he wants children of his own (nothing against Dick and Jason ofc, he loves his son's dearly), but bc pregnancy and impregnation sex might just be his two biggest kinks. So when he realizes one of the little high schoolers has a massive crush on him and the right circumstances that, if he got pregnant, no one would suspect Bruce even for a second? He's on that shit so fast. They start Tim's freshman year, and the teen mentions marriage, to which Bruce explains 1. He's already married and 2. Tim is too young anyways
This is around the time Tim gets pregnant with their first child and comes up with his idea of baby trapping Bruce, meanwhile Bruce has a new goal himself of fucking Tim as often as he can and filling up his sweet, stupid, slutty little womb. He intends on ruining Tim for anyone else (either bc Tim only ever wants Bruce, or bc any other potential suitors are too intimidated by Tim's impressive brood of children to risk fucking him, let alone dating him) and totally succeeds
When Tim is old enough to marry, Bruce gaslights him and says they need to hold off on the wedding a few more years. Eventually, Bruce has a house made for Tim and all their sweet bastard babies to grow up in, and eventually after that, when Tim is around 22/23, Bruce's wife learns about him and his enormous amount of children with her husband. She wants to be mad, but Tim is such a sweet, stupid little thing, only good for raising babies and being fucked even stupider on Bruce's cock that she can't be upset!
At least not with Tim, especially when she first meets him and finds him, heavily pregnant with twins, nursing his 8 month old from his heavy chest. She can be plenty pissed at Bruce tho, especially for treating Tim and their babies like a dirty little secret (and she supposes they are, when she notices how old his oldest four kids are and does the math, realizing her idiot husband knocked this little slut up and kept him that way throughout his entire high school career). So she gets her revenge by strong-arming Bruce into building a house on the property for Tim and the kids to live in, so Bruce can be faced with his shameful little secret as often as possible
Maybe she even joins Bruce and Tim when they fuck, eventually, or they enter a cuckqueen dynamic with Tim as her husband's sweet little cum bucket and baby maker 🥰 maybe a sister wives type deal, even? Tim and Bruce never actually get married in a way that's legally binding, but they might as well be married with the way Tim is kept barefoot and pregnant
tim is 100% the type of delusional that honestly believes bruce will marry him/leave his wife for him and he absolutely believes bruce's excuses and lies about eventually marrying him even though it will never happen because even if bruce did get remarried he wouldn't marry a highschool drop out like tim (even though the reason tim dropped out in the first place was to take care of the kids bruce kept getting him pregnant with!). but bruce does love his kids and he is...very deeply fond of tim who satiates bruce sexually in a way no one, not even his wife has.
so when he gets found out of course he's willing to do whatever his wife asks of him in exchange for still being allowed to see tim and his children even if she thinks she's lording his "shame" over his head by making bruce build them the sweet little cottage, that tim has been fantasizing about moving their children into, on the manor's grounds.
it's a small sacrifice. so is letting her come in to watch as bruce lovingly fucks his sweet little lover, pumping him full so he can get big with another of bruce's babies. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nothoughtsonlytrance · 3 months
Hey guys! I usually don’t post something like this, but I thought I might as well anyway, in honor of the 5th anniversary of Dan’s coming out video.
So I mentioned in a previous post in an answer to @demonqueenart that I am pansexual. I’ve known this since around the time that Dan and Phil came out back in 2019. I was in community college at the time, and it was my first time in a public school setting. Before then, I had been to private schools throughout elementary, middle, and high school, and there wasn’t a lot of diversity in terms of how people expressed themselves due to the restrictions and dress codes that the schools enforced. So I never really had a way to express myself in terms of clothing styles and stuff like that. I thought I was straight when I was in high school, and I was already an ally because I had a few close friends or classmates who were LGBTQ, and I accepted them no matter what, (and I was taught growing up that we are called to show kindness and love to others no matter who they were) but it was kinda kept on the down low because it was considered taboo, especially since our highschool was a Christian high school.
When I finally entered community college in 2018, I was astounded by the diversity of people there and the way that people expressed themselves, whether it was by their clothing style, their gender identity, sexuality, etc. And I realized that some of the people who were there were really attractive. And it didn’t matter whether they identified as male, female, nonbinary, or whatever. I never did ask anyone out (cuz I’m a HUGE coward, lol), But I knew that it didn’t matter who the person I’d eventually date was as long as we had a connection, treated each other and others kindly, had a wonderful personality, and had things in common. Questioning my sexuality was one of the many shower thoughts I had lol
I remember scrolling through TikTok as well and seeing the countless ways that people expressed their identities, and it made me feel like I could be that way too. (Literally remember seeing a cosplayer’s version of Cat-ra from She-ra Princess of Power and blushing madly and thinking, “Wait, why am I blushing, why am I feeling this way?!”, haha)
I didn’t see Dan and Phil’s coming out videos until a little while later, but they touched my heart in so many ways when I did. Dan’s “Gay and Not Proud” video also helped me through my journey. So many quotes from the video spoke to me, especially the part when his spiritual subconscious told him,
“Depressed little emo Dan, it wasn’t his fault. Don’t hate him, don’t hate yourself…you have a lot to be proud of.”
Being proud of myself had kinda been a challenge, even to this day. Especially since there has been so much panphobia and harmful stereotypes surrounding pansexuality. Even when people mention different types of sexualities, rarely do they mention pansexuality, and it makes me wonder if I am valid too. I’ve been out to very few people, other than a few friends that I know will accept me, and I’m out to my sister and mother. Most of my extended family is LGBTQ accepting, but at the same time, I’m not sure when I should tell them, especially since I’m not really dating anyone at the moment and I’m kinda nervous about what questions they’ll ask if I do come out. I hope to eventually, tho.
I really do hope one day, I find the right person for me. I’ve never been asked out before, never had my first kiss, or even been on my first date. So no dating experience whatsoever, lol. It’s been really frustrating because so many of my friends and other people my age (early-mid 20s) have been going on dates, finding their soulmates, getting married etc. And it honestly makes me jealous because no one has ever said “I love you” to me in a romantic way. I truly do wish I find someone who loves me for who I am because I don’t want to die alone. I want to eventually start dating, but there’s of course always the risk of catfishing, and I don’t want my heart to be broken at the same time. So it’s been complicated, to say the least.
Well, that was a bit of a rant, but that's the end of it, haha. I hope this message finds you all well. Remember, you’re not alone in your journey, and there will always be people out there who care about you. And if you’re not able to come out just yet, just know that things will get better. I promise. Thank you so much for reading, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave an ask or reply!
I also (one last thing) wanna say a big THANK YOU to all the people who have liked and reblogged my Dan and Phil edits as well as my music. I’ve been getting better and better at using CapCut and GarageBand IOS (yes, I make the music and videos on my phone bc that’s all I can afford to work with, lol. Does it eat up my data? Yes. Do I care? No.), But each time I see that someone liked or reblogged one of my works, it makes me so happy and motivates me to keep going. So I really appreciate it!
More edits and posts will be coming soon, so stay tuned!
-Kristy, aka nothoughts_onlytrance
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trickstarbrave · 2 months
This is so long I’m sorry
Modern au I haven’t named. Pregnancy trope.
This came out too long I’m sorry I have just been laying in bed writing
Nerevar’s mom is kind of a milf in it tho.
Nerevar stared down at the stick of plastic on his bathroom counter, his gaze flicking back and forth between it and the instructions that came with the kit.
Two blue lines stared back at him, almost mockingly, as he made double, triple sure at what the instructions said. Then, for good measure, he pulled out his phone and googled what it meant if one line was kind of faint.
The results did not offer him any respite. Despite his bargaining and hope to deny what was in front of him, he couldn’t ignore what it meant. He turned his phone off, slumped, and quickly slid down to sit on the bathroom floor, head in his hands and breathing labored.
Nerevar Mora was, in all likelihood, pregnant. He’d need to go to a doctor to check, but he didn’t have much faith in the test being wrong. Google had also informed him that the chances of it being a false positive were less than 1%.
He always prided himself on having a plan. Even if he didn’t have one, he had faith in most situations he could figure something out. He was confident, headstrong, and self assured. But right now he didn’t feel like any of that; all he felt was fear and apprehension, completely at a loss of what to do.
The thought occurred to call Voryn and let him know, his phone in his hands as he hovered over the contacts button, but he didn’t even open it to look at Voryn’s number let alone call him. What if it was just a false positive? Nerevar was on testosterone; maybe that was interfering with the test somehow? He honestly didn’t even think he could get pregnant on T, but google informed him he could, which is why he bought the test in the first place (which gave him horrible dysphoria the whole time, even if the woman at checkout likely thought he was a cis man buying it for his girlfriend or something).
Did he even want the kid? It was a hard question to answer. Nerevar had always wanted a family of his own. Sure, his mom wasn’t dead, but they weren’t particularly close either for a good chunk of his life. He was smart enough to go to a boarding school, got into fights constantly at his old place, argued with his uncle, and wanted to get away from it all. It was there that he met Voryn when they were kids, quickly becoming close friends with him. As dumb as it was, having a kid was something he did genuinely want; a kid he wanted to be a better parent to than his own mom had been to him. She wasn’t abusive, nor was she ever mean or dismissive or neglectful, she was just not an affectionate woman. She was a bit cold, not just to Nerevar, but everyone, and her family couldn’t understand why she would choose to have a kid with Nerevar’s father.
He wanted to have a family on his own terms with someone he loved. He wanted a baby, even though he knew this was not the right time. Part of him worried about what Voryn’s response would be; Voryn wasn’t cruel either, at least not to Nerevar, but…
Well, having a baby always complicated things. This wasn’t something a couple could just agree to disagree on. Either Voryn agreed and wanted a kid with him, or he didn’t. Voryn could say now wasn’t the right time and he should get an abortion, but if Nerevar was honest, he didn’t think there was ever going to be a ‘good’ time.
Nerevar loved Voryn dearly, but he didn’t think their relationship was going to work out long term, baby or not. He had already submitted himself to this around the time they started dating. When Voryn confessed, Nerevar had felt the same way and the two agreed to go out, but Nerevar thought it was puppy love. The two could be highschool sweethearts, but Nerevar wasn’t stupid; most people did not marry the people they dated in school, and even fewer of those marriages lasted very long if they did get married. You grew and changed a lot as you entered adulthood, and what you wanted in a relationship changed. And that was only made more extreme with the fact Nerevar and Voryn came from two very different backgrounds.
Voryn was the son of the prestigious Dagoth family, very wealthy and successful, and was all but certain to take over the company despite being the youngest son of the family. Nerevar meanwhile was the son of an MMA fighter and the bastard son of a wealthy business owner, born out of wedlock. The guy would have probably been a good father, but he died when Nerevar was only a baby after being hit by a drunk driver. His mom had money set aside and a great life insurance payout from his dad, not to mention one of his dad’s siblings gave her his dad’s would be inheritance (which was less than what the others would have gotten), but his family wasn’t rich. He had a college fund and a safety net in case something went wrong, his mom could retire comfortably, and that was about it.
It wasn’t hard to figure out Voryn would move on. He imagined after they went off to college, between studying and working at his family’s company to learn the ropes, Voryn would realize he wouldn’t want to do this forever. Already Voryn’s brothers didn’t like Nerevar and only tolerated their relationship because the two of them were young. Family and social pressures to find a good spouse would wear him down and he’d break up with Nerevar in search for someone that fit in with his life plan, leaving Nerevar as nothing more than a pleasant memory of simpler, carefree times.
And that wasn’t getting into the fact Nerevar didn’t know if he would be able to have kids in the future. It wasn’t uncommon to just get a hysterectomy after so many years on T. While other people ran off and had kids in their late 20’s, the time to have it for Nerevar might pass before he found someone else to settle down with.
But a baby would make their situation already so much more difficult. What kind of scandal would it be for the heir to the Dagoth family to have a baby out of wedlock with someone like Nerevar? Voryn wasn’t a major celebrity, but people in upper class social circles would talk. It would also get in the way of future marriage prospects if he had an ex and a baby already under his belt from when he was 18. Even if they broke up amicably, when Voryn eventually remarried his new spouse might not look too kindly at Nerevar’s child, wanting to insist Voryn disown them and cut them out of the will entirely or act like an evil step parent if Voryn had shared custody.
Nerevar hadn’t considered any of this. If he knew this might happen, he would have gotten a fucking IUD or implant like Vivec said he should have. But Nerevar thought it wasn’t necessary as he was on T and they always used a condom. Even if it broke, like it did 2 months ago, he didn’t think much would come of it. And now he was in deep shit, not knowing what he was going to fucking do.
Instead, he dialed the number for his doctor’s office, making an appointment. He wanted to make sure he was pregnant, and after that he would figure out what he was going to do. Maybe he could test the waters with Voryn by hinting at the situation somehow, and play it by ear. Right now at least he wanted to trust that he and Voryn could figure this out. They could write up an agreement, speak with Voryn’s mother, and if he had to move away and cut the relationship off here then so be it. But he wasn’t going to tell Voryn until he knew for certain.
Vivec had come with him to the appointment, slouched in the chair next to the exam table Nerevar was seated on.
“Most people take the potential father to these appointments, Neht.” Vivec said, deadpan. He had been snarky the whole time, but insisted on going with Nerevar so he didn’t have to do this alone. “Or at the very least, their parents.”
“My mom is several states away and I already told you I don’t want to tell Voryn until I know for certain.”
“But you’re going to have to tell him, you know that, right?” Silence followed, as Nerevar stared down at his hands, twirling his ring nervously.
“I know.” Nerevar sighed. “I just… I want to be certain.” He knew it was stupid to be this anxious, but it wasn’t exactly nothing. This wasn’t just something you got to have a break up over and move on. “I also needed some time to think and figure out how I’m going to tell him if I really am.” The last thing he needed was Voryn panicking and Nerevar left regretting even telling him, all while Voryn’s brothers threaten to kill him or start causing shit.
“He’s going to kill me when he finds out you took me instead of him to find out.”
“Oh stop it, no he isn’t.” Nerevar rolled his eyes. “Even if he’s angry I’ll tell him it was my decision and take the blame.”
“You think that will stop him?” Vivec questioned him.
“He’ll have more important things to worry about if I am.”
It was then a knock followed, and the same nurse that did his blood work came in. She had in her hands a stack of papers, a brief look of uncertainty in her eyes before she flashed him a polite smile.
“The results are in, Mr. Mora.” Nerevar already felt a cold sweat break out, dreading the answer. He already knew what it was going to be, but he was still terrified of having it confirmed. “You are pregnant.”
Ice flowed through his veins and his hands went rigid, his jaw tightening, before he inhaled and exhaled shakily.
“We can go over your options if you’d like,” She began, handing him the papers. There was a lot of information on them, including several pamphlets on top. Stuff like how far along he might be, what to expect each month of pregnancy, supplements to take, diet and exercise, and a booklet on abortion. “Or you can go home and think it over and give us a call back if you want to schedule a follow up appointment with a pre-natal doctor.”
He pursed his lips. He was in no condition to make a decision right now. If he and Voryn broke up he probably wouldn’t be in any mood to stay nearby.
“I’ll call later to set up an appointment.” Nerevar said, wanting to just go home. He didn’t want an abortion but he could look into it on his own time, he didn’t want to sit down with a doctor talking about it in this cold ass office. He just wanted to go home and think about how the hell he was going to tell Voryn about all of this. Voryn was still trying to figure out where he wanted to go to college and they had just graduated, so he had his hands full, and Nerevar needed time.
The nurse gave a look at Vivec who met her eyes completely unphased, before the two were led out.
The car ride back, Nerevar stared at his text conversation with Voryn while Vivec drove. Saying this over text was too much. He was going to have to say it in person. Instead he texted Voryn asking when they could meet up again, leaving it open ended. He didn’t want to rush him or say they needed to talk about something as that would just prompt Voryn to ask about what and Nerevar would have to either explain or make him anxious.
“It will likely be another week.” Came Voryn’s reply. “I can call you tonight though if you’re feeling lonely.”
“Nah,” Nerevar replied, “I’m feeling kinda sick today. A week works, just let me know when you can come over.”
“I’ll let you know.” Voryn answered, “I love you, Neht.”
Nerevar stared at the message, a lump in his throat. He’d blame it on pregnancy hormones, but he actually started tearing up over the uncertainty of it all. He wanted Voryn with him right now actually, holding him and reassuring him it will all work out. He wanted to text Voryn that actually he should drop everything and come to Nerevar’s apartment tonight. That it was an emergency. That he needed him.
But he knew if he did it might just make the situation worse. He didn’t want to just sob and unload it all onto Voryn. It was his fault he was pregnant anyways, he was the one who told Voryn not to worry about it when the condom broke. He was the one who didn’t buy plan b in the morning. He was the one who didn’t get an IUD or something like Vivec said as a back up. The last thing Nerevar wanted was trying to shove all of it on Voryn when he was busy and had more important things going on. And what if Voryn didn’t reassure him? What if Voryn dumped him then and there or told Nerevar to get rid of it? He didn’t think Voryn was the type to do that, but he imagined many people didn’t think their partners would do that either when it does happen. And if he heard that it would only send him spiraling.
He needed time to compose himself and figure it out. He had a week, that would be enough time to sort it out.
Vivec reached over the console to hold his hand, squeezing it.
“It’ll be alright, Neht.” Vivec’s voice was actually quite sympathetic. “When you get home take a shower and rest. You can look at all the papers and think about what to do in the morning.” Nerevar exhaled, his breathing unsteady as he held back sobs. “Do you want me to spend the night?”
“No,” In reality all Nerevar wanted was Voryn. “I want to be alone tonight. Just take a shower and lay in bed for a while.”
“Alright.” Vivec gave his hand another squeeze, before letting go. “Call me if you change your mind.”
Two days passed, and the last thing Nerevar had been expecting was loud knocking on his door. He got up from the couch, confused, checking through the peephole.
He was greeted by the sight of Voryn’s brother Vemyn with two people behind him. Panic set in immediately as soon as he saw them. Had something happened to Voryn? That was the only thing he could think of, that Voryn had died just like Nerevar’s father had died when he was a baby.
He threw the door open, frazzled and confused, barely able to open his mouth before all three pushed their way into the apartment and shut the door behind them.
“What?!” Nerevar moved aside, but did look for something he could use as an improvised weapon if he needed to. “What are you doing?!” They didn’t even say why they were there, just shoving their way inside. It wasn’t just Vemyn either but Gilvoth and Uthol, three of Voryn’s brothers that he knew disliked him the most.
“Why don’t you take a seat?” Vemyn asked, as though he hadn’t forced his way into Nerevar’s apartment.
“Why don’t you tell me what the hell you’re doing shoving your way in here first?!”
Uthol sighed, crossing his arms, acting like Nerevar was the unreasonable one here.
“We heard you went to the doctor.” Gilvoth glared at him, “And that you’re fucking pregnant.”
“Wha..?” How had they found out? He hadn’t even told Voryn yet!
It was then, he remembered that one of Gilvoth’s friends was a doctor at the clinic. Not Nerevar’s doctor personally, but it was possible for him to see in the system that he had an appointment there and why. He just never expected the guy to tell Gilvoth; patient confidentiality and all that. It was illegal, but what was he going to do, sue the guy? He didn’t have concrete proof he was the one who told Gilvoth, nor the time and money to drag out the lengthy legal battle.
“I hope you’re planning on getting an abortion.” Uthol glared at him as well, this one more of a look of disgust than pure rage like Gilvoth did.
“It’s not of your fucking business what I do with the kid!” Nerevar snapped.
“It is our business.” Vemyn said sternly, taking a step toward him. “It’s Voryn’s isn’t it? Unless you want to tell us you’re cheating on Voryn.”
“No I’m not fucking cheating on Voryn!” Nerevar had his teeth bared, his hands shaking from how angry he was.
“Look,” Vemyn continued, “I’m going to be blunt. You are not going to have a child with Voryn.” Nerevar opened his mouth to protest, but Vemyn just kept going, “You can either get an abortion and we’ll let you stay in contact with Voryn, or you can leave right now. You will not ruin my brother’s life because you were fucking irresponsible. You shouldn’t have even gotten him in bed with you in the first place, let alone gotten pregnant.”
The words stung more than Nerevar wanted to admit. He had already beaten himself up over the entire situation, and they were just confirming everything.
“He’s young. He has a promising future. Are you really going to just ruin it with your own selfishness?” Gilvoth asked, venom dripping off of every word. “He’d throw away everything for you and your brat and we’re not going to let that happen.”
It was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on him. He started convincing himself that maybe he and Voryn could work this out. That they could figure something out and move forward. Come to a custody agreement if (when) they broke up and they could try and keep it private. Voryn would probably want to stick around at first, support Nerevar and everything, and say he was also to blame.
From the way Gilvoth was talking though it wouldn’t be that simple. If he would throw it all away choosing to acknowledge the child in any capacity, that likely meant Voryn would be disowned. It wasn’t that unreasonable, rich people disowned their kids for less. He didn’t think Voryn’s mother would, but Voryn being stubborn might leave her no choice since she wouldn’t want a bastard from some nobody as her grandson.
Nerevar could do this on his own, but Voryn? Voryn was used to the life he had. And on top of that he had great grades, his pick of universities, and a great job on a silver platter ready and waiting for him. If he walked away from all of that out of a sense of responsibility for the baby and childish puppy love, Nerevar would be ruining his life.
And as the years passed, Voryn would resent him. He would resent him and their child. He would resent the fact he threw away everything good he had and all of his opportunities for a subpar life with a man he no longer loved. He’d see Nerevar and their child as the reasons his life fell apart. Nerevar could take care of a child and give everything else up, but Voryn couldn’t, and Nerevar wouldn’t be able to support him on top of the baby, nor could he handle the fallout.
Nerevar knew he couldn’t subject his child to that. He couldn’t risk it. He would rather Voryn never know than Voryn lose everything and grow to hate their child. Nerevar knew full well what it was like to be resented and blamed, not by his mother but the rest of his family.
“If you care about him, then get rid of the damn thing or leave.” Vemyn urged him.
Nerevar swallowed roughly, before he turned away.
“Voryn said he’d be here in a week.” Nerevar said simply. “Keep him busy so I don’t have to make excuses.” He knew this would kill him to leave so quickly, but it would be for the best, not just for Voryn but also for their child. Only having one parent was better than being resented or hated by one, always feeling like a burden who ruined their life. “I’ll call a moving company.”
He was already on a month-to-month lease since he had been planning to move away to college soon and didn’t want to be apart from Voryn even for the summer. It wouldn’t be hard to just give his landlord notice, pay his last month of rent, and be gone within a few weeks. He also didn’t have many belongings, so it wouldn’t be hard to have it shipped a few states over to his mom’s house.
The dread of telling his mom about his situation set in next. He planned to tell her after Voryn, but it seemed like he should do it now since he’d need a place to go.
“Don’t expect child support.” Uthol said as they all moved toward the door. “I don’t want to hear a damn word about your brat. You’re on your own if you decide to keep it.”
“I already fucking know!” Nerevar snapped. “I don’t want your damn money, so just get out of my apartment!”
After the three left, Nerevar was still standing in his kitchen, staring at the wall. His phone vibrated in his pocket after a few moments, and checking it, it was a text from Voryn. He opened it just to make sure Voryn hadn’t found out yet, but it was just a picture of a meal at a restaurant he went to for lunch with his mother while they were looking at colleges.
“It looks like a nice place to go to college, right?” There were other pictures too that came in while Nerevar was arguing with Voryn’s brothers. Nice buildings on campus, pleasant sidewalks, quaint little cafes.
“It looks great.” Nerevar replied. It would be a good place for Voryn to go to college, a place he could see Voryn enjoying. It wasn’t too far from a branch of the company either, so he’d be able to work there without driving or flying back regularly.
“I think you’d really like it here. There’s lots of things to do. A lot of active people, and a lot of things on campus.” Voryn then also showed him someone that hung a trans pride flag in their window.
“We can also share an apartment if you want.” It was crushing for Nerevar to read this now, like a hole had opened up in his chest. Even if he wasn’t pregnant, Voryn’s family would never allow that. Voryn was delusional if he thought he could convince his mother to allow that on her dime, not when she’d disown him if she knew he had gotten Nerevar pregnant.
He closed the messages, shoving those thoughts aside. He didn’t need to dwell on any of that. He had more important things to focus on and things he had to get done.
Instead he went to his bedroom, sitting on his bed, and called his mom. The seconds that followed as the phone rang felt like minutes, until he finally heard his mom answer.
“You don’t normally call.” His mother said. And it was true; normally they just texted unless it was for birthdays or holidays.
“It’s important.” His voice shook slightly.
“Well go for it.” She waited, as Nerevar took several deep breaths, a hand on his stomach.
“I’m pregnant.”
A few seconds of silent followed, before Nivara spoke. “… Well, at least you’re 18.”
“Mom, I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” She replied. “It could be worse, you could have gotten pregnant in high school. I’m glad it waited until now.” Nerevar rolled his eyes, laying down to curl up in bed instead. At least she wasn’t mad, that was good.
“Is it your boyfriend’s?” She asked.
“… Yes.” He answered. “But I…”
“Do you not want it?”
“I do want it.” He chewed on his lower lip.
“Does he?”
“He can’t know.” Nerevar answered. “His brothers already came by to basically threaten me.”
“They threatened you?!” Nivara’s voice finally rose at that, her anger showing. Nerevar winced.
“Not with violence.” Nerevar said. “I guess intimated is the better word.”
“You’re not doing them any favors.”
“They said if I told him it would ruin his future. He might get disowned and just… Throw it all away.” Nerevar began rambling now, hiccuping slightly. “I don’t want him to resent me or the baby. I wouldn’t be able to stand putting a kid in that kind of situation. I…”
“Shhh… It’s alright.” She did her best to soothe him. She wasn’t a naturally affectionate woman, but Nerevar knew she cared. In its own way that was comforting enough. “No one will make you do anything.” She then sighed. “Honestly, if his brothers are like that, it’s pretty likely he would end up resenting you.”
Nerevar could agree, trying to calm himself down from crying.
“Do you want me to come up there and help?” She offered.
“No, I… I just want to get away from here.” He wanted to be a coward just this once. Run away and hide and not think about it in the future. Besides, his mother taught martial arts and self defense classes. She didn’t really need the money all that much, it was mostly to kill time, but he didn’t want her to lose it just because of him. “Can I stay with you?”
“Of course you can.” She snorted. “That’s the least I can do for you. This house is too damn empty, honestly. Even a screaming baby would be an upgrade just so I don’t go insane.” Nerevar managed to laugh at that, wiping his tears on his pillow.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Do you think it’s possible for a solar man to be loyal? My ex turned boyfriend and I are going long distance and it’s not that I don’t trust him but like…gulp. He’s a Krittika sun and his atmakaraka is in Mrigashira he’s also a revati rising😶. He said he’s committed but we can’t see each other for three years😭 he was a senior when I met him as a freshman(in college) and now I’m entering sophomore year and he’s graduated. Apparently when I graduate, moving in together and marriage is what he wants. I’m just scared tho😞 like he’s super blunt and honest sometimes to a fault so if he did anything he’d tell me?? Idk 😭
i think anybody regardless of their naks can be a good, honourable person who is loyal, faithful etc. what naks show us and what their purpose is, is to reveal the innate tendencies of a person. anybody can attain self-mastery and rise above their nature though. (yk the whole enlightenment business hehe)
that saiiiiidd,
i dont think a combination of krittika + mrigashira + revati sounds like husband material stuff to me. thats my honest opinion.
idk what your placements are and how ya'lls synastry looks like but you clearly already have your doubts, which is why you're telling me about it 👀
this isn't only tied to astrology but as a psychic-intuitive person, im getting bad vibes from this man. 🫢🫢
you can make any decision you'd like to and its up to you. im not trying to fearmonger or falsely accuse a man i dont know of anything.
as a grown woman, i'll tell you that seniors who hit on freshmen and get into relationships with them are more often than not, predators. he was in that uni for a good 4-5 years and yet he was single in his final year and the only suitable woman was a girl right out of highschool???
if you're in your 20s you would know how hard we find it to connect to someone in their teens. a 21-22yr old is entering the work force/studying further etc and is an actual adult with real responsibilities whose life looks vastly different from an 18yr old fresh out of highschool. this is not a relationship of "equals". there is a power dynamic here (and with that krittika + mrigashira + revati 💀💀💀the power is most definitely in his hands)
i say this as someone who has male friends who have done the same thing and dated freshmen. they've all talked about how "innocent" the girls are and how "naive and cute" they are 🤢🤢🤢🤮 i would never let my daughters around these men. so that should tell you something.
idk how many relationships you've had but trust me, the guy you meet in your first year of university is not The One
another thing that reallyyyy bothers me is how, he expects you to wait for him for 3 years. it SCREAMS revati + krittika/solar influence. he's had a whole college experience and is now graduated and onto other things but he wants you to remain committed to him until you graduate college even though he knows there's no way you can see each other for THREE YEARS???
my june talking stage (Venusian man) was Revati Sun & Venus and him & i used to run in the same circles in school etc and reconnected after nearly a decade. after days of flirting, proposing marriage, him wanting me to have his babies etc he "accidentally" revealed that he's planning on migrating abroad in the next several months 💀💀💀 and i asked him why tf would u then plan ur entire life with me and he said "bc it would be nice to have a plan ready when we meet again in the future" 💀💀💀bro was basically trying to make me hopeful for a life with him, give him my time and energy and stay waiting for the day that may or may not come lmao
its different when a guy who is already your boyfriend promises these things (marriage, moving in etc) but you're 19 baby, you have your whole life ahead of you. do you really believe that this man is the love of your life? do you think you can put up with him every day until the day you die?
at 19, love and romance will feel very do or die and intense af,, you think this is your only shot at true love but that's not true. there is SOOO much wonderful stuff waiting for you in your future and you shouldn't throw it all to the side for a Solar/Martian/Mercurial man 🤢🤢🤢
life changes so dramatically after u graduate college, u have no idea!!! u will become an entirely different human being. you're still a kid right now and you should be focusing on yourself, having fun and doing well in college. men come and go but this degree can change your life!!!
as someone who has been in long distance relationships, lemme tell u that it takes A LOT of time and energy. and at 19, i think that time and energy will be better spent elsewhere. i also generally dont think long distance relationships work except in veryyyy rare cases.
your man loves the idea of you saving yourself for him, waiting for him, needing him, belonging to him. he loves to gives you ideas, fill you up with images of a future together because he relishes having that power over you. this is literally what Solar men are like. sprinkle some Mercurial manipulation on top of it. Martian men can be reallyyy violent and abusive (if imbalanced). he's already harsh with his words as you say, do you really want to stick around and find out what else might happen???
again, not trying to fear monger but i dont get good vibes from this guy
plenty of girls i knew in my first year of college started dating seniors and entered into the most destructive and life changing relationships.
none of them are still together. and this is coming from an indian pov where people still used to date to marry.
all im saying is, this looks bad from many different angles and i dont want you to ruin your college experience caught up with some guy who isn't even there. your friends will be out there making memories of a lifetime, acing their classes and you'll be arguing with him on face time and crying yourself to sleep
ik that sounds dramatic but im trying to be realistic here
cut this man out babe , you can do so much better<3333
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pinievsev · 1 year
Hii 🥹🥹 it’s my first time asking for a junghoon ( xikers ) story!! Can you please do one!! I would love if the story vibes was a ( school but stranger at first , child hood friends to lovers ) vibes!! I BEGAN FOR THIS PLS🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗
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Xikers junghoon x gn!reader
Warnings: pretty short? Crying I guess?
Genre: fluff with some crying.
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(back in middle school)
You shook as you entered the school bus, your old school had shut down which meant moving away and having to go to a new one. You slowly walked all the way to the back, looking down.
You sat next to the window, it was foggy because of the cold so you decided to reach up and draw a small cat on it with your finger. You loved drawing cats and you loved drawing them on windows.
"Cute" you jumped when you heard a voice behind you say. You turned to see a boy about your age, he had short dark hair and the cutest cheeks ever (don't be weird you lot).
"Oh- thanks!" You said smiling at him. He extended his small hand "I'm junghoon, I'm new here". Your eyes immediately lit up as you took his hand in yours to shake.
"I'm y/n" (I hate using that.) " I'm new here too!" You said excited. The boys smile widened, mirroring your own. "We should be friends then." He declared and you agreed.
From then on you and junghoon were inseparable you'd stay together almost all the time at school, you'd go over to eachother's houses every day and have sleepovers every weekend. Until, well. He had to go.
(In highschool)
"What do you mean you're leaving?" You asked him. It was 11pm and you could hear shuffling from the other side of the phone "I have to leave for college, my mum doesn't think the one here is suitable for me." He said, he sounded sad. But it was true, you lived in a small town. He wouldn't have many opportunities here. "But, we still have 4 years until college..." You sniffled "I know. Now open up" he said followed by a knock on your window.
You looked up from your bed to see junghoon outside your window, shaking like a leaf. You rushed to open it up and help him inside before shutting it. "Holy it's so cold." He complained under his breath. You simply stared at him waiting for an explanation. "Right. I know we still have 4 years until college, but my mum wants to be sure I can go to this exact one. I tried to talk to her but she already booked our flight. Tomorrow at 8am."
"8am..?" He nodded "I have to be at school by then" you muttered. "I know that's why I'm here silly" he laughed and opened his arms for you. You hugged him immediately. You did have other friends, 2 to be exact but. He was your best friend.
"I'll miss you" you muttered "me too. I'll come back tho, I promise" you nodded and looked at the clock 12:30pm "it's late" he followed your gaze with his own "I have to go." He said letting go and walking towards your window. You gave him one last hug before he was out and you closed the window. Before you turned around you saw him drawing something on the window, a cat. As soon as he finished his drawing he ran off.
You smiled at it, reaching for your phone to take a picture of it.
(2nd year of college)
So, you had finished your first year of college in your hometown, but your mum decided it wasn't good enough for you (reminds me of someone) and send you to Seoul at the start of the summer, so you get used to it.
You had your own apartment pretty close to campus and you had already met with the principal and discussed everything.
On another note, it's been 5 years since you last saw junghoon, but you hadn't forgotten about him. You had a picture of the both of you on your night stand as well as the picture you took of the cat he drew on your window.
(Tiny time skip)
Currently, you were walking to campus. It's been a week since the semester started and you've been seeing this one guy around a lot but he always had his back turned for some reason, he seemed to have a lot of friends tho, since he was always surrounded by people.
You made your way to your friend sitting on a bench, you had met her in your first class of the year and she was pretty cool. You sat down next to her and tapped her shoulder "can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead" she replied turning to look at you "who's that?" You pointed at the boy across the yard, his back turned once again. "That? That's junghoon, he's pretty popular I'm surprised you didn't know" your eyes went wide as you shook your head "thanks." It can't be him can it? What if it is? Maybe he'd forgotten about you ?! You panicked.
You shot up from your seat as the bell rang, heading to your first class. It was cold outside, just like the day you met and the day you lost junghoon. Ironic. You sat next to the window, reaching up and drawing a cat on it out of boredom. You turned to your notebook to note down what was on the board then turned back to the window, only to see someone had drawn the exact same one on the window across campus.
You used your hand to wipe away the fog, hoping to see who it was. Could it really be? You watched as the other person wiped their own window clean of the fog, and there he was staring back at you.
Your eyes widened and so did his, you waved and he smiled at you, none of you were yet too sure, he reached up to the part of the window that he hadn't wiped and quickly wrote "outside, after school". You only wrote back an "ok" and turned to pay attention. Hoping the day would end sooner.
Once it was over you walked over to a bench in the yard, you had told your friend you'd stay back for a bit and luckily she didn't question you.
5 minutes passed and you saw someone exiting the school. He looked straight at you and immediately all your doubts were gone, the same dark hair, the same adorable cheeks.
He stared at your for a few seconds before straight up sprinting towards you. You stood up and caught both him and you as he collided with you, making you stumble.
"Please tell me it's you" he sounded hopeful "only if you tell me it's you too" you replied. You felt him hug you tighter and you chuckled. Pulling his face from your neck to look at him better "what do you think? Is it me?" You asked and you saw his eyes scanning your face, you saw the tears form In them and the way his his breath hitched.
"It is." He declared surely after a few seconds. You nodded and went to hug him but to your surprise he had other things in mind.
He caught your lips with his. To say you expected it would be a lie. However, you weren't complaining about it. You reciprocated the gesture and after a few more seconds he pulled away.
You were both now crying. He only looked at you questioningly and you nodded back, none of you trusting your own voices at the moment.
You stood there unsure of what to do. Until you cleared your throat and spoke up "so.. we have 5 years worth of things to talk about. Where to?" He smiled and pecked your lips before grabbing your hand "I know a good ramen place nearby" was all he said before pulling you along.
okay I actually had fun writing this and tysm for the request!
( TAGLIST: @junghoonateezzanti, @mashiluvs , @radiancewrite , @ujihemmo , @och405o , @xuxibelle , @miss-cassie, @cam-phoria-stay , @laskyy )
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cometsama · 1 year
Blue Lock AU Thought Dump
Hi, I'm Comet and I have this massive AU that's taking up way too much space in my mind. So I'm just gonna dump it all here. This is basically a self-insert in second person pov lmao (if you recognise me no you don't)
I'm not a writer so it's just going to be random plot bits. Had to guess parts of the timeline to make it work...
Parings: possibly Sae x reader??? Idk lol, Ness is pretty cute
Age 2:
Your family moves into the Itoshi's neighbourhood
Your mom becomes besties with Mrs Itoshi
You befriend Sae (3) and Rin (1)
You enter kindergarten a year early (with Sae)
Age 5-10:
You attend primary school and develop an interest in data analysis while observing the Itoshi brothers' football practice (think Momoi from KnB)
Age 11:
You enter middle school with Sae
Sae (12) gets scouted and goes to Spain
You go abroad to study and get into coding (and eventually machine-learning + AI)
You remain close with Rin (10) but drift apart from Sae
Age 15:
Sae (16) briefly returns to Japan at the same time as you
The fated fight occurs and you take Rin's (14) side
While you understand Sae's pov, you do not agree with his approach and additionally blow up at Sae for being distant and not communicating
Communication with Sae completely stops
Age 16/17 – Present:
You graduate and return to Japan after deciding to take a gap year
You land a job as a lab assistant at a university research lab which somehow leads to you becoming a part-time manager/data analyst at Blue Lock
Rin views you as a big sibling and calls you (name)-nii/nee (gender neutral honorific where?).
You are super observant and have an innate talent for spotting trends.
Where you study doesn't really matter but I did it with the UK (England specifically) in mind. Cuz I studied there and they have an extra year of secondary school compared to Japan. Also, the UK does year group cut-offs at September while Japan goes by birth year (I think...) so international students usually round down even if they can technically enter the year above. But you're smart so they put you in the year above.
Also, British slang is fucking hilarious and I want silly Manshine antics.
Unlike the US, it is really hard to skip grades in most other countries since the curriculums are so rigid but with this I can make Reader graduate early without making it too contrived lmao.
Also, independent schools (private schools but that means something else in the UK) tend to force you to learn all modern foreign language in lower years before you decide on your GCSE language. So I can have Reader have rudimentary understanding of French, Spanish and German. Full coverage baby!
The specific language you pick doesn't really matter but it's NOT Spanish (cuz Sae)
It's actually pretty much impossible to get a placement at a research lab right out of highschool cus demand is insane (I would know 😭😭) but let's pretend you have a super banging resume cuz you're smart as fuck idk
Still undecided on exactly when you join BL tho cuz I need Sae to be taken by surprise about you being there but I also want Reader to bond with the boys before NEL. Especially Shidou. So after third selection but a few days before Sae takes Shidou? Coincidentally, you are off-site for whatever reason.
Also, I want Reader to drag Rin out for the outing during the post U-20 break.
Hmm introducing Reader right after the win would also be interesting. Especially with Rin being in peak-angst mode. I want himself to do another behavioural 180° (more like 120°). Sae wouldn't be there cuz he'd be in the U-20 changing rooms. The outing thing could still happen if you exchange numbers with Bachira.
Actually, I like this idea more so I'm going with that. The Shidou bonding could wait.
Job description:
The next bits are completely pseudo-science and I'm bs-ing 💀💀
Anyway, the lab develops simulations of athletes as a training aid. They're collaborating with Blue Lock cuz where else can you find such a large sample size of athletes at a similar stage of development who also conveniently wear fancy biosignal-recording suits 90% of the time? Literally no where.
The only issue is that all the data is stored in servers located in the compound and, for data-protection reasons, need to be completely anonymised. For plot reasons, someone needs to be on-site most of the time to sort out server shit.
The data stuff is real in the UK and EU btw. That's why there's such a big fuss about certain US corps selling personal info. Not sure about Japan in particular tho but most BL participants are also underage so...
This is actually the reason they hired you lol. Especially since you're already familiar with the sport.
So you now have the job of making sure the data is being anonymised and transferred properly while the lab sends you occasional projects to work on. Which isn't too bad but Ego decided to make you a part-time manager to assist Anri (who's super busy with BLTV's explosive popularity) after witnessing your analytical skills.
At least it's amazing for your resume and you're paid EXTREMELY well...
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Good day! This is going to sound like I'm turning you into my personal human tripadvisor, (#sory) but you're a bucharestgirl so I feel the need to ask you for recommendations on things you personally enjoy seeing or doing around there. I've been there 3 times before but they were all short stays and I didn't get to plan them out at all, nor did I see as much as I'd have liked to see (also 2/3 stays are attached to bad memories. Cursed capital!). Purely hypothetical question, because I actually do not have any sort of trip mapped out or confirmed as of now, but I wanted to ask just in case. You Know...
Glad my #bucharestgirl nature can be of help! I do need to give you the disclaimer that I havent actually lived here since 2020 and i only come back on summer/winter breaks to hang out with my friends (which means i go to their apartments and/or to bars. If youre interested in that i can ask my bestie for her list of favs)
Now with that out of the way, I will try to remember my favorite places from back in highschool... if there's anything in particular you're interested in lmk, but this is a general list of things i think you might enjoy^_^
Well first you have to go to Cărtureşti. Verona and Carusel are the prettiest ones. It also helps that they're in very good locations. If you're at Carusel you can see centrul vechi (and right next to Cărtureşti there are art supply stores and 2 antique shops. One of them, the one on your left entering the gang, also sells handmade jewelry. If the lady is there that day, tell her you're a friend of mine and she might give you a discount. I really should pay her a visit the next time im in Bucharest).
Now, I imagine you would like to visit some museums too? I will not tell you about the national ones etcetc i'll tell you about one that maybe isn't in the tourist guides: Casa Filipescu-Cesianu. It's on Calea Victoriei, which has a bunch of other really cool places on the way. There's always Ateneu (behind it there's a sweets shop i quite like, Mara Mura). Oh also on Calea Victoriei there's the Green Hours Jazz Cafe that's quite nice if they have a performance (the food's good too though, if you just want a meal).
My favorite place to see plays Back In The Day (9th-10th grade lmao) was Centrul Replika. I'm trying to look at their website but I don't see any upcoming performances...
There's always the national theatre tho. And Teatrul Mic. And Bulandra. Teatrul Mic was my favorite out of this list.
Oh and for food...hmm... there's a Korean restaurant i like, Seoul, but it's not really in a central area. There's a cafe, Frog, that i used to go to weekly at some point. And if you feel like junk food, Switch Eat is my favorite. Maison des crêpes has good sweet and savory pancakes, i remember going a lot back in highschool. But im always on the lookout for new restaurants so if You find anything good lmk.
There are a bunch of wonderful parks (Herăstrău, IOR, Cişmigiu) if you dont feel like being in the city crowds. I also like watching the fountains at Piața Unirii. And there's always the malls if you Do want to be in a more commercial area (im a Park Lake girlie personally but like. They're all malls lmao)
But if anything catches your eye while you're here please please lmk, I find that I've been very disconnected from the city when I do go back. I hope you will have a better time in this hypothetical trip than in your previous ones<3
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ditzydreamsss · 5 days
hello everyone
im gonna rate judge slash talk about every game i have on my phone becauseeeeeeeeeeeeee im procrastinating
1: Cookie Run Kingdom i first downloaded it around the time the sonic event was ending. but i took a really long break then came back so my team isnt as strong as it could've been :[
2: Cookierun: Tower of Advantures ngl i played it for an hour when it first came out and i've been afraid of the storage it'll take up ever since. (i havent opened it in a while=needs BIIIIIIIG update)
3: Cookiezrun Puzzle World im on level 312
4: Good Pizza, Great Pizza I forgot this game existed. i played it SO MUCH when i was camping with a lot of people this one time and completely forgot about it after
5: 2048 ngl this game is probably why i almost failed science last year (was playing unblocked version of this on my chromebook & wasnt paying attention)
6: Orbia another game i played a lot during that camping trip with a heck ton of people. stats (for mountains) progress: 9.7% (level 196) fails: 867 play time: 3h 59min dashes in a row: 80
7: Roblox i play creatures of sonaria. thats about it (also adopt me for nostalgia's sake also if you ignore everything ever it's a pretty chill game :D)
8: Titian Uprising the httyd game. its fun ig im stuck right now tho
9: Animal crossing pocket camp why do i have this i havent even opened the app once
10: Dash Tag yes i played animal jam for years before im semi-quitted atm i play this when i have nothing else to play
11: 좀비고 (Zombie Highschool) first school life game i played. i havent tried the magic high school one yet. i stick to School Life cause the 판정 for hits in wonky and i rage quit multiple times
12: Flappy Dragon i forget this exists half of the time. chill game
Now entering: rhythm games category
13: Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage i hate this game sm i'd give it a 10/10 (theres been touch issues. its probably my phone though)
14: Arcaea interesting gaming experience. i suck at it
16: Lanota I love it a lot but i havent played much cause i dont have the paid version
17: Paradigm: Reboot bro why are there notes coming from sideways WTF BRO WHY ARE THERE NOTES COMING FROM THE FUCKING CEILING
18: Voez i only played Cereberus in there. it's good game. combination of phigros and rizline kinda
19: Milthm wtf is going on where are did the judgement line (bubbles??) go what what what
20: Deemo i like the story :D its really chill. if you like piano music and also rhythm games then go play this.
21: Rizline i love it sm. i dont have full version :(
22: P.Muse my eyes died (flashing lights warning if you ever play this)
23: RhythmStar i have it just cause i like the remixed classical music into more rhythm game-y hyper music. gameplay is boring asf
24: KALPA havent touched it yet
25: Gadvia also havent touched it yet
26: MUSYNX also also havent touched it yet
gj, you escaped the rhythm gaming area!
27: Pokemon Quest it's chill. frustrating at times. i like pokemon. pokemon is my childhood. i love pokemon. i miss ketchup pack.
28: pokemon go when im outside. me when i touch grass (LIE. I WALK AROUND MY TINY APARTMENT IN CIRCLES)
29: Finch great self-care app! if you ever need a place to rant, that's the place.
30: Voidpet Garden i love the lil critters
31: I Love Hue when i have nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do
32: Tap Tap Fish i needed an afk game.
33: Bricky Boy repetitive, but if you need a quick game then yeah.
34: Zen Koi 2 very chill fish game.
35: Cardcaptor Sakura: Memory Key so. i also grew up on ccs (not as much as pokemon however. nothing can live up to what pokemon was to me.) so i was really hyped and happy when it was announced there would be a ccs game after the fandom being dead for 2ish 3ish years. my opinion? if you don't know cardcaptor sakura, you probably 99% wouldn't play it. but then again, it is early.
36: D....d..... Duolingo p..plea.....please......... dont burn my house down
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meaty4spicedbuns · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers - How they would react if they little moew moew go f e r a l
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Fem!reader x Grown up!Toman's Boy, pairing : Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji
Grown's up them with Mikey not turning completly crazy. Can we say he had black hairs ? Because it SUIT HIM SO WELL eheh *black hair team* eh,,oh,, Baji's alive ofc*
Pairing : All of them grown up! with Manjiro Mikey Sano, Ken Draken Ryûgûji, Keisuke Baji, Matsuno Chifuyu and Takashi Mitsuya
Warning : Fighting and you being badass and the boys being jaw dropped ? , also i proofread it four times but english isn't my native langage so if there is still mistake i can't do anything about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Resume : You are a girl. And boys see girl as girly right ? Make up, jewerly, dress, cat/dog or even bunny lovers, pastry and tea and why not celebrity crush ?
Of course you can be like that. Of course you aren't gonna play the "not like other girls" cards. You like baking, puppy, kitty, pretty dress, make up; and all of that at your own level.
But you are also a woman. And a woman need to fight back in this terrible world ; some since they are girl. So you took fight classes, kravmaga lesson, self defense lessons. Anything to beat ass down the ground. You are training two hours a day- four days a week. Your body isn't showing it that much, but you can fight and win. Your body is strong. Your are fierce. A menace to society.
Author note : reminder that this point of view of the boyz and they attitude is M Y point of view, and it's mine only. If you don't agree, don't engage. Any disrespectfull comment would lead to a block. All character are aged up. So if you don't feel comfortable with any scenario just block and ignore.
PS : I'm sorry, but I guess you can directly read who are my favorites one and,,, sorry not sorry eheh... Anyway ! I hope you'll have a good reading ! Planning to write for more of the boys, so hit me up if you have any more idea of who you wanna see eheh i might think about it,,
Would be an ass about it to tease you.
"Oh Kitten wanna fight?" "If you want I'll let you win" "oh I'm so scared of you", he'll tease you to death I swear
He is the tipycall "boy will be boy" about it
But he is also a feral Meow himself after all, and you always play the mistress in need for fun since you know him in highschool, and he'll always play the "savior prince" for the joke - don't take it bad tho he is a full feminist.
So it's been YEARS he is the one protecting you (and liking it).
So let's say he would NEVER guess what you are capable of
It happen that someday you are out by yourself at night. When you don't feel like staying in. Your boy finish his day late at the petshop, so you often wonder alone until he send you a text saying he is free. Then you answer to tell him to meet you at the nearest 24/24 supermarket to get biscuit and eat it somewhere cool to watch the stars.
And when you are lost in the aisle, wondering if he would preferer Pocky's, Granola's or Oreo's, you can hear someone enter the shop. Nothing too weird. The cashier don't even look him. It's around 10P.M now and you phone didn't ring from any kind of answer from your boy.
You kneel down to check some biscuit and decide for some oreos for your boyfriend when you feel someone passing right behind you. When you get up, you turn around to see nobody. But the cold chill running down your spine isn't lying.
No need to fear. You can fight back.
Without turning around, you get up and go to the drink aisle. You are ready to grab fruit juice for Baji (Redbull and shit like that a prohibiden for him, he is too much energic for that) and a Coffee for you since you are getting a little bit tired.
Once again that chill coming back. You can feel a cold ice picking throught your neck, lifting your hairs from anxiety. When you turn to check around, you see a black jacket fadding away in the next aisle. You decided to follow it to check on who the fuck is following you but cross nobody. The shop seems empty except from you and the cashier.
A second after, the door of the shop ring, letting you know he's gone.
You then go checking out, paying for you stuff. The cashier is completly off and sloppy. He seems walksleeping at this point.
Once it finished you say goodbye and go wait outside in front of the storefront.
Five minutes pass, and finally you see some mouvement from a shadow afar. You didn't saw it before since your eyes are simply getting used to the darkness. But now you can finally see throught the darkness and realize someone had been staring at you. A large and tall guys is standing against a broken lamppost facing you. The big hoodies hide half his face, but you can feel he is staring right at you. His gaze pierce trhought your clothes and you hate that deeply.
To not get in trouble you decided to ignore him. Less you interact, better you feel. Typical reaction right ? But visibly it do not stop that asshole to bother you. And in a minute he is catcalling you.
"What'a cute girl's doing late in the night ?"
You don't want to answer, to give attention. Ignoring things often work when it's about catcalling. But after three "Hey" and a "I'm talking to you !" you can clearly see him getting annoyed and moving on his feet, walking toward you.
"Don't move closer, you shout at him but he don't listen. He continue to move toward you
"I'm warning you, don't come crying right after.
"When a man is talking to you, you must answer you ungratefull bitch."
Your shoulders tense by hearing the final insult that made you balance your cool from boiling rage. You aren't in the mood right now to do some fuss. You just wanted to wait for your man to come pick you up. You just wanted to eat biscuit and talk about shit. But visibly the destiny choosed otherwise. This cunt is obligating you to teach him some lesson.
So you put down your grocery bags down the ground. You push your feet in front taking a fight and solid position, fist up your face. You look him up and down while he is lifting his eyebrow in a surprises expression right a few few feets away.
"Move closer and I'll break your both knees, you spit."
The shinny sign of the 24/7 right behind you glow enought for you to see his faces now. He is grinning, looking down at you.
Your breath is so loud from you getting anxious that you don't even paid attention to the fadding sound of the motorcycle from afar. The only focus right now is the tall man taking one step forward while you order him to not do it. Leading to a lot of things happening to a matter of a minute.
Baji arriving on his bike, putting a foot down a meter away from you just kicking the guy in face with a very strong foot kick. He is almost fleeing away while the cashier, from the other side of the window glasses, is watching the full scene jaw wide open.
But your boyfriend don't even bother for you. Seeing you throwing a hight kick in a large guy is very impressive, and he is really excited about it, but he isn't the type of guys showing it right away on his face or exclaming it. He just pass right behind you to bend over the grocery bag while you put your feet down. Baji didn't wanted to bother you, liking the show you are giving. You only realized he is here a few second later, scare of a presence behind you, once you wake up from your anxiety after seeing your opponent down the ground.
" Baji ?!" You jump away. "When did you arrive?? "
The concerned one is half his head on the bag. He lift it up once he hear his name, the little box of orange juice already open sipping on it.
"You're an angel, thank for the snack I were so thirsty !"
You sigh, rolling your eyes. Both of you then got up on his bike before he drive you somewhere where you can climb on a rooftop, under the shinnong moonlight.
He then process to talk :
"That was pretty impresive.
"What'ya mean, you ask with a Pocky's in the mouth.
"Your kick. You throw him away on the ground in only ONE kick ?! So cool !!" He smile right at you. " So you can actually fight?
"I told you already !
"My girl's a fighter!" He smirk. "If I would have knew for all thoses years I would had let you fight for me ! Shoulda fight you one day to test you.
"Gotta kick your'ass." You laught, he laught too, leaning his head on your shoulder.
He would trust your words, but still unconsciously would need to see it to belive you fully.
He would made fun of you from time to time like "Big girl wanna fight." and thoses shit.
After all you'll be his rock and he would mostly see you being soft for him. Kisses, cuddle, papouille, massage.
You would spend most of the time on the side, letting himself getting involved in fight simply because you trust him, and it seems to please him to fight.
From the time going on, your dynamic would be mostly Big Boy with Soft girl things. He is the scary dog privilege and you would love that (especially once he got his dark hairs, making him look more badass)...
Until one day when some guys gathered around you two. At first Draken told you to back off, that he would took care of it. And you listened. You trust him and his strenght.
But they were too much, and some were stronger than he thought ; and they had weapon. Baseball bat and that jeez shit. They were douchbag that would use any method to win against him, Draken the old higher up from the Toman, to the point they were four mans jumping on your boyfriend to block him ; each one on his arm, the two others pulling his hairs, kicking his legs to put him on his knees.
That is when you decided to enter the fight.
Despite them being douch, they didn't even paid attention to you, letting you time to prepare yourself. You tight your hairs in a small bun, zip your jacket to the top, stretch a little before coming in. You take a step back and jump on your feet, running toward the group. In a big jump you throw a big kick in a guy's back, making him fall on the ground, dragging Draken with him, leading the three others to break they position.
Once you touch the ground, you bend your knee, lift your fist in front of your face to take a defense position. You are facing a guy who sems a little surprised to see a woman in a fight ; thanks for you because it mean he isn't prepare to fight. So it easier for you to throw him a punch right in his nose, breaking it as the same time from your own strenght.
At the moment his head back from the punch, you threw your knee in his groin, making his full body gettin tense from the pain. And finally you grab his face to smash it against your other knee. Some blood sparkle on your tight and your skirt but at this point you don't care. A last kick to push him away that you turn to see his partner looking at you.
Draken is beating up the second guys standing up so you decided to take care of the last one. You throw him a kick that he dodge, but he wasn't waiting for the second one right after. He fall right in his head, making him K.O in one kick.
"Dolly, you can hear Draken's from behind. You put your hairs back to face him all smillying.
"Yes ?
"Dolly, when did you learn that ?
"I told you i can fight.
"I didn't thought fight like "fightinh like a godess" for god's sake !"
At first you didn't realized the compliment he made you. But once it hit your brain you smile even more.
"Thank you babe."
And in a minute he lift you to put you on his shoulder like a potatoes bag.
"Needa go back home, I want to learn more about your skills Doll."
Mikey would never have truly trust you to be able to fight ; he is the protector, the invisible Mikey. HE would be the one protecting you and not the other way around. But you don't see it badly since he act like that with everybody around him.
Mikey litteraly grab you to be his side quest partner in the Toman, and you accepted it.
You are his cuddle pillow, his papouille maker. You are his soft side for whenever he don't feel like getting up in the morning.
You are the one looking after him most often when Draken don't do it. You are as childish as him when you want, but also responsible when it needed to.
You are one of thoses who helped him his whole life when he wadn't feeling like himself. Your years spent by his side until the adult life helped him being more stable, and strong.
He saw you as a treasure at this point, and decided to keep you close him at any time he can ; he isn't physically scaring but let's say you could go around a lot of part of tokyo without being bothered since people would know you are Mikey's precious treasure ; and that the Bonten would always keep an eyes on you. At 27 years olds you are the most powerfull woman in the darken industry.
It happened when you where wandering around with Mikey. You were walking around Shibuya, taking any turns when you'll felt like. You were looking for a store to buy snack ; or was it an excuse to stay around together more?
Anyway. You were both just casually walking, your hands around Mikey's one in his pocket. It's been a while since Mikey isn't that talkative blond furry ball, but you don't mind less. You are the one talking more about your boring normals work days from your daily life.
Because of course, Mikey can be the leader of the delinquency of Tokyo than he wouldn't want you to be directly a part of it.
So silent Mikey it would be.
Walking next to you.
Until his eyes caught up something.
From afar is a little supermarket, lost in a narrow alley. It's crooked, it's dark, only the light of the window is showing some life sign, but it's still here.
And Mikey's not afraid. Despite anything, that boy's always arms with you around, and at the end he is literally a walking weapon. So weird dark narrow street? Pf.
Plus, what got him is that this particulary market shop had display on the window a specific snack you both enjoyed to eat when you were younger. It's stopped to be sell from most of the city around Tokyo a few years ago, and it both made you a little sad since it was one of your fav things. So seeing it now dragged Mikey's attention.
The black haired, long tired eyes, chef Tokyo's délinquant instantly became that light blond furry ball for a short instant. Looking down at you with that little smirk smile, you can feel his hands squeezing yours.
" Look, he says. Isn't it that thing we used to eat before??"
He drags you to the shop window to point it to you. But you weren't looking at the little box of biscuit, but mostly at the two heavy men's starring at you both form the other side. Your feminin side is screaming you to not come closer as they look both of you up and down multiples times. You can see them whispering things to each other.
" It's true it's been a while, you answer still not looking at what your boyfriend is pointing.
" We should get a box, or two.
" Why not looking up the internet later? It's late.." You feel like your boy is clueless about thoses two guys and your instinct is screaming you to run away at this poiny. Did they recognized him? You hope no.
" Why not now? We don't know if we can buy them online.
" Honey..
" Sugar?" He turn around to face you and lift up your chin. " Are you still afraid of thoses two gigantic men's starring down at us inside?"
At least he saw them. You sight, nodding.
" I'll tell you to do not fear world with me by your side. I saw them trying to impress the cashier. But I want thoses biscuit."
His eyes darken a little. He squeeze your hand into his, making you shiver. It's like his touch came from a reassuring warmest to a colder ice.
Your node again and follow him in the store to the aisle where the box package is. You can feel adrenaline through your veine while your boyfriend is casually looking around for his treat like nothing is important in life.
"Aren't you thirsty?" he finally say when he see a guy's from the corner of his eyes.
You node and change the aisle. You can see him walking toward the stranger right before you loose him from sight. You hear a few words like "Aren't you from the B-" but the slight ambiante music cut the words from your ears.
So you walk to the fruit juice section, looking at then while your mind wonder.
It wonder so much you forgot, and don't hear, the second guy. That one who saw you and couldn't keep an eyes out you. He stand behind you, putting a hand on your shoulder to grab it.
The sensation turn your fight mode instantly ON. And the adrenaline is now realased in your blood.
He made you turn around in a movment you decided to follow. At the moment you faced him, you just decide to crush his feets with yours so the first though he got is pain. Then you can step back and liberate yourself from his grip at the moment his attention is focusing on the pain and the insult he is profering about you.
He bend a little in an action to grab your hairs but you dodge. Both your closed fist are at your face level, and you just throw two hard punch one after the other righ on his noses. You can instantly see his noses bleed, hearing the craquing sound of it breaking. The guys just mumble something under his breath, not knowing what happening right now.
Then you throw the third and hardest punch in his stomach, making him bend in two. And in the tighest grip you just grab both his ears and smash your knee against his faces twices. You just want to be sure he is not gonna get on his feets soons.
When he felt on the floor, you make sure that he is far away from this world for the next few minutes. You wave your hand in front of the unconscious mans, tried to open his eyes only to fell on dark stoic pupil. He is hardly breathing but you can't even care about that.
" And you were the one being worried about thoses guys? "
Your boyfriend is waiting for you at the end of the aisle. He just got one box of biscuit under the armpit, the other already open.
" Do the boy know you can fight? " He then ask while coming toward you. You can see drip of blood on his faces and feets. You have some too, and he clean them off with the end of his jackets.
"I don't like that, he mumble. I don't want you getting involved and hurt.
" I can fight, you say firmly. I can fight and defend myself."
You brush off some of his black hairs from his eyes, putting them behind his ears.
" You don't have to worry, I'll protect you. " You smile. In a second, that smile you give him seems to bring a little bit of that old Mikey you knew.
" Anything interesting ? " He says , hugging you while putting his chin on your shoulder.
" Fruit juice, you say. I want sugar.
" Me too. "
Mitsuya would have hear it once but would have forgot.
He is a gentleman who would protect you everytime. Even with his sweet face, he is a hot fighter.
If anybody bother you, he come right behind you and glare at anybody bothering you.
His punch are fast and he'll end the conflict in a second.
And you didn't wanted to put yourself under the spotlight. You'd rather leave the problem being closed by the former member of the Toman so nobody come right back.
With times passing, he became calmer tho. He mature and decided to end the conflict by just menacing people.
Most of the time it work. When it's not he use violence.
And less you see him fight, more you want to let him take the first step (okay, you are an easy woman and pretty boy fightint for you is a things that charm you,, after all you are with Mutsuya so ofc you like it)
So he never suspected once you could step on him so easily. He just grown up by your side admiring how you became without any suspcion of the menace you are :)
Except that day, when he learnt about it.
You were doing shopping with Mitsuya to look for stuff for a big project he had. And eventualy he propose you to come with him as a company, also knowing you'd like to rune errand in artistic shop for your own project too. He was a lot busy thoses days, so thoses time hanging out were a reason to see you. You both spent the whole ass day outside, tchating, holding hands, laughing, stretching as much time you could out of thoses rendezvous until it was time for both of you to go back to your own flat.
And you love so much thoses times...
Anyway, the things is that when Mitsuya is looking for things in big shops, he has the tendency to go around a little be too much. You often end up loosing him from you sight inbetween two shelves of furnitures. And today was that kind of day when you didn't felt like looking for him ; after all he is a boig boy, he can manage himself. So you just decided to let him go around at his own pace and wait for him outside the shop.
And instead of waiting for him doing while nothing, you decided to treat both of you and went grabbing something to drink for you and him. It took you at least twenty minutes; but when you came back he was still in looking at things. So as a respectfull person who not gonna enter somewhere with drinks, you waited outside for him, laying against the shop's wall.
Sadly, as a girl alone in the street, you weirdly attract others people attention when you stand for more than a minute ; especially from the opposite sex. Plus you are wearing a dress so let me tell you the gaze is on you no matter what.
"Hey girl! "
A guys approach you from somewhere, but you don't even dare to look up for him; too busy on your phone, looking at cat's videos on Twitter, earthub on blasting music. It's only when the shadow on that guys cast on you that you lift you head for a split second, nod it from left to right as a clear sign of "No", with a slight smile to stay polite and out of problems, as to give him a kind of a negative answer to his approch. And right before he can say something you just jump back into the recipe you were looking.
Usually when you do that to the guys, they just passed by, happy to get you looking up to them. They are attention seeker after all.
Weirdly this one didn't move after your answer. He.. Just...chooses to just... like... well, stand in front of you. Just like a picket. He is litteraly starring down at you, giving you creepy vibes. You realized it once your video turn your screen to black and it made you almost flinch, kind of scare of that big gaze he give you. When you lift your head up, you realized simply that he is simply playing the tomboy just by seeing he is proudly wearing a kind of gang vest or some shit.
He don't talk at all, just stare, until you took of one of your earthub off.
" I.. can.. help you.. Maybe ?" You ask, nonchallant.
" What are you doing here ? "
He talk to you using a tone of voice like if he know you from somewhere. Like that kind of tone that every girl could have spotted his intention ; trying to get something from you. Like something physical. Like.. your number and.. maybe more.
''Ugh, gross, you think for yourself. ,,
" I'm waiting for my boyfriend, you sight, saying it straightforward to put things clear. Usually saying you've got a boyfriend work to made them go away. Men don't respect women choices (and don't take "no" as an answer), but they sometimes respect other men "p R o P e R t Y " (ugh, even Mitsuya would find it disrespectull to call you like that, but it help understand the men point of view of women right ?). But today is not the day.
" Oh, we can just go grab a drink until he came back then. " You lift your cup of coffee you almost finish right in front of his face as a clear answer but he just continue : " Why so mean, girly ?
" I'm busy, you say. And not interested."
" Come one. He wouldn't know anything, i'm as quiet as a livingthomb. "
"Visibly you really wanna be one by acting like that, you mutter to yourself."
He lays a hand against the wall just next to your face, lining forward, maybe thinking he is in a kind of romantic movie or something ?
At this moment it enought, you just open the cup you are holding, getting his attention on it, and just throw the remaining on his face. It splash on you, making you sight, but it made him take a step backward.
" You slut ! " He shoted. " Why the fuck ?!
" I told you i wasn't interested in you. "
The guys look up on you, then his precious vest:
" Do you know what that logo mean ? , he point at the large logo on it.
" Leave me alone, come on don't play the big-dude attitude i'll beat your ass in a minute.
" Oh yeah ?" He smile too proudly.
In the shop, the screaming the guys just scream get the attention of everybody inside, especially your boyfriend. His first reflex is to quickly look around for you in case something happen to you (which was actually happening right outside the shop). But since he can't find you, he look up at the glass windows giving view on the street. And for his own horror scenario you are litterally facing a two-feet-long-and-large dude wearing a gang symbol, looking angry as hell and ready to punch you. So, let's be honnest, of course he just break the Usain Bolt speed record and rush to the door.
But just as he pass the door, the man was going to hit you with a musclar punch direct right on your face. However, bold of him to assume he could even touch a strain of hair from you. You dodge it pretty easily. After all this guys seems musclar but it's all apperance, and his reality he is slow.
In one step, you are on his side, a hand on his shoulder, giving your best knee hit in the stomach. You made him bend from the hit, spitting saliva as he realized quick how hard you hit.
With a hand, you made him look up to you:
"I hope you'll learn your lesson." Before you hit the back of his head with your elbow. It made him go right on the ground, hitting his faces hard on the concret. At this point everybody in the street is looking at you, making you embarassed for going that far on the confrontation.
But it's when you cross your boyfriend eyes that you can't contain your blush from coming out, making you hide your face with both your hands.
" The actual fuck Princess.. "
Yes, even Mitsuya is bluffed. He went off the shop both hands open at the sky, eyes wides. He shrugg out of surprise from what he see. You do the same, saying with an embarassed smile :
" I'm... Well... Surprise i guess ?
" Since when ? , he is so stunned.
" I told you, but guess you weren't listening ? "
Takashi scratchs the back of his head, his eyes looking up as he is trying to remember that moment. The only things that came up his minds is just you talking about taking class of self defenses but he would'nt have never guess you could be that fast and efficient.
" I'm reassure then, he turn back.
" What ?
" I love so much when girl can kick my ass, he joke. Gotta get back what i took, and then we'll head up home. I need to see more. "
That one little wink he is giving you can made you understand he really want to see more.
This small boy is feral too. But it doesn't change the fact he wouldn't trust you being as much feral as him.
He would tease you. And often you'll both ended up in a fight in your bed. Or in your flat.
Nothing too serious tho, just a few bruises from rolling around like childs, so he would never had seen you really fighting.
He would always put himself first in any conflict ; even verbal one.
Nobody would touch his princess.
And it would still the same even by getting older together.
When it's about you being in problem, he would always put himself first. (and would always ask for that one more ketchup sauce when you both went get macdonald after work)
So the day he would see you fight he would fall from hight.
He see you as a puppy/kitten.
But gosh, let's be honnest : he would enjoy the show so bad (and be turned on so bad too but sssht).
You have a tight shift with Chifuyu. Since he finished his studies and gotten his job, it can happen that he works also early in the morning, just like you. So it mean that both of you meet each other this morning, but in a windows of ten minutes max before both leading to work.
And it also happen that sometimes ten minutes is, of course, not enough to know each other's mood. But when Chifuyu can read it throught and see that it's not gonna be your day, he always came picking you up at your work at the end of your shift. He brings you your fav pastry before you both eat it on your way back home. But when he can't readi it throught, it became something else ; This happen once, and thankfully he didn't pick you up. You were an horrible mess and needed a good and long bath to be at least able to maitain a conversation.
And that same scenario same to repeat itself today... Except that.. well.. today have it particularity.
Today isn't your day. You miss to put your alarm, leading you having no time to prepare yourself correctly or even eat something nice. But the of all is that you miss Chifuyu's "good morning". That little "good morning" with a little cuddle kiss and smile. Thoses puppy eyes saying "I'll see you later tonight i love you". You missed it.
This is the worst of all.
So saying you head up your work place in a bad mood is really an euphemism. You are explosive. Ready to punch anybody in the throat until you can have your "good morning miss". Tho, sadly for the world, it would be not before 2 P.M.
But despite that horrible mood,the beginning of the morning wasn't that bad. Your colleague are here to cheer you up and a lot of good costumers came by the shop and we're nice. It almost made you relativize...
However, of course, deeply of course, every day have it assholes, somewhere in the world. Every. Damn. Day. Everyday someone have to deal with some monumentary bullshits. And everyday was your war, your day to deal with costumer service.
It began with a : " Do you work here? " while you are clearly wearing the bright pink uniforme of the shop with written an enormous "STAFF" on the back.
" Hello. It seems like, you answer turning yourself to de the costumer."
It's a man, late 30's. The kind of guys that, if you're a woman, you can read he is a mysogynisy pricks, and an asshole on top of everything you know?
The guys look up and down to you. He point you something like a five years old would do it and order you to find him whatever he want from it.
At this point, the whole package this man bring made you stop listening. That is true, most of costumer services turn they listening skill right after the magic world "Hello" which mean if you don't say it they won't listen.
"Hello, you repeat yourself, hopping the man would understand his lack of skills in social behavior. But he just ended up repeating himself. No" hello", "please", or "Thank you".
"Hello." third time you are saying it, knowing now after that you'll have to deal with the attitude you are giving.
"Are you kidding me or something?, the man spit.
"I mean, I'm here for you to ask things, but the minimum is an 'hello' you see my point?
" How are you talking to me? I'm asking you something.
"And I'm asking politeness.
"Costumer is King. You are supposed to give me what I want."
As far as you remember, the discussion began like it. After it, it was history and just enraging. The discussion wasn't one at the end and he ended up being taken away by security, screaming he would be waiting for you at the end of your shift.
And sure enought, even tho you wouldn't care and forgot about his treat, he did wait. At the moment you put a feet down the street, he was here.
Now what he didn't know is that, usually, you change yourself up from head to toes (even your hairs) to look completely different from what you look like as a seller. However you didn't change anything today. You are just wearing a basic sweater on top of your uniforme so that guys can recognized you if he look up for you.
And it was your plan. The plan to teach him a lesson if he dare came to you once more.
But before heading out. Before giving him an ounce of your time, you needed something nice. So you indulgy offer yourself the time to bought your morning breakfast, that famous coffee, orange juice, tea or whatever you look to have in the morning that day. You walk outside, almost forgetting what was waiting for you until...
" Hey bitch, he is walking directly toward you, pushing people out his way.
" Hey hoe, you answer only lifting your pinkie to him.
Your answer did not please him. And at the moment he is close enought, he instantly throw a punch at you. As if he was thinking that is was the best things to do... ''Big brain move i see,, you thought to yourself.
Of course you were waiting for that kind of reaction tho. Because what that guy don't know is that you lived most of your time on this shitty earth with stupid gang members adoring to beat themself up for fun. So you dodge down, put a hand on the ground and kick up in the air with all your force. Right under the chin.
You can heard his teeth doing a family gathering before he fall back on the ground. The crown directly around you stopped walking at the moment the loud noise of his jaws clapping resonnate. In a kick you putted him down so fast that not even a single person could get out they phone to film what happened.
Not even your boyfriend who was just coming toward you. Chifuyu planned from getting you from work when he saw your text " Late to work this morning. Didn't even get a '' good morning love '' :'( ". So as the best boy he cames at the end of your shift with your favorite drink and some pastry to cheer you up.
Coffee that he almost lets fall right afterseeing you kicked out a twice-your-size-men with only one kick (since when are you THAT flexible ??? A skill he would need you to explore with him,,) Because D A M N did he know he would be spectator of you kicking down a 7 ft tall man just with one kick. Did Mickey train you or something ?
Nothing to say that he was just turn on by this situation.
You can see him running right at you, thinking it was somebody else. You almost punch his face at the moment he stopped. Both his hands are full so he can't grab your shoulder to shake you up.
" SINCE WHEN ?!" He histeracly scream.
" Honey ?!
" Since when ?! Did Mikey train you ?! Why didn't I knew you could just blast off dude like that ?!"
You gesture him to calm down, but it's too late and everybody is looking at the scene. So you just grab his arms and drag him away. Once you are afar from the movment, you both sat somewhere.
" I told you, you say with a small voice. I took class-"
You can't even finish your sentence that Chifuyu's just kissed you. When he break it, you can see his eyes sparklying.
" You are FAN-TA-STIC!! Not saying you weren't or else, but DAMN cupcake you just blast him off the ground just like that- it was so cool !"
His smile say for him how much he is admiring you right now. Despite him being a well good fighter, it's seems you unlock a new look for you in his eyes.
" You'll need to show me more ! " He point his picky finger to you, holding your both cup of whatever drink you love. And you don't care that you just had one, the one he bring are always so much better.
" Be a good boy and I'll show you, you wink."
It's almost as if you could see your golden retriever boy wingling his tail at this point. And your ego loved that.
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
Severely [ 02 ]
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Hanamaki Takahiro x f!reader (with Matsukawa Issei)
summary: you were slowly getting the hang of being him. Getting to know enough of what made him tick that you tried your best to avoid any conflict. But as much as you wanted to please him, you had your priorities too. Too bad for you, you were going to learn that Makki knew what was best for you.
cw: bully!Makki, dubcon, creampie, spanking, cuckholding, coercion, manipulation, gaslighting, degradation, noncon filming, overstimulation
wc: 5.4 k
a/n : this became longer than I thought. So this is just an installation to the whole bully!Makki universe afsgshd though it says part 2, there’s no any set plot yet just thinking of making it a series of one shots that are connected to one another with no strict chronological order so yeeee just am a sucker for Makki and Mattsun. Bully!Makki be my guilty pleasure tho huhu thank u so much for all the love for my bully!Makki fics adsfsghsd
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more bully!Makki here
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You told him. You told him you didn’t like this. Didn’t like the way the music pounded on your ear drums you swore was the cause of your head aches, didn’t like the stench of alcohol, the heat of foreign bodies against your skin and how they’re thrashing on the dance floor, forced you to move through the crowd. You didn’t like it at all. And yet, he convinced you that he’ll only be awhile and was meeting with old friends from highschool. But they piled right after the other, their graduated kouhai’s and you sat in booth.
It didn’t help that it was Friday night and unlike Makki, you had Saturday classes. You couldn’t help but tug on his jacket countless of times, telling him you wanted to go home, before desperately saying you needed to be home.
“It’s past 3 am Hiro,” you murmured, his head craned low to listen to your voice. “I have a really important group presentation.”
He responded with a heavy sigh. “Tell them you’re sick, they’ll understand. Plus, they don’t deserve you. You put in way more work than they have.”
You blinked back at him. The realisation of how your group mates were basically free loading off of you making your heart sink and yet flutter back into place, heat blooming in your cheeks because Makki sounded like he cared.
Still, you weren’t one to miss classes, it wasn’t like you, especially when it weighed heavily on your grade.
“H-Hiro…” you froze when he threw you a glare. “Please…”
Makki was annoyed. He was here having a good time with friends and free booze. If he was sober, he would’ve been nicer and not actually get pissed off.But his weak had piled on top of him and he wanted nothing more than to drink and have fun with his friends, as well as you. That’s the reason he took you here anyways, so you could relax too.
“Fine,” he uttered, downing the remnants of his pint before slamming the glass down, grabbing your wrist harshly. “Gotta go home now guys. Ms.Goody Two shoes here just told me she had an important presentation tomorrow.”
“I told you before we left,” you whispered quietly to yourself, eyes down on your toes, feet aching in the occasional heels you barely wore and missing the look Makki threw Issei, that had the tall, charismatic, man bid his farewell to the group before trailing a few steps behind you and Makki. An unlit cigarette hung loosely between his lips,watching how you trip over your feet as Makki dragged you out of the club, completely aware of the many lust filled gazes on him.
The drive back home was silent, you uncomfortably sat in the passenger seat, glancing every once in awhile at Makki who hasn’t looked your way since you two left the club and with Issei in the backseat, smoking, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were hostage. And it was silent too on the way up to your apartment dorm, the two of them right behind you as you opened the door. A part of you hesitated to enter your own home…if you walked in there with them, you felt something bad will happen.
“I’ll go to bed now…I’m sorry, Hiro,” you whispered softly, before scurrying off to your room.
But an iron grip on your wrist stopped you.
Issei appeared far more menacing with the light behind him, his features dimmed dangerously by the shadows and the lit cigarette between his lips slowly being eaten away by the dark amber that turned to ash. He was towering over you as Makki closed the front door, the click of the lock falling into place making your throat dry.
No words were exchanged between you and Issei. You diverted your eyes, shifting them to Makki who in this situation was your only source of help but he was just shrugging of his jacket and removing his shoes, oblivious to whats going on behind him.
“You know you’re in trouble right?” His best friend’s deep, rough, voice broke the silence. Your eyes widen and your heart began to pick up its pace, mind wracking your brain for what you had done wrong. You didn’t answer him but instead tried to tug away from his grip, eyes glaring at his much larger hand wrapped around your wrist, the size difference adding more fear to rush through your system.
“Behave,” he tutted, twisting your arm to your back and pushing your body against the wall, cheek flat on the cold surface. You whimpered at the pain that shot through your arm pinned against your back.
Makki moved past you and Issei, switching on your lamp by the couch and closing the curtains of your balcony as if he had not heard you call out his name.
“M-Mattsun…you’re hurting me,” you sniffled, trying hard not to cry. You squeaked when he pressed his body against yours, sandwiching you between him and the wall, his other hand caressing the spot below your rear, on the back of your thighs.
“Punishments are supposed to hurt,” he stated in a matter of fact, as if it was common knowledge.
“Mattsun, c’mon man. Go easy on her,” Makki spoke, his words salvation to your ears. Mattsun clicked his teeth in annoyance before stepping back and letting you go. “C’mere baby.”
Makki cooed sweetly, sitting down in the middle of the couch, a soft smile playing on his face as he patted his lap. At that moment, you had perceived him as your saviour and like a dumb little bunny, you scurried off to him, far away from the predator that had seized you just seconds ago.
Your heels clicked unpleasantly throughout the room as you approached him, eyes watery and glossed lips in a pout. Just as you were about to obediently sit on his lap, he stopped you, shaking his head with that same smile he wore.
“I didn’t ask you to sit.”
Brows furrowing, your fingers find the hem of your skirt, playing anxiously at the ruffles as you searched his face for answers, about what he wanted and what was going on. Usually at times like this it was best to remain still, to wait for him to make move. His hand trailed up your arm, fingers softly caressing your skin before they wrap around your wrist that had begun to bruise from Issei’s tight grip.
“Awe, he hurt you?” He pouted, thumb skimming over the blooming discoloured blotches. You nodded your head, seeking comfort…from him. It was dumb of you, you knew that but despite everything he’s done to you, a part of you believed deeply that Makki was a good man. The sweet memories of him actually caring for you and being an actual boyfriend seemed to dim the dark beginnings of your relationship. You had hope.
Your cheeks grew hot when he brought your wrist to his lips, kissing the bruised skin as if to make it all better. The softness of his lips made your heart flutter and the warmth was addicting. You wanted to be held by him, you needed to. Maybe he cooled down and was finally sobering up.
Well, you were right about the second part.
Issei watched the two of you, dark eyes finding amusement at the tooth rottenly sweet sighs before him. He drew in a heavy breath, inhaling the sweet fumes of tobacco before softly blowing the smoke out, strings of dark grey ribbons wafting up in to the air.
Makki finally, perched you on his thigh, his fingers now putting away the fallen strands of hair from your face. “You know I had a really tough week….” His arm wrapped around your waist. “It was horrible and I was really looking forward to spending time with my girl and my friends to relax.”
“And if my pretty girlfriend wasn’t so much of a brat and actually cared for me, she would’ve let me have my fun…”
“Hiro, I told you before we left that I had an important presentation, my group members rely on me,” you blurred out hurriedly, citing your defence, Issei’s scoff from behind striking you like a knife.
“I rely on you too,” he stroked your cheek, his touches slowly becoming less comforting your squirming on his thigh. “They’re not important. They fucking freeload off of you, baby. That girl member of yours lied about being sick, she was out with friends in Harujuku instead, and the other two guys, I saw them drinking at a pub near campus. Don’t you hate them just a little bit?”
You didn’t hate them. What weighed heavier on your heart was how they lied to you and used you…you couldn’t stop the tears that fell from your eyes.
“You’ve been pouring your time into work that’s supposed to be done by four people. And if you had did what I said, texting them that you’re sick and skip out of the presentation you so naively handed over to them…,” his hand that had been caressing your face now had a fistful of your hair. He pulled you close so that his lips hovered above your ear. “I would still be with my friends and drinking my horrible week away. We could’ve even danced.”
Guilt ripped at your chest, and you wanted nothing more then to apologise to Makki…even though it wasn’t your fault. Was it? He could’ve went to the club alone but he insisted you to come, reassuring you that it won’t keep you guys for long. Still, if you had paid attention, you would’ve know he was having a bad week.
Then it dawned upon you. Flashes of the time spent with him this past two weeks had been normal. Memories of him getting back from late night lectures and crawling into the bed with you, only to wrap an arm around you and bury his face into your neck, were vivid. Cuddling on the couch with the tv on for background noise had become a routine, he was even more sweeter than you ever thought he was capable of. Too busy with assignments you didn’t notice how he had been seeking comfort from you from a week that has worn him down. You were the one thing he was looking forward to see at the end of his day and you failed to see that.
“Hiro, I’m so sorry,” you sobbed, throwing your arms around his neck and crying into his chest.
Mattsun moved from his spot, where he was leaning on the wall casually watching you two, when he saw Makki’s expression. It grew gentle, his arms moving to hold you as well.
“You won’t let her go that easily won’t you, Makki?” Issei’s voiced out, snapping his friend from letting his walls completely crumble before you. He was vulnerable like you were, yes, but if he wasn’t in this state right now, he wouldn’t have let you off so easily.
“He’s right, baby,” he peeled your arms away from him, the action cutting through you. “If I’m too easy on you, you’ll never learn.”
“B-but I’m sorry,” you croaked out pitifully, the brokenness in your voice making Makki’s jaw grind against each other, trying to keep it all together.
“I know you are. You’re a good girl, right?” He cupped your face, thumbs wiping your tears away, mascara smudging on the corners of your eye. You nodded, sniffling and trying to stop your sobs.
“You know what you have to do.” He simply said, making you stand so that he could sit properly, knees almost touching, his lap no longer inviting. You knew what he wanted but the shame of doing it, made your tremble. “It’ll be over soon.”
He tapped his thigh. But you didn’t move. You couldn’t. You were frozen in your spot. Makki’s eyes slowly lost the warmth that they had been glowing with milliseconds ago and that frightened you.
A heavy hand on your shoulder pushed you down , making you stumble uncomfortably over Makki’s lap. Your fingers gripped the fabric of his jeans, the cold breeze blowing up your skirt making you squirm uncomfortably. You’d be good for Makki. But this was just…degrading.
“I’m not a child,” you mumbled, unable to stop your legs from trembling especially when there was another heated gaze staring at you in this compromising, embarrassing position. The wandering eyes of his best friend that Makki dismissed as nothing whenever you brought it up, even when he was being touchy.
“You aren’t,” Mattsun replied back to you, flipping your skirt up, bunching the fabric to your waist exposing your backside, his thumb tracing the hemline of your panties, the cute white lace making him hum.
“We’ll do seven,” Makki announced, his personality shifting in an instant,his palm against your ass cheek, squeezing the fat a little and massaging. “Since it was seven days of shit. Make sure to count, babe, or else we’ll start all over again.”
You remained slumped across his lap in defeat. Maybe you did deserve this. Even if it was mean…he has been making it very clear that he cares about you. You convinced yourself that this was just his way of showing how much he loves you and you wonder, if he will ever say those three words to you.
Mattsun took a seat the edge of the couch, arms crossed over his chest as he spreads his legs, tongue swiping over his lip at the sight of your cute ass, exhaling smoke.
It was harsh. Unrelenting.
The collision shot lighting through your body and your hand came over your mouth to muffle your scream. Your right cheek began to sting and burn, without a doubt the skin turning red.
You sucked in a breath before you shakily spoke, “One.”
The second was just as painful, tears had begun to collect once more in your eyes but you swallowed them down and counted two. Then three, then four. By five both cheeks were a glaring red, the fifth one making your body tingle in a way it shouldn’t from the pain. Seconds go by and you made a mistake. You forgot to count.
“Guess we have to start all over again,” Makki shrugged, massaging your swollen cheeks as you shook your head.
“Hiro, no more please! I’m sorry!”
“It’s too bad, you only had two more to go.” He tutted, before his palm slams onto your burning cheeks once again. You cried into your hand, your thighs shaking from the pain, the undeniable throb in your belly growing.
“One.” You croaked out.
Mattsun clicked his tongue to get Makki’s attention, a smirk was on his face as he nudged his head at the direction of your ass, your cunt snug against your panties, their eyes zeroing in the small wet patch that formed.
“Are you getting turned on? How fucked up is that?” Makki snickered, his and Issei’s chuckles intensifying your shame. “I knew some part of you liked it rough, but I didn’t think it’d be this much.” He went on, landing another hit, the smack bouncing off the walls.
“Two…” you whispered in defeat,but when his fingers brushed against your mound your thighs rubbed together. They snickered and teased once again. You had squeezed your eyes shut by now, awaiting the next blow, bracing yourself for the pain.
Makki’s hands leave your body immediately, only for him to pin both your arms on your back while another hand freely roamed your swollen, throbbing, skin as it had done many times before.
“You’re cute like this,” Mattsun spoke, thumb softly tracing the darkened skin, before withdrawing his touch completely. Then you felt two fingers prodding at your entrance through your panties.
“S-stop, that’s—
“Fuck, she’s fucking wet, Makki.” Mattsun hissed, rubbing his fingers along the silhouette of your slit, your arousal now leaking through the crotch of your underwear. You bit back a moan but with the way your hips were trying to move away from his touch, told him your body was reacting to him. “Do you like it when I rub you through your panties?”
You shook your head, denying it.
Makki tugged the fabric down, the two men sucking in a breath at the sight of your glistening cunt, a string of your slick connected to the crotch of your panties.
“Baby, do you get turned on when you’re being all good for me?” Makki grinned, grabbing your ass, the soreness of your cheeks dulling into an unfamiliar sensation of pleasure. “Did you get turned on cause Issei was watching us? I bet you want him to watch when I fuck you too huh. Give him a live show for once.”
“Hiro, please…I—he’s scary,” you uttered under your breath, eyes screwing shut when you felt the rough pads of his fingers start massaging your clit.
“If he’s so scary, why are you getting so wet?”
You didn’t know why either. Issei’s fingers felt good, knowing you were being good for Hiro felt good. That’s all you could gather right now as well as the way, two thick digits slipped inside of you. “Ah!”
“Would you look at that. Your little cunt is sucking my fingers in,”
“Hiro,” you whimpered for help, finding it wrong for his best friend to be touching you like this. “Make him s-stop. Please. S’not you. It’s not right.” You tried to string together your thoughts but splayed on his lap while his best friend slowly scissored his fingers inside you, you couldn’t ignore the hardness inside Makki’s jeans poking at your stomach.
Makki stared at Issei’s fingers, slipping in and out of you, covered in your slick. It was hot. He glanced at you to see your expression, lip between your teeth, eyes screwing shut when he curled his fingers a certain way. You were trying so hard to be good for him, loyal and sweet. But Makki knew your body was enjoying this despite how you battled with your moral compass. You were probably confused too. Why was he letting Mattsun touch you the way he does? Simply because he didn’t mind sharing you with his best friend. You were his but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought about you being split and fucked with Mattsun’s cock.
“Don’t be rude.” Makki hummed, massaging the fat of your ass to soothe the pain he inflicted on you. “If Mattsun hadn’t started this, you would still be counting and getting spanked. It’s your fault for getting turned on by it.”
“Hiro,” you whined, Mattsun’s fingers working in and out of you faster, your walls clenching around his digits greedily.
“I’m not the one touching you. Say his name.”
No. You couldn’t. If this was some test to see your loyalty to him, you weren’t going to fail it. But that resolve was fading bit by bit with the way he thrusts and periodically scissored his fingers in your traitorous cunt.
And yet as you were reaching your peak, his name was slowly rolling of your tongue. Too lost—no, succumbing to him and how he made you feel.
“You’re making such a lewd face,” Makki chuckled, one hand restraining both your wrists behind you still, the other moving your hair over one shoulder to get a better look.
A squeak left you as your body tensed suddenly before going slack, thighs trembling from the orgasm that washed over you. You could feel your slick dribbling down the inside of your thighs, Mattsun slipping his digits out of you only to slowly rub your clit to prolong your bliss, mouth watering at how you came all over his fingers.
He brought his fingers to his lips, lapping up your juices and humming at the sweet distinct taste.
“I could just eat you up,,” Mattsun growled, shoving his digits into your mouth, making you taste yourself. “Lick it up, kitten.”
You helplessly looked up at him through your lashes before reluctantly swirling your tongue round his thick two fingers and sucking it the same way when Hiro would do the same.
Makki released your hands, effortlessly propping you up to sit legs apart on his lap, his hands now roaming under your dress, removing your bra and discarding it somewhere in the room. He teased your nipples til they harden, rolling the sensitive buds between his fingers.
“Did you like that? Like Mattsun’s fingers inside your greedy little cunt?” He rasped against your ear, squeezing your breasts just a little harder. “Since you couldn’t follow my instructions to count, my sweet girl can’t have my cock.”
“N-need you, please. I’m sorry,” you whimpered, hips needy and grinding down against his erection, a soft sigh leaving you when his hard on against his jeans rubbed against your clit. “W-want Hiro.”
In any other time, Makki would’ve loved to give you exactly what you asked for. But brats need disciplining.
“What you want doesn’t matter right now baby. You want to make it up to me right?” He coped, kissing your cheek. You nodded immediately. Yes, you did.
Mattsun stood between your legs, Makki’s hands hooking behind your knees to pull and fold them to your chest, exposing your sex to his best friend. Attention fully on Makki, you didn’t notice how Mattsun was dangerously close, black jeans discarded and cock hard against his abdomen.
“If you want to make it up to me, stay like this.”
Something hard and thick prodded at your entrance, your eyes whipping to your parted legs. You felt your stomach churn. Long and thick, the leaking tip of his cock glared right back at you, it was hot against your cunt as he rubbed his tip along your slit.
“N-no, it won’t fit,” you murmured, wriggling away from Issei’s cock. “Hiro, please.” There was no way that was going to fit inside of you, it’ll rip you apart. You’ve only ever had sex with Hiro, and you still remember how it felt when he first breached your chaste walls, taking your virginity. If that had been painful, you can’t imagine how it’d be with Issei.
“You wanted to make it up to me right?” Makki’s tone darkened dangerously, and his grip on your legs tightened as he kept you open for Issei, the fat head of his cock pushing at your entrance, already stretching you wide.
You wanted to make it up to him. But how was this that? This was still punishment. You were sure of it. Especially when Issei slowly leaned in, impaling his thick cock into your hole, both men hissing and cursing at how your puffy lower lip stretched to accommodate his length while you gasped. There was no way he was going to fit all the way inside. No way, and yet he kept pushing in till the bulbous tip nudged against your cervix.
“It’s—too much,” you whimpered, eyes glossy with tears as you stared up at Issei, his eyes dark with lust and glued to where you two were connected. You swore you could feel him in your womb, he was just—“t-too big.”
“Holy shit,” Makki exhaled, your pussy stretched around Issei’s cock, his own cock painfully hard against his jeans. When Issei slowly drew back, relishing the sweet, plush, grip of your walls, his length was covered in your slick, a white ring of cream an inch from the base.
The tip lingered at your entrance, your heavy lidded eyes blinking at his cock, not believing that it had gone inside you but you were quickly reminded of the sensation when he slammed his hips against yours, heavy balls slapping against your ass and you swore you felt him deeper than before. A broken sound, a mix of a whine and a cry left you, the stretch still so unfamiliar and the weight of him inside of you as he thrusted in and out was dizzying. He was so thick, your walls pulsated erratically, the sparks of pleasure blooming in your lower belly.
“Fuck, she’s tight,” Issei groaned, hands placed behind your thighs, replacing Makki’s.
“She looks so hot being split by your cock, man,” Makki commented, his hand snaking around you to play with your clit, your head thrown back at the added sensation. It was too much.
“Have you ever fucked her in the ass?” Mattsun groaned, keeping conversation as he sets a pace, fucking in and out you till he had you moaning.
“Not yet, dude. I’m taking it slow,” Makki responded, massaging your clit, more slick dripping from your cunny. “Oh, and told you she’s a whore for cock.” He snickered, slapping your clit making you cry out.
“M’ not a w-whore ,” you mustered out, body jolting with each thrust, panting as the scrape of Issei’s cock against your walls started to feel good and you were even greedy for him, your reluctance earlier now replaced with eagerness.
“You’re nothing but a cumdump for me, baby,” Makki chuckled, his thumb brushing against your swollen lips. “And now Mattsun’s.”
“No, not inside,” you cried, his thrusts getting faster and faster, rutting into you with reckless abandon, you couldn’t think anymore. Just feel. Feel the way his cock slams over and over again against your cervix, the way his cock stretched you out whenever he pulled back and sunk back in. His name fell from your lips in chants, soft moans that Issei couldn’t get enough of. Your cute little tongue poked out of your lips, reduced to nothing but a babbling and moaning mess.
Hanamaki whipped out his phone. “Dude, slow down and pull out, film the way you stretch her out,” he handed Mattsun the phone, his rhythm slowing. Drawing back till his cock completely left you, he pressed record, the flash lighting up and making your wet pussy shine.
Mattsun’s hand caressed your stomach, slowly moving down to your cunny, spreading the lips for show for the camera before positioning his cock once against at your entrance, his length coated with your slick.
He pushed in, cock opening up and stretching your tiny cunt, a soft whine emitting from you, body growing accustomed to the sinful sensation of his cock. It was entrancing really, the way he stretched you out, how your walls fluttered and squeezed his him.
Mattsun reared his hips back, slowly fucking into you, cock sliding almost completely out and back into you to exaggerate just how much of his length you could take. What made this time different was how you were freely moaning, whimpering and groaning at how he filled you up.
He zoomed the camera out, your whole body and your flustered face in the frame. Your skin was glistening with a thin sheen of sweat and your knees by your ears, showcased your split cunt so pornographically for the camera. Close to his release, he quickly picked up his pace, capturing the way your body jolted with each thrust and recording your higher pitched moans. His hips slammed over and over against your ass, the sound of skin slapping on skin bouncing off the walls of your apartment.
“Fuck,” he groaned, bucking his hips harder than before as he stills inside you, shooting his hot cum inside your quivering walls. You moaned out wantonly , thighs shaking as you cum at the feeling of warmth exploding in your lower belly, his cock twitching inside you as he coated your insides white.
The camera continued to record, he slowly pulled back already missing your warmth that enveloped him, only to be rewarded with the sight of his cum spilling out your abused hole, globs of white dribbling down your ass.
Switching off the phone, he threw it back on the couch, two fingers pushing his cum back into your pulsating cunt.
“S-stop,” you panted, shaking from the overstimulation. “No more. I cant!” His fingers sped up, curling them directly at that spongy part inside you and Makki continued his ministrations, littering hickeys on your neck while he played with your tits, harshly groping and pinching.
You cum the second time, juices coating Mattsun’s hand and now completely limp against Makki as your head spun and your breathing was laboured, thrown high into ecstasy. In that haze, you only could remember bits and pieces of what happened next, you were on your hands and knees on the couch, cheek against Matsukawa’s thigh as Makki had his turn. Next thing you knew, the hot tip of Mattsun’s cock was tapping against your cheek then buried in your mouth as the two had their way with you.
You couldn’t remember much after that, just felt. You felt the stickiness that clung to your thighs, the heat in your mouth when Issei came, the numbing pleasure in your core as Makki pounded into you. You were so out of it, you couldn’t really make out what words they were exchanging with one another.
“Cant believe you had this tight little cunt all to yourself,” Mattsun groaned, sheathing himself inside again, pushing Makki’s cum back inside.
“Yeah? I knew you couldn’t wait to have your filthy paws on her,” Makki chuckled, sitting on the edge of the couch by your head, your face pressed down into the cushions, moaning and babbling nonsense. “She’s so fucked out.” He caressed the crown of your head, your little tongue lolling out and your hips on its own, was moving to meet Mattsun’s thrust, drunk on both their cocks.
“She’s such an obedient little thing,” Mattsun gripped your waist, pulling you down on further on his cock as he neared his third release. “Fuck, cant get enough of her.” He grunted as he pumped you full of cum once again, cute ass jiggling as you were pushed into another orgasm.
By the time they were done, the dark navy blue sky had become a gradient to a light blue. Before Makki cleaned you up, he and had laid you on the bed, legs parted and cunt oozing with the mix of their cum. They snapped a couple of pictures. And when you woke, your mind was blank. Your eyes scanned the familiar walls and furniture of you bedroom but when you shifted in your spot only to find yourself wedged in between two warm bodies, memories of what had happened flashed before your eyes and only then did you notice how heavy your body felt against the soft mattress, how sore your inner thighs were.
A soft groan brought you back to earth, the familiar scent of Hanamaki filling your nose as he nuzzled his face into your neck, his locks of strawberry blond hair soft against your cheek. His arm was draped across your stomach, crossing over another arm from your left side. Your heavy lidded eyes squinted in the dark to look at the clock, the time making your body click to automatic mode. You had class. But even if you tried to move, you weren’t strong enough.
“Go back to sleep, babe,” Makki murmured against your neck, his voice deeper from sleep. “I messaged your professor you caught a fever.”
“But,” your voice was painfully scratchy along your throat.
“Don’t worry baby,” he shifted closer, naked skin touching and warming your own. “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry your pretty little mind about anything, yeah?”
You shut your mouth, struggling to keep your eyes open.
“You did so well for me last night. Such a good girl for me aren’t you?” His words of praise seemed to fill your chest with warmth. To know that you had pleased him. “My pretty girl.”
“I-I’m sorry, Hiro,” you croaked out, an ugly weak sound to your ears but Hanamaki raised his head to meet your eyes.
“I know you are, baby. I know.” He cooed softly, caressing your cheek. “You were so pretty being such a good girl and taking Issei’s cock. So fucking pretty.”
“A-anything for Hiro,” You slurred in response with a small smile not able to muster anything more than that as you fell into the hands of deep slumber.
The words resonated within Hanamaki. A slight pang of guilt washing over him as he played over and over the sweet, docile way you had said that. He wondered if you knew that he’d do anything for you too. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily, he’s never wanted anyone as much as he wanted you. If he was even to ponder about it, he was lucky he had you. That you were his naive and dumb little bunny that he had sunk his teeth into.
And he was going to have so much fun with you, along with Issei too.
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tyunni · 3 years
( ⎙ ) HOW YOU MET ENHYPEN (HYUNG LINE) !! - high school edition.
enhypen masterlist | library
wc: 2.3k+. warnings: mentions of groping, violent acts/fights: punching, kicking, choking, etc; did not proof read at all. genre: fluff, angst if you squint??, comedy.
a/n: i REALLY REALLY REALLY really hate this. like i truly do. esp the jake one,,,, yeah i hate these. anyways maknae line coming soon so stay tuned for that 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️
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he's the so-called ace of your highschool. has amazing grades, does sports, talented as fuck, can do basically anything and outshines everyone just by existing.
so when you enter the classroom on the first day of your shool year and are met with the lee heeseung sitting in front of the teachers desk, you aren't really surprised. because that's how most of the smart kids act: they sit somewhere close so they can suck up to the professor as if their life depends on it.
you know all their tricks because every single semester you're usually the one being sat right next to them, at the very front, having eye-to-eye staring contests with your biology teacher who apparently still holds a gruge and isn't able to let go of that one time you threw a paper plane at her in sixth grade.
so now she has to look directly at you, every single day of every. single. year. just to feel content and "safe" from your antics.
now your seatmate, the - astonishingly handsome - ace of HYBE high school, is a bit... different from what you had expected.
you've sat next to a fair share of goody two shoes and teachers pets, heads hung low when the professor is explaining something and hands up high whenever there is a question asked, such dedication still amazes you to this day.
yet heeseung is on the quieter side, opting to silently murmur his answers instead of throwing his hand up in the air the second a question leaves the teachers lips.
HE DOESN'T EVEN TAKE NOTES!?!?! you asked him if you could copy his since you had been a bit late that day, the lesson being extremely important for your upcoming biology exam, and you were surprised to hear him say:
"sorry, can't do! i don't really take notes..."
he saw you struggling to keep up and felt extremely bad for not being able to help, EVEN THO IT WASNT EVEN HIS FAULT STOP I LOVE HIM-
at the end of the lesson, he tapped you on your shoulder before you could get up from your seat and asked you for your phone number - VERY AWKWARDLY MIGHT I ADD!!!!
you were a bit confused at first, blush spreading across your cheeks from his sudden interest in you, since you hadn't really interacted before this, just sitting in silence doing your own thing.
the second he caught on and realized that you might have gotten the wrong idea he started flaling his arms around, face beet red, a string of no's leaving his lips.
"i meant i could help you with bio! if you wanted to, of course, haha..."
"oh... yeah, sure! would be great getting help from the infamous ace of HYBE!!"
let's just say... you aced the exam and now have a crush on your seatmate 😲😲 (haha get it?? aced??? lol. laugh. 🔫)
JAY • 제이
"y/n, your best friend just got into a fight with someone, they're at the school playground-"
your eyes widening at the words, your hand clutching onto your backpack you dash out of your classroom, ignoring your heavy bag that's definitely weighing you down.
as everyone knows, y/n l/n is much like a dog: loyal and extremely protective of ones dear to them; especially their best friend, who they believed was a saint, an angel sent from above, the boy they adored and treated like their older brother. he was so sweet and loving, how could he ever get into a fight?! he wouldn't even hurt a fly!
running through the hallways, pushing a few freshmen that probably hadn't heard of the massive fight that was going on right outside of the building out of your way - whatever, you could apologize to them once it was all over - you move forward, receiving weird looks from not only the oblivious students but also the adults and the teachers.
slamming the school entrance door open, you move around frantically, chest heaving up and down from the sudden loss of oxygen, panicked orbs observing everything around you, head spinning from the excessive amount of adrenaline rushing through your veins.
and suddenly, you hear a cry for help followed by a few screams from the crowd and a "break it off you two!" - your head shoots towards the direction of the groans and the yelps you assumed were your best friends', legs moving as if on their own to reach the destination as soon as possible.
and when you see your friend sprawled out on the ground, face bleeding, eyes bruised, lips swollen, you can't help but cry out to him, pushing everyone out of your way to get a better view of who is currently on top of him, knuckles red from the blood that's gushing out of his nose.
and there he is. someone who you later find out to be jay park, his sharp eyes turning even darker at the sight of your best friend under him, taking his punches because he just can't fight back, his hands wrapped around the others throat, holding him in place just to slam his head against the concrete once more. it's the helpless look in your best friends eyes, the silent cry he lets out when he catches a glimplse of you that makes you oh-so-desperate to save him from the 'beast', to be his knight in shining armor.
you can't help but charge towards them, pushing the male off your best friend, blood boiling at the sight of the one you loved like your own sibling looking so pathetic.
"what the hell do you think you're doing?!" your gaze turns from your helpless friend to the one who made him look so helpless, "what is wrong with you!"
"what is wrong with me?! no, no what is wrong with him!" the boy stands up, his finger that was once curled up into a fist now straightening out and pointing to the bleeding male - "i don't know who you are, his s/o-"
he steps forward towards you, his finger now darting your way - "his best friend or his nanny," he pokes your chest, eyes boring into yours, staring right through you. you can't help but step back, the determination and certainty that had once clouded your mind now cleared up completely - "i want you to make sure that he doesn't go near my friend's sister ever again."
"what..?" - you murmur, feeling sheepish under his mocking gaze. his eyebrows furrow at your question as he lets out the nastiest of scoffs.
"oh you don't know, do you? your friend here had been bothering her for quite some time now, calling her non-stop, cornering her in the hallways, taking advantage of her young age, even tried kissing her when she quite clearly gave no consent! hell, you weren't here to witness him groping her right in front of everyone!!!" he scoffs, turning away from you and walking towards the female in question, who's cheeks were stained with tears, her glossy eyes meeting your widened ones for a split second before you look away out of pure guilt.
"let's go, yeji." the male said, taking her hand in his and leading her away from the place, the crowd dying down as he did so, everyone leaving you and the one you saw as your role model alone together with not-so-quiet whispers of filthy words directed towards him and sorry looks thrown your way - the same look you gave him a few seconds ago.
yet now you can't help but feel reluctant, an unpleasant feeling of disgust washing over you when he calls out your name with a groggy, desperate voice.
JAKE • 제이크
everyones eyes were set on you, rightfully so. i mean you would be staring too if you saw someone walking around the hallways with - more like being walked around by - a huge dog on a leash without a care in the world.
well... with one care in the world. if the teachers or basically anyone who worked at this school caught you, you would be in so much trouble.
but there was simply no use in trying to be sneaky with an animal that's probably twice your size if it were to walk around on two feet instead of four. so, instead of embarrassing yourself by trying to tip-toe your way towards your destination you just embraced the fact that you probably looked badass to a bunch of baby freshmen right now.
what were you even doing? you didn't know yourself. far too caught up with trying to basically drag this dog to your schools "lost & found" - yes you heard me correctly, lost. and. found. - to even care about your science class that you were most likely going to be late to.
you found the poor baby running around the school gates, whimpering and barking. at first you assumed it was a stray dog that had wandered inside, taking out your lunch from your backpack to share it with her, later to find out that she had a collar around her neck that read "Layla". and her cries were not for food, but for her owner.
you felt bad just leaving her there, i mean you definitely weren't a monster! she probably missed her owner a lot, and she was on the school grounds. so, you took her to the lost and found... great plan...
"oh, hey y/n how can i help y- IS THAT A DOG?!"
"HUSHHH!!!! don't be so loud dude! if the principal catches me i'm done for. and yes, it is indeed a dog. i found her running around the school playground so i brought her in, assuming she belonged to one of the students, y'know?"
"... that was a terrible idea. this place is for lost items not living breathing walking animals? besides, what kind of idiot would bring their pet to school-"
yeonjun was cut off by the dog's owners screech of happiness, rushing towards the animal and engulfing it in a hug before turning towards you with the most stunning smile you have ever seen in your entire life, his eyes curled up into crescented moons, grin lighting up the entire room and you could quite literally feel heat radiating off him.
and you can't help but smile back, before giving yeonjun an "i told you so" look, content that your stupid idea somehow managed to save the lovely boy and his adorable dog some trouble.
"thank you so much!! i'm glad you found her, i was getting really worried. and bringing her to the lost and found was quite clever of you, haha"
your smirk grows wider at his compliment, shrugging slightly as you lean against the nearest wall, an 'i know' rolling off your tongue so naturally that if it weren't for yeonjun laughing his ass off at your confidence, the male would have believed that you were known for being the brainy one.
"but i am curious, how did this all... happen?" - you ask, and when he realizes that that question of yours was genuine and not meant to mock or poke fun at him, his grin grows even larger as he offers to discuss his dumbassary over lunch after school. after all he does have to pay you back for finding his dog and returning her safely.
rumors spread quickly around your school, starting from something as simple as jake sim supposedly getting a dog (which turned out to be true) to something as serious as one of your teachers getting fired.
but news about park sunghoon - the hot, sexy, handsome, pretty, beautiful "ice prince" of your high school - spread even quicker.
apparently you and him had been caught making out in the janitors closet? what do they mean making out when you're not even friends with him- hell, you haven't even spoken once! but to your dismay, small things reach many people - especially the manic fangirls/boys of mr.park over here - and get morfed into absurd stuff such as the janitor incident mentioned above.
the 'ice prince' was known for his cold demeanour after all, so hearing him have the hots for someone was definitely shocking to a bunch of high schoolers who have nothing better to do than not mind their own business.
"jake this is insane! i don't even know them, what the hell happened?!"
"listen, man idk okay?! heeseung told me that someone spread rumors about seeing you two all over each other in the closet, i got nothing to do with this!!"
"ugh, this is real trouble, my reputation-"
and just like that, sunghoon was cut off by you pushing him against the locker, your hand right next to his head balled up into a fist, arms firm in their position as your sharp eyes stare right into his widened ones. and just by that, he can tell that you're not the one to mess with.
"listen here, sunghoon, did you go around telling people we made out just to fuck me over? were you bored or something?!"
the boy was too stunned to speak (HELP), lips forming into a thin line as his breath hitches. fortunately, jake is there to save the day! he explains everything to you and sunghoon can see your gaze visibly soften the second you find out that it wasn't his doing, he was a victim too!!
you move away from him, fixing up your clothes from all the frantic running and searching you had been doing just to find the boy you assumed was the culprit.
"sorry about that... but we really need to get this cleared up, if the principal hears about this, we're dead! what if we get expelled?!"
"i don't know, but whoever spread this rumor is about to get their ass be-"
"oh, hey love birds~ tell me y/n, how did our ice prince's face taste?? didn't know you were a bitch for him too."
one of the passer-by's coos at you, the others try to muffle their giggles and laughs - with their palms pressed against their lips - that were soon replaced by loud gasps and even screams when the park sunghoon had the other gasping for air, holding a handful of their collar in his fist.
©tyunni please do not copy, translate or repost my work.
taglist: @gyuury @jaysstarz @junityy @uygmoeb @sunghun @krewified @eternallyhyucks @pshjae @marknaeroni @feyregels @gyuuss @koishua @kac-chowsballs @echo-of-a-writer @w3bqrl @liz-riz @duolingofanaccount @goldenhypen (bold means i can't mention you :( if you want to be a part of my taglist fill this out!!)
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alien-hunny · 2 years
Let’s get real for a second …
I wanted to share with y’all my highschool journey since i’m officially done with highschool !! I’ll be receiving my diploma on Saturday!!!!!
Freshman Year
I was shy and naive at the time, I had a huge circle of friends and I was depressed … When I first entered highschool I had this vision in my head of how it would play out, I was thinking I’d have life long friends and we’d go through highschool together… but that’s not how it went. I did however meet someone who i had a huge crush on and he’s now my boyfriend, at the time i was too shy to tell him how i felt so we remained friends but i’m happy we did (yes we got back together lol).. My friends ended up ditching me because my bestie at the time (the leader of the circle) was mad at me because a guy she liked , liked me … but i NEVER liked him or made him feel like i was interested. It wasn’t fair and i lost all my friends because of it , i fell deeper into my depression… but i moved schools towards the half way mark of the year. I reconnected with my kindergarten bestie and tons of my good friends from middle school and i had a great rest of the year with them, I was even a lot closer to my teachers . One teacher specifically her name is Mrs.Clark , she’s a rainbow of sunshine and I loved her as my math teacher so much! I definitely have plans in the future to revise that situation so that I can let that pain go in my heart and move on from it emotionally. I haven’t already because I don’t think ab it too much anymore and I want to do it when i’m ready.
Sophomore Year
I was weary about going back to the same highschool i originally went to, i missed my friends and felt like i didn’t belong at this school. Despite that going back to school meant i get to see him again . We had one class together and during summer we kinda fell off but I just loved seeing him , he’s so funny lol. It didn’t matter tho we didn’t become close this year because i ended up in the hospital maybe a month or two before quarantine and i was with another guy at the time . (fuck him) I found out that I had a brain tumor but it wasn’t life threatening and i wasn’t really worried . (It’s gone now I manifested it away 😁) But i was unable to attend school and i spent the rest of mt sophomore year in and out of the hospital…. and then quarantine hit ….
Junior Year
THE ABSOLUTE WORST YEAR ! I spent my entire junior year in the house , distant learning … I was so depressed at this time , I didn’t attend online school at all really. For the first time in my academic career I had Fs and Ds . (I’ve revised this lol) But it was despicable lol I hated online schooling with a passion. All I did was sleep and go to my ex’s house. (boyfriend at the time) Buttttt guess who I had an online class with … my boyfriend now lol. We always had one class together throughout highschool which has to be a sign or fate or something magical lol .. junior year sucked moving onnnnn
Now senior year 😏 that’s my nigga right there . I absolutely loved my senior year and that’s mostly thanks to my new found info of the law of assumption and my amazing lover . We reconnected over the summer before school started and ended up dating in June of 2021 😩 he’s been my rock for almost a year now and our friendship goes back to freshman year 🤞🏾 i love Danté with all my being . Anywhooo I didn’t have many friends but I don’t need/want them really . I had amazing teachers that I connected with on personal levels , Mr.Brown !!! AN AMAZING BLACK EDUCATOR YALL !!!!!!!! He deserves an award for best educator at that school okayyyy, he’s inspirational, he’s funny and most importantly he’s real. He understands us and tries his hardest to be there for us . He is definitely the schools Dad ! He was my African American Experience teacher 😌 and my favorite teacher of all time! I’m gonna cry at graduation when I see him for sure 🥹 I know he’s proud and he’s been an amazing teacher yall , i wish i could take him to college with me man (i’m defff manifesting that hehehehe) I made myself so proud this year , I was working pretty hard before i got into the void so i’m proud of those efforts and happy to say i don’t have to work hard unless i want to . It’s relieving asf 😩😩😩 Prom was amazing i had so much fun dancing with my boo and some friends . I even got a dance with Mr.Brown lol he got more rhythm then everybodyyyy 😂 don’t play w himmm ! Overall tho my senior year was everything i originally hoped highschool would be 😫 Im so happy to be graduated and done! 13 long years of school and NIGGA WE MADE IT !
To All The Class of 2022 :
We FUCKING DID IT !!!! Despite everything we made to the finish line . I hope everyone holds their heads high walking across that stage and even if u don’t want to walk across the stage baby hold ur head high and pat urself on the back ! We get to be adults now live in the real world , create families and lifelong memories . We get to find ourselves and chase our dreams ! Be who we want to be. Our generation is different from anyyyy generation. We are breaking curses and healing trauma . Our kids will be damn proud and i say DAMN PROUD of our sacrifices as a generation. We made it through covid despite not having hope . We are the class of 2022 and we’re here to make our mark on the world !!
I love y’all - Aalena out 🫶🏾
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roscgcld · 3 years
Alright alright so gojo twins is a great idea. But what about gojo's half sibling? Like gojo's father decided to mess around a little bit and a child was born right when satoru was about to enter highschool? Gojo saving the child after finding out that he has a sibling but also being kinda petty because it's a half sibling? Like i just can't get rid of this idea it's so funny and exciting to me. ESPECIALLY when the sibling enters jujutsu high as a student of gojo, younger than everyone 😭
I think Gojo will more try to know his other sibling because the fact that the Gojo household probably wants that kid dead lmao. You know, normal power struggle things~
Kinda depends on whether or not you'll be fun to be around. But I highkey think tho that Gojo will probably get along better with a half-sibling who doesn't have any Curse Energy or low Curse Energy. I think that if Gojo was to have another sibling, the other sibling will be 'drained' of all powers. It just makes more sense honestly. But either way, I think Gojo might get along with them well enough.
He doesn't really care what his parents do and their relationship, but I do think he is annoyed and angry because you were cut off from your rights to earn things like an inheritance from the Gojo estate. So he will fight for you to either have a solid grip on that, or he will pay out of pocket to make sure you get to live a cushy life without needing to worry.
Probably grows closer to you and has decided that you become home base for him - he can't survive on his own for long. Poor baby will starve lmao.
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