#rip all the students i'll never have LMAO
would u ever explain the circley levels of hell chapter/plot/theme structure bc i am very curious 👀👀👀
I'll make a video explaining this too since it might be helpful to hear me explain it with... my face, but this circular story structure is something I'm calling orbital plot structure. Luckily for all of us, I wrote up a detailed memo for my workshop which I'll share below (with lots of expansion)!
Disclaimer: The following is all my original writing theory AKA I came up with all of this myself AKA this method is in early development. You're welcome to share it/use it wherever, just link back to me! This also means when I think more, there may be more to say, LOL.
TL;DR: the orbital plot structure consists of two elements: the thematic satellite and the "scene" rings that orbit the satellite. I've shared two versions (the original and the modified version) below!
Orbital plot structure
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The orbital plot structure consists of two essential components: the thematic satellite and the scene rings. We have a core theme (the “satellite”) that every single scene “orbits” around. Every scene links back to the theme.
Plot progression/movement comes from the rings rippling outward (indicated by the outward pointing arrows). However, this movement is still deeply connected to the theme (indicated by the unfilled arrows pointed inward—we are pushed out by the theme like an exhale but naturally brought back toward the theme like an inhale). The amount of rings will differ for each work.
This plot structure may work well for theme-driven stories and chapters between 1500-3500 words.
Below is an example of the classic orbital plot structure for the first chapter of my novella, BODY BACK (chapter update HERE!). That chapter is called "Living Pictures."
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The theme for this chapter of course is "life as a living picture." Every single scene is necessitated by this theme and therefore precipitates the next scene that is also necessitated by the theme.
Here is a breakdown of how each scene links back to that theme:
Scene 1:
Harrison floats fully-clothed in a pool that belongs to a wealthy couple. He is jaded and also thinking about God
Explanation: This scene quite literally IS a living picture. Harrison feels unreal/otherworldly and not like an actual human person.
Scene 2:
Harrison describes the couple who own the house/pool. The man is a realtor, and the woman stays at home mostly, but walks dogs on the side.
Explanation: Harrison projects the couple who owns this home into "living picture" mode. He doesn't see them as people, but merely as The Realtor and The Dog-Walker.
Scene 3:
Harrison contemplates his “easy” Las Vegas life since moving in with his mother, Suzanna.
Explanation: Harrison explains how HIS actual life in Las Vegas has felt like a living picture (he also resists this idea at the end).
Scene 4:
Flashback: Harrison recalls drawing his new sort-of boyfriend, Jeremiah.
Explanation: This flashback with Jeremiah is ALSO a living picture. Heightened language. Dreamy imagery. He doesn't feel present, but like a snapshot in a moment.
Scene 5:
Harrison describes his vices (smoking and his ex, Lonan lmao, comparable) which trickles into a recurring dream/nightmare of Lonan.
Explanation: This scene is AGAIN a living picture--more dreamy language (it's quite literally a dream too). Lonan is captured in this memory, even though this moment was once real and not a photo.
Scene 6:
Distracted by the dream, Harrison is caught by the couple. The man seems unimpressed by him, though the woman (Sadie), perhaps realizing how young he is, invites him inside for tea.
Explanation: We SHATTER the living picture (LP) here. Harrison isn't living in a dream state, he's actually very much in the real world where breaking into a stranger's pool is NOT okay. LOL.
Scene 7:
Harrison observes the couple’s “catalogue” home while Sadie makes tea.
Explanation: Sadie and her husband live in a home that is also picturesque. BUT, he quickly notices something is amiss--she doesn't actually seem to genuinely exist in its pristineness and niceties, just like Harrison doesn't exist in the niceties of his "new" life in Las Vegas. This is why I ended the chapter here--he's addressed the theme.
You'll notice I didn't include the arrows in the above diagram--I've only included those for demonstration purposes to show how movement in this type of structure works. You know how water ripples in a circular pattern when you drop a stone into it? That's how this story structure progresses--every scene revolves around that stone in the centre.
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^^ A visual for you!
Typically, in western storytelling, we think of structure like this:
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This diagram is known as Freytag's triangle/pyramid, and it's a useful way to understand stories (though... not my favourite for many reasons, but a great place to brainstorm your own writing theory). In diagrams like this, it's easier to see the movement of a story, since the line naturally moves left to right.
You could ABSOLUTELY map "Living Pictures" on the above structure, but I personally prefer the orbital plot structure for this particular series of books (Moth Work x Feeding Habits x BODY BACK) because of how deeply thematic they are. Because those projects are very internal and driven by complicated emotional exploration into central themes, it only made sense to map my own story structure that was reflective of that.
To clarify, I don't mean that other structures can't contain theme. Of course they can! But this plot structure is specifically built for thematically-driven work (this would NOT work if your work was not thematically-driven).
Funnily, the orbital plot structure is what my brain "sees" as I write chapters in this series (I don't follow this structure for every project). So while some people outline, brainstorm, etc, in advance of drafting, I start drafting with this in mind. Usually I don't figure out the theme until I'm through the first scene, or sometimes until I'm done the first draft, but when that theme is identified, it's very easy for me to either mould the rest of the chapter around the theme, or revise it around that theme.
If I'm stuck while drafting a chapter, it's usually because something about the theme isn't clear--consciously or subconsciously--to me.
Also: because of the nature of this structure being quite specific to a theme, this is probably not the best fit for very long works/chapters. But I'm sure you could try!
Speaking of longer works...
Orbital plot structure (modified)
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The modified orbital plot structure follows the same principles of the orbital plot structure with two essential components: the thematic satellite and the scene rings. Scenes continue to orbit the “satellite.” However, a new element—fossae/dips—are introduced in the case of longer word counts (3500+).
The amount of rings and dips will differ depending on the project (there can be more or less than what is pictured above). These dips serve as scenes that may not be as closely related to the theme but that still move the work toward another thematic scene/“bump.”
Plot progression/movement comes from the rings rippling outward (indicated by the outward pointing arrows). However, this movement is still deeply connected to the theme (indicated by the unfilled arrows pointed inward—we are pushed out by the theme like an exhale but naturally brought back toward the theme like an inhale).
I'm not going to include a physical example of this because that would be... a teeny cumbersome, LOL, but this is just an option for people who like the orbital plot structure idea but don't feel like they want to write scenes that are extremely thematic every single time (or their work wouldn't fit that original model).
To note: The dips/bumps don't need to be uniform. Two dips can follow each other, just as three bumps could follow each other. This will depend on you and the work.
But good writers don't gatekeep <3 so here's a written version of chapter six of Feeding Habits that follows this structure quite nicely. For the sake of clarity, I'm going to call the fossae/dip scenes "dips" and the thematic scenes "bumps."
CW: Dead animals, blood, violence
THEME: Indissoluble bonds
Scene A:
DIP: Harrison gets back to the NYC apartment he shares with his mother after running errands to ward off either the spirit that haunts their walls or to rescue whatever is stuck in them. His mother preps for a dinner as Harrison has invited his old pal Reeve over.
Explanation: This scene MUST happen to get us to the following "bump," and that's because we get some critical exposition here: Harrison has had to go to a hardware store for supplies to cut open the drywall in his apartment as he and his mother can hear something in the walls, AND, Reeve is coming over for dinner at Harrison's request. We're not sure why.
Scene B:
BUMP: Harrison removes a litter of kittens from behind the drywall. One of the kittens is dead. Strangely, a German Shepherd puppy is also in the litter.
Explanation: What does it mean for Harrison to find a single dead kitten in a litter of live kittens? Does that kitten have a bond to its litter, despite now being gone?
Scene C:
DIP: Reeve appears in a glamorous blur and makes an interesting first impression on Suz who seems slightly stunned and endeared by her.
Explanation: We need this scene to get us to the next bump--this is Reeve's intro and also introduces the "bond" she'll later form with Suz. The entire chapter title, "Blood Sister," comes from the women's bond. What does it mean to feel connected to someone as if you had actually done a blood pact? And is that similar to the bond between the kittens? ...And the bond between Lonan and Harrison...?
Scene D:
BUMP (subtler): At dinner Reeve confronts Harrison about his “straight-edge” lifestyle since moving to NYC and he realizes her judgements about his life being monotonous are very true–he lacks purpose.
Explanation: This scene gets us to an important realization for Harrison: he feels like something is missing in his life. I wonder WHAT (the answer is Lonan lol).
Scene E:
BUMP: Harrison and his mother clear the dishes and Suzanna confronts him on the fact that he hasn’t told her that Reeve is in fact Lonan’s sister. Suz knows the boys’ relationship is complicated, and plays Devil’s advocate by outright asking Reeve how her brother is. Reeve, who hasn’t seen Lonan longer than Harrison, has assumed Lonan lives with them or is close by, and feels semi-betrayed that Harrison has kept his whereabouts a secret.
Explanation: This one is more explicit of a bump. Why hasn't Harrison told his mother Reeve's true identity? Is it because he's not ready to even think about Lonan who he still feels inextricably connected to??? Yes!
Scene F:
DIP & BUMP: Reeve and Harrison drive to a garden and he’s reminded of the event that lead to him and his mother’s return to the east. Harrison meets Winona outside a convenience store, the same woman Lonan meets in ch.6 of Moth Work. She takes him to her mansion where she’s hosting a party and introduces him to her husband. Harrison makes multiple bad decisions which you can probably figure out for yourself!
Explanation: This scene almost serves as both a dip AND bump as we slowly "dip" into exposition. But the relevance and "bump" of this scene becomes abundantly clear when we realize the woman Harrison follows home is the SAME woman Lonan follows him in Moth Work. Indissoluble bonds driving you to do the same thing?? LMAO I love them <3
Scene G:
BUMP: Harrison wakes up in Winona’s house and is confused to see her and her husband standing over his leather jacket. If we remember what happened in ch. 6 of Moth Work, Lonan gets beat up by Winona’s husband and has Harrison’s jacket & angel chain stolen. We can assume from this scene that Winona has a) recognized the jacket and b) chosen him to come back to her house for the purpose of also beating him up (which happens).
Explanation: Again, why do Harrison and Lonan make the SAME decisions and have the SAME thing happen to them? Is this because they have an indissoluble bond? That theme is actually dropped explicitly in this scene. (Also a tangent: in the MW version of this scene, Lonan loses the fight--black eye art is the aftermath of that--and therefore loses the jacket, but in FH, Harrison stumbles out of there with his jacket HAHA so he won. Lonan is a loser. <3)
Scene H:
BUMP: Reeve and Harrison jump a fence into a garden to give the dead kitten an unorthodox “water burial” in the garden’s fountain. Reeve confronts him on why no one has seemed to care about her whereabouts for the last year, and also suggests the only reason he wanted to see her now is because he misses Lonan. Harrison miserably drinks too much wine.
Explanation: In this scene, Harrison contemplates the indissoluble bond between the dead kitten and its litter--it's gone now, but was still a part of that collective, just like Lonan is gone now from his life but is still part of his collective. Harrison accepts that yes, he indeed still feels connected to Lonan, and actually, deeply misses Lonan (like the kittens--do they miss their sibling now that its gone?). He literally writes out Lonan's name in the snow as an expression of admittance to that truth (THAT'S GAY AS FUCK HARRISON, GAY AS FUCK).
Alright, I couldn't help myself, here's an illustration to show what that chapter looks like according to this structure. You can see I only used one ring because I don't have that many scenes. Now that I think of it, for this modified structure, a single ring would work well for one story/chapter (whereas in the original structure, one ring equals a scene), unless you have 60 million scenes (or you use act breaks within chapters). *High five!* we've made a development as I wrote this post.
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A hint about orbital structures: some crime TV shows use this structure IMO, ESPECIALLY episodes that follow crimes that are geared at revealing something about one of the central characters. Look at many of the Criminal Minds specials OR at any Hannibal episode and you won't be able to unsee it LOL.
Let me know if you have any questions! For writers who have very visual brains like me (or writers who've described their processes as "sculpting" words like myself), I hope this is useful!
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
May I request Todoroki family with a reader with a birthmark /port wine stain on their face? I feel like they’d be smothered even further (the reader can also joke about getting free laser surgery cause when that shit happens it smells like burning flesh (a jab at Dani lmao))
Portwine stain used to be my fav topic ever. Like you could ask me anything in pathology and I don't think I'd remember it, but someone even hints at it and ID KNOW WE'RE TALKING ABOUT PORTWINE STAIN cause like the moment I saw pictures of it on patients, I was like "?????? How is the name so ACCURATE????"
So with Todoroki fam, I think their reaction is mostly based on how you feel about your skin. So, if you're like more confident and rip anyone a new one if they try to bully you, they're also gonna treat you very normally (except maybe Rei). But if you're insecure about your face, then they're just gonna baby you to the max as well. Rei is always cooing and going over the top with compliments "aww baby, you're always beautiful in my eyes! You're like a pretty princess! I'm your mother, I would never lie!"
Enji mostly tries to encourage you with few but deep words, something along the lines of "beauty always fades away. It's what on the inside what matters. Make yourself so skillful and abled that you don't allow this to be a barrier between you and opportunities. I'll always support you." And obviously, he'd pay bucks if you want to remove this stain/mark.
Natsuo again, using his few years experience as a medical professional or as a med student will try to comfort you like a psychiatrist and also bring in derma creams and ointments that's ij research phases and not easily accessible to the general population.
Fuyumi again, coddles you but less patronising than Rei. She does want you tell her all about it, whether if someone said something even slightly mean to you, so that she can tattle to Dabi about it and he can "deal" with the person.
Shotou is the most indifferent to it. Like there isn't much difference to how he'd react if you didn't have this mark. He's still as attention deprived as ever and he's still sticking by your side, and maybe deep down, he might even feel closer to you now that you have a portwine stain/birthmark on your face.
Dabi... well, ofcourse his first reaction is to tease you about it, relentlessly. But if youre actually super insecure about your looks, then he's also the one who's super understanding and helpful. Like he finds you crying as you look at yourself in the mirror, he just sighs and walks over before breaking the mirror and engulfing you in a hug. Probes very carefully until you confess to him that someone said something very awful to you.
He comforts you, makes you his signature marshmallow hot chocolate and then pays a visit to said bully and like.... mutilates them very badly, beyond recognition, but still keeps them alive so that they get to live through the agony and dilemma you do on the daily.
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matchadobo · 1 year
KIDD; eustass kidd as a college student
summary: my headcanons of kidd as a college student in the modern world. no dfs here. part two here tw: afab!reader, nothing sussy here dw
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* studies metallurgy or mechanical engineering
* insanely good at physics and chemistry 🫦
* but very emotionally and people dumb
* would wear graphic tees with rolled sleeves, ripped jeans, ankle boots
* eyeliner and lipstick on AT ALL TIMES
* is always late to class
* would be an overachiver
* makes every little thing a competition
* however, not an active student. he's just active when he wants to speak up about something he knows
* the typa student who does last minute reviews before exams and/or quizzes yet still manage to get a high mark
* lives in dorms with the other kidd pirates
* always have boys' nights where they just watch horror and scare each other, play games, or just get drunk
* not active in extracurriculars, he couldn't care less (unless it's related to his course or he's interested abt something it offers)
* know him as "that one hot redhead who always has a frown in his face and always gets into fights with the professors"
* would always banter with profs; not to disrespect them, but he's smart enough to butt heads with the professors. although his intention is to purely state what he knows is right, he always ends up disrespecting them bc of his language and attitude and gets demerits lmao
* kidd as a groupmate is a pain in the ass; he never replies and only does when he feels like it—which is rarer than rare. he replies to comply on the day before the deadline 🤬
* whenever there's debates, he's your man. mans got no filter and actually say stuff that no one wants to (e.g. controversies like church vs state, gray areas, taboos, gov't corruption, etc.), but only with a foul language
* submits tasks late 😫
* his handwriting is like this. he don't care abt pen width, brand, and type
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* would visit nightclubs and bars seldomly, have hook ups and flings here and there but nothing was serious enough for him to go crazy for. he'd be with them one night max, he's the type of guy to leave afterwards 😭
his relationship with you:
* if you were just a blockmate he'd never even bat an eye at you let alone know you exist
- unless you caught his eye bc of your attractiveness physically or mentally
- if you haven't done anything remarkable to catch his attention, you're good as a rock to him
* if you're friends with him and is part of his circle:
- kidd being friends with you means that he can not only tolerate you but you can also measure up to and endure his feistyness
- that is tantamount to him being interested with you
- whenever a topic is blurry to you, he'd call you "dumb, birdbrain, shit for brains, etc" each time he explains and you still don't understand. but he would always accurately and patiently piece it out for you step by step, there's just some harshness that comes with it
- would always treat you to his and yours' favorite place after school whenever he sees you tired and bummed out after classes. would always tell you that "cmon i'll feed you some real fuckin' food, better than those ugly ass instant noodles you always have at your dorms." secretly loves seeing you eat and be full after meals
- each time your circle goes out, he'd always be seated next to you, is always close to you, or keeps an eye on you saying "you'll kill yourself with your dumb ass if i don't keep an eye on you." but that's just an excuse, cuz he likes looking at you
- study dates! well, he refuses to call them dates; just like how he refuses his feelings towards you. but would always insist on regularly doing this
> he doesn't really need the study dates, he's smart enough to excel on his own. he just wants an excuse to spend time with you, be close to you, teach you, make you laugh, and eat with you
- would he confess? he would, drunk. it'd start when you ask him to stop since he had too much to drink, he'll cup your face and tell you with flushed cheeks as his breath stinks from alcohol, he'll proclaim how much he adores you and how cute you are. he'll regret it in the morning and would avoid you for days.
- when you two get together, you two are inseparable. pda is clear as day. he's clingy af, would always link arms with you during lectures, rubbing circles on your soft skin. would let you put your thighs over his lap and stroke them fondly. when you put your head down during class as a result from weariness, his fingers with red-lacquered nails combs through your hair to soothe you. would always have an arm around you, whether above your shoulder or waist.
- his go to destressing activity is game/movie night with you and his circle
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dreamy sighs 0~0
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
Why hello! I love your writing and I was wondering If I could request SFW head-cannons with Mondo and Kiyotaka (in a poly relationship w/ reader pls <3) x TransMale! Reader who loves to wear pastel pink and cute clothes but sometimes gets bothered by other kids for it :( I almost forgot to add, non-despair au would be amazing :) have a great day and remeber to take care of yourself <3
- 🍪
Mondo Owada x FTM!Pastel!Reader! x Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Hiii my babies!!! Soooo I'm back kinda. I have a few other fan fics to post throughout the next week but I can't promise that I'll post actively since I hope to use most of my time doing Ko-fi commissions if at all possible
(Please send me commissions omfg)
( https://ko-fi.com/bubblyqueer000 )
Thank you for the request 🍪 anon!! I loooove pastel fashion!! Pastel colors are like almost all of what I wear hehehe!! Also, as you all know I LOVE MONDO!!! (and taka but mostly mondo lmao) So thanks for probably unknowingly making my fantasy into a request lol
CW// Mild Transphobia, idk mondo threatens someone
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♡ Mondo and Taka loved your style!! 
♡ It was the complete opposite of their styles so it was definitely a good contrast. It was so cute to them so when people started to make fun of you over it they. Were. LIVID.
♡ Mondo wouldn’t even hold back in trying to defend you and would immediately start going off and maybe even throwing hands, depending on the person. 
♡ When you meet Mondo’s gang, they absolutely adore you, and since you’re around Mondo so much you see them a lot. Sometimes you’ll go out with them all and someone may start teasing you without knowing who you’re with. 
♡ That’s when the Crazy Diamonds would step in and scare the absolute shit out of them, and make them immediately leave. 
♡ Taka honestly isn’t the greatest at defending you. He tries though!! He would never turn a blind eye to someone who picks on you but some people just won’t listen because he isn’t as intimidating as Mondo. 
♡ Because of that, Taka likes comforting you instead. He hugs you and tells you how handsome you are and how well your clothes suit you. 
♡ Mondo used to be hella toxically masculine and so him and Taka admire the heck out of you for dressing however you’d like!
♡ No matter the colors you wore or the style of your clothing, Mondo and Taka always saw you as a boy. 
♡ I headcanon that they’re both really aggressive allies sometimes, even if the person asking it isn’t being insensitive on purpose.
♡ “So… If you’re a man… Why do you dress in so much pink?” Another student asked.
♡ “Well, I don’t really think-”
♡ “HOW DARE YOU ASK S/O SUCH AN INTRUSIVE QUESTION?” Taka shouted, coming out of nowhere.
♡ “YOU’D BETTER GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BEFORE I RIP YOUR GUTS OUT!” Mondo shouted coming out from behind him.
♡ “Guys it’s not that big of a deal! You don’t have to-” 
♡ “Y/N, my dear! Are you alright! Don’t worry we’re here now!” 
♡ They’re annoyingly overprotective sometimes. 
♡ If you talk to them about it though, they’ll definitely cut it out.
♡ “I believe I can speak for both of us when I say that we can’t apologize enough, Y/N.”
♡ “Yeah… Sorry babe.” Mondo said. 
♡ “It’s okay! It’s cute to see you guys defending me so much.” You told them, while pulling them into a hug. Mondo quietly laughs and Taka grunts, not expecting the tight embrace. After a moment Taka looks down at you contently and relaxes into the hug. 
♡ “I love you both so much.” He said, pressing his face into your hair. 
♡ The three of you snuggled in bed for the rest of the night and you got to sleep right between them. 
♡ “Sweet dreams, you two.” Mondo whispered, pulling you both to his chest, as you drift into a deep sleep between the two people you love most of all.
♡ Love you guys ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
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boykisserbuckley · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tawaifeddiediaz thank u beloved rat <3
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
just 911 right now!
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
find me in the dark — delayed concussion for buck after buck begins caffeine daydreams — college + coffee shop au, buck as a student & eddie as a barista kiwing me softly — buck finds out he's allergic to kiwis nobody ought to be alone on christmas — eddie invites buck for family christmas when he learns he plans to spend the day alone i (don't) wanna get better — eddie finds out about buck's unhealthy coping mechanisms (self harm tw for this one)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to, and i definitely respond to names i recognize, but i usually end up forgetting or getting overwhelmed by the number of comments on a new fic and then never go back once it slows down and then i feel bad...
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i literally don't write unhappy endings lmao but i do have one (outlined but never properly written) where buck's dog dies. like that's the fic. the dog dies
what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of my fics end happy <3 but probably nobody ought to be alone on christmas bc (spoiler alert) they have their first kiss in the light of the christmas tree and its DISGUSTING how fluffy that fic is
do you get hate on fics?
haven't yet but who knows what'll happen
do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope. i have some au ideas but not crossovers
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of but i've read some that are. suspiciously close to my own
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
i attempted to and then we both forgot <3 it will not be finished <3
what’s your all time favorite ship?
buddie for sure
what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO many. bad birthday fic...mystery spot fic...mega [redacted] fic...so many
what are your writing strengths?
idk lmao i think characterization, in terms of like. keeping accurate to canon characters. and angst/whump being delicious but not overly unrealistic
what are your writing weaknesses?
that i'm fucking incapable of writing anything fast ever in my Life. and also repeating myself/repeating specific words too much and then i have to edit a lot
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
love it when reading but i don't speak any other languages so i don't do it myself
first fandom you wrote for?
voltron rip
favorite fic you’ve written?
find me in the dark is my baby, my true love, etc. i hated it the entire time i was writing it but by the time i was done i was convinced i was god
i'll tag @renecdote @nymika-arts @deareddie @lovebuck @bigfootsmom and @icarusbuck
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hesitationss · 1 year
gundam: the witch from mercury cour 2 ep 1/ep 13, spoilers ahead!
i said i was going to write out my thoughts for each episode, so i'm doing it now before i watch ep 3!! by the end of season 1, SO much happened, in particular there was the big moment where suletta murders and feels no remorse for it. we are starting to see her sense of morality and personhood dictated by solely her mother who is the big schemer begin to unwind. guel has just... experienced too much character development and it left me very curious as what he would be doing next, where that leaves his brother (who I am assuming will be next acting CEO, he has got to be only 15/16 though if suletta is a second year! poor kid :(...)
the earth students barely survived and it was all thanks to NIKA who has got to be my favourite character. the dynamic she has with the whole earth house, but especially chu and martin fill me with a lot of dread about what's to come. at this point, i've already seen ep 1 so i know that her info has been leaked. martin already suspects her, but i am just dreading for when she and chu have to come face to face about it. clearly the whole earth house is traumatized by the reality of GUNDAMS and other technology being used for killing.
the ep opens w suletta fighting all of her backed up duels during their time at plant quetta, she still has a mostly positive attitude about being at school, it hasn't really hit her that they have experienced terrorism, not like it has for the earthians. i'll do a separate post about the OP and ending i think... there's so much to look at lol. i think most people would have been terrified in that situations, but we know how closely earthians experience conflict, even those who are more well off. i also love that they all have different responses too. chuchu is enraged, nino continues to be despondent, martin and nika who are expected to have it together are filled with a lot of mental turmoil. Shaddiq is leading the presentation on the aftermath of the plant quetta incident and oh no! guel's baby brother, lauda, is acting head of the company. rly not prepared for what he's going to go through to further guel's character or the fact that he has had no time to grieve...but also anticipating lauda and guel meeting again after they are *changed by the narrative*...
gosh there is so much happening here... with shaddiq's schemes and also suletta's mom as the underlying mastermind for everything...it's always that damn masked character!!! weirdly enough, i think shaddiq and nika are still my favourite characters, there's so much build up in what roles they will play and i think their character arcs will be really captivating... but i am also a sucker for side characters!! i'm still dying to know what nika's relationship with her "father" figure is like since i am assuming she is also a war orphan. it doesn't seem like she has a relationship with the earth witches aside from socio-political faction. also the worn out and ripped toys that sophie calls her "family" 🥺 i'm fine and normal about these kids i swear...
mostly i am like... SO worried about the earth kids... nika, martin, chuchu...............pls SURVIVE like i just know that shit is gonna start going down, the first season was to build up the school life vibe and let the students experience joy while the drama builds up. the politics and anti-war themes were just sprinkled around, but never made it to the main plot you know? but now it's getting serious ahhh nika pls SURVIVE
also on a less serious note, challenging ppl to duels is SO yugioh lmao
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faccal · 2 years
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic? 👽 Strangest fic you ever written? 😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics? 🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
These are all from this post!
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone else's fic?
So I think with this one, I wanted to write some Walruss inspired by other WalRuss lmao, and even a separate ship, but I never ended up writing it. I can't find any plans for it, so I must've never written anything down, so now i don't know what it was lol. I usually bookmark stuff on AO3 I really like or want to read, so I'll have to go through there sometime and see if i can find it. I do know years ago when i first joined the COD Ghosts fandom, I wanted to write a WalRuss fic inspired by another unfinished one. It was about Keegan being a hot rich sugar daddy to broke college student Logan. Fucking love that shit, idek why. Never wrote it though, didn't want to upset the original poster by having soemthing similar, i respect other authors and their ideas, and I always feel like a thief if I find out something of mine is similar to something else.
Also on this note, watching HOTD, there was a scene that was similar to something I'd already planned for a fic and I was like "oh no, can I still use this???" XD
👽 Strangest fic you've ever written?
HAHA, definitely The Tame and The Flame, it's first draft was HORRENDOUS, horrendously funny, and also just SUPER bad. I'm not talking first draft super bad, I'm talking Alpha Rorke forcing Logan to be this omega for him as his revenge for Elias not only mating with his actual mate (Hesh and Logan's mama) but also for allowing Rorke to fall of this cliff and "die" (his dumbass lived on a cliff. Wtf was he thinking?) he became a rogue alpha and was coming back to exact his revenge when Logan was actually Keegan's mate.
Also Keegan kept thinking of his late wife and mate while being SUPER horny for Logan (but that's normal behavior for him, let's be real)
The idea has since evolved into something MUCH better and actually worth the read/worth writing, I just haven't figured out the plot lol. The new idea is literally a 100% completely different fic lmao. I like it better, and also kind of accidentally ship Daniel Russ with Rorke, so there's that :D
(I apologize to everyone who read the original TTATF. I was rewriting and doing my best to make it soemthing that's actually good, and I just eventually gave up. Still have the old drafts saved LMAO.)
😚 A fic you like writing more than other fics?
Uhh, I think I have one, lmao. I enjoy writing the Dragon fic (still needs a damn title) but I haven't written much for it. I REALLY love planning/plotting for it though!!! Minus like one instance of referenced mpreg it's one of the most normal ones I have lmao. (And the mpreg fixed a plot hole, but accidentally brought back 2015 Wattpad era)
OH! THORNS AND ROSES!!! I have SO many plot twists and shiz, but I love this fic too and rewriting it (literally only had three chapters rip) has helped me flesh out the plot better and actually decide where I wanted it to go lol. I do think I need to fix the coronation scene, but other than that I love writing for this fic as well.
I used to love writing Infatuation, until i nitpicked it and then realized how weird and gross it was. Also high school? Fuck that. Despise high school. It was gross because high school lmao. I don't care if Logan was 19 in it, it started making me uncomfy LMAO. I may figure it all out one day, but I often despise my writings no matter what I do :/
🌾 A fic you really want to write but haven't (yet)?
DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC DRAGON FIC!!!!!!! DID I SAY DRAGON FIC?!?!?!? ALSO GHOSTS FIC!!!!!!!! (and my marvel au @tokillamockingbird427 has been helping me figure out!) Like I ADORE my dragon fic man, Prince Keegan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Sexy farm boy Logan??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Logan's badass grandmother??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻 Hesh being flirted with by MULTIPLE hot dudes??? 😘👌🏻😘👌🏻😘👌🏻
Dude I can't wait to like explore this fic through rereading and writing but like I NEED TO WRITE IT!!!
My Ghosts fic is gonna be super dark too (not overly so, just certain topics) therefore I'm beyond excited for when I figure out what I want for it!
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Forever and ever amused at Miranda going "Ethan you PEST!" "You insolent PEST!!"
Also, the fact that you're concerned about making your students comfy and trying to accomodate their learning for the best results for THEM makes you a great teacher. Wish I had a teacher more like you way back when. I know you'll do great!!
Now I felt like I've virtue signaled XD but yeah I just hope I can help the kid along with my tiny experience because there's a lot of responsibility on that.
As for Ethan, yeah I love that even Miranda ended up going like "Oh my god this dude again are you kidding me??" because when she first saw him when they were "alive" she was probably like "Lmao what a loser, I'll certainly fool him by pretending to be his wife" and then said loser ended up coming back from having his heart ripped out and fucked her up. I feel you can see her patience running thin even in her boss fight in the main game - at first she's patronizing and condescending because she thinks she'll finish him off like that, but by the end she's like "To ensure I never see your face again, I will feed you to the Megamycete" because even by this point she had had ENOUGH. And then that wasn't even the end. She died, and he died, and they ended up both in the Megamycete and just as she was this close to completing her goal here he comes again to ruin her plans. She expected to be done with him super quickly and he ended up being her undoing twice. Ethan "Just a Guy" Winters, systems engineer from Los Angeles, of all people. At that point she's got no patience left to play it Cool Endgame Villain anymore and she's just like "OH MY GOD CAN YOU DIE ALREADY" and it's fucking hilarious.
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degrassi for the tv show ask 🥰 and if you want since it's not on the list - game of thrones? (although sansa is ofc the only character that counts 😇)
Yay thank you! I'll do both but it's gonna be so uneven lol. Like there's a million Degrassi things worth mentioning and also my GOT knowledge is so fuzzy so... not gonna be much there lmao. But whatever Degrassi is the superior show anyway, duh
Degrassi -
favorite male character: Jay, Tristan, Eli, Miles, Marco, Zig, Jimmy, Drew, Tiny, Connor, Dallas... So many (mostly) good boys
favorite female character: Manny, Alli, Alex, Bianca, Clare for the drama lol, Maya, Fiona, Imogen, Zoe, Jenna, Holly J, Jane, Liberty... That's enough lol
least favorite character: So so so many. Dave, KC, Esme, Frankie, Lola, Ellie, KATIE, Dylan. Then like anyone who should be in jail like Peter, Derek, Hunter, Luke (who was in jail yay) and any adult that had a relationship with one of the students
prettiest character: Manny! Alli also. And Alex until she got that nose job lol
funniest character: So hard to focus on comedy when so much of this show makes me miserable alskfjslks. JT is an obvious one. Moe. Also Jake when he started smoking pot asjsalkfs. A lot of them make me laugh but not for reasons I should be laughing lmao
favorite season: Hmm that's a hard one. Probably like 9-13?? The Clare era. But there's honestly something happening all the time like there's hardly a dull moment. Except all of Next Class, no one needs to see that
favorite episode: Again I just binge this show so much that it all runs together and I don't really remember episode titles lol. For some serious episodes, Rick shooting up the school, and then the one dealing with the aftermath of Cam's suicide. For some fun ones, Degrassi Goes Hollywood (mainly the Manny plot) (even tho that also makes me cry), the bottle ep that's an homage to the Breakfast Club, and the Vegas Night ep is ridiculously iconic
favorite romantic ship: JANNY. I knew they got together before they did and I was literally like "nope sorry im never gonna ship this" well. Here we are. Also love Fiona/Imogen, Alli/Dallas, Connor/Jenna, Tristan/Miles, Drew/Bianca, and Eli/Clare, bc they were so dramatic you have to love them
favorite family ship: Again I hate all these awful awful parents so no one there. Maybeee Adam and Drew? Aww and Dallas and Rocky, and Mia and Isabella <3
favorite friend ship: Fiona and Eli, JT and Toby, Alex and Jay, Adam with Eli and Clare, Tristan with Maya and Zoe
worst ship: Any adult dating a teenager, obviously. All the actual abusive ones (which includes Zig and Esme [put him in the hospital], Jenna and KC [criminal negligence], and Drew and Katie [rapist]). Frankie and anyone, Peter and anyone, Ellie and anyone alskjfslkfs. Miles and Lola, Alli and Dave, I could be here forever talking about this so I'll stop <3
favorite male character: Hodor. And Sam, Sam was nice. Aaand Grey Worm ig
favorite female character: SANSA STARK QUEEN OF THE NORTH BABYYY. I also like Margaery, Brienne, Olenna, Catelyn, Shae, and Missandei
least favorite character: Daenerys Flopgaryen. And like all the obvious ones - Joffrey, Ramsay, Petey, whoever. At least they were good villains lol
prettiest character: All the ladies I listed above <3
funniest character: Umm Olenna?? She had all those sick burns lol
favorite season: literally couldnt even tell you
favorite episode: the one where joffrey dies is pretty fun. and the red wedding. uhh the battle of the bastards? that was a good battle i think
favorite romantic ship: Sansa and me <3 i really couldnt tell you this either lmao idk
favorite family ship: the tyrell family? rip
favorite friend ship: sansa and margaery
worst ship: all of them tbh. special shout out to dany x khal and dany x jon bc people actually like those lol
send me a show!
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mxtcha-tea · 4 years
and that's how i met you mother
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✎desc; love at first sight with shiratorizawa (honestly, not all of them are love at first sight but ignore that)
✎pairing[s]; shiratorizawa 3rd years x f!reader (separate)
✎genre; fluff, crack
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; just an excuse for me to write lovesick boys💗 (I can’t do Shirabu, Kawanishi and Goshiki’s part cause I ran out of ideas🤸‍♀️🚆)
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It would just be a normal day in his class, learning and stuff like usual
Then after the teacher finished explaining and hand out the tasks, he'll went through his pencil case and couldn't seem to find any pen
Ushijima frowned at that and looked throughly in his pencil case but with no luck, there's none
He swore that he had put some inside, maybe his mind slipped a little?
A tap on his shoulder caught his attention as he turned his head around to make eye contact with you
You're holding out one of your pen to him with a neutral look,
"You can have it," Ushijima look at you surprised, does that mean he can just take it from you? That's a little absurd
But he didn't question it and nodded, slowly taking the pen from your hand and continue studying
The pen doesn't really sit right in his hand, it's not being his and literally someone else that he doesn't have the chance to talk to
He'll spare a glance at you every minute (ngl, he's complimenting your side view internally)
And when you caught him looking at him, he'll just blink and slowly look back at his work with a light blush on his cheeks
(Istg it's so cute)
After the class ends and before you can leave for lunch, Ushijima caught your attention first,
"Here, thank you for lending me this. And unfortunately, i can't take it from you"
You're just looking at him with a dumbfounded look before taking the pen from him,
"Ah, no problem, um..." "Ushijima Wakatoshi"
You nodded at that, scratching the back of your head "...Ushijima. And it's [y/n]"
Both of you are just standing there in front of each other but it's not awkward, surprisingly
It's as if you two are waiting for one of you to speak and end the convo
(Spoiler alert; none of you wanted to end the convo since both of you find each other interesting)
You cleared your throat, fiddling with your pen a little, "Okay, see you after this, Ushijima"
He nodded at that and with that, both of you went to your separate ways
Ushijima's just walking towards the gym with a fairly visible blush across his cheeks as he look down
"I guess he's fine..."
"I guess she's fine..."
Ushijima Current Mission!
Trying to figure what other scenarios he can drag you in to have a convo with you again
Good luck Wakatoshi~!
You and Tendou have talked with eachother a couple of times but it's nothing more than that
And Tendou actually want to talk more with you (at first for friendship points but y'know...)
Today, you look more beautiful than ever to him today
It's not like you're not beautiful every other day (he thinks you're pretty so that's why he kept on having a convo with you)
And he caught into that
Somehow, he can't help bet stare at you in a distance and he tried his best to avoid getting caught
(Tendou's scared that you find him creepy for looking at you all the time and he don't want that thought to flood you mind)
Then, you came to him to explain about the work your science teacher gave since she's absent for the time being
And you can bet that he doesn't hear a single thing you said because he's too focused on yourself
It's kinda like in those scenes in manga where the main character stare into the main interest
The main interest looking as beautiful as ever with flowers around them
Pretty eyes, angelic face, kissable lips
For him, you're perfect and he even thought that you might be an angel in disguise
No matter how you even see yourself, he would always think that you're fascinating, adorable, enticing—
"Tendou, are you okay?"
The redhead snapped out from his thought and got caught by you
By now, his face is literally mocking his hair color as he chuckled nervously,
"Ah, I'm fine! It's just that..."
He was about to stop mid sentences but thankfully he still got that crumbs of courage and just goes with it,
"...you look pretty today,"
Tendou said with a closed eyes smile, peeking an eye open and trying to see your reaction (ngl he's nervous)
You blinked
Before you literally exploded at that which is what make him surprised in his seat
You fake coughed, looking away and avoiding eye contact,
[love meter +10!]
If this is an actual manga or anime, there could've been hearts dancing around him
Timeskip to Tendou at his home and squealing quietly to himself (he can't let his family hear him fanboying for someone in his school lmao)
"We're totally going to marry 3 years from now on~" he says to himself in the mirror with so many confidence
(I just love it when Tendou act like that, let him have his moment)
"Haha, thank you gods for creating me and [y/n] in the same world,"
Tendou's Current Mission!
Getting to know you better and give tons and tons of compliments, just like in the simulations! Specifically otomes and dating games
Try your best Satori~!
It was another day, another practice session
Except that it went longer than Semi expected, he managed to run from the gym to the main entrance
But before he can even put on his shoes, heavy rain started pouring down
He look at the dark grey sky, resting his forehead onto the shoe locker with one shoe already in his foot while the other in his hand
Sighing, Semi thought about asking to come with Tendou and Yamagata since he didn't bring his umbrella
But on second thought, he realized that they prolly forgot theirs too
And all 3 of them have to run under the rain again like last time
Yamagata and Tendou: "We can avoid the rain if we're fast enough!"
He shivered at that their words and the thought of getting terribly sick again
And before Semi's brain can process a strategy for himself, he was caught off guard when an umbrella was opened next to him,
"Ah sorry,"
In those few seconds, everything went slow motion when your eyes catches his
(He swore it felt like in the anime)
He can feel his cheeks flushing a little but thanks to the wheater, it's not obvious
"Hello?" Semi snapped from his thoughts, shaking his head before focusing on you again,
"Sorry, sorry, um—" "You don't have an umbrella?"
He blinked, shaking his head slightly
It's a pretty peaceful staring between you two with the rain hitting the ground as background sounds
Until you lift your umbrella up, and pointed at the small spot next to you with your thumb,
"Here, I'll help you,"
Semi was flabbergasted a little at your statement but would he decline it?
Of course not,
"Just tell me where your house is then I help you go there,"
And that's how he find himself back at his house's entrance with you in front of him,
"And that's why I just let you walk with me for the afternoon,"
"Is that so, oh wait! I haven't known your name, and you prolly haven't known my name either..."
He scratched the back of his neck before looking at you with a smile,
"The name's Semi Eita, thanks for the walk back home,"
Your lips parted a little before in turns into a tooth rotting smile,
"[y/n], no problem and thanks for the company, Eita,"
An arrow pierced through his heart as his face is literally the color of Tendou's hair
And just like that, you left him on the entrance with a funny expression upon his face
Cutting the scene to Semi punching his pillow (rip pillow)
"You already caught me off guard already but you really had to look at me like that...."
Semi's Current Mission!
Try to find you the next day after first period and try not to be awkward with you and his convo after the eventful day
You can do it Eita~!
Let's just say that,
Yamagata went through the late anime girl scenario
But with his toast falling down from his mouth while running towards his school
And his stamina almost running low despite being a volleyball player and a libero
(His house's prolly far from his school, cut him some slacks sheesh)
He's pretty much stumbling a lot when he enters the school and speed walking up the stairs
Some of the students look at him weirdly but that doesn't become his main concern because a strict teacher is going first
Yamagata's almost there, almost reaching his classroom's door
But god had other plans and place an invisible rock in front of him
And as you can tell, he slipped on it and now facepalming the floor
(The sound is so loud my lord)
He groaned, shaking a little while trying to sit up from his position
The male look up and is now face to face with you, who's looking down at him
Okay he might be delusional from the impact but is he actually looking at an angel right now?
"Dude, you okay? That's gotta hurt from the sound that it made—"
Your words drowned inside his mind as he widened his eyes with pink tints decorating his cheeks
'This...THIS IS IT!'
"—also I think your nose is bleed—"
You flinched at that but keep a calm face, a little bit concerned that he may hit his head too hard
While Yamagata is just having heart eyes for you, sparkles around him after saying those words almost too confidently
He doesn't know what's in him that make him think that you're the one,
But he definitely can feel it
You sighed, crouching down while searching through your pocket and pulling out a small pack of tissues,
"I think we're going so fast right now but no, maybe 5 years later or never,"
"Does that mean you agree??"
"I don't know, you're handsome but also stupid, a himbo I think,"
You wipe away the blood dripping down his nose, taking his arm, opening it and put the bloodied tissue on it before closing it, giving a light tap,
"Now go to the nurse office,"
"Will you be there for me?"
You help him stand up, dusting his shoulder and walk away as if nothing happened
Yamagata watches you from the distance with a lovesick smile
Tendou laughed behind him with Ushijima and Reon next to him and Semi looking at Yamagata, confused,
"Hayato, I have no idea if you had your alarm on but you just came to school during recess,"
"She's perfect...also, I think I need to go to the nurse right now cause my head hurts,"
Yamagata's Current Mission!
Marry [y/n]
Have fun, Hayato~!
(He will have the best love at first sight cause I say so)
It was the school festival and it's lively in every corner of the school, the outside, inside the classrooms, even the hallways
Reon had just finished his part of his classroom and now can walk around to enjoy the festival
Honestly, it's a pretty normal day to him despite being the school's festival
The students of Shiratorizawa has always been this lively so it's good that they can be keep the atmosphere as how it is like any other days
Since the others are still working on their parts, Reon was all by himself
Sure, the quiet sounds without Tendou, Semi and Yamagata is fine but he prefer it being loud anyway
A short of way to fill in the boring silence
But what's the bad thing to enjoy the peace once in a while?
So he take a small walk outside the Shiratorizawa building
Stalls decorated the outside with students busy serving the customers
He was greeted by some of them as he greeted them back with a warm smile
Hands inside his pocket while looking at the sky every few seconds
Baby blue sky with fluffy white clouds, it is the spring afterall
It was at that moment where he turn his head around and caught your eyes
It was something between those few seconds that a lighting strike between the string connecting you two for a second
Reon knew he did from the moment you two clashed with each other so suddenly
It was...not love at first sight exactly,
But rather, familiarity, like,
'Oh, hello, it's you. It's going to be you,'
The staring prolly lasted more than he expected before you snapped out from your thought, shaking your head,
"Sorry! Didn't mean to..." "But you didn't do anything?" He rose an eyebrow, smiling sheepishly and watch your panic slowly dissolves
"Well, technically yeah but It was bad of me to stare off at you like that,"
He chuckled, your heart clenching at that,
"Don't worry, I think I did it too...maybe both of us did,"
"Ah, yeah! Probably..." you fiddled with your fingers, visibly nervous facing him since he's basically a stranger even tho being in the same school,
"Reon Oohira," "Eh?" You look at him with confusion at first, while he just offers you a smile,
"My name, since we have...how to say it, meet each other? And I don't want to make you uncomfortable after all that so I think it's best if we introduce ourselves,"
Your heart's basically beating out loudly that you'll afraid that he'll hear it
But, that doesn't seem so bad, does it?
You mirrored his smile, this time more confidently than before,
"[y/n] [l/n], nice to meet you Reon!"
Reon put his hand onto your head, "Just call me Hira,"
You fainted
"She's interesting, I love her,"
Reon's Current Mission!
Get to know you better and honestly, there's nothing else to do after that other than asking you out
You'll do great, Oohira~!
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Okay so I read that small post you wrote about losing spanish and I FELT that
I'm actually currently taking a Spanish class write now (cause apparently I'm lacking in my language credits for my degree 😑) so I'm kind of relearning it
Me and my mom speak English all the time but with my dad and my mom's family I'll speak Spanish until I don't know what I'm saying and just switch to English 😂
I feel like it also doesn't help that my school is predominantly white (I live on campus btw) so it's kind of hard to communicate with Hispanic people since we don't make very much of the student population, so I understand it being hard trying to find people to communicate with based on where you live and stuff
Sorry for going into this a little too deep but just thought I'd say I relate to what you said. Sorry again for this getting a little long, I hope you're having an amazing day 🥰
Don’t apologize! It’s nice (in a dark way I suppose?) to know others feel the same? Like I was forced to learn English in pre-k/kinder when I spoke Spanish and by 3rd grade I was in English only classes. It’s just fucked up that I didn’t have a choice? And we had an opportunity in 8th grade to take Spanish as an elective but when everyone in your class is Mexican and the teacher only teaches the basics it’s not much???
And then when I speak Spanish I have to make up words or directly translate English and it’s nowhere near the Spanish word. Like tf 😭 like my mom (rip) and my dad only knew Spanish and they had 3 kids who were forced to learn English. My brother is decent, I’m the best, and my sister grew up with me and my brother speaking English and my parents Spanish so her Spanish isn’t the best.
I took a Spanish class and acentos kicked my ass. I cannot write in Spanish and reading is a struggle but of course I was translator for my parents 🙃
And then my husband is white 🙃 don’t get me wrong I love him and he tries but I’m in Tennessee 💀 there’s very few Mexicans lmao I never felt like a minority until I came to Tennessee 🤣🤣🤣 it fucking sucks and some customers at work speak Spanish but that’s not enough to keep me fluent 😩
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evening-blossoms · 5 years
So um. I'm a total idiot and forgot an entire day of my own challenge. I was gonna keep it that way since nobody had noticed but... that day was something I'd wanted to talk about for a while so...
Welcome to the very late and out-of-schedule day 10 of my SGE Challenge
Characters I would rewrite
Buckle down cause oooooh boy do I have shit to say - and because of this I'll be deviating from what I usually do and write a rant post instead! Given I don't want to make a way too long post, I'll simply go over a brief explanation of why they're in the list and what I'd change.
Kei of Foxwood (tw: drugging mention)
So this fucking asshole here apparently will get a redemption arc uh. I Actually already talked about this in this post I submitted but I will go over it again because it was kinda poorly worded imo (especially because it was written by sleep-deprived me at 3am)
Which is poorly driven given it starts with "Oh No! My beloved Rhian is dead, what shall be of me without my dear?". No. A good redemption arc should start with "Fuck I did something terrible and genuinly regret this and want to work on becoming a better person and fixing the mess I've made." Also, seems like Kei's form of redemption will be death and no, he should live with the consequences of what he's done.
Speaking of which - his redemption will also feel like an insult to the readers because seriously? He's way past redemption point for me now. He already was from QFG when he drugged Dot (which was something quite unecessary and Soman used an Extremely complicated and sensitive topic for the sake of shock value - but that's a whole new rabbit hole I'm not jumping into right now). And in ACOT he follows Rhian's orders which include attacking practically defenseless teenagers
So with that in mind, I'd either have Kei die the piece of shit he is or rewrite his arc from QFG in order to make a good redemption. First, erase that part with Dot and find another way to get to the keys. Again, it was an act that can be considered violence against women written down just for shock value. Given we do not have other scenes with Kei (except for the dungeons one), I'll leave it that for QFG.
In ACOT, start on his very first actual scene - the dinner scene. Have him hesitant on following Rhian's orders there, and perhaps hint it goes a bit deeper than hesitance. Then escalate it to him openly challenging Rhian's orders during that moment before the Blessing. The attack on SGE would be the first moment we see a greater act from him - maybe somehow going behind Rhian's back to stop that attack??? His last scene in the book is during the carriage ride with Sophie - when Kei tells her he's been going behind Rhian's back to stop the attacks he was able to, and knew he had to fix he'd made when he locked Tedros in the dungeons back in QFG. He agrees to help her somehow - but it goes terribly wrong when Japeth survives.
I myself still need to see a bit more how that could be well executed but that's the basic idea - have Kei's actions start from much earlier and have doing the right thing as motivation, not his love for Rhian - if anything, that should be a source of struggle.
Hort of Bloodbrook
This is can be either a rewrite of his own arc or a rewrite of the light he's written in.
He is a Nice Guy tm. Lets not try to pretend he isn't because he is.
He spends the entire first trilogy obssessing over Sophie, and acting entitled to her because he's a guy who's "genuine and truthful" or what so ever. Sure, Sophie might not be a perfect innocent girl and she did treat people who cared for her like shit at times, but that doesn't change the fact she never liked him. And even though she was wrong in parading him around like a "suitor" when trying to win Tedros' attention, she never again makes mention to liking Hort, or wanting to date him, or what so ever, and honestly, good for her! You should never date someone just because they have feelings for you.
Liking someone doesn't make you entitled to having them, and it doesn't make them obligated to like you back. And this what Hort can't understand. And not to mention he acts pretty sexist during the School Years:
"Every time he was free of rivals for Sophie’s attention, they always returned, more meddling than ever. Why couldn’t these toads mind their own business? Or die like Rafal did? True, he’d had Sophie to himself these past six months, but most of that was spent waiting out her I’m-an-Independent-Woman phase..." Quests for Glory, chapter 9: "Who Would Want a Hort?"
And also later during ACOT, in which he treats Nicola pretty badly
“Not bad enough, whatever it is,” Hort’s voice said, hijacking the demon. “He got us into this mess by fawning over Rhian like a lovedrunk girl.”
“Oh, so being a ‘girl’ is an insult now?” Nicola’s voice ripped, the demon suddenly looking animated in agreement. (A Crystal Of Time, chapter 5: Sophie's Choice)
There are other examples but I don't want to digress so this is how Hort is. I'd like to rewrite him into a person who had a immature crush on a girl and bent over backwards to get her attention - all of this a product of his own insecurity - but that grows out of it and in the process, also into a mature person who's confident in himself.
Also, in case someone doesn't understand: the problem isn't a crush. Having crushes is totally normal and ok, and so is not having them! The problem is when your crush over someone becomes nearly obssessive because of your immaturity and inner problems.
And as I was gonna talk about the light Hort's written in: all of this bullshit, and he's written as the nice underdog who we are supposed to root for. Soman keeps romanticizing him and that kind of behavior and that's terrible. So I'd either change Hort's behavior or write him in the light of what it truly is.
Rhian of Foxwood
Honestly? I liked him as a villain. I have no problem with him believing he was doing Good - in fact, I liked it! It's a good contrast to the previous villains, who knew they were Evil, wanted to be this way and took pride in it.
What I would change are just two things: one is that last kiss scene with Sophie during chapter 25 of ACOT, since it was absolute bullshit after all the shit he did to her which I don't feel the need to list - we all know it.
Second thing, I'd have made him a seer! Soman missed a huge potential when he made Rhian a Sader without giving him the seer abilities. That whole "Third Mysterious Pen" deal was unecessary, and it could be replaced by Rhian's visions.
And guys, come on - EVIL SEER IS A DOPE CONCEPT.
Nicola of Woods Beyond
Don't get me wrong, I love Nicola - and this is kind of why she's in this list, actually.
She's an amazing character - bookworm represent! She's also one of the few poc representation this book has, so I like it went to someone as amazing and smart as Nic. 
So for that I think Nicola should have been explored more. She's usually put as background character and only brought up when it's convenient - she's basically plot device. Which sucks because again, she's awesome. I'd have explored her ability to apply what she learns in stories to real-life issues a bit more, and paired her up with Agatha more times! Both are brilliant girls and I feel Agatha was at times dumbed down so Nicola could solve the problems, and honestly, I hate it when a character is dimmed so the other can shine.
So I'd have put them together - Agatha, experienced and quick-thinker, and Nicola, an extremely smart girl who doesn't really have half the experience Agatha has in the Woods. They both learn from each other - it's a deal of teacher (Agatha) learning from the student (Nicola). 
And allow me to push the Nicphie agenda here - I'd totally expand her relation with Sophie - explored their feelings going from mutual hatred to mutual respect to liking each other to very lesbian love. The Best enemies to lovers.
And lastly I'd remove the Hicola part super unecessary lmao
So that's it! I actually have some more to talk about but I didn't know how to word it properly and I don't want to make a super long post lmao. I might make a part two of this, but separate for the challenge!
I apologize for the disruption in schedule, I legit forgot day 10 lmao. I'll be doing Day 13 tomorrow so hopefully everything will go back to normal!
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
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the threantener (is that a word? i dont care) has arrived. 😃 have funnnnn.
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posting this here as PROOF I'VE BEEN THREATENED.
chipotle order? burrito bowl - white rice, chicken (or just guac), pico de gallo, as much cheese as they're willing to give me
thoughts on veganism? i respect it but i cannot personally do it based on all the dietary restrictions i already have lmao
a specific color that gives you the ick? dark yellow, the kind that kinda looks brown/green?
mythical creature you think/believe is real? okay but i have to believe that there was a dragon-like creature that existed at one point in time.
favorite form of potato? BAKED BAKED BAKED
do you use a watch? in theory. i have a fitbit but i've also forgotten to charge it in a month. but yeah.
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? PENGUINS. but also i really love the rays
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home? umm if it's been a long day or like i'm in business-y business clothes then yeah i'm changing into sweatpants or shorts or smthing, but otherwise nah.
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)? yes i have a very strict routine for my mornings and nights so yeah. my skincare is...yes i just went to count...5 steps!
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? ORANGE EVERY SINGLE TIME. apple juice tastes like piss im sorry
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? i have a penguin stuffie from when i was a baby. but also i have old stories i wrote as a kid that i keep to remind myself of my love of writing.
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%? not 100%. almost everything i have is its own brand after so much experimenting to find what works best for me.
first thing you’re doing in the purge? realistically, locking myself in my house with a baseball bat bc i'm not dealing with that shit
do you think you’re dehydrated? oh 10000% yes i am. i hate water and i don't drink it until i'm constantly on the verge of passing out. i haven't had water since last thursday.
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning drowning, burning, freezing. i've actually almost drowned before and that sucked ass. so, yeah, i'd rather not have a sequel event lmao.
thoughts on mint chocolate chip? it's heaven and i will consume anything mint chocolate chip basically.
an anxious compulsion you do everyday? i bite my fingers, pull my hair, pick at my scalp, that fun stuff.
your boba/tea order? ...i don't know. i've legit never tried because it's like walking into starbucks for the first time. i have no idea WHAT to try.
the veggie you dislike the most? brussel sprouts. WHY DO THEY SMELL LIKE THAT?? also beets. they give me the heebie jeebies.
favorite disney princess movie? tangled my beloved <3
a number that weirds you out? why does 27 exist i don't trust it.
do you have an emotional support water bottle? YES I DO. it's a big 32oz that i got at a student org fair my freshman year of university. it's covered in stickers and i love it.
do you wear jewelry? YEE. on the daily, i wear a heart necklace, a fidget ring, and black ball/stud earrings. sometimes i'll wear other rings, bracelets, or earrings but it depends on the outfit and the day.
which do you find yourself using, american or british english? mostly american but that's because work requires it so i've gotten into the habit.
would you say you have good taste in music? ehhh i have interesting taste in music, but i don't think most would like it.
how’s your spice tolerance? nonexistent. i'm a baby.
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit? my go-to outfit is usually this pair of slightly ripped high waisted jeans, a t-shirt, a black belt, and my gay high top converse. if it's colder out, paired with a flannel.
last meal on earth? THATS SO HARD. fettucine alfredo, probably.
preferred pasta noodle? i love penne or the shells the shells are so fun.
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guccifloralsuits · 4 years
lmao all good! I just never wanna be like "excuse me? how dare you not promptly answer a message from a total stranger talking about a random student in their class??" The English teacher and I were sending back and forth screenshots of our emails with this kid. No filter or sense of self preservation it's fantastic. I'm sure I'll be back with an update on Friday since that's when I meet him!
thanks rip honestly i appreciate the check in to see if it sent cus I just totally had a blanking-moment
WAIT love this for you and the English teacher honestly lmaoooo kids really are just amazing with no care no filter bein insane. and oh fun!! Meeting him’s a good thing to have to look forward to at the end of the week!! I look forward to how he is irl 👀
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Ali & Tess
A nice pre-Christmas argument
Tess joined the chat 2 hours ago Ali: Mamacita! How's tricks? Did you manage to get the gum out of Rocky's hair in the end or is he rocking a no.1 rn? Tess: It's hat season he'll be fine. It's your da you need to worry about if he doesn't get those bloody Christmas decs out Ali: At least you'll be saved the toxic fumes of the nit shampoo, like. I'll make him some earmuffs, ears like that, he'll get frostbite. Ali: Aww, leave off, he's got a bad back, like 😜 Ali: Caleb can come help with the heavy shit, he's like an ox, I'll be creative director, obvs, I've got the eye, he's got the body Ali: 😉 Tess: I hope you've got plenty of wool 'cause the dog got to ours and its a bloody state. He'll have a bad head to go with it in a minute. Nah you're alright bab Tommy's offered and Drew might as well make himself useful now he's sniffing round again. Ali: Well, there goes your classic jumper presents! Have to brave dem crowds, fight a bitch for the last...idk, what do kids even want these days? Last I heard from Rock mutant turtles and power rangers were back in vogue but they're probably out again, its been a week or so 😏 Contrary fuckers, eh? I was NEVER that bad, was I? Bet you wish you could relieve those easy years raising me, the dream child 😇 Ali: Alright then, though I wouldn't recommend confining Tommo and Drew to a space as small as the loft, T is gunning for him Ali: aren't we all? but hey 🤷 see if those muscles are just for show ay Tess: He's still on about that slime bollocks. Supposedly this stuff blows bubbles and expands or whatever. All I'm bothered about is that it says it ain't sticky. Better sodding not be. Ha! If you weren't being a little demon you were trying to raise them. Easy ain't the word love! Tess: I'll put Drew at the bottom of the ladder. Maybe some of the boxes'll land on his head. Knock some sense into the lad. Ro too seeing as she's never far. Ali: That shit is such a rip-off though, I could make him some dead cheap, tell him he can have it whatever colour, whatever random shit he wants in it, and no one else will have the same at School Ali: Save your money for the feast 💃'cos I won't be absolutely stuffed from my first xmas dinner, like, nah Ali: and demons need love too, ma, just ask Ro Ali: will he be joining us for meal numero dos? cos i don't think i can stomach 2 helpings of him in one day tbh Tess: Tell him yourself. I tried to make some with him in the summer and the ungrateful little sod wouldn't even come sit up the table. His loss. They loved it at work. Tess: Don't. That girl'll do me in one of these days . I'm surviving on spite by now 'cause he'll be eating with us over my dead body. Caleb's lot are welcome to keep him. Ali: I'm tellin ya get the kid some prescription speed, it'll do him wonders 😂 Well, that's another idea fucked...tis the season! Ali: I know, it ain't even funny at this point. Ali: You know she's gonna wanna go see him, yeah? You'll never get her to sit through games and shit telly once she's picked at her veg Ali: Its like kid swap up in here Tess: If I can get some what's on her plate into her instead of just the dog I'll be laughing. Fuck's sake. Kids who'd celebrate 'em? Grandkids on the other hand. Mary'd have been proper buzzing for that. Ali: Oi, woman! I'm right here Ali: and the giver of majority grandkids, so, think on, love Tess: You're even stevens kiddo. Keep it that way 'til you're done with uni yeah? Call that the xmas gift that keeps giving. Ali: yeah but a twofer ain't the same, is it? 😜 don't make promises i can't keep, ma Ali: engineering students are so fit, how will i resist? Tess: Tell that to Bea. I'm sure she'd have plenty to say back. Ali Mckenna don't test me there's plenty of room in the car when we go for Tommo's new specs I can get you in too. Ali: Yeah, yeah, she can lord it over me with her efficient vagina, getting it done in one, I'll be many bucks fizzes deep by then, give a shizzle Ali: Gurl, my vision is 20/20, in my third eye too, ooOOoOoOOOo Ali: Maybe Beatrice will prove again why she's your favourite daughter by distracting Ro so much with this London visit she won't have time to pine over Drew at all, happy days Tess: That's the spirit. Save your dad's back. He still thinks he's a brawler. Tess: Shh I don't have favorites I'm not one of your teachers. Tess: I'm sure Drew'll stay one text away throughout. Never off her phone now is she. Ali: Ahh, old man could still take him, Drew's a pussy Ali: I'll get Marlene round again lmao Ali: Suuuuuuuuuuuure ya don't 😏 Ali: We can only assume texting is a medium in which he really shines, 'cos seeing them IRL, doesn't make sense, so... Tess: Now that girl is a fave, thinking 'bout it. Yeah I like her. Tess: He must know his selfie angles or some shit. Tess: You tell me I'll never see the appeal. Ali: oh, sweet mama, if only you'd voiced your preference sooner, maybe i'd of married her and had lots of gaybies instead Ali: alas 🤣 Ali: you sound 100, do you feel it? 😉 Ali: he's a vessel for her hopes and dreams, init, but he ain't, he just needs to man up and move the fuck on so she can too Tess: Like you've ever listened to your ma. Double it and you ain't close, bab. I'm in those vampiric numbers here. Tess: Yeah. Maybe try telling her that. Ali: You wish you were a vampire. Which, tbh, is telling of how old you is. Ain't nothing cool about being a basement dwelling weirdo who can't sample the wonder and joy of garlic bread. Ali: Why don't you? Oh wait, cos it ain't for either of us to say it so we'll just sit here like bitter old lemons Ali: You're a bad influence, lady Tess: If that's what you think about vampire lore then I ain't gonna even waste my breath young'un. Tess: I have, cheers. I ain't sitting on my arse doing fuck all for you lot even if that's what you reckon. Tess: Exactly. Learn a lesson. Ali: Mhmm, go tell it to the lost boys 'cos I don't give a damn, I'm getting doughballs baby Ali: Pshhh, well fat lot of good its done, why you setting me up to fail then?! Ali: I know when to bow out gracefully Tess: I don't need to 'cause we'll all be snacking. If you'd watched that movie when I offered you'd know garlic don't work in that verse. Tess: There's nothing graceful about tapping out with a fight left to finish. I thought you'd been set up to go 'til the final bell but do what you've gotta do. Or don't. Tess: There's plenty of other shit stuck to the fridge singing your praises like Ali: No thank you, there's watching some lame for jokes, then there's forcing yourself to endure kiefer sutherland and co Ali: That's sadism. Ali: Well, there's nothing graceful about kicking a girl when she's down Ali: going blow for blow ain't always the right approach, is it? not with someone like Ro so don't start alright Tess: Lame? And you wonder why you ain't my fave. Tess: Helping your sister up is always the right approach if you don't want her to stay down. Tess: I'm not starting anything. I've said my piece. End of. Ali: C'mon, I know even Joe couldn't pretend to like it, like Ali: That's my point, she ain't fell yet, she's on a Drew-related high so pardon me from not trying take the rug from up under her Ali: not that I could if I tried, like I said, what good has you 'saying your piece' done? Ali: sometimes all you can do is be there to pick up the pieces after, that's just facts Tess: You all take after your da is why. No taste none of ya. Tess: It's done me a lot of good being able to get it on the record each time, cheers. Tess: sometimes that's a cop out 'cause you want a easy life Tess: Fact is there's plenty that could have been done before he did his reappearing act. Ali: Oh, yeah? Like what? Changing her entire worldview in time for tea? Ali: If it was that easy, you would've managed it by now Ali: Don't be so hard on yourself, your not doing her, or any of us, a favour with this shit Tess: He's a dealer it is that easy. It ain't my job to manage it though. You all wanna be treated like adults and have me wipe your arses for you at the same time I think not. Do yourself and her, a favor and use that big brain of yours. Ali: You think she doesn't know? Now who's being thick Ali: She doesn't care, so unless you're planning to cop shop him that means sweet fuck all doesn't it Tess: It ain't about what she knows. Last I checked he's not the only dealer in Dublin. There's still some honor among scumbags and more than one way to get caught out. Ali: Aww, such a softie at heart, ain't ya? Tess: Takes one to know one. Ali: That is one small step above 'I know you are but what am I?' Ali: No one wants Drew to get kneecapped or Ro to be collateral but he wants to be treated like an adult, so we can't wipe his arse, can we? Tess: Speak for yourself I'd spend my reddies to see that. However bad he thinks he is there's always someone worse and the sooner he learns it the better for all of us having to watch him play silly beggars Tess: Ro's worth a million of him maybe when she's grown up she'll know it. Ali: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're such a hard bitch. Maybe if he'd got proper help from people like you he woulda turned out better when he was grown too. Ali: It ain't too late for either of them. Tess: I'm what I've had to be. I can't save 'em all. Not even close. You'd be well to stay away from him if you've still got the sense you were born with. Ali: Yeah but you still try, don't you? Read back your previous wisdom for your answer there. Ali: Bit hard when we live in the same gaff isn't it but I can assure you I'm not going out of my way to be his bestie, mother Tess: I ain't about to flog a dead dog. He ain't a stupid kid anymore and what happened when he was a little 'un ain't an excuse either Tess: Nobody's got it easy. Tess: It's up to him to work out if his turning point's come and gone or if he even reckons he needs one. Ali: You don't have to but you can see the pretense Ro is working under, yeah? She doesn't think she's doing anything wrong and, arguably, she ain't. But sometimes all you get for your efforts is a kick in the teeth. Ali: Nobody's got it easy. Ali: It's up to HER to call time, not us. Tess: Who says? I've been there. Thinkin I had it all and knew even more about my future with my dream boy. Nobody came to clue me in but even now I wish they fucking had done. Ali: Like you'd have listened. Tess: If I had someone who gave a shit maybe Tess: She'd listen to you. Ali: Say you had, would you have done anything differently? Even if you knew how it'd go, if you didn't have Ronnie, you might still be with Josh now Ali: It changes everything about you Ali: I don't think she would. There's no reasoning because there is no reason, or rhyme for that matter Tess: Of course I would. I'd do everything differently. I'm not trying to romanticise who I was. Or am. Tess: Change ain't no bad thing when it comes to this. Or me Tess: Because you don't wanna think that she would and deal with all the shit that comes with her doing that. I don't blame ya but that don't make it right Tess: it's still a cop out. Ali: Well, I hope it soothes YOUR soul villainizing yourself because as someone who's half you, it's not something that is helpful, at all. Ali: Who's been there for her after every break-up? Who has to listen to every fucking detail? It ain't been you. And I can assure you I didn't spend those times when he was out of the picture singing his fucking praises. I HAVE told her. Everyone has. It just pisses you off that you can't fix this, or her. Tess: You're all you. Your own person. End of. Tess: And it should help you to know the truth. I was a bad person Ali and I ain't exactly sainted now. I do my best that's all any of us've got. Deal with it. Tess: I'm sorry you want a gold star or pat on the head for doing what you're supposed to for who you love. You're not getting it from me. Try your luck with your da maybe. Tess: And yeah it does piss me off so what? Ali: That isn't close to being true. There's no such thing as an individual, sorry to burst your bubble. Ali: And no one is one or the other. Christ, you're so fucking old testament. Ali: If your going in for all that shite, you should look at how revered a knocked-up teenage girl is whilst you're at it Ali: No one gives a shit about your war stories, they don't help anyone but you so you keep all that anger and hold it tight 'cos none of us are here for it any more Ali: Good luck trying to get Rocky to sit still so you can tell him all about damnation to scare him straight, good fucking luck Tess: You're not gonna change my mind. If you were anything close to being half of me we wouldn't be having this conversation. Tess: Life's black and white for me. That's what happens when you don't have choices. Call it what you like. Tess: And there's nothing to be preached to me about being a knocked up teen by you or anyone else. I ain't trying to either you just think it's that onesided 'cause you never listen Tess: There you go again speaking for everyone else when you mean yourself. But whatever. Tess: Get your own stories and leave mine out of it. Tess: Grow up, Ali. Ali: Now there's a copout if I ever heard one. Ali: Listen to what? What are you spouting but hot air? Ali: Oh, yeah? What one of your sainted children has benefitted? Ronnie hates you, Joe's a junkie, me and Fraze did exactly what you did. Ali: Tommy is passable but he's unhappy as fuck so, well done there. You've only got one left. Ali: What's the point? No one can ever match up to your infinite wisdom, I'd rather stay young so I knew what the hell I was talking about instead of making myself look like an old fool
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kwibu · 5 years
Ohhh! Seeing AoE II reminded me about playing Heroes III for years I don't think I'll ever stop loving this game. I never played horror tbh but god I watched too many Amnesia, Outlast or FNAF gameplays. I'll check Overcooked though! I don't think I ever heard about it. My housemates only play Gothic and The Sims which is pretty weird combination lmao. I also always want to try The Witcher, mostly because I know a lot about the saga (although I can't bring myself to finally start reading it).
There's no streamer I really like I think, but if u have ur favourites I'm ready for recommendations! Studio Ghibli is really out of this world when it comes to creating that calm lovely mood. Kiki is really nice! I watched it not so long ago so at least I remember. I also made totoro cookies once... came out quite well except that totoro was blue instead of grey because somehow my black color turned out to be really dark blue lmao. I can say Spirited Away is great so I'm sure you'll like it too
I think I'll try Laputa soon, for some reason I'm in a mood to watch it! And right, Vision! God I really forgot the fact that he wasn't in Endgame. I guess they went for love story with him and Wanda a little too much lmao but it's not like I'm surprised, it always happens in movies... I'm actually very curious about Wandavision show Marvel announced so I hope they'll make something interesting this time.
The only thing I can say about Pratchett and his Disc World is that there's no need to read his books in order. There's also no need to read all of them lmao they're not always connected anyway. But actually I can recommed The Colour of Magic, it's the very first one and it's great. Mort too! I'm actually looking for something new to read so thank u! I saved all the titles and maybe I'll try to read something soon after like a year...
I had my motives though, everything I read last year was connected to my thesis that's why I was too tired later to read for fun haha. Murakami's books are strange in overall. I kinda liked his "Trilogy of the Rat" too but it's... kinda ridiculous. Not like Tsukuru isn't but the last one from the series is really wild. I understand what u mean about Cloud Atlas though, it can be tiring, but the ability to write a book like that still amazes me.
I only keep thinking about what kind of flower I want because too many to choose haha. The more I think the more I want it actually which is pretty fun because I wasn't sure like two days ago. And oh my god I was thinking about your tattoo, sorry! But u got me, I kinda want to do something nice instead of revealing myself in dms so just wait! 💎 (I also enjoy talking to you a lot, I don't enjoy this poor character limit though)
If you mean Heroes of Might & Magic then I’ve heard of the game but never played it, otherwise I don’t know what game you’re talking about lol. Some of those older games just ... Never get old. Ever. I want to play The Witcher too! I tried the first game but it was a bit boring because it’s very outdated, I yet have to try the second one, and I really want to play the third one and I own it but neither my pc nor my laptop can run it properly rip. Maybe in a few months of working I’ll have saved some money for a better pc!
I actually don’t watch game streams, it gives me sensory overload real fast because the screen moves in every direction but you never know which one because you’re not the one controlling it. My sister watches a lot of streamers but I never keep up.
Haha, blue Totoro is valid too! I’m currently embroidering him, it’s fun. I did Jiji from Kiki’s Delivery Service before and in the same design I’m now doing Totoro. I have to take it easy though or my hands’ll start to cramp. Did you watch Laputa yet? 
Wanda and Vision are the best couple in the comics imo and I’m sad there was very little of them in the movies, but at least it was in the movies at all, you know. A scarlet vision show?? Really?? I have not heard of this!
I’ll put The Colour Of Magic and Mort on the list! It’s good to have an idea of where to start, haha. And yeah, I know the feeling. I read a lot as a child and then in high school I completely stopped reading for fun because I already had to read so much for school. The past month I just haven’t had the focus to read, probably because of the heat. It was 40C here a few days ago, rip. I fled to my parents, who live near the sea where it’s about 5 degrees cooler than here and have a house that’s a lot better isolated than the lil student house where I live. Was it doable where you live?
Understandable, all flowers are pretty how to choose?? I looked up the meaning of certain flowers once but I already forgot everything oops. Maybe it’ll  help you make a choice?
Oh that’s what you meant! Oh thank god. My brain panicked for a moment because I couldn’t find anything about having to make something for your assigned Carat and I was like help!! I’ll try and make you a moodboard later this week too! Should be fun!
And yeah, the character limit, rip. I remember in the good old days where there was no character limit, haha. But the gif limit back then was 300kb so I guess at least something’s improved, haha.
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