#riverdale x 13rw
theprettygirlblog · 5 years
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Crackship Lili Reinhart & Brandon Flynn (Commande)
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reggie mantle moodboard for ’the list’
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Once A Serpent? Part 4
A/N: New chapter! It’s a little short but I feel like this is the most logical spot to end it based on what’s coming next. I have decided how I want to show you guys Kennedy and Sweets’ relationship. There might be chapters that end up being only flashbacks, depending on the content but for now, it should just be flashbacks sprinkled in sometimes. Sorry if the spacing is weird. I don't know why it looks funny on my end. As always, much love and feedback is appreciated. -Em
I didn’t hear from Nathan, post breakup, until the next Saturday. I had just gotten home from my first shift at Monet’s. My phone vibrated on the counter. I thought it was my boss, Daphne, or someone from work. I silently hoped it was Monty. I refused to admit that I might possibly have a crush. My breakup was still fresh. When I saw that it was none of those people, but rather Sweet Pea’s name on the screen, I almost spit out my granola bar. What the hell? Why is he texting me now? What does he want? What could he possibly have to say to me? I sighed and decided to leave it unread for a while. He wasn’t worth dropping my snack and homework over. Not anymore. That didn’t stop me from glancing over at my phone every few minutes though.
My curiosity got the better of me and I pushed my math notes aside. I wasn’t going to solve this question anytime soon. Maybe I’ll text Scott and see if he knows the answer. I unlocked my phone and tapped the messages icon. Instead of texting Scott like I should have, I opened Sweet Pea’s text. How’s California? I rolled my eyes. What was I supposed to say to that?
It’s sunny. I locked my phone and stupidly, tried to go back to my math homework. After several minutes of still getting nowhere with it, I gave up and texted Scott.
Hey. Did you figure out question eight? I’m about rip my hair out trying to do it.
Figure it out? No. Get the answer? Yes.
Melissa said it’s 38. Zach agreed.
You know it says ‘show your work’ right?
Well shit.
Yup. I don’t think you can say ‘my girlfriend said it’s this.’ and get points.
I’m busy right now, but we can call later and figure it out?
Sure. Tell Melissa I said hi.
I will when I see her tonight.
You’re not together? I thought you were spending the day together.
Her parents needed her to do stuff for her grandma today so we moved things.
Ah. Sweet Pea texted me a few more times while I finished my work.
You good?
Yeah. My ex is just… I don’t know.
Boy troubles?
You could say that. My phone started ringing. It was Scott.
“Kennedy.” I could hear voices in the background. “You’re on speaker.”
“You’re calling me because?”
“Boy troubles.”
“Tell him to fuck himself.” Bryce called.
“That would require answering his texts. Are we sure the answer is 38? I don’t think it’s 38.”
“It is.” Zach said.
“What’s he saying? Dude. My mom will murder all of us if you fuck up her couch.” There was a chorus of laughter in the background. I assumed they were being idiots at Scott’s place.
“I don’t want to look.”
“Do it!” the guys called. I groaned.
“What’s the situation there?” Monty asked. Fishing for a story or is he curious?
“K so he hasn’t spoken to me since the breakup. And when I went to return his stuff, I overheard him saying some not so great things.”
“Any more to go on?”
“Secrets Monty.”
“You wouldn’t kill me. You like me somewhere deep down.”
“Sure she does. Real deep.”
“Fuck you Walker.”
“Anyway. He texted me when I got home asking how California is. I told him it’s sunny and haven’t looked at my phone since.”
“Fuck him. Read the texts and call me back.”
“Fine. In the meantime, can you get Zach to explain how the hell this is 38?” I hung up and opened Sweet Pea’s messages.
That’s it? Not exciting? Again, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
Jones misses you.
Fangs wants you to answer his text. Which I assume you never got if you didn’t answer. Because it’s Fangs.
I sighed and answered him. Yes. Just sunny. It’s small and school just started. The only cool thing that has happened is homecoming. We lost. Tell him I didn’t get the text. Short, sweet, and to the point. Maybe now he will leave me alone.
I texted Scott. No point in calling. He basically was just asking if I got a text from my friend or not.
That’s weird.
I know.
I abandoned my phone for the rest of the day. I didn’t want to think about Nathan and his out of the blue text. If I kept my phone on me, I would just read it over and obsess over it. That wasn’t healthy. We broke up. We were over. We both had to accept that. Random texts weren’t okay. After all, I was the experiment. “Took him two years to figure that out?” I spat. My parents were gone for the night, so the house was empty. My question was met with silence. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get his text out of my head.
I needed a distraction. I tried cleaning the kitchen. Scrubbing at the already clean counters. Mopping the floor. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. Once that was done, I went upstairs and did my laundry. Folded my shirts and hung my pants. How’s California? I huffed and emptied out my closet. I didn’t like how it was organized when we moved in. The pretty little rich girl. I ripped a sweater off its hanger. Experiment. I threw a pair of jeans across the room. Was never going to work out anyway. Both better off. I screamed and pulled at my hair. I hadn’t let myself really feel the emotions of our breakup. It all happened so fast that I never really got a chance to take a breath and accept it. And so, I did what any sane person would do. I sat on my floor and sobbed. I let myself feel the cold loneliness that I wrapped in too warm sweaters during the day and thick, heavy blankets at night. For the first time in a month, I freely let my mind run wild with memories. Once, they were cherished. Now though… now they felt tainted. Like everything we did, like all of our promises from the last two years meant nothing.
I was curled up on Nathan’s bed, flipping through an old comic book. He was in the kitchen. I could hear cupboard doors opening and closing. The scrape of metal on glass filled the trailer. I winced. “Sorry.” He called. I didn’t respond. He came back into his room with a pb & j on a plate for us to share. Not exactly the healthiest breakfast. My mom would flip if she saw me eating this at nine a.m.
“Thank you.”  I mumbled as I sat up. He joined me on the bed silently and kissed my temple. We ate our sandwich quietly, while we shared the comic I was flipping through. He, of course, knew it by heart. But he still reacted like it was the first time he was reading it when a twist happened. I smiled to myself because I knew he was only doing it for my benefit.
As we laid together lazily, wasting a dreary Saturday morning, he played with my hair. “This is it, right?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“This is what they mean in all those old movies and books we read for English, about that person? The person who is it for you? This is what they are talking about?”
“I think so.” I nodded.
“So, this is forever?” He sounded hopeful.
“Yes. This is it.” I had long since abandoned any fear of leaving. I had allowed myself to become comfortable. I was content. And madly and completely in love with Nathan.
“I promise this is forever.”
“Forever.” I sat up and kissed him deeply.
I remained on the floor as more memories ran through my mind. Eventually, I heard my phone ringing somewhere in the background. I ignored it. Sometime later, my parents came home. I had stopped crying but was still on my floor. My parents called my name. I groaned in response. “Kennedy?” my mom asked as she came in my door.
“What?” My voice was gravely and sounded hollow.
“Oh, honey.” She came and sat with me. Her hand ran through my hair, untangling it. My dad came up the stairs.
“In here.”
“Oh my.” Dad stayed in the doorway.
“I hate him. I hate him Mom.”
“I’ll get the ice cream.” Dad said before retreating back downstairs. Mom pulled me into her lap. Together, we stood and slowly made our way downstairs.
Dad had ice cream on the counter with three spoons. I took a chair over to the counter and sat down, pulling the tub towards me. We are an eat it out of the tub kind of family. “Don’t hog all the brownie bits.”
“I make no promises Pops.”
“What happened honey?”
“Nate texted me.”
“What did he say?”
“Nothing of consequence. Just… nothing.” I sighed.
“I’m sorry pumpkin. I always thought I should have kicked his ass.”
I laughed. “Dad!”
“What? It’s my right as your father to kick ass.”
By Monday I was in a better mood. I was back to thinking that Nathan didn’t matter anymore. Scott was waiting for me at my locker with his math homework. “This is how it is 38 apparently.” He handed the papers to me.
“Morning Scott.” I looked over the work. It was all Greek to me. “Uh… huh. Right. Sure.”
“Oh good, you agree.” I pulled my textbook out of my bag and pulled out the loose sheet from this weekend. Handing it to Scott, I shoved another book in to replace it. My sweater was balled up in my locker and I slammed it shut. We started on our way to class as I scribbled the work off Scott’s paper to mine. Bryce and the guys caught up with us near the cafeteria.
“What did you get up to this weekend?” Bryce asked. He snaked his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and brushed him off.
“Not much. Reorganized my closet. Watched movies with the parents. You?”
“I had a date.” He shrugged. The boys groaned and made some stupid comments.
“Fantastic. Was she nice?”
“Nice enough.” He smirked. “How’s the ex?”
“He sucks. And has gone radio silent again, thankfully. I had ice cream. I feel better.” Melissa walked over to us and hugged me tightly. I stiffened. I wasn’t good with unprovoked touching.
“Men suck.”
“Hey!” Scott protested.
“Not you hon. I’m sorry Kennedy.”
“Don’t be. It was bound to happen sometime. Also yes.” I shrugged. The bell rang and I waved bye to my friends.
Justin and I got to work Tuesday afternoon at the same time. I watched as he pulled his sweater over his head in one motion. I could feel my neck flush. Not because I was attracted to him or anything. It’s just one of those things that is attractive anytime a guy does it. It was my third shift, so I was still learning the basics. The register was easy enough to do. You selected the drink, any customizations, and any extra items, and then took the money. Fairly simple. For the most part. I had already had some ‘I only like the idea of coffee’ orders. One girl asked for eight pumps of syrup in her medium latte. The espresso bar was a work in progress. The buttons were finicky lately, or so I had been told by Daphne on my first day.
I was finishing an espresso order for a ‘Prestilla’ when I could feel someone’s eyes on me. I tried to ignore the feeling, but it wouldn’t go away. I was used to the feeling of being watched. But I wasn’t as new in town anymore. People were starting to ignore me. I shook my head slightly. When I looked up, Montgomery was watching me from the doorway. I smiled at him softly. He nodded in my direction. I pretended not to pay attention when he came to order. “Monty.”
“Justin.” I wasn’t dumb. I knew they weren’t friends. Even though I knew that I was taken aback by Justin’s slightly hostile tone. We were at work.
“What can I get for you?” I choked back a snort at his customer service voice.
“Pour over with cream.”
“Anything else?”
“What’s in the lemon raspberry muffin?”
“Is… Are you-?” Justin muttered but stopped himself. “Lemon. And raspberries. And whatever else goes in a muffin.” I hummed, trying not to laugh.
“One of those.”
“That’ll be five ten.” I turned to grind the coffee for the pour over, groaning slightly.
“How’re you?” I turned around and tilted my head. I couldn’t hear Monty very well over the coffee grinder. He held up a hand for me to wait. Once the coffee was ground, I was able to hear again. “I asked how you are.”
“Oh, I’m good. You know, working. You?”
“Good. Work okay?”
“It goes.” I was never good at small talk.
“Fair enough. Are you working Friday night?”
“I don’t think so? Why, what’s up?”
“Bryce’s parents are out of town so he’s having some people over after the game. Did you want to come?”
“Sure. I think Melissa and I are going to the game together. Are you planning on winning this week?”
“We always plan to win.” Justin piped up. “Here’s your lemon raspberry muffin, that has lemons and raspberries.”
“Thanks.” I handed Monty his coffee and he smiled at me. “See you tomorrow, Kennedy.”
“See you, Monty.”
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For anyone who is a little confused, it’s a Riverdale and 13 reasons why crossover ;)
requested by anon
Jughead couldn’t hold it. He didn’t know who was the person that made the list, but he knew for sure that if he would see that asshole, he would kill him. Seeing you, being so sad and disrespected killed him. Your boyfriend got into so many fights about this, he just needed to protect you. So Jughead decided to find out who did it and make him get what he deserves. 
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roseyserpents · 5 years
When you spend 2 hours rereading your 30,000 word fanfic 😗✌️
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Otherwise known as: women who have made me gay.
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"Sometimes I can't take the silence"
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seprentcooper · 5 years
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━ ❛i'm meeting summer twenty times, but this is the warmest in my entire life.
seems like previous summers were winters painted in pale green. before,
even the sky without a single cloud seemed cold to me — he silently looking
into my eyes — this is.. maybe this sounds strange, but when you touch me,
everything becomes colored. i close my eyes in the icy world, but if you take
my hand and i open them in the green and warm. because of you my heart
h a s b e c o m e c o l o r f u l.
... and it was the first «i love you». ❜ ♡ˎˊ˗⠀
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chosos-lesbo · 6 years
Requests are Open!
Please send in some requests cause like, I'm in the mood to write, and need some ideas. I do imagines and headcanons for:
Bohemian Rhapsody (band and cast)
Spider-Man (i will write for Tom Holland)
Into the Spider-Verse
Harry Potter
Thirteen Reasons Why (no m*ntgomery, t*ler, or br*ce)
>>i believe it is necessary to mention that i have restrictions including r*pe, domestic violence (its a very touchy topic with me), abuse, and self-harm/suicide<<
Send them in!
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scottiereed · 6 years
Fresh Start - Riverdale X 13 Reasons Why Crossover (Part 2)
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((GIF is not mine))
Pairing: past Jughead Jones x Reader, currently no romantic pairings
Summary: the reader became pregnant and moved away from Riverdale to try to keep her baby safe, she moved to Evergreen County and Alex and Jessica befriended her.
Warnings: talk of everything that went on in the tapes, mentions of Skye’s scars, teenage pregnancy, 
Words: 2,228 (this part - 3,514 overall)
A/N: I know this is a really long chapter but I wanted the reader to know everything that had happened to Hannah and I couldn’t find a way to split the part into two without making it two really short parts.
If you want to be tagged in this series, please fill this out, I’ve amended it to include an option for this fic, so even if you’ve previously filled it out please fill it out again!
13 Reasons Why Masterlist
Riverdale Masterlist
Part 1
“I’m pregnant.”
A sad smile crossed Jessica’s face as you confirmed what she had thought from the nausea and the ginger ale. “That’s why you left Riverdale?”
“It wasn’t safe.” You confirmed. “There was a serial killer who wanted to cleanse the town of sinners. Before long I’d become a walking embodiment of a sinner. That and my baby’s father is the son of a gang leader.”
“I’m beginning to think Riverdale is even more fucked up that Evergreen.” Jessica laughed lightly and then brought you into a hug.
You pushed your head into her neck. “I’m fucked up too, I didn’t even tell Jughead I was pregnant before I left, in fact I didn’t even tell him I was leaving.”
“Jughead? Your baby’s father is called Jughead?” Jessica pulled back and shot you an amused look.
You giggled. “It’s a nickname, his real name is Forsythe, I’m not sure which one is better.”
“Well, I’m going to advise you not to name the baby after him.” Jessica laughed and brushed your tears away.
You nodded your head, you felt in your gut that the baby was a girl anyway. “Can we just keep this between us at the moment?”
Jessica nodded her head, a smile spreading across her face that she had got a girl friend that she could share her secrets with. “Of course, Y/N, now we should go and get some food in you for you and the baby.”
The pair of you found Alex and Zach on a table with a white boy who had a permanent frown on his face and a Latino boy. “Sorry Alex.” You greeted the boy. “I just hadn’t had anything to eat and got a bit nauseous, it wasn’t your fault I swear.”
Alex looked at you like he knew you were lying but didn’t call you out. “It’s fine, Y/N. This is Clay Jensen and Tony Padilla.” He gestured the two boys and you couldn’t help but think about Toni who had been your best friend, she was bound to be torn up that you’d gone. It had been two weeks now and everyone was bound to know you were gone.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Tony tore you from your daydream.
“You too.” You smiled slightly and watched as the Latino boy nudged Clay in the side. Who looked up and shot you a small smile before continuing to fiddle with his phone.
“Sorry, he’s going through some stuff at the moment.” Tony excused his friend who huffed slightly.
“That’s okay!” You smiled.
“Let’s go get some food.” Jessica gently held the crook of your elbow and pulled you away from the table. “Clay was in love with Hannah.” She whispered to you as you joined the queue to grab food. “He’s been trying to act like it all never happened, but now the trial has started he can’t.”
“Poor boy.” You muttered. “We had a lot of death in Riverdale, but I wasn’t really close with anyone who got murdered. I can’t imagine if the Black Hood had murdered anyone I was close with.”
“Our group, we all knew her, we all did things that drove her to do it.” Jessica explained quietly. “Nothing terrible, of course. But she left these tapes, like a suicide note, one for each reason.”
You were a little surprised by the admission, but you figured she probably needed a friend and the majority of the school was against her. “You’ll have to catch me up, take my mind off Juggie.” You winced as you noticed Jughead’s familiar nickname slip off your tongue.
“Have the cheese fries, they taste the best.” Jessica commented pointing to the fries on the counter, wrinkling her nose at the floppy looking burgers and cold pizza.
You took Jessica’s advice and got some of the cheese fries, wondering how long it would take until you started to get cravings and aversions to certain foods. The cheese fries tasted great and they weren’t too hard on your stomach.
You politely conversed with Jessica and Alex’s friends, meeting Skye, Clay’s girlfriend as well. They seemed a mismatched couple and you noticed the white scars across the girl’s tattooed skin, making you realise that Clay was probably trying to save her like he couldn’t save Hannah. The group had an interesting dynamic that’s for sure.
The group discussed Tyler’s testimony and Jessica explained to you that Tyler had taken pictures through Hannah’s window and he’d spread a picture of her making out with Courtney, who you remembered had been your tour guide. Alex continued by telling you that Tyler was testifying about the bullying that happened in the school, which he had experienced a lot of, partly because he’d been exposed as a peeping Tom.
Your phone went off and you looked down at it to see a number that wasn’t in your contacts but wasn’t unknown. You thought about answering it, but you couldn’t think who’d be ringing you that wasn’t in your contacts, after all it was just your immediate family, you’d deleted all of your friends from Riverdale. You pressed ignore and told the group you didn’t recognise the number.
At that, Jess decided that you needed to have each other’s numbers, so you swapped numbers with Jess and Alex and agreed to meet them both at Monet’s after school, so they could fill you in on exactly what happened with Hannah.
The rest of the day passed without any major incidents and you met Jess and Alex at Monet’s.
“Hey guys.” You grinned and made your way over to the table on a raised area, where Jess and Alex sat.
“Hey, are you feeling better?” Alex asked as soon as you came over and you blushed, remembering sprinting away from Alex to throw up. You briefly considered telling Alex too, but you figure it’s nice to have only one other person knowing for a while longer.
“Much better.” You smiled and sat down in the other seat at the table. You knew you shouldn’t really drink caffeine whilst you’re pregnant, so you didn’t get a drink.
“So, you know about Tyler and Courtney. I accused Hannah of breaking Alex and I up.” Jessica revealed and then a sheepish expression took over her face. “I called her a slut and slapped her. I said we couldn’t be friends anymore.”
It didn’t surprise you that Jessica and Alex had dated, they seemed fairly close, but you were surprised that they had managed to be friends again after everything. You could kind of sympathise with Jessica, you’d seen Betty and Veronica fight about Archie before, but it definitely wasn’t a nice thing to do. It wasn’t as bad as ruining Hannah’s reputation though. You nodded slightly. “That’s not that bad.” You reassured Jessica. “What about you, Alex?”
Alex cleared his throat. “There was this hot or not list and I wrote that Hannah had the best ass and Jess had the worst. It further dented Hannah’s reputation, drawing unwanted attention.” He shook his head and looked downwards. “It was stupid, I was trying to make Jess jealous and it worked, but it ruined their friendship.”
That didn’t seem like a massive thing to you either. You were still getting used to the school’s dynamics, so you could be wrong. “That… doesn’t seem too bad?” it came out like a question because you almost couldn’t believe that Hannah had used that as a reason to kill herself.
“I guess on its own it wasn’t that bad, but there was way more going on and she could’ve used having us as her friends.” Alex levelled titling his head guiltily.
“So, what else happened?” You asked, moving closer to the table and setting your elbows on the table. You tried not to sound too eager, but you were pretty interested in the situation, you’d clearly spent too much time with Jughead.
“Well, there’s this guy called Justin.” Alex started, and you watched Jessica shift uncomfortably beside him. “He pursued Hannah and they had a date in the park and he took a picture of her going down the slide, you could see her panties and it looked worse than it did. He kind of bragged to his friends and one of them texted the picture around.”
“He’s not really around anymore though.” Jessica pointed out. “He didn’t have the best home life; his mom is a junkie.” There was an odd tone to Jessica’s voice and you could tell she’d had more of a relationship with the boy than she was admitting.
“You dated Justin too, didn’t you?” You furrowed your eyebrows slightly. That probably didn’t help Jessica’s relationship with Hannah.
“Yeah.” Jessica’s tone softened, but you knew there was still more to the story. You didn’t push it though.
“Then there was Zach, the boy from earlier.” Alex steered the conversation back to Hannah, you noted that it was probably because he knew what happened with Justin. “Hannah rejected him, and he stole the compliments from her compliment bag.”
You frowned, Zach had seen like a lovely person, with how he looked after Alex. “That’s all there is to his relationship with Hannah?” You shake your head, why would Zach do something so cruel. “Why would he do that?”
Alex shrugged. “He’s never told me the full story. I guess it will come out at the trial.”
“Then there’s Clay, obviously, he was in love with Hannah.” Jessica continued. “Hannah liked him too, but Clay never made a move.”
“Well he did once, but then Hannah freaked out.” Alex pointed out. “He was also pretty oblivious, said some things about Hannah, that he didn’t realise were about her.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “How did he not know they were about her?”
“That brings us to Ryan Shaver, he runs the schools ‘zine, he stole one of Hannah’s poems and published it anonymously.” Alex drank some of his hot chocolate and you watched with a small smile as his top lip got smothered in whipped cream. You passed him a napkin and he wiped his mouth before continuing. “It was really personal, but everyone found it funny, because they’re idiots and didn’t understand.”
“Clay commented on it and it hurt Hannah’s feelings.” Jessica finished.
“Did Hannah blame Clay?” You asked quietly, Clay had seemed really cut up when you met him previously.
“No, he’s not like the rest of us.” Alex gave a slow, sad shake of his head. “She just wanted him to understand why she did it.”
You nodded, fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. “Is that it?”
Jessica let out an amused laugh. “No.”
“There was a party at Jessica’s.” Alex started, giving Jessica a short look. “Quite a few things happened that night.”
“That was the night that Clay and Hannah kissed, and she freaked out.” Jessica clarified, but her voice was starting to become hoarse. “Clay left, and Hannah stayed in my room.”
“Jess and Justin were still dating at the time and they went to her room.” Alex carried on, gently reaching over and giving Jessica’s shaking hand a squeeze. “Jess fell asleep, so Justin left her to sleep and then Bryce came in and… raped her. Justin knew what was happening, but he didn’t stop it. Hannah didn’t either.”
“So that was another Justin tape.” Jessica spoke again. “And then Hannah was really torn up, so she left and this cheerleader, Sheri offered to give her a lift home and, on the way, they knocked down a stop sign and Sheri wouldn’t report it.”
“Then Jeff Atkins, the most popular, nicest guy in the school didn’t stop because there was no sign and he died in a crash.” Alex frowned, Jeff was the only jock that he had really liked. “Jeff was also really good friends with Clay.”
“And Bryce, he also raped Hannah.” Jessica took a sip from her mug and you realised that you didn’t know what she was drinking.
“God, how many tapes were there?” Your eyes widened, this poor girl had gone through a lot.
“13. Justin, me, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, Ryan, Justin again, Sheri, Clay, Bryce, Mr Porter.” Jessica counted off the tapes on her fingers.
“Mr Porter?” You titled your head trying to place the name. “The guidance councillor? What did he do?”
“It’s more like what he didn’t do.” Alex chirped cryptically. “Hannah went to him for help, she told him about her rape and that she wanted to kill herself, but because she didn’t say the exact words he didn’t help.”
“I’ll probably stay away from him then…” You breathed out, disturbed at the guidance councillors lack of care for his students. “And Marcus?”
“He asked her out because of all the rumours about Hannah, he thought she was easy, and then tried to stick his hand up her skirt.” Jessica shivered slightly, it was probably quite close to her own experience.
Just then your phone started ringing, at a glance you immediately identified it as the number that had rang you earlier. You decided to answer it, considering that the same person had rung you twice now.
“Sorry, I think I better take this, it’s the same number as earlier.” You frowned at your phone and then slid the slider across to answer the call. “Hello?”
Crossover Taglist (fill this out to be added, * means tumblr won’t let me tag you, send me an ask and we can try and sort it): @zachdempseydeservestheworld* @southsideserpentlover* @fangirlnation123 @misskarynie @mysticsthinking
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whyiwrite · 6 years
Did you guys know that if you follow me there's a 95% chance I'm stalking your blog now? No? Well now you do ;)
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‘the list’ moodboard
following a small town girl on a journey through letter form as she attends riverdale high the summer after one of riverdale own sophomores commits suicide, leaving behind a list of rhs finest and the events leading up to the teens demise.
will guilt eat them alive? find out by reading my newest short series the list inspired by riverdale and 13RW.🎤💰🔪🎸✨🍒📄💔
coming soon
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Once a Serpent? Part 1
A/N: This is a Riverdale X 13 Reasons Why crossover. I stopped watching Riverdale when season 2 got weird. I haven't really kept up with the show since outside of promos. As a result, this won't really line up with much of anything in seasons 3-current. I know I usually have Monty be this great guy who changes for the girl but I decided to try something different this time. This story has gone in a direction I wasn't expecting. It won't be super different than normal for a while, but I will give content warnings where needed. Let me know what you guys think and if you want me to continue! As always, feel free to send feedback or Q&A type questions. And much love! - Em
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. 
I found Nathan over by the river. He was staring out over the cliff. My black leather jacket was pulled around me tightly. It was a cold August. “Hey.” I called out to him, softly.
“Hey.” He didn’t turn around.
“Can we talk?”
“What happened?”
“Not much to talk about, is there Kennedy?”
“Nate…” I started. “Please?”
“Fine.” He sighed, walked back closer to the trail, and sat on a rock. I watched him run a hand through his shaggy hair.
“I just found out last night. I was going to tell you today. I didn’t think it was something you should tell someone on the phone.”
“I just don’t get why you have to go. You’re an adult.”
“Because. I haven’t graduated and I have nowhere to stay here.” He opened his mouth to speak. “My boyfriend’s trailer doesn’t count.”
“Okay. When do you leave?”
“Three days. My mom needs time to finish her week. Dad leaves tonight.”
“You can keep the jacket until then.”
“Not doing it to be nice. You know that.”
“I know. But still. Thank you.” He merely hummed in response. “For everything.” I felt tears welling in my eyes. He knew me too well and, even if he didn’t want to, he opened his arms for a hug. I took a few steps forward into his grasp. He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I sobbed. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to leave you. He shushed me and petted my hair. “I love you Nate.”
“I love you too Kenna.” His voice sounded small. I stepped away from him hhen I calmed down enough to breathe properly again. I couldn’t look at him again as I walked away.
Three days passed by in the blink of an eye. One minute I was starting to fold clothes, the next, I was staring at the jacket on my empty mattress. My room was full of boxes for the movers to take. The Serpent jacket stared back at me. It was almost mocking me. You knew this was a possibility when you got involved. “Shut up.” I muttered.
It was time for me to give the jacket back. Giving it up was almost harder than the breakup. It had become a part of me in the last two years. The thought of being without it made me feel cold. As hard as it was, I knew it didn’t belong to me anymore. So, I took a deep breath and picked it up. I didn’t put it on. There was no reason to make this even harder than it already was.
I pulled to the side of the road when I got to Sunnyside. I knew my car was safe on the side of the road because I was in Serpent territory. Walking along the gravel to his trailer, I felt a pit growing in my stomach. I could have given the jacket to Jughead, or Toni, or Fangs to give to him. No, you couldn’t. I had to see him one last time. The last time couldn’t have really been the last time.
“No, man. I’m all good.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. It’s not like we were going to work anyway.” Is that? Are they… are they talking about me?
“What do you mean?” Fangs asked. I stopped dead in my tracks behind a random trailer. I was far enough away that neither of them could see me.
“Kennedy is,” Sweetpea paused, “she’s the experiment. You know, try the pretty little rich girl from the North side. See how that goes. See what it’s like.”
“I wouldn’t say that. Look at Betty and Jug.”
“Kennedy is not Betty.”
“Look. Fangs. Kennedy is the girl who marries the CPA. She buys a house with him in the suburbs with a picket fence. They have a couple or three kids and buy a golden retriever who loves everyone. She doesn’t marry the guy who’s in a gang. We are both better off for this.”
I was stunned. I didn’t know what to do. I knew I couldn’t go out there and make my presence known. But I had his stupid jacket. Jones. I ran back to the entrance of the trailer park and went around the other way to get to the Jones’ trailer. I still had a key that I was going to give back after I gave Nathan, Sweetpea, back his jacket. Leaving the jacket on the kitchen table, I grabbed an old envelope and a pen. This doesn’t belong to me. I wrote quickly. It was messy but I knew he would know who it was from and who it was for. I left the note and the key beside the jacket. Again, I couldn’t look back as I walked away.
My mom and I arrived in Evergreen County just in time for me to be enrolled in school before the first day of classes. I would be attending Liberty High School. From the second I walked in the door with my parents to sign my paperwork, I knew this school would be just like the rest. The walls were lined with permanent “do your best” posters and trophy cases at any given turn. The smell that could only be described as eau de jock permeated the halls.
The principal’s office was down the hall. I tried to hang back from my parents. “Ah, you must be the Campbells. Major Campbell. Mrs. Campbell. And Kennedy.” The man I could only assume was the principal, judging by his obviously fake charm and smile, greeted us. “Gary Bolan.” My dad shook his hand firmly.
“Matthew Campbell.”
“You can call me Heather.”
“Of course.”
“Kennedy, come here darling.” My mom called for me. I walked over to her wordlessly.
“Hi.” I nodded. I had done this plenty of times before.
I decided to take advantage of my few more moments of freedom and explore the school. They didn’t need me to fill out medical forms and make sure my transcripts transferred properly. The school was big. Much bigger than Riverdale High. Didn’t seem too hard to navigate though. The sound of weights clashing together caught my attention. I followed the sound and found myself standing at the open door of the fitness centre.
There was a boy working out. He seemed hyper focused on his actions. It was mesmerizing in a way. The boy was tall. Not as tall as Nate. Most people weren’t. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say maybe between six feet and six foot two. It was hard to tell since he was sitting down. His brown hair was damp with sweat. I watched him. Not in a creepy way. Just… observed. I could tell by his form and muscles that he was probably an athlete. Judging by his size, maybe football? Small beads of sweat trailed down his tan neck. I coughed suddenly and caught this mystery boy off guard. He set the weights down and turned to face me. His face was…. And the cheekbones. Kennedy. What? He’s pretty.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“No worries.” He stood up and used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. Those abs. Good Lord. I blinked quickly to keep myself from staring. “I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”
“Oh. My parents are just enrolling me now. We moved here a few days ago from New York.”
“Cool. And you are?”
“Oh. Uh. I’m Kennedy.”
“Montgomery.” He nodded.
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theprettygirlblog · 6 years
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Crackship Shelley Hennig & Ross Butler (Commande)
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sleepyreddie · 6 years
Requests are open!
Hey guys!
I was away for a bit, kinda busy, and not in the right headspace to write (especially after my Tumblr glitched and I lost a lot of stuff) so my requests were closed, but now, I've decided to reopen them!
Here is a link to my “writing master post”? (I guess) where I have prompt lists and character lists and etc... (CHECK IT OUT IF YOU WANNA REQUEST! Its helpful!)
currently, while i’m trying to get back into writing, I really wanna write for characters than inspire me in certain scenarios, and that I prefer writing for at the moment until I get back into it, so requests are open!
Some of my current favourites to write for are:
- Peter Parker X Reader (MCU)
- Richie Tozier X Reader (IT 2017)
- Mike Wheeler X Reader (ST)
- Thomas X Reader (TMR)
- Justin Foley X Reader (13RW)
- Jughead Jones X Reader
A/N: This are my personal favourites to write for ATM! Just wanted to let people know that I am totally down to write for these characters, AND that these are also the fandoms I write for. 
IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST A CHARACTER OTHER THAN THESE, go for it! :) it just may not get done as fast as requests with these characters would, as I am more recently inspired by them than others!
But my inbox is practically empty :| (thanks Tumblr) so please send in some stuff!
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sweetlikecherrycola · 6 years
#SaveYourInternet from Article 13!
The European Commission and the Council want to destroy the Internet as we know it and allow big companies to control what we see and do online. Should Article 13 of the Copyright Directive proposal be adopted, it will impose widespread censorship of all the content you share online. The European Parliament is the only one that can step in and Save your Internet.  
This will affect:
Blogging platforms
Gamers that livestream (most likely also YouTube videos)
Discussing platforms
Sharing memes
Sharing parodies
The ability to link
The ability to remix
Code sharing platforms
Fanfiction, etc.
What can YOU do?
Contact Members of the European Parliament before the 5 July plenary vote and tell them you need copyright laws that protect your Internet, an Internet where you can share news and culture with your friends and family, where you can expect to be treated fairly and where your rights as EU citizens are protected.
If you are NOT a European citizen you can help spread the word (just like how we did with Net Neutrality)
Use this website ( https://saveyourinternet.eu/ ) to find out more and help!!
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