#robin buckley x pregnant!reader
daddyy333 · 2 years
modern!mom!Robin x pregnant!reader
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 15.7k
warnings: ivf, reader is pregnant, reader has morning sickness, reader loses her appetite sometimes, reader passes out, bed rest, labor, birth, breastfeeding, ?
summary: you bring Robin and yours first child into the world
When Robin saw you holding and playing with Steve and Nancy’s baby for the first time, her heart swelled and her ovaries were on fire and she could physically feel the eggs shooting out of her ovaries. She knew biologically that obviously couldn’t work but she wanted nothing more than to have 100 of your babies right then and there.
It shocked her. She’d never felt that before in her life. She’d never really wanted kids before, and she wasn’t upset about the fact that her sexuality prevented her from having any. But now, god did she wish one of you could produce sperm.
Holy shit did her panties get wet when her mind drifted to the thought of you being pregnant. Your egg or hers, that baby would still be hers and just the hypothetical thought of knowing that you wanted to put yourself through that for her made her weak in the knees.
You’d look so beautiful, a little baby bump on you. God, she was dying to see it. But you two had never talked about kids before. Never once had either of you mentioned the idea of trying to have a baby one day, and that was because you both thought that if the other wanted one they’d say something and you’d talk about it.
But every time Robin tried, it was like her throat closed up and she couldn’t breathe. She was so nervous to ask about something like this, this wasn’t like buying a new couch or something, this was having a baby you were gonna be responsible for for the next 18 years.
You two had also watched Nancy go through that whole pregnancy and even visited for a bit when she was in labor, and you certainly didn’t look thrilled. Neither was she, but she didn’t want to have to put you through that if for some reason she couldn’t do it. It looked really painful and uncomfortable, sure the pictures were cute and the bump looked adorable on Nancy and would be 10x cuter on her own wife but she wasn’t sure if it was worth the pain it came with.
But, she’d started secretly and sort of accidentally saved up for the cost of everything for the last 5 months while she was trying to bring this up to you. Thankfully, you had set your life up right before meeting Robin and you were a CEO of *insert company of job here i don’t know high paying jobs ok I’m poor😭😭* and made enough to support you and Robin completely on your own but Robin would never do that to you.
You helped her get a job that definitely paid a little too much for the position but it was benefiting the two of you so you didn’t care. It was perfect for Robin and it gave you a little extra cushion in case something happened to the house or one of the cars.
You had a decent amount of savings racked up already, and these last 5 months Robin had racked up around 4,000 for the cost of getting pregnant through whatever medical procedure you two chose. Yea, that job definitely paid way too much. But Robin was hoping that by showing you how much she managed to save in a few months, that this was possible.
It took a few more days, but she finally worked up the courage to do it. She saw you talking to the neighbors 1 year old who had waddled over to you whilst his mom was getting stuff out of the car. You were getting the mail, when you heard a little babble and looked down.
“Hey, little guy…where’s your mommy, huh?” You asked, looking around and quickly realizing that the neighbor was doing something and was obviously busy. “You know, it’s dangerous to be wandering off like that. Could really scare your mom, and you don’t wanna do that, right?” You said and bent down to his level, smoothing his hair back.
He cooed and you smiled waving at him. A few minutes later his mom looked around and then called his name, obviously panicking. “Hey, hey….sorry, he wandered over here and I noticed you were busy so I just kept an eye on him for a moment” you said, hoping she wouldn’t be upset.
She hugged you and said “thank you, so much. Gosh, ever since he learned how to walk he’s been so curious. I really am gonna lose him one day, I’m gonna have to put him inside first next time” “of course, of course. If you ever need, my wife and I can probably watch him for you. She loves kids, and he seems like a sweet little man” you said and she smiled.
“Thank you for the offer, I might have to take you up on it one day” she said and you both chuckled. You talked a little more and then went back inside and Robin was curled up in a ball on the couch watching T.V.
You thought she was just being Robin, but in reality she was dying inside. She wanted to have a baby with you so freaking badly, she needed it.
She got up and walked over to you in the kitchen, on the opposite side of the little island and said “babe…” “what’s up, beautiful?” You asked and she took a deep breath. She cleared her throat and said “h-how would…what-…I- d-…”
“Robin…what’s wrong? What’s going on, are you okay?” You asked, cupping her cheek and trying to initiate eye contact incase for some reason she was having an anxiety attack or maybe seizure or a stroke or something. You always thought the worst when it came to Robin.
“I’m fine…I just…I really- okay, uhm, I-I really want a baby. Like so freaking bad. I don’t know why, but ever since I saw you with Steve and Nancy’s baby I’ve been going crazy and can’t stop thinking about having a baby with you. I-I don’t care who carries the baby, o-or babies if- i-if that’s what happens cause that can happen. But also it’d be really really really hot and adorable and just…god, you with a baby bump I mean- I-I’m speechless you know, you would look so beautiful with our little baby in there. But I could do it for you if you don’t want to. Nancy was in a lot of pain you know, and that doesn’t exactly look like a whole lot of fun and also she looked like she was in a lot of pain before she started pushing, I can’t even imagine how much it would hurt to push an entire 8 pound baby out. But for you, oh for you I’ll have 100 babies if it makes you happy. I’d be just as happy to carry our baby and grow it and go through all the pain and feel it kick and scream and cry and tear myself in half to push it out for you. And- and I know it can be expensive, but if we save up for a few months together and take some of our savings out we can be like…6 months pregnant by this time next year. Or- or not. We don’t have to, if that’s not what you want. I know babies are a lot of work, I just- I had to get it off my chest, you know…um,” Robin said, you could tell she was nervous as shit, you wanted to giggle at the memory of her being just as rambly on your wedding day.
You stood there in shock for a few moments, sure you’d thought about having kids but you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted them. You were kinda scared to be pregnant if you were being honest, and that was one of the perks of being married to a woman, you’d never have to worry about it.
It was all just so…stressful. The thought of carrying a child, a human inside of you and your body stretching that much to accommodate it, sounds creepy and painful. You hated surgery, and definitely didn’t want a c-section, you didn’t want to be within 100 feet of a scalpel. An epidural is literally terrifying, you were pretty sure Nancy said that when she finally got it she literally couldn’t feel anything, and you really didn’t want to lose feeling in any part of your body and be stuck in a bed for who knows how long. You were a little like Robin in that sense, when you were panicking or really really stressed about something you wanted to move and pace around.
It was all just so much to think about, being pregnant and having a baby is a big deal. But…the way Robins face lit up when she talked about you being pregnant and mentioned you having a little bump. She obviously really wanted this, and it definitely made you want to give her a baby. All the “what if’s” were killing you, but you might just do it but only because it’s her. You’d do anything for her.
When you finally came back from your little la la land of thinking, Robin wasn’t in front of you anymore. You heard small sobs in the bedroom, and panicked. You ran to the bedroom, carefully opening the door so you didn’t startle her and she had crumbled to the floor, knees to her chest as she cried.
“Baby, baby hey, come on, it’s okay. Don’t cry, please sweetheart. Robin, you have to calm down” you said and held her face in your hands, wiping her tears away. She shook her head and said “no- no I- I fucked e-everything up…a-and now you pr-probably hate me-”
“I don’t hate you, Robin. I could never hate you if I tried. Please, sweetheart, I just want you to calm down so we can talk” you said and she let out a shaky breath. She whimpered and you pulled her onto your lap, hugging her tight and trying to calm her down.
“I didn’t mean to scare you…I just…having a baby and being pregnant is really big, you know? It’s scary and also really expensive. I’d do anything for you, Robin. I know this is very important for you, and I’m sure you’ve put a lot of thought into it and you’re ready for it…so I think that yes, w-we can try to have a baby. I’ll carry it, I don’t want you going through that kind of pain. Plus, you have a lot going through that little head all the time and you still work hard to regulate your emotions and the things you say and those pregnancy hormones would really mess up your whole system up there, and I don’t want you to have to buy new maternity clothes that trigger your sensory issues and you’d probably be way more uncomfortable being pregnant than I would and would probably have a heart attack during the labor and I don’t know I just- I don’t think you’ll be happy if you were pregnant. I’d rather do it, I could probably handle it better” you said, trying to say the right things that wouldn’t make her more upset.
“That’s not fair to you….” she mumbled into your neck, sniffling softly. You sighed and said “maybe…but I don’t want to put you through 9 months of hell when I could do it instead. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, and I know being pregnant would change your body and the way you live in ways you might not be able to handle bub” “But…but what about you…” she asked and you sighed.
It took a week to convince her to let you be the one to have the baby, and then you guys really started saving up for it. You saved up enough to do two rounds, which took a year and a half. Then, you made appointments and everything went into motion.
You and Robin would both be going through the process of retrieving and fertilizing both of your eggs, that way you had plenty and you could keep them if you decide to have more babies in the future. However, you were going to be carrying Robins egg fertilized by whatever donor you chose and if you two decide to have more kids, no matter who carries it, it’ll be your egg. You had already chosen the donor so the eggs were fertilized and implanted and it was time to wait.
You didn’t want to test before the official blood test you would have at the doctor's office, you knew it would only stress you out more. You could tell Robin was getting antsy, she really wanted to know. But for your benefit, she’d wait a century if she had to.
The first attempt failed, and god did it hurt. You and Robin both knew very well that it didn’t always take the very first time, I mean hell this is the first time your body had ever come in contact with a fertilized egg. You just really wished that it would’ve taken the first time, you were really worried you would struggle too much and wouldn’t be able to get pregnant and make your dreams come true.
The second one failed and you wanted to give up, and you almost did. Maybe you weren’t meant to have kids, maybe this was god telling you not to have kids. It felt stupid, but you couldn’t help how you felt. Why couldn’t your body just accept these stupid eggs? It shouldn’t be this hard and this painful.
You gave it another try and the third one took, and you were so so so happy. That time you had to go alone to the doctor because Robin accidentally agreed to go on a work trip for her job and didn’t realize your test was on one of the days she would be gone.
She didn’t want you to tell her over the phone, if it was negative, she wanted to find out in person. By the time she got home, you were still only 5 weeks pregnant, but you knew you couldn’t lie and say it failed again as a part of some sort of surprise, you guys had been waiting for this for way too long.
You set up a camera in the living room facing the front door so you could get her reaction on video to watch till the end of time, and quickly ran back to the bedroom. You were nervous and excited, you couldn’t wait to tell her.
“Babe? I’m home!….Babe!” She said and you came out of the bedroom, the ultrasound picture in your back pocket. You ran over and hugged her, she picked you up and spun you around a little and you giggled, kissing her a few times.
“Are you okay? How did everything go?” She asked, you knew what she was talking about. You bit your lip and pulled the ultrasound picture out and she furrowed her eyebrows. You chuckled and pointed to a little blob on the picture as you said “that….is our baby,”
You both immediately teared up at the words “our baby”. “Oh my god…stop, stop please- are you serious? You’re pregnant?” She asked, tears already spilling down her cheeks. You nodded and said “yea…we did it babe”
“Oh my god” Robin said and hugged you, sobbing into your chest. You whimpered as she buried her head into your neck, placing a gentle kiss to her hair and holding her as she cried. She bent down and kissed your belly, she knew that the baby couldn’t hear or see or even think yet but she was just so happy.
You placed a hand on her head, wiping your tears as she said “hi, baby…mom loves you so much already, you don’t even know” “yea she freaking does” you said and she wrapped her arms around your waist so tight, she was just so happy and excited to finally be having a baby with you.
She talked to the baby every day, and it made you feel so loved. She was attached to you at the hip now, and even though your stomach was still the same as before and you literally weren’t even having symptoms yet, knowing that there was a baby in there made her go crazy.
She was so proud of you, and if you thought she worshiped the ground you walked on before she really did now. You and that baby were her main priority now, she never went more than 3 hours without trying to call you at work to check on you.
You started having morning sickness at 7 weeks, at first it was okay but by your first appointment at 10 weeks you couldn’t keep a meal down. Robin felt so bad, it even made her cry sometimes. She felt like somehow it was her fault, like she shouldn’t have mentioned having a family or you being the pregnant one because now you hated eating and was starting to lose weight because of it.
They gave you medication to help with the morning sickness and vitamins to help support your body and your health during the pregnancy and you got to hear the heartbeat, which made Robin cry like a baby. She filmed the heartbeat playing and even took a few pictures with your belly in the frame, still trying to really process that you’ve got a precious little angel in there.
You smiled as you got your blood work done, seeing her outside waiting for you with a grin on her face, the volume up just high enough that you could tell she was rewatching the recording of Baby Buckley’s heartbeat. (You decided to start calling them that since when you got married you hyphenated your last name with Robins and it also sounded really good. “Baby Buckley”…literally melted your heart every time you said it)
You couldn’t believe she was this happy just to be with you and experience this with you and have this baby with you. You loved that about her. Nothing about your relationship was awkward or questionable, her love for you was so real and so genuine it was overwhelming sometimes.
You started showing a little about a week later, there was a sudden bloat that wouldn't go away which you realized was your bump starting to grow. You didn’t really say anything to Robin, but she noticed anyway.
“Babe…babe, come here!” She said as you were trying to leave for work. You hummed and turned around, waiting for her to say something. She walked over and lifted your shirt up, gasping slightly. It wasn’t that big, and you would only be able to tell you were pregnant if you already knew, but Robin was already crying about it.
“Y/n, look!” She said, placing her hand over your belly, sniffling. You chuckled and said “I know, bub. I noticed it this morning” “why didn’t you say anything?!” She said with a playfully annoyed tone in her voice.
She kissed your tiny bump as you said “it’s not much of a difference, I didn’t even think you’d notice” “that’s our baby, y/n/n. Of course I noticed. Oh, hi baby buckley!” she said and kissed your belly again, murmuring about how much she loves the baby.
You tried to leave for work but she grabbed the Polaroid and had to take a picture, and yes you were late for work, but you just loved seeing Robin so happy. You were so thankful to have her with you through all of this, you honestly don’t know what you’d do without her.
It felt like you grew overnight, because by the time you were 4 months, just barely into the second trimester, you were buying new clothes because your bump had gotten too big. Robin was obsessed with it though, constantly having a hand on your bump and talking to the baby about any and everything.
You barely had to tell the group about the baby, it was pretty obvious by how much more Robin was clinging to you and the fact that you were using the bathroom quite a lot due to morning sickness and the baby sitting right over your freaking bladder. They were super excited though, Steve’s son was way out of that baby stage and was more toddler than baby and they certainly missed when he was all small and bundled up in his swaddle like a little football.
You did have to explain the process, especially to the younger kids. Steve, Nancy, and Eddie sorta had an idea of how it happened, but the younger ones thought sex was the only way to make a baby. They were shocked to find out it was possible for you to be carrying a baby that was biologically Robins, it kinda freaked Eddie out.
As you got bigger, Robin was going crazier. You looked so beautiful, running a hand over your belly absentmindedly as you murmured things to the baby here and there. Not to mention, your boobs had swelled up some already and Robin was drooling anytime you wore a remotely low cut shirt.
She swore to god you were glowing but most days you felt like crap cause the morning sickness still hadn’t gone away and everything was achy and you felt like just a blob of swollen everything. She was so so so excited to meet them, it felt like time had flown so fast yet not fast enough.
Then, you felt kicks. You had just gotten to work and you were already moving a lot this morning, a lot more than usual but you weren’t in too much pain so it was okay. You were in the elevator, having to go all the way to one of the top floors to talk to a coworker.
You felt an odd swoosh or something in your belly and furrowed your eyebrows, placing a hand on your belly. A few moments later you felt it again and then felt what you thought was butterflies. You were so confused, you’d never felt this before.
You kept feeling it that whole time, and when you got back to your office you were starting to get worried. It’s been half an hour, and these flutters and swooshes hadn’t stopped for more than five minutes at a time. You sighed and called Nancy, chewing on your lip nervously.
You explained the situation to her, and she screamed with happiness. Your eyes widened and you said “what- what is it? Nancy, seriously I’m getting worried. What if somethings wrong with the baby?” “No, no oh my god no it’s kicking! Your baby is kicking!” She said and you gasped, looking down at your bump.
“What? No, I’m barely 5 months! The doctor said I wouldn’t feel them till 6 most likely” you said and Nancy scoffed over the phone. She sighed and said “that’s total bullshit, I felt them at 4. Everyone’s different, and almost all of the moms at daycare felt them early on too. 6 months my ass”
“Oh…fuck, time is flying” you said, tears filling your eyes as you felt those soft little kicks again. Nancy chuckled and said “I know, I know. You get pregnant and you can never blink or you’ll be at your kids high school graduation”
You talked a bit more, cried a little and then got back to work. They started kicking again after you ate lunch. It made you chuckle, it felt so weird yet incredible to know your little one was growing and getting bigger and stronger.
You then began to cry again, because Robin didn’t get to feel the first kicks. She’s been waiting for them since before you even got pregnant, it was gonna break her heart. You let out a shaky breath, rubbing your bump as the baby kicked some more.
When you got home, you burst into tears as soon as you saw Robin. She immediately ran to you, hugging you and trying to calm you down. You whimpered and cried into her neck, mumbling about what had happened but she couldn’t understand.
“Babygirl, you have to calm down and tell me what happened or I can’t help” she said, rubbing your back. You rested your head on her chest, sobs still racking your body as you took deep breaths with her. You didn’t wanna tell her, but you knew she wasn’t gonna let you not tell her what had caused you to cry this hard.
“I-I uhm…oh god, I c-can’t” you said and she kissed your head and continued to soothe you, she’d stand her all day if she had to. You felt so bad, like somehow this is your fault. You felt a kick and nearly fell to the ground, you couldn’t stop your crying and that only made it worse.
“Babe, babe…hey okay come on let’s sit, come on…you gotta breathe y/n, please. Deep breaths, come on. I can only help you if you calm down and talk to me” she said, wiping your tears away as you sat on her lap, sobs still racking your body.
“I…I- fuck…you’re gonna h-hate me” you said and she shook her head. She smoothed your hair back and said “no, no I could never hate you…no matter what, baby, I’ll always love you. You could never do anything to make me hate you”
You let out a shaky breath, resting your head in the crook of your neck. She took off your blazer and your shoes, letting you relax a little. “I-I- I felt th-the baby kick for the first t-time today…” you finally said and she gasped, sitting up straighter.
“What?! Baby, that’s so good! That’s amazing, why are you so sad?” She asked and you whimpered. A sob slipped out before you said “b- be-because you didn’t get t-to feel the first k- kic-kicks”
“Baby, hey it’s okay…of course I would’ve loved to feel their first kicks but I understand that they were gonna start kicking whenever they wanted. I was never guaranteed to feel those first kicks, I know that. I’m not gonna hate you, it’s not even your fault. And I don’t hate the baby either, I’ll probably get to feel thousands of other kicks before our little baby Buckley gets here” Robin said and you whimpered.
You kept crying most of the night, you just felt so bad that she missed it. Eventually she realized there was no soothing you completely so she just laid with you, poking your belly to make the baby kick. She was never gonna get used to that.
You later found out it was a girl and you were so happy, you wanted a little mini Robin more than anything. You had so many weird cravings, but Robin almost never made you feel bad for them. Even the especially gross ones.
Orange’s and ranch nearly made her barf. But you looked so happy she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. You also couldn’t stop eating ramen, holy shit you’d do anything for ramen most days. You craved McDonalds a lot, especially the fries. You’d even woken her up at 2 in the morning for it one time.
You woke up starving, and whilst looking for food you noticed the McDonald’s wrapper in the trash from a few days ago and instantly you were 10x hungrier. The baby seemed to be too, she was kicking quite a bit.
You were near the end of your 6th month of pregnancy, which meant the baby was getting even bigger and you were starving 24/7. It’s like everything you ate was only for the baby.
“Babe…Robin…” you said and she gasped, trying to sit up. She cleared her throat and said “wha- what’s wrong? Are you okay, is she okay?” “Yea, yea we’re fine, baby, sorry…uhm…I’m just- I-I’m really hungry and I was wondering if you could take me to McDonald’s” you said and she chuckled.
She rolled over and kissed your bump, caressing it softly. “Yea, babe I can take you to McDonald’s” she said, her voice all raspy and sleepy which made you wish you still had the energy to have sex with her.
She washed her face a little and slipped some shoes on and you were out the door, her hand on your belly as she drove you to McDonalds. She bought you nuggets, fries, and a milkshake even though you said you didn’t need all of it. She had to make sure her girls were fed.
She also had to see the smile on your face as you took your first few bites of the fries, closing your eyes and smiling. You both chuckled and you placed a hand on your bump as you said “she’s kicking like crazy, oh my god” “really?” She asked and you nodded. She placed a hand on your stomach and smiled, the baby kicking up a storm underneath her hand.
“Oh my goodness sweetgirl…calm down before you hurt mommy” she said and you chuckled, taking a sip of your milkshake. You loved when Robin talked to the baby. It made you fall in love with her so much more, you didn’t know how much your heart could handle
You felt like you never stopped growing, constantly needing new clothes. Now that you were pretty much in the third trimester you were really starting to feel the pain. In your hips, your back, your feet, even your stomach sometimes just from how much it had grown in such a short period of time. The baby kicked so much, you were sure that she was the reason your lower belly was so sore all the time.
Robin obviously noticed, and constantly gave you messages. She didn’t realize it would hurt this bad, she knew it was painful but it broke her heart to see you tear up sometimes when you came home from work because of how bad it was.
She was the best partner you could’ve had. She took care of you, really took care of you. She ran you baths most nights to relax your tense and sore body, rubbing your feet when you needed and rubbing your back almost every night before bed. She was constantly massaging lotion into your belly to make the baby relax and eventually make you relax as well and fall asleep. That was her favorite way to fall asleep with you.
It was getting a lot harder to work the farther you got into the pregnancy, especially during the last few weeks before maternity leave. By then, you were 30 weeks and felt like death. Even though you were getting paid maternity leave you knew babies were expensive and decided to go on maternity leave at 35 weeks instead of now or any earlier so you’d have enough money to take care of your new family of 3 for a few months.
What you didn’t mention to Robin was that you’d been feeling so weak lately, and your appetite was surprisingly disappearing which made you dizzy and you were being super overworked all the time. You were in a lot of pain too, the baby was moving a lot and jabbing and kicking at your ribs sometimes, even knocking the wind out of you occasionally.
You felt so stressed all of a sudden like you needed more on your plate, you felt like you weren’t prepared at all for this baby and like you were gonna get fired at any moment and everything would crash and burn and this baby would die because you couldn’t keep it together.
You knew that these thoughts were way out of line and just things made up in your head, but at the same time it felt so real. It even kept you up at night sometimes. What if you did all the work, paid all these fees and got to the end and she was stillborn. God, it would kill you. It would literally kill you.
Last night you literally didn’t sleep at all, not one bit. You were trying for 3 hours before you got up and started watching T.V and then cleaned the kitchen and then reorganized the spice cabinet by alphabetical order and finally it was 5am and you could start getting ready for work.
You showered and Robin rubbed lotion all over you, especially in the places you couldn’t reach, kissing you softly and smiling at you. She obviously didn’t realize you weren’t with her almost the whole night, she usually did but she must’ve been in a deep sleep last night.
You left for work, skipping breakfast, and found out the elevators weren’t working. You took the stairs which literally knocked the wind out of you and you had to stop twice, one because you were practically wheezing and then the baby was kicking so much and you didn’t want to move.
You were light headed by the time you got to your office, your stomach rumbling. You didn’t wanna eat just to throw it back up, everything just made you nauseous lately. Maybe this was punishment or something for not doing better, having the stupid first trimester nausea and morning sickness all over again.
You felt so exhausted by noon, barely able to stay awake. It was time for lunch which you usually tried to skip but you had to eat something today. You made it down 4 flights of stairs before you passed out and fell, down a few steps and to the ground, barely able to breathe.
You were only slightly conscious, your eyes were so heavy you couldn’t open them and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You tried to call out for help but you couldn't. You felt so weak. Eventually, you couldn’t fight back anymore and you were completely unconscious, barely breathing and praying to god the baby would be okay.
Luckily someone found you less than 10 minutes later and got an ambulance for you. By then your lips were turning purple and you were really pale and you practically looked dead. You still had a pulse, thank fucking god, but paramedics couldn’t immediately tell if the baby was okay.
They gave you CPR and oxygen the entire way to the hospital, and you sort of woke up a few times but you didn’t remember it. Based on the ultrasound, everything looked okay so far and the baby had a heartbeat and was even kicking.
The coworker that found you called Robin and instantly her heart dropped. She’d never started crying so fast in her life. She almost forgot to put shoes on because of how fast she was trying to get out the door.
She nearly got caught speeding by police and almost crashed twice but she made a 17 minute drive in 9 minutes. She ran to the front desk asking for your name and they said you hadn’t arrived yet. That was a huge mistake.
Robin immediately broke into sobs, resting her head on the desk as all the emotions came flowing out. The nurse was trying to calm her down and comfort her but she was on the verge of an anxiety attack and she couldn’t regulate her emotions no matter how hard she tried.
The commotion at the E.R entrance caught her attention and she instantly recognized that shirt. You hated that shirt. Hated it. Said it was the ugliest thing in the store, but also was one of the few things in your size at the store so it was either that or go to work naked.
She ran to you, not letting any nurses stop her. “Baby…baby- y/n, hey, hey come on, wake up! Wake up! Y/n…” she panicked, cupping your cheek and placing a hand on your bump. You were so pale, so fucking pale. Your lips were purple and your body wasn’t as warm as it should’ve been.
“No- no hey s-she’s not dead right? S-She can’t be- I- oh my god-” Robin said and the paramedic said “Miss, I understand you're scared but you have to let us do our job. We’re gonna try our best to help your wife, please step aside”
A nurse came over and slowly guided her to the waiting room, calming her down a bit before she let her be. Robin grabbed her phone from her pocket with a shaky hand, calming Steve’s number. “Hey, Rob…what’s up?” He asked and all he got was a shaky breath and a whimper. He immediately panicked, Robin had only called him crying 3 times before.
The first time was when you had your first big fight, Robin forgot a date and it made you really mad because you had already felt like she was pulling away and just used you as an experiment. She was so scared that day, she really didn’t want to lose you.
The second time was the night before you got married. She nearly had an anxiety attack, worrying that you didn’t really want this and eventually you'll realize your mistake and leave her. Steve threatened to call you so many times but Robin didn’t want to mess the plans up.
The most recent time was the day you told her you were pregnant. That was less of a sad cry and more of a happy cry, but she didn’t call crying just because.
So now, you can imagine why he’d be nervous. She let out a small sob and said “S-Steve…” His heart broke, she sounded so scared and so hurt. He instantly responded, softly letting her know he was there.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong? Are you okay? Is y/n and the baby okay?” He asked and she bit her lip. She cleared her throat and said “can y-you…come to th-the hospital ple-ease?” “Yea, yea of course I can…I’m on my way I’ll see you soon” he said and she hung up, closing her eyes as she tried to calm herself down.
She couldn’t stop panicking. Knowing you might be hurt, or the baby might be hurt, was killing her. Steve got there as quickly as he could, not breaking as many traffic laws as she did but he got there faster than he should’ve.
Once he saw her he ran towards her, bending down and meeting her eyes as she looked at the ground. “What happened? Did something happen to y/n?” He asked. It broke her.
She instantly looked away, beginning to cry again. He pulled her up and hugged her, rubbing her back as she sobbed into his chest. He sat down and let her curl up in his lap and cry, he knew that whatever happened was being taken care of by doctors so getting her to tell him why she was in the waiting room of a hospital wasn’t his main concern at the moment.
She was so scared, so fucking scared. What caused this? Was she not taking care of you well enough? Did she do something to cause this?
“She…s-she passed out a-at work…fell d-down the stairs a-a little and…a-and passed o-out” she said and whimpered, she just wanted to know if you were okay or not. Steve smoothed her hair back as he said “hey, hey it’s gonna be okay. She’s strong, so so strong. You remember when Nancy passed out when her water broke, she was just fine”
“This- th- t-this is different. Y/n…s-she’s weak…her body- i-it gave out on her. N-Nancy was just- she was i-in shock…y/n might be sick- s-she could be dying. I can’t- I-I can’t lose them, Steve…” Robin said, her mind beginning to go numb, which also helped her stop crying.
“Y/n is going to be just fine. She’s in good hands, these doctors know what they’re doing” he said and Robin shook her head, sniffling. She bit her lip and said “I should’ve n-never said anything…I-I knew this was a-a bad idea. O-Of course she was gonna get h-hurt. I am an…a-awful wife”
“Hey, hey no you’re not. Neither of you could’ve predicted that something this scary was going to happen. This happens to many pregnant women all over the world, there’s no way they don’t know how to help her. You’re an incredible wife, Robin. Y/n is so lucky to have you, she can’t possibly know how lucky she is” he said and Robin shook her head, picking at her nails.
It took an hour for them to call for the family of Y/n Buckley, and Robin immediately got off of Steve and got to the doctor so fast her feet were on fire. Steve jolted slightly, he had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and definitely wasn’t expecting that.
“Is she oka- i-is the baby okay? What’s wrong with her? Is she gonna be okay? How did this happen-” she said before Steve came up behind her and just slowly put his hand over her mouth. She turned around, eyebrows furrowed and eyes full of worry. “Let the doctor talk, Rob” he said and moved his hand back down.
“Your wife is okay. She passed out from what we presume to be exhaustion, as well as lack of food and she was dehydrated. It seems as though the pregnancy has taken a sudden toll on her body, causing her medications to keep her from throwing up and keep her appetite up to not work as well. She hasn't really eaten in a while, we could tell so we want to keep her 48 hours and see her eat 3 meals a day, or at least 2. She is going to have to go on bed rest for most likely the remainder of the pregnancy, the fall caused some bruising on her lower back and her right side, and her body needs to gain it’s strength back to prepare for labor and birth. She needs to stay in bed as much as possible, and limit her time out of bed to 60 minutes a day. It’s important she rests, she needs it to help her have a safe and healthy labor and delivery” the doctor said and she bit her lip, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“S-She’s gonna be…o-okay?” She whimpered, the doctor asking if she wanted to come see you. She nodded so fast her head nearly rolled off her neck. You were sleeping when she got to you, which initially scared the shit out of her before she realized you just needed rest.
Steve got her settled, made sure she wasn’t squeezing your hand too tight and left to get food. You looked much better than before. Color had come back to your skin and lips, and they had been giving you I.Vs and you had 2 protein shakes while you were awake. Robin was still scared out of her mind.
She doesn’t understand how she didn’t notice you were so exhausted and drained. She should’ve known. A good wife would’ve noticed and taken care of you. Obviously she wasn’t worth your love. She should’ve prevented this, she can’t even notice when you're on the verge of passing out, how will she be able to take care of you.
You slept for god only knows how long, murmuring things in your sleep occasionally and shifting positions a couple times. Usually you’d wake up a lot to pee or because of some kind of pain or the baby was kicking too much to let you sleep, but she was glad you were getting the rest you needed.
When you did wake up, she started crying again. “Babe? Oh, oh hi baby” she said and cupped your cheeks as your gorgeous y/e/c eyes opened slowly. You whimpered and looked around slowly, realizing you were in a hospital.
“Shit…” you mumbled and Robin sighed shakily. She bit her lip and said “why didn’t you say anything?…do you not want to talk to me about these things o-or, or did I make you feel like y-you couldn’t? I- I-I don’t understand, I tried so hard to make sure you were taken c-care of-”
“it’s not you…” you said weakly, sighing softly. She took a deep breath and said “then what is it?” “I didn’t…I didn’t know it was t-this bad I thought I was just having a sh-shitty couple of weeks” you said and she brought your hand to her mouth, pressing a few kisses to it.
She opened your palm and pressed it to her face, holding it there and feeling the warmth of it, reminding her that you were okay. “Rob…” you said and she sighed shakily.
“It’s…its stupid, I-I know but…I almost thought t-that I wouldn’t feel this again, y-you know? Feel your hand on my face…h-hear your voice again. You were- y-you were pale as shit and your lips were turning purple I-….I mean you were dead!” She said and your eyes widened.
“That isn’t entirely true, miss…your wife was severely oxygen deprived, which is what caused the pale skin and purple lips. Her body tried to shut down to save itself, but we fixed her up and she’ll be okay. We previously discussed with your wife that you’ll be on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy to make sure you and the baby stay healthy, only 60 minutes out of bed is allowed. I can confirm that if you take the new medications we give you, and follow our instructions about bed rest and eating that you and your daughter will be just fine” the doctor said and you nodded, rubbing your bump.
Once they got your vitals and stuff they left you and Robin alone. She hadn’t let go of your hand the whole time. She refused, she wasn’t going to let you go ever again. You were never ever leaving her sight again, you wouldn’t be in the same room alone for a long ass time.
“I didn’t mean to scare you…” you said to break the silence. Robin had been really quiet, just caressing your hand softly, tears running down her cheeks. She looked up at you and said “I…I know. I just…I’m still processing everything. m’ really scared something else is gonna happen to one of you”
“I’m sorry…” you said, getting sleepy again and trying to stay awake. She shook her head and said “no, no don’t be sorry. Y-You didn’t do anything. It’ll be fine, I’m sure. I’m just scared, that’s all” You hummed and she used her fingers to push your eyelids down, making you smile a little.
She let go of your hand for a moment to tuck you in, kissing your head and going back to her spot to get some sleep as well. “Robin?” You asked about a half hour later, unable to sleep. She hummed and sat up, rubbing her eyes as she said “yes, sweetheart? What’s wrong, is everything alright?”
“Just uhm…why don’t you come sleep in the bed with me? I promise I’m not that injured” you said and she smiled a little. She crawled into bed with you and cupped your cheek, kissing your head and giving you no other option but to bury your head in her chest so she could hold you.
The next few weeks were a bit better, you were eating more and you felt so much more well rested and relaxed. You were finally managing to get some sleep, that pregnancy pillow Robin got you literally saving your life at this point. At first, one of you guys’ friends would come take care of you but Robin got early parental leave and was able to stay home from 32 weeks on.
She was constantly by your side, cuddling with you and feeling the baby move all the time. She was so eager to get out, but you still had 2 more months left with her hyper ass kicking up a storm in there. You loved her, you really did but man she could kick.
You felt better and healthier, and you were much happier too. Obviously you were still experiencing some pain, you were 8 months pregnant for fuck sake but Robin made it easier to manage. It was all gonna be worth it for this little girl.
Eventually you had to get a birthing ball to have at home, because you felt so much pressure and pain in your hips you just needed something to relieve the pain, even just a little. Robin was really sweet and would always rub your back or massage and squeeze your hips for you when she could tell you were in pain.
She even rubbed your feet for you, even though you didn’t want her to have to touch your feet she insisted. She didn’t care how gross you thought it was, she knew you needed the relief.
You were sure the baby knew who Robin was, she’d move a ton when she heard Robin's voice or when Robin grabbed your bump and said “hiii babygirl” with gentle kisses to your belly. You swore you were feeling her nuzzle her head into Robin's hands when she rubbed your bump at night, it was always the same motion and while it could’ve been her ass you would like to pick the cuter option and say it’s her head. Robin thought you were slightly delusional and this was some symptom of pregnancy brain but it was adorable watching how excited you got about it.
By the time you started the 9th month you were ready for this kid to be out. She was kicking and jabbing you so much, and your ribs were so sore cause she’d finally turned head down and started attacking your ribs. Robin saw a thing about holding your belly up to help with the pain or something online and she finally tried it and holy shit did it feel good. You finally felt some relief on your hips, and Robin would always stay for as long as you needed.
Some days were really hard, and you were in a lot of pain but Robin stayed up with you and did whatever she could to make it easier. You cried a lot thinking about how much you loved her and appreciated her, and it freaked Robin out a little how you could never seem to stop talking about her and how much she does for you. You loved her too much, you couldn’t help it.
You started nesting as well, which didn’t help at all. Even though you were still supposed be on bed rest you were constantly sneaking out of bed and cleaning the shit out of the apartment. Places you’d never even thought to clean before. One time Robin caught you standing on the kitchen counters to dust on top of the cabinets and literally lost her shit.
You only agreed to get down if Robin promised to clean it for you and she did, which led to a lot of sneezing but she would walk on glass before she let you do something dangerous like that at 36 weeks pregnant.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, you know that?” Robin said, you were now in bed with her arms wrapped around you so tight you were almost having a hard time breathing. “I just- I- you know I can’t explain it I just have to clean everything and make sure everything is okay for the baby. It’s not babyproofed enough there’s so much she could hurt herself on” you said, placing a hand over hers, which was obviously carressing your bump.
“You’re nesting,” Robin said and blushed a little, all these little things that came with the pregnancy made it feel so much more real, she’ll never be able to comprehend that this is actually happening, you’re actually having her baby.
“I am not nesting. That’s so…suburban stay at home white mom” you said and she chuckled. She kissed your head and said “you’re preparing your nest, mama bird” “don’t say that” you said and crossed your arms like you were mad, but she knew you weren’t.
“I read that it’s a sign labor is coming soon. Then again, it’s a little early for that, but a girl can dream” Robin said and you chuckled. She sighed and said “I just can’t wait to meet her. You’re gonna be such a good mom”
“You think so?” You asked, rubbing your lower bump. Robin chuckled and said “of course I do. In fact, I know you will. You’re amazing, y/n/n, this baby girl is so lucky to have you. She’s got the most beautiful, most patient, most loving, most kind, most caring mommy in the whole freaking planet”
“She’s got a pretty kick-ass mom too” you said and Robin blushed hiding in the crook of your neck. You sighed and said “I want her out already…I just want to kiss her little face and squeeze her little chubby cheeks and hold her tiny little body and cuddle her and hug her and just love her. How am I supposed to wait another month?” “I don’t know, babe. We’ll struggle together that’s for sure” she said and you chuckled, feeling a kick.
Picking a name for her was a bit of a struggle, you wanted to try and find something not super overused but not crazy and hard to spell or pronounce. You went through tons of names, trying to imagine her face based on the scans and trying to think of a name that would fit her.
You tried every name in the world, and finally two days before your due date you figured out her name. Jadyn Buckley. You liked it because it was pretty gender neutral and wasn’t too girly which you didn’t want. Robin liked how it sounded and since it was your favorite name that she suggested she loved it even more.
You were so glad you finally chose a name, Robin celebrated by running to your favorite bakery and grabbing a small cake. You thought it was weird to celebrate choosing your baby’s name, but then it turned into celebrating your last few days of being just the two of you.
For 8 years it’s just been the two of you. Pretty soon, there’ll be three of you and that’s something Robin never thought she’d be able to say. She felt so lucky to just have you, now she was about to have a baby with you and that’s just so special to her. She’ll never get over being able to say “my girls are waiting for me” or being able to think “I miss my girls”, and the baby isn’t even here yet.
She just knows she’s gonna be perfect. She does the cutest things during ultrasounds, yawning and turning over and using her hands to move around and stretch. Robin knows she’s the most adorable baby ever, she doesn’t have to see her to know that.
You hope she has Robin’s eyes. That’s all you care about. She could look any kind of way, she’d still be your gorgeous baby girl that you love no matter what, but you really hope she has Robin's eyes. Robin's eyes are your favorite thing in the whole world. They’re absolutely beautiful, and being able to see that little piece of Robin in Jadyn would just melt your heart.
You both knew it would be pretty rare for you to have her on your due date, not a lot of babies come on the due date. So you weren’t heartbroken when you went to bed still pregnant that night, but after being a week overdue you were losing your mind.
You couldn’t stop crying, you felt like a complete and total failure and you were kind of a mess. Your hormones were worse than they had ever been before, you were really really sensitive nowadays. Not to mention the pain you were in was excruciating and you had reached your breaking point.
You hadn’t slept in 27 hours now, you’d woken up at 3am yesterday and as much as you tried you couldn’t take any naps during the day and you’d been too uncomfortable to sleep tonight. You were making brownies now, you found brownie mix in the pantry and you were gonna lose your shit if you didn’t do something soon so making brownies it is.
“Babe? What the hell- get back in bed” Robin said and you groaned. You sighed and said “Robin just- please, go away. This goddamn kid has been kicking all night and I’m so sick of being in bed all the time I’m going insane I can’t fucking do anything without being in pain and I just- I need to do something, okay? I’m so sick of just crying in bed all the time, I feel like a piece of shit all I fucking do is complain and whine about how much everything hurts and it’s stupid but it’s all I have left to talk about. I haven’t left the house in 3 weeks and I’ve been wearing the same outfit for 4 days and I just- I can’t do this anymore! I’m going fucking crazy Robin I just want to feel like a human being again! Just let me make some fucking brownies!”
You sighed, put the spoon down, and placed your hands on the counter and let your head drop between your shoulders as you started crying. Robin knew you didn’t mean to be so aggressive and tell her to go away like that. She knew you were frustrated, she’d been trying to help in whatever way she could but she knew you were gonna snap eventually.
“Come here…come here, sweetheart,” she said and wrapped her arms around you, letting you bury your head into her chest as you cried. You wrapped your arms around her weakly as she rubbed your back, kissing your head softly.
“I’m s- sorry…I-I shouldn’t have s-snapped like th-that” you said and Robin shushed you, smoothing your hair back. She took a deep breath and said “don’t apologize baby. I know it’s getting overwhelming and I know that you’re struggling a ton right now and I’m so fucking proud of you for doing this. I know you wanna give up and just die or whatever, but you're so close to the end honey. I know it doesn’t feel or seem like it, but I’m sure that by this time next week you’ll be standing here with our baby in your arms wishing you were still pregnant because despite what you think I know you’ll miss your bump and you’ll miss having her in there all safe and sound. Sometimes you gotta get your stress and frustration out and I’m the only other person who’s home, so I get it. Don’t worry about it, I promise. I know you love me” she said and you smiled a little, sighing softly.
You hummed and pulled away wiping your tears as you said “I probably look and sound bat shit crazy right now” “only a little” Robin said and you both laughed as you continued scraping the last of the batter into the baking dish.
Robin moved behind you and started massaging your hips and lower back, making you gasp and groan softly. She smiled as you moved her hand to the left a little, wincing as she did. You leaned back and Robin pushed harder, making you whimper.
Eventually you took a short break so you could put the brownies in the oven and then Robin brought the birthing ball so she could continue doing god's work on your sore back. You leaned against one of the seats that went with the island in the kitchen and she massaged your back and hips whilst you waited for the brownies to finish.
By now, you’d tried everything to induce your labor. Even the things that were just myths, you had to keep trying because you really hated surgeries and needles. Sure you could handle a shot or an I.V but you didn’t want an epidural or a c-section. Those are terrifying, you’d honestly rather be pregnant forever than have to do either of those options.
So naturally, when your doctor set a date for you to be induced you were stressed out. Inducing could mean needles, and all kinds of other stuff and you really didn’t want that. But being 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant makes you desperate for anything that’ll get your damn baby out.
You still felt like a failure, like this was god telling you you were incompetent or something. Why couldn’t your body do what it was meant to do? Was it something you did? Are you just not meant to be a mom?
All those thoughts came to an end when you finally felt your first real contraction. You’d been feeling some really light and short ones on and off the last day or so but thought they were Braxton hicks. Now, you were on your way Steve’s house because they still offered for you to come over whenever everyone else did and since your body wasn’t showing any signs of getting this baby out any time soon you figured why not leave the house one last time because the next time you leave you’ll hopefully be coming home with 3 people instead of 2.
“Ow- oh shit…” you said and placed a hand on your stomach, squeezing Robin's hand as she had already been holding it the whole ride so far. She looked over quickly and said “wha- baby, what’s wrong?” “I- Mmh, it- my stomach…” you said and her eyes widened.
She pulled into Steve’s house and turned off the car as fast as she could, getting out and opening your door to help you better. It had passed pretty quickly, and you felt okay now you were just surprised by the pain. “Hey, hey are you okay? Is it the baby- are you-” she almost began to ramble before you stopped her.
“I’m fine,” you panted, circling your bump with your hand as you took a few deep breaths. “I-I think I just…had a contraction?” You said and Robins eyes widened. Her jaw dropped a little and she said “w-wh- contraction? Should we go to a hospital?”
“No, no…remember there’s the contractions before real labor. That’s probably what these are. Unless they’re 5 minutes apart or my water breaks we should be okay to do as we please, but I don’t want to be out too long” you said, caressing her face, already recovered and breathing just fine.
She nodded and you smiled a little, turning so you could get out of the car. She helped you out of the car, and you got inside and everyone was all over your bump, begging her to come out already. You were okay with them touching your bump, plus you’d gotten used to it by now.
You laid down one of the couches for most of the time you were there, cuddled up with Robin as the contractions came and went. They were nearly 15 minutes apart, and as long as you breathed through them and didn’t freak out you were fine. It only felt so bad the first time because you weren’t expecting it, but these barely hurt enough to truly mess with you. You could even talk through most of them, which helped Robin keep calm a little.
Even though they were manageable, you couldn’t sleep through them at all and eventually Robin couldn’t stay up any longer so you were either up for hours at a time or you woke up every 15 minutes because they were just strong enough to keep you awake.
By the next morning, they were a little stronger but still pretty far apart so you felt okay. But it killed your appetite completely, usually when you were in more serious kinds of pain you just couldn’t bring yourself to eat which really scared Robin but you drank some milkshakes and protein shakes for her.
You were really hoping the baby would be here or at least actually be on the way by tonight but no, she was still taking her sweet time. Robin fell asleep again, she was really exhausted and you couldn’t blame her, if you could sleep right now you totally would.
Now they were stronger and more intense, wrapping around your back and spreading down your thighs a little. You didn’t want to wake Robin up but you just wanted her to comfort you and hold you. Not to mention, it was really hard to stay in this position the whole time and keep quiet.
Eventually you snuck out of the room, little sobs racking your body as you made your way to the couch, holding onto it as another wave of pain hit you. You whimpered, gasping as you tried to breathe through the pain. You groaned, taking a few deep yet shaky breaths, whimpering softly as you tried to focus on something other than the pain.
You knew it only got worse from here and since your water hasn't broken yet you were getting kind of scared, how much worse could it get? You walked around the house, managing the pain and breathing through it like you were supposed to when suddenly, you felt a gush of water come out of you and you instantly froze.
You gasped, backing up a little looking down. Sure enough, there was a puddle of fluid where you had just been standing. You whimpered, grabbing a towel from the dirty laundry pile and cleaning up the mess. You took off your pants and underwear and put those in the dirty laundry pile too, going to the room to put new clothes on.
You were trying to dry your legs but you were still leaking and it was making you frustrated. You called your O.B really quickly and told her what happened and said to come in to the hospital as soon as possible.
“Baby,” Robin groaned, feeling for you in the bed. She whined when she couldn’t feel you, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. It was 1:30 in the morning, why weren’t you in bed? “I’m in the bathroom,” you said loud enough so she could hear you. You took a deep breath and just put some underwear and shorts on, waddling into the bedroom. “Why’d you let me fall asleep?” She asked and you sighed.
You rubbed your bump as you said “cause you need it, Robin…e-especially since my water just broke and we’re not gonna be getting a whole lot of sleep for the next few months…” “WHAT?!” Robin said and jumped out of bed, running to the nursery to grab the hospital bag, rambling so fast you literally couldn’t understand what she was saying.
Well, at least you were done leaking amniotic fluid and wouldn’t have to change again. You sighed and went to the bathroom, brushing your hair and teeth as Robin said something about the car and she’ll be right back
You grabbed yours and Robin's bags from the closet and set them on the couch because you were probably gonna bust your ass trying to see the stairs that you had to use to leave the apartment building under your bump, get through a contraction if need be, and carry both of these bags at the same time.
You heard Robin come back into the building, she nearly knocked the door off the hinges as she came back in, losing her shit and running to you as she found you squeezing the shit out of the couch with your face scrunched up in pain. “Fuck, sweetheart- what can I do?” She asked and you groaned softly.
You shook your head and took a few deep breaths, letting it pass. You finally opened your eyes and Robin was nearly crying, her hair was a mess and she looked so tired. She caressed your cheek and said “are you okay? Is the baby okay? How bad is it? Do you feel okay? Do you need to push?”
“Babe….I’m f-fine, everybody is fine, okay? It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever felt, at least not yet. I’m probably not gonna be pushing any time soon, don’t worry. Look, I’m gonna time the next one and then we’ll go to the hospital, alright?” You said and leaned back and laid on the back of the couch, rubbing your bump.
Robin sighed relievingly, sitting next to you. She rested her head on your lap, kissing your belly and caressing it softly. You groaned and said “I can't even see your face, my stomach is too big” “it won’t be pretty soon” she said, voice cracking as tears pricked her eyes.
You tried to reach over your bump and run your hands through her hair or something but you couldn’t reach. You huffed and grabbed her hand instead, trying to make her not cry. “We have plenty of time to have more kids, babe. Don’t worry” you said and she sighed shakily.
Sure enough, the next one came about 5 minutes later, you could practically hear Robin's thoughts going crazy but she was keeping her cool, just letting you squeeze her hand and do what you had to do. “Mmmh…Robin,” you moaned softly, a sudden new intensity of the pain coming on.
“What is it, sweetheart, what can I do?” She asked, carefully placing a hand on your bump, rubbing in gentle circles. You whimpered, nearly starting to cry. Once it passed, Robin held you for a few minutes, rubbing your belly and letting you relax.
She brought the other bags down to the car and then helped you to the elevator, letting you bury your head in her chest and take deep breaths, preparing for the next one. Any time you were in a more severe pain during the pregnancy you’d cling to Robin like this, and it always made her so happy that she got to be the person you need when you're in pain.
You had another contraction in the elevator so Robin scooped you up, trying not to move you too much as she got down the stairs at the front of the building and brought you to the car. She used to go to the gym for her mental health and to help her have something to do when her mind was going a little crazy and when you guys started talking about having kids and things like that she started getting into weight lifting just so she could do things like that. She never wanted you to be insecure about the weight you’d gained by growing a human being so she did what she had to do.
By the time she got you to the car it had just passed so you got in the car as quickly as possible to help you relax again. Robin made sure everything was in the car and then started the drive to the hospital. She noticed once she pulled in how shaky you were, which made her nervous.
She came around to your side of the car and grabbed your hand, kissing it softly. “Bubba, why are you so shaky, huh? Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked and you sighed. You’d had about 4 more contractions before you got to the hospital and the pain was already getting at you. You shook your head and said “no I just…I mean I’m exhausted, and- a-and the pain is worse than before and I’m also really freaking nervous,”
You chuckled and she smiled sadly. You sniffled, wiping a tear away. “It’s gonna be okay, honey. Everything's gonna be just fine, I promise. Nothing is gonna happen to you, and once we get inside we can talk to the doctor about an epidural and see how you-” she said before you stopped her.
“No- no, I don’t want all the crazy shit going into my body. Especially into my back of all places, what if there’s a fire and I can’t move my legs huh? I’d have contractions for a week straight before I got that stupid epidural” you said and she sighed.
She ran a hand over your bump and said “babe, I know you’re scared but you might not be able to handle it and so many women have successful labor and delivery stories even with the epidural….I’m sorry okay, I just- I hate this, and I hate you being in a pain and I really wish I could stop it, that’s all”
You then started crying, and Robin's eyes widened. How did she fuck up? Was she making you frustrated? She felt so stupid. “Honey, hey, hey don’t cry I’m sorry. Y/n, hey what’s making you cry?” She asked and you let out a sob.
You sniffled and said “I…I’m just being annoying w-when all you wanna do is h- h-help me, I’m being a fucking…just c-childish over a st-stupid needle and some drugs that’ll make this go w-way easier for me” “no, no honey. Baby, you’re scared, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be scared I just…I just wanted to ask you one last time that’s all. You’re not being annoying, I know why you’re scared and I get it, but I also know that I’ll sit with you for as long as I have to to help you get through this and I’ll do whatever it takes to help you bring our baby girl into this world, okay?” She said and you nodded.
She helped you out of the car and brought just your bag up for now since she knew it’d be a while before this baby got here and you didn’t need everything right this minute. She demanded they bring you a wheelchair so they did. Robin was being a little scary with the way she was talking to these nurses and doctors, but she wasn’t going to let you get mistreated in any way.
You got a room and Robin helped you change into a gown before nurses got all kinds of monitors on you and checked your vitals and the baby’s vitals and blah blah blah. You would’ve fallen asleep through it if you weren’t in all kinds of pain.
It was nearly 3am by the time you got settled, barely 3 centimeters dilated and hours of contractions to come. You were laying on your side now, Robin cuddled up with you per your request, both of you just listening to the baby’s heartbeat monitor. “Can't believe she’s really coming now…feels like I’ve been pregnant forever” you said and she chuckled.
She smiled and said “well at least you didn’t have to be induced,” You hummed, playing with her shirt as you took a deep breath, a bigger smile gracing your face as you felt her move a little. You looked up at Robin and said “hope she has your eyes. I love your eyes. They always look at me with so much love…and they’re so beautiful. It’s okay if she doesn’t…be really adorable if she did though”
“You just can’t get enough of me, you need two of me?” she said and you giggled. You kissed her softly and said “yea…just wanna meet her,” “I know, babe…me too” Robin said and cupped your cheek, caressing it softly.
You were mostly okay the first few hours but by the time you got to 5 centimeters you were struggling. Contractions were 4 minutes apart now and they were really strong, and your back and hips were hurting even more. God, and you were so drained and exhausted. You hadn’t slept in 2 days, you were in so much pain and you had already been in labor for 10 hours without a whole lot of progress.
You were starting to break, and you were contemplating getting the epidural. The pain was getting to be too much, and all you walked was a goddamn nap. You finally told Robin after debating it in your head for an hour, and she simply caressed your cheek and asked if you wanted her to ask for you.
Unfortunately, they ran some tests and determined it would be too dangerous for you to get the epidural and could cause complications. You broke into sobs, you really needed some kind of relief. Robin felt so shitty, she should’ve just sucked it up and been the one to carry the baby so this wouldn’t be happening to you.
She kissed your head and brought you closer, hugging you tight. “I-I can’t…Robin, I can’t do it a-anymore…it hurts” you whimpered, crying into her chest. She rubbed your back softly as she said “I’m so sorry, baby….I’m so fucking sorry”
You did everything you could after that, you walked around the hospital and around your room, you used the birthing ball, you tried every position in the world, you even tried getting in the stupid shower but none of it was helping as much as you wished. The baby kept trying to move and kick which was only causing you more pain.
Eventually you came back to the bed, tears streaming down your cheeks as another contraction tore through you. You yelled out slightly, twisting the bedsheets in your fists as you tried not to scream. You really couldn’t handle the pain, you nearly felt like you were gonna pass out.
“Baby, come on sit back and breathe” Robin sat behind you and you whimpered, groaning as it got worse. You tried to breathe through it but the more you tried to breathe the more you cried and you were having a hard time calming down. “Sweetheart,” Robin said quietly, tears forming in her eyes as you moaned through the pain.
As soon as the contraction ended you started feeling nauseous, and ended up throwing up everything in you. Robin was really starting to get worried, this couldn’t be good. You felt so dizzy after, you nearly passed out but you were using everything you had left in you to stay conscious.
You got more I.V’s and some nurses came in to help massage your back and find the perfect position to help with your pain, and help Robin understand what she can do to help. Sitting on the ground on your knees and leaning your upper body on the birthing ball really helped, and it gave Robin easy access to help support your bump a little and massage your back and hips.
23 god awful hours after your water broke you finally got the go ahead to push, and you quite honestly don’t know how you did it. It got so bad that any time you closed your eyes you would hear Robin scream your name in a panic because she thought you passed out. You were so shaky the whole goddamn time, you were so nervous and so overworked you really needed a damn break.
It took 20 minutes to get her out, and when you did you’d never felt so much relief in your life. Pushing that baby out was the most painful thing you’d ever done in your life, now sobbing into Robins arm as all kinds of pain ripped through you from between your legs, in your back, and the contractions that were supposed to help you push out the placenta.
You wanted to die when they asked you to deliver the placenta, your body was so drained and so tired you wanted to be done with the contractions and the pushing and all this bullshit. “Good job, momma! You barely even tore at all, just need to do a couple little stitches, you did such a good job” the doctor said and you whimpered.
Suddenly it hit you, holy shit you just had a baby. “Mmh- m-my baby- where’s my baby?” You asked frantically, you couldn’t hear her loud screams as she took her firsts breaths anymore and you were scared. “She’s okay, momma bear don’t you worry. We’re just checking on her and making sure she’s healthy that’s all” the pediatric nurse said and you let out a big sigh of relief, still trying to breathe right.
You groaned and said “I h-hate you” Robin’s eyes widened and her heart dropped a little, did you really mean that? “I’m fucking…g-getting stitches on my v-vagina right now…and I can’t breathe, a-and I’m panicking cause I- I can’t hear our baby c-crying even though I know s-she’s okay…and I’m so t-tired. I just want…I w-wanna sleep. But I’m never g-gonna sleep again. All because I-I love you too much s-so I stupidly agreed t-to have a beautiful little b-baby girl with you. So I h-hate you cause you m-made me love you and m-made me do stupid things b-because I love you” you said and she chuckled softly, there you were.
She kissed your head and gasped as they brought the baby over, a nurse helping you pull down your gown to do skin to skin. You thought she’d still had all that gunk on her but they had wiped it off mostly. They gently placed her on your chest, she was just still crying and whimpering and fussing a little but as soon as they placed her on your chest she was cooing and trying to muzzle into your neck.
You gasped, instantly beginning to cry again. You placed your hand on her little back, patting it on instinct and the other on her little head. God, she was tiny but she sure as hell felt huge coming out.
You swore she was gonna come out 20 pounds, there’s no way this tiny little ball of perfection was the thing you had given birth to.
Robin began to cry softly too, stroking your hair and watching you bond with the baby. “S-She’s perfect, y/n. I’m s-so proud of you, baby. I-I’m so goddamn proud. You did a-amazing, look what you made” Robin said softly and you both chuckled. You kissed her little head and smiled, you couldn’t believe you were actually holding your baby girl right now.
Robin had never felt so much love and appreciation for you in her life. You really had been so strong during all of this, even when you were breaking down in her arms wanting to quit and cut her out of you yourself, you kept going for her. Man, was it worth it.
“She knows her momma,” a nurse said softly as she kept cooing, grabbing onto your finger while she was all tucked underneath your chin. Robin wiped a tear off your face and said “can I please get a picture of this?”
You rolled your eyes and said okay, of course you wanted a picture of your first moments with your sweetgirl but you felt and probably looked like shit. You didn’t even care about the pain that you were still very much feeling anymore, you were just focused on the baby now.
“I’m so proud of you too, bubba, for coming out healthy…at least so far, and hopefully forever. You did an amazing job at kicking my ass these last 10 freaking months, I’m so proud of you” you said and everyone laughed. Robin took a few pictures of you and then you let Robin hold her, god you couldn’t stop smiling.
You’d go through all the pain again 1,000 times over just to see Robin's face right now all over again. She was so fucking happy, caressing Jadyn’s cheek and holding her little tiny body in one freaking arm. You grabbed the Polaroid camera and took a picture, and then took a few on your phone.
“She’s beautiful, babe. You did such a good job. Didn’t she, bubba? Didn’t mommy do an amazing job making this cute little face and pushing out this little body and these tiny little hands, and these tiny little feets?” Robin said, it melted your heart to see her talking to the baby already, she was such a natural with her.
Jadyn reached up to try and grab her face, cooing up a storm. Robin smiled and let her do what she wanted, grabbing Robin’s chin lightly and then her lip, patting her cheek a few times. You chuckled and said “sweetgirl, what are you doing to mom?”
“She’s just exploring, that’s all. She’s brand new, babe- oh…hey, she has my eyes” Robin said as she finally opened her eyes wide enough to tell. You smiled and said “really?” “Yea, look,” Robin bent down slightly so you could see and you smiled even more, booping her nose.
A few minutes later they took Jadyn for testing and cleaned you up, putting the massive freaking diaper looking thing on you and helping you get your achy legs out of the stirrups. Holy hell were you sore, you can’t believe it hurt so freaking bad when all it was was that 7 pound 2 ounce little baby. She wasn’t even big, you don’t think you would’ve been able to do it if she was a bigger baby.
You were barely awake now, your eyes unable to open and you only able to see a blur of Robin as you were finally settled, everything was over now and you were only feeling the after pains which weren’t nearly as bad as the contractions. “Babe, come on get some sleep” Robin said and you shook your head.
“The baby…” you whimpered and she sighed. She tucked your hair behind your ear and said “she’s okay…she’s getting her tests done, making sure she really is a perfect and amazing little girl. She’ll be gone for a while, why don’t you sleep?” “I just….” You said and closed your eyes, your grip loosened on her hand and your whole body visibly relaxing.
She smiled and kissed your head, watching you sleep for a while. She really was so fucking proud of you. You’d been up for literally almost 2 and a half days, had been going through all kinds of unbearable pain for 2 days straight on top of all the pain you’d been feeling for 10 exhausting months to have a baby all because she said she wanted one.
She didn’t say she needed one, she didn’t force you to, she didn’t say you had to have her baby. She simply said she wanted one and you barely thought twice before you said yes, and you’d do it as many times as Robin wanted. She was so grateful for you, and to have a partner as loving, supportive, and caring as you are.
Not to mention, you had never ever looked so beautiful in her eyes. You would beg to disagree, dark ass eye bags making you practically look like you have black eyes and greasy hair and flushed cheeks and red rimmed eyes not having you feeling like a supermodel.
She felt so bad when you were only able to get a little over an hour of sleep, because the baby was fussing and the nurses chopped it up to her being hungry and came back so you could breastfeed her. Robin wished she could’ve done it for you, but you were so happy to hold her again, you didn’t care how tired you were.
Robin smiled as she watched you and Jadyn, it seemed like you already knew what to do as the nurse helped you get her to latch for the first time, it only took two tries before she was suckling away for milk. You’d been sort of pumping the last couple days, your boobs so sore and swollen you needed some relief so your milk had pretty much come in already.
You caressed her tiny cheek and as her big, curious eyes stared up at you. “Hi, beautiful…mommy’s precious girl” you whispered, smiling softly. Robin kissed your head and took some pictures, obviously at an angle that didn’t show your boob too much and had it mostly covered by her head.
“So proud of you, baby. Doing so good for mommy” you said and she cooed, wiggling around a little. You let her squeeze your finger, she cooed softly as she started really getting milk. “Poor girl, you must be hungry. Gotta fill this belly up, huh?” You said and poked her tiny tummy as soft as humanly possible.
Robin kissed your head and said “you are so incredible, y/n. Thank you…for everything. Especially our little bundle of perfection. You’re seriously so strong, babe, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to do this” “one of the perks of me doing it first, I’ll probably know how to make things easiest for you if we getting around to having you carry our 2nd baby” you said and she sighed happily, resting her head on top of yours.
“My precious girls…” she whispered softly, wiping away a bit of milk that had leaked from Jadyn’s mouth. You smiled and said “she must be really hungry,” “hey, if I could suck on your boobs right now I’d never stop either” she said and you gasped, looking up at her.
She chuckled and you blushed slightly, looking down at Jadyn again. “Little ears, Robin…god,” you said and Robin laughed a little, running a finger over the little head of hair she had.
“I can’t believe she’s really here. She’s actually real, you know? I mean- I- I know I’ve felt her move and I’ve felt her hands and her head and her feet against my stomach for over half my pregnancy but…I don’t know a part of me always wondered how I could actually just create a human out of a tiny little egg and tiny little sperm and just some empty pouch I have inside me. But now she’s here, and she’s- I mean she’s like…real. She has a brain, and lungs and her own little organs and her own little heart, and all that stuff. I made her. I…I literally made her” you said and Robin chuckled softly.
Robin caressed her cheek and said “I know baby…it is pretty crazy. You did one hell of a job, our baby girl is perfect” You smiled, looking up to kiss her. Jadyn started getting sleepy and pretty much stopped suckling so you gently unlatched her and you let Robin burp her.
“Oh, hi bubba” she said as she gently lifted her out of your arms so you could put your bra back on. She put the burp cloth over her shoulder and rested her in the same spot, patting her back softly. You smiled and grabbed your phone taking a video.
Robin hadn’t realized you were recording, she was too busy kissing Jadyns head and trying to keep her smile from reaching her ears. Jadyn cooed and grabbed Robin's shirt, making her tear up a little. “Hey, hey why are you crying?” You said, forgetting you were still recording.
“Cause I…c-cause we have a baby together” she said and Jadyn cooed. You smiled and said “overwhelming, huh?” Robin nodded and kissed her head again, whimpering softly.
Once she was done Robin laid her little body across her arm and chest so she could watch her, and eventually she fell asleep in her arms. Robin sat next to you and you took a picture of them, little Jadyn all snuggled into Robin as she slept peacefully.
Robin placed her in the hospital bassinet a few minutes later so she could get proper rest and sat next to you again. She cupped your cheek and said “I love you so, so so much. I’m so lucky to call you my wife. What you did was…amazing, sweetheart. I can't tell you enough, I can’t express how proud I am of you”
“I love you too…and I know you are, baby. I’d do it a million times over just to make you happy again” you said and she kissed you softly. You smiled through it and pulled away a few moments later, smiling up at her. You blushed and she opened her arms for you to cuddle into, and you got some more sleep before Jadyn inevitably woke up again.
You didn’t tell the group that she had arrived until you got home two days later, the doctors were just taking precautions and had you stay 48 hours due to your pregnancy and labor and birth being so hard on your body. You were overwhelmingly sore, especially down there but your whole body as well, from being so tense and all that pregnancy pain hadn’t gone away just yet. You couldn’t get enough sleep to recover from it all because of the new baby, even though she was actually a pretty good and quiet baby, taking care of her was still a lot of work.
Plus, Jadyn was brand new and you wanted time for you and Robin to bond with her by yourself so they wouldn’t be allowed to come over for 2 weeks, but you sent them pictures every day and FaceTimed them when you could.
Robin was overjoyed to have everyone meet Jadyn, she was so happy to be a mom and she just kept showing her off like her most prized possession. Max was in shock when you said you’d been in labor for 2 and a half days, she immediately declared she was never having kids.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you watched Robin show her off to Steve. You loved her and Steve’s sibling like relationship, and she was so freaking excited to show Steve what you had done for her. “And y/n did such a good job getting her out…didn’t she? Didn’t mommy do so well?” she said, kissing Jadyn’s cheek.
Robin had so much energy, even though you both were getting the same amount of sleep she was bouncing off the walls while you were ready for another nap.
Nancy came over and you compared birth stories parts of your pregnancies, and she even brought over some of James’s old stuff and most of it was gender neutral anyways but neither of you would have cared if it was blue. Unsurprisingly, Jadyn eventually wanted to nurse after a while so you went to the nursery to feed her whilst you heard Robin going on and on about how perfect Jadyn was and how incredible you were doing.
God, you fucking loved her.
There was somebody who commented on my post about this story and if you comment I automatically assume you are like super excited about it so, @averagestudent03 here you go
Taglist: @amberputh
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I need to see Nancy meet one night stand Reader😂 i just wanna see how it goes.
Hiii babes!! We’ll ask and you shall receive 😂 I hope you enjoy these conversations! I also added Max and Robin into the mix as well just to get that outta the way!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
-also reminder you’re not very nice(yet) in this series so like…there’s that😂🙈
*Eddie just wants you to meet some of his friends and per usual you’re not really in the mood*
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“Hey I’m Nancy…it’s uhm great to finally meet you.” “Yeah? Why is it so great?” “Jesus can you be nice for like five minutes? Please?” “Fuck off Eddie and leave me alone…I don’t need a damn babysitter to meet your friends.” “Fine I’ll just…be over there…sorry in advance if she makes you cry.” “Uh…okay…” “It’s nice to meet you…so uhm you’re Will’s older sister?” “Uhm close I’m Mike’s older sister….” “Sorry they all kinda blend in…can I ask you a question?” “Sure sure yeah…go ahead.” “You get your car worked on a lot?” “What? My…car? No not really…oh that’s right I saw you at Eddie’s work the other day.” “Yeah I saw you too…have you two…hooked up or anything?” “Me and Eddie? God no…no no never…ever.” “Why’d you say it like…that?” “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude but uhm no Eddie and I are just friends…I uh did date Steve…for a bit.” “Snackless Steve? You dated him?….yeah I guess I can see why Eddie isn’t your type then.” “Snackless Steve?” “Long story…gotta save it for the next time we see each other or we won’t have anything to talk about.” “Right…..”
“It’s Robin right?” “Yes that’s me…you waiting for Eddie?” “Yes he told me to come to family video and wait with Robin until he gets here.” “What’s with the step by step instructions? He think you’re five or something?” “He does it because he knows it annoys me…” “ah…got it…so…what’s it like?” “What’s what like?” “Well having Eddie’s baby and having to deal with…all that.” “I haven’t had the baby yet so I don’t know what that’s going to be like…I’m assuming it’s going to suck ass…as far as dealing with Eddie I try to limit the time we spend together but it’s hard because he always wants to be around me…he’s fucking clingy.” “Yes! I knew it wasn’t just me! He’s like a damn spider monkey…doesn’t know personal space at all.” “Exactly…oh I think that’s him.” “Did he just-” “honk at me again asshole and I’m slashing your tires and calling Wayne.” “I like you.” “Thanks…you’re not terrible either.” “I’ll take that.”
“So he really knocked you up huh?” “He did…but he’s not…totally horrible.” “That’s good…but if he ever gets mean let me know and I’ll shove a potato in his exhaust pipe.” “I appreciate that…sorry what’s your name again?” “I’m Max…I live just over there…whats he doing anyway?” “He has convinced himself he can build a backseat in the van for a car seat…” “that’s…not going to work.” “Yeah he’s kinda an idiot…” “you sure know how to pick ‘em…” “it was dark and I was drunk okay?” “Son of a bitch…what the fucking hell…” “that’s my queue…gotta go tell him he’s a dumbass…nice talking to you Max.” “Yeah same…see you around.”
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wroteclassicaly · 1 month
Daddy Steve
(Steve Harrington x Female Reader)
Summary: Steve finds out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Language, hurt/comfort, best-friends to lovers, Daddy!Steve, mentions loss of virginity, alludes to smut, nausea, throwing up, and pregnancy stuff.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
A/N: Ever since that Daddy Steve comment in season three, my brain can’t get a breeding kink addicted Steve outta my filthy ass head! And thus, I bring you more trash that you didn’t ask for, lol!! I might do a part two with smut?? Enjoy! - Kristen <3
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“C’mon, you love this stuff, honey,” Steve mumbles around a mouthful of buttery popcorn.
You’re smashed between him and your shared best-friend, Robin Buckley—on the sofa, watching some newly released horror film that went straight to video, and right into Steve’s VCR. You have to fight everything inside of you not to gag on the smell of popped kernels, urges to inhale, an automatic reflex that only serves to make your predicament worse. Robin wrinkles her nose in distaste, reaching across you and shoving his wrist away.
“Because having greasy ass butter on your chin is really encouraging her to try it out, Harrington.”
“Mhm,” You say, a half whimper slipping out. Your stomach rolls, making you automatically grip onto your baggy denim over shirt, the small swelling of your tummy a comfort.
Fuck the morning sickness… when did this start happening?
Robin’s eyes glance at you with a pitying worry, raising a brow in silent communication. You shake your head, giving her an ‘I’m fine’ signal, dodging Steve’s last classic film snack advance. When you catch sight of his tongue working to clean off his mouth’s corner, that ache teeters between your thighs, a rush of words tumbling off your lips.
“I have to go pee.” You scramble from the couch, nearly tripping over worn converse in the process.
And, as it turns out, your excuse is an even more idiotic thing to say. Steve’s voice halts you in your footfalls.
“Again? That’s like, the fifth time in an hour. And unless you’re chugging from some secret flask, I haven’t seen you drink much of anything, either.”
“Dude, do not ever question a woman again about her bathroom habits, okay?” Robin interjects, giving him the Robin look.
“If she’s on her period she can just tell us that. You think I give a crap? We’re all friends here.” Steve shrugs a shoulder, tossing the empty popcorn bag down and ducking his salty fingers into his mouth with a delectable ‘pop’.
You’re momentarily lost within the realm of your raging hormones. Your doctor had told you to expect fluctuating moods, surprising shifts in your appetite; sexually, emotionally, physically, and nutrition wise. That explains why you’re always stealing Dustin’s sour candy and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter at 3:00 AM, crying at reruns of Cheers, and currently ogling your best-friend like he’s always been yours, and isn’t currently pining for someone else. Steve isn’t yours, despite what he’s put inside of you after one needy night together. His dark irises suddenly find you gawking, leaving him confused.
The way his nose is shaped, his jawline structure, that delicious neck he permitted you to mark at one point, that gorgeously soft hair you spent all night pulling, to that sinfully beautiful mouth—you’re speechless and very overwhelmed.
I need him…
He starts to move, but you hold up a hand. That would be sensory overload. “I should definitely go home after. I’ve got an early shift at the store tomorrow.” You lie.
“After what? Peeing?” Steve laughs.
Another ever changing hormone snaps your irritation, causing you to roll your eyes, desire lightly dissipating. “Obviously. That cool with you, King Harrington? Or do you need to further bore me with your pathetic excuse for a movie pick?”
Robin starts to edge back from Steve, his own anger at your snapping at him seeping through, coming off him in dangerous waves.
“Okay, what is with this goddamned attitude? We always watch bullshit movies and you’ve never complained about it before!”
“Mr. Former Prom King isn’t keen on attitudes now? Sounds like a problem that’s not mine.” You push, unable to stop yourself. After all, it’s better than feeling like garbage listening to him go on and on about Nancy, not even knowing he took your virginity and got you pregnant in one go.
If Steve could tuck his eyebrows into his hairline then they’d be there. His hands pinch his hips, lips pursed as he’s clenching his teeth.
“You know what, you should leave. Between your bitching, constant bathroom breaks, and acting too stuck up to watch a movie and eat some popcorn with your friends, you’re not much fun to be around anyways.”
“Steve!” Robin scolds.
“What? Princess is allowed to act like she’s too good to hang out lately and we can’t be upset about it?” Steve motions to you with a tipped hand.
There’s a burning brimming your eyes before you can stop it. You’d prefer the anger. Steve’s hands tighten at his sides, jaw twitching, a biting question, battling his urges to comfort you and apologize for upsetting you. “Why are you even crying right now?”
“Let’s all just calm down and breathe, okay?” Robin stands now, tiptoeing to meet in the middle of you.
“I was calm. I think you need to talk to her about all this. As a matter of fact, call her tomorrow after I call her a cab and she leaves, because I know she’s not working in the morning, and she just lied to our faces.” Steve adds.
Your face flushes, stomach tightening. That sickness is overpowering you, taking control. You can’t stop that watering in your eyes, blurring your vision, making your two best-friends blobs in the distance. They start arguing back and forth, Steve’s evident confusion at Robin defending your behavior, and Robin pleading with him to give you a break. You don’t say anything, but turn on your heel and make the walk down the hallway, barricading yourself in the bathroom and taking care of your pressing bladder, head in your hands as you silently cry.
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Being a simple band geek that harbored a crush on Steve for years, turning into his best-friend too when you and Robin began working at the mall with him, to leaning on each other when Starcourt fell into shambles and monsters became very real to you, finalizing one shared night three months ago—it all happened so fast. Steve never said anything more after, just thanked you for being there for him and checked in on you with phone calls and a work chat. You couldn’t bear staying with him that night, either, so you had left, leaving your virginity and your scent behind on Steve’s sheets. You wanted to, you needed him as much as he had to have you, but you weren’t sure how to feel about it, and Robin had picked it up right away—scolding you, before asking how it was and if you were alright. She’s been there for you through it all, and you’re double on the guilt at dragging her into this mess.
“Honey?” A heavy rasping of knuckles and a deep voice, a softer tone is sighing out on the other side.
You imagine him in that Steve Harrington lean, his ankle crossed over the other, palm on the framework, posture leaning into the doorway. Heaving out a breath you shouldn’t have held, you finish and wash your hands, throat constricting around a painful gulp as you unlatch the lock and pull open the door.
You’re right.
His lips making that familiar motion, dark eyes saddened, worried, guilt ridden. You don’t even let him speak, locking your arms around his striped clad waist, arms sliding down, wrists brushing his leather belt. You inhale his laundry detergent, cologne spritzed scent, sniffling your apologies in quiet words. He lets you go on, pulling away a minute later to grip your shoulders, squeezing. “If you are on your period… or you’re upset about something, or I pissed you off, will you please talk to me?”
Your heartbeat gallops full speed ahead, thrumming sporadically against your throat. “I’m not on my period, Steve.” The words feel dry, your lips too chapped to even speak.
“Then what is it, and why can you tell Robin but not me?” He sounds hurt. Really hurt.
You find yourself at a loss, tongue stumbling to scrape up scraps of words. Nothing comes.
“She hasn’t told me shit, but I know that she knows what’s going on?”
You escape his words, chickening out. “My cab ride will probably be here soon, I better go.”
“I never called a cab.” Steve crosses his arms over his chest now. “And I wasn’t going to, you just pissed me off.”
“Yeah, well… ditto.” You snark, not meaning to.
“Okay, care to share why? Because I do everything I can to make sure you’re safe and you’re smiling. It makes me feel like shit when you feel like shit.”
Every scenario you imagined telling Steve about carrying his baby in, you never thought it would be him hovering over your blubbering, nauseated, hot mess form. But as you look into those eyes of his—glittering with undiluted concern, pulse vibrating off your lungs, ping ponging off your jugular, the words come on their own.
“I’m pregnant.”
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That very popular symptom of sickness overtakes you, having you abandoning Steve in the doorway with your confession, your knees hitting the floor, head over the toilet bowl as it all comes out. And you sob. Over exerted from physical exhaustion, mentally tired over a guilty conscious, and ready to go to sleep—you pathetically cling to the Harrington’s guest toilet, panting, mouth wet, trembling hand reaching for your hair, only to be swept away. When you look up your heart takes a painful blow, stuttering in your chest. Steve’s eyes are watering, teeth gnawing on his lower lip.
He looks wounded, defeated. Like you kicked him into a gutter and left him there. Alone.
Still, he helps you lean back, stretching his long arm to flush the toilet and reach for a decorative hand towel, using the bathtub faucet behind him to wet it and press it along your forehead, edging down your neck, finally cleaning your mouth. He’s so gentle, so delicate in his touches, aside from his own emotions. You grip his wrist, seeing the dried tears matting his gorgeous lashes, holding his hand in yours. “I’m sorry.”
“How long have you known?” Is all he can croak, voice shaky and damp. He settles back against the wall, you following suit, still holding his hand in yours.
“Two months.”
“We had sex three months ago.” He reminds you, as if maybe he’s unsure how to approach it.
He remembers?
“I found out when I was already four weeks. Besides, it can’t be anyone else’s when I’ve only slept with you.”
“But we were just together for one night.” He looks confused, scrubbing a hand over his face, sniffing.
“Yeah, Steve, we were.” You hope to god that he gets the message without you having to say it.
It takes him moments, which feel like eternity. And then you are very aware of his pointed stare. “Are you telling me I’ve been the only guy to ever take you to bed?”
“Looks like it. Congrats.” You mutter, lifting your knees, an indulging stance your little swollen bump won’t let you complete. You grab over it, an instinctive reaction. Steve’s directing a watchful eye over your bulky denim, swallowing, his words coming out meek, gently. “Can I see?”
You look like a deer caught in headlights, moving to drop his hand, but he holds on, fingertips drawing circles over the back of your palm. “It’s okay.”
It relaxes you enough to agree, using your right hand to lift the denim, your simple lavender top stretched over the small swell that’s nestled at your navel, expanding towards your hips. You feel Steve move your joined hands over the fabric, scraping, scratching, dipping down underneath the bottom, hovering. “It won’t hurt it if I feel, right?”
This makes you laugh softly, shaking your head. “You didn’t pay attention in health class at all, did you?” At his exasperated dumbfounded look, you continue. “S’ okay, Steve. Just please don’t push on anything, because I can’t promise you the front of your shirt won’t look like the Exorcist after.”
“That bad, huh?” He questions, sincerity dripping through his words.
“You have no idea.” You help him raise your tee beneath your breasts, that cute and developing bump in all its glory. Your skin, already getting a couple more stretch marks, shines in the low light of the bathroom, your breathing and Steve’s all that is audible.
Times like this you wish you had your Polaroid to take his absolutely fascinated stare in. His big hand closes over it, pressing feather light, his watch showing 10:01 PM. It feels so damned good to have him know, to have someone touching you like this. And oddly… it’s as if this is how it should always be.
Steve is on the precipice of unknown, a possessive derailment wiggling its way into his normally calm exterior. His baby. Parts of him that fused with parts of you, growing an entire human being. And the sheer fact that you’re swollen with his child? He has to fight every way that pummels a fire into the pit of his stomach.
“I took your virginity when we made this?” He is marveling.
You clear your throat, embarrassed. “You did.”
He sniffles once more, then he’s palming circles across your stomach, before respectfully tugging your shirt down and adjusting it. He makes a move to halt you from shaking the denim back down. “You don’t have to hide it anymore. Please, don’t.”
You give a watery look of incredulous admiration, grateful he’s still the Steve Harrington you have come to know.
And love…
But he doesn’t have to be privy to that part.
“They said I should be able to hear its heartbeat next week.” A lightened load off your chest has you audibly relaxing against Steve’s shoulder—unintentional, but natural—his arm resting around your shoulders, kneading out mounts of week long tension.
“How big is it? I mean… can they tell?” His fascinating questionnaires have you giddy.
Ever the inquiring man.
You move your neck from side to side, attempting to fixate on the knots, trying to get some squeeze off your muscles. Steve takes notice immediately, his fingers tucking beneath your shirt collar, pinching your flesh and rolling it under his easy grip. “Don’t worry, I got you. How’s that?”
“Mhm, s’ good, Stevie.” His nickname tumbles free, making him squeeze you affectionately. “A plum, by the way.”
He does rear back this time, bewildered, a ‘huh’ pressed into the line between his brows.
You laugh, his ministrations on your neck’s nape continuing. “The baby. It’s the size of a plum, is the way they described it to me. Or whatever I wanna think of that is that size.”
“Can I come?” When you frown, he’s quick to continue, his voice a raspy whisper, still tear-dampened. “To the appointment, I mean.”
You won’t deny how your heart is racing, how his wanting to be involved is both scary and welcomed, but you’re also on the defense, walls up. You can only imagine what his parents will think, what everyone will think. And Nancy… You don’t want to ruin anyone’s future from one one sided night of meaningless sex.
Steve can see the wheels turning in your head, your muscles tensing beneath his touch. It’s a bit frightening.
“I didn’t need anyone’s permission in deciding to have or keep this baby, Steve. I don’t expect any help, I don’t want any pity support. I’ll be fine on my own.”
The familiarity of descending guilt slaps you in the face, Steve’s shocked look peppering his features. “You think I don’t want to help with my own baby? You think I’m that much of a fucking douchebag?!” He stands now, hands on his hips in that stern way.
You too attempt to stand, gripping the empty towel rack to keep steady. “I didn’t know if that’s what you’d want, Steve. We’re both still so young. It’s my body, so the decision to carry our child was up to me. If I wasn’t going to, I still would’ve told you. As for helping? Like I said, we’re both young and you’re attached… elsewhere.” You try, carefully avoiding her name. “S’ not like I was excited to be the Midwest mom that traps the former heartthrob.”
“Then that would make me the Midwest dad that should’ve worn a condom and taken care of you more. If we’re sharing blame here, let’s even it out.”
You’re very aware he meant something else, but it brings you right back to being beneath him, your legs wide open, thighs trembling, hands holding purchase, unsure, going with him, letting Steve lead. That burning loss of feeling Steve Harrington between your thighs is enough to cause you to squeeze your legs, drawing his attention. And whatever this fresh feeling is, he seems to be feeling it too.
Steve lets his arm shift, fingers combing your hair back behind your ear. “You thinkin’ about it?”
You’re pitifully admitting, hands cupping his back as you slink into his embrace. It’s warm, it’s safe, it’s Steve Harrington. There will be a time for talking, but now isn’t it, now is soaking each other in, being together, with your baby boy or girl.
“I’m thinking a lot of things.” Is your answer, but it’s enough for him to remember how you felt that night, the way you gave yourself to him and stayed right there with him.
There’s a soft air around you both, seemingly helping ward off your aching insides, letting the nausea vanish. Your hand wraps itself over the swell, Steve watching in admiration, hand lowering onto your own. It’s back and forth grins, and you’re pulling away as you remember Robin is still in the living room. Stepping forward and out of Steve’s too warm for your hormones to handle embrace, you turn on the bathroom faucet to wash your hands and cup some water into them, drinking and swishing the nasty taste out. Steve doesn’t take his eyes off you, even as you both find your shared best-friend in living room, brow raised in concern and amusement.
Your bump is on full display and she is shaking her short mane, eyeing Steve’s doe eyed gaze, the color on his cheeks. “Aww, congrats, Daddy Dingus.”
You burst into laughter, full on.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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Chapter Two: Miscommunication
summary: times goes on, and so do you. but what happens when you bump into the one person you thought you would never see again? (6k words)
eddie munson x pregnant!reader || strangers to friends to lovers, unplanned pregnancy, and then they were roommates, forced proximity.
warnings: sickness (r morning sickness); mention of drugs; mention of child abuse.
mini series masterlist
previous chapter || next chapter
Life didn’t magically stop merely because Eddie had ended up being completely different than who you thought he was. Still, nothing quite eased the ache of knowing you’d foolishly trusted another person who’d only gone and let you down. And even so, you quarreled daily with the fact Eddie didn’t really owe you or this baby anything. He’d done as you’d asked; he’d provided an outlet that afternoon, had loved you in the dark — for a little while. You often fought the urge to blame yourself for believing the front he’d put on. The whole ‘I don’t do this often.’
Because apparently he had, based on the fact he’d needed you to remind him more than once who you were. It wasn’t like it was often one found a woman dressed in a Princess Buttercup costume, and then proceeded to go back to a hotel with said woman.
You could do this on your own. Had convinced yourself of as much when you’d started looking for places to move. The only thing was…the city proved to be expensive. It had been one thing having joint salaries when you’d lived with Paul to help cover the cost of rent. Now you had another eventual mouth to feed, a baby to clothe in a few months time, and other expenses to think about like diapers and car seats and furniture.
Two weeks after you’d told Eddie about the baby and he’d essentially shot you down, you’d gotten a phone call from Robin Buckley. You had spent years together in acting classes at your college in the city a few years ago. Became fast friends back in the day and still kept up with one another. It just so happened, when you’d caught her up on life, that she had a basement apartment at her friend Steve’s place that he and his wife, Chrissy, rented out to her. Side entrance, privacy, and apparently a pull out couch in the living area that you could crash on until you found an apartment of your own.
You hated the idea of putting her out like that, but she insisted. And soon enough you shared teary goodbyes in Micah’s living room, her arms around your form, as Jeremiah clapped you on the back. They both wished you well and promised to call, and you hopped in the car and watched as the city faded into nothingness behind you.
Cityscapes and towering buildings turned into endless trees and charming Mom and Pop shops. Busy intersections became citizens walking their dogs and running on side streets. It even smelled different, the air cleaner and crisper somehow, not bogged down by car fumes and smoke.
The Harrington home was beautiful. Large, imposing walls. Gorgeous interior filled to the brim with countless photos of Chrissy and Steve throughout the years. Married for the past two of them, and sickly in love judging by the way they answered the door together, Steve’s arm around his wife, with Chrissy bouncing a baby girl with sandy blonde hair on her hip as you’d entered.
The immediate thought of Eddie’s dark hair knocked the wind out of you — the realization your own child might have his hair. Dark ringlets, and chocolate brown eyes. You hated that you even cared. It had been one night, and even if it had changed nearly everything for you, it meant nothing to him. He’d made that part very clear.
That first evening spent in Hawkins was done so around their dinner table. Steve had put together some pasta and meatballs, and you all chatted about your lives. You, and your old job, of which Steve snapped his fingers together immediately and suggested you come work at the high school where they’d needed some help in the library.
Robin seemed so hopeful for you, eyes shining as he told you, “See — it’s all gonna work out, babe. I told you.”
The apartment itself wasn’t large or anything. An open space for the most part, with a connected living room and kitchen. Robin had the closed off bedroom, and there was a makeshift bathroom with a small shower stall inside, and not nearly spacious enough. But it would do for now, and was way more than you could have ever hoped for or expected.
Your first purchases had been some clear tote boxes to keep stored away under your pullout bed. One for your clothes, one for the clothes you thrifted for the baby, and one for the miscellaneous items here and there like toiletries, diapers, your shampoos and conditioners and make up. It wasn’t much, and you’d likely run out of room soon, but it worked for now.
Those first two weeks passed in a blur. As promised, Steve was able to get you in for an interview at the high school library. It paid well enough, came with health insurance, and time off for maternity leave — though you didn’t know how they knew you’d need it, but you’d like to thank them if you ever found out. As you exited, you happened upon Steve and Chrissy’s awaiting stares, her excited giggling bursting to life when you’d said you were hired and would start that following Monday.
Later, as you all shared yet another celebratory dinner — this time for your new job position — and your baby decided it definitely didn’t like meatloaf, you stumbled into Chrissy on your way out of the bathroom, the back of your hand pressed to your mouth. Her eyes were soft as she led you back over to sit on the edge of the shower and fumbled around in her cabinet for something wrapped in a tiny package.
“Apparently ginger helps with the nausea,” she explained as your eyes widened at the wrapped candy settled in your palm. Confusion lined your furrowed brows and she continued, “For the morning sickness.”
“Oh — I-I’m…”
“It’s okay, you know. I kind of figured it out right away. Steve says I have a sense for these things.” She settled down on the toilet beside you, her knee knocking against the outside of your jean-clad thigh. “Is the father not…”
“No.” It came out as a shaky exhale, heart thumping loudly in your ears. “He’s not around, no. It’s just us.”
“Then you’ll stay,” she urged, reaching across your lap to clasp her hand around yours. “For as long as you need, okay?”
Life settled into a new normalcy. You went to work every morning, waved to your new coworkers as you passed, and began learning the names of the dozens of kids that would filter in and out of the library. And during your lunch breaks, you’d often walk around the track with Steve, talking to him about your day, his day, the weather. Trivial things, but it brought you comfort. A sense of familiarity in the unfamiliar you found yourself in.
The holidays, though different this year, were spent with people who wanted the best for you. Chrissy and Steve had been kind enough to buy you a basket of things for the baby, and Robin had as well, trying to lighten the burden however they could.
It was right around that time you’d learned Steve not only had Melody as a daughter, but a gaggle of twenty-something’s that Robin joked he’d been something of a mother hen to. They welcomed you into the fold without question, excited to have a new friend in their close-knit group.
It was also during those initial weeks you’d spent hours talking to Micah and Jere about how you really thought this was the best decision for your life right now. That you needed this change. And they promised to come visit often when you had your own place, especially since Micah insisted she planned on ‘spoiling the hell out of her niece or nephew.’
Soon enough, unfamiliar streets became solidified in your memory. You learned the best coffee shops and the shortest routes to get places you needed to go. You realized the next door neighbor, Tabitha, always walked her dogs at two in the afternoon and waved as she passed every time. That Pete down the street had the freshest veggie garden every spring and summer, and he promised he’d give you his extras when the seasons got warmer. You even enjoyed your coworkers. Appreciated their presence and help as you acquainted yourself with the school setting, and looked out for you like you'd been there for years.
Hawkins became a home. You didn’t know how or when, but it had. And it was then you finally allowed yourself to pause in front of your bathroom mirror one evening. To stop and stare at the reflection there, turning to the side, curiously tracing the space presently unchanged. Tried to imagine your empty arms being full in a few months, tried to imagine their little face. Tiny hands and little toes, the only person who knew what your heart sounded like from the inside.
They’d be yours and they’d be happy, growing up in a place where they’d only know love, and that’s all you ever wanted.
As the weeks progressed and 1994 bled into 1995, you progressed. Eyes drifted in supermarkets, trailed over the girl with no husband in tow. A bunch of close-minded town folk. Mother’s seemed to eye you wearily as you walked, children tugged closer to their side. Whispered when your back was turned to friends, asking quietly if you were simply gaining weight only in your middle of if you had some sort of scandalous secret, reaching up to grab canned soup or Robin’s favorite snacks.
It happened to be the only thing you didn’t like about Hawkins. The fact your business quickly became everyone else’s business. It was bad enough that you worked with teenagers these days. Many of whom preferred coming into the library lately to merely talk to someone they saw as closer in age, and therefore their personal information dump. You gave little more than properly timed nods and gentle reassurances, before you wished them on their way back to whatever classes they seemed intent on skipping.
Luckily, as the holidays came and went, you had the fortune of your increasingly close knitted friend group that consisted of Steve, Chrissy, and Robin — as well as the youngest Harrington, Melody.
Melody with her bright laughter and wispy curls, who reminded you constantly of who you were doing this all for. Uprooting your life, making changes, doing what you wanted to for once. That same little presence that had made itself more prominently known those weeks, current jeans swapped for ones you thrifted at the local store that accommodated the small bump that had decided would no longer be confined to your old clothes. That same little presence your thumb brushed over as you stood in the cereal aisle with Robin and held aloft a box, asking if you needed anymore back at the apartment.
“I mean, we already have two boxes, babe,” she said, shrugging, “but if you’re craving it, buy it. I don’t wanna mess with those angry hormones or whatever you got going on right now.”
“I don’t get angry.” The petulant pout on your lips spoke otherwise.
“You cried when I drank the last of the coffee the other morning —”
“That’s different,” you grumbled, tossing the box into the shopping cart. “I think we got everything. Is there anything else that you can th —”
“Robin Buckley in the flesh. Get your ass over here right now, I missed you so fucking much.”
You stiffened on the spot, heart clenching tight within your chest. You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think, couldn’t move, couldn’t utter a word. The voice had come from behind you, but the realization dawned instant. The timbre of it, the inflection of his words, the jovial nature and affection lacing the sentiment toward your friend.
And Robin understood. You watched as clarity drained her features, a sickly pale color overtaking her cheeks. As her mouth dropped open and she glanced over your shoulder to offer him a smile. You’d never told your friends much about the father. Hadn't even so much as uttered his name once since he’d hung up the call. Had only said he’d been someone you knew briefly and never saw again. Someone who’d known about the baby, and yet wanted nothing to do with it, sparing you from further heartbreak in some ways by rejecting you both outright. Now he was here, standing behind you in the cereal aisle in Hawkins, no longer in California.
With the tip of your head, you muttered, “I’m fine. Go say hi.”
Head bowing over the railing of your shopping cart, you listened as Robin and Eddie’s laughter filled the aisle. As he likely picked her up and spun her around, based on the sudden thump of feet you heard a short while after.
“And who is your friend here?” he asked, stepping closer to you. And when you turned, he stiffened, voice a little high and tight as he choked, “Buttercup?”
“It’s me,” you offered weakly, feeling very much like you’d stepped into an episode of The Twilight Zone. “Guess you’re back from California.”
The words came out harsher than you intended. Barbed in a way that felt unfamiliar to you. Especially with Robin standing uncomfortably in the distance, shifting on the balls of her feet, eyes dancing between the two of you like she didn’t know who she should focus her attention on solely.
“And you’re…here. In Hawkins,” he murmured, sounding a little breathless, hand reaching out to touch like he thought you might float away into the wind before his eyes. You didn’t even think he noticed what he was doing, but you stepped back all the same, an arm coming to cross over your chest, head angling away from him. “I, uhm. Sorry, sorry — can we talk?”
Hurt seared anew in your chest, eyes meeting Robin’s briefly. The other woman shrugged, and you faced Eddie once more. “I don’t know what we could possibly —”
“Five minutes,” he offered, biting at his bottom lip. “Just…five minutes.”
“I’ll go up front to check out. Give me the car keys,” Robin said, just as your resolve crumbled a bit and you dipped your head curtly. You did as told and she flashed you a weak smile, pushing the cart along. Her head whirled around. “Don’t forget you have an appointment soon. I’ll come get you if you’re still talking after five minutes.”
“Thanks, Rob. We won’t be long, don't worry.”
You waved, following Eddie out the sliding front doors to the supermarket, stomach lodged high in your throat.
Of all the things you imagined he might say if you saw him again, “You know, I really hoped you’d call,” was definitely not one of them. And it was exactly what he’d said as you stepped out into the street, tugging your winter coat tighter to your body to block out the chill in the air.
Hot anger pooled in your veins. Fists balled up at your sides. Those angry hormones Robin spoke of? You felt them building at his statement, forming a cyclone of whirling emotion, anger like acid on your tongue as you snapped back, “Are you kidding me? I did call you, Eddie. I fucking called you to tell you I was pregnant and you hung up on me. I can’t believe you just said that. You know, I already thought you were an asshole, but that took the —”
You’d started walking away from him, wanting to run back inside the store and pretend this whole ordeal had never happened. Five minutes had been a joke, you’d only made it thirty seconds before he’d gone and opened his mouth and infuriated you further than you already had been toward the man.
But then you heard it. The choked whoosh of breath, the wobbly, “What did you just say?”
There was another sharp inhale of breath. Staggered, like he’d suffered through it, his palm coming to rest over his sternum. Fear propelled you toward him, a hand coming to rest over his back as he hunched forward a bit, trying to catch his breath.
“Eddie…what’s happening right now?” Your voice was so quiet you worried he might not have heard you over the harsh gasps he tried to draw into ragged lungs.
Something like a moaned curse ripped from his lips and he dropped down into a crouch, back against a lamppost, seemingly the only thing holding him upright. You got down on your knees in front of him, rubbing along the taut muscles of his shoulders, tensed in his panic.
“Hey…” you whispered, completely confused as to what the hell was going on. And yet, he looked so broken, forehead on his knees, arms around his shins, trying to get a hold of himself. “Deep breaths, okay? Follow me.”
He listened to your words as you coached him through a few deeper breaths. Watched as his shoulders loosened up, as his lungs started to expand further, and the wheezing died down into a quiet whisper. Finally, he looked upward — at you, at your face, and your own breath faltered. Watery, his eyes were watery and you could see the confusion there. The unfathomable and unimaginable hurt.
“Why…why does it seem like this is the first time you’re…hearing this…”
“Because it is, god damn it,” he groaned. “Did you really think — you thought — I wouldn’t have —”
“I don’t really even know you,” you retaliated, following after him as he shot up and began walking the opposite direction of the store you’d come from. “Will you slow down?!”
“Should I be concerned that there’s a woman chasing you across the parking lot, Munson?” Robin barked out a laugh, pushing your shared cart along the parking lot, stopping when she reached where you presently stood, watching Eddie walk back and forth, still trying to gather himself. To you, she whispered, “Is he okay?”
“I’m…I’m not sure,” you said, frowning when he turned back around and brushed the back of his hand along his eyes, then glanced down at your midsection, hidden behind the layers of your now zipped jacket. “Hey, Eddie? I think we need to go somewhere and talk.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding, those curls around his shoulder bobbing with the movement, “yeah, I think we can start there.”
“I have an hour before my doctor’s appointment,” you told him, then glanced at Robin. “If Eddie drives me to the diner, can you drive my car? And I can always walk to my doctor’s office.”
“I’m not making you walk in the cold.” Eddie shook his head. “I’ll — I can drop you off or something.”
Robin took your keys hesitantly, eying you both once more. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Robin asked you quietly. At your nod, she added, “This doesn’t sound like Eddie if he’s who I’m thinking he is. He’s a good guy, babe. Just…maybe hear him out, okay? No angry hormones.”
“No angry hormones,” you promised, and watched as Eddie and Robin loaded up your trunk with the groceries you bought.
Once your friend pulled out of the parking lot, it was time for you to climb into Eddie’s van. He rushed around to open the door for you, and held a hand out as you clambered up on in, heart thudding at the fleeting contact with the man after two months without. Hated that even now you felt that immediate rush, the jolt in your system that you’d felt that night.
He hopped in on the other side and watched your face as you angled your head over your shoulder at the back of the vehicle. Your yet unvoiced immediate thoughts as you took in your surroundings were quieted by his rapidly uttered, “I…can make it safer. For —” He glanced down again, “well, you know.”
Uncomfortable silence settled over the vehicle, the gentle hum of whatever music Eddie had put on immediately lowered when you jolted to life at the first blaring notes that spilled out. Scenery fluttered on by as your forehead pressed against the glass window, fingers curled into a fist on your lap, tension roiling in your form.
The diner appeared out of the corner of your eye, its neon glowing sign declaring they were open twenty four hours catching your eye as you dropped down from the passenger side door and joined Eddie on the sidewalk. He opened the door for you as you both approached and helped pull out a chair, that boyish smile on his face you so vividly remembered playing on his lips as he dropped down across from you and asked the nearest waitress for some water and a set of menus.
“I just want a giant plate of fries,” you groaned, practically tasting them in all their potatoey goodness.
“And a plate of fries for the lady, please!” Eddie called out just before the waitress slipped out of earshot. “I…it’s good to see you. You look great.”
“You too.” Your fingers balled up your straw wrapper, rolled it along the table mindlessly. “So, I guess we should rip the bandaid off and start at the beginning?”
“Beginning is good.”
“About a month after we’d been together I started feeling sick. So naturally I went to the doctor and, well, surprise.” You gestured vaguely to your form. “That’s when I called you. Or I thought I did? But the look on your face back there….Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” He laughed, a dark sounding laugh that made your fingers twitch around your glass, refraining from reaching over to comfort the man. “You tried to tell me. Fuck — I’m going to find out who it was. But you have to know I’d never just…abandon my kid. Please know that. I might be scared as shit, but I wouldn’t abandon them like that. Wouldn’t abandon their mother like that either.”
“So you’re okay with it?” Fear gripped your chest, head lifting to look at him over the top of your glass of water. “Because you’re oddly calm about this at the moment and I just want to remind you this isn’t some kind of thing someone can half commit to. I — we have at least eighteen years ahead of us.”
“I understand that,” he said earnestly, an edge of harshness to his tone. His eyes narrowed a bit. “My dad was a piece of shit. I’m not about to follow in his footsteps.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, swallowing thickly, “I didn’t mean to insinuate anything by it. I’m just —”
“You’re a mother, I get it.”
It was the first time someone acknowledged it. The first time maybe you’d even acknowledged it. A mother; you were a mother. Not going to be — a present state.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“I…I want to be there. In any way that I can. I know you’re doing most of the work right now, but I want you to know I’m here.” He exhaled deeply, hand coming to swipe over his jaw, rubbing gently. “I want to be here. For you,” he glanced down, “and them.”
“Okay. I guess we’re doing this.”
“We’re doing this,” he agreed.
Silence settled over the two of you as a waitress appeared with your drinks and the plate of fries you decided you might as well share with Eddie. You wanted it to be awkward. Wanted it to be stilted, but he was just as charming as the night you’d first met him. Boisterous laughter, jokes that made your sides hurt, wide grins that made something swoop low in your belly.
“How was California?”
“Good — warmer than here at least. We recorded the album and we’re really happy with the result. It’s very true to our roots, which is what we wanted,” he said, tossing another fry into his mouth. “We might do a tour, but we have a year. Which…works out, given our current circumstances. Just how pregnant are you right now anyway?”
“Four months,” you told him, sipping at your water.
“How are you feeling?”
“Uhm, in the beginning I was really sick. But luckily the past couple of weeks have been better,” you explained, offering him a smile when he grimaced. “I have pictures. I’ve kept copies in my bag…it’s silly, I know. Do you want to see them?”
“Can I?” He pressed his fist to his mouth as you slipped your hand into your pocketbook and fished out the small black and white images of varying stages throughout the past couple of months. You laid the first one in front of him, laughing as he squinted to try and figure out what exactly he was looking at. “It looks like a bean.”
“It kind of was. That was the first appointment,” you told him, handing him the most recent one after. “And this is my most recent appointment.”
His fingers glided over the curve of the spine. The shape of the head. Marveled at it with glassy eyes, your fingers curling over the leather of his jacket, right around his wrist to offer him some modicum of comfort. Allowed him to have a moment to let it all sink in. It had to be overwhelming. It had been, and still often was, for you to sit down and really accept that all of this was real.
He’d only had minutes to accept the news that his life as he knew it had changed, you had months.
“We should leave for my appointment soon,” you said, tucking away your napkin on the table.
“Would it be weird if I asked to come?” he asked, sounding so hopeful, younger than you knew him to be.
“It’s not weird. I mean, they’re half you, right?” you told him, watching him sign his signature on the receipt handed over by the waitress in passing before tucking it away. “But, uh, sure. Yeah.”
He lifted the picture of his unborn baby once more, grinned to himself, thumb brushing over the curve of their head. “Thank you.”
Eddie Munson hadn’t really ever had a good example of what that word stood for. For him, ‘father’ was the man who only came around every so often to ask his mother for money when she’d been alive. For drugs, to get himself out of a horrible situation, to try and pay a bill. For Eddie, father was the guy who taught him how to hotwire a car, the man who gave him his first black eye, someone who blamed his son for his every lot in life.
But as he grew, father became morning coffees with Wayne outside as the sun rose high over Hawkins. It meant putting up a Christmas tree around the holidays that looked more like a bush with lights than anything else. It meant learning how to fix cars with his hands, encouraging words to get him through high school, a call late at night when he was out of town working on his dreams of making music.
Right now, father was the word the technician had used when she asked you to confirm who he was to the baby when he sat down in that little office with you. It was the word she used when she asked him to fill out paperwork on his history, the word his soul screamed at him when he finally heard that tiny heartbeat working overtime.
His little ‘Party Favor’ he’d teased as you both walked back out toward the van after scheduling your next ultrasound. Twenty weeks, the big one, they’d told you both.
“Please don’t call our baby a party favor ever again,” you’d grumbled as you hoisted yourself up into the passenger seat, but he knew from the smile tugging at your lips when he settled down on the driver’s side that you hadn’t meant it.
“Where are you staying these days?” he asked, thumb curling around the steering wheel. “So I can drive you home.”
He hadn’t expected you to rattle off Steve’s address, but when you did, his eyes widened and you immediately asked, “Do you know where that is?”
“Kind of,” he said, turning his head to take in your pretty features. While he knew it probably wasn’t the best time to be admiring you as such, you looked so damn breathtaking his stomach twisted with it, “seeing as he’s my best friend.”
“Why am I not surprised? This day just keeps getting weirder.” You laughed, staring out into the streets as a gentle snow began to fall. “I happen to move to your hometown, where I also happen to then move into your best friend’s house.”
“I didn’t know you knew Robin.”
“It’s a small world.”
“And apparently getting smaller,” he said, eyes ahead on the road as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Thank you. For letting me come.”
The answer was silence. You’d curled up against the car door, forehead against the glass, mouth parted gently, lashes flush against the tops of your cheeks. His eyes drifted downward, to where your pocketbook rested next to your hip and your arm curled over your middle. Peaceful, you looked so peaceful — just like that night you’d spent together, where he’d watched as your eyes had started to flutter closed halfway through the movie and he’d held his breath as you rolled over and sought out the heat of his body.
He hadn’t lied. He didn’t have nights like those often. Had never even intended to go to that party that night. He’d only gone because the rest of the guys wanted to get out of the hotel for a bit and ended up rushing to put together a costume with less than a day’s notice. You’d sat at that bar, hunched over and bored and he’d been curious. He just never expected you to turn around, nor had he expected spending hours laughing with you over your drinks, or finding yourselves twisted in bedsheets.
And so much changed in a short four months. A stranger — you were mostly a stranger and now you were having his kid. Today, you’d been an acquaintance? A friend? He wasn’t sure what to think about it all. He still hadn’t fully processed the fact he would be a father in a few months to an innocent human being. Something so impressionable and his to raise.
He supposed that was also a conversation for another day. Something else to ponder after he dropped you off for the night and laid down for bed. Sighing, he shifted the car into park and glanced up at the front porch lamp hanging on the front of Steve Harrington’s doorway. He waved as Chrissy poked her head through the front curtains and noticed your sleeping form in the front seat.
Steve appeared in the doorway next, baby Melody on his hip as Eddie dropped down out of the van and rushed around the vehicle. “Say hi to Uncle Eddie,” Steve called out, holding up the baby’s hand in a little wave.
He waved back at the girl with a beaming gummy smile and tugged the door open, catching your shoulder as you rolled against the seatbelt a bit, eyes jolting open. “Hey, hey. You fell asleep, it’s just me.”
Your eyes searched his face in the night, and his heart lurched at the way they softened in recognition. “I’m sorry. You were talking and that was so rude of me I —”
“All good. I’m glad you got some sleep,” he chuckled, holding out a hand as you dropped down from the front seat and wobbled a bit before steadying yourself. “We’re here.”
The two of you made your way into the household, varying degrees of curious stares gliding over your forms as you stepped through the threshold. The first of which being Chrissy, who seemed unsure whether she wanted to keep her eyes on him or you.
“So you two have met it seems,” Steve said, “guess we don't have to get introductions out of the way.”
“We’ve met,” you muttered quietly, dipping your head as you yawned. A hand splayed over your midsection and Eddie watched the trail of your gaze stop on him. “Thanks for driving me today. I’m really tired and I should probably get to bed early.”
“Uh — y-yeah. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight everyone.” And you were gone, back trailing down the hallway toward the downstairs basement, the door shutting behind you with a resounding click.
There was a beat of silence, then, “Why didn’t you tell me she was living here?”
“What do you mean, you asshole? First time I see you in months and that’s the first thing you say?”
“That’s her.”
“The girl from the party?” Steve asked, mouth agape as Chrissy stepped forward to take the baby from him. She bounced their daughter around the kitchen island, pretending she wasn’t listening with her back to them, but Eddie knew better. Couldn’t fault her for wanting to protect a friend. “That’s the girl you couldn’t shut up about? Buttercup?”
“I need a drink. A strong one,” Eddie rasped, pulling out one of the island barstools. Propped his elbows on the counter and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. “First I’m thinking when I see her at the store, ‘wow, maybe I get a second chance at this.’ Has to be, since she ends up here of all places. And then I find out she’s pregnant with my baby and I —”
“You hung up on her,” Chrissy interjected. Steve raised a brow in her direction. “Sorry. I just…you didn’t see her when she came to town.”
“But that’s the thing.” He paused to thank Steve as he dropped a glass in front of him on the table. “I didn’t know. I would have been on a plane if I knew. I hate thinking she’s been alone in all of this. And I know the day she was referring to. We’d had some stupid party after we’d finished the album and played some of the new songs for fun and we had some people over. She talked to someone, but I swear it wasn’t me.”
“We believe you,” Steve promised, settling down beside his friend. A hand curled around Eddie’s forearm and gave a tight squeeze. “How are you feeling?”
He groaned a hoarse cry of ‘fuck’ into his fist, head shaking back and forth. “I’m scared, man. I tried to be brave for her today, but I don’t even know the first thing about kids. In what universe did someone think I’d be fit to be a dad?”
“In all of them, Ed,” Chrissy sighed, coming up to rest a hand on her husband’s shoulder. Steve reached over and slid his palm over her smaller one, oozing that sweet fondness that most people only ever dreamed of. “You’re a good man. Don’t sell yourself short. You have a few months to figure out all the rest.”
“You told her you’re going to be there for her, right? I mean, if that’s what you want?” Steve asked, eyes intently searching his best friend’s face.
“Yeah.” Eddie sighed, taking a large gulp of his drink. “I mean, not much I can do right now, but I’m going to be in whatever way she wants me to be.” His hand swiped down the front of his face.
“I’m going to put her down for bed and head up. Love you two.” Chrissy moved to exit the room, dropping a kiss to the top of Eddie’s head and shoving the back of it teasingly into the kitchen island. Once he’d bursted into a laugh, she bounced the baby higher on her hip and said, “And Eddie. It’s going to be okay. You have all of us too. You’re not alone; neither of you are. Don’t forget that.”
He sure hoped so.
Long after Chrissy had gone up for bed, and Eddie grabbed his jacket from the front coat hanger rack, Steve stopped him in the doorway. Pulled him in for a hug Eddie would normally end up throwing a fist into Steve’s stomach jokingly for. This time he clapped him on the back and let his lungs fully deflate. A sigh he’d been holding onto all afternoon released, the tension in his body along with it.
“To me, it looks like you got a second chance with her. Might look different than you thought it would, but you got a second chance. Whether that’s as co-parents, friends, or more — you still have something,” Steve told him, stepping back to open the door for his friend. “I’d take advantage of that opportunity. Not everyone gets one.”
And damn it, he decided he would.
let me know what you think! 💌 see you again next week for chapter three, titled ‘roommates.’ 😉
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2024 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long year. College classes started up again this fall and I'm swamped with work. This is my list for Kinktober this year. I will do my best to keep up but anywho, I hope you enjoy!
Banners by @vase-of-lilies
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst; 👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Deepthroating/Facesitting (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader)
Day 2: Semi-Public Sex (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 3: Knotting (Alpha!Jim Hopper x Assistant!Omega!Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Phone Sex (John Winchester x Hunter!Fem!Reader)
Day 5: Squirting (Obsessive!Perv!Billy Hargrove x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 6: Cuckolding (Shy!Jake Jensen x FemmeFatal!Fem!Reader x Franklin Clay)
Day 7: Biting/Marking (Possessive!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 8: Morning Sex (CACW!Steve Rogers x Avenger!Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Praise Kink (Insecure!Geralt of Rivia x Healer!Fem!Reader)
Day 10: Mommy Kink (Needy!Johnny Storm (CE) x Mommy!Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Caught (Daryl Dixon (Prison Era) x Fem!Reader)
Day 12: Sex Toys (Lawyer!Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader)
Day 13: Virginity Kink (Professor!Logan Howlett x Virgin!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 14: Shotgunning (Needy!Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Day 15: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Steve Rogers x Princess!Fem!Reader)
Day 16: Spanking (Brat!Johnny Storm (CE) x Dom!CEO!Fem!Reader)
Day 17: Breeding (Wolf-Hybrid!Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader)
Day 18: Tittyfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-Sized!X-Men!Fem!Reader)
Day 19: Hate Sex (Robin Buckley x Cheerleader!Fem!Reader)
Day 20: Edging (Young!Logan Howlett (X-Men1) x Professor!Mutant!Fem!Reader)
Day 21: Dub-con/Non-con (Grumpy!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Sunshine!Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 22: Stripping (CEO!Nick Fowler x Stripper!Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Anal Sex (Dark!Steve Kemp x Innocent!Fem!Reader)
Day 24: Pegging (Brat!Wade Wilson x Mean!Dom!Fem!Reader)
Day 25: Lactation (Dad!Steve Rogers x Mom!Pregnant!Reader)
Day 26: Age Difference (Older!Daryl Dixon (Alexandria Era) x 20s!Sunshine!Fem!Reader)
Day 27: Gagging (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bimbo!Fem!Reader)
Day 28: DP in One Hole (CEO!Married!Stucky x Assistant!Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Gloryhole (Jim Hopper x Fem!Reader)
Day 30: Panty Raid/Panty Kink (Shy!Perv!Jake Jensen x Slight!Perv!Fem!Reader)
Day 31: Videoing (Camboy!Eddie Munson x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader)
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hyunjin-amore · 8 months
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Masterlist 2
Characters I write for
My rules
Join my taglist
Evan Buckley
Evan Buckley x reader
The fire within
The fire within
Iroh II
Iroh x y/n
Zuko x top male reader
Demon slayer
Muzan x Top male reader
Tanjiro x top male reader
One piece
Luffy x top male reader
A love uncharted
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy x Female reader
Luffy x reader x zoro pt1
Luffy x reader x zoro pt2
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Zoro x top male reader
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
A love uncharted
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 1
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 2
Flames of the heart
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Flames of the heart
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Yandere Shanks
Criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x top male reader
Tony stark
Tony x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter Parker
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter x top male Reader
A steamy encounter
Loki x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Captain America
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
marvel character react to their s/o smack their butt pt.2
Red white and royal blue
Henry x top male reader
Henry x top male reader
Alex x top male reader
Queen of the damned
Lestat x male reader x Akasha
Billy and Stu
Billy x top male reader x Stu
Clark Kent
Clark Kent x male reader
Clark Kent x reader
The originals/Tvd
Klaus x reader
Eternal embrace
Kai Parker
An Unforgettable Night
Sakusa x Top male reader
Bokuto x Top male reader
Hinata x top male reader
Rafe Cameron
Rafe x reader
Dark Rafe x reader
Tides of the heart
A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
Teen wolf
Void stiles x reader
Isaac x top male reader
Henry cavill
Henry cavill x reader
Henry cavill x top male reader
Jungkook x top male reader
Drew starkey
Drew x reader
Dragon ball
Eternal Bonds
Eternal bonds
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dumbslxtclub · 2 years
you’re on your own kid | e.m
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eddie munson x pregnant!reader
summary: set after the events of season four, Steve has disappeared and is presumed dead in the upside down. broken and now left to deal with your pregnancy alone, Eddie takes it upon himself to support you to the best of his abilities in Steve’s absence.
content warnings: fem!reader, adult language, adult themes, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, angst, some canon divergence, mentions of death, reader is 19, slow burn
word count: 1.5K+
↳ one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
Part One: Blood, Sweat and Tears
Gone. The word echoed through your head like a broken record as you sit motionless against the rusting fridge in your poor excuse for a kitchen. The moment you saw the crew walking back to you, sans Steve, with their heads hung low, you knew. Dustin's eyes met yours, heavy with emotion and you couldn’t contain it. He wasn’t coming back.
The last few hours have been a blur. Robin driving you home, offering to stay the night, pushing aside her own needs post Upside-Down to make sure yours were accommodated first. But all you wanted, needed, right now was to be alone. The second she shut the door to the trailer behind her, the silence filled the space and it all came crashing down.
He’s gone, and he didn’t even know.
From the get-go, you and Steve had never been anything serious. You had started out strictly friends-with-benefits, a name on one another’s rotating rosters. But as the year passed, you began spending time with his circle and cutting out the other men in your life. He introduced you to Robin, who you immediately clicked with and twisted Keith’s arm until he offered you a job at Family Video with the duo. You would accompany him on “babysitting” duties, as Dustin often insisted on your presence to keep Steve in line. Despite the casual nature of your relationship, you and Steve had grown closer by the day. You knew he was still seeing other girls, but that didn’t bother you. After all, that’s all this was meant to be: casual, detached.
And then that fucking test happened.
It started off as a slow Tuesday morning with Robin, the two of you using the front counter of Family Video as your personal breakfast bar. You unwrapped your monstrosity of a meal, a PBJ sandwich with pickles and Hot Cheetos on the side.
“Jesus Christ, did someone hold you hostage and force you to make that?” She gawked at your sandwich, inspecting the leftover half as you shoved the soft white bread into your mouth. You let out a dramatic hum as the salty yet sweet combination hit your tongue, quickly following it with the heat from the Cheetos to ensure maximum taste to texture impact.
“Shit, so good! Don’t knock it until you try it. It’s like sex in your mouth.” You replied, the thick peanut butter coating your teeth and muffling your words. Robin dropped the sandwich down on the counter, clearly not about to partake in your offer to share this morning.
“I’ll take your word for it. I’m happy with my choice, thank you very much.” She proudly unwraps her breakfast muffin. Thick orange American cheese hangs over the lip, nestled between fatty bacon and a sunny-side up egg. You wrinkle your nose in disgust, waving your hand in her direction.
“Oh god, get that away from me! The smell of the egg-” You shake your head, pacing a few steps backwards to get away from the stench of her unappetising breakfast choice. She quirks her brow at you, you can practically see the cogs turning in her brain.
“You love my Buckley McMuffins.”
“Not today, I don’t.” You can feel your stomach churning, and reach for your large cherry slushie, hoping the sugary-sweet drink will quell the storm brewing in your tummy.
Robin’s expression begins to morphe as she studies you intently, like a child fascinated by their favorite animal at the zoo. You, on the other hand, are not so impressed by her gawking.
“What?!” You snap, slightly irritated. Immediately, you feel a wash of guilt come over you, why did you just snap at her like that? “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You and Steve are using protection, right?” You practically choke on your slushie at the candidness of her question so early in the morning.
“I don’t need all the details of your sex life. I’m just wondering-”
“Of course we do! God, the last thing I need right now is a kid.” You shake the mere thought out of your head.
“Yeah, no totally. I mean, pregnancy alone is a lot to deal with, y’know, what with all the cravings and hormones making you snappy and irritable-”
“- not to mention the nausea-”
“I had a bad fish taco last week! And I-”
“-Restlessness, acne, your boobs get massive-”
“Robin! I-” You shake your head at her insinuations. “Wait, do you think my boobs have gotten bigger?”
Her eyes widen as she nods her head. “Um, hello! You’re giving the Elvira cut-out a run for her money. We should take her down and just have you stand in the window.”
Oh, she’s serious. You let out an incredulous laugh.
“Absolutely not, like there’s no way! I mean, Steve and I are careful. Like, most of the time. And I would have noticed by now if something was off? Like, yeah, my period has been a bit all over the shop lately but that’s normal…” Robin squints slightly at you as she watches you subconsciously shift from trying to convince her to trying to convince yourself. The realization begins to wash over you, and you feel the pit of your stomach drop. “Oh, fuck.”
The two of you took an extended lunch break to take a trip to the store, and three tests later, your fears were confirmed. Your head began racing a million miles an hour, and thankfully Robin was happy to cover for you for the rest of the day. How were you going to tell Steve?
And then, suddenly, there was no time. Now, you’ll never have the chance to tell him.
A gutteral sob left your throat before you had the chance to register it, bringing you crashing down to reality. Sitting on the laminate floors of your cramped kitchen, the overhead fluorescent illuminating your shaking legs extended in front of you. Unable and unwilling to hold back your emotions any longer, you opened the floodgates and allowed tears to flow freely down your cheeks. The type of pain where it felt like your heart was being crushed in your chest, diaphragm spasming as it struggled to keep up with the pace of your sobs. You tucked your knees into your chest and hugged them tightly, as if willing to vanish from this world completely. You’re not sure how long you stay there for, time seemingly pausing for your pain. It’s not until you hear a sharp knock at the door that you’re snapped back to reality.
“Go away, Robin.” She really is a wonderful friend, but seeing her in this state is the absolute last thing you need right now.
Another knock.
You throw your head back against the cool surface of the fridge in defeat before getting to your feet. Wiping away the streaks of tears that now stain your puffy and pink cheeks, you make a miniscule effort to pull yourself together as you walk to the door, hoping to make this interaction brief.
“Robin, please, just go home-” You swing open the creaking door, running a hand over your face in exasperation. Instead of being greeted with Robin’s smaller frame, you’re instead confronted with a taller, darker frame. Despite being obscured by the dim night, the mess of hair crowning his head is unmistakable.
“Eddie?” As he takes a step closer to the door, you can now see he’s looking worse for wear, despite having cleaned up post Upside-Down. Fresh cuts mark his face, dirt under his fingernails indicate his attention wasn’t on the details of his appearance.
“Hey.” He quietly mumbles, staring down at his stained Reeboks. “I, um- I just wanted to see how you were going.”
You purse your lips together, trying to keep the floodgates closed until you are back in your bubble of solitude.
“Yeah. I’m- I’m here.” That’s the best you can do right now, here sums it up. You’re still here, unlike Steve…
You scrunch up your face into a forced smile, hoping that will satiate Eddie. He gives a solemn nod, clearing his throat as he contemplates his next words. He shifts his weight uncomfortably, and you can’t help but wonder if someone has sent him here to check up on you. Dustin, perhaps?
“Well, I’ll uh- leave you to it.” He chews nervously on his lower lip, sure to break one of the fresh scabs that has begun to crust over. “But um- y’know if you’re ever not okay or just like, need some help or company or whatever- you know where to find me.”
He gestures to the adjacent trailer, and you give a small but more genuine smile.
“Sure, Eddie. You too, okay?” He gives a nod and a small wave as he turns back to his home, and you close the door behind him.
You lean against the frame and pull up your oversized sweatshirt, pushing the thought of how it once belonged to Steve out of your mind. You peer down at your slightly swollen belly, a barely noticeable bump protruding but undetectable to anyone who was unaware. You take a deep inhale as you run your fingertips against the delicate skin.
It’s nice to know you’ll never be completely alone.
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cherubharrington · 1 year
Stranger Things Masterlist
Fluff: 🧸
Smut: ✨
Angst: 🥀
Steve Harrington
Safe & Sound 🧸
Heart to Heart🧸
Not an Idiot🥀
Como Un G 🥀
The Gold 🥀
Can’t be away 🧸
Can’t get enough 🧸
Boys a liar 🥀🧸
Murray’s Matching Service🧸
Mother’s Day 🧸
Bad Habit 🧸
You’re losing me 🥀
Steve loves your lips 🧸
Steve hates when his girl gets hurt 🧸
Drunk Stevie pt.1 🧸
Drunk Steve pt.2🧸
Feral Steve 🧸
Jealous Steve 🥀
Steve shows you how much he loves you ✨
Stevie edging you ✨
Steve knows how to use his fingers ✨
Road trip fingering ✨
Asking Stevie to break up
You shouldn’t be anywhere near the fight
Please can we get a doggie
Two lines says pregnant
Steve picks up a book
Lipstick print
Teaching Steve about makeup
Skincare expert Steve
Steve builds things for you
Steve watching you sleep
Pool day confession
Dustin knows
Singing girlfriend
Sunburnt Stevie
Eddie Munson
Too Clingy 🥀🧸
I just wanna see you shine🧸
Something about you 🧸 2 3 4
Halley’s Comet 🧸
Jealousy jealousy 🥀🧸
Always & Forever 🧸
Pluto Projector 🧸
Dude what the hell 🧸
Face to face 🧸
Insecurity 🥀🧸
Something wicked this way comes 2
Just a break 🧸
His butterfly 🧸
Love galore 🧸
Favorite crime 🥀
Lord of the rings movie
Steddie x reader
Steve and Eddie fight over you 🧸
Here with you 🧸
Group dynamic 🥀🧸
In love🧸
Robin Buckley
Max mayfield
Braiding her hair (older sibling/platonic)
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months
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I tried thinking of characters with names that matched the ABC originally, but I'm just going by fic names now. Some r probably going to be short.
The plain x reader stories don't describe body type, size or gender.
Coming soon....
Almonds - Abby Anderson x reader
Summary: Abby shares the last bit of her food with you when times get tough.
Baby - Joel Miller x reader who can get pregnant
Summary: It's getting harder and harder to spend time with your husband and you have some really important news. (Pre-Outbreak)
Camp Counselor Pt. 2 - Steve Harrington x plus sized reader
Summary: It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger.
Don't Let Me Go - Ellie Williams x reader
Summary: After a near death experience, you're afraid for Ellie to leave you alone.
Every Night - Max Mayfield x reader
Summary: Every night since 7th grade, Max has made it a mission to say goodnight -Face to face. At tonight's visit, you discover that your friendship might have been more than you thought it was.
Fall Out - Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: Your relationship with Isaac grows more and more strained as the days go by. Will he finally tell you what's going on?
Gumball Machine - Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: All you want is a gumball. Unfortunately, you're out of change.
Heart Breaker - Jonathan Byers x reader
Summary : No matter what you do, Jonathan Byers will never be in love with you. Not the way he is with Nancy anyways.
Incognito - Eddie Munson AU x reader
Summary: All you wanted was a cup of coffee from the new cafe on Main Street. You definitely didn't expect to spill coffee on the Metal Icon Eddie Munson.
Jacket - Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: The night Chrissy went over to Eddie's trailer, you went to. I mean, you weren't going to let Chrissy just go to a strangers house without back up. Unfortunately, when things go wrong, you end up on the same wanted poster as Eddie. Together, you're forced to run away.
Knock Knock Pt.2 - Ellie Williams College AU
Summary: A simple request to turn the music down turns into a frustrating back and forth battle. Why does your neighbor have to be so damn attractive?
Lonely Pt. 2 - Stranger Things Zombie Apocalypse AU
Summary: A few days after the zombie apocolypse took over Hawkins you lost everyone. Once you finally run out of supplies, you're forced to venture out into the town, hoping not to run into anyone and make it to safety alive. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go how you want it.
Marry Me? - Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer asks you to marry him at the most random time. Garcia does not approve.
Newborn - Joel Miller
Summary: Joel's nervous about holding your new baby.
Only Her - Steve Harrington x Reader (Possible Pt. 2)
Summary: Steve doesn't look at you the same way he looks at Nancy. Does he really love you?
Promise - Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie promised to come back. After Eddie cut the sheet, preventing you from following him back into the upside down, he promised he'd come back.
Quiet - Johnathan Byers
Summary: When El offers to watch your newborn baby, you're finally able to get some desperately needed sleep.
Reciprocate - John Murphy
Summary: For as long as you've known John, he's always held you at an arms length distance. He's never shared more than he has to. That's why when his behaviors start changing, you're very confused.
Secret Admirer - Steve Harrington
Summary: Never would you have imagined that someone could have a crush on you.
Tell Me Pretty Lies - Theo Raekan
Summary: You've had a feeling that Theo might be cheating on you for a while. Is everything he's said a lie?
Under the Trees - Robin Buckley
Summary: You're in love with Robin. You have been since Freshman year. It breaks your heart whenever she talks about another girl. Unfortunately for you, lately that seems to be all she has to talk about.
Valentine - Max Mayfield
Summary : You ask Max to be your Valentine, unsure of how it's going to play out.
Weak - John Murphy
Summary: You're sick. After days of taking care of the fellow 100, you start to feel the affects of sickness taking over. Who's going to take care of you?
Xenial - Joel Miller
Summary: You're a newcomer in Jackson. Due to lots of new people, you're left with no choice but to share a house with Ellie and Joel. It's only temporary, right?
Yearbook - Nancy Wheeler
Summary: It's finally the end of senior year. While flipping through the pages of your signature filled yearbook, you discover something you never thought you would.
Zander's Pizzaria - Peter Parker
Summary: Closing sucks. Especially when your coworker calls out sick and you're left to do everything by yourself. Things take a turn for the worst when gun welding thiefs threatens your life.
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bi-bard · 2 years
It's Been a Long, Long Time Since I've Seen my Face in Your Eyes - Dick Grayson Imagine [HBO's Titans]
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Title: It's Been a Long, Long Time Since I've Seen my Face in Your Eyes
Pairing: Dick Grayson X Sibling!Reader
Word Count: 1,887 words
Warning(s): experience in foster care, feelings of abandonment
Summary: [Inspired by "Brother" by Madds Buckley] An old face finds Dick after searching for a very long time. Once the initial shock wears off, he finds himself ready to do anything in order to make up for all of the lost time.
Author's Note: I don't know why I picked Dick for this imagine. It just felt like a natural choice.
I would love to say that my search for Dick Grayson began with a TV report.
But in all honesty, it started long before that.
I had been looking for him for as long as I could remember.
He had promised to find me after I had been taken away. I guess that I was trying to make it easier on him.
I remember being a little kid in one of my earlier foster homes.
I had been snooping around the guy's office. They had been talking about the papers that they had been given about me. I knew that they were somewhere in the house, so I was looking for them. I thought that one of them may have a record of where my brother was.
They caught me.
They yelled at me for a long time. Stuff about invading their privacy shifted into stuff about them being my family now, so I needed to drop the subject of my brother. I had them now.
They would get rid of me a few weeks later when the wife found out she was pregnant. They couldn't afford both kids and decided which one was more important to them.
That wasn't a completely unique story. I spent a while jumping from place to place.
My search stopped. No one wanted to help me anyways. I was wasting time.
Until this one woman. She was on her own. She had always wanted a kid. There was a combination of bad men and fertility problems that troubled her before she decided on adopting.
She was sweet.
It took me years to finally ask questions about my brother. She stunned me by answering them.
She told me about this billionaire who had adopted him. Not because she had it in some records. She actually only asked because of me. It was apparently a pretty big deal. The guy had lost his parents at a similar age to Dick.
He also had the chance to adopt both of us and keep us together. He just didn't.
Bruce Wayne.
She kept trying to meet with him. He would never accept.
I kept seeing the news. Batman had a new sidekick. Robin. There weren't many images of him, but the ones I saw were recognizable. No one knows someone's signature moves quite like their family. I knew everything that my parents taught Dick.
That was how I spotted him.
It took a long time for me to finally admit that I was too angry to deal with these calls. I had gotten my college degree at that point, I had moved out on my own, and I had yet to get a single call back.
The woman who raised me tried to comfort me. Keep me from losing my mind about the whole thing, but I was angry. Angry and tired. I wanted my brother back.
I found myself on the doorstep of Wayne Manor years later.
I had originally promised the woman that raised me that I wouldn't show up on his doorstep. Not unannounced.
But I did.
It was difficult to accept that I was in my early twenties and still searching for my big brother.
"Hello," the man of the hour greeted.
"Bruce Wayne," I asked. He nodded. "I'm (Y/n)... Grayson. You have my brother."
There was a pause before Bruce insisted that I come inside. I followed him in. We found our way to a living room. He sat on one chair while motioning toward the other one. I hesitantly sat down.
"Where is he?"
"Not here," he explained. My heart dropped. "He left quite suddenly. I didn't get much of an explanation beforehand. I wish that I could be more helpful."
"Oh," I mumbled.
"You can leave your number and I can call if I hear anything."
"You don't have a number for him?"
"Based on his avoidance of my calls, I would assume so."
Or maybe he just doesn't like you, I thought to myself. You did keep his sibling from him for years.
I just nodded.
Bruce handed me some paper and a pen. I scribbled down my number and handed it back.
I left soon after.
I continued searching independently.
And then, the fated news report.
I don't know what happened. Not completely. I just remember watching a story about some kind of natural disaster. In the middle of the reporter discussing some unknown heroes, someone jumped in front of the camera to yell about the Titans being back before he was promptly shoved away.
But I caught it.
The Robin suit.
The one that I now associated with Dick and his new life. However, I knew very well that the man on the news was not Dick. He wouldn't act like that.
It was a matter of days before I got a call.
"Hello," I said.
"(Y/n) Grayson?"
"This is Bruce Wayne," he explained. I froze where I was, placing the pencil I had been writing with on the desk. "I told you that I would call if I received any news on Dick and his whereabouts."
"I remember."
"I know where he is now. I can give you the address."
"What took so long?"
He paused. "It was for your protection. I wouldn't willingly give you his location if I thought that it would get either one of you killed."
"Oh," I muttered. And the other fifteen years or so?
"Are you ready?"
I grabbed my pencil again, quickly finding a fresh piece of paper. "Go."
I scribbled down the address and instructions that he rattled off to me. He made me repeat them back to him to ensure that I understood everything.
The trip to San Francisco was longer than I originally thought it would be.
I had kept sleep to a minimum, focusing on getting to the address that Bruce had given me. I was constantly questioning myself.
What if Dick didn't want to see me?
What if that was why he never found me?
Was it possible that he thought that I would be some kind of burden to him?
I tried to shake those thoughts off but there wasn't much else to do during the trip.
The address was a large tower. It made me pause. This was where Dick was staying?
I checked the paper and the building a few times. Anxious. What else would you expect?
I took a deep breath before walking over and ringing the doorbell.
It took a moment before there was any response on the inside, "Hello?"
"Um, Hi," I greeted. "Sorry, but... I- I'm looking for Dick Grayson. Bruce gave me this address."
Another pause. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)," I replied. "He... He'll probably know who I am."
There wasn't another response after that.
I was left standing outside for a few minutes before I heard the door click open. I walked inside, making sure to pull the door shut behind me.
I followed all of Bruce's instructions to the letter.
The elevator ride felt like it was an eternity. I had to focus on not letting my breathing get out of control. I was scared. I didn't know what my brother was like after all these years. Or how he felt about what happened. If he was going to believe that I was who I said I was.
It all filled my heart with this strange mix of hope and dread.
Dick was waiting at the elevator when the doors opened. I slowly stepped out as he watched me. I adjusted my duffel bag strap on my shoulder.
It wasn't a question. It was an observation. Like he was confirming it in his mind. Reminding himself that this wasn't a dream or hallucination.
"Hi, Dick," I muttered, feeling tears building in my eyes.
"Oh my God..."
I dropped my duffel bag as Dick stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around him, and I tightly grabbed the fabric of his shirt. I closed my eyes and hid my face in his shoulder.
My muffled crying seemed to only make him hug me tighter.
"You promised to find me," I mumbled. "I waited for you."
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so... so sorry."
We stayed in the hug for a little while longer.
I kept thinking about the younger version of me. The one that was trying to beg Dick to stay. The one that begged to go see their big brother. The one that started searching for him so long ago.
I let out a heavy breath. It was like I was letting go of some kind of weight. It was nice.
I stepped back, wiping my eyes as I looked at his face again.
He grinned at me.
He turned around when he heard his name. I stepped to the side, looking at the three people at the end of the hall. I wiped my eyes again, trying to ensure that I wasn't still crying in front of a group of strangers.
"Who's this," the girl asked, her arms crossed over her chest. She seemed nervous.
"This is (Y/n)."
"Oh my God," she mumbled.
I looked back at Dick. Had he talked about me? All these years... had he talked about me?
"I saw you," she said. My confusion must've been more obvious than I knew. "I... I had visions... about what happened to your parents."
I looked at the floor for a moment, fidgeting with my fingers a bit.
"We didn't," one of the guys spoke up, causing us all to look at him. "We're still a bit confused."
"(Y/n) is my younger sibling," Dick explained. "After our parents died, we got separated. I was 12. (Y/n) was 7."
"Bruce only took one of you in?"
We both nodded.
"Um, I'm Gar," the other boy stepped forward and held out a hand for me to shake. I shook it and grinned.
"Jason," the first guy that spoke up nodded at me. I nodded back.
I looked over at the girl.
She blinked a few times like she was still shocked to see me there. "Rachel."
"Nice to meet you, Rachel," I said.
There was a pause in the room.
"I... I'm sorry to be rude, but I am... very tired," I muttered.
Dick reached down and grabbed my duffel bag. "There are a few extra rooms. Come on."
I waved at the other three as I followed him.
I tried to stay close to him as we made it through the halls.
He placed my bag on a bed. I looked around the small room. It was nice. Really nice, actually.
"I'll let you get some rest-"
I stopped him by hugging him again. He hugged me back.
"I'll right down the hall, got it?"
I nodded, still not stepping back for a few more moments.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't find you."
I stepped back and grinned at him. "It's okay."
In all honesty, I didn't blame him. I don't think I ever did. He was a kid just like I was. Not to mention the added pressure that he was facing. In the end, I understood it all. Dick was just like me: doing the best with what we had been given.
I was just grateful to find him now.
Dick Grayson Tag List: @igotanidea
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Dating and knocked up Steve Harrington x Fem!henderson reader pt3
Warnings-swearing,kissing,making out,pregnancy,if there’s anymore please tell me
Steve knocked on the door with Dustin and you opend the door seeing your best friend/crush was stood at the door you let him in already in the jacket he gave you earlier and Steve stood there until you broke the silence by saying hey Steve walked towards you
“Yn I like you aswell that’s why I was teasing you all day about the party that you obviously forgotten” Steve admitted
“I like you to Steve I mean I think the kiss ment half of it” you chuckled
Steve chuckled and hugged you asking you out and you said yes and Dustin didn’t know and you was gonna see how long you could keep it secret from everyone which was gonna be hard you tell Robin everything
The next morning at school you was talking to Robin at your locker opening it to a folded peice of paper you opend it and Robin immediately teased your red face and you walked off to the bathroom your bag in your hand
You walked in and put your bag down and Steve pushes you to the wall kissing you kissing your neck lips jaw and shoulder you was whining because his hands was keeping yours to the side to make sure you don’t squirm and Robin walked in at the wrong time you was sat on the floor with Steve sat on you kissing your neck and jaw hearing you whining your hands on Steve’s back
“Woah shit when I thought meet me in the bathroom I thought it was for a few books or something but damn since when was you two a thing” Robin says shocked
You and Steve pull away breathless you more breathless from when he kissed your lips for like 30 seconds while Robin was talking
“Since yesterday Buckley” Steve chuckled out of breath
You laughs your breathing raspy for a minute resting your head against the wall
That was one less person to tell but Dustin was more excited and less shocked then Robin he saw Steve pining you to your bed making out with you
You and Steve couldn’t go two minutes without touching each other
About three months later you graduated and that’s the day you found out steve knocked you up you was sat in your bedroom paniking to tell him but there was no need to panik he was so happy except he was nervous because your young youve just graduated and your pregnant it was nerve racking but the first few days was pretty dodgy
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daddyy333 · 2 years
I’ve spent like over a week writing this mom!Robin buckley x pregnant!reader oneshot cause my friend was complaining about never seeing any interpretations about Robin being a parent or wtv anyways that was supposed to be a blurb but turned into 10k+ words should I even post it or just write a diff Robin story oneshot cause lord have mercy
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patheticdarling · 2 years
One of Six
     Summary: Reader finds out some pretty big news before the final battle against Vecna. Breaking the news to anyone is going to be challenging, how will everyone take it? How will Steve in particular take it? (conversation between Steve & Nancy but between Steve & Y/N instead)
  Warnings: mentions of sort of teen pregnancy/ fluff & angst/ mentions of violence/ cussing/ mentions of marriage
  Word Count: 1931
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   “No! No! Shit! Fucking,” you swore, trying to keep quiet in the bathroom of the stolen trailer while all of your friends stood just feet outside of it. 
  “Y/N?” a soft knock on the door, the voice belonging to your best friend, “You alright in there?”
  You cracked the door open slightly, “I need you to come in here but be discreet.”
  Robin raised her eyebrow slightly, “Everything ok?” she asked as she entered the bathroom, “God, it’s so cramped in here. Why can’t we just go back out there?”
  You stopped her as she tried to reach for the doorknob, “Because I don’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to tell you.” 
  “You’re not possessed too, are you?” Robin’s voice thick with worry. 
  “Hell no. Thank God, I can’t imagine what Max is going through right now,” you answered. 
  “Then what is it? Something happen between you and Steve? Because, honestly, right now a couple fight about who didn’t do the dishes or you stealing his hair spray isn’t all that important, meaning no offense-” 
   “I’m pregnant.” 
   Robin’s rambling came to a screeching halt, “What?” 
     You sighed heavily before handing over the pregnancy test that presented quite possibly the brightest little plus sign you’d ever seen. 
   “Holy shit,” she muttered, “Holy shit!”
   Your hand slapped over her mouth, “Robin!” you lowered your own voice, “What part of ‘I don’t want anyone else to hear’ wasn’t clear to you?”
  “Sorry,” her apology muffled by your hand. 
  You pulled away, “What the hell am I gonna do, Robin? This couldn’t have come at the worst possible fucking time. I mean Max might die, who am I kidding? We all might die and what is Steve gonna say?” you sniffled a bit, the tears pooling your eyes, “We just turned 20, I mean he works at a video store and I work at the school paper with Nancy. We are not ready for a goddamn baby. Fucking-” 
  “Y/N,” Robin cut you off this time, “We all understand that there’s a lot going on right now, really. But you have to tell at least Steve. Look, he’s a dingus and all but the guy is a real softy. I mean complete goo,” you chuckled a bit as you wiped your tears, “And he is literal silly putty in your hands. Whatever you choose, he’s gonna be there for you. And if for some reason he’s not, I’ll knock some sense into him.” 
  You sniffled again, “Thanks, Robin,” you pulled her in for a hug, “You’re the best.”
  “I know,” she sighed, you pinched her arm playfully, “Joking. I’m always gonna be here for you, Y/N.” You both held one another for a moment, “Now can we please get out of this closet of a bathroom? I’m getting a little claustrophobic.” 
  The two of you laughed, you stuck the pregnancy test into your pocket before you followed Robin out of the bathroom. 
  “Everything ok?” Nancy asked as she was the first to take note of the two of you returning. 
  “Yeah, just jitters or whatever,” Robin answered for the both of you. 
  “Oh ok,” Nancy smiled, “I think Steve was asking for you, Y/N.” 
  “Thanks, Nance,” you nodded before making your way to the front of the stolen trailer. 
  Steve took note of your presence as you sat in the passenger seat, “There’s my girl. Everything alright?” 
  “Yeah, just was talking to Robin about some girl stuff,” you answered, buckling yourself in, “So, how’s it handle?” 
  “Not so bad. Considering that this is a house,” he answered, you chuckled in agreeance. “Yeah, it’s silly I’ve actually..um..” he sort of hesitated for a moment, “I always had this dream that I’d have this really big family. I’m talking like a full brood of Harringtons. Like five, six kids.” 
  “Six?” you raised a brow, laughing slightly. 
  “Yeah. Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys,” Steve continued, “And every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and just see the country.” Your eyes soft as you listened to him, “You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.”
  “That sounds nice,” a slight relief in your voice that you tried hard not to make obvious. 
  “Yeah?” he questioned, there was a hidden need for reassurance in his voice. 
  Your smile tender, “Yeah.” Both of your eyes soft before you shook your head, “Well, uh, except for the six-kid part. That sounds like a total nightmare.”
  “If only I had some practice,” he gestured to the back of the trailer. 
  You nodded, “All right. Fair. That’s fair.” 
  You should’ve been relieved by Steve’s words, that you might make his dreams come true. But just because he had this realization didn’t necessarily mean he wanted that right now or anytime soon. Hence, why you were iterating all of those thoughts to Robin as you trekked through the woods of the Upside Down along with Nancy and Steve who were trailing just a bit behind the two of you.
  “If I had gotten pregnant at a better time then maybe I’d be a bit more relieved. But look at us Robin, we are using a 15-year-old girl as bait and hiking through the Hell version of Hawkins!”
  “You’re pregnant?” a voice came from behind the two of you. You turned to see Nancy, her eyes wide as she looked at you. 
  “Maybe we shouldn’t have been talking so loud,” Robin bit her inner cheek. 
  You marched up to her and kept your volume low, “Nancy, where’s Steve?” 
  “He went to go pee really fast so I said I’d catch up to you guys. But back to my question, you’re pregnant, Y/N?” 
  You let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah, Nance. I’m pregnant.”
  “Oh my God. Does Steve know?” 
  “No, and you have to swear not to tell him or anyone else. This is the least of our problems right now,” you explained. 
  “Y/N, it is a pretty big fucking problem. I mean you shouldn’t be here, you should be somewhere safe and not in the Upside Down!” Nancy lectured.
  “Nance, I was not going to let any of you do this on your own. The safest place for me is with you guys. Besides, too many questions would have been asked if I backed out randomly.”
  “Wait is this what you guys were dealing with in the bathroom of the trailer?” 
  “Yup,” Robin answered, “She went and stole a pregnancy test while we were in the army surplus store.” 
  “Oh my God. I mean, what now? Should we-”
  “Am I interrupting girl time?” Steve’s voice cut off the conversation. You all straightened up, guilt-ridden faces. “Or gossip time,” he glared, “Why do you all look so suspicious?” 
  All of you recomposed yourself, “What’re you talking about, dingus?” 
  “Yeah, shouldn’t we get going? We’re running out of time,” Nancy urged us on before she and Robin sped off, leaving you and Steve. 
  “Well that was weird,” Steve noted.
  You attempted to shrug it off, “Not like anything is normal right now.”
  “You could say that again,” Steve chuckled as you both followed suit.
  There was an unusual silence between the two of you. Usually in a situation like this, as if anything was comparable to it, the two of you would try your best to keep one another’s spirits up. 
  Steve took note of it too, “Is everything ok, Y/N? I mean I know we’re heading into a literal death trap but you still seem uneasy. What’s going on?”
  You tried to push past it, “What’re you talking about? Everything is fine.”
  Steve stopped the two of you, “Look, I know you and I know when everything is really fine and it’s clearly not. Plus you’ve been sneaking around talking to the girls all day. I wanna know what’s going on.” 
  “Nothing is going on, Steve. You’re being ridiculous-”
  “Ridiculous? No, what’s ridiculous, Y/N, is me feeling like I can confide in you when you obviously don’t feel the same way.” Nancy and Robin were now completely out of earshot, “Do you not trust me?”
  “What?” you took note of the pain in his tone, “Of course I trust you, Steve,” you took his hand. 
  “Then tell me what’s really going on with you. Please.”
  You let out a shaky sigh, “Fine.” you turned to look at Robin and Nancy who tried to give you reassuring looks, “I’m pregnant, Steve. I didn’t get a period last month so while you guys were getting supplies, I got a pregnancy test from the pharmacy next door. So that’s what’s really going on with me. And I didn’t want to tell you or anyone for that matter because it should be the least of all of our problems and I didn’t want to give you another reason to be worried or upset. Which you have every right to be with me and I’m sorry I’m doing this to you-”
  Before you knew it your rambling was cut off by Steve’s lips on yours followed by a loving embrace, “It’s alright,” his voice stuff as he stroked over your hair. 
  “I-I’m so sorry, Steve-”
  He pulled you back, holding your face in his hands, “Look at me,” your teary eyes hesitantly lifted from the floor, “Remember the dream I told you about?” You just looked up at him, “About the Winnebago. About seeing the country with my six lil’ nuggets?”
  You smiled a bit, nodding as you recalled the sweet moment, “Yeah, I do.” 
  He nodded, “It’s all true. Every last word.” A small moment passed, “But I left one part out. It’s the most important part. You’re there.” A tear fell from your eye, “You’ve always been there.” 
  “Steve,” your voice trembling. 
  “And if, no, when we live through this, I want it to start right away. I want that life with you or whatever life we might have. I just want you, Y/N.”
  A soft smile spread over your face, “I want that too. I want you, Steve.”
 “I love you,” he smiled. 
 “I love you too,” he pulled your face in for a soft kiss but it was one of the most meaningful ones the two of you had ever exchanged. 
 “Though we might have to talk about that whole six-kid thing. Don’t know if I can handle that stress all over again,” you teased. 
  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we can just say one of six? Keep our options open.”
  You laughed, “Sure, Harrington. We’ll keep our options open.” Steve moved in for another kiss. 
  “Guys!” Robin’s voice pulled you from the moment, “We found- oh shit. Are we interrupting something?”
 “Sort of,” you chuckled. 
 “Not sort of, totally and completely,” Steve rolled his eyes. 
 “You told him I take it?” Nancy smirked. You nodded as Steve intertwined your fingers.
 “How’s it feel that you’re gonna be someone’s old man, dingus?” Robin teased, “That poor kid.” 
  “Well, they’ll have Y/N and us so they just might make it,” Nancy smiled.
  “That’s fair,” Robin laughed, “Now come on Mom and Dad. We’ve got something to show you.”
  The two gave you both genuine smiles before turning and leading you off. 
 “Mom and Dad,” Steve repeated, “I really like the sound of that.”
  “Oh really?” you smiled. 
  “Almost as much as I like the sound of Mr. and Mrs. Harrington.” 
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2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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I'm so sorry for not posting like at all this year but it's been a very long and rough year and I will do my best to continue this month but if I miss a day it's because of writer's block or work but anyway here is my Kinktober masterlist and what I have planned for you all, my wonderful amazing readers! I hope you like the thigh clenching, panty soaking, jean tightening thrill of smut! I hope you enjoy!
Banners by: @vase-of-lilies​
Key: Fluff; 🌙 // Angst;  👿 // Smut; 🔥 // Dark; 🕸️
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Day 1: Semi-Public (Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Drummer!Steve Harrington x Groupie!Fem!Reader) 🔥 Day 2: Stepcest (Stepbrother!Ransom Drysdale x Stepsister!Fem!Reader)🔥🌙👿 Day 3: Size Difference (Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Petite!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 4: S&M (Masochist!Eddie Munson x Sadist!Fem!Reader) 🌙🔥 Day 5: Fucking Machine (Mr. Freezy(Robert Pronge) x Fem!Reader) 🔥🕸️ Day 6: Body Worship (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) 🔥🌙 Day 7: Stripping (Shy!Jake Jensen x Stripper!Fem!Reader) Day 8: Hate Sex (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader) Day 9: DP in One Hole (Married!Steddie x Babysitter!Fem!Reader) Day 10: Fisting (Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader) Day 11: Pregnancy (Steve Harrington x Pregnant!Fem!Reader) Day 12: Deepthroating or Facesitting (Sub!Jake Jensen x Dom!Fem!Reader) Day 13: Orgasm Denial (Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 14: Rimming (Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader) Day 15: Glory Hole (Post TFAWS!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 16: Breeding (Dad!Thor Odinson x Mom!Fem!Reader) Day 17: Masturbation (Jim Hopper x Secretary!Fem!Reader) Day 18: Spanking (Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader) Day 19: Humiliation (Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader) Day 20: Tentacles (Part-Kraken!Lee Bodecker x Pirate!Fem!Reader) Day 21: Sex Toys (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader) Day 22: Pegging (Human!Castiel x Fem!Reader) Day 23: Costumes (Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader) Day 24: Shotgunning (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 25: Daddy Kink (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 26: Virginity (Virgin!40s!Stucky x Experienced!Fem!Reader) Day 27: Titfucking (Wade Wilson x Plus-sized!Fem!Reader) Day 28: Body Worship (Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader) Day 29: Breathplay (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) Day 30: Squirting (Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader) Day 31: Bondage (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
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emmetthimbo · 5 years
Part 1 | Part 2/?
You winced as you scrunched your eyes up, the bruising still fresh. Robin was looking down on you, and your hand automatically pushed her waist flush to yours.
“Happy Saturday,” you said, voice groggy from sleep.
“How’s your eye?” She asked, fingers ghosting over the fragile skin.
“A damn sight better than your neck,” you said, eyeing the bruises of a different kind.
“Now we match,” she whispered, smiling into a kiss.
“Doris will talk,” you laughed.
“She probably thinks you’re holding me hostage,” Robin joked.
“A nice girl like you with a bruiser like me? That’s the only logical explanation,” you drawled, sarcastic but still grinning up at the girl.
“I’m surprised she hasn’t called the police on you,” Robin says.
“Why do you always forget that I am the police?” You say, fingers stroking up her spine.
“I guess I’m just used to you being on the other side of the law,” she says, thinking back to your youth.
“I did do a lot of underage drinking, and maybe one time I shoplifted a dr. Pepper, and I once tried some of Steve’s pot, and.. you know what, I’m only making your point for you,” you add, and she smiles at you. Her hair is messy, tousled and matted from sleep, but you can’t stop yourself from running your fingers through it and tucking it behind her ear. Her eyes are a little puffy, and her lips a little chapped, and you love her that way; unfiltered, her freckles like pebbles on a beach.
“God you’re so cute,” she says, and it’s like she said it by accident.
“Don’t tell anyone, my captain won’t give me any good cases if he gets wind I’m soft around girls,” you reply.
“Girls, plural?” Robin raises an eyebrow.
“Well, three girls, you, my grandma, and the dog,” you say, “Shit, can we pick her up from the vet yet? I completely forgot.”
“You’re gonna make an amazing parent,” she says, and a part of you clings to that.
“Well you’ve got to get another IVF before that happens,” you say, and robin’s eyes twinkle as if she knows something.
She coughs, hiding a smirk.
You sit up, almost knocking her out. Your eyes dart from her face to her stomach like a metronome.
“Wait,” you whisper, “you’ve not drunk, you were sick on Thursday morning, I’ve got ‘bigger responsibilities,’ ... why are you smiling like that?” You ask, and she’s practically bursting at the seams.
“I’m pregnant,” she says.
“Holy shit,” you reply, dumbstruck.
“Yeah, holy shit,” she repeats.
“We’re gonna have a baby.”
“We need to vaccinate the dog again.”
“That’s the first thing you think of?”
“We need to babyproof the apartment! It’s too cold, we’ll have to get new heating put in, oh my god, I’m going to have to start a new savings account, we should start saving for college now, wait, what if it’s twins? Triplets? Quadruplets? I can’t put four kids through college, we’ll have to pick a favourite, we need a bigger car! We’ll have to get a mini-van. Oh my god, how will we afford Christmas for FOUR children-,”
“Babe,” Robin puts her hand over yours.
“Right, freaking out,” you pant, heart racing.
“You’re handling it better than expected considering it was planned,” she comments.
“Well it would be pretty hard to knock you up with no semen between us,” you say.
“True,” she says.
“Hobo and a turkey baister,” you whisper to yourself, and Robin swats your arm.
“Gross,” she laughs.
“Would have been a whole lot cheaper,” you smile, leaning closer to her, touching your noses together.
“If we did that we could have put 2 kids through college.”
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Caught red handed | Robin Buckley x Hopper!Reader
Request: Hopper finds out his daughter likes girls
Word count: 0.5k
Request: So I just reader your Eddie Munson x Hopper!Reader Caught Dancing with the Devil fic and I absolutely loved it!! Could you do something similar except with Robin Buckley and Hopper!Reader where Hopper catches them in the act?? Thank you in advance :)))
A/N: I got so many requests for this! I tried to make it a little different, but staying in the same vibe + I had to repost this in another format. It wasn’t showing in the tags
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Hopper didn’t know how to react.
He had marched up to your door, jaw clenched and ready to scream threats at the perverted basketball player who was getting freaky with his daughter, but his jaw got stuck when he opened it, seeing you perched on another girl’s hips.
His body was frozen on the spot, completely dumbstruck.
You glided your tongue over Robin’s breast, sucking at her nipple, completely oblivious of your father standing behind. The blonde’s hands were in your hair as she threw her head back, feeling you crook your fingers between her folds.
‘’Do I make you feel good, baby?’’
Robin nodded, her face twisting with pleasure. You let go of her nipple and kissed down her stomach, about to replace your fingers with your mouth when Robin’s body stiffened underneath you, the lust in her eyes vanishing and being replaced by embarrassment - and slight fear.
She pushed you off of her, making you frown. One second ago she was enjoying herself. What changed?
Your gaze followed hers over your shoulder and horror flashed in your eyes, seeing your father in the doorway. “Dad! Get out!"
At the sound of your voice, Hopper snapped out of his stupor and did exactly that, closing the door and giving you privacy.
Grumbling under his breath, Hopper disappeared to the living room down his beer. Liquor would’ve been better, but beer was all he had on hand. He had talked to Joyce about how to deal with boys, not girls. He thought about calling Joyce for advice, but all he wanted was to wash the traumatic images from his head.
Back in your room, Robin’s face was covered by your pillow, mortified. ‘’I can’t believe your father walked in one us. You didn’t lock your door?’’ she asked, her voice a little muffled.
You ran a hand through your hair, sitting cross-legged on the bed. ‘’I thought I did. I really did. I’m so sorry,’’ you apologize over and over. ‘’Next time I’ll-’’
‘’Next time?’’ Robin lowered her pillow. ‘’There is never going to be a next time. Not here. I’m not taking that risk again.’’
You scoffed at her bluff. ‘’You don’t mean that.’’
Even if she did, you knew ways to make her change her mind.
‘’Do you think he’s angry? Do you think he’ll threaten me with his gun? Oh my god. I don’t do well when someone yells at me. I’m literally going to cry if he-’’
You cupped her face gently, reassuring her. ‘’He’s not gonna pull his gun out. He might do it on a guy, but not you. You can’t get me pregnant.’’ Then, you smacked Robin’s thigh lightly, getting her attention. ‘’Now get dressed, we need to talk to my dad. He’s probably drinking beer to process what he saw.’’
Robin shook her head. ‘’No way. I’m not going out there. I don’t think I can look your father in the eyes ever again. God, this is mortifying…’’
‘’I can assure you that this is more embarrassing for him than it is for us.’’ You stood from the bed, doing a little check in your dresser’s mirror.
‘’I was naked with your fingers deep inside me. I think I take the cake for the embarrassment.’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn  
Robin Buckley taglist: @uhidklol-26 @prettyplant0   @ran-rap   @eddiemvunsongf    @batorchids222  @scarlet-kazuha  @saphmoth  @uhidklol-26  @you-makeme-crazier  @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown  @swiftbyul  @xenon54xe  @tribute-101  @starstruckspring  @whyamihere2673  @moonlight-imagines  
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