#rock x nami
kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
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30 days of Harvest Moon day 23 - wedding / rhythm
these are the genders apparently i don’t make the rules (natsume and xseed rock makes the rules)
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IT'S HERE! WELCOME TO THE NAMI FIC THAT EVERYONE (literally just me) HAS BEEN WAITING FOR. I am being straight up when I say that writing this was: 87% vibing to Chappell Roan and singing along. And 13% actually writing. You can find my Flower Asks here, Hozier Asks here, and my Taylor Swift Asks here. You can find my masterlist here and my rules here. I also have a taglist now and you can find that here! And you can request here! Characters: Nami, Fem!Reader, Sanji (mentioned), Zoro, Straw Hats (mentioned) Pairings: Nami x Fem!Reader, Nami x Sanji (one-sided) TW: Comphet. There may be more but that's all I can think of. Tell me if there's more!
Good Luck, Babe!
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There was one kind of relationship that killed people to be in. The will they, won’t they one where they don’t want to admit their feelings but know what they feel. It was one of the relationships you never wanted to be in and was annoying to see in the media. Why can’t the two just be together? Why all this back and forth? Just have them get together already and be done with it. It wasn’t that hard, right? Wrong. You were so wrong. So horrendously wrong that it was laughable. Because you, my dear girl, are in that exact situation.
You have been aware that you liked girls for a while. It was hard to admit at first but when you finally embraced it, everything seemed to fall into place. You didn’t beat yourself up for falling behind in love anymore. You didn’t wonder why it was so hard to be like everybody else and have that guy that they’re always showing you in books. You realized that you were comparing yourself in a way that you were never going to win. Anyway, you like girls. You knew that. You were great.
What was horrible about it was when the girl you liked was going through exactly what you went through before you realized. You were in love with Nami of the Straw Hat Pirates. The two of you met when Nami had tried to break into the military base in Shells Town to take the map of the Grand Line. Ever since then, you knew exactly what you felt toward her. You liked her. And eventually, that like turned into love.
You’re not too sure when it happened. Maybe it happened after everything with Arlong. You probably were in love with her much longer than that. But something about the events put everything into perspective for you. After you came to the realization, you did everything you could to show your affection toward the girl. You were ecstatic when she returned your affections as well.
There was only one problem. While you would outwardly tell people how much you felt toward the girl, she wouldn’t. Other people in the crew, mainly Zoro surprisingly, would ask you if you were in love with Nami. You would tell them, “With your whole heart.” You would think that Nami would reply the same with the way she acted toward you. When someone asked her, what did she say?
“Of course not. She’s just my best friend.” Cue the sound of your heart shattering.
It made you feel stupid. You were putting so much of yourself into a situation that was seemingly never going to work out for you. It was rigged from the beginning. And the person doing the rigging was exactly the person you wanted to be with. But if you asked Nami, she would say that nothing of the sort was happening. The way you treated each other was nothing more than the way friends would treat each other. It was enough to make you scoff.
There was one situation that stuck out with you the most. You were docked at a new island. You’d been docked there for a few hours but had yet to go out yourself. You were excited to take in the sights and see what all they had. While you were getting ready, a certain woman with orange hair walked into your room with a grin on her face, “Hey,” You gave her a smile and greeted her back. “You wanna go eat at this restaurant Luffy found? The others already ate so it would just be the two of us.”
The feeling of your heart racing came over you. You could feel your face heat up slightly, “Oh, really? Just the two of us?”
“Yeah, kind of like a date.” She stated casually. If only she knew the weight her words held in your mind. You were ecstatic at the thought of going out with only Nami. Maybe you could try and see where things would end.
You put on your best clothes. You put thought into what you wore and chose what perfume you would wear carefully. When you met up with Nami outside the ship, you could tell that she dressed up for the occasion as well. You smiled at each other before walking to the restaurant. You don’t know when it happened, but somehow, the two of you ended up walking hand in hand.
It didn’t take long to get there. The restaurant wasn’t too far from the docks. The two of you made yourself comfortable when you found a table You talked about whatever and anyone watching the scene couldn’t help but smile at the lightheartedness feel of the sight. A waitress walked up to your table with her own smile.
With a pen and pad in her hand, she greeted the both of you, “Well, don’t you two look pretty! Are you here for a date?”
Before you could even answer, Nami replied, “Oh, no, we’re just friends.” The smile fell off your face for a moment. Anyone watching the scene could see exactly how you felt for a fraction of a second. Not wanting to cause a scene though, you sucked it up.
“Yeah. Just friends,” You cast a glance at Nami. She was ignoring your look, focusing on the menu instead. You pursed your lips and went to look at what the place had to offer.
The awkwardness was very apparent. Everything after that felt a little strained between the two of you. That one moment had single-handedly ruined whatever moment you were having. You practically ate in silence. Only nodding and humming in response to whatever Nami had to say. You weren’t doing it to spite her. You were just hurt by the situation. You thought… Well, you guessed it didn’t matter now.
That was what you tried to tell yourself at least. When you finally left the restaurant, moments similar to the one in the restaurant swirled around in your head. You eventually came to a full stop before you could even get as far as five feet from the building. Nami noticed that you weren’t following her and stopped as well.
She turned to face you. There was confusion on her face, “What’s up?”
Honestly, you probably should say nothing. You should probably say that everything is fine and act like nothing happened. But you were so consumed by all the negative feelings that you couldn’t be silent anymore, “What are we doing, Nami?” The girl looked even more confused. You crossed your arms, “Come on. You know what I mean. What are we,” You motioned to the two of you, “Doing?”
“What do you mean?” Nami inquired.
A huff escaped you. You placed a hand on your forehead to keep your incoming headache at bay. You removed the hand and made eye contact with her, “We keep doing this back-and-forth thing. I show that I genuinely like you with words and actions. You reciprocate. You show that you may like me and then the moment someone mentions something about it, you immediately shut it down. Why? What’s so wrong about being with me?”
For a moment, there was a flash of panic on Nami’s face. Almost like she realized she let her expression slip, she morphed the expression into a blank one, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. There’s been no romantic feelings between us. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression but I don’t feel that way toward you.”
You couldn’t believe that she was trying to play dumb right now. If she had been honest with you, maybe you would’ve reacted better. Since she chose to lie, you didn’t really give yourself time to think of a better response than what you gave, “You have been giving me signs that you like me, Nami. Everything you do towards me has a hidden meaning behind it, and that face you’re making says everything,” Nami shifted slightly. It was clear that she was becoming uncomfortable. “What? Do you not want to admit it because you don’t want to like me?”
“Look, you’re obviously just reading the signals wrong. We’re just friends.” Nami tried to say.
Your eyes widened when you realized what it was, “Nami, do you not want to admit that you like girls?” There was silence. That was all the confirmation you needed. All the anger you felt previously faded away. You tried to be more understanding. You were in her situation at one point too. “There’s nothing wrong with liking girls. It doesn’t make you weird, it’s not something horrible. You’re not going to get in trouble for-”
“Stop,” Nami’s voice was stern. You immediately stopped talking. Looking into her eyes, you saw anger. But there was something else there. It was fear. “I don’t like you. I have never liked you. We are just friends. Get that through your head. I don’t like you and I don’t like girls. I like guys and I am very comfortable in my own sexuality.” Now that was something you doubted. You had never seen Nami show any interest in a man whatsoever. The only time was when she wanted to get something out of them. That’s why she let Sanji hang around her so much. He was head over heels in love with her and she could get whatever she wanted out of him.
Those were her final words. She continued to make her way to the Going Merry. Leaving you standing there, taking in all the stares of the people who had witnessed the situation. You shifted anxiously. You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t want to go back to the Going Merry with Nami like she was now. You didn’t want to stick around here because of how everyone was staring at you. You just walked off in a direction and hoped for the best.
Things were a bit rocky after that. It took a while before things went back to normal. You tried to keep your feelings at bay, trying not to show how much you cared for her since she was clearly not ready to admit that she liked you back. Even though she kept acting like she liked you still. Either way, you certainly weren’t going to force her to like you. It was ultimately her choice. You had nothing to do with it. No matter how much it hurt, you would respect her decision.
There was one thing you noticed after that conversation though. Nami went out of her way to show more attraction to men. She indulged Sanji more than usual. When the crew went out to a bar, she let men buy her drinks and would let them stick around, flirting with her. It always made you sick to your stomach to see it. That’s why you were standing in the corner of the bar, nursing a drink in your hand as you couldn’t take your eyes off Nami flirting with some random guy.
You took a deep breath and gulped down whatever was left in your drink. You barely registered the sound of someone sitting beside you in the booth. You only realized they were there when they spoke up, “Now that’s the look of a sad drunk.” It was Zoro. You barely even glanced over at him.
“I’m not drunk.”
“So you admit you’re sad?”
“… I didn’t say that,” You looked over at him to see that he was giving you an unbelieving look. He wasn’t going to push you to talk with him about it though. That’s not his style. He just drank down the better he had previously ordered. He didn’t have to do much to get you to talk. The alcohol and his quietness had broken you down, “I just don’t get it. She acts like she likes me back but doesn’t want to say she does when asked. I tell her that there’s nothing wrong with liking me or liking girls and then she forces herself to tolerate any man that comes in her direction. I just..,” You could feel yourself tearing up. “Why can’t it be me? Am I that bad?”
There was a moment of silence. Love was not Zoro’s forte, anyone could tell you that. He could tell you how to take down an opponent in seconds but you ask him a question about love? He would look at you like you’re stupid. Still, he tried his best, “It’s all her. There’s nothing you can do about it besides suck it up.” To anyone else, it would’ve sounded harsh. Over the time you’d spent together, you knew that this was his way of showing that he cared.
You grinned tearfully, “Thanks, Zoro,” He shrugged. You turned back to Nami to see that she was glancing at you. You felt like everything in the room froze. You sucked in a deep breath and stood up, “I think I’ve had enough drinks for tonight. I’m going back to the boat.”
“Don’t fall into the water,” He only said that because you were swaying slightly from the amount of drinks you had. You only waved him off, heading out of the bar and in the direction of the boat.
What you didn’t know was that you had someone following you. The only way you knew was when you heard a familiar voice call out to you, “Hey, are you okay?” You could tell it was Nami.
If you had been slightly more sober, you would’ve acted appropriately. You were not sober in the least. “Why would you care? I thought you didn’t like me like that.”
A sigh escaped Nami, “Are you still upset about that? That was months ago.”
“Yes, I’m still upset!” You swerved around to look at her. You had tears in your eyes and hurt was shown all over your face. “I have a right to be upset! I put my all into what I thought was something between us. You act like you feel the same. Then you pull the rug out from under me every time. Leaving me standing there feeling like a fucking idiot!”
“Listen, I’m sorry that you’re hurt,” Nami started. You scoffed at this, visibility rolling your eyes. “I didn’t mean to lead you on… I just don’t feel that way towards you.”
There was a moment of silence. You would think you were thinking about the correct thing to say. You weren’t. You were just trying to process the utter bullshit she was spewing at you. “No, you listen, Nami,” Nami was taken aback by your assertive tone. “I know that you feel some type of way about me. What it is, I honestly don’t know anymore because of how much you’ve deluded yourself into ignoring how you really feel.”
“Deluding myself?” Nami was starting to get upset now. “Why would I even do that? Be serious!”
“I am!” You exclaimed. “I have never been more serious than right now. You don’t feel comfortable about the fact that you like another girl so you are trying to force yourself to like whatever guy comes your way. I am done acting like you don’t know what you’re doing. Whatever you want to do is on you but the way you’re living right now is no way to live,” You sucked in a deep breath. You could feel the anger rising inside you. “I am done waiting for you to realize that you feel something toward me. You can go and be with whatever guy that throws themselves at you. Just know that one day, you’ll wake up and look back on everything we could’ve had, and I know that you’ll be beating yourself up over it. You’ll be laying in bed next to a man you forced yourself to be with, remembering this exact moment where I say this. I fucking told you so.” You walked away. You were done. You couldn’t do it anymore.
And you were right. Months and months in the future, Nami got together with Sanji. On the outside, the two were seemingly happy. They were together after the continuous pining from Sanji and the resistance of Nami. You were a bit bitter about it at first but forced yourself to move on. You wanted to be with someone who wouldn’t be ashamed to say they loved you and Nami wasn’t going to do that. She could do whatever she wanted.
Unfortunately, her decision led her to lie in bed beside a man she didn’t love. She could recall only one moment as she stared at the ceiling with tears in her eyes.
“I fucking told you so.”
.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.
Taglist: @3v37773
If this felt personal, it was 😂. Hashtag been Nami before ✌️.
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just1more-fangirl · 4 months
Nami: Usopp, am I the worst person you know? Usopp: Oh, Nami, judging is for God and his angels. So yes, you are.
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awlimagines · 1 year
How they respond to hearing you have a crush on them.
Cecilia overhears Marlin grumbling to Vesta one morning about you. Though she knows it's wrong, she pauses on the stairs to listen in. He is complaining about how obvious you are in having a crush on Ceci. Marlin doesn’t think you’re a good fit for her. You distract her from work and aren’t good enough with nothing but a run-down farm to your name. Vesta laughs and says she likes your sincerity and determination. She thinks you’d be a perfect fit for Cecilia with how much progress you made on the farm in such a short time. Ceci’s face flushes at the thought; it feels like an impossible dream to think you would like her. Why would you choose her? You were close with the glamorous, outgoing Molly and accomplished young Lumina. Not to mention the last time you met, Cecilia had unloaded about an arranged marriage and her misgivings. The next time you see Cecilia, she seems hesitant to speak with you and avoids meeting your eyes. Cecilia nervously laughs when you ask what’s wrong and confesses what she overheard this morning between Marlin and Vesta. You confirm that you do have feelings for her. You were doing your best to be discreet since Cecilia had the arranged marriage date coming up, and you wanted the best for her. She quickly assures you that she has the same feelings and would always choose you over anyone else.
Gordy is surprised when Gustafa lets slip you have a crush on him. Gustafa quickly backtracks and asks that Gordy doesn’t let you know. He was told the secret in confidence, but Gustafa thought Gordy and you would be great together. Gordy gives the thought serious consideration over the next couple of days. His work has always consumed his mind rather than love. As he worked on sorting through his feelings on this information, Gordy naturally became more attentive to observing you when you spoke with him. You didn’t seem unaware of this new focus. You blushed as the large man’s purple eyes bore into your own. Gordy realizes he has had more inspiration and motivation since you arrived in the valley. The sculpture outside his house is improving as Gordy spends time with you, and he enjoys your moments together. Is this the love that Gustafa sings about? Gordy decides to explore where these feelings lead. He starts to prolong conversations with you when he sees you. Gordy doesn’t want to rush through his feelings for you, so he can one day express them adequately with his art.
He overhears Rock complaining to Lumina about why anyone, especially you, would have a crush on Daryl. He just doesn’t get it. Daryl had heard the term throughout his school years but never paid it much thought. He couldn’t understand why people were so wrapped in liking someone and made a note to research a ‘crush’ in more detail at the lab. A crush was a bit more than just liking someone Daryl discovered. Instead, it is an intense and usually passive infatuation. All valuable and reliable information ended with the dictionary’s definition. Daryl’s interest peeked. He wasted no time in confronting you about your crush and that he wished to observe the physiological systems at play. You blinked in surprise, shocked by the sudden request but agreed. He quickly identified that blushing and sweaty hands occurred alongside dilated pupils. You had an increased heart rate, but he could not get an accurate baseline read as it spiked each time he tried. Daryl noticed you tripped over your words with him and not with others in the valley. Daryl only needed to discover why his lab felt warmer and his stomach tight when you were around.
Flora is flattered when she hears you have a crush on her. She had never given much thought to matters of infatuation or love. Flora likes the idea of one day getting married and having children, but her career seemed more pressing after school. Your crush helped explain how you made so much time to help at the site with a farm to run. Flora spends a few weeks working through her feelings. The last thing she wants to do is act rashly on impulse. She is uncertain if she feels love or infatuation for you. Flora enjoys your company. She wonders where you are and if you’re okay when you are late or don’t arrive at the dig site. Could this be the start of affection? She had many crushes of her own when she was a young girl. They seemed so long ago Flora wasn’t sure of her feelings, and all the pondering hadn’t helped. She would like to focus on you and see what caused her indecision. Flora soon invites you to dinner at the cafe to spend time together outside work.
You were sitting by his yurt, humming along to the chords Gustafa strummed. You reflected on how close you had gotten to Gustafa. You never expected it from the brief pointing out Takakura did. After all, Gustafa was a traveling musician. Who knew how long he would stick around here? His playing felt so relaxing to stop and listen to as you struggled. The melodies he played were like a spell to lift your troubles for snatches of time before resuming your responsibilities once more. 
“What’d you think?” Gustafa’s voice roused you from thought. 
“I like you.” 
You watched his eyebrows shoot up in surprise from behind his glasses as you froze in wide-eyed horror. That was not what you meant to say. Mortified, you hurriedly tried to explain. You had a sinking feeling as he tugged the wide brim of his pointed hat down to hide his face further. Gustafa softly explained that your confession made things easier for him. He’s had a crush on you for a while but was worried about you not feeling the same. Gustafa asked if you’d like to meet with him for a drink at the bar that evening.
Lumina felt frustrated when she discovered you had a crush on her. She was obvious in dropping hints of her crush on you. At least, she thought she had been. How could she make it more clear? Lumina was scared to confess. What if she was wrong and you only thought of her as a friend? Or worse, like a sister. No, she would much rather you confess first. It needed to be before Aunt Romana found out you were who she was pining for and got involved. But how? Lumina’s eyes widened as she had a brilliant idea. You said something interesting the other day that could help move things along. The next time you came by, Lumina mentioned she had been thinking of how you didn’t know how to play an instrument. It was one of the reasons you liked to listen to her play. Lumina gazed off to the side and shuffled her feet as she offered to teach you. She was thrilled when you enthusiastically agreed to lessons. Lumina found chances to ‘accidentally’ brush hands or correct your placement as you sat squeezed together on the piano bench. Each of your blushes felt like she was inching closer to one of you admitting your feelings.
Marlin returns to the house after speaking to you about Cecilia turning into Vesta in his most recent dream. Ceci greets him at the door with a huge grin and a sparkle in her eyes. Marlin froze in shock as she asked what you talked about. He mumbled something about hybrid crops. Marlin had barely told you and certainly didn’t want to share his dream with either of them. Cecilia let out a disappointed sigh in response. She was so sure you had confessed. Nonplussed, Marlin asked what she was talking about. Vesta says it's because you obviously like him a great deal when Ceci hesitates to answer. He grumbles that they must be mistaken; you’re that nice to everyone. His sister shakes her head, telling him he should watch you closer if he thinks that. Marlin watches you more as you pass by their farm. He doesn’t see anything different at all as you wave towards them. Marlin headed to the cafe with his hands shoved in his pockets. He had foolishly gotten his hopes up listening to Cecilia and Vesta. Marlin hoped a drink would help. He didn’t expect to see you selling from a stall. It stung to see you smile at Gordy as you passed over some flowers. He was about to turn and leave when your eyes met. Your radiant smile when you met his eyes made him realize Vesta was right. You didn’t give a smile like that to everyone.
She’s heard this before about prior guys, and nothing ever came of it. So, Molly does her best not to get her hopes up. She will not confront you but continues to act the same as before. Molly’s teasing and flirting are not limited to you as Molly continues the occasional date with city boys. She comes to you for support and a shoulder to cry on with each disastrous result. Eventually, you’re frustrated enough to tell her to stop. Molly shouldn’t keep entertaining guys that aren’t good enough for her. YOU like her and have for a while now and would treat her like the goddess she is. You avoid looking at Molly while trying to get your blush under control from such a confession. When the silence drags on, you peek at Molly to see her reaction. The tears in her green eyes cause you to panic as you fumble to comfort her and apologize. Molly brushes you off as she smiles through her tears. She was just surprised you had such strong feelings for her. Molly was scared to get her hopes up, but to hear you confess made her so happy she couldn’t stop the tears of relief. Her eyes crinkle with a giant smile as you promise this is the first and last time you’ll make her cry.
Nami realizes she has a crush on you long before she finds out it goes both ways. At first, Nami couldn’t figure out her feelings. She traveled around so much that she didn’t usually make close connections with others. The valley had been different, and she’d stayed too long to leave at this point. Nami should have left the first day you arrived. She was proud of how great she had hidden her growing feelings or thought she was. Nami felt a bit disappointed when you left to continue your day.  After watching her parents' relationship fall apart as a child, she had trouble trusting there were good ones. Galen and Nina had shown her that love could easily carry on for years. Nami wanted that. However, each time she thought to confess, her doubts would overwhelm her. When you admitted your feelings, Nami felt she could be honest too.
“Are you sure you’re not tired? You’ve been running through my-”
“Yeah, I am tired. Your dog is such a sore loser when he loses races to me. I’m glad someone understands how taxing that is.” Rock cut off your cheesy pickup line rattling about his day on your farm. You thought this would be the easiest way to say you liked him. You could brush it off as a joke at the worst. You never expected he would interrupt you before you could finish. At least he was happy you sympathized with him, so it wasn’t a complete miss. 
“Do you know CPR? Because-”
“Nah, Dr. Baddoch tried to tell me, but it seemed like a lot to remember. And he said you’d have to do compressions until a professional arrived. Do you know how far off he lives? I think it’s better left to someone else.” 
Rock was driving you to frustration. Was he being this difficult on purpose? You seriously doubted it, but he foiled each pickup line. 
“I bet you dinner that-”
“Dinner sounds great. We can skip the bet and just to you winning. What did you plan on-” You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. If he wouldn’t stay quiet, then you’d make sure he found out another way.
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majestick-posts-op · 7 months
Navivi for the heart
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Why no one has ever thought about a Namivivi Tangled AU or Franky and Usopp as Silver and Jim in Treasure Planet?
One Piece fanartists, please be free to be inspired by these two suggestions!
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hauntingblue · 14 days
Skypiea time
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Robin saying that because I know she only got on a ship to then leave it...
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Nami sees Conis and gets sanji out of there so SHE can talk to her akdhksajka not a single second lost
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Hello my favourite panel of nami maybe ever
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Robin throws this guy off a cliff and to make just to make sure she breaks his neck too akdjsksk who is doing it like her???
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#luffy being jealous of nami handling the waver.... sibling behaviour#so many robin chopper moments my god... and zoro still mistrusting here... the coparenting of chopper is just beggining#already needing a ship carpenter damn..... franky i miss you#robin saying to nami she is brave for jumping off the ship and then telling chopper to please be careful.... yeah.... 🥺#luffy saying that they will fall off the island if they take the wrong door and they immediately fall qldjsonwlssls#and luffy just says that was all usopp! we failed! and it is not shown but i know he is smiling#i have gotten used to seeing luffy with his shirt open and the x scar i got surprised when i realized he doesnt have it yet.... oof#the priests having “mantra” aka haki is so op for the second island like damn.. and they got BEAT.... losers#the city of gold aka vearth aka part of jaya went into the sky 400 years ago ✍️✍️#robin wanting to stop the campfire so they dont give away their position... she doesn't need to hide anymore!!! party time#life's 36 agonies... zoro is so deep when he wants to... also first pondo hou attack... why against thus random man tho akdjsksl#shandora fell 800 years ago ✍️✍️#laki.... and wiper ... this hit so much harder in the show tho.... my bad... maybe they put some flashbacks in here instead of wherever els#wait wait.... shandia fell 800 years ago when the world gov was formed and robin just found a poneglyph that says they went to wat with the#enemy... so the shandians were enemies to the world gov i am sure of it... like the d clan and probably the ryugu kingdom and wano too#this shit is so interesting like there must be a reason roger came there last and with oden to read the poneglyphs AND LEAVE A MESSAGE#having robin and zoro fighting enel right now is so good man.... zoro learning to trust her since he has issues with her since the start...#i dont think there has been a villain that has been more scary than enel... they were terrified about his powers... apart from sabaody#never getting over nami being the one to witness the horrors this arc and then volunteering to go woth enel.. paralel to her with arlong to#where did conis get a bazooka 😭😭 i mean slay wait why does she want to off herself by proxy of enel... they hated jesus too conis its okay#ace wearing red in the cover story.... idk where im going with this it is his color... not taking luffys yellow with him for the search?#SANJI HOLDING USOPPS HAND SLEEPING IS ALSO ANIME ONLY??? AJDJAJAK NOOOOOO they keep putting in the homoeroticism#usopp and nami fighting enel is so funny this is something else.... hag reunion 🫂 hag struggle 🫂 and sanji stepping in at the end... 👌🏻#the girl they are about to sacrifice looks like laki and she is karugaras daughter and then wyper is his descendant.... i see#oh here starts the love story central to the story.... truly i forgot karugara had a wife and a child... i see why#WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD?? KARUGARA EXPLAIN#christ.... just the pages of textless panels about karugara and noland having fun together.... its enough to make a grown (wo)man cry#noland just laying on his side on a rock thinking about karugara you cant make this shit up#“the bell will always sound for you” while crying and sobbing.... are you kidding me... and then they can't come back 😭😭😭😭#reading one piece
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makismei · 10 days
♡ fem!reader x various
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featuring…. gojo satoru, nanami kento & fushiguro toji
cw: 18+, minors dni, squirting, overstim, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, anal play (nanami)
synopsis: who’s pounding till the sun rises and who’s clocking out after one round?!
notes from mei! tbh the title doesn’t really make sense… i listened to mcnasty(?) by jay park when it came out a while back and that lyric really resounded in my soul
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GOJO ♡ a quick shot. but his dick stays hard. pretty superman-esque if you ask me.
“you idiot—fuuuck, stop moving your hips!” the sound of both of your cum sloshing together rings in your ears. you’re pushing at his tummy, quivering legs haphazardly thrown over his shoulders and tears bubbling in your lash line.
it feels so full inside of you. you’ve both been going at it for god knows how long; his release smeared on your lower tummy and inner thighs.
satoru moves your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours as he starts to press weight into each thrust.
“ahh, mmaahhh!” head shaking back and forth on the pillow, “‘m gonna cum! i can’t—satoru, m’ gonna die!”
he’s practically whining, ignoring your pleas with sweat beading down his temple as he plows you relentlessly. “baby, i can’t hold out.”
his head’s thrown back, feeling his dick twitch whenever he kisses your cervix just right, eyes rolling back into his skull.
“y’feel so good baby, why do you feel so good?” he pants, not realizing he’s filling you up with hot ropes of cum. he’s still thrusting and you swear if he keeps this up your bottom half is going to be numb.
still absolutely rock hard inside of you, he turns you on your side, one leg still on his shoulder while he grinds against that one spot that renders you speechless.
“let me have one more, baby.” he whines, legs shaking, “‘m still so hard f’you.”
NANAMI ♡ depends. he’s good at holding himself off, but he also enjoys stuffing you with multiple loads of his cum.
he’s groaning, eyes lidded as he watches you align his cock with your leaky slit. globs of his cum seep from your pussy, soiling his faintly coloured pubic hairs. someway, somehow, you managed to flip your previous positions and he’s the one laying on the mattress instead of you.
“my love,” he breathes, his large hand; callused from his work but still so gentle, caresses your hip, “i’m not going anywhere.”
it’s as if you’re in a rush, scrambling like he’s going to disappear.
you whine, legs quivering when his tip swipes against your entrance. “please, nami, i want you to cum again… it feels s’good.”
he smiles, his other hand reaching out to hold your face, thumb gently stroking against your cheek. “so needy today… have i been neglecting you?”
leaning down, you bury your face into his neck, grinding your soaked pussy onto his hardening cock. you hum shyly, distracting yourself by leaving wet kisses on his neck and shoulder.
he hums, your shyness making him all smug and sappy. “so that’s what it is, huh?”
you feel him harden, before he’s lifting you and dropping you down on his cock. you tense, squealing into his shoulder. languidly, he’s making you fuck down onto him, his own hips jolting up to meet you halfway.
sneakily, a hand makes it’s way down to your ass. he swats playfully before gathering slick at the point where you’re both connected. surprised, your eyes widen when you feel his finger start playing with your rim. it’s gentle, soft massaging as he’s jackhammering into you.
with your legs shaking, he doesn’t bother trying to move your hips, simply doing the work for you.
you’re gushing, liquid drooling from your pusey before you force yourself off of him, practically screaming as you squirt all over his lap. nanami groans, pulling you back down onto him to chase his release.
“oh my god—oh, fuuucckk!!” nails digging into his skin, your eyes roll back from the onslaught of pleasure. “‘s shoo gooood!”
he chuckles in your ear, but it gets cut off with a moan, flooding your cunt with his seed. kissing your tear-soaked cheeks, he smiles against your skin. “still feeling neglected, baby?”
TOJI ♡ one round and he’s hooonkkk mimimi… but he’s fucks nawwstyyy. like. he fucks you so good one round has you nearly passed out and quivering—drool and tears all over the pillow and your squirt leaving a niceee puddle right underneath you.
“that’s right, doll.” he whistles lowly, watching your legs tense, knees lifting themselves off the bed as he continues to bury his fingers into your cunt, his pupils practically dilating as he continuously prods against your sweet spot.
it’s wet and sticky between your legs, pussy glistening under the cheap glow of your bedside night light.
you’re damn near in a downward dog, face smushed into the mattress as your squirt soaks the bed. toji doesn’t let up, toying with your clit as he grins, cock twitching in his boxers.
when you slump face first into the bed, you’re practically drooling as you know what’s coming next. sturdy, thickset fingers knead the globes of your ass, before you feel his heavy cock sneaking it’s way into your slit.
“look at you,” he jeers, leaky tip pressing into your cunt. “being such a sweetheart after i made you squirt a few times.”
he buries himself to the hilt and you think you’re going cross-eyed. “yeah,” he croons, hips finding rhythm and bouncing on the fat of your ass, “you just wanna cum, ain’t that right?”
“yeesshh!” you cry. this position allows him too much control. you’re flat on your stomach, barely holding yourself up from your elbows. toji bares his weight on you, practically humping you and you know, he’s about to cum.
his tip kisses your g-spot repeatedly, scarred lips leaving wet kisses on your shoulder. “‘m gonna cum, baby,” he breathes, “you’ll take it, won’t’cha?”
you nod, eyes teary, “mmhm!”
you feel his lips against your skin, grinning. “cum with me baby, c’mon. you got it.”
as if his words have magic, he thrusts a couple more times before he feels you squeeze, and he’s a goner. groaning, he has a feeling you’re squirting again while he’s shooting rope after rope inside of you. he’s dizzy, practically blacking out after he pulls out, wiping you down with his shirt that he’s mistaken for a towel.
he slumps beside you, with his eyes closed, he slings a hefty arm over your waist. you adjust as he pulls you closer, lips brushing against your scapula.
he’s snoring before you know it.
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panel is from i’ve become the target of his affection ^.^
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eiilese · 1 year
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what if the strawhats had different roles on the ship⁉️ i swapped everyone’s roles except for luffy because i can’t imagine him being anything but the captain
these are loose redesigns since their canon designs don’t really read as their roles all that much to begin with. some extra doodles and ideas for this in the cut !!
nami, vice captain: i took a lot of inspiration from her beta design!! canon nami already bosses everyone around so she fits right into the role. she wields an extendable staff (usopp still makes it for her); she lost her arm over the time-skip like how zoro lost his eye. i LOVE drawing cargo pants and boots, so she ended up with a sorta bottom-heavy design. frankly it’s probably not her style but i like how she looks
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zoro, the cook: my foolproof logic is zoro uses swords = good with knives. he does not use katanas to cut produce however, just normal knives. i was trying to go for “sweaty ramen guy” with the towel around his neck. the majority of the shit he cooks would probably be drowned in alcohol. he also wears his bandana the majority of the time now!! it completes the ramen guy look
sanji, the sniper: i also took inspiration from his beta design for this!!! he has guns!! and perfect aim of course. i was going for more of a mafioso look so germa 66 would be like, a mafia organization on top of all the other villain shit they already do. he has two guns but i didn’t draw a holster bc that’s annoying🤞 he lights his cigarettes with his guns. how would that even work? don’t ask me
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usopp, the navigator: his artistic talent lends itself to creating perfect maps! he also still tinkers, making nami’s staff as well as having a specialty for compasses. he uses a slingshot still (no perfect aim we gotta nerf him) and shoots weather-related projectiles. his goggles serve as binoculars, they can zoom to several different distances. i drew him in his zou outfit purely bc it’s my favorite one
chopper, the helmsman: he would predominately use heavy point while maneuvering the wheel. i changed his hat up to look more like a sailor’s cap, with an anchor symbol instead of an X. to be honest i don’t have much else bc helmsman doesn’t bring much to my mind :(
franky, the musician: ROCK N ROLL BABY YEEAHHH come on his stage presence is unmatched. he’s still a cyborg, he has instruments all over his body like apoo does but they were installed manually. his personality changes depending on what genre he’s playing but rock n roll is his default B) (ex. classical calls for a refined gentleman)
robin, the shipwright: her devil fruit gives her as many helpful hands as she needs! she developed nami’s arm (definitely installed some random shit she did Not ask for). she has a robot mecha that she’s able to pilot all by herself using clones. i changed her orange sunglasses to goggle eyewear
brook, the doctor: the irony of being nursed back to health by a literal skeleton 💀the irony of being the doctor of the rumbar pirates yet being the only survivor, saving no one from the poison 💀 i went for a plague doctor look! IM VERY HAPPY WITH HOW HE TURNED OUT i was really tempted to give him the plague mask too, but i feel that would’ve changed his appearance too much compared to the others
jinbei, the archaeologist: the shape of this man demands a little pair of round glasses on his face. he’s an intellectual i tell you!!! plus still a fishman karate master. the history of joyboy and fishman island being so intertwined is how he developed an interest in history
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mydearlybeloathed · 8 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you just can't get to sleep thanks to a terrible rainstorm terrorizing the ship. luckily, your tossing and turning inspired nami with an idea: just go sleep with the swordsman.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
don' ask about the aesthetic k? k 💙
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With how the hail storm rattled against the hull of the ship, and how the vessel careened on the waves, you were at a loss as to how Nami was fast asleep already.
The crew had settled down for sleep hours ago, the laughter and teasing from dinner falling into a soft silence draping over each and every one of you—well, except you, that is.
Even after months at sea, the incessant rocking had you curling into yourself, headache blooming under the skin of your temples. Groaning, you rolled around on your sheets, burying your face in your pillow as you shoved the blanket off your shoulders and down your body. Chill air hit you instantly, a contrast to the sweat rising from your skin. All you wanted was sleep, but your ears rang with the sound of rainfall and the far off thunder rumbling through the sky.
You tossed and turned again and again, rest ever so far away and the sway of the Going Merry making kept your mind alert with all its tilts and jumps. Yet another grunt of frustration huffed from your lips, and Nami finally sprang up, glaring at you from across the cabin.
“What’s wrong?” she demanded, her eyes heavy and her annoyance high.
Great. Now Nami was upset, which usually lasted a whole day if you were unlucky. You didn’t bother turning back to look at her, digging yourself deeper into your blanket. “Sorry…”
She sighed and rubbed at her cheek, gaze drifting over your exhausted form, taking in what she could in the dark. Settling back down, Nami said what she’d been thinking for the past two hours of listening to you loll around restlessly. “Just go sleep with Zoro.”
A beat passed, your eyes slowly opening as you tried to convince yourself you’d heard her wrong. You flipped around and gaped at the girl slinking into her sheets with a smirk you would catch through any dark room. “What? Why would I—Why would you—Nami!”
She chuckled darkly, her bright eyes finding yours. Nami propped her head up on her hand. “It wouldn’t be the first time, right?”
Trying and failing to make a comeback, you opened and closed your mouth like a gaping fish, settling on crossing your arms over your chest. “That’s none of your business.”
“Uh-huh,” she drawled. “But I’ve got dawn watch and am in desperate need of sleep.” All you did was stare at her, your glare fading. Nami rolled onto her back, offering into the silence, “It’s not like he’ll turn you away.”
You tried so very hard to let her logic roll off your shoulders, but it was cold (Zoro was warm) and you were tired (Zoro was a good napping buddy). As appealing as the idea was, you didn’t want to bother him. Zoro was probably just getting back from his night watch, Sanji heading up to the deck in his wake. Zoro wouldn’t turn you away, but he might grumble at you, and sometimes that was worse.
“Stop overthinking,” Nami’s voice whispered through a hiss. “He likes you.”
She was just trying to give you heart palpitations saying stuff like that. “Does not.”
“Mhmm. Get some sleep… with Zoro.”
You threw your pillow across the room, missing her bed by a longshot. You could throw pillows and shout whispered words at her all you wanted—it didn’t change that she had a point.
It wouldn’t be the first time you crawled into Zoro’s hammock late at night, seeking shelter from sleeplessness that seemed to miraculously melt in his embrace. Nami might’ve been right; Zoro might like you, at least more than he liked anybody else. It was confusing most days, but your mind was so mushy with fatigue you didn’t bother running over the finer details of your affections for the swordsman.
You puffed out a huff, eliciting a growl from the dark, “Go. Or neither of us will sleep.”
“Fine.” You threw off your blanket and marched out of the cabin before you could lose your nerve, trudging through the nearly pitch black hall of the Merry. 
You yelped as you tripped over a discarded broom, cursing into the night as you kicked it aside and kept on toward the boy’s cabin. As soon as you laid eyes on the closed door, your footsteps faltered, heart stuttering. 
The ship leaned on the waves and sent you teetering into the wall, and the decision was suddenly easy. You inched the door open gently, wincing at the momentary creak, and slipped inside. 
The boys’ cabin always had a… unique scent to it. Somewhere between burning socks and musk is how Nami described it. Honestly (now, you would never tell her this), you just thought it smelled like Zoro. Though Zoro might’ve been slightly less odorous on good days, you mused.
The swordsman of your infatuation lay in a swaying hammock tied up between two support beams holding up the ceiling. A flash of lightning illuminated his peaceful face for a brief moment, and the room was back to black. 
Collecting your wits, you approached him slowly, careful not to step on any of the clutters the boys left lying about. Lip pinched between your teeth, you stepped around a crate of slingshot ammo Usopp had crafted, catching your foot on the slingshot itself and jumping out of the way. 
You swept the room fretfully, yet no one stirred, the usual snores rising and falling. A sigh puffed form your chest as you turned back to Zoro’s hammock, only to lock eyes with the stoic swordsman as he gazed blearily up at you.
Lurching back, you calmed your racing heart and huffed at him. “You scared me.”
Zoro leaned up on his elbows, confused. “You scared me.” His gaze flickered all over your face. “What’re you doing?”
You fisted your hands, feeling like a deer at headlights, and blurted, “Nami kicked me out.”
Zoro’s brows drew instantly. “What?” He rose halfway when you hand found his chest, gently pushing him back down.
“I mean,” you amended. “I couldn’t sleep, and she got tired of me rolling around…” Bashful in how you averted your eyes, swaying on your feet, “I… sleep better with you. Y’know?”
Not even a second later he tugged on your arm to draw you closer, shuffling over to offer you some room. You smiled softly, falling into the space beside him, molding right into his side. “Yeah, I know.”
Your face warmed, your heart swelled, and you rested your head on the rigid outline of his shoulder, adjusting to find a comfortable place. Zoro’s arm slid under you and curled you further into his side, a sigh pulling from his chest, his muscles literally relaxing under each of your touches. 
There wasn’t a name for what you and Zoro were, not yet anyway, and somehow you were fine with that. He was there, and you were there, and that felt like enough. For now, you let your eyes finally give way to exhaustion, the pelting of the rain growing fainter and fainter. 
Nami was a tease, but she made some good points a lot of the time. You’d have to thank her in the morning, after you finally got to sleep in the arms of your swordsman.
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nanamis-princess · 5 months
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Asking them to peel an orange for you; strawhat addition
Synopsis: they peel an orange for youuu<3
Genre: fluffy fluff fluff
T/w: 🤔 I don’t think there is any, lmk if I’m wrong. Possibly misspelled words I’m sleepy lolll.
Luffy, zoro, nami, sanji & usopp (separate) X reader
-he’s sitting out on the deck drawing as you guys are heading to you next destination. You come and plop down next to him, he turns smiling at your presence. “Look y/n! I’m drawing a fish.” He holds up the drawing so you can see better. Smiling at his drawing you look towards him before he goes back to drawing “luffy can you peel this for me?” You ask innocently.
-he sets down his pencil and sketchbook before taking the orange from your hands, “yeah sure!” He begins working away.
-he gets done peeling it fast and tries getting the bigger pieces of the orange strings off for you. He also steels a little piece of the orange before handing it to you with a bright smile. “Here you go!”
-once you begin eating your now peeled orange, Luffy tries a small piece of the outer orange. His face twists in discomfort, humming in discomfort he gets up and goes to the railing spitting the rind into the sea.
-He just got comfortable in his hammock after struggling with his swords to cooperate. Laying back with his eyes closed listening to the way the boat rocks softly with the waves. Hearing you make you way to him, he opens one eye. His arms are crossed behind his head. “Mhm?” He hums as he scans over your face for any signs of discomfort.
-you hold the tangerine second guessing if maybe you shouldn’t ask, he looks comfortable. “I was going to ask if you could peel this for me” you say looking at the tangerine. “Are your fingers broken?”he asks as his attention is on you now. You let out a little huff “no I just didn’t want to get all the stickiness on my hands” you say feeling a little dumb for asking him now
-just as your about to turn to leave he holds out his hand for the orange
-it doesn’t take him long to peel it, he gets off some of the white strands but then hands it to you. “Bon appétit” he says in a plain sarcastic tone, mocking Sanji in the process with a small grin on his face.
-shes sitting in the kitchen with a book and a cup of tea while you guys are docked somewhere. Just you two on the ship, keeping an eye on it. She turns her page as she acknowledges you coming in, her eyes look up from her book as you sit across from her. “What’s up?” She asks as her eyes go back to her book.
- “I want this tangerine but I don’t feel like peeling it,” you say hoping she gets the hint. She looks at you above her glasses with a tsk noise leaving her, she puts her book mark in place and closes her book.
-she takes the orange and begins peeling it as the citrus smell fills the space between you. She picks her tea cup, placing it on the table so she has a place to put your orange. She get most of the white strings off, peeling an orange is mussel memory at this point. She splits it in half for you.
- before siding the plate to you she takes three little piece of the orange, she eats a slice and smiles at you. “preparing tax” she motions to the small piece she took before opening her book.
-he just got done with the lunch rush and luffy’s big appetite, sitting out on the deck enjoying his cigarette. He notices you out the corner of his eye as you are walking to him, he smiles brightly at you as he puts out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Hello sweetheart” he says as you stand across from him. “Hi Sanji, I wanted to tell you that lunch was good, I never got to tell you earlier” you say with the orange in your hand.
- “I’m glad you liked it my sweet” he says with a small smile as he admires you. He takes note of the orange and nods towards it before holding out his hand. “I can peel that for you” he looks up at you and takes it once you hand it to him.
-he’s swift and makes it look so easy, he even gets a majority of the white strands off for you. He makes it so they are just little pieces, you don’t even have to rip it apart. Handing the pieces back to you “here you are my love” he says with a smile before getting up to discard of the rind.
-he comes back out to sit with you as you watch Luffy and usopp try to catch dinner.
-you find him sitting down fidgeting with his slingshot and making more ammo. It takes him a moment to realize you are sitting across from him but he smiles when he sees you. He gives you a brief yet detailed rundown about how he’s going to take down bad guys with his weapon.
- “I was wondering if you could peel this for me?” You ask looking at him as he dusts off his hands. Usopp nods “yeah yeah, I got you” he says as he takes the orange. He works away a the rind then the stringy parts.
- he splits it in half for you, one of the small pieces come off and he holds it up to his mouth it make it look like a smile. He smiles whiling holding it up to his lips then eats it before holding out the rest for you.
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henrioo · 7 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "It seems that if your lover peel an orange for you without you asking him first, then that means they really love you, since they can do things for you without you even asking they for that."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : Male! Reader (can be trans or cis), MLM, homo relationship, man x man relationship, Sanji and Zoro bickering in their scenarios, it's mentioned that the reader likes orange and likes food in general, gay being used in a way to make the other embarrassed (not using for you), term men-kisser, Sanji is a little pervert about your male body (nothing too weird), a lot of terms and nicknames for male people
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,6 in all, 300 for Luffy, 772 for Sanji and 576 for Zoro
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : So lol I wanted to do this one because I saw a lot of those one week, then I though was fair for boys having that too. I planned to post this some week ago, but I passed through a lot of things so I got a little unmotivated, but now since I have 700 followers from the night to the day I think I have to give everyone more content, so hm here it is, for all those people... Jesus this is scary, I'm still gonna make an official post for celebrating the followers, but I'm planning a thing for that so maybe it will take a while, but it's coming and with some present for you guys. Enjoy!
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➤ Luffy
Naive of you to think that you would need to go to Luffy, the moment you appear on the deck with an orange for your snack, your boyfriend is already on top of you with his arms wrapped around your waist and drooling all over the fruit.
“Hey (y/n), did you get it for me?” He would ask laughing as you huffed at his insatiable hunger.
“No, for me, why would I get it for you?” You said feigning anger with a pout on your lips.
“Because…” Luffy made a hurt face, with big puppy dog eyes and a truly hurt pout. “Because you are my boyfriend and your duty is to feed me!” He said irritated and rocking you in his arms.
You just laughed, Luffy almost never called you his boyfriend, only at appropriate times for him, like now. The boy might have an airhead, but he knew that using titles like that would make you melt and fulfill his every desire.
“That goes for you too” you snorted, offering him the orange “You’re also my boyfriend so you should feed me too” you said laughing at his logic, but still finding it cute.
Luffy just let you go and took the orange in his hands, you were distracted to answer something to Usopp and took your eyes off the boy. Soon you felt him poking you and when you turned around you found Luffy offering you half of the peeled orange.
"Here! Now we’re even, you fed me and I fed you!” He said laughing as he stuffed half of the orange into his mouth and ran off to do something else.
Simply leaving you there with half an orange in your hand, red cheeks and a racing heart. Besides, of course, the obvious certainty that you loved Luffy.
➤ Sanji
It's impossible for Sanji to leave you hungry, he has a biological clock that works solely to always give you treats and small snacks between important meals. It's easier for you to get tired from eating so much than to actually get hungry around this man, especially when you're his boyfriend, and therefore his number one priority.
You had just helped Nami and received one of her precious oranges as a reward, so you decided it was a good snack until lunch time that was approaching. You entered the kitchen and sat at the counter, placing your orange there so you could eat.
“Do you need anything my beloved (y/n)-kun?” Sanji asked, looking at you over his shoulder as he continued preparing for lunch.
“No, I just wanted to stay here with you for a while” you answered him with a smile, Sanji didn't usually let you help him with most of the main meals, he said that the pressure of having to finish the meal on time for everyone was bad for your skin. He would prefer that you could cook calmly and calmly, making meals without a delivery date. That's why you usually only watched him cook the main meals, already knowing that he would refuse your help.
“You are so lovely Mon ange, I am so lucky to have you” he said, sighing dramatically with heart eyes as he turned to you with a lovestruck face, he quickly noticed your orange with curious eyes. "An orange?"
“Huh? Oh yes, I was helping Nami and she gave me one” you explained to him, knowing that he would be curious that you had a snack that he didn't give you.
Before any other movement was made, you heard Nami calling you on the main deck urgently. You huffed angrily and got up, telling Sanji that you would be right back while he opened the kitchen door to resolve whatever situation they needed from you.
When you came back a few minutes later, sitting at the counter again, you noticed that your orange was gone. You looked around looking for the fruit, it wasn't anywhere else on the counter, nor on the table, nor had it fallen on the floor or anywhere nearby.
“Sanji? Have you seen my orange?” You asked, not remembering taking the fruit with you.
“Just a moment my dear” Sanji said, still fiddling with something with his back to you. Confused, you followed his order and waited in silence.
Then your blonde boyfriend turned around and handed you a plate with your orange, but very different from the orange you had initially left. Now it was completely cut and all the pieces separated, that white part that you always complained about was gone and the slices were positioned to form a heart, in addition to, of course, a toothpick stuck into them with a heart design on top.
“You already work so much with those idiots, you shouldn't tire your beautiful male hands…” Sanji said and quickly fell silent, you felt like he was going to say a perverted sentence but he held himself back to keep the moment cute.
“Ah, Sanji, this is so cute” you said, observing the dish that was so well crafted, you hadn't even asked him and yet he did everything as if it were his duty. “Thank you for that love,” you said smiling at him.
Sanji stared at you in silence for a few minutes with flushed cheeks and a shy smile... and then he lost control.
“Ah, my dear (y/n)-kun! Please don't waste your compliments on me! Oh, you are such a kind man! A true gentleman! I could do anything you want my beloved prince! I will serve you all the days of my life and protect your beautiful strong manly body! Oh you are so sexy my dear (y/n)-kun! You are the most handsome man on the entire planet, I am so lucky to be your boyfriend! Please marry me and be my husband!”
You didn't even need to react as Zoro entered the kitchen yawning. “Can you stop being gay, cook? There are people wanting to have lunch”
“Who are you calling gay you little shit?!” Sanji shouted angrily.
“You, man-kisser,” Zoro shot back angrily.
“Listen here, the only man I kiss is my beloved (y/n)-kun and I would rather die than kiss anyone other than him!”
“Still a man-kisser” You decided to ignore them fighting while you ate your oranges… Sanji might be a bit exaggerated but you knew he loved you and you loved him even more.
➤ Zoro
You plopped down next to your boyfriend, sitting next to him against the ship. He complained with a huff about you disturbing him in his nap, since you were practically lying on top of him. So he decided to open his eyes to see what you were doing.
There you were smiling as you held an orange in your lap, you looked beaming as you shouted something to Luffy and Chopper in the distance on the other side of the ship.
"What is that?" Zoro asked about his fruit.
“Hmm? Snack” you said smiling childishly “Sanji gave it to me when I said I was hungry, cool right?” You said excitedly, when it came to eating you were always happy.
But the mention of the cook made Zoro lose all the excitement he gained seeing his cuteness, what was that stupid cook thinking? Sure, Sanji practically hated men and would never be with one, but you were still Zoro's boyfriend! Sanji couldn't just be nice to you like that! That was only the swordsman's right!
You seemed to ignore your boyfriend's instant bad mood, you didn't usually care about Zoro's jealousy, always saying that he exaggerated too much sometimes. Not that it was a lie, but that didn't stop him from feeling jealous. He snorted thinking about millions of things, did you like the cook more because of his kindness?
While you were distracted screaming and talking to your captain about something stupid, Zoro stole the orange from your lap and started peeling the fruit as best he could, after all his anger told him to throw that fruit into the ocean or else throw it at the head of that idiot blonde.
When you stopped talking and went to get your fruit you noticed it was missing, you immediately became desperate for having lost your snack. “Zoro, have you seen my orange?!” You asked looking at your boyfriend, had Luffy caught her while you were distracted?
When you looked over at Zoro, you found him offering you a piece of orange, which was now peeled in his lap and he was separating the slices.
“Huh? Why is this out of nowhere?” You asked curiously, of course Zoro also had his moments of kindness, but you thought there was something behind this action today.
"Do you want it or not? I thought you liked gentle men” he said irritably as his face turned red and a frown formed on his face.
“Huh?” You had to think for a few seconds, but soon you connected all the dots. “Oh! Were you jealous of Sanji? Oh, aren’t you a cute boyfriend?”
"Shut up idiot!" Zoro shouted as he angrily shoved the piece of orange into your mouth, forcing you to chew and swallow the fruit.
You continued laughing as Zoro cursed you and tried to make you swallow all the orange he peeled for you. Whether he was trying to feed you or kill you, you didn't know.
“Sanji! Zoro is trying to kill (y/n) by choking on an orange!” Luffy shouted, amused by the scene.
“Zoro, stop wasting my orange!” Nami shouted angrily at him.
In the end Zoro decided that he would be the one to bring you snacks, every time you went too long without eating he would show up with something stolen from the kitchen. He had to make sure he marked his territory and let you know he could be gentle too.
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awlimagines · 5 months
Their secret talents. Part Two
It was the beginning of a new season, which meant you were busy planting seeds. Gustafa had been at the field’s edge keeping you company, but he drifted away as you became absorbed in work. You splashed water over the last of the planted seeds. You heard both sheep bleating as you wiped the sweat from your brow. The duet gave you pause. You only owned one sheep, and the new one won’t arrive until tomorrow. Confused, you spun around to observe your livestock. 
“That’s you?” you asked Gustafa as he perfectly replicated your sheep’s baa back to him. 
“Yeah, pretty groovy, isn’t it?” the musician smiled. 
“What else can you do?” 
You spent the rest of your day following Gustafa in awe. He could mimic your cow, horse, and dog on your farm. Gustafa replicated the chirps of songbirds, the hoot of an owl, and the angry cries of seagulls. When you asked if it was only animals, Gustafa demonstrated his repertoire of phone notifications. 
“Can you sound like me?” 
“Ah, no. I can’t do people’s voices,” Gustafa watched as your excitement slipped. He smiled gently and offered you another nugget, “I can copy accents pretty well, though.”
“Your hands are so attractive,” you observed as you sat beside Lumina on the piano bench. “They’re just so nimble and graceful over the keys.” 
The young woman giggled before asking, “Would you like to see something different?” 
When you nodded, the elegant Lumina led you from the piano and upstairs to her bedroom. Your eyebrow raised in curiosity as Lumina locked the door behind the two of you. She guided you to a seat before crawling beneath her bed and pulling out an old case. Her brown eyes fixed on yours as Lumina tossed her long hair back over her shoulder. 
“You can’t tell Aunt Romana,” she swore you to secrecy before instructing you to close your eyes. “Okay, you can open them.” 
As you blinked your eyes open, you could see that Lumina now wore a black cape around her shoulders. She hesitated only a moment before leaning toward you to pull a coin from your ear. At your applause, the young woman’s confidence soared. She next pulled a stream of colorful squares from her empty hands. You sat enthralled as Lumina showed multiple card tricks. She gave an awkward half-bow as she finished, and you applauded.
“That was astounding! Why can’t Romana know?” 
“She didn’t like it when I was younger. Magic and sleight of hand was a hobby of my dad’s, and I think it made her sad to think of my parents,” Lumina explained. 
You intently listened as she recounted sneaking around with Rock to purchase the materials from Van. Lumina was excited to tell you about holding Rock’s parents and Sebastian captive to show the tricks as she learned them. Her eyes widened in shock when you encased her in a hug as Lumina gushed about having something to connect her with both her parents.
“What’s that?” you asked, peering over Matthew’s shoulder. 
Matthew jumped at your words, thankfully avoiding knicking himself with the blade he held. The wooden figure in his hand almost looked like an apple. Unlike the apples on your farm, his had tiny little nubs for hands and feet. 
“It’s a Pomme Pomme,” the man mumbled. 
“I’m not familiar with that. What is it?” you asked. 
When you lingered, smiling, Matthew sighed and explained more. He and his friends used to play a fantasy tabletop role-playing game in the city called Rune Factory. Matthew made the monsters for their boards before he moved. The group was starting a new campaign and reached out to him for some of the lower-level monsters. Pomme Pomme was such a monster that looked like an abnormally large apple. 
“You carve all of them? Where did you learn that?” you gently pressed. 
“I learned from our grandpa. He used to make all sorts of animals,” Matthew explained. “It keeps my hands busy, so I like it.” 
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face as Matthew reminisced stories of his youth. It was always pleasant to get Matthew talking about himself and his interests. When he finished telling you about the last campaign he played with his friends, the man shifted to lecturing you about how late it had gotten. 
“Could you show me some of the others you have before you walk me home?” 
The brunette man grumbled about you neglecting your farm to hang around but showed you inside. His ears turned pink as you praised the carved and painted figures, asking for details about each monster.
“What’s going on?” Nami asked. 
Her voice caused you to glance over from frowning at the ledger. You had finally saved enough to add new facilities. Then, while Takakura was sick, you had the brilliant idea to fix the roof yourself after a typhoon. Now, with your dominant hand cast and hanging from a sling, you couldn’t sign off on the new building. 
“I just can’t sign for anything like this,” you lamented, waving at your arm.  
“Oh, is that all?” 
The redhead walked over to flip through the ledger, viewing past orders and signatures. After looking the writing over, Nami borrowed a pen and some scrap paper to replicate your signature. Your jaw dropped in shock at the exact match. If you hadn’t watched Nami sign your name, you wouldn’t have believed it to be anything other than your own. 
“How did you do that?” 
“My dad worked a lot, and if I wanted to go on school trips, I needed to be able to sign the forms. So, I learned how to forge his signature, and then friends wanted me to copy theirs,” Nami shrugged. 
“That’s amazing,” you muttered. 
With this, you could easily get the facilities, and the farm could grow while you recovered. And yet, your conscience nagged at you. You sighed before telling Nami you appreciated it but couldn’t deceive Takakura in such a way. The young woman nodded in understanding before offering a solution. 
“Thank you again, Nami. You’re a lifesaver,” you gushed over the ledger. Takakura’s neat, tiny script confirmed the order of a new facility via verbal confirmation. Nami’s signature stood proudly next to his own, certifying that a third party had witnessed the process. 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” she flushed.
“Ugh, I’m so bored!” Rock whined next to you. 
For once, you couldn’t disagree with the blonde. Your meager supply of board games and the television had kept you and the young man occupied yesterday. After playing and replaying the games and the shows circling on an endless repeat of classics you had both seen a hundred times, nothing held appeal. Thinking of this being your entire season made you shiver in fear.
“Let’s make a trip to the city! It’s still early that we could return before it’s too late.”  
The idea immediately perked up your companion. Rock excitedly talked about everything the city offered for entertainment as the two of you bundled up to head out. As you crossed the mountain, you had the perfect idea. You would take Rock to do one of your favorite things while you lived in the city. He didn’t like not being in on the surprise. After numerous attempts and pouting, Rock perked up some when you promised he could pick a place to eat. 
“Here we are!” you proudly stated outside the roller rink. 
“Awesome! I haven’t done this in forever! Try not to be too jealous when I skate circles around you,” he smirked. 
You had expected Rock to be bluffing about his talent. That assumption had never been more wrong. As Rock breezed past you again, you slowly glided along the polished wood panels. The blonde could effortlessly weave through the crowd while going backward. An announcement came over the speakers asking people to exit, and you grabbed at Rock’s arm as he passed you again.  
“What is it?” 
“They said to get out of the rink unless you’re participating in limbo.” 
“Oh, watch me win then,” Rock winked before rolling from your reach. You watched in awe as the bar dipped lower and lower to the ground. Eventually, Rock stood against one other competitor. The young man flashed you a brilliant smile before lowering himself into a split, his face mere inches from the floor as he rolled beneath the pole. 
“That was amazing!” 
“Hahaha, yeah! You should see the other ways I’m flexible.”
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chiisana666 · 5 months
walk him like a dog!
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synopsis: some perverts need a serious reality check.
warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+ sub!perv!sanji x mean!dom!fem reader, big dick sanji, non-con voyeurism, dub con, sanji is a nasty perv fr, slapping but he likes it, blackmail?, footjob, mention of zoro x reader, sanji w/ a tongue piercing, cunnilingus, semi-public, choking, edging?, ruined orgasm, unprotected p in v, cum swapping, more stuff that I missed
wc: 3334
notes: image sourced from pinterest, credits for dividers here. not beta-read so apologies for any mistakes, I wrote this all in one sitting and was blushing like a slut the whole time. i wanna step on the stupid cook, he is so baby girl <3
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There you are before him, dripping wet and pissed as hell.
He hadn’t meant for you to catch him - he didn’t even know how he ended up in there, honestly! But you knew better than to trust whatever bullshit alibi the cook spewed when you caught him poking around in the women’s changing room.
Sanji had been present when you announced your intention to unwind in an Onsen not too far from where the Thousand Sunny was docked, inviting Nami and Robin to join. Much to both your and Sanji’s disappointment, both declined, opting to turn in for the evening in preparation for setting sail the next morning. But it did not matter, you would enjoy a quiet evening soak and perhaps a nice sake after regardless.
The kindly old woman behind the reception counter of the inn was overjoyed to have a customer, and you were delighted to find the hot spring empty, all for yourself. Once behind the red curtain concealing the woman’s dressing room, you strip away your sun-bleached top and tight shorts, undergarments following suit. You neatly fold the articles and put them into one of the numerous empty baskets on the shelf, placing your shoes aside. Wrapping yourself in a fluffy white towel that the old lady had given you, you entered the bathing area, sliding the door shut behind you. Hanging your towel on a nearby hook, you gingerly dip a toe in the water, before slipping fully in. The steamy water welcomes your aching muscles, tenderly loosening the knots tethered across your neck and shoulders. You sigh pleasantly and relax against the rock behind you, eyelids drooping shut as you sink further.
Unbeknownst that steps away lurks an all-too-familiar face. It had been easy enough for Sanji to slip away after you, claiming he too yearned for a soak. Really, he thought it was a nice idea and meant to enjoy some relaxation himself. But the obvious lack of customers and the late hour were all too tempting, and Sanji easily slipped through the red curtains rather than the blue.
He was just going to take a quick look, and then go to the men’s side. He peeks inside the only occupied basket and goes red in the face as he is greeted by your cotton panties neatly placed on top. Just once and then he’ll leave. Sanji presses his nose against the crotch and inhales deeply. It was intoxicating. His left-hand gropes at his hardening cock through his black pants, and one turned into two, and two turned into three.
Sanji’s gaze steadily lingers towards the sliding doors to the spring, he can hear you faintly humming a familiar tune. Perhaps he can just take a quick glance, and then he swears he will leave. He creeps towards the doors, your panties still clutched in his right hand. Using the greatest care, he inches it open, just enough to reveal a sliver of the scene it obscured. There you are - just a slice but enough to send Sanji reeling - leaning against a large rock, your locks messily done up to keep them dry, the swell of your breasts peeking above the water line, all while the hum of your sweet voice flitters through the air.
His eyes roll back as he raises your underwear to his face again, sliding his hand beneath his pants and giving his dick a firm squeeze. He wants to burn the image of you into his mind, eyes peeping open occasionally to ensure all the details are correct. His left hand fists at his stiff member as he imagines what more lay beneath the water’s edge. Sanji groans lowly while he pictures how your pretty panties snuggly grip your ass, or the heavenly sight of it slapping against his thighs while he drills into you from behind. He swore he could hear the sweet chirps that would fall from your supple lips, begging him for more, harder.
Sanji was close, just a little more and then he could cum and leave, and you would be none the wiser. He moans again, a little less mindful that you were mere feet away. He tugs at his cock, feeling his balls tightening just as he is about to-
Sanji topples backward, his tailbone smacking against the wooden floorboards while his hands fly behind to catch himself. He snaps out of his daze on impact and meets you with a shocked expression.
While enthralled in the depths of his disgusting, perverted mind, Sanji had failed to notice that you had left the springs and toweled off. It was during this that you heard a quiet groan, so faint you almost missed it. Initially fearing someone, perhaps the old woman, maybe hurt, you wrapped yourself up and hurried towards the doors. But then, you halted right before them, noticing the tiniest crack between the door and the frame. Through this, you caught the smallest glimpse of blonde hair and immediately slammed the door open.
So now, there you are, dripping wet and pissed as hell. Your towel is clutched against your nude body, hair now freed from its’ confines. Your jaw clenches tightly, and Sanji swears he can see the steam blowing out of your ears.
“Why you-! You vile little- you, you!” Words cannot express the admonishment you feel in this moment as you take in the cook: his belt hangs unbuckled, button and fly open to expose his hard dick pressing against his boxers, begging to be freed. His face is flushed, blonde hair damp from steam and sweat. And your crumpled panties lie next to him, evident drool marks littering them.
You growl and lunge at him, your hand tangling with his locks and yanking him into the bathing area, before slamming the door shut behind him.
“What is wrong with you!” You shriek, letting go of his hair and flailing your arms around. Sanji falls to his knees and peers up at you, bottom lip slightly quivering. He wasn’t sure if he should be turned on or fear for his life. Likely the latter, but he was more so feeling the former.
“I cannot believe that you would- argh!” You reel back, right hand striking his left cheek with a loud smack! Sanji’s head jerks to the side as he falls forward onto his hands, a loud, shameless moan echoing around you. His cheek tingles and burns as blood rushes back to his cock, reminding him of the orgasm you had stolen from him moments prior. You stare at him for a moment, shocked at his unconventional reaction. Then, you squat to his level, and, using the same hand you just struck him with, you grab at his hair again and force his face up to meet yours.
“You disgust me, Sanji,” you spit, noticing the ill-defined outline of your palm and fingers on his cheek. You might want to fuck him up, but if he is going to behave this way, you might as well enjoy yourself too, “Perverts like you are good for nothing, right?” You give another yank, sending shockwaves through his scalp and down to his cock.
“Right?” You ask again, more aggressively due to his lack of response. His eyes clench shut, afraid he may cum the second he meets yours, “Look at me when I speak to you, mutt.” Your hand moves to grip his face, fingers digging into his cheeks, forcing his lower jaw to hang open. The tip of his pink tongue pokes out as he gazes at you, half-lidded, while your head moves closer to his.
“Yeth!” he lisps through puckered lips, wincing at the crushing force bruising against his tender cheek, dick twitched in his pants. You smirk at his pure patheticness, humming contently in response.
“That’s what I fucking thought.” You stand up abruptly, pulling him back onto his knees by his jaw, which continues to prove just how much he enjoyed this. Sanji could easily free himself from your grasp if he wanted to, and yet he lies limp while you drag him around like a ragdoll.
With one foot planted firmly into the stone ground, your other traces up his thigh to his covered cock. You press the ball into his shaft, eliciting a guttural moan from Sanji’s chest, gurgling on the spit that had accumulated in his mouth as a result of the grip on his jaw. Running your toes up and down his length, you sigh, hand moving to regain his locks once more. You massage the crown of his skull soothingly, tilting his head upwards while you lean over him.
“Why shouldn’t I just tell everyone,” You purr in his ear, biting at the lobe, “the cook is a nasty pervert that peeps on girls. Imagine what the crew would say?” Sanji’s eyes shot open, what would he do if everyone found out about this incident? They knew he could be obsessive, but this was entirely different than just fawning over pretty women. Surely, they will kick him off the ship, drop him on some island in the Grand Line, and never turn back. Or worse, perhaps he will be thrown overboard to whatever creature lurks beneath the waves.
You sense his fear and giggle, placing a wet kiss on his jaw, “Guess you’ll have to convince me to keep my mouth shut.” Your toes curl under the waistline of his boxers, tugging at it so it slaps against his hip bone with a thwack! Sanji leans into the kisses you sloppily pepper along his cheek before a firm pull at his neck alerts him.
“Off,” you demand, fingers wrapped around his black tie. Stepping back, you watch as Sanji’s trembling hands undo his tie and unfasten the buttons of his blue-stripped dress shirt, discarding both to the side. He looks back at you, eyes pleading for your touch once more. You stare at him like he is stupid and scoff, “Everything, mutt!”
Sanji makes quick work of the rest of his clothing, kicking off his shoes and yanking down his pants and boxers in one motion, thumbs peeling off his socks last. He sits back on his forearms, fully nude, dick standing proudly against his lower abdomen. You feel your mouth salivate and thighs clench together at the glorious state of him. No matter how much you want to despise Sanji, you can never deny how beautiful he was, and even more so his dick was. The mushroom head is flushed red, angry, and leaking globs of precum. He is larger than you had expected, seeing as most perverts sported little cocks to juxtapose their massive egos.
But no, Sanji impresses you in both length and girth, possibly rivaling Zoro’s dick which had fucked you stupid on more than one drunken occasion. And his hefty balls that hang between his spread thighs are the cherry on top.
You leisurely untuck your towel and let it slip down your body, exposing your lusciousness to Sanji. He sighs, cock bouncing.
“Well?” you ask, arms crossing and eyebrow quirking, beckoning him to make the next move. He crawls toward you and rests on his haunches, thick hands grabbing at your calf while he leans down to kiss at your ankle. The fine hairs of his mustache tickle with each smooch, and the scruff of his beard drags behind them. Sanji puckers moist, messy kisses up your calf and across your thigh, creeping past your perfect cunt while his hands caress your hips and ass. He licks and suckles marks across your pelvis, pulling you into his body, your hands reaching down to steady yourself on his shoulders.
His striking eyes bear up into yours as he grabs your right leg, hooking it over his left shoulder and pulling your cunt to his face. Sanji flattens his tongue against your damp core, and you jump at a cool metallic feeling on your clit. He licks a languid strip up towards your mound, flicking slowly, obviously showing off the barbell pierced through his fat tongue.
Sanji devours you, switching between fucking your sopping hole with the thick pink tip of his tongue and tickling over your clit with his piercing. The firm grip he has on your waist and thigh is all that is keeping you up, entranced in the methodical rhythm of grinding your hips on his face, one of your hands stroking through his golden locks.
Sanji can feel his dick twitching and throbbing at your sultry gyrations, desperately wanting to feel your sweet cunt milking it. He groans into your cunt at the thought, vibrating your clit.
“F-fuck San-ji,” you keel over him, pressing his face impossibly closer to you. You can feel a familiar pressure thumping deep within your abdomen, a slow ascension beginning. You so badly want to cum all over his stupid face, but you cannot erase the image of his gorgeous cock from your thoughts. Much to your own dismay, you push his head away from your core, dropping your shaking leg and pushing at his shoulders. Sanji gets the hint and lays back across the stone floor, shivering at the coolness despite the billowing warmth of the hot spring steps away.
You drop to kneel above his hips, dripping cunt hovering inches above his thick, weepy cock. You trace your hands across his broad chest, pinching at his nipples and scratching at his pectorals with your nails, before finally taking purchase at his throat. You give a gentle squeeze and his hands, which now rest on your hips, offer one in return. You giggle at the somewhat cute exchange, leaning down to meet his lips with yours. The kiss was gentle, lulling you into forgetting how this exchange even began. His tongue dances with yours, sweeping around your mouth, piercing clicking against the back of your teeth.
You drop your hips to grind your wetness up and down his length, soaking his cock and balls with your sweet juices. Sanji bucks his hips up into yours in response, exchanging moans through kisses. The pudgy tip prods at your hole, hooking at your clit – although this alone was heavenly, you can feel your patience growing thinner with each thrust.
Breaking free from his lips, you left one hand wrapped around his neck, keeping yourself propped up, while the other reached behind you. You position his tip at your entrance, inching yourself downward on his cock, slowly split yourself open. He fills you up almost too perfectly, head massaging your spongy walls as you begin to fuck your tight pussy up and down his length.
Sanji’s eyes clenched shut; he knew he wasn’t going to last long, and it was taking everything in him not to stuff you full of his creamy seed right there. His grip on your hips tightened, alerting you to his nearing peak. You snapped your hips against his harder, ass slapping against his heavy balls while his tip prodded aggressively within you. Your greedy cunt sucks his cock in, clinging like a vise. Sanji’s breaths become shorter and more exasperated, eyes rolling back as he feels his balls tighten with the grip you had on his neck. He was so close, so so close-
And then you stopped, completely halting the movement of your hips within a second.
“Nooo!-“ Sanji whines, but is cut off with a harsh smack to the left side of his face with the backside of your hand.
“Shut up.” You command sternly, a harsh contrast to the sweetness of your earlier kisses, “Why the fuck would I let you come before me? Are you that fucking stupid, mutt?” Your degrading words send a shudder down his spine.
“You’ll be lucky if I let you come at all,” you chuckle at the flash of fear that ran through his eyes, mimicking his earlier panic. Leaning back, you release his neck and rest your hand on his thigh behind you. Your other reaches down to grasp the base of his cock in an ‘o’ shape, acting as a make-shift cock ring.
You grind your cunt down onto his pelvis, his groomed pubic hairs tickling at your clit while his dick kneads your walls. You sigh in contentment as you resume your bouncing, your juices making it easier to accommodate his thick length.
Sanji can already feel his high creeping in again, stomach tightening while he thrusts his hips up into you to the best of his ability. But the tight grip you had on the base of his cock inhibits him from toppling over the edge. He wants to cry, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he starts to babble at you.
“Pl-please baby- fuck- please let me c-cum inside of you,” He sobs pathetically, drool dribbling from the corner of his swollen lips. His wet eyes peek open to meet yours, hoping to find a shred of mercy but only to be met with malice. You grin wickedly at him as you slam yourself down on his thick cock, abusing your own cunt.
“Wanna fill me up, hmm? Tch- as if,” you jeer, purposefully clenching your walls around his aching dick. Another sob wracks his body as Sanji tenses, trying desperately to loosen your hold just enough for him to cum. But, if anything, you tighten it impossibly more, bouncing on him faster and faster, “You should be grateful I even let you stick it in my pussy.”
You throw your head back, feeling your core tighten and your legs begin to give out. Your own peak was right there, and you barrel towards it like a mad woman. Your bounces become sloppy, turning into messy thrusts as your climax hits. Your toes curl as bliss encapsulates your mind, your essence flooding your walls and coating his length. The clenching of your pussy around his length as you ride out your high is unbearable, and tears stream down Sanji’s cheeks while you selfishly abuse his poor dick.
The roll of your hips becomes more controlled and rhythmic as you come down, rolling your head and shoulders as you ground yourself back into reality. The tight hold you have on the base of Sanji’s cock does not let up once, leaving him dangling by a thread while you revel in your release.
You give him a look of pity, offering a warm smile as you tenderly slide up and down his dick. His breathing is still heavy, tears still flowing.
“Alright, alright,” You give in half-heartedly, slipping him out of your sore, sopping cunt.
“Wait, no!-“
“Cum,” you interrupt, releasing your grip and delivering a harsh flick to his puffy tip. Sanji screams as spurts of hot cum coat his stomach, hips thrusting violently in search of anything to fuck him through his orgasm. He tries to reach a palm to fist his cock, but your hands snatch his wrists and prevent any relief they could have brought.
It takes several moments for Sanji’s incessant whimpering and bucking to subside, leaving thick globs of seed painted across his abdomen. You scoop some of his cum up with two fingers, bringing them to your mouth to suck them clean, moaning at the taste. He is salty and slightly musky, likely from the copious amounts of cigarettes he smokes. But there is a delicate saccharine taste that lingers on your tastebuds. You swish the cum around with some saliva, leaning down to capture Sanji’s pouty lips in yours, spitting the mixture into his mouth. He swallows without even having to be asked.
Your bare chest relaxes against his, skin sticking together, while you gingerly nip and suckle on his lips, arms caging his head and fingers playing with his hair. You lay with him for many moments, relishing in the brief intimacy.
“Chérie…” Sanji groans wantonly, but you hush him before he can continue.
“I think we can work out an arrangement, cook. In exchange for me keeping your nasty secret.”
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princeoftheeternalbog · 6 months
Would op boys catch you if you fell? Lets find out next time on dragonball- no sorry it just reminded me of that narrator ANYWAYS.
I only did boys because i didnt have much inspi for Nami and Robin so i decided to wait until i do cos I don't wanna half arse stuff.
So anyways I feel like I saw someone do this idea already but it might've been just one character like a law x reader? I'm not sure but I would love to tag them so if you know please tell me ! I will also try to make sure mine is different :p.
Depends. Like if he's fighting or eating then probably not but if he thinks you might get hurt then he will 100% attempt to catch you. Key word being attempt. Poor boy probably makes the fall 10x worse, like if you trip on one step you're suddenly falling down the entire flight of stairs with a weight on top of you. He will apologise though so at least there's that.
He always catches you. Or prevents the fall in the first place. He tells himself it's so you're not unnecessarily out of commission for a fight but really he's a huge softie. Though he always catches you really ungracefully, llike there’s no princess carrying here, he's holding you upside down by the ankle with one hand fr. He scolds you every time too like- "Why do you never watch where you're going" or "Tie your shoes next time idiot", which you should hear as "I can't stand watching you get hurt". Cutie:(
Oh you know he does. He lives for romance and what's more romantic than saving your beloved from certain doom (tripping on a rock). Oh he also does it in the most dramatic way possible, he'd rather throw himself to the ground underneath you then let you hit the floor, he's doing twirls, picking you up with one arm, occasionally will throw you in the air first so he can rearrange what he's holding. Menace tbh, like he's just obsessed with teasing you in any way possible.
Another one who tries his best…tries🙁. He's always so dramatic about it too, he literally screams your name like you're in a horror movie and everyone is always like "WHAT'S WRONG?!" and Usopps just "Oh they tripped on a step". He either injures one of you in his attempt to catch you OR you both end up in the most compromising positions just as someone walks past . He goes so red trying to explain the situation while also trying to check if youre okay😭.
Oh every time and it’s smooth as hell every single time. Says super cheesy lines every time like “OWWWW GUESS YOU FELL FOR ME BABE”, and he gets sparkly eyed every time, he loves romance as a genre and finds it superrrrrrrr(😚) cute when something happens that matches a trope he's read. If he didn't catch you he'd probably panic and constantly apologise but just give him a kiss and he'll forget about it soon enough.
Catches you every time, really gently and really romantically. Instead of just full on catching you, he'll purposefully slow your momentum to minimise injuries in case his attempt at grabbing you fails because then you'd both fall and he'd rather not. Like if you trip into him then he'll pull you both into a delicate spin type of dancing and you're like huh??? He thinks its a really cute trait to be honest but it also makes him really worried about your safety so he likes to keep one hand on you at all times.
Catches you as often as he can, like he won't sprint across the ship to stop you from falling but as long as you're in his reach you will never hit the ground. And he always catches you really gently like you barely feel the impact so sometimes you won't even notice you've tripped until later when you see the scuff on your shoe or something. He really likes holding your hand to make sure you ‘keep your balance’.
He doesn't want to look soft so he tries to force himself not to catch you for just harmless falls...yeah no that doesn't work. As soon as he sees you losing balance you hear that ever familiar room, shambles and then you're in his arms. If it's later in your relationship then he's a menace, he will use this to tease you, like "Oh. Looks like an angel fell into my arms" with this stupid ass smug smirk. He's just really obsessed with you.
Catches you most of the time unless it's gonna be really funny. Also he catches you super awkwardly, like he's so obsessed with you but he never knows where to put his hands because hes not used to giving affection so it's like just in the most ungraceful ways. You are literally being held up by his arm around your thigh or something and you're like what the fuck and he's just stood there 🧍🏻‍♀️.
Prevents the tripping and catches you if necessary. But if you're too clumsy then he just starts getting huffy and hauls you up into his arms so there's no risk of you falling whatsover...and then you bang your head against the ceiling- He probably feels so bad if you get hurt because of him to be honest, he tries so hard to make you happy yk. Anyways at some point he just starts adding cushion to all the potentially harmful areas on the ship so even if you do fall it doesn't hurt.
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