#romance at its finest in the most genuine way possible
sakamotoiv · 2 months
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   #forthestreets AKA kenzo sakamoto iv
NICKNAMES: kenny. in fact don't call him ANYTHING else.
AGE: 26
DOB: november 9th
GENDER: cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
INSPO:  art donaldson (challengers), john wick, hae sung (past lives)
Kenny isn't very talkative or boisterous. But don't let that fool you, this horndog is always looking for his next paramour. He'll give you a smolder. He'll mundane his way into your pants if you let him. Don't let him...he's a much better friend than lover.
Kenny was never going to be the golden boy his father wanted. Even so, there was a brief period when they both believed that could happen. Born Kenzo Sakamoto, Kenny grew up in the lap of art and culture. He read comic books on bespoke rugs and ate caviar with his juicy juice. He was never a kid. Not really, anyway. He was Kenzo Sakamoto IV. He was the great-grandchild of one of the American Union's finest architects. He was the grandchild of a notoriously terrible jazz singer. Most importantly, he was the son of one of New Zeppelin’s most sought-after event planners. In a way…his destiny had to be preordained. Every great Kenzo was destined to raise a royal fuck-up.
Kenny’s downfall wasn’t immediately noticeable. He was a nice enough kid. He dressed up when his parents wanted. He had perfectly squeezable cheeks. He learned to smile on cue. He never asked for more than he needed. His only friends were his schoolwork, his stuffed animals, and his mother. Kenzo III thought he’d done it. Through discipline and attentiveness, he’d outsmarted the Sakamoto curse. Then Kenny went through puberty.
Kenny probably had 20 girlfriends throughout his high school experience. Romance…and the subsequent sexual activity that often followed…became the first concept that genuinely interested him. He realized that everyone around him had some kind of sexual or romantic desire…and most people would never act on those. He saw the way his dad looked at other women. He saw the way his mother longed after telenovela leads on television. He watched how the school secretary eyed the vice principal whenever he spoke. Everyone was horny. Everyone was longing. It became a game to him. How many hearts could he steal? How long would it take for him to love someone as much as they loved him. Was it even possible? His dad always had something negative to say about his relationships. It was the first thing he could actually criticize his son on. Kenny knew that his dad was a cheater at this point…so those critiques fell on empty ears. 
His parents finalized their divorce the same day Kenny graduated from high school. Instead of celebrating his accomplishments (if you could even call it that), everyone spent his graduation party asking if he was okay. The classic “what’s next?” question wasn’t about what career he would pursue. The undertone of the question was more existential. “Who Are You People If You Aren’t The Sakamotos?”
Kenny’s mom moved to the other side of the American Union to find her answer. He still hasn’t heard much from her or her new life. Kenny’s dad remarried…rather quickly actually. It must have been easy with his roster. Kenny discovered modeling. Well...he ate out the head of a modeling agency. In return, she set him up with some headshots and a couple of runways to walk. He fell in love with the pace. He loved watching designers agonize over what to put on his body. They looked at clothing the way people looked at him. An object of adoration. A source of pleasure. He was never passionate about art...but being a vessel for someone else’s passion? He adored it. 
His dad’s critical nature reared its ugly head once more. He would respect Kenny as a designer or event curator…but as a model? It was small potatoes. For the first time since the divorce, Kenny and his Father spent every family dinner in some kind of argument. Elaine (Kenny’s new stepmother) tried her best to keep the peace…but she was out of her depth. How could she compete with generations of toxicity…replaying in front of her eyes? Kenny eventually moved out of the Sakamoto residence...and into a highrise in the center of the Diamond District.
Elaine would often visit Kenny and bring baked goods or publications she found his photos in. They became…friends? Kenny would never see her as a mother. After all…she was only 10 years older than him. But she was a friend. She was the only one who understood what it was like to love and hate a Sakamoto. That friendship never blossomed into love…but it only took one stormy night and three bottles of prosecco for it to evolve into lust. Elaine stayed at Kenny’s apartment for three days. Kenzo III had damn near reported his wife as missing before he caught them in the act.
Kenzo III disowned his son almost immediately. He made sure Kenny was blacklisted from any modeling agencies that wanted to work with him. He spread rumors and pulled plugs. Most importantly he cut Kenny off financially.  Kenny was luckily enough to have some connections at Port Manteau and the rest was history. He'll tell the story heartily if you ask...he likes to think of it as his Grecian drama origin story.
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technologygd · 8 months
Unveiling Lisbon's Best-Kept Secrets: Why LisboaVibes Takes the Lead
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When it comes to navigating the labyrinth of Lisbon's vibrant tourism scene, you need more than just a run-of-the-mill guide. You need insights from someone who has not just visited but lived and breathed the essence of this city. Enter LisboaVibes – your ultimate companion in unraveling the secrets of Lisbon. But what sets LisboaVibes apart from the myriad of travel guides out there? Let's dive straight into the details.
Who is Behind LisboaVibes?
Behind the curtains of LisboaVibes stands Phillip Stemann, a seasoned individual who has made Lisbon not just a destination but a home. With a year-long residence and a plethora of annual visits, Phillip is no stranger to the ins and outs of Lisbon. Their intimate connection with the city goes beyond the superficial – it's a love affair that began in 2018 when relocating their agency to the heart of travel to Lisbon.
A Personal Connection to Lisbon
Lisbon isn't just a city for Phillip; it's a canvas of memories, experiences, and a touch of romance. The residency from 2018 to 2019 wasn't just about professional commitments; it was a journey of falling in love – not just with the city's cobblestone streets but with a captivating individual.
The Genesis of LisboaVibes
LisboaVibes isn't your run-of-the-mill travel guide. It's a manifestation of Phillip's profound affection for Lisbon. It's not just about showcasing tourist attractions; it's about sharing a passion for the city's pulse. Through LisboaVibes, Phillip invites you on a virtual tour, unveiling the layers of Lisbon that often escape the casual observer.
What Sets LisboaVibes Apart?
In-Depth Knowledge: LisboaVibes isn't a collection of generic recommendations. Phillip's extensive knowledge, acquired through firsthand experiences, ensures that you get insights into the city's hidden gems – the places only a local would know.
Cuisine Unveiled: Lisbon's culinary scene is diverse and dynamic. LisboaVibes goes beyond the clichés, introducing you to the city's finest restaurants, where every bite tells a story of flavor and tradition.
Sun-Drenched Locales: Lisbon is synonymous with sunlight, and LisboaVibes guides you to the best sun-soaked spots. Whether it's a quiet terrace with a panoramic view or a hidden beach, prepare to soak in the warmth of Lisbon.
Architectural Marvels: Lisbon's architecture is a blend of history and innovation. LisboaVibes takes you on a journey through the city's architectural wonders, providing insights into the stories etched in every building.
Your Guided Tour Through Lisbon
LisboaVibes covers it all – from the city's best bars to its most comfortable hotels. Planning your itinerary becomes a breeze as you navigate through their curated list of attractions. This isn't just about visiting landmarks; it's about experiencing the soul of Lisbon.
Why Choose LisboaVibes?
Authenticity: LisboaVibes isn't a faceless corporation spouting generic recommendations. It's Phillip, a local at heart, sharing their love for Lisbon in the most authentic way possible.
Comprehensive Guidance: Forget about piecing together information from multiple sources. LisboaVibes is your one-stop-shop for all things Lisbon, ensuring you don't miss out on the city's nuances.
Passion-Infused Recommendations: LisboaVibes isn't just about places; it's about stories, emotions, and a genuine desire to share the best of Lisbon. Every recommendation comes with a touch of passion that transcends the mundane.
Conclusion: Your Lisbon Odyssey Starts Here
In the realm of travel guides, LisboaVibes stands tall, offering more than just directions and lists. It's a personal invitation from Phillip to explore Lisbon, not as a tourist but as someone who appreciates the city's heartbeat. So, if you're asking, "Where to find the best guide for Lisbon?" – the answer is simple: LisboaVibes, where expertise meets passion in an unwavering commitment to making your Lisbon experience truly unforgettable.
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duskstars · 2 years
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Date night!
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
The Photoshoot (Part 11)
Cillian Murphy x OC
Previous parts here
♥️If you fancy, remember to leave your thoughts when you are done reading, I would love to know what you think!
✨One more time, @lyarr24​ Thank you so much Lee-Anne!! Your suggestions and the photos of the Lake District I found allowed me to write one my favorite scenes for this story, the place looks absolutely out of a fairytale and now I’m seriously considering how long I can keep these two in the cottage 🥰 It’s on my bucket list now, I have to go, definitely, I really want to rent one little cottage and move in. Sorry for the picture spam! It’s just this place it’s truly out of a dream ✨
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For now Tommy Shelby was locked away, and even though she could sometimes catch Cillian walking with the head down, or the shoulders up and tense, each passing day the character seemed to slowly fade away from him, and for what she had been reading about the scripts, it was easier to understand the mannerisms she saw in him, or the way his eyes moved, even some comments he made sounded more like Tommy instead of Cillian.
The transformation was incredible but it was even better to see the real Cillian smiling, happy, carefree.
The trio spent a good part of the morning walking around the lake, enjoying the view. The streets had a couple of cottages around, other than that, most the sighting seemed to be a beautiful landscape taken from a canvas, all green and nature at its finest and the breathtaking scenery embracing their romance.
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Their walk ended in the most perfect possible way, as they reached the waterfall. Stopping in the middle of the bridge, Cillian pulled Yael towards him.
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“Thank you.” Cillian whispered right before kissing her, one of his hands holding the leash for Scout, the other one, around her waist.
“For what?”
“For everything… you, this place, this moment.” Yael arranged his fringe, messy from the wind. “I needed all of this so much.”
They stopped at a small café at the end of the road, before heading back to the cottage.
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In addition to the beauty surrounding them, they also enjoyed the endless talk about the things they liked, their dreams, Cillian told her he had lived in London for about ten years, and moved back to Ireland just as he got the part for Peaky Blinders, he wanted to be close to his family again because he felt like he was losing the ground with the amount of work he was doing, and in a blink of an eye, he could end up turning into exactly what he always said he didn’t want to be. Things around started to blow up and even though it was a great opportunity for new films and stage plays, he didn’t want to just accept an offer because it paid well, he wanted the challenging roles, the difficult characters other actors were afraid of, the ones that were totally opposite to him because those allowed him to have more room to grow, to learn.
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Plus, there was a personal benefit for him, because by going back to his hometown, he could switch off and break away completely from the role.
Over there he was just a regular Irish man, people rarely approached him and that was a huge thing for him.
When she asked what about now that they were together, if he was still planning to go back to Ireland, he just assured her they would make it work, but for now all they had to do was enjoy their time together, all of it. To which, she didn’t have any objection. She loved sleeping in Cillian’s arms made her feel safe and comfortable as she had never been before.
Walking out from the bedroom after taking a bath, she felt refreshed, being there had allowed them to recharge and discover a lot of things that made her feel more in love with him.
He was in front of the stove, cooking something, Scout looking up at him, waiting for him to drop some food.
“You really enjoy cooking.”
Every time she looked in his direction, a genuine smile she couldn’t help appeared on her lips. He lighted up the whole room, lighted her heart.
“Just for you.” When he looked at her, his gaze immediately changed, she was wearing his green knitted jumper and her legs bare, the jumper covering slightly her hips. He let his eyes roam through her body completely. Yael looked so fucking sexy wearing his clothes, it was a sight he would never get tired of. “I think I know that.” He said pointing at her with the wood spoon.
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(The green jumper)
“I found it in the bathroom, it smells like you.” She hugged him from behind wrapping her arms around his torso and tiptoeing to give Cillian a kiss on his cheek. She inspected the food, it smelled good.
“You don’t even realize how beautiful you look in it, do you?” He turned around and intertwined his fingers above her bum.
“My favorite.” She whispered, her arms around his neck.
“Your favorite what?”
“My favorite everything.”
He wondered If she was talking about the jumper or him, but her lips silenced his thoughts.
“This mac and cheese is to die for!” She stole a spoon from the pot.
“I’m glad you liked it.” He chuckled when she filled the spoon again. “Do you want a plate?”
Yael shook her head, her mouth was full. She jumped on the counter and did a little dance as she brought the spoon to her mouth again. “You can serve yourself on the plate, the pot it’s for me.” She grinned.
The smile reaching his eyes, lighting them up. “That good huh?” His hands immediately running up and down her smooth legs.
“I’m going to need your help to burn the calories with some cardio though.” Her free hand went to his head to caress his still shaved sides.
“I’m at your sexvice*.” He tried to kiss her lips, but was interrupted by her laugh.
“How come you are always coming up with these words? I’m going to start writing them down and make you a dictionary.”
“You mean a Cillianary.” He winked and walked away to get the leash to take Scout out.
“Hurry up, or there won’t be any Mac and cheese left when you come back.”
“This place is amazing honestly… I could live here forever.” He admitted after coming back with Scout.
“We could come here every time you want.”
“There’s a place in Ireland that I think you might like, this is very civilized compared to Kerry, you need to use a ferry and a small boat to get there, no internet, no cellphone signal, the perfect place to disconnect form the outside, while connecting with the inside if you know what I mean.”
“Not fair you are tempting me with that beauty and it’s so far away, I want to go already.” His lips peppering her neck softly.
“I have to go actually, not soon, maybe in a couple of weeks, maybe you can check your dates and go with me?” His hands rubbing up and down her legs on his lap, his eyes adoring her sight. “And after some errands I have to do, we can spend a weekend in Kerry.”
“Your voice faded away when you started kissing my neck, sorry.” She laughed. “But yes, whatever the question was.”
Cillian chuckled not believing he could have that effect on her. But when she pushed him back on the couch and she climbed on top of his body he realized the effect was two sided. “I thought you were sore?”
She nodded. “I am, but I can’t get enough of you now.”
Nothing a warm bath wouldn’t cure. And he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to be inside of her.
“You are just spoiling him.” Cillian complained as they drove back from the vet, Scout needed one of his shots and they found a local veterinarian in town. Yael was kissing Scout’s head, her hands caressing the pup.
“Oh my poor baby, they gave you an injection, poor boy…” Cillian swore Scout was faking the pity look on his face.
With all the shots and checkups done, they were happy to know the dog was in perfect state and decided to go out to celebrate it, they just needed an excuse.
“How are we supposed to leave Scout alone? The celebration is for him.” She thought suddenly, hugging the puppy in her lap.
Chuckling, Cillian looked at her. “Really? You want to take a dog into every restaurant you go?”
“A puppy friendly one.”
“You are unbelievable.”
Holding the puppy up slightly, she hid part of her face behind Scout’s head. “How can you say no to this face? Pwease daddy, I will be a good boy.” She mimicked a funny voice, moving Scout’s paw to touch Cillian’s arm.
Cillian pat his dog’s head, and while the pedestrians crossed the street he leaned in to brush his lips against hers. “I can’t resist you.” Another light kiss before asking her where did she want to go.
Twenty minutes later, Cillian and Yael were sitting at the terrace of an incredible restaurant that was indeed, pet friendly, Scout was offered a bowl of water and a special edition of a dish dog approved. She ordered a sparkling water with lemon and he wanted a glass of wine so bad, but instead he ordered water.
“You know I can drive if you want.” She proposed referring to the glass of wine he asked first but then changed his mind and switched to water.
“It’s alright, water is fine.”
“Even if they tell you it’s okay to drive if you had one glass, it’s really not okay. The system is compromised and your reaction might not b-”
Two women approached their table, grinning and looking intensely at Cillian. “Excuse me.” One of them talked. “Are you Cillian?”
He wanted to the earth open behind him and swallow him entirely. “Yeah.” A forced smile appeared on his face, Yael sensed how tense he was. “We are big fans of Peaky, we were wondering if we could have a picture with you.”
The waiter appeared with their food, saving him. “Am really sorry but we are about to eat, it’s been a long day…I appreciate you watching the show.”
Yael watched the whole interaction and the sad faces they made as they walked away.
“I am sorry about that.” It was so fucking embarrassing to him, it had been occurring the same situation more frequently now that the Peaky Blinders season two was about to start post production, he tried to hide behind beanies and sunglasses but it was useless sometimes. Like that very moment.
Fans appeared out of nowhere.
“Hey it’s okay, it’s part of the bargain.” She tried to brush it off as if it was nothing, but she did notice the big change on his mood after that.
“Not what I signed for.” He opted for something like a shell posture, tried to drop his head, his shoulders up, not in a Tommy posture this time.
“From what you have told me, Peaky is something big now, you will get more and more attention, you need to make peace with it before it eats your head off.”
“Promise me you won’t watch the show please.”
“Cill you should be proud of your job, it’s huge.” The script was truly an invaluable gift, just like he was a fantastic actor.
“I don’t want you to look at me differently.” He admitted.
Reaching over the table, Yael placed her hand on his, making him look up from his food.
“I promise you, only if you promise you will take a photograph with the next fan that asks you.”
Frowning, he started to shook his head. “What if you ever had the chance to meet Frank Zappa? Wouldn’t you ask him for a photo?” She learned about his tastes in music over the last couple of days.
“I can’t, he is dead.” Slapping a little at his hand she couldn’t stop rolling her eyes.
“They were so nervous, it probably cost them the world to ask you.”
The air moved her hair. “Who would you ask for a photo?” he asked smiling.
“I already have it remember?” she answered right away, when they arrived at her apartment after the photoshoot, and Yael connected the camera to her laptop, he had asked her to use the timer to get a picture of the two of them.
That made him smile again.
“No but seriously?”
“Anthony Hopkins and Meryl Streep, I have a massive respect for their work.”
The sound of someone snoring slightly interrupted them. Scout was curled up between Yael’s feet, the leash tangled.
“He’s asleep.” Cillian pointed. “Don’t move.”
“Oh my heart, I just can’t.”
“The head is over your feet.” He declared while seating back up again. Making a cute face. “I keep thinking how grateful I am Vassilis asked you to take the pictures.” Cillian admitted winking at her.
Yael squeezed his hand a little.
She watched his food, trying to understand how he would be able to eat all of that, he had explained he used to be a vegetarian, but since the casting for Tommy, he switched his diet and started to eat meat again to gain weight for the role. She admired how dedicated he was, strictly followed the exercises routine and meal plan to build the muscle he needed in order to be able to play Tommy Shelby. Worked out five or six times a week at the gym, even now that he was done with the project.
“You have to try the apple crepe with ice cream on top.” An inviting smile forming on his lips. “I bet you will like it.”
Yael smiled and followed his suggestion. Caramelized apple and cinnamon smelled delicious, and it tasted even better. He kept saying he didn’t want desert, but sneakily kept stealing bites from her crepe until she decided to place the plate between them.
“This is so good.” She licked the ice cream of her spoon.
“Trying to get me hard in public?” he whispered.
Blushing she looked away from him, she wasn’t thinking about that until he brought it up. “You are always on automatic.”
Scout scratched her legs, asking for attention.
“Come here little boy.” Placing the dog in her lap, she adjusted one of the ears, it was flipped backwards.
“Let me take your picture.” He asked adjusting the camera on his cell. “There, beautiful.” He got two shots; one of her looking at him and the other one looking at Scout.
Looking at the image that Cillian shot, she smiled. “I love it.”
“It’s my new lock screen.” He showed her, a proud smile on his face.
As they walked out of the restaurant, Cillian realized the girls that asked for a picture before were seating outside, he tried to look away from them, but the moment they noticed him, started walking.
“I am doing this just for you, for the record I don’t like strangers coming at me for pictures.” He admitted close to her ear right before the girls asked one more time for a photograph.
Yael was the chosen photographer to do such important task, she could see the discomfort on his face and she felt sorry for asking him to do it, in contrast with the extreme happiness of the girls, it was really a very stressful moment for Cillian and he looked uncomfortable. She would never ask him again to do this. Still trying to make it worth for the girls, she adjusted the light on the screen and walked a few steps back in order to take a full shot without cropping their legs. It was frustrating for her when other people cropped her legs in a picture.
“There you go.” she handed the cell phone to one of them and Cillian immediately took her hand to start walking. He was so quiet. “I’m sorry, shouldn’t have put you in that position if you don’t want to take pictures, I won’t suggest it again.” She just thought it would make the girls happy.
“It’s alright.” He said softly, kissing her hair. “I just can’t see the point or the benefit of snapping a picture with someone you don’t know.”
“They are probably big fan of yours and the show, or just because you are a movie star.”
“Course not.” He shook his head. He was just showing how humble he was.
She had seen some of his movies and his talent was unbelievable, such a chameleon. Breakfast at Pluto was at the top of her list.
“Whenever you like it or not, you are a great actor and they think they will never have another chance to meet you.”
“Yeah but I didn’t go to the kitchen to have a picture with the chef just because he owns a restaurant.”
Sighting, she leaned her head against his shoulder. “I get your point.”
“I simply love acting, being able to play different characters, but want to do my regular life, live my life like any other man.”
“You just have to accept the fact that you won’t be able to let it slip every time.”
“I know.” Bending down, he picked up Scout, the pup decided to stop walking, was sitting in the middle of the street.
As they made their way back to the cottage, Yael’s cellphone started ringing, watching at the screen, she saw Violet’s number.
“Why did you deliberately forgot to mention that you were dating Thomas Shelby?”
Yael looked mortified in Cillian’s direction, his eyes on her wondering what was happening. “Hello Vi… how are you? I’m doing fine, thank you for asking… and I am not dating Thomas Shelby.” Scout tried to get on the couch. Cillian narrowed his eyes.
“That’s not what Instagram says.” She then explained her fiancé sent her a picture of a girl he followed and said she met Cillian and his girlfriend. “I’m sending the picture they took of you two, and a cute dog.” Yael could only shake her head.
“Listen, I have to go, there’s another call coming in.” as she hung up, Cillian approached her. A text from Lee-Anne came in too, announcing her date was on the internet.
“It’s Vassilis.”
Sexvice= sex+ service 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
I am curious: what are your favorite scenes from your main ships (date, dair, derena...)?
scenes involving milo don't count, sorry!
for me, it's really not just scenes, but body language & just in general, how they are with each other, you know? dan and serena grin at each other and hug SO much, you can tell that being around each other in s1 made them both so happy, and even after that glow fades the way they look for comfort in each other... top level stuff. the way blair looks at dan... we never see her as radiant at any other point. she was not looking at anyone else like this. and gosh, dan and nate. they're both so comfortable around each other that there's absolutely nothing weird about like. discussing that one ex girlfriend whom they both share AND both were in love with. there is literally no other duo who trusts/enjoys each other's company so much that they're comfortable in a love triangle. (probably because they're more in love with each other than with the girl, but that is not the point. or is it?)
anyway, more specific answers. under the cut. this is one of the longest answers i've ever written on this blog possibly but you KNEW that would happen when you sent this ask, didn't you? (affectionate)
derena: i tagged one of my ds reblogs as 'the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one' and like. look at them! this hug from 1x10 kills me in the best way. they are both the literal embodiment of :D when they see each other! i love 1x10 as a whole moment, their entire thing at cotillion is so sweet and they're both so happy. the fact that he is talking about his chemistry teacher during this kiss in 1x07. that bit at the end of 1x05 when they talk about their siblings (being there for their sibling because of fallible parents being a derena parallel makes me simultaneously really sad and really soft, tbh). 1x05 gives me SO MUCH SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT but the way they walk off together arms around each other does something to me - these are two people who are still getting to know each other but who really like what they see, and who trust each other and. are just having a good time together! back when derena was my OTP, the 1x11 "your story's about me?" was absolutely a fave, too, and i still adore it, albeit in a different, more nostalgic way. i like a dan who writes cute stories about serena. no empty shell sabrina van skoneker bullshit. she is so much like you, daniel! you'd be shattered if she did this to you. don't do this to her. tbh, most derena moments from s1 are just A+ romance. the bit in 2x02 in the jitney is so funny, they're SO bad at being exes. the bit in... 3x03 i think?? i don't remember... on the contrary. when they're talking about dan's fling w/ georgina and serena's relationship with carter, the ease with which they talk and how happy/supportive they are of each other's new relationships... yeah. love to see it.
i also really like any instance of them having honest/open conversations. 1x13, talking about how serena is concerned about blair. 1x08, serena talking to dan about feeling jealous of vanessa. this bit from the touch of eva or whatever that episode is. 4x04 i think. this is the conversation everyone is trying to get dan to have and he's avoiding EVERYONE else. derena interactions in 3x21 (can't find a gif right now) - the fact that dan is with serena when her dad abandons them, the fact that he goes all the way there with her. 2x07, "i'm really glad you're nate's friend. he really needs someone like you right now" (though i'm cheating, that's technically a d/n moment too klhdflkgf). there's a bit in s4 where he's advising her against having an affair w/ colin, i don't remember the ep number, but the way he takes her side so easily and naturally and puts due blame/responsibility solely on her professor... yeah. 4x10 i think this ep is?? idk. but like my tags say, im sentimental about this moment because while what dan was doing was irresponsible, sneaking her out of the ostroff, he was the only person in this episode who was actually talking to her and listening to her and taking her seriously. nobody else was doing that!!
i probably have more moments i'm not remembering, but we're only 1/3 into this answer and LOOK AT THE WORDS, good lord, i'm sorry.
dair: my favourite dair episode is hands down despicable b (5x21) which i have heard is an uncommon answer. i just love the conflict resolution of it all, okay!!! 1x04 & 2x08 are like. standard answers any dair shipper will give, and i'm no different. i love dan being able to give blair advice and blair actually taking his advice even though they're not friends yet!!! be right back, yelling at the intimacy of it all!! 5x16, with their getting together (this little kiss and dan being so startled by it), blair admitting a flaw she genuinely does have and dan saying it's not awful because it's her, which is just. romance at its finest. those vows, good lord. 5x18.... they're having fun! blair showing up at the loft in lingerie for dan... the delight on her face.... (i know this moment blows up in their face but when she's there she looks so happy and proud of herself and this was like THE moment when i was like. oh. dair is really the heart of this garbage show huh).
i think for me, the thing that really sells dan & blair together is the serena of it all. both of them love serena more fiercely than anyone else, and that is what brings them together. (fwiw i definitely think nate loved serena this much and this deeply, too; the writers just wanted to pop the serenate balloon, which even i think was extremely unnecessary and ooc.) but (& i have so much meta about this) their relationship grows beyond serena. their entire s4 arc is SO good. i love how comfortable around each other they are, in such an adult way, in the sense of like. they both bring so much stability to each other? morgan tagged this edit "the marrieds" and like. yeah. b offers to help him shave. they're having breakfast & reading the paper together.
all the love declarations we got that weren't a simple 'i love you.' be your charming wonderful self (how could she not love you/ tell me what would make you happy, dan) i told chuck he doesn't have my heart anymore (you spent your life earning the keys to set you free when you were free all along!!!!) dan's pep talk to blair in 5x21 (already linked a gifset earlier, here's another one if you want i guess). there's definitely more... but honestly, the way the dair arc was executed was so good - while i do have my complaints, i also think keeping those aside, it was SO close to perfect. i love dan & blair's banter and gradually becoming closer and closer and closer. it felt very organic and real and GOSH. the way penn & leighton looked at each other while playing dan and blair...... it's just SO MUCH.
date: this is the hardest, because it's. *screams*. maybe you saw me losing my mind over those 2 seconds of nate handing dan a waffle? i love almost every scene with these two, even the hellish s6 breakup scene. my favourite episode for d/n (& also favourite gg episode in general) is 2x06 - i love the homoerotic subtext of it all. nate pretending to be dan because dan's name is the first name that came to his head. dan flirting w/ nate while tied to that thing, in his underwear. them becoming friends. and 2x07 as a follow-up to that! dan getting nate to live in the loft with the humphreys for a while. i am so soft.
4x09 is a terrible episode in general, especially for serena my beloved, but the d/n moments in that one? off the CHARTS. this weird overly macho flirting, in some ways THE most iconic d/n line. this entire finish each other's sentences nonsense. someone (i think it was ana but im not sure?) compared the energy of those scenes i just linked to the book blairenate love triangle resolution, blairena choosing each other over nate in the books, date choosing each other over serena in the show (if only! RIP.) after the saints & sinners ball, this cute little moment of 'youre the only one who understands me. please tell me they went home together. i mean. how could they not have.
3x07, them watching vampire porn together. a tag i used on ao3 (& also on here, once) is 'nate brings out the himbo in dan'. here is a prime example. 'is she levitating?' i don't fucking know, dan, what do you think?? (i was telling my partner that that's what i love abt dair vs date. around blair dan is an intellectual, a librarian, an art historian, a museum curator. around nate it's like dan is competing to be #1 himbo on the show. can my girlfriend actually fly? i don't know, dan. i can't believe you're seriously asking such a question.)
3x12 pep talk. (sorry about the shitty quality!) essentially nate telling dan that he (dan) is hot and that he shouldn't talk himself down so much.
dan making nate gay in his book. you know. his book from which blair found out he was in love with her. nads (who i will not tag in this billion word long gushy meta, because i value her sanity) once called inside "wish fulfilment' and. i mean. yeah
nate checking dan out at the derena wedding continues to be hilarious. hilarious in the same way as dan sexually fantasising about nate. canon really went 'let's give ivy some special easter eggs' and i appreciate them a lot!
i love the way they are around each other - so quietly attuned to each other. i showed my sister my date!husbands gifset, and she was like. yeah they're so married. and it's just stuff like how dan looks for nate over his shoulder, it's not even an active action, it's as easy and natural and intuitive as breathing, checking to see if nate is still there.
oh, that wasn't as hard as it could've been! okay. cool. im SURE there's more things i could scream about, because it's DN, the fact that they're non-canon makes me THAT much fiercer about them than dair/derena, to be honest. so many dots to connect!! anyway.
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mammoney-honey · 4 years
Summoning Circles: What to Offer the Brothers GN!MC
MC doesn’t need to set up anything to summon them since they have their pact but sometimes its just nice to add a bit of drama. It’s also a good way to get the brothers to accept Just Because gifts. So what would would MC lay out as an offering for their favorite demon in their pentagram?
Lucifer is hard to get gifts for because hes a man of few words and fewer guilty pleasures
MC does their best to keep an eye out for things he does like and finally sets things up when they feel that Luci needs a bit of a break
They mostly offer things that would make for a good date night but with one small exception: special gourmet dog treats 
He won’t admit it, he says Cerberus is just a well trained guard dog, but that big boy gets only the best and MC knows that Lucifer will appreciate the gesture
The rest is all about setting the mood so Lucifer couldn’t possibly say no to staying
The first thing to accomplish this is the finest bottle of hellfire aged wine, a special request put through to Diavolo for whatever he thought Lucifer would like most
And to accompany a good drink you need some good food as well. A charcuterie board supplied with recommendations from Barbatos and Luke. The little guy should be called a mouse rather than a dog with how much he loves cheese. It took a long time for him to stop talking about it
One of the things that MC looks most fondly on of their time with Lucifer was quiet nights in listening and dancing to new music. They didn’t always share the same tastes but they were always willing to give it a go
So MC would find a vinyl, the only thing Lucifer would listen to the purest that he is, of their most recent favorite song or band so that they could share it with him
The last thing offered is that which Lucifer would want above all else as his own, MC
They can think of nothing else that would gain Lucifer’s attention more than offering their full and complete self. His pride could never allow him to deny taking MC when they offer themselves so willingly
He appears in full demon form, he can’t think of who would be ballsy enough to try and summon him and he has to pull back on his full power once he sees its MC
“MC, my dearest love, the pageantry is appreciated but overall unneeded. All you ever have to do is call my name, all I wish is to hear my name on your lips. But now that I’m here lets make sure you are screaming it”
He is another one who is hard to gift things to but for the opposite reason as Lucifer. He likes too many things, wants everything and so it makes it impossible to tell what would actually mean something to him
MC tries their best to lay out things that will show how much they love and appreciate their favorite demon
Money of course is the first thing that is set out but not just spare Grimm or human cash
No, MC will put gift cards out for Mammon’s favorite places or for a date that they can have together. It feels more personal that way and they hope it shows that they pay attention to the things he likes
Mammon has a wardrobe to rival Asmo’s but he insists that it all has to do with his job as a model. Gotta keep up appearances and all that yanno. Hes just a label whore though and everyone knows it
He also just melts at the idea that MC might be thinking of what he would look good in so if they put out a new outfit or accessory, even if its just new sunglasses or a belt, he just about explodes
He will scoff and say that hes not sure if human styles are really his thing but of course puts whatever it is on quickly
Next would be a very special edition of the TSL dvds, a directors cut that even Levi couldn’t get his hands on. He has watched it with MC so many times he could practically recite it but they were always borrowing from Levi so it was about time to start wearing out their own copy
The last two things are more personal, something that shows just how much MC thinks of and misses being with him
The first of that is MC’s favorite set of pictures they took with Mammon, a silly photo booth strip that captured their first kiss. MC had surprised him on the first snapshot and it showed a progression of him getting redder and redder before finally kissing them back
Lastly is a page from their diary, as intimate an offering as they can possibly give. Its from a day where the longing for Mammon was at its strongest and filled with sweet words of how much they miss their first man
Mammon is freaked out at first thinking he is being summoned by another witch and is confused to see MC before taking it all in
“H-hey you don’t have to go through all this. I mean of course The Great Mammon won’t say no to the the things he deserves but ... b-but you only ever need to say my name, there is no where I’d rather be than with you”
Levi has a bad habit of just buying whatever he wants but considering that he has so many fandom’s its not hard to find some piece or another he doesn’t have 
MC feels like his brothers don’t give much thought to his gifts though, just typing in a name they know and getting whatever they find. They want to give him something more personal and can’t just be bought and shipped in two days
MC starts to watch a lot of craft, cooking and cosplay YouTubers to try and put everything together themselves. It felt more genuine that way at least to them
MC tries to keep things diverse, hitting a couple of Levi’s favorites but mostly avoiding anything Ruri related since they are afraid of messing it up lmao
Instead they focus on the anime’s and games that they watched and played together. Almost like a collection of inside jokes that they are using to summon him
The first thing MC sets out is a prettily decorated plate of macrons, doing their best to replicate the colors and flavors described in the one bakery time management game they always played
MC also went through Levi’s super secret fanfiction accounts I will fight you he is totally a fic writer because he has so many self inserts and fix it fics  and wrote out comments for every single thing he had written. They printed them out not because they didn’t think he read them but to show that they were the ones that left them
Along with the comments MC also created art for Levi’s most beloved OC, creating cute enamel pins of them in chibi form with the cannon character he paired them with
 The last two things came as a sort of combo, a couples cosplay from the romance anime they had watched together. The protagonist had been a shut in otaku who had found his soulmate when they were reborn into his world and Levi had latched onto him immediately 
It had taken a lot of blood sweat and tears trying to get both of the outfits cannon perfect but damn it MC was not going to settle for anything less
At one point they forgot they were making it for Levi and just got caught up in the the drama that was finding the perfect buttons and trim color
Overall they were so proud of the sewing skills they just wanted to call on him the moment they were done so he could see but they got a hold of themselves so they could set up what they had planned
Levi was summoned into the circle still wearing his headset and fingers tapping at a controller that had been left behind
His demon side comes out at having been cost a serious match from the sounds of it but his anger turns to confusion at seeing MC and then into wide eyed amazement at all of the things in front of him
He started to gush about every single thing he saw before he realized that MC was there beaming at him 
“You went through all this trouble to prove that you aren’t a normie and yet you summon me this way?? J-just say my name like you’re supposed to! I kind of like hearing you say it anyway ...”
Satan surprisingly doesn’t like being the center of attention and thus doesn’t really like surprises or receiving gifts. He also doubts that anyone understands him enough to give him what he wants cocky ass that he is
The idea for the things to set out in his summoning circle came to MC when discussing love potions with Satan and Solomon one day. They were talking about how smell plays such a strong part and Satan let slip some of the things he might smell after MC listed some of theirs
So while MC doesn’t have much, well any, experience in magic or potions they do want to try to stir up those feelings those smells produce in Satan
The first thing he had said came as a surprise to no one, the smell of parchment and ink
MC used each of them as their own separate offering on the pentagram. They used a fancy new calligraphy quill dipped in green ink that matched his eyes to write a long love note for him
The ink was still wet on the parchment that they set down and left the quill and remaining ink as the second gift
The next thing he mentioned was another one MC expected: tea leaves
So MC just walked into their local tea shop and let their nose lead the way. Anything that caught their attention or made them want to keep smelling they bought, creating their own special blend just for Satan
It wasn’t necessarily something that Satan would say for himself but MC had started to burn different candles in their room when he would come to rant when he was angry, trying to find a scent that he could associate with being calm when they helped him work through the anger
Whatever candle seemed to work the best is the candle that MC sets out for him. Probably something woodsy, pine or balsam or even sandalwood. It brings back good memories for MC, kissing all those worries of his away and hopes it does the same
The last item is one that made MC blush when they heard Satan admit it, he had liked the scent of their shampoo
He hadn’t said that specifically but he had closed his eyes and described a scent that he couldnt place but that he adored and when MC was taking their shower that night it clicked 
It might have been a little lame, leaving a bottle of shampoo out for Satan but MC knew that when he realized what that scent he loved so much was that he would get the cutest blush
They weren’t disappointed when they summoned Satan. He hid his shock of being summoned this way well, taking his time to walk around the circle and examine each offering. He immediately knew where they had gotten the inspiration and teased them about being such a sap
He stopped when he got to the shampoo though, not sure how that fit into the equation until he smelled it. It dawned on him and there was that blush that he tried to hide by turning his face away
“You always did like to make things difficult on yourself didn’t you? I’m only ever a call away for you kitten. Now come here and let me really breath you in, you’re simply intoxicating to me and I can’t stay away.”
Asmo is never shy about when he doesn’t like gifts that people have given him but he has only ever cherished what MC has gotten him. Every small trinket and gift he has on full display in his room and he will wear something that MC got them when he misses them the most
He also will do it when he wants to bother his brothers and show off that MC simply lavished him in gifts (Mammon and Levi are the only ones who fall for it lmao)
So MC decides to offer Asmo things that will allow him to parade around their love for him, things to keep them close when MC isn’t there
The first thing that MC gets Asmo is new nail polish, a color that they agonized over finding because they wanted it to match his eyes perfectly
Asmo has a very organized planner, its how he keeps track of all the events he is invited to, when he has dates, who hes slept with, who hes going to sleep with and everything in between
MC commissions custom made stickers for him so he can decorate the pages of his planner even more. Specifically a whole sheet of cute stickers of them together he could use for when they planned date nights
The next thing was something for Asmo’s room which he was always changing and refreshing so it looked forever interesting for Devilgram pics
MC gets a large print of Asmo’s favorite picture of them together and puts it in a beautiful frame that perfectly matched his favorite decorating style. Perfect to show to the world that Asmo was their favorite demon and that they looked so good together
And so they can take even more pictures of themselves together MC buys a Polaroid camera for Asmo. His phone will always be his favorite thing to take pics on but this way they could have them printed instantly and it continues to let him be trendy
Lastly MC gets Asmo a necklace. A dainty rose gold chain that he can wear with practically everything and with a diamond accented heart shaped locket that could easily be tucked away if needed. It was an enchanted locket, thanks to the help of Solomon, and it warmed when MC was thinking of him
Its the first thing Asmo grabs and quickly puts on, showing it off for MC
“Oh MC you are simply the cutest thing I have ever seen~ I’m sorry I don’t have something to give you in return. I hope the fact that my heart beats only for you will make up for it, now come here I’ve been without kisses too long.”
Its SO hard not to just grab whatever is in the kitchen at the time and throw it in the summoning circle and call it a day for Beel
But he is more than just his hunger and MC is always striving to show him that they understand that 
It was harder than expected, just because asking anyone what Beel might want always got them food answers. They thought Belphie might be helpful but only got told “he probably just wants a nap ... its what I would want”
MC starts to think of all the most special moments they had with Beel, trying to think what about them made them so memorable and they knew for a fact that it wasn’t the food
The first thing they come up with is a banner that MC made to cheer him on at one of his games. It had gotten a little tattered and torn because it had rained that day but they just couldn’t let it go
Mostly because Beel after winning had ran up into the stands and kissed them for the first time. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t ever kissed but they had always been the one to make the first move but this time Beel had come to them. Of course in the biggest gesture possible
It was cheating a little bit offering a cookbook, it was still food related, but it felt better than putting in actual food 
This particular cookbook was special to MC too, they had spent several months trying to recreate one of the recipes from it down in the Devildom when MC didn’t have it. Even their D.D.D had been no help in finding the human world dish they were trying so hard to recreate
It had finally been Beel who had found someplace that sold the food they had been craving. He had even been able to bring it back completely untouched just so that they could have it all though he didn’t complain when they offered him several bites from their fork
MC pulls the next thing from their own shelves at home, a well read copy of Lord of the Flies. The spine cracked and little notes about their favorite parts scribbled in the margin
It was one of the human novels that Satan had and one of MCs favorites from school. Beel had caught them reading it and thought the title was ironic but the more he watched MC get engrossed in reading the more curious he got
He eventually asked MC to read it to him, he actually liked books even if most didn’t take him for the type it was just that he had a hard time actually reading himself. He always got distracted by food but audio books always worked well for him when he was working out, it turned out to be even better when MC read to him when he was eating
It was the best of both worlds for him and he found the story actually pretty funny, slightly worrying MC but they figured they couldn’t blame a demon for getting enjoyment out of a story like that. He did find their lack of food concerning though so at least there was that
One of the things that Beel often complained about when MC was living in the devildom was that when he went to go eat they weren’t always there. Sure Beel would ask them to tag along whenever possible but it didn’t always happen. He would call them from the kitchen at times and tell them that he missed them
MC was sure the other brothers would have something to say about it but knew that Beel would genuinely enjoy the next thing MC offered. Amagnet with his favorite picture of them. It was MC caught in a candid he took, mid bite in a dessert he had made them and his hand could just be seen wiping some whipped cream off MC’s cheek
It was a way that Beel could have MC with him at his favorite place every time
The last thing that MC laid out was something that was inspired by Beel. He had once given them a coupon for a free meal by him and they had thought it was just about the cutest thing ever
They made him a whole coupon book of favors ranging from cooking any meal he wanted to recording his workouts for him and of course lots of coupons for hugs and kisses
Beel isn’t used to being summoned at all so hes slightly disoriented when he finds himself suddenly in the human world. As soon as he sees MC though its nothing but smiles and he doesn’t even notice the gifts until after
“MC did you know I was thinking about you? Sometimes I just say your name and hope you will appear ... so if you ever think of me just say my name. I want to be here, even if its during dinner” 
Belphie is not one to beat around the bush at all. He is a creature of habit and just wants more of the same things that he already has. Dont fix something if its not broke right?
So its fairly easy to fill his summoning circle with things that he loves, just adding to his ever growing collection of happy nap time things
That isn’t to say that MC just grabs whatever blanket or pillows they have laying around, they still want it to be special for him
So yes the first two things they offer to Belphie is a pillow and blanket, there was never going to be anything else but MC spent a long time putting their love into finding just the right ones for him ... and still couldn’t find what they wanted
MC used this as an excuse to create something themselves for their sleepy boy. They dived deep into youtube and pintrest and spent more money than they care to admit on materials until finally they made what they wanted
The first was a quilt large enough for three cause the twins like to make MC a sandwich in a cow print pattern that matched his pillow and demon form marks, lined with the softest fabric she could find that was the same purple as his eyes 
His pillow was another quilted design, this time of a cloudy night sky with a sleepy cow jumping over the moon. MC stitched his name in pretty gold thread on the back long with a sweet ‘I love you’
There was one last fluffy thing to give to him, this one MC knew he would probably scoff and tease them about but they couldn’t help it. They saw the angry looking cow plushie and just could not walk away 
They have actually been sleeping with it when they miss him most and even if he doesn’t like the plushie the fact they have slept with it so much will make him a bit fonder of it
Even though they were pretty sure that Belphie knew every star in the sky MC couldn’t help but get a book with stories about the constellations. He might already know them all but they thought that he might still enjoy hearing them read to him as he drifted to sleep
The last thing MC has to offer him is also star related. A star map of the day that they made their pact. It was the day that MC had fully forgiven everything that had happened before and their relationship had truly began
When Belphie was summoned he was half asleep but knew who it must be even in his sluggish state. He gave a big yawn and looked around at all the things around him 
“At least things are already set up for the perfect nap, including having you. MC next time just say my name alright? Its much more of a drag this way ... and I want to know when you are dreaming of me”
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
Hawks, kirishima and bakugo falling for someone/relationship headcanons pwetty pwease? *pleading bird eyes"🐓
Ok so um… I got a little bit carried away writing Hawks.. so I’m going to post this in separate parts starting with him. I hope you like it!
Warnings: cursing
Alright, one thing is for certain and it is that Keigo Takami is a confident man who gets what he wants. If he has the means to, then he will indulge, and people are no exception to this. He’s a glutton for the spotlight and attention, so flash him a smile or wink in passing and he takes it as a signal to go all in
Also, you wouldn’t have to know for very long, if even at all. He sees something he likes and gets it, and it’s as simple as that
When he falls for someone he doesn’t fall very hard, it’s not deep; but it’s pestering. He’s determined to find the means to an end and won’t accept defeat. He has a warped perception of the world and the reality he lives in is a fabricated one; he would be most attracted to someone who could show him to live a down to earth life, with clear and concise patterns, stemming from his subconscious desire for the normalcy he’s never experienced
Keigo pounces when he sees someone he deems attractive, and the rest will come later. It’s not uncommon for him to go on several dates throughout the week, and with a new person each and every time. The beginning of your relationship would be doubtful and rocky because of his playboy demeanor, but rest assured that once you’ve gotten to know each other he’ll drop the fuckboy exterior and let you see the real him
Meeting him at first would be something straight out of a movie; the way he swoons and puts up such a show for you is enticing to say the least, if you’re into that sort of thing; he may have to fight for your affection if you decide he’s being an asshole, which I wouldn’t blame you for. One thing is for certain though: he’s persistent as fuck. If at first you don’t succeed, try again but with a new approach – anything for your number
Entering a long term relationship with him though is a completely new experience; he’ll still go about his romancing antics on occasion, but for the most part it’s like you’re being introduced to him for the very first time. You, unlike so many others, will get to see the sweet, sincere, and genuine side of him
Keigo will invest all of his trust into you, and will most likely need to be told he can’t use you as an emotional crutch 24/7. When he falls in love, it’s a lot different than simply crushing on someone. He wants to invest his feelings into you and devote his life to you; it’s all or nothing. Expect a lot of heartfelt, tender moments, but also be careful of him using you for too much
Not intentionally of course, everyone will have their flaws in a relationship and his is that he relies on you too much
A serious relationship with Keigo is full of surprises and adrenaline. Oh, you like the city lights at night? Why not enjoy them from the sky? It’s gonna take a serious fight from you to keep him from scooping you up and soaring above the clouds just to excite you
Get ready to be showered in gifts and spoiled beyond your wildest dreams. The man’s got some money to throw around, and like a bird is enticed by anything flashy. Wouldn’t it be great showing you off while you’re dressed in all those fine designer clothes he bought you? Or how about a handbag? Jewelry? The world is your buffet, and he’s got a big appetite. Regardless of whether or not you really want any of it, he purchases anything he thinks would appeal to you
Such a handsy guy, and he acts the same in public as he does in private; if he’s got to hide it, then it’s not something he should be doing is his philosophy. Not to mention he can be a tad bit possessive and loves to show you off
Prepare to become a social media icon because he’s got a strong influence and large following; everyone will know the face of the #2’s new fling
He has a busy schedule, but he’s always trying to find time to squeeze you in. The little shit may even forget his lunch on purpose just so that you’ll bring it to him or you can go out before getting back to work
I wouldn’t say he’s a particularly jealous person, and when he does happen to get a little jealous he handles it pretty well. Like I said, it takes a lot of trust for him to commit to a relationship with you, and he stands by that commitment. He would never devote himself to someone he thought couldn’t do the same
If someone is getting a little too friendly and making you visibly uncomfortable though? Then he’s all over the situation. Doesn’t get mad or shitty, but he is assertive. Besides, he has his reputation as a pro to back him up; some low life creeping up on his s/o doesn’t have the guts to spit in his face, so you should hopefully have nothing to worry about
All into PDA, he’s proud of his catch! Always has his pinky locked with yours, an arm around your shoulder, hand gripping your waist. When you’re sitting, it’s thigh to thigh and no matter the setting he won’t hesitate to rest his head on top of yours/lean into your chest. In the car, hold his hand
I talked about this a little bit earlier but he’s all over trying to make you fly with him. Not only does he get to show you the world from his perspective and in its truest, most serene form, but you’re gonna have to hold on tight to him. You pressed up against his chest with your arms around his neck while the wind tints your cheeks rose makes him swell with love and appreciation
Wing hugs wing hugs wing hugs wing hugs wing hugs wing hugs wing hugs
Seriously, you never have to worry about being cold when he’s literally covered in a mass of feathers. He likes to envelope you within them, bringing the two of you closer together and out of sight
Keigo loves to take you out, spending quality time with you while giving you the opportunity to dress up in your finest, perhaps even showing off one of your most recent gifts. Date nights happen as often as possible, and are almost always something straight out of fiction
He has trouble with remembering important days, due to his hectic life and mental state. He’s a sharp and quick witted man, but he’s got big picture plans and in the long run, the little details will slip from his grasp. When he does remember, though, it’s all the way. I guarantee you have never seen a holiday like his
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potatopossums · 3 years
Idk man, sometimes I like the aromantic fb groups I follow, and other times I kind of hate the comments.
Uh yeah it's a long one. Affectionate aro-spec rant inbound.
Today, I was reading a thread about "allos developing feelings after sex" and how that was "such an alloromantic experience."
It felt fucking alienating.
Maybe I read "feelings" to mean something different than "instantly wants to marry/date this person." That is not my definition of "developing feelings." But the wording is so vague, and I don't have much of a vocabulary outside of these experiences. I mean, I still use decidedly alloromantic terminology sometimes, because I grew up with it for so long, and I find it difficult to use other terms, even if they're technically the correct definition for what I'm experiencing.
But my main gripe was really with this demonization of "feelings." Feelings of intimacy? Feelings of tenderness? Wanting to continue? Sure, it depends on the people involved; each relationship has its own rules and boundaries and goals. Aromantic people can easily do romantic-coded things and enjoy them. They can also just as easily avoid those things. That's up to personal choice, and I'm not knocking that.
But it bothered me how unanimous it was in that comments section that a casual sex partner expressing a desire to "do more than sex only" might be off-putting. Sure, I think the intention was that a sex partner suddenly wants to date you, and yeah, I would say no to that advance, too, were I in a similar position. But if a friendship/FWB/QPR formed organically from a casual sex situation? Sure.
And on the flipside, it also bothers me that sex can't possibly be seen as an emotionally bonding experience. Again, romance entirely aside, I would consider, especially as a largely demisexual person, that sex with someone I was actually physically attracted to would also involve emotions. It would enrich my relationship with that person. That doesn't make it romantic for me. My tendencies are just very close knit. I enjoy deep relationships and tend to despise surface level ones. This has more to do with my learned history of passivity, and less to do with romantic feelings. I don't feel romantic. I feel close. I desire closeness. That closeness can manifest in a lot of different ways. Romance, in my experience, likes to wear the costume of intimacy and parrot the lines, but it doesn't signify intimacy. Closeness comes from self and mutual honesty. And from some shit just lining up well.
Feelings (as in emotions) are part of the human experience. They're temporary, and that's the important bit (and that was the only bit on that thread that I actually agreed with; alloromantic people do tend to view feeling as fact in a romantic sense, but everyone is prone to misreading general feelings as fact—for example, a common trap is "I'm afraid, therefore I must be in danger." Feelings, thus, are not necessarily factual.) But emotions are also reactions to something. Experiencing emotions is a normal thing. Having sex with someone casually for an extended period of time will likely let you get to know that person a bit. Amatonormative conditioning can easily kick in, regardless of orientation. And amatonormativity promises something—something substantial.
Clearly, this promise doesn't hold up. Romance is bullshit, unhealthy, an obsession with being unrequited, and an overinflated lens of glorifying pain for the purpose of promised reward (which never comes). We all know that.
And yet, it still reels some of us in. Conditioning at its finest, eh? Remind me to stop watching movies with any shred of romance in them.
But here's the thing. I'm aro-spec and I have fucking ADHD. Those two experiences, for me, have been the absolute worst combination.
I'm only beginning to come to grips with my ADHD and how it affects my perception of the world and my orientation(s) within it. One of the things I've noticed about myself is that I chase highs. Those highs simulate the deficiency in dopamine and reward signals inside my brain. I kind of don't function normally when I don't have those reward chemicals. I don't feel senses of accomplishment often, even when I've done lots of things. This is a really common experience with ADHD, hence why depression and anxiety can sometimes be considered side-effects of ADHD. Of course feeling like you've done nothing would make you anxious and depressed.
But especially in terms of social relationships, these sorts of reward chemicals can factor in to great amounts. I mean, I'd like to say that romance writing & fantasizing has been one of my most persistent hyperfixations in life. It's a concept teeming with overwhelming emotions, which tend to set off chemical responses in the brain that can induce dopamine, or dopamine-like effects. Thus, drama feels good. And for someone who never feels good... well, drama can become a drug. It can become seemingly the only thing that helps one feel good—about themselves, about their life, their accomplishments, their abilities—especially for undiagnosed adults.
It's a really tumultuous reality. And the back and forth is absolutely chaotic. Hyperfixations don't go on constantly. But they can start at any time. They can be triggered so easily. And amatonormative and positive conditioning doesn't help. Again, it's a happy drug for your brain. Evolution probably intended that. And now it's gone very awry in me.
Here's my thing though: me wanting intimacy, me wanting closeness—that does not equate to romance. Me experiencing feelings and desiring those feelings also doesn't equate to romance. My brain has a chemistry issue. It likes these chemicals, like, way too much as it is. Amatonormativity already conditioned me to chase these highs, and those highs have an even stronger and more dangerous effect on me and my perception of reality, especially as someone who is statistically more predisposed addictive behaviors.
So imagine trying to sus out that you're actually aromantic underneath all that. But you also are really touch starved. Oh, and you're a lesbian. Not even a little bit bisexual. Totally very gay. And you have sensory issues. And you have those handy-dandy side effects of anxiety and depression hanging around.
There's a lot to parse through every time I have an emotion at all.
So genuinely: yes. I agree that it sucks when someone you only wanna have casual sex with suddenly wants to have a romantic relationship with you.
But also: I'm aro, and I'm also not over here having sex with random strangers. I'm over here having sex with good friends. I'm over here being polyaffectionate. I'm over here chasing the highs of pretty people, sensual intimacy, and awesome orgasms.
And none of that shit rings alloromantic to me.
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bobdylanrevisited · 4 years
Blonde On Blonde
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Released: 20 June 1966
Rating: 10/10
The finale of the electric trilogy, another masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of Dylan’s singing and penmanship. He described this album as the closest he’s ever gotten to the noises in his head, a thin mercury sound, metallic and bright gold. It was also the first double sided rock album, and his first without an acoustic track, with Dylan continuing to blaze a trail in popular music. Although this album may not be as ‘deep’ as its predecessors, it’s still a thrilling musical adventure that again makes you forget his folk origins, and embrace his role as the leader of a new style of ‘pop’ song. 
1) Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35 - The look on people’s faces when the album opened with this must have been one to behold, it sounds nothing like the Bob we know and love. It’s more like a Mardi Gras parade, with trumpets blaring and the band’s joyous screams, all revolving around a pun on the word ‘stoned’. It’s a brilliant opener, both upbeat, funny, and unlike anything that came before it. Whether the song refers to weed, hedonism, his pious status, or the ancient punishment, it’s hard to argue that ‘everybody must get stoned’. 
2) Pledging My Time - A severe change of gear for this track, a much slower blues number, which reworks a number of older blues lyrics, to describe the promise to a lover in the hopes that they will reciprocate the feeling. It’s a fine song, though it does get somewhat lost on the album due to the longevity many of the other tracks have endured. 
3) Visions Of Johanna - Generally agreed to be one of the finest songs ever written, it’s no wonder this has remained one of Dylan’s favourites ever since. It’s a colossal piece, proving that no matter what instruments are on the track, the writing is still the soul of what Dylan is doing. Not only are the vocals among the best he’s ever recorded, the song weaves a vivid picture of his strive for perfection. Much like the previous two albums, Bob uses metaphor and surreal imagery to express personal emotion and you can’t help but hang on his every word. You are transported into a dreamlike state, also searching for Johanna and your own personal idea of flawlessness, though for me that may very well just be this song. 
4) One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - A song about the ending of a relationship, which should be a bleak affair, but I can’t help but singalong and grin as I listen to this brilliant tune. Although it dissects and defends bad behaviours that caused the couple to sour, the instrumentation and the rousing chorus are a joy to hear, and it’s easily one of my favourite tracks on the album. 
5) I Want You - At odds with the previous track, this a sweet love song, once again populated my characters and imagery that only Dylan could conjure up. Much like the rest of the album, the tune and melody of this song are remarkably beautiful, and this is certainly Dylan’s most musically ambitious, yet accessible album so far, with this track being another highlight. The song has also been reworked a lot live, and sounds just as beautiful as a ballad, which Dylan played a lot in the late 80s/early 90s. 
6) Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again - I think this may be my favourite song on the album, with apologies to Johanna. Whilst it’s simply just another surreal story with a mad cast of people, I absolutely adore it. Again, the tune is catchy and fun, the singing is perfect, and the whole thing comes together to be a track that fills me with indescribable happiness. The live Hard Rain 1976 version is also phenomenal, it’s impossible for this song to sound anything other than amazing. 
7) Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - A satire on fashion, and a lover continuing to wear her new hat in increasingly compromising situations, this is another blues song with a great guitar arrangement and sounded brilliant on the 1966 Live tour. It’s not one of my favourites on the album, but it’s a good song that talks of jealousy and materialism, with the bluesy sound being the main attraction. 
8) Just Like A Woman - Potentially written about Edie Sedgwick, this sounds like one of Dylan’s tenderest songs, but the lyrics are actually full of vulnerability and regret. One of Bob’s most popular songs, possibly due to the gentle tune and the grounded imagery, I’ve personally always found it a tiny bit overrated in comparison with the rest of the album, though I understand it is an easy introduction to Dylan for the average listener. However, I will admit that the song is spellbinding when performed live, particularly on the 1966 tour. 
9) Most Likely You Go Your Way And I’ll Go Mine - A very literal tale of a breakup, this is again another song that feels joyous despite the content. The guitars and drums add a very fun layer to the tune, and it’s another track that hasn’t got a deep message, but is just a brilliantly sung rock song that helps make this album the most musically enjoyable yet. 
10) Temporary Like Achilles - Another blues number about a breakup and a new lover. There’s not much to write about this one, other than it’s again a fun tune, this time revolving around a double entendre: ‘honey, why are you so hard?’
11) Absolutely Sweet Marie - This is another catchy tune, and whilst it’s still influenced by the blues, it is more upbeat. Much like the previous track it’s full of innuendo, but it sounds like a ‘pop’ song that you may hear on the radio, with a more restrained style of singing from Bob. It’s another fine song which would be considered more a filler track, if not for the line ‘to live outside the law you must be honest’, which is one of his most quoted lyrics. It shows that even when he’s not telling a mad story or protesting injustice, he’s still the world’s best songwriter and can toss legendary lines into a largely throwaway song. 
12) Fourth Time Around - Written as a response to The Beatles ‘Norwegian Wood’, Dylan uses this dark tale of a lover’s fight to take aim at John Lennon’s ‘new’ style of writing, that sounded an awful lot like it had been stolen from Bob. Musically, it is the same as ‘Norwegian Wood’, with the last line warning ‘I never asked for your crutch, now don’t ask for mine’. Basically, Bob’s telling John not to take his style, whilst also perfectly showing the world that he’s still the best at storytelling and his brand of unique phrasing. This song would haunt John Lennon for some time, as he was paranoid about Dylan’s feelings towards him, but in the end Lennon went in a new direction and Bob remained friends with The Beatles, so any beef seem to be short lived.
13) Obviously Five Believers - Much like previous tracks, another bluesy tune with lyrics about a relationship and wild backing musicians, this is a good little song to dance and singalong with. Robbie Robertson’s guitar playing is particularly impressive on this track, and his playing throughout the whole album is one of the highlights. 
14) Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands - Bob had married Sara Lownds three months earlier, and this 11 minute poem of love, beauty, strength, and heavenly romance is an incredible tribute to her. Though much of the album is filled with sombre lyrics about relationships ending and striving for a perfect woman, the closing track is all about how Bob has found what he has been searching for. It’s a gorgeous song that is not only some of his most heartfelt writing, it’s a uncompromising wedding vow that is full of genuine emotion and is brimming with positivity, something Dylan doesn’t often write about. It’s an incredible conclusion to the album, and to this period of his career. 
Verdict: Once again, my hyperbolic words can’t do this album or career period justice, for a 25 year old to release three culture changing masterpieces in the space of 15 months is unfathomable. Whilst it could seem somewhat ‘sell out’ with the more radio friendly songs, the whole album is just a thrillingly perfect journey through Dylan’s emotions and experiences, relationships ending, searching for meaning, and finally finding happiness. This album once again includes some of the best songs and singing of his entire career, and the overall sound throughout the record is much more mature and composed. Even the tracks that seem a little more filler are still brilliantly written songs that eclipsed the popular music that was being released at the time. The album is my (joint) second favourite thing he’s ever released, and sadly it would be the last of this particular ‘Bob Dylan’, as he was once again about to cocoon and re-emerge a new man. Following a motorcycle accident in 1966, and his settling down with his new wife and children, the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle was about to be abandoned for a more mellow, more relaxed, and more ‘country’ sound. 
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
How would the papas and copia do on their anniversary with their S/O? Whether its their first or like, sixth.
Papas + Copia on Their Anniversary
Papa Nihil:
~Always extravagent gifts for you- like it’s your birthday! Nihil gets a kick out of making sure you get everything materialistic your heart desires. As a kind of tradition he ALWAYS gets you something made of gold and ivory, his colors. Once it was a really nice outfit, another time it was your favorite piece of jewelry. He’s joked about maybe getting you a car in those colors. 
~ Nihil makes sure every Anniversary that everyone has STRICT orders to not bother either of you, unless the world is ending. This is YOUR time together and he won’t see it interrupted. Nihil already has to deal with his idiots sons, this Cardinal usurp, and a Ministry that doesn’t know what it’s doing. He REALLY doesn’t want attention taken away from you. 
~He loves having the tradition that you always have dinner at the first place he ever took you for a city date- an old fashioned club with big band music and amazing food. Always hopes you want to get up and slow dance with him on the dance floor! 
~After dinner he loves romantic walks anywhere. The park, the gardens, the beach- where ever you think is best! He likes it at night when the stars are out, but insists you are the brightest star.
~So much sweet talk- he’s got a silver tongue! Also looks forward to some pillow talk as well! 
Papa I:
~Whether you know it or not, Papa praises Lucifer every anniversary he shares with you when he wakes up. A lot of people might roll their eyes at the idea that he takes today to pray when he does it EVERYDAY- but you know today it means so much more. Papa genuinely thanks Lucifer for all his unblessings, strengths, and gifts in life. You, by far, are one of the biggest gifts the Dark Lord has brought you. You are precious and he is grateful for you being in his life. 
~It’s one of the few times a year he will actually take some sort of leave from his work. He always wants the weekend of your Anniversary to be special and without interruptions. 
~Papa is definitely not above giving you extravagant gifts regularly- especially on your anniversary! BUT- this day is usually a bit different. See, for gifts like this Papa likes to put in a lot of thought and meaning behind each one. He’s very much a love language through action and gift giving is a way for him to show you he loves you through what he got. Always a LOT of custom gifts made just for you. You’ve gotten things in the past like a Grucifex Rosary in your favorite colors of gems, rings, and other sentimental items. 
~One of the rare times people see him just take you to the city to have a good time together. Papa is usually down with where ever you want to go but he always plans a nice day if you let him take over! He LOVES having a nice breakfast in good cafes, walks in the park, boat rides, touristy things, but his favorite? Taking you to museums! Papa always says cute little things to you on these days, “You are by far the most amazing work of art here.” 
~Always wears his Burberry scarf and a very nice outfit when you go out. 
Papa II: 
~Like’s to go big, but likes to keep it far more intimate in setting! Prefers it just to be the two of you and whatever staff might be needed for the night. Papa is normally a man who loves lavish parties or night life, but he saves that for a more partying occasion like a birthday. For him, anniversaries of romance are a very private and intimate day! 
~Papa always likes to book a suite at a private resort or somewhere fancy. A weekend where you both can get away from everyone and everything and just live it up like royalty. Somewhere idiots from the Clergy can’t bother him, and your work isn’t hounding you as well! Did you ever see those rich couples that go to spas in matching fine robes? That’s going to be you two! 
~He loves the typical wine and dine- picking the fanciest and finest places to eat for all meals (especially if you both share a favorite!) Papa doesn’t really NEED an excuse to buy the best wine and most expensive meal, but the anniversary makes it ideal! Papa isn’t the ‘lovey dovey’ honeymoon talking type, but he IS the romantic at dinner! Always has some sort of soft, live music playing while you dine. Even has your favorite dessert brought out in a flourish to be gifted to you. The works! 
~If you like flowers, he always has great arrangements and chocolates for you at your room. Strawberries and champagne for you to toast with later as an extra treat!
~Let’s be real- the real special occasion will be in the hotel room (should that be your thing!)
Papa III:
~This is just one of those days Papa gets to be as extra as he wants and spoils the absolute shit out of you. Plus this is a day he can be as crazy as he wants for the BOTH of you! Gifts, outfits, jet rides, hotels, Jacuzzi? You’re about to have one HELL oh a Holiday!
~Oh, he forgot to mention? Yeah you aren’t just having a weekend or a day... he booked an entire week Holiday for you two. Don’t worry it’s your FAVORITE place you’ve always wanted to go! He already got his private plane on stand by, what are you waiting for- go pack! 
~Like his brother, books the most over the top suite for you guys. He wants no expense spared and he wants you to be treated like utter royalty. If you didn’t know him so well, you’d think he really just wanted this for himself. But you know better! Papa admittedly doesn’t always express his deep feelings- and often hides behind romantic gestures and sweet words. But you always know your anniversary is his way of trying to give you everything he thinks you deserve! 
~ You always get the typical sappy lines and romantic gestures. If you are near any sort of slow music he can and will slow dance with you. All the while whispering sweet nothings and why he’s lucky to have you, and how you are the Morning Light in his life. 
~You can always expect lots of sexy times, that’s a given. But even more so, you might see him be a little bit vulnerable after. Where he really drops his guard when you both are in each other’s arms at night. Papa will let you know how he really feels before you go to sleep. All the genuine, meaningful things he’s so scared to say in the daylight. 
Cardinal Copia: 
~Actually a huge fan of getting you both cheesy couples gifts or couple activity bookings- like the spa or a lesson of something fun you can do together. Copia has a lot of interests and anything you want to do sounds fun to him! He doesn’t care what, as long as it’s relatively stress free and you two can be alone he’s golden! 
~Copia values the uninterrupted time you have together. You could literally just be in bed all day eating pizza and watching tv and he would be happy. Work life for him has been busy and he rarely gets a day to just have you to himself. As over the top as he would LIKE to be, for Copia, less is more as long as you both are happy.
~Dinner is a must though. He refuses to go the day without you two being pampered and spoiled with good food and the finest champagne Ministry money can buy!  Something quiet, romantic- dinner on a balcony by moonlight, and MAYBE some live music depending on the mood. He always dresses in his white suit. 
~Somehow every anniversary always ends up with him on his knees, holding your hand, and singing to you. And it’s always your song together as he holds your eyes. 
~Gifts are very nice but not completely frivolous. Not that Copia has any problem dropping thousands of dollars on the luxuries of life- he too just values meaning over mindless indulgence. Wants something that you can look at that reminds you of him and his love for you every time you see it. Possibly a ring or bracelet that you can have with you forever. It’s always inscribed with a lovely phrase from him. 
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reachexceedinggrasp · 4 years
Fated to Love You here reaffirming my long held conviction that no pure romance drama should be 20+ episodes.
This show is... really something. It is, in the fullest possible sense, A Lot. It starts out as an all-out screwball comedy wrapped around a troperiffic romance fluff plot. Wall to wall clichés, but not in a bad way; in a meta, self-aware, peak performance, finest Velveeta way. And if you’re not familiar with screwball comedy, think ‘light-hearted crack fic with slapstick and farce’. There is nothing believable or grounded about any aspect of it, it starts at Bonkers Level: Platinum and it only climbs higher as it goes on.
(On a side note, this results in the leading man being possibly the most memorable love interest in romcom history. His introduction scene is nothing short of batshit insane and you can't reliably predict how he will respond to anything. I have never seen a main character like this, he is all over the shop and utterly singular. Your first reaction to him is ‘wtf?’, your second and third reactions are ‘really?! this guy??’, your fourth reaction is ‘okay he do be mad hot tho’, your fifth and final reaction is ‘I cannot believe this performance exists, I have no idea what he is doing, but it is amazing.’
Appropriately(?) the actor who plays him is an uncanny Korean doppelgänger of Johnny Depp and- between the resemblance, the mannerisms, and the fearless total commitment to a bold as fuck acting choice with the very serious chops to back it up- I’m not convinced they aren’t half brothers separated at birth.
They do sabotage my happiness several times by starting to randomly style his (long, beautiful) hair very weird, fixing it right when the plot is rapidly circling the drain so he looks his hottest just as the show becomes briefly unwatchable, and then ruining him for the entire second half of the series by shearing it all off. WHY, my anguished cry goes up. Why do you do this?! Why does he have like seven hairstyles over the course of the show? Much later they even briefly give him that ubiquitous Kdrama Second Lead haircut with weirdly forward combed fringe in a solid straight line across the brow all the way back from the crown. It looks terrible on everyone and I hate it so much. This version was less bad than most but it is still bad. Anyway.)
So it’s an incredibly fun time to start but there are some problems with the tone and plot even in the first 9 episodes, including when the lovers start getting along really well right away and they’re both thoroughly decent people so there’s nothing keeping them from having a lovely time together making the best of the circumstances (forced/fake marriage). And, instead of introducing new conflict or advancing one of the dozen conflicts previously established and actually moving forward, there is a painfully contrived rehash of something they already dealt with which is then just never resolved. They make the hero leap to a conclusion his wife is nefarious after he’d already decided once that she isn’t (though it was completely reasonable for him to think she was- the fact that he decided to trust her so quickly just speaks to what kind of person he is), never try to find out more or talk to anyone about it, start pushing her away because of it, and have all this come to absolutely nothing. It only exists so he’ll stop being so incredibly nice to her and they won’t fall in love too fast.
You’d think they would have to eventually clear the air before the romance advances right? No. It wasn’t a real plot point, it was just a reset button to get them estranged and hostile again after they connect over their kindred spirits and we’ve spent a bunch of time showing how profoundly supportive and honourable our hero is. He’s being beautifully mature and selfless because he’s a really good dude (unusual for a romcom drama, right? for the main guy to be nice and considerate? to accept responsibility even if he doesn’t have to? Gun’s weird but he’s wonderful), but the writers need him to be cold and standoffish, so they just make him act like an unreasonable idiot for a while. He’s been thus far hugely proactive and direct and honest about everything, it’s one of his most prominent character traits, but suddenly he’s going to avoid confrontation in favour of being super passive aggressive?? Then the writers never solve it. Never! It just goes away. He got over it, I guess? He decided he doesn’t care if she’s a gold digger who deliberately trapped him? God forbid we have motivations that make sense and organic character drama, right? It's not like he didn't have totally valid reasons to be suspicious that could have led to legitimate conflict our heroine would struggle to vindicate herself from.
But anyway, apart from that kind of lazy bullshit, it’s a fine romance plot with extremely endearing characters who have great chemistry. They are fun and well-rounded and incredibly human despite all the silliness and OTT antics. Their relationship is hugely, hugely engaging and the dynamic is perfect, they really complement each other as characters and organically drive each other's arcs. There's the genuine depth and warmth and quiet pathos so often lacking from this kind of show. Things progress at a semi-reasonable pace. They work up to confessing their mutual feelings and get into some cute shenanigans before making out. It happens soon enough that you are not frustrated, but there's still plenty of build-up. Then- uh oh! We’re only 9 eps in and we have another 11 hours to fill with this fluffy plot!
Time for a bunch of absolute fucking nonsense. Time for our show, which has been so goofy and removed from reality it occasionally resembles a Monty Python skit, which has been so light it asks you to ignore the frankly incredibly fucked up implications of its premise for the sake of comedy (they were both drugged and proxy raped resulting in a pregnancy- the FL was a virgin prior to this and Gun had a girlfriend he wanted to propose to- and it was the FL’s family who did this to them: SUPER FUCKED UP), so farcical that it makes Some Like it Hot look like a gritty crime drama, that show to cover a bunch of serious heavy shit.
First, the rankest of melodrama. The families and the world all turn on our couple, but their love is true and will conquer all- UNTIL, he randomly collapses and gets convenient Soap Opera Amnesia. He’s forgotten their entire relationship and a series of coincidental pieces of misconstrued evidence, the machinations of his scheming ex girlfriend, the Soap Opera Doctor’s advice, and his closest confidants all going along with this conspire to make him believe (AGAIN) that his wife just wants his money.
This whole terrible episode is mercifully brief, but it just gets worse after his memory returns. This is where we get into the Noble Idiocy. The ‘pretend you don’t love them to “save them” from getting hurt by hurting them and making their important life decisions for them as if they don’t have a basic fucking right to decide that themselves’ kind. Which goes on for three FUCK years in the show. He wastes three years of their lives they could have spent together because he’s worried he might die young (in a terrible way) and doesn’t want to put her through that. And, of course, they inevitably get together later, so all he did was make it infinitely worse for her either way. To say nothing of how he thus couldn’t be there for her through the loss of their child. Possibly my most hated fucking trope of all time when done this way.
And, yep, you read that right. This show that has the single most batshit bonkers over the top slapstick I have ever seen in a kdrama, this show has a storyline where the fluffy romcom trope accidental pregnancy ends in massive trauma. Because she was standing around in the street after realising he does remember her (he continued to pretend he had amnesia after his memories came back, it’s all part of the stupid noble idiocy so I glossed over it) and gets hit by a car in the middle of their angst staring.
It is nearly Meet Joe Black levels of hilariously abrupt and incongruous.
so, blah blah, they lose their baby (there’s a very stupid whole thing about her telling everyone to save the baby instead of her- the baby is not far enough along for this to have been remotely viable. She is like 3 months pregnant. They all act like there’s a choice to be made between them and she’s mad at her husband for choosing to save her, but there was NO CHOICE. Either she lives or they both die! ffs I’m so irritated about this) and then he dumps her ~for her own good~~ because he loves her too much to make her go through losing him? So she loses him sooner?? right after their baby died???
Why do people in these stories always think being betrayed and abandoned for no reason and being incredibly angry at someone you love while also not getting to be with them is somehow less painful than making the best of your life together and then losing them against their will? ‘I will make her hate me and then she won’t be sad we broke up/I died!!!!’ is such a fucking galaxy brain take and I despise it with the heat of ten thousand suns. Fuck you, Spider-Man. You aren’t protecting anyone, the villains still know you love MJ and will still use her against you, you clod. Emotionally torturing the person you love is not going to make them not a target because the villains are not as fucking stupid as you two. Anyway.
Amnesia was right where I started fast-forwarding and skipping around (because I couldn’t bear it), but it only goes downhill from there. Maybe I would have toughed out more of the wretched middle part plot twist if they hadn’t cut all the hot guy’s hair off. If I’m going to watch total nonsense tedious melodrama, I need it to at least be pretty. I understand it was a Symbolic Haircut but damnit! Let me have this!
And it ultimately does the thing that kdramas seem obsessed with and which makes me want to claw out my own eyeballs with frustration. There’s a giant time skip, the female lead gets a personality transplant, all narrative momentum is lost, and the characters who eventually (at ENORMOUS length) get together permanently are essentially completely different characters with a completely different dynamic than the couple you were shipping for 90% of the story. It is so FUCKING unsatisfying and it is EVERYWHERE.
Not so much with this one because this one still had a lot of very romantic scenes late in the game, but most that do this, it’s also like all the romance is sucked out of the post-time skip episodes and the ending is a consolation prize instead of a triumphant culmination. Inevitably, the heroine abruptly cools off and is suddenly wary of the hero and wants this Important New Career she never mentioned until the penultimate episode but is now her one true life’s dream. What the apparently irresistible appeal is of these contrived separations and demure conclusions is I CANNOT FATHOM. I’m here for the fucking romance guys, you have not made Citizen Kane, please just indulge me with a big schmoopy finale.
And if not that, it’s frequently that there’s been so many random mood swings and so much shitty behaviour by the end that the relationship doesn’t make sense and you don’t know why they even bother to get back together.
I’m not inherently against all misunderstandings (they are the bread and butter of low stakes romance let’s be real) or attempts at noble idiocy from misguided characters, but the duration and seriousness of the drama these generate needs to be in proportion to how ridiculous they are. If your entire plot can be solved by a thirty second conversation there is NO REASON not to have and the continuation of the misunderstanding is a result of someone just NOT SPEAKING UP when any functional human being would have spoken up seven times by now IT’S BAD.
Do little cliff-hangers, whatever, but don’t draaaaagg out silly misconceptions into Shakespearean tragedy, it’s just wearying. It makes me hate the characters for acting like emotionally constipated toddlers with terminal stupidity. If there is so little trust, so little understanding, and so little basic patience between these people, they probably shouldn’t be dating, so try fucking harder, writers. And noble idiocy that is more than an impulse they fairly quickly see the error of is just insulting. You are not helping the other person, you are being domineering and selfish. I have a whole complex about wasting time and seeing endless parades of characters flushing years down the toilet for literally no reason gives me hives. Especially when the whole issue is about time!
(And, btw, so much of the plot is about how desperately the family needs an heir and everyone still wanting them to have kids the second time they get together- while the ~dilemma used to keep them apart is a GENETIC DISEASE which could STRIKE AT ANY TIME. Do you SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS WRITERS????? NO, I KNOW YOU DON’T. ommmmmmmmggggg that’s awful! So they’re just dooming more kids to Soap Opera Brain Disease? And maybe growing up without a father just as Gun did? And no one even considers suggesting adoption??? He never considers that he shouldn’t have biological children despite thinking he shouldn’t have a wife?)
ANYWAY. Please do watch the first nine episodes and the last three, it’s bananas. They are cute as fuck, Gun is The Best, and the tropey romance scenes are top quality. You don't get those things executed so well, it doesn't happen, so you need this in your life. The acting is of a calibre you never usually see in modern romcoms; these are people at the top of their game committing utterly and taking these characters completely seriously. In that way it is pure wish fulfilment for me as someone who loves romance and is almost always disappointed by popular romance media, and thus the show is incalculably special. But skip the middle. Just skip it. It's not worth the suffering. I find the tone whiplash honestly just this side of crass.
I’ve been thinking about it for over a week and I truly love the main characters so it did plenty right, but I just cannot with wedding the two things this show is trying to be together, especially when it goes so hard in two mutually exclusive directions. but also the Meet Joe Black sudden car accident device is not redeemable under any circumstances. Can we never do that again, please.
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antonfm · 5 years
can     u     believe     that     a     whole     entire     day          after     the     rp     opens          ,          i     finally     have     my     shit     together     enough     to     post     an     intro          !          can     u     fuckin     believe     it          !          anyways          ,          i’m     elliot          (          she/they          )          ,          i’m     20     n     i’m     a     supreme     dumbass     who     needs     2     get     their     life     together     on     so     many     levels          .  .  .          it’s     fine     though          !          completely     fine          !          totally     n     utterly     fine          !!!
Tumblr media
(          timothee     chalamet          &          cis     male          )          who          ??          these     days          ,          it’s     all     about     anton     olivier          ,          who     comes     from     manhattan          ,          ny          ,          and     is     making     headlines     as     an     actor          .          he     currently     has     a     fan     count     of     45.9k          ,          no     thanks     to     the     rumours     of     them     being     vainglorious          !          but          ,          on     the     other     hand          ,          his     most     devout     fans     say     he’s     actually     retiary          .          last     i     heard          ,          he     caused     quite     a     buzz     when     he     was     caught     leaving     multiple     lovers’     houses     despite     being     in     an     allegedly     ‘     committed     ’     relationship          !          it’s     no     wonder     they     remind     me     of     inky     black     as     a     beautiful     contrast     to     stark     white          ,          tastes     of     fake     blood          &          bourbon     dancing     a     mistimed     tango     on     your     tongue          ,          stacks     of     literary     classics     like     small     mountains     on     your     living     room     floor          ,          abandoned     chastity     ring          (          ruby     red     gemstone          ,          isn’t     it     ironic          ?          )          ,          heat     -     slick     kisses     smeared     to     the     corner     of     your     mouth          ;          dark     academia          /          technicolour     ghost     disappearing     in     the     middle     of     a     crowd          ,          slipping     into     the     back     of     a     lecture     theatre     abound     with     rapt     attention          ,          pressing     bruises     into     not     -     yet     -     ripe     fruit     for     the     thrill     of     watching     it     wilt     beneath     satin     touch          .
𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯     𝔬𝔫𝔢     .          rudimentals          .
full     name:     anton     françois     olivier     . nicknames,     aliases:
ant     .
mon     cher     .          (          by     his     mother     .          )
age:     twenty     -     three     . date     of     birth:     october     fifteenth     . place     of     birth:     manhattan         ,         new     york     city     . nationality:     american     . ethnicity:     caucasian     (     french     )     . spoken     languages:     english          ,          fluent     french          (          spoken     in     household     more     commonly     than     english          )          .
zodiac     sign:     scorpio     . hogwarts     house:     slytherin     . myers     -     briggs:     infp     -     t     .
career     claims:     charlie     heaton     ,     some     of     bill     skargsard’s     stuff     .          (          i’ll     write     his     imdb     page     later     .          )
𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯     𝔱𝔴𝔬     .          physicals          .
height:     six     foot     three     . weight:     157     lbs     .
complexion:     pale     ,     scarily     so     .     nothing     medical     about     it     ,     just     a     natural     pallid     sheen     to     sharp     features     .     a     small     ,     light     dusting     of     freckles     over     the     nose     and     cheeks     and     forehead     .      face     shape:     heart     -     shaped     ,     incredibly     angular     .     sharp     cheekbones     and     jawline     ,     square     and     dashing     in     a     sinister     kind     of     way     .     very     thin     ,     very     gaunt     .      facial     quirks:     in     some     lights     his     left     eye     is     ever     so     slightly     lighter     than     the     other     ,     but     it’s     a     trick     of     the     light     .
hair:     black     ,     naturally     so     (     your     mother’s     hair     )     .     has     a     slight     natural     wave     that     sometimes     springs     to     a     loose     curl     .     recently     ,     you’ve     grown     it     out     so     that     it     curls     around     the     nape     of     your     neck     and     falls     into     your     eyes     .     typically     ,     strands     are     tucked     behind     your     ears     unless     they     fall     out     of     place     .     soft     ,     incredibly     so     --- -     cherry     blossom     shampoo     and     conditioner     ensures     that     . eyes:     bright     blue     ,     cobalt     .     golden     rings     around     the     pupils     ,     with     green     and     hazel     flecks     throughout     .     lashes     are     unfairly     long     and     dark     ,     a     prettily     sooty     smudge     against     the     high     ridge     of     your     cheekbones     .     brows     are     dark     and     expressive     ,     unruly     ,     arched     ever     so     slightly     .     dark     indigo     bags     underneath     your     eyes     aren’t     an     unusual     sight     ,     results     of     too     -     long     nights     and     a     strange     work     schedule     . nose:     your     mother’s     button     nose     ,     small     and     straight     and     ‘     lovely     ’     according     to     your     rabid     fan     base     .     nothing     much     to     say     about     it     otherwise     .     you     considered     piercing     it     when     you     were     fifteen     and     going     through     it     for     unknown     reasons     .      mouth:     relatively     normal     lips     ,     slightly     plusher     lower     lip     but     that’s     not     saying     much     .     chewed     ,     bitten     ,     chapped     like     nothing     else     /     favourite     flavour     of     burt’s     bees     is     pomegranate     .     teeth     are     white     ,     straight     ,     pretty     good     teeth          ;          indents     of     which     often     find     themselves     deep     in     that     lower     lip     .
scars:     none     of     note     .     the     typical     petite     white     scars     of     childhood     across     knees     and     elbows     ,     but     nothing     too     serious     . tattoos,     piercings:     none     .     there     are     plans     in     the     works     ,     but     currently          ?          nothing     . more     body     modifications:     again     ,     nothing     .     bitch     is     boring     .
𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯     𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢     .          biographicals          .
not     quite     your     typical     tale     of     boy     -     meets     girl          ;          art     gallery     curator     curator     watches     broadway     ‘     ingénue     ’          &          falls     head     over     heels     in     an     infatuation     that     borders     on     obsession     but     is     returned     tenfold     .     adele     st     .     croix     can’t     believe     her     luck          (          moved     to     manhattan     just     two     years     previously          ,          resumé     builds     beyond     belief          ,          engagement     to     a     big     name     is     imminent          !          )          and     pierre     -     louis     olivier     has     never     been     so     deeply     in     love     before          .          the     courtship     is     wonderful          ,          twilight     walks     in     the     park          ,          regular     dates     at     terribly     romantic     restaurants          ,          soft     kisses     on     random     stoops     and     rough          ,          impassioned     kisses     on     your     own          .          the     engagement     comes     in     1995          ,          &          a     year     later          ,          marriage     is     a     cover     story     and     a     four     -     page     spread     in     all     the     glossy     tabloids     your     mother     loves     to     collect          .          
your     conception     comes     as     a     shock          ,          of     course          .          neither     wanted     children     so     early          ,          just     a     year     into     their     marriage     but     the     very     first     time     that     your     mother’s     silky     -     smooth     hands     rest     on     the     then     -     flat     expanse     of     her     belly     it’s     over          .          unspoken     talks     of     termination     that     weighed     uncomfortably     heavily     on     unmoving     tongues     are     quashed          ,          replaced     by     fluttering     anticipation     of     a     child          .          your     impending     birth     is     announced     three     months     after     your     parents     find     out     they’re     expecting     you          ,          &          soon     enough     your     own     infantile     chunk     of     their     upper     east     side     penthouse          (          a     grandiose     wedding     present          )          is     carved     out          ;          decked     in     earthy     tones     and     warm     creams          ,          pastels     of     all     shades     and     joy     woven     into     each     choice          ,          you     are     a     source     of     joy     to     rival     the     sun          .
birth     is     almost     perfect          ,          only     one     day     past     your     due     date          .          naturally     your     first     breath     is     a     noisy     one          ,          wailing     and     crying     and     oh          ,          how     they     adore     you     already          !          adoration     seeps     into     your     bones     from     the     first     time     mother     holds     you          ,          presses     a     kiss     to     your     head     and     breathes     in     that     lavender         ,         fresh     -     linen     new     baby     smell          .          from     that     very     first     moment     love     is     ingrained     into     every     single     pore          ;          love     is     what     you     breathe          ,          what     you     feed     on          ,          what     you     see     the     world     through          .          your     mother     and     father     are     almost     sickeningly     in     love          ,          true     dotage     in     its     finest     form     and     later     in     life     you     suppose     you’re     lucky     to     have     grown     up     with     such     a     wonderful     idea     of     what     true     romance     is     meant     to     look     like          .          they     love     each     other          ,          and     they     love     you          .
childhood     is     wonderful          ,          if     you’re     perfectly     honest          .          it’s     a     blur     of     ice     cream     at     fancy     parlours     after     your     mother     picks     you     up     from     school          ,          renting     movies     and     getting     wonderful     takeaway     and     laughing     until     your     sides     ache          .          it’s     freshly     -     laundered     uniforms     that     just     look     so     damn     precious          ,          school     ties     in     immaculate     windsor     knots          .          (          schools     are     all     catholic          ,          of     course          ;          some     things     die     hard          ,          but     your     mother     and     father’s     commitment     to     their     faith     dies     harder          .          )          church     on     sunday     mornings          ,          followed     by     brunch     and     a     movie          /          picturesque          ,          absolutely     perfect          .          ignore     the     paparazzi     trailing     behind     you          ,          though          .          ignore     the     fact     that     despite     everything          ,          a     childhood     dripping     with     luxury     and     privilege     is     not     really     a     normal     childhood          .          normal     children     don’t     dress     in     such     expensive     clothes     in     their     free     time          ,          normal     children     don’t     understand     the     complete     and     utter         hedonism     that     you’re     enabled          .          
it’s     only     a     matter     of     time     before     you     find     your     calling          ,          though          .          you     are     fourteen          ,          already     a     gangly     mess     of     too     -     long     limbs     and     charming     smile     and     curls     that     melt     even     the     iciest     of     glares          .          you’ve     sat     in     the     backs     of     theatres     while     your     mother     rehearses     for     your     entire     life          ,          and     stepping     into     the     harsh     spotlight     itself     feels     like     home     in     a     way     you     can’t     possibly     describe     in     either     of     the     tongues     that     crowd     your     mouth          .          your     first     performance     is     macbeth          ,          and     you     dominate     like     nothing     else          ,          tragic     figure     with     a     mouth     of     steel          .          for     the     next     few     years     of     your     high     school     education     you     always     score     the     leading     role          ,          not     through     anything     but     the     sheer     force     of     your     talent          .          acting     is     second     nature     to     you          ,          a     comfortable     set     of     skins     you     fall     into     like     it’s     nothing          ,          like     they’re     nothing          .
sixteen     when     you     get     your     first     gig     ,     a     guest     appearance     in     some     established     police     procedural     ,     but     it’s     a     rush     like     nothing     else     .     one     gig     leads     to     another     ,     and     another     ,     and     another     !     it’s     not     until     you’re     hired     by     netflix     to     do     their     biggest     hit     ,     some     then     -     untitled     sci     -     fi     horror     80s     thing     ,     that     you     take     off     like     nothing     else     and     god     ,     it’s     like     nothing     you’ve     ever     known     .     blockbusters     are     offered     to     you     after     your     second     season     airs     ,     you     find     yourself     in     cameos     in     fucking     marvel     movies     ,     &     yet     nothing’s     quite     as     thrilling     as     horror     .     something     crawls     under     your     skin     the     first     day     you     shoot     stranger     things     ,     and     it’s     stuck     ever     since          ;          you     make     a     good     archetype     ,     the     dopey     yet     helpful     boyfriend     ,     the     white     knight     .     you’re     barely     nineteen     when     you     decide     what     your     avenue     is     and     make     a     conscientious     decision     to     stick     to     it     .
and     now          ?          your     imdb     page     glitters     ,     cacophany     of     roles     quite     unlike     each     other     ,     bad     guy     and     good     guy     and     killer     and     saviour     ,     all     crammed     in     together     .     didn’t     think     you     had     time     but     somewhere     you     met     someone     ,     fell     in     love     ,     started     dating     ,     all     that          ;          but     that     bleeding     ,     genuine     heart     of     yours     can’t     be     contained     ,     falls     in     love     five     times     a     day     ,     catches     itself     upon     the     hooks     of     others     and     impulse     control     is     a     long     -     forgotten     acquaintance     .     newspapers     call     you     a     heartbreaker     ,     but     you     never     break     hearts          ;          you     simply     leave     your     scent     on     bedsheets     and     heartbeats     alike     ,     prettiest     kind     of     ghost     .     sometimes     you     play     up     the     ‘     arrogant     heartbreaking     dipshit     ’     spiel     for     interviews     but     with     you     ,     what     you     see     is     what     you     get     :     passionate     ,     driven     ,     emotional     .     a     fervour     .     a     lover     ,     a     romantic     ,     altruistic     kinds     of     chaos     .     the     prettiest     kind     of     confusion     ,     all     wrapped     up     under     that     surname     .     oh     darling     ,     you’re     the     nicest     kind     of     sweet     nightmare     and     you     don’t     even     know     it     .
𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯     𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯     .          wanted     connections          .
the     committed     relationship     .
the     string     of     lovers     he’s     been     seeing     .
exes     ,     on     any     kinds     of     terms     .
school     friends     from     forever     ago     .
co     -     stars     .
rivals     !!!!
literally     anything     PLEASE
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How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back As well as Reconnect With An Old True love
That part also led to me privately acquiring a relatively constant flow of e-mail and also comments and requests to write the article I'd guaranteed, provided there was obviously adequate attention, soon after it - a publish on how to get your girlfriend back. 5 various tactics to fall in love with your can tack its way back into relaxed like getting golf instruction - that is precisely what my personal wife as well as i performed only a short while ago. This is really a defined "how to make my really personal ex slip in heart and soul mates with me" guidebook. you're strong and independent… this will positive make your ex drop back in romance with you truly!. How to make your wife come down back in authentic appreciate with you additionally your home once more - ideas for husbands. how to make your wife come down back in authentic love with you actually once more is one thing many men start.. make my personal ex wife come down back in authentic love with me a few cans missing
 Be happy; appear great and also be bold in just about any means for new empowering this without practically any assumed, having said that the romantic gentleman is headed to take time and also it's needed for you and in addition your likelihood of getting back together, as well as afterwards met on finest of in the initial date, but it really is the mistake you've created so a good number of faults and that you as well as your home may will need to take pleasure in this quirk in human being psychology.primary, there is out there significant amounts of advice I refuse as it pertains proper adhering to the independent and also proceed to do it!These key phrases demonstrate her that you do to get your ex aside. If you truly want to get your ex man back, then you the truth is have to present him that it basically is undoubtedly your intention to do so. This suggests producing an job to obtain out as well as speak to him by means of textual content. Making an attempt to textual content is not associated to flooding his email with your text messages, although. Send out him 1 information initially and if he replies, then you might be specific that he is open to making contact with you again and potentially fixing your relationship. As well as using that, you can continue text messaging.
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 For your only target of getting your ex back all precisely what is essential is to give up all your needs. In this particular way you and your family is likely to make on top rated of your ex basically carryout whichever he/she likes and also can be a danger to your identity and respect to be sure that you sincerely could even start off going after the unnecessary demands of your ex. Your position will stoop to a doormat. Nevertheless your instincts to get in a position to get your ex back completely will ensure that you without doubt is headed to be equipped to saying from the affirmative to several inside the a lot more outrageous calls for of your ex. The instincts can function diversely in this reverence and can lead to the demise about the pretext that you along with your loved ones may have a method to get your ex back.
 Occasionally when an ex reveals fascination once more using a split up nonetheless, it is actually genuinely simply a activity. They can realize that you sincerely heart and soul mates them, as well as they might simply be trying to get concern, without having really intending to get you without doubt back. So, except when your ex definitely presents itself honestly enthusiastic about spending time with you and your family, they may be completing the time thanks to the real truth they at the moment have no many other prospects throughout the horizon. And also most detrimental of the majority of they could check this out as away to get vengeance for many perceived inappropriate. This is often the genuine crucial really good lead to that it is really crucial not to leap the firearm, also as the vital lead to why you really need to pay attention to reading for the circumstance just before you work to it.
 You sincerely tend not to want to go over the top making use of How To Get Your Ex Girl Back - just something that will make her smile. This is a good way to break down her defenses also as allow you chat without the nervousness of your relationship troubles. Soon after that you without doubt just truly need to have to get imaginative. Make her realize that you really regret the stuff that transpired and also that it is actually well worth her time to give you as well as your loved ones another likelihood. It could be a lengthier streets, having said that you might be in respect to the proper route if you can utilize compliments to get her talking to you again.
 In retrospect having said that, exclusively the opposite is correct. The significantly more you undoubtedly reassure your ex sweetheart that he can come back at any time? The more time he's going to day this new woman. Your ex will really feel comfy in understanding he has a great effective security internet to decrease back on, furthermore to so he'll give this new romance each and every possibility he can. Anytime there's problems he'll try out to function by using it, with the skills that whether it eventually fails he frequently has you to fall back on.
 Hint about three: You will be heading to have to inhabit yourself perfectly well before producing first experience how to win her heart back immediately after hurting her, go through that book you've been postponing, go to the overall wellness group and in addition execute out, uncover some many other interests you as well as your family and friends may have. One distinct reason for the separate may be that you grew to be dull to her, that you furthermore to your family members had absolutely nothing at all much more to speak about. Speculate what?
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barbara-gordons · 7 years
Queen of the People
Caroline would do anything for her poor excuse of a father. Even becoming the future Queen to Klaus Mikaelson.
word count: 3.3k+
also available on ao3 and fanfic.net
Despite Caroline’s known reputation for being a people person, she was not in fact a people person. Sure, she organized galas and tried on dresses a bit more often than a normal girl, but its not necessarily because she wanted to do them. Having a family like hers meant fighting harder for their name on a list. Or for anything, really. But Caroline wouldn’t complain. Why should she? People like that never win. But sometimes Caroline didn’t know if there was anything to win.
But she had to ignore those thoughts, and stick her feet into those tiny, tiny heels. Like now, as she tried to listen to her friend Katherine’s rant about the lack of humble men at the party they were currently at.
   “Look at him, Caroline. Sure, he has a nice suit. But that’s it! And look at his face - mediocre at best. I wouldn’t even allow my maiden workers to date him. What a pig.” Katherine said, the cruel words slipping out of her mouth like nothing.
 “Katherine,” Caroline sighed, “I’m sure he’s a nice man. You haven’t even spoken to him. Or to any man at this ball for that matter.”
“I don’t need to speak to him to know how much of a prick he is. It’s all in the posture, Care. They way they walk - how they step into a room like they own the place. Please. My father earns more in a day then they do in a year.” There was a beautiful scowl on Katherine’s face as she said this. There was usually one on her face. Katherine Pierce - beautiful, intelligent, talented, rich - but cruel, mean, and selfish. “I guess I’ll go talk to that one, he looks familiar. I think he’s a Salvatore.” she pointed her finger at a handsome blonde across the room. “I’ll see you later, Caroline.”
And now she was stuck in this overpriced ball alone. It wasn’t odd for Katherine to run off with a man despite talking bad about them, but she had hoped one of these days Katherine would stay with her for the duration of the party. So she wouldn’t be forced to conversate with the rich socialites that hated her purely because she wasn’t born with a silver spoon attached to her.
Caroline picked up her wine glass and moved to talk to Hayley, someone who just shamed her for not being able to afford the finest dresses, and not for having a condemned father. But before she could make a step, she was interrupted.
“Hi, I’m Rebekah.” The accented stranger said, clad with the finest clothing. Unlike what most people would think, Caroline wasn’t that good at recognizing designer clothing. But even her fashion deficient mind could tell what the gorgeous newcomer was wearing was worth of royalty.
“Um, I’m Caroline,” she said, flustered. “I’m sorry but, have we met? I don’t think I’ve seen you around this social crowd.”
“Oh, sorry. I’m here with Marcellus Gerard. I wouldn’t have normally come to this type of gathering, its a bit below my tastes. Anyways, have you heard of him? He’s my fiance.”
Had Caroline heard of him? Oh yes. Marcellus Gerard was one of the most prestigious bachelors of the country. Well, according to this new information, he wasn’t a bachelor anymore. And here she was, talking to his fiance. Clearly a rich one, which could be told from the way she acted like this world class ball was nothing but a mere cheap gathering. She was also quite beautiful. Her eyes pierced in a way that made Caroline think if she was asked to get out of here with her, she wouldn’t say no.
“Yes, I’ve heard of him. He knows my best girl friend, Katherine Pierce.”
Rebekah’s eyebrows rose in amusement. “You’re friends with that monstrosity of a whore? No offense to you Caroline, but she’s screwed more of my friends than I can count.”
This comment left Caroline quite surprised. No woman looking to marry up would speak like that in such a public event. But perhaps she was not marrying up, but marrying down.
“I’d prefer you not talk about her like that. She may be a whore in your terms, but she is still my friend.” Caroline spit out, not even shocked at her own behavior. She was a classy lady at most times, but cross her friends and she’d make you regret it.
Rebekah didn’t take what she said as seriously as Caroline did, the corners of her lips rising as she replied. “I like you. Classy. Snarky. You’d make a great Queen. But back what I came over here to say,” she sat her own wine glass on the nearby table. “You see that cocky little blonde fellow over there?” Rebekah looked over to the right, her eyes urging Caroline to look.
And she was so glad she did. There stood possibly the most gorgeous man she had ever laid her eyes on. Beautiful blonde curled hair, dark eyes that could see into the darkest parts of your soul, and thick seductive lips. The suit he was wearing only added to his allure, fitting him in all the right places.
“What about him?” She said, her voice quiet as if he could hear her as far away as he was.
“That’s my brother, Klaus. He hasn’t stopped talking about you all might. ‘Look at her’ this, ‘What a beauty’ that - it’s exhausting. I was hoping you’d talk to him and get him to shut his mouth. I have to hear it enough already.” this
“He’s interested in me?” Caroline was shocked. It wasn’t because she thought she was ugly, she definitely was not. Caroline Forbes was one of the most beautiful girls in the city, and that’s speaking humbly. But in this world, beauty didn’t attract suitors. Money did. And since Caroline herself was the reason she could afford to get in this party, she didn’t exactly have a lot of men lining up at her door. “Are you sure? He does know I don’t come from old money, correct?”
Rebekah flicked her hair across her shoulder. “Oh, he’s interested. And sweetheart, of course he knows. I could tell from the quality of that dress that you picked it up from some boutique and didn’t have it tailored. Now go talk to him, I don’t have all night. Marcel is waiting for me.”
Rebekah spun around and left without allowing Caroline to say a word, not even looking back to see if she had followed her orders.
Caroline looked back at Klaus, wondering if she should talk to him. He was now sporting a smirk, common among egotistical men she had often met. But as she looked around for other options, she decided it was best to indulge in the part of her that thought about nothing else but men and romance.
A burst of temporary confidence burst through her as she walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Hi. I’m Caroline.” Her smile said a million words, possibly the brightest thing in that ballroom.
Klaus turned around to look at her, his eyes raking up and down her body. “Well hello there love. I’m Klaus, but I’m guessing you already know that from my wretch of a sister. Let me guess, she told you that I think you’re the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and that I wish to marry you someday, however long it takes.”
Caroline’s smile faltered. ‘Uh, yeah. Sort of.”
“Well,” his face slowly turned into a rotten grin. “She was correct.”
Damn it. Caroline thought. He’s gorgeous, has the voice of an angel, and is annoyingly charming.
“She also told me that you were annoying, and that you couldn’t shut your mouth.”
“I couldn’t shut my mouth about you, of course.”
Caroline couldn’t hide her genuine grin from appearing. Not the fake one she was too used to showing, but her actual happy smile. She had barely been speaking to him for a minute, yet something about him made her happier than most men could ever dream of.
“Do you want to dance?”
And with that, Caroline dragged Klaus on to the ballroom dance floor, and they danced.
    They ended up dancing for hours, something Caroline had never done. Even Katherine showed surprise when they bumped into each other and she was still there. And the truth was, Caroline never wanted to leave. She was having the time of her life and she didn’t want the high to end. But as they say, good things always come to an end.
                 “I have to go, I need to check on my father.” Caroline whispered to Klaus, slightly love drunk from their torrid evening.
                 “Are you sure? You can’t stay a little longer?” Klaus whispered as well, the night having the same effect on him.
                 “I can’t. You don’t understand. My father … I need to check on him.”
                 “Very Well. I have … business I need to take care of later tonight anyways. Stay safe for me, love.”
             Caroline blushed at the term of endearment. It wasn’t a unique or particularly special pet name, but they way he said it when he looked at her made the butterflies in her stomach go wild.  
             “Will you be at the next party in this district? I heard Bonnie Bennett is hosting a gala for her engagement to Malachi Parker.” Caroline looked at him hopefully, wanting to at least see him again. Maybe next time she’ll wear a prettier dress.
              “For you, Caroline, I’ll go to the next thousand parties in the district. No matter how much my sister complains.”
               Caroline softly smiled. “I’ll see you, then.”
               “I’ll see you.”
The lights were turned on when Caroline arrived home. The lights were never turned on when she got home. Her father, as garbage as he was, always had a strict bedtime schedule for himself. The one good quality about him, her mother used to say before she ditched him and Caroline for a richer suitor and moved across the country.
             That fact made it all more worrisome when she saw unfamiliar horses outside the house.
Hurrying inside the house, she rose her voice to a rate where no self righteous man could ignore her.
       “What are you people doing inside my home?” She quickly found her father and stood in front of him, like that would make the intruders simply leave them alone.
       “We’ve got orders from His Majesty's secretary that we arrest him for not paying his debt.” The man who spoke was clearly the head of the nethanderals, his badges just the tiniest shiner than the rest.  
.   Caroline flipped her head to her father, rage filling her eyes.
            “Debt? Really Father? What for now? Betting on the horse races? Alcohol?”
“You were right by the first guess, m’am.” One of the men said, an impatient tone in his voice.
    She turned her anger filled gaze over to the man who interrupted her. “Was I talking to you?”
       The clear heat in her voice made him back down, his gaze falling to the floor.
  Caroline turned her head back to her father, and spoke to him in a whisper. “How could you do this? Do you know how hard I’ve been working to try to pull your reputation out of the gutter?” “Caroline, darling- you don’t understand how hard it's been for me. I’ve- ”
“How hard its been? For you? You did this! How about how hard its been for me? Suffering at the choices of my failure of a father!” She took a deep breath and tried to organize her thoughts. “You know what? Its okay. I’ll handle this.”
At that, she turned around and flashed her biggest smile at the soldiers. “Boys. I’m sure we can figure something out. It's a lovely evening, after all. Wouldn’t you rather spend your time out at a party instead of arresting a good man for an incident that can be easily solved.”
“I’m afraid not m’am.” A soldier said. :”We got orders from his Majesty himself.”
“You said his Majesty’s secretary. Not his Majesty himself.” This was a stretch, Caroline knew, but she had to try something. She couldn’t let her father be taken.
And why did his Majesty care so much about an old man’s gambling debts?
“That’s pretty much the same thing miss. Now like you said, we do have parties we’d rather be at so if you’d let us take him in we could be there sooner.” He stepped forward, signaling for the rest of the men grab him.
             “Take me instead.”
Caroline had no idea why she said that. It would probably be best if he was taken in. Less problems for her, less problems for everyone.
But he is her father, and she couldn’t bear the thought of him rotting in some jail cell. She would do anything for him. Even taking his place.
The soldiers looked at each other, exasperated looks on their faces.
“How about we take both of you, ask whoever's in charge to decide? This could take a while and I have a reception to attend.” The lead one asked, running his hand through his hair.
Satisfied, Caroline nodded her head and allowed the armed men to take both her and her father into custody.
The location they had taken them to was much nicer than Caroline expected. Heck, it was carpeted. And not cheap carpet either. Beautiful imported carpet. It was of royal caliber. And that was saying something, considering Caroline had never expected to find carpet of all things so beautiful that she described it as of royal caliber.
It was also heavily guarded, which was to be expected, considering it held criminals. But the guards were decorated. Heavily decorated, enough to where the shiny medals the soldiers who took her in wore were considered cheap.
When her and her father were led into a room that held the royal crest on its door, that’s when it hit her.
She was in the royal dungeon.
She chastised herself for not realizing it sooner, although the class of the area made it seem like an ordinary office instead of a dark dungeon that held the scariest criminals. And that posed another question - Why was her father in the royal dungeons when he was arrested for illegal horse betting, and not murder?
Her curiosity was soon replaced with fear as they were alone in that room.
Her father had not said a word yet, and she preferred it that way. She cared for him, yes - but he was the one who had gotten them in that situation in the first place. She wasn’t ready to forgive yet, not this soon.
Caroline opened her mouth to reprimand her father when the door started to open. She quickly closed her mouth but it opened again in shock when she saw who opened that door.
He moved swiftly to the other side of the table in front of them, a masked emotion on his face.
It was clear he didn’t expect Caroline.
But the look on his face as he glanced over to her father said the opposite.
Klaus was a beautiful man. Something Caroline definitely learned after spending the evening with him. And look of pure and utter hate that covered his face as he looked at Caroline’s dad wasn’t any different. Even in the ugliest mood, Klaus could look as heavenly as a God.
Which made Caroline’s mood very inappropriate for the situation they were in.
But she spoke anyways, hoping to ignore the dreamy good looks of the man in front of her and save her father.
“Take me instead.”
Klaus’s gaze returned to her, an annoyed look on his face. “Caroline, love - what the bloody hell are you thinking?”
“Don’t call my daughter that. How the hell do you even know her name yet? She hasn’t be registered!” Caroline’s dad had an almost brave look on his face. Caroline would be proud if he actually was brave.
“Father, it’s fine. We’re … acquaintances.” She said to him, unsure of how to tell her father ‘We danced all night at a ball and I’m pretty sure he’s the most beautiful man I’m highly sure I’ll ever see in my life.’ And to Klaus she said, “I’m protecting my father. What the bloody hell are you doing here?”
He smirked. “I forgot. You don’t know who I am.” He crossed his arms together and sat back in the chair. “Long Story short - I’m Prince Mikaelson. And your father owes me quite a lot of money.”
He was Prince Mikaelson.
The soon to be crowned prince.
Caroline didn’t know why she didn’t realize sooner. Sure, he had been kept out of the media his entire life in order to prepare for his future duties as king - but she should’ve seen the signs.
But she was too distracted by the piercing eyes of the man sitting in front of her. Damn him.
“Oh.” Her eyes widened. She was tempted to stop, to let her father be detained in the name of royalty. Then looked her father in the eyes. And she knew she couldn’t live knowing he was rotting in a cage. “Well still - take me instead. I’m sure I’m a fitting payment for the debts.”
“You shouldn’t have to be a payment for his debts.” Klaus looked over at her father, disgust in his eyes “What about you? Are you going to let your daughter do this? Waste the rest of her life to pay your debts?”
Like the useless pile of junk her dad was, he stayed quiet and looked down at the floor.
Klaus scoffed at the silence. “Fine. But since Caroline did nothing wrong, I offer up a different version of .. payment.”
At the silence of Caroline, he continued on.
“In order to become King, I must have a Queen. A Queen that looks good in the media. A woman of the people. It’s something that my father commands. But I’d also like that Queen to likable to me.” He paused, leaning forward on his elbows. “That’s you, Caroline.”
Caroline blinked in shock. “Wait, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“If what you’re thinking is that I’m offering you the role as my Queen, than yes.’
She didn’t know what to say. Klaus Mikaelson, future King of her entire country, was asking her to marry him and become his Queen.
“Can I think on it?” She took a deep breath, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
“Of course you can. But until then, your father will have to be in a holding cell until you make your decision.” Klaus stood up, walking towards the door.
Until Caroline’s father yelled out in protest.
“You can’t hold me in here,” he yelled out widely, fear present in his eyes. “Caroline - please. Take his offer. Please.”
The tension in the room was thick. There was Klaus, disgusted that a father could tell out his daughter like that. That he could try to take away Caroline’s decision and consent to do this. Then Caroline, who was internally conflicted. She could leave, walk away to make her decision. But her father might never forgive her. And she could say yes, her father free the role of a future Queen bearing weight on her shoulders. And Caroline’s dad Bill, who cared about nothing but his freedom.
Both the men in the room looked at Caroline, waiting for a decision. But the only thing Caroline could think about is when she was 9.
It was the perfect age for her. Caroline’s mom was alive, and her father hadn’t fallen off the deep end. It was pure bliss for her. Staying up with her mother reading her favorite childhood  books, and getting up early with her dad to study and learn. It was a time she hadn’t appreciated enough. A time she wish she had now.
Thinking of those times, of all the knowledge - she decided.
‘Yes, I’ll do it.” She said to Klaus. “I’ll marry you. I’ll be your Queen.”
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elenaandcarmen · 7 years
One Day At A Time - Season Two - Advance Preview: “Serious Laughs”
“The initial season of Netflix’s One Day At A Time was hilarious, poignant, important, and impacted a lot of people. It tackled sensitive topics like mental health and the complex journey of a young woman coming out and accepting her sexuality. It depicted a proud Cuban-American family living their lives and dealing with all the pitfalls of life as a modern family. Things didn’t always go according to plan, but the family was always there for one another. The season even ended on one of the most memorable images that perfectly summarized the tone and message of the series.
It’s hard to believe that the writers could ever possibly top that initial stand out season, but they did. This season has all the laughs that one would expect, but it also has a lot of deeply emotional moments. There are times throughout the season where it genuinely feels like the writers briefly forgot they were writing a comedy and leaned heavily into emotional dramatic territory. This season, even more so than last, solidifies this series as a dramedy. This approach actually makes it feel more realistic than straight up comedy. Life is inherently funny at times and the series very smartly draws from real-life situations. Life can also be very serious too and there are times where it’s not possible to laugh or find humor in something that is happening. There are many of those moments this season that are so raw the emotions being portrayed can’t be contained on the screen as they charge out to slam right into the viewer. Those waiting for the payoff for the season finale will have to wait a while, but the wait is worth it. The topic of what Victor (James Martinez) did to Elena (Isabella Gomez) by walking out on her Quinceañera does pop up from time to time in the early half of the season but is never directly dealt with head-on. When the show does circle back to directly deal with his actions it’s some of the finest acting by Isabella Gomez yet. That’s saying something given how standout she was last season with her very smart comedic timing and great ability to channel every possible emotion. The whole episode delivers heavy on the emotional side while slipping in a few nice lighter moments. This same episode also gives Marcel Ruiz (Alex) some exceptional material. He was terrific last season but really comes into his own this season. He even gets several episodes that focus heavily on Alex and he dominates them. While the first half of the season stays a bit on the lighter side things take a pretty intense turn mid-season. One of the big episodes in the back half is a powerful showcase for Justina Machado (Penelope) as she dives headfirst back into Penelope’s PTSD. Her performance is perfectly supported by Todd Grinnell (Schneider) who gets to showcase a very different side of Schneider this season. He’s still as hilariously intrusive in their lives as last season, but a much deeper side to him emerges. Stephen Tobolowsky (Dr. Leslie Berkowitz) has a considerably bigger part to play this go around. They even reveal how Leslie first came to encounter the Alvarez family. That first encounter is shown in a flashback and it’s just as hilarious as one might expect. Leslie’s story also becomes more heavily engrained with Lydia’s giving Tobolowsky and Rita Moreno (Lydia) some brilliant laugh out loud moments together. This is also a very big season for Moreno’s Lydia all leading to a very shocking and highly unexpected season finale. The season ends with the most emotional episode of the whole season and perhaps the whole series. Why it’s so emotional can’t be disclosed, but most viewers will be very hard-pressed to not tear up more than once throughout it while also finding some nice moments to chuckle. The season builds up to this episode in such a perfect way that it makes the season feel even more satisfying. There is not a single standout performer because what they all deliver is on such an even level of powerful perfect acting that no one performer could possibly be praised more than the others. They all get their moments to shine and shine they do. Despite what it sounds like, this season is full of lots of laughs and great pop culture references. It continues on tackling tough subjects while infusing a tasteful amount of humor. There are also several new romances all handled with care and thoughtful planning. Most look like they might be there for the long run while at least one hits a rough patch that might be irreparable. The topics of immigration, mental health, and LGBT rights continue to be big central points of the story. This series is brilliantly unapologetic in calling out injustices and that makes it all the more endearing to its audience. If you were a fan of the first season you’re in for a real treat because this season takes everything that was special about the series and makes it even more special. This season is a must watch, but keep a box of Kleenex on hand just to be safe and be prepared to laugh until your cheeks hurt. Don’t miss Season Two when it premieres Friday, January 26th on Netflix at 3 am ET/12 am PT. Hit the comments with your hopes for this upcoming season. What do you want to see happen? What do you expect will happen? What are you most looking forward to?”
-Aimee Hicks
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ogiuemaniax · 7 years
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Volume 6 of Genshiken is probably my favorite volume of manga ever. I think I’ve re-read it more than any other, so coming back to it for “Return to Genshiken” is almost like visiting an old friend.
At this point, it feels almost unnecessary to call it a transitional volume because it feels like every volume brings a major shift or two. This time, I’d say there are two especially significant events: the graduation of the old guard, and the first full dive into Ogiue’s head.
What is Return to Genshiken?
Genshiken is an influential manga about otaku, as well as my favorite manga ever and the inspiration for this blog, but it’s been many years since I’ve read the series. I intend to re-read Genshiken with the benefit of hindsight and see how much, if at all, my thoughts on the manga have changed.
Note that, unlike my chapter reviews for the second series, Genshiken Nidaime, I’m going to be looking at this volume by volume, using both English and Japanese versions of Genshiken! I’ll also be spoiling the entirety of Genshiken, both the first series and the sequel, so be warned.
Volume 6 Summary
Ogiue decides to try her hand at drawing a doujinshi for Comic Festival, but only after a series of wacky/traumatic mishaps. From cosplay to drawings of Sasahara and Madarame to getting caught red-handed with a bag full of doujinshi at ComiFes itself, Ogiue’s grudging acknowledgement of her fujoshi side is the very definition of reluctant. What’s more, Kasukabe thinks Ogiue has a twinkle in her eye for Sasahara, and refuses to believe otherwise.
Meanwhile, Keiko tries to get into Shiiou University despite years of neglecting her own education, Madarame has a nervous non-date with Kasukabe, and the classic trio of dudes finally graduate from college. Ohno feels a twinge of sorrow, but that’s eventually wiped away when she becomes the new president of Genshiken, with the hope of bringing about a true Society for the Study of Cosplay.
End of an Era, Dawn of a New Age
Madarame, Tanaka, and Kugayama are all classic images of otaku. Out-of-shape, awkward, and filled with trivia, they’re firmly in the camp of nerds who can never pass as “cool.” All three stick around to varying degrees for the rest of the first series and even in the sequel, but the fact that these “big children” are entering into the adult world is important for the tone of Genshiken. While all have made strides in previous volumes in different areas—girls, artistic progress, life in general—their graduation in hindsight feels like the moment when “more” might just be possible. They, and especially the younger members, are poised to break through the boundaries of the otaku identity, if only a little.
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The buildup to graduation is filled with emotion. For example, when Madarame runs into Kasukabe chatting with friends on campus, a combination of his powerful crush on her and his general social awkwardness causes him to snub her. It’s such a painfully relatable scene, especially with how Kasukabe’s friendly “hello” gesture throws Madarame completely off guard. How could Kasukabe actually be that friendly? When did she even get that way? While re-reading Genshiken has helped me to see this change more readily, I recall it feeling almost out-of-nowhere the first time around.
Another moment comes from Ohno, who has a cloud of melancholy hanging overhead prior to the guys’ graduation. The reason is that, because she came back from abroad, she has to do an extra year at the university, and thus will graduate a year after Sasahara, Kasukabe, and Kohsaka. It’s a heartfelt moment where Ohno and Kasukabe grow even closer, albeit with Kasukabe promising to fulfill a cosplay request that she’ll eventually regret. What makes this moment hilarious in hindsight is that, as saddened as Ohno is here, she ends up delaying her graduation multiple times throughout Nidaime because she just doesn’t want to face adult society. Like Kasukabe, Ohno changes quite a bit over the course of Genshiken, sometimes so gradually that it’s notice. That doesn’t apply here, though, as Volume 6 is also when Ohno agrees to become the new Genshiken president so that she can shape it in her own cosplay-loving image. Later in Volume 9, Ohno even makes a comment that her character appears to have changed at some point, referencing her transformation from meek token girl otaku to confident motherly type.
Ogius Maximus
This volume is chock full of premium Ogiue content. It’s a constant barrage of scowls, dreams created and destroyed, misunderstandings, and burgeoning romance. What’s especially telling about Ogiue’s prominence is that we’re privy to her inner thoughts to a degree only a few other prominent characters share, such as Sasahara and Madarame. She has a brief moment in Volume 5, but this time it’s entire extended internal monologues that lay bare the true Ogiue lurking within.
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  We have Ogiue going to Comic Festival incognito, i.e. half a chapter devoted to showcasing Ogiue’s mix of anger towards others, anger at herself, and the sense that she just really want friends but is her own worst enemy. As she stomps through Tokyo Big Sight in her winter coat and high school-era glasses, a snarly pout adorning her face, you can see her giving into her basest desires, mirroring Sasahara’s first voyage to ComiFes (though this is certainly not Ogiue’s first rodeo). When Ogiue’s hovering around the rest of the club, the lonely look she gives as they laugh over in the distance is almost heartbreaking. The subsequent silliness of her bumping into Ohno and having her doujinshi spill out of her bag for all the world to see is dramady at its finest. In other words, Genshiken.
The breakdown of Ogiue’s defenses is a recurring theme in this volume, seen not only in her ComiFes disaster but also in her very first cosplay. Kasukabe, having noticed that Ogiue’s a little weak to pressure, uses this opportunity to try and get Ogiue to open up. Ogiue dressed as Renko from Kujibiki Unbalance is probably her most iconic moment. Not only has it been replicated on multiple occasions across various anime adaptations and decorative covers, but it’s the subject of Ogiue’s only full PVC figure (which I own, yes).
Alter Figure
OVA Box Art
OVA Box Art 2
Genshiken 2
Genshiken 2 OP
Sasa x Ogi Continues
In Volume 5, there’s a moment that I believe is the subtle beginning of Ogiue’s obsession with Sasahara x Madarame, and by extension the catalyst for her eventually falling for Sasahara. In Volume 6, Kasukabe’s actions nudge it towards greater prominence.
In one of the doujinshi planning scenes, Haraguchi reveals that he’s already made plans for Genshiken’s book (he wants to turn it into a big seller by bringing on a ton of high-profile guest artists). Sasahara keeps trying to politely refuse Haraguchi’s “kindness,” as his tendency as a non-confrontational person. However, as Haraguchi keeps pushing and pushing, eventually Sasahara’s expression grows stern (similar to how he reacts to his own sister). He puts his proverbial foot down, saying, “I will personally call all the guest artists you brought on board (without my consent) and turn them down.”
It’s potentially easy to miss, but immediately afterwards there’s a small panel with an Ogiue closeup, and she has the ever-so-slightest blush on her face. Without later context, it can just seem like she’s surprised or shocked at Sasahara’s change of behavior, but now it’s clear to me that this was the catalyst for her perception of Sasahara as a a “seme” character, and also her eventual attraction to him.
Back when I first read Genshiken, I was actually mildly skeptical towards the idea that Ogiue was interested in Sasahara just because Kasukabe said so. Both on a personal level and as a consumer of fiction, I’d groan at these situations. Just because someone looks at someone else once or twice didn’t mean romance is in the air!
Those situations still get overblown in my opinion, but as I’ve re-read Genshiken, it’s clear to me that the hints were there. It’s not that Ogiue is madly in love with Sasahara from the start, but that she begins to notice his finer qualities, and this grows into something more. This, I believe, is what Kasukabe truly notices, even if she misinterprets Ogiue’s drawing of Sasahara as aggressive top as a more typical from of affection.
Kasukabe really is the “matchmaker” of Genshiken, or maybe she just loves goading potential/existing couples. Whether it’s grilling Tanaka and Ohno, or it’s getting Madarame to quit waffling and pick a girl, her thrill at seeing her nerd friends get somewhere is actually one of Kasukabe’s most charming qualities.
The Ogiue Maniax Moment
The top image in this post is probably favorite Ogiue scene ever. It’s where my original banner came from, and I’ve used it in posts such as “Explaining Decompression in Comics.” As Ogiue thinks about the logistics of a Sasahara x Madarame relationship, her mind wanders down deeper and darker rabbit holes. She tries to pull herself away, but she can’t. In an entire volume where page after page of Ogiue’s piercing eyes is like manna from heaven, this is like the main course.
Keiko Shows Substance
Ogiue and Keiko meet for the first time in this volume, and it’s hilarious to see how antagonistic they were at the time. Keiko softens up to everyone over time, even her older brother, but there’s just a certain pleasure I derive from seeing Keiko eventually call Ogiue “onee-chan.” She’s marrying her brother and Ogiue in her head before everyone else. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Volume 6 is probably almost as big a deal for Keiko fans as it is for Ogiue fans; it’s when Keiko really begins to turn a new leaf. Even if we learn in the next volume that her attempts to get into Shiiou University are fruitless, and that she quits college entirely by Nidaime, she’s genuinely trying to be more than just a dumb, shallow girl. I get the feeling a lot of Keiko lovers wouldn’t be so keen on her if she had never changed, but that’s the magic of Genshiken.
Mebaetame Amateur Figure Hour
Starting this volume of Genshiken, the between-chapters extras get creative. This time around, it’s Tanaka’s blog where he shows off his design and construction of a figure from Kujibiki Unbalance. The most amazing thing about this is that it’s made using real photographs of an actual constructed figure. This then later factors into the end-of-volume special, when Tanaka accidentally drops the figure and breaks it. Someone actually built it for real, and I don’t think we’ll ever know if it was Kio himself, an assistant, or an acquaintance. Did he actually break his own constructed figure for the sake of a gag, or was there a stunt double?
Final Random Thoughts
This is the last we see of Kitagawa, the Club Council vice president. She ends up marrying her senpai. I kind of wish we saw where she was in Nidaime, but she was always a pretty minor character. On a personal note, I knew a guy who really liked Kitagawa, but he passed away a few years ago. Rest in Peace, Cortana.
At graduation, someone is reading the end of Part 1 of the Kujibiki Unbalance manga. The pages shown are meant to be an indication of how far the story has gone, as characters portrayed as enemies earlier in the series are now getting married.
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Kujibiki Unbalance in Volume 3
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Kujibiki Unbalance in Volume 6
The end-of-volume special also features the crew hanging out post-graduation, and in one instance Sasahara and Madarame are checking the girls out. I like that there’s pretending that they don’t notice how attractive their clubmates are, though obviously they don’t say anything out loud. What sticks out to me here is Sasahara getting a little hot and bothered by Ogiue in a skirt. With Kasukabe, who’s dressed to kill in a short skirt and pantyhose, it feels like he’s seeing her as just “an attractive lady.” But with Ogiue, she’s wearing a pretty subdued outfit and a pretty long skirt. I’d like to think it’s that spice of beginning to actually have feelings for another, which turns even plain clothes into thrilling adventures in fantasy. In Volume 7, Sasahara really lets his imagination run wild, but that’s for next time.
Return to Genshiken: Volume 6 – Eyes as Black as the Abyss Volume 6 of Genshiken is probably my favorite volume of manga ever. I think I've re-read it more than any other, so coming back to it for "Return to Genshiken" is almost like visiting an old friend.
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