#rookie jet studio
literalcatpod · 10 months
28 - Making a Sweet Little Guy Who Cannot Be Harmed In Over Arms
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Over Arms is a TTRPG by Rookie Jet Studio made to emulate anime series like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and other series you don't care about as much. We thought it'd be funny to make a cat in this who was as close to invincible as we were allowed to get it, the trade-off being that he's a wimpy idiot. But that doesn't stop him from using his Anima to sabotage corporate land development projects!
Follow the show online: https://literalcatpod.start.page/ 
Follow Joel Holland: https://jholland.start.page/
Follow Austin Erwin: https://twitter.com/AvalonAlchemist\
We’ve got a Patreon now! https://www.patreon.com/BadgerTrove 
Download the character sheets: https://bit.ly/literalcatpod 
Cover art and Intro/Outro music made by Joel Holland
Thanks for listening! We’ll Cat-ch you later!
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sodaabaa · 24 days
jason todd x reader reader is eager to work with the redhood, he's not so thrilled about it.
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“GCPD’s got a suspect for the Red Hood, thought you’d be interested.” 
I almost lost my shit. For months I’ve been tracking the Red Hood, fascinated by his methods to deter crime in Gotham... which is near impossible but he somehow managed to do it. 
“Stop lying.” I said to Cindy, one of the forensic scientists at the GCPD, my inside source, also my best friend. 
“I heard it was a tip from some anonymous caller. Called the hotline and gave the name ‘Jason Todd,’ swearing he was the Red Hood.” 
“I’ll be there in ten.” I replied and hung up the phone. 
I rushed to my small closet, stumbling over the clutter of the studio apartment. Being a rookie lawyer left me no time to clean, cook, or do anything outside of researching cases and being the firm’s errand girl. 
I grabbed my nicest pant suit, a navy blue suit and a silky white undershirt. I brushed through my hair as fast as I could and then grabbed my briefcase, bolting out the front door. I was finally gonna meet him. 
“What are you doing here, you’re not allowed back here.” 
I looked behind me where a cop stood, probably the one who made the arrest.
“I’m his attorney.” I lied.
“He didn’t ask for no lawyer.” He said gruffly.
“Well I’m here and he’s my client. I’d like to speak with him.” I held my ground. I was not about to let a beat cop rob me of my chance to meet Gotham’s most notorious vigilante.
The cop rolled his eyes but unlocked the door regardless. 
“You’ve got twenty minutes.” 
“Actually, since there isn’t much evidence, you’ve got only 48 hours to keep him here.” 
The cop didn’t say anything, I gave him a sly smile and braced myself before walking into the dreary room.
The door closed behind me, the man sitting in the chair didn’t even blink.
I took a seat in front of him and almost passed out from the sight of him. His hair was jet black with the exception of a small streak of white that fell in front of his deep blue eyes. His clenched jaw was strong and lips plump. Fading scars peppered his forehead and neck. His large, callused hands were handcuffed in front of him. 
He looked straight at me and it was an effort not to sink into my seat.
“Who are you?” His voice was harsh, deep like he’d just smoked a pack of cigarettes. 
“I’m your knight in shining armor.”
“...Or knight in a navy blue paint suit more like.” I joked, trying to ease the tension. 
I was met with the ever so slight curve of his lips. I’ll take it.
“I didn’t ask for a lawyer.” He replied, tilting his head to the side.
“Well now you’ve got one. I intend to keep you out of Blackgate so work with me.” 
“Why.” Not a question, a demand.
“Because you’re not a bad guy, despite what those morons out there think.” I replied earnestly.
Another smirk, accompanied with a spark in his eyes. 
“Go over the details of your arrest with me.” I said.
So we did, he told me how he got arrested and even gave an alibi for what he was doing last night when Red Hood was out. If he had an alibi, was this even the right guy? 
After going over everything, I left the room to talk with the cops who arrested him and the cops who got the tip. They still had no evidence which gave me the leeway I needed to get him out of here.
“Well detective, you don’t even have reasonable doubt let alone hard evidence. I’d like you to release my client. He’s clearly not the man you’re looking for.” I concluded.
Begrudgingly, the detective did as I asked. He gave me the handcuff keys and I thanked him for his time. 
I walked into the interrogation room with a considerable amount of pep in my step. As I walked in, I dropped the keys on the table in front of him. 
“You’re welcome.” I sang.
He looked at me through his brows and slipped his hands out of the handcuffs before I could even blink. He didn’t even look at the cuffs.
My mouth gaped but before I could say anything he got up and I stepped back, shocked at the size difference between the two of us. My average-leaning-on-small figure was dwarfed by his broad shoulders and chest, he was well over six feet. He rolled his shoulders, I had to keep myself from shuddering. I hadn’t expected this.
“Thank you” was all he said before he left the room. 
Snapping out of my daze I ran after him. By the time I got to the main lobby of the precinct, he was already gone. I ran (more like speed walked) through the people, reaching for the door and bolting outside.
I spotted him walking a few feet away.
“Hey!” I yelled. He didn’t turn.
I sprinted to get to him, “hey!” 
He stopped, sighed, and turned around.
“What?” I mocked. 
“I just saved your ass from going to jail and you just leave like that?” 
“What do you want.” He said, clearly annoyed.
“What I want, is to work with you. Partners. Ever since you took control of the crime ring, crime rates have plummeted and I want to help you.” I explained.
“No.” He said, making to walk away again before I grabbed his arm.
He looked down at where I had grabbed him and then back to me.
“Are you really him?” I asked.
He said nothing, but his eyes darting back to the precinct behind us gave me all the answer I needed. 
“Let me help you.” “I don’t need help.”
“You clearly did today.”
“They weren’t gonna arrest me, no evidence. I didn’t need a lawyer to explain that.” I huffed, looking up at him. “Let me be your partner.” “I work alone.” 
“‘I work alone’” I mocked. 
“Stay away from me.” He ordered.
I opened my mouth to protest again but he leaned towards me, pointing a finger in my face, “I mean it.” 
Then he turned and walked away. I was left standing on the gloomy streets of Gotham. But I’m not going to give up, I won’t stay away.
I dressed in all black, covered up from prying eyes, an attempt to blend into the night to avoid unwanted attention. The cold night air kissed my face as I walked through the neighborhood, using my phone to navigate towards Red Hood’s base. 
I miraculously made it to the area, peering over a dusty brick wall trying to avoid being seen. He wasn’t here, probably patrolling the surrounding area. 
Before I could move, a grimy hand covered my mouth and I started thrashing around.
“Boss is gonna love this one.” A thin accented voice said behind me. My eyes widened, so not only was there two grimy men grabbing hold of me, but they were also going to take me to some “boss.” I silently prayed, please don’t let me die like this, I’m a decent person, I swear I’ll be better. 
I kept thrashing around to no avail, what did I get myself into? 
One held me back while the other put a sack over my head and then the one holding me threw me over his shoulder all while I tried my hardest to fight back, kicking, punching, and screaming. 
I was thrown onto the ground and the sack was lifted off my head, but not before the two men tied my hands behind my back and my legs together in front of me. “What the hell do you want?” I yelled. 
The men merely stepped away and called someone, their “boss” probably. 
I kept trying to get out of the ropes, occasionally stopping to scream and threaten the men. 
I don’t know how much time passed before I heard footsteps behind me. I tensed up. This is really how I’m gonna die. 
I curled my knees into my chest and tucked my head in, trying to protect vital organs and my face in the case that this boss guy was gonna kick me to death.
The footsteps started again, and I lifted just my eyes to see the clunky leather boots stopped in front of me. 
“We caught her snoopin’ around the corner boss, what do you wanna do with her?” One of the men said.
He crouched down, I didn’t think it was possible to tense my entire body anymore. 
I flinched when my chin was met with cold, hard metal. My eyes widened, it was a gun. He used it to lift my chin, my eyes meeting the man in front of me. 
I let out the biggest sigh I’ve ever let out as my body relaxed. 
“It’s just you.” I said, letting my body slump against the wall. 
He turned his head to the men behind him, “get out of my sight, if you pull this shit again I’ll cut pry your eyes out of your empty heads and feed them to you.” His voice was colder than the metal of the gun. 
The men stuttered over apologies and stumbled out of the room.
The Red Hood didn’t untie me though, he merely crouched before me and cocked his head to the side. 
“Are you insane? Do you know what kind of people live in this area? You’re lucky it was my guys who took you and not some rapist creep.” His words were harsh, his voice dark. 
I smiled sheepishly and shrugged, “I told you I want to work with you. I meant it.” 
He shook his head,  “You are insane” he said, but I could hear a twinge of amusement in his voice.
“Do you mind untying me?” I gave him an innocent look, gesturing to the ropes at my ankles.
He leaned in close, his masked face inches away from mine. An arm made its way around my body and with a swift slice of a knife, he cut the ropes binding me. He repeated the same to the ropes around my ankles. He stood up and then leaned over, wrapping a gloved hand around my arm and yanking me up. 
I yelped at the sudden movement but his hand was firm around my upper arm as he turned me to face him. I stumbled but he kept me upright.
“Why do you want to work with me so desperately?” 
“You’re the only one who truly fights for those less fortunate. The system is corrupted from the inside and frankly, the other vigilantes in Gotham aren’t any better at preventing people from getting hurt.” I said, glancing at the bat insignia on his chest.
He seemed to understand the look and paused before saying, “why do you care?” 
A lump formed in my throat, I swallowed. “I was...hurt. By someone, someone with the money and resources to keep my voice stifled. Seven months ago, you killed him. But not before making sure he suffered like all of his victims. You did what the police, what the courts, couldn’t.” 
The hand that was still around my arm lightened its grip. 
“Who?” His voice softened but I could hear the anger.
“James Holder.” My voice was barely above a whisper.
He cursed, removing his hand from my arm.
“What could you possibly help me with?” He asked.
I looked up at him, a smile forming on my lips as I replied, “I have contacts in the GCPD as well as the D.A’s office, I can get you up to date information on anyone who’s hurting people. I know my way around computers and I can protect you from the GCPD. Let me help you, I won’t let you down.” 
He considered for a moment. “Can you handle it? I’m not Batman, I kill and maim and torture. I have no tolerance for anyone who hurts innocent people. If that scares you-” “It doesn’t, I can handle it. I promise.” I cut in before he could finish. 
I could practically feel his eye roll behind that bucket of a mask.
“Fine. But don’t get in my way, you supply information, communicate with me while I patrol and you stay out of danger’s way do you understand me?” 
I hopped up in excitement and clapped my hands, “yes, yes I understand! Thank you, thank you!” I squealed. 
He let out a breath that I assume was a laugh as he shook his head, muttering to himself, she’s crazy.
Honestly, I think he’s right.
He took his helmet-mask off, ruffling a gloved hand through his hair. 
“When do I start boss? And where exactly am I going to work from?” 
He gave me a pointed look, “don’t call me boss. Jason will do.”
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THEME: Anime
This week’s recommendations are all anime-inspired games! From Parasite to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, to Mew Mew Power, these games give you awesome powers, emotional turmoil, and the bonds of friendship!
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Over Arms, by Rookie Jet Studio.
Over Arms is a rules-light tabletop pen-and-paper role-playing game designed to replicate media like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Persona, FATE, Shaman King and more. Over Arms is set in a world where select people are able to develop an "Anima", a powerful psychic manifestation of their own psyche and will. These "Anima" are able to  assist their "User" in a myriad of ways in and out of combat based on the strengths of their individually unique abilities. In Over Arms players can expect to weave stories of mystery and intrigue as they discover this new world around them and within.  
Over Arms provides players with loosely structured play in order to help the table navigate different parts of the narrative, including investigation, combat and a Conclusion phase. Players will also control their Anima alongside their player character, with separate abilities and actions only available for the Anima. Character creation includes dice allocation to stats and character classes called Anima Type. An additional piece that you can include is called “The Mirage”, designed for a dungeon-crawling style of game, where you can fight strange and powerful foes. The fact that the Mirage is optional means that this ttrpg has a modular feel that allows you to determine exactly how you want to play.
If you want to check out this game before putting your money down, you can take a look at the Quickstart rules!
My Friends Are My Strength, by Peizur.
My Friends Are My Strength is a PbtA RPG where players use powers to overcome threats thrown at them, form meaningful bonds that serve as the foundation of their strength, and try to achieve a goal that means more to them than life itself.
If you like the idea of solving your problem with the power of friendship, this is the game for you. Rather than giving you pre-arranged playbooks, My Friends Are My Strength gives you the pieces and asks you to create a custom playbook for the character that you want to play. One of my favourite elements is a character element called Plot Armour. Your Protagonist gets 3 uses of Plot Armour, which allows you to turn any roll into a 12+ after the fact. Use up all of your Plot Armour? The Director is now able to end your storyline. It’s a powerful ability, so use it wisely!
There looks to be a Kickstarter in the works for this game, but for now, the Itch.io page for this game is Pay-What-You-Want.
Never Knows Best, by Fraser Simons (Samjoko Publishing).
Never Knows Best is inspired by an anime called FLCL (Fooly Cooly) and wears this influence on its sleeve. This game and its rules focus on my own interpretation of the source material, rather than attempting to emulate the anime as closely as possible.
Never Knows Best (NKB) is a roleplaying game about middle school kids facing impending adulthood, growing up, and society’s­—sometimes nonsensical—expectations and obligations. It’s designed for three-five players plus a game master (GM) who facilitates the game.
While this game is still technically in ashcan edition, it certainly doesn’t look like it. The playbooks immediately communicate the emotions sitting inside each archetype, and the rulebook is just over 50 pages long. The core concept of this game is that your children have the ability to transform into robots that reflect their unique personalities and skills, which enable them in fighting monsters that represent society’s obligations. There is also still room for the table to define exactly what they’re fighting against, and how their counter-culture manifests. The rules are Powered by the Apocalypse, which I think makes so much sense considering the heavily emotional themes of this book. If you’re interested in stories about pre-teens grappling with an adult world that expects them to simply fit in, paired with giant metaphorical action scenes, this game is definitely worth checking out.
This World Summons Too Many Heroes!, by Nick Duff.
This World Summons Too Many Heroes!! is a tabletop rpg about regular people being pulled into a fantasy world to become heroes, demon lords, goblins, talking swords, or any kind of adventurer you could think of! Go on an isekai adventure in the Kingdoms of Ceria, where summoning scrolls have been scattered across the countryside and people are recklessly using them to steal people from other worlds and bring them into this one with new powers gifted to them by a goddess of reincarnation.
Built on LUMEN, this game’s main focus in power-fantasy combat, with unique abilities for each class and a modular weapon-building system that allows you to create the anime protagonist of your dreams. Your party also has a clearly defined quest - collecting summoning scrolls - that fills in the awkward part of trying to sort out what it is you actually want to do in this game, while also giving you the ability to play each session like the episode of an anime, with each summoning scroll potentially being related to a unique villain or NPC. If you love fantastical anime, you should take a look at this game.
Empty Cycle, by Rookie Jet Studio.
EMPTY CYCLE focuses on the mental and existential issues of being a teenager and growing to maturity in a boring town where there is nothing to do. EMPTY CYCLE draws heavily upon the melancholy and existential crises we face as teenagers in such a place and uses these focal points of loneliness, uncertainty, and sadness in order to craft a meaningful and action-packed journey.
Suddenly, everything changes when otherworldly beings known as "Parasites" arrive on earth and begin to affix themselves to our protagonists in order to survive. Parasites are humanoid, planet-hopping alien beings that are able to take on a new human form based on their hosts Complex, Emotions and Desires, often using an attractive appearance to persuade and influence their hosts for a mutual gain between the two life forms.
Another game by Rookie Jet Studio, Empty Cycle also gives your characters unique and fantastic powers, but places the game in a much more terrifying setting. The stakes are big, and the monsters bigger. I can see a character being forced to grapple with changes in their bodies that they might appreciate and despise at the same time.
Mew Mew Magic, by Alice V.
Mew Mew Magic is a collaborative storytelling game for 2-6 people using the No Dice, No Masters system. It is a game about young magical heroes who have to worry about school, saving the day, and their magical destinies. Inspired by shows like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Winx, and Pretty Cure.
Speak directly to the young child watching Saturday morning cartoons with this game. If I remember correctly, No Dice No Masters is another term for the Belonging Outside Belonging system, by Avery Alder. This means that this game is designed to be played without dice, but also as the option to play without a GM. This means that the setting elements of the world are co-designed and co-directed by the group, rather than sitting solely on the shoulders of one person. I love the colour-themed playbooks in this game, it vividly reminds me of Tokyo Mew Mew and other similar Magical-girl themed shows I watched in my youth.
If you're interested in more Magical Girl-themed games, you can also take a look at my Magical Girl ttrpg recommendation post!
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dragonkid11 · 1 year
Over Arms by Rookie Jet Studio is a rules-light tabletop RPG designed to replicate media like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Persona, FATE ,Shaman King and more, where select people are able to develop an "Anima", a powerful psychic manifestation of their own psyche and will, that can assist their "User" in a myriad of ways in and out of combat based on the strengths of their individually unique abilities, as they unravel the mystery around them while discovering a new world within them.
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dorizardthewizard · 3 years
The Revival of Akillian: Chapter 8
Prologue / Chapter 7 / Chapter 9
“Arcadia News! News from all over the galaxy!” A female voice announces to playful music, as the show's logo scrolls.
- From across the galaxy, indeed, - says Nork Ag’net, TTV's star presenter. - And more particularly from the small planet Akillian. Things are certainly going on on Akillian at the moment! Wouldn’t you agree, Callie?
On the giant holo-screen next to Nork Ag'net there is an aerial view of the ancient capital that appears frozen in the ice, like a huge angular iceberg washed up on the edge of the Windy Plateaus. The only moving element in this frozen setting, the Akillian flag, still flies atop the Soustra Tower, the tallest building in the ruined city. The camera zooms in and dives along ice cliffs and frosted walls, to Callie Mystic standing in front of one of the walkways leading to Arena Stadium, which resembles a huge ocean liner frozen in a bluish crystal.
- Indeed, Nork! Because I'm talking to you live from a place that some consider cursed, since the Catastrophe that led to the Ice Age... it’s the Arena Stadium! As you can see, externally nothing has changed in all these years, but what interests us here is that this place of sinister memory has just recently been reinvested in by a man - and not just any man. That is: Aarch, the former star striker of the Akillian team!
While delivering her speech, Callie crosses the footbridge and enters the interior of the stadium, to a scene of frantic activity led by the “Scrap”, who are melting the ice, pumping water, consolidating the superstructure, climbing the collapsed walls, and repairing faulty circuits.
- If the ground floor has become unusable, - continues Callie, crossing the site. - This is not the case for the underground areas and the corridors of the stadium which, miraculously, were spared from the progression of the ice and whose renovation was entrusted to a small army of hard-working robots. Aarch has agreed to answer all of our burning questions…
In his father's studio, Rocket, seated in front of the screen, is half-heartedly preparing a wreath of roses - Norata's famous purple roses - while following the show with a dismal expression. He puts down the clippers, disheartened.
- For example, how does he hope to, in his own words, “write a new page in the history of this sport on our beautiful planet” with the rookie team he has just recruited? He will answer us, I hope, with his legendary frankness...
Callie has just entered a room furnished with comfortable sofas, where Aarch and his team are waiting - only Tia is missing. Micro-Ice waves at the holo-cam.
- We will also get to know his trainees better, the lucky ones selected to take up this incredible challenge. But is this just luck, or is it...
The TV is suddenly cut off. Startled, Rocket whirls around: his father is there, remote control in hand.
- Dad! Why did you turn it off?
- You know perfectly well that I will not go back on my decision. So why are you hurting yourself by watching this?
Rocket gets up, angry.
- I'm not the one who hurt me. You did!
He leaves the room, boiling with rage. If he could have slammed the door, he would have, but unfortunately the door is a sliding one.
Norata is left alone in his office, in front of the black screen and the cut roses, as memories flow into his mind...
Fifteen years ago. That infamous free kick that would decide the fate of the game, possibly Akillian’s victory over the Shadows - his first victory. Aarch, in full control, all lit up with the Breath of Akillian. A glance at Norata, who smiles at him and nods his head: Come on brother, make us win! Aarch takes a few steps back and takes off… an arced, magnificent shot, going around the wall of the Shadow's defense. The ball shoots towards the goal… and the unbelievable, the inconceivable happens: the ball explodes in the hand of the Shadows’ goalkeeper. And then... the hurricane. The ground shaking, the howling wind swirling between the stands, the cascade of snow and ice spewed out by an inky sky. The stadium that cracks on all sides... the screams, panic. The frantic sprinting. Norata tries to catch up with his brother, taller than him, with longer strides. He slips on the ground covered with hailstones… a bad fall. A searing pain in the leg. Impossible to get up. And his limbs, that broken leg that freezes... Norata, alone among the raging elements, in the middle of this stadium that is collapsing under the hurricane, lashed by snow gusts, stoned by furious hail. Alone.
Alone, Norata remained; alone and forgotten on Akillian, while his glorious brother pursued a prestigious career elsewhere, on his own two legs...
Norata snorts, sits down at his desk and turns on the TV, resuming the work his son had abandoned. Memories are sometimes much worse than nightmares...
Sitting on the edge of a sofa, Callie interviews Aarch, who looks very relaxed:
- Rumor has it that you have applied for your team to participate in the next Galactik Football Cup?
- It’s not a rumor, - smiles the coach. - It's the truth!
- Isn't that a bit... rushed?
- I leave that up to the League to decide.
- Do you really believe that you can build a team worthy of the name in such a short time?
- Why not? Thanks to my friend Clamp's machines, we train hard, you know...
- And where are the Red Tigers in all this? They are the official Akillian club after all!
- If my team is approved, I propose a match to determine who will represent Akillian at the Cup.
- Interesting! ...What does your former friend and teammate think? I mean of course Artegor Nexus, the coach of the Red Tigers.
- Artegor, who loves victories so much, will not pass on the opportunity to face a club weaker than his! - quips Aarch.
- Aaarrrgh! - roars Artegor Nexus, angered by what he just saw and heard.
Seething, he grabs the first thing that comes to hand - a gilded bronze statuette of a ball, the only trophy ever won by Akillian in a friendly match against the Cyclops - and throws it violently at the screen. It bounces off the soft surface, hitting a panel of glass and shatters it in two.
- It's curious, - says Adium, the president of the Federation. – It looks like you're afraid to go up against Aarch!
Artegor swivels around and slams his hands on the desk.
- What are you talking about, Adium?
- What exactly are you afraid of? You have a lot more resources than him and your players have been training for longer...
Artegor makes a violent effort to contain the anger that boils in his veins and escapes in dark threads around him: the Shadow’s Smog… he has spent too much time on Obscurantis.
- I'm not afraid of anything or anyone! – He straightens up, sighs, and reverts to his usual arrogance. - Especially not Aarch. I am a better coach than him. And I have always been much stronger on the pitch!
At nightfall, Rocket slips surreptitiously into the courtyard through a window of his father's chalet. After making sure no one has seen him, he runs to his jet-snow, which he had parked outside for once, instead of returning it to the garage. He starts off slowly so as to not wake his dad, then steps on it when he enters the street, in the direction of Arcadia and the Arena Stadium…
He abandons the jet-snow in front of the access gangway, stepping onto it carefully. Nothing and nobody can stop him... he enters the interior of the stadium, where there is still a frenetic activity: the “Scrap” do not need any rest, knowing neither peace nor respite. A little disoriented within the construction site, Rocket tries to recall the route taken by Callie Mystic during her report. She crossed this hall, took this corridor… a “Scrap” suddenly rises in front of him, blinking with its electronic eye. Uh oh! Is it going to throw him out? Report him to Clamp?
- We have completed the renovation of Sector 12, sir. Do you want to inspect the site?
Rocket lets out a sigh of relief.
- Uh... it's okay, I trust you. Good job. Keep it up, guys!
- Thank you, sir. Should we start Sector 13?
- Yes, of course, get started with Sector 13.
The “Scrap” pulls away and Rocket continues on his way, holding back a laugh. How lucky that these robots are not very smart! He descends into the basements, which are much tidier and quieter, and wanders the halls for a while, not daring to open doors at random, for fear of falling upon the team's dormitory - or worse - his uncle...
A large round door attracts his attention, on which a sign reads HOLO-TRAINING. “Here it is!” breathes Rocket. Trembling in apprehension, he presses the open command. He expects alarms to sound, or at least the door to stay closed...
It slides silently.
Heart pounding, Rocket enters a large circular room, where the ceiling lights up as he enters. Four steps lead down to a hall below, in the center of which sits the large white cube he has already seen during the trials, in which Tia had presented herself in such a strange way. Tia… that cute little Obiane… who's probably part of Aarch's team now. She wanted it so much, and given her talent… she is surely there, somewhere, very close… his heart sinks at the thought.
Now, it wasn't for Tia that Rocket came. Going around the gallery surrounding the hall, he arrives in front of the desks supporting the consoles and control panels. He fiddles with his dreadlocks, puzzled: he doesn't know anything about computers, where do you find the holo-trainer's open command in there? How to get it started? From what he understood, everything is virtual inside: if no program is started, it will only morph into a big empty box…
A console is located away from the others, placed on a sort of stand. He looks at the touchscreen, being careful not to touch anything. Among the dials, tables and cryptic symbols, an area marked REPLAY glows in green.
Could it be that simple? Rocket puts his index finger forward, still hesitating… well, after all, this is what he came for. If it doesn't work, too bad, it's not going to break anything anyway...
His finger presses on the glowing area.
It generates a drop-down menu that displays the list of the last programs launched in the holo-trainer: passes, dribbles, target shots, ball handling, saves, special shots, etc. A cursor allows you to select one or the other. So far, it seems simple… Rocket chooses “passes”, the first on the list. Then he touches the REPLAY area again.
The holo-trainer's door slides out in front of him. Shivering, he walks inside... the door closes, the white ground turns into a football field, the black walls fade away in favor of an artificial sky. A ball appears at Rocket's feet. Moving targets, represented by concentric circles, begin to drift here and there. He quickly understands what he needs to do: hit each of these targets, which are supposed to be players on the move. A little more difficult than his landmarks in the ice, over there in his secret cave...
Rocket concentrates, takes a few steps back… and shoots. The ball sinks into the first target, which flashes green as the circles move apart from each other, measuring the force of the strike. A new ball materializes in front of him. He aims for another target and starts over… once, twice, three times… ten times. Each time the target moves faster and is more difficult to hit. But Rocket is super focused, and he never misses one. At the eleventh target appear blue sims who try to obstruct, to prevent him from aiming or shooting. He dribbles around them quite easily, cunningly trying new shots: twist, arc, one or two rebounds... always, the ball hits its target. Exhilarated, Rocket doesn’t realise the time passing... until a luminous icon looms in the air in the middle of the field, announcing END OF PROGRAM. Below appear the words “Total points: 160”. He does not know what these points correspond to, whether they are correct, or whether they are sufficient…
Everything disappears in the holo-trainer; the floor lights up white, the walls darken, and the door opens. Rocket exits, returning to the console. He feels fit, even excited, he would be tempted to start another program. But someone could come at any time... after a last regretful glance at this magnificent device, he goes out into the corridor and goes back the way he came... this time, no “Scrap” stops him.
Later that night, the Arena Stadium receives another visit: he is the youngest of bookmaker Ballow's henchmen, also arriving on a jet-snow. He studies with suspicion the fresh traces left by Rocket, inspecting the surroundings using infra-red binoculars... concluding that no guard is posted in the vicinity, he walks over the bridge with a cautious step, carrying a small shoulder bag.
As soon as he gets inside, he is assaulted by one of the “Scrap” on the site. He draws his pistol, ready to fire (and jeopardize his mission at the same time), but the robot addresses him with deference:
- Sir, we have a structural problem in Sector 13. Can you come and see?
- Buzz off, you stupid machine. - growls the henchman between clenched teeth.
He casts worried glances around him but does not spot any human around the brightly lit worksite, where the “Scrap” work diligently and (more or less) efficiently.
- I don't understand that answer. – replies the “Scrap”, its diodes blinking in perplexment. - Should I tell Professor Clamp?
- Absolutely not! Uh... wait until he wakes up. Yes, that's it: when he is awake and comes to inspect the site, then you will tell him your problem.
- Very well, sir.
With these words, the robot goes into stand-by and collapses on its pseudo-pods. “What morons, these machines”, smiles the mobster. He takes a blueprint out of his satchel and resumes his cautious progress through the construction site, where the other “Scrap” pay him no attention.
He arrives at the renovated part of the basement and walks along the silent corridors, plunged into semi-darkness, pointing a micro-torch at every sign he sees. Finally, he finds the door he is looking for: large, round, marked HOLO-TRAINING. With the same trepidation as Rocket had some time ago, he presses the open command, pulls out his pistol again and points it towards the doorway, expecting to see guards, droids, he doesn't know what.
The door slides normally, nothing and no one shows up, no alarm chirps. “Too easy”, smirks the henchman. He remains on the threshold for a moment to inspect the room. That console over there, all by itself on its stand... it must be the main command post. He approaches it, kneels in front, then rummages in his bag, pulling out a small flat device with a micro-antenna and an auto-grip suction cup on one side. He places it under the console, stands up, steps back, then extracts from the bag a receiver hardly bigger than a credit card, on which he switches a tiny cursor to the “test” position: five diodes light up and flash green, one after the other. The thug nods, satisfied.
He turns off the receiver, puts it back in his bag and walks back in the opposite direction. He passes the same robot near the exit, still on stand-by. Another “Scrap” tries in vain to impart information to him, spraying him with laser beams of various colors.
As soon as he gets back to his jet-snow, Ballow's man makes a call:
- Mr. Nexus, it's Jorg. Mission accomplished.
He climbs onto his machine, drives off and plunges into Akillian's blue night.
Clamp never sleeps much. As a skilled scientist, he constantly ruminates on a thousand problems in his head, constantly has ideas to explore, programs to improve, avenues of research to explore. Awakened before everyone else, he's always the first in the holo-trainer room, but not for training - Clamp is about as skilled with a ball as a mountaineer with fins - but to perfect his invention: correct this or that defect, test new training sessions...
This is how he finds his console stuck on REPLAY and on program selection “passes”. He scratches his beard, intrigued: he hadn't left it like this last night… and the last session was ball control, not passing! He remembers it vividly: Micro-Ice had made everyone laugh by being thrown off the conveyor belt like a sack of potatoes.
He asks his console to review “passes” on the monitor. What he then discovers in the viewing window leaves him speechless… he decides to call Aarch straight away - even if it means waking him up.
He arrives ten minutes later, already tucked into his breeches and his three-quarter-length jacket with trims, but disheveled and still sleepy.
- If you woke me up just to show me one of your inventions, Clamp, I warn you that I will not take it very well!
- Not at all, Aarch. Take a look at this.
It plays back the sequence in full screen mode. Aarch opens his eyes wide, suddenly awake.
- Rocket?
- Yes, your nephew. But take a good look...
Rocket aims, shoots, hits the target. Aims, shoots, hits the target again. Return shot - target hit. Dribbles past a sim, shoots in a spin - target hit. Head, foot, rebound, shoot – target hit, behind a sim. And so on, and so on. “160 points” displays on the console.
- He did a perfect run, Aarch! I’ve never seen such a good passer before. Impressive!
Aarch nods doubtfully.
- Impressive, yes, as you say. Unfortunately, he is my brother's son. And you know what Norata thinks...
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yamamuragaku · 5 years
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Excerpt: Novel IDOLiSH7 Ainana Academy
Novel: Sasaki Teiko
Character Draft/Illustrator: Tanemura Arina
Original Work: Bandai Namco Online
In the darkness, a phantom flower bloomed.
It was a digital art flower projected on a jet black wall as if ink was painted on it. In a space where there was nothing, a speck of emerald green light suddenly flashed. Shining young buds quickly spread, leaves flourished, and at the tips, seven flower buds--fleeting like the moonlight--grew.
As the flower buds grew, each took on a different color and soft flower petals gently unraveled.
Here was the recording studio of a web-distributed program.
The ones filming were the members of the budding idol group, IDOLiSH7.
It was the recording of the final episode of the mini drama "Ainana Academy".
"Ainana Academy" was a drama in which Yamato, who planned to control the school, joined with Sougo and Iori to confront Nagi, Riku, and Tamaki.
Bright lights were lit simultaneously. The camera crew was on standby.
At the cue to start shooting, against a background of faintly lit digital art flowers, Nanase Riku, dressed as a cheerleader in a white chouran with the sleeves tied with a red ribbon, raised his voice.
"I hate the darkness! I hate your darkness! That's why with the power of love, I will burn away all your hatred! I will not forgive you--"
A gentle and honest voice resounded throughout the studio.
At that moment, a warm and pleasant atmosphere spread all through the studio.
No fragments of hatred could be felt from the way Riku crisply shouted, nor his direct gaze. Instead, Riku was making puppy dog eyes.
Confronting Riku was Ousaka Sougo, who was wearing a cape like a vampire, and Nikaidou Yamato, playing a doctor in a white coat, whose face relaxed.
"...Sorry, Riku. I don't really feel hated by you. It feels like I'm actually being forgiven,"
Told Yamato, who was fiddling with the stethoscope hanging around his neck.
"If you say it with more contempt, onii-san might feel it."
Yotsuba Tamaki, who was waiting behind Riku, snorted.
Riku stared at Tamaki who just made fun of him. Tamaki, a current high school student, looked really good wearing a uniform casually and stylishly.
He looked back at Riku and as if a switch was flicked, Tamaki began roaring with laughter.
Standing to the side, Izumi Iori made a face like he swallowed a bug. Iori was properly wearing a uniform buttoned all the way to the top, with glasses as accessories. Iori pushed up the bridge of the glasses with his fingertips, and sighed heavily.
However, the director could not be heard saying "cut." In other words, filming continued.
"I-I will not forgive you!!"
Quickly turning towards Yamato and Sougo, Riku said his lines once more, for good measure.
Right in the middle between Riku and Yamato, Izumi Mitsuki who was tied up and sitting with an apron on, looked over Riku with a nervous expression. Next to him was Rokuya Nagi, holding a glow stick and wearing a happi. Nagi crouched down, untied Mitsuki, and stood up.
"OH! Riku. Hatred doesn't suit us. Even if your partner is the leader of darkness. When our weapon is ready, you'll feel not hatred, but love. So, Riku--"
Nagi informed with a smile. Hair of gold and eyes of blue. Anyone would be fascinated by the beauty of Nagi, who came from a small country in Northern Europe.
"Let us sing."
"What?! A song?!"
Riku batted his big eyes.
"Yes. Because we are IDOLiSH7. Come on, music!!"
Nagi snapped his fingers.
Music began playing.
While they were acting out the mini drama, in the background, a paradise of digital art flowers started playing, each bud blooming.
"...I didn't hear anything. About this."
Riku opened his mouth flabbergastingly. It seemed that not only Riku but the other members besides Nagi didn't know to sing there.
Mitsuki was the first one to suddenly run off. He raised his hand in front of the camera,
"Does each person have a mic?"
And signaled to the staff. The members each picked up the mics prepared by the staff.
They automatically settled into their positions.
The intro ended, and Riku's singing voice resonated in the mic. His overwhelming singing ability and rich singing voice enveloped the entire studio.
At first there was a bit of confusion, but once Riku began to sing, everything was clear.
A sparkling singing voice that would drive away the darkness burst out, and Nagi said, "Good job," and gave a thumbs up with a smile, and took his turn.
While Sougo waved his jet black cloak, he made a careful step.
Mitsuki's petite body jumped according to the music, exciting the staff.
Tamaki's dynamic dancing drew everyone's gaze.
Yamato looked at Tamaki's dancing, and showed a daring smile.
The appearance of Yamato, who was twirling the stethoscope while casually singing, immediately conveyed that, "Come to think of it, this is a scene from a mini drama."
He made a gesture like he was acting in a play, and while singing and dancing, Yamato’s presence overpowered Riku and Nagi. Iori immediately reacted to Yamato's acting, and he forced his way in front of Yamato to support Riku. Yamato was instantly impressed with the ad-lib and smiled faintly.
The director's "cut" still could not be heard.
The studio was dyed in IDOLiSH7's color.
IDOLiSH7 was asked to appear on a web-distributed program two months ago.
The first member who heard about this was Iori, who heard it from Takanashi Tsumugi--a manager belonging to the talent agency, Takanashi Production.
Although Iori was an idol, he had confidence in his analytical ability, and assisted Tsumugi a lot. However, that Iori took on the role of Tsumugi's brain was a secret to everyone. There was fear as a current high school student, whether other members might show resistance to the youngest among IDOLiSH7 leading the group.
"A web-distributed program...?"
As idols, IDOLiSH7 was a bud that just sprouted. With hidden sparkling and shining energy, they are absolutely "real idols", but they're still rather unknown to the general public.
As for the reason they haven't made their break yet, it was obvious to Iori. They had too little exposure.
If you listened to their songs and saw their dancing, you would become a fan. That was the only ability and charm they held. However, there were almost no TV programs that invited the rookie idols IDOLiSH7.
During this time, an offer arrived at the agency for a variety program that would be distributed online, rather than on TV.
"That's right. I think it may be good to try this,"
Iori said, checking the terms of the request. However, Tsumugi made a surprised face.
"Eh? Really? But before, didn't you say you had a concern about doing online programs?"
While Iori discussed IDOLiSH7's future development with Tsumugi, she recalled what he formerly expressed.
"Yes. I said that. We are an idol group that attracted attention from online videos. The assumption that we are familiar with online distribution is correct. But..."
Because of an accident, IDOLiSH7 had to sing outdoors during a storm, and a video of that went viral and drew them a lot of attention.
Idols of the Internet age. The video circulated among people who liked and favorited it on social media. Spread without corporate promotion, the radiance of a new and fresh group called IDOLiSH7. That was one of our weapons, Iori thought.
But at the same time, he understood that this precarious position was a double-edged sword.
"On the other hand, if we rely too much on online distribution, there's a possibility we may develop an unwanted reputation. If I may say this freely--I don't want us to become 'cheap idols.'"
"Yes. It's a really subtle balance...but with one misstep, cheap idols will fail. Now is an era where anyone can post online. Amateurs can get popular by posting videos online, and they collaborate with companies to make videos. In that context, we must think of what it means to be professional idols. It isn't just about increasing exposure."
Tsumugi listened with a despondent face. Although Iori wasn't mad about Tsumugi's management, he sometimes caused her to make this kind of face. Her chest hurt a little.
"But...I think it's fine!! IDOLiSH7's singing and dancing are not cheap. You're the real deal. You're true idols. I know for a fact. I believe when people see you, they'll definitely understand!"
Tsumugi looked discouraged, but as soon as she bit her lip and took a deep breath, and her big eyes moistened, she turned to Iori and declared this.
Iori, taken aback, gulped. Because she said this with a puppy dog face without calculation--manager is scary.
"Of course,"
He replied immediately. Because Iori himself "knew" that IDOLiSH7 was the real deal. 
The idol group that ran before them--TRIGGER--wasn't strong in variety.
Therefore, it was a good strategy to target the areas in which TRIGGER was weak.
"This time, the web-distributed program seems to have a tight budget at this stage, so we need to tackle the project sharply. As for the film editor, a freelancer is better than a well-known one, but..."
He looked over the proposal, and checked the names of the staff along with the plan.
Before, Iori saw one of the names of the people involved with the filming in an interview online.
The name came up in a question about "interesting people lately" in the globally active, up-and-coming digital art group, Y-Classic.
He was a student who attracted attention in the art world for the stylish video he created as a hobby, which spread by word of mouth and became famous.
"I watched the video he made. In addition to his skill, his excellent way of showing the theme, the beautiful imagery, the quick tempo, and how it made you laugh, was understandably popular. If we find that kind of fresh talent and attract him to our program--isn't it okay to entrust ourselves to him?
Tsumugi stared in wonder and muttered, "I didn't know. There was someone like that in the staff."
"Our greatest weapon is Nanase-san's singing. If they hear our singing and see our dancing, the viewers will definitely understand that we are the real deal. Finally, if we make a corner showing our singing and dancing, along with the main point of the proposal, the mini drama ‘Ainana Academy’, I think the staff will surely challenge it and make something interesting. This job seems worthwhile."
"Understood. Then, I'll take accept this job!!"
Tsumugi responded energetically.
Five days later, the script for the drama arrived at the agency. A job for all the members of IDOLiSH7.
Within the group, MEZZO" already formed as a two-person unit, and Tamaki and Sougo had their CD debut, so their workload would further increase. Their responsibilities would grow, but even so, the two in MEZZO" were overjoyed.
In the first place, Tamaki and Sougo didn't have the slightest intention of only doing MEZZO". Rather, for the sake of debuting with IDOLiSH7 as seven people, they had been working hard to cut through as the advance guard, and clear a path.
It wasn't lip service; they were seriously acting with those intentions. Therefore, when the manager wanted to focus on IDOLiSH7's management and business, MEZZO" had a lot of work where it was just them alone. 
At a small and weak agency, idols were being produced. They couldn't buy a car for exclusive use yet, so the two people in MEZZO" moved around by train. For the time being, they hid their faces with sunglasses and hats, and moved with their idol switch off. Even so, people who notice will notice, but they haven't yet experienced someone overbearingly talking to them and causing a racket. 
However, Tamaki was disappointed in hearing "there's still quite a ways." 
Tamaki stepped into the highly exposed entertainment world because he wanted to find his missing little sister. He had not revealed this reason to others yet, but he thought he always wanted to be more famous. He wanted to appear on TV a lot more. It would be good if his sister saw his existence.
Tamaki had his head in the clouds while he was riding the train with Sougo. They were sitting next to each other on an uncrowded seat. To the public, MEZZO" got along very well, but the truth was entirely different.
"Tamaki-kun, did you properly read the script?"
Sougo took the script out of his bag, and began reading it. It was also Sougo who put effort into remembering their travel times. He was serious. He was the type of person who thought what you ought to do today, you should accomplish today. It didn’t mean he was not serious. He always kept his eyes on the ball, which was why he was now only thinking of their next job.
"I'll do it later,"
He brusquely responded. Sougo slightly lowered the corners of his eyes.
It was unknown how many times it had been repeated.
The two have had similar back-and-forths many times.
Sougo looks very kind, and spoke with a gentle tone. With an atmosphere like warm spring sunshine, Sougo was basically always gentle and kind.
However--sometimes Sougo gave instructive guidance to only Tamaki. Tamaki was displeased with this.
"Since it's a job for the seven of us, we must do our best. We discussed this when the job came in earlier. The recording is the day after tomorrow. If we filmed separately, it would look unnatural, so we're doing it on a day when everyone can gather together."
It always felt like this. Sougo just gave Tamaki a lecture.
"To match our schedules, the staff hurriedly booked a studio. Everyone suddenly had to memorize their lines, and they were even individually practicing in the dorm."
"Soo-chan, did Mikkii tell you to be so loud?"
It was a mini drama about a school. Sougo was cast as a hot-blooded teacher.
Sougo was worried about how to act hot-blooded, so he consulted Mitsuki about various things. According to Mitsuki's advice, Sougo tried waking up the sleeping Yamato with a loud voice and took him along running, loudly interrupted Nagi who was proclaiming his love for ‘Magical Girl★Magical Kokona’, confirmed the schedule, and earnestly asked, "For the next job I want to raise my level of enthusiasm, so please watch ‘Magi★Kona’ with me. I will use it as a reference." Even if Nagi wasn't asked, he was always devoted to spreading the word of "Kokona's splendor". When Nagi realized, he had Sougo sitting in seiza in front of him while reciting "Kokona Love", while Sougo nodded with a serious expression vowing to "study a lot".
"What was that, practice?"
Sougo nodded with a troubled face at being seriously asked this..
"It was practice."
"It was noisy."
"Last night, Soo-chan was so loud, I lost motivation."
Sougo, deeply serious about "creating a hot-blooded role", approached Mitsuki for a consultation. At Mitsuki's advice, he gently laughed, said "I'll try," and straightened his posture. Afterwards was a rare scene of Sougo loudly waking up Yamato.
Sougo boldly challenged Yamato who easily brushes those things aside, and yelled from the pit of his stomach. Sougo did not usually raise his voice like this.
Yamato dodged with a, "Sou, are you drunk? Don't run around, sleep next to onii-san," and it ended in failure.
Mitsuki laughed at Sougo's failure and said, "Don't mind." Sougo replied "yes" with a serious look on his face. Riku, Nagi, and even Iori surrounded Sougo and let out a laugh at the gap between the endeavoring Sougo and the everyday Sougo, 
At everyone's smiling faces, Sougo said, "Being hot-blooded is tough," and showed a bashful smile.
However, Tamaki could not laugh.
The inside of his chest felt prickly and unpleasant and hurt a bit.
When Sougo was around people other than Tamaki, he always gently laughed like a flower swaying in the spring wind. He did not get mad at anything Mitsuki said, and acted earnestly in accordance with Mitsuki's suggestions.
Sougo did not consult Tamaki, among other things. He did not rely on Tamaki.
Even though he knew he was unreliable, Tamaki still did not like it.
"Is that so. Sorry. So that I don't bother you, Tamaki-kun, I'll quietly practice in my room starting tonight,"
Sougo said with a troubled face.
He was bewildered by the apology. However, that wasn't it, thought Tamaki. Tamaki didn't want Sougo to apologize to him. But he also didn't intend to complain.
Even though he didn't say it was a nuisance--.
Did he mean to sound that way?
Sougo was good at extracting unpleasant words from Tamaki.
Tamaki got depressed at telling him to throw away his blunt words.
Sougo also got depressed being told that.
The two in MEZZO" were not good friends in the slightest.
Once again, the inside of Tamaki's chest prickled.
Sougo hid away the beaming smile he showed everyone from Tamaki, and the shutter in his heart made a loud sound and fell with a clatter. He pushed aside the feeling of "Today's smiles are out of stock. The store is closing now."
Sougo began reading the script fervently. Tamaki still felt like he wanted to say something, but he was irritated and without saying anything, he firmly pulled down the brim of his hat and closed his eyes.
So then, the recording of the web-distributed program started.
In the studio, each person was reading the script which was prior distributed, and Yamato who was wearing a costume, asked Riku,
"As I thought, isn't this look tight for onii-san? Wearing a high school uniform after all this time at the age 22 feels too much like a punishment."
One corner of the program was a mini drama--"Ainana Academy".
Somehow, Yamato was forced to wear a high school uniform. He wore a navy blazer, red necktie, and white button-up shirt.
"The size seems right. Yamato-san, it's a perfect fit. Where is it tight?"
Riku answered Yamato with a straight face, and looked over Yamato's school uniform from the front to the back.
Yamato didn't know what expression to make at being thoroughly examined, and looked to the sky.
Riku spontaneously burst out. Even if he explained his reason to Riku, he would not understand. Yamato pushed his glasses up and muttered.
"Mitsu, Sou, and even Nagi get to play teachers, so why am I playing a student..."
"Ah, I also thought something was strange. I wonder why I'm playing the youngest character. It feels weird that Iori and Tamaki are playing my senpais."
Yamato tilted his neck at Riku who was wearing the same school uniform.
"Oh. Rikkun is my kouhai?"
Tamaki, who was wearing a school uniform, asked Riku with the sense that he "just found out."
"Yeah. That's right."
"Yotsuba-san, incidentally I'm playing your classmate,"
Iori confirmed with Tamaki.
"Really? Okay."
Iori was also in a school uniform. He wore an armband that said "Student President" on his sleeve, and blackish green glasses. They were the type of frames that would look uncool depending on the person who wore them, but they fit Iori's fresh and neat look very well.
"Tamaki-kun.... You read the script properly?"
Sougo heard the conversation, and asked Tamaki worriedly.
Sougo wore a cool blue three-piece suit. The necktie was tied in a small knot, and he wore thin frame glasses. With silvery-green glasses adorning his serious-looking features, Sougo looked sharper than usual.
"Not just read it, did you properly memorize the lines?"
Iori asked Tamaki to confirm again.
Sougo stared worriedly at the silent Tamaki. Tamaki, who was sensitive to people's emotions like an animal, noticed that Sougo was feeling anxious, and his chest prickled.
Again, he made an uneasy face. Tamaki just made Sougo worry about him.
Mitsuki nonchalantly cut through the silent, awkward atmosphere formed between the two in MEZZO".
"Sougo's just like a teacher. Although he isn't hot-blooded. So math teacher-ish! If you were a calm and kind teacher, you'd be fine without having to practice for the role!"
Sougo made a troubled face at these embarrassing words.
"Mikkii is better than Soo-chan as a teacher"
Tamaki said softly.
"Really? Well, I'm also a teacher though. Of home economics"
Mitsuki's role as a teacher did not seem bad at all. He was wearing a necktie, but instead of a jacket, he wore a traditional knit sweater.
"...So why am I a student? Even if I wear a school uniform, I don't know whether I look like a student, so onii-san is really worried"
Yamato grumbled again. He was not seriously convinced.
"OH! Now that you say that, I am also really, really worried whether I look like a teacher! My elegance naturally flows out. My unparalleled beauty can't be thought of as of this world. I'm troubled about how to look like an ordinary teacher. There's no reality where such a beautiful teacher is in this school, so will any viewers complain?"
Nagi put his index finger against his cheek, and with a worried face, let out a sigh.
Was his wide-collared white shirt silk?
The sheen was clearly different from everyone else's shirts. There was no tie, and there was the impression that the suit was not ready-made, but an exquisite brand.
"Nagi's confidence is always impressive,"
Mitsuki had a distant look.
Nagi was pondering about something.
"It's fine because sometimes there are really beautiful and cool teachers,"
Riku said with sparkling eyes.
"It's fine if Nagi doesn't speak,"
Mitsuki continued.
"Really? But Mitsuki, I have dialogue too."
"Isn't it fine if you don't add OH or HEY to your lines, and avoid ad-libs and winks?"
Mitsuki sheepishly replied as if he had misgivings.
"But my role is a special English lecturer. 'OH' is in my lines."
Mitsuki let out an "OH" from the bottom of his heart. Yamato laughed at the same time. Iori crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. Tamaki's expression did not change at all, while Sougo made a bewildered face. Riku grinned.
A girl ran towards them from the crowd of staff who were staring at them from a distance.
"...Um, excuse me. Can I take your picture? I want to take a group photo of you behind the scenes, and upload it to my blog for publicity."
"Yeah. ...It's fine, right? Manager?"
Mitsuki looked around, and asked for confirmation from Tsumugi who was talking to the staff.
After getting Tsumugi's approval, the costumed members of IDOLiSH7 turned toward the camera and smiled for the group photo.
On the other side of the camera, "kyaaa" could be heard from the women in the staff.
Nagi winked at the women.
Filming began. It was a scene where Riku, a transfer student who was late on his first day of school, was running to school with bread in his mouth.
Riku was running.
He was running--with a loaf of bread in his mouth.
Naturally a loaf of bread was not something you could just hold in your mouth, so he supported it with his hands while darting his eyes about. Looking like a small animal frantically putting food that's too big in its mouth, he put on a serious expression and filled up with motivation to run.
Everyone watching became rowdy. Even Tamaki, who was in a bad mood, burst into laughter.
"...Why is he running with a loaf of bread in his mouth? Is it this kind of scene?"
Sougo said incredulously.
"Sorry, it was my fault. It said in the script that it was a scene where he runs with bread in his mouth, so I bought some freshly baked bread,"
Mitsuki said.
Since it was freshly baked bread, it was not sliced.
"I thought about cutting it later, but I forgot.... It unexpectedly became an interesting scene..."
It won't block Riku's throat, right...?
In a sense different from being worried over his acting, all the members watched over Riku anxiously.
As Riku ran with bread in his mouth, he bumped into Iori at the street corner.
It was a clichéd opening scene.
Iori who was waiting across the street corner according to the script, looked considerably distressed at Riku's appearance, who was running at full speed with "a loaf of bread in his mouth."
Forgetting to act, Iori lost his bearings, made a surprised face, and came to a halt, and then Riku crashed into him.
Even though Iori tried to stop Riku who was protecting the bread, from falling, he bounced back, got his foot stepped on, and he pulled Riku towards his chest to support him.
The bread was sandwiched between them, and his face became mixed with astonishment and worry. Iori said,
"Isn't it dangerous? Why were you running with bread in your mouth without looking ahead? You--"
They were lines from the script.
Iori apologized to Riku, but they were positioned much closer to each other than it stated in the script, and although it wasn't a scene where they hugged, it looked like they were hugging.
In a panic, they suddenly let go of their hands. The chain of events reflected the odd innocence of a fastidious youth in the throes of puberty, and all the members watching the filming let out an "oh."
"Cut!! That was a good scene. Yup. You two were also good. It was different from the script, but your ad-lib was definitely effective. Let's go there. One take."
The director, in a good mood, clapped his hands.
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thomasroach · 5 years
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles
The post Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles appeared first on Fextralife.
Ever wondered how many titles are available in Monster Hunter World? Wonder no longer as this guide will list and detail how to obtain all the titles for your guild card.
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles
Players of Monster Hunter World can enjoy some extra fun by customizing their Guild Card with countless titles. Guild Cards can be customized by editing their titles, backgrounds, greeting, sticker, equipment, and poses. They play a small role in the realm of Monster Hunter World allowing hunters to give them out to players they have met.
First & Third Slot titles
Available from the beginning:
First Year
Great Sword
Dual Blades
Twin Swords
Light Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun
Long Sword
Blast Pike
Switch Axe
Charge Blade
Now Recruiting
Knightly Order
Hunting Crew
Lone Wolf
On Sale Now!
First Fleet
Second Fleet
Third Fleet
Fourth Fleet
Fifth Fleet
New World
Reach hunter rank 6
Reach hunter rank 11
Vale Tudo
Diversion Team
Pied Piper
Eagle Eye
Killer Bee
Reach hunter rank 16
Shooting Star
New Land
If Only
Reach hunter rank 30
Shinobi Freedom
Reach hunter rank 50
Very Stubborn
End of an Era
Maiden Name
Mining Master
Reach hunter rank 100
Big Bang
Machine Crew
Not for Sale
At First Sight
Reach hunter rank 250
As Always!
Role Model
Class Leader
Retired Number
Of All Time
No. 1
Reach hunter rank 500
Research Team
Sapphire Star
Monster Hunter
Nailed it
Big Sis
Aerial Battle
Reach hunter rank 999
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Rathian
Rathian Hunted
Land Hunted
Duchess Hunted
Wyvern Princess Hunted
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Pink Rathian
Cherry Blossom
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Rathalos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Azure Rathalos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Diablos
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Black Diablos
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Kirin
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Kushala Daora
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Teostra
Flame Emperor
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Lavasioth
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Barroth
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Uragaan
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Anjanath
Bully Hunted
Wild Hunted
Brute Wyvern
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Great Jagras
Great Jagras
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Pukei-Pukei
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Nergigante
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Xeno’jiiva
Guide Zorah Magdaros
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Kulu-Ya-Ku
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Jyuratodus
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Tobi-Kadachi
Flying Squirrel
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Paolumu
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Legiana
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Great Girros
Great Girros
Fear Hunted
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Odogaron
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Radobaan
Slay 10, 15, 20, and 30 Vaal Hazak
Vaal Hazak
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Dodogama
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Bazelgeuse
Hunt 20, 30, 40, and 50 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Hunt 50 Tempered Monsters
Slay 50 Elder Dragons
Hunt 100 Large Monsters
Hunt 500 Large Monsters
Complete a quest in the Ancient Forest
Ancient Tree
Complete a quest in the Wildspire Waste
Complete a quest in the Coral Highlands
Complete a quest in the Rotten Vale
Complete a quest in the Elder’s Recess
Complete 50 optional quests
Complete 50 Investigations
Fair Wind
Complete 10, 30, and 50 Arena Quests
Black Belt
Respond to 10 SOS and complete the quest
Complete 100 Multiplayer Quests
Collect 50 Guild Cards
Recruit a Tailraider
Obtain 100,000 research points
Earn 1 million zenny
Acquire 5 pieces of Rarity 8 gear
Join a Squad
White Wind
Participate in the Kulve Taroth Siege
Kulve Taroth
Highly Prized
Obtain from Deviljho Update
Obtain from Lunastra Update
Obtain from Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Collaboration
Zero Dawn
Nora Tribe
Obtain from USJ Collaboration
Cool Japan
Obtain from Street Fighter V Collaboration
Living Legend
Obtain from Devil May Cry Collaboration
Must Die
Force Edge
Obtain from Mega Man Collaboration
Rock n’ Roll
Complete “A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)”
Warrior of Light Completed
Slay Behemoth to complete the Final Fantasy XIV Collaboration
Obtain Bayek Layered armor or Assassin’s Hood from the Assassin Creed Collaboration
Slay a Leshen from The Witcher 3 Collaboration
White Wolf
Solved all of the mysteries in Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest
Wild Hunt
Partake in the Spring Blossom Fest
Partake in the Summer Twilight Fest
Partake in the Autumn Harvest Fest
Partake in the Winter Star Fest
Partake in the Appreciation Fest
One Year
Second Slot titles
If you enjoyed this guide be sure to check out next Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Backgrounds to see the array of Guild Cards Backgrounds you can attain.
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Monster Hunter World: Spring Blossom Festival 2019 Contents.
For all your Monster Hunter needs stop by our Monster Hunter World Wiki. You can also check out the most recent guides in Monster Hunter World: Arch Tempered Nergigante and Monster Hunter World: Patch 6.00 Notes & Witcher Collaboration Event.
If you are looking for more Monster Hunter World info, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: All Armor Limits, Everything about Kulve Taroth, Long Sword Elemental Limits, Dual Blades’ Max Element & Status Limits,  Attack Values & You, Crown Sizes & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.
The post Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles appeared first on Fextralife.
Monster Hunter World: All Guild Card Titles published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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kinduci · 6 years
Jet Lancer Reveal Trailer
Jet Lancer Reveal Trailer Armor Games Studios is pleased to announce the world premiere of Jet Lancer, a fast-paced aerial dogfighting game from developers Vladimir Fedyushkin and Nicolai Danielsen. Jet Lancer is available now to wishlist on Steam. Jet Lancer is a frenetic aerial dog-fighting game where you hunt enemy pilots, carve up giant robots, and defy death at supersonic speeds as a daring mercenary in the far future. Do you prefer the reliability of the missile swarm? The intimidation factor of the Megalaser? Or maybe you're comfortable showing off with nothing more than your minigun, your afterburners, and a single point of health. The choice is yours— if you're daring enough to take it. Features: Make your way from a rookie mercenary to an ace pilot in a story-driven single player campaign. A state-of-the-art fighter jet is only as good as its pilot. Unlock its potential and soar to new heights. Acquire new weapons and customize your jet's loadout to fit your personal play style for any mission. Fight colossal robots far outside your weight class to save the world.
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
September 10, 1972
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Produced & Directed by Marty Pasetta
Written by John Bradford, Lenny Weinrib, Bob Wells
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Cast (in alphabetical order)
Judith Anderson, honoree accepting for “Hallmark Hall of Fame”
Russell Arms, performer “Hit Parade”
James Arness, honoree accepting for “Gunsmoke”
Lucille Ball, honoree
Milton Berle, honoree
Sid Caesar, honoree
George Chakiris, performer “Westerns” / “Crime Drama”
Maria Cole, honoree on behalf of her late husband, Nat King Cole
Edward M. Davis, honoree accepting for Jack Webb and “Dragnet”
Jimmy Durante, performer / presenter “Music and Variety”
Dave Garroway, honoree and presenter
Lorne Greene, honoree accepting for “Bonanza”
Florence Henderson, performer “How Sweet it Was”
Bob Hope, honoree
Snooky Lanson, performer “Hit Parade”
Gisele MacKenzie, performer “Hit Parade”
Dewey Murrow, honoree accepting for his brother, Edward R. Murrow
Harry Reasoner, presenter “News”
George C. Scott, presenter “Drama”
Rod Serling, presenter  
Dinah Shore, honoree
Tom & Dick Smothers, performers
Ed Sullivan, honoree
Eileen Wilson, performer “Hit Parade”
Robert Young, presenter “Opening” / “Closing”
John Wayne, presenter “Westerns”
Efrem Zimbalist Jr., presenter “Crime Drama”
Dick Tufeld, Announcer
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This was a 90-minute special on ABC TV. It was  taped August 9 to August 12 in Los Angeles. It featured clips from show’s from television’s past.  
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Zenith was co-founded in 1918 by Ralph Matthews and Karl Hassel as Chicago Radio Labs. The name "Zenith" came from ZN'th, a contraction of its founders' ham radio call sign, 9ZN. The Zenith Radio Company was formally incorporated in 1923. LG Electronics acquired a controlling share of Zenith in 1995, becoming a wholly owned subsidiary in 1999. Zenith was the inventor of subscription television and the modern remote control, and the first to develop High-definition television (HDTV) in North America.
In his diaries, singer Perry Como mentions jetting to Las Vegas to appear on the show, but he is not in the cast nor is he mentioned as an honoree.
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The next night, Monday, September 11, on CBS, “Here’s Lucy” presented its fifth season premiere “Lucy’s Big Break” (HL S5;E1). 
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“Here’s Lucy’s” lead-in was the 18th season premiere of “Gunsmoke” starring James Arness.  
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“Gunsmoke’s” competition on NBC was “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In” which that night started its sixth season with guest star John Wayne. This is very ironic, considering that this Zenith special features a promo that John Wayne did for “Gunsmoke” when it first premiered in 1955!  
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This was a busy night for television, with the series premiere of “The Rookies” (1972-76) on ABC.  At 10pm CBS also presented the premiere of “The New Bill Cosby Show,” which lasted just one season. 
The show begins with a boy named John Joyce (played by uncredited actors of various ages) who grew up watching television.
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After the opening credits, Florence Henderson performs the seven-minute opening number “How Sweet It Was,” surrounded by dancers. The original song was written by Jack Elliott, Bob Wells and John Bradford. In a section devoted to children's shows, the dancers perform “The Mickey Mouse Club” theme, dressed in mouse ears and sweaters with names on them.
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Robert Young (”Marcus Welby”) takes the stage to explain that the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is also 25 years old and will be honoring a select group of people and programs who have made an impact, had popularity, proved longevity, and demonstrated substance. The recognition award is a silver medallion on a plaque.
A montage of clips from news footage of the Berlin Airlift, the Israeli War, the first Political Convention on TV, and the Kefauver Hearings, and the McCarthy Hearings, follows.
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Young pays tribute to television's early comedians with clips of such comics as Jimmy Durante, Martin and Lewis, “The Honeymooners,” and and ending with clips from “Texaco Star Theatre” starring Milton Berle wearing various outrageous costumes.Berle is the first recipient of the medallion. He enters to thank the audience and briefly talk about his type of comedy. Berle claims to have done 641 hours of live television!
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Berle closes by introducing a clip from “Your Show of Shows” starring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca as figures on a Bavarian clock. Caesar takes the stage to thank the Academy for the medallion. His remarks are humble and brief.
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After a commercial for Zenith Super Chromacolor, there is a tribute to TV dramas with a montage of clips from anthology shows like “The Alcoa Hour,” “Dupont Show of the Week,” “Westinghouse Studio One,” “The U.S. Steel Hour,” “Playhouse 90,” “Hallmark Hall of Fame,” “Goodyear Playhouse,” “Producer's Showcase,” and “Net Playhouse.”  The clips feature actors like Robert Preston, Andy Griffith, Jackie Gleason, and Paul Newman.
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George C. Scott enters to talk about the contributions of “The Hallmark Hall of Fame.” Clips from the show feature actors like Charlton Heston, Peter Ustinov, George C. Scott, and Dame Judith Anderson, who accepts a medallion on behalf of the show.
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A salute to TV Westerns begins with a stylized Old West town with a handsome stranger (George Chakiris), riding into town on a white horse. Entering the saloon, he plays cards with a man in black, listens to Lily the dance hall girl, and then gets into a shoot out where (naturally) he is the only one left standing.  
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After the sketch, John Wayne introduces clips from westerns like “The Lone Ranger,” “Cheyenne, ” “Bonanza,” and “Gunsmoke.” James Arness, who played Marshall Dillon on “Gunsmoke,” joins Wayne onstage to receive a medallion on behalf of the show. 
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Lorne Greene then accepts a medallion on behalf of “Bonanza.”
A salute to TV crime dramas begins with a stylized city street with a handsome stranger (George Chakiris again), riding into town in a white sports car. The scenario deliberately mirrors the previous one for westerns. Entering the bar, he listens to Sally the burlesque dancer, and gets into a shoot out with a man in black where (naturally) he is the only one left standing. 
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After the sketch, Efrem Zimalist Jr. (“The F.B.I.”) introduces some ‘fast moving scenes’ from crime shows like “Hawaii Five-O” and (oddly) “Batman.” Zimbalist pays tribute to Jack Webb and the series “Dragnet.”  Accepting the medallion on behalf of Webb is Los Angeles Police Commissioner Edward M. Davis.
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Dave Garroway (“Today”) tells us that there are 121 recipients of the silver anniversary medallion, and that there is no way a 90-minute program can adequately pay tribute them all. Behind him is a scroll of names and clips from the honorees, including Lucille Ball and “The Desilu Playhouse.” Interestingly, for the sake of continuity, all the clips are in black and white, even if a show was aired in color.
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Oops! The list of honorees mis-spells “Captain Kangaroo” as “Captain Kangeroo.”
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The Smothers Brothers, Tom and Dick, talk about television, although Tom has trouble not mentioning its many flaws, despite Dick's attempt to keep things positive.
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Harry Reasoner talks about television news and tributes Edward R. Murrow. Clips consist of Murrow interviewing such figures as Castro, Marilyn Monroe, and John F. Kennedy. Murrow died in 1965, so his brother Dewey Murrow accepts the medallion on his behalf.
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Leading off a tribute to music on television is presented in the style of “Your Hit Parade”:
#5 - “Shrimp Boats” sung by Eileen Wilson. It was written in 1951 by Paul Mason Howard and Paul Weston.
#3 - “(Why Did I Tell You I Was Going To) Shanghai” sung by Russell Arms. It was written in 1951 by Bob Hilliard and Milton De Lugg.
Extra - “Love is Sweeping the Country” performed by the Hit Parade Dancers. It was written by George and Ira Gershwin for the 1931 musical Of Thee I Sing.
#2 - “(How Much is That) Doggie in the Window?” sung by Giselle MacKenzie (above). It was written by Bob Merrill in 1952.
#1 - “This Ole House” sung by Snooky Lanson. It was written by Stuart Hamblen in 1954.
Curiously, there is no #4, perhaps for time limitations or because there are only four alumni of “Your Hit Parade” in the show. 
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Closing the section, the group sings “So Long for a While,” the closing song of “Your Hit Parade” written by Hy Zaret. 
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Jimmy Durante enters at the end of the sequence to tribute Music and Variety on television. It begins with a montage that features Steve Allen, Liberace, Durante, Edgar Bergen, and Dinah Shore, who is the next honoree. Dinah talks about her work on “The Chevy Show.”
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Dinah Shore: “We were live and our main motivation was fear!”
Shore then tributes the late Nat King Cole, and introduces Maria Cole, his widow. “The Nat King Cole Show” (1956) was the first television show starring a black man.
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Durante returns and sings “September Song” by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson for the 1938 musical Knickerbocker Holiday.
After a commercial, Rod Serling (“The Twilight Zone”) presents a medallion to 'Mr. Sunday Night' Ed Sullivan. Clips from “Toast of the Town” (aka “The Ed Sullivan Show”) feature Julie Andrews, the Beatles, Rocky Marciano, and President Eisenhower.
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When Ed Sullivan enters to accept his medallion, it is apparent that he is not on the same stage with Serling, but has been inserted into the shot using special effects. When Serling hands him the award, the camera switches to a close-up to avoid the transfer. 
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Serling also presents medallions to Lucille Ball and Bob Hope. A brief montage of clips from “I Love Lucy” and various Bob Hope specials follows. It includes scenes from “The Audition” (ILL S1;E6), “The Operetta” (ILL S2;E5), “Lucy Meets Harpo Marx” (ILL S4;E28). Interestingly, there are no clips of the two performing together.
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Once again, it is apparent that Serling is not on the same stage as Lucy and Bob, despite the fact that they address him as if he were there standing beside him. This time there is no special effect to imply they are together. Hope calls him the “spooky writer” and Lucy refers to Serling's voice on “headache commercials.” Hope and Ball exchange some friendly banter based on their age:
Lucy: “I just love watching 'The Late, Late Show'. Where else could I be 25 for 25 years?" Bob: “On your reruns. You know I'm kidding, Lucy. You're the most beautiful woman in Hollywood and you have been for many years.” Lucy: “That's quite a compliment considering you started as a stuntman for Francis X. Bushman.”
The show closes with the singers and dancers reprising “How Sweet It Was” and Robert Young returning to sum up television's progress and promise for the future. This time the clips behind him are in color. A montage of 'good nights' from various television shows plays under the credits.
This Date in Lucy History ~ September 10
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“Lucy and Danny Thomas” (HL S6;E1) ~ September 10, 1974
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So here I am again watching a string of anime titles, and of all of them this one weird, yet somehow delightful, series managed to stand out from the rest.  Enter Dragon Pilot: Hisone to Masotan, a new show by Studio Bones (of Full Metal Alchemist, Oran High School Host Club, Space Dandy, Mob Psycho 100, and, most recently, My Hero Academia fame).  Directed by Hiroshi Kobayashi, with executive director Shinji Higuchi, and writer Mari Okada.
In an air base, in Gifu, an awkward, brutally honest JASDF rookie, Hisone Amakasu, is given an assignment to deliver papers to the base’s Flight Leader, Remi Kakiyasu.  Her assignment leads her to an unlisted Hangar 8, where she meets the base’s “Organic Transformed Flyer” (a dragon disguised as an ordinary fighter jet, or similar vehicle), and is summarily chosen by said OTF to be it’s pilot.
As far as the premise of the show is concerned it doesn’t lead to any dramatic action-driven Evangelion/Macross conflict as you might guess.  HisoMaso is much more of a character study/ slice-of-life on a military base show that permeates with a light-hearted vibe.  However that does not stop it from having some rather quality animation work to back it up, with a cutesy, but well assembled art direction.  I’ve heard other viewers describe HisoMaso as being much like a movie, those guys took the words out of my mouth.  The orchestral soundtrack, composed by Iwasaki Taisei, of Kekkai Sensen, really helped to build that impression.  With all of that the series had me plastered with a dumb smile on my face.
Absurd, cutesy, weird, and very charming, Hisone to Masotan is already regarded as a gem by those who managed to discover this show amid this current season of anime shows.
Netflix is supposedly on board to stream this to the US, but it’s release date is to be announced...  But if you manage to find a way to watch it, give it a shot.
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bigyack-com · 3 years
Navarasa Review: Netflix Anthology Makes A Fair Fist Of Delivering A Range Of Cinematic Moods
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Navarasa Review: Vijay Sethupathi in a still from the anthologyCast: Suriya, Arvind Swami, Vijay Sethupathi, Siddharth, Atharvaa, Gautham, Vasudev Menon, Prasanna, Revathi, Prayaga MartinDirectors: Arvind Swami, Bejoy Nambiar, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Karthick Naren, Karthik Subbaraj, Priyadarshan, Rathindran Prasad, Sarjun, Vasanth SaiRating: 3 starsThe toughest aspect of Navarasa, a nine-film, five-hour anthology that brings together some of the brightest names of Tamil cinema, isn't its length. It is the erratic and arbitrary manner in which the nine emotions of Indian dramaturgy have been translated to the screen. But to be fair, barring an exception or two, Navarasa, streaming on Netflix, makes a fair fist of delivering a range of cinematic moods and colour palettes, if not the intended spectrum of emotions.Produced and presented by Mani Ratnam (who also contributes a story to one short and a screenplay to another) and Jayendra Panchapakesan, Navarasa was conceptualized as a means to support film industry workers impacted by the Covid-19 lockdown. None of the short films, however, factors the pandemic into its storyline. In fact, three of the films are set in the past.Two of the entries, Project Agni and Roudhram, strike a chord, one for its audacious flights of fancy, the other for its sharp delineation of place, time and people. Two others, Edhiri and Inmay, grab attention thanks both to the performances of the lead actors (Revathy and Vijay Sethupathi in the former, Parvathy Thiruvoth and Siddharth in the latter) and the emotional layering they impart to the stories.The opening film, Edhiri (Enemy), directed by Bejoy Nambiar, is about karuna (compassion). It raises hopes with a horizontally split screen opening, revealing the two principal characters, played superbly by Revathy and Vijay Sethupathi. But eventually, it isn't so much about compassion as about anger, violence, and penitence.The story of Edhiri, credited to Mani Ratnam, portrays pent-up rage and its repercussions on two people - a murderer (Sethupathi) and the wife (Revathy) of the victim (Prakash Raj in an impactful cameo). The twist is provided by the transference of the feeling of remorse from one to the other, but the shift is too sudden and too facile to pass muster.The biggest letdown in Navarasa is Priyadarshan's Summer Of `92: Hasya/Laughter. A successful Tamil cinema comedian visits his school to inaugurate its centenary celebrations and proceeds to reveal how much trouble he got into with his teachers.Navarasa Review: Suriya in still from Netflix anthologyApart from being unfunny, the film wastes two good actors - Yogi Babu, playing a version of himself, and Nedumudi Venu, in the role of a school principal looking for a match for his daughter (Ramya Nambeesan). About the only takeaway from Summer Of `92 is a dog left behind by a late Christian priest and weaned on tamarind rice from a Hindu temple. The four-legged creature leaves a quirky mark on a film that is otherwise devoid of genuine humour.Project Agni: Adbhuta/Wonder, directed by Karthick Naren, comes the closest to the emotion that it is out to evoke. The short film is at least partly a tribute to Christopher Nolan. An outlier (Arvind Swamy, who directs one of the better films of the anthology) invites a friend (Prasanna) who works at ISRO to share with him the findings of his research on the human subconscious and the origins of mankind.The researcher admits that "an obsession to see beyond our intelligence is never a good idea". But the director does not pay heed to that warning and plunges headlong into a twisted, mind-bending plot that, besides Nolan, touches upon the Mayan and Sumerian civilizations, an advanced alien race, alternate realities, past and future, Doomsday, the world of the subconscious and the notion that all human life is pre-programmed. Doesn't that sound like mumbo-jumbo? Well, it does but is delivered with delightful playfulness.The fourth film in Navarasa, Vasant S. Sai's Payasam: Bheebatsa/Disgust, invokes American poet and naturalist Diane Ackerman to assert that "disgust is danger to our soul" and then tells a story that does not quite get to the point.Set in 1965, Payasam unfolds during the wedding of a Brahmin's daughter, which is sought to be disrupted by the envious uncle (Delhi Ganesh) of the bride's father. The uncle has a widowed daughter (Aditi Balan) whose presence at her cousin's wedding is a talking point for the guests, but it is her father whose behaviour pushes things over the edge. If you are looking for the truly disgusting, Payasam isn't your bowl of dessert.Karthik Subbaraj delivers Peace: Shantih, at 28 minutes the shortest and the paciest of the nine films. The action takes place around an LTTE bunker in no man's land during the Sri Lankan civil war. A boy on the run from a village under army attack seeks help from the Tamil Tigers to rescue his brother.One of the rebels (Bobby Simha), stirred by memories of the personal losses he himself has suffered, agrees to risk his life to save another despite advice to the contrary from Master (Gautham Vasudev Menon, who has a directorial work in the mix). The film emphasizes peace even as it points to the dangers inherent in letting one's guard down.Like all the other shorts in Navarasa, debutant director Arvind Swami's Roudhram: Raudra/Anger opens with a quote. It likens "the venom of anger" to "a forest blaze that destroys everything". The film tells the story of a poor family of three - a woman (Geetha Kailasam) and her two children, a boy and a girl (Rhythvika) - whose lives spin out of control when the hot-headed son (Sreeram) strikes a man with a hammer.As the attacker is interrogated in police custody, the reason for his rage is revealed. But the film does not stop there. The social drama delivers a swift, surprise ending that alters all that has gone before. Director of photography Santosh Sivan gives the film bright splashes of colour, which provide a contrast to the bleakness of the lives portrayed. A.R. Rahman's music is an apt embellishment for the soundtrack of Roudhram.Rathindran R. Prasad falls back on Rumi - "What is fear? Non-acceptance of uncertainty" - and a musical score by Vishal Bhardwaj as he puts together Inmay (Devoid of): Bhaya/Fear, an intriguing vengeance saga that straddles fear, misgivings and horror in the same sweep.The two actors who flesh out the key characters - Siddharth and Parvathy Thiruvoth - throw all their skills into this story set in a swish, aesthetically designed Puducherry bungalow in which a male visitor and the mistress of the house discuss calligraphy and Islamic art. But under the calm surface of their conversation is a volcano waiting to erupt.Navarasa Review: Siddharth in still from Netflix anthologyThe director skillfully couches this story of great violence and surprise revelations in a beautiful bubble that bursts in face of pinpricks of a troubled past that ties the man's fate to that of the woman.The penultimate film, Sarjun KM's Thunintha Pin (Beyond Courage): Veera, is scripted by Mani Ratnam. It examines the definition of valour from the standpoint of a new police recruit (Atharva) who, within a week of finishing his combat training, is caught in a jungle ambush by Naxalites that leaves many men in his division dead.The young man is charged with the task of driving a wounded Naxalite leader (Kishore) back to the police station on the edge of the forest. It is a make-or-break chance for him to prove his mettle. Does he have it in? The rookie will discover soon enough, but the film leaves his pregnant wife (Anjali) in the lurch after allowing her a couple of scenes to assert her own brand of courage rooted in unwavering stoicism.The last film in the anthology, Guitar Kambi Mele Nindru (Tugging at My Guitar Strings): Sringara/Love, is Gautham Vasudev Menon's ode to amour. A 32-year-old Chennai singer (Suriya) lives with his mother (Tulasi) and dreams of leaving for London to become a world music composer and performer.He is about to jet off when he meets Nethra (Prayaga Rose Martin), a younger crooner who steps into his studio to record a song. The laws of attraction kick in and the man's plans go out the window in a flash. Having found his Muse and with love taking roots in his heart, the musician goes all out rediscover his voice.The actors look good and the director, as is his wont, crafts pretty frames, but the writing falls a bit by the wayside. The manner in which the film delves into the blossoming of love is undermined by the cliches of the genre.Navarasa is an uneven, bewildering welter: two are pretty good, two others are passable, and the rest are patchy. Avoid binge watching. Too exhausting. Space it out: watch two or three at a time. Read the full article
0 notes
any surreal horror ttrpgs or with a unnerving surreal vibe to them please?
THEME: Surreal Horror
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Behind the Walls, by Rookie Jet Studio.
"It could happen to you when you least expect it, maybe you're opening a door at work or simply taking a walk on a route you normally avoid. Suddenly you're in a place that feels familiar but is barren and strange. As you search for an exit or something truly familiar your anxiety begins to build and build, higher with every step. You begin to search for a sign of life by loudly saying "hello?". its then that you see it, that which rests Behind The Walls."
Behind The Walls is a TRPG that focuses on exploring liminal spaces and the concepts of what might lurk within them. Inspired by the popular Backrooms concept, Behind The Walls provides a set of rules and aids to help guide you through the unknown and hopefully back out again. Behind the Walls was designed as a simple horror game that can be played on rainy nights, blustery days, and anytime you're hanging out with friends.
This is an escape game - your players are stuck in a strange location and have to try and get out. You’ll face physical and mental challenges, with the danger of losing your ability to tell what is real and what is not. This game has a Sanity tracker, which is not for everyone, so definitely check in with your group before you settle on this game. 
LUCID, by World Champ Game Co.
Combat nightmares in the minds of another to protect the veil between dreaming and waking life. Play as Dream Warriors with powers surreal. Carry out missions to pursue your goals and protect reality.
LUCID is a gm-less tabletop roleplaying game for 1-5 players. unique dual-phase play allows for casual and conversational pondering and planning while awake with surreal and psychedelic conflict and combat in the dream realms. can be used for single session play around an hour or an ongoing campaign against the forces of nightmares.
This book is based on the Push SRD, which is unique in that rolling too low or too high is not great - your character wants to hit somewhere in the middle. You can roll a d6 and if you roll a 4 or less, you get a weak hit, or a partial success. You can choose to roll a second dice to add to the total - if you manage a 5 or a 6, you get what’s called a “strong hit, but if you roll a 7, you miss entirely. 
Along with character options, this game comes with oracles for the GM to use when low on ideas, as well as a dream generator to help you come up with interesting dreamscapes and nightmares for your players. If you like a game with a bit of weight that allows you to throw practically anything at your table, I recommend checking out LUCID.
Catch the Devil, by Sage LaTorra.
Something's not right with the world. There's a rot around you and it's getting closer.
Catch The Devil is a PbtA game about normal people caught up in forces beyond the real. As a player you'll create a normal person and explore how they react to being caught up in events that can't be real. As a GM you'll take your fears and make them manifest in the world of the characters as a rot that has designs on the player characters.
When the player characters come under stress they will change in unexpected ways. The core rules of the game are different for each character reflecting the different ways people handle duress.
If you want a horror that plays on what we know about our changing environment, this is the game for you. The GM will design something called the Rot - a fear given physical form - as well as its powers and weaknesses, which the PC’s will have to discover and then neutralize. The horror is meant to be creeping and difficult to stop unless the players do some research first. Will you manage to stop whatever’s going on, or is the threat inevitable? Play to find out.
Only You Can See Them, by curatrix-ribston.
YOU started to see THEM. YOU did not know what to do. THEY seemed to know more. YOU tried to talk. It failed. YOU tried to scream. But everyone just thought you were insane.Then THEY started consuming. You have to show everyone, save your friends, your familly, yes, even the dickheads from PTA.
This game doesn't use magic. Instead you use your brain to imagine what happens when some horrors from beyond the stars that seem to only bother you start causing trouble.
YOU and THEM collaborate to create a weird story of conspiracy and suspicion with a lil' help from random trials. You divide yourselves into two teams, one half playing YOU and the other half playing THEM. 
This is a one-page ttrpg, just enough space for rules and a small d12 table of random scenes to get you started. YOU have tags that you can use to your advantage, and THEY have weaknesses to balance out their otherworldly powers. There isn’t a specific setting for this game, so you can decide if you want this to be modern-day, fantasy, cyberpunk, or something else entirely. Good luck!
NERVE, by kay w.
After hours of quiet darkness, the trapdoor leaving the attic creaks open. The hallway ahead is dark. Around you, the house creaks and groans. Ahead of you lies horror, but behind you waits only a slow death. Venture forth. Find who and what await you below.
NERVE is an absurd horror tabletop game inspired byHouse (1977) designed for 3-5 players and a storyteller about escaping a nefariously shifting haunted house as it begins to change both itself and you.  Discover the secrets of the ghost possessing the estate. Escape is unlikely, but what other option do you have?
This game is almost entirely d6-based, minus an optional d20 to roll on a table for the storyteller. Your characters run off of 3 stats: Fortitude, Ingenuity, and Judgment, all of which will range from 1-3. One consequence that you’ll suffer on certain rolls is Distortions, which will affect your character as they are exposed to the house. This might include your loss of color, the feeling of being chased, or the urge to dig downwards. The game itself is only 2 pages, making it quick and easy to pick up and run. For a game with funky roll tables and a quick sense of something that is terrible wrong, I recommend Nerve.
Unreal, by Black Armada Games.
Signing up for Big Brother was a dream come true. Your chance for fame. The experience of a lifetime. At the start it all seemed pretty cool, but after a while something seemed somehow off. You knew that weird stuff would happen on the show – set up by Big Brother to create drama. But this is stranger. You’re no longer sure what’s real and what isn’t. Something impossible is loose in the house, and now you’re trapped in here with it.
This is a multi-player video journaling game. All the scenes in the game are conversations in the diary room where you tell Big Brother about what has been happening and how it’s making you feel. All of the drama in the house takes place off-screen, implied by the things you and the other housemates say in the diary room. Prompted by random card draws, you invent and describe the events in the house. The other players can respond to what you say in your diary room sessions, imagining their character’s perspective on what happened or inventing new events in the house. 
As the game goes on, some sort of unnatural weirdness will begin to seep in. If you’re lucky you’ll get evicted before it gets really bad. 
If you want a journaling game to play asynchronously, that allows you to collaboratively build a plot together, you might want to check out Unreal.
Liminal Horror, by Goblin Archives.
Liminal Horror brings adaptable modern horror to TTRPGs. It is a rules-lite, fail forward system that leverages creative problem solving in order to create memorable experiences at the table. Players act as 'investigators' navigating a modern world full of terrible and unknowable horrors.
For fans of Junji Ito, John Carpenter, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Call of Cthulhu, Monster of the Week, or Silent Legions but wanting rules-lite adaptable system. It is a modern horror hack of Yochai Gal's Cairn (Into the Odd + Knave). 
Liminal Horror is a game that works well for stories about a struggle against something greater than oneself. Your investigators are fragile beings compared to the Powers that rise against you. For easy reference you can check out the website that holds the game rules for free. When it comes to what the party encounters, there’s not so much lore to pore through, but rather the tools to home-brew to your heart’s content. If you’re not a home brewer, fear not - there are plenty of supplements, such as those submitted to the Tales From the Void game jam, to delight and horrify your table!
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iameveryonesmom · 4 years
Today in Hockey History: July 3
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/today-in-hockey-history-july-3/
Today in Hockey History: July 3
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July 3 has seen a lot of activity by numerous Hall of Famers. Some of the best players in National Hockey League history were either changing teams, retiring or being born on this date.
The Captain Says Farewell
July 3 is not the happiest day for Detroit Red Wings fans. It was on this date in 2006 when one of the most beloved players in franchise history called it a career when Steve Yzerman officially announced his retirement after playing 22 seasons with the team.
Yzerman was selected by the Red Wings with the fourth pick of the 1983 NHL Entry Draft and he was in the lineup, as an 18-year-old, to start the 1983-84 season. He scored 39 goals in his rookie campaign, the first of 11 seasons with at least 30 goals.
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Yzerman’s Hall of Fame career came to an end on this date. (Photo by Bruce Bennett Studios/Getty Images)
The Red Wings named Yzerman team captain heading into the 1986-87 season. At just 21-years-old, he was the youngest captain in NHL history, at the time. He wore the “C” on his sweater for the next 19 seasons, the longest captaincy in the history of the league.
Yzerman captained three Stanley Cup-winning teams in 1997, 1998 and 2002. He won the Conn Smythe Trophy in 1998, for being the most valuable player of the postseason, by scoring six goals and 24 points in 22 games.
The 65 goals and 155 points he scored during the 1988-89 season are still the all-time franchise single-season record. Yzerman is the Red Wings’ all-time leader in assists, with 962. His 692 goals and 1.755 in the regular season are second only to the legendary Gordie Howe. He holds the team’s playoff records with 70 goals and 185 points.
Stars Making Moves
On July 3, 1998, the Dallas Stars signed future Hall of Famer Brett Hull. The 33-year-old forward was the final piece of a championship puzzle for the Stars. He scored 32 goals during his first season in Dallas. Hull added eight more during the playoffs, including the Stanley Cup-clinching overtime goal versus the Buffalo Sabres. He scored 95 goals and 196 points in his three seasons with the Stars.
Four years later, on July 3, 2002, the Stars signed another veteran goal scorer in Bill Guerin. He scored 25 goals in his first season in Dallas and followed that up with 34 more during the 2003-04 season.
Exactly one year later, Mike Modano was named captain after 14 seasons with the franchise. The move was made because Derian Hatcher signed with the Red Wings on this date. He had been the team captain for the previous eight seasons.
Odds & Ends
After 11 seasons with the Boston Bruins, defenseman Ted Green jumped over the World Hockey Association (WHA) on July 3, 1972. He signed a deal with the New England Whalers and became the first captain in franchise history.
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Green was one of many established stars to sign in the WHA. (THW Archives)
The Toronto Maple Leafs made a pair of coaching changes, a decade apart, on this date. On July 3, 1986, they named John Brophy their new head coach, replacing Dan Maloney. He made the playoffs in each of his two full seasons with the Maple Leafs. He was fired after an 11-20-2 start to the 1988-89 season.
The team made another move behind the bench on July 3, 1996. This time it was Mike Murphy getting the head coaching job. He replaced Nick Beverly, who took over late in the 1995-96 season after Pat Burns was fired. Murphy failed to make the playoffs in his two seasons as head coach and was replaced by Pat Quinn in 1998.
Bob Pulford announced his retirement as general manager of the Chicago Blackhawks, on July 3, 1997, after 20 years with the team. Bob Murray was named as his replacement. However, this was far from the last time he held that position. He had two more stints as Blackhawks general manager before stepping away for good in 2005.
It was Murray who brought free agent Doug Gilmour to the Blackhawks, on July 3, 1998. The future Hall of Famer scored 38 goals and 112 points in his 135 games with the team. He took over as team captain after Chris Chelios was traded to the Red Wings. He played in the final game at Maple Leafs Garden, in 1999, scored a goal and was given a standing ovation by his former fan base. Gilmour was eventually dealt to the Sabres, along with J.P. Dumont, in 2000, for Michael Grosek.
On this day in 1998, Doug Gilmour signed with the Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/fVAvyy2RMZ
— Mike Commito (@mikecommito) July 3, 2017
The Maple Leafs signed free agent Alex Mogilny on July 3, 2001. He had two rather productive seasons with a combined 57 goals and 136 points in 2001-02 and 2001-03. His third and final season in Toronto was limited to just 37 games, where he still put up 30 points.
On July 3, 2006, the Anaheim Ducks acquired defenseman Chris Pronger from the Edmonton Oilers for Joffrey Lupul and Ladislav Smid. He played three seasons with the Ducks and was a big part of their Stanley Cup championship in 2007.
Happy Birthday to You
The greatest hockey Finland ever produced, Teemu Selanne, was born on July 3, 1970. The Winnipeg Jets used the 10th pick of the 1988 NHL Entry Draft to select Selanne. He did not come over to North America until 1992, but it was worth the wait. He set an all-time rookie record with 76 goals and 132 points during the 1992-93 season.
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Selanne’s rookie season was one for the record book. (Photo by Denis Brodeur/NHLI via Getty Images)
Injuries limited his production over the next two seasons and he was traded to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim for Chad Kilger, Oleg Tverdovsky and a third-round draft pick. Selanne had great success in Anaheim, including back-to-back seasons with at least 51 goals. He was traded to the San Jose Sharks, at the 2001 trade deadline, for Jeff Friesen, Steve Shields and a second-round draft pick.
On July 3, 2003, Selanne’s 33rd birthday, he and his former teammate, Paul Kariya, both signed one-year contracts with the Colorado Avalanche. However, their dream of winning a Stanley Cup together came to an end with a second-round loss to the Stars.
When the NHL returned from the lockout 2005, Selanne was back in Anaheim and remained there for the final nine seasons of his career. He scored 48 goals during the 2006-07 season and then added another five during the playoffs as he and the Ducks won their first Stanley Cup championship. He is still the Ducks all-time leader with 457 goals and 988 points.
Selanne retired after the 2013-14 season with 684 goals and 1,457 points, the most all-time by any player born in Finland. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2017.
Other current and former NHL player born on this date include Dave Lewis (67), Hakan Loob (60), Teppo Numminen (52), Adrian Aucoin (47), Wade Belak (44), Antti Miettinen (40), Anders Lee (30) and the late Hall of Famer Ace Bailey.
The post Today in Hockey History: July 3 appeared first on The Hockey Writers.
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mikepepi · 4 years
Today in Hockey History: July 3
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/today-in-hockey-history-july-3/
Today in Hockey History: July 3
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July 3 has seen a lot of activity by numerous Hall of Famers. Some of the best players in National Hockey League history were either changing teams, retiring or being born on this date.
The Captain Says Farewell
July 3 is not the happiest day for Detroit Red Wings fans. It was on this date in 2006 when one of the most beloved players in franchise history called it a career when Steve Yzerman officially announced his retirement after playing 22 seasons with the team.
Yzerman was selected by the Red Wings with the fourth pick of the 1983 NHL Entry Draft and he was in the lineup, as an 18-year-old, to start the 1983-84 season. He scored 39 goals in his rookie campaign, the first of 11 seasons with at least 30 goals.
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Yzerman’s Hall of Fame career came to an end on this date. (Photo by Bruce Bennett Studios/Getty Images)
The Red Wings named Yzerman team captain heading into the 1986-87 season. At just 21-years-old, he was the youngest captain in NHL history, at the time. He wore the “C” on his sweater for the next 19 seasons, the longest captaincy in the history of the league.
Yzerman captained three Stanley Cup-winning teams in 1997, 1998 and 2002. He won the Conn Smythe Trophy in 1998, for being the most valuable player of the postseason, by scoring six goals and 24 points in 22 games.
The 65 goals and 155 points he scored during the 1988-89 season are still the all-time franchise single-season record. Yzerman is the Red Wings’ all-time leader in assists, with 962. His 692 goals and 1.755 in the regular season are second only to the legendary Gordie Howe. He holds the team’s playoff records with 70 goals and 185 points.
Stars Making Moves
On July 3, 1998, the Dallas Stars signed future Hall of Famer Brett Hull. The 33-year-old forward was the final piece of a championship puzzle for the Stars. He scored 32 goals during his first season in Dallas. Hull added eight more during the playoffs, including the Stanley Cup-clinching overtime goal versus the Buffalo Sabres. He scored 95 goals and 196 points in his three seasons with the Stars.
Four years later, on July 3, 2002, the Stars signed another veteran goal scorer in Bill Guerin. He scored 25 goals in his first season in Dallas and followed that up with 34 more during the 2003-04 season.
Exactly one year later, Mike Modano was named captain after 14 seasons with the franchise. The move was made because Derian Hatcher signed with the Red Wings on this date. He had been the team captain for the previous eight seasons.
Odds & Ends
After 11 seasons with the Boston Bruins, defenseman Ted Green jumped over the World Hockey Association (WHA) on July 3, 1972. He signed a deal with the New England Whalers and became the first captain in franchise history.
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Green was one of many established stars to sign in the WHA. (THW Archives)
The Toronto Maple Leafs made a pair of coaching changes, a decade apart, on this date. On July 3, 1986, they named John Brophy their new head coach, replacing Dan Maloney. He made the playoffs in each of his two full seasons with the Maple Leafs. He was fired after an 11-20-2 start to the 1988-89 season.
The team made another move behind the bench on July 3, 1996. This time it was Mike Murphy getting the head coaching job. He replaced Nick Beverly, who took over late in the 1995-96 season after Pat Burns was fired. Murphy failed to make the playoffs in his two seasons as head coach and was replaced by Pat Quinn in 1998.
Bob Pulford announced his retirement as general manager of the Chicago Blackhawks, on July 3, 1997, after 20 years with the team. Bob Murray was named as his replacement. However, this was far from the last time he held that position. He had two more stints as Blackhawks general manager before stepping away for good in 2005.
It was Murray who brought free agent Doug Gilmour to the Blackhawks, on July 3, 1998. The future Hall of Famer scored 38 goals and 112 points in his 135 games with the team. He took over as team captain after Chris Chelios was traded to the Red Wings. He played in the final game at Maple Leafs Garden, in 1999, scored a goal and was given a standing ovation by his former fan base. Gilmour was eventually dealt to the Sabres, along with J.P. Dumont, in 2000, for Michael Grosek.
On this day in 1998, Doug Gilmour signed with the Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/fVAvyy2RMZ
— Mike Commito (@mikecommito) July 3, 2017
The Maple Leafs signed free agent Alex Mogilny on July 3, 2001. He had two rather productive seasons with a combined 57 goals and 136 points in 2001-02 and 2001-03. His third and final season in Toronto was limited to just 37 games, where he still put up 30 points.
On July 3, 2006, the Anaheim Ducks acquired defenseman Chris Pronger from the Edmonton Oilers for Joffrey Lupul and Ladislav Smid. He played three seasons with the Ducks and was a big part of their Stanley Cup championship in 2007.
Happy Birthday to You
The greatest hockey Finland ever produced, Teemu Selanne, was born on July 3, 1970. The Winnipeg Jets used the 10th pick of the 1988 NHL Entry Draft to select Selanne. He did not come over to North America until 1992, but it was worth the wait. He set an all-time rookie record with 76 goals and 132 points during the 1992-93 season.
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Selanne’s rookie season was one for the record book. (Photo by Denis Brodeur/NHLI via Getty Images)
Injuries limited his production over the next two seasons and he was traded to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim for Chad Kilger, Oleg Tverdovsky and a third-round draft pick. Selanne had great success in Anaheim, including back-to-back seasons with at least 51 goals. He was traded to the San Jose Sharks, at the 2001 trade deadline, for Jeff Friesen, Steve Shields and a second-round draft pick.
On July 3, 2003, Selanne’s 33rd birthday, he and his former teammate, Paul Kariya, both signed one-year contracts with the Colorado Avalanche. However, their dream of winning a Stanley Cup together came to an end with a second-round loss to the Stars.
When the NHL returned from the lockout 2005, Selanne was back in Anaheim and remained there for the final nine seasons of his career. He scored 48 goals during the 2006-07 season and then added another five during the playoffs as he and the Ducks won their first Stanley Cup championship. He is still the Ducks all-time leader with 457 goals and 988 points.
Selanne retired after the 2013-14 season with 684 goals and 1,457 points, the most all-time by any player born in Finland. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2017.
Other current and former NHL player born on this date include Dave Lewis (67), Hakan Loob (60), Teppo Numminen (52), Adrian Aucoin (47), Wade Belak (44), Antti Miettinen (40), Anders Lee (30) and the late Hall of Famer Ace Bailey.
The post Today in Hockey History: July 3 appeared first on The Hockey Writers.
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indierecords · 4 years
Today in Hockey History: July 3
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/today-in-hockey-history-july-3/
Today in Hockey History: July 3
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July 3 has seen a lot of activity by numerous Hall of Famers. Some of the best players in National Hockey League history were either changing teams, retiring or being born on this date.
The Captain Says Farewell
July 3 is not the happiest day for Detroit Red Wings fans. It was on this date in 2006 when one of the most beloved players in franchise history called it a career when Steve Yzerman officially announced his retirement after playing 22 seasons with the team.
Yzerman was selected by the Red Wings with the fourth pick of the 1983 NHL Entry Draft and he was in the lineup, as an 18-year-old, to start the 1983-84 season. He scored 39 goals in his rookie campaign, the first of 11 seasons with at least 30 goals.
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Yzerman’s Hall of Fame career came to an end on this date. (Photo by Bruce Bennett Studios/Getty Images)
The Red Wings named Yzerman team captain heading into the 1986-87 season. At just 21-years-old, he was the youngest captain in NHL history, at the time. He wore the “C” on his sweater for the next 19 seasons, the longest captaincy in the history of the league.
Yzerman captained three Stanley Cup-winning teams in 1997, 1998 and 2002. He won the Conn Smythe Trophy in 1998, for being the most valuable player of the postseason, by scoring six goals and 24 points in 22 games.
The 65 goals and 155 points he scored during the 1988-89 season are still the all-time franchise single-season record. Yzerman is the Red Wings’ all-time leader in assists, with 962. His 692 goals and 1.755 in the regular season are second only to the legendary Gordie Howe. He holds the team’s playoff records with 70 goals and 185 points.
Stars Making Moves
On July 3, 1998, the Dallas Stars signed future Hall of Famer Brett Hull. The 33-year-old forward was the final piece of a championship puzzle for the Stars. He scored 32 goals during his first season in Dallas. Hull added eight more during the playoffs, including the Stanley Cup-clinching overtime goal versus the Buffalo Sabres. He scored 95 goals and 196 points in his three seasons with the Stars.
Four years later, on July 3, 2002, the Stars signed another veteran goal scorer in Bill Guerin. He scored 25 goals in his first season in Dallas and followed that up with 34 more during the 2003-04 season.
Exactly one year later, Mike Modano was named captain after 14 seasons with the franchise. The move was made because Derian Hatcher signed with the Red Wings on this date. He had been the team captain for the previous eight seasons.
Odds & Ends
After 11 seasons with the Boston Bruins, defenseman Ted Green jumped over the World Hockey Association (WHA) on July 3, 1972. He signed a deal with the New England Whalers and became the first captain in franchise history.
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Green was one of many established stars to sign in the WHA. (THW Archives)
The Toronto Maple Leafs made a pair of coaching changes, a decade apart, on this date. On July 3, 1986, they named John Brophy their new head coach, replacing Dan Maloney. He made the playoffs in each of his two full seasons with the Maple Leafs. He was fired after an 11-20-2 start to the 1988-89 season.
The team made another move behind the bench on July 3, 1996. This time it was Mike Murphy getting the head coaching job. He replaced Nick Beverly, who took over late in the 1995-96 season after Pat Burns was fired. Murphy failed to make the playoffs in his two seasons as head coach and was replaced by Pat Quinn in 1998.
Bob Pulford announced his retirement as general manager of the Chicago Blackhawks, on July 3, 1997, after 20 years with the team. Bob Murray was named as his replacement. However, this was far from the last time he held that position. He had two more stints as Blackhawks general manager before stepping away for good in 2005.
It was Murray who brought free agent Doug Gilmour to the Blackhawks, on July 3, 1998. The future Hall of Famer scored 38 goals and 112 points in his 135 games with the team. He took over as team captain after Chris Chelios was traded to the Red Wings. He played in the final game at Maple Leafs Garden, in 1999, scored a goal and was given a standing ovation by his former fan base. Gilmour was eventually dealt to the Sabres, along with J.P. Dumont, in 2000, for Michael Grosek.
On this day in 1998, Doug Gilmour signed with the Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/fVAvyy2RMZ
— Mike Commito (@mikecommito) July 3, 2017
The Maple Leafs signed free agent Alex Mogilny on July 3, 2001. He had two rather productive seasons with a combined 57 goals and 136 points in 2001-02 and 2001-03. His third and final season in Toronto was limited to just 37 games, where he still put up 30 points.
On July 3, 2006, the Anaheim Ducks acquired defenseman Chris Pronger from the Edmonton Oilers for Joffrey Lupul and Ladislav Smid. He played three seasons with the Ducks and was a big part of their Stanley Cup championship in 2007.
Happy Birthday to You
The greatest hockey Finland ever produced, Teemu Selanne, was born on July 3, 1970. The Winnipeg Jets used the 10th pick of the 1988 NHL Entry Draft to select Selanne. He did not come over to North America until 1992, but it was worth the wait. He set an all-time rookie record with 76 goals and 132 points during the 1992-93 season.
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Selanne’s rookie season was one for the record book. (Photo by Denis Brodeur/NHLI via Getty Images)
Injuries limited his production over the next two seasons and he was traded to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim for Chad Kilger, Oleg Tverdovsky and a third-round draft pick. Selanne had great success in Anaheim, including back-to-back seasons with at least 51 goals. He was traded to the San Jose Sharks, at the 2001 trade deadline, for Jeff Friesen, Steve Shields and a second-round draft pick.
On July 3, 2003, Selanne’s 33rd birthday, he and his former teammate, Paul Kariya, both signed one-year contracts with the Colorado Avalanche. However, their dream of winning a Stanley Cup together came to an end with a second-round loss to the Stars.
When the NHL returned from the lockout 2005, Selanne was back in Anaheim and remained there for the final nine seasons of his career. He scored 48 goals during the 2006-07 season and then added another five during the playoffs as he and the Ducks won their first Stanley Cup championship. He is still the Ducks all-time leader with 457 goals and 988 points.
Selanne retired after the 2013-14 season with 684 goals and 1,457 points, the most all-time by any player born in Finland. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2017.
Other current and former NHL player born on this date include Dave Lewis (67), Hakan Loob (60), Teppo Numminen (52), Adrian Aucoin (47), Wade Belak (44), Antti Miettinen (40), Anders Lee (30) and the late Hall of Famer Ace Bailey.
The post Today in Hockey History: July 3 appeared first on The Hockey Writers.
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axolotlottie · 4 years
Today in Hockey History: July 3
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/today-in-hockey-history-july-3/
Today in Hockey History: July 3
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July 3 has seen a lot of activity by numerous Hall of Famers. Some of the best players in National Hockey League history were either changing teams, retiring or being born on this date.
The Captain Says Farewell
July 3 is not the happiest day for Detroit Red Wings fans. It was on this date in 2006 when one of the most beloved players in franchise history called it a career when Steve Yzerman officially announced his retirement after playing 22 seasons with the team.
Yzerman was selected by the Red Wings with the fourth pick of the 1983 NHL Entry Draft and he was in the lineup, as an 18-year-old, to start the 1983-84 season. He scored 39 goals in his rookie campaign, the first of 11 seasons with at least 30 goals.
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Yzerman’s Hall of Fame career came to an end on this date. (Photo by Bruce Bennett Studios/Getty Images)
The Red Wings named Yzerman team captain heading into the 1986-87 season. At just 21-years-old, he was the youngest captain in NHL history, at the time. He wore the “C” on his sweater for the next 19 seasons, the longest captaincy in the history of the league.
Yzerman captained three Stanley Cup-winning teams in 1997, 1998 and 2002. He won the Conn Smythe Trophy in 1998, for being the most valuable player of the postseason, by scoring six goals and 24 points in 22 games.
The 65 goals and 155 points he scored during the 1988-89 season are still the all-time franchise single-season record. Yzerman is the Red Wings’ all-time leader in assists, with 962. His 692 goals and 1.755 in the regular season are second only to the legendary Gordie Howe. He holds the team’s playoff records with 70 goals and 185 points.
Stars Making Moves
On July 3, 1998, the Dallas Stars signed future Hall of Famer Brett Hull. The 33-year-old forward was the final piece of a championship puzzle for the Stars. He scored 32 goals during his first season in Dallas. Hull added eight more during the playoffs, including the Stanley Cup-clinching overtime goal versus the Buffalo Sabres. He scored 95 goals and 196 points in his three seasons with the Stars.
Four years later, on July 3, 2002, the Stars signed another veteran goal scorer in Bill Guerin. He scored 25 goals in his first season in Dallas and followed that up with 34 more during the 2003-04 season.
Exactly one year later, Mike Modano was named captain after 14 seasons with the franchise. The move was made because Derian Hatcher signed with the Red Wings on this date. He had been the team captain for the previous eight seasons.
Odds & Ends
After 11 seasons with the Boston Bruins, defenseman Ted Green jumped over the World Hockey Association (WHA) on July 3, 1972. He signed a deal with the New England Whalers and became the first captain in franchise history.
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Green was one of many established stars to sign in the WHA. (THW Archives)
The Toronto Maple Leafs made a pair of coaching changes, a decade apart, on this date. On July 3, 1986, they named John Brophy their new head coach, replacing Dan Maloney. He made the playoffs in each of his two full seasons with the Maple Leafs. He was fired after an 11-20-2 start to the 1988-89 season.
The team made another move behind the bench on July 3, 1996. This time it was Mike Murphy getting the head coaching job. He replaced Nick Beverly, who took over late in the 1995-96 season after Pat Burns was fired. Murphy failed to make the playoffs in his two seasons as head coach and was replaced by Pat Quinn in 1998.
Bob Pulford announced his retirement as general manager of the Chicago Blackhawks, on July 3, 1997, after 20 years with the team. Bob Murray was named as his replacement. However, this was far from the last time he held that position. He had two more stints as Blackhawks general manager before stepping away for good in 2005.
It was Murray who brought free agent Doug Gilmour to the Blackhawks, on July 3, 1998. The future Hall of Famer scored 38 goals and 112 points in his 135 games with the team. He took over as team captain after Chris Chelios was traded to the Red Wings. He played in the final game at Maple Leafs Garden, in 1999, scored a goal and was given a standing ovation by his former fan base. Gilmour was eventually dealt to the Sabres, along with J.P. Dumont, in 2000, for Michael Grosek.
On this day in 1998, Doug Gilmour signed with the Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/fVAvyy2RMZ
— Mike Commito (@mikecommito) July 3, 2017
The Maple Leafs signed free agent Alex Mogilny on July 3, 2001. He had two rather productive seasons with a combined 57 goals and 136 points in 2001-02 and 2001-03. His third and final season in Toronto was limited to just 37 games, where he still put up 30 points.
On July 3, 2006, the Anaheim Ducks acquired defenseman Chris Pronger from the Edmonton Oilers for Joffrey Lupul and Ladislav Smid. He played three seasons with the Ducks and was a big part of their Stanley Cup championship in 2007.
Happy Birthday to You
The greatest hockey Finland ever produced, Teemu Selanne, was born on July 3, 1970. The Winnipeg Jets used the 10th pick of the 1988 NHL Entry Draft to select Selanne. He did not come over to North America until 1992, but it was worth the wait. He set an all-time rookie record with 76 goals and 132 points during the 1992-93 season.
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Selanne’s rookie season was one for the record book. (Photo by Denis Brodeur/NHLI via Getty Images)
Injuries limited his production over the next two seasons and he was traded to the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim for Chad Kilger, Oleg Tverdovsky and a third-round draft pick. Selanne had great success in Anaheim, including back-to-back seasons with at least 51 goals. He was traded to the San Jose Sharks, at the 2001 trade deadline, for Jeff Friesen, Steve Shields and a second-round draft pick.
On July 3, 2003, Selanne’s 33rd birthday, he and his former teammate, Paul Kariya, both signed one-year contracts with the Colorado Avalanche. However, their dream of winning a Stanley Cup together came to an end with a second-round loss to the Stars.
When the NHL returned from the lockout 2005, Selanne was back in Anaheim and remained there for the final nine seasons of his career. He scored 48 goals during the 2006-07 season and then added another five during the playoffs as he and the Ducks won their first Stanley Cup championship. He is still the Ducks all-time leader with 457 goals and 988 points.
Selanne retired after the 2013-14 season with 684 goals and 1,457 points, the most all-time by any player born in Finland. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2017.
Other current and former NHL player born on this date include Dave Lewis (67), Hakan Loob (60), Teppo Numminen (52), Adrian Aucoin (47), Wade Belak (44), Antti Miettinen (40), Anders Lee (30) and the late Hall of Famer Ace Bailey.
The post Today in Hockey History: July 3 appeared first on The Hockey Writers.
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