#rose is still using a flip phone with no keyboard
lilbit-of-kizzy · 2 years
I'm watching some of the "older" Doctor Who (2006) and them freaking out, over ads that talk with proximity, and geeking out over the latest "ear pods" (ooo what are thooose???) is just...kinda hilarious and sobering 😅 even when I watched these originally, in the early '10s, that was basically unheard of technology
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
Late Night Talks
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Moxy opened her eyes to a dark space. She looked around for any sign of life when lights flickered on. Adding a white glow to different parts of the stage. Suddenly, all the lights converge on one spot. A glass box. 
The box contained a boy but for Moxy’s side she couldn’t tell who it was. Slowly, the boy ran a hand from his neck, past his chest down to where his abs meet his hips. The hand trails across the boy's waist. Moxy eyes followed the hand wherever it went. She didn’t even realize when the boy's body flipped toward her. 
Brown eyes met brown eyes but one of them widened in surprise. A flush covered Moxy’s cheeks. She met Renjun’s mischievous gaze. Her hand tried fanning the blush from her face. The heat is getting to her. What continued was a performance for Moxy’s eyes only. It was like she was in a trance. Her eyes never leave Renjun’s lithe form. A few more times he turned to her side, always making eye contact with her. 
And smirking. Bastard.
As the song continued, the box rose to an upright position. Renjun opened the door and walked out. He moved like a jaguar hunting its prey until he stopped in front of her seat. Every beat of the song matched his movements. The song’s rhythm added suspense as Renjun reached his hand out to grab hers. Moxy’s hand moved automatically. It felt like an impossible reach but soon her hand was fingertips away. When it seemed like she could finally touch the boy of her dreams…….
She fell out of her bed. 
Fuck Moxy cursed rubbing her butt to sooth the unexpected pain away. Taking a second  to check if anyone woke up after her fall. Not a sound was heard. In the clear, she made her way to the kitchen, hoping to chase the lingering images out of her brain. Lest she think too much about them. 
Moxy opened the cabinet, grabbing her favorite mug to make some tea when her phone buzzed. Bleary eyed, Moxy made out the name that popped up on her screen
From Yellow323
Are you up??
Moxy glanced at the clock display, 2:15 am 
To Yellow323
Shouldn’t you be asleep
From Yellow323
That doesn’t answer my question
To Yellow323
If I’m asking a question then that answers your question
From Yellow323 
Don’t get snippy with me
It’s too early
To Yellow323 
To Yellow323
Why are you up anyways. You all had a long two days. I figured I’d see Jisung in a week after he fully recovered. 
From Yellow323 
I feel wired…..like still wound up
Was wondering if you wanna come up……hang out for a bit
To Yellow323 
Gimmie a second
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Making it upstairs was a breeze. AG and Dreams apartment complex went quiet after 11pm. Most of the occupants fell asleep as soon as their head hit the pillow. It made late night hangouts that much easier. 
Moxy used her spare key(technically Haechans spare key) to enter the strangely quiet Dream dorm. Any other time she snuck in this late the muffled sound of keys clacking on a keyboard filled the space. Whether that’s from Jaemin editing or Jeno playing a game is for you to judge. 
Just as her hand gripped the handle, Moxy realized something. Her pajamas. They shifted to match wherever she slept that night. At the 127 dorm, Moxy alway wore shorts and a sleep shirt at all times. At the AG dorm things were different. They’re all girls. It doesn’t matter as much what they wear to bed. But standing in front of Renjun’s door, Moxy had a horrifying thought. 
She was wearing a large sleep shirt. That wouldn’t be a problem except for one thing. 
Moxy wasn’t wearing shorts.
Here she was basically half naked in front of a boy's door. How would this look if anyone had noticed her in the elevator? Luckily no one got on with her. Before she could run back down, the door opened. 
Renjun stood there in all his glory. His head cocked at Moxy posture, like she was about to walk away. 
Renjun smiled softly, “I saw your feet between the gaps.” Renjun stepped back into the room, gesturing for her to come in. Moxy shuffled in gripping the edge of her shirt so nothing moved out of place. Renjun huffed out a chuckle, closing the door. Turning around, Moxy made her way to the opposite corner of the room. Renjun regarded the girl for a moment then took a seat on his bed. 
“Are you gonna stand there all night? Come here.” Renjun layed down, scooting over to leave Moxy room to slide right. But something stopped her. 
“Your hands have to stay above my waist.” Renjun eyes held confusion. Moxy gestured to her sleepwear leaving Renjun even more clueless. Moxy huffed, exasperated. She had hoped Renjun would get it. 
“I’m not wearing pants.” Moxy practically growled.
Her eyes widened, “What the hell do you mean 'so'!! I’m Not Wearing Shorts!! Anyone who walks in would get the wrong idea.” Moxy stomped over to the younger's bed. 
“But I'm wearing pants.” 
“Pants that could easily come off!”
“So could yours if you were wearing shorts.” Moxy opened her mouth to bite back but no response. Renjun knew she would worry until he offered something to alleviate it. 
“Look, if I promise to keep my hands above the belt, will you finally lay down. I’m getting sleepy.” Renjun jutted out his bottom lips, praying his cuteness extended outside of Dream to get what he wanted. 
Moxy sighed, already climbing between the sheets, “You’re the one who called me here. ‘Oh noonaaa could you come to my dorm. I can’t get my brain to be quiet.’ Now you're sleepy.” Moxy made a space for herself on Renjun’s chest. His arm curled around her shoulder. Renjun traced patterns on the fabric of her shirt. Anything else and he was liable to get jabbed in the stomach.
“How was the show?” As she began to talk about the concert from her point of view, Renjun’s hand moved from Moxy’s shoulder to her hair. The younger began to run his fingers through her hair. It always amazed him that his fingers could navigate the endless maze of curls. 
As time went on, Moxy’s responses to his questions came slower and slower until her breathing even out. 
“Moxy?” he softly called. Warm breathes against his pecs were his only response. He poked her cheek waiting for her to wake. When nothing happened he knew he was safe. As carefully as he could, he moved her to lay on his arm so he could lay on his side and wrap his other arm around stomach
Right before he drifted off, Renjun was reminded of something Moxy said earlier. Renjun smiled, reminded of how she looked with her face scrunched up, irritated. The moon’s light giving her a white glow. 
Renjun whispered two words that only he would remember before he joined the girl against him in the land of dreams.
“I lied.” 
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kelebriel · 1 year
Instead of taking notes on my phone while the flash plays, as I did for Cascade, or just trying to remember them, as I did for a ton of other stuff, I’m just gonna have this post open and flip to it whenever a thought slams into my skull at an appreciable fraction of the speed of sound. Now featuring SUBPOINTS! When new info comes up related to the original point.
-Oh man this is when the Tumblr hashtags came in. I don’t remember if I was on tumblr at this point. Maybe. --How did they use commas in the tags. What is this witchcraft
-References to Damara as Aradia does her psychopomp thing!
-Do trolls know what motor oil is? I can’t imagine why, considering all their technology is biological.
-Wait do the treasure chest texts change depending on who opens them. --Nope, doesn’t look like it. Ah, well.
-Was Rose hitting on Meenah
- “i don’t know im not cut out for the reluctant hero schtick” says dude who just got done saying how he’ll be a hero but only reluctantly --And then Dave just called attention to it. Damn you, Dave. Stealing my thunder.
-And you thought other people liked to go on. Kankri just keeps fucking going forever. --”Cisblooded” is a term that sucks actually. --Hey Beforus was post scarcity. Didn’t remember that, but that’s cool for them. --I mean. He’s not wrong about how the longer-living castes could use that long life to codify their agendas into social truths. Let’s see if he ever says what the actual fucking problems are. --Fun fact for all y’all out there - you don’t need to actually bring up slurs in your discussions. Even if you throw it in the middle of a bunch of “oh this term sucks and I don’t condone using it, everyone be careful”, it’s still worse than just. Not using it. --Hey how do the post-scratch trolls learn about the Sufferer? The method we the readers learn is by Scratch monologing in his study. Do the bubbles allow you to look out at history? Mindfang’s journal only briefly alludes to him. But Karkat knows by the time the epilogue rolls around, since he makes some snark calling Jesus a “t-posing human Sufferer”. ---RARE SUBSUBPOINT: Oh Kankri just tells him the whole thing. That’s how that happens, I guess. --Love how Kankri calls the Sufferer’s methods violent and problematic, despite the fact that he just. Went around telling people “wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was nice”. 
-God damn it why do I like Latula so much. --It’s certainly not her fucking theme, which is just as grating as I remember.
-Porrim: Also still great. This is probably where I’m gonna go through my pet peeve so here goes: Kankri is not a take that on social justice activists in general. He’s a specific sendup of the keyboard warriors who shame people actually fighting for not being “unproblematic” and who are actually bad at effecting social change. And to help drive this point home, Porrim is right there, being smart and not using her activism as a bludgeon.
-Wait I thought the Demonbane Ragripper was something Kanaya alchemized, but it shows up saying it was a popular model sold on Alternia. -This took longer than I thought and I need to go to bed but I forgot that the last part of the flash is driving my car straight on into another few walls of text from Aranea. --Boy, Aranea, you sure seem quick to jump over Mindfang’s part in Dolorosa’s story, huh
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xxi - sleepless
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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With Hongjoong's last sent text, you threw your blanket off and tippy-toe your way to his bedroom that he shared with Seonghwa.
You slowly open his door and peek inside to scan the room first before going in. There were two beds at each corner of the room with two study desks in between the beds. Seonghwa seemingly dead asleep in his bed in the left corner as Hongjoong was at his study desk, back towards you as he is immersed in his work. The room was dark as one of them is asleep but the study lamp on Hongjoong's desk is on, illuminating the room with a pretty golden glow.
Hearing the door open, Hongjoong looked back and grinned widely at the sight of you, "hey, come on in," he said, nodding his head to the side to tell you to come in.
You walk into their room, closing the door quietly before walking towards Hongjoong's side to peek at what he's working on. The laptop screen showed that he was working on his paper, being a double major must've been hard.
"Have you been working on this since we finished dinner, Joongie?" you asked while leaning down so your head's next to his to skim at the paper he's writing.
Nodding his head, you see that he was pursing his lips, "yeah, I just want to finish this as soon as possible so I can finally get a fucking rest," he muttered. He then paused to look at you, smiling before reaching his hand to hold your arm, "you can lie down in my bed, get yourself comfortable as I work,"
HAutomatically, your eyes peer down onto his bed. His comfy looking bed with fluffy pillows and a thick blanket. You can only imagine how good his bed smells.
So without wasting any more time, you plop down belly-first onto Hongjoong's bed, squealing happily, making Hongjoong chuckle at how you're acting. You took your time settling in, tucking yourself under his blanket and propping your head on his pillow before taking your phone out and began scrolling.
As Hongjoong work, you scroll through Instagram while talking with him. He would ask for your opinion on his paper, whether or not what he was implying is expressed correctly and asking for fancy vocabulary to, as he said "put pizzazz in that miserable professor's life,"
An hour passed and you started to feel bored. So you put your phone on Hongjoong's table next to his laptop and sat up to watch his pretty fingers dance on the keyboard of his laptop. God, how can a person's fingers look so aesthetically pleasing?
"Joong, Joongieeeeee," you whined as you began tugging on the sleeve of his sweater. He slowly peels his eyes off the laptop to look at you which was a huge mistake because you're looking at him with eyes so sad and pout so deep that it almost literally melt his heart away.
As hard as he tried, he couldn't help but reach a hand forward and gently move your hair away from your face, "yeah? What is it?" he answered, eyes focusing on trying to fix your slightly messy hair.
With your pout still on, you whined at him, "am cold," you said. Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at you, "you're literally wearing a blanket around you, (Y/N)," he said, the side of his lips quirking upwards in amusement.
To be honest, you didn't really wanna tell him what you actually want in case he'd feel that you're too annoying or whiny. If only you knew he has a soft spot for whiny, clingy brats. That's the only reason why Wooyoung still hasn't been kicked out yet.
Lips jutting forward, you suck your pride in to tell him what you actually want by not literally saying what you actually want. "I was promised a hoodie if I come here," you muttered.
It took Hongjoong ten whole seconds to realize what you meant. Laughing lightly at your adorableness, he pats your head before standing up from his desk to walk towards his wardrobe on the side of his room to retrieve one of his favourite hoodies.
"You know, you can just say you want it or even get it on your own," he said as he returns to you and drops the hoodie on your lap, making you squeal in delight. "I could tell you, but where's the fun in that? and besides, I'm not the type to just randomly go through my friend's wardrobe," you answered him.
For some reason, you weren't thinking straight as you suddenly hold the ends of your shirt and lift it off of you, leaving your bra-clad chest visible to a frozen Hongjoong.
Usually, Hongjoong's a gentleman. He'd avert his eyes when he thinks he's seeing something inappropriate. But for some reason, he couldn't avert his gaze away from your chest.
Realizing that Hongjoong had gone silent, you look up only to find him staring directly at your boobs. You blushed slightly when you realized what you had done, so you immediately cover yourself up with the hoodie that he had lent you.
"Sorry, I tend to change my clothes in front of Mingi and Jongho without thinking," you said, voice breaking Hongjoong's trance as he shook his head slightly to regain his senses back.
When he saw that you're so preciously swallowed by his hoodie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness from deep within him.
"Lucky them for being able to see and feel you whenever they want," he said. You immediately sense the change of tone in his voice, realizing that he might want in on what Mingi and Jongho has.
You raised an eyebrow at him, daringly lifting one side of the hoodie to show one of your bra-clad boobs, "wanna touch 'em?"
There was a long pause between you two. Half of your chest still exposed to the cold air. But the silence was too much, neither of you was moving at all for a while and it made you worried.
Had you read the signs wrong?
Is Hongjoong not into this?
Luckily, Hongjoong snapped out of what seemed to be his trance and practically pouncing on you. He had managed to straddle your hips and pin your arms on the sides, the blanket that was covering you thrown to the side to expose you fully to him.
Your eyes lock on his and you can feel how affected he was by you. Hongjoong leaned his face down to the side of your neck and began leaving soft pecks around, making you exhale shakily.
"Tell me what's on the table," he mumbled against your skin, the vibration of his voice that had dropped low sending tingling feelings down to your core.
"Anything you want," you answered. Your eyes fluttered close as his kisses move lower until it stops at your cleavage. His lips stayed there momentarily before his tongue poked out and began licking at the hem of your bra, going along the line across your breasts on both sides before suddenly biting at your nipple through the fabric of your bra, making you gasp and arch your back at the sudden impact.
Hongjoong smirked at the reaction you gave him. He used the opportunity of your back arching to reach behind and unclasp your bra, flipping it upwards so he's face to face with your bare chest.
A low groan rose from his throat before latching his lips at your left nipple, tongue licking at the bud and teeth taking turn grazing and tugging on it. While his mouth was busy on your chest, his left hand slides south to rub at your clit through your sleeping shorts using his thumb.
"A-ah, Joongie," you moaned, feeling your arousal increasing each passing second. Your legs began to spread wider to accommodate his body and to invite more of his ministrations.
Feeling a bit braver, you guide his hand that was rubbing on your clit to slip inside your sleeping shorts and panties to make direct contact. When you feel his bare fingers rubbing your pussy gently, you let out a shaky breath as you slightly shudder.
The feeling of his mouth coating your boobs with his saliva and his fingers teasing your hole was amazing. Your eyes flutter close to enjoy the pleasure he was giving you.
Neither of you realized that the other person in the room had been watching the whole thing unfold, starting from when Hongjoong pounced on you. He decided that he wants in on the fun.
Hongjoong was the first to notice Seonghwa walking towards both of you. He let his mouth detach from your nipple for a second to peer at Seonghwa with a smirk on his face, "glad to see you up, we were just about to have fun," he teased.
You open your eyes when you hear Hongjoong spoke. That was when your eyes met Seonghwa's lust-filled ones, gasping in shock when you finally registered that he's watching his roommate frolicking. His usually twinkling eyes dimmed down to showcase a desire from within him.
Hongjoong slipped his hand that was in your panties out, making you whine in protest at the loss of contact. It wasn't until he held his fingers up for Seonghwa to lick that your mouth hung open. The way Seonghwa's tongue circles around Hongjoong's fingers only drove you to imagine what he can do to your pussy.
You want it.
And you want it now.
You push yourself slightly upwards and joined Seonghwa in licking Hongjoong's fingers clean of your arousal. Both of your tongues occasionally bump into each other and your eyes were locked with one another.
"Fuck, you're turned on by this, aren't you?" Hongjoong growled at the sight. He pulled his fingers away from you both and once the barrier between you two disappeared, Seonghwa reached for your face and began to fully make out with you.
As Seonghwa's mouth kept you busy, Hongjoong made himself useful by moving to the side so you can access Seonghwa better. He slowly moved behind you and let his legs trap you in the middle. His hands slipped into the hoodie you're wearing and trailed up to squeeze at your boobs harshly, making you gasp which gave Seonghwa the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
Hongjoong fondled your boobs for a bit before unlatching your straps off so he can slip your bra off and fling it to Seonghwa's bed, all the while keeping his hoodie on you. He then proceeded to slip your sleeping shorts and panties off in one swift motion.
The cold air hitting your core sent shivers down your spine. When he felt you shiver, Seonghwa unlatched his lips from yours momentarily to look down. The sight of your glistening pussy, illuminated by the warm glow from Hongjoong's study light greeted him.
Seeing his friend eyeing your core, Hongjoong pulls your legs apart widely. He bent his knees to make sure that your legs will stay open before hooking both of your legs around his.
"God, Joong, you must see how fucking pretty her pussy is," Seonghwa said before kneeling by the bed so his face is directly in front of your pussy.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest before trailing his right hand to your pussy and began circling your clit with his fingers.
"I will, all things in due time," he said smugly while pinching your bud, making your hips jolt upwards in surprise.
As Seonghwa began peppering kisses in your inner thighs, Hongjoong nibbled on your earlobe while his fingers never stopped playing with your entrance. "Fun fact for you, little lady," he said as his other hand dropped down to spread your pussy lips, "Seonghwa here is the resident pussy addict, and I'm pretty sure that after tasting yours, he's not gonna want any other pussies,"
That was the last thing you hear before suddenly Seonghwa surges forward and began eating you up like a starved animal. You let out a high pitch moan at the feeling of his tongue probing at your hole, he was tongue fucking you relentlessly all the while his sharp nose was nudging your clit.
Seonghwa's hands were placed on your inner thighs, fingers teasingly pinching at the skin to send jolts of shock. Meanwhile, Hongjoong had returned to rubbing at your clit and pinching them slightly.
True to what Hongjoong said, Seonghwa is a pussy maniac. He was practically making out with your pussy at this point. When you take a peek at him, you see that he has his eyes closed, seemingly enjoying eating you out more than you're enjoying being eaten out.
It didn't take long for you to feel your climax approaching. Your back arches against Hongjoong and your whines turn to pleas. Seonghwa noticed that you're so close so he let his tongue fuck you deeper and even flick at your clit.
"Come on baby, come on, cum for us," Hongjoong growled right next to your ear. One of his hands moves to pinch and roll your nipple while the other rubs at your clit quicker, even delivering a couple slaps at your clit to add to the pleasure.
Seonghwa switched his attention to your clit, he practically pushes Hongjoong's hand away and began sucking on it messily, he even used his teeth to tug at your bud while slipping two fingers inside you to urge your cum.
With a final tug, suck, and stroke, you came hard on Seonghwa's mouth. Squealing his name loudly as your hips lift high and thighs shake at the feeling.
You drop back down, panting slightly with a grin on your face. Seonghwa pushed himself up to your eye level, a smug smirk on his face as he darts his tongue out to clean off the last bit of your slick from the corner of his lips.
"You, my handsome friend," you said, pausing to look at Seonghwa in the eyes and grab at his chin to pull him into you, "deserve the title of resident pussy addict," you finished before crashing your lips together again.
Feeling slightly neglected, Hongjoong rolled his eyes and deliver a harsh smack to your pussy to get your attention. You yelped and detach yourself from Seonghwa at the sudden feeling, "hello? I was the one who initiated things with you?" Hongjoong pouted.
You cooed at Hongjoong's whining, thinking that for someone who has such a big influence, he sure can be a baby. You turn your body around and loop your arms around Hongjoong's neck, "I'm sorry Joongie," you said as you began pressing soft kisses around Hongjoong's face, "but I gotta say, jealousy and possessiveness look really good on you," you muttered against his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip slightly.
Whilst you give Hongjoong's lips the attention they deserve, your hands began tugging his sweatpants and boxers down. You detach yourself from Hongjoong's lips to look at Hongjoong's cock. Feeling your gaze on his exposed dick was arousing enough, so when your finger drag on the underside of his cock to his leaking tip, he couldn't help but shudder.
Seeing Hongjoong smirk really boosted your ego, you feel like you have control over him. Looking back, you see that Seonghwa had rid himself of his shirt and pyjama pants, allowing you to toggle at his sculpted body and hardened cock that stood proud.
"Damn you two really know how to spoil a girl," you said, licking your lips. You turn your head to Hongjoong for a bit and tug on his sweater while batting your eyelashes, "can you please take this off for me?"
The way you asked him so sweetly made his dick twitch. Not wanting to disappoint you, he began ridding himself from his sweater and sweatpants, maintaining eye contact with you as one of your hands began stroking Seonghwa from his abs down to graze lightly at his cock, making the man moan.
Once both of them were completely naked, you ushered them to sit at the edge of the bed while you kneel in front of them after taking Hongjoong's hoodie off of you. You leaned back for a second, relishing the visual in front of you. Hongjoong was raising an eyebrow at you in a challenging manner, whereas Seonghwa had begun to stroke himself slowly.
"You both really do have pretty cocks," you confessed, finally propping yourself properly before reaching for their dicks in each of your hands. You began slowly stroking them all the while watching what kind of reaction you'd get from them.
Seonghwa had his head thrown back, moaning from the pleasure that you're giving them whereas Hongjoong's directly staring at you, a smirk plastered on his lips to show his amusement.
You leaned forward and began taking Seonghwa in your mouth, you let your mouth envelop his tip. "Oh fuck, baby- I-," Seonghwa moaned, breath hitching as you began to suck his tip. You occasionally let your tongue ran along his slit, collecting his leaking precum.
As your mouth gave its attention to Seonghwa, your hand never stopped pleasuring Hongjoong. You felt proud that you're able to multitask on two dicks at the same time, how when your mouth suck and let Seonghwa push himself into your mouth deeper, your hand that's pumping Hongjoong's dick would squeeze him with the perfect amount of pressure that made Hongjoong groan.
When you think that Seonghwa's cock had had enough attention from your mouth, you move to suck on Hongjoong's cock while pumping Seonghwa.
"Shit, (Y/N), you really know your- Ah! way with t-two dicks," Seonghwa sputtered, one of his hands reaching to move your hair away from your face so he could see you sucking on Hongjoong better. Your eyes flit to Seonghwa for a second and you decided you wanna tease him. With eyes locked with each other, you let your tongue out and drag it from Hongjoong's base, dragging on his veins, to his tip. Seonghwa's eyes darken at the sight.
He was about to help you drive him even closer to his climax but you saw his hand reaching to fondle with his balls so you slap his hand away. Detaching your mouth briefly from Hongjoong's cock, you leaned over to Seonghwa and bit his inner thigh and squeeze his dick harder.
"Oh fuck!" Seonghwa exclaimed, almost jolting up at the sudden feeling of pain that turned into pleasure. Your eyebrows shot upwards to warn him to not try you, to which Seonghwa just smirked amusedly.
You went on to switch between sucking Hongjoong and Seonghwa all the while never stopping pumping them. You'd occasionally play with their balls and even let your mouth play around down there.
"(Y/N), f-fuck! I'm close! I'm sooooo fucking close," Seonghwa moaned, hips starting to buck to the rhythm of your hand that's pumping his dick. You licked your lips hearing that, you went over to nibble at Hongjoong's tip, "are you close too, Joongie?" you mumbled against his cock.
The vibration of your voice shot right to his dick and he nodded frantically, hips starting to move against your hand as well.
Seeing them so close, you began pumping them harder, urging them to cum.
"Come on, cum for me, please," you moaned for them, "please give me your cum, I want your cum," you continued, pushing them even further to the edge.
Finally, Hongjoong came first out of the both of them. His hip stuttered before halting to a complete stop as his cock spurt out cum, painting his abs and thighs so beautifully.
Hongjoong drops himself back to lie on his bed, catching his breath after getting his release. Which is perfect since you got the chance to give Seonghwa full attention. You begin sucking him while using one hand to pump him and the other to tease his balls.
After one final squeeze, Seonghwa came in your mouth while letting out a choked moan. You swallowed all and let your tongue out to show Seonghwa that you took all of him in without letting a single drop go to waste.
"That's got to be one of the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life," he said as he watched you with pure amazement and adoration. You giggled at his compliment before going over to Hongjoong and lick his cum clean. As your tongue glided over his skin, Hongjoong moaned and tug on your hair with one hand.
Once you feel like your job is done, you stood up and squeeze yourself in between them. As if on command, they both suddenly reached to each wrap an arm around your waist, making you giggle.
"Usually I'd be pissed at whoever disturbed my sleep," Seonghwa paused to kiss the corner of your lips, "but I honestly didn't mind this at all," he said, lips still pressing against your skin as you can feel him smiling.
Hongjoong sat up slightly to look between you and Seonghwa with a satisfied grin, "well, as much as I'd love to stay here and chat, I think we better go to sleep so some of us wouldn't be late for class tomorrow," he said before sitting up and grabbing his hoodie that you wore previously and tossing it for you to wear.
Seonghwa followed suit, sitting up only to help you put the hoodie back on as if you were a child. When you're covered, he suddenly hoisted you up and carried you over to his bed, dropping you first before jumping to the empty spot next to you.
"Wait, I don't have my panties or bra on," you said when Seonghwa began to cover you with his blanket while simultaneously pulling you closer to him. He only raised an eyebrow at you, "what for? Better without them, if you ask me," he shrugged nonchalantly. He then proceeds to nuzzle his face into your hair to mumble something to your ear, "better access for morning activities,"
Your eyes widened and you can't help but smack the arm that was wrapped around your waist, causing the man to laugh and Hongjoong to mutter something along the lines of 'cheeky, thieving bastard'.
Before Hongjoong could turn the light on his study desk off, you called out to him, "good night, Joongie," you smiled.
He smiled back at you, chuckling at how adorable you looked bundled up even if it's in the arms of his best friend.
"Good night, (Y/N), sleep well,"
Then the lights were off.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @rae-baby @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Secret's Out
Summary: Request! Reid and Y/N are secretly dating, but their business doesn't stay their business for long.
Warnings: Criminal Minds level violence
Word Count: 2974
a/n: Thank you for the request! I hope you like it :)
Sorry this took forever! It took me a while to think of case details that I liked and then I kept rewriting parts. I think I'm finally happy with it though!
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"Spencer!" You pushed him away. "The doors could open at any moment! How are we supposed to keep this a secret if Morgan walks in on us kissing in the elevator?" You raised a brow at him.
"On average, elevators travel at a speed of 200 ft/min or about 4 seconds per floor. Being on the fifth floor means we have about 20 seconds to ourselves." He smiled triumphantly.
"Yeah, until someone surprises us on floor 3." You rolled your eyes, stepping out of the doors once they opened.
"I can't help it. I'm just... really happy with you." He whispered softly.
"I'm really happy too." You smiled at him. You were about to lean in when the elevator doors opened once again to reveal JJ and Emily.
"Hey guys, ready for another case?" Emily glanced between you suspiciously, but thankfully didn't ask any prying questions.
"Yep, let's go!" You turned quickly, walking into the round table room without so much as a glance back at the three agents by the elevator.
"What's with her?" JJ questioned.
"Said she didn't sleep well last night. Must be all the caffeine." He held his own cup off coffee up in solidarity before also walking to the round table room.
"Alright, we've got 3 dead in Billings, Montana. All three were law enforcement, and all three were found this morning around the city." You listened as Penelope introduced the details of the case.
"Could be someone who feels the police didn't do a good enough job protecting a loved one?" You threw out a theory.
"Or someone who feels wronged by the criminal justice system as a whole." Rossi added on.
"Either way, they likely won't stop until we catch them. Wheels up in 20." Hotch rose from his seat as he spoke, wasting no time in preparing for take off.
You all dispersed briefly to grab your go bags, meeting back at the SUVs to head to the jet.
Once boarded, it didn't take long for the conversation to start up again.
"When we land, L/N go to the morgue. Dave, Prentiss take the first and second crime scenes, they're only a mile apart. Morgan and Reid, check out the third scene. I'll head to the precinct with JJ."
With Hotch's instructions set, you took what little time you had left on the flight to go over the causes of death.
"Anything stand out to you on the bodies?" You asked the ME after going over the blunt force trauma and bullet wounds.
"There's tape residue and bruising on the wrists and ankles. Based on the state of bruising, they were likely held for about 3 days before they were killed."
"Thank you for your help." You shook hands, pulling out your phone to call Hotch.
"Hotch, they were held for days before they were killed. How did nobody notice they were missing?" There was nothing in the reports that indicated the victims were reported missing prior to being found.
"We just found the same pattern. They all used vacation days for various reasons in the days leading up to their deaths. Meet us back at the precinct and Reid can explain the whole pattern."
"Okay, I'm leaving now." You hung up just as you reached the SUV. Throughout the drive, you couldn't stop thinking that something wasn't adding up.
The victims were taken in the same day. It didn't make sense for the unsub not to escalate. So, why aren't any officers unaccounted for?
Suddenly, a truck crashed into your SUV, sending you flying off the road. A figure dressed in black opened the door and dragged you from the car.
"Agent L/N, it's so good to see you again." A male voice spoke, but you couldn't place it.
He hit you over the head with a handgun before dragging you to his own vehicle.
"Where's L/N?" Emily questioned when her and Rossi returned from the second dumpsite.
"On her way back from the ME." Hotch answered. "Did you find anything useful?"
"They truly are dumpsites. Both bodies were found by dumpsters, sending a pretty clear message." Dave replied.
"Same for the third site." Derek added on.
"All three victims were single and took time off leading up to their death. Nobody would've notice that they were missing until it was too late." Reid supplied the final bit of information gathered.
Hotch's phone rang before anyone else could comment. The frantic sound of Garcia's nails clicking against her keyboard echoed through the phone. She was talking before anyone could greet her.
"You need to see this, check your tablets."
Confused glances were exchanged as everyone, barring Reid, opened their tablets. Reid glanced over Morgan's shoulder to observe as well.
A seemingly live video that Garcia received a link to was streaming to the tablets.
A single woman sitting in a chair could be seen in the frame. Her wrists and ankles were bound to the chair with thick, gray tape and a bag was over her head.
"Garcia, what is this?" Hotch asked almost immediately.
"I was emailed the link just now. It's not streaming anywhere else online." Her reply came quickly, the sound of typing still filling in the silence.
"Can you trace it?" Rossi questioned.
"I'm trying, but it's being routed through multiple proxy servers."
"Did the email say anything?" Emily chimed in.
"No, it was just the link- Wait. I just got another email." She paused as the new email loaded. "It's addressed to Reid."
Every set of eyes in the room turned to Reid.
"What does it say?" He felt the nerves beginning to grow waiting for Garcia to read the words aloud.
"Dr. Reid,
I hope you remember me. What am I saying, of course you do. I've got something of yours that you might want back. You see Dr. Reid, you and your team ruined me. My family, my career, all of it, just gone. I thought I'd return the favor. A person's phone can be so informative. Tell me, does your team know about your girlfriend? I've so enjoyed getting reacquainted with her.
Happy hunting."
Spencer's face went white as he looked at Morgan's tablet again. His thoughts were racing. How did he not recognize you before? Even with the bag over your head, he should've known it was you.
"It's her." His words were barely a whisper.
"This is your girlfriend?" Morgan gestured to the screen again. Spencer could only nod in reply, his mind unable to focus on anything except you.
"Reid, listen to me. You've got to tell us everything you know about her. We'll have to split up. You can go back to Quantico with Emily and Morgan, the rest of us will stay here to work on our current case." Hotch was already devising a strategy to work both cases.
"There's no need." His words made sense to him, but sounded cryptic to the rest of the team.
"Kid, of course there is. We'll help you get her back." Morgan placed a hand on his shoulder, effectively shocking him back to the present situation.
"There's no need to split up because she's here. She's in Montana." Before he could continue, everyone was asking questions.
"Give me a phone number and I'll get you a location." Garcia was already typing away again.
"Are you sure she's here?" JJ's brows furrowed. She did her best to hide the hurt of her best friend hiding his girlfriend from her, again.
"Why would she be here?" Rossi added.
"How did she get here? Maybe we can track the transportation and figure out means of abduction." Emily was the only one thinking about the case.
Like ripping off a bandaid, Spencer blurted out the truth.
"It's Y/N."
He was met with silence in the room as everyone absorbed the information.
Garcia caught up first, a sudden gasp sounding through the phone.
"So, then that's Y/N... in the video..." Her voice wavered.
As if a switch was flipped, the team was back on the case.
"Garcia, get me a list of anyone who would have a grievance with the team." Hotch ordered.
"Go through anyone who was falsely accused. Start with cases in or around Montana. He would want to keep this close to home." Rossi specified.
"We've only had one case in Montana since Y/N joined the team." Reid supplied the knowledge as it came to him. "A name, I need a name." He muttered to himself, pulling his hair as he roughly ran his hands through it and over his face. "Garcia, look into Jameson Braddock."
"Got it." She immediately began a background check, searching through case files and news articles for additional information. "i'll get back to you with locations." With that, she hung up.
"Fill us in, kid. Who is Jameson Braddock." Morgan lead Reid to a chair, gently easing him into it.
"Our last case in Montana, Emily and I went to interview a witness." Emily nodded, the memories slowly coming back to her.
"He wasn't very forthcoming, and then he tried to run." She added on.
"Exactly, except he didn't make it very fair. We arrested him, but it turned out he was only guilty of selling alcohol to minors. When word of his arrest got out, the whole town thought it was for the serial rapes and murders we were investigating even though it was never confirmed."
"By the time we corrected the media, it was too late." JJ supplied, also remembering the man.
"So, he killed three officers just to draw us out back out here?" Morgan refocused the conversation on the current case.
"It looks that way now. The media knew we were coming, so he must have as well." Emily theororized. "If he followed us from the airport, he would've seen Y/N leave by herself."
"He likely didn't know about your relationship until he abducted her and went through her phone." Hotch paced the room.
"He's flaunting his power over us." Rossi chimed in just as Hotch's phone rang again.
"Garcia, what've you got?"
"Three addresses in Billings, Montana. Jameson Braddock has been on a downward spiral since your last trip there. His entire life fell apart, like he said. Divorced, his wife moved to Nebraska with their two kids. He lost his job at the high school, and was evicted from his house when he could no longer pay the bills." She listed the information quickly.
"He has ties to three addresses. Nobody has moved into his previous house, so it's vacant. He's got a small apartment in the northern part of the city which he pays for through working odd hours at Taco Bell. Finally, he briefly worked security at a now abandoned warehouse."
"An apartment wouldn't be enough space to hold her without the chance of someone hearing. She's not there." Rossi eliminated the location as an option.
"We'll split up to cover the warehouse and the house-" Hotch began, but Reid cut him off.
"No, we shouldn't split up. She's got to be at the house. The warehouse has no connection to his previous life. He wants revenge for our perceived wrongdoing, he wouldn't make his last stand at a new location." Reid was already putting on a bullet proof vest. Despite how his mind was racing, he refused to show how afraid he was.
"You're sure?" Morgan asked, on the fence about committing to one location.
"Absolutely." With that, Reid was out the door heading for the SUVs.
"Rossi, Emily head around back. I'll take the front with Reid. JJ and Morgan, the side door." Hotch instructed the team to split up upon arrival at the house.
Reid wasted no time in approaching the house. He was confident you were inside, but he didn't know what was happening to you.
The main floor was cleared quickly. Again, the team split up to cover the upper level and the basement.
Knowing you were likely downstairs, Reid immediately started that direction, JJ and Hotch following him.
It wasn't hard for him to find you. You were still tied to the chair in the middle of the room, bag over your head.
Before anyone could stop him, Reid lowered his gun and ran to you. He gently maneuvered the bag off your head, stopping his movements only when he felt something press into his back.
"Dr. Reid. So kind of you to join us." Braddock spoke maniacally, pressing the gun against Reid's head.
"Drop your weapon." Hotch commanded, but the man only cackled in response.
'Y/N... Y/N." Reid gently shook you in an attempt to wake you up.
"She can't hear you." Braddock singsonged.
"What did you do?" Reid tried to turn to him only to feel the gun press further into his head.
"Like I said in my email, you people ruined my life. They took everything from me, so I thought I'd try to return the favor." During his short speech, Braddock shifted just enough for JJ to get a clean shot.
He fell to the ground, gun clattering across the floor.
Reid moved quickly to remove the tape binding you to the chair while Hotch called for a medic in the basement.
The entire team watched as you were wheeled into the ambulance, still unconscious, none more scared than Spencer.
"She's going to be fine, Spence." JJ tried to reassure him, nonetheless his pacing continued.
"You don't know that. We don't even know what he did to her." He had one hand anxiously running through his hair, the other pinching the bridge of his nose in distress.
Just then, a doctor emerged from behind closed doors.
"F/N L/N." She called into the waiting room, slightly taken aback when the group of agents rushed to her.
"It was touch and go for a while, but she got here just in time." It was visible to even the least qualified profiler how relieved the team felt. Their previously tense shoulders relaxed, frowns turned to small smiles, wide eyes and raised brows pinched together with joy.
"What happened?" Emily posed the question everyone was thinking.
"In short, she was drugged. It's not clear what exactly was used, but it was likely a mix of drugs that attempted to stop her heart."
"Can we see her?" Morgan spoke next, cautiously eyeing Reid.
"You may, follow me." The doctor lead them through a series of hallways to your room. "She should be waking up soon."
With that the doctor left, allowing the team to file into the room. You looked strangely peaceful for someone who almost died.
"So..." JJ glanced between you and Spencer. "Girlfriend, huh?"
His eyes went wide. Instinctively, he turned to you for help, but you were still asleep. He opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out.
"Relax, kid." Morgan grinned. "We're happy as long as you two are happy."
Spencer smiled gratefully, looking at you with an adoring gaze. "We are happy."
"How long?' Emily gestured to your joined hands. Just before Spencer could answer, you groaned.
"I want to hear your guesses first." Your voice was raspy, but there was a clear smile on your face. "Also, what happened?"
The quickly explained the email Garcia received and the events that followed.
"Now that that's cleared up, do tell us how long you think we've been together. I know you've got a bet going." You narrowed your eyes, playfully glaring at each team member.
"4 months." Hotch begrudgingly admitted. JJ followed with 3 months, Derek and Rossi both betting 10 weeks, and Emily going with 6 weeks.
"Ha, you're all wrong." You smiled triumphantly, leaning closer to Spencer.
"Wait, we haven't heard from Garcia." Derek smirked as he rung her on speaker phone.
"Oh, my beautiful crime fighters. Y/N, are you okay?" Your smile widened at the concern in her voice.
"I am indeed, but I have a very important question for you." You glanced as Spencer briefly before continuing. "How long do you think Spence and I have been together?"
"Oh, I know this one!" Her excitement caught everyone but you off guard. "7 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days."
Spencer's jaw dropped as he stuttered out, "that's exactly right..."
"How'd you figure it out?" The group of profilers wore matching expressions of surprise as Penelope explained.
"Well, we had just finished testifying in the Bigelow trial. The whole team went out for drinks, and I could just see it in Y/N's eyes the next day that something wonderful happened. At first I just thought that she got some, but then I saw her and the good doctor in the kitchen getting coffee and I knew." Penelope's voice held a mixture of smugness and pure excitement.
"Babygirl, you didn't tell me?" Derek sounded genuinely offended.
"Y/N asked me not to." Even though you couldn't see her, you knew she punctuated the statement with a shrug.
"You knew, she knew?" Spencer turned to you in shock.
You nodded. "I could see it on her face the second I walked out of the kitchen. But she promised not to tell, so I didn't either."
"The two of you, thick as thieves." Rossi lamented.
"I love you so much." Spencer whispered into your ear as he pulled you in for a hug.
"I love you too." You whispered right back.
"Honestly, I'm glad the secret's out." You smiled at Spencer before looking at the rest of the team. "Although, I wish I didn't have to be kidnapped to tell you."
You spent a few more hours in the hospital before being cleared to go back to the hotel.
The next morning, you smiled to yourself as you were finally able to cuddle with Spencer during the flight home.
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vorrentis · 2 years
Any teaser for part 3 of Momo's Forbidden Love?
Well there's certain points where I think it's major spoilers to what I wrote, but I think this section is good enough.
"Just one moment okay?" The receptionist asked as you nodded while she pressed a button on the intercom, "sorry to disturb you Ms. (LN), Mr. (LN) is here to see you. Your son...okay," she pressed a button on the intercom, "she'll be available in a minute."
You bowed at her.
"Thanks Ichika." She bowed back as you moved away from her and sat on the couch in front of her desk. You eyed the black folder you were holding as you took a breath to relax yourself, although how your mom would take this wasn't one you were looking forward to.
However the image of Momo by the lake; her pouring her feelings out to you staying was your encouragment to do this.
You didn't want her to keep those feelings bottled up, not any-
Your phone alerted you and you pulled it out to see-
'Perfect timing.'
You answered the phone and pulled it to your ear.
"Onee-san? You okay?"
"Did it happen?" Momo asked on the other end.
"No, you called at a perfect time, I'm waiting outside her doors, she's busy at the moment."
"Always is..." Momo uttered as you mentally sighed, "I wanted to wish you the best in what happens (YN)?" She asked.
"Arigato Momo, I could use some supporting words from you." You stated as Momo smiled on the other side.
"Well I have your back no matter what (YN)-kun...that and everthing else of you~" Momo teased as you chuckled, figuring that Momo would say something like that, "but you'll be fine (YN)-kun, you thought of it after all...and I can't thank you enough for doing so." Momo ushered as you smiled.
"Don't thank me yet Momo, it's still mom's final word."
"You'll be fine, we'll be fine. You're the best (YN)-kun, you really are."
And that's why you loved Momo with everything you had. No matter what word, she always sprung you back up...in more ways than one~
(AN: No, no smut, couldn't resist the joke)
"Arigato Onee-san, back-"
"Ms. (LN)?" You stopped talking as Ichika said your mom's name, "I'll tell him," Ichika then pointed at the door as you nodded and stood up.
"Onee-san, I'm going in."
"Okay, good luck (YN)-kun, I love you."
"Love you too." You mirrored and hung the phone and put it away as you walked to the doors of your mom's office and opened the door to spot your mom behind her lavrious desk, typing away...
...you could hear as you stepped inside and closed the door behind you.
"Ms. (LN)." You addressed to your mother as she turned her sight to you for a moment before looking at her moniter again.
"Mr. (LN), leave your reports here." She asked as you walked towards her.
"We need to talk." You asked of her.
"I'm busy at the mom-"
"Now," Your mom stopped typing as you rose your voice just slight.
She parted her eyes and fingers from the screen and keyboard and turned herself forward as you walked to her.
"This had better be important." She gripped her hands together on top of the desk like a teacher. She was always like this, even at home, she didn't let her guard down, not even for you or Momo.
"..." She kept her stare as you took a breath.
"Is there any plans to work in Seoul?" You asked straight forward.
"Why?" She asked straight back.
"Well I've been researching locations and found suitable prices that we can upstart around communities that can really use our products." You presented her your black folder as your mom took and flipped the cover to the first page...she looked up at you.
"In Seoul?" She asked as you nodded. "Why?"
"Because, before I left Momo, we had a conversation and she asked me to stay with her. So I thought if we could-"
"Oh please." You muted as your mom whined, closed the folder and returned to her typing, "I said it had to be important."
You fingertips dug into your palms, but you lessened them in a second after, not wanting to let this go too far.
"She is the upmost important." You countered as your mom...
"Mom I really-"
"What did I say about calling me informally?!" She shouted as you weren't fazed, "get out of my office and never bring this up again." She gripped the folder and slide it across the desk to you as you pressed a hand over it. "Can't belive you wasted your time doing something so idiotic."
"Idiotic? This could benefit both of us." You tapped the folder.
"I told you to leave my office, Mr (LN). Don't make me tell you again."
She didn't make her eyes go off her moniter as you stared for a few seconds before setting your eyes on your folder, staring at the cover for a second before grabbing it with both hands on the sides and...
Your mom's attention, in a snap, focused on the folder slammed in front of her and turned to you.
"Not yet."
I'll leave it off there for now, but here's one for a smut in there.
“I’m bored of lying around and what you need~ Is a break (YN)-kun~” You turned to her as Momo was smirking.
"Momo you can't be serious, I got the flight tomorrow morning..."
"I am~ After all..." Momo then dropped her towel as she raised her arms up...
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Showcasing her nude perfect body to your eyes, roaming lower to certain parts.
"I know you can't say no~"
Yup, hope that's good enough.
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Notes: This is my entry for @pagesoflauren Prompts:
So, this is love” from “So This is Love” by Ilene Woods and Mike Douglas from Cinderella
“Um, you...you fight good.” from Mulan
“This reminded me of you.”
Warnings: 18 +Only, dark themes, Dubious consent due to alcohol consumption, drunken sex, fingering, out door sex
Summary: a corporate event turns into hazy regret
Dark(maybe more grey) CEO Steve x Reader
Why they decided to hold a corporate event in the middle of the work week was beyond you. But you could only blame yourself for the alcohol consumption you partook in. Your head and body ached. You had taken a few aspirin before getting to work, but it didn't sooth the pains rippling through your body. Last night was a fog that you could barely piece together, but you weren't worried. You had made it home safe and your office mates had not blown up your phone with anything salacious.
You frowned at the continuous slowed traffic at your cubical when you approached. When you spotted the source you were surprised. A sweet little box with an oversized bow sat on top of your keyboard with a tiny little note. Your coworkers all past your station giggling amongst themselves as they spied it. You felt the heat of all the attention permeate your face as you rushed to stash it away.
Taking your seat before your monitor you hid the parcel. You waited patiently until you felt no one was paying you any mind. Had someone miss placed this? Curious you read the note. “This reminded me of you.” Flipping it over no name.
You untie the bow and opened it carefully.
"Did you like it?" Steve's sudden voice made you bristle.
You fumble with the box, dropping it, spilling the contents as he leaned on your cubical wall.
"Um sorry?" you looked at him confused.
"I was thinking of getting rid of this thing, but now"
he scratched at his beard as you wrinkled your brow at him. His name was called before he could clarify his point. The distraction pulled him away, but not before he shot you a sly wink.
That was strange.
With him away you reached down to pick up the fallen gift. You rose slowly lifting a new coffee mug, turning it you see a yellow cartoon teddy bear smiling at you.
Your eyes grew round as a flood of memories drowned you. Flashes of the night before filled in gaps you had brushed off until now.
The night before
You were an expert at avoiding company events, but when the email read mandatory you groaned. The biannual event was a must for all employees foreign and domestic.
You didn't hate your company, you actually loved it. Everyone was friendly, it was a stark contrast to the cut throat companies you were used to. It was just that social events made you feel painfully awkward.
The venue was massive. Every odd person asked which office you worked in and what department you belonged to. You smiled and made short talk as you searched for a place to hide until the event was over. It was very draining, being an introvert you could only handle so much social interaction.
The corporate sponsored libations helped get you through the most part. Snatching a drink from every waiter that passed with a tray. It was an easy, trick gulp down the glass then motion to the empty cup before departing the group signaling you are going to find more. An easy out that had you buzzed, but you felt as though you were holding together well. When you found your hiding spot you breathed easier, taking the seat hidden behind a column, you played with your phone until the event whined down.
"Hey your in accounting right?"
You looked up from the phone to find John Walker. He smiled softly, slipping into the empty seat next to you. "Oh no, sorry.."
"Why are you hiding away by yourself?" He cut you off. You reached for your half empty flute and took a big gulp. Swallowing it down before tapping the glass, signaling your exit just as he began to crowd you into the corner space.
"How do you like it here?" He asked you another question stifling your exit. You could feel his breath on your face as you tried to lean away, but his arm stretched out pulling you closer.
A yelp escaped your lips when his other hand found your thigh. You don't want to cause a scene, but you want him to give you space. Your hiding space was too good. No one noticed or cared that you were trapped by a fellow colleague. "I need to-"
John pulled you down when you tried to stand and excuse yourself. "Hey" the scent of his drink finally hit your nose. "You cant leave before we cheers." His grip on you felt so firm that you worried if you upset him, his smile seemed strained and his eyes roamed you uncomfortably. John suddenly lifted the hand from your shoulder and snapped his fingers in the air, signaling a server to bring more drinks to the table. "One more drink huh? Bad luck not to cheers with everyone you know?"
You gripped your phone so hard you felt it imprint on your palm. You just wanted to go home. When the serve dropped the glasses John pushed one at you. To appease him you took it. Maybe he would leave after this. He raised his glass and you did the same. "To a fruitful quarter."
You murmured and repeated him. The glasses clinked before you both took a drink. This drink hit you harder than before, but you chugged it down anyway.
When John finished his glass he cloaked you. His eyes filled with a hunger that had you leaning further back into the back of your chair. He kept coming so close no matter how you shifted in your seat to gain distance. "Please I need to go home" you begged as he roamed up your skirt.
When his eyes bulged you were confused before you felt relief. John fell away from you, hitting the floor hard as a hulk of a man appeared standing over him. John did not appreciate it, hopping to his feet. You tried to stand yourself, but the room spun and swayed with such force you fell back on your seat. John and your savior blurred as you try to focus. You squinted as John pushed back on the stranger only to find his chin connecting with a right hook. His body fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes as you watched everything in slow motion.
It was so surreal seeing John laid out. You looked up to see the founder standing above him. Steve Rogers was the man behind the knockout punch. You snorted, laughing loudly at the ridiculousness. There was no way you saw that correctly.
He turned his attention to you, mouthing words at you, but you couldn't understand them. People began to crowd around John and your table. You were becoming the center of attention and that filled you with an urge to escape.
"I want to go home." You whimpered lowly, as you found it hard to move with so many people around. You reached your limit, there were too many eyes, too many voices, you felt trapped yet again.
"Where do you live?" His voice cut through everyone else. It sounded so concerned yet sweet it set you at ease. You slurred out the destination as he helped you up from the seat.
He felt so warm, firm and safe that you couldn't help, but cuddle into his side as he guided you out.
Your eyes started to feel heavy as your body floated along. “Um, you...you fight good.” you blurted out making him chuckle. "Thank you" you slurred out the complement. Your yawn muffled his response as your eyes closed and you slipped into sleep.
Your head lolled on the back of the leather seat as a chill nipped at your body. "It's too cold" you groaned missing the warmth that sent you to slumber.
"I miss warm" you whined tilting your head to the side, squinting at the blurry blob that resembled the sun. You reached out to find the source of warmth, but got jerked back by a restraint, you grumbled and frowned when you found a seat belt.
"Hey sleepy head." It sounded like Mr.Rogers. You had heard his voice many times over many corporate calls and monthly meetings, but that was preposterous. There was no way the high powered CEO was talking to you.
"Give me warm" you whined again, your eyes still heavy as you tried to focus on their face. You attempted once more to reach your hand out, this time your finger tips clumsily grazed over a nose before trailing up to gelled hair. "Oop. Watch it you almost blinded me there." He laughed lightly as the car swerved a bit. "Ok ok settled down I'll turn on the AC." The click and whoosh of the heater elevated the chill a bit.
"Sorry I run a little hot. Does this help?"
You hummed with delight as a warm hand reached out to glide up and down your thigh in comforting strokes. Your fingers played in the sleeked geld locks. Your thighs absorb the warmth of his hand as he kneaded your skin.
"You have arrived at your destination" the robotic voice announced.
"Yay!" Clapping your hands together ready to go to bed.
"Don't like parties huh?"
"I like home better." You yawned still very tired.
"Yeah me too" he agreed as the warm hand in your lap left. You whimpered in disappointment as a car door opened and closed. You stayed lazy sat in place too tired to move, closing your eyes welcoming sleep once again.
"Come on let's get you home." He grunted as he reached over you, waking you slightly. The smell of his cologne filled your nose as you heard the distinct click of your seat belt and feel of the strap slide away.
"Who are you?" You genuinely inquired.
He pulled you from the seat and stood you up against the car. Your body sagged, but he kept you standing. "Don't remember me, huh?" He huffed dragging you out. "Steve. Steve Rogers." He told you as he tried to keep you steady while closing the door.
"Your face is soo fluffy" you giggled as you grabbed at his beard. "No! Your not Steve! Your teddy" you dubbed shouting at him, cupping his face as you brought him closer. "You feel so good teddy."
"You think so?" Steve chuckled excepting his new nickname.
Stepping closer he pressed his weight on you and chuckled, boxing you between him and the car. "Fluffy teddy bear man" you giggled again as his cologne once again invaded your nose.
"You smell good too" you confessed as he leaned closer. His lips tilted into a devilish grin as you leaned forward to inhale along his neck. His strong hands held your hips before squeezing when you licked at him. "Tasted good too."
"Bad girl." Steve admonished leaning away from you. "Bad teddy" you frowned, pulling him closer by his blazer. "Keep me warm teddy." You pouted.
"Like that?" Steve questioned as his palms slipped down your waist then road up your thigh. You gasped when he ascended up and under your skirt. You nodded 'yes' allowing his brazened hand to slip into your panties, cupping your mound. The car rocked a bit as he leaned all his weight on you, sinking into you. His bristly beard hairs tickled your neck as you panted wildly into the cold air.
"Do you like how I make you feel?" Steve asked trailing up and over your lips. You moan a 'yes' into his mouth while you pushed into his palm urging him on.
Steve tried to pull his hand from you, but you squeezed your thighs together, not allowing him to retreat. "No teddy don't leave" you begged pouting. Steve smiled at the nickname while plunging deep in your core, curling his digits inside of you.
Your skirt road high off your ass and you felt the chill of the door on your exposed cheeks. You didn't care, you just wanted more. Lifting your leg Steve hooked it around his waist. "I love you teddy" you proclaimed drunk off his touch.
"Oh yeah" he growled in your ear, sending fire down your neck as he kissed you all over. You felt your panties pushed to the side as he pressed his sheathed need on you.
"Ummm mmm" you hummed eager for him to do more. Steve steady you with one hand while his other fumbled with the front of his pants. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and your hips pushed forward. Waiting impatiently you bite your lip giving him a pleading look. "Love you so much teddy."
"So this is love?" Steve swirled his cock in your juices, teasing as he pressed hard along your eagerness. "Don't tease" you slapped at him frowning. "You want teddy to love you?" he groaned pressing his tip hard against your entrance. You nod 'yes' and hiss as his cock slowly stretched you open. You welcomed the strain while another warmth burst from your core. Your fingers tangled in his hair while Steve kissed you passionately. You panted wildly as Steve picked up speed, rutting you against the car door. "So this..." Steve stretched out each word, thrusting into you hard and deep, your slick him thoroughly. You chanted 'yes' allowing him to rut you against the car. Steve's thickness made you quiver. Despite being out in the world it felt as if you were the only two left on earth. "This is love" he sighed pushing as deep as he could go.
The warmth of him exploded all around you, melting you into him deliciously. You dissolved into him, slipping mindlessly into ecstasy.
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n0wornever · 4 years
Is It Really Me You’re Missing? (pt. 2) - Luke Patterson x Reader
Read Part 1 Here
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It had been a few weeks since she had last heard from him. She blocked his number in her phone right after she got home that night, and she had deleted him from all social media. They still lived in the same city, but in a place as big as Los Angeles, she wasn’t worried about bumping into him any time soon. 
She grabbed her book bag and her keys and raced out her apartment door. As she turned to lock it, she found a small note sitting on top of her welcome mat. Grabbing the tiny envelope, she flipped it over and saw her name written in red ink. She knew that chicken scratch writing anywhere.She sighed before opening the top flap. She pulled out a piece of notebook paper. "The One Where Luke’s a Total Dumbass” was written on the top of the sheet, and she couldn’t help but giggle at the reference. 
“I understand why you had to leave. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I hope that we can at least be civil at some point. - Luke”
She slipped the note back into the envelope before walked toward the door. 
She bounced into the coffeeshop that she worked at with a smile plastered on her face. Her coworker Aster glared at her from the cash wrap. Y/N ignored her eyes as she wrapped her apron around her waist. She took her position behind the espresso machine and took a look at the first ticket. 
London fog latte with a cinnamon muffin. She thought about that order for a second. She shook the intrusive thought out of her brain as she started to steam the milk. 
As she finished the order, she yelled over to Aster to see what table ordered it. The emotionless girl pointed to a booth in the far right corner. A boy sat with his back toward them. Y/N walked over to the table, tea in hand and a smile on her face. She set the drink down, reciting the order back to the patron. 
“One London fog latte and a cinnamon muffin!”
“Thanks,” a groggy voice replied. 
Her eyes met his dark green ones and she let out a soft gasp. He gave her a small smile. 
“Don’t show up at my work,” she said plainly.
She rubbed her hand against her apron before turning on her heels to jog back to the bar, not saying another word to him. 
She went right back to work, taking several orders during lunch. She tried to ignore the fact that he switched seats, his eyes wandering over to her now that he could see the front counter properly. Her eyes flashed over toward him a few times, but they never held for long. As the rush slowed, Y/N moved to cleaning some of the front tables. She saw his shoes walking toward her as he moved to put his cup in the dirty dish box. 
He stopped slightly, trying to catch her eye, but she kept hers focused on the table below her as she scrubbed for her life. She heard him sigh before he walked out the front door. She felt like she could actually exhale again, taking deep breaths as she leaned against the chair near her. 
She saw Aster actually smile as she leaned over the counter to talk to her. 
“Did something happen between you and lil mr. rockstar?” She cocked an eyebrow at her coworker. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Y/N spat, eyes stabbing into the other girl’s.
Aster put her hands up in defense before walking back toward the register. Y/N looked down at her hand and realized she was clutching the towel tightly like a stress ball. She let go, shaking out her fingers before picking it back up and walking back to her station. 
At 9 p.m. she locked the front door, like she always did, and started her walk to her car. She looked around her, anxious as she rounded every corner. She got to her car, opened the door and sat in the driver’s seat, staring at the brick wall in front of her. She let her chest heave as she felt tears start to fall silently. She let them for a moment, before putting her car in drive. 
She turned on the radio to clog her racing mind. Her favorite song by Amy Winehouse played, and she tapped along on the steering wheel. As she turned into her parking spot, she turned off the car and sat there. Her hand sat on the handle, but she couldn’t get herself to open the door. Her finger tapped on the cool fabric for a moment. She moved her hand back over to the ignition and restarted it.
She couldn’t think straight as she drove quickly down the highway. The flashing lights and bustling nightlight dimmed as her eyes tunneled toward her destination. She saw quaint with and pulled into the lot across the street. She looked up at the corner room and saw the purple and blue lights flickering in the distance. She put her hands in her pockets and ran across the street. She stared at the building for another moment, before pulling out her phone. She wrote rapidly across her keyboard before shoving it back in her pocket. 
Her leg was bouncing up and down as she waited on the sidewalk, her brain fighting the urge to sprint to her car. She saw the front door start to open and began to turn around. With her back toward him, she heard him call out her name softly. 
She stood in place, her hands coming up to cross at her chest. She heard his feet walk across the grass, moving toward her. As he approached her, his hand came up to rest on her shoulder. She felt her neck chill at his touch. 
“I don’t know why I’m here.” 
He didn’t respond, staring at the back of her head with furrowed brows. He let his hand fall down her arm, lightly grazing her skin before grabbing her hand. She didn’t interconnect her palm with his, but he continued to grip hers to stabilize their contact. 
“This is stupid, and I’m making the same dumb decision I always do.” 
He still stayed silent, biting down on his lip as he heard her voice weave in and out as she began to cry. Her hand shook in his as he held it, and he squeezed it lightly. 
“Luke, I don’t want to keep coming back to you.”
“So why are you here?” He finally questioned, voice in a low octave. 
“I....I don’t know.” 
He let go of her hand and let it fall to her side. She grabbed her right wrist in her left hand and finally turned to face him. He almost fell apart just looking at the state of her eyes. Their normal bright hue tainted in red, swelling at the edges. He crossed his arms and walked back a step, keeping his distance as he looked at her. 
“Why did you show up today?”
“I missed you.”
He laughed at her almost growl that the last statement rolled in with. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. 
“It’s true. Do I deserve to? That’s a whole other question.”
She stayed silent as she listened to him. 
“Y/N, I’ve messed up enough for like 50 people combined, but none of my faults hurt as much as the fact that I lost you.” He walked forward toward her, eyes never leaving hers. “I’m sorry that I never realized what I really lost out on. That I wasn’t present with you. That I never realized how lucky I was.”
Tears spilled out of her eyes as she watched him cry in front of her. He drew closer to her, his hand reaching out for her cheek. He stroked it softly as he drew her forehead in for a kiss. As he pulled away, he pressed his lips together in a frown.
“I guess I should have been more honest with you too....”
“No, this isn’t on you,” He shook his head. “I refuse to let you take ownership for my mistakes. I knew we were great together, Y/N. I missed you every single time you left. I just didn’t take us any further, because I wasn’t ready to give up my love life and it’s chaos.” 
The last words stung her chest as he said them, but she knew that internally she had always knew they rang true. 
“The second you left I knew I ruined the only thing in my life that was worth chasing. Y/N you deserve so much better.” 
He shoved his hands in his pockets as his eyes rose to meet hers. She shook her head, moving close enough to touch him. Her hand landed on his upper arm and she rubbed her thumb against his skin. She leaned her head to the side as she took in his face once more. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
“Thank you Luke. You’re still so important to me I- I just need time to figure out what that means.” 
He nodded, grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips, planting a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“I’ll be here if that time ever comes.” 
Tag list: @xplrreylo​​​​​ @lovesanimals​​​​​, @anythingandeverythingfandom​​​​​, @crybabyddl​​​​​, @oswin05​​​​​, @themaddies-obx​​​​​, @lukeys-giggle​​​​​, @bumbleberry-pie​​​​​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​​​​​  @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​, @lolychu​​​​​, @bathtimejish​​​​​, @dasexydevitt13​​​​​ @musicconversedance​​​​​, @txrii​​​​​  @bestdressedandstressed​​​​​ @daisiesforlacey​​​​​  @epikskool​​​​​  @bookfrog247​​​​​ @carleywhittaker​​​​​ @princessvader15​​​​​ @rudysbay​​​​​ @spooky-season-bitch​​​​​  @kcd15​​​​​  @meangirlsx​​​ @itz-jas​​​ @whatever-happens-imma-stand-tall​
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
Five Seconds (1/8)
This is the sequel to “Of the Eight Winds,” which began from a small simple prompt from Sunflowerdeedsandscience: “Mulder is unhappily married when Scully is partnered with him, and while he doesn't cheat (because sorry that's not romantic), he falls for her so hard that he finally gets the courage to end the marriage and start fresh.” That prompt took on a life of its own that became ‘Of the Eight Winds.’ This fic immediately follows the events of that piece — I would encourage reading it first if you haven’t.
This is not written in the same Rashomon structure as the original — it is absolutely linear. Hope that doesn’t throw anyone.
I’ll be posting the first two chapters today, and then one chapter a day until next Monday. You can also find it on AO3 here.
They say in the heat of the moment, you have five seconds to make a decision. Five seconds between right and wrong. Five seconds between life and death. As Mulder stood watching one gun pointed at his children and another pointed at an immensely pregnant Scully, five seconds seemed an eternity.
6 Months Earlier
She watched the house from the shadows. Occasionally from her car. It was harder to follow the woman as she worked at a secure government facility, but the man was easy. He had a small private psychology practice in a townhouse in Old Town. He usually ate lunch at a Panera near the office or brown bagged it from home.
The kids both attended a private prep school out in McLean. The girl drove herself and her brother most days. The boy would often stay late for sports practice (ice hockey, if the equipment was any indication) and the man would usually pick him up. Their lives were pretty routine.
After two weeks, she finally made an appointment with the man’s scheduling service and waited nervously in the outer office. Right on time, he opened the door.
“Olivia?” Dr. Mulder smiled at her, “come on back.”
She passed him through the doorway and settled into a plush leather couch.
He sat down in a chair across from her and crossed his leg, looking relaxed. Up close, she noticed that his hair was starting to grey at the temples, but he still looked fit, and conveyed an easy manner.
“Thank you for seeing me,” she said, trying to calm her nerves.
“Of course,” he said, looking down at his notebook, “I see you were referred to me by Dr. Heitz Werber?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself,” he said.
She took a breath.
“I grew up here in DC. After grad school… My father worked for the State Department and I, uh, went into the family business.”
Dr. Mulder nodded, his expression neutral.
“I can imagine that’s pretty stressful work,” he said.
“It was,” she said, “I don’t do it anymore.”
He nodded again, waiting for her to fill the silence. She went on.
“The work I did… it hurt people. And I’m… I’m trying to make amends.”
His expression gave nothing away. She steeled herself, took a deep breath.
“Dr. Mulder, my name is Olivia Kurtzweil. Our fathers knew each other a long time ago. I’m here to warn you. You and your family are in danger. Your wife and her baby…”
His nostrils flared, but he maintained his composure.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out several pictures.
“I can prove it,” she said, “This is me and my father, this is me and your sister Samantha. And this is our fathers together.”
“I think you need to leave,” he said, his voice tight for the first time. He was not looking at the pictures.  
She rose.
“There’s not a lot of time.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it, set it next to the pictures, which she left on the office’s small coffee table. “Call me at this number. Soon. I’ll tell you all I can.”
With that she left, her heart hammering in her chest.
Arlington Cemetery May 2nd, 2018
Mulder descended the stairs quickly, the leather bottoms of his dress shoes scraping loudly on the dusty grit of the steps. The occupants of the underground lair were the perfect people to call when you needed information, but good housekeepers they were not.
He entered the code on the security box at the door at the bottom of the staircase, and the door swung open.
“Guys?” he called into the cavernous space once the door sealed shut behind him.
“In here!” he heard a muffled call from near the back.
He stepped around gunmetal shelves awash in circuitry and computer parts and turned right into the sanctum sanctorum of the place: the desktop on which sat the AMD Threadripper 3000. Two men were hunched over the screen, one sitting, one standing just behind him.
Grease-stained napkins were wadded up next to the keyboard and crinkled butcher paper sat nearby, sporting the red-splotched remains of marinara sauce and a few errant banana peppers.
“You want a meatball sub, Mulder?” came the nasally voice of the man standing, “We got extra.”
“I don’t relish the thought of being up all night with heartburn, Langly, but thanks,” Mulder said, and Frohike turned from the chair, his wispy hair now more white than grey.
“They’re from Gino’s,” he said around a mouthful, “you’re missing out.”
“Tell that to Gino,” Mulder said, “didn’t he die of a heart attack in ‘04?”
“His wife is still running the place, bursting with health,” Frohike said, and reached for a styrofoam cup.
“But she doesn’t eat the subs,” said Mulder, and swung into a nearby chair. “Where’s Byers?”
“Staying with Suzanne for the weekend,” Langly said, like he couldn’t imagine why.
“Is that safe?” Mulder asked. The Gunmen had been hiding out in a government-built safehouse under their own graves in Arlington Cemetery for more than a decade.
Langly shrugged.
The three men looked at each other for a moment. Finally, Mulder spoke again.
“What did you find?”
“Enough,” said Frohike, turning back to the screen. Mulder stood and walked up behind him.
Frohike tapped a picture on the screen.
“Olivia Kurtzweil,” he said, “born December 4th, 1963, daughter of Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil and Ruth O’Brien Kurtzweil. Graduated from Sidwell Friends School in Washington DC in 1981, got a PhD in both Biology and Virology from Boston University in 1987. Employment records get kind of muddled after that, but it would make sense if she worked for the State Department, though what a Biologist/Virologist would be doing for State is troubling.”
Mulder leaned back. It was the same woman who’d been in his office earlier that day.
“And the pictures?” he asked, “of our fathers together? Of her and Samantha?”
“The real McCoy,” Langly said, “they don’t appear to be altered in any way. Sent them to Chuck Burks, too. He concurs.”
Mulder sighed heavily.
“What’s going on, Mulder?” Frohike asked, his tone serious.
“She came to my office today, Olivia Kurtzweil,” he said, nodding at the screen, “she told me that Scully is in danger.”
“In danger?” Langly said, puzzled, “how?”
“Scully is…” Mulder paused, “she’s pregnant,” he said, and he saw both men’s eyebrows go up. “This woman told me that our family... that Scully and the baby are in danger.”
Frohike and Langly traded looks.
“We haven’t told anyone about the pregnancy,” Mulder went on, “and Scully’s OB is an old friend from med school that she trusts implicitly. This Kurtzweil woman knows about the baby and insists it’s in danger. I need to know what’s going on.”
“Firstly,” said Frohike, who stood and put a hand on Mulder’s shoulder, “Mazel tov.” Mulder smiled at him. “Secondly,” he went on, “it appears as though this woman is telling the truth -- at least about who she is -- I would talk to her. See what you can find out.”
“How’s Scully taking this?” Langly asked.
“I haven’t told her yet,” Mulder said, and the boys traded another look. “I didn’t want to scare her without knowing more.”
Frohike squeezed his shoulder again and then let his arm fall.
“Let us know, huh?” he said, “However we can help.”
Mulder nodded and drifted back toward the door, a ball of worry sitting heavy in his gut.
“Where are the kids?” he asked as soon as he walked in the kitchen. He hadn’t even taken off his coat.
“I had a good day, thanks for asking,” said Scully with a grin. She was loading the dishwasher and turned to look at him. Her face fell, turning serious. “The kids are upstairs. What’s wrong?”
“I had a patient come in today…” he started, and her features softened. She probably thought it was just empathy for one of his patients, a tough case. “Scully, she showed me a picture of herself as a kid. With Samantha.”
“What?” Scully said, standing up straight, “how?”
“I don’t know,” he said, and moved past her and into the living room, making for the bookshelf that held old family photo albums. He pulled one out and skimmed through it. Pulled out another. Halfway through, something caught his eye and he flipped back a couple of pages until he saw it. A picture from the same 70’s-era party at his childhood home on the Vineyard that Olivia had shown him. There was his father standing next to Alvin Kurtzweil, and down in the corner, both wearing swimsuits and gap-toothed smiles, pigtails frizzy and wet, sat Samantha and a 7 year-old Olivia Kurtzweil.
He felt his breath leave him.
Scully had come up quietly behind him, put her hand on his arm.
“Mulder?” she said.
“I need to make a call,” he said.
He pulled the note Olivia had left with him out of his pocket. She picked up on the first ring.
“Olivia, this is Dr. Mulder,” he said. “We need to talk.”
The next morning at 9:00am, they found themselves sitting across their kitchen table from Olivia Kurtzweil, Special Agent Monica Reyes, ASAC John Doggett and Assistant Director Walter Skinner.
Scully was sitting, arms crossed in front of her defensively, at the head of the table. Reyes sat next to her, looking at Kurtzweil with an equal amount of curiosity and distrust. Doggett was too amped up to sit and paced through their kitchen. Skinner sat, quiet and still, looking as menacing as ever at the far end of the table.
Mulder felt a certain odd protectiveness toward Olivia, and couldn’t help but treat her a bit like a patient.
“Olivia,” he said calmly, “why don’t you start at the beginning.”
The tale she spun was as fantastic as anything they’d ever heard in their years on the X-Files. Olivia had been groomed from childhood to work on what she called “The Project.” When Samantha Mulder had been abducted, The Project had used her DNA to create alien-human hybrids. Throughout the years, these hybrids had been used by different factions of The Project to further their agendas in relation to a colonization project that Olivia said once threatened the world. She had fought with others to bring it down and now, The Project’s last ditch effort to resurrect itself lay in the cells of the child Scully was carrying.
“How was my father involved?” Mulder said, his voice like ice.
“Your father did everything he could to protect you and your sister,” Olivia said after a pause. “He was the person I initially approached when I became disenchanted. He and I worked together for years dismantling everything we could.”
Mulder narrowed his eyes at her.
“You were at my father’s funeral a couple years ago,” he said, recognition dawning on him, “I saw you at his wake.”
Olivia nodded.
“He couldn’t save your sister,” she said, “but he saved you. And in the end, he saved me.”
“My sister,” Mulder said, his stomach feeling as though it were in his feet, “is she alive?”
“No,” Olivia said, “I’m so sorry. And that’s the problem. Your sister’s DNA was the only one that was able to create viable hybrids. Her DNA was the key. And the last living hybrid sacrificed herself before a rogue faction could get her. That rogue faction is after Scully and your baby for the DNA markers particular to your family.”
“Then why aren’t they after me?”
“The particular markers they’re looking for are rendered dormant after a baby is born. The genetic material they can use is only found in--”
Scully spoke for the first time, finishing Olivia’s explanation. “Embryonic stem cells from our baby.”
Olivia looked pained and nodded. “It’s their last, best hope for restarting the program,” she said.
“How do they even know about the pregnancy? We haven’t told a soul.”
“A hack on your medical records is my guess. HIPAA means nothing to these people.”
“I’m less concerned with the how and more concerned with the why,” Mulder said. “You say embryonic cells. That means they’re on a clock, right? Once the baby is born...”
“Destroy the umbilical cord. The placenta. Those cells are only found in a few places. Destroy anything they might be able to use. After that… you and your baby will be safe.”
“So no one else in our family is in danger?” Scully asked. Her eyes darted unconsciously to a family picture that was framed on the wall above Olivia. It was a candid photo, taken the year before when they had hired a photographer to take Lily’s senior portraits. In it, Mulder and Scully were holding hands, looking at their two kids who were laughing about something Will had said. They were all smiling and carefree. In the moment, it felt like a world away.
“I know the technology and the biology it draws from,” Olivia said, “I helped design it. Their only hope is getting their hands on the embryonic stem cells from your baby. If you were planning on getting an amniocentesis test -- don’t.”
“Why not?” Skinner asked, “why not just give them what they want?”
“Because they’ll never stop,” Reyes said.
Olivia shook her head sadly. “She’s right. They take and they take, and they don’t care who gets hurt or what is lost.” She looked to Mulder. “Your father and I worked for years to shut it down. Finish it. Hide your wife. Protect your baby. Once it’s born, you should all be out of danger.”
“Tell me about this rogue faction,” Doggett’s voice coming from the corner of the kitchen startled everyone.
“Mercs for hire,” Olivia said, “Only one of them that I know of is familiar with the working pieces of The Project. I don’t know him well. I only ever saw him in the periphery.”
“Do you have a name?” Doggett asked.
“I doubt it’s his real one,” Olivia said.
“We’ll take whatever you can give us,” said Reyes, who shot a look to Doggett.
“I only ever heard him called ‘Krycek,’” she said.
Mulder felt his gut drop.
“What do you think?” Mulder asked Scully, as they sat together around their empty dining room table. Doggett, Reyes and Skinner had left and it was nearly noon, the sun bright outside their windows. Nevertheless, the room felt cold. Mulder could feel anxiety press on him from all sides as though he were under water.
“I don’t know what to think,” Scully said, a hand resting unconsciously on her stomach, which had just started to push out. “Mulder, for almost fifteen years our lives have been ordinary, calm. After all this time…? It strains credulity.”
“Scully I would agree with you. But… some of the things we saw when we were on the X-Files… We know credible threats. This feels like a credible threat.”
“Do you really believe everything she said? About your sister?” He could see her skeptical reserve crumbling.
Mulder let that question sit in the air for several long moments. “Just tell me if the science checks out,” he finally said.
Scully huffed an almost amused sigh. “I couldn’t even begin to-” she started.
“Scully, you yourself were filling in the blanks of Olivia’s story. If what she says is true, does the science check out?”
Scully gave him a long look. “Yes,” she finally said.
He held her gaze, a feeling of overwhelming affection coming over him. “Scully,” he said quietly, “we have to get you somewhere safe.”
She looked down, added another hand to her abdomen so she was cradling it with both. On the countertop, there was a half drunk bottle of Deer Park and a single yellowing banana. Someone had left their iPhone headphones sitting in a semi-coiled loop, and there were crumbs in front of the toaster, dishes in the sink. They sat in the middle of a half-lived life.
“I won’t leave without you,” she finally said, “without you and the kids. We all do this together. If the threat is really what Kurtzweil says it is, I couldn’t bear the thought of them trying to use you or the kids to get to me.”
Mulder nodded curtly.
“I’ll go to the guys,” he said, “see what they can do for us. Skinner and Doggett and Reyes will do what they can to protect us, but I think given everything we’ve heard, it’s best to avoid… governmental oversight.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you,” Scully said.
“We need to leave soon. We can’t wait.”
Apgar jumped on the table then, looking for affection. Scully, who normally wouldn’t tolerate a cat on any eating surface, reached out and pet the cat absently, her eyes far away.
“Where are we even going to go?” she asked.
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Something More... (A Reylo One-Shot)
Based on the Tumblr Prompt: Did you get home safe?
A03 Link Here
Rey was preparing a letter for her boss when she felt her cell phone vibrate on her desk near her keyboard.
That interruption gave Rey reason to stretch out her arms and yawn before reaching for her phone. It was a text from her friend and co-worker, Rose Tico.
Rose: Rey! I just got a text from my sister. She caught an earlier flight and just landed! I have to pick her up now—I’m so sorry, I can’t take you home after work :( !!
Rey: No worries! I’ll get an Uber or something. I’m glad you can see Paige sooner: )
Rose: Me too : ) Let’s catch up on Monday morning!
Rey: Definitely, have a great weekend!
Rose: You too <3
Rey smiled at the phone screen before putting her phone back on her desk. She leaned back into her comfortable rolling desk chair, looked at the time on her computer, which read 3pm, and sighed out loud.
“You okay?” Her co-worker, Ben Solo, in the next cubicle asked.
“Yeah. Rose just texted me that her sister got an early flight, so she’s on her way now to pick her up.”
“Oh. That’s nice,” he said in a pleasant tone.
Rey smiled. Since Ben Solo arrived at her department two months ago, they instantly clicked. They felt comfortable talking together while at their desks, sometimes had lunch together or he joined her and Rose, but with all that, he sometimes still seemed a mystery to her. She heard his keyboard working wonders as he typed so fast. “Rose and I take turns commuting since we live so close, and this week is her turn...”
“Ah, and now you need a ride back home,” he finished for her.
Rey would not admit it, but she liked how Ben sometimes completed her sentences and thoughts. “I do.” She reached for her phone. “I have to look for an Uber or Lyft,” she murmured.
“I can take you,” he said simply.
Rey looked up from her phone. She thought he didn’t hear him correctly and so she asked, “What?”
Ben ran his fingers through his hair quickly as he gulped before speaking. “We both get out of here at five, right? Umm... So I can take you.”
“Don’t you live in Naboo? That’s across town from where Rose and I live—I don’t want to—”
“It’s not an inconvenience,” Ben said.
Rey scoffed. “I like when you do that.”
“Finish my sentences... or maybe I should be annoyed that you won’t let me finish.”
Ben felt his face go warm. He didn’t realize... “Shit—Rey, I meant nothing by it.”
Rey smiled. “I’m kidding, Ben. I actually find it a unique trait to our friendship.”
Ben sighed, relieved. “Good.”
“If it’s really not an inconvenience, I would appreciate your offer for a ride home.”
“It’s not—I’m happy to do it.”
Rey got up and walked the few steps to her neighbor. She saw he was facing his computer monitors. She crossed her arms and smiled. “Thank you, Ben,” she said.
She startled him as he slightly jumped in his chair. He turned and gave her a half-grin and was about to say something when the phone on his desk rang.
Rey pointed at him with a sly smile. “Ha, your turn to answer the phone!” She said as she walked away.
Ben watched her walk away with and felt disappointed. He wanted to ask her something he had been wanting to ask for a couple of weeks now. He sighed, turned back to his desk, and answered the phone.
“How dare that lady! Yes—you,” Rey said with a frown, looking out her window. “She cut you off and... Oh!” she gasped as the lady in the red sports car in front of them stretched out her arm and gave her the middle finger.
Ben chuckled. “She flipped you off.”
Rey shockingly looked at Ben. “Me? She flipped both of us off.”
“No, I think just you. She’s staring at you.”
“Ugh...” Rey rolled her eyes and looked away. “Can this red light be any longer?”
Ben smiled at Rey before driving forward when the light turned green. “Any fun plans this weekend?” He asked.
Rey shrugged. “Sleep in, sleep in, finish reading this book I’ve been reading for like a month. I’s surprised I still haven’t finished it—But, you know—rest.” She smirked before saying, “I lead a very adventurous life.” She looked out the window and asked, “How about you?”
Ben continued to look ahead. “Same but instead of reading I’m trying to finish this tv series I started watching 2 months ago...”
“I tell you—We’ve got major priorities when we’re not working,” Rey joked. She then remembered. “Ben?”
“Earlier, before your phone rang, it looked like you wanted to say something?” She looked at Ben’s profile as he continued to look ahead. She noticed he suddenly looked nervous and knew he was nervous when he moved his mouth from one side to the other and he did a very visible gulp.
They came to a stop when Ben looked at Rey. He looked into her hazel eyes, which he thought were beautiful, “Oh—I—Thought maybe one of these days we can do lunch, not just on the weekdays but on the weekend... maybe brunch?”
“I like brunch,” Rey said. “Mimosas and waffles with whip cream and chocolate chips?” Rey licked her bottom lip, which brought Ben’s attention to her mouth. He quickly looked away when she caught him staring.
“So, maybe one of these upcoming weekends?” He asked.
“Absolutely,” Rey said as she saw her neighborhood coming into view. A quick thought came to mind. “Oh! I need to go to the market. It’s just a block away from my apartment.” She pointed towards an upcoming building with the sign: The Convenient Market. “There,” she said.
Ben nodded as he parked a couple of cars away from the shop. “I can wait for you.”
Rey smiled, but shook her head. “It’s okay—really! Thank you again, Ben!” she said as she briefly touched his shoulder with her hand.
Ben felt immediate warmth when he touched her and missed it suddenly when she took her hand away. “No problem, Rey. You have a good weekend, ok?”
“Yes, you too!” Rey said as she got out of the car. She closed the door and waved one more time before she turned and walked towards the market.
Ben stayed parked, watching Rey enter the market. He sighed, hoping his invitation to something on the weekend would be a step in the right direction as he continued to feel something for Rey.
A half hour later, Rey was inside her apartment. She placed her bag of groceries on the small kitchen counter and picked up her phone from her tote bag. She saw an unread message. It was from Ben. Her heart beat a little faster at seeing his name.
Ben: Did you get home safe?
Rey felt butterflies inside as she felt touched he cared for her safety. She hoped he invited her to brunch someday as she felt something for him—Something that was more than co-workers and friends. She sighed happily as she typed a response to him.
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oh-so-scenarios · 5 years
ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢs...♠| 10
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⤖ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs? Jᴜɴɢ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ɪs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴜsʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ. Hᴇ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ʜɪs sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ…ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
⤖ Mᴀғɪᴀ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ x ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, Aɴɢsᴛ, sᴍᴜᴛ, sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ!ᴀᴜ,
A/N: WARNING: Weapons, Injuries, someone getting seriously injured. Blood. ....I played out this chapter in my head for weeks. This chapter and the next chapter that is coming....I’ve planned this out sooooo much. Outlined it differently a bunch off times. And here we are. 
**Unedited, please ignore any errors!
(Word Count: 7.34K)
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I strolled into the headquarters with Jennie trailing behind me. She had her phone pressed to her ear, her jaw clenched as she struggled to keep her tone light. She was having an argument with Jaehyun. Since I saw her last in the hospital where Hoseok hugged me unexpectedly, there was an argument. 
I didn’t feel that it was business to listen in or ask the specifics. Jennie is talkative if she wanted to tell me, she would. We were supposed to meet with Hoseok to review the previous surgeries and plan for the next ones. Looking at the tears bubbling in Jennie’s eyes, I don’t think she’ll be joining us. 
I walked over to our office, thinking of where I placed all the files that were recorded for the surgeries. My heels clicked as I rushed through the room, my eyes narrowing in on the thick black folder that sat on the counter. I was quick to grab it, flipping through the pages and only looking up as I heard the door being pushed open slowly.
Jennie walks in, showing me a strained smile while stepping to the other side of the room. The phone was still pressed to her ear and she turned her back to me. While my eyes lingered on her back, I noticed something out of the corner of my eyes. I didn’t notice it before, but there were two white jackets. 
I left the folder opened on the counter and moved towards the items I saw. I reached out and grabbed the first jacket, realizing they were a doctor's coat. They were new, and it was notable because the fabric was still a bit stiff. I ran my fingers over the jacket, a smile pulling at the corner. 
I had to bite my lip to suppress the giggle that wanted to leave my lips. Etched onto the jacket in green were the Doc followed by my initials. This had to be the work of Hoseok. The green words were a dead giveaway. 
How cute of him. I walked back over to the folder, closing it and holding it against my chest as I glanced at Jennie who now faced me, the angst slowly melting from her facial expression. I left the room without a word, walking back out to the once empty lobby area. Now I was seeing Seokjin at the large circular table with his laptop open in front of him. He wore a casual outfit, his grey tee matching with the loose grey sweater pants he wore. 
I haven’t really spoken to the guys in the past few days. Since my emotional breakdown in front of everyone, the place was always empty when Jennie and I came in. We only saw Jungkook when he would bring in patients and see them out. I also haven’t asked about the previous conversation or how things unfolded after Jennie and I left. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Jin said, not looking up from his computer screen. His hair was swept over his forehead and the bags under his eyes showed the results of a busy day. I stood there idly for a moment, wanting to ask where Hoseok was. Jungkook dropped us off, and I realized I left my phone in the car. I can’t even text Hoseok.
“Oh!” Jin suddenly exclaims, “Hoseok-ah said to go to his office and wait for him. He’s running late.” 
I was a bit confused, realizing that I’ve never been to Hoseok’s office at the headquarters. I’d have you go down that hallway. My mind didn’t gloss over the casual way he called Hoseok’s name.
“H-his office?” I muttered. Jin looks up at me from under his eyelashes and looks back to his computer before nodding.
“Yup, you can’t miss it. It has double doors.” He continues typing away at the keyboard, giving me a clear sign that the conversation was over. I slowly approached the further left hallway, a place I’ve never ventured. Not that I wasn’t curious but...that hallway is where the guys handle most of their business. I didn’t have any reason to go there. 
I walked slowly, my heels clicking softly, further showing my hesitation. I walked through the narrow hallway, the grey walls making the space more suffocating. I walked past a few doors, all different in color. A red door, a blue door, a green door, a purple door, and a black door. Each of them with a door handle accompanied by a keypad for a code and another circular lock about the keypad. There was a small rectangle on some of the doors. They seemed like glass peep squares, but the lights of each room were switched off.
I walked further down the hallway until I came to a pair of double doors. They were fine wood with a number pad on above the classical doorknob. The doors were slightly open, giving me a peek into the dimly lit room. I pushed the door opened further and stepped in, taking in a deep breath as I realized the room smelt like Hoseok. The room was dimly light and matched the overall feel of the hallway. 
The walls were a combination of a rich rosewood and lighter wood. It made the room feel cozy. The desk and the chairs were dark brown and they wonderfully complemented each other. The whole room just fit together well. I walked further in, setting the folder on the wide desk. 
I could lay on the desk and curl my body slightly. It was pretty large. I walked around the side of it, finally noticing the open MacBook that sat in front of the bigger spinning chair. Hoseok’s chair I’m guessing. I walked around the chair, my eyes drifting to the big bookcase displayed behind Hoseok’s seat. 
There were some interesting novels, making me wonder how often Hoseok reads them. I stopped at the notice of a black Bluetooth speaker sitting among the books. Is Hoseok a big fan of music? He hasn’t mentioned it much. I walked around to the other side of the chair, noticing the laptop again as it pinged and the keyboard began to light up. I looked away from it, reading the titles on the book spines. 
“Where’s Jennie?” Hoseok’s voice said as one of the double doors opened. I jumped at the sound of his voice, becoming used to the quiet that was surrounding me. I turned around to see a white plastic bag in his hand as he walked forward. His eyes were on everything but me, as he set the bags down from across the table.
“How was work?” He questioned softly, glancing down at the folder I set down. I nodded, keeping my eyes on him. 
“Work was good. Same old, same old.” I paused, “I think I’ve really befriended this one patient. She’s so funny that I visit her during my free time. What about you?” 
He shrugs, finally bringing his eyes up to look at me. I notice his eyes fall down my body, taking in the knee-length A-line skirt I wore and the dark green blouse. 
“Work was fine.” He answered simply, his eyes meeting mine again. Goosebumps rose over my skin, a small shiver running up and down my body. Only a heartless person wouldn’t be able to feel the tension and dare I say...chemistry that has been zipping between the two of us. It’s almost...overbearing. 
We’ve only gotten as far as kisses on the cheek and hugs but everything in me wants to be totally wrapped up in him. Emotionally, mentally and physically. I want to hug him, kiss him, and have him spill his heart out to me. 
It feels like my heart is calling out but I can’t be sure if he hears it. We were standing there staring at each other in silence, not sure what to do next. I watched him stretch the back of his neck while looking down at the floor. I took a step forward, walking around the wide table to the side he stood.
He stood next to the guests' chairs, awkwardly looking down at the food he brought. 
“I wasn’t sure if you had dinner.” He said slowly. It took a few short seconds to understand what he was saying. I looked down at the takeout on the table before staring at Hoseok again. 
“No, I haven’t!” I beamed, peering into the plastic bag and taking out the plastic to-go bowls. He brought food for me?
I started setting the food out quietly while he picked up the folder. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he flipped through, nodding in an approving manner. 
“Face the laptop this way.” He ordered, his attention still on the documents. I stretched my arms out, basically bending myself over the table to grab the laptop. I turned it to face us, seeing as we would be sitting beside each other rather than across from each other. 
I pushed it closer to Hoseok before grabbing one of the two guest seats and scooting it closer. I sat down and began eating, humming in joy as I used the plastic spoon to scoop the fried rice. 
Hoseok wordless took the other guest seat beside me and drew it in closer to the desk. 
“Ok, so I’ve decided it’s best to approve and schedule the operations for a month in advance. It saves time and helps things run smoother.” He explained. I nodded, agreeing as I took another spoon of rice. 
I was too focused on eating as Hoseok typed something into the laptop, clicking loudly on the mousepad before turning his attention to me.With my mouth full of rice, I glanced at him and the laptop. It was PDFs of different surgery requests. I quickly chewed my food, leaning forward to read the words on the dimly lit screen, 
We sat there doing this for a while, I would either accept or deny certain requests. Hoseok would sometimes ask why, and I’d give a simple answer. The patient's health isn’t stable enough, or I am not comfortable performing such an operation.
I was reviewing another request only to have my view obscured by Hoseok’s arm, his fair cologne washing over me. My brows furrowed as I watched him scoop a bit of the fried rice with an extra plastic fork he pulled from somewhere. 
I gawked at him as he stared back, putting the spoon of rice into his mouth. A slight chuckle left my lips as he smiled in return. 
“I paid for it,” He jeered, “So I believe I am entitled to a spoon or two.” 
I snickered at him and pushed the bowl of fried rice closer to him, so it was almost in-between us both. 
“Oh!” I perked up, “I saw the doctor’s coats. Thank you Hoseok, they’re cute.” 
He only nodded in acknowledgment, showing me that he was a bit embarrassed by my gratitude.
We worked in comfortable silence for a while, Hoseok trying to keep from laughing every time I grew picky with the operations I would accept. When we finally came to the last request, which I denied, I was reaching for the dumplings that were sitting there forgotten. I pushed the laptop further back, taking the lid off the food.
“They’re cold by now, but I’m sure they’re still good.” After passing the wooden pair of chopsticks to Hoseok and grabbing my own, we started eating as he pulled the laptop closer to him, and began doing some different types of work.
“I’m curious about your investment company,” I said moving to pick another dumpling. 
Hoseok raised an eyebrow but didn’t break his focus from the laptop screen. 
“So you fund different businesses?” 
“Basically. I give funding for a percentage of the company or project.” He answered before grabbing another dumpling. 
“I see, that’s very cool. I’m sure you make a lot of money that way.” 
“It started as a cover for this black market work, not wanting to draw too much attention to the money I have. However, it grew to be very successful and brought in billions of dollars every year, so it became my part-time job.”
“That is very cool.” I narrowed my eyes at him, “For someone who has so much money, I don’t see you showing it off much.” 
Hoseok shakes his head, “I don’t like to draw attention to myself. I spend my money on watches, sometimes suits, while the rest goes back into the business or into my work here.” 
I place an elbow on the desk, and hold my cheek in my hand, making sure to turn my body to face Hoseok.
“When was the last time you went on a vacation?”
He pauses, looking up at the ceiling while he thinks for a moment. 
“My family went on a trip when I was 13 years old.” He answered casually. My eyes widened, staring at the unphased Hoseok. 
“You’ve never taken a break from work?” I sounded so surprised that Hoseok stopped what he was doing to look at me.  I take my elbow off the table and sit upright in my chair.
“My whole life is my work.” He said simply. I shook my head before he could finish the sentence. That’s not good. That’s not good at all. 
“A man who wants for nothing yet doesn’t have anything.” He muttered to himself, a sad smile playing on his lips. 
“Hey!” I snapped at him in a disapproving tone, “You have the guys and you have me! How dare you say you don’t have anything.”  
I reached forward and placed a hand on his knee, surprised to not see his body tense up like it usually does. He just looks back to the laptop with a strained smile while I keep my hand on his knee in a sign of comfort. I try to change the conversation, not really minding that his attention as elsewhere. The closer I get with Hoseok, the easier it gets to read his mannerisms. 
He wears a poker face perfectly but his body language can be read like an open book. He looks ahead and focuses on something when he gets nervous, and I find it cute.
I leaned back in the seat, closing my eyes. I was ready to fall asleep and since Hoseok wasn’t dismissing my presence, I wasn’t going to leave. Being in the room with him was relaxing and comforting. My hand stayed placed on his knee, my thumb aimless rubbing circles.
“The talk with the guys went well?” My voice came out hoarse and drained of energy. Both of our chairs lacked armchairs, making it easy for my body to naturally lean towards Hoseok.
“It was awkward, tense and uncomfortable but things have felt easier since.” He answered simply and I knew he wasn’t going to push it anymore. I hummed in agreement, happy that things were working out for him. 
My head began to fall to the right, near Hoseok. I’d jerk awake, straighten my back and clearing my throat awkwardly. It was when I went through that motion for the 3rd time that I let my head fall onto Hoseok’s shoulder. My body relaxed and I melted into him, ignoring the slight huff of air he released in reaction. 
My eyes closed and my left arm moved to wrap around the front of Hoseok’s waist so I was practically clinging onto him. My face hid in his neck and his scent filled my nose in the same comforting way it always does. 
“How the hell am I supposed to get any work done?” His words held no hostility, and it followed a slight snicker as he continued to type away at his laptop. 
“Hey Hoseok,” I muttered after some long minutes of silence.
He hums in reply, not missing a beat and the sound vibrating through his chest. 
“Your mother…” My voice trailed off and the typing on the laptop stopped as well. The way Hoseok stiffen told me I was poking a sleeping bear.
“Did she pass away?” My voice is soft, not wanting to make any implications. He was silent for so long that I was ready to move away from him, worried that I’d offended him. His chest rose and fell slowly, and while my chest was basically pressed to his side, I could hear the hammering of his heart. 
Was it how close I was to him? My chin only needs to be tilted forward to brush the sensitive skin of his neck. With every word I spoke, my breath brushed his neck.
“She…” He pauses, “I don’t know where she is.” 
“Oh.” My response hung there in the hair, showing that his answer caused only more questions to sit in my brain. 
“My father and my mother were not soulmates. My mother found her soulmate at the peak of my father’s illness.” The atmosphere grows darker and Hoseok’s voice grows colder. He feels very far away at this moment, and though I can’t see his face, I know his expression lacks any emotion. 
“Your mother left you and your father for her soulmate?” I assumed, just to make sure I was understanding everything. I can feel Hoseok nod and a wave of understanding hit me. His mother left her whole family for her soulmate. Ugh, what a bad taste that is leaving in my mouth. So Hoseok lost his mother than lost his father. He was completely alone.
I opened my mouth to speak when Hoseok started again, the next works hitting me like a brick.
“Her soulmate was my father’s doctor….who worked at Seoul Sky hospital.” He says it as monotone as possible.  It was my turn to stiffen, and it seemed Hoseok was holding his breath while waiting for my response. 
Hoseok’s mother left him and his sick father for the doctor that was supposed to be helping his father. Hoseok’s soulmate ends up being me...a doctor at the same hospital that possibly scarred him for life. Young 16-year-old Hoseok, who has probably been carrying this baggage for some time. 
“Wow, life is ironic.” Was all I could get out. My voice comes out choked and Hoseok hisses in a playful manner.
“Don’t start crying.” He whines in a way I’ve never heard before.
“I’m not crying, I just understand why you disliked me so much.” 
“I wouldn’t say I ever disliked you, it’s just the terms in which I met you.” He speaks honestly, “The first few weeks weren’t me being angry at you, I was angry at the universe for sending me a soulmate that reminded me of how people so easily throw everything away for a soulmate. It reminded me too much of what my mother did.”
“I see,” I answered.
“Every time I saw you, it felt like you were taunting me.” 
“Do you still feel that way?” 
“Does that doctor still work at the hospital?” 
“He ran off somewhere with my mom. He doesn’t work there anymore.” 
I tighten my arm around him, “Did you become a chairman at the hospital in case they return? Your mother and her soulmate I mean.” 
“At first...yes. But, I found another reason to stick around so it’s not the only thing keeping me around,.” 
I nodded.
“My mother, before she left my father, told me that staying with a man who has a career like my father was...draining. In the beginning it was all good, love was enough. But it became a burden as life went on.” Hoseok took in a shaky breath, adjusting his body to relax into his seat more. 
“She told me someone in my father’s line of work would be better off alone. If I find my soulmate, I should run the other way for my soulmate’s sake.” My other arm slid behind Hoseok’s back, and my left arm rested on his chest now. 
This feels so natural. Being wrapped up in each other like this, laying here talking and just enjoying each other's company. It all fit together like a puzzle and everything else was an afterthought.
“That’s horrible, I’m so sorry.” 
“She has said worse...but I didn’t blame her. I didn’t blame her for telling me that but I still hold a lot of anger about leaving. I could see my mom wear down over the years. My dad was always coming home late, traveling for days without calling and prepping me to take over.” He sighs.
“That’s probably what she hated the most, the fact that this lifestyle was already being put on me. However, that doesn’t excuse her for leaving. It never will.”
“Of course,” I agree, “It can’t be easy to forgive for something like that.” 
We sit in silence again when another question is uttered from my lips, “So are you just counting down till the day I get tired and leave?” My tone was light but the slight tremor in my voice gives away how sad I am feeling.
When Hoseok doesn’t reply, I have gotten my answer.
“I would say I don’t work the same as my father. I try to do my work as quietly as possible, with as few complications as possible.”
“I can tell.”
“But I’ve kind of figured that you’re not going anywhere any time soon.” 
I smile widely at his words, “You’re damn right I’m not! You can’t get rid of me Hoseok!”
Hoseok feigns disappointment, “Damn it, I was hoping you’d get fed up and leave.” 
I cackle, moving back from him a bit, only for his arm to wrap around me and keep me from moving too far. 
“Oh stop it!” I poke fun at him, “stop with the hard to get games and admit you like me.” I giggle while playfully hitting his chest. He narrows his eyes at me and beams the brightest smile I have ever seen from Hoseok. 
“I like you, Y/n.” 
He was completely serious and I was frozen in my spot. The sudden confession left me completely shocked. My heart zoomed and my brain stopped working for a moment. It was like a brain error. I couldn’t even muster a reply. The smile that shined so brightly leaving me blinded and desensitized.
His smile fades slightly as there is a knock at the door before it opens. 
“Hoseok-ah!” Someone yelps, causing both of us to groan. Ugh, they’re so loud sometimes. I notice the way Hoseok doesn’t move to let go of me as the other 6 guys and Jennie make their way in. 
“Hyung--” Jimin’s voice stops short as he lays his eyes on us. The knowing grin spreads across his lips and he looks towards the others who soon come into view. 
“Hyung! Noona! You guys had food and didn’t share.” Jungkook pouts, looking towards the empty containers.  
“Why are you all in here causing noise?” Hoseok hisses, before closing his eyes to try to find some peace.
“Well, we didn’t mean to interrupt your little cuddle sessions we decided that we should do something for your birthday,” Jennie said.
I perked up, “Birthday?” I gasped, reviewing the date in my head, “Hoseok your birthday is in like 2 weeks!” 
His eyes are still closed as I look around at the others.
“We have to do something!” I exclaim, only making Hoseok groan again. 
“It’ll be something small, I promise!” I pinched his cheek quickly.
 “Are you sure?” I questioned, thinking I heard Hoseok wrong. Jennie grabbed onto my arm, hopping up and down.
“Let’s go!” She whined, gripping my arm tighter. It’s been about 3 days since I was last at the headquarters, wrapped up in Hoseok’s arms and feeling more comfortable than I’ve ever been. Right now I was standing in front of the guys as they prepared for another small mission. 
They’re head it 8Heart, a club not too far from here, to find this Seok impersonator. It’s a mission, not a party, not a night out. Yet it seems Jennie doesn’t see it that way. We left work earlier than usual and walked in to find the guys in the middle of planning. A bunch of things written on the whiteboard. It seems there are four men going around in a group, using Hoseok’s name to get what they want. 
They rob people and clubs with weapons, so I’d think it would be a dangerous night. It seems that Jennie doesn’t feel that way. She mentioned wanting to go clubbing while all the guys stood at the round table. 
Hoseok shrugged and went on explaining the whiteboard. I wasn’t paying much attention, reading a text from my mother. I need to remember to call her and my father. I haven’t even told them I found my soulmate. Knowing my mother, the moment I tell her, she’ll want to meet Hoseok. I don’t want to scare him off just yet, so I think I’ll avoid bringing up Hoseok.
Jennie suggested that we meet up with the guys at 8Heart for a good time. She said we’ve been working hard and need a night off. I was ready to object when Hoseok causally nods and says, “Okay, see you there.” 
So when I asked him if he was sure, he glanced at me and gave a small smile. My heart hummed at the action. Hoseok has been in such a good mood lately. The way he opened up to me last time we were together was...electrifying. 
I went home and stared up at the ceiling, replaying his small confession in my head over and over again,
“I like you, Y/n.” 
He is full of surprises.
“How fun!” Jennie squeaked, jiggling her car keys in her hand. Jennie decided to buy a car in the last 2 days. It makes me realize the Jennie comes from a different walk of life than I do. She paid for half of the car, and her parents covered the other half.
The 2020 Kia was pure white and its bright headlights made it stand out on the road. When she pulled into the parking lot at work, her gleeful prance was enough to see that she loved the attention.
“We will meet you guys there!” She grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door. Hoseok was too focused on what he was saying to notice our exit. We stopped by my place to grab a few of my things and sped over to Jennie’s condo.
I’ve been there a few times and was always blown away by her organizing skills. However, today I didn’t have time to take in her wonder decorating. 
“Get into the shower! I’ll pick out an outfit for you!” She was eager to go out, seeing as that’s not something we could regularly do with our schedules. I  grab one of her extra towels and make my way into the shower, thankfully that we stopped by my place to grab underwear for me. 
 I didn’t want to go to a cameo. I showered while wondering what Hoseok was liking in the clubbing scene. I’ve heard from the guys that Hoseok would go to clubs sometimes, often to find a companion for...one night. 
They reassured me that he doesn’t do such things often. I believed them, Hoseok doesn’t seem like an approachable guy. If I saw him at the club, I’d need liquid courage to even say hello.
But...Hoseok likes me. That handsome unapproachable man is my soulmate. The universe is kind. The universe is also mean. Hoseok opening up to me about his mother and just what she did, makes his animosity towards me in the start a bit understandable. 
What kind of woman can leave her dying husband and her son like that? Finding your soulmate is sweet but throwing away the life you already have for your soulmate? I don’t want to say what she did was okay, but just how strong can a soulmate connection be? 
I shut off the water, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around my body. I rushed out just in time for Jennie to rush in.
“I picked the cutest outfit for you! It’s on my bed!” She hollered before closing the bathroom door. I took a short walk down the hallway to her room. I walked to the big queen size bed, staring at the clothing she laid out. It was something simple and cute. A black t-shirt dress that had some graphic design on it. It was a-round neck but there was a slight V line dip in the middle of the round neck. There were black biker shorts and black knee-high boots. Of course, she picks out something like this for me.
I get dressed swiftly, borrowing her spray-on deodorant and also her lotion for my legs. When Jennie walked in, I was pulling on the biker shorts, standing up to really wiggle into them. They fight tight, but not to the point of discomfort.
The dress tee stopped just above my knees, and with the biker short underneath, I didn’t feel too exposed. I had some cleavage showing but it was tasteful.
 Jennie dressed quickly, while I put on light make up, not wanting to be caked up for such a place. My hair is left down and I sat down on the bed as Jennie got herself together. I held my phone in my hand, scrolling through Instagram and liking random pictures on my feed.
“Did you work out things with Jaehyun?” I asked in a monotone, glancing up at her for a short moment and returning to the pictures on my phone.
“Yeah, we worked it out,” She said while putting her lipstick on. She wore a red lace top, with black torn jeans and low bumps. She had her hair in that iconic low ponytail of her. I watched her put on her cherry red lipstick, striking a pose in her full body mirror on the other side of the room.
“Damn, we’re sexy.” She says before looking at me and blowing a kiss my way. I giggled at her, slipping the knee-high black boots on. Thankfully the heels of the boots were thick and square. They also weren’t too high, making it easier for me to walk. I tied the thin laces at the top of the boots to keep them tight around my legs. 
I grabbed some stud earrings that sat on Jennie’s dresser. I slid on the leather jacket and watched as Jennie zipped around her room, making sure she had everything. 
“You got your wallet?” She questioned. 
“It’s in your glove compartment,” I answered, heading out her bedroom.
“Wow Y/n, you look fine as hell. Hoseok is gonna lose it when he sees you.” She followed behind me, her keys jiggling as she walked. I smiled and looked over at her from over my shoulder. 
“You think?” 
She nods, “You two have been very close lately, I’m happy to see that.” I beamed as we walked through her living room and towards her front door. 
“I never told you but, he confessed that he liked me.” Jennie stops walking for a bit, her mouth falling into an O shape. 
I stopped with my hand on the doorknob. I turned to look at her and smiled widely. All I could do is nod as she stared in surprise. 
“Yeah!” I exclaimed.
“That’s amazing! Wow, no wonder you two were all cuddle up. What a cute little work date.” She gestures towards the door and I open it, stepping out into the condo complex hallway.
“It wasn’t a date.” 
“Of course it was. You guys did some work, ate food and ended up cuddled together. So a date.” She nearly sang as she locked her door and turned to face me. 
“You both are such good matches. The universe doesn’t make mistakes, so no matter how different you and Hoseok seem, you still go together so well.” 
We both stroll down the hallway to the elevator. 
“Just like you and Jaehyun?” I say softly. 
She sighs as I press the button for the elevator, “Fights are a natural thing for couples to go through. Even though he grew up so different from me and we have different views on this. But damn, everything seems to work perfectly.”
“The universe doesn’t make mistakes,” I repeat her words as the elevator doors slide open.
The club was a bit further away than we intended but we ended up parking across the street from the place. The music was booming and vibrating the whole street. There was a thick line outside, and I groaned at the thought of standing for that long. The building said 8Heart in pink letters with purple and green lights shining all about. 
After parking the car, we stepped out, ignoring the few whistles from other men who were walking about the parking lot. My eyes scanned over the line of people, already eying us as we approached. Their aces weren’t friendly. The wait must have been long because they look fed up. 
As we got to the sidewalk, ready to go to the end of the line, a hand was on my wrist. I whipped around, ready to fight when I noticed Taehyung smiling widely at me.
“Hey!” I yelled. The music was already so loud from outside, “We thought we’d get here before you guys.” 
Taehyung leaned in close, putting his mouth near my ear, “We got dressed and left soon after you did. Hyung is already inside.” Taehyung keeps a hold on my wrist and I hold Jennie’s hand with my free hand. The bouncer lets us right in, getting a wave of anger from those waiting in line. The music was booming, and the bass who see deep, it felt like my heart was vibrating.
There were bodies moving and dances to all different beats of the song that played. We walked through the big dance area to a lounge looking area. There were a few bit areas with circular sofas and tables in the middle. Taehyung let go of my wrist once we were past the dancing floor. My eyes followed him, rather than walking after him. 
Jennie let go of my hand and walked past me, following Taehyung. My eyes moved ahead of Taehyung to find the area the guys were sitting in. I noticed Hoseok right away. 
Wow...what a handsome man. He was clearly catching everyone’s attention. All the guys were. Women were lingering around their lounge area. They were whispering to each other and stealing glances. Hoseok sat there with his hair parted on the side, and it gelled in such a way that showed his forehead. Jimin was saying something to him while his eyes scanned the club. 
Oh right...they’re here on a mission. 
I started towards them, noticing the dirty looks from the women that were eying the men. Just before I reached them, I caught Hoseok’s eyes. 
I smiled at him and he showed a small smile, clearly distracted by whatever Jimin was saying to him. I got a few hellos from the guys as I approached. Jennie already had a drink in her hand, swaying to the music in her seat. I felt a bit awkward, shuffling around to find a seat. Yoongi, who sat on Hoseok’s other side, scooted over. I showed him a smile before taking the seat beside Hoseok.
 I took off my leather jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. Jennie comes out of nowhere and grabs me a drink. I take the glass, taking a small sip. The drink was bitter, and I felt it burn in the back of my throat for a while. 
I down the rest of the glass, my face scrunching up after. I stretched forward and set the cup down on the table. I glanced over to see Hoseok looking my way. 
He leaned in close to my ear, his arm going around my back and his hand sliding up the side of my ass to rest on my waist. 
“I didn’t know you were such a drinker.” His breath tickled my ear and I leaned my body closer to him.
“Yeah, cause you saw me tipsy at the gala. I usually handle alcohol better than that.” I jeered. Our faces were close enough that I’d only have to turn a bit to catch the corner of his lips. Ugh, I want to kiss him. I should just do it. What’s the worst that could happen? 
“Do you want to dance?” I asked bravely. 
“I’m here for work, so I can’t. You don’t have to stay here beside me, you can go have fun.” 
I look around the club, the pounding music and the lights giving me a few previews of people dancing. I spot a few women shooting me glares and I think Hoseok catches it. I can barely make out the small chuckle from him.
“What will glaring at me do for them?” I muttered to Hoseok.
“It makes them feel better. I don’t come to these places often because women flock to me. Most want money, or want to sleep with me.” 
I nod understanding, “Well I don’t want your money so don’t worry.” 
Hoseok grins while raising his eyebrows, “So you want to sleep with me?” 
My eyes widen in horror, “No! No, I didn’t mean it like that! Not that I wouldn’t want to sleep with you! You’re a very fine man, and it’s natural to be attracted to you not only emotionally but physically--”
I am cut off by a familiar voice calling me through the loud music.
“Let’s dance!” Jennie says when I finally meet her eyes. Hoseok removes his arm from around me.
“Go have fun.” He said and turned his attention back to Jimin. I rose up from my seat, my face still burning from the conversation I just had with Hoseok. 
Jennie and I make our way to the dance floor, a smooth RnB track playing. It was a good time. The music kept going and Jennie and I kept dancing, having a good time. I was honestly feeling myself, and though there were a few guys who tried to dance with me but left me along after I gave a stern head shake, it was a wonderful time. 
The song changed to “Before I let You Go”, the Beyonce one, and I found my energy all over again. I had eyes closed and moved to the beat, moving my hips to the addictive beats singing along to the words. 
I can’t find Jennie, and I’m not sure where she has gone. I panic for a second when I spot her talking with this girl. Based on the hand gestures, they were going on about each other's outfits. I decided to head towards the bathroom really quick. I wandered around the club for a few minutes before I noticed the neon-lit sign that pointed out the bathroom.
I went into the ladies' bathroom and did my business while hovering over the toilet seat. The thought of the possible germs made my skin crawl.
I washed my hands and dried them quickly before heading to the door. As I got to the door, I decided to fix and straighten up my dress when I heard something from the narrow hallway outside the bathroom. 
“I heard they work for Seok.” A rough voice hissed. It was hard to hear them, and though the music was muffled, it still overpowering some of what they said.
“I know for sure! The way they’re watching everything, and I saw one of them sniffing around our meet-up spot! They’re onto us!” Another voice said.
“Who do you think is leading them? I say the one in the silk shirt. Let’s send Seok a message! He can’t squish us so easily! After this, everyone on the streets will believe we’re Seok! That faceless coward will never come out in the open.” The first voice said. 
I felt my body freeze and for a second, I stopped thinking. I waited a second before pushing the bathroom door open. I didn’t see anyone in the hallway. I’m sure they left. My pulse was throbbing to the point my vision was pulsing. My breathing grew heavy and I took off into the club. There was no way to get to the lounge without going through the dance floor so I pushed past people, ignoring the insults I heard. 
I have to tell Hoseok, I have to tell the guys! I don’t know what those men are planning but they’re targeting Hoseok! They think he works for Seok and not that he is Seok. I am scared of whatever lesson they want to teach.  
I rush through the hot and sticky bodies till I get to one of the opening points of the dance floor. Hoseok is standing now, looking down at his phone. He was no longer in the pit but stood on the higher floor. I feel relief but it’s short-lived. On my further left, against the wall of the dance floor, body almost concealed by a group of dancing girls was a man who’s angry gaze was focused on Hoseok. I watched as the man reached into his jacket, pulling out a silver handgun. It glinted in the lights as he held it down near his thigh. 
No. No. Oh god no. My body moved before I could think. My eyes focused on Hoseok and flickering to the man. Before I reached Hoseok, he looked up from his phone and smiled. I can’t be sure what my face looked like at the moment. I didn’t want the man to know I was onto him. I don’t know how many guys he had with him or what they’d do. But I was almost jogging to Hoseok. 
“Where’d you go? I was looking for you--” My body slammed against Hoseok and I wrapped my arms around him as if I was giving him a hug. At the same moment, I felt a burning pain in my side. My face scrunched up and my eyes began to water. I noticed I could just barely see over Hoseok’s shoulder. All the guys are rising to their feet in concern. 
It was my running. It was my sudden hug. They hadn’t realized. Hoseok hadn’t realized. 
He chuckled, “Did you miss me already?” He kept his arms at his side, chuckling at my action. The pain was growing throughout my side and I was losing strength in my body. My breathing became labored in Hoseok’s ear.
“Hoseok.” My voice was feeble and weak. My arms went slack and my body leaned on him. 
“Y/n?” Hoseok asked, finally wrapping his arms around me.  He was all that was holding me up. The next moment, a scream was heard. Though it drowned in the sound of the music, the horrified scream managed to pierce through. Had to be Jennie. Had to be. I was bleeding. Could she see it? I could definitely feel it. Where was she?
“Y-y/n?” Hoseok called again, this time his voice was trembling. There was something I’d never heard before. 
Fear. Hoseok was scared. 
His arms tighten around me, and I felt his hand touch the area in which the pain was greatest.
“Y-you’re bleeding? Y/n? Y/n!” My hearing was coming and going as my heart hammered in my ear. 
Was it my heart beating so wildly? Was it Hoseok’s heart?
Hoseok barked some orders in which I saw some blurred figures moving around us. I...I hope those bad guys don’t escape. 
“I’m...tired.” The words are broken as they leave my lips. Before I know it I am swept off my feet. I’m being carried by Hoseok. He’s running. Someone is speaking? Jennie? Hoseok? 
The music is going quiet. Everything is going quiet. Everything is going black.
“Please Y/n.” A voice pleaded, “Y/n? Stay awake for me.” 
Black. Everything turned black and everything grew quiet. 
It’s warm and it smells like Hoseok.
 The next chapter is coming soon. I’m already halfway with the next chapter! My question for you, for this chapter! Do you think this chapter could have used more details? I didn’t feel like this chapter needed details. But I also feel like it lacked. 
like, reblog and comment! Let me know what you think! 
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 17
SURPRISE! So I didn’t think this was gonna be done until sometime next week, but @what-does-mine-say sent me a whole bunch and then I became a woman possessed.
Just FYI, the setting for this jumps back and forth between Philly and Virginia, and I sincerely hope it’s not too hard to follow.
Oh, also... there’s a little bit of smut in this. Enjoy.
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 17/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Cash Wheeler and Adam Page x OFC
Warnings: Language; angst; explicit sexual descriptions.
Word count: 7.4k
Catch up on previous parts here.
Alex stepped off the elevator, her vision blurry with tears. She took a left, realized it was the wrong way, and turned around, trudging down the hall. Their room was a little more than halfway down. Her arm felt weak as she raised her hand to knock.
It was only a few seconds before the door opened. Chuck’s face instantly creased with worry when he saw her. “Alex? Why are you crying?” He didn’t wait for an answer before he pulled her into the room. He led her over to one of the beds. She sank down onto the mattress and folded into him, her shoulders shaking.
Chuck didn’t ask any more questions. He just hugged her and let her quietly cry, soaking his t-shirt with tears. The adjoining door to Trent and James’s room was open, and they both came in—first curious, and then just as concerned and confused as Chuck.
“Can—can I stay here tonight?” Alex eventually choked.
“Of course,” Chuck returned. He pulled back so he could look at her. “What happened? Did he hurt you? Because I swear to God—”
She shook her head. “Cash and K-Kenny got in ano-other fight.”
“What?” Trent moved across the room and sat down on her other side. “When? Just now?”
She nodded.
“Why?” Chuck asked.
A second wave of guilt and sadness overtook her, and Chuck pulled her back into him. She clutched his shirt and said, “Because I kissed Kenny.”
None of them said a word. Chuck squeezed her tighter. Alex could only imagine what they thought of her. Cheater. She wished she could curl up into a ball and disappear.
“Did you tell Cash?” Chuck asked.
She nodded into his chest. “Of course. I had to. And he—he ran to Kenny’s room and pu-punched him as soon as he o-opened the door. The B-Bucks had to come pull him off of him.” She let out a pained sob. “I’m a fu-fucking cheater.”
“No,” Chuck firmly returned. “You made a mistake and you copped to it.” He pulled back again and looked her in the eye. “You hear me?”
Alex’s face screwed up. She couldn’t even nod that time. She didn’t know what she’d done to deserve such good friends.
Trent put a comforting hand on her back. “Did Cash say anything to you?”
She sat up and wiped her cheeks with her t-shirt. “He gave me an ultimatum. And then he told me to—to sleep somewhere else tonight.” Her lip quivered. “All my sh-shit is still back there. I just grabbed my phone and came straight here.”
Trent shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll get it for you.”
“I’ll go get it in full gimmick,” James added. “I don’t care.”
When she heard that, a fresh surge of sobs rose up Alex’s chest and she started crying all over again. “I don’t de-deserve friends like you…”
“What?” Chuck pulled her back into him before she’d even finished her statement. “Shut the fuck up. Yes you do. And you know what? You’re coming to Philly.”
“What?” she asked.
“You heard me. You’re coming to Philly, and we’re all gonna get drunk and stupid like the good ol’ days. I have a bottle of The Rock’s tequila with your name on it.”
Alex didn’t say anything for a few seconds. And then she asked, “And Sour Patch Kids?”
“I’ll buy out the fucking factory,” Trent said.
“Shit; Sour Patch Kids-infused tequila,” James suggested.
Chuck grimaced. “Vodka.”
James pointed a finger at him. “Yes.”
Alex fought back another surge of emotion. “You guys would do that?”
“Duh,” Chuck returned. “We love you, Alex. And we miss you, too. It’s been way too long since you’ve gotten into shenanigans with us.”
That gave Alex pause. It had been a while since she’d hung out with them, she realized. She’d been so wrapped up in her own chaos-filled bubble that’d she’d forgotten what it was like to just have fun. She thought back to that night when they’d had the get-together in their hotel room, when she’d made Chuck and James compete in those ridiculous challenges for her accompaniment to the ring. Just over two months had passed since that night, but it felt like a lifetime ago. That version of herself felt like a lifetime ago. She missed that version of herself. She needed to get back to that version of herself.
She sat up and mustered a smile. “I would like that. I miss you guys, too.”
Chuck squeezed her shoulder. “Go get cleaned up and take a minute. I’ll find something stupid for us to watch.”
Alex nodded. She stood and moved into the bathroom, shutting the door with a gentle click behind her, and walked over to the sink to turn on the faucet. She actively avoided looking at herself in the mirror as she washed her face. She didn’t want to see what she looked like right now. She knew how she felt, and that was bad enough.
She reached for a fresh towel from under the sink, and her phone pinged from where she’d set it screen-down on the vanity. Somehow, she knew it was Kenny before she flipped the phone over and saw the message.
Where are you? Are you alright?
Alex stared at the text, emotion stinging her nose again. Somehow, she was both angry and touched that he’d asked. And either way, she couldn’t leave it unanswered.
I’m in Chuck’s room, she typed. Cash kicked me out. She hit “send,” set the phone back down, and waited. Kenny’s response was both quick and unsurprising.
What? Come stay with me.
Even though she’d expected the offer, it still made her stomach flip. She chewed her lip as she typed back. I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Again, his response was near-instant. Why? Cash made his bed. He doesn’t deserve you.
Alex bit down on her jaw. No, she’d made her bed. But before she could say as much, another text came through.
I’m worried about you, baby. I want to hold you.
She let out a breath and leaned back against the vanity. Why did he keep calling her that? He knew she wasn’t his baby. He knew it tugged at her heart. Her fingers flew over the digital keys of her keyboard, gently clicking through the silence of the bathroom. It’s not a good idea, Kenny, she returned. And then, after a second’s hesitation, she added, Are you alright?
He took a little longer to respond that time. Yeah. Just a busted lip. Same thing I gave him last week.
Alex frowned down at the screen. Part of her wanted nothing more than to go to Kenny. Cash had ambushed him; she could only imagine how he felt right now. But she couldn’t go to him. Not without choosing him.
I had to tell him, she sent back. She waited, staring at the screen until his response popped up.
I know. I’m glad you did. I can’t hide the way I feel about you, Alex. Not anymore.
She let out another sigh. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say to that. But then he started typing again.
If you change your mind, you know where I am.
She bit her lip again. I know, she sent back.
She backed out of their conversation and looked at the rest of her messages. Her text chain with Cash was third from the top, after Kenny and Adam. She stared at it, debating whether or not to at least tell him where she was. If anything, she just wanted him to know she wasn’t with Kenny. But then she thought: if Cash assumed she’d gone running straight back to Kenny, then he didn’t know her at all.
So she didn’t text him. Instead, she switched her phone to silent and stepped out of the bathroom to rejoin her best friends, trying to ignore just how badly she was hurting.
* * * * * * * * * *
The next morning, Adam and Callie packed up to leave earlier than they usually did. They were both feeling out of sorts and just wanted to get back home—especially Adam. He’d replayed last night’s match in his head over and over again, wondering if he’d made a mistake leaving with Cash and Dax; if their team would have won if he’d just stayed; if Kenny, Matt, and Nick resented him for it. He hadn’t spoken to any of them since leaving the arena; he had no idea if they still expected him to join them for breakfast like usual. He pulled out his phone as he and Callie stepped off the elevator into the hotel lobby, intending to send a text in the group chat letting them know that they were leaving—but it turned out he wouldn’t need to send it. Kenny, Matt, and Nick were checking out, as well.
“Hey,” he nodded at them as they stood huddled in a circle just to the left of the reception desk. They stopped talking as soon as they saw him. It gave the distinct impression that they’d been talking about him. But he swallowed the suspicion down as best he could. “You guys heading out early, too?”
Nick nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready to get back home,” he commented. “I think we all are.”
“Tell me about it,” Adam breathed—but then Callie let out a gasp.
“What happened, Kenny?”
Adam’s brow furrowed in confusion. But then he looked at his tag team partner and his eyes widened. The left side of Kenny’s bottom lip was bruised and scabbed, like he’d been punched in the mouth. Adam’s stomach dropped. He had a horrible feeling he knew exactly what had happened.
Kenny shrugged. “Oh, you know. Someone’s jealous boyfriend ambushed me in my hotel room last night, no big deal.”
“What?” Callie and Adam simultaneously gaped. “Cash ambushed you?” Callie added.
He gave her a sarcastic look. “No, Callie, Kip Sabian did.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Why?” Adam asked. “What happened?”
A corner of Kenny’s mouth quirked up. “Alex told him that we kissed. He didn’t like it.”
“What?” They both repeated. Adam looked to Matt and Nick, expecting some sort of reaction; but their faces remained stoic. They’d obviously already been downloaded on everything that had happened. Adam was the only odd man out. Again. “You mean you and Alex recently kissed?” he asked.
Kenny nodded, all too casual. “Yeah. Last week. And yesterday.”
Adam gaped back at him, his eyes wide and stunned. He was halfway unwilling to believe him. But before he could grill Kenny about it, Alex appeared in the lobby. She was flanked by Chuck, Trent, and James. Cash was nowhere in sight.
“Speak of the devil,” Matt muttered. Kenny shot him a glare.
Alex caught sight of them. She stuttered, her sneakers squeaking against the lobby floor and her eyes wide with surprise. And then she started walking faster toward the exit. 
Adam hurried after her. “Alex, wait!”
“She doesn’t want to talk, Page,” Chuck said as they all went out the automatic doors. Adam’s brow lowered.
“Why don’t you let her speak for herself?”
“I don’t want to talk,” Alex confirmed with a look over her shoulder. It made Adam stop for a second. But then he kept walking after her.
“Are you alright? I just found out what happened last night.”
“No, I’m not,” she answered, not breaking stride.
“Where’s Cash?”
“I don’t know.” She stopped then, turned around to face him. “He gave me an ultimatum last night and kicked me out, so we’re not exactly on speaking terms right now.”
Adam frowned down at her. He didn’t need to ask her what the ultimatum had been; he could fill in the blanks well enough on his own. At this point, all he wanted was to reassure her as best he could. “I’m sure he—”
But she didn’t want to hear it. “Save it,” she breathed. “I just want to go home.”
She looked up at him with glassy eyes. There were dark circles underneath them like she hadn’t slept all night. Her voice was weary. He recognized the distraught on her face all too well. It broke his heart.
“I’ll talk to you later, alright?” she said. And with a final sad look she turned and started off again, Chuck leading her to the car.
* * * * * * * * * *
Friday evening, music streamed through the speakers in Chuck’s apartment in Philadelphia. Alex had made the near six-hour trip from Roanoke earlier that day, and she felt like Chuck, Trent, and James had been falling over themselves to make sure she was happy ever since she’d arrived. Chuck had ordered in cheesesteaks for dinner from her favorite local spot. Trent had bought her not one, but two two-pound bags of Sour Patch Kids. And James was watching her drink like a hawk, waiting to fill it back up as soon as she was done. It was kind of unnerving, especially since he was wearing his sunglasses and she couldn’t see his eyes.
Not that she needed another drink at the moment. She and Chuck were playing beer pong against Trent and James—and they were getting their asses kicked.
Alex closed one eye and poked her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, aiming for a cup in the center of the triangle on the other end of the table. She shot; and it bounced off the rim.
“Come on,” Chuck breathed. “You’re the only one of us who went to college, you should be good at this!”
“You’ve only made one!” Alex returned with a motion to James and Trent’s nearly intact triangle of cups. “That’s just one more than none!”
While they were arguing, Trent took the opportunity to sink his ping pong ball into their last remaining cup.
“GREG!” Chuck shouted.
He smirked. “Drink up, buttercup.”
“No!” Alex proclaimed. “We get to shoot until we miss.”
“Why bother?” James remarked.
“Oh, you’re dead.” Chuck said. He picked up a ping pong ball and tossed it. It landed in the cup on the right bottom corner of the triangle. He threw his arms into the air. “YES! DRINK, YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
James just smirked and took a sip of his alcohol.
Trent rubbed his hands together. “Alright, Alex. It’s all on you.”
Alex got in her shooting stance. She wasn’t sure if closing one eye was helping or hurting at this point; she’d already had a few and was starting to feel it. She aimed and fired. It started to go in a cup in the middle—but Trent used his finger to flick it back out.
Alex’s eyes widened as she let out a gasp. “Oh, you’re never gonna get to see my tits now.”
Chuck choked on his drink. Trent’s eyebrows arched. “Were you gonna show them to me?!”
She gave a nonchalant shrug. “I don’t know, maybe. I know you’re jealous that Chuck and James got to see them when they walked in on me that one time.”
“He totally is,” James said.
Trent sucked his teeth. “Man…”
Alex just smirked and took a sip of her drink.
“And on that note,” Chuck said. “It’s time for shots.” He walked over to the kitchen and pulled out four shot glasses. “What flavor does everyone want?”
That was another thing Chuck had done: he actually had made the Sour Patch Kids-infused Vodka. And from what Alex understood, it had been a pain in the ass.
“Blue raspberry,” James answered.
“I’ll try cherry,” Trent said.
Chuck filled one shot glass with blue-colored vodka and another with red-colored vodka. “Alex?” he asked. But she wasn’t paying attention.
“Where’s my phone?” she asked. She looked around the room. She thought she’d left it on the arm of the couch, but it wasn’t there. She patted her pockets, making sure she hadn’t picked it up and forgotten like a dunce; but they were empty. She started to search the cushions of the couch—but Trent walked over to her.
“Your phone? Yeah, I hid it.”
She whirled around to look at him. “What?”
He smirked. “You shouldn’t have left it just sitting out in the open when you went to the bathroom.”
“Trent,” she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Give me my phone.”
He shook his head. “No.”
She put her hands on her hips. “I’ll show them to you.”
His eyes flicked down to her chest. He seemed to consider it; but then he looked back up. “No.”
“Trent…” she whined.
“Alex…” he mimicked.
She pouted. “Why’d you hide it?”
“Because.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “One, it’ll keep you from spending all night glued to your phone waiting for whoever to text. And two, it’ll keep you from drunk texting whoever, which I’m guessing you’re about one and a half drinks away from wanting to do.”
Alex fidgeted under his gaze. He wasn’t wrong. She’d been incessantly checking her phone ever since she’d arrived, each time hoping to see a text from Cash—and each time being disappointed. They hadn’t talked since that night at the hotel, and each hour that went by without hearing from him seemed longer than the last. She knew he was hurt; she didn’t blame him for not wanting to talk to her. But she just wanted to know if he was even thinking about her. And each time she looked at her phone and didn’t see his name, it was like another papercut on her heart.
“He’s right,” Chuck said. “Forget about your phone, and anything else going on outside this apartment, just for tonight. Alright?”
He offered her a shot glass full of bright green vodka. Lime. She thought back to two nights ago, remembered how she’d missed the person she was two months ago. Tonight was a chance to be that person again, even if just for a night.
She took the shot glass from Chuck’s hand. “Cheers,” she said, and she kicked it back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Ever since their fight the week before, Callie had wanted to do something special for Adam. She wanted to show him how much she loved him, how much she appreciated him, to prove to him that he would never have any doubt that she’d always be there for him. But now that it was time to enact her plan, she couldn’t have been more nervous.
“I don’t know; I’m starting to chicken out,” Callie frowned at Britt over FaceTime. She’d tried to get in touch with Alex first, but her messages had gone completely unread. So, in desperate need of some encouragement from a friend, she’d turned to Britt instead. “What if he doesn’t like it?”
“Are you kidding me?” Britt shot. “You looked hot in that picture you sent me. I’d  do you”
“What?” Adam Cole called from somewhere off-screen.
Britt rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about it!” She looked back at Callie. “I hope that stuff wasn’t expensive because Hangman’s gonna destroy it.”
Callie smoothed her hand over the silky black robe that covered the lacy red lingerie set she’d bought. She wanted to believe Britt, but what she didn’t know was that Adam hadn’t touched her in weeks. And if he didn’t respond to this… Callie honestly didn’t know what she would do.
Britt must have seen her anxiety written all over her face, because she said, “Just take a deep breath. You’re going out of your comfort zone, but he’ll appreciate it. Trust me.”
Callie’s brow furrowed. But she nodded. “Alright. I’m gonna go hunt him down before I completely lose my nerve. Wish me luck!”
“You don’t need it. Go get him!” Britt waved as she ended the call. Callie set down her phone on the bathroom vanity and checked her reflection in the mirror, making sure her blonde waves were perfectly placed. She grabbed the glass of wine she’d poured herself earlier, took a deep, calming breath, and slipped out the bedroom toward the backyard.
* * * * * * * * * *
Adam sat in front of the fire in the backyard, a whiskey glass in one hand and his phone in the other. He wanted to talk to Alex, but she wasn’t answering his texts. So, he texted Cash instead.
Hey man, how are you? Just wanted to check in.
He took a sip of his drink and set his phone on the cushion next to him, gazing into the flames in front of him. Admittedly, he wasn’t just “checking in.” He’d gotten Cash’s side of the story after he’d tried to talk to Alex at the hotel yesterday morning, and he wanted to know if his thoughts had changed at all over the last twenty-four-plus hours. In other words, he wanted to fix it. He wasn’t sure why Alex had kissed Kenny, but he was sure it had been a mistake—he’d seen the guilt and hurt in her eyes as she’d left yesterday. And if he could mend things between her and Cash, maybe it would make up for everything else.
His phone chirped and he picked it up. Cash’s response was surprisingly vulnerable. Hey, man. Honestly, not great. I haven’t heard from Alex and it’s driving me insane.
Adam’s brow furrowed as he typed back. Not since the night at the hotel?
Cash’s reply was quick. No. Not once.
Adam frowned. Honestly, it surprised him that Alex hadn’t reached out to Cash yet. But if Cash cared about her so much, then he should just swallow his pride and text her. And he told him exactly that. Just text her, man. She’s so broken up about this.
He took another sip of whiskey as he went back to his texts with Alex. The messages he’d sent were still unread. It was starting to worry him. But then Cash responded.
Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. But SHE kissed Kenny. I can’t get that out of my head. And as much as I want to talk to her, she needs to figure out what she wants on her own.
Adam sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He saw Cash’s point. But he also couldn’t help but think that, if it were him, he’d be doing whatever he could to get Alex back.
The sliding glass door to the backyard suddenly opened. Adam set his phone aside and kicked back the rest of his liquor as Callie walked outside. He expected her to come sit next to him, but instead she walked around behind him. She ran her hand down his chest as she leaned over and pressed her lips to his cheek.
“Hey,” she purred.
“Hey,” he returned.
She hugged him, leaning her head against his. “What’re you doing out here all by yourself?”
Adam tensed. He knew she wasn’t just asking out of curiosity. He could hear the need in her voice, feel it in her touch. But he wasn’t in the mood. “Nothing. Just talking to Cash,” he answered.
She pressed another kiss to his cheek. “About Alex?”
He nodded, slowly. “Yeah. Have you heard from her?”
Callie pulled back from him and stood back up. “No.”
A frown pulled at the corners of his lips, his worry increasing. But before he could dwell on it, Callie walked around in front of him. His brow furrowed. She’d done her hair, and she was wearing a short, slinky black robe he’d never seen before.
He watched as she set the wine glass in her hand on the table. “She probably just needs some time to herself,” she said. “I think we could use some time to ourselves too.”
She tugged at the sash on the robe, undoing the tie, and the fabric slipped from her body to the ground, revealing a lacy red bra and panties that he’d definitely never seen before. She looked amazing. But he didn’t feel aroused. He just felt… confused.
She moved to perch herself next to him on the couch. She ran one hand up his shoulder and the other over his thigh. “We haven’t been close in a while, so I wanted to surprise you.” She leaned in and whispered into his ear, “I thought maybe you could take out some of your frustrations on me.”
He whipped his head around to look at her, taken aback by the suggestion. “What?”
Callie blinked. That obviously hadn’t been the reaction she’d expected. “I just thought it would be nice to try something new.”
Adam was at a loss of what to say. He didn’t know how he felt about what it sounded like she had in mind. And, right now, he didn’t want to think about it. “I need another drink,” he said, and he stood and grabbed his whiskey glass and went back into the house.
He walked over to the bar in the den and poured himself another glass. He took a sip just as Callie appeared. The robe was secured tightly around her body again.
“I’m trying here, Adam,” she shot. “It’d be nice if you tried, too.”
He let out a sigh. “Cal, I’m just not up to it, alright?”
She folded her arms across her chest. “Trust me, I’ve noticed. You haven’t been up to it in weeks.”
Adam set his glass down on the bar. That was a low blow, but she wasn’t wrong. It had been a while since they’d been intimate. But, admittedly, he hadn’t really thought about it. He’d been too stressed to think about it. He still was.
Callie scoffed and shook her head. “No answer for that one, huh? You know, it’s really starting to seem like you’re more interested in fixing Alex’s relationships than you are in fixing ours.”
A sadness crept up Adam’s chest when she said that. Guilt twisted his stomach. It was a heavier sadness and a sharper guilt than he’d felt this whole time, and he needed to say something. “I just don’t want you to see me like this.”
Callie’s brow creased with confusion and hurt. “What?”
He sighed. “Don’t make me explain myself.”
Anger flashed in her eyes. “You don’t need to explain yourself. But you need to let me in, Adam. Don’t you understand that? Shutting yourself down and pushing me away isn’t how a relationship is supposed to work.”
She was getting upset—physically upset. He could see it on her face and hear it in her voice. But before he could even think of anything else to say in return, she added, “I know opening up is difficult for you. But we’ve been together long enough that you should be able to open up to me. And right now, it feels like you don’t even care to try.”
She turned and walked away, disappearing back through the house. And Adam stood there alone, left with his whiskey and sadness and guilt.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex woke up with Trent’s arm draped over her waist atop the blanket they shared. He must have rolled over in his sleep and flung it across her. She gently grabbed his wrist and picked it up, trying to place his arm down on the air mattress in between them; but he pulled it back and snuggled with his pillow, dead asleep. She smirked to herself. She’d always been jealous of how he could sleep like a fucking rock.
She twisted on her back and strained to see the time on the cable box. It was after 2 a.m. What time had they gone to bed? She wasn’t sure. She’d been drunk and half asleep as Chuck had inflated the air mattress for her and Trent; James had already claimed the couch. She couldn’t have been out long; she still felt woozy from all the alcohol she’d consumed. Her mouth was dry. She needed water.
She pushed herself up from as gently as she could, trying not to disturb Trent as she stood from the air mattress and padded over to the kitchen. She opened a cupboard and pulled out a cup—and, lo and behold, revealed her phone.
She snatched her hand out to grab it but bumped her funny bone in the process and let out a silent yelp. She nursed her elbow, looking over to the living room to make sure James or Trent hadn’t moved. With the coast clear, she reached for the phone again more carefully, pulled it out and unlocked it. She had several texts from both Adam and Callie, as well as one from Trent that said, If you’re reading this give me your phone. But none from the one person she’d hoped would text.
There was, however, a text from Kenny.
I’ve been thinking about you, baby. How are you?
Alex couldn’t help but laugh to herself. His choice of words couldn’t have been more ironic. All she’d wanted to know all night was if Cash was thinking of her—and here was Kenny, telling her that he was. She looked at the time stamp. He’d sent it a couple of hours ago, but she was willing to bet he was still up.
She moved across the apartment to the balcony. She kept her eyes trained on James, fast asleep the couch, and pulled open the sliding glass door as quietly as she could. And then she slipped out into the dark, closing the door behind her.
Chuck didn’t have any patio furniture, so she sat down on the concrete with her back against the brick wall. She typed back to Kenny. Are you still up?
She sat staring at the screen. Half a minute passed; and then those three dots popped up.
Yeah. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.
Her fingers flew over the keyboard. Wanna talk?
She wasn’t sure what she wanted to talk about. She just knew that she wanted to. A few minutes passed, and she started to get anxious. But then her phone rang. He was calling her through FaceTime.
Her heart pounded in her chest. She scooted closer to the railing, trying to find some light, and she took her hair down out of its messy bun, combing it out with her fingers, hoping it looked halfway decent. And then he answered. Kenny popped up on the screen. He was sitting in his gaming chair. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. He grinned.
“Hey, baby.”
She let out a little sigh, not intending to. “Hey.”
His brows knit together. “Where are you?”
“Chuck’s,” she answered. “The boys wanted to take my mind off things, so they threw me a little party. Trent hid my phone so I wouldn’t drunk text anyone. I only just found it.”
Kenny smirked. “I thought you looked a little buzzed.”
She gave him a surprised look. “What?”
His grin widened. “Whenever you drink you get this sort of lazy look of contentment on your face, like everything in the world is perfect. It’s cute.”
Alex’s stomach fluttered. She wondered if Cash had noticed that about her. “Well, what are you doing up so late?” she asked, trying to change her train of thought.
“Playing video games,” he sighed. “Thinking about you. Wishing you were here.”
Alex chewed the inside of her lip as she studied his image. His curls were unkempt and loose, like he’d been raking his hands through them in frustration, and his beard was scruffier than usual. Maybe it was the alcohol still running through her veins, maybe it was the moonlight in the humid late summer air, maybe it was some combination of both, but she wanted to run her fingers through his hair, over his broad shoulders and down his bare chest, lower. And before she knew it, she curiously asked, “What would you do if I was there?”
He gave her that crooked grin of his. “Oh, so this one of those calls?”
Alex’s cheeks burned at the husk in his voice, and she was suddenly grateful for how dark it was on the balcony. She hadn’t intended for this to be one of those calls. She’d never even had one of those calls before. But, suddenly, she wanted it to be one of those calls.
“What would you want me to do?” Kenny asked.
“Everything,” Alex said. The immediacy of her answer took her by surprise and there was a sudden surge between her thighs. She rubbed them together, squirming against the brick wall. Her eyes darted toward the door, praying Trent and James were still asleep.
“Be specific, baby,” he gently urged.
She let out a sigh as her eyes fell closed, tilting her head back. Her mind was dirtier than her mouth, and she was too shy to say what she wanted. But it wasn’t anything Kenny wasn’t used to. He knew how to coax her out of her shell. He was good at it.
“Would you want me to go down on you?” he asked.
She let out a little whine and nodded, imagining it. His tongue was magic. “I’d sit on your face so you could eat me out until I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Mm,” Kenny groaned. “What else?”
She pulled up her knees and arched her back, looking for some sort of friction. “I’d want you to fuck me.”
“Hard,” she breathed. “I’d want you to pin my hands over my head while you made me scream. Give me bruises.”
She opened her eyes and looked back at the screen. He’d moved to somewhere else in his house. His eyes were clouded with desire. The muscles in his arm not holding the phone flexed, slowly pumping. She couldn’t see it, but it was obvious what he was doing.
“Touch yourself for me, baby,” he ordered.
Alex hesitated again, suddenly all too aware that she was having phone sex in the middle of the night on her best friend’s balcony. But then Kenny let out a sharp breath and there was no possible way she could ignore the flood between her legs. She slid her hand inside the waistband of her pajama shorts, underneath her cotton underwear, and slipped two fingers inside her wet flesh. Her head fell back, eyes closing again. She bit back a moan as she stroked in and out. It felt so good already.
“Are you wet for me?” Kenny asked.
She just nodded, her lips parted in pleasure.
“What’re you thinking about?”
“Your dick,” she breathed. She slid her fingers up and pressed her clit, gently messaging the bundle of nerves. A cry escaped her throat. “Fuck. I want it so bad right now, Kenny.”
He growled. “Have you missed my dick, baby?”
“Yes.” She sunk her fingers back inside and stroked faster. She couldn’t stop herself from saying what she said next. “You’re bigger than him.”
She opened her eyes to see his reaction. He flashed a cocky smirk. “I know.”
She let out a moan, louder than intended. Something about him knowing just how fucking big he was damn near finished her. She curled and uncurled her fingers inside herself, rubbing her knees together, writhing against the wall. Her breathing grew shallow.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” Kenny breathed. She could tell by the neediness his voice that he was getting close.
“Yes,” she moaned again. She spread her feet wider, gently rocking her hips as she pumped her fingers in and out. She circled her clit again and bit back a cry; if she wasn’t careful, she might alert all of Philadelphia to exactly what she was doing. And that only made it more arousing.
She plunged her fingers back in as deep as they could go—right as Kenny let out a groan and breathed, “I love you so much, Alex.”
That pushed her over the edge. “Oh, fuck, Kenny.” She arched her back and curled her fingers as every muscle in her body contracted, an electric shock of pleasure shooting through her—and then sweet release. She cried as she spilled out into her underwear, whimpered as she came down from the high. She heard Kenny let out a curse and a moan, and Alex shuddered as the sound of him finishing sent an aftershock of pleasure through her core; and then she collapsed against the wall, spent.
Kenny could barely speak. “Fuck, baby,” he breathed. “That was… fuck.”
She breathed out a laugh as she pulled her hand from her shorts, still trying to collect herself. “I’ve never done that before.”
“Yeah?” he grinned. “I’m glad you wanted to.”
She bit her lip. She had wanted to. And the way she’d felt when he’d told her he loved her, the way her body had reacted… it had to mean something. But she couldn’t think about that now. Her brain was far too fogged with sex and alcohol. “I should probably go to sleep,” she said. “The last thing I need is for any of them to find me out here and ask what I’m doing.”
Kenny smirked. “Fair enough. I can’t wait to see you again. The next few days are gonna be torture.”
She bit back a smile, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, baby,” he returned.
They ended the call, and Alex sat on the balcony for a few minutes longer, still flush with what they’d just done. And as she came down and sobered up, she felt more confused than she ever had before.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie didn’t want to get out of bed the next morning. She just wanted to sleep and stay unconscious for as long as she could. That way, she wouldn’t have to think about how her relationship with Adam was falling apart at the seams. But by the third or fourth time she woke up to see light streaming through the window, she rolled over and grabbed her phone. It was after 9 a.m., and she had a text from Britt.
How’d it go? I’ve been dying to ask all morning but wanted to let you sleep because I’m sure you’re exhausted.
Callie pursed her lips at the winky face emoji Britt had added to the end of the text. It seemed to mock her as she typed back. It didn’t go as expected. I’ll just put it that way.
She rolled over onto her back and looked at Adam’s side of the bed. It was empty. She wasn’t sure when he’d gotten up; but before her thoughts could get away from her, Britt texted back.
What happened?
Callie let out a sigh. As much as she appreciated Britt’s concern, she wasn’t up to talking about what had happened just yet. She needed to wake up first, collect her thoughts. Figure out what she was even thinking at all. So she texted back: Can I call you later? I just woke up and need coffee.
The dots indicating that Britt was typing back appeared instantly. Yeah, of course.
She didn’t bother with a response. She climbed out of bed and moved toward the door when she got another text. She assumed it was Britt again; but when she looked at the screen it was Alex.
I’m SO sorry! I’m with the boys in Philly and Trent hid my phone last night. Is everything okay? Did you surprise Adam like you wanted?
Callie stared at the message. And, slowly but surely, a familiar feeling took root in her gut. Jealousy. Adam’s words from the night before replayed in her head. I just don’t want you to see me like this. But she was sure he would have opened up to Alex. He’d proven he would. She opened the message but didn’t respond, purposefully leaving it on read.
She padded down to the kitchen, hoping she’d find Adam there, sitting with a cup of coffee and a warm smile when he saw her—but he wasn’t. She checked the living room, the den, the backyard. He was nowhere to be found. Worry gripped her as she moved back to the front of the house and looked out the window into the driveway. His truck was gone. A weight dropped into her stomach as she texted him.
Where are you? I woke up and you were gone.
She set her phone on the kitchen island and busied herself with brewing a cup of coffee. Sooner than later, her phone chirped. She nearly jumped to pick it up and read the text.
I went for a drive.
That was it. No apology for leaving, no explanation, no “don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” He’d just gone. Callie let her phone drop to the island with a hard thud. She felt abandoned. And, for the first time, she understood why Adam drank.
* * * * * * * * * *
Adam had just wanted to clear his head. Driving had always been good for that, going down the back country roads with the windows down and the music turned up. He hadn’t had a destination in mind. But he’d been driving for almost thirty minutes when he realized he was on the route to Alex’s house. And instead of turning around, he pushed the gas pedal harder.
He needed to see her, to know she was okay. It wasn’t like her to not return calls or texts, to not even read them at all. He tried not to let his thoughts go to a dark place as he drove down the road, picking up speed. She probably just decided to unplug for a few days, he reasoned. She’s okay.
He was nearly halfway there when his phone rang through his truck’s speakers, interrupting the music. He looked at the center console display and let out a relieved breath at the name on the screen. Alex Hawthorne.
He pressed the button on his steering wheel to answer the call. He didn’t bother with a hello. “Jesus Christ, Alex, do you know how worried I’ve been about you?”
She didn’t immediately answer. Her shock was evident in her silence. “No?” she returned, blindsided.
He let out another breath. “I’m literally driving to your house right now.”
He felt somewhat vulnerable, admitting that. He wanted to add that he hadn’t intended to drive to her house, but then she’d probably ask what he had been doing and he’d have to explain what had happened with Callie last night and he really didn’t want to get into all that right now. But then Alex let out an apologetic sigh.
“God, I’m sorry. I’m in Philly.”
That confused him. “Philly?”
“Yeah. The boys wanted me to come up to get my mind off things,” she explained. “Trent hid my phone last night so I wouldn’t drunk text anyone.”
Adam gave a small laugh when he heard that. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” she laughed in return. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.”
He let his head fall back against the headrest, suddenly feeling stupid for being so concerned. “No, it’s not your fault,” he said. “Did it work, at least? I mean, did they get your mind off things.”
She let out another sigh. “Not really,” she admitted. But before Adam could ask if she wanted to talk about it, she changed the subject. “How are you, besides worrying about me? Callie sent me a text asking for advice about something she wanted to surprise you with last night. Obviously I didn’t talk to her but… how’d that go? I asked her before calling you, but she hasn’t responded.”
Adam’s hands tensed on the steering wheel. He didn’t want to talk about this. But it wasn’t Alex’s fault she’d asked. She was just being a good friend; trying to dodge her own uncomfortable subjects. “It… didn’t go as she’d planned,” he returned, hoping she’d get the hint from his tone that he didn’t want to discuss it any further.
“Oh,” she said. Hint taken.
The silence dragged on for a few beats until Adam asked, “When will you be back?”
“Probably tomorrow,” she answered. “Why?”
“Just wondering.”
More silence. And then Alex asked, “You aren’t almost to my place, are you?”
“About halfway,” he admitted.
Another breath. “I’m s—”
“No,” he cut her off. “Stop. I needed the drive, trust me.”
She didn’t say anything in response, and Adam wondered what she was thinking; worried she would try to get him to talk about why he needed the drive. But, mercifully, she didn’t. “Well, I’m gonna go. My head is killing me and Chuck ordered greasy breakfast burritos to try to help.”
A corner of his mouth quirked up. Even if Chuck and co. hadn’t managed to get her mind off things, he was glad Alex was in Philly with them rather than sitting at home by herself. Stewing in her thoughts. Like he had been. “Okay,” he said. “Feel better.”
“Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Yeah. Later.” He hung up, and the country song he’d been listening to picked up where it had left off before Alex had called. And as he turned his truck around and started back home, he wondered if worry was the only reason he’d been on his way to Alex.
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lostcybertronian · 4 years
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.” For Cecilos of your still doing WTNV prompts?
Okay so. I heard somewhere that it was Carlos who proposed to Cecil, and I have since wondered what that moment was like.
Prompt: “I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
    “Maybe we should ask him what’s wrong.”
The lab sitting in the strip mall next to Big Rico’s Pizza was usually a buzz of activity; scientists went in and out, often carrying some manner of complicated machine or experiment. Sometimes that machine or experiment was alive, sometimes it wasn’t, but it was always scientific and always under the careful eye of Carlos the scientist.
    As of now-- 3:34PM Night Vale Standard Time (NVST)-- not a whole lot of science was getting done, and the tension could be cut with a metaphorical knife. Even Lusia-- usually immune to even the worst of what tension had to offer-- was ignoring her potatoes instead of loudly insulting them, as her newest experiment demanded.
    “And by ‘we,’ I mean you, Nils,” the scientist continued casually, casting a pointed glance at Nilanjana as she did.
    Nilanjana shrugged. Her petri dish full of bacteria was being stubborn today, and she had spent the last hour and a half trying to out-stubborn it. “His door is locked. He probably doesn’t want us bugging him.”
    “Since when has that stopped you?” Mark chimed in from behind her, and with a sigh Nilanjana got up, proving his point.
    “Carlos?” She rapped her knuckles against the door, then waited. When Carlos did not respond, she glanced back at the others, holding her hands up in a gesture of *what now?* before turning back to the door when Lusia motioned her to try again. “Are you alright?
    “Please open the door, Carlos,” she said, knocking again. “We’re worried about you.”
    There was a long moment when, again, there was only silence. Where Nilanjana was convinced that Carlos wasn’t going to come out, or answer at all.
    But, after that long moment-- which felt a lot longer than it actually was, but that might’ve just been because time was weird in Night Vale-- he did, unlocking the door and poking his head out.
    “I’m fine, Nils.” He didn’t look fine; he looked worried. Strung-out. Even his perfect hair was looking less perfect than usual, a by-product of his anxiety. He flinched when, from somewhere in his lab, there came a crackling swear and a girl’s high-pitched whimper.
    “What’s going on?” Nilanjana stood on her tip-toes in an attempt to peer around him, but unfortunately, another thing perfect about Carlos was his height.
    “It’s Cecil.” Carlos retreated from the doorway, and Nilanjana followed as he seemed to fall back into pacing a hole in his floor. “And Janice. Cecil had Janice in for an interview about her basketball team, and he forgot that it’s contract renewal season with Station Management.
    “I swear, he forgets that the radio station is dangerous,” he muttered, before Nilanjana could say anything. He pulled a small, velvet-covered black box from his lab-coat pocket, flipping open and closed the top in a rapid synchrony of soft taps. 
    “What is that for?” Nilanjana wondered, eyeing the box. She had never seen such a tiny experiment before, and thought that maybe if she asked about it, she could keep Carlos sane for a few more minutes. “Is it scientific?”
    “Oh. This?” Carlos waggled the box. “Totally scientific. Totally.”
    “Oh. Cool.”
    All they could hear from the radio now was the weather report, a fast-paced, frantic song that sounded just as Carlos felt. He shoved down the overwhelming urge to call the station, but that didn’t stop his phone from appearing in his hand regardless.
    His heart leapt into his throat when it buzzed, a text from Cecil filling the screen: made it out of station. Can you watch Janice?
    “They made it,” Carlos murmured. “He wants me to watch Janice.” He glanced up, thumbs already moving across the keyboard, typing out a reply. “Would you guys mind if Janice hangs out here until Abby gets out of work?”
    Nilanjana brightened. “Sure!” She said. “I think Lusia has been wanting to show off her potatoes.”
    She had never seen Carlos look so relieved. He dashed off another reply, his shoulders slumping. “Thanks.”
    The scientist shrugged. “No problem. Janice is nice. Cecil is nice. Do you want me . . .” she paused. “Do you want some alone time?”
    “I would like that, I think.” Carlos raked a hand through his hair. His eyes held the tiniest bit of warmth and his lips the smallest of smiles as he looked at her, though they were mostly obscured by worry. “Thanks, Nils.”
    Carlos was out of the lab before Cecil had even pulled into the parking lot, his lab-coat fluttering at his heels as he all but ran to the car.
    “I was so worried,” he said, when the engine cut and Cecil got out. “Is Janice okay?”
    “I’m okay,” Janice said from the passenger’s seat, her voice small. Her face was pale, but still she managed a smile. “Uncle Cecil and Intern Geoff distracted Station Management so I could get to the elevator.”
    “She was very brave,” Cecil added. He was pale too, and clearly shaken. He gave Carlos a quick kiss before stepping away to retrieve Janice’s wheelchair from the backseat. “I have to get back to the station before they realize I’m gone,” he mumbled, half to himself, once Janice was settled into the chair. 
    “Go back to the station, Uncle Cecil.” Janice wheeled herself forward, heading for the lab ramp. “I’ll text you when Mom comes to get me.”
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” Cecil asked, and Carlos suspected that it was his hand on Cecil’s arm that kept him from going, scooping her up, and putting her back in the car where he was sure she would be safe; he was having the same thought himself. 
    “Yeah,” came her answer, “thank you for the interview, Uncle Cecil. I had fun.”
    Cecil sighed. “Alright. I love you.”
    She cast him another smile and a wave, and then was gone, disappeared inside the lab where Carlos was certain Lusia would be upon her, urging her to insult her potatoes.
    “I should go,” Cecil said, resigned. “The weather report won’t last forever. It’s quite nice out today.”
    “It is,” Carlos agreed, “but don’t go yet. I wanted to tell you . . .”
    Cecil turned to him, questions rising behind his beautiful, kaleidoscope eyes. But before he could voice any of them, Carlos forged on, “things like these, where you’re in danger at the station- they . . . they make me realize that I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore. Me without you is like- is like me without science. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
    “Carlos, what are you saying?”
    “I’m saying . . .” Carlos pulled the box from his pocket, sinking down to one knee like he’d seen people in movies do, flipping the box open as he did to reveal a shining silver band. “I’m saying you should marry me, Cecil. Because I want to marry you, and-”
    “Yes!” Carlos didn’t think he’d ever seen Cecil cry, but he was crying now, slow tears trickling down his face as he stared not at the ring but at Carlos as if he was the entire world. “Yes. I will marry you. I’d be *so happy* to marry you.”
    Carlos rose, smiling even as he began to cry, too. He took Cecil’s hand, kissing the back of his hand before sliding the band onto his ring finger.
    “I- I have to get back to the station.” Cecil’s voice wasn’t higher than a whisper. “The weather report is almost done.”
    “Go,” Carlos told him. “We’ll talk more tonight.”
    “Okay.” Cecil kissed him, and for a second Carlos’s whole universe was that kiss. “I’d like that.”
    It was reluctance with which he broke the kiss, but it was with something close to giddy joy that the Voice of Night Vale got back into his car, feeling, for once, that he was ready to face the wrath of Station Management as he started the car and drove away from the lab.
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
Ropes and Roses part six
Summary: Elizabeth Rosehill is a talented dance instructor and a force of nature that beguiles her famous student. Events in her life, however, have led her to search for more creative ways for her to keep herself afloat. What will she do to keep her dreams secure and what will it mean for her blossoming relationship. This is a very adult story about two people who are moderately terrible at adulting.
Warning: adult language, situations, arguing, less smut, more angst. If something in here needs a more descriptive warning I will gladly update it
Pairing: Henry and OFC (am I doing this right?)
Word count: 2K
A/N: If you read it and like it, it would mean a lot to me if you could say something nice! I have a lot of feelings this week that I’m trying to work through.
Henry woke up the next morning before Elizabeth. She was face down, her monstrous cat was curled up in a ball, snuggled up under her arm, gently purring. Alistair stared at him with his large green eyes for a few moments, fluffy tail flicking. The cat seemed to find him amusing at least. Looking around he saw a delicate crystal sun catcher dangling in the corner of her window. Tiny rainbows danced across the walls and ceiling as the sun rose. The woman in bed with him moaned slightly and moved herself on to her back. She opened her eyes briefly, smiled at him, then went back to sleep. Henry took a moment to watch her resting, peacefully exposed to his gaze. He rolled off from the bed from the other side. As the man left the bed, the cat seemed to relax more now that he was the only one in bed with his favorite human.
Henry did his morning ritual, and then started walking around her apartment while he waited for his lover to wake up. What was supposed to be her living room had book shelves on most of the walls that were crammed with different kinds of literature. She had one blank wall, but even on that one had a computer desk with two monitors, cat ear gaming head phones, and a keyboard that glowed different combinations of the rainbow while her computer was asleep. Taking a peek back at her room, Elizabeth was still asleep, he wiggled her mouse to see what kinds of games were on her desktop but her home screen was password protected. In a corner, there was a chaise lounge in a deep green velvet and a side table. No dining table or chairs, she probably ate at her computer, he thought.
Her kitchen was almost bare. One little table had a cat food bowl, the pantry had some basic staples but nothing that screamed out she hosted guests frequently. He found her coffee, and proceeded to brew a pot for them. He looked in the fridge for other breakfast foods, but he didn’t find much. He heard the thundering paws of Alistair come running to his feeding spot. The little predator noticed the light bouncing off of his watch.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He watch as the cat chased the reflection. The two played together with the bright light, chuckling at the cats antics.
“You know, I could get used to finding you naked in my kitchen, Mr Cavill.” Her voice made him jump. “I’m sorry, I thought you heard me coming.”
She was standing in the door way wearing a loose fitting sweater. The sleep in her hair caused it to curl in every direction. The cat batted at her hand for some affection which she gave to him. He couldn’t stop staring at her again. This was the Liz he had been hoping to see, well rested and looking content with the world. She played with her kitty using the sleeve of her sweater. She asked him how he was doing after she caught him looking.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Just appreciating the view.” He said walking up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, reaching down to kiss her. “It’s Sunday, right? Do you want to go have brunch, I know of a couple places we can take Kal, sit on the patio.”
“Yeah, that sounds really nice.” She said between kisses.
“Go get dressed, we’ll have something delicious.” She came back when Henry was starting his second cup of coffee wearing a delicate pink dress with a light weight navy blue sweater. Her hair pulled back with some of her little curls falling down in the back. Henry had gotten into the clothes he had wore the night before and they made their way to his place. Kal had nearly tackled him when they had gotten there. Henry hurriedly cleaned up and dressed himself while Elizabeth sat on the couch to cuddle with Kal. He listened to her baby talk his dog. He was two seconds away from telling her they should just stay in and spend the rest of their time together for the day in bed. He wanted to learn every spot that made her gasp in delight.
When they finally made their way to the restaurant he had decided to put all of his cards on the table. He told her that he didn’t want to play games or hard to get. He wanted to get to know her and spend as much time as possible with her before he would have to go somewhere else to film on location. This would be the start of a fairly regular schedule they would stick to for the next two months. Thursday night he would take her out, they would spend time until it was time for her to get ready for her classes on Friday, Saturday he might watch her at the club or meet her afterwards, then Sunday they would have breakfast and part ways for a couple days to focus on work.
Soon the real world starting calling Henry back to it. They would call every night and, when they could, sneak in a few days away with each other. On one of their reunions, they hid away from their regular lives in a romantic cabin. He loved taking her to little hide a ways when he could. They would usually spend the entire time in bed with each other, nothing between them but their desires. He had looked forward to this all week and planned on making one of their favorite dinners that night to surprise her. However, when Elizabeth got out of the car, he could tell that she hadn’t been having a great day. The only thing she wanted from him right away was to be held and he willingly supplied her with affection. What started a hug turned into him carrying the woman he adored into the bedroom they would be sharing. She melted against him, but he couldn’t help but feel like there was something she was just not saying.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked after they had laid in companionable silence for a while.
“It’s nothing, I’m just pissed off about a conversation I had this morning with management. And one of my dance teachers tore he ACL so now we have to cancel all of her classes or I have to find a substitute teacher. I’m not sure which is better yet. If I have to teach it, that’s less time with you for the next six months.”
“I’m sorry, that does sound frustrating, but I’m not going anywhere. I can wait, your students need you. What was going on with the other problem?”
“Just some stuff with the Fox Catcher. I evidently am not drawing in the audience like I used to. They want me to do something different.”
“What kind of things are they suggesting?”
“They usually suggest two girls, which I’m fine with. Those nights always sell out, we might be able to market it as the subs are competing or whatever. But one of the owners came up with a completely idiotic idea. They want me to start dominating guys at least once a week.”
“No, out of the question.” He sat strait up. “I don’t care if you have to have sex with your girls on stage to get more asses in chairs, I’m not okay with you doing any of that with another guy.”
“What?” She was quite taken back by him.
“I’m dead serious, Elizabeth.”
“Henry, this is still just being thrown around right now.”
“And I’m telling you not to.” He pulled back further.
“But I can have sex with another woman? I don’t plan on fucking anyone else outside of this conversation, my dude. What kind of person do you take me for? And I really don’t appreciate you telling me that domming a dude is worse than having sex with someone who isn’t you. There is a reason I don’t go around doing either with just anyone.”
“You clearly get off on being a Dominatrix when you work with your girls, I have noticed a distinct difference in how you fuck me on the nights after your shows.” He cut her off. Fuck, Henry, what were you thinking. Her expression dropped. He rubbed his face, trying to think of anything he could say to fix it.
“Where is this coming from?” She asked, moving away from him on the bed, pulling her shoes back on. “You know what, no. I’m going for a walk so I don’t say something I regret.”
“Just say it!” He snapped, trying to get up to follow her.
“No, you need to calm down first. I will not be yelled at over something this fucking stupid. I haven’t even...”
“Damnit, Elizabeth! I..”
She hissed at him before he could finish his sentence with a level vitriol that he didn’t know she had in her. “I said no! I’m already having a bad day and this is why I didn’t want to talk about it tonight. Now I am going for a walk and you will sit down and think about how you want this conversation to go when I come back. We will talk like adults, you will not insult me again. Do you understand?”
Henry sat down again, completely taken aback, and nodded at her.  “Yes. Of course.”
“Yes, what?” Her eyes were looking glassy. He had accidently flipped her Domme switch, and he knew she didn’t enjoy using it outside of the club, but more importantly, he had know by now that she hated crying in front of anyone, especially him.
“Yes, Elizabeth, we will talk like adults, and I will not insult you again.” He tried to say it as evenly as he could.
“Thank you, now I’m going for a walk to calm down. Because, again, I don’t think either of us wanted this. I’ll be back.”
An hour later, he heard her coming through the front door.  She didn’t have the rage in her eyes like she did when she left which was a huge relief to him.
“Hey,” she said softly.
“Hey,” he waved at her from the kitchen. He came up to her slowly and held her hands in his. They were so cold. “I’m sorry. I overreacted.”
“So did I, I didn’t make it any easier on you.” She squeezed his hands. “I’m sorry.”
“I made dinner, if you’re hungry.” She nodded and he made her a plate of carbonara. She thanked him and they ate their dinner in silence.
“I think I know now what was making me so upset about the idea of you dominating another man. And I promise, I won’t yell this time.” He said after he had cleared their places.
“I thought about it while you were out and I think I’m just worried that you will find someone who is into it, and you guys will, I don’t know, I’m going to sound like such a bastard saying this. I’m worried that you would leave me for someone who is more into that lifestyle than I am. I’m falling so hard for you, but you have this part of yourself that I’m not allowed into yet.”
“I hadn’t even considered that being part of the problem. When I go back, I will tell management that me performing with a man will not happen.” She reached her hand out to him and he held it. “I’m falling for you too. It’s not that you aren’t allowed to be apart of that side of me, I hadn’t seen any indication that you might want to. Is that something you want to try?”
“I don’t know yet.” Henry replied, running his thumb across the back of her hand. “But what I do know is that I have you for two more days before you head back to town, and I want to take you back to that very comfortable bed, and hold you against me until we fall asleep.”
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retvenkos · 5 years
amends pt. 4 // ricky bowen
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Slow Burn Ricky Bowen x Stage Manager!Reader Fic. Summary: That’s asking a lot of the theatre gods. Then again, it does include a lot of drama, so maybe it might just work out. pt. 1 // pt. 2 // pt. 3 // pt. 4 // pt. 5 // pt. 6 // pt. 7 // pt. 8 // pt. 8.5-ish // pt. 9 //  unfinished
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To say that you had been having a hectic week was a gross oversimplification. Ricky and Nini drama aside, the entire main cast was at each other's throats. Gina was sabotaging Nini by making the role of Gabriella an oversaturated triple threat with dances that were impossible to memorize, Ricky and EJ were trying to give each other concussions with basketballs, and at any given moment, all four of them would jump at each other’s throats to secure the lead. Part of you was glad that you never became an actor yourself. Underhanded tricks and backstabbing blows were not things that you were eager to have on a daily basis. That doesn’t stop you from being in the middle, though. Perks of being in charge! You get to deal with everyone’s drama.
To top it all off, you had two essays due the next day, and you had only started on one.
The only one thriving was Seb, who was perfect every time you saw him - onstage and off. You tried to figure out what his secret was, but according to Carlos, there wasn’t one. Perfection simply happens to ‘unproblematic cinnamon rolls’ naturally. What a concept.
But all shows hit stormy, turbulent waters at some point in the rehearsal process. Hopefully, it would be smooth sailing from that moment onward. You didn’t think you could handle much more. That’s why you were so relieved when you got a text from Ricky’s friend, Big Red, asking if he could be a part of the crew. An extra pair of hands was just the thing you needed.
Turning the corner to where Carlos had said rehearsal was going to start, you almost ran into a few, wide-eyed ensemble members. It was only after you started to weave your way to the front of the group that you realized why they had looked so shaken.
Nini and EJ. Standing a few paces away from the group, a pointed space between them as they argued. Their voices were low, but any conversation that had been happening in the hallway had stopped as everyone listened to them with bated breath. You moved to stand next to Big Red, vowing to talk to him after you finished listening to what happened between Nini and EJ. In your defense, it was your job to know what was happening between your leads chemistry wise. After all, Ricky had texted you to let you know that he was going to be late to rehearsal (it was a group text to you, Carlos, and Miss Jen. It’s not like he had any reason to text you personally. It’s not like the two of you had been texting all week and he was the only reason you were sane or anything…). So Nini and EJ were going to have to be Troy and Gabriella, and this betrayal of trust was complicating things.
“Summer’s over.” The tension in the hallway was palpable. Nini’s face was set in harsh lines, and although you couldn’t see his face, you could imagine his eyes widening in panic as his jaw worked soundlessly, trying to come up with an answer.
You turned to Seb as he pretended to be reading from his binder. He looked at you, his head never moving. “Are they…?” you whispered, trying to remain inconspicuous as Nini now faced the group. His nod was almost nonexistent, but the look in his eyes told you everything. Great. So much for clear skies and smooth sailing. You looked at how EJ looked at Nini longingly, the realization of how badly he messed up dawning on his face. Then you looked at Nini, her face solid stone while her head and heart raged within. A hurricane was coming, that much was certain.
Carlos and Natalie ran out of the room that everyone was waiting outside of, effectively disrupting the dark mood that hung in the air. You took that as your cue to start getting Big Red up to speed on where the musical was. If there was going to be a disaster, you needed all hands on deck.
“Since when was blocking like going to hell in a handbasket?” Gina chuckled slightly at your remark as you watched scene seven of your beloved musical crash and burn. Well, not the entirety of scene seven. The first part was great. The ensemble did a killer job being comically terrible at their audition. They Sharpay and Ryan audition was ridiculously good, and Ashlyn killed it as Ms. Darbus. But then it happened. Miss Jen (insisting on using the names of the characters) ushered Sharpay and Ryan offstage and called for Troy and Gabriella to enter stage left. That’s when it all started to go downhill.
You looked down at your notes for the scene as Miss Jen tried to work with the lovely couple onstage. Was it even worth fixing? Part of you wanted to scrap the scene entirely. I mean, sure, maybe it was worth mentioning to Nini that she needed to be more natural in her movements, but did you really need to tell her and EJ to actually look at one another when they sang? If they couldn’t pretend to even be apathetic strangers, could they really transform themselves into being pretend lovers by opening night?
“No, dear, that would be upstage.” You looked up as Big Red furrowed his brow, moving so that he could push the piano in the correct direction. Another note: make sure to teach Big Red blocking terms. Nothing would ever get done if the basics couldn’t be handled.
Your phone buzzed and you tore your gaze away from the mountain of corrections you had. It was from Ricky.
from: ricky
(3:15 p.m.) i’m on my way. my mom got an earlier flight, got held up with family stuff.
You bit your lip as you read his text. Things were very confusing with his family, but you didn’t exactly know how. There had been hints of it at auditions and when the two of you talked about meeting up to practice lines or study for math on the weekends (not that you would ever have the courage to actually get together with him), but Ricky had never explicitly told you much. Not that he had to or anything - you were just worried about him. You could tell that it bothered him. You figured that you would get there in time. Friendship takes time to grow, and personal stuff like that was usually disclosed later on.
to: ricky
(3:17 p.m.) we’re in the little theatre. get here as soon as you can.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard. Should you tell him that Nini and EJ broke up? You fought with yourself; it wasn’t your business to tell, but it would give a reason as to why he was needed so badly. But then again, if Ricky thought that Nini was available, wouldn’t he try and pursue her again? And wouldn’t that cause her to quit the show from the drama? Wouldn’t that then lead to EJ dropping out too? The last thing you needed was people dropping out or calling it quits. There were only so many actors, and the last thing you needed was a change in dynamics this late in the game.
(3:18 p.m.) miss jen is about to go off the deep end.
Ricky texted back a panicked emoji and you smiled as you locked your phone. It wasn’t a lie, that much you realized as you watch Miss Jen try and salvage the scene with some good, old fashioned girl talk.
Carlos turned around to look at you, a distressed look on his face. “If we can’t get this together soon, we’re going to be behind your schedule.” You sighed, flipping to the schedule at the front of your binder. You had spent hours making sure there was a time for everything. You even color-coded it.
“Maybe we could get some of the individual choreo learned outside of rehearsal time?” You gave Carlos a knowing smile. “You and Seb still have to learn Bop to the Top.” You winked at him jokingly and he laughed, a blush growing across his face.
You and the copy machine were good friends. Especially at this point in the rehearsal process. So when Ricky said he needed to borrow someone’s copy of scene seven, you had grabbed Miss Jen’s key off of her desk and made toward the copy machine in the teachers' lounge. Most of the teachers recognized your face in there at this point - you had been making copies for teachers since your first year as a TA for Psychology.
You grabbed the warm pages off of the copy machine and made sure to align them before stapling them in the correct order. Then you sat down at a table and (getting out your pens) started to mark down the entrances and blocking for Troy. Lord knows EJ wouldn’t help Ricky - especially after what went down earlier.
You felt bad for what happened if you were being honest. EJ and Nini were never the perfect match. They both needed someone different. You just weren’t sure if that someone that Nini needed was Ricky or not. They had history, sure; they also had chemistry in spades. But it takes more than that. You knew that. Love was hard.
You let your mind drift to Ricky, with his small smiles and sad eyes. You remembered how happy he used to be. All you wanted was for him to be that happy again.
A teacher walked into the lounge and pulled you from your thoughts. The scene. Ricky.
You quickly finished writing the blocking with a few additional notes and stuffed your pens in your backpack. You made a mental to-do list for when you got home as you walked back to Miss Jen’s office. You stopped outside and rose your hand to knock, but heard something inside before you could make a sound.
“My parents are splitting up.” You knew that voice. It took everything in your power not to gasp. “For real.” You stepped away from the door slowly, letting the voices from inside the office muffle with each step.
You weren’t meant to hear that. You shouldn’t have been listening in on their conversation. If he wanted to tell you he would have. But poor Ricky. It all made sense now. What he said at his audition. The snippets of conversation you heard when he and Nini fought. The reason he could be so despondent. Why he was so afraid of losing people.
You looked down at the copied scene in your hand. Rifling through your backpack to get a pencil, you wrote a note at the top corner of the last page.
--- taglist:
@snowman-spidey, @dinsey-chanel, @ruefulposts, @mightdielater, @ggukstoe, @wallacetdog, @onceuponafanfiction, @goodnight-n-dayglow, @prttybitchin, @loyalucas, @hxney-bunches-x, @hxzstxles, @parkeroffline, @madamestarlet, @parkerharrington, @fudgemesteveharrington, @hobistigma, @farfrom-peter, @fangeekkk, @tori-marie, @amxx44, @onceuponafanfiction, @softpeteparker, @filmqvakers, @wcnderwoo, @stitch-flo, @liberty01, @kxhliforniaa, @ilymarkchan, @complete-trash-101, @dystopianchic13​
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hairup-squareup · 3 years
Cupid’s Kiss| Chapter 1: A French Phenomenon
Title: Cupid’s Kiss
Summary: True love is something hard to find. That’s why at Cupid’s Kiss Matchmaking they strive to find you your soulmate and get you your happily ever after, no matter the cost is.
Word count: ~3.3k (this chapter)/~3.3k the whole book
Ships: HallDoll (Jaida Essence Hall/Nicky Doll), Gottlux (GottMik/Olivia Lux), CrystalAvalon (Symone/Gigi Goode/Crystal Methyd), Jankie (Jackie Cox/Jan sport), Rosenali (Rose/ Denali Foxx)
Tw: mentions of death, divorce and rehab
  “Welcome to New York City, The current time is 1:32 am, and the temperature is 19 degrees Celsius for my Europeans on the flight and 66 Fahrenheit for my Americans. Maybe one day you’ll smarten up and use Celsius like the rest of the world.” This sarcastic response from the pilot brought a chuckle and smile to Nicky’s face, as she packed up her sketchbook into her carry-on. With a sigh, she sat back waiting for the rest of the plane to disembark.
  “Is she ever going to get off the fucking plane!” Mik rested his head on the handrail, pouting like some little kid. He kept watching as person after person left the arrivals gate and reconnected with their people. WHY WAS NICKY TAKING FOREVER?!
  “Well so you don’t die of boredom Mik, She just arrived at security.” Brooke looked up from her phone at the young boy sitting in front of her on the ground. She let out a soft laugh before sitting down beside him, “ Raja and Liv are probably on their way back with coffees.” Brooke smiled as she spun the young boy’s hair in her fingers. 
  “Why did I have to come again? I am an adult.” Mik huffed as he looked the Canadian in the eyes. Brooke gave him a slight shove before standing up and going back to the bench she was on, Mik following a few steps behind.
  “Because last time Raja and I went to go pick up an associate, We came back to the office a wreck and you and Olivia half-naked.” Brooke didn’t look up from the email she was writing. Mik opened his mouth to go say something but closed it realizing that Brooke had a point. Though he did love his girlfriend a lot, the two just had miraculous bad timing. 
  And Speaking of said girlfriend coming around the corner emerged the perky auburn-haired girl Brooke had mentioned, along with Brooke’s tired silver-haired business partner. Raja smirked handing Brooke one of the two coffees in her hand. “Remind me not to let you bring people in from out of the country again.”
  “Didn’t you tell Manila that when she put my name on the table?”
  “Yes, But you weren’t over seven hours away. Plus I brought you on as a replacement when Manila left anyways.” Raja smirked looking at Brooke, who was still focused on her phone. “As well as the fact you are so much better at the finance stuff than me.”
  This caused Brooke to look up from her phone, kind of puzzled. “That’s because I am one of the few people you’ve hired that can actually do fucking math. If you didn’t have me you would probably be running around hooking people up for fucking free Raja.” She smacked the older woman’s chest as she let out a chuckle.
  “I’ve offered to hook you up multiple times.” Raja smiled as she took a sip of her coffee “I have a 100% success rate, and I can find you the perfect girl. I mean look at the two down here.” She motioned to the two making out in front of them. Brooke broke out laughing at the two younger adults in front of her hitting Mik on the back of the head. This didn’t stop the two from making out, it just caused Mik to flip off Brooke.
  “Madame Hytes?” a voice came from the entrance of arrivals causing all four to turn their heads to face the arrival’s gate. Standing there was a blonde thin girl with a bright red shoulder bag tossed over her shoulder. Brooke smiled as she went over to her friend and smiled as she wrapped her arms around the French girl in front of her.
  “Mlle Nicky Doll, je suis content que votre vol se soit bien passé. (Ms. Nicky doll, I am happy your flight was safe.)” Brooke smiled as she took her friend’s hand. The two exchanged a laugh before Nicky handed her suitcase to Brooke.
  “Brooke, dois-je parler la langue de merde (Brooke, do I need to speak the shit language)” Nicky stopped before turning to her friend, who was currently trying to stop herself from laughing too much. She just kept looking at all the people passing her as Brooke was leaning on the suitcase. “Brooke?”
  “Yes. Yes. Nicky, you’ll need to speak English. I am the only one who knows french.” Brooke barely got out before taking a few moments to regain her breath. She adjusted herself turning to Nicky giving her the nod that she was all good to go, linking hands with the French model. Nicky nodded kinda shy to meet the other three at the bench, but willing to follow her friend’s lead. Brooke leaned over right before they reached the trio at the bench and whispered “The younger ones have a lot of energy I’d like to warn you on that.”
  Nicky nodded in response as both Mik and Olivia rushed u like eager puppies to her, they both seemed speechless. “You look amazing!” Olivia’s eyes were like stars at the sight of Nicky, who just smiled and nodded, giving awkward glances back at Brooke.
  “Guys, This is my friend Nicky Doll from Paris. She’s going to be here to help you all out with the love scene.” Brooke smiled at the trio as she stepped aside to showcase her friend.
  “Bonjour. Thank you all for having me, I’ll be happy to work with you all.” Nicky smiled at the group. Raja stepped out from the group to stand in front of Nicky and taking a look at her new hire up and down.
  “Well, Ms. Doll. We are happy to have you join the cupid’s kiss matchmaking family” Raja smiled as she opened her arms to the French model in front of her. A genuine smile appeared on Nicky’s face as she hugged the older woman tight. For once she felt like she belonged.
  The next morning came like a bullet train. No one in the office was prepared to come into work. “Man people are getting desperate, how can we find matches for some of these?” Gigi entered the office looking at a folder in her hands before sitting down at her desk, sprawling the open folder across her keyboard. “I mean Symone, come take a look at this one.” She motioned for Symone to come and join her at her desk.
  Symone pulled her coffee mug out from under the machine and took her time heading to her childhood best friend’s desk. “Crystal Methyd, what kinda name is that?” Symone chuckled as she rested her chin on Gigi’s head. She flipped through the folder or at least tried to, stumbling on a photo of this said culprit. “No!” Her hand flew to cover her mouth at the sight before her.
  “SHE HAS A MULLET!” Gigi’s jaw was touching the floor at this sight of an androgynous being with a full El DeBarge still mullet giving a quirky smile. Gigi looked the photo up and down. “ I mean they are kinda cute.”
  Symone stopped for a second before looking at her friend, trying to comprehend what she just said, “Gi, you are not falling for the person with the mullet. Are you?”
  “No! I just said they were cute! It’s like the comment you made about Joey last month!”
  “Everyone thought that twink was cute! Well everyone except you, but that’s ‘cause you’re a femme who’s not attracted to other twinks.”
  With that comment, Gigi took the folder and whacked her friend in the stomach. Causing Symone to laugh as she walked away back to the staff room.
  Jaida looked at the other girl as she entered the staff room. “Gigi simping for a client?” She chuckled, handing Symone a sugar packet.  Symone gave a slight sigh before pouring said sugar packet into her coffee.
  “It was going to happen to the best of us. It always does” She smiled looking at the young girl at the desk through the giant glass window. Gigi was still going through the file and seeing if she could find anything on Crystal Methyd. This caused the two in the staff room to simultaneously take sips of their coffee, with soft smiles emerging. “Speaking of love, how are you and-”
  “Rock? Didn’t work out. She moved back to San Francisco for work and we both agreed a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be the best for our mental health.  We both agreed to stay friends though!” Jaida smiled at her friend who put a hand on her shoulder.
  “Shall I start adopting you a cat? So you can start your long life as a crazy cat lady?” this exact comment is what made Jaida leave the staff room and go start heading to work.
  Symone chugged the last of her coffee before sitting down at her desk and logging in on her computer. As much as she loved working at a matchmaking office, helping people get their happily ever after, it kinda made her see how lonely she truly is.  Maybe she should put her application in to find someone, that could easily be a solution.
  “Head in the clouds hun?” The sweet voice of Olivia Lux whistled through Symone’s ears breaking her trance. She turned to face her coworker, a smirk on her face as she was met with a naïve joyful smile. “Mik and I picked up donuts before work and I just wanted to offer you one.” Olivia stuck the pink box in her hand out to Symone. 
  Maybe a donut will help clear her head, She smiled as she grabbed a Boston crème out of the box. “Thanks, Liv, I don’t know how you can stay so happy all the time.” Symone chuckled as she took a bite of the donut, turning her focus back up to the girl in front of her.
  “Well I know it’s the fact we’ve got someone new joining the team today.” This exact comment is what caused Symone to almost choke on her donut, as well as catching the attention of the whole office. Everyone flocked to Symone’s desk like a bunch of seagulls around a piece of bread.
  “Someone new?” Jackie emerged from her executive office, approaching the small group that’s now crowded around Symone’s desk “Raja didn’t say anything about someone new.”
  “Well, Raja, Mik, Brooke, and I picked her up from the airport last night or this morning. Time is very confusing.”  Olivia looked around at everyone surrounding her. “Donut?” She lifted the box, offering it to those around her.
  Everyone started whispering about the new hire; it was rare to get a new hire at Cupid’s Kiss, so everyone was naturally curious. Olivia turned to Mik, who gave her an encouraging thumbs-up. “All I know is her name is Nicky and she’s from France.” 
  “She’s like a model, some friend of Brooke,” Mik spoke up to be the focus off of his girlfriend. 
  “Who’s a model? Cause I don’t remember paying you all to stand around to chat about some model” A voice came from the back of the group causing almost everyone to jump facing the owner of Cupid’s Kiss, Raja Gemini. “Come on guys, we’ve got happily ever after's to make.” She laughed as everyone dispersed from Symone’s desk to their desks or the staff room.
  “Nicky, we’ll be late.” Brooke reapplied her red lip as she watched the other girl stumble out of the other bathroom in her apartment. She sighed before adjusting Nicky’s cardigan. “I told you that you didn’t have to dress fancy.” 
  “Yes, you did. But I want to make a good impression.” She looked up at the Canadian before reaching over her grabbing the car keys from behind Brooke. Nicky quickly spun around as she left the apartment “come on, I’m driving.”
  “In hell, you aren’t!” Brooke chased after her friend. “You don’t even have your American driver’s license. I’m driving Salope.” She laughed as she motioned for her friend to drop her keys in her hands.
  Reluctantly Nicky hands the jeep’s keys back to Brooke. “I’m surprised you have yours, Chienne.” She huffed as the two entered the elevator.
  “I came here after we graduated from Visages. Worked with the New York City Ballet for three years, that’s where I met Sahara. Then we had an accident in the theatre, which crushed my ankle. And then Sahara’s ex-fiancé got me this job.” Brooke’s tone was kinda embarrassed and serious. She never really felt comfortable talking about ballet with anyone except Nicky, who noticed the posture shift. “ A lot of people died…. I got out lucky. I miss Sahara, I miss Kennedy, I miss all the girls.” 
  The rest of the elevator ride was dead silent. Nicky didn’t know how to respond, she just put a hand on Brooke’s shoulder. “But you’ve got me. And that’s not changing, I promise.” Brooke gave a soft smile to her friend, Nicky surprisingly knew what to say to make her feel better.
  She chuckled as Nicky squeezed her hand letting her know it was okay. “That comment isn’t going to get me to allow you to drive my car.” She laughed as they entered the parkade 
  “Va te faire foutre, connasse (Fuck you, bitch)” Nicky smiled as she flipped Brooke off, chasing her to the jeep.
  “You know you Europeans drive on the wrong side of the road!”
  “And? You Americans use the wrong temperature.”
  “I’m Canadian!”
  “You are living in America, so you are American.” Nicky laughed as she watched Brooke start to drive the jeep out of the parkade. She hadn’t felt this relaxed in years, her best friend made her feel like that. 
  The car ride was interesting, definitely not like Paris. Very much a slower and angrier drive, Brooke cursed the taxis around them at least ten times in the first five minutes they were on the road. When Nicky said the car ride was slower than Paris, she meant as slow as a snail in molasses in -40 degrees temperatures. 
  So when traffic came to the 4th stall in ten minutes, she thought it would be a good spot to ask Brooke something. And to possibly stop Brooke from ramming the taxi in front of them. “Brooke?”
  Trying to hide her obvious road rage, Brooke slapped a smile on before turning to her friend in the passenger seat. “Yes, my dear?” Her tone was though still sweet, was still filled with anger.
  “Do you think the others will like me?” This question almost made her laugh. Was Nicky serious? Of course, the others would like her, this group was the most accepting group Brooke knew. She knew for certain they’d like her.
  “Ms. Nicolette Doll,” Nicky cringed at the use of her full first name. Brooke knew only to use it when she was either mad at Nicky or teasing Nicky. “You are a gorgeous French model with a heart of fucking gold. you wish for everyone you meet to succeed, even if you have a fucking hard shell. Trust me, they’ll love you.” She smiled as she cupped Nicky’s face “I mean look at Liv and Mik, they adored you when they first saw you. Hell Raja even let me fly you in just so you could work with us. So if anyone has an issue with you, they can suck my ice-cold Canadian ass.”
  Nicky was almost brought to tears, with how protective her friend was. The words of confidence resonated with her, as a soft smile fell on her face. She was kind of a loss of words so she just squeezed Brooke’s hand, letting her know thank you. Brooke understood the sign and gave a soft squeeze back, “now I gotta make a call, looks like we’re going to be running late because SOMEONE DRIVES SLOWER THAN A MOOSE IN -40 DEGREES IN NUNAVUT!” And with that Brooke went back to cursing out traffic.
  “Look if we can get the mom in rehab before the trial next month it’ll look like she’s willing to fix herself without any court-mandated therapy.” Lagoona huffed as she tossed two files on her legal partners’ desks. Jan stopped spinning in her to get a look at the papers, she looked up at Lagoona slightly confused.
  “You think she’ll willingly do that?” Jan asked as she flipped through the file, she was meant with a shrug in return. Lagoona was about to open her mouth before she was cut off.
  “It’s the only way she’ll get any form of  fucking custody over the kids.” Rosé said as she entered the main office three coffees in hand, passing them out to the other two girls before sitting down at her desk. “Jan, you’re still in contact with Brita?” She asked with a tone as if she already knew the answer. The brunette nodded still slightly confused, looking between the blonde and redhead.
  “Good, give her a call. I’m sure she and Ms. Widow should be able to take the mom.” Lagoona nodded before starting to type a number in her desk phone as well, “I’ll call the mom. See if she can come down so we can explain the situation. Rosie-“ 
  “I’ll get the paperwork done as usual.” Rosé smiled as she cut her friend off giving a small salute to her friend across the room. The three shared a nod before splitting up to do their separate tasks. 
  Rosé knew the routine, get the paperwork ready for when the client agreed. She had it down to a science at this point, she could almost get it done in 2 minutes, depending on if the printer wanted to jam or not. She quickly logged into the computer and had the file selected ready to click print till her phone scared the shit out of her “Fuck!” She watched as the file started to duplicate and duplicate and duplicate. 
  Begrudgingly she grabbed the phone off the desk placing it on her shoulder and under one ear. So she could fight the computer while taking the phone call. “Bloo Sport and McCorkell family law. Hope to bring a voice to the voiceless, I’m Rosé how can I help you….Brooke, please tell me you didn’t total another taxi….Because it’s happened at least seven times now… don’t you have your boss’s phone number so you can call her yourself?… there’s something called voice mail… NO, I AM NOT GOING OVER TO YOUR SCAM AGENCY!… it is and you know it… throw in an actual picture of a fucking moose this time AND NOT one you found online, then I’ll do it… you owe me Hytes. Bye.” Rosé huffed as she hung up the phone turning to the other two, both very confused by the conversation. 
  “Rosie, everything okay?” Jan tilted her as she approached her friend. She grabbed the chocolates on her desk and placed them on Rosé’s desk before backing away cautiously, almost like she had just placed food in front of a dangerous animal.
  Rosé pulled her head out of her hands locking eyes with Jan, whose smile turned to fear. “Jan, you wanna go across the hall and let them know Brooke and Nicky got stuck in traffic?” Rosé watched as her friend nodded excitedly already writing down what Rosé had said getting ready to leave the office. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
�� And within seconds Jan was out of the office. Lagoona placed an arm on Rosé’s monitor as they watched the door swing, “you know she just wants an excuse to see the cute girls.” She looked down at the now smirking Rosé.
  “Exactly that’s why I sent her.” She let out a soft laugh before turning back to the blonde beside her. “I’ll get you that paperwork in just a sec”
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