#royal journal
vox-anglosphere · 2 years
Thinking that the 25th anniversary death of Princess Di was not for two more years I was wanting to tell you about articles that I had collected that year. I wondered if anyone was interested in having these to honor the anniversary. I was wanting to notify you first but if not interested could you know who might be. (Excuse my math. but I thought the anniversary was in 2024). I don't know if I should just pass them on or if someone would even be willing to pay for the collection. On Tumblr I had found several British blogs that could express an interest. Some of these, for example, are Kingwilliam, helenaausrellia, cambridgelife, onceuponaroyal. I bought these articles at the time of the tragedy: (MAJESTY, Vol. 18/No. 6)(PARIS MATCH No. 2518)(The Leading Royal Magazine Vol 14/No. 8)(La Presse Aug31/97)(The Toronto Star Aug. 31, Sept. 1)(The Globe and Mail Sept. 1 & 6)(The New York Times Sept. 1)(Gold Collectors Series Magazine - A Tribute ...)(HELLO No.472)(TIME - Special Report Sept. 8 and Commemorative Issue Sept 15/97). I'm leaving Mexico a week from today (Oct. 27) and trying to avoid returning to Canada with this in my luggage. Any thoughts?
Mainly that it's easy to be off a couple years with historical dates; I've done it many a time. Not even royal blogs agree on everything(!)
Secondly, there should be no problem crossing the border with such lovely journals. It's all the same Crown after all.
PS: There's quite a market for past issues of royal magazines on Etsy, kijiji, and eBay
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Zine: My favorite love confessions 💌 (from movies & tv shows)
I’m a hopeless aromantic :)
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tea-tuesday · 3 months
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one thing i really enjoy doing in my journal is writing down beautiful poems, passages from novels, and film reviews that i come across. a few weeks ago, i watched la chimera and it was one of the best movies i've seen in the past decade. i'm still thinking about it, weeks later.... beautiful movies beget beautiful film reviews so i wrote down an excerpt of an nyt review🏺
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water2 · 1 year
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using these patterns as single motifs
full zine
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missmeganlee · 6 months
I finally finished my s3 favorites bullet journal spread!
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herssian · 11 months
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you know how some strays will adopt people by never leaving them alone
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mylittlestims · 5 months
Celestia and Luna with themes of sibling bonding, stickers, and journaling?
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Royal Sisters (G4) | Celestia & Luna Stimboard with stickers & journaling for @kikithefox231
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
Like I’m not even sorry for the Charles thing, nothing will probably happen they have access to top notch technology and medicine. They’re all bad people, and honestly f*** the monarchy all over the world, they live off peoples taxes, you know the actual people that works and needs to money to survive and still struggle, let’s not even put an illness in there because it’s unaffordable for most people to have medical attention. And these people don’t even lift a finger and have all the money to spill in their depravities and when they get sick they expect the whole world to be worried for them, when they don’t even know the value of money, much less work and effort. Nah I don’t give a damn to what happens to them, but like they’ve been saying funerals and coronations are not something the citizens can afford
I mean, all this might be very true... but have we considered that after living a life of outrageous unearned wealth and privilege accumulated by generations of imperialism and conquest, it's NoT fAir that Charles got cancer after "waiting for so long!!!":
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Actually a headline run in the country that is quickly becoming a third-world failed state and international laughingstock, where £30k a year is considered a top salary and still won't allow you to sponsor a foreign-born partner for a visa. The UK press (and this is even from the Mirror, which is downright "liberal" as far as British tabloids go) truly is something else.
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cassiecasyl · 27 days
Downed And Downed
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Inspired this art by @rawbutprecious, I wrote a fic as part of @go-minisode-minibang!
Downed And Drowned (6,721 words | Rated M)
1859 is a peculiar year. It is a stormy year in every way, and Aziraphale keeps sensing the presence of Crowley. He hadn't seen, much less perceived, the demon since that faithful night in Edinburgh some thirty years back. So, when he finally pinpoints the occult presence to an island in the midst of a great storm, Aziraphale goes out to save his demon. Crowley, meanwhile, isn't sure about his role in this gale.
Read on Ao3!
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albertayebisackey · 15 days
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“Our crown has already been bought and paid for. All we have to do is wear it.” — James Baldwin
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onthewaytosomewhere · 15 days
✍️ and firstprince please and thank you!!
okay emily this got a lil bit of angst bleed-over form Ashleigh's fic and well that was not the plan but here we are lolz - but on the plus side yours is the fist done (as i bounce around between them all lolz)
also Morgan this is yours too i doubled up the prompts and went a bit longer lolz @suseagull04
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can also be found on ao3 if ya'd rather
“Ugh!” Alex plops onto the couch next to Henry, turning to curl into his side.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Stupid therapy assignment.”
“Oh? What did they assign for you?”
“Journaling.” The silence following Alex’s words tells him that Henry will be another on the list of people who don’t understand his frustration with this assignment.
“Okay, and why is that a bad thing?” Alex sighs and buries his head further into Henry’s shoulder; he just needs a moment to wallow before he has to hear another person tell him it won’t be as bad as he thinks; he’s already heard it from both June and Nora.  Henry runs a hand down his back, and Alex can feel some of the tension from the day being pulled away. He pulls back and sees an actual look of concern; he should have known Henry wouldn’t brush his concerns aside so quickly, but it’s been happening so much of his life.
“I just …” Alex trails off into a sigh, “I’m not a writer, not like you or June. I don’t know what journaling is going to do for me other than give me another thing to feel inferior about.”
“Oh, Alex, journaling isn’t about writing well. It’s about having another way to get out the thoughts in your head. It doesn’t have to be the next Casey McQuiston novel. It just has to help you get things out of your head and find a place to process them. But I happen to know that when you want to, you can write amazing words. I’ve read them when they’ve been written to me.”
“June said something similar to that, but it was a lot harsher and had no mention of our emails.” Alex chuckles.
“Well, she is a big sister. They’re known for their tough love and wanting to avoid discussing their brother’s love lives. Whereas I, the man who loves you, want to support you. Not that June doesn’t want to support you; siblings just do it in a different way.”
Alex does start journaling, and he finds the words come easier than he thought they would—he’s not writing a New York Times Bestseller, but his therapist has told him over and over that what he has is more than enough. Along with making him remind himself that he is enough.
He gets an idea a month in; his writing is coming so easily, and it’s made him realize how much he’s missed writing, especially writing things for Henry. He finds a fancy leather-bound journal and starts writing in it. It doesn’t replace his therapy journal. This one has a different purpose. He writes his thoughts and feelings about and for Henry in the new journal almost daily. He brings them both along to therapy and occasionally reads from the one that’s for Henry. The first time he does so, he asks his therapist as they’re wrapping up what she thinks of the writing in the book for Henry; he wants it to be perfect for him. She, of course, gives him homework to think about why Henry might think it was perfect even if the writing isn’t that of a published manuscript. He does think about it. He thinks about how getting something like it from Henry would feel, giving him another idea.
It's only a matter of weeks before Alex has the journal half-filled, and he’s sitting watching a movie with Henry when he pulls it out of the place he had stashed it. Alex hands it to Henry and watches him look at it, turning it over in his hands.
“This isn’t your therapy journal.”
“No, it’s not. But it definitely happened because of that. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said when I started, about how we used to write to each other. So, I wrote to you. I filled the first half of this journal with things for you—my thoughts about you and my feelings for you. It’s all about you and how I feel about you.” Alex pauses, taking a moment to collect himself, watching Henry still looking at the journal in his hands. If Alex is honest, it’s a little nerve-wracking, but he waits for Henry to process what is in his hands.
Henry looks up at him finally, asking, “Why only half of it?” Henry’s voice is thick with emotion, and Alex wants to pull him into his arms, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t pull Henry into his arms, and he doesn’t run his hands through Henry’s hair, down his back in the way that they both use as a comfort.
Instead, he answers, “I was hoping you might want to take the other half. You can write whatever you want in it, of course. But I was hoping it could be something we could look back at later, a reminder of where we started, one that can’t be taken from us.”
“Oh, Alex.” Henry places the journal on the coffee table and turns to him. Alex is in arms before he’s fully turned to him. He feels the release of tension he didn’t even know he had in his shoulders. Henry kisses his lips, and Alex attempts to deepen the kiss, but Henry pulls away.”I love it, it’s a wonderful idea. More importantly, I love you.”
Alex can feel the moisture pooling in his eyes but smiles through it, “I love you, too.” He can’t wait to read what Henry adds to it.
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jamesfitzjamesdotcom · 6 months
Fitzjames' journal
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Fitzjames: "Wednesday 18th [Dec 1833] Walked after dinner to the ruins of Cleosomine"
The actual name of the ruins is Clazomenae or Klazomenai in Turkey. I want to publish his journal and am currently writing the footnotes. Figuring out the correct or present-day names is tricky sometimes, but I manage it in the end!
[1833-34 journal, NMM]
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snitcheryfilms · 4 months
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"Alright, yeah, I think it's some kind of pervert hotel."
Bad Times at the El Royale - 2018 - Director: Drew Goddard
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trentonsimblr · 5 months
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Previous | Beginning | Next
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pinkys-plan · 2 months
Okay I'm just gonna liveblog this cake making experience.
We're already off to a bad start bc there was no baking paper to line the tin, I'm not walking all the way back to Sainsbury's to get some, and the convenience store only had foil so I'm using foil.
Don't tell me how bad this is gonna fuck up the cake, I am fully aware that my decisions are questionable. I'm the one baking here, you're just here to witness how badly I can mess up a lemon drizzle cake.
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The day before his execution, Charles I was permitted to see two of his children one last time. Elizabeth and Henry Stuart had been in the custody of Parliament since they were six and two years old, and were now thirteen and eight. The rest of Charles's family were in exile in France, aside from his eldest daughter Mary, who had married the Prince of Orange.
At her father's instruction, Elizabeth later wrote an account of the meeting. An onlooker recalled that she was weeping so heavily that "the king said 'Sweet-heart, you'll forget this,' but that she promised that she "shall never forget this, whilst I live," and pouring forth an abundance of tears, promised to write down the particulars."
Charles instructed her that she was to obey her eldest brother as the new king, and named her some Protestant books to read to "ground her against Popery," also gifting her a bible. He advised her to forgive his executioners, "but never to trust them, for they had been most false to him and to those that gave them power." More personally, he asked that she "tell my mother that his thoughts had never strayed from her, and that his love would be the same to the last."
Turning to the young Duke of Gloucester, he set the child on his knee, saying "Sweet-heart, now they will cut off thy father's head." He explained that Parliament might try to crown him as a puppet king, but warned "thou must not be a king as long as thy brothers Charles and James do live; for they will cut off your brothers' heads when they can catch them, and cut off thy head too at the last." Little Henry assuaged his father's fear by exclaiming "I will be torn in pieces first!"
Elizabeth would die in her captivity a year later, catching pneumonia after being made to travel while already sickly, allegedly found with her head resting on her father's bible. Her simple grave in a local church was marked only with her initials, ES. Henry would remain in custody for another two years, finally joining his family in exile. Elizabeth's story - the innocent princess becoming a forgotten casualty of war, became a popular subject for Victorian romanticists, with Queen Victoria herself commissioning a marble statue for her tomb. The statue shows Elizabeth with her head resting on her bible, an iron grate in front being lifted away.
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