#rubbing his head and face against the other's chest cause might as well enjoying it too in the meantime
lunart-06 · 10 months
Kamukura with emotions doesn't make him weaker than before, just because he's in relationship with Makoto doesn't mean he's gone completely *soft*. He's only gone soft in just one angle, the rest is still pretty much still the same except now he perfers to rest his head on Makoto's lap than anything else that was already available for him to simply just lean his head against.
The first thing he feels when being around makoto isn't *love*, it's simply the same feeling he always felt which is *boredom*. And the second that came along wasn't the first thing mentioned, it's *interest* (from the form of the prespective of boring normalcy that differs his own) that slowly by time turned into *obsession* (realizing this whole thing is much better than when being stuck in the tight room in his lab) and by then began to be sticking around the guy instead of the other way around and it'll be a surprise to Makoto one day and to Makoto that will only be taken as an invitation to be closer. A progress.
All in all *love* will be the LAST THING appeared even AFTER they were in a relationship because it is something that Kamukura HAS to come in terms or accept himself, or realising too late to stop it cause he only accept to be "in a relationship" (with the entitlement of 'lovers' or 'partners' and everything) with Makoto simply in a way so Makoto can stay close to him (knowing the guy's unyielding loyalty and used that to his gain), because Makoto continues to make himself intriguing to Kamukura in his own boring, simple ways because Kamukura has grow to hate and berated normalcy of the untalented by his teachers and developed it through there. Plus he never gets to experience or learn a lot more of it other than the lab staffs' explanation of how "boring" it is and it's seem to also be the reason *he* became Kamukura in the first place as well.
(So the beggining of their relationship itself, the "love" part was one-sided. Kinda. In a way)
Sure it *is* boring. The whole "normal lifestyle" thing is sure sucked away his life source (if he even had one) and it's already just as he expected even when he lets Makoto around for at least a few days, he only let the guy around cause his luck is unexpected at most times but then of COURSE Makoto would use those times to shimmy his way into Kamukura's life. Shortly yet slowly. A very strange pace it is but it worked well with both of them.
His sickening optimistic, motivating nature to upbring Kamukura's gloomy, unmotivated one to pull him in the most boring of activities eventhough he had stated either directly or indirectly that those are, obviously, *boring*.
But Makoto's other traits that has first caught him just *slightly* off guard (which is. Rare and almost to never) was his undeterred determination to prove someone wrong (either in a morality sense in what was naively generally right). Perhaps he has been too assuming of Makoto's commonly pushover antics, or maybe Makoto's usual everyday and everytime genuine optimism has put his guard down just a bit that it made him passed by the fact that Makoto- no matter how positive and hopeful- *can* get mad or bothered if being triggered in certain ways. Certain ways as in if it involves someone else or views of things morally in a negative sense (the reaction made Makoto look more.. real. Something along that line).
Im also thinking how at some point, that *stubborn* determination that *always* butts in whenever Kamukura try to state or refuse. To try and always attempting to change his mind and at some point it led to another breaking point leading to the next change and that would be Kamukura- in his still usual bored tone yet out of character dialogue, said, in *annoyance*; "can you shut up." And doesn't THAT caught them BOTH off guard.
Silence followed when both were lost in their own thoughts in trying to process it before Makoto snapped out of it first to apologise for crossing the line and in promise to not do it again. Which, Kamukura is fine with but at the same time- "no" he would say, "keep talking". Cause sure, Kamukura has a fair share of being annoyed sometimes, but THIS is different, because just *how* can he be so easily annoyed over something so... *simple* as Makoto to be able to *blurted out* the moment of thought? It's something worth to explore more. To *experience*. Because it's new and when it's new, it's usually *interesting and unexpected* to someone like Kamukura.
And sometimes it's not just usually some new emotion just popped up at certain times, it's also the fact how constant it is of how the emotions he had experienced off kept *shifting*. He'd be bored then suddenly feeling intrigued in something then suddenly be slightly fluttery-ish? ('Amused' he noted) or suddenly feeling heavy in his chest ('sadness' he thought), heck, even the feeling of something clawing his insides when Makoto almost get a brick crushed his own head ('fear' he whispered to himself) then suddenly sometimes shifts back to being bored, then intrigued, then over and over in an out of order cycle. It either shift back to the same things or it develops something new.
It was never just one thing everyday just like how things are before meeting Makoto- like continuously be bored of everything and that's what makes things both overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time.
I also think that another thing that pulls Kamukura to Makoto is that just from Makoto, wanting to hang out and stick to him, to befriended him, with the payment only be *spending some time with Kamukura* and not to use him for his talents and abilities alone. Is one thing Kamukura unmanaged to just *understand* or fully grasp. In the end though he resolved by thinking that perhaps this is just a Makoto thing. That Makoto is being too good or cared too much of others in a way. But it does put Kamukura in a good "hm..." moment though.
I have a funny imagery that Kamukura just seem to be more often being put *slightly* off guard more by Makoto (wether intentionally or unintentionally which is usually the latter) than anyone else does. To which he be more on guard than he is before and to not jump to the most obvious conclusions or assumptions on some people because, of course, the Makoto situation and all. To which also means it made him statistically *more* dangerous than before (congrats Makoto! You made him more cautious or more thoughts in than usual of what was around him!).
His obsession in wanting to keep Makoto close to him by time will become apart of his own conciousness that *I* believe to be the case. Because after everything?? Everything that happened for the last few months?? Wether before or after being together (though I believe the moment they are together is the moment where the feeling became more hecticly stronger)?? It would only be obvious that he would, for once, *accidentally* (cause really, since when does being with Makoto Naegi means anything gone as planned?) Putting the obsession from wanting Naegi close because he is the first and often only source of interest for Kamukura's own bargained to wanting Makoto close because suddenly he was in too deep in the pit he had been *still* continuously dig himself in and finding that he doesn't *like* it when Makoto was out of reach.
(Going from trying to keep the guy around for selfish reasons by means to keep himself out of his usual bored state [cause let's face it, Kamukura isn't a good person, nor a bad one either, heck doesn't even attempted in search to at least *try* to quench his boredom just because he lacks any sort of motivation. But if the interesting thing were to suddenly presented dangling just in sight he WILL grab onto it tightly.], to obsessively trying to not get the guy lost out of his reach figuratively or metaphorically sense cause he *knows* that he will never *feels* something like this again, to feeling just *right* to have Makoto close to him and not letting go just because he doesn't *like* it)
I doubt Kamukura even realised the moment he had been *attached* to Makoto, simply because he had never experience emotions in the first place other than just knowing the basic theories to diagnose others in. And when he did, it's too late by then (it won't be him unable to escape Makoto. No, no, on the contrary, Makoto will be unable to escape *him*).
So anyways. Love isn't the priority to Kamukura since the very beggining in the start of their relationship, because the other foreign subjects that is emotions (twinging sadness, light amusement, flickering annoyance, poisonous jealousy, and dare he not admit the clawing fear) *are* the foundations that build his own *version* of what was the concept of 'Love' is.
Love is different to everyone afterall, so far what Kamukura has learned and see, if there was anything the same about all of it is that; love is a form of passion, and the connection of the bonds, it can be different from others, but Kamukura *doesn't* feel anything a lot WITH anyone else in general more than he is with Makoto. So essentially to him, it was different. It's not love that was viewed *generally* but it was his own version nonetheless.
This is just *my* insight of how I see Kamuegi *in* Kamukura's prespective. Cause he is my favorite character to write. You can do so many things to him in certain situations no matter how impossible it seem to try and not break his character. But that's the thing. You NEED to break certain characters, but as long as you didn't break the fundamental core of their characters then trust me, it's more of a scratch or a rather small crack on a ceramic vase than it looking all smashed up.
Sometimes you GOTTA make a scratch or heck, added something on it, without it losing it's shape or material as a ceramic vase, in order to make it slightly more jazzam get it? Or to make it work for the theme of the room you placed it in. (Not me using the vase metaphor for all of this)
#another funny imagery is that since Kamukura lacked human touch#makoto showing the wonders of doing cuddles#wrapping his arms around his back and everything#kinda like snuggling. screw it he *is* technically snuggling the guy#rubbing his head and face against the other's chest cause might as well enjoying it too in the meantime#and *this* is different than just a small pat and quick hug#that this isn't just some skin and skin contact with one another#there was something else behind this that he can't really point out to#cause duh it involves something as foreign (still) as *feelings*#this is one of the “overwhelming and underwhelming” moment for Kamukura#and it is more sided to overwhelming but in a positive sense (probably)#well whatever it is. Makoto felt the other's body suddenly shaking ever so slightly as the arms wrapped around him#“uhh Kamukura. you okay..?”#“you're kinda shaky..” and it *is* a little concerning for someone like Kamukura#but rest assured when he tilted his head a bit to look up#he can't really see Kamukura's face since the guy placed his chin on the heair below him#and was looking away to the side. but he can see how tense the posture is a bit#he was about to pull away cause he thought he overstep the other's boundaries or smth#but rest assured once again when Kamukura wrapped those now more slightly composed shaking arms tight around Naegi#and he subtly noticed the slight red ears that was left uncover from the black strands#and all Makoto can do is just sighs in worry bht relieved smile and buried much closer to the other without a word#and they stayed like that for probably halfway from the day#now it's one of the only thing in Kamukura's “favorite” list now Makoto gotta bare with it#it's a win-win cause then Kamukura can keep Makoto close. metaporically AND *literally*#danganronpa#makoto naegi#izuru kamukura#kamuegi#lunardr thoughts
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bpmiranda · 28 days
Omg i read all your fics in a day they’re DELICIOUS. Could you write a fic about sharing a bed with logan? Mayhaps on a mission. But the reader thinks Logan is this grumpy mean guy who hates everything, but finds out he enjoys cuddles
Pureeee tooth rotting fluff please and thanks
One Night, One Bed (Logan Howlett)
A/N: fluffy, 18+ reader, mean!logan, frenemies to friends? This one was really fun:)
While it was supposed to be a one day trip, you and Logan were unsuccessful in finding the mutant you were sent to bring back to the school. It took far longer to catch up to him because he kept getting scared by Logan brandishing his claws any time he wasn’t cooperating and he’d slip through floors or walls.
It irked you, sure, a whole day wasted and a failed mission, but Logan was in a worse mood than usual and you couldn’t stand him like this. “Are you going to mope the whole night? Cause we might as well get two rooms if that’s the case.” You mutter as he’s impatiently leaning against the front desk, huffing and puffing.
“Oh, so sorry, we only have one room vacant the rest of the night.” The motel attendant said apologetically as she heard your conversation. You frown and rake a hand through your hair while Logan rubs the inside corner of his eyes with a hand.
“That’s fine, we’ll take it.” He grumbles, placing some cash on the desk while you take the key she offers you and head to the room. “You forgetting something?” Logan calls behind you.
You turn and cross your arms over your chest, growing especially annoyed with his unhelpfulness today. “You scared our target away, you can carry the bags.” You say pointing at him firmly before you continue down the hall with the key, shaking your head furiously.
To make matters worse, you find only one bed in the room and sigh, rubbing your face with your hands as Logan comes in behind you. “You’re kidding me.” He groans, dropping your bags and placing his hands on his hips. “Well, you’re gonna have to suck it up and just share cause I’m not sleeping on the goddamn floor.”
“I’m an adult, Logan. I’m not some immature little girl too scared to share a bed.” You say as you grab your bag and take it into the bathroom with you to get ready for bed.
When you come back out in your pjs, Logan’s lying on his back in the bed. His eyes meet yours and you feel shy for some reason, which has never happened to you, and you have to assume it’s because you’re about to sleep next to the Wolverine. “What the hell are you staring at?” He asks in a snarky tone and you no longer feel timid.
“I hope you don’t shed.” You bite back with more snark and he rolls his eyes.
“Can you go ahead and fall asleep so I don’t have to keep talking to you.” He grumbles and you chuckle, lying on your side of the bed which you’re glad to see if still quite spacious even with him taking up two thirds of it.
As you’re falling asleep, you feel movement behind you and assume he’s repositioning himself to sleep better until you feel his arm slide around your waist. “What the hell are you doing?” You ask, your eyes flying open as he pulls you into his chest.
“Shut up, I can’t sleep any other way.” He mumbles and you scoff in disbelief. “It’s true, I’m not trying to cop a feel or anything.”
“Get off me, Logan.” You say, moving away from him and sitting up to look down at him. “Does that line usually work for you?” You ask and he rubs his face with a hand as he sighs.
“It’s not a line, it’s true.” He mutters, looking up at you as he tucks his arms behind his head. “I just like to cuddle when I sleep, don’t make it something weird.”
“Logan,” You laugh, not even upset anymore because the idea of it being true makes it so much more amusing. “It is weird. That’s not on brand for you at all.” You giggle.
Logan gives you a stern look and you try to stifle your laugh. A smirk pulls on his lips and he shrugs. “Fine, there’s another thing I can do to fall asleep quickly.” Your eyes widen and your mouth drops.
“You would not - right next to - you’d better not! Logan, I would kill you.” You say as you point a threatening finger at him.
“Then just let me hold you so I can fall asleep.” He insists and you let out a reluctant sigh before you lay back down, facing away from him. Logan moves behind you, pulling you into him gently, and you’re tucked into his chest which you feel rise and fall slowly.
As you lie awake in his hold, it doesn’t take him but three minutes to be out like a light and you smile to yourself. So the Wolverine likes to cuddle, hm, you think before you also drift off into a quite pleasant slumber.
In the morning, you wake up to find yourself on his chest, one leg interlocked with his leg as his arm is wrapped around you. You groggily lift your head off his bare chest and he stirs in his sleep, eyes fluttering open to see you sitting over him. “Did you drool on me?” Logan asks as he wipes his chest and you blush. “And you didn’t want to cuddle.” He smirks, earning a light smack on his abdomen that makes him laugh as you quickly get off the bed.
As you’re loading up the car to head back to the X Mansion, Logan closes the trunk and tugs on your hand before you get in the passenger seat. “I think it goes without saying that we don’t have to tell anyone about this part of the trip.”
You agree with a nod and smile at him, seeing him in a different light now. “Sure, I won’t tell anyone the Wolverine is a cuddler. I’ll take it with me to the grave.” You say as you cross your heart and Logan rolls his eyes before he puts on his brown aviator shades.
“And I won’t tell them you liked it so much it had you drooling.” He calls as he gets in the driver’s seat leaving you with a tightened jaw and an unimpressed look on your face before you also get in the car.
“Funny, very funny, Logan.”
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lovebugism · 9 months
how abt eddie x shy reader , she meet’s wayne accidentally & she brings like sm food for the week he LOVES HER but shes so shy
a request deep from the archives that i haven't stopped thinking about since i got it hahah please enjoy xoxo — you spend a fluffy morning in with the munsons (established relationship, fluff, 1.2k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie rouses from his sleep like a king on a sunken-in couch. 
Saturday morning cartoons play on the TV just ahead of him, mostly on mute ‘cause you’ve got the radio going in the kitchen. Something soft and soulful and too low for him to hear. The trailer swells with the scent of something sweet, of syrup and cooked sugar. 
Speaking of sweet…
His flushed cheek rubs against the arm of the couch when he looks up to find you. He can see you just over the top of the counter, like a scene from a movie. You’ve got a bowl of something wedged in your elbow, and you stir at it with your free hand — half-distracted because your nose is stuck in an open recipe book on the counter. Your glasses fall slowly down your nose. You try to push them up again with your shoulder, but they slip back down a second later.
Your gentle humming fills his ears, and Eddie figures this is what heaven must be like. There’s no greater nirvana than this.
He rises and stretches and walks the very short distance to the kitchen. Still warm with sleep, he wraps himself around you, chest flush to the expanse of your back. “Whatcha doin’?” he lilts, muffled into your sweater.
“Cookin’,” you answer in the same tone, only softer and a little more sheepish.
Eddie breathes hard once. You think you feel him smiling. “Dumb question, huh?”
“Did you sleep good?” 
“Too good to be passed out on the couch for an hour.” He lifts his head to prop his chin on your shoulder. It bobs against you with every word. “You were supposed to be sleeping with me, by the way.”
“I tried. But then I wanted to make you breakfast.”
“Correction. You wanted to make Wayne breakfast.”
Your giggling is as soft and sweet as the cinnamon concoction you’re stirring at. “Well, I don’t want either of you to starve, actually. So sorry for making sure the Munson’s are taken care of.”
Eddie’s chest swells. His heart starts to warm so much he’s scared it might burst. He tucks his face back into your neck and holds you tighter. “Don’t apologize, sweet thing. ‘M just being stupid.”
“That nickname’s not gonna stick, Eds,” you tease, tilting your head until your cheek meets his wild hair. “You can stop trying now.”
He scoffs and pulls back from you. His eyes, still softly swollen with sleep, are wide and glittering. “Why not?” he shouts, a bit too loudly to be so close to your ear. “You’re sweet and you’re my thing— it’s literally the perfect nickname.”
“You’re thing?” you echo with a distant laugh. “I’m not a toy, Eds.”
“Not all the time—” His boyish giggling is followed by a scoffed breath when you elbow him with your free arm. You shove him away halfheartedly, pushing him out of the tiny kitchen. “What?!” he exclaims, laughing loudly.
“Get out of the kitchen!”
“What’d I do?”
“My french toast tastes good ‘cause it’s made with love, and you’re tainting it.”
“How? I love you more than anything in the whole wide world.” He gravitates back to you despite your efforts to keep him away. He plants a smacking kiss to your lips and grins wide when he pulls away. “See? Now it’ll taste extra sweet.”
You’re glaring at him one moment, then happily accepting another one of his kisses the next.
The front door opens, squealing in protest and rushing in the cool morning air. It’s unsurprisingly Wayne. His work boots stomp heavy on the carpet. He holds a greased hand over his forehead. “My eyes are still closed,” he jokes, voice deep and gravelly. “You two have about three seconds to stop touchin’ each other.”
Eddie scoffs but steps back from you anyway. “That was one time!” he argues boyishly. “And we weren’t even doing anything!”
Wayne laughs a sharp breath, just like Eddie had, but a little bit gruffer. He forgoes the petty banter and shoots you a smile — tightlipped, barely-there, and weighed down by the exhaustion of the graveyard shift. “How ya doin’, sweetpea?”
“Good,” you answer, shrinking into your shyness. “I’m makin’ french toast.”
“That’s my favorite,” the older man grins. “How’d you know?”
“‘Cause it’s my favorite,” Eddie insists.
“It’ll be done soon,” you tell him, all quiet in your sheepishness. “If you wanna get changed or whatever.”
Wayne heads to the hallway, stopping short in the kitchen to muss at Eddie’s curls and pat you gently on the shoulder. “Thank ya, sweetpea,” he murmurs, voice dripping with fatigue. His accent always gets real heavy when he’s tired.
“You’re welcome…”
Eddie doesn’t say anything until he hears the bathroom door shut. “So Wayne can call you sweetpea, but I can call you sweet thing?” he asks, features swirled with offense.
“It’s different!”
The boy follows you to the cabinets like a lost puppy. Then, when you have trouble reaching the vanilla extract on the top shelf, he leans over you to grab it. “No, you just have favorites,” he argues, passing you the small container.
“That’s not true!”
“Whatever,” he grumbles, still pouting as he leans against the counter beside you. He mourns the lack of your attention when you give it all to the french toast mixture on the counter. You spoon in the vanilla with a practiced touch. “…Are you staying over again tonight?” he mutters, shier than you are now.
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “If it’s okay with Wayne, then—”
“Wayne! Sweet thing’s staying the night— is that okay?” Eddie shouts before you can blink. The trailer rings with the volume of his voice.
“Eddie,” you scold quietly.
The bathroom door squeaks open. A grunt sounds from the hallway, a nonverbal answer you’re not totally sure what to make of. The man returns in the pajamas he pulled from the hall closet — a thin t-shirt older than Eddie is and a pair of plaid pants.
“I’ll make dinner before your shift tonight,” you tell him with a soft grin that neither of the Munsons can say no to. “I promise.”
Wayne makes another scoffing sound. A laugh, maybe. A smile hints at the corner of his bearded mouth as he pours himself a coffee across the counter — in the painted mug Eddie made him for Father’s Day, several years ago now. 
“Well— In that case, I’m afraid I have to insist on you stayin’, sweet pea.”
“Thanks, Mr. Munson.”
“Call me Wayne,” he tells you, playfully chiding in a parental sort of way. He gives you a pointed look over the cup he sips from and heads back towards the living room. “You’re feedin’ us too good to be so polite all the time.”
You smile to yourself and laugh a quiet, slightly forced laugh.
The sofa squeaks when Wayne settles onto it, sprawling out the same way Eddie had before. Too tired to reach for the remote on the coffee table, he watches He-Man re-runs with heavy eyelids.
“Alright, sweet thing— what do you need me to do?” Eddie asks with a clap of his hands, making a very pointed effort not to drop the nickname. You get all flustered when he calls you that — smiling softly to yourself and then ducking your gaze to hide it from him. You’ll have to pry the name from his cold, dead hands.
You turn to peer at him from beneath your lashes. “You dip the bread, and I’ll fry ‘em?”
“Sounds like a plan, sweet thing.”
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nottsangel · 3 months
no because imagine academic rival!theo going down on u in a classroom or a library or something. like u guys cannot study together but like…he’s down for other stuff…………yk??
“shut the fuck up or people will hear us.” theo warns sternly, spreading your legs with his strong hands on your thighs while you’re leaning against the desk. your fingers tangle in his soft hair as he’s down on his knees, watching the wetness trail down your thighs.
this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. you were meant to study with him— well, not voluntarily, though. you were paired up with him for a group project, much to both of your irritation. and as expected, after a while, you began yelling at each other, both stubborn as hell and unable to agree on anything. then, unexpectedly, caught up in the heat of the moment, he firmly grabbed your face and eagerly kissed you before ripping the clothes of your body…. and that’s how you found yourself in this predicament.
“then hurry the fuck up, theo!” you hiss, impatiently pushing him into into your dripping core and making him groan, the vibrations heightening to the pleasure you’re feeling as he laps at your aching cunt. you throw your head back at the sensation as he skilfully sucks on your swollen clit, causing you to bite down on your lip to suppress any loud moans from escaping.
“oh, fuck, fuck, just like that! feels so good, theo, fuck.”
“never thought i’d hear you moan my name, bella, but i could get used to this.”
normally, you’d bite back at his words, but he quickly pushes two fingers into you at once, causing you to clutch the edge of the desk with all your might as you let out a shaky breath at the feeling. he finds your g-spot so effortlessly, long fingers curling up as the tips of his digits rub against your sweet spot, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“you gonna come, baby? almost breaking my fuckin’ fingers here with how tightly you’re clenching around them.” he growls against your core as your legs begin to tremble. you feel your body grow weaker as his skilful fingers speed up, rubbing against your g-spot relentlessly while his mouth sucks on your clit so perfectly. you can practically feel him smirk against your cunt, enjoying how you respond to his touch.
“i’m gonna— fuck, i’m gonna cum” you moan as theo continues sloppily eating you out and fingering you simultaneously, both his saliva and your juices running down his chin. he so effortlessly pushes you over the edge as your orgasm washes over you, causing you to arch your back as your vision begins to blur, your hand flying to your mouth to silence any loud moans. your chest rises and falls as you come down from your intense high, head still thrown back and your mouth agape.
“cool. let’s go back to work now.”
“theo, wha—”
“oh, and i made you cum. so it’s only fair we do it my way now.”
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xcalkenf · 6 months
౨ৎ — PRETTY BOY ! [ switch!choso x reader]
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౨ৎ — warnings . 18+ / smut (obviously) / soft-dom ish f reader / switch choso! / bondage (shibari) / choso with pink ribbons around his biceps <3 / overstimulation / choso crying / anal plug / cock rubbing & edging / cum eating / p in v / riding / cockwarming / aftercare / reassurance / praises / safeword was made between two !
౨ৎ — note . okay, this was written in my notes from 2 until 3 am (actually being serious) inspired by a Twitter vid I watched >< it was sooo good !! also, y’all can’t change my mind on switch!choso. He’s both, the thought of him being only a sub/top is just not.. satisfying enough 😓🤭
౨ৎ — wc . 1.3k
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“D-do I really have to be like this..?” Choso mumbled, face flushed -feeling embarrassed to see his nude body resting on top of the bed with pillows supporting his back. His hands were bound on his back, thighs spread, chest wrapped by ropes, and his biceps wrapped by adorable pink ribbons.
“Mhm.. you want to be a good boy, right, Choso?” You kissed your boyfriend’s mark on his nose, when you mentioned his name, his entire body shivered, well jus’ a little, and he nodded, "Yes, mommy."
As you were ready to insert a plug into him, he stopped you, “Wait! w-will that h-hurt?..” he asked.
“It's hard to say for sure, but moving around might hurt a little, but you'll get used to it, I promise.” You say, and Choso swallowed hard as he pictured what pain he was going to experience in his hole. As he felt the glass heart-shaped plug go into his hole, his sculpted thighs began to expand.
"Wait, that hurts.. Go gently", He became anxious, but when you insert it more slowly, allowing him to adjust, he soon calms down.
When you glance at his lower abdomen, you can see that he's panting heavily and that he's breathing and sighing heavily.
“Don’t worry, I won’t go hard on you, pretty boy”
"You're doing so good for me, cho~" As you slowly turned the plug around, without moving too quickly or roughly, you purred.
Choso blushed heavily, feeling the strange object inside him as well as embarrassment. With a nervous look away, he muttered, "It feels weird, baby.." He could feel the burning sensation building up in his cheeks. "Do you want me to stop? Remember the safeword, Cho?" You asked, and he shook his head, "N-no, don't stop.. Yes, I-I do remember", You nodded.
You continued to playfully tease Choso, occasionally grazing his sensitive skin or tugging gently on the ribbon tied around his bicep.
Each touch sent adrenaline down his spine, causing him to squirm even more. "Please, stop teasing me," he begged, reaching for your face to kiss you, only to have you pull away and press your pointer finger against his lips.
"No, I'll kiss you when I want to, cho" you say with a giggle while he stared at you with furrowed eyebrows.
You enjoy seeing him like this, completely under control and wanting your attention. "Such a needy little thing," you muttered, tracing invisible patterns on his chest while sitting on his lap, completely dressed, not like him, bare.
You sit in front of him, stroking his cock with one hand while fondling his balls with the other, all while maintaining eye contact. Your hand moves from his balls to his thigh, massaging it, the other hand stopping at his tip and then twisting and holding it for a little while. He throws back his head and groans with pleasure. You're aware of his extreme sensitivity in the thigh area, which might lead to his orgasm occurring quickly. His slit is sensitive, so you press down on it with your pointer finger, making him wriggle. You're applying pressure to both of his vulnerable spots. “W-Wait, that's dirty, I'm sensitive too. Slow down. Don't touch both..” Between breaths, he says the words. He makes a high-pitched whine as you continue to rub them.
As you stroked Choso, he groaned many times and uncontrollably bucked his hips. He loved the sensation of your hands on him, especially in combination with your kept gaze. He whispered, "Please," his eyes begging for your attention. You wanted to see how fucked out he was before letting him cum, so you thought about holding off on letting him climax for a few times. Which you did. Three times. -
"I can't take much more, really, babe -ngh" His muscles tensing up as you've repeatedly edged him, strong muscles nearly ripping the ropes off. As he was about to finally rip them off, you said, "No breaking ropes cho, you’re doing really great.”
With an arrogant grin, you continued to edge him for precisely thirty-five minutes, knowing just what would push him over the edge. Choso's muscles tensed as a wave of pleasure passed over him, and his breathing became quicker.
“Oh, oh, oh! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!” You stroke his cock faster just as he began to cum, staring at his release. You watch the thick white and milky strings spurt out of his cock, eyes glowing in admiration. 
“That's it, Choso,” you cooed, loving the sight of him writhing beneath you. “Come for me, my pretty boy.”
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck, -angh!”Another high pitched moan came out of his dirty, yet lovely mouth.
He kept releasing his seeds over and over again, not stopping after what you felt had been at least a minute and twenty seconds since he finally came after an hour of edging. Choso thought it was over, but he was wrong.
He felt your warm mouth wrap around his length, your hand slowly drawing out the plug and thrusting it back into his hole with force. “Fuck, wait, no, sensitive, no- I'm sensitive fuckkk,” he threw his head back, tears and spit streaming down his face.
You hummed. That vibration sent Choso over the brink again just minutes after he arrived; it was painful yet so good. He's overstimulated, moaning again and again as he feels your tongue everywhere, sucking him off and swallowing his cum preventing it from spilling out. You took off the butt plug out of his hole, and left it on the floor.
When you were swallowing, you kept a bit in your mouth. Standing up and softly kissing him, allowing him to taste himself and his cum. Tongue intertwined, it was a very sloppy kiss. You put your right hand on his chin and grip it. The other strips your underwear and sits on your knees, adjusting his cock to your entrance.
You were adjusting yourself, closing your eyes, focussing on kissing his lips and down below, not noticing Choso had removed the ropes off him. When his hands unexpectedly pushed you down forcibly on his cock, you yelped and made out muffled moans of pleasure as Choso leans back, your hands on his shoulder for support.
“Fuck- feel so good, cho,” you exclaimed, immediately undoing your buttons and stripping to your bra and miniskirt. He stopped the kiss and looked at you with lust and thirst.
“Your insides feel so warm, I'm going to come again...” “So tight,” he whispered before locking his lips on your collarbone and biting everywhere, leaving hickeys that would remain for days.
You bounced on his cock, supported by your partner's thrusts and the hands around your waist. You press your eyes tight and allow your orgasm to build with his.
“Cho ‘m so close…”
“Me too baby, ngh” The two of you moaned together, and you pressed your sweaty foreheads against one other as ecstasy gushed over you; finally, you opened your eyes and kissed each other, still bouncing on his cock, but a little slower than before. You can feel his cock jerking wildly, sending vibrations down into your core/cervix.
You continue till hours have passed. There you were cockwarming him: “Stay like this for a little longer, please.” He begged, and you nodded before wrapping your arms around him. The two of you remained in that position for some time before getting off to clean up.
You prepared a warm bath while Choso laid on his back, staring at the marks left by the ropes that restrained him. He looked up and across his body to discover a pink ribbon still tied around one of his biceps, which he thought was cute.
Maybe he’ll do the same thing to you next time because you pushed him too hard today, it did felt good though.
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a/n p.2 | The fact that this only took me an hour to write scares me. Hope you enjoy this one more than my prev work <3
@xstom on tumblr 2024, do not repost/copy/translate this post!
creds to the divider owner!
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borathae · 2 months
Just Relax
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“Yoongi is very hesitant about bottoming, but something about his best friend Hoseok makes him ease up. One night, he comes to his place with a very important favour to ask. A rimjob, but please be patient with him, he is very shy.”
Pairing: Yoongi x Hoseok
Genre: best friends with benefits!AU, polyamory!AU, Smut
Warnings: implications of accidental listening in on a threesome, shiest sub!Yoongi, he is scared of bottoming and needs someone to be patient with him, listen this is very difficult for him but sometimes a kitty gets horny and can't think straight anymore, patient Dom!Hoseok, praise, encouraging dirty talk, making out against a wall, shy nudity, frotting, oral sex, a rimjob in the shower, accidental face sitting, Hoseok is way too skilled with his mouth, Yoongi tries to stay quiet but fails, handjob, spontaneous anal sex, they're both very horny for each other, multiple intense orgasms (Yoongi receiving), creampie, cockwarming, a little bit of subdrop, reassuring aftercare!!, you guys must know that Yoongi never asks for stuff like this so this is a big deal for him!
Wordcount: 7.3k
a/n: i'm actually fucking obsessed with shy sub Yoongi 😩 just as i'm obsessed with patient Dom Hoseok 😩 fukkc besties i might just be obsessed with this duo 😩 have fun hehe i hope you are enjoying the art to it as well hehe 👀 i might already be working on something else with them 👀💙
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Hoseok opens the door to Yoongi in his biker gear.
“Yoongi hey, what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, always. Come in”, Hoseok says, stepping out of the doorway, “you’re coming at the perfect time. I was planning to pop open a blood bag and watch a show. Want one?”
“Thanks, I’ll pass. Blood bags are rancid.”
“No, hairy animals are rancid. You’re getting fur mixed with your meal.”
“Touché”, Yoongi says, shrugging off his leather jacket to reveal a white t-shirt. Yoongi steps out of his boots. “Still better than refrigerated blood. That’s like cooking your favourite meal and waiting for it to get cold before eating it.”
“Your loss then”, Hoseok says and abandons Yoongi in the hallway.
Not that he is alone in the kitchen for long. Mere seconds later, he can hear the distinct pitter-patter of Yoongi’s waddle walk. He only does this walk in front of people he feels comfortable with. Ever since that one fateful, drunken night, Hoseok definitely is on the list of comfortable people. 
The latter takes out a blood bag and pierces it with a metal straw, slurping out of it. He looks at Yoongi, who is sitting by the dining table, gawking at Hoseok. 
Hoseok scans his eyes over his torso. The shirt hugs his chest and arms, showcasing how strong Yoongi actually was. He is wearing silver jewellery on his arms and hands. Necklaces and earrings match in colour. As if he dressed up.
“Everything’s good with you?” Hoseok asks.
Yoongi nods his head.
“I’m just asking ‘cause you never visit without an invite.”
“I just.” Yoongi looks away and rubs his neck nervously. “You were on my way, yeah.”
He definitely wasn’t, but Hoseok knows better than to pry.
“Ah nice. Were you somewhere?”
Yoongi nods his head, now playing with his ear piercings.
“I had a few things to do in town. I’m on my way to the estate and thought I’ll check in on you.”
“That’s sweet of you. Thanks man.” Hoseok leans against the kitchen counter nonchalantly. He takes a sip of the blood and licks his lips. “I can’t complain. The house’s been kinda quiet ever since the others moved out, but other than that it’s good.”
Yoongi nods his head in understanding. 
“Are you lonely?”
“Lonely?” Hoseok almost chokes on the blood, catching himself at the last moment. “Dude, what?” 
“Sorry, I don’t know”, Yoongi looks to the side. His cheeks are slightly flushed.
Hoseok finishes his meal, discarding the empty bag in his trash can. He washes the metal straw and walks to Yoongi afterwards, sitting down on the chair next to him.
“It’s not lonely now, is it?” he says, giving him a playful grin.
Yoongi glances and blushes harder.
“You look very nice today.”
“Uh…I just put on stuff, yeah.”
“It’s nice. It fits you.”
Yoongi flusters, nodding his head. “Thanks, uhm.” He gestures at Hoseok. “You look nice too.”
“You think? Thanks, it’s just an old sweat suit.”
Yoongi doesn’t look at Hoseok as he speaks, “it looks good on you.”
“Aw, thanks.” Hoseok gives him a smile even if he knows that Yoongi is too shy to look at him. “Why are you really here, hyung?”
Yoongi’s entire face is bright red within a second.
“I told you. You were on my way home”, he whines.
“Is that why you dressed up and why you put on fresh cologne?”
“I didn’t do any of these things.”
“Hyung, are you here for sex?”
Yoongi widens his eyes and looks away instantly. 
“N-no, no I, uh, I no I”, he stutters and stutters, “no I, I, I…” He lowers his head. “Maybe”, he whispers almost inaudibly.
Hoseok grins triumphantly.
“See? Once you Doctor Love, you never wanna go back.”
“Fuck, shut up you freak. Forget it, I’m leaving again”, Yoongi groans, scurrying to his feet to flee in embarrassment.
But Hoseok acts quicker, using his powers to catch up with him in the hallway. 
“Don’t run. I’ll take it seriously, promise.”
Yoongi gnaws on his own lower lip, glancing at him.
“Promise. I’ll stop the Doctor Love act. You’re gonna get Hoseok. Promise.”
Yoongi inhales and exhales, sagging his shoulders in defeat.
“I wasn’t even in town. The estate is busy. They, uhm, are having a threesome”, he confesses.
“Uuh sexy”, Hoseok coos, wiggling his brows.
“No, noisy as fuck. They keep taking turns on each other and they’re being so loud about it, it’s fucking insane.”
“It’s sounding better and better.”
“Sorry, couldn’t help myself. When you tell me that ___, Tae and Kook are fucking, I can’t help being a perv.”
“You are, yeah.”
“But what’s that got to do with you?”
“I listened in.”
“Hah! I knew it! You do that too!”
“Not willingly, it happened”, Yoongi hisses.
“Sure hyung”, Hoseok grins, earning himself a soft nudge.
“Whatever asshole, I just overheard them and they were uhm, eating each other’s, like uhm, asses?” 
“Hot, very hot. So you came to me ‘cause you wanna get your ass ate too.”
Yoongi looks to the side.
“Fuck, yes basically”, he babbles and turns his back to Hoseok slightly. “Whatever, it’s stupid. Just forget it.”
Hoseok stops him from leaving, holding his hand. Yoongi squeezes his hand instinctively. 
“It’s not stupid. I can eat your ass.”
Yoongi glances, blushes and looks away. “Fucking hell, what are we doing here?”
“I don’t know. Flirting?”
Yoongi laughs slightly. Hoseok smiles and nudges him closer and closer to a wall.
“Wanna do it now?”
“I guess we could.” Yoongi, who finally notices that Hoseok is nudging him to a wall, but can’t do anything against being cornered, panics a little. “It’s not funny. This is weird”, Yoongi hisses.
“You’re thinking too much”, Hoseok says.
“Stop being cocky, I-”, his words get knocked out of him, back hitting the wall. He gasps and gasps again when Hoseok cages him in with his hands on the wall on each side of his head. 
“You’re thinking too much”, Hoseok whispers, “you want this, don’t you?”
Yoongi nods his head, switching between looking into his eyes nervously and gazing at his lips longingly.
“Then stop thinking. I don’t judge, you know that I’m not.” 
“I-I’ve never done this before.”
“What? Gotten a rimjob?” 
Yoongi shakes his head, “no went to, to someone for sex. E-especially not a, a man.” 
“And you’re nervous about it?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Don’t be nervous, hyung. It’s just me.”
“You have to keep it a secret.”
“If I remember correctly, you were the one telling ___ all the details the last time, not me.”
Yoongi lowers his head in embarrassment, getting it tilted up again by two of Hoseok’s fingers under his chin. Hoseok laughs softly.
“I’ll keep it a secret. Promise”, he is teasing Yoongi, who flutters his lashes vigorously. “Try to relax, okay?”
“I’m trying”, Yoongi gets out, gulping heavily. His entire body is tense, his breaths leave him in short, ragged huffs.
“No, you’re not. You’re tense.”
“I’m trying, I mean it”, Yoongi says, huffing out air in defeat. 
“Close your eyes”, Hoseok orders him in a soft spoken rasp.
Yoongi flutters his eyes closed, parting his lips slightly. He parts them even more when Hoseok brushes his thumb over the shape of them.
“You’ve got such pretty lips, hyung”, Hoseok whispers and leans down to kiss his upper lip. Just his upper lip, gently to get Yoongi wanting more. 
Yoongi tilts his head closer excitedly, sighing against his will. Hoseok tastes sweet like the blood he drank, his lips are very soft. He keeps licking his upper lip. His tongue is so soft and wet and slightly cold. It makes Yoongi really needy because it feels like he is teasing him.
The kiss breaks, Hoseok puts enough distance so he can look at Yoongi’s flushed face. Yoongi keeps his eyes closed, breathing heavily and pressing himself against the wall. Like a nervous little kitten being cornered into a situation it has no clue whether to like or not. Hoseok wants to coo at him. His hyung can be so cute without even trying.
“Open your eyes.”
Yoongi’s eyes open instantly, making contact at first before flitting to the side instinctively. 
“Eyes on me.”
Yoongi obeys even if the eye contact makes him really, really scared. He is scared that Hoseok can see how nervous he is, how fucking inexperienced he is in stuff like this and how, despite his inexperience and fear, he is this close to submission.
Hoseok brushes his thumbs under Yoongi’s eyes, cradling his face this way. Yoongi holds his breath. His thoughts are racing. What am I doing here? I should flee. What are the best escape routes? This is too revealing. I’m showing myself too vulnerable. Stupid cunt, he is younger than me, I have to be a strong role model. I’m the strongest, I’m a Creator, I have to keep my head up. I’ll be ridiculed if I’m vulnerable. I don’t wanna be strong right now. I wanna be small. It’s too dangerous, don’t show yourself this way. Oh god why is he looking into my eyes? I want to be kissed again. No, don’t think about this. Stay strong. I want to relax and kiss. Stop thinking that!
“Relax, hyung. You’re thinking too much”
Yoongi freezes up. Can Hoseok read his mind? Hoseok, however, can’t read his mind, he can read expressions and right now Yoongi looks at him like a frightened deer in headlights. He doesn’t need to hear his thoughts to know that they are racing.
“Relax, okay?” he tells him.
“I’m trying.”
“I know you are, just try harder.”
Yoongi tenses up more, “I am.”
Hoseok laughs breathily, sliding his hands to the nape of Yoongi’s neck to rub it. Yoongi tilts his head back, leaning into the touch this way. A hint of relaxation washes over his features.
“I think I’m doing more harm than good with this”, Hoseok says.
“No, I-I’m trying.”
“Good job, I’m proud of you.”
Yoongi’s knees buckle, his eyes cloud over. This seems to work.
“Close your eyes again.”
Yoongi obeys, holding his breath. Hoseok’s touch is so gentle that his head feels droopy and he wants to relax his muscles.
“Good job, you’re doing good”, Hoseok praises, watching in delight how Yoongi’s tight body softens even more. Praise is the magic spell. Hoseok bites down on his tongue. Fuck, he wants to ruin him, but knows not to act too quickly. 
He slides his hand to the back of Yoongi’s head, tangling his fingers in his hair. His nails scratch his scalp gently. Yoongi tingles all the way down to his toes, fighting the urge to open his eyes. It is very difficult for him to trust Hoseok to the point of blindness. Not because Hoseok is an untrustworthy person, but because Yoongi has issues with touch and trust and love. They are scary things to him. So this is difficult, but also really nice. Hoseok’s fingers are so gentle in their touch. It’s so, so nice. 
Hoseok closes the distance and kisses him again. Yoongi is more active this time around, tilting his head and claiming his lips wholly. Hoseok smiles, pulling back slightly so needy Yoongi wouldn’t already spoil the surprise. But needy Yoongi is so needy and when he is needy he needs a proper kiss. He needs and needs and needs. He tries to chase Hoseok to which he always pulls back. He tries to tongue kiss him to which he always pulls back. He tries to peck his lips and even then he pulls back. 
Yoongi huffs out air in frustration, opening his eyes. Hoseok, who was looking at Yoongi with half-lidded eyes, gives him a playful smirk. One which flusters him again, but which also makes him want to kiss him even harder. 
“Good job, hyung. Keep doing so well”, Hoseok praises, weakening his mind with it. 
Droopy, so droopy. Yoongi can barely form coherent thoughts by now. 
Hoseok moves in to kiss him. Yoongi moans against his will, squeezing his eyes shut so he could enjoy the kiss fully. He kisses him back needily and quickly, taking off his hands from the wall to instead grab his waist. Hoseok’s waist is small in Yoongi’s big hands. It feels firm and sculpted like the waist of a dancer who has used it for decades. Right now, it is the only thing keeping Yoongi from running away. The kiss turns his brain into mush. The last sane part of it screams at him to flee because right now he is sober and doesn’t have the excuse of intoxication to fall back on. Hoseok’s waist is the one thing which keeps Yoongi from listening to the voice. This and maybe his sweet kiss and his good touch and his scent and the way his left hand grabs his hip. Yoongi gasps, breaking the kiss with it. He can count all five fingers dimpling his hips. The grip is possessive. Yoongi dares to look up at Hoseok through his lashes. His eyes mirror the possessiveness. The rest of his face carries a mask of patience. Yoongi gulps. He is suddenly hyper aware of the throbbing of his well-kissed lips and the ache between his legs which seems to grow more and more. 
“Turn around for me”, Hoseok orders in a lowered, desire-soaked voice. 
Yoongi obeys, squishing himself against the wall with squeezed shut eyes. Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck. This is too vulnerable. 
Hoseok purrs and steps closer, pressing his body against Yoongi’s while his eager hands rub his waist back and forth. They touch his tummy, his lower back and his sides over and over again. Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut even tighter, feeling dizzy. 
“Relax, kitten. You’re tensing up again.”
“Ahm”, Yoongi lets out, trying to stop his stomach from tensing. He exhales deeply. Hoseok takes it as his cue to move to the next step. He opens Yoongi’s belt from behind, then the button of his leather pants. 
Yoongi balls his hands to fist on the wall, suddenly feeling his eyes burn in nervous tears. 
The zipper next. 
Yoongi is going to pass out. 
A hand slips inside and grabs the hem of his shirt to pull it out of the pants. First in the front, then in the back. Hoseok has to put a little distance between him and Yoongi for the back, using the new position to check on him. His cheeks are deep red, his nose scrunched and his eyes squeezed shut. He is also barely breathing and breathing way too much at the same time. Hoseok slows down, keeping his eyes focused on Yoongi’s face as his hands work his tight pants down his hips. His breathing quickens more and more, but he stays in the position. Hoseok reaches the first hurdle, Yoongi’s big bubble butt. He works slowly, tugging the pants down inch by inch. No retaliation from Yoongi and so Hoseok manages to expose his entire ass to his eyes. Down and down and down, he tugs his pants. 
Yoongi currently feels as if he was in the most dangerous situation he ever found himself in. He fought feral werewolves, evil witches, bloodthirsty vampires, angry humans and old demons. Nothing, truly nothing, came close to the danger than this right now. Being pressed against a wall and getting undressed so Hoseok can stick his tongue in his hole. Every single instinct and supposed rational thought tells him to run away.
Hoseok kneels down and tugs the pants down the last few inches. It pools by Yoongi’s ankles. 
“Look at you, your legs. Damn”, he speaks softly, running his palms up the outside of them. 
Kill him! Yoongi’s brain is going haywire. Kill him! Kill him! Run away! Run! 
“So smooth and silky. Your skin is like porcelain, hyung.”
Hoseok slides his hands under the swell of Yoongi’s buttocks and runs them down the inside of his legs. 
“Wait”, Yoongi calls out and steps to the side. He turns around, staring down at Hoseok with widened eyes. Hoseok gazes up at him patiently, keeping his hands to himself. 
“Changed your mind?” he asks.
“That’s okay. Wanna borrow some of my sweats and then just watch a show?”
“No, I mean, I-I didn’t change my mind I just, I just need to shower first.”
Hoseok smiles. He is so smitten for Yoongi and how shy he is. His cock is so hard in his tight briefs and his body is flushed all over and here he is, thinking about showers. He is so silly sometimes.
“Sure, but you don’t need it you know? You smell really good.”
“No, I stink. I’m sorry I need to shower please.”
“Okay.” Hoseok stands up, fixing his sweats because they are pinching his boner. “You know where the bathroom is.”
Yoongi nods his head and leaves as quickly as his weakened legs allow him to. He runs up the stairs and moments later, slams the door closed. 
“Sorry!” he calls out in apology then seconds of silence follow until the sound of running water ends the entire moment. 
Hoseok takes a deep breath of defeat, bending down to pick up Yoongi’s leather pants. He shakes them out and folds them neatly, placing them on the dresser by the coat rack. He fixes Yoongi’s boots and his helmet then looks up the stairs. 
Some time has passed between Yoongi fleeing and now. The water is still running and something tells Hoseok that he should go up there and check on Yoongi. Something that keeps telling him that Yoongi is currently going down a spiral of complete self despair. 
Yoongi tries very hard not to cry in the shower. That’s what he gets for doing things out of his comfort zone. He gets an achy stomach and racing thoughts. He can’t be a bottom. He can’t do it. He wants to do it, but he can’t. He needs to accept that he is supposed to be the strongest and that the strongest doesn’t act like this. Yoongi doesn’t know how to end this shower or how to go outside again and tell Hoseok that he wants to leave, because he doesn’t actually want to leave. He wants to be pressed against a wall and have Hoseok claim his little hole. But how does he go about all of this when he has never done it before? He thought that doing it scared was already enough, but is it really? When is he enough? What does he need to do to be enough?
“Don’t think so much.”
Yoongi whips around with a yelp and tries to push the intruder away. But Hoseok acts faster, catching his hands to pin them against the glass shower wall. The impact makes a shrill sound like knuckles hitting sturdy glass.
“You, you, you”, Yoongi stutters, staring at him in shock. He didn’t hear him come in, neither did he sense him or smell him. He should have been able to, but didn’t. What is wrong with him? Did Hoseok really mess with his clarity to such extend?
“Relax, hyung. I told you that you should relax”, Hoseok tells him, caressing his hands softly. 
The water runs down both their bodies, soaking their dark hair and wetting their skins. Hoseok matches with Yoongi, wearing nothing more than the nudity he was put on the earth in. This is the first time that he sees Yoongi in such a state and yet, Yoongi feels as if he had done so before, as if it was okay for him to be naked in front of Hoseok. 
Their skins are the same colour, the shade of their nipples are the same as well, even their cocks share the same nuances of pretty colours. Yoongi realises in this moment that they are so similar and he finds comfort in it. He isn’t a weird looking alien, he is human. 
His once wriggly arms stop, his wrists find comfort in being pinned by Hoseok.
“I’m scared”, he hears himself confess. 
“Scared of what?”
“Of this. It’s so new, I’m doing it scared but it’s so hard to do.”
“You don’t have to force yourself to do anything.”
“But I want it. Why is it so hard for me to be normal like other people?”
“I think you’re pretty normal.”
“No, I’m not. I’m the strongest and, and a Creator and I need to-”
Hoseok silences him with a finger against his lips. Yoongi gulps. 
“You need to stop thinking right now and let me do my thing.” Hoseok says, stepping closer to Yoongi until their crotches are touching. They are both soft right now, but tingle at the contact between their cocks. “You want this, don’t you?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“See? Then stop worrying about it. Even the strongest needs a break, hyung. And deserves to have his ass ate.”
Yoongi laughs at that. Hoseok laughs with him, grinding his hips into him slowly. Just enough to give Yoongi glimpses of pleasure and to relax him with it. 
“Especially when that ass looks like an entire buffet”, Hoseok adds, wiggling his brows.
Yoongi looks away, pushing at Hoseok first before pulling him closer to rest his forehead against his shoulder. He closes his eyes.
“Shut up, you weirdo.”
“Then turn around and give me something to shut up with.”
Yoongi gulps.
Hoseok smiles and rubs Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
“I know.”
They stay like this for a while. Hoseok has one hand against the glass and the other on Yoongi’s hip. While Yoongi grabs his waist. There is no movement at first, but then his hands get needy. The water warms Hoseok’s body and makes his skin so soft. Yoongi’s hands grow restless, finding relief by feeling up his waist and hips. Hoseok lets him ease into it, resting his forehead against Yoongi’s ear and keeping his eyes closed while the water soaks their hair. 
Yoongi smells really good up close. Especially now that the warm water brings out the scent of his shampoo. Hoseok moves his head a little, enough to brush his lips against Yoongi’s ear. Yoongi shivers, cock throbbing against Hoseok’s. It makes Hoseok’s cock throb as well and together, they grow harder again. The small movements Hoseok makes suddenly feel electric. His instincts tell Hoseok to reach down there and jerk off their cocks, but he knows that this would scare Yoongi away again. He needs to be patient with him. 
Lost in the slow moment, he begins kissing the parts of Yoongi’s neck which are naturally exposed by the position. Yoongi seems to like it because he moves his head to reveal more of his neck to Hoseok’s lips. The latter claims the new spots instantly, kissing and sucking the tender skin until Yoongi is shivering.
Yoongi wiggles his hips. Hoseok moans softly, forgetting all about the fact that his lips are oh so close to Yoongi’s ear right now until Yoongi tenses up and squeezes his hips. 
“Sorry”, Hoseok breathes, “you did something with this.”
“I did?”
“Mhm yeah”, he brushes his parted lips against his ear to which Yoongi rolls his head to the side. This is the time. “Turn for me”, Hoseok orders and Yoongi obeys instantly. 
He presses himself against the glass of the shower and arches his back. The water traces his spine, running down his buttocks and legs. His head is staying dry like this, now only dripping water from a past soak. 
Hoseok knows not to waste time, falling to his knees to continue where they left off downstairs. He slides his hands to the inside of Yoongi’s legs to feel up his silken skin. 
“I meant it when I told you that you had the sexiest legs, you know?” he says and dares to kiss the back of his thigh. 
Yoongi tenses up but moves it closer to him. Only a small sigh escapes him. 
Hoseok takes the cue and begins placing more kisses on Yoongi’s legs. Just the back of them at first to get him used to the sensation. All while Yoongi keeps letting out small sighs and the occasional gasp. 
Hoseok finds himself whispering his name and then his lips are already on his lower back, kissing and exploring the silken skin. He holds his hips for it, purring happily. Yoongi has dimples on his back. Hoseok licks them slowly, soaking in the needy arching Yoongi does in reaction. 
He glances up at him. His face is hidden from him, but he radiates a readiness to go further. Hoseok dares to slide his hands to Yoongi’s butt. A gasp, a little tense but nothing more. With his eyes still gazing up, Hoseok lowers his lips to his butt to kiss it. 
Yoongi moves his hips from side to side, purring a nervous sound.
“The whole buffet, I’m telling you”, Hoseok says, smiling brightly when it makes Yoongi chuckle.
“Fuck, Hoba”, he lets out breathily, looking over his shoulder. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes are a little glassy.
“Still down for it?” Hoseok makes sure.
Yoongi nods his head.
Hoseok rubs Yoongi’s buttocks slowly. They are really soft and squishy under his palms.
“Arch your back a little”, he orders.
Yoongi obeys without hesitation, letting out a little sigh as he does it. He turns his head away again, feeling way too shy for eye contact.
“There we go, good job”, Hoseok praises, using the new position to finally part Yoongi. He flinches at first because the newly exposed state of his hole made the warm water run over it and that felt really hot at first. He relaxes afterwards, breathing heavier than before while Hoseok takes in the view before him.
Yoongi has the pinkest hole Hoseok has ever seen. He is not exaggerating when he says that. He is so pink and so obviously tight. Not many people breach this hole, Hoseok just knows. 
“You’re so handsome”, Hoseok whispers, ghosting his thumb over his hole without touching. Yoongi, unaware of the potential touch, arches his back more. 
Hoseok gulps hungrily. He is so pink and tight and smooth. Not even one follicle of hair is to see. 
“Hyung, did you shave before coming here?”
Yoongi’s hole clenches.
“N-no?” he stutters.
Hoseok smiles. Of course Yoongi would deny it.
“You’re pretty, hyung”, Hoseok says softly and lowers his lips to kiss Yoongi’s hole.
Yoongi’s reaction is expected. He tenses up, wiggles away with a shy noise leaving his constricted throat. Hoseok doesn’t let it discourage him. He buries his face deeper between Yoongi’s buttocks and inhales deeply, taking in every fucking molecule of his intoxicating scent. He growls into him, dimpling his buttocks possessively.
Yoongi swears that he might throw up in embarrassment. Someone is smelling his butt. How fucking humiliating.
“Your scent’s like a drug, hyung”, Hoseok comes up for air, voice sounding distorted in lust, “don’t ever fucking say that you stink again, got it?”
Yoongi’s brain scrambles again, every ounce of embarrassment is gone. He arches his back, presenting more of him to Hoseok. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Let me see you. Fuck, you’re so pretty and you so smell good. Can you stop being so perfect, mhm?”
Yoongi drops his head against the shower wall, mewling shyly. His face is wet. He doesn’t quite know if it’s only water. Being praised like this is a lot for him.
“Of course you can’t. Shit, you drive me insane”, Hoseok purrs and buries himself back between Yoongi’s soft buttocks. He growls as he does it, wiggling his head from side to side so his face is grinding into his hole. His nose to be more exact. He is so rough about it that Yoongi gasps and tries to flee by getting on his tiptoes, but Hoseok merely grabs him by his hips and pulls him back down, exchanging his nose with his tongue.
“Ah!” Yoongi’s loud moan bounces off the shower walls, taunting him. He throws his hand over his mouth and squeezes. Don’t be loud, don’t be loud, so embarrassing, don’t be loud. But it’s really difficult. Hoseok’s tongue is a little cold in comparison to the warm water. The contrast between these two sensations is a lot to someone as sensitive as Yoongi.
One must know that Yoongi is very sensitive, perhaps he is even the most sensitive of the bunch. He likes to say that it is Jungkook, but that isn’t the truth. Yoongi with his pretty flushed cock and his pink little hole is the most sensitive.
Especially when it comes to having a mouth (or two) on these spots. And especially when it is something he really, really wanted.
So yes, it is very difficult to stay quiet right now.
Hoseok watches Yoongi’s arm flex as he tries to silence himself, now seeing it as his goal to make him relaxed enough to forget all about it. He purrs and parts Yoongi farther, grinding the flat of his tongue against his hole. He is so soft under him, clenching and throbbing repeatedly because it feels good. Hoseok knows that it feels good. He has confidence in his mouth’s skills.
He breaks away for just a second to spit on Yoongi’s hole aggressively.
“Eeh”, Yoongi squeaks and flinches, having no time to really get embarrassed about it because Hoseok slurs up the mess he made, giving Yoongi the fucking shivers as he does it. The grip around his own mouth lessens, his head feels so heavy even resting against the glass. He won’t be able to tense up for long anymore when Hoseok keeps this up.
“So fucking delicious”, Hoseok lulls, digging in with an ecstatic moan. He stays at Yoongi’s rim for now, flicking his tongue up and down on the tight ring of muscle. He needs to get it relaxed. Yoongi is way too tense right now. So if he keeps flicking his tongue, applying slight pressure each time his middle is against his tongue, he will help him.
Yoongi can’t do it anymore. He can’t keep his muscles from relaxing. He croaks out a weakened noise behind his hand and admits defeat, relaxing his hole.
Hoseok moans deeply, gazing up at Yoongi. He did it. He relaxed. Hoseok opens his mouth hungrily, letting his tongue slip inside his relaxed hole. He furrows his brows, mewling in blissful realisation that there is no resistance. He really thought that Yoongi wouldn’t let him breach him that easily but there was no resilience. There is tightness of course, but no obvious resistance. Hoseok slides his right hand to Yoongi’s lower tummy and applies pressure, resulting in his hole to slip farther onto his tongue.
Yoongi reaches behind himself, grabbing for a bundle of Hoseok’s hair. The twist stings but motivates Hoseok to keep going. He moans deeply, wiggling his tongue as quickly as Yoongi’s tight hole allows him.
“It’s deep, please”, Yoongi whines, convulsing around Hoseok’s tongue.
Hoseok purrs, pushing down on his tummy again. Deeper and deeper his flexed tongue goes, resulting in burning electricity to shoot down Yoongi’s leg. They wobble and lose strength, forcing poor Yoongi to sit down on Hoseok’s face with all his weight.
Hoseok squeaks at first, not having expected it.
“Sorry!” Yoongi yelps, trying to flee instantly, but Hoseok doesn’t let him.
He wraps his arms around his hips and pins him down, craning his neck as he wiggles his tongue deep in Yoongi’s hole.
Yoongi tugs on Hoseok’s hair, throwing his head back. He has to admit defeat again. There is no way in hell that he can keep quiet any longer. The first moan is taunting him, the second already feels a lot better, the third comes easy and then Yoongi stops counting because all he can concentrate on is the sloppy, fast tongue job he is getting. Holy fuck, he won’t be normal after this. Oh god, Yoongi really needs Hoseok to fuck him afterwards. He wanted nothing but a rimjob at first and now all of this just feels like one amazing, long foreplay session. He is so needy and drunk on pleasure and, and wow. 
“Oh god, wow, oh god, wow Hoba…”
His legs are shaking so much. Yoongi wobbles and has to admit a third defeat. He has to keep both arms on the glass otherwise he will fall. He drops to the front again, arching his back to keep Hoseok close. He drops his head against the glass, keeping his mouth parted as the noises never want to stop.
“Hoba…aha Hoba…Ho..ba..”
Hoseok swears he might have nutted already. He knew that he could get Yoongi to relax, but he didn’t think that he could get him to this kind of level. The weight of him still lingers on his face like a blissful touch, his taste is coating every inch of his mouth and his hole feels as if it is actively trying to suck his tongue in. Hoseok needs to breathe, but he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want to break away. Not even for air. He needs to give Yoongi what he deserves, perhaps he needs to give even more.
Yes, more sounds good.
Hoseok dances his hand down from Yoongi’s tummy to his cock, wrapping his fingers around it to jerk it off. He doesn’t want to go slow at first, he needs Yoongi to shake instantly.
Yoongi doesn’t disappoint, he shakes instantly, changing pitch as everything just feels way too good. He knew that his cock was sensitive because the water felt blissful on it, but he wasn’t ready for how intense a real touch feels on it. Especially not a touch as Hoseok gives it. Not such an amazing, electric touch. His fingers are so long and so strong, pumping him just right. He won’t last long…actually he won’t last at all.
“You’re making me cum”, Yoongi keens and clenches around Hoseok’s tongue. He doesn’t know where it starts, but he knows that it is way too intense. If Hoseok wasn’t holding him up right now, he would probably collapse. It is so intense in fact that he instinctively gets on his tiptoes to escape it. Of course Hoseok chases him, moaning into him like a feral animal as he milks every last drop and shake out of him. His cum is shooting everywhere. Hoseok’s hand, the shower wall, his own stomach. It just doesn’t stop as Hoseok overstimulates him in the hottest way ever.
Yoongi begins begging. He can’t help it.
“Stop please! Stop! Stop please!” Yoongi is panicking because the pleasure is getting too much. He won’t be able to hold himself anymore.
Hoseok growls, twisting his hand around Yoongi’s weeping cock and sealing Yoongi’s fate with it. His legs give out on him, he falls down, surprising Hoseok who ends up unable to support him any longer. Yoongi grabs the shower handle in his last attempt to catch himself, turning off the water because of it, but neither man cares.
Yoongi falls to the ground, resulting in Hoseok to instantly tower over him. His swollen cock grinds against his ass, his heated breath swirls against his neck. Yoongi shivers, lying under Hoseok on the wet tiles with a dizzy head and way too much pressure in his lower body, twitching like a fish out of water.
“Holy fuck, are you okay?” Hoseok gasps.
“No”, Yoongi croaks. 
“I’m sorry, did you hurt yourself?” Hoseok asks, running his hands over Yoongi’s body in search of wounds.
“No”, Yoongi chokes out and whimpers when Hoseok flips him so he could check his front as well.
Yoongi follows each touch with a writhe, looking up at Hoseok with glassy, blurry eyes. He feels so good. He is so happy. He wants Hoseok to make him his’.
“Hyung, your knees are bruised.”
Hoseok looks into Yoongi’s eyes, “yes?” 
“Please more”, Yoongi chokes out and squeezes out tears.
Hoseok kisses them away instantly, giving Yoongi a warm touch by pressing his chest against his chest, running his fingers through his wet hair. Their swollen nipples are rubbing together. It is so good for either man. 
“You did so well. You came like such a good boy”, Hoseok whispers his praises, tensing up for a moment when Yoongi wraps his shaky fingers around his wrist.
“Please more”, he begs quietly.
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Holy fuck. Okay, okay stay. I’ll make it more comfortable for you”, Hoseok promises and disappears for a small moment to get lube. He returns so quickly that Yoongi wasn’t even able to recover from his high and then he already feels the familiar hardness of a lube syringe up his ass. He also feels how much Hoseok loaded it with today, whining in complaint.
“Sorry fuck, way too much”, Hoseok is dragging his words, sliding out the messy syringe to use the rest of it on his cock. He lubes it up and drops down on Yoongi again. “Lift-” 
He gets interrupted in his orders by Yoongi lifting his legs all on his own. Hoseok meets his eyes. Utter, trusted submission. 
“Damn you, wow, you”, Hoseok doesn’t know what to say and so he lets his body do the talking.
He sinks his cock into Yoongi, groaning his name with fluttering lashes. Yoongi is so tight, squeezing his swollen cock.
“Ah”, Yoongi lets out, clearly tensing up in discomfort. He bites down in his lower lip to the point it pales. 
“Hurts?” Hoseok asks, stilling his hips.
Yoongi nods his head.
“Want to stop?”
“No”, Yoongi croaks and arches his back with a whimper.
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Breathe, hyung, breathe. I know the first moments are tight. I need you to breathe.”
Yoongi obeys, relaxing instantly.
“There we go, holy fuck. Holy fuck, you feel fucking incredible”, Hoseok croaks and wraps his arms around Yoongi tightly. He drops his head in the crook of his neck and moans his name, chasing the warmth of him carefully but deeply.
Yoongi’s eyes roll back and stay like this. He drops his legs around Hoseok’s waist, keeping him hostage this way.
“It feels good now, doesn’t it?” Hoseok gets out between heavy breaths.
“Yeah, good. So good. Taking me so well, feeling so good, hyung.”
“Hoba”, Yoongi moans, scratching down Hoseok’s back while his left hand grabs a bundle of his hair.
Hoseok growls, using the slight pain as motivation to go faster. Yoongi’s hole is so easy to shape. He expected more resistance from his body and he was ready to work around it until Yoongi was comfortable, but his hole is so quick to adapt. Oh so naturally tight and small and yet so easy to shape. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect hyung”, Hoseok speaks his thoughts, burning up in ecstasy as he drills his mouldable, wet hole. 
“Hoba…aah Hoba…”
Quite frankly, there are no words on this earth to describe how amazing it feels to both men. Truly, ink would run dry before the words could be found. This moment is beyond what either could have ever imagined this evening to become. Yoongi swears that he hasn’t felt as submissive as he does right now in a long time. This is something he never thought to be possible with someone who isn’t his trusted princess and it is definitely something he never thought to feel so good. Hoseok is pinning him down as much as he is cradling him. His weight and strength are making Yoongi feel so small and weak and it brings tears to his eyes. What truly makes those tears fall however is the raw, overwhelming stretch his hole currently finds itself in. He knew that it would be intense to ask for cock so soon after an orgasm and with such little preparation. But he expected pain, not blissful ecstasy. Yoongi cries because he can’t believe how good it feels to let Hoseok fuck him senseless.
Hoseok swears that he has never felt like this during sex before. This is something he never thought Yoongi to be capable of and he never expected it of him. And yet here they are. Hoseok is able to hold his wet, naked body against his own. His taste still lingers on his tongue, his blissed out scent is in his nose and his hole takes him so willingly despite little preparation that Hoseok swears he might need to bite him. He never feels the desire to bite. He has perfect restraint. At least he thought that he had.
“Hoseok, it feels so good”, Yoongi wails, sealing his fate.
“I’m gonna ruin you”, Hoseok growls, punishing Yoongi for something he needs no punishment for. But if he didn’t fuck his hole into ruin, he would actually bite him. He can’t do that, so he ruins the one thing Yoongi willingly presents to him.
“Hoba! Please! Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t, fuck I can’t stop. I, I can’t get my hips to stop.”
“Good”, Yoongi cries, bruising Hoseok’s biceps as he clings to him. His tailbone is getting sore from the movements. The floor is so hard, but the fuck feels so good. He needs to fuck back, meet Hoseok’s movements. The friction against his rim burns, not painfully but in nothing but pleasure. His prostate feels like bursting from how much pleasure it experiences. He swears that he keeps convulsing as if Hoseok was constantly making him climax.
“I can’t stop. It’s like I’m, urgh”, Hoseok drills his cock deeper, biting down on Yoongi’s neck as he feels how much of his warm walls he actually fills out. There is no blood drawn, no skin broken but Yoongi cries all the same, curling up under Hoseok as best as possible.
Yoongi nods his head vigorously and shakes out of control, screaming his little lungs out as his orgasm overwhelms him. It feels so good that he has to reach to the side to hold something, scratching his nails down the shower wall helplessly.
“Yoongi”, Hoseok has to follow him in guttural moans of his name, holding him so tightly that he almost breaks bones. “Holy fuck, you’re such a fucking turn on, urgh cumming so fucking hard…”
He keeps fucking and grinding and pounding until neither of them can go on anymore and their bodies are truly milked dry.
Only then clarity returns and their situation finally sinks into their consciousness. They fucked. This was never supposed to happen and especially not with such intensity.
“I’m sorry”, Hoseok gets out, dropping on Yoongi. “Fuck, what are we doing?”
“Do you hate me now?” Yoongi croaks.
“What?” Hoseok shoots up in shock, gawking at Yoongi. “Why would you ask me that?”
“I don’t know”, Yoongi whispers, lower lip trembling. 
Hoseok softens his gaze and cups Yoongi’s cheek. Yoongi leans into the touch. His body twitches every now and then as it recovers from its high.
“Of course I don’t hate you, hyung. You did really well, yeah? And I still like you, yeah?”
Yoongi nods his head, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“How are you doing?”
“Mhm, but you’re in a safe space”, Hoseok hugs him, scratching his scalp slowly, “I promise, this will stay between us.” 
Yoongi relaxes completely, hugging him back.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” 
“No. Thank you.”
“For what? Eating your ass?”
“And then fucking it like we’re stupid animals?”
Yoongi snorts, having to laugh, “fuck, yeah.”
Hoseok chuckles, “that wasn’t part of the plan, right?”
“No, not at all.” 
“But I think it was nice. You?”
“Me too, yeah.” 
Hoseok snuggles closer, sighing softly with Yoongi when his cock shifts inside him. 
“Are you still down to watch a show later?”
“Funky. Maybe I’ll eat your ass again on the couch, mhm? Make you lift your legs all on your own, mhm?” Hoseok coos teasingly, following it up with obnoxious kissing noises.
“Fuck, shut up you pervert”, Yoongi whines but laughs, pushing at Hoseok softly. 
Hoseok laughs with him. He really likes Yoongi and Yoongi really likes him. It’s as easy as that.
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britany1997 · 7 months
Hey bestie
If the slot is still open can I have any form of Dwayne fluff. I’m back on my bullshit again and that bullshit is just the lost boys once more 🧡
Each Night Before You Go To Bed
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(I really don’t do song based fics, this song just gives the vibes of what I’ve written, enjoy)
Of course I can write you some Dwayne Fluff! Hope you love this!
Dwayne x GN Reader
Warnings: some mentions of future child raising (but intentionally “raising” instead of “having” so reader could be whatever sex)
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Dwayne’s arm hung around your shoulder, his finger laced loosely with yours. His thumb rubbed gently over your skin, a gesture so natural he barely realized he was even doing it anymore.
You spent every night together nowadays. Neither of you could stand being apart for very long. Dawn was agony, but you were thankful for every dusk that came with the promise of your lover gracing your doorstep. You’d never understood the “madly in love” cliche before Dwayne, but you got it now. Truly, madly, deeply.
As you walked along the boardwalk, intertwined, a thrift store caught your eye. You nudged your shoulder gently, prompting Dwayne to gaze down at you, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Can we go in there?” You pointed with your free hand and Dwayne followed the path of your finger before nodding. “Sure baby.”
You smiled softly, tugging him along with you as you entered the store.
You’d been meaning to check out Artifact for ages on Marko’s recommendation, he’d always had great luck with the pieces here.
You squeezed Dwayne’s hand gently as you disentangled from his embrace, leaving him to browse as you flipped through the racks.
A couple minutes later, when you’d found some things to try out, you glanced around to check on your boyfriend.
Your eyes scanned the store, and once they settled on Dwayne, your face twisted in confusion. He was starring intently at something, you couldn’t quite see, on the shelves.
Curious, you crept around quietly to catch a glance of what he was so fixated on. When you peeked over his shoulder, your heart melted.
Dwayne had been starring at a pair of baby tennis shoes. He didn’t even notice you come to his side he was so lost in thought as he stared.
“Whatcha thinking about?” You asked, resting your head on his shoulder and whispering in his ear.
He tensed for a second, then blushed. Actually blushed. You’d never seen him do that before.
“Nothing baby, just uh…got a little distracted,” he smiled sheepishly before taking the clothes from your hands. “Did you want to try these on?” He’d brushed off the subject but you weren’t quite ready to move on.
You gave him a knowing look before reaching around to pick up the shoes. “Let’s get these too,” you suggested.
His eyes widened as his cheeks flushed again, “what would we do with them?”
You grinned, “I don’t know, I just thought we might need ‘em someday.”
The corners of Dwayne’s lips turned up into a bright smile, causing you to smile as well. How had you never noticed he had dimples before? For a tall, dark and handsome creature of the night, he was adorable. You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his nose, causing his cheeks to flush for the third time that night.
He grabbed the shoes almost reverently, smiling to himself and wrapping his arm around you.
“C‘ mon baby, I wanna see how these look on you,” he gestured to the pieces you’d picked, still held in his other hand, as he led you towards the fitting rooms.
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After leaving the thrift store the two of you wandered to your favorite spot on the beach.
It was completely deserted, save the two of you. Just the way you liked it.
You leaned against his bare chest, his right arm snaked around your waist in a comforting embrace.
When he’d told you he was a vampire, back before you’d started dating, you’d thought he’d be freezing. No blood circulation and all that.
But every time he held you, you never felt more warm. You leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, looking up at him fondly.
He smiled softly, leaning down to press his soft lips to yours.
“I love you you know?” he whispered.
You smiled brightly, “don’t get all soft on me because I’m gonna raise a kid with you one day.”
He frowned slightly, his brow furrowing as he shook his head.
“I don’t love you because of that,” he started, “I’d love you no matter what you wanted.”
He moved his head to rest against yours, “I don’t love what you can do for me baby, I love you.” He sighed, his eyes closing blissfully, “I love you more than anything.”
Your eyes watered and you turned your head to kiss his cheek. “I love you just as much,” you assured him. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“I wish I couldn’t,” he mused, his brow furrowing “had to wait a long time for you to come around.” He nudged you, “good thing you were worth it.”
You giggled, “no more lonely nights for either of us hmm?”
He nuzzles your nose with his, “never again,” he kissed your cheek, “what a privilege it is to be yours.”
You could feel your entire face flush bright red. “What’s with you tonight Mr. Romantic?” you teased.
He laughed softly, your favorite sound. “Just happy,” he told you.
You moved to loop your arms around him, “me too.”
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Dawn was quick approaching as Dwayne dropped you off at your apartment. Your least favorite part of the night.
When the two of you reached the front door, his hands slid to your waist. He pulled your hips in gently as your hands snaked around his shoulders.
He leaned down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. You mewed into his mouth, one of your hands moving to tangle in his gorgeous hair.
You felt him smile against your lips as you stroked his hair. His hand moved up from your hip to your back, pulling you impossibly closer as his tongue slid into your mouth.
After awhile, you pulled away reluctantly. You wished you could keep going, but you’d hate to find yourself making out with a pile of ash.
You reached up to caress his cheek softly. He turned his head, his eyes closing as he kissed your hand.
“See you as soon as the sun goes down?” he asked.
You pressed one last chaste kiss to his lips, “and not a moment later.”
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Taglist❤️ (comment to be added):
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @gothamslostboy @crustyboypix @ghoulgeousimmaculate @sad-ghost-of-garbage @anna1306 @chiefdirector @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @its-freaking-bats @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @solobagginses @vampirefilmlover @vxarak @arenpath @bitchyexpertprincess @lostboys1987girl @arbesa-mind @softchonk @f4iryfxies @walmart-cereal @rynsfandomsfun @katerinaval @fraudfrog @memphiscity69
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deleteddewewted · 1 year
The Value Of Patience
König x Gn! Reader
Summary: He's always been a little restless, but when you put your hands on him he grows still. He finds your hands, your mouth, your body relaxing. He stays still because he knows that he'll get something in return for his obedience. The question now isn't if he can be still but just how long he can stay still.
W: NSFW, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Sub! König, Dom! Reader, Edging, cockwarming
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He had no issue with being at meetings or debriefs but he did have an issue when it came to staying still during films. Something about having to sit still and watching people or characters play out a story made his anxiety spike. He loathed the idea of going out to watch a play or a new film that had just been released at the theater because he knew that he would need to stay still. This was the biggest reason why he hated the idea of having a movie night with you.
The idea was charming, simple, and very domestic, something he deeply craved, but he also knew that it would be utter torture for him since he hated being still. He knew that you understood his fidgeting and that you wouldn't be upset with him if he got up to move around before coming back to you, but he knew that it wasn't going to be pleasant for you.
He tried convincing you that maybe you could both do something different but you insisted that you wanted to do this because you found a new way to make sure he'd be able to enjoy the film too.
"And how do you suggest helping me, liebling?" Your determination was endearing but he truly believed that all of your efforts were going to be for nothing. Nothing has been able to keep him still so far so what could be the difference that changes that this time around?
Well, when the time came for the film to begin he wasn't expecting you to strip him from the waist down as well as you slid your underwear off just enough to allow for easy insertion. You made sure to lube his cock properly before giving him a kiss and wiggling your hips onto his length. He also didn't expect just how tight and warm you were going to be and how tempted he was to just roll his eyes into the back of his head.
He groaned all while you settled yourself on his lap. His pubic hair rubbed against your stomach and his hands found their home on your hips. He rolled his hips against yours and moaned out your name as you squizzed your legs.
"Liebling, please don't be so cruel to me. I can't-" He was out of breath and his face was red as it could be. He felt like he was going to suffocate
"Shhh, we're watching a film." You rolled your hips teasingly before settling yourself. You didn't bother to move again, just kept your back flushed against his chest while your placed his arms on to your lap.
König was tense for the first few minutes you sat still. The way your body shaped around his dick. You weren't teasing nor were you trying to start anything. You simply sat on his lap and watched the movie you had planned to show him. And he sat there. He was unmoving for the next hour of the movie.
He held you close, occasionally moving his hips but lifting you as he did so to not cause you any discomfort, and kept you close. He laughed along with you and placed his head on top of your own as you both got more comfortable. The cool air didn't bother him since you had grabbed a blanket and dropped it over both of you at some point.
When the movie ended he was sleepy, his eyes tired and slightly watery from having looked at the TV for so long. He mumbled into your hair if you could both take a nap and without separating yourself you cuddled up together before falling sleep in each other's embrace. Maybe he wasn't the most patient but with this method of keeping him still, he thinks he might be able to enjoy some of the other things you enjoyed doing.
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fayerien · 21 days
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Period Comfort? — Azul Ashengrotto
warning: azul x female! reader, not proofread!, sfw, reader having a period pain, comfort
It was hell for you today as your period trying to get a revenge on you. Out of all times, Grim chose to throw tantrum this morning because he was hungry. You forced yourself to attend the classes, barely understand anything that Professor Trein taught but at least you didn't skip. It's fine cause you can ask Deuce or Ace for the notes.
You went to Octavinelle after school, hoping to find your boyfriend in Monstro Lounge. You saw the tweels busy attending the customers but you chose to walk straight to the VIP room, well it's better if they didn't see you, or they will tease you non-stop. You knocked on the door, hoping for some response.
"Come in." Slowly you pushed the door opened and saw Azul with stacks of papers on his table. As expected from an overworking housewarden. He raised his head and flash a smile at you.
"Angelfish...did you miss me?" He said with a teasing tone but stared at you for a while trying to gauge your reaction.
"Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he saw your gloomy expression.
"It's that time of the month again." You said and he sighed looking at you sympathetically.
"No wonder you look like you're in pain. Now, come here." He patted his lap gesturing you to sit on it. As soon as you approached him, he pulled you down on his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist with your back pressed against his chest.
"Comfortable?" You nodded. His hand slowly reached down to your tummy and gave a gentle rub and massages, hoping to soothe the pain.
"It's your first day, angelfish?"
"Yes.." He hummed and nuzzled his neck in the crook of your neck taking in your scent. Slowly, he trailed his lips on your neck, planted soft kisses there.
"How about you stay in my room tonight? You don't have to go back to ramshackle, hm?" His tone turned slightly suggestive and you knew he was doing it on purpose, trying to rile you up.
"Oh yeah? Is this another deal you want to make with me?" You jokingly asked him. Oh, he loves it when you act sassy like this.
He laughed at your snarky remark, totally enjoying their playful banter.
"How about I give you a kiss if you agree to stay with me tonight?" You swore you can see that smug smirk that you're dying to wipe it off his face. But you know that you can't resist him, or simply won't.
"Alright. It's a deal." You said with a hint of playfulness while trying to imitate his signature spell.
He smirked. "Careful, angelfish. You might get into trouble later."
He got no time to waste as he swiftly lift you up in a bridal style carrying you to the couch. You almost let out a scream but managed to compose yourself. He sat on the couch with you still on his lap, but straddling his thighs now, looking at you with those dangerous eyes and smile.
He slowly brought a hand to your back, pulling you closer to him until you can feel his breath on your face. His other hand gently caressed your cheek as he stared into your eyes.
"May I fulfill our deal, angelfish?" You simply nodded, unable to form any words.
Before you could realize, his lips were already pressed on yours. It was really slow and gentle, like a feather caressing you. It was soft and heavenly you swore you can get drown in it. You can practically feel like you were melting in his warm embrace. It was sweet, effortlessly sweet, until he put on his whole passion in that kiss to the point that you can lose yourself in a blink.
He slowly pulled away looking at you with those bright eyes, you felt like the blood rushed into your cheeks, so scarlet it was maroon.
"You good, angelfish?" He smirked, trying to rile you up once again.
"Shut up." You glared at him, trying to hide the fact that your lips lifted into a tiny smile.
"Now now..is that a way to talk to your caring boyfriend, grumpy angelfish?"
"Fine." You rolled your eyes jokingly at his remark. He laughed and playfully poke your side.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sending shivers down to your spine.
"You're staying with me tonight." His voice sounded a bit muffled.
"No. What if Grim starts throwing fireballs at the ghosts and ended up burning our dorm?"
"I'll prepare your painkillers, your favourite chocolate, brew a hot tea for you and you'll get cuddles for the whole night. I'll take care of you and make those period pain disappear."
You rolled your eyes. Damn, this guy would never listen to you.
"Okay, fine. But if our dorm turned into ashes, you'll take the blame."
You could actually feel him smiling victoriously against your neck.
"Deal, angelfish. Anything for you."
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chrisgotitall · 2 months
pairing: Mike Faist x famous! reader
summary: It's Mike and reader's first free day in quite a while.
notes: a bit smutty
The sun was weakly peaking from the curtains. You look over at your phone, it's 6 am. You turn to your side and you see Mike, still sound asleep. You smile at how peaceful he looks, his face completely relaxed, his breaths regular and calm. You lay there for a couple of minutes, without thinking of anything because this is your day off. It was nice not having any stress at all but somehow you felt guilty for not having anything to do or think about.
Two arms bring you out of your trance, hugging your waist tenderly and his nose nudges against your arm, his eyes are still closed but you know he's awake.
"Hi..." you say, putting your arm around his head so that now his head rests on your shoulder.
"Morning..." his voice is rusty and low. He stays there just enjoying your embrace, he doesn't seem to share your guilt in having nothing to do.
"We should order breakfast" you say getting up and disturbing the comfortable position he was in, "What do you want to eat?"
"I don't know... I was still sleeping actually" he says rubbing his eyes, looking startled.
"Yeah well we can't just rot in bed all day... we should probably get going and do something" you say typing the room service number, with the phone already on your ear.
One hand takes yours, putting the phone down and the other hand presses on your waist pulling you back down on the bed. He pulls you into a hug adjusting your figure onto himself so that he is now cuddling you.
"Rotting in bed sounds really great actually..." he kisses you tenderly but firmly. You can feel the need through his lips. His hands pressed on the small of your back are now travelling to hold your butt.
"Mmh... come on" you say detaching from the kiss pulling yourself up, "You hate lazy days..." you get up completely, causing a sigh from Mike.
"I do but it's the first time we both have a day off... we can actually do nothing, for once" he travelled from the centre of the bed to the end of it, sitting up, you between his legs.
He tries to get you close again, holding your waist. You look down at him, his eyes looking up at you pleading to comply. You put a hand on the nape of his neck and you let the other run through his hair. He instinctively closes his eyes at the touch.
"You haven't been touching me like this in forever..." he pulls the back of your knees wanting you to straddle him. He pulls you into a kiss.
"I know... I'm sorry, I was so caught up in things, I couldn't find the time..." you say breathlessly in between kisses.
"Now you have the time" he pulls you into a heated kiss. He cups your face wanting you as close as possible. Your hands go to the hem of his t-shirt, waiting for him to lift his arms so that you can remove the piece of clothing.
He chuckles at your lust, feeling proud that he convinced you.
His hands go down to your ass, pulling you close and squeezing it causing you to moan in his mouth. His hungry kisses swallow every sound you make. You remove your own shirt causing him to attach himself to your chest and neck, kissing every inch of skin he can get.
You hold his head as his attack on your neck proceeds, he kisses and sucks on your skin, numbing your brain from all the previous guilt and worries. Right now you don't even know what you were feeling guilty about.
A phone rings and it takes you out of the bubble you were locking yourself and Mike into. It's yours. You open your eyes, Mike still kissing you.
"Ignore it" he says kissing you on the lips, cupping your face again, wanting you to look at only him.
"Baby..." you start. He shakes his head no and kisses you again. "It might be important" you reach for your phone, not moving from your position on Mike's legs. You answer your phone. Mike stops everything he was doing. It was your agent, asking you if you were available for a photoshoot next week.
You explain to him the other commitments you have for next week so that he can try and find a free day.
While you talk, Mike watches you with a mischievous look. He gives you a kiss on your neck and one on your chest. Then he starts rubbing his thumb on your clit through your shorts. You sigh in pleasure, looking at him. He was proud of himself.
"Yeah... that's perfect" you say out of breath, both answering your agent and encouraging Mike. You put a hand on his shoulder, trying to balance yourself. You bite your lip trying to not let out a sound.
He increases his speed and you start praying for your agent to end this call right now. You look at Mike and on his face there's nothing but lust, you can see it in his eyes.
"Shit..." it slips out of your lips without even realizing it. Your agent questions you. "I hit my toe, sorry Tom"
You can't take it anymore and end your call telling him you really have to go. You throw your phone on the bed and take Mike's face in your hands, kissing him hard.
Maybe it was the fact that you didn't touch each other in some time but the pit that built up in your stomach explodes causing a rush through your whole body. You moaned his name a few times and once again his lips were on yours taking every sound.
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cannedpickledpeaches · 7 months
Insert Your Name (3)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: Jade and Reader are finally properly interacting! For the whole chapter, too. This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
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The night breeze sweeps over your skin when you step outside Azul’s mansion. The moon illuminates the world tonight, and you can easily see Jade’s car pull up to the driveway. He parks it perfectly, just like everything else he does, and comes to the front door with a smile.
“Looks like everything went well.”
He walks up the steps leading to the door, stopping just one step below you. Even then, his tall figure ensures he’s slightly above eye level. He zeroes in on something on your cheek.
“Indeed,” he says, raising a hand. His bare thumb swipes gently over your cheekbone. “Excuse me. You had something on your face.”
His thumb leaves your face with a hint of something red. Barry Moore’s blood. You must’ve stood too close while Floyd was having his fun.
“Thanks,” you say dismissively.
“No need to thank me. Were you the one who personally took care of the interrogation?”
He’s talking about the physical coercion. The violence. You shake your head.
“Floyd’s doing it right now.”
He lowers his eyes, rubbing the smidge of blood between his thumb and forefinger. The thoughtful pace of the action makes you wonder if he is satisfied with something.
“That’s good to hear.”
“Floyd said the opposite. He said he wanted me to draw blood.”
“Rest assured that he is more than happy to do it instead.” He reaches out for your hand. His bare fingers handle yours like they are made of porcelain. He studies them for the few seconds you allow before pulling your hand back. “You should never have to lift a finger. Just keep making others do your dirty work. There is no need for you to dirty your hands with the blood of filth.”
That implies there are things which are worthy for you to personally dirty your hands with. You choose not to think about it. Jade’s ambiguous wording is purposeful, a habit partially caused by his enjoyment of your tendency to overthink.
You look for a way to change the topic. “I see you’ve made sure to leave your gloves at her place.”
An important plot point that ensures they meet again. A trivial accessory that can easily be replaced, which (Y/N) washes and returns to him when she runs into him again. She will take great care in handwashing the white fabric, and she will keep it with her until she finds their owner. It’s an item created for the story. Because she is sweet, because she is kind, because she is the perfect person.
“Are you upset?” Jade’s eyes curve slightly in amusement. His fingers linger by your jaw. Not quite touching you, yet refusing to pull away. “You are stating an observation which does not need to be said. It feels as though you are searching for something to say.”
“No.” You push his hand away, your bare skin touching briefly. The body temperature of merfolk is naturally lower than humans, and on this warm summer night, he stays as cool as ever against your warm palm. “Maybe you’re just not that good at talking.”
He chuckles, a low timbre that slides through the air like silk. “I will work to meet your expectations, then.”
“The conversation better not be this stilted when you’re talking to (Y/N).”
“I assure you it is not.”
“Of course.” You turn to the door, its frosted windows casting a warm glow over your face from the lights inside. “She’s basically destined to be your partner, so there’s no way you wouldn’t get along.”
“We get along.”
“I know, that’s what I just said.”
“That is not what I meant.” His hand settles on the doorknob before yours. With his chest to your back and one arm reaching around your left side, you are suddenly reminded of how large he is. Towering over you, his body surrounds you on all sides except the front, an enveloping embrace where no parts of you touch. “I was referring to you and I. Ah, unless—” his voice suddenly drips with self-pity and his arm falls away “—I was the only one who felt that way about my dear friend?”
You stare at him. A few seconds pass, and you dissolve into quiet laughter. “Right, right. Feel more sorry for yourself, maybe you’ll start crying.”
“Would you like to see it?” Jade leans into your peripheral vision, a veiled grin tugging at his lips. “I can certainly try. It would come at a price.”
“I’m not that interested, then.” You push open the door. “Let’s go. Azul’s waiting for you to use your Signature Spell on the captive.”
“Ah, the captive.” He follows you into the house. In the sudden flood of light, he seems less intense, more interested in fading into obscurity to any onlookers. Azul’s home has a few trusted employees to keep it spotless. But no matter how trusted they are, Jade dislikes being perceived unless it amuses him. He manages to do it even while being six feet tall. “Where is he being held?”
“In a dingy room in the basement, tied to a chair with a single light overhead.”
Jade chuckles into his hand. “Azul has always had a flair for dramatics.”
“I think even the kidnapping was a bit clichéd. We should’ve just had you use your Signature Spell on him after you beat him up in the alley.”
“It wasn’t mentioned in the story. And I know how much you love to follow the story to the letter.” You don’t need to turn around to know that he has a smarmy smile on his face. “After all, you asked me to lead on your good friend just to stay true to it.”
He is prodding you to observe your reaction. To see if you will get angry, or pensive, or hesitant. You look straight ahead and start descending into the basement.
“My friendship with her or your parents’ life. It’s a pretty clear choice.”
“I am sure they will be happy to hear that once they awaken.”
A pause. The words hang on the tip of your tongue. They are hard to swallow, but also hard to spit out. The latter becomes easier when you don’t think about it.
“Who’s to say? You might end up falling for her eventually.” Every step you take down the stairs feels heavy. “So far, everything in the story has come true. So maybe you really will become madly in love with her.”
Jade’s silence seems to weigh down your steps more than whatever feelings are on your mind. You wonder what expression he has on his face, but you don’t want to turn around—whether it’s for your pride or for dread of seeing something you don’t want to see, you aren’t sure.
“Do you really believe that manuscript is a reflection of things that will certainly come to pass?”
He’s dodging the topic. You hate when he’s like this. He doesn’t want to give a straight answer, so he gives a tangentially related statement or question that can be interpreted to be one. Something that gives a vague answer, but can shield him with deniability when confronted. Even so, his question is not one that can easily be ignored, so it’s hard to stick to your original train of thought.
“I don’t know. It could be a prophecy of sorts. It could be someone from the future writing down what they know happened in the past. It could even be something like a magic pen that will turn anything written with it into reality. But powers like those are, well, powerful, and not easy to find. I don’t understand why it would be used on a silly, badly written love story like that.”
“Could it be that you’re jealous?”
You furrow your brows and spin around to give him a withering glare. His smile is the same as always, but you think it reminds you of when a cat toys with a mouse.
“Don’t smile like that. It’s unpleasant.”
“I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.” He won’t. You’ve already resigned yourself to that.
“Whatever. Besides, what part of anything I just said makes you think I’m jealous?”
“It isn’t what you just said.” Your shoes clack against the floor of the basement, followed by the quiet taps of his footsteps. “You have seemed rather . . . Restless since the story started.”
“There’s a lot to think about.”
“Am I one of those things?”
“You’re the male lead. You’re one of the major things I think about.”
“I see.”
You take a glance behind you again. His smile seems less predatory now, more pleased. Is he looking for attention? Right after you internally commented on his tendency of fading into the background, too.
The truth is not something like jealousy. Or maybe it is, but in a different way than what Jade is insinuating. Something feels missing now that you know you will not talk to (Y/N) again, at least until the story ends. The story takes place from her perspective, and since it never mentions Friend A after the inciting incident, you cannot appear before her for the duration of the plot. You cannot talk to her about the sweets you ate or the cafés you’ve found. You cannot sit in her apartment and talk about nothing in particular. It’s true that you will be very busy for the next while, but you still need to get used to the sudden absence of a good friend even while she is within reach.
You can deal with it, though. Over the years of working with the mafia, you have lost your fair share of friends. At least you know you can still talk to (Y/N) when she gets her happily ever after.
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m-jelly · 1 month
The Crow's Song - Chapter 3
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Prince Levi x Witch Reader
Royal Romance with magic.
In this chapter: Levi meets your ex and protects you. You and Kuchel have a heart-to-heart while Levi confesses his feelings. A grand ball takes place where many things are revealed and happen.
Mentions of nudity in this one.
Part 4
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The carriage rocked slowly towards its destination. Soft fabrics lined the carriage, the seats were cushioned and big enough to sleep on if needed. A delicate smell of citrus hung in the air to soothe the Prince. Summer was getting closer, so the window was open just by a bit. It was nice that things were getting warmer and you could wear your lighter clothes, which would tempt Levi a lot.
As you sat on one side Levi was on the other with a slight pout, his reason was a mix of you not sitting next to him and he was being made to socialise. He tried pouting and huffing as much as possible so you would pay attention to him, but you just enjoyed yourself and relaxed in your seat.
You smiled at him. “You know, if you want to sit next to me you can just sit over here.” You got up and leaned over him. “Or do you want me to sit on your lap?”
He eyed you. “I ah…umm.”
You squeaked when the carriage went over something causing you to fall forward. You fell against Levi and gasped. “Guess it’s this.”
Levi wrapped his arms around you. “I like this.” He tangled his fingers in your hair and lifted your head. “You are so beautiful.”
You smiled. “Thank you for noticing.” You shifted and sat on his lap. “You know, you’re handsome from any angle, it’s impressive.”
“Thanks.” He sighed. “I don’t want to do this today.”
“Mm, but you are going to because I’ve said so.”
He sighed. “You’re right.” He pulled a face as he thought. “So, uh…why am I socialising?”
You played with his hair. “Because it’s good for you. As a Prince, you need to get your face out there and seem approachable. Also, spending time with your friends is good for you.”
“I…” He huffed. “Okay. Do I get a reward?”
You cupped his face. “Yes. You get to pick the reward.”
He hummed when you nuzzled your nose against his. “I would like tea.”
He nodded. “A nice tea party for me and you.”
You rubbed his chest and knew he was flirting a bit. “Alright, that’s a promise.”
You kissed his temple. “Really?”
He cleared his throat. “I ah…I intend for it to be a da-.” He winced when the door opened. “Tch, shit.”
You stood up and smiled at the carriage driver. “Thank you.” You climbed out before turning to Levi. “Ready?”
Levi climbed out of the carriage and huffed. “I suppose so.”
You giggled. “You’re cute like this.”
“Tch, thanks.” He blushed a little. “So, it’s a gathering of people?”
You nodded as you floated along. “A few nobles have gathered, along with a few magic users as well. Don’t worry, I made sure that Duke Erwin Smith has been invited, I know you two are dear friends.”
Levi smiled softly. “He’s a good friend. Any Kings?”
“Nope, but I do believe there might be another Prince here.” You patted his back. “Just focus on the Duke, okay?” You landed on your feet. “He’s a great friend and a great asset to this country. Plus, he looks after some land that would be pretty good for a lot of things.”
He paused in front of the double doors that had been opened for the two of you. “You know, you’re incredibly smart and cunning.”
“I’m good at my job, Levi. I want to help, so I have to educate myself.” You frowned. “Actually, I think we should visit the Duke’s land as there is a unique plant there that grows happily in wet weather. I think it would be useful to study it as you do have marsh-like land. The people in that small area struggle with producing food.”
Levi smiled a little. “I have heard about this plant. I think it’ll do us good to learn a lot more. I think Erwin is interested in a mine I own. There’s a lot of salt in it and crystals our magic users have no use for. So, it’ll be good to hand that over as payment.” He shook his head. “Whatever would I do without you?”
“Probably have more nosebleeds.”
You pushed your breasts together. “Also, have bad views cause you get to see amazing knockers every day.”
He stared at your chest. “They are impressive.”
You laughed. “I like this honesty.”
“It’s this new thing I’m trying. I’m being honest with how I feel.”
“It’s good.” You walked inside with him and felt your stomach drop. “Ah, fuck me.”
Levi felt his heart skip a beat. “Sorry?”
You turned to face him as you groaned. “That man with the pale skin, shoulder-length black hair and purple eyes?”
Levi’s eyes scanned the room and landed on the man you were referring to. “I see him. Vance Noir, right?”
You groaned. “My ex I mentioned to you before. The one who’s possessive of me and a pain in the fucking ass.”
Levi eyed the man and started a bit of comparison, he was wondering if he was like that man or if he was better. He was hoping you would adore him and not even consider Vance anymore. Levi knew of Vance and his downward spiral into this greedy possessive thing that seemed to be so consumed by his power, that he’d physically changed. Levi could tell he was an attention whore because the people around him were overly praising him and he lapped it up.
Levi placed his hand on your back. “Let’s go get a drink and socialise with Erwin.”
You smiled sweetly. “Sounds like a great plan.”
He guided you across the room and saw Vance was eyeing you, it seemed like he knew very well when you entered the room and had been watching you the whole time and trying to see if being surrounded by women would grab your attention. It was clear Vance didn’t know you at all.
“What a dick,” Levi muttered under his breath.
You glanced over at Levi. “You can say that again.” You winked at him before approaching the Duke. “Duke Erwin, lovely to meet you.”
Erwin turned and faced you and Levi. “Why, hello.” He softly said your name and kissed the back of your hand. “Lovely to see you again.”
Levi growled a bit. “You’ve met?”
“Indeed, we’ve discussed a few things before and she’s worked in my area of the country before she worked for you.”
You took a glass with a nice drink. “Thank you.” You cuddled up to Levi a little. “I was talking to Levi and we were wondering if we could go to your land to talk about some plants and seeds that are good in wet climates.”
Erwin smiled. “I’d love that.” He hummed a laugh. “It’d be good to have you around. You work so much that you barely have time to socialise. You do know that we can work and socialise at the same time.”
Levi huffed a bit. “You’re right…I think a few day's trip would be good.” He offered his hand. “I think we have a deal.”
Erwin shook his hand. “Fantastic.”
“Your Highness, Prince Levi.” Vance walked closer with a grin on his face. “Lovely to meet you finally.”
Levi’s eye twitched a little. “Lord Noir, I believe this is the first time we’ve met. I’m surprised you’re here actually, you are normally joined to the hip of King Rowen.”
“I had time.” He eyed you and said your name. “You’ve changed a bit. You’ve gotten more stunning. I did not think that was possible.” He offered his hand to you.
Levi handed Vance a drink to stop him from touching you. “She’s divine and always been divine.”
“Indeed.” He gripped the glass tightly. “May I ask why you two arrived together?”
“She works for me.” Levi put his arm around you. “She’s incredibly valuable to the Ackermans and has made a massive difference already.” He gulped and looked down at you. “She’s everything to me.”
Your eyes sparkled with pure joy. “Thank you, Levi. That means a lot.”
Vance gritted his teeth a moment. “You rejected my offer to work for the King and yet you’re working for him?”
You frowned. “Well, that’s because the Ackermans are nice. Plus, the reason for the job touched my heart.” You lightly touched your chest. “It was something I wanted to help with.”
He downed his drink and said your name. “Can we talk?”
You frowned. “Talk? We’ve already talked.”
“I need to talk to you.”
Levi stood between you and Vance. “Whatever you have to say you can say it to me.”
“Fine.” He held his head high. “I believe this job is below you. You should be working for my King. You should be in King Rowen’s kingdom.”
“Who the hell do you think you are to tell her what she should and shouldn’t do?” He moved closer to Vance. “She’s her own person and she has told you what she’s doing, why she’s doing it and you have no right to tell her how to live her life.”
“You don’t know her like I do.”
Levi snorted. “You don’t know her.” He turned to you and said your name. “What do you want? What would you like to do?”
You hummed as all three men stared at you. “Well, I would like to drink my champagne, go have something big to eat and then return home.”
Levi’s shoulders dropped. “Home?”
Vance smirked. “Home.”
Erwin smiled at you. “Where’s home for you?”
You sipped your drink. “Mm? Oh, it’s in the kingdom of Paradis. You know, at the Ackerman palace. I thought that was obvious.”
Levi’s eyes widened in delight. “Your home…is…”
“With you.” You hummed a laugh and patted his cheek. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to get something to eat.” You fixed Levi’s cravat. “I’ll be back later.”
Erwin cleared his throat. “Actually, I think the three of us have work to discuss, so a meal together is needed.” He gave Vance a fake smile. “Excuse us, but this is business with Paradis.”
Vance called your name. “There is a ball in two days to celebrate Countess Layla Newhart’s birthday, I’m assuming you’ve been invited.”
You nodded. “Indeed, the prince has been invited. He will be attending.”
Levi huffed. “I will and you’re coming with.”
Vance grabbed your hand before Levi could block him. “I would be honoured if you were my date.”
You pulled from hand from his touch. “I’m sorry, but I will be going with the Prince as his aid.”
Vance glared at Levi. “Your Highness, surely you don’t need your witch to assist you at a party.”
Levi placed his arm around you. “Who are you to say who and who I don’t require?”
“I didn’t mean to offend.”
“But you did.” Levi pulled you along. “Come, we have negotiations to discuss.”
Vance watched you leave and felt his rage prickle away at him. “Damn it.”
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You floated down the hall on your day off reading a magical book that could aid you in your spells. You came to a stop when you heard your name called. You lowered your book to see the Prince gazing at you and dressed in one of his nicest outfits. “Levi, how may I help you?”
“Tea.” His blush deepened on his cheeks. “Now.”
You landed on your feet. “Tea?”
He shoved some flowers into your chest. “You and me. Tea.”
You gasped in delight. “Oh! I promised you I’d have tea with you.” You hugged the flowers and hummed a laugh. “I’d love to. Is it now?”
You hummed and looked down at yourself. “I should change into something nicer.”
“O-Okay. Mm…the garden gazebo.”
“I’ll meet you there.” You waved to him and flew all the way to your massive room.
The room Levi had given you since he declared you could never leave was clearly the room for his bride. It was beautifully decorated and had a large balcony and a door that connected you to Levi’s room. The closet was full of your dresses and dresses Levi and his family had gifted you. They even wanted to give you a maid, but you declined because you could use magic to help you and you worked for them you weren’t the princess.
You wanted to make an effort for Levi and possibly turn this into a date. So, with your magic, you wore a long flowing white dress with hints of a very light pink. You gazed at yourself in the mirror and felt flustered at how you appeared, normally you had black or other dark colours so this was your first time showing Levi what you’d look like in a light colour.
You hurried down the halls until you were outside. The gazebo had been set up as if this was a date, which made your heart throb in delight. There was fabric draping in perfect places, wildflowers tied in the right spots and the chairs sat close so it could be intimate. Shadow crows were sitting perched and others were fluttering around which meant Levi was experiencing a lot of emotions.
You smiled sweetly. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Levi shot to his feet and a strong blush spread on his cheeks. “Th-that’s okay. Ah…mm…you look…incredible.”
“Thank you.”
He took your hand and led you to your chair. “This colour is lovely on you.” He took his seat after you sat. “N-Not that I’m saying you don’t look pretty other times. You look fantastic in black. I…”
You reached over and held his hand. “I understand.” You hummed a laugh. “Relax, okay?”
He nodded. “Y-Yeah, sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
He let out a long sigh. “I’m just nervous.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Nervous? Tell me what makes you nervous. I can ease the tension.”
He nibbled the inside of his lip. “You…I…umm…” He went quiet when a maid placed more food and tea on the table. “Thank you.”
She bowed to both of you. “Please, enjoy.”
You smiled sweetly. “We will, thank you so much.” You poured Levi a cup of tea and placed some food on a plate for him. “Now we’re alone, why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”
He gazed at you. “Are you single?”
You smiled. “I am.”
“Are you looking for something?”
You hummed in thought. “I’m not looking because I know it’ll find me.” You poured yourself a cup. “As a witch, I believe in the natural order of things. Things find you, such as love.” You opened your hand and made lights dance above your hand. “The world is a mysterious place.” You gently blew on the lights and sent them towards Levi. “It’s a fun place.”
Levi hummed a laugh as the lights danced over his skin and nuzzled him. “These little things are cute.” He lightly touched one and hummed. “I like how you view things.”
“Sometimes you have to take a step back and look at everything as a whole picture.”
He smiled at you. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
He reached over and played with your hair. “Make me feel so at ease, so happy, so at peace and just so…” He kissed your hair. “I adore you.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest, no one had ever been this delicate and adoring towards you. This was so different and it made you feel special. For so long you didn’t think you deserved adoration and love, but right now you wanted more from Levi. “Levi?”
He leaned closer and locked eyes with you. “Yes?”
“I also adore you.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “Really? Do you mean it?”
“I do.” This time you leaned closer and tilted your head, Levi did the same. “Levi.”
His lips lightly brushed yours sending a jolt of pleasure through the two of you. “I have a confession about today. It’s not just a tea party, this is a da-.”
“Hello, both.” The two of you pulled from each other to see Kuchel standing at the steps of the gazebo looking nervous. “I’m ever so sorry for disturbing you.”
Levi kept a hold of your hand. “It’s okay. Is everything alright?”
She called your name. “May we walk and talk?”
You rose to your feet. “Of course.” You leaned over to Levi and kissed his forehead. “I’ll be right back, don’t pout too much.”
Levi whined a little. “I won’t pout.”
“You already are.” You giggled as he pouted a little. “Cute.” You kissed his cheek before joining Kuchel. “I’m all yours, your majesty.”
Kuchel walked down the garden path a bit as she thought about what she wanted to say. “You…you look beautiful.” She smiled softly. “Light pink looks good on you.”
“Thank you. You look dazzling as always.”
“You’re too kind to me after how I’ve treated you.” She came to a stop and sat on a bench. “Join me.”
You sat down with her. “Your majesty, I fully understand how you reacted. I can’t imagine what it’s like to see your only son with blood on him, passed out and the woman you hired to care for him covered in blood.”
She gripped her dress. “I suppose you’re right.” She sighed. “Sebastian told me about when he unleashed his power, that the blood is a normal thing. I thought…I was wrong…you care for him and he for you.”
You smiled a little. “The King told me about what he experienced as well to ease me. Seems like this blessing is good, but it is scary to unlock.”
She hummed a laugh. “We have very silly men as lovers.” She saw you flinch. “Oh? You’re not lovers with my son?”
You shook your head. “N-No.”
“Hmm…that boy…” She shook her head. “I should focus.” She reached over and held your hand. “Please forgive me for how I spoke to you and treated you. I was overly emotional and I didn’t take a moment to listen.”
“Levi’s passionate like you.”
“He is.” She giggled before sighing and saying your name. “I’m sorry.”
You gazed at her. “I forgive you.”
“You do?”
You nodded. “I mean, there isn’t really anything to forgive. You were right to react the way you did, but I know you are like Levi and you need to hear this. So, I forgive you.”
She wrapped her arms around you. “Thank you.” She squeezed you as you hugged her back. “I like you, I like you so much and having you as a daughter-in-law would be perfect.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” You pulled back. “I don’t think Levi sees me like that.”
“I do.” The two of you looked up at Levi as he blushed. “Forgive me, but I followed to see if you were okay.”
You whined a little. “Levi.”
He knelt before you and held your hands. “Before my mother came to see you, I wanted to say that today was a date. I have deep feelings for you. I want us to be together. I struggle a lot with my emotions, but you helped me see and feel.” He leaned up and paused a moment. “Mother?”
Kuchel pulled back and stood up. “Sorry! Sorry! I was just so excited about you two. I’ll give you space.” She giggled. “So cute.”
Levi looked over at her. “Mother?”
She squeaked. “Sorry!”
He watched her run off before turning to you. “Now then, little witch.”
You hummed a laugh. “Yes, Levi?”
He brought your hands to his lips and began kissing. “As I was saying. I adore you. This adoration is not a simple one, this one is from the heart.” He looked up at you. “I desire you, crave you, need you. I want to be with you. I want to hold you and kiss you every minute of every day.”
Your heart throbbed. “That’s a lot of kisses.”
He chuckled. “It is.” He called your name as he leaned up a little. “My heart and soul belong to you. For the first time in my life, I have experienced an affection that makes me feel unstoppable.”
You felt a rush of excitement. “What is that?”
Your eyes sparkled with joy, your dreams were coming true. “You…you love me?”
“I do.” He smiled at you. “So deeply that it is rather possessive. I will struggle to share you.” He chuckled. “Please forgive me when I act out a little towards other men who approach you.”
You squeezed his hands. “I understand. I’m the same when you are around other women.”
His eyes widened at your words. “Really? So you?”
You nodded. “Levi, I love you too.”
“May I kiss you? I have a strong urge to.”
You threw yourself at Levi causing him to fall back onto his bum. You lay against him, arms around his neck and lips passionately against his. Levi was in shock at first before his brain started processing what was happening. He smiled against your lips, tilted his head, wrapped his arms around you and kissed you over and over. He nipped your lip and pushed his tongue onto your mouth allowing you both to kiss deeply.
You pulled back from Levi’s lips making him whine. “I’m getting you dirty!” You flew up and gasped. “Sorry.” You used your magic to lift Levi into the air. “I’ll clean you.”
Levi chuckled. “It’s okay.” He dropped to his feet and gazed up at you. He reached out to you. “Come to me.”
You floated down into his arms. “Mm.”
“Mine. My precious little witch.”
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Levi watched you closely as you walked around the room in your underwear. “Mm.”
You glanced over at him as a maid helped you on a dress. “You’re staring a lot.”
“I’m just admiring your body.” He tilted his head a little. “I’m looking forward to exploring it.”
You glanced at the maid. “Sorry, Maria.”
Maria giggled. “It’s okay. It’s nice to hear the prince get excited for a good woman.” She pulled your dress on and smiled. “You’re good for each other. Though I snapped at you a while ago, I do adore you. You’ve made this palace a better place, which I didn’t think was possible.”
You wrapped your arms around her and held her close. “Mm! So cute.”
Levi growled. “Tch.”
“Ignore him.”
Maria smiled. “You’re both sweet.” She pulled back and helped finish dressing you up. “You look like a goddess, miss.”
You twirled a bit. “Thank you. Light colours look nice on me.”
“I’ll help with your hair and makeup.” She sat you down and started. “Maybe His Highness should get ready for the ball.”
You looked over at Levi. “I would love to see you dressed up.”
Levi shot to his feet. “Anything for you.”
Maria hummed a laugh. “He’s so cute.” She painted your lips and pulled back. “Um.” She softly said your name as she blushed. “I’m ever so sorry for how I was with you. I was out of line. I didn’t understand.”
You made lights dance in the air and drape around her neck to form a necklace. “If you ever need help, or to heal, or protection, please use this necklace.”
She lifted the cold pendant with icy blue liquid inside. “You…” She welled up. “You care for me that much?”
“I never once hated you or felt any irritation towards you. You were doing your job.”
She squeezed the necklace tightly. “Thank you.” She gazed at you. “Allow me to be your assistant.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Are you sure?” You cleared your throat. “S-Sure. I’d like to have a friend like that.”
“Thank you!”
You rose to your feet. “You’re welcome.” You kissed her forehead. “A blessing for you.”
She hugged you. “Thank you again.” She pulled back and gasped. “My lady, you look beautiful! Like a goddess.”
You walked over to the mirror and felt your cheeks burn, you were a vision. You always thought you were pretty, but there was something about this dress that made you just a bit more magical. “This is wonderful.”
“Maybe you’re a goddess born again.”
You thought about the goddess you worshipped and who gifted you with powers and saw a similarity, but it was simply a blessing. “Thank you for the compliment.” You winked at her then left your room. “I’ll get the prince.” You lightly knocked on Levi’s door. “Oh, grumpy kitten?”
Levi flung the doors open. “I am no kitten.”
Your heart raced at seeing him in his princely suit with colours that matched you. The medals he had impressed you, it was clear he was incredibly strong in battle. “Le-Levi.”
He eyed you and smirked a little. “Now it’s my turn to make you the flustered one.” He caressed your cheek. “Do you find me charming and alluring?”
You nodded as you gulped hard. “Y-Yes.”
He kissed the corner of your mouth. “Good.”
You pouted. “That’s not a kiss.” You grabbed his face and kissed him roughly. “That’s a kiss.”
He chuckled at your actions. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.”
“Nor will I.”
He held your hand, his fingers entwined with yours. “Now, let me escort the most beautiful woman in the world to the royal ball.”
You hummed a laugh as you walked with him. “So, what is the reason for this ball? Your parents never told me.”
“Social and work reasons. It’s a perfect opportunity to talk to people and arrange things. It’s a chance for sneaky political arrangements.” He looked down at you. “It’s also a place to make connections and announce things.” He turned and nuzzled your neck. “A place to show off who we love.”
You giggled at how soft he was being. “Mm. You’re right.”
He pulled you along as the doors opened for you both. He held you close when they announced the two of you together. He leaned down and kissed you as everyone gazed at you both. He had just publicly announced your relationship to the whole ball. “Now everyone knows who has my heart; it’s you.”
You grinned at him. “You have mine too.”
He kissed your cheek before leading you to the main hall and over to his parents. “You both approve, right?”
Sebastian grinned. “Of course! The two of you are perfect for each other.” He chuckled. “You have my blessing and approval.” He softly said your name. “Make sure-.”
Levi huffed. “She doesn’t need to be asked to treat me well.”
“I was going to say, make sure he treats you well and if Levi doesn’t tell us.”
Levi’s cheeks burned as he pouted a moment. “Of course, I’ll treat her like a goddess.” He gazed at you with a deep love in his eyes. “She takes so much care of me that I need to shower her with affection.”
You rubbed Levi’s chest. “You do a wonderful job.”
“I want to do better.”
Kuchel hummed a laugh. “You two are so cute.”
He kissed your forehead. “I’ll get us a drink. Wait here.”
You hummed and bowed your head. “Thank you.” You watched him leave before turning to his parents. “It must be odd that the woman you hired to help your son is now romantically involved with him.”
Sebastian laughed. “I mean, we knew it was going to happen when we first met you and saw how he was with you. You’re good for each other.”
Kuchel clasped her hands together. “I can’t wait for the wedding and the sweet babies you’ll have.”
“Darling dove, it’s early days for them.”
She pouted. “But bear.”
He pinched her cheek. “No buts, my darling dove. Give them time.”
“Your majesties? A word? I want to discuss the monsters in the northern pass.” A man with a large scar over his nose bowed. “I am sorry to both you and the future princess.”
You smiled. “I’ll excuse myself. I’ll locate the prince.” You bowed to the King and Queen. “I will see you later.” You parted ways from the pair with a friendly wave. You could sense Levi’s presence and he didn’t seem like he was in too much trouble, but you could sense he was being made to socialise.
“Hey!” A woman in a puffy pink ball gown with bows, blonde bouncy hair with curls wearing white gloves holding a fan and a glass glared at you. “Get out of my territory.”
You knew exactly what this woman was about, why she was here and why her dress was so ridiculous. What you were looking at was a love rival, in her mind, but to you, she wasn’t a rival at all because Levi loved and desired you. It was almost comical how she thought she could compete with you. You had a lot of confidence in your looks and body, even more so that it made Levi very horny.
She frowned when you looked around on the floor. “What in the world are you doing?”
“I was looking for a line on the floor because you said I was in your territory, but I don’t see one.” You gasped and smirked. “Oh, that’s because we’re in King Sebastian and Queen Kuchel’s land, not yours and I’m pretty sure this is their palace.”
She blushed as her friends giggled. She stomped her foot as she pouted. “You know what I meant!”
You smiled at her. “Actually, I don’t have the foggiest idea. I have no idea who you are.”
She held her head high. “Lady Tasha Copperlarke.”
You gave her a deadpan stare. “I’m sorry, am I supposed to know you?”
“I know you’re just pretending!” She closed her fan. “Everyone knows me. I hold a high standing in society. I know very well that Prin-.” She glared when you yawned and looked bored. “How dare you yawn!”
You hummed a little bit as you felt tired. “I didn’t mean to be rude, but the prince has drained me of energy. Levi has a strong desire and need for my attention. I have a lot of power, but it was hard to keep him full.” You giggled. “Gods and goddesses help me when other things happen.” You smirked as her friends giggled. “Now, excuse me but I have to find the prince as he gets a little upset when I’m not around.”
She gritted her teeth. “How…you!” She stormed after you. “Hey!” She gripped her fan. “I’m not done talking! Face me now!” She kept chasing you. “Witch whore! I’m talking to you! You…you…trash!”
You turned to her making her come to a sudden stop. “Are you a child?”
She went red. “Sorry?”
“I said, are you a child?”
You tilted your head a little. “Then why do you act like one? When someone doesn’t act the way you want them to you act like a toddler throwing out all their toys.” You sighed. “I’m all for fighting for what is yours and standing up to people, but your reason for this is because of your childish selfish desires.” You held your head high and gave her a warning look. “You claim the prince to be yours, but he isn’t even aware of you. If you so desperately desire him, you would have been a couple already. I won’t warn you like most other people to stay away from him because I am incredibly confident in our feelings for each other. Do as you wish, just don’t hurt him.”
Tasha gripped her cup tightly and began shaking with rage. She felt humiliated by you, you a mere witch. It enraged her that it took just a small meeting to ruin her pride. She needed to teach you a lesson. She had to put you in your place. She looked into her glass at her red wine and knew this would ruin your dress. She charged towards you and threw her drink.
Gasps filled the room. She thought she’d won, but instead, she’d made a grave error. Right as she was about to throw her drink at you Levi had stepped in the way after seeing the exchanges between the two of you. Even though it was just wine, he still needed to protect you. Wine could wash out of his clothes, he could take the stares and whispers that came from this. Levi didn’t want you to suffer at the hands of gossip if the wine got on you.
Tasha dropped her glass causing it to shatter on the floor. “Your Highness, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Tears filled her eyes as she began to shake. “I…I…”
You walked over to Levi. “You tripped on your dress, right? I saw it. It’s a rather long dress, so it happens.”
Levi lowered his voice. “Take her excuse. She’s saving you socially.”
She bowed deeply. “Y-Yes. I tripped.”
You summoned a hankie and began wiping Levi’s face. “Those long dresses are deadly.”
Levi hummed. “It appears so. You may leave, but one last thing.” He gave her his death glare. “You’re lucky my lover is so kind.”
Tasha flinched at his glare before looking over at you and wrinkled her nose up in disgust. “Yes, your Highness.”
You turned Levi’s head so he was looking at you again. “Eyes on me, Mr. Your gaze belongs to me and me alone.”
Levi smiled at your words. “Forgive me.”
You giggled as he leaned into your touch. “Now then, handsome, we need to get you changed.”
“Was this your ploy to get me shirtless?”
You grabbed his hand and pulled him along. “What if I said yes?” You glanced back at him to see he was blushing. “Cute.”
He let out a long sigh. “The things you do to me.”
“Good things, I hope.”
You pulled him to his room and left him to stand in the middle of it. “I’ll get the bath going.”
He hummed. “Thanks. We don’t need to return to the party.”
“Are you sure?”
He started removing his clothes as he spoke to you. “Mm, I’ve done a lot of talking while I was getting drinks. Plus, a lot of people saw what happened, so most will assume we won’t return. We’ve been insulted.”
You finished up in the bathroom and walked back into Levi’s room. “I believe we reacted well.”
Levi turned to you, his body glistening in the moon and candlelight. His pecs were plump and bistable, his abs soft and squishable, and a few scars dotted his perfect skin. The V above his trouser line was defined and commanded your attention. A delicious treasure trail of black hair enticed and beckoned you to go lower and discover what was hidden under his trousers. Some veins popped in his arms as he flexed a little, but it was the ones that stood out on his hands that aroused you. Your eyes were drawn to his hands as he clenched them while he talked about business.
Levi stopped talking and called your name. “Did you hear me?”
You stared at him as your heart throbbed in your chest. “I’ll be honest. No. I was very distracted.” You walked closer to him. “Fuck me, Levi, you have an incredible body.”
He reached over and held your chin lightly. “Is it to your liking?”
You gulped hard. “Very much.”
He kissed you and hummed in delight. “I’m glad. Maybe you should join me for a bath.”
You started pulling at your dress. “Maybe I should.” You smiled at him as your dress dropped to the floor. “Am I to your liking?”
Levi stepped back and gazed at you in your corset and underwear. “Fuuuuck.”
“I’ll take that as a yes then.”
“You have to secretly be a goddess with a body like this.”
You hummed a laugh. “That’s quite the compliment.”
He picked you up making you squeak. “Bath.” He carried you to the bathroom. The bath itself was a deep pool one, it was just perfect to soak in. “Ready?”
You slipped out of his arms. “Yes, my handsome man.”
He pulled the ties on your corset to help you before pulling the last of his things off. He hoped that his member was to your liking also. He gazed at you as you pulled everything off and was naked before him, you truly were a vision. “So stunning.”
You looked over at him. “Thank you. I am a bit shy about my naked body, but you have given me my normal confidence back.” You took him all him. His thick thighs were pure perfection and showed off his power, but what truly grabbed your attention was his length. It was thick and beautiful. “My goodness.”
Levi glanced down at himself. “So?” He looked back up to you. “I ask again. Is it to your liking?”
You cupped his face and pressed your naked body against his. “Very much. It was as if you were designed by god.” You lightly kissed him. “I look forward to when we become one.” You pulled back and descended into the bath. “Mm. Just what I needed.”
Levi hurried down into the water. “It’s relaxing.” He grabbed you and pulled you over to him. “No escaping me. You’re staying right with me.” He nuzzled your neck. “I’m also looking forward to when we become one.”
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its-in-the-woods · 3 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 16
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out Almost entirely fluff, vague suggestions of sex, lots of comfort, it's sweet and sappy
Synopsis: Updated synopsis, Monday means things are busy, but not busy enough to not go look at nice dresses.
Note: Happy Sunday y'all thanks for reading and enjoy my work it means so much to me! This is just a little bit of fluff cause we all need some.
You are lying in the bed after changing the sheets, body sore in the best of way. Windows open and the cool evening breeze comes over your skin. It’s late but the two of you were too warm to sleep. Pizza had been ordered, more drinks had been made, and more sex. You can’t help the flush that crosses your face, as you remember the evening. The man was insatiable, and you don't mind. He took care of you every time, no asking or fussing, just turning into a puddle on whatever surface he had you on. Your brain wanders over to tomorrow, of course, it did. 
Tomorrow was packed, Walton had sent you an itinerary of what was going on tomorrow. It was busy. Nothing you couldn’t handle really, if set life had taught you anything it was how to handle stress. Tomorrow morning Charlotte would be coming over with some paper for you to sign, as well as a list of documents she’d need from you. It still made you nervous, but you had decided to trust Walton. No matter what, it would work, one way or another. The other thing that was happening was the red carpet event at the end of the day, you hadn’t really talked to him about it.
You slid off the bed and wandered over to the bathroom, Walton was currently shaving for tomorrow. “I kinda was hoping you’d keep the stubble” You muse, watching him work away as you lean against the door frame. His shirt covers most of you, it smells like him, smoke, vanilla something else you can't put a name to. 
Walton’s hand works quickly and easily moving over the skin covered in shaving cream. It was practice movements that he had done many times, you couldn’t help but remember the scratch of the stubble on your face. He flicks the razor into the sink as he finishes up. 
“Got to have a smooth face, that’s what they are asking for anyway,” Walton says quietly running his fingers over each area, before taking a town to wipe himself down with. 
“So about tomorrow, what does the red carpet event involve?” You ask, you can hear the trepidation in your voice.
Walton turns to you kissing your forehead, hands running over your shoulders, “Do you want to come with me? Be my date?” 
Your heart speeds up in your chest, at the thought of having several dozen photographers flashing at you. This didn't even cover the endless headlines that would surely be published the moment the photos hit twitter. 
“I would love to be your date, but umm.” You let out a breath, as you followed him over to the bed, “Would it be okay if I didn’t walk the red carpet with you?”
Walton sat on the bed, those damn hazel eyes watching you, “You worried about being seen with me?” His brows furrow as the words leave his mouth.
“No, more the other way around.” You come and sit beside him, shoulder slouching a bit, “Not sure I am up for answering the questions or dealing with all the headlines.”
Walton lays down motioning for you to come lay with him. You wiggle over and rest your head against his chest, the comforting warmth and steady beat of his heart soothing you. 
“If you want to come you’re welcome to. I don't think it will be as stressful as you might expect. That said, If you aren’t ready for that, then I will make sure you are escorted around the mayhem to meet me on the other side.” Walton tells you, hand rubbing up and down your arm.
You ponder this for a second moving closer to him, enjoying the feeling of his heat near you. “Maybe next time?” You feel a little awkward, you don’t want to disappoint him, but you're not sure if you’re ready for the hubbub that would be coming after the event. 
Leaning down he kisses you softly, hand wandering down over your cheek. “We will have many chances when you’re ready.”
"Am I being ridiculous about this?" You push, mind reeling as you feel self-conscious about the whole situation.
Walton's face breaks into a grin, and he kisses you again, "You are never ridiculous." You can hear the tease in his voice, you pout and scrunch yourself away from him.
His fingers push under your arms and tickle at your side, you squawk and try to move away as bubbles of laughter break out of your chest. Mind blanking at as you do your best to push away him tickling at you.
"Stooopp," You giggle wriggling away from him, trying to get your own fingers to find spots but he has you pinned in a moment. "Not fairrr."
He stops kissing you again, rubbing his nose against yours. "You are ridiculous, but I only want to see you content. Even if that means I do the event on my own. "
You roll your eyes and snuggle against him, "Fine. You've convinced me. I will go with you."
Walton kisses all over your face, "You are too good for me."
Charlotte had stopped by first thing, the stack of papers you needed to sign was explained in detail. Some of it goes over your head, but if you had a question, she or Walton would answer them. The list of documents you need was also relatively straightforward, many of them you had already from working in film. Charlotte and you exchanged numbers, once your show was done and you were back in LA she’d help you set up anything else you might need. The whole experience left you feeling pleasantly comfortable. It wasn't nearly as mountainous as you thought it would be.
Then Terrance comes over just as Charlotte is finishing up, the two of them exchange hugs before she takes off. The man is a whirlwind of energy, clothing is laid out on the bed, along with various accessories. The man talks a mile a minute and is all hands. You have decided to sit by the window ledge letting the two men work. Currently, Walton is topless holding up two different tops as the man looks him over. Terrance grabs a couple of bracelets, they eventually land on a simple white button-up and black jacket for interviews. Then switch to a light gray suit jacket and matching pants for the red carpet event. 
“And what about you?” Terrance turned to you, he is around your height with salt and pepper hair. Decked out in a well-tailored pair of black pants and flowing navy shirt, hands decorated with large rings. He looks elegant and at the same he commands the room. The man looks you over, taking in the simple blue jeans and a loose-fitting black top you are wearing. “Should we take you to get something for the event?”
You shake your head with a smile, "Oh, I am sure I can find something that will work for tonight."
Terrance narrows his blue eyes at you, turning back to Walton. "Do you have dresses hiding in your closet I don't know about it?'
Walton chuckles as he does up most of the buttons on the shirt. “Nothing that would fit her, I am afraid.”
The man sighed, putting his hands on his hips, turning back to you, "It will be my treat. Plus I doubt your man here has taken you out much."
You break eye contact and look away. Walton grins as he gets his jacket on. Walton looks over at you, “You are welcome to take him up on his offer.”
You ponder this for a moment, you couldn’t remember the last time you had gone shopping for something outside work clothes. Most of your wardrobe was black or neutral colored clothes, comfortable to wear, and easy to clean. “Umm, sure, I wouldn't mind finding something a little more appropriate.”
Terrance claps his hands together, “Excellent! Now I am excited!”
The first two interviews go off without a hiccup, everyone is professional and make sure you are comfortable. You find yourself easing into things, it’s not much different from working on set. Smaller crews, more intimate locations, and a breakneck pace. Once Walton is set you sit back and enjoy the filming process, listening to Walt tell stories never got old. As you arrive at the third interview Terrance stops by to grab you. Walton gives you a quick kiss as you are out the door with the man, down into the sunshine-spilled streets. The stylist is on the move, and you are doing your best to keep up as you slide into the front seat of his mini cooper. 
“So how are you enjoying LA,” Terrance asks, easily moving along the busy roadways. 
You shift in your seat slightly, this was the most you’ve seen of the city this weekend.“Ahh, like you said, haven't been out much,” 
Terrance chuckles as he lights a cigarette rolling down the window, “Ah, a weekend that’s been more pleasure than exploration.”
You are now officially pink, swallowing, you take a sip of water before replying, “ Something like that, we don’t get many multiple days off together.”
Terrance has a small grin on his face, “That’s Walton, man loves to be busy, I have no idea how he didn’t lose his mind during the pandemic.”
“He probably did, trying to make up for lost time now. I know I was losing my mind but I also live in a shoebox.” You reply, your mind picturing Walton just running from one end of his house to the other like some madman. 
“But you are moving down here though?” Terrance pries, as he turns down another busy street. You briefly wonder how the man had any clue where he was going.
You nod, “I wasn’t certain, but I think it makes sense. Looking forward to not having to live in an apartment anymore. Nice to have some space and be in a bigger city.”
Terrance pulls up to the small storefront, and you follow him inside. Despite the appearance, the entire place is beautifully laid out with amazing dresses. 
Terrance is going through the racks like he is looking for the cure for cancer, all careful precision and hurried movements. 
“So you’re going to be Watlon’s personal make-up artist going forward?” Terrance asks as he pulls out another dress and hands it to you. 
“Yes, that's the plan, still working out details. Don’t think I’ve seen so much paperwork” You reply, eyes wide at some of the price tags. You adjust how you carry things so nothing is touching the floor. 
“I am sure Walton will take excellent care of you. Charlotte is also a dear friend of mine, the lady knows her stuff in and out.” The man states, walking you over to the changing rooms. He hangs up several of the dresses humming over them. “I was going to try you in this red number, but I think I like these blue ones better.”
You slip into the room slipping off your clothes to pull the dress on. It has a corset back which proves tricky to do up by yourself. It has a scoop neckline, which you realize reveals Walton’s handy work of marks. 
“Walton mentioned that he was going to be traveling again,” Terrance said, pushing the curtain open to help you tie up the piece. 
“Yes, I think he mentioned that there was work lined up,” You smile, face a little flush, the dress is squishing in all the wrong ways. “I think I may need something that, umm, covers these.” You point at the marks, a small grin tugs at Terrance’s lips.
“Oh, well that changes things,” Terrance groans, immediately untying the back. He hands you a piece in navy blue with gold embroidered flowers. “I am going to have to tell him to keep the marks somewhere lower. Damn vacuum cleaner.”
A small snort leaves your mouth, as you tuck yourself back into the changing room, the thought of Walton getting scolded kept the smile there.
The zippers barely go up on this one, Terrance adjusts a tie on the side, and it slips on. The neckline covers up the marks but you feel like you are in a cardboard box. You grimace, trying to adjust the material so it looks half decent, but Terrance is already unzipping you and handing you a deep red piece. 
“Haven’t seen Walton this excited about anyone in years,” Terrance quips as you come out in the red number, it's the best out of the bunch but you aren’t sure about the color. 
“Oh? I haven’t really,” You cringe as Terrance fluffs the material out in a few areas, " asked about past relationships.”
“Nothing of interest really, man has needs and all that. But he’s really taken a liking to you,” Terrance says, before handing you a black dress. “He never shuts up about you, pretty sure he is smitten.”
“Yeah? I like him too,” You flush again as you peel off the latest pieces. Take a few breaths before slipping into the next piece. 
You walk out feeling confident about this one. It’s tight under your bust, coming up and wrapping around your neck to cover the bruises, then flows out in whisps of tulle and satin. Terrance is smiling as he grabs something sparkling, it’s layers of rhinestones that fall over you making the dress look like it’s covered in dew.
“Oh I think this is the winner,” Terrance smiles, having you spin around. The dress is sparkling in the light, it rests just at your ankles and is loose enough for you to move freely. “Yep, I am good at what I do. Look at you, just stunning”
You look in the mirror, taken aback by how you look, “Wow. This is beautiful.”
Terrance is beaming as he takes you in, “I don’t even think we need adjustments, you are looking red carpet worthy.”
A thread of doubt curling in your mind, pushing that away, and focus on enjoying the feeling. You can’t remember the last time you put on a dress much less one this stunning. Terrance fluffing and preening you, showing how to make the piece sit just right. 
“Okay, let’s get everything sorted. Few bits of paperwork, and then we will go get you some shoes,” Terrance says with a smile, you smile back before tucking yourself into the changing room. You do a silent squee, turning around in the space a few times. Stopping, you calm yourself down and change back into your street clothes. 
You carefully put the dress on the hanger and step out. Terrance hands it over to one of the staff who takes it up front.
“So with the dress,” Terrance explains walking you up to the counter, “Just hang it up in Walton’s closet before you leave, I will have someone pick it up and return it here.”
“Oh, yes of course,” You reply, slightly saddened that it was a rental. Then again with the price, it only makes sense. “I will make sure it gets back to you. Thank you so much for this.” 
Terrance fills out all the paperwork and whatever else is needed. Then you are whisked out to find some matching heels, and back on your way to meet up with Walton.
Terrance takes a puff of a cigarette as the two of you drive down the busy streets. “When you move down here I will have to take you out, and fill out the other half of that closet.”
“Really? I would enjoy that,” You reply, still a little taken aback by all of this. The thought of having clothes picked out by Terrance sounds wonderful. "Thank you again,"
“Of course, got to make sure you are looking your best,” Terrance says, butting the smoke out in an ashtray.  “Plus, I miss working with women, so many options.” 
You chuckle, pondering what the next few months might look like. Your whole world changing in the blink of an eye. 
The rest of the day went off without a hitch, you both are at home to get ready for the last event of the night. You pull out the gown and lay it on the bed. It doesn’t feel real. You stand there, head spinning a little, how was this even happening? Were you really going to go down the red carpet, the dress was beautiful, and you had done up your make-up, so why not? You swallow, your mind is still swirling around. 
“Hey,” Walton whispers, you turn to see him standing there. Your breath caught in your throat, he looked so good. He always looks good, but something about the cut of the suit, the fact the last few buttons aren’t done up makes him look even better. You can see his long neck peeking out between the buttons, licking your lips as you watch him move. 
“Hi,” You squeak, as you look him up and down, trying to burn the image into your mind. “I will get into this right now.”
Walton moves over, hands resting on your hips,  “If you want to stay here tonight, it’s okay. It was a busy day for both of us.”
“No, I do want to come with you, ” You say, even as you worry at your lips. “Try it out anyway.”
Walton moves away, opening up a drawer on the side table, you watch him. Slightly concerned he might have something more devious in mind, instead he comes to you with a small box. You blink a few times, as he hands it to you, feeling a little nervous as you go to open it.
“I promise that it’s nothing too fancy,” He says with a small smile, his face flushing as he watches you.
You take a moment before opening up the box, inside are two silver bracelets, one slightly smaller than the other. Taking out the smaller one you slip it on over your hand, the cool metal sends a smaller shiver over your skin. Walton takes the other and slips it onto his wrist. You run your fingertips over it Walton grinning as his bracelet pulses. 
“Oh? Wait-” You do the motion again, grabbing his wrist you can feel where you have touched. A small pulse vibrating against his skin as you move your fingers.
Walton grins as he watches you realize how it works. “If I am thinking about you,” He runs his fingers over the bracelet, and you immediately feel where his fingers touch. “You can feel me”
You let out a little giggle as you trace your fingers over your bracelet, watching him react to it. “Oh, this is so neat.”
He leans in and kisses you, you kiss him back wanting to stay there. He pulls you against him, holding you tight against his chest. You close your eyes and just take in the moment. The two of you locked in time wrapped around the other.
“I should get dressed,” You say, hesitant to move. The last thing you want to do is go out but know it’s important. 
Walton lets you go, giving you another kiss on the forehead. You slip out of your clothes and carefully step into the dress, Walton coming over to help you do up the zippers. Then you grab the rhinestone top piece sliding it down over top. You move it back and forth until it sits right, like how Terrance had showed you, the lighting in the room making it sparkle. Walton steps back, his eyes traveling over you, you do a little spin and he grins. 
“You look stunning,” He whispers, eyes going over the dress as you move in it, “It fits perfectly,”
You grin back, “Terrance knows what he is doing.”
“That he does, might have to cut the night short just so I can take you out of it,” He comes over and brings you close, fingers running over the different details of the dress. 
You lean up and kiss him, “Promises, promises.”
As always, likes, reblogs, comments are always welcome <3 You feed the parasites in my brain.
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collecting-stories · 1 year
When Emma Falls In Love - Remus Lupin
A/N: I totally didn’t intend to make this as long as it is (6k+), it sort of got away from me while I was writing. Despite the title and the lyric, the reader is gender neutral.
Summary: Remus and the reader take a trip to Hogsmeade after Christmas break. Marauder’s era cause I'm a sucker for that whole time period.
TS Anthology Masterlist | Harry Potter Masterlist
…turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand…
“What’s this?” Remus asked, long fingers smoothing over the newspaper that concealed the object you’d handed him. The funnies, he noticed, eyeing up Hogan’s Alley with a nostalgic grin. “How long have you had this newspaper, by the way?”
“A gift for you, obviously,” you replied, tugging the bow on top of the rectangular package. “Are you going to open it?”
“I’m reading,” he teased, tilting his head to see the underside of the package and the conclusion of the Hogan’s Alley comic strip.
“Remus!” You laughed, “you absolute mong, open the package!”
“Alright, alright,” he slipped a finger into the folded edge and tore the paper away from itself, beginning to reveal what you had wrapped inside weeks ago. You’d been waiting for winter break to be over and a good excuse to give Remus the christmas present you’d bought him while you’d been home.
You’d heard him earlier, recalling some story of debauchery that the marauders had gotten up to while at James’ for winter break and you’d listened in shamelessly, minorly jealous that they got to see so much of Remus and you were confined to shared classes and passing in the hallway. You were friends of course, be odd to give a stranger a present, but only school friends. The sort of friends who work on homework together if they happen upon one another in the library. Who chat about the turn in the weather, a particularly difficult assignment, or plans for hogsmeade (plans that never include the other person, of course). You wanted to be more than friends and you had been hoping he’d get the hint since fifth year but he was either extremely stupid (which you knew he wasn’t) or he didn’t like you back and didn’t want to embarrass you. Which was perfectly alright because you were pretty hellbent on embarrassing yourself with no help from outsiders.
“I saw it in a bookshop near my house,” you explained as Remus stared down at the cover of Arsene Lupin by Maurice LeBlanc. “I thought of you.”
“Because his last name is Lupin?” He inquired, holding the book up against his chest, front cover facing you.
“No,” you replied, “because he’s a gentleman thief and master of disguise.”
Remus burst into laughter, clutching the book tighter to himself. The newspaper and bow had fallen to the ground and he stepped back, accidentally crumpling the paper further. “Brilliant.” He sighed, looking at the cover again, “thank you…I don’t have anything for you, I’m afraid.”
“Oh no, it’s alright. I just saw it and thought you might enjoy reading it…I’ve only read the first two myself but I do love them quite a bit.” You explained, trying to sound nonchalant about the present. You’d spent the entire two weeks at home mulling over whether you should buy it, whether it was something he’d like, whether it was appropriate to even give him a gift, and then, when to give it to him.
“Well, thank you,” Remus stepped back further, off the newspaper, and bent to pick it up off the floor of the hallway.
“I can toss that in the bin for you,” You mentioned, reaching a hand out for the rumpled paper.
Remus shook his head, tucking the book between his arm and his side, and began to smooth the paper out and fold it. “Oh no, I quite like the funnies. I’ll enjoy reading them. You can have the bow, however.” He peeled the red bow from the top of the folded newspaper and pressed it against your head, the tape sticking to your hair.
“How does it look?” You joked, reaching up to rub a finger against the velvety ribbon. You’d tied and untied the bow nearly five times before you were happy with it.
“Supreme,” Remus replied, “say, are you going to Hogsmeade on Saturday?”
“Probably, I’ve promised mum taffy from Honeydukes.” You had gifted her some for christmas and it was already gone.
“Ah, perfect. We’ll go together, as my present to you, what do you say?”
“You really don’t have to change your plans around for me,” you replied. It wasn’t so much that Remus had concrete plans, just that everyone knew he spent his Hogsmeade days with the rest of the marauders.
“No change,” Remus promised, glancing down at the folded newspaper and licking his lips, “in fact you’d be doing me a favor. Sirius and James have detention, and Peter’s…busy.”
“If you’re sure,” you began.
“Absolutely,” he lied. They’d only been back to school a week, too short for detention, or at least in this one instance they had seemed to keep their noses out of trouble. He was sure they’d fudge a detention for the greater good, or at least for him getting a date. Though probably it didn’t sound like a date.
“Of course it doesn’t sound like a date Moony, you said ‘let me take you to Hogsmeade as a gift because I was an oblivious twat and didn’t get you anything and I feel bad but also I’ve got no one to go with, which is a lie, so come to Hogsmeade with me?’ when you should’ve just asked them to Hogsmeade properly.” Sirius remarked around a mouthful of chocolate orange.
“It scares me to say this, but I agree with Padfoot,” James replied, sprawled across his bed in the dorm, looking over at Remus with a concerned expression. As if he didn’t always agree with Sirius about everything.
“I’m sure James,” Remus said, his gaze wavering, wandering back to the book that sat on his nightstand. Arsène Lupin looked up at him, gold foil embellishments and silhouetted profile begging to be read. He ran his fingers over the cover as he picked it up, imagining briefly what it might’ve been like to have seen you over break. To have wandered together into a little bookshop in Cambridge, searching through titles and reading aloud bits of summaries that intrigued you. He thought of getting tea, or coffee as he knew you preferred, somewhere quaint and quiet where you could sit at a corner table and whisper with each other.
A real date, not some fallacy.
“Are you off in your own head there Remus?” Sirius asked, eyeing his friend suspiciously. “Don’t go too far honey, you tend to ruin your daydreams before you can romanticise them.”
“I’m not doing that,” Remus huffed, reaching for the curtain on his bed, “you’ll steer clear of Hogsmeade this weekend, swear it?”
“Swear it,” Peter piped up first, looking to James and Sirius for confirmation that they were, actually, going to leave Remus’ plan unscathed.
“Of course,” Sirius’ voice sounded sickly sweet as he smiled, “swear it.”
“Me too,” James replied, a side glance at Sirius ensuring that they were both thinking the same thing. There would be no keeping their promise.
Remus pulled the curtain closed, settling into his blankets and enchanting the light on his wand so that he could read. He read eagerly, devouring the story, or at least as much of it as he could before he felt himself falling asleep. He knew it was probably a bit crazy on his end but he wanted to finish the book before the weekend so he could discuss it with you.
By Friday afternoon he’d selected a whole list of topics and written them out on a piece of parchment, testing the ones he thought might have the best result on Sirius and James (though they were unsurprisingly not helpful).
“Is Herbology an especially favourable subject?” Sirius asked, looking over the parchment as Remus scribbled a note in the corner about muggle books you might’ve read.
“No, actually, I think they were failing until last year…” Remus replied, looking at the word scrawled across the page in his usual neat cursive.
“Perhaps not a good subject then, eh?” Peter asked, straining to see the list.
“True.” Remus scratched it off and looked through the rest of them, “any ideas?”
“Tell them you fancy ‘em and want to snog their face off.”
“Has that worked for you James? Ever?”
“Actually…no.” James frowned, “sorry mate, I’ve got nothing I’m afraid. Quite new to this relationship business myself.”
Remus groaned, not close to being in the mood to hear his friend drone on about Lily Evans when he was meant to be helping. “Let’s stay on task, shall we Prongs?”
“Alright, alright…what about…why are these all school subjects Remus? Surely they don’t want to walk around Hogsmeade talking about classes all afternoon.” James said, plucking the pen from Remus’s fingers and crossing off anything that resembled a school subject. He left muggle books, the only category not related to Hogwarts directly.
“Sad list,” Sirius admitted, clapping Remus on the shoulder.
“I realize that,” he snatched the pen back from James and crumpled the list. “I just want to have a nice afternoon.”
“And you will.” Sirius assured, “they’re absolutely mad about you honey, it’s obvious. Embarrassingly so.”
“Compliment them, it always works for me,” James offered, reaching into his pocket for the leftover candies Peter had brought from home. They were softer than they were meant to be because of the time spent in the pocket of James’ corduroy trousers but no less delicious.
“Has it always worked for you?” Remus levelled, taking a lolly from James’ outstretched palm and peeling away the red and yellow wrapper.
“It eventually worked for him,” Sirius replied.
“Exactly, thanks mate.” James nodded to him.
“If you two are done,” Remus interrupted, “perhaps we could get back on track.”
“You don’t need our help Moony,” Sirius assured, ruffling his hair, “you’re a catch, honest. They’d be lucky to get a moment alone with you!” He grabbed Remus’s cheeks in his hand without warning, turning his head as if to show James and Peter, “look at him, regular model face, that is.”
“Get off me Sirius!” Remus huffed, swatting away his friend’s hand.
He crumpled the piece of parchment he’d been writing the list on into a tight ball before tossing it away. It rolled off to a corner, stopping at the edge of a bookcase.
“Looks like your quidditch arm is out of practice there hon,” Sirius teased, sitting down beside Remus.
“None of you are helpful, I hope you’re aware of that?” He replied beginning to gather all of his papers and books together to put in his bag.
“Leaving us?” James asked, chewing on a particularly gummy piece of the taffy lolly.
“I am,” Remus replied.
“Oh come off it Moony, don’t be a sourpuss,” Peter said, earning an approving nod from Sirius.
“How do you expect us to help Moons?” Sirius asked, laying a hand over Remus’ bag to stop him from leaving, “you’re friends with ‘em. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we all love ‘em and think the two of you would make a lovely pair-“
“Brilliant, really,” James piped in.
“Exactly Prongs, but you’ll know what to say better than us. Just don’t overthink it, alright? Any other day with them, yeah.”
“It’s not any other day though Sirius.” Remus sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“You see them in Hogmeade plenty.” He argued, which was technically true.
Remus had run into you plenty of times in Honeydukes or at the Three Broomsticks. On occasion, more in fifth year and then hardly in sixth and now never in seventh, you’d ask if he might want to get a butterbeer with you but he always declined because he was with James, Sirius, and Peter. It was unfortunate and he wished everytime that he just put aside whatever niggling self-doubt existed in the back of his head because he really could be quite charming when he wanted to be (when there were no strings attached…or feelings, more accurately).
“Getting in your head again honey?” Sirius asked, drawing him out of a daydream. A rather bleak one, as it stood.
Remus hummed, “You think it’ll be alright?”
“I’ve never known you to worry this much over a date,” James replied, “what about that bird you went out with over christmas?”
“Exactly my point James,” Remus replied, “I tend to avoid going on dates with people who matter a great deal to me. It’s let’s messy that way, but it’s given me zero training in what I ought to do on a real date.”
“What about all the dates we’ve been on?” Sirius posed and Remus shoved him gently.
“We’ve not been on dates you mong,” he replied.
“That’s truly hurtful hon, can’t believe you would wound me that way when I’m here offering you support in your great hour of need.” Sirius teased.
Remus rolled his eyes at his best friend, finally pushing his chair back and standing up, “I’m heading back to the common room.”
“To wallow in your bunk Moony?” James called, earning and immediate shushing from Madam Pince.
Remus paused monetarily to offer James his middle finger in reply before making his way out of the library. The corridors were empty all the way back to the gryffindor common room and Remus spent the walk trying to rehearse talking points with himself in his head. As much as his friends drove him mad with their advice, he knew they were half-right and fully looking out for him. He just needed to calm down his brain, it was you after all. His darling study partner and an absolute vision in yellow.
You wore a lot of yellow; even Peter had commented on it once in the library (“you wear an awful lot of yellow” “yes, well, I am a Hufflepuff”) but Remus thought of it more like Marigold. Like a flower sprouting up to reach the golden rays of the sun, Remus felt the warmth of the color radiating off of you every time he was near.
It was no surprise then that you turned up in yellow on the morning of Hogsmeade. Black doc martens inherited from your father, yellow corduroy pants and a striped sweater that looked soft and felt softer when he hugged you.
“You look very excited this morning,” you mentioned in a teasing tone, smiling at him.
“Do I?” He asked, looking down at himself as though his excitement was a coat he could simply shed himself of.
“For someone who didn’t have anyone to go to Hogsmeade with,” you replied, “you’re very cheerful.”
“Well, not no one,” Remus insisted, “we’re going together.”
You smiled, tilting your head back as if you were turning your chin to the sun. “That we are,” you agreed.
As other students gathered in the courtyard began to depart for the long trek to Hogsmeade, Remus held his arm up, bent at the elbow, as if presenting it to you. The gesture was an inside joke that probably wasn’t truly funny and that neither of you could accurately recall the origin of but you laughter all the same. You took his arm, fingers pressing into the fabric of his plaid blazer, and allowed him to begin the journey. Mostly it was an enjoyable silence, you didn’t feel any pressure to fill the space (and you almost always felt pressure to fill empty air with some rambling assortment of nonsense) and Remus let his daydreams be far more romantic in nature than he usually allowed.
Remus was a bit of a cynic, more than a bit if any of his friends were queried on the topic, though he was wont to blame his lycanthropy for that less charming quality. Whether he would’ve been prone to cynicism without the affliction or not, Sirius was right. He did tend to let himself talk circles around any good thought that passed through his head until it became absolutely, unbearably, negative.
“Are you having a conversation with yourself there?” You asked, drawing his attention to you. The both of you had passed into Hogsmeade and when you’d begun asking which shop he’d most like to go in you’d realized he wasn’t paying the least bit of attention.
Remus hummed in reply and then shook his head as his brain caught up with the question you’d asked him, “no, sorry. James tells me I’m prone to daydreaming though I don’t often realize I’m doing it, I suppose he’s right.”
“There’s nothing I love more than a good daydream,” you replied, “Did I ever tell you, I zoned out on Alice’s hat when I was being sorted…imagined myself unraveling the whole horrid thing and fashioning it into a cute little top, I’m quite the crocheter, if you don’t know, and the sorting hat thought it was a trip…stuck me in Hufflepuff over the whole thing. Said I had too much going on between my ears,” you laughed as you finished the story and Remus couldn’t help smiling at you.
It was a nonsensical story but it had seemed to ease the tension in his bones, relaxing him enough to let him banish the niggling cynicism that made a home in his head.
“Are you positive it didn’t say Ravenclaw and you misheard, being so distracted as you were?” He asked.
You huffed out a laugh, “I heard correctly! Surely if I hadn’t someone might’ve mentioned it.”
Remus hummed in response as if he was weighing the validity of your argument, “I suppose.”
“I should crochet you something, it probably would’ve made a nicer gift than a silly book,” you mentioned, changing the subject, already thinking how nice Remus would look in a wool sweater. Maybe a maroon or a deep brown, he seemed to always be in earth tones and mismatched plaids.
“I quite like the book, actually,” Remus replied. He’d finished it within the three days between when you’d gifted it him and today. He wanted to be sure he cloud talk to you about and was thrilled to find that he throughly enjoyed the story (and his namesake, though Arséne sounded much classier than Remus).
“Have you started it?” You asked, passed beneath his arm as he held the door open to the Three Broomsticks. As he followed you in he caught sight of Rosemerta, watching him with a smirk as though she knew something he didn’t. Or perhaps she was more insightful than he gave her credit for and she could tell from across the crowded tavern that he was bumbling his way through a first date, hoping that you thought it was a first day to.
“Yes, I started it the other night, really very good,” he replied, taking a window spot.
You sat on the stool beside him, eyebrows pulling together as you looked out the window, your expression half way between surprise and confusion.
“Something wrong?” Remus asked, looking out the window himself but seeing only some younger students he wasn’t familiar with.
“No,” you shook your head, “just thought I saw…can’t be though. Anyway,” you changed the topic quickly, “I tried making butterbeer at home over the holiday but it turned out rather poorly.”
“I’ve never tried making it…don’t think it’s crossed my mind,” Remus replied. He turned in his stool, “just realized I’ve to get the drinks,” he slid off his seat and headed over to the bar to order.
You looked out the window again as he weaved his way through the crowd. Outside, against the backdrop of the snow you thought you saw something, blinking away the image at first and then…you realized you weren’t seeing things at all. Sirius was standing there, looking as if he didn’t know quite how he was visible to you but he recovered quickly, offering a wave and a wink. You waved back and then he pressed his finger to his lips before pointing over your shoulder and you understood the silent request. Don’t tell Remus. You smiled and nodded and then, practically before your own eyes the boy seemed to disappear.
“Here we are,” Remus set the butterbeer in front of you and resumed his spot. “How was your holiday? I don’t think I properly inquired before.”
“It was alright,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your drink, “my sister’s had the baby, so everyone was in a state over it. You would’ve thought it funny, the little devil puked all down the front of my party outfit on Christmas Eve!”
“Did he really?” Remus hid his mouth behind his glass, taking a somewhat stunted drink as he tried not to laugh at your misfortune.
You nodded in reply, unable to contain your own quiet laughter. “It was quite becoming too, my party outfit. Sirius owled me about coming to a Christmas party, which I was really very surprised by, and I’d picked it out just for the occasion.”
The flush that Remus had felt on his cheeks colored his neck and ears at the thought of Sirius inviting you to their Christmas party. His best friend had been particularly rowdy that evening and Remus had suspected that he’d had something up his sleeve but nothing had ever come of it. Now he knew; Sirius had been trying to get him to “make a move” on you since fifth year, when he’d first caught wind of Remus’ crush. Or infatuation perhaps.
“I’m sure it was lovely,” Remus replied, trying to fit you into what he thought you might wear to a fancy dress party. Something golden and soft and glittery, if he was asked to bet money on his assumptions.
“It really was!” You exclaimed, “I tried a spell to clean it off but i’m rubbish at household magic and ended up melting it! I looked like I was wearing a baby’s bib after they’ve thrown up on it!”
Remus laughed at the image your words produced, taking the final sip of his butterbeer, “I didn’t know you were planning on coming to the party, mishap aside I would have loved to see you there.”
Your heart swelled at his use of the word “loved” and you smiled, “Well my night was just as chaotic, I’m sure. Do you mind popping in to Honeydukes? I don’t want to keep you.”
“I wouldn’t mind it.” Remus muttered, the words slipping out before he could stop himself.
“Sorry?” You had busied yourself with pulling your coat back on and looked up in confusion, having not fully heard him over the commotion of the tavern.
“Oh, I was just uh…I have plenty of time. All day really.” He insisted, standing himself and taking his hat off the table so he could follow you back out to the village street.
“Damn!” You stopped suddenly, recalling with all the annoyance of someone who had forgotten something vital to their daily life that you had left your second present for Remus in the refrigerator at home.
“Are you alright?”
“I’d forgotten, because of baby Lucifer…not his real name ‘course…I made a batch of fudge for you. I was going to sneak it to you at the party but I obviously did not attend and so it’s sitting in the fridge at home.” You replied, already thinking of what you would say in an owl home to your mother.
“That’s alright, honest,” Remus replied, laying a hand gently on the back of your coat. The pressure of his touch seemed to get you moving again. “Wait, why would you need to sneak it to me?” He asked, his mind catching up to the entirety of your situation.
“Well, Sirius invited me to the party, as I’ve said, and he said you’d be there, very specifically too, and so I made you the fudge…this was before I saw the book of course…but I didn’t make anything for anyone else. I hate people feeling left out, naturally, but it didn’t even occur to me until I was getting ready to come over. And then, of course, I suppose it worked out because my sister handed me Fredagar, that’s his real name by the way…a doozy if you ask me…and well, you know the rest.” You replied, “I was looking forward to going though, I thought about owning you over the holiday but I didn’t want to seem like that nagging friend who didn’t know the boundaries of their friendship, you know?”
“You could never,” Remus replied, “I’d like to think there are very few boundaries on our friendship, if any.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” you said, plucking a cellophane bag of taffy off the shelf in Honeydukes for your mum, “I’m not completely clueless though Remus, I know you’ve got a couple secrets up your sleeve.”
Despite the smile when you said it, Remus felt the flush that had been staining his cheeks rush away as he paled. He looked almost nervous, you thought, far more serious than you’d intended. You had a few ideas about what his secret might be, and you knew he had one, but you would never wager a guess out loud. His business was his and if he wanted to share, when he wanted to share, you knew he would.
“Sorry,” you apologized, taking his hand in yours and giving a squeeze of reassurance, “I didn’t mean to upset you Remus, I was only teasing.”
“Of course,” he nodded, squeezing your hand back. “I didn’t mean to-“
“Don’t think anything of it,” you replied, “now, tell me how your holiday was? Did you lot get into any trouble?”
Remus tried to refocus, shaking his head gently to clear his thoughts, “With Sirius and James?” He reached for the candy in your hand, “here, let me get this for you.”
“Oh no, you got the butterbeers,” you replied, “besides the taffy is for my mum. I’m only getting the sherbet lemons and the chocolate frog. Hoping it’s not Dumbledore again, got a load of him.”
“James’ got a whole shoebox full of Dumbledores,” Remus replied, “Sometimes he lines them all up and watches him go back and forth between them all.”
You laughed at the thought of James sprawled out with his wizard cards, staring at Dumbledore passing through them. “Sounds like him.” You replied. “No, Remus, really-“
“I insist,” he placed the candies on the counter with his and then realized he’d need his other hand, “sorry I-“
“Oh, gosh, sorry…didn’t even realize I was still hanging on to you.” You let go, crossing your arms and looking around the shop while he paid.
“It’s alright,” Remus took the bag of sweets from the lady behind the counter and then reached over, deciding that maybe a bold move would be the right one, and took your hand again. “Do you want to walk a bit? Maybe?”
“Sounds good,” you agreed, letting Remus lead you back out onto the streets and through Hogsmeade.
The companionable silence from before seemed to fall over the two of you as you made your way around the small village. Remus let himself focus on the feeling of holding your hand in his and not the nerves that were still eating at him from your earlier comment. If he thought too hard on it he’d follow his own rabbit hole to the conclusion that you had figured him out and though you were still very obviously right here beside him, your motivations for wanting to be his friend if you knew were murky at best. He knew he was catastrophizing, even if he didn’t intend to, and that was probably why he didn’t realise exactly where he was until you finally spoke up.
“My sister used to tell me she would lock me in there when she was still at Hogwarts.”
Remus looked up in confusion, the Shrieking Shack standing a few meters away behind an old rickety fence.
“The shrieking shack,” he said, just for good measure.
“What do you think of it?” You asked.
“What do you mean?” His grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly and he looked as uneasy as he had back in Honeydukes.
“Oh, just like, do you really think some murderous hermit lives there? That’s what my sister used to tell me, that he built the house on the bones of his victims and that it was their screams you could hear on the anniversaries of their death.” You replied, gravely. Just as quickly you smiled, “or something like that.”
“I’ve heard a different one then,” Remus laughed.
“Have you? Suppose it’s not a murderer then. That’s a relief.” You replied.
“I should tell you,” Remus began, clearing his throat, trying to calm his nerves. “I uh, well, Sirius and James didn’t actually have detention today. And Peter wasn’t busy either, I sort of…well I wanted to come to Hogsmeade with you and I didn’t know or I was too nervous to ask.”
You bit your bottom lip to stop the smile that was threatening to spread. “I sort of, guessed about the Sirius and James bit. Not that I knew you were lying just to go out with me, if that is what your saying-“
“It is. It…how did you know about James and Sirius?” He asked, perplexed.
“I think they might’ve been following us, I saw Sirius outside of The Three Broomsticks,” you replied.
Remus looked around quickly, as if he could somehow see them, hiding out in the open, when it was just the two of you. “You swore you’d stay out of Hogsmeade!” He called to the empty space around you.
And despite Sirius and James appearing seemingly out of thin air you only felt mildly surprised to see them both. “Did your sister really name her son Fredagar?” Sirius asked as he ran a hand through his hair and straightened his jacket.
Remus looked absolutely peeved, though you weren’t sure if it was because they broken their promise or because they’d been following the two of you around Hogsmeade all afternoon. “Oh, come off it Moony, we would’ve closed our eyes if you two started snogging.” James said, pushing his glasses up his nose.
You chose to ignore him and focus on Sirius instead, “afraid so. According to her husband it’s a family name.”
Remus still looked bother and perhaps now a touch embarrassed, the red coming back to his cheeks in full force. He let go of your hand in favor of crossing his arms, looking about the clearing as though someone else might be there as well.
“Peter didn’t come, the spoilsport said ‘we promised Remus we’d stay behind’.” Sirius answered the unspoken question, pitching his voice higher to sound like Peter.
“At least one of my friends actually listens to me.” Remus huffed.
“It’s alright, really,” you promised.
“See, they aren’t bothered,” Sirius pointed out, “can’t believe you weren’t going ti give Jamesy and me a present though. Really gutted over that one. You don’t even know how you’ve wounded me.”
“You’ll get over it, I’m sure.”
“Never. Take it to my grave is what I’ll do.” Sirius joked, clutching at his heart dramatically, “it’s betrayal really, I thought I was your favorite.”
“My favorite what? Pain in the ass?” You laughed.
“And the hits just keep coming!”
James smacked Sirius’ arm, “it’s alright, we all know who your favorite is.” He looked over at Remus, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“Christ, can’t you two find something else to do?” Remus asked, “where’s Lily?”
“She said something about someone breaking up with somebody else and having a nice Hogsmeade trip to mend them up…can’t remember specifics.” James replied.
“Good to know you listen to your girlfriend.” Remus snarked.
“I do listen! It’s just that we were making out and she always tells me things when we’re in the middle of it and then I can’t remember what it is she said.”
“Maybe that’s why she does it,” you pointed out, “to see if you’re paying attention.”
“I am!” He insisted, “to her!”
“Let’s just go back,” Remus tried, gesturing for James and Sirius to go ahead.
Sirius looked surprised at the suggestion though, a devilish smile coming to his face as he looked passed Remus to the shrieking shack. “We wanted to check your theory,” he said, looking over at you, “about the murderer in the shack.”
“Sirius!” Remus snapped, the scarlet of his cheeks suddenly giving him a furious look. He was no longer feeling embarrassed or annoyed or even smitten as he had been in The Three Broomsticks. This Remus was pissed off.
“It’ll be fun,” Sirius insisted. He and James were excitable and charming when they wanted to be but sometimes they were downright cads. No regard for anyone’s feelings and taking jokes just over the line until they weren’t funny anymore.
“I think I’d rather just go back to Hogwarts,” you replied, worrying your bottom lip as you glanced over at Remus. He wouldn’t meet your eyes though.
“Just a minute or two, like a dare,” James teased, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you toward the break in the fence where others had clearly manipulated the wire to get in.
“I think-“
“You two are assholes sometimes, you know that?” Remus snapped, hurt more than anger fuelling his words, “I told you to leave me alone for the day and you can’t even fucking do that? You insist on ruining everything!”
You looked over your shoulder, passed James (who was also looking over his shoulder) and realized Remus was trudging back toward Hogsmeade. Sirius had turned to watch him go, picking up the discarded bag of sweets that he’d tossed as he’d stormed out.
“Remus!” Sirius called, still sounding jovial though mildly confused, as if he couldn’t fathom why his friend was upset.
James seemed to have caught on, his hands falling from your shoulders, “sorry, we just thought it’d be a laugh.”
“It’s okay,” you weren’t really sure that it was okay but you didn’t know what other platitude to offer them. “I’ll go see if I can catch up with him?”
“Think that’s best, he might sock us if we follow him now.” James replied.
You took the candy from Sirius and started after Remus, following his tracks in the snow. By the time you got to Hogsmeade, his footpath had muddled with everyone else’s and it was impossible to know exactly where he’d gone. You thought about asking around but then that seemed silly, you had misplaced someone in a village this small? Wouldn’t that just mean they didn’t want to see you? Hogwarts seemed logical, he’d show up there eventually, at least. So you hiked your way back to Hogwarts and were almost immediately reminded why you disliked coming to Hogsmeade most of the time. The treacherous uphill climb back to the school was daunting, especially when you were forced to trek on your own through the snow.
By the time you got back to the castle your knees, shins, elbows and the bottom of your jacket were all wet and icing over. Luck took pity on you though and you found Remus on the bridge, over looking the lake and gorge.
“I‘ve saved your chocolates, which turned out to be quite a feat because I lost my footing at least three times on the walk back,” you called, “you’ll be relieved to have abandoned the day, then you didn’t have to be embarrassed by my clumsiness.”
“I,” Remus sighed as he turned toward you, “I didn’t mean to abandon anything…I uh, I’m prone to a temper every now and again.”
“Is that what that was? You seemed so calm and collected,” you teased, “Sirius was right though, I’m really not bothered. I’m sorry that you were.”
“I just wanted it to be a nice date,” Remus admitted. “I fucked up the ask and then…well I made a whole list of things we could chat about and it was complete rubbish so I tossed it and then I couldn’t come up with anything noteworthy to say-“
“I had a lovely time,” you cut him off, laying your hand on his arm, “you don’t need a list of topics Remus, we’re friends…we talk all the time.”
“Yeah, but not…I mean, not the sort of talk that leads people to think you’re interested in them, in a more than friendly way.” He admitted, “we always chat about friendly things.”
“Well, I could start telling you how gorgeous you look in your vest, would that help?” You asked, reaching out to gently tug the hem of his vest as you spoke.
“Yes, I suppose.” He nodded, “I, as you can imagine, I was planning on kissing you…perhaps, if you wanted to, of course. Not by the shack, that would be unromantic. I was thinking maybe just in the woods but then we wander further than I intended too and, as you know, James-“
You tugged his vest again, a little rougher this time, and leaned in to kiss him. “You know you sound an awful lot like me right now?” You almost laughed, “you’re supposed to be the confident one aren’t you?”
“You should try being me when you’re looking at me like that.”
“What am I looking at you like?” You asked.
“Like, well,” the thought occurred to Remus suddenly, like someone pulling a lightbulb string inside his head and bringing a lamp to life, “like you always look at me.” He said it softly, as if he were afraid to admit what he’d really known all along.
“You’re very clever,” you teased, kissing him once more, “are you positive you aren’t in Ravenclaw?”
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luckycharms1701 · 8 months
Maybe a request, you can ignore if you don't like the idea tho!
What about f!reader pegging one of the turtles headcanons? i'd ask specifically for Donnie in this one.
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😬 gonna be real here anon-chan. i’m so glad you’re here but i’m not sure i’m the one to fill this request. see, the problem with sending this to me is that i am a bottom. i am like super bottom. pegging isn’t really my thing. but! the people i would send you to have requests closed right now, so i will do my best to tide you over until you can ask someone else. i am sorry in advance.
edit: uhhhhhhhhhh spicy. so spicy. i uh cannot emphasize enough, 🌶️🌶️🌶️
It definitely starts as an experiment, something he’s heard about and wants to try. When you do, he finds that he loves it. He loves it a Lot.
He creates a strap specifically designed to maximize pleasure for both of you. It takes him a couple of attempts to get it right. The less said about that the better. It’s worth it though, for what he ends up with. A double-sided strap-on, thick and heavy on one side for him and a rabbit on the other side for you. It vibrates. Everywhere.
He always makes sure to get you off before asking you to peg him. The more he wants it, the more orgasms he gives you first. One of his favorite things to do is fuck you with his fingers until you’re practically insensate and then ride you.
Even better when you suggest it. He gets this look on his face and practically tackles you onto the bed. He’s so happy that you enjoy this too that he gets overeager. The clothes practically fly off. Still, he’s the king of prep. Neither of you is doing anything with the strap-on until you’re both ready.
He loves that you can share this experience, getting to fuck someone you love. When he can, he’ll pay attention to how you fuck him and use that knowledge to absolutely devastate you when it’s his turn. You didn’t think he could get better at fucking you, but he proves you wrong.
His favorite thing. Is when you first bottom in him. He’ll whine and beg for more, even knowing you can’t go any further.
i. i’m sorry that’s all i’ve got headcanon-wise. however, a little blurb DID pop into my head that’s uh more my speed and therefore might be a little better? maybe? anyway it won’t leave me alone so here you go, a little extra for you. featuring donnie topping from the bottom.
edit: uh. well! that wasn't supposed to happen. what. enjoy?
Donnie whines as you bottom in him, and you shudder before forcing yourself to still. You are desperate to rub against the smooth silicone pressing into your clit, but you know what will happen if you do. You try to think about anything else as he continues to whine and pant and writhe, getting used to the strap-on inside of him. He sounds so beautiful, and you answer his whine with a moan of your own. His eyes pop open, and his lips twitch upward.
“Are you ready, baby?” He laughs lowly at how quickly and violently you nod your head, then stretches to reach the bed stand. You can see the way his movement causes him more pleasure, your cock deep inside of him rubbing against his walls. He picks up the remote that haunts your dreams.
The lowest setting immediately sets you to shaking, but you don’t move yet. “Good girl!” Donnie’s praise goes straight to your core, and you can only whine in response. “Look at me. Don’t look away. I want to see you.” You raise your head from where it had fallen to your chest. The desire in his eyes sends an electric thrill through you that causes you to practically gush around the dildo deep inside of you. You start shaking harder for a different reason.
Donnie takes a deep breath and squirms as the vibration courses through him as well. He gets a wicked look in his eye, and an alarm goes off in the part of your brain that isn’t mush. Before you can say a word, he ups the vibration and thrusts upward, pushing the strap-on deeper into you.
You feel the sheets stretch underneath your fingers as your whole body stiffens, desperately holding back the urge to match the way he’s grinding into you. You cannot hold back the scream or the tears though. It takes everything in you to keep your eyes on Donnie. The satisfaction on his face as he drags you to the edge once again does not help with your struggle, and he knows it.
His eyes go half-lidded with his own pleasure as he continues to grind into you. His hand that’s not holding the remote comes up and presses into your lips. You obediently open your mouth and his thumb snakes in and holds your tongue down. “You’re doing so good for me, darling. So, so good.” You hold his gaze, trying to convey your desperation. You’re not sure you could speak even if his fingers weren’t in your mouth.
Donnie leans up and his tongue joins his fingers. He leisurely maps out your mouth, as if he has all the time in the world. Your moan is garbled with all of him in your mouth. He pulls back, hand leaving your mouth and stretching around your neck instead. He stares at you, still grinding hard, and waits. You swallow and open your mouth.
“D-Donnie… please… please!”
His smile is wicked as he clicks the vibration higher, causing both of you to gasp. “A-alright love. You can move.” You barely catch yourself from dropping your head in relief, then you pull back and start to thrust.
head bonks: @yorshie @avery73 @justalotoffanfiction @thejudiciousneurotic @writinandcrying
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aphrc-dite · 1 year
König x Reader
This is the first thing i’ve written in a while, so please go easy on me 😭
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the day had been so awfully long, it almost felt like it was never ending as you dragged your body back to the nearby base.
you’ve been out and about for the last couple of days, working on this dumb mission that nobody seemed to be able to properly work out until now, giving you the perfect chance to head back and report your findings to könig.
with heavy steps you made your way over to yours and königs shared room, swinging the door open with a groan “you owe me one for this one” you spoke in a gentle voice, dropping your backpack on the floor along with some other pieces of gear “oh my.. you look rough liebling” his voice seemed to almost echo in your head as you closed the door behind you “and who exactly is at fault for that? you send me out there all on my own!” your words came out followed by a big huff, your arms crossing over your chest as your lip curled into a little pout, your actions causing könig to chuckle “i’m sorry liebling, i will make it up to you”.
your eyes watched closely as könig pushed himself off of his bed, his tall figure basically towering over you as he got closer and closer “will you let me make it up to you?” his soft voice asked as one of his arms gently wrapped around your waist. this man was already driving you absolutely insane and he had barely even done anything yet.
a soft pink shade spread across your cheeks as you simply nodded yes to his question, your own arms now wandering to wrap around the males neck and before you even realized what was happening, he had already fully lifted you in the air, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he held you close “i’ve missed you a lot..” his words were almost mumbled as he carefully carried you over to the bed.
his voice was honestly something to die for, the way it was so soft and gentle whenever he spoke to you, it was enough to make you completely melt into his arms. your face gently nuzzled into his neck as he sat down on the bed. due to the position you’d taken earlier, you were now neatly placed on his lap. your heartbeat was quick to pick up as one of your hands gently wandered to lift the fabric of his hood, only enough to reveal the skin on his neck though, your lips immediately connecting to it to give him little kisses and nibbles.
all the while königs hands started to roam around as well, carefully running over your back for a while before slowly sliding under the fabric of your shirt, leaving behind a hot trail with his fingertips. somehow this was already enough to drive you absolutely crazy. being out there for all those days without könig nearby was like getting deprived of your entire life and energy, so to be back in his arms like this, felt like absolute heaven.
not wanting to wait much longer, you pulled away from his neck, giving yourself just enough space to pull off your top “don’t you think it’s a little nicer like this?” your words teased as your eyes focused on könig. it was obvious he enjoyed the view, his hands immediately moving to cup your breasts, giving them little squeezes before sliding his hands fully into your bra, his thumbs rubbing over your already hardening nipples.
you bit down on your lip as you tried to hold back any lewd sounds that might want to try and escape your lips, you were in the base afterall and anyone could hear you two through the thin walls if you were too loud “könig..” you spoke gently as you carefully start to grind against his thigh “you better not tease me too much today..” you quickly added on. könig didn’t answer though, his hands and mind focused completely on your breasts as he finally removed that pesky bra.
his actions were quick to speak louder than words, as he decided he didn’t want any foreplay, he didn’t want to tease you.. no.. he wanted you right then and there and without any further warnings, the positions were flipped and you were now pressed down on the bed, könig being perfectly placed inbetween your legs as his hands moved from your breast down your sides and right between your legs tearing a perfect hole into the bottom of your pants “no teasing then..” his voice somehow still managed to sound soft as he spoke, though the feel behind those words was far from what they sounded like “fuck..” you managed to mumble under your breath as you could feel your body heating up, it’s been a while since you’ve witnessed könig like this. it explained perfectly how needy he must’ve felt at this point.
though, you weren’t any better yourself, in the time between könig playing with your chest and him ripping your pants like that, you’d already became dripping wet, wether it was just the thought of getting it on or his sudden change in pace, you couldn’t be bothered to think more of those details. instead you licked over your lips, your eyes locking with königs for a little bit “show me what you got then” you dared to speak, making könig snicker a little bit “ask and you shall receive” and with no further hesitation, the male unbuckled his belt, unbutton his pants, zipped down that damn zipper and pulled everything down just enough to make his hard member jump out at you and god, it was almost as if it was bigger than it usually was.
your tongue licked over your lips as your hand went to reach for his length, immediately getting denied though “no touching” he smirked, his own hand moving inbetween your legs once more, this time giving a good rip to those annoying panties that were still covering your wet entrence “god.. look how wet you already are” he grumbled, pressing his shaft against your folds. evem though he had said he wouldn’t tease you, he couldn’t help but grind against that wetness of yours for a little while, his breath already growing heavy even though he hadn’t even started to push inside of you yet. at the same time, your own chest started to rise and sink rather quickly, your hands gripping onto the sheets underneath you as you were just waiting for the moment that his thick and long shaft would finally push in, the moment you’d finally feel like you were getting filled to the brim. just the thought alone was almost enough to drive you to the edge, but you held yourself together perfectly “please könig..” you whimpered softly.
a smirk started to play around his lips as he heard your words, but he took his sweet time to make your wish come true, leaning down a little so that he could whisper into your ear “give me a little bit prinzessin” he chuckled, deciding to keep his teasing going a little longer even though that was the one thing he didn’t want to do.
his grinding seemed to speed up a little bit,
giving just enough friction to your clit to make your body shiver lightly “please i just.. i need you in me” you beg, your hands grip on the sheets tightening as you tried to move your hips in a way that might make könig just.. slip in without even wanting to and god, that’s exactly what you managed to do.
you managed to position your hips just right at the perfect time as könig was grinding forward, his whole length being quick to fill you up as both of you let out a noise of satisfaction, that’s when there was truely no stopping. könig was quick to start moving his hips properly now, his hands holding onto your waist tightly as he held you in place, thrusting into you almost as if you were some sort of sex doll. his pace was fast and rather rough, the sound of his skin slapping against yours, filling the entire room.
your eyes rolled back lightly as you couldn’t help but arch your back, the grip of the sheets almost so tight you could’ve ripped a hole into them “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” was all that really left your mouth as you could feel his tip dig into all the right places. all the while könig said nothing at all, the only thing leaving his mouth for now were grunts and groans as little drops of sweat ran down his forehead.
you wanted to reach out so desperately, touch him, kiss him, but your body didn’t react to what the brain told it to do at all. instead, you just stayed in that arched position, absolutely getting your brains fucked out by könig. there were no restraints at all as his pace seemed to pick up even more. it was almost as if you felt him all the way in your stomach, his length ramming into over and over and over again.
due to the pace it really didn’t take you much longer to get to your breaking point, the friction being too much for you body to handle as your walls tightend around könig “oh god.. baby..” you moaned, still trying to keep it down a little bit “fuck please.. please.. i’m about to cum please” even now your voice managed to come out to incredibly quiet, your hands finally releasing from the sheets so that you could pull könig close to you “fill me up.. fuck just.. fucking fill me up” you whined his ear and that’s what seemed to do it for the man as well, a few more grunts left his mouth as his next few thrusts seemed a bit more sloppy, the last one hitting especially hard though as he fully pushed in his entire shaft, causing your legs to shake as an orgasm washed over your entire body. all the while könig had his own release, his hot cum pumping into you until it starte leaking from around his member, little drops of it running down your folds as his hips lightly jerked forward with every little pump “fuck.. liebling..” was all that left his mouth at this point, his body basically collapsing on top of yours, remaining inside of you until he slowly grew soft.
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