#ruin ic
goddesstrolls · 5 months
Hi Ruin, you're a deity of destruction, right? How would you best describe that role in The Cycle?
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"I am the end and the beginning."
"I am change and decay both. As nothing is ever truly destroyed, I am the act of breaking, of returning to a more base form to be reused by the cycle."
"I am the mold, the rot, the threads coming loose. I am the act of ruining a piece of ore to purify it into metal, and then the melting and forging of that metal into a blade, and I am the rust upon that blade."
"I am not merely Destruction. I am when things cease to be what they are, and become something else."
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Danny has an Ice Core.
He isn't aware of it, but this does, in fact, greatly influence how his ghost form looks as he grows up.
His appearance starts getting more rugged, eyes a paler, more piercing green, hair a bit more uncontrollable and wild.
He packs muscle easily, even in human form.
When in ghost form, he has an aura of something patient and dangerous, and that sense only grows the older he gets.
Basically, our boy starts to look like a viking.
No matter how goofy and bumbling he really is, his first impression is always a horrifying moment for whoever is meeting him.
And as his ghost form grows with his human form, he outgrows his hazmat outfit. Frostbite and the Far Frozen fashion him some new clothes-which only compliment and play off of the viking aesthetic he's got going on.
And with the height he inherited from his father?
Our man is a very, very intimidating figure to look at. More so than Dan; because while Dan was dangerous and scary, he was all energy and lightning and rage.
Adult Danny comes across as lethal and terrifying, all ice and persistence and that final, terrible silence before you realize you've already died.
Dan felt like the warrior in front of you. Danny feels like the wilderness in winter, vast and unforgiving.
Anyways, when a summoning for Klarion goes horribly wrong and Danny gets called instead, the Justice League has a moment where they're convinced they've summoned something much, much worse than Klarion.
And Danny, standing there completely confused, is not helping by remaining silent and still while staring John Constantine in the eye.
Good news, the bad guys are also very concerned about the weird ghost viking and are actually moving to stand side by side with the Justice League on this.
Bad news, who the fuck is this guy?
"...Fuck," is all Constantine whispers, backing away slowly.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
I personally think it is categorically hilarious that Buck is seemingly gonna rock up to his sisters wedding with a boyfriend having not told his parents of this development in his life.
It is peak trolling payback to drop that bomb on them in an environment where they have to play nice after all they’ve done to him. This is baby box the revenge and I am here for it
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i know you could explain it all with rule of funny or ''they did it on purpose as a gag'' but
sans has the uncanny ability to read your face like a book and know exactly what you're thinking with a glance. he also constantly misses papyrus' jokes and treats them like genuine questions.
papyrus talks to you over the phone and somehow manages to conceptualize where you are and what you're doing from your tone alone. if, however, you gave him a picture of asgore and toriel, the only way he could tell them apart would be by their clothes.
tone-deaf sans/face blind papyrus. they're both autistic in perfectly mirrored ways so when they talk they keep missing each other by a hairbreadth
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jazzkrebber · 1 year
did it hurt? no, not when you fell from heaven. when Jesper Fahey held it together until Inej left because he knew how hard it already was for her to leave
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
I wish soooo badly that Nesta had said something like “taking a page out of Tamlin’s book?” to Feyre when they told her she’d be locked in the house of wind. Feyre prob would’ve cried and Rhys prob would’ve killed Nesta for making Feyre cry but the satisfaction for me in that moment would’ve been 🤌
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groundrunner100 · 2 months
Upon seeing this poll & voting, reblogs are sincerely appreciated. Let as many people as you possible see this poll.
The 5 year anniversary of one of the BIGGEST tragedies in entertainment history deserves more recognition this time around.
Lastly, go in detail in reblogs as to why you voted for a certain character.
(This is the last time I ever do a poll on this subject.)
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flaticeball · 8 months
hey! as the first season of connor bedard gets underway i, your local indigenous hockey fan, have a request of you: please don't let this kid's sure to be marvellous and jaw-dropping rookie season make you complacent with the racism of the blackhawks as an organization. it is beyond heinous that they were able to secure the first overall pick this year for a number of reasons i'm sure we're all familiar with, but i am pleading with the hockey community not to let the racism of this org fall through the cracks.
they drafted connor bedard and handed him a jersey with a giant racist caricature on the front. their mascot is named tommy hawk. they continuously fail to curtail their fans' egregious displays of anti-indigenous racism at games.
i'm not going to ask anyone not to post about bedard. i know he's huge news and i'm bummed as all hell that i won't be able to enjoy the beginning of what is sure to be an incredible career myself. but i am asking, given that his presence on the team is likely to increase the prevalence of people making and reblogging posts about the blackhawks, that you please care, loudly and actively, about the racism of this organization and how much it hurts indigenous fans to see that go unquestioned so often.
consider mentioning it in posts. consider amplifying the voices of indigenous fans and community members about the issues of these types of sports organizations. consider reading up on the history of the person they claim to 'honour' with their hideous effigy of a logo. consider censoring the logo in your posts if you are able to (please do this if you are able to). consider tagging posts so that indigenous fans are at the very least able to blacklist that team and not have to see it.
above all, please just. don't forget about it. don't forget about us. we belong here too.
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Don't get me wrong, I hate Robert Baratheon as much as the next person, he is awful. That being said, his hatred of Targs is SO real. Like every time someone so much as says the word Targaryen he is like "Fuck them all" and that might be the most relatable thing I have found in the book as I am re-reading AGOT again.
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goddesstrolls · 10 months
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"It seems that I should soon pay a visit to my kin."
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7roaches · 4 months
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quick doodlies before bed
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wylanslcve · 11 months
I will never move on from how not only did the Crows steal the tank from the Ice Court, but the entire time Wylan is smiling to himself and then absolutely LOSES IT once they've escaped. Like the crew has just stolen a tank from a high-security prison, narrowly escaping death, but Wylan physically can't stop laughing and is quite literally snorting with laughter at the image of the Fjerdans firing uselessly in the tank's direction with the Fjerdan might banner caught in its treads. He could have died but he's laughing hysterically at how stupid the Fjerdans look as they failed to prevent literal children (who have STOLEN ONE OF THEIR TANKS) from escaping their high-security prison. This has got to be one of my favourite underrated Wylan moments.
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fruitageoforanges · 5 months
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elia martell, princess of dragonstone
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
You know what always bothered me? At the end of the hiking scene in acosf, when Nesta finally breaks down sobbing, Cassian chooses to talk about how he relates to her pain because he almost lost the most important person in his life (Rhysand) under the mountain. Like I understand he and Rhysand are basically brothers but it felt like such a bad time to talk about how much he loves him when he literally threatened to kill Nesta a day before that. This whole scene made me angry on her behalf.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Metahumans Anonymous Pt.2
Continuing where Part 1 left off
(This is Damian Robin)
(Also I need to add one more thing about the previous part. This is an Anonymous Meeting Place, so to protect their identities even more, they wear Masks or Face Covers to try and stay hidden)
Robin was hopping across rooftops on Patrol, going through an area that he has noticed they have been accidentally avoiding, when he sees a strange light coming out from a skylight.
He wanders over and sees an average looking man shooting Fire at another man, who seems to be shooting Ice right back at him in some sort of battle. They even have technological weapons and masks.
Looking around the room more, there are potentially dozens of Metahumans battling in the room, all with small weapons and Masks. At first he thinks they are being made to battle by somebody else, like a Fighting Ring. But then, the two from before call for the others to wrap it up.
Obviously, those two are leading the others, and all of them are there of their own free will, he can tell that from their body language.
He is convinced that they are a group of Metahuman Criminals training to take over the city using their powers. He was raised in an Assassin Cult, and he inherited his dad's paranoia, so he doesn’t even consider the idea that this is completely harmless. He also just recently moved to Gotham, so he doesn’t know the real reason for the No Metas Rule, he just assumes the rumors were true that his dad didn’t like Metahumans and never brings it up.
In his eyes the only reason they could have for using their powers secretly in a warehouse at the edge of town using weapon-like machines against each other, was because they must be training. And if they are training, then they must have a reason for it.
He sees the two people that seem to be the leaders of the group. An average looking man with Fire Powers and a tall but thin man with Ice Powers.
He decides to look them up on the Bat-Computer, after Stalking them and getting a glimpse of their faces.
The Fire Guy looks like he had led a perfectly normal life, a little too normal in his opinion. He must be hiding something, this was obviously a fake profile. It was too clean. (this was actually because he didn’t want to be noticed for his powers, so he tried to keep under the radar as much as possible his whole life)
The Ice Guy was more interesting. He comes from a small town out in Illinois, and moved to Gotham for a job. His parents are registered as People of Interest in the Bat-Computer for their research into other dimensions, and they seem to lean a bit too far in the Mad side of Mad Scientists. He must be the one supplying their weapons.
There’s also some interesting reports from his hometown, a large amount of Powerful Metahuman Villains who recently stopped attacking the city and started living there peacefully. Even the Mad Scientists, who once proclaimed that they would skin the villains alive, had changed their Tune and started advocating for the Villains rehabilitation. Something was definitely up with the Ice Guy.
Robin doesn’t report this to his Father just yet. He only just recently joined the Bat-Family a few months ago, he’s still 10, and he really wants to prove himself by taking down an extremely dangerous Metahuman Villain Group by himself. Maybe his father would cement him as his one true heir then?
He decides to get creative. He can’t defeat all those villains by himself in a straight fight, and he knows picking them off one by one would put them on edge, but maybe he could...outsource their destruction.
He anonymously contacts the Rouge in the area that the Warehouse was in, and tells them that a group of Metas was going to try and take them over soon. He hopes that the villains will just kill each other, and he could pick off the leftovers. It would be two birds for the price of one, taking down both of the Villainous organizations at once and leaving him the sole victor.
The night he initiates the plan, he returns to the cave to rest for a few hours before he can go back out to deal with the leftovers.
Then Batman rushes in, yelling that they needed all hands on deck. Apparently a Civilian Assembly that he was in contact with was under attack by a Villain Organization. He and Robin rush out to help, but the closer they get, the more Robin realizes they are heading in the direction of the Metahuman Villain Group.
Did they make their move? Tonight of all nights? He had perfectly set up a situation where he could get all the credit, but now it was all going to collapse because he didn’t anticipate that they would make their move so early!
They get to the Assembly and see the two different Villain Groups battling. The Civilians must have been caught in the crossfire! He had caused this hadn’t he? (more than he knew)
He decides to take action, and defeat the biggest threats on the field. That of course, meant taking out the most powerful Metahumans in the battle. He goes for the second Leader, the one with Fire Powers, and knocks him out.
Before he can move on, one of his brothers calls out “Robin! What are you doing! Those are the civilians!”
By the time the battle is over, and the Villains have been repelled, Robin has realized what happened. The Civilian Assembly that was being attacked was the Villain Group that he had set up.
Of Course Batman would have known about the gathering of Meta-Humans in his City. He had met up with them months ago and made a deal with them to protect them in return for keeping their head down.
Thankfully nobody had been hurt to badly in the attack, and the Metas with healing powers could fix up most of the damage, but now that one Villain Organization knew about them, every single other one would know within a week. Their little slice of Heaven had been taken from them.
Danny is happy that none of their Masks were taken off or ripped, so none of the Villains will be able to see their faces, but they would need a new location if they ever decided to do in-person meetings again.
If they ever felt anywhere near "safe" again.
Basically, Damian f#cked up...
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oristian · 8 days
“Rhysand and Feyre only flirted in the library below the House of Wind.”
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Oh? Is that so? A library designated for victims of sexual assault and the High Lord and High Lady are actively engaging in inappropriate behavior in that sacred space. “It is just a fantasy series, get over it.” A fantasy series that uses real world themes to tell an overall story. I am exhausted by people constantly trying to defend bad behavior of the Inner Circle. I am equally as exhausted by people attacking those who do call out that bad behavior.
Do better.
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