#rwby handholding
rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #126
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essentialthyme · 2 years
saw some people get really upset by the line "you could just be a human... or just be a cat" and like, how can you miss the point of that scene so much and expect me to take your criticism seriously, honestly? blake's past self image is mocking her, just like ruby's is, c'mon
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csaccipiter · 1 year
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citadelofmythoughts · 4 months
I know you don't like freezerburn but I'm glad you weren't here when monochrome was it's height in popularity during the early fandom days, not only was it more popular than bumbleby at one point but they often made content making fun of it by making yang a loser with a crush on blake that never had a chance, that or they paired yang off with every boy in the cast (not to mention the many popular aus involving slavery or weiss getting with blake just to piss off her dad 💀). They thought monochrome could happen because "forbidden love" which is very wierd when you consider weiss was racist to her and rwby subverts tropes
After volume 7 a group of monochrome shippers came back that insisted monochrome should and was still gonna happen because of the handhold scene, which is funny really. When Barb and Arryn teased the bridge scene before v9 I saw some finally admit monochrome wasn't gonna happen and it makes me wonder how delusional you have to be to ignore all of bumblebys signs up to v8 to think monochrome of all ships would happen in v9
Although it does say something when the artist who popularized monochrome said she doesn't consider v9 canon 😭
I'm so glad I missed most of the early fandom because it might have completely put me off the show before I'd given it a fair chance.
For the record, if Yang wasn't around (either by not existing or dying) I could see Ladybug working. But Monochrome? Absolutely not and I dislike it nearly as much as FB.
>said she doesn't consider v9 canon Some people just live in their own little worlds don't they?
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swagmagussupreme · 13 days
Chapter 28: Ruby Rose Spoons Food into her Mouth, Learns about Cults, and Just Has to Chill
R&W (essentially girlfriends): flinching at being called girlfriends, can't be caught handholding
B&Y (not girlfriends): 'We were at the JNR orgy.'
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This might be an unorthodox request, but how about a Team RWBY (or, if not all of them, then Blake and/or Yang) with a Boyfriend that is not at all shy about physical affection? One who really enjoys handholding, hugging, spooning, sitting on eachother's lap, and all that comes with it, even if it is just for the sake of doing it, and whose idea of "romantic evening for two" can be summed up with along the lines of "cuddling on the couch, wrapped in warm blankets, watching random stuff or talking, until they both doze off together in one another's arms"? Again, I know it might be unorthodox, but the colder weather got me into the mindset for some comfy, fluffy stuff.
Team RWBY with an openly affectionate Boyfriend who loves spending time with then
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•I think this is obvious but this girl gets flustered so easily with you
•She's just so unused to people showing her such open affection
•She does hate it though, in fact she loves it
•She loves how her heart beats faster from just holding hands or receiving something as simple as a hug
•While she gets incredibly embarrassed when it comes to sitting your lap so it's rarely done and only in private
•Her favorite form of affection is definitely kissing
• it's such a open form of affection and shows to everyone that she's yours and your hers
•When it comes to dates people would think she's the type that'd like to go out to a fancy restaurant
•They'd be wrong, dead wrong
•In fact she loves quality time above all else so she loves bring able to snuggle up on a couch and just talk or just watch a movie
•She loves when you fall asleep first since it gives her the chance to admire your peaceful face
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•Now ruby is the opposite of weiss, she actually doesn't really get that flustered from your affection
•She LOVES holding hands and while a bit embarrassing is totally on board with sitting on your lap
•Of course she does get embarrassed when yang starts teasing her about how adorable the two of your our
•While she certainly loves kissing she's actually loves cuddling more~
•I mean it's so comfortable to do and you can even kiss while doing that
•Or just talk while being embraced by the one you love~
•Honestly she loves it the most outta all forms of affection~
•When it comes to dates she similar to weiss with liking to spend them indoors but she'd rather play video games with her boyfriend them watch movies or talk
•Or if they get bored with that you could bake cookies with her~
•It'd definitely be one of the more fun dates to have with her~
•When you two get tired you clock out st the same times cuddled up on a couch wrapped in a blanket
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•So obviously this girl loving the affection your giving her and returns it tenfold
•Also if you think she's sitting on your lap think again
•YOUR going to sitting on her lap
•Any time your happen to walk by her she just pulls you in and rests her on her lap
•You're actually the one who ends up flustered from this
•Same with thing such as kissing and cuddling she gung-ho about both of them but unlike her sister she favors kissing
•And doesn't mind doing it in public, whether it's a chaste kiss or making out she loves it
•While yang certainly loves the dates where you two cuddle up on the couch she prefers going out and letting loose in the city
•Whether it's going clubbing or just going to a fight club she's for either if them
•Though She does like when getting back from your big night you both will snuggle up on the couch and drift off to sleep
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•Now blake is actually unique among the team in the she doesn't get flustered similar to yang but she's also not returning it tenfold
•She's actually pretty chill as expected and subdued when giving affection
•She doesn't mind sitting on your lap and is pretty relaxed about it
•When it comes to kissing or even cuddling she adores both of them
•This has to do with being a cat faunus but she loves when you scratch her cat ears
•It feels heavy to her and the same when it comes to simply stroking her face
•She feels so loved when you do these things to her
•When it comes to dates she similar to weiss and ruby
•but she actually likes reading a book together with you then playing video games or watching movies
•She loves seeing you drift off to sleep after trying to stay up with her
•Your incredibly adorable to her and she's glad that she said yes to dating you despite her reservations
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
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Blake: My gods. They say it's always the quiet ones, but the sweet ones have us beaten, man.  
Weiss: “When one sees this level of  degeneracy, it makes one think, even if to keep their mind off what they  just saw drawn/written. . . Who else could be similar?”
Pyrrha: “G-guys! Sorry but could give those back! You weren’t supposed to see them! Please!”
Blake: “The other most sweet one is Ruby. . . One has to wonder.”
Yang: “My little sister would never stoop to a level like this!”
Pyrrha: “It’s not that bad!”
Blake: “It’s impressive, and that’s coming from me.”
Nora: “I am at the same time impressed and disgusted.”
Blake: “I’m just impressed.”
Ruby, getting out of Yang’s grasp: “Now what is all of the-. . . Oh. . .”
Yang: “No! Not her absolutely still there innocence despite the internet and her fighting people almost to the death!”
Ruby: “. . . . W-well. . . Is this really, you know, that bad? . . Some of its sweet.”
Pyrrha: “S-see! Even Ruby agrees with me.”
Weiss: “. . . Guess it is the sweet ones, filth sticking to it like sugar candy.”
Yang: “Nnnnooooo!”
Blake: “More to the smut side, yes.”
Jaune:  “Uhm. . . S-so. . . Pyrrha. . . Just so that you know, I don’t think  it’s bad. . . And, in fact. . . If you want to try some of this. . .”
Ren: “Please, make sure to do it when we’re not in the room.”
Jaune: “Of course! . . But, yeah. . . I would even agree to, want to do actually. . . Handholding. . . Without our gloves.”
Pyrrha: “. . . I no longer know if this is a dream or a nightmare.”
Blake:  “Clearly it’s probably a wet dream. . . But anyway: I must say I’m  impressed. You really built on that smut you commissioned from me really  well. And illustrated some of those scenes masterfully.”
Pyrrha: “. . . Still leaning towards nightmare now.”
Credit goes to MRK50
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
hi!! same anon from the roosterteeth ask!! loved reading your response, 10/10 gourmet shit. reading thru it, i kinda wanna pitch in my own exhaustion as a poc whipping open rwby twitter and see fans villainizing + silencing other fans who take issues with the white fang and of course, adam. adam will forever be a decisive character and i fully acknowledge that people wont like him. my grievances are less about adam himself (wholly different topic lol) and more of the larger discussion of the inability to challenge adams portrayal and the how the writers fucked up badly. theres this notion in the fanbase that adam is unquestionably an 'evil irredeemable abuser that we should all despise', the same dismissiveness is felt alongside the white fang arc. how we should all 'accept our headcanons are wrong, and accept that adam was always made to be evil'. you cannot discuss the white fang without ever mentioning blakes involvement with it, same goes for adam. he is a direct result of the white fang being so mishandled by the writers who have as much melanin as a slab of wonderbread. you cannot seperate his arc from the writers mishandling and their own prejudice. if we all can agree the white fang was handled poorly, then why are so people hellbent on not reading deeper into aspects of the white fang like adam or blake? although i am not black, i am a queer poc. its so exhausting to see how rwby fans on twitter and tumblr alike would villainize the idea that people who are upset by adams portrayal are 'overreacting incels who didnt get their power fantasy wet dream' and that 'true fans ALWAYS knew adam was evil from the start'. as a queer poc, i feel like if i were to have a presence in this fanbase, these fans with #BLM in their handles and bios that champion queer rights, these same fans would deny me of my queerness and my status as a poc. someone who is 'corrupted' by the whims of negativity, someone who would turn on the (very white) queer peers of the fandom out of my own bigotry. these very same fans would make tweets upon threads praising the show and CRWBY for 'good representation'. im gonna be real, this representation does not include people with disabilities, it does not include trans folk. this representation sure as fuck does not include poc lmfao. it only includes the whitest cute uwu queer girls who handhold and flirt, after a decade of waiting for proper canonization, from a company whos bigotry is its brand and whos built the show off the backs of abused real life employers who are minorities. yet the community insists to be grateful for it. they insist to be happy for the oh so progressive CRWBY, to be grateful that we get to see two girls kiss and that cancels out the mountain of other representation that was chucked behind cus our oh so progressive crwby got too uncomfortable with it. so progressive, 11/10 show and company.
I don't even want to add to this, I just want to share this. You're absolutely right.
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etinceelle · 1 year
Could you do gemstones handholding?😳
Sorry but I don't take requests anymore :[ I only took them on Kofi too
I take RWBY asks but these are not requests, I imagine that's what you understood but no requests are over <3
I might still open different slots of clean sketch/line on Kofi at some point, but it'll be different !
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juanarc-thethird · 11 months
Mutual Feelings.
Jaune is in his room playing video games with May. They are sitting on Jaune's bed facing the TV.
Jaune: Almost! Almost! I got you!! Woo-ho!! Another victory for me~
May: *Sad* Oh… I lost again.
Jaune: Don't be sad. You're playing a lot better now. And one day maybe you'll beat me, but I'm really good so… *He said it with a smug smile*
May: *Smiling she pushes Jaune a little with her shoulder* Shut up, ugly. You suck
Jaune: *Chuckles*
*Knock! Knock!*
Nora: *Walks in the room* Hey guys...
Jaune: Oh hey Nora. I though you went to the movies with Ren.
Nora: We are, is just that I forgot my wallet here. Don't worry, I'm not going to ruin your date. *She smiles, teasing him*
The two individuals in question blush at the comment.
Jaune: *Red* Is not a date!
Nora: Sureee... *takes her wallet* and I am not in love with Ren.
Jaune grabs one of her pillows if he throws it at her.
Jaune: Leave!
Nora quickly leaves the room, laughing in the process.
Jaune: Jeez, that Nora. Sorry about that May.
May: *Blushing* I-It's ok.
Jaune: I'm going to get something to eat at the vending machines. Want something? *He says as he starts to get up*
May: I'll go with you! *She says as she stands up as well*
Without noticing, May lost her balance and tried to hold on to Jaune. He realizes this and tries to catch her. But they both fall to the ground, May on top of Jaune.
Jaune: Ouch... May, are you ok?
May: Y-Yes, I'm fine.
May raises her head to see Jaune, and he is stunned after see in her face so close. For him it was as if for the first time he saw how beautiful May is. Her beautiful gray eyes, her delicate tanned skin, her gorgeous red hair. Jaune already had feelings for her, but he never made a move out of fear of losing her friendship. But seeing her in this position, he knew that he had to act and make her his girlfriend, and one day her future wife.
Jaune: *Nervous* M-May!
May: *Jumps a little in surprise* Y-Yes!
Jaune: I like you a lot! Please go out with me!
May: *Blushing* Eh?!
Jaune: I have always liked you but I was afraid to say it thinking that maybe I would lose your friendship. But I can't contain myself anymore! I really like you a lot, and hope we can even get marry one day!
May *RED* EH?!!!
Jaune: W-what you think about that?
May: I... I.... I like you too!! *She says at the top of her lungs* I always liked you, but I was afraid you were going to reject me. I'm so happy!
She suddenly reaches for Jaune's head and kisses him passionately. Jaune can feel her moving her hands over his body as they kiss. He feels how her hand walks along his chest, his stomach, and then ends up on his…
Jaune: *Stops Kissing* May, that's my-!
May: I'm sorry, but I've waited so long for this that I can't contain myself. I really love you a lot. I want to feel close to you as much as possible. Please…
She looks at him with a pleading face. She looked so tender that Jaune couldn't deny her. He thought that having sisters would help you with these things, but when the girl you like begs you so sweetly, how can he refuse?
Jaune: O-Ok, I want this too.
May: *Smiling* I love you~ *Kiss*
Moments later....
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May: Jaune~💕 Ah!~💕 I love you su much~💕
Jaune: I love you too~ Fuck!~💕
Jaune was sitting on his bed, while May was in the back of him, enjoying how his member penetrated deep inside her again and again.
May: I can't think straight if you keep thrusting like that!~💕
Jaune: I can help it. You feel to good~ *starts kissing her neck*
May: You too!~💕 FUck~💕! You're the only one for me. I want to be with you forever.
Jaune: God damn it. I think am about to cum.
May: Please do. Please cum inside me~💕
Jaune hugs May tightly with both arms and begins to fuck her with more intensity.
May: Yes!~💕 Keep fucking me like that!~💕
Jaune: Oh shit!~💕 I'm getting close!
May: I'm close too, don't stop!~💕
Jaune: Oh fuck! Oh fuck!! Oh FucK!!
May: Give it to me!!
Jaune: OH FUCk!!
Jaune pushes May down with all his strength. His cock shot all of his cum deep inside her, filling her whole.
May: Oh GOD!!~💕 Is so much! I love you so much!
Jaune: *Huff* *Huff* I love you too.
May: *Hugs him tight* Fuck, lets stay like this for a momento ok?
Jaune: Of course.
May: *Kiss him* I so happy to be with you.
Jaune: *Kiss her back* Me too.
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ficretus · 26 days
New chapter earlier than expected.
Dinner with Nemesis - Chapter 7 - ficretus - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
TW: uncensored handholding and hugs.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Bisexual guy: Hey I don’t like this character that isn’t even confirmed bisexual
Fucking rwby degens: OMG YOU FUCKING HOMOPHOBE
Blake's bisexuality is so annoying because it's just another outside source that RT did rather than bothering to integrate it into the actual story.
And I'm not even going to solely blame Miles and Kerry for this, because Monty is just as much at fault for it with his homophobic quote about Queer characters need to be earned. We need to wait years for our first queer character, but they can throw cishet after cishet character at us without any work to their relationships, i.e fucking arkos and renora.
But we have to wait nearly TEN YEARS for BB to finally be confirmed, for Yang and Blake to show onscreen, explicit, queer attraction when in the first volume we had Yang purring at half naked men. She can practically eyefuck men and flirt with them in her first appearances, but all she gets with her one sapphic LI is handholding and head nuzzles.
Same with Blake. RWBY spent years showing Blake being attracted to Sun, showing nothing but shock when Ilia confessed that she had feelings for her, was in a past relationship with a man that's a major part of her history. Now that she's being pushed with Yang? Nothing. Crumbs.
And bisexual people are still bisexual even when they are in relationships with men, but Blake and Yang aren't people, they're characters, and with characters you have to show things on screen for them to be confirmed. When you're not being shoved in a chokehold by homophobic networks, you don't have to do the queercoding and confirming things outside the show, which Roosterteeth have been doing.
Nevermind their low quality queer characters being the:
fae stereotype for the first gay man,
the nazi lesbian,
the other lesbian that confessed her feelings for her friend right before sending her back to her abusive lover and going to murder her parents,
the gay pilot that wasn't gay because the writers didn't wanna do BYG only to change their minds when seeing how popular he was.
The only ones who aren't that bad are literally May, who's no doubt going to be written out because of how awful RT treated her VA, and Sapphron/Terra, who are so minor that I don't even know if we'll see them properly again.
I don't expect much from a company like RT but this is just embarressing.
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team-jpde · 1 year
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In JPDE - Sonata of Fire, we have fighting scenes, we have comedy scenes and then there's... The debauchery. The embarrassment. THE SHENANIGANS! The scenes that will make anyone blush just from the sheer second-hand embarrassment! What are your favourite handholding-styled scenes from the game? Or from RWBY? Let us know in our weekly community discussion!
ART BY - SaDui
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
What did you think of the latest episode ?
Hi again. (:
I have a tag for liveblogging the new volume if you are interested in checking it out. Here is a link to the chronological order of my Seraphina Watches V9 Tag and uses too many third-person tags for ease of blocking and reference, and the chronological order of my Volume 9 ruminations.
Yes, if you're using the custom desktop theme, you can add /chrono to the end of a tag and it will now show you posts in order. One of the benefits of using a custom desktop theme in addition to the basic dashboard view. Tumblr Staff DON'T want you to know this lifechanging hack.
That being said, I mean in terms of personal feelings? I think the past episode was the one I had the most issue with all volume. My immediate inclination is to suspect that this is because all the effort's been funnelled into the finale (and previous episodes) because I think penultimate episodes don't necessarily have as higher viewership. My other hunch is that probably more than half the episode was set-up for something to be rejected, which as I was watching the episode felt like they had been walking back the development of Episode 8, and you have to understand that my expectations are in the floor because I enjoy RWBY so much. If I enjoy something, it makes me more trepidatious, and I just expect my investment to have been for nothing. It doesn't make me a trustful viewer.
It doesn't help that I think RWBY is smart in ways a lot of stories avoid now (actual commitment, fundamental storytelling tools used in exciting ways, fucking necessary and purposeful dialogue) and if I've been trained to expect worse because there is so much shit around, I'm going to expect shit.
Anyway, I think what's really funny is that people take such issue with Miles and Kerry, and like I'm not trying to deliberately step on a landmine or anything but I think it's interesting neither of them wrote this episode (it was Eddy Rivas and someone else) and as it's possibly the worst written episode of the volume - handholding dialogue, expository best frend speeches (puke), characters saying REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS AT YOU, Curious Cat's characterisation clumsily handled - and the writing is the most important part to me - I guess I have to fucking wonder? I'm not trying to start shit, truly, but I also think the RWBY fandom might have issues. On the other hand I have to wonder if this episode was similarly passed off just because it's the set-and-scene for the finale.
I didn't learn anything new or interesting about Ruby either, so none of her development in this episode was that interesting to me, which is a real shame because I think a character walking through a metaphysical otherplace of rebirth should probably have more to do and say, but that's just me.
As I said in my liveblog, I have this issue where RWBY is really really really really great and actually smart and clever (this fandom is fucking dumb), and then there's the odd occasion of breathtakingly bad handholding dialogue or the fucking friendship is magic bullshit, and then I'm asking where the interesting characters have gone. I know that Volume 9's focus on a smaller cast a) gave them an ostensibly easier time and b) gave the fanbase who wanted team RWBY hijinks some fun, but given that the only two interesting characters this volume are Jaune and Ruby, and now Jaune and Ruby were split up this episode, it is naturally a harder time for me. Their development is clearly the most important, the stagnation of the other three (and growth/happiness) is clearly meant to contrast with the suffering characters, but also Weiss' characterisation this volume has so far been insufferable (the not-a-princess who invents problems is not one I really like anymore - and I used to be a Weiss fan for most of the show) and Blake/Yang are interesting insofar as they've failed Ruby and that is fun.
So I can write up some of my unhappiness with this episode to just like, bad writing, bad writing for a reason, motivated set-up, and then also catering to idiots who don't even a basic storytelling knowledge who need the mythic concept of rebirth explained to them. NEWSFLASH: that part of the fandom doesn't care, will never care, and will never be happy, because their job is to be upset online and they like it, and they will never ever ever ever pay attention to dialogue because dialogue, foreshadowing, and basic character interaction and development DON'TTTT MEAN ANYTHING TO THEM. The only thing shit like pandering to non-fans does is alienate actual people who are not fucking stupid. It's embarrassing and weak and noncommital and it is probably my most major problem with RWBY.
RWBY is best when it's doubling down on its unique ideas and unique commitments and unique character and its actual special sense of magic and fun. Eschew the lampshading, fuck da haterz, fuck the people who have no sense of spectacle and substance.
Also I'm really hoping that 'acceptance' stuff was bullshit considering Jaune got thrown in Ben Solo's deathpit. That's about the only way I can read that nonsensical dialogue because there is no way in Hell that the solution to Salem's scenario is just ~acceptance~. The gods are unkind and unsympathetic, and Salem and Ozma will see each other again. Love endures. So if they walk back that set-up I'll be bigmad. I don't know how you get the restoration of tragedy to comedy without some big epic answer that is greater than 'hmmm you shoulda got over it'. That's not how storytelling works and not storytelling of grand, epic, powerful, magic, fairytale proportions.
Don't give me charcters from broken fairytales with broken idealism and tell them to give that idealism up. Sorry. Go big or go home. When I think about how this episode contrasts to the rest of the show, and indeed the previous episode with Ruby's little speech (you go girl, that was one of my favourite moments in the whole volume, you're so FUCKING right, this is BULLSHIT), then I want to assume it's being smart. I want to.
So I'm just hoping that, say, Jaune's annoying dialogue this episode led to his fall by necessity. I am also hoping that the writers stop pandering to idiots and just fucking write the story they want to write.
It remains to be seen regarding the finale. It's hard to judge a work-in-progress without the synthesis of its ideas. It's the inherent risk of speculation (especially for a blog like mine), because I'm riding big money on theoretical suppositions about how the resolution is supposed to work based on the given thesis and antithesis of the show.
I say this loving RWBY. I say this as a fan of RWBY. I say this as someone who saw Penny's death coming and Ironwood's fall and who has loved almost every other polarising narrative decision. So this isn't a hatepost for the show, not at all, and I'm not tagging it that way. But to my detractors, neither am I 'toxically positive' and neither - neither! - is liking a story something I have to qualify to make myself sound fucking smart. Liking things purely and being able to identify what makes them tick is actually the starting foundation of coherent criticism - which is a common issue online. A lot of criticism postures as 'my personal feelings, mostly to the effect of that this sucks' without being able to identify the identity of a work.
So the reason I really didn't enjoy watching Episode 9 is because it didn't lean into RWBY's strengths.
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richardsphere · 1 year
My thoughts on the RWBY9 Finale
So, that after credits scene was just the most dissapointing thing wasnt it.
I’m going to be honest, the introduction of even bigger gods on top of the two D-bags does NOT improve my hopes for the series to return to a lighter, more fun tone in the end. It feels uncomfortably like a series about to lorecreep its way up its own backside.
But if there’s a chance that the final climax at the end-of-days gets resolved by RWBYJNPORE Calling Mom on the Brothers about their most recent attempt at species-wide extinction, that’d be objectively humerous at least.
While I am happy there was at least a hug and some handholding as they entered the door, the fact that there were no apologies or talking out of the initial spat between Ruby and Jaune. Not even a single moment of Rubies friends adressing the whole “you commited suicide” thing feels bad to me. It feels like this finale threw the entire seasons emotional turmoil in the trash and said “dont you look at the turmoil behind the curtain, here’s an expositionary picturebook sequence to distract you instead”. This finale didnt need lore, it needed an emotional resolution to some of the heavy-ass topics they decided to introduce this season. More “summer lore” teases, they still dont mean anything but at least confirmed the one thing we already knew for certain: Raven knows what Summer did. hence why she knew Ozpin couldnt be trusted. Ruby gets to keep her memories because she decided to be herself (and the herself she decided to be had memories so of course she keeps them). Jaune gets de-aged by an actual deus-ex-machina born of a new one-of magical wishgranting mechanic that has no real establishment in the cannon so far. Its not the ominous “ascencion” that’s been looming over the plot, its just an entirely new and seperate thing. I have mixed feelings on the use of the treeherbs to make Neo have an off-screen halucination scene was sort of anticlimactic for that resolution as well. Im not saying it doesnt work as an excuse to get her to fight off the cat from inside, but Neo is tied for the longest-running antagonist in the series, and due to her muteness a non-reading audience knows so little about her. Like if you read the books i understand she’s got a lot of backstory but if you’re like me and just watched the show you only know 1 thing about her: She’s Torchwicks personal Harley Quinn. So while having her halucinations off-screen is probably the correct choice, because it avoids having to exposit an entire backstory in her presumeable final apearance, it is also verry frustrating because she’s still such a vague character to a large swathe of the audience. Also really sucks how they ended Neo’s character with a vague “she’ll become something else” tbh. Like i get that the only NON RWBY character in Blazblue is probably too marketable for them not to keep a backdoor open for a re-appearance when drama suits. (And her treebody just happens to be next to a door that plops people out “wherever they are needed most” so consider her less “dead” and more “A Heroic Return Locked and Loaded for Deus Ex Machina down the line”) Best Bun is gone now. Im not happy about that in the least. I’ll admit i never really cared for little that much (i found them sort of over-cutesied. Like i get that was the point but production overplayed their hand i feel) Im happy Pyrrha’s sash is big again. Im not happy the hair is back though, and its weird that “fixing what Alex broke” turned Jaune back into Pre-fall Jaune rather then Slightly-but-not-yet-extremely-rusted Jaune. Like most of Jaune was already broken before Alex met her, so it seems the spell is perhaps a little too generous. (but im willing to let that slide :P) I felt that the finishing move against the cat was a bit.... much. like it seemed perhaps a bit excessive and focussed on flash. Which is a bit dissapointing because RWBY’s fights are best due to its more nuanced aspects. Not saying there isnt flash usually, just that the flash and nuance normally work together and here it ends in a big ball of everyone-turning-into-streaks-of-movement -------- Now onto my personal notes of judgement. Will i be sticking with the series seeing its current trajectory if a hypothetical S10 gets greenlit? I’ll say Im semi-optimistic, The introduction of the tree smith as a genuinely benevolent deity is probably the most important thing here for the series tonal trajectory. But then that is an indication of levity/hope, not the “fun” that has long been absent of the series. I dont think im abandoning the series completely after all, or at least not yet. Im still worried but no longer hopeless for the series future.
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TehShraid TaiyangxSummer WITH HAND-HOLDING! https://twitter.com/TShraid/status/1358875565822984192
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