#s go that is written by a queer trans person for queer trans people is being so harshly criticized and having very strong words
energysoda · 2 years
I hate twitter me and some other people are getting called proshippers because we read your fic. Yet nobody is telling us how its proshipping. So annoying 😒
Oh shit, I'm so sorry that's happening. I didn't even realize bc I don't have Twitter. But yeah, I don't write proship, don't condone it, and like yes if u wanna get technical, William's behavior in the fic is problematic, but both him and y/n are adults and shit and consenting and the type of shit that's usually associated with the label of proship (pedophilia, incest, beastiality, etc) is not a fair comparison. also like there are so many fics on ao3 that are millions of times more problematic than my fic and aren't even tagged right or given proper content warnings that are way more deserving of that criticism. but yeah once again, so sorry that's happening ppl rlly do be just saying shit without any backup or explanation huh 🙁 if u have a link to any of the threads or screenshots of them or whatever, I'd be interested in seeing tho as u asked this on anonymous I get why you wouldn't want to (plus to be honest, it prob would be better for me not to see it, rejection sensitivity dysphoria is a bastard forreal)
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canmom · 6 months
reading Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt. it's interesting. clearly part of the post-Topside wave of trans lit, with the same 'plugged in to twitter' energy, but way more British about it. which means most of the allusions are very transparent to me. it's a combo of... hardcore kink driven romance as the main arc, in a near-future setting in which TERFism goes further to the point of outright bombings, and a scifi element with alien brain parasites that it's gradually building towards.
compellingly written, I'll give it that for sure - I lay down to read for a bit and before I knew it I'd read like a third of the book. the main character's disaffected, traumatised air is well observed, and the kink doesn't hold back.
I think my reservation with it so far is that it feels a little too much like a polemic blog post about the way things are going. the MC Frankie is a trans woman with a pregnancy kink who survived a bombing at a GIC and now works in social media moderation - it's all stuff that is blatantly Relevant To The Argument, as it were. it's tricky to criticise it for that because it's like, what you're saying is that it's tightly constructed and thematically consistent and that's bad somehow? but I think I've come to feel that I like fiction to bring me something a little new and unfamiliar.
the chapter I most enjoyed so far was actually a more metaphorical, abstract interlude, in which resistance to fascism is cast as becoming 'one mass of queer flesh, which now grabbed and clawed...'; 'faces locked in kisses until they became one face. the cops would try to pull at this mass, but to no avail'. very 'faggots and their friends between revolutions' stuff.
the chapters which are presented directly as social media posts and articles are also sharply observed. i think a lot of fiction in which the internet features heavily suffers from not understanding the internet very well (Hosoda's Belle for example), but for example the chapter 'Curious Cat' where an anonymous person (blatantly Vanya) is sending messages asking for help with a parasite, and getting rebuffed or misunderstood, and the chapter where Frankie relates a murder of an instagram model by a stalker who posts about it to a reddit community devoted to her, read as very real.
a lot of the story is about responding to a terrifying political situation in sexual terms - a flashback chapter depicting Frankie having sex with some terf's pretentious brother ("with each thrust from him, she thought to herself, I am a traitor, I am a traitor to the cause"), or the preface which jokes about how in another world the author would be writing 'cool horror stories about vampires raping werewolves, ones with no subtext at all'. I prevaricate a little on whether this is a compelling examination of a theme that I do find interesting (the mysterious origins of sexual desire) or just edgy for its own sake.
this is an odd novel for me in some ways because while on one level, this is about people who I could very easily be a single degree of separation from were they real, it's also about a facet of life that is still quite alien to me and in many ways I only know about second hand. I've never been to a kink club (that wasn't in an MMO anyway lol), I'm way too much of a nerdy autist shut-in to know what it's like to be someone who would feel put out if she hadn't had sex in a week. so even before the parasite stuff, it's hard to know how much of Frankie and Vanya's stuff is real, and how much is fantasy. is this really how things go between people? it sounds kinda fun, but unlocking the door this far has already taken years.
when I've read books about the crazy lives that American trans girls supposedly live and interesting sex they're apparently having, they've been at a certain remove, the other side of the Atlantic. and this book feels sort of similar, even though I know it's set right on my doorstep. idk, I've never been good at this.
anyway I don't think I want to write fantasy novels so directly about The Discourse of the day, but it's probably good that someone is. that said, it's hard to parse like... ok, it's titled brainwyrms, and 'brain worms' is a common way of describing an obsessive, cultish idea you receive from the internet.
and like if you look at the newspapers, or twitter trans discourse, you certainly could believe that this country is on a rapid slide to putting us in camps. however, my day to day life has been... it's not without hostility, but the average street harasser isn't doing it because of a Guardian or even Mail article. this country has a subculture of deranged weirdos who hate our guts, and a political class who will happily stoke culture war shit to score points, but most normies I've met don't care one way or another that I'm trans - they might mention a family member or friend they know who's also trans. the day to day conflicts are over way more prosaic shit, the landlord vs tenant forever war, or how the kitchen should be cleaned. which of these windows is more informative of the 'overall' state of affairs? not that a more violent terf cult is a bad premise to write a novel around, but a sense of impending doom is a pretty powerful mechanism to keep you scrolling, right?
like in 20, 40 years - will the terfs really be bombing the Tavistock and banning transness, as Rumfitt imagines in her near-future setting preface? or will they go the way of those newspapers in Thatcher's time who smeared the gay movement, just as they smear us today? of passing political obsessions like 'new atheism'? I don't know the half-life of cult shit.
anyway, time to read the rest of the novel, and see how it handles this brew that it's concocted.
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micahruiz · 1 year
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another queer flash sheet. top left referenced from @kinkyfemqueer ‘s heart harness tutorial (insta)
[Image description: A flash tattoo style line art collection including several images around each other containing:
A black and white lineart drawing of a person with rope fastened against their stomach and hip area, looped around between their legs and the back of their thighs. The rope is thin and arranged with a heart below their belly button.
A simple flame design with “1312” written below it in a gothic style font.
A pair of praying hands with a knife going through them. Three blood drops are dripping from the knife tip, and there are lines around the tops of the hands in a decorative highlight.
Square scrabble pieces arranged to spell “TRANS FAGS RUN THIS SHIT”
A stalk of craspedia variabilis, with four flower heads that resemble a spherical bundle. The plant is casting a dark black shadow.
Two masculine people embracing in a kiss. They have their arms wrapped around each others shoulders. The person on the left has short hair and a small hoop earring. The person on the right has a shaved head.
In the bottom right corner, there is a watermark with the artist’s name, MICAH RUIZ, handwritten in all caps. END ID.]
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runin-reads · 10 months
Trans James Potter headcanons
This is just me brain dumping for my current prongsfoot WIP where James is a stealth trans guy and how this would affect the way he navigates relationships and his place in society. I try to base my writing on canon text so let me know if anything is inconsistent with the books
Not much would change. I see Sirius as someone who genuinely doesn’t care for a guys physical traits when it comes to falling in love. He’s perceptive and can see past a persons facade in seconds. He sees James as just another guy and falls for him because of his character— anatomy be damned. So wrt to their relationship they’d still be obsessed with each other and fit into that ‘two bodies one soul’ narrative
Nothing is off limits between them so I imagine Sirius would be very involved in James’ transition. He helps him do his T shots and he’s always the first person to notice and be told when James goes through a certain change
James would be the type to identify as a guy his entire life. It’s established in the books that his parents were very doting and wealthy, so even though they’re elderly I think they would accept James as their son and he’d have the support available to transition early on. James would be such a different person if his parents didn’t spoil him as a child, so I want to keep that aspect of his upbringing no matter what.
the way he would view his trans-ness would differ greatly from the current generation. I imagine there would be a huge dissonance between him and the label “trans” because he’s seen himself as a guy for as long as he can remember.
His idea of masculinity would be very hetero-normative given the time period he was raised in. His parents were happily married his entire life and I think their relationship would influence how he imagines his own future to be like. He wants to be a father to a child and a husband to a wife, and he subconsciously decides that that is the way a man should be.
In Snape's Worst Memory it’s implied that James cared a lot about what others think. While he and Sirius are antagonising Snape James kept looking back to see if the girls (namely Lily) were watching. I think being trans would only heighten this urge to be cool and popular. He’d love the attention he got from girls because it affirms his masculinity and he’d put a lot of effort into maintaining his image
I’ve already written about how prongsfoot (james/sirius) is queer coded. To add to that, there are two possible ways by which James deals with his not-so-platonic feelings for Sirius. One, he accepts these feelings much more easily than he would have in canon because he’s already trans so what’s a little more queerness. Two, he denies these feelings, preferring to stick to the hetero-normative standards set by his parents and society. (Both possibilities are based on my own experiences as a trans guy so trust me, trans people can still experience internalised homophobia)
On a more lighthearted note he’s the type of guy to try to put a permanent sticking charm on his packer/STP device lol. Key word: try. Sirius would talk him out of it but he would at some point find a way to use magic to keep his packer from falling out in the changing rooms etc.
His confidence would only grow once T starts taking effect on his body. He'd probably brag about his bottom growth to Sirius which, unbeknownst to James, ends up flustering Sirius a LOT
He doesn't bind because even though puberty blockers weren't used back in the 60s/70s, let's just say Monty and Effie found a magical alternative like a potion for example
idk if the wizarding world has its own equivalent of gender affirming care and I highly doubt JKR ever wrote about it, so I'll go off on a limb and say James uses both muggle and wizarding methods to transition depending on what's more convenient for the plot of my fic
If j/s did fool around I think James would be pretty bossy in bed lmao and he'd be very adamant that Sirius should avoid 'female' terms for his body and stick to words like 'cock' or 'front hole'
It would take a long time for James to be open to intercourse so uh they'd get very creative in the meantime
not an expert on magic but James would definitely find a way to like charm his packer so that it gets erect and he can continue living in stealth.
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @theglitchywriterboi
Who You Are:
Sparrow Aiden || He/xe
I'm Sparrow Aiden, I'm genderfluid/a trans guy & bi & mixed. My current favorite book is Flesh Eater by Travis Riddle
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Young adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Probably like fantasy. I just think it's really fun & you can make your own rules for the whole universe [which you can do for others ofc but still-]
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
Romance. I write romance in my stories, but I don't think I could do that as the main focus, especially not smut [I respect it though, just very much not for me writing wise-]
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
Queer people & queer POC. I think people outside those groups would still enjoy it, at least I hope !!!
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
I don't really normally have a theme in mind - maybe death is inevitable & we can't prevent it no matter how much power we have. Also friendship & shit.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
The one character that's always bullied for no reason ??? Like Meg from Family Guy or Jerry from Parks & Rec. It's just needlessly mean, & at least in Jerry's case he is simply trying to be nice & not doing anything :(
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
A lot of things, but mostly Deaths Diner. I've been working on it since like 8th grade [so like 7ish years ??] & I'm still not close to done 😮‍💨. Second main WIP is The River By The Hotel & a few years but idk how many exactly. Not near as long as Deaths Diner though.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I really enjoy writing !!! & I've always wanted to be published - not for money or anything [though money would be nice] but because it's one thing to sew it in a document, but a whole different thing to be able to hold it & have it impact other people. Plus I've always wanted to give people joy & if people get that from my writing that'd be very cool - even if it's only one person
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
Since I was little. But the first time I knew I WANTED to be a writer was when I was watching Doctor Who w/ my family & after the intro it said "Written by [whoever wrote that episode]" & I thought that was so cool !! Like someone wrote that & my family & I are interacting w/ it & enjoy it !! [& being a screenwriter would be cool, but it wasn't really for me environment wise so I turned towards writing stories/books & I liked reading anyway so-]
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
It mostly comes randomly, but anything tbh. Sometimes its from a movie or show, sometimes it's from a book, sometimes it's just a "Hey, wouldn’t a story about [X] be interesting haha… Wait that's actually amazing-". The inspiration for Deaths Diner actually came about through the latter. My brother jokingly said "Haha, we should have our own show" & me being a dumb 8th grader was like "WE SHOULD !!!" So I started scripting it. Then I realized our lives aren't interesting enough to have a show based off us, so I added ghosts, then one thing lead to another & long story short it's absolutely nothing like our lives [But I think it's still really cool-]. The inspiration for The River By The Hotel is also [very loosely] based off my life too. Basically as a kid my brother & I WOULD go to hotels to visit our mom & at one there were two kids. My brother & I did go over to the river area w/ them. The stuff that didn't happen was all thr paranormal monster stuff. [But that was brought on because when we went home my little brother told me he almost fell in, so I was like "What if he did & the river was actually a portal to another world ?"]
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
Probably Deaths Diner. I'm still on the first draft & while it's nowhere near done, I've worked so hard & long on it, it's like my baby. I can't wait to be finished w/ it though so I can start the second book in the series
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I haven't yet. But I really want to !! Hoping to publish something this year or next year
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
Most appealing is being able to get a physical copy of my book, because it's like "Yooo I did it !! I actually did it !!!". Least appealing is probably the critics. I know even the best books & the books I love have people that don't like them, but still. It's daunting publishing something you spent so much time on because of the thought people might despise it.
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
The actual writing is most appealing, because its fun to write, the editing is least appealing. Mostly because I get in my head about the quality & get stuck trying to fix everything - even when there's nothing to fix [or nothing major]
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
Kinda chaos. I just write when I feel like it & I'm a bit of a pantser [maybe more like a plantser though] sometimes, especially w/ a series, I know the majors stops [like we start here, then this happens in the middle, then the end happens. But how I get there I don't know & even w/ the stuff I do know its like a loose idea.] but w/ stand-alones I normally don't know that. I have some scenes planned, but other than that I have zero idea how the book will end
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
A few years now. I wanted to join to have a place to share my writing & to make friends w/ other writers
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
Aaaa this is so hard I really like all my writeblr mutuals/friends it's hard to pick but Uuuuuuhhh- @jezifster, @daisywords, @writing-is-a-martial-art, @athena-anna-rose, @penspiration-writing, @caligraphyzev, @writingpotato07, @writewithfire, @pen-of-roses, @e-lisard, @ashen-crest, @the-finch-address, @cryptid-s-wips, @chrismerle, & so many others !!! I don't know how I stumbled onto all of them, but they're all cool people & cool writers
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
The community & event
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
I don't know tbh
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
I think I could interact more. I'm very forgetful so sometimes I forget to reply to stuff or post things. I try to share others writing & stuff
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
All kinds, other people's writing & short stories, peoples replies to tag games, etc
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
Updates about progress
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
On twitter: @WriterGlitch & on Instagram: @TheGlitchyWriter [though I'm most active on tumblr]
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gonzo-rella · 5 months
Headcanons: Being Alexis Rose's Trans Boyfriend
NOTE: While this was written more with binary trans men in mind, I hope this is also suitable for AFAB nonbinary trans people who are masc, male adjacent or otherwise identify with masculinity in some way. I consider myself nonbinary and possibly transmasc, and I wrote this with myself in mind, too. I'm also working on an Alexis x nonbinary!reader set of hcs, for AFAB and AMAB enbies alike, so if this doesn't work for you, stay tuned for that!
Relationship(s): Alexis Rose x transmasc!reader (romantic)
Warnings: Dysphoria, other slightly negative trans-related stuff. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: So, I'm currently going through a transmasc crisis. Like, I still consider myself nonbinary, but I'm also considering the possibility that I'm more on the dude side of things. I always use the analogy of Kermit the Frog, who's technically a guy, but it's weird to class him as a man because he's a frog puppet thing. To help me experiment and explore, I'm writing some fics with a transmasc reader, since the thing that's got me stumped is struggling to imagine myself as a masculine person in a romantic relationship with any gender. I've already written a set of headcanons using this prompt about Wallace Wells, but I really want to write some more of these for a wider range of characters. I chose to write about Alexis because I'm honestly so in love with her, but I'm struggling to picture myself as a guy sorta thing in a relationship with a feminine woman. So, if you're a trans guy or transmasc looking for some more representation in the fanfic space, feel free to peruse my fandom list and send in a request! My last Schitt's Creek fic flopped but I'm also considering writing a short piece about being Roland and Jocelyn's trans kid and them being confused but supportive, so let me know if you'd be interested in that!)
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Alexis has a pretty colourful dating history, as part of her pretty colourful life.
So, being trans doesn’t make you stick out like a sore thumb when comparing yourself to her past boyfriends.
What does make you stick out is the fact that you’re just some guy, and not Brad Pitt or Jared Leto or a prince of a country you probably wouldn’t be welcome in.
Alexis wouldn’t mind that you’re trans.
Even if you don’t pass or don’t present in an overly masculine way, it won’t even cross her mind that you’re trans until you eventually tell her, which would probably be when you’ve been friends for a while.
The revelation won’t change things between you, until you mention something trans-related that she isn’t that familiar with, like dysphoria or something.
I feel like Alexis has some blind spots when it comes to trans people.
She’s experienced a lot in her life, and I imagine she’s been acquainted with at least a few trans people in her time.
But, being trans isn’t her lived experience, and she can be a little oblivious to things that aren’t part of her lived experience.
So, when she can’t do or say anything to help you and can only pretend that she understands, she decides that she needs to learn more about trans people.
She’s too embarrassed to admit to you that she isn’t that knowledgeable about trans people beyond a surface-level understanding.
She’ll try to fill those gaps by asking David questions that he’s mostly equipped to answer as a queer guy who’s been around and dated plenty of trans people, including trans guys.
(She’ll act like she’s not asking for you, though David will quickly realise that’s why she’s so interested in trans people all of a sudden)
But, if/when she starts asking questions about what your transness means specifically for you, he’ll groan and send her away, suggesting that she ask you if you’re open to answering her questions.
She’ll also spend a few late nights on her phone and laptop doing research into trans people and how to support them, and as sweet as David finds it, he does not appreciate the noise of Alexis typing keeping him awake until 3am.
Her sincere curiosity is unexpected but endearing, and if you do end up having a talk with her about your transness, it will be a catalyst in getting you two together, because seeing how much she cares about understanding you makes your heart melt.
Fast-forward to when you’re together.
Johnny and Moira are also a little unsure about the whole trans thing when they find out about it.
Unsure as in ‘we haven’t met many trans people’, not doubtful of its validity.
They’ll go to David to ask him (since he’s the queer one in the family), but Alexis proudly and confidently answers them, much to everyone’s shock and amazement.
David is especially impressed.
Alexis is the epitome of that ‘if I had a lameass boyfriend I would hype him up so much’ post.
You’re literally just some guy, but she introduces you as her boyfriend with so much pride.
She is so supportive of you.
She will not let you be down on yourself, or she’ll absolutely try her best.
She showers you with compliments on a regular day, and this quadruples if you feel particularly dysphoric.
It means a lot because she is completely sincere with everything she says, and she’s naturally very good at saying the right things to make you feel better, even if you might expect her to put her foot in her mouth.
If you’re unhappy with your style, she’ll be beyond excited to take you shopping for new clothes.
If you’re not comfortable going clothes shopping in a physical store, she’ll send you links to clothes she thinks will look good on you but also fit in with your desired style.
David will also gladly offer his assistance, since he considers himself an expert in men’s fashion.
But, they will both reluctantly shut up if their input proves unhelpful to you and goes against what you want to wear.
I’d like to think that most of the residents of Schitt’s Creek would be indifferent to you or supportive of you, but on the off chance that you encounter any transphobia, Alexis will come to your defence with an “um, excuse me?”
If you need a gender affirming haircut, she’ll look into trans-friendly hair stylists and barbers in the area.
If you’d like her to, she’ll accompany you to your appointment, and if you’re more passive, she’ll be assertive on your behalf, because sometimes hairdressers suck at listening to what trans clients want and she will fight for you to have your ideal haircut.
And, when you get the haircut, she’ll give you a kiss and tell you how handsome you look.
If you want to get top surgery, she’ll happily help you do research into different surgeons and look into how to help you when you’re recovering.
Basically, she’s already more than willing to spend half of her day on her phone, and she’s happy to spend a lot of that time looking into trans-related things for you.
It’s more than clear how much Alexis loves you.
She’s your biggest cheerleader, and she’ll always be there to support you.
At the end of the day, you’re her boyfriend, and that’s all that matters.
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casurlaub · 3 months
Currently on mental health break
(Look after yourselves!)
I feel the need to make one of those intro posts because recently a few blogs started following me that seem to be more into the fanon interpretation of things, and I don't want anybody to get the wrong ideas about what to expect from this blog.
About me... I'm 29, she/her, pan/bi (I don't care which label), and demi (my, it took me so long to figure that out).. I used to be a judge but dropped out because of a myriad of reasons but mainly because of... well, depression. I cannot, for the life of me, remember how many letters there are in the alphabet, I love carrots but they make me nauseous, and my socks always have holes.
So... let's move to the important stuff.. JK sucks, and parts of the canon suck too - like the house elf stuff and her naming "skills" which are very telling, her fat shaming, and the anti-trans shit that is even written into the original source material. But for the most part, the characterization isn't one of them. So on this blog, I will defend the canon version of characters, flaws and all.
To make myself clear: hc characters as trans and writing characters as gay etc is great and I fully support that. What I mind, however, is the heteronormative, mysoginistic cliches we keep seeing under the guise of 'progressive' queer ships. If you not only change their gender or their height but also their personalities so that they fit heteronormative stereotypes that's problematic. Same goes for the casual racism going on in this fandom. Portraying non-white people as huge, buff guys with anger-issues is - you guessed it - problematic!
What to expect from this blog:
Me applauding the many great people out there. Do you even know how great you are???
Me geeking out, especially about the characters and ships I love most (and sometimes writing/sharing anti-posts about my own favs when I'm too fed up with the fanon version of them).
Me writing long-ass metas at two in the morning because that one post was the final straw.
Me brain-vomiting stuff into the void of the internet that really no one asked for and no one cares about.
Me ranting and contradicting myself.
Nuance - or at least, I try. But I'm just a person with biases, and I read the books through the lens of my own experiences, so yeah. And of course there's always a range, even when sticking to canon.
(I say I care about nuance, but you'll find me swaying to full-force apologetism the next second - get used to it, I'm a hypocrite).
Some writing. I shared some microfics/one-shots already (soulmate microfic, over 30 microfic, fix it one-shot, wolfstar raising Harry one-shot (sort of), drabble collection), but I'm working on a long wolfstar fic starting in 1971 and carrying all the way through to 1998. It's solely from Remus' s POV and I'm trying to pay attention to everything (!) in canon so that it makes sense with all the scenes we see in the books - although I wouldn't call wolfstar canon. I think itl'l be around 900k-1 million words in the end. Right now I'm at 950k but I need to add stuff, cut stuff and just generally work through it. I plan on starting to post it before I turn 30 (which will be in mid-December).
Remus/Sirius will always be my OTP, and I've made a post about why I think they make sense even from a canon perspective and with their canon personalities (not saying they are canon, but don't tell me I haven't read the books). But I do feel the need to point out that I disagree with most of the depictions I see nowadays in this fandom as the characters I fell in love with are barely recognoizable. I prefer post-PoA wolfstar (or AUs), but I think Hogwarts wolfstar can work. It's just indefinitely more difficult to make it work with their canon personalities. Btw, me loving wolfstar doesn't mean I negate the co-dependency James and Sirius have going on - which is obviously canon. I also love James and Sirius so much.
As for other ships... I love Scorbus, Jily, Hinny, Romione and Grindelore. And I love a whole bunch of characters regardless of any ships, including but not limited to Ron, Dumbledore, Ginny, Fleur, Luna, McGonagall, Hermione and Scorpius. And I'm not anti Tonks - I'm just anti Remadora because I think they both deserve better. But it is what it is, jk wrote that and for what it's worth I do think Remus loved her in some way.
I can get very passionate about fictional characters, but I'm an adult, and I know they're fictional. And I believe I can take criticism, so if there's anything on your mind...
It's always my personal opinion I'm talking about; I don't think I'm some kind of hp authority, but that goes without saying.
What not to expect from this blog:
Art (I reblog, of course, but you don't want me to draw, believe me).
Dumbledore hate / Remus hate (don't confuse with criticism, I'm all for criticism). No ATYD hate either. I have my issues with it, but it's not the author's fault it has become the fandom's new rulebook.
Me dumbing down James and Sirius, etc.
Me abandoning James and Peter. But, sorry not sorry (and wolfstar aside), I will keep pushing my "Remus and Sirius were close friends at Hogwarts" agenda (but as were Remus and James, obviously, and Remus and Peter, and so on, with James and Sirius being inseparable).
Jegulus/Slytherin skittles stuff. If that's your thing, that's fine, but it isn't mine.
Me keeping it short.
I'm always happy to discuss stuff! :)
Most important information for last, right? If I speak ill about Remus, it is always with the most love possible. I keep saying Sirius is my favorite character, but he has a lot of fans out there, and avoidant, self-loathing, passive-aggressive, manipulative, ruthless, but also smart, brave, kind, loyal, empathetic, thoughtful and selfless (yes, you read that correctly) Remus holds a special place in my heart.
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thebisexualwreckoning · 2 months
Mind analysing your poem a little? 👀
Incredibly long post alert to anyone who plans on reading this
Obligatory transphobes and terfs dni. The following poem is about and written by ‘them gotdamn trannys and queers’ and is about beautiful beautiful t4t sex
i am kissing you. on the mouth.
thank you so much for sending this in i genuinely love talking about my poetry so much muah muah muah!!!
Original poem if anyone wants to read it:
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Welcome to Prof A. 's line by line analysis of his poem*. So buckle your seatbelts because this is gonna be loooong ride. Let's get started!
*Disclaimer: you might interpret some of these lines differently then i do and that is perfectly alright. poetry depends on everyone's own lived experience and that does not make any one interpretation less valid. i might have written the poem, but your interpretations are still just as true.
I'm going to start with inspirations and the title first because i love providing backstory and talking about other poets. Very specifically one poet that inspired me to write this actually. You can skip this part if you just want to know about the technical structures and literary devices and specific meanings behind the poem
The title was originally part of a completely different short story/prose poetry  (i hadn't made up my mind yet) thing i was going to write but then never got around to finishing. but i just so happened to be going through my old writing (always keep a handy little notebook on hand. it has saved my life so many times) and find the little snippet i wrote and go, 'wait i actually like this very much' and decide to reuse it for something else.
but anyway, couple hours later im doing a voice of country thing for my literature class and analysing poetry by indigenous and aboriginal Australian poets. and i come across this little poem called 'a portrait of a genderkweer on fire'  by a certain Ellen van Neerven (who belongs to the Mununjali Yugambeh people of south east Queensland btw) (go check out their poetry it is genuinely life changing) and it sticks with me you know. it really does. poc trans people writing about their lived experiences as poetry? why didn't I, a poc trans person, think about that!
(no seriously, in all my years of writing poetry it for some reason never occured to me to write about my people. so genuinely thank you Ellen for that!)
now i've already got a first line ive been wanting to use, i am feeling extremely queer and angry because of unrelated transphobia a friend faced and i have a mechanical pencil and notebook in hand.
So i start writing.
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(Apologies for my awful handwriting. i was writing while pacing and waiting for the bus)
Alright, kiddies. As you can see, most of the poem was taken verbatim with very few changes to the actual word choices behind the poem. (I will be doing a deep dive into the language as well, dont you worry)
The biggest change made actually is the switch from prose poetry to a more traditional stanza poem. i made the decision to do this actually because originally the poem was meant to be much longer and incorporate the original piece i decided to rework this into.
The quote 'sometimes i imagine what heaven is like' was meant to be repeated at the start of different stanzas which would be written in prose form, each detailing a different phase of queer love in secret, from secret night time affairs (this specific poem) to escape and loving loudly (the original thing i wrote). however, it didn't really work the way i wanted it too and i decided this was fine as it was and started to edit and play around with it a bit.
i changed 'sometime i imagine what heaven is like' to 'Do you imagine what heaven looks like?' and made it the title of the poem instead of the first sentence. the poem itself now becomes the narrator's idealised image of what heaven would be like for them. i go a bit more on depth about this in point 3 of Changes to the structure
Changes to the structure
As mentioned, the first change was from prose to stanzas. I'm about to get full on literature student about this so bear with me
Each stanza has one (1) extra line from the previous one in the poem. For ex: stanza 1 has 4 lines, stanza 2 has 5 lines, and stanza 3 has 6 lines. this was a deliberate choice i made. not to be too english teacher about this but it shows the narrator is coming to some sort of a revelation soon. (i wont spoil too much about this tho. for reasons)
ENJAMBMENTS!!! if you don't know what an enjambment is, it refers to a line break that interrupts the flow of a sentence: usually the line usually doesn’t end with punctuation, and the thought continues on the next line. now, i heavily fuck with enjambments in poetry. which is why i was so eager to use them over here. they represent a kind of stream of consciences here rather than structured thought. enjamments also help in rising tension and drawing the reader in deeper, making them want to continue reading to find out what happens next.
syntax: now the poem is actually meant to be wish fulfilment of sorts for the narrator, where they imagine all the things they wish they could do with their lover. that's why its not written in present tense using sentences like 'the moon shines' or 'the bedsheet are sweaty...'. The narrator is basically telling the moon to shine through his windows and the bedsheets to be stained and his lover to run a finger down his spine. we don't actually have anything written in present tense till 'She holds me close...'
the random spaced out/missing words a.k.a SYNTAX 2.0! because yes. there are certain words missing. ive intentionally left a space between 'left' and 'tramp' and between 'Boy' and 'fuchsia'. there is also a missing word before 'count'. now, if you read my original version of the poem, you can find out what words are actually supposed to be there, but when i put it into verse form, i found that many of the words id written in prose didnt actually fit. but without them the sentence kind of fell apart. so i decided to leave blank space where those words were supposed to go to signal to the reader that something is missing while not actually needing to mention that
4.5. just like the stanzas growing by a single line in each verse, the missing words also increase in a frequency of one (1), zero of them in stanza 1, a single missing word in stanza 2 and 2 of them in stanza 3.
5. capitalisations and Punctuations to immerse the reader more and help with the stream of consciousness style of the poem, most of the poem is written in lowercase with no punctuation being used throughout the only things capitalised are 'Factory Made Cunt', '... Boy' and 'She holds me...' you may have noticed a common string between these words is they are all related to gender. 'Factory Made Cunt' especially was written to put emphasis on the inherent transness of the character while '... Boy' was capitalised for this and to have more of a visual distinction from the black space that follow. 'She hold me...' however was written to directly contrast the lowercase 'god' and how to the narrator their lover is the divine being instead of any so called god (which is weird because i personally am a religious person).
Language choices and line by line analysis:
'moon shine through the' - moon shine over here is meant to show how queer people often can only exist in the freedom on night time and their love is often only seen within the secrecy of moonlight and not under the brightness of the sun. (also all moon deities are queer icons).
A friend of mine also provided the connection to 'moon shine' being a reference to illegal moonshine (home brewed extremely strong alcohol) and how that itself was a reference to illegally transtioning without the goverment knowing/able to get medical stuff
'window illuminating short bristles of': the narrators lover being a trans girl with a buzz cut was an intentional choice to show that gender expression does not equal actual gender. buzz cuts are traditonally associated with men, but also many butches in the community rock a buzz cut as well and its too show that there's no right way of being trans and presenting as a woman.
'her hair tickling' and 'the underside of my nose': im going at these two together since i don't really have much to say about them separately. it's more meant to be visual imagery, reinforcing the two are intimate in some manner but not really expanding whether it's platonic or romantic yet. its also meant to evoke the image of the narrators lover lying on their chest and but the narrator not caring about the fact that they might be slightly uncomfortable but loves their girl too much to push them away
'bedsheet sweaty and cum': confirming the fact that they are in a sexually intimate relationship and are lying post-coital (i cannot believe i just used the term coital. this has become an academic essay)
'stained entangle around the curve of' - some sensual imagery and tactile imagery
'her thigh where my' - more imagery
'lipstick left        tramps stamps on her' - tramp stamp is a reference to how trans women are often oversexualised and is meant to be a reclamation of their own bodies and sexualities
'Factory Made Cunt' - emphasis is placed on these words by being the first capitalised words in the entire poem as of yet. its meant to kind of condemn the never ending discussion about trans women's bodies and especially their genitals and the hyper sexualization of girlcock by fetishisers (not that there is anything wrong with girlcock. this user loves girlcock and boypussy). its kinda like the narrator is saying 'so what if her pussy is surgically made. how does that make it any lesser)
'           count down the' - once again, not really much to say
'knobs of my spine leaving behind a shivering' - more more sensual imagery
'mess of a Boy    fuchsia bright silicone' - just like how 'Factory Made Cunt' condemned speculation on trans women's bodies, this condemns speculations on those of trans men. it also challenges the assumption that just because you are a man or that you top, you immediately have to be the dominant one in the relationship. 'fuchsia bright' was also a deliberate syntax choice. the silicone is the bright thing here not the fuchsia giving the narrator the chance to have a dick which is bright/illuminated moment for them as a trans boy.
'dick still hard whispering lover' - the 'dick still hard' part was meant to be an ironic comment on how cishetero patriarchal society is always going about people in sapphic relationships using dildos and saying that they should just fuck a real man instead of a fake approximation of one (not that they are that eloquent) but the joke is that while those criticising sapphics who use dildos actually need to wait for a dick to get hard again before they can have sex while the sapphics don't have to worry about that since dildos are always hard. also the 'whispering lover' thing was written completely out of spite to prove the friend with the moonshine interpretation wrong when she said that lover cannot be an appropriate term of endearment and to her credit she has since changed her mind and has been very gracious about it and glad to be immortalised in a poem in this form
'in my ear She holds me close' - more more more sensuous imagery along with auditory imagery of whispering in ears.
'leaving behind no space for god' - a play on the popular phrase 'leave some space for Jesus'
Anyway, this turned out way to big and way to detailed for a simple little analysis but once again, i am a student of literature and this is quite literally my life's passion, made even easier since i have direct access to the writer's brain instead of having to make my own assumptions and spend hours researching.
I hope you enjoy if you or anyone else even bothers to read through considering just how much i actually wrote. but yeah, here's my final literary analysis of my poem Do you imagine what heaven looks like?
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
🌈Pride On Navarro🌈
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Pairing: Trans!Din x GN!Reader, reader is implied to be queer
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: allusions to transphobia, discussions of queer visibility, coming out, grogus says trans rights
Summary: After settling down on Navarro with Din and Grogu, a new celebration comes to town!
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE!! This was written as part of @flightlessangelwings 's pride celebration!! I used their photo prompt(the large pride flag photo above!) and their dialogue prompts "Do you trust me?" "Hold my hand tight. I'll protect you." This was a bit rushed, but I hope you still enjoy <3 This is also the first trans!din writing to include Grogu!!
Trans!Din Masterlist
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It’d been less than a month since you’d first settled on Navarro. The humble two room cabin quickly became home to your clan of three. The morning, as most were, was slow. The twin suns are just beginning their journey through the sky, marking their path with a burnt orange hue. Grogu was content by the pond, refining his Jedi powers through his daily meditations. You watched him closely, keeping an eye out for Din; who had already headed out to care for the ranch you three resided on.
Though most of Navarro was typically just beginning to rise- there seemed to be an unusual amount of commotion on the horizon where the town center stood. You noted a mass amount of ships docking. Though there'd been many new arrivals as part of a reconstruction efforts, these ones seemed…different from the usual material deliveries. There were some standard carrier ships. Some vendors, the ones who hopped planet to planet selling their fine goods. A couple of personal ships. But most strangely were the rounds of passenger ships. Hoards of people seemed to be flooding the gates of Navarro, eager to breach the inner city.
“Cyar’ika?” A familiar modulated voice behind you interrupts. “What are you looking at?” Din approaches. Coming round to your side, shoulder rubbing against yours.
“The ships…there’s so many today.”
“Mmm I noticed too.” He confirms. “Karga hasn’t notified me of any disturbance-”
“No. I don’t think it’s anything like that. Look.” You say, pointing to the branded vendor ships. “Vendors…maybe a market?”
Din looks over the horizon, the heat signatures on his visor affirming the large crowds. “A big one.”
“Would you like to-?” At that moment you’re cut off by an insistent tugging at the hem of your bottoms. A familiar womp rat prying for your attention. You chuckle as you pick him up. “I think Grogu would like to go.” He makes a happy sound, purring under your touch.
Din sighs, seeming hesitant.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen Karga…I’m sure he’d like to hear how we're settling in.”
He grumbles, never liking going into a situation blind. But his apprehension is quickly dissolved when Grogu coos. Batting his big brown eyes up at Din. A small pout plastered on his sweet face. Din huffs, giving Grogu a pat on the head. That is all the convincing it takes.
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The entrance archway is decorated in an unusual fashion. An assortment of brightly colored paper is swirled around the entirety of its length. A steady flow of confetti raining over the town. Peeking down the streets, you see vendors crowding the narrow streets. Flags of various colors and designs are hung up around town. Though your first assumption was that they belonged to different planets, as the large pride flag standing in the center of town comes into view…their meaning becomes very clear. You can’t help but smile, squeezing Din’s hand just a little tighter. Grogu’s eyes are wide as he takes in the beautiful array of colors. Each glimmering under the bright light of Navarro’s two suns.
Approaching the entrance, you see a table of pins. Small buttons of varying pride flags sit to your side, but before you have time to draw Din’s attention to it Grogu has already done so.
“No! Grogu! Put it down!”
You hear Din scold from behind you. Turning around you see the Din helplessly trying to wrestle the colorful pin out of Grogu’s mouth.
“Not food!” Din continues. He’s unsuccessful in his battle. Not getting Grogu to release the button until he decides the bitter metal is not an acceptable snack. “Dank ferrick kid…” He huffs, assessing the button in his hand. His helmet tilting as he surveys the curious array of colors. Finally, turning to you he asks “Cyar'ika, what is this?”
You smile at him, taking the pin in hand and wiping it of any remaining mess. “It’s a pride pin. Not for eating.” You emphasize, throwing a pointed look towards Grogu. “Like a mini flag to represent who you are. Each flag means something different.” Din and Grogu watch closely as you explain. “This one represents all queer genders and sexualities. It’s for everyone.” You say smiling as you attach the rainbow pin to Grogu’s collar. His small hands delicately run over the smooth surface.
“What are these other ones?” Din pulls your attention to the table, looking over the various colors.
“Well let’s see…” You discuss the ones you knew, before landing on the one you’d been searching for. “And this is your flag!” You say with a smile, holding out the trans flag pin out to Din.
His body stiffens, his face under the helmet suddenly getting very hot. “Cyar’ika can I-? S-should I?” Din asks nervously. You catch the frantic glaces he shoots into the crowd, and the uncertain sigh that escapes him as he looks at the child. “E-everyone will know…” he says quietly.
You retract your hands, covering the flag. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to wear it."
Din stops you, putting a hand over yours. "I want to but…"
Though words fail him, but you understand. There's a weight that comes with making yourself visible. Vulnerable. To identify himself in a way he's never done so publicly. Especially in front of friends. Before a whole town who knew and respected him. Though he held no reservations about holding you at his side, this was something more personal. Unearthing a struggle he'd been more than happy to bury and move on from since his teenage years. Though his fears were real, the banners of color that swirled around you told you he’d be safe here.
“Do you trust me?” You ask, placing one hand on his beskar-covered chest.
He nods hesitantly. His breath catches in his throat as he watches you carefully attach the blue, pink, and white pin to his cape.
“You’re safe here Din.” You affirm softly. “We’re safe here.” You reach to the table for a pin of your own, quickly pinning it to your top.
His body eases as he sees you attach your own pin. A small coo from his side pulls his attention. Grogu leans forward in his carrier, reaching out for the mandalorian. Din picks him up, sitting the child in his strong arms. Grogu’s small hands grab curiously at his father’s pin. Under the helmet, he goes warm. Turning to you he asks, “Do you think he knows?”
Looking down at the child, you’re certain. He’s not shy or confused. Perhaps it is something in his Jedi nature, but he seems unphased by this information. Something about his reaction makes you think he always knew. “He knows.” You say with a soft smile; enjoying the tender moment Grogu nuzzles his head against Din’s helmet.
The mandalorian leans into the hug. “Thanks kid…” he says quietly, silently struggling to keep it together. After a moment they pull away, the child happily cooing.
“Well, should we go look around?” You offer.
The pair nod. Din continues to hold Grogu in his arms, unwilling to let go of him. The comfort Grogu provides him is too good to give up at the moment. Catching onto Din’s nerves you slip your hand into his free one. Leaning in you whisper. “Hold my hand. I’ll protect you.”
Din can’t help, but chuckle. Though he was certainly the more intimating of the two of you, he can’t deny the feeling of safety he gets from holding your hand.
The market is beautiful. Bright colors adorning each pop-up vendor. You’re sure to stop by some of Grogu’s favorite stores in hopes it will convince him to be well-behaved; it is only semi-successful. The biggest treat of the day is getting to just watch Din relax. With each stop, his shoulders drop a little more. You catch his lingering eye on the transgender flags you pass by; almost in awe of the audacity to just be. Din lingers even longer in conversation with individual vendors who adorn the flag. Though you were usually the one to do the talking, he can’t seem to help himself. Of course, Grogu doesn’t mind…the more time Din spends speaking the more likely it is he will be getting something out of the exchange. Walking up to the town center, a familiar face appears.
“Mando!” Karga gleefully cheers, quick to greet his old friend. “How wonderful it is to see you out today! And with the little one too!” He smiles down at Grogu, who is happily chewing on a rainbow cookie. Karga greets you too, shaking your free hand. “I hope you’re settling in alright.”
You smile at the high magistrate, “Of course, it’s perfect for the kid. Thank you again for the offer. And thank you for holding this event! It’s lovely.”
“Well of course we had to do something for Pride! It’s important we establish ourselves as a free land! Navarro is open to all! We’re civilized now, nothing like the barbarians that once walked these streets. Speaking of- Mando, I was hoping to ask you. Is this something Mandalorians do? Pride- I mean. Is this accepted-”
You interrupt with a light cough, not to subtly nodding to Din’s trans pin.
“Oh! Well, I suppose that answers that!” Karga says with a chuckle. “In that case, tell your Mandalorian friends to come by for the festivities! And happy Pride to you Mando!”
“Th-thank you High Magistrate…” Din thanks him shyly, a sigh of relief escaping him at how easy that went over.
“That went well.” You say smiling at Din.
He shrugs, “As good as I could’ve imagined.”
“Now come on! Let’s see if we can get a good spot for the fireworks, huh?”
Hidden under the helmet, is a small smile spreading across Din’s face. He follows silently, letting the decision be between you and Grogu. You settle atop a ridge, in the perfect place to see the fireworks bloom over the town center. Din sits beside you, legs spread out in front of him. Grogu sits at the end of Din’s feet, happily digging through the bag of goodies he got through the day. You take your position at Din’s side, your head resting against his pauldron. Your hand entwined with his rests on his thigh. Anticipation building as the time nears.
He dips his head down to yours, “Cyar’ika?”
“Thank you.”
“For what, Din?”
“For loving me.”
With that an explosion of colors graces the skyline. A boom of cheers erupts from the crowd.
“You’re very easy to love...”
Tucked away under the safety of the mountain ridge, Din is unable to stop himself. Lifting the lip of his helmet enough to press himself to you. All the words of his unspoken appreciation for you translating themselves through the fire of his kiss. The fireworks are quickly forgotten, this moment of intimacy taking superiority. Not even the roaring boom of each firework is enough to tear you away. Only the high pitched cheer of the child is enough to draw your attention away from each other. You both turn away from one another, looking at Grogu who smiles brightly, pointing up at the sky. Where a sudden explosion of blue, pink, and white fill the sky. Matching perfectly to the pin attached to Din’s cape. And an unknown pride fills the Mandalorian’s once beskar-clad heart.
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
Transfem Katsuki (edited as of Nov. 2023. Katsuki hadn't died yet when this was written so bear with me.)
In honor of "fuck I thought about transfem Katsuki and now I'm in love with her again" and also because of a shitty discourse post I saw. Enjoy.
She will NOT figure it out until at least second year of UA.
She's always been uneasy about the whole boy thing. Specifically boy. Like she's one of the guys ok sure but she's not a boy.
We know how kind Aldera is to anyone who's slightly out of the norm (ie Deku) and Katsuki is especially aware given she was part of the problem. So yeah, internalized transphobia (+homophobia) we love to see it./s
Getting into UA and quickly realizing that like more than half the class is openly and proudly queer in some way gave her whiplash, and as much of a bully as she still was at this point, she didn't say anything.
She tried to convince herself it was to not get in trouble and gamble her place at UA, but really she was just glad to not be somewhere as fucked as her middle school.
And if the trans ponytail chick makes her question who she really wants to be... well that's nobody's business.
As I am very subtly implying, Momo ends up being a big part of Katsuki accepting herself and her identity as a trans woman.
Katsuki loves her friend group (she'll never admit it but she does, so much) but she associates them with her old group from Aldera somewhat unconsciously, and is terrified they'll push her away, even if she knows she's just. Straight up wrong.
As in, so incredibly wrong. Sero and Jirou are non binary ("Whatever the hell that means") Kirishima is a proud trans man ("More of a man than any of the cretins at Aldera will ever be") Mina's dating a trans girl from another school ("Camie Utsushit or smth") and Kaminari is so many different flavors of queer its almost impressive.
Really, her friends are probably the ones that should be worried, she tries to remind herself, hammering it in her head. Katsuki was an asshole for most of her life, they should be the ones scared of her. They're not though. For some fuckin' reason.
So yeah, talking to her friend group is out of the question. Momo though.
Momo is a special kind of trustworthy. Momo is the kind of person you'd give your entire life savings, your child, your car and your wife to. Katsuki hates that, she hates trusting people, it always ends badly, so she prefers doing stuff on her own.
Except it doesn't always end badly. Especially not with Yaomomo.
Every early saturday morning, Katsuki's and Momo's workout sessions happen at the same time. Eventually, they start talking during that time. Katsuki eventually asks about Momo being trans, more or less convinced she'll tell her to go fuck herself (she obviously doesn't).
It helps, despite the fact that her experience isn't the same as Katsuki's at all. Momo always knew she was a girl, her parents always were supportive about it, and money really wasn't a problem to help her transition once she was old enough to make that decision. Hell, she can literally make estrogen.
Katsuki then comes to the realization that yeah, she's probably a girl. Not like I'll ever do shit about it, she thinks.
Things kinda stay stagnant for a time then. Katsuki has way more important stuff to worry about (like exams and also her and her friends almost dying etc etc) and the self-hatred that simmers in her head constantly doesn't make it really fun to actually think about herself.
Second year comes around.
Because this is me, and my blog, and I do what I want, I present to you my son, Shinsou. Most trans guygirl t4t lesbian of all time. In my heart.
So Shinsou is very trans in the most mysterious way you could think of, so mysterious he himself doesn't really know what is going on with his gender. He doesn't exactly care, he just vibes (any pronouns).
They're pretty knowledgeable on queer stuff because it loves to read wikipedia pages until 5AM when it can't sleep and got lost on multiple LGBTQ+ related forums when she was 13. (He also knows a lot about chickens and lizards.)
She can just breathe the queer coming out of Katsuki, but when they ask they're just met with "oh Bakugou? Yeah no, he's cishet. Our token straight man. To prove we're diverse, etc." (-Shouji, entirely serious). Shinsou's not buying it but she doesn't like assuming, so he shuts up.
Meanwhile, Katsuki has nothing to think about anymore now that things have settled and she's not getting attacked by her self-hatred constantly, so she unfortunately ends up thinking about her gender (truly tragic. Genuinely though, it's almost distressing because she pushed the thought down for so long that it's scary to think about).
Because early mornings and nights are a time outside of our world, it's again around 5AM that Katsuki talks to someone who might help her with her gender problem. Shinsou in fact, who's of course awake on a Monday morning after a sleepless night, eating cereal out of the box.
Katsuki finds herself chatting with the weirdo and eventually asks what the fuck kinda gender it is, if only to be able to call her something else than the weirdo in her head.
The realization that gender is a construct and doesn't really fucking exist so it doesn't actually matter is somewhat of an epiphany for Katsuki. Like she's silent for multiple minutes. Shinsou is getting scared
Quietly, she mutters a small "I think I'm a girl" to Shinsou. It smiles and says "Nice. There's not enough girls in this class." and goes back to its cereal.
Katsuki has no fucking idea how that fucker exists. He's an anomaly in the timeline. Katsuki adores them.
(Platonically. Girl doesn't have time for romantic love. Yes I'm also making her aromantic, because aro Katsuki is the loml and one of my fave hcs.)
After that weird but insightful conversation, Katsuki finally asks Momo for help, taking her up on an offer she had made one morning. ("If you ever need my help for anything concerning [your gender bullshit], come see me.")
Momo being the absolute QUEEN that she is, she assembles all transgirls and cisgirls of the class + whoever else would like to join (which ends up being Jirou, Shinsou and Aoyama) and they all go on a shopping trip with Katsuki to help her figure out what she likes.
Does she want to wear makeup? Does she want feminine clothes? Or long hair? Does she want boobs? Or thinner traits?
Does she just want different pronouns and to be addressed viewed as a girl?
Mina shortens that as "What kinda girl is Katsuki".
I'll do you the answer here so this doesn't take forever, because the process of figuring it out must be long.
Mainly, the verdict will eventually be that Katsuki didn't really feel comfortable in the box she, her parents and Aldera put her in, which is a sort of vague idea of a Boy, Man, Son. She's mean and a bitch and probably a tomboy and she's a girl. That's all. She doesn't want of any of that flowery pink crap and being "gracefully feminine" like Momo is, she'll still kick your teeth in. Being a girl isn't fundamentally part of her identity or her personality, but it's who she's comfortable being.
She does enjoy skirts once she feels comfortable enough to wear them. She grows her hair a bit too (because she doesn't wanna look like her mother at first, but she ends up liking the look) and puts it up in a ponytail.
Makeup is a bitch but it looks cool, so she lets Mina, Aoyama and Shinsou use her face as a canevas for their weird makeup experiments. She thinks she looks like a clown half the time though (she doesn't, she's really cute). She mostly does eyeliner, which she already knew how to do before starting her transition, and very rarely lipgloss.
She doesn't really care about having breasts or softer traits, mainly because her traits are already pretty androgynous when she looks at herself, and she's already got big pecs so like. Basically tits. It's the same, it doesn't really matter. She's happy with how her body looks, she worked to have a healthy body and she doesn't care if it's "not a woman's body" or whatever the fuck. She likes how her body is and she doesn't really care about changing it.
She thinks of using she/they (like Jirou) but doesn't exactly care about they/them? Like they're not bad to have used on her (way better than he/him) but she prefers just using she/her.
She doesn't change her first name. It means victory, so it's already perfect for her. It's her name.
Some of her friends (the ones who aren't scared of death cough cough Shinsou) call her Katsuki-chan (Kacchan is copyrighted) but most her friends call her Kats', because she let slip one time she thinks it's cute.
To end this because good lord I've been typing for some time, here's my Transfem Bakugou pinterest board. I actually have a bunch of transfem characters pinterest boards lmao
Also realizing I almost didn't talk about Izuku. Damn I've really betrayed myself as a bkdk truther. Rip.
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So I got dumped yesterday for saying I believe that transfemmes do experience male privilege pre-transition. My ex did not give me a chance to expand on that belief *at all*, just got triggered and decided I'm unsafe.
I'm going to expand those views here because I genuinely think I'm approaching the topic pretty reasonably and at this point I need to get the processing I've been doing written down.
First off, let me say that my opinion here comes EXCLUSIVELY from transfemmes I've talked to over the years as well as my own experiences with transmasc erasure. (My ex claimed that ALL of the transfemmes I know who've said that they've experienced male privilege only think that because of "internalized transmisogyny" while simultaneously refusing to engage with any of my experiences with erasure that are *specifically* things that happen bc of the learned behaviors inspired by the external factors of male privilege and socialization.)
The actual line that I have on this is that male privilege is an *external* force, not an internal one. It is entirely based in how you're perceived and how *others* interact with you based on that perception. It is based in the *societal and systematic* benefits someone receives based on the fuckin gender marker on your ID.
I absolutely do not think that that means transfemmes *interact* with male privilege in the same way as any c*s person, especially pre-transition. I do not think the *effects* of that privilege are the same and in almost every case it's going to be extremely complex and nuanced based on the individual. I *do* believe that, because that external force is applied *constantly* from a very young age, some aspects of that force can and often do come through even after transitioning.
Part of this being so upsetting for me is that it sounds like a rehashing of the "gendered socialization doesn't exist" argument that was going around here in like 2016 and is apparently resurfacing again. As far as I remember, when that argument stopped because the people who were pushing the conversation were outed as t*rfs who'd been posing as queer teens. The intent was to confuse the community and divide the younger and older trans folx.
The argument that gendered socialization doesn't exist (which, as far as I can tell, is the same argument as "transfemmes never experience male privilege) is laughably dichotomous at best and harmful at worst.
On the dichotomous end, we have someone who talks *frequently* about missing out on "being raised as a girl". If that person also does not believe in gendered socialization, they have the belief that they were also "not raised as a boy". Unless you come from a family or culture that has a third option or treats their kids the *exact* same (unlikely), you were fuckin raised in a way that was distinctly *gendered*.
That can transition to the harmful end *very* easily simply by not processing, analyzing, and questioning your learned behaviors. My ex spent the whole conversation calling me misogynistic and denying/devaluing my friends' experiences. She also very specifically made all of her points while simultaneously telling me I wasn't allowed to respond. At the point that I said, "Hey, I can't keep getting messages tangentially related to this when I'm not allowed to respond so I'm going to respond to a couple things, please keep your boundaries in any way that makes you feel safe", she immediately reengaged herself into the conversation fully, sent 3 messages - one of which was the dismissal of my friends' experiences, and blocked me.
I want to make it very clear that I put my responses under a break, specifically so she wouldn't have to read them immediately. I cannot be the one to enforce *her* boundary that *she* was repeatedly breaking. At the point that someone tells me they want a break from a conversation, I say okay and don't fucking respond until they do. I got two additional texts from her, both of which emphasized her points while continuing to disallow me from rejoining the conversation.
If that ain't the EXACT shit I've dealt with for my entire fucking life 🙄
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dykefever · 1 year
wolfstar tumblr has started again to claim that we shouldn’t describe sirius as short and feminine because it’s “heteronormative”, that we shouldn’t describe remus as tall and masculine because it’s, you know, un-canon (a terf’s?). it feels like terfs are coming to the fandom and we are going back to the time back then when popular writers who turned out terfs were dominating the fandom. seems the fandom is adopting the old terfs’ claims again and even shamelessly applauding it. how are you bearing these days, laura. as for me as a trans person who hates jkr and her holy “canon”, it’s horrible. feel like everything the few good people (such as you) in the fandom had tried was vain. sorry for disturbing you.
well it's been about three or so months since i last made a post about this stuff so sounds about right that more terfy posts are coming out all surrounding height discourse. it's a cycle in the r/s fandom and im afraid these terfs and transphobes aren't coming to the fandom they've all probably been here a while because this fandom is rife with them due to the source material and general politics of the people that write the fic (liberals who are so totally for gender neutral bathrooms but transwomen make them obviously uncomfortable irl)
i've already talked a bit about how harmful and also dumb this line of thinking is re: short and fem s so i'll link this post on gender essentialism i made but i'll say again it's just so tedious how it's often the same people who don't seem to inspect where their assumptions are coming from. people stick terfs dni in their bio and perhaps disagree with the openly transphobic lawmakers but that doesn't mean their biases against trans people don't exist. transphobia is far more insidious than that!
like people seem to go: short s -> s is "whiny" and "annoying" -> he's feminine (whether he actually is or not) -> thus he's being written like he's a girl and that's bad because that's heteronormative
the media heuristic that exists that "whiny" and "weaker" men (ie. complaining, relying on their boyfriend/partner for things, idk being the fucking little spoon) are women-coded does not mean you shouldn't make any character whiny or annoying or whatever because then you are essentially making them a woman and that's Bad -- the response is to unpack the very idea that there are certain traits connected to men and women and when applied to people of the opposite or other genders somehow still has a connection to an innate gender of 'man' or 'woman'.
also, s characterisation is varied but not as prolifically dramatic and bad as people seem to say. they're latching on to the 'feminine short s characterisation' where he acts dramatic as if i have not ready many a fic where he is tall and stereotypical masculine with similar personality traits. however, these traits are viewed differently when packaged differently. the difference is s wearing a skirt or being perceived as feminine in a way that they do not view as aligned with their perception of how gender should operate.
whether intentionally transphobic or not, the shorthand people use in these discussion always ties in with this belief that there are innate gendered characterisitics that if acted out in certain relationships makes them heteronormative. i am afraid that's not how queer relationships work! they are still gay even if one of them is short and the other tall and one is fem and the other masc like? you can dislike certain relationship dynamics but that doesn't make them inherently problematic or homophobic or anything. i avoid plenty of r/s fic because it's not how i personally view them. i don't try and morally justify my dislike because i don't like how they wrote r i just click out. as for saying one thing is canon and another is not like idgaf whatever!! most of canon is quite horrible and problematic and of course we are all engaging with it to some degree but to use it to argue something as meaningless as height should be adhered to. well i'm scrolling away frankly.
idk people are always telling on themselves in these discussions and you can pretty much always track one degree of separation between them and a pretty outward terf. i block and unfollow a lot of people but at the end of the day i engage with far less content than i used to because it sucks seeing so much transphobic and often anti-queer discussion. it's exhausting and it's why so many trans people especially transfem people leave this fandom. people can slap anti-jkr in their bio as much as they want, a terf is still a fucking terf.
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rainbowtvz · 5 months
simp is aave. stop misusing aave. (literally just look up "what is aave carrd" and figure it out.)
doubles is a kinnie term. as a kin myself, yes i am gatekeeping that word. people who share your f/os are not doubles because it inherently implies that you AND the sharer are somehow the same person whether that's both BEING your f/o or you have the same s/i. you are not using it correctly. it's annoying and confusing. doubles is a derogatory term anyway for people who share your kins that you do not like. (kintwins would be for people you do like.)
^ i've been on kinblr and numerous other otherkin AND fictionkin spaces i know what i'm talking about.
minority coding is important. if your f/o is coded as being a minority and you do not acknowledge that then you need to re-examine that. yes this is about trans headcanons too.
^ two examples: chihiro from dangan ronpa being a poorly written but widely accepted transfem character. and danny phantom having a common headcanon as being transmasc. the first one if you discard chihiro being a transfem and make her a guy, cis or trans, it's erasing her identity. this is transmisogyny at worst and ignorant as fuck at best. the second one if you discard this headcanon or make it so danny is transfem instead, it has no greater impact or implication of prejudice or bigotry. vice versa, their headcanons about danny's gender has literally 0 impact on your interpretation of his character and his gender. you do not have to subscribe to those headcanons and can go with your own or go with canon, but you need to re-examine why exactly you very specifically do not like those headcanons.
^ people projecting transness onto characters they like is often to find representation in them, or for coping, or both, to deny them of that because you simply disagree is.. odd and speaks volumes. cis selfshippers please think critically about that. i feel a lot of you are detached from overall fandom ettiquette and common ways for queer people to engage with media outside of the hyperspecific bubble that is selfshipping. we're all gonna annoy each other (selfshippers and nonselfshippers) at some point but painting yourself as being transphobic because you view your f/o as cis Only is only going to cause you grief. let people enjoy things. you don't have to look at it, just like they don't have to look at your stuff. this is okay.
plaese for the love of god please stop putting your vents in the community tags. (i've blocked or have been blocked by a majority of the people who do this but its making it feel dreary here.)
if u harass others for doing/saying something you don't like or agree with or for someone having an opinion about something you care about or about you in particular (that they aren't even being public about) then you suck and maybe u should at least take a break if not just leave entirely. (sideeyes some people)
blocking is a tool to affirm boundaries. people are allowed to block whoever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason they want. and it's okay for you to do the same. it's okay for people to not like each other. not everybody IS going to like you and that's okay too.
callouts are for people doing active harm, or people who HAVE done active harm who have not grown and changed as a person since they did it. nobody care if they vagued u bc u share an f/o. practice utilizing the blocking tool. ^ this is not about wishing harm on others or stalking this is about petty shit that does not fall under that lol
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
pro/com/etc shippers please smash your computer into dust no one likes you or wants you here
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Feel free not to answer this because I feel like it’s a really heavy and rather personal and emotional thing, but you’re also one of the people whose opinion I respect the most and who I think would be able to offer a lot of help with this, and I think it might help some other people too, if it’s not too pretentious to say that. It’s definitely too pretentious, isn’t it.
For context, I’m a cis female lesbian, which is… both a good thing and also the stem of these problems.
First of all, queer people travel in packs, we all know that. It’s amazing, and somehow, most of my friends and I found each other even before any of us came out. It’s the unconscious gaydar, I guess. And more recently, a lot of my friends are coming out as different flavors of trans and nb, and in some ways, it feels like I’m the ONLY person who feels completely comfortable with their birth gender.
God it sounds really bad when I put it that way, and I know it kinda is. I barely know how to describe it, but in some ways, it feels like I’m almost the odd one left out, when most of my friends have that bonding experience and this new struggle they have to deal with, and I’m not able to help them out and be there for them in a way that I was when it was just sexuality in question (and believe me, that took me forever to figure out, and I imagine it’s much the same for gender). And. I dunno. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m one of the ONLY cis people in my friend group, and I feel almost guilty for that? Online there’s all the stuff about “oh it’s the cis people” and like, that’s me, I’m one of the people in question, and how some people act, it’s almost as though I’m not queer enough or something, like being lesbian isn’t enough to actually make me queer and that I have to be some flavor of trans as well. And I know that’s horrible to think, it’s an awful mindset to have, but it’s kinda how I feel. And to clarify, this is absolutely not my friend’s faults, they’re not saying or doing anything at all to imply what I’ve just said, it’s entirely my own fault and that of the internet.
Anyway, I’ll just leave that there for you, because I don’t have a resolution for it, that’s the problem.
My second problem is kinda similar. My two best friends are both enby aroace. One of them is a sex-repulsed ace, and we share a lot of same fandoms and things that we enjoy. They’re a S&B fan, for one, and a while back I sent them WDMTTPL because I figured they’d like it because it’s fantastically written and I love it so much. This is nothing personal to do with you, I’d like to clarify that. Anyway, they got to the first E rated scene and quit and refused to read the rest of it. That’s totally okay, that’s fine, they have every right not to enjoy the same stuff as me. Another thing we both like is Phantom of the Opera, have you seen that? There are two songs, one in the original and one in the (admittedly a shitshow with a good soundtrack) sequel, that yeah, they’re kinda about sex, but they’re still very nice songs. My friend calls the one in the sequel (the song being Beneath a Moonless Sky) as ALW’s E-rated sex fantasy song. It’s… not terribly explicit, in my opinion, but like I said, of course we have different opinions, and that’s okay. But they hate the song so much and whenever it comes up on a playlist or something that we’re listening to together, they always go and skip it. With that musical as a whole, Love Never Dies, it’s a shitshow like I said and it has horrible writing and I really just ignore all of the plot in favor of enjoying some of the few good songs in it. And because of how much they hate that song, which I think has fantastic music regardless of content, I almost feel guilty for liking it and for being a sex-positive person myself. It’s not like my friend saying “I don’t like this and so no one should like this” but in some ways it feels almost like that’s what they’re saying. It’s absolutely not their fault, but it feels like the same thing again. I feel guilty for being straight and not “queer” enough, I feel guilty for being a person who enjoys sex versus an aroace friend who really doesn’t, and then I feel guilty for feeling guilty about things I shouldn’t feel bad about.
The third one isn’t really along the same vein as the first one, but I think it’s one that does put me in the wrong and that I’m very conflicted about.
One of my friends is very openly poly and was ranting to us the other day about some thinly veiled homophobic (and specifically polyphobic) comments one of her professors made, and how for an essay in that class she’s writing about how poly marriage should be allowed and was asking for our opinions and stuff. Personally, I think it’s absolutely okay, I wouldn’t even be opposed to a poly relationship myself. However, eventually they got on the topic of the poly relationship of the variety where one person is married to two different people without those other two people being married together, but consensual between all three. And… something rubs me the wrong way about that. Something feels very inherently unequal and unfair about someone in a relationship with two other people without those people being together, ESPECIALLY if we’re talking marriage. And then I proceed to feel horrible about that, because who am I to judge what kind of love is okay, what kind of poly marriage should be allowed and what shouldn’t? Isn’t that just as bad as, say, telling a bi person in a relationship with a person of the opposite gender that they’re actually just straight? I still don’t feel like being in two seperate relationships at once can be fair or healthy, even if it IS consensual, but I feel horrible for almost gatekeeping something like that, and for getting into a heated debate with the friend in question about it. She also had a boyfriend at the time, and according to her, she said he’d be perfectly okay if she was to have a relationship with a different person beside him at the same time. And then I felt horribly petty, because they broke up like a week after my friend said all of that to the rest of us and that breakup may or may not have been related.
Anyway I have no good way of wrapping this up, I feel like it’s just been one big rant, and I know it’s very very personal and heavy, but you really are someone whose opinion I respect and would really appreciate hearing. You don’t have to answer this ask, because I know it’s a lot, but either way, thank you so much for taking the time to read this anyway.
Welp. Okay. First off, I am very honored that you trust me to talk about this to you, respect my opinion, and are interested in hearing my thoughts. For context, I am also a cis lesbian, and I suspect that I am somewhat-to-significantly older than you (10-15 years). So this is coming from a queer person in their thirties (not in their teens or twenties) and while I have plenty to say here, I'll start with this:
Basically, this ask is an encapsulation of everything that rubs me the wrong way about the online youth culture that has grown up on social media and calls itself "queer" and "progressive" while also uh, not being those things at all and often just being American Protestant evangelical purity culture. I hasten to stress that this is not your fault in any way, and nothing about what you have said is going to make me point a finger and go BAD QUEER PERSON! Instead, I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for you and the guilt and stress that you're enduring and putting yourself through, when you really, really don't have to. I promise. Because if you just changed a few names and descriptions, you could be telling me how unhappy you feel in a religious fundamentalist cult! And that breaks my heart. Because:
You constantly feel guilty about whether you're "enough" for the overall authority/presumed "right way" to be a queer person, and constantly think that you have to do "more" to justify your inclusion;
You hang out with people and in shared social spaces that consciously or unconsciously reinforce the idea that you're "doing it wrong";
You worry constantly about whether being an ordinary human person with a sex drive makes you "unclean," "filthy," "evil," "lesser", etc etc;
You worry that you're in the wrong for expressing any opinion that might run against the prevailing wisdom, no matter what that opinion is or how you arrived at it;
You also worry that this is all "your fault" for not being good enough, and that if you continue to not be good enough, it will reflect on you as a personal sin and lead to your exclusion from the group, and that will be all your fault and nobody else's;
And on and on.
Anyway: as I said, this is flat-out conservative evangelical Protestantism with the names changed, and that's what makes me so averse to the so-called progressive purity/anti culture that has taken so much root in youth queer spaces. This isn't your fault or even that of your friends', it's just a result of what all of you have learned by osmosis and think is the only way to Be Acceptably Queer. And that is hogwash. It is total nonsense. It is absolutely not true. If you're hanging out in places or with people that are constantly feeding and reinforcing this message, whether implicitly or explicitly, then you DO need to find new places, healthier places, with maybe some older queer people who aren't as beholden to the niche culture of Performative Internet Wokeness as the younger terminally-online generation. Because it is a niche culture, it is very small, it is not at all representative of the lives and experiences of queer people all around the world, and you absolutely do not need to let it dictate your thoughts and behavior to the point of making you feel this way about yourself (or even at all). Because listen here:
I am holding your face in my hands, I am looking you in the eye, I am telling you from the bottom of my queer cis lesbian ace-spec old gay adult heart: I LOVE YOU, BABY GAY. YOU IS KIND. YOU IS SMART. YOU IS IMPORTANT. AND AIN'T NOBODY, NOBODY AT ALL, GOT THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU OTHERWISE OR MAKE YOU FEEL BAD FOR BEING BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
Okay? Got it? I mean it. I am aggressively loving on you right now, in a healthy, boundaries-appropriate way, and telling you that IT IS OKAY. You are queer just the way you are. You're not a secret straight. You don't have to add an endless list of uber-specific micro-labels or nuances or explanations. You're you. You're queer. That's it, end of story, nobody can say otherwise. If people try to make you feel bad about it or shame you or imply that you're not enough, THAT IS THEIR FAULT and you can and should feel justified in calling them out on it. You don't need to torment yourself with guilt over having opinions, or liking sex, or ANY OF IT. Humans are humans! Humans (for the most part) like sex! Sex is a normal and natural and beautiful thing! Queer sex is beautiful! Het sex is beautiful! You can enjoy both or any or all of those things while also critiquing the sexified/commodified/heteronormative/repressive culture in which we exist! Our culture has been so messed up and fucked over (literally) when it comes to sex that once again, we've looped all the way back around to "I am a More Morally Pure Person if I Personally Reject Sex and This is a Totally Progressive Viewpoint" and like. As I said above, I am strongly ace-spec. I tend to enjoy reading about sex or having sexy headcanons more than I'm interested in actually pursuing it in the real world. But that doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else, and I have zero objections to them doing what makes them happy.
So enjoy E-rated fic. Enjoy E-rated songs. Enjoy sex if you like sex, in fiction, real life, or wherever. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, BABY, OKAY? If you know that some of your friends don't like what you like, you don't have to share those things with them or rely solely on their approval/validation (and as I said, if you're hanging out in places or with people that only make you feel bad about who you are and what you like, it's time to re-evaluate that time and how it's spent). Go out in your community, meet older queer people, volunteer in queer spaces, do whatever you would like to make you feel more connected to the real-life community with a broader variety of perspectives. But also, you don't have to do these things to be considered queer. You don't have to Earn Your Place Via Hard Work (oh hello again, Protestant Ethic!) You just have to be you. That is enough.
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leosabi · 7 months
okay what in the hell. if you use the current transmisogyny issue to try and claim trans men aren’t oppressed or are somehow the cause of the current problem i am going to assume you’re a 4chan infiltrator btw.
big rant below the cut. transphobia tw, i also mention a recent murder case. if you’re a mutual who’s reblogging posts about the current issue maybe read this?
i am aware this is very unlike my normal posts but it’s stressing me the fuck out bc of how many mutuals are reblogging stuff about it and bc of concerning language used in some of the posts.
i have not seen anyone i follow say directly that trans men aren’t oppressed, but ive seen a few posts that indirectly insinuate it reblogged onto my dash. and i have been assuming the people who reblogged it just didn’t read the post thoroughly, but i saw someone genuinely say trans men aren’t oppressed in the notes of one of these posts (it was not someone i follow) and that’s fucking insane. an afab trans person (not a trans man, but someone who would face similar oppression) was brutally murdered in oklahoma just recently and jkr’s manifesto directly talks about trans men and afab nonbinary people in a disgusting, infantilizing fashion.
anybody who supports posts like that is getting blocked, mutual or not. including ones that claim transandrophobia isn’t real (it’s misogyny. transandrophobia is trans-specific misogyny that is called that because why tf would transmascs misgender themselves in a term they made. nobody is claiming misandry is real i have literally never seen that and that’s why the term was changed to transandrophobia instead of transmisandry. in addition, a lot of trans men don’t pass and therefore get to experience all the wonderful privileges (/s) of being viewed as gender nonconforming women. even ones who pass can be visibly queer as well. and much of the current anti-trans legislation specifically targets trans men who need top surgery as teenagers, which is a rare case but some do need it, and exceptions for breast-related surgeries on cis female teenagers is specifically written into much of this legislation).
people bringing trans men up in this context is suspicious as fuck because as far as i’m aware, there aren’t any trans men directly involved in this situation at all. it’s cis terfs, the cis ceo of tumblr, and trans women, particularly one, with the fbi car hammers thing, but there’s many more involved. bringing up trans men for any reason just distracts from the actual point of everything, doesn’t it? why is attention towards an unrelated issue being brought forth
i have no idea
how supporting trans women
involves putting down trans men.
from a trans man who hardly ever passes because i dared to grow my hair out. like just shut up about trans men for this whole situation. we do not belong in the conversation in this way. our oppression is uninvolved. whether you’re bringing it up to defend us or bash us or whatever the fuck, just don’t. this is an issue about trans women.
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vaspider · 2 years
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I posted 23,541 times in 2022
That's 16,350 more posts than 2021!
2,295 posts created (10%)
21,246 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,197 of my posts in 2022
#news - 67 posts
#long post - 58 posts
#unreality - 48 posts
#nerdykeppie - 46 posts
#lgbtq - 44 posts
#queer - 42 posts
#trans - 41 posts
#jumblr - 23 posts
#transgender - 23 posts
#personal - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if people can submit this stuff i can definitely make someone read my poems about the complicated feelings of being transmasc n childbirth
My Top Posts in 2022:
There is no such thing as an unproblematic piece of media, production team, or morally-pure person. There isn't. There's only "what flaws I am willing to put up with," which is going to be different for every person. If your friend has a different level of acceptable bullshit than you, it's probably fine, actually? The sooner people learn that, the happier in general they will be.
23,401 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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24,166 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Listen, if you are on Twitter and you haven't recently downloaded your data, you really need to. Like, now.
With the recent layoffs, I am willing to bet money that Twitter is going to implode very soon. Maybe not permanently, but dramatically, and very, very soon. Like "Liz Truss vs a head of lettuce" soon.
I base this quite simply on knowing the kind of shit my wife deals with every day, and listening to people on the news who have talked to Twitter employees about the site at all. Not only do I think there's some Thing that will cause Twitter to puke all over itself like a 19yo who just discovered wine coolers, but I think there are multiple Things, and they are not in the future. They are occurring right now.
They fired the people who know which software licenses are up for renewal next. They fired the people who know that this cache needs to be manually emptied, and yeah they should have written a script for it but there were so many other projects that it was easier for Bob to just manually do it on Friday mornings while on his 2nd cup of coffee. They fired the people who know to not poke this thing in that way bc this thing works in a non-standard fashion, but it works, so even though the software manual says "poke it," don't do that. They fired the people that know that this queue getting up over X number of tickets means it starts eating tickets and erasing half the data you need to fix issues, so you have to compress the ticket numbers at least every 2 days with an ad hoc utility script that Jane wrote after your team discovered this issue. Not all of the institutional knowledge is gone, but a lot of it is, and once that knowledge is gone, it's not coming back. Once that knowledge is gone, things unravel quickly at an institution that size.
Whatever happens on the social end of things - and that's a fucking mess - make your contingency plans for not losing touch with people now, and get downloads of your shit. Now. Not later. This will not fizzle out like LiveJournal. I'm willing to bet that it will simply cease to be one day soon. It might come back once it disappears.
I'm just not counting on it, and neither should you.
25,715 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
If you think these "anti drag" pushes aren't going to be used against trans people for just existing in public, you really really need to read up on the vice laws which caused Stonewall.
If you think Stonewall was only trans women and transmascs/butches/trans men weren't arrested during the leadup to the riot, you need to read up on who was there, who was arrested, and why.
They are coming for all of us. Your supposed respectability will not save you. We will survive this if we stick together, and only if.
25,778 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Just me crying in the bathroom so I don't wake my partners with this, fuck.
So to sum up: CT and DC have passed laws making it illegal to extradite someone to another state if they are being charged in that other state for crimes pertaining to abortion or trans health care, and makes it legal to sue and get your money back if you are targeted by a TX-style "bounty" law. DC also includes "crimes" of consensual adult sex, gay and interracial marriage and cohabitation and providing or using contraception.
This is, as the thread explains, basically legal interstate warfare. CT and DC's laws bar compliance with such laws.
This is, on one hand, kind of terrifying, because this is where we are now. It's going to get worse long before it gets better.
On the other hand... holy shit, someone fucking did something.
Someone fucking did something real.
33,527 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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