#sad u never fight them together at the same time!!!
dunderella · 1 year
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the waloeders
(available as stickers in my shop!)
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uluvjay · 2 months
So long, London- L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which you have to say goodbye
Warnings?; angst, toxic relationship, lying, cursing, lando being a bit of an asshole, crying, one sided love, feeling unwanted and lonely, this is kinda old and hardly proof read so i apologize for any errors!
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away
You could tell when things when first got rocky, the way he went from being connected to your hip at all times to being as far away from you as possible.
The way his once lingering touch would now drop the second there were no longer cameras or people to keep an act up for.
How he couldn’t be bothered to give you more then a pathetic forehead kiss and small side hug when he would once kiss you breathless and hold you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe.
But you always did your best to pull him back in, sitting down and having talk after talk about how you were feeling and telling him that if he wanted to leave then he needed to instead of stringing you along.
The conversations always ended the same, him with soft tears in his eyes while you were sobbing, him telling you he’d change and do better and that you were were all he wanted.
And he’d make the changes he promised to, dates as often as possible, nights once against spent together, his eyes never straying from you.
But that only lasted so long before he was back to his old ways.
My spine split from carrying us up the hill
Eventually overtime the constant chasing and fighting had began to take its toll on you, and everyone had began to notice.
“Y/n Darling are you doing okay? You look exhausted.” Adam spoke from his spot next to you.
You smiled politely at your boyfriend’s dad, “yeah just haven’t been sleeping the best.” You shrugged the lie spilling effortlessly from your mouth.
You could tell that the older man didn’t believe you but instead of prying he just nodded and pulled you into a tight hug.
You hadn’t realized just how bad you needed that hug until you were silently crying in the man’s arms, body shaking as all of your built up emotions came spilling out.
Adam turned you two, his back facing the entrance of the garage incase any cameras decided to pan inside, not wanting them to catch you in this state.
“You know you can speak to me about anything right? Even if it’s my son, you’re apart of this family too.”
You wanted to laugh at the man’s words, in what world would you be able to open up to the man about the fact that you were almost certain his son didn’t love you anymore but both of you were refusing to let go.
“I know, thank you.” You spoke softly.
I didn’t opt in to be your odd man out
You only realized how bad things had gotten when you got a text from Max asking why you weren’t at dinner.
What dinner? I didn’t even know you were in town
When the Brit left you on read you understood that even he had began to connect the dots and that his best friend had been lying to the both of you.
He had told you he was going to a business dinner while he sat across from his best friend and told him that you couldn’t make it to dinner because you already had plans made prior.
Max was pissed to say the least but he wasn’t one to cause a scene and decided it would be best to bring it up with lando tomorrow when they went to play paddle.
“How was dinner with Max and P?” You questioned as he stepped in the living room.
“What’re you talking about? It was a bus-“
“Don’t even try it Lando, max texted asking where I was.” You scoffed before standing on your feet and heading down the hall towards your room.
“Fuck.” He groaned quickly following after you.
“Baby please, I’m sorry I lied-“ he tried but was quickly shut up by the bedroom door slamming in his face and the lock clicking.
“Sleep in the guest room, we’ll talk tomorrow.” You spoke and he could hear the sadness in your tone.
My friends said it isn’t right to be scared
“I just don’t know what more I can do, I try so hard and things just aren’t changing. I feel unwanted and uncomfortable in my own house, I’m anxious to even go home sometimes because I don’t know what the night will hold.” You ranted to Kika and Pierre as you laid on the lush carpet of their living room floor.
“Darling it isn’t right to be scared, you shouldn’t have to have these worries, this isn’t love.” The model cooed as she took a seat next to you and held your hand tightly.
“I know, but I look at him and for some reason I still picture a future and see the man I want to start a family with..I just don’t think he sees that with me anymore.” You shrugged sadly.
“Oh honey.” Kika whispered before laying beside you and throwing and arm over you, holding you tightly.
“I don’t know what to do.” You whispered to no one in particular but Pierre caught it.
“It’s not what you want to hear but as one of your closest friends I’m going to tell you the truth, it’s time to leave Y/n.” The boy began, also moving to sit on the carpet on your other side.
“You’re doing nothing but hurting yourself and we can all see how hard this has been on you, you’re not yourself.” He continued.
“Where am i supposed to go? I gave up everything back home to move with him, he’s been in my life since we were little kids, he’s all I’ve ever known.” You croaked, a small tearing escaping.
The couple shared a look, hating how their once bubbly and out going friend had became someone they didn’t recognize, a girl so broken and hurt.
“You can stay here until you figure something out, we have the room and with Pierre being gone for races and me working there’s hardly anyone ever here.” Kika spoke up.
“No-I couldn’t do that, I don’t want to intrude.” You shook your head.
“You’re not intruding, we’re asking you to stay, we don’t want you living like this anymore.” Pierre spoke up.
You took a moment to think about it, were you really going to pull the plug and leave? After spending all of your youth with Lando and giving him all you ever had?
“Okay.” You nodded.
Just how low did you think I’d go ‘fore I self-implode? ‘Fore I’d have to go be free?
A few weeks later while the boys were gone for a double header you and Kika packed everything you owned, boxes and boxes stacked into the back of the large car you’d rented.
You cried in the girls arms as you looked around the place you had called home for the past few years, hearing aching in your chest as it processed that this was it, it was over now.
You’d written a note, placed it on the kitchen counter next to the necklace you wore with his name on it and your key to the apartment along with the keys to the car he’d gotten you for your birthday.
You two hadn’t spoken in days so having to keep him from getting suspicious wasn’t hard, he’d have no clue that he’d return from a different country to find you and your belongings gone.
And that’s exactly what happened, the boy sighed as he slid his key in the lock, his body aching and exhausted from the back to back races and constant time changes.
“Baby?” He called stepping into the dark apartment, it wasn’t like you to be out at nine pm but he shrugged it off and pushed up the light switch that was next to the door.
However his stomach dropped as the apartment lit up, all of your shoes that had been on the shoe rack were gone, your favorite blanket that had always been on the back of the couch gone as well.
He dropped his bookbag before darting towards the shared bedroom, his heart racing as he found your vanity that once sat in the corner of the room gone, your side of the bed perfectly made as if someone had slept there in days.
Reality crashed down on him when he walked into the closet to find all of your things gone, your key to the safe sitting on top of one of the shelves and the boy couldn’t help but to open it up only to find that all of the expensive pieces he bought you were sat contently inside, your custom Richard Mille still right next to all of his.
Getting back on his feet he raced back into the entryway for his phone, however the sight of something on the kitchen counter caught his attention.
He felt tears prick his eyes at the sight of your necklace laying beside a folded up paper, the necklace he got you at seventeen, the necklace that you hadn’t taken off since the day he put it on you.
“She’s gone.” He whispered to himself, picking up the note and reading what you had to say, full on sobs escaping the boy by the time he had made it to the end.
And I’m just getting color back into my face
It was almost a year before he saw you again, he watched as you walked into Pierre’s birthday Party on Kika’s arm.
Your skin was glowing and the laugh flowing from your mouth was genuine as well as the smile that tugged on your lips.
He felt his stomach twist as he realized how good you were doing, how good and happy you looked, without him.
You wouldn’t admit it but your eyes had found him as soon as you walked into the venue, however you didn’t let him see the way that your heart hurt by just the simple sight of him.
However your best friend caught it and was quickly spewing out apologies, “I’m sorry, I told Pierre it was a bad idea bu-“
“Kika it’s okay, I know their friends as well, I’m not mad.” You laughed at the girl’s rambling.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” You smiled, “now let’s go get drinks and hit the dance floor.” You smirked dragging her towards the loaded bar.
You two ended up spending a good bit of time on the dance floor, dancing until your feet were aching and you decided it was time for a short break and some fresh air.
“I’m gonna get some air, I’ll be right back.” You spoke into your friends ear.
“Okay.” She smiled before spinning from your body into her boyfriend’s opened arms.
You smiled at the pair before making your way off the dance floor and to the small balcony on the floor above, allowing yourself to be cooled off by the soft breeze of the evening air.
You were so caught up in your relaxation that you missed the sound of the door opening and shutting or the presence of the British driver behind you until he spoke up.
“You left me.”
You jumped at the sound of his voice, the voice you hadn’t heard in nine months.
“It was for the best.”
“What just leaving? Not giving me any explanation or warning? You pretty much abandoned ship and left me hanging.” He scoffed.
“I abandoned the ship?” You scoffed, “Lando I fought day in and day out for us, I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“But I loved you!, no actually I still do, you’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
“If you loved me so much then where was the proof? Huh? Because I sat around hoping and praying to the gods above for you to change and for things to get better but they never did.” You cried.
“I was trying okay?! I was doing my best to make things better-I just needed time.” He exclaimed, his hands tugging on his messy curls.
You laughed at his words, turning back to face the skyline of the small city, the wind making the tears on your cheeks feel like ice.
“I explained everything in the note.” You mumbled after a few moments of silence.
“I know I read it..I-i just don’t know why you wouldn’t let me fix things.” He spoke.
“I tried Lando, so many fucking times. I waited and waited for you change and for you to realize how much I love you but you never did so I gave up, I couldn’t keep doing that to myself.”
You kept your eyes trained on the view of the city even as he came to stand beside you, your heart aching for you to lean into him and give it what it so desperately wanted, but you couldn’t.
“Is there ever going to be a chance for us again?” He spoke up.
Your body shook at his words, tears streaming down your face at this point, “I don’t think so Lan, I love you I really do I just don’t think we’re meant to be together anymore.” You whispered turning towards him.
“You’ll find someone one day, and I hope that you never put her through what I went through in the end. You gave me some of the best years of my life but, this is the end for us.” You cried, unconsciously reaching up to wipe the tears off of his tanned cheeks.
Your heart clenched at the way he leaned into your touch, his body yearning for you just as much as yours was for him.
“I’ll always love you.” He cried.
“I’ll always love you too.” You sobbed stroking his cheek one last time before placing a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips before stepping back and heading inside.
Leaving your past behind you and continuing to heal yourself.
So long, London..
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vesppperoro · 5 months
hii uhh, i had a little idea that id like to share if thats ok, it might be quite triggering tho so be warned ‼️
a sinner demon reader thats based on a teddy bear, because theyre too soft and mushy personality-wise, and they ended up in hell due to being suicidal. like their whole body is covered in stitches thats supposed to be a metaphor for sh scars
do whatever u want with that info, u can even ignore it if u like, have a nice day ❤️
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Hazbin Hotel Cast with a Teddy Bear!Sinner Reader
Includes: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Sir. Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Alastor.
A/N: this is such an interesting idea! I’m going based on my own experiences as someone like this, along with research. I appreciate you for trusting me with this <3 I definitely WILL make a p2!! Might write for this sinner more tbh I loved writing them!! I thought you meant a child and I wrote that I’m so sorry 😭
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Charlie Morningstar
She truly didn’t understand why you were in hell.
You are such a sweetheart! She adores you.
When you showed up to the hotel one day, without clothes and covered in stitches, she was immediately worried.
She took you in and washed you up as best as she could.
You were like a child! Why were you even here?
She was happy that you wanted to be redeemed, however.
She became a mother figure to you.
You go to her when you’re sad and you hug her frequently.
She traces your scars sometimes and you two share a silent moment together.
A silent moment of understanding.
She loves picking you up and holding you!
She hugs you like you’re an actual teddy bear.
She’s the one you go to for emotional things.
She’s good at comforting you. She somehow knows what you wanna hear at all times.
She became a secondary mother figure to you.
She was Charlie’s girlfriend, so of course she was.
She understood your situation and was pissed heaven casted a sweetie like you because of your lowest point.
She’s the more levelheaded one.
She’s the one who gives you advice and stuff like that. While Charlie is the more emotionally supportive one, Vaggie is the more mature and steady one.
She also traces your scars. Even if you don’t like them, she tells you you’re beautiful no matter what.
When you told her more of your story, she almost cried.
A child feeling this way broke her to pieces. Especially since you were so soft.
Other than the sad stuff, she loves cuddling you.
You, her, and Charlie sometimes have cuddle sessions with you in the middle because you’re so warm + soft + squishy.
She would kill anyone for you. You’re just so adorable!
She tries to teach you to fight but gives up when you don’t want to hurt anyone.
Angel Dust
Honestly, he saw himself in you.
A lost, scared, and lonely child. You didn’t know the cruelties of the world, aside from those cruelties in your mind.
He tries his best to comfort you. He’s not the best with words, but he’s always there for you.
He calls you sugar bear! He loves you to death.
He would go to the ends of hell for you.
He treats you like he wished to be when he was the same way.
You two share a lot of similarities, so you bond well.
He nearly cried when you told him your stitches were scars from sh.
He embraces you any time he can.
He tries to be the parental figure he needed so you can have a better life, somewhere no one would judge you.
He’s stubborn, like a dad. He acts like one too.
A hardheaded, yet sweet dad.
He’s like the father you never had. Or did have. Whichever.
He’s the bartender, so he knew how to comfort.
But when you told him your story, he almost broke.
You two definitely sing some sort of song together. Maybe Angel or Vaggie joins.
He cuddles you and hides you with his wings.
If you give him baby doe eyes, he might just take you on a flight.
Husk is SUPER protective over you. He’s very similar to Vaggie in a way when it comes to protection.
He gives you good advice but he still hides behind his tough guy exterior.
He doesn’t understand why you’re down here, even if you tell him. You’re so sweet!
Either way, he adores you.
He loves patting your head and messing with your fuzzy ears.
Might even boop your nose once or twice.
Late night talks.
He probably talked you down from trying to commit again.
Another tiny person! Yay!
You’re not a bad boy. She may be a psycho, but she would never call you bad.
Actually, she did once and felt bad once you cried.
She likes to hang out with you since you’re both tiny!
She cuddles and hugs you like you’re her stuffed animal.
Bug killers! Even if you don’t wanna kill bugs, she’s dragging you along anyways.
She tries to hide her needle from you since Husk told her what your stitches meant.
Alastor has to babysit both of you basically.
You and her do almost everything together! You’re best friends!
She sneaks into the kitchen and grabs you both snacks so you can watch a movie.
She makes you sleep in her bed sometimes so she can cuddle you.
Sir. Pentious
He’s a dad. Or, he was.
He treats you like he wishes he treated his son before he passed.
He acts like your father. An awkward father, but he still tries.
He also protects you.
Expect him to curl his tail around you and cuddle you when you’re sad.
He literally cried when you told him your story.
He tells you anytime he can that it’s not your fault. Your stitches are still beautiful.
Best girl dad ever.
Buys you anything he wants, even if he’s broke. (Except sharp things)
He teaches you some things about inventing!
You made him a little metal flower and he was so overjoyed. He took it with him everywhere.
He still remembers you, even if he’s in Heaven now.
Cherri Bomb
Chaotic auntie energy.
She would do ANYTHING for you.
She picks you up and places you on her hip like a baby.
She loves your ears! She also adores how sweet you are.
She wouldn’t admit it, but you’re the cutest thing she’s ever seen.
Even if you tell her your story, she wouldn’t see you differently. You’re a child, a child who went through so much.
Hangouts with her and Angel are a MUST.
They try to avoid doing the normal around you and focus on fun time.
She took you with her when she had a territorial fight one time and you almost cried.
She felt so bad that she bought you anything you wanted for a week.
She did anything you wanted to do, even if Husk or someone else said no to you.
Basically, if you wanted something, you went to her.
He’s not one to like kids, really.
He was, however, kinder to you.
He did anything to protect you.
He was like your insane uncle.
He was the one who taught you how to use your abilities. Maybe to help you, or to manipulate you when you grow.
He made you jambalaya once and it became your favorite dish to share with him!
He introduced you to radio and he was happy that you loved it.
He started bringing you to his studio whenever he did a radio show.
He took you to an overlord meeting once. That’s how you met Rosie.
He pats your head like a dog lol.
Don’t expect him to be emotionally available. But he will be there to have fun sometimes.
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Another Dead Boy Detectives Fic Rec List
Netflix sucks and I'm sad, but the Dead Boy Detectives fandom continues to be awesome, so here are some more very quick fic recs!*
Tonight's the Night You Fight Your Best Mate's Dad by Opossum_Subatomic
Everyone's Alive College/University 5+1 things fic featuring Charles bringing Edwin coffee and slowburn payneland. Also Family/Wedding Drama involving Everyone Thinks They're Dating so acute is verges on Fake Dating. This author is seriously fantastic, everything they write is gold.
You should also check out Kissing Lessons, which is a high school AU that does what it says on the tin while also giving non-binary Monty and polyamory.
Ornithology by Rosie447
Monty gets a job working at Tragic Mick's. This one's not actually payneland, being gen and Monty-centric. I know, gasp. It's a fantastic and very sweet exploration of Monty discovering his sense of self post canon and works as a great metaphor for recovery from toxic family/relationships. Also, the ex-animal solidarity and bonding with Mick is lovely.
what some circumstance stole by Chrome
The Sandman crossover featuring Edwin and Hob being kidnapped and tortured together. Their friendship is really wholesome with eventual Father Figure and Found Family Feels for the whole agency and background Dreamling.
dandelion wine (life and death in summertime) by world_wanderer
Payneland Right Person Wrong Time AU in which neither of them die but they still meet and become friends. The May/December friendship is sweet but tragic, with a bittersweet ending. Superb.
Mirror Image by Anonymous
Charles' afterlife gets taken over my an evil shape-shifting doppelganger, leaving him with plenty of time to regret never talking to Edwin about his feelings. Angsty but with Feelings Realisation and the Power of Love and Friendship vibes.
my healing needed more than time by babyseraphim
Case fic with de-aged Charles! Baby Charles is precious but be prepared for discussions of childhood trauma/abuse.
The same author has also written I'm So Aces at Babysitting, which is a really cute two-chaptered AU featuring Charles and Edwin babysitting the kid versions of each other, with bonus Crystal and Niko doing the same. It's very wholesome and the author writes little kids really well.
Pouring into me by tragedy_machine
Love me some "Charles wants to date Edwin to figure out his feelings but gets turned down" fic. Feelings are hard, OK?
thank u, next by KiaraSayre
Edwin fucks and Charles seethes. It's very funny and also features some interesting worldbuilding with the Fae.
Like We've Never Known Hurt by dearheartdont
Just cute established relationship PWP and praise kink. So good.
all of these hollows by handwrittenhello
The boys are alive again but sans memories. Can they still find each other and prove their devotion to the Night Nurse?? While also evading heavenly and hellish forces trying to keep them apart??? Very interesting concept executed well.
Suo Gân by emryses
The agency takes on the case of a traumatised Edwardian ghost searching for her missing baby... Read it for Edwin family feels.
Where Primroses Bloom by PantryJesus
Reading aloud as a love language and Watership Down feels. Idk, I'm now convinced that Edwin is kind of rabbit-coded with the whole "if they catch you they'll kill you. But first they must catch you" thing. A lovely well written fic.
I'm so sick of online love by Hse11z5
College/University AU where the boys meet through a dating app. It's cute.
you can have the best of me, baby (and I will give you anything) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Again, it's the Friends with Benefits but with real feelings and mutual pining for me. Now has a Charles PoV companion fic.
True Love's Kiss by Asidian
In which Charles curses himself with a Sleeping Beauty enchantment in order to confirm his feelings for Edwin and Crystal is the real MVP. I love this one because the boys are both SO stupid but in very different in-character ways.
I also recommend Promised, in which they kind of play the Green card angle to keep Edwin out of Hell? Which honestly needs to be more of a trope. And Tight Quarters, starring the boys trapped in a magic circle, leading to Forced Proximity induced Feelings Realization (in more ways than one! 😉).
Something I Can Turn To by DontOffendTheBees
I love some domestic fluff, in this case as an Everyone's Alive/Childhood Friends AU in which the boys are poor but happy living together. I liked how they both survive their respective traumas, but Reality Ensues.
I also recommend Lived My Whole Life Before the First Light for a lovely but melancholy Soulmate AU that goes for the "seeing colours" trope for extra wistful angst.
Dining at the Ritz by TerresDeBrume
Meeting the Parents fic in which Edwin's parents are awful and Charles is Not Having It. This has Everyone Thinks They're Dating and autistic Edwin stimming representation, plus discussions of racism, classism and ableism. The fic is also part of a great Modern AU series in which the boys attended St Hilarion's at the same time and Charles saved Edwin from a non-supernatural but still almost deadly prank. Highly recommended!
The Case of the Couples Retreat by juliasfanart
Listen, I can't get enough of undercover fake dating/relationships at a couples retreat, OK? Some minor angst but overall very cute and fluffy.
acu (aysar cinematic universe) by ObsessedWithFandom
The agency is hired to solve the mystery of Charles' death and bring his killers to justice. I'm genuinely obsessed with this series; I love its OCs and Charles having an exboyfriend gives Edwin a fun crisis. Plus haunting Charles' killers is very satisfying and cathartic. Just imagine they're Netflix execs, y'all.
*Not actually quick, as it turns out. 😅
I love doing these lists because I always think I've only got a few recs and then I look back over my recent bookmarks and I've got a metric ton of great fics to rec. You guys are so talented. ❤️
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axeoverblade · 1 year
Could you do headcanons about Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie having a tall and scary/intimidating s/o who is actually a big sweetheart? How they meet, first impressions, and dating stuff?? If that’s too much, no prob, alter it however you need to! :)
B. F. G
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ATSV! squad x gn! reader
Synopsis! Never judge a book by its cover
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none!
Word count: unavailable
Authors comment: BONUS:GWEN, super cute lol hope this is what you wanted enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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1610 MILES
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Bro is scared of nothing (think Simba from look king “I laugh in the face of danger”)
So when he sees you out on patrol, it throws him off that he became so on guard
You’re making the hairs on the back of his neck stand
Would never tell you this but at first you were gonna be a bad guy
So when you helped a lil kid cross the street and paid for them to get ice cream, he was a wee bit confused
Tailed you for a long time on different days, and always saw you doing good things .
So at first he develops a lil identity crush, not a romantic crush on you
Like he thinks it’s cool that you have this presence about you and it’s completely different from how you actually are
He meets you as spider man before as himself
You actually helped him, not a lot but enough where you interacted with him for a bit and he thanked you for helping
You just stopped a guy from stealing an older woman’s purse by tripping the thief and returning the purse
Miles saw it as you could be the next spider man
Suddenly you keep seeing spiderman all the time (totally by accident and not because he learned your routine)
Talk to him so often you develop nicknames for each other.
Been months since you’ve known him and he like is obsessed with you, full on in love and everything
So he decides to reveal who he is
Obv you accept him, give him a hug saying you won’t tell anyone
So now you guys hang out as friends
Casually flirts with you all the time (he’s trying so hard to make u like him even though u alr do)
Makes u meet his parents
miles forgot your looks don’t match your personality
His dad gave you that look
The one that screams “ stay away from my child and take your thuggish activities out this house” when you first walked in
kinda made you sad cause you thought they didn’t like you and you haven’t even talked to him yet
After they get to know you through the night his parents legit love you
Say how much of a good influence you must be on Miles and tell Miles to be more like you
Tell you to come by anytime
(They could easily tell miles likes you and vise versa but don’t say anything)
So Miles finally works up the balls to confess
Happy moments and a kiss
Overall good day
When your walking hand in hand down the sidewalk and keep getting weird stares because of the high contrast in your auras it confuses people
but then you and Miles both smile and its the same super big bright smile, people get why you’re together
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When he first saw you, standing as tall as him in the store with that “I’ll kill you if you come near me” energy he thought you would be an issue honestly
Thought you were cool but def though you were gonna try and fight anyone near you or something
He wasn’t in his suit cause he was washing it and was lowkey upset you caught him when he was just going to the store to restock his snacks instead of out on duty
But he was excited for what ever you were gonna do when you passed him because he wanted to fight today
“Accidentally” bumps into you to see how you respond
But when you smile at him sweetly, apologize, and keep it moving, bro is confused
Walks right back up to you and starts talking to you
Digs the inconsistency between your personality and your looks
Also digs just your looks
He thinks you're super attractive
Was quick to get with you, he knew he wanted you after that first convo at the store
You guys click so well aesthetically cause even though your brooding walking around and he looks all chill (and mischievous) like nothing can bother him, the way you two are holding hands with your thumb rubbing the back of each others palms is a dead give away you two are on the same page
Sometimes he sees you and is just like “you don’t match”
He never explains what he means by it but says it’s a good thing
Wasn’t scared at all to tell you he was spiderman
You two def go on swinging dates where he just takes you everywhere
Overall fun and happy times
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He was a little nervous when he first saw you
Not because of your energy but because he thought you didn’t like him
Like you looked like if anyone approached you, you would rip their head off
So maybe he was a wee bit scared of how you looked
But he knew better than to judge appearances. Bro is so intuitive that he doesn’t need a meesily appearance to tell him who you are on the inside
So he walks up to you and says hi
The big smile that graces your face makes him smile big too
Happy he followed his intuition to just approach you
At first you two are just good friends
Anytime you two are in public you get weird looks
Like what’s this jolly looking fellow doing with you
Then you laugh at his antics all happily and they get it
You actually confessed first
As “intuitive” as he was he didn’t notice your feelings
Doesn’t take him by surprise though
Oh my gosh he is so happy and pda-ing in public and everyone is like are you sure you two are supposed to be together
But then your face lights up with this look of joy every time you look at him and people have no choice but to mind their business
It’s a good thing opposites attract, even though personality wise you two are very similar
Really happy he approached you despite his fear otherwise he would’ve never met the love of his life
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Gwen thought you were cool at first
Your height is what would’ve intimidated her not your aura
Like she isn’t scared or anything, just a little bit more on guard around you
she first met you at one of the band get together cause you were one of the band members friends
She didn’t want to judge on appearance though so she tries her best to keep her opinion about you to a minimum until she actually talked to you
Happy she did
saw you get up and get waters for everyone because “we should stay hydrated”
Thought it was cute how sweet you were
She approaches you and you two become friends quick
You two meet up regularly outside of band meets
Wouldn’t tell you that she found you super attractive (and vise versa)
Like not even looks, just you as a whole
Gives her scary dog privileges honestly
Likes yes she can one hundred percent defend herself and is more than capable
But no one even looks her way anymore when your with her
Made her happy to be left alone in the streets now
So you actually have to confess first
Sweetest confession ever got her flowers
She ofc says yes cause she had a crush on you too
You bake together all the time, even if one of you are good or bad; or both are good or bad at baking, you two are having fun
Meeting her dad was a given
At first he could’ve sworn you were a murderer
wasn’t feeling you at all
Then he had a convo with you and was like “oh okay I get it”
He loves how sweet you are and hopes you rub off on his daughter cause “she isn’t nice enough to him”
Happy relationship :)
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crimeronan · 22 days
princess luz fics ranked by how choice the hunter & luz cuddling is:
because in the car i started thinking "wait, is there a single fic where i HAVEN'T found an excuse for them to hug??" and then started laughing. here are the results!
why did love put a gun in my hand
this one's the main plotty one and also the best snuggly one, on account of there being a 10k chapter that's literally just hunter and luz in bed together. snuggling. and arguing with each other. also several snuggling moments prior to that, except they inevitably turn into fights 😔
2. strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine
camila fic! she gets to the isles just in time to witness her daughter's case of Holy Shit PTSD. luz has Scary Dog Privilege and hunter is also being her service dog. best of both worlds. he wants to kill for her and also holds her through an emotional meltdown to end all meltdowns. A+
3. the fragile facade you show to me
amity POV of hunter finding out belos is dead! features an extremely choice scene where hunter hugs luz with all the "I Fucking Thought You Were Dead" fervor in the world & amity is like um. this feels indecent to watch. i can't even look at you two anymore
4. pulling up the nails that hold up everything you've known
eda meets luz! hunter is absent for most of this one because eda decides she doesn't like him. however he comes in clutch when luz has a panic attack & eda is like oh. huh. maybe you aren't the devil. face touching as allyship forever
5. i've never let a damn thing get to me (this time it's personal)
this one's a shorter version of the plotty fic, which i wrote first & then had to expand upon bc i had brainworms. the snuggling is short because of this but hunter does hold luz while she cries into his chest. kiddos
6. some synergy had fallen in place
you'd THINK this fic wouldn't have hunter and luz snuggling in it, because luz isn't actually present. this is the only fic luz isn't in. because it's amity POV and about her changing relationship with hunter. however i actually did manage to get some snuggling in there through amity thinking about what it's like to sleep in the same space as hunter & luz. it's like. nauseatingly tender. waow
7. i'm saying agony is not your prayer
0/10. absolute shitshow. no cuddles here to speak of. all we get is a nasty dead-ass corpse hunter haunting luz's mindscape. and she doesn't want to cuddle him for some weird reason. sad! 😔
....that's it for stuff that's published right now. thank u for joining me on this journey.
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starkseph · 2 years
can u write an angst between reader and drew starkey where they’re both on OBX set and they broke up bc together they started to become toxic like they were always fighting for stupids things or become jealous/ possessive whenever one was with their other gender bff.
so they’re basically right people wrong time and fans still ship them so much
Ofc! Let’s get it rollinnnn
Your heart was pounding as you stepped onto the set of OBX. It had been months since you’d last seen Drew, and the last time you did, it had ended in a painful breakup. You had both realized that you were becoming toxic for each other, constantly fighting over the smallest things and growing jealous and possessive whenever the other spent time with someone else of the opposite sex which lead to multiple break ups and make ups.
But despite all that, you couldn't help feeling a pang of longing when you saw Drew across the set. He looked just as handsome as ever, with his buzzcut hair and bright blue eyes. And as you caught each other's gaze, you could see that he was feeling the same way.
For a moment, it was like nothing had changed. You both fell into an easy rhythm, joking and laughing as you went through scenes. But as the day wore on, you couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was off. You and Drew had tried to make it work so many times before, but it always ended in tears and bitter recriminations.
As you wrapped up filming for the day, you found yourself standing alone by the craft services table, staring off into the distance. You didn't notice Drew approaching until he was right beside you, his hand brushing lightly against theirs.
"Hey," he said softly. "I know things didn't end well between us, but I can't help feeling like there's still something there, you know?"
You swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in your throat. "I know," you replied quietly. "But Drew, we were toxic for each other. We couldn't even be friends without fighting. Maybe we're just right people at the wrong time."
Drew's face fell, and you could see the hurt in his eyes. "I don't want to give up on us," he said, his voice pleading. "I know we had our issues, but I love you, Y/N. I can't imagine being with anyone else."
You closed your eyes, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. You loved Drew too, but you knew deep down that they couldn't go back to the way things were. "I love you too, Drew," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "But we need to move on. For our own sake."
Drew nodded, his expression resigned. "I understand," he said, his voice heavy with sadness. "But I can't help feeling like we're making a mistake. The fans still ship us, you know."
You gave a bitter laugh, wiping away their tears. "The fans don't know the half of it," you said, your voice laced with bitterness. "We were a mess, Drew. We were never going to make it work."
And with that, you turned and walked away, leaving Drew standing alone by the craft services table. It was a painful decision, but they knew deep down that it was the right one. Sometimes, even when two people love each other deeply, they're just not meant to be.
Taking requests🤍
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riptideripley · 1 year
Hi i have this idea..
Rhea goes on a several week work trip. Reader misses Rhea A LOT but through texting her it’s easy to fake just how much she misses her so she puts on a strong image and constantly assures Rhea that she’s doing just fine alone at home. When Rhea shows up at the house a week early to surprise the reader she finds reader in a really sad and miserable state, watching Rhea’s most recent fights and eating pints of ice cream. You can go wherever you want with this.. to maybe Rhea comforting reader or even further (SMUT?!!)
1st time requesting u don’t have to do it just wanted to ask <3
Red Velvet Kisses
gif creds: @rebecca-quin
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summary:Rhea is away on a work trip and you miss her A LOT,but assure her you’re ok. Until she comes home early to see otherwise,so she fixes that..
a/n:I decided to experiment with food play for the first time so please tell me how I did in the comments!!
Rhea had been away for 5 weeks now and you missed her. She would constantly text you asking if you’re ok and if you need anything,but you lied to her. Telling her you were ok and didn’t need anything,that you didn’t miss her as much. Rhea believed you since you enjoy your own personal space sometimes,so she never questioned you.
Rhea had another week left for her trip and you were sitting in bed,scrolling through old pictures of you two together. You sighed and threw your phone on the other side of the bed,her side. You sighed and scooted over to her side of the bed,grabbing your laptop. You got up and walked downstairs,walking to the kitchen and grabbing a pint of Red Velvet ice cream. You grabbed a spoon and walked upstairs,sitting on Rhea’s side of the bed wrapping her favorite blanket around you. You opened your laptop and opened YouTube,searching up her name. You sighed and scrolled through,clicking on your favorite match of hers,Wrestlemania 39.
You opened the ice cream as you continued watching,clicking through and watching other matches as well. You felt tears from in your eyes and wiped them,eating the ice cream.
Rhea,unannounced and unknowingly,was downstairs. She set her stuff down gently not to disturb you and went to the kitchen,grabbing a bottle of water. She opened it and drank a little,letting out a soft moan of relief from her dry mouth. She closed it back up and headed upstairs,tiptoeing to your shared bedroom. She froze when she heard soft cries,making her worry. She peeked into the door and could hear you watching one of her old NXT matches against Roxanne Perez.
“Baby..?” you heard her whisper softly,scaring you and making you yelp. You threw the blanket off of your head and calmed down a little once you realized who it was. “R-Rhea I thought you weren’t gonna be home till next week..?” you questioned her,opening your arms for a hug. She smiled and scooped you up,wrapping your legs around her waist. “I came home early for you baby,now tell me why you were crying?” she asked making you cover your face. She moved your hands and looked at you,staring into your eyes with a soft expression. “I-I just missed you..that’s all” you admitted softly,watching her expression change. “Baby if you missed me that much you should’ve said something,I would’ve booked an earlier flight” she said,kissing the sides of your face.
She placed you down gently on the bed,hovering over you. Something washed over her and she began kissing your neck. “Rhea..fuck” you threw your head back giving her more access,feeling her rub your thighs. She sat up and pulled her shirt above her head,doing the same with yours. She dove back into your neck,assisting you as you unbuckled her belt. She paused for a moment to look at you,a smile appearing on her face.
She shifted your positions so you were on top of you,sliding her hands behind your back to unclasp your bra. She tossed it off to the side and lifted you up,sliding her pants off revealing her strap. Your eyes widen slightly at the size,slowly taking your shorts off. She noticed the still frozen sitting on the nightstand,grabbing it along with the spoon. “I wanna try something tonight” she looked up at you holding the ice cream. You two had never tried food play,only talked about it. So when she suggested it you got excited and agreed,making her light up with excitement.
She lifted you up and placed you on the bed,scooping some ice cream onto her tongue as she began to lick your stomach down to your thighs. You shivered at the sudden coldness and arched your back slightly. Rhea smiled at this,working her mouth on your clit. She continued her actions,tapping the spoon in the ice cream then placing the cold spoon onto your thighs. You whined when she suddenly stopped,but gasped when you felt the tip of her strap slowly push inside of you. Rhea took more of the ice cream onto her tongue and pulled you into a deep kiss,thrusting inside of you.
The sweet taste of red velvet ice cream and the taste of her all at once tasted amazing. She pulled away smiling and grabbed some more of the ice cream,trailing it down your stomach. She leaned down,thrusts getting faster and deeper,licking the ice cream off of your stomach making you whine. She lifted both of your thighs up and placed your legs over her shoulder,making you let out a scream of pleasure. “O-Oh my god Rhea!” you yelled out as she continued,noticing the ice cream had about 2 scoops left meaning she had to think wisely of how she wanted to use them. She got an idea and suddenly pulled out,making you whine.
“You trust me right?” she spoke suddenly making you sit up and nod slowly. You glanced at her and saw her putting ice cream on her tongue,suddenly licking your clit. You gasped at the cold sensation letting out a soft moan,which made Rhea smile against your clit. You threw your head back moaning,feeling her tongue piercing glide over your clit repeatedly. “P-please mommy m’close!” you yelped out feeling your orgasm approaching,a tight knot in your stomach. She suddenly stopped and stood up,sliding back into you. You whimpered softly,feeling her thrust at a slow but deep pace.
She could sense that you were close and scooped the last bit of ice cream in her mouth,pulling you into a deep kiss. You let out a loud moan which was cut short with the kiss.feeling your orgasm wash over you. You whined when she continued thrusting,letting you ride out your orgasm. You were a panting mess,licking a bit of ice cream off your lip. Rhea chuckled,kissing your forehead. “I see how much you missed me hm” she hummed softly,pulling out and removing the strap from herself. You laid there for a moment until she lifted you up,carrying you to the bathroom. “I’m glad you’re home baby” you whispered softly,clinging onto her neck. “I can tell sweetheart,now lets take shower baby”
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alexthefunniest · 7 months
Funniest mileven arguments to why byler won’t be endgame
I’m sorry if there’s any grammar errors or mistakes, I wrote this angrily at 2 am when I couldn’t sleep.
1. “Its the 80’s”- as if there isn’t any movies that have happy queer endings that were made/set in the 80’s, yall are just lazy and don’t want to actually do any research.
2. “It’s a Netflix original”- ok? And? Like we literally get a new mlm/queer show on Netflix every year, byler is a mlm relationship which Netflix has a lot of, young royals, heartstopper??? Are you guys ok?
3. “Cuz it’s too popular” - we already have over two queer confirmed characters in stranger things, the show that’s about fighting forced conformity ?? The show that focuses on nerds, losers and people that don’t ‘fit in’ ? And y’all find it so hard to see ur two main characters being gay? Read the room respectfully.
4. “It’s one sided” - if it was one sided they would make Mike tell Will he doesn’t like him in s3 and give Will a new love interest in s4 (it has been confirmed that there will be no new characters in s5 and that the producers want every character to have their ‘perfect ending’) Will believed he was a mistake and thought he wouldn’t fall in love, because he is queer so he most definitely will have a queer love interest and it will be Mike.
5. “Mike is in love with el”- is he tho? He never actually said he loved her to her face without the world and her life depending on it, he’s been pressured to say it twice and when she told him she loves him back the man didn’t look happy but conflicted.
6. “Mileven endgame” - it’s really not, the amount of symbolism that points to their downfall (such as everyone calling them the ‘star crossed lovers’ which are basically lovers deemed to fail, and more) is HUGE, they have too many familial parallels it’s insane, why parallel the it couple with family themes and relationships? Another problem I have with this it’s the fact that it’s very rare for the first ‘original’ pairings to stay together till the end of the show (like with Bob and Joyce or Steve and Nancy)
7. “Byler wouldn’t make sense to the plot”- watch the show again, just because somethings more subtle, doesn’t mean it’s not there, y’all will always say that about queer relationships but whenever u guys see a straight relationship in these subtle moments you jump into conclusions that they might end up together, it’s called being a hypocrite.
8. “Mike isn’t gay” - it’s what he’s been telling himself too, the guy was obviously made fun of and called slurs like Will, everyone already thought and knew their relationship was ‘special’ and everyone suspected something, that’s why Mikes own dad was surprised and said “our son, with a girl?” Also your so called straight Mike has a room filled with pictures and posters of buff men, he’s never shown any interest in girls or women (except el who’s been said, looked like a boy in s1) not to mention the first song on his official Spotify playlist being “small town boy” (yk the song about a young gay man running away from his homophobic small town??).
9. Mikes love confession- if u call that a love confession I wouldn’t wanna date u brother, he was pushed to say ily by Will, the same Will that was in the frame of Mike lying when he said that his life “started” when he found El in the woods, which was obviously a lie because Mike called El a weapon and said he’ll “send her back to pennhurst or wherever she comes from” after they found her, also if the love confession was honest why would El be still upset with Mike and not talk to him after??
10. “El wasn’t upset at Mike but was sad about Max” - me when I’m in denial, she wasn’t sad about Max until she found the coke bottle underneath her bed, then we get the flashbacks of her and Max having fun in s3, she wasn’t thinking abt Max before that, its called common sense and logical thinking skills.
11. “There would be no time for byler to develop in s5” - it might seem crazy what I’m about to say, they were literally childhood best friends and it’s been confirmed that Will had a crush on Mike since s1, they literally started to build their romantic relationship MORE in s4, with all the ‘[emotional, tender music playing]’ and parallels between byler and jancy, also even if they haven’t started to build their relationship up in a romantic way in s4, y’all remember how in less than a season Jonathan and Nancy slept together or how Max and Lucas got together in a spawn of a season (mind u they met in the same season). Byler knows each other since little kids and always had potential y’all are just in denial.
12. “Why make Mike queer” - why not? Do y’all actually believe that one of the main characters plot line is just about getting with the girl at the end? Even if it was (which lets be so fr now) why would Mike get with El from the first season (they kissed in s1 and basically u can count that as they’re together wtv) if that was his main goal as a character? Well written shows have something called a “character development” which the producers of st love apparently, so why make Mike just a bland character that just gets with the main girl character, and why have El date the first guy she ever met, I just think it would be very shallow.
That’s all, this was written in a silly way cuz it’s basically me talking to myself, it’s okay if u ship mileven I just really don’t like disrespectful fans that yell at bylers and call the ship disgusting, I don’t care about what who ships as long as we all just have fun and not yell at each other 🫶🏻
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mylovenox · 8 months
hey! how are u?? sorry if i'm bothering but could u do headcanons of Vance Hopper x Male reader who is like very sweet, kind but also very insecure and sensitive? love your writing!!
have a good day/night<3
Yes sir I gotchu :3
I’m honestly sooo in love with Vance Hopper dude it’s not even funny- Also like- IM SO SORRY FOR IT TAKING SO DAMN LIKE FOR YOU TO GET THIS-😭 I’ve been struggling a lot so I haven’t had the energy to write but please request as my as you want because it will ALWAYS. Get done :3
TW kissing, fighting, cussing- I’m dumb ash so tell me if there’s more
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Vance Hopper x male reader headcanons <3
⋆Vance adores how sweet you are, he loves that you’re still sweet and kind even when he’s upset about something. (When’s he not?🥰)
⋆If anyone and I mean anyone. Says anything that even the slightest bit upset you or makes you feel bad about yourself we all already know that persons gonna have a trip to the hospital.
⋆because your his boyfriend? He’s not gonna let anyone make his partner feel bad in any sense.
⋆if he’s ever done/said smth that made you get all sensitive he’d feel really bad. Tho Vance is rude and violent in the movie he still would put his whole life into making sure he never did something to get you in a state like that.
⋆he loves you a lot! You’re the best boyfriend he could ask for!
⋆you guys listen to music all the time together whether it’s blondie, the runaways, kizz, weezer, Joan Jett, The Cramps.
⋆i think his fav song is Cherry Bomb by the runaways. Because who could blame him? It’s an amazing ass song!
⋆Vance definitely likes caramel candy- just had to say that-
⋆again Vance loves how sweet you are. A lot of the time he’ll go to you when upset just to hear your soft voice tell him that everything is okay
⋆he loves seeing your sweet adorable smile.
⋆he loves seeing how sweet and kind you are to others
⋆and ya a lot of people do think your relationship is “weird” because Vance is loud, aggressive and rude and your quiet, soft and sweet
⋆opposites attract 🤷🏻 I don’t make the rules.
⋆if he ever says something that makes you feel insecure he’d feel horrible. He’d be all over you, kiss you everywhere especially where he made you feel insecure and if it’s nothing with your body then he’d kiss your head as a way to “kiss away the thought”
⋆you guys definitely go on walks in the forest.
⋆he buys those bags of gummy’s that have gummy rings in them and he’d take all the gummy rings and purpose to you with them all and put every single one on your fingers.
“My beloved Y/N..will you make me the happiest guy alive and be my husband forever?”
⋆he’d say teasingly and kiss your check/lips after
⋆Vance obviously LOVES dogs. Tiny dogs- big dogs- he loves them!
⋆I can’t really see him as a cat person but at the same time I do….maybe it’s just if the cat is resting on his lap while he does whatever.
⋆one time you and Vance went to the grab ‘n’ go and were getting slushies and someone had randomly pointed at you and laughed an oh boy. They knew what they had coming. Vance set his slushie down and kissed your nose and told you to look away or don’t get close and then went up to the boy and proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him and you had to drag Vance out (leaving your slushies behind😔🤙🏻) and run off to hide because the cashier called the cops.
⋆for Valentine’s Day he got you a teddy bear and took you to grab ‘n’ go to get a bunch of snacks you wanted and then you guys would go home and watch movies all night.
⋆for Valentine’s Day one of the things you got him was matching pj pants which he loved-!!
⋆I see you guys baking to together even if he smashes and egg on your head just for the fun of it🥰🤙🏻 but if that upset you in anyway and made you sad he’d apologize and help you clean it out of your hair before giving you a gentle kiss on the hand
⋆gives you lots of piggy back rides and I mean a lot- he also does the thing where he pretends drop you but doesn’t actually, but he’ll stop if you don’t like that
⋆just cuz he loves you sm :)
⋆he sneaks through your window a lot and stays that night, your caregiver wasn’t to happy at first but saw how happy you were and you guys were also so cute sleeping together. They definitely took photos and there’s some around the house in frames.
⋆whenever he doesn’t come over you guys call alllll night!
OMGG!! This was so cute to make:) lmk if I should do more because I so will 🤗
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igotanidea · 2 years
Rumor has it : Xavier Thorpe x F!reader
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request: can u do enemy!xavier getting into a fight with someone bcs they've been slutshaming reader and reader pulls him out of the fight and cleans him up?
Let me tell you: Xavier is NOT a fighter.
warning: slut-shaming, a bit innuendos, brief mention of blood and injuries, school drama , oblivious school staff
„Enid! Do you know what they say about your roommate?” Ajax noticed the blond she-wolf in the quad and approached her immediately
“Wednesday? Yes, I heard a lot of stories, but I can assure you none of them…..”
“No, not the new one. I meant Y/n.”
“Y/N? What can they say about her? She’s one of the kindest girl I know.”
“Yeah, well, maybe she’s a little bit too kind….” The gorgon scratched his head, or rather his beanie, awkwardly.
“What do you mean?” Enid frowned eyeing her boyfriend carefully, not understanding a word coming out of his mouth
“Rumor has it…. Um… it’s a bit embarrassing to say it.”
“You don’t need to. I won’t force you. It’s like you said – it’s just a gossip, right? Nothing to believe in?”
“ Sure.”
“Then how about….” She started, but stopped in the middle of the sentence “oh, who am I kidding? Of course I’m going to force you. I need to know! And besides, Y/N is my friend so if anyone is trash-talking her I swear I will wolf out on them. Even if I can’t really do this. Now, talk to me.”
“Some people….”
“Boys or girls?”
“Both in fact. They accuse her of being …. How do I put it? A soft touch.”
“WHAT?” Enid could not hold back the disbelief and surprise in her voice. And some pain on the account of her friend. “Y/n? Are we talking about the same person? She sticks to the rules. She respects herself. She would never!”
“I know. And you know. And a lot of people know that. But you know, one fake word and it’s spreading around the school.”
“Let’s hope this word do not reach her ears. I can’t imagine how much pain and suffering this will put her through.”
“What is going on with you, today?” Thera, one of the sirens, who was her regular partner stopped in her tracks seeing how shaky her opponent’s hands were and how it was almost impossible for her to  hold her skewer “I’m not going to fight with you.”
At the same time, the girl in subject was in the middle of the fencing class, not really doing well. Despite Enid’s wishful thinking she already was finger-pointed by some of her classmates, for reason unknown to the her,  and it caused  girl’s absent-mindedness and distraction. It was not normal for one of the most skilled fencer to make the rookie mistakes. Normally no one would pay attention and most would even enjoy her slipping, but in addition to that she was also extremely sad and anxious.
“Are you giving up so easily? Scared I will beat you? Again?”
“I’m showing you mercy.” She scoffed, but still kept all the dignity of her kind. “Honestly, it would be degrading for me to fight you in this state. Get yourself together girl.”
“Look who’s talking.” Y/n spat at her
“Um, excuse me?” Thera scoffed, her face expression changing from condescending to angry.
“You’ve been a mess ever since you broke up with….”
“Oh, don’t you dare finishing that sentence!” siren came right at the other girl, taking her by surprise and causing her to trip over her feet and fall down to the ground. “Now, that is better. Being on the ground seems more natural to you, doesn’t it?” she smirked
“What are you….”
“Oh, I’ll tell you what.” Thera crouched on the ground next to Y/N, leaning into her ear “being under someone is your natural state, am I wrong, slut?”
Oh, that hurt. Y/N heard some whispers on the corridor this morning as she was walking by. Whispers about a girl with bad reputation. She turned a deaf ear to them, mostly because she was never into gossip, but also because she knew Enid would let her in the news, but now? Now it was all becoming perfectly clear.  She was that girl. A slut, apparently. But why? Obviously this was  a lie and Y/N never gave anyone any reason to call her like that. Quite the opposite, actually. Always sticking to the “no boys” policy. Focused on her duties and school obligations. Avoiding romances, flirting and giving anyone any pretence to accuse her of doing something wrong. In the matter of relationship she was much like Wednesday Addams, cut the death glare. So why would someone disseminate such bullshit? Why would someone want to hurt her? Hundreds of questions started spinning in her mind, most of them starting with “Why?”, because she felt overwhelming unfairness of the situation. She was so vulnerable and just as the tears was about to flow down her cheek the fencing master finally got his head around what was going on. One of the students shaking on the ground, completely defenseless, the other with foil in hand and vicious smile. Not good.
“Do we have a problem here, ladies?” he asked approaching the girls
“No, no problem, sir” thera smiled widely showing all her teeth and it came out predatory rather than charming “Y/N tripped and I was just helping her up”
“All right then. Y/N get back on your feet, you still have a duel to finish.
“I…. I don’t really feel very well sir…” y/n muttered, holding her tears back, but not wanting to spend any more minute in this stupid class. The only thing she wished for was getting back to her dorm, covering herself with blanket and pretending nothing was happening.
“I noticed.” Oh, now he noticed “very well then. I will assign you an easier opponent today. How about…..” he turned around the class, searching for the right person to match Y/N’s impaired skills “Mr. Thorpe. Come forward.”
“Why me?” he muttered
“Why him?” Y/N hissed at the same moment. This unison in mutual reluctance made both of them look into each other’s eyes. Auch! It was like the electricity run through their veins, forcing them to turn the gaze away. Everyone at school knew that Xavier wasn’t exactly the greatest fan of Y/N and the other way roud. Of course, for the sake of their common friends (Enid and Ajax included) they were forced to deal with each other from time to time, but it took a lot of effort. They were never paired in class before and the rest of the students held their breaths in anticipation. This dead silence made both Y/N and Xavier regain their common sense.
“You know what, I’m good” Y/N shrugged casually keeping her cool “opponent like any other.”
“You took the words out of my mouth” Xavier smirked.
The teacher nodded and went on to observe other student dueling, not paying any more attention to Thorpe – Y/L/N dynamics.
“Are you all right” Xavier asked before putting his mask on. Clearly he noticed her being blue and those treacherous water in the corner of her eyes
“Why do you care all of a sudden?!” she hissed, not wanting any more attention “we’re not friends, stop acting like you care! You only bare with me because of Ajax. And maybe because you want to get close to Wednesday.”
“You’re not the only observant one in the room. I noticed how you look at her.”
“You do realize you just admitted to being sad?”
“Oh, damn it!” she secured her face with mask “are you gonna fight me or what?”
“Gladly.” He mirrored her action and inflicted a blow.
The situation was getting worse. Now she was hunted by the words. Slut, bitch, easy girl. Sometimes it was impossible to get out of bed. Y/n wanted to stay hidden from the whole world, pretending like she didn’t exist as some sort of self-protection. She couldn’t even walk her way towards the classroom without being chased by pitying looks, smirks and damning words. Or worse, offensive propositions from some of the more courageous boys. Most of the time she had to walk to class with Ajax or Enid or both just to make it intact. Playing cool and acting like she didn’t care was taking all her energy and on Friday she woke up crying.
“I don’t” Enid interrupted her “Ajax doesn’t. Kent and Divina doesn’t. And Yoko. And hopefully, Wednesday…..”
“Y/N” Within seconds Enid was by her side, holding her hand and hugging her “please, don’t cry or I will.”
“How can I not?” Y/N sobbed “everyone thinks I’m a …..
“I don’t. I dealt with bullies before. I can give you an example of how to retaliate on them.”
“Um, thanks Wednesday, but lashing piranhas on people is not really my style. Besides, I still don’t know who started this.”
“And you don’t need to know.” Wednesday stated blankly “we can just get rid of everyone who repeat it.”
“Wednesday!” Enid was appalled by her attitude “that is not the answer!”
“You’ll do what you want, but don’t say I didn’t give you an easy solution.”
“Right.” Y/N sobbed again “I think I’m gonna skip classes today. Please, tell Thornhill I wasn’t feeling well. Honestly, this is not even a lie…..”
 Instead of attending botany class, Y/N decided to take a little walk at the lake. Being around water always made her feel better, even despite the fact she wasn’t a siren and it was pretty unusual behavior for an airbender. Most of the time her kind avoided the opposite element., but not her. As she was enjoying the little breeze coming from the water, some laughs and catcalling sounds came from behind and she was forced to turn around as a strong hand fell on her arm starting her.
“Oh, there you are, little one. Waiting for another boy to take care of you?” one of the boys mocked
“Go away” she muttered flatly
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t be like that. I bet we can have some fun.” The other chimed in.
“Yeah, Tom said you can be a lot of fun. Airbender, huh? Bet that add some spice.”
“Tom?” Y/N eyes went wide and suddenly she knew who was the reason behind her torment. The boy she turned down. She refused to get together with him, so to humiliate her and avenge his broken ego he came up with completely made up stories. Well, as much as it hurt, it worked. “That piece of….”
“Shh. Keep that pretty mouth shut.” The first boy came right at her grabbing her chin forcefully
“That is, as long as we tell you to. Those lips may actually come of use later on and ….”
“Leave her alone!” sudden male voice captured everyone attention
“Oh, shit!” Y/N though. The last person I need. What it Thorpe doing here?!
“You know, you can always join us. If what they say about her stamina is right, she’ll be of use to us all……”
He did not get to sat another word as a perfectly aimed punch threw him off guard. Honestly, the only good one since Xavier Thorpe was not exactly a good fighter. Soon he lost his balance and the cards turned on his disadvantage.
“Stop it!” she yelled and surprisingly they all listened turning the gaze on her “I’ll… I’ll go with you, just, just let him go. “ she looked upon Xavier whose lip was busted and whose nose was bleeding and already started to swell. “Let him go, please…” he wasn’t a friend but surely she couldn’t let him get beaten to pulp because of her he was an idiot.
‘Y/N….” Xavier muttered in a warning tone. Don’t you dare.
“now, pretty one. Isn’t that better and easier for everyone?” three boys approached her once again but when they got close enough she made a wind so strong it caused a huge wave and wetted them all from heads to toes.
“Run!” she rushed past the assaulters, helping Xavier on his feet and before the boys realized what happened Y/N and Xavier were halfway to the school.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” she lashed out on him as soon as they reached the quad
“You know, a bit of gratitude would be nice. I was trying to defend you after all.”
“Defend me!” she scoffed “Look where it got you….” her eyes saddened as she looked on his bruised face.
“Don’t Y/N me! Just … just show me, that” she cupped his cheek forcing him to look at her and she froze at the spot. What the hell was happening. “I owe you.” she moved a feet away “so as thanks I’m gonna patch you up. Stay here, I’m gonna get some bandages.”
She was there and back in a couple of minutes, which made him wonder whether she was running.
“Such a hurry for me?” he smirked
“You must have hit your head pretty hard during that scrimmage. I will never run for anyone. Waste of air in lungs.”
“And that’s coming from the air master.”
“Airbender.” She corrected. “Now stop talking. I need to clean your face.”
He listened and the silence that fell between them was a bit uncomfortable. Here they were. Two people, who were never close, in the middle of an empty quad, not saying a word to each other even if the situation called (or rather screamed) for some explanation.
“Why did you do this?” she asked pulling away after disinfecting his wounds “why did you got involved.”
“Because you didn’t deserve it.”
“That is not a good enough reason to get oneself beaten up.”
“Look.” He rubbed his forehead “regardless of what you think I am not your enemy. And I don’t consider you to be mine. I was just wondering. Maybe we can start our acquaintance again? Not because of Enid’s or Ajax’s or Addams’s sake. I just… I just think we may benefit from it.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N”  she smiled and reached for his hand.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Xavier Thorpe.” He shook it and reciprocated.
Maybe there was something good coming after all.   
@pinksirensong @somest1
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theoldoor · 2 months
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“fenrir are you FUCKING STUPID”
“MAGAWWUFHUHUHGU YYOU…DID YOU SAY YES!!?!? ..ghguughhghg.h.uuhuhgh.h.g.h. ”
(more doodles below jus bear w the ramblings pls)
This is when Fenrir asked for Aventurine to teach him avgin-sigonian for his Masters in linguistics - it took him a lot of courage to do it because Aventurine has a 50/50 chance when it comes to asking about his Avgin heritage, he either feels like 10 bajillions daggers and his ancestors coming to beat his ass or he feels appreciated and seen for his dead culture and this gambler is the only man fenrir couldn’t read fully.
fenrir is not the type to gamble, so of course he came up with a plan
They started out normally but fenrir keeps beating around the bush to kind of get aventurine pissed off so that he couldn’t feel sad, like too focused on being angry to hate himself type shit. As they are, they’d probably end up in a fist fight cuz yk, if you got recycled, youll still get the marks of what you once were (talia lore) the question dropped in the middle of the fight and aventurine just said yes on a whim- fenrir broke down and just be liek ‘HELL YEAH VASHA YOURE THE GOAT’
— THEYRE MY EVERYTHING IM GOING TO DIEEE (colored + full + no beating each others up version) - lil writing below too :3
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i know i talk a lot about how caring fenrir is towards aventurine most of the time but that isn’t really how they act “canonically” UHGF
Theyre bicker, pester and shit. theyre the only one who can get under each other’s skin and sometimes their little momentarily bantering do distract their self esteem bc they lowk find the other person more annoying (when the suicide hotline hung up on u and ure too confused/pissed to kys typa dynamic). they act petty and would often annoy the other but would never say a bad word and would still do anything to save them. because in the end, fenrir and aventurine still considered each other family (old married couple with early love beef) considering their journey through talia together.
they still know that the reason why they found comfort in each other so easily despite all the tension is because, really, they are the same side of two coin. They are each other’s foil, they emphasize each other’s character - which is something both fenrir and aventurine HATE (self-loathe hell yeah jigsaw) but also they found that there are also others with the same wound.
They bite each other, but its their teeth that stopped the bleeding.
(or more like they bite each other’s open wound in hope to hurt the other, but actually found that the scars are from the same pair of teeth and found comfort that they don’t have to bite themselves to stop the bleeding anymore)
(do u get it pls cuz aventurine has the same pair of teeth as his masters because he probably learn more from his old master than his parents cuz he spent more time with the masters than his family haha - applies to fenrir too ahahahahaha)
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i feel aventurine is charming and he compliments everyone bc thats gonna get them to grow on him - yk ppl likes compliments. if theyre not affected by compliments? money. if theyre one of those “i dont like compliments and money” he’ll just act crazy, putting himself on the line and bending them to his will by other forms of manipulation. i don’t feel like aventurine values relationship because he doesn’t even value himself, which is an important factor in a healthy relationship (regardless of romance or not). Most of his connections would mostly be transactional and he does have very few people he kept by - Dr Ratio, Trailblazer, etc.
Fenrir? he hates himself too much for compliments to work. he’s too talented to need money and he’s also a master when it comes to manipulation. As they are, same sides of two coins. fenrir has the same issue with aventurine, none of his tactics worked, he couldn’t bend aventurine to his needs so easily. so with the forced proximity, stranded in the desert with no one else but each other, they learn to co operate rather than to use one another. Both Fenrir and Aventurine would be forced to not see their relationship as transactional - and thus create a foundation for a more genuine relationship.
The only way they can break out of their habits of seeing everything being out of obligations is when they’re forced to turn their head a different way. if they were given the permission to stay, they will stay in the hellhole that they found comfort in rather than the ground where they can walk freely because they never learned to walk without the weights - they will fall because they can’t balance themselves.
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“only a madman can beat a master.” what if theyre both madmen?
“genius on the left, lunatic on the right?” what if they’re a genius because they’re a lunatic who manage to prove the crazy theories and the other is a lunatic because they’re a genius who can come up with the crazy theories without answers?
what if theyre the death of me
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starstruckodysseys · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers !!
thank u to @localdisasterisk for tagging me in this! i honestly do not know how many writers i follow so um. ill tag my pibe fic besties @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @angelwiththeblue-box @fatestitcherr @incorrect-play-it-by-ear and the rest of u can fight amongst yourselves
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
48. i don’t know if its more concerning that almost half of them are from the past five months or that almost half are play it by ear. its the same almost half but still
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
143,389. woof
3. what fandoms do you write for?
obviously play it by ear. everyone knows that. also d20 occasionally and project sekai. unfortunately
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
toya and mizuki’s step by step guide to romancing a shinonome — i will be so real with you guys i specifically crafted this one to be popular. and then i fell in love with it along the way. but it did start as a science experiment
let me take you with me (just like this) — WHY. this is my second pjsekai fic and my fourth fic ever posted. it’s not at all reflective of my current style. help
kiss it better — yeah. same issue as the other one. this one’s better though lmao
say you miss me (say you want to kiss me) — honestly? just impressed a honakana fic made it up this high. love my girlies
the moon is crumbling (but that’s okay) — yeah everyone pretend to be surprised the ruikasa fic got this high up. it was a new concept for me, though, so i’m pretty proud of that
5. do you respond to comments?
i used to, but not really anymore unfortunately. to be fair, i will point you all to the fact that most of my recent fics are pibe, and then to the discord where we all scream about them together
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t usually. write sad endings. bc i don’t like them. okay that’s not true i just usually don’t. i guess the moon is crumbling?? if i had to choose?? it’s more bittersweet than anything, but people did say they cried, so…
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99.9% of my fics are getting together fics. it’s just the same ending a million different ways. you tell me
8. do you get hate on your fics?
not publicly!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i would simply be too powerful if i could. this is for your safety actually
10. do you write crossovers?
in the sense of characters across universes/media interacting? no. in the sense of “i am going to put my blorbos in every single other setting i slightly enjoy”? absolutely. putting them under a microscope. researching and recording how they react to their surroundings
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i simply do not think there is a demand for my fics in other languages. not in like a depressing way, it’s just that i’m writing for like five people including myself, so. yknow
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but if someone wanted to… 👀
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
i’ve never written for them (yet, at least), but by sheer volume and span of time i have to say souyo persona4. my silly boys. i’ve never scoured the entire tag for a ship multiple times on ao3 like i have for them. i have so many thoughts about them that have never seen the light of day but they exist!!
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stares awkwardly at feed your anger like fire… i’ve tried!! but it turns out that sometimes you get stuck on clothing designs and stop writing and then lose passion for the project and then stop updating for three years because you were too ambitious and also you hate your old writing style. not that i would know anything about that
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m really good at dialogue, or at least banter. unfortunately this makes me very judgmental but that’s not important. also i can create a vibe well i’ve been told
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
in general? i SUCK at character description, or at least knowing where and when to place it. i also always worry about characterization and if my characters sound too similar
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i used to read so many fics that centered around using another language (shoutout bmc fandom when i was. in that. a dark period of my life, but alas) and honestly if it’s done well i think it’s cool!! i’m not going to get into the intricacies of bilingualism on account of being an english only speaker but it is rad to me
19. first fandom you wrote for?
wrote for? probably warriors. yes the cats. i had a whole fanfic for my oc. shoutout to… honestly i don’t remember her name but she was a real one! wrote for and posted is another story, by which i mean i don’t remember At All. probably bandori tbh, bc i don’t remember if i posted fanfic on my wattpad
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
either the venn diagram of curses and crushes (which is still my favorite fic title ever) or soaking in the glory. one of them is a 3k word expedition into the play it by ear canon space and the other is a 7k word fever dream i went into a fugue state to write in two days. honorable mention to the like the sweetest cup of chai series which i hold so close to my heart. silliest besties of all time
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
Fanfiction further down! Scroll!
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Recom Mansk x Recom f. Y/N 
"Greeting Death With A Smile"
Summary: Mansk is present on the boat for the last fight against Sully and Neytiri. He gets wounded and thinks he’s going to die alone. Luckily you find him in time, but you don’t know if it’s already too late.
(Like, read at your own risk cuz I’m in pain I miss him sm)
Word Count: 4102
If u wanna feel even sadder i recommend you listen to (When it‘s cold I‘d like to die alone) it helped me cry my eyes out to the point that the tears burned my skin :)
Quaritch was giving instructions while, Lyle, Z-Dog, Prager, Mansk, and I stood close and listened. We were the only recom’s that I knew were alive. All the others had since been killed but since new things always kept happening, we couldn’t let our guard down and there was no time to mourn. 
I had to run past Ja who lay lifeless on deck and it made me feel sick. I felt the urge to at least pull his body somewhere else but I knew we didn’t have time. 
We had two of Jake’s kids hostage here with us and the Colonel was trying to get him to turn himself in for his daughters. 
I sighed, not knowing whether I would live to see another day. I wasn’t even sure why I was doing this or whether I thought it was right. But as a marine, you’re taught to listen to orders, even if you don’t agree with them. Listen and obey. That’s how you become a good soldier. And definitely never doubt your superior because they know what they’re doing. 
Deep down, I did doubt it though. Not just Quaritch’s plan but this whole mission. Our existence. It was all still a big mess to me. 
“Hold fire!” Quaritch orders as we watch him and Spider dive back into the water. 
“He’s comin’.” he added, turning to me and another human soldier. 
I pin my ears back and hold back a shiver from the cold. My clothes were wet but ignored the feeling and focused on holding my weapon ready. 
“Let’s get this guy.” Quaritch said like it were the easiest thing in the world. My ears perk up. I listen even though I doubt. Even though I don’t understand, I listen. 
“It’s what we came here for.” the Colonel keeps talking, looking at everyone around him. 
I notice how all of us are no longer fully with him. Prager and I exchange looks but with no expression because we are both in denial of our doubts and worries. Pretending they aren’t real. 
Even Lyle doesn’t nod along to his superior's words like he usually would. He would always back up everything Quaritch said but now he just stared at the ground, holding his gun and letting the Colonel’s words go in one ear and out the other.
Mansk looks at us and I can tell he has the same problem. We aren’t convinced but what option do we have? We’ve already done so much harm here. Once again. There’s no turning back because we’re marked down as the enemy for every single Na’vi on this planet. 
We aren’t wanted here so we must listen. 
To be completely honest, when I look at Quaritch one may think he knows what he’s doing. But I also occasionally catch a glimpse of doubt in his eyes. As if he weren’t sure why he would want to do this. Maybe he isn’t. I know damn well most of us hate the humans we used to be but we can’t do anything about it. 
He claps his hands together and his confident expression returns. He tells us to take our places and I look at the ground before going to cover my area of ground. 
We waited in silence for Sully to arrive and within the next few minutes, something exploded on the top deck. Prager and Z-Dog ran up the steps while I stayed on the lower deck with the rest of the team which is also where our hostages were. 
My ears flick in multiple directions as I hear screams and I see Neytiri land on her Ikran. Her presence here meant death to many. Perhaps it would be me too. 
Bodies start falling and I run over to pull a few soldiers out of the fire. Quaritch retreated to take cover close to where the two kids were while Lyle and Mansk continued to cover their ground. 
Someone shouted ‘Eyes up’ and I saw Jake and Neytiri land on the lower deck now. That meant they wiped out the entire top deck already.
I see Lyle and Mansk still standing and am about to go to them when I hear a scream of agony behind me. An injured soldier covered in flames. Without thinking, I run to him, pulling him away from the oil-covered metal pole and helping him put out the fire on his leg. He’s missing his other one. 
He lets his body fall back and sighs a little in relief, seeming to not feel the pain of his missing leg due to shock. I know he won’t make it through this. There is no one here to help. Everyone is trying to live. 
Quickly, I turn around and that’s when I see Lyle get pushed over the rail by Jake who turns in the opposite direction of me. Mansk is no longer in sight. 
I leave the wounded man behind because he passed out and I wouldn’t be able to help him anyway. I also just happened to care slightly more for Mansk and Lyle. 
I jog over to a large red metal pole, keeping my gun raised an looking around. Maybe a recom was injured and needed aid or perhaps I could spot either Jake or Neytiri and get at least one of them down. 
I press myself against the side of the column, looking over my shoulder at the rail which Lyle fell down. His body looked limp as it fell, making my gut wrench. Probably nothing I could save. 
Suddenly I hear a distant shout. 
“Y/N!” the voice of the Colonel echoes through the blood-stained walls of the ship. 
I flinch and just as I go to turn around, my knee is kicked in and I’m hit in the head with the base of a gun. 
I fall forwards and my body summersaults over a rail. My movements stop for a split second until my weight rolls to one side and suddenly I’m falling again. I land on the hard ground with a big thud which sends immense waves of pain through my body. 
In a state of shock, I look up at the hole I was pushed in but no one is standing there anymore. 
Slowly I get up, holding my side. I can’t move properly. I think I broke or at least cracked a rib. The lights in here are broken and since only a few work, it’s very dim. 
I look up and notice I’m not alone. 
Mansk couldn’t comprehend what happened fast enough. His heart dropped when Jake pointed the gun at him but luckily he ran out of ammo. In the next second, he lost his balance and hit his head on a metal pole next to him, falling over it. He saw Jake take his gun and launch it away before his upper body started tilting back. 
His upper body was resting over what seemed to be a dent in the ground but as he slowly turned in pain, he realised it went further down. Mansk felt as though he was slowly falling through the ground but he couldn’t prevent it because his eyes kept blacking out. He saw how he slowly fell into darkness and his feet lifted into the air, falling with him into the void.
The sound of gunshots and shouts was distant now and he lay at the bottom of the hole he didn’t see before. Light reflected inside from the fire above but it wasn’t strong enough to help him see. 
He groaned in pain, slowly lifting his injured body off the ground and pushing himself against a wall so that he was sitting upright. Mansk saw his shades on the ground next to him and noticed they were broken. 
He once made a joke that he would die with them when Lyle teased him about constantly wearing them. Maybe it was time. 
His head would drop in the direction the ship tilted as he lay limp against the cold metal. 
Mansk shouted for help, calling out the names of the people he thought might still be around but there was no answer. No one heard him.
His vision became blurry and when he looked down he saw his abdomen was covered in a small puddle of blood. Whether it was his he didn’t know. 
But he wasn’t afraid he would die. This is how he imagined it. He knew very well that one doesn’t mourn death in the military on Pandora. Mansk was ready to close his eyes for the last time and die alone, in peace. After all, it was his fate. Even though he hadn’t accomplished his mission, this is what always awaited him. 
He lost track of time and seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness every few minutes. What woke him up was a scream which came from right above him and a thud of a body which landed a few feet from Mansk. His eyes managed to open and he saw a blue figure. Blood pumped through his veins as the feeling of fear returned again but once he noticed the U.S uniform, he dropped his head back in relief. It wasn’t Jake or Neytiri. 
I whine out in agony as I straighten my posture and see Mansk sitting and leaning against a wall. My face brightens and for a second I forget about the pain. 
“Mansk!” I shout, leaning back down on all fours and hugging my waist while looking up at him. He lifts his head and his eyes widen when he sees me. 
“Y/N?” he asks, but his voice sounds weak. I smile, feeling relieved he’s alive and that I’m not alone. 
“Oh thank god, I thought everyone was-” I say, crawling over to him before my hand comes in contact with a small puddle of fluid. I want to shake if off my skin but when I glance down I notice its colour. It’s not water, it’s blood. And it’s not mine but his.
My heart sinks when my eyes move higher up Mansk’s body, noticing how his blood has drenched the clothes on his stomach. When I look up at him he’s gazing at me with half-lidded eyes. Just above them, a new trail of blood is forming and slowly drizzling down the side of his face. 
“Oh, Mansk…” I whisper, ignoring my own pain and kneeling next to him. His eyes follow me as I move around him and he looks weak and exhausted. I don’t think he can move much more than his head. 
“Where are you hurt?” I ask, gently lifting his arm to check whether the blood is coming from his side.
“I don’t know…” he whispers, barely moving his lips or jaw. His eyes occasionally close while I apply pressure to check where the pain is coming from.
I hear him hiss through clenched teeth and I gently return it to its previous position. “Sorry,” I whisper.
He breathes heavily through his nose, looking down at himself. I notice how the blood doesn’t seem to stop. 
“Come on, we need to get you back.” I softly say, lifting his arm over my shoulder. But I didn’t know how to get out of here, I was just hoping that the darkness would lead to a door which could lead us outside.
“No.” he breathes out and his body tenses. I freeze my movements and look at him. 
“You can’t stay here Mansk.” I say, trying to motivate him to see if he can get up. 
“I can’t move.” he whispers, biting down on his teeth as he tries to pull his arm from my shoulder. 
“Y/N, I can’t feel my legs…” His jaw trembles and his voice breaks a little. His words go straight to my heart, seeming to tear it in two.
I look away, furrowing my eyebrows together while I convince myself that there must be another way. Quickly, in hopes of helping him, I lean over his body and apply pressure on his big wound to try and stop the bleeding. 
I feel the corners of my eyes sting and my nose itch. The common sign that showed me I was about to tear up. 
Mansk sighed and when I looked up at him he was softly smiling at me. It wasn’t a happy smile, but an appreciative one. 
Mansk knew that what you were doing wouldn’t save him, but your attempt made him smile. Knowing you cared enough about him not to leave him behind warmed his heart as it slowed its beating. 
“Stop looking at me like that, I’m gonna get you out of here.” I say, having to look away because otherwise, I might just break down. But my words didn’t seem to convince Mansk at all. They just refreshed his fading smile. 
Even if we would somehow make it out of this room, our chances of dying were probably worse on deck because Jake and Neytiri were still there. And if they weren’t, there was no way we could get off this ship. We were both too wounded to fly our Ikrans. It wouldn’t work.
With the next inhale he tensed up and coughed while I steadied him and kept him sitting upright. His legs were motionlessly laying on the floor in front of him while his chest heaved. I noticed him cough out a few drops of blood which is what did it for me. Mansk wasn’t doing well and my hopes of him surviving were dying out. 
“Thank you…” he whispered as his cough finally retreated. I look up at him through glossy eyes, wondering what he meant. I wasn’t going to let him see me cry, because crying would be acknowledging that he wasn't going to make it. As long as I held them back, there was still hope in me. 
“I thought I’d-” he said, being cut off by gasping for air. “...die alone.” 
A smile formed on his lips again as his eyes remained fixed on my face. 
Mansk knew all recom’s were something close to friends but he didn’t think he ever had anyone close enough to him to stay with him through his last moments. He expected to be left behind somewhere, injured and no longer deemed as useful. 
“Come on Mansk, don’t give up on me.” I say, my forced calm voice breaking as I feel my bottom lip begin to quiver. 
“I’m glad you’re here…” he struggled to say, forcing the words out of his pained chest while keeping his faint smile. It was slowly fading again.
I gasp, pressing my lips together to not lose it. I reach for his limp and blood-stained hand and hold it between both of mine. Feeling how cold it is has me fighting back tears. 
I shiver from shock and pain. My broken rib was poking me and it hurt like hell.
"I can't save us." I whisper to myself, my voice trembling.
Suddenly, I feel how my legs are wetted and I look down, dreading to see blood but this time it is water. The room was slowly tilting to one side and the water was flowing in from the other side of the room. Mansk had noticed it too. 
“You-” he said before coughing up more blood and I lost it. “You need to go.” he said, his voice sounding pained and forced. I knew he was suffering but I couldn’t let him die here. 
“I’m not leaving you, Mansk.” I whisper, pressing his palm against my cheek. The tears blur my vision before spilling down my cheek, burning my skin a little. 
“You can- live.” he says, swallowing back a cough while he struggles to breathe. 
I clench my eyes closed, not wanting him to leave me as well. I knew Mansk for a long time and even though we were never really close, he had been a part of my life since I arrived on Pandora. We rarely talked but we knew we had each other's back and it didn’t cross my mind that I could lose him during this war. Now that I was face to face with the aftermath of violence, I was crumbling down. He meant too much to me, I couldn’t let him go. 
“Don’t worry about me.” I whisper, forcing a trembling smile onto my face. I point to the opening of the hole we fell through. “I’ll get out there.” I say and his eyes slowly drift from my face to the opening in the ceiling and then back to me. He doesn’t seem sure of it but he doesn’t question it any further. His movements become so faint that I notice his presence slowly fading away. Mansk’s eyes slowly unfocus from my face and I reach out and cup his cheek while tears continue to spill from my eyes. 
“Mansk-” I sob, trying to stay composed in front of him. He blinked, opening his slowly closing eyes a bit more and looking at me again. 
“... stay with me, come on.” 
My fingers gently tap his cheek while the water on the floor mixes with his blood. 
Mansk opens his mouth to say something but he can’t push out a single word and instead, he slowly struggles to inhale before closing his mouth again. 
I hold his palm against my chest, roughly where my heart is as I try to keep his attention on me. 
“Please, don’t do this to me…” I sob, clutching his hand. He stares at me and his eyes look sad but he can’t say or do anything. 
“Mansk, please you’re all I have left.” I cry out, dropping my head down before looking up at him. 
“Thank you…” he repeats and ever so faintly whispers. He was grateful I was by his side because in truth Mansk did want to live. Mansk wanted to wake up to the morning the next day and be with everyone else. But that wasn’t possible. Not only because he was slowly dying, but because everyone has had since probably died.
I rub my thumb over his cheek, trying to comfort him. He’s looking into my eyes and furrows his eyebrows together a little as if he were confused about whether my tears are actually for him. Like he didn’t think he was worth my pain. 
Mansk looked at me almost apologetically and his lips parted while he tried to get more air into his lungs. I couldn’t see his chest heaving anymore but I felt so mild air fanning from his mouth with small exhales. 
I bit down on my lip, watching him and needing proof of life every few seconds. 
He’s staring at me, grateful he wasn’t left alone and I notice how his eyes start to unfocus again. I gently tap his cheek, waiting for his eyes to readjust like they did last time but this time Mansk’s head is slowly falling to the side and into my palm. His eyes fade out and stare into nothing as they move from my face to the empty space behind me. His soft breath stopped fanning against my hand and his face was no longer contorted in pain or sorrow. It was blank and relaxed. 
Mansk’s hand slowly drifted off my chest and loosely fell on his lap.
I wanted to scream and call his name but all words got stuck in my throat and I held onto him while my mouth gaped open. Tears fell from my face onto his now lifeless and numb body. 
His blood continued to colour the rising water around me red. It had already overflowed his legs and reached up to his waist. 
I held on to his body, pressing my face against his shoulder and crying my eyes out. 
At this point, I had lost absolutely everyone and everything. We couldn’t return to family on Earth because we were Na’vi and now we had all lost each other. 
Z-Dog lay on the top deck with a bow in her hip and one in her face while the ship started to slowly sink. 
Prager lay on his side, motionless with a spear through his chest. 
Lopez’s body had now sunk to the bottom of the ocean after he was shot by an arrow. 
Walker, Zhang and Fike both had been shot down by arrows too.
Warren and Brown got an axe in their body.
Ja I had left behind after he was killed by the Tulkun. 
Lyle was floating in the water, struggling to stay above the surface.
I didn’t know where Quaritch was but I knew he couldn’t help me. 
And Mansk… lay bleeding out in front of me, lifeless and cold. His head was tilted to the side and I knew that he was gone. I could never talk to him again. I would never see him again. I know even if I survived, they wouldn’t retrieve his body and he would stay here and sink with the ship. 
The water was filling the room more rapidly now but I still clung on to Mansk, crying his name. 
I noticed his broken shades floating in the water and picked them up. 
Remembering how much he liked to wear them I steadied his head and carefully put them on him after closing his eyelids. He would have thanked me if he could have for this.
My body was shaking but I knew I was going to die here too if I didn’t leave soon. I get up and the water reached up to Mansk’s neck already. It was gushing in from a half-open door on the other side of the dark room. 
I look up, making sure the exit is still there but suddenly I see the water start flowing in from the top. The entire room is slowly turning over and the water flowing on deck has managed to push over the door which now completely closed off the hole we were in. 
The room gets a lot darker and the water is leaking in from the side and from the top. 
I groan out in pain through my sobs. I have tears staining my cheeks and my nose became runny and stuffed. This isn’t how I wanted things to end. We were finally starting to enjoy being alive on Pandora and now we died because our past selves made us finish something they couldn’t. 
I look back at Mansk and see that he is fully submerged in the water now. I cry out, hating how helpless he is and how helpless I feel now. My side aches even more and I clutch my broken rib, trying to bite back the pain. I wouldn’t be able to swim in this anyway. 
Within minutes, my feet are no longer touching the ground and my head is bumping against the ceiling. I’m crying out for help in pain but no one can hear anything over the noise of the flowing water. I wonder if anyone is still alive but I highly doubt it. There is a crack in the wall which is letting the oxygen in the room be replaced with water. I struggle to swim and keep my head above the surface. 
But then I ask myself, why I’m fighting? There was no use to it. Everyone was gone and I was stuck and injured. 
I deeply inhale one last time before the entire room is submerged in water. My eyes open and I peer down at Mansk, who is lifelessly half laying at the bottom. 
Since I’m going to die I might as well join him there so neither of us has to be alone. 
I swim down with the last of my strength, watching how the last few bubbles of air escape his slightly parted lips. My hand once again reaches for his and I hold on to it for some form of comfort before I face upwards and let all the air I have to escape my lungs. 
I start choking and look at Mansk. The light specks on our skin were slightly illuminating the water but his were more faded. I looked closer and watched how the light slowly vanished from him, one dot at a time. 
It wasn’t long before I started drowning and a few minutes later, my lifeless, artificial blue body sunk down and joined Mansk on the floor of the ship.
Our bodies would stay here, most likely forever since all the death here was just a failed mission. 
The lights from my body had now disappeared too and we were dragged down to the bottom of the ocean along with the ship. All because some humans wanted us to finish what they couldn’t.
So there I lay, greeting death with a smile once again, in hopes of meeting Mansk someday and somewhere far from here.
(I'm going to try and make some art to this)
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @number1gal
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Hey sorry if this is weird to say n I know the tags you left on my post the other day when I was joking abt like. How all roads for Jace lead back to Porter like I know they’re old tags and I meant to reply sooner but I really liked what u had to say esp the part at the end I guess abt like. Is Jace returning to Porter even when we try to give him something new tragic or is he glad he got to experience new life with other people who also got to experience new life through essentially the act of creation. I just thought that was a beautiful sentiment. Like I joke about us being in the Zarajace trenches but I love her so much and i get she’s a minor character but it really does make me sad that she’s never seen as a character whose interiority is worth taken seriously. (I literally checked to see if i was crazy and like for example on ao3 she’s only in like 10 works and one is mine two are yours! and the others are like misc Zaraporterjace or sb content n offhand mentions.) I love her so much. Maybe this is silly but even as ‘always a duo’ can be so personal there is something to like. Imbuing a constellation of people including Zara that also get second rich life when we write abt our little blonde guy that we put in Situations :’)
Anyway keep fighting the good zarajace fight ily we’re stronger together! 💪
It's not weird at all! I got so in the weeds with my tags on your post bc Just the idea that maybe we all doomed Jace by tying him back to porter makes me sad but then there's duality to it of, hey he got agency and maybe he's happy too. They started in such a dark place because of the implications within canon but like- the power that creation holds is so special. In the show, Zara had a lot more to work with and I remember being a little scared to write her because it felt so daunting. She already had agency and personality that felt so clear. Like I look at her and I want to be truthful to the seeds that were planted with how she's portrayed. But it really is that same internal debate of did we doom her and take away some of that agency by tying her to Jace? Or is she happy?
ngl I have both you and @italicized-oh to thank for putting the ZaraJace brainworms in my head bc I- wow. Just like- I came into this a starbreaker girlie and fell ass backwards into ZaraJace best friends to QPR to Lavender Marriage pipeline and I think through that, through Jace and through creation Zara is happy. Plus I love that her paramour is still acknowledge a lot of the time. She has such a deep love for them outside of all the Jace and Porter shenanigans. Maybe when the lens isnt focused on her, she's having a full life in her own right. I like to think that she's fulfilled and she's happy. But goddamn I would love to see and maybe even write some Zara charater studies bc as a vampire loving whore, I'm in love with awe of her 😭
Thank you for such a lovely message~ and godspeed in the ZaraJace trenches bc we're gonna need it lmaooo
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kroosluvr · 16 days
i'm genuinely curious I WANT YOU to outline how the shu/ake/sumi romance/and-or/situationship would unfurl in a post-p5r reality (where akechi lives, of course). what are the bullet points for what would happen between them. would they have a falling out. are they doomed. would they be horrible at communicating. would they finally be good at it. which pairing comes together first, if any at all. or would all 3 pairings happen at the same time at the same pace. or are they all in a limbo, not romantic nor platonic but a secret third thing.
OMG HI. HIIIII ok so. i havent actually thought about it that much (SURPRISING I KNOW) because i honestly suck ass at timelines (in regards to canon. tennis au on the other hand...) BUT I WILL DO MY BEST a lot of this is loose too.... im totally up for most anything but this is how i see it most of hte time heheeh (TY FOR THE ASK I LOVE THINKIJGN ABT THESE 3.)
this is .. kinda.. long.. ahem
pre-p5r: sumire is acquainted with goro thru her dad's show: they're not friends, but she's talked with him more than her sister. so when goro meets 'kasumi' at the cafe something strikes him as odd but it doesn't quite register: like ehhhh well why should i care / maybe my memory is just wrong / not worth my time
during p5r: 'kasumi' has a crush on akira, a kind of on-the-surface adoration of "wow i think you're really cool and we get along well!" nothing that's super advanced on or anything, and akira doesn't see her as anything beyond friends anyway.
she drops the crush upon reverting back to sumire, and it builds slowly over the course of 3rd sem but is also never really actualized - like she likes him ok whatever but then what..??
3rd sem (long winter au): long winter barebones: maruki's idealized world starts like on christmas or smth (havent thought this out TOO much LOL) and royaltrio-centric part of 3rd sem lasts for quite a while, at least 3 weeks-1 month. how does this work w the timeline i have no idea. BUT it leads to tense moments like spending new years together with the idealized thieves and trying to stay upbeat during all that, all the attempts and failures at breaking them out of it, and a LOT of tension during this time.
they argue and fight and are irritated with each other a lot of the time (goro the most vocal abt it obviously, sumire kind of drawing back into herself, and akira doing his best to stay optimistic. i think when akira starts to lose his spark is when the others r like oh we gotta make up for that slack and they finally up their game a bit) and yeah even sumire argues with akira and with goro and etc. im figuring this out PROMSIE ill come up w stuff and draw comic/write fic for it...
also 1/9 sumire fight is probably the beginning moment when goro starts to respect sumire more/see her more as a friend/comrade than a teammate. bc she almost kills joker and then him LMAO really giving them a run for their money... and also he really sees the pain she feels at being herself and resonates with it, either unconsciously or consciously
also upon seeing her Past broadcasted on maruki live television:tm: he makes the connection and is like oh so that's what happened. so all this time she was just masquerading as someone else. hmmm
anyway they're all very fragile and scared and sad during 3rd sem so they stick to eachother closely bc they're all they got to lean on. i think they have a lot of skinship during this time? handholding hugs leaning on each other sleeping in the same room (they hang out at leblanc A LOT bc 1) they're kind of afraid of being alone during this time 2) they're afraid of the OTHERS being alone during this time 3) leblanc is "untouched", compared to other parts of maruki's reality. can u imagine if even goro's apartment suddenly became nice overnight LMAO) but its like no feelings attached, just pure comfort kinda thing
kissing could also happen during this time but also no feelings attached, purely Why the hell not etc sort of vibe.
also goro and sumire get on first name basis during this time. this comic i drew w goro dying in my head which is Why he initiates first-name basis, but we can operate off the idea that he thought he'd die but somehow magically didnt. YAY!
but they have impeccable communication w each other and are very honest with their feelings. (goro avoids talking about his past tho. so maybe not THAT honest.) but they all achieve a really strong understanding of each other to survive maruki's winter wonderland...
i do think they develop feelings for each other during this time but they're all confused whether it's feelings of like comfort/security with each other or like romance/yay. so like nightmare situationship basically. so they all individually decide to hold on to this happiness while it lasts bc they sure as hell know it won't last (when have any of them been able to keep good things)
3rd sem: the thieves join yay! i think they'd notice that the 3 of them have become very close-knit (bouncing off eachother insanely well in battle, talk to eachother casually, and are generally pretty affectionate with each other. weird but ok! at least they (akira goro.) aren't trying to kill each other all the time.
this is also nice for sumire bc she had those 3-4 weeks to kinda Figure herself (sumire) out btwn akira and goro so she's less like down in the dumps about not being 'kasumi' anymore and more secure in herself and stuff like that. yay!
they beat maruki and stuff. YAY!
post-p5r: akira moves back to his hometown for 3rd year of highschool and college, goro is who-knows-where (i imagine he gets back on his feet of his own making and then goes abroad for school somehow. idk just seems like smth he'd do esp since i think he'd avoid everyone during this time) and sumire stays at shujin for 2-3rd year, then probably goes to a uni in japan but goes abroad for 1-2 yrs (gymnastics and etc.)
the "goro doesn't die and reunites with akira/sumi" timeline
goro, walking into leblanc on 2/4 or whatever: hi guys i didn't die actually
sumire: haha why would u silly? lol
the end.
i think they do go to separate universities though and theyre like damn wait i miss those guys but they go thru school and keep pretty decent contact w each other and see each other during vacations and stuff when they can and then when they come back to tokyo it's like no time has passed btwn them and they just pick up where 3rd sem left off but like better and happier and more peaceful. YAY!
i haven't really thought of how they "CONFESS" or whatever but i think all of them just feel (TWINGE OF JEALOUSY) at the idea of any of them dating someone else so theyre like ok well thats that i guess. we're a thing now (they refuse to use any other terms like that i think. For a while at least. until maybe one of the thieves etc gets engaged/married and then theyre like ok we can grow up about this. but basically they're just A Thing and Offlimits:tm: and etc.)
COMMUNICATION IS GOOD HERE!!!! i think for sh/uakes/umi i prefer them becoming a Thing at once rather than 1 couple happening first (esp since i like the idea of "none of them rlly understand romance and stuff so they just say 'fuck it' and become Thing" like thats kinda funny asf to me.)
i also feel like to anyone else they just seem like a group of besties until u see exchanged kisses or hugs or interlocked arms/hands and ur like wait....? hm. well idk. (bc they don't either. no one has any idea)
the "goro doesn't die and avoids them" timeline
also in my head sumire doesn't endeavor for the olympics/world stage/international fame and just kinda sticks around national rankings while she still figures herself out (in this timeline. also probably true for the other one but shrug IT CLD GO EITHER WAY I THINK)
somewhat relevant is my shsm fic where i elaborate on sumire's emotions more during this time (especially while thinking goro's dead). <- actually this is pretty recommended cele sumire reading bc this basically totally encapsulates how i see her. the first oneshot is 6k words tho ITS A MOUTHFUL.. SORRY
she and akira drift farrrr apart. she feels extremely guilty and also bitter and frustrated about goro's death and the fact that akira didn't tell her (or goro, in fact.) and he feels guilty and sad about it too, that he should have done something? anything? for him or for her, and he couldn't figure it out and now its over. so now the two of them r grappling w this and trying to overcome it and forget each other even tho the memories during 3rd sem, although painful and haunting, still were sweet and nice and they don't want to forget but they HAVE TO MOVE ON... RIGHT....
meanwhile goro's probably thinking like "damn i miss those guys." but they also think he's dead so hes also like "this is stupid i have to move on(?) Or whatever." ok imma be honest i didnt really think THAT much into goro's thinking during this time (YET.) bc i think he'd be floundering a LOT with everything during his life and being kinda just miserable.
also during this time they try to date other people and it all is miserable and falls apart and also they havent forgotten about the other two so theyre like fuck.
akira - 25~, sumire - 24~, goro - 26~, eventually goro moves back to tokyo and kinda just goes about his life hoping he'll see them again. or maybe find out what they were up to and finally get some closure. wow he does! they kinda all go back to tokyo at the same time wow shocker soulmate things IM JOKINGGGG but they all kinda hold that sentimentality of ok so much time has passed maybe i'll feel better about this place now. and then when they run into each other again its like no time has passed at all. HAPPY ENDING YAY!
communication is less good in this timeline now they're healing from the "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" stuff. so thats a whole nother can of worms. probably ironically in this universe they try to actualyl figure out how this whole romance thing works so they can label each other as partners and be like OK DONT RUN OFF AGAIN. ANY OF U!!! DO NOT!!!!
ok this shit is so long im so sorry. HI. SDGSHKJFHJKDSHG THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE ASK IM BAWLING i really havent thought much of post-3rd sem stuff as u can tell........... but i WILL ipromise.
edit: LAST ADDENDUM im very passionate abt shsm being nightmare situationship. guys who never got together but got divorced 50 times. sh/uake fits into this category as well i think. i can also kinda see ak/esumi like that but ironically i feel like they'd have the most stable situationship out of the 3 individual ships..... idk.. need to let it all cook in my head a bit more BUT VERY PASSIONATE ABT THE SHSM THING.
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