#sadly it's almost the end
daeyumi · 11 months
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Princess 🎆👑✨
[Linktober 2022 Day 25: Zelda]
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palukoo · 5 months
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the electorate for @hotvintagepoll seemed to like the bette drawings (though not enough to save her…) so now it’s time to show some love for Joan!! feat. Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Marlene Dietrich, and Dorothy Arzner
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welcomefortune · 2 months
Poor Jaehaera I can’t believe Aegon and Larys just left her at the Red Keep like that
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sleepanonymous · 4 months
Information below the cut and nightmare scenario in the tags.
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Interesting facts: This cover was the last video he posted to YouTube under this channel before ST formed. This was also almost a year exactly before the ST YouTube channel was created.
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blueblurseptember · 1 year
suddenly feeling very ill after interpreting tianlang-jun and su xiyan's relationship and qijiu's as foils to bingqiu's. all three relationships suffered greatly because of a horrific big misunderstanding, aggravated further by a lack of communication thereafter.
su xiyan, yue qingyuan, and shen yuan are all similar in their decision not to communicate the truth out of guilt, believing that they have failed and have (though unwillingly) abandoned their loved one thus deserve no forgiveness, just suffering.
meanwhile, the common denominator between tianlang-jun, shen jiu, and binghe is the self-loathing born out of the fact that despite the perceived betrayal of their loved one, forgiveness still won out (even before they knew of the truth and received the apology they were due) and the love they feel have persevered.
unfortunately for tianlang-jun and su xiyan, tianlang-jun didn't even get to find out the truth in the original plot, and it had simply been too late in the svsss universe.
same goes for qijiu, shen jiu doesn't get to find out the truth in pidw. meanwhile, yue qingyuan musters the courage to confess his truth too late in svsss; the shen qingqiu that awoken from that one qi deviation all those years ago is no longer the same one he'd loved—which interestingly can be, in some way, paralleled with how shen yuan initially believed that the luo binghe who emerged from the abyss is no longer his beloved white lotus binghe and thus his own lack of attempt to ask forgiveness and explain his actions to binghe upon his return.
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sctumsempra · 6 months
severus snape’s capricorn ass with 90% of the people around him his whole life. like yeah there were four kids against him but he came up with shit like sectumsempra if they tried him again 💀 let’s just say there’s no wonder he was nosing in on everyone’s business
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numei-num · 5 months
I just watched Batman: Under the Red Hood.
I need to hug Jason.
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cyar-ika11 · 1 year
when today I scored C2 at the English level test and then I had to tell them what I have been reading for the past 6 months:
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youssefguedira · 11 months
more joenicky lupin au because i had to exorcise a brain worm. major spoilers for lupin s3 below the cut if you care about that sort of thing
The thing is, Nicky wasn't even supposed to be there. He wasn't supposed to even know that something was going to happen today, but Andy had needed his input, because even if she'd taken him off the case she'd admitted nobody else could work out Joe's next move as quickly as Nicky can. So he knew, and then the news had broken and the whole country knew.
It gave him cover to join the crowd, all chanting Joe's name like some kind of modern folk hero, and Nicky couldn't deny the wild, almost giddy energy of the crowd as they'd all waited for a sign. Couldn't fight his own smile when the alarm had gone off only a few minutes after the time Joe had declared in the letter he'd sent. Because of course it had. Because even if he'd broadcasted the exact time and date of the heist he'd manage to pull it off.
Then they'd led him out in handcuffs, and Nicky's first reaction had been shock, because nobody - nobody, not even Andy - could catch Joe.
But then Joe had caught Nicky's eye, and winked, and Nicky had known. And he hadn't said anything, because he wasn't supposed to be there, until.
Andy's the one who calls him, and he doesn't know why. She must know he's here, must know he couldn't have stayed away, and so she calls him.
"Ambulance picked someone up a few minutes ago," she says in Italian, matter-of-fact as always. It's one of Nicky's favourite things about her, and oddly comforting as the dread starts to sink in before she even says the next words. "He fell from the roof trying to get away from the snipers."
Nicky almost laughs in pure disbelief, because Joe - Joe doesn't fall, wouldn't. It's not possible. Nicky is certain of it the way he is certain of the sun rising.
"Are you sure-" he begins.
"It's him," Andy says, cutting him off. "They’re en route to the hospital."
"What do you-"
"What you do is up to you. But I'm on my way to the hospital now to confirm."
There is only one possible choice, for Nicky.
They wave him through to the morgue when he gives his name, and Andy doesn't even look surprised to see him, leaning against the wall like she was waiting, a few other members of her team with her. "The doctor's in there now."
"Is there anyone else in there?" Nicky asks, because this must be part of the plan, there must be some clever switch taking place behind those doors and Joe will walk out unscathed.
He always does.
Andy shakes her head. "She's an old friend. I trust her."
Nicky wants to -
He finds an empty chair and falls into it, pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. They don't have to wait long. The doctor calls them in only a few moments later.
His eyes are closed, is the first thing Nicky thinks, with a wild sense of relief. He's not sure he could bear seeing Joe's eyes cold and sightless. Even with them closed, he's not sure he can bear it.
"So?" Andy asks.
The doctor rattles off a rapid-fire list of medical terms Nicky can't make himself focus on, unable to take his eyes off the - Joe's - body, trying to see where the imperfection lies, where the clue is that will mark this out as a fake, a dummy maybe, or perhaps the very faint sign of Joe still breathing, waiting for them to leave to make his escape -
"No vital signs were detected when he arrived," the doctor says, and only then does Nicky look up.
"Are you sure?" he says.
He can tell Andy's looking at him, but he doesn't see her expression. Maybe she's annoyed, or maybe it's that look that tells him she knows exactly how complicated this case is for Nicky. He can't bring himself to care - he needs to know. This cannot be real, even if he hasn't figured out how Joe could have done it yet.
The doctor doesn't scoff at him, nor does she seem annoyed. Instead, she hands him her stethoscope. "You can see for yourself, if you like."
Everyone in the room is looking at him now. He takes it. Draws closer to the table.
Joe doesn't move. If there is a clever trick to this, Nicky cannot find it: suddenly he's not sure he can stand to be in the room anymore. Certainly he cannot make himself look at the body, cannot bring himself to touch it, to check if Joe really is dead, if this body really is the thief Nicky could not help but fall a little bit in love with.
Nicky lowers the stethoscope. "I am - I am not a doctor," he hears himself say. "I apologise."
The doctor takes her stethoscope, and then there is a hand on the small of Nicky's back - Andy, steering him away.
"Nicolò," she says, and only that.
"This isn't right," Nicky says in Italian. "Andy. It doesn't end this way. This isn't how it happens."
"But it is happening," Andy says.
Nicky shakes his head. "I haven't - I haven't seen it yet, but there must be something-"
"Nicky," Andy says, and her voice is so unbearably gentle. "Take the day off tomorrow."
Nicky looks up at her. "I'm not-"
"Yes, you are. Go home, and don't come in tomorrow. I mean it."
Nicky doesn't have it in him to protest. And so he goes home, to an apartment that is too quiet, and leaves the news on until well into the early morning, waiting for the story to break. It does, eventually. When it does, he turns it off.
The next day passes, and he doesn't go into work just like Andy had told him to, spends the day cleaning his apartment just to have something to do with his hands. Then the next day comes, and he returns to the office, and Andy greets him like nothing's happened, and the world continues to spin on.
And then.
Then there's the message in the newspaper, addressed to Nico, and nobody calls him that except -
Except -
Nicky smiles as the world rights itself again.
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Oh no… If Harry fails the red encyclopedia check on Kimball, and simply comes up with ‘Hey aren’t Seolites all good at pinball?’
Oh man. So. That stereotype is likely why a junior officer Kim was put on the pinball squad in the first place.
It’s crazy how much racism is presented in fridge logic form. It hits so hard. The shit this man puts up with every day of his life. I just wanna hug him.
Fun fact: look up Seolite in fayde. I’ve been breaking my own heart all morning lol. I was trying to figure out if there were inconsistencies in Kim’s telling of his own background. I keep getting a Feeling about it. He says his grandparents are from Seol, but that both his parents are half Seolite, also his father wasn’t in the picture, but *also* that his parents were killed in the revolution…so he didn’t know his mother either? And he says he’s only a quarter Seolite, but with two half parents, is that correct? In his position, I think I’d tell half-truths as well, or whatever I needed to say to get racists off my ass. It is canon that Kim messes with racists by playing into stereotypes, and bless him for it because he’s so damn funny about it.
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A little gift for @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal who did the equivalent of letting off a small explosion in the group chat with some first escape vs bad end parallels.
And the visuals it inspired were like! Really fucking good!!! So. Started scribbling.
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literally can't stop thinking about mafia!bernard and police informant!tim
it got too long for the tags
bear's in the mafia for whatever reason
and tim is part of a police team called idfk the bats
anyway bear's mafia is getting too big and they need sm1 on the inside. enter tim.
tim is a police legacy. his dad was a policeman and so was his father's father and on it goes
and he might've made it onto captain wayne's team but he's desperate to prove to the force that he's not a fuckin nepo baby
so he takes the job. enter bernard who only meets tim after he's been on the mission for a year now.
bear quickly takes a liking to this new recruit who's efficient and smart and has the tiniest waist he's ever seen.
and tim goes along with this liking cause hey information from the top will be more valuable right?
and they fall into this fuckbuddies relationship that quickly becomes way more. because like fuck bear looks at tim like he's worth smth
like he's more than what his parents have set out for him. like he's somebody. like he loves tim for tim. and not for what tim can do for him.
and fuck he loves bear and his smiles. the way his eyes crinkle and his gums show. he loves the way bear looks with a gun in his hands and he knows that's fucked up but the first time he saw bear with a gun in his hands and blood splattered across his face he had to actively stop himself from jumping bear in front of the mafia. and no matter how rough bear is when he's on the field he always caresses tim's cheeks with a softness tim didn't know was possible
and fuck his dick is massive and it's really not helping tim's feelings. and he knows he's compromised and fuck cpt. wayne probs knows too
but shit bear holds him like he's precious. bear looks at him like he loves him. bear twines their bodies together like he'll die if they part
bear whispers sweet nothings into his ears as they fall asleep and it'll break him when he has to give bear up but he's always been selfish
he'll keep this for as long as he can. (please lord let him have this.)
and on bear's end he really only becomes interested in this new recruit when he watches the boy deliver 10 backhanded compliments in a row
and nobody pick up on it. it takes 3 months before bear figures out that tim's a spy and still he keeps seeing him
bc it doesn't matter that tim'll be his downfall. it doesnt matter that tim doesnt really love him or care about him. that it's only a mission for tim bc tim is the best thing bear's life.
he is the sun to bear's moon. the first word on his lips when he wakes up and the last when he goes to sleep.
and he loves every version of tim -- when he's caustic and biting, when he's blissed out in bed covered in the marks bernard left, when he's laughing, when he's crying
every version on tim is a version he likes. and one of these days, his pretty bird is going to have to leave their nest but at least bear can hold tim until then
at least bear can press promises into his thighs. at least he can whisper his devotion into the crook of tim's neck. at least he can leave marks on tim -- lovebites on his neck, handprints on his thighs and hips -- a tapestry that says "i was here. and i loved him. i love him and i am here."
but until that day comes, bear will work on quitting smoking and turning his favorite safehouse into a home for them.
(please lord, just let him have this. just let him have tim.)
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rebouks · 2 years
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Ivan: You’ve been out here for ages. Bruno: Sorry. Lost in thought, I guess… Ivan: Can’t be anythin’ good if you’re smokin’.
Bruno: Hm. Ivan: Tell me later? Bruno: Sure, you’re not gonna like it though.
Ivan: Probably not… Bruno: If only we could stay here. Ivan: Where’re we gonna stay when we get back?
Bruno: Mack’s? Unless you’d rather find our own place. Ivan: I dunno, doesn’t that count as plannin’ ahead? Bruno: [snorts] Oops.
Ivan: We can stay at Mack’s until we figure somethin’ else out? Bruno: Sounds good. Ivan: You gonna sit out here n’ get addicted t’smokin’ again or come inside?
Bruno: I suppose I can ignore the sense of impending doom for one more night. Ivan: Always with the pessimism. Bruno: Realis-.. okay, I’ll work on it.
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vaugarde · 6 days
watching japanese pokemon openings again and sorta ranking them in my head, and its kinda insane to me that i think the dub openings for bw are consistently better than the originals
#i dont really care for ‘’be an arrow’’ sadly :/ both versions. they both feel very off#like they dont match the animation which doesnt look as great here#i dont like the vocals in ‘’summery slope’’ and the visuals are weirdly underwhelming for a final season#i actually genuinely still love the first op though. the 3d was super cool at the time and the vocals are beautiful#and the pokemon being unveiled as they appeared in the show was really cool#almost mesmerizing even#i started the bw anime before i had the game as a kid bc japan got it first so the anime was my introduction to the unova pokemon#and i remember this opening just hit different in that context bc it really was like i was slowly becoming more familiar with unova#i miss that feeling#its the only japanese opening i like for bw yeah djdjdjjd#the only thing is that it goes on for too long in the show and they run out of pokemon to unveil by like episode 20#but that doesnt hurt its quality on its own#and then you go to the english dub and. yeah theyre all super solid songs#i dont like the first dub op as much as the japanese one but the song is still fantastic#‘’rival destinies’’ has hype vocals and its super fun to listen to. and they did a fine job with selecting clips for it#(since they had literally no footage to work with bc the sub was still using the first op JDJDJDJ#‘’its always you and me’’ is weaker than those two but still a really entertaining song and i do vibe to it when it comes on and the visuals#for both are neat. especially with the shot of N and his sisters at the end#it almost feels like a paradox bc immediately after this the sub put out consistent bangers while the dub kept tripping and falling#echoed voice
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dragonji · 2 months
ACK. ran too many errands and got distracted with tasks so didnt have time to post art when I wanted to fuck this stupid baka life. but at least I have pictures hung on my walls now :']
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tswwwit · 1 year
Hey! You mentioned a while back that if the other dimension Dipper/Mabel/Ford might call the penthouse for advice in dealing with their Bill, and Familiar!Dipper might pick up the "call". I've been rereading the Bill v Bill series and can't get the scene out of my head. Any chance you'd be interested in writing it?
I'm certainly interested in writing it! I think there's a lot of opportunity for Shenanigans, and that's totally my jam.
The problem is: Actually Getting Around to writing it. But perhaps one day!
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