#safe holi celebration
boysbeloving · 1 year
It's the festival of Holi in my country today!
Happy Holi!
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earlymodernlesbian · 7 months
are you even really friends with your jewish friends if they haven't sobbed in front of you about antisemitism for hours and then told you that they trust you to hide them in your attic if needed?
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amitkakkarhealthyway · 2 months
Essential Tips for a Celebration Safe and Healthy Holi | Amit Kakkar Healthyway
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its-poojagupta-shree · 3 months
As the joyous festival of Holi approaches, it's essential to celebrate not only with vibrant colors but also with a commitment to safety and environmental responsibility. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deeper into the significance of Holi, discuss the potential environmental impact of traditional celebrations, and provide actionable tips for a safe and eco-friendly Holi that resonates with both tradition and sustainability.
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theoffbeatlive · 1 year
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lanomin · 2 years
I've truly never felt a more boiling vitriolic rage than seeing my coworker just decide to take a nice trip to seattle for a weekend and ask for recommendations on what to do...I'm so tired man I miss the west coast and my family and my friends and I can't just not care about other people or my own health and safety during a pandemic
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whomst-the-hell · 1 year
The babysitters’ club, as the older members of the upside down crew have dubbed themselves, meet at least once a week. Sometimes it’s only a few hours, just long enough to watch a movie together, to confirm that everyone is still alive and coping. Sometimes it’s all night, and Argyle plies them all with good California weed while they attempt to work through their collective truckloads of trauma.
Sometimes, like tonight, they spend it goofing off and having fun like the dumb kids many of them couldn’t afford to be.
They’re gathered in a circle at the Harrington mansion, deserted as always, playing truth or dare. Nancy has just admitted to smoking weed in her freshman year, in the drama room with Barbara Holland, and she has set her know it all, meddling, journalist eyes on Eddie.
“Truth or dare,” she asks, a challenge clear on her face.
Eddie knows that, with most people, picking truth may be seen as the cowardly option. With Nancy, that couldn’t be more wrong. If he picks dare, he will be safe, but he will be mocked relentlessly by every single person in the room.
“Truth,” he sighs reluctantly.
“Who-” she pauses dramatically for effect, a theatrical detail that Eddie honestly respects, even if it fills him with dread, “-was your most embarrassing crush! And it has to be a person we know, no celebrities allowed!”
He feels his eyes dart to Steve. Nancy smirks. Bitch. He can’t even lie about it then.
Time to face the music, he supposes mournfully.
“I would like to say, for the record, that I was in junior year, ok. And, in retrospect, with the knowledge I have now, it’s not even that bad, but at the time-“
“Spit it out, Munson,” says Robin, the fucking traitor.
“IhadacrushonSteve,” he says, all in one breath.
“What was that, dude, I didn’t catch it?” Argyle says, voice mellow. Eddie honestly doesn’t know if he’s in on this or not, but he glowers all the same.
Face red, he repeats, “I had a crush on Steve.” He resolutely does not look at Steve.
“No you didn’t!” Steve responds, immediately, aghast.
Eddie can feel his heart tearing in two.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Harrington, this was years ag-“
“You literally rejected me!”
Fucking what.
He knows he must look ridiculous right now, mouth hanging open, cheeks still red with embarrassment, but he does not have the capacity to care.
“Wh- what do you- huh?” he finally manages.
“When you were in junior year, and I was a sophomore? We were lab partners-“
And ohhh, hadn’t that just been sweet, sweet torture. Pretty, perfect Harrington had had to sit next to him all semester, where Eddie could see his freckles and smell his cologne, but-
“You spent the whole semester making fun of me!”
“What the fuck are you talking about, man?” says Steve, eyebrows furrowed in that way he does that makes Eddie want to kiss his forehead and- Fucking focus, Munson.
“You always used to make passive aggressive comments about my clothes, or my hair, or my books or whatever!”
Steve buries his face in his hands and groans.
“I wasn’t being passive aggressive.”
“You- what the fuck do you mean, you weren’t being passive aggressive! Why else would you have said any of that shit?”
“Because I meant it?”
Because he- what? Eddie played back as many of their interactions from that year as he could remember. I like your jacket, Steve had said when Eddie had started putting patches on his denim vest. Your hair looks nice today, he had said when Eddie had tied it back to beat the heat. Oh, that sounds interesting, when Eddie described the plot of the book he was reading.
“Oh my god, you were flirting with me.”
“No shit! I once told you you had really pretty eyes!“
“I thought you were bullying me!”
“How on Earth could ‘I think you have really pretty eyes’ be bullying?”
“I don’t know! It made more sense than it being flirting!”
“I asked you to go to the drive in with me! That is the most classic first date in the book!”
Holy shit, Steve Harrington had asked him out. Steve Harrington had asked him out and he’d said no. This was the worst day of Eddie’s life.
His face must have looked some kind of way, because Steve just groaned again. He sat there for a second before peeking up from behind his hands, a move that should not have been as cute as it was, what the fuck.
“If I tried again now, would you still think I was bullying you.”
Holy shit did Steve Harrington want to date him? This had to be a trick or a prank or something, right?
Except that he’d thought that in junior year as well, and apparently it had cost him a boyfriend, so.
“No- nope, I would definitely pick up on it, uh huh. Definitely,” he said in a rush. God, he was normally so good with words, fuck.
Steve emerged fully from his hands, face pink but expression determined.
“Eddie Munson, would you like to go to the drive in with me? They’re playing Jaws next saturday and I’d love to watch it with you.”
“Absolutely, Stevie. It’s a date.”
There are groans from the rest of their friends as they rifle through their pockets, each passing money to a very smug looking Nancy.
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shotmrmiller · 6 months
Happy trails, John.
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A/N: I've been meaning to write the captain my captain but he's my holy grail—look but not touch even though I'd beg him to let me make him lonches at 4 am. Also, I watch Die Hard every Christmas because it IS a Christmas movie, argue with your demons. In response to @glitterypirateduck's prompt thing which inspired to me to write something cute and civilized.
“Just once, I’d like a regular, normal Christmas. Eggnog, a fucking Christmas tree, a little turkey. But no. It’s always ‘Die Hard’.”
“John, love. You’re being overdramatic. It’s just the holidays with my parents.” 
You rolled your eyes as you stuffed your clothes into the luggage bag, preparing for the trip.
“I know, love, but I wanted to spend a quiet Christmas with my wife— but no, the in-laws have to call with their ‘Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…’ ", he said with a mocking lilt in his voice.
You snicker and say, “I promise we’ll leave as soon as it’s polite.” 
“Sure, sure, I go out and keep the world safe just so when I can get a little reprieve, it’s to not spend it alone with my wife. I’m feeling a little fuckin’ underappreciated.”
You closed the zipper on your bag and went over to the bathroom where John was grumbling his displeasure. Looping your arms around his waist, cheek to his shoulder blade you say, “It’s just Christmas, hun. We’ll have New Year's all to ourselves and we can even have the boys over to celebrate. I’ll even tell you what I got you for Christmas.”
That seems to distract him a bit, as he turns his head a tad with a curious tilt.
“I bought you a Lagavulin 16-year aged single malt scotch.”
His eyes warm with appreciation and he lets out a resigned sigh.
“Right, then. Let’s get this over with.”
Stepping out of the bathroom, you turn to look at the time. 
“Jesus Christ, John! We’re gonna need a miracle to get to the airport on time!”
You’re hastily grabbing your bags, yanking them off the bed and you see John on the phone.
“John! Get your bag—”
Suddenly, there are tires screeching outside on the driveway. John walks past you with his bag and picks up yours as well, before jerking his head at you towards the front door. 
“You wanted a miracle. I give you— The TaskForce 141”, John says, tossing the bags in the trunk of a truck that has Ghost, Johnny, and Gaz in it.
You don’t even care to question why they’re here— you just hop in the back seat immediately and buckle up.
John’s foot is barely inside the truck when it’s speeding off, tires screeching on the pavement. The entire drive has you almost nauseous with the jerky turns and harsh brakes. At a particularly abrasive step of the gas that has your neck jerking back towards the headrest of the seat, you turn towards John with a white-knuckle grip on the driver and passenger seat— you ask “Who’s driving this car? Stevie Wonder?!”
Johnny, sweet Johnny turns with a confused furrow on his brow and says, “Whad’ya mean, lass? It’s just L.T.” 
You’re at the airport in no time with the no-question illegal speed Ghost drove at, and you’re stumbling out of the vehicle with shaky legs. At least you made it.
Gaz grabs the bags from the trunk and places them on the floor but you’ve already run off to check in before it’s too late. John thanks Ghost for the help and after Johnny is rolling his window down— “I heard you’re going to America. To California, specifically.”
John grunts in annoyance at remembering the trip, and he sees Johnny grin cheekily at him before he says, “Yippy-ki-yay, motherfucker!”
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wallflowerimagines · 1 year
Howdy dowdy, Partner. It's me, ya boi, Skinny Penis.
How would the Lords react to a selectively mute S/O? Especially their reaction to them talking to them for the first time.
I have this mental image of Heisenberg's S/O saying something really casually (while they're relaxing or something), and he just whips around to look at them and he just shouts "hoLY FUCK!"
Saw the first line of this ask and then it was followed by a cute prompt????---
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Warnings: swearing, my typical brand of silly
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's so used to your quiet demeanor it's to the point where she COMPLETELY forgot that your silence is a choice.
Alcina quite honestly never expected you to speak to her, and she was mentally planning for the rest of your relationship to be this way -- all of the servants are learning to sign, just in case, and she has pens and paper in every room if you prefer to write as your form of communication.
When you do finally speak up, she's frozen. What.
Oh. You can. You...can speak?
It's one of the times you've ever seen Alcina baffled, because honestly? She has no idea what to do.
However, you can bet she IMMEDIATELY analyses the situation in order to make sure she can get you to keep talking to her. Whatever made this happen needs to be repeated as much as possible -- Now that she knows you can be made comfortable enough to speak, she needs to hear you speak again.
(It might not have been your intention, but you hit her right in the superiority complex. Her partner spoke to HER. JUST her. Exclusively. Alcina is going to be riding this high for decades)
The Lady Dimitrescu is a big believer in positive reinforcement with her loved ones, so you better believe that every time you speak she is extra affectionate, because she does like to hear your voice!💞
Essentially, you have prompted constant affection DO NOT RESIST---
Donna Beneviento
I mentioned this in my other Donna x Mute reader post, but Donna is able to relate to a mute s/o a lot.
She's pretty nonverbal herself, so often you two have moments of quiet peace, where the two of you are doing your own thing together in the same room, taking breaks only to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other sweetly.
Truly dreamy💕💕💕
The first time you speak to her though, she's sewing a new outfit for one of her dolls, while you're reading in the setee beside her.
You peak over her shoulder, clear your throat and say: "You're really talented, Donna".
She drops a stitch.
Her face is burning underneath her veil. The first thing you say to her is a complement??? About a skill she is actually proud of??? That's already enough to get her heart stuttering, but you said her name.
It feels like such a small thing, but it sends Donna into a tizzy. Your lips formed the syllables of her name, and she can't get over it. You said a compliment and her name in the same sentence.
She's swooning. Smitten. Overcome.
Expect some flustered giggling and a compliment in return.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has no chill whatsoever.
He literally drops everything and scuttles across the room to stand in front of you, flitting his hands around you in excitement, not quite touching you but close.
He's! So! Excited!
He didn't process what you even said-- you SPOKE TO HIM!!!! Fireworks are going off in his brain, Kool and the Gang are celebrating the good times, life is beautiful and love is in the air....
Moreau is delighted by this development. You feel safe enough around him a monster to vocalize your thoughts. You trust him. He already knew you did, but this is confirmation he didn't even know he wanted. Moreau almost starts crying he's so relieved.
Meanwhile you're repeatedly trying to warn him about the disaster occurring on the stove.
"... Salvatore, honey, the pancakes are burning."
Honey???? HONEY??? Are you TRYING to kill him????
Salvatore staggers on his feet, unintentionally the most dramatic you've ever seen him.
Sighing, you hide a smile behind your palm and give him a little smooch on the cheek before you go rescue your breakfast.
Moreau flatlines. Better give him some mouth to mouth 💗.
Karl Heisenberg
Absolutely shocked the first time you speak.
He's working on a soldat, fully used to the silence as he solders body parts together to make a deadly monster worthy of murdering Mother Miranda.
"You missed a spot--"
Very softly, you speak up again. "At the shoulder. It's not... It's not fully connected."
Heisenberg whips around to just...stare??? At you for a bit?? His face is totally expressionless, but make no mistake his brain is reeling.
What is he supposed to do here? You feel comfortable enough to talk with him--this is a big deal, right? Is he supposed to comfort you? Praise you?
Still, it's not in Heisenberg's nature to make a big deal of things, and he doesn't want to spook you.
Eventually he nods, grunts in acknowledgement, and gets back to work.
Still, your words ring in his ears. Your voice fits you so well? He never really thought about what you sounded like before, but honestly now it's all he can think about.
Much later, when you almost forget about the whole thing, he'll offhandedly say he's proud of you for finally speaking up for yourself.
It's kinda condescending? But you know Heisenberg pretty well, and the fact he refuses to meet your eyes let's you know he's just being his normal, socially stunted self.
Thank him for the "compliment" and you'll get a pleased grin back, as well as a teasing hair ruffle. He's...happy you're comfortable with him.
It just makes your relationship feel even more right. ❤️
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itgetsbetterproject · 6 months
🏳️‍🌈 Chosen Family Holi-Gay Stream was precious! 🏳️‍⚧️
If you want to celebrate the holiday season with some chosen family in a safe space, we got you - on last week's ep of Perfectly Queer, Blizz and Ashley chatted with special guests about holiday traditions, tips for surviving those uncomfortable family dinners, fave holiday foods, what they're thankful for this year, and of course, the importance of chosen family IRL and online.
Would love if y'all reblogged for queer youth who might need a little escape from the holidays so they can see how things get better. 💜
Watch what you missed + all the previous episodes from this season on Youtube.
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serevena · 7 months
Gf!Ellie on Halloween
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a.n - Happy Halloween everyone!! Needed to post this because Halloween is my fav ever..hope your Halloween is good!! Enjoy <3 🎃
warnings - provocative language, fluff, Ellie being a dork and scared of everything, kissing.
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; I
Ellie was never the type to celebrate holidays. Her peers would be lucky if she accepted a cake on her birthday.
But you changed that, persistent that Ellie get dressed up and went out with you for Halloween. You went all out and made her close her eyes, grabbing a costume you bought for her a few days prior and holding it in front her.
“You can open ‘em.”
“Holy shit!” Ellie muttered, her brows raising as her hands went to her knees, rubbing them over her jeans lightly. And you could slowly see her crack a smile on her chapped lips.
“Do you like it?” You asked, already knowing the answer. The helmet; which was admittedly the best part to the beloved astronaut costume was still in the closet, and you smiled at the thought of Ellie’s reaction to that. Ellie nodded and felt the fabric of the costume before kissing you, quickly pulling away to look at it again.
“It’s fuckin’ sick!”
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; II
Throughout the month of October, you’d been practically forcing Ellie to partake in any Halloween events. Haunted houses, pumpkin carving, pumpkin patches, you name it, the two of you did it.
She most definitely did not agree to the haunted house at first, scared shitless but she’d never admit it.
And god, it was like hell on actual earth when the two of you arrived. Ellie let out something of a scream-groan when the two of you were waiting In line, a man sliding over to the two of you. You laughed, not only finding it cool but also at Ellie’s reaction. She covered her face and squeezed her sweaty palm onto yours.
And let’s not get started on when the two of you actually went inside. She insisted you go first so the scare wouldn’t be as bad for her, but she somehow ended up in the front halfway through. She jumped and practically squealed every time someone popped out, a gush of wind hit the two of you, or a light would make a weird noise.
By the time you and Ellie left the haunted house, she was out of breath, sweaty, and half dead.
“Never. Fucking. Again.”
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“That’s for like, five year olds.” Ellie muttered.
��Right, because parents trust a five year old with a sharp object.” You laughed, wielding a carving tool in your hand with two pumpkins on the counter in front of the both of you.
“You never know.”
“What’re you gonna make?” You questioned with almost a devilish grin, knowing Ellie did not wanna do this. “I don’t know yet..”
She turned her pumpkin around with a tiny smile on her face, and you glanced down at it, caught off guard. She made a portrait of Joel, and god was it good.
“You should make that into a profession..” you mumbled, glancing down at your pumpkin. It was a stick-figure Ellie that you knew she’d make of you for. Onto to the next one.
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; IV
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“What’s your favorite scary movie?” You asked, throwing a piece of popcorn into your mouth. Ellie shrugged from the corner of your eye and sat up. “I thought we were watching interstellar.”
“Ellie, we’ve seen that movie like 10 times..plus it’s Halloween, we should have like, a marathon or something.”
She immediately sat back, defeated. She let out a long sigh which caused you to smile and roll your eyes. “Drama queen.”
You could see Ellie’s mouth widen at your words as her brows furrowed, but she again, was defeated. So she stood silent.
Eventually, the two of you agreed on the movie ‘Saw X’, and you glanced over at Ellie who glanced over at you a few times.
Safe to say the night ended with Ellie in your arms, half asleep, drooling on you but also refused to sleep since she was convinced she’d have a nightmare about the movie.
“It wasn’t even that scary.” You said, caressing her auburn hair.
“You’re so full of shit.” Ellie said, smiling a bit once she heard you laugh in response.
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callofdooty69 · 4 months
cw: talk of alcohol, talk of vomit/throwing up, profanity, fem!reader
helping a drunk can get you dates
simon never got involved with women, mostly because he didn’t have time. every woman he tried dating wasn’t happy with the idea of him never seeing them because of deployment and needing to be on base most days. he was never in a relationship for more than a month.
that was, until he met you.
on a cold thursday night, him and the lads had just gotten done with their two-month-long deployment and went out to celebrate. they went to a local pub and soap ordered beers for everyone. simon wasn’t a huge drinker, afraid of the idea of becoming an alcoholic. but, mostly when he went out to celebrate, he had a few drinks. he could handle his alcohol well and wasn’t a light weight. his comrades on the other hand, were a totally different story, with the exception of price.
soap and gaz were fully wasted and could barely walk straight, making shitty jokes and laughing at each other when they fell. they decided to call it a night after soap nearly got a himself killed from bumping into a waiter and spilling drinks all over himself.
simon and price held up the other two drunks while trying to get back to base, struggling because they were barely lifting their feet off the ground. they definitely had a few too many drinks and price barely dodged gaz puking all over him.
as they stumbled along the concrete, ghost internally regretting parking so far from the bar, he saw you and your friends walking towards him. you were laughing, the only clearly sober one trying to guide your drunk friends and making sure they didn’t bump into anyone. your smile looked contagious, practically lighting up the snowy and foggy street.
you were inching towards them, trying to get your friends out of their way. you looked at him, showing a small smile as you passed. unfortunately, with the unlucky curse you both seem to carry around, soap vomited all over you before you got the chance to walk by. you tried your best not to show it, but you were freaking out a bit when you saw the puke all over your dress and heels.
“johnny?! the fucks a matter with you, mate?!” price shouted, scolding him. “holy shiiiiitttt,” gaz slurred, “why’d you do that man? you totally just ruined her niiighttt.”
“oh, don’t worry. it’s really not a big deal, this shit happens,” you smiled, trying to reassure them that you were okay, just a bit grossed out. soap let out a burp, “oh sorry lass, didaen’t mean ta!” he groaned.
“it’s really okay, i promise. just try not to puke all over anyone else tonight, yeah?” you smiled. “yes ma’am!” gaz and soap spoke at the same time, laughing their asses off and saying “jinx” and elbowing each other.
“okay, okay that’s enough. god, your gonna have a horrible hangover tomorrow,” price said, warning them. “sorry miss, i’ll see to it that ya’ get a new dress.”
“oh it’s okay! no need to,” you responded. you were desperately hoping it would wash out, you spent four paychecks on it. “have a good night, guys. get home safe!”
simon was surprised. despite the fact that some random scottish drunk just puked all over you, you didn’t even break your smile. he wouldn’t have had that self control, probably would have ended up socking him in the face if he was in your position. it was admirable, definitely something he would remember in the morning, if soap and gaz didn’t.
the next week went by in a blur. everyone was cleared off duty for a while, around three months, given the harsh conditions they faced during deployment and the numerous injuries that followed. price deemed that gaz and soap were strictly prohibited from alcohol consumption for the next three weeks, which the lads understood. other than occasional errands, nothing important went on, everyone mostly slept and hung out, trying to relax.
it was simon’s turn to go for the grocery run, seeing as having twenty or more soldiers on the same base would mean food went by quickly. as he stopped on the road and waited for cars to pass by, he flicked the remainder of his cigarette out the window and onto the street. looking out, he saw the walkway where the event from the previous week occurred. the memory flashed through his eyes and looked into the building that you and your friends came out of. he stared intently as he waited for the light to turn green, watching to see if anything interesting was happening inside.
and suddenly, as if you teleported out of nowhere, he saw you scribbling down an order on a notepad, an apron around your waist and that same bright smile on his face in a busy italian restaurant. it wasn’t until the loud noises of cars honking behind him that he put his attention back on the road, shaking his head and wondering what the hell was going on with him.
he used his knowledge to his advantage. he volunteered to go on the grocery runs for the following two weeks. he felt like a coward for not talking to you, and it had never been this difficult for him to talk to women. with his dumb luck, the lads caught on and made fun of him for it for weeks on end. it got on his nerves so much to the point where he just had to put an end to it.
he didn’t know how to, though. he remembered price talking to you about getting a new dress to replace the one soap idiotically puked on. simon figured he might as well get you new heels too, visualizing which ones they were and what to actually get.
money wasn’t the issue, his salary was pretty decent seeing as he was a lieutenant. the problem was being in a store that was filled with items that he didn’t know. it’s as if each piece of clothing and accessory was new to him, despite buying many of those gifts before for others. he hated how confused he was, why was he even doing this anyway? he could have just left and grabbed groceries like he was meant to. but it’s like he was tied to a rope that he couldn’t cut.
he finally found the dress and heels he was looking for after spending thirty minutes walking in circles. he purchased the items, requesting a bag and a note that read ‘sorry ‘bout the dress you had, hope this one can replace it.’ with that, he left and drove back to the restaurant where he saw you.
he stood outside the door, hesitating to enter. he might as well get it over with now, he wasn’t going to bring a dress and heels back to base knowing everyone would poke fun at him for it. he pulled the door open, hearing the faint jingle of bells as he let it close. he looked around, he had to admit the place was nice, surprisingly busy for it being only noon.
walking to the front counter, waiting for someone to come out front. he heard your voice in the back, telling him it would be just a minute until you could seat him. when you came out your eyes lit up, seeming to remember simon from the previous weeks.
“oh, hey! you were the man from a few weeks ago right? how are you?”
simon’s words were caught in his throat. he mumbled a small ‘good’ and handed you the bag of items. “is this for someone in the back? if you just gimme a name i can give it to them!” your smile widened, showing a glimpse of your seemingly perfect teeth.
“no, actually. s’ for you, a replacement of the dress ‘nd heels my drunk lad threw up all over. sorry if it’s not the right ones, tried my best to remember.”
your eyes went wide, smile slowly falling. he was worried he said something wrong, messed up what he got. but your smile quickly went back even wider than before. “are you serious?” he nodded in response. “you really didn’t have to, i told you guys it was okay!”
“no, it was his fault. if it makes ya’ feel any better, the lad was suspended from drinkin’ for three weeks.” your bubbly laugh returned, the corners of your eyes crinkling. “are you sure? this must’ve been expensive, it’s really no big deal-”
“i insist.”
“really? thank you!” you ran around the corner, standing on your tippy toes to hug the taller man in front of you. “you have no idea how much i appreciate this, unfortunately the puke didn’t wash out.” you rubbed the back of your neck, only then realizing how close the two of you were. you both apologized at the same time, laughing at the responses. a blush slowly crept up on your face, and simon was internally praying that you couldn’t see how red his was.
“well, i should probably get back to work, thank you again, this made my shitty week so much better.” you chuckled. simon knew he might not have the guts to talk to you again or see you, and unfortunately his mouth moved faster than his brain.
“wait,” he said as you turned around to smile at him. “are you free on friday? maybe we could grab a bite to eat. i’ll make sure no one pukes on ya’ again.” he laughed.
you were definitely not expecting the tall and hot military man you only had two encounters with ask you something like that. “yes” you said.
he wrote down his name and number and slid it across the counter to you, “great, then it’s a date.”
and with that, simon walked out the door and you went to grab the drinks you meant to bring out five minutes ago.
the both of you were smiling the rest of the day.
let me know if you guys want a part 2, and per usual, leave requests in the comments or anons if you’d like ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
- 𝓀.𝒿
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
man idk why but i just kinda want to make creator! reader's backstory SAD like they were tortured (?) just to keep the rest of humanity/teyvat safe.. like i am a SUCKER for sad/traumatic backstories!! just a little brainrot i need to get out!!
i'll keep this short and sweet i told myself. lmao. i forgot i'm a sucker for easy angst
Blood of God
Notes: Sagau cult au, cut-based injuries, blood sacrifice. bunch of fun stuff. Reader is the Creator, golden blood, etc. read at your own discretion
WC. 976
----- ⚘ -----
When you first descended into Teyvat, You were initially met with praise and celebration. Countless festivals were held in Your name. Your beloved characters, Your acolytes, were the first ones in line to beg for Your blessings.
That's when everything started to go downhill.
With the realization that Your physical presence in the world meant no more divine guidance, Your acolytes grew desperate for Your blessings. Blessings that You, as a mortal human being, could not grant. Not to the same degree that You used to, when You played the game and bestowed buffs and upgrades aplenty to all Your teams, and generously ascended even those You didn’t have plans for.
But now, even as You stand before them in flesh and blood, Your godlike abilities have been reduced to mere party tricks. You spoke to the animals, and twisted the breeze. You made flames dance with a single gesture, and grew pretty flowers in your footsteps. None of this helped the acolytes, though.
Interest in Your well-being, in You, dwindled. Your acolytes wished You well, the rare few even questioning Your divinity, and sent You on your merry way.
Abandoned and unarmed in a world full of hostile creatures, You took up jobs with the Adventurers Guild. First, it was fetching and delivering goods for the city citizens. Then, it was carrying messages across the countryside from town to town. Lastly, it was picking off monster camps that strayed too close to civilization.
This is where a few of your acolytes found You, injured and bleeding brass-coloured ichor into the dirt and swinging wildly with Your adventurer’s sword.
Deity or not, Your acolytes were not ones to stand idle while another was put in harm’s way. Into the fray they jumped, and fought by Your side despite their reservations about You.
In the heat of the battle, the acolytes noticed something strange. Those sprayed with Your blood were given increased strength and capability for a short while, until the stain dried and wore off.
Encouraged, they investigated further. Using some of Your blood as war paints extended the duration of the blessing by nearly double, coating their weapons with it would increase the effectiveness of their strikes, and a brave few discovered that ingesting it would boost them all-around for the entirety of the day.
Harken, and rejoice! For irrefutable proof of the Creator’s benevolent presence has been revealed! And You, desperate for their love and acceptance, gave it to them without question.
A beautiful, elaborate temple was built in Your honour, with ceremonial blades scattered throughout the decor and deep channels filled with ever-flowing ambrosia running across the floor. As Your holy blood continued to be spilled, the hue of it began to run a shimmering gold.
Those who sought Your blessings need only visit you in Your temple, bringing offerings of kill trophies and unearthed relics. Then, they would partake of Your divinity by their choice of method, dipping their reverent hands in the rivers of ichor that pulse across the temple grounds.
You haven’t stopped bleeding in months.
It was bearable at first, when the first time the channels were filled You were pleased to discover that they would not run dry for some time. When the acolytes came for lessings, you would only need to refill the trenches every few days.
You asked if they could bring You softer offerings, of sweet foods and thoughtful bouquets. Such shows of softness were dismissed with a laugh. What need did you have for plants, when the strength you gave them could afford you even the rarest and most difficult trophies to obtain?
But the Abyss came. Celestia’s wrathful gaze descended. Your acolytes were fighting a war on two fronts.
They came on their hands and knees, emptying your stores quicker than you could refill them. Eventually, you took to sitting in the golden throne with your preferred blade, sluggishly carving yourself open to ensure the continued survival of your beloved acolytes.
It wasn’t enough.
Please, they begged. Give us the strength You once were able to grant. Show us the stars in your eyes and in your blood once more, that we might fight and win in Your name.
Filled with fear, and hurt, and love, you gave them everything you had left.
Their lips and teeth stained with brilliant auric gore, they took to the fields once again. The Abyss fell before them, the cursed beasts of the land fell into disarray and fled into the winds. Celestia conceded victory.
The acolytes cheered and danced in the aftermath of their slaughter. Eager to show their renewed devotion, they returned home to You.
But Your temple had crumbled, and the deep wells that once held Your pulse have turned to dust. Your blessing was but glittering sand in their mouths as they sort through the rubble to find any traces of You.
There was no way to know who broke first. Your acolytes realized too late the price for Your continued generosity, and squandered Your love on chasing strength and war.
Your temple was rebuilt with petals replacing every blade. The grooves filled with the soil that was steeped with the blood of the fallen, and flowers of all shades of vibrant, terribly human red grew there.
Dendrobium and Mourning flowers. Even the azure Sea ganoderma bloomed in rare patches where water pooled deeper.
Had they loved You as a human and not as a seemingly bottomless resource, would You have stayed? The thought of such a question shamed them. You asked for their love and they’d given You their blades. You asked for sweets and they’d brought you the bones of their enemies.
And yet, You wanted to stay. Even as they literally bled You dry, You had only ever wanted their happiness, no matter the cost.
And heavy was the cost.
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flowerandblood · 2 months
The Gate of Salvation NSWF Alphabet
[ young pope • Aemond x catholic • female ]
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NSWF Alphabet for Aemond from my mini series The Gate of Salvation made for my one year celebration. I show perspective of what it looked like with his beloved. Dirty things below.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Afterwards, he is a complete devastated, crying mess, going through some kind of panic attack, and the only thing that can calm him down is her reassurances that she still loves him, that she is not disgusted by him, that he is not a bad person, that she forgives him.
He snuggles up to her and literally sinks into her body, pressing his face into the hollow of her neck, feeling safe only with her. Once he calms down he makes sure she is comfortable, that he hasn't hurt her and she doesn't need anything.
B = Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
He adores every part of her body because she is a miracle of God for him, but he loves her eyes most, her soft, tender gaze, he melts thinking about it.
C = Cum (anything that has to do with it)
He cums only on his own hand. He doesn't want her to be touched by the effect of his sin, dying internally every time she licks everything off his fingers.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Well... he is the Pope. Everything he does with her is his dirty secret.
E = Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Before his beloved: absolutely none. His morning erections aroused his disgust. He had never thought of such things before he met her, considering them simply sinful and primitive.
F = Favorite position
Sitting with her on top, his face nestled between her breasts, he can then touch and feel her in every possible way, can kiss her and watch her reactions, which calms and arouses him, while at the same time not really seeing anything.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
There is no room for laughter in this sacred act of their closeness, what they do and how they do it is a very serious matter for him.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
All natural and clean, as God himself has created him.
I = Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
He is very insecure and affectionate, he needs to feel her close, her embrace and her voice give him a sense of security. He could spend the whole night whispering in her ear how much he loves her, how much he needs and wants her, satisfying her with his fingers, gazing in awe at her fulfilment, comparing her to Bernini's Baroque sculptures.
J = Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
He only masturbates in front of her to restrain himself from throwing himself at her right away and put his cock inside her – he wants to feel her this way when he's already on the edge. He doesn't touch himself when he is alone and thinks about her, repenting in this way.
K = Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Definitely a religious kink. Her calling him Holy Father when he touches her, when he slips his fingers deep inside her, or thrusts into her, send him into another orbit.
L = Location (where they like to get it on)
As comfortable as possible, in her room on her bed, somewhere they can both feel safe because they are still stressed about being caught in the act.
M = Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Her telling him that she loves him, that she is only his, the sight of her at least partially exposed body, her crossed legs when she sits, her breasts peeking through from under her dress when she is not wearing a bra. His manhood literally throbs with delight at the sight of her every day.
N = No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
He would never let her give him a blowjob or handjob. He would die of despair, shame and regret for humiliating and insulting her. Anal and other weird things are out of question. Big no.
O = Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
He would never let her suck him off, but he himself had dreamed of tasting her from the very beginning.
He would arrange everything so that the room was completely dark and he could not see this intimate part of her body, but only feel it with his sense of touch, and then with slow, timid flicks of his tongue he would bring her to the brink of despair.
Hearing her sobs, her thighs shaking in his embrace, her hands clutching his hair, he would slide his tongue deep inside her, eating her weeping cunt like a starving man until she came all over his face with the loudest, sweetest moans of pleasure he had ever heard.
He would do it often to her ever since.
P = Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Because he's constantly aroused and doesn't masturbate when she's not next to him, he doesn't last very long, but neither of them cares.
Q = Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
On the beginning they do it painfully slowly, but once he's deep inside her, his brain disconnects, and he slams into her as if he hasn't seen her for a month.
R = Risk (do they like to try new things)
Definitely not. Meeting his beloved is risky itself.
S = Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
After one round, he is so overwhelmed and shocked that he needs at least a day or two to calm down and come back to himself.
T = Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
U = Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
When he sees her talking or getting close with any other men, his mind goes into the mode of a stern judge who asks her if she is sure that she deserves to be fulfilled. He gives it to her, satisfied only when she is a babbling, leaking, quivering little mess, reminding her to who her body and soul belong to.
V = Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
When he touches her in her most intimate place, when he rubs against her leaking cunt with his cock, when he thurst into her he is a whimpering, panting, babbling mess.
W = Wild card (random canon of any sort)
X = X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Heaven's Delight.
Y = Yearning (sexdrive level)
When he sees her, he is melting. It doesn't necessarily always end with sex, but he always wants to be as close to her as possible.
Z = Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
He makes sure that she fell asleep first, listening to her calm breathing, and he cuddle himself between her breast and sleep like a little baby.
He wants to cry when the alarm clock on his phone rings before sunset so that he has time to get up and go back to his rooms before anyone realises he's not there. He is so comfy and warm in her embrace, lying with her under the duvet, that he only wishes he could stay with her longer.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
In celebration of my new writing sideblog, I decided to share a snippet of the expanded version of my first prompt fill. Original can be found here. Brief synopsis: Tim and Danny became online friends when they were both neglected and lonely ten/eleven-year-olds. Before Robin and before Phantom. They have been fully open with each other since they first met and that doesn't change, even after it probably should. (This segment is a chat fic.)
Prompt from @gremlin-bot
IKnowYourSecrets = Tim's username
-xXPolarisXx- = Danny's username
Typos in chat are intentional.
Edit: I don't know why the color text is being weird. Each time I get everything to work, new random letters are black.
Edit 2: formatting finally fixed. That took way too long.
Danny had been playing mindlessly when he got a message from Secrets.
IKnowYourSecrets: Thank god your on
That was odd. Secrets was always laid back and chill.
-xXPolarisXx-: Secrets? Whats up
IKnowYourSecrets: something big has happened IKnowYourSecrets: like top secret big IKnowYourSecrets: and I need advice IKnowYourSecrets: ive set up a private chat IKnowYourSecrets: one that cant be hacked so easily
-xXPolarisXx-: dude youre freaking me out -xXPolarisXx-: whats going on?
IKnowYourSecrets: :sends link: IKnowYourSecrets: not here. Ill explain
Danny clicked the link and put in his username when prompted. He had never even seen this chat room server before. Not that he spent a lot of time on chat rooms. He preferred in-game chats.
-xXPolarisXx-: ok dude spill -xXPolarisXx-: wth is going on
IKnowYourSecrets: I know who Batman is
“What!” Danny couldn’t hold back the shout. He started typing a reply, deleted, started typing again.
“Danny?” asked Jazz from the kitchen table where she was doing her homework. “Everything ok?”
He waved his hand at her. “Yeah! Everything is fine! My friend and I were just killed by something I didn’t even know could be dangerous.”
“Don’t play too long. You still have homework.”
“I know! I’ll be good.”
-xXPolarisXx-: good one secrets -xXPolarisXx-: you got me for a minute
IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :news link: IKnowYourSecrets: :image attachment:
The links and pictures started coming through even faster. The first was a picture of a family of acrobats and one of the links was to the story about how the parents died in an accident while performing.
The next link was about Bruce Wayne adopting a child followed by one only a few months later discussing Batman’s new side kick, Robin. Then a picture of the Graysons’ son in his circus costume next to a picture of the first Robin. Which were entirely too similar.
“Holy…” whispered Danny. But the links and images were still coming.
Robin stopped being spotted when Dick Grayson moved out. And not much later Nightwing appeared. And then there was a new Robin and a new adoption. And then Jason Todd-Wayne died and Robin disappeared.
-xXPolarisXx-: what. The fuck -xXPolarisXx-: why are you even looking into this -xXPolarisXx-: Secrets! ????
IKnowYourSecrets: your a real friend, right? IKnowYourSecrets: I mean weve known each other for like 2 years now IKnowYourSecrets: no catfisher’d stick around this long
-xXPolarisXx-: course I’m real -xXPolarisXx-: though thats also what a catfisherd say
IKnowYourSecrets: I live in gotham IKnowYourSecrets: Batmans changed since Robin IKnowYourSecrets: Since Jason died IKnowYourSecrets: he needs a robin I think IKnowYourSecrets: hes mean and harsh and people dont feel safe
-xXPolarisXx-: … -xXPolarisXx-: youre planning something
IKnowYourSecrets: help me figure out how to convince dick to go back to being robin IKnowYourSecrets: I think they had a fight IKnowYourSecrets: from what i can find online their last several meetings have ended in fights
Danny stared at his screen, mouth open. Secrets couldn’t be serious. This was too much. But he knew his friend. He might joke during a gaming battle, but he’d never joke about this. Not to Danny, or well, Polaris.
-xXPolarisXx-: Youre gonna chase down Nightwing?? -xXPolarisXx-: isnt he only out at night??? -xXPolarisXx-: dude youre gonna get yourself killed -xXPolarisXx-: how’ll you even find him? -xXPolarisXx-: do NOT tell him you know his secret identity -xXPolarisXx-: what do vigilantes do to ppl who learn their identities?
Danny watched as the dots appeared to indicate Secrets was typing. They stopped. Picked up again.
IKnowYourSecrets: awww IKnowYourSecrets: you like me ❤ IKnowYourSecrets: im not gonna die! IKnowYourSecrets: NIGHTWING will be there IKnowYourSecrets: and I can find him bc I know his patrol routes IKnowYourSecrets: easy peasy IKnowYourSecrets: im going tonight IKnowYourSecrets: just need to figure out what to say
-xXPolarisXx-: dude really??? -xXPolarisXx-: do you even know why they fought?
IKnowYourSecrets: Gotham needs batman IKnowYourSecrets: and batman needs robin IKnowYourSecrets: hes a hero he should want to help
-xXPolarisXx-: Well start with that, then -xXPolarisXx-: if youre going to be an idiot -xXPolarisXx-: and go out in gotham at night -xXPolarisXx-: tell nightwing youre worried about batman
IKnowYourSecrets: worried about nightwing as well IKnowYourSecrets: hes not as bad IKnowYourSecrets: but its clear something is wrong
-xXPolarisXx-: im just a kid from a small town -xXPolarisXx-: how am I supposed to know how to talk to superheroes?
IKnowYourSecrets: they aren’t superheroes IKnowYourSecrets: no powers
-xXPolarisXx-: not the point -xXPolarisXx-: I guess -xXPolarisXx-: start by asking how hes doing -xXPolarisXx-: and how batmans doing -xXPolarisXx-: and say youre sorry about robins death -xXPolarisXx-: but most importan STAY SAFE -xXPolarisXx-: i dont even know your name to follow any news stories
IKnowYourSecrets: its Tim if you wanna know
-xXPolarisXx-: mines Danny -xXPolarisXx-: idk why but Tim fits you
IKnowYourSecrets: dont use it on public forums IKnowYourSecrets: but were safe here IKnowYourSecrets: Danny. I like it IKnowYourSecrets: thanks for the advice!!! IKnowYourSecrets: im gonna use it IKnowYourSecrets: ttyl IKnowYourSecrets: gonna track down dick and talk to him IKnowYourSecrets: he usually starts patroling in like an hour and a half IKnowYourSecrets: and it’ll take me about that long to get to bludhaven
-xXPolarisXx-: lemme know what happens -xXPolarisXx-: im gonna check this chat and the game any chance I have at the computer
IKnowYourSecrets: will do IKnowYourSecrets: by danny
-xXPolarisXx-: stay safe tim
Danny stared at the chat box as Secrets, as Tim signed out. What. The. Hell.
“You all right there, Danny?” Jazz was looking at him from their kitchen table and Danny quickly closed out of the chatroom. No one could be allowed to see that information.
“Yeah, course. Just talking with my online friend Secrets.” Whose name he now knew. “He had to go, though. So I guess I’ll start my homework.”
“Were you two playing that game you like?”
He couldn’t tell the truth, so he decided to lie. “Yeah. We’re hoping to beat this boss so we can get a rune stone that’ll let us craft this super awesome weapon! Then we might stand a chance in the arena.”
Jazz smiled at him. “I’m sure you two’ll get it. What’s this arena?”
Danny described the game on autopilot as pulled out his backpack and books. Holy hell, he knew Batman’s identity.
Part 2
I also hope to start doing WIP Wednesdays if there's any interest. Probably not every week and they won't all be for this fic, but I've got a few things I've been working on that I hope people will enjoy.
Tag List (I hope you're still all interested so many months later. XP)
@bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @nutcase8691, @dreamingasters, @xysidhequeen
I'm sure there's people I'm missing. So let me know if you want to be added or if you want to be taken off the list. I won't be offended either way.
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