#said goodbye to my ex in person for the last time before they move to vietnam for a very long time
bloodhailmp3 · 1 year
the way the passing of time and circumstances changing can simultaneously feel deeply painful and utterly healing
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metalmonki · 5 months
50 Ways To Say Goodbye
911 x fem!reader
5k word count
Summary The 911 helps you escape your abusive ex but in true 118 dumb, dumb stile they create a bigger problem that Athena has to fix.
fluff, idiots
Warnings mention and description of death, domestic abuse and self-harm.
Note: I've been working on the next part of The Dating Oddessey while listening to some music. 50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train came on and gave me this idea. Didn't quite turn out how I wanted but its still pretty funny. Also you could take this to mean either Eddie or Buck has feelings for you. Not how I intended it but it's how it came out.
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Today you had finally done it. You had finally worked up the courage to break up with your horrible excuse for a human ex Bradley. You made sure to break up with him while he was working so you had witnesses. The last thing you needed was him gaslighting you back into the relationship like last time. With witnesses, it was harder for him to say the breakup never happened. 
Today had been planned out for weeks. Your best friends, Eddie and Buck, had been helping you slowly remove your stuff from his house for the last month and taking it to your Dad's place. You did have much, after all, Bradley didn’t allow you to have much. He had to control everything from the furniture to the decorations and even the food kept in the house.
Outside Bradley's workplace Buck and Eddie were waiting for you in Eddie's truck. Your Dad, Bobby, was their boss and had given them the day off to play bodyguard for you. When you walked out the front door with Bradley storming after you both boys were fast to jump out of the truck and jog towards you. Eddie wasn’t going to let him hurt you anymore and Buck didn’t want what happened to his sister Maddie to happen to you for that reason Eddie had hidden a lot of what Bradley had done to you from all your friends and even your Dad. Eddies had been the house you would hide in for days at a time while waiting for bruises to heal. Eddie had been the person to give you that final push you needed to leave. 
“What if next time he kills you y/n? Did you think of that?” Eddie slammed his fist onto his kitchen counter as you held a bag of frozen peas to your soon-to-be black eye. “Do you have any idea what that would do to me? To Chris? Hell, think about your father and Athena. The rest of our friends. We all love you y/n and yet you keep allowing yourself to be treated like shit. You know what if you're going to go back to him this time then I don’t want you in my house, take your things and leave” Eddie had left the kitchen, leaving you standing there shocked to your core. It scared you. More than the beatings. You didn’t want to lose Eddie as your friend, you didn’t want to hurt him or Chris, your family, your friends. Eddie was right enough was enough. 
After that night you had come clean with everyone about what was happening. Athena was quick to offer up their spare room for you and Bobby wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eddie and Maddie had to keep Buck distracted at all times until your items were moved out of Bradley's house because he threatened to kill the guy if he laid eyes on him. So when Buck and Eddie saw him coming up fast behind you screaming at you Eddie made sure to direct Buck to get you out of the way. Buck was quick to slide an arm around your waist and guide you quickly to Eddie's truck. Eddie blocked Bradley from coming any closer to you. You couldn’t hear what was said between the two of them but whatever Eddie said had Bradley ducking back into his building quickly. Eddie waited until the building doors closed behind Bradley before walking back to the truck. He didn’t speak once he started the truck nor did he speak for the entire trip to your Dads. His white knuckles gripped the steering wheel the whole drive there. Their conversation was something that had pissed him off. Once at your Dad's, you excused yourself to go lay down. The day had left you physically and mentally exhausted. 
“It’s okay baby you go rest, your Dad wants to cook you something special for dinner so I’ll come get you when his home and cooking, okay” Athena gave you a loving smile. 
You made your way to the spare room and quickly made yourself comfortable on the bed. As you lay there you could hear Athena talking with Buck and Eddie. 
“She’ll be safe here, trust me if that guy comes anywhere near this house he can consider himself arrested” Athena said
“How long does it take for someone like him to just leave a person alone?” Buck asked 
“Some give up after a few days, some a few weeks, months, years, some never quit” Athena sighed “But this guy I’d say as soon as he has a new target he’ll leave her alone” 
“Athena…” Eddie was cut off by someone banging on the front door. Before anyone could move to open the door what could only be described as a stampede echoed through the house. Heavy boots took staircase steps 2 at a time until the fanfare came to an end in the kitchen where Athena, Eddie and Buck still stood in shock at the interruption.  Stood before them in full uniform fresh from a call were Bobby, Chimney, Hen and Ravi. 
“What in the world are you lot doing in my kitchen?” Athena asked frustration lacing her voice
“Did you get y/n?” Chimney ignored Athena looking straight at Eddie and Buck
“y/n is trying to rest which she won’t be able to do with you lot acting like a bunch of zoo animals” Athena crossed her arms over her chest looking at them all like a disappointed mother. 
“So what's the plan from here how do we keep her ex from intimidating her back into a relationship with him” Hen asked keeping her voice just above a whisper partly to keep from disturbing y/n but mostly to appease Athena. 
“Well, to start Maddie and I are going to take her out for the day tomorrow, take her mind off all this” Athena motioned around the room. 
“Then starting the day after I’ve adjusted our rosters so someone can be here with her around the clock in case he shows up here” Bobby spoke up
“Unfortunately, someone here invited him over for dinner so he knows exactly where we live” Athena threw an accusatory look at Bobby. 
“Maybe she should come to stay with me he has no idea where I live” Eddie offered up. 
“No she’s safer here with Athena” Bobby said “Any sign of trouble and Athena can have the entire LAPD on our doorstep” Bobby smiled at Athena. 
“A Mumma has to protect her babies” Athena smiled back at Bobby. “And besides, he knows all of us and he will likely stalk all of us to get to her”
“So what are we supposed to do just wait for him to lose interest” Buck spoke up frustrated with the situation “I mean you said it yourself Athena it could take years” 
“Or days or weeks or months, the only guaranteed way to get rid of him quick is if y/n died, it’s the only way I’ve seen his type leave their victim alone for good” Athena said. The 118 shared a look, a look of mischief, of a united thought on how to get rid of this threat to their family. Athena knew immediately what they were thinking and quickly began shaking her head and looking between them. 
“Don’t you even think about it” Athena pointed a stern finger at each person standing in her kitchen. “You’ll be causing more problems than what you’ll solve”
Despite Athena's warning the 118 decided as a family that if ‘the asshole’ as they affectionately dubbed him showed his face to any of them they would warn him to back off and if he wouldn’t listen they would tell him y/n was dead. It seemed like the perfect plan until it wasn’t. 
The first person to meet him face to face was Chimney. It was 4 days after Eddie and Buck had taken you to live with Bobby and Athena. It was Eddie's day off. He had taken you out for lunch, then you picked Christopher up from school before heading back to Eddies to hang out. Eddie asked if you wanted to stay for dinner and a movie. Christopher who overheard the offer from where he sat in the dining room doing his homework practically begged you to stay. You called Athena to let her know you were going to be out late with Eddie and that he was going to drive you back when the movie ended. Christopher was old enough after all to stay home alone for the 20 minutes it would take Eddie to drop you home. 
Because of this, it was Chimney who got stuck working late at the firehouse. He was the last to leave after finishing off all the small boring end-of-shift jobs like making sure all the dinner dishes were done and the ambulance restocked for the next shift. Bradley had been parked across the road from the station all day watching the team come and go. Your little stunt at his office had cost him his job. He was going to make you pay and he had all the time in the world to make it happen. He waited and counted off your friends as they left. He wanted to make sure that he followed the last person to leave because he knew if he risked following anyone else the rest of your friends would know and his plan would be ruined. He noticed after the first three calls of the shift that one of the guys he had seen you out the front of his office with wasn’t on shift today. He decided it was likely that guy's fault you left him. You’d probably been seeing him behind his back all along. He’d make him pay too. He counted them out one by one as they left the firehouse, first, it was the other guy he’d seen at his office and some Middle Eastern-looking dude. Then that black woman he’d seen you hang out with left. Next was your father. He almost forgot to wait to see him. He wanted to chase him down and run him over with his car but he held it together. He knew there was one more person left. The little Asian guy. When he hadn’t come out after 30 minutes he almost thought he went home earlier and he’d missed him. That was until Chimney walked out of the 118 firehouse almost 45 minutes after his shift had finished. He was talking away on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings creating the perfect situation for a stalker. 
He followed Chimney from the firehouse to one of those 24-hour corner stores. He followed him in close behind, waiting until Chimney was alone in the back of the store. As luck would also have it there were no security cameras in sight. While Chimney was distracted looking at the small selection of diapers the store carried, he took his chance. Before Chimney could respond, he had grabbed him by the shoulder and had him pinned against the diaper shelves he was just looking at. 
“Where is she?” He asked aggressively.
“Who?” Chimney asked shocked but trying to remain calm. He knew exactly who he wanted. 
“Y/n” He held back from yelling in Chimney's face. 
“Y/n? You…you mean you haven’t heard?” Chimney tried his best at putting on a distraught face even willing a few tears to fall. 
“Heard what?” He loosed his grip on Chimney. 
“I’m sorry man, she… she's dead” Chimney said softly trying to lace his voice with sadness. 
“What no! What happened?” He aggressively slammed Chimney back against the shelves. 
“The night Eddie and Buck picked her up from your place she slit her wrists in Bobby and Athena's bathroom” Chimney made himself sob. 
Bradley shook his head in disbelief and ran from the shop. Once out of sight, Chimney let a massive grin break out on his face and he let out a proud chuckle. He grabbed diapers and practically skipped to the counter with them. He was so proud of himself and his lie. He knew if Bradley went looking to see if it was true he would see there had been a call out to Bobby and Athenas that night. It hadn’t been for you thought. Buck being the massive cluts that he is had managed to get his foot stuck in the bin beside the toilet while changing out a light bulb in the sconce above the sink which had stopped working while he was using the toilet. While trying to get the bin off his foot he slipped on the bath mat and fell smacking the back of his head with a loud yet hollow-sounding thunk on the sink, Luckly for Buck he has a thick skull and came out of it with a sore bum, ankle and head and a bruised ego. They still had him taken to the hospital because even though the injuries weren’t that bad he still needed to be cleared of any major head injury before returning to work. 
2 days later by chance, he ran into Hen. It was her day off and she was about to come pick you up to go out to the movies but first, she had to run some errands. Bobby wanted to have a barbecue at his place to celebrate family and new beginnings. She was grabbing a few things to take with her when he spotted her. She was about to walk into the supermarket when he walked out. Seeing Hen he decided to take the chance to confirm what Chimney had told him. He grabbed Hen who was distracted by the shopping list on her phone and pulled her to the side of the door. 
“What do you think you're doing? Get your hands off me!” Hen snapped. 
“I’m sorry I just want to talk” He sighed. 
“What do you want?” Hen asked crossing her arms over her chest,
“Is it true?” He asked. 
“Is what true?” Hen asked. 
“Is she dead?” 
“I’m afraid so” Hen dropped her head.
“No, no it can’t be” He looked at the ground. 
“If it means anything she didn’t suffer” Hen put a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up at her confused Hen was quick to drop her hand back by her side. “There was nothing anybody could do for her. I can assure you she died the second the car made contact with the semi, she wasn’t even aware of the fire” 
“A car accident?” He stumbled backwards. He ran away from Hen and made his way into the parking lot. The groceries he had brought were abandoned on the ground. Hen passed a confused look to the parking lot, shrugged and continued with her day. She knew if he went looking he would find a two-vehicle collision between a truck and a car. Y/n was nowhere near the accident but the 118 had responded to the accident so if he looked it up he wouldn’t be able to accuse them of lying. 
The very next day Ravi saw Bradley hanging out across the street watching the fire house. Ravi would have run off and grabbed Bobby but he was at home spending time with you. Ravi took a quick look around but couldn’t spot any other members of the 118 to alert. Ravi decided that he was going to have to do something about it himself. He jogged across the road and stood beside Bradley's car. He positioned himself in such a way that if anything should happen anyone watching on in the firehouse would be able to see both Ravi and Bradley in the car. Ravi through a look back at the firehouse and then turned his attention back to Bradley. 
“Any reason you're watching the firehouse?” Ravi asked faking a smile trying to pretend that he didn’t know who the man in the car was. “Are you interested in working for the LAFD? I could get you some information if you want to come inside” Ravi motioned towards the firehouse with an outstretched hand. 
“Oh no, I was just hoping someone could help me get some information on a friend” Bradley put a fake smile on his face. 
“No problem sir if you want to come inside I can set you up in the captain's office and we can all have a couple of officers down to help you” Ravi never once let the smile on his face falter. 
“I don’t want to be a bother” If he stepped foot in the firehouse he knew he would be recognised by the other members of the 118. “My friends' name is Y/n Nash I believe you know her, she’s the fire captain's daughter” 
“Oh y/n, yeah I knew her, um the captain is actually off today, I guess you’re here for the funeral?” Ravi let his smile drop. He tucked his hands into his pockets, rocked back on his heels and looked at the ground. “I could get you the funeral details if you want” 
“No, no it’s fine, when did she die? How did she die? I mean last time I saw her she was healthy, she seemed happy” Bradley knew he was baiting Ravi. He’d already been told two different things. Either your whole team was messing with him or you were messing with them. Either way, he was going to figure it out and track you down. And when he found you he was going to make you pay. 
“Uh she…she was involved in a hit and run, Cap had to decide to turn off her life support. The doctors said she had almost no chance of recovery any way” Ravi looked up to the sky knowing if he looked Bradley in the eyes he might break and smile. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that, I was just in town and thought I would stop in for a minute but I wouldn’t want to be a burden, pass my condolences on to Bobby” Bradley gave Ravi a small smile and pulled away from the firehouse. When he was out of sight Ravi fist-bumped the air and jogged back into the firehouse. As far as Ravi was concerned that was the last time he thought any of you would hear from him. Bradley on the other hand had only gathered more evidence that the 118 was potentially lying to him. 
Early the next morning Bradley stalked Eddie to his usual running path. He waited until Eddie was on a particularly quiet portion of the track, hidden from the eyes of the public by bushes and trees. He blocked Eddie's path not allowing him to step around him. Eddie the second he laid eyes on Bradley wanted to punch his lights out but he held his composure. Eddie placed some distance between himself and Bradley before speaking up. 
“What the hell do you want?” Eddie said voice laced with anger. 
“I just want to know what happened to y/n” Bradley put his hands up in surrender. 
“You have no right to ask about her” Eddie snapped “She was so happy until you came along, you broke her down, you isolated her from us, you’re the reason…” Eddie choked on his words. A mixture of real and fake emotions was flowing through Eddie. He was so upset and caught off guard that he almost went off the script. “You’re the reason shes dead” 
“Now Edmundo I don’t believe that for a second” Bradley smirked at Eddie
“Look in my eyes and tell me I’m lying” Eddie growled, “I carried her lifeless body out of her parent's house after she blew her brains out with her mother's gun, I begged and pleaded with god and anyone who would listen to bring her back to me, to us.”
“No, no… you're lying!” Bradley yelled backing away from Eddie. 
“She killed herself because we wouldn’t let her go back to you, maybe we should have, maybe if we did she’d still be here” Eddie's gaze dropped to the ground. The next thing Eddie heard was the sound of someone running away from him. He looked up to see himself once again alone. A smile broke out on his face as he continued with his run. He couldn’t wait to finish up his run, get home, shower and get to work. The only thing that was going to top this was having dinner with you, Buck and Chris tonight. Bradley on the other hand was not so sure what was going on. He found himself confused. Everything Eddie said seemed so genuine. Maybe Bobby and Eddie had told the rest of the team different things to keep them from knowing what happened. He hadn’t seen you around since that day in the office not even with Eddie and Buck even though he knew you’d always run off to them in the past. Still, he had two more people to ask and he wasn’t going to stop until he got the truth. 
That afternoon he followed Bobby into a butcher as he looked for the perfect cuts of steak and his favourite burger patties for the weekend during some downtime between calls. He wanted this BBQ to be reminiscent of the BBQs that you had when you were a kid even though, Mum, Robbie and Brook weren’t here anymore and you’d felt like he had tried to replace them with Athena, May and Harry. You’d grown to love them like Bobby did and accepted them as your family. Bobbys plans came to a halt when Bradley grabbed him by the arm and spun him to look at him. Bobby went from shocked to furious in seconds. Bradley could tell immediately that Bobby was not impressed to see him. 
“I’m not trying to start anything” Bradley puts his hands up in defence “I just need to know…”
“Need to know what?” Bobby snaps crossing his arms across his chest making himself larger and more intimidating. 
“Is she dead?” He asked. 
“My daughter? My child who you destroyed so completely that she couldn’t see her self-worth. Yes, she’s dead and it's all your fault” Bobby was now shaking with anger, his arms hung limp at his side and his gaze had met the floor. “I had to scrape her brains off every surface of my guest room, all my children are now gone, I couldn’t save any of them, what kind of father can’t protect his children?” Bobby looked up to where Bradley had been standing to find that he at some point had run off. Bobby looked around the empty store and shrugged. Had he been a little overdramatic sure but he didn’t think he’d been that bad. With a smile plastered on his face, he went back to picking out the steaks for the weekend and hoped that would be the last time he would have to see Bradley. 
The next morning Buck found himself running late for his shift. Chris insisted on watching a movie with everyone the night before but fell asleep not 15 minutes into the film despite insisting to Eddie that he was not sleepy at all. Eddie carried Chris to bed and decided that since the movie had started you might as well watch it. It was one of your and Chris's favourites. Eddie was sick of watching the movie on repeat and Buck had somehow had the blessing of not being subject to FernGully until now. After the movie, Buck drove you home. This meant he didn’t get home until almost 11 pm and he had to be at the station at 7 am. Bradley had spotted Buck on his drive home and decided to camp out the front of Buck's apartment building for the night. When Buck stumbled out the front door in a rushed mess the next morning Bradley was there to greet him. 
“I’m not here to start a fight, I just need answers” He held his hands up in defence. 
“What the hell do you need answers for?” If looks could kill Bradley would be dead with how Buck looked at him.
“I just want to know if y/n is dead” Bradley moved further back from Buck out of fear of getting hit.
“Dead” Buck yelled and got so close to Bradley that their chests were almost touching “Why do think it’s any of your business to know what’s happening with y/n?” 
“I just heard rumours and wanted to know” Bradley flinched away from Buck. 
“You wanted to know? You wanted to know?” Buck looked away and scoffed “Yes she’s dead alright, she killed herself, you have no idea what it’s like to be called out to a scene where someone you love has killed themselves, to see their blood all over and know that nothing you can do will save them. To see them choking on their blood as it spills out of their open throat” 
Bradley had gone pale, so pale that Buck thought he was going to faint. For a split moment, Buck felt bad, made be he had been too harsh and taken things too far. Bradley quickly crossed back across the road to his car and took off before any more words could be exchanged. Buck shrugged and quickly made his way to work running even more late now. But that was normal for Buck so he knew no one would question him and he wouldn’t have to tell anyone about running into Bradley. 
Finally, Saturday rolled around 2 days later. You had been kept busy all morning by Athena who had you help put out her good wine glasses, set the table for lunch, and do other small tasks. Eddie, Christopher and Buck had shown up around 10 am because Chris was too impatient and excited to hang out with his favourite person. You were so distracted with Chris that before you knew it, the rest of the 118 had arrived. Bobby and Buck were manning the BBQ, Chris was off playing with Danny and Mara, Hen, Chimney, Ravi, Karen and Maddie were busy talking among themselves. Athena was busy drifting around the kitchen while Eddie stood outside next to you watching the kids play. 
“I’m glad you left him” Eddie broke the silence. 
“Me too” You smiled up at him “Thank you for knocking some sense into me”. 
“Okay everyone lunch is ready!” Bobby called bringing a tray of meat into the dining room. 
Everyone sat around the table. Athena had set the kids up at their table out in the yard which made them think they were the coolest kids ever. She even gave them their plastic wine glasses to drink juice from. You were in the middle of one of the greatest lunches you’d ever had when there was an overly aggressive knock on the door. Before Athena or Bobby could move to answer the door someone yelled through the front door.
“I know you're all in there, I want answers and I want them now!” Bradley screamed through the door. 
“What in the world?” Athena looked towards the landing where the front door was. 
“What’s he doing here?” Buck looked around the table. 
“I guess this means the plan didn’t work” Chimney looked between everyone. 
“What plan?” Athena looked at Chimney. 
“Uh, well, uh, Bobby do you want to explain it” Chimney looked to Bobby. 
“You brought it up” Bobby motioned back to Athena. 
“What plan?” Athena stood up, crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. 
The 118 shared panicked glances while you, Maddie and Karen looked around the table confused. 
“Robert Wade Nash you better start speaking or so help me god you’ll be sleeping at the firehouse tonight” Athena levelled her attention on Bobby. 
“We might have told him y/n was dead” Bobby said 
“Dead” Athena looked around the table “After I told you not to tell him that you went and did it anyway” 
“Well in all fairness Athena I was the one who told him she was dead” Buck admitted looking at his plate. 
“You? No, I told him” Chimney jumped in. 
“Wait but I told him she was dead like a week ago” Hen added. “Oh god what have we done” 
“One at a time, how did you all say she died” Athena asked the table. 
“Slit her wrists,” Chimney said
“Hit and Run,” Ravi said
“Car accident,” Hen said
 “Shot herself with your gun,” Bobby said
“Slit her throat,” Buck said
“Same as Bobby,” Eddie said
You, Maddie and Karen, were trying to hold it together despite all having a bad case of the giggles. Athena was done with the entire 118 at this point and it was clear from the look on Bobbys face he was already trying to decide who would let him crash on their lounge tonight. 
“If you weren’t going to listen couldn’t you all have at least agreed on how she died” Athena sighed. 
“I’ll go deal with” Bobby went to stand up. 
“No you’ve done enough damage” Athena left the table. 
Athena went to open the door while everyone else quietly got up from the table and came to peak around the corner. Bradley was still furiously banging on the door when Athena answered it. 
“What do you want?” Athena asked angrily.
“I need the truth, I’ve been told so many different things over the last week,” Bradley said “Tell me the truth and I’ll leave you alone” 
“Yes y/n is dead, yes she killed herself with my gun, no we haven’t told everyone, now if you don’t mind we’re currently having her wake” Athena crossed her arms. 
“I’m so sorry” Bradley quickly turned on his heels and ran off up the driveway out of sight. 
Athena took a deep breath and closed the door. 
“When I turn around you all best be at that table eating” 
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zeltqz · 1 year
unwind with me | haruchiyo sanzu
pairing. ex bf!sanzu x fem!reader
word count. 3.4k
synopsis. when sanzu doesn't take you breaking up with him seriously.
content. mentions of murder (bonten antics), pills, sex under the influence, sanzu being in denial, clingly obsessive haruchiyo, toxic relationship, sanzu broke into your house, so implied stalking ig? no violence though
taglist. @insayninthamembrayn @mrsharuchiyo @thisbicc @Mishueb @littleoanh @gennysuga @wenumsmol @foreshadxw @meuw02
authors note. IM BACK BITCHES (kinda sorta idk) i know i promised to post like days ago but things happened so..........yeah my fault my fault
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“This is me,” you said with a small smile to your date. The uber driver stopped outside your house as you dug through your bag for your keys. 
“I had fun today,” he muttered, pressing his forehead against yours. His warm brown eyes stared at yours as you fought back the urge to kiss him. It’s late, the sun set long ago, the black sky littered with stars and the mood was just perfect. If there was another moment to kiss him it was now.
As if he was thinking the same, his eyes dropped down to your lips as his tongue darted out to wet his own. You leaned forward first, closing what little gap was left between both your bodies and you kissed him, slow and sweet. 
The driver watched the slow kiss through the mirror and frowned. “How adorable. But you need to leave my car. I have other stops to make.”
The two of you pulled away, having forgotten your surroundings and you cleared your throat, bidding goodbye to your date and the driver and slid out of the car.  When you looked back at the car, he had his hands in a phone gesture and mouthed Call me , making you giggle as the car drove off. You bit back on a shit-eating grin as you made your way up to your door. If it wasn’t for the love struck haze in your mind, you would’ve noticed how weird it was that your door was already unlocked.
Stepping inside your house, you flicked on the light, humming to yourself as you kicked off your shoes. You grabbed a sorry snack from the fridge and began to dig into it as you thought back to your day. This was the fifth date your friends set you up on this week alone. Each of them were exhausting and boring; the men mediocre at best, only talking about themselves the entire time and rarely asking you questions about yourself, your job or your life.
Today however, exceeded all your expectations. Not only was he nurturing, kind, and caring, he also paid for all your things despite telling him you could afford it, listened to you talking about your life and remembered bits and pieces to bring up later. It shocked you when he remembered a short joke you made earlier and even brought it up later causing you to break out into laughter.
Despite being the lovely person he was, there was still something missing. Compared to your ex boyfriend who quite frankly was crazy. You shook your head, refusing to think about Haruchiyo right now when you’re trying to move on. 
With a sigh, you walked over to your living room with the intent to watch some TV, and yelp when you see Haruchiyo reclining on your couch like he lives here. Like you didn’t break up with him last week. He even had the audacity to put his filthy shoes on your furniture just because he can. 
“Get out.”
He looked away from the TV and over to you. With the darkness in the living room, his face looked even more haunting as the TV screen lit up half of his face, his mouth stretched into a chilling smile that sent shivers down your spine. If you had something other than a teaspoon in your hands right now you would’ve dashed it at him. 
“But you just got here…” he said with a frown. 
“And you need to leave. Right now. B—before I call—”
“Call who? The police? You know Bonten basically controls them, right?” He leaned back against the couch, stretching his long arms out and smirked at you. “I practically own them. They worship me baby.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. I won’t call the police. But you need to get out.”
His eyes crinkled as he smiled, all teeth at you. “Nice to see you too.”
You felt like you had 400 pound shackles on your feet with how heavy your footsteps were, but you stopped in front of the couch. “Why are you here?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Can I not see you? Check up on you?” The fact he looked genuinely confused made you want to rip your hair out.
“You have a phone. I have a phone.”
“You blocked me,” he cut you off, narrowing his eyes.
You crossed your arms over your chest, fighting back a scoff. “Take the hint.” You leaned closer to his face, hoping the closeness would make your words actually enter his ears not float past him. “We. Broke. Up. I do not love you anymore.”
Haruchiyo hummed, stroking his chin, looking up at the ceiling. “No…No I don’t recall us breaking up.” He looked back down and smiled playfully when he watched your serious face fall. “I remember you telling me to fuck off and die though. That’s what you told me.” He shrugged. “Nothing about breaking up though.”
“Huh?” You blinked at him, hands clenched to your side. “It’s common sense!” You took a deep breath, stepping away from him to pace around your living room, all the while he just leaned forward, grabbed the snack you dropped on the table and began to eat it. 
“You know what. Fine.” You crossed the room once more, stopping in front of him. “I want to break up.”
He shook his head taking a bite of the Oreo. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do. I want to break up.” You meant every single word and you noted the exact moment he realised you weren’t playing around. His mouth fell into a flat line and his eyebrows creased as he frowned.
“You don’t mean that,” he repeated, standing from the couch. You took a step back when he kept walking towards you until you hit the wall. His eyes flashed dangerously as he glared down at you. “Take it back.”
“No,” you spat back, holding your ground. Deep down you knew it wasn’t right for you to be provoking him like this, not with a track record like his. But you were sick of being submissive. “I—I mean every word.” You had to force the words out, hoping with each passing the weakness inside you left with it. 
But the second you stuttered it all went to fail.
His smile only grew. “That so?”
“I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
“Why’s that?” He pouted, his whole demeanour condescending as he brushed his hand over your cheek. The faint tingle of his fingers brushing along your skin had your lip trembling, fighting the urge to flinch away from his touch. He’s so scary. “C’mon, tell me why? What did I do?”
You swallowed the thick lump in your throat. “You’re dangerous, Haru.”
He snickered a little. “Common knowledge, sweetheart.” He moved his hand down to your chin, fighting your face up to his eyeline. “What else?”
From the corner of your eye, you can’t miss the tattoo on his forearm. The permenant, constant reminder that Haruchiyo will always be who he is. When you first saw the tattoo, you let ignorance consume you, thinking he just liked the design, but now you know the true meaning behind Bonten and their motives, you know Haruchiyo’s job excuting people he thinks are traitors. The fact when you asked for his body count and he only shrugged made you want to puke. You can’t look at the tattoo the same anymore, neither can you look at him the same.
“You kill people.”
“So?” You blinked uselessly at him. “Are you serious? Y—you can’t just kill people Sanzu! It’s—”
“It’s Haru to you.” He had the audacity to roll his eyes but at least he removed his hand from your face. “Don’t tell me you forgot?”
You crossed your arms together and shook your head. “No. Not anymore.”
His lips twitched up into a smile, the corners of his scars following suit. Those same scars you used to kiss every night and tell him they’re beautiful and unique do nothing but scare you even more. “Do you remember what you used to say to me?” he started, slowly tilting your head to the side by your chin.
“I used to say a lot of things.” You swallowed harshly, hoping he doesn’t feel the tremble of your jaw.
“You said that you love me,” he muttered, distracted by your lips and how sexy they looked under your ceiling light, “that you cared about me…swore that you’d never leave me—”
The memories of each moment fill your mind, the images of kissing him goodbye, squeezing him tight and begging him to stay before he could leave, pouting when he told you he couldn’t stay the night because he had “work to do”.
Vaguely, you wonder that if you knew what ‘work’ consisted of, would you have let him stay the night? 
“That was before…”
“Before what?” He looked at you confused, intrigued.
You took a deep breath, swallowing your emotions down. “Before you lied to me about who you were and what you did!” Your voice got higher the more you spoke, and you hated the way you sounded and the way tears fell down your face. “I fell in love with the guy before I figured out who you were. You’re a fucking murderer and I don’t love you.”
The silence was deafening, filled with nothing but the dull sound of your AC, the water from the tap dripping slowly into the sink, and the sound of your heavy breathing as you tried to calm yourself down. 
He backed away and started laughing. It was a low chuckle that slowly erupted into something more, a full fit of laughter and you couldn’t help but feel so small, like the punchline of some unknown joke.
“What’s—what’s so funny?”
He can’t stop laughing, even after he slapped a hand over his mouth to conceal it. “Nothing—nothing. It’s just—fuck. You’re so dumb.”
“I—” You blinked at him. 
“You knew exactly what you were getting into when you dated me. You’re not fooling anybody with this act of yours. You like the thrill, don’t you? You had this mindset that you thought you could change me, right? That’s what this is about?”
“I didn’t— No. I di—”
“No,” he cut you off, standing in front of you again. He placed his hand on your waist and tugged you closer. “You did. You just don’t want to accept the truth.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you fought back a whimper when you felt his lips by your ear, your legs turning weaker by the second when he whispered, “You can’t accept the fact you’re in love with someone like me.”
You inhaled sharply when he licked your earlobe. “I don’t love you.”
He hummed softly by your ear, and you hated how the sound calmed you. If it wasn’t for the fact your heart was beating so fast it might as well have jumped outside of your chest, you know you would’ve forgot about everything he did or made you feel and melted into his touch. 
“Why don’t you love me?” His lips tickled your ears as he whispered, voice full of emotion and it almost pained you to spend another second with him this close to you. His face turned, his nose sliding against your cheek leaving a compellingly warm trail until he stopped by pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss. It was far too short for your liking, but you couldn’t help but feel relieved when he pulled away, untrusting of your own body to have the strength to pull away yourself. “What did I ever do to you?”
“So why do you hate me?” When you shook your head and tried to look down at the ground, he lifted your head up back to his. 
“Stop it,” you grumbled, trying to shake out of his grip but froze when he pressed his forehead against yours. Green eyes peeked down at yours, and your stomach ached when you saw the heat in his eyes. “I don’t hate you Haru… I just—” You struggled to find the words for the sudden inner turmoil you were facing regarding your feelings. “I don’t know.”
“So you love me? Hm?” He nudged your face back to his when you looked distracted. “C’mon.”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes you do. You love me just like I love you. Look at me.” He gently shook you. You flicked your eyes up at him, shiny with your tears that had his thumb tingling to wipe it off, or lick it off. Either option has him satifised. 
Licking your tears though will probably creep you out even more and it took him this long to calm you down, the last thing he’d want is to scare you off again. So he chose the latter, wiping your tears away as he shushed you. 
“Shhhh, it’s okay. I got you.” You started to cry harder to the point he needed buckets to clear it all away. He pushed your head into his chest and you wrinkled his shirt with how hard you gripped it, and sobbed silently. “You’re getting my shirt wet, baby.”
“Shut up,” your voice was watery as you stifled a laugh, embracing him in a tight hug. The tears didn’t stop until he pulled your face away, holding you with one big hand on your cheek. 
“Lemme make you feel better, baby.” He doted kisses along your cheeks. You shook your head and snifled. 
“I can’t.”
“You can. Look at me.” There was a hint of demand in his voice that had you forcing yourself to meet his gaze. He licked his lips as he looked searchingly across your face. He was leaning forward and your eyes squeezed shut when he met your lips in a kiss. 
His hand slid down to your back, pulling you towards him till your chests touched. Your arms ached with the need to hold him back, wrap his arms around him to embrace him the way you want him to. 
“Haru, n—” He sloppily kissed you again, pushing you back against the wall. 
You moaned into his mouth when he moved his hands to your ass, squeezing and holding it in a painful grip as his tongue devoured your mouth, licking along yours. He always kissed sloppily, loving nothing more than to pull away and watch the string of spit break. One of his hands moved upwards to carress your waist, squeezing gently as he slowly slid up your shirt, his fingers tickling your stomach moments later. 
You broke the kiss to switch angles, holding him by the back of his neck, pressing your chest as close to his as possible in an unspoken request for him to go further. He lifted you off the floor and your legs wrapped around his waist. 
Your mind was screaming at you for letting yourself slip between the cracks of Haru’s fingers again, but your body was aching, rolling with heat that only Haruchiyo could extinguish. 
With that, he flopped you onto your bed, kneeling between your legs and started to unbutton his shirt. “I missed you so fucking much,” he said, throwing his shirt somewhere into the dark corner of your room. 
You bit your tongue to stop yourself from saying it back.
 “Open your mouth,” he commanded, digging into his pants pocket for a baggie of MDMA pills. He placed one on your tongue, and slotted one on his, letting it dissolve on his tongue before leaning down to lick into your mouth. This was the level of sloppiness he’s craved, rolling his tongue against yours, sucking on it until you caved, running your hands along his chest until they reached his pants.
You hooked a finger into his belt loop, unbuckling the item and sliding it off him. He broke the kiss to look down at your hands as they disappeared into his pants, his mouth dropping open as you brushed his cock lightly. “F—fuck…”
“Feel good?” You whisper in his ear, tugging his earlobe between your teeth. 
“Yeah,” he murmurred, leaning down to lay a littany of sloppy kisses down your neck and chest. You lifted your arms up and helped him remove your shirt before he was groping your chest. 
His hands slid under your body and unfastened your bra, tossing it in the same direction he disposed of his shirt. “Never seen someone with better tits than yours, fuck.” He sat back and squeezed them together, enjoying the sight of his hands alone covering your whole breast. “You’re so sexy.” 
His head lowered close enough until he latched onto a nipple, his tongue circled around it as he licked and sucked. Your chest stuttered in your chest as his warm mouth made you dizzy. “Haru.”
“Hm?” He moved to the other nipple, giving it the same treatment. “What’s wrong?”
The effects of the pill had your mind blanking and sensations intensifying. Every vein in your body was on full alert as you felt the raw jittery energy run through them. “Keep going.”
He grinned as he watched your trip start and began sucking down your stomach. Your hands bunched up his hair, unaware of the tight grip you possessed when his tongue stopped above your abdomen. He all but ripped your pants off, leaving your underwear on and continued his journey to your thighs. 
“Haru, come on,” you whispered, impatient. You were just as hungry to see him between your legs as he was to eat you out.
“Fuck…you look really good…” he murmurs as he raked his eyes down your body, focused on the spread of your legs. He hooked his finger under your panties and tugged on it, your slick attaching to his finger and he licked his lips. “So wet already?” 
“...shut up.”
He chuckled and began pulling your panties down. Two big palms spread your legs to make enough room for his face. His eyes sparkled with admiation like he’s eyeing the worlds holiest relic. The moonlight bouncing from the window only made your wet folds glisten, paired up with the way the drugs melted through his system made his mouth water. He got a little lost in the moment when he slides a finger through your folds, relishing in the hitched moan that left your moan. 
How he missed that sound. How he missed your sounds.
Your little breathless ‘please’ was lost behind closed ears when he licked a long stripe on your cunt. A muffled slur of his name slipped from your mouth as he slowly ate you out, focusing on the way your wetness felt on his tongue. His lips latched onto your clit, sucking obscenly so that your back arched off the bed. 
Drinking from you is so addictive and sweet he thinks he might cry if he has to pull away. He pulled you closer, your body being dragging along the sheets as he continued to devour you. The closer your body was, the more hungry he felt, and his nails dug into your numb thighs painfully. 
His tongue lazily licked up and down at your clit until your legs were squeezing his head, shifting restlessly on the bed to get him away from you. 
“H—haru, fuck fuck fuck,” you whimpered, pulling his hair aggressively as your body shook with pleasure. 
“Not yet, baby. I’m not done,” he spoke into your pussy, moving back to your clit. “Wanna lick you dry, holy shit.” 
“I can’t—” You whined, trying to push him off you. After a couple more scratching and tugging, he pulled away, the bottom half of his face soaked in your slick. 
“If you can’t even handle my tongue, how can you handle my cock?” As if to prove his point, his cock was thick and hard in his boxers when he stood up, moving to kneel between your legs. 
Watching Haruchiyo strip was like a holy rite, the way his dick sprung out from his boxers. Especially when he began palming his length, pushing more and more precum from the tip with each jerk.  Your mouth watered as you sat up slowly to get on your knees, moving to the end of the bed where he stood.
You wrapped a hand around his cock, making his hips jerk forward when you began to lap at the bead of precum beading at the tip. He let out a faint moan at the way your lips suctioned around his cock, the warmth of your mouth making his head spin the lower you sunk down.
“Just like that…” he bit his lip drawing blood as you started to bob your head up and down. Your jaw ached from the stretch and it took everything in you not to choke, but you wanted to please him, so you endured it and took him as far in as you could.
The second your nose brushed his pelvis, his hand flew to the back of your head and held you down there, head thrown back, mouth flopped open as he let out puffy breaths with each passing second your throat convulsed around his cock.
He pulled you off and positioned you onto all fours, rubbing and smacking at a single cheek. “You know what you do to me?” He licked his lips, moving his cock between your thighs and began to slowly fuck them. 
The heat of his cock plus the wetness between your legs made you slowly fuck back, face tucked between your arms. His cock is nestled perfectly between your thighs and to tempt him more, you squeeze your thighs together, fighting back a laugh when he groans.
“Oh, it’s like that huh?” He pulled out and you never felt more empty despite him not even fucking you yet. “You wanna keep that same attitude in five seconds?”
“Wha— fuck!” you moaned out, nails scratching the sheets when he sheathed himself inside you in one thrust. “Oh my god! F—fuck!” Your body bounced back against him as he held your hips, fucking into you like you’re a fuck toy, submissive and pliant.
He threw his head back, closing his eyes as your pussy squeezed and gushed around his cock. He fucked you till you’re stuffed, your walls dragging along his cock with every thrust. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he mumbles, voice borderline shaking. He stopped moving and spanked you again, making you jolt. “Fuck back onto it.”
“N—no,” you managed to stutter out, still keeping your stubborn demeanour. 
“No?” His thrusts came to a stop. 
“Don’t stop.” You frowned, straining your weak muscles to look behind you, but he shoved your face back into the sheets. 
He bent forward until his back was flush against yours, and spoke into your ear. “I said fuck back onto it.” He dug his hands into your hair and lifted you up. “You gonna do as I say?”
“Y—yes.” He let go of your hair and moved back and watched with wild eyes as you slowly pushed off his cock and back down. “O—oh my god,” you moaned out, digging your face back into the sheets as you continued fucking yourself on his cock. Every now and then he’d slap your ass and groan into your ear, all sinful and low enough to spur you on and go crazy on his cock even more. 
Sanzu practically felt your whole body go numb as you silently screamed into the sheets as your body trembled. Your orgasm was intense and he snapped his hips forward, making your silent scream a yelp as he pinned you back down to the bed, fucking into you with the intent of cumming inside you. You could feel his hips stutter and after a couple seconds, he slammed once more then there was a wet squelch and a moan followed by heavy panting. 
He pulled out and sat back, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Your body was stiff and limp and the lack of energy made it hard for you to move. After a couple seconds, you heard him slide off the bed and begin looking around your room for his clothes. In the time it took him to change back into his clothes, you managed to lift yourself enough to roll over onto your back. 
After fixing his belt, he pulled out his phone and read a message from Mikey before putting it back into his pocket. “I gotta go. Got more business to take care of.” He winked at you, taunting you now that you know the meaning behind his ‘business’ and swiftly shut the door behind him.
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superbsaturn · 4 months
arlefuri ; general dating headcanons
[ tw. last bullet point is nsfw! ]
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arlecchino x furina (arlefuri)
it comes as a shock to furina that the first person to apologize to her since the end of her trial— and the successful avoidance of the prophecy —was none other than the knave. she never expected, nor would she force, her friends and ex-colleagues— or anyone, for that matter —to apologize for their treatment of her during the trial. however, it was certainly a shock when lyney arrived at one of her theater troupe’s rehearsals with a delicious smelling cake and a card meant for furina’s eyes only, which read in elegant cursive:
lady furina,
i hope you are doing well. i’ve requested that my children send you this cake to show my support to you and your troupe for any and all upcoming performances. while i had simply made a request for lyney to go out and buy a cake, he insisted on gathering a few of his siblings and baking it themselves, so i do hope it is to your liking.
i want to formally apologize and recognize your selfless acts as the former archon of fontaine. in our previous meetings i had been rather hostile towards you, and i am aware my presence leaves a less then pleasurable impression on you, however, i want to offer you some closure.
if you are interested in conversing with me, i’ll be at the cafe outside of hotel bouffes d’ete tomorrow evening around 9. should you wish to join me, it would be my pleasure, but i understand if you decide not to.
i hope you fair well, lady furina.
furina had reread the letter about four times lying in her bed that night before she finally came to a decision. she needed this closure, whether she wanted to admit it or not. she was shocked to arrive at the cafe and find arlecchino stripped from her usual attire, wearing only a button down with the sleeves cut right at the dip of her shoulders, and her usual dress pants. she had already ordered herself some tea and was sitting with her legs crossed when furina sat across from her.
that night furina fell asleep with tears in her eyes, but for the first time in five centuries it was not because she felt self pity, but rather it was because arlecchino had said the exact words she had been needing to hear everyday since she had been cursed.
since then, the two would meet up once a week at the same cafe to enjoy fontaine’s nightlife, catch up on what could be shared, and enjoy tea, pastries, and one another’s presence. occasionally arlecchino would also attend furina’s theatrical performances, which caught the attention of a few steambird reporters. it didn’t help that a picture was taken of them at furina’s front door to her apartment after arlecchino had kindly walked her home.
eventually those walks home would lead to furina inviting her in for more tea and idle chatter, and those later turned into arlecchino cooking in furina’s apartment because she learned furina didn’t know how to make anything other than macaroni. one day, after some mindless contemplation, furina asked “would this be considered dinner dates?” without even thinking. she immediately blushed a scarlet red and was about to back track when arlecchino responded with a chuckle and a warm “i suppose they would be”.
that same night, when furina was walking arlecchino to the door to say goodnight and goodbye, arlecchino paused briefly and asked “would it be okay if i kissed you furina?” not wanting to startle her. there would be times where furina would involuntarily flinch when arlecchino moved too quickly, always quickly apologizing right after, but arlecchino understood. it was a fair reaction after all, so she was going to ensure that furina knew exactly what she was going to do and what her intentions were.
when a breathless “please” left furina’s lips, arlecchino hummed pleasantly, resting a warm hand on furina’s cheek and leaning down, kissing furina slowly but passionately, only deepening it when furina’s hands came up to grasp the lapels of her jacket. after breaking apart, a flustered, breathless furina returned back into her apartment, head spinning, wondering what she had gotten herself into.
she would later realize that what it was was a relationship with a very tender but stoic woman. it had been a long time since arlecchino had allowed herself to be an emotional being. with her children she showed them what she wanted them to see and nothing more, despite being a caring father. with the harbingers they only knew her on a professional level. but the night furina felt comfortable to finally— finally! —shed her gloves, she witnessed just how human the knave truly was.
although arlecchino hadn’t attended furina’s trial, she had received reports from her children and other subordinates of the events that took place. so she wasn’t surprised when her eyes came in contact with the burned skin of furina’s palm, which she gently took into her own hands, raised to her lips, and placed a gentle kiss upon it. “you can trust me, furina,” she whispered to the tearful woman, “i never want to see you hurt again.”
arlecchino was very gentle with furina, and while that mostly shined through in private, it was not odd— after a while —to see the two out and about with a gentle hand placed on the former archon’s back, or whispered words shared between them where no one else could hear.
nsfw: it’s why that night that arlecchino witnessed furina’s scar, she gently carried her through her apartment and onto her bed, carefully crawling over her and kissing every inch of skin that she could. she grazed her lips against furina’s neck, her hands carefully holding her close as furina whimpered against her. that night arlecchino showered the former archon in praises and compliments, leaving furina a blushing, flustered mess who hid her face against arlecchino’s chest at the end of the night. falling asleep with a peaceful smile on her lips.
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tothosewholisten · 1 month
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 09
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I went downstairs to see two of my estranged roommates, Allison and Luther with somber looks on their faces. I was about to speak up but stopped once I saw who they were looking at. It was Grace, who no longer moved or sang or comforted us.
She was dead, and I know robots aren’t alive but this felt like another death I'd have to witness.
“The two guys last night, the ones with the mask, did this to her,” Allison said to Luther. The two didn't look up to see me, both were in their heads at the death of their mother.
Grace was sitting in the painting room chair, the space we kids dubbed as her bedroom because she didn’t sleep or have one of her own. The only thing that was missing from her was her signature smile and her normal pale arm. Instead, her arm was sliced open by what looked like a knife and oozed out wires of all different colors.
I don’t remember the two gunmen carrying knives last night but who knows they could've gotten crafty. But It's sad to think If she was a real person, I would’ve been able to save her.
I made my presence known by stomping my shoe and moving closer to the pair. Allison's eyes slightly lit up once she saw me. “You’re okay!” She sighed happily.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I giggled with my arms open as she ran over to embrace me. Luther did not move from Grace's body though, his face was cold and distant. I didn't want to ask but I started to think, what happened last night?
“Oh god, have you seen Mom yet?” She whispered. “This has to do with Five somehow. I mean they were looking for him..”
I frowned. “I haven't seen him or Klaus in some time now and I'm starting to get nervous.”
Allison reassures me that they'll turn up but she turns back to Luther who has something to say. “I know I was arguing to turn Grace off, but it doesn't make seeing her like this any easier.”
“Poor Diego.” I blurt out. “This is gonna be so hard for him.” I couldn’t see eye to eye with him, like ever. But I did see him a bit differently after yesterday.
“Yeah, it's hard on all of us.” He says while walking out of Grace's room.
“Hey, wait,” I called out to Luther before he left. The giant man turns to look at me, uncertainly. “I know it was you last night, the one who saved me. I just want to say thank you for pulling that guy away from me.”
“You’ve saved me in my lifetime more times than I can count. I can tell something is off about you guys today and I don’t think I was awake to hear it but. I just wanted to say thanks.” I smile at him.
“But anyways you guys should talk. I'm going to go look for Klaus.” I shoot Allison one more goodbye before heading out.
“I'm glad you're okay, Y/n” I hear one of them mutter as I leave.
“Klaus?” I yell all around the mansion. By now I've checked all his normal spots. His room, my room, Ben’s room, the kitchen, Reginald’s bar, all the bathrooms and all the random nooks and crannies we'd hide in as children with Ben.
Ben.. to think I've been so preoccupied these past days to think about him. And I think about him all the time. He'd know where Klaus was instantly, he was just that type of person.
I go back upstairs to my room to change before heading outside. To check Klaus's frequent spots around town.
First, the alley where he'd buy drugs and all kinds of things. It was dingy and dark but I'd find him here a lot back when I was younger. I left the mansion but never left him. Even let him crash with me at my ex's house whenever he needed to, which my ex was never happy about. We found happiness in walking the streets and laughing with each other till sunrise.
But it wasn't always good, sometimes I'd catch him in a rough spot due to drugs and he'd push me away. I never stopped trying, I would never give up on him and he wouldn't if i was in his spot.
Next was my actual apartment. I hadn't been back in forever, maybe he got tired of the academy and came here? But my apartment was small and didn't have many places for him to hide, it was clear he wasn't there either.
The last place I could think of was a park we used to go to as kids. There'd be days when Reginald was less diligent about watching us, and after dark all of us kids would escape to come here. And have at least a few hours of solace before returning to hell.
I took a seat against a large tree that blocked the sunlight from shining in the park. He wasn't anywhere I'd known he would be. I thought he wouldn't leave town without telling me, but I'm not even sure. I let out small huffs of frustration as I buried my head in my hands.
Suddenly there were more tears on my head than there were in my eyes. I sniffle while looking up. The once-cloudy sky has turned into pouring rain and I'm outside without an umbrella.
“Are we ready to go?” Asked Klaus.
The three of us, Klaus, Ben and I decided we were leaving for the park. After a particularly hard day and mission, it was clear I needed out. Ben asked everyone if they wanted to go, but they all looked at each other then us and snickered.
They told us we should go just the two of us. We actually were about to leave, but Klaus was the only one stupid enough to join us. Just kidding.
The sky was clear this day but dark, meaning it was a clear indication that it was time. Diego and Allison told us they'd distract Reginald if he asked anything. We knew we couldn't go out the front door, instead we went out my window.
Klaus was the first one to jump down; he insisted that he was the bravest out of all of us. And Ben slowly followed after him.
That left me in the window, looking down at the very tall jump I'd have to land. I shook my head at the two. “Why couldn't we have left down Five's window? There are actual steps there!” I whisper yell.
Klaus chuckles. “We're already here, just jump!”
I know when jumping from a high distance without a cushion landing spot, it would help if you didn't look down. But my eyes were glued to the ground anyway. I would be fine if I jumped, any scars would go away but just the thought of it made me shake.
“Unless you're a chicken! That's okay, me and Benny will go without you.” He yells.
“Keep your voice down,” Ben says, elbowing him in the stomach. “Ow!” Klaus cries. Ben looks up at me. “But he's got the right idea! You'll be okay just jump.” He says stuffing his hands in his black jacket.
“Just go without me! I'll go to bed.” I reply, trying to smile at the pair.
“Y/n, listen to me. You'll be okay, jump and..” I didn't hear the last part of what he said.
“What??!” I yell.
“He said he's gonna catch you!” Klaus snickers. “Shut up Klaus,” Ben whispers back. “I will though, if I have to!”
I sigh not wanting to ruin their fun, I'm the one who wanted to go out anyway. “Okay, I'll jump.”
I take a small running start before leaping out of my large window. The wind in my hair felt great, it made me feel like I was almost flying. Until I looked down at the floor I was about to land on. I closed my eyes as I was about to scream and go head-first into the ground. But as I opened my eyes I saw that the cement never smacked me in the face. Instead, I land on someone else.
Ben tried his best but he is still a boy. He held his arms open but it ended with him knocking into the cement and me gripping onto his black hoodie for dear life. I quickly get off him and pull him to his feet as Klaus hollers in laughter at us.
Once he got up I could tell that Ben's head looked a little bruised as well as his hands. I placed my hands on his and watched as yellow wisps of light reached all of his bruises. "Thanks." He smiled and I nodded back. I stopped holding his hands when I heard Klaus almost falling back in laughter.
"You guys-" I cut him off before he embarrasses me by kicking him in the shins with all my might. "Not another word," I mutter.
He held onto his legs and whimpered in pain, now it was our turn to laugh at him on the way to the park. I did eventually heal him that day but seeing him embarrassed was too funny to see go away. We did this several more times, just the three of us. And honestly, it was probably more fun than the whole group.
I laugh underneath the now suddenly wilting tree at the thought, but it slowly turns into sobs. I don't have Ben anymore but I've somewhat come to understand that, but now I lost Klaus too. And Vanya is gone, I'm truly all alone. I sit there for what I think is hours, thinking back. Until the constant pour turns into drizzling and I stand up to go back to the academy. Maybe take a bath.
I slowly made it to a crosswalk so lost in thought that I didn't even see that it said I can go. But I am brought back to reality by the sound of a honking car. Some dick in a van was honking his horn at me?
What I did to piss this guy off I do not know, this was above even a catcall. He was demanding I move. Deciding to ignore the shithead I start to cross the road, until he almost runs me over.
“There's a crosswalk sign, do you see that?” I yell at the van. But the ugly vehicle would not stop honking at me, after being soaked in the rain I'm starting to lose my sanity. So I walked over to the van, thinking I was going to lay into this man and give him all the rage I'd been feeling. And maybe kick his car a few times.
I look at the man's window to see it's not a man at all. It's a boy? I know this shithead. “Five? Why are you honking at me!” I scream at the pubescent boy.
“Get in.” He yells back.
The two of us sat in silence for a while. I watched this fake teenager drive around and honk at people who were being stupid like a full-grown adult.
“Why are you here?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable in my wet clothes. “I'm looking for someone, I saw you walking.” He mutters.
“Oh okay..” I pause.
“I was calling your name before I started honking at you. You should really look where you're going.”
“I was fine. Aren't you the one who tried to run me over?”
“I have a question. Where'd you steal this van?”
“I didn't steal it, I borrowed it from a man in an alley.” he insisted. “Very likely story Five,” I remark back.
“I'm going to give it back. whenever I'm done with it.
“Okay new question, how do you know how to drive?”
“I can do everything.”
I scoff. “Yeah okay.”
“Well, I have a question for you. Why are you walking alone without an umbrella?”
“Just for shits and giggles, I'm looking for Klaus, have you seen him?”
“Can't say that I have. Where do you want me to drop you off?” He says while taking a familiar path that will lead us back to the academy.
I turn to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed. “Can't I stay? Join you on your spy missions?” Five looks at me, clearly not keeping his eyes on the road. Almost in shock about me wanting to stay with him. To break the silence I force a cough. “I mean I don't know what else to do right now. I can leave If I'm cramping your style.”
“Okay” is all he says while turning in the opposite direction from the mansion. “Well, that means we are going to find someone.”
“Who?” I ask.
“You'll see,” Five tells me.
Five parked us in another familiar part of town, where Klaus, him and I were not even a day or two ago. “Oh no, Five we're gonna terrorize these people again?” I said while looking around.
“No, we're just going after the main man. I need more answers.” Five peers out the side window to look at a different busy street.
“You really think he's going to give you more information if you just barge into his office again?”
He turns back to me. “We're not going in, we're going to him.”
“Oh my god..”
Five explains that he plans to corner the man in his own car after he comes back from whatever hobby he does while out of the office. I try to tell him that this plan is going to go wrong but of course he doesn't listen. He reached into his glove compartment and grabbed a small pocket knife, and I'm sure he didn't just grab it to look cool.
“You told me you're going to ask for more information, Five,” I questioned while reaching for the knife.
He grabs the weapon back and holds it higher in the air. “Let's see where the night takes us.”
Five blinks him and I next to a tree, like the one I was at earlier. The tree faces a blue car that must've belonged to the guy whose name slipped my mind.
Not long after he walks toward us, with a tiny puppy in hand. He looked almost unrecognizable out of his lab coat, but not in a good way. His clothes reminded me of a jogging outfit they also matched his blue car.
He opens the car and places his puppy into the back seat then he starts to get into the car himself. Before he can sit down Five pulls me with him when he blinks into the car. Sitting me down in the backseat with the puppy who surprisingly is not barking at me yet.
Five blinks into the front seat, but the man doesn't even notice him. Only flinching back when Five lunges at him with his pocket knife.
“Oh, Jesus!” He cries out. Five doesn't even give him another moment to think before going straight into grilling. “One chance. That's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab.” He yells, putting the knife up to the man's throat.
So much for the peaceful approach. The man moves his eyes towards me for a split second and then back to the terrifying Five. “I… I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market.” He stutters.
“including eyeballs?” Five asked.
The man gulps. “Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean they sell like hotcakes. I--I've got a list, a waiting list, probably twenty buyers.”
“So the serial number, my uh, brother gave you..” He finishes my sentence. “Could've already been bought. Yes, off– off the books.” He says.
Five huffs like he's a chain smoker and starts to get more tense, letting the knife get centimeters away from the man's skin.
“I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!” Five screeches.
I take my eyes off them to turn to the dog that's nearing closer to me. At first, I tried to keep my distance but this puppy insisted on getting close. Which shouldn't be a big problem. It's a small dog, but something was off. I'm squeezing myself practically against the door to get away from this dog but he keeps getting closer. I close my eyes and I'm back to that day so many years ago.
I'm not there anymore, it's time for me to move on but I can't. My hands start to shake and my body runs cold. I couldn't help but think that this dog knew what I did to the other, way back when and wanted to take revenge.
While taking deep breaths I turned my head slowly to get a better look at the pup.. this dog wasn't going to hurt me, it didn't know what I did, and I was okay. So why do I feel like this?
“I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy is in my safe at the lab.” Lance's words break my deep breaths and I try once again to focus on their conversation. This is for Five, as well as saving the world. Letting my depressing nature go is what I need to do now.
“Well, you start the car, then.” Five whispers. “Cause we're going on a field trip.” He slowly takes the knife off Lance's throat.
“O-Okay...” Lance tries to put himself back together at least enough to put his seatbelt on.
Lance drives us back to the MeriTech headquarters which is also where Five’s van is. I'm the first to hop out of the car with Five and Lance a few steps behind me.
But I stopped in place once I saw dark smoke coming from the building. “Something’s wrong,” I told five. But he never stopped walking, and without a second thought, he rushed over to the fire. “Five wait!” I called out while chasing him down. Leaving Lance to his own devices.
The angry flames weren’t just in one room, it had spread throughout every single room in the building making it impossible to go inside. Five stopped at the entrance of the building when I caught up with him. We both stared at the building on fire.
“Get down!” I screamed over the sound of burning rooms as I tackled him to the ground. The flames rose from not just the building but towards us, causing an explosion of fire that could’ve killed him.
He wailed out at the sudden burst, but safely hit the ground. Me on the other hand, I was covered in marks. But thankfully my clothes were no longer wet, just slowly catching on fire. I dragged him out of the way more towards the street as I heard sirens in the distance.
“We need to move now,” I stress to Five but he doesn’t reply back. His eyes never break from the fire. “I know, I know but let’s go,” I say again hoping he would budge this time. But he didn't, so I grabbed him and pulled him back over to the van.
Once we get to the van without Lance, it is clear that whoever had lit the building on fire knew we were there. And I knew that because the front window was fogged with a message.
It read. “Your brother says hi.. brother? Which one.” I say out loud while thinking. Five finally started to move from his motionless state when I looked over at him. But he wouldn't be any help right now. The look on his face and the dullness in his eyes was a look I've seen on many people's faces before.
But then it hit me. “Klaus.”
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bangchansslut6 · 15 days
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Okay so I'm finally writing this fic!! I want to warn you guys that it won't be the best and probably won't make much sense so I'm sorry for that!! Hope you enjoy!! ♡♡
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BIMBO - An attractive but stupid woman (To all my big titty bimbos out there😮‍💨
FUTURE WARNINGS ~ SMUT, Readers father is a disgusting person, reader is a bimbo, reader is a female, reader has big breasts and is called blondie multiple times. Use of slut, bunny, idiot, spit, light choking, clit spanking twice, face sitting, multiple rounds. Chan is referred to as Chris and made him a little freak...Reader gets cat called but Chan is there to save the day. Chan is apart of a gang. DRUGS, ALCOHOL. Chris and Izumi are broken up but get back together. Cheating?? They have a baby together called Ayum. Enjoy!!
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Chris was your ex boyfriend. Why was he your ex? Because your family didn't approve of him. Chris was a "gangster" he rode motorcycles, spray painted, people were scared of him. And when you were younger you had made the mistake of dating him. Since your family didn't like him you left him without explaining which left Chris furious and lonely.
Chris had knocked you up at the first few months of your relationship so when you broke up you had shared custody. Together you had a son called Ayum. He took after Chris a lot. There were bearly signs of you in him but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
Chris had Ayum on weekends while you had him during the week. Which made it impossible to avoid eachother.
It was a late Wednesday night. Chris invited some friends to his house for a drink and a smoke. When they were all completely wasted they started watching some porno type movie. The usual.
"Oi Chris! Howsss..Y/n's new boyfriend?" Said Felix one of Chris's friends making everyone else laugh at how wasted he was. But Chris wasn't laughing.
"Like I care what she does. They look ridiculous together. Plus I heard he's an ass. And he probably can't handle the whole of her." Chris mumbled under his breath taking a swing of his drink. He told himself all the time that he hated you. But in reality. He was a liar.
"Someone sounds jealous-" Changbin poked the bear with a teasing tone. "I'm not drop the topic." Chris barked loudly making everyone flinch. Damm it. He most definitely still had feelings for her. But how could he not?! He had to see her every weekend. And she was hot..like really hot.
The house smelled of men's shampoo and colone. Chris had just gotten out from the shower and was now walking around the house while drying his hair. The sound of his naked feet padding against the oak floor the only sound in the house.
The loud noise of Chris's doorbell stopped the peaceful silence. "Perfect." He grumbled rolling his eyes and throwing a tank top on while approaching the door.
When he opened it he saw you standing there one hand holding a baby bag another hand holding Ayumi. "Look who it is? My little blondie?" Chris laughed leaning against the door.
Y/N stood infront of the dark wooden door. She'd just drop off Ayumi and move on with her day. This was absolutely nothing..she told herself. You are a grown woman..control yourself.
As the door opened her eyes instantly drifted to the man's abs..she was just a woman though.
"Firstly don't call me that. And yes I'm here to drop off your daughter. Nothing else." Y/N said handing Chris the tiny Elza backpack and then Ayumi. "You know the drill call if you need anything and she has everything in the bag okay?" She added crossing her arms.
"Got it. Also what's with the attitude this morning eh? Your man got your nerves popping?" Chris smirked leaning against the door frame.
"That's absolutely none of your business. Now I'm leaving. I'll pick her up on Monday morning. Goodbye." Y/N scoffed saying her last goodbyes to her tiny angel before walking off. Her hips swaying behind her as Chris's eyes trailed down and up her body. Goddamit she was still hot. Why him? And why did he have a boner now..?
Oh he was still such
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I am literally the worst writer ever!! I'm SO SORRY about making the wait so long and the first part not even having any smut!! 😭😭 I'm so sorry for the disappointment and I'll try to write part 2 faster!! Once again I APOLOGISE!!
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: Maria Hill x reader
WARNINGS: smut, exes to enemies to lovers, reuniting, cunnilingus, fingering, scissoring, multiple orgasms, angst, mentions of guns/weapons, mentions of killing, begging, praise, body worship, choking, overstimulation, think that’s all!
This is my late b-day gift to my lovely 🌹 anon!! I love you babes and I hope you like this :))
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
The door to your apartment was quietly opened and soon shut with the foot of a woman you had been keeping an eye on, Maria Hill. You knew she was out to get you, but you also knew it was because her job made her. You wondered if she got a choice in who she was to assassinate or bring in for questioning, but some part of you hoped she hadn’t gone one.
You two had met years before, before the world turned cruel, before she turned cruel. You went on a few dates, made it official, and then moved in together after months of falling deeper in love. You were falling alright, but she was always there to catch you.
Until she wasn’t.
You had woken up one morning to her frantically packing her luggage. Confusion set deep within you as you hurriedly asked her what was wrong. She only stopped, giving you what you would later realize was your last kiss with tears clouding her vision. She ran off before you could catch her, and that was the last time you had ever seen your girlfriend.
You guessed it was made clear that you were considered exes now, but you still didn’t want to believe it. You weren’t able to go on dates, the voice in your head constantly telling you that you were betraying Maria, that someday she’d come back home. To her true home.
But that day never came, and you were left stranded for years with no contact. She didn’t even send a text goodbye or leave a voicemail, it was like all traces of your relationship together had been erased. So, you tried erasing her from your mind.
Little by little, you were moving on. You went on your first date in years with a lovely woman named Carol, and, God, she was fun. You two had slept together a few times, but that was it so far. Nothing more had happened.
Maria searched your home with a gun raised high, trigger finger ready to pull at any given moment. But in reality, she knew she’d let you kill her before she ever laid a finger on you.
Bedroom, empty. Kitchen, empty. Living room, empty. Bathroom, empty. The only place she saw that was left was the balcony. And there you were, a small glass of wine in your hand and a gun in the other.
“Hello, darling.” The gun was pointed directly at your head and, even if she was supposed to, she couldn’t bring herself to press down on the trigger and end your life so easily. She didn’t understand, she’s done this before. Many times in fact. But with you, with you, there was a past that was pushing the item in her hand down.
She placed the weapon in her gun holder on her thigh. You finally turned to look at her, the love you once held for her being nearly invisible in your eyes.
“You realize this is loaded, right?”
“And so is mine.”
“You just put yours away.”
“And so did you.” You didn’t notice how you subconsciously tucked your weapon into your side between you and the chair. You sighed, taking a swig of your drink and wincing as it traveled down your throat.
She hesitantly stepped forward, gulping nervously. She had never been so fearful, not even when she was almost killed, but seeing the person she still loved so passionately knowing she’d have to come home with you in a body bag was the scariest thing.
“I’m not going to bite, Maria.” You said. “That is unless you still like it when I do that.” The word ‘still’ made her breath stop for a moment. She had apologies speeches ready, and before she could open her mouth, you stopped her, holding a hand up and shaking your head.
“Save it. I don’t want to hear it.” The two of you stood awkwardly in silence. She debated if she should’ve left, but she didn’t want that. And besides, her mission wasn’t over until you were dead.
“Have a seat, I’m assuming you won’t be leaving for a while.” She did so, sitting on the oddly comfortable chair next to you. They were different than the ones you had before, these actually had cushions. The sudden reminder of what it all used to be made her throat clench in an attempt to hide her cries.
“Save it doesn’t mean you can’t speak, you know.” She nodded, not taking her eyes off of you for one moment. You were still as beautiful as ever, possibly even more beautiful. She didn’t believe that could happen but somehow it did.
“So, uhm, what have you been up to?” You looked at her with raised brows and she sighed, looking down at her fingers that had been ruined from her biting them constantly. You always stopped her from her bad habit, but after she left you, she fell back into everything she had learned not to do.
“Sorry. But really, how are you?” You took a deep breath, sucking in the cool air of late-night Paris.
“Well, besides multiple people wanting me dead and sending an assassin after me, I’m doing splendid.” Your comedic side was still there even after all these years, she had to admit it was her favorite thing about you. You could always turn any situation from depressing to joyful.
“And you?”
“I…I’m fine. Yeah, I guess you could say so.” You hummed as you poured the wine into yours and her glass. You were already expecting her, so you thought you’d save a glass. The silence from earlier returned and Maria couldn’t deny the emptiness to it. Before, silence was welcomed by you two, it never felt like you had to fill it. But now, it just wasn’t the same.
“Why’d you take the job?” Maria’s head shot to look at you as you handed her the glass, still looking out to the sky with dying stars filling it. And she swore the crescent moon shined against your face magically.
“I figured that the reason you left me was because of the job. So, why did you take it?” Clearly, you didn’t have the full picture, the full understanding. Because if Maria had a choice, she would’ve never left the comfort of your arms that day.
“I didn’t have a choice, Y/N, you have to understand that.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Maria.” You shot back. You crossed your leg over the other as she squirmed in her seat.
“I’m sorry.” She spoke, receiving furrowed brows from you. When you didn’t speak up, she took that as her chance to finish what she was going to say.
“I’m sorry for leaving that day. And I’m sorry for not telling you why until now.”
“You still haven’t really told me why, only that you didn’t have a choice.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair as you chuckled.
“I’m joking. I get it, there are things that you need to put first, and in that case, I couldn’t be one of them.” She gave you a look of confusion, quickly rushing to her feet in front of you.
“Y/N, you were and always will be so important to me, much more important than my damn job.” You refused to make eye contact with her, knowing that if you did, you’d be doing much worse than just talking.
“Then why? If I was somehow more important than your job, then why did you leave like it was nothing? No warning, no goodbye, no tears, no nothing. You left me like I meant nothing to you, and you left me alone. I had no one.” She bit her lip to suppress anything from coming out. Instead of speaking, she rested her head on your hands that were held in her own. She was kneeling by now, waiting for you to take the lead in the conversation.
“I didn’t stop loving you, Mar, and I don’t think I ever will.” She shot her head up, looking deep into your eyes for any sign of lies but there was none.
“You- you still love me?” You shrugged shamelessly. You were guessing she had easily gotten over you or replaced you, but you didn’t know how much of an effect you had on her. She was almost more damaged than you were.
“Y/N, I...I love you so much. Not a day has gone by where I haven’t thought of you, where my heart hasn’t ached for you. If I could’ve, I would’ve stayed with you that morning, and I would’ve kept my promise of making you the happiest girl alive.”
“All I needed to be happy was you, all I ever wanted was you.” She nodded in understanding, taking in your pain. She already held enough, but she wanted more than anything to understand how you felt.
“I know, I know. But we can do this! I will do anything for you, my love, anything. Can we- can we try again?” You shook your head as you lowered it, wiping your cheeks until she took over for you.
“Please? I’ve been going insane with you, every day I wish I could go back and somehow change it but I know I can’t. So, please, let me make it up to you.” You took a moment before finally agreeing, receiving a warm and grateful smile from Maria.
“What about your job?”
“We can run away, they’ll never know where I am. I’m supposed to return with you…dead, but they don’t need to know if you aren’t.” She tried convincing, and even if you knew there was much planning to be put into something as dangerous and idiotic as this, you couldn’t help but nod along. She grasped your cheeks in her hands and pulled you in close, trying to force her lips on yours which you gladly accepted.
“God, I missed your lips.” She mumbled before crashing herself back onto you. It wasn’t slow and sensual, more fast and excited. You were both desperate to touch each other once again, it had been so long since you’d been touched. Even with Carol, you thought of Maria, no matter how many orgasms she got out of you.
And even though to any other it may have looked like any ordinary hookup, there was a sense of love and longing behind each second of it.
Her hands cupped your breasts as they slid across your nightgown. It may have been chilly, but the goosebumps on your skin weren’t from the cold.
While one hand stayed in place the other trailed down your body and found its way past your clothing barrier. Her fingers were walking up your thighs as you, without thought, opened your legs enough for her to fit.
“Should we move this inside?” She asked, the fear that someone would see you two overtaking her. Nobody was allowed to see your body but her, especially like this.
“No one will see us, Mar,” you whined out her name when her thumb brushed over your clit. She groaned.
“Mm, I want you to say my name like that again." She had you lift your hips so she could lift the little bit of clothing you had on. The cold air hit your bare skin and left you with a shiver going down your body. Her hot breath tickled your cunt and you couldn’t stop the pleas falling from your lips.
“Please. Please, Mar, I need you.” She groaned when you repeated the name like she asked. There was nothing she loved more than hearing your voice, and when you were moaning it? It was even better.
“Aren’t you a desperate little girl, huh?”
“Fuck, just touch me already! Just - do something!" She smirked to herself before wrapping her lips around your clit, sucking the swollen bud in her mouth. Your thighs clenched shut and she tried grasping them but your hold was too strong.
“C’mon, baby, spread your legs for me, I want a taste.” You tried doing as she said but instantly threw your head back when her fingers were able to tease your hole. It wasn’t long until one of her digits slipped inside of you, trying to stretch you out for another.
“You’re absolutely adorable, darlin'.’” She moaned out, the vibrations rushing through you and causing a tingling sensation.
“So wet already. Tell me, have you thought about this moment?” She already knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear you say it. Her ring finger slowly eased into you and joined the other, causing you to gasp and rush out your answer.
“Mhm, and when that Carol girl fucked you, were you still thinking about me?” You would’ve asked her how she knew about Carol if you cared enough, but with the way she was touching you, you couldn’t give two shits. You guessed it was the fact that she had to hunt you down for a few months and get intel before going after you. You wished she would’ve intervened then, taking the blonde's spot and fucking you roughly with her strap. You wondered if she had been with another woman in the time she left, the thought brought a surge of jealousy to flow through your veins.
“Mhm, haven’t stopped thinking of you. Whenever she’d- whenever she’d touch me, I’d try my best not to moan your name.” Your clit was practically pulsing when she pulled away to speak.
“Only I get to ruin you like this, you hear me?" You nodded and felt her hands gripping your thighs. Her nails were digging into your skin and causing red lines to form.
“I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me.” She instantly felt your juices pouring into her awaiting mouth and soaking her fingers. She licked up every last drop, determined not to let any go to waste.
“You’re still as good as I remember.” You breathlessly spoke, giving her a sly grin that she returned. She suddenly stood up, towering over you and pulling you off of the chair. She conjoined her lips with yours and you could taste yourself on her mouth.
“I wanna feel you.” She mumbled, ripping off her shirt and undoing the belt around her hips. You bit your lip and lifted your nightgown over your head, leaving you completely bare. You were lucky you were on a higher level, or else anybody could’ve seen you stark naked and Maria halfway to your current state.
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” You blushed at her words and helped her remove her bra, your heart skipping a beat when you saw her just as bare as you.
“Lay down, baby.” You did as told and sat on the cold marble of the balcony, watching as she joined you. She spread your legs gently and lifted one of her own over yours, the other resting underneath your neglected one.
You felt her dripping wet heat press against yours and shared a deep moan, holding onto her shoulders as she quickly kissed your hand for comfort.
“It’s okay, I’m right here.” She slowly started moving her hips in a rhythm, hearing your whines that only made her quicken. She was already close with her abuse of your cunt, so she knew she wouldn’t be lasting long. You were still recovering from your orgasm so you were just as close as her.
"I'm not sharing you with anybody. You're mine, and mine only, I'm going to make you remember that.” She said, gripping your jaw as you nodded along with her. She scoffed and removed her hand, moving it to your neck as she choked you. Her rings were still adorning her long fingers and you could feel the coldness of them pressing against your skin.
"My god, you're so gorgeous like this." She remarked, watching as her clit clashed against yours.
"Fuck, you feel amazing, baby." She gritted through clenched teeth as her head rolled back. Her eyes fluttered open and she was able to see the bright stars shining down on you two.
Suddenly, she heard a whispered please fall from your lips along with the interruption of your whines.
“I- I wanna hear you beg for it.” You were biting your lip hard to suppress your sounds, but that quickly got ruined by her thumb dragging your lower lip down.
“I want to hear you, now fucking beg for me.”
“I- please, please I’ll do anything just- fuck, I need to cum. I wanna make a mess of you, and I want to feel you cum with me. I don’t think I can hold back much longer, Mar.” She smiled in victory while her slit continued to rock against yours. She was going faster now, and you could barely keep up with her pace.
"Do I turn you on that much?"
"You don't even fucking know." She moved down to your ear and whispered approval and almost instantly she felt your juices coating her skin. Her hand only tightened around your neck as she rocked against your body, chasing her awaiting orgasm. You didn’t even have time to calm down as she was going at an unbelievably fast and rough pace.
"Who would ever think such a sweet girl like you could be such a slut?” Her head was still rested on your shoulder, her nostrils immediately being filled with the smell of your perfume. She was sucking on the skin harshly and you could tell there would be marks tomorrow, you just hoped she stayed long enough to be able to see them.
"F-fuck. I don't think I'll last long if you keep on doing that.” You whimpered out. Even if you were sore and overstimulated, you still needed more. You were desperate for more, you just needed her all over you.
"I don't think I've ever wanted someone more than I want you." She spoke, her mouth returning to your neck the second she finished. They then moved to your chest, leaving hickeys all over your breasts.
"Oh, sensitive there, aren't we?" She said when you tried removing her from your aching nipples. Truth be told, they were only sore because of your torture on them the night before, once again being brought over the edge with the thought of her. Now, you had her.
"Do you know how much I love to see you like this?"
“Maria, I- I’m not going to last long.” You warned, each word being labored with a thrust that had you stuttering.
“Me neither, baby. I’m gonna- fuck, I’m gonna cum. I- I want you to cum with me. I want to feel you cum with me, Y/N.” She choked out, her juices mixing with your own as she released all over you. The second she finished speaking she was done for. You just looked so perfect, so pretty.
“Yeah, that’s it. You get me so fucking wet, darlin'.’” Her mouth fell open as she went to wrap her arms around your waist, anything to feel you even closer. She lazily drew herself back and forth on top of you as she came down from her orgasm. It felt so good, she hasn’t cum that hard since the last night she was with you. It had been so long, too long.
“I don’t like people touching what’s mine, so I’m going to make sure you know you’re mine, Y/N. Only mine. Not Carol’s, not all the girls you’ve been seeing to try and get over me, just me.”
“Just yours.” She smiled before finally leaning up, apologizing when you gasped at the small contact your sensitive cunt got.
“You’re already so sensitive, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to pull more out of you.” You shook your head quickly when she got up, grabbing her clothes and pulling them on. She stopped in her tracks when seeing your quick antics on making her stop.
“What’s that, love? I couldn’t hear you with all that pathetic whining you keep doing.” You stood up on shaky legs and, with just one look, she knew exactly what you wanted. You guided her back into the house where you sat on the bed, your knees at your chest as your arms held you up. You gave her your best puppy dog eyes and in a matter of seconds she was already on top of you, pushing you to lay down on the mattress.
“I’m gonna fuck you properly this time. And I’m not going to stop until all you can remember is my name.” You’d worry about your plans and getaway after, but right now you were too busy with her fingers buried deep inside of you.
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calmlb · 3 months
one of my favorite headcanons is that Dazai defected right around Chuuya’s birthday
we don’t know exactly when he left, but we do know it was after october 26 & before june 19, & according to clues in dark era it sounded like it was around springtime in yokohama
idk enough about yokohama weather to know exactly what month it was but imagine…
Chuuya had been sent on a mission in the west for 6 weeks. he returned late in the afternoon on April 28th– just in time to ring in his 19th birthday with his shitty partner.
because why not? he’s got nothing better to do.
he’s even got a bottle of 1989 Petrus waiting to be popped open.
he reports to Mori for debriefing & all he can think about is how beating the mackerel in that racing game they’ve been playing while he was away would be the perfect way to start off his 19th year.
but when he turns to leave, the Boss stops him, telling him there’s something that he should know…
Dazai disappeared 2 weeks ago, & has now been declared a traitor to the mafia.
Chuuya’s blood runs cold. he doesn’t know how he made it back to his apartment— head muddled by hurt. shock. confusion. exhaustion.
he tosses his coat on the back of the couch & the first thing he sees is the bottle of vintage Petrus— still waiting for the celebration.
and celebrate he did.
Chuuya celebrated his liberation from that waste of bandages he called a partner.
he celebrated the success of the solo mission he’d just returned from.
he celebrated the end of the reign of the infamous double black.
he celebrated the fact that he’d survived 4 years of partnership with that shitty Dazai.
he celebrated Dazai’s freedom, which would likely save his life… the freedom Chuuya hadn’t been able to attain. he’d been left behind in the darkness by the one person who got it.
the one who believed in & fought for Chuuya’s humanity when no one else did.
Chuuya celebrated his 19th birthday. alone. again.
(he hadn’t even said goodbye— hadn’t asked Chuuya to come with hi-)
Chuuya shook away those thoughts. he needed to clear his head. he wiped the back of his hand across his eyes & stumbled drunkenly across the room to grab his keys.
he made his way to the garage where his car was parked, clicking the button to unlock it as he approac-
Chuuya was thrown backwards onto his ass, barely able to catch himself in his drunken stupor. he blinked through bleary vision at the flames that were engulfing his car.
and wasn’t that just par for the course? the icing on his nonexistent birthday cake.
so much for that drive.
Chuuya watched the flames burn, & maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it felt almost symbolic— like closing this chapter of his life. all he could do now was move forward. just like he always did.
but not tonight.
tonight he would stumble back to his apartment & collapse into bed.
(in his inebriation, he hadn’t even noticed the black fabric burning up right along with his car)
he woke up the next morning, freshly 19 with a killer hangover, a smoldering car, & a missing ex-partner.
when he found the nearly empty wine bottle, he was kind of glad he hadn’t taken that drive…though his memory from last night was a bit fuzzy— what the hell had happened to his car?
his phone chimed with a text from Kouyou.
happy birthday, lad. don’t do anything stupid.
Chuuya couldn’t help the twitch of his lips. there were still people here who cared about him.
not long after this, he would be promoted to executive & decide that the Port Mafia was his family.
but for today, he would nurse his hangover & curse a certain mackerel’s name as he beat every high score between them in that stupid racing game.
happy freaking birthday to him.
the car bombing was inspired by this post bc it’s canon to me <3
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
In Losing Grip On Sinking Ships (2/?)
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Chapter summary: You face your own struggles after the divorce
Chapter word count: 4k+
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Brief smut, Fingering (r giving), Oral sex (r giving), only mentions of Wanda in this chapter, sorry
Author’s Note: Things will pickup considerably after this.
AO3 | Masterlist 
Taglist: @blackluthxr | @esposadejoyhuerta​ | @secretbackrooms | @justgotlizzied | @casquinhaa​ | @marvelwomen-simp​ - let me know if I missed anyone 
Next Chapter: Three
“Thank you for giving me the best years of my life. Goodbye, Wanda.”
You couldn’t escape that room fast enough. The room that kept the person you love most in the world–was your world. Natasha approaches you carefully after handing the check to your lawyer. Her brows are snapped together in what seems like a permanent frown whenever you’re concerned, and it puts you off more than usual. 
“You alright?” she faintly asks, already knowing the answer. The part of you that refuses to die–the part that endlessly cares for Wanda and wants to protect her at all cost–inexplicably wants to send Natasha to that room so she could offer her comfort to your ex-wife instead. Wanda’s been left by you. She is alone for the first time in her adult life, without the same support you’re getting from Natasha. You give thought to the fact that you were Wanda’s best friend first, before you were her lover and eventually her wife. And it dawns on you that, maybe, Wanda's losses outweigh yours. It’s a sick form of victory for some, yet you certainly don’t feel like you’ve won anything. 
“Honestly?” You groan and clutch your stomach, frantically scanning the hallway. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Natasha calls on a staff member to direct you to the nearest restroom.
You nearly miss the toilet in the first empty cubicle you find. Feeling the cold, hard tiles on your knees, you think it couldn’t get any worse than this. You’ve finally hit rock bottom, and you’re still alive–
–If the burn in your throat and the bitter taste of bile in your mouth constitutes being alive. 
Slumped against the porcelain seat of the bowl, hardly a good place to deliberate one’s life choices, you try to figure out what’s next.
Following the divorce, you don’t last a month at your new job. Your newfound love of whisky before bedtime may have contributed to it when you only managed to be on time for work twice: your first day and your last.
In the beginning, not being able to see Wanda in the flesh helped. Being back in your beloved city and taking refuge in the small confines of Natasha’s spare room initially distracted you enough to carry on as normally as you would. That lasted a full twenty-four hours before you started seeing her ghost everywhere–on the subway platform while waiting for the train to arrive, on the street lining up for a morning bagel, and even in your bed, whereas she no longer has any business being in. 
You briefly considered moving to a new state, but financially, it wasn’t the best option. With Wanda out of sight, there’s just yourself to deal with. And dealing with yourself gives you a strong urge to flee; to a place or time that would take away the remnants of yourself that stubbornly belong to Wanda. 
“You can stay here as long as you like.” Natasha says when she catches you mindlessly scrolling through real estate listings in the neighborhood. 
“You’ve helped enough, Nat. I can’t keep being your charity case.” you mutter, continuing with your search.
She raises her hand to aim for your temple, but thinks better of it and pulls it back. “You’re lucky I’m done with violence or you would’ve had your ass handed to you for saying that.”
You snicker. “I’m your golden ticket to heaven for being so good to me. Even my mom would’ve kicked me out by now.”
“You want to pay me back? Stay. Don’t argue anymore.”
“But, Nat–”
“I said drop it.”
Your mouth snaps shut at the forceful dismissal. Natasha’s eyes dart everywhere to avoid yours. You’ve been so caught up in your problems, you missed the obvious signs that maybe she needs you as much as you needed someone when your life was falling apart (and still is).
“Babe, are you okay?” you ask, keeping your tone casual.
“Babe,” Natasha chuckles at the nickname you haven’t used on her for almost a decade. “God, it sounds so weird, now that I’ve heard you call Wanda that countless times.”
You scrunch your nose, recalling also the times you’ve screamed that endearment during sex with your ex-wife. “Fuck, you’re right. I kind of want to barf all over this couch.”
“Don’t you dare.” You’re both laughing now and it feels really, really good. 
“So,” you say once you’ve both recovered. “Is there something you’d like to share with me?”
Natasha pauses to think, and it’s more than enough to let you know she doesn’t want to talk about her own problems and feelings. 
“I’m good. Now, where are we on: not abandoning your best friend after exploiting her?” she says, effortlessly putting you back in the spotlight.
Whatever it is she’s going through, you want to be there for her. 
“Fine,” You already owed Natasha your sanity; you didn’t want to owe her money too. “But I want to pay rent.” 
Natasha grins in satisfaction. “Deal.”
It was either you get drunk on alcohol, or you get drunk on memories of Wanda. Apparently, it only takes a while before they eventually mix up to mess with your head tenfold. One second you’re struggling to keep your eyes open to take just one more shot before you call it a night, and the next your fingers are inching towards the waistband of your shorts, your mind wandering to moments you’ve woken up in the middle of the night mid-orgasm, your wife’s head buried in between your thighs. 
Nothing sobers you up more than the near mistake of touching yourself to thoughts of your ex-wife. You’re beyond disgusted that you still fantasize about a woman who’s no longer yours.
A woman who basically destroyed your ability to trust. 
The bed of Natasha’s spare room is a double, and you’re still not accustomed to having all the space to yourself. After downing what’s left of the bottle of whisky, you place all the pillows on the unoccupied spot to your left and lay down on your side, waiting for sleep to take you.
The days that follow are a mere repetition of the day you officially quit your job. They mostly adopt a template that consists of three things: Netflix, pizza and housekeeping.
(In truth, it’s four things, but you keep the liquor in your room, where all the drinking takes place without your best friend’s knowledge.)
Apart from being a lifestyle that’s easy to maintain, it is also a far cry from your old life. You want to remove as much detail in your life that reminds you of Wanda, and this is what you’re left with. Your mother(and only living parent) who has retired in Montauk, is not pleased to discover that you’re reliving your college era–jobless and sharing a flat with Natasha. But at least she had more to say about your current situation than when you told her about your failed marriage over the phone. 
“I did warn you about that girl.” your mother remarked frankly during that call, and then proceeded to flatly ask if you were okay, like she was reading a script on how to react when you find out your daughter is getting a divorce. In retrospect, it was the best reaction you could ever hope for considering her dislike of Wanda–a feeling she’s never attempted to hide at every opportunity. Wanda, to her credit, only ever respected and loved her through the side-eyes and snarky comments, and this capability of hers to do so surprised you given her relationship with her own mother. The way she loved your mother certainly felt like an extension of her love for you.
Right after letting your mother know you’re out of work, she wired you a ridiculous amount of money for your “allowance”. You tried giving it back, but she refused and alluded that you should take some time to enjoy yourself without the pressure of getting another nine-to-five desk job. You graciously relented, knowing it was her way of looking out for you and being sorry for what happened with Wanda. 
And that is basically how you are able to keep up being a kermit in Natasha’s apartment. If it’s up to you, you wouldn’t change a thing in your routine, but Natasha has other ideas after finding her study tidy and uncluttered–which she often leaves in a state of anarchy.
“Here,” she says, handing you a purple key fob. “Go to the gym, and use up all your energy on lifting weights instead of ruining my order of things around here and wallowing in self-pity.”
You pause the television and put down the slice of pizza you’ve been holding to receive the key with greasy fingers. 
“If I go, will you promise to leave me alone for the rest of the week?” you ask around a mouthful of cheese and pepperoni. 
“Do it, and then I’ll think about it.”
You shrug and return to finishing a whole box of pizza by yourself and your eleventh re-run of Modern Family. 
“One more thing,” Natasha says, tossing you a watch. You click pause again and look at the offending item on your lap. “Wear that so I’ll know if you actually do the workout.”
You groan and Natasha smiles in triumph at your agony. You don’t know what her deal is, but you’re actually thankful someone’s making sure you don’t stuff yourself to death with pizza.
The gym looks more like a hotel lobby than a place where people grunt and sweat and ogle their reflection.
By the counter near the elevators, a receptionist is wearing an ensemble that belongs more to a fashion magazine company. You had expectations that it would be a luxurious place due to it being housed on the penthouse floor of Manhattan’s newest skyscraper. It’s ridiculously aboveboard, however, and you’re starting to feel uneasy and out-of-place. 
“Welcome back, Ms. Romanoff.” The receptionist greets you, flashing her unnaturally white and straight teeth. You respond with a timid nod before heading straight to the lockers in case she asks for ID. 
After changing into a black sports bra and biker shorts, you walk straight to the lifting section. 
There are only two other clients in that room, both of them male, and they’re not exactly subtle as they let their gaze sweep over you from head to toe. 
Oblivious to prying eyes, you attempt to deadlift just a tad more than half your weight, but think better of it when your forearms feel like they would snap out of your elbows if you try to raise the bar a few more inches off the ground. Exhaling sharply, you drop the weights and it causes a resounding bang as it hits the floor, turning a couple of heads in your direction as a result. You hear snickering behind you, and sweat forms along your hairline as you duck your head in embarrassment. 
Your eyes flit to the rows of treadmill to your right. That’s something you definitely can’t screw up. Hopping on one that’s situated in the corner, you are presented with a spectacular aerial view of the city.  
The last time you’ve been to the gym was the day you learned that Wanda was fucking one of her students. While you haven’t lost weight (quite frankly, you’ve managed the opposite), you’ve lost all the muscles you’ve developed in a measly gym back in Westview. Your habit of googling everything led you to actually read a few dozen articles on how to heal a broken heart, and while their advice varied from developing a healthy habit to copious amounts of rebound sex, they all suggested daily exercise or taking up a new sport. Running was the only sport you fell in love with in the suburbs, but you found it hard to motivate yourself once you moved back to the city.
You and Wanda spent a lot of time in Central Park the first few months you began dating, and you knew how much she enjoyed taking random walks there. No matter its vastness and the odds of randomly seeing her during a stroll being less than ten percent, you can’t rely on your subconscious not to bring you to some of the areas that might result in an encounter. 
Not that you haven’t thought about the possibility, on the contrary, you’ve thought about running into Wanda a lot. 
You’ve thought about how you’ll feel and what you’d do. If you see her, should you say hello like two old friends meeting after a long estrangement? Should you apologize for not answering her texts and returning her calls? Would she apologize for it again? Are your interactions from now on, going to be awkward exchanges of hellos and sorries? 
Will words be exchanged at all? Or will you be strangers passing each other on the sidewalks, like parallel lines that would walk the same paths but never intersect each other again?
How do you cope with knowing someone from the inside-out, only to cut them out completely out of your life?
“Excuse me?” you hear a female voice next to you, cutting your line of thought.
Speeding on the treadmill at eight miles per hour, you’re lucky to hit the stop button before you could trip all over your feet. Once you’re sure you won’t lose your balance, you steadily turn around to address the owner of the voice– 
The girl is stunning, and–as cliché as it sounds–has the appearance of a Victoria’s Secret model. Her auburn hair is styled in an intricate braid and she smells too good for someone who’s just finished their workout. 
“Can I help you?” you ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious about your own appearance and scent.
It doesn’t help your diffidence when she deliberately takes a step closer. 
She must’ve sensed her effect on you, because she makes the bold move to place a delicate hand on your damp arm, then says, “I’m about to do some post-workout stretch, and I know this is gonna sound weird but I need your help.” 
You swallow dryly. “My help… stretching?”
“I understand if you’re not comfortable with it. It’s just, I don’t want to ask a man to do this for me.”
You blink at her. Otherwise, you barely move a muscle in your face.
At your lack of verbal response, she gives you an apologetic smile and starts walking away. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, thank you for your time.”
You catch a whiff of her perfume, and suddenly your tongue finally catches up with your brain. 
Like a trained ballerina, she swivels gracefully on her heel, and you swear she looks even younger from this distance. 
“I can help. Just tell me what to do.”
You’ve never done this. You’ve never done anything remotely close to this.
Not before Wanda, and certainly not in a semi-public place where anyone could walk in and hear you. 
(Although in this case, they’d be hearing her.) 
Her name is Charlie (or was it Lottie?) and she’s riding you on a bench in the women’s dressing room. Her towel has pooled to her waist, barely covering her ass as it bounces on your lap at the motion of her hips lifting and forcefully coming back down to fuck herself on your fingers. 
You’re so mesmerized at the sight of someone’s pleasure, and the fact that you’re the one causing it. By your standards, it hasn’t been too long. But the nights you’ve woken up to a throbbing sensation between your legs and not once seeking release, had you acting on impulse when Charlie/Lottie kissed you as soon as you stepped out of the shower. 
“Fuck, it feels so good.” she moans against your ear. “More, please.”
You don’t bother to ask what she’s asking for specifically, as you insert a third finger into her pussy, and push in and out of her at a speed that has your wrist cramping in a matter of seconds. She doesn’t last much longer after that. As soon as she starts coming, she buries her head in the area where your neck meets your shoulder; her teeth biting rather harshly at the flesh there while her walls flutter around you. 
She kisses you softly after she comes down from her high, and it almost makes you cry. 
“Thank you.” she murmurs sheepishly, and you try not to think about the last person who thanked you for an orgasm. 
“You haven’t cum yet. Do you want–”
“Can I taste you?” you whisper, blushing at your own request.
She nods eagerly at that, and you gently lay her down fully on the bench. You take her towel off completely from her waist and place it over her chest in case she starts to feel chilly. Securing your own towel around you, you lick a trail down her body. The thing about Charlie (you decided to just call her that) is she’s inconceivably hot. Half of your thoughts are fixated on that one particular fact, and the other half is still fumbling with what’s already happening. Charlie’s thighs close around your head, causing your cheeks to rub against the smoothness of them. Her supple skin feels as expensive as it looks, her stomach is taut and defined, unlike–
You’re not supposed to compare. You’re not supposed to even think about her at this moment. 
When you reach your destination, you place an open-mouthed kiss at the top of her cunt before flicking her clit with the tip of your tongue in short, quick strokes. At the same time, your right hand travels to your own wet heat, and you groan at her taste and the relief of finally attending to your own needs. Charlie impatiently removes the towel covering her torso to grab her own breasts and squeeze them. 
Moving lower, to the place where she’s ostensibly gushing, you stick your tongue in a slow but deliberate movement. The action causes her to abandon one of her tits in order to cover the scream that escapes her mouth. You switch up tactics. Flattening your tongue against her clit, you alternate between massaging and giving it little licks, all the while you mimic the same measures to your own nub. You start moaning against her pussy, sending subtle vibrations that add to her building climax. 
You meant to tease her to no end, until she impatiently whines, “Hurry, my boyfriend’s picking me up soon.”
“Yeah, my boyfriend is on the way to pick me up.” Wanda said after you asked her if she’ll be okay on her own. Natasha had been ringing your phone for the last fifteen minutes, and it wasn’t going to stop vibrating in your pocket unless you got to the subway.
She’s the prettiest girl you’ve ever met, but the universe apparently had other plans and was telling you you’re in over your head. 
You tried to contain your disappointment. “It was nice meeting you, Wanda.”
“Likewise, Y/N.” Wanda beamed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The faint glow of the golden hour hit the side of her face at the most perfect angle. Her bottom teeth weren’t perfect, but her smile was so carefree and so unrestrained, it lit up the empty hallway where the two of you were standing close together. A warm fuzziness seized your entire body, reaching the end of your toes and your fingertips. 
It’s a mystery to you as well, but you genuinely hoped she was happy and properly loved. 
With a grateful smile, you waved her goodbye.
However, just right before you turned a corner, you heard your name echoing in the hallway. 
You turned around and met Wanda’s green eyes that pulled you like magnets. “Yes?”
“Do you, maybe, want to hang out sometime?”
You didn’t think you’d eventually find yourself at the other side of the equation. That someone would use you to cheat on their partner. Karma has a dark sense of humor, and you can’t do anything but chuckle in disbelief.  Her revelation makes you freeze in all respects, and there’s no way you’re going to cum after knowing that you’re fucking someone else’s girlfriend. 
“That was incredible,” Charlie murmurs in between pants. She reclines on her back, unabashedly naked like a renaissance painting. “I wouldn’t mind doing this again with you.”
You pick up her towel that has fallen on the floor, and carelessly toss it right at her face. 
“I would.” is all you say, and start dressing yourself without another word. 
You don’t remember much of the so-called walk of shame. One minute you’re eating a girl out, and the next you’re back in Natasha’s apartment, staring at the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back. You took another shower–a scalding one–when you got home, cleaning off the woman’s traces from your skin. What you couldn’t remove is the mark she left on your neck: a glaring purple bruise that will probably won’t go away for at least two days. 
With a long sigh, you close your eyes at the detail that won’t leave you. 
She had a boyfriend.
For a short moment you were in Vision’s shoes, even if you had no idea that she was using you for the very same thing that broke you.
You visibly jolt out of your stupor, and reach for the knob of the bathroom door to make sure it’s locked.
“I’ll be out in a minute.”
“No, it’s fine. Please don’t come out yet. I prefer saying this without you seeing me right now.” Natasha says, and you can tell she’s now standing just on the other side of the door. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, uhm…”
A pause. Two deep breaths drawn, and then–
“I’ve decided I’m going back.”
“Back to work.”
“Natasha,” You say in quiet shock. “Does he know? You’ve talked to him about this?”
Natasha nods. “He said I can do whatever I want. We’re on a break, anyway.”
“Oh,” Your eyes drop to the floor, thinking of something else to say.
“You’re going to be okay on your own, right?” you hear Natasha whisper through the door.
You? She’s putting her life in constant danger once again, and she’s asking you. It just about makes you smile with boundless affection. You’ve been through countless conversations with Natasha, trying to talk her into a career that is not life-threatening at the very least. You used to think that Bruce coming into her life years ago would change her mind, but it seems her work is so etched to her identity that she could not just be without it.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. When are you leaving?”
“The day after tomorrow.” she says.
You open the door this time. “Wow, they really need you that bad, huh?”
Natasha smirks. “Clint’s throwing me an impromptu send-off party tomorrow night. Will you come?”
“As long as you’ll pay for the drinks.”
“He’s got us covered,” Natasha says, and then her eyes zero in on the evidence of your earlier tryst. “Oh, and you might want to cover that up.”
You blush as your fingers automatically stroke the hickey on your neck.  
“I–” you try to explain.
She doesn’t let you and only says, “Good for you. Sweet dreams, stranger.” with a knowing little wink, before retreating to her own room. 
Good for you. Somehow that makes you feel infinitely worse. 
You pad quietly towards your bed, and as you settle in it, you hear a vibration coming from inside the nightstand next to you. 
It’s your old phone. The one you keep but no longer use. The one that Wanda’s been relentlessly calling and texting. It’s buzzing to notify you that its battery is at a critical level.
You still haven’t decided what you should do with it. When you were married to Wanda, you were naturally each other’s emergency contact, and so you’ve convinced yourself that maybe you should keep it for that reason alone.
Picking up the phone with the intention to plug it, you see one missed call from Wanda. Guilt, however irrational it may be, settles at the pit of your stomach as your mind returns to what happened in the gym. It mortifies you now to realize that you have touched Charlie the way you would touch Wanda when you made love to her.
Aside from the missed call, there’s a text message from Wanda that reads: Took Sparky to the vet today. He said there’s nothing to worry about. Maybe he just misses you.
Biting your lower lip, you think about responding. 
‘I miss him too’, you begin to type. ‘I miss y–’
You quickly press the backspace button to delete it altogether. Deciding not to text back, you return the phone to its hiding place. The battery will eventually run out, and maybe then, you’ll be able to decide its fate. 
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shinestarhwaa · 11 months
I've noticed the very up-beat and positive, horny prompts you've been receiving lately and I'm here to ruin that with my dark, mysterious and jaded presence.
Can I pls request...
dom!hongjoong+ sex after breakup+ dacryphilia (crying during sex)+ 'please, just give it to me for tonight'
Do your best to shatter my heart, I'm looking forward to it :)
Oh my my my, you and your dark requests...haha jk, I thought this was very interesting so I hope I did well and made you enjoy it sweetie &lt;3
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Genre: Smut, Angst
Pairing: Hongjoong x Fem reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Tags/Warnings: soft dom!Hongjoong, dacryphilia, sex after breakup, fingering, unprotected sex
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123
It had been a rough few weeks on your own. Hongjoong moved out and collected almost all of his stuff. It was wrecking you that things didn't work out between you but him leaving was for the best; right person wrong time as they say.
It was 8PM and he was coming to pick up the last box of his belongings and you were dreading it, wondering if it would be the last time you'd see him. Just as you stood up to just wander around again the doorbell rang. He was here.
You rushed into the hall and opened the door, revealing your ex-boyfriend Hongjoong. He looked annoyingly gorgeous. He dyed his hair brown and he had his selfmade jacket on, the jacket you've worn so many times before. But you never would again.
"Hi," you spoke, opening the door further so he could step in, into his old home. "Hi, Y/N," he said softly. There was a weird kind of tension between you two and it was clear you were both still not okay after your break-up.
"Your hair is brown," you noticed as you fidgeted with the anti-anxiety ring on your finger. The ring he got you for your anxiety a few months ago. Did you have to throw this out now too? His gifts?
"Yeah, yeah it is, I dyed it 2 weeks ago," he nodded, taking off his shoes before walking into the livingroom. You followed him and pointed at the box of his belongings. "That's it, I believe, I checked the house," you stated. Hongjoong looked in the box and nodded. "Yes, that seems about right, thank you."
"If I may ask...," you began, hesistance in your voice, "where do you live now?" "I... I am still sleeping on Seonghwa's couch," he confessed, seemingly embarrassed, "but I'm trying to find my own apartment actually."
Your heart broke a little, wishing you could take him into your arms and take care of him again, but there was no use, your relationship was as dead as a withering flower. It hurt you so much, and you knew that would last for a while. You did not want your relationship with him to be a lesson, you wanted it to be love.
"Do you want some coffee?" You offered after being silent for a while. He hesitated but then nodded and sat on the couch. Maybe it was stupid, taking care and keeping him in your old shared home, just for a little longer, just a little longer before saying goodbye. It was hard saying goodbye to a person you had never imagined to say goodbye to.
You poured coffee into Hongjoong's old mug. It was originally yours, the blue one with graphic lines on it, but when you got a house together it was his standard mug. Some things never change.
Hongjoong smiled and thanked you when you put the mug on the coffeetable in front of him. Was he being genuine? Was he okay? You kept wondering and asking yourself what was good, what was right to do, but you decided to play dumb.
"I can't believe how quickly we went from everything to nothing," he remarked, startling you. Your heart started to beat loudly in your chest as you looked him in his eyes.
"I wouldn't say we went to... nothing," you spoke softly, "feelings don't just disappear just because it didn't work out." Hongjoong nodded. "You're right."
"How have you been?" He asked, brushing a hand through his hair. "Shit," you admitted as you sat next to him. "I don't wanna say it but I do miss you, I miss what we were and I hate sleeping alone."
"Me too," he nodded, "I get cold." You nodded. He used to call you his personal heater when he got cold at night. You weren't anymore.
"I still crave you," you sighed. "You crave me?" He asked, looking into your eyes. "We went from loving every night to nothing... there is nothing I miss more than your body on mine."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought of the fact that he'd never touch you again. He'd never make love to you again. What a tragedy. "I miss that too," Hongjoong admitted. You sighed deeply and shook your head. "Stop saying that Joong."
"But it's true... I do miss it... I miss the way your skin felt on mine... the way you sound... the way you clenched when you-" "Don't say it," you stopped him, closing your eyes and biting your lip. "The way you clenched on my cock, when you're cumming," he continued, "the way your breasts bounced when you ride me, the way you looked up at me when you got on your knees for me, the way you got so wet for me when I-"
Hongjoongs' hand slid over your thigh and cupped your crotch, making you shiver and tremble. "When I moaned out your fucking name... Y/N," he spoke in a voice way too sensual for a broken up couple. You shouldn't do this, you knew that, but how could you slap that hand away, when it was making you feel so good between your thighs?
"Please, give it to me, just tonight," you whimpered. "What did you say?" "Use me again, give it to me, one last time, and fuck me, hard and deep, make me yours one last time," you said, tears nearly rolling down your cheeks. Hongjoong nodded as he worked his fingers into your panties as your skirt rode up your thighs. Your cunt was damp from just feeling his fingers, how embarrassing.
His middle- and index finger pumped inside your cunt the way they always did and it was good; so good. Hongjoong made you feel things no one ever could, no lover ever made you cum in this shaky, toecurling way. He knew your body like no one else did and he wouldn't forget it. Never.
"Hongjoong!" You moaned out as you arched your back. You leaned against the soft cushions on the couch that Hongjoong once bought. His fingers moved rapidly and found your g-spot, hitting and massaging it repeatedly as his fingers curled just right.
"That's right baby, cum on my fingers," he smirked as he felt your pussy clench. You hated to admit how fast he made you cum, every time. His body worked magic, you were sure.
You clenched hard and came, came loudly, his name rolling off your lips like a mantra. He took his fingers out of you and licked them off before taking you to the bedroom that you once shared. You both took off your clothes as you shared a heated, messy kiss.
Hongjoong felt the familiar sheets on his naked body when he laid on top of you. It smelled just like it always had, but the picture of you and him in the forest had disappeared.
He pumped his rigid cock a few times before sliding it into your awaiting sex, legs spread for him like always. Hongjoong moaned out your name when he felt your walls welcome him, and he swore he didn't wanna leave. Your hands ran over his back, feeling his soft skin underneath your fingertips.
"Please," you whimpered, begging him to move his cock inside you. Hongjoong listened and rocked his hips into yours, cock sliding in and out of you at a fast pace. Your whines and groans got louder gradually as his thrusts got more rough.
The grip of his hands on your hips nearly hurt, but it hurt so good. The pounding of his cock into your pussy made the most sinful squelching and clapping sounds anyone's ever heard, breath heavy and rough.
You felt tears roll down your cheeks this time, no longer able to hold in your sadness. Hongjoong kept ramming his dick inside you, making you moan loudly for him as the bed shook violently.
"Hongjoong!" You cried, sniffling and holding onto his hovering body. "I got you, I got you," he breathed out, but it was a lie. He didn't have you. He threw you away, even.
Why did you have to choose suffering? Why didn't you send him away? Your heart ached while your body felt so good, and before you knew it you were coming hard, clenching roughly on his cock.
Hongjoong moaned out and came as he felt your body tremble. He rode out your orgasms and pulled out of you, admiring the mess he made on your pussy, just for a little while.
He then stood up and put his clothes back on. You cried in your pillow, not wanting it to end. "Y/N, I..."
"Go, I said ...just tonight... one last time... please... I... just go," you whispered. There was no point in pretending it would ever work. There was no point in him pretending to care.
So you send him off, with an ache in your chest. Maybe you deserved better, a true lifelong lovestory. But you wanted him. What a tragedy.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Part 1 > Part 2
Angst to fluff. Break up to Make up.
Summary of Part 1: Joe and reader break up due to a drunken kiss Joe had at a party one night, she tells him to come over to collect his stuff but ends up sleeping with him one last time, both now sharing a broken heart, he tries to beg for forgiveness but she tells him to leave. He blocks her number and it's time to move on...
Summary of Part 2: It's four years later and Joe and reader bump into one another in the street, catching up she invites him over but instead he gets a surprise that is deemed life changing...
Tag list: @joeschains @munsons-mayhem28 @theoneandlaurie @aysheashea @itsfreakingbats @live-love-be-unique @josephfakingquinn @paranoidmunson @kayleeelena97 @figmentofquinn @choke-me-eddie @etherealglimmer @ches-86 @ali-r3n @daleyeahson @queengirl56 @sadbitchfangirl @purplerain85 @whoscamila @joe-quinn-loving-queer @freakymunson @idkjoequinn @astridflowers @evansgal
Word Count: 4k
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Life was never the same again after that one afternoon that you said goodbye to someone you thought you'd love forever for the last time. It was not goodbye in the respect you'd never see his face again, plastered all over social media and various new movies you'd see him, reaching new levels of fame and soaring high in his career, that was the only way to see the man you once adored, yet it was a farewell all the same and a chapter you'd now closed in your life.
Four years had passed and everything had changed, you no longer cried yourself to sleep at night, you were in a job you didn't necessarily mind, you'd moved into a house, had a few dates here and there that didn't really last long for one reason or another yet above all that; you had the greatest gift of all. You were comfortable to say the least.
You wandered around the streets of Soho, London one sunny morning, not somewhere you went too often but your free day saw you in the mood for exploring your own city. Finding a quaint little café on a secluded part of town, the smell of fresh pastries and patisseries, coffee and the chatter of friends and people minding their own business were scattered around, you entered the glass door with the ring of a bell above it with the hope of a decent breakfast. You smiled at the scents around you, the warmth of the sunlight shining brightly through the big windows behind you, the queue was slightly long but you had all the time in the world, not an often occurrence in this day and age but you'd make the most of it.
Ordering a large coffee and pain au chocolat to go, you stood by the side of the counter before the barista called your name to collect your order, your stomach rumbled as you watched others devour their breakfast just as you were about to. Heading outside to bask in the sun and people watch, another of your favourite past times, you bit into the oozing French pastry, your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head when the first bite hit your tastebuds.
Finishing it off quickly, you took the lid off of your coffee and began to walk back along the streets, your phone buzzed and you were too preoccupied staring down at it when you came to a sudden holt, stumbling and slamming into the lower chest of a person before you, your coffee spilled all over you and the stranger in question.
"Shit I'm so sorry!" You began to wipe yourself down, your chest burning from the clutch of the hot beverage, stains seeping down your summer dress.
"No, please I didn't look where I was-" The voice broke through your ear drums like a curse, a familiar sound if ever you'd heard one but you weren't quite sure where you'd heard it or why, scared to look up due to the pause of the low male voice, you instead sauntered to a nearby bin, throwing away the coffee cup, only to hear the voice catch up with you once again.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You turned around and finally brought yourself to look a few inches up. Your ex boyfriend also known as Joseph more formally.
"Jos- Joe. Hi, oh my goodness. I didn't recognise you in-"
"This hat? No it's a disguise." He smirked playfully, god had you missed that look. You had to do a mental shake of your head, though it was years on you still needn't forget what he'd left you with.
"A pretty rubbish disguise if I ever saw one." You chuckled a small laugh his way, earning one back in return. Joe rubbed the back of his neck in an awkwardly shy remark.
"So what're you doing round my end?" He asked.
"Didn't realise Soho belonged to you." Your sarcasm showed and Joe noticed it right away, watching you glance around the area.
"You haven't changed a bit." He laughed again.
"I didn't intend to, good or bad?"
"Good. Always good." Joe smiled. It was like you were old friends, everything fell into place like something you'd never lost. But you had lost him, you'd lost him all those years ago and you were willing to forgive but you'd certainly not forget.
"So what're you doing here?" He was trying his best to keep the conversation alive, just awaiting the next sarcastic move.
"Well I was enjoying my coffee but apparently it had other ideas."
"Can I get you another, you know to make up for the one you lost?" Joe offered that smile that made you melt, the one you'd see on social media a lot of the time, the one that you couldn't ever say no to, a free coffee though? What's there to lose.
"Sure. It's the least you can do." You walked over to a different cafe, as much as to save the embarrassment of going back to the previous one to show off your stained clothing. Joe remembered your order, which was surprising due to the amount of time that'd passed, but it was sweet nevertheless.
Sitting down at the nearest table, you gazed out of the window once more, feeling not just the warmth of the sun anymore, but the burning of your blushing cheeks from the brown eyes that burnt into you, staring intently.
"So what's new with you?" Joe asked.
"Life's life. Decent job, new house-"
"Love life?" Wow. He had to drop the L bomb.
"Non existent." He looked somewhat relieved and surprised at the same time. That was clearly the one answer he wanted.
"Honestly, the same."
You talked for hours, catching up and bringing up old memories and times when you were happy together, teasing one another about silly little things, you'd not smiled like this in a long time, yet little did you know, in the same respect; neither had Joe.
He took a glance at his phone, whispering under a short breath shit, looking back up to you with sad eyes. "I gotta go, got a photoshoot to get to at the other side of town in 15 minutes."
"Duty calls." You smiled miserably, anyone could see through that smile, you were sad the short and surprising meet was coming to an end so quickly.
"C-could I maybe get your number? You know so we can maybe see each other again?" He dared ask the question that made your heart beat through your chest, the whole phone situation was a delicate one with you and him, especially because the last time you tried to contact him in desperation, he'd blocked you.
"Of course." You tapped your number in his phone and he quickly sent you a little smiley emoji so you had his in return.
"You're looking great by the way, I've missed you love."
"You too." You meant that in both ways, but keeping it short and sweet as a way to not get the wrong message from one another, you just agreed. Joe left swiftly, looking back once to offer you that beautiful yet reluctant smile.
Your head was in sub space for a while after, you couldn't quite believe what'd happened and it felt so right. After all this time, there was something you couldn't quite put your finger on, a coincidence, the universe sending you a message maybe? The second chance could've been there but you weren't rushing too quickly into it, you would only go as slow as your heart was telling you to but still your mind was racing ten to the dozen.
You'd just finished your house chores when your phone buzzed and you ran over to it like an excited child. It was exactly who you wanted to be on your notifications when your phone lit up.
Joe: Hey, it was so good to see you again x
You: Wasn't so bad to see you again either x
Joe: Maybe you could come over tonight? x
You: Let me check my schedule... x
Joe: Okay miss popular x
You: Appears I have space to fit you in, send me your address and I'll be there x
Joe: *Joseph shared location on maps*
Joe: See you at about 6pm? x
You: Looking forward to it x
A quick invite lead to you losing your mind, again, what had you got to lose? There was nothing wrong with hanging out with your ex from years ago, plus other secrets that you held, it was just something that maybe was meant to happen, something you'd silently dreamed of for a little while, gotten out of your head and then it reappeared again like a hidden surprise.
You turned up dead on 6pm, checking your phone to make sure you'd got the right address and knocked at the door. You didn't knock a third time before the door swung open and there stood him. Looking slightly more casual than earlier, glasses firmly a top his head, a warm and welcoming smile as he gestured for you to come in.
You don't know quite where the moment started or where it ceased to end, but a lovely meal cooked by the man himself, followed by a few glasses of wine ended in you getting a little too comfortable with Joe, maybe it was the liquid courage or maybe it was the feeling telling you to go with it. A what will be will be kind of situation. You were unsure how you'd managed to find Joe's lips plastered to yours, moulded perfectly as they moved in unison. It hadn't even been 24 hours since you met again for the first time and already sparks were flying between you. They say you never truly get over your first love and it showed in the situation you'd found yourself in.
Joe had caged you beneath him and the sofa and you were in full make out mode, tongues dancing and gliding around each other, hands roaming over each others bodies, the most intimate and beautiful moment you'd felt yourself getting into in such a long time, butterflies flipped in your stomach and your heart was racing in full panic attack mode, but you were happy and to your knowledge so was the man kissing you, you could almost tell by the smile you felt in the midst of the passionate encounter.
Joe pulled away, scanning your features, stroking his fingers down your cheek, enjoying the softness of your skin against his digits. "Maybe I didn't realise how much I'd truly missed you darling."
"Me either." You took a short sigh, content nonetheless but still a little scared. Focusing on the present and the most handsome man you'd ever laid your eyes on, you stroked your fingers along his jaw, he relaxed in your touch and closed his eyes, coming down immediately to plant sweet sloppy kisses along your own jaw and down to your neck. A small whimper erupted from your throat, which egged Joe on further, his hands now pressed firmly to your clothed breasts.
A crashing reality hit you when your phone rang, the vibration running along the coffee table next to you, you tried to ignore it but then the vibrations came again, and then again.
"Maybe I should answer that."
"Just ignore it."
It rang again. You moved up as a sign for Joe to get off of you. Moment ruined. It was your mum, you swiped your phone off of the table quickly and ran into the kitchen so Joe couldn't hear the other end. He tried his hardest to listen to the conversation and the tension rising, he swore he heard the sound of a faint cry coming from the receiving line, making his brow furrow.
"Yes mum, I'll come right away." You ended the call, rushing back into the living room standing a couple of metres away from the area where you had just been underneath Joe minutes before.
"I have to go, I'm so sorry, I'll text you though. Tonight's been amazing Joe. Thank you." Joe noticed the apprehension in your voice, tilting his head to the side in a worried manner.
"Everything ok?" He said in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, absolutely. Just need to get to my mums."
"I can take you if you-"
"No, it's fine. See you soon." You ran out the door with nothing but a blunt reply, slamming the door and rushing to the tube station to get to your mum's house. Luckily she didn't live far from Joe's so it made the journey all the more shorter.
Your phone had buzzed a couple of times upon your return home, it took you some time to look at it this time around, not being able to reply as quickly as you wanted too, your head full of stupid thoughts on what Joe could've been thinking about your quick exit.
Sitting on your bed, exhausted and with full intent to go to sleep, first you read through the messages.
Joe: I hope everything's ok? I hope I didn't take it too far. I know we have history and all that but I was really happy to see you again, even in that way... x
Joe: Let me know you're good. It's been a while and you haven't replied x
Joe: Y/N. Regardless of you not replying, just let me know when you're ready, if everything's ok at least, I'm worried about you x
You tapped your fingers fast, feeling quite apologetic in your reply.
You: I'm sorry I had to just leave like that. It wasn't you and I'm fine. Reality called and I had to answer it. There is one thing you really do need to know and if you're certain you want to be in my life, it now comes with a package deal... x
Your hesitation to press send almost made you want to vomit, now you were the one who was worried.
Joe: Package deal? What're you talking about... Of course I want to be in your life, friends or maybe more again someday, we can take things slow x
You: Come over tomorrow. I'll send you my address, please don't be scared but there's something you need to see x
Joe: I'll be there. I'm not scared of anything, I'd just be scared of losing you again. There's no worse feeling than that x
Tomorrow would come too soon, you were the one who was scared, scared of his reaction to what you needed to show him. Something that belonged to him, not the sweater of his you'd kept all of these years in the back of your wardrobe, something a lot more close to home. It was your own decision to bring this up too quickly, but he needed to know the truth as soon as possible.
Your phone buzzed and your hands shook in its grasp.
Joe: I'm on my way, I'll be 15 minutes if I don't hit traffic x
You: Ok x
You put your phone back on the kitchen counter top and bent with your elbows firmly pressed against it, rubbing your hands over your face and taking a huge inhale of oxygen, it was almost time.
You didn't hear it at the time when you were upstairs in the bathroom, but there was a knock at the front door. Behind it stood a slightly nerved Joe. The front door slowly opened and where your face should've been stood all he could see was through into your home. He double took when he looked down to see a little girl staring back at him.
"Hello are you mummy's friend?"
Joe's jaw dropped, his hands became clammy and his mouth filled with saliva, the type that you feel when you're about to throw up.
"I-I am. I'm Joe." You had literally gotten to the doorway and watched the love of your life meet the other love of your life, your eyes grew as wide as Joe's in that second and you felt paralyzed from head to toe.
"You can come in if you want" she said politely, totally oblivious and innocent to the tension between yourself and him. Joe couldn't take his eyes off of her, he was stunned, practically the last thing he could've imagined.
Your daughter ran over to you and you swooped her up in your arms, carefully watching Joe's every reaction. "Joe, I'd like you to meet my darling girl, Madison."
For the first time in his own life, he was speechless yet full of questions, not necessarily questions he could be asking in front of the little girl, but there was enough time for that.
You gave her a quick peck on the cheek and set her feet to the ground. "Why don't you go and watch some tv whilst I talk to my friend Mads?" She nodded and took a brief wave at Joe before skipping off to the living room.
You felt so close but yet so far away from him in this mere moment, waiting for his response; whether it be good or bad something had to come of it.
"So you had a baby?" Joe asked, his eyes firmly pressed to the ground.
"I did. She's amazing, the best thing in my life." You smiled sympathetically, you knew this was going to be a lot for him to take in.
"How old is she?"
"She's four going on fourteen. Sassy little madam at times."
It didn't take a genius to work out the timings, but Joe was still taken back and couldn't get the hint.
"She's definitely a cutie."
"Just like her dad." Joe glanced at you, his eyes filling with water, tears clung to his eye lids like his life depended on it.
"Wait what?" Joe whispered. You took his hand and lead him into the kitchen/dining area, sitting him down and making a drink of water for the both of you, god knows he needed it.
"Just shy of five years ago, we ended things for the last time Joe. We did what we did and then about a month later, I found out I was pregnant. She's yours Joe." He ran his fingers through his curls, his eyes boring into you like daggers.
"How do you know-"
"Can't you see it? She literally looks just like you. The eyes, the smile, the curls, her mannerisms. Everything about Madison is you. Whether you want to be a part of her life is up to you, we will tell her in good time, but please make the decision quickly because I don't want you to change your mind and break her heart like you did mine."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He looked like he was gasping for air. Your hands that were laid flat on your dining table were now clutched by his, a small part of his lips and a single tear rolling down his cheek.
"I was scared Joe. But fate brought me to you yesterday and you needed to know the truth even if it is four years too late."
"All this time, after all this time..." Joe sniffled, tears of your own now matched the ones staining his cheeks.
"So you will?"
"Of course I will. I've never wanted anything more. It's a god damn shock don't get me wrong, but a surprise of the best kind and quite the relief that she's mine." Joe snorted a shy laugh and you returned it.
"You'd be blind not to notice that she wasn't yours."
"Quinn, I gave her your last name. It was only right, even if you weren't there through it all. You're still her father."
"Has she never questioned it?"
"I think she's a little young to notice right now, but in time she would have and I would of told her the truth. But all in good time now, just get to know her at your own pace, she's very forthcoming with people, she'll love you."
Joe gave your hands a reassuring squeeze and a swift nod, getting up from the table and taking a head start into the living room. You took a long gulp of your water and a sharp sigh, smiling to yourself at the positive vibe you got from him, that he was willing to step up, that he was able to go through with this even though it was a shock to his system, for now it gave you such hope.
You tiptoed to the doorway of the living room, setting your sights upon Joe and Madison sat on the floor in front of the tv, she was showing him her favourite teddy bear, one she'd had since she was born, telling Joe all about it's backstory and that she took it everywhere.
"You can hold it if you want" she passed the bear over to Joe and he put it on his lap, cross legged they both turned their attention to the tv screen.
"This is my favourite, mummy watches it with me all the time. Will you stay and watch it with me Joe?"
"Of course I will." Joe smiled, feeling the presence of you behind him, turning his head round to shoot a smile your way, the softest most purest smile you'd ever seen.
You mouthed at him a thank you with a sweet grin in return, wiping a tear from your eyes as Maddie reached for the blanket at the side of her, offering Joe the corner of the small sheet. He gladly took it, their shared mannerisms shining through, you shook your head when you watched them tilt their head to the side in unison as if it were some form of telepathy. She was definitely her father's daughter.
Nothing could be certain of where you and Joe would head in the next chapter of your lives, whether it be a good friendship, or something that would go further, but sticking to your guns and focusing on the present was the best idea and the view of it was perfect from where you were standing.
226 notes · View notes
Sad Beautiful Tragic | C. Soobin
Genre: right person wrong time, angst, idol au
Pairing: idol!ex boyfriend! Soobin x gn! reader
Lua’s note: hello loves<3 I’m back with a short drabble. I was listening to Taylor swift and I imagined having a tragic romance with Soobin 😖 so here it is !
Warnings: mentions of crying, angst, break up, might contain grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
Masterlist <3
You wiped your tears. Over and over again but you couldn’t stop crying. And he couldn’t either.
The homely aura that your apartment used to have was now sad and gray. Soobin held your hand as you both cried.
“I’m sorry.” He sobbed.
This was the hardest day of your life. Saying goodbye to the person you love the most. The one that you shared your days and nights. The one you held onto when you were sad. The one that could make you smile without even trying. The one that would break his back just to watch you break a smile.
“It’s okay Soobin…” you attempted to say.
Soobin had to leave. His schedule was full, he barely had time to go back home. And you understood.
Being an artist was his dream, and you were his number one supporter. You were with him through all his journey, and he did it.
“It's not fair to either of us to keep pretending like we can make it work, but it's hard to let go.” This made Soobin sob loudly, he tried to cover his face with his hands, you moved closer and wrapped your arm around him.
“I hate that we have to do this…” Soobin said in between sobs. Your heart broke in a million pieces.
Your tears rolled down your cheeks without stopping. You’ve never cried like this before.
Your heart ached and your stomach was hurting from crying.
Soobin looked bad, his hair was messy, his tear stained face was red and his eyes were puffy from all the crying.
“Soobin… it’s okay.” You cupped the side of his face with your hand. “We’ll see each other again, I’ll always be here for you, even if it has to be as a friend.” Your voice cracked saying this.
You couldn’t believe this was happening, but you knew it eventually would.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I can’t be with you like we wanted to.” You hugged him. This was not his fault.
“Don’t worry, I understand…”
You stayed like that for a couple of minutes until you both calmed down. Soobin pulled away slowly. He grabbed the side of your face and kissed you.
It was your last kiss. It was full of sadness but also of love and goodbye.
After you pulled away, he placed his forehead against yours.
“Thank you for understanding.”
“I’ll always be here for you, Soobin. I’ll always love you. And if you ever want to come back, I’ll be here.”
“I love you, yn.”
74 notes · View notes
just a taste
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pairing: vampire!danny x reader | word count: 3k | warnings: swear words, blood, negative self-talk, kissing, manipulation (depending on how you read danny’s intentions), light gore (not really but i feel like i should put this just in case) | my masterlist
summary: danny goes to comfort the reader after a rough day, but tensions rise as his behavior suggests that he may be hiding a strange secret
author’s note: first of all, apologies bc that summary is terrible. but anyway, this fic is a bit different from my other works, but it was really fun to write. i hope y’all like it!! also letting y’all know ahead of time: the vampire themes are very light until the end
You walked into your apartment and slammed the door behind you, turning the deadbolt into place and sliding your chain lock before you slumped into the nearest kitchen chair. Your head quickly found its way into your hands as sobs shook through your frame.
For the last month you had been able to hold yourself together, but today was your breaking point. All you could see when you closed your eyes was your ex’s face as he smiled and flirted with your coworker. Their laughter rang through your ears, deepening your heart’s wounds with every echo. You didn’t even miss him or want to be with him, but somehow you couldn’t help but be angry with yourself, thinking of all the things you might have done to drive him away. You tried to remind yourself that the split was never your fault, but as hot tears painted your cheeks the idea seemed harder and harder to believe. So there you sat, weeping into your hands as cries filled the air of your empty apartment.
As seconds turned to minutes your eyes began to dry, and your sobs faded to muted whimpers. Your eyes scanned the kitchen and the living room beyond it, and you decided that to spend the evening alone would be unbearable. You pulled out your phone and dialed the one person you know you could turn to. After a few moments, he finally answered.
“Hey, what’s up?” Danny greeted. Just hearing his voice was enough to help you calm down.
“Hey, Danny. Um, would you maybe want to come over this afternoon? I had a bad day at work and could use the company,” you asked him.
His answer was immediate. “Of course. I’ll be over in about ten minutes. You okay? Do you need me to bring anything?”
The questions were enough to make you want to burst into tears again, but you fought them back enough to answer him with a quick, “Nope, just yourself. I’ll see you when you get here. Thanks so much, Danny.”
“Okay then,” he replied, “I’ll see you soon.” You both said your goodbyes, and you reluctantly hung up. The temporary comfort your call with Danny gave you soon began to fade as you realized that you were still alone in your apartment. You decided to hop in the shower, hoping to distract yourself from the looming emptiness of your home.
Your steps were slow but determined as you made your way to the bathroom, and upon entering the room you began to methodically peel your clothes from your body. As you stepped into the shower and felt the warm water cascade down your figure you could sense the muscles in your shoulders slowly losing their tension. The stress gradually lessened and flowed away like the water running towards the drain, and you began to feel better. You decided to grab your razor, lazily shaving the lower portion of your legs. This proved to not be the best idea, however, as your last stroke resulted in a small cut forming on your shin. It wasn’t incredibly painful, but it still left a small trail of blood down your leg. You moved the shower head to rinse the crimson liquid away and cursed under your breath.
You finished your shower and grabbed a towel, quickly drying yourself off. Realizing you forgot to grab a set of pajamas before you came into the bathroom, you opted to slip on your robe for the meantime. You began to brush your hair until you were interrupted by a knock at your door. Figuring it must be Danny, you put down your brush and tightened your robe before going to let him in.
As you swung open the door, you were greeted by your friend’s warm smile. He looked incredibly comfy, clad in a pair of sweatpants and a faded band tee that exposed just a bit of his midriff when he raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck. Taking note of his outfit, you suddenly remembered that you were wrapped in just your bathrobe, making a small blush creep across your face.
“Hey,” you greeted him, “I’m so glad you came. Um, I just got out the shower, so I’m gonna go run and put on some pajamas real quick, but you can come in and make yourself at home while I do that.” You opened the door wider to give him room to walk in past you.
Danny gave a small chuckle before answering you with a soft “Alright, take your time. No rush.”
You smiled at him and thanked him before walking to your bedroom. You threw off your robe and got dressed, deciding to wear an oversized t-shirt with a small pair of sleep shorts that had honestly seen better days.
When you exited your room, Danny was seated on your couch, scrolling on his phone and absentmindedly tapping a beat on his thigh. You loved that even when his mind wasn’t on it, he was making music. For a second you debated leaving him in this state, but decided against it, clearing your throat and giving him a small, “Hey. Thanks for coming over.”
He smiled up at you, tossing his phone to the side as you came to sit on the recliner to his left. “It’s no problem,” he responded, “Just being a good friend. So what happened? Do you wanna talk about it?”
You let out a long sigh, considering if you even wanted to get into the whole mess that led you here, but you ultimately decided that it would be unfair to call Danny over and not even tell him what was going on. “It’s Jason,” you started, “It’s been about a month since the breakup, and I’d been doing so well, y’know? Like I barely even looked at him at work, and when I did, I didn’t wanna break down or scream at him or anything. I think the feelings had finally started to fade away like everyone said they would.” Danny silently nodded and waited for you to continue.
You took another deep breath before going on, “But then today I was in the break room, and I hear someone laughing or whatever, and I look and he’s talking to Melanie. I could tell by the look on his face that he was flirting with her, and from the way she was laughing he must have been really laying it on thick. I mean, how could he do that? I know we’re broken up, but do you have to flirt with someone right in front of me? And why Melanie? We’re not super close or anything, but we are work friends, and he knows that! Plus, it doesn’t help that she looks like the exact opposite of me. I mean, he couldn’t make it less obvious that he doesn’t want me if he tried. I probably disgust him.” A sob rips it way out of your throat. You didn’t know when you had started crying but now it felt like you couldn’t stop. The tears poured out of your body in a way that you couldn’t control.
Danny eyed you sympathetically before reaching out his hands, grasping yours in a firm yet comforting grip. “Hey, hey,” he cooed, “It’s alright. Jason was an asshole. Hell, he still is an asshole, and if he can’t see what a knockout you are, that’s his loss, okay? You’re funny and beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to get the chance to make you happy. Besides, who cares what he thinks anyway? He’s a grown man who wears enough Axe body spray to give a middle school basketball team a run for their money.”
Your sobs turned into small giggles after his comment, eventually shifting into a full-on fit of laughter. “Yeah, I guess you have a point there,” you answered once you finally began to regain your composure.
Danny held his hands up in mock innocence. “It had to be said,” he joked. A small smile graced his features, and you were reminded of how incredibly warm his presence was. His kind personality permeated your body, always making you feel at home. This warmth suddenly faltered, however, as Danny’s smile briefly fell. Your brows knit in confusion, and you followed his line of sight, realizing his gaze was on your shin.
Your cut had seemingly reopened, leaving a small trail of blood that leaked from your leg onto the recliner. A small gasp left your lips. “Oh fuck, I thought that had stopped bleeding,” you sighed, bringing a hand to the small wound, hoping to stop the bleeding.
“You need to put a bandaid on that,” Danny advised, a hint of concern now painting his features.
“Yeah,” you agreed, “Can you grab me a bandaid? I have some in the bathroom cabinet. Bottom shelf.”
“Uh, yeah,” he replied, rushing to the bathroom. He returned in seconds with a bandaid. “There you go,” he said, handing it to you.
“Thanks,” you responded, quickly opening the packaging. As you took your hand off of your leg, you noticed that Danny turned his head, seemingly not wanting to look at the cut. “What’s the matter Daniel?” you teased, “Blood makes you squeamish?”
He visibly tensed. “Uh, something like that,” he answered.
You let out a small hum in reply. You thought it was a bit odd that he seemed so bothered over a small cut, but you didn’t say anything. Some people just can’t handle the sight of blood, you supposed.
Once you were sure that your wound was covered, you stood up and looked to Danny. He shot you a somewhat weak smile, one that didn’t carry the warmth of his typical expression. In fact, something felt a bit off about his grin. It somehow felt darker. In all honesty, it was the kind of smile that would send shivers down your spine if it came from anyone but Danny.
You must have been staring at him as these thoughts raced through your mind because he soon regained your attention with a reluctant, “What?”
You shook your head. “Nothing,” you replied, “Something just looked… different about your face for a second. Like maybe you had vampire teeth or something.” A small laugh left your lips at the idea.
Danny was quick to join in the laughter. “Sounds like somebody’s imagination is playing tricks on them,” he quipped, “No fangs here.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well, don’t get any funny ideas, Wagner. I’ve got a shit ton of garlic in the kitchen,” you warned.
He nodded, “Yes ma’am.”
A giggle escaped your lips before you turned your attention to the small spot of blood left on the recliner. “I guess I better try to get that up before it stains the chair,” you sighed, earning a nod from Danny. You walked to the kitchen, pulling a bottle of cleaner out from under the sink and grabbing a wad of paper towels. You turned on the sink, wetting the paper towels and wringing them out. Moments later you walked into the living room and knelt in front of the recliner. You sprayed the spot with cleaner and began to scrub away with the paper towels, hoping to remove the mark. After a few moments you pulled back your hand and saw that the spot was slowly fading. You got up and handed the spray bottle to Danny. “Can you just spray the chair again?,” you asked, “I’m gonna grab some more paper towels.”
He responded with a hesitant nod and a quiet “uh, sure, yeah,” as you left the room.
“I’m sorry about all this,” you called from the kitchen, “I didn’t mean for you to come here and get all squeamish. I’m sure this is a bit weird.” A moment passed, and you heard no reply from Danny. Thinking this was odd, you began to walk faster towards the living room, wanting to make sure your friend was okay. As you stepped into the room, you saw him standing at the recliner, staring at it as if he was in a trance. “Hey,” you spoke up, “You alright?”
He gave his head a brief shake before responding, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” He turned to you, blinking his eyes to seemingly refocus his concentration. It was hard to tell, but you could swear that his pupils had been blown wide, almost in an unnatural way, making his normal warm gaze look like a dark glare. Your eyes flitted down to his teeth, which yet again bore that wicked, sharp look. A brief moment of fear overtook you, but you tried to remain calm, telling yourself that this was all your imagination, and even if it wasn’t, Danny would never hurt you.
You were pulled from these thoughts as he gave your shoulder a small nudge. “You okay?,” he asked.
“Yeah,” you began to answer, “I just- you had that kinda different look on your face again.”
His body tensed, but only for a moment. “Oh,” he replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to freak you out. It’s probably just me still being a bit off because of the cut and everything.” He anxiously raised a hand to rub the back of his neck before letting it fall back at his side.
“Oh my god,” you replied, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize that kind of thing bothered you so much. Do you need to sit down? Can I help at all?”
He turned towards you, though his eyes never seemed to meet your gaze. “No, no, it’s okay. I actually should probably get going. I, um, have to get up early in the morning, anyway. Plus, you had a rough day today, so I don’t wanna be in the way or anything,” he assures you.
“Danny, it’s really no problem. Besides, I don’t think you should be driving home if you’re gonna feel nauseous or light-headed or anything,” you countered.
He shook his head. “No, I’ll be okay. I just really need to get home,” he insisted.
“I don’t know,” you began, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Danny. I really would feel a lot better if you’d stay here. Or maybe I can drive you home? I can stay there with you or just drop you off?”
He shook his head again at your offer, and when he replied, his voice came out harder. “Thanks, but I’m good. I just need to be alone okay. I need to get out of here,” he explained.
Your brows knit, feeling that something was off. “Danny, is something going on?” you asked, “You’re being kind of weird. Is there something else that you don’t want to tell me?”
He was growing visibly frustrated, and you could feel the tension in the room getting thicker by the second. He ran a hand down his face and groaned before responding, “Look, I can’t get into this right now, okay? Just let me get out of here, and we’ll talk about it later.”
He reached his hand out to grab his keys but you grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. “Danny, look. I don’t want to pry, but you’re being weird, and it’s really freaking me out. I need you to tell me what’s happening right now,” you demanded.
Before Danny could think, he responded with the first words on his mind: “I just can’t be around you, okay?” Immediately after speaking you could see the regret on his face, but it was too late.
“So that’s what this is about?” you ask him, “Why did you even come then? If I bother you that much-“
“It’s not like that!,” he tried to interject, “I just-“
“Then what is it like, Danny?” you questioned, “I don’t understand how else I could interpret you saying that.”
He let out a long sigh before answering. “I can’t be around you because I can’t resist you.” His voice was barely above a whisper, but it rang louder than ever in your mind.
“What?” you asked, frozen with shock.
“I can’t resist you,” he repeated, “Everything about you is just impossible for me to stay away from. The sound of your voice, your smile, the way you fucking smell. It all drives me insane. I want to take it all in until it’s burned into my mind and my memory, but I know that you don’t want that, so it’s easier for the both of us if I just stay away.”
You stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do, letting the weight of what Danny said wash over you. Then, your feet began to move, bringing you towards him. You pulled him down to you, crashing your lips onto his. After a moment’s hesitation, he returned the kiss with all of the passion in his being. His hands roamed your body, feeling every curve as you pressed yourself closer to him, desperate to become a part of him. Your lips traveled up his jaw, peppering hungry kisses that caused a groan to rise from his throat. His lips matched yours in fervor, moving to your throat and sucking at the hollow of your neck. Small, sharp gasps left your mouth as his kisses became rougher and sloppier and his grip on you tightened, practically holding you in place.
Suddenly, you felt his teeth latch onto your neck. The sensation was overwhelming, and soon the lines between pleasure and pain began to blur. You were still lost in the passion between the two of you when you felt a sharp pain on your neck as Danny’s teeth pierced your skin followed by the pressure of him sucking on your wound. “Danny?” you asked, worry in your voice, “What are you doing?”
His grip moved up to your neck, holding your head in place. “Just having a taste, baby,” he growled, his voice filled with hunger and lust, “just a taste.”
A loud gasp left your lips and your hands dug into his shoulders, but it was all too late. Your vision faded to black, the feeling of Danny’s lips on your neck the last thing on your mind before you slipped out of consciousness.
taglist: @westernwoods @sunfl0wer-power @gold-mines-melting @alwaysonthemend @andtherestishistory13
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sainzfilm · 2 years
firstly, congratulations! your fics are lovely
Can i request 2 angst to fluff one shots for i think he knows?
1. Pierre gasly + exes to lovers
2. Daniel ricciardo + childhood bestfriends to lovers
Thankyouu, lots of love xx
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
a/n: hi my lovely!! thank you so much, im glad you enjoy them :) and of course!! ill put this daniel drabble up for the meantime hehehe
For as long as you could remember, it had always been you and Daniel. Partners in crime through thick and thin. Both your mothers thought that the two of you would end up with each other, but you always disagreed saying he was out of your league.
“So, where are you guys going?” Your mother teased you, sitting up on the couch, “Is he taking you out on a date?”
“Mom, it’s not a date,” You whined, swaying back and forth and smoothening out your dress, “He just wanted to have dinner and go out for gelato after.”
Your mother chuckled, shaking her head, “That definitely sounds like a date.”
“Okay, that’s it,” You exclaiming, laughing as you grabbed your purse, “I’m waiting outside. Goodbye, mom!”
Closing the door behind, you sat down on the porch and hummed as you waited for Daniel’s text saying that he’s on the way. It was a few minutes until 7 PM, the time he said he’d pick you up.
“What’s taking him so long,” You mumbled to yourself, dialing his number on your phone, “Pick up, Danny.”
The dial tone never stopped ringing until it went straight to his voicemail. You wouldn’t have minded if it happened just once. But it’s been half an hour since you’ve been dialing to no avail.
Sighing as you stood up from the porch, you went back inside your house and slammed the door behind you from frustration. It wasn’t like Daniel to go without warning, he’d always message you if he’d be late, so you’d assume that he’d never come around.
“Just a pathetic move, Daniel,” You mumbled, locking yourself in your room and taking off the hair and makeup you’ve done, “I don’t even know what’s been going on with you for three months, literally ditching me like an ass!”
Kicking your heels off, you laid in bed and stared at the ceiling as you felt your heart clench from the thought of Daniel slowly drifting away from you. Have you done something wrong towards him? Has he gotten tired of you?
You didn’t realize you’ve fallen asleep until you’ve heard clattering outside your house. Groaning as you rolled over to check the time, “What the hell is that noise? It’s midnight.”
Another clatter was heard, you turned to the window to see pebbles being thrown and you frowned, standing up to peer out, “Daniel?”
Daniel exhaled deeply, mustering up a smile as he stood in your yard in his pajamas and gave you a small wave.
You pulled up your window, glaring at him and deadpanned, “What are you doing? It’s midnight.”
“I…I just wanted to see you,” Daniel replied, walking closer to make sure you heard him well, “I know we were supposed to go out yesterday but…I forgot.”
“Whatever, Daniel. It’s the same excuse you give me every time for the past three months,” You scoffed, rubbing your eyes, “I’m tired.”
“Y/N, please just let me explain,” He sighed, putting his hands inside his pockets, “Let me come up there and I’ll explain.”
Sighing and running your hand down your face in frustration, you threw your key down at him, “Fine.”
As Daniel made his way into your house and up your room, he knocked before slowly opening the door and smiling sadly, “Hi.”
“Don’t hi me,” You looked at him, eyebrows scrunched as you sat down on your armchair, “Explain. I’m fucking tired of being ditched, Daniel. Have I ever done something wrong? Are you tired of me?”
Daniel’s eyes widened, immediately walking over to you and kneeling down to meet your eyes, “Y/N…don’t say that. That’s not it.”
“Then what is it?” You whispered, tears forming in your eyes, “You’re the last person I thought that would treat me like this, Daniel.”
Looking down, Daniel shook his head, “I…I can’t.”
“You can’t what?” You replied, frustration building up, “Stop being a coward and just tell me so we can get this over with!”
“God damn it, Y/N! I’m in love with you!” Daniel exclaimed, standing up to pace around the room, “I thought avoiding you would help me love you less, but fuck that’s not it!”
“You what?”
“I’m in love with you and I can’t get you out of my mind,” He whispered, leaning against the wall and looking down, “I understand if you don’t want to be best friends anymore, it’s on me. I didn’t mean to.”
You stared at him for a few seconds, blinking as if you hadn’t heard him correctly. Daniel was in love with you? Just like how you were in love with him?
Daniel walked back to you, kneeling down to hold your hands and whispered, “Say something. Anything.”
“You are such a jerk,” You muttered, laughing as tears fell down your cheeks, “I thought you started to realize how fed up you were with me!”
“If you cry, I’ll cry – it’s not going to be fun,” Daniel chuckled, wiping your tears and holding your face in his hands, “Would you be mad if I kissed you?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, sniffling, “Kiss me, you fool.”
Laughing as he shook his head, Daniel looked in your eyes with a twinkle in his before he leaned in to kiss you softly on the lips.
“You are still such a jerk,” You mumbled against his lips before pulling away, “You’re making it up to me, mister.”
He grinned, leaning his forehead against yours, “Oh, of course. I’m planning to make it up to you for the rest of my life, sweetheart.”
bonus scene!
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Liked by landonorris, lilymhe, and 174,984 others
yourusername with my favorite ricciardo and daniel! had a fun weekend with the boyfriend :)💙
view all 26,849 comments
landonorris he sulked about it for three months because he wanted to spend time with you. what a simp, he finally gave up
danielricciardo this is why im not telling you things anymore
lilymhe GIRLLLL you better call me and tell me all about it 😉 i need updates!!!
danielricciardo the boyfriend 😇 i love the sound of that and i love you, girlfriend
yourusername ill say it back once you’ve brought me pasta ok have a great day mr. ricciardo
danielricciardo absolutely unbelievable but ok see you in a few
ricci3ardo what a simp 😭
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My Roommates Ex - Chapter 3
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Chapter 3! Woohoo!
Pairings: You and Heeseung
Warnings: Uh yeah, this one has lots of smut. Unprotected sex, sexual dominance, maybe a hint/vibe of slight breeding kink and pain kinks. Not terribly so with this chapter, but future chapters...yeah we're going to have a talk about that.
Months had passed since then, and Vicky transferred to a different school. She cut off her ties with Gabe and said goodbye to the girls as she embraced a newfound outlook in life.
You were shocked the day when she told you as you entered the dorm room to see her waiting on your bed, she greeted you with a smile and patted down on a pile of neatly folded clothes and accessories that laid on your bedspread next to her.
“I wanted to give these to you. I don’t need them anymore.” She looked up to you and smiled widely.
Though it was a nice gesture, you didn’t necessarily have the same taste as Vicky when it came to clothes and the number of accessories she used. The sense of fashion was very similar, but the fondness of wearing such revealing attire, especially daily, wasn’t your thing. A crop top here and there might have been okay, but you already knew that her gift was going to be unused.
Still, you accepted them graciously.
That’s when she informed you of her decision to transfer. She explained that after thinking about it, it was something she deeply yearned for. A fresh start.
Both you and the girls went with Vicky to the airport, giving her a proper send off. Everyone cried as they took turns hugging and sharing words. You were the last one to say goodbye to, but it felt like you were the one that Vicky wanted to hug the most, upon feeling the tight and prolonged squeeze of her embrace. Her words brought the tears to glaze over your eyes.
“As painful as it was, seeing Ethan finding happiness with someone else, was something that I needed to see. It was something that needed to happen, in order for me to be the person I truly want to be.” She smiles as she admits.
Those were her last words as you before she left for her terminal, waving widely towards you and the girls as she smiled.
Keeping in touch, many texts and phone calls were exchanged daily. You were always happy to hear that Vicky was doing well, she was becoming exceedingly happy. Changing her program while also making new friends, you felt immense joy for her. Especially at the mention of a certain young man she had began seeing, a student of the same college that had fancied her ever since she transferred.
Though Vicky turned a new leaf, some things will never change. You chuckled the moment she revealed that the man was the son of the CEO that managed one of the largest corporations in the country. But you smiled whole heartedly as you saw that she still had her heart in the right place, identified as she mainly spoke of the young man’s personality more than his inheritance.
At times you gazed at the side of the room she had previously occupied, it was now stark empty. It triggered you to leak out a few tears sometimes. Knowing she was doing much better in her new setting; you couldn’t help but sometimes wish she was still with you.
Often succumbing to leaking a few tears whenever you saw her side of the room. She had become like a sister that you never had, and you would always relay that message to her whenever you got the chance to, which she would always respond with;
“We are sisters you goofball! We’re family.”
Another Saturday morning rolls by and you’re excited that Spring Break was finally here. You looked at your calendar and it amazed you just how much time had passed since you moved into the dorm, nearly a whole year from today. You recall moments from when you moved in during the spring. Moments popped in your head, like you meeting Vicky, Heeseung, and some of his closest friends, such as Jake.
It felt like it all went through in a blink of an eye. Vicky’s transfer happened only five months ago, yet it felt longer than that. You found it so strange how time had an opposing effect when it came to the experiences you gained through it.
You reach over to your desk and started going through the unread mail you picked up yesterday, seeing an envelope from Vicky got you excited as you tore it open quickly revealing an adorable postcard. It was a photo of her and the young man she had been dating, Sunghoon was his name, and he seem like such a nice man. You recall the first time you got to speak to him, when Vicky would invite him to sit next to her so he could participate in your facetime calls with her.
He was very soft and respectful; he always had this twinkle in his eye reflecting pure joy whenever he would stare at Vicky. You could tell he was a perfect match for her, and looked forward to the day when you can meet him in person and see Vicky again.
Taking a moment to review the postcard, the photo was of Vicky and Sunghoon during their visit to Africa on a safari trip. You chuckled at seeing Sunghoon and Vicky in a tight embrace with the fantastic view of wildlife in the behind them. You turn it over to read Vicky’s note on the back.
“Sis! I’m getting married! Right after college of course, but since we’re starting our second year already, the next two are going to go by even faster, so, we can’t waste time. I want to see you and the girls soon! Let’s all come up with a date for you guys to come visit me and Sunghoon next month. I’ll message in the group chat when I get back. Can’t wait to see everyone!
PS: Before your bring Ethan, take him clothes shopping first.”
“Married? Wow.” You remarked aloud to yourself, but not without a smile presently stationed on your face. It will be so nice to see her and meet Sunghoon, especially after receiving the news, and you couldn’t wait to tell the girls.
You pin the postcard on the corkboard in front of your desk, placing it in between the photos of your mom and dad, your elder siblings, the girls, and of course, you and Heeseung. You even had a photo of Emily and Jake pinned up.
Vicky’s departure to a new college wasn’t the only significant event that had transpired five months ago, it was also marked the length of time that you and Heeseung had been together.
Your bond with him grew even closer. With all the number of dates and quality time spent in your respective dorms, you both had become inseparable. Not to mention the evening routines that took place, nearly every single night. Even though you and Samuel had dated for 8 months, sharing many intimate moments, it didn’t compare to the countless sessions that you and Heeseung had.
Sometimes multiple times in one day, which made you quickly found out that your body needed a period of adjustment when you recall feeling the soreness from all the action.
You brush your teeth and think about your nights with Heeseungm they all played out the same for the most part.
You think about how he can’t manage to keep his hands off you and always sets the mood by lightly brushing his fingers on a random part of your body, whether it was your arms, legs, hands, or chest.
The brush of his touch was always accompanied by a gushing breath he would release close to your ear, hearing just a sliver of his voice within it, and expressing his desire and triggering yours.
The way his hands roamed, and how his hair nested against your cheek as he dug his face into the nook of your neck, sucking, kissing, biting, and licking the sensitive skin until it became marked by his act. His nose would graze your temple as he would whisper in your ear, as he gave soft rose-petal kisses in between. The tickling of it was paired with a sexually appeasing sensation to your body, whenever you felt the tapping of his lips or the heat of his whispers rushing into your ear.
Playing out the performance in your head made you recall a moment where you had learned something very interesting about Heeseung’s sexual nature. It had the same effect of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, a doubling entity that emerged from within him depending on the sexual mood he was in. They reflected two sides to his performance in sex.
They both still classfieid as “fucking”, yet there was a difference in the type and the degree of his nature.
One side was his gentler one, the Dr. Jekyl entity. It was the persona of his sexual nature where he still maintained dominance, but he would allow you to have some unit of control. This part of him was a lot more tame and less animalistic, and it allowed you to have enough stability in your body and mind to move and think. It was his way of permitting you the freedom to do things to him, such as holding on to his wrists when you would kiss his most sensitive areas like his neck or ears. You would do your best to pin them down long enough, but he would overpower you every single time as he resisted the urge to lay still once, he felt your kisses.
Still, you would at least get a few seconds of seeing him vulnerable as you put up a fight in holding him down, and that was something you could only get away with due his nature reflecting Jekyl.
There were other examples of his permissive freedom, such as, when he would let you make the first move and allotted you to do so at your own pace. It normally would begin with him lying flat on his back, his hands behind his head as his elbows bent out to the sides, and his hat traditionally covering the significant features of his face. He would remain still letting you straddle him as you removed your shirt, which would always be the last remaining piece of clothing you had on prior to sitting on top of him, or a dress even.
He would deeply admire your how your body would flex and tone up as you lifted the cloth and raised it high, your arms crossed above your face as you turned off to the side with your hair flowing all around you. His will would break the very moment you dragged the cloth upwards, slowly revealing every measurement of skin as the regions of your body are revealed in order, belly button first, then breasts, collar bone, and shoulders last.
Your neck and face would return to frontal view as you swipe the clothing over, the collected strands of your hair grouped up through the loophole of the cloth would fall and dangle over your breasts, waist, and hips, each strand trickling down the farther you pull the material off and away from your body, generating a waterfall effect.
Lastly, and the most significant note to this side of Heeseung, was giving you total control of the main aspects that play a vital role regarding passionate sex, the tone, rhythm, and speed.
The three categories that often times, men strive to control. Heeseung wasn’t an exception having that strive, he loved being in control. However, he also loved experiencing the way you love him, emotionally and physically, and he could only witness it by letting you have some of it.
Once you removed your shirt, you’d reach down and gently stroke him, maintaining eye contact. A desire within you wanted to feel him in both your hands, before having him enter. Something about memorizing the thickness, length, and smoothness of his shaft, helped ease the process as you guide him inside and begin riding him.
The part he loved most about this was when he watches the sexual expression on your face. He always stared, and admired the way your beautiful face would display the initial sense of shock and pain upon you inserting him, doing everything by your own bidding. He loved watching you do it to yourself. The way that your mouth would gasp open and your brows furrowing in pain the moment you would tear yourself open by fitting him in, your face flinching as you felt the bite of his sting.
You moved passionately, slowly, and steadily as your hips would vibrate once his dick was fully inside you. Your walls are reintroduced to the throbbing numbness when you feel him rubbing against the flesh as you move him in and out.
The softness of his skin and the protrusion of veins creates a wild combination of smoothness and friction each time your hips dipped low, pushing him in, then roll back, pulling him out, all repeating in a cycle that becomes more vibrant as you keep it rotating. Your hips sway back and forth gently, while dipping into him hard and deep.
The weight of your body drops in mid wave, pulling you down and sealing every mesh of space that remained in between you two, as you begin to surpass the pain and sink into a pool of ultimate pleasure, wanting to feel every single part of him fill you.
You would feel him twitch inside, hinting to you that it was becoming harder for Heeseung to suppress the beast within him. Remaining in the same position as he did from the moment you straddled him, you’d watch him testing his willpower by refraining any movement, not even his hands. You keep riding him, watching as he stayed committed in laying there, and took every motion your hips were performing on him as your rotation of dipping, lifting, and rolling, keeps going.
Your body would gradually pick up speed, just a little, as your walls drooled all over him, making it easier for you to slide him in and out. The rush of ecstasy takes over your mind, body, and soul as you reach up with both hands, collecting your hair and pinning it up while you perform your moves, the loose strands surrounding your face and falling from your hands piece by piece as you begin bouncing up and down.
Once he felt you both were drawing close to orgasm, he marked his que and draws the line. Being so close to the finish line, this is the moment where Heeseung takes over.
“Fuck baby…” He bites his lip as he grunts. His low voice would go slightly higher in pitch during the times when he let you fuck his Jekyl side.
With a jerk of his hips thrusting into you, simultaneously removing his hands from his under head, he grabs around the smallest part of your waistline. He pulls you down as he continues to jerk up, and within one or two hard thrusts, he regains altitude as a swarm of adrenaline infuses him with the energy to fucks into you. You feel the strength of his thrusts pushing the both of you over the edge, beyond just pleasure.
“My fucking beautiful girl…fuck…keep riding it baby. Fucking take it.” His groans fuel you to keep moving and taking him in. Then, at the peak of his momentum, you feel him jam into you one last time, holding you in place as he lets his cock throb inside your walls, cumming inside you.
It shoots out fast and strong at first, then gradually comes to a slow stream of release as his twitching slowly decreases. You feel your walls press against him, squeezing everything out of him. The repeated action of your flesh re-clenching slurps every bit of his cum, vacuuming it deeper into you as the sharpness of the tingle and numbness overtrumps the height of Mount Everest, making you scream.
Your hips jolt each time his dick twitches, pairing in sync. His hand roams up to your back and he pulls you in to lay atop his chest, kissing his own breaths into you as your chest tightens against his, breathing into each other as you slowly regain your energy.
This was the side that you had seen most of, nearly a hundred percent of the time.
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Chucky Headcanons: Being Nica’s girlfriend and trying to help her save her family ( Nica x Fem Reader Curse of Chucky AU)
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Warnings: No proofreading, apologise for any mistakes or typos.
Pride Month gift for my bestie @losersclubisms​. 
Love you so so much and since i’m imagining this for you it is partially personalized. However, it is still enjoyable for anyone else. 
I made the reader be a pagan in your honor, but the pagan practice i described here resembles what i have learn somewhere else. My knowledge is better in latin american paganism and the representation resembles that more, hope is still good anyways :) 
- You started dating Nica in college and you realized from the start that it was going to be hard, but your persistence won her over completely. No matter how difficult things would become, you always stayed by her side.
 - Reassuring Sarah in her constant fears for her daughter to get hurt was the hardest part, but with time and patience you managed her to trust you. The key was that you became a frequent company for both of them, always showing yourself understanding of whatever arrangements needed to be made for the situation to work. You have a complicated relationship with your mother that always made your communication distant with her, so the close bond your girlfriend had with her mother was the opposite of what you were used to at home. 
- Receiving the news of her tragic end hitted you hard, you simply couldn’t believe it. There were no reasonable explanations. Alongside Nica you had seen Sarah at one of her bad moments at some point, but she didn’t seem like going through one of those at that moment. Things seemed to get better, not worse. 
- Of course, you were going to remain with her through the painful moments and say your last goodbye to her mother, a woman you did grow fond of after getting to know her as well as you could. If you had to be honest, she was the only member of your girlfriend’s family that you felt liked you for real. The interactions with her sister have always been tense, from the very first moment you were introduced. You can tell she has always found you too unconventional or, better said, a complete weirdo. Her husband remains neutral, but their little daughter is fascinated by you and that creates a constant source of tension between all of you that Jill tries to calm. 
- To Barb you are just a free spirited ex hippie like college girl whose life is going nowhere. It’s a false stereotype that doesn’t even fit your vibes, but you imagine she imposed on you over the fact that you are the exact opposite of everything she values. As it was natural to expect from her once she starts to manipulate the situation trying to kick Nica out of her house, she accuses you of being there to move with her and cling to her inheritance. 
- You are not a confrontational person, but she is going too far and you can’t stand it. Your defense of Nica is aggressively passionate and at that point you hold on just for her. The atmosphere is so loaded with negativity, which is perfectly understandable because a person just died, but you have to make something to get yourself together before you can get kicked out yourself. 
- For so, you try to stop focusing on the bullshit of adults for a while and pay attention to Alice. No one else is doing it, so they have no reason to stay mad at it. The little girl seems distracted, something normal to expect. She is processing the death of her grandma and as part of it she asks you all sorts of questions. Nica explained to her that you are a pagan and your belief systems are different from their family’s, so she wants to know what you think would be the fate of Sarah’s soul. 
-  “Chucky says there is no God.” Alice wonders out loud. “ but you believe there are many.”  
You aren’t sure of who explained her about atheism, but that can’t be coming from her alone.
“ Who is Chucky, darling?” 
The girl pointed at the red haired doll she found right there at her arrival, handling it to you with pride so you would check on it. 
- You didn’t know what to say, so you pretended to salute him to carry on with the conversation ignoring it. However, some of the things that came out from Alice’s mouth couldn’t be ignored. She was speaking as someone else, but not resembling anyone there. 
- The matter kept twirling in your mind for a while and you were thinking about the conditions of Sarah’s passing. She died in that house and no kind of purification rituals were made, not even by that priest Barb brought. The house could be haunted and not precisely by her spirit, something else could have found the way in after the tragedy made that place attractive. 
- Asking only for Nica’s permission, you decide to make a first step into figuring out what should be done: a spiritual cleanse. A simple smoke cleanse for the start, purposely choosing a method friendly to the christian eye for its similarities with the practices of the catholic church that you have already done there knowing Nica had the supplies. To not cause any more troubles, you do it only in the room where the death happened. 
- You get stopped in your tracks by little Alice and her plastic friend, what you should have seen coming because she was always curious around you. Trying to explain what you were about to do would have been pointless to satisfy her, the girl would have wanted to follow you and you couldn’t allow that. You bring the singular duo back with your girlfriend, easier than trying to localize Jill.
 -  “ The smoke she was doing cleanses energies.” Nica tried to explain to her. “ She was trying to help grandma reach heaven in her way. It’s different from us, but she wants to help.” 
You were smiling a bit noticing a glimpse of pride in her saying that. 
“ It can also help everyone feel better, i feel better afterwards everytime i do it. More calm, peaceful. Less feisty to fight with your mom.“ 
- In order to satisfy her curiosity without upsetting anyone even more, you show her how it works by practicing it on the doll, which ended up a complete disaster. The charcoal burns in an unnatural way, something you have never seen before. The pleasant smell of herb mix and incense turns into a disgusting pest that made you think you could have started a fire. 
- You are convinced that then you are going to get kicked out, especially considering what you have to say to defend yourself. 
- “ There is something deeply wrong with that thing.” You insist on telling Nica as soon as she gets an hysterical Barb away from you. “ Remember how many times have I done that for you and nothing strange happened.” 
“ It’s an unfortunate coincidence, maybe you are just stressed from having to defend yourself all the fucking time.” 
You looked at her deathly seriously. 
“ I hate to be asking you this…. Does your family have any enemies?” 
She didn’t manage to fully understand the meaning behind the question.
“ What are you talking about?” 
“ Whoever sent you that doll hates you, I’m convinced of that. “ 
You take her hand and she pulls you for a kiss, reassuring gesture trying to hide your concerns and hers away. 
“ I love you, Nica, I seriously do. Tell me you are on my side even though I sound insane. Lie to me if you have to.” 
The pure devotion in your eyes made her smile briefly. 
“ I don’t know if it would be of any help, but there is something I have never told you about…” 
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