#sam was king of hell. dean was a demon for like half a season. they killed lucifer like three times and also raised his son
littlebigplanet · 11 months
i can't in good faith recommend supernatural to anyone but there truly is nothing else like it
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shanastoryteller · 17 days
Shana, your tags on this post ...I need to know more! What exactly was the plan for Supernatural season 3 if it hasn't been for the writer's strike??? And how haven't I heard about this already?? I need the deets!
i'm so glad you asked :)
the original plan for season 3 was for sam to descend into using his demon powers to get dean out of the deal, and for dean to never go to hell. then the writers strike happened, the season got cut from 22 eps to 16, with only 4 after the strike, and that wasn't enough time to establish sam's spiral and powers, so changed the ending. it's on the wiki and there are some articles around about it
this was, in my opinion, the worst fucking decision they could make
it ruined the characters in a lot of ways and really unbalanced everything in a way the show never recovered from
the thing is that this arc is so well set up!
literally at the end of season 2 we get
"You're my big brother, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care, I'm going to get you out of this. I'm going to save your ass for a change."
sam has evaded azazel's every attempt to corrupt him. his shitty home life, all the demons he's exposed sam to, killing jessica, taking away his father, putting him in a literal life or death hunger games scenario. each time sam refuses to play ball
(sam's incorruptibility is what makes him qualified to be king of hell, but that's a different post)
he's the moral compass between him and dean. always has been. there is nothing in sam's messed up, twisted life that has pushed him pass mercy
but dean could do it. there's nothing sam wouldn't do for his big brother
john told dean that he had to either save sam or kill him. except he's never needed to save sam, because it's literally always sam making the measured, compassionate, merciful call. he's the one holding dean back, not the other way around
and sam straining towards darkness for the first time, for dean, would kill him. we'll come back to this
mystery spot, as an episode, is actually pointless if the plan was for dean to go to hell. because sam's sneak peek into what his life is like after dean doesn't do anything. i love this ep, but it's narratively pointless now
with the og plan, mystery spot is the turning point. it not only tells sam how miserable he'll be after dean is gone, but it also establishes what he's willing to do to get him back - pretty much anything. it's not theoretical pain, it's not theoretical grief. mystery spot is the thing that pushes sam towards being hard, away from the moral sweetness he's embodied for the past two and half seasons.
the next ep, jus in bello, shows this. sam is considering doing the terrible thing. he's now capable of considering the terrible thing in a way he wasn't before mystery spot. this is when his descent starts, when sam decides he's willing to trade his humanity for his brother's life
and then the writer's strike happened
right when it's getting good, right when sam's arc is ramping up, we lose it. and instead of picking it back up, pushing dean's deal to next season and giving it the weight it deserves, they say fuck it, and send dean to hell
but this fucks it all up. we have sam's "descent" with ruby and demon blood. except not really because he's not even hurting anyone. and dean's back, but not because of sam. sam didn't save him
this fucks it all up
because deans anger and fear and desire to save sam should have been tempered with the knowledge that he did that to save dean's life. that once more someone dean loves has made a terrible sacrifice for him, which he can't stand, which he hates. he has the self esteem of a gnat and the best people he knows keep destroying themselves for his benefit
i think the og build up was sam strengthening his powers to kill lilith, doing it, and then releasing lucifer at the end of s3. sam unwittingly starting the apocolypse to save his brother (does he regret it, dean wonders. it would be easier if he did)
and now everything is shit and dean's drowning but here and his brother has turned himself into something that's not unlike the kid dean loves so much it almost killed him, but not exactly the same. and now he understands john, because this is the sam that dean has to either save or kill, except he could never kill him. he loves him (and how can he kill sam for doing this when it's dean's fault, when dean made the deal that doomed his brother when all he wanted was to save him)
this is the flip that the show has been building towards. dean having to be the moral center for his brother for once. dean being the one saved. dean finally having to face his father's words and deciding once and for all if he's john's son or sam's brother
but instead dean goes to hell. and he's no one moral's center. because he broke in hell, he tortured people and he enjoyed it. they ruined dean with this. because instead of fighting and growing from his violence, they push him into it, and then they call him a righteous man. dean was the one harming people, he's the one that descended into darkness, not sam. sam and his demon blood had still only been trying to good, and in the end did do good, far more than anything dean did in hell, or has done since. his moral outrage, his anger, his disgust towards sam isn't only wildly out of character, it's hypocritical as hell. sam remains the moral, compassionate one, even through this. it never slides to dean. neither of them are really forced to grow or change, only to become twisted into each other in ways that hurt them both
this should have been the story of what sam would do to save his brother (anything) and what dean would do to save his brother (anything)
they should have saved each other
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according2thelore · 6 months
holy SHIT that excerpt was so good!!!!!! the elliott ness / hitler bit was hilarious. omg everything i ever could have dreamed and more…. inherent characteristic of dean of all ages is that he is a little shit, and also that he will kill himself for sam.
i also love that baby sam describes grownup sam as barely holding it together. i feel like hearing that would break older dean’s heart but older sam would really just take it as, like, yeah. a little bit true.
do you ever think of them interacting w other characters in this au? cas dropping by, or crowley or rowena or someone calling, lol. if this is set in an elongated season 11, lucifer would be horrific. or… hmm. I feel like claire would be funny, little dean tries to hit on her and she’s just absolutely disgusted.
omg omg omg anon i am kissing you kissing you kissing you kissing you thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
and haha, thank you! it's so fun to see dean freak out in the moment about meeting his idols (dr. sexy, elliot ness) that i can only imagine how ES!Dean would react to the info that he would actually get to meet them one day! ES!Dean would lose his SHIT if he found out s1e1 that picking up sam from college would allow him to hit on daphne from scooby doo. could you fucking imagine??
LS!Dean would stare angstily into the distance about the "barely holding it together" comment but LS!Sam would say something equivalent to: "ha! yeah. fair enough."
in my idea of how this universe works, i think they would text all their friends a very clear do not come over!! leave us alone until we say it's okay!! we are safe!! personal business!! and everyone thinks they're having a crazy sex weekend, so they definitely do not want to come over. i think once we start adding more characters, this thing gets messy bc how the fuck are we going to explain to ES!Sam&Dean who JUST found out that vampires are real that their best friend is an angel and he also possessed his vessel's daughter claire, that's why she's here and also a hunter and also a child, say hi claire! huh? oh yeah this isn't cas's body, this is a guy named jimmy. no we don't think he's still in there. anyway. he was god for a bit but not anymore and hm? how? oh he ate a bunch of souls. because the king of hell told him to. no not the devil, the king of hell. who's the devil? well. funny story--
but hypothetically i can get down! i love the way your brain works!!! i think it's super fun to imagine all the characters interacting with these squeaky-toy versions of sam and dean who are even more insular and weird as the seasons go on. ES!Sam&Dean are so earnest! and excited! hypothetically speaking, i think it would go like this:
i have been harboring a secret little headcanon that sam and dean's souls look similar, since they're soulmates. to humans, they all just look like balls of light, but for angels or demons...
it makes me think about if cas pops by, he almost...doesn't notice? at first? it depends on the season, but if he's a full-graced angel, he sees the soul first, not the "vessel."
so he pops into the bunker, like "hello, dean. your soul is bright today. can i meet you and sam in the library?" and pops back out. and ES!Sam and LS!Dean are stood there, blinking. and LS!Dean is like. "well. fuck."
and when they all assemble in the war room, castiel looks back and forth between the four of them. for a minute and half of pure silence. "did you have kids?"
"identical kids?" LS!Sam asks, incredulous. "like spores?"
and castiel says "one second." and squints even harder and says. "oh. i see. there are four of you. why did you do that?"
and of course, LS!Sam&Dean are all, "did we do it? we thought someone--on your...ah. team. did this."
and ES!Dean's says, "who's this asshole? oh shit. is he blind? my bad."
"this is our best friend. castiel." LS!Dean says, trying not to laugh. "he has a...religious family."
"is this the friend that tried to be god?" ES!Dean asks, skeptically, and LS!Dean hits LS!Sam on the back of the head, hard.
"it's not my fault! he has big eyes!" LS!Sam says by way of explanation, like that means anything to anyone besides ES!Sam.
"it's very true." castiel agrees solemnly, and both sams trade a look about which thing cas is responding to.
ES!Dean and cas would get along like a house on fire, which is to say...the winchesters don't have a great track record with those. but ES!Sam and cas?? oh boy. best friend alert. if it slips that cas is an angel, ES!Sam is big-eyed, heart-thumping, breathless excited, which none of the other 3/4 are too jazzed about. cas is quite pleased. he preens like a peacock.
"why yes. my true form would melt your eyeballs, samuel." and ES!Sam is almost bouncing up and down in glee. cas never calls sam samuel, but he thinks it adds a biblical affect that ES!Sam clearly appreciates.
they have tea together.
read: sam spills boiling water over his hand while trying to make them tea and cas takes a great deal of satisfaction in healing it. by holding his hand.
read: LS!Dean kicks open the imaginary door of the kitchen like OKAY. THAT'S ENOUGH. HE'S A CHILD. DROP THE BABY.
crowley texts LS!Dean an ASMR video of someone reading threatening reddit comments (what fucked-up psychological warfare tactic is this??) and when ES!Dean sees the notification, he asks,
"who is the contact with the little devil picture and the...is that an egglant?"
"how did he change his name in my fucking phone? pizza hut. no one. what phone?" LS!Dean throws it across the room because he knows that without a shadow of a fucking doubt that crowley would unhinge his jaw and swallow ES!Sam&Dean whole if he got the chance. or at least desperately try to convince them into a threesome. 
there's no risk of that, but dean is NOT going to explain the 'king of hell' business, so he leaves it be.
maybe jody (that introduction actually goes smashingly) would bring claire around one day, and, yeah anon, you're right. ES!Dean is a limpet. he's pulling out all the stops. he leans seductively against the table in the war room. he winks a lot. he breaks eye contact coquettishly. claire is stuck between finding it amusing and being horrifically disgusted. she audibly gags when dean smolders.
claire starts to say, "you do know i'm--"
and ES!Dean cuts her off with a shit-eating grin, "if you're about to say your age, don't. i like plausible deniability."
and claire nods for a second before suddenly reaching out, grabbing him, and flipping him over her shoulder. she breaks a chair with his flying body. no one helps him up.
if anything, this makes her hotter, and ES!Dean sees LS!Sam get genuinely angry at him for the first time when he says so.
"back off, dean. i'm serious."
and ES!Dean gets so immediately, blindingly hard that he has to go sulk in his room for a minute or thirty or risk showing the exact shape of his dick to the room at large.
"yes sir. sammy. what the fuck? i'm gonna--" runs into the wall. "i've gotta. fuck. no-- i mean. hahahahahahahahah---" *fading into the distance as dean waddles awkwardly away*
(and hypothetically speaking, lucifer would be a fucking horror show. LS!Sam is literally covering ES!Sam with his body because didn't he get to ruin sam long enough? you don't get me any earlier. you can't touch him, i won't let you fucking touch him. ES!Dean can tell something is Not Good Bad Wrong Fucked and the sheer depth of terror, of trauma, scares the fucking shit out of him. he looks desperately to LS!Dean like a child looking at their father, can you fix this, how do we fix this? and no one has any answers. lucifer is obsessed. it's a nightmare.)
anyway, lol! i hope you liked! this one was super fun to think about! dean is always kind of a skeeze, but early seasons especially so lol. i think a lot of people would have a field day w that! and ES!Sam is so earnest and trusting!
thank you again for this ask anon! i always love hearing which part of fics/these posts are folks favourites! kissing you!
have a great day! :)
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 4 [final]
Here, here and here I've covered from ranking #15 to #4 so let's see which seasons will be on the podium!
3. Season 8: This season really gave me life, it's absolutely one of the best. Plot-wise, I ADORED the introduction of the tablets and the Trials, whoever came up with this idea was pure genius. So Basically our heroes have to deal with the aftermath of the events in season 7: Dean has spent 1 year fighting monsters in Purgatory while Sam run away from his responsibilities and has found shelter in the arms of a woman. Cas seems nowhere to be found. The character who moves the plot forward is my beloved Crowley: while Dean was feeling pure in Purgatory with this vampire boyfriend (ihih), and Sam was guitl-trapped into adopting a dog (seriuosly? biggest red flag ever), our King of Hell was busy carrying the show on his shoulders. He kidnaps Kevin and orders him to translate the demon tablet. Since he's not stupid, he quickly understands that 1 leviathan table + 1 demon tablet = 1 angel tablet. Consequently, his quest for the latter begins. After 1 year of hedonism, our heroes realize that they had left poor Kevin behind while an astonished Castiel comes out of nowhere. The plot gets interesting. We find out that the demon tablet contains information on how to close the Gates of Hell. Comedy of error ensues since literally everybody thinks that the angle tablet would contain the same info as the demon tablet (really, guys? The ONLY smart person in the room about this was DEAN, as per usual). So what's written on the angel tablet? Surprise! We don't really know 'cause poor Kevin spent 6 effing months trying to translate half of the demon tablet so there's now way to know now! Cas makes the usual stupid choice and gets played by Metatron: he will undergo the Three Trials to close the Gates of Heaven. Meanwhile poor Sam undergoes the Trials to close the Gates of Hell. Eventually, Dean convinces him to stop the last trial otherwise he will die and poor Dean cannot live without his baby brother (same goes for little jealous Sam who, while literally dying, finds time to tell Dean that he feels left behind because Dean seems to love his Purgatory vampire and his trenchoated angel more than him (codependecy level: atomic)). Metatron fools everyone and cast a spell to make all angels fall. BOOM, season finale is EPIC. I really really enjoyed this season, it was so rich and full of turns of events but everything was coherent and engaging. What I didn't like is brainwashing Cas via Naomi. Plot-wise, it was unnecessary since Naomi literally reveals her original plan to Dean after episode 17 so, what was the point? Sure it gave us the memorable crypt scene and for it I am forever grateful. But in terms of plot, meh. It was weak. Also, it looks a lot like what happened with Godstiel in season 6 AND weird Cas in season 7 (poor Cas knows no peace of mind, literally).Once again Cas as a character is not fully in control and makes shitty decisions for reasons unknown? Mmmmh, me not likey.
2. Season 4: This season was explosive, I fucking loved it! First of all, as I've already said, I like when there's sort of a deadline in the plot and here we have a big one: Lilith is on her course to open the 66 seals that will free Lucifer from his cage. Problem is: nobody knows which ones she will choose since there are like 600 of them. Sam and Dean try to prevent the opening of the seals but things get complicated when the Angels enter the arena: they certainly look more like enemies rather than allies and for sure cause a lot of problems more than provide solutions. Previosly on Supernatural, Dean was rescued by Castiel from Hell (what an epic entrance, Cas!!!) after having spent 30 human years torturing and being tortured by demons, yay! Sam is now addicted to demon blood and nobody is pleased about it so our heroes have plenty on their plate. Plot-wise, this season was everything, it was a rollercoaster of turns of events, allies that become enemies, enemies become allies but wait no! they've been enemies all along! Castiel inadvertently changes the course of the story and creates real free will, Supernatural goes fully meta with the introduction of the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley, angels are showed as scary, powerful creatures rather than comforting, merciful, ethereal beings ("Read the bible" LOL)... Man, what a fucking epic season! It felt serious but also carefree? It seems weird to say that but later on SPN gets increasingly tragic in tone so I'm very pleased with season 4 because it managed to balance everything out but with a lighter twist.
Season 11: while I was writing this, I was not sure which season would be number 1 but here I am, once again, in love with the plot of season 11. What can I say? "I'm a lover, not a fighter". So, the plot: the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc. has reached catastrophic levels: they are the ones to be thanked for the release of The Darkness into the world. The first interesting thing is that, for the first time ever, nobody really seems to know what to do. Thank God, there's the King of Hell (LOL) who promptly seizes the opportunity to take Amara and raise her hoping this would turn the events in his favours. However, he's unable to control her and soon Amara escapes wreacking havoc in the world. Not knowing what to do, Castiel decides to find Metatron, while Sam decides to go back into the Cage because he believes that Lucifer might be key to fighting Amara. Chaos ensues. Metatron doesn't really know shit, Lucifer same but he manages to escape via Castiel!vessel and we get Casifer (it was insane, I loved every minute of it!), the world is in shambles. A deus ex machina is needed: God/Chuck enters the chat. From here on, it all gets very philosophical and maybe that's why I frigging love this season. So, remember the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc.? Well, turns out Amara and God suffers from the same syndrome. They manage to (momentarily) find their balance while Dean (who had a bond with Amara because they both shared the Mark of Cain or whatever) decides to go to battle alone to convince Amara to stop or, if not possible, to die trying to save the world. And Sam Winchester is finally okay with this! Wow, progress, yes, right??? All ends so well that Amara gifts Dean with his friggin' mother who was dead 30+ years ago! Happy ending, much? LOL. I liked the simplicity of the plot, it's all very progressive, the pacing is slow but never boring, all characters still continue to make stupid choices but ultimately these don't bite them in the ass and they use them to grow... I don't know, I really enjoyed season 11. The only "negative" thing is that I wish the writers made Dean tell Cas something more meaningful than "you're our brother". Tons of metas have been written about it and yeah, I know, I know. Still, this season was all about "following the heart" so I'd have appreciated more honesty about this topic but hey, we all know how it ended so #nosurprise.
Okay, I'm done here! What do YOU think? Do you agree with my ranking? I'm curious, let me know!
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envythemouse · 4 months
All-time Sam/Dean recs
Intertextuality by doctor__idiot
Summary: It starts out as a joke. Sam has no other excuse than boredom. And maybe a little pettiness.
Envy’s notes: Sam gets annoyed when Dean keeps trying to flirt with girls they come across. The solution? Flirt with Dean himself.
Another Go Round by KassandraScarlett
Summary: Someone sends Dean back to 2009, with a mission: change the past, change the present, so the apocalypse never happens.
Dean leaves behind a Croatoan-ridden world, only to stumble into the one person he's always loved more than anything else.
Zachariah doesn't send Dean to 2014. Instead, Chuck sends the Dean of the future to 2009.
Envy’s notes: Sam Winchester/apocalyptic Dean is the best ship we have in the fandom so I had to put it on the list. Apocalyptic Dean gets sent to 2009 right after Sam tries to kill himself to get away from Lucifer. This Dean knows what it’s like to truly lose his other half and so treats Sam with the love he deserves. I love affectionate Sam/Dean. Even better, other Dean watches it all happen and is jealous of himself.
Sincerely, Sam by Samcursed
Summary: Sam Winchester is praying for death.
Dean's already gone after sacrificing himself to take out Amara and Sam's losing more and more of himself each day at Lady Bevell's hands. He's reached his limit. Then suddenly he finds himself in 1998 and the sole focus of a supernatural lawyer who has one very firm request; She needs Sam to cure a demon. Dad, Dean, and Bobby won't let him out of their sights and Sam has enough to juggle with the swarm of supernatural creatures who think the Boy King has come back to take his crown.
Envy’s notes: Older Sam and younger Sam switch places so it has younger Dean/older Sam in the past and younger Sam/older Dean in the future. Sam uses his powers in this and the demons rebel because their boyking has arrived, some demons are trying to break the seals decades earlier because Lucifer has also noticed Sam’s presence. Oh and Sam think his Dean is dead and wants to join him.
The Truth In The Lie by flawedamythyst
Summary: Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia.
Envy’s notes: Lots of physical affection and damn do I love these original characters. Sam and Dean go undercover as a couple on a bus tour for gay men, they do a lot of sightseeing. There’s this guy hitting on Sam and he has no idea because he can’t read signals, but Dean does notice.
Pacified by Parroticat (hanover)
Summary: Set in season 7 after they've got Lucifer out of Sam's head. Sam starts having nightmares, waking up every night screaming himself hoarse, weak and exhausted. Dean fixes it the only way that has ever worked, no matter how embarrassing Sam finds it.
Envy’s notes: Sam starts wetting the bed after going to hell, Dean takes care of it. Not a kinky fic, just hurt/comfort.
073 – Barry by ani_coolgirl
Summary: In remembrance of the life and times of Barry Cook. Sam remembers perhaps a bit too much.
Envy’s notes: In which Barry helped Sam find out his sexuality and knew Sam’s brother was also Sam’s first crush. When Sam tells Dean about Barry, he realises Sam has feelings for him.
For You to Me are the Only One by flowerofnettles
Summary: Classic trope, Winchester Drama version—Before the boys hit her with witch-killin’ bullets, the monster of the week puts a curse on Dean: either he has sex within five days, or his heart will give out. The catch? The curse was designed to make its target violent during sex, and naturally Dean refuses to put anyone’s life at risk to save his own. As the fifth day gets closer, a desperate Sam makes the choice for them both, by offering (with a little help from Castiel’s angel powers) the only person he’s willing to risk at Dean’s hands: himself. Only when it ends they’ve got bigger problems, because Sam never expected that a few nights pretending to be a stranger volunteering to take care of Dean could lead to such shocking discoveries about himself, his brother, and the strength of the bond tying their souls together.
Envy’s notes: Not as smutty as it sounds. It has a lot of feels also. Hidden identity!Sam/cursed Dean. It’s all very consensual (except for Dean not knowing it’s Sam). It’s over 50k words so you can spend the night reading it.
It's Just Research by brokenlittleboy
Summary: Sam becomes obsessed with the "wincest" shippers on the forums for fans of Carver Edlund's "Supernatural." Dean finds out.
Envy’s notes: Sam starts reading wincest and then becomes a fanfiction writer because what better way to let all those feelings out?
Well Jung by alwaysthrowsscissors
Summary: The brothers are faced with their broken relationship in the aftermath of Gadreel’s possession and Kevin’s death. In an act of desperation, they go to couple’s therapy to try to work things out. It may bring them closer than they bargained for. This fic starts off funny and becomes more intimate and serious as the boys navigate their first time and process it with their therapist.
Envy’s notes: Sam and Dean go to a couple’s therapist to fix their relationship, they misunderstand some of their therapist’s advice.
Sam’s brow got further and further stitched as he looked at article after article. “She can’t possibly have meant this.”
“What do you mean?"
“It’s all...sex stuff," Sam said, crinkling his nose in disgust.
Baby Bird by TheQuietWings
Summary: Sam is sick, and Dean has some… unconventional methods to make him eat.
Envy’s notes: Dean feeds Sam mouth to mouth. Oddly sweet.
Embarrassing Crushes by Marie_Tomas
Summary: Sam and Dean get drunk and share a few embarrassing stories. When they ask each other about their most embarrassing crushes, the answers that they both give are kind of...surprising.
Envy’s notes: This one is really sweet and I love the way Dean reacts to Sam’s confession.
When This is Over, We Should Really Have Angry Sex by mjlove1 and oulfulsam
Summary: A Wincestous deleted scenes take on "Red Sky At Morning" S3 While Sam Dean & Bela are at the party Sam overhears something that leads to a very jealous miscommunication. Rated M for graphic Wincest in Ch2. 2-shot written w/ the wonderful& talented MJLove
Envy’s notes: Established wincest. Sam overhears what the guard says and thinks Dean actually slept with Bella.
023 – confession by ani_coolgirl
Summary: There are some things you can only say when you're alone. What Sam doesn't realize is that he's not alone.
Envy’s notes: Ghost!Dean hears Sam talking to his comatose body in S2:E01 Time of Dying. Why can they only be sweet to one another when one of them is dying??
Always My Pretty Baby by taiyou_nii_chan
Summary: Sam has always been Dean's "pretty baby" but years have gone by and he hasn't been feeling "pretty" or "a baby" lately. Dean takes care of fixing that.
Envy’s notes: A personal favourite because Sam doesn’t get called pretty enough, it’s always Dean :(
017 – backfire by ani_coolgirl
Summary: Sam gets Dean back for the itching powder. It doesn't quite go like he planned.
Envy’s notes: Sam pranks Dean by making someone think they’re a couple. You can never go wrong with pretend relationship fics.
I Can't Forget the Time or Place Where We Just Met by alwaysthrowsscissors
Summary: Sam and Dean fall asleep on the couch, wake up cursed with amnesia, and assume they're in a relationship. After exploring their surroundings, they can't keep their hands off each other any longer. The curse breaks mid-sex.
Envy’s notes: Another one of my favourite tropes. Both have amnesia and assume they’re a couple.
Hell changes people by blueingaround
Summary: After Sam almost sees Dean die in that barn, he can't quite shake the feeling that something's going to happen if he loses sight of him. He had never wanted to be as close to his brother as now. He can't take his eyes off him. After weeks of recovery, Dean wants to go back to hunting, but Sam wants him to just stay home. He knows the way he feels about his brother is wrong, but after hell, Sam finds it difficult to remember social norms.
aka Sam is struggling after Dean's recovery and they go on a hunt together. Some monster is hunting incestuous couples and some feelings are revealed. They decided to have sex to play bait for the monster and this turns out way more emotional than they both had expected it.
Envy’s notes: Sam has wanted to be closer to Dean ever since going to hell. Here’s one of my favourite pieces of dialogue:
“You're telling me you're fine with incest?”
“As long as no one's getting hurt? Sure.” Sam said, shrugging again. 
Dean was silent for a few seconds. Sam turned to look at him and saw his brother with a frown and his mouth slightly open in astonishment. 
“You're fucked in the head, Sam.”
“We both are.” He said. “It just seems I'm a little more messed up than you are. But that isn't news.”
Best Brother Ever by Mayalaen
Summary: Prompt fill for the request of Dean/Sam, dirty talk, virgin!Dean, coming untouched, massage, fingering, unexpected orgasm.
Dean is really sore after a hunt, and Sam offers a massage. Dean's first reaction is a big no, but his back is killing him, so he gives in. It turns out Sam's awesome at massages, and Sam knows what will help relax him even more.
Envy’s notes: Sexual healing, literally. Massage fics that lead to more are always great.
State Of Emergency by PerpetualCookie
Summary: Dodgeville, Michigan. January 2000.
The Winchesters get caught in the biggest snowstorm of the winter. Trapped in their motel room by drifts of snow six feet high, they’re more inside of each other’s pockets than normal.
John hears some things he wasn’t meant to hear.
Envy’s notes: Young Sam and Dean have sex while their dad is in the same room. John is not sleeping.
I'll Take Care of You by Katlover98
Summary: Ever since Toni Bevell mind fucked Sam he has had trouble getting it up. Dean tries to help him when he finds out and it leads to sexy time.
Envy’s notes: Dean helps a sexually frustrated Sam.
Every First Time by antarshakes
Summary: It all starts with a threesome, really. It all continues through threesomes. Then, it’s just minus one.
Envy’s notes: A pretty realistic way wincest could happen.
"Handsome, could you show Dean here what kind of kiss really turns a girl on, please?"
Cowboys and Indians by saltandbyrne
Summary: An account of the times Sam jizzed himself while Dean pinned his hands down, starting with a game of cowboys and indians.
Envy’s notes: Who knew a game of cowboys and indians could be so hot?
And the Truth Shall Set You Free by Nutkin
Summary: Sam gets hit with a truth spell, and Dean decides to do some digging. It turns out a surprising number of Sam's most embarrassing fantasies involve Dean. A very toppy Dean.
Envy’s notes: omg I love this one so much. Sam is under a truth spell, Dean asks him what crazy stuff he likes in bed and Sam is just like: you.
"What about me?"
"You on top of me." Sam swallowed, willing it to stop, but the words just kept tumbling out. "You holding me down."
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shallowseeker · 11 days
It's so interesting too, that in sundering themselves from their humble backgrounds, Crowley and Rowena mirror that which was inflicted on them, trying to become their oppressors (a Godstiel theme, if you care):
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In Hell, Crowley is a king who commands no respect and begets no real loyalty. He's become a classist bastard. Dark ages-mentality.
Along with Rowena, Crowley inflicts pain on the ones "beneath" him, trampling the rebellious demons, especially the ones that stand up for "equal pay for equal work."
And it's not exactly as Crowley tells Sam at the end of s10—a long con to "change" Hell for the better.
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That's a half-truth Crowley is using to make himself feel better.
A LOT of Crowley's behavior has been shown to be flagrant, for his own amusement to satisfy his own pain and loneliness. We got to see that all season long. Even before Rowena showed!
This line is intended to appeal to Sam and soothe Crowley's deeply wounded humanity. It's another version of "for the greater good."
Sam also uses things like this to pad his own wounded humanity.
In Girls, Girls, Girls, Crowley insists that "human trafficking is tacky," which is another form of padding to protect his pride. This helps Crowley look away from reality. He did the same, trafficking Dean to Cain, as Randy trafficked Claire to Randy in order to get a stronghold against his enemies/debt.
Most importantly, Crowley is looking away from the fact that his clients are all selling their souls, that his Hell-workers have already sold theirs.
But most importantly, he's looking away from the fact that he trafficked himself. That's how he got here. He, like Rowena, was dealt a horrible hand.
It's as in 10x21:
STYNES: There's always profit to be made from desperation.
And it's no accident that s10 dead-ends in themes of Frankenstein.
Crowley wanted to rule over Hell, but in Demon Dean, he wanted to patchwork someone together who could "see what he sees, feel what he feels."
It's Crowley's very own Nick the SIren, an immature combination of all things familiar, someone "just like me!"
And when Dean fled to Anne-Marie "humanity," Crowley was gob-smacked. Dean and Anne-Marie linger in the spectre of Daniel and Adina, Adhina resembling Anne-Marie AND Dean, wanting to go "somewhere else," and like Cain, "wanting to be left alone." (It's no wonder, then, that is is Crowley who kills Adina?)
Dean was supposed to be Crowley's perfect Hell-Queen, someone just like him. But Dean wasn't a queen. He wasn't a lot of things people wanted him to be.
Not what John wanted, not what God wanted.
Dean wasn't even a knight. As much as Cain pegged him for a mirror, as being "just like Cain himself," Dean didn't do ANYTHING Cain predicted because Cain, like Chuck, like the audience, has got Dean dead wrong.
Dean is Dean. He's not John. He's not Crowley, and he sure as Hell isn't Cain.
Note that in 10x21, a girl was killed and her EYES were taken.
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This blindness mirrors Demon Dean. His "pretty black peepers." Crowley said to him, "See what I see, feel what I feel."
These themes swirl around the whole season because as Dean is reckoning with what Crowley did to him, Crowley is reckoning with his own life. What Rowena did to him.
But to Crowley, it seemed like Dean could be the answer, the balm to his boredom, to his lack of purpose and, like Amara being wounded by Chuck, a Holy tourniquet to that core wound left by Rowena.
As a human, Dean tries to reckon with how he was wronged, commanding more loyalty and respect in his world than Crowley does in his.
Crowley gets a lot of what he has through Mark of Cain!Dean's battle prowess against Abbadon. Dean's sacrifices are the foundation of his current kingdom and ability to succeed.
It's interesting, too that Sam's ability to go to college was, in some ways, was also enabled by Dean's sacrifices.
Even now, Sam gets a lot of friendship and love by-proxy... through Dean's pre-existing, strongly forged connections. Sam manipulates others via the loyalty Dean has earned, like a parasite or a vampire.
Sam's (and Rowena's and Crowley's) lack of social grace and inability to make friends stand in stark contrast to Dean. Sam, Rowena, and Crowley feel like outsiders, and they can't reckon with why. Even getting power and status doesn't seem to help them, and that frustrates them all!
SPN has plenty of other outsiders, sure, but even with Cas, people seem to follow him even when he doesn't want them to. People don't follow Sam, (and actually, it's even more complicated than that—he's afraid of leading).
In some ways, Dean and Mary and Cas and Jack, all characters with big hearts, seem effortlessly able to form these deep connections, and without a recipe for success, without a rulebook, with a list of "How to Win Friends and Influence."
(It doesn't save them from manipulation, of course, and certailny Cas and Dean are fresh off manipulation by Metatron and Crowley! But I don't think it's a stretch to say that Sam might not consider their pains over that, instead spiraling and hyperfocusing on his own failures.)
I think it's interesting.
But anyway, Crowley wants to be top dog, and it's a losing battle.
Crowley denigrates those who remain loyal to him, calling them stupid and useless, and one wonders if this is what Crowley heard daily after his mother left and he went into the workhouse.
It's not a good look for Crowley, and his behavior actually makes him a weaker king, not a stronger one. He becomes paranoid that their loyalty is cheap and that they'd betray him the first chance they get.
And well. He's right.
Interestingly, it's this that Sam senses in him—this that Sam hates. It's a self-hatred, too.
And the thing is, there's something to Rowena hating The Men of Letters and spitting on Sam and Dean as a "fuck you" to the upper class. Sam certainly ACTS like Men of Letters, using Rownea the way Ruby used Sam.
And spiraling outward.
So too does Sam spit on Crowley as emblematic of Hell, as emblematic of the thing that had tried to lure him in as a boy-king, a promise of power but with the harsh reality of only being needed for his parts (meat suit).
Sam beats on Crowley because he can't beat on Ruby, on Lucifer, on John. Because (and Sam's not exactly wrong!), "because Crowley has it coming."
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(But it isn't all Crowley's fault! It's the system of Hell.)
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(But it isn't all Metatron's fault. It's the system of Heaven.)
They're ALL in Hell, in one way or another. Climbing down off the rack to stick it to perfect scapegoats (monsters, demons, whatever) who has it coming.
Metatron and Crowley are also intrinsically linked. They both have extremely UGLY family wounds, and they're slowly falling towards their own humanity.
Preying on desperation:
You know the ruse: finding vulnerable people and preying on them by promising them either protection or something to protect their families.
Like Cas preyed on Jimmy, like Dean manipulated Kevin emotionally, like Metatron preyed on Cas, like Crowley dangled Dean in front of Cain then used him as a Hell-worker, like Randy swooped in on Claire, like Rowena is trying to prey on Crowley.
YET. Sam doesn't want to admit that he's done the same! He swooped in on Lester when he was at his lowest in order to manipulate him, like Sam's using Charlie's love for Dean to get her to go whole-hog into a dangerous mission.)
The backdrop of forgiveness:
Interesting then, that you have this whole backdrop of forgiveness: Claire forgiving Randy, Dean forgiving Crowley, Claire forgiving her mom, Cole forgiving Dean, Claire forgiving Cas.
Crowley laments that Rowena is a liar, and Dean calls him out about lying to him and setting him up to be the fall-boy with the Mark, "guess it runs in the family."
Cas laments that he can't put Claire in danger, and she calls him out, "Anything else, you mean."
But it's not THAT simple either! Even "virtuous, forgiving" characters like Dean and Claire are still spiraling down into hunting, and Cas is still eagerly sticking his knife into low-level demon-soldiers.
No one's hands are clean, not even those who symbolize forgiveness and change. It's so messy!
It's so interesting, then. How Sam and Rowena mirror each other more directly.
They can't seem to forgive anything. Because they can't bear, in all of their stalwart perfectionism, to really look at themselves.
Sam can't forgive Crowley. He can't forgive himself.
Sam goes through the motions of "a team effort" with Charlie and Cas, but like Rowena, like an angel, he trades more easily in the business of selective truths and manipulation.
And that's a big thing: Sam, Rowena, and Crowley are alike in this manner. They want people beside them to tend to their own wounds, all while ruling in fits of misguided ruthlessness and subterfuge to get people in positions where they can use them (as they themselves have been used).
Rowena can't forgive the entire world for being rigged.
Neither can Sam.
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He couldn't be further than Claire Novak this season. But can we blame Sam? Let's step back for a sec and cut him some slack:
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Sarah Blake in season 8. That was like two seconds ago for Sam. She was killed right in front of Sam BY Crowley. To think this is ONLY about Dean oversimplifies Sam. (And yeah, Sam could've stood up to Crowley for Kevin Tran, but that doesn't change that Crowley tortured the Trans.)
That Sam hasn't forgotten this isn't unforgivable, per se. His need for vengeance shouldn't come as a surprise, and I don't think it should be simplified to "homophobia" either.
CROWLEY: Well, I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused – the one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes! They're your life's work, and I'm going to rip it apart piece by piece because I can, because you can't stop me, and because when they're all gone, what will you have left?
It's another way that Rowena and Sam's plots are hopelessly intertwined.
Sam's hangups are about being squashed beneath the boot, but instead of finding another shoe, he's so afraid and so paranoid that he becomes the boot.
Dean and Cas are not immune to this. (Ahem, Godstiel.) And Kevin Tran is to Dean as Charlie is to Sam, perhaps. Miracle cure-Gadreel is a little bit like miracle-cure Book of the Damned, just on a smaller scale.
Sam tries to save his family not dissimilar to how his family saved him, by locking him up for detox, for doing "whatever it takes to save him."
But he's Sam, so it comes out... very Sam-like. On a big, destructive, and very CUNNING, pragmatic, and manipulative way. Like Rowena, Sam WILL tend to save his own skin this season, and with them both, there are "substitute sacrifices" involved.
Symbolically, Oskar is a substitute sacrifice for them both. (And before you get too into the idea of Dean being "immune," it's the way Jack will later, unfortunately, be allowed to be a "substitute sacrifice/bomb" - re Dean's: "Thank you, Jack. / For once he and Sam won't be the ones sacrificing etc etc war son stuff)
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But other characters' struggle with this theme of class doesn't seem as prolonged and ever-present as what we see in Sam, Rowena, and Crowley. Cas and Dean are, on the whole, more likely to be upset with systems and forgive the individuals caught up in it. (SEE: Cas even has mercy on Metatron in s12).
But still...
DEAN (s15): When things go bad, it just comes out.
The fear, the desperation, the need to be safe and keep others safe..
It just really sucks.
That was a lot of words to say that Sam, Rowena, and Crowley are fundamentally linked and it's so tasty.
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sunsymbols · 4 months
canon divergence cheat sheet!
sam is a natural born psychic.
azazel, as the demon who introduced witchcraft to humanity, did not give sam his psychic abilities, but did place in him the potential to do witchcraft.
season 6:
the sam walking on earth is not sam at all. it is merely an echo trying to fit into the body of a person.
after sam is saved from hell, he has no memory of what happened while the echo was inhabiting his body.
season 8:
sam never quits hunting and never meets amelia.
he instead spends his time trying to recover from the events of seasons 6/7, trying to regain control of his powers, and generally trying to not get murdered.
season 9:
dean finds out he has a child, @lilyspaintedred, but more importantly, sam gets a niece.
season 14:
sam adamantly loves his son, the antichrist, and does not participate in any plan to lock him away.
sam accidentally becomes king of hell after very intelligently announcing, “there will be no new king of hell. not today. not ever. and if anybody wants the job, you can come through me."
season 15:
dean does not die via a treatable stab wound.
sam inherits rowena mccleod's ex-coven-cult-compound-campground and takes over the role that bobby singer once filled as a lore keeper.
his new home also operates as a safe house for supernatural folk, all of his half-adopted hunter children, and a place of business for his small farm/budding psychic hotline.
he has a lot of animals, but most importantly, he has a 5-year-old sulcata tortoise named cabbage.
sam’s powers:
premonitions: can see events 24-72 hours before they happen
psychometry: can see the past, pick up energies, and track people by touching objects
divination: able to sense holy ground, holy relics, and demonic presences, scry, tarot read, and feel magic
literal empath: able to feel emotions, intents, lies, if someone is fully human (but not what they are), and whether someone is friendly or not 
necromancy (not infernal necromancy): able to communicate with the dead through ritual
telepathy: sam's worst ability and can only be done with other psychics he is familiar with and lets in
witchcraft: has the ability to channel magic, but needs aides like herbs, stones, and athames to help
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The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas
Part Three: Hail the New
Square: Creating New Traditions ~ @spnchristmasbingo
Song: Deck the Halls ~ Nat King Cole
Pairing: Dean x Nicole {Nico/Nic} OFC
Summary: Nic and Dean hold in feelings as they each try to find common ground regarding the holiday. Sam’s secret is out.
Warnings: Flangst, mild language, canon divergence
Word Count: 3,125
Beta: @wayward-and-worn. Thank you for helping get things on track.🤗😘🤗
Credit: @talesmaniac89 made the gorgeous title card and divider
Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful friend, Stacey (@princessmisery666). As you know, this past year has been rough. Your friendship and support through all of it are so greatly appreciated. Love ya!!!❤️❤️❤️
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Series Master Post
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Dean wakes the next morning to an empty bed. 
Last night she’d found him in the library where he was waiting for her. She draped her arms over his shoulders, leaning down to whisper, 'I’m sorry', and kiss his cheek. He’d responded in kind before rising, capturing her hand in his and letting her lead him to their bedroom. 
Not long after they’d officially become a couple, she’d made him promise they would never go to bed mad at each other. Said that they had enough bullshit going on in their lives that they didn’t need to bring it into the bedroom. He’d initially thought it was cheesy but had come to appreciate it over the years. 
The thought of not falling asleep next to her would always leave him feeling sick. With her lying in his arms, he feels whole. She keeps his inner demons at bay. On the rare occasions they are separated from one another, he usually chooses not to sleep. Instead, he stays up reading, watching movies, or roaming the bunker's cold vacant hallways, his thoughts always landing back on her.
She’s feisty and stubborn, calls him on his bullshit, and takes him down a peg or two when needed. He loves her all the more for it, but when their stubbornness is pitted against each other, it’s like hell on earth. Again. 
He doesn’t feel guilty about his reasons for not wanting to do the whole Christmas thing. However, he knows that despite the trials she went through growing up, Nic still enjoys the season, and he does feel guilty for putting a kibosh on her plans, especially after initially agreeing to them. It’s not that he hates the holiday, but as he said, nothing good ever happens to them. Like Nic, he hoped this year might be different, but he can’t seem to ‘get into the spirit’.
Part of their agreement is that if there are things left to discuss, they will address them when they wake up the following day. He knew if he talked to her, she would listen …really listen, not judge him. He just hadn’t found the will to do it yet. Deciding not to let it drag out, he’d opened the way for a discussion as they’d gotten ready for bed. 
“Are we okay?”
“Of course we are.” She smiled, shimmied out of her jeans, and tossed them in the laundry pile. 
“Because, you know, I could explain, for the millionth time, all the reasons why Christmas sucks.” Miracle trotted into the room, and Dean closed the door behind him as the pup settled into his bed.
She’d paused, shirt half unbuttoned, the creamy skin of her thighs bared when she’d thrown her hands in the air, and bit back, “Dean, what’s the issue?” 
He bit his lip and tried to steer his wayward thoughts about his head being squeezed between those muscular, gorgeous thighs back to the conversation he’d started. He cleared his throat and shrugged, “I just want to make sure you understand why I don’t want to celebrate.”
“I believe I do, but you know you can talk to me about it, right?”
Dean nodded as she removed her jewelry and placed it on the nightstand. When he didn’t respond further, she continued.
“I know that growing up the way you did that the holidays sucked for you. Mine weren’t always that great, either. I thought, well hoped,” lips briefly pressed together, she yanked the bed covers down, “that since we now have a home and no big bad threat looming, we could try something new.”
He wanted to talk to her and explain the emotions that had been plaguing him the past few weeks. How left behind he felt while she and Sam seemed to be moving forward and navigating their new lives with minimal struggle. Wanted to tell her about the loss of purpose he felt since ‘the family business’ had been relegated to a side hustle. Wanted to let her know that he was ready to start putting himself first once in a while but that he didn’t know where to start. It might not exactly be how he’d envisioned it, but the fairytale he talked about wanting but never believed he would have is coming true, and he doesn’t feel like he has a place in it.
She popped the last button on her shirt, and he decided that discussion could wait for another time, so he deflected. “I can think of some new things I would prefer to try.” She laughed when he shot finger guns at her. When she snorted, he laughed with her. Once their amusement settled, he reached across the bed. “Seriously, though, we’re good?”
“Yes,” she winked and let her shirt drop to the floor, “we’re good,” then slipped her hand into his.
After a couple of rounds of blissful activity, she had asked if he wanted to discuss anything. Curling around her, he assured her that he was fine—he was good. 
So much for putting myself first.
He'd told her that he didn’t have anything to talk about, and though he still isn’t ready to have what he is sure will be an intensely charged conversation, it’s a little disconcerting when he finds her pillow vacant and the sheets cold. She rarely leaves the bed before him, and he worries that maybe he has missed something. He aggressively tosses the covers aside, and the sudden movement causes Miracle to sit up, an expectant tilt to his head as he stares from his bed across the room.
“C’mere, buddy,” Dean pats his chest, and the pup scuttles across the floor, hopping onto the bed. Turning his head to avoid a full-face lick, he catches sight of the note propped against the light on his nightstand. He gives Miracle a big hug before reaching over for the folded card.
Flipping it open, he throws his head back with a roar of laughter, reading the first line, ‘You were VERY good!’, causing Miracle to bark and howl in response. The dog pounces around, pulling and twisting the bedding, and Dean takes a moment to calm him before reading the rest of the note.
‘Sorry, I’m not there. Needed to run some errands. I’ll bring back some pie.’ 
Tilting the small card, he smiles, seeing the shiny imprint of her lips as a signature, and brings it to his nose. The faint aroma of the honey-flavored lip balm she wears dispels the last of his uneasiness.
“Whelp,” Dean sighs, rubbing the top of the shaggy mutt’s head, “looks like it’s you and me again today, boy. What should we do?”
Bored out of his mind, Dean absently flips through channels. It’s a barrage of Christmas movies, holiday cooking shows, and ads hawking cheesy decorations, cheaply made toys, and useless gadgets. Pressing the off button, he tosses the remote onto the table. Miracle lifts his head from Dean’s lap at the disturbance and looks up excitedly.
Running his hand down the dog’s back, he mutters, “I don’t know about you, bud, but this isn’t cutting it.” Since their lives have calmed, the days of idleness are running together into a neverending blur of sloth. He’s not sure how much longer he can handle it before he goes all serial killer.
Looking at his watch, he jolts with concern. It’s almost 3:00, and he still hasn’t heard from Nicole. Donna had texted him a couple of times, asking off-the-wall questions like what his favorite donut was and his preferred choice of toppings. Not random at all, but whatever, he’s always down to talk about food. His phone vibrates as he reaches toward his back pocket, chuckling as the word ‘home’ appears on his screen beneath Nicole’s name as if she read his mind.
“Let’s go see our girl,” he smiles at Miracle, who trots happily next to him out of the room and down the hallway.
Nic is setting bags on the wooden table as he and Sam walk into the kitchen from opposite directions. “Hey, glad you’re both here,” she smiles. “Would you mind getting the rest of the things out of my car while I put the groceries away?”
She turns into his embrace when he grabs her hips, wrapping her arms around his neck, and whispers, “I brought you two pies.” 
“Sweet talker,” he smiles into the light peck he plants on her lips. Sam clears his throat, and Dean pulls her closer, intensifying the kiss. 
Nic lightly slaps his chest when he finally lets her go. “You just can’t help yourself, can you.”
Wiggling his eyebrows, he teases, “Not when it comes to you.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Raising her own brow, she fixes him with a stern gaze, letting him know that she knows the deeper kiss had been more about annoying Sam than a greeting of affection to her.
With a smirk, he turns to Sam, “C'mon, Sammy. Let’s do as the lady asked.”
As they head out of the room, she laughs to herself, hearing Dean chastise his brother. “Did you hear that? Two pies. Nic NEVER forgets my pie.”
With the brothers helping, the groceries were put away in record time. Setting the last jar of peanut butter in the cupboard, Nic laments, “I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” 
“Well, you bought enough food to feed a pack of wolves, so why don’t I make some sandwiches?”
“That would be wonderful.” She squeezes his ass as she passes behind him. “Thank you.”
“Hey, watch it, Grabby McHandsy.”
Smiling sweetly, she pouts, “I couldn’t help myself.” 
“You two make me sick,” Sam huffs, but Dean hears the undertone of amusement and laughs.
As he begins to pull ingredients from the fridge, Nic asks Sam to help her with the rest of the packages on the table. 
Carrying a plate of food for each of them, Dean joins them in the library about ten minutes later. Nic pours him a drink as he sets a plate down in front of her. “Who are those for?” he asks, spying the stack of brightly wrapped boxes on the other table.
“Just a few small gifts for family and friends. There’s one for you,” she tosses out and hums between bites, “Best food ever.”
“It’s just a sandwich.” Dean amusedly shakes his head. “You always say that.” 
“That’s because it’s always true.” Holding her glass in salute, she cheers, “To the best chef I know. Thank you.”  
Setting his plate down, he hands the final one to Sam. Moving to the end of the other table, he sifts through the boxes, looking for one with his name on the tag. Shaking it when he finds it, he asks, “Can I open it?”
The too-quick response makes him eye her skeptically. “It’s not a gag gift, is it? Nothing’s going to pop out and try to scare me? Cause you know, I don’t scare that easy.”
“Cat,” Sam coughs, trying to hide his smirk behind his hand.
“Yorkie,” Nic mumbles, biting her lip as she turns away.
“Very funny. Two comedians, huh? You do remember that I nearly died, right?” he huffs.
Nic smiles sweetly and pouts, “I do, babe, and I’m thankful every day that you didn’t.”
“Hmph,” he rolls his eyes in annoyance, “whatever.”
“Go ahead. Nothing weird is going to happen.”
Excitedly ripping off the paper, he then places the box on the table to open it. Peeling back the layer of tissue paper inside reveals red and black checked flannel, and he teases, “Are you regifting the shirt you stole from me?” 
“Ha! Now, who thinks he’s on Comedy Central.” She pulls out the material and stands, holding the garment up to him.
“Pajama pants?”
“Yeah, I thought they would be fun to wear for-” She cuts herself off, clears her throat, and then grabs an unwrapped box, quickly opening it to show him the contents. “They match mine, and I thought they could be part of a new tradition. They’re soooo soft and will keep us warm on movie nights. But it's not a big deal if you don’t like them.”
Her wide grin and sparkling eyes do a number on his heart, and he can’t help but return her smile as he leans down to kiss her. “Thank you.”
Taking the box from her, he sets it on the table next to his, noticing a name he doesn’t recognize on one of the packages, and asks, “Who’s Stacey?”
“A new friend and Sam’s girlfriend,” she matter-of-factly replies.
Sam chokes, spitting the bite of the sandwich he had just taken back onto his plate, and Nic quickly covers her mouth, trying not to snort as she laughs. 
“I knew it!” Dean blurts, pointing a finger and leveling a smug look at his brother before snapping his head back in her direction. “Wait, how did you know?”
“After a post office run a while back, I decided to treat myself to a coffee from the bookstore cafe that I like. I caught sight of Sam through the window as I was crossing the street. He and a curly-haired woman were making lovey-dovey faces at each other.”
Dean snickers when Nic puckers her lips, imitating kissing noises, and Sam huffs that he was doing no such thing.
“Anyway, I knew Sam would clock me the moment I entered, so I came home and waited for him to tell us about her, but he never did. A couple of weeks later, I was in town again to pick up some holiday cheer I had ordered. She was in the cafe, sitting at the same table. I knew Sam was still at the bunker, so I decided to introduce myself. See if I could find out how serious things are and whether I needed to have the ‘don’t hurt my best friend or I’ll have to kill you’ talk with her.”
Sam slumps in his chair, his cheeks almost crimson, and Dean can’t help the proud smile splitting his face. She loves to tease Sam almost as much as he does. Watching his brother’s discomfort grow as Nic continues to speak fills him with wicked glee.
“She was leery of me at first. Thought I might be a jealous ex or a significant other he lied about not having. Once I told her I was in a relationship with his brother, we bonded over having something in common. After all, dating a Winchester isn’t exactly a piece of cake.”
Both men straighten with righteous indignation, but Nic rambles on between bites of Dean’s sandwich that she begins to eat. He opens his mouth to scold her for stealing his food but quickly snaps it shut, reminding himself that she hasn’t eaten since early this morning. He can make another one for himself later. Besides, watching Sam’s flustered irritation is too enjoyable to interrupt.
“She’s a writer …fiction. Good at it, too. She’s let me read some of her stuff. We exchanged numbers and emails and met for coffee several times. I like her. She’s smart, unpretentious, has a sharp sense of humor, and a lovely English accent.” She winks at Sam over the last comment. “We became pretty fast friends, so I invited her to join us on Saturday.” 
“What’s going on Saturday?” Dean suspiciously questions.
“The entire family is coming over.” 
“The entire family? Wait. Is that why Donna has been texting me about donuts?”
“Yep, Jody and the girls, Donna, Garth, Bess, and the kids.” She chuckles, looking over at Sam, “and Stacey.”
Sam’s shoulders roll, and his chest puffs, but she preempts his bitching. “You know, she believes in the supernatural. I know you haven’t told her what we do, but you might be surprised about how accepting she would be of the facts.” 
“Everyone? In my kitchen? Absolutely not!” Dean grouses as he strides around the table, the delight in Sam’s embarrassment shoved from his mind.
“I thought we could have a cookie exchange. Bake some treats? Just spend some time together.“ Nic quickly blocks his exit, placing her hands on his chest. “Look, none of us had a normal childhood. Or anything remotely considered traditional. The good memories are few and far between. It doesn’t have to be a Christmas celebration. We’d be creating our own tradition. We can call it whatever we want. You know, hail the new,” she cheers. “It’s deep-fried dough and piles of sugar. We’ll have pizza and beer. All the things you love!”
Dean inhales sharply, and he’s sure she can feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he runs the other through his hair. She’s trying to find a compromise—a way for each of them to enjoy the emotionally charged time of year.   
A warm hand cups the side of his jaw. “You don’t have to join us, but I hope you will. Just think about it?” 
“Yeah… I can do that.” Pulling her into a hug, he whispers, “Can we talk later?”
Arms wrapped tight around his waist, she nods against his chest, whispering back, “Of course.”
Shoving the emotions back into their designated compartments, he brushes a lock of hair back at her temple, then steps back. 
“So what’s in this bag?”
“Shit.” Nic’s hand shoots past his in an attempt to grab the bag’s handle first but ends up knocking the package clear off the table. As their hands grapple to catch it, they both miss, and it lands heavily on the cement floor. The sound of glass shattering fills the space.
Dean’s eyes widen as Miracle rushes over to see what the commotion is about. Nic squats down to grab his collar, “No,” she admonishes him, picking up the bag with her other hand. 
Nic looks up at Dean, eyes misted over as she asks, “Will you please take him while I make sure there’s no glass on the floor?”
“What was in the bag?” 
“N- nothing.” 
She looks back at the floor and sniffs, “Just take him, please.”
She’s clearly upset about the broken item, but unsure how else to help, he takes hold of the dog’s collar and gently tugs, “C’mon, boy,” taking a few steps away.
After looking over the area, she stands with the bag in hand. Swiping a hand across her cheek, she mumbles, “Floor’s clear; gonna go throw this out,” and practically sprints from the room.
Turning to find that Sam looks as shocked as he feels, Dean asks, “You know what was in there?”
“Not a clue,” Sam shakes his head and shrugs.
Scrubbing a hand down his face, Dean growls, “Son of a bitch.”
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Love Me Some Pie tag list:
@akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @michellethetvaddict // @mvdeanw // @shawnie74 // @siospins2 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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shittinggold · 2 years
Dashboard osmosis late seasons supernatural?
Oh man - so I stopped watching early in S9, and my memory of anything after S5 is pretty hazy (I have rewatched S1-5 once, the latter seasons not at all), so this is a combination of dashboard osmosis, fractured memories of things I may or may not have seen, and whatever November 5th did to my brain.
So, at the end of S8 all the angels fall out of heaven, right? Because Metatron did a Thing. I've no idea what happened with Metatron after that but I'm gonna assume the brothers killed him, because that's generally how they deal with things, even deity-level-powered villains. I don't know if the angels went back after that - I know there was a civil war which might have been before this? Also at some point all the angels die I think, which leaves Castiel as the last angel. Castiel gets depowered at some point. And some other point becomes God. And dies. And I think becomes evil? It feels like they did everything they possibly could with Cas other than let him be a main character.
I think at this point Cain and Abel (maybe?) show up and Dean gets the Mark of Cain on him which makes him evil. Because of this (or perhaps entirely unrelated) he becomes a demon and we get Demon Dean for a bit which honestly sounds quite cool. Presumably is cured in some manner that sets up the arc of the next season.
The brothers find out that they're the heirs to some secret society called the Men of Letters and get a cool new bunker which means they don't have to shoot on different sets each week which makes the show cheaper and totally ruins its original aesthetic.
Kevin and Felicia Day both get killed off because of course they do. But I think Felicia Day (Charlie?) comes back because she's in the last episode. She also at some points goes to Oz and dates Dorothy. Honestly as far as SPN women go it seems like she does pretty well.
Crowley becomes King of Hell at some point. He also stays alive for ages even though he was never half as interesting as the fandom always thought he was.
Lucifer comes back! And presumably then so does Adam? I assume this means they address the whole "we left our other brother in a hell cage and never mentioned it again" weirdness, but I think it's funnier if I don't. Lucifer hangs out with Sam and maybe posseses Cas? (I've heard the word "Casifer" and assume this is what it means).
The Impala becomes a human in one episode, which is apparently actually a good episode. There's also an episode where Dean is a dog and another one where they're in Scooby-Doo. Honestly I would like to watch these.
There's a new kid called Jack that seems to be like a fourth main character and is Cas' son? Unclear whether this is in any way literal or just that they have a parental relationship. He seems to be around a lot but also is kind of dunked on by the narrative and not given enough attention? I dunno, he's new to me so I don't trust him but I assume there's a reason why people (including you I think!) care about him.
And then uhhhh there's cold static for like three seasons and Cas makes a deal with the Empty (which is like angel afterlife/superhell but is also a person that you can make deals with?) in order to save Jack's life, which means if he gets Perfect Happiness he will go to superhell. His perfect happiness is confessing love to Dean and getting ambiguously no-homoed in return. Later is re-homoed in spanish.
Oh, wait, Chuck is back and is explicitly God! And is evil about it because he has a story and wants Dean and Sam to follow his story but they don't? I'm sure this is either a genius metanarrative or a self-cannibalising mess, no in-between. They kill ChuckGod and save the world/themselves/free will.
Then they go to a pie-eating contest and Dean eats too many pies and then gets killed by a vampire who sticks him with a rusty nail. Sam is sad but goes to have a Normal Life with some woman who doesn't even get a face, let alone a name, and dies 50 years later from terrible prosthetics disease. Dean goes to heaven and his car is there because in the supernatural universe, cars go to heaven but gays don't.
...Until Dean then takes the car and goes back in time with it to makes sure his parents hook up or something? Idk what's happening in the prequel, but it sounds nuts.
And Mischa Collins comes out as straight. Love wins.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 197
First Born
“First Born”
Plot Description: hoping to kill mutual enemy Abaddon, Dean and Crowley search for the “First Blade” and are stunned to find out its owner is Cain, the first son.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: yeah, I’m good. I mean, if I HAD the First Blade and Cain came aknockin for it, I’d probably just give it to him. I don’t wanna die
(I remember two things from this part of spn: 1) Dean gets a fun new mark and 2) Cain is played by Timothy Omundson, who to ME is King Richard from Galavant)
I guess if you HAVE to portray confederate soldiers (and honestly, you almost never have to, unless you are doing something and it’s ABOUT the civil war), it MIGHT be best to make them demons. Though then you’re taking away their agency which is a DIFFERENT kind of ick. But at least they’re demons to be killed off and not the romantic partner of a beloved side character
I can’t believe Crowley had a spy demon called Smitty…
The Dean and Crowley buddy comedy is perfection. I love Dean begrudgingly taking out John’s journal and Crowley asking ALL of the questions about it. Giving me season four or five vibes
Oh…Cas is losing his taste for food now that he’s an angel again. I’m sad for him
“Cas, you’re a terrible liar” “That’s not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother” Cassssssss, that’s not something to boast about
So did Gadreel leave a little piece of him in Sam??? Oh…Sam’s got a little Grace in him.
Sam, you HAVE to remember that Cas does not have the strongest grasp on idioms. You can’t say you have a guinea pig and not expect him to believe you have a LITERAL guinea pig and not just a you to experiment on
I like this semi-retired hunter(?). She’s got all the precautions up and tests that Dean isn’t possessed, but she’s not IN the game in the game anymore.
Crowley, you and Dean are not besties but I’m so happy you’re trying
I’m not saying that John wasn’t a man with “needs,” but…when you’re dragging your kids (who you are also neglecting more than half the time) all across the country, I don’t know that you get to do weekend trysts with a woman you killed a demon with.
Did you have to SHOOT the devil’s trap to break it?? Couldn’t you have just scuffed it like EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SHOW??
Don’t tell me Cain still lives at the house from the first five minutes
Crowley is absolutely TERRIFIED of Cain. And I can see why. He formed AND killed the Knights of Hell?!
Sam, you have not spent enough time around Cas. You need to. Because you also need to stop making all these little quips that are just going to keep you two going around in exceptionally pointless circles
Not Sam trying to sacrifice himself again (but what else is new, really?)
Yeah, maybe you SHOULDN’T have gone back
Man, of course they killed the hunter…
I love that the Father of Murder is now an introvert who just wants to tend to his bees and be left alone
Cain just watching Dean fight these demons like I watch a show I’ve seen a million times
Crowley, no one was around to hear your quip
I do like the relationship between Cas and Sam…it’s soft and supportive now
What a potentially interesting twist on the Cain and Abel story…here, Abel wasn’t talking to god, he was talking to Lucifer and Cain made a deal to ensure Abel went to heaven and he went to hell (not sure I 100% believe it but…)
Oh that’s actually really tragic. Cain fell in love with a woman who loved him unconditionally. She simply asked him to stop killing and he did. Then Abaddon possessed her one night, nearly killed her in front of Cain, but ended up tricking him into killing his own wife.
The Winchester boys, always taking really drastic and dangerous solutions
A Sam and Cas hug where Sam has to tell Castiel that this is the part where you hug back
OMG! Crowley gets a “end of the car trip” talk over the hood of the impala!! And you said he was the furthest thing from family, Dean…….
You’re right Crowley, it IS always something with those boys
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Gimme Shelter” and The Bomb
Living in the middle of clown town is always an adventure but they’re recently opened a five star restaurant that’s free to all residents so we’re eatin good lmao.
Wow.  Uh.  Wow.  Lots and lots and lots to unpack here.
This is.........long lmao
I mean.  Should we just talk about some of the *cough cough* married details we’ve got going on?  That picture of Cas from “Tombstone”?  Who took that? Who else COULD have taken that?  Why is it a printed photo that Cas just happens to have?  Why did it look like it was cut in half?
Okay, I also want to talk about the energy between Dean and Cas, and not the energy of two intensely married people.  We haven’t seen them together that much since 15x09 right?  I mean we’ve had bits here and there, but to me something still feels off.  I just can’t help but go back to the unresolved ending of their time in Purgatory (”I have to say something.” “You don’t have to say it, I heard your prayer.”).  It just feels like there’s awkwardness hanging in the air, like when Dean and Sam leave right when Cas gets back, or the way that Dean hangs up on him.  It feels like we’re supposed to be sus, which I most definitely am.  Things aren’t 100% fixed, even though they’d like us to believe that they are.
Baby man Jack?  “Marvelous Marvin the talking teddy, I have one!”
Also just,
“Can we wear matching ties?!”
“Yeah, blue’s a good color on you.”
I think it’s FASCINATING that Rowena is spending her time in Hell making things “boring” for demons, changing things. “People will end up where they belong.”  There is NO WAY that’s throwaway.
“Hello!  Where can I find the Kool Aid.”
Literal king.
There are a lot of ~parallels~ in this episode, a whole lot of callbacks, and not in the jokey oh hey remember that episode.  There are all very deliberate and coded carefully into the dialogue so that even people who watch casually and pay attention will pick up on them.
“We...dated.  Years ago, sort of.  More like we watched a lot of old movies together.”
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Which, nbd, same exact fucking episode as
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Come on guys.  Just like.  Come on.  Davy.  My man.
Good to point out too that Davy Perez also wrote “Tombstone.”
I just want to take a second and appreciate that we at got this Amara this season.  No weird drama between her and Dean, just a literal badass who knows she’s a badass.  Dabb and co are going to save every poorly written character before this is over.
Cas’ fucking speech y’all. 
“I do know what blind faith is.  I used to just follow orders without question, and I did some pretty terrible things.  I would never look beyond the plan.  And then of course when it all came crashing down, I found myself lost.  I didn’t know what my purpose was anymore.  And then one day something changed, something amazing.  I...I guess I found a family.  And I became a father.  And in that, I rediscovered my faith.  And I rediscovered who I am.”
First of all, we deserved to see this from Cas.  We deserve to hear him talk about how much he’s grown, how much he’s changed from the “soldier” in season 4. 
Cas found who he was with Jack, with Sam, with Dean.  He found out he was a Winchester.  His love for others is so palpable this episode, the way he mother hens around Jack, the way he looks at Dean, I just completely adore him, and I loved being able to see him reflect on his own growth.
Okay, moving along to Amara and Dean’s convo...fuck man.  F U C K.
Dean’s pain in this scene.  His pain over Mary, over the lack of choice.  It’s so palpable, and I don’t think anything could have prepared me for Amara’s answer to his “Why?”
“I wanted two things for you, Dean.  I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person.  That the myth that you’d held on to for so long of a better life, a life where she’d lived was just that.  Myth. I wanted you to see that the real, complicated Mary was better than your childhood dream because she was real.  That now is always better than then.  That you could finally start to accept your life.”
“Hm.  And the second thing?”
“I thought having her back would release you.  Put that fire out.  Your anger.  But I guess we both know I failed at that.”
His anger.
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His anger through the whole season.
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His inability to let go of the anger.
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Dean’s anger, his inability to let go, we now know, of course, that his happiness didn’t come from Mary.  He still had the fire, he still couldn’t let go of the anger, the rage.  So what is it?  Not even Amara knows what will bring him peace, she just knows that her solution failed.
And then, as if we needed more parallels to this season:
“I’m furious.  To learn that all my life I’ve been nothing but a hamster in a wheel, stuck in a story.”
If that line sounded familiar to you.  It’s because it is.
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It’s not a common phrase, especially since Davy Perez FILLED this episode with callbacks.  We’re in the endgame, nothing is unimportant.
For Dean to bring this line back up, right after Amara tells him that she thought that Mary would bring him peace, that she was wrong in that assumption.  For that line to get brought back up when Dean talks about his anger in that scene with Cas, right in the middle of their breakup, where the whole catalyst of his prayer is about his anger, how he can’t let go of his anger.  How he’s sorry he got so angry at Cas.
And then, as if all of this wasn’t enough.  Jack drops the twist.  That he has to die to kill Chuck and Amara.
It’s his own version of the empty deal.  That isn’t a mistake.  Both are going to come into play, Jack’s deal and Cas’.  Mirrors of each other.
Putting his hand on Cas’ shoulder, telling him his death is not Cas’ choice, but his own.  I think this, this scene is going to come back into play.
And then to end the episode with Cas telling Dean, telling him about Jack’s death. 
“In case something goes wrong and I don’t make it back, there’s something you and Sam need to know.”
So...our fluff episodes are over.
There’s so much in this episode, but what I think bears repeating at the end is Dean’s anger, what will bring him peace, Jack’s impending death, and Cas’ deal.  All of these are going to be our catalysts moving forward.  Dean’s anger arc isn’t over, just as Cas’ deal hasn’t been resolved.  Next week ~seems~ like it’ll be a fluff episode, but I am certain that it won’t be.  There’s gotta be some big to do about what Cas is going to tell Dean.
Idk what to tell y’all other than the volume inside of this clown car is astronomical.
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lovingrosewho · 4 years
Fake Dating (pt. 4)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Penultimate part! :-) This one’s a little bit shorter than the other ones (you’ll understand why I did it that way at the end hahaha) but I promise the next one will make up for it! 💕 The first portion of this chapter along with the last portion of the last one (excuse the tongue twister) was highly inspired by @marksminions Crowley x Reader fic Snowstorm, as well as this Destiel story by @surlybobbies! I suggest you check them out! 💕
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Rating: T. Fluff
Word count: 1k
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester need your help with a case, which involves pretending to date the King of Hell.
Warnings: SPOILERS of a character’s death in season 7.
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Unexpectedly, the King of Hell’s arms embrace you, sneaking one arm under yours and another just beneath your knees so he can carry you to the couch. The room appears to be spinning to your eyes.
“Stubborn woman” he mumbles, placing you gently on the sofa, scooting underneath you as a big spoon, the heat of his body drawing in your senses back together.
“Crowley?” you call lowly, letting him cuddle you.
“If you tell anyone about this, I find it you’ll discover a new whole meaning to the term ‘torture’, love” he half jokes, which makes you giggle “Bloody hell (Y/N)”.
“I’m sorry...” you mutter.
“What was that again? I believe I heard something like ‘I’m sorry’?” he says sarcastically. You inhale profoundly, trying to contain a snicker.
“Idiot” you mention exhaling, steam still coming out of your mouth but decreasing with each minute.
“Funny. For a second I thought I’d heard Bobby Singer calling me from beyond the grave” he says and this time you can’t contain the laugh, whacking him lightly by moving your elbow backwards. He chuckles.
“No but seriously though, I’m sorry” you repeat, truly affected this time, and a little bit embarrassed about earlier’s tantrum.
“Yes and you’re bloody right to be. Lucky for you, I don’t hold grudges” he still speaks with irony, which makes you roll your eyes, but you know he doesn’t really mean it. After a few seconds he shakes his head and shifts his body, making you turn to him, your face merely inches from his. The sofa is vast, nonetheless you prefer the way you are accommodated now, and it helps keeping you warm “It’s alright Pet, it was just an impulse”.
You sigh and nod, deciding to look into Crowley’s eyes instead of talking. He arches his eyebrows and waits for you to make a move, but the shyness beats you and you opt to bring your gaze down and take out your cellphone, to check if for some reason, the signal’s back.
“Any luck?” Crowley asks looking down at your phone, you deny, but notice something’s caught his interest by the way he looks at a certain spot on the screen.
“All good?” you question doubtfully. He opens his mouth trying to find the words. That’s new, the King of Hell being speechless.
“My name, on the recent calls” he just says. You don’t understand.
“What about it?”
“You left it the same way I registered it” he explains, trying to find your stare but you have paralyzed looking at the screen.
“Oh” you say, starting to panic. A pink tint blushing your cheeks.
“(Y/N)...?” he calls and you finally look up, just to see him slip a hand behind the nape of your neck, collapsing your lips with his.
You melt into his touch and his kiss, grabbing him by his suit lapels. He lowers a hand to grip your waist fiercely whilst his tongue enters your mouth to explore it, grazing slightly over your teeth and lips, as you move a leg up his thigh to extend your range of motion, but his grip on you makes you roll over and get on top of him, swiftly caressing your thighs and lower back until you finally break for air, cuddling again into his side, his fingers running circles on your back and arms.
“I’m pleasantly impressed to witness the King of Hell not caring about his suit getting ruined” you joke and he scoffs.
“Worth it, though” he says and you stick your tongue out to him, which he gladly catches in another long, much slower, kiss, pressing his body against yours “And it helped with the cold as far as I can see”.
“Yeah it did” you say after giggling “How do you do it? Not getting cold”.
“I can regulate my body temperature love, which,” he speaks as he traces a path from your back to your neck with his fingers “in situations like this, comes in handy”.
You hum in response.
“So” Crowley speaks again and you can sense there are some questions coming regarding his name on your contacts list, and whatever just happened “Why leave the name?”
“I liked the ring it had to it” you lie but Crowley can see right through that and frowns at you playfully “Alright well... I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I... I like you”.
“You always act as if I were a cockroach standing your way!” he exclaims dramatically and you roll your eyes.
“Hello. Hunter, demon, remember?” you say equally dramatic and sarcastic.
“So? You could’ve done far worse as for Squirrel’s and Moose’s concern”. You laugh.
“Far worse than the King of Hell?” you ask arching an eyebrow.
“Fair enough. There’s no worse than me” he concedes smugly. You shake your head, a smile poking your lips when he speaks again, this time more grounded, voice more grave and a sweet stare “No, love, I mean it, I care for you”.
“You do?” you question coyly, fidgeting with his hair.
“Yes” he reassures, placing his hand on your cheek, his thumb stroking your chin and your jaw. You smile widely in response.
“Hey, I meant to ask you too...” you start saying now “What was the ‘particular, highly important’ business the shifters had with you?”
He lets out a small chuckle and a curious grin.
“Your safety, of course” he confesses. You bite your lip down, unable to contain your content, reaching out to him and kissing again, hands lazily roaming across each others bodies. That’s when the metal walls suddenly descend and you’re half-blinded with the warm lights of the room, squinting your eyes to catch sight of Sam and Dean standing a few meters away from you.
Part 5
MASTERLIST // TAG LIST: @enby-thesbian @agent-smulder (if you’d like to be tagged feel free to ask me!)
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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thegeminisage · 3 years
top 5 sam moments?
WOW THE BOY THANK YOU. i’m doing 10 there’s no way i can pick just 5
#10 - 9.10 road trip like i fucking hate this episode but GET THE HELL OUT...he’s such a badass like he beat the devil what chance did gadreel’s punk ass have. none. sam is objectively the strongest and coolest ever
#9 - 14.01 stranger in a strange land when he rolled up into that demon bar with the full grief beard and went there will BE no new king of hell and scared literally every demon still left alive right out of their hosts. wow
#8 - 2.01 in my time of dying when he was talking to dean with the ouija board :( brothers :(
#7 - 1.22 devil’s trap when he fucking SHOT JOHN LMAO that’s my BOY <3
#6 - 11.17 red meat which like apparently this is one of the worst rated episodes on imdb and i have no idea why because it’s literally so fucking good. he’s half dead and still kills like three werewolves all by himself like holy shit what a badass
#5 - 6.22 the man who knew too much when he said i’m gonna take my soul back even though i know it will cause me unimaginable suffering because i want to do the right thing and i want to help dean like he is so good. like he’s just made of goodness at his core he’s so caring and compassionate and kind i will CRY
#4 - 13.01 lost and found WHEN SAM was in a CAGE with the DEVIL’S CHILD he could have been like dean and tried to kill him or whatever. but even though he was really scared he talked to jack and made friends with him instead...i think that’s so brave :( 
#3 - 8.21 the great escapist or actually all of season 8 and i almost put 8.23 here but like when he told dean he felt unclean and like he wasn’t pure...reader i died. and then later in 8.23 when dean was like you’ll die! and sam goes so? like just: SO? he literally was willing to give it all up.........
#2 - 11.10 the devil in the details when he was back in the cage, like in his WORST nightmare, and he was gonna get tortured again if he said no to the devil, and he said no ANYWAY like he literally is the most brave oh my god
#1 - 5.22 swan song LIIIKE HE BEAT THE DEVIL. the devil is afraid of sam winchester. he’s literally the strongest human being that ever existed like what else is there to SAY??
[ask me top 5 anything] [spn masterpost]
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Finding Out
Summary: Reader visits The Empty to retrieve Cas and finds out who her parents were, one of which was right there with her all along.
TW/CW: Sam Winchester x Daughter!Reader. Angst (towards the end). “Orphaned” Reader taken in by the Winchesters. Mentions of Sam Winchester x Ruby.
Requested?: Yes, a lovely Anon said, “Could you do a Sam x daughter!reader where they found her as a baby but she was half demon so they took her in to try and be good and she grows up with them and stuff and then I’m season 15 instead of Cas going to the empty it’s her going (bc she’s half demon) where they find Ruby and Ruby admits to the reader that she’s her mother and Sams her father”
Word Count: 1,423
A/N: I feel like I should warn that I haven’t watched season 15 yet but I can still write her going to the empty bc I know what it is. I’ll try my best 😊 I hope it’s okay considering I didn’t really know what I was doing lol. I tried to make it somewhat fit into the timeline but it’s a little funky. Anyway, love to all!
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Your POV
    Hi, I’m (Y/n). I was adopted into a pretty cool family when I was just a kid. I don’t remember much about it because I was only about three years old. I have an older brother named Jack Kline. He’s what they call a Nephilim which is a half human, half angel. Biologically, he’s the son of Lucifer but he always insists that his real dad is Castiel. Castiel is an angel. Then there’s Sam and Dean Winchester. They’re brothers but they act a lot like I think a mom and dad would to me. Sam is like my mom, he’s always helping me out with my studying, training, and making sure that I remember to eat. When I get in trouble, he’s the one giving me the stern mom look that I’ve seen Grandma Jody give him and Dean. Dean on the other hand usually acts like he’s upset but as soon as Sam turns his back, Dean is high fiving me for being hilarious or smart or whatever but telling me not to do it again because Sam didn’t like it. He also taught me a lot about working on cars because I help him fix Baby all the time. If we ever decide to drop the hunting life, which I doubt we will, I’d love for me and him to open a garage together.
    Anyway, enough about them. You probably would like to know a little more about me. Like I said, I was adopted when I was about three years old because someone left me on the doorstep of the motel that Sam and Dean were staying in then. I don’t remember who it was but I remember them telling me to wait there because the people inside would take care of me until my mommy came back to get me. I never knew where she went and because of it I grew up pretty quickly thinking that she just didn’t want a little child and would come back for a teenager, she didn’t. I became what most people would say is about sixteen or seventeen. I remember Jack doing the same thing after he was born. It surprised Sam, Dean, and Cas when I did it but they assumed it was because of who I am.  You’re probably thinking, okay so you’re a Nephilim, who are your parents? That’s just it. I don’t know who my parents are but I do know that I’m not half angel. I’m half demon. Cas realized that almost immediately. For a while, there was some debate about whether they would keep me but they finally decided that they would, but the search for my parents didn’t stop there.
    They called up an old friend who happens to be the King of Hell and asked him if he could tell who my parents were or at least the demon half of the pair but no such luck. So, as my powers started manifesting themselves, we started training. It took some time but I eventually became able to control them and sometimes I use them on hunts but not often as it attracts a lot of attention.  
    I’m dragged away from my walk down memory lane as I sense something shift around me. I open my eyes and look around but see nothing. Literally, it’s a giant void. I remember now. I came to The Empty to get Cas back. “You’re so much older than I expected. I bet you still have your dad’s eyes huh? Not exactly something you can get rid of,” I hear someone say behind me. Turning around, I am faced with a woman who looks almost exactly like me. She’s a small bit taller and has brown eyes instead of green like mine. She’s also wearing an outfit similar to mine. If it weren’t for the small subtle differences, I’d think that I’m looking in a mirror.
    “Who are you? You’re not like me from the future, are you?” I inquire.
    “That sense of humor sounds a lot like Dean’s,” she says laughing, “No, I’m not you from the future. How would you change your eye color to make that happen?”
    I tilt my head and think for a moment, she has a point. Before I can say anything else, another voice joins the conversation, with a hint of bitterness in their tone, “She’s your mother.” I recognize that voice instantly as Cas appears at my side.
    The woman in front of me smiles and looks at Cas, “Come on, Castiel. I was trying to break it to her gently,” she looks back at me, “I’m your mom. My name is Ruby.”
    I’m quiet for a moment as I process this new information, “So, if you’re my mom then you should know who my dad is right?”  
    Ruby shares a certain look with Cas that I recognize as a, “Do you want to tell her or should I?” look. Cas nods so Ruby looks back at me, “Sam is your dad.”  
    Before I can ask any more questions, a loud noise erupts from somewhere in the darkness and Cas grabs my arm, “We need to go. That’s it.”
    Ruby looks to me with a sad smile, “I love you, kiddo. Always remember that.” With that, she waves her arm and Cas and I are thrown aside. Suddenly, it's hard to tell if my eyes are open and I’m still somewhere in The Empty or my eyes are closed and I’m not. I hear someone calling my name and realize I need to open my eyes. As I do, the light is almost unbearable but squatting beside me are Sam, Dean, and Jack. I sit up and rub my eyes as I try to make sense of the information, I just learned moments before.
    I look up as someone starts gently rubbing my back. Jack is now sitting cross legged beside me and Dean is squatting down to our level but Sam and Cas are nowhere to be found. “You okay?” Dean asks quietly. Before I can answer, Sam and Cas reenter the room. I stand, as do Dean and Jack, and watch Sam carefully, wondering if Cas told him. Sam takes a deep breath before racing forward and wrapping me in a hug. I quickly return it.
    When we pull apart, Dean and Jack look very confused as Sam looks down at me with a smile and moves my hair out of my face, “I’ve had a hunch for a while that you were her daughter. There’s no denying that you look almost exactly like her but I had no idea that you’re mine too.”
    “Hang on, did I just hear you right?” Dean questions.
    Sam and I both turn to look at Dean as Cas answers, “(Y/n) is the daughter of Sam and Ruby.”
    Dean’s shocked expression is almost cartoon like as he opens and closes his mouth looking for a response like a fish looking for water. We all sit down around one of the tables in the library as Cas explains everything that Ruby told him prior to my arrival in The Empty. Apparently, after she and Sam spent their time together, she found out that she was pregnant. When she died, Crowley found me and left me for Sam and Dean to take care of because if he couldn’t just get rid of me and he had his hands too full to take care of me himself. Everyone seemed kind of shocked but processed it rather quickly. I on the other hand felt like I now had a gaping hole in my chest, like something was missing. I just found out that she’s my mom but I can’t ever see her again. I silently get up from the table and make my way to my room. Behind me, I hear Sam tell the others, “She probably needs some time alone. One of us can check on her in a little bit.” As I close my door behind me and flop down onto my bed, the hole in my chest begins to ache and tears break through the dam. I snuggle up to one of my pillows and not for the first time in my life, I wish I had my mom there to comfort me but it hurts even worse now that I have a face to put to the title. Soon, I manage to cry myself to sleep and drift off into dreams that are sure to sting when I wake up.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ @castiels-majestic-wings​
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estrel · 4 years
my suptober20 masterpost of fics!!
just wanted to say thank you to @winchester-reload for the amazing prompt list & for being so supportive of everyone's submissions!! they’ve got a lot of people’s awesome work on their page for you to check out as well ♡ 
Here's the complete series on ao3 Here's where you can find all of them on tumblr
bold ones are the most popular according to my ao3
Take a Walk — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: on the road again | wc: 325 | gen: dean winchester, john winchester summary: After a hunt, dean accidentally gets himself kicked out of the motel they're staying at.
Suddenly I Saw You — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: earth | wc: 613 | destiel au, first meeting summary: From Castiel's post in Heaven, there is a great telescope that allows him to see down to Earth.
Thirst — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: demonic | wc: 438 | au, demon blood addict!sam, demon!dean summary: Cas and Dean confront Sam after finally tracking him down.
The Soulmate Bond Joke — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: branded | wc: 202 | destiel, chuck, soulmate bond summary: With Cas cornered, Chuck reveals his plan to get rid of Cas for good.
Stay Here — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: daydream | wc: 500 | dead!dean, heaven au summary: Dean wakes up in Heaven, and does his best to get the hell out of there. Castiel is assigned to make him stay.
Awesome Mask — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: mask | wc: 565 | halloween costumes, case fic, destiel + sam summary: Dean has a little too much fun on a case.
Endearing — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: domestic | wc: 1k | destiel fluff, movie night summary: Restless, Dean stays up to watch a movie and Cas joins.
Right in the Heart — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: heartless | wc: 792 | bi!dean, case fic, minor destiel + sam summary: After a close run-in with a werewolf, Dean convinces Sam and Cas to go on a case with him to forget about it.
Electric — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: electric | wc: 238 | domestic fluff, destiel summary: Dean shows Cas his new guitar.
A Sweet Ride — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: sweet rides | wc: 374 | cas pov, destiel + sam summary: Cas reflects on what he likes about earth.
All the Good Times — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: rock n’ roll | wc: 506 | destiel, first kiss summary: Dean gets a little distracted by Led Zeppelin while on the road.
Not Just A Gift — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: rewind | wc: 1.5k | sam + destiel, the mixtape summary: Sam finds out about the mixtape Dean made for Cas and thinks he might just lose it because of how clueless those two are.
Come Home — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: ladies | wc: 832 | dreamhunter summary: Claire comes back home from her lead on Dark!Kaia, only to find the house eerily quiet.
The Issue — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: fun and games | wc: 323 | pre-case fic, meddling!sam, destiel summary: Dean argues that the fake-dating thing is a bad idea.
All of My Eyes — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: third eye | wc: 353 | mentions of cas’ true form, destiel summary: Cas tells Dean a little bit about his true form.
To Switch Places — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: switch it up! | wc: 2.1k | 15x15 coda, body swap, destiel summary: 15x15 coda (sort of) wherein Dean accidentally flips a switch that puts him in Cas’ body, and vice versa.
Seasons Change — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: autumn invading | wc: 467 | cas’ pov, first kiss, apologies, destiel sumary: Cas reflects on that autumn so long ago when he had betrayed Sam, Dean, and Bobby. He thinks maybe this autumn will be better.
Crack of Lightning — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: dark and stormy night | wc: 1.4k | fluff, hurt/comfort, tfw 2.0, destiel, cas’ wings summary: A storm comes down on the apple orchard and Cas injures his wing protecting Dean.
Half Empty — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: pour one out | wc: 140 | angst, canon divergence, sam and dean summary: Dean asks Sam for a drink after gruesome events.
To Welcome Home — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: home | wc: 1.4k | 15x14 coda, fluff, destiel summary: Dean asks Mrs. Butters to help him with one last thing before she goes: a welcome party for one angel Castiel.
If You Give Me One Last Try — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: fear | wc: 1.1k | angel au, angel!dean, fear of flying, destiel summary: Dean remembers falling, and he remembers his reasons for doing so. He's fine with living the rest of his life on earth, but Castiel thinks otherwise.
Melt the Ice — (tumblr | ao3)  prompt: I cursed the gloom that set upon us... | wc: 1k | hurt/comfort, destiel summary: Dean regrets an argument he has with Cas and attempts to fix it.
Ever — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: favorite | wc: 657 | destiel + meddling!jack, fluff summary: Jack tells Dean about Castiel's favorites.
Mess With A Winchester... — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: family business | wc: 837 | tfw, destiel summary: When Cas is injured by an angel, Sam and Dean tell him why they want to get revenge.
This Broken Thing Between Us — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: villain | wc: 891 | destiel, enemies to lovers au summary: Dean hates the angel that pulled him from hell, but his help is needed in saving Sam.
Get It Out — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: walk of shame | wc: 1k | case fic, destiel summary: Cas and Dean try to clean up after a run in with their monster of the week.
Identifiable — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: banquet | wc: 923 | destiel + sam, mentions of cas’ angel rank summary: Cas invites Sam and Dean to an angel banquet.
The Scream — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: hellscape | wc: 616 | destiel + rowena summary: Back in Hell, Rowena catches up on how Cas and Dean are doing.
Tethered — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: fragile | wc: 382 | 15x17 coda, dean’s pov, destiel summary: Dean deals with the revelation that Chuck said about Cas. 
The Story Already Exists — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: dress up | wc: 2.4k | tfw 2.0, meddling!sam and jack, destiel summary: Jack asks Sam, Dean, and Cas to play dress up with him.
Pilot — (tumblr | ao3) prompt: carry on | wc: 378 | post-canon, jack kline, claire novak summary: Jack receives an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night.
likes/reblogs/kudos appreciated! & let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list! I’m going to be opening up my ask box for fic requests now that suptober is over, so feel free to send me something there as well ((:
tag list under the cut ♡ 
@castiels-a-winchester @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @samhainsam @weird-dorky-little-deana @bloodyhandprint @hunteriheroicii @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @destiel67 @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @boy-king @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak 
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