#sam x gabe
ldrmas · 2 years
Sabriel Talk Tuesday!!!
French Mistake is one of my fav episodes so of course I love this story! Rich and Rob being buddies, Sabriel, a little bit of destiel on the side. Really good story!
10/10 Sabriel story for sure!
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Loki: “I’m the real Gabe!”
Gabriel: “No, I’m the real Gabe!”
Dean: “Who do we shoot?”
Sam: “There’s only one way to find out.”
Dean: *nods*
Sam: “How do you spell bananas?”
Loki: “B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
Sam, shooting Loki: “Wrong answer.”
Dean, looking at Sam in disbelief: “Woah! THAT IS HOW YOU SPELL BANANAS!”
Sam: “Yeah, but Gabe sings the song.”
Gabriel, singing: “It’s bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
*David and Angel sitting across the table from Tank and Sam*
David: Do you know why I called you here?
Sam: No. Sir, I have no idea.
*David setting a large vase of yellow roses on the table.*
David: Can you read the note for me Tank?
Tank: ‘Don’t marry David. I’m better. Don’t marry him. Marry Me.’
Sam: ???
David: Tank I need you to stop hitting on my m-
Tank: I thought you knew me better than this David.
*everyone confused*
Tank: I wouldn’t get Angel yellow roses. Those symbolize friendship. I would get them red roses, symbolizing deep passionate love. Also I probably wouldn’t get them flowers. I’d get them more bells in Animal Crossing. David don’t underestimate my determination.
*all of them flabbergasted*
David: Then Who???
Tank: Whoever would put a giant M on the back of the note card. And I doubt Milo would do that.
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fakemonalisa28 · 9 months
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idk if this really fits but ehh
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goldenphoenix4 · 9 months
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gay-destiel · 1 year
#DreamyDrabble Day 4: Touch
@starcrosseddeancas drabble event!
Gabe whirls, blade stabbing into the demon's chest. It lets out a gasp, onyx eyes wide, and Gabe feels his Grace flare. Leaning into the blade, the demon raises a hand to caress his face, spitting out a single sentence,
"You'll never escape us..."
His touch is like wildfire, spreading through the nerves of his human body to his rearing Grace.
The words echo in his head,
You'll never escape.
Little angel, you never stood a chance...
Then firm hands close down on his hands, taking away his angel blade. The only weapon he has.
He snarls, a primal instinct of fear against what his mind registers as demons.
His back hits a wall, and he realizes he's scrambled backward. Faint sounds reach his ears, and after a second of mad writhing, they turn to words,
"-Gabe! It's alright, it's just me! It's Sam! Calm down, listen to me. See?"
Focusing on his voice, Gabe slowly stills.
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Tank Shaw hc time:
Gabe taught Tank how to dance when they were a teen for some school dance (or something idk he taught them that’s the essential part of this okay? okay)
bc Sam ran away from home when he was 15/16 and i personally think he didn’t learn how to dance at home bc of his parents and all that and yea idk… Sam can’t dance! at least not like couple dances yk? and the few times he went to the monarchal summit with Vincent and William he was too embarrassed to say he doesn’t know how to dance and also he just never really felt like learning it just for those summits
so when Darlin and him get together Darlin asks him to dance with them one evening and Sam has to admit that he doesn’t know how to and so Darlin ends up teaching him how to dance <3
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maerheya · 1 year
An imperium AU with Sam & his soon to be consort, Darlin, enjoyyyyy 
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peachhcs · 6 months
will surprising sam and coming out to visit her at mich and going to her game
something other than hockey
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
ugh yes she has no idea he's coming until she wins the game and sees him after. later that night, they go out together getting somehwat drunk and then cuddling up togther on the couch.
2k words
warnings: underage drinking but that's really it
au masterlist
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michigan led the score 3-2 with two minutes left in the final half. the crowd in the stands were on their feet going crazy and cheering on the lady wolverines to keep up their lead. the ohio state women played dity earning themselves and the michigan red and yellow cards left and right. samy scaled the field with her teammates trying to recapture the ball while trying to watch her back after getting herself a yellow card ten minutes earlier for pushing one of the other girls over. 
ellen and jim were on their feet watching the game in anticipation with nearly every single men's hockey player scattered across the stands watching their favorite hughes play. ethan and mark stood at the front of it all making their section the most rowdiest. the two convinced their teammates to come out since it was the final home game and if they won this game, the girls advanced the elite eight—so much closer to the national championships. 
"let's go! run it up the field!" ethan hardly had a voice left as it rasped in his throat. 
the timer quickly itself down now with only 90 seconds left in the game. samy yelled things to her teammates as they started running towards the goal with the ball in their clutch. 
"take the shot! you've got time!" mark's voice was hardly there either. 
anytime the two went to samy's games they came back with a lot less voice than they started with. sometimes samy thought they were crazy for screaming at every game because a lot of the times they were the only ones screaming at the top of their lungs. 
one of the ref's whistles blew making a sign for a time out from ohio's side. everyone let out a collective, half annoyed sigh as the teams huddled together. 
"dunno why they're calling a time out. there's a minuet left and we have the ball. there's no way they're gonna score," ethan mumbled with a shake of his head. 
"osu's gonna dig for every chance they can get. i doubt they're gonna give it up that easily," jim mentioned. 
ethan and mark took the small break as an opportunity to rehydrate and hopefully make their throats less dry. "how you doing, smitty?" ethan shifted his attention to samy's boyfriend sitting to his right. 
the girl actually had zero idea will was in town for the weekend. it was his mission to finally surprise her and with this weekend being game less, of course he'd never pass up the opportunity to see his girl. 
was he missing all the practices this weekend? yes. would his coaches kill him for not being there? probably. would he sit bench at the next game? most likely. 
did will care? no. not at all. 
for once in his near 18-year playing career, he finally had something other than hockey to think about. hockey wasn't his number one anymore, nor would it ever be as long as samy was in life. 
"i'm good. getting worked up about this game," the blonde responded to ethan's question.
th older boy quickly nodded in agreement, "osu's playing like shit, yet we're getting all the cards." 
"the coach knows what he's doing. i think he's scared of samy knowing how well she's played this past season for only being a freshman," mark commented and the boys nodded in agreement. 
the whistle blew again and the girls got back into position. everyone's eyes were on samy as she traveled up the field alongside her teammates. something about the way she communicated and moved with four other girls reminded will a lot of his line with gabe and ryan. 
"put it in! show 'em what we got!" luca yelled from the back. 
the timer shrunk down to 40 seconds left. 
one of the girls passed the ball samy's way as she ran up the field towards the goal. osu's defense was strong, but boy was the youngest hughes stronger and smarter than them. 
"20 seconds!" ethan yelled. 
the crowd began counting down with the timer, so samy took her chances with putting it in. with her momentum from sprinting up the field, she did a near corner kick towards the goal. time slowed itself as everyone's eyes watched the ball soar through the air. 
osu's goalie jumped up, but she missed it by half an inch, so the ball scraped right past her finger tips and into the back of the net. 
screams erupted from the entire student section. the umich girls stormed the field in celebration while the boys jumped up in victory, immediately hugging one another. 
"for the first time in program history, the lady wolverines will continue on dancing to the elite eight! congratulations!" the announcer exclaimed through the speakers. 
will followed after the group of now excited hockey boys to the field to congratulate samy. he had been so wrapped up in the game that his nerves about surprising samy hadn't made themselves known until now. a crowd of students were already on the field sending their congratulations to the players it was hard keeping track of everyone. 
the blonde stuck himself close to ethan in fear that he'd get separated and lose the group. sweaty bodies hit into will almost knocking him sideways followed by a half apology that didn't really mean sorry. the boy quickly scanned people's faces hoping samy was somewhere close by and they could all leave the now crowded field. 
suddenly, someone squealed and ethan stopped walking. will's eyes flicked back over and he quickly caught sight of the girl wrapped up in mark's arms. all of the hockey boys crowded around the youngest hughes basically blocking will from her view. 
the blonde shifted on his feet waiting for her to finally notice him. his heart rate felt like it was pounding through his chest and he didn't know why. it was samy. his girlfriend. 
maybe will was freaked because this was the first time they've seen one another since summer ended and they went to college. talking over the phone and texting was one thing, but seeing one another in person was another. they only had two months of being in a relationship in person before college cut a wedge between that. 
finally, ethan stepped side, his eyes finding will's with a tiny smirk. samy followed the older boy's gaze in slight confusion before she met gazes with will. 
she stared at him for a good five seconds before jumping into his arms which almost sent both of them to the ground. 
"you're here. what are you doing here?" samy's grip was strong around will's neck. the boy smiled into her skin, breathing her in. 
"came to surprise you. got in this afternoon," he explained. 
having her in his arms and the way she held onto him eased all of the worries he had minutes before this. god, it felt so good. 
"don't you have practice? how'd you get out of it?" samy pulled back to see her boyfriend's face. he smiled a bit, putting her down, but not letting go. 
"i mean.. i didn't i just kind of left," will shrugged. 
"your coach is gonna kill you," samy couldn't believe he was skipping an entire weekend of practice for her. 
"they can do whatever they want to me if it means i get to spend a weekend with you," the blonde smiled softly. 
his words made the girl blush a deep crimson and it got even worse when he leaned down to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. the hockey players still watching smiled at the interaction along with ellen and jim. 
remembering that everyone was still watching them, samy carefully directed will's lips away from hers for the time being. he pouted some. "later," the girl mumbled before stepping away from him to greet her parents. 
"i gotta change and debrief the team. i'll catch you guys in like 20 minutes if you wanna wait around," the brunette looked back at everyone. 
"you got it little hughesy," ethan threw a thumbs up in her direction. 
the girl chuckled. she kissed will's cheek one last time before running off to join her teammates as they began walking back into the sports complex. a minute later, ethan jumped onto will's shoulders, a large grin on his lips. 
"i think that definitely went well. what do you think?" the older brunette asked. 
"definitely. thanks for getting me here," will grinned. 
"anytime, smitty. you're like our little brother now," ethan looked at mark who nodded. 
the younger boy smiled to himself at the boys' words.
later that night, samy and will found themselves tucked away in a corner couch at the senior hoceky house. truscott threw, so of course the invite opened itself to the youngest hughes and will. it was a good way to celebrate with some of her favorite people after today's big win.
the two made their rounds saying hi to everyone, but samy found them a couch off in a side room. the alcohol buzzed through their systems—sometimes samy had a hard time saying no when someone offered her a shot. plus, she thought she deserved it, too.
will definitely wouldn't pass up free alcohol, so he followed the girl's lead. now, the couple cuddled into one another letting the party drown out around them.
"'m glad you're here. i missed you," samy mumbled with a soft smile.
will's learned that samy became extremely affectionate and talkative whenever she was drunk, but he certainly didn't mind. he'd listen to her talk for hours.
"missed you too, pretty girl. feels like it's been forever," will hummed, eyes never leaving hers.
a small frown replaced the smile, "i know. wish we didn't live so far apart now. facetime isn't the same."
"winter break is soon, though. we'll get to see each other then."
"if my parents let me go to sweden. boston and another country are two completely different things," the brunette mumbled.
will almost forgot he was going to sweden for the us world juniors. that seemed so far away and now it was almost here. he squeezed samy's thigh that was draped across his lap.
"still can't believe you skipped practice to come see me," the girl changed the subject for now. her grin returned earning a smile from will.
"well what else am i gonna do? not see you until who knows when?" the blonde playfully raised his eyebrow.
"never known you to skip hockey practice for someone, especially a girl," samy chuckled. her hands reached up to play with will's curls on the nape of his neck not covered by the hat he had on.
her touch sent sparks down his spine and a little skip in his heartbeat.
"i guess things change."
"if you could rank them, what's first?" samy kept firing her random questions.
"you," will said without hesitation.
"yes, you," the blonde smiled.
"you're lying," a laugh escaped the girl's lips as if she didn't believe her boyfriend.
"no i'm not," this time it was will's turn to be confused.
samy read his look, gently shoving him away from her, "come on, smitty. you've been focused on hockey for..for since we were born. there's no way anything could ever replace that."
the way she called him smitty, picking it up from gabe and ryan some years ago, did something dangerous to the boy. he gently shook his head, intertwining their fingers.
"that was before i realized i've been missing what's right in front of me all along. it's always you, samy," will said softly creating another deep blush on the girl's cheeks.
"god, you're so corny," the brunette rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.
will cupped her cheek, bringing her lips closer to his since their kiss earlier was cut short because of everyone watching them. they connected in another sweet kiss.
samy's lips tasted of strawberries and vodka that only made will kiss her harder wanting to get every inch of that taste off her lips.
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ldrmas · 2 years
Ya know what is incredibly weird; is seeing your work at the top when you search for something
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Sam: “I just want to hear those three little words.”
Gabriel: “I love you.”
Sam: “You are so cute, but try again.”
Gabriel: “I will behave.”
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
*Tank walking into their house with numerous scratches and bruises*
Sam: Darlin what the hell did ya do?
Tank: *shrugging* I fought a bear
*Bear shifter Honey walking into their apartment bloody and bruised*
Honey: I got into an argument with a wolf….
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons:
Paring: Dean winchester x Singer!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about Dean dating Bobby Singer's niece. -NSFW content warring.
A/n: the winner of the latest poll, there will be a new one up next week. I was so excited and suprised on how many people did the poll, my first one only had six and the latest one had over 100.
❤️Mood board ❤️MasterList
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Being Dean's girlfriend isn't always easy, but you get through it. So let's talk about it.
There was always something between you guys, but with your choice of life there was always something in the way.
You two practically grew up together, with Bobby being your uncle and John being his father you two were always around each other.
I think Dean also had a slight fear of Bobby, you were his niece and your practly his daughter.
Bobby wasn't clueless, he saw the way you two looked at each other. He wanted to kick Dean's teeth out, he's extremely over protective. Bobby also knew if anyone would keep you safe it wold be Dean.
“I know you'll take care of her”
On a side note, Bobby refuse to call you 'idjit'
The last thing he's said before he died was, “take care of my girl.. You idjits”
Anyway, Even if you two kept denying it or if your just clueless, everyone would know.
Other than Sam and Cas, your the only one he 100% trusts you. He'd trusts you with his life and your his partner in crime.
What makes your relationship stronger is that you started off as best friends and allies.
You always thought you were losing him, he would always have one night stands and there was Lisa. Of course they ment nothing to him, he just thought he'd never be good enough for you.
He thought you deserved better. “I'm not what you need...you deserve better”
That was the first time you opened your heart out to him, but he put his walls up. The he pretended like nothing happened... Until you went on one particularly hard hunt.
Everything was happing so fast thst neither one of you remember that night. There was blood everywhere and Dean did everything he could to save you, Castile healed you and Dean confessed something he's been wanting to since he was 18.
“I love you... Please don't leave me, I can't lose you”
Since everything moves fast in your lives you both decided to take things slow. Dispite his rugged appearance he's nothing but a gentleman to you.
He's extremely over protective of you, to the point hunts with him got annoying.
“I'm not some damsley in distress, Dean!”
He knows what a badass you are and he knows you can hold your own, but he can't help but be your shield.
That's really the only times you fight, your both very reckless and laugh in the face of danger. You guys stress each other out on hunts.
But, lets get to the good stuff now.
Your the only other person who can drive the impala, you'd rather just have him driving with you setting with him.
You guys love the same music, so your always singing on the top of your longs to old rock songs. Your guys song is Angel Eyes by The Jeff Healey Band.
You always have to be sleeping next to each other to get a goods night rest, even when you weren't together you two shared a bed in the old motels.
Dean refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
You bake the best pies in his opinion and Sam loves your homemade salsa.
When you guys moved into the bunker you guys made great use of the kitchen, Sam loves your guys cooking.
Speaking of Sam, he's one of your best friends. Cas is your first, but you and Sam have a long history together. You were even the first one to hear he got accepted into college.
We know Cas is like the Winchesters gardian angel, well Gabriel is yours.
About three years into yours and Dean's relationship you broke up, it was around the time Sam went to hell and you guys just pushed each other away.
Gabe knew you guys loved each other, so he worked really hard to get you back together. He did succeed.
You guys might argue about the little things, but he always know how to make them better.
You guys just like staying in and watching movies or Scooby-Doo. You guys love cuddling up in the Dean cave and just ignore the world for a few hours.
He loves cuddles, if your in bed or on the couch he needs to be holding you. He loves it when he's laying in bed and your lying on top of his chest.
He also loves it when you hold him, maybe after a rough hunt he'll love just rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
You love just being in his arms, there's no feeling better than that. He loves snaking his arms around you and resting his chin on your head because he just really needs to being close to you.
He's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
If your cold you'll steal his flannels or his jackets, he had this black and red flannel that he now only sees if your wearing it.
when ever your busy doing research Dean always deliver a tiny kiss on your forehead. He'd just be walking by and he'll give you a quick kiss just to make you blush.
He's good a making you blush, he thinks it's adorable.
Trust is a big part of your relationship, you both had opened up about the abuse your fathers and dumped on you. That was the reason Bobby took you in, he could bare you being in the type of environment he grew up in.
With that Dean made a promise to never hurt or scare you. He refuses to lay a hurtful hand on you. It'll break his heart if you flinch away from him during an argument.
As much as you love Dean, demon Dean scares the hell out of you. The demon knew this and used it to his advantage. He Dean went back to normal he could barely look into your eyes. He blamed himself for the bruises around your neck the demon caused.
“I promised you I'd never hurt you... I'm so sorry” he said. “it's not your fault”
On a more positive side... You guys have lots of nicknames. You call him Deano or bub and he calls you just about anything but your actual name, Sweetheart is your favorite.
And with FBI names, you take a different approach. While he uses rock aliases you use actor or fictional names.
“agent Sweets, really?” he said playfully. “What? I like the show Bones”
Your like a mother to Claire, she loves you so much and your the only person she trusts other than Jody and the boys.
Speaking of Jody, she took you under her wing immediately. You never had a mother growing up so it was a relief to have her in your life.
You become a mother to Jack too, and your relationship hit a really bumpy road during that time. You hated how Dean treated Jack and it always turned into a fight.
“if you touch him, I swear to God, Dean!”
Den didn't want to be like his father and after awhile Dean's shell broke and he started to grow a soft spot for him, after your lives calmed down you both did end up adopting Jack.
But to legally do that you had to get married. You both wanted to get married so bad, but with your lives you never got the chance.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Dean thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis in Las Vegas.
NSFW headcanons:
Dean prefers being on top and being the one in control.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
Bondeg kink, ropes, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
car sex! All the way. loves to take you in the back of the impala, loving the way the windows fog up and the small area gets loud with the noises you make.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
“you feel so amazing Sweetheart”
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “don't hold back, let me hear your voice”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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aggro-my-beloved · 3 months
Oh, My Darlin' Sam Collins x Reader Imagine
note: this was meant to be posted a lot sooner, but i struggled to be satisfied with the finished product. I've re-written this 3 different times and still am unsure about it so please let me know if you liked it by reblogging or interacting with me!
pairing: samuel collins x gn!reader
summary: post-quinn, tank has been trying to rebuild their social life and relationships with pack members. little do they know, their is one relationship david has been withholding them from kindling. when they make a surprise visit to solstice bar, however, the alpha's hands become tied...and the attractive bartender with the nice accent catches this wolf's attention — part of the pick your poison series!
warnings: mentions of alcohol, midwest emo band things, and protective alpha davey (he and tank are twins!)
wc: 1.8k
estimated reading time: 8.75 mins
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“Sorry, I can’t let you in. We’re full.” David’s palm was inches away from Tank’s face. They suffered a momentary flashback of when they were kids and he would do the very same thing at their attempts to go on a rollercoaster they did not exceed the height requirement for, or trying to sneak into the theater for an R-rated film after buying tickets to a Disney feature. 
“Seriously?” They quirked a brow, going as far as to crane their neck and view the barren parking lot. If not for her vehicle tagging alongside David’s, Milo’s, and one she hadn’t recognized upon her arrival, a tumbleweed blowing past would be fitting for the sight. “It’s 8 o'clock on a Tuesday.” 
“Still busy. Asher’s here trying to kiss up to the staff to let him and Christian’s band play. Private meeting.” He scowls. While Tank enjoyed the live demos played before them, they understood it was not David’s favorite type of music. He doesn’t even label it as that. 
“I’m sorry, but wasn’t it you who said I should stop secluding myself from others?” Their slow-building anger urges some prominent veins to adorn their neck. David’s eyes try not to linger on the piercing bite marks credited to Quinn, the sight of them still makes his insides wrinkle with guilt. 
“I’m here to support the pack’s business. Here, maybe…” they pause for a moment to rifle through the knapsack hanging from their shoulder, “this will change your mind.” David rolls his eyes at their license photo staring back at him. Tank was arguably the worst pick for posing in pictures. If their eyes weren’t closed in the shot, the morsel of food jammed between their teeth was the focal point. 
David merely glances at it and deadpans. “It’s fraudulent.” 
Tank replies, “It’s not.” 
“You’re underage.” He tries.
“We’re twins!” They scoff. “The fact that you’re older by a minute says nothing about my naivety, Davey.” The tips of the bouncer's ears scorching something rosy makes Tank hum in delight. 
“I’ll…I’ll eat it.” 
“David, why are you so set on keeping me from your hard work?” Their brows are furrowed, and much like the siblings' stubborn attitudes, remain unmoving.
The truth is, David would love nothing more than to share his second home with Tank. He and Milo built this place from the ground up and cranked it into a full-fledged business with some help from old connections of Gabe. The only thing stopping him from letting Tank in was…
“Sammy I promise you—“
“Call me that again and the deal is off.” The vampire’s rasp shoots out like venom, coating the room in a tense air. 
“Alrighty, Mr. Collins,” Sam is nonetheless impressed with the alternate name—he releases an exhausted sigh to show it. Nevertheless, he allows Asher to plead his case. The younger of the two momentarily struggles to pull out the compact disc, and finally hands it to the bartender when he does.  “Just give it a couple of spins through this week and see what your customers think. It’ll grow on you, I promise.” 
“What in the hell is this drawing?” Sam brings the CD to his eyes to squint at the black squiggles across it. 
“What drawing? That’s our band’s name!” Asher clarifies with a small laugh. For being known to have sharp senses, this drummer could have him fooled. 
“And that would be…?”
“Howl’s Highway.” Asher flashes him a boasting smile. Sam only lets out an unimpressed grunt. 
“Subtle name. Definitely won’t come back to bite you in the ass.” 
“Sheesh, no wonder you and David get along so well.” Asher still has his roommate’s ten-minute-long speech echoing in his mind about how such an epic name was one step closer to a covert breach. 
“What’s your intermission consist of? Shifting mid-set and running out all our returning customers?” 
“Pfft, no..” Asher rolls his eyes, before shifting them down to the notes app on his phone and pressing the backspace button several times. 
“Hey boys, hate to interrupt your top-secret meeting.” An unfamiliar face draws Sam away from the disc, and he’s enamored by their aura immediately. He can sense they’re a shifter, most likely a wolf by the way David looms behind them with crossed arms. 
“Hey, look who finally emerged from their cave!" Asher chuckles and untucks a free barstool beside him. "Pop a seat, let me introduce you to Sammy--ahem, forgive me--Mr. Collins. This is one of our pack members, Tank."
“There’s no need for that. They’re just here for a plate of fries to go. Milo!” David alerts the chef. He hears a distant clatter, followed by a string of swears, and can only assume his colleague is checking his hair in the stainless steel frying pan yet again.
“On it!” 
“I’d also like a drink for my trip over.” Tank raises a finger and seats themselves beside Asher on the open barstool.“Have you closed the deal yet?” 
“I don’t know. Sam, have I?” Two pairs of eyes turn in the vampire's direction, but he only finds himself lost in one. A glance is enough to entice him, and though he’d never admit it, he’d be trying to recreate the exact shade of Tank’s irises in his dreams tomorrow morning. 
“Yeah, why the hell not?” He mutters, never breaking eye contact with the new acquaintance sitting at his bar. “What can I get for you to drink, darling?” They feel an unfamiliar scorch of their cheeks at the pet name but do nothing to object to it. This newfound sweltering in the pit of their stomach is something they’ve only felt once or twice, and they’d be damned to extinguish it. 
David, however, has different plans.
“It’s all good, Sam. I can make it. Go ahead and take your break.” David slinks behind the bar.
“But I just got here half an hour ago…” his southern drawl becomes even more present with the mild fear lacing his words. He becomes suddenly aware of how tense David’s stature is, and the clenched fists at his side. 
“Go take a break or I'll cut you early. Understood?” David snarls, and Sam takes a step back towards the swing door of the kitchen. A few seconds go by before he concedes.
“Yes, sir.” He retreats behind the kitchen door, both confused and frightened by David’s sudden change in attitude. As he’s wandering the kitchen to find any leftover appetizers from the lunch rush earlier in the day, his ears perk up at the hushed voices from outside. 
“What crawled up your ass?” He hears the Tank ask.
“Yeah, what did Sam do?” Asher jumps in.
“Nothing.” David insists. “What do you want?” Sam can practically hear the sneer in David’s voice, complemented by clinking glasses.
“Ooh, ooh, Bud Lite please!” 
“I wasn’t asking you, Ash,” a few seconds later, the noise of air decompressing and a bottle cap being flicked is heard.
“I want the nice bartender back. He seems less… aggravated.” Hot as fuck, is also another attribute Tank associates with him, but decides not to indulge. 
“Well the nice bartender just went on break, so it looks like you’re stuck with me.” 
“That’s okay, I can wait.” Sam snickers at their persistence. Milo turns his head to see what’s so funny. Sam waves him off and clears his throat. Perhaps the fryer is so loud, or the bar is so slow, Milo couldn’t care less to acknowledge the commotion outside of the kitchen. 
The wolf decides to break the silence when he brings the fryer baskets up from their grease bath and allows the fries to cool down. “Whatcha thinking for dinner? We’re fully stocked on everything from the truck this morning.” 
If he answered honestly and told Milo he’d lost his appetite, that he just wants answers as to why David has a sudden vendetta against him communicating with this pack member, that would only result in more questions. Instead, he eyes the shifter piling a styrofoam box with freshly cooked and seasoned fries and halts him short of his walk out the door. 
“Why don’t I send this out, if you make me a batch of those small hamburgers…the ones with the toothpicks in them?” Milo snorts, and genders:
“You mean sliders, Sam?” 
“Yes, those. I’ll be right back.” He spares him a thankful smile, and cracks open the kitchen door to concentrate back on the trio’s conversation. Sam isn’t sure whether he should feel disappointed that the focal point of their chat was back on Asher’s band. 
“Play track four—that’s my favorite!” The drummer suggests to David, who grumbles as he fiddles with the CD player stowed in one of the bar cabinets.
“What’s the name of the song?” Asks Tank.
“The Voices in the Basement Are Getting Loud Again and the Basement is My Brain.” 
“A side of fries to go,” Sam reintroduces himself by swiftly taking a seat beside the empowered person at the bar and offering them their still steaming box of food. 
“Oh,” their tone morphs to something of interest as they readjust their body to face Sam with a pleased smile. “Didn’t you hear?” Without breaking eye contact, they undo the tabs of the styrofoam box and flip the top open with ease. “I’m staying to eat now.”
“Ain’t that somethin’,” says Sam, who harbors a pleased grin. David clears his throat, now towering over the two with folded arms and an unimpressed glaze over his eyes. 
“It’s something alright.” 
“David, come help me with the trash!” Milo’s voice beckons the Alpha to stand down from the bar and retreat to the kitchen, much to his dismay. 
“Saved by the bell.” Sam jokes, before offering Tank a tilt of his head. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but…you seem like you can handle yourself in the face of trouble. Is he always this protective of his pack?” Tank’s fingers drum against the countertop as they ponder how to word their answer. 
“He’s just been wary about me hanging around vamps lately because of…some trouble I got into. Let’s put it this way, the other guy had it coming.” Tank tilts their chin up, unintentionally revealing a few of the remaining marks left by Quinn. Sam doesn’t need to study them hard to figure out the vamp was feeding out of spite, not biting for their equal pleasure. 
“I’m sure he did, messin’ with a member of one of Dahlia’s most reputable packs. Care to share this fella’s name so I can add him to my shit list?” He inquires.
“How about we share a drink first?” Tank smiles, before sliding the plate of fries closer to his direction. Eagerly, Sam plucks one from the platter and bites down on it, his fangs sparkling beneath the dim lights of the bar. 
“I know just the one.”
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gay-destiel · 1 year
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Sam Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Belial (OC) Additional Tags: Light Angst, Gabe has a buttload of trauma, Sam is a worried boyfriend, mentions of torture, Prince of Hell OC, Flashbacks, Gabriel Has PTSD (Supernatural) Summary:
when gabriel is rescued from hell, his wings are torn. to heal them, they need ingredients, one of which is closely guarded by a prince of hell. belial.
gabe grapples with trauma while sam does his best to protect him.
artwork by @golby-moon on tumblr, link here
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spnfanficpond · 1 month
July 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
A Stairway to Nowhere by all_the_kings_ham (AO3)
Everyone knows there is a lack of some good Ducifer fics out there, due to it being a rarepair. This one is still one of my faves and I love the humanity and trauma shown in some scenes. It's truly worth a read.
Apple Pie and the Apocalypse by @ladyknightskye
I'm still reading it but I've read quite a few new chapters and I'm absolutely loving it. There are some hilarious scenes and some more serious ones (sometimes they're together...) and I really can't wait to see how it ends
Like an Open Book by @butiaintgonnaloveem
I am trying to get into x Reader fics and there truly is a lack of Ketch oh my G-d. Anyway. Although here the reader is... Way too dominant to be me lol... I love Ketch showing his softer side and reader helping him to relax. I shall leave nsfw thoughts untold 😫
Nominated by @annahmiraculousmillenium
Let's pretend I'm dead by evitably (AO3)
I love possession fic.
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Woof by morrezela (AO3)
I tend to hunt down all sorts of transformation based fics of all kinds if it peaks my interest and this one caught my interest at the start. I want to make sure more people check out the tag or get some ideas. For this fic what if jensen got turned into a dalmatian. How is he going to deal with his new form and does he ever get back to his human self that is up to you to figure out
Like The Fairy Tales by Icefire149 (AO3)
As the one trying to seek out some great animal transformation fics we got this one where sam is turned into a frog. I thought this was a cute fic and worth a read if you like to check it out.
Regarding Sam by AllHallowsEve (AO3)
For me Regarding Dean was a great spn ep and when I found this I wanted to see what would happen for Sam. The story for the ep plays the same with some added bits more leaning on the Sam side of it all along with his relationship with Dean.
Home For a Stray by 3oclockrock (AO3)
This one was a hard read for me with the topics but it did peak my interest a bit in its concepts. If your interested in a strange read with more mature topics dealing with struggle and recovery check out this fic.
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
I'm still hunting down as much transformation fics that peak my interest and this was one I thought was a great read. Sam's powers go out of control causing him to change into a dog and Dean take a bit of an advantage on him giving him a pink collar.
Nominated by @glygriffe
Did You Hear? by cacholady (AO3)
This is a sweet outsider (mostly school related) POV on Dean. He might not be a dad, but he sure has a way with children! And I love that Bobby John Campbell was a part of this story.
Nominated by harrypotterfanatic1 (AO3)
amoralism by @artyandink
I'm nominating this because it's just caught my eye. It's an AU, based in the world of the FBI and the smut is just AAHH and the sexual tension and all of it is so damn GOOD! There's also a plot around a crime syndicate which includes as many major characters as possible and it's overall a read which I would recommend everyone to check out and leave their feedback on as there's so much to go. Aah, can't stop talking about it! It's the characterization as well, all the characters leap off the page and are so accurate. Definitely felt I should nominate this.
Nominated by @leatafandom
Wingman by cas---2y5 (AO3)
I love Sam's fascination with wings and Gabe helping him organize the bunker. I love how their relationship changes and the how Sam just can't help himself. Plus it's also just so steamy.
we sons of hell and heaven by @gay-destiel
This was such a great read! I love the word usage and descriptions so much! It was so enthralling and the relationships were amazing to watch bloom.
Nominated by @masoena
Living in a Haze by @girlsvmonsters
The story has well thought out plot, smoking hot smut, lots of Dean whump and a red thread of humor that compliments the trauma, angst and comfort perfectly. It is also polyamorous and A/B/O.
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Crashing In by @followyourenergy
I'm an angst girl through and through, but sometimes I just really need some fluff and comfort. That's what this fic is, hot chocolate on a (not 2024) cold winter's day, snowed in with a good book. Single parent Cas and kid Jack fics are always so lovely, as are the fics where Dean comes in when Cas needs it most. Even if in this fic it's a literal crash into them, it's fluffy and sweet and heart warming and cozy and everything you could ever want out of a read.
And This, Your Living Kiss by @asecretvice
I'm a sucker for well written stories about well written in-story works. Poet/Writer Dean has some beautiful works sprinkled throughout this fic that the author does so much justice to, his story is heart wrenching in the leave-your-chest-aching-despite-knowing-the-outcome-is-okay-kind-of-way, and I love me a fic about hidden identities. The tension, the prose, the energy: this fic is beautiful, if I only could describe it in one word it'd be that: Beautiful.
Heroes for Ghosts by @pantheonofdiscord
I think I haven't felt such deep yearning as I have felt conveyed through this fic. It reads so tense, like you're waiting for a small crack to let out some of the building up pressure and anxiety but still waiting, and waiting, and aching the way Cas does. And then when that pressure is finally relieved, god is it worth it. The waiting was worth it in the end. This fic is also a masterclass in writing interactions that aren't direct, none of TFW can speak to each other or see each other, but they still move and talk like they can, even if its out of desperation. It acknowledges the empty spaces in each of their lives during the fic, and reminds you in equal parts that they are connected even if the thread is invisible.
The Benjamin Franklin Key-and-Kite Experiment by @deanology101
I'm a sucker for not only time travel, but pre-season 4 deancas meetups. This one hit all the marks. It was tense with mystery, with energy, with passion and secrecy. It left the reader and the characters in equal levels of dark as to why things were happening in the way they were. And it kept characters alive that the show couldn't bother to, and gave the Winchesters some meaningful friendships to boot. This setting IS if Faith Healer had an extended cut, rainy and dreary and electric, but with occasional bouts of light peeking through the clouds. And Dean's Journal Entries? His little doodles? His analogies? Dean's voice was PHENOMENAL in this fic, I highly recommend it to any Dean fans, period.
The Sinking Ship by @crack--attack
I'll offer the note that I wrote down when I bookmarked this fic the first time. "Like bearing a part of my soul open and shining sunlight on it. I ache, but there are new flowers here. There are new flowers and a gentle breeze." This is a story about sacrifice, and love so intense it shakes the planes of the world. It's about story telling and eternity and history inundated by loss and a ticking clock and forgiveness and moving on and love. It's everything I could ever want in a piece of literature. Please, if you have even the slightest interest in Deancas, give this story a read. I read this not even acknowledging some of the ships in this fic but found myself pleasantly surprised by them. Even if you don't like or are impartial to deancas, or sam/rowena/gabe, or claire/maggie, please please PLEASE give this fic a shot. I'm so so glad I did.
The Neighboring Perspective by aileenrose (AO3)
A story about loss, grief, and healing. About loving unconventionally but loving fiercely and fully. About opening old closets and airing them out with hope. It's a shorty so I won't write much, just that if you're interested in moving on from loss, in finding new family, in learning how to love again, give this fic a shot. Plus baby!Ben Braedon is adorable throughout!
Out of the Deep by @riseofthefallenone
This is a behemoth of a fic, and popular if the hits are anything to go by. However, if you haven't read this yet and you're into heavy Mermaid lore, I highly recommend giving it a try! It's heavy at times. Cas is caged and sometimes no matter what they try to do, things don't work out for the protagonists. But they try again, and again, and again and the payoff is very much worth it in the end. Plus there's a whole lot of cathartic payback and BAMF Cas, Dean, Sam, and Jess that makes the high action points of this story edge-of-your-seat fun! And the calmer points much more magical, mystical, and hopeful. I loved it for its found family, for it's incredible lore, and it's fierceness. And when I have the time, I know I'll go back in for a second read.
Nominated by @samanddean76
My Brother's Keeper, My Father's Prisoner by @xpurdyglambertx
An Omegaverse story that starts dark with Dean being trapped by his duties and obligations. It follows him as he struggles to break away from those that are more intent on hurting him, than helping him to grow. With help, he does escape. And he goes on to find a relationship with an OC that you will love and adore. They grow together, while Dean works through all of the pain and trauma that was inflicted upon him by the one that should have protected him. It concludes with happy endings all around, and the possibility of hope for the rest of his days.
Nominated by @sardonic-the-writer
B-Clean by EliDeetz (AO3)
i'm nominating this story mostly because the descriptive nature had me hooked, as did the accurate characterization of gabriel, and the relationship between him and the reader was really enjoyable without feeling forced
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
>.< It’s so hard to explain. It’s a great story with angst, fluff, a bit of violence that is an after the fact type description so not too bad imo, and a hopeless romantic story. Zation does it again, ok? They’re an amazing writer and destiel is just *chef’s kiss* for them. I have yet to read a story of theirs that I haven’t enjoyed. I swear! Did I mention a bunch of well written kinky smut that also shows the developing relationship between the main characters and Dean coming to happy terms (with loving support) with his sexuality too. I highly recommend reading!
Stars in Your Eyes by Cigarettes_and_Valentines (AO3)
It is so, so good! It’s perfect. It’s perfect and I love it. Relaxed, Endverse-like Castiel is an amazing Alpha for Omega Dean Winchester, a career-focused man that loves his job. ❤️💙💚
Stars Above, Earth Below by @hellhoundsprey
It’s a love story that is technically a slow burn. It’s so sweet and well done. I love how the author gets Jensen and Jared finally together. It has a lot of A/O vibes imo, which might be why I love it so much. The secrets that come out and how it ends up actually helping in the long run, shows just how dedicated they are to each other. There is some angst but a good amount of smut that is actually necessary for the story. Pay attention to the details or you’ll miss it. 😊
For Appearances Only by @lotus820
It’s an amazing amalgam of urban fantasy, billionaire romance, one-sided enemy to lovers with a decent slow burn, and then everything gets fun, sexy, and dangerous. The love that Castiel has for Dean just keeps showing and showing so easily. Dean can’t help but falling for the being that is Castiel. I love this! This is a new comfort fic. It is amazing. You gotta read it. The title is half the story. 😊
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
The Fear That Remains by @stusbunker
This fic is nearly 4yrs old, and I've read it multiple times because the characterization is perfect (as Stu is wont to do) and it feels like I'm in the room, whether as a spectator or as the female reader. It's sumptuous and heartfelt, sexy and so, so Dean.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, and @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
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