#same thing happened when I saw John Green a couple months ago
it must be so so odd to see a person you ONLY see through a screen just. standing there. in real life. as a real human person. I'd be dissociating SOOO fucking hard if I was in that church tonight lemme tell you
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chanandlersstuff · 3 years
Million Dollar Man
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader.
Summary: Tommy stumble upon a long time friend and together they walk down memory lane, a very painful one.
Word count: 3299
Author’s note: It was inevitable for me to not to think about Tommy when I listened to this song, its 100% him. So I obvisly had to write about it and it took me a couple of weeks but its finaly here. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading it. The sentences that are in italics are memories.
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Rumors said that she had run away after being with the infamous Thomas Shelby, to where? Nobody knows. She left as if she'd never been there. One night she was there and at dawn from the other day she was gone leaving all her past there too, or at least that was what it seemed.
Tommy and his brothers were walking the London streets at night with a cigarette hanging from his lips and his head full of plans, as usual, while Arthur and John were joking around. He was so immersed in his brain until he heard that voice, her voice. He hand’t hear it in person in so fucking long, but it was present in his dreams and at the back of his head always. Lord only knows all the things he did trying to shut it up. It drew him as if she was a siren, he was pretty sure she was, he froze in place thinking that maybe it was all a product of his brain, that he was imagining things.
His brothers stopped a few steps ahead of him. Arthur shared a confused look with John, who shrugged. -Tom, are you alright?
Tommy just looked around trying to find the source of that voice, trying to find her. John started to do the same, trying to help his brother. -What are we looking for, Tom?
Despite his brother's best efforts to help him, they were just distracting him. One minute was silence and at the other there was her voice again. Tommy was about to give up and assume that everything was a product of his imagination when he saw that luckily, or unluckily, it wasn't his brain playing tricks on him. People opening the doors from a club was what let that voice be heard on the streets so with a cigarette on his lips and train of thought long lost he walked inside of the club, not giving a damn if his brothers followed him or not. All the people's attention was on the stage, from the ones that were sitting on the bar to the ones at the back of the club. She had all the attention, as always. Trying to not draw attention to them, something that was impossible thanks to their peaky caps and elegant suits, the boys blended with the people around them. Maybe this was all a mistake but he needed to see her, needed to see how she was after all the shit that went down.
The lights were dimmed but a bright one pointed at the center of the stage and there she was. That red dress that hugged all her curves the right way and made a perfect match with her skin tone. Diamond necklace adorning her neck where months ago he used to place his hand when he pounced fiercely and mercilessly into her. She was standing in a certain way that the cut of her dress made her legs seem longer making Tommy weak at his knees ready to knell to kiss every inch of skin. Her long hair secured with a ponytail preventing her hair from falling in her face like it used to happen after those long sex sessions and Tommy loved how her perfect skin felt against his fingertips when he place them behind her ear. And her face, oh her beautiful face, he can’t even start to describe it. Her heart shaped plump lips were painted red as blood inviting him to kiss her until his own lips hurt, her green eyes painted baby blue making her eyes shine more and her eyeliner perfectly applied and more bolder than he had ever seen it on her.
Not even a fly flew, all the people there were overjoyed to hear her sing. Oh how much he had missed her sweet voice, that was sweet even when she was mad at him and spitting venomous “fuck you Thomas” at his face. His fingers itched to touch her, even the smallest contact would make him happy. She was so close and yet so far away.
Arthur and John looked at each other without understanding a single thing. His brother finally lost his mind? Over a woman? Apparently that was definitely a first. They had seen her a couple of times, they were like water and oil. She was always polite and with a warm smile on her lips while he was, well he was Tommy. It seemed that he treated her like a trophy, because she was the type of woman that everyone turned around to look at but not in the bad way, in the way that she was extremely beautiful. But his brothers knew better, while he had that stone cold look whenever he looked at her it warmed up a little.
Tommy watched her walk towards a stool and grabbed the wine glass that was waiting for her with her long fingers and carried it to her lips. His eyes watched her like a hawk. One of the musicians was talking with her in a low tone and the smile she gave him made his blood boil only because he couldn't understand what that man posibile told her to make that smile, she used to give him and only him, appeared on her face. After a couple of seconds music started to play and she moved her hips slowly.
She looked at the crowd. -This song is for him, if it wasn‘t for him I wouldn’t be here.- Tommy’s heart stopped. She was talking about him? -For him.- She raised her glass. -Thank you for not loving me back as much as I loved you.- What?
-You said I was the most exotic flower- Tommy was standing between her legs, she was naked under his gaze. Every inch of her was delicate and perfect. From head to toe she was made to be venerated. His callous fingers trace the curve of her breast. -You are like a flower.- Those words made her blush. -A very exotic one.- Her legs hugged him closer to her core making him grin.
-Holding' me tight in our final hour- She was sitting on his desk, her heel resting between his legs while he was sitting in his chair like the king he was. His fingers tracing patterns in her calf. She was humming something while he was smoking with his eyes closed. Neither of them said a word. And after a while he could feel her eyes on him, her gaze made him smile a little and that was the reaction she was looking for. Out of the blue he got up and kissed her, taking her by surprise but making her smile. After that little demonstration of affection she rested her head on his chest and her arms under his suit, carefully he placed his hand on her head and kissed the crown of her head. Without even knowing that that moment was going to be the last moment they were going to be together.
-I don't know how you convince them and get them, babe
I don't know what you do
It's unbelievable- She was walking by his arm in that big ballroom, as a trophy. She got all the attention, just like him. Tommy sent her to the bar to look pretty while he talked about business with important people. And after a couple of minutes talking he walked back to her with the smallest smiles on his face, to not show emotions. -What made you so happy honey?
-Business love, business.- He simply said.
-Remind me what is what you do.- She said smiling but his hard gaze made her smile disappear. -Or not.- She sipped her wine. -I suppose your charisma wasn’t a big part of that business achievement.
-And I don't know how you get over, get over- She had her eyes closed and a little frown on her face. As if the mere idea of thinking about him hurt her.
Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you- "Date" after "date" she realized what is what he did for living. The pristine suits, the blades on his caps, the guns under his suit and in his office, the little drops of blood in his shirt, the fading bruises, how everyone bowed his head when he walked. Legitimate business as if. Everything in Thomas Shelby screamed danger but she didn't care. He thought about himself as a king, as a god, but he was certainly flawed. The biggest one? His ego.
-One for the money, and two for the show- After being neglected for a whole night and only being looked at when any men approached her, she had enough so when he called her she didn't answer or when she did she told him she was busy. After a week like that he stepped in front of her door demanding answers but he found her pretty drunk instead.
-What 's happening? Why are you avoiding me? Tomorrow there's a party where a lot of important people are going to be and I need you to be there with me.- Those were his words the moment she opened the door. Not "Hello" or "Are you alright?" Nothing, just what seemed to be a normal talk with Thomas Shelby.
Her answer boiled his blood. -If you are here for that you can go fuck yourself.- Tommy didn't have time to make a comment about her disrespect because she was talking again. -This is always how it's going to be with you, isn't it Thomas?- Again she didn't let him answer. She raised her glass in the air, as if she was making a toast. -For your constant need of making money Thomas.- She emptied the glass in one swallow and poured another. -And for my stupid self for being part of your show every time we are in public.
-I love you, honey
I'm ready, I'm ready to go- Those three simple words that made his blood run cold the moment they left her lips.
She was finishing getting ready to go to another expensive party putting on her earrings and rings. He was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets watching her. His gaze made her weak on her knees, made her all shy and blushed like a fifteen year old.
Tommy saw how she was trying to avoid his eyes and how she bit her lips. Walking with all the grace only someone as cursed and damaged as Tommy could have, he stood in front of her and placed his hand on her neck making her look at him. With his thumb he freed her lower lip from her teeth and traced it.
-I love you.- It escaped her lips and by the look on his face he didn't like it one bit. They took a step back at the same time. -I mean, I'm ready. Let 's go.- She walked away from him, picked up her coat and walked out the house.
-How did you get that way? I don't know
You're screwed up and brilliant- She didn't judge people from the rumors it were said about them, she want to get to know them before making an opinion about them so that's why her opinion from Thomas Shelby was nonexistent when she met him but after getting to know him it was impossible not to asked what everybody asked, what happened to the sweet and funny boy Tommy Shelby used to be? The answer was probably France.
Only one time she said to him that he was brilliant and even though he knew it, it was an ego boost that those words came from her lips. Everytime she stood aside while he made business she was amazed by him, not only physically. His brain and the way he thinks, calculating every move and thinking it minimally three times, the next steps from a plan and the possible moves from his opponent, he was brilliant. But at the same time he was paranoid, always thinking someone is going to betray him, always looking over his shoulder. Thomas Shelby was a feared, beautiful, traumatized and brilliant man but just as equally as those four things combined he was screwed from head to toe, from inside out.
-Look like a million dollar man
So why is my heart broke?
You got the world, but, baby, at what price?- The first time they met, neither of them would ever forget it. He was wearing a simple black suit, nothing extravagant, but that cold look in his eyes was what captivated her the most. It was emotionless, empty. He was surringthing by people, everybody wanted his attention but those piercing blue eyes inspected every move she made. The most wanted man in the place and he wanted her but she played hard to get.
They were seated at the same table eating, she was talking with some lady and from the corner of her eye she saw him hawking. Slowly she looked at him and she raised her brown, that simple act left him speechless. After that not even once she looked directly at him. Someone who looked like that, feared and extravagant, had his eyes fixed on a beautiful woman -breathtaking kind- polite and intelligent. Thomas knew he had to step up to her level, she looked like the kind of woman who was only with important and imposing men. So he had to look like them, like a million dollar man.
He looked like that, he achieved his goal of looking like someone worthy of her even if he acted like she was an act to the others, a thropy who looked so fucking beautiful on his arm. But the big question here was, why he fucking broke her heart? Why did she feel like a rag doll when he walked out of her life? Why on earth Thomas Shelby broke everything he touched?
-Something so strange, hard to define
It isn't that hard, boy, to like you or love you- She knew that Tommy was a complex man, hard in every aspect of his life. He was harsh to his brothers, sister and aunt. He had no middle point, or he was barking orders on the phone to someone or not even saying a word for hours. Sitting on his sofa with whiskey in hand, his cigar case full of them and his eyes fixed on her. She never knew if he was thinking about her or work but it always ended up the same way, him standing up abruptly and fucking her senselessly with not even a word said. But all that did not stop her from falling in love with him. From seeing him as if he held the stars and the moon, but that was the exact thing that took her right to her downfall.
-I'd follow you down, down, down
You're unbelievable- She followed him to the lion's dent, without trembling a fiber of her body. That sure she was about what she was doing. She killed someone for him, not even blinking twice and her pulse steady.
One poor idiot soul was following them after some party, he acted like he didn’t see him just to not scare her and she acted like she was an idiot. They guys grew impatient and she felt Tommy grow anxious too, so she acted. With a swift move she took the gun from his holster and killed him.
The sound of the shot being fired startled Tommy and he went into killing mode, he was so concentrated in beating the shit out of the guy to the point where he didn’t stop until the man’s face was unrecognizable. When he looked around and found her on the floor with blood everywhere his blood ran cold. The idiot wasn’t alone and to her unlucky she took the bullet that was meant for him.
-If you're goin' crazy, just grab me and take me
I'd follow you down, down, down
Anywhere, anywhere- Blood in his hands, blood in his suit, blood in his hace, the fucking blood was everywhere but the only thing in his brain was how she had seen him showing his true colors, his true self and that scared the hell out of Tommy. She had caught in the crossfire and it was all his fault.
Pale, yet still beautiful, she was laying in a hospital bed. The bullet cut through her abdomen and she needed surgery but she was alive. But for the first, in a very long time he was scared. Scared about what she would think about him now that she had finally seen him just like the others saw him.
Day after day he sat there looking at her, etching her image in his memory. He knew he had to walk away from her life and never look back, she was not made from his word, she did not deserve that. The rational part of his brain told him that that was the right thing to do, that she deserved more than one gipsy gangster wannabe important, she deserved more than him and the rational part is the one that he always listens to. So Tommy made the decision for her and left her on that hospital bed alone after risking her life for the man she was crazy in love with.
The song continued and she finally saw him in the crowd. Standing there in all his glory, even if he tried to blend with the people he would always stand out. He is Thomas Shelby after all, not a simple common man. He still had that reaction on her, chills running down her spine and her knees buckled a little.
Oh how fucking much he had missed her beautiful sweet voice. If he closed his eyes he could see her sitting at the counter at the bar, legs perfectly crossed, glass in hand, singing for the drunk souls at his bar. Everybody knew they were something, if no one dared to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way they even dared to breathe five feet near her. She was untouchable for everyone and eventually that included him.
-You're screwed up, you're brilliant
Look like a million dollar man
So why is my heart broke?- She said those directly to him. She was sure about her feelings, she was willing to stick around waiting for him to love her back. But he was too afraid to do it, to face her in that hospital bed and see the look in her eyes.
The song ended and when he walked towards her but she just turned around and walked away from him. She left him standing there without an explanation but it was pretty self explanatory, she left him just like he did. Their “love” story started slow but ended up fast and ungly. There is not a single day that he stopped thinking about her and if he could sleep, just like he did when she was next to him, he would dream about her. His brain is his most trusted ally and his worst enemy at the same time.
At the end, he broke her heart for the fear of something happening to her, for her being in danger because of him but what he didn’t understand was that she loved him to the point of doing anything for him, just for him to love her back. Tommy loved her enough to break his own heart for her to be free from him but she just wanted him. People say that the best songs come from broken hearts, they were the clear example of that.
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
We’re Batshit Crazy
@spnquotebingo​ Word count:1,609
Summary: Love isn't all that perfect sometimes love is crazy especially when the Hero is in love with said crazy.
Gotham AU
Jason Todd(Jensen Ackles) x Villan!Reader
Enemies and Lovers (none of that "to" bs)
Gotham Recasting: Batman=John, Dick Grayson(second Robin not first) =Sam ,Tim Drake=Adam, Joker(ledger style)=Lucifer, Harley Quinn=Lilith,ect.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, guns, and violence
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The mad laughter rung out into the night sky as the purple Lamborghini hit corners with violently sharp turns. "Oh puddin I just love family night!~" The pale platinum blonde giggled as the man with green dyed hair licked his smiling lips. A bubble of laughter came from the back seat he turned around to see his princess looking out the small back window. "Batsy batsy batsy" Her low/high pitched giggle caused a crazy chain reaction as the bat mobile hurried to catch up. "Always ruining our fun,huh,princess?" The clown king shifted his gray-ish blue order into the mirror grinning making the scars on his face raise into a sinister smile at the look of pure chaos in his daughter's e/c eyes. "Not tonight! Not on my birthday!!" She said as she smiled reaching under the seat to pull out a Tommy gun. Climbing to the front seat sitting on her mothers lap she leaned out the passenger window. "Go back to the Rat cave your not gonna put a downer on my weekend!" Y/n yelled shooting off round towards the tires,windshield,and headlights.
The mobile didn't seem to have a scratch as as a motorcycle pulled up beside it. Slipping back in the car the younger women pouted looking at get parents. "He called his little birdie no doubt the replacements in the car." Y/n huffed as she dug around for more fire power. "Puddin we have a visitor.~" The red mask gazed at us as he lifted a forearm pistol. Shots were fired and Joker took a hard right almost like tron the motorcycle quickly turned into a ally to avoid being hit. "Sorry Princess might have to cut tonight shot." He said licking his lips as a thump came from the roof making the youngest clown snarl her eye crazed as she shot above her as the purple car swerved wildly. "YOU'RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY,BATS!!!" Y/n cackled madly a mixture of her parents laughed till the magazine ran out.
They got to one of their warehouses where Jokers men were armed to the teeth. The clown mask had black soulless eyes and immediately fired the moment the batmobile entered. Y/n skipped out of the purple Lamborghini she got on her tippy toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "I got the hooded punk. Can you clip the bats wings for me...a little present?!" He laughed as he armed himself with a shotgun. "Anything for my princess." The f/c sf/c female clown skipped away knowing that the motorcycle riding vigilante was hot on her tail. That's how she found herself on the roof tops jumping the gaps as heavy footfalls followed. Her loud laugh echoed as she leaped to a smaller building hiding behind a vent the moment the brown leather jacket came into view she tackled the tall man. They were both panting as a grin pulled on the clowns lips.
"Caught ya,Jay bird." I giggled pulling of the helmet his apple green eyes covered by a second mask stared at me he chuckled as his hand slipped above his head in mock surrender. "Yeah you caught me,beautiful." Leaning down I kiss him my hands pushed into his cheeks my thumb running over the scarred J. We've been dating for awhile now ever since dad kidnapped the second Robin at seventeen. I was fifteen at the time and dad had me at his side as he tortured him.I was always there to stitched him up and put burn cream after shock therapy I didn't know how we got attached maybe because he wanted to rebel a little by talking to me or someone around his age saw the same if not worse shit.
Six years ago(Y/n 15 Jason 17)
"Why are you helping me?" Looking up his head was strapped down along with his arms and legs. I shrugged my shoulders I knew who he was if I wiped off the make up and temp dyed my hair I was the honor student in the same class as him. Jason Todd anyone with eyes had a thing for him,but after removing his mask it wasn't hard to piece together who the bat fam is. "I know what my dad has planned for you Jay. This is just a band-aid on a gunshot wound and might I say that's very unhelpful." This was the first I spoke to him and it wasn't long before Dad beat him to death.
Two years later.
I sat in the back of the car as Frost drove. We just left the cemetery. "Why are we doing this,n/n." He asked looking in the rear view mirror at me. I'm seventeen now my thoughts screamed at me. Why was I trying to bring him back? "Because I crazy that why!" I giggled as we grew closer to the lazapit. He was dressed in a black suit with red tie his body sunk into the water as I waited. A loud gasp drew my attention as he shot up a white streak in his hair. "Heya sleeping beauty." Looking over in shock he lowly made his way looking like a baby deer. "I'm alive,but h-how?" His green eyes looked at me. "A Ghoul owed me a few favors I just asked to use his fountain of youth." Handing him a towel and some clothes. "Sorry about the outfit,but Arkham does have one size fits all." Jason chuckled as he started to dry off.I realized why I brought him back. I was crazy about him.
Two more years later(two years ago)
Jason wanted to stay dead he didn't go back to His dad and brother after he realized that neither of them tried and save him. It was sad to see,but it brought Jason closer to me and he started to trust me and I gave trust in return. Blood coated my hands while some was on my face. Looking at Jay some was speckled on his cheeks taking the pockets square out of the mobsters coat I wiped it off he looked down at me his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer my breath hicked. "Will you be my girlfriend,my little jester?" A large smile grew on my face as my arms went around his neck pulling him down further. "Gladly,Jay bird." I kissed him not caring if my lipstick stained his lips and he didn't seem to care either as the kiss grew more intense. We shared our first kiss at nineteen surrounded by dead bodies as sirens and the unmistakable sound of the armed batmobile. At least he's as crazy about me as I am about him.
One year ago. (Jason POV for a sec)
I came to Bruce I hate to admit it but I needed advice about the one think he knew best. Women. It was just a couple of months ago he found out I was alive and shocker he managed to drive Dicky boy to Blüdhaven to get away from him to get his own image and not just Robin. Oh and surprise surprise when out of robins he had a spare like a tire and it's name was Tim. Nevermind that I stood across from Bruce in his home main office he had a frown on his face. "You're dating someone and its serious and I didn't know about it?" He asked trying to deduct everything. "I've been dating her ever since I came back. As strange as it might sound,but I want us to be something more." That's when the billionaire playboy stood up standing just a inch shorter then myself.
"Life is short Jason and you've experienced that first hand if you feel that both of you are perfect enough to be more then go for it." Perfect wasn't realistic nothing was ever perfect my life isn't perfect her life sure as hell isn't she's the clown princess I'm a bat son. Maybe that what makes us so good together the fact that it would have never really happened any other way life is just crazy like that.
Staring into those vexing green eyes always brought me back. We're both twenty-one him being older only by a couple of months. "Happy birthday,gorgeous." His voice brought me back as my smile grew. We were standing up now he held a box wrapped in my two favorite colors. "Awe you shouldn't have." I grab it and opened it a gun was inside it was red and gold revolver it looked like my moms love/hate gun,but it said King/Queen. Looking at Jay I reached to hug him when suddenly he dropped to one knee pulling out a box with a beautiful f/c ring and ruby gem. "This feels over due. You took care of me when I was considered enemy number one. You brought me back from the grave when my own family didn't try. And this might sound stupid,but I had a crush on you in middle school you were one of the only people that didn't give me pity after Bruce adopted a street kid." He licked his lips as he gave of a small smile. "Together we are far from perfect, but we are good. You complete me...Y/n M/n Napier become my queen?" My eyes glossed over with tears my make up running down the pale foundation. "Oh my god of course!!!" I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly before letting him slip on the ring. "I love you." "I love you more crazy." I chuckle it sounded watery in my throat. "If I'm crazy then that makes two of us. You wanted to marry me." Yep we're both batshit crazy.
A/n: Quote= We are far from perfect, but we are good. ~Supernatural
Is it just me or does Jensen look fucking hot as Red Hood?! I'm mean he's definitely a reason to move to Gotham
Well first crossover AU in my bingo card
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Could it be? Chapter 7 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2 - CH.3 - CH.4 - CH.5 - CH.6
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: none
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You woke up to an empty bed.
JJ wasn’t by your side and he was nowhere to be seen in your room. But what surprised you the most was probably the fact you didn’t feel like a train had ran you over. Your head was pounding a little but that was about it, no other symptoms from a bad hangover.
You grabbed your phone and saw a couple of texts from Sarah, asking if you were alright and if you’d woken up yet.
You went to your bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth and numbly stared at yourself for a few minutes, wondering what exactly had happened last night.
You remembered pieces of it, but not everything.
What you did remember perfectly well was your little heartfelt moment with JJ and how he let it die out of nowhere. You felt embarrassed to say the least, but you were proud of yourself for not having opened your mouth to spill your feelings out.
You made your way downstairs to make yourself a quick breakfast and then go back to bed. You did not want to go outside today but your mind kept reminding you about JJ and you couldn’t help but wonder why he’d leave so early in the morning.
His bags were still in your room so you knew he would eventually come back anytime but you were an over-thinker, which didn’t help much.
As you were about to go inside your kitchen, your soul nearly left your body when you noticed someone sitting on your living room, but you felt like breathing again when you recognised the curly hair of your friend.
“Jesus Kiara,” you breathed out, “how did you get in?”
“How long have you been here for?” You went to sit down next to her.
“Like an hour,” Kiara ran a hand through her locks, her hair smelling of fruity shampoo, “but if I’m being honest with you, after last night I though you were going to be dead all day.”
“Surprisingly I’m alive,” you chuckled, “guess my drinking game is getting stronger.”
“Yeah I’m not so sure about that.” She raised an eyebrow at you before letting out a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” You pretended to be shocked but ended up laughing too.
“What was even going through your head last night?”
“Man I don’t even know.”
You shrugged and made your way to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee, Kie following you behind.
“Did JJ mention where he was going?”
You saw Kie smile mischievously after hearing your question.
“Is there a reason for that evil smile you’re throwing at me?”
“Is there a reason why you’re so worried about JJ?
You opened your mouth as if you were offended by her question, not really knowing what to say and trying to hide the blush coming to your face.
“I’m not worried,” you struggled to speak, “I just want to know why he left, that’s all.”
“What I’m serious! I would ask the same if it had been John B or Pope or Sarah or anyone!”
“Right.” She nodded her head as she examined her nails.
“Kie.” You sighed at your friend.
“He said he was going to John B’s.”
“See? Was it so hard to tell me that?”
You made her a cup of tea and sat down to drink your coffee and eat your poorly made peanut butter sandwich.
“We’re best friends, aren’t we?” Kie said, taking a small sip of her green tea.
“Of course we are,” you grabbed her hand, “what kind of question is that?”
“Then tell me about JJ.”
“What do you me-“
“Cut the bullshit Y/N!” She desperately ran her hand through her hair, “You were crying about him last night!”
“I was?!”
Your cheeks began to burn as you tried to remember the events from last night and silently praying you hadn’t done something embarrassing.
“You don’t remember, do you?”
“I just remember waking up here once JJ brought me back and taking some shots at the party but I can’t really remember what happened between that.”
Kie shook her head and chuckled before staring at you with her motherly look.
“Oh god what did I do?” You covered your mouth with your hands and Kie laughed at your anxious face.
“Calm down,” she giggled, “you could’ve done worse.”
“What did I do?”
“Well you cried, which is something we’re all used to you doing when you’re drunk,” she looked intriguingly at the ceiling, “you practically screamed you wanted to get laid.”
“Oh god.” You covered your face with your hands.
“You threw yourself at some tourist to make JJ jealous and then argued with him about the fact that he sleeps with any random girl he sees,” she used her fingers to count your actions, “oh and you also threw up in front of everyone.”
“Okay, alright, good.” You shook your head and worryingly stared at your friend.
“But hey, you were not so bad.”
“I mean I do remember flirting with the tourist a little but I can’t really remember much.”
“But you do remember what made you do all that.” Her words came out more like a statement than a question.
You just stared at your friend like a guilty puppy and slowly took a sip from your coffee.
“You’re too smart for me to lie about this.”
“Yeah I am.” She nodded and stared at you waiting for you to continue.
“Why are you staring at me like that? What exactly do you want me to say?”
“You like him, right?”
“Yeah, maybe.” You stared at your sandwich, trying to avoid eye contact with Kie.
“How long has this been going on?”
“I mean,” you took a deep breath, trying to think about when you’d actually started having feelings for JJ, “I think since about a few months ago.”
“A few months ago?” She opened her mouth in shock, “So you were crushing on JJ while you were dating Rafe?”
“Well considering the fact that I had stopped wanting to be with Rafe for like four months before we broke up, then yeah.”
“I knew it.” She smiled to herself.
“What do you mean you knew it?” You crossed your arms, “I never showed any signs.”
“The two of you are always flirting and you do show a little more appreciation towards him than the rest of the Pogues.”
“First of all,” you argued, “JJ is always flirting with everyone so it’s more of a friendly flirting going on.”
“Yeah, right, sure.” Kie muttered.
“And I care about all of you equally, it just happens to be that everyone is already coupled up so JJ and I are left to hang out more, that’s all.”
“Why don’t you try something?”
“Are you kidding? I’m not trying to be the joke of the group, thank you.”
You grabbed your empty cup of coffee and and washed it while Kie gulped down what was left of her tea.
“I’m just saying,” she went on, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I don’t know, something could happen.”
“Yeah well, that’s a road I’m not yet ready to explore.”
“I think you should. He could use some of that real love you know?”
“Kie..” You took a deep breath and turned to stare at your friend, “Let’s not talk about this anymore.”
“Promise me you won’t tell, please.”
Kie nodded and helped you clean the rest of the dishes before you made her wait downstairs while you changed into some decent clothes. Kie convinced you on going to John B’s place to spend the rest of the day since everyone but Sarah, were going to hang there.
“Look who’s here,” John B’s face lit up as soon as he saw yours, “my favourite drunk.”
“Shut up.” You shook your head and walked inside his place, your eyes immediately spotting JJ sitting down on the coach drinking a beer.
“How are you alive after all those tequila shots?” Pope asked.
“Well, she did throw up everything during the party.” John B added.
“What was all your crying about though? You scared me.” Pope went on.
You grunted and covered your face with your hands, sitting down next to Pope.
“Ugh, give me a break.” You muttered.
“It was fun though, great party.” John B nodded and so did Pope.
You noticed JJ silently taking sips of his beer, avoiding any possible eye contact with you. You shot a look at Kiara who was already staring at you, letting you know she knew what you were thinking and nodding her head as if to give you permission.
“Hey JJ,” you stood up, “can we talk?”
You felt your heart speed up as everyone remained silent and JJ looked up to you, you could feel your hands had starting to shake right there.
“Yeah sure.”
You and JJ made your way outside the house after Kiara broke the awkward silence and tension inside the house. You sat down on the grass and JJ copied you.
“I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me last night.” You broke the silence between the two of you.
“Nothing to thank me for,” he played with the leaves on the grass, “that’s what friends are for.”
Friends. Right.
“Yeah of course,” you bit your lip nervously, “I’m also sorry for the way I acted last night, you know.. Kie told me everything.”
“She did?” He finally decided to stare at your eyes.
“Yeah,” you sighed, “I didn’t remember what happened last night so when sh-“
“You don’t remember?”
You raised your eyebrows at his sudden interest on what you were saying.
“I do now, sort of.”
He nodded and opened his mouth as if he were about to say something, but immediately closed it.
“Why are you acting so weird with me?” You raised your voice a little.
“I’m not.”
“You are,” you changed your position and sat down in front of him, giving him no choice but to look at you, “you left in the morning without telling me a word and when I arrived here you didn’t even look at me and now you’re acting as if you don’t want to talk to me!”
“God Y/N!” Now he was raising his voice too, “I didn’t wake you up because I figured you’d want to rest because of your hangover and everything else you’re saying is just you overthinking it as always!”
“I’m not overthinking it JJ,” you didn’t take your eyes off his, “you did the same thing last night!”
“What thing?!”
“When we almost kissed!”
You saw his eyes widen as soon as the word “kissed” left your mouth and you mentally slapped yourself for bringing it up but you knew it was needed to.
“Yes JJ, I do remember what happened last night alright? And I also remember how you left me on the floor and acted all serious after it happened, almost as if you were repulsed by it.”
“Repulsed?!” He raised his eyebrow at you.
“I said what I said.” You argued.
“Y/N you were drunk!” He raised his hands on the air desperately.
“No shit really? I didn’t know that!” You said sarcastically.
“I wasn’t going to take advantage of you!”
His words made the ones you were about to say stop from coming out. 
You didn’t know what to say so you just stared at him.
“It’s alright Y/N,” he lowered his voice as he noticed you were tongue-tied, “we all do stuff we wouldn’t do when sober while we’re drunk.”
“JJ I-“
“Don’t worry Y/N. If you’re worried about me telling the guys about what nearly happened last night, just know that I won’t.” He smiled and the smile confirmed you JJ was back to normal with you.
“So we’re good?” You asked.
“We are.” He winked and helped you stand up from the ground, taking your hand and walking you towards John B’s house.
These mixed signs were going to drive you crazy. Did he mean he would’ve kissed you if you hadn’t been so drunk? Was it just the heat of the moment? Was it a pity move? What even was that?
As soon as you walked inside John B’s house, an overly excited Sarah ran into you.
“Why weren’t you answering my calls?” She had a worried yet happy look on her face.
“I’m sorry I didn’t bring my phone, but what’s going on?”
“We need to go buy our dresses together, I’m calling dips on the color green.” She smiled and you looked over at JJ who was equally confused as you.
“Dresses for what?”
Sarah turned to face you, a puzzled look on her face.
“Our families are throwing a party for the business deal they just closed,” she explained, “as soon as your parents come back from their trip of course.”
“Why do they need to throw a party for that?”
“You know how they are,” she rolled her eyes, “and some important business people are also coming to celebrate and stuff. I don’t really understand but I know it’s a huge thing.”
“Are we invited or is it only for Kooks?” JJ added and Sarah bit her lip.
“I mean it’s a family business thing but I’m sure we can manage to le-“
“I’m joking Sarah, I’m not trying to start shit with Kooks again.”
“Of course you’re invited. All of you.” You added and the Pogues just stared at you, knowing they weren’t going to be wanted at the party but not wanting to argue with you.
After everyone got back to talking nonsense and drinking, Sarah pulled you over to John B’s room to organise your dress shopping day.
“Do we really have to do this now? My parents aren’t even here yet and I-“
“No it’s not about that.” Her face was serious now.
“It’s about my brother.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
“What about him?”
“My parents and your parents sort of think you’re still dating him.”
You raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled.
“That’s bullshit, my mom knows I broke up with Rafe.”
“Well apparently my stupid brother told my parents and your dad that you’re still dating and now you have to present yourselves as a couple during the party.”
You laughed louder, but the feeling of anger was consuming you.
“That’s stupid,” you said, “I’m not doing that. Plus how does us dating have anything to do with our parents’ business?”
“Nothing! That’s exactly what I told Rafe but he ju-“
“Doesn’t want to disappoint your dad, of course,” you sighed, “I’m going to have to talk to him.”
“Are you sure about that?” She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do I have any other choice?”
“Well, you’re right,” she said, “I’m sorry about my stupid brother.”
“Hey don’t apologise for that,” you grabbed her hand, “I’m the one who dated him.”
A/N: sorry for making it so long!! I got carried away and I’m already working on chapter 8 because I’m just TOO EXCITED for what’s to come... hope you guys like this one!!! (I also want to apologise for not adding the rest of you to the taglist but it’s getting sooo long! I’m going to try and tag the ones I’m missing when I have the time!)
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ - @outermaybank - @hueycat2004 - @nope-thanks - @weasleyswizarding-wheezes - @haleswale - @hungoverhellhound - @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch - @asapkyndall - @hailiemarieeee - @emmasjulixn - @spideyyeet - @rosenbug - @cassidyiscool  - @harrysbbby - @thatshiscigar  - @kiarascarreras - @uhuh-listenboy - @normatural - @goldenariana - @heyyimlaynna - @lukvv - @irontoadllamaclam - @allisjustok - @saturno007 - @pluckypete - @pennepasta82 - @howdyherron - @perfektionsmakel - @dylanpain - @tulzu - @voidsxnsets - @shadesofbarryallen - @rimbougrine - @dolanfivsosxox - @allisjustok - @stell-rosie - @spoopysidemen​ - @optimisticherolightpanda - @dolansbeanies - @arsejungle - @missenchanted27 - @ctrlyouthmendes  - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @hazelgirl355 - @sehunniehaechannie - @sweetwaterprincess - @ues-swiftie - @deadsunflower01 - @ghostlywombatnickelpeanut - @moadvx - @peachy-ness - @supersouthy - @howdyherron - @retro-mayfield - @cyxbv - @ydoesthesunsetbaby - @bellageorge03 - @thelittletank - @emmalvei-blog - @eaturveggiesbabe - @katiepego - @books-crushed-my-soul - @iamaunicorn4704 - @mrmaybaby - @sloanology - @wildest-dream- - @maplelattes22 - @disaster-rose - @5am-cigarette - @ravenclawmarvel - @peterbrokenparker - @pickeringshawnn - @thatshiscigar - @lovelydina - @sspidermanss - @lollypop-lam - @drunkwallows - @a-wari - @ajxlawley - @briiiimiranda - @oceantostars - @jordangdelacruz - @brightnss - @classywaves - @ironbuckley - @cilorawr - @the-beauty-queenn - @mileven-reddie - @blueegansey - @livingforbarnes - @angelnoirr - @fashionlive15 - @harrysbbby - @eb15​ - @lcil123 - @drunkwallows - @uhuh-listenboy - @caringparker - @tangledinsparkles - @wildflower-lrh - @lollypop-lam - @mxrvelistic - @jeffsbarbershop - @bananasundae13 - @llunarist - @nick-awwstin - @aftertaxte - @timotaychalabae 
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, curse words, angst
“How’s your wing today, little buddy?” Aami took a step towards me and started blowing smoke out of his nostrils. “Okay. You’re not little anymore.” I giggled to myself. “You’ll always be a baby to me, Aami.”
I did a motion with my wand which made the dragon’s meal levitate from the ground and towards him.
“Do you think we can try and jump in the air?”
This was my technique to help him fly. Everybody lost hope already. I didn’t and I won’t. His wing might not be as it’s supposed to be but I believe he can do it anyway.
I levitated the steak a few meters above his head. From left to right. He was moving his tail behind him, curiously eyeing his meal.
“That’s it. You just have to want it enough.” I lifted the piece of meat higher. “I promise I won’t call you little anymore if you try and catch it!”
I know he couldn’t understand me but I didn’t care. I talked to all dragons. My teammates were making fun out of me all the time and they imitated me. The last time Theo did it, he almost got scorched by Ogto. We told him that his voice is simply too rough and that he should try a gentler approach. There was nothing more fun than to tease Theodore during work.
“You want it, Aami. I can see it in your emerald eyes, now try and jump. Don’t be afraid.” Sometimes I didn’t even recognize my own voice, how gentle it was when I was talking to him.
I was a sucker for him since he hatched.
“How’s parenthood treating you?” I jumped in the air, hearing the voice behind me.
I lost my concentration and the steak fell straight into the Fireball’s mouth.
“Peter. Now look what you did!” I frowned at him.
“Sorry, Charlie. I thought you heard me coming.” Peter couldn’t suppress his laugh.
“I was too busy concentrating.” I sighed, watching Aami chew on the big piece of meat.
“Still no luck?” Peter came closer.
“No.” I bowed my head. “I’ll keep trying.”
“I admire your determination, Fireball Mother.” He put a hand on my back. “I am certain that one day you two will succeed.”
“Thanks, Peter.” I smiled appreciatively.
They might’ve lost hope but at least they were still supportive.
“Your team needs your help, Charlie. Are you almost done here?” Peter suddenly remembered why he came to see me.
“I think he’s going to be just fine until dinner.” I glanced at the dragon. The steak already gone. “What’s up?”
“Rhylee has reasons to believe that Ren caught a cold.” Peter started to explain. “Theo, of course, went to check it out at once.”
“And let me guess, he got hurt?” I raised my eyebrows.
“Of course, he got hurt! He didn’t listen to Rhylee and Evan that we should wait for you and Ren sneezed right at him.” Peter pinched the bridge of his nose.
I pressed my lips together not to laugh. I couldn’t get the image out of my mind. I could see how Ren sneezes and blows Theodore backward.
“Did he forget that he’s a wizard and that he should use a stunning charm before doing something so risky?” I chuckled.
“What else!” Peter said and I followed him to Ren’s enclosure.
“I brought someone with brains!” Peter shouted when we approached the group.
“Andrew helped Theo to the Recovery Center.” John explained.
“Peter, you’ll have to help us.” I turned to him and he nodded.
“Alright!” I clapped my hands together. “Rhylee you distract Ren with a piece of meat. John, make sure he is following your every move. Peter, you help me immobilize him.” They all took their positions.
Rhylee went to Ren’s left side. John was standing right in front of him, while Peter and I slowly sneaked to the right side.
“Ready?” I whispered to Peter and he gave me a thumbs up.
Suddenly, the dragon took a few steps backward and started shaking his head frantically.
“He’s going to blow!” I shouted. “Shit!” John stepped back.
“Protego!” Shouted Rhylee and jumped in front of John right in time for Ren’s sneeze.
Green goo flew everywhere and I crossed my arms in front of my face to not get it in my eyes. We all started laughing when we saw the dragon’s confused face.
“Thanks, Rhylee.” John smiled at her.
“Don’t mention it.” She started getting the green substance off her clothes.
We finally managed to stun Ren and bring the Healers to check on him. They confirmed that he had a cold and gave us some medicine which we should mix into his water for a few days.
This has pretty much been the last few months. Rhylee has been working with us for 5 months now and to say that she was doing great was an understatement. Peter even joked that if I wasn’t so good at my job she would take over my position.
And I couldn’t even argue with him. She was amazing with dragons. I knew she loved them as much as I did but to see her working with them, taking care of them was something else. She was so gentle and careful with them as if they couldn’t swallow her whole. She was agile and always aware of her surroundings. She was basically the perfect Dragonologist.
Which, of course, was hell for me. I appreciated Peter hiring her because we needed someone like her on the team. Not that others weren’t doing a great job but when someone cares as much as she does, it just shows. However, it was torture getting to know her so well.
While we were working we didn’t have a chance to talk much, which was great. But just looking at her, observing her every move, and telling her what to do, has been hard enough. She did everything I told her without thinking twice about it and she did it flawlessly. She grew on me even more which was something I hate to admit because I knew it was wrong.
During the weekends she kept mostly by herself or she helped Tina in the Nursery. She, just like me, didn’t know how to take a day off. She asked for a free day once every 14 days and went back to England.
If all of her amazing work wasn’t enough for my poor heart and me already losing my mind, it was even worse when she joined us for a pint. I found out so many things about her that I wish I didn’t know.
She was a Bellefeuille at Beauxbatons and she was both a Prefect and a Head Girl. We all agreed that she was sorted in the right house as she really was brave and loved nature and she cares strongly for her friends. She proved that to us on several occasions during her time here and the boys loved her.
She has a pet Kneazle named Beau which is currently living with her roommate Lyla, back in England. Her parents insisted that she goes to Beauxbatons even though they lived in Britain. She applied to work in the Peruvian Dragon Sanctuary but her application was denied so she accepted the job at Gringotts.
If I thought she was amazing when I first met her, then I don’t know what the word for her is now. I was falling for her and I was falling hard. I tried not to think about her and to hide my feelings as much as I could. The guys teasing me about it every time she wasn’t around didn’t help my cause.
The only good thing about the whole situation was that we were never alone and if we were, we never talked about anything else than work. I also noticed that we got more relaxed around each other and that awkwardness we had between us the first couple of weeks finally went away. I hate to admit it but we were becoming really good friends and I don’t know how I feel about that.
“I just don’t understand why they have to be such pushovers.” John rolled his eyes. “If I wanted to be bossed around I would’ve invited my mother for a visit.” Theo added.
“They’re researchers. They’ll never change.” I calmed them down.
It was the time of the year again. May. The mating season and each year we were losing our minds. Besides the teams that took care of dragons, we also had researchers. Those observed our work and wrote papers about it that were later published in magazines. They always intervened in our business but the mating season was the worst. They were worst to deal with than mother dragons.
“Every year’s the same!” John didn’t stop complaining. “Why don’t you put them in this habitat? Can you put them together! Why did you do it like this?” He imitated them.
“Why don’t they go up the hill and stick something up their arses!” Andrew took a sip of his beer.
“Then who would write reports about that?” They all laughed at my question.
“Charlie?” We all looked up, Rhylee standing in front of us.
“Can I talk to you?” She said, biting her lip.
“Sure.” I took a sip of my Fire Whiskey, ready to listen to what she has to say.
“In private.” I almost bit in my glass at her words.
She looked embarrassed and nervous at the same time.
I could feel the eyes on me, the guys waiting for what I was going to say back to her. I decided to ignore them and just stood up. She grabbed my hand, something I neither expected nor was okay with because my heart went crazy at her touch. She dragged me away, behind a nearby hut and made sure nobody was around.
“I have something to tell you.” She whispered.
“Obviously.” I tried lightening the mood.
Why was she so nervous?
“I…” She pursed her lips together and looked like she was about to cry.
“Hey, hey.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Rhy, what is it, you’re scaring me.”
“I got a letter today from one of my ex co-workers, Lizzie.” She started to explain. “She told me that Kyan, the Ukranian Ironbelly, failed to protect one of the vaults a few days ago and went berserk. He hurt 3 Bank workers in the process and the people trying to get past him succeeded in breaking inside the vault.” Her lip started trembling.
I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to hug her and stroke her hair and calm her down but I would cross too many boundaries doing so, so I just tightened the grip on her shoulders.
“They are going to execute him, Charlie.” She burst into tears and buried her head in my shoulder. “The Ministry said that they can’t tolerate such a disobedient dragon and they want to get rid of him.”
My heart sank. I knew how much she loved those dragons. They meant everything to her. They were her family and now one of them is going to be murdered. I hugged her awkwardly. My mind completely blank. What am I supposed to say in this situation? This was terrible. They can’t just execute a dragon without any proof!
“Is there anything we can do?” I asked softly.
“The team I worked with will appeal for a trial. If they succeed they will be able to provide evidence that it wasn’t the dragon's fault.” She sobbed.
“Isn’t that obvious without proof?” She pulled her head back and looked at me.
We were too close for my liking. I could feel her breath on my cheek.
“That’s what I said to myself when I read her letter.” She said, astonished that I thought the same. “You know the Goblins don’t care for the dragons and if this one gets executed they can just get a new one.” Tears started running down her cheeks again.
“What am I supposed to do, Charlie?”
Rhylee, please stop looking at me like that!
Her eyes were big and puffy and hopeful.
“I…” I swallowed hard. I hope she couldn’t feel my heartbeat through my shirt. “We’ll ask around the Sanctuary. Perhaps somebody might be able to help us. Maybe someone here knows the law and can help us build a case.” I tried smiling as much as my muscles allowed me while being as stiff as I was because we were still embraced.
“You would help me build a case?” She finally pulled away.
“Of course. I know how much those dragons mean to you even if you don’t work with them anymore.” I reassured her. “Every creature’s life matters.”
“You’re the best, Charlie!” She jumped in my arms again.
Since when were we hugging so much?
“There’s something else.” She whispered after a few moments of silence.
I only hummed.
I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t think straight. The sweet smell of her shampoo filled my nose and I was thinking of any way how I could take a deep breath without her noticing. I felt like suffocating.
We went for a run a few times together over the last month and last week we actually talked about something else than work. It was nice. I was always having a nice time with her even if we were just sitting in silence. I felt us becoming good friends and I’m glad she came to me with this but the hugging was definitely new and I was too deep to handle it properly.
“I did something terrible and probably illegal.” Her words were my chance to pull away from her.
“What?” I chuckled.
I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. What could she possibly have done that it was illegal?
“Come with me.” She grabbed my hand again, making my heart skip a beat and dragged me to her hut.
She unlocked the door and invited me inside.
I was never at her place before. It was definitely neater than mine. I did clean but my stuff was everywhere and I never made my bed. She had flowers everywhere and even though it was dark outside, her place looked way brighter than mine.
My eyes stopped on the big box in the middle of her living room. Is this was she was talking about? She slowly approached the box and kneeled next to it. She gestured for me to come and join her.
“Rhy, what…” She stopped me by putting a finger over my lips.
I froze.
I will lose it if she keeps touching me like this.
“He’s probably sleeping.” She said, her voice barely audible.
“He?” I whispered.
“Do you remember the albino dragon I worked with?” She asked.
“How could I forget.” I replied.
“Lizzie wrote to me a few months back that they got another Swedish Short-Snout.” She started to explain. “They thought that the one already at Gringotts was a boy so they got another boy. It turned out that they were wrong.”
“Dash is a girl?” I put a hand over my mouth as I said that a tad too loudly.
She nodded. I narrowed my eyes at her and looked at the box and back to her.
“Rhy, what’s in the box?” I said slowly.
“Look for yourself.” She squinted.
I turned to the box and slowly opened it. It was a baby albino Swedish Short-Snout. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. It finally happened! My wish to see an albino dragon came true. This was amazing. Merlin’s beard was he a beaute! I was in love!
I shook my head snapping out of it. This was a serious situation.
“What is he doing in the middle of your living room?” I pursed my lips at her.
“Sleeping?” She said with the most innocent grin on her face.
“Rhy. Tell me what you did.”
“They don’t tolerate baby dragons in Gringotts, Charlie.” She bowed her head. “They don’t have a nursery down there like we have here. Lizzie was the one who spotted the eggs and managed to steal one before the Goblins noticed. She wanted to save more of them but there was simply not enough time.” I could see tears gathering in her eyes again.
“I snuck out a few days ago and went to get him. I thought that once he’s here, we could give him a proper home.”
Boy did she know how to melt my heart. Her big eyes, pleading me to do something. To say something encouraging.
“We’ll find Peter first thing in the morning and tell him.” I said.
“What? No! I told you this in confidence!” She stood up and started pacing around the living room.
She was adorable.
“Relax.” I giggled. “Do you really think this is the first time someone smuggled an illegal dragon to the Sanctuary?”
“It’s not?” She stopped.
“When my brother Ron was in his First year my friend Hagrid who works at Hogwarts got himself a dragon egg and Ron wrote to me if we could take him in. We brought him here and Peter dealt with the paperwork. I swear that guy can make anything look legal.” I laughed and stood up.
I walked to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. This was allowed now, right?
“We’ll tell Peter and he’ll deal with the administrative work. We’ll settle the little guy in and that’s it.” I lifted her chin so that her eyes met mine.
That was a bloody mistake. I need to make a mental note to never do that again. Her eyes were so full of emotions. She was on the verge of tears but I think this time, they were happy tears. She looked so thankful, so appreciative. I couldn’t handle it.
“That’s it?” She said in a whisper.
She was blown away at how easy the whole thing was. I nodded and gently pulled away.
I would panic if I wasn’t in a similar situation a few years ago. I went straight to Peter then and I was a nervous wreck when I explained everything. He calmed me down and told me that he’ll take care of everything as long as the dragon gets transported here without anyone seeing it.
“Is the dragon here?” Her curiosity got the better of her.
“He is.” I smiled. “I was sad when he was assigned to another team last year but I go and see him at least once or twice per week. His name is Norbert but the researchers think he might be a girl so we will have to rename him.” I chuckled and looked back at the now opened box.
“You did the right thing, Rhy.” I gazed at her and walked to the box. Her eyes told me that she wanted to meet Norbert. She has been here since September but she didn’t have the pleasure to meet all the dragons yet even though I knew she wanted to. “He’ll do just fine here.” I reassured her.
I didn’t need to stand next to her to feel her body relax. She was so worried about what I would say upon seeing what’s in the box. Perhaps she even thought I would be angry or that she would be fired but we don’t do that here.
You bring a dragon, we give it a home. It’s that simple.
I was happy I was the one who she decided to tell her secret to but at the same time, I started liking her even more because of it. She went through all this trouble to save this baby dragon. She could get fired or even imprisoned by the Ministry if they found out.
But she took the risk. She didn’t care. She just wanted to save one egg and make sure that he gets a home. She didn’t worry about herself. She put dragons first and I admired her for that more than anything. I would’ve done the same. Heck, I would probably fly there on a broom in the middle of the night just to get at least one egg to safety.
I know she felt bad that she couldn’t save more of them. I know if it was up to her, she would’ve saved them all. And I know that deep down, she blamed herself for leaving because perhaps if she was there, things might’ve gone differently. It was insane how similar we were when it came to that and I didn’t need her to tell me these things, I just knew they were in her head.
She waited for me in front of my hut the next morning. We went to find Peter at once and informed him of the situation. He gave Rhylee a similar speech I did and told her that everything was going to be okay. He ordered me to get my team so we could safely transport the little guy to the habitat with other younglings.
John, Theo, and Evan helped Rhylee and me to get him through the door, while Andrew went to get the Healing team and Tina to do a check-up. After we were done, I sent my team to do our usual feeding routine, while I stayed with the little guy. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. If Aami saw me he would’ve scorched me out of jealousy.
I couldn’t believe we had an albino in the Sanctuary and Rhylee and I have been debating names all morning during breakfast. So far we came up with DJ which stands for Dash Junior, Ally, Bean, and Zyon. Of course, I would let her name him because she was the one who brought him here and was going to train with him like I was doing with Aami.
I am not going to lie, I was a bit jealous she would be able to spend all this extra time with him. But I knew it’s better that she does it because I knew I would spend half of the time just staring at him. He looked just as I imagined Dash when Rhylee described him when we first met. White scales with reddish ones on the tip of his tail. He had red eyes and we couldn't wait for him to get older so we could see if his eyes are going to change color as Dash’s did.
Rhylee got a letter a few days after she told me about Kyan that they will hold a trial for him. With enough evidence, we could send them an application and apply as custodians meaning Kyan would become a part of the Romanian Sanctuary family of dragons.
We spent the next week asking around if anyone knows anything about creature trials and how to appeal a case to the Ministry. Nobody really knew how to help us and a lot of people recommended a library.
She corresponded with Lizzie regularly, to give her any information that she could about how we can approach this and what papers we would need to fill out to be allowed to do this. The biggest problem was, that there was no evidence that the dragon was attacked or why he didn’t protect the vault but hurt the Bank workers instead and let the attackers escape.
Lizzie told Rhylee that they did a check-up on him and didn’t detect any kind of unusual or recent magic on him that would indicate that the group he let pass enchanted him in any way. All odds were against us but Rhylee didn’t lose hope. I admired her for that.
She reminded me of myself when everyone told me that Aami wasn’t going to make it. That he was too small to survive without a mother. I didn’t give up on him and I believed that he would survive. He still might not be able to fly but he is doing just fine. He is healthy and cheerful and he loves to play even though he’s nearing adulthood now.
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the-coda-project · 3 years
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The Coda Project | 1.02 - Inherit the Flames
After reuniting Tommy Collins with his family, Dean and Sam stop for the night in a town called Rifle.
They’re about two hours out of Blackwater Ridge, at a dumpy motel on the edge of a town called Rifle, and Dean’s been staring at the tree-print wallpaper for so long that he’s started detecting patterns in the branches.
A cheap plug-in air freshener in the bathroom has the whole place reeking of artificial pine. Between that and the walls, Dean’s starting to feel as though the wilderness they just barely managed to escape from has followed them here. Hell, maybe they didn’t escape. Maybe he’s still strung up in the mine; maybe the wendigo is still tossing him around like a ragdoll, scrambling his brains just enough that he’s dreaming of a motel that doesn’t exist.
Outside, an eighteen-wheeler passes on the I-70, close enough to make the windows rattle. Dean shifts in his bed as if a different position is going to be enough to distract him from how badly his ribs ache. His scratched-up neck feels raw as road rash.
No matter how hard he tries, sleep still feels so far out of the realm of possibility that he starts wondering how long he should lie here before he can cut his losses and call it.
But then Sam pipes up—“Hey, can I ask you something?”—from across the room, not bothering to check first if Dean’s awake, and immediately he wants to just keep feigning sleep until morning. He might have sought out his brother’s company only a couple of weeks ago, but right now, with the memory of Sam’s dismissive attitude toward helping the Collins family fresh in his mind, he doesn’t feel much like talking to him.
He presses his eyes shut, ignoring the part of himself that’s berating him for being childish. Whether he can get to sleep or not, he’s too goddamn exhausted to talk about anything that isn’t life or death.
If he thought there was even a chance that his brother was angling to talk about Jessica, he’d be sitting up and listening in a heartbeat. But his tone is inquisitive, not hesitant, and Sam’s been so closed-lipped about his grief that Dean only knows how much her death is affecting him because of how loud and frequent his nightmares have been.
“Dean,” Sam says again, slightly louder. “I know you’re awake.”
With a huff, Dean tilts his head to squint at him across the gap between their lumpy mattresses. He grimaces as the motion pulls at the claw marks on his neck. He’ll be lucky if they don’t scar, but maybe it’d be better if they do. Maybe it’d help if he could see something visibly fucked up when he looks in the mirror. Maybe that would make it easier to explain away the revulsion he feels when he meets his own eyes.
“Dude, can it wait until after I get a solid four hours?”
Bullheaded as ever, Sam ignores the question, sitting up and tucking his shaggy hair back behind his ears. He looks twelve years old. Dean figures he always will, in some ways.
“Did something happen with Dad? Before he took off, I mean.”
“Like what?”
He’s not sure why he bothers asking Sam to clarify.
Maybe it’s just to buy himself some time; to give himself a second to come up with some version of the truth that doesn’t amount to Dad’s an overbearing, pigheaded prick, just like you’ve always said, and if I didn’t think he was in trouble right now I’d be glad to be rid of him for at least another month.
Even thinking it makes him guilty. Like he’s a bad son for being so angry with the guy. But he’s gotta believe that his actions are the important part here; proof that no matter how much he hates his dad sometimes, he still loves him enough to want to keep this family as connected as he can.
Still, a part of him is wondering if it’s really worth it anymore to keep up the act. If his clinging to John and clinging to Sam is just making things worse for all of them. Making John think he’ll put up with whatever he throws at him. Making Sam think he doesn’t care enough to take his side against John when he’s being unreasonable.
A part of him wonders—but it’s not a big enough part to win. The thought that something might have happened to him keeps him from letting the bile spill.
Because if they can’t find him—or worse, if they do find him but they’re too late—Dean doesn’t want Sam to have more reasons to be angry with a dead man than he’s already got.
It’s not as though Dean’s not used to keeping this shit locked down, anyway. There’ve been other disagreements, other fights, other circumstances over the years that he knows weren’t even close to being fair on him, but that’s just his life. It sucks, but it’s how it’s always been. No use complaining about it if it’s never gonna change, and after living this way for twenty-two of his twenty-six years, he sees no reason to consider change a possibility.
In the grand scheme of things, this particular incident doesn’t even make the top five list of awful things John’s put him through. The honors there go to that time with the shtriga, abandoning him at Sonny’s and then uprooting him as soon as he let himself get comfortable, the hunt he sent him on as a seventeenth birthday “present”, the night he told Sam not to bother coming back if he left for school, and the simple act of raising his kids into this shit in the first place.
This one might make it into the top ten, though. He hasn’t decided yet.
“Well,” Sam says, pulling him out of his thoughts. “You said you hadn’t heard from him in… what, three weeks before you got that message? Seems weird that it was so long, is all. You were on a hunt, he was on a hunt… it’s just weird that you weren’t checking in more often.”
Dean rolls onto his back and stares at the ceiling. There’s a water stain on the popcorn tile overhead that almost looks like a cactus if he looks at it the right way.
Christ, he could use some tequila right now. Maybe he can find them a case further south while they wait for some sign of John to turn up. Someplace warmer than the mountains in Colorado. Someplace where he can roll into town, waste a ghost, and then knock back a few drinks on a motel patio without having to talk to anyone at all.
“I mean, you usually check in more than that, right?” Sam goes on, and Dean sighs. He lifts one hand to rub at his brow.
“Yeah, usually.”
“So… what happened?”
“Nothing you gotta worry about,” he says, and immediately knows it was a mistake. Sam zeroes in on what Dean didn’t say just as intently as anyone else would focus on what he did.
Maybe he should go to law school after all—he’s already got the artful-conversational-trap shit down.
“You had a fight.”
“No, c’mon Dean. You asked me to help you find him. If you had a fight before he left, that seems like it might be relevant.”
“It’s not.”
“So why won’t you just tell me?”
“It was nothing,” he insists. “Dad isn’t exactly Mr Congeniality, Sam. We fight all the time.”
“No, me and Dad fight all the time. The two of you are usually on the same page.”
Dean suppresses a snort and rolls onto his side, his back to Sam now as he looks at the narrow strip of moonlight edging past the thin motel curtains.
“You know I’ll just ask Dad when we find him if you don’t—“
“Jesus, Sam. It was nothing. Just a stupid disagreement about the hunt we were on. You know how he can get.”
“What was the hunt?”
“A witch in Louisiana. We had different ideas about what was going on, but it’s done, the witch is dead, and it doesn’t matter anymore. Okay?”
“That’s all?”
It’s not all.
Thanks to a botched salt-and-burn in Kentucky the previous month, things had already been tense well before they checked into a motel in Souffran, Louisiana. It only got worse when they ran into a woman Dean knew on their second day in town.
She’d been a civilian, last he’d seen her. Said she was a hunter now.
John had been ready to leave as soon as he found out she was already looking into it, but Dean wasn’t so eager.
It wasn’t that he thought Marisa was helpless—far from it, in fact. She’d been teaching capoeira when Dean met her in Texas a few months back. Had the thing terrorizing her students been corporeal, he has no doubt that she never would have needed any help in kicking its ass. But she was inexperienced as a hunter. Green as they come.
Dean didn’t love the idea of her taking on whatever was killing kids in Souffran alone.
When he told John as much, his dad just gave him a sly look, as if he thought the only reason Dean cared was because he was looking to get into Marisa’s pants. Dean wasn’t, for the record. As he saw it, it was his fault that she’d decided to try hunting on for size in the first place. He figured he owed it to her to back her up while she was still so new.
At first, all they’d had to go on was two kids who’d gone missing and turned up dead a week later without any visible injuries beyond a circular burn in the center of their chests; a girl named Lucy Parker who’d disappeared without a trace from her grandmother’s backyard yesterday but was yet to be found; and half a dozen wildly inconsistent reports of strange lights being seen in the swamp running along the north edge of town.
John had been convinced that they were dealing with a fi follet—a kind of malevolent will-‘o-the-wisp known to enact vengeance and drain the blood of children. When Dean disagreed with him, explaining to Marisa that the whole thing felt witchy to him, and pointing out that neither of the kids who’d died had shown any signs of blood loss, John got pigheaded and petty.
He called Dean arrogant. Accused him of acting like John was an idiot ever since they left Kentucky. Spat, “You spend one day showing a civvie the ropes and now you’re an expert, huh? Well go ahead, kid. Handle it on your own.”
And then he bailed.
Left Dean and Marisa to track down a missing eight year old on their own, and made Dean feel about three inches tall when he did it.
It took them almost a full two days to track the thing responsible. A witch, like Dean had thought, who’d been draining the kids of their life force in a desperate, last-ditch effort to stave off some sickness that was eating away at him. But the spell he’d been using was unstable and ineffective, and he’d been haggard and jittery when they found him in a rusty little shack out in the middle of nowhere.
Lucy Parker was right there with him in the room, suspended in mid-air by some unknown force as pale, flickering light leached from the center of her chest and down into a copper bowl on the floor beneath her. Her eyes were wide and rolled back to the whites. Her mouth was open as if she were screaming.
Marisa shot the witch point blank, right between the eyes, and Dean had darted forward to catch Lucy before she could hit the ground. He’d spent the entire time terrified that they were going to get to her too late; that she’d turn up dead before they could figure out where she’d been taken or how to deal with the thing that had taken her.
When she landed in his arms, he’d almost been sick when he felt how cold she was. How limp.
But after a second, she gasped, and coughed, and then she was clinging to him. Shaking.
He couldn’t put her down. She wouldn’t let Marisa take her.
He’d been forced leave the shack while Marisa dealt with the witch’s body and destroyed all the evidence before some local could stumble upon it, and when she’d emerged gray-faced and bloody half an hour later, with the crackle of fire just audible over the steady croak of frogs in the nearby water, he’d known that Marisa wasn’t going on any more hunts.
Lucy still refused to let go of him once they got back to the car, so he’d let Marisa drive them back to town, sitting in the back seat with the kid clinging to his side and sobbing snot into his jacket. He hadn’t even minded. If he didn’t think it would scare her more, he might have let himself cry out of sheer relief at finding her.
Late that night--once Lucy was back with her grandmother, and Marisa was on her way back to San Antonio, and Souffran was far enough in the rearview that it was safe to stop for the night--Dean had called John. He didn’t pick up.
Just sent Dean’s call straight to voicemail, then texted him coordinates for a poltergeist case near Mobile, Alabama an hour later. A few days after that, more coordinates directed him to the voodoo hunt in New Orleans.
So yeah, a witch in Louisiana is not all. Not by a long shot. He doesn’t tell Sam that, though. What would be the point?
“Yeah, that’s all,” he lies, still staring at the gap in the curtains. Another truck rumbles past, air brakes hissing as it slows to take the town exit. It’s so loud that he’s not sure that he’d manage to sleep here even if he wasn’t a headcase. “C’mon, I gotta crash, man.”
For a minute, it seems like Sam’s gonna keep at it. Like he’ll needle at Dean until he spills everything out onto the pilled carpet between them. How scared he is. How angry. How resentful. All the ugliest feelings that seem to be pressing up his throat and onto the back of his tongue like bile.
But he doesn’t. Just sighs, sounding as tired as Dean feels, and says, “Yeah, okay. Night, Dean.”
Dean grunts in reply, and Sam starts snoring after a half hour. Another half hour after that, his nightmares begin. Low, helpless murmurs of Jessica’s name and high-pitched whines of terror that stick in Dean’s chest like buckshot.
With dry eyes and an ever-present lump in his throat, Dean pushes out of bed and heads for the bathroom, taking the laptop as he goes.
If he’s lucky, he’ll find them a hunt before Sam wakes up. He can get them back on the road as soon as the sun rises. Keep them focused on something that isn’t the complete lack of leads on John.
If he’s not, maybe staying up will wear him out enough to sleep tomorrow. He’ll take what he can get.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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The first of a couple of scenes regarding young Kayo I wrote some time ago. I don’t know if I posted them or not, but I hope you enjoy anyway :D
It was a beautiful day. Early summer when everything was still green. And to top it off it was the weekend, no homework and a morning to himself.
He had his sketchbook with him, but if he was being honest, he hadn’t touched it since he had sat down under the tree. It was just pleasant to sit and enjoy the moment, and if he accidentally fell asleep, he wasn’t going to admit it to anyone.
Relax, Virgil.
He startled, his sketchbook falling onto the grass. Huh?
“Virgil? You out here?”
Scott? He struggled to sit up. The sun was much higher in the sky than it was before and he realised he must have really fallen asleep. Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he finally made it vertical enough to see his older brother heading in his direction. “Scott?” So yeah, he had a dopey voice, so what?
“Virg! There you are. What on Earth are you doing all the way out here?”
He grabbed the sketchbook as an excuse and waved it vaguely in his brother’s direction and yawned.
“Really?” A snort. “I might believe you if you had less grass in your hair.”
What? God, he was never one for waking up fast, and his fourteen year old brother was never one to miss an opportunity to take advantage of it. He ran a hand through his hair and shook it, and true enough, pieces of dried grass and even a stick fell out of it.
“Yeah, whatever. What do you want?”
“Dad’s called a Family Meeting.”
He could hear the capital letters in Scott’s voice. Oh, one of those. Great. What momentous change in their lives was about to happen now?
Scott was still smirking at him, and Virgil realised he hadn’t answered or moved fast enough. But his brother stuck out a hand and offered to help him up. Virgil sighed, and took it, grunting as Scott yanked him to his feet.
“Wow, I swear you are getting heavier every day.”
Virgil glared at him as they started back to the farmhouse. “No, really? I would have thought that would be obvious with the whole growing thing we have going on.”
“Well, you know, with the big one three happening in a few months...”
“Shut up, Scott.”
Of course, his brother only laughed. “Man, you’re grumpy when you’ve been woken up.”
“And you’re irritating most times.”
That earned him a snort and an arm fell across his shoulders. “Admit it, you love me.”
His brain hadn’t booted up enough to tackle that one without admitting or insulting, so he just grunted. Scott’s laugh was a little infectious.
By the time they made it to the living room, every other household member was already there. Grandma beckoned him over to a seat beside her, and he darted between his two youngest brothers on the floor, who appeared to be arguing over who got to hit who with a stuffed animal. He ended up with John next to him, ever present tablet currently deployed in front of his nose. Scott sat on the arm of the sofa on John’s other side.
“Hey.” Apparently, John could read and acknowledge his presence simultaneously.
“Hey.” He smiled at Grandma, before nudging his little brother. “Any ideas what this is about?”
“Mr Kyrano’s here. Him and Dad have been holed up in his study for at least an hour.”
“Oh.” Mr Kyrano was a cool kind of guy. He worked for his father in some capacity that saw him travelling with Dad a lot. When he encountered the boys, he was kind to them and was full of stories from distant places. He was often quiet, but also mysterious. Virgil liked him.
As if summoned by his thought, both his Dad and Mr Kyrano walked into the room. Both were obviously attempting to put on positive faces, but even Virgil with his still booting brain could see that something was very wrong.
They were followed in by a young girl. The sheer terror in her eyes had Virgil sitting up straighter. That and the bruise that decorated the right side of her face. Mr Kyrano stopped for a moment and gathered her to him, gently encouraging her into the room. He said some words in another language and she responded. After a moment, some of the fear left her eyes, but she clung to the man as if he was a lifeline.
“Thank you all for gathering so quickly.” His father spoke up, just as Gordon whacked his six year old brother with an old teddy bear hard enough to make him squawk. Scott reached over and confiscated it, which in turn set both the younger boys protesting.
Their father, ever one for manners and protocol, cleared his throat pointedly. Alan responded immediately and sat up straighter. Gordon slouched into a sulk.
Dad eyed them for a moment. “I wanted you all together to introduce you to young Tanusha. You all know Mr Kyrano. Tanusha is his daughter.”
Five pairs of eyes landed on the little girl and she shrunk behind her father.
“She will be staying with us for a short time. I know you will make her feel welcome and help her settle in.” And yes, his father stared at Gordon just that moment longer. Gordon, being Gordon, glared back.
Cue Grandma.
“Well, Jefferson, don’t parade the poor girl.” She stood up and walked over to Mr Kyrano and smiled before crouching down to Tanusha’s level and addressing her directly. “Don’t you mind this rabble, honey, they’re not too bad once you get to know them.” She held out a hand. “Come and meet the boys.”
Tanusha, who couldn’t be older than Gordon, slid even further behind her father, but Mr Kyrano said something in that same other language and she startled, straightening her posture, before hesitantly reaching out and taking Grandma’s hand. Her eyes stared up at her father as she took those final steps towards the Tracy matriarch.
Mr Kyrano’s smile was sad.
Grandma didn’t hesitate, gently leading her forward. “The two on the floor are the youngest. This is Alan and Gordon. Gordon is the same age as you. Perhaps he can show you his aquarium later.” Grandma was making that suggestion an order with her eyes. Gordon looked rebellious, but resigned.
“This is Scott. He is our eldest. John is in the middle.” His red haired brother had put the tablet down at least and was smiling politely. “And the scruffy haired one is Virgil.”
Up close, the bruise on her face looked even more nasty, but beyond it, he discovered that her eyes were a most beautiful shade of green. He smiled at her, sitting up just that little bit straighter.
She glanced his way apprehensively.
Attempting to make her feel welcome, he smiled just a little bit more. “Hello, Tanusha.”
She didn’t smile back.
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Goodbye Town - Pope Heyward
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Warnings: Underage drinking, drugs
Word Count: 2355
A/N: This is based off my favorite song. I thought about writing with JJ but I think it works better this way.
Right there's the high school where we met
We'd sneak out back for a couple kisses and a cigarette
And that parking lot was our first date
And her momma slammed the door when I dropped her off too late
At one point in time, if you asked Pope Heyward who he loved his answer would be Kiara Carrera. He thought the sun set and rose just for her everyday. That was until he met Y/N Y/L/N. He never expected to like anyone beside Kie. Maybe Kiara was out of his league and had a thing for his other friends, but he didn’t care until that day. It was raining outside, he was in class, geometry to specific. His AP class to give him extra credits towards college. When the teacher introduced her, she said her name wrong, but the girl was to polite to say anything. She sat three seats behind him, her yellow backpack hanging off the back of her chair. He knew from that moment on he was in for it. He saw her around school, and talking to other people and finally he saw her talking to his friend John B. His heart dropped knowing he could never compete with someone like him. He thought he lost all chances until he introduced the two of them.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N, she just started in my art class.” John B introduced the blonde girl to everyone. She smiled, with a small blush.
“Are we still skipping last period to go surfing?” Kiara asked the brunette. They had been talking about it all day in the group chat. Something about the waves being supreme for surfing. Pope wanted to go but knew he would get in trouble for ditching again, plus last period was with Y/N and he wasn’t missing that.
Everyone was having their own conversation, while Pope was trying to finish geometry homework from the night before. He had finished JJ’s English assignment knowing he wouldn’t do it. He was lost in his math problems when she spoke to him. “Is that the homework from last night? Man, that was hard, what did you get for question 12?” Pope had to double take. Is she talking to him? “Yeah it-t is. Uh, I got the angle being 43.” “Oh, really how’d you get that I got the angle being 36.” He didn’t know where he got the confidence from but out of no where he spoke up. “I can show you after school if you want, these losers are going to be surfing for a while, and I’m going to need something to do.” She smiled at him. “Of course, that would be great why not by the bench outside, after class?” The rest was history.  
They met there all the time, and Pope fell harder and harder for the blonde hair girl. She would smoke a joint, and he would help her with the math. Sometimes she would draw. She was an amazing artist. Always talked about leaving and going west to LA. A pipe dreamed she called it. One day when the sun was setting and they were running late, Pope took a chance and kissed her. It was quick just a few seconds, but she smiled, and kissed him back. He walked her home that night. It was the first time he had ever seen were she lived. He mom was at the door waiting. “I’m sorry for what’s about to happened”, and before he could respond her mom was hollering about how she was running late. Slamming the door in Pope’s face when he tried to take the blame for what happened.
She's gone
Chasing that highway wind
She's gone
She ain't coming back again
This ain't nothing
Nothing but a goodbye town
These streets are only bringing me down
Gotta find a way to finally get out
Out of this goodbye town
As Pope was packing up his things for college, he found her sweater. It was just a little over two months ago when she left. He missed her so much. The way she always smelled like lavender and a hint of weed. They way she was so carefree, something he need to be more of. He was proud of himself for getting into UNC, he didn’t think it would actually happen. He applied for a ton of scholarships and with finical aid it wouldn’t be so bad. He got a job at a restaurant on the mainland. A friend of his dads. He put your sweater in the box of things he still had of yours. Scrunchies, a few bracelets, one of your old sketch books. These things that made his heart hurt, like a hurt he’s never felt. He wonder if you made it out west in the beat up car JJ helped fix for you. When he looked through the sketch book you left at his house and found pictures of buildings around town. Nothing but a goodbye town, he thought.
We sat down on those courthouse steps
Fourth of July those fireworks over our heads
And they'd ring the bells of that little church
No there ain't nowhere I can look that doesn't hurt
She's gone
But I still feel her on my skin
She's gone
But she ain't coming back again
This ain't nothing
Nothing but a goodbye town
These streets are only bringing me down
Gotta find a way to finally get out
Out of this goodbye town
 Looking through your sketch book he found one of the courthouse. It was your second fourth of July on the island, the first one you spent not knowing anyone. He smiled thinking back to that day, it was perfect. You guys had spent the night at John B’s place. You lied to your mom saying you were sleeping at Kiara so she wouldn’t get mad. There was a party at the boneyard the night before, and he wanted you to go. When you guys woke up in the morning you were wrapped up in his arms asleep on the couch. He was always the early riser, while you loved to sleep in. He treasured these moments. The way you eyelids flutter from the dream you were having to the small sounds escaping your lips from breathing. Once everyone got around for the day, John B and JJ suggested you go into town and watch the fireworks. It was cold and you forgot you sweater so Pope gave you his.
Watching the fireworks was memorizing to you. You loved all the colours that came from them. Sometimes they would be to loud and you would cover your ears. You split a smoke with JJ before leaving, he claimed it would enhance the experience. It just made them way too loud. Sometimes Pope still feels your breath on his skin. It wasn’t been long since you left but he was regretting everything about this goodbye town.
I can't erase the memories And I can't burn the whole place down No this ain't nothing Nothing but a goodbye town To hell if I'm sticking around Gotta find a way to finally get out Out of this goodbye town Oh yeah Out of this goodbye town I'm out of this town So out of this town Oh oh oh oh oh...
Pope didn’t know if he wanted to remember all the good times you guys had together. He didn’t want to feel the pain anymore. He kept looking back on the day he left you crying in your driveway. The day you guys called it quits. He couldn’t believe he just walked away
It was the end of the school year, and you guys were getting ready for graduation. Some how you all made it through. JJ finishing with barely enough credits, but with Y/N and Pope’s help they got him through. It was the night after prom, you begged Pope to go with you. Claiming you guys only got one prom and you wanted to spend it with him. He could never say no your pout, it was like magic. So he got all dressed up in tux he borrowed from your brother and you wore a beautiful green dress that Kiara let you borrow. It was magic. You both were going to UNC, of course you were little disappointed, it wasn’t your first choice. You applied for an art school out west but got waitlisted. Of course you were happy to go to them same college as you boyfriend. You guys looked at apartments together, and you even got a job at a local bar. It was a dream come true.  
That was until the morning of gradation, your mom stopped to pick the mail up on her way home from your hair appointment. You were causally looking through the bills when you saw it. Your heart stopped, this was the letter you had been waiting for. You ripped it open and started reading, “we would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to the Otis College of Art and Design. You’ve been accepted into this years fall term.” You were freaking out. The first person you wanted to tell was Pope, but that’s when you remembered all the plans you guys made. He couldn’t be mad, could he? He knew this was your dream. When you got to your house he was there waiting for you. His smile made your heart drop. “How can I tell him mom? We made plans, I love him, but this is my dream.” You asked your mom. She looked at you sympathetically. “I know you love him Y/N, but never let a boy stop you from chasing your dreams. Just because you made plans with him, does not mean you have to give up your dreams for his.” She was right, you loved Pope and he will always be your first love but you couldn’t live your life wondering what would have happened if you never left.
Pope opening the door startled you. “Hey I’ve got our gowns and caps. Kie wants us to do pictures at her house, something about it looking nice in her garden. Everyone is meeting there, so go get your dress on.” He looked up at you. He could tell something was off. He knew you like the back of his hand. “What’s wrong Y/N/N?” that’s when he saw the letter. He recognized the LOGO from one of your art books. “Is that a letter from the art school out west? Y/N did you get in?” You could hear the fear in his voice and couldn’t blame him. He knew what was coming. You both did, but nether of you wanted to admit it. “Uh,-yeah-yeah it is. I got accepted. Someone must have dropped out. Crazy right? The school year wasn’t even started yet.” You looked at him and the look in his eyes killed you. “So what, are you going to go? I mean what about us? We made plans Y/N.” “I know that Pope, you don’t think I know that. This is a big deal for me! You know how bad I wanted this. We can make this work, we can do the long distance. No it would be easy, but I don’t want to lose you.” You pleaded with him as he turned away from you. He was so angry with you, changing the plans the two of you made. “No, I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone I don’t get to see. I want you to stay Y/N. It’ selfish of me but I need you here with me.” You couldn’t believe what he was saying to you. “Do you really want me to chose between you and my dream college. Don’t make me do that Pope. Please.” You had tears running down your face at this point. Not caring about your makeup. “Yes, I want you to choose—“Then I choose college.” You said it so fast you didn’t have time to take the words back. He looked at you with anger in his eyes. You’d never seen him mad like this before, of course you guys had disagreements but nothing like this. “Fine then.” And with that the love of your life walked away. Even with you screaming for him to comeback. He didn’t. It broke him, but he knew if he turned around that you would stay with him. And he couldn’t be the one to keep you from chasing your dreams.
~Flashback over~
Pope didn’t like to regret things. He stopped by your house a couple days later, but your mom said that you already moved. Deciding on spend the summer in LA with your aunt to get to know the place better. He knew that was a lie. He knew you left because you could stand to see him. He walked around the town all summer seeing all the places you guys would hang out. The Pouges tried their best to keep his mind off things, as well as his parents. His dad offered to move him to the mainland early, but Pope wasn’t ready yet. JJ agreed to move to the mainland with him, getting a job and going to the community college near the university. It was the small gesture Pope appreciate from his friend. Pope was putting the last of his boxes in the truck, JJ had already moved over a week before starting work. He was finally ready to leave. Leave all the memories the two of you had behind. It was done and, in the past, but he couldn’t help but think about you smoking by the school doing homework. He was ready to leave this goodbye town.
You'll be just a memory in the back of my mind You'll be just a memory yeah Oh, somewhere in the back of my mind In the back of my mind, yeah One day you're gonna look back at what we had You're gonna think of me You're gonna think of me When I'm long gone I'll be long gone
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Forgotten in the rain
The streets were empty and quiet, devoid of life, save for the occasional passing car, rushing and hissing over the wet asphalt. Dark clouds swirled in the gray sky, pouring their sorrows on the desolate city below. Most remained in their homes far away from the endless rivers of water falling from the sky, but not Sirius. No, he most certainly did not despise the grim weather or the rain. On the contrary, he rather enjoyed it, finding it peaceful and almost…serene. He liked to hear the sound of the millions of droplets of water clattering against the windows and cars, sliding down vibrant green leaves, falling on the ground, sinking into the earth and turning it into mush, and disappearing down the drains into the cold metal pipes. It calmed him, washing away the restlessness, pain, and memories, even if it only were for a few short minutes. A light, trembling wind fought his way into his body, past his leather jacket, chilling him to the bones, ruffling his wet hair. But again, he did not mind. A dark green leaf, the colour of Aisha’s eyes, detached itself from a low hanging branch, fluttering briefly in front of his face, before titling down and falling at his feet on the gray cobblestones.
Aisha…she was lovely. A smart, funny, gorgeous woman filled to the brim with joyous life. A temperamental, but kind soul. But it was not the same. Something was still missing inside of him, a small, but important void in his chest, almost as if he had lost something he had never possessed in the first place. And it hurt. He hid it well but it pained him.
He continued walking, immersed in his thoughts and not paying attention to his surroundings. Sirius was so distracted, that he did not notice the pots full of flowers standing on the side of the sidewalk and nearly fell flat forward on his face, as he tripped, knocking them over. White petals flew in the air, and gently settled on the dirty pavement, around withered green stems. Cursing he picked the, up, stepping on one in the process and leaving behind ugly black stains on the squashed flower. They were beyond salvaging.
With a heavy sigh, he entered the little flower shop, water running down his clothes and heavily dripping on the floor. His hair lay in wet black and gray strands on his face and neck, sticking to his skin, and his blue-gray eyes shone bright with curiosity in the dim lighting as he looked around. The place was small and dark, walls covered in crackled navy blue paint, and a couple of dingy light bulbs hung from the bare ceiling, casting their flickering light on the room. Flowers of every shape, colour, and size were cramped in glass vases, broken stems and yellowed leaves were strewn here and there across the floor, and dried bundles of faded pink roses and baby breath flowers hung upside down above the counter, suspended on thin strings.
Sirius stood there, immobile, holding the damaged flowers, at loss, when the green door behind the counter opened, and an old man appeared. He was very tall and slim, dressed in a knitted cream jumper and brown corduroy pants. His hair fell on his face in a mess of graying dark copper curls stricken with white locks, casting shadows over his eyes. He seemed oblivious to Sirius’ presence, nose deep inside a large leather-bound book he cradled tightly with one hand, a steaming red mug of tea in the other. Clearing his throat, the black-haired man walked up to the counter, running a nervous hand through his dripping locks.
“Hello, sorry…I…Uhm,” he stuttered.
The shopkeeper looked up, clever green eyes meeting a confused silvery blue gaze. It was as if a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured over Sirius, filling his bones with fear, chilling every inch of his skin with anxiety. Those brown flecks swimming in pools of emerald, those sun-kissed golden curls, the millions of little freckles peppering pale, once youthful now wrinkled skin, the warm wool of knitted cardigans, the sharp scent of burning hot tea that has just been brewed, the crinkle of rapidly turned pages…he knew all of these things. He was more than familiar with them. It all belonged to Remus John Lupin. It was his Moony. His Moony, who he hadn’t seen in years. Memories washed over him, flicking in his mind like a flipbook, rushing through the years.
The first time he saw the tall, lanky boy with gangly limbs on the Hogwarts Express, the nervousness written all over his face, clear as day, as he sat on the stool, the Sorting Hat heavy on his head and insecurity dancing across his taught features as the name “Gryffindor” resonated in the Great Hall. Sirius remembered the first year, spent in nervous glances and reclusion, the bitterness and resignation when his secret came out, and they found out he was a werewolf.
He remembered Second Year, when Remus’ smiles gradually got brighter and he became more comfortable, yet he still wouldn’t change in front of his friends.
Then came Third Year, and the whole Animagus process, where he finally saw what it was like to turn into a vicious beast once a month, what it was like to tear yourself apart and wake up the next day, just a little more tired and broken than the day before. Fast forward to Fourth Year where his problems with his family truly began, Remus’ constant worried glances, and that cold, dark Christmas Eve of 1974 where he, Sirius Black, appeared at the Potter's barely breathing, beyond hurt and wrecked.
He, of course, never forgot Fifth Year and the stolen, longing stares, the minute he realized he liked boys, and the precise moment he understood that the boy in question was Remus John Lupin, his best friend. He also recalled, with regret and sorrow, the time that he gave away Remus’ condition to Snape; an idiotic, dangerous, so-called prank that near,y cost him one of the most important people in his life.
And then Sixth Year and its tension, the first drunken kiss, the secrets, the lies, and the blissful nights spent at the very top of the Astronomy Tower. Sirius kept the memories of summer 1977 dearly, reminiscing of the sweet warm nights, the bonfires, the day the rest of their friends found out about him and Remus, and the pure joy and happiness of those few weeks.
He remembered Seventh Year and the mounting fear, hanging heavy in the air, the worried whispers, and the empty, saddened stares...all things that perdured even after Hogwarts.
Then came the War, accompanied by mourning and grief, only brightened for a few moments by James’ and Lily’s wedding, and then Harry's birth. A joy that didn't last long, as Sirius’ rapidly deteriorating relationship with Remus finally broke with the death of their best friends and his unjust imprisonment.
He remembered every excruciating full moon of the twelve years spent in Azkaban, every other remaining day blurring into an unintelligible mess, slowly sinking into insanity, with no knowledge of Remus’ whereabouts.
He remembered, without doubt, the first time he saw his godson, Harry, all grown up, looking just like his father, brave and kind, having survived more than he had ought to. And then there was Remus too, looking exhausted and grayed, only a pale, faded shadow of his former self. The next few years were spent between Order missions, confrontations with Death, and the same old, familiar stolen glances. They attempted to rebuild their relationship, yet they never regained that special, magical even, bond.
And after the War, Remus disappeared. At first, they exchanged weekly letters, which then got rarer and rarer, until they stopped coming altogether and for years, Sirius knew nothing of him. Until now.
“Excuse me, sir!” said Remus waving his hand awkwardly in front of his face. “You...wanted something, right?”
The other wizard suddenly shuddered, blinking, as if he had just been roused from a trance.
“Yeah, sorry...I...um...was just, you know...thinking,” he stuttered, blushing.
His former friend raised a sarcastic, amused eyebrow.
“I just wanted to pay for these flowers I sort of...destroyed. By accident of course!” Added Sirius hastily, watching him apprehensively.
“That’s alright, I should have thought to bring them in a while ago already. It’s curious, really, you remind me of someone I used to know a long time ago. His name was Sirius Black. Quite a peculiar name, isn't it?” he replied pensively.
A flare of hope lit up inside Sirius. Maybe, just maybe, he remembered and recognized him.
“Remus?” he asked quietly.
“You know me?”
A look of surprise crossed his face.
“I…,” he hesitated. “No. I thought I knew you but I guess I was wrong. I must have mistaken you for someone else, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, that’s alright, it happens to everyone from time to time,” answered Remus lightly. “Do you want anything else?”
“Maybe white roses, for my girlfriend.”
“Excellent choice! These are my personal favourites” he said, reaching for a bouquet of snowy white roses, with soft petals and lush, dark green leaves.
“I know they are,” thought Sirius bitterly. “You told me in Third Year on a lazy summer day that white roses were your favorite flowers because your mum’s garden was full of them.”
“I’m sure she will love them,” he smiled.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say?  I feel like I’ve answered a similar situation recently, but I would assume it was a drunk text or wrong text, inform them about it, and move on.
Do you play video games?  Nah. I do feel a sort of connection of video games since I grew up surrounded by them, though; but I’m more of a watcher than anything. I like watching playthroughs of video games I’ll never play. Do you spend a lot of time with family?  No. We used to, back when the quarantine was still a relatively new thing – we hung out in the living room all the time. But now that we’ve settled in this new normal, we’re back to our normal routines and I usually like staying in my room.
Is your house more than two stories tall?  Technically, yes. We have a rooftop that serves as the ‘third’ floor.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you?  My ex and I never hit one another; that’s a gigantic red flag even I would notice, considering I ignored most of the ones I saw hahaha.
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!)  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to answer this question directly, but I like my generosity. I’m not sure if I can call it attractive, though. But if we were focusing on physical features, I like my smile.
What color is your hairbrush/comb?  Pink.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm?  My dad splurged on chips in his last grocery run so we actually have quite a lot of junk food in the pantry at the moment. He also bought several packs of cookie sandwiches, wafers, sunflower seeds, and garlic-flavored peanuts.
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive?  Neither.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?  No, she’s just a good friend of mine.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you?  I guess I don’t, because I’m not even aware of them.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female?  Guy. It was another reporter, so I just ignored it and luckily he didn’t PM me just to ask to add him back, which others have already done. I really hate when work people try to make their way into my personal accounts.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you?  My parents, especially when they are rude to service crew. Gen X-ers are impeccably talented at that, apparently.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate?  Around two or three weeks ago when I had dinner at Angela’s. Her dad gave me a bar of Crunch so I can have something sweet after our meal.
Do you play any games on Facebook?  No, I never did hop on that trend.
What would you like to get a degree in?  I wanted a degree in journalism, and graduated with such. At the end of my college stint I didn’t want to pursue it anymore, but I pushed through with it anyway because it was too much of a hassle to shift and start all over.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? Technically not, because I stay up until the middle of the night anyway. It’s been a while since I fell asleep anywhere between 8 to 10 PM.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game?  Watch a show.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater?  I don’t like either; I get fries instead.
What genre of films do you like the best?  Drama.
How many bank accounts do you have?  Two but I haven’t been using the other one in months. That was the bank account I initially opened when I first started ~adulting~ but when I got employed I was required to enroll in this other specific bank, so that’s what I mainly use now.
Have you ever had the flu?  Not really. I just get the occasional fever that pop out of nowhere.
What is your goal for the next few months?  Start saving FOR REAL, and also prioritizing furniture over merch for a while so I can finally fix up my room, which is quickly starting to look and feel like just a warehouse and not very homey at all.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life?  Nope.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience.  Yeah, it was from barbecue that apparently went bad, even though it tasted nothing of the sort. I woke up at 3 AM sweating profusely and with the most excruciating stomachache; I was feeling hot, cold, and nauseous all at the same time, and it probably lasted for like an hour or so.
What are two things that you have no problem paying full price for?  Sealed albums and my pets’ vet expenses.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex.  Charming and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it?  It felt nice to help people.
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? Good question; I’ve never encountered this before. I would let her live a more comfortable, privileged life, where she didn’t have to staple her shoes to keep them closed or have to choose between eating at a fast food restaurant or being able to commute back home.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? I’m not sure, actually. Everyone’s always slightly taller than me.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you?  I haven’t.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see?  Tumblr, I guess? My survey blog isn’t for any irls to see.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping?  I don’t really do either often, but I’ll go with mopping.
Would you marry somebody who was intensely religious?  Not for me.
Did you pull a senior prank?  No, that’s not a thing here. Did you graduate?  Yeah, elementary, high school, and college.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship?  Nope.
What was the last song you listened to?  It’s a song called Epiphany.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision?  Not ever since I was like 9 lol.
Is fashion one of your interests?  I’m way more interested in it now for sure, mostly because the celebrities I’m into these days put a lot of effort when it comes to their style; so it makes me more aware of the trends that come and go, as well.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone?  I’m keeping it as a possibility, but it’s not a priority for me now.
Do you care what people think?  To an extent, I would say. My life doesn’t depend on it, though.
Is acting something you enjoy?  Never been.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained?  Do you mean a thing or a body part? Anyway, I’ll answer both. The last thing I broke was my BTS Mic Drop pen of V looooooooooool the figurine came off the pen :(( It was pretty cheap though so I’m fine with it; I can always get another one. Last body part I sprained was my ankle, when I had a bad fall a couple of years ago.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours?  Either hasn’t happened.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language?  I don’t think so.
Whose house, other than yours and your families', are you most comfortable at?  Angela’s. Also JM’s, just because their family doesn’t hover and that vibe can sometimes be nice whenever I’m at someone else’s place.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you?  Never.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Not as a very young kid, but I took up table tennis starting when I was 12. Did you ever watch the show Full House?  Nope.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry?  Now that’s just delusional haha. I’m pretty obsessed with some celebrities, that much I can admit; but thinking of them in the context of marriage is so many steps overboard.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture?  No. I could, but I am scared of fire and will probably just think of other ways to express my anger, like tearing up the photograph. What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on?  Total length was probably like 3 hours. I haven’t gone too far when it comes to hiking.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo?  Not interested.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? Hans.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes?  My mom tried it once in her life, I think. My dad has never smoked.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it?  “Hope right here!”
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want.  Anything that’s supposed to roam freely in the wild, like squirrels.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller?  Taller, since I’m already quite pint-sized to begin with lol.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times, it's too painful. It also depends on the era of the pictures. < Agree, especially with the eras. Childhood photos are always fun to look at, but I have had to delete a CHUNK of photos from years ranging from 2014 to 2020 because I’ve lost a handful of friends from that period.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people?  It’s hard to for the most part, but I’ve noticed very few people people really don’t. Most of the time it’s bullshit though.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in?  That it’s pretty close to the metro.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during?  Hmm, I prefer TV shows if I’m craving comedy.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during?  Life Is Beautiful.
What’s your favorite restaurant?  Omakase for my sushi fix; School Tteokbokki if I want Korean; Yabu if I’m looking for a generous rice meal.
Is there a dessert you don’t like?  Anything with fruits.
Favorite album?  After Laughter by Paramore.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it?  I can name authors instead of books – John Green and Haruki Murakami.
Underwater or outer space?  Outer space.
Dogs or cats?  Dogs.
Kittens or puppies?  Puppies.
Bird watching or whale watching?  Whale watching. I don’t get to be in the water as much, so I would jump at the opportunity.
What is your spirit animal?  I dunno if I have one but let’s just go with dog and elephant, I guess? They’re my favorites.
What was your best subject in school?  History.
What was your worst subject in school?  Chemistry.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school?  Don’t waste your time.
Who is your fashion icon?  Audrey Hepburn.
Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
What color dress did you wear to prom?  For my own prom it was cream-colored/beige. When I went to Mike’s ball, I went with a royal blue gown.
What’s your favorite plot-twist?  I don’t think I’ve found my favorite yet.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?  Not actively.
Honestly, what’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?  I dunno...road rage, maybe?
Honestly, ever made anyone cry when you were mad?  It’s very likely.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?  Sometime in the last week.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? No thanks.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call?  Nope.
Who are you closest to?  Angela.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience?  No, all the ones I’ve been to have been amazing experiences.
Are you currently sad about anything?  Not really. I can’t complain.
Have you had any form of exercise today?  Nah.
Can you handle blood?  Nope, I will feel faint if I see it 100%.
Has any place hired you underage for a job?  No.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon?  I haven’t.
Are you currently searching for a job?  No, I like the one I have.
Does eating breakfast make you sick?  No?
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Bare Bones {Theory 2} ⋇ Pope Heyward ⋇
find the masterlist for the rest of this chapter here!
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description: Pippa Cantu has always been a little…strange. With a knack for knowing everything there is to know about every conspiracy, every mystery, and every weird happening, she doesn’t have much time (or desire) for friends. But when her chemistry lab partner asks her to join him and his friends on a hunt for the Royal Merchant, she just can’t say no.
Theory 2 summary: Pippa meets the Pogues and they commit their first crime together. 
word count - 4.6k 
warnings: swearing
a/n: hello!! sorry this update took forever, but here I am again with some more Pippa! thank you for reading!!
Pope leaned up against the railing outside the Wreck. The others were already inside, scheming quietly in a secluded booth with a hot plate of food. Pope’s eyes scanned the parking lot, waiting for Pippa to pull up. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, but his stomach rolled and his foot refused to stop tapping away at the gravel underneath him. The hot sun bore down on him as he tried to remind himself that breathing was important. 
He had expected her to show up in a car, watching the parking lot carefully. So, when she walked up beside him, dropping her backpack on the ground, and leaned against the railing just inches away, he didn’t even notice. 
“What’re you waiting for?” Pippa asked. Pope jumped, letting out a startled shout as he threw his hands in the air. 
“Jeez, Pippa!” He said, dropping a hand over his heart. “When did you get here?” 
“Like, three seconds ago.” She leaned her head back, letting the sun kiss her face. She wore a loose, thin sweater over a pair of grey cargo shirts, like something JJ might wear. Her crazy colored socks came halfway up her shins, paired with black high top converse. Her backpack was by her feet, so full of books that the seams were stretched out. She looked just like the same Pippa he had seen a month ago.
“How are you?” He asked, that nervous feeling building up again. Pippa let out a small, sigh as she nodded her head slowly. 
“I’m doing good. How are you?” 
“That’s good! I’m good.” 
“Good, good.” 
“How’s your summer so far?” 
“Pretty good. Yours?” 
“Yeah, it’s going good.” 
“That’s good.” 
Pope pressed his lips into a fine line. This wasn’t exactly the riveting conversation that he was expecting when he saw her again. 
“Did you walk here?” He asked, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction. Pippa simply nodded her head slowly. 
“Not a fan of cars or something?” Pope said in an attempt to joke. He noticed a shift in her face but she simply sent him a smile. 
“Walking is good for you,” was all she said in response. Pope tried not to keep himself from doing his “thinking face” as John B called it. He tried to think back to a single time he had seen Pippa in a car. As far as he could tell, she had always walked everywhere. Kildare may be a small island, but walking anywhere still took time, especially with as heavy a backpack as hers always was. 
“Should we go inside?” Pippa asked, leaning down to hoist her backpack off the ground. 
“I can grab that,” Pope offered and reached out to grab the bag but Pippa swatted his hand away. 
“Thanks, bro, but I’ve got it,” she said with a laugh. She grabbed hold of the withered handle and pulled one strap onto her shoulder. “Let’s go meet my employers, yeah?” 
There was a smile on her face that eased some of Pope’s worry. She was strange, just like he had told his mom, and he wasn’t sure how his laid back friends would react to her. A part of him was worried she would be too much for them, another part of him worried that she wouldn’t like them. Either way, his nerves picked up again as she waltzed toward the Wreck without a worry in the world. 
He opened the door for her, to which she rolled her eyes but still gave a quiet ‘thanks’. 
“They’re right over here,” Pope said, leading Pippa to the booth where his friends were munching happily on their midmorning meal. “Guys, this is my...this is Pippa.” 
Pope stumbled over the word friend. He watched her side eye him and he gave the smallest of shrugs. 
“This is the girl?” JJ asked, his arm flung lazily over the back of the booth. “We’ve met.” 
“Have we?” Pippa’s eyes were narrowed. 
“You chewed my ear off about some dude in a grey town or something like that.” 
“The Devil in the White City?” Pippa set her bag down heavily on the ground. “He killed over 200 people.” 
“You told me,” JJ grumbled. He sent a concerned look to Pope who tried to tell him to shut up with his eyes. 
“It’s great to have you,” Kie said pointedly at JJ as the boy rolled his eyes. “I’m Kie.” 
She stood and offered a hand for Pippa to shake. Pope was worried that Pippa would take the Pippa way out and just ignore the handshake, but she didn’t. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Kie. I’ve heard so much about you.” 
Pope shut his eyes and prayed that God would smite him right where he stood. Putting Pippa, JJ, and John B all in one place was probably the worst decision he ever could have made. 
“The Royal Merchant?” He asked once he finally opened his eyes. He slid into the booth beside John B and Kie followed after him, leaving only an open spot beside JJ, which made both Pippa and JJ glower. 
“Um, yes.” Pippa sat as close to the edge of the seat as she possibly could, leaving a large gap between her and the annoying blond boy. She dragged her bag over and unzipped it. “What do you need to know?” 
She pulled out three large books and everyone’s eyes went wide. 
“Anything you’ve got, we want to hear,” said John B. Pippa nodded her head as she leaned back toward her bag to pull out a couple of notebooks, a map, and a box. 
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you know most of this already,” Pippa said as she spread the books across the table. “But the Royal Merchantwent down somewhere around the island in 1641. September 23rd, to be exact. It’s no surprise really. This is the Graveyard of the Atlantic for a reason. There are thousands of ships down there at the bottom of the ocean. Like, did you hear about the-” 
“The Royal Merchant, Pippa,” Pope said, hoping to redirect her attention. 
“Right, right.” Pippa shook her head and looked back at her notes. “The captain was a white Irish guy by the name of Johnathan Brannon, but his crew all called him John B.” 
The boy across from him widened his eyes, but then Pippa laughed. 
“Nah, I’m shitting with you. They all called him Bucktooth and I’m sure you can guess why.” Pippa laughed at her own little joke. Pope was about to feel absolutely horrible, but then he looked up and saw JJ hiding a laugh of his own behind a small fist. “There’s rumored to be 400 million dollars worth of gold on that ship, but that amount of gold is hella heavy so I’m really not surprised the ship went down.”
“How heavy is 400 million dollars of gold?” Kie asked, leaning forward with her hands folded. 
Pippa looked up as if trying to remember. 
“Approximately 22,000 pounds? So, like I said, super heavy. Very unrealistic of Captain Bucktooth to try and transport that much gold, but ya know, you reap what you sow.” 
“What can you tell us about where the ship went down?” John B asked, looking at the map that Pippa had unfolded over the entire table. 
“There are lots of different opinions, but me? I think it went down right here,” Pippa said, pointing at a place on the map just off the shore. “With the current ocean level, it should only be a thousand feet down or so.” 
“What are the coordinates for that?” Kie asked, pulling out a napkin and a pen from her back pocket. Pippa peered down at the paper and pointed at a scribbling she had written in pen. 
“There. 34 degrees, 57 feet, 30 inches North and 75 degrees, 55 feet, and 42 inches West,” Pippa said. Kie stopped writing halfway through and glanced over at John B, who’s face went white. 
“Is that-?” JJ trailed off, his arms crossed in front of him. 
“It’s the same,” John B confirmed. Pippa scowled. 
“I’m missing something here,” she said and leaned back in the booth. The four others passed silent glances, as if trying to decide whether or not they should spill what they were all thinking. Pippa suddenly felt a little bit out of place. 
“Where did you get these coordinates from?” John B asked, tapping on the writing on the map. Pippa let out a small sigh. 
“I had a contact on the island before I moved here.” 
“A contact?” Kie’s voice rose. “Who?” 
“I don’t know,” Pippa said honestly. “We just emailed back and forth, never exchanged names. He gave me the coordinates.” 
“Can you contact him now?” JJ asked, showing real interest in Pippa for the first time. She shook her head with pursed lips. 
“The last time we talked, it was to give me those coordinates. That was all he sent in the email and I haven’t heard from him since.” 
“Pippa,” John B’s hands were locked together, clenched so tight that his knuckles were white. “How long ago did you get this email?” 
“I dunno,” Pippa shrugged. “Nine, ten months ago?” 
John B’s face turned white almost instantly and then green. Pope and Kie moved out of the booth almost on instinct, allowing John B to slide out and run off toward the bathroom. Kie followed after him. 
“Did I say something wrong?” Pippa asked JJ, feeling an unfamiliar twist in her stomach. JJ shook his head. 
“JB’s dad went missing nine months ago, ‘lost at sea’.” 
“He was obsessed with this Royal Merchant thing. Spent his whole life hunting the ship and the gold down.” 
“Those coordinates you just gave us? We got them from a letter that Big John left for JB just before he went missing.”
“Oh, shit.”
“So, you think my contact on the island was...John B’s dad?” 
JJ let out a heavy breath and looked out in the direction that his friends had run off in. 
“Seems like it.” 
When the others came back, JJ and Pippa were both silently flipping through the books and notes. 
“You got JJ to read?” Kie asked as she lowered herself back into the booth. Pippa smiled but JJ just rolled his eyes. 
“It’s not as hard as you think.” 
“Teach me your ways.” 
Pope smiled, grateful that the tension upon their first meeting had started to fade. John B was the last to sit in the booth, sitting right across from Pippa, who gave him her best attempt at a sympathetic look. 
“Listen, dude, I didn’t know-” 
“Did he know you moved here?” John B asked. Pippa shook her head. 
“I was afraid that if I told him I started living on the island that he would want to meet. But anonymity was important for both of us. That way, if something happened to one, the other would be safe. I swear to you, I didn’t know.” Pippa didn’t know why, but she felt the need to explain herself to this boy. She had a feeling that she somehow had a relationship with his father that John B had wanted. And it made her feel horrible. 
“Doesn’t matter,” he said, but by his clenched fist, Pippa knew it did matter. “What else did he tell you?” 
This no longer felt like a prospective job interview for Pippa. This was just as important to John B as it was to her, and it wasn’t because of the gold. She was holding nothing back. 
“Denmark Tanny,” she said. 
“The survivor, right?” Kie asked, shuffling through the papers that she had in her lap. 
“Yeah. My bet is that he somehow smuggled at least some of the gold off of the ship as it was going down. The fact that your dad found out about Tanny could break this entire case open,” Pippa said. “We find Tanny and we find the gold, I’m sure of it.” 
“We gotta find the ship first,” John B said with certainty. “If the gold isn’t there, then we’ll go after Tanny.” 
Pippa scowled, but John B seemed like the leader of this expedition, so she didn’t find that she had a place to question him. 
“Pippa, could we have a moment?” Kie asked, giving her a smile. Pippa glanced over at Pope for a moment, who nodded his head. 
“Sure.” Pippa stood up and walked away. 
“So, do we bring her on?” Kie asked, her voice at a whisper. “She knows what she’s talking about and if she’s had contact with Big John-” 
“I don’t trust her,” John B said, voice tight. 
“Dude, what?” JJ uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. 
“There are two different handwritings,” John B told them, pointing at one notebook and then the other. “She’s got another partner she’s not telling us about.” 
“So, she’s got skeletons in the closet,” Kie said with a scowl. “We all do. What’s the difference?” 
“The difference is I trust you guys.” 
“You can learn to trust her.” 
“How is it that she didn’t know he went missing even though she was living on the island?” John B turned toward Kie with wide eyes. “What if she knows something about it that she isn’t telling?” 
“JB,” Pope said, reaching out and putting a hand on John B’s arm. “Pippa’s solid. You can’t trust her? Fine. Trust me. She just wants to help.” 
John B sighed, looking over all of the stuff that Pippa had pulled out of her bag. Pope watched a thousand and one things pass behind his eyes. Eventually, John B conceded a sigh and nodded his head. 
“Pope, if you trust her, I’ll let her tag along. But I swear, if she keeps anything from us-” 
“Got it.” 
Kie stood up and went to collect Pippa, who returned with a large soda in her hand. Taking a long sip, she plopped herself back beside JJ. 
“So, what’s the consensus?” She asked. She would never admit it to herself or to the others, but she was definitely nervous. She had been waiting for this big break since she moved to Kildare and she didn’t want to lose the opportunity just because she had unknowingly been in contact with John B’s dad. 
“You won’t get a cut,” JJ said. “Money only goes four ways evenly.”
Pippa shrugged. 
“I don’t care,” she said. 
“Then why help us?” Kie asked. Pippa fell quiet and breathed out deeply. 
“I have to know,” she told them, looking at each one in turn. “I just have to know.” 
“Welcome to the team, Pippa Cantu,” John B said, almost giving her a smile. Pippa tried to keep herself from smiling too. 
“So, where do we start?” 
Pippa stared up at the hotel, glaring against the sun that beat down against her. 
“You good?” Pope asked, walking up beside her as the other three snuck into the kitchen. 
“How was the drive over?” She asked him to evade his question. 
“Oh, you know.” He shrugged. “How was the walk?”
“Why does your friend have a gun?” She asked after giving him a shrug. “Little sketchy if you ask me.” 
Pope sighed. 
“That’s just...JJ.” 
Pippa laughed. 
“Come on, slowpokes,” JJ said, poking his head out of the kitchen door. “Time’s a tickin’.” 
“Speak of the devil,” grumbled Pope. Pippa tapped his arm with her elbow and ran inside after his friends. 
She had never been to Figure Eight before, not really. Just looking at the hotel, Pippa didn’t have to guess what kind of people it pulled in. Rich people were far more insufferable than any other kind of person. Pippa often ran into them at the second-hand store. They came for cheap, “trendy” clothes, buying out half the store every time they passed through. Which always made it harder for the people who needed cheap clothes to find something they actually like. Most of the rich costumers were bratty, annoying, and Pippa wished her grandma would let her kick them out. 
These were the very same people who came to stay at this hotel. Tourons, as people on her side of the island called them. 
Pippa followed JJ and the others through the kitchen. The staff didn’t seem to mind five teenagers weaving their way through the kitchen. 
“How are they open right now?” Pippa asked as they stepped into the lobby. “My gran’s shop is shut down until the power comes back.” 
“Back up generators,” JJ said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Kooks don’t miss a beat.” 
He wore a smug face as he led the four of them through the hotel and toward the computer room. 
“Someone should stand guard,” Pippa said as they snuck inside. John B and JJ both gave her a look that made her sigh. “Right. I’ll stand guard.” 
Pope looked her way and Pippa gave a shrug. She knew that there was a level of distrust surrounding her. She was new and they didn’t know her quite yet, so she had a feeling she would be on the sidelines for a while. Pope closed the door quietly behind him and the others while Pippa leaned up against the wall, picking at her nails. 
“What’s going on here?” A voice asked, pulling Pippa from her absent-mindedness. She looked up with an attempted smile. Standing before her was a boy she sort of recognized. She’d seen him around, but he was definitely a Figure Eight resident (at least, judging by his polo shirt and frat boy blue shorts). 
“Just waiting for my dad,” Pippa said. Her lie wasn’t smooth. She’d never been a great liar when it came to the little things, but the boy didn’t really have a reason not to believe her. 
“You staying here?” He asked. Pippa just smiled and nodded. “The name’s Smith.” 
“First or last?” Pippa asked. 
“Funny first name.” 
“Oh, yeah?” He laughed. “What’s yours?” 
Pippa hesitated. 
“That’s my name,” Pippa said uncomfortably. “Listen, my dad’s gonna be here soon and he’ll hand me my ass if he sees my talking to a guy.” 
“Right,” Smith said with a smile. “I’ll catch you around then, Zara.” 
“Yeah. Catch ya.” 
Smith sent her one last smile and walked away. Pippa felt like she could finally breathe. She waited for him to turn the corner before she slipped inside the computer room. 
“What happened to standing watch?” JJ asked as she neared the computer they were all crowding around. 
“It appears to pull more unwanted attention. What have you found?” 
“Coordinates are right here,” Pope said, pointing at the screen. “You were right, about 900 feet.” 
“Sweet,” Pippa said with a smile. 
“Is that doable?” Kie asked. 
“Totally doable,” JJ told her. Pippa nodded her head in agreement. 
“Are we taking your personal submarine or….?” Pope turned toward JJ with a scowl. 
“How do you know this, Mr. Dive Master?” John B asked. Pippa had a feeling that JJ was often full of bad ideas, which meant that this line of questioning was absolutely necessary. 
“The salvage yard,” he said simply, looking between his two friends. Kie and Pippa raised their eyebrows at each other. “They got a drone that can drop a thousand. 360-degree camera and everything.” 
“So, it’s for deep dives and stuff?” Pippa asked and JJ nodded at her. “Sounds like something professionals use a lot. It’s exactly what we need.” 
“Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?” John B asked. Pippa felt her blood run cold. The way John B talked about JJ’s dad like they all knew he was up to no good was just another reminder that she was along for the ride, nothing more. 
“My dad’s grimy little hands got his ass fired,” JJ told them and Pope let out an almost disappointed sigh. “I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out.” 
“Funny,” Pippa mumbled to herself. 
“But the drone’s there. It’s in the impound yard out back.” 
“So, we just gotta get the drone,” Pippa said with a shrug. “Easy peasy.” 
“Not easy peasy!” Pope hissed. “There’s nothing easy peasy about breaking into a salvage yard and stealing a drone!” 
“How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?” Kie asked, looking up at Pippa. 
“400 million dollars,” Pippa told her. Pope slid out of his chair and ran for the door, acting as a barricade.
“400 million?” Kie doubled checked, just to make sure this whole thing was absolutely worth it. 
Kie stood so quickly, the swivel chair she was sitting in spun in a circle. 
“No,” Pope said, standing firmly in front of the door. “Absolutely not. No!” 
“Pope, move,” Kie said as she shoved him out of the way. She pulled the door open and JJ followed her out while John B shoved their things back into his bag. Pippa’s bag had to be left in the van and she was starting to miss it. 
“Come on!” Kie hissed as they left the computer room. 
“Can’t we do anything legal for money?” Pope complained 
“Just go,” Pippa laughed, shaking her head. 
They all walked back toward the kitchen, Kie and JJ walking a little faster than usual. Pope dragged his feet. 
“What, you don’t want 100 million dollars?” Pippa asked him, laughing at his little pouty face. 
“I should be excited about risking getting arrested for a bunch of gold that may or may not be there?” There was an edge to his voice. 
“It’s gonna be there, Pope,” Pippa assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s gotta be.”
“So, I’m thinking, Kie and Pippa, you guys distract the guard,” John B said as Pippa leaned inside Kie’s window. The walk from the hotel to the salvage yard had been a lot longer than she had expected. 
“Why us?” Pippa asked, lifting her head. John B turned to look at her. 
“Well, because….” He trailed off, obviously not really wanting to say why. Pippa tilted her head to the side, not willing to back out of her question. He cleared his throat looking to Pope and JJ for help. Both of them shrugged. “You and Kie are, like, girls.” 
Pippa’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open in fake shock. 
“Really?” She said, trying to fight off a smile. “I hadn’t noticed.” 
“Fine. Listen, someone’s gotta distract the guard and you and Kie are the most distracting,” he said. Pippa put a hand over her heart and gave a sarcastic smile. 
“It’s the socks, isn’t it?” She asked Kie, lifting her foot to display her rainbow socks. “These socks are very distracting.” 
Pippa was pleased to earn a giggle from the other girl. It wasn’t hard to tell why Pope liked her so much. Kie smiled like the sun itself. 
“Do you wanna come with us and leave Kie to herself to distract the guard?” He asked. 
“Why don’t you stay with Kie and I go with the boys?” When John B sighed dramatically, Pippa let herself laugh. “I’m just yanking your chain, John. Kie and I can handle this.” 
“Pope, your friend thinks she’s very funny,” John B grumbled. 
“Yeah, she thinks she’s amusing from time to time,” Pippa responded. 
At least JJ thought it was funny. 
“They’re all idiots,” Kie told Pippa as they walked up to a random car in hopes of letting air out of a random tire. “But they mean well.” 
“I figured,” Pippa said, pulling on her long sleeves. 
“Aren’t you hot?” Kie asked. 
“Not really.” 
“Man, I’m hot as fuck in just this,” Kie said with a laugh. Pippa laughed along with her. “So, I’m thinking we let out air from a tire and ask for help.” 
“What if we let out two?” Pippa suggested. “Just in case the boys are slow.” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
Pippa stood guard while Kie let out the air from two of the tires from one of the random cars parked by the salvage yard. 
“I’m going to be 100% with you right now, Kie,” Pippa said. “I’m not the greatest with, uh, conversing with people about anything other than really strange theories.” 
“Right,” Kie replied. “I’ll do the talking.” 
“Good plan.” 
With both of the tires released of most of their air, Pippa followed Kie up to the guard. Pippa watched with her hands shoved into her pockets as Kie lured the guard out of his tower and toward the front gate. The smile Kie gave the guard was enough to make Pippa’s legs weak, she could only imagine what it did to the security guard. 
“Yeah, I’ll see what I can do,” the guard said with a sheepish smile all his own. He glanced over at Pippa, who tried to give him a smile in return. It didn’t seem to do much. 
“It’s too easy,” Kie murmured to Pippa once the guard had walked away. Pippa scoffed with a smile and turned to look back at the boys who hid behind a dock. They looked like they were talking about something, but she wasn’t sure what. Pope waved at her and she sent a thumbs up and a wide-mouthed grin in response. 
The guard returned with a toolbox and an almost giddy smile. Pippa curled her hands into fists in her large pockets. 
“Where’s your car?” 
“God, I hope that’s not JJ barking at snakes again,” Kie whispered to herself. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Pippa turned toward the gate, tapping her knuckles against the hood of the stranger’s car. She could hear the dog barking from somewhere in the salvage yard and it was doing nothing for her heart rate. Clearly, the security guard was getting nervous too. 
“What was our safe word again?” Kie asked underneath her breath. 
“Giraffes?” Pippa suggested. 
“Right.” Kie crossed her arms, listening to the barking get more and more erratic. 
“I’m sorry,” the security guard said. “I’ve gotta go check on-” 
“Mr. Security Guard, you can’t leave the two of us here!” Pippa attempted. 
“Gotta check on the dog,” he said, scooping his things back into his bag. “I’ll be right back.” 
Pippa and Kie watched in distress as the security guard walked away. 
“Should we make, like, a bird call or something? To warn them?” Pippa asked. Kie shook her head. 
“The boys can handle themselves. We gotta get out of here.” 
“You go ahead, I’ll stick around and wait for them,” Pippa said. 
“Wait up!” Pope came running toward the gate, his face sweaty and red, his chest heaving. Pippa and Kie watched him attempt to scale the fence and land flat on his stomach. 
“Ooh,” Pippa hissed, grimacing. Kie made a face to match. Pope pushed himself off the ground and came running toward them now covered in yellow dust. 
“We gotta go,” Pope said, breathless. “Guard came back.” 
“Do you have the thingy?” Pippa asked. He shrugged his shoulders dramatically. “You guys go. I’ll wait for the others.” 
“Pippa, you’ll get caught!” Pope protested. 
“Nah, I won’t. Seriously, go!” 
“Meet back at the Wreck,” Kie said, putting a hand on Pope’s shoulder. She seemed to gather that there was no way they were getting Pippa into that van. 
“Got it.” 
“Good luck,” Pope told Pippa as she ran to hide in the trees. 
“Don’t do anything stupid until we catch up!” She called back. 
“How can we? Seems like we’re leaving the stupid here!” 
Pippa didn’t respond, choosing instead to flip him the bird. Pope and Kie stood where they were until Pippa disappeared into the brush. 
“Come on,” Kie said, smacking Pope lightly on the shoulder. “We gotta go.” 
tagging -  @simonsbluee​, @parkerpetertingle​, @diverrdown​, @ponyboys-sunsets​, @outerbanksbro​, @kikifromtheblock​, @sunflowerbecca​, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @lost-cause-land​, 
if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know! ❤
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lunaticlua · 4 years
how do you make a home? // part 4
series masterlist
the story is also available on ao3
a/n: i want to thank you so much for all the feedback i’ve been receiving. it really means the world to me. hope you like this past, because i loved writing it :)
tw: mentions of canon physical abuse + short description of past parents’ death
always prioritize your mental health!
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chapter 4: cause you’re my jewel
“spendin' all my nights alone, waitin' for you to call me. you're the only one i want by my side when i fall asleep.” (SUGAR – brockhampton)
JJ hadn’t prepared himself for coming to his house Friday night. He was set on going to John B’s to drink beer and chat on the hammocks as arranged earlier on the week. But the thing about his life is that it never works out as he thinks that it will. He didn’t expect as a child to be abandoned by his mother and to be left to his own devices. He didn’t expect to come by such a supportive group of friends, a family in almost every aspect of the word. He didn’t expect to be beat up by his own father because he forgot to clean the dishes at nine years old. He didn’t expect to meet her. Sometimes, the surprises weren’t completely awful.
This one was, though.
In the middle of his way to the Château, he remembered that he needed to pick up his phone charger back at his house before John B stopped lending him his as he had warned. It was supposed to be just a quick detour. He would get it and leave. Simple and straightforward. He could do it. The pain in his back the next morning is enough proof that he actually couldn’t do it.
Luke wasn’t the happiest to see him. Intoxicated and angry was never a good combination when it came to the man. He was pissed about the mess on the house or being recently fired or the resemblance between JJ and his runaway mother. The boy had stopped trying to understand what set his dad off a long time ago. The result was always the same, regardless.
Being shoved into the kitchen counter and then having to clean up the mess his father made wasn’t on the plans for the night, but he accepted and sent a short text to his friends stating that he would see them on the morning. It wasn’t worth it trying to go. His mood and his night were already sour.
However, laying on his bed with his door locked and his demons away, he was able to allow his mind to travel to the girl who had been occupying his thoughts. His motto may be ‘deny, deny, deny’, but, in the dark with no one around, it gets harder to pretend that he doesn’t have feeling for Lulu. The lightheartedness he feels when he is listening to her favorite songs with her. The way her eyes shine brighter than the midday sun when he is by her side. The incessant bliss that takes over his body every time she talks to him, smile at him, touches him. Hell, every time she even looks at him. He simply can’t deny that he is falling hard for her. His last thoughts before drifting into sleep are about how much he wishes that she could be there with him.
The morning after, he commits to himself to spend the day with the Pogues. He leaves the house before Luke wakes up with his charger and some extras sets of clothes, deciding to stay out of his sight for a couple of days. When he arrives at the Château, he finds his best friend, who looks up to him as he is approaching, feeding the rooster.
“Hey, man. We missed you last night. Something happened?”
“The usual,” he shrugs. As much as he loves and trusts the other boy, venting about his dad’s behavior is definitely not on the menu for the day. He just wants to chill with his friends. “So, what is the plan?”
“I was thinking fishing,”
“Sounds good.”
After sending a text to Kie and Pope saying that they will pick them up on the way, the teenagers hop on the HMS Pogue. The first stop is the Heyward's Seafood. Collecting Pope is always a hard task because of his father’s distaste towards John B and JJ. He has a soft spot for Kiara and, therefore, she is normally the one to take the boy away from the shop. But, in her absence, JJ takes the place. He may the one the old Heyward dislikes the most, but he is the best at confusing the man and giving Pope the opportunity to run.
When they come to their destination, the blonde boy hitches the line to the cleat at the end of the dock and directs himself to the shop entrance. As he is about to open the door, he runs into someone he is not expecting to see: the girl of his — literal — dreams.
She stares at him with a sweet smile and he feels like he can’t breathe properly. After a brief moment of comfortable silence, they simultaneously ask what the other is doing there. She simply laughs and answers. He can’t stop himself from thinking that she is beautiful in this morning light and this good mood. “Picking up some groceries for Uncle Joe. You?”
“Picking up Pope,” he responds still a little taken aback, gesturing to the door.
“Well, don’t mind me. I will see you Monday,” she says goodbye and disappears faster than he can form another phrase. Fuck, he needs to stop acting like this in front of her. He shakes his head, trying to get a grip at his feelings, and enters the establishment.
Pope appears in front at him before he can even attempt to look for him with what seems to be his trademarked ‘I discovered something’ face. “You won’t believe who was here.”
“Who?” He asks while he takes advantage of the fact that they are near the door to get away without alerting Pope’s dad.
“Three words: The Jones’s Orphan.” JJ tries to remember who his friend is referring to without success and, due to the lack of response, the other boy continues with shock on his voice. “You don’t remember? It is like the biggest thing that ever happened in this island since, I don’t know, Mrs. Crain killing her husband.”
“Just spill it, Pope,” he voices a little curious.
“Seven years ago, Paul Jones killed his wife in front of his daughter and then killed himself. Ringing any bells? Man, how could you forget? Everyone talked about it for months. The girl even skipped town. But now she is back, and I saw her. She literally just left. You must have…”
The teenager continued to talk, but JJ’s mind was going a mile per minute. Flashes of memories are coming back to him fast. It couldn’t be. No, no. The girl is definitely not her. It is a coincidence. It must be someone else. But an encounter many years ago that hadn’t thought about for years now comes back to him. Those forest green eyes. Oh, no, it couldn’t be.
“Pope, what is her name again?”
“The wife? I think it was Cecilia, but I am not—"
“No. The girl. The Jones’s Orphan or whatever. What was her name?” He exasperates.
“Lulu Jones. But really, man, how can you have forgotten all of this? She was in your class or something.” JJ feels out of air. It is her. She is the girl from the pier. The girl who lost her family. The girl with big teary forest green eyes. Oh, God. He needs to talk to her. And it needs to be now.
They are in front of the boat now, but he looks at both of his friends and knows that he can’t go. Not after receiving this big bomb. His plans are once again changed.
“Hmm, guys, I need to go,” he tells, already picking up his backpack from the floor of the HMS Pogue.
“What? Are you going to bail again?” John B retorts with frustration, but he doesn’t have time for this now. He will deal with his best friend later. Now, he needs to find her like she had found him many years ago.
“Sorry,” he apologizes and runs to the opposite direction before he can hear another word. He doesn’t stop until he is in front of the Campbell’s house. It must have taken approximately twenty minutes for him to get there, but he doesn’t even notice or mind. His only thought is of her.
He rings the bell at least six times before she opens the door with a confused expression. “JJ, what are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be with the Pogues?
“It’s you,” he says out of breath and she giggles. She is beautiful and he doesn’t want to break the magic.
“Of course, it’s me. I live here,” her smile is inebriating, and he can’t believe that he hadn’t connected the dots before. “Did you run here? Come in. I will give you a glass of water.”
He follows her inside to the kitchen and watches her pour the water for him. She is about to offer it when he speaks again. “It’s you.”
“Yes, JJ. Are you okay? You are worrying me,” she frowns at him. The girl in front of him is adorable and he almost gives up from entering the subject with fear of what will cause on her.
“No. I mean, yes.” The way her puzzled face morphs into sad and broken after he continues, making him regret immediately his words, is something he unfortunately will remember twenty years later. “It is you. Lulu Jones, it’s you.”
“so, call the search off, i didn’t think i’d find you” (jewel – adam melchor)
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Kidnapped Chapter 16 - The News, The Crash
It's the penultimate before the series finale.
word count: 3k+
Warnings: Swearing, some light smut, some angst, some fluff, mild violence, kidnapping, a huge fucking reveal/plot twist. Paige (Dean) and Kate (Sam) have a Supernatural moment.
Paige heard everything Kate had said to John, she knows how much Kate loves him, and she never understood why she loved him so much after everything he has done not only to her but to the locals.
She thinks Kate is better off dating Wheaty, or some of the younger non psychopathic, non Seed guys/girls that live in Hope County. She continues to hear their conversation from outside the kitchen.
“So you really do care about me?” he asks.
She nods her head, “Yes”. 
“But I can’t be with you” she adds.
He looks at her like she just said no to his marriage proposal. 
She has tears rolling down her cheeks, her hot tears rolling down her cold cheeks.
“I understand” he responds,
She wasn’t expecting that to be his response. 
“On that February day, 2 years ago, you were walking your dog Haley. You walked past Falls End church, and I fell in love with you immediately, and I still remember what you were wearing. You were wearing a black, and green flannel shirt, gray jeans, black boots, your hair was down. Haley’s leash and collar were purple”
Kate’s eyes widened, she can’t believe John remembered what she wore that day, and let alone the color of Haley’s leash and collar. 
“You drove past the church in your black 70 Monte Carlo, I yelled out “Nice car”, and you said thank you, followed by a honk of your horn, I sent you flowers, and gifts because I wanted to somehow win you over because that’s how much I wanted you, and I still do. I saved your from that asshole who tried to rape you, and that drunk asshole from the Spread Eagle”.
Kate remembers all those days, she feels like a complete cunt for doing this to John. Yeah he fucking tortured people for their sins but that’s no excuse for her to be with him.
Yeah, he treated her well, he took care of her, he spoiled the hell out of her, he was there when she needed him, and she was there when he needed her. They both took care of each other, he loved her, he was crazy about her.
But he still forced people to join the cult, to confess, atone, and baptism. She hid a lot of her secrets about herself from him, because she didn’t want to scare him off.
When Merihem attacked her friends on their camping trip, she knew it was a demon when her friend Alissa said “A man with blackened eyes”. 
Her friend Dylan said the exact same thing. She accidentally let out that information about her in front of John. She knew she had to tell him about her past, whether or not he believed her.
Paige walks away from the kitchen, and goes upstairs to her room. Kenny walks in holding Cristina, asking her “Hey, you okay?” 
She nods her head, “Yeah, I was just-just over hearing Kate and John’s conversion in the kitchen”. 
He sits next to her, “And?”.
“He’s in love with her. Still. He remembered what she wore the day he first saw her, the color of her dog's collar, and leash. Everything he did for her, how he protected her from some rapist, and a drunk fuck”.
She sighs into her hands.
“So what are we gonna do about John?” he asks.
“We’ll keep him here, until I figure out a plan” she responds. 
“Which is?” he asks, uncertain 
“I don’t know. I know his henchmen are gonna come, and find him. I know that already”
They stay silent for a few minutes.
“Unless, tomorrow is Saturday, and Joseph has sermons on Sundays. Because if John doesn’t show up. Joseph is gonna be concerned why John isn’t there. And we just kill them all” she says.
“That’s a good plan, but I think we should really think it through” he tells her.
“Yeah, you're right” she responds.  
A few hours later, it's after 9PM, and John is still tied to a chair in the kitchen. 
Paige walks in, and sees him.
“Ooh, I forgot you were still here” she says to him. As she goes into the fridge
He mimics her as a response. 
Shortly after Mandy walks in.
“Hey” she says, with something clearly bothering her. 
She’s holding a white envelope. 
“Is Kate around?” she asks. 
“She went outside” John mumbles, through his gag.
“Thank you” she responds. 
“Well I want everyone to be here, when I say this” she says.
“What’s wrong?” Paige asks.
“I want everyone here” she says again.
“Kenny!!!!, Kate!!!!!, Guys!!!! Come to the kitchen!!!!” Paige yells out.
“What!?!?!” Martin yells from behind her, making her jump.
“You dick” she laughs.
Everyone comes downstairs, and Kate comes back inside.
“What’s going on?” she asks.
“Mom, has something to say to us” she says.
“Well actually Paige this is about you” she says
Paige looks at her confused. 
Mandy holds out the white envelope to her, and says. 
“I’m sure Jacob mentioned to you that he was in the Army” she says.
“Yeah, he was in dad’s unit in Iraq, they knew each other. He went on to insulting him, and calling him a coward and shit” she says.
Mandy looks down at the floor, “Open it” she says softly, slightly pointing to the envelope.
Paige opens the envelope, pulling out black and white photos.
The first face she sees is her dad Joel, next to him is a few guys, and a young Jacob Seed.
“Is that dad, and Jacob?” she asks. 
She flips the photo over, and reads “Iraq 11/1990” on the back.
Kate, Kenny, and all the guys stand behind her trying to get a glimpse at the photos.
The next photo she pulls out is one of Joel, and Jacob from what it looks like outside of a barracks in the desert. 
She flips the photo over, and “Iraq 10/1990” is written on the back.
The next photo is of Joel, Jacob and she can’t really tell what the name says but she’s sure it says Miller walking down a desert road in their full Army desert gear with assault rifles.
The back of the photo says “Iraq 01/1991”.
Everyone is looking over her shoulders, trying to get a glimpse of the photos.
Hell John is trying to seek a peek while tied to the chair.
“I mean yeah, dad and Jacob worked together in the Gulf War but that doesn’t really change everything” she says, tossing the photos on the kitchen table. 
Allowing John to have a look at them. 
Mandy grabs the envelope and pulls out a piece of paper. 
“Your dad also wrote a letter to Jacob, after he was discharged from the Army, both of them were at the same military hospital in Georgia. Your dad was able to leave before Jacob. Your dad moved in with me and my family, we got married in summer of 1992, we bought our first house a few months later. We even invited Jacob to the wedding but I guess he wasn’t able to make it. When I was pregnant with you Paige, your father wrote another letter to Jacob in September of 1994. This one is a copy but he should’ve gotten the original one” 
She hands her the letter, she unfolds it, and reads it.
To Jacob Seed 
I'm not sure if you'll get this letter, I was told you were still at the military hospital where we were staying when we were discharged.
I hope you're doing well, I know you're not the same man from before we went to Iraq.
Neither am I. I still get night terrors, I have PTSD and insomnia, I hope you get reunited with your brothers, I remember you used to talk about them a lot, Joseph and John right?. Well the reason why I'm writing to you is I really hope you're doing well, I hope you get reunited with your brothers and I also want to say that Mandy is pregnant, we're having a girl and I wanted to ask if you want to be her Godfather? Because you were always like a brother to me, we've both been through Hell and back, we've had our share with our personal demons, and all the shit we went through in that desert Hell. I hope to hear from you. Best regards
Sincerely Joel Winchester written 9/17/1994
Paige slowly folds the paper back into a square, tears falling from her face.
Just by the tears falling from her eyes, John wants to know what was said about his older brother from that letter. 
Paige tries to even out her breathing, Kenny is holding her from behind, trying to relax her.
“Jacob-Jacob was-was supposed to be my-my Godfather??” she asks, tears making her choke on her words.
Mandy nods with tears running down her face.
John is looking back and forth at Mandy and Paige. “Wait. wait!!” he mumbles.
Kate takes the gag out of his mouth.
“Hold on, my brother was supposed to be her Godfather?!?!?!!?” he asks, pointing his towards Paige. 
“Yes” Mandy answers softly.
Paige hasn’t said anything, too in shock to comprehend the man who tortured her for months, insulted her father, who he worked with during the war, and supposed to be her Godfather!!.
Her whole world was turned upside down by a piece of paper her dad wrote before she was even born.
“Paige you okay?” Kate asks.
“Honey you alright?” Kenny asks.
Paige’s mind goes blank, everything is happening too fast. Then it hit.
She had the sudden urge to vomit, she runs to the bathroom, and retched into the toilet. 
“I don’t know if she told you already but she’s pregnant” Mandy says to Kenny.
“What?!?!” he says, in shock. He goes to the bathroom, and knocks on the door.
“Paige? Honey you okay?” he asks through the door.
“Yeah” she wheezes out, before vomiting again.
“Your mom just told me you’re pregnant, is that true?” 
“Yes” she says, before vomiting again. 
Tears run down his cheek, he leans against the wall next to the bathroom door.
After a couple minutes, the toilet flushes, and the door opens.
Paige steps out looking a little pale, and red at the same time. 
“You okay?” he asks again.
She nods her head, “Yeah”.
She wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
He kisses the top of her head.
Kate unties John from the chair, Paige and Kenny walk into the kitchen as she does this.
“What are you doing?” she asks Kate.
“We’re not really gonna leave him like this all night are we?” she asks.
“I wasn’t planning on it but I was okay with it” she says, sarcastically.
“Love you too Paige” John says, in a sassy tone.
“Yeah, don’t say those words to me” she says, hands on her hips.
“He can sleep in my room” Kate says, somewhat hesitantly.
 Paige gives her a stern look “Umm no he isn’t”.
“Umm yes he is” she sasses back.
“Fine,” she says, putting her hands up in defeat. 
“I’m too pregnant to be arguing with you about this” she says before she leaves the kitchen to go upstairs.
Kate rolls her eyes in annoyance, and says to John.
“She said the same thing when she was pregnant with Cristina”.
30 minutes later, everyone is getting ready to go to bed.
John, who doesn’t have any extra clothes, sleeps in his boxers.
Kate has her back to the man she onced loved, and is gonna share her bed with him one last time. 
She feels his weight on the bed next to her, his hand runs up her back.
Sending shivers down her spine. 
“You okay darling?” he asks. Laying on his side with one of his hands on her lower back.
She nods her head “Yeah I’m fine”.
She looks back at him with a smile.
Those piercing blue eyes of his, she knows she's gonna miss them.
She goes under the covers, and turns off the lights. 
He does the same thing, he looks over at her.
“Kate?” he whispers. 
“Yeah?” she replies.
“What happened to us?” he asks.
“Too much stuff to list” she answers.
“Yeah” he whispers.
She lays on her to face him, his eyes once again piercing into her soul.
“Have I ever told you, you have very beautiful eyes?” she asks, running her fingers through his beard.
He smiles at her “No, you haven’t”.
She smiles back at him ”Well you do”
He pulls her closer to him, where their noses touch. 
He leans in and softly kisses her lips. She hasn’t felt his lips in almost 2 years.
When she left Hope County, and moved back to Jackson, Wyoming. 
One thing lead to another, and the next thing she knew they were having sex, for the 1st time in 2 years. 
He felt amazing, his cock buried deep inside her, rubbing against the walls of her tight pussy.
Making her hold back her moans, and whimpers. He hasn't changed his game at all. He thrusts in and out of her, her hands roaming his back as fucks her. She missed his dick inside of her, how he held her as he penetrates her.
She knows this is wrong but it feels so right, she actually hates herself right now.
The next thing she knew it was morning, and she feels guilty about having sex with John.
She’s supposed to hate him, and yet she slept with him. She protected him, and still is!.
She sits up in her bed slowly trying not to wake him up. 
She sits there for a few minutes, she gets a message from Wheaty saying. 
“Hey K, check out this song” followed by a link to a video of the song.
She zones out, realizing her feelings for Wheaty.
After what just happened the night before, Kate finally realizes who she wants to be with. 
Part of her still loves John but she knows she can't be with him, at all. 
She gets out of bed, gets dressed, putting on black jeans, boots and a flannel shirt. 
She looks over at John who is dead asleep in her bed, looking at him one last time because she knows she's gonna have to let him go. 
It's for her own good, she's taking Paige's advice and is moving on from him. She quickly goes downstairs nearly colliding with her mom.
"Kate, where are you going?" Paige calls out.
"I'll be back!!!" she responds, running to her car.
She starts it up, and drives off the property, leaving behind a cloud of dirt.
“What is she up to?” Mandy asks.
“I don’t know, but I’m gonna have to find out” Paige responds. 
Kate drives down the road leaving Holland Valley into the Whitetail Mountains.
She gets to the area of the Wolf’s Den, climbing up the hill.
She sees the bunker door open as usual, and she walks down the dark steps.
“Wheaty?!” she calls out.
Wheaty, who is putting away records, hears her voice, he looks back at Eli and Tammy, and goes to where her voice is. 
Eli, and Tammy hear her, and they follow behind him.
“Is that Kate?” Eli asks.
She makes it to the bottom of the steps, and the second she sees Wheaty, she crashes her lips against his. Wrapping her arms around him. 
This actually startled Wheaty, he had no idea she was gonna come by, but he’s glad she did. He’s had a crush on her the moment he met her, when she first moved to Hope County a few years ago before she met John Seed.
He wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. Kate knows she has to let John go, her family, and his family are enemies and she doesn’t want the whole Romeo and Juliet vibe. Let alone Paige wants to kill him for marking her with her sins, and just straight up annoying her. 
Part of her still loves John, but all he’ll ever be to her is an ex lover, maybe not much of a friend
She pulls away from their kiss, resting her head against his chest, neck area. 
“I know we’ve kissed before, but I’ve been waiting for our moment like this” he says, taken back by what just happened. Holding her tightly. 
“Yeah, me too” she says, holding him.
Tammy and Eli see them kissing, and they go back to whatever they were doing. 
Letting the soon to be couple have their privacy 
He kisses the top of her head, they stay like this for a few more minutes, and they hear footsteps coming down the bunker stairs. 
And they see Paige, and she sees Wheaty and her sister hugging.
Kate looks back at her, “Hey Paige” Wheaty says, smiling at her not letting go of Kate.
She smiles at them saying, “You’re finally over John”.
She nods at her older sister, “Yeah I finally got over him”.
A proud smile on her face 
“I heard what you said to John last night, about when you 2 first met” she says, crossing her arms.
“You heard that?” she asks, still holding Wheaty.
“Yeah, I heard everything, and to be honest I’m glad it was now instead of never, and I know how much he took care of you, but he’s not a good person. No matter how good he treated you” Paige says.
Kate nods her head, “Yeah me too. I know he wasn’t a good person, I just don’t know why it took me this long to realize it”
“Its fine, I’ll admit as much as I fucking hate to admit. John, he is a very handsome man, who probably has a golden dick, and he has a good job other than cutting off people’s skin, he’s a lawyer” she says, before saying “Or at least he thinks he is”.
The 3 of them laugh.
“Where is John?” Kate asks.
“At the house with everyone else” she replies.
“Hey Paige, I’m sorry for not listen-”
She cuts her off, by saying “No chick flick moments”
Kate scoffs, “Alright, jerk”
“Bitch” Paige responds. 
Wheaty looks at the both of them confused.
Paige gets a phone call from her mom, and she answers it.
“Hey mom, whats-” she gets cut off by her mom yelling in panic.
“Paige!!!, Paige!!! I need you and Kate to come home now!!” she yells in panic.
“Wait, wait mom, what's going on over there?!!” 
Kate and Wheaty look at her in concern.
Paige puts her phone on speaker.
“It's the peggies!!!!, they're here!!!!. John called for them!!!” 
Tammy, and Eli hear the commotion.
“That son of bitch” Paige mumbles in anger.
“It's the peggies, they took Adrian, Martin and Cody” she exclaims. 
“What??” Paige exclaims.
“Mom where are you?!?” Kate asks, in panic
“I locked myself in one the upstairs bathroom with Cristina” she tries her best to stay calm.
“Where’s Kenny, Nate and Mark!?!?!??” Paige asks.
“They locked themselves in one of the other rooms” she says. 
“Shit, sit tight we’ll be there soon” Paige says hanging up.
“Hurry!!!!!” she exclaims. 
“What is happening!?!” Eli asks, concerned in his voice.
“That lawyer fucker John called his merrymen of peggie douchebags, and they took 3 of my friends, and now they’re going after the others including my infant daughter!!!”
Paige and Kate run outside the bunker to the Impala, leaving Kate’s car behind.
“Paige, Kate!!!. Are you gonna need backup?!???!!” Eli yells out.
“If I don’t call back in 1 hour, get everyone, and go to St. Francis or Joseph’s compound. Wherever they could’ve taken them” Paige yells out back to Eli.
They speed down the road, not slowing down for anything. Driving 75 in 40 zone.
“Those motherfuckers, I’m gonna kill that little shit John” Paige yells out.
“No!” Kate says, loud and sternly.
Paige looks at her with anger. “Are you fucking seriousl? You’re still protecting that little shit?”
“No, if anyone is gonna kill John it's gonna be me” she says looking over at Paige.
“I let him loose, it's my fault. I’ll take full responsibility for that, and I’ll kill him” 
As they’re driving through an intersection they get hit from the driver side by a truck.
Sending the Impala tumbling through a field. Both sisters unconscious. 
They get dragged out of the vehicle by some peggies, putting them in the back of a truck, and driving off.
Paige, and Kate wake up several hours later, and the whole setting is too familiar to Paige, she starts to panic when she sees that she’s back in a cage at the Veteran’s Centre. 
She looks behind her, and Kate is struggling to wake up, disoriented and in pain.
All 4 Seed siblings appear in front of them. 
Both of them, in shock, and in disbelief.
Smug smiles on John and Jacob’s face that Paige would love to pimp slap off their faces.
“No, no” she says, shaking her head. 
She sees Joseph looking down while holding a purple,white plaid blanket, and she sees that he’s holding her daughter.
“No, no, no!!!!!!” she screams in panic.
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duallygirl178 · 4 years
Dearest O'Malley Introduction
"My life had started on a conveyer belt at a Chevrolet manufacture in 1967. I was white as a cloud but glossy with shine. It was all at a factory in Arlington Texas united states. There are two Chevrolet factories located in the USA; one in Texas and the other in Bowling Green Kentucky. There is also one in Ingersoll Ontario, Canada and another in South Korea in current use. Usually Chevrolet Malibu cars were made in Hamtramck, Michigan and in Detroit as my ancestry goes back, but I was proudly born and raised in Texas. My mother came from Detroit and my father came from the longhorn state in Texas where the longhorn cattle roamed and nestled and also where the football team played in the kick-off at the stadium. When I was 12 months old, I was weaned, sold, and transported to Farmington New Mexico. There in that town, were some parts that reminded me of Texas...since I was born there that reminded me of my home that Farmington had so I didn't get homesick. I had one sister, and three older brothers that were shipped into different states of America that I never saw again. My lucky brother; Edgar ended up on Route 66, close to my mother's home state and he was living like a king. As again, I was rowdy and wild outside, but kind-hearted inside for a young stud from Texas. I sure didn't have the accent, but I fought like one and if they got fresh with a Texan, they'd better watch out. They were tough and bared no mercy on the sinners making fun of them.
My story had a unique pattern where it starts as fiction-like back-story and plays onto historical events and comes back to fiction again. Now, I know it sounds like an unusual autobiography, but I heard stories that were like that just like Eleanor Roosevelt before she met her husband or like President John F. Kennedy, but with a true story that it just had some parts missing and covered up because it was unbearable to put in the textbooks. it was so classified that even historians took it out so the teachers wouldn't tell their students about what those parts happened that got covered up like the happening where John was invited to an extraterrestrial space craft and the real assassination on him for sharing alien information that wasn't suppose to know. Right now, I'll lay out a summery of what's ahead in my story. First I'll start by coming from an abusive husband that would kick me, then going home to Gladas Kennedy to Joe Popplewell, to be driven around a while by Jan and Randy to bonding with Nathan and to making a match for him by meeting Natalie. There was a lot in my life that happened. I had many moments where I got attention from people in town that I was a nice car and it delighted me to see people interested in legends like myself to be out and rolling, unlike the cars made today that are made out of plastic and look nothing like the original cars like the chargers and the newest Malibu designs. When people passed me by, some of them would laugh, which could only mean one thing; they were blind and had no taste. I didn't usually give a care on the insult and I just drop it and walk away not caring to look into the bother. I did things years ago that I enjoyed and never looked back at because it was long gone that happened in the years, put behind me such as trouble with the law and moon shining in the woods and getting familiarized with marijuana laws in states that allow it like in Colorado. They call it medicine when it can make you high for days. Now, New Mexico was working on getting it legalized because hey, Colorado spreads the word that it can help cure and reduce pain. Durango had a lot of stoners that say they were impressed and why in the world does New Mexico need more tweekers? In the 60s, marijuana was a gateway into serenity rather if you were a hippie or just horsing around. It still was a thing then and will be now. There is a lot of advantages of growing up in the 1960s like dating, diners road racing, moon shining, cruising, groovy television shows that weren't terrible and the swap meets that weren't bad. I even got to see my first movie at the drive in with a female on a date called "American Graffiti" and I kissed in the back while settled in "park" so I could get a far away seat. My eyesight was far sighted and felt comfortable I the back. The love of my life which was a 67 impala treated me out for our second month anniversary of our relationship. I had remembered when I first met her at a random club where I was singing about my life just for her in 1968.
When the 1970s arrived, my friend; Impa went missing, Gonzo; my best friend, went AWOL Texas-ape crazy and we had the cops search the entire woods...nothing was found except Impa's keychain. So they gave up and I never saw Impa again but I wondered what happened to him. I went to my second home and my owner; Gladas drove me around to work, grocery stores, and church. I met some pretty bad and rotten eggs that needed the "Texas-boy treatment" and to be taught a lesson at Gladas's work which I took the honors of beating them up.
Then, I came to my third home in the 1980s where I met Joe and Carol; the grandparents of Nathan in whom I didn't meet Nathan until later right after Gladas stopped driving me. Joe took the charge of caring for me when I needed something. I'd start right up for him. I met Ian, a blue Buick under the carport which was my stall mate. Carol didn't like him, but Carol liked me because I was so big. I also had met Randy and Jan in a reunion and at the time, Jan was carrying a little bundle of joy when she came to see Joe. Unfortunately, I've never been a father because I've never met the right female that wanted ankle biters running around. When 1992 had come, Nathan was born and to get to know each other, Jan and Randy would take Nathan for a ride in me while Nathan was seated in the backseat. Jan thought I was a scary ride, but Randy thought I was pretty cool. Randy and I got along like beans and cornbread. For being borrowed until Jan got a new car, I enjoyed being the only car to be driven. So I was driven once again to work in and to the grocery stores.
When 2014 hit, Nathan was already handing out with girls. There was a basic one named Shay I didn't like her because she didn't appreciate classic cars as much as Nathan or Natalie did. She weighed 240 pounds and it was like carrying a giant boulder. I think she wasn't worth hanging around because she'd ditch Nathan to go hang out with Jerome. I had to do something to keep Nathan supported and so I kept my eyes on him. When shay was out of the picture, I had my picture taken in 2014 at a car show and again in 2015. Seeing the same brunette girl made me realize that she would be perfect for Nathan, but she seemed so shy. A few years later. I parked in the carport again and nowadays I had wished Nathan would open up and meet people like the one they used to in my day. However, it was all online. When Natalie came along, she changed everything in Nathan’s life forever. He didn't used to like watching movies, but now he does. I had never seen him so happy and it was all thanks to me who opened the door to make them a couple
Therefore, here's how my life started out as the way it is
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aniray · 4 years
Where You Least Expect It...
Here's the first part of my 5 part story.
It's Tommy x Lizzie. A Modern Surrogacy AU
“I’m so nervous, Thomas.”
Tommy looked over a Grace. Her golden hair was falling a bit out of the neat ponytail she had put it in that morning. She was fidgeting with the brochure from the clinic. If she twisted it anymore, Tommy was sure the thing would tear apart. But he didn’t say anything. He simply reached over and pulled the brochure out of her hand.
“Thanks,” she sighed. But two seconds later she was running her fingers along her brow. “God, Thomas, we tried so hard. And we’ve spent so much on all of this. Should we have gone with adoption?” They had had this same conversation the night before, and last week, and two months ago. But the answer was always the same. Grace sat up straighter, her head lifting a bit in determination. “No, this is what I want for us. A baby that’s at least part you, even if it can’t be part me as well.”
It had taken Grace a long time to accept the doctors’ verdict that she wouldn’t have children. After months and months of hormone treatments and strict dieting and far too many nights of his wife crying herself to sleep, Grace had let go of the idea of carrying her own child. And then there were even more months of trying to harvest her eggs. But when none of them were viable, Tommy had to step in before depression stole Grace away from him.
So they had turned to surrogacy. It wasn’t quite what Grace had wanted- having to use another woman’s egg as well as her body. But it was the closest to what Grace wanted and could actually get. So Tommy had gone to information seminars. He had read up on the different agencies. And when Grace had picked a place and a girl, Tommy didn’t voice his own worries. This was what Grace needed and he needed her, so this was what they would do.
The GPS told Tommy to take the next turn. But he’d already memorized how to reach the facility. Planning was what he did when he was unsure about things. Take control wherever he could had always been his way, but even more so since this whole fertility process had started. Polly was annoyed about it. Arthur was pulling at the leash. And John had gone and fucked his way into early fatherhood.
Something Grace wouldn’t admit she was hurt and bitter about.
Another turn and the facility came into view. It was nothing special, just a plain brick building. But it was clean and highly recommended. And mostly it was discreet- something Tommy had insisted on even if Grace hadn’t been concerned. Business was doing well and that always brought people who would rather Tommy or his loved ones not be breathing.
Pulling into a parking spot, Tommy turned the car off and turned to face Grace. “You ready?” He watched the emotions flit across her face. It was something not many people got to see. Grace had been raised to keep her emotions to herself. And then she had worked as a financial security investigator. Succeeding in that world meant not letting CEOs and their like see you anything other than calm and in control.  So for her to show her fear and her anxiousness with him was just another thing to prove that they were supposed to be together.
“I don’t know. I just- I shouldn’t be nervous. It’s all been arranged. The papers have been signed.” She turned to look at him and Tommy felt a twinge in his chest at the tears in her eyes. “Its not even me who has to do anything. You’re the one about to…you know.” Tommy smiled. Always so proper.  “But what if we do it and she changes her mind? Or you change your mind? What if-“
“I’m not changing my mind. She won’t change hers, either. And even if she does, this baby will be a Shelby. That’s why we got a lawyer for all of this, remember?” Tommy tucked a few strands of her hair back up into her ponytail. “Now, come on. It would look a bit bad if we were late because we took too long in the parking lot.”
Grace gave him a smile- the one that always seemed to make his world a bit brighter. “You’re right. I’m ready.” With a quick nod, Tommy got out of the car and went around to open the passenger door. Grace didn’t hesitate. She got out and took his hand as he closed the door. She was calm and strong and beautiful walking beside him.
And he’d be damned if this all went to shit.
The clinic was cold.
It always was, but today it bothered Lizzie a little bit more than the other times she’d come. They had her sitting in a small conference room, waiting for the couple she’d agreed to carry for- the Shelbys. Grace and Thomas Shelby. Wealthy, and from what Lizzie had heard from a staff member, trying this before settling for adoption. She didn’t like that word- settling. It reminded her of too many decisions she’d made in her life. 
But that wasn’t really the point, was it? No, the point was, she was sitting in a cold room about to meet the people she’d be dealing with for the next ten months more or less. And she still wasn’t sure this was what she wanted. You already signed the damn papers, Lizzie. The thought didn’t make her feel any more ready for this. But she was a bit desperate.
Ryan, the asshole, had harassed her for years before she finally quit working for him. She had dealt with enough men putting their hands on her in her life. That’s why she had left her home town, club work and waitressing all behind her. And now she was leaving Ryan and his too small office and his too rough hands behind her, too.
“Don’t think about him. He doesn’t deserve it.” Standing up from the seat she was in, Lizzie paced the room. Everything was so…bright. The walls were white with framed pieces of abstract art to break up the monotony. The windows were frosted to let light in while keeping everything inside private. But stuck in the room alone Lizzie just felt like she had stepped into some Sci-fi horror movie. “Get a grip. It’s not that bad.”
She had just made her way to the far side of the room for the thirteenth time when she heard voices. Quickly, Lizzie went back to the seat she’d started in. Her heart was pounding suddenly. Her palms were sweating. This was it- there was no going back after those doors opened. A knock came half a second before the door opened. Dr. Stone came in with one of the office assistants right behind her.
And then she saw her- a well-dressed woman with her blond hair up in a high ponytail. This was the woman who would be raising the baby Lizzie was going to have. She looked so elegant. It made Lizzie a little self-conscious, honestly. But then a man stepped into the room and shut the door. He wore a very nice suit- obviously tailored for him. His expression was neutral, but Lizzie had a feeling it was an intimidation tactic more than lack of interest. She eyed the way he stood and realized that behind his respectable appearance, this man was dangerous.
Suddenly self-consciousness was replaced by trepidation. But Lizzie forced herself to smile. Dr. Stone motioned for the Shelby’s to take a seat and Lizzie watched as Thomas pulled out Grace’s chair for her. The two shared a quick smile and Lizzie looked away. It was barely anything, but it had felt intimate. She turned her attention to Dr. Stone. The woman stood at the head of the table as the assistant passed out three folders.
“Alright, let’s get started. First off, Ms. Stark,” she said turning to face Lizzie, “This is Thomas and Grace Shelby. They are the couple that we felt would be best for you.” Then she turned to the Shelbys. “Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, this is Elizabeth Stark. She will be your surrogate. We have done an extensive background check on both parties, the results of which are in your folders. The contract you signed is included as well, for your records.”
Lizzie shifted a bit in her seat at the mention of background checks. She’d told them about her past, she had agreed to the check, but it still made her nervous knowing these fancy people would see her entire life laid out on paper.  Mr. Shelby lifted his head and caught Lizzie’s eye. She forced herself to be still and focus back in on what Dr. Stone was saying. “We have already collected Lizzie’s ovum and it is ready for fertilization. That process will happen today after we collect Mr. Shelby’s sperm. At the end of this I’ll have the three of you sign a document stating that we went over all of this. And then in about three to five days Ms. Stark will come back in to have the embryos implanted.”
It all sounded so clinical. She’d known that, of course. She’d done the homework and all the reading. She’d even gone to see a lawyer about what rights she did and didn’t have during the pregnancy. But sitting there in that white room with the frosted windows, Lizzie couldn’t help feeling… Honestly she didn’t know what she was feeling. She heard Dr. Stone ask if there were any questions and she shook her head. She knew what happened next.
“Alright then. Mr. Shelby you can follow Erin and she’ll take you to a private room. A nurse will give you instructions.” Lizzie felt an absurd bubble of laughter rising. The idea of a nurse having to tell a man how to handle himself seemed a bit hilarious for some reason. But she bit her tongue and kept her head down until the man was out of the room. “Now that it’s just us ladies,” Dr. Stone continued, “I think it would be good for you ladies to discuss things. I’ve found that the women have the hardest time figuring out their roles in each other’s lives during this process. So I’ll leave you two to chat.”
Then she was gone, and Lizzie was alone with Grace.
She’s pretty.
It was the first thing that had entered into Grace’s head as she walked into the conference room. The second was that this baby wouldn’t have any features that could be ‘from’ Grace. She hadn’t really thought about it before, but perhaps subconsciously she had assumed the clinic would find a blond woman. Or at least someone with the same eye color that Grace had. But no, instead here was this green eyed, raven-haired, beauty.
A sliver of insecurity had threatened to rise when she saw Elizabeth Stark. Thomas had always preferred dark-haired women. It was something that his family never seemed to let her forget. And every woman who had ever impressed Thomas, especially in business, had dark hair. Most times it didn’t bother her- this obvious inclination her husband had. Most of the time she simply reminded his family that she, and not these others, had been the one Thomas married. But today- the day she felt so lacking as a wife and a woman- all she could see was dark hair.
Of course, Thomas barely glanced at Ms. Stark. Grace knew that he had no interest in the woman. And to be fair, the woman kept her focus on Dr. Stone.  But insecurity was not logical. So when Dr. Stone had left them alone to ‘chat’ Grace found herself trying desperately to keep all of the anxiety she felt from showing.
“So,” the other woman started. “Is there anything you want to ask me?” Grace fixed her eyes on the woman across from her. Her voice was soft, but her speech was more like Thomas’ when he was tired. Opening the folder, Grace skimmed the neatly printed words until she found what she was looking for. ‘Place of Birth: Small Heath, Birmingham.’  She preferred to be called Lizzie, the paper said. “I have a few for you, if that’s alright?”
Again Grace met Lizzie’s eyes. “Of course. What don’t you understand?” She could hear it- the ice that had crept into her voice. It was the tone she used in boardrooms and closed-door meetings with men who had too much power. And Lizzie didn’t like it. But for some reason Grace couldn’t bring herself to regret her tone.
“It says in the contract that I’ll be living in your guest house during the pregnancy.” Lizzie paused for a moment and Grace wondered if it was to collect her thoughts or to keep from running out of the room. “But it also said that if, once we met properly, either party wanted to renegotiate that…”
Grace arched a brow. “Are you suggesting that we let you live somewhere separate from us?” And she hated that she could hear her mother in her own voice. But it was a ridiculous idea. Surely Ms. Stark could see that. An incredulous smile came to Grace’s lips. “How would we know if something happened? This is not your child, Ms. Stark. This is mine and my husband’s child. Why would we allow a stranger to just go off with our baby?”
A flash of defiance showed in Lizzie’s eyes. She had sat up straighter in her chair, leaning forward a bit. “I understand your concern. But what exactly do you think I’m going to be doing at my place? Snorting blow and having orgies?” Grace’s nose crinkled at the mental image. “Listen, Mrs. Shelby, I’ll come by and visit every day. You’ll be at every appointment. But I don’t think it would be good to live so close together. I don’t want to get attached.”
She was trying to manipulate her. Grace could hear it. She could see it. But it didn’t make Lizzie’s point any less valid. And the last thing Grace needed was for Lizzie to decide that she wanted to fight for custody of this baby. Still, the idea of her not being just a walk across the lawn from her child… “No. I’m sorry, but no. Not this early. Maybe toward the third trimester-“
“I’ll be huge and tired and it’ll be too much trouble to move by then.”
But Grace didn’t back down. She couldn’t- not with this. She stared the other woman down, neither willing to give up their positions. But Grace had years of experience getting her way. And Lizzie Stark was not going to change that. “We’ll hire movers. You’ll never lift a finger except to get into the car when everything is finished.”
Lizzie lifted her chin and Grace prepared herself to fight whatever argument came next. Only one never came. Lizzie nodded slowly and leaned back in her seat. “Alright. No later than the start of the third trimester.” Then she stood up and walked out of the room.  Grace sat at the table, heart pounding. She gave up too easily. She had put Grace on the backfoot, as Thomas would say, and she didn’t like it.
Mostly she wondered if she’d just ruined a chance at getting through this in peace.
Grace was alone when Tommy got back. And she was upset. He could tell by the stiffness of her shoulders and the tilt of her head as she stood at one of the windows. He had seen the doctor on his way back to the little conference room. She told him that Grace and the woman- Ms. Stark- were having a chat. It had sounded friendly enough, but still he’d picked up his pace. And now he was glad he had.
“What happened?”
Grace turned from the window to face him and Tommy could see the fear she’d pushed away was back. “I just-“ Grace took a deep breath. “I think I’ve started something. Between me and the surrogate.” Tommy tilted his head in confusion. Grace’s shoulders slumped and Tommy watched her blink back tears. “She wanted to stay at her own place. Simple enough, right? And I said no. No, Tommy, don’t look like that. I told her ‘no’ the way my mother told you she wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding.”
Tommy winced at that. Mrs. Burgess has made no effort to hide how much she hated Tommy and his family and the fact that he had married her daughter. She hadn’t come to the wedding. And when she announced as much, she had been cold and disdainful and the most well-spoken bitch that Tommy had ever dealt with. And now Grace was telling him she’d treated the surrogate that way?
“Alright. So you were a bit cold to her. Why? We said it would be fine if she didn’t live with us. It’s in the contract that living arrangements were negotiable.” He hadn’t wanted to have any new people on their property- not even in the guest house. And Grace hadn’t seemed so set on it either. “I read the file, there’s nothing in there that says she shouldn’t be on her own.”
Grace rolled her eyes in exasperation. It was something she didn’t do often. “I know, Thomas. But I just hate the idea of her having our baby so far from us. I mean, we don’t know her. What if she smokes? What if she drinks and the baby is born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.” Tommy held in a sigh. He knew Grace- she didn’t think any of those things would happen. She was just nervous and trying to keep as much control as possible. It was something he’d done far too often to not see the signs.
Coming around the table, Tommy set his hands on Grace’s shoulders. “Stop. I didn’t want her at the house to begin with. But you agreed, if she wanted to stay at her own place she could.” His arms went around his wife and Tommy held her tight. “We’ve got her number. We’ll call, invite her to lunch one day. You can apologize-“ Grace scoffed and Tommy shook his head with a smile. “You can apologize and then the three of us can figure out the living situation. No big deal. Alright?”
He pulled back to see Grace’s face. Her lips were set in a pout and her eyes were red-rimmed, but she was still beautiful. “Yes, that’s fine.” She lifted up and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you for calming me down. Thank you for all of this. I love you, you know?”
“I know. Now come on. We’ve got reservations for dinner.”
Four Days Later
Lizzie had just walked in the front door when her phone rang. Fishing it out of her pocket, her brows scrunched together as she looked at the unfamiliar number. It had been a long day. She had taken the day to go to the library and read up on what to expect during the first three months of pregnancy. It had been information overload. And then she had gone to the clinic for them to implant the embryos. It had been fairly easy, but now she couldn’t’ stop thinking about the fact that this was all real now. More real than it had been when it was just talk and paperwork.
So she wasn’t really in the mood for a bill collector or one of those scam calls telling her she’d won a free vacation to Aruba. So she tossed her phone on the sofa and made her way to the kitchen. There wasn’t much in it- rent came first these days. But that would change soon. The clinic had given her a check as she left from the Shelbys. It was to cover her food, rent, and utilities for the month- until it was confirmed that a baby would be showing up in approximately nine months.  
Standing at her mostly empty refrigerator, Lizzie pulled out the milk and a carton of strawberries. Turning to grab a glass from the cupboard, the sound of her ringtone came again. Setting the milk and berries on the counter she rushed back to the living room and snatched up her phone and answered. “Hello?”
“Is this Elizabeth Stark?” Lizzie tensed at the deep voice on the other end. It was the last voice she expected to hear. She pulled the phone from her ear and looked at the screen. The same number from a minute ago was on the display. Quickly she put the phone back to her ear. “Yes, this is she.”
There was a pause on the other end and she thought she heard someone else speaking in the background. “Good. This is Tommy Shelby. My wife and I were wondering if you’d like to join us for dinner one day this week.” Lizzie blinked, then blinked again. She hadn’t expected that. And she really couldn’t understand why Mrs. Shelby would want to see her. “Ms. Stark, are you there?” Mr. Shelby asked, a hint of impatience in his tone.
“Yes, sorry. I’m here. Um..” God, Lizzie, just fucking say no. Because she really didn’t want to see them before she’d gone back to the clinic. She wanted as much of her freedom as she could get before their lives became enmeshed. “Sure. I mean, that would be fine. Do you have a day in mind?” She hadn’t needed to read the file Dr. Stone had given her to know that the Shelbys had very busy lives. They might try to make it sound like this was all spur of the moment, but Lizzie knew better.
Another pause, then the click of someone typing. “Wednesday at six?” Lizzie got the feeling that she was not the one that question was being directed to. Not that it really mattered. She didn’t feel like she had much of a say in all of this anyway. Especially after how things had gone at the clinic with Grace. “So does six o’clock Wednesday work for you, Ms. Stark?”
“You can just call me Lizzie. And yes, that works fine. Where should I meet you?” She hoped it wasn’t anywhere too pricey. She didn’t want them to pay for her, but she also hated pretending she wasn’t hungry at places simply because she couldn’t afford more than water. So of course the place Mr. Shelby named was a fancy restaurant downtown. “Sounds good. See you then,” she replied, stomach twisting itself into knots.
“And Lizzie? Call me Tommy.”
Lizzie mumbled her assent and quickly got off the phone. She looked back at the screen, brain still processing the last…three minutes and twenty-six seconds. ‘Call me Tommy’ he’d said. Tommy- such an innocent sounding name. A name that made you think of little boys running after a ball or the shy kid in high-school who was always really sweet. But somehow when Mr. Shelby said it, all those thoughts disappeared. Instead you were left with that old school Mafia vibe. Darkness and danger wrapped up in every syllable.
“Great, Liz, just great. You’ve really stuck yourself with quite the pair, haven’t you?”
Tommy motioned for the waiter to bring him another whiskey.
So far dinner had been awful. Lizzie had arrived on time, dressed appropriately, if not quite up to the usual price standards for the place. She had been nervous, but tried to hide it. And Tommy had been sure that once they got settled at their table things would begin to smooth over.
He did not expect Grace to insult Lizzie’s dress. He didn’t expect to hear his wife- who had been completely apologetic before getting to the restaurant- turn into her mother the minute Lizzie arrived. And he didn’t expect to have to make small talk to cover the tension. He wasn’t good at small talk. It was always Grace who handled things like that when business required playing nice with people.
He’d given up two whiskeys ago. Instead he sat and watched as Grace ate her meal and Lizzie sipped at the lemonade she’d ordered. He’d told her he was paying- to order what she wanted. She’d refused. It’d been a while since Tommy had been broke. But not long enough that he forgot how fucking annoying it was to take handouts. So he didn’t push the issue.
But it had been almost an hour and the tension was starting to aggravate him. So, Tommy reached over and took Grace’s hand, ignoring his wife’s questioning look, before turning to Lizzie. “So, Lizzie, we asked you here because we wanted to get some things settled.” He felt Grace tense beside him while he watched Lizzie stiffen in her seat. Tommy didn’t miss the way her eyes slid to Grace for a moment. “I believe things may have gotten off to a bad start.”
“Yes,” Grace said, “I think there were misunderstandings on both sides.” There hadn’t been- not from what Grace had told Tommy. But he kept his thoughts to himself. “Ms. Stark, Lizzie, I hope you know that I wasn’t trying to force you into anything. I just feel so protective of my baby already.” Lizzie didn’t respond. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”
Lizzie reached for her glass and took a sip of her lemonade. Tommy could see her thinking. He knew she was trying to decide if Grace had meant what she said. Not that it really mattered. The papers were signed, she had gone to the clinic to have the embryos implanted. This was happening. But he didn’t want Grace upset. And he didn’t want to have to fight for custody of this baby. So he wanted the two women to play nicely.
Setting her glass back down Lizzie looked at Grace. “I’m glad you feel so protective. It’s nice, knowing that this baby will be taken care of. And I hope that we can get through this whole thing without any problems. So I will stay until the end of the second trimester.” She turned to Tommy. “But I still think it would be better if I stayed at my own place from the beginning. Like I told Mrs. Shelby, I’ll visit every day and you are going to be at the doctor’s appointments anyway. So I don’t see why I need to live on your property.”
“But,” Tommy turned to Grace. “As I explained to you, it’s a matter of safety and knowing what is happening with our child,” Grace said. “You obviously have financial issues. And in your background check it said that you’ve been in trouble a few times. I just need to know that you aren’t going to do anything that could harm my baby.”
Tommy stared at Grace. They had talked about this. They had gone over how things would go at the dinner. And she’d gone off course from the minute Lizzie arrived. He tossed back the rest of his whiskey and tried to think of a way to salvage this. But he could see it in his wife’s eyes- she’d dug in her heels. “Grace.” She turned to face him, eyes bright with defiance. “We agreed, yeah? We wouldn’t force anything.”
He felt Lizzie’s eyes on him. It made him uncomfortable- having someone see him and Grace like this. He didn’t like people seeing the inner workings of his marriage. But it couldn’t be helped. Not this time. “It’s fine. Alright? It’s fine. But I’m still going to need rent money. I’ll need to still have a place after this is all over with.” Tommy reluctantly looked away from Grace. The woman facing him had just as much defiance in her eyes as his wife, but her shoulders were slumped in defeat. It was an odd sight.
“Can you be ready to move by Wednesday after next?” It was two weeks, and Tommy didn’t think Grace would wait much longer. And he just wanted this whole thing to be over. He had business that needed his attention and he couldn’t referee between his wife and the surrogate. Lizzie tensed, but nodded. For the first time Tommy wondered just how bad off she was to be going through with all of this. “Movers will be at your apartment on the day, then.”
He saw the waiter and motioned for the bill.
“What the fuck was that?”
Grace winced. “I know. Thomas, I know. She just-“
“Just what? Showed up on time? Ordered a drink? Agreed to what you fucking wanted?” She bit her lip. She hated fighting with Tommy. It didn’t happen often. They understood each other too well for that, usually. But this whole thing was increasing Grace’s anxiety. “You were meant to apologize. The whole point was to smooth things over so we don’t have problems later.”
Grace felt a spike of fear at those words. It would be so easy for Ms. Stark to sue for custody. It would be so easy for her to terminate the contract- abort the baby. And Grace knew she wasn’t helping matters. If anything she was making things worse. But she couldn’t seem to help it. “I’m just scared, Thomas.”
Her husband looked over at her from the driver’s seat. But instead of the usual softness and love, Grace found Tommy’s face tight with annoyance and his eyes cooler than they’d been with her in a long time. “You can’t let that matter. You can’t let the fear get into your head and muck it up. We had a plan. You broke from the plan, Grace. And that- that shit that happened back there? That’ll be what fucks this whole thing up in the end.”
The rest of the drive was silent. It was excruciating, mainly because Grace knew Tommy was right. But that insecure part of her couldn’t let herself care. She couldn’t admit it, not to him. Not when he was defending that woman. It shouldn’t feel like this. None of this should feel the way it did. Grace should be happy. Tommy should be happy. They should be planning for a baby to arrive, not fighting over the woman who was carrying said baby.
But…She saw the way Lizzie had watched Thomas. Grace had seen something in her eyes that made her wonder. Something that made her want to hold him tighter, closer. And she’d seen the way Thomas had looked at Lizzie- there had been an understanding there. When Lizzie had only ordered lemonade, when she had politely declined to let Tommy pay for her meal- he’d looked at her like he recognized something in her. It was something Grace didn’t recognize and she hated it- that small thing that Thomas and this woman shared.
The car pulling to a stop brought Grace out of her troubling thoughts. They were home. The sun was just setting behind the house and it cast a golden glow over everything. It was beautiful- perfect. Thomas had picked it for her as a surprise and she had fallen in love with it immediately. And every time she returned, no matter how upset or scared or hurt she might be, seeing it always made Grace smile. But not this time.  This time her eyes went to the guest house to the left of the property- almost out of sight.
“She’s going to live there, Thomas. She’d going to be right there.” She felt her husband’s eyes on her. It wasn’t comforting like she had grown accustomed to. This time his gaze was too heavy. “It feels too close. But I can’t stand the idea of her being a step farther away. God, I wish…” But it didn’t matter what she wished. Her wishes hadn’t come true even after all the money and the medicine and the tears.
Thomas got out and walked around to the passenger’s side. He opened her door like always, and gave her his hand to help her out of the car. But the warmth of his hand was gone as soon as she was securely on her feet. He closed the door and went into the house- without her. The only other time he’d done that was the night Ada had gone missing. He’d run in to make calls- to find his baby sister.
This time he just didn’t want to be near his wife.
18 notes · View notes
The Things We Tell Ourselves
Dean Winchester x Reader
A/N: for the amazing @coffee-obsessed-writer​ . This story means so mch to me, I put very personal emotions into.
Warning: relationship issues, a bit of smut in the end (not too graphic).18&over.
Summary: Stuck in a stale relationship, a visit from Dean Winchester changes everything.
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The dive bar was your typical joint, neon decorate lights, a wet look to it, and old country music that would depress the happiest of people – it was your kind of place, a dark secluded secret lair you often went to when things at home got too bad. Now, your ex or at least soon to be ex, was not an overly bad person. He had been great in the beginning, but things had fizzled a few years too late and now you were stuck in a gaping hole that was proving to be hard to climb out. You were a creature of habit and admittedly, afraid to investigate a future that did not involve the ex. It seemed you were just plain ole stuck and that was a reality you were not up to facing – at least, not tonight.
Work had proven to be a painstakingly long day and when you arrive home to the apartment you shared with, he who shall not be named, you were relieved to not see his car in the carport. He must have stayed longer or maybe he was having an affair – you preferred the latter, that way you did not have to feel for not wanting to see him. Maybe he was really having an affair, an idea that swelled the urge to leave the relationship. It would make it easier to leave him, but he was never an adventurous person and an affair would require effort, something he was not known to put forth.
Edging on the bar stool, you asked for another whiskey on the rocks. You waited patiently for the drink because you had nowhere else to go or wanted to. Although your ears perked up when someone had finally done everyone a favor and changed the sad country song to a sad Fleetwood Mac ballad. It was smoother on the ears and when the drink arrived, you grabbed it and held it up in the air – saluting the music changer. It was the little things in life, right? That was what you told yourself, every time things seemed to become stale and gray. You would buy a new dress or style your hair differently, anything to arouse something out of the man you thought you loved. Nothing ever worked and you secretly were grateful, more satisfied with the effort.
Drinking the whiskey, you started to think of excuses to not go home; maybe someone would kidnap you, a handsome stranger who was kind but a little rough around the edges. Someone who knew how to treat a woman, knew how to not make her bitter. It wasn’t like you were asking for the world, just a little devotion and a whole lot of appreciation – was that so bad to ask?
Were you the one looking for too much?
When did this all become so cliché?
You could not pinpoint when it all started, but you remembered the day you realized something was wrong. He was gone for a weekend, went to visit some old friends and you had never felt freedom like that before. Slept in, lounged around reading, and when you finally ventured out for some late lunch, you met a man. You were dining alone, and he was seated at the next table, he was handsome and when he noticed the book you had brought to read, he initiated a conversation. It turned out he was an English teacher and very much single, he joined you at the table and the two of you talked about books for two straight hours. It was thrilling, the attention he was giving you and when he asked for your number, you regretfully declined, and that was when you realized how starved you were. Starved for human reaction other than paying bills and asking about recorded television shows. You craved real affection and connection, and that day, you noted that it was the first time in a long time that you felt any connection with a man – and he was not the one you were going home to.
After that, you pulled away from your relationship with your long-term boyfriend and it hurt when he did not seem to notice or care. You should have left long ago, but now it seemed damn near impossible. Too many things locking you in – an apartment lease, a car lease under both your names and other things that came with coupling. But were those just excuses?
Of course, they were.
“Another whiskey, please.”
“Sure thing.”
That was number three now, but nothing could fill the void in your stomach, and that was when he popped into your head. Not the will he ever be ex, no not him. The he you suddenly were thinking about was Dean Winchester – a man you had known for years now, a friend that helped your father when some things came bumping in the night.
Now this is where the story might get odd, hell, the Winchester’s were an urban legend in many people’s books, but to you, they were just Sam and Dean. Their problems seemed far more superior than your bad relationship woes – real life monsters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, demons, and everything else in between.  The thing was, you came from a line of supernatural hunters, but dipped out of that life pretty early on, opting for a more normalized existence. Sometimes you regretted it, when those phone calls would come in from Dean- every few months, updating you on the hunter life and declaring you were missing out. You never knew what number he would call from, so you always made sure to pick up every time your cell rang.
Dean Winchester was a man, a man God himself foretold to be something more than ordinary, but to you, he was just a boy you once knew. Your fathers were decent friends and growing up, Dean and Sam would spend time at your house whenever your dads went off on a hunt together. You were the same age and more times than not, would exclude Sammy from the teenage fun you’d find yourself in. Drinking from your dad’s cabinet, watching adult films and being completely grossed out, even once the two of you kissed. It was fleeting and innocent, but you had never forgotten it and sometimes, when it was quiet at night, you still thought of it.
You were thinking of it now, and it made your skin warm, toes curl and throat clench. So, you asked for water this time and drank it fast, little bits dripped from the corner of your mouth. It was one kiss, but it meant more to you than any other kiss you participated in after. It meant more to you than the peak of your current relationship, when things were actually great, and you were happy. It felt silly, to fixate on childish things but Dean had always held a special place in your heart.
Just thinking about Dean was making you nervous, so when your phone started to buzz and you saw that it was an unknown number calling, you nearly threw up. Taking a deep breath, you placed a hand on the bar for support and answered it with a quiet voice.
A long pause met you and a second later a laugh of relief filled your ears. His voice was husky and sexy, and when he said your name, you smiled so wide, it hurt the corner of your mouth. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Dean, it’s good to hear your voice.”
“It is? That’s good? But how good would it be to see my face?”
Confused, you asked what he meant.
“Turn around, sweetheart.”
Whipping around on the stool, you nearly fell when you saw Dean – he was standing near the bar entrance, wearing jeans, a gray flannel and a green jacket over it. His hair was cut in a different style then you had seen last, hair swept up a bit. It made him look a bit more modern, but nonetheless handsome. He grinned and started toward you, but you met him halfway and held him tight as he embraced you.
“What the hell are you doing here,” you asked, hands on his biceps as you pulled away. He shrugged, explaining that Sam and he were passing through, and he could not pass up the chance to see me.
“I went to your apartment and that douchebag you call a boyfriend said he didn’t know where you were. I asked him what kind of boyfriend doesn’t know where his girlfriend was, he wasn’t too keen on my attitude.”
“He’ll live.”
Dean rolled his eyes but hugged you again. “Anyway, called your pops. He told me you had a favorite bar you went to, didn’t know the name. This was the third bar in town I checked, lucky me.”
Your hands stayed on his forearms until he threw his arm around your shoulder and walked you back to the bar, asking if you already had too much to drink.  “We plan on staying through tomorrow night, figured we could do some catching up.”
“That sounds great, Dean. I would love nothing more.”
He smiled wide and leaned in to kiss your forehead, telling you whatever you wanted was on the him. Deciding you wanted to be sober for the remainder of the time Dean was in town, you opted for a beer and lemonade, while he ordered a whiskey for himself. The two of you took up a corner booth and he sat across from you, shrugging off his jacket. He was gorgeous, aging well. He talked about hunting through the country, listed a bunch of places he had been and how they now had an angel friend. It was wildly ridiculous, but it sounded like an oddly nice life – a life you might be missing out. Then he talked about getting hurt on the last hunt and you remembered the times your dad came back with looking worse for the wear. You would watch from the kitchen doorway as he fixed himself up, because he never wanted to wake your mother with worry. He knew you were watching and eventually would call your name, telling you to take a seat. Asking him what happened, he’d recount the hunt and how lucky he was to be home. Hunters weren’t always so lucky, he made sure to make that a point until you asked if John Winchester had helped him. He really knew you were asking about Dean, and he would just laugh – even then, by the age of 12, you had the oldest Winchester boy on your mind.
“So, what’s with the boyfriend of yours? I could take him, you know.” Dean was teasing, he always teased about the boyfriend, never understood how you could fall for such a douche – his words, affectionately.
“Nothing’s up, it’s just.”
“Hmm, well, what does your old man have to say about it?”
Your dad had a lot to say, more so than anyone in your life – mom had been gone a few years now and it was just the two of you during the holidays. He hated the boyfriend but respected your decision as an adult – although sometimes you wished he’d demand you to break it off, move back home with him.
“I don’t want to spend the little time I have with you talking about my crumbling relationship.”
Dean nodded and leaned back into the booth, asking if you wanted to go see Sam. “He wants to see you.” You suggested the three of you go out to dinner tomorrow before they leave town, a real nice place; your treat. He grinned and agreed, reaching his hand across the sticky table to yours. His fingertips touched the edge of your knuckles and it made you sad, the feeling it aroused in the pit of your stomach. Dean’s single touch had more impacted than all the touches you had received in that lonely apartment – all the years’ worth of stiffened hugs and chastised kisses. You smiled at Dean and he smiled back, squeezing his palm over your hand before pulling away and thanking the waitress for the round of beers she brought over.
“You know Baby has room for three, we could use a hand – we have a permanent place now.”
We have a permanent place now – that had to be the most important sentence ever said in the existence of the universe, it felt that way, anyhow. It bounced in the air; you could see it – like a large neon sign over a coffee shop. Open for business; we have a permanent place now. It made you feel jealous and excited at the same time, and the way Dean grinned suggestively, it made it seem like he knew you were itching to get out of the life you had made. A life you had carefully rolled out of clay, hoping it will stay up until you realized it had tired and was slowly crumbling into its first form.
You stayed quiet but Dean went on to describe the bunker. “It’s safe as hell, got plenty of rooms. Hell, you don’t even have to go on hunts. You can just keep the fort down for us, be our person on the other line – what Bobby did.”
“I miss him,” you said, and his face dropped. The two of you picked up a glass and held it up for the fallen hunter, before swishing down the beer and laughing when it came spilling out of the corners of your mouth. “Shit, you make it sound so easy, Dean. Just pick up and leave, like I don’t have any responsibilities to leave behind.”
Dean’s eyes softened, as they always did when he talked to you. “Hunters don’t have the same rules as everyone else, you’ve always been a hunter – you’ve just been on the bench for way too long.  Sammy could use a research partner too.”
He threw his brother in to make the deal sound sweeter; he knew how much you enjoyed spending time with Sam, researching through old books and the internet. It almost seemed perfect, the great escape you had been longing for, but something inside you was petrified. Too many years had passed, you got too comfortable in the place you had now – had normal responsibilities to think of and mostly, you were afraid of being around Dean, because deep down, the torch you held for him had only grew larger throughout the years. It was painful to think he had not thought of you in the same light and although he was extending a hand to get you out, it didn’t particularly feel romantic. It felt exactly like what Dean Winchester would do for a friend, for family.
“So, what’s up with your angel friend, he cute?”
Dean rolled his eyes, obvious of the deflection. He let it pass and he asked if you wanted to meet him. “One call and he’d be here.”
“I can barely handle two Winchesters in my town, I don’t think I’m ready to meet an actual angel tonight.”
“Next time then, I know Cas would love to meet you. Sammy talks about you all the time.” It was the way he said all the time that clued you into the fact that it wasn’t Sam doing all the talking; it made you smile down at your fingers. They were holding tight to the beer sitting in front of you and for a moment, the whole bar went quiet. Everything stilled in a peaceful silence, time seemed to slow down as you finally looked up at the man sitting across from you. His jawline was shaper than it had been nearly fifteen years ago – when he was scrummaging the line between boy and man. In general, he looked more refined and it was a good look on him.
“Why are you so quiet? I thought you’d be happy to see us?”
He said us but meant him.
“I am, believe me,” you assured him, pushing away the beer. Your stomach could not handle any more drinking, and neither could your heart, because you were one drink away from doing something stupid and reckless. “I just have a lot on my mind, and I don’t think I should drink anymore.”
Dean listened and stared, watching each word fall from your lips. Then he said okay and got up, leaving his beer half full. Your eyes followed him back to the bar, where he pulled out his wallet. He took a few bills out and settled the bar tab, shaking the bartender’s hand before making his way back to you. He asked if you had brought a jacket and you said no, and he asked if you wanted his. You said no again, because you did not want his smell to linger on you after he left – it would hurt too much. A reminder of what you could have had if you were brave enough.
“Suit yourself, come on. Let’s get some food in you, any good burger places around here?”
There was this burger stand near the bar, it stayed open late because of the bar hoppers. The food was not particularly anything to write home about, but they did the job when one was sozzled. You weren’t exactly drunk, but a heavy buzz rang over your skin as Dean walked back to Baby with food. He was smiling and each step he took closer to the classic car, your heart and nether regions took a hit. Then he got in and handed over the food, teasing that you better not get Baby dirty. Ignoring him, you started devouring the burger and fries, thanking him when he handed over a water bottle. He watched for a moment, delight in his eyes, as you ate before digging into his own food. For a few minutes, the only sound in the car was Led Zeppelin in the background and the ruffling of the white paper bags the food came in. You ate and stared out the window, watching a couple eating a few cars down. He was cleaning something off her chin, and she was eyeing him like he was the entire world; it made you feel jealous, a bit bitter inside.
“Stop staring at people,” Dean murmured, shoving a fry in his mouth. He had this annoyed look on his face, but you knew that was just him messing around. You apologized and said you forgot how much attention he needed. He smirked and nodded. “I never get attention; all the girls love Sammy and his damn hair.”
That was a lie – a bold face one. Women loved Dean, beyond the obvious good looks.
“I’m sure you’ve had your share of women,” you said, looking back at the window. The couple had pulled out and the spot was empty now. You felt sad that they were gone and wondered if they were going home together or maybe they weren’t together, maybe they each had someone had home. Maybe they were secretly meeting and living out a side storyline – lovers that couldn’t be together.
“Nah, been too busy. Besides, somethings just don’t compare.”
You barely registered what he had said, because a new car had pulled in two spots down and you recognized it with a sharp pain in your chest. It was his car; he loved this shitty burger stand. Slouching a bit, you watched out of the corner of your eye – seeing if he was with someone and God, hoping he was. He wasn’t, that would be too exciting for his life. He was alone and you watched as he got out of the car to order at the counter. Dean was talking in the background, something about you going with him, but nothing was hitting the brain. You focused on him and what he was doing, how different he looked without you at his side. He ordered and waited patiently on the side, because again, he wasn’t a particularly terrible person.
“Earth to dork, you listening or what?”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, averting your eyes back to Dean. “I’m not feeling so hot, can we get out of here?”
“Sure thing, want me to take you back to the apartment?”
God, no. Sure, he wasn’t home, but just the thought of stepping foot in the place – tarnishing the very night you were having with Dean, to end it – not, you did not want that. “No, let’s go see Sam. I think we should go see him.”
Dean said nothing, but quickly finished off his burger and took a long sip of his coke before asking if you were ready. By the time he was done eating, you had put the rest of the food back in the takeout bag and said yeah, you were ready. The car revved up and you were suddenly aware of someone staring at you, and that was when you locked eyes with the man you had spent years with. He was leaned against the counter, waiting for his food. For a moment, you thought he was staring at you but the fleeting tightness in your chest disappearing when you noticed him admiring Dean’s car. Yes, the man was so blind to you and your existence, he had not noticed you watching from the passenger seat. It was so hilariously sad, you laughed. Full blown laughed as Dean pulled out, asking what was so funny. Relaxing once again, you smiled and turned your head to him.
“Life is.”
The motel was a dime a dozen, nothing special. Neon light announcing vacancy and an ice machine near the main check in lobby, several cars parked in the lot. Sam had opened the door with a warm smile and even warmer hug, his height pillaring over you as he pulled you into the room. Dean followed and closed the door, walking over to the small green table near the only window. He placed the left overtake out and shrugs off his jacket, tossing it on one of the two chairs that accompanied the table. Sam lead you to one of the beds and the two of you sat on the edge, catching up just as Dean and you did. It felt good to be near both the Winchesters, and admittedly, felt safe.
“Dean couldn’t pass up a chance at seeing you,” Sam said, eyeing his brother who huffed as he made his way to the bathroom. He waited until the door closed before smiling at you. “We both wanted to see you, how have you been?”
“Good,” you lied.
“Let’s try again,” he laughed.
“I’m getting by, Sam. Just…going through the motions of life.”
His eyes fell on yours and he asked if everything was okay. “You know you’re always welcomed to come with us, that’s all Dean talked about on the way here. He thinks…”
Sam’s sentenced trailed off and you stared as his mouth closed. It seemed he had placed his large foot in his mouth and you had not missed that fact; asking him what Dean thought. His eyes moved to the door of the motel bathroom and he sighed, explaining that their trip here was no unplanned.
“Dean’s been wanting to come check up on you, didn’t like the last phone call you two had. He thought something was up with the boyfriend and he…he planned on convincing you to move to the bunker with us.”
The information settled in just as Dean walked out of the bathroom, drying his hands with a small washcloth. When he was done with it, he threw it on the bed and asked what was up. Sam said he was going to head out to catch a bite to eat. Dean mentioned there were leftovers, but his face pulled up in disgust.
“I’ll go find something a little healthier, a lot less bacon grease. I saw a diner down the block, I’ll walk.”
Dean scoffed. “You ain’t right, man. Who doesn’t like bacon?”
‘It’s the American way,” you joined in.
Sam rolled his eyes, putting on his jacket. “I don’t partake in peer pressure, I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
You laughed and waved bye when he walked out of the room, leaving Dean and you alone. The room grew quiet then and all that could be heard was the sound of Dean’s boot moving across the dingy beige carpet. Eyes glued to the floor; you couldn’t look up as he claimed his brother’s spot on the bed. Unlike Sam, who kept a respectful distance Dean seemed to engulf the little space left between your bodies. His knees brushed hard against yours and his arm nearly hung over your right arm; the situation was stressing you out because suddenly you felt guilty. Guilty that you were in a motel with a man who was not the one you were currently in a committed relationship with; that alone had you rushing off the bed and walking toward the door until Dean jumped up and chased after you.
His hands flung to your shoulder and when he turned you around, your heart was beating so fast and hard, you were scared you were going to have a heart attack; his mossy eyes stared into yours and he asked you to stay.
Oh, that please; it was more than you could handle. It was so quiet and desperate, before you could say a word, your mouth was on his. It was only the second time in your life that you kissed Dean and it felt just as it did the first go around. Sweet, yet longing, his hands went up to your face and he held you gently. You groaned against his body, hands on his hips as you guided him back toward the bed. It felt suddenly when he broke the kiss, your eyes still closed until he whispered your name. Fluttering open, Dean’s face unblurred and a smile appeared, his hands now on your shoulders. His fingers were warm, even over your clothes and he asked if you were sure.
He sighed. “I have ears, I know Sam told you my plan. Jeez, never could keep a damn secret, huh? Doesn’t matter. I want you to come live with us. Like I said, the bunker is safe, and you don’t have to hunt, can just hold down the fort when we’re gone. I know things aren’t right here for you, and it might be a lot to ask, picking up and starting over, but we want you to come with us.” He paused.  “I – I want you to come be with me…”
His words hit harder when they came from him and suddenly, all the doors flew open – the windows too. Fresh air flowed up the back of your shirt and tickled the nape of your neck, even your toes curled at the opportunity – lifeline, Dean was giving you.
“With you?”
You had to know, wanted to hear the exact words from his mouth before anything could go further – this way it would make things easier. There was no way you were going to leave with the Winchesters without knowing where the two of you stood, if you were going to start fresh, you had to know.
Dean’s smile faded as he stepped closer to you, his hands moved from your waist to catch your hands at your side. He seemed nervous and that made you smile, and when he cleared his throat, your heart raced. This was it; he was the key and while you never wanted to rely on a single person for your happiness, you knew you deserved to be cherished. Deserved to have someone look at you from across the room and see their face light up when you smiled at them. Someone who held you before bed, took up most of the room and occasionally made breakfast in bed. A person who knew how to dot on their partner, who delighted in seeing them walk through the front door and ask them about their day – someone who wanted to touch you in every way. That’s what you deserved, you knew that much, and more than that, you knew you wanted Dean to be that person.
“Yeah, you, who else?” He laughed as if it was all so obvious and you reached up to smack his chest, but he caught your hand and gave it a soft kiss. “Come on, it’s always been you – you’re my girl.”
That was it, all that needed to be said – no worry about the apartment and figuring out the logistics of moving out or the bane of shared accounts and bills. Those minor inconveniences where just that – nothing to pain over and not worth staying behind for. He kissed you then, this time more eager and rougher, the tips of his thumbs spread across your cheeks and he murmured that he wanted you now, and that he couldn’t wait. You asked about Sam and he joked about putting a sock on the doorknob.
“No, it will be fine,” he whispered, pulling up your shirt over your head. “He knew as soon you came, that I would convince you to stay. He’ll be out for a while, we have time. Besides, you’re going to be living with us now, he’ll have to get used to the noise.”
You chuckled, eyes rolling he kissed you more. Hands rose to your chest and he touched the top of your chest, tongue moving against yours. The firmness in his jeans pressed against you and that’s when neither of you could take it. It took a few awkward maneuvers before the two of you were in bed – you on your back and Dean over you, nothing but a sheet covering your bodies. The awareness of your body naked against his heightened the excitement in your chest, his eyes roamed you up and down until landing back to your face. His eyes seemed to be glistening in adoration, and for the first time in such a long time, you felt seen, and when he pushed into you – you felt loved.
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