#sanji tending to usopp's garden
viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
Okay so can I request zero overhearing that his crushes favorite color is green (bonus it if they describe a shade that’s close to his hair )
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50 Shades of Green: Zoro x Reader
Includes: Roronoa Zoro , GN Reader
A / N: I assumed you meant Zoro lol. This is such a cute idea for a scenario ! I Hope you enjoy <3. I hope this is up to your standards !! Feel free to tell me in my AMA if you want me to redo this <33
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It was a bright day , a day of relaxation. Everyone on the Sunny took this opportunity to take a break and enjoy themselves. Rather it be playing tag on the deck , listening to Brook play some beautiful tunes , or even just reading / tending to the garden. Everyone was being themselves and having fun. It was quite the break from the massive battles they've had recently.
You sat next to Nami , who was tending to her tangerines. Behind you , Robin sat reading her book. You and Nami had been chatting happily for what felt like hours. Robin , though she was reading , listened and observed everything to two of you were saying. She was ever observant , even if she was on break.
"Hey , I'll be back. I'm gonna go see if Sanji would mind making me something to drink." You said , excusing yourself from the 2 women. They nodded and waved to you as your form retreated from their vision.
As you jumped down to the kitchen , you noticed the two who normally fight . . . Well , fighting. The blonde haired cook seemed to be enraged about something while the moss headed swordsman just sarcastically commented back and basically brushed off the cook's complaints.
That swordsman. The very one that lacks a sense of direction in a literal and figurative sense. You felt your heart flutter as your eyes trailed to him. You shook your head and brushed pass them to get into the kitchen.
Though you didn't know it , Zoro's eyes followed you as the door shut behind your body. You walked over to the fridge and stared at all of your selections. As you sighed and closed the fridge , the door to the kitchen reopened. You glanced over to see who was coming in and noticed the cook. Sanji had apparently stopped arguing with Zoro and came to attend to your needs.
"What would you like , Reader ?" He asked with a smile on his face. Even if it was near dinner time , it was clear he didn't mind tending to his crewmates' needs. You smiled back at him and leaned against the counter.
"Are you able to make a drink for me ? I'm not sure exactly what I want yet. Or maybe a snack , if that's not too much to ask for." You trailed off as your mind trailed back to its thoughts.
"Of course. How about a vol - au - vent ?" He asked as he he began to take out the pastry from a sealed container. "I made some earlier for Nami and Robin , but they told me they weren't hungry." He shrugged and placed it on the counter for you.
"Thank you , Sanji." You bowed your head lightly and took one of the treats from the tray. You resealed the container and walked out of the kitchen.
Somewhere in the time that you had been inside , your ship had landed on an island. You looked at the gorgeous tree filled island in awe. It was lush with fresh vegetation and had many beautiful flowers. You've seen many different islands in the New World , but this had to be one of the nicer ones.
"Alright. I want Chopper , Usopp , and . . sadly . . . Luffy . . To go into town. Robin , I'd like you to go with them. We need you 4 to pick up some herbs for me and Chopper. Sanji , I want you and Brook to go stock up on food supplies. And Franky , you go get materials to repair the ship and for whatever else." Nami directed , pointing those people in the directions they were supposed to go. As she spoke , the groups filed out so they could get their job done as quickly as possible. It was hard to tell if it was because they wanted to go back to the sea or if they didn't wanna see Nami angry. Most likely the latter , you thought.
"What about me and Zoro ?" You questioned as you took a final bite of the tasty hollow treat Sanji had made. "I want you 2 to watch the ship. I'm going onto the island to chart it." She responded , picking up some paper and pens. Before either of you could say anything , she walked off of the ship.
You stood there , staring at the place the ginger once was. You blinked and turned your attention to Zoro , who seemed to be in the same boat as you. You wouldn't admit it , but you were happy to be alone with him.
You stood there , collecting your thoughts. While you stood like a statue , the Swordsman went off to work out. You shook your head violently and whipped your head around to find him. There he was , in all his muscular glory , at the end of the ship with a comically large weight in his hands. He had his coat discarded and he was thrusting the weight forwards and back onto his shoulder in a slicing like motion.
You couldn't help but stare. Everything about how he just so calmly lifted what you assumed to be over 400ibs surprised you. Instead of staring , you decided to go into the crows nest to keep a lookout for any enemies or your crewmates.
A few hours had passed by without either of you speaking to one another. The ship was in a comfortable silence , engulfing the both of you as you did separate things. You were bored sitting by yourself , if you were being honest. You were often fidgety and lost in thought instead of looking out. Of course , observation haki helped out with sensing living things but you didn't use it often.
Just as you were about to take a nap , you noticed a bag bobbing around the Sunny. You narrowed your eyes to see who it was and didn't see anyone. That was until you saw Luffy and Robin. You assumed it was either Chopper or Usopp. You smiled softly and walked down from your previous place.
You watched as the lump ran up to you. "Reader ! I got you something ! I thought it was your favorite color." The little reindeer doctor said excitedly as he ran up to you. He handed you a bag that was pink. Not your favorite color , but you liked his thought.
"I appreciate your gesture , Chopper. My favorite color isn't pink , though." You responded , putting the bag on your right side. You could definitely put your weapons and stuff in it. "Oh ! What's your favorite color then ?" He tilted his head with an adorable look on his face.
"Green , actually. I'd say a minty - moss green ? It's just really nice , in my opinion." You explained with a smile on your [shape] face. You heard a noise of surprise behind you and you turned. You didn't expect to have your [color] colored eyes meet with one brown one. Your face lit up.
"Greenisaprettycolorididntmeanitlikethat !" You sputtered out , hiding your face from his confusing stare. You couldn't tell if he was mad at you , if you were being honest.
"Green is a nice color , isn't it ?" Zoro mocked , laughing heartily. You were EXTREMELY embarrassed. Though , you didn't notice the red on his cheeks as well.
Chopper and Usopp laughed at your misery. They were even on the floor , about dying at that point. "I just didn't expect you to be into that color of green." He shrugged and smiled smugly at you. He turned and walked away from the 3 of you , cheeks reddening further.
Though you didn't know it , your words stuck in his head. It repeated like a broken record. He didn't understand why , but he liked the thought of it. Maybe his feelings for you grew , but he didn't know that. Maybe he should talk to Robin or Chopper about it. For now , he would sit and think about you. Even at night.
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sleepyrainart · 7 months
Little Bits of Valentine's.
A small series featuring little stories including either OP/JJk characters.
Summary: Receiving nudes from your boyfriend. Including: Mihawk, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and Usopp.
Warning: Male Nudity.
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Mihawk was wondering why he was even here. His drunk ….. acquaintance, hugging him around the shoulders. Leaning most of his weight on him. Since the red head was drunk and having trouble standing. Mumbling about some mundane thing. Mihawk would rather be anywhere else. But Shanks grip was surprisingly strong for someone who lost their wits two hours ago.
“You know, um, what was I saying?” Shanks asks as if he was paying any attention. The only saving grace was the rich red wine he was enjoying. Though the drunk had tried numerous times to get him to drink his moonshine. Mihawk didn't need a sensitive nose to know how foul the drink was, “I know why you won't drink.” Shanks whispers conspiratorially in his ear. A giant grin and evil look in his eyes.
“Oh,” Mihawk sighs and decides it's best to play along. “And why is that?”
“Cause, cause you're scared.” Shanks bursts out laughing, nearly toppling. Mihawk rolled his eyes, too dignified to respond. But Shanks continued to laugh, loudly. His crew joining in. Taking a large sip of wine as he felt his patience slip. “Drink.” Shanks says as he tries to push the bottle to Mihawk's lips. The less drunk man pushing it away.
“Drink.” He whines again, pouting. “Drink.” He repeats with a different inclination. Once again, his crew joins in, chanting out of unison. Another sigh and he finally takes the bottle. Taking a small sip. Everyone boos. It's not like he cares about their opinions. But he does want some peace. So he takes a larger gulp. The clear liquid burning all the way down his esophagus. Settling hot in his stomach.
“Happy?” He asks, and the smiling man shakes his head.
---------- Later ----------
It was late at night or early in the morning. His befogged mind could not decide. Struggling to open his hotel door. He finally gets it open with a victorious sneer. He closes it with his foot. It slams loudly, and he hopes that red-headed idiot hears it, and it hurts his dumb head. Oh, yes, he loves that idea.
So his befuddled mind slips to other things he loves, novels and wine on a stormy night. Tending to his garden and having wine afterwards. You, that's where his drunk mind sticks. You were so pretty it makes him blush. Not that he would ever admit that. He thinks as he stares at his reflection. A drunk thought pops into his mind.
Though it may have been planted by a red-headed idiot. He would be the one to take all the credit. Because it was a really good idea. His hand delves into his pocket. Pulling out his phone. He turns on his camera. Struggling with his delicate fly. Pulling his semi hard member out. It was at that moment his door swings open. The red-headed idiot mistaking it for his room. In his struggle to cover himself, his finger slips. Pressing multiple buttons.
---------- Morning ----------
You're surprised to see a text from Mihawk. He usually prefers to call. Opening it, you see a confusing, blurry image. A smear of red that you're pretty sure is his friend Shanks. But you really can't make out anything.
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You were busy doing some menial task. Not really paying attention. Daydreaming about a well deserved vacation. Maybe somewhere tropical, hot sand and lapping waves. Fruity drinks on tap. Mouth watering as you're lost in thought.
A quiet ding, breaking you out of your daydream. You see a message from your boyfriend. Opening it, you sigh, you didn't ask for this. A picture of his half erect cock. You find his lower stomach more appealing, gleaming with sweat. His lower abdominal muscles shining. Sharp hip bone and tasty v. He was so strong it makes you blush.
Turning off your screen and getting back to work. There were twenty minutes until your break. Then, you could return the favour.
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You're feeling down, a sad mood overcoming you. It had been an okay day, but you were lonely. Your boyfriend had been away all week. You both tried to make do with texts and calls. But it just wasn't the same.
You decided to ask for something, you've never asked for before. It was an impulsive thought and a quick text. Kinda pervy, and you kinda regret it. But it did take your mind off your bad mood.
Cause now you feel worse. Nerves gnawing at your stomach. He doesn't usually take this long to respond. Phone glued to your hand as you go about your chores. You wake the screen each time it darkens.
No response. You feel like crying, but maybe you're hungry. Deciding a bowl of cereal will have to do. You make it one-handed and struggling. Spilling some milk.
You lean on the counter. Mindlessly shoving spoonfuls into your mouth. Dry eyes still staring at your screen. The battery signalling it's low. So you have to charge it. Deciding to shower. Maybe the hot water will make you feel better.
Going through your lonely nighttime routine. You check your phone as soon as you're done. Still nothing. You almost cry, but you're tired. Going to bed earlier than usually wouldn't be too bad. At least not as bad as just waiting.
Lying awake under the covers, shifting again. Finding no position comfortable. You give up and stare at the ceiling. You don't know for how long but finally your phone dings.
Sanji had sent you a text and you're dreading opening it. Shutting your eyes as you press on it. Cracking one eye open before they fly open in shock. A full mirror selfie. Handsome face, grinning and a blushing. Hair weighed down by water, obviously fresh out of a shower.
Droplets of water contouring his muscles. Your eyes following their downward trajectory. Butterflies erupting in your belly. Looking over the sexy v and to his erection. Standing proud and crowned by golden pubes. Long, hard and thick. An ache between your legs. His mushroom tip flushed red and dripping pearls of pre-cum.
Sorry it took so long, darling. But I just knew it had to be perfect. His next text read with an obscene amount of hearts and kisses. Your heart aches, your boyfriend was so perfect. You should reciprocate.
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Luffy tried.
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Usopp misunderstood.
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impactdial · 5 months
would you guys mind if i just dumped a bunch of sanji/usopp/sanuso headcanons lmao 🧍‍♂️(putting these under a readmore because there's a LOT)
-wasian (korean on his moms side)
-his natural hair color is technically black but due to the mutation being partially suppressed, his hair is blonde. he had to start dyeing his hair after the mutation awakened because if he gets too upset/emotional while fighting, his hair will begin turning black
-bisexual + nonbinary. feminine in a show dog boy poodle kind of way. mainly uses he/him but is ok with close friends using she/they too.
-extremely claustrophobic. cannot stand to wear things around or over his head for very long.
-this is more in the vein of a modern au but: he understands but doesn’t fluently speak french (zeff never formally taught him. he knows a few phrases in korean)
-has hardcore perfectionism thats tied to his self worth. everything he does has to be up to his “standard” or he spirals
-has an eating disorder that only chopper and usopp know about in detail. wont eat until everyone else has eaten.
-afro latino
-bisexual + trans man. post-ts he gains the confidence to enjoy his femininity more, which he does with nami and occasionally robin as well
-has an anxiety disorder and adhd. listening to him info dump is kinda hypnotic ngl. even luffy stays invested most of the time. started taking antidepressants after thriller bark
-more intelligent than he gives himself credit for. he's an incredibly fast learner.
-bigger and heavier post-ts. he's probably only second to zoro in terms of bulk. has THE MOST cake out of everyone on the crew (yes even franky)
-has a difficult/different relationship with food. surviving on boin left him with some weird stress responses
-similarly, he doesn't really enjoy eating meat as much anymore because of boin. (fish is fine, it's mostly red meat he can't always eat)
-him, robin, chopper and luffy have drawing sessions together where they just draw on a giant sheet of paper.
-keeps an immaculate record of everything he's grown in his garden and sketches every single interesting plant he sees on islands.
sanuso specific:
-both of them wish they had each other in their lives when they were kids
-before they got together, they both thought "does he feel this thing we have too? what if i'm misreading the signs because i've never been this close to anyone like this before?"
-even thought they're dating, they still have their typical playful, bickering dynamic where they like to tease each other because they're so comfortable around each other. strangers are surprised when they find out sanji and usopp hadn't grown up together.
-sanji isn't ridiculously doting and over the top like he can be with nami or robin, but he's still stupidly romantic and affectionate even when he's not trying to be. usopp is, of course, very endeared by this
-they're both vers switches but sanji tends to be more of a sub
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pooks · 22 days
part 6 of straw hat!Ichiji and we have arrived to Little Garden
arriving to Little Garden
Ichiji is very intruguied by the strange new island with a seemingly tropical jungle climate.
he eventually decides to remain at the ship while Luffy and Vivi (with Karoo) decides to explore the island and Zoro and his little brother has a competition in finding the most food. Ichiji can't resist making a crude joke ("wow, there is a dick-measuring content now?") which earns him a well-deserved slap on his head by Nami.
he is, however, very certain that he has heard about a story of a strange jungle island with tropical climate, but he can't pinpoint where or when he heard about it. Nami decides to look at the books onboard the ship, as she's also sure she's read about it somewhere.
they eventually find out that Little Garden is an ancient island that's stuck in a pre-historic era. Ichiji remarks to Usopp and Nami that this was probably what Miss All Sunday meant and he's worried about how long the log pose will set. he tells them that he hopes the reset time is a matter of hours or hopefully a few days. in worst case scenario, it might be years. this causes some panic to Usopp and Nami.
Ichiji decides that he had enough of sitting ducks on the ship and jumps to the island. Usopp doesn't want him to go (since Ichiji is last of their stronger fighters), but Ichiji tells him that he can feel the inspiration overflowing in him and his instincts are urging him to go and explore. as Usopp and Nami watches him go, she remarks that this is what happens when they bring a writer onboard; they tend to wander away for the sake of inspiration.
Ichiji's filler arc; Nyansha, the Size-Shifting Cat
Ichiji, only equipped with a small notebook and a pen in his pocket, explores the jungle to his heart's content. he thinks back to fond memories when his mother was still alive and where he (and Sanji) heard a story she once told; a tale that was actually about Little Garden. he looks around his surroundings in wonder and feels content with his little adventure
the peace is interrupted when he feels followed and he turns around, coming face to face with a large, furry beast that looks too similar to a cat. feeling afraid, but determined to not let this phase him, Ichiji considers his options and deems it wise to not agitate the beast. instead, he reaches out a hand to let the strange creature sniff it.
to his shock, the furry beast then rolls on the ground and starts to purr. Ichiji realizes that he's dealing with an actual giant cat and he grins excitedly, as he's very fond of cats. he remarks that he wishes the cat was smaller, so he could bring it back to the ship and see if they had any food for it. lo and behold, the cat suddenly shrinks and becomes smaller until it's the same size of an ocelot. Ichiji asks if the "cat" can change its' size at will and the "cat" meows in agreement.
Ichiji holds the cat in his arms, cuddling a little with it. he notes that the cat seems a tad feral, judging by how wild it looks and acts, but it seems to like him plenty. he decides to keep it, discovering its a female cat and names her Nyasha. Nyasha quickly becomes his companion and they continue to explore Little Garden together
fighting Mr.3, Mr.5, Miss Valentine and Miss Goldenweek
Ichiji doesn't meet the giants nor joins the fight against Mr.3 until much later when Zoro, Vivi and Nami are stuck in wax and under the threat of becoming wax figures themselves
he pulls a "big damn heroes" moment and lands a kick right at Mr.3's face, getting his attention from his nakama. when asked (or demanded from Mr.3) who he is, Ichiji replies that he's the archivist of the Straw Hats. when he hears that Mr.0 aka Crocodile has been informed about his existence from Mr.5 and Miss Valentine and ordered him killed, Ichiji only smirks and says "that is, if you can catch me."
through the fight, Ichiji encourages Usopp to fight.
Ichiji: Rise up and take a stand, Usopp! If you really want to be a brave warrior of the sea, then this is your starting line now!
and then he gets busy fighting Miss Valentine and Mr.5, who's still pissed that Ichiji put a bullet in one of his hands. and all he says is "excuse me, i need to kill a couple of bitches."
and by killing, he meant "beat the shit outta the booger asshole and immobilize the hyena girl". a little trivia about Ichiji; like Sanji, he's been taught to never hit women and drank respect women juice everyday. but unlike Sanji, he asked Zeff what he should do if he ever came across a female villain and got an answer. "don't hit women, but outsmart her instead"
yes, Ichiji is absolutely there for the whole Zoro doing the Pose™ because in the event he dies, he wants to go out with an awesome pose. Ichiji just gives him a flat stare before he answers
"you know what, i'm not even going to dignify that with an answer. i'm leaving you in my brother's mercy, have fun with him screaming your ears off."
with joined forces, as Usopp manages to burn off the wax and frees Zoro, Nami and Vivi, they manages to defeat Mr.3, Mr.5, Miss Valentine and Miss Goldenweek.
once he gets the story about the giants Dorry and Brogy, Ichiji feels very relieved when he sees the two rivals/friends embrace each other, happy that their respective companion are alive and well. Ichiji reflects on the "hunting competition" Zoro and Sanji had hours before and wonders if the bond of rivals might extend to something deeper.
now when Sanji is on his mind, Ichiji feels worried for his little brother's sake and decides to look for him. then Sanji appears with an Eternal Pose to Alabasta and having successfully tricked Crocodile per den-den mushi. Ichiji feels very proud of his little brother and is at ease that Sanji can take care of himself.
he feels a sting in his neck and slaps it. Zoro questions him what he's doing and he responds that he just killed a mosquito, getting a bite from it. noticing that Nami also has gotten a bug bite, scratching at it on her stomach, Zoro remarks that this island is so humid and warm that there's probably dozens of bugs.
waving farewell to their new friends, the giants Dorry and Brogy, with the hope to meet them again and with an Eternal Pose in hand, the Straw Hats sets couse for Alabasta. but then we get a cliffhanger where Nami falls sick on short notice.
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redriotinggg · 10 months
hnnnng thinking about. sanuso royalty au.
sanji is a prince in the germa kingdom—same old, same old. third in line for the crown of a kingdom he can’t stand, forced to live with a family whose ideals he hates and who would rather see him dead.
being deemed the family failure has some benefits. when he sneaks away from the castle, no one comes looking for him. (except his sister reiju, but she just wants to make sure he’s okay.)
one evening, sanji comes across a garden towards the outskirts of the town. he’s entranced—it’s filled flora and fauna, fruits and vegetables in all states of growth. even more interesting than the plants is the long-nosed fellow who tends to them, a story of epic proportions falling from his lips as his hands tenderly reap and sow the ground.
sanji watches him move and listens to him speak, mesmerized by the smooth confidence of his hands and the cadence of his voice. when he finishes his tale, sanji gives him a round of applause, laughing when the man practically jumps out of his skin in surprise.
he calms the man’s panicked stutters and frantic apologies when he realizes just who his company is. tells him he’s off-duty and just wants to admire the plants, so will you tell me about them, gardener?
‘usopp,’ the man corrects, and tentatively begins telling sanji all about his garden, becoming more bold as the prince asks him about his flowers, what methods he uses to get his vegetables so big, is he planning on cooking with them, because if so he has a ton of recipes.
they talk until reiju comes to find him. remind him of his duties.
‘i’ll see you tomorrow,’ sanji promises. and he does. he sees usopp the next evening, and the one after that and after that, until he is spending every free moment he can talking, laughing, and bonding with usopp.
falling for him. falling for his bad jokes and spot-on impressions. falling more and more in love with the way he looks at sanji. falls for all of his smiles: when he takes the first bite of a dish sanji whipped up using the fruits of usopp’s labour; the prideful smile when he shows off his impressive marksmanship; his shy smile when sanji can’t help but stare at him under the pale glow of the moonlight.
before he knows it, prince sanji has it bad. usopp is all he’s thinking about.
unfortunately, people begin to notice his absences and overall distraction. the wrong people.
reiju warns him and sanji runs. runs to go find usopp and protect him from the cruelty of his family.
he’s too late.
sanji lets out a primal cry as his flaming foot connects with yonji’s face. he catches usopp—battered and bruised usopp, as the man falls from yonji’s hold.
there is a promise of death in sanji’s eyes as he looks at his other brothers, who rush to yonji’s side.
‘i’m sorry,’ he tells usopp tearfully. ‘this is all my fault. i never should’ve let myself close to you—everything i touch gets ruined, i should’ve known they’d come to hurt you. i’m so sorry, usopp. hang in there, i love you!’
‘shut up ‘n run away with me,’ is the reply he receives. sanji stares in shock as usopp clutches him, tears in his pretty brown eyes, wheezing breaths leaving his chest. ‘i love you sanji, let’s run away together—there’s nothing for us here. let’s start over somewhere far away from here. i want to run and be happy with you.’
sanji’s heart doesn’t know what to do with itself. it squeezes and pulls and tries to jump out of his chest as love consumes him from the inside out. suddenly there is nothing else that matters but usopp and taking him as far away from this wretched kingdom as he can.
sanji presses his lips to usopp’s, professing all of his longing, adoration, and devotion for him in the action. usopp holds him, reciprocating every emotion and making sanji feel so, so loved.
the prince stands, both legs aflame as he stares daggers at the monsters he calls brothers. determination wells up within him like never before. there is one more obstacle for him to overcome before he is free to live his life as he chooses. with the people he chooses.
‘i’ve got your back,’ usopp says behind him, slingshot and pop greens at the ready.
sanji smirks. for once, the future looks bright.
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camels-pen · 11 months
Usopp didn't like lemonade.
There wasn't anything deep about it, he just didn't like the taste so he avoided it.
Though, there was an exception.
"Sanji-kun~" Usopp called, clasping his hands together. "Do you have any extras?"
Sanji, having just finished serving the girls and was heading back to the galley, said, "Everyone else's snacks are on the table."
Luffy's triumphant cry was heard moments later, like clockwork.
"Drinks too?" Usopp asked, batting his lashes.
Sanji huffed, a small smile growing on his lips. "I only made enough for the girls, but I think we still have lemonade in the fridge."
"Really?" Usopp grinned. "Thanks Sanji!"
Sanji averted his eyes, a red tint growing on his cheeks. "It's just leftovers," he mumbled.
And just like every day before, Usopp would walk into the galley, spy the tall slim glass with a little umbrella sitting on the bar. There would be a juicer on the drying rack, poorly hidden behind a cutting board. And Usopp would sit down, and sip the too-sweet, too-sour drink through a yellow straw.
He would give Sanji his approval- best lemonade he'd ever had, and that was the truth-
And then Sanji- Sanji's face would brighten considerably, in this one specific way, in this one specific moment. His eyes would widen and his face would get a little pink and he'd stare at Usopp as if he'd been struck with some beautiful epiphany.
And Usopp would cherish that moment, savour it, hold it close. So that when it passed- when it passed and they got on with their days, he could daydream about that face- that expression. He could imagine improbable scenarios of confessing his love and seeing that face again.
He would regret it all that same night, agonizing over what he was doing. And all for what? A few moments of having Sanji's precious face focused on him? Focused on his false compliments? His lies by omission?
In the morning, all his worries would retreat, hiding away with the moon. He would tend to his garden, sketch, maybe fish- whatever he did, he would fill his time before the midday snack and the cycle would start anew.
Ah, but he was getting ahead of himself.
"Nothing's 'just leftovers' when you make it!" Usopp said confidently. "It's gonna be great, I can tell."
Sanji rolled his eyes, his cheeks still a little red. "Yeah, yeah, enough with the flattery." He lightly pushed Usopp's back. "Get going before Luffy drinks it all."
"Oh shit-!"
Usopp didn't like lemonade.
There wasn't anything deep about it, he just didn't like the taste so he avoided it.
But- he mused, sitting across from Sanji's expectant eyes, the glass cradled in his hands- he would drink it every day of his life, if Sanji made it for him.
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jadedrrose · 2 years
A Coincidence
This is my @onepiece-blorboexchange’s Secret Santa event gift to @owlight! I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, Owl! <3 Happy Holidays!!
Warnings: Lots of fluff, gender neutral reader, though AFAB is implied (reader shares the girl’s quarters with Nami and Robin, but it’s mostly bc who would wanna sleep with all the crazy Strawhat boys? Def not me)
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This entire plan was so nerve wracking, you thought you were going to explode. In a good way? Maybe. You also felt giddy and excited, a blush rising to your cheeks every time you thought of what you were going to do tonight.
You wanted to propose to Robin. Rather, you were going to. But being on just a ship, there wasn’t much room to escape your girlfriend; you knew she was catching on and would maybe even figure it out if she ended up talking to you. So far, today you hadn’t really seen her. You wondered what she was up to.
The plan so far had gone smoothly. You had to confide in Sanji about the plan, as you wanted him to make a special dinner for just you and Robin. You requested that he make her favorite meal, sandwiches. But of course, you thought just a sandwich was too simple. So you’d asked your crew mate if he could make a sandwich board, where the two of you could have multiple types along with many toppings to choose from. You’d also requested a cake for after dinner.
Then you had to talk to Nami. You wanted Robin to dress nice (not that she didn’t already) for the dinner. You’d asked that she come up with some reason to get her dressed up. Nami gladly accepted your request, but not before squealing and getting excited at your news.
Then, there were the ones who couldn’t know. At all. Luffy, for one. The guy couldn’t keep any secret, even his own. If you or anyone else let it slip to him that you were going to do a surprise proposal dinner, he would scream the words back at you in excitement, therefore letting the whole ship know.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, but Zoro. He tended to be a bit forgetful (especially with the way he’s constantly getting himself lost), and would probably accidentally say something.
The other boys, you weren’t really sure. Franky could keep a secret, probably, but you had no real reason to let him in on it. You didn’t need to tell Usopp because you were certain Nami would be gossiping about the whole ordeal with him. But you didn’t really mind. Brook? He’d end up spying on you or Robin the rest of the day and ruin it. You weren’t too sure about Chopper. Much like your captain, he was childish at times and would probably say something by accident while fooling around. But you did trust Chopper, a lot. In the end, you decided to just forget about telling anybody else. Two (three?) people were enough, especially with all of you confined to the ship.
Then you needed to somehow set up the scenery without exposing the whole thing. You figured you’d tie it all into Christmas since the holiday was only a few days away. Nami ended up helping you with that. The two of you set up a table in the garden, putting red and gold dishware on it on top of a satin table cloth. Nami put decorative lights and ornaments on her trees, and you placed light up-garland around the entire garden. When the two of you finished that, you then needed to come up with a way to get yourself ready, since all three of you shared a room. Nami decided on asking Robin to go up to the bath with her so they could just have girls time, and when Robin would inevitably ask why you weren’t joining, Nami would say that you were too tired and went to take a nap. It sounded good in theory, you just hoped Robin would actually say yes to the bath in the first place.
You briefly went into the kitchen to see how things were going. Sanji was mixing the cake ingredients, prepping it for baking. You eyed over all the ingredients poured out onto the counter, pausing on the sugar. “Don’t add too much in, you know she doesn’t like it very sweet,” you told the cook.
“Yeah yeah, geez, y/n, you act as if I’ve never even met her before. I know everyone on this ship’s exact tastes, what they do like, what they hate.” He replied as he mixed up the batter.
“Who have you supposedly never met before?”
Your eyes went wide at her voice. Her warm, gorgeous voice. One side of you panicked over what she may have overheard, the other side swooned over the idea of hearing her say vows to you, in that perfect voice of her’s. Shaking your head, you turned to see her.
“Oh, Robin! Coincidentally enough, it was you,” you spoke, trying to save yourself. “Sanji’s making everyone a cake for the holidays, and I just wanted to make sure it wouldn’t end up being too sweet.”
You glanced over to Sanji who just hummed, seemingly surprised at how quickly you recovered there.
“How kind of you, my love,” Robin praised, a smile on her face.
You blushed, becoming flustered all over again.
“What are you doing in here anyways, Robin?” Sanji asked, seeing you struggling to control your face.
“Oh, I just came in to grab some coffee. I’ll be out of your way in a couple moments.”
“Ah, I don’t mind, Robin-chan. You could never get in my way.” Sanji mused.
“Have you forgotten that I’m y/n’s? You don’t need to continue with the silly talk,” she giggled.
You thought you were going to pass out. Normally you wouldn’t react to her remarks like that, but given your plans for tonight, and just how head over heels you currently felt, everything she did or said had a stronger effect on you.
“Well. I’m going to go shower quickly,” you said, thinking of any escape. “I’ll see you guys at dinner, or whenever we next run into each other.”
“Okay, y/n. See you then,” Sanji said, winking at you. Of course… it did just look like him normally blinking, but you could tell the difference at this point. His winks always lasted longer and his face was more expressive.
“Bye, my love,” Robin spoke as she stood near the coffee machine, watching you closely as you left the room with a wave in her direction.
You were able to shower and get ready without any interference. Everything about the more difficult part of the plan was going smoothly by some miracle. You knew that you were running out of time before Nami and Robin would be back from the bath, so you hurried when getting yourself ready.
You did your normal routine just with a few extra steps added in so that you’d be all dressed up for the occasion. You put on an outfit that you’d picked out for this specific night on the last island you’d all stopped at. Looking yourself over in the mirror, you tried to control the sweat forming on your brow.
“It’ll all be fine,” you tried convincing yourself, “Everything will go smoothly…”
But what if Luffy got to the food before you and Robin could? What if Zoro had stolen all the available alcohol and left you with not even wine to share with your girlfriend?
The ‘what ifs’ kept popping up as you left the room and went to the kitchen to meet Sanji. He was already waiting for you so the two of you could get the food taken up to the spot you’d prepared.
You must’ve checked over the table thirty times before finally deciding everything looked neat and fancy. Then you sat down, and began to wait for Robin.
You fiddled with the ring that sat in your pocket, hoping she’d at least like it. You’d looked over all the jewelry she owned and tried your best to find something that you knew she would love. Even if you were pretty confident, you still had some self-doubts.
Then, you heard it. The chatter of her and Nami speaking to each other as they headed up to the garden.
“Oh, what’s all this?” Nami exclaimed, pretending as though she hadn’t helped you set it all up.
“It would seem the garden’s been decorated,” Robin observed. Then her eyes landed on you.
You smiled at her sheepishly, feeling a deep blush creep onto your cheeks as she gazed at you.
“Hmm, seems real romantic. Guess I better leave you two alone then!” Nami said, waving to you and running off. Though you had a feeling she’d be watching.
Robin sat down across from you, a smirk on her face. She was wearing a black lace dress over a deep colored purple long sleeved shirt. She also had some black heels on, making her even more tall than she already was.
“You did all this?” She asked, folding her hands under her chin.
“Yeah… wanted to make a nice dinner for us. Well, Sanji made the food… I set it all up,” you explained. “Shall we eat?”
“Of course, I’m starving anyways.”
The two of you ate, and during that time you noticed Robin had a smug look about her. Like she knew something was up.
You knew that if she kept looking at you like that, you’d eventually break. So it was best to get on with the plan before you were a nervous sweaty mess.
“Uhm, Robin?” You started, getting her attention.
“Yes, love?” She smiled at you through her wine glass.
“Well,” you started, realizing you hadn’t prepared a speech. “You know I love you. Really, I have since we met. Even if you were technically the enemy then,” you giggled. “But, considering that was years ago now, I figured it was time we uhm… took the next step?”
“What do you mean by that?” She asked. But you could tell she’d figured it all out by now. She was simply playing along.
“Robin,” you pulled the ring from your pocket and took one of her hands, placing the ring into it. “Will you.. uhm, m-marry me?”
Damnit. Why’d you have to stutter?
It didn’t help that she started giggling. Her other hand lifted to her lips as she continued to laugh, shaking her head.
“Oh y/n, of course I will. But it’s such a coincidence,” she spoke, moving her free hand down to her skirt, pulling something from her pocket.
A ring. That was clearly of your taste, clearly meant for you.
“I had the same idea, darling. In fact, I was going to ask you tonight, too,” she smiled. “But I decided to wait it out once I caught you and Sanji in the kitchen earlier.”
“Y-you knew?” You stammered, face turning red.
“Of course I did,” she giggled. “But it’s so endearing. That you did all of this, just for me. Thank you, y/n.”
As you recovered from the shock that she knew all along, the two of you exchanged the rings and slid them onto each other’s fingers. It was then that you heard a squeal from not too far away, seeing Nami jumping up, Usopp beside her, clapping.
“Oh those two…” you rolled your eyes. “Of course they were spying.”
“That’s alright, I don’t mind,” Robin said.
A moment later, Nami was up in the garden, ushering for you and your now fiancée to come on down for cake.
The whole crew was waiting for the two of you, and they all jumped to greet you with hugs and words of congratulations.
“Woohoo! Let’s have a banquet for this!” Luffy shouted, using his power to wrap his arms around both you and Robin.
“But Luffy, we just ate!” You protested, squished between him and Robin.
“Then eat again!”
You rolled your eyes at your captain’s antics, as he let go finally.
“I think it’s time for cake, then,” Sanji said, presenting the cake you’d requested. “Robin-chan’s favorite, and of course, y/n’s too, since Robin had asked me to do the exact same thing.”
You turned to Robin then.
“Did you?”
“Yes,” she confirmed. “It seems we had the exact same idea of a proposal. I’ll take it as a sign we’re meant for each other, hm?”
You blushed, shyly looking to your feet. “Yeah… I suppose we are.”
The immature bunch of the boys all started yelling out things like “ew, get a room!” but it was all lighthearted fun. You could only imagine how they’d act at your wedding, now.
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Thrice Prophesized
CisFem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
Summary: Strap in for an isekai that doesn't involve Earth! Reader is a knight from a different world, yanked into the Grandline Metro AU against her will. Follow her as she learns about the world, the One Piece, and the Straw Hat Pirates - specifically a one-eyed green-haired "demonic" swordsman.
CW: In-Universe levels of violence, amnesia, romance, reader gets some good bad-ass moments, but shouldn't feel Overpowered if I did my job well, surprisingly no smut in this one loves, but it's book 1 of 2.
18 + only please -- 59k words - Completed - Read on Wattpad if you want or Ao3 \o/
Chapter 1: What's My Name Again?
“Heeeeeeey! Luffy!” Usopp yelled as he was coming down from the crow’s nest on the Thousand Sunny. “Luffy! There’s a person floating on a barrel!” He pointed after he was sure he had his captain’s attention. “I saw her cough so she’s still alive!”
Luffy leans over the rail and puts his hand over his eyes, scanning in the direction Usopp pointed until he saw the same thing, or enough of the same thing to know he was looking at it.
“I got it!” Luffy’s arm stretched out across the sea, and he flinches a bit. “Oh. She grabbed my hand! Chopper!”
The commotion had been enough to get the attention of the rest of the crew, as Chopper came up from the boys’ room, Sanji came out of the kitchen. Nami and Robin were coming down from the garden, while Brook, Jinbe and Franky came from the helm.
“Careful Luffy! If she’s hurt a rough landing won’t be good!” Chopper explains as Luffy’s arm begins to return.
“Eh?!” Luffy’s arm twists before he can reply to Chopper, and the person he’s reeling in slams into him.
The two go head over heels a couple of times before Luffy is pinned to the grass, his arm twisted behind his back. A woman has him pinned down, her legs over his, his arm in her grip, and a broken and jagged piece of wood in her hand. Her long hair was plastered against her from the sea water, and fierce focused eyes were fixed on Luffy.
As soon as she seemed to register him, she released her grip and dropped the jagged piece of wood.
“My… apologies.” She took a deep breath and shifted off of him, sitting on the grass. “You saved me, and I reacted poorly.”
Luffy smiles. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not like you were going to hurt our captain with a piece of wood.” Robin muses.
The extra voice causes the woman to look around and take in the crew. Her brows knit at the sight of Jinbe and Franky, and she pales when she notices Brook.
“You’re bleeding.” Chopper says, coming over to her.
“I -.” She freezes for a moment, before relaxing. “You’re a… forest spirit?”
“Chopper’s our doctor.” Luffy explains.
She seems to process this information for a moment before peeling her shirt off. There’s a moment’s commotion before everyone sees the state she’s in.
There’s extra binding over the bra she’s still wearing, but her clothes, or lack thereof, are hardly noticed, even by Sanji. Bruises and small cuts litter her body, the deeper cut on her arm that Chopper noticed is hardly the worst injury among them.
“I am in need of a doctor.” She admits, holding the sopping shirt against her chest. “I am in your care, Dr. Chopper.”
She bows completely to the ground, having already been on her knees.
“Ah! Don’t do that, you could hurt yourself worse.” Chopper grows larger and gently picks up the surprised woman. “It’s okay, I’m just going to take you to the sick bay so I can tend to you.” He explains as he carries her off the deck and up through the kitchen.
“Oh, we didn’t -.” Nami starts but is interrupted by Usopp.
“MARINES!” Usopp yells pointing out across the water. He lowers his goggles and gets a better look. “Oh no… Luffy it’s your grandfather’s ship!”
“I’ll prepare a Coup de Burst!” Franky announces.
“Nami!” Jinbe yells and the navigator nods as the two head to the helm.
“The rest of us will keep the cannonballs at bay until we can take off.” Zoro says, putting Wado Ichimonji between his teeth.
“I’ll let Chopper know we’re going to burst,” Usopp says, taking off as the rest of the crew keeps their eyes to the sky.
Cutting through the kitchen, Usopp enters the sick bay and freezes in his tracks.
Chopper is on his butt, small sized again, looking in shock at the woman that he had brought in. A few feet off the bed she’s frozen in place, literally incased in ice that has taken over a section of the room, there’s a peaceful look on her face.
“What happened?!” Usopp looks back and forth from the frozen woman to Chopper.
“Aaaaahhh! Usopp! I don’t know!” Chopper’s surprise is shattered by Usopp’s question, and the small reindeer starts to panic. “I set her down to get my stuff and then it started to feel cold, and when I turned to look at her, she was coming off the bed and just – just froze in the air!”
“M-maybe she’s a devil fruit user.”
“… Wait, Chopper, look! Is she healing?”
“EH?!” Chopper grows bigger to get a better look and gasps. “She is!”
“Oh that’s- OOF!” Usopp’s statement is cut short, and he and Chopper are tossed back as the Sunny bursts forward.
. . . . . . . .
The cold biting winds didn’t bother you. This was your country, and you took pride in that. Protecting the Archduke and the northern border of the kingdom was a great honor, and being one of the Winternight Knights was an even greater honor.
The ancient magic of the family flowed through your veins. Not only did its defensive capabilities keep you safe, but the offense capacity of the bloodline’s magic was second to none. It needed to be, in order to keep winter from consuming the world.
But you could feel the cold pulling away from you. You were too far from the Duchy, too far from the Archduke – too far away from winter to be able to call on your powers. But you shouldn’t be able to be too far away. The size of the world shouldn’t be big enough. You wouldn’t be able to travel fast enough.
Where were you?
Who are you?
Your foot lands on water. It’s warm, and clear. There’s a well-manicured man looking at you, sitting at a well-manicured table, on a well-manicured lawn. Wherever this place is, it’s clean to a point that makes you uncomfortable. The man’s hairstyle isn’t right for the kingdom, his hair is pulled up into an odd sort of tower bun, and as you look closer there’s something around his head, separating him from the world around him entirely.
“The Empty Throne shall crumble to dust, and the terrible curse of this world will be undone. The seas will swell in bounty and the ruler of the shadows will be brought to burn into the light of the Sun.” The words spill from your lips, but you don’t know that you’re saying them.
Light pours from you and you cannot even see the strange man and his strange clothes, though you can hear him screaming for guards. You repeat your words again, and again, rising higher and higher into the air.
Further from the water, further from winter.
But where are you?
Who are you?
“She prophesized the fall of the Empty Throne! Capture her!”
“Did you see that pillar of light?”
“How dare such blasphemy be uttered in the Red Line!”
“Capture her! What if she knows more? What if she knows where the One Piece is!?”
“What do you mean the light’s reverting devil fruit users? I don’t care for your excuses, get the Hero of the Marines here then! He doesn’t use a devil fruit, he can capture her!”
“Look out!”
“Is that ice?”
“She can’t have that devil fruit ability, Kuzan’s still alive!”
“She’s not turning into ice, she’s creating it – is it a new Paramecia type?”
“Don’t get distracted, stop her!”
“Don’t kill her, the power of prophecy must be contained!”
“She’s getting away!”
“Prepare the ships, Garp will need to pursue her!”
The voices fade as the comforting cold of your home country moves you forward through the air. The power is immense, beyond any application you had known it capable of prior. As though it carries a will of its own, you feel no more in control of your rampage as you did of the words that fell from your lips earlier.
You had no desire to be caught, so you had no concern for the damage you were causing. This land was not Winternight, and you had no loyalty to it. In order to figure out what was going on you needed to be free, and these people were already ready to slap you in irons. The choice was easy.
The immense power propelling you away was also draining your reserves at an alarming rate. Nothing was around you but vast open ocean. You’d only seen the ocean once before now, but you knew that this had to be it.
As your strength faded your memories faded. Falling through the air you wondered idly why you had decided to run away? Why were you in need of freedom? You had come from somewhere, but what was it called again?
Where are you?
Who are you?
. . . . . . .
Heaving in a breath you sit up in bed. It feels like you had just pulled yourself up from the bottom of the ocean and you’re panting trying to pull air into your lungs. A strange sensation tickles at you, and you look over, locking eyes with a small deer-like creature standing on two legs, and wearing a hat.
It’s looking at you in surprise as much as you’re looking at it.
“… Are you-.”
“AAAAHHHH!” You scream at the noise and scramble out of the bed, as you head out one door you can hear the small creature screaming and heading out the other door.
You come out onto the deck of a ship, and bright warm sun overhead. You skitter off to the right, only vaguely aware that you’re wearing something like night clothes, and run down a set of steps onto –
“-grass?” Your mind breaks for a second and you look around at your surroundings again. There are doors, stairs, two trees, a bench wrapped around the mast and railings on either side of you that look out into the endless ocean.
That itchy feeling pulls at you, and you look over to see a skeleton in a suit with puffy hair come down the stairs across from you. He appears to be drinking tea. He turns to look at you and speaks and you scream again, causing him to scream as well. You dart across the way and go through a door, slamming it closed behind you.
You mean to catch your breath, and gather your wits, but a heavy and oppressive air sinks into you. For the first time since you woke up you feel like you might just die.
Turning toward the feeling, you press your back to the door, eyes focused on the blade leveled at you. The man holding it has the aura of a demon, even if his appearance is certainly human. You don’t notice much else about him, except that his one good eye could melt your bones to dust if you weren’t careful.
“Stop. Screaming.” He growls, pulling the sword away from you and sheathing it. You notice there’s three swords at his waist, and the air in the room shifts back to normal as though he hadn’t just been glaring at you like that.
“I… uh. Sorry.” You manage in confusion.
He grunts, walking to you and opening the door, walking back out onto the grass and leaving the door open. You follow behind him, ready to ask him questions when there’s suddenly several people on the deck, surrounding you.
You’ve moved before you know why and you’ve pulled one of the demon-man’s swords free, holding it up in front of you and making sure your back is to a wall and not another door.
“Oi! Marimo, how could you let her do that?” A blonde man in a suit with a cigarette in his mouth was yelling in your direction, but not at you.
You look over to the demon-man and see surprise scrawled on his face before it turns to irritation.
“Give that back!” He snarls, and your body moves automatically as he reaches for you. Moving the hilt out of the path of his hand and stepping back you pivot, and tense the muscles in your legs, jumping much higher than you expected and landing half-way up the stairs next to the mast.
You can’t stop the look of surprise on your own face as you look one way and then the other, standing defensively on the stairs with the sword still in hand.
Your new vantage point, and the space between you and everyone else gave you a chance to take in the people around you more completely. There was a young boy in a straw hat with an impressive scar on his chest who seemed to be dressed like a farm hand. Two women were near the blonde man that had shouted earlier, one of them wearing a bra for a top and the other with her shirt tied in a knot just under her chest. Something about their manner of dress seemed wrong to you, but you couldn’t remember why.
The little deer creature was back, hiding behind a man with curly hair and a fisherman’s hat. He wore pants and suspenders, but no shirt, and looked like some sort of foreign appraiser. The animated Skeleton was standing next to two more people who looked just as impossible. One of them appeared to be a large fish man with white streaks in his black hair, and the other looked only vaguely human, his aqua-blue hair and a metal nose the least strange things about him.
“Shi-shi-shi-shi, Zoro, how’d she steal your sword?” The farm boy laughs, and something about his demeanor makes you feel at ease.
“I think she’s wondering the same thing, Captain.” Zoro says evenly, and you realize his eye has been fixed on you this entire time. You might’ve kept the sword earlier, but you couldn’t match the focus that was staring you down right now.
Not in your current state of confusion, at least.
“W-Where am I?” You ask finally, still hiding behind a sword that’s only yours because the demon-man hasn’t decided to take it back yet.
“You’re on our ship, the Thousand Sunny.” The young girl wearing the bikini top answers you, her orange hair framing a disarming smile on her face.
“B-But where are we? I can’t feel… can’t… what. I can’t feel what?” You shake your head; you’re forgetting something, and you only know that you’ve forgotten it. “What am I forgetting?”
Realization dawns on you as you try to run through what you do know, and you pale.
“Who am I?”
“Amnesia?” the blonde man in the suit questions.
“I… I’m…” Your legs buckle and your knees hit the stairs hard. You barely steady yourself before you nearly topple onto the sword on accident. Holding onto the rail with one hand you turn the hilt of the sword back to the demon-man. You were in no condition to defend yourself and being armed would only make things harder for you. “Done… I’m done. I don’t know who I am, where I am, or who is friend and foe. To fight in this state is dishonorable.”
The green-haired demon-man grabs the hilt and carefully takes it back from you.
“Will you let us help you?” He asks, his voice is almost as sharp as the sword.
“I pointed your own sword at you, why would you help me?”
He just looks at you in silence for a long moment. It feels like the entire crew is holding its breath waiting for you to answer the original question.
“… Yes. I have nothing else, please help me.” You say, sinking back against the stairs.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I want to talk more about sanji and her boyfriend during his ' stomach ache ' (I'm totally not projecting)
Usopp tends to get much more anxious and on edge than usual. He tends to snap at others more or gets easily upset over small inconveniences. He quietly cried on sanji's shoulder when Zoro spoke to him an octave louder than usual once. (She beat his ass later)
His craps aren't severe but it's a constant ache in his lower abdomen (he also gets to one terrible ass cramp) which just worsens his mood. Sanji tries her best to make him as comfortable as possible. she never takes it personal when he yells or snaps at her, and welcomes him in open arms when needing comfort. She always stocks his sanitary products for him always getting him the right brand (it also gives her gender euphoria) She lets him use her pillow to sleep with she always provides him a hot water bottle and a back rub. helps him get ready in the morning running a hot bath with a nice mea waiting for him.
She provides nice clean loose fitting clothes next to the bath. She also takes and cleans his bed sheets and bottoms if there are any leaks she knows usopp doesn't like to acknowledge his period so she takes care of anything that reminds him of it. Sometimes he does talk about it but only with her, and it's usually when everyone is asleep. It's mostly just him venting about how the villages treated him and the discussion of periods in general, they always called it ' lady business' he wasn't a lady. Or they treated it like it was wrong. Yeah it's national and it happens to a lot of people but don't bring it up ever if you do you're the weirdo. They made him feel so ashamed and embarrassed to the point he internalized it. He is honestly jealous that the others are so relaxed about it even the guys. Like how?! How come nobody gets shaky and short of breath when talking about it why is it just him?!(It's also a lot of dysphoria as well)
She tries her best to help him and give him some reassurance. Tho she also pushes him to tell Nami about this during their daily meet up in the garden maybe she can help him gain confidence talking about it to someone with no shame whatsoever
I project all the damn time when I write about these characters too, honestly, half of the things they go through in my concepts have happened to me. So please project.
I love this so much :( T4T relationships my beloveds. Sanji helps him not acknowledge her period and is the only one whom Usopp trusts enough to talk to about these things. And Sanji makes all these little efforts to make the process better and more comfortable,,, It's so so sweet. I think she also makes him all the food he wants and stays cuddling with him after. When this happens they're usually in their own little bubble for a while, since it's a sensitive topic and Usopp isn't really in the mood to socialize.
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edens-serigala · 2 years
sanji assigning each of his crewmates flowers that he associates them with. because he loves flowers, and he loves them, so why not combine them?
luffy ; yellow tulips - 'sunshine in your smile' zoro ; columbine - 'foolishness' ( purple columbine - 'resolution' ) nami ; white hyacinth - 'loveliness' usopp ; thyme - 'courage' , 'strength' chopper ; daisy - 'innocence' vivi ; sweat pea - 'goodbye' , 'thank you for a lovely time' robin ; iris - 'hope' , 'wisdom' franky ; larkspur - 'open heart' , 'lightness' brook ; chamomile - 'patience in adversity' jinbe ; violet - 'watchfulness' , 'modesty' carrot ; orange pansy - 'optimism' yamato ; marigold - 'stubbornness' , 'strength'
he ends up asking for a section of usopp's garden, where he grows the flowers, as a side hobby to tend to when he isn't cooking. they all represent what he loves most about each member, or in vivi's case, what he hopes she knows. when the rest of the crew finds out, they insist on sanji getting a flower of his own, too.
sanji ; bluebell - 'kindness' , 'warmth' , 'care'
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monkeydluffy19920 · 1 year
Reasons to love Mugiwaras: Usopp
It’s been ages but here we are again, back with the series  where I share thoughts about why I think a certain (main) character is popular in One Piece.
This series is mainly focused on the canon material but there might be bit about fillers/movies as well to make references on and since it’s impossible to include every single detail here, I try to pinpoint certain things but feel free to add stuff if something is missing :) 
The very first time talked about Sanji and then I wrote about Nami.  This part is inspired by  Luffy vs Usopp amv  (when I realized I  haven’t pondered Luffy vs Usopp much in past).  Now let’s continue the  journey and talk  about  what makes Usopp popular and lovable character (in my opinion).
This  long post might include some unorganized thoughts, repeat and perhaps spoilers, so you’ve been warned!:D
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So first thing first about Usopp, in general. He is a great storyteller, a little cowardish but a great friend. Main reason I like in his character is that Usopp is very human. He isn’t the strongest one in the crew, has lots of things he is afraid of but he has a big heart and isn’t afraid to show his emotions.
Like other Straw Hats, he has a sad past too. There isn’t much told but we learnt that Yasopp has been in Shanks’ crew for a long time and Usopp’s  mother died of a illness when he was a kid. Hard to imagine this poor guy had to grow up all alone (basically) and he started lying at a early age.
It’s very heartbreaking to realize that reasons behind his "Pirates are coming”-thing was that deep down the little boy just wanted that his father could return back and he just tried to cheer his sick mom. He could’ve stopped after his mom passed away but maybe it was his way to handle the loss of both parents.
But I think it was really adorable that even though the villagers did seem annoyed by Usopp’s “prank”, then eventually when he didn’t do his daily basis (after beating Kuro) the villagers kept wondering where the sniper was, so this became sort of a “tradition” in his village. It’s great though that his friends a.k.a other members from the Usopp Pirate group decided to keep the traditions alive.
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Oda’s way to write characters is amazing and Usopp isn’t an exception. It is clear that Usopp has had a very steady development. Whereas lying and cowardness is partly used as comical reliefs and “running gags” of his, at the same there is much deeper meaning behind his behavior. Lying and storytelling is important part of what makes Usopp who he is and someone would say it’s not healthy but it’s probably where how tends to mask his flaws. We learn later in that deep down Usopp has lack of self-worth and fear of getting abandoned which results that especially before Time Skip he was afraid of unknown and saw himself as a burden due to his physical weakness
Further thoughts are written in “More thoughts about Luffy vs. Usopp-post” but his pride was one of the reason why things escalated with Luffy so badly back then but also the constant fear of not being enough fed all these decisions and he in burst of emotions decided the crew will be better without him. 
Another reason for Luffy vs Usopp fight was his dream.  When entering the Grand Line Usopp told that his dream is to become a  brave sea warrior since he idolizes his father Yasopp a lot. However,  after his real journey on the seas begins so begins his inner crises  because what stands on his way are the limits.  So, before the Time Skip  he wanted to be something he wasn’t.
Usopp knows that brave  warriors are incredibly strong and fearless (like Dorry and Brogy, the  giants from Little Garden who greatly inspire him) and back then he was well aware of the reality (that he isn’t yet ready to be one) and that hurt him and fed his fears and self-esteem problems even more. 
This theme has been going along with Usopp throughout the story. So, although Usopp had learnt slowly to push back his fear and stand up for his nakama in tight situations (for example in Alabasta he was beaten to pulp and still refused to give up and stayed with Nami in Skypiea although Enel was a threat), at the same time they were adventuring, the inner doubts kept stacking, until it exploded badly in Water 7 arc. It’s because he tends to compare himself to the others, especially the Monster Trio (who literally have the monstrous powers).
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The robbery of the Skypiea money and the suggestion of replacing Going Merry were definitely the final straws for Usopp and things escalated. Luffy apologized in middle of the bickering but Usopp wasn’t ready to give up on the argument and then challenged him to a 1 vs 1 (perhaps partly to test his strength but mostly because he really wanted to fight for Merry’s future).
Despite being already heavily wounded Usopp didn’t fled from the duel although he could’ve easily trolled them and escape. He still stood up for his policies. Deep down, he didn’t want to back off although he probably knew that Luffy would win eventually. The loss put his remains of self worth into zero point but then on the other hand, later he wanted to help to get Robin back (but was too ashamed to face his captain after the loss and the arguments) so he became an ally as Sogeking
This disguise made him braver but again he was put face to face with his fears and limits when he got almost killed by Jabra. Sanji comes to save him but instead of scolding, the cook motivated him to realize that they need Usopp to trust himself instead of hiding behind the alter ego he created and this is the moment when Usopp started to realize he has unique strengths too.
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So, it’s after Enies Lobby that opened Usopp’s eyes for good. After it he starts to see also his strengths (of course sometimes he still gets surprised by his skills but now he is even more skilled). He already proved to be very fast as a battler, very intelligent (good with gadgets, Nami’s weapon is great example of this) and a  very talented sniper. Then after Time Skip Usopp became a source of inspiration in Dressrosa and on top of that he has always been admired by Chopper (who believes his stories). These are some positive influences that has made good for Usopp’s self-esteem. 
That’s not the only character growth though, Usopp has had in my opinion quite steady development throughout the series. First one is in his very own arc. There are more thoughts about it in  Emotional slaps in One Piece-post but shortly said Usopp tries to tell Kaya the truth about her butler but gets an emotional slap instead.  Lying has been a silly entertainment for him but now backfired him, after all it’s hard to be taken seriously if you tell stories all the time and suddenly burst out “the truth”.
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Well the slap may have been a “wake up call” so after Syrup Village he gathered his bravery to stand up against Kuro in order to protect his loved ones but then later Usopp’s next big step was in Arlong Park when fools Chuu with his ketchup trick and plans a story how he barely survived and then realizes (when comparing himself to others) that no, he is now a pirate and he needs to do something, literally since his nakamas fight in the frontline too. So he faces his fears, challenges Chuu and wins and this is the first fight he survived all alone! (a great achievement especially when coming to the fact that his equipments were at that time still “rookie level”)¨
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Perhaps his interest in building gadgets roots partly from his poor self-esteem. He wants to become stronger too and knows how to build things so why not using the skills for it (let’s not forget that he offered to help Nami to build her a better weapon). 
Another of Usopp’s time was to shine in Thriller Bark when he turned out to be immune to Perona’s ghosts whereas even the Monster Trio (whom he idolizes and compares himself to) couldn’t.  Then when they were separated by Kuma and after Ace died, Usopp became very determined to find a way to help his captain and rejoin and did show lack of fear when meeting scary obstacles. 
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After the Time Skip he has changed a lot in a good way. He is now stronger and more confident. He still likes to lie every once in a while but it’s not always to feed his self-esteem, more like force of habit and to entertain (and for comical reliefs). In other words the matured Usopp doesn’t lie just to feel good about himself (now he knows he is a important piece of the Strawhat crew and knows he has abilities to fight off even scary enemies) like he used to.
As a crewmember point of view, Usopp has always been a good handyman in the ship but not only that, he has also been good with mechanics and therefore has had potential even before Enies Lobby.  He can be the responsible adult but also there is this kid-hearted side of his where Usopp puts up with shenanigans.
Luffy and Usopp are definitely best buddies and  and sometimes they have these moments when they share one same braincell *laughs* They also share one common goal: to reunite with Red Hair Pirates crew.  Despite the good and close bond, Usopp took a long time before he started to see Luffy more as his actual captain than a close friend. 
It is mostly because in some ways they are complete opposite: Luffy is physically strong and has an impulsive and carefree nature whereas Usopp tends to hesitate more and has more knowledge and agility instead of muscles. Like written earlier, Usopp had difficulties to keep up with Luffy’s spontaneous and carefree nature.
One of my favorite panels from the whole series is when Usopp takes off his mask and reveals himself to Luffy. He tries to act cool and denies he didn’t come for Luffy’s sake (although he partly did, because he wanted to help too with Robin’s retrieval and didn’t want his captain to give up, since they were so close to their goal). What probably made this whole scenario more powerful was that Usopp  knew how to get Luffy back to the fight and he didn’t hesitate with the motivating, even though they were separated and even offered himself to face Lucci to spare Luffy although he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance. That’s loyalty and bravery, just like when Usopp was beaten into pulp in Alabasta and still stood against Baroque Works once they mocked Luffy. 
What probably makes their nakamaship even more unique is that their arguments lead to the breaking point but they later both understood what to do in order to fix it. 
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Zoro and Usopp, when it comes down to this duo, Usopp admires Zoro’s strength and skills (and at the beginning probably is a bit scared of him) and usually seeks protection from the swordsman who seems sometimes to get a little annoyed by this. However, Zoro already showed his loyalty to Usopp in Arlong Park arc where he was ready to slice Nami after hearing she killed Usopp. 
Zoro constantly keeps encouraging Usopp to face his fears and for example doesn’t let him off the hook when they decide by random who is joining Luffy’s shenanigans and also in general probably Usopp sees Zoro as the big brother and the voice of reason too.
Zoro is almost like a mentor to Usopp. Even though the swordsman isn’t that kind of guy who’d show outside the feelings but one can see that he was concerned when Usopp left. Obviously he also wanted the sniper to rejoin but first he demanded a proper apology from the Usopp because of disrespecting their captain (so Usopp could undersrand the consequences of their duel). It sounded ridiculous for some of their crewmates first and even Luffy was ready to welcome Usopp back without bigger fuss but it was very important moment for Usopp to realize this is now the real deal and made him set his pride aside. 
Interesting detail between these two was that Oda made this “role swap” in Sabaody Archipelago. There Usopp (who usually seeks protection from Zoro) is now the one who protects the swordsman and even tried to reason him not to go on the battle (when Zoro was badly wounded), basically it could’ve been anyone who carries Zoro but Oda chose Usopp which is great in my opinion. 
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Nami and Usopp get well along together although sometimes the sniper is afraid when the navigator gets angry  but aside of the comical reliefs, Nami is like a big sister to Usopp and they share lot in common: both lost their moms, both are easily afraid of the unknown and both use gadgets in combat.  On the other hand they  both have been great peer support to each other and determined to quit being so dependent on other crewmates and become stronger. 
It is clear that Nami greatly respects Usopp’s skills with mechanics otherwise she wouldn’t have trusted him to build her a weapon so she could battle for Vivi’s sake in Alabasta.  They are often showed as together they are preventing Luffy from doing stupid things by beating him up but on the other hand they are also an efficient duo ending up into various problems in the field (like fighting Enel or when they ended up to explore Thriller Bark with Chopper, “the coward trio” and the latest, when they fought together in Wano against that headbutt-character).  
More importantly, both are very human in their nature (for example when Ace died both were very concerned about how Luffy will cope with an emotional trauma) and for example understand how hard it is to keep up with the rest of the crew.  Both of them also show openly emotions in good and bad. 
Usopp also is aware of Nami’s past (since he and Sanji were the only ones who listened to Nojiko’s story) so for example he got upset to Brook in Mermaid Island arc where Brook dropped unknowingly an insensitive joke about Arlong
So, they do share a special bond and therefore if someone then it’s Nami who understands Usopp’s struggles especially when it comes down to keeping up with the other stronger crewmates and that’s probably why she felt so emotional because of Luffy vs Usopp events (she could definitely feel his pain when he felt the guilt of not being able to protect the money that got robbed by Franky Family but there she proved that money isn’t her priority number 1 and showed much more concern in Usopp’s wellbeing).
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Sanji and Usopp, when they first met they ended up arguing (because Usopp didn’t think Sanji treated them equally) but things change in time and they too start to see each others’ good sides.  
Oda makes an interesting way to portray their nakamaship: Usually Sanji acts like he cares only a little for Usopp, but then on the other hand the cook has sacrificed himself in Skypiea for the sniper’s and Nami’s sake and back in Enies Lobby Sanji saved Usopp from Jabra. Sanji was even willing to stand up for his captain and kicked Luffy and told him not to say anything reckless.
Maybe is another running gag it’s seen often that the cook will fearlessly rush into battle while dragging a terrified Usopp with him.  Eventually, in Enies Lobby Sanji was the one to ultimately inspire Usopp to see the value inside himself saying that while he (Sanji) was physically stronger and could do what Usopp could not do, Usopp possessed skill to save Robin and could do what he "couldn't do".
Re-reading Water 7 and Enies Lobby after WCI arc made me understand that Sanji and Usopp have actually much more in common that we thought: both had very isolated childhood without parents, both have had difficulties to keep up with others’ pace (Sanji in past, Usopp in the present).  
Who knows maybe seeing Usopp fighting with his insecurities and especially using in the mask reminded Sanji of his own “iron mask” and the pain behind wearing it. Perhaps this was the reason Oda first made Sanji to convince the others to not to reveal Sogeking’s real identiity (although probably most of them knew who he was) and later choose presicely Sanji to be the one with the speech in Enies Lobby. 
Interesting detail in this setting was that this became a parallel to Arlong Park where Luffy told that he can’t do all things, and now there is Sanji who openly admitted he wasn’t able to win Kalifa (and got bailed out by Nami), only for her and Usopp to be bailed out by Sanji in turn when the wolf man was way too strong for them. It’s just still amazing the way Sanji puts all his trust in Usopp to help them free Robin by telling the sniper: strength comes in many different forms and that even the strongest crewmembers are depending on one another to survive.
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Chopper and Usopp also have their special bond and they too adore each other’s skills. Chopper keeps buying Usopp’s tales but also sees him as his hero.  Both of them are openly showing their emotions and are human in that side.
Because Chopper idolizes Usopp, it was hard to him to get rejected by the sniper when Usopp left the crew and Chopper later caught up and tried to talk him back there without good results.  After the Luffy vs Usopp fight Chopper had really hard time because he was forced to choose between his job and friends (when Sanji told him not show pity on a fallen man but later Chopper decided to go with his heart leave Usopp some first aid kit so he eventually chose friendship kindness and what  he thought was right at that moment.  
Sogeking was basically the embodiment of Usopp’s tales and probably he didn’t realize who was behind the mask. Chopper loved Usopp’s alter-ego too though. 
Usopp and Chopper are easily terrified (along with Nami) but even though they are usually scared, the sniper and the doctor make a great fighting team. A great example was that They defeated   Miss Merry Christmas  and Mr. 4 in Alabasta.  
Usopp and Chopper form the “Coward Trio” with Nami and although it’s partly a running gag, there again is some things that combine them and it’s their human nature and (outside chopper) their pretty human strength.
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Usopp and Robin needed a little time for their nakamaship to develope. Probably because of Alabasta he was a bit afraid of her and her devil fruit powers (especially when she joked about her speciality to be assasinations). So Enies Lobby arc did also good for their nakamaship. 
Usopp was always willing to help Robin in Water 7 but since the circumstances were a bit difficult he had to do it in a disguise and didn’t even hesitate although he was facing Blueno who is powerful.  By that time Robin wasn’t aware of the crew being split up but despite that Usopp still told her to “have faith in Luffy”.
Just like written earlier, I think it was crucial for Usopp’s character development that Oda made him to be the final piece to the puzzle to help Robin escape from Spandam.  This strengthened their bond for good and it’s not the only time, also in Dressrosa Usopp saved her from being a toy.
What I like the most in their nakamaship is that although Robin loves to tease Usopp with her dark jokes, she also treats him with a big heart, like motherly. It’s headcanonish but I think for example that Robin helps Usopp and the rest of the “Dork Trio” collecting bugs and stuff.
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Usopp and Franky had a very  rocky start since the cyborg’s family stole Strawhat Pirates’ money and beat the sniper’s butt. Then Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper caused a ruckus on Franky House so Franky decided to return the favor by kidnapping Usopp (who at that point had left the group.
Suddenly they started to bond, mostly because they started to talk about ships and it was Franky who managed to make Usopp realize that Going Merry was way beyond repair despite the sniper tried to repair the ship. Despite they didn’t know each other for a long time, Franky was definitely impressed by Usopp’s skills since the cyborg later asked him to join the Franky family.
After Franky joined the Strawhats these two began to bond even more. They both love mechanic stuff (i.e both love to build stuff and Usopp is usually the tester when it comes down to Franky’s inventions) and they enjoy maintaining the Thousand Sunny together and Franky for sure has taught Usopp a lot about shipwrighting since he heard Usopp took mainly care about Going Merry.  
It’s probably just another running gag but Franky compares his bounty towards Usopp’s a lot and frankly spoken he should have at least a bit better bounty in general compared to the fact that he has loads of knowledge (previously held Pluton blueprints) but that’s another story to tell later. 
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Brook and Usopp didn’t have it easy too since Usopp was terrified of Brook when they first met. He was openly against the musician to join the crew but once he heard that Brook and Laboon had a connection and after events in Thriller Bark in general, Brook gain Usopp’s trust.
Although they get well along, a couple of times Usopp has become annoyed by Brook’s careless behavior: in Punk Hazard when he was eyeing Nami’s body (when Sanji was swapped into her)  and when Brook accidentally made that joke about Arlong in Mermaid Island.
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Jinbe and Usopp, the sniper was understandably hesistant about Jinbe at the first time since Jinbe is not only a former warlord but also was part of Arlong’s Pirate crew. Despite all that the sniper ended up supporting his captain's decision about Jinbe joining their crew and after they’ve known for more, Usopp has  admired Jinbe's attitude and strength and eventually encouraged him to join the crew while calling him Boss Jinbe.
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I think from after the Syrup Village and Enies Lobby, one of the most crucial arc for Usopp’s development has been Dressrosa because there he managed to unleash his Kenbunshoku Haki. It was literally a crucial shot because Luffy and Law were in edge of becoming toys. 
Let’s not forget that chapters ago he shot one of the Merry's cannons and perfectly hit his target and the crew managed to escape from Alabasta because he landed a shot on a marine ship which made it crash into another giving them an escape route.  So as said earlier, Usopp has always been very skillful with gadgets and incredible speed. At the first glance slingshot as a weapon doesn’t sound powerful but now to think about it: to land a shot perfectly you needs to be able to lock the position of your target, calculate the exact angle and force and usually you are also put into pressure.  So, Usopp is one of the best examples of underestimated power and indeed deserved all the praise in Dressrosa.
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His character history still has room for questions that could have answers such as what disease did Usopp’s mom have? (like could it be cured in future if Chopper’s dream about being able to cure all diseases became true?) or how it will be when Usopp meets his Yasopp for the very first time after a long break? It seems like his dad left when he was very young so probably he mostly knows him based on what his mother Banchina told about him.
Aside from sharpshooting, lying skills and being good at engineering (especially with handheld weapons) Usopp has other talents too such as being a skilled artist and according to sbs he has also is good with hairdressing.  He is also good with gardening because he learnt in that island to cultivate pop greens.
I think one of the funniest running gag is that Usopp is a scaredy cat but one thing he is not afraid is bugs especially spiders. When Nami and Sanji screamed their lungs out because of the tarantellas (while they were looking for South Bird) Usopp casually took that 8 legged thingy to his hands. Hard to say whether his skills in arachnology has come in handy in general but I do like the headcanon that him and Luffy (and Chopper) love to collect bugs together and play with them when they have some spare time. 
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All in all, if one should sum up this huge post (that again got carried away *laughs*) it’s that Usopp has made a long journey to the point where he is now standing. He started as a hesistant youngster and has grown now to a strong and (almost) fearless pirate and one day he’ll definitely become the brave warrior of the seas (although he already is one). 
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charkyzombicorn · 5 months
God au
While stereotypically only criminals worship us up, that’s not entirely true. He is very commonly worshiped amongst gardeners.
Nope - poorer and middle class folks have gardens for food or medicine, so they thank Sanji or Chopper, upper class gardeners worked hard for their education in botany and since luck with gardening is more in being attentive, knowledgeable and patient, they mostly thank Robin and consider manipulation of plants by their own will as besting Usopp and the plant's own will to overtake or be overtaken instead of staying in the neat little rows and sections the gardener makes
Nomads worship Usopp, they reject reliance on agriculture, tend to rely on wild plants for game and shelter and medicine instead of the refined kind Chopper and Sanji tend toward. They worship Usopp for being nearly everything they rely on, everything they see and touch
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general-cyno · 9 months
Just a thought: Most Strawhats are fighting to survive, but Luffy and Zoro are fighting to live.
They are all tough cookies because they’ve gone through a lot as children and later on until they met Luffy and of course got stronger while travelling with Luffy. But I think most of them would be okay with a quieter life while Zoro and Luffy are yearning to fight and to get stronger.
(Like, Luffy fighting in the Colosseum and Zoro being angry that he wasn’t invited.)
Hey! 🫶🏼
"most straw hats are fighting to survive, but luffy and zoro are fighting to live" YOU GET IT!!!!! this summarizes really well what sets those two apart from most of the other straw hats, why their characters tend to be a lot more "static" in comparison even if they do experience certain degrees of growth, and why zoro in particular lacks a character-centric rescue arc. this is a good thing imo, because that means they're steady figures (pillars!) for the crew to rely on - which makes plenty of sense since luffy's the captain and zoro's the (unofficial) first mate.
despite all the hardships they endured as kids, luffy and zoro are dreamers through and through. they treasure their lives, fight for their dreams and freedom, refuse to die unless it's on their own terms. they cherish the lives of those important to them greatly, to the point they vow to become even stronger when they lose those very same people (kuina and sabo, as kids), whether it's to honor their memory or prevent that loss from occurring again. zoro's dream is directly linked to strength and while it's likely luffy's isn't, you don't really become the pirate king without the power to match the title, with all the dangers it entails. roger may have been labeled a king by others rather than seek out to become one, and he was more of a Normal Guy than luffy is in comparison, but he was still strong as fuck and just as happy to fight too.
all in all luffy and zoro genuinely enjoy battle. both dislike the idea of dying in circumstances not related to their ambitions/goals - hence the parallel of zoro resolving to chop his legs off to escape the wax cake in little garden vs luffy deciding to cut his arms off while imprisoned in whole cake island. zoro's the one who usually shares and matches luffy's excitement about facing strong enemies like the warlords or the emperors too. ig because of his less extroverted personality it's easy to overlook, but zoro enjoys adventure about as much as luffy does. even when they fight for the sake of others against blatant injustice, most of the time they enjoy the fight itself too. a more relatively recent case of this is when they face kaido and king in wano.
I believe the rest of the straw hats have come to enjoy their adventures just as much, the thing is precisely that they had to learn how to - because their childhoods or general life experiences forced them to suppress this side of themselves. imo this is part of the reason why it was important for zoro to be the one to make the deal with kuma, for example, because sanji, quite like usopp and robin, needed to live to eventually realize the value of his own life and his role in the crew.
I don't really think they'd just part ways after finding the one piece, but I do agree with what you said about some straw hats not minding a quieter life. some of their dreams kind of match this idea but the fun part is that they can still do that alongside luffy and zoro and the rest of the crew, in a way, because all of them and especially luffy and zoro, are always striving to become strong enough to keep them safe in the meanwhile. I love it so much.
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sogekyng-aa · 9 months
@terraius asked:
"Oi, Usopp.. Got the bad news today after my checkup... Turns out I-." he's really playing up the sad but trying to be aloof thing here. "I'm suffering from a kiss deficiency." Dramatics, his arm thrown over Usopp's shoulders, head burying into the crook of his neck. "I'm growing weaker by the second..."
tending to his garden, usopp turned his head when he heard sanji speak to him. for a moment there was a bit of panic in his heart when the other spoke up of bad news. standing up quickly as the other trailed off.
"sanji what's---" and there it was, the jokes. he should have known that the bad news was nothing, but usopp was just that kind of person to worry. as he felt sanji lean against him, the sniper's arms went around him to hold him up.
a breath and a smile.
"oh, is that all?" he asked with a sudden kiss to the top of sanji's head. "let's fix you up then, huh?"
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redriotinggg · 7 months
the sniper's cat!
got this submission from @trans-jester-420 for the ask game where i discuss fics i’d write based on the title given to me!
OKOKOKOK SO the Straw Hats have stopped at an island and Usopp went to explore and get supplies for all of his Usopp needs. He's passing by an alley and sees the sweetest alley cat. He originally stops just to give it some pets, but when he tries to leave, the cat follows him. He looks at its sweet face and is reminded of all the stray cats he used to take care of back at Syrup. So, he stuffs the cat down his sweatshirt (his bag has too many dangerous items) and sneaks back onto the Sunny.
Hidden away in his workshop, Usopp has a fantastic time playing with the cat. However, it's becoming obvious that his workspace is way too dangerous for the cat and he's going to lose it if the cat knocks over one more thing off the shelf. So he sneaks his way up to the gardens to resume their play session.
His secret doesn't stay a secret for long as Robin and Nami come up to tend to their gardens and spot him with his new cat. They are enamoured by the cat, happily petting it and expressing their love for it. Usopp does not appreciate their plans to dress it up in clothes and accessories.
Sanji comes up soon after to bring snacks for the ladies and starts making a commotion about the cat, though he does stop to pet it as well. Luffy hears him yelling and comes to investigate, and soon the whole crew knows about their new crew member.
They bring the cat down to the grassy deck where they watch it run and play. They all love the cat and are excited about having it aboard. (Except Zoro, who is indifferent, but doesn't stop the cat when it comes to nap with him.) Brook is singing feline shanties and Franky is making plans for a super awesome climbing tree.
However, they do have to think of the logistics of having a cat out at sea with them. Given the size of the ship they do think it's possible, but would the cat like it? Chopper asks the cat what it would think about living with them on board the Sunny.
The cat explains that while it loves Usopp and all of his friends, they don't like the rocking of the boat and they'd prefer to stay on land where they are familiar.
Everyone is super sad that they have to leave the cat behind, especially Usopp, but they know it's for the best. After making sure the cat is clean and well-fed, Usopp brings it back to the alley where he'd found it. He leaves his new friend with lots of snuggles and a promise that they will always be a member of the Straw Hats.
Aaaah I love Usopp and I love kitties, he so deserves one! Although I think he'd be the type to own reptiles as pets. Thanks so much for the ask/submission! My inbox is always open so feel free to send me more prompts! <3
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buggysmalls69 · 9 months
Well I'd best explain myself.
Hey. It's milk ✌️
If you know me from being moots elsewhere.. Hi! This is my special interest blog. A real rebloggy blog. For reblogging. And talking about my interests if I feel like it!
Current interests:
In no particular order
- Figures ✨
I collect figures. I have like well over 300 at this point. I don't keep track anymore and this one is slowly but surely subsiding. I will always adore figures and collecting them though. My figures make my room a safe place for my senses. They're all so pretty 💖
- Pokémon 🌈
Oh my god an autistic person who likes Pokémon it's a miracle. Yeah. I started playing Pokémon when I was 3, so 18 years going strong. I originally preferred the toys and cards, but heart gold and soul silver converted me and then I became a mega fan. Tracking releases, learning lore, creating fanart. Mind you I was like 7. There's a deviantart account out there from when I was 6? and yeah that shit Sure Is (you can try and find it I don't really care anymore jfjsjfjg). Anyway!!! Faves are cleffa, whimsicott, blaziken, galvantula, giratina, mimikyu and Registeel. Faves by proxy include lapras, torkoal, lilligant, gengar, rayquaza, mudkip and ledyba. Fave humans are Iono, Caitlyn, Lillie (LillieMoon 💖💖💖), Ingo and Emmet, Allister, N, Erika and Elesa. Gen 5 is currently my favourite but I have played gen 5 a LOT the past few years and a lot of my faves are gen 5. I attended both the Pokémon center pop up in London in 2018, and EUIC 2024 in London, also for the Pokémon center lmao. I have a cleffa tattoo also!!! Planning on getting a large majority of my faves tattooed at some point.
- Bugs 🐛
Woo big surprise it/they user enjoys bugs. My favourites are moths, exact favourites being hummingbird hawk moths and Madagascan sunset moths. Also a huge fan of weevils, worms, snails, beetles, bees and butterflies! I hope to have a butterfly collection one day in frames :3
Hatsune Miku.
- One piece ☠️
Pretty new one but yeah, I'm caught up so I spend a LOT of time thinking about them damn pirates. Faves in no order are Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Perona, Mihawk, Law, Corazon, Ace, Yamato, Katakuri, Crocodile, Buggy, Doflamingo, Lucci, Okiku, and Big Mom.
- No but for reals Miku 🎧
Fun fact! I've been a Miku fan since 2010. That's 14 years baby!! My first vocaloid songs that I remember hearing are nyan cat (duh), world is mine, Romeo and Cinderella, butterfly on your right shoulder, gugurekasu, and my all time fave, corruption garden. Absolutely underrated banger. This should be a general vocaloid section really because my favourite cryptonloids are Kaito, Luka and Miku and then my favourite non cryptonloids are Meika Mikoto, Lily, Nekomura Iroha, PoUta, Teto and Luo Tianyi! My favourite producers are PinocchioP, Neru, Giga, Kira, Iroha(sasuki) and OwataP!
I went to Miku expo in London 2018, 2020 and I am going in 2024!!! A selection from my personal wishlist for London 2024 setlist :
Paradichlorobenzene - OwataP 💛
Kokoro - Toraboruta 🧡
Kunoichi Demo Koi ga Shitai - MikitoP 🩵🧡
Digital Girl - Kira 🩵
Break it, Break it! - E.L.V.N ❤️
Non Breath Oblige - PinnochioP 🩵
Erase or Zero - crystalP 💛💙
-Minecraft 🌲
Yeah yeah you can laugh all you want. I've been consuming Minecraft since it came out, and I've played it for 10 whole years. I got pc edition 5 years ago now (INSANE). I love Minecraft. I tend to play just random mods shoved in a folder, but I do play with friends sometimes!!! If anyone ever wants to play please tell me I will kiss you.
-Dinosaurs (since I was like 4)
-Sanrio (as long as I can remember)
-Anime in general
-Art (lotta A's huh)
-Shitty adult cartoons (south park, family guy, American dad, I have encyclopedic knowledge of all 3 and I can recall every episode. I also know family guy season 4 word for word :3)
-Sitcoms (Actually enjoy: Two and a half men, modern family, young Sheldon kinda, does house count? It should. Encyclopedic knowledge: Big Bang Theory, Two and a half men, Frasier, Friends)
- Five Nights at Freddys 🐻
I know, I'm so cool. This game has had its dirty grip on me since it came out. Basically I hate it but every time a new game comes out I can't help but go on a self destructive info absorb and I watch like 6 hour video essays on the new lore and implications. It's fun I like fnaf silly Creachure. My fave is the puppet because I'm non binary haha.
I pretty much tick all the boxes for middle school anxiety huh. Yeah undertale is a beautiful masterpiece and every few years I'll have a mega "aaaaa undertale" phase where I'll just do nothing but play and consume undertale content. I've played the game through at least like 10 times? A few of each ending. I'm still really bad at sans fight.
-Animal Crossing 🐾
I think everyone should have this one. Occasionally I'll just be like "hm being an adult in the real world isn't really what I wanted right now" so I play animal crossing until oops 6 hours passed. I'll then play for about a week before putting it down again. I tend to stick with new horizons, just because it has the best gameplay. Also BUGS heheshhfksjgh. Fave villagers are Lily, Eugene, Beardo, Judy, Merengue, Lolly, Merry and Marina. I also love Flick and Celeste.
Yeahhh I kin some bitches. Big deal.
- Yamada Ryo
The big one. She's just me for real for real. I love her for realsies. Also um hi bocchi kinnies.
- Rina Tennoji
She's so fucking autistic. I also struggle with expression (fluctuates between under and over!).
- Kokoro Tsurumaki
Genki. I have made it my personal goal to make people happy in recent years and it's really helped my own mental health
- Madoka Kaname
- Kirby
Small, Round, Pink, Poyo
- Flandre Scarlet
Tiny Creachure clinging to childhood (with a dash of trauma).
- Kanna Kamui
I just, deep down. I experience friendship the exact way Kanna does. I have no concept of boundaries. I will crawl into your bed at night.
- Stocking
Sweets, hypersexual, kinky, goth, chubby. Me.
- Yamato
Oblivious, love friend so much, bad family relationships.
- Kuromi
*cough cough* *straightens paper* Although Kuromi may look and act tough and punk, she is actually very girly and is attracted to good-looking guys. That is all.
And yeah I think that's pretty much it. Obviously this post will get updated as regularly as it needs it. Hope u enjoy my silly content!!!
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