#satanist anon
satanourunholylord · 1 year
good resources on theistic satanism for beginners?
- The Infernal Gospel, Rev. Cain
- The Satanic Scriptures, Peter H. Gilmore
- The Unholy Bible - Rev. Cain
- At Satan’s Altar, Marie Ravensoul
In Satan’s Honour
Spiritual Satanist
Theistic Satanism
Black Goat Cabal
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Devil Worshipper
Satan’s Den
Aleister Nacht
In Praise of Satan
Satanism and Me
Please also educate yourself on how to identify and avoid cults, and be aware of extreme right wing groups including (but not limited to) Joy of Satan and Order of Nine Angles.
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daytaker · 5 months
i have come back with more questionable mc behaviours as a treat
mc who’s a LeVeyan satanist, that or another idea of a similar variety which is when mc gets teleported they were wearing a “hail satan” shirt
also i loved the creepy scientist like mc (๑>◡<๑) - clown anon
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
I want to own a Sheep MC plush that wears a Hail Satan shirt. I want that to be among my possessions when I die.
That out of the way...
(cw: references to drug use, references to sex, this is the church of satan. sex drugs and rock n roll. this gets extremely silly towards the end.)
Satanists Don't Believe in Satan
You were vibing to Eurythmics, sitting cross-legged in your bedroom and trying to meditate while your Snake, Dr. Faust, wound his way around your arm. And then, suddenly, you weren't. The shag carpet was replaced by a hard wood floor, and the warmth of your bedroom was replaced by the cool draft of a large assembly hall with windows. And some punks in military academy uniforms were scowling at you.
"What the fuck? What gives?" You were really confused. Did you already hit the acid and you're so high you forgot? You stood up and looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your CoS shirt and pink pajama shorts, and you still had on your fluffy slippers.
"Welcome, uhhh...." A big guy in red squinted at a piece of paper, then looked at me. "Is your name actually Omen LeVey?"
"That's what it says on my driver's license, bitch." Dr. Faust wound his way up your arm and into your shirt. He clearly didn't appreciate the change in temperature either.
"It's not too late to swap them for someone else, is it?" whispered a dark haired man to Big Red.
Big Red ignored him. "Welcome, Omen, to the Devildom! I'm sure you're very confused, but everything will make sense soon. You have been chosen to participate in an exchange--"
"Where do you think you're going?" The dark haired bitch cut off Big Red as I walked to the door.
I turned around. "Uh, out?"
"Out where, exactly?" asked the bitchy one.
"Out of here? I'm not sitting around waiting for you to go through some sort of timeshare presentation with me. However I got here, I'm sure I'm high as fuck, and I'm not going to spend my time high as fuck getting talked at by this dude. No offense, Red."
Ten minutes later, you were tied to a chair in the middle of the assembly hall. Big Red, the bitch, and three other guys stood around you, unsure what to do.
"Is this, like, an ex of yours or something, Satan?" one of the extras asked another. They were both twinks, and they were also both quiet up to this point, so you couldn't really think of how to differentiate them on the fly.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"Their shirt!"
All five guys stared at your graphic tee, which was black with white splatter text that read:
"I can't believe Satan has an entire church dedicated to him! I wonder if there are churches to me," Twink 1 said with a sigh.
"That's not a church dedicated to me," replied Twink 2. "Their entire doctrine is a repudiation of my very existence. You should educate yourself, Asmodeus."
"Helloooo? Excuse me?" You wobbled in your seat, trying to get their attention. "Since I don't have any choice but to listen, I'll allow you to go ahead and tell me what the fuck is going on."
Big Red sighed at began to explain again. "You've arrived here in the Devildom as an exchange student from the human world. For the next year, you will be living here in the Devildom with us demons, attending the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or "RAD", we we tend to call it."
"...Okay, so clearly this is a bad trip, so I'm gonna politely ask if we can skip to the part where I'm finished having sex with my downstairs neighbors and I turn into a ball of energy? Like. C'mon. Chop chop."
"I am Diavolo, acting lord of the Devildom. And this is Lucifer, my right-hand demon and confidant." He gestured to the bitchy one.
"Charmed," you said in a voice saturated with sarcasm. "What about those three?"
"Ah," Diavolo said, nodding. "Those are Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub. They are Lucifer's brothers."
"This is so wild. So Satan and Lucifer aren't the same dude?"
"Careful what you say," said Twink 1--or Asmodeus, as you now knew him to be. "You'll make Satan angry!"
"Sorry bro. Look look look, though, I'm in your fan club." You hope your shirt with Satan's name on it will butter that one up--Satan is Twink 2, as it turns out; a skinny blonde kid with a yellow bow tie. You aren't sure how to feel about that, exactly. You'd always pictured him as a cartoon goat-man, more or less.
"Do you really think you can butter me up by claiming that the Church of Satan is my fan club?" He scowled at you, looking indignant. "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm aware of what your so-called 'church' teaches, and while I'm not opposed to the ideology in a broad sense, I can't support a group that considers my very existence to be a joke."
"Hey, hey, it's not a joke," you said soothingly. "You're just the theological equivalent to the Queen of Engand. Powerless, probably fake, definitely dead, but you look good on merchandise."
"Do you want to die?"
"Omen, you will be living with these four and two of their brothers for the next year." Diavolo smiled at you, apparently choosing to ignore every word you've spoken.
All four of the brothers looked crestfallen.
"Oh, yeah, I feel real fuckin' welcome. Roll out the wagon, why don't ya?"
"Is your name actually Omen LeVey?" asked Big Red again in a murmur, looking at his sheet with as mystified an expression as ever.
Dr. Faust, still coiled around your arm, peeked out at the world again and flicked his tongue. Asmodeus screamed, and Lucifer pointed at you and demanded, "Diavolo, swap it for a different one!"
Eight months later, you and Satan marry. Dr. Faust officiates. Together, you have three children, all of whom refuse to acknowledge their fathers' objective existence.
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byierficrecs · 9 months
Anyone who suports you supports satanism
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queersatanic · 1 year
do you have any reconmendations for ‘satanic chruches’ other than TST and Church of Satan?
We've answered this before, and the short version is "it's tough".
Newer communities pop up all the time, like Hail Arizona, or return like Satanic Portland, to do local antifascist work.
Our standing advice will be that you should look around and different Satanic folk, take good ideas and discard the bad ones (including when you find out it's just neo-colonialist occult nonsense), and build your own community or group doing what you want to do.
In terms of online Satanic groups, just be alert to the red flags of hierarchy and exploitation.
Remember “I have never been abused by X person or Y group” is a baseline that most people dealing with an abuser are able to say, which is why us saying good things about those we have experience with can only ever mean so much.
Let nothing be too precious to you to not be willing to oppose or abandon if it should deserve it.
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fatimajpeg · 11 months
nooo you're better than the pitbull hatred😭 the origin is so racialized too
i just avoid them in public sorry they scare me (it also doesn't help that every pitbull owner in pakistan is like the craziest person in the world who also keeps tigers as pets)
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
I have a parasocial relationship with my favorite tumblr blogs 😎
REALLL i think of my anons all the time. i’m like huh wonder how they’re doing🥰🥰😍🧁🌸💞 also imagine there’s like only three of you and you’re just very active😭 the crossovers……
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lichfucker · 2 years
got an anon asking my Thoughts abt a fucking nazi satanist group by couching it in "progressive" language so I am turning off anonymous asks
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rescatada · 1 year
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
I’ve never heard of them but I will pray for them. I try not to judge others, as I feel most people have good intentions even if the way they go about it is wrong.
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olliesaurus-rex · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Well this is a very left-field question. Honestly I don't know much about Satanism, but if their religion isn't hurting anyone then I say go for it
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diningpageantry · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
what do you think about my balls
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For the color game: Lilac, Navy, & Raspberry 😌
Well my dearest anon thank you so much for the first two, flattery will get me in you or vice versa 😏
As for raspberry, you got the game plan or we kinda riding off into the sunset to do ungodly things to each other and others willing as an afront to all that is deemed societally morally acceptable within a judeo christian ethical kinda sense or???
As always thanks for the ask dearest anon 😘
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satanourunholylord · 7 months
hi, I can across ur blog and I was very curious about it. If you don’t mind may I ask you a question, do santanist hate Christian’s, Jews or Muslims?
I don't harbor any hatred, but I can't speak on behalf of every single Satanist. Our community thrives on diverse perspectives. As is the case with most religions and spiritual paths, there's a spectrum of opinions and interests and we don't conform to a singular mindset for everything.
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My inbox is just like an inbox in there
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too-many-tribblez · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Okay. I admit to knowing nothing about this, but I went to the site, and read a shit ton about it. Take what I say with a grain of salt, this is just what I'm getting from it by reading stuff on their website.
First: they don't seem to be hurting anyone, so, I mean. Do what you do? The ritual to join is okay other than you sign your name in blood, which is... Concerning. They also claim that everyone [practicing satanists] have a one-on-one relationship with Satan. Which, I guess is sorta like our relationship with our deities, for those who practice deity work. Rating: I don't know, uh, okay but that blood thing still concerns me.
Two: they realllly hate Christianity like.. wow. They bash them at least 5 to 10 times every article (?). Like, I get it, sometimes Christians suck ass but damn. But, they aren't really hurting them, at least not from what I read. They just be religion-ist. Nothing we can do. Rating: could've done more reading but my brain started to hurt. This seems like it's a gray area. Like it's okay, they aren't hurting anyone, but it's a lot of prejudice/religion-ist/idk like Christian-god-phobic or something?
Three: pro choice you say? As in abortion, correct? I don't delve into those arguments so I do apologize, but I am just 15 sooo. Okay, I'm okay with abortion, and if you wanna do it, then do it! There are reasons, like r@pe. Though something that everyone is freaking out about: people have had abortion for centuries to save the mother's life. That has always been a thing even when abortion was fully illegal. I just want to put that out there, people are spreading misinformation. Also plan b and morning after are not actually abortion pills, they closer to just over the counter birth control. So they aren't going away.
And all roe v Wade was saying is that it isn't in the constitution to have an abortion. Which, technically medical care in general isn't covered in the constitution. It's up to the states if they want to ban it, allow it, or put a cap on it. And state laws can change if you elect new state officials.
Don't get me wrong, please: I'm not, I repeat NOT, against abortion. I'm for it, as in others having the ability and choice. Am I going to do it? No, but I think you should if you want. I'm just putting down some facts, please don't take it out of context. After this post I don't want to discuss the topic, I'm happy staying out of politics. Also I'm not old enough. I have to be 18 to even vote. As I said above I'm only 15 years old.
Four: this isn't actually about the satanists themselves but about the site itself. Mobile layout kinda sucks, also the colors hurt hurt my eyes. Not very color blind friendly either like I kinda struggled?? If anyone affiliated with the site please at least make a setting to aid color blind people, thanks. This point was just nit picking.
Okay. I hope this answered your question, at least a little bit anon. If I got anything wrong or missed something entirely, please let me know I'll address that to, if you still what to hear what I think lol.
Thanks for the ask :)
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babybatwitchxxx · 3 months
Hope your living situation gets better 🩷🕯
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately, I can't afford to move out as I don't have the money to do so. I'm currently working part-time and making minimum wage (but thankfully, the minimum wage in my state is pretty high). However, I'm only getting paid biweekly, and my mom requires me to give her $100 from my paychecks to put into a bank account she won't let me access. I've tried looking for a full-time job with a higher pay, but I either don't hear anything back or get rejected. I applied for a call center position in a rehab center that's close to my house. I ended up landing an interview there but ended up not getting the job as they hired someone else. I've also applied to work from home jobs, but I ended up not hearing back or got rejected from those jobs. On top of that, I don't drive nor have a license because due to my Autism, driving is extremely over stimulating for me, and it makes it difficult to concentrate while driving. What doesn't help is that my parents sometimes give me a hard time to take me to work. They also threaten not to take me to work or pick me up from work if I do something that upsets them. There were that I had to get my supervisors to take me to work and take me home because my parents straight up refused to do so after doing something that got them upset.
I'm hoping that tarot readings would at least help me make some money on the side to save up to finally get out of there. I live in America, and our economy is extremely bad here. So much so that renting a one bedroom apartment is nearly $1000 or more a month, and the country is basically criminalizing homelessness. I've experienced being threatened with homelessness by my mother threatening to kick me out of the house on multiple occasions and for various reasons.
I wish my living situation would improve as much as you do, Anon.
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dailyadventureprompts · 8 months
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Heavy Topics: A Child's Vision of Evil
One of the first big “aha!” moments in my journey to retrofit d&d’s laughably bad lore was the realization that the way the game treated evil didn’t make much sense.  As a dungeonmaster I was asked to create dramatic stakes for my players but the out-of-the-box antagonists supplied to me were as laughably one note as the pollution loving villains in Captain Planet. Who would ever worship the demon god of killing everything that lives? Of torturing you for all eternity? Of being unpleasantly covered in slime? 
None of it really made sense until I started to understand the world and recent history through a political lens, at which point several things became clear: 
Despite how large a bogyman it played in the satan scare of the late 80s, the people who laid the foundations for the lore of d&d came from a background of conservative american christianity, and baked a lot of that ethos into the game. 
The conservative christian imagination can only see things in black and white. People who disagree with them can’t just have a different opinion, even if that opinion is objectively good, they need to be wilfully evil . In fact they must be trying as hard to be evil as the christian is trying to be good, because they’re a backwards person, a monster, a demon. 
This idea of the “Backwards Person” is the exact process that gave rise to the bloodlibel, to the witchpanics, to the redscare, and yes, the 80s fear that satanists lurk around every corner sacrificing babies and putting poison in candy because they love evil that much.  It’s the same thought that’s given rise to Q-anon and the groomer panic. “People who disagree with just can’t just have a different opinion, they must be demons.”
D&D’s classic enemies are similarly all “backwards people”, hardwired to do evil so that players always have an excuse to kill them.  While on the surface it seems harmless or even childish it leads to the default d&d world being one where peace is impossible and genocidal violence is the only correct answer.  
We can do better in our writing than a bunch of shut-ins who wanted nothing more than to play cowboys and indians while ripping off Tolkien. Whether you want to write a sweeping epic or a mindless dungeon crawler, there’s a way to reconfigure d&d lore. 
Join me below the cut for a discussion of different ways to use evil in your games.
Children cannot control their emotions nor their fear, they lack the life experience necessary to contextualize things beyond a surface level reading. If you ask a child to "imagine something bad" they're going to take something that scared them, something gross or unpleasant or threatening and imagine it blown up to cartoonish proportion. Tolkien got bit by a spider as a kid and the entire fantasy genre has never lived it down.
D&D is weird because it keeps these childish ideas about evil and drags them forward into an adult context. Those three demon gods I mentioned in the intro make a sort of sense when you realize they're fears of dying, pain, and uncleanliness made manifest. That said most of us having outgrown our childish simplicity understand that those things are neutral, Spiders might personally gross you out but we all understand that doesn't make them bad on a spiritual level. In the base d&d lore however that personal distaste is ALWAYS true: Evilness is synonymous with ugliness and monstrousness, drawing a thick crayon line between the good people and the bad things.
That's where we get our particular flavor of backwards people, because one of those fundamental (pun intended) fears d&d inherited from it's creators was xenophobia, fear of the strange, but also fear of the stranger. When the white, suburban, middle class, christian creators of d&d imagined the other they took all the bad things they had been told in their youth about people who were not them and made them into monsters: That's why the default thinking enemies of d&d are tribal primitives who squat in the ruins of greater civilizations worshipping demons while coveting the beauty and wealth of cultured people. It sounds hyperbolic, but there's a one for one parallel between between the weird sexual anxieties conservatives have about black men and orcs raiding human lands to kidnap women as breeding stock. Same fears about emasculation and race mixing and ethnic replacement, only d&d gives the good ol' boys a narrative vehicle where they can revenge themselves upon their imagined foe.
Most modern d&d is not like this, and I chalk that up to the demographic shift that's happened both because of time passing and the influx of new voices that came along with the 5e renaissance. We're all media literate enough to avoid the obvious racial pantomime... except in cases like the Hardozee when the devs port something almost word for word from an older edition and we get a thanksgiving uncle/facebook aunt screed about how the silly monkey people are really SO happy to work for the refined and civilized and white elves.
What's left behind however is that pervasive childlike worldview: Where perfectly natural things that creep us out (like rot) or frighten us (like pregnancy) are made universally villainous regardless of any themes that are going on in that specific story. Ask yourself why the creators of a piece of media made their badguys look and act like they did, rather than just accepting that it's that way because "the lore says so".
Anyway, that's my rant over, and I promised you guys some different versions of how to use Evil:
Classic demons or lovecraftian horrors make for good bossfights but are thin on character, one of the basic building blocks of story. To remedy this, pair your unremitting force of darkness and destruction with a troubled and nuanced mortal agent, someone who is trying their general best but has been forced down this low road by circumstances beyond their control. This gives your roleplaying focused players something to play off against while your combat focused ones battle a building sized monstrosity. Raw evil isn't interesting, it becomes interesting when we see what it makes morally grey people, even good people, do in reaction to it.
Extremity is one of the best ways to turn normal people into villains, a looming disaster or recent crisis that's putting the pressure on everyone and preventing anyone from thinking beyond protecting themselves and their own. Beyond the people acting rashly, you're also going to have a legion of opportunists offering to fix the problem as your higher rank of antagonists to overcome.
Similarly, if you're going to have your villain backed up by legions of faceless mooks you're going to need a reason for their loyalty. Your villain is offering them something worth dying for, which gives your heroes an alternate win condition for overcoming their numbers beyond genocide.
If you're willing to take a step into a more fanciful, cartoony universe, feel free to play with the idea of good and evil as arbitrary teams: It's the badguy's job to cause chaos and it's the goodguy's job to stop em, they're all working professionals and the dungeon is the workplace comedy. This is fun, but then lets you escalate the tension when someone doesn't play by the rules. What happens when a zealot starts executing evildoers who'd already surrendered? what happens when the villain summons something that is more interested in devastation than wacky hijinx?
Think of morality like a punnett square: There's the party, and then there's the villain who wants the opposite of what they want. THEN there's the villain who wants what the party wants, and the ally who wants the opposite of party wants. Suddenly rather than a simple binary, the party is forced to balance the interest of varying groups as well as their better judgment. This can be made even MORE complex by creating different categories of "what the party wants", which is generally how you get complex political dramas like game of thrones.
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